WEBVTT 00:01.640 --> 00:03.862 Good afternoon everyone . Thank you for 00:03.862 --> 00:05.973 coming . I'm Christopher Sherwood OsD 00:05.973 --> 00:08.196 Public Affairs . I would like to remind 00:08.196 --> 00:10.251 everyone that today's briefing is on 00:10.251 --> 00:12.140 the department's fiscal year 2023 00:12.140 --> 00:14.307 budget request speaking with you today 00:14.307 --> 00:16.473 are under Secretary Defense Controller 00:16.473 --> 00:18.473 Chief Financial Officer Michael J . 00:18.473 --> 00:20.362 McCord and Director for Structure 00:20.362 --> 00:22.529 resource and Assessment with the Joint 00:22.529 --> 00:24.529 Staff . Vice Admiral Ron boxes . We 00:24.529 --> 00:26.418 have 25 minutes scheduled for the 00:26.418 --> 00:28.529 budget overview presentation Followed 00:28.529 --> 00:30.140 by 15 minutes of questions . 00:30.140 --> 00:32.362 Attribution is on the record . Prior to 00:32.362 --> 00:34.418 asking your questions , please state 00:34.418 --> 00:36.584 your name and your affiliation . I ask 00:36.584 --> 00:36.520 that you limit your questions to one 00:36.530 --> 00:38.697 and one follow up so that everyone has 00:38.697 --> 00:40.808 an opportunity in the room and on the 00:40.808 --> 00:42.863 phone to ask a question . I will let 00:42.863 --> 00:44.863 you know when we have uh about five 00:44.863 --> 00:46.919 minutes left for one last question . 00:46.919 --> 00:48.808 And with that it's my pleasure to 00:48.808 --> 00:51.030 introduce the honorable mike McCord and 00:51.030 --> 00:54.590 Vice Admiral Ron Box will . Good 00:54.590 --> 00:56.646 afternoon everyone . Thank you chris 00:56.646 --> 00:58.923 and thank you all for being here today . 00:58.923 --> 01:00.923 Vice Admiral Box and I will give an 01:00.923 --> 01:03.146 overview of the budget request and then 01:03.146 --> 01:02.460 we will take questions after the 01:02.460 --> 01:05.570 presentation On the first slide . The 01:05.580 --> 01:07.691 23 budget is directly informed by the 01:07.691 --> 01:09.913 new National Defense Strategy which was 01:09.913 --> 01:11.969 delivered to Congress this morning , 01:11.969 --> 01:14.191 which in turn builds on the Secretary's 01:14.191 --> 01:16.302 message to the force and outlines our 01:16.302 --> 01:18.524 defense priority . The strategy focuses 01:18.524 --> 01:20.636 on the need to sustain and strengthen 01:20.636 --> 01:22.802 us deterrence with china as our pacing 01:22.802 --> 01:24.858 challenge as we've all seen . Russia 01:24.858 --> 01:26.969 remains an acute threat but china and 01:26.969 --> 01:29.191 its ambitions remain are our number one 01:29.191 --> 01:31.191 challenge . The budget supports the 01:31.191 --> 01:33.247 strategy that directs D . O . D . To 01:33.247 --> 01:35.247 continue modernizing our forces are 01:35.247 --> 01:37.469 global posture and operational concepts 01:37.469 --> 01:37.370 to ensure that our military is capable 01:37.370 --> 01:39.470 of deterring and defending against 01:39.470 --> 01:41.581 aggression , particularly in the indo 01:41.581 --> 01:44.380 pacific and in europe . In this budget 01:44.380 --> 01:46.602 will make progress all across the board 01:46.602 --> 01:48.658 from the health of our force and our 01:48.658 --> 01:50.824 industrial base to the capabilities we 01:50.824 --> 01:52.713 need for the joint war fight . We 01:52.713 --> 01:54.880 prioritized in this budget investments 01:54.880 --> 01:54.700 in foundational capabilities that 01:54.700 --> 01:56.867 address our challenges from both china 01:56.867 --> 01:58.978 and Russia . First and foremost , our 01:58.978 --> 02:00.533 resilience in space and the 02:00.533 --> 02:02.589 modernization of our nuclear triad , 02:02.589 --> 02:04.756 but also in cyber capability . Our use 02:04.756 --> 02:06.978 of artificial intelligence , the health 02:06.978 --> 02:09.200 of our force , the health of our supply 02:09.200 --> 02:08.620 chain and industrial base . And this is 02:08.620 --> 02:11.000 a theme I'll come back to . It is many 02:11.000 --> 02:13.111 things are not either Russia or china 02:13.111 --> 02:15.270 in this budget . On the next slide , 02:15.270 --> 02:17.159 let me show you the numbers . The 02:17.159 --> 02:19.214 budget request for the Department of 02:19.214 --> 02:21.437 Defense is 773 billion . An increase of 02:21.437 --> 02:24.490 13.7 billion or 4.1% from the 22 02:24.490 --> 02:26.950 inactive level and 58 billion or 8% 02:26.950 --> 02:30.390 from the Fy 22 request . This request 02:30.390 --> 02:32.557 ensures the department can sustain and 02:32.557 --> 02:34.612 strengthen integrated deterrence and 02:34.612 --> 02:36.390 investments that build enduring 02:36.390 --> 02:36.180 advantages including supporting our 02:36.180 --> 02:38.236 service members and their families , 02:38.236 --> 02:40.013 strengthening our alliances and 02:40.013 --> 02:41.791 partnerships and preserving our 02:41.791 --> 02:43.680 technological edge . This request 02:43.680 --> 02:45.902 reflects the resources to the match our 02:45.902 --> 02:48.013 current priorities . Specifically our 02:48.013 --> 02:49.958 focus on china required additional 02:49.958 --> 02:49.870 investments for both the Navy and the 02:49.870 --> 02:52.200 Air Force . The army's budget increased 02:52.200 --> 02:54.422 more modestly , which reflects reflects 02:54.422 --> 02:56.533 both our strategic priorities and the 02:56.533 --> 02:58.644 sense of in the end of the mission in 02:58.644 --> 03:00.700 Afghanistan . And I think this table 03:00.700 --> 03:02.756 gives you a sense that the budget is 03:02.756 --> 03:04.978 not just always one third , one third , 03:04.978 --> 03:04.760 one third as some , some folks would 03:04.760 --> 03:07.830 believe . Um So with that , let me let 03:07.830 --> 03:10.080 me show you just real quickly where the 03:10.080 --> 03:12.191 history has been . I think all of you 03:12.191 --> 03:13.969 are probably familiar with this 03:13.969 --> 03:16.136 starting from the 9 11 attack and that 03:16.136 --> 03:18.024 kind of post 9 11 era through the 03:18.024 --> 03:20.247 Budget control act decade that followed 03:20.247 --> 03:22.469 it . You'll see the growth and the base 03:22.469 --> 03:24.636 budget , the growth in the so called G 03:24.636 --> 03:26.858 watt or OCO budget in red . That is now 03:26.858 --> 03:29.136 wound down as we've exited Afghanistan . 03:29.136 --> 03:31.136 Again , most of this , most of this 03:31.136 --> 03:33.302 should be familiar to all of you , but 03:33.302 --> 03:32.920 just a little scene setter for where 03:32.920 --> 03:35.430 we've been now to turn to the budget 03:35.430 --> 03:37.430 before you and let me take a little 03:37.430 --> 03:39.541 time on this slide . This slide shows 03:39.541 --> 03:41.263 the difference between the the 03:41.263 --> 03:43.374 administration's first defense budget 03:43.374 --> 03:45.597 which was presented a year ago . Uh and 03:45.597 --> 03:47.541 and the current budget which we're 03:47.541 --> 03:49.652 submitting today . That difference is 03:49.652 --> 03:49.360 over $40 billion dollars per year in 03:49.360 --> 03:51.416 additional resources being requested 03:51.416 --> 03:53.638 for the Defense Department in this plan 03:53.638 --> 03:55.693 compared to last year's plan for the 03:55.693 --> 03:57.970 same fiscal years . This is based on a 03:57.970 --> 04:00.192 rigorous strategy based review that all 04:00.192 --> 04:02.303 of us participated in . Led by Deputy 04:02.303 --> 04:04.137 secretary Hicks and and the vice 04:04.137 --> 04:06.359 chairman . We looked at the emissions , 04:06.359 --> 04:08.526 we looked at things mission by mission 04:08.526 --> 04:10.192 portfolio by portfolio , made 04:10.192 --> 04:12.137 recommendations to the secretary . 04:12.137 --> 04:14.248 Secretary took those to the President 04:14.248 --> 04:16.137 is what he said we needed . Those 04:16.137 --> 04:18.303 represent those are represented by the 04:18.303 --> 04:20.581 red solid bars on top of the blue bars . 04:20.581 --> 04:22.748 That's about again $20 billion dollars 04:22.748 --> 04:22.720 minimum per year in additional 04:22.720 --> 04:25.540 programmatic content on top of that . 04:25.870 --> 04:28.092 We also re priced things to reflect the 04:28.092 --> 04:30.314 inflationary pressures that we saw last 04:30.314 --> 04:32.426 year , both in terms of the goods and 04:32.426 --> 04:34.426 services we buy from our industrial 04:34.426 --> 04:36.720 base and the pay and compensation which 04:36.720 --> 04:38.664 you just discussed with the deputy 04:38.664 --> 04:40.720 secretary and the vice chairman . So 04:40.720 --> 04:41.720 about $14 billion 04:41.720 --> 04:57.620 $6 04:57.620 --> 04:59.731 billion dollars a year . The very top 04:59.731 --> 05:01.398 of each bar is in the pay and 05:01.398 --> 05:03.620 compensation site . And that's military 05:03.630 --> 05:05.741 pay raise civilian pay rates that are 05:05.741 --> 05:07.630 higher than was planned last year 05:07.630 --> 05:09.810 increases in Bh the housing allowance 05:10.090 --> 05:11.701 increases in B . A . S . The 05:11.701 --> 05:14.170 subsistence allowance Increases in the 05:14.180 --> 05:16.490 $15 minimum wage that the president 05:16.490 --> 05:18.657 directed by executive order which took 05:18.657 --> 05:21.030 effect this January . Those increases 05:21.030 --> 05:23.240 are all rolled in there . So combining 05:23.240 --> 05:25.770 those things , program growth inflation 05:25.770 --> 05:27.881 in in the goods and services side and 05:27.881 --> 05:29.870 higher compensation costs . The 05:29.870 --> 05:32.037 secretary took those three elements to 05:32.037 --> 05:34.148 the President and got his support for 05:34.148 --> 05:36.148 all of that and that represents the 05:36.148 --> 05:36.120 increase from this year to last year . 