1 00:00:00,340 --> 00:00:02,451 Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen , 2 00:00:02,451 --> 00:00:04,340 thank you for joining us today to 3 00:00:04,340 --> 00:00:06,562 discuss the army's fy 23 budget request 4 00:00:06,562 --> 00:00:08,173 the honorable Gabe camarillo 5 00:00:08,173 --> 00:00:10,229 undersecretary of the army and Major 6 00:00:10,229 --> 00:00:09,990 General Mark Bennett , the director of 7 00:00:09,990 --> 00:00:12,101 the Army budget , will provide you an 8 00:00:12,101 --> 00:00:13,934 in depth overview and take a few 9 00:00:13,934 --> 00:00:16,157 questions . I'll be alternating between 10 00:00:16,157 --> 00:00:18,323 reporters in the room and phone line . 11 00:00:18,323 --> 00:00:20,490 If we have it on the phone line . Um , 12 00:00:20,490 --> 00:00:20,250 we'll also hold a media roundtable 13 00:00:20,250 --> 00:00:22,250 tomorrow morning . You'll have more 14 00:00:22,250 --> 00:00:24,194 opportunity than to ask additional 15 00:00:24,194 --> 00:00:26,083 questions today . We have uh , 40 16 00:00:26,083 --> 00:00:28,028 minutes for this . Gentlemen , the 17 00:00:28,028 --> 00:00:30,194 floor is yours . Good afternoon ladies 18 00:00:30,194 --> 00:00:32,306 and gentlemen , it's a pleasure to be 19 00:00:32,306 --> 00:00:34,306 here with all of you . And what I'd 20 00:00:34,306 --> 00:00:36,528 like to do is maybe begin by opening up 21 00:00:36,528 --> 00:00:38,306 by highlighting some of the key 22 00:00:38,306 --> 00:00:40,472 investments in the army's Fy 23 budget 23 00:00:40,472 --> 00:00:42,694 submission . And then I'll turn it over 24 00:00:42,694 --> 00:00:44,694 to Major General Mark Bennett to my 25 00:00:44,694 --> 00:00:46,861 left to give you more detailed rundown 26 00:00:46,861 --> 00:00:50,650 of our our PB submission . So I think 27 00:00:50,650 --> 00:00:52,761 I'd like to begin by just noting that 28 00:00:52,761 --> 00:00:55,410 the FY23 budget is a positive one for 29 00:00:55,410 --> 00:00:57,521 the army because it really lets us do 30 00:00:57,521 --> 00:01:00,620 two things simultaneously . First , we 31 00:01:00,620 --> 00:01:02,842 maintain a high level of readiness with 32 00:01:02,842 --> 00:01:04,950 robust funding for our CTC rotations 33 00:01:04,950 --> 00:01:07,130 are flying hours and this is really 34 00:01:07,130 --> 00:01:09,241 important because it allows us , uh , 35 00:01:09,241 --> 00:01:11,570 you know , to kind of continue building 36 00:01:11,570 --> 00:01:14,010 upon the just the record of tremendous 37 00:01:14,010 --> 00:01:16,250 performance across varied missions over 38 00:01:16,250 --> 00:01:18,680 the last year . You look back and 39 00:01:18,680 --> 00:01:20,791 there's the COVID response where over 40 00:01:20,791 --> 00:01:23,920 50,000 soldiers mobilized in support of 41 00:01:23,920 --> 00:01:26,650 nationwide response efforts . Disaster 42 00:01:26,650 --> 00:01:28,650 response at home where the National 43 00:01:28,650 --> 00:01:30,940 Guard mobilized to respond to flooding 44 00:01:30,940 --> 00:01:34,240 and wildfires and then operation Allies 45 00:01:34,240 --> 00:01:37,170 welcome support where we responded to 46 00:01:37,170 --> 00:01:39,890 support over 40,000 displaced afghans 47 00:01:39,890 --> 00:01:42,270 at six army installations . And then of 48 00:01:42,270 --> 00:01:44,326 course I would be remiss if I didn't 49 00:01:44,326 --> 00:01:46,381 highlight our most recent example of 50 00:01:46,381 --> 00:01:48,280 that readiness in our response to 51 00:01:48,280 --> 00:01:50,450 Ukraine , Supporting the NATO 52 00:01:50,450 --> 00:01:52,617 deterrence mission in Europe with over 53 00:01:52,617 --> 00:01:54,910 45,000 soldiers deployed to Germany and 54 00:01:54,910 --> 00:01:57,480 Poland . But the second reason that 55 00:01:57,480 --> 00:01:59,647 this budget is positive for us is that 56 00:01:59,647 --> 00:02:01,758 it enables a continued transformation 57 00:02:01,758 --> 00:02:04,580 to the army of 2030 as we strategically 58 00:02:04,580 --> 00:02:06,860 pivot from two decades of a focus on 59 00:02:06,860 --> 00:02:09,720 counterterrorism to an army adapted to 60 00:02:09,720 --> 00:02:12,030 meet our top pacing challenge in China 61 00:02:12,040 --> 00:02:13,830 and the acute threat of Russian 62 00:02:13,830 --> 00:02:16,560 aggression . The armies continued 63 00:02:16,560 --> 00:02:19,510 transformation is done by maintaining 64 00:02:19,510 --> 00:02:21,480 momentum in this budget on our 65 00:02:21,480 --> 00:02:23,960 modernization programs were including 66 00:02:23,960 --> 00:02:26,016 the fielding of our mobile protected 67 00:02:26,016 --> 00:02:28,238 firepower and the next generation squad 68 00:02:28,238 --> 00:02:30,460 weapon and continuing our investment in 69 00:02:30,460 --> 00:02:32,820 people in talent management and 70 00:02:32,820 --> 00:02:34,987 building a positive command climate at 71 00:02:34,987 --> 00:02:36,820 scale as well as cutting edge 72 00:02:36,820 --> 00:02:39,570 formations . So as part of that ongoing 73 00:02:39,570 --> 00:02:41,470 transformation , I'd like to just 74 00:02:41,470 --> 00:02:43,526 highlight a few of the ways that our 75 00:02:43,526 --> 00:02:45,526 budget invests in capabilities that 76 00:02:45,526 --> 00:02:47,359 will enable the army to meet the 77 00:02:47,359 --> 00:02:49,303 objectives of the national defense 78 00:02:49,303 --> 00:02:51,248 strategy and our joint warfighting 79 00:02:51,248 --> 00:02:53,248 needs . So the department well , as 80 00:02:53,248 --> 00:02:54,970 you've heard today achieve its 81 00:02:54,970 --> 00:02:57,192 strategic objectives through integrated 82 00:02:57,192 --> 00:02:59,081 deterrence active campaigning and 83 00:02:59,081 --> 00:03:01,303 building an enduring advantage . We use 84 00:03:01,303 --> 00:03:03,359 this framework to illustrate how our 85 00:03:03,359 --> 00:03:05,581 investments are aligned to the NDS . So 86 00:03:05,581 --> 00:03:07,581 I'll start with enabling integrated 87 00:03:07,581 --> 00:03:09,526 deterrence , which as you've heard 88 00:03:09,526 --> 00:03:11,637 already , this is work working really 89 00:03:11,637 --> 00:03:13,637 across warfighting domains , across 90 00:03:13,637 --> 00:03:15,748 theaters and spectrums of conflict as 91 00:03:15,748 --> 00:03:17,914 part of the joint force and as we look 92 00:03:17,914 --> 00:03:19,859 at this , investing in some of our 93 00:03:19,859 --> 00:03:21,692 capabilities . Just a few of our 94 00:03:21,692 --> 00:03:23,748 examples include delivering the long 95 00:03:23,748 --> 00:03:25,970 range hypersonic weapon prototype , the 96 00:03:25,970 --> 00:03:27,914 ultra fast maneuverable long range 97 00:03:27,914 --> 00:03:29,748 missiles that provide a powerful 98 00:03:29,748 --> 00:03:31,859 deterrent to adversaries and the next 99 00:03:31,859 --> 00:03:33,730 generation capability in combat 100 00:03:33,730 --> 00:03:36,550 operations , a mid range capability 101 00:03:36,560 --> 00:03:38,920 missile prototype that integrates 102 00:03:38,920 --> 00:03:40,864 another next generation deterrence 103 00:03:40,864 --> 00:03:43,660 platform in support of the Army's long 104 00:03:43,660 --> 00:03:46,360 range precision fires and fielding our 105 00:03:46,360 --> 00:03:48,582 precision strike missiles with extended 106 00:03:48,582 --> 00:03:51,300 range lethality and survivability using 107 00:03:51,300 --> 00:03:53,370 current launcher platforms and with 108 00:03:53,370 --> 00:03:55,730 investments in this budget to further 109 00:03:55,730 --> 00:03:57,786 upgrade capability into the future . 110 00:03:58,940 --> 00:04:00,940 This also includes transforming our 111 00:04:00,940 --> 00:04:03,051 force structure as part of integrated 112 00:04:03,051 --> 00:04:05,273 deterrence and that includes fielding , 113 00:04:05,273 --> 00:04:07,218 for example , are the army's third 114 00:04:07,218 --> 00:04:08,884 multi domain task force which 115 00:04:08,884 --> 00:04:11,070 integrates fires cyber E W and info 116 00:04:11,070 --> 00:04:13,750 warfare As well as project convergence 117 00:04:13,750 --> 00:04:16,710 22 , which is our continued effort to 118 00:04:16,710 --> 00:04:19,280 combine experimentation and exercises 119 00:04:19,280 --> 00:04:21,502 with our partners and allies to promote 120 00:04:21,502 --> 00:04:23,280 that interoperability that's so 121 00:04:23,280 --> 00:04:25,391 critical as part of the joint force , 122 00:04:25,391 --> 00:04:27,280 improve situational awareness and 123 00:04:27,280 --> 00:04:29,502 accelerated decision making timelines . 