1 00:00:00,140 --> 00:00:03,890 Hi everybody , how we doing ? 2 00:00:11,540 --> 00:00:13,596 Okay . My topper is not working here 3 00:00:16,440 --> 00:00:20,280 mike . There we 4 00:00:20,280 --> 00:00:24,180 go . Okay mike , I think I need this 5 00:00:27,840 --> 00:00:28,650 now . 6 00:00:32,240 --> 00:00:34,890 They're all very tall . So look as you 7 00:00:34,890 --> 00:00:37,390 can see standing with me are amazing 8 00:00:37,400 --> 00:00:40,550 pentagon tour guides From ceremonial 9 00:00:40,560 --> 00:00:42,770 units that are representing five 10 00:00:42,770 --> 00:00:44,826 branches of the military , including 11 00:00:44,826 --> 00:00:46,992 the Coast Guard . since being close to 12 00:00:46,992 --> 00:00:49,270 the general public since March of 2020 , 13 00:00:50,040 --> 00:00:52,650 I'm pleased to announce it on 10 May . 14 00:00:53,140 --> 00:00:55,170 The pentagon will reopen tours on a 15 00:00:55,170 --> 00:00:58,880 limited basis . I think 16 00:01:00,840 --> 00:01:02,250 it's going great today . 17 00:01:05,440 --> 00:01:08,800 Um now um they've been preparing as I 18 00:01:08,800 --> 00:01:10,800 think , you know , and you may have 19 00:01:10,800 --> 00:01:12,689 seen them all over throughout the 20 00:01:12,689 --> 00:01:14,689 hallway preparing uh for quite some 21 00:01:14,689 --> 00:01:16,856 time here to showcase the more than 30 22 00:01:16,856 --> 00:01:18,967 exhibits that provide the history and 23 00:01:18,967 --> 00:01:20,911 the accomplishments of the U . S . 24 00:01:20,911 --> 00:01:20,300 Armed forces and the Department of 25 00:01:20,300 --> 00:01:22,244 Defense . So tours are going to be 26 00:01:22,244 --> 00:01:24,411 conducted on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 27 00:01:24,411 --> 00:01:27,080 10 AM and one PM and anybody looking up 28 00:01:27,090 --> 00:01:28,923 looking to do it , we ask you to 29 00:01:28,923 --> 00:01:31,090 schedule your tour through defense dot 30 00:01:31,090 --> 00:01:33,312 gov . There's a request , a tour link , 31 00:01:33,312 --> 00:01:35,660 You just go right there . Um These are 32 00:01:35,670 --> 00:01:38,090 our finest young men and women . I know 33 00:01:38,090 --> 00:01:40,312 you guys are all familiar with them but 34 00:01:40,312 --> 00:01:42,312 they truly are . They represent the 35 00:01:42,312 --> 00:01:44,534 very best of the best of each service . 36 00:01:44,534 --> 00:01:46,757 It it takes a lot to become a member of 37 00:01:46,757 --> 00:01:48,979 the ceremonial guard and and then to go 38 00:01:48,979 --> 00:01:51,090 from that to becoming a pentagon tour 39 00:01:51,090 --> 00:01:53,090 guide . I know how excited they are 40 00:01:53,090 --> 00:01:55,257 about getting back to work and getting 41 00:01:55,257 --> 00:01:57,312 back at it . Um and I know how proud 42 00:01:57,312 --> 00:01:57,000 they are all going to continue to make 43 00:01:57,000 --> 00:01:59,222 us , so I really appreciate it . Thanks 44 00:01:59,222 --> 00:02:02,580 very much . Now go , you're too tall . 45 00:02:03,940 --> 00:02:07,100 Thank you very much , guys . Alright 46 00:02:07,410 --> 00:02:09,688 with that , we'll take questions later . 47 00:02:09,688 --> 00:02:13,110 I think your first . Thank you . Um 48 00:02:13,120 --> 00:02:15,287 john I was wondering if you could talk 49 00:02:15,287 --> 00:02:17,064 a little bit about the apparent 50 00:02:17,064 --> 00:02:19,287 movement of Russian troops out of Maria 51 00:02:19,287 --> 00:02:22,960 paul ? Um Do you assess at this point 52 00:02:22,960 --> 00:02:26,010 that there's no Ukrainian forces there 53 00:02:26,010 --> 00:02:28,800 left or there's still fragments ? Um 54 00:02:28,800 --> 00:02:31,050 And does Russia appear to have 55 00:02:31,060 --> 00:02:33,060 significant control over the city , 56 00:02:33,060 --> 00:02:35,410 such that they feel they can remove 57 00:02:35,410 --> 00:02:38,050 their troops and still maintain control 58 00:02:38,050 --> 00:02:39,980 over it ? Or is there exists an 59 00:02:39,980 --> 00:02:43,690 opportunity for um Ukraine to try to 60 00:02:43,690 --> 00:02:45,690 stage some sort of counter attack ? 61 00:02:46,440 --> 00:02:48,960 Well there's an awful lot there um and 62 00:02:48,970 --> 00:02:51,170 uh with the caveat that we don't have 63 00:02:51,170 --> 00:02:53,480 perfect visibility on all Russian units 64 00:02:53,480 --> 00:02:55,313 and what they're doing and where 65 00:02:55,313 --> 00:02:57,480 they're going . Um I would just make a 66 00:02:57,480 --> 00:02:59,960 couple of big points one , we do assess 67 00:02:59,960 --> 00:03:02,030 that the Russians continue to pound 68 00:03:02,030 --> 00:03:04,830 mary opal from the air . So Mario 69 00:03:04,830 --> 00:03:07,510 people , uh the fighting in Mario opal 70 00:03:07,510 --> 00:03:09,740 is not done not , certainly not from 71 00:03:09,740 --> 00:03:12,210 what we can see because they continue 72 00:03:12,210 --> 00:03:15,890 to to bombard it . Um We have seen some 73 00:03:15,900 --> 00:03:19,100 indications that they are moving some 74 00:03:19,100 --> 00:03:21,610 of their ground forces away from Mario 75 00:03:21,610 --> 00:03:25,110 people . Um The the general 76 00:03:25,110 --> 00:03:27,332 consensus here is that that's an effort 77 00:03:27,810 --> 00:03:30,088 to begin to move north into the Donbas , 78 00:03:30,740 --> 00:03:34,380 I can't tell you what that means . What 79 00:03:34,380 --> 00:03:36,380 what the Russians believe that that 80 00:03:36,380 --> 00:03:40,210 means for their uh for their uh 81 00:03:40,220 --> 00:03:42,760 occupation of Mario opal or or where 82 00:03:42,760 --> 00:03:44,927 they think they are . But we have seen 83 00:03:44,927 --> 00:03:47,020 some some movement of of of Russian 84 00:03:47,020 --> 00:03:49,076 forces away from Mario opal and more 85 00:03:49,076 --> 00:03:51,298 towards the north , but that we believe 86 00:03:51,298 --> 00:03:53,410 is of a piece of their efforts to try 87 00:03:53,410 --> 00:03:55,970 to encircle the Ukrainian armed forces 88 00:03:55,970 --> 00:03:58,460 that are that are in the Don boss . Um 89 00:03:58,470 --> 00:04:00,870 uh did that , did that , did that get 90 00:04:00,870 --> 00:04:04,500 it everything ? Um , Yes , it 91 00:04:04,500 --> 00:04:06,667 will . Do . You have any assessment as 92 00:04:06,667 --> 00:04:09,420 to how much of a force Ukraine still 93 00:04:09,420 --> 00:04:12,450 has their and any assessment of the 94 00:04:12,450 --> 00:04:16,070 ongoing effort to get