05:36.130 --> 05:38.500 So we really we really value that these 05:38.510 --> 05:40.732 the partnership that we had with both A 05:40.732 --> 05:42.954 and B . And and the White House to work 05:42.954 --> 05:45.010 through these issues in this way and 05:45.010 --> 05:47.232 get the additional resources we believe 05:47.232 --> 05:49.177 we need on the next slide . Just a 05:49.177 --> 05:51.343 little drill down a little bit more on 05:51.343 --> 05:55.290 fy 20 to fy 23 we had a $715 billion 05:55.290 --> 05:57.940 request as you know , that sat there 05:57.940 --> 06:00.600 for a long time was not finally dealt 06:00.600 --> 06:02.890 with by Congress until about 23 weeks 06:02.890 --> 06:06.080 ago . Congress did end up adding funds 06:06.080 --> 06:08.136 that was not known to us at the time 06:08.136 --> 06:10.358 that we finished our budget . What they 06:10.358 --> 06:12.358 would do or not do in the preceding 06:12.358 --> 06:14.540 months . We had and you'll see an 06:14.540 --> 06:16.600 orange bar there , a variety of 06:16.600 --> 06:18.711 supplemental funding requests to help 06:18.711 --> 06:20.267 our afghan refugee partners 06:20.267 --> 06:22.320 operationalize . Welcome . That was 06:22.320 --> 06:25.130 about $6.5 billion and another $6.5 06:25.130 --> 06:27.352 billion recently enacted in the omnibus 06:27.352 --> 06:29.680 funding bill for Ukraine assistance to 06:29.680 --> 06:32.160 Ukraine as well as our own uh more more 06:32.160 --> 06:34.510 robust posture in europe right now . So 06:34.510 --> 06:36.566 there were some one time things that 06:36.566 --> 06:38.788 may may not be repeated In 23 that were 06:38.788 --> 06:41.910 in 22 . Uh but again , you can see the 06:41.910 --> 06:44.530 growth here uh a substantial growth 06:44.530 --> 06:46.586 from from what was requested for the 06:46.586 --> 06:48.641 base budget from the one year to the 06:48.641 --> 06:50.586 next year . And even a substantial 06:50.586 --> 06:52.752 request from what was funded last year 06:52.752 --> 06:54.808 to what was to what was enacted this 06:54.808 --> 06:57.390 year pivoting now quickly to end 06:57.390 --> 06:59.446 strength . I don't want to dwell and 06:59.446 --> 07:01.446 this is necessarily be , I know the 07:01.446 --> 07:03.612 services are going to follow us army , 07:03.612 --> 07:05.723 Navy air force and they'll be able to 07:05.723 --> 07:07.834 talk in more detail about this . Many 07:07.834 --> 07:09.834 of you have probably heard that the 07:09.834 --> 07:12.001 army and strength is coming off of the 07:12.001 --> 07:14.001 405,000 figure for the active force 07:14.001 --> 07:16.112 that they have been shooting at for a 07:16.112 --> 07:18.168 couple of years . Given a variety of 07:18.168 --> 07:20.334 factors include including the very low 07:20.334 --> 07:22.334 unemployment rate right now and the 07:22.334 --> 07:24.501 declining propensity to serve that . I 07:24.501 --> 07:26.612 think several services are seeing the 07:26.612 --> 07:28.779 army felt it was not productive to try 07:28.779 --> 07:30.723 and chase that number . Uh They've 07:30.723 --> 07:32.834 redirected those resources toward the 07:32.834 --> 07:34.723 reserve component mobilization in 07:34.723 --> 07:36.779 particular and the overall health of 07:36.779 --> 07:39.001 the army , There's a slight decrease in 07:39.001 --> 07:41.112 the Navy also with retirement of some 07:41.112 --> 07:43.223 ships that we can discuss later . But 07:43.223 --> 07:42.970 overall you're seeing a very flat 07:42.980 --> 07:45.091 picture by the , for the most part of 07:45.091 --> 07:47.091 where we expect to end this year to 07:47.091 --> 07:49.313 where we expect and next next year less 07:49.313 --> 07:51.600 than a 5000 person change across the 07:51.600 --> 07:54.970 force . And my message here is that uh 07:54.980 --> 07:57.147 the increase in the resources that was 07:57.147 --> 07:59.290 described on the last slide , big 07:59.290 --> 08:01.401 picture wise and will be discussed in 08:01.401 --> 08:03.568 more detail going forward is not about 08:03.568 --> 08:05.679 making the force bigger . That is not 08:05.679 --> 08:07.734 what we've , what we what our review 08:07.734 --> 08:09.901 concluded that we needed to do . We're 08:09.901 --> 08:11.734 looking at making the force more 08:11.734 --> 08:15.050 capable . Alright , so now to turn to 08:15.050 --> 08:17.350 to our secretary's priorities and again 08:17.360 --> 08:19.590 these these are reflected both in our 08:19.590 --> 08:21.534 budget and in the national Defense 08:21.534 --> 08:23.757 strategy which was which was briefed to 08:23.757 --> 08:25.757 Congress and I believe delivered to 08:25.757 --> 08:27.590 Congress in classified form this 08:27.590 --> 08:29.646 morning . We have four missions here 08:29.646 --> 08:31.868 which I think you all can can read here 08:31.868 --> 08:33.646 to defend the homeland to deter 08:33.646 --> 08:36.030 strategic attacks , prevailing contract 08:36.040 --> 08:38.207 conflict and build a resilient defense 08:38.207 --> 08:40.262 ecosystem to support the force . The 08:40.262 --> 08:42.262 Deputy secretary just discussed the 08:42.262 --> 08:44.429 three ways that we're going to do that 08:44.429 --> 08:46.651 those three those three ways or methods 08:46.651 --> 08:48.762 are going to be then reflected in the 08:48.762 --> 08:50.984 next part of our briefing as as Admiral 08:50.984 --> 08:52.651 Box . All talks about the the 08:52.651 --> 08:54.429 Integrator deterrence different 08:54.429 --> 08:56.484 portions by different mission set of 08:56.484 --> 08:58.707 that will come back then on campaigning 08:58.707 --> 09:00.873 and enduring advantage to just briefly 09:00.873 --> 09:02.707 explain those again . Integrator 09:02.707 --> 09:04.750 deterrence very much exemplified by 09:04.750 --> 09:06.960 what what NATO is doing today is using 09:06.970 --> 09:09.192 all the tools in the department as well 09:09.192 --> 09:11.359 as working with inter agency , working 09:11.359 --> 09:13.359 with partner to achieve the effects 09:13.359 --> 09:15.470 that you want , campaigning refers to 09:15.470 --> 09:17.692 being intentional about the actions you 09:17.692 --> 09:19.970 take in your presence and your posture . 09:19.970 --> 09:22.026 All the things that you do on a more 09:22.026 --> 09:21.950 day to day basis , especially in the 09:21.950 --> 09:24.490 combatant commands to achieve your 09:24.500 --> 09:26.650 strategic ends building and learning 09:26.650 --> 09:28.761 advantage which again I know the vice 09:28.761 --> 09:30.872 chairman just discussed , talks about 09:30.872 --> 09:32.761 the health of our force first and 09:32.761 --> 09:34.872 foremost those who serve but also our 09:34.872 --> 09:36.928 industrial base , our partners , the 09:36.928 --> 09:39.039 whole the whole system that allows us 09:39.039 --> 09:41.206 to do what we do . So with that let me 09:41.206 --> 09:43.372 turn it over to the vice admiral boxes 09:43.372 --> 09:43.000 to start talking about some of the 09:43.000 --> 09:44.944 pillars of integrated deterrence . 09:45.540 --> 09:48.520 Thank you Mr McCord . Good afternoon . 09:48.600 --> 09:50.711 The fy 23 president budget request of 09:50.711 --> 09:53.070 276 billion in procurement . Research 09:53.070 --> 09:55.181 and development is the largest in the 09:55.181 --> 09:57.292 history of the department . We invest 09:57.292 --> 09:59.403 over $56 billion to develop and field 09:59.403 --> 10:01.626 lethal air forces . We continue to feel 10:01.626 --> 10:03.737 the mix of 4th 5th generation fighter 10:03.737 --> 10:05.848 aircraft that enabled the joint force 10:05.848 --> 10:08.070 to establish air superiority . When and 10:08.070 --> 10:10.014 where the nation needs our request 10:10.014 --> 10:12.348 Procure 61 new F 30 fives and 21 F 15 E . 