124 00:04:30,340 --> 00:04:33,070 I'd also note here , an issue on the 125 00:04:33,070 --> 00:04:35,400 armies and strength . So for the army 126 00:04:35,400 --> 00:04:37,570 to keep momentum on our modernization 127 00:04:37,570 --> 00:04:40,580 programs And to transform to the Army 128 00:04:40,580 --> 00:04:43,030 of 2030 . It's absolutely important 129 00:04:43,030 --> 00:04:45,220 that we maintain our emphasis on high 130 00:04:45,220 --> 00:04:47,640 quality talent that we need for our 131 00:04:47,640 --> 00:04:50,520 cutting edge formations and as we feel 132 00:04:50,520 --> 00:04:52,687 new capabilities , just as I said that 133 00:04:52,687 --> 00:04:55,770 we would use in our MTD F . We did not 134 00:04:55,770 --> 00:04:59,090 want to lower our standards in Fy 23 to 135 00:04:59,090 --> 00:05:01,034 address any gaps in our recruiting 136 00:05:01,034 --> 00:05:03,890 projections . So we proactively made a 137 00:05:03,890 --> 00:05:06,420 decision to temporarily reduce our end 138 00:05:06,420 --> 00:05:09,860 strength from 485,000 soldiers to 139 00:05:09,860 --> 00:05:12,660 476,000 in fy 22 140 00:05:13,140 --> 00:05:17,010 And 473,000 in Fy 23 . And I 141 00:05:17,010 --> 00:05:19,177 would just want to emphasize that this 142 00:05:19,177 --> 00:05:21,343 is not a budget driven decision . It's 143 00:05:21,343 --> 00:05:23,454 about maintaining high quality of our 144 00:05:23,454 --> 00:05:25,454 talent and of our recruiting and we 145 00:05:25,454 --> 00:05:27,399 will look to build back up our end 146 00:05:27,399 --> 00:05:29,177 strength over the course of the 147 00:05:29,177 --> 00:05:31,121 fighting . Next , I'd like to talk 148 00:05:31,121 --> 00:05:32,954 about the second pillar which is 149 00:05:32,954 --> 00:05:35,580 executing our global campaigning where 150 00:05:35,580 --> 00:05:37,691 as part of the joint force , the army 151 00:05:37,691 --> 00:05:39,858 enhances deterrence and gains military 152 00:05:39,858 --> 00:05:43,470 advantage over time by campaigning And 153 00:05:43,470 --> 00:05:45,581 here I'd like to note that our budget 154 00:05:45,581 --> 00:05:47,692 includes investments for R . S . Fabs 155 00:05:47,692 --> 00:05:49,748 are rotations in you , calm and indo 156 00:05:49,748 --> 00:05:52,170 pay calm that enhance interoperability 157 00:05:52,180 --> 00:05:54,069 and combined arms training at the 158 00:05:54,069 --> 00:05:56,660 tactical level . Our continued funding 159 00:05:56,660 --> 00:05:58,940 for pacific pathway exercises and 160 00:05:58,940 --> 00:06:00,829 defender europe , which obviously 161 00:06:00,829 --> 00:06:02,829 continue to build on the great work 162 00:06:02,829 --> 00:06:04,996 being done there in those two theaters 163 00:06:04,996 --> 00:06:07,218 implementing the army's arctic strategy 164 00:06:07,218 --> 00:06:09,550 to build capacity and improved 165 00:06:09,550 --> 00:06:11,750 capabilities to our army units in 166 00:06:11,750 --> 00:06:14,910 Alaska and further investments in army 167 00:06:14,910 --> 00:06:18,230 preposition stock . Next slide please . 168 00:06:19,840 --> 00:06:21,620 The third pillar is building an 169 00:06:21,620 --> 00:06:23,731 enduring advantage and as we've heard 170 00:06:23,731 --> 00:06:25,842 today it's it's all about uh you know 171 00:06:25,842 --> 00:06:28,064 building the reforms putting into place 172 00:06:28,064 --> 00:06:30,287 the investments that are needed to make 173 00:06:30,287 --> 00:06:32,453 our capabilities enduring as part of a 174 00:06:32,453 --> 00:06:34,620 defense ecosystem and maintaining that 175 00:06:34,620 --> 00:06:37,330 joint force advantage . And first I 176 00:06:37,340 --> 00:06:39,507 would have to emphasize our investment 177 00:06:39,507 --> 00:06:41,660 in people within this budget . People 178 00:06:41,660 --> 00:06:44,010 are by far our greatest asset and 179 00:06:44,010 --> 00:06:46,700 talent is our greatest advantage . So 180 00:06:46,700 --> 00:06:48,811 we have investments to build positive 181 00:06:48,811 --> 00:06:50,811 command climate at scale to include 182 00:06:50,811 --> 00:06:53,033 funding for cohesion assessment teams , 183 00:06:53,033 --> 00:06:54,811 continued implementation of the 184 00:06:54,811 --> 00:06:56,978 Independent Review Commission and Fort 185 00:06:56,978 --> 00:06:59,144 Hood Independent Review Commission and 186 00:06:59,144 --> 00:07:01,256 that includes funding of prevention , 187 00:07:01,256 --> 00:07:03,256 workforce , our ongoing C . I . D . 188 00:07:03,256 --> 00:07:05,144 Criminal investigation , division 189 00:07:05,144 --> 00:07:07,550 transformation and various talent 190 00:07:07,550 --> 00:07:09,890 management initiatives to include the B 191 00:07:09,890 --> 00:07:12,560 cap and see cap programs to help us get 192 00:07:12,560 --> 00:07:14,760 the right people with the right skills 193 00:07:15,190 --> 00:07:17,610 in the right job quality of life , 194 00:07:17,610 --> 00:07:19,850 investments in soldier barracks , 195 00:07:19,860 --> 00:07:21,971 housing and child development centers 196 00:07:21,971 --> 00:07:24,082 are all really important to make sure 197 00:07:24,082 --> 00:07:26,304 that we are investing in our people and 198 00:07:26,304 --> 00:07:28,650 their resiliency . Next I'd like to 199 00:07:28,650 --> 00:07:30,761 point here is tackling climate change 200 00:07:30,761 --> 00:07:32,872 to ensure operational effectiveness . 201 00:07:33,040 --> 00:07:35,270 The army led the way in issuing the 202 00:07:35,270 --> 00:07:37,159 first climate strategy within the 203 00:07:37,159 --> 00:07:38,937 Department of Defense among the 204 00:07:38,937 --> 00:07:41,240 services and that includes funding and 205 00:07:41,240 --> 00:07:42,962 investments in this budget for 206 00:07:42,962 --> 00:07:45,230 installation resilience to include 207 00:07:45,230 --> 00:07:47,770 renewable energy generation , improved 208 00:07:47,770 --> 00:07:50,040 warfighting capability through hybrid 209 00:07:50,040 --> 00:07:52,207 electric tactical vehicles . That will 210 00:07:52,207 --> 00:07:54,262 reduce signatures on the battlefield 211 00:07:54,262 --> 00:07:56,318 and ultimately reduce the logistical 212 00:07:56,318 --> 00:07:58,429 burdens of fuel and adaptive training 213 00:07:58,580 --> 00:08:01,750 in extreme weather environments . And 214 00:08:01,750 --> 00:08:03,810 then lastly , I note that there is 215 00:08:03,870 --> 00:08:05,870 funding in this budget will support 216 00:08:05,870 --> 00:08:07,926 further innovation in the industrial 217 00:08:07,926 --> 00:08:09,870 base as evidenced by our continued 218 00:08:09,870 --> 00:08:11,926 investments in hypersonic weapons to 219 00:08:11,926 --> 00:08:13,981 support that growing industrial base 220 00:08:13,981 --> 00:08:15,648 and modernization of our army 221 00:08:15,648 --> 00:08:17,790 ammunition plants , which are a key 222 00:08:17,790 --> 00:08:20,110 part of building readiness for our war 223 00:08:20,110 --> 00:08:22,330 fighters . So now with that said , I'd 224 00:08:22,330 --> 00:08:24,274 like to turn over to Major General 225 00:08:24,274 --> 00:08:26,163 Bennett who will provide you with 226 00:08:26,163 --> 00:08:28,386 additional details regarding the budget 227 00:08:28,386 --> 00:08:30,663 request . Thank you . Honorable camera . 228 00:08:30,740 --> 00:08:32,851 Today . I will present an overview of 229 00:08:32,851 --> 00:08:35,018 the United States Army's fiscal year . 230 00:08:35,018 --> 00:08:37,340 2023 budget request , which is fully 231 00:08:37,340 --> 00:08:39,710 funded , supports army readiness , 232 00:08:39,810 --> 00:08:42,760 maintains the momentum of the army's 233 00:08:42,760 --> 00:08:44,927 transformation to a more capable force 234 00:08:44,927 --> 00:08:46,871 and upholds our people first focus 235 00:08:47,440 --> 00:08:49,860 before we dive into the Fy 23 request , 236 00:08:49,870 --> 00:08:52,037 I do want to express the army's thanks 237 00:08:52,037 --> 00:08:54,148 to Congress for providing the funding 238 00:08:54,148 --> 00:08:56,203 for this 2000 and 22 fiscal year and 239 00:08:56,203 --> 00:08:58,481 thank them for their continued support . 240 00:08:58,481 --> 00:09:00,426 In the aggregate , you can see the 241 00:09:00,426 --> 00:09:03,480 army's Fy 23 budget request is 177.5 242 00:09:03,480 --> 00:09:05,647 billion which rounds up to roughly 100 243 00:09:05,647 --> 00:09:06,647 and 78 billion . 244 00:09:10,140 --> 00:09:12,362 This is about 2.8 billion more than the 245 00:09:12,362 --> 00:09:14,690 22 enacted levels . You will also note 246 00:09:14,690 --> 00:09:16,801 that this request for the second year 247 00:09:16,801 --> 00:09:19,134 in a row is all in base program funding . 248 00:09:19,134 --> 00:09:21,357 The light blue annotations near the top 249 00:09:21,357 --> 00:09:24,460 of the columns for Fy 22 Fy 23 are 250 00:09:24,460 --> 00:09:26,730 still based program funding but support 251 00:09:26,730 --> 00:09:28,897 our overseas operations in the central 252 00:09:28,897 --> 00:09:31,140 and european commands . It is also 253 00:09:31,140 --> 00:09:33,251 important to note that D . O . D . In 254 00:09:33,251 --> 00:09:35,029 the army did receive additional 255 00:09:35,029 --> 00:09:37,251 supplemental funding and several of the 256 00:09:37,251 --> 00:09:39,140 continuing resolution measures in 257 00:09:39,140 --> 00:09:41,307 support of humanitarian assistance for 258 00:09:41,307 --> 00:09:41,220 Operation Allies . Welcome and 259 00:09:41,220 --> 00:09:43,220 supplemental funding . In the fy 22 260 00:09:43,220 --> 00:09:45,331 omnibus of preparation for support to 261 00:09:45,331 --> 00:09:47,387 Ukraine . That is not represented in 262 00:09:47,387 --> 00:09:50,680 the Fy 22 columns . I will now address 263 00:09:50,680 --> 00:09:52,791 additional details of how our request 264 00:09:52,791 --> 00:09:54,847 takes care of our people , maintains 265 00:09:54,847 --> 00:09:56,958 our near term readiness and continues 266 00:09:56,958 --> 00:09:59,124 our modernization efforts as we review 267 00:09:59,124 --> 00:10:01,180 each of the armies of preparations . 268 00:10:01,940 --> 00:10:03,829 The army's base budget request an 269 00:10:03,829 --> 00:10:05,940 increase of roughly 2.8 billion above 270 00:10:05,940 --> 00:10:08,090 the 22 enacted appropriation . This 271 00:10:08,090 --> 00:10:09,923 funding level total reflects the 272 00:10:09,923 --> 00:10:12,090 combined resource requirements for all 273 00:10:12,090 --> 00:10:14,201 three components , the Active U . S . 