civilians out ? I 95 00:04:16,070 --> 00:04:18,126 don't have a good hard number of how 96 00:04:18,126 --> 00:04:20,290 many Ukrainian forces are , are still 97 00:04:20,290 --> 00:04:22,457 in mary opal . I would certainly refer 98 00:04:22,457 --> 00:04:24,457 to the Ukrainian armed forces to to 99 00:04:24,457 --> 00:04:26,512 speak to that we know that there has 100 00:04:26,512 --> 00:04:29,150 been uh , some evacuations of of some 101 00:04:29,160 --> 00:04:31,660 civilians . We obviously urged the 102 00:04:31,660 --> 00:04:33,771 Russians to continue to work with the 103 00:04:33,771 --> 00:04:35,938 Red Cross and the Ukrainian government 104 00:04:35,938 --> 00:04:38,049 to to allow those who want to leave , 105 00:04:38,049 --> 00:04:40,104 to leave and to do it safely without 106 00:04:40,104 --> 00:04:42,780 harassment . Um , but I I couldn't tell 107 00:04:42,780 --> 00:04:46,250 you exactly um what what the 108 00:04:46,700 --> 00:04:48,811 the scope of the Ukrainian resistance 109 00:04:48,811 --> 00:04:52,020 is still in Mario po again , they're 110 00:04:52,020 --> 00:04:54,600 still bombing the city . So I think 111 00:04:54,600 --> 00:04:58,560 that certainly is a is at 112 00:04:58,560 --> 00:05:02,030 least one indicator that that they 113 00:05:02,030 --> 00:05:04,590 believe that the battle for Mario opal 114 00:05:04,590 --> 00:05:06,646 has not been one and it's not over ? 115 00:05:07,840 --> 00:05:11,720 Yeah . Yeah . Who are you ? Sorry . 2nd 116 00:05:12,460 --> 00:05:14,571 Peter Marty , you ask this every time 117 00:05:14,571 --> 00:05:16,830 pizza Martin from Bloomberg Tony's 118 00:05:16,830 --> 00:05:20,210 colleague . So you're not here . Um , 119 00:05:20,220 --> 00:05:23,560 so first off , I wondered if you have 120 00:05:23,560 --> 00:05:26,490 any updates on potential security 121 00:05:26,490 --> 00:05:29,410 guarantees to Sweden and Finland or you 122 00:05:29,410 --> 00:05:31,920 know , any update on negotiations with 123 00:05:31,920 --> 00:05:33,753 those two countries as they look 124 00:05:33,753 --> 00:05:35,864 potentially towards NATO membership ? 125 00:05:35,864 --> 00:05:37,976 Well , I'd say a couple of things , I 126 00:05:37,976 --> 00:05:40,730 mean , as we've said before , um , We 127 00:05:40,730 --> 00:05:42,619 support NATO's open door policy , 128 00:05:42,619 --> 00:05:45,970 that's 12 . But whatever discussions 129 00:05:45,970 --> 00:05:48,192 about NATO membership are gonna occur , 130 00:05:48,192 --> 00:05:50,248 they're going to occur between those 131 00:05:50,248 --> 00:05:52,414 two governments and the alliance . And 132 00:05:52,414 --> 00:05:55,090 certainly uh , that's that's for those 133 00:05:55,090 --> 00:05:57,257 parties to discuss and what that looks 134 00:05:57,257 --> 00:05:59,479 like . We would never get ahead of that 135 00:05:59,479 --> 00:06:01,590 here in the United States . Certainly 136 00:06:01,590 --> 00:06:03,757 not at the at the Defense Department . 137 00:06:03,757 --> 00:06:06,800 Um , uh , and as for security 138 00:06:06,800 --> 00:06:09,790 guarantees , I mean , again , mm hmm . 139 00:06:10,240 --> 00:06:13,880 Yeah , that that's that's well ahead of 140 00:06:13,890 --> 00:06:17,240 where discussions , uh , even our right 141 00:06:17,240 --> 00:06:19,960 now we work routinely with both nations . 142 00:06:20,440 --> 00:06:22,370 Um , we have excellent defense 143 00:06:22,370 --> 00:06:24,770 partnerships with both Switzerland 144 00:06:24,780 --> 00:06:28,500 Sweden and Finland and uh , and uh , 145 00:06:28,510 --> 00:06:31,490 we're confident that should things move 146 00:06:31,490 --> 00:06:33,657 along in that direction that that that 147 00:06:33,657 --> 00:06:35,546 those strong military to military 148 00:06:35,546 --> 00:06:37,323 relationships would would would 149 00:06:37,323 --> 00:06:39,950 probably permit uh , you know , a 150 00:06:39,960 --> 00:06:42,360 broader deeper discussion about um , 151 00:06:42,370 --> 00:06:44,910 about their defense needs ? I just 152 00:06:44,910 --> 00:06:46,940 wanted separately . Do you have any 153 00:06:46,940 --> 00:06:50,020 signs of any chinese assistance to 154 00:06:50,190 --> 00:06:52,357 Russia and Ukraine , is that still the 155 00:06:52,357 --> 00:06:54,634 same status as before ? No indications . 156 00:06:54,840 --> 00:06:58,570 Yeah john Taiwan's Defense Ministry 157 00:06:58,570 --> 00:07:00,348 said on monday it's considering 158 00:07:00,348 --> 00:07:02,490 alternative weapons options after the 159 00:07:02,490 --> 00:07:04,890 US informed it that the delivery of an 160 00:07:04,890 --> 00:07:07,150 artillery system , one of these self 161 00:07:07,150 --> 00:07:10,060 propelled howitzers would be delayed 162 00:07:10,060 --> 00:07:12,227 because of a crowded production line . 163 00:07:12,227 --> 00:07:14,116 Is Taiwan not getting its weapons 164 00:07:14,116 --> 00:07:16,338 systems because the howitzers are going 165 00:07:16,338 --> 00:07:18,560 to Ukraine ? Or is there a problem with 166 00:07:18,560 --> 00:07:20,840 supply Chain issues related to Ukraine ? 167 00:07:20,850 --> 00:07:22,960 Yeah , there's uh in terms of the 168 00:07:22,960 --> 00:07:24,960 howitzers going to Ukraine , I mean 169 00:07:24,960 --> 00:07:27,127 that is moving and moving quite well . 170 00:07:27,127 --> 00:07:29,150 As a matter of fact a significant 171 00:07:29,150 --> 00:07:32,130 majority of the 90 that we have already 172 00:07:32,130 --> 00:07:34,870 committed are actually in Ukraine . And 173 00:07:34,870 --> 00:07:37,148 so that continues to flow quite nicely . 174 00:07:37,148 --> 00:07:40,130 As for the Taiwan situation , I would 175 00:07:40,130 --> 00:07:42,019 refer you to the State Department 176 00:07:42,019 --> 00:07:44,241 that's really more their bailiwick than 177 00:07:44,241 --> 00:07:46,574 it is the U . S . Department of Defense . 178 00:07:46,574 --> 00:07:48,797 Remember what we're doing for Ukrainian 179 00:07:48,797 --> 00:07:51,260 is largely almost wholly presidential 180 00:07:51,260 --> 00:07:53,427 drawdown authority . So it's it's it's 181 00:07:53,427 --> 00:07:55,427 authorization from the president to 182 00:07:55,427 --> 00:07:57,600 pull from our own stocks . That is a 183 00:07:57,600 --> 00:08:00,210 different that is a different method of 184 00:08:00,210 --> 00:08:03,570 providing uh military articles than 185 00:08:03,570 --> 00:08:06,800 what is being provided uh through to to 186 00:08:06,800 --> 00:08:08,744 Taiwan . And that's all being done 187 00:08:08,744 --> 00:08:10,744 through the State Department . Just 188 00:08:10,744 --> 00:08:12,744 there's been a report that Vladimir 189 00:08:12,744 --> 00:08:15,380 Putin has cancer is going to undergo 190 00:08:15,380 --> 00:08:17,650 surgery and may hand over control of 191 00:08:17,650 --> 00:08:20,040 the government to a former fsb general . 