1 00:00:00,040 --> 00:00:02,262 Thank you . Senator King Senator Cotton 2 00:00:02,262 --> 00:00:04,373 please General Richardson , I'll give 3 00:00:04,373 --> 00:00:04,350 you a chance to talk a little bit more 4 00:00:04,350 --> 00:00:06,572 detail about the Panama Canal because I 5 00:00:06,572 --> 00:00:10,440 was troubled by um the brief 6 00:00:10,440 --> 00:00:12,551 comments you had to Senator Inhofe of 7 00:00:12,551 --> 00:00:14,607 all the things you've described that 8 00:00:14,607 --> 00:00:16,662 china china is doing in your area of 9 00:00:16,662 --> 00:00:18,829 responsibility . I think the strategic 10 00:00:18,829 --> 00:00:20,884 investments is made along the Panama 11 00:00:20,884 --> 00:00:22,950 Canal is most striking . I know that 12 00:00:22,950 --> 00:00:26,190 this is primarily a State Department 13 00:00:26,200 --> 00:00:28,380 and Treasury matter . But can you tell 14 00:00:28,380 --> 00:00:30,602 us a little bit more about what's going 15 00:00:30,602 --> 00:00:32,713 on around the canal and how south com 16 00:00:32,713 --> 00:00:34,880 plays into the inter agency efforts to 17 00:00:34,880 --> 00:00:37,047 counter the threat and what else you'd 18 00:00:37,047 --> 00:00:39,269 like to see from the U . S . Government 19 00:00:39,269 --> 00:00:41,047 to do so . Um Thank you for the 20 00:00:41,047 --> 00:00:42,936 question Senator . We worked very 21 00:00:42,936 --> 00:00:45,047 closely with with Panama . Um and our 22 00:00:45,047 --> 00:00:48,200 Corps of Engineers just was able to 23 00:00:48,210 --> 00:00:51,940 uh negotiate a water tender contract 24 00:00:51,940 --> 00:00:54,450 with um with Panama , which I think is 25 00:00:54,450 --> 00:00:56,930 huge because it's been 15 years in the 26 00:00:56,930 --> 00:00:59,470 making . And so we have a lot of ground 27 00:00:59,470 --> 00:01:02,390 to make up with with Panama . But in 28 00:01:02,390 --> 00:01:05,360 terms of the investment um china and 29 00:01:05,370 --> 00:01:07,370 the strategic investments that they 30 00:01:07,370 --> 00:01:09,770 make . Uh , you know , just like the 31 00:01:09,770 --> 00:01:12,710 Panama Canal when you enter and exit 32 00:01:12,710 --> 00:01:15,120 and on either side you have chinese 33 00:01:15,120 --> 00:01:17,370 state owned enterprises . And what I 34 00:01:17,370 --> 00:01:19,420 worry about Chinese state owned 35 00:01:19,420 --> 00:01:22,930 enterprises that have capability and 36 00:01:22,930 --> 00:01:24,986 infrastructure there is that they're 37 00:01:24,986 --> 00:01:27,580 used . They can be used for dual use , 38 00:01:27,590 --> 00:01:30,050 which means civilian but also military . 39 00:01:30,440 --> 00:01:32,720 And quite honestly , if you just look 40 00:01:32,720 --> 00:01:35,250 at where the pork projects are . 29 41 00:01:35,250 --> 00:01:38,660 pork projects in the o . r . uh , in 17 42 00:01:38,660 --> 00:01:40,660 countries . I mean , these are very 43 00:01:40,660 --> 00:01:42,938 methodically thought out in my opinion . 44 00:01:42,938 --> 00:01:44,993 And again , I worry about the access 45 00:01:44,993 --> 00:01:47,160 that they get in there under the guise 46 00:01:47,160 --> 00:01:49,327 of infrastructure and and looking like 47 00:01:49,327 --> 00:01:51,493 they're helping economies when they're 48 00:01:51,493 --> 00:01:53,493 really not as well as the resources 49 00:01:53,493 --> 00:01:55,660 that are in this A . O . R . It's just 50 00:01:55,660 --> 00:01:57,882 off the charts . I've got 66 60% of the 51 00:01:57,882 --> 00:02:00,216 world's lithium in the lithium triangle , 52 00:02:00,216 --> 00:02:02,438 in south , in south America . That's in 53 00:02:02,540 --> 00:02:05,850 Argentina Bolivia and chile . Um , 54 00:02:05,860 --> 00:02:07,690 you've got 31% of the world's 55 00:02:07,690 --> 00:02:10,470 freshwater . You have the Amazon , you 56 00:02:10,470 --> 00:02:13,100 have the , the oil reserves in 57 00:02:13,100 --> 00:02:15,267 Venezuela , the light sweet crude that 58 00:02:15,267 --> 00:02:17,600 was discovered off the shores of Guyana . 59 00:02:17,940 --> 00:02:19,996 There are a lot of resources in this 60 00:02:19,996 --> 00:02:22,200 region . Uh , and again , I go back to 61 00:02:22,200 --> 00:02:24,440 the , it's not an investment by our 62 00:02:24,440 --> 00:02:26,384 competitors . It's , it's there to 63 00:02:26,384 --> 00:02:28,560 extract in some way , shape or form . 64 00:02:29,240 --> 00:02:31,518 What do you think china is up to their , 65 00:02:31,518 --> 00:02:33,820 um , and all those investments around 66 00:02:33,820 --> 00:02:37,450 the canal . Is it more about advancing 67 00:02:37,450 --> 00:02:41,390 their own interests or holding at risk 68 00:02:41,390 --> 00:02:43,830 and threatening hours ? I think it's 69 00:02:43,830 --> 00:02:47,350 both . Um , 70 00:02:47,940 --> 00:02:49,996 I mean , we depend on the canal more 71 00:02:49,996 --> 00:02:52,020 because of our geography than does 72 00:02:52,030 --> 00:02:55,830 china . Right ? I would say 73 00:02:55,830 --> 00:02:58,640 that the , I would say yes . Um , but 74 00:02:58,640 --> 00:03:00,807 the Panama canal as well as the strait 75 00:03:00,807 --> 00:03:03,290 of Magellan uh , in my a , oh , are 76 00:03:03,290 --> 00:03:05,401 those two very strategic global lines 77 00:03:05,401 --> 00:03:09,330 of communication must remain open . I 78 00:03:09,330 --> 00:03:12,280 mean it should we ever have a conflict 79 00:03:12,460 --> 00:03:15,110 with china ? The decisive effort would 80 00:03:15,110 --> 00:03:17,221 be somewhere in the western pacific . 81 00:03:17,690 --> 00:03:21,350 I'm not in the caribbean basin or the 82 00:03:21,350 --> 00:03:24,160 eastern pacific and it's the very 83 00:03:24,160 --> 00:03:26,480 essence of strategy to try to force 84 00:03:26,480 --> 00:03:28,730 your adversary to defend what he has no 85 00:03:28,730 --> 00:03:32,050 choice but to defend far removed from 86 00:03:32,600 --> 00:03:35,440 the theater of decision . That's one 87 00:03:35,440 --> 00:03:37,329 reason I'm so worried about these 88 00:03:37,329 --> 00:03:39,551 investments around the canal . You know 89 00:03:39,551 --> 00:03:41,607 the Panama canal treaty was actually 90 00:03:41,607 --> 00:03:41,340 two treaties . One of them was the 91 00:03:41,340 --> 00:03:43,490 neutrality treaty we retained under 92 00:03:43,490 --> 00:03:45,350 that neutrality treaty . Uh The 93 00:03:45,350 --> 00:03:47,790 uncontested right to ensure the neutral 94 00:03:47,790 --> 00:03:49,734 operation of the canal , correct ? 95 00:03:50,240 --> 00:03:53,190 That's correct . Senator . Um One other 96 00:03:53,190 --> 00:03:55,170 area I wanted to discuss was 97 00:03:55,170 --> 00:03:57,281 agriculture . I know this is somewhat 98 00:03:57,281 --> 00:03:59,003 removed from the Department of 99 00:03:59,003 --> 00:04:01,226 Defense's lane but as we heard you have 100 00:04:01,226 --> 00:04:01,010 no assigned forces . A lot of what you 101 00:04:01,010 --> 00:04:03,910 do is with inter agency partners and 102 00:04:03,910 --> 00:04:07,160 looking at uh non military non 103 00:04:07,160 --> 00:04:09,690 traditional ways to cooperate . Um 104 00:04:09,700 --> 00:04:11,430 Sometimes people overlook the 105 00:04:11,430 --> 00:04:13,430 importance of agriculture . I don't 106 00:04:13,430 --> 00:04:15,319 think china overlooks it . If you 107 00:04:15,319 --> 00:04:17,319 consider their investments in south 108 00:04:17,319 --> 00:04:19,541 America especially targeting crops like 109 00:04:19,541 --> 00:04:21,541 soybeans . Um I think this economic 110 00:04:21,541 --> 00:04:23,319 investment seems to be aimed at 111 00:04:23,319 --> 00:04:25,430 creating alternative markets for them 112 00:04:25,430 --> 00:04:27,374 to buy as well as to crowd out our 113 00:04:27,374 --> 00:04:29,263 exports fortunately for us brazil 114 00:04:29,263 --> 00:04:32,190 soybean crop uh didn't compare so well . 115 00:04:32,190 --> 00:04:34,357 Two hours especially in Arkansas . Can 116 00:04:34,357 --> 00:04:36,412 you give me your thoughts on how you 117 00:04:36,412 --> 00:04:38,634 can work with agencies like a . I . D . 118 00:04:38,634 --> 00:04:41,100 And the trade representative um to 119 00:04:41,110 --> 00:04:44,150 dissuade countries in your area of 120 00:04:44,150 --> 00:04:46,372 responsibility from continuing down the 121 00:04:46,372 --> 00:04:48,620 path of further economic entanglement 122 00:04:48,630 --> 00:04:51,160 with china and the agriculture domain . 123 00:04:51,840 --> 00:04:54,300 So senator we work very closely as I 124 00:04:54,300 --> 00:04:57,030 mentioned before regarding the folks 125 00:04:57,030 --> 00:04:59,141 that we have that work in the Western 126 00:04:59,141 --> 00:05:01,086 Hemisphere . And so we have a very 127 00:05:01,086 --> 00:05:03,363 close working relationship with with U . 128 00:05:03,363 --> 00:05:05,252 S . A . I . D . And I've met with 129 00:05:05,252 --> 00:05:07,770 director powers previously and then she 130 00:05:07,770 --> 00:05:10,990 travels the region as well . But uh uh 131 00:05:11,000 --> 00:05:13,167 none of us have the resources . And so 132 00:05:13,167 --> 00:05:14,944 I think that that helps us work 133 00:05:14,944 --> 00:05:17,000 together more collab collaboratively 134 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:19,890 across all of the inter agency and work 135 00:05:19,890 --> 00:05:22,700 so close together to uh to figure out 136 00:05:22,700 --> 00:05:25,220 how we can invest in this region . But 137 00:05:25,220 --> 00:05:27,331 I'd also like to highlight that china 138 00:05:27,331 --> 00:05:30,180 gets 36% of its food source from uh 139 00:05:30,190 --> 00:05:32,630 from this A . O . R . As well . Uh And 140 00:05:32,630 --> 00:05:35,770 so uh the O . R . Just has a lot of 141 00:05:35,770 --> 00:05:38,420 resources that are being eyed by by our 142 00:05:38,420 --> 00:05:40,642 competitors . Yeah they are and I think 143 00:05:40,642 --> 00:05:42,864 this is going to be a matter of growing 144 00:05:42,864 --> 00:05:44,976 importance this year given the war in 145 00:05:44,976 --> 00:05:47,520 Ukraine and how much grain Ukraine and 146 00:05:47,520 --> 00:05:49,742 Russia provide to the rest of the world 147 00:05:49,770 --> 00:05:51,992 as well as how many inputs they provide 148 00:05:51,992 --> 00:05:55,010 into fertilizer or other agricultural 149 00:05:55,010 --> 00:05:57,350 inputs . Not only in increasing prices 150 00:05:57,350 --> 00:05:59,600 on our grocery shelves here in America 151 00:05:59,610 --> 00:06:02,630 but also um threats to stability 152 00:06:02,640 --> 00:06:06,070 uh in your region and in Africa and the 153 00:06:06,070 --> 00:06:08,237 Middle East in places that have pretty 154 00:06:08,237 --> 00:06:10,292 fragile governments and very limited 155 00:06:10,292 --> 00:06:12,920 food supplies . Thank you . Thanks tom 156 00:06:12,920 --> 00:06:15,087 Cotton . Senator Blumenthal , please . 157 00:06:15,110 --> 00:06:17,720 Thanks Mr Chairman , thank you both for 158 00:06:17,720 --> 00:06:19,887 your service . Thanks for being here . 159 00:06:19,887 --> 00:06:22,920 Today . This morning , President biden 160 00:06:22,920 --> 00:06:25,031 announced that the United States will 161 00:06:25,031 --> 00:06:29,000 welcome 100,000 Ukrainian refugees 162 00:06:29,000 --> 00:06:32,400 who were fleeing and absolutely 163 00:06:35,040 --> 00:06:37,390 intolerable situation in Ukraine . I 164 00:06:37,400 --> 00:06:41,120 recently visited the border of Ukraine 165 00:06:41,120 --> 00:06:44,030 and Poland with a number of colleagues 166 00:06:44,030 --> 00:06:48,020 bipartisan trip and saw the women and 167 00:06:48,020 --> 00:06:50,076 Children . They are almost all women 168 00:06:50,076 --> 00:06:52,970 and Children fleeing the horror and 169 00:06:52,970 --> 00:06:56,720 terror that Putin has 170 00:06:56,720 --> 00:07:00,130 caused to their country . And they'll 171 00:07:00,130 --> 00:07:02,220 come here through a variety of legal 172 00:07:02,220 --> 00:07:05,350 pathways and likely follow the same 173 00:07:06,140 --> 00:07:09,420 general program as the Afghan 174 00:07:09,420 --> 00:07:12,740 refugees . Did . I continue to call on 175 00:07:12,740 --> 00:07:14,796 the administration to enable more of 176 00:07:14,796 --> 00:07:18,700 our at risk afghan allies to escape 177 00:07:18,700 --> 00:07:21,180 the Taliban . They have targets on 178 00:07:21,180 --> 00:07:24,160 their backs . They helped americans . 179 00:07:24,640 --> 00:07:27,700 Our troops are diplomats while we were 180 00:07:27,700 --> 00:07:31,400 there and they are under 181 00:07:31,410 --> 00:07:34,370 dire threat from the Taliban . But I 182 00:07:34,370 --> 00:07:36,314 also applaud the president for his 183 00:07:36,314 --> 00:07:38,590 effort to welcome Ukrainians in the 184 00:07:38,590 --> 00:07:40,750 United States . And there's much more 185 00:07:41,240 --> 00:07:44,960 To be done . The 3.5 million refugees 186 00:07:45,340 --> 00:07:48,440 who have already fled Ukraine and the 187 00:07:48,440 --> 00:07:51,260 10 million more internally displaced 188 00:07:51,940 --> 00:07:55,450 have added to an already burgeoning 189 00:07:56,240 --> 00:07:59,610 refugee and humanitarian crisis around 190 00:07:59,610 --> 00:08:03,490 the globe , Located last year , 191 00:08:03,500 --> 00:08:07,450 26 million refugees , 192 00:08:07,450 --> 00:08:11,030 26 million refugees were displaced from 193 00:08:11,040 --> 00:08:14,980 areas as diverse as Syria Venezuela 194 00:08:14,990 --> 00:08:17,560 Afghanistan , South , Sudan 195 00:08:18,240 --> 00:08:21,760 Myanmar and other countries and 196 00:08:22,240 --> 00:08:25,850 these refugees represent a threat 197 00:08:26,540 --> 00:08:29,950 as well as an opportunity literally an 198 00:08:29,950 --> 00:08:33,580 opportunity because they have a great 199 00:08:33,580 --> 00:08:36,910 deal of talent and skills and potential 200 00:08:36,910 --> 00:08:39,440 for contributing to the countries that 201 00:08:39,450 --> 00:08:43,450 they maybe moving to . But also a 202 00:08:43,450 --> 00:08:47,270 threat insofar as the 203 00:08:47,270 --> 00:08:50,260 failure to aid them will lead to 204 00:08:50,940 --> 00:08:54,400 potential terrorism and other adverse 205 00:08:54,400 --> 00:08:56,630 activity . I've seen the tremendous 206 00:08:56,630 --> 00:08:58,960 support that North com provided to 207 00:08:58,960 --> 00:09:01,540 Operation Allies welcome over the last 208 00:09:01,540 --> 00:09:04,560 year and finding capacity on US bases 209 00:09:04,560 --> 00:09:08,300 and efficiently housing and processing 210 00:09:08,300 --> 00:09:11,250 afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban . 