1 00:00:00,140 --> 00:00:02,980 received testimony from General Glenn 2 00:00:02,980 --> 00:00:04,924 Van Herk , Commander of the United 3 00:00:04,924 --> 00:00:06,813 States Northern Command and North 4 00:00:06,813 --> 00:00:09,440 America Aerospace Defense Command or 5 00:00:09,440 --> 00:00:12,340 NORAD and General Laura Richardson . 6 00:00:12,350 --> 00:00:14,572 Commander of the United States Southern 7 00:00:14,572 --> 00:00:16,739 Command . General Richardson , I would 8 00:00:16,739 --> 00:00:18,628 like to welcome you to your first 9 00:00:18,628 --> 00:00:20,850 posture hearing in your current command 10 00:00:21,140 --> 00:00:23,140 and I want to thank both of you for 11 00:00:23,140 --> 00:00:25,251 your decades of service to our nation 12 00:00:25,251 --> 00:00:27,300 on behalf of the committee . I also 13 00:00:27,300 --> 00:00:29,950 want to thank the women and men serving 14 00:00:29,950 --> 00:00:32,117 under your commands for their selfless 15 00:00:32,117 --> 00:00:34,339 dedication and service . Thank you very 16 00:00:34,339 --> 00:00:36,506 much . The United States is faced with 17 00:00:36,506 --> 00:00:38,728 a wide range of security threats around 18 00:00:38,728 --> 00:00:40,900 the globe but we are increasingly 19 00:00:40,900 --> 00:00:43,130 finding these threats edging closer and 20 00:00:43,130 --> 00:00:45,420 closer to home . Our strategic 21 00:00:45,420 --> 00:00:47,950 competitors , China and Russia are 22 00:00:47,950 --> 00:00:50,150 seeking ways to expand their power 23 00:00:50,150 --> 00:00:52,530 regionally in South America and the 24 00:00:52,530 --> 00:00:54,920 arctic as well as for advancements in 25 00:00:54,920 --> 00:00:57,140 long range missile capabilities and 26 00:00:57,140 --> 00:00:59,790 offensive cyber tools . At the same 27 00:00:59,790 --> 00:01:02,530 time this competition is unfolding 28 00:01:02,540 --> 00:01:04,400 amidst the global pandemic 29 00:01:04,550 --> 00:01:06,760 environmental degradation from climate 30 00:01:06,760 --> 00:01:09,680 change and the emergence of highly 31 00:01:09,680 --> 00:01:12,250 disruptive technologies . The 32 00:01:12,250 --> 00:01:14,417 interconnected nature of these threats 33 00:01:14,417 --> 00:01:16,970 compounds the challenges that North 34 00:01:16,970 --> 00:01:19,340 calm and South com have been tackling 35 00:01:19,340 --> 00:01:21,780 for decades and we must calibrate our 36 00:01:21,780 --> 00:01:24,440 approach to these regions carefully . I 37 00:01:24,440 --> 00:01:26,560 expect today's hearing to help inform 38 00:01:26,570 --> 00:01:29,140 that approach . General Van Herk your 39 00:01:29,140 --> 00:01:31,251 command is responsible for protecting 40 00:01:31,251 --> 00:01:33,530 the homeland importantly . North com is 41 00:01:33,530 --> 00:01:35,586 tasked with operating our homeland , 42 00:01:35,586 --> 00:01:37,752 ballistic missile defense , the ground 43 00:01:37,752 --> 00:01:39,810 based mid course defense system to 44 00:01:39,810 --> 00:01:41,643 defend the United States against 45 00:01:41,643 --> 00:01:43,866 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 46 00:01:43,866 --> 00:01:45,870 hypersonic missiles . The rapid 47 00:01:45,870 --> 00:01:48,092 advancements we have seen on this front 48 00:01:48,092 --> 00:01:50,710 from States like china Russia and North 49 00:01:50,710 --> 00:01:53,850 Korea are concerning as the nature of 50 00:01:53,850 --> 00:01:56,017 hypersonic , difficult defeat with the 51 00:01:56,017 --> 00:01:58,540 technology we currently use . General 52 00:01:58,540 --> 00:02:00,596 Van Herk . I would like to know your 53 00:02:00,596 --> 00:02:02,484 assessment of the next generation 54 00:02:02,484 --> 00:02:04,707 interceptor program to current schedule 55 00:02:04,707 --> 00:02:07,150 for deployment and in light of recent 56 00:02:07,640 --> 00:02:09,830 very recent North korean missile test 57 00:02:10,100 --> 00:02:12,156 your confidence in the capability of 58 00:02:12,156 --> 00:02:14,267 our current ground based interceptors 59 00:02:14,267 --> 00:02:16,740 to meet these threats . North com also 60 00:02:16,740 --> 00:02:18,890 can use to play a vital role for its 61 00:02:18,890 --> 00:02:21,030 defense support to civil authority 62 00:02:21,040 --> 00:02:23,540 mission by which the U . S . Military 63 00:02:23,540 --> 00:02:25,318 response to requests from civil 64 00:02:25,318 --> 00:02:28,100 agencies for domestic assistance . This 65 00:02:28,100 --> 00:02:30,100 mission was highlighted recently by 66 00:02:30,100 --> 00:02:32,470 North Campus leadership of Operation 67 00:02:32,480 --> 00:02:35,100 Allies Welcome , which housed and cared 68 00:02:35,100 --> 00:02:38,010 for more than 84,000 evacuees from 69 00:02:38,010 --> 00:02:40,810 Afghanistan on military bases across 70 00:02:40,810 --> 00:02:42,980 the country . Further North Common was 71 00:02:42,990 --> 00:02:45,046 integral to our nation's response to 72 00:02:45,046 --> 00:02:47,540 the COVID-19 pandemic . When personnel 73 00:02:47,540 --> 00:02:50,110 from North calm and the National Guard 74 00:02:50,120 --> 00:02:52,390 distributed vaccines , ran testing 75 00:02:52,390 --> 00:02:54,980 centers and food banks and supported 76 00:02:54,980 --> 00:02:57,110 federal health efforts . General Van 77 00:02:57,110 --> 00:02:59,277 Herk I would like to know whether your 78 00:02:59,277 --> 00:03:01,499 command and other federal agencies have 79 00:03:01,499 --> 00:03:03,721 the preparations in place to manage the 80 00:03:03,721 --> 00:03:06,780 next pandemic outbreak or humanitarian 81 00:03:06,780 --> 00:03:10,570 crisis should they arise ? Turning the 82 00:03:10,580 --> 00:03:12,850 Southern Command South com has 83 00:03:12,850 --> 00:03:14,650 traditionally focused on Connor 84 00:03:14,680 --> 00:03:17,600 narcotics and counter transnational 85 00:03:17,600 --> 00:03:20,260 Criminal organization missions even 86 00:03:20,260 --> 00:03:22,093 with limited resources including 87 00:03:22,093 --> 00:03:24,450 minimal intelligence surveillance and 88 00:03:24,450 --> 00:03:26,990 reconnaissance platforms . South com 89 00:03:26,990 --> 00:03:29,500 has sought to leverage nontraditional 90 00:03:29,500 --> 00:03:31,670 approaches such as artificial 91 00:03:31,670 --> 00:03:33,960 intelligence and machine learning to 92 00:03:33,960 --> 00:03:36,780 serve as a test bed for new tactics and 93 00:03:36,780 --> 00:03:39,260 operational concepts . The South com 94 00:03:39,260 --> 00:03:41,380 region also continues to experience a 95 00:03:41,380 --> 00:03:44,150 rise in political instability including 96 00:03:44,150 --> 00:03:46,990 violence in Haiti cuba and Venezuela 97 00:03:47,000 --> 00:03:48,980 and security deterioration in the 98 00:03:48,980 --> 00:03:51,313 Northern triangle countries of Honduras , 99 00:03:51,313 --> 00:03:53,740 Guatemala and El Salvador . The 100 00:03:53,740 --> 00:03:55,930 political and economic instability in 101 00:03:55,930 --> 00:03:58,160 these south combinations presents a 102 00:03:58,160 --> 00:04:00,500 situation that china Russia and other 103 00:04:00,500 --> 00:04:03,220 state actors are now seeking to exploit 104 00:04:03,220 --> 00:04:05,780 to increase their own influence short 105 00:04:05,780 --> 00:04:08,020 of armed conflict . A critical task to 106 00:04:08,020 --> 00:04:10,460 South com is to find ways to counter 107 00:04:10,460 --> 00:04:12,560 our competitors , malign activities 108 00:04:12,780 --> 00:04:15,240 that are coercing our partners . This 109 00:04:15,240 --> 00:04:17,290 includes identifying and addressing 110 00:04:17,290 --> 00:04:19,200 sources of insecurity and 111 00:04:19,200 --> 00:04:22,020 vulnerabilities among our partners that 112 00:04:22,020 --> 00:04:24,360 our adversaries seek to exploit to gain 113 00:04:24,360 --> 00:04:26,990 leverage or sow division . It is also 114 00:04:26,990 --> 00:04:29,157 important to strengthen the resilience 115 00:04:29,157 --> 00:04:30,990 of US partners security forces 116 00:04:30,990 --> 00:04:32,960 including by building defense 117 00:04:33,160 --> 00:04:35,780 institutional capabilities that adhered 118 00:04:35,780 --> 00:04:38,030 to the rule of law and respect human 119 00:04:38,030 --> 00:04:40,060 rights , general Richardson . I'm 120 00:04:40,060 --> 00:04:42,116 interested in your assessment of the 121 00:04:42,116 --> 00:04:44,171 threat from near peer competitors in 122 00:04:44,171 --> 00:04:46,171 the South com area and how we might 123 00:04:46,171 --> 00:04:48,393 work strategically with partners in our 124 00:04:48,393 --> 00:04:50,520 neighborhood such as Mexico and 125 00:04:50,520 --> 00:04:53,160 Colombia to build resilience to china 126 00:04:53,160 --> 00:04:55,850 and Russia's malign activities . I want 127 00:04:55,850 --> 00:04:57,961 to thank again our witnesses . I look 128 00:04:57,961 --> 00:05:00,420 forward to your testimony as a reminder 129 00:05:00,420 --> 00:05:02,476 from my colleagues , there will be a 130 00:05:02,476 --> 00:05:04,531 closed section immediately following 131 00:05:04,531 --> 00:05:07,260 this hearing in room sbc to 17 . Let me 132 00:05:07,260 --> 00:05:09,538 now turn to the ranking member senator . 133 00:05:09,538 --> 00:05:13,210 Thank you Mr chairman and uh 134 00:05:13,220 --> 00:05:17,160 welcome to our our witnesses who we've 135 00:05:17,540 --> 00:05:19,700 known very well for a long period of 136 00:05:19,700 --> 00:05:22,490 time , our attention is rightly focused 137 00:05:22,490 --> 00:05:24,434 on Russia's unprovoked invasion of 138 00:05:24,434 --> 00:05:26,690 Ukraine and the Chinese Communist 139 00:05:26,690 --> 00:05:29,760 Party's constant march toward 140 00:05:30,240 --> 00:05:33,890 dominance in the pacific uh General 141 00:05:33,900 --> 00:05:36,270 Van Herk , you are responsible for the 142 00:05:36,270 --> 00:05:38,381 defense of the homeland . That that's 143 00:05:38,381 --> 00:05:41,550 the big deal is as we've discussed , 144 00:05:41,560 --> 00:05:43,920 given Putin's threats against our 145 00:05:43,920 --> 00:05:46,880 homeland during the Ukraine war . In 146 00:05:46,880 --> 00:05:49,770 china's threats of a military conflict 147 00:05:49,770 --> 00:05:51,937 with the United States over Taiwan , I 148 00:05:51,937 --> 00:05:54,390 hope you'll candidly speak about your 149 00:05:54,390 --> 00:05:56,180 requirements . Do you have the 150 00:05:56,180 --> 00:05:59,220 resources that you need and in much 151 00:05:59,220 --> 00:06:02,190 detail is you this is the place to do 152 00:06:02,190 --> 00:06:04,400 it . I'm also concerned about the 153 00:06:04,400 --> 00:06:07,100 situation on the southwest border . 154 00:06:07,640 --> 00:06:09,529 It's a situation that people have 155 00:06:09,529 --> 00:06:11,473 quitted somehow that moved off the 156 00:06:11,473 --> 00:06:13,320 front page and people are not as 157 00:06:13,320 --> 00:06:16,250 concerned about that as they As you 158 00:06:16,250 --> 00:06:18,417 would think they should be right now . 159 00:06:18,417 --> 00:06:21,090 That we've had 12 straight months of 160 00:06:21,140 --> 00:06:23,910 100 and 50,000 plus illegal immigrants 161 00:06:23,910 --> 00:06:26,021 being stopped at the border , nothing 162 00:06:26,021 --> 00:06:28,450 like that's ever happened before . Last 163 00:06:28,450 --> 00:06:31,630 month , the C . B . P encountered 164 00:06:31,630 --> 00:06:33,880 nearly 100 and 65,000 illegal 165 00:06:33,890 --> 00:06:36,112 immigrants at the border , which is the 166 00:06:36,112 --> 00:06:38,550 highest total for february in the 167 00:06:38,550 --> 00:06:40,439 Department of Homeland Security's 168 00:06:40,439 --> 00:06:43,580 history . Many of my good friends on 169 00:06:43,580 --> 00:06:45,747 the other side of the aisle , strongly 170 00:06:45,747 --> 00:06:47,691 opposed to president trump when he 171 00:06:47,691 --> 00:06:50,670 deployed troops to assist the C . B . C 172 00:06:50,770 --> 00:06:54,740 C . B . P at the border In 173 00:06:54,740 --> 00:06:56,629 2018 . But given the scale of the 174 00:06:56,629 --> 00:06:59,250 current crisis , General van Hask I 175 00:06:59,250 --> 00:07:02,650 wonder whether more border support 176 00:07:03,340 --> 00:07:06,370 might be necessary in the near future 177 00:07:06,380 --> 00:07:08,830 or currently Jenna Richardson , as we 178 00:07:08,830 --> 00:07:10,997 discussed in my office , I'm concerned 179 00:07:10,997 --> 00:07:12,997 about the growing chinese threat in 180 00:07:12,997 --> 00:07:14,997 your area of responsibility and his 181 00:07:14,997 --> 00:07:17,052 national security implications . But 182 00:07:17,052 --> 00:07:18,886 china is doing in , in south com 183 00:07:18,886 --> 00:07:22,190 reminds me of what they We're doing in 184 00:07:22,190 --> 00:07:26,150 Africa 15 years ago . They're using 185 00:07:26,150 --> 00:07:28,210 predatory economic and diplomatic 186 00:07:28,210 --> 00:07:30,440 practices to bribe and bully countries 187 00:07:30,450 --> 00:07:32,980 while they set conditions to build up 188 00:07:32,980 --> 00:07:35,270 their military presence and limit 189 00:07:35,270 --> 00:07:37,870 United States access and influence . So 190 00:07:37,870 --> 00:07:40,370 I hope you'll explain your strategy for 191 00:07:40,380 --> 00:07:44,310 this very daunting task and 192 00:07:44,320 --> 00:07:47,580 thank you very much for for being here . 