192 00:08:20,340 --> 00:08:22,562 Do you have any intelligence suggesting 193 00:08:22,562 --> 00:08:25,280 that that's accurate ? I have seen no 194 00:08:25,290 --> 00:08:27,650 nothing that that could help us 195 00:08:27,650 --> 00:08:30,840 corroborate that ? Afraid not ? Yeah . 196 00:08:32,940 --> 00:08:35,270 Can you tell us anything about Russian ? 197 00:08:35,270 --> 00:08:37,900 General Gerasimos visit to Ukraine ? 198 00:08:37,900 --> 00:08:39,956 What was he doing there ? And did he 199 00:08:39,956 --> 00:08:42,122 come in harm's way ? Was he injured in 200 00:08:42,122 --> 00:08:44,930 an attack ? I can't confirm General 201 00:08:44,930 --> 00:08:48,040 Gerasimov . Zack's travel . I think I'd 202 00:08:48,040 --> 00:08:50,096 refer you to the Russian Ministry of 203 00:08:50,096 --> 00:08:52,650 Defense to speak to uh 204 00:08:53,040 --> 00:08:55,920 where , where he goes and when he goes 205 00:08:55,920 --> 00:08:58,370 and and why he goes and we're not able 206 00:08:58,370 --> 00:09:00,340 to speak to that with any uh 207 00:09:00,350 --> 00:09:03,580 specificity . And um I have no updates 208 00:09:03,580 --> 00:09:06,590 on his physical medical condition to 209 00:09:06,590 --> 00:09:09,880 give you . I think I'll let the Russian 210 00:09:09,880 --> 00:09:11,880 Ministry of Defense speak for their 211 00:09:11,880 --> 00:09:14,460 generals and where they are . Um uh I'm 212 00:09:14,840 --> 00:09:17,910 I don't have anything that I can uh 213 00:09:17,920 --> 00:09:20,087 corroborate or confirm with respect to 214 00:09:20,090 --> 00:09:23,650 General Gerasimov . Um and his whether 215 00:09:23,660 --> 00:09:25,827 whether he went to Ukraine or not , we 216 00:09:25,827 --> 00:09:27,882 can't confirm that . Gordon ? Do you 217 00:09:27,882 --> 00:09:30,990 have any um updates to the claims the 218 00:09:30,990 --> 00:09:34,210 Ukrainians have made and on the drones 219 00:09:34,220 --> 00:09:36,620 taking out the ships ? And are those 220 00:09:36,620 --> 00:09:39,200 claims you get ? I can't confirm , can 221 00:09:39,200 --> 00:09:41,311 confirm those reports . I mean , I've 222 00:09:41,311 --> 00:09:43,478 seen the same video that you guys have 223 00:09:43,478 --> 00:09:45,533 seen , I think online . And uh we're 224 00:09:45,533 --> 00:09:47,644 not in a position to confirm that and 225 00:09:47,644 --> 00:09:49,867 in anticipation of the President's trip 226 00:09:49,867 --> 00:09:51,978 tomorrow ? Um Do you have any updates 227 00:09:51,978 --> 00:09:54,200 on the number of contracts the pentagon 228 00:09:54,200 --> 00:09:56,330 has issued to industry to help 229 00:09:56,340 --> 00:09:58,562 replenish some of the stuff that's been 230 00:09:58,620 --> 00:10:01,750 provided the Ukrainians and is 231 00:10:01,750 --> 00:10:04,550 depending on still kind of happy with 232 00:10:04,940 --> 00:10:07,430 the way industry has responded no new 233 00:10:07,430 --> 00:10:09,763 contracts to speak to . But as you know , 234 00:10:09,763 --> 00:10:11,986 there's a threshold for what , how what 235 00:10:11,986 --> 00:10:14,208 what the level of contracts we actually 236 00:10:14,208 --> 00:10:16,319 publicly announce but no contracts to 237 00:10:16,319 --> 00:10:18,430 announce or speak to today . The only 238 00:10:18,430 --> 00:10:20,486 thing I would add is under the USa i 239 00:10:20,486 --> 00:10:22,430 Ukraine security assistance and um 240 00:10:22,430 --> 00:10:24,652 initiative . You know , we have , we we 241 00:10:24,652 --> 00:10:26,819 have talked to industry about the puma 242 00:10:26,819 --> 00:10:29,570 us , but I don't have any additional 243 00:10:29,570 --> 00:10:31,860 ones to speak to . Yeah , of course . 244 00:10:32,710 --> 00:10:36,490 Senator Blumenthal said in front 245 00:10:36,490 --> 00:10:38,268 of the Senate Foreign Relations 246 00:10:38,268 --> 00:10:41,550 Committee that Um , the us has sent 247 00:10:41,550 --> 00:10:43,772 about one third of its javelin antitank 248 00:10:43,772 --> 00:10:45,939 missiles to Ukraine , one third of the 249 00:10:45,939 --> 00:10:47,994 supply and replenishing those stocks 250 00:10:47,994 --> 00:10:49,883 would require 32 months . Can you 251 00:10:49,883 --> 00:10:52,020 confirm if that's correct ? Um , and 252 00:10:52,020 --> 00:10:54,131 are there any other of those kinds of 253 00:10:54,131 --> 00:10:56,340 like resupply of some of these other 254 00:10:56,340 --> 00:10:58,440 things like the the M triple sevens 255 00:10:58,440 --> 00:11:00,384 that you can talk to , how long it 256 00:11:00,384 --> 00:11:02,496 takes and where the U . S . Stockpile 257 00:11:02,496 --> 00:11:04,607 is . I'm gonna , you're gonna have to 258 00:11:04,607 --> 00:11:06,662 let me take some of that court . I'm 259 00:11:06,662 --> 00:11:08,773 not an expert on how long it takes to 260 00:11:08,773 --> 00:11:10,773 make a howitzer . Uh , we , I would 261 00:11:10,773 --> 00:11:12,829 just say a couple of things , number 262 00:11:12,829 --> 00:11:12,790 one , we're not going to talk about 263 00:11:12,790 --> 00:11:15,012 what our own inventory is of anything . 264 00:11:15,012 --> 00:11:17,123 And I think you can understand why we 265 00:11:17,123 --> 00:11:19,290 wouldn't do that . We don't think it's 266 00:11:19,290 --> 00:11:21,568 uh , it's it's particularly helpful to , 267 00:11:21,568 --> 00:11:23,734 to lay out what our inventory level is 268 00:11:23,734 --> 00:11:26,860 for any one particular uh , system or 269 00:11:26,860 --> 00:11:29,990 set of munitions . Uh , Number two with 270 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:33,480 every drawdown package , the the 271 00:11:33,480 --> 00:11:35,702 chairman of the Joint Chiefs as as well 272 00:11:35,702 --> 00:11:38,450 as the department makes an assessment 273 00:11:38,450 --> 00:11:40,950 as to the impact on our readiness . And 274 00:11:41,440 --> 00:11:44,960 it's it's not about just how many of 275 00:11:44,960 --> 00:11:47,182 these do you have on the shelf ? It's , 276 00:11:47,182 --> 00:11:49,182 it's what your readiness is for the 277 00:11:49,182 --> 00:11:51,770 capability . So it's not about counting , 278 00:11:51,770 --> 00:11:53,950 say javelins and being able to say , 279 00:11:53,950 --> 00:11:55,950 well if you reach a certain level , 280 00:11:55,950 --> 00:11:58,117 then then all your readiness is gone . 