1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:02,296 the committee meets today to receive 2 00:00:02,296 --> 00:00:04,240 testimony on the worldwide threats 3 00:00:04,240 --> 00:00:06,073 facing the United States and our 4 00:00:06,073 --> 00:00:08,129 international partners . I'd like to 5 00:00:08,129 --> 00:00:09,740 welcome Director of National 6 00:00:09,740 --> 00:00:11,518 Intelligence , April Haynes and 7 00:00:11,518 --> 00:00:13,573 director of the Defense Intelligence 8 00:00:13,573 --> 00:00:15,740 Agency . Lieutenant General scott deve 9 00:00:15,800 --> 00:00:18,910 barrier . Thank you both for joining us . 10 00:00:18,910 --> 00:00:20,799 And please convey the committee's 11 00:00:20,799 --> 00:00:22,910 gratitude to the men and women of the 12 00:00:22,910 --> 00:00:24,743 intelligence community for their 13 00:00:24,743 --> 00:00:26,577 critical work . We must start by 14 00:00:26,577 --> 00:00:28,688 addressing the illegal war . Vladimir 15 00:00:28,688 --> 00:00:30,688 Putin is waging in Ukraine over the 16 00:00:30,688 --> 00:00:32,799 past 2.5 months . Russia's unprovoked 17 00:00:32,799 --> 00:00:34,700 aggression has inflicted horrific 18 00:00:34,700 --> 00:00:36,756 suffering upon innocent civilians in 19 00:00:36,756 --> 00:00:38,770 Ukraine threatened the european 20 00:00:38,770 --> 00:00:41,360 security and cause serious consequences 21 00:00:41,360 --> 00:00:43,730 for the global economy . In the face of 22 00:00:43,730 --> 00:00:45,952 this senseless violence , the Ukrainian 23 00:00:45,952 --> 00:00:47,952 military has performed tremendously 24 00:00:47,952 --> 00:00:50,119 supported by the United States and the 25 00:00:50,119 --> 00:00:52,330 international community . A formidable 26 00:00:52,340 --> 00:00:54,780 array of our global allies and partners 27 00:00:54,780 --> 00:00:57,490 have joined in solidarity to impose 28 00:00:57,490 --> 00:00:59,920 severe sanctions on Russia and provide 29 00:00:59,920 --> 00:01:02,100 support to Ukraine . We cannot 30 00:01:02,100 --> 00:01:04,380 overstate the scale and importance of 31 00:01:04,380 --> 00:01:06,630 this unity . I want to commend the 32 00:01:06,630 --> 00:01:08,852 biden administration and the leaders of 33 00:01:08,852 --> 00:01:10,797 the intelligence community for the 34 00:01:10,797 --> 00:01:12,908 unprecedented and skillful release of 35 00:01:12,908 --> 00:01:14,852 intelligence over the last several 36 00:01:14,852 --> 00:01:17,074 months that exposed Russia's aggressive 37 00:01:17,074 --> 00:01:19,560 intentions and deceitful activities 38 00:01:19,570 --> 00:01:21,514 ahead of its invasion of Ukraine . 39 00:01:21,940 --> 00:01:23,610 Intelligence officials are 40 00:01:23,620 --> 00:01:25,842 understandably cautious about revealing 41 00:01:25,842 --> 00:01:28,310 hard won insights on adversaries , but 42 00:01:28,310 --> 00:01:30,088 this strategy has proven highly 43 00:01:30,088 --> 00:01:32,000 effective in strengthening the 44 00:01:32,000 --> 00:01:34,580 international community's response and 45 00:01:34,580 --> 00:01:36,747 creating dilemmas for Vladimir Putin . 46 00:01:37,240 --> 00:01:39,296 This is a great example of competing 47 00:01:39,296 --> 00:01:41,407 effectively in the information to the 48 00:01:41,407 --> 00:01:43,629 domain . And I hope we will continue to 49 00:01:43,629 --> 00:01:45,518 make use of this kind of Creative 50 00:01:45,518 --> 00:01:47,400 Tradecraft . With that in mind . 51 00:01:47,710 --> 00:01:50,050 Russia's strategy in Ukraine seems to 52 00:01:50,050 --> 00:01:52,840 be evolving Director Hanes general 53 00:01:52,840 --> 00:01:54,570 barrier . I would ask for your 54 00:01:54,570 --> 00:01:56,681 assessment of the Ukraine conflict in 55 00:01:56,681 --> 00:01:58,850 the logic context of the evolving 56 00:01:58,850 --> 00:02:01,280 international order as well as the 57 00:02:01,280 --> 00:02:03,224 implications for the United States 58 00:02:03,224 --> 00:02:05,447 approached the security in the european 59 00:02:05,447 --> 00:02:07,570 theater going forward . We must also 60 00:02:07,570 --> 00:02:09,960 stay focused on our long term strategic 61 00:02:09,960 --> 00:02:12,660 competition with china . In addition to 62 00:02:12,660 --> 00:02:15,310 its economic and sociopolitical growth , 63 00:02:15,360 --> 00:02:17,582 China has studied the United States way 64 00:02:17,582 --> 00:02:19,760 of war and focused on offsetting our 65 00:02:19,760 --> 00:02:21,920 advantages . Beijing has made 66 00:02:21,920 --> 00:02:24,330 concerning progress in this regard and 67 00:02:24,330 --> 00:02:27,430 holds its own expansive geostrategic 68 00:02:27,430 --> 00:02:30,040 ambitions . As we speak , China is 69 00:02:30,040 --> 00:02:32,151 watching how the nations of the world 70 00:02:32,151 --> 00:02:34,190 respond to Russia in considering a 71 00:02:34,190 --> 00:02:36,210 potential invasion of Taiwan . 