193 00:07:47,580 --> 00:07:49,469 Thank you Mr Chairman , thank you 194 00:07:49,469 --> 00:07:51,358 Senator Inhofe . Let me recognize 195 00:07:51,358 --> 00:07:53,413 General Van Herk for his testimony . 196 00:07:53,413 --> 00:07:54,580 General please sir . 197 00:07:58,640 --> 00:08:00,910 Chairman Reed ranking member in half 198 00:08:00,910 --> 00:08:02,743 and distinguished members of the 199 00:08:02,743 --> 00:08:04,410 committee . Thank you for the 200 00:08:04,410 --> 00:08:06,521 opportunity to appear today alongside 201 00:08:06,521 --> 00:08:08,632 General Richardson , it's my honor to 202 00:08:08,632 --> 00:08:10,577 represent the men and women of the 203 00:08:10,577 --> 00:08:12,521 United States Northern Command and 204 00:08:12,521 --> 00:08:14,354 North american Aerospace Defense 205 00:08:14,354 --> 00:08:16,521 Command as we defend the United States 206 00:08:16,521 --> 00:08:18,743 and Canada . The United States Northern 207 00:08:18,743 --> 00:08:20,577 Command and NORAD faced the most 208 00:08:20,577 --> 00:08:22,466 dynamic and strategically complex 209 00:08:22,466 --> 00:08:24,243 environment in their respective 210 00:08:24,243 --> 00:08:26,530 histories . The commands face multiple 211 00:08:26,530 --> 00:08:28,697 simultaneous challenges from strategic 212 00:08:28,697 --> 00:08:30,752 competitors who have openly declared 213 00:08:30,752 --> 00:08:32,863 their intent to hold our homelands at 214 00:08:32,863 --> 00:08:35,030 risk in an effort to advance their own 215 00:08:35,030 --> 00:08:37,640 interests today . Strategic competitors . 216 00:08:37,650 --> 00:08:39,550 Rogue nations , non state actors 217 00:08:39,550 --> 00:08:41,383 possess the capability to strike 218 00:08:41,383 --> 00:08:42,880 institutions and critical 219 00:08:42,880 --> 00:08:45,102 infrastructure in the United States and 220 00:08:45,102 --> 00:08:47,610 Canada . Our country is already under 221 00:08:47,610 --> 00:08:49,830 attack every day in the information 222 00:08:49,830 --> 00:08:52,220 space and the cyber domain . Our 223 00:08:52,220 --> 00:08:54,220 competitors , especially Russia and 224 00:08:54,220 --> 00:08:56,280 china are spreading disinformation 225 00:08:56,290 --> 00:08:58,620 actively sowing division and internal 226 00:08:58,620 --> 00:09:00,740 discord with the intent to undermine 227 00:09:00,740 --> 00:09:02,684 the foundation of our nation , our 228 00:09:02,684 --> 00:09:04,740 democracy and democracies around the 229 00:09:04,740 --> 00:09:07,740 world . We're seeing this play out with 230 00:09:07,740 --> 00:09:10,740 Russia's invasion of Ukraine . Those 231 00:09:10,740 --> 00:09:12,907 same competitors have invested heavily 232 00:09:12,907 --> 00:09:14,740 in conventional precision strike 233 00:09:14,740 --> 00:09:16,684 capabilities and advanced delivery 234 00:09:16,684 --> 00:09:18,684 platforms which Russia is currently 235 00:09:18,684 --> 00:09:20,851 displaying to the world . Their intent 236 00:09:20,851 --> 00:09:22,962 is to hold critical infrastructure in 237 00:09:22,962 --> 00:09:25,129 the homeland at risk below the nuclear 238 00:09:25,129 --> 00:09:27,620 threshold in order to disrupt and delay 239 00:09:27,630 --> 00:09:29,741 our ability to project power globally 240 00:09:29,741 --> 00:09:31,908 while attempting to undermine our will 241 00:09:32,080 --> 00:09:34,080 to intervene in a regional overseas 242 00:09:34,080 --> 00:09:36,830 crisis . I believe the strategic 243 00:09:36,830 --> 00:09:39,110 deterrent is the foundation of homeland 244 00:09:39,110 --> 00:09:41,330 defense and that it is necessary for 245 00:09:41,330 --> 00:09:43,108 the United States to maintain a 246 00:09:43,108 --> 00:09:45,274 reliable and effective nuclear triad . 247 00:09:45,740 --> 00:09:47,851 At the same time , I'm concerned that 248 00:09:47,851 --> 00:09:49,750 deterrence by cost imposition is 249 00:09:49,750 --> 00:09:51,750 currently overweighted and does not 250 00:09:51,750 --> 00:09:53,972 adequately account for the conventional 251 00:09:53,972 --> 00:09:55,806 capabilities or competitors have 252 00:09:55,806 --> 00:09:58,360 already fielded this over reliance , 253 00:09:58,360 --> 00:10:00,520 increases the risk of miscalculation 254 00:10:00,530 --> 00:10:02,740 and escalation because it limits our 255 00:10:02,740 --> 00:10:05,760 national leaders options in crisis and 256 00:10:05,760 --> 00:10:08,090 in conflict . Our competitors , 257 00:10:08,090 --> 00:10:10,312 advanced conventional capabilities make 258 00:10:10,312 --> 00:10:12,423 it necessary to balance deterrence by 259 00:10:12,423 --> 00:10:14,360 cost imposition with a model of 260 00:10:14,360 --> 00:10:16,950 deterrence by denial . An integrated 261 00:10:16,950 --> 00:10:19,250 deterrence that employs all elements of 262 00:10:19,250 --> 00:10:21,560 national influence , leverages our 263 00:10:21,560 --> 00:10:23,700 asymmetric advantage of our alliances 264 00:10:23,710 --> 00:10:26,820 and our partnerships and provides 265 00:10:26,820 --> 00:10:28,820 leaders with a wide range of timely 266 00:10:28,820 --> 00:10:30,431 deterrence options . We must 267 00:10:30,431 --> 00:10:32,620 continually demonstrate to potential 268 00:10:32,620 --> 00:10:34,620 aggressors that in an attack on our 269 00:10:34,620 --> 00:10:36,900 homeland will result in failure . We do 270 00:10:36,900 --> 00:10:38,622 that by demonstrating homeland 271 00:10:38,622 --> 00:10:41,150 readiness responsiveness and resiliency 272 00:10:41,240 --> 00:10:43,480 and by displaying a range of kinetic 273 00:10:43,480 --> 00:10:45,647 and non kinetic capabilities to defend 274 00:10:45,647 --> 00:10:47,647 the homeland . North com support of 275 00:10:47,647 --> 00:10:49,970 civil authorities . Our security 276 00:10:49,970 --> 00:10:52,081 cooperation relationships with allies 277 00:10:52,081 --> 00:10:54,303 and partners are critical to integrated 278 00:10:54,303 --> 00:10:56,480 deterrents as is NORAD's mission to 279 00:10:56,480 --> 00:10:58,202 provide warning and defend the 280 00:10:58,202 --> 00:11:00,300 approaches to North America . This 281 00:11:00,300 --> 00:11:02,580 strategic environment is the new normal 282 00:11:02,590 --> 00:11:05,280 this operating model that we assumed we 283 00:11:05,280 --> 00:11:07,280 could project power globally from a 284 00:11:07,280 --> 00:11:09,169 safe and secure homeland has been 285 00:11:09,169 --> 00:11:11,400 eroding over the last decade to provide 286 00:11:11,400 --> 00:11:13,233 national leaders with timely and 287 00:11:13,233 --> 00:11:15,620 informed options that they need to 288 00:11:15,620 --> 00:11:17,760 achieve favorable outcomes . North 289 00:11:17,760 --> 00:11:19,816 Common NORAD in our homeland Defense 290 00:11:19,816 --> 00:11:22,038 Designer focused on four key principles 291 00:11:22,038 --> 00:11:24,149 that starts with all domain awareness 292 00:11:24,149 --> 00:11:26,240 from undersea to on orbit and 293 00:11:26,240 --> 00:11:28,240 everywhere in between in between to 294 00:11:28,240 --> 00:11:30,760 include cyber domain . All domain 295 00:11:30,760 --> 00:11:32,860 awareness is required to achieve 296 00:11:32,870 --> 00:11:35,037 information dominance which is the use 297 00:11:35,037 --> 00:11:37,148 of advanced capabilities like machine 298 00:11:37,148 --> 00:11:39,370 learning and artificial intelligence to 299 00:11:39,370 --> 00:11:41,370 quickly analyze process and deliver 300 00:11:41,370 --> 00:11:43,592 data to decision makers at the speed of 301 00:11:43,592 --> 00:11:45,560 relevance . By doing so we will 302 00:11:45,560 --> 00:11:47,671 increase senior leader decision space 303 00:11:47,890 --> 00:11:50,520 and enable decisions , superiority over 304 00:11:50,520 --> 00:11:52,730 our competitors . Finally , today's 305 00:11:52,740 --> 00:11:55,210 global our problems are global in all 306 00:11:55,210 --> 00:11:56,988 domain and they demand globally 307 00:11:56,988 --> 00:11:59,120 integrated strategies , plans and 308 00:11:59,120 --> 00:12:01,360 actions . These principles are vital 309 00:12:01,360 --> 00:12:03,580 elements of our ability to execute a 310 00:12:03,580 --> 00:12:05,500 layered defense and integrated 311 00:12:05,500 --> 00:12:07,722 deterrence and they are critical to our 312 00:12:07,722 --> 00:12:09,333 nation's ability to deter in 313 00:12:09,333 --> 00:12:12,260 competition , de escalating crisis and 314 00:12:12,260 --> 00:12:14,350 if necessary , defeat in conflict . 315 00:12:15,040 --> 00:12:17,207 I'll end by thanking the committee for 316 00:12:17,207 --> 00:12:19,540 all you've done to support our soldiers , 317 00:12:19,540 --> 00:12:21,818 sailors , airmen , marines , guardians , 318 00:12:21,818 --> 00:12:24,560 the Fy 22 . Nd A . And the recent 319 00:12:24,560 --> 00:12:27,000 passage of the Fy 22 appropriations 320 00:12:27,000 --> 00:12:29,090 omnibus continue to advance our 321 00:12:29,090 --> 00:12:31,090 national defense priorities and the 322 00:12:31,090 --> 00:12:33,090 missions of US Northern Command and 323 00:12:33,090 --> 00:12:35,370 NORAD . Today's strategic environment 324 00:12:35,530 --> 00:12:37,586 calls for sustained , sufficient and 325 00:12:37,586 --> 00:12:39,919 predictable funding in order to prevail , 326 00:12:40,340 --> 00:12:42,562 persistently operating under continuing 327 00:12:42,562 --> 00:12:44,618 resolutions over the last decade has 328 00:12:44,618 --> 00:12:46,507 contributed to the erosion of our 329 00:12:46,507 --> 00:12:48,451 nation's competitive advantage . I 330 00:12:48,451 --> 00:12:50,340 joined my fellow commanders , the 331 00:12:50,340 --> 00:12:52,340 service chiefs and the secretary in 332 00:12:52,340 --> 00:12:54,284 expressing my appreciation for the 333 00:12:54,284 --> 00:12:56,507 resources provided in the Fy 22 omnibus 334 00:12:56,507 --> 00:12:58,660 and in urging the on time passage Of 335 00:12:58,660 --> 00:13:00,370 both India and a full year 336 00:13:00,370 --> 00:13:03,500 appropriations bill for Fy 22 . Our 23 . 337 00:13:03,500 --> 00:13:05,500 Excuse me again . Thank you for the 338 00:13:05,500 --> 00:13:07,500 opportunity to appear today . And I 339 00:13:07,500 --> 00:13:09,667 look forward to your questions . Thank 340 00:13:09,667 --> 00:13:11,900 you sir . Uh General uh , Richardson 341 00:13:11,900 --> 00:13:13,550 please . We are testimony . 