211 00:09:11,840 --> 00:09:15,800 And I hope that North com will play 212 00:09:15,800 --> 00:09:19,650 a role as well in welcoming and 213 00:09:19,650 --> 00:09:22,930 resettling the Ukrainian refugees . 214 00:09:22,940 --> 00:09:25,570 General Van Herk . Have you been given 215 00:09:25,580 --> 00:09:28,090 instructions on the role for North com 216 00:09:29,440 --> 00:09:31,900 with respect to Ukrainian refugees ? 217 00:09:33,330 --> 00:09:35,497 Senator , I'm aware of the President's 218 00:09:35,497 --> 00:09:37,719 announcement . I do not have any direct 219 00:09:37,719 --> 00:09:39,830 mission tasked to plan for that yet . 220 00:09:39,830 --> 00:09:41,870 Uh as we did with Operation Allies 221 00:09:41,870 --> 00:09:44,092 Welcome . We stand ready if directed by 222 00:09:44,092 --> 00:09:46,203 the Secretary of Defense to do that . 223 00:09:46,203 --> 00:09:48,092 It was an honor to support nearly 224 00:09:48,092 --> 00:09:50,510 74,000 afghans as we process them 225 00:09:50,520 --> 00:09:52,798 through eight installations from D . O . 226 00:09:52,798 --> 00:09:55,790 D . And so once if if directed will 227 00:09:55,790 --> 00:09:59,580 move out . Senator , are there 228 00:09:59,580 --> 00:10:02,260 lessons that we should learn from the O 229 00:10:02,260 --> 00:10:04,350 A . W . Experience with the afghan 230 00:10:04,840 --> 00:10:07,720 refugee . There are absolutely lessons 231 00:10:07,720 --> 00:10:10,440 that we've incorporated uh that we 232 00:10:10,450 --> 00:10:12,506 learned during Allies welcome . That 233 00:10:12,506 --> 00:10:14,450 that I'm sure would make us better 234 00:10:14,450 --> 00:10:16,506 prepared if we had to stand up to do 235 00:10:16,506 --> 00:10:18,450 this mission again , what kinds of 236 00:10:18,450 --> 00:10:21,510 lessons , inter agency coordination , 237 00:10:21,510 --> 00:10:24,600 lessons to make more efficient use of 238 00:10:24,600 --> 00:10:27,330 data and information , the the ability 239 00:10:27,330 --> 00:10:30,980 to track uh categorize uh 240 00:10:30,990 --> 00:10:33,101 whether it be medical , whether it be 241 00:10:33,101 --> 00:10:34,990 security screening , all of these 242 00:10:34,990 --> 00:10:37,212 things were worked closely and we're in 243 00:10:37,212 --> 00:10:39,379 a much better place today than we were 244 00:10:39,379 --> 00:10:41,546 when we started last july Well , I was 245 00:10:41,546 --> 00:10:44,180 tremendously impressed when I visited 246 00:10:44,320 --> 00:10:47,980 Quantico , which is only one of those 247 00:10:47,990 --> 00:10:51,890 a with the enthusiasm and 248 00:10:51,890 --> 00:10:54,890 dedication of the marines who were 249 00:10:54,890 --> 00:10:58,460 involved at Quantico in welcoming and 250 00:10:59,140 --> 00:11:02,860 aiding the refugees there . Most of 251 00:11:02,860 --> 00:11:04,670 them had never served in either 252 00:11:04,670 --> 00:11:07,880 Afghanistan or Iraq for them . This was 253 00:11:07,880 --> 00:11:10,830 their deployment , so to speak . And 254 00:11:10,840 --> 00:11:14,550 they love doing it . And 255 00:11:14,690 --> 00:11:16,850 they provided a real american welcome 256 00:11:16,860 --> 00:11:20,700 to these new americans . And I think 257 00:11:20,700 --> 00:11:22,930 that we can all be proud of the work 258 00:11:22,930 --> 00:11:25,860 that was done by our military at those 259 00:11:25,860 --> 00:11:29,340 bases . In providing that first 260 00:11:29,350 --> 00:11:31,900 american experience too , the Afghan 261 00:11:31,900 --> 00:11:34,067 refugees . And I hope the same is done 262 00:11:34,067 --> 00:11:36,067 with respect to Ukrainian refugee . 263 00:11:36,340 --> 00:11:38,710 Thank you . Thank you . Senator 264 00:11:38,710 --> 00:11:42,630 Blumenthal Senator rounds please thank 265 00:11:42,630 --> 00:11:44,519 you mr Chairman , let me begin by 266 00:11:44,519 --> 00:11:46,630 thanking both of you for your service 267 00:11:46,630 --> 00:11:49,140 to our country . I'd like to begin with 268 00:11:49,150 --> 00:11:53,050 General Van Herk with regards to 269 00:11:53,540 --> 00:11:57,220 your mission and your role in keeping 270 00:11:57,220 --> 00:11:59,690 our country safe . Could you share with 271 00:11:59,690 --> 00:12:02,540 us what the activities that our 272 00:12:02,540 --> 00:12:04,762 southern border and the challenges that 273 00:12:04,762 --> 00:12:06,818 we face on our southern border right 274 00:12:06,818 --> 00:12:09,770 now with regard to transnational 275 00:12:10,030 --> 00:12:13,310 criminal organizations , violent 276 00:12:13,310 --> 00:12:15,366 extremist organizations and so forth 277 00:12:15,366 --> 00:12:18,580 and the the the the porousness of that 278 00:12:18,590 --> 00:12:20,701 that border right now . Can you share 279 00:12:20,701 --> 00:12:22,910 with us what the impact is that that 280 00:12:22,920 --> 00:12:25,270 might have on your responsibilities ? 281 00:12:25,270 --> 00:12:29,140 Enroll Sen . Currently I'm in direct 282 00:12:29,140 --> 00:12:31,251 support of the Department of Homeland 283 00:12:31,251 --> 00:12:34,740 Security providing about 20 450 Uh 284 00:12:34,750 --> 00:12:37,360 National Guards troops on title 10 285 00:12:37,360 --> 00:12:39,360 status . What what they're doing is 286 00:12:39,360 --> 00:12:41,590 detection and monitoring Intel analysis 287 00:12:42,220 --> 00:12:44,950 and aviation support . Um 288 00:12:45,340 --> 00:12:48,330 we're really treating the symptoms , 289 00:12:48,340 --> 00:12:51,120 you know , counternarcotics migration , 290 00:12:51,130 --> 00:12:53,074 human trafficking . Those kinds of 291 00:12:53,074 --> 00:12:55,074 things are symptoms in my mind of a 292 00:12:55,074 --> 00:12:56,574 broader problem and that's 293 00:12:56,574 --> 00:12:58,630 transnational criminal organizations 294 00:12:58,630 --> 00:13:00,519 who created an environment is not 295 00:13:00,519 --> 00:13:02,408 conducive to raising a family for 296 00:13:02,408 --> 00:13:04,241 economic success and we see that 297 00:13:04,241 --> 00:13:06,574 happening right on our border in Mexico , 298 00:13:06,574 --> 00:13:08,574 my concern with that senator is the 299 00:13:08,574 --> 00:13:10,186 instability that creates the 300 00:13:10,186 --> 00:13:12,352 opportunity it creates for actors such 301 00:13:12,352 --> 00:13:14,560 as china Russia and others who might 302 00:13:14,560 --> 00:13:16,782 have nefarious activities on their mind 303 00:13:16,930 --> 00:13:19,152 to seek access and influence in our A . 304 00:13:19,152 --> 00:13:20,986 O . R . From a national security 305 00:13:20,986 --> 00:13:23,041 perspective , do you see evidence of 306 00:13:23,041 --> 00:13:25,940 that at this time ? There are actors 307 00:13:25,940 --> 00:13:28,107 who are very aggressive and active all 308 00:13:28,107 --> 00:13:30,273 across the north Camilo are to include 309 00:13:30,273 --> 00:13:32,590 in the Bahamas in Mexico china and 310 00:13:32,590 --> 00:13:34,950 Russia . I would point out that the 311 00:13:34,960 --> 00:13:37,390 largest portion of the G . R . U . 312 00:13:37,390 --> 00:13:40,810 Members in the world is in Mexico right 313 00:13:40,810 --> 00:13:42,866 now . Those are Russian intelligence 314 00:13:42,866 --> 00:13:45,320 personnel and they keep an eye very 315 00:13:45,320 --> 00:13:48,060 closely on their opportunities to have 316 00:13:48,070 --> 00:13:51,120 influence on us opportunities and 317 00:13:51,120 --> 00:13:53,770 access . General Richardson this is 318 00:13:53,770 --> 00:13:57,480 your A . O . R . Would you concur with 319 00:13:57,480 --> 00:14:00,150 the general's assessment ? Yes senator . 320 00:14:00,940 --> 00:14:03,270 Does that impact your ability to do 321 00:14:03,280 --> 00:14:05,830 your role or how does that impact your 322 00:14:05,830 --> 00:14:08,660 ability to Fellow or 2 to complete your 323 00:14:08,660 --> 00:14:12,050 assignments there ? So uh we work very 324 00:14:12,050 --> 00:14:14,272 closely with our partner nations and as 325 00:14:14,272 --> 00:14:16,383 um and as I've said how important the 326 00:14:16,383 --> 00:14:18,494 lever is for security cooperation for 327 00:14:18,500 --> 00:14:20,389 us to be on the field to have our 328 00:14:20,389 --> 00:14:23,870 Jersey on have our number uh and work 329 00:14:23,880 --> 00:14:26,158 shoulder to shoulder with our partners . 330 00:14:26,158 --> 00:14:28,960 They really want to work with us and uh 331 00:14:28,960 --> 00:14:31,440 and everything that all the levers that 332 00:14:31,440 --> 00:14:34,370 I have that uh you all provide and that 333 00:14:34,370 --> 00:14:36,426 I get from the Department of Defense 334 00:14:36,426 --> 00:14:39,310 Department of State um go into action a 335 00:14:39,310 --> 00:14:41,477 little goes a long way in this A . O . 336 00:14:41,477 --> 00:14:43,588 R . Again I don't need to out compete 337 00:14:43,588 --> 00:14:47,220 my competitors . Um but the or outspend 338 00:14:47,220 --> 00:14:49,560 them to out compete them but we do have 339 00:14:49,560 --> 00:14:51,504 to be present and we do have to be 340 00:14:51,504 --> 00:14:54,750 there with them today . We fight war or 341 00:14:54,750 --> 00:14:56,861 at least we have to be able to defend 342 00:14:56,861 --> 00:14:58,917 against war that comes from multiple 343 00:14:58,917 --> 00:15:01,320 domains , air , land and sea , space 344 00:15:01,580 --> 00:15:04,740 and cyberspace . I understand that that 345 00:15:04,740 --> 00:15:07,080 right now with regard to cyber 346 00:15:07,090 --> 00:15:09,200 capabilities there's a limit to the 347 00:15:09,200 --> 00:15:10,950 number that we have . General 348 00:15:10,950 --> 00:15:13,006 Richardson can you share with us the 349 00:15:13,006 --> 00:15:15,190 challenges you face in terms of being 350 00:15:15,190 --> 00:15:18,280 able to meet your responsibilities with 351 00:15:18,280 --> 00:15:20,520 the limited cyber capabilities or cyber 352 00:15:20,530 --> 00:15:23,060 cyber defense capabilities that we have . 353 00:15:24,140 --> 00:15:26,750 So the way we do our best in terms of 354 00:15:26,750 --> 00:15:28,810 the small teams , the subject matter 355 00:15:28,810 --> 00:15:31,160 exchanges , subject subject matter 356 00:15:31,160 --> 00:15:33,370 expert exchanges that we do with our 357 00:15:33,370 --> 00:15:36,130 partner nations will go with like a 358 00:15:36,130 --> 00:15:38,500 cyber assessment team to help with the 359 00:15:38,500 --> 00:15:40,667 an assessment of their network . Maybe 360 00:15:40,667 --> 00:15:42,660 a 13 man team that works with the 361 00:15:42,660 --> 00:15:45,600 partner nation . Uh We work over the 362 00:15:45,600 --> 00:15:48,790 shoulder . We uh we cannot uh we can 363 00:15:48,790 --> 00:15:51,350 provide direction and uh subject matter 364 00:15:51,350 --> 00:15:53,320 expertise but we can't get on the 365 00:15:53,320 --> 00:15:56,220 keyboards with them and and uh and go 366 00:15:56,220 --> 00:15:58,387 to work with them . Let me ask this in 367 00:15:58,387 --> 00:16:02,270 a different way if if it in order to do 368 00:16:02,270 --> 00:16:06,140 your mission , are you able to receive 369 00:16:06,150 --> 00:16:09,980 the number and types of cyber 370 00:16:09,980 --> 00:16:13,480 mission teams that you request ? Um 371 00:16:13,480 --> 00:16:15,369 We're able to do that through our 372 00:16:15,369 --> 00:16:17,202 National Guard State partnership 373 00:16:17,202 --> 00:16:19,313 program . Cyber com does not have the 374 00:16:19,313 --> 00:16:21,460 the full capacity and capability to 375 00:16:21,460 --> 00:16:23,920 support all the combatant commands and 376 00:16:23,920 --> 00:16:26,420 I'm not a priority A . O . R . Uh And 377 00:16:26,420 --> 00:16:28,680 uh as we see the EUCOM and end up a . 378 00:16:28,680 --> 00:16:30,520 Com are the right now the two 379 00:16:30,520 --> 00:16:33,330 priorities and so demand exceeds supply 380 00:16:33,330 --> 00:16:36,460 then that's correct . Thank you . Um 381 00:16:36,940 --> 00:16:40,720 General Van Herk with regards to all 382 00:16:40,720 --> 00:16:43,330 domain awareness . Can you very briefly 383 00:16:43,340 --> 00:16:45,770 describe to us just how critical cyber 384 00:16:45,770 --> 00:16:47,937 is and the challenges that you face in 385 00:16:47,937 --> 00:16:50,048 getting the resources that you need . 