274 00:10:14,201 --> 00:10:16,450 Army Reserve and Army National Guard to 275 00:10:16,450 --> 00:10:19,360 include r overseas operations costs Our 276 00:10:19,360 --> 00:10:21,440 military personnel a Crown Screw 3.2 277 00:10:21,440 --> 00:10:23,607 billion . These funds enabled the army 278 00:10:23,607 --> 00:10:25,860 to recruit , train and promote and 279 00:10:25,860 --> 00:10:29,000 retain quality soldiers . These funds 280 00:10:29,010 --> 00:10:31,177 also pay reserve components . Soldiers 281 00:10:31,177 --> 00:10:33,010 on active duty needed to support 282 00:10:33,010 --> 00:10:35,620 operational missions . The military pay 283 00:10:35,620 --> 00:10:37,676 accounts also provide recruiting and 284 00:10:37,676 --> 00:10:39,898 retention bonuses necessary to maintain 285 00:10:39,898 --> 00:10:42,310 the all volunteer force . The 286 00:10:42,310 --> 00:10:44,254 operations and maintenance funding 287 00:10:44,254 --> 00:10:46,477 requests increased 3.6 billion from the 288 00:10:46,477 --> 00:10:48,310 22 enacted levels . This funding 289 00:10:48,310 --> 00:10:50,366 provides readiness and also enhances 290 00:10:50,366 --> 00:10:52,199 our sharp suicide prevention and 291 00:10:52,199 --> 00:10:54,088 criminal investigation , division 292 00:10:54,088 --> 00:10:56,390 restructuring efforts . O and M also 293 00:10:56,390 --> 00:10:58,612 resources improvements for the civilian 294 00:10:58,612 --> 00:11:00,612 workforce such as the pay raise and 295 00:11:00,612 --> 00:11:02,723 continues to invest in the quality of 296 00:11:02,723 --> 00:11:04,668 life of soldiers through increased 297 00:11:04,668 --> 00:11:06,890 funding for the improvement of barracks 298 00:11:06,890 --> 00:11:08,946 and facilities . The procurement and 299 00:11:08,946 --> 00:11:10,834 research , development , test and 300 00:11:10,834 --> 00:11:12,723 evaluation request of $35 billion 301 00:11:12,723 --> 00:11:14,723 dollars allows the army to maintain 302 00:11:14,723 --> 00:11:16,834 momentum of our modernization efforts 303 00:11:16,834 --> 00:11:18,779 as we continue our transition from 304 00:11:18,779 --> 00:11:20,501 irregular warfare to strategic 305 00:11:20,501 --> 00:11:22,612 competition . The army also continues 306 00:11:22,612 --> 00:11:24,834 to emphasize our six signature priority 307 00:11:24,834 --> 00:11:26,446 efforts that are critical to 308 00:11:26,446 --> 00:11:28,990 maintaining the competitive edge . The 309 00:11:28,990 --> 00:11:31,046 military construction request of 1.9 310 00:11:31,046 --> 00:11:33,268 billion supports a total of 29 projects 311 00:11:33,268 --> 00:11:35,500 across the total army . The priorities 312 00:11:35,500 --> 00:11:37,444 for facility investments remain as 313 00:11:37,444 --> 00:11:39,111 quality of life readiness and 314 00:11:39,111 --> 00:11:41,680 modernization . Lastly , you will note 315 00:11:41,680 --> 00:11:43,902 on our other accounts , the elimination 316 00:11:43,902 --> 00:11:45,847 of the roughly $3.3 billion in the 317 00:11:45,847 --> 00:11:48,069 Afghan security forces fund from our Fy 318 00:11:48,069 --> 00:11:50,440 22 enactment and the Fy 23 presidents 319 00:11:50,440 --> 00:11:52,780 budget request . I will now begin a 320 00:11:52,780 --> 00:11:54,613 more in depth look at the budget 321 00:11:54,613 --> 00:11:56,836 request . Beginning with the armies and 322 00:11:56,836 --> 00:11:59,570 strength As previously addressed by 323 00:11:59,570 --> 00:12:01,681 honorable Camarillo . We did not want 324 00:12:01,681 --> 00:12:03,903 to lower our recruiting standards so we 325 00:12:03,903 --> 00:12:05,626 proactively made a decision to 326 00:12:05,626 --> 00:12:07,681 temporarily reduce end strength from 327 00:12:07,681 --> 00:12:11,240 485,000 soldiers . 2 473,000 soldiers 328 00:12:11,240 --> 00:12:14,490 in Fy 23 Army National Guard and Army 329 00:12:14,490 --> 00:12:16,768 Reserve and strength remains unchanged . 330 00:12:17,640 --> 00:12:19,862 This was not a budget driven decision . 331 00:12:19,862 --> 00:12:22,029 It's about quality and we will look to 332 00:12:22,029 --> 00:12:23,973 build and strength over the future 333 00:12:23,973 --> 00:12:26,196 years . Defense program For the army to 334 00:12:26,196 --> 00:12:28,307 keep momentum on modernization and to 335 00:12:28,307 --> 00:12:30,529 transform to the army of 2030 . We must 336 00:12:30,529 --> 00:12:32,418 maintain emphasis on high quality 337 00:12:32,418 --> 00:12:34,140 talent needed for cutting edge 338 00:12:34,140 --> 00:12:36,362 formations and new capabilities like we 339 00:12:36,362 --> 00:12:38,362 use in our multi domain task forces 340 00:12:38,830 --> 00:12:40,941 funding that would have been used for 341 00:12:40,941 --> 00:12:43,108 the previously higher end strength was 342 00:12:43,108 --> 00:12:42,890 placed against reserve component 343 00:12:42,890 --> 00:12:44,723 mobilization requirements funded 344 00:12:44,723 --> 00:12:46,834 through the active military personnel 345 00:12:46,834 --> 00:12:48,723 appropriation . The requested and 346 00:12:48,723 --> 00:12:50,946 strength enables the army to fill units 347 00:12:50,946 --> 00:12:53,057 and provide new capabilities designed 348 00:12:53,057 --> 00:12:55,168 to face emerging threats and supports 349 00:12:55,168 --> 00:12:58,440 the old domain fight . Military 350 00:12:58,440 --> 00:13:00,329 personnel accounts are the second 351 00:13:00,329 --> 00:13:02,329 largest portion of the army's based 352 00:13:02,329 --> 00:13:05,170 budget . The FY 23 request of 69.1 353 00:13:05,170 --> 00:13:07,281 billion is an increase of 3.2 billion 354 00:13:07,450 --> 00:13:10,060 from the FY 22 enacted levels . The 355 00:13:10,060 --> 00:13:12,570 request compensate soldiers with a 4.6% 356 00:13:12,570 --> 00:13:15,040 pay raise , the largest in 20 years and 357 00:13:15,040 --> 00:13:17,262 provides the recruiting and retention , 358 00:13:17,262 --> 00:13:19,262 incentives increases allowances for 359 00:13:19,262 --> 00:13:21,780 housing by 3.9% And also an increase in 360 00:13:21,780 --> 00:13:24,060 food subsistence allowance by 3.4% . 361 00:13:25,240 --> 00:13:27,240 The National Guard and Army Reserve 362 00:13:27,240 --> 00:13:29,018 components . Military personnel 363 00:13:29,018 --> 00:13:31,184 accounts fund their statutory training 364 00:13:31,184 --> 00:13:32,962 days , exercise participation , 365 00:13:32,980 --> 00:13:35,300 recruiting and retention incentives and 366 00:13:35,300 --> 00:13:37,133 education benefits and full time 367 00:13:37,133 --> 00:13:39,078 support . Now let's take a look at 368 00:13:39,078 --> 00:13:42,040 operations and maintenance . The army's 369 00:13:42,040 --> 00:13:43,984 operation and maintenance accounts 370 00:13:43,984 --> 00:13:46,040 represent the largest of preparation 371 00:13:46,040 --> 00:13:48,096 category within the army and provide 372 00:13:48,096 --> 00:13:50,151 funds to recruit , organized , train 373 00:13:50,151 --> 00:13:52,040 and sustain active Army component 374 00:13:52,040 --> 00:13:54,040 forces worldwide . The Fy 23 Active 375 00:13:54,040 --> 00:13:56,540 Army request to $58.3 billion reflects 376 00:13:56,540 --> 00:13:58,762 an increase of approximately $3 billion 377 00:13:58,762 --> 00:14:02,530 from fy 22 Or roughly 5.4% above the 22 378 00:14:02,530 --> 00:14:05,040 inactive level . The operations and 379 00:14:05,040 --> 00:14:07,207 maintenance , Army account resources , 380 00:14:07,207 --> 00:14:09,429 home station training and that required 381 00:14:09,429 --> 00:14:11,429 directed readiness table levels for 382 00:14:11,429 --> 00:14:13,429 active brigade combat teams and our 383 00:14:13,429 --> 00:14:15,651 combat aviation brigades , armies O and 384 00:14:15,651 --> 00:14:17,510 M focused also funds further 385 00:14:17,510 --> 00:14:19,343 implementation of the regionally 386 00:14:19,343 --> 00:14:20,899 aligned modern Reading this 387 00:14:20,899 --> 00:14:23,670 modernization model or rearm to 388 00:14:23,670 --> 00:14:25,892 increase readiness for joint all domain 389 00:14:25,892 --> 00:14:28,059 operations . There is also an increase 390 00:14:28,059 --> 00:14:29,892 for two for a total of 22 Combat 391 00:14:29,892 --> 00:14:32,059 Training center rotations eight at the 392 00:14:32,059 --> 00:14:34,281 National Training Center , eight at the 393 00:14:34,281 --> 00:14:36,448 Joint Readiness Training Center , four 394 00:14:36,448 --> 00:14:38,503 at the Joint multinational Readiness 395 00:14:38,503 --> 00:14:40,726 Center and two exportable rotations . I 396 00:14:40,726 --> 00:14:42,670 want to eat one each in Alaska and 397 00:14:42,670 --> 00:14:45,410 Hawaii . Two of these rotations are 398 00:14:45,410 --> 00:14:47,760 Army National Guard bCT rotations at J . 399 00:14:47,760 --> 00:14:49,560 R . T . C . The Joint Readiness 400 00:14:49,560 --> 00:14:51,890 Training Center emphasizing total army 401 00:14:51,890 --> 00:14:53,834 readiness and our interoperability 402 00:14:54,740 --> 00:14:56,684 operations and maintenance funding 403 00:14:56,684 --> 00:14:58,407 supports numerous multilateral 404 00:14:58,407 --> 00:15:00,129 exercises around the globe and 405 00:15:00,129 --> 00:15:02,184 supportive allies and in partnership 406 00:15:02,184 --> 00:15:04,351 activities and partnership building to 407 00:15:04,351 --> 00:15:06,518 include our pacific pathways , theater 408 00:15:06,518 --> 00:15:08,573 exercise activities . It also allows 409 00:15:08,573 --> 00:15:10,518 for the continuation of the army's 410 00:15:10,518 --> 00:15:12,240 multiyear campaign for project 411 00:15:12,240 --> 00:15:14,351 convergence , which the next event is 412 00:15:14,351 --> 00:15:16,573 scheduled to begin this september In Fy 413 00:15:16,573 --> 00:15:19,230 23 , the army will implement 28 of the 414 00:15:19,230 --> 00:15:20,897 Independent Review Commission 415 00:15:20,897 --> 00:15:22,841 recommendations to include further 416 00:15:22,841 --> 00:15:24,952 implementation of the army prevention 417 00:15:24,952 --> 00:15:27,119 workforce across all components of the 418 00:15:27,119 --> 00:15:29,174 army , continuing the restructure of 419 00:15:29,174 --> 00:15:31,230 the army , sexual harassment assault 420 00:15:31,230 --> 00:15:33,230 response and prevention program and 421 00:15:33,230 --> 00:15:35,341 implementing criminal justice reforms 422 00:15:35,341 --> 00:15:37,341 to include the establishment of the 423 00:15:37,341 --> 00:15:39,341 centralized Office of Special Trial 424 00:15:39,341 --> 00:15:41,740 Counsel . The army will also focus its 425 00:15:41,740 --> 00:15:43,684 efforts on installation resiliency 426 00:15:43,684 --> 00:15:45,796 where we will see energy improvements 427 00:15:45,796 --> 00:15:47,907 and efficiency to include plan design 428 00:15:47,907 --> 00:15:49,907 and execution of energy and utility 429 00:15:49,907 --> 00:15:51,851 projects . We will use engineering 430 00:15:51,851 --> 00:15:54,018 solutions and partnerships to increase 431 00:15:54,018 --> 00:15:55,851 