281 00:11:58,117 --> 00:12:00,061 It's a , it's a javelin is an anti 282 00:12:00,061 --> 00:12:02,650 armor anti armor capability . So we 283 00:12:02,650 --> 00:12:04,990 judge , we judge it all as a , as a 284 00:12:05,000 --> 00:12:07,130 conglomerate of what's our ability to 285 00:12:07,140 --> 00:12:09,084 meet this particular mission set , 286 00:12:09,640 --> 00:12:11,940 realizing that a javelin isn't the only 287 00:12:11,950 --> 00:12:14,790 capability you have against armor . So 288 00:12:14,800 --> 00:12:16,920 with every drawdown package , we make 289 00:12:16,920 --> 00:12:19,031 an assessment about the impact on our 290 00:12:19,031 --> 00:12:21,087 readiness and what I can tell you is 291 00:12:21,087 --> 00:12:23,600 that uh , thus far we have not seeing 292 00:12:23,610 --> 00:12:25,721 any negative impact on our ability to 293 00:12:25,721 --> 00:12:29,180 defend this nation across a range of 294 00:12:29,190 --> 00:12:31,412 military capabilities , but that is not 295 00:12:31,412 --> 00:12:33,730 something we take lightly . Um , it's 296 00:12:33,730 --> 00:12:35,952 not just a glib cliche way of trying to 297 00:12:35,952 --> 00:12:38,270 get out of your question . It is a 298 00:12:38,280 --> 00:12:40,502 legitimate thing that we look at . With 299 00:12:40,502 --> 00:12:42,391 each and every drawdown package , 300 00:12:42,391 --> 00:12:44,169 anything that's written in like 301 00:12:44,169 --> 00:12:46,391 legislation or anything that says , you 302 00:12:46,391 --> 00:12:48,502 know , every specific capability like 303 00:12:48,502 --> 00:12:50,760 anti armor or anti air has to maintain 304 00:12:50,770 --> 00:12:53,310 this percentage of its stockpile . The 305 00:12:53,310 --> 00:12:55,410 US can't go past that , the pentagon 306 00:12:55,410 --> 00:12:57,632 can't make a decision to go past that . 307 00:12:57,632 --> 00:12:59,743 I'm not aware of any legislation that 308 00:12:59,743 --> 00:13:02,021 requires a percentage of a turtle . No , 309 00:13:02,021 --> 00:13:04,243 I'm not aware of any . Now again , it's 310 00:13:04,243 --> 00:13:07,050 because technology keeps changing and 311 00:13:07,050 --> 00:13:09,210 the capabilities get better and more 312 00:13:09,210 --> 00:13:12,070 refined with each passing year . 313 00:13:13,340 --> 00:13:17,220 So it's not , there would be a limited 314 00:13:17,220 --> 00:13:19,490 utility in in uh , in assigning a 315 00:13:19,490 --> 00:13:21,546 certain percentage that has to be on 316 00:13:21,546 --> 00:13:23,768 hand at any given time . But that could 317 00:13:23,768 --> 00:13:25,934 change depending on the munition we're 318 00:13:25,934 --> 00:13:25,530 talking about . I mean , not every , 319 00:13:25,540 --> 00:13:29,070 not every piece of armament um , is of 320 00:13:29,070 --> 00:13:31,310 the same operational strategic value as 321 00:13:31,310 --> 00:13:33,366 another . So again , it's a holistic 322 00:13:33,366 --> 00:13:35,610 view here about readiness and all I can 323 00:13:35,610 --> 00:13:37,554 assure you is and certainly we can 324 00:13:37,554 --> 00:13:39,721 assure the american people that we are 325 00:13:39,721 --> 00:13:41,666 more than capable of continuing to 326 00:13:41,666 --> 00:13:43,721 defend the homeland . And we look at 327 00:13:43,721 --> 00:13:45,943 this with every single package um , and 328 00:13:45,943 --> 00:13:47,943 we're doing the best we can to make 329 00:13:47,943 --> 00:13:50,110 sure that Ukraine has the capabilities 330 00:13:50,110 --> 00:13:52,332 it needs in the moment , right now with 331 00:13:52,332 --> 00:13:54,554 the fighting in the Donbas in the south 332 00:13:54,554 --> 00:13:56,630 to uh uh , to to better defend their 333 00:13:56,640 --> 00:13:58,862 their sovereignty . And uh , and as you 334 00:13:58,862 --> 00:14:01,084 saw , uh , the Secretary and the Deputy 335 00:14:01,084 --> 00:14:02,807 Secretary met with the defense 336 00:14:02,807 --> 00:14:04,870 contracting Ceo is just a couple of 337 00:14:04,870 --> 00:14:06,870 weeks ago to talk about production 338 00:14:06,870 --> 00:14:09,037 lines . When we were in Ramstein , the 339 00:14:09,037 --> 00:14:11,203 Secretary dedicated a whole session of 340 00:14:11,203 --> 00:14:13,203 that afternoon to talking about the 341 00:14:13,203 --> 00:14:15,314 defense industrial base , not just in 342 00:14:15,314 --> 00:14:17,314 the United States but but all those 343 00:14:17,314 --> 00:14:19,314 nations there because so many other 344 00:14:19,314 --> 00:14:21,370 nations are contributing systems and 345 00:14:21,370 --> 00:14:23,314 weapons too uh to Ukraine . And of 346 00:14:23,314 --> 00:14:25,314 course um uh you know , we'll we'll 347 00:14:25,314 --> 00:14:27,481 continue to do that going forward . So 348 00:14:27,481 --> 00:14:29,537 let me take a couple from the phones 349 00:14:29,537 --> 00:14:33,390 here , IDris . Hey john um 350 00:14:33,400 --> 00:14:35,622 now there were two more two months more 351 00:14:35,622 --> 00:14:37,900 than two months into into into the war . 352 00:14:37,900 --> 00:14:40,011 Um Could you talk about when the last 353 00:14:40,011 --> 00:14:42,122 time the secretary tried to reach out 354 00:14:42,122 --> 00:14:44,233 to his Russian counterpart and assume 355 00:14:44,233 --> 00:14:46,233 he hasn't been successful ? Um What 356 00:14:46,233 --> 00:14:48,456 happens when he reaches out is that the 357 00:14:48,456 --> 00:14:50,622 protocol office reaches to the Russian 358 00:14:50,622 --> 00:14:52,789 side , they don't respond or they pick 359 00:14:52,789 --> 00:14:55,011 up the phone and then they say no thank 360 00:14:55,011 --> 00:14:57,344 you , just sort of talk us through that . 361 00:14:57,344 --> 00:14:59,456 Normally you uh you reach out through 362 00:14:59,456 --> 00:15:01,678 the policy channels and um you also use 363 00:15:01,678 --> 00:15:03,567 the defense attache , the defense 364 00:15:03,567 --> 00:15:05,733 attache , the at the embassy no matter 365 00:15:05,733 --> 00:15:07,789 what the country is in question that 366 00:15:07,789 --> 00:15:09,956 that that that senior military officer 367 00:15:09,956 --> 00:15:12,178 is a representation of the Secretary of 368 00:15:12,178 --> 00:15:15,010 Defense inside all of our embassies . 