WEBVTT 00:00.240 --> 00:02.450 hearing for the fiscal year 2023 00:02.450 --> 00:04.172 Defense budget request and the 00:04.172 --> 00:06.283 committee has honored this morning to 00:06.283 --> 00:08.640 have the Secretary of Defense Secretary 00:08.640 --> 00:11.330 of Defense , Lloyd Austin with us as 00:11.330 --> 00:13.219 well as the Chairman of the Joint 00:13.219 --> 00:15.700 Chiefs of Staff , Mark Milley um and 00:15.700 --> 00:17.870 the controller at the pentagon mike 00:17.880 --> 00:19.991 McCord guys job . It is to keep track 00:19.991 --> 00:22.213 of the money . So important to have all 00:22.213 --> 00:24.324 three of you here . Obviously this is 00:24.324 --> 00:26.380 an incredibly important time for the 00:26.380 --> 00:28.436 national defense of this country and 00:28.436 --> 00:30.602 for peace and stability in the globe . 00:30.602 --> 00:32.824 We all watch on a on a daily basis what 00:32.824 --> 00:34.880 is happening in Ukraine . Um the the 00:34.880 --> 00:37.190 horror and devastation from the violent 00:37.190 --> 00:39.360 attack that Vladimir Putin and Russia 00:39.640 --> 00:41.940 have brought down upon Ukraine and we 00:41.940 --> 00:44.290 see the world that we do not want 00:44.300 --> 00:47.080 unquestionably . Um and this committee 00:47.080 --> 00:49.136 and the Department of Defense have a 00:49.136 --> 00:51.247 huge role in trying to figure out how 00:51.247 --> 00:53.358 we create the better world that we do 00:53.358 --> 00:55.980 want . And as a starting point , our 00:55.980 --> 00:58.110 ability and our allies ability to get 00:58.120 --> 01:00.660 aid and weapons to Ukraine has been 01:00.660 --> 01:02.993 crucial in the early days of this fight . 01:03.240 --> 01:05.710 Um Russia has struggled far greater 01:05.710 --> 01:07.654 than just about anybody expected . 01:07.654 --> 01:09.766 There are a lot of reasons for that . 01:09.766 --> 01:11.877 Certainly the biggest is the will and 01:11.877 --> 01:13.988 the courage of the Ukrainian people . 01:13.988 --> 01:16.320 But it has also been crucial that our 01:16.320 --> 01:18.860 alliance , the NATO alliance and others 01:18.860 --> 01:20.693 have come together to offer that 01:20.693 --> 01:22.693 support to Ukraine . And one of the 01:22.693 --> 01:24.916 biggest questions that we're gonna have 01:24.916 --> 01:26.860 in this committee uh for you three 01:26.860 --> 01:28.971 gentlemen is how can we do more . How 01:28.971 --> 01:28.510 can we make sure we're getting 01:28.510 --> 01:30.770 absolutely everything we can to Ukraine 01:30.780 --> 01:32.891 to help them defend their country and 01:32.891 --> 01:35.400 defend themselves . And we will be very 01:35.400 --> 01:37.511 focused on the effort and stand ready 01:37.511 --> 01:39.733 to do anything we can to help make that 01:39.733 --> 01:41.844 happen . And then the larger question 01:41.844 --> 01:44.067 is , we look at this is we have to make 01:44.067 --> 01:45.956 sure that Russia does not succeed 01:45.956 --> 01:48.011 because the implications it has . Um 01:48.011 --> 01:50.011 certainly for Ukraine , but for the 01:50.011 --> 01:52.122 larger world as well , we do not want 01:52.122 --> 01:54.344 Russia or other aggressive countries in 01:54.344 --> 01:56.456 the world to think that by force they 01:56.456 --> 01:58.567 can simply expand their territory and 01:58.567 --> 02:00.567 attack their neighbors . We need to 02:00.567 --> 02:02.622 build a robust deterrence across the 02:02.622 --> 02:04.678 globe to make sure that this kind of 02:04.678 --> 02:06.844 thing does not happen again . Um We've 02:06.844 --> 02:09.011 been working on that for a long time , 02:09.011 --> 02:08.960 obviously on our national security 02:08.960 --> 02:11.127 policy , but it comes in an incredibly 02:11.127 --> 02:13.182 sharp focus now as we see the war in 02:13.182 --> 02:15.750 Ukraine deterrence is many things . 02:15.760 --> 02:17.816 Certainly it is incredibly important 02:17.816 --> 02:19.816 that we build those alliances , you 02:19.816 --> 02:21.816 know , where would we be if we were 02:21.816 --> 02:23.927 trying to do this on our own or if we 02:23.927 --> 02:25.982 were deeply divided in the West . Um 02:25.982 --> 02:28.204 there would be in a terrible place . So 02:28.204 --> 02:30.316 making sure that we continue to build 02:30.316 --> 02:32.204 those alliances across europe and 02:32.204 --> 02:33.927 across the world is enormously 02:33.927 --> 02:36.093 important . We also need to understand 02:36.093 --> 02:37.982 That Russia and China are are the 02:37.982 --> 02:40.450 principal threats here , as we now have 02:40.450 --> 02:42.450 the national security strategy . We 02:42.450 --> 02:44.480 have the 2023 budget . We see that 02:44.480 --> 02:46.702 President Biden and his team recognized 02:46.702 --> 02:48.647 that uh , and and prioritize those 02:48.647 --> 02:50.813 threats is what we need to deter going 02:50.813 --> 02:52.924 forward . We face a very stark choice 02:52.924 --> 02:54.758 in the world . The President has 02:54.758 --> 02:56.758 outlined this clearly , um , we can 02:56.758 --> 02:58.702 push for greater freedom , greater 02:58.702 --> 03:00.813 economic and political freedom , um , 03:00.813 --> 03:02.670 or we can face the , the , the 03:02.670 --> 03:04.670 autocracy that Russia and china are 03:04.670 --> 03:06.781 trying to bring down upon us . And it 03:06.781 --> 03:08.726 is crucial that we build a defense 03:08.726 --> 03:10.614 budget that reflects that . And I 03:10.614 --> 03:12.726 believe that the budget that has been 03:12.726 --> 03:14.837 submitted gets us headed in the right 03:14.837 --> 03:17.003 direction . Now there will be a lot of 03:17.003 --> 03:19.059 really robust increase in the budget 03:19.059 --> 03:18.970 last year as it was enacted . We have a 03:18.970 --> 03:21.460 robust increase in the budget this year . 03:21.500 --> 03:23.500 We will have that debate about what 03:23.500 --> 03:25.930 that top line number should be and that 03:25.940 --> 03:28.107 that is fine . But what I hope we also 03:28.107 --> 03:30.330 really focus on is where do we spend 03:30.330 --> 03:31.997 the money spending that money 03:31.997 --> 03:33.830 efficiently and effectively in a 03:33.830 --> 03:36.260 rapidly changing environment . To me is 03:36.260 --> 03:38.204 the most important thing that this 03:38.204 --> 03:40.427 committee and the pentagon can do . And 03:40.427 --> 03:42.649 it starts with recognizing the changing 03:42.649 --> 03:44.760 nature of warfare . I've I've come to 03:44.760 --> 03:46.649 sum it up as , as information and 03:46.649 --> 03:48.593 survivability , which I guess have 03:48.593 --> 03:50.704 always been central to warfare . It's 03:50.704 --> 03:52.871 just that they're changing so much now 03:52.871 --> 03:52.670 and you can look and learn from how the 03:52.670 --> 03:54.650 Russians are struggling in Ukraine 03:54.940 --> 03:56.940 there , they can't communicate with 03:56.940 --> 03:59.380 each other , they're large tank columns 03:59.380 --> 04:01.630 are victims to relatively cheap and 04:01.630 --> 04:03.797 expensive missiles . We need to figure 04:03.797 --> 04:05.963 out how do we build the force that can 04:05.963 --> 04:08.074 survive in today's world ? We have to 04:08.074 --> 04:09.963 make sure that we can protect our 04:09.963 --> 04:12.186 information and distribute it . We have 04:12.186 --> 04:14.297 to make sure that our systems are not 04:14.297 --> 04:16.463 just single points of failure . Um you 04:16.463 --> 04:18.574 know , large , exquisite systems that 04:18.574 --> 04:20.519 can be shut down either by a cyber 04:20.519 --> 04:20.490 attack or a missile . We need to 04:20.490 --> 04:22.630 fundamentally rethink how we approach 04:22.630 --> 04:25.500 the military and our biggest focus on 04:25.500 --> 04:27.722 this committee has been that innovation 04:27.722 --> 04:29.944 and and sadly , you know , the pentagon 04:29.944 --> 04:32.111 is not the most innovative institution 04:32.111 --> 04:34.222 in the world . Um it is slow to adopt 04:34.222 --> 04:36.222 new technology is certainly slow to 04:36.222 --> 04:38.278 adopt software . A number of reforms 04:38.278 --> 04:37.930 and changes have been made in recent 04:37.930 --> 04:39.986 years to try to address that issue . 04:39.986 --> 04:42.097 But it is crucially important that we 04:42.097 --> 04:43.763 figure out how to develop new 04:43.763 --> 04:45.597 technologies first and even more 04:45.597 --> 04:47.819 crucially we figure out how to use them 04:47.819 --> 04:50.140 um ai missile technology , drones , 04:50.140 --> 04:52.196 these are all critically important . 04:52.196 --> 04:54.418 How do you employ those ? How do we put 04:54.418 --> 04:56.584 the right people in place to make sure 04:56.584 --> 04:58.751 that we are making the best use of the 04:58.751 --> 05:00.862 technology and innovation that we are 05:00.862 --> 05:03.029 doing and I would recommend all of you 05:03.029 --> 05:05.196 an article in Foreign Affairs magazine 05:05.196 --> 05:07.307 that former Secretary Spencer sent me 05:07.307 --> 05:09.418 that's entitled The Pentagon's Office 05:09.418 --> 05:11.850 Culture is stuck in 1968 . That may be 05:11.850 --> 05:14.580 a slight overstatement . But when you 05:14.590 --> 05:17.300 read the analysis of how you structure 05:17.310 --> 05:20.390 a company today to adopt to the 05:20.390 --> 05:22.501 innovative , the innovative economy , 05:22.501 --> 05:24.723 the faith that we face , the technology 05:24.723 --> 05:26.723 changes that we face versus how you 05:26.723 --> 05:28.612 would build a company in the more 05:28.612 --> 05:30.612 assembly line industrial age of the 05:30.612 --> 05:32.960 1960s . You can see a stark contrast 05:33.240 --> 05:35.407 really want to see that change that we 05:35.407 --> 05:37.462 have a more innovative pentagon that 05:37.462 --> 05:39.296 can take advantage of of the the 05:39.296 --> 05:41.351 changes that are happening out there 05:41.351 --> 05:43.573 and make sure that we get there first . 05:43.573 --> 05:45.573 Because without question , when you 05:45.573 --> 05:47.796 look at the world , um you have the U . 05:47.796 --> 05:49.851 S . And the west and our involvement 05:49.851 --> 05:49.840 and then you have china Russia , Iran 05:49.840 --> 05:52.062 north Korea and transnational terrorist 05:52.062 --> 05:54.284 groups . Our job is simple . We want to 05:54.284 --> 05:57.250 deter those adversaries , all of them . 05:57.260 --> 05:59.460 We get into a ranking issue 05:59.460 --> 06:01.940 occasionally and certainly china is the 06:01.950 --> 06:04.630 biggest um economy , The biggest , you 06:04.630 --> 06:06.741 know , alternative out there . Russia 06:06.741 --> 06:08.852 clearly is committing violent acts as 06:08.852 --> 06:11.050 we speak , but they all matter . We 06:11.050 --> 06:13.272 need to build an alliance that promotes 06:13.272 --> 06:15.383 economic and political freedom and we 06:15.383 --> 06:17.606 need to do it with a very , very strong 06:17.606 --> 06:19.661 military and a robust involvement in 06:19.661 --> 06:21.828 the world in diplomacy and development 06:21.828 --> 06:24.050 and alliances . We have to build that . 06:24.050 --> 06:26.130 Pentagon is a huge part of that . Uh 06:26.140 --> 06:27.973 mornings , the discussion is the 06:27.973 --> 06:29.918 kickoff point for our committee to 06:29.918 --> 06:32.140 looking at how the FY 23 budget affects 06:32.140 --> 06:34.084 that fight . I look forward to the 06:34.084 --> 06:36.362 testimony on the questions and answers . 