342 00:13:20,640 --> 00:13:22,807 Chairman Reed . Ranking member in half 343 00:13:22,807 --> 00:13:24,640 and distinguished members of the 344 00:13:24,640 --> 00:13:26,307 committee . Thank you for the 345 00:13:26,307 --> 00:13:28,140 opportunity to appear before you 346 00:13:28,140 --> 00:13:30,140 alongside Gerald Van Herk , my most 347 00:13:30,140 --> 00:13:32,029 important teammate in keeping the 348 00:13:32,029 --> 00:13:34,140 Western hemisphere safe . I'm honored 349 00:13:34,140 --> 00:13:36,196 to be here with you representing the 350 00:13:36,196 --> 00:13:38,084 men and women of U . S . Southern 351 00:13:38,084 --> 00:13:40,140 Command to discuss the challenges we 352 00:13:40,140 --> 00:13:41,973 share with our neighbors in this 353 00:13:41,973 --> 00:13:44,084 hemisphere and the opportunities that 354 00:13:44,084 --> 00:13:47,100 we can unlock together today more than 355 00:13:47,100 --> 00:13:49,390 ever , America's fate is inextricably 356 00:13:49,390 --> 00:13:51,690 linked to events beyond our shore's 357 00:13:52,000 --> 00:13:54,940 this region are shared neighborhood is 358 00:13:54,940 --> 00:13:56,884 under assault from a host of trans 359 00:13:56,884 --> 00:13:58,773 boundary challenges that directly 360 00:13:58,773 --> 00:14:01,690 threaten our own homeland . I've been 361 00:14:01,690 --> 00:14:03,801 in command almost five months now and 362 00:14:03,801 --> 00:14:05,968 the biggest eye opener for me has been 363 00:14:05,968 --> 00:14:08,023 the extent to which China and Russia 364 00:14:08,340 --> 00:14:10,173 are aggressively expanding their 365 00:14:10,173 --> 00:14:13,890 influence in our neighborhood , Latin 366 00:14:13,890 --> 00:14:15,557 America and the caribbean are 367 00:14:15,557 --> 00:14:17,860 experiencing insecurity and instability 368 00:14:17,860 --> 00:14:20,590 that has been greatly exacerbated by 369 00:14:20,590 --> 00:14:23,910 Covid 19 . The people's republic of 370 00:14:23,910 --> 00:14:25,680 china are long term strategic 371 00:14:25,680 --> 00:14:28,020 competitor continues its relentless 372 00:14:28,020 --> 00:14:31,150 march to expand economic , diplomatic , 373 00:14:31,540 --> 00:14:33,620 technological , informational and 374 00:14:33,620 --> 00:14:36,460 military influence in latin America and 375 00:14:36,460 --> 00:14:38,800 the Caribbean and challenges us 376 00:14:38,800 --> 00:14:41,250 influence in all these domains 377 00:14:43,440 --> 00:14:45,273 without us leadership and modest 378 00:14:45,273 --> 00:14:48,020 investment , negative PRC influence in 379 00:14:48,020 --> 00:14:50,020 this region could soon resemble the 380 00:14:50,020 --> 00:14:52,970 self serving predatory influence it now 381 00:14:52,970 --> 00:14:56,280 holds in africa , let's be clear , the 382 00:14:56,280 --> 00:14:58,960 PRC doesn't invest they extract . 383 00:14:59,740 --> 00:15:01,851 Meanwhile Russia , the more immediate 384 00:15:01,851 --> 00:15:04,073 threat is increasing its engagements in 385 00:15:04,073 --> 00:15:06,296 the hemisphere . As Putin looks to keep 386 00:15:06,296 --> 00:15:07,962 his options open and maintain 387 00:15:07,962 --> 00:15:11,540 relationships in our near abroad . In 388 00:15:11,540 --> 00:15:13,596 january , the Russian deputy Foreign 389 00:15:13,596 --> 00:15:15,707 Minister said he could neither affirm 390 00:15:15,707 --> 00:15:17,596 or exclude that Russia would send 391 00:15:17,596 --> 00:15:19,707 military assets to cuba and Venezuela 392 00:15:19,840 --> 00:15:22,062 just days before the Russian unprovoked 393 00:15:22,062 --> 00:15:24,140 invasion of Ukraine . The Russian 394 00:15:24,140 --> 00:15:26,362 deputy Prime Minister visited Nicaragua 395 00:15:26,362 --> 00:15:28,580 cuba and Venezuela countries that 396 00:15:28,580 --> 00:15:30,940 maintain close ties with Russia and 397 00:15:30,940 --> 00:15:32,610 offer Putin a foothold in our 398 00:15:32,620 --> 00:15:35,770 hemisphere . Finally , recent visits 399 00:15:35,770 --> 00:15:37,826 between the presidents of brazil and 400 00:15:37,826 --> 00:15:39,590 Argentina with Putin in Russia 401 00:15:39,600 --> 00:15:41,600 demonstrated concerning potentially 402 00:15:41,600 --> 00:15:44,350 broadening of Russia ties in the region 403 00:15:45,240 --> 00:15:47,184 in this hemisphere . Transnational 404 00:15:47,184 --> 00:15:49,296 criminal organizations operate nearly 405 00:15:49,296 --> 00:15:51,129 uncontested and blaze a trail of 406 00:15:51,129 --> 00:15:53,296 corruption and violence that creates a 407 00:15:53,296 --> 00:15:55,670 wedge and allows the PRC and Russia to 408 00:15:55,670 --> 00:15:58,420 exploit these countries . They threaten 409 00:15:58,420 --> 00:16:00,790 citizen security , undermined public 410 00:16:00,790 --> 00:16:03,280 confidence in government institutions 411 00:16:03,290 --> 00:16:05,800 and dr irregular migration to our 412 00:16:05,800 --> 00:16:08,030 homeland . These T . C . O . S . 413 00:16:08,030 --> 00:16:10,180 Traffic , opioids , cocaine and other 414 00:16:10,180 --> 00:16:12,810 deadly drugs into the US . Feeling both 415 00:16:12,810 --> 00:16:15,090 drug overdoses and drug related 416 00:16:15,090 --> 00:16:18,000 violence . In my initial travels to 417 00:16:18,000 --> 00:16:20,167 latin America and the caribbean , it's 418 00:16:20,167 --> 00:16:22,333 become obvious to me that our partners 419 00:16:22,333 --> 00:16:24,190 are our best defense as we work 420 00:16:24,190 --> 00:16:27,450 together to counter our shared threats . 421 00:16:28,040 --> 00:16:30,310 We must use all available lovers to 422 00:16:30,310 --> 00:16:32,532 strengthen our partnerships with the 28 423 00:16:32,532 --> 00:16:34,310 like minded democracies in this 424 00:16:34,310 --> 00:16:37,540 hemisphere . We must maximize important 425 00:16:37,540 --> 00:16:39,318 tools like security cooperation 426 00:16:39,318 --> 00:16:42,180 programs to train and equip our partner 427 00:16:42,180 --> 00:16:45,380 militaries , multilateral exercises to 428 00:16:45,380 --> 00:16:47,610 build interoperability and the State 429 00:16:47,610 --> 00:16:50,970 Department's I met FMF and FMS programs 430 00:16:50,970 --> 00:16:53,620 to educate train and build capacity 431 00:16:53,620 --> 00:16:55,560 that our partners used to stand 432 00:16:55,570 --> 00:16:59,090 shoulder to shoulder with US Colombia , 433 00:16:59,090 --> 00:17:01,210 for example , are strong , strongest 434 00:17:01,210 --> 00:17:03,590 partner in the region exports security 435 00:17:03,720 --> 00:17:05,553 by training other latin american 436 00:17:05,553 --> 00:17:07,820 militaries to counter transnational 437 00:17:07,820 --> 00:17:10,660 threats . Us south commons putting 438 00:17:10,660 --> 00:17:12,882 integrated deterrence into action every 439 00:17:12,882 --> 00:17:14,938 day using innovative methods to work 440 00:17:14,938 --> 00:17:16,950 seamlessly in all domains with the 441 00:17:16,950 --> 00:17:19,006 other combatant commands . The Joint 442 00:17:19,006 --> 00:17:21,130 Force allies and partner nations , 443 00:17:21,140 --> 00:17:24,400 Congress , the US interagency and GOS 444 00:17:24,400 --> 00:17:27,950 and the private sector now , more than 445 00:17:27,950 --> 00:17:29,728 ever . The US must lead in this 446 00:17:29,728 --> 00:17:31,450 hemisphere . And that requires 447 00:17:31,450 --> 00:17:33,283 consistent focus and a sustained 448 00:17:33,283 --> 00:17:35,172 investment to help build a shared 449 00:17:35,172 --> 00:17:37,339 neighborhood that is free , secure and 450 00:17:37,339 --> 00:17:39,228 prosperous for our generation and 451 00:17:39,228 --> 00:17:41,450 generations to come . Thank you . And I 452 00:17:41,450 --> 00:17:43,672 look forward to your questions . Well , 453 00:17:43,672 --> 00:17:45,339 thank you very much . General 454 00:17:45,339 --> 00:17:47,561 Richardson and thank you also . General 455 00:17:47,561 --> 00:17:49,970 Van Herk . General Van Herk uh the 456 00:17:49,970 --> 00:17:53,710 North korean uh missile activity is 457 00:17:53,710 --> 00:17:55,900 quite disturbing indeed . Hours ago 458 00:17:55,910 --> 00:17:59,450 they launched a missile which 459 00:18:00,240 --> 00:18:02,351 from analysis of flight path suggests 460 00:18:02,351 --> 00:18:06,320 could hit the United States Given uh 461 00:18:06,330 --> 00:18:08,860 this behavior uh what are your thoughts 462 00:18:08,860 --> 00:18:11,090 about the current 40 for ground-based 463 00:18:11,090 --> 00:18:12,812 interceptors and their current 464 00:18:12,812 --> 00:18:16,620 capability ? Chairman ? I'm 465 00:18:16,620 --> 00:18:18,620 comfortable with where we are today 466 00:18:18,620 --> 00:18:21,690 based on the intelligence I have with 467 00:18:21,690 --> 00:18:23,801 the current capabilities and capacity 468 00:18:23,801 --> 00:18:26,710 of North Korea going forward . I do 469 00:18:26,710 --> 00:18:28,599 believe that they could exceed my 470 00:18:28,599 --> 00:18:31,110 capacity and capabilities . That's why 471 00:18:31,110 --> 00:18:33,166 it's crucial to keep next generation 472 00:18:33,166 --> 00:18:35,500 interceptor on time or early in my 473 00:18:35,500 --> 00:18:37,560 discussions with Admiral Hill . He's 474 00:18:37,940 --> 00:18:40,220 he's confident right now that they're 475 00:18:40,220 --> 00:18:42,710 on that path . As far as the total 476 00:18:42,710 --> 00:18:44,880 number of 44 interceptors . That's a 477 00:18:44,880 --> 00:18:46,880 policy decision . I look forward to 478 00:18:46,880 --> 00:18:48,991 seeing the missile defense review and 479 00:18:48,991 --> 00:18:50,769 the policy that it provides and 480 00:18:50,769 --> 00:18:52,713 guidance to me uh to get after the 481 00:18:52,713 --> 00:18:54,769 capacity . And uh and the challenges 482 00:18:54,769 --> 00:18:58,310 that you allude to sir . So you are at 483 00:18:58,310 --> 00:19:02,090 this point confident that the uh next 484 00:19:02,090 --> 00:19:05,760 generation interceptor is on track for 485 00:19:05,760 --> 00:19:08,410 deployment ? I think the plan is uh 20 486 00:19:08,410 --> 00:19:12,050 interceptors at fort Greely by fy 487 00:19:12,050 --> 00:19:15,290 2028 . Is that that is correct . And 488 00:19:15,290 --> 00:19:17,430 I'm confident that it it is on track 489 00:19:17,430 --> 00:19:20,040 for that now or slightly early based on 490 00:19:20,040 --> 00:19:24,040 what I've seen . Very good . Uh you 491 00:19:24,040 --> 00:19:27,690 have made your input into the National 492 00:19:27,690 --> 00:19:30,040 Defense Strategy which is yet to be 493 00:19:30,040 --> 00:19:33,130 announced . Uh Do you are you confident 494 00:19:33,130 --> 00:19:36,790 that you're sort of contribution ? It 495 00:19:36,790 --> 00:19:39,490 will be uh forwarded to us . 496 00:19:41,040 --> 00:19:44,020 I am confident that my input will be 497 00:19:44,020 --> 00:19:45,750 included . They have been very 498 00:19:45,750 --> 00:19:47,583 transparent in the department as 499 00:19:47,583 --> 00:19:49,639 they've worked this . Thank you very 500 00:19:49,639 --> 00:19:52,160 much sir . General Richardson . Uh 501 00:19:52,170 --> 00:19:54,970 South com because of a lack of 502 00:19:54,970 --> 00:19:58,350 resources which as a veteran of use are 503 00:19:58,350 --> 00:20:01,240 so I can tell you has been the case for 504 00:20:01,240 --> 00:20:04,370 many , many decades uh is now relying 505 00:20:04,370 --> 00:20:08,100 upon artificial intelligence and other 506 00:20:08,110 --> 00:20:10,510 new technologies to compensate . Could 507 00:20:10,510 --> 00:20:12,510 you comment upon it and what you're 508 00:20:12,510 --> 00:20:14,454 doing and how successful you are ? 509 00:20:15,740 --> 00:20:18,280 Absolutely chairman . So uh the 510 00:20:18,290 --> 00:20:20,512 advanced DSR are nontraditional I . S . 511 00:20:20,512 --> 00:20:22,512 R . That we utilize since we're not 512 00:20:22,512 --> 00:20:24,623 given a lot of resources . We we look 513 00:20:24,623 --> 00:20:27,390 for other ways of being innovative uh 514 00:20:27,390 --> 00:20:29,460 and using other capabilities that 515 00:20:29,470 --> 00:20:32,100 either the Department of Defense has or 516 00:20:32,100 --> 00:20:34,270 the other services are trying to use 517 00:20:34,540 --> 00:20:38,360 and so we'll use that uh all different 518 00:20:38,360 --> 00:20:40,471 kinds of capabilities that use the ai 519 00:20:40,471 --> 00:20:42,910 and ml a lot with unclassified data 520 00:20:42,910 --> 00:20:45,132 that can rapidly sort through that data 521 00:20:45,132 --> 00:20:47,188 and then we use it to tip and q what 522 00:20:47,188 --> 00:20:49,354 limited assets , the higher end assets 523 00:20:49,354 --> 00:20:51,740 that uh that we do have to help out 524 00:20:51,750 --> 00:20:54,630 with our challenges in the O . R . And 525 00:20:54,640 --> 00:20:56,418 you're working closely with the 526 00:20:56,418 --> 00:20:58,810 Department of Defense to essentially 527 00:20:58,810 --> 00:21:02,430 test some new innovative prototypes and 528 00:21:02,430 --> 00:21:04,700 a whole range of both air , land and 529 00:21:04,700 --> 00:21:08,530 sea . Absolutely . And we have five 530 00:21:08,530 --> 00:21:11,170 joint capability technology demos uh 531 00:21:11,180 --> 00:21:13,290 that we have in the O . R . I would 532 00:21:13,290 --> 00:21:15,179 like to highlight in a permissive 533 00:21:15,179 --> 00:21:19,160 environment . I offer that because um 534 00:21:19,170 --> 00:21:21,114 where our adversaries maybe aren't 535 00:21:21,114 --> 00:21:23,470 paying as much close attention to us . 