72 00:02:36,220 --> 00:02:38,730 President xi is scrutinizing Putin's 73 00:02:38,730 --> 00:02:41,250 playbook and the international response . 74 00:02:41,840 --> 00:02:44,140 However , there is a broad consensus 75 00:02:44,140 --> 00:02:46,140 that our comparative advantage over 76 00:02:46,140 --> 00:02:48,196 china is our network of partners and 77 00:02:48,196 --> 00:02:50,250 allies in the region and globally 78 00:02:50,740 --> 00:02:52,962 strengthening that network should be at 79 00:02:52,962 --> 00:02:55,184 the center of any strategy for the indo 80 00:02:55,184 --> 00:02:57,240 pacific region and the maturation of 81 00:02:57,240 --> 00:02:59,407 the quadrilateral security dialogue or 82 00:02:59,407 --> 00:03:01,351 quad involving the United States . 83 00:03:01,351 --> 00:03:04,300 Japan India and Australia presents a 84 00:03:04,300 --> 00:03:06,580 strategic opportunity to establish a 85 00:03:06,580 --> 00:03:08,680 durable framework . I would ask the 86 00:03:08,680 --> 00:03:10,847 eyewitnesses is to share what military 87 00:03:10,847 --> 00:03:13,070 and non military factors are most 88 00:03:13,070 --> 00:03:14,970 likely to impact chinese decision 89 00:03:14,970 --> 00:03:17,660 making with response to potential 90 00:03:17,660 --> 00:03:21,100 action against Taiwan . Turning to Iran 91 00:03:21,840 --> 00:03:23,562 in the four years since then , 92 00:03:23,562 --> 00:03:25,784 President trump pulled out of the joint 93 00:03:25,784 --> 00:03:28,007 comprehensive plan of action or jcPOa . 94 00:03:28,340 --> 00:03:31,020 Iran has made key nuclear advances . It 95 00:03:31,020 --> 00:03:33,187 has decreased breakout time to several 96 00:03:33,187 --> 00:03:35,540 weeks from a year under the previous 97 00:03:35,540 --> 00:03:37,510 agreement has increased uranium 98 00:03:37,510 --> 00:03:40,260 enrichment to 60% instead of just under 99 00:03:40,260 --> 00:03:43,350 4% allowed under the agreement , Iran 100 00:03:43,350 --> 00:03:45,350 has hardened its infrastructure and 101 00:03:45,350 --> 00:03:47,520 replace damaged equipment with more 102 00:03:47,530 --> 00:03:49,730 advanced models . And while 103 00:03:49,730 --> 00:03:52,220 negotiations to return Iran to the J . 104 00:03:52,220 --> 00:03:54,760 C . P . O . R in the final stages , the 105 00:03:54,760 --> 00:03:56,540 final outcome has not yet been 106 00:03:56,540 --> 00:03:59,320 determined beyond its nuclear advances . 107 00:03:59,320 --> 00:04:01,700 Iran and Iranian proxies continue to 108 00:04:01,700 --> 00:04:03,811 mount grown and rocket attacks in the 109 00:04:03,811 --> 00:04:06,240 region including against bases in Iraq 110 00:04:06,240 --> 00:04:08,240 and Syria with the U . S . Military 111 00:04:08,240 --> 00:04:12,030 presence Saudi Arabia and also now 112 00:04:12,030 --> 00:04:14,700 the United Arab Emirates have also come 113 00:04:14,700 --> 00:04:16,820 under attack director Hanes . Given 114 00:04:16,820 --> 00:04:18,931 these current dynamics , I would like 115 00:04:18,931 --> 00:04:20,987 your thoughts and how best due to de 116 00:04:20,987 --> 00:04:22,876 escalate tensions with Iran while 117 00:04:22,876 --> 00:04:25,209 preserving space to return to the J . C . 