10:12.348 --> 10:14.620 X fighters . Additionally department 10:14.620 --> 10:17.460 invests $1.7 billion to develop next 10:17.460 --> 10:19.820 generation air dominance and that 10:19.820 --> 10:21.876 outpaces our competitors in the high 10:21.876 --> 10:23.876 end conflict . Also we continue the 10:23.876 --> 10:26.098 recapitalization of our tanker fleet by 10:26.098 --> 10:28.760 procuring 15 new KC 46 tankers . This 10:28.760 --> 10:30.750 budget invests $28 billion for 10:30.750 --> 10:32.861 shipbuilding . To procure nine battle 10:32.861 --> 10:35.083 force ships to include two destroyers , 10:35.083 --> 10:37.028 one frigate and two Virginia class 10:37.028 --> 10:39.028 submarines . We also invest over $6 10:39.028 --> 10:41.250 billion to develop future expeditionary 10:41.250 --> 10:43.361 marine force . And with congressional 10:43.361 --> 10:45.528 support we continue the revitalization 10:45.528 --> 10:47.694 of the sealift fleet by purchasing two 10:47.694 --> 10:49.806 used vessels . Public shipyards are a 10:49.806 --> 10:51.972 vital component of our strategy and we 10:51.972 --> 10:53.861 are making a once in a generation 10:53.861 --> 10:55.361 investment of $1.7 billion 10:55.361 --> 10:59.070 FY 10:59.070 --> 11:01.390 2022 public shipyard investment . The 11:01.390 --> 11:03.930 23 budget also invests $750 million 11:03.930 --> 11:05.763 dollars to enhance our submarine 11:05.763 --> 11:07.930 industrial base in support of Columbia 11:07.930 --> 11:10.152 and Virginia class programs . We invest 11:10.152 --> 11:12.374 over $12 billion dollars to provide our 11:12.374 --> 11:14.319 soldiers with improved firepower , 11:14.319 --> 11:16.430 maneuver and commanding control . The 11:16.430 --> 11:18.541 department's feeling three long range 11:18.541 --> 11:20.763 hypersonic batteries and four mid range 11:20.763 --> 11:20.520 capability batteries over the next five 11:20.520 --> 11:22.742 years . And we're investing in upgraded 11:22.742 --> 11:24.798 Apache and Blackhawk helicopters and 11:24.798 --> 11:27.230 counter small unmanned aerial systems 11:27.240 --> 11:29.351 to support army and joint solutions . 11:29.740 --> 11:31.907 This budget also invests in artificial 11:31.907 --> 11:33.796 intelligence and machine learning 11:33.796 --> 11:35.851 enabled battle management systems to 11:35.851 --> 11:37.740 improve soldier lethality through 11:37.740 --> 11:39.518 machine man machine teaming our 11:39.518 --> 11:41.740 investments in multi domain platforms , 11:41.740 --> 11:43.796 resilient communications systems and 11:43.796 --> 11:46.018 ground air and maritime delivered fires 11:46.018 --> 11:45.460 will increase the lethality of our 11:45.460 --> 11:47.627 joint force and enhance our ability to 11:47.627 --> 11:49.360 deter threats in all domains . 11:52.540 --> 11:54.540 Nuclear weapons continue to provide 11:54.540 --> 11:56.373 foundational strategic deterrent 11:56.373 --> 11:58.651 effects that no other element of U . S . 11:58.651 --> 12:00.818 Military power can replace . Strategic 12:00.818 --> 12:02.818 deterrence is foundational to every 12:02.818 --> 12:04.596 mission . The US our allies and 12:04.596 --> 12:06.540 partners execute a safe , secure , 12:06.540 --> 12:06.490 effective and credible . Nuclear 12:06.490 --> 12:08.601 deterrent is the ultimate backstop to 12:08.601 --> 12:10.712 protect the american homeland and our 12:10.712 --> 12:12.768 allies . Today's nuclear enterprises 12:12.768 --> 12:15.046 safe , secure , effective and credible . 12:15.046 --> 12:16.934 However , in order for the United 12:16.934 --> 12:19.157 States to sustain this level of nuclear 12:19.157 --> 12:18.700 deterrence capability , we must 12:18.700 --> 12:20.756 continue to the modernization of key 12:20.756 --> 12:22.922 systems that are beyond their original 12:22.922 --> 12:24.867 design lives This budget builds on 12:24.867 --> 12:27.089 previous modernization gains and invest 12:27.089 --> 12:28.644 over $34 billion dollars to 12:28.644 --> 12:30.756 simultaneously upgrade all three legs 12:30.756 --> 12:32.978 of the nuclear tried and vital elements 12:32.978 --> 12:34.922 of the nuclear command control and 12:34.922 --> 12:36.811 communication system . The budget 12:36.811 --> 12:38.756 continues Columbia class ballistic 12:38.756 --> 12:40.700 missile , submarine production and 12:40.700 --> 12:40.650 targeted schedule , risk reduction 12:40.650 --> 12:42.928 activities that enable a 2028 delivery . 12:43.250 --> 12:45.250 It funds the ground-based strategic 12:45.250 --> 12:47.720 deterrent for fielding in 2029 and it 12:47.720 --> 12:49.942 feels to be 21 to replace aging bombers 12:49.942 --> 12:52.109 in the mid-20s . The three legs of the 12:52.109 --> 12:53.831 nuclear triad provide mutually 12:53.831 --> 12:55.609 supporting capabilities and our 12:55.609 --> 12:57.776 investment to modernize the triad will 12:57.776 --> 12:59.942 help ensure these that nuclear weapons 12:59.942 --> 13:01.776 continue to deter aggression and 13:01.776 --> 13:01.650 protect our allies and partners . 13:05.940 --> 13:08.051 Our top defense priority is to defend 13:08.051 --> 13:09.996 the homeland . Unfortunately , our 13:09.996 --> 13:11.551 adversaries are feeling new 13:11.551 --> 13:13.718 capabilities that increase the risk of 13:13.718 --> 13:15.940 missile attack on the United States and 13:15.940 --> 13:15.490 we must invest today to counter these 13:15.490 --> 13:17.980 threats . The budget invests over $24 13:17.980 --> 13:20.820 billion us missile defense capabilities 13:20.860 --> 13:23.138 to defend the Homeland deployed forces , 13:23.138 --> 13:24.860 allies and partners against an 13:24.860 --> 13:26.693 increasingly complex adversarial 13:26.693 --> 13:28.940 missile threat . The budget develops 13:28.940 --> 13:30.940 the next generation interceptor for 13:30.940 --> 13:33.162 homeland defense . It also supports the 13:33.162 --> 13:35.218 existing ground based interceptors , 13:35.218 --> 13:37.218 upgrades and expands the network of 13:37.218 --> 13:39.384 land , sea and space based sensors and 13:39.384 --> 13:41.607 invests in advanced technology programs 13:41.607 --> 13:43.662 to address complex missile threats . 13:43.662 --> 13:45.884 Our budget invests $892 million dollars 13:45.884 --> 13:47.773 for the defense of Guam including 13:47.773 --> 13:49.940 improved missile defense , command and 13:49.940 --> 13:52.051 control capabilities , radar capacity 13:52.051 --> 13:54.218 and new construction . The budget also 13:54.218 --> 13:56.273 includes 133 million in base defense 13:56.273 --> 13:58.107 enhancements throughout the Indo 13:58.107 --> 14:00.107 Pacific region . Additionally , the 14:00.107 --> 14:02.051 budget will continue to strengthen 14:02.051 --> 14:04.273 regional missile defense by fielding an 14:04.273 --> 14:04.090 eighth terminal high altitude area 14:04.090 --> 14:06.310 defense thad battery and integrating 14:06.310 --> 14:08.366 this interceptor capability into the 14:08.366 --> 14:10.254 Army's integrated air and missile 14:10.254 --> 14:12.366 defense battle command system I BCS . 14:12.640 --> 14:14.473 This budget also fields improved 14:14.473 --> 14:16.418 patriot missiles and additional US 14:16.418 --> 14:18.473 short range air defense battalions . 14:21.540 --> 14:23.707 The 23 budget includes over $7 billion 14:23.707 --> 14:29.150 us 14:29.150 --> 14:31.150 forces to hold their adversaries at 14:31.150 --> 14:33.483 risk from operationally relevant ranges . 14:33.483 --> 14:35.150 This includes the fielding of 14:35.150 --> 14:36.872 hypersonic in land air and sea 14:36.872 --> 14:39.094 platforms . The army will feel the long 14:39.094 --> 14:40.983 range hypersonic weapon from land 14:40.983 --> 14:43.680 batteries in 2023 and in 2025 the Navy 14:43.680 --> 14:45.569 will feel the conventional prompt 14:45.569 --> 14:47.736 strike CPS , hypersonic weapon onboard 14:47.736 --> 14:50.260 the DDG 1000 class warship . This 14:50.260 --> 14:52.482 budget completes prototyping of the Air 14:52.482 --> 14:54.371 Force air launched rapid response 14:54.371 --> 14:56.038 weapon , arrow and fields the 14:56.038 --> 14:58.204 hypersonic Air launched cruise missile 14:58.204 --> 15:00.570 hack him on the F- 15 and 2027 . In 15:00.570 --> 15:02.792 addition to hypersonic weapons , the 23 15:02.792 --> 15:05.180 budget procured more than 3500 lethal 15:05.180 --> 15:07.236 subsonic missiles over the next five 15:07.236 --> 15:09.550 years . Our mix of hypersonic and 15:09.550 --> 15:11.606 subsonic offensive fires will enable 15:11.606 --> 15:13.494 the joint force to hold adversary 15:13.494 --> 15:15.439 forces at risk and achieve maximum 15:15.439 --> 15:17.328 deterrent effect against the pure 15:17.328 --> 15:21.320 adversary space capabilities are a 15:21.320 --> 15:23.487 critical component of U . S . Military 15:23.487 --> 15:25.542 power , china and Russia continue to 15:25.542 --> 15:27.598 field weapons to deny or destroy our 15:27.598 --> 15:29.264 space capabilities , lasers , 15:29.264 --> 15:31.320 electronic warfare grappling systems 15:31.320 --> 15:33.542 and direct action projectiles are a few 15:33.542 --> 15:35.431 technologies our adversaries have 15:35.431 --> 15:37.598 fielded are developing to blind jam or 15:37.598 --> 15:39.709 destroy US space systems . The budget 15:39.709 --> 15:43.530 invests over $27 billion us space 15:43.530 --> 15:45.800 capabilities towards resilient space 15:45.800 --> 15:47.911 architectures that are able to defeat 15:47.911 --> 15:49.578 adversary attacks and provide 15:49.578 --> 15:51.633 continuous war fighting capabilities 15:51.633 --> 15:53.689 supporting key missions . Our budget 15:53.689 --> 15:55.800 improves missile warning capabilities 15:55.800 --> 15:57.578 that detect advanced threats by 15:57.578 --> 16:00.200 investing $4.7 billion space-based 16:00.200 --> 16:01.811 missile warning and tracking 16:01.811 --> 16:03.811 architecture along with a resilient 16:03.811 --> 16:06.089 next generation ground control segment . 