06:36.362 --> 06:38.362 And with that , I will yield to the 06:38.362 --> 06:40.307 ranking member . Mr Rogers for his 06:40.307 --> 06:42.140 opening statement . Thank you Mr 06:42.140 --> 06:42.000 Chairman and I want to thank the 06:42.000 --> 06:44.220 witnesses for their attendance and 06:44.220 --> 06:46.800 their service to our country . Um the 06:46.800 --> 06:48.720 threats that we face now are more 06:48.720 --> 06:50.920 formidable than at any point in the 20 06:50.920 --> 06:52.809 years . I've had the privilege of 06:52.809 --> 06:54.364 serving on this committee . 06:54.364 --> 06:56.087 Unprecedented chinese military 06:56.087 --> 06:58.253 modernization has enabled them to leap 06:58.253 --> 07:00.198 progress in key capabilities . The 07:00.198 --> 07:02.253 Chinese Communist Party now controls 07:02.253 --> 07:04.531 the largest army and navy in the world . 07:04.531 --> 07:06.531 It has more troops , more ships and 07:06.531 --> 07:08.420 more hypersonic missiles than the 07:08.420 --> 07:10.531 United States with each passing day . 07:10.531 --> 07:12.531 More and more clear , more and more 07:12.531 --> 07:14.753 clear . Their interests are , it's more 07:14.753 --> 07:16.920 and more clear that they diametrically 07:16.920 --> 07:18.864 opposed our interest . And to make 07:18.864 --> 07:21.087 matters worse , President Z has entered 07:21.087 --> 07:23.198 into a no limits partisan partnership 07:23.198 --> 07:25.420 with Putin providing him with strategic 07:25.420 --> 07:27.476 cover and international legitimacy . 07:27.540 --> 07:29.596 But Putin's catastrophic invasion of 07:29.596 --> 07:31.707 Ukraine has proven to the rest of the 07:31.707 --> 07:33.762 world that he's nothing more than an 07:33.762 --> 07:36.000 unhinged crackpot . The problem is this 07:36.000 --> 07:38.170 crackpot has his finger on the world's 07:38.260 --> 07:40.610 largest nuclear arsenal and illegal 07:40.610 --> 07:42.666 stockpile of chemical and biological 07:42.666 --> 07:45.390 weapons , which he hasn't hesitated to 07:45.390 --> 07:47.390 use against his perceived enemies . 07:47.640 --> 07:50.470 Emulating . Putin's desire to undermine 07:50.470 --> 07:52.530 democracy or the despotic leaders of 07:52.530 --> 07:55.400 North Korea and Iran both continue to 07:55.400 --> 07:57.820 aggressively pursue nuclear weapons and 07:57.820 --> 07:59.820 conduct destabilizing activities in 07:59.820 --> 08:01.876 their region . Finally , President , 08:01.880 --> 08:03.436 the president's decision to 08:03.436 --> 08:05.269 unilaterally and unconditionally 08:05.269 --> 08:07.491 withdraw US forces from Afghanistan has 08:07.491 --> 08:09.602 offered terrorists the opportunity to 08:09.602 --> 08:11.824 regain their footing and our capability 08:12.240 --> 08:14.407 to keep an eye on them and strike them 08:14.407 --> 08:16.573 before they strike us has diminished . 08:16.840 --> 08:18.840 These are just a few of the growing 08:18.840 --> 08:21.270 threats confronting our nation , how we 08:21.270 --> 08:23.460 respond to them as the biggest test we 08:23.460 --> 08:25.870 will face as americans . Many of us 08:25.870 --> 08:28.092 here , regardless of party , believe we 08:28.092 --> 08:29.759 should respond with increased 08:29.759 --> 08:31.981 investment and the men and women of our 08:31.981 --> 08:34.092 armed forces and the modernization of 08:34.092 --> 08:35.814 our conventional and strategic 08:35.814 --> 08:37.648 deterrence . Unfortunately , the 08:37.648 --> 08:39.759 president doesn't see things the same 08:39.759 --> 08:41.926 way for the second year in a row . The 08:41.926 --> 08:43.926 president has sent us a budget that 08:43.926 --> 08:45.814 fails to keep pace with china and 08:45.814 --> 08:47.926 Russia and yet again it fails to keep 08:47.926 --> 08:49.592 pace with inflation . Despite 08:49.592 --> 08:51.703 predictions from leading economists , 08:51.703 --> 08:53.926 the record high inflation will endure . 08:53.926 --> 08:56.037 The White House directed the pentagon 08:56.037 --> 08:59.970 to assume a rate of only 2.2% for fy 23 . 08:59.980 --> 09:02.340 Regardless of this inflation , We are 09:02.340 --> 09:05.380 now at 8% inflation to to to get an 09:05.380 --> 09:08.500 average of 2.2% next year would require 09:08.500 --> 09:11.590 months of unprecedented low inflation 09:11.610 --> 09:14.140 inflation . Everyone here knows that's 09:14.140 --> 09:16.260 not gonna happen . That means every 09:16.260 --> 09:18.427 dollar of increase in this budget will 09:18.427 --> 09:21.360 be eaten by inflation very little if 09:21.360 --> 09:23.138 anything , will be left over to 09:23.138 --> 09:25.430 modernize or grow capability . The 09:25.430 --> 09:27.600 president may claim this budget 09:27.600 --> 09:29.656 bolsters our national security , but 09:29.656 --> 09:31.970 that's far from the truth . The budget 09:31.970 --> 09:34.360 cuts . The number of soldiers , sailors , 09:34.370 --> 09:36.570 airmen , marines , well below 09:36.570 --> 09:38.740 authorized levels . It slashes the 09:38.740 --> 09:40.760 number of ships and aircraft in our 09:40.760 --> 09:42.990 arsenal . In fact , at no point over 09:42.990 --> 09:45.046 the next five years does the size of 09:45.046 --> 09:47.830 the navy grow Instead of moving toward 09:47.830 --> 09:50.370 a 500 ship , Navy needed to counter 09:50.370 --> 09:53.770 China , it shrinks to 280 ships . The 09:53.770 --> 09:55.937 budget cuts , procurement for the army 09:55.937 --> 09:57.992 and Marine Corps , delaying critical 09:57.992 --> 09:59.937 modernization efforts . It slashes 09:59.937 --> 10:02.103 funding for next generation aircraft , 10:02.103 --> 10:04.159 new nuclear deterrent capability and 10:04.159 --> 10:06.159 modernized ground combat vehicles . 10:06.159 --> 10:08.326 Finally , according to the president's 10:08.326 --> 10:10.492 comptroller , the budget was completed 10:10.492 --> 10:13.070 before Putin's invasion of Ukraine . No 10:13.070 --> 10:15.237 funds have been added to the account . 10:15.237 --> 10:17.292 You know , for the increased cost of 10:17.292 --> 10:20.190 reinforcing NATO allies are to continue 10:20.190 --> 10:22.412 to provide lethal aid to Ukraine in the 10:22.412 --> 10:24.468 next fiscal year . This is extremely 10:24.468 --> 10:27.170 shortsighted . The problem again this 10:27.170 --> 10:29.337 year is not that the president refuses 10:29.337 --> 10:31.392 to spend money is that he refuses to 10:31.392 --> 10:33.550 spend it on defense . Yet again , the 10:33.550 --> 10:36.190 budget proposes massive increases in 10:36.190 --> 10:38.190 funding for the E . P . A . And the 10:38.190 --> 10:41.130 Department of Education and HHS In all , 10:41.170 --> 10:43.140 non defense discretionary spending 10:43.140 --> 10:46.730 grows by an astonishing 12% . 3 times 10:46.730 --> 10:49.890 more than defense Using GDP as a metric 10:49.890 --> 10:52.980 defense spending will total 3.1% of GDP 10:53.340 --> 10:57.060 nondefense spending will total 18% of 10:57.060 --> 10:59.338 GDP nearly six times more than defense . 10:59.840 --> 11:01.951 I know these numbers are inconvenient 11:01.951 --> 11:04.173 to too many people in the White House . 11:04.173 --> 11:06.118 Some on the far left want to slash 11:06.118 --> 11:08.340 defending defense spending by 10 to his 11:08.340 --> 11:10.284 credit . The president hadn't gone 11:10.284 --> 11:13.020 there . But what he is proposing is far 11:13.020 --> 11:14.853 from what's needed to maintain a 11:14.853 --> 11:16.798 credible deterrent . Under the old 11:16.798 --> 11:18.909 National Defense Strategy , we needed 11:18.909 --> 11:20.690 an annual increase of 3-5% over 11:20.690 --> 11:23.010 inflation to stay ahead of China . The 11:23.010 --> 11:25.280 new national defense strategy departs 11:25.280 --> 11:27.430 little from the last one . I suspect 11:27.430 --> 11:29.486 the new commission were appointed to 11:29.486 --> 11:31.541 review the National Defense strategy 11:31.541 --> 11:33.652 will again recommending at least that 11:33.652 --> 11:35.652 level of funding If this budget was 11:35.652 --> 11:39.090 truly driven by risk 5% above inflation 11:39.090 --> 11:41.201 is the level of growth we would see . 11:41.201 --> 11:43.201 Unfortunately that's not the case . 11:43.201 --> 11:45.257 This budget fails to account for the 11:45.257 --> 11:47.201 record inflation the department is 11:47.201 --> 11:48.868 currently facing and severely 11:48.868 --> 11:51.090 underestimates its impact over the next 11:51.090 --> 11:53.312 year . It robs our warfighters of vital 11:53.312 --> 11:55.423 capabilities . They need to carry out 11:55.423 --> 11:57.534 their missions . But most regrettably 11:57.534 --> 11:59.534 it gives china more time to enhance 11:59.534 --> 12:01.701 their military advantage and undermine 12:01.701 --> 12:03.812 our deterrence . I urge my colleagues 12:03.812 --> 12:05.812 to reject this budget and work on a 12:05.812 --> 12:08.034 bipartisan manner to address the urgent 12:08.034 --> 12:10.201 needs of our national defense and with 12:10.201 --> 12:12.201 that Mr Chairman , I yield back . Q 12:12.201 --> 12:14.900 Secretary Austin . Good morning . 12:14.910 --> 12:16.799 Chairman smith . Ranking member , 12:16.799 --> 12:18.910 Rogers . Distinguished members of the 12:18.910 --> 12:21.132 committee . Thank you for the chance to 12:21.132 --> 12:22.910 testify today in support of the 12:22.910 --> 12:25.040 president's budget request for fiscal 12:25.040 --> 12:27.970 year 2023 . It's great to be here with 12:27.970 --> 12:29.692 general Milley who has been an 12:29.692 --> 12:31.914 outstanding partner . And I'm also glad 12:31.914 --> 12:33.748 to be joined by our today by our 12:33.748 --> 12:36.026 controller and chief financial officer . 12:36.026 --> 12:38.260 Mike Mchugh Rd . Mr . Chairman . We're 12:38.260 --> 12:41.270 still focused on three key priorities 12:41.270 --> 12:42.992 at the Department of Defense , 12:43.040 --> 12:45.151 defending our nation , taking care of 12:45.151 --> 12:47.040 our people and succeeding through 12:47.040 --> 12:49.450 teamwork and the budget requests that 12:49.450 --> 12:51.617 we have submitted to you helps us meet 12:51.617 --> 12:54.880 each of those priorities . Our budget 12:54.880 --> 12:57.370 seeks more than $56 billion dollars for 12:57.370 --> 13:00.070 air power platforms and systems And 13:00.070 --> 13:01.903 more than $40 billion dollars to 13:01.903 --> 13:04.650 maintain our dominance at sea Including 13:04.650 --> 13:07.860 buying nine more battle force ships And 13:07.860 --> 13:10.150 almost $13 billion dollars to support 13:10.160 --> 13:12.110 and modernize our combat credible 13:12.110 --> 13:15.380 forces on land . A budget request also 13:15.380 --> 13:18.140 funds the modernization of all three 13:18.140 --> 13:21.310 legs of the nuclear triad to ensure 13:21.310 --> 13:24.320 that we maintain a safe , secure and 13:24.320 --> 13:27.100 effective strategic deterrent . Of 13:27.100 --> 13:29.100 course these capabilities , none of 13:29.100 --> 13:31.267 these capabilities matter much without 13:31.267 --> 13:33.560 our people and their families . So 13:33.560 --> 13:37.430 we're seeking your support for a 4.6% 13:37.440 --> 13:40.470 pay raise for our military and civilian 13:40.470 --> 13:43.260 personnel and special pay and benefits . 