installation , energy resilience 432 00:15:55,851 --> 00:15:57,907 through energy savings , performance 433 00:15:57,907 --> 00:15:59,962 contracts and utility Energy Service 434 00:15:59,962 --> 00:16:02,600 contracts . In Fy 23 , the active army 435 00:16:02,600 --> 00:16:04,822 addresses several critical installation 436 00:16:04,822 --> 00:16:06,767 and facility readiness programs by 437 00:16:06,767 --> 00:16:08,933 increasing funding for the restoration 438 00:16:08,933 --> 00:16:11,100 and modernization of our facilities by 439 00:16:11,100 --> 00:16:13,211 $420 million . Increasing funding for 440 00:16:13,211 --> 00:16:15,960 facility sustainment from 80 to 85% of 441 00:16:15,960 --> 00:16:18,370 the requirement And increasing funding 442 00:16:18,370 --> 00:16:21,230 for based operations and support to 93% 443 00:16:21,230 --> 00:16:23,490 of the requirements . We'll now take a 444 00:16:23,490 --> 00:16:25,546 look at the A . And M . For the Army 445 00:16:25,546 --> 00:16:28,760 National Guard and Army Reserve . The 446 00:16:28,760 --> 00:16:30,760 Army's 23 budget request supports a 447 00:16:30,760 --> 00:16:33,150 combined $11.4 billion om requirement 448 00:16:33,150 --> 00:16:35,317 for the Army National Guard and the US 449 00:16:35,317 --> 00:16:37,270 Army Reserve . The operation and 450 00:16:37,270 --> 00:16:39,492 maintenance . National Guard request of 451 00:16:39,492 --> 00:16:41,603 8.2 billion represents an increase of 452 00:16:41,603 --> 00:16:44,080 $500 million 22 enacted amount and 453 00:16:44,080 --> 00:16:45,969 resources . The National Guard to 454 00:16:45,969 --> 00:16:47,802 enhance warfighter readiness and 455 00:16:47,802 --> 00:16:49,247 increased lethality while 456 00:16:49,247 --> 00:16:51,469 simultaneously investing in sustainment 457 00:16:51,469 --> 00:16:53,302 restoration and modernization of 458 00:16:53,302 --> 00:16:55,290 facilities . The budget funds Army 459 00:16:55,290 --> 00:16:57,123 National Guard , B . C . T . S . 460 00:16:57,123 --> 00:16:59,346 Brigade combat teams to a platoon level 461 00:16:59,346 --> 00:17:01,346 of proficiency and provides a force 462 00:17:01,346 --> 00:17:03,401 that can support combatant commander 463 00:17:03,401 --> 00:17:05,512 requirements , defend against threats 464 00:17:05,512 --> 00:17:07,623 to the homeland and remain responsive 465 00:17:07,623 --> 00:17:09,790 to governors for natural disasters and 466 00:17:09,790 --> 00:17:12,020 emergencies . The operation and 467 00:17:12,020 --> 00:17:14,131 maintenance , Army Reserve request of 468 00:17:14,131 --> 00:17:17,790 $3.2 billion $200 million Fy 22 469 00:17:17,790 --> 00:17:20,850 enacted level . The Army reserves 23 0 470 00:17:20,850 --> 00:17:22,794 and M . Budget focuses on the core 471 00:17:22,794 --> 00:17:24,628 competency of units supporting a 472 00:17:24,628 --> 00:17:26,628 responsive , flexible enduring Army 473 00:17:26,628 --> 00:17:28,870 Reserve capable of providing essential 474 00:17:28,870 --> 00:17:30,800 combat enablers who are trained , 475 00:17:30,810 --> 00:17:33,840 equipped and lethal . The budget also 476 00:17:33,840 --> 00:17:35,896 provides sufficient funding to train 477 00:17:35,896 --> 00:17:37,896 the Army Reserve to a platoon level 478 00:17:37,896 --> 00:17:40,062 proficiency . It provides resources to 479 00:17:40,062 --> 00:17:41,951 increase the Army reserves , home 480 00:17:41,951 --> 00:17:44,062 station flying our program to support 481 00:17:44,062 --> 00:17:46,229 the rotational requirements of reserve 482 00:17:46,229 --> 00:17:48,284 aviation units , increasing aviation 483 00:17:48,284 --> 00:17:50,173 units training to a company level 484 00:17:50,173 --> 00:17:52,284 proficiency . Now that I've discussed 485 00:17:52,284 --> 00:17:54,062 the Army , Army's personnel and 486 00:17:54,062 --> 00:17:56,118 operations and maintenance readiness 487 00:17:56,118 --> 00:17:58,229 accounts . I'll present the Army's 23 488 00:17:58,229 --> 00:18:00,062 budget request aimed towards our 489 00:18:00,062 --> 00:18:02,396 modernization strategy and our research , 490 00:18:02,396 --> 00:18:04,562 development and acquisition accounts . 491 00:18:05,740 --> 00:18:07,796 The 23 budget request for research , 492 00:18:07,796 --> 00:18:09,740 development and acquisition is $35 493 00:18:09,740 --> 00:18:11,684 billion . The army's modernization 494 00:18:11,684 --> 00:18:13,907 efforts are critical to maintaining our 495 00:18:13,907 --> 00:18:16,018 competitive edge as we transition our 496 00:18:16,018 --> 00:18:17,796 focus from irregular warfare to 497 00:18:17,796 --> 00:18:19,629 strategic power competition . We 498 00:18:19,629 --> 00:18:21,851 continue to emphasize the six signature 499 00:18:21,851 --> 00:18:24,018 priority efforts of long range fires . 500 00:18:24,018 --> 00:18:25,907 Next generation combat vehicles , 501 00:18:25,907 --> 00:18:28,073 future vertical lift , the network air 502 00:18:28,073 --> 00:18:29,851 and missile defense and soldier 503 00:18:29,851 --> 00:18:32,000 lethality . The army is focusing its 504 00:18:32,000 --> 00:18:34,380 signature efforts to focusing on its 505 00:18:34,380 --> 00:18:36,547 signature efforts to enable a holistic 506 00:18:36,547 --> 00:18:38,658 approach to our modernization efforts 507 00:18:38,658 --> 00:18:40,436 to provide the joint force with 508 00:18:40,436 --> 00:18:42,380 relevant , credible and modernized 509 00:18:42,380 --> 00:18:44,547 forces and capabilities to meet future 510 00:18:44,547 --> 00:18:46,769 challenges . Over the next few slides . 511 00:18:46,769 --> 00:18:48,991 I will highlight how our budget request 512 00:18:48,991 --> 00:18:51,158 supports army modernization priorities 513 00:18:51,158 --> 00:18:53,380 as seen through our R . D . T . Any and 514 00:18:53,380 --> 00:18:53,160 procurement appropriation requests . 515 00:18:55,640 --> 00:18:57,473 The army is $13.7 billion dollar 516 00:18:57,473 --> 00:18:59,140 research development test and 517 00:18:59,140 --> 00:19:00,862 evaluation request accelerates 518 00:19:00,862 --> 00:19:02,696 incremental upgrades to existing 519 00:19:02,696 --> 00:19:04,307 systems , delivering greater 520 00:19:04,307 --> 00:19:06,529 capabilities to our soldiers sooner and 521 00:19:06,529 --> 00:19:08,751 advances cutting edge technologies that 522 00:19:08,751 --> 00:19:10,807 will generate the decision dominance 523 00:19:10,807 --> 00:19:12,973 and overmatch required to win the next 524 00:19:12,973 --> 00:19:15,196 fight . Accounting for one time funding 525 00:19:15,196 --> 00:19:17,251 received in Fy 22 . The Fy 23 RD TNT 526 00:19:17,251 --> 00:19:19,418 request is 1.6 billion higher than the 527 00:19:19,418 --> 00:19:21,473 remaining Fy 22 enacted amount which 528 00:19:21,473 --> 00:19:23,696 facilitates the army's momentum and its 529 00:19:23,696 --> 00:19:26,390 modernization efforts . The Fy 23 530 00:19:26,390 --> 00:19:28,550 request includes $2.7 billion for 531 00:19:28,550 --> 00:19:30,439 science and technology efforts to 532 00:19:30,439 --> 00:19:32,217 continue to seek out and mature 533 00:19:32,217 --> 00:19:33,939 technologies that address army 534 00:19:33,939 --> 00:19:35,828 modernization along with enabling 535 00:19:35,828 --> 00:19:37,550 technologies including project 536 00:19:37,550 --> 00:19:39,772 convergence and artificial intelligence 537 00:19:39,772 --> 00:19:41,994 that support the transformation towards 538 00:19:41,994 --> 00:19:44,161 a data centric army . With integration 539 00:19:44,161 --> 00:19:46,272 across our modernization priorities . 540 00:19:46,272 --> 00:19:48,810 In Fy 23 we plan to deliver prototypes 541 00:19:48,810 --> 00:19:50,977 with continued investments in the long 542 00:19:50,977 --> 00:19:53,310 range hypersonic weapon for one battery , 543 00:19:53,640 --> 00:19:55,584 mid range capability , missile and 544 00:19:55,584 --> 00:19:57,807 flight testing and the precision strike 545 00:19:57,807 --> 00:20:00,570 munitions . The Fy 23 presidents budget 546 00:20:00,570 --> 00:20:02,980 request also includes $90.8 million in 547 00:20:02,980 --> 00:20:05,440 fy 23 funding for project convergence . 548 00:20:05,450 --> 00:20:07,760 This is a combination of O and M and R 549 00:20:07,760 --> 00:20:10,240 D . T and E . This funding will enable 550 00:20:10,240 --> 00:20:12,462 the joint force to continue to focus on 551 00:20:12,462 --> 00:20:14,684 joint experimentation that incorporates 552 00:20:14,684 --> 00:20:16,573 our closest allies and partners . 553 00:20:16,573 --> 00:20:18,629 Project convergence will continue to 554 00:20:18,629 --> 00:20:20,740 experiment with emerging technologies 555 00:20:20,740 --> 00:20:22,907 and joint concepts that will result in 556 00:20:22,907 --> 00:20:24,684 the combined Joyce's ability to 557 00:20:24,684 --> 00:20:26,684 demonstrate offensive and defensive 558 00:20:26,684 --> 00:20:28,629 capabilities that can deter a peer 559 00:20:28,629 --> 00:20:30,740 adversaries and if necessary , defeat 560 00:20:30,740 --> 00:20:32,962 them in large scale combat operations . 561 00:20:32,962 --> 00:20:35,184 Army R . D . T . Nd investments support 562 00:20:35,184 --> 00:20:37,184 the army's modernization priorities 563 00:20:37,184 --> 00:20:39,407 through early integration of concepts , 564 00:20:39,407 --> 00:20:41,296 prototyping and testing to ensure 565 00:20:41,296 --> 00:20:43,518 future generations of soldiers continue 566 00:20:43,518 --> 00:20:45,740 to be the most lethal fighting force in 567 00:20:45,740 --> 00:20:47,462 the world . Next we'll move to 568 00:20:47,462 --> 00:20:51,400 procurement . The Army's 23 procurement 569 00:20:51,400 --> 00:20:53,450 request of 21.3 billion supports 570 00:20:53,450 --> 00:20:55,339 enduring equipment as well as the 571 00:20:55,339 --> 00:20:57,506 transition to procuring are modernized 572 00:20:57,506 --> 00:20:59,672 capabilities . I will continue through 573 00:20:59,672 --> 00:21:01,950 each of the procurement appropriations . 