536 00:21:23,470 --> 00:21:26,270 We can put that to real world use in 537 00:21:26,270 --> 00:21:28,890 our area of operations . Uh and then it 538 00:21:28,890 --> 00:21:31,400 helps me with domain awareness to find 539 00:21:31,400 --> 00:21:33,567 our threats , See what are threats are 540 00:21:33,567 --> 00:21:36,260 doing because the area war is so big . 541 00:21:37,640 --> 00:21:39,696 Well , I want to thank you because I 542 00:21:39,920 --> 00:21:42,087 know you've been in contact with civil 543 00:21:42,087 --> 00:21:43,976 society groups , particularly the 544 00:21:43,976 --> 00:21:46,700 Sisters of Mercy and this whole of 545 00:21:46,700 --> 00:21:49,260 government and beyond approach is 546 00:21:49,260 --> 00:21:51,690 necessary everywhere . But particularly 547 00:21:51,690 --> 00:21:54,230 in Southie and in in the Normal 548 00:21:54,230 --> 00:21:56,180 Triangle , particularly Honduras , 549 00:21:56,180 --> 00:21:59,770 there is a need to support the recent 550 00:21:59,770 --> 00:22:01,880 elected government and to begin 551 00:22:01,880 --> 00:22:05,720 seriously isolating um 552 00:22:05,730 --> 00:22:08,280 individuals who are either involved 553 00:22:08,280 --> 00:22:10,980 with criminal activities or other 554 00:22:10,990 --> 00:22:13,670 inappropriate activities and support 555 00:22:14,040 --> 00:22:17,370 uh a more vibrant 556 00:22:17,380 --> 00:22:19,720 constitutional order . And I thank you 557 00:22:19,720 --> 00:22:21,620 for that . Any comments about the 558 00:22:21,630 --> 00:22:25,110 situation in the Lone Triangle . Well , 559 00:22:25,120 --> 00:22:29,100 uh First Chairman , I've had uh 560 00:22:29,110 --> 00:22:31,590 two meetings uh so far with the human 561 00:22:31,590 --> 00:22:34,660 rights Leaders and Sisters of Mercy 562 00:22:34,660 --> 00:22:36,827 being one of them , Human Rights Watch 563 00:22:36,827 --> 00:22:38,882 uh and a couple of others . And they 564 00:22:38,882 --> 00:22:41,470 have such an important perspective of 565 00:22:41,470 --> 00:22:43,470 the region . They've been traveling 566 00:22:43,470 --> 00:22:45,303 there for decades . They've been 567 00:22:45,303 --> 00:22:47,581 working in those countries for decades . 568 00:22:47,581 --> 00:22:49,248 And certainly uh taking their 569 00:22:49,248 --> 00:22:51,359 perspective and their insight of what 570 00:22:51,359 --> 00:22:53,470 they've seen over that period of time 571 00:22:53,470 --> 00:22:56,030 is uh is truly valuable . And we take 572 00:22:56,030 --> 00:22:58,252 human rights into everything that we do 573 00:22:58,252 --> 00:23:00,363 in U . S . South com . I have a human 574 00:23:00,363 --> 00:23:02,419 rights office in South com . We have 575 00:23:02,419 --> 00:23:04,580 had that for 25 years , but it's not 576 00:23:04,580 --> 00:23:06,747 about having an office . It's actually 577 00:23:06,747 --> 00:23:08,802 what you do with that capability and 578 00:23:08,802 --> 00:23:10,580 how we make that a priority and 579 00:23:10,580 --> 00:23:12,636 everything that we do in the O . R . 580 00:23:12,636 --> 00:23:15,230 Thank you very much , Gentlemen Herrick , 581 00:23:15,240 --> 00:23:17,462 General Richardson , let me recognize . 582 00:23:17,462 --> 00:23:18,740 Center and hold Please 583 00:23:21,940 --> 00:23:24,840 thank you . Mr Chairman . As I said in 584 00:23:24,840 --> 00:23:27,270 my opening statement , the crisis at 585 00:23:27,270 --> 00:23:29,630 the border has Womsened considerably 586 00:23:29,630 --> 00:23:31,574 under the current administration . 587 00:23:31,574 --> 00:23:33,630 We've had 12 straight months of over 588 00:23:33,630 --> 00:23:37,570 150,000 Illegal 589 00:23:37,570 --> 00:23:41,150 migrants , which is was a 63% 590 00:23:41,150 --> 00:23:44,350 increase from February 2021 591 00:23:44,740 --> 00:23:47,930 and a DHS records for the month of 592 00:23:47,940 --> 00:23:51,040 february . And according to the 593 00:23:51,050 --> 00:23:54,010 Internal see the Border Patrol 594 00:23:54,010 --> 00:23:56,970 estimates From January through August 595 00:23:56,970 --> 00:23:58,460 of 21 over 596 00:23:58,840 --> 00:24:02,340 273,000 migrants avoided 597 00:24:02,350 --> 00:24:05,790 apprehension and entered our country 598 00:24:05,790 --> 00:24:07,800 illegally . These are new records . 599 00:24:07,850 --> 00:24:10,100 This has not happened before . I'm 600 00:24:10,100 --> 00:24:12,510 deeply concerned that the crisis will 601 00:24:12,510 --> 00:24:15,570 soon get even worse as we discussed in 602 00:24:15,580 --> 00:24:18,240 our my office if the Biden 603 00:24:18,240 --> 00:24:20,990 administration ends the title 42 border 604 00:24:20,990 --> 00:24:24,170 policy in April illegal immigration 605 00:24:24,170 --> 00:24:26,200 will surge even beyond the current 606 00:24:26,200 --> 00:24:28,870 record setting levels . So , general 607 00:24:28,870 --> 00:24:32,620 event , given the worsening conditions 608 00:24:32,730 --> 00:24:36,350 in a crisis at the Southwest border . 609 00:24:36,740 --> 00:24:38,990 Are you aware of any discussion within 610 00:24:38,990 --> 00:24:41,590 the administration or D . H . S . That 611 00:24:41,590 --> 00:24:44,530 could result in any requests for 612 00:24:44,530 --> 00:24:47,170 additional troops at that border ? 613 00:24:49,040 --> 00:24:51,040 Senator Inhofe . There is a request 614 00:24:51,040 --> 00:24:52,818 from the Department of Homeland 615 00:24:52,818 --> 00:24:54,984 Security . It's in the planning stages 616 00:24:54,984 --> 00:24:57,151 right now of the department to provide 617 00:24:57,151 --> 00:24:59,373 additional capability or capacity based 618 00:24:59,373 --> 00:25:01,750 on the potential for additional 619 00:25:02,060 --> 00:25:04,840 immigration or uh folks coming to the 620 00:25:04,840 --> 00:25:06,840 southwest border . I don't have the 621 00:25:06,840 --> 00:25:08,729 details of that right now . And I 622 00:25:08,729 --> 00:25:10,673 haven't been tasked to provide any 623 00:25:10,673 --> 00:25:12,896 additional support to the Department of 624 00:25:12,896 --> 00:25:14,951 Homeland Security at the stand and I 625 00:25:14,951 --> 00:25:16,951 understand that but it is a reality 626 00:25:16,951 --> 00:25:19,270 that's uh that's in in discussion . Um 627 00:25:19,640 --> 00:25:21,696 General Richardson , it's clear that 628 00:25:21,696 --> 00:25:23,473 South com continues to be under 629 00:25:23,473 --> 00:25:26,250 resourced despite all of the threats in 630 00:25:26,250 --> 00:25:28,361 your A . O . R . And that's something 631 00:25:28,361 --> 00:25:30,472 that we need to take a closer look at 632 00:25:30,472 --> 00:25:34,310 as we develop our India . And 633 00:25:34,310 --> 00:25:36,970 we'll have to do that in china . As we 634 00:25:36,970 --> 00:25:39,137 discussed in my office this week . I'm 635 00:25:39,137 --> 00:25:41,780 concerned about their growing presence 636 00:25:41,790 --> 00:25:45,740 in South com and consequences of for 637 00:25:45,740 --> 00:25:47,930 our military . So General Richardson , 638 00:25:47,930 --> 00:25:50,510 what do you find most concerning about 639 00:25:50,510 --> 00:25:52,621 china's growing presence in your area 640 00:25:52,621 --> 00:25:55,930 are and how , how could it be , it 641 00:25:55,930 --> 00:25:57,930 could undermine the odis ability to 642 00:25:57,930 --> 00:26:01,130 operate in this year's to them . So 643 00:26:01,140 --> 00:26:04,060 thank you senator . And uh , my concern 644 00:26:04,060 --> 00:26:07,320 regarding china in the region is just 645 00:26:07,320 --> 00:26:10,010 the , uh , the presence and the access 646 00:26:10,010 --> 00:26:12,232 and presence that they have and they've 647 00:26:12,232 --> 00:26:14,860 been able to create um , partly due to 648 00:26:14,860 --> 00:26:18,660 the covid 19 pandemic And the 649 00:26:18,660 --> 00:26:20,882 economic rollbacks that this has had in 650 00:26:20,882 --> 00:26:22,771 the region . So 8% of the world's 651 00:26:22,771 --> 00:26:26,380 population is in South Kor 33% of the 652 00:26:26,380 --> 00:26:28,740 world's COVID deaths were suffered . So 653 00:26:28,740 --> 00:26:31,200 they've had , they've had a hard time 654 00:26:31,200 --> 00:26:34,560 with that economy has contracted 8% 655 00:26:34,570 --> 00:26:37,020 plunging 22% of the population into 656 00:26:37,030 --> 00:26:40,140 poverty . And so when , when these 657 00:26:40,150 --> 00:26:43,490 28 like minded democracies in this 658 00:26:43,490 --> 00:26:46,400 region , out of 31 Are trying to 659 00:26:46,400 --> 00:26:48,567 deliver for their people . It's hard . 660 00:26:48,567 --> 00:26:50,622 And when China has the belt and road 661 00:26:50,622 --> 00:26:53,530 initiative , 21 of the 31 countries in 662 00:26:53,530 --> 00:26:55,474 this region have signed up and are 663 00:26:55,474 --> 00:26:58,180 signatories to that BR , they need to 664 00:26:58,180 --> 00:27:00,347 show that they're delivering for their 665 00:27:00,347 --> 00:27:02,569 populations and infrastructure projects 666 00:27:02,569 --> 00:27:04,569 is probably the best way that , you 667 00:27:04,569 --> 00:27:06,750 know , with the b ri that uh , that 668 00:27:06,750 --> 00:27:08,861 shows progress . But as we know , the 669 00:27:08,861 --> 00:27:11,860 work is not done to standard , a lot of 670 00:27:11,860 --> 00:27:13,916 times it leaves these countries with 671 00:27:13,916 --> 00:27:16,230 even more debt than when they started A 672 00:27:16,240 --> 00:27:19,010 highway in Jamaica . Jamaica now has 673 00:27:19,010 --> 00:27:21,480 six loans as a result of this , they 674 00:27:21,480 --> 00:27:24,510 lost 1200 acres of land and oh by the 675 00:27:24,510 --> 00:27:26,860 way , the highway has a toll on it . 676 00:27:26,860 --> 00:27:28,980 The most Jamaicans can't even , uh , 677 00:27:28,990 --> 00:27:32,770 can't even drive on the chinese . Don't 678 00:27:32,770 --> 00:27:35,200 bring in and don't hire host nation 679 00:27:35,200 --> 00:27:36,978 workers . They bring in chinese 680 00:27:36,978 --> 00:27:39,040 laborers so they don't invest . It 681 00:27:39,040 --> 00:27:41,262 looks like they're investing . All they 682 00:27:41,262 --> 00:27:43,484 do is they take , they extract and they 683 00:27:43,484 --> 00:27:47,460 have strings tied to to what they offer . 684 00:27:48,040 --> 00:27:50,207 Yeah . You know you and I talked about 685 00:27:50,207 --> 00:27:52,230 this in the office the , It's so 686 00:27:52,230 --> 00:27:54,540 similar to what the Chinese have been 687 00:27:54,540 --> 00:27:58,050 doing now for about 15 years in Africa . 688 00:27:58,660 --> 00:28:01,410 No surprises here . But I think it's 689 00:28:01,410 --> 00:28:03,632 important we get into the record , what 690 00:28:03,632 --> 00:28:05,854 is happening now because it's happening 691 00:28:05,854 --> 00:28:08,077 in your a are something that you didn't 692 00:28:08,077 --> 00:28:10,021 anticipate , I didn't , none of us 693 00:28:10,021 --> 00:28:11,799 anticipated the gravity of that 694 00:28:11,799 --> 00:28:14,021 situation . I'm , I'm glad you're there 695 00:28:14,021 --> 00:28:16,188 at the helm . Senator . What um , what 696 00:28:16,188 --> 00:28:18,132 I would like to mention are my two 697 00:28:18,132 --> 00:28:20,132 greatest concerns strategically And 698 00:28:20,132 --> 00:28:22,270 that's what the Panama Canal , the 699 00:28:22,270 --> 00:28:24,381 projects that the chinese have around 700 00:28:24,381 --> 00:28:26,860 the Panama Canal , which is a strategic 701 00:28:27,240 --> 00:28:29,351 line of communication that we want to 702 00:28:29,351 --> 00:28:31,240 keep free and open for the global 703 00:28:31,240 --> 00:28:34,080 economy , but also for our global war 704 00:28:34,080 --> 00:28:36,640 plans also the straits of Magellan down 705 00:28:36,640 --> 00:28:38,640 around the tip of the southern cone 706 00:28:38,640 --> 00:28:41,730 from Argentina . Uh , and the presence 707 00:28:41,740 --> 00:28:44,770 of china and projects and things like 708 00:28:44,770 --> 00:28:48,220 that . And uh , so that's what bothers 709 00:28:48,220 --> 00:28:51,530 me most are those two strategic global 710 00:28:51,530 --> 00:28:54,170 lines of communication areas that the 711 00:28:54,180 --> 00:28:56,220 chinese have projects in and around 712 00:28:56,220 --> 00:28:58,164 those areas with everything that's 713 00:28:58,164 --> 00:28:59,998 going on now . It's I think it's 714 00:28:59,998 --> 00:29:02,164 important that we and you particularly 715 00:29:02,640 --> 00:29:04,640 I need to keep reminding us of that 716 00:29:04,640 --> 00:29:06,696 because that's something that people 717 00:29:06,696 --> 00:29:08,940 are just not aware of . Thank you . Mr 718 00:29:08,940 --> 00:29:11,580 Chairman thank you very much . Senator 719 00:29:11,580 --> 00:29:13,469 Inhofe . Let me recognize Senator 720 00:29:13,469 --> 00:29:15,413 Gillibrand . Please thank you . Mr 721 00:29:15,413 --> 00:29:17,524 Chairman General Richardson . Just to 722 00:29:17,524 --> 00:29:19,636 continue the line of questioning that 723 00:29:19,636 --> 00:29:22,360 Senator Inhofe started um given the 724 00:29:22,370 --> 00:29:24,260 investments that china is making 725 00:29:24,270 --> 00:29:26,820 regardless of how extractive they are , 726 00:29:26,830 --> 00:29:29,970 what do you think are best response is ? 