13:43.940 --> 13:46.920 We also plan to invest in outstanding 13:46.920 --> 13:49.360 and affordable child care in in the 13:49.360 --> 13:51.590 construction of on base child 13:51.590 --> 13:53.750 development centers and in ensuring 13:53.750 --> 13:56.140 that all our families can put good and 13:56.140 --> 13:58.690 healthy food on the table . We're also 13:58.690 --> 14:01.030 deeply focused on a terrible problem of 14:01.030 --> 14:03.410 suicide in the U . S . Military and 14:03.410 --> 14:05.780 I'll keep on saying it , mental health 14:05.790 --> 14:08.910 is health period . So we're increasing 14:08.910 --> 14:10.632 access to mental health care , 14:10.840 --> 14:13.380 expanding telehealth care telehealth 14:13.390 --> 14:15.980 capabilities and fighting the tired old 14:15.980 --> 14:18.660 stigmas that's against seeking help 14:19.440 --> 14:21.496 with your support . I vote I've just 14:21.496 --> 14:23.273 ordered the establishment of an 14:23.273 --> 14:25.496 independent review committee to help us 14:25.496 --> 14:27.470 grapple with suicide to better 14:27.470 --> 14:30.180 understand it , prevent it and treat 14:30.180 --> 14:33.120 the unseen wounds that lead to it . At 14:33.120 --> 14:35.300 the same time , we're working hard to 14:35.310 --> 14:37.366 implement the recommendations of the 14:37.366 --> 14:39.630 Independent Review Commission on Sexual 14:39.630 --> 14:41.797 Assault because we know that we have a 14:41.797 --> 14:44.019 long way to go to rid ourselves of this 14:44.019 --> 14:46.770 scourge . Our budget seeks nearly $480 14:46.770 --> 14:49.130 million dollars for that enterprise and 14:49.130 --> 14:51.186 sexual assault as we know , it's not 14:51.186 --> 14:53.810 just a crime , it's an assault or an 14:53.810 --> 14:56.370 affront to our values and to everything 14:56.370 --> 14:58.370 that we're supposed to represent to 14:58.370 --> 15:00.481 each other and to this country . This 15:00.481 --> 15:02.703 is a leadership issue . And you have my 15:02.703 --> 15:04.814 personal commitment to keep leading . 15:05.140 --> 15:06.918 Now , while I'm on the topic of 15:06.918 --> 15:10.520 leadership , let me briefly address our 15:10.520 --> 15:13.440 military's role in the world because as 15:13.440 --> 15:15.662 I've said , we succeed through teamwork 15:16.340 --> 15:18.350 and as I've witnessed myself in the 15:18.350 --> 15:20.680 last several weeks , countries around 15:20.680 --> 15:22.624 the world continue to look for the 15:22.624 --> 15:24.736 United States to provide that sort of 15:24.736 --> 15:26.791 leadership with help from Congress , 15:26.791 --> 15:28.624 we've been able to rush security 15:28.624 --> 15:30.513 assistance to Ukraine to help the 15:30.513 --> 15:32.736 Ukrainian Ukrainian people defend their 15:32.736 --> 15:34.569 lives in their country and their 15:34.569 --> 15:37.060 freedom and last october I visited Kiev 15:37.440 --> 15:39.660 to meet both my Ukrainian counterpart 15:40.040 --> 15:42.660 and President Zelensky and we discussed 15:42.660 --> 15:45.390 our deepening defense partnership in 15:45.390 --> 15:47.580 our unwavering support for Ukraine's 15:47.580 --> 15:49.710 sovereignty in the face of Russian 15:49.710 --> 15:52.400 aggression . And even before Russia's 15:52.400 --> 15:54.650 unprovoked and illegal invasion , we 15:54.650 --> 15:56.872 provided Ukraine with a billion dollars 15:56.872 --> 15:58.761 worth of weapons and gear through 15:58.761 --> 16:01.270 presidential drawdown authority . And 16:01.270 --> 16:03.492 now we're delivering on another billion 16:03.492 --> 16:05.660 dollars pledged by President Biden . 16:06.240 --> 16:08.640 And our budget includes $650 million 16:08.640 --> 16:12.480 Europe , Including 16:12.480 --> 16:15.280 $300 million Security Assistance 16:15.290 --> 16:17.870 Initiative . We're also helping to 16:17.870 --> 16:19.870 coordinate the delivery of material 16:19.870 --> 16:21.990 provided by other nations which 16:21.990 --> 16:24.660 continues to flow in every single day . 16:25.240 --> 16:27.296 And let me thank all of you for your 16:27.296 --> 16:29.296 strong leadership toward our shared 16:29.296 --> 16:31.518 goal of helping Ukraine defend itself . 16:31.740 --> 16:34.010 And since the invasion , I've spoken 16:34.010 --> 16:35.843 and met frequently with Minister 16:35.843 --> 16:38.970 Reznikoff including just yesterday and 16:38.970 --> 16:40.748 I have assured him that we will 16:40.748 --> 16:42.803 continue this effort . We'll get him 16:42.803 --> 16:44.637 and his troops the tools and the 16:44.637 --> 16:46.690 weapons that they need most and are 16:46.690 --> 16:48.930 using most effectively against Russian 16:48.930 --> 16:52.540 forces . We've also reinforced our NATO 16:52.540 --> 16:55.090 allies . We spend additional combat 16:55.090 --> 16:57.201 power to the alliance's eastern flank 16:57.740 --> 16:59.851 Raising our posture in Europe to more 16:59.851 --> 17:02.570 than 100,000 troops . And these 17:02.570 --> 17:04.920 reinforcements includes include dozens 17:04.920 --> 17:07.120 of aircraft , an aircraft carrier 17:07.120 --> 17:09.380 strike group And two Brigade Combat 17:09.380 --> 17:11.600 Teams . And as President biden made 17:11.600 --> 17:14.040 clear we will defend every inch of NATO 17:14.040 --> 17:16.630 territory if required . And we're 17:16.630 --> 17:18.630 making good on that promise on that 17:18.630 --> 17:20.852 promise . Mr Chairman , you've heard me 17:20.852 --> 17:23.420 say many times . We need resources 17:23.420 --> 17:25.642 match the strategy and strategy matched 17:25.642 --> 17:27.900 the policy and policy matched to the 17:27.900 --> 17:30.280 will of the american people . This 17:30.280 --> 17:32.391 budget gives us the resources that we 17:32.391 --> 17:34.724 need to deliver on that promise as well . 17:35.220 --> 17:37.164 It reflects our recently submitted 17:37.164 --> 17:38.942 national Defense strategy which 17:38.942 --> 17:40.887 highlights the pacing challenge of 17:40.887 --> 17:42.609 china . That's why we've we're 17:42.609 --> 17:44.664 investing some $6 billion dollars in 17:44.664 --> 17:48.090 this budget in the pacific deterrence 17:48.090 --> 17:49.990 initiative . And it's why we're 17:49.990 --> 17:51.934 realigning our posture in the indo 17:51.934 --> 17:53.823 pacific toward a more distributed 17:53.823 --> 17:56.620 footprint . We're going to enhance our 17:56.620 --> 17:59.990 forward posture infrastructure presence 17:59.990 --> 18:01.879 and readiness in the indo pacific 18:01.879 --> 18:03.990 including the missile defense of Guam 18:04.540 --> 18:06.429 and that's why we're making broad 18:06.429 --> 18:08.262 investments in such key areas as 18:08.262 --> 18:10.373 undersea dominance , fighter aircraft 18:10.373 --> 18:12.690 modernization and advanced weaponry 18:12.690 --> 18:15.560 including hypersonic strike . And many 18:15.560 --> 18:17.782 of these investments will pay dividends 18:17.782 --> 18:20.004 encountering the acute threat of Russia 18:20.004 --> 18:22.560 as well which are strategy underscores 18:23.340 --> 18:25.396 at the same time we must be prepared 18:25.396 --> 18:27.562 for threats that don't observe borders 18:27.562 --> 18:30.170 from pandemics to climate change . And 18:30.170 --> 18:32.281 we must tackle the persistent threats 18:32.281 --> 18:34.450 posed by north Korea Iran and global 18:34.450 --> 18:36.830 terrorist groups . Now the national 18:36.830 --> 18:39.270 defense strategy advances our goals in 18:39.270 --> 18:42.460 three main ways forging integrated 18:42.460 --> 18:45.680 deterrence campaigning and building 18:45.910 --> 18:49.140 enduring advantages . An integrated 18:49.140 --> 18:50.940 deterrence means combining our 18:50.940 --> 18:53.670 strengths across all the warfighting 18:53.670 --> 18:56.430 domains to maximum effect to ward off 18:56.430 --> 18:59.250 potential conflict campaigning means 18:59.250 --> 19:01.194 our day to day efforts to gain and 19:01.194 --> 19:03.750 sustain military advantage , counter 19:03.750 --> 19:05.500 acute forms of coercion by our 19:05.500 --> 19:07.680 competitors and complicate their 19:07.680 --> 19:10.450 preparations for aggression and to 19:10.450 --> 19:13.020 build enduring advantages . We need to 19:13.020 --> 19:14.760 accelerate force development , 19:15.440 --> 19:17.329 acquiring the technology that our 19:17.329 --> 19:20.740 warfighters need . So our budget seeks 19:20.740 --> 19:23.390 more than $130 billion dollars for 19:23.390 --> 19:25.446 research , development , testing and 19:25.446 --> 19:27.740 evaluation . And that's the largest R . 19:27.740 --> 19:29.573 And D . Request that this depart 19:29.573 --> 19:32.140 department has ever made . It's nearly 19:32.140 --> 19:34.960 a 10% increase over last year , which 19:34.960 --> 19:36.904 was the department's previous high 19:36.904 --> 19:38.904 previous high water mark . And this 19:38.904 --> 19:40.682 includes $2 billion dollars for 19:40.682 --> 19:43.210 artificial intelligence . $250 million 19:43.210 --> 19:46.300 for five G . Nearly $28 billion for 19:46.300 --> 19:49.060 space capabilities and another $11 19:49.060 --> 19:51.120 billion to protect our networks and 19:51.120 --> 19:54.090 develop a cyber mission force . This 19:54.090 --> 19:56.830 budget maintains our edge but it does 19:56.830 --> 19:58.970 not take that edge for granted . And 19:58.970 --> 20:01.026 quite frankly , Mr . Chairman in the 20:01.026 --> 20:03.690 21st century , you either innovate or 20:03.690 --> 20:05.820 you get left behind and through the 20:05.830 --> 20:07.997 president's budget . And with the help 20:07.997 --> 20:10.108 of this committee we will continue to 20:10.108 --> 20:12.108 innovate and with your help we will 20:12.108 --> 20:14.219 continue to defend this nation . Take 20:14.219 --> 20:16.163 care of our people and support our 20:16.163 --> 20:19.050 allies and partners and with your help 20:19.060 --> 20:21.227 I know that we will continue to lead . 20:21.840 --> 20:23.896 Thank you and I look forward to your 20:23.896 --> 20:26.229 questions . Thank you . Chairman Milley . 20:27.650 --> 20:29.872 Karen smith , ranking member , Rogers . 20:29.872 --> 20:32.150 Distinguished members of the committee . 20:32.150 --> 20:33.928 I'm privileged to represent the 20:33.928 --> 20:36.039 soldiers , sailors , airmen , marines 20:36.039 --> 20:37.983 and guardians of the United States 20:37.983 --> 20:40.094 Joint Force . Our troops are the best 20:40.094 --> 20:42.150 led , best equipped , best trained , 20:42.150 --> 20:44.261 most lethal and most capable military 20:44.261 --> 20:47.470 force in the world alongside our allies 20:47.470 --> 20:49.303 and partners at any given time . 20:49.640 --> 20:53.050 Approximately 400,000 american troops 20:53.050 --> 20:56.350 are currently standing watch 155 20:56.350 --> 20:58.350 countries and conducting operations 20:58.440 --> 21:00.960 every day . They keep americans safe . 21:01.840 --> 21:03.618 Currently we are supporting our 21:03.618 --> 21:05.890 european allies and guarding NATO's 21:05.890 --> 21:09.050 eastern flank in the face of the 21:09.050 --> 21:12.320 unnecessary war of aggression by Russia 21:12.490 --> 21:14.601 against the people of Ukraine and the 21:14.601 --> 21:17.020 assault on the democratic institutions 21:17.020 --> 21:19.242 and the rules based international order 21:19.300 --> 21:21.770 That have prevented Great Power War for 21:21.770 --> 21:24.400 the last 78 years since the end of 21:24.400 --> 21:28.190 World War two . We are now facing two 21:28.200 --> 21:30.950 global powers china and Russia , 21:31.640 --> 21:33.650 each with significant military 21:33.650 --> 21:36.590 capabilities , both who intend to 21:36.590 --> 21:39.270 fundamentally change the rules based 21:39.280 --> 21:41.860 current global order . We are entering 21:41.860 --> 21:45.060 a world that is becoming more unstable 21:45.940 --> 21:47.829 and the potential for significant 21:47.829 --> 21:49.884 international conflict between great 21:49.884 --> 21:52.960 powers is increasing . Not decreasing 21:54.190 --> 21:56.246 the United States military comprises 21:56.246 --> 21:58.640 one of the four key components of 21:58.640 --> 22:01.110 national power , diplomatic , economic , 22:01.120 --> 22:03.950 informational and military to protect 22:03.950 --> 22:07.110 the homeland and sustain a stable and 22:07.110 --> 22:09.470 open international system . In 22:09.470 --> 22:11.692 coordination with the other elements of 22:11.692 --> 22:13.748 power . We constantly develop a wide 22:13.748 --> 22:15.637 range of military options for the 22:15.637 --> 22:17.859 president as commander in chief and for 22:17.859 --> 22:20.137 this Congress to consider as the U . S . 