16:06.089 --> 16:09.110 We also invest $1.8 billion gps follow 16:09.110 --> 16:11.950 on satellites and systems that hardened 16:11.950 --> 16:14.117 position navigation and timing signals 16:14.117 --> 16:16.228 to naval operations in a GPS degraded 16:16.228 --> 16:18.610 environment . Finally , the department 16:18.610 --> 16:20.832 invests $1.6 billion dollars to develop 16:20.832 --> 16:22.990 secure , survivable and jam resistant 16:22.990 --> 16:25.046 satellite communication capabilities 16:25.046 --> 16:27.212 and funds six space launch vehicles to 16:27.212 --> 16:29.560 assure to provide assured access into 16:29.560 --> 16:33.240 space in the cyber domain . 16:33.260 --> 16:35.260 Our prosperity and military success 16:35.260 --> 16:37.427 depends on defending our networks from 16:37.427 --> 16:39.538 malicious action from adversaries and 16:39.538 --> 16:41.649 non state actors . The budget invests 16:41.649 --> 16:43.260 over $11 billion to continue 16:43.260 --> 16:45.316 modernization of our network defense 16:45.316 --> 16:47.427 capabilities resulting in more secure 16:47.427 --> 16:49.649 and resilient . D . O . D . Information 16:49.649 --> 16:51.760 network and defense industrial base . 16:51.760 --> 16:53.649 Our investments improve the cyber 16:53.649 --> 16:55.760 technology that will protect our next 16:55.760 --> 16:55.400 generation weapons systems from 16:55.400 --> 16:57.630 intrusion and attack well are also 16:57.630 --> 16:59.810 embedding zero trust architecture into 16:59.810 --> 17:01.810 defense networks for more selective 17:01.810 --> 17:04.440 user credential verification . We're 17:04.440 --> 17:06.384 improving cybersecurity within the 17:06.384 --> 17:08.162 defense industrial base through 17:08.162 --> 17:09.773 information sharing enhanced 17:09.773 --> 17:11.829 cybersecurity certifications and the 17:11.829 --> 17:13.551 expansion of D O . D initiated 17:13.551 --> 17:15.496 cybersecurity pilot services . Our 17:15.496 --> 17:17.662 cyber space investments will fund five 17:17.662 --> 17:19.884 additional cyber mission force teams to 17:19.884 --> 17:21.718 hold targets at risk and defends 17:21.718 --> 17:24.130 against malicious actors . We're also 17:24.130 --> 17:26.241 investing to improve readiness of the 17:26.241 --> 17:28.352 nation's cyber force by funding cyber 17:28.352 --> 17:30.574 ranges to enable training and exercises 17:30.574 --> 17:32.630 in the cyber domain . Finally , this 17:32.630 --> 17:34.852 budget lays the foundation for us cyber 17:34.852 --> 17:36.908 com to have ownership of the mission 17:36.908 --> 17:38.852 and resources of the cyber mission 17:38.852 --> 17:41.019 cyber mission force beginning in fy 24 17:41.019 --> 17:44.870 is directed in the 22 . Nd a Turning 17:44.870 --> 17:47.037 now to that second pillar that we that 17:47.037 --> 17:48.814 we talked about a minute ago of 17:48.814 --> 17:50.592 campaigning . 2nd pillar of the 17:50.592 --> 17:54.190 strategy we have in this budget 17:54.940 --> 17:56.829 I'm going to call them frameworks 17:56.829 --> 17:58.996 frameworks not funds that are familiar 17:58.996 --> 18:01.051 to you by now . I expect the pacific 18:01.051 --> 18:00.920 deterrence initiative framework . The 18:00.920 --> 18:02.642 european deterrence initiative 18:02.642 --> 18:04.698 framework . We continue with both of 18:04.698 --> 18:07.370 those this year we have over $6 billion 18:07.370 --> 18:09.092 and for the pacific deterrence 18:09.092 --> 18:11.037 initiative in particular , some of 18:11.037 --> 18:13.037 which we've discussed in particular 18:13.037 --> 18:15.203 already . The Defense of Guam is a big 18:15.203 --> 18:17.259 one . Also investments in integrated 18:17.259 --> 18:19.259 fires Many of these areas overlap . 18:19.259 --> 18:21.810 Integrated Fire's hypersonic are 18:21.820 --> 18:24.042 central of the pacific strategy as well 18:24.042 --> 18:26.050 as the Defense of Guam is on the 18:26.050 --> 18:27.772 european side . We continue to 18:27.772 --> 18:29.883 recognize Russia as an acute threat . 18:29.883 --> 18:31.760 We continue to to work with our 18:31.760 --> 18:34.910 partners in NATO on on posture on 18:34.910 --> 18:37.360 investments that support both the 18:37.360 --> 18:39.471 broader NATO alliance as well as well 18:39.471 --> 18:42.080 as Ukraine . We have over $500,000,005 18:42.080 --> 18:44.080 million to bolster interoperability 18:44.080 --> 18:46.136 activities in europe and we continue 18:46.136 --> 18:47.913 the Ukraine security assistance 18:47.913 --> 18:49.802 initiative in this budget at $300 18:49.802 --> 18:51.747 million . We also have significant 18:51.747 --> 18:53.913 security cooperation activities in the 18:53.913 --> 18:56.930 european region . You will see also , I 18:56.930 --> 18:59.400 think fairly soon from the pecan 18:59.400 --> 19:01.567 commander . Indo pacom Commander , his 19:01.567 --> 19:03.511 12 42 report which will track very 19:03.511 --> 19:05.622 closely with everything we're talking 19:05.622 --> 19:07.900 about here On the next slide readiness , 19:07.900 --> 19:10.122 campaigning not really possible without 19:10.122 --> 19:12.690 without an active ready forces . We we 19:12.690 --> 19:14.910 invest substantial resources and 19:14.910 --> 19:16.799 readiness this year as the Deputy 19:16.799 --> 19:19.790 Secretary said about $135 billion . We 19:19.790 --> 19:21.957 have a strong readiness posture across 19:21.957 --> 19:24.068 the joint force in this budget . Uh , 19:24.068 --> 19:27.130 On on both the operating side steaming 19:27.130 --> 19:29.352 hours flying hours , ground up tempo as 19:29.352 --> 19:31.574 well as the depot maintenance side that 19:31.574 --> 19:33.686 underwrites that we believe we have a 19:33.686 --> 19:35.797 strong picture on both uh both fronts 19:35.797 --> 19:37.686 to have already adaptable force . 19:39.440 --> 19:41.273 Another important priority . The 19:41.273 --> 19:43.162 secretary now moving to the third 19:43.162 --> 19:45.440 category , building enduring advantage . 19:45.440 --> 19:47.662 Again , this is paying attention to the 19:47.662 --> 19:47.530 institution , our institution , the 19:47.530 --> 19:49.808 defense , industrial based institution , 19:49.808 --> 19:51.863 all the things that that give us the 19:51.863 --> 19:54.100 capability that we draw on every day . 19:54.110 --> 19:58.040 Um , first and foremost , 19:58.050 --> 20:00.161 the force itself as the Vice Chairman 20:00.161 --> 20:02.610 was describing uh health of the force 20:02.610 --> 20:05.870 number one issue probably in the last 20:05.870 --> 20:08.092 year . Two on this front has been , has 20:08.092 --> 20:10.037 been sexual assault and harassment 20:10.037 --> 20:12.203 prevention , big initiative in the NBA 20:12.203 --> 20:14.314 to finally finally come to grips with 20:14.314 --> 20:16.481 that issue over many years of debate . 20:16.481 --> 20:18.426 Uh , we were unable to move out as 20:18.426 --> 20:20.648 quickly as we would have liked to in fy 20:20.648 --> 20:22.759 22 because we were under a continuing 20:22.759 --> 20:22.640 resolution for months and months and 20:22.640 --> 20:24.362 months unable to undertake new 20:24.362 --> 20:26.418 activities , but we're going to move 20:26.418 --> 20:28.540 out strongly in the Fy 23 budget now 20:28.540 --> 20:30.651 that we have funding and authority in 20:30.651 --> 20:32.762 place from Congress to get started in 20:32.762 --> 20:34.929 fy 22 on this . On the front . This is 20:34.929 --> 20:37.040 hiring new people reforming the whole 20:37.040 --> 20:39.630 paradigm , hiring additional people 20:39.640 --> 20:42.480 across the both the counseling space 20:42.480 --> 20:45.600 the military justice side . In addition , 20:45.620 --> 20:47.731 we continue to focus on the diversity 20:47.731 --> 20:49.676 equity inclusion to make sure that 20:49.676 --> 20:51.620 everybody is serving to their full 20:51.620 --> 20:53.342 potential in this force . Both 20:53.342 --> 20:55.564 important priorities of the secretary , 20:56.140 --> 20:58.251 equally important is paying attention 20:58.251 --> 21:00.430 to the workforce . We need growing our 21:00.430 --> 21:03.610 talent building , resilient force . We 21:03.610 --> 21:06.330 have economic security forces I know 21:06.330 --> 21:08.497 was discussed just just before we came 21:08.497 --> 21:10.608 out here , we are taking advantage of 21:10.608 --> 21:12.552 that new authority and the defense 21:12.552 --> 21:14.330 authorization bill for the most 21:14.330 --> 21:16.274 vulnerable portion of our force to 21:16.274 --> 21:18.497 address economic insecurity . With with 21:18.497 --> 21:20.497 the new basic needs allowance , The 21:20.497 --> 21:22.663 largest pay raise in 20 years for both 21:22.663 --> 21:24.830 the military and civilian force 4.6% . 