574 00:21:01,950 --> 00:21:04,061 Army aircraft procurement , continues 575 00:21:04,061 --> 00:21:06,006 investment in operational enduring 576 00:21:06,006 --> 00:21:08,061 aviation platforms and systems While 577 00:21:08,061 --> 00:21:10,283 modernization efforts , progress on the 578 00:21:10,283 --> 00:21:12,006 research and development phase 579 00:21:12,006 --> 00:21:14,061 discussed earlier . The reduction of 580 00:21:14,061 --> 00:21:16,228 roughly $500 million is due largely to 581 00:21:16,228 --> 00:21:18,394 the reductions for one time funding in 582 00:21:18,394 --> 00:21:20,394 the Gray Eagle , you H 60 and CH 47 583 00:21:20,394 --> 00:21:22,890 aircraft programs . The 23 air and 584 00:21:22,890 --> 00:21:24,890 missile defense munitions portfolio 585 00:21:24,890 --> 00:21:26,612 provides critical munitions to 586 00:21:26,612 --> 00:21:28,723 accommodate the change in the current 587 00:21:28,723 --> 00:21:30,834 operational environment . The funding 588 00:21:30,834 --> 00:21:33,057 request supports critical munitions for 589 00:21:33,057 --> 00:21:35,279 combatant commanders with the increased 590 00:21:35,279 --> 00:21:34,370 purchase of the joint air to ground 591 00:21:34,370 --> 00:21:36,370 missile and the missile segment and 592 00:21:36,370 --> 00:21:38,760 Hansel missile programs . We are also 593 00:21:38,760 --> 00:21:40,704 replenishing wartime stockpiles of 594 00:21:40,704 --> 00:21:43,870 preferred and advanced munitions and 595 00:21:43,870 --> 00:21:45,981 weapons and tracked combat vehicles . 596 00:21:46,010 --> 00:21:47,621 The army has transitioned to 597 00:21:47,621 --> 00:21:49,732 modernization efforts for the armored 598 00:21:49,732 --> 00:21:51,454 multi purpose vehicle , mobile 599 00:21:51,454 --> 00:21:53,288 protected firepower and the next 600 00:21:53,288 --> 00:21:55,399 generation squad weapon while slowing 601 00:21:55,399 --> 00:21:57,399 enduring systems , enhancements for 602 00:21:57,399 --> 00:21:59,232 Abrams , Bradley striker and the 603 00:21:59,232 --> 00:22:01,510 paladin integrated management programs . 604 00:22:02,140 --> 00:22:03,918 The army continues to invest in 605 00:22:03,918 --> 00:22:05,584 maintaining and upgrading the 606 00:22:05,584 --> 00:22:07,307 organizational industrial base 607 00:22:07,307 --> 00:22:09,473 production facilities with investments 608 00:22:09,473 --> 00:22:11,473 at the Holston ammunition plant and 609 00:22:11,473 --> 00:22:13,196 Watervliet arsenal to meet the 610 00:22:13,196 --> 00:22:14,862 requirements of upcoming next 611 00:22:14,862 --> 00:22:16,973 generation ammunition and equipment , 612 00:22:16,973 --> 00:22:19,084 environmental standards and workplace 613 00:22:19,084 --> 00:22:21,196 safety . The army's other procurement 614 00:22:21,196 --> 00:22:23,418 account account decreases by just under 615 00:22:23,418 --> 00:22:25,420 $1 billion dollars due to one time 616 00:22:25,420 --> 00:22:27,642 increases in other reductions including 617 00:22:27,642 --> 00:22:29,698 for all terrain cranes and explosive 618 00:22:29,698 --> 00:22:32,910 ordinance . Render safe sets notably 619 00:22:32,910 --> 00:22:35,170 increases in our request include 620 00:22:35,170 --> 00:22:37,620 counter small U . S . Division sets in 621 00:22:37,620 --> 00:22:39,840 service retrofit kits for Humvees and 622 00:22:39,840 --> 00:22:42,062 the tactical intelligence target access 623 00:22:42,062 --> 00:22:44,284 node , which is a critical intel system 624 00:22:44,284 --> 00:22:45,896 in support of our number one 625 00:22:45,896 --> 00:22:47,951 modernization priority of long range 626 00:22:47,951 --> 00:22:49,896 fires . Now let's take a look at a 627 00:22:49,896 --> 00:22:52,118 select set of quantity comparisons from 628 00:22:52,118 --> 00:22:56,090 Fy 22 to 23 . This 629 00:22:56,090 --> 00:22:58,090 chart provides a snapshot of select 630 00:22:58,090 --> 00:23:00,146 procurement program quantities . The 631 00:23:00,146 --> 00:23:02,312 armored multi purpose vehicle schedule 632 00:23:02,312 --> 00:23:04,257 was re baselined due to production 633 00:23:04,257 --> 00:23:06,368 startup issues and pandemic impacts , 634 00:23:06,368 --> 00:23:08,479 which is why there were none in fy 22 635 00:23:08,479 --> 00:23:10,870 now 72 requested in 23 Our next 636 00:23:10,870 --> 00:23:12,759 generation squad weapon purchased 637 00:23:12,759 --> 00:23:14,814 supports fielding to over six combat 638 00:23:14,814 --> 00:23:17,040 brigades . I will pause a few moments 639 00:23:17,040 --> 00:23:18,873 to allow you to review further . 640 00:23:24,040 --> 00:23:27,440 We can now move on to facilities . The 641 00:23:27,440 --> 00:23:29,440 army's facility infrastructure is a 642 00:23:29,440 --> 00:23:31,440 critical aspect of army readiness . 643 00:23:31,440 --> 00:23:33,329 Army senior leaders recognize our 644 00:23:33,329 --> 00:23:35,551 soldiers , civilians and their families 645 00:23:35,551 --> 00:23:37,607 should be provided a quality of life 646 00:23:37,607 --> 00:23:37,290 commensurate to their selfless service 647 00:23:37,460 --> 00:23:39,182 and commitment to our nation , 648 00:23:39,340 --> 00:23:41,507 Accounting for roughly one billion and 649 00:23:41,507 --> 00:23:43,673 one time increased funding received in 650 00:23:43,673 --> 00:23:46,180 Fy 22 . Our FY 23 military construction 651 00:23:46,180 --> 00:23:48,430 and family housing request Is roughly 652 00:23:48,430 --> 00:23:50,600 200 million below the FY 22 enacted 653 00:23:50,600 --> 00:23:52,740 levels . The request addresses 654 00:23:52,740 --> 00:23:54,907 requirements to recapitalization needs 655 00:23:54,907 --> 00:23:57,540 including $153 million for two barracks 656 00:23:57,540 --> 00:23:59,484 projects , one at joint base Lewis 657 00:23:59,484 --> 00:24:02,450 mcchord and the other at Germany $32 658 00:24:02,450 --> 00:24:04,339 million for one child development 659 00:24:04,339 --> 00:24:06,380 center at Fort Polk Louisiana , $69 660 00:24:06,380 --> 00:24:08,436 million dollars for a medical clinic 661 00:24:08,436 --> 00:24:11,500 clinic at Kwajalein Atoll . $229 662 00:24:11,500 --> 00:24:13,722 million for 11 readiness centers , nine 663 00:24:13,722 --> 00:24:15,778 in the National Guard and two in the 664 00:24:15,778 --> 00:24:19,280 Army Reserve . 135 million for minor 665 00:24:19,280 --> 00:24:21,169 construction for active guard and 666 00:24:21,169 --> 00:24:23,470 reserve components . $202 million 667 00:24:23,470 --> 00:24:25,637 dollars for planning design across all 668 00:24:25,637 --> 00:24:28,290 components and 100 and 52 million for 669 00:24:28,290 --> 00:24:29,846 two overseas family housing 670 00:24:29,846 --> 00:24:31,568 construction projects , One in 671 00:24:31,568 --> 00:24:33,568 bondholder Germany and the other in 672 00:24:33,568 --> 00:24:36,480 Vicenza Italy , There is 185.4 million 673 00:24:36,480 --> 00:24:38,591 in support of our European deterrence 674 00:24:38,591 --> 00:24:40,758 initiative efforts , including for two 675 00:24:40,758 --> 00:24:42,591 battalion training complexes for 676 00:24:42,591 --> 00:24:44,702 operations and vehicle maintenance at 677 00:24:44,702 --> 00:24:47,050 Grafenwoehr Germany . The army's brack 678 00:24:47,100 --> 00:24:49,267 funding request supports environmental 679 00:24:49,267 --> 00:24:51,378 cleanup restoration and conveyance of 680 00:24:51,378 --> 00:24:53,156 excess properties and locations 681 00:24:53,156 --> 00:24:55,378 designated under previous BRAC rounds . 682 00:24:55,730 --> 00:24:58,250 Fy 23 requested funds keep the army's 683 00:24:58,250 --> 00:25:00,194 planned cleanup efforts on track . 684 00:25:01,940 --> 00:25:03,996 Next up is the army's other accounts 685 00:25:04,650 --> 00:25:06,539 and the army's other accounts are 686 00:25:06,539 --> 00:25:08,150 request includes other basic 687 00:25:08,150 --> 00:25:10,206 requirements that are funded outside 688 00:25:10,206 --> 00:25:12,206 our main appropriations , including 689 00:25:12,206 --> 00:25:11,870 that one of our most important sites . 690 00:25:12,340 --> 00:25:14,660 This year's request includes $156 691 00:25:14,660 --> 00:25:16,604 million for the Arlington National 692 00:25:16,604 --> 00:25:18,771 Cemetery to fund day to day operations 693 00:25:18,771 --> 00:25:20,716 of the final resting place for our 694 00:25:20,716 --> 00:25:22,549 fallen heroes . The army is also 695 00:25:22,549 --> 00:25:24,716 requesting over $1 billion dollars for 696 00:25:24,716 --> 00:25:26,938 the chemical demilitarization program . 697 00:25:26,938 --> 00:25:29,250 And lastly , the Fy 23 armies working 698 00:25:29,250 --> 00:25:32,310 capital fund request is $29.9 million 699 00:25:32,320 --> 00:25:34,431 which due to rounding only displays a 700 00:25:34,431 --> 00:25:36,600 zero on the chart . The last funding 701 00:25:36,600 --> 00:25:38,378 type I will discuss is overseas 702 00:25:38,378 --> 00:25:42,300 operations costs . The army has 703 00:25:42,300 --> 00:25:44,189 managed large overseas operations 704 00:25:44,190 --> 00:25:47,020 caught budget since 2001 . The funding 705 00:25:47,020 --> 00:25:49,131 required for these operations changes 706 00:25:49,131 --> 00:25:51,440 from year to year and starting in Fy 22 707 00:25:51,460 --> 00:25:54,020 funding formerly known as Oco is now 708 00:25:54,020 --> 00:25:56,076 referred to as overseas operations . 709 00:25:56,076 --> 00:25:58,298 With all the funds in the base budget . 710 00:25:58,880 --> 00:26:00,910 The army is requesting over 14.6 711 00:26:00,910 --> 00:26:02,910 billion in overseas operation costs 712 00:26:03,140 --> 00:26:04,973 primarily for our operations and 713 00:26:04,973 --> 00:26:07,140 support here in the Continental United 714 00:26:07,140 --> 00:26:09,307 States and in the central european and 715 00:26:09,307 --> 00:26:11,790 Horn of Africa area of operations . The 716 00:26:11,790 --> 00:26:13,790 military personnel request supports 717 00:26:13,790 --> 00:26:16,020 roughly 25,000 mobilized RC soldiers 718 00:26:16,290 --> 00:26:18,457 that will serve overseas as well as in 719 00:26:18,457 --> 00:26:20,234 the continental United States . 