22:20.137 --> 22:22.359 Military . We are prepared to deter and 22:22.359 --> 22:24.470 if necessary fight and win anyone who 22:24.470 --> 22:26.526 seeks to attack the United States or 22:26.526 --> 22:28.692 our allies or a significant core vital 22:28.692 --> 22:31.180 national security interests . The joint 22:31.180 --> 22:33.320 force appreciates the work that our 22:33.320 --> 22:35.376 elected representatives do to ensure 22:35.376 --> 22:37.376 that we have the resources needed , 22:37.376 --> 22:39.720 train equipped and manage the force in 22:39.720 --> 22:41.600 order to be ready . We thank the 22:41.600 --> 22:43.600 Congress for increasing last year's 22:43.800 --> 22:45.856 last fiscal year's level of military 22:45.856 --> 22:47.856 funding and we look forward to your 22:47.856 --> 22:49.950 support for this year's budget . The 22:49.950 --> 22:52.800 Joint force will deliver modernization 22:52.800 --> 22:54.800 and readiness for armed forces And 22:54.800 --> 22:56.967 secure the people of the United States 22:57.100 --> 22:59.800 at the fiscal year 23 budget request of 22:59.800 --> 23:03.640 773 billion . This budget will 23:03.640 --> 23:05.830 enable the appropriate decisions for 23:05.830 --> 23:08.280 modernization And transformation of the 23:08.280 --> 23:10.480 joint force in order to set and meet 23:10.480 --> 23:12.258 the conditions of the operating 23:12.258 --> 23:14.369 environment that we will face in 2030 23:14.369 --> 23:16.300 and beyond the so called changing 23:16.300 --> 23:18.411 character of war that we've discussed 23:18.411 --> 23:20.960 many times in the past . We will work 23:20.960 --> 23:23.071 diligently to ensure the resources of 23:23.071 --> 23:25.980 american people entrust to us are spent 23:25.980 --> 23:28.147 prudently and in the best interests of 23:28.147 --> 23:29.980 the nation in alignment with the 23:29.980 --> 23:32.091 forthcoming national defense strategy 23:32.091 --> 23:34.147 and the national military strategy . 23:34.147 --> 23:36.380 This budget delivers already agile and 23:36.380 --> 23:38.436 capable joint force that will defend 23:38.436 --> 23:40.436 the nation while taking care of our 23:40.436 --> 23:42.491 people and working with our partners 23:42.491 --> 23:45.230 and allies . We are witness to the 23:45.230 --> 23:47.670 greatest threat to peace and security 23:48.040 --> 23:51.990 of europe and perhaps the world In my 23:51.990 --> 23:55.050 42 years of service in uniform , the 23:55.050 --> 23:56.772 Russian invasion of Ukraine is 23:56.772 --> 23:58.700 threatening to undermine not only 23:58.700 --> 24:02.040 european peace and stability but global 24:02.050 --> 24:04.460 peace and stability that my parents and 24:04.460 --> 24:06.750 a generation of americans fought so 24:06.750 --> 24:09.440 hard to defend the islands of the 24:09.440 --> 24:11.440 pacific and the beaches of Normandy 24:11.740 --> 24:13.907 bore witness to the incredible tragedy 24:13.907 --> 24:16.430 that befalls humanity when nations seek 24:16.430 --> 24:18.319 power through military aggression 24:18.340 --> 24:21.400 across sovereign borders . Despite the 24:21.400 --> 24:23.622 horrific assault on the institutions of 24:23.622 --> 24:25.733 freedom , it is heartening to see the 24:25.733 --> 24:27.900 world rally and say never again to the 24:27.900 --> 24:29.900 specter of war in europe . Your 24:29.900 --> 24:32.640 military stands ready to do whatever is 24:32.640 --> 24:35.000 directed in order to maintain peace and 24:35.000 --> 24:37.970 stability on the european continent . A 24:37.970 --> 24:40.210 piece that ensures global stability and 24:40.210 --> 24:42.321 international order where all nations 24:42.321 --> 24:45.050 can prosper in peace . We are also 24:45.050 --> 24:47.260 prepared and need to sustain our 24:47.260 --> 24:49.482 capabilities anywhere else in the globe 24:49.600 --> 24:51.544 as well . With our priority effort 24:51.740 --> 24:53.573 being in the Asia pacific region 24:53.590 --> 24:55.701 measured against our pacing challenge 24:55.701 --> 24:58.060 of arising people's republic of china 24:58.940 --> 25:01.162 and the defense of our nation . We must 25:01.162 --> 25:03.329 also maintain competitive overmatch in 25:03.329 --> 25:06.300 all the domains of war , cyber , space , 25:06.490 --> 25:10.420 land , sea and air . To conclude the 25:10.420 --> 25:12.700 United States is at a very critical and 25:12.700 --> 25:15.350 historic geo strategic inflection point . 25:16.340 --> 25:18.562 We need to pursue a clear ride strategy 25:19.040 --> 25:21.200 of maintaining the peace to the 25:21.200 --> 25:23.760 unambiguous capability of strength 25:24.340 --> 25:28.140 relative to china or Russia . This 25:28.140 --> 25:30.140 requires we simultaneously maintain 25:30.140 --> 25:32.430 readiness and modernize the force for 25:32.430 --> 25:34.770 the future . If we do not do that , 25:35.320 --> 25:37.542 then we will be risking the security of 25:37.542 --> 25:39.764 future generations . And I believe this 25:39.764 --> 25:41.764 budget is a major step in the right 25:41.764 --> 25:43.709 direction . I look forward to your 25:43.709 --> 25:47.290 questions . Thank you very much for the 25:47.290 --> 25:49.568 question and answer is all of you know , 25:49.568 --> 25:51.623 but want to reiterate , we have five 25:51.623 --> 25:53.790 minutes . Um and when we're done we're 25:53.790 --> 25:55.957 done . So even if the witnesses are in 25:55.957 --> 25:58.123 the middle of answering the question , 25:58.123 --> 25:57.630 I will cut them off to move on to other 25:57.630 --> 25:59.463 members of the secretary and the 25:59.463 --> 26:01.686 chairman have generously said they will 26:01.686 --> 26:03.630 be here to get through all members 26:03.630 --> 26:05.852 questions so we will get through them . 26:05.852 --> 26:07.963 Um , one other thing , it's perfectly 26:07.963 --> 26:10.186 okay to if you it's your five minutes , 26:10.186 --> 26:12.130 you want to make a speech for five 26:12.130 --> 26:14.352 minutes . That's cool . You want to ask 26:14.352 --> 26:13.840 questions ? I am going to try to make 26:13.840 --> 26:16.007 sure no one badgers the witnesses . If 26:16.007 --> 26:18.007 you ask a question , you have to at 26:18.007 --> 26:20.173 least give them the tiniest little bit 26:20.173 --> 26:22.340 of a chance to answer uh , for cutting 26:22.340 --> 26:24.340 off a filibuster is fine , but make 26:24.340 --> 26:26.396 sure they have a chance to speak . I 26:26.396 --> 26:28.173 don't want this to turn in to a 26:28.173 --> 26:30.007 badgering session um , with that 26:30.007 --> 26:32.290 focusing on Ukraine . Um it's important 26:32.290 --> 26:34.457 to remember we passed the supplemental 26:34.457 --> 26:36.623 budget just a couple of weeks ago . So 26:36.623 --> 26:38.790 in addition to the number um , that we 26:38.790 --> 26:41.090 have , we have roughly $14 billion 26:41.090 --> 26:50.670 $14 26:50.670 --> 26:52.503 billion dollars is a significant 26:52.503 --> 26:54.726 investment . My question is What's most 26:54.726 --> 26:56.781 important in that $14 billion ? What 26:56.781 --> 26:59.003 what what are you using it for ? How is 26:59.003 --> 27:01.226 that helping the fight in Ukraine ? The 27:01.226 --> 27:04.310 sector ? Thank you , chairman . And and 27:04.310 --> 27:07.080 thanks for the support that uh that you 27:07.080 --> 27:09.170 continue to provide to uh to our 27:09.170 --> 27:11.059 efforts to provide security force 27:11.059 --> 27:14.980 assistance to Ukraine . I speak with my 27:14.980 --> 27:17.680 counterpart , Minister Resnick aww 27:17.690 --> 27:19.857 frequently . And as I said earlier , I 27:19.857 --> 27:22.023 just spoke with them yesterday because 27:22.023 --> 27:24.079 we do want to make sure that uh that 27:24.079 --> 27:26.079 we're meeting their needs and we're 27:26.079 --> 27:28.246 providing them to things that are most 27:28.246 --> 27:30.600 useful uh to their to their fight . Ah 27:30.600 --> 27:32.378 and and the things that we have 27:32.378 --> 27:34.660 provided them , as you've seen have 27:34.660 --> 27:37.540 been very very instrumental in their 27:37.540 --> 27:41.450 efforts to blunt um the the advance of 27:41.460 --> 27:45.100 an overwhelming Russia Russian force . 27:45.640 --> 27:49.160 Uh , so what has been very helpful has 27:49.160 --> 27:52.110 been the anti armor and anti aircraft 27:52.110 --> 27:54.110 capability that we've provided them 27:54.240 --> 27:58.190 also , the U . A . V . Capability 27:58.190 --> 28:01.660 that that's been pushed in as well as , 28:01.670 --> 28:03.892 you know , we have over a year over the 28:03.892 --> 28:05.860 years provided them the ability to 28:05.870 --> 28:08.220 communicate through tactical radios , 28:08.230 --> 28:11.800 secure tactical radios that that , you 28:11.800 --> 28:13.856 know , we pushed in over a number of 28:13.856 --> 28:16.590 years . And they have been able to uh 28:16.600 --> 28:18.656 to maintain command and control over 28:18.656 --> 28:20.822 their forces throughout that's enabled 28:20.822 --> 28:22.878 them to do things that have provided 28:22.878 --> 28:25.210 them an advantage in certain cases . So 28:25.220 --> 28:27.164 we will continue to focus on those 28:27.164 --> 28:29.331 types of things that have been uh been 28:29.331 --> 28:32.460 most useful to them as well as emerging 28:32.460 --> 28:35.300 needs that the Minister of Defense 28:35.310 --> 28:38.960 identifies . Thank you and for both of 28:38.960 --> 28:41.720 you . What lessons have we learned as 28:41.720 --> 28:43.850 we've watched the last month plus now 28:43.850 --> 28:45.739 of the fight in Ukraine , because 28:45.739 --> 28:47.739 you've got Russia as a global power 28:47.739 --> 28:50.250 going up against a much much smaller , 28:50.260 --> 28:53.410 less armed , less resourced foe and 28:53.410 --> 28:56.730 struggling mightily in doing that . As 28:56.730 --> 28:59.090 we look at what we need to build and 28:59.090 --> 29:01.420 how we need to think about deterrence . 29:01.440 --> 29:03.384 You know , we we all we want to be 29:03.384 --> 29:05.496 ready for the fight if it comes . But 29:05.496 --> 29:07.607 the main goal of what we're trying to 29:07.607 --> 29:09.718 do here is to build a force that will 29:09.718 --> 29:11.718 deter adversaries . Um , Iran china 29:11.718 --> 29:13.940 Russia , you know , being at the top of 29:13.940 --> 29:16.107 that list , North Korea , what have we 29:16.107 --> 29:18.218 learned about what we would need . As 29:18.218 --> 29:20.440 you see , I mean , obviously one of the 29:20.440 --> 29:22.607 lessons is the tank isn't what it used 29:22.607 --> 29:24.773 to be . How is that informing for both 29:24.773 --> 29:26.551 of you ? What you think is most 29:26.551 --> 29:28.718 important to fund to make sure that we 29:28.718 --> 29:28.400 have that deterrence for for , for the 29:28.400 --> 29:30.890 battlefield that we face today with the 29:30.890 --> 29:32.612 technology that is available . 