21:24.830 --> 21:27.180 We also are implementing the the $15 21:27.180 --> 21:29.291 minimum wage executive order from the 21:29.291 --> 21:31.540 president for both our our workforce 21:31.540 --> 21:33.484 ourselves , which has a relatively 21:33.484 --> 21:35.651 small number of people affected inside 21:35.651 --> 21:37.651 our workforce and the larger number 21:37.651 --> 21:37.110 that would be affected in our 21:37.110 --> 21:39.840 contractor workforce and as also was 21:39.840 --> 21:41.896 discussed by the deputy investing in 21:41.896 --> 21:44.560 childcare fee assistance things to help 21:44.560 --> 21:46.616 address that need something . I know 21:46.616 --> 21:48.680 that was a lot of families felt with 21:48.680 --> 21:50.513 the disruption of covid placed a 21:50.520 --> 21:53.050 particular stress on that segment of 21:53.050 --> 21:56.560 our of our workforce and that segment 21:56.560 --> 21:58.790 of our of our needs of our benefits 21:58.790 --> 22:01.540 package . Now moving to the next area 22:01.540 --> 22:03.762 sort of pivoting from the people's side 22:03.762 --> 22:05.540 to the to the technology side , 22:05.540 --> 22:07.707 innovation has been a huge priority of 22:07.707 --> 22:09.818 Deputy secretary hicks in this budget 22:09.818 --> 22:12.040 and in this process and in the way that 22:12.040 --> 22:14.180 she runs the organization as as was 22:14.180 --> 22:16.402 described , we have the largest R and D 22:16.402 --> 22:18.236 budget ever within that , a very 22:18.236 --> 22:20.458 healthy SmT budget . We have some areas 22:20.458 --> 22:22.569 that we're going to discuss in future 22:22.569 --> 22:24.847 slides in areas like micro electronics , 22:24.847 --> 22:27.069 also artificial intelligence , not just 22:27.069 --> 22:29.069 on the funding side with artificial 22:29.069 --> 22:30.569 intelligence . Also on the 22:30.569 --> 22:32.402 organizational side , the Deputy 22:32.402 --> 22:34.513 secretary has pulled together a group 22:34.513 --> 22:36.680 of disparate efforts that we had maven 22:36.680 --> 22:38.736 effort in the combatant commanders . 22:38.736 --> 22:40.624 The Joint artificial Intelligence 22:40.624 --> 22:42.847 center here , Defense Digital Service , 22:42.847 --> 22:44.569 the advantage platform that my 22:44.569 --> 22:46.624 organization developed have all been 22:46.624 --> 22:48.847 merged together in the Chief Digital or 22:48.847 --> 22:51.069 an Ai office that will allow us to have 22:51.069 --> 22:53.291 a better unity , unity of effort in the 22:53.291 --> 22:55.402 artificial intelligence space . We're 22:55.402 --> 22:57.569 also continuing to to work on the five 22:57.569 --> 22:59.680 in the 5G area , very important areas 22:59.680 --> 23:01.736 we operate around around the country 23:01.736 --> 23:03.569 around the world . And finally , 23:03.569 --> 23:05.458 innovation goes hand in hand with 23:05.458 --> 23:07.900 experimentation experimentation . Some 23:07.900 --> 23:09.789 of you have heard of the deputies 23:09.789 --> 23:11.789 initiative called the Rapid Defense 23:11.789 --> 23:13.844 experimentation reserve or raider is 23:13.844 --> 23:15.900 not a fund , it's not a line item in 23:15.900 --> 23:18.122 the budget and that's why we don't have 23:18.122 --> 23:18.110 a dollar figure there , but it is a 23:18.110 --> 23:21.060 process , a tool to help us bring 23:21.060 --> 23:23.004 together joint experimentation and 23:23.004 --> 23:25.227 accelerate joint experimentation across 23:25.227 --> 23:27.640 the services . Finally , on industrial 23:27.640 --> 23:29.418 base again , we've talked about 23:29.418 --> 23:31.640 industrial base being an important part 23:31.640 --> 23:33.807 of our of our whole team here . We all 23:33.807 --> 23:36.029 recognize that we don't develop our own 23:36.029 --> 23:38.251 weapon systems here . We we rely on our 23:38.251 --> 23:37.860 private sector partners to do that 23:39.440 --> 23:41.496 support the covid , covid and supply 23:41.496 --> 23:43.496 chain impacts of the last two years 23:43.496 --> 23:45.829 really have have really heightened this . 23:45.829 --> 23:47.607 I think in everybody's mind the 23:47.607 --> 23:49.662 importance of the supply chain , the 23:49.662 --> 23:51.551 fragility . In some cases we paid 23:51.551 --> 23:53.107 special attention to this . 23:53.107 --> 23:55.273 Microelectronic , probably the biggest 23:55.273 --> 23:57.440 investment that we make in this budget 23:57.440 --> 23:59.496 in this area . As many of you know , 23:59.496 --> 23:59.060 there is also very important 23:59.060 --> 24:01.060 legislation pending on Capitol Hill 24:01.060 --> 24:03.282 that would that would address this area 24:03.282 --> 24:05.504 this area . But this is a D O . D piece 24:05.504 --> 24:07.171 particularly of this on micro 24:07.171 --> 24:09.338 electronics . We have a big investment 24:09.338 --> 24:09.140 in the R and D and procurement , both 24:09.140 --> 24:11.029 in this as the deputy mentioned , 24:11.029 --> 24:13.990 casting and forging energy and storage , 24:14.000 --> 24:16.600 uh kinetic capabilities , energetic and 24:16.600 --> 24:18.670 also strategic and critical material 24:18.670 --> 24:21.590 investments . Um , in addition to that 24:21.600 --> 24:23.767 these kind of broader industrial based 24:23.767 --> 24:25.433 things that apply to multiple 24:25.433 --> 24:27.156 technologies . We've also paid 24:27.156 --> 24:29.267 particular attention to the submarine 24:29.267 --> 24:31.322 industrial base , which is something 24:31.322 --> 24:30.980 that is , you know , it takes you a 24:30.980 --> 24:33.340 long time to build skills if you lose 24:33.340 --> 24:35.260 them there . Uh we're we've got 24:35.260 --> 24:37.149 investments in the health of that 24:37.149 --> 24:39.610 workforce also um continuing to work 24:39.610 --> 24:42.030 with with , you know , tried and true 24:42.040 --> 24:45.380 uh to um sorry tried and true 24:45.380 --> 24:48.900 organizations like DARPA . Finally on 24:49.040 --> 24:52.480 re prioritization . This is something 24:52.480 --> 24:54.258 that department has been asking 24:54.258 --> 24:56.369 Congress in different forms , but the 24:56.369 --> 24:58.536 consistent messaging over the years is 24:58.536 --> 25:00.591 there are there are some things that 25:00.591 --> 25:02.702 are less capable , less responsive to 25:02.702 --> 25:04.869 our future needs that we need to start 25:04.869 --> 25:07.091 moving away from and you'll see some of 25:07.091 --> 25:06.800 these things in the budget on the Navy 25:06.800 --> 25:09.370 side Decommissioning some of the LCS 25:09.370 --> 25:11.430 ships that have had issues with both 25:11.430 --> 25:13.597 their mission packages or with or with 25:13.597 --> 25:15.708 their combining gears or both in some 25:15.708 --> 25:18.310 cases . Also some some cruisers on the 25:18.310 --> 25:20.480 Air Force to begin a path to , to move 25:20.480 --> 25:22.630 away from the A 10 over the next five 25:22.630 --> 25:25.810 or six years . Also the E three and the 25:25.810 --> 25:27.930 E eight and so also some of the older 25:27.930 --> 25:30.130 tankers now that we see the KC 46 25:30.130 --> 25:32.297 getting more capable again , these are 25:32.297 --> 25:34.019 things the department has been 25:34.019 --> 25:36.074 consistent across the administration 25:36.074 --> 25:35.480 saying we need to move in this 25:35.480 --> 25:38.410 direction and we continue to make that 25:38.410 --> 25:41.180 effort in this budget . On the climate 25:41.180 --> 25:43.402 side , this is this is something that I 25:43.402 --> 25:45.291 think was just discussed when the 25:45.291 --> 25:47.513 deputy was out here . This is something 25:47.513 --> 25:49.736 very consistent with our messaging last 25:49.736 --> 25:49.580 year . We're looking at both the 25:49.580 --> 25:52.660 installation side climate resilience of 25:52.660 --> 25:54.771 our of our our facilities which again 25:54.771 --> 25:57.660 is something that given the repeated 25:57.670 --> 26:00.150 more patterns of extreme weather there 26:00.150 --> 26:02.206 there would be , we would be foolish 26:02.206 --> 26:04.428 not to make sure that we are doing what 26:04.428 --> 26:06.094 we can to build that into our 26:06.094 --> 26:08.317 consideration when we build or renovate 26:08.317 --> 26:10.483 facilities and on the operational side 26:10.483 --> 26:12.706 we have and you'll see here some of the 26:12.706 --> 26:14.872 science and technology and operational 26:14.872 --> 26:16.872 energy initiatives . These are four 26:16.872 --> 26:18.650 things that things that move in 26:18.650 --> 26:20.650 particular . You know , both ground 26:20.650 --> 26:22.872 vehicles . We've got some efforts going 26:22.872 --> 26:22.200 across the fit up on the , on the air 26:22.200 --> 26:24.380 side as well . Important point I want 26:24.380 --> 26:27.840 to make here is that not only will 26:27.840 --> 26:30.260 these have benefits perhaps in cost 26:30.260 --> 26:32.660 savings in in reducing our logistics 26:32.660 --> 26:34.827 footprint to the extent that we can be 26:34.827 --> 26:37.049 more creative here were also being very 26:37.049 --> 26:39.271 mindful and we talked about this in our 26:39.271 --> 26:41.271 internal processes of moving in the 26:41.271 --> 26:43.216 direction that industry is already 26:43.216 --> 26:45.271 moving . So whether it's things like 26:45.271 --> 26:47.438 batteries