720 00:26:20,234 --> 00:26:22,457 Operations and maintenance costs of 9.7 721 00:26:22,457 --> 00:26:24,679 billion are requested to support direct 722 00:26:24,679 --> 00:26:26,512 and enduring costs for operation 723 00:26:26,512 --> 00:26:28,623 inherent resolve , operation enduring 724 00:26:28,623 --> 00:26:30,734 sentinel and Operation Spartan shield 725 00:26:30,760 --> 00:26:32,760 as well as counterterrorism support 726 00:26:32,760 --> 00:26:34,982 Operations , Guantanamo and the Horn of 727 00:26:34,982 --> 00:26:36,980 Africa . Our european deterrence 728 00:26:36,980 --> 00:26:38,647 initiative . Funding grows an 729 00:26:38,647 --> 00:26:40,758 additional 464 million to 2.8 billion 730 00:26:40,758 --> 00:26:43,310 request that includes $942 million for 731 00:26:43,310 --> 00:26:45,532 increased presence through the rotation 732 00:26:45,532 --> 00:26:47,588 of a division headquarters , armored 733 00:26:47,588 --> 00:26:49,699 brigade combat team and other enabler 734 00:26:49,699 --> 00:26:51,866 units supported with additional active 735 00:26:51,866 --> 00:26:53,977 and mobilized reserve component units 736 00:26:53,977 --> 00:26:55,950 and soldiers . $305 million 737 00:26:55,950 --> 00:27:00,140 Europe 738 00:27:00,150 --> 00:27:01,983 operation , Atlantic resolve and 739 00:27:01,983 --> 00:27:05,880 Operation Joint Guardian in Kosovo And 740 00:27:05,880 --> 00:27:08,047 $41 million dollars is being requested 741 00:27:08,047 --> 00:27:09,880 to enhance a sustained a mission 742 00:27:09,880 --> 00:27:13,010 partner environment network . As a 743 00:27:13,010 --> 00:27:15,340 reminder , The Afghan Security Forces 744 00:27:15,340 --> 00:27:17,750 Fund was neither enacted in 22 nor 745 00:27:17,750 --> 00:27:19,920 requested in Fy 23 . As shown in the 746 00:27:19,920 --> 00:27:22,620 table , the army still manages funding 747 00:27:22,620 --> 00:27:24,731 for the counter Islamic State of Iraq 748 00:27:24,731 --> 00:27:26,731 and Syria trying to train and equip 749 00:27:26,731 --> 00:27:29,290 fund or CTF . The CTF is a pass through 750 00:27:29,290 --> 00:27:31,290 account for the military support of 751 00:27:31,290 --> 00:27:33,568 partner nations in combating terrorism . 752 00:27:33,568 --> 00:27:35,679 And while it is called a pass through 753 00:27:35,679 --> 00:27:37,679 account , the army exercises fiscal 754 00:27:37,679 --> 00:27:39,901 stewardship and oversight in accordance 755 00:27:39,901 --> 00:27:38,910 with the D . O . D . Financial 756 00:27:38,910 --> 00:27:42,360 management regulations . Thank you for 757 00:27:42,360 --> 00:27:44,082 your time and attention . This 758 00:27:44,082 --> 00:27:46,082 afternoon . I will now turn it back 759 00:27:46,082 --> 00:27:48,082 over to honorable camarillo for his 760 00:27:48,082 --> 00:27:50,193 summary closing comments . Ladies and 761 00:27:50,193 --> 00:27:52,416 gentlemen , I'll be very brief and just 762 00:27:52,416 --> 00:27:54,304 say that this budget puts us on a 763 00:27:54,304 --> 00:27:56,360 sustainable strategic path to get to 764 00:27:56,360 --> 00:27:58,471 the army of 2030 are three priorities 765 00:27:58,471 --> 00:28:00,693 of readiness . People and modernization 766 00:28:00,693 --> 00:28:02,638 are all addressed . It enables our 767 00:28:02,638 --> 00:28:04,804 ability to maintain that high level of 768 00:28:04,804 --> 00:28:06,693 readiness that I mentioned at the 769 00:28:06,693 --> 00:28:09,670 outset invests in key capabilities to 770 00:28:09,740 --> 00:28:11,907 uh support soldiers and their families 771 00:28:11,907 --> 00:28:14,129 and then of course maintains continuity 772 00:28:14,129 --> 00:28:16,351 on the modernization of our warfighting 773 00:28:16,351 --> 00:28:18,550 capabilities . So we look forward to 774 00:28:18,550 --> 00:28:20,606 hearing your questions and thank you 775 00:28:20,606 --> 00:28:22,717 all for being here today . As many as 776 00:28:22,717 --> 00:28:24,717 possible here . Start out with Tony 777 00:28:25,990 --> 00:28:28,270 over two questions . One , when in a 778 00:28:28,270 --> 00:28:30,820 fit of do you start building back up to 779 00:28:30,820 --> 00:28:32,876 12,000 ? You both mentioned a couple 780 00:28:32,876 --> 00:28:35,240 times temporarily . What year is 26 27 ? 781 00:28:35,240 --> 00:28:37,700 And for General Bennett three bill 782 00:28:37,700 --> 00:28:39,978 about $3 billion increase over enacted . 783 00:28:40,040 --> 00:28:42,870 Is that negative real growth or what is 784 00:28:42,870 --> 00:28:44,537 the real growth that the army 785 00:28:44,537 --> 00:28:46,648 experience ? Secretary McCord earlier 786 00:28:46,648 --> 00:28:49,920 said the D . O . D . Experience A 1.5% 787 00:28:49,930 --> 00:28:52,420 real growth over the enacted once 788 00:28:52,420 --> 00:28:54,840 inflation is factored in . I don't get 789 00:28:54,840 --> 00:28:57,930 it . So I think first I'll address the 790 00:28:57,940 --> 00:29:00,190 the gets the answering questions and um 791 00:29:00,370 --> 00:29:02,537 the army will continually assess as as 792 00:29:02,537 --> 00:29:04,703 honorable McCord mentioned kind of our 793 00:29:04,703 --> 00:29:06,926 our posture on towards that and and T . 794 00:29:06,926 --> 00:29:08,926 V . That and take a look at that in 795 00:29:08,926 --> 00:29:11,037 strength there . So I think that will 796 00:29:11,037 --> 00:29:10,900 be an ongoing assessment as we continue 797 00:29:10,900 --> 00:29:12,956 forward into the future now for your 798 00:29:12,956 --> 00:29:16,640 inflation question . The as an 799 00:29:16,650 --> 00:29:20,470 honorable core did mention we did take 800 00:29:20,470 --> 00:29:22,637 a look , we paid a lot of attention to 801 00:29:22,637 --> 00:29:26,570 it . Um The 1.5% real growth 802 00:29:26,570 --> 00:29:28,626 above the 22 . They already inflated 803 00:29:28,626 --> 00:29:30,348 position there . So the army's 804 00:29:30,348 --> 00:29:32,403 perspective we did receive roughly a 805 00:29:32,403 --> 00:29:34,348 billion dollars to cover their pay 806 00:29:34,348 --> 00:29:36,459 raises that supported that as well as 807 00:29:36,459 --> 00:29:39,160 we got roughly $3 billion non-fuel 808 00:29:39,160 --> 00:29:41,380 price growth to help answer your 809 00:29:41,380 --> 00:29:43,420 question there . What is it what 810 00:29:43,420 --> 00:29:45,531 percentage of real growth of the army 811 00:29:45,531 --> 00:29:48,100 experience ? You know 1% or negative 812 00:29:48,100 --> 00:29:50,470 growth or what I just I'll have to get 813 00:29:50,470 --> 00:29:52,414 back to you on the percent of real 814 00:29:52,414 --> 00:29:54,581 growth question to address the problem 815 00:29:54,581 --> 00:29:56,692 is that it's more complicated than it 816 00:29:56,692 --> 00:29:59,950 sounds . Okay . Thank you gen defense 817 00:29:59,950 --> 00:30:02,600 news . Um I just have a quick question . 818 00:30:02,600 --> 00:30:04,700 I think we're all asking um which is 819 00:30:04,700 --> 00:30:06,700 the acquisition programs by weapons 820 00:30:06,700 --> 00:30:08,756 system book that the D . O . D . Put 821 00:30:08,756 --> 00:30:10,960 out . Um Does it match or trifled for 822 00:30:10,960 --> 00:30:13,016 specific programs in our DEA there's 823 00:30:13,016 --> 00:30:15,530 only some of them that are listed ? Um 824 00:30:15,540 --> 00:30:17,720 So what number should we trust ? The 825 00:30:17,730 --> 00:30:19,841 numbers and the little trifled or the 826 00:30:19,841 --> 00:30:22,360 numbers in the D . O . D . Wide book ? 827 00:30:23,140 --> 00:30:25,307 Do you have a specific example I might 828 00:30:25,307 --> 00:30:28,420 be able to address or I think 829 00:30:30,230 --> 00:30:33,890 that one is confusing . 830 00:30:36,040 --> 00:30:39,650 The The little trifled says 260 831 00:30:39,660 --> 00:30:43,070 million for prism and then the Dogg 832 00:30:43,070 --> 00:30:46,910 weapons cost says 472.7 833 00:30:46,910 --> 00:30:47,910 million . 834 00:30:51,640 --> 00:30:52,640 Okay , 835 00:30:56,340 --> 00:30:58,451 we can look together . We're going to 836 00:30:58,451 --> 00:31:00,784 have to get that answer because I'm not , 837 00:31:00,784 --> 00:31:02,729 what I would just say is obviously 838 00:31:02,729 --> 00:31:01,950 there's different increments of the 839 00:31:01,950 --> 00:31:04,061 precision strike missile program that 840 00:31:04,061 --> 00:31:06,283 are happening simultaneously . So there 841 00:31:06,283 --> 00:31:08,228 is obviously increment the current 842 00:31:08,228 --> 00:31:10,228 increment were on and then the next 843 00:31:10,228 --> 00:31:12,394 increment which will do the multi mode 844 00:31:12,394 --> 00:31:12,080 seeker . So to the extent that those 845 00:31:12,080 --> 00:31:13,858 are overlapping in any of those 846 00:31:13,858 --> 00:31:16,024 characterizations , I think that might 847 00:31:16,024 --> 00:31:17,969 be it . But we'll double check and 848 00:31:17,969 --> 00:31:20,136 verify . Um and then just the question 849 00:31:20,136 --> 00:31:21,913 that I actually had was you had 850 00:31:21,913 --> 00:31:24,080 mentioned that you're slowing Abrams , 851 00:31:24,080 --> 00:31:26,470 Bradley striker and Pim . Um I think I 852 00:31:26,480 --> 00:31:28,480 had a little fidelity on Abrams and 853 00:31:28,480 --> 00:31:30,313 striker already . So how much is 854 00:31:30,313 --> 00:31:32,369 Bradley and pim slowed based on what 855 00:31:32,369 --> 00:31:34,850 you were were planning in fy 22 for fy 856 00:31:34,850 --> 00:31:38,070 23 . Um how has that changed ? Um And 857 00:31:38,070 --> 00:31:40,960 then for the MPV numbers you're 858 00:31:40,970 --> 00:31:43,790 procuring 72 I believe or your funding ? 