WEBVTT 00:00.140 --> 00:02.362 a strong woman in the military . That's 00:02.362 --> 00:03.560 funny . Um 00:07.340 --> 00:10.650 it's really a male dominated 00:10.660 --> 00:12.660 career no matter what branch you're 00:12.660 --> 00:15.340 looking at . So getting to represent 00:15.350 --> 00:17.461 other females and , you know , show a 00:17.461 --> 00:20.940 presence of confidence and confidence , 00:20.940 --> 00:23.240 I guess you could say um being in a 00:23.240 --> 00:25.400 leadership role as a woman as well . 00:25.410 --> 00:28.250 It's it's been awesome because it shows 00:28.250 --> 00:30.306 that , you know , our senior leaders 00:30.306 --> 00:32.250 aren't looking at gender , they're 00:32.250 --> 00:34.139 looking at capability and I think 00:34.139 --> 00:36.361 that's extremely important , especially 00:36.361 --> 00:38.528 for younger girls , women , airmen who 00:38.528 --> 00:40.583 can see , you know , there's another 00:40.583 --> 00:42.694 female leader here , I can do that as 00:42.694 --> 00:44.917 well , I can strive and I don't have to 00:44.917 --> 00:47.028 put myself in a smaller box because I 00:47.028 --> 00:49.139 don't think it's possible . I guess I 00:49.139 --> 00:51.139 would just encourage everyone , you 00:51.139 --> 00:53.361 know , especially females to strive for 00:53.361 --> 00:55.250 what you wanna do . You know , if 00:55.250 --> 00:55.080 there's something you want to go for a 00:55.080 --> 00:57.191 position you want to be in , it's not 00:57.191 --> 00:59.700 impossible , um and just use you as 00:59.700 --> 01:02.330 your authentic self to to push forward 01:02.330 --> 01:04.740 and in your journey as a airman , 01:04.750 --> 01:06.417 eventually as a leader in the 01:06.417 --> 01:09.070 organization and just do this , try to 01:09.070 --> 01:09.760 get where you want to go .