118 00:04:25,209 --> 00:04:27,580 P . O . A . Finally this year's threat 119 00:04:27,580 --> 00:04:29,358 assessment again highlights the 120 00:04:29,358 --> 00:04:31,247 challenges posed by environmental 121 00:04:31,247 --> 00:04:33,740 degradation from climate change . I 122 00:04:33,740 --> 00:04:36,310 understand it is the kidneys view that 123 00:04:36,310 --> 00:04:39,040 climate change will increasingly exit 124 00:04:39,150 --> 00:04:42,850 exit exacerbate risk to us national 125 00:04:42,850 --> 00:04:45,620 security interest as issues like rising 126 00:04:45,620 --> 00:04:47,950 temperatures , pour water , governance , 127 00:04:47,960 --> 00:04:50,490 pollution , changing , participate 128 00:04:50,500 --> 00:04:52,720 participation patterns and other 129 00:04:52,720 --> 00:04:54,831 climate effects are likely to lead to 130 00:04:54,831 --> 00:04:57,350 an array of human challenges such as 131 00:04:57,350 --> 00:05:00,150 food and water insecurity and threats 132 00:05:00,150 --> 00:05:03,240 to human health . We live in a complex 133 00:05:03,240 --> 00:05:04,907 and dangerous global security 134 00:05:04,907 --> 00:05:07,129 environment from Russia's aggression in 135 00:05:07,129 --> 00:05:09,351 europe to china's influence in the indo 136 00:05:09,351 --> 00:05:11,590 pacific to counsel to list other malign 137 00:05:11,590 --> 00:05:14,100 actors around the world prevailing in 138 00:05:14,100 --> 00:05:16,267 this environment will require resolute 139 00:05:16,267 --> 00:05:18,580 affordable strategies . I look forward 140 00:05:18,580 --> 00:05:20,636 to our witnesses insights into these 141 00:05:20,636 --> 00:05:22,858 issues and I thank them again for their 142 00:05:22,858 --> 00:05:25,024 participation . Now let me turn to the 143 00:05:25,024 --> 00:05:27,247 ranking member , Senator Inhofe . Thank 144 00:05:27,247 --> 00:05:29,136 you . Mr Chairman . I join you in 145 00:05:29,136 --> 00:05:31,960 welcoming our witnesses when our 146 00:05:31,960 --> 00:05:33,738 witnesses testified before this 147 00:05:33,738 --> 00:05:37,260 committee last year or we had witnesses . 148 00:05:38,040 --> 00:05:40,540 They provided a dire assessment of the 149 00:05:40,540 --> 00:05:42,707 threats to our national security . And 150 00:05:42,707 --> 00:05:44,830 it's clear and I I really can't 151 00:05:44,830 --> 00:05:47,880 overstate this . The security situation 152 00:05:47,880 --> 00:05:50,380 we face today is significantly more 153 00:05:50,380 --> 00:05:53,230 dangerous and complex than it has has 154 00:05:53,240 --> 00:05:55,700 ever been . There certainly was a year 155 00:05:55,700 --> 00:05:58,390 ago . The Chinese threat is beyond 156 00:05:58,390 --> 00:06:00,446 anything we ever dealt with before . 157 00:06:00,446 --> 00:06:02,650 This year . Beijing announced its 7.1% 158 00:06:02,660 --> 00:06:05,780 defense budget increase . They've had 159 00:06:05,790 --> 00:06:08,350 two decades of real growth with no 160 00:06:08,350 --> 00:06:10,572 signs of slowing down . As the chairman 161 00:06:10,572 --> 00:06:13,150 alluded to Putin's unprovoked 162 00:06:13,150 --> 00:06:17,070 aggression against Ukraine shows 163 00:06:17,070 --> 00:06:20,690 the danger posed by the nuclear 164 00:06:20,690 --> 00:06:24,630 armed Russia to our security and those 165 00:06:24,630 --> 00:06:27,350 of our allies and international order . 166 00:06:28,240 --> 00:06:31,510 Iran's behind behavior continues 167 00:06:31,510 --> 00:06:33,420 throughout the Middle East and 168 00:06:33,430 --> 00:06:36,070 terrorist groups like IsIS and Al Qaeda 169 00:06:36,080 --> 00:06:38,650 are growing in strength across africa . 170 00:06:39,040 --> 00:06:41,570 Despite this reality President biden's 171 00:06:41,580 --> 00:06:44,770 budget request is inadequate . It 172 00:06:44,770 --> 00:06:46,770 doesn't deliver the real growth our 173 00:06:46,770 --> 00:06:50,180 military needs and that is the 3-5% 174 00:06:50,180 --> 00:06:52,850 increase that we established some five 175 00:06:52,850 --> 00:06:56,120 years ago and as I've said it before , 176 00:06:56,120 --> 00:06:58,840 inflation is now is the new 177 00:06:58,850 --> 00:07:01,890 sequestration that we consider today 178 00:07:01,890 --> 00:07:03,557 and it's making everywhere in 179 00:07:03,560 --> 00:07:06,070 everything we do more difficult . So I 180 00:07:06,070 --> 00:07:08,126 look forward to hearing from both of 181 00:07:08,126 --> 00:07:10,710 you about how are threats have evolved 182 00:07:10,720 --> 00:07:14,030 since ever since last year and how the 183 00:07:14,030 --> 00:07:16,760 intelligence community is changing to 184 00:07:16,770 --> 00:07:19,370 respond to the national security 185 00:07:19,370 --> 00:07:21,760 strategy . Thank you . Mr . Chairman , 186 00:07:22,940 --> 00:07:25,107 Thank you very much . Senator Inhofe . 