859 00:31:43,800 --> 00:31:46,030 The procurement of 72 ? So is that what 860 00:31:46,040 --> 00:31:48,760 be a , is capable of delivering in a 861 00:31:48,760 --> 00:31:50,760 year or could they go faster And is 862 00:31:50,760 --> 00:31:54,460 this a budget based decision ? So I'll 863 00:31:54,460 --> 00:31:56,530 start obviously when we balance the 864 00:31:56,530 --> 00:31:58,197 overall portfolio for our D a 865 00:31:58,197 --> 00:31:59,974 particularly in our procurement 866 00:31:59,974 --> 00:32:01,919 programs . It it is a careful fine 867 00:32:01,919 --> 00:32:03,770 tuning of systems that we are 868 00:32:03,770 --> 00:32:05,870 developing with R and D R D T any 869 00:32:05,870 --> 00:32:08,092 funding . And then of course what we're 870 00:32:08,092 --> 00:32:10,203 procuring as we're transitioning from 871 00:32:10,203 --> 00:32:12,426 the enduring systems to the new . So it 872 00:32:12,426 --> 00:32:14,592 is a careful balance every single year 873 00:32:14,592 --> 00:32:16,481 and that always is the case . The 874 00:32:16,481 --> 00:32:18,203 quantities as far as a MPB are 875 00:32:18,203 --> 00:32:20,370 concerned . We'll have to double check 876 00:32:20,370 --> 00:32:20,200 whether that's just a carry over from 877 00:32:20,200 --> 00:32:22,311 the prior year as they were obviously 878 00:32:22,311 --> 00:32:24,367 experiencing the supply chain issues 879 00:32:24,367 --> 00:32:26,533 but we can get back to you on that one 880 00:32:26,533 --> 00:32:28,700 and then I believe your other question 881 00:32:28,700 --> 00:32:31,033 was with respect to , was it pin . Okay . 882 00:32:31,033 --> 00:32:33,089 And I'll turn to General Bennett for 883 00:32:33,089 --> 00:32:35,144 that . Now . Again , we're slowing . 884 00:32:35,144 --> 00:32:37,200 It's slowing down . It's roughly 181 885 00:32:37,200 --> 00:32:40,230 million for Bradley And 170 170 million 886 00:32:40,460 --> 00:32:42,627 in pim . And that's just the different 887 00:32:42,627 --> 00:32:44,960 last year to this year . What does that , 888 00:32:44,960 --> 00:32:47,071 what does that not get you ? That you 889 00:32:47,071 --> 00:32:49,238 were planning in Fy 22 though . Do you 890 00:32:49,238 --> 00:32:51,404 have like a sense like I know that for 891 00:32:51,404 --> 00:32:53,404 instance , the Abrams and striker . 892 00:32:53,404 --> 00:32:55,627 Abrams , I think the original attention 893 00:32:55,627 --> 00:32:57,870 in Fy 22 for Fy 23 was that you were 894 00:32:57,870 --> 00:32:59,814 gonna , I may have this rock three 895 00:32:59,814 --> 00:33:03,000 quarters of an abc T . But now it's 896 00:33:03,010 --> 00:33:04,890 half of an Abc T . Do you have 897 00:33:04,890 --> 00:33:07,860 something like that for Bradley and Pim 898 00:33:08,040 --> 00:33:11,220 laid out that you could help us get 899 00:33:11,220 --> 00:33:13,640 that information to the dollar amount 900 00:33:13,640 --> 00:33:16,290 is hard for me to understand . Hi 901 00:33:16,290 --> 00:33:18,900 Ashley , rookie with James , you've 902 00:33:18,900 --> 00:33:20,789 mentioned some of the procurement 903 00:33:20,789 --> 00:33:23,067 slowdowns . Could you talk about any R . 904 00:33:23,067 --> 00:33:25,233 D . T . Any um programs that you might 905 00:33:25,233 --> 00:33:27,580 have slowed down um to help fund other 906 00:33:27,590 --> 00:33:29,757 modernization priorities and then also 907 00:33:29,757 --> 00:33:31,812 going through the P one's . I didn't 908 00:33:31,812 --> 00:33:34,034 see anything for infantry squad vehicle 909 00:33:34,034 --> 00:33:35,868 or I've asked so I'm not sure if 910 00:33:35,868 --> 00:33:37,979 they're just listed somewhere else or 911 00:33:37,979 --> 00:33:40,034 something is missing or if you could 912 00:33:40,034 --> 00:33:42,257 just update us . Let me just answer the 913 00:33:42,257 --> 00:33:42,060 question generally . And alternative . 914 00:33:42,060 --> 00:33:44,116 General Bennett . So obviously there 915 00:33:44,116 --> 00:33:46,227 are a fact of life changes every year 916 00:33:46,227 --> 00:33:47,893 with programs that are in the 917 00:33:47,893 --> 00:33:49,893 developmental phase . So if it is a 918 00:33:49,893 --> 00:33:52,004 test event that gets delayed as we've 919 00:33:52,004 --> 00:33:53,782 seen with IV's , there could be 920 00:33:53,782 --> 00:33:55,838 adjustments obviously to the funding 921 00:33:55,838 --> 00:33:55,690 profile that are associated with those . 922 00:33:55,700 --> 00:33:58,170 Uh , so you know , were the sources 923 00:33:58,170 --> 00:34:00,680 where the programs in the developmental 924 00:34:00,680 --> 00:34:02,950 phase sources for wholesale changes in 925 00:34:02,950 --> 00:34:05,117 the portfolio . That certainly was not 926 00:34:05,117 --> 00:34:07,228 our approach but again , if there are 927 00:34:07,228 --> 00:34:09,283 kind of puts and takes it would just 928 00:34:09,283 --> 00:34:11,228 reflect the realities of where the 929 00:34:11,228 --> 00:34:13,339 programs are executing . So as far as 930 00:34:13,339 --> 00:34:15,506 um the specific programs you mentioned 931 00:34:15,506 --> 00:34:15,250 alternative General Bennett to answer 932 00:34:15,250 --> 00:34:18,080 your questions . We did a maybe 2% of 933 00:34:18,080 --> 00:34:20,191 our R . D . T . and E . budget at our 934 00:34:20,191 --> 00:34:22,413 top six priorities . So a lot of effort 935 00:34:22,413 --> 00:34:24,580 focusing would be aimed towards that . 936 00:34:24,580 --> 00:34:26,469 And I'll have to provide you some 937 00:34:26,469 --> 00:34:28,469 specific examples of R . D . T . ND 938 00:34:28,469 --> 00:34:30,413 accounts . They were being reduced 939 00:34:31,880 --> 00:34:35,230 and temperature squad vehicle . There's 940 00:34:35,230 --> 00:34:37,119 like nothing in the budget . Both 941 00:34:37,119 --> 00:34:39,230 programs are moving forward forward . 942 00:34:39,230 --> 00:34:41,230 You are not sure on , I guess we're 943 00:34:41,230 --> 00:34:43,452 just moving forward to the IOT that was 944 00:34:43,452 --> 00:34:45,563 obviously slightly delayed and then I 945 00:34:45,563 --> 00:34:47,841 continued , we are continuing on the I . 946 00:34:47,841 --> 00:34:50,063 S . P . Program . So as far as whatever 947 00:34:50,063 --> 00:34:49,940 numbers did or didn't show up in the 948 00:34:49,950 --> 00:34:52,061 justification documents or any of the 949 00:34:52,061 --> 00:34:54,228 materials you have , we'll get that to 950 00:34:54,228 --> 00:34:56,283 you . I'm gonna go to the phone line 951 00:34:56,283 --> 00:34:59,330 real quick steve Bannon . Hi , can you 952 00:34:59,330 --> 00:35:02,460 guys hear me ? Hello , 953 00:35:03,640 --> 00:35:04,640 you got me ? 954 00:35:10,140 --> 00:35:12,420 No . Okay . Alright . We'll come back 955 00:35:12,420 --> 00:35:15,790 to steve Haley . Thank you to task and 956 00:35:15,790 --> 00:35:17,710 purpose . Um I noticed are you 957 00:35:17,710 --> 00:35:20,560 mentioned CTC rotations 22 funded . 958 00:35:20,570 --> 00:35:22,626 That seems to be pretty in line with 959 00:35:22,626 --> 00:35:24,910 years past but um in 2020 I know the 960 00:35:24,910 --> 00:35:27,021 army said you know , we're looking to 961 00:35:27,021 --> 00:35:29,077 reduce some of that to reduce the up 962 00:35:29,077 --> 00:35:30,910 tempo and stress on families and 963 00:35:30,910 --> 00:35:32,799 soldiers . I mean are we seeing a 964 00:35:32,799 --> 00:35:34,910 reduction in that ? Is that no longer 965 00:35:34,910 --> 00:35:37,132 really an option given what's happening 966 00:35:37,132 --> 00:35:39,243 in europe . That is being set aside . 967 00:35:39,243 --> 00:35:39,220 Um and then also with the constraint 968 00:35:39,220 --> 00:35:41,220 numbers and you've mentioned , it's 969 00:35:41,220 --> 00:35:43,387 about quality of recruits , not like a 970 00:35:43,387 --> 00:35:45,331 budget issue . What issue with the 971 00:35:45,331 --> 00:35:47,498 quality of the recruiting pool ? Now , 972 00:35:47,498 --> 00:35:49,553 are you expecting to no longer be an 973 00:35:49,553 --> 00:35:51,720 issue in a few years to build up those 974 00:35:51,720 --> 00:35:51,650 numbers again ? Yeah , let me answer 975 00:35:51,650 --> 00:35:53,650 your second question first and then 976 00:35:53,650 --> 00:35:55,372 I'll take your first . Uh , so 977 00:35:55,372 --> 00:35:57,428 certainly I think unlike every other 978 00:35:57,428 --> 00:35:59,594 employer in the economy , we're facing 979 00:35:59,594 --> 00:36:01,706 obviously some challenging conditions 980 00:36:01,706 --> 00:36:03,872 in terms of our ability to recruit and 981 00:36:03,872 --> 00:36:06,206 attract talent . Uh , it's no different . 982 00:36:06,206 --> 00:36:08,372 All of us in the Department of Defense 983 00:36:08,372 --> 00:36:10,261 are all in a war for talent every 984 00:36:10,261 --> 00:36:10,210 single year . And what we're just 985 00:36:10,210 --> 00:36:11,932 seeing is given the particular 986 00:36:11,932 --> 00:36:14,266 conditions of a very tight labor market . 987 00:36:14,266 --> 00:36:15,988 Our ability to meet all of our 988 00:36:15,988 --> 00:36:17,877 projected recruiting goals were a 989 00:36:17,877 --> 00:36:20,110 little bit challenged in Fy 22 and 23 . 990 00:36:20,120 --> 00:36:22,310 And so we made the assessment that we 991 00:36:22,310 --> 00:36:25,330 would not want to adjust our , you know , 992 00:36:25,330 --> 00:36:27,750 specific criteria uh , for quality . 993 00:36:27,760 --> 00:36:29,704 And so we want the highest quality 994 00:36:29,704 --> 00:36:32,220 caliber recruits that we can bring into 995 00:36:32,220 --> 00:36:34,387 the army . And so we made the decision 996 00:36:34,387 --> 00:36:36,609 to just temporarily reduced in strength 997 00:36:36,609 --> 00:36:38,776 as opposed to lowering our standards . 