386 00:16:51,040 --> 00:16:52,980 Senator cyber domain awareness is 387 00:16:52,980 --> 00:16:55,100 absolutely critical The vast majority 388 00:16:55,100 --> 00:16:57,211 of the key critical infrastructure in 389 00:16:57,211 --> 00:16:59,433 the United States of America and Canada 390 00:16:59,433 --> 00:17:01,544 for that matter exists in the private 391 00:17:01,544 --> 00:17:03,656 sector . Today . I'm very comfortable 392 00:17:03,656 --> 00:17:05,822 where we are with general macaroni and 393 00:17:05,822 --> 00:17:07,600 his team's on the dalton of the 394 00:17:07,600 --> 00:17:09,670 Department of Defense infrastructure 395 00:17:09,940 --> 00:17:12,107 cisa with other federal networks . But 396 00:17:12,107 --> 00:17:14,580 domain awareness outside of that is 397 00:17:14,580 --> 00:17:16,747 relatively an unknown . You you know , 398 00:17:16,747 --> 00:17:19,890 the the the many of those uh 399 00:17:19,900 --> 00:17:22,890 municipalities companies uh they're 400 00:17:22,890 --> 00:17:25,470 reporting is all we get and so they 401 00:17:25,480 --> 00:17:27,647 actually are voluntarily playing . And 402 00:17:27,647 --> 00:17:29,813 so from a domain this domain awareness 403 00:17:29,813 --> 00:17:31,980 perspective we don't know exactly what 404 00:17:31,980 --> 00:17:34,200 we don't know . Thank you . My time is 405 00:17:34,200 --> 00:17:36,200 expired . Thank you . Mr Chairman , 406 00:17:36,200 --> 00:17:38,256 thank you . Senator rounds . Senator 407 00:17:38,256 --> 00:17:40,560 Sullivan please . Mhm . 408 00:17:46,240 --> 00:17:49,070 Thank you . Mr Chairman . Um I want to 409 00:17:49,070 --> 00:17:51,290 thank both the witnesses . I think you 410 00:17:51,300 --> 00:17:53,411 both are doing an exceptional job and 411 00:17:53,411 --> 00:17:56,290 an important kor that don't always get 412 00:17:56,290 --> 00:17:58,179 the attention that they deserve . 413 00:17:58,179 --> 00:18:00,179 General Van Herk . I appreciate our 414 00:18:00,179 --> 00:18:02,430 meeting the other day . I want to talk 415 00:18:02,430 --> 00:18:04,970 a little bit more and follow up on the 416 00:18:04,970 --> 00:18:08,240 discussion about the provision that 417 00:18:08,250 --> 00:18:11,770 Senator King and I co 418 00:18:11,770 --> 00:18:13,780 sponsored in the N . D . A . On the 419 00:18:13,780 --> 00:18:15,870 arctic security initiative . You're 420 00:18:15,870 --> 00:18:18,037 already hearing here in this hearing a 421 00:18:18,037 --> 00:18:20,270 number of senators bipartisan group of 422 00:18:20,270 --> 00:18:24,190 senators are very focused on that . Um 423 00:18:24,200 --> 00:18:28,060 as you know , it authorizes the sec def 424 00:18:28,440 --> 00:18:30,218 to establish an arctic security 425 00:18:30,218 --> 00:18:32,162 initiative which is modeled on the 426 00:18:32,162 --> 00:18:34,273 pacific deterrence initiative and the 427 00:18:34,273 --> 00:18:36,107 european deterrence initiative , 428 00:18:36,107 --> 00:18:37,996 essentially initiatives from this 429 00:18:37,996 --> 00:18:39,996 committee where we have thought the 430 00:18:39,996 --> 00:18:42,450 pentagon wasn't focusing enough on 431 00:18:42,450 --> 00:18:44,506 critical regions and I think both of 432 00:18:44,506 --> 00:18:47,810 them P . D I and E D . I have been 433 00:18:47,810 --> 00:18:51,460 quite prophetic saying , hey , pentagon 434 00:18:51,500 --> 00:18:54,960 focus , europe Asia Taiwan 435 00:18:55,540 --> 00:18:58,330 and now the arctic , can you please 436 00:18:58,330 --> 00:19:00,740 provide a status on the update 437 00:19:00,740 --> 00:19:04,660 regarding the assessment ? Um any 438 00:19:04,660 --> 00:19:07,000 conclusions you've drawn as you know , 439 00:19:07,200 --> 00:19:09,422 the arctic security initiative that was 440 00:19:09,422 --> 00:19:12,090 passed into law directs you the North 441 00:19:12,090 --> 00:19:15,850 com Commander , not osd to 442 00:19:15,860 --> 00:19:17,960 complete an independent security 443 00:19:17,960 --> 00:19:21,270 assessment of the arctic senator . 444 00:19:21,270 --> 00:19:23,770 We're in progress with the uh the 445 00:19:23,770 --> 00:19:25,826 assessment . What I commit to you is 446 00:19:25,826 --> 00:19:27,603 you will get an honest , candid 447 00:19:27,603 --> 00:19:29,770 assessment from me ? I will coordinate 448 00:19:29,770 --> 00:19:31,881 that across the department . I expect 449 00:19:31,881 --> 00:19:33,770 to have my portion of it complete 450 00:19:33,770 --> 00:19:35,937 within the next few weeks and then the 451 00:19:35,937 --> 00:19:38,103 coordination will begin . The suspense 452 00:19:38,103 --> 00:19:40,214 is here in the very near future . I'm 453 00:19:40,214 --> 00:19:42,326 likely gonna ask for an extension . I 454 00:19:42,326 --> 00:19:44,326 believe it's crucial to not do this 455 00:19:44,326 --> 00:19:46,548 fast but to do it right . And I hope to 456 00:19:46,548 --> 00:19:48,548 have it done by early summer at the 457 00:19:48,548 --> 00:19:50,548 latest . I would point to point out 458 00:19:50,548 --> 00:19:52,548 real quick if you don't mind that I 459 00:19:52,548 --> 00:19:52,260 look forward to seeing what the budget 460 00:19:52,260 --> 00:19:54,530 comes out with next week with regards 461 00:19:54,530 --> 00:19:56,590 to arctic for inclusion into my 462 00:19:56,590 --> 00:20:00,590 assessment . Are there any things that 463 00:20:00,590 --> 00:20:03,020 you can highlight already right now 464 00:20:03,020 --> 00:20:05,140 with this committee . Uh In terms of 465 00:20:05,140 --> 00:20:08,140 your assessment , Senator without 466 00:20:08,140 --> 00:20:10,251 seeing the 23 budget . I really can't 467 00:20:10,251 --> 00:20:12,770 give you a full assessment of of what 468 00:20:12,770 --> 00:20:14,881 we're going to see for infrastructure 469 00:20:14,881 --> 00:20:16,659 support . I believe we will see 470 00:20:16,659 --> 00:20:18,214 additional domain awareness 471 00:20:18,214 --> 00:20:20,320 capabilities significantly funded uh 472 00:20:20,330 --> 00:20:22,552 with the 23 budget . But I look forward 473 00:20:22,552 --> 00:20:24,610 to seeing that . I would assess that 474 00:20:24,610 --> 00:20:26,832 there may still be some work to do with 475 00:20:26,832 --> 00:20:28,999 regards to the strategies that each of 476 00:20:28,999 --> 00:20:31,221 the services have funded are not funded 477 00:20:31,221 --> 00:20:33,054 but put out and the department's 478 00:20:33,054 --> 00:20:35,110 strategy . But when the budget comes 479 00:20:35,110 --> 00:20:34,720 out I'll give you the final assessment . 480 00:20:34,840 --> 00:20:37,290 Let me ask specifically on that . When 481 00:20:37,300 --> 00:20:39,210 Secretary Austin was here for his 482 00:20:39,210 --> 00:20:42,320 confirmation hearing , I asked if he 483 00:20:42,320 --> 00:20:44,042 would commit to work with this 484 00:20:44,042 --> 00:20:45,764 committee to ensure the arctic 485 00:20:45,764 --> 00:20:49,070 strategies from the different services 486 00:20:49,940 --> 00:20:53,430 are fully resourced and he 487 00:20:53,440 --> 00:20:55,990 said quote , you have my commitment to 488 00:20:55,990 --> 00:20:57,879 do that . That's what he told the 489 00:20:57,879 --> 00:21:01,240 committee . Do you believe funding for 490 00:21:01,240 --> 00:21:03,240 the arctic security initiative in a 491 00:21:03,240 --> 00:21:05,462 similar manner . That has been done for 492 00:21:05,462 --> 00:21:07,910 P . D . I . And E . D . I is critical 493 00:21:07,910 --> 00:21:10,132 to our integrated deterrence efforts in 494 00:21:10,132 --> 00:21:12,077 the arctic . And are . And are you 495 00:21:12,077 --> 00:21:13,970 seeing that funding now ? I'm not 496 00:21:13,970 --> 00:21:16,192 talking about the upcoming budget . I'm 497 00:21:16,192 --> 00:21:18,303 talking about what you've seen in the 498 00:21:18,303 --> 00:21:20,700 last year to answer the last question . 499 00:21:20,970 --> 00:21:24,020 We have not seen the funding that I 500 00:21:24,020 --> 00:21:26,131 would like to see with regards to the 501 00:21:26,131 --> 00:21:28,242 arctic . So the strategies are coming 502 00:21:28,242 --> 00:21:30,353 together . I think they're all coming 503 00:21:30,353 --> 00:21:32,353 together . Well , they're serious . 504 00:21:32,353 --> 00:21:34,409 That's a big change from a couple of 505 00:21:34,409 --> 00:21:36,409 years ago but you're not seeing the 506 00:21:36,409 --> 00:21:40,240 funding as of yet In the past . That's 507 00:21:40,240 --> 00:21:42,240 correct . Senator I look forward to 508 00:21:42,240 --> 00:21:44,296 seeing the 23 budget . The Arctic is 509 00:21:44,296 --> 00:21:46,360 strategic in nature . We must be 510 00:21:46,360 --> 00:21:48,810 persistent there to compete . That's a 511 00:21:48,810 --> 00:21:50,977 part of the integrated deterrence that 512 00:21:50,977 --> 00:21:53,810 you mentioned as well . So just for the 513 00:21:53,810 --> 00:21:56,360 Pentagon folks watching um it's not 514 00:21:56,360 --> 00:21:58,780 just forces but as Senator Wicker 515 00:21:58,780 --> 00:22:01,510 talked about its infrastructure , I 516 00:22:01,510 --> 00:22:03,560 know that it gives some people 517 00:22:04,040 --> 00:22:06,262 neuralgia and the Pentagon when we talk 518 00:22:06,262 --> 00:22:08,260 about strategic arctic ports , but 519 00:22:08,260 --> 00:22:10,093 that's what we need , isn't it ? 520 00:22:10,093 --> 00:22:13,620 General , the capability to have 521 00:22:13,620 --> 00:22:16,860 presence in a strategic region where 522 00:22:16,860 --> 00:22:19,082 one of the most brutal dictators in the 523 00:22:19,082 --> 00:22:21,138 world . Vladimir Putin has said he's 524 00:22:21,138 --> 00:22:23,360 going to own the arctic , he's going to 525 00:22:23,360 --> 00:22:25,249 create the new Suez Canal and the 526 00:22:25,249 --> 00:22:27,138 Northern sea route and he's gonna 527 00:22:27,138 --> 00:22:29,304 dominate it . Don't we need a presence 528 00:22:29,304 --> 00:22:31,550 ourselves to push back on this dictator 529 00:22:32,140 --> 00:22:34,140 in that region of the world . We do 530 00:22:34,140 --> 00:22:36,362 need a presence and fuel north of Dutch 531 00:22:36,362 --> 00:22:38,029 harbor would do that as would 532 00:22:38,029 --> 00:22:39,918 infrastructure and communications 533 00:22:39,918 --> 00:22:41,751 capabilities . I look forward to 534 00:22:41,751 --> 00:22:43,751 working with the Canadians on their 535 00:22:43,751 --> 00:22:45,918 part of this . They need to be part of 536 00:22:45,918 --> 00:22:48,140 it as well . Not only the Department of 537 00:22:48,140 --> 00:22:47,550 Defense , especially on the 538 00:22:47,550 --> 00:22:49,717 infrastructure piece . Well , just the 539 00:22:49,717 --> 00:22:51,883 final point Mr chairman , I think this 540 00:22:51,883 --> 00:22:54,050 committee has been very strong on this 541 00:22:54,050 --> 00:22:55,883 over the last several years in a 542 00:22:55,883 --> 00:22:58,106 bipartisan way and I think the Pentagon 543 00:22:58,106 --> 00:23:00,660 needs to wake up . They need to wake up 544 00:23:01,320 --> 00:23:03,510 and recognize this is a strategic 545 00:23:03,510 --> 00:23:07,410 interest for our nation and um 546 00:23:07,460 --> 00:23:09,390 the signal that's coming from the 547 00:23:09,390 --> 00:23:12,590 Congress couldn't be more clear , just 548 00:23:12,590 --> 00:23:14,479 like with the european deterrence 549 00:23:14,479 --> 00:23:16,479 initiative , the pacific deterrence 550 00:23:16,479 --> 00:23:18,368 initiative , This arctic security 551 00:23:18,368 --> 00:23:20,400 initiative falls in that line and I 552 00:23:20,400 --> 00:23:22,456 look forward to working with you and 553 00:23:22,456 --> 00:23:24,900 this committee on your assessment and 554 00:23:24,900 --> 00:23:27,200 seeing it soon . Thank you . Thank you . 555 00:23:27,200 --> 00:23:29,200 Senator Sullivan . Senator Peters , 556 00:23:29,200 --> 00:23:31,400 please thank you . Mr Chairman . And I 557 00:23:31,400 --> 00:23:33,233 couldn't agree more with Senator 558 00:23:33,233 --> 00:23:35,520 Sullivan on the strategic importance of 559 00:23:35,520 --> 00:23:37,409 the arctic and investments in the 560 00:23:37,409 --> 00:23:39,131 arctic . And I think it is a a 561 00:23:39,131 --> 00:23:40,853 consensus with members of this 562 00:23:40,853 --> 00:23:43,020 committee and a bipartisan way that we 563 00:23:43,020 --> 00:23:45,242 need to be focused on that . I had some 564 00:23:45,242 --> 00:23:47,242 questions related to that . Senator 565 00:23:47,242 --> 00:23:49,409 Sullivan did a great job of addressing 566 00:23:49,409 --> 00:23:51,576 some of the questions that I had , but 567 00:23:51,576 --> 00:23:53,687 maybe just pick up one thing with you 568 00:23:53,687 --> 00:23:53,680 general eric is that the National Guard 569 00:23:53,680 --> 00:23:56,370 Bureau uh to what extent are you 570 00:23:56,370 --> 00:23:58,481 working with them to ensure that they 571 00:23:58,481 --> 00:24:00,648 are ready to conduct some cold weather 572 00:24:00,648 --> 00:24:04,210 operations in that region . We we work 573 00:24:04,210 --> 00:24:06,377 with all of the services including the 574 00:24:06,377 --> 00:24:08,321 National Guard Bureau to do that . 