187 00:07:25,107 --> 00:07:27,218 Now let me recognize Director Han's . 188 00:07:29,440 --> 00:07:31,551 Thank you very much . Chairman . Reed 189 00:07:31,551 --> 00:07:33,718 ranking member Inhofe . Members of the 190 00:07:33,718 --> 00:07:33,610 committee . Thank you for the 191 00:07:33,610 --> 00:07:35,832 opportunity to speak with you today and 192 00:07:35,832 --> 00:07:37,999 to provide testimony alongside general 193 00:07:37,999 --> 00:07:40,221 barrier on the intelligence community's 194 00:07:40,221 --> 00:07:42,388 annual assessment of worldwide threats 195 00:07:42,388 --> 00:07:44,950 to us national security . Before I 196 00:07:44,950 --> 00:07:47,172 start , I just want to take a moment to 197 00:07:47,172 --> 00:07:49,394 publicly thank the men and women of the 198 00:07:49,394 --> 00:07:51,228 intelligence community for their 199 00:07:51,228 --> 00:07:53,394 extraordinary work to keep us safe . I 200 00:07:53,394 --> 00:07:55,561 know how privileged I am to be part of 201 00:07:55,561 --> 00:07:57,839 this community , truly talented people . 202 00:07:57,839 --> 00:07:59,894 To be given a chance to do something 203 00:07:59,894 --> 00:07:59,820 useful in service of my country and I 204 00:07:59,820 --> 00:08:02,150 thank you for support for their work . 205 00:08:02,940 --> 00:08:04,662 Broadly speaking . This year's 206 00:08:04,662 --> 00:08:06,551 assessment focuses much like last 207 00:08:06,551 --> 00:08:08,607 year's assessment on adversaries and 208 00:08:08,607 --> 00:08:10,662 competitors , critical transnational 209 00:08:10,662 --> 00:08:12,900 threats and conflicts and instability 210 00:08:13,140 --> 00:08:15,860 and these categories of often overlap 211 00:08:15,870 --> 00:08:17,648 cybercrime , for example , is a 212 00:08:17,648 --> 00:08:19,870 transnational threat while also being a 213 00:08:19,870 --> 00:08:22,148 threat that emanates from state actors . 214 00:08:22,148 --> 00:08:24,259 one of the key challenges of this era 215 00:08:24,259 --> 00:08:26,314 is assessing how various threats and 216 00:08:26,314 --> 00:08:28,537 trends are likely to intersect so as to 217 00:08:28,537 --> 00:08:30,648 identify where their interactions may 218 00:08:30,648 --> 00:08:32,870 result in fundamentally greater risk to 219 00:08:32,870 --> 00:08:35,037 our interests than one might otherwise 220 00:08:35,037 --> 00:08:36,981 expect or where they introduce new 221 00:08:36,981 --> 00:08:39,148 opportunities . And this year's annual 222 00:08:39,148 --> 00:08:41,203 threat assessment highlights some of 223 00:08:41,203 --> 00:08:43,259 these connections as it provides the 224 00:08:43,259 --> 00:08:45,203 ISIS baseline of the most pressing 225 00:08:45,203 --> 00:08:47,314 threats to US national security . The 226 00:08:47,314 --> 00:08:49,481 assessment starts with threats from qi 227 00:08:49,481 --> 00:08:49,290 state actors beginning with the 228 00:08:49,290 --> 00:08:51,234 People's Republic of China , which 229 00:08:51,234 --> 00:08:53,290 remains an unparalleled priority for 230 00:08:53,290 --> 00:08:55,290 the intelligence community and then 231 00:08:55,290 --> 00:08:57,568 turns to Russia , Iran and north Korea . 232 00:08:57,568 --> 00:08:59,734 All four governments have demonstrated 233 00:08:59,734 --> 00:09:01,810 the capability and intent to promote 234 00:09:01,810 --> 00:09:03,643 their interests in ways that cut 235 00:09:03,643 --> 00:09:06,020 against US and allied interests . The 236 00:09:06,020 --> 00:09:08,100 PRC is coming ever closer to being a 237 00:09:08,100 --> 00:09:10,211 pure competitor in areas of relevance 238 00:09:10,211 --> 00:09:12,267 to national security . Is pushing to 239 00:09:12,267 --> 00:09:14,489 revise global norms and institutions to 240 00:09:14,489 --> 00:09:16,544 its advantage and is challenging the 241 00:09:16,544 --> 00:09:18,378 United States in multiple arenas 242 00:09:18,378 --> 00:09:20,180 economically , militarily and 243 00:09:20,180 --> 00:09:22,740 technologically . China is especially 244 00:09:22,740 --> 00:09:24,573 effective at bringing together a 245 00:09:24,573 --> 00:09:26,351 coordinated whole of government 246 00:09:26,351 --> 00:09:28,407 approach to demonstrate its strength 247 00:09:28,407 --> 00:09:30,629 and to compel neighbors to acquiesce to 248 00:09:30,629 --> 00:09:32,407 its preferences , including its 249 00:09:32,407 --> 00:09:34,407 territorial and maritime claims and 250 00:09:34,407 --> 00:09:36,560 assertions of sovereignty over Taiwan 251 00:09:37,240 --> 00:09:39,462 and a key area of focus for the I . C . 