727 00:29:29,970 --> 00:29:32,192 And in particular can you talk a little 728 00:29:32,192 --> 00:29:34,081 bit about how we're engaging with 729 00:29:34,081 --> 00:29:36,137 elected governments in the region to 730 00:29:36,137 --> 00:29:38,300 counter authoritarian actors . Um Are 731 00:29:38,300 --> 00:29:40,590 we collaborating with agencies and 732 00:29:40,590 --> 00:29:42,368 other institutions with partner 733 00:29:42,368 --> 00:29:43,979 countries like judiciaries , 734 00:29:43,979 --> 00:29:46,090 legislatures , n gos to support human 735 00:29:46,090 --> 00:29:48,700 rights and democracy and further . Um I 736 00:29:48,700 --> 00:29:51,800 do want to get a sense of china's also 737 00:29:51,800 --> 00:29:54,540 adopted a partner force training model 738 00:29:54,550 --> 00:29:57,660 that is of some concern to me and I'd 739 00:29:57,660 --> 00:29:59,940 like you to assess how effective is 740 00:29:59,940 --> 00:30:02,162 China's partner force training in those 741 00:30:02,162 --> 00:30:04,273 countries that participate and how do 742 00:30:04,273 --> 00:30:06,384 we ensure these relationships are not 743 00:30:06,384 --> 00:30:09,560 enduring ? So the way I look at Senator 744 00:30:09,560 --> 00:30:12,370 is in terms of our partnerships , um 745 00:30:12,380 --> 00:30:15,480 the U . S . Has partners , uh China has 746 00:30:15,480 --> 00:30:17,920 clients um they don't have the partners 747 00:30:17,920 --> 00:30:20,330 and uh and our partner nations in the 748 00:30:20,330 --> 00:30:23,170 south com kor want to partner with us . 749 00:30:23,540 --> 00:30:25,373 I go to these countries . I have 750 00:30:25,373 --> 00:30:28,070 visited Colombia brazil Jamaica Belize 751 00:30:28,070 --> 00:30:30,237 where I got to visit with leaders from 752 00:30:30,237 --> 00:30:32,070 seven central american countries 753 00:30:32,070 --> 00:30:35,580 Honduras and you look in their eyes and 754 00:30:35,580 --> 00:30:37,450 they want to partner with us and 755 00:30:37,450 --> 00:30:39,561 they're having a hard time delivering 756 00:30:39,561 --> 00:30:41,728 for their population . I will tell you 757 00:30:41,728 --> 00:30:43,561 though that the PRC is using our 758 00:30:43,561 --> 00:30:45,728 playbook in terms of how I do security 759 00:30:45,728 --> 00:30:47,728 cooperation and the other combatant 760 00:30:47,728 --> 00:30:49,990 commands The train and equip the 761 00:30:49,990 --> 00:30:52,690 partnering the exercises . Uh the 762 00:30:52,700 --> 00:30:55,140 Chinese don't have exercises like we do 763 00:30:55,140 --> 00:30:57,330 when we have exercises the us I'll 764 00:30:57,330 --> 00:31:01,030 bring 1921 29 different countries 765 00:31:01,030 --> 00:31:03,030 together . As I said , they want to 766 00:31:03,030 --> 00:31:05,360 partner with us and we have partners . 767 00:31:05,740 --> 00:31:08,610 Um a great relationship with the inter 768 00:31:08,610 --> 00:31:11,430 agency and Department of State uh in 769 00:31:11,430 --> 00:31:13,570 the A . R . I'd like to highlight . I 770 00:31:13,570 --> 00:31:16,250 have my deputy who is a former 771 00:31:16,250 --> 00:31:18,194 ambassador for el Salvador sitting 772 00:31:18,194 --> 00:31:20,560 behind me , jean manes . And I'll tell 773 00:31:20,560 --> 00:31:22,338 you , we're so lucky to have an 774 00:31:22,338 --> 00:31:24,560 ambassador from the Department of State 775 00:31:24,560 --> 00:31:26,782 who can help bridge and communicate and 776 00:31:26,782 --> 00:31:29,100 help us work more collaboratively With 777 00:31:29,100 --> 00:31:31,380 our chief submission in the A . O . R . 778 00:31:31,390 --> 00:31:33,700 We have 12 more to go for ambassadors 779 00:31:33,700 --> 00:31:35,950 to fill those very important seats and 780 00:31:35,960 --> 00:31:38,210 eight have been nominated . So thank 781 00:31:38,210 --> 00:31:40,321 you for your support in getting those 782 00:31:40,321 --> 00:31:42,266 ambassadors in there as quickly as 783 00:31:42,266 --> 00:31:45,130 possible . And then just one final 784 00:31:45,140 --> 00:31:47,610 question before I move on to General 785 00:31:47,610 --> 00:31:51,210 Van Herk . Um South com has played an 786 00:31:51,210 --> 00:31:53,090 important role in humanitarian 787 00:31:53,090 --> 00:31:55,312 operations , especially in nations like 788 00:31:55,312 --> 00:31:58,100 Haiti where us support was needed not 789 00:31:58,100 --> 00:32:00,211 only after the natural disaster , but 790 00:32:00,211 --> 00:32:02,420 after the political crisis . Can you 791 00:32:02,420 --> 00:32:04,587 explain how you foresee any changes to 792 00:32:04,587 --> 00:32:06,364 South calms posture to continue 793 00:32:06,364 --> 00:32:08,253 providing humanitarian assistance 794 00:32:08,253 --> 00:32:10,430 especially as climate and other issues 795 00:32:10,440 --> 00:32:13,510 continue to increase migration . We'll 796 00:32:13,510 --> 00:32:15,660 continue to watch this A . O . R . 797 00:32:15,660 --> 00:32:18,110 Haiti . Um All of the all of the 798 00:32:18,110 --> 00:32:20,277 challenges that we have in this AO are 799 00:32:20,277 --> 00:32:22,820 that are ongoing and work very closely 800 00:32:22,820 --> 00:32:26,440 with uh for a a whole of government , a 801 00:32:26,450 --> 00:32:29,290 democratic solution and uh to 802 00:32:29,290 --> 00:32:31,179 instability and insecurity in the 803 00:32:31,179 --> 00:32:33,530 region . We take that very seriously . 804 00:32:33,530 --> 00:32:35,641 We bake in , as I said before , human 805 00:32:35,641 --> 00:32:37,752 rights , the rule of law , everything 806 00:32:37,752 --> 00:32:39,919 that we do in our security cooperation 807 00:32:39,919 --> 00:32:41,974 programs , everything that I do . My 808 00:32:41,974 --> 00:32:44,197 main lever because I don't get assigned 809 00:32:44,197 --> 00:32:46,030 forces in South com . I get very 810 00:32:46,030 --> 00:32:48,890 limited uh gift map resources that are 811 00:32:48,890 --> 00:32:51,170 assigned to me as well . So I really 812 00:32:51,170 --> 00:32:53,337 rely on that triple three security and 813 00:32:53,337 --> 00:32:55,920 cooperation funding uh to work with 814 00:32:55,920 --> 00:32:58,390 these partner nations to help them 815 00:32:58,390 --> 00:33:00,612 increase the capacity and capability of 816 00:33:00,612 --> 00:33:02,501 their militaries or their defense 817 00:33:02,501 --> 00:33:04,723 forces . That's helpful . General thank 818 00:33:04,723 --> 00:33:06,557 you . General Van Herk china has 819 00:33:06,557 --> 00:33:08,612 attempted to establish a foothold in 820 00:33:08,612 --> 00:33:10,168 the arctic through economic 821 00:33:10,168 --> 00:33:12,057 relationships with smaller arctic 822 00:33:12,057 --> 00:33:14,112 states like Iceland . Denmark Sweden 823 00:33:14,112 --> 00:33:16,001 Finland uh that grant china china 824 00:33:16,001 --> 00:33:18,870 access to their vital natural resources . 825 00:33:18,880 --> 00:33:20,713 This strategy is coupled with an 826 00:33:20,713 --> 00:33:22,960 increase in china's arctic capabilities 827 00:33:22,960 --> 00:33:25,071 to create something like a Polar silk 828 00:33:25,071 --> 00:33:27,230 road . Do you see these relationships 829 00:33:27,230 --> 00:33:29,341 as leading to an eventual movement of 830 00:33:29,341 --> 00:33:31,563 chinese military assets into the region 831 00:33:31,940 --> 00:33:34,570 and then further new york . Air 832 00:33:34,570 --> 00:33:36,737 National Guard conducts several unique 833 00:33:36,737 --> 00:33:38,848 missions in support of our scientific 834 00:33:38,848 --> 00:33:40,959 missions with the National Scientific 835 00:33:40,959 --> 00:33:42,903 Foundation in the arctic . Can you 836 00:33:42,903 --> 00:33:44,626 speak to the importance of our 837 00:33:44,626 --> 00:33:46,737 scientific missions in the arctic and 838 00:33:46,737 --> 00:33:48,848 how it supports our overall strategic 839 00:33:48,848 --> 00:33:50,903 goals when it comes to that region ? 840 00:33:51,640 --> 00:33:53,862 Thanks first Senator . Absolutely . The 841 00:33:53,862 --> 00:33:57,080 chinese are active in the arctic each 842 00:33:57,080 --> 00:33:59,302 of the last five years . They've sent a 843 00:33:59,302 --> 00:34:01,358 vessel under the guise of a resource 844 00:34:01,358 --> 00:34:03,540 vessel into the arctic for military 845 00:34:03,540 --> 00:34:05,990 purposes we we assessed as well . And 846 00:34:05,990 --> 00:34:07,712 so they're , they're , they're 847 00:34:07,712 --> 00:34:09,657 influencing nations . They want to 848 00:34:09,657 --> 00:34:11,379 change and influence influence 849 00:34:11,379 --> 00:34:13,379 international norms and behavior as 850 00:34:13,379 --> 00:34:15,490 well . I would also point out senator 851 00:34:15,490 --> 00:34:17,712 that the arctic is a strategic location 852 00:34:17,712 --> 00:34:19,879 and being able to operate persistently 853 00:34:19,879 --> 00:34:19,730 in the arctic is something that we need 854 00:34:19,730 --> 00:34:21,730 to do . So the research that you're 855 00:34:21,730 --> 00:34:23,508 talking about is crucial in the 856 00:34:23,508 --> 00:34:25,730 investments . Finally , I understand my 857 00:34:25,730 --> 00:34:27,952 time's up , but they're not only active 858 00:34:27,952 --> 00:34:27,210 in the arctic . They're active in the 859 00:34:27,210 --> 00:34:29,321 Bahamas . They're active in Mexico as 860 00:34:29,321 --> 00:34:31,321 well . And I would point that out . 861 00:34:31,321 --> 00:34:33,099 Thank you . Thank you . Senator 862 00:34:33,099 --> 00:34:35,377 gentlemen . Thank you . Senator Wicker , 863 00:34:35,377 --> 00:34:37,432 Please General Van Herk . Let's keep 864 00:34:37,432 --> 00:34:39,850 talking about the art then . Um during 865 00:34:39,850 --> 00:34:41,930 your posture hearing last year , I 866 00:34:41,930 --> 00:34:43,763 asked you about the Coast Guards 867 00:34:43,840 --> 00:34:45,562 Authorization to build six new 868 00:34:45,562 --> 00:34:48,390 icebreakers and I appreciated your 869 00:34:48,390 --> 00:34:50,446 response in support of these ships . 870 00:34:50,740 --> 00:34:51,670 But as 871 00:35:02,340 --> 00:35:04,420 On the other hand , nome Alaska , 872 00:35:04,430 --> 00:35:06,860 nearly 800 miles north of Dutch harbor 873 00:35:07,240 --> 00:35:09,296 has been granted money to dredge and 874 00:35:09,296 --> 00:35:11,296 develop a ports in order to provide 875 00:35:11,296 --> 00:35:13,500 services to deep draft ships . How 876 00:35:13,500 --> 00:35:16,050 would additional icebreakers and the 877 00:35:16,050 --> 00:35:18,290 development of the ported Gnome enabled 878 00:35:18,290 --> 00:35:20,780 north com to accomplish your mission in 879 00:35:20,780 --> 00:35:23,740 the arctic . Thanks senator . First , 880 00:35:23,740 --> 00:35:26,360 the six icebreakers that are on a plan 881 00:35:26,360 --> 00:35:28,304 for the Coast Guard are crucial to 882 00:35:28,304 --> 00:35:30,640 enabling persistence to operate within 883 00:35:30,640 --> 00:35:33,110 the arctic persistence is also enabled 884 00:35:33,110 --> 00:35:35,700 by having a fuel capability further 885 00:35:35,700 --> 00:35:37,756 north than currently in Dutch Harbor 886 00:35:37,756 --> 00:35:39,700 and Gnome as you alluded to . That 887 00:35:39,700 --> 00:35:41,811 allows either the Coast Guard through 888 00:35:41,811 --> 00:35:43,922 their cutters or their icebreakers or 889 00:35:43,922 --> 00:35:46,200 navy vessels to remain more persistent . 