575 00:24:08,321 --> 00:24:10,377 Actually , I'm highly reliant on the 576 00:24:10,377 --> 00:24:12,599 National Guard Bureau to execute my day 577 00:24:12,599 --> 00:24:14,488 to day campaign plan uh in a in a 578 00:24:14,488 --> 00:24:16,321 voluntary status actually . So I 579 00:24:16,321 --> 00:24:18,043 couldn't be more proud and and 580 00:24:18,043 --> 00:24:20,220 appreciate the support because I don't 581 00:24:20,220 --> 00:24:22,276 get access to the forces through the 582 00:24:22,276 --> 00:24:24,387 global force management process and I 583 00:24:24,387 --> 00:24:26,442 don't have the assigned forces to do 584 00:24:26,442 --> 00:24:28,664 that campaign plan . I'd point out that 585 00:24:28,664 --> 00:24:31,060 we need ready trained and equipped 586 00:24:31,060 --> 00:24:33,590 forces to operate throughout my entire 587 00:24:33,590 --> 00:24:35,368 area of responsibility and that 588 00:24:35,368 --> 00:24:37,423 includes the arctic , that's part of 589 00:24:37,423 --> 00:24:39,423 the services strategy and something 590 00:24:39,423 --> 00:24:41,257 that we have to work on . I just 591 00:24:41,257 --> 00:24:43,479 concluded an arctic edge exercise which 592 00:24:43,479 --> 00:24:45,701 included some of the National Guard and 593 00:24:45,701 --> 00:24:47,812 many of the services a joint exercise 594 00:24:47,812 --> 00:24:49,868 and some allies and partners uh in a 595 00:24:49,868 --> 00:24:49,860 classified environment . I'll share , 596 00:24:49,870 --> 00:24:51,981 share some observations with you from 597 00:24:51,981 --> 00:24:54,290 that . But the arctic is a challenging 598 00:24:54,290 --> 00:24:56,401 environment to operate in and we have 599 00:24:56,401 --> 00:24:58,700 worked . That remains alright , 600 00:24:58,710 --> 00:25:01,740 appreciate that . General you , General 601 00:25:01,750 --> 00:25:04,060 Van Herk a US intelligence indicates 602 00:25:04,060 --> 00:25:06,200 that Russia may be positioning itself 603 00:25:06,200 --> 00:25:08,550 to use chemical weapons in Ukraine 604 00:25:08,940 --> 00:25:11,150 under the guise of a of a false flag . 605 00:25:11,540 --> 00:25:13,651 And certainly while our hearts go out 606 00:25:13,651 --> 00:25:15,429 to the brave Ukrainians who are 607 00:25:15,429 --> 00:25:17,318 defending their country from this 608 00:25:17,318 --> 00:25:19,370 illegal invasion and fighting for 609 00:25:19,370 --> 00:25:21,592 freedom , I think we also must use this 610 00:25:21,592 --> 00:25:23,648 crisis as an opportunity to consider 611 00:25:23,648 --> 00:25:26,530 our our own preparedness for such an 612 00:25:26,530 --> 00:25:29,110 attack . So , my question for you is do 613 00:25:29,110 --> 00:25:30,943 you believe the United States is 614 00:25:30,943 --> 00:25:32,777 properly prepared to contain and 615 00:25:32,777 --> 00:25:34,721 respond to chemical attacks in the 616 00:25:34,721 --> 00:25:36,832 homeland ? And are there any resource 617 00:25:36,832 --> 00:25:39,400 shortfalls impacting Seabourn response 618 00:25:39,400 --> 00:25:42,060 enterprise . So I believe we're 619 00:25:42,060 --> 00:25:45,600 prepared to execute a response to a 620 00:25:45,600 --> 00:25:48,810 small events such as we have planned 621 00:25:48,810 --> 00:25:50,921 for based on a violent extremist type 622 00:25:50,921 --> 00:25:54,040 organization event for a large scale 623 00:25:54,040 --> 00:25:56,262 event in the homeland . I think there's 624 00:25:56,262 --> 00:25:58,373 much work that still needs to be done 625 00:25:58,373 --> 00:26:00,318 that could be additional resources 626 00:26:00,318 --> 00:26:02,770 applied to Senator . Great thank you . 627 00:26:03,140 --> 00:26:06,020 General Richardson , in your reply to 628 00:26:06,030 --> 00:26:08,600 Senator Kaine question that Senator 629 00:26:08,600 --> 00:26:10,711 Kaine offered you , you described the 630 00:26:10,711 --> 00:26:12,711 importance of small team engagement 631 00:26:12,711 --> 00:26:15,220 with our allies and partners . Nearly 632 00:26:15,220 --> 00:26:18,000 every nation in south com kor 633 00:26:18,000 --> 00:26:19,944 participates in the National Guard 634 00:26:19,944 --> 00:26:22,056 State Partnership program . As you're 635 00:26:22,056 --> 00:26:24,222 well aware , my question for you is is 636 00:26:24,222 --> 00:26:26,444 how do you plan to employ your National 637 00:26:26,444 --> 00:26:28,556 Guard State Partnership Program units 638 00:26:28,556 --> 00:26:30,722 to to deepen the defense relationships 639 00:26:30,722 --> 00:26:32,944 so that we have in the region . So this 640 00:26:32,944 --> 00:26:35,167 is a huge force , multiplier Senator uh 641 00:26:35,167 --> 00:26:37,222 the State Partnership program and in 642 00:26:37,222 --> 00:26:39,860 some cases uh 23 decades of 643 00:26:39,860 --> 00:26:42,480 relationships uh that have evolved and 644 00:26:42,480 --> 00:26:44,510 we see the the impact of that with 645 00:26:44,510 --> 00:26:46,288 Ukraine and California and that 646 00:26:46,288 --> 00:26:48,710 relationship that they have . And so 647 00:26:48,720 --> 00:26:50,776 there was a creation a few years ago 648 00:26:50,776 --> 00:26:52,942 the bilateral Affairs Officer which is 649 00:26:52,942 --> 00:26:54,720 a National Guard officer that's 650 00:26:54,720 --> 00:26:56,860 actually embedded uh in the embassies 651 00:26:56,860 --> 00:26:59,500 with the D . O . D . Team there and uh 652 00:26:59,500 --> 00:27:01,500 and then helps integrate that state 653 00:27:01,500 --> 00:27:04,190 Partnership program in my campaign plan 654 00:27:04,190 --> 00:27:06,910 and strategy for the region . And uh 655 00:27:06,910 --> 00:27:08,820 and as was brought out and other 656 00:27:08,820 --> 00:27:11,042 questions , you know , I don't have all 657 00:27:11,042 --> 00:27:12,876 the resources I need but that is 658 00:27:12,876 --> 00:27:14,931 reached back into the National Guard 659 00:27:14,931 --> 00:27:16,987 and the capabilities especially with 660 00:27:16,987 --> 00:27:19,210 the cyber battalions uh to help me with 661 00:27:19,220 --> 00:27:22,100 with operations in the cyberspace 662 00:27:22,100 --> 00:27:24,760 domain . Yeah . An area that we need to 663 00:27:24,760 --> 00:27:27,080 have increased focus on without without 664 00:27:27,080 --> 00:27:29,540 question . Another question for you 665 00:27:29,550 --> 00:27:31,661 general is are you seeing the chinese 666 00:27:31,661 --> 00:27:33,940 or the Russian military's copy these 667 00:27:33,940 --> 00:27:36,170 types of efforts in collaborating with 668 00:27:36,170 --> 00:27:38,003 regional militaries for training 669 00:27:38,003 --> 00:27:39,892 opportunities . Is this something 670 00:27:39,892 --> 00:27:41,781 they're picking up as well ? I do 671 00:27:41,781 --> 00:27:43,948 senator , I see them using part of our 672 00:27:43,948 --> 00:27:46,750 playbook against us actually . And what 673 00:27:46,750 --> 00:27:48,750 I've said before is that they don't 674 00:27:48,750 --> 00:27:51,000 have partners . Uh , they have clients 675 00:27:51,010 --> 00:27:53,470 and so when we do our big exercises and 676 00:27:53,470 --> 00:27:55,526 bring , you know , 20 some countries 677 00:27:55,526 --> 00:27:57,637 together from the region , they don't 678 00:27:57,637 --> 00:27:59,803 do that . But they do have a lot of uh 679 00:27:59,940 --> 00:28:02,520 Of funding to bring large groups of 680 00:28:02,520 --> 00:28:04,576 personnel from the military's or the 681 00:28:04,576 --> 00:28:06,631 defense forces to all expense paid . 682 00:28:06,631 --> 00:28:08,576 Professional military education in 683 00:28:08,576 --> 00:28:10,853 Beijing for either a year or two years . 684 00:28:10,950 --> 00:28:12,950 And if they do that , if I take the 685 00:28:12,950 --> 00:28:15,117 country of Guyana for example and they 686 00:28:15,117 --> 00:28:17,060 do 15 or 20 a year , they can get 687 00:28:17,060 --> 00:28:19,227 through their defense force in about , 688 00:28:19,227 --> 00:28:21,430 you know , five years . And so we've 689 00:28:21,430 --> 00:28:23,630 got a uh , as I've said before , I 690 00:28:23,630 --> 00:28:26,550 don't need to outspend china but I do 691 00:28:26,560 --> 00:28:28,727 to out compete them , but I do need to 692 00:28:28,727 --> 00:28:30,504 be on the field and my security 693 00:28:30,504 --> 00:28:32,650 cooperation and I met funding uh a 694 00:28:32,650 --> 00:28:35,140 little bit goes a long way . Great , 695 00:28:35,150 --> 00:28:37,150 thank you . Thank you Mr Chairman , 696 00:28:37,150 --> 00:28:39,372 thank you . Senator Peter Senator scott 697 00:28:39,372 --> 00:28:42,700 please ? Thank you . Chairman . General 698 00:28:42,700 --> 00:28:44,867 Richardson , can you first off , thank 699 00:28:44,867 --> 00:28:47,089 you both of you for being here . Thanks 700 00:28:47,089 --> 00:28:49,256 for the people , your your service and 701 00:28:49,256 --> 00:28:49,030 the people , men and women that work 702 00:28:49,040 --> 00:28:51,580 with you . General Richard Richardson , 703 00:28:51,580 --> 00:28:53,747 can you describe what you've seen from 704 00:28:53,747 --> 00:28:55,913 our enemies over the past six months ? 705 00:28:55,913 --> 00:28:58,024 Have you had this command and what do 706 00:28:58,024 --> 00:29:00,191 you believe their primary goals are in 707 00:29:00,191 --> 00:29:03,000 our hemisphere ? So on . Frankly , the 708 00:29:03,010 --> 00:29:06,740 I'm I'm surprised at how 709 00:29:06,740 --> 00:29:09,410 much that our competitors have been 710 00:29:09,410 --> 00:29:12,110 able to expand within the region and 711 00:29:12,110 --> 00:29:13,832 how they've done that with the 712 00:29:13,832 --> 00:29:16,310 proximity to the homeland . Uh , and 713 00:29:16,310 --> 00:29:18,532 what I've , what I find myself doing is 714 00:29:18,532 --> 00:29:20,699 a lot of educating and informing about 715 00:29:20,699 --> 00:29:22,810 my A . O . R . As I travel around and 716 00:29:22,810 --> 00:29:25,032 speak to different groups and and go to 717 00:29:25,032 --> 00:29:27,820 different places to offer the message 718 00:29:27,820 --> 00:29:29,987 and just educate folks because we tend 719 00:29:29,987 --> 00:29:32,209 to look east and west , not necessarily 720 00:29:32,209 --> 00:29:35,630 south . And uh , and I can fly to 80% 721 00:29:35,630 --> 00:29:37,686 of this . A . O . R . It's huge . It 722 00:29:37,686 --> 00:29:40,019 looks huge and it looks really far away . 723 00:29:40,019 --> 00:29:42,440 I can fly to 80% of it in 2 to 3 hours 724 00:29:42,440 --> 00:29:44,900 from Miami . And a lot of people don't , 725 00:29:44,910 --> 00:29:46,966 you know , we just kind of forgotten 726 00:29:46,966 --> 00:29:49,132 about that . Uh , I would say with the 727 00:29:49,132 --> 00:29:51,243 investment of infrastructure over the 728 00:29:51,243 --> 00:29:53,430 last five years by our long term 729 00:29:53,430 --> 00:29:56,210 strategic competitor china . From 17 to 730 00:29:56,210 --> 00:29:59,270 21 an investment of over 50 billion . 731 00:29:59,640 --> 00:30:02,310 Um , I have corps of Engineers and we 732 00:30:02,320 --> 00:30:05,180 average about 50 million per year . So 733 00:30:05,180 --> 00:30:08,210 from 17 to 21 about 250 million 734 00:30:08,220 --> 00:30:10,442 investment in the region . Now , that's 735 00:30:10,442 --> 00:30:12,660 not it . I mean , usa ideas there and 736 00:30:12,660 --> 00:30:15,900 there are other um , businesses and 737 00:30:15,900 --> 00:30:18,060 corporations that are in the region , 738 00:30:18,340 --> 00:30:20,620 but there's a , there's a huge 739 00:30:20,620 --> 00:30:22,590 investment by , by our long term 740 00:30:22,590 --> 00:30:24,646 strategic competitor in the region , 741 00:30:24,840 --> 00:30:26,896 some of these countries as well as I 742 00:30:26,896 --> 00:30:29,670 look to levers , levers that allow me 743 00:30:29,670 --> 00:30:32,850 to out compete my adversary , uh , 744 00:30:32,860 --> 00:30:35,820 foreign military sales . Um , I met 745 00:30:35,830 --> 00:30:38,470 foreign military financing , security 746 00:30:38,470 --> 00:30:41,100 cooperation , um , being able to have 747 00:30:41,100 --> 00:30:43,290 responsive levers , we can't take a 748 00:30:43,290 --> 00:30:46,000 year to two years . When are , you know , 749 00:30:46,000 --> 00:30:47,944 our partner nations are asking for 750 00:30:47,944 --> 00:30:51,080 capability , a couple of kilos , uh , 751 00:30:51,090 --> 00:30:54,980 fighter jet , um , weapons vehicles and 752 00:30:54,980 --> 00:30:57,147 we take two years . Our process is got 753 00:30:57,147 --> 00:30:59,380 to be able to evolve with the , with 754 00:30:59,380 --> 00:31:01,880 the times and uh , and we gotta be 755 00:31:01,880 --> 00:31:05,480 faster . Do you see in in um , in our 756 00:31:05,480 --> 00:31:07,591 hemisphere that Russia and china have 757 00:31:07,591 --> 00:31:09,758 become clearly no question about their 758 00:31:09,758 --> 00:31:11,924 adversaries . Um , they are definitely 759 00:31:11,924 --> 00:31:13,980 competitors and I do look at them as 760 00:31:13,980 --> 00:31:16,900 adversaries . So when you see american 761 00:31:16,900 --> 00:31:19,170 companies that go do business in china 762 00:31:19,540 --> 00:31:22,180 with chinese chinese government , with 763 00:31:22,180 --> 00:31:24,291 the chinese military , does that make 764 00:31:24,291 --> 00:31:28,230 your job harder or less hard ? I 765 00:31:28,230 --> 00:31:30,730 look at it from a perspective of the 766 00:31:30,740 --> 00:31:32,851 dual use , you have , they come under 767 00:31:32,851 --> 00:31:34,962 the guise of infrastructure , doing a 768 00:31:34,962 --> 00:31:37,129 good thing for that particular country 769 00:31:37,129 --> 00:31:39,184 that , that they're , they look like 770 00:31:39,184 --> 00:31:41,351 they're investing in . They don't do a 771 00:31:41,351 --> 00:31:43,462 good a good job on the project in the 772 00:31:43,462 --> 00:31:45,407 first place that generally becomes 773 00:31:45,407 --> 00:31:47,580 evident in Anywhere from 5 to 7 years 774 00:31:47,580 --> 00:31:49,636 after a project is done . They don't 775 00:31:49,636 --> 00:31:51,747 hire host nation workers . They bring 776 00:31:51,747 --> 00:31:54,770 in their own laborers . Um , It's uh , 777 00:31:55,440 --> 00:31:57,496 I would say from my perspective , it 778 00:31:57,500 --> 00:31:59,910 it's uh , it's , I worry about the 779 00:31:59,910 --> 00:32:02,390 civilian and dual use with the military 780 00:32:02,390 --> 00:32:04,557 and the PRC being able to bring in and 781 00:32:04,557 --> 00:32:06,779 use uh switch something over . That's a 782 00:32:06,779 --> 00:32:09,060 state owned enterprise to military use 783 00:32:09,440 --> 00:32:11,551 when they , when the chinese bring in 784 00:32:11,551 --> 00:32:13,718 their own labor . Do they take it back 785 00:32:13,718 --> 00:32:13,710 when it's finished , when the project's 786 00:32:13,710 --> 00:32:15,821 finished or do they leave their labor 787 00:32:15,821 --> 00:32:17,877 there ? I think it depends . I think 788 00:32:17,877 --> 00:32:21,430 they actually do both . Okay . Do you 789 00:32:21,430 --> 00:32:23,319 see signs of our enemies actively 790 00:32:23,319 --> 00:32:25,900 supplying weapons to any state or group 791 00:32:25,910 --> 00:32:28,200 state or group in latin America . Yes . 