29:35.730 --> 29:37.786 Well , we've learned that armed with 29:37.786 --> 29:39.786 the with the right capabilities , a 29:39.786 --> 29:43.690 determined force can do tremendous work 29:43.690 --> 29:45.746 in terms of defending itself and the 29:45.746 --> 29:48.230 Ukrainians demonstrate that each and 29:48.230 --> 29:51.640 every day we we've seen them again 29:51.640 --> 29:55.190 blunt the the advance of a far superior 29:55.190 --> 29:58.060 force with respect to the Russians in 29:58.060 --> 30:00.650 terms of numbers and capability by 30:00.650 --> 30:03.790 using the right types of techniques and 30:03.790 --> 30:06.090 the right uh , weapons systems , The 30:06.090 --> 30:09.460 javelin , the Stingers have proven to 30:09.460 --> 30:12.550 be very , very effective in this fight . 30:13.040 --> 30:15.960 Um , we've also learned that 30:16.740 --> 30:18.750 that just because you have the 30:18.750 --> 30:20.639 capability , it doesn't mean that 30:20.639 --> 30:23.350 you're gonna overwhelm another force 30:23.360 --> 30:26.120 easily . The Russians had to have 30:26.130 --> 30:29.250 significant mechanized capability . But 30:29.250 --> 30:31.139 as you look at the techniques and 30:31.139 --> 30:33.630 tactics procedures that they used , 30:33.640 --> 30:35.751 they were not very effective . And so 30:35.751 --> 30:37.807 you question the training , uh , the 30:37.807 --> 30:40.170 leadership at the , at the , at the 30:40.180 --> 30:42.402 noncommissioned level , noncommissioned 30:42.402 --> 30:44.710 officer level and their ability to 30:44.710 --> 30:47.510 provide basic logistics to a force that 30:47.510 --> 30:49.621 size . Those are the things that have 30:49.621 --> 30:51.677 given them significant problems over 30:51.677 --> 30:54.040 the over the last several weeks , in 30:54.040 --> 30:56.810 addition to their inability to link , 30:56.820 --> 30:59.490 uh , you know , air power to , to the 30:59.490 --> 31:01.720 ground effort . But there are a number 31:01.720 --> 31:03.831 of lessons that have been learned , I 31:03.831 --> 31:07.250 think , um , because the Russians have 31:07.250 --> 31:09.194 not been effective and using their 31:09.194 --> 31:11.610 their armor , uh , it does not mean 31:11.620 --> 31:13.453 that armor is ineffective on the 31:13.453 --> 31:15.509 battlefield going forward . It means 31:15.509 --> 31:17.620 that they were ineffective because of 31:17.620 --> 31:19.830 the things that they failed to do uh , 31:19.840 --> 31:22.007 in this fight . Thank you , chairman . 31:22.007 --> 31:24.760 Really just a couple of comments 31:24.760 --> 31:26.704 briefly , one is the importance of 31:26.704 --> 31:28.871 intelligence . We've had extraordinary 31:28.871 --> 31:30.871 intelligence all throughout and the 31:30.871 --> 31:33.093 intelligence sharing that we've enabled 31:33.240 --> 31:36.580 Ukraine to see . So I wouldn't 31:36.870 --> 31:38.981 suggest that it's at the level of the 31:38.981 --> 31:41.092 ultra secret sort of thing from World 31:41.092 --> 31:43.037 War Two . But the ability of us to 31:43.037 --> 31:45.610 transmit information that is useful to 31:45.610 --> 31:47.721 Ukraine has been enormously helpful I 31:47.721 --> 31:49.832 believe to them . And and I talked to 31:49.832 --> 31:51.999 my Ukrainian counterpart several times 31:51.999 --> 31:53.943 a week . So he has reiterated that 31:53.943 --> 31:55.666 multiple times secondly is the 31:55.666 --> 31:55.390 importance of leadership . That's at 31:55.390 --> 31:57.390 the national level . I think that's 31:57.390 --> 31:59.501 been pretty clear with Zelensky , but 31:59.501 --> 32:01.557 also at the tactical level . Ukraine 32:01.557 --> 32:03.668 has been trained by the United States 32:03.668 --> 32:05.834 since 2014 . Uh And they have given me 32:05.834 --> 32:07.890 feedback personally saying that that 32:07.890 --> 32:10.112 train has been quite effective in terms 32:10.112 --> 32:12.001 of the concept of Mission command 32:12.001 --> 32:14.279 distributed uh junior level leadership . 32:14.279 --> 32:14.080 The development of an N . C . O . Corps , 32:14.080 --> 32:16.380 junior officers that have initiative uh 32:16.390 --> 32:18.612 That is not present in the Russian army 32:18.612 --> 32:20.446 that is present right now in the 32:20.446 --> 32:20.140 Ukrainian Army . And you see the 32:20.140 --> 32:21.640 effects of Mission command 32:21.640 --> 32:24.410 decentralized operation uh and and that 32:24.410 --> 32:26.577 is working out extraordinarily well on 32:26.577 --> 32:28.577 the battlefield . The third piece I 32:28.577 --> 32:30.688 would say is focusing on that , which 32:30.688 --> 32:32.410 gives you the best effect on a 32:32.410 --> 32:34.632 battlefield which in this case has been 32:34.632 --> 32:36.466 antitank weapons and air defense 32:36.466 --> 32:38.410 weapons . To deny the Russians the 32:38.410 --> 32:40.466 ability to maintain air supremacy or 32:40.466 --> 32:42.632 even achieve air superiority . And the 32:42.632 --> 32:42.430 last thing that you mentioned character 32:42.430 --> 32:44.541 for one of the things we know is that 32:44.541 --> 32:47.330 by mid century roughly speaking , 90% 32:47.330 --> 32:49.330 of the eight or nine billion people 32:49.330 --> 32:51.441 that are going to inhabit the earth , 32:51.441 --> 32:53.663 they're gonna be living in highly dense 32:53.663 --> 32:55.386 urban areas . Uh , so that the 32:55.386 --> 32:57.163 character of war is gonna shift 32:57.163 --> 32:59.386 character . We're being , how you fight 32:59.386 --> 32:58.540 with what weapons you fight , the 32:58.540 --> 33:00.540 organization's tactics , etcetera . 33:00.540 --> 33:02.540 That is going to shift . We've seen 33:02.540 --> 33:04.596 precursors of that in the battles of 33:04.596 --> 33:06.707 Mosul and rocket , we're seeing again 33:06.707 --> 33:08.651 Kiev , Kharkiv and all these urban 33:08.651 --> 33:10.596 battles . So what you're seeing is 33:10.596 --> 33:12.707 forces that are optimized to fight in 33:12.707 --> 33:14.651 rural , wooded , rolling hill type 33:14.651 --> 33:16.762 terrain are going to have very , very 33:16.762 --> 33:18.929 difficult times in urban terrain . And 33:18.929 --> 33:20.984 that proved true . And that's one of 33:20.984 --> 33:20.670 the reasons why the Russians are 33:20.670 --> 33:22.614 withdrawing from Kiev because they 33:22.614 --> 33:24.837 couldn't mask the combat power to seize 33:24.837 --> 33:26.892 Kiev . So , urban battle is going to 33:26.892 --> 33:29.059 dominate land combat in the future and 33:29.059 --> 33:31.600 that will then also drive . Our use of 33:31.600 --> 33:33.822 helicopters are use of radios , are use 33:33.822 --> 33:35.822 of tanks , armored vehicles , light 33:35.822 --> 33:37.989 infantry , dismounted , light infantry 33:37.989 --> 33:40.211 and so on , so forth . So there's a lot 33:40.211 --> 33:39.810 of lessons to be learned and I've got a 33:39.810 --> 33:41.921 whole laundry list we've been working 33:41.921 --> 33:43.921 with the Ukrainians on , but that's 33:43.921 --> 33:46.143 just the tip of the iceberg . Thank you 33:46.143 --> 33:47.977 very much . Mr Rogers . Hey , Mr 33:47.977 --> 33:50.088 Chairman , General Milley , last week 33:50.088 --> 33:52.254 we had general Walters EUCOM commander 33:52.254 --> 33:55.300 testified before us and and he stated 33:55.300 --> 33:57.810 that it was his best military judgment 33:57.810 --> 33:59.921 that we should reallocate some of our 33:59.921 --> 34:01.930 european troops um , for permanent 34:01.930 --> 34:04.620 basing and Poland Romania and in the 34:04.620 --> 34:07.290 Baltics and your best military judgment 34:07.300 --> 34:10.540 uh is that a good deterrent for us to 34:10.550 --> 34:14.410 pursue ? I think 34:14.410 --> 34:16.480 actual presence is always a good 34:16.480 --> 34:18.990 deterrent relative to a given threat . 34:19.000 --> 34:20.930 As a general rule of thumb . With 34:20.930 --> 34:23.152 respect to what general walter said , I 34:23.152 --> 34:25.810 have a slight modification to my view . 34:25.810 --> 34:28.070 Anyway . My advice would be uh to 34:28.070 --> 34:29.903 create permanent bases but don't 34:29.903 --> 34:31.970 permanently station . So you get the 34:31.970 --> 34:34.330 effect of permanence by rotational 34:34.330 --> 34:36.860 forces cycling through permanent bases 34:37.340 --> 34:39.396 and and what you don't have to do is 34:39.396 --> 34:42.380 incur the cost of family moves , PX 34:42.380 --> 34:44.324 schools , housing and that sort of 34:44.324 --> 34:45.936 thing . So you cycle through 34:45.936 --> 34:47.991 expeditionary forces through forward 34:47.991 --> 34:49.824 deployed permanent bases . And I 34:49.824 --> 34:51.769 believe that a lot of our european 34:51.769 --> 34:53.824 allies , especially those such as in 34:53.824 --> 34:55.824 the Baltics or Poland or Romania or 34:55.824 --> 34:57.658 elsewhere , they are very , very 34:57.658 --> 34:59.824 willing to establish permanent bases , 34:59.824 --> 35:01.880 They'll build them , they'll pay for 35:01.880 --> 35:03.880 them etcetera . And for us to cycle 35:03.880 --> 35:06.047 through on a rotational basis . So you 35:06.047 --> 35:08.269 get the effect of permanent presence of 35:08.269 --> 35:08.250 forces but the actual individual 35:08.260 --> 35:10.316 soldier , sailor , airman Marine are 35:10.316 --> 35:12.538 not permanently stationed there for two 35:12.538 --> 35:14.593 or three years . Great , thank you . 35:14.593 --> 35:16.482 Secretary Austin . We had celeste 35:16.482 --> 35:18.482 Wallander in here and ask her about 35:18.482 --> 35:20.704 this basing issue . And if the decision 35:20.704 --> 35:22.593 is close to being made , she said 35:22.593 --> 35:24.816 they're working on it . Can you tell me 35:24.816 --> 35:24.450 something with more clarity about when 35:24.450 --> 35:26.617 we can expect a decision on this basic 35:26.617 --> 35:30.550 issue as you would expect ranking 35:30.550 --> 35:34.280 member Rogers Member Rogers NATO is 35:34.280 --> 35:36.336 going through a process right now to 35:36.336 --> 35:39.530 really kind of assess how the we expect 35:39.530 --> 35:41.810 that the , the security architecture in 35:41.810 --> 35:44.160 the region is going to change for the 35:44.160 --> 35:46.271 foreseeable future or has changed for 35:46.271 --> 35:48.750 the foreseeable future . Ah , with that 35:48.750 --> 35:50.990 in mind then , you know , we'll look to 35:50.990 --> 35:54.410 work with with NATO to if NATO deems 35:54.410 --> 35:56.730 that it's appropriate to uh , to change 35:56.730 --> 35:59.350 its footprint , then certainly we'll be 35:59.350 --> 36:01.406 a part of that . Our goal is to make 36:01.406 --> 36:04.680 sure that we continue to reassure our 36:04.690 --> 36:06.857 allies and partners , especially those 36:06.857 --> 36:08.870 that are on the eastern flank and 36:08.870 --> 36:12.860 especially our allies 36:12.860 --> 36:14.749 that are in the Baltic area , the 36:14.749 --> 36:17.320 Baltic region . So this is a work in 36:17.320 --> 36:20.160 progress as secretary Wallander said . 36:20.630 --> 36:23.840 Um , and I suspect that . Well , I 36:23.850 --> 36:27.240 expect that we'll discuss this as we go 36:27.240 --> 36:29.150 into the june summit . 36:31.190 --> 36:33.412 Well , I can't think of a better signal 36:33.412 --> 36:35.523 that we can send to our allies and to 36:35.523 --> 36:37.523 Putin that we are committed to NATO 36:37.523 --> 36:40.050 than this basing issue . Um , I am 36:40.050 --> 36:42.217 concerned that with the budget that it 36:42.217 --> 36:44.272 only had one patriot battery in it . 