890 00:35:46,200 --> 00:35:48,367 That's strategically important to that 891 00:35:48,367 --> 00:35:50,533 location . I would like to clarify one 892 00:35:50,533 --> 00:35:52,756 thing . The infrastructure and jobs act 893 00:35:52,756 --> 00:35:54,867 that was just passed , provided about 894 00:35:54,867 --> 00:35:57,089 $250 million for the port of Nome . The 895 00:35:57,089 --> 00:35:58,867 dredging portion of that is not 896 00:35:58,867 --> 00:36:00,978 currently funded and it would require 897 00:36:00,978 --> 00:36:03,500 that dredging from a 30 ft depth to 40 898 00:36:03,500 --> 00:36:05,722 ft for these vessels that we're talking 899 00:36:05,722 --> 00:36:07,889 about to get in there . We're going to 900 00:36:07,889 --> 00:36:09,944 work closely to make sure we can get 901 00:36:09,944 --> 00:36:11,778 that additional funding for that 902 00:36:11,778 --> 00:36:13,944 persistence I need . So the additional 903 00:36:13,944 --> 00:36:16,056 funding is not adequate unless we get 904 00:36:16,056 --> 00:36:19,260 the dredging done . It is certainly 905 00:36:19,260 --> 00:36:21,960 adequate for commercial operations 906 00:36:21,960 --> 00:36:24,016 benefit from the local communities . 907 00:36:24,016 --> 00:36:25,682 Indigenous people in Alaska . 908 00:36:25,682 --> 00:36:27,904 Absolutely . For military use . We have 909 00:36:27,904 --> 00:36:30,127 to get the additional dredging . That's 910 00:36:30,127 --> 00:36:32,238 correct . Okay , let let me switch to 911 00:36:32,238 --> 00:36:35,270 General Richardson . Um , the Navy , 912 00:36:35,270 --> 00:36:37,381 small craft destruction and Technical 913 00:36:37,381 --> 00:36:39,740 training school , Novinsky yachts 914 00:36:40,330 --> 00:36:42,386 provides training to partner nations 915 00:36:42,386 --> 00:36:44,663 from every combatant command . To date , 916 00:36:44,663 --> 00:36:46,608 the school has trained over 13,000 917 00:36:46,608 --> 00:36:48,700 students from more than 100 and 20 918 00:36:48,700 --> 00:36:50,922 partner nations . What's the importance 919 00:36:50,922 --> 00:36:53,730 of keeping Nevsky yachts ? What are the 920 00:36:53,730 --> 00:36:55,230 potential risk in terms of 921 00:36:55,230 --> 00:36:57,508 international support and partnerships ? 922 00:36:57,830 --> 00:37:01,220 Should its capacity be reduced ? Well , 923 00:37:01,220 --> 00:37:03,276 thank you for the question , senator 924 00:37:03,276 --> 00:37:05,480 because Nevsky yachts is a force 925 00:37:05,480 --> 00:37:08,150 multiplier and uh , and it's for all of 926 00:37:08,150 --> 00:37:10,400 our nation's , as you said , 100 and 23 927 00:37:10,400 --> 00:37:12,590 partner nations utilized the school 928 00:37:12,600 --> 00:37:15,860 over 13,000 trained . Uh , this school 929 00:37:15,860 --> 00:37:18,720 has been opened for 52 years and quite 930 00:37:18,720 --> 00:37:21,620 honestly what it does , low level it's 931 00:37:21,630 --> 00:37:23,741 pennies to operate . You talk about a 932 00:37:23,741 --> 00:37:26,250 low cost , high return on investment , 933 00:37:26,250 --> 00:37:28,630 this is it . And uh , and quite 934 00:37:28,630 --> 00:37:30,797 honestly , if you think about it , the 935 00:37:30,797 --> 00:37:32,890 U . S . Navy has big ships , other 936 00:37:32,890 --> 00:37:34,834 nations . There are very few other 937 00:37:34,834 --> 00:37:37,001 nations that have really big vessels . 938 00:37:37,001 --> 00:37:40,050 Um , and most of the other navies and 939 00:37:40,050 --> 00:37:42,110 coast guards from the other partner 940 00:37:42,110 --> 00:37:44,650 nation militaries as well as the Coast 941 00:37:44,650 --> 00:37:47,660 guards have smaller vessels . You talk 942 00:37:47,660 --> 00:37:49,604 about the amazon . They don't have 943 00:37:49,604 --> 00:37:52,150 highways , They have rivers and they 944 00:37:52,150 --> 00:37:54,320 need the training . They need uh , 945 00:37:54,330 --> 00:37:56,330 they're smaller vessels to get this 946 00:37:56,330 --> 00:37:58,441 training and it's absolutely critical 947 00:37:58,441 --> 00:38:00,780 to our security cooperation and helping 948 00:38:00,780 --> 00:38:03,270 build our defense forces and our 949 00:38:03,270 --> 00:38:05,880 militaries and naval good maritime 950 00:38:05,880 --> 00:38:08,420 operations . I do appreciate that . Let 951 00:38:08,420 --> 00:38:10,870 me follow up on on an engagement that 952 00:38:10,880 --> 00:38:12,830 that Senator Inhofe and Senator 953 00:38:12,830 --> 00:38:15,860 Gillibrand had with you . I think the 954 00:38:15,860 --> 00:38:18,840 discussion with with Senator Inhofe was 955 00:38:19,320 --> 00:38:23,230 um like minded democracies in in 956 00:38:23,240 --> 00:38:26,830 uh south com working with us . Central 957 00:38:26,830 --> 00:38:29,240 Gillibrand's asked about engaging with 958 00:38:29,240 --> 00:38:32,530 elected governments . Um let me just 959 00:38:32,530 --> 00:38:34,363 mention that the organization of 960 00:38:34,363 --> 00:38:36,250 american States is based here in 961 00:38:36,250 --> 00:38:38,260 Washington , D . C . Is the only 962 00:38:38,260 --> 00:38:40,910 multilateral organization that includes 963 00:38:40,920 --> 00:38:43,142 every country in the western hemisphere 964 00:38:43,420 --> 00:38:46,440 except for for cuBA . 965 00:38:47,120 --> 00:38:50,350 And and I would point out to my 966 00:38:50,350 --> 00:38:54,200 colleagues that in 2020 president trump 967 00:38:54,200 --> 00:38:56,200 signed into law the Organization of 968 00:38:56,200 --> 00:38:59,000 American States legislative engagement 969 00:38:59,010 --> 00:39:02,240 act , Senator Carden and I were leaders 970 00:39:02,720 --> 00:39:05,480 in this effort . Um just as we have 971 00:39:05,490 --> 00:39:08,000 tried to enhance our participation with 972 00:39:08,000 --> 00:39:10,430 european parliamentarians , both in and 973 00:39:10,440 --> 00:39:12,820 out of majorities in government in 974 00:39:12,820 --> 00:39:15,750 europe through the Osc . Um Do you 975 00:39:15,750 --> 00:39:19,480 agree um that 976 00:39:19,670 --> 00:39:22,660 moving to a parliament parliamentary 977 00:39:22,660 --> 00:39:26,330 assembly as the trump 978 00:39:26,340 --> 00:39:29,930 law um anticipates would 979 00:39:29,930 --> 00:39:33,720 be um uh would be a positive and could 980 00:39:33,720 --> 00:39:36,450 promote cooperation and a variety of 981 00:39:36,450 --> 00:39:38,450 government and security issues . 982 00:39:38,930 --> 00:39:40,763 Senator , I think that increased 983 00:39:40,763 --> 00:39:43,350 engagement in this A . O . R . Can be 984 00:39:43,350 --> 00:39:46,750 nothing but good . Uh I can't I can 985 00:39:46,750 --> 00:39:48,917 only cover so much . Our Department of 986 00:39:48,917 --> 00:39:51,028 State can over only cover so much and 987 00:39:51,028 --> 00:39:53,730 with the uh program , a strategy of 988 00:39:53,730 --> 00:39:55,786 focus on this area . As I said in my 989 00:39:55,786 --> 00:39:58,620 opening statement uh can only be more 990 00:39:58,620 --> 00:40:01,610 goodness because out of 31 countries 991 00:40:01,610 --> 00:40:04,560 and uh 16 dependencies in the Caribbean . 992 00:40:04,560 --> 00:40:06,670 It's a lot of ground to cover and I 993 00:40:06,670 --> 00:40:08,850 would certainly certainly welcome the 994 00:40:08,850 --> 00:40:11,730 focus and the attention . Thank you . 995 00:40:11,730 --> 00:40:13,730 Thank you . Mr Chairman , thank you 996 00:40:13,730 --> 00:40:16,090 senator worker . And now uh since a 997 00:40:16,090 --> 00:40:18,100 quorum is present , I asked the 998 00:40:18,100 --> 00:40:21,630 committee to consider a list of 2,766 999 00:40:21,630 --> 00:40:24,590 pending military nominations . All of 1000 00:40:24,590 --> 00:40:26,757 these nominations have been before the 1001 00:40:26,757 --> 00:40:28,979 committee the required length of time . 1002 00:40:28,979 --> 00:40:31,034 Is there a motion to favor to report 1003 00:40:31,034 --> 00:40:33,880 this list of 2766 pending military 1004 00:40:33,880 --> 00:40:36,990 nominations to the senate . Is there a 1005 00:40:36,990 --> 00:40:39,470 second only in favor ? Say , aye . 1006 00:40:40,110 --> 00:40:41,943 Thank you very much . The motion 1007 00:40:41,943 --> 00:40:44,020 carries And let me recognize Senator 1008 00:40:44,020 --> 00:40:45,990 Kaine and thank Senator Tillis for 1009 00:40:45,990 --> 00:40:49,450 staying with us . Thank you Mr Chair 1010 00:40:49,450 --> 00:40:51,506 and thanks to our witnesses for your 1011 00:40:51,506 --> 00:40:53,617 service . General Richardson . I want 1012 00:40:53,617 --> 00:40:55,790 to echo a point that Senator Inhofe 1013 00:40:55,790 --> 00:40:58,400 made . I I continue to believe that 1014 00:40:58,400 --> 00:41:00,511 South com is really under resourced . 1015 00:41:00,910 --> 00:41:02,799 You talked about the value of the 1016 00:41:02,799 --> 00:41:04,590 security cooperation program , 1017 00:41:04,600 --> 00:41:07,570 described the kinds of activities that 1018 00:41:07,580 --> 00:41:11,040 that you engage with our regional 1019 00:41:11,040 --> 00:41:12,929 partners and through the security 1020 00:41:12,929 --> 00:41:16,720 cooperation program . So we have a 1021 00:41:16,730 --> 00:41:19,420 myriad of things that we do in terms of 1022 00:41:19,420 --> 00:41:21,587 the training and the equipping . We do 1023 00:41:21,587 --> 00:41:24,700 things from small teams . Uh 8 to 13 1024 00:41:24,700 --> 00:41:27,600 man teams . We do it in all the domains 1025 00:41:27,610 --> 00:41:30,780 special ops included cyber information . 1026 00:41:30,780 --> 00:41:34,420 Ops we do big exercises as I mentioned 1027 00:41:34,420 --> 00:41:37,070 before Panamax , which is really a 1028 00:41:37,070 --> 00:41:39,740 defense of the Panama Canal exercise . 1029 00:41:39,740 --> 00:41:41,980 29 countries from this AO are 1030 00:41:41,980 --> 00:41:44,490 participate in that with us . Uh , we 1031 00:41:44,490 --> 00:41:46,490 have trade winds that's been a name 1032 00:41:46,490 --> 00:41:48,546 that's been around for decades . And 1033 00:41:48,546 --> 00:41:50,379 that's a security operation in a 1034 00:41:50,379 --> 00:41:52,601 contested environment that we talk that 1035 00:41:52,601 --> 00:41:55,050 we train to . That will bring 21 1036 00:41:55,050 --> 00:41:57,870 countries together . My components , my 1037 00:41:57,870 --> 00:42:00,203 Navy component will do Unitas this year . 1038 00:42:00,203 --> 00:42:02,720 Brazil will host that . That will bring 1039 00:42:02,720 --> 00:42:04,780 19 countries together . And when you 1040 00:42:04,780 --> 00:42:07,800 see the picture of Unitas of all the 1041 00:42:07,800 --> 00:42:10,360 different vessels , the ships , the um , 1042 00:42:10,360 --> 00:42:12,138 and vessels that from the other 1043 00:42:12,138 --> 00:42:13,971 countries and the Navy's and the 1044 00:42:13,971 --> 00:42:15,693 coastguards . It's just really 1045 00:42:15,693 --> 00:42:17,600 impressive . And jen and general 1046 00:42:17,600 --> 00:42:19,711 Richardson just to give the committee 1047 00:42:19,711 --> 00:42:22,410 kind of a magnitude . You have , you 1048 00:42:22,410 --> 00:42:24,580 know , nearly 30 countries in your A . 1049 00:42:24,580 --> 00:42:27,550 O . R . I believe general admiral 1050 00:42:27,550 --> 00:42:29,661 follower last year testified that the 1051 00:42:29,661 --> 00:42:32,060 total security cooperation budget for 1052 00:42:32,060 --> 00:42:34,004 South com to do the activities you 1053 00:42:34,004 --> 00:42:36,560 describe with that many nations is $120 1054 00:42:36,560 --> 00:42:39,140 million . Um , so that's the , that's 1055 00:42:39,140 --> 00:42:41,084 sort of what we're talking about . 1056 00:42:41,084 --> 00:42:43,620 Right ? That's correct senator . And uh , 1057 00:42:43,630 --> 00:42:45,797 it's a , it's , I know that seems like 1058 00:42:45,797 --> 00:42:47,963 a lot of money , but when I don't have 1059 00:42:47,963 --> 00:42:49,630 assigned forces and gift matt 1060 00:42:49,630 --> 00:42:51,741 capabilities and that's my main lever 1061 00:42:51,741 --> 00:42:53,963 for engaging with the partner nations . 1062 00:42:53,963 --> 00:42:56,590 Uh , that's really a low cost , high 1063 00:42:56,590 --> 00:42:58,812 return on investment . Let me ask about 1064 00:42:58,812 --> 00:43:00,923 another program , the I MET program . 