369 00:15:15,020 --> 00:15:18,450 And so they are usually the after after 370 00:15:18,450 --> 00:15:20,930 working it through policy in terms of 371 00:15:20,930 --> 00:15:23,170 the efficacy of doing a call . Uh 372 00:15:23,180 --> 00:15:25,347 Usually we rely heavily on the Defense 373 00:15:25,347 --> 00:15:27,458 attache , I don't have I don't have a 374 00:15:27,458 --> 00:15:29,513 date to give you IDris when the last 375 00:15:29,513 --> 00:15:31,736 attempt was it's been quite some time . 376 00:15:31,736 --> 00:15:34,110 Uh certainly many weeks since we've 377 00:15:34,120 --> 00:15:36,960 since we've attempted another uh 378 00:15:37,340 --> 00:15:41,260 uh communication with with Mr 379 00:15:41,260 --> 00:15:44,760 Minister , show you . Um and uh 380 00:15:45,140 --> 00:15:48,140 uh and there has not been much interest 381 00:15:48,140 --> 00:15:50,251 shown by the Russians and having that 382 00:15:50,251 --> 00:15:52,870 conversation . Um mike breast 383 00:15:52,870 --> 00:15:56,730 Washington examiner . Thanks for 384 00:15:56,730 --> 00:15:58,660 taking my question with Russia's 385 00:15:58,660 --> 00:16:01,210 victory day from today . Does the 386 00:16:01,210 --> 00:16:03,240 pentagon believe Russia will make a 387 00:16:03,240 --> 00:16:05,129 stronger push to get a definitive 388 00:16:05,129 --> 00:16:08,380 victory between now and then ? I can't 389 00:16:08,390 --> 00:16:12,150 speak for the Russian plans here . Mike . 390 00:16:12,160 --> 00:16:14,216 Um I think that is a question better 391 00:16:14,216 --> 00:16:16,560 put to the Ministry of Defense . And I 392 00:16:16,560 --> 00:16:18,560 think when you're asking them , I'd 393 00:16:18,560 --> 00:16:22,460 also urge you to uh to uh find 394 00:16:22,460 --> 00:16:25,280 out uh when it is Mr Putin is going to 395 00:16:25,280 --> 00:16:27,224 do the right thing and end the war 396 00:16:27,224 --> 00:16:29,336 because you can end the war right now 397 00:16:29,336 --> 00:16:31,280 if he so chooses . But as for what 398 00:16:31,280 --> 00:16:33,280 they're , their plans are regarding 399 00:16:33,280 --> 00:16:35,502 Victory Day , I think I'd let you speak 400 00:16:35,502 --> 00:16:37,613 to them . What I can tell you is that 401 00:16:37,613 --> 00:16:40,910 the Ukrainians continue to fight back 402 00:16:40,920 --> 00:16:43,220 to resist to do so ably and nimbly 403 00:16:43,230 --> 00:16:46,430 quite effectively . Um We we haven't 404 00:16:46,430 --> 00:16:48,541 seen the Russians make a whole lot of 405 00:16:48,541 --> 00:16:50,740 progress in the Donbass area or quite 406 00:16:50,740 --> 00:16:53,110 frankly in the South . Um and that's a 407 00:16:53,110 --> 00:16:56,120 result of the skill and the bravery and 408 00:16:56,120 --> 00:16:58,342 quite frankly the kinds of capabilities 409 00:16:58,342 --> 00:17:00,287 that the United States and so many 410 00:17:00,287 --> 00:17:02,176 other countries are providing the 411 00:17:02,176 --> 00:17:04,064 Ukrainians in their in their self 412 00:17:04,064 --> 00:17:06,176 defense . But as for what their plans 413 00:17:06,176 --> 00:17:10,060 are uh for uh for later this month , I 414 00:17:10,070 --> 00:17:12,440 think that's something that that they 415 00:17:12,440 --> 00:17:14,496 should speak to . What we would urge 416 00:17:14,496 --> 00:17:16,940 them to plan to do is to meet with Mr 417 00:17:16,940 --> 00:17:20,530 Zelinsky uh to pull their troops out of 418 00:17:20,530 --> 00:17:22,752 Ukraine and to end the war and they can 419 00:17:22,752 --> 00:17:26,050 do that today . Yeah , joe . 420 00:17:27,040 --> 00:17:30,030 Um on the Defense Secretary's meeting 421 00:17:30,040 --> 00:17:32,460 with his Japanese counterpart this week , 422 00:17:32,470 --> 00:17:34,692 what are the deliverables gonna be from 423 00:17:34,692 --> 00:17:36,526 that meeting ? And how much will 424 00:17:36,526 --> 00:17:38,640 parallels between Ukraine and Taiwan 425 00:17:38,640 --> 00:17:40,807 playing in that conversation ? I'm not 426 00:17:40,807 --> 00:17:43,029 gonna get ahead of the deliverables for 427 00:17:43,029 --> 00:17:42,660 the meeting . I mean , we'll have a 428 00:17:42,660 --> 00:17:44,771 good read out of it and you guys will 429 00:17:44,771 --> 00:17:46,993 have access to the opening uh , opening 430 00:17:46,993 --> 00:17:49,720 comments for that . Um , we're looking 431 00:17:49,720 --> 00:17:53,070 forward to this . This is ah one of the 432 00:17:53,070 --> 00:17:55,292 most important alliances we have around 433 00:17:55,292 --> 00:17:57,970 the world uh is with Japan uh and very , 434 00:17:57,970 --> 00:17:59,970 very excited to have Minister Kishi 435 00:17:59,970 --> 00:18:03,820 come uh come see us in person . He uh , 436 00:18:03,830 --> 00:18:06,052 he was , he attended virtually , but he 437 00:18:06,052 --> 00:18:08,430 attended the uh security consultant , 438 00:18:08,430 --> 00:18:10,597 the defense consultative group meeting 439 00:18:10,597 --> 00:18:14,260 in Ramstein on Ukraine . Uh so I 440 00:18:14,260 --> 00:18:17,610 fully expect that um that issues 441 00:18:17,610 --> 00:18:20,560 regarding Ukraine and and how Japan and 442 00:18:20,560 --> 00:18:22,504 how the United States are going to 443 00:18:22,504 --> 00:18:24,671 continue to support Ukraine will be on 444 00:18:24,671 --> 00:18:26,782 the agenda . I also fully expect that 445 00:18:26,782 --> 00:18:26,600 tensions with china will be on the 446 00:18:26,600 --> 00:18:28,767 agenda , as you might expect . But the 447 00:18:28,767 --> 00:18:30,822 degree to which there's an interplay 448 00:18:30,822 --> 00:18:32,878 between the two . Um , I think we'll 449 00:18:32,878 --> 00:18:34,767 just let these two ministers talk 450 00:18:34,767 --> 00:18:36,767 before we get out ahead of that . I 451 00:18:36,767 --> 00:18:38,878 would just offer if I might . And you 452 00:18:38,878 --> 00:18:40,767 heard the secretary has said this 453 00:18:40,767 --> 00:18:42,878 publicly that we've got to be careful 454 00:18:42,878 --> 00:18:42,730 drawing too many comparisons between 455 00:18:42,730 --> 00:18:44,770 Taiwan and Ukraine completely two 456 00:18:44,770 --> 00:18:47,570 different scenarios . Nothing's changed 457 00:18:47,580 --> 00:18:49,900 about our continued adherence to the 458 00:18:49,900 --> 00:18:52,067 one china policy . Nothing has changed 459 00:18:52,067 --> 00:18:54,510 about our continued dedication to 460 00:18:54,510 --> 00:18:56,900 continue to support