or the type of vehicles that 26:47.438 --> 26:46.530 industry are making , we don't want to 26:46.530 --> 26:48.752 be rooted in the past while industry is 26:48.752 --> 26:50.863 moving on , we want to be moving with 26:50.863 --> 26:53.086 them on that front . That's that's part 26:53.086 --> 26:55.086 of our what we call climate in this 26:55.086 --> 26:57.308 area . On the facility side , we have a 26:57.308 --> 26:58.863 $12 billion dollar military 26:58.863 --> 27:01.330 construction budget . Very significant 27:01.340 --> 27:03.451 investment in our shipyards which has 27:03.451 --> 27:05.562 been the Admiral box . I talked about 27:05.940 --> 27:08.920 again a once in a generation effort to 27:08.920 --> 27:11.087 invest significant funds in both in in 27:11.087 --> 27:13.850 this case , both in in in Portsmouth 27:13.850 --> 27:15.961 Maine and in Pearl harbor are the big 27:16.040 --> 27:18.320 areas in this year's budget and 27:18.320 --> 27:20.376 something that's been in the news in 27:20.376 --> 27:22.209 particular . We also have a very 27:22.209 --> 27:22.060 healthy sustainment budget by the way 27:22.060 --> 27:24.227 across the budget . In addition to the 27:24.227 --> 27:26.227 new construction budget , something 27:26.227 --> 27:28.338 that's been in the news substantially 27:28.338 --> 27:28.310 over the past couple of months , the 27:28.310 --> 27:31.170 Redhill fuel storage facility in Hawaii . 27:32.140 --> 27:34.362 You probably saw that in the continuing 27:34.362 --> 27:36.362 resolution and again in the omnibus 27:36.362 --> 27:38.362 funding bill . Congress put funding 27:38.362 --> 27:40.362 significant funding in both in both 27:40.362 --> 27:42.584 those bills . At our request , totaling 27:42.584 --> 27:44.751 approximately $1 billion in fy 22 . We 27:44.751 --> 27:46.862 request another billion dollars in fy 27:46.862 --> 27:49.320 23 in a flexible fund that would allow 27:49.320 --> 27:51.431 us to move in different directions to 27:51.431 --> 27:53.520 address the dispersal of fuel to 27:53.520 --> 27:56.470 address where the litigation and the 27:56.470 --> 27:58.526 negotiations permit to address start 27:58.526 --> 28:00.470 addressing remediation to continue 28:00.470 --> 28:02.581 addressing the near term needs of the 28:02.581 --> 28:04.637 families , whether if there's anyone 28:04.637 --> 28:06.692 still displaced from their housing , 28:06.692 --> 28:08.859 the water filtering those . So there's 28:08.859 --> 28:11.026 kind of the near term the far term and 28:11.026 --> 28:13.080 the remediation this funding could 28:13.080 --> 28:15.024 involve but primarily the navy but 28:15.024 --> 28:17.080 possible , possibly also the Defense 28:17.080 --> 28:19.302 Logistics Agency . So we expect to work 28:19.302 --> 28:21.358 with Congress as they , as they work 28:21.358 --> 28:23.470 through this budget process to taylor 28:23.470 --> 28:25.637 and and to maybe shape this fund . But 28:25.637 --> 28:27.692 we but we we have a very , I think , 28:27.692 --> 28:29.803 visible commitment to the secretary's 28:29.803 --> 28:31.803 commitment to do the right thing by 28:31.803 --> 28:31.560 both our military families and our 28:31.560 --> 28:33.782 neighbors in Hawaii represented by this 28:33.782 --> 28:36.280 billion dollar investment . So in 28:36.280 --> 28:39.000 closing here again , the budgets 28:39.000 --> 28:41.111 grounded the new strategy , we have a 28:41.111 --> 28:43.056 strong strategy . We have a strong 28:43.056 --> 28:45.111 budget . We have the three the three 28:45.111 --> 28:47.111 ways we're getting there that we've 28:47.111 --> 28:46.870 talked about integrated deterrence 28:46.870 --> 28:49.250 campaigning building buildings enduring 28:49.250 --> 28:53.100 advantage . We remain focused on china . 28:53.110 --> 28:55.054 We had no illusions about Putin as 28:55.054 --> 28:57.221 anything but an adversary . But if you 28:57.221 --> 28:59.332 look long term big picture , whatever 28:59.332 --> 29:01.554 you wanna call it , china still has the 29:01.554 --> 29:03.888 economic power of the military power to , 29:03.888 --> 29:06.110 to really be our primary challenge . We 29:06.110 --> 29:08.332 are not taking our off that ball in the 29:08.332 --> 29:10.554 strategy or in the budget , but what we 29:10.554 --> 29:12.721 did do and I'll come back to a point I 29:12.721 --> 29:14.980 made earlier , we paid the most 29:14.980 --> 29:16.813 attention to the things that are 29:16.813 --> 29:18.924 foundational like space and cyber and 29:18.924 --> 29:20.869 the industrial base that are not a 29:20.869 --> 29:23.202 china investment or a Russia investment . 29:23.202 --> 29:25.424 They're an investment in our capability 29:25.424 --> 29:27.647 across the board . They're foundational 29:27.647 --> 29:27.300 in all the directions we want . Might 29:27.300 --> 29:30.700 want to move . We looked at both the 29:30.700 --> 29:32.756 health of of our of our war fighters 29:32.756 --> 29:34.867 and health of our ecosystem in this . 29:34.867 --> 29:38.310 Um , again , this , this budget is a 29:38.310 --> 29:40.980 strong strategy , strong budget and uh , 29:40.990 --> 29:42.990 we were , we look forward to taking 29:42.990 --> 29:45.460 your questions . I think we have a link 29:45.460 --> 29:47.404 here for further information . The 29:47.404 --> 29:49.349 information should be being posted 29:49.349 --> 29:51.516 today . I think I've described as some 29:51.516 --> 29:53.627 of you that the budget materials will 29:53.627 --> 29:55.849 be posted today , but some of them will 29:55.849 --> 29:57.750 be updated later to include Fy 22 29:57.750 --> 29:59.972 information as that becomes available . 29:59.972 --> 30:01.917 But all the Fy 23 information that 30:01.917 --> 30:04.950 people need is being posted today 30:07.640 --> 30:09.640 and we'll start with the phone line 30:09.640 --> 30:12.550 leader , are you on the line ? Yes , I 30:12.550 --> 30:16.070 am , Good afternoon . I just I wanted 30:16.070 --> 30:18.126 to sort of ask a question off one of 30:18.126 --> 30:20.220 the last things you said about china 30:20.220 --> 30:22.331 still being the pacing threat but but 30:22.331 --> 30:25.200 also doing investments in um in more 30:25.200 --> 30:27.256 broader things . You talked a little 30:27.256 --> 30:30.270 bit about um $5 billion 30:30.270 --> 30:34.190 European initiative , 30:34.200 --> 30:36.256 could you give us some ideas is what 30:36.256 --> 30:38.422 some of that is . You said 4.2 billion 30:38.740 --> 30:41.440 Uh to adapt to the evolving threats ? 30:41.440 --> 30:43.710 And another 900 million for security 30:43.720 --> 30:46.470 cooperation . Is there money in there 30:46.470 --> 30:50.030 for bases for additional troops ? Can 30:50.030 --> 30:51.808 you just talk about sort of the 30:51.808 --> 30:55.570 European portion of what might be in 30:55.580 --> 30:59.180 this specific budget and then address 30:59.190 --> 31:02.070 um whether or not do you think at this 31:02.070 --> 31:05.210 point the funding for 31:05.220 --> 31:07.670 Ukraine and for replenishment 31:08.940 --> 31:11.380 is going to have to be readdressed this 31:11.380 --> 31:14.740 year in some sort of supplemental or is 31:14.740 --> 31:18.530 there any part of this ? The the the 31:18.530 --> 31:20.740 Ukraine money with that ? That's in 31:20.740 --> 31:23.140 this budget . The 300 million would 31:23.150 --> 31:26.450 that go for some of that ? Okay , sure . 31:26.450 --> 31:29.650 Thank you . Um The european deterrence 31:29.650 --> 31:31.650 initiative in this budget very much 31:31.650 --> 31:33.706 continues the trajectory of previous 31:33.706 --> 31:35.840 budgets . This budget was finalized , 31:35.850 --> 31:39.490 was finalized before Putin's invasion 31:39.500 --> 31:41.500 of Ukraine . So there is nothing in 31:41.500 --> 31:43.389 this budget that specifically was 31:43.389 --> 31:45.333 changed because it was too late to 31:45.333 --> 31:47.750 change it even if we wanted to uh to 31:47.750 --> 31:49.972 reflect the specifics of the invasion . 31:50.440 --> 31:52.920 What we , what we have in 22 in the 31:52.920 --> 31:55.250 omnibus funding in the omnibus funding 31:55.250 --> 31:57.306 bill at our request , Congress added 31:57.306 --> 31:59.417 some funds to address the deployments 31:59.417 --> 32:01.528 the secretary had ordered as of , you 32:01.528 --> 32:03.639 know , early , early february leading 32:03.639 --> 32:05.750 up to posture ourselves for what we , 32:05.750 --> 32:07.917 what we saw was likely to happen . And 32:07.917 --> 32:10.083 then in addition , in the omnibus , of 32:10.083 --> 32:12.028 course , the the other half of the 32:12.028 --> 32:14.139 funding , half of the funding sort of 32:14.139 --> 32:16.083 related to our forces are are Nate 32:16.083 --> 32:18.139 bolstering of NATO's eastern flank . 32:18.139 --> 32:20.306 The other half was the Ukraine related 32:20.306 --> 32:22.480 draw down funds . We do not project 32:22.490 --> 32:24.730 those that drawdown effort continuing 32:24.730 --> 32:27.610 into the 23 budget again , the conflict 32:27.610 --> 32:29.610 hadn't started when this budget was 32:29.610 --> 32:31.721 finalized . It is possible that there 32:31.721 --> 32:33.888 might be an additional need to address 32:33.888 --> 32:35.943 that either this year or next year . 