1065 00:43:00,923 --> 00:43:02,757 International military education 1066 00:43:02,757 --> 00:43:05,210 training program . That's another 1067 00:43:05,220 --> 00:43:07,580 security cooperation tends to be in the 1068 00:43:07,580 --> 00:43:10,150 A . O . R . But I met , we bring um , 1069 00:43:10,160 --> 00:43:12,950 leaders from South com militaries 1070 00:43:12,960 --> 00:43:14,793 nations to the United States for 1071 00:43:14,793 --> 00:43:16,904 training . That I was also very small 1072 00:43:16,904 --> 00:43:19,016 budget but described to the committee 1073 00:43:19,100 --> 00:43:21,470 the value of the imET program in South 1074 00:43:21,470 --> 00:43:23,192 com . That's huge . That's the 1075 00:43:23,192 --> 00:43:25,081 Professional Military Education . 1076 00:43:25,081 --> 00:43:27,081 That's where they get to come . For 1077 00:43:27,081 --> 00:43:29,303 example , to our war college , which is 1078 00:43:29,303 --> 00:43:31,526 at the Lieutenant colonel level . Right 1079 00:43:31,526 --> 00:43:33,637 now , I have 17 chiefs of defense and 1080 00:43:33,637 --> 00:43:35,859 six ministers of defense that have been 1081 00:43:35,859 --> 00:43:37,970 to school in the United States . They 1082 00:43:37,970 --> 00:43:40,081 know that they get the best education 1083 00:43:40,081 --> 00:43:42,303 and training when they come here . They 1084 00:43:42,303 --> 00:43:44,470 want to come here . And what we try to 1085 00:43:44,470 --> 00:43:45,859 work with at $13 million 1086 00:43:45,859 --> 00:43:54,720 professional 1087 00:43:54,720 --> 00:43:57,070 military education . Well , these are 1088 00:43:57,070 --> 00:44:00,640 both relatively small investments in 1089 00:44:00,640 --> 00:44:03,770 South com , a region without assigned 1090 00:44:03,770 --> 00:44:05,881 forces , as General Richardson says , 1091 00:44:05,881 --> 00:44:07,881 And I'm just going to suggest to my 1092 00:44:07,881 --> 00:44:10,103 committee colleagues watch this space . 1093 00:44:10,103 --> 00:44:11,992 I think there's gonna be a budget 1094 00:44:11,992 --> 00:44:14,103 submitted to us very soon and look at 1095 00:44:14,103 --> 00:44:16,170 the dollars in these two accounts to 1096 00:44:16,170 --> 00:44:18,600 South com , I , I have a grave concern 1097 00:44:18,600 --> 00:44:20,878 that challenges elsewhere in the world , 1098 00:44:20,878 --> 00:44:22,822 are going to take these de minimus 1099 00:44:22,822 --> 00:44:25,044 investments and shrink them even more . 1100 00:44:25,044 --> 00:44:27,267 Uh , and if that's the case , I'm going 1101 00:44:27,267 --> 00:44:29,489 to be advocating strongly that we don't 1102 00:44:29,489 --> 00:44:31,767 do less , but we do more in the region . 1103 00:44:31,767 --> 00:44:33,933 My understanding General Richardson is 1104 00:44:33,933 --> 00:44:36,044 also with respect to cyber assets . I 1105 00:44:36,044 --> 00:44:38,211 know nations like Colombia are dealing 1106 00:44:38,211 --> 00:44:39,989 with a lot of cyber attacks and 1107 00:44:39,989 --> 00:44:42,211 misinformation from actors in Venezuela 1108 00:44:42,211 --> 00:44:44,211 and elsewhere they get particularly 1109 00:44:44,211 --> 00:44:46,378 active around elections . There's many 1110 00:44:46,378 --> 00:44:48,378 elections that are happening in the 1111 00:44:48,378 --> 00:44:50,489 region this year . Um , U . S . Cyber 1112 00:44:50,489 --> 00:44:50,090 command has so much on them . I 1113 00:44:50,090 --> 00:44:52,220 understand in south com your cyber 1114 00:44:52,220 --> 00:44:54,980 assets are pretty limited . You're 1115 00:44:54,980 --> 00:44:57,147 making good use of a state partnership 1116 00:44:57,147 --> 00:44:59,369 program with the south Carolina guard , 1117 00:44:59,590 --> 00:45:01,757 good on them and good on you for using 1118 00:45:01,757 --> 00:45:03,590 them in an effective way . But I 1119 00:45:03,590 --> 00:45:05,757 understand that cyber command does not 1120 00:45:05,757 --> 00:45:07,923 have many assets that it can currently 1121 00:45:07,923 --> 00:45:10,090 allowed to be used in South common . I 1122 00:45:10,090 --> 00:45:11,979 write about them . That's correct 1123 00:45:11,979 --> 00:45:14,034 senator . Um , they have more higher 1124 00:45:14,034 --> 00:45:15,923 priorities , uh , looking towards 1125 00:45:15,923 --> 00:45:17,979 europe and then also in the NDP calm 1126 00:45:17,979 --> 00:45:20,580 region . Uh , and so it uh , and I just 1127 00:45:20,580 --> 00:45:22,580 like to highlight and thank all the 1128 00:45:22,580 --> 00:45:24,358 senators for the support of the 1129 00:45:24,358 --> 00:45:26,191 National Guard State Partnership 1130 00:45:26,191 --> 00:45:28,080 program , which is a huge force . 1131 00:45:28,080 --> 00:45:30,260 Multiplier for south com . We were not 1132 00:45:30,260 --> 00:45:32,710 paying attention to this region . Um , 1133 00:45:33,290 --> 00:45:35,401 you know , we're not paying attention 1134 00:45:35,401 --> 00:45:37,346 to them on in diplomatic circles . 1135 00:45:37,346 --> 00:45:39,568 We're not , we're not paying sufficient 1136 00:45:39,568 --> 00:45:41,679 attention to them in terms of vaccine 1137 00:45:41,679 --> 00:45:41,340 distribution and we're not paying 1138 00:45:41,350 --> 00:45:43,628 attention to them in the military area , 1139 00:45:43,628 --> 00:45:45,683 but other nations especially china , 1140 00:45:45,683 --> 00:45:47,683 are paying a lot of attention and I 1141 00:45:47,683 --> 00:45:49,794 think we should do better . I want to 1142 00:45:49,794 --> 00:45:51,850 thank you for your testimony . Thank 1143 00:45:51,850 --> 00:45:53,794 you Senator Kaine . And let me now 1144 00:45:53,794 --> 00:45:53,550 recognize Senator Fischer , please 1145 00:45:53,990 --> 00:45:56,370 thank you . Mr . Chairman General 1146 00:45:56,370 --> 00:45:59,200 Richardson . General Van Herk . Thank 1147 00:45:59,200 --> 00:46:01,144 you so much for being here today . 1148 00:46:01,480 --> 00:46:03,640 General Van Herk in your prepared 1149 00:46:03,640 --> 00:46:06,130 testimonies discussion of hypersonic 1150 00:46:06,130 --> 00:46:09,000 threats you state quote , the impact is 1151 00:46:09,000 --> 00:46:11,440 the loss of critical decision space for 1152 00:46:11,440 --> 00:46:13,560 national level decision makers 1153 00:46:13,590 --> 00:46:15,990 regarding continuity of government and 1154 00:46:15,990 --> 00:46:18,000 the preservation of retaliatory 1155 00:46:18,010 --> 00:46:21,370 retaliatory capabilities resulting in 1156 00:46:21,370 --> 00:46:23,830 an increase in the potential for 1157 00:46:23,830 --> 00:46:26,720 strategic deterrence failure . End , 1158 00:46:26,720 --> 00:46:29,390 quote . You make a similar assessment 1159 00:46:29,390 --> 00:46:31,460 of cruise missile threats , saying 1160 00:46:31,460 --> 00:46:33,740 quote . Additionally , these advanced 1161 00:46:33,740 --> 00:46:35,796 cruise missiles and their supporting 1162 00:46:35,796 --> 00:46:37,573 platforms will limit nationally 1163 00:46:37,573 --> 00:46:40,710 leadership decisions , space and my 1164 00:46:40,710 --> 00:46:42,990 ability to provide threat warning and 1165 00:46:42,990 --> 00:46:45,220 attack assessment which directly 1166 00:46:45,220 --> 00:46:47,390 influences my ability to support 1167 00:46:47,390 --> 00:46:50,120 continuity of government operations and 1168 00:46:50,120 --> 00:46:53,410 provide support to stratcom missions . 1169 00:46:53,410 --> 00:46:56,090 Again , the potential consequence is an 1170 00:46:56,090 --> 00:46:59,900 increased risk of strategic deterrence 1171 00:46:59,900 --> 00:47:02,810 failure . Can you elaborate please on 1172 00:47:02,810 --> 00:47:04,699 what you mean about the threat to 1173 00:47:04,699 --> 00:47:07,220 continuity of government and the risk 1174 00:47:07,220 --> 00:47:10,290 of deterrence failure , Senator . Sure . 1175 00:47:10,300 --> 00:47:13,280 So one of my biggest challenges is 1176 00:47:13,280 --> 00:47:15,660 domain awareness and hypersonic and 1177 00:47:15,660 --> 00:47:17,800 cruise missiles significantly 1178 00:47:17,800 --> 00:47:19,840 challenged my ability to conduct my 1179 00:47:19,840 --> 00:47:21,784 Nora admission of providing threat 1180 00:47:21,784 --> 00:47:23,840 warning and attack assessment . What 1181 00:47:23,840 --> 00:47:26,790 you can't see and what you uh you can't 1182 00:47:26,790 --> 00:47:28,901 deter and you can't defend from . And 1183 00:47:28,901 --> 00:47:30,957 they will significantly challenge me 1184 00:47:30,957 --> 00:47:33,490 why I primarily do that is exactly for 1185 00:47:33,500 --> 00:47:35,980 to support continuity of government and 1186 00:47:35,980 --> 00:47:39,980 the Survivable of our nuclear posture . 1187 00:47:39,980 --> 00:47:42,300 Our nuclear forces as well . And when 1188 00:47:42,300 --> 00:47:44,530 you can't do that , then you have to 1189 00:47:44,530 --> 00:47:46,363 make some assumptions that those 1190 00:47:46,363 --> 00:47:48,474 threats might be nuclear threats that 1191 00:47:48,474 --> 00:47:50,697 that will be inbound and that increases 1192 00:47:50,697 --> 00:47:52,919 the risk of miscalculation and also the 1193 00:47:52,919 --> 00:47:55,086 risk of strategic deterrence failure . 1194 00:47:55,086 --> 00:47:57,252 So that's my number one priority is to 1195 00:47:57,252 --> 00:47:59,252 gain that domain awareness so I can 1196 00:47:59,252 --> 00:48:01,419 provide that threat warning and attack 1197 00:48:01,419 --> 00:48:03,530 assessment . I'm currently not tasked 1198 00:48:03,530 --> 00:48:05,641 to defend against hypersonic . I look 1199 00:48:05,641 --> 00:48:07,752 forward to seeing the missile defense 1200 00:48:07,752 --> 00:48:09,919 review . I am tasked to defend against 1201 00:48:09,919 --> 00:48:09,860 cruise missiles and that's a very tough 1202 00:48:09,860 --> 00:48:12,082 mission for me right now without domain 1203 00:48:12,082 --> 00:48:15,180 awareness . Thank you . You mentioned 1204 00:48:15,190 --> 00:48:18,490 NORAD , could you update us on our 1205 00:48:18,490 --> 00:48:20,546 partnership with the Canadians there 1206 00:48:20,546 --> 00:48:22,880 please . The Canadians are an 1207 00:48:22,880 --> 00:48:26,490 outstanding ally . Uh militarily I have 1208 00:48:26,500 --> 00:48:28,667 hundreds of them working for us at the 1209 00:48:28,667 --> 00:48:31,200 headquarters at NORAD . My combined 1210 00:48:31,200 --> 00:48:34,540 headquarters . I've met multiple times . 1211 00:48:34,540 --> 00:48:36,540 The Chief of the Defense Staff . My 1212 00:48:36,540 --> 00:48:38,762 boss on the NORAD sides coming to visit 1213 00:48:38,762 --> 00:48:40,873 me next week as well . Minister AnAnd 1214 00:48:40,873 --> 00:48:43,040 I've met with her in person as well in 1215 00:48:43,040 --> 00:48:46,540 Canada great great allies . Uh Canada 1216 00:48:46,550 --> 00:48:48,950 is in the decision making process to 1217 00:48:48,950 --> 00:48:51,110 support NORAD modernization . I look 1218 00:48:51,110 --> 00:48:53,166 forward to seeing where they go with 1219 00:48:53,166 --> 00:48:55,388 NORAD modernization . I think the world 1220 00:48:55,388 --> 00:48:57,570 uh requires us to think hard about 1221 00:48:57,570 --> 00:48:59,500 modernizing the forces to operate 1222 00:48:59,510 --> 00:49:01,621 across the entire A . O . R for NORAD 1223 00:49:01,621 --> 00:49:03,510 which includes the arctic and the 1224 00:49:03,510 --> 00:49:05,566 infrastructure and the communication 1225 00:49:05,566 --> 00:49:07,621 capabilities as well . And so I look 1226 00:49:07,621 --> 00:49:09,621 forward to seeing what they come up 1227 00:49:09,621 --> 00:49:12,180 with . Thank you . Um we we saw this 1228 00:49:12,180 --> 00:49:15,020 morning that North Korea did another 1229 00:49:15,020 --> 00:49:18,290 long range missile test to demonstrate 1230 00:49:18,290 --> 00:49:19,901 that their ballistic missile 1231 00:49:19,901 --> 00:49:22,068 capabilities continue to grow and that 1232 00:49:22,068 --> 00:49:24,520 the threat to the homeland I believe is 1233 00:49:24,520 --> 00:49:27,580 continuing to increase with this in 1234 00:49:27,580 --> 00:49:29,524 mind . Is that your view that next 1235 00:49:29,524 --> 00:49:31,802 generation interceptor , the N . G . I . 1236 00:49:31,802 --> 00:49:34,136 Needs to be fielded as soon as possible ? 1237 00:49:35,670 --> 00:49:37,837 Absolutely Senator . As soon as we can 1238 00:49:37,837 --> 00:49:39,948 get that here . I'm I'm confident the 1239 00:49:39,948 --> 00:49:42,114 contract mechanism rewards fielding it 1240 00:49:42,114 --> 00:49:44,337 faster and I'm glad it's on track right 1241 00:49:44,337 --> 00:49:47,940 now to be clear on this when you say 1242 00:49:47,940 --> 00:49:49,884 it's on track right now . So to be 1243 00:49:49,884 --> 00:49:52,650 clear on this , do you think delaying 1244 00:49:52,650 --> 00:49:54,261 the schedule or changing the 1245 00:49:54,261 --> 00:49:56,590 requirements would put us at a serious 1246 00:49:56,590 --> 00:49:59,470 risk of being unable to pace ballistic 1247 00:49:59,470 --> 00:50:01,380 missile threats to our homeland ? 