252 00:09:39,462 --> 00:09:42,030 Is President Xi Jinping's determination 253 00:09:42,030 --> 00:09:44,290 to force unification with Taiwan on 254 00:09:44,290 --> 00:09:46,710 Beijing's terms . China would prefer 255 00:09:46,710 --> 00:09:48,870 coerced unification that avoids armed 256 00:09:48,870 --> 00:09:51,570 conflict and it has been stepping up 257 00:09:51,570 --> 00:09:53,620 diplomatic economic and military 258 00:09:53,620 --> 00:09:56,690 pressure on the island for years to 259 00:09:56,700 --> 00:09:58,940 isolated and weakened confidence in its 260 00:09:58,940 --> 00:10:01,170 democratically elected leaders and at 261 00:10:01,170 --> 00:10:03,337 the same time , Beijing is prepared to 262 00:10:03,337 --> 00:10:05,448 use military force if it decides this 263 00:10:05,448 --> 00:10:08,420 is necessary . The PRC is also engaged 264 00:10:08,430 --> 00:10:10,319 in the largest ever nuclear force 265 00:10:10,319 --> 00:10:13,020 expansion and arsenal diversification 266 00:10:13,030 --> 00:10:15,340 in its history . Is working to match or 267 00:10:15,340 --> 00:10:18,010 exceed US capabilities in space and 268 00:10:18,010 --> 00:10:20,232 presents the broadest , most active and 269 00:10:20,232 --> 00:10:22,510 persistent cyber espionage threat to U . 270 00:10:22,510 --> 00:10:24,399 S . Government and private sector 271 00:10:24,399 --> 00:10:26,900 networks . And Russia of course , also 272 00:10:26,900 --> 00:10:29,740 remains a critical priority . And 273 00:10:29,740 --> 00:10:31,851 there's a significant focus right now 274 00:10:31,851 --> 00:10:33,907 in light of President Putin's tragic 275 00:10:33,907 --> 00:10:36,129 invasion of Ukraine in february , which 276 00:10:36,129 --> 00:10:37,684 has produced a shock to the 277 00:10:37,684 --> 00:10:39,740 geopolitical order with implications 278 00:10:39,740 --> 00:10:41,518 for the future that we are only 279 00:10:41,518 --> 00:10:43,740 beginning to understand but are sure to 280 00:10:43,740 --> 00:10:45,962 be consequential and the I . C . As you 281 00:10:45,962 --> 00:10:48,018 know , provided warning of President 282 00:10:48,018 --> 00:10:47,660 Putin's plans . But this is a case 283 00:10:47,660 --> 00:10:49,660 where I think all of us wish we had 284 00:10:49,660 --> 00:10:51,900 been wrong . Russia's failure to 285 00:10:51,900 --> 00:10:53,733 rapidly seize Kiev and overwhelm 286 00:10:53,733 --> 00:10:55,956 Ukrainian forces has deprived Moscow of 287 00:10:55,956 --> 00:10:58,122 the quick military victory that it had 288 00:10:58,122 --> 00:11:00,233 originally expected would prevent the 289 00:11:00,233 --> 00:11:02,400 United States and NATO from being able 290 00:11:02,400 --> 00:11:04,511 to provide meaningful military aid to 291 00:11:04,511 --> 00:11:06,511 Ukraine . And the Russians met with 292 00:11:06,511 --> 00:11:08,678 more resistance from Ukraine than they 293 00:11:08,678 --> 00:11:10,567 expected and their own militaries 294 00:11:10,567 --> 00:11:12,400 performance revealed a number of 295 00:11:12,400 --> 00:11:14,289 significant internal challenges , 296 00:11:14,289 --> 00:11:16,344 forcing them to adjust their initial 297 00:11:16,344 --> 00:11:18,567 military objectives fall back from Kiev 298 00:11:18,567 --> 00:11:20,780 and focus on the Donbas the next month 299 00:11:20,780 --> 00:11:23,070 or two of fighting will be significant . 