792 00:32:28,980 --> 00:32:31,000 And is that increasing decreasing ? 793 00:32:31,000 --> 00:32:33,280 What's happening ? I think over 794 00:32:33,290 --> 00:32:35,179 recently , probably over the past 795 00:32:35,179 --> 00:32:37,123 couple of years . That's increased 796 00:32:37,340 --> 00:32:40,800 again . It takes uh , whether they can 797 00:32:40,800 --> 00:32:44,300 do it faster or cheaper than us . Uh , 798 00:32:44,310 --> 00:32:46,960 is that's why I say are lovers and our 799 00:32:46,970 --> 00:32:49,280 ability to be able to deliver has to , 800 00:32:49,290 --> 00:32:52,070 has to speed up and our processes have 801 00:32:52,070 --> 00:32:54,580 to get faster with the times . What 802 00:32:54,580 --> 00:32:56,691 type of weapons are they sending into 803 00:32:56,691 --> 00:32:58,880 our hemisphere fighter aircraft 804 00:32:58,890 --> 00:33:01,820 helicopters , um , air defense 805 00:33:01,820 --> 00:33:04,910 systems , uh , small arms 806 00:33:04,920 --> 00:33:08,830 vehicles . So south 807 00:33:08,830 --> 00:33:10,774 thomas had an office that supports 808 00:33:10,774 --> 00:33:12,663 trade and investment and works to 809 00:33:12,663 --> 00:33:14,941 connect small businesses in the region . 810 00:33:14,941 --> 00:33:17,680 How is that doing ? Uh the in terms of 811 00:33:17,680 --> 00:33:19,847 the small business , we have the small 812 00:33:19,847 --> 00:33:22,060 business director actually attend the 813 00:33:22,060 --> 00:33:24,850 chile inauguration for the president . 814 00:33:24,860 --> 00:33:27,410 Uh and in terms of small business , 815 00:33:27,410 --> 00:33:29,577 I'll tell you what I've done , Senator 816 00:33:29,577 --> 00:33:31,632 is the we were able to bring bends , 817 00:33:31,632 --> 00:33:33,466 which is business executives for 818 00:33:33,466 --> 00:33:35,550 national security who coordinated a 819 00:33:35,550 --> 00:33:38,200 trip into Panama on october with 10 C E . 820 00:33:38,200 --> 00:33:40,260 O . S . Uh and I just took the out 821 00:33:40,260 --> 00:33:42,320 brief a couple of weeks ago , it was 822 00:33:42,330 --> 00:33:44,960 organized under my predecessor and then 823 00:33:44,960 --> 00:33:47,071 just seeing the value of getting that 824 00:33:47,071 --> 00:33:49,071 perspective on the ground . Because 825 00:33:49,071 --> 00:33:51,016 when you talk about the investment 826 00:33:51,016 --> 00:33:53,590 levels that that the PRC has , when 827 00:33:53,590 --> 00:33:55,757 they go into these countries with over 828 00:33:55,757 --> 00:33:58,034 50 billion and five years across the O . 829 00:33:58,034 --> 00:34:01,110 R . I'm looking at OPM other people's 830 00:34:01,110 --> 00:34:03,166 money , how can we get investment in 831 00:34:03,166 --> 00:34:05,850 the region uh to help with the economic 832 00:34:05,850 --> 00:34:07,739 problems that these countries are 833 00:34:07,739 --> 00:34:09,961 having . All right , thanks both of you 834 00:34:09,961 --> 00:34:12,128 for your service . Thank you . Senator 835 00:34:12,128 --> 00:34:16,010 scott . Senator ernst please thank you 836 00:34:16,010 --> 00:34:18,066 Mr . Chair and and thank you General 837 00:34:18,066 --> 00:34:20,230 Van Herk in General Richardson for 838 00:34:20,230 --> 00:34:22,008 being here today . We really do 839 00:34:22,008 --> 00:34:24,600 appreciate your service to our country 840 00:34:24,600 --> 00:34:28,060 and uh you both are acutely aware of 841 00:34:28,060 --> 00:34:30,450 our adversaries and and how they are 842 00:34:30,450 --> 00:34:32,561 actively spreading their economic and 843 00:34:32,561 --> 00:34:34,783 military influence beyond their borders 844 00:34:34,783 --> 00:34:36,783 to our own doorstep . This is right 845 00:34:36,783 --> 00:34:39,690 here as your predecessor Admiral Faller 846 00:34:39,690 --> 00:34:42,660 used to say in our own neighborhood and 847 00:34:42,670 --> 00:34:44,837 that's such a great way to phrase that 848 00:34:44,837 --> 00:34:47,003 because they are they're right here in 849 00:34:47,003 --> 00:34:49,310 china in particular is on the offensive 850 00:34:49,310 --> 00:34:52,870 here in the Western Hemisphere . And 851 00:34:52,880 --> 00:34:54,990 there are days that I I truly worry 852 00:34:54,990 --> 00:34:57,960 that our posture remains very 853 00:34:57,970 --> 00:35:01,780 reactive at best and on 854 00:35:01,780 --> 00:35:04,950 certain days , week at worst and that's 855 00:35:04,960 --> 00:35:07,580 that's not due to you . It's because we 856 00:35:07,580 --> 00:35:09,870 have many whether it stems all the way 857 00:35:09,870 --> 00:35:12,037 from pennsylvania avenue , all the way 858 00:35:12,037 --> 00:35:14,680 here , we just don't give enough 859 00:35:14,690 --> 00:35:17,740 attention to our own 860 00:35:17,750 --> 00:35:19,930 neighborhood . Many of my colleagues 861 00:35:19,930 --> 00:35:22,560 have already stated that . Um so I 862 00:35:22,560 --> 00:35:24,782 think it's imperative that we must give 863 00:35:24,782 --> 00:35:27,004 you all the tools that you need to have 864 00:35:27,004 --> 00:35:29,480 at your fingertips , the authorities 865 00:35:29,490 --> 00:35:31,850 making sure that they are flexible . 866 00:35:31,860 --> 00:35:34,510 But we also need realists in the D . O . 867 00:35:34,510 --> 00:35:37,250 D . Policy shop and at the State 868 00:35:37,250 --> 00:35:38,917 Department that will actually 869 00:35:38,917 --> 00:35:41,300 acknowledge the significance of great 870 00:35:41,300 --> 00:35:44,080 power threat that is emanating through 871 00:35:44,080 --> 00:35:47,210 our area . Um So general richards and I 872 00:35:47,210 --> 00:35:49,321 know that Senator Cotton focused very 873 00:35:49,321 --> 00:35:51,377 heavily on the Panama Canal . Um , I 874 00:35:51,377 --> 00:35:53,520 had a line of questioning as well in 875 00:35:53,520 --> 00:35:55,742 that area . I'm gonna skip over quite a 876 00:35:55,742 --> 00:35:58,580 bit of that . But just for everyone's 877 00:35:58,580 --> 00:36:00,691 information , I think last year there 878 00:36:00,691 --> 00:36:03,030 were about 14,000 transits through The 879 00:36:03,030 --> 00:36:05,480 Panama Canal and the United States is 880 00:36:05,480 --> 00:36:09,100 the number one user of the Panama Canal . 881 00:36:09,110 --> 00:36:12,170 And 60% of what goes through the Panama 882 00:36:12,170 --> 00:36:14,370 canal . It either originates in the 883 00:36:14,370 --> 00:36:17,440 United States or is headed to the 884 00:36:17,440 --> 00:36:19,662 United States and of course I come from 885 00:36:19,662 --> 00:36:22,930 a very ag heavy state . A lot of those 886 00:36:22,930 --> 00:36:25,430 commodities or products do transit 887 00:36:25,440 --> 00:36:27,930 through the Panama Canal . So it is 888 00:36:27,930 --> 00:36:30,940 extremely important for us . Um , so if 889 00:36:30,940 --> 00:36:33,162 we could just hammer down just a little 890 00:36:33,162 --> 00:36:35,329 bit more , just very briefly , general 891 00:36:35,329 --> 00:36:37,496 richard Richardson , if you could talk 892 00:36:37,496 --> 00:36:39,662 about what you see going on around the 893 00:36:39,662 --> 00:36:42,600 Panama Canal with the chinese influence 894 00:36:42,610 --> 00:36:45,480 that exists there . So thank you 895 00:36:45,480 --> 00:36:47,900 senator . And certainly I'd like to 896 00:36:47,900 --> 00:36:50,650 highlight that our country does 740 897 00:36:50,650 --> 00:36:53,700 billion in trade with Latin America and 898 00:36:53,700 --> 00:36:57,130 the Caribbean . It's huge . And so uh , 899 00:36:57,140 --> 00:36:59,170 the importance of keeping that the 900 00:36:59,170 --> 00:37:02,770 Panama Canal open and free and uh , for 901 00:37:02,770 --> 00:37:05,040 global economics and the economy's not 902 00:37:05,040 --> 00:37:07,660 just the war plans , which I , I worry 903 00:37:07,660 --> 00:37:10,260 about as well uh , is extremely 904 00:37:10,260 --> 00:37:12,500 important . But the strategic way of 905 00:37:12,500 --> 00:37:15,720 the investments and the proximity and 906 00:37:15,720 --> 00:37:17,720 the continued investment with other 907 00:37:17,720 --> 00:37:19,910 projects that they make in and around 908 00:37:19,910 --> 00:37:22,060 the Panama Canal is very concerning . 909 00:37:22,070 --> 00:37:25,770 And so uh six billion additional in in 910 00:37:25,770 --> 00:37:28,540 addition to the , on either side of the 911 00:37:28,540 --> 00:37:30,740 canal , having state owned enterprise 912 00:37:30,930 --> 00:37:34,530 uh , companies along the canal . Yeah , 913 00:37:34,540 --> 00:37:37,450 it is very concerning about a week or 914 00:37:37,450 --> 00:37:40,110 so . Prior to the Benz group and joe 915 00:37:40,110 --> 00:37:43,530 hotels . Ben's group going into Panama . 916 00:37:43,530 --> 00:37:45,586 I had traveled there with a group of 917 00:37:45,586 --> 00:37:49,050 other congressmen um , to just really 918 00:37:49,050 --> 00:37:51,430 see the chinese influence that is on 919 00:37:51,430 --> 00:37:53,597 the ground there . And it is extremely 920 00:37:53,597 --> 00:37:55,819 concerning . That's why I'm so thankful 921 00:37:55,819 --> 00:37:57,970 that the Benz group is engaging in 922 00:37:57,980 --> 00:38:01,060 central America and Panama and other 923 00:38:01,060 --> 00:38:04,280 regions , we do need that economic uh 924 00:38:04,290 --> 00:38:06,490 support in that region so that we can 925 00:38:06,490 --> 00:38:09,540 also be a good partner . And if there 926 00:38:09,540 --> 00:38:12,210 are ways that the United States maybe 927 00:38:12,220 --> 00:38:14,730 won't invest if we can find other 928 00:38:14,730 --> 00:38:17,790 allies and partners that do have the 929 00:38:17,800 --> 00:38:19,522 type of supports that might be 930 00:38:19,522 --> 00:38:21,670 necessary in that area , I think that 931 00:38:21,670 --> 00:38:25,490 we should facilitate where we can . Um 932 00:38:25,500 --> 00:38:27,611 I'd like to focus a little bit on the 933 00:38:27,611 --> 00:38:30,680 mining activities that occur in south 934 00:38:30,680 --> 00:38:33,910 America as well . Um This is an area 935 00:38:33,910 --> 00:38:35,632 where we have seen a number of 936 00:38:35,632 --> 00:38:37,521 businesses from the United States 937 00:38:37,521 --> 00:38:39,830 attempt to get into places like chile 938 00:38:40,020 --> 00:38:42,560 um where they have lithium resources 939 00:38:42,680 --> 00:38:45,860 but who beat us to the punch the 940 00:38:45,860 --> 00:38:48,660 chinese . Um So if you can talk a 941 00:38:48,660 --> 00:38:51,930 little bit about mining activities and 942 00:38:51,940 --> 00:38:54,370 and how valuable that would be to the 943 00:38:54,370 --> 00:38:57,140 United States if we were able to engage 944 00:38:57,150 --> 00:38:59,740 in those types of activities . So the 945 00:38:59,750 --> 00:39:02,870 region is just rich with um with rare 946 00:39:02,870 --> 00:39:05,037 earth minerals . And as you you talked 947 00:39:05,037 --> 00:39:06,890 about , I mean I I just took my 948 00:39:06,890 --> 00:39:09,870 granddaughter to the um the the history 949 00:39:09,870 --> 00:39:12,330 Museum on the mall a couple of weeks 950 00:39:12,330 --> 00:39:15,890 ago and got to see uh just all the 951 00:39:15,900 --> 00:39:19,660 uh minerals and the precious metals and 952 00:39:19,660 --> 00:39:21,730 things like that resources from the 953 00:39:21,730 --> 00:39:24,530 region . Uh you know the rubies , the 954 00:39:24,530 --> 00:39:26,863 emeralds , all of those kinds of things . 955 00:39:26,863 --> 00:39:29,141 But when you talk about illegal mining , 956 00:39:29,141 --> 00:39:31,086 it's illegal mining , It's illegal 957 00:39:31,086 --> 00:39:33,680 logging , its illegal fishing . Uh that 958 00:39:33,680 --> 00:39:36,660 happens um if I I know you asked about 959 00:39:36,660 --> 00:39:38,660 mining , but if I could mention the 960 00:39:38,660 --> 00:39:41,970 fishing at any given day , I have over 961 00:39:41,970 --> 00:39:45,930 600 PRC uh fishing vessels in my A . 962 00:39:45,930 --> 00:39:48,800 O . R . That are off the coast of 963 00:39:48,810 --> 00:39:52,170 Ecuador . Peru chile . And they follow 964 00:39:52,170 --> 00:39:54,460 the fishing migration patterns and so 965 00:39:54,460 --> 00:39:56,571 you know where they're going to be by 966 00:39:56,571 --> 00:39:58,793 the migration of the fish . And this is 967 00:39:58,793 --> 00:40:01,880 about three billion in lost economics . 968 00:40:01,880 --> 00:40:03,713 You know productivity that those 969 00:40:03,713 --> 00:40:05,820 nations desperately need that the 970 00:40:05,820 --> 00:40:08,570 chinese are are taking away . And so 971 00:40:08,570 --> 00:40:10,660 it's it's it's all three of those 972 00:40:10,660 --> 00:40:13,600 things that are extremely prevalent in 973 00:40:13,610 --> 00:40:15,900 this A . O . R . Yeah I appreciate that 974 00:40:15,900 --> 00:40:18,122 very much . I'm glad you brought up all 975 00:40:18,122 --> 00:40:21,090 of those other resources . Um It's just 976 00:40:21,100 --> 00:40:22,933 incredibly important that we pay 977 00:40:22,933 --> 00:40:26,160 attention to our own neighborhood and 978 00:40:26,170 --> 00:40:29,360 not only through our military but also 979 00:40:29,360 --> 00:40:31,471 through our State Department but also 980 00:40:31,471 --> 00:40:34,290 economically as well . So I really 981 00:40:34,290 --> 00:40:36,401 appreciate your presence here today . 