1248 00:50:02,660 --> 00:50:04,827 Senator ? I am very concerned about my 1249 00:50:04,827 --> 00:50:07,170 ability to pace the capacity of 1250 00:50:07,170 --> 00:50:09,550 production that we assess and the 1251 00:50:09,550 --> 00:50:11,940 capability that we assess the North 1252 00:50:11,940 --> 00:50:14,430 Koreans continue to adapt to . That's 1253 00:50:14,430 --> 00:50:16,486 why the funding for the service life 1254 00:50:16,486 --> 00:50:18,374 extension program for the current 1255 00:50:18,374 --> 00:50:20,597 ballistic missile defense capability is 1256 00:50:20,597 --> 00:50:22,819 so crucial . Thank you for that funding 1257 00:50:22,819 --> 00:50:24,541 and that's why next generation 1258 00:50:24,541 --> 00:50:26,708 interceptor is crucial as well because 1259 00:50:26,708 --> 00:50:28,486 it will help both get after the 1260 00:50:28,486 --> 00:50:30,541 additional capacity problems and the 1261 00:50:30,541 --> 00:50:32,430 capability problems . Thank you . 1262 00:50:32,430 --> 00:50:34,597 General Richardson in the time we have 1263 00:50:34,597 --> 00:50:37,020 remaining . Can you talk about the role 1264 00:50:37,020 --> 00:50:39,300 that you see that china and Russia are 1265 00:50:39,300 --> 00:50:41,940 playing in your A . O . R . And 1266 00:50:41,950 --> 00:50:45,430 specifically how do we improve 1267 00:50:46,360 --> 00:50:49,100 the relations we have the quality of 1268 00:50:49,110 --> 00:50:51,800 our endgame engagements to better 1269 00:50:51,810 --> 00:50:54,960 compete . I know I know um we're 1270 00:50:54,960 --> 00:50:57,740 friends And their their clients viewed 1271 00:50:57,740 --> 00:51:00,060 as clients . Um but can you be more 1272 00:51:00,060 --> 00:51:02,500 specific on what needs to be done the 1273 00:51:02,500 --> 00:51:04,667 way I'm on the field , I don't need to 1274 00:51:04,667 --> 00:51:07,650 out outspend China to out compete them . 1275 00:51:07,650 --> 00:51:09,761 But I do need my security cooperation 1276 00:51:09,761 --> 00:51:12,110 funding that Triple three funding to do 1277 00:51:12,120 --> 00:51:14,950 security cooperation to help build uh 1278 00:51:14,960 --> 00:51:16,904 the capacity and capability within 1279 00:51:16,904 --> 00:51:18,904 those militaries and defense forces 1280 00:51:18,904 --> 00:51:21,220 which helps them secure their borders , 1281 00:51:21,220 --> 00:51:23,760 which helps them with internal security 1282 00:51:23,760 --> 00:51:25,740 in their country and then also be 1283 00:51:25,740 --> 00:51:28,170 exporters of training to other latin 1284 00:51:28,170 --> 00:51:29,892 american countries and then in 1285 00:51:29,892 --> 00:51:31,837 peacekeeping operations around the 1286 00:51:31,837 --> 00:51:34,260 world . To thank you . Thank you . Mr 1287 00:51:34,260 --> 00:51:36,538 Chairman , thank you . Senator Fischer . 1288 00:51:36,538 --> 00:51:40,320 Senator King , please thank you . Mr 1289 00:51:40,320 --> 00:51:43,880 Chairman with regard to north calm , 1290 00:51:43,890 --> 00:51:46,530 You calm and pay calm . My concern is 1291 00:51:46,530 --> 00:51:48,690 that in a moment of crisis is a 1292 00:51:48,690 --> 00:51:51,840 question of who's in charge . Are you 1293 00:51:51,840 --> 00:51:54,390 satisfied with the coordination level 1294 00:51:54,760 --> 00:51:56,920 between the three combatant commands 1295 00:51:56,920 --> 00:52:00,440 and the Canadians in case of a of a 1296 00:52:00,450 --> 00:52:03,790 some kind of a crisis in the in the 1297 00:52:03,790 --> 00:52:07,730 arctic Senator I'm comfortable with the 1298 00:52:07,730 --> 00:52:10,030 way the unified campaign plan is 1299 00:52:10,030 --> 00:52:12,870 currently laid out . We have 1300 00:52:12,880 --> 00:52:15,140 outstanding relationships with Canada 1301 00:52:15,140 --> 00:52:17,830 outstanding relationships with uh you 1302 00:52:17,830 --> 00:52:20,240 calm and into opaque . Um I do think we 1303 00:52:20,240 --> 00:52:22,980 need to look at based on threat changes 1304 00:52:23,350 --> 00:52:25,660 um how we would command and control 1305 00:52:25,670 --> 00:52:28,650 those capabilities . So for example the 1306 00:52:28,650 --> 00:52:30,840 threats to the homeland today do not 1307 00:52:30,850 --> 00:52:33,720 reside in my area of responsibility . 1308 00:52:33,720 --> 00:52:36,290 They are actually existing in other 1309 00:52:36,290 --> 00:52:38,290 areas of responsibility such as the 1310 00:52:38,290 --> 00:52:40,457 indo pak calm air of responsibility in 1311 00:52:40,457 --> 00:52:42,679 the Yukon area of responsibility . So I 1312 00:52:42,679 --> 00:52:44,679 do think there's potential gaps and 1313 00:52:44,679 --> 00:52:47,230 seams that we need to uh make sure that 1314 00:52:47,240 --> 00:52:50,370 we close those in a time of crisis and 1315 00:52:50,370 --> 00:52:52,830 conflict to ensure we don't have 1316 00:52:52,840 --> 00:52:55,110 challenges that were unaccounted for . 1317 00:52:55,120 --> 00:52:57,460 That's that's exactly my question and I 1318 00:52:57,460 --> 00:52:59,820 hope that there will be work actively 1319 00:52:59,820 --> 00:53:02,210 done to close those gaps and seams 1320 00:53:02,220 --> 00:53:04,387 because we don't want to be working on 1321 00:53:04,387 --> 00:53:06,387 that in the middle of a crisis . We 1322 00:53:06,387 --> 00:53:08,331 want to the structure to be on the 1323 00:53:08,331 --> 00:53:10,609 shelf ready to ready to operationalize . 1324 00:53:10,750 --> 00:53:12,890 Um Can the current missile defense 1325 00:53:12,900 --> 00:53:15,840 system that we have uh defend us 1326 00:53:15,840 --> 00:53:19,770 against ? Hypersonic uh Senator , 1327 00:53:19,770 --> 00:53:21,992 I'm not tasked to defend against them . 1328 00:53:21,992 --> 00:53:24,330 But no uh it can't because we don't 1329 00:53:24,330 --> 00:53:26,608 have the domain awareness at this time . 1330 00:53:26,608 --> 00:53:28,830 We don't have the domain awareness . We 1331 00:53:28,830 --> 00:53:31,108 also don't have the technology to deal . 1332 00:53:31,108 --> 00:53:32,830 So I think that's important to 1333 00:53:32,830 --> 00:53:34,774 understand that we do have missile 1334 00:53:34,774 --> 00:53:36,941 defense . It's important for ballistic 1335 00:53:36,941 --> 00:53:39,052 missiles but it will not suffice when 1336 00:53:39,052 --> 00:53:42,300 it comes to when it comes to hypersonic . 1337 00:53:45,150 --> 00:53:47,980 General Richardson , could you estimate 1338 00:53:47,980 --> 00:53:50,470 what percentage of worldwide I s our 1339 00:53:50,480 --> 00:53:54,480 resources we have to utilize in the in 1340 00:53:54,480 --> 00:53:58,130 the south com A . O . R . So senator I 1341 00:53:58,130 --> 00:54:00,790 give about 1% or a little bit less than 1342 00:54:00,790 --> 00:54:03,420 1% of the global ISR . I was gonna 1343 00:54:03,420 --> 00:54:05,642 that's what I was afraid you were gonna 1344 00:54:05,642 --> 00:54:09,070 say . And I frankly I'm just I just I 1345 00:54:09,080 --> 00:54:11,010 can't believe that because we're 1346 00:54:11,010 --> 00:54:14,160 talking America is under attack . The 1347 00:54:14,160 --> 00:54:16,271 principal attack on America right now 1348 00:54:16,271 --> 00:54:19,430 is is drugs 300 people a day . That's 1349 00:54:19,430 --> 00:54:22,430 almost that's that's 1911 every two 1350 00:54:22,430 --> 00:54:25,250 weeks to people of my state every day 1351 00:54:25,260 --> 00:54:28,980 are dying , are dying of overdoses . Uh 1352 00:54:28,980 --> 00:54:31,036 and yet we're treating it as if it's 1353 00:54:31,036 --> 00:54:33,202 some kind of domestic problem or a law 1354 00:54:33,202 --> 00:54:35,424 enforcement problem . This is an attack 1355 00:54:35,424 --> 00:54:37,700 and the fact that you have 1% of the IS 1356 00:54:37,700 --> 00:54:40,250 are to keep track of this of this 1357 00:54:40,250 --> 00:54:42,440 threat to me is is a gross 1358 00:54:42,440 --> 00:54:44,607 misallocation of resources . I realize 1359 00:54:44,607 --> 00:54:47,060 it's not your responsibility . But I 1360 00:54:47,060 --> 00:54:49,390 guess my next question is why in your 1361 00:54:49,390 --> 00:54:52,610 opinion are we so short of I . S . R . 1362 00:54:52,620 --> 00:54:55,220 If this is if we need it in a 1363 00:54:55,220 --> 00:54:57,276 particular area , why don't we build 1364 00:54:57,276 --> 00:54:59,220 more global hawks ? I I just don't 1365 00:54:59,220 --> 00:55:01,276 understand why this is not something 1366 00:55:01,276 --> 00:55:03,553 that we can't budget for and deal with . 1367 00:55:03,553 --> 00:55:06,030 So Senator I and all my fellow 1368 00:55:06,030 --> 00:55:08,141 combatant commanders will will always 1369 00:55:08,141 --> 00:55:10,210 say that we don't have enough to see 1370 00:55:10,210 --> 00:55:12,543 and be able to see the threats in our A . 1371 00:55:12,543 --> 00:55:14,377 O . R . Well the budget ought to 1372 00:55:14,377 --> 00:55:16,599 reflect that fact so that we could fill 1373 00:55:16,599 --> 00:55:18,488 that gap . I mean that's a pretty 1374 00:55:18,488 --> 00:55:20,543 straightforward sort of mathematical 1375 00:55:20,543 --> 00:55:22,730 question . Well , and I certainly 1376 00:55:22,730 --> 00:55:25,140 appreciate Congress . Uh , always gives 1377 00:55:25,140 --> 00:55:27,550 me a little extra funding for I . S . R . 1378 00:55:27,550 --> 00:55:30,880 And so we have some contracted operated 1379 00:55:30,880 --> 00:55:34,460 contractor owned um assets and uh , 1380 00:55:34,640 --> 00:55:36,751 for airplanes that actually helped me 1381 00:55:36,751 --> 00:55:38,862 with . I . S . Are in the region . Be 1382 00:55:38,862 --> 00:55:41,670 able to look for threats and look for 1383 00:55:41,680 --> 00:55:43,990 counter narcotics illicit trafficking . 1384 00:55:44,000 --> 00:55:46,056 Let me ask . Let me ask you the same 1385 00:55:46,056 --> 00:55:48,167 question . Today's General Van Herk . 1386 00:55:48,167 --> 00:55:50,580 And that is uh , one of my principles 1387 00:55:50,580 --> 00:55:52,780 of management is that you always want 1388 00:55:52,780 --> 00:55:55,690 to have one throat to choke who's in 1389 00:55:55,690 --> 00:55:59,070 charge of the anti drug activities 1390 00:56:00,230 --> 00:56:04,200 in in your in latin America who's in 1391 00:56:04,200 --> 00:56:06,550 charge . So senator , I am in charge 1392 00:56:06,550 --> 00:56:09,320 for detection and monitoring and that 1393 00:56:09,320 --> 00:56:11,980 is to get actionable information about 1394 00:56:11,980 --> 00:56:14,270 illicit drug trafficking either by air 1395 00:56:14,270 --> 00:56:16,160 or maritime . Who's in charge of 1396 00:56:16,160 --> 00:56:18,490 interdiction and for interdiction . 1397 00:56:18,490 --> 00:56:21,350 That would be D . H . S . And our law 1398 00:56:21,350 --> 00:56:23,940 enforcement agencies . But there's no 1399 00:56:23,950 --> 00:56:25,860 one individual who can be held 1400 00:56:25,860 --> 00:56:28,660 responsible for the for the overall 1401 00:56:29,200 --> 00:56:31,440 dealing with this issue . Is that 1402 00:56:31,440 --> 00:56:33,960 correct ? I would say that that would 1403 00:56:33,960 --> 00:56:36,127 be our Department of Homeland Security 1404 00:56:36,127 --> 00:56:38,110 Senator . Well , I think that's 1405 00:56:38,110 --> 00:56:39,999 something we have to , we have to 1406 00:56:39,999 --> 00:56:42,110 strengthen and clarify . Uh , I'm not 1407 00:56:42,110 --> 00:56:44,054 going to pursue this , but for the 1408 00:56:44,054 --> 00:56:46,277 record , I would hope you would give us 1409 00:56:46,277 --> 00:56:48,166 more detail on what you mentioned 1410 00:56:48,166 --> 00:56:50,110 earlier about the Panama canal and 1411 00:56:50,110 --> 00:56:52,221 chinese activity understand at either 1412 00:56:52,221 --> 00:56:54,388 end of the Panama Canal as well as the 1413 00:56:54,388 --> 00:56:56,554 straits of Magellan . I think that's a 1414 00:56:56,554 --> 00:56:58,721 very , very serious matter , and would 1415 00:56:58,721 --> 00:57:00,943 like to have more details . Thank you . 1416 00:57:00,943 --> 00:57:00,220 Thank you . Mr chairman .