300 00:11:23,080 --> 00:11:25,302 As the Russians attempt to reinvigorate 301 00:11:25,302 --> 00:11:27,358 their efforts . But even if they are 302 00:11:27,358 --> 00:11:29,524 successful , we are not confident that 303 00:11:29,524 --> 00:11:31,136 the fight in the Donbas will 304 00:11:31,136 --> 00:11:33,247 effectively end the war . We assess , 305 00:11:33,247 --> 00:11:35,191 President Putin is preparing for a 306 00:11:35,191 --> 00:11:37,358 prolonged conflict in Ukraine , during 307 00:11:37,358 --> 00:11:39,580 which he still intends to achieve goals 308 00:11:39,580 --> 00:11:41,524 beyond the Donbas . We assess that 309 00:11:41,524 --> 00:11:43,580 Putin strategic ALS has probably not 310 00:11:43,580 --> 00:11:45,580 changed . Suggesting he regards the 311 00:11:45,580 --> 00:11:47,469 decision in late March to refocus 312 00:11:47,469 --> 00:11:49,636 Russian forces on the Donbas is only a 313 00:11:49,636 --> 00:11:51,390 temporary shift to regain the 314 00:11:51,390 --> 00:11:53,112 initiative . After the Russian 315 00:11:53,112 --> 00:11:56,130 military's failure to capture Kiev and 316 00:11:56,130 --> 00:11:57,852 his current near term military 317 00:11:57,852 --> 00:11:59,963 objectives are to capture the two all 318 00:11:59,963 --> 00:12:02,220 blasts in Donetsk and Luhansk with a 319 00:12:02,220 --> 00:12:04,640 buffer zone encircle Ukrainian forces 320 00:12:04,640 --> 00:12:06,640 from the north and the south to the 321 00:12:06,640 --> 00:12:09,000 west of the Donbas in order to crush 322 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:10,944 the most capable and well equipped 323 00:12:10,944 --> 00:12:13,000 Ukrainian forces who are fighting to 324 00:12:13,000 --> 00:12:15,300 hold the line in the east , consolidate 325 00:12:15,300 --> 00:12:17,411 control of the land bridge Russia has 326 00:12:17,411 --> 00:12:19,522 established from Crimea to the Donbas 327 00:12:19,522 --> 00:12:21,744 occupied kerosene and control the water 328 00:12:21,744 --> 00:12:24,022 source for Crimea that is to the north . 329 00:12:24,022 --> 00:12:26,078 And we also see indications that the 330 00:12:26,078 --> 00:12:28,133 Russian military wants to extend the 331 00:12:28,133 --> 00:12:30,356 land bridge to Transnistria . And while 332 00:12:30,356 --> 00:12:32,411 the Russian forces may be capable of 333 00:12:32,411 --> 00:12:34,633 achieving most of these near term goals 334 00:12:34,633 --> 00:12:36,800 in the coming months , we believe that 335 00:12:36,800 --> 00:12:39,022 they will not be able to extend control 336 00:12:39,022 --> 00:12:41,078 over a land bridge that stretches to 337 00:12:41,078 --> 00:12:42,911 Transnistria and includes Odessa 338 00:12:42,911 --> 00:12:44,633 without launching some form of 339 00:12:44,633 --> 00:12:46,790 mobilization and it is increasingly 340 00:12:46,790 --> 00:12:48,734 unlikely that they will be able to 341 00:12:48,734 --> 00:12:50,790 establish control over both Obelisks 342 00:12:50,790 --> 00:12:52,957 and the buffer zone they desire in the 343 00:12:52,957 --> 00:12:55,012 coming weeks , but Putin most likely 344 00:12:55,012 --> 00:12:57,123 also judges that Russia has a greater 345 00:12:57,123 --> 00:12:59,012 ability and willingness to endure 346 00:12:59,012 --> 00:13:01,123 challenges than his adversaries , and 347 00:13:01,123 --> 00:13:03,179 he is probably counting on us and Eu 348 00:13:03,179 --> 00:13:05,346 resolved to weaken as food shortages , 349 00:13:05,346 --> 00:13:07,690 inflation , energy prices get worse . 350 00:13:08,240 --> 00:13:10,351 Moreover , as both Russia and Ukraine 351 00:13:10,351 --> 00:13:12,240 believe they can continue to make 352 00:13:12,240 --> 00:13:14,351 progress militarily , we do not see a 353 00:13:14,351 --> 00:13:16,407 viable negotiating path forward , at 354 00:13:16,407 --> 00:13:18,629 least in the short term , the uncertain 355 00:13:18,629 --> 00:13:20,296 nature of the battle which is 356 00:13:20,296 --> 00:13:22,351 developing into a war of attrition , 357 00:13:22,351 --> 00:13:24,407 combined with the reality that Putin 358 00:13:24,407 --> 00:13:26,573 faces a mismatch between his ambitions 359 00:13:26,573 --> 00:13:28,462 and Russia's current conventional 360 00:13:28,462 --> 00:13:30,518 military capabilities , likely means 361 00:13:30,518 --> 00:13:32,740 the next few months could see us moving 362 00:13:32,740 --> 00:13:34,462 along a more unpredictable and 363 00:13:34,462 --> 00:13:36,629 potentially escalatory trajectory . At 364 00:13:36,629 --> 00:13:38,851 the very least , we believe the economy 365 00:13:38,851 --> 00:13:40,962 will usher in a period of more ad hoc 366 00:13:40,962 --> 00:13:43,160 decision making in Russia , both with 367 00:13:43,160 --> 00:13:45,160 respect to the domestic adjustments 368 00:13:45,160 --> 00:13:47,382 required