32:35.943 --> 32:38.110 But it's really premature of us to say 32:38.110 --> 32:40.054 that uh , in the initial phases at 32:40.054 --> 32:42.221 least , obviously we have been running 32:42.221 --> 32:44.277 through that dry down at fairly high 32:44.277 --> 32:46.554 rate . So we're that to continue . Yes , 32:46.554 --> 32:48.721 we probably would need to address that 32:48.721 --> 32:50.610 again in the future . But I think 32:50.610 --> 32:52.832 stepping back the the whole question of 32:52.832 --> 32:55.054 what our posture will be , both for the 32:55.054 --> 32:57.388 US specifically and for NATO as a whole . 32:57.388 --> 32:59.721 You know , it's too early to tell given , 32:59.721 --> 33:01.888 given that this , this early stage one 33:01.888 --> 33:03.832 month in as to what the , what the 33:03.832 --> 33:06.054 conflict itself will look like and what 33:06.054 --> 33:08.277 the , what the NATO response will be in 33:08.277 --> 33:10.443 23 or beyond . I imagine that would be 33:10.443 --> 33:12.666 a NATO discussion and one of the things 33:12.666 --> 33:14.499 that's heartening to see in this 33:14.499 --> 33:16.554 particular uh situation is how other 33:16.554 --> 33:18.721 countries have been stepping up on the 33:18.721 --> 33:20.832 draw downside on the sanctions side . 33:20.832 --> 33:23.054 It's not just the US doing all the work 33:23.054 --> 33:25.277 and I think that that is something that 33:25.277 --> 33:25.210 you would see factored into whatever 33:25.210 --> 33:29.130 the response will be and 33:29.130 --> 33:31.297 we'll go over to Tony Capasso A couple 33:31.297 --> 33:33.519 of questions . One for the animal , one 33:33.519 --> 33:35.630 for you . What was the real growth in 33:35.630 --> 33:35.420 the budget and the nominal growth from 33:35.420 --> 33:39.290 the enacted to the 773 . The 33:39.290 --> 33:42.290 growth the nominal growth in the budget 33:42.350 --> 33:45.750 answer this first was was 4% from what 33:45.750 --> 33:47.770 congress enacted 8% from what we 33:47.770 --> 33:51.430 requested and and the real growth was 33:51.440 --> 33:54.070 about 5.5% from what was enacted , 33:54.070 --> 33:57.080 about 1.5% from , I'm sorry about 5.5% 33:57.080 --> 33:59.080 from what was requested last year , 33:59.080 --> 34:02.130 about 1.5% from what was enacted . Of 34:02.130 --> 34:04.330 course we did not know what the , what 34:04.330 --> 34:06.386 the enacted numbers would be when we 34:06.386 --> 34:08.497 finished the budget . That wasn't the 34:08.497 --> 34:08.140 basis of our metric . That wasn't our 34:08.140 --> 34:10.350 metric in any case was to have a , you 34:10.350 --> 34:12.406 know , specific real growth number . 34:12.406 --> 34:14.350 But that's that's the way the math 34:14.350 --> 34:16.517 worked out layman's language . The 773 34:16.517 --> 34:19.030 budget represents about 1.5% real 34:19.030 --> 34:21.030 growth in defense spending over the 34:21.030 --> 34:23.252 enacted budget . Yes . So you have last 34:23.252 --> 34:25.252 year's number inflated and then add 34:25.252 --> 34:27.640 1.5% on top of that . That's correct . 34:28.430 --> 34:31.300 The F 35 number was supposed to be 94 34:31.480 --> 34:33.702 they fit above a couple of years ago at 34:33.702 --> 34:35.940 61 . Now from a joint perspective , why 34:35.940 --> 34:38.300 the cut of 33 airplanes ? Is this 34:38.310 --> 34:40.840 reflection of the services backing off 34:40.850 --> 34:42.750 because of sustainment costs , 34:42.760 --> 34:45.150 projections Or shifting into other 34:45.150 --> 34:47.372 priorities ? I mean why the reduction ? 34:47.372 --> 34:49.428 So I mean first of all that's that's 34:49.428 --> 34:51.820 that number compared to where it was 84 34:51.820 --> 34:53.876 was what we had originally and we're 34:53.876 --> 34:55.820 down to 61 now . So obviously what 34:55.820 --> 34:58.230 we're looking for is where the F35 fits 34:58.230 --> 35:00.286 in that portfolio this year . We had 35:00.286 --> 35:02.397 When we looked at the F- 35 , what do 35:02.397 --> 35:04.230 we need mostly is the block four 35:04.230 --> 35:06.119 capability ? There have been some 35:06.119 --> 35:08.119 delays in the F- 35 . And again the 35:08.119 --> 35:09.786 delays have also delayed that 35:09.786 --> 35:12.000 capability that we want . Uh So we we 35:12.010 --> 35:14.600 took this opportunity in this budget to 35:14.600 --> 35:16.711 kind of shape it uh in the attack air 35:16.711 --> 35:18.460 portfolio you do see the some 35:18.460 --> 35:21.570 additional F 15 E . X ads , you've also 35:21.570 --> 35:23.570 got , you know , we look across the 35:23.570 --> 35:25.681 Joint Force attack air portfolio writ 35:25.681 --> 35:27.737 large . So there's not just the F 35 35:27.737 --> 35:29.737 but what what are you buying in the 35:29.737 --> 35:31.681 fourth gen , get some capacity and 35:31.681 --> 35:33.903 increased integration etcetera and then 35:33.903 --> 35:36.070 what do you need kind of that the next 35:36.070 --> 35:38.070 generation air dominance platform , 35:38.070 --> 35:40.348 which there is a significant R . D . T . 35:40.348 --> 35:39.970 And investment into this portfolio to 35:39.970 --> 35:42.026 continue ? And then also you look at 35:42.026 --> 35:43.970 the hypersonic investments and all 35:43.970 --> 35:46.081 those other things . So those are all 35:46.081 --> 35:48.192 things in addition to the joint , all 35:48.192 --> 35:47.580 domain command control investments that 35:47.580 --> 35:49.800 are going to give us the ability to To 35:49.810 --> 35:52.030 operate that force of any number of 35:52.030 --> 35:54.510 aircraft in that environment . That 35:54.510 --> 35:56.720 money that didn't go into the 84 or 94 35:56.720 --> 35:59.040 F 35 . But we didn't actually take it 35:59.040 --> 36:01.207 from one and put in the other . But as 36:01.207 --> 36:03.373 you look at it , uh , collectively , I 36:03.373 --> 36:03.290 mean we focused on investments we 36:03.290 --> 36:05.350 needed in this budget . Blackstone . 36:05.730 --> 36:09.470 Thanks . Thanks . Sorry . You said 36:09.480 --> 36:13.110 a 10 , just to clarify , you said 36:13.240 --> 36:16.840 a 10 , Winding down in 5-6 years . Is 36:16.840 --> 36:18.840 that the fleet section of the fleet 36:18.840 --> 36:20.951 that's not being re winged or is that 36:20.951 --> 36:22.840 the entire fleet ? I just want to 36:22.840 --> 36:25.062 clarify that we're talking what episode 36:25.062 --> 36:27.980 we're talking about the fleet ? 260 36:28.460 --> 36:30.900 number is there's 18 to 18 that are 36:30.910 --> 36:33.077 that are gonna get re wing and there's 36:33.077 --> 36:35.188 an orphan 80 or something like that . 36:35.188 --> 36:37.354 I'm just trying to figure out you said 36:37.354 --> 36:39.243 in the 5 to 6 years time the A 10 36:39.243 --> 36:41.410 fleet's gonna disappear And I'm like , 36:41.410 --> 36:41.050 I want to understand that you're not 36:41.050 --> 36:43.210 talking about the ones that have bins 36:43.930 --> 36:46.640 budgeted to be re winged ? We're 36:46.640 --> 36:50.140 talking about the fleet . Okay . And to 36:50.140 --> 36:52.580 go back to lead this question , is 36:52.580 --> 36:54.770 there a number of weeks or months that 36:54.770 --> 36:57.260 the conflict in Ukraine last that you 36:57.260 --> 36:59.093 need to go back and ask for more 36:59.093 --> 37:01.316 supplemental there . Do you have a wild 37:01.316 --> 37:02.316 guess on that ? 37:05.630 --> 37:08.350 Not not at this time . I mean the 37:10.930 --> 37:13.041 one of the problems we had originally 37:13.041 --> 37:15.180 that we were under C R r r r r budget 37:15.180 --> 37:17.180 was depressed already . So now that 37:17.180 --> 37:19.291 we've gotten our funding in place and 37:19.291 --> 37:21.402 the specific funding we asked for for 37:21.402 --> 37:23.624 the initial deployment , we've got some 37:23.624 --> 37:25.902 breathing room to assess going forward . 37:25.902 --> 37:27.902 Now if we have to handle additional 37:27.902 --> 37:29.958 cost by reprogramming obviously that 37:29.958 --> 37:32.124 we're gonna have to get to that in the 37:32.124 --> 37:34.069 May june timeframe to assess where 37:34.069 --> 37:36.180 we're looking for if additional funds 37:36.180 --> 37:38.402 are available that might , you know , I 37:38.402 --> 37:38.100 don't and I don't know that that would 37:38.100 --> 37:39.989 be the case . That might buy us a 37:39.989 --> 37:41.989 little more time . But yeah , we'll 37:41.989 --> 37:44.156 have to look at this again probably in 37:44.156 --> 37:46.267 the summer to to be prepared for some 37:46.267 --> 37:48.378 of the more difficult options . If it 37:48.378 --> 37:50.322 looks like that's the case , we're 37:50.322 --> 37:52.433 gonna go back to the phone lines Tony 37:52.433 --> 37:55.500 Pataca , Thank you very much Tony 37:55.500 --> 37:57.667 Britannica . Inside defense . I wanted 37:57.667 --> 38:01.090 to ask more about inflation in terms of 38:01.100 --> 38:03.211 the fifth step because looking at the 38:03.211 --> 38:05.211 fit up , it it looks like there was 38:05.211 --> 38:08.620 sort of a hike between 22 and 23 to 38:08.620 --> 38:10.620 address inflation and then it seems 38:10.620 --> 38:12.787 like that the the inflation assumption 38:12.787 --> 38:15.030 looks like it , it levels off . Can you 38:15.030 --> 38:17.030 tell me what sort of , you know , I 38:17.030 --> 38:19.141 understand that that MS Hicks already 38:19.141 --> 38:21.270 said that uh the fight over inflation 38:21.270 --> 38:23.381 is going to continue and you're gonna 38:23.381 --> 38:25.437 be dealing with it over the summer . 