36:44.272 --> 36:46.540 And in my position , in my view , we 36:46.550 --> 36:49.580 need at least three . I know we have a 36:49.580 --> 36:53.320 manning issue with that , but General 36:53.320 --> 36:55.690 Milley in your opinion , could we use , 36:55.700 --> 36:57.533 do we need more than one patriot 36:57.533 --> 36:59.256 battery In addition to what we 36:59.256 --> 37:02.750 currently have an inventory . Um , 37:04.030 --> 37:06.430 thanks congressman . The patriot is one 37:06.430 --> 37:08.597 of those systems that's in huge demand 37:08.830 --> 37:12.790 worldwide . We've got 15 battalions . I 37:12.790 --> 37:15.110 think it is in the army and one of 37:15.110 --> 37:17.332 those is really an experimental type or 37:17.332 --> 37:19.770 training units . So Call it 14 for 37:19.770 --> 37:21.881 deployment . We've got several spread 37:21.881 --> 37:24.550 out in the Middle East , Asia and in 37:24.560 --> 37:27.380 europe . And they are in a very , very 37:27.380 --> 37:29.269 high op tempo , high , one of the 37:29.269 --> 37:31.500 highest in the force . So additional 37:31.500 --> 37:33.556 patriot is always a good thing . Now 37:33.556 --> 37:35.111 having said that patriot is 37:35.111 --> 37:37.111 extraordinarily expensive , takes a 37:37.111 --> 37:39.190 long time to train on it . So one 37:39.270 --> 37:42.530 method could be to produce Patriot sell 37:42.530 --> 37:44.474 them to allies and partners . That 37:44.474 --> 37:46.641 would be a technique that could work . 37:46.641 --> 37:48.697 We've done that in the Middle East . 37:48.697 --> 37:51.030 Another one is to produce patriots , uh , 37:51.030 --> 37:53.086 and loan them to allied partners and 37:53.086 --> 37:54.974 train the soldiers from the other 37:54.974 --> 37:57.141 countries because our soldiers in that 37:57.141 --> 37:59.363 particular M . O . S . We would have to 37:59.363 --> 38:01.363 expand the numbers significantly of 38:01.363 --> 38:03.363 those troops that man Patriot . But 38:03.363 --> 38:05.474 there's a couple of different ways to 38:05.474 --> 38:04.720 go about it . But I think patriot is 38:04.720 --> 38:06.831 one of the systems that is definitely 38:06.831 --> 38:09.053 worth investing in . Well , that's what 38:09.053 --> 38:11.109 I would like to see us do . I'd like 38:11.109 --> 38:12.887 for us to instead of buying one 38:12.887 --> 38:15.109 additional like versus the two by three 38:15.109 --> 38:17.220 and then use at least two of those in 38:17.220 --> 38:19.680 along the the european eastern european 38:19.680 --> 38:23.220 flank on a loan basis and and let them 38:23.230 --> 38:26.840 man them . But for our 38:26.850 --> 38:29.760 needs alone , we need at least one more 38:29.770 --> 38:32.150 outside of eastern europe . And uh , so 38:32.160 --> 38:34.327 I hope the budget that we come up with 38:34.327 --> 38:36.327 does reflect that last question I'd 38:36.327 --> 38:38.550 have and I know it's hard to answer , 38:38.550 --> 38:42.130 but this would be for Secretary Austin . 38:42.140 --> 38:45.480 Uh , we've just given in in this 38:45.480 --> 38:48.130 current year , fiscal year a 6% 38:48.130 --> 38:50.540 increase . I know you just got the 38:50.540 --> 38:52.484 omnibus bill in the last couple of 38:52.484 --> 38:55.090 weeks to fund it . Uh , but do you have 38:55.090 --> 38:57.146 any idea how you're going to keep up 38:57.146 --> 38:59.146 with inflation ? Given that we just 38:59.146 --> 39:01.368 plus you up by 6% ? But we're living in 39:01.368 --> 39:03.680 an 8% inflation world . I would say 39:03.680 --> 39:06.890 that this is uh , this is a very robust 39:06.890 --> 39:10.040 budget that we've we've asked for . Uh 39:10.050 --> 39:13.860 and uh , and I think uh , ranking 39:13.860 --> 39:15.790 member Rogers that we can we can 39:15.790 --> 39:17.901 address our needs with what's in this 39:17.901 --> 39:20.200 budget . And clearly , you know , when 39:20.210 --> 39:22.210 we snapped the chalk line , when we 39:22.210 --> 39:24.321 built the budget , inflation was at a 39:24.321 --> 39:26.488 different point . But but I think this 39:26.488 --> 39:28.654 budget gives us the capability uh , to 39:28.654 --> 39:30.710 go after the types of things that we 39:30.710 --> 39:32.860 believe that we need to support our 39:32.860 --> 39:35.440 strategy and uh , and give us uh , the 39:35.440 --> 39:37.551 warfighting capabilities that we need 39:37.620 --> 39:39.840 on the patriot battery issue . I I 39:39.840 --> 39:42.210 absolutely agree with you . Uh , you 39:42.210 --> 39:44.990 know , we we do need more if you take a 39:44.990 --> 39:47.110 look at what we're doing across the 39:47.110 --> 39:49.700 fight up , we are going to invest in in 39:49.710 --> 39:52.320 additional patriot batteries going 39:52.320 --> 39:54.420 forward . We expect to have three 39:54.420 --> 39:57.900 batteries by the end of 26 . Thank you . 39:57.900 --> 40:00.090 Mr Chairman . Mr Landman is recognized 40:00.090 --> 40:01.979 for five minutes . Thank you . Mr 40:01.979 --> 40:03.701 Chairman , I want to thank our 40:03.701 --> 40:05.868 witnesses for your testimony today and 40:05.868 --> 40:07.923 thank you for your service to our to 40:07.923 --> 40:10.146 our country . Um , I applaud everything 40:10.146 --> 40:12.600 that we're doing to put weapons in the 40:12.600 --> 40:14.750 hands of the Ukrainian people . Thank 40:14.750 --> 40:16.583 you for making that happen under 40:16.583 --> 40:18.583 President Biden's leadership . Um , 40:18.910 --> 40:20.970 obviously they've shown incredible 40:20.970 --> 40:23.060 resilience and effectiveness of the 40:23.060 --> 40:25.282 weapons that we have given them to push 40:25.282 --> 40:27.171 back against the Russians and the 40:27.171 --> 40:29.504 javelins and the stingers in particular . 40:29.504 --> 40:31.671 And but because we all want to do more 40:31.671 --> 40:33.616 and Mr Secretary , you and I had a 40:33.616 --> 40:35.782 conversation the pentagon not long ago 40:35.782 --> 40:37.949 about uh , more lethal weapons systems 40:37.949 --> 40:40.560 and you did respond saying that uh , it 40:40.560 --> 40:42.560 doesn't do us any good to give them 40:42.560 --> 40:44.504 weapons that the Ukrainians aren't 40:44.504 --> 40:46.504 trained to use , which I agree with 40:46.504 --> 40:46.170 that . But now that we have the luxury 40:46.170 --> 40:48.920 of time , are we identifying those more 40:48.920 --> 40:51.087 lethal weapons systems that would help 40:51.087 --> 40:52.976 them to be even more effective at 40:52.976 --> 40:55.142 fighting against the Russians with the 40:55.142 --> 40:57.087 minimal amount of training that we 40:57.087 --> 40:59.198 could give some of the Ukrainians and 40:59.198 --> 40:58.910 get those more sophisticated weapons 40:58.910 --> 41:02.900 systems into their hands . Yes , 41:02.900 --> 41:05.930 we we are doing that . And um , 41:06.810 --> 41:10.250 I think if you look at the latest the 41:10.250 --> 41:12.083 inventory of the latest round of 41:12.083 --> 41:14.028 assistance that we provided them . 41:14.028 --> 41:16.290 There . There are U . A . V . S . Like 41:16.290 --> 41:18.290 the switchblade . U A . V . That we 41:18.290 --> 41:20.940 discussed earlier that is uh that is , 41:21.310 --> 41:23.660 you know , a higher level of technology 41:23.670 --> 41:26.490 but provides some additional capability 41:26.490 --> 41:29.180 to go after armored formations and that 41:29.180 --> 41:31.402 sort of thing . And we continue to work 41:31.402 --> 41:35.110 with our allies two to see what they 41:35.110 --> 41:37.770 may have in their inventory to be able 41:37.770 --> 41:39.881 to kind of up the game there in terms 41:39.881 --> 41:42.870 of additional capability . So again we 41:42.870 --> 41:44.870 continue to interact with them on a 41:44.870 --> 41:47.640 daily basis uh and uh endeavor to meet 41:47.640 --> 41:49.820 their needs as a situation of balls . 41:50.810 --> 41:52.921 Thank you . Let me try to cyber for a 41:52.921 --> 41:54.810 minute . Secretary , Last in last 41:54.810 --> 41:56.643 year's testimony , I asked you a 41:56.643 --> 41:59.030 question that I like to revisit . The 41:59.030 --> 42:01.650 Department of Defense recognizes five 42:01.710 --> 42:04.070 warfighter domains , air , land , sea , 42:04.070 --> 42:06.950 space and cyberspace . In the case of 42:06.960 --> 42:08.960 four of these , the senior civilian 42:08.960 --> 42:12.670 responsible for this uh domain is uh is 42:12.670 --> 42:14.781 a service Secretary . However , uh in 42:14.781 --> 42:16.960 the cyber domain , uh the senior most 42:16.960 --> 42:19.960 civilian official is four rungs below 42:19.960 --> 42:22.440 in that hierarchy . Obviously this 42:22.440 --> 42:24.329 seems like an imbalance . Can you 42:24.329 --> 42:27.780 explain to us why this does or does not 42:27.950 --> 42:31.510 make sense ? Well , thank you , sir . 42:31.510 --> 42:34.840 Well , cyber is a warfighting domain . 42:34.850 --> 42:38.600 There is not a cyber force like there 42:38.600 --> 42:41.510 is with special operations forces with 42:41.520 --> 42:44.230 with the army forces . Space Forces . 42:44.600 --> 42:47.600 So there is not a secretary . Uh 42:47.610 --> 42:49.730 Service Secretary uh you know , 42:49.730 --> 42:53.250 designated the head of the cyber 42:53.250 --> 42:57.050 command obviously reports to uh to 42:57.050 --> 43:00.850 me and uh and he also is uh is 43:00.850 --> 43:04.480 supervised by the by my undersecretary 43:04.480 --> 43:06.960 for policy . And , and so we have a 43:06.960 --> 43:09.060 number of checks and balances that 43:09.060 --> 43:10.949 provides civilian oversight . But 43:10.949 --> 43:13.290 because he's not , there is not a 43:13.290 --> 43:15.390 separate service , there's not a 43:15.390 --> 43:18.280 service secretary designate . Well , 43:18.280 --> 43:20.920 I'm I'm I I remain concerned about this , 43:20.930 --> 43:23.097 this this structure and I think that's 43:23.097 --> 43:25.263 something we're gonna have to continue 43:25.263 --> 43:27.263 to to to look at . Especially since 43:27.263 --> 43:29.486 cyber the the U . S . Cyber Command and 43:29.486 --> 43:31.708 cyber mission force , which can be , it 43:31.708 --> 43:33.870 is highly effective . I still think 43:33.870 --> 43:36.620 that we need to elevate the civilian 43:36.800 --> 43:39.730 oversight on this and involvement . Um , 43:40.300 --> 43:42.990 let me turn to something else . The so 43:42.990 --> 43:45.101 called Valley of Death often makes it 43:45.101 --> 43:47.323 impossible for technology to transition 43:47.323 --> 43:49.434 from non traditional organizations to 43:49.434 --> 43:51.323 programs of record to support the 43:51.323 --> 43:53.323 warfighter . What is the department 43:53.323 --> 43:55.434 doing to solve this problem ? And how 43:55.434 --> 43:57.546 does this budget request reflect that 43:57.546 --> 44:00.020 effort ? Well , we've 44:00.590 --> 44:04.220 we've established an initiative , 44:04.230 --> 44:07.940 uh it's a it's a reserve , it's called 44:07.940 --> 44:11.100 raider . That uh that encourages joint 44:11.110 --> 44:13.580 uh experiment , uh joint 44:13.580 --> 44:15.420 experimentation and encourages 44:15.790 --> 44:18.680 entrepreneurs to come in and and bring 44:18.680 --> 44:22.190 their their capabilities forward . And 44:22.190 --> 44:24.246 and hopefully using initiatives like 44:24.246 --> 44:27.140 that . We can help bridge this Valley 44:27.140 --> 44:29.473 of Death . That that you mentioned here . 44:29.473 --> 44:31.640 This is very important to us . We want 44:31.640 --> 44:33.862 to make sure that uh that we're getting 44:33.862 --> 44:36.029 the best that's available out there in 44:36.029 --> 44:38.084 terms of technology and capability . 