982 00:40:36,401 --> 00:40:38,512 Um Thank you General Van Herk . Thank 983 00:40:38,512 --> 00:40:40,679 you so much . General Richardson and I 984 00:40:40,679 --> 00:40:42,820 yield . Thank you . Thank you Senator 985 00:40:42,820 --> 00:40:45,180 and General Hawley please thank you Mr 986 00:40:45,180 --> 00:40:47,180 Chairman and thanks to you both for 987 00:40:47,180 --> 00:40:49,347 being here . Thank you to you for your 988 00:40:49,347 --> 00:40:51,180 service to our country . General 989 00:40:51,180 --> 00:40:51,020 Manager eric let me start with you and 990 00:40:51,030 --> 00:40:53,141 let me say it's great to see a fellow 991 00:40:53,141 --> 00:40:55,030 Missourian here as always . Um I 992 00:40:55,030 --> 00:40:56,974 noticed something you said in your 993 00:40:56,974 --> 00:40:59,141 opening statement , I want to quote it 994 00:40:59,141 --> 00:41:01,141 to make sure I get it correct . You 995 00:41:01,141 --> 00:41:02,974 said , I think that our reliance 996 00:41:02,974 --> 00:41:04,974 America's reliance on deterrence by 997 00:41:04,974 --> 00:41:06,586 cost imposition is currently 998 00:41:06,586 --> 00:41:08,308 overweighted and significantly 999 00:41:08,308 --> 00:41:10,530 increases the risk of miscalculation by 1000 00:41:10,530 --> 00:41:12,641 limiting our national leaders options 1001 00:41:12,641 --> 00:41:15,370 following an attack that caught my 1002 00:41:15,370 --> 00:41:18,290 attention because I have been arguing 1003 00:41:18,290 --> 00:41:20,512 for a while now about the importance of 1004 00:41:20,512 --> 00:41:22,650 adopting a strategy of denial , 1005 00:41:22,650 --> 00:41:24,817 deterrence by denial versus deterrence 1006 00:41:24,817 --> 00:41:27,039 by cops custom position , especially as 1007 00:41:27,039 --> 00:41:29,094 it relates to china . So I wonder if 1008 00:41:29,094 --> 00:41:31,261 you could just expand on your comments 1009 00:41:31,261 --> 00:41:33,428 a little bit and tell us why you think 1010 00:41:33,428 --> 00:41:35,594 it's important to end an over reliance 1011 00:41:35,594 --> 00:41:37,539 on deterrence by cost imposition . 1012 00:41:37,539 --> 00:41:39,594 Thanks senator . 1st . 1st , I would 1013 00:41:39,594 --> 00:41:41,372 say cost imposition the nuclear 1014 00:41:41,372 --> 00:41:43,594 deterrent is the foundation of homeland 1015 00:41:43,594 --> 00:41:45,872 defense and we must fully fund a triad . 1016 00:41:45,872 --> 00:41:48,070 That is the foundation . We also must 1017 00:41:48,070 --> 00:41:50,126 have a strong conventional force but 1018 00:41:50,126 --> 00:41:52,160 that has to also be balanced with 1019 00:41:52,170 --> 00:41:54,337 deterrence by denial and deterrence by 1020 00:41:54,337 --> 00:41:56,820 denial is the capability to deny a 1021 00:41:56,820 --> 00:42:00,150 potential adversary . The ability to 1022 00:42:00,160 --> 00:42:02,930 believe they can inflict damage on us . 1023 00:42:02,930 --> 00:42:04,986 That may bring us to our knees . And 1024 00:42:04,986 --> 00:42:06,763 it's the ability to demonstrate 1025 00:42:06,763 --> 00:42:09,680 readiness resiliency across the whole 1026 00:42:09,680 --> 00:42:12,080 of government responsiveness . We do 1027 00:42:12,080 --> 00:42:13,913 this every day with hurricanes , 1028 00:42:13,913 --> 00:42:16,210 wildfires , we demonstrated it with 1029 00:42:16,220 --> 00:42:18,060 allies . Welcome all of those 1030 00:42:18,060 --> 00:42:19,960 contribute to the overarching 1031 00:42:19,970 --> 00:42:22,192 integrated deterrents . That's where my 1032 00:42:22,192 --> 00:42:24,414 campaign plan is focused . I don't want 1033 00:42:24,414 --> 00:42:26,470 to start with defense kinetically in 1034 00:42:26,470 --> 00:42:28,692 the homeland . I want to keep us out of 1035 00:42:28,692 --> 00:42:30,859 the crisis and conflict by focusing on 1036 00:42:30,859 --> 00:42:32,970 that deterrence by denial on a day to 1037 00:42:32,970 --> 00:42:35,137 day basis . Let me ask you this , when 1038 00:42:35,137 --> 00:42:37,359 when you say that one of the one of the 1039 00:42:37,359 --> 00:42:39,470 dangers of over relying on deterrence 1040 00:42:39,470 --> 00:42:41,248 by constant position is that it 1041 00:42:41,248 --> 00:42:43,303 increases the risk of miscalculation 1042 00:42:43,303 --> 00:42:45,192 and limits options . Can you just 1043 00:42:45,192 --> 00:42:47,414 explain that piece of it ? Absolutely . 1044 00:42:47,414 --> 00:42:49,750 So without the deterrence by denial and 1045 00:42:49,750 --> 00:42:51,880 the belief in a potential adversaries 1046 00:42:51,880 --> 00:42:54,290 mind that they can't be successful , 1047 00:42:54,290 --> 00:42:57,910 they may actually believe that because 1048 00:42:57,910 --> 00:42:59,910 the homeland is vulnerable and they 1049 00:42:59,910 --> 00:43:02,110 could bring us to our knees that that 1050 00:43:02,110 --> 00:43:05,460 maybe the emboldening factor that uh 1051 00:43:05,470 --> 00:43:08,120 leads them to make a decision to attack 1052 00:43:08,120 --> 00:43:11,010 whether that be in Taiwan or another 1053 00:43:11,010 --> 00:43:13,360 place because they believe that they 1054 00:43:13,360 --> 00:43:15,740 can disrupt delay or destroy our will 1055 00:43:15,740 --> 00:43:17,962 in the homeland . We want to create the 1056 00:43:18,000 --> 00:43:20,167 them to believe and understand that we 1057 00:43:20,167 --> 00:43:22,167 have the capability that they could 1058 00:43:22,167 --> 00:43:24,222 never do that to us by defending the 1059 00:43:24,222 --> 00:43:26,389 key critical infrastructure and having 1060 00:43:26,389 --> 00:43:28,611 the resiliency and readiness to respond 1061 00:43:28,611 --> 00:43:30,833 very good . Thank you for that . Let me 1062 00:43:30,833 --> 00:43:34,020 shift to the situation involving the 1063 00:43:34,020 --> 00:43:36,740 drug supply at the southern border and 1064 00:43:36,740 --> 00:43:39,530 particularly fentaNYL , which is in um 1065 00:43:39,540 --> 00:43:42,780 our state absolutely devastating . And 1066 00:43:42,780 --> 00:43:44,836 we're seeing mass quantities of it . 1067 00:43:44,836 --> 00:43:47,058 Can you just give us an update on north 1068 00:43:47,058 --> 00:43:49,450 coms efforts to help DHS stem the flow 1069 00:43:49,450 --> 00:43:51,630 of illegal drugs and particularly 1070 00:43:51,640 --> 00:43:53,751 fentaNYL there at the southern border 1071 00:43:53,751 --> 00:43:55,473 Senator currently North campus 1072 00:43:55,473 --> 00:43:58,760 providing about 2450 guardsmen from 1073 00:43:58,760 --> 00:44:01,060 various states in a title 10 status . 1074 00:44:01,130 --> 00:44:03,280 Doing detection and monitoring intel 1075 00:44:03,280 --> 00:44:07,220 analysis and also aviation support . Uh 1076 00:44:07,230 --> 00:44:09,397 They're the request for support for Fy 1077 00:44:09,397 --> 00:44:11,950 23 is in the department as well and 1078 00:44:11,960 --> 00:44:13,960 being adjudicated at the department 1079 00:44:13,960 --> 00:44:16,127 level . I don't have a tasking yet for 1080 00:44:16,127 --> 00:44:18,238 23 . Let me ask you about the mexican 1081 00:44:18,238 --> 00:44:20,238 government . Have they been helping 1082 00:44:20,238 --> 00:44:22,404 with this with the flow of drugs ? The 1083 00:44:22,404 --> 00:44:25,190 human trafficking has that has it 1084 00:44:25,190 --> 00:44:27,246 gotten better or worse than the last 1085 00:44:27,246 --> 00:44:29,830 year ? The mexicans are extremely good 1086 00:44:29,830 --> 00:44:31,941 partners . I have great relationships 1087 00:44:31,941 --> 00:44:34,500 with General Sandoval of Sedona with 1088 00:44:34,500 --> 00:44:36,630 Admiral O . Heda of some are both are 1089 00:44:36,630 --> 00:44:38,686 coming to visit me next month . They 1090 00:44:38,686 --> 00:44:40,690 have tens of thousands of mexican 1091 00:44:40,690 --> 00:44:43,510 troops conducting the mission to 1092 00:44:43,510 --> 00:44:45,566 support what we need with the common 1093 00:44:45,566 --> 00:44:47,732 objectives and and we're very grateful 1094 00:44:47,732 --> 00:44:49,788 for their partnership . What are you 1095 00:44:49,788 --> 00:44:51,732 looking for them to do in the year 1096 00:44:51,732 --> 00:44:54,110 ahead ? Continue to partner would 1097 00:44:54,120 --> 00:44:56,210 provide additional security . Samara 1098 00:44:56,210 --> 00:44:58,840 has ports security now for fentaNYL . 1099 00:44:58,840 --> 00:45:01,062 That's crucial because those precursors 1100 00:45:01,062 --> 00:45:03,310 often come into ports . Would like to 1101 00:45:03,310 --> 00:45:05,477 work additional information sharing to 1102 00:45:05,477 --> 00:45:07,532 enable them to be more successful in 1103 00:45:07,532 --> 00:45:09,588 interdicting much of those precursor 1104 00:45:09,588 --> 00:45:11,754 chemicals that come into Mexico . Very 1105 00:45:11,754 --> 00:45:13,921 good . Let me shift back to china here 1106 00:45:13,921 --> 00:45:15,810 quickly and my my a little bit of 1107 00:45:15,810 --> 00:45:17,699 remaining time . Um you mentioned 1108 00:45:17,699 --> 00:45:19,754 Taiwan a second ago . It's no secret 1109 00:45:19,754 --> 00:45:21,810 Beijing would love to seize Taiwan . 1110 00:45:21,810 --> 00:45:23,977 They'd love to execute a fete accompli 1111 00:45:23,977 --> 00:45:26,030 with regard to Taiwan . And we also 1112 00:45:26,030 --> 00:45:28,308 know that if they attempted to do that , 1113 00:45:28,308 --> 00:45:30,252 they would seek to prevent us from 1114 00:45:30,252 --> 00:45:33,190 deploying forces from the west coast 1115 00:45:33,200 --> 00:45:36,060 into the theater . Tell me about your 1116 00:45:36,060 --> 00:45:38,010 concerns about china's ability to 1117 00:45:38,010 --> 00:45:40,177 strike military targets targets in the 1118 00:45:40,177 --> 00:45:42,177 homeland using cyber capabilities . 1119 00:45:42,790 --> 00:45:44,957 Well , China possesses extensive cyber 1120 00:45:44,957 --> 00:45:48,160 capabilities . Those responsibilities 1121 00:45:48,160 --> 00:45:50,382 to defend the homeland primarily reside 1122 00:45:50,382 --> 00:45:53,010 with Cisa Director easterly and General 1123 00:45:53,010 --> 00:45:55,590 Nakasone on the dot Inside my role is 1124 00:45:55,590 --> 00:45:57,610 to provide defense support of civil 1125 00:45:57,610 --> 00:45:59,390 authorities . In the case of 1126 00:45:59,400 --> 00:46:01,590 municipalities industry asked for 1127 00:46:01,590 --> 00:46:05,050 support . Um we have a good capability . 1128 00:46:05,050 --> 00:46:07,290 What we don't know senator is the 1129 00:46:07,290 --> 00:46:09,179 unknown . We don't know where the 1130 00:46:09,179 --> 00:46:11,346 vulnerabilities are because of the way 1131 00:46:11,346 --> 00:46:13,401 were set up across multiple agencies 1132 00:46:13,401 --> 00:46:16,050 across multiple industries that we rely 1133 00:46:16,050 --> 00:46:19,400 on volunteering their information for 1134 00:46:19,410 --> 00:46:21,540 uh cyber vulnerabilities . Got it . 1135 00:46:21,550 --> 00:46:23,772 Thank you both for your service again . 1136 00:46:23,772 --> 00:46:25,828 General Richardson , I'll give you a 1137 00:46:25,828 --> 00:46:27,939 few questions for the record . Thanks 1138 00:46:27,939 --> 00:46:27,630 for being here . Thank you . Mr 1139 00:46:27,630 --> 00:46:29,686 Chairman , thank you Senator Wally . 1140 00:46:29,686 --> 00:46:32,380 Senator Rosen , please thank you . Mr 1141 00:46:32,380 --> 00:46:34,560 Chairman . And uh I would really like 1142 00:46:34,560 --> 00:46:36,616 to thank Generals Richardson and and 1143 00:46:36,616 --> 00:46:38,727 Van Herk for testifying today and for 1144 00:46:38,727 --> 00:46:41,060 your service to our country . Thank you . 1145 00:46:41,060 --> 00:46:43,171 Um I want to speak a little bit about 1146 00:46:43,171 --> 00:46:44,893 Iran's presence in the western 1147 00:46:44,893 --> 00:46:46,782 hemisphere and General Richardson 1148 00:46:46,782 --> 00:46:48,893 during your confirmation hearing . We 1149 00:46:48,893 --> 00:46:50,838 discussed Iran's presence in latin 1150 00:46:50,838 --> 00:46:52,949 America through its proxy Hezbollah . 1151 00:46:53,480 --> 00:46:55,369 Its involvement in the tri border 1152 00:46:55,369 --> 00:46:57,591 region of Paraguay Argentina and brazil 1153 00:46:57,591 --> 00:46:59,930 and . its exchange of arms for oil with 1154 00:46:59,940 --> 00:47:02,620 of course Venezuela . Over a year ago 1155 00:47:02,620 --> 00:47:04,740 Brazilian authorities extradited a 1156 00:47:04,740 --> 00:47:06,650 leading Hezbollah finance er to 1157 00:47:06,650 --> 00:47:08,860 Paraguay which dealt a blow of course 1158 00:47:08,860 --> 00:47:10,971 to the terrorist group . However , we 1159 00:47:10,971 --> 00:47:13,193 don't often receive the same support in 1160 00:47:13,193 --> 00:47:15,360 combating Iran or its proxy activities 1161 00:47:15,360 --> 00:47:17,416 from other countries in the region . 