998 00:36:38,776 --> 00:36:40,776 So we don't anticipate that it is a 999 00:36:40,776 --> 00:36:42,664 lasting change as we talked about 1000 00:36:42,664 --> 00:36:44,831 earlier . It is something that we hope 1001 00:36:44,831 --> 00:36:47,053 to bring back up over the course of the 1002 00:36:47,053 --> 00:36:49,109 fight up and it is something that we 1003 00:36:49,109 --> 00:36:51,220 certainly think is reflective of what 1004 00:36:51,220 --> 00:36:53,331 we hope to be transient conditions in 1005 00:36:53,331 --> 00:36:55,276 the labor market as to your second 1006 00:36:55,276 --> 00:36:57,442 point , Your first question on the CTC 1007 00:36:57,442 --> 00:36:59,442 rotations , you know , certainly we 1008 00:36:59,442 --> 00:37:01,553 feel that maintaining that high level 1009 00:37:01,553 --> 00:37:03,664 of readiness is consistent with the , 1010 00:37:03,664 --> 00:37:03,340 you know , consistent demand for what 1011 00:37:03,340 --> 00:37:05,562 the army does year in and year out . We 1012 00:37:05,562 --> 00:37:07,860 have seen in all three compose that 1013 00:37:07,870 --> 00:37:10,148 they have been asked to do quite a bit . 1014 00:37:10,148 --> 00:37:12,100 So we are always conscious uh and 1015 00:37:12,100 --> 00:37:14,100 concerned about the stresses on the 1016 00:37:14,100 --> 00:37:16,390 force , particularly our families as 1017 00:37:16,390 --> 00:37:18,550 well . So we are looking at ways that 1018 00:37:18,550 --> 00:37:20,661 we can perhaps mitigate some of those 1019 00:37:20,661 --> 00:37:22,772 burdens on , on our soldiers that are 1020 00:37:22,772 --> 00:37:24,994 have deployed quite a bit over the last 1021 00:37:24,994 --> 00:37:26,994 couple of years to perform pretty , 1022 00:37:26,994 --> 00:37:29,217 pretty extraordinary missions . Is that 1023 00:37:29,217 --> 00:37:31,383 2020 decision , has that just not been 1024 00:37:31,383 --> 00:37:33,494 enacted to reduce some of that or has 1025 00:37:33,494 --> 00:37:35,439 that , is that something that will 1026 00:37:35,439 --> 00:37:35,190 happen slowly over the next several 1027 00:37:35,190 --> 00:37:37,950 years ? I was wondering where we are in 1028 00:37:37,950 --> 00:37:40,006 that compared to what the funding is 1029 00:37:40,006 --> 00:37:41,894 now . Yeah , and I'll let general 1030 00:37:41,894 --> 00:37:44,061 benefit chime in because that predates 1031 00:37:44,061 --> 00:37:46,117 me . So to be honest with you , that 1032 00:37:46,117 --> 00:37:48,339 decision was not made when I was here . 1033 00:37:48,339 --> 00:37:50,506 Um but certainly I know we are looking 1034 00:37:50,506 --> 00:37:52,506 at across the spectrum of different 1035 00:37:52,506 --> 00:37:54,839 ways that we can try to address kind of , 1036 00:37:54,839 --> 00:37:57,006 that that churn and that those impacts 1037 00:37:57,006 --> 00:37:59,117 on , on military families . So um but 1038 00:37:59,117 --> 00:38:01,339 again , we , we are , we are doing what 1039 00:38:01,339 --> 00:38:03,283 we need to do to make sure that we 1040 00:38:03,283 --> 00:38:05,450 maintain our readiness levels at where 1041 00:38:05,450 --> 00:38:07,506 we need them , given what the army's 1042 00:38:07,506 --> 00:38:11,430 requirements are . Thanks for you and I 1043 00:38:11,430 --> 00:38:13,652 think I can add to that , that the like 1044 00:38:13,652 --> 00:38:15,597 honorable camarillo said um we are 1045 00:38:15,597 --> 00:38:17,708 taking a look at obviously the impact 1046 00:38:17,708 --> 00:38:19,874 on our families but I'll also add that 1047 00:38:19,874 --> 00:38:19,570 one of the best ways to take care of 1048 00:38:19,570 --> 00:38:22,240 soldiers is to train them okay and they 1049 00:38:22,240 --> 00:38:24,462 like training and they like to focus on 1050 00:38:24,462 --> 00:38:26,518 it , being ready to do their job and 1051 00:38:26,518 --> 00:38:28,684 readiness being one of the things that 1052 00:38:28,684 --> 00:38:28,640 the army has demonstrated this year 1053 00:38:28,660 --> 00:38:30,771 that is able to bring to the table to 1054 00:38:30,771 --> 00:38:32,771 for our combatant commanders , both 1055 00:38:32,771 --> 00:38:34,993 here with the allies welcome mission as 1056 00:38:34,993 --> 00:38:37,049 well as we've just demonstrated here 1057 00:38:37,049 --> 00:38:39,216 recently in europe . So , but that's , 1058 00:38:39,216 --> 00:38:38,430 that's how I would say it's getting 1059 00:38:38,430 --> 00:38:40,652 them ready and ready , makes them makes 1060 00:38:40,652 --> 00:38:42,874 them happy and makes them ready to go . 1061 00:38:42,874 --> 00:38:45,152 Alright brian Epstein of Aviation week , 1062 00:38:45,152 --> 00:38:47,374 I was hoping to drill down a little bit 1063 00:38:47,374 --> 00:38:49,374 more on the FBL funding . Does this 1064 00:38:49,374 --> 00:38:49,200 support the regular schedule ? The 1065 00:38:49,210 --> 00:38:51,440 schedule for IOC in 2030 for source 1066 00:38:51,440 --> 00:38:53,551 selection coming up and can you drill 1067 00:38:53,551 --> 00:38:55,773 down anymore on the breakdown for Flora 1068 00:38:55,773 --> 00:38:57,940 Flora Flora I tep within that amount , 1069 00:38:59,520 --> 00:39:01,631 I am going to have to get back to you 1070 00:39:01,631 --> 00:39:03,742 on that level of detail . I'm not the 1071 00:39:03,742 --> 00:39:05,909 expert on FTL and foreign . Let me let 1072 00:39:05,909 --> 00:39:08,131 me jump in if I could just for a little 1073 00:39:08,131 --> 00:39:08,060 bit , so we have not adjusted the 1074 00:39:08,060 --> 00:39:09,893 schedule for kind of the two FBL 1075 00:39:09,893 --> 00:39:12,350 programs were hoping to make that make 1076 00:39:12,350 --> 00:39:14,572 the milestones that we had set in place 1077 00:39:14,572 --> 00:39:16,739 given the current competition . I know 1078 00:39:16,739 --> 00:39:18,961 that particular in the case of Farrah , 1079 00:39:18,961 --> 00:39:18,940 I think we had to realign some of the 1080 00:39:18,940 --> 00:39:21,051 funding dollars just to align them to 1081 00:39:21,051 --> 00:39:23,051 the I tech program . But you'll see 1082 00:39:23,051 --> 00:39:25,218 kind of those kind of puts and takes . 1083 00:39:25,218 --> 00:39:27,162 As I said earlier , a fact of life 1084 00:39:27,162 --> 00:39:29,051 changes within the current budget 1085 00:39:29,051 --> 00:39:31,107 submission . Um , I think your third 1086 00:39:31,107 --> 00:39:33,162 question was just on it or was there 1087 00:39:33,162 --> 00:39:35,273 another platform break ? Is there any 1088 00:39:35,273 --> 00:39:37,440 breakdown for the going to get you the 1089 00:39:37,440 --> 00:39:37,080 full breakdown between the three 1090 00:39:37,080 --> 00:39:39,840 programs ? All right . We'll try steve 1091 00:39:39,840 --> 00:39:43,370 on line one more time . I 1092 00:39:43,380 --> 00:39:45,213 appreciate it . Um , I see we're 1093 00:39:45,213 --> 00:39:47,158 getting a lot more next generation 1094 00:39:47,158 --> 00:39:49,102 squad weapons . Can we just get an 1095 00:39:49,102 --> 00:39:52,440 update on where we are at and who is 1096 00:39:52,450 --> 00:39:54,570 testing those weapons this year ? And 1097 00:39:54,570 --> 00:39:56,792 uh , can we also get a few more details 1098 00:39:56,792 --> 00:39:59,520 on the arctic strategy of what money is 1099 00:39:59,520 --> 00:40:02,800 going there ? Thank you . Let me start 1100 00:40:02,800 --> 00:40:04,856 with the question with regard to the 1101 00:40:04,856 --> 00:40:06,744 arctic strategy . Uh , you know , 1102 00:40:06,744 --> 00:40:08,967 certainly as we begin to operationalize 1103 00:40:08,967 --> 00:40:11,189 that there are some investments in this 1104 00:40:11,189 --> 00:40:13,460 budget . I believe it's just south of 1105 00:40:13,520 --> 00:40:15,742 $100 million . I want to say it's about 1106 00:40:15,742 --> 00:40:17,920 90 $91 million if I'm correct . And 1107 00:40:17,920 --> 00:40:20,142 General Bennett can correct me and that 1108 00:40:20,142 --> 00:40:22,253 funds a variety of efforts to include 1109 00:40:22,253 --> 00:40:24,476 additional training efforts . Uh , some 1110 00:40:24,476 --> 00:40:26,587 of the cold weather equipment that we 1111 00:40:26,587 --> 00:40:28,698 have certainly prioritized as part of 1112 00:40:28,698 --> 00:40:30,864 the strategy for our soldiers that are 1113 00:40:30,864 --> 00:40:32,864 stationed in Alaska and some of the 1114 00:40:32,864 --> 00:40:35,031 other things that we can do to kind of 1115 00:40:35,031 --> 00:40:37,253 help operationalize it um , with regard 1116 00:40:37,253 --> 00:40:39,364 to the next generation squad weapon , 1117 00:40:39,364 --> 00:40:41,476 we can get back to you with regard to 1118 00:40:41,476 --> 00:40:43,642 specific production quantities that we 1119 00:40:43,642 --> 00:40:43,420 are funding in this budget unless 1120 00:40:43,420 --> 00:40:45,587 General Bennett has it . I've got some 1121 00:40:45,587 --> 00:40:47,753 details to when you were very close on 1122 00:40:47,753 --> 00:40:49,809 the , on the arctic strategy , We've 1123 00:40:49,809 --> 00:40:52,100 got just over $101.101.8 million 1124 00:40:52,100 --> 00:40:56,020 first we're going to purchase 13 1125 00:40:56,020 --> 00:40:58,131 cold all weather all terrain vehicles 1126 00:40:58,131 --> 00:41:00,250 or the cat vis . We've got 1127 00:41:00,310 --> 00:41:02,532 winterization of equipment . We're also 1128 00:41:02,532 --> 00:41:04,532 including the exportable CTC that I 1129 00:41:04,532 --> 00:41:06,532 previously mentioned and we're also 1130 00:41:06,532 --> 00:41:08,866 continuing to purchase Winter O . C . I . 1131 00:41:08,866 --> 00:41:11,060 E to your next generation squad weapon 1132 00:41:11,060 --> 00:41:13,440 question , the planned replacement for 1133 00:41:13,440 --> 00:41:16,740 the saw . Um , the plan um , 1134 00:41:17,210 --> 00:41:18,230 we're purchasing 1135 00:41:18,910 --> 00:41:22,710 17,164 N . G . S . W 1136 00:41:22,840 --> 00:41:25,370 fire control modules as well as 1137 00:41:25,810 --> 00:41:26,720 purchasing 1138 00:41:28,710 --> 00:41:33,150 1704 1139 00:41:33,150 --> 00:41:35,317 Automatic Rifles and 1 16348 Rifles in 1140 00:41:35,317 --> 00:41:38,080 23 . All right , ladies and gentlemen 1141 00:41:38,080 --> 00:41:40,302 concludes the time we have for today as 1142 00:41:40,302 --> 00:41:42,524 a reminder , we have a media roundtable 1143 00:41:42,524 --> 00:41:42,100 tomorrow . You should have the 1144 00:41:42,100 --> 00:41:44,322 information in your email if you do not 1145 00:41:44,322 --> 00:41:46,433 please see me after the brief . Thank 1146 00:41:46,433 --> 00:41:46,030 you