to sustain this push , as well 369 00:13:47,382 --> 00:13:49,493 as the military conflict with Ukraine 370 00:13:49,493 --> 00:13:51,820 and the West , and the current trend 371 00:13:51,830 --> 00:13:54,052 increases the likelihood that President 372 00:13:54,052 --> 00:13:56,274 Putin will turn to more drastic means , 373 00:13:56,274 --> 00:13:58,300 including imposing martial law , 374 00:13:58,310 --> 00:14:00,690 reorienting industrial production or 375 00:14:00,690 --> 00:14:03,020 potentially escalatory military actions 376 00:14:03,020 --> 00:14:04,964 to free up the resources needed to 377 00:14:04,964 --> 00:14:07,131 achieve his objectives as the conflict 378 00:14:07,131 --> 00:14:09,480 drags on . Or if he perceives Russia is 379 00:14:09,480 --> 00:14:12,120 losing in Ukraine and the most likely 380 00:14:12,120 --> 00:14:14,009 flashpoints for escalation in the 381 00:14:14,009 --> 00:14:15,953 coming weeks are around increasing 382 00:14:15,953 --> 00:14:18,064 Russian attempts to interdict Western 383 00:14:18,064 --> 00:14:20,176 security assistance , retaliation for 384 00:14:20,176 --> 00:14:22,287 Western economic sanctions or threats 385 00:14:22,287 --> 00:14:24,750 to the regime at home . We believe that 386 00:14:24,750 --> 00:14:26,720 Moscow continues to use nuclear 387 00:14:26,720 --> 00:14:28,942 rhetoric to deter the United States and 388 00:14:28,942 --> 00:14:31,140 the West from increasing lethal aid to 389 00:14:31,140 --> 00:14:33,360 Ukraine and to respond to public 390 00:14:33,360 --> 00:14:35,304 comments that the U . S . And NATO 391 00:14:35,304 --> 00:14:37,210 allies and that suggests expanded 392 00:14:37,210 --> 00:14:39,480 Western goals in the conflict . And if 393 00:14:39,480 --> 00:14:41,647 Putin perceives that the United States 394 00:14:41,647 --> 00:14:43,869 is ignoring his threats , he may try to 395 00:14:43,869 --> 00:14:45,869 signal to Washington the heightened 396 00:14:45,869 --> 00:14:47,869 danger of its support to Ukraine by 397 00:14:47,869 --> 00:14:47,810 authorizing another large nuclear 398 00:14:47,810 --> 00:14:50,450 exercise involving a major dispersal of 399 00:14:50,450 --> 00:14:52,394 mobile intercontinental missiles , 400 00:14:52,394 --> 00:14:54,561 heavy bombers , strategic submarines . 401 00:14:54,940 --> 00:14:57,080 We otherwise continue to believe that 402 00:14:57,080 --> 00:14:59,080 President Putin would probably only 403 00:14:59,080 --> 00:15:01,191 authorized the use of nuclear weapons 404 00:15:01,191 --> 00:15:03,302 if he perceived an existential threat 405 00:15:03,302 --> 00:15:05,524 to the Russian state or regime , but we 406 00:15:05,524 --> 00:15:07,469 will remain vigilant in monitoring 407 00:15:07,469 --> 00:15:09,413 every aspect of Russia's strategic 408 00:15:09,413 --> 00:15:11,413 nuclear forces . With tensions this 409 00:15:11,413 --> 00:15:13,358 high , there is always an enhanced 410 00:15:13,358 --> 00:15:15,080 potential for miscalculation , 411 00:15:15,080 --> 00:15:17,302 unintended escalation which we hope our 412 00:15:17,302 --> 00:15:19,191 intelligence can help to mitigate 413 00:15:19,191 --> 00:15:21,413 beyond its invasion of Ukraine , Moscow 414 00:15:21,413 --> 00:15:23,580 presents a serious cyber threat . Aqui 415 00:15:23,580 --> 00:15:25,636 space competitor and one of the most 416 00:15:25,636 --> 00:15:27,691 serious foreign influence threats to 417 00:15:27,691 --> 00:15:27,680 the United States using its 418 00:15:27,680 --> 00:15:29,736 intelligence services , Proxies wide 419 00:15:29,736 --> 00:15:31,847 ranging influence tools . The Russian 420 00:15:31,847 --> 00:15:34,069 government seeks to not only pursue its 421 00:15:34,069 --> 00:15:36,013 own interests , but also to divide 422 00:15:36,013 --> 00:15:38,236 Western alliances , undermine US global 423 00:15:38,236 --> 00:15:40,347 standing , amplified , discord inside 424 00:15:40,347 --> 00:15:42,291 the United States and influence US 425 00:15:42,291 --> 00:15:44,770 voters and decision making and to 426 00:15:44,770 --> 00:15:46,881 finish with our state actor threats . 