1162 00:47:17,416 --> 00:47:19,416 Just a little over two months ago , 1163 00:47:19,416 --> 00:47:22,220 Iranian official Mohsen uh Mohsen Rezai 1164 00:47:22,330 --> 00:47:25,000 was wanted by Interpol for his role as 1165 00:47:25,000 --> 00:47:27,000 leader of the Iranian Revolutionary 1166 00:47:27,000 --> 00:47:29,350 Guard Corps in the 1990 for a me a 1167 00:47:29,350 --> 00:47:31,294 jewish community center bombing in 1168 00:47:31,294 --> 00:47:33,350 Argentina . He made an appearance at 1169 00:47:33,350 --> 00:47:35,072 the inauguration of Nicaraguan 1170 00:47:35,072 --> 00:47:38,410 President Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua to 1171 00:47:38,410 --> 00:47:40,410 hold Iran accountable and Hezbollah 1172 00:47:40,410 --> 00:47:42,410 accountable for their activities in 1173 00:47:42,410 --> 00:47:44,632 latin America , Senator Blackburn and I 1174 00:47:44,632 --> 00:47:46,854 introduced Hezbollah and Latin american 1175 00:47:46,854 --> 00:47:49,021 account of latin America , excuse me , 1176 00:47:49,021 --> 00:47:51,243 accountability act . So general , could 1177 00:47:51,243 --> 00:47:53,300 you please update the committee on 1178 00:47:53,300 --> 00:47:55,550 Hezbollah's recent activity in Latin 1179 00:47:55,550 --> 00:47:57,780 America . Are we effectively disrupting 1180 00:47:57,780 --> 00:48:00,420 their agenda And to your knowledge is 1181 00:48:00,420 --> 00:48:03,000 Hezbollah continuing to exchange arms 1182 00:48:03,000 --> 00:48:06,000 for oil with Venezuela . So thank you 1183 00:48:06,000 --> 00:48:08,056 for the question Senator and I think 1184 00:48:08,056 --> 00:48:10,167 the uh quite honestly , thank you for 1185 00:48:10,167 --> 00:48:12,860 the for the act and the um and the work 1186 00:48:12,860 --> 00:48:15,027 that we do partnering with our partner 1187 00:48:15,027 --> 00:48:17,020 nations . It's so important to the 1188 00:48:17,020 --> 00:48:19,390 security cooperation training equipped 1189 00:48:19,390 --> 00:48:21,501 triple three funding . That's my main 1190 00:48:21,501 --> 00:48:23,980 level to work with these militaries and 1191 00:48:23,980 --> 00:48:26,290 these defense forces to counter our 1192 00:48:26,290 --> 00:48:28,346 competitors encounter are threats in 1193 00:48:28,346 --> 00:48:31,140 the region . And just as you listed off , 1194 00:48:31,150 --> 00:48:33,990 you know what what Iran does and has 1195 00:48:33,990 --> 00:48:37,470 done uh in our in our in my A . O . R . 1196 00:48:37,480 --> 00:48:41,400 Uh is very concerning and obviously um 1197 00:48:41,670 --> 00:48:44,670 to impact that and when I uh secretary 1198 00:48:44,680 --> 00:48:47,480 defense uses the integrated deterrence 1199 00:48:47,480 --> 00:48:49,370 and and as I look at that and you 1200 00:48:49,370 --> 00:48:51,490 partner with all of the capabilities 1201 00:48:51,490 --> 00:48:53,720 that are in the region uh it's so 1202 00:48:53,720 --> 00:48:55,942 important that the partner nations that 1203 00:48:55,942 --> 00:48:57,960 are dealing with this internally be 1204 00:48:57,960 --> 00:48:59,627 able to have the capacity and 1205 00:48:59,627 --> 00:49:02,390 capability to do that too . Um I just 1206 00:49:02,390 --> 00:49:04,810 request that I'm able to continue with 1207 00:49:04,810 --> 00:49:07,090 that triple three funding so I am there 1208 00:49:07,100 --> 00:49:09,267 because they want to partner with us , 1209 00:49:09,267 --> 00:49:11,489 they want a partner , they look to us , 1210 00:49:11,489 --> 00:49:13,433 they look for help , they look for 1211 00:49:13,433 --> 00:49:15,544 assistance , they look for coaching , 1212 00:49:15,544 --> 00:49:17,544 teaching , mentoring , they want to 1213 00:49:17,544 --> 00:49:19,711 come to our schools and this is how we 1214 00:49:19,711 --> 00:49:21,878 make them stronger to handle their own 1215 00:49:21,878 --> 00:49:23,989 uh their issues internally as we work 1216 00:49:23,989 --> 00:49:26,211 together to counter the threats . Thank 1217 00:49:26,211 --> 00:49:28,322 you . I want to continue on this line 1218 00:49:28,322 --> 00:49:30,433 of questioning questioning because we 1219 00:49:30,433 --> 00:49:32,600 know there's also chinese surveillance 1220 00:49:32,600 --> 00:49:35,270 technology um in south America . And so 1221 00:49:35,270 --> 00:49:37,492 I asked you at the confirmation hearing 1222 00:49:37,492 --> 00:49:40,190 about uh chinese state companies 1223 00:49:40,190 --> 00:49:42,600 deploying that smart city safe city 1224 00:49:42,610 --> 00:49:45,280 technology in latin America . And of 1225 00:49:45,280 --> 00:49:47,650 course you said countries don't I don't 1226 00:49:47,650 --> 00:49:50,480 like that in the region . So I'm 1227 00:49:50,480 --> 00:49:52,591 concerned about the national security 1228 00:49:52,591 --> 00:49:54,591 ramifications of this . So I know I 1229 00:49:54,591 --> 00:49:56,536 have a short time left but can you 1230 00:49:56,536 --> 00:49:58,647 provide us an update on the countries 1231 00:49:58,647 --> 00:50:00,480 who are trying to get rid of the 1232 00:50:00,480 --> 00:50:02,258 technology implemented in their 1233 00:50:02,258 --> 00:50:04,480 countries by china . And uh what can we 1234 00:50:04,480 --> 00:50:07,780 do to help stop this widespread chinese 1235 00:50:07,780 --> 00:50:09,840 surveillance ? So we do our best . I 1236 00:50:09,840 --> 00:50:12,560 mean not just the D . O . D . But but 1237 00:50:12,560 --> 00:50:14,282 also Department of State as we 1238 00:50:14,282 --> 00:50:16,950 consistently work with them . I senior 1239 00:50:16,950 --> 00:50:19,780 defense officials and my senior co uh 1240 00:50:19,790 --> 00:50:22,370 cooperation officials that are 1241 00:50:22,370 --> 00:50:24,592 downrange that are actually embedded in 1242 00:50:24,592 --> 00:50:26,537 the embassies and working with our 1243 00:50:26,537 --> 00:50:28,592 partner nations to advise them about 1244 00:50:28,592 --> 00:50:30,481 the technology , the surveillance 1245 00:50:30,481 --> 00:50:32,970 technology , a backdoor of getting into 1246 00:50:32,970 --> 00:50:35,026 the defense networks and things like 1247 00:50:35,026 --> 00:50:37,930 that . Certainly uh the possibility of 1248 00:50:37,930 --> 00:50:40,830 five G . And if if nations get five G 1249 00:50:40,830 --> 00:50:42,663 then our inability to be able to 1250 00:50:42,663 --> 00:50:44,774 continue to work with them because of 1251 00:50:44,774 --> 00:50:47,190 that cyber threat . Thank you . I want 1252 00:50:47,190 --> 00:50:49,412 to kind of keep on the cyber threat and 1253 00:50:49,412 --> 00:50:51,523 I move over to General Van Herk about 1254 00:50:51,523 --> 00:50:54,450 missile defense cybersecurity as MD A 1255 00:50:54,450 --> 00:50:56,672 works to rapidly deploy missile defense 1256 00:50:56,672 --> 00:50:58,839 systems to stay ahead of threats . I'm 1257 00:50:58,839 --> 00:51:00,950 concerned that we might not be taking 1258 00:51:00,950 --> 00:51:02,728 potential cyber vulnerabilities 1259 00:51:02,728 --> 00:51:04,783 seriously enough before fielding new 1260 00:51:04,783 --> 00:51:06,617 systems . So on the 2019 missile 1261 00:51:06,617 --> 00:51:08,894 defense review a software is mentioned . 1262 00:51:08,894 --> 00:51:11,270 Software is mentioned only once . This 1263 00:51:11,270 --> 00:51:14,490 is a key way hackers get in even more 1264 00:51:14,490 --> 00:51:17,210 alarming . Gos May 2021 reports 1265 00:51:17,220 --> 00:51:20,190 highlights that none none of em D A 17 1266 00:51:20,190 --> 00:51:22,412 operational cybersecurity tests planned 1267 00:51:22,412 --> 00:51:25,960 for fiscal year 2020 were conducted And 1268 00:51:25,960 --> 00:51:28,690 that cybersecurity testing since 2017 1269 00:51:28,690 --> 00:51:31,310 has revealed vulnerabilities . I will 1270 00:51:31,310 --> 00:51:34,900 take my answer off the record but um I 1271 00:51:34,900 --> 00:51:37,011 just like to know what steps NORAD is 1272 00:51:37,011 --> 00:51:39,011 taking to address the cybersecurity 1273 00:51:39,011 --> 00:51:41,290 vulnerabilities . I I see my time is up 1274 00:51:41,290 --> 00:51:43,900 so I'll yield to my next question . 1275 00:51:43,910 --> 00:51:45,966 We'll take it for the record . Thank 1276 00:51:45,966 --> 00:51:48,077 you . Thank you both generals . Thank 1277 00:51:48,077 --> 00:51:49,854 you . Senator Roseman . Senator 1278 00:51:49,854 --> 00:51:52,077 Tuberville please . Good morning . Save 1279 00:51:52,077 --> 00:51:54,960 the best for last . Glad ceo uh General 1280 00:51:54,960 --> 00:51:58,070 Van Herrick . We're here in Title 42 is 1281 00:51:58,070 --> 00:52:00,510 gonna expire March the 30th . Are we 1282 00:52:00,510 --> 00:52:03,960 prepared for it ? I would defer to the 1283 00:52:03,960 --> 00:52:06,480 DHS that's their mission . We we are 1284 00:52:06,850 --> 00:52:09,190 actively planning based at the request 1285 00:52:09,190 --> 00:52:11,590 of Dhs I don't have a task to do that 1286 00:52:11,600 --> 00:52:13,670 at this time but I understand the 1287 00:52:13,670 --> 00:52:15,892 department is working through that with 1288 00:52:15,892 --> 00:52:18,480 DHS , one of my favorite movies is what 1289 00:52:18,490 --> 00:52:20,601 I think we were soldiers . Mel Gibson 1290 00:52:20,601 --> 00:52:23,880 uh played Colonel Hal moore who is a 1291 00:52:23,880 --> 00:52:25,824 friend of mine a few years ago and 1292 00:52:25,824 --> 00:52:28,280 since passed away in that movie , 1293 00:52:28,280 --> 00:52:31,030 they're getting run over and the code 1294 00:52:31,030 --> 00:52:33,240 was broken Arrow . In other words , 1295 00:52:33,240 --> 00:52:35,910 they're up there on top of us . I saw a 1296 00:52:35,920 --> 00:52:39,380 facebook page this morning from from 1297 00:52:39,950 --> 00:52:42,370 border patrol hollering Broken Arrow . 1298 00:52:43,050 --> 00:52:45,161 We got huge problems and I know we've 1299 00:52:45,161 --> 00:52:47,328 got huge problems all over the world . 1300 00:52:47,328 --> 00:52:49,439 It doesn't seem like we're addressing 1301 00:52:49,439 --> 00:52:51,439 this enough and we're gonna have to 1302 00:52:51,439 --> 00:52:53,439 sooner or later because it's really 1303 00:52:53,439 --> 00:52:55,494 gonna affect and it is affecting our 1304 00:52:55,494 --> 00:52:57,661 country as we speak but With the drugs 1305 00:52:57,661 --> 00:52:57,600 and all that ? But I just wanted to 1306 00:52:57,600 --> 00:52:59,810 bring that up . Given your 3200 hours 1307 00:52:59,810 --> 00:53:02,050 of flight time you've flown about 1308 00:53:02,050 --> 00:53:04,217 everything I guess . Is there anything 1309 00:53:04,217 --> 00:53:06,383 you haven't flown ? There's plenty . I 1310 00:53:06,383 --> 00:53:08,606 haven't flown what ? General Richardson 1311 00:53:08,606 --> 00:53:11,480 flies helicopters . Um A former 1312 00:53:11,480 --> 00:53:13,740 Thunderbird Squadron Commander J . V . 1313 00:53:13,740 --> 00:53:15,851 Venable recently wrote that a fighter 1314 00:53:15,851 --> 00:53:18,570 pilot needs at least 200 hours 1315 00:53:19,650 --> 00:53:22,550 A year or four sorties a week and coach 1316 00:53:22,550 --> 00:53:26,490 and we call it practice . But the Air 1317 00:53:26,490 --> 00:53:28,810 Force and Navy flight hours have fallen 1318 00:53:28,810 --> 00:53:32,270 to historic lows . Is that concerning 1319 00:53:34,250 --> 00:53:36,170 from a readiness perspective from 1320 00:53:36,170 --> 00:53:38,281 somebody who receives forces from the 1321 00:53:38,281 --> 00:53:40,337 service . It is concerning to ensure 1322 00:53:40,337 --> 00:53:42,430 that every force that we receive is 1323 00:53:42,430 --> 00:53:44,597 ready to execute the missions that I'm 1324 00:53:44,597 --> 00:53:46,640 tasked to do best answered by the 1325 00:53:46,640 --> 00:53:48,529 services specific to their actual 1326 00:53:48,529 --> 00:53:50,640 training . But it would be concerning 1327 00:53:50,640 --> 00:53:52,751 if the trend continues to drop on the 1328 00:53:52,751 --> 00:53:55,029 flight hours . Thank you . Mr Chairman , 1329 00:53:55,029 --> 00:53:56,973 I would like to submit mr venables 1330 00:53:56,973 --> 00:53:59,410 report on Air Force readiness and the 1331 00:53:59,410 --> 00:54:01,243 Wall Street Journal article that 1332 00:54:01,243 --> 00:54:03,132 references his assessment for the 1333 00:54:03,132 --> 00:54:05,021 record police without objection . 1334 00:54:05,021 --> 00:54:07,270 General Richardson uh last week I met 1335 00:54:07,270 --> 00:54:09,326 with the Colombian ambassador . Good 1336 00:54:09,326 --> 00:54:13,250 guy . They're huge allies . 1337 00:54:14,040 --> 00:54:15,984 What inroads have you made done of 1338 00:54:15,984 --> 00:54:18,096 relationships have you made ? Because 1339 00:54:18,096 --> 00:54:20,262 we've got even from my state we've got 1340 00:54:20,262 --> 00:54:22,429 a lot of input down in what goes on in 1341 00:54:22,429 --> 00:54:24,651 Colombia , you know with their business 1342 00:54:24,651 --> 00:54:26,873 dealings minerals , those things . What 1343 00:54:26,873 --> 00:54:29,096 what have you , what have you seen from 1344 00:54:29,096 --> 00:54:31,270 Colombia . Our number one security 1345 00:54:31,270 --> 00:54:33,440 partner . Uh And I looked to them as 1346 00:54:33,440 --> 00:54:35,790 like a key linchpin to the security and 1347 00:54:35,790 --> 00:54:37,679 the stability of the region quite 1348 00:54:37,679 --> 00:54:40,220 honestly . Uh if you just look over you 1349 00:54:40,230 --> 00:54:42,452 it's really hard in this ao are to take 1350 00:54:42,452 --> 00:54:45,640 a snapshot in time of of of a country . 1351 00:54:45,640 --> 00:54:48,410 But if you look for when when they in 1352 00:54:48,410 --> 00:54:50,830 1999 and where they were then to where 1353 00:54:50,830 --> 00:54:53,390 they are now . Uh It's just really 1354 00:54:53,390 --> 00:54:55,223 tremendous . I have the Chief of 1355 00:54:55,223 --> 00:54:57,223 Defense General Navarro visiting on 1356 00:54:57,223 --> 00:54:59,900 monday . Uh We had our staff talks 1357 00:54:59,910 --> 00:55:02,710 South . Com Columbia . Uh staff talks 1358 00:55:02,710 --> 00:55:05,380 in january . Uh We have that was first 1359 00:55:05,380 --> 00:55:08,210 country I visited uh in the A . O . R . 1360 00:55:08,220 --> 00:55:11,200 Um when I came into command of South 1361 00:55:11,200 --> 00:55:14,550 com . So our relationship is excellent . 