Taiwan's self 461 00:18:56,900 --> 00:18:58,733 defense needs through the Taiwan 462 00:18:58,733 --> 00:19:00,660 relations act . It's a different 463 00:19:00,670 --> 00:19:02,892 situation and I think we all need to be 464 00:19:02,892 --> 00:19:04,670 careful before drawing too many 465 00:19:04,670 --> 00:19:06,781 parallels . John already got you guys 466 00:19:07,040 --> 00:19:09,340 just a question regarding Iran in the 467 00:19:09,340 --> 00:19:11,430 last few weeks . Iran has said that 468 00:19:11,430 --> 00:19:13,486 they don't have any plans to abandon 469 00:19:14,080 --> 00:19:16,100 their plot to assassinate in 470 00:19:16,110 --> 00:19:18,680 retaliation for the Qasem Soleimani 471 00:19:18,680 --> 00:19:21,480 strike . Um , Massad also saying , and 472 00:19:21,480 --> 00:19:23,147 that's according to the Prime 473 00:19:23,147 --> 00:19:25,202 Minister's office in Israel , that a 474 00:19:25,202 --> 00:19:27,258 plot to assassinate a US general and 475 00:19:27,258 --> 00:19:29,313 Germany was foiled . And also in the 476 00:19:29,313 --> 00:19:31,520 last week , China and Iran further 477 00:19:31,520 --> 00:19:33,520 their military cooperation . So how 478 00:19:33,520 --> 00:19:36,910 does this Iranian provocative activity 479 00:19:38,740 --> 00:19:40,740 change our force protection posture 480 00:19:40,740 --> 00:19:42,962 when it comes to overseas deployments . 481 00:19:43,040 --> 00:19:45,207 We always look at our force protection 482 00:19:45,207 --> 00:19:47,318 overseas , particularly in the Middle 483 00:19:47,318 --> 00:19:49,400 East . Uh and uh , we change it 484 00:19:49,400 --> 00:19:51,511 routinely based on the , whatever the 485 00:19:51,511 --> 00:19:54,510 existing security threat is . Um , I 486 00:19:54,520 --> 00:19:56,687 would just tell you a couple of things 487 00:19:56,687 --> 00:19:58,576 without getting into the specific 488 00:19:58,576 --> 00:20:00,687 anecdotes you cited there and I'm not 489 00:20:00,687 --> 00:20:02,687 gonna talk about intelligence , but 490 00:20:03,240 --> 00:20:05,080 nobody here at the department is 491 00:20:05,090 --> 00:20:07,980 oblivious to the fact that Iran uh 492 00:20:07,990 --> 00:20:10,101 continues to be a malign actor in the 493 00:20:10,101 --> 00:20:11,990 region . They continue to support 494 00:20:11,990 --> 00:20:13,990 terrorist groups , they continue to 495 00:20:13,990 --> 00:20:16,101 develop a ballistic missile program . 496 00:20:16,101 --> 00:20:18,580 Um uh obviously even as they even as 497 00:20:18,580 --> 00:20:21,820 they sit in negotiations continue to 498 00:20:21,820 --> 00:20:25,200 develop uh certain nuclear capabilities 499 00:20:25,210 --> 00:20:28,840 um and they are harassing 500 00:20:28,840 --> 00:20:32,090 shipping uh and uh and and clearly pose 501 00:20:32,090 --> 00:20:34,270 a threat in the maritime domain . Um 502 00:20:34,840 --> 00:20:37,270 you pick it , there's an awful lot 503 00:20:37,270 --> 00:20:41,080 there that Iran is doing uh in a 504 00:20:41,080 --> 00:20:43,780 malign way in the Middle East region . 505 00:20:43,790 --> 00:20:47,470 And that is why even as this department 506 00:20:47,480 --> 00:20:50,660 continues to believe that and Iran 507 00:20:50,660 --> 00:20:52,882 without a nuclear and no problem in the 508 00:20:52,882 --> 00:20:54,882 Middle East is easier to solve with 509 00:20:54,882 --> 00:20:56,938 Iran with with Iran having a nuclear 510 00:20:56,938 --> 00:20:59,104 weapon . So we continue to support the 511 00:20:59,104 --> 00:21:01,327 work of our diplomats as they try uh to 512 00:21:01,327 --> 00:21:03,549 uh to get a new agreement here on their 513 00:21:03,549 --> 00:21:05,716 nuclear development . But even as even 514 00:21:05,716 --> 00:21:07,938 with all that support , we still have a 515 00:21:07,938 --> 00:21:10,049 fundamental obligation to protect our 516 00:21:10,049 --> 00:21:12,160 security interests in the Middle East 517 00:21:12,160 --> 00:21:14,216 and those of our allies and partners 518 00:21:14,216 --> 00:21:13,810 there . And that's why we still have a 519 00:21:13,810 --> 00:21:16,990 robust presence uh on the ground and at 520 00:21:16,990 --> 00:21:19,090 sea in the Middle East . And uh and 521 00:21:19,090 --> 00:21:21,312 we're constantly reviewing that as well 522 00:21:21,312 --> 00:21:23,534 whether we have that right based on the 523 00:21:23,534 --> 00:21:26,410 threat . Um so uh look force protection 524 00:21:26,410 --> 00:21:28,530 and uh and the security of our our 525 00:21:28,530 --> 00:21:30,950 footprint remains a paramount concern 526 00:21:30,950 --> 00:21:33,172 for the secretary . Uh and of course he 527 00:21:33,172 --> 00:21:35,394 has a lot of experience in that part of 528 00:21:35,394 --> 00:21:37,394 the world . So he watches this very 529 00:21:37,394 --> 00:21:39,561 very closely . But we don't talk about 530 00:21:39,561 --> 00:21:41,672 nor should we talk about on any given 531 00:21:41,672 --> 00:21:43,740 day how it how it changes . Because 532 00:21:43,750 --> 00:21:47,090 quite frankly in because of 533 00:21:47,250 --> 00:21:51,040 Iran's multiple destabilizing 534 00:21:51,040 --> 00:21:53,300 activities that to the threat to 535 00:21:53,300 --> 00:21:57,180 changes everyday . Massad said that 536 00:21:57,190 --> 00:21:59,670 foiled an attack by Iran on a U . S . 537 00:21:59,680 --> 00:22:02,190 General in Germany . Who was the US 538 00:22:02,190 --> 00:22:04,468 general . And when did this take place ? 539 00:22:04,468 --> 00:22:06,801 I'm not going to talk about that . Yeah . 540 00:22:06,801 --> 00:22:09,230 Thank you . I want to ask you about 541 00:22:09,240 --> 00:22:12,470 North Korea in March . The indo pacom 542 00:22:12,480 --> 00:22:14,910 enhance the readiness level among among 543 00:22:14,910 --> 00:22:17,090 the missile defense forces in the 544 00:22:17,090 --> 00:22:19,850 region and increase the intelligence 545 00:22:19,850 --> 00:22:22,290 collection activity near North Korea . 546 00:22:22,300 --> 00:22:24,470 Could you give us an update on that ? 