44:38.084 --> 44:41.010 And so we'll continue to focus on that 44:41.010 --> 44:43.230 particular issue . But I I think it's 44:43.230 --> 44:45.630 really important to make sure that the 44:45.640 --> 44:48.730 the the small entrepreneurs have a 44:48.730 --> 44:51.280 chance to get their products uh you 44:51.280 --> 44:53.670 know , in the inventory , I couldn't 44:53.670 --> 44:55.448 agree more . We have incredible 44:55.448 --> 44:57.559 entrepreneurs out there that can help 44:57.559 --> 44:59.892 meet the warfighter even more effective . 44:59.892 --> 44:59.780 We want to make sure they have that 44:59.780 --> 45:01.947 opportunity to do so how you back ? Mr 45:01.947 --> 45:03.947 Chairman , thank you . Mr Turner is 45:03.947 --> 45:06.280 recognized for five minutes . Thank you . 45:06.280 --> 45:08.502 Mr Chairman , gentlemen , thank you for 45:08.502 --> 45:08.200 your service and your leadership . Um 45:08.210 --> 45:10.760 we we were all very concerned as the 45:10.760 --> 45:13.890 war broke out in Ukraine as 45:13.900 --> 45:17.580 to the concern about weapons 45:17.580 --> 45:20.200 getting into Ukraine , we had advocated 45:20.200 --> 45:22.311 for the administration to give lethal 45:22.311 --> 45:24.144 assistance to Ukraine before the 45:24.144 --> 45:26.610 conflict occurred after the conflict 45:26.610 --> 45:29.010 occurred . Um we were very concerned 45:29.010 --> 45:31.066 about how quickly things would would 45:31.066 --> 45:32.954 get in . Both of you had given us 45:32.954 --> 45:35.010 assurances that you were doing so in 45:35.010 --> 45:37.121 doing so quickly . I think we've seen 45:37.121 --> 45:39.454 the evidence of that on the battlefield . 45:39.454 --> 45:39.250 So I want to thank you for your , your 45:39.250 --> 45:41.306 efforts . I think the whole world is 45:41.306 --> 45:44.990 seeing um the the effectiveness of us 45:44.990 --> 45:47.046 lethal aid that is being provided to 45:47.046 --> 45:49.268 Ukraine . And that brings me to my area 45:49.268 --> 45:51.490 of question . Um you know , the ranking 45:51.490 --> 45:53.434 member had raised the issue of the 45:53.434 --> 45:55.379 budget and the top line and that's 45:55.379 --> 45:57.601 certainly important to other components 45:57.601 --> 45:59.823 under your responsibility are also cost 45:59.823 --> 46:01.990 cost structures . How do we manage the 46:01.990 --> 46:03.934 overall cost ? If we give you more 46:03.934 --> 46:03.650 money , but we don't manage it 46:03.650 --> 46:05.928 effectively , we don't really buy more . 46:05.980 --> 46:08.313 Another issue is the rate of production , 46:08.313 --> 46:10.369 how quickly things get where they're 46:10.369 --> 46:12.202 going . Now , I think one of the 46:12.202 --> 46:14.313 lessons from Ukraine to our allies is 46:14.313 --> 46:16.147 going to be the need for them to 46:16.147 --> 46:18.369 stockpile weapons . We have a number of 46:18.369 --> 46:20.480 weapons that have been used by the US 46:20.480 --> 46:22.591 and our allies that are going to have 46:22.591 --> 46:24.702 to be backfilled . And then our whole 46:24.702 --> 46:24.590 inventory concept is going to have to 46:24.590 --> 46:26.701 change as we look to the fact that we 46:26.701 --> 46:29.300 now have an aggressive Russia , Mr 46:29.300 --> 46:31.467 Secretary , How do you view this issue 46:31.467 --> 46:33.022 of what we need to be doing 46:33.022 --> 46:35.133 specifically in the areas of missiles 46:35.133 --> 46:37.244 and ammunition so that we can get the 46:37.244 --> 46:39.189 defense industrial base to ramp up 46:39.189 --> 46:41.300 production and also lower overall our 46:41.300 --> 46:43.300 costs . Well , thanks sir , this is 46:43.430 --> 46:45.900 obviously a very important issue for us 46:45.910 --> 46:49.710 for us and and my staff is working hard 46:49.710 --> 46:52.160 to ensure that uh , you know , we have 46:52.170 --> 46:54.920 uh , we even , we have engaged industry 46:54.920 --> 46:56.753 and we have highlighted what our 46:56.753 --> 46:58.976 requirements are and we're working with 46:58.976 --> 47:01.530 them to , to speed up the process uh , 47:01.540 --> 47:04.250 to to replenish those stocks that that 47:04.250 --> 47:06.810 you mentioned . Uh and uh , I'm 47:06.810 --> 47:08.643 optimistic that we'll be able to 47:08.643 --> 47:10.810 truncate the , you know , the forecast 47:10.810 --> 47:12.977 of timelines that we got to early on , 47:12.977 --> 47:15.310 But this is very , very important to us . 47:15.310 --> 47:17.532 We not only have to replenish our stock 47:17.532 --> 47:19.754 images , we have to also make sure that 47:19.754 --> 47:22.130 those allies who who volunteer to 47:22.130 --> 47:25.460 provide capability to the effort . And 47:25.460 --> 47:27.880 it was if it's US capability , we were 47:27.880 --> 47:31.050 able to replenish those stocks as well . 47:31.060 --> 47:33.910 So we're working very hard . Industry 47:33.910 --> 47:36.132 has been responsive . Uh , and uh , and 47:36.132 --> 47:37.799 if we need additional help or 47:37.799 --> 47:39.854 authorities from Congress , we won't 47:39.854 --> 47:42.021 hesitate to ask , actually , because I 47:42.021 --> 47:44.243 appreciate you mentioning , because the 47:44.243 --> 47:46.354 the timelines that we're hearing from 47:46.354 --> 47:48.632 you are certainly very concerning . Um , 47:48.880 --> 47:50.880 and I hope that that you're able to 47:50.880 --> 47:53.047 move this to some extent . I think the 47:53.047 --> 47:55.158 defense industrial base looks at some 47:55.158 --> 47:57.324 of these weapons production systems as 47:57.324 --> 47:57.270 annuities rather than actual 47:57.420 --> 47:59.364 contributions to national security 47:59.364 --> 48:01.642 because when we need to turn that dial , 48:01.642 --> 48:03.809 they need to be able to respond . That 48:03.809 --> 48:03.780 takes me to the next topic you recently 48:03.780 --> 48:05.613 called in the defense industrial 48:05.613 --> 48:08.280 community that were involved in the 48:08.280 --> 48:12.050 hyper sonics um development to have a 48:12.060 --> 48:14.227 discussion as to how we can speed that 48:14.227 --> 48:16.227 up . We're behind our adversaries . 48:16.227 --> 48:18.449 Could you tell us how that's how that's 48:18.449 --> 48:20.616 turning out ? Yeah . When we say we're 48:20.616 --> 48:23.400 behind our adversaries , I think . Mhm . 48:25.170 --> 48:27.500 I think we have to be careful now , 48:27.870 --> 48:30.380 Hypersonic is a capability , sir , but 48:30.380 --> 48:33.880 it's not the only capability I 48:33.890 --> 48:36.001 seriously just we have a short period 48:36.001 --> 48:38.001 of time . I really want to hear how 48:38.001 --> 48:40.168 your meeting and they need to speed it 48:40.168 --> 48:42.112 up . I mean , you can tell me that 48:42.112 --> 48:41.420 there are other systems , but we're 48:41.420 --> 48:43.740 talking hypersonic and there are other 48:43.740 --> 48:45.796 systems and we look for a balance of 48:45.796 --> 48:47.573 capabilities that match our our 48:47.573 --> 48:51.190 warfighting um concepts here and and so 48:51.190 --> 48:53.246 yeah I have engaged industry and and 48:53.246 --> 48:55.500 asked them to uh to make sure that 48:55.500 --> 48:57.700 they're leaning into the this issue of 48:57.700 --> 48:59.450 hypersonic development . Most 48:59.450 --> 49:01.520 importantly I've asked them to make 49:01.520 --> 49:03.576 sure that they're working with us on 49:03.576 --> 49:05.687 how we're gonna defend ourselves with 49:05.687 --> 49:08.040 respect to hypersonic six . Uh and uh 49:08.050 --> 49:10.450 and you know my my staff my R . And D . 49:10.450 --> 49:14.430 Staff is is working with them to ensure 49:14.430 --> 49:17.630 that that they have good visibility if 49:17.630 --> 49:19.630 we did what we appreciate that . Mr 49:19.630 --> 49:21.852 Secretary General I have a question for 49:21.852 --> 49:24.019 you uh the sea launched cruise missile 49:24.019 --> 49:26.130 slick um was zeroed out . Um You have 49:26.130 --> 49:28.352 previously stated the importance of the 49:28.352 --> 49:30.463 low yield nuclear weapon and that and 49:30.463 --> 49:32.519 that you supported it . I'm assuming 49:32.519 --> 49:35.020 you have not changed your position . I 49:35.020 --> 49:37.242 have not . That's correct . Thank you . 49:37.242 --> 49:40.710 You're back . Thank you Mr Larson thank 49:40.710 --> 49:42.710 you . I just said thanks for coming 49:42.710 --> 49:45.580 today . Just maybe a turning to some 49:45.580 --> 49:47.636 other issues in the defense budget . 49:47.636 --> 49:51.490 Perhaps for the secretary on the 49:51.500 --> 49:53.167 generally on the research and 49:53.167 --> 49:55.333 development and science and technology 49:55.333 --> 49:57.520 across the enterprise . How would you 49:57.530 --> 50:00.990 characterize that ? The budget proposal ? 50:02.520 --> 50:06.420 It's the largest Amount that 50:06.430 --> 50:08.840 we've ever asked for uh in our budget 50:08.850 --> 50:10.820 it's $130 billion . So that's a 50:10.820 --> 50:14.480 substantial amount And is it um 50:14.960 --> 50:18.950 uh how how would you characterize how 50:18.950 --> 50:22.540 it's allocated not by service but by um 50:22.550 --> 50:24.661 the timing of the investment to get a 50:24.661 --> 50:26.950 result if you will to meet this speed 50:26.950 --> 50:29.170 of relevance and and and catching up 50:29.170 --> 50:32.380 with with peer competitors in certain 50:32.380 --> 50:36.160 areas ? Well I think of 50:36.160 --> 50:38.382 course as you know if you recall in the 50:38.382 --> 50:40.930 22 budget we invested heavily in R . D . 50:40.930 --> 50:43.430 T . And E . As well . And so there are 50:43.430 --> 50:45.374 a number of capabilities that that 50:45.374 --> 50:47.541 we're going after that I think some of 50:47.541 --> 50:50.420 them will take time to uh to come come 50:50.420 --> 50:53.280 to reality but investing in things like 50:53.290 --> 50:55.890 Ai and and those kinds of things and 50:55.890 --> 50:58.700 space based capabilities again long 50:58.700 --> 51:00.820 term in some cases long term 51:00.830 --> 51:03.020 investments but investments that we 51:03.020 --> 51:04.964 need to make now . Yeah I know you 51:04.964 --> 51:06.798 probably came here to talk about 51:06.798 --> 51:08.687 today's headlines and such . So I 51:08.687 --> 51:10.464 appreciate your answering those 51:10.464 --> 51:13.080 questions . Um there's a one particular 51:13.090 --> 51:15.201 program of interest in mind that that 51:15.201 --> 51:17.257 NATO and the NATO alliance developed 51:17.257 --> 51:20.060 the shorthand is Diana but it's the uh 51:20.070 --> 51:22.237 defense innovation accelerator for the 51:22.237 --> 51:24.459 north atlantic . And I don't think that 51:24.459 --> 51:27.560 we've committed yet to participating in 51:27.560 --> 51:29.960 the alliance's efforts for investment 51:29.960 --> 51:32.680 into these developing and sharing 51:33.260 --> 51:35.260 emerging what they call E . D . T . 51:35.260 --> 51:37.427 Emerging disruptive technologies . Can 51:37.427 --> 51:39.590 you give an update on that ? I would 51:39.590 --> 51:42.700 just point to some of the things that 51:42.700 --> 51:46.310 we are doing and like do you recall 51:46.320 --> 51:49.280 Aucas that we announced here this last 51:49.280 --> 51:51.920 year that only not only includes the 51:51.920 --> 51:54.900 development of a submarine capability , 51:54.910 --> 51:58.200 it also includes working uh with uh 51:58.210 --> 52:01.130 with our partners in other areas like 52:01.140 --> 52:04.090 hyper sonics , like , you know , long 52:04.090 --> 52:06.560 range strike and those kinds of things 52:06.560 --> 52:09.380 and ai uh and and that is coming along 52:09.390 --> 52:11.557 really , really well . So I agree with 52:11.557 --> 52:13.612 you , those types of investments are 52:13.612 --> 52:17.220 really important . General Milley , the 52:17.230 --> 52:18.952 secretary mentioned artificial 52:18.952 --> 52:21.286 intelligence machine learning and so on . 