1362 00:55:14,550 --> 00:55:17,510 It's strong . It's we share information , 1363 00:55:17,510 --> 00:55:20,310 we're constantly communicating again as 1364 00:55:20,310 --> 00:55:22,750 coaching , teaching , mentoring . I 1365 00:55:22,760 --> 00:55:24,760 look at our partners . I mean there 1366 00:55:24,760 --> 00:55:26,593 there on the ground they see the 1367 00:55:26,593 --> 00:55:28,538 threats , they're dealing with the 1368 00:55:28,538 --> 00:55:30,538 threats every day . We have to have 1369 00:55:30,538 --> 00:55:32,649 those good relationships with them uh 1370 00:55:32,649 --> 00:55:34,427 in order to increase our domain 1371 00:55:34,427 --> 00:55:36,538 awareness to make up for what I don't 1372 00:55:36,538 --> 00:55:38,816 have in domain awareness and I . S . R . 1373 00:55:38,816 --> 00:55:40,538 And things like that . But the 1374 00:55:40,538 --> 00:55:42,704 partnership gets you the trust and the 1375 00:55:42,704 --> 00:55:44,593 access and the presence with your 1376 00:55:44,593 --> 00:55:46,704 partner nation . It's obviously gonna 1377 00:55:46,704 --> 00:55:48,871 be a big key for us . Yeah in your A . 1378 00:55:48,871 --> 00:55:51,460 O . R . But thanks to you all I'll cut 1379 00:55:51,460 --> 00:55:55,040 my time short . Thank you very much . 1380 00:55:55,040 --> 00:55:57,318 Senator over Real Senator kelly please . 1381 00:55:57,540 --> 00:56:00,460 Thank you . Mr . Chairman and General 1382 00:56:00,460 --> 00:56:02,682 Van Herk and General Richardson . Thank 1383 00:56:02,682 --> 00:56:04,849 you for being here . Today . Yesterday 1384 00:56:04,849 --> 00:56:06,904 I held a hearing in this committee's 1385 00:56:06,904 --> 00:56:09,730 panel on emerging threats to focus on 1386 00:56:09,730 --> 00:56:11,674 how our military can work with our 1387 00:56:11,674 --> 00:56:13,674 partner nations to improve security 1388 00:56:13,674 --> 00:56:15,890 conditions in our hemisphere . That in 1389 00:56:15,890 --> 00:56:18,940 turn impact the U . S . Border and our 1390 00:56:18,940 --> 00:56:21,690 national security throughout south and 1391 00:56:21,690 --> 00:56:24,710 central America criminal elements china 1392 00:56:24,710 --> 00:56:26,821 and Russia are seeking to destabilize 1393 00:56:26,821 --> 00:56:29,043 the region for their own gain . This is 1394 00:56:29,043 --> 00:56:31,510 a national security challenge and we 1395 00:56:31,510 --> 00:56:34,350 need to treat it as a national security 1396 00:56:34,350 --> 00:56:37,410 challenge . With that context in mind , 1397 00:56:37,830 --> 00:56:39,886 I would like to touch on North comms 1398 00:56:39,886 --> 00:56:41,719 First North comms mission at the 1399 00:56:41,719 --> 00:56:44,380 southwest border . Uh The National 1400 00:56:44,380 --> 00:56:47,360 Guard plays a critical role in this 1401 00:56:47,360 --> 00:56:49,950 mission providing much needed relief 1402 00:56:50,330 --> 00:56:52,570 too overstretched border Patrol agents 1403 00:56:52,570 --> 00:56:55,190 and local law enforcement . I've been 1404 00:56:55,190 --> 00:56:57,750 to the border um many times and I stay 1405 00:56:57,750 --> 00:56:59,910 in close contact with local elected 1406 00:57:00,170 --> 00:57:02,470 leaders and law enforcement . I've also 1407 00:57:02,470 --> 00:57:04,750 delivered additional federal resources 1408 00:57:04,760 --> 00:57:08,120 and the and the Assistant Secretary of 1409 00:57:08,120 --> 00:57:10,350 Defense for Homeland Defense and 1410 00:57:10,360 --> 00:57:13,420 hemispheric affairs committed to me 1411 00:57:13,430 --> 00:57:15,541 earlier this year that National Guard 1412 00:57:15,541 --> 00:57:18,180 troops would be well resourced during 1413 00:57:18,180 --> 00:57:21,390 these missions . So General Van Herk in 1414 00:57:21,390 --> 00:57:23,612 your view is the National Guards border 1415 00:57:23,612 --> 00:57:26,510 mission properly resourced to 1416 00:57:26,510 --> 00:57:29,100 significantly assist in addressing the 1417 00:57:29,100 --> 00:57:32,780 crisis at the border Senator First I 1418 00:57:32,780 --> 00:57:34,891 share your assessment of the National 1419 00:57:34,891 --> 00:57:37,058 security imperative a challenge for us 1420 00:57:37,058 --> 00:57:39,113 with what's going on at the border . 1421 00:57:39,113 --> 00:57:41,058 The National Guard forces that are 1422 00:57:41,058 --> 00:57:43,113 working for us in entitled 10 status 1423 00:57:43,113 --> 00:57:45,224 are not only resources by D . O . D . 1424 00:57:45,224 --> 00:57:47,447 But they're provided resources by DHS . 1425 00:57:47,447 --> 00:57:49,558 And and my assessment is for the most 1426 00:57:49,558 --> 00:57:51,780 part their resources to where they need 1427 00:57:51,780 --> 00:57:53,891 to be . Uh they could have additional 1428 00:57:53,891 --> 00:57:56,500 resources for observation , detection 1429 00:57:56,500 --> 00:57:58,556 and monitoring those kinds of things 1430 00:57:58,556 --> 00:58:01,290 from DHS . I I think long term this is 1431 00:58:01,290 --> 00:58:03,012 not an enduring mission of the 1432 00:58:03,012 --> 00:58:04,960 Department of Defense . We need to 1433 00:58:04,960 --> 00:58:07,530 fully fund and resource DHS to do their 1434 00:58:07,530 --> 00:58:10,350 mission . Uh And uh the D . O . D . 1435 00:58:10,350 --> 00:58:13,270 Should be used in extremist times for 1436 00:58:13,280 --> 00:58:15,560 the support on the border mission . I'd 1437 00:58:15,560 --> 00:58:18,170 like to just make sure that our mission 1438 00:58:18,170 --> 00:58:20,059 is understood . We're not they're 1439 00:58:20,059 --> 00:58:22,114 enforcing the laws that DHS can do , 1440 00:58:22,114 --> 00:58:23,948 we're supporting them to free up 1441 00:58:23,948 --> 00:58:26,003 capacity so they can do that mission 1442 00:58:26,003 --> 00:58:28,060 and we provide support detection and 1443 00:58:28,060 --> 00:58:30,280 monitoring aviation support to help 1444 00:58:30,280 --> 00:58:32,680 them and also the intel analysis . Well , 1445 00:58:32,680 --> 00:58:35,950 until DHS is fully resourced to do this , 1446 00:58:35,950 --> 00:58:38,510 let's make sure that uh the guard and 1447 00:58:38,510 --> 00:58:40,732 reserve have the resources they need in 1448 00:58:40,732 --> 00:58:42,788 their interim there um General , are 1449 00:58:42,788 --> 00:58:45,270 you in regular communication with uh 1450 00:58:45,280 --> 00:58:47,690 CBP with Customs and border Protection 1451 00:58:47,700 --> 00:58:50,260 and local law enforcement partners on 1452 00:58:50,260 --> 00:58:54,010 this issue . Me personally . Uh 1453 00:58:54,020 --> 00:58:56,690 Yes , not not daily or anything like 1454 00:58:56,690 --> 00:58:58,912 that . I've been to the border multiple 1455 00:58:58,912 --> 00:59:01,079 times . I was at the border last month 1456 00:59:01,079 --> 00:59:03,190 as well and met with both uh customs 1457 00:59:03,200 --> 00:59:05,610 and Border Patrol agents and discussed . 1458 00:59:05,610 --> 00:59:07,666 We had eight in the room as well . I 1459 00:59:07,666 --> 00:59:10,310 visited in your your state as well in 1460 00:59:10,310 --> 00:59:12,860 Nogales and been to the border . So we 1461 00:59:12,860 --> 00:59:15,640 do that . I have multiple liaisons from 1462 00:59:15,640 --> 00:59:17,820 40 government agencies that work in my 1463 00:59:17,820 --> 00:59:20,160 headquarters to include from DHS and 1464 00:59:20,160 --> 00:59:22,860 the border . Well , that's good to hear . 1465 00:59:22,860 --> 00:59:25,760 We need to uh you know , this is a 1466 00:59:25,770 --> 00:59:27,881 comprehensive and challenging problem 1467 00:59:27,881 --> 00:59:30,470 and we need to all have all agencies 1468 00:59:30,470 --> 00:59:32,750 working together to try to deal with 1469 00:59:32,750 --> 00:59:36,090 this crisis . Um General Richardson . 1470 00:59:36,620 --> 00:59:39,430 Um in your posture statement , you 1471 00:59:39,430 --> 00:59:42,430 mentioned The insecurity and 1472 00:59:42,440 --> 00:59:44,940 instability that's been exacerbated by 1473 00:59:44,950 --> 00:59:46,960 COVID-19 . You know , we know that 1474 00:59:46,960 --> 00:59:49,016 transnational criminal organizations 1475 00:59:49,016 --> 00:59:52,030 routinely exploit poverty and stability 1476 00:59:52,030 --> 00:59:54,086 and corruption to gain political and 1477 00:59:54,086 --> 00:59:57,210 criminal power . This is bad for 1478 00:59:57,220 --> 00:59:59,510 stability . It's bad for our partners 1479 00:59:59,510 --> 01:00:01,970 who are trying to sustain democratic 1480 01:00:01,970 --> 01:00:04,560 societies and it's bad for our own 1481 01:00:04,560 --> 01:00:07,670 interests . Um when we spoke earlier 1482 01:00:07,680 --> 01:00:09,847 this week , you specifically mentioned 1483 01:00:09,847 --> 01:00:11,958 that criminal organizations are using 1484 01:00:11,958 --> 01:00:14,060 the instability brought about by the 1485 01:00:14,060 --> 01:00:16,890 economic impacts of COVID-19 to create 1486 01:00:16,890 --> 01:00:19,450 a wedge that Russia and China are 1487 01:00:19,450 --> 01:00:21,770 taking advantage of . Can you elaborate 1488 01:00:21,770 --> 01:00:24,940 on the relationship between Russia 1489 01:00:25,110 --> 01:00:27,332 china and criminal organizations in the 1490 01:00:27,332 --> 01:00:29,443 region ? And how does the instability 1491 01:00:29,443 --> 01:00:31,830 caused by criminal groups and 1492 01:00:32,210 --> 01:00:34,720 opportunism of countries like china 1493 01:00:34,720 --> 01:00:38,080 allowed them to expand their reach . So 1494 01:00:38,090 --> 01:00:40,640 overall Senator , I just look at the 1495 01:00:40,650 --> 01:00:43,240 the insecurity and instability . The 1496 01:00:43,240 --> 01:00:45,660 cycle of vicious threats this wedge 1497 01:00:45,660 --> 01:00:48,030 that the T . C . O . S . Can create , 1498 01:00:48,040 --> 01:00:51,480 which allows the our competitors , you 1499 01:00:51,480 --> 01:00:53,790 know the PRC and Russia to flourish and 1500 01:00:53,790 --> 01:00:55,980 look like the the heroes of the day 1501 01:00:55,990 --> 01:00:58,046 right ? When they come in with their 1502 01:00:58,046 --> 01:00:59,823 projects and their money and or 1503 01:00:59,823 --> 01:01:01,823 equipment and capability and things 1504 01:01:01,823 --> 01:01:04,410 like that . And so uh and uh as we 1505 01:01:04,410 --> 01:01:06,780 talked about as well , uh the chinese 1506 01:01:06,780 --> 01:01:09,180 money launderers that take the money 1507 01:01:09,180 --> 01:01:11,513 from these T . C . O . S . When these T . 1508 01:01:11,513 --> 01:01:13,900 C . O . S . Have all this cash , huge 1509 01:01:13,910 --> 01:01:17,740 $310 billion a year , annual revenue 1510 01:01:18,010 --> 01:01:20,270 uh and move it back and turn it around 1511 01:01:20,270 --> 01:01:22,790 into goods that they that they send 1512 01:01:22,790 --> 01:01:24,901 back for the T . C . O . S to be able 1513 01:01:24,901 --> 01:01:28,260 to sell and it's all cleaned cleaned uh 1514 01:01:28,270 --> 01:01:31,010 money if you will . Um And so we have 1515 01:01:31,010 --> 01:01:34,210 to uh you know this isn't just A A . D . 1516 01:01:34,210 --> 01:01:36,432 O . D . Or A . D . H . S . We also have 1517 01:01:36,432 --> 01:01:39,090 to I think get after this money . And 1518 01:01:39,090 --> 01:01:42,260 uh and in terms of what our whole of 1519 01:01:42,260 --> 01:01:44,316 government approach is to follow the 1520 01:01:44,316 --> 01:01:46,482 money and then be able to crack down . 1521 01:01:46,482 --> 01:01:48,593 But I know that it's very difficult . 1522 01:01:48,593 --> 01:01:50,371 These are complex cases uh that 1523 01:01:50,371 --> 01:01:52,649 Treasury and Justice have to deal with . 1524 01:01:52,650 --> 01:01:54,706 But until I think we get it out , we 1525 01:01:54,706 --> 01:01:57,180 get out , we get after that specific 1526 01:01:57,180 --> 01:01:59,236 problem . We can't interdict our way 1527 01:01:59,236 --> 01:02:01,347 out of this . We're not gonna be able 1528 01:02:01,347 --> 01:02:03,291 to do that . We gotta go after and 1529 01:02:03,291 --> 01:02:05,680 follow the money . Well um I want to 1530 01:02:05,680 --> 01:02:08,050 thank you for the comprehensive answers 1531 01:02:08,050 --> 01:02:10,217 from our phone call the other day that 1532 01:02:10,217 --> 01:02:12,272 your staff sent sent over . I really 1533 01:02:12,272 --> 01:02:14,494 appreciate that . And uh and those were 1534 01:02:14,494 --> 01:02:16,850 really helpful . I also want to make 1535 01:02:16,850 --> 01:02:19,280 sure that you have the resources you 1536 01:02:19,280 --> 01:02:21,169 know that you need to tackle this 1537 01:02:21,169 --> 01:02:23,224 challenge . So I'm interested to see 1538 01:02:23,224 --> 01:02:25,280 you know what the president's budget 1539 01:02:25,280 --> 01:02:27,900 looks like um For for south com north 1540 01:02:27,900 --> 01:02:31,090 calm as well . Um And since 1541 01:02:31,090 --> 01:02:34,330 I'm over , thank you Mr Chairman . 1542 01:02:34,340 --> 01:02:38,170 Um and I have some additional questions 1543 01:02:38,170 --> 01:02:40,337 for the record . Thank you very much . 1544 01:02:40,337 --> 01:02:42,392 Senator kelly . And let me thank you 1545 01:02:42,392 --> 01:02:44,614 General Van Herk and General Richardson 1546 01:02:44,614 --> 01:02:46,503 for your thoughtful and very very 1547 01:02:46,503 --> 01:02:48,392 responsive testimony . Uh at this 1548 01:02:48,392 --> 01:02:50,550 juncture I will adjourn the open 1549 01:02:50,550 --> 01:02:54,440 hearing and we will reconvene at 11 45 1550 01:02:54,440 --> 01:02:57,540 approximately 15 minutes in S . V . C . 1551 01:02:57,540 --> 01:03:00,640 To 17 for a closed session . Thank you 1552 01:03:00,640 --> 01:03:01,320 very much .