547 00:22:24,480 --> 00:22:26,670 Does that enhance readiness status 548 00:22:26,680 --> 00:22:28,847 remained the same ? I was just without 549 00:22:28,847 --> 00:22:30,791 getting into specific intelligence 550 00:22:30,791 --> 00:22:34,590 issues really . We obviously you 551 00:22:34,590 --> 00:22:37,550 saw you saw , let's talk about 552 00:22:37,560 --> 00:22:40,340 increased the I . S . R . Capabilities 553 00:22:40,340 --> 00:22:42,451 that we were that we were going to be 554 00:22:42,451 --> 00:22:44,980 applying uh in the wake of these now 555 00:22:44,990 --> 00:22:47,870 multiple recent tests by the North 556 00:22:47,870 --> 00:22:49,870 korean and were north Koreans . And 557 00:22:49,870 --> 00:22:51,981 we're still doing that . Um and we're 558 00:22:51,981 --> 00:22:54,550 constantly looking for ways to get 559 00:22:54,550 --> 00:22:56,661 smarter and to get better information 560 00:22:56,661 --> 00:22:58,772 as well as to make sure we're sharing 561 00:22:58,772 --> 00:23:01,106 that with with the South Koreans . Okay . 562 00:23:01,106 --> 00:23:03,217 And the back there . Oh thanks , john 563 00:23:03,217 --> 00:23:05,217 I'd like to return to Ukraine for a 564 00:23:05,217 --> 00:23:07,106 moment , a couple of days ago . I 565 00:23:07,106 --> 00:23:09,161 covered the moment when Congress has 566 00:23:09,161 --> 00:23:11,217 just approved the land lease act for 567 00:23:11,217 --> 00:23:13,161 Ukraine and they're told about the 568 00:23:13,161 --> 00:23:15,328 political importance of this . But I'd 569 00:23:15,328 --> 00:23:17,494 like to ask you you about the military 570 00:23:17,494 --> 00:23:19,606 perspective , do you have any plan or 571 00:23:19,606 --> 00:23:21,661 any strategy which equipment , which 572 00:23:21,661 --> 00:23:23,883 arms might be provided to Ukraine using 573 00:23:23,883 --> 00:23:25,661 the landless ? What will be the 574 00:23:25,661 --> 00:23:27,883 difference between , you know , foreign 575 00:23:27,883 --> 00:23:29,939 military sales or for military aid ? 576 00:23:29,939 --> 00:23:31,939 And does it mean that for example , 577 00:23:31,939 --> 00:23:33,939 like it was after during the Second 578 00:23:33,939 --> 00:23:36,106 World War that arms will go separately 579 00:23:36,106 --> 00:23:38,217 and something like loris like Humvees 580 00:23:38,217 --> 00:23:40,630 will go through lend lease . Yeah . So 581 00:23:40,640 --> 00:23:42,910 it's pending legislation . The 582 00:23:42,920 --> 00:23:45,142 president hasn't signed it yet . So I'm 583 00:23:45,142 --> 00:23:47,640 not gonna get ahead of the president 584 00:23:47,640 --> 00:23:51,300 here when uh if and when he 585 00:23:51,310 --> 00:23:53,560 signs that then then it becomes well 586 00:23:53,560 --> 00:23:55,727 and then and then we'll execute it and 587 00:23:55,727 --> 00:23:57,727 then I'm sure we'll be able to talk 588 00:23:57,727 --> 00:23:59,782 about it in more detail . What I can 589 00:23:59,782 --> 00:24:01,838 talk about is what we're doing right 590 00:24:01,838 --> 00:24:03,949 now and what we're doing right now is 591 00:24:03,949 --> 00:24:05,990 is continuing to send over uh the 592 00:24:05,990 --> 00:24:08,410 weapons and material of the last two 593 00:24:08,410 --> 00:24:10,530 presidential drawdown authorities . 594 00:24:10,540 --> 00:24:12,484 What we're calling seven and eight 595 00:24:12,520 --> 00:24:15,130 which was very very focused on 596 00:24:15,140 --> 00:24:17,860 artillery particularly and some uh some 597 00:24:17,870 --> 00:24:20,090 radar capabilities as well as some 598 00:24:20,090 --> 00:24:22,146 unmanned capabilities . The kinds of 599 00:24:22,146 --> 00:24:24,090 things that we know that they need 600 00:24:24,090 --> 00:24:26,146 because they've told us they need in 601 00:24:26,146 --> 00:24:28,368 the Donbas in the in the south . And so 602 00:24:28,368 --> 00:24:30,534 that's what we're focused on right now 603 00:24:30,534 --> 00:24:32,646 and I just don't want to get ahead of 604 00:24:32,646 --> 00:24:31,940 legislation that hasn't been signed 605 00:24:31,940 --> 00:24:34,760 into law by the President . Yeah . 606 00:24:34,770 --> 00:24:37,050 Warren , I just wanted to follow up on 607 00:24:37,050 --> 00:24:39,700 Bloomberg's question . Just brought it 608 00:24:39,700 --> 00:24:40,700 up beyond . 609 00:24:41,750 --> 00:24:45,430 Have you seen other countries 610 00:24:45,430 --> 00:24:48,230 provide arms or equipment to Russia ? 611 00:24:48,230 --> 00:24:50,341 If so , which ones ? Or do you assess 612 00:24:50,341 --> 00:24:52,341 that Russia is still just going and 613 00:24:52,341 --> 00:24:54,341 burning through its own inventory ? 614 00:24:54,341 --> 00:24:56,508 I've seen no indication that they that 615 00:24:56,508 --> 00:24:58,500 that they have gotten external 616 00:24:58,500 --> 00:25:01,980 assistance from a third nation that 617 00:25:01,980 --> 00:25:05,760 they into her mind . I know we've 618 00:25:05,770 --> 00:25:07,603 talked about this an awful lot , 619 00:25:07,603 --> 00:25:09,714 unfortunately over the last couple of 620 00:25:09,714 --> 00:25:11,659 months , but they had assembled an 621 00:25:11,659 --> 00:25:13,770 awful lot of their own organic combat 622 00:25:13,770 --> 00:25:16,030 power outside Ukraine before the 24th 623 00:25:16,030 --> 00:25:19,290 of february . Uh , you know , more than 624 00:25:19,540 --> 00:25:23,170 100 and uh , more than 100 625 00:25:23,170 --> 00:25:26,920 and 20 battalion tactical groups , um , 626 00:25:26,930 --> 00:25:29,850 uh , a large portion of their Air force 627 00:25:30,470 --> 00:25:32,526 and and other capabilities that they 628 00:25:32,526 --> 00:25:36,210 had available to them . And , and uh , 629 00:25:36,220 --> 00:25:38,276 as they concentrate now on a smaller 630 00:25:38,276 --> 00:25:40,442 geographic area , they they still have 631 00:25:40,442 --> 00:25:42,553 a lot of that combat power left . I'm 632 00:25:42,553 --> 00:25:44,776 not at all suggesting that they haven't 633 00:25:44,776 --> 00:25:46,942 suffered casualties . They have , they 634 00:25:46,942 --> 00:25:48,664 haven't suffered losses . They 635 00:25:48,664 --> 00:25:50,831 certainly have , but they still have , 636 00:25:50,831 --> 00:25:52,776 um , a not insignificant amount of 637 00:25:52,776 --> 00:25:54,887 their combat power still available to 638 00:25:54,887 --> 00:25:56,998 them . So they still have quite a bit 639 00:25:56,998 --> 00:25:59,053 to draw on . I just haven't seen any 640 00:25:59,053 --> 00:26:01,220 indication that they're trying to draw 641 00:26:01,220 --> 00:26:03,276 on external sources from other other 642 00:26:03,276 --> 00:26:05,276 governments or other countries . Uh 643 00:26:05,276 --> 00:26:06,887 let's see , Laura Seligman , 644 00:26:09,340 --> 00:26:11,284 Hey john thanks for doing this . I 645 00:26:11,284 --> 00:26:14,420 wanted to ask you from the U . S . And 646 00:26:14,420 --> 00:26:16,920 NATO perspective does D O . D . C . 