52:21.286 --> 52:23.174 To what extent are we starting to 52:23.174 --> 52:25.690 incorporate uh just you know , a 52:25.690 --> 52:27.680 knowledge base and professional 52:27.690 --> 52:31.320 military education on how to use 52:31.320 --> 52:33.209 ai what to expect from artificial 52:33.209 --> 52:35.431 intelligence , not to create a bunch of 52:35.431 --> 52:38.570 coders , but to ensure that the folks 52:38.570 --> 52:40.737 going through pm me sort of understand 52:40.737 --> 52:42.959 these concepts and how they can be used 52:42.959 --> 52:46.070 as well as the ethics around them . Um , 52:46.080 --> 52:48.380 artificial intelligence in my view is , 52:48.390 --> 52:50.501 would I for lack of better term , I'd 52:50.501 --> 52:52.723 say it's the mother of all technologies 52:52.723 --> 52:52.700 here when it comes to military 52:52.700 --> 52:54.960 operations . Because what that will 52:54.970 --> 52:58.780 enable you to do uh is to go through 52:58.780 --> 53:00.669 the UDA loop , the observe orient 53:00.669 --> 53:02.613 direct and act loop . The decision 53:02.613 --> 53:04.669 making process at rates of speed far 53:04.669 --> 53:07.130 greater than your opponent . So that 53:07.130 --> 53:08.760 side that masters artificial 53:08.760 --> 53:11.390 intelligence and applies it to military 53:11.390 --> 53:13.501 operations is going to have a perhaps 53:13.501 --> 53:15.612 not decisive , but it's going to be a 53:15.612 --> 53:17.779 very , very significant advantage over 53:17.779 --> 53:20.150 your opponent . We are teaching those 53:20.150 --> 53:23.060 techniques and and given essentially 53:23.070 --> 53:24.920 essentially introductory level 53:24.920 --> 53:26.531 information about artificial 53:26.531 --> 53:28.364 intelligence in our professional 53:28.364 --> 53:30.476 military education at the war college 53:30.476 --> 53:32.587 is not so much at the lower schools , 53:32.587 --> 53:34.587 but the war colleges for sure . And 53:34.587 --> 53:34.080 there's a significant amount of 53:34.080 --> 53:36.770 investment and I thought my head um I 53:36.780 --> 53:38.836 don't have it in front of me , but I 53:38.836 --> 53:40.780 think it's uh $15 or $20 billion , 53:40.780 --> 53:42.558 something that in in artificial 53:42.558 --> 53:42.440 intelligence in this budget . So that's 53:42.440 --> 53:44.273 a that's a real critical area of 53:44.273 --> 53:46.930 investment now , years ago , Department 53:46.930 --> 53:49.350 of Defense was the innovative leader in 53:49.350 --> 53:51.820 technology many , many decades ago now , 53:51.820 --> 53:54.042 it's the commercial industry , so we've 53:54.042 --> 53:57.110 got to leverage commercial efforts in 53:57.110 --> 54:00.100 artificial intelligence uh for military 54:00.100 --> 54:01.878 application and that will be an 54:01.878 --> 54:03.656 enormously advantage , enormous 54:03.656 --> 54:05.878 advantage in future combat . Great , do 54:05.878 --> 54:09.510 you anticipate um um , in injecting 54:09.520 --> 54:11.742 this type of education into the service 54:11.742 --> 54:14.076 academies in the near future . Actually , 54:14.076 --> 54:16.242 the service academies right now are on 54:16.242 --> 54:18.298 the cutting edge of that the younger 54:18.298 --> 54:20.520 they're digital natives . Uh they do an 54:20.520 --> 54:22.742 awful lot of technical or technological 54:22.742 --> 54:24.853 courses at the service academies . So 54:24.853 --> 54:26.964 they are actually at the cutting edge 54:26.964 --> 54:29.187 of the artificial intelligence programs 54:29.187 --> 54:29.050 that Department Defense is doing 54:29.410 --> 54:31.632 appreciate that . Thank you very much . 54:31.640 --> 54:33.696 Thank you . Mr Lambert is recognized 54:33.696 --> 54:37.630 for five minutes and you're either 54:37.630 --> 54:39.797 muted or we can't hear . Well we can't 54:39.797 --> 54:41.908 hear you , it could be insurmountable 54:41.908 --> 54:44.019 or it could be because you're muted . 54:44.240 --> 54:46.351 Can you hear me now ? Mr We got you . 54:46.351 --> 54:48.351 Doug go ahead . Okay , thank you so 54:48.351 --> 54:50.240 much . I have a concern I want to 54:50.240 --> 54:52.129 express . And then I have several 54:52.129 --> 54:54.570 questions . Many of President biden's 54:54.570 --> 54:57.300 national security failures feature an 54:57.300 --> 54:59.522 unwillingness to listen to military and 54:59.522 --> 55:02.130 subject matter experts . The atrocious 55:02.130 --> 55:04.430 withdrawal from Afghanistan and its 55:04.430 --> 55:07.050 tragic consequences was the first alarm 55:07.050 --> 55:09.630 bell at that time . Military advisers 55:09.790 --> 55:11.790 testified to Congress that in their 55:11.790 --> 55:14.012 opinion , the United States should have 55:14.012 --> 55:16.068 kept a troop presence in Afghanistan 55:16.068 --> 55:18.290 past the withdrawal date . But this was 55:18.290 --> 55:20.512 not listened to The second alarm . Bell 55:20.512 --> 55:23.000 went off on February 24 when Russia 55:23.000 --> 55:25.500 invaded Ukraine here . The failure was 55:25.500 --> 55:28.470 the inability to deter Vladimir Putin 55:28.660 --> 55:30.882 and a misunderstanding of what it meant 55:30.882 --> 55:33.010 to deter throughout President biden's 55:33.010 --> 55:35.232 response . The only constants have been 55:35.232 --> 55:38.300 reaction and assistance provided later 55:38.310 --> 55:40.850 than needed . And I'm concerned about 55:40.850 --> 55:43.700 what might be a third alarm bill . Uh 55:43.710 --> 55:45.654 the flaws in the nuclear posture . 55:45.654 --> 55:48.440 Review a possible decision to reenter 55:48.440 --> 55:51.290 the Iran nuclear deal or others . So , 55:51.290 --> 55:53.457 with those concerns in mind . Chairman 55:53.457 --> 55:55.623 Milley , I have some questions for you 55:55.740 --> 55:58.290 of last week . And Representative 55:58.290 --> 56:00.123 Turner's started on this line of 56:00.123 --> 56:02.234 questions , but we heard from general 56:02.234 --> 56:04.401 Walters that His recommendation was to 56:04.401 --> 56:06.512 proceed with the nuclear sea launched 56:06.512 --> 56:09.070 cruise missile or slick them in and its 56:09.070 --> 56:11.330 associated warhead . General Heighten 56:11.330 --> 56:14.170 was a big proponent of ensuring full 56:14.170 --> 56:17.520 funding for the slick . Um in just 56:17.520 --> 56:19.576 yesterday , the committee received a 56:19.576 --> 56:21.631 letter from Admiral Richard where he 56:21.631 --> 56:23.520 stated that , quote , the current 56:23.520 --> 56:25.353 situation in Ukraine and china's 56:25.353 --> 56:27.242 nuclear trajectory convinces me a 56:27.242 --> 56:29.353 deterrence and assurance gap exists . 56:29.353 --> 56:31.464 Unquote . He goes on to state that to 56:31.464 --> 56:33.820 address this gap . He needs a low yield 56:33.820 --> 56:36.650 weapon with a non ballistic trajectory . 56:37.130 --> 56:39.530 In other words , a sea launched cruise 56:39.530 --> 56:41.641 missile . However , it seems that the 56:41.641 --> 56:43.586 biden administration has chosen to 56:43.586 --> 56:45.610 cancel slick them in in its nuclear 56:45.610 --> 56:47.970 posture . Review . What was your best 56:47.980 --> 56:50.660 military advice ? General General 56:50.660 --> 56:52.980 Milley on the slick amend during the 56:52.990 --> 56:56.590 NPR process ? And did it mirror that of 56:56.600 --> 56:58.711 Admiral Richard ? General Walters and 56:58.711 --> 57:02.440 general heighten thanks . 57:02.440 --> 57:06.270 And as I have stated many , many times 57:06.270 --> 57:08.480 before , my best military advice to 57:08.480 --> 57:12.250 this president or any president um , is 57:12.250 --> 57:14.528 a matter between me and that president . 57:14.528 --> 57:16.361 I will say that to you though as 57:16.361 --> 57:18.528 members of Congress who have oversight 57:18.528 --> 57:20.750 responsibilities , my position on slick 57:20.750 --> 57:23.083 Herman has not changed . As I mentioned , 57:23.083 --> 57:25.380 uh , to Representative Turner . Uh , my 57:25.380 --> 57:28.230 general view is that this president or 57:28.230 --> 57:30.452 any president deserves to have multiple 57:30.452 --> 57:32.920 options to deal with national security 57:32.920 --> 57:36.520 situations . Uh , and my advice 57:36.810 --> 57:39.300 is listened to . Um , and I have an 57:39.300 --> 57:41.356 opportunity to express my voice on a 57:41.356 --> 57:44.050 continuous basis . Many , many times . 57:46.430 --> 57:48.770 General Milley Milley was any of this 57:48.770 --> 57:50.992 put in writing that we would be able to 57:50.992 --> 57:54.730 get a copy of . Um , my best 57:54.730 --> 57:56.952 military advice is almost always put in 57:56.952 --> 57:59.140 writing whether or not , uh , the 57:59.140 --> 58:01.473 committee requests that there are rules , 58:01.473 --> 58:03.640 obviously and how we do that . So it's 58:03.640 --> 58:06.160 all classified . But um , I'll defer to 58:06.160 --> 58:08.382 the chairman , Chairman smith on that . 58:08.382 --> 58:10.438 We we give up stuff to the committee 58:10.438 --> 58:12.660 all the time or individual members upon 58:12.660 --> 58:14.716 request but there's procedures to do 58:14.716 --> 58:16.660 that and it isn't writing . Okay . 58:16.660 --> 58:18.900 Thank you . Now for both of you . I see 58:18.900 --> 58:20.789 that there is full funding in the 58:20.789 --> 58:22.900 budget for the ground based strategic 58:22.900 --> 58:26.600 deterrent W 87 1 warhead and the two 58:26.600 --> 58:28.910 sites solution for producing plutonium 58:28.910 --> 58:30.743 pits . That is excellent . And I 58:30.743 --> 58:33.190 applaud that Now . I am curious as to 58:33.190 --> 58:35.357 why the Department of Defense canceled 58:35.357 --> 58:38.050 a minimum three flight test last week . 58:38.050 --> 58:40.140 These are regularly scheduled tests 58:40.520 --> 58:42.687 that are scheduled months in advance . 58:43.120 --> 58:45.287 Secretary Austin . How could this have 58:45.287 --> 58:47.453 been perceived as escalatory when it's 58:47.453 --> 58:50.380 a routine tests that scheduled months 58:50.390 --> 58:52.446 in advance . And did the White House 58:52.620 --> 58:56.390 exercise ? It's and provide input over 58:56.390 --> 58:59.780 this cancelation to answer your 58:59.780 --> 59:02.740 question on a second Part of your 59:02.740 --> 59:06.130 question 1st . No . We did not get a 59:06.130 --> 59:09.560 directive to to cancel that from the 59:09.560 --> 59:12.170 White House . Uh it's my assessment 59:12.170 --> 59:15.420 based upon the current state of the 59:15.430 --> 59:17.340 state of play with respect to 59:17.340 --> 59:19.920 escalation management that it was the 59:19.920 --> 59:23.910 best thing to do in in in terms 59:23.910 --> 59:25.799 of postponing and then eventually 59:25.799 --> 59:28.470 canceling that test . We will certainly 59:28.480 --> 59:31.930 be able to continue to make progress in 59:31.930 --> 59:34.780 the program . And so that that is not 59:34.790 --> 59:38.270 an issue . And and and by the way , 59:38.270 --> 59:40.440 thanks for your concern on our on our 59:40.440 --> 59:43.880 investment in our nuclear try it . I 59:43.890 --> 59:45.890 would just point that there's We've 59:45.890 --> 59:49.380 invested $34.4 billion dollars in the 59:49.380 --> 59:51.560 modernization of the triad in his 59:51.560 --> 59:53.393 budget . And I think that's very 59:53.393 --> 59:55.560 sincerely apologize to the gentleman's 59:55.560 --> 59:55.590 time has expired .