38:25.437 --> 38:25.310 Can you talk a little bit about how the 38:25.310 --> 38:28.760 pressures of inflation might change the 38:28.770 --> 38:32.330 fidelity ? Right . Well , 38:33.120 --> 38:34.842 exactly , as the deputy said , 38:34.842 --> 38:37.064 inflation is the here and now issue and 38:37.064 --> 38:39.550 it's it's it's , you know , sort of 38:39.550 --> 38:42.120 hard to hard to connect it to the 38:42.120 --> 38:44.287 projections for the outliers do as you 38:44.287 --> 38:46.342 say , have the inflation level off , 38:46.342 --> 38:48.564 have pay raises level off to historical 38:48.564 --> 38:50.564 norms . We have multiple chances to 38:50.564 --> 38:52.676 revisit those next year and next year 38:52.676 --> 38:54.898 and next year as we get closer to those 38:54.898 --> 38:57.009 to those time frames . So what we did 38:57.009 --> 38:59.231 was was build the inflation that we saw 38:59.231 --> 39:01.520 happening now into into a sort of a one 39:01.520 --> 39:03.687 time step up of each of the five years 39:03.687 --> 39:05.687 in the fit up . But we did not , we 39:05.687 --> 39:07.798 don't have an accelerating assumption 39:07.798 --> 39:09.964 that inflation continues at high rates 39:09.964 --> 39:12.187 that would have to be revisited if that 39:12.187 --> 39:14.353 were to be the case . But we're a long 39:14.353 --> 39:16.409 way off even from figuring out , You 39:16.409 --> 39:15.630 know from knowing what's going to 39:15.630 --> 39:19.030 happen in in FY23 , which doesn't start 39:19.030 --> 39:21.252 for six more months and doesn't end for 39:21.252 --> 39:23.419 18 more months . I think that's one of 39:23.419 --> 39:25.641 the real hard things for everyone is to 39:25.641 --> 39:25.540 separate in your mind what happened 39:25.540 --> 39:27.540 last month or the month before from 39:27.550 --> 39:29.661 saying , you know what's gonna happen 39:29.661 --> 39:32.150 12 months from now . Let alone across 39:32.150 --> 39:34.261 the fit up . I'm gonna go back to the 39:34.261 --> 39:36.890 room . Travis . Thanks Travis . Tritt 39:36.890 --> 39:38.930 military dot com . Um the budget 39:38.930 --> 39:41.170 materials referred to Russia as an 39:41.170 --> 39:44.020 acute threat . And I assume that's 39:44.030 --> 39:45.863 language straight out of the new 39:45.863 --> 39:48.030 national defense strategy . But in the 39:48.030 --> 39:50.252 past I believe Russia had been referred 39:50.252 --> 39:52.197 to as a near peer adversary . So I 39:52.197 --> 39:54.720 wonder if that new language signals a 39:54.730 --> 39:58.250 rethinking of the Russian of what 39:58.770 --> 40:01.540 the rush priority for Russia and where 40:01.540 --> 40:03.484 rates now ? Is it a higher , lower 40:03.484 --> 40:05.990 priority ? What what are we to take 40:05.990 --> 40:08.470 from that language ? Well , I think 40:08.480 --> 40:10.424 we'd probably want to defer to our 40:10.424 --> 40:12.480 policy colleagues to explain the nds 40:12.480 --> 40:14.647 when and if they're able to and I know 40:14.647 --> 40:16.758 that there's some some classification 40:16.758 --> 40:18.813 issues there but just to stress what 40:18.813 --> 40:20.924 what what the admiral and I have been 40:20.924 --> 40:20.830 saying . And I think what the deputy 40:20.830 --> 40:23.950 said is is we did not , we did not feel 40:23.950 --> 40:26.460 that what's happening today altered the 40:26.460 --> 40:28.682 picture that china is is the number one 40:28.682 --> 40:31.070 issue to keep our eye on um obviously 40:31.080 --> 40:33.490 you can draw your own conclusions about 40:33.500 --> 40:35.722 Russia's performance on the battlefield 40:35.722 --> 40:38.740 and what you know , But but these 40:38.740 --> 40:40.962 documents , again , all these documents 40:40.962 --> 40:43.296 were pretty much finalized sometime ago . 40:43.296 --> 40:45.462 So this this is not attempting to be a 40:45.462 --> 40:47.780 commentary on on what's happening last 40:47.780 --> 40:49.730 week or the week before . Yeah , I 40:49.740 --> 40:51.796 could actually just add on there . I 40:51.796 --> 40:53.907 mean we were speaking near pier , you 40:53.907 --> 40:55.684 know , not from a strategic NDS 40:55.684 --> 40:57.573 perspective , but as a capability 40:57.573 --> 40:57.480 perspective , I mean , so the 40:57.480 --> 40:59.313 investments we have , you know , 40:59.313 --> 41:01.560 against some of the space cyber uh , 41:01.570 --> 41:03.403 you know , they have significant 41:03.403 --> 41:05.514 capabilities in the missile , air and 41:05.514 --> 41:07.681 missile defense realm . Uh those are , 41:07.681 --> 41:09.737 those are a lot of things that we're 41:09.737 --> 41:09.580 trying to get after those capabilities 41:09.580 --> 41:11.691 as near peer adversary capabilities . 41:11.691 --> 41:13.636 So you know , differ obviously the 41:13.636 --> 41:15.858 policy describe exactly whether it is , 41:15.858 --> 41:17.413 but for us , you know , the 41:17.413 --> 41:19.580 capabilities and that's why the things 41:19.580 --> 41:21.747 that that that we need are going to be 41:21.747 --> 41:23.969 against the higher end . Uh those , you 41:23.969 --> 41:23.800 know , china and Russia would do 41:23.800 --> 41:26.200 together have some incredibly capable 41:26.210 --> 41:27.870 um capabilities and 41:30.250 --> 41:32.417 well , I would say just to circle back 41:32.417 --> 41:34.528 on one particular point , of course , 41:34.528 --> 41:36.528 the nuclear deterrence . No , no no 41:36.528 --> 41:36.380 diminution in Russia's capabilities or 41:36.380 --> 41:38.324 threats there ? None , none . None 41:38.324 --> 41:40.380 intended to be a message by anything 41:40.380 --> 41:42.436 we're saying here that we don't take 41:42.436 --> 41:44.213 that seriously . Alright , last 41:44.213 --> 41:46.324 question , we'll go back to the phone 41:46.324 --> 41:48.610 line , paul McLeary . Hi thanks . Um 41:48.610 --> 41:50.666 can you give it a little more detail 41:50.666 --> 41:52.554 about the E . D I and the pacific 41:52.554 --> 41:54.777 deterrence initiative . How much is the 41:54.777 --> 41:56.860 pacific deterrence initiative funded 41:56.860 --> 41:58.916 for and what are some of the kind of 41:58.916 --> 42:02.360 main lines of effort there . Sure in 42:02.360 --> 42:04.416 both cases I believe that we'll have 42:04.416 --> 42:06.693 budget documentation available shortly . 42:06.693 --> 42:08.638 If not today . That will that will 42:08.638 --> 42:10.749 describe each of those in addition to 42:10.749 --> 42:12.860 the indo pay com commander will issue 42:12.860 --> 42:14.971 his own report which which will speak 42:14.971 --> 42:17.082 to his specific deterrence initiative 42:17.082 --> 42:19.304 report required by Congress . So you'll 42:19.304 --> 42:21.416 see some granularity both from us and 42:21.416 --> 42:23.360 from the Pay com Commander on that 42:23.360 --> 42:25.527 front . On the european side . We will 42:25.527 --> 42:27.638 have a budget budget book out today . 42:27.638 --> 42:29.804 But these are these are in the case of 42:29.804 --> 42:31.582 the pacific insurance . This is 42:31.582 --> 42:33.360 something that's been um worked 42:33.360 --> 42:35.082 carefully with the between the 42:35.082 --> 42:34.930 department of the committee is trying 42:34.930 --> 42:37.152 to get people on the same page in terms 42:37.152 --> 42:39.319 of what do you count ? What do you not 42:39.319 --> 42:41.430 count investments west of the days of 42:41.430 --> 42:43.652 the date line but not but not otherwise 42:43.652 --> 42:47.300 exercises military construction but 42:47.300 --> 42:49.467 not , you know , not capabilities like 42:49.467 --> 42:51.300 submarines that could be applied 42:51.300 --> 42:53.522 worldwide . So I think that we've we're 42:53.522 --> 42:55.467 coming to closure I think with the 42:55.467 --> 42:55.180 committees on what the , what the , 42:55.190 --> 42:58.280 what the concepts are there . Um , 42:58.290 --> 43:00.234 investment in Guam as we discussed 43:00.234 --> 43:02.457 earlier was is a big part of it in this 43:02.457 --> 43:04.512 case , european deterrence really is 43:04.512 --> 43:06.623 pretty similar to what you would have 43:06.623 --> 43:08.846 seen over the last couple of years . Um 43:08.846 --> 43:11.068 mhm There's there's not , there's not a 43:11.068 --> 43:13.123 fundamental change in that . Maybe a 43:13.123 --> 43:15.290 little additional security cooperation 43:15.290 --> 43:17.290 but not not a definitional change . 43:17.290 --> 43:19.570 Okay , thank you for your time . That 43:19.570 --> 43:20.230 concludes our breathing