647 00:26:16,920 --> 00:26:19,750 This uh situation in Ukraine as a long 648 00:26:19,750 --> 00:26:23,150 term fight . We certainly think that it 649 00:26:23,160 --> 00:26:25,970 it could be Laura , I mean nobody knows 650 00:26:25,970 --> 00:26:27,914 how long this is going to go . And 651 00:26:27,914 --> 00:26:30,026 again . I'll say it again , I'll keep 652 00:26:30,026 --> 00:26:31,970 saying it every day . It could end 653 00:26:31,970 --> 00:26:34,081 today . It could end right now , this 654 00:26:34,081 --> 00:26:35,914 is a war of choice that Mr Putin 655 00:26:35,914 --> 00:26:37,914 decided to wage on his own while he 656 00:26:37,914 --> 00:26:39,914 still had diplomatic options on the 657 00:26:39,914 --> 00:26:42,026 table . So it could end now . There's 658 00:26:42,026 --> 00:26:44,137 no reason for it to go a single other 659 00:26:44,137 --> 00:26:48,000 day that said because uh the 660 00:26:48,010 --> 00:26:50,066 Donbas is a region that the Russians 661 00:26:50,066 --> 00:26:52,350 and the Ukrainians uh have have 662 00:26:52,350 --> 00:26:54,350 experienced fighting one another in 663 00:26:54,350 --> 00:26:56,239 because the Russians are gonna be 664 00:26:56,239 --> 00:26:58,183 concentrating now , a lot of their 665 00:26:58,183 --> 00:27:00,406 almost all their remaining combat power 666 00:27:00,406 --> 00:27:02,420 in the Donbas in the south because 667 00:27:02,420 --> 00:27:05,230 Ukrainians have clearly shown no 668 00:27:05,230 --> 00:27:08,180 interest uh in capitulating and and not 669 00:27:08,180 --> 00:27:10,810 fighting for every inch of their 670 00:27:10,810 --> 00:27:12,830 territory . Uh There is a distinct 671 00:27:12,830 --> 00:27:15,970 possibility that this could go on uh 672 00:27:15,980 --> 00:27:18,480 for quite some time . But it would it 673 00:27:18,480 --> 00:27:20,900 wouldn't it wouldn't be the smart thing 674 00:27:20,900 --> 00:27:23,910 to do for us to try to circle the date 675 00:27:23,910 --> 00:27:26,132 on the calendar and say , well we think 676 00:27:26,132 --> 00:27:28,354 it's going to take that long . Uh we we 677 00:27:28,354 --> 00:27:30,410 just don't know . and again it's our 678 00:27:30,410 --> 00:27:32,521 hope and that that that doesn't go on 679 00:27:32,521 --> 00:27:34,688 it at all , that it could just that it 680 00:27:34,688 --> 00:27:36,799 could stop now . But again , Mr Putin 681 00:27:36,799 --> 00:27:38,910 has shown no no proclivity to want to 682 00:27:38,910 --> 00:27:42,670 do that matt , matt sailor from abc . 683 00:27:43,340 --> 00:27:46,840 Can you hear me ? Um just to follow up 684 00:27:46,840 --> 00:27:48,840 what what then does that would that 685 00:27:48,840 --> 00:27:51,080 require in terms of us and NATO troop 686 00:27:51,090 --> 00:27:53,570 presence in europe ? Is this additional , 687 00:27:53,580 --> 00:27:55,802 does this mean additional deployments ? 688 00:27:55,802 --> 00:27:57,913 Does this mean we keep the posture we 689 00:27:57,913 --> 00:28:00,280 have now for the foreseeable future ? 690 00:28:00,290 --> 00:28:02,460 What what does this mean ? I remember 691 00:28:02,460 --> 00:28:05,000 that are additional troop presence is 692 00:28:05,000 --> 00:28:08,950 in europe because of the the 693 00:28:08,960 --> 00:28:11,900 need to make sure That we can defend 694 00:28:11,900 --> 00:28:14,620 NATO territory . Um and to make it very 695 00:28:14,620 --> 00:28:16,509 clear to Mr Putin that the United 696 00:28:16,509 --> 00:28:18,176 States takes our Article five 697 00:28:18,176 --> 00:28:20,398 commitments to NATO seriously . That is 698 00:28:20,398 --> 00:28:23,590 why we've added capability uh to Europe , 699 00:28:23,590 --> 00:28:26,550 not uh specifically tied to events on 700 00:28:26,550 --> 00:28:28,650 the ground in Ukraine , it's really 701 00:28:28,650 --> 00:28:31,330 tied more towards the The changing 702 00:28:31,330 --> 00:28:33,500 security environment that changed 703 00:28:33,510 --> 00:28:35,677 security environment in Europe because 704 00:28:35,677 --> 00:28:38,050 of Mr Putin's invasion of Ukraine . And 705 00:28:38,050 --> 00:28:40,750 so we've added about 20,000 or so 706 00:28:40,760 --> 00:28:44,070 troops on on temporary orders to 707 00:28:44,080 --> 00:28:46,740 uh to the eastern flank of NATO , I 708 00:28:46,740 --> 00:28:48,740 have no announcements or changes to 709 00:28:48,740 --> 00:28:50,907 that posture to make today or to speak 710 00:28:50,907 --> 00:28:52,907 to today . We'll evaluate this from 711 00:28:52,907 --> 00:28:55,018 week to week as we have been doing to 712 00:28:55,018 --> 00:28:57,129 see whether we we have it about right 713 00:28:57,129 --> 00:28:58,907 um and when there's significant 714 00:28:58,907 --> 00:28:58,670 additions or changes to it will 715 00:28:58,670 --> 00:29:01,500 certainly talk about that . Um , but I 716 00:29:01,510 --> 00:29:05,060 would I wouldn't want you to to come 717 00:29:05,060 --> 00:29:06,949 away thinking that our posture in 718 00:29:06,949 --> 00:29:09,116 europe , in terms of bolstering NATO's 719 00:29:09,116 --> 00:29:11,171 eastern flank is tied directly . The 720 00:29:11,171 --> 00:29:13,338 decisions about that are tied directly 721 00:29:13,338 --> 00:29:15,393 to what the tactical situation is in 722 00:29:15,393 --> 00:29:17,616 the Donbas are in the south . That is , 723 00:29:17,616 --> 00:29:19,782 that is not the purpose for them to be 724 00:29:19,782 --> 00:29:23,760 there . Let's see anymore . Is there 725 00:29:23,760 --> 00:29:25,910 an updated number or an estimated 726 00:29:25,910 --> 00:29:28,077 number on the amount of civilians that 727 00:29:28,077 --> 00:29:30,243 are still left in variable ? I don't , 728 00:29:30,243 --> 00:29:32,299 I think I got that question right at 729 00:29:32,299 --> 00:29:34,243 the beginning and uh , like I just 730 00:29:34,243 --> 00:29:36,410 don't have an accurate number . You're 731 00:29:36,410 --> 00:29:38,354 you'd be , you'd be getting a much 732 00:29:38,354 --> 00:29:40,521 better sense of that by talking to the 733 00:29:40,521 --> 00:29:42,688 Ukrainian government . They would have 734 00:29:42,688 --> 00:29:42,390 a cleaner sense . We're just not on the 735 00:29:42,390 --> 00:29:45,380 ground there . Um , okay , it looks 736 00:29:45,380 --> 00:29:47,547 like that's about it for today . Thank 737 00:29:47,547 --> 00:29:49,760 you everybody . We'll see you tomorrow .