427 00:15:46,881 --> 00:15:48,659 The Iranian regime continues to 428 00:15:48,659 --> 00:15:50,714 threaten us interests as it tries to 429 00:15:50,714 --> 00:15:52,826 erode US influence in the Middle East 430 00:15:52,826 --> 00:15:54,881 and trends its influence and project 431 00:15:54,881 --> 00:15:56,659 power in neighboring states and 432 00:15:56,659 --> 00:15:58,826 minimize threats to regime stability . 433 00:15:58,826 --> 00:16:00,881 Meanwhile , kim jong un continues to 434 00:16:00,881 --> 00:16:03,103 steadily expand and enhance Pyongyang's 435 00:16:03,103 --> 00:16:05,214 nuclear and conventional capabilities 436 00:16:05,214 --> 00:16:07,214 targeting the United States and its 437 00:16:07,214 --> 00:16:09,492 allies , periodically using aggressive , 438 00:16:09,492 --> 00:16:11,548 potentially destabilizing actions to 439 00:16:11,548 --> 00:16:13,214 reshape the regional security 440 00:16:13,214 --> 00:16:14,992 environment in his favor and to 441 00:16:14,992 --> 00:16:17,159 reinforce its status quo as a de facto 442 00:16:17,159 --> 00:16:18,881 nuclear power . The assessment 443 00:16:18,881 --> 00:16:21,250 continues to focus on a number of key 444 00:16:21,250 --> 00:16:23,194 global and transnational threats , 445 00:16:23,194 --> 00:16:25,139 including global health security , 446 00:16:25,139 --> 00:16:27,139 transnational organized crime , the 447 00:16:27,139 --> 00:16:29,083 rapid development of destabilizing 448 00:16:29,083 --> 00:16:31,139 technologies , climate migration and 449 00:16:31,139 --> 00:16:33,250 terrorism . I raise this because they 450 00:16:33,250 --> 00:16:35,194 pose challenges of a fundamentally 451 00:16:35,194 --> 00:16:37,028 different nature to our national 452 00:16:37,028 --> 00:16:38,861 security than those posed by the 453 00:16:38,861 --> 00:16:38,850 actions of nation states , Even 454 00:16:38,850 --> 00:16:41,490 powerful ones like china and Russia . 455 00:16:41,680 --> 00:16:43,791 And we look at the Russia Ukraine war 456 00:16:43,791 --> 00:16:46,013 and can imagine outcomes to resolve the 457 00:16:46,013 --> 00:16:47,958 crisis and the steps needed to get 458 00:16:47,958 --> 00:16:49,847 there even though unpalatable and 459 00:16:49,847 --> 00:16:52,069 difficult . And similarly , we view the 460 00:16:52,069 --> 00:16:54,069 array of challenges chinese actions 461 00:16:54,069 --> 00:16:53,970 pose and can discuss what is required , 462 00:16:53,970 --> 00:16:56,440 how we think about trade offs . But 463 00:16:56,440 --> 00:16:58,662 transnational issues are more complex , 464 00:16:58,662 --> 00:17:00,551 require significant and sustained 465 00:17:00,551 --> 00:17:02,662 multilateral effort . And then we can 466 00:17:02,662 --> 00:17:04,829 discuss ways of managing them . All of 467 00:17:04,829 --> 00:17:07,051 them pose a set of choices that will be 468 00:17:07,051 --> 00:17:09,051 more difficult to untangle and will 469 00:17:09,051 --> 00:17:11,273 perhaps require more sacrifice to bring 470 00:17:11,273 --> 00:17:13,496 about meaningful change . This reflects 471 00:17:13,496 --> 00:17:15,607 not just the interconnected nature of 472 00:17:15,607 --> 00:17:17,718 the problems but also the significant 473 00:17:17,718 --> 00:17:19,718 impact , increasingly empowered non 474 00:17:19,718 --> 00:17:21,829 state actors have on the outcomes and 475 00:17:21,829 --> 00:17:23,662 the reality And that some of the 476 00:17:23,662 --> 00:17:25,662 countries who are key to mitigating 477 00:17:25,662 --> 00:17:27,884 threats posed by nation states are also 478 00:17:27,884 --> 00:17:29,996 the ones we will be asking to do more 479 00:17:29,996 --> 00:17:32,051 in the transnational space . And for 480 00:17:32,051 --> 00:17:34,218 example , the lingering effects of the 481 00:17:34,218 --> 00:17:36,329 COVID-19 pandemic is putting a strain 482 00:17:36,329 --> 00:17:36,220 on governments and societies fueling 483 00:17:36,220 --> 00:17:38,640 humanitarian and economic crises , 484 00:17:38,640 --> 00:17:40,529 political unrest and geopolitical 485 00:17:40,529 --> 00:17:42,810 competition . Low income countries with 486 00:17:42,810 --> 00:17:44,421 high debts face particularly 487 00:17:44,421 --> 00:17:46,920 challenging recoveries now exacerbated 488 00:17:46,920 --> 00:17:48,753 in some cases by increasing food 489 00:17:48,753 --> 00:17:50,698 security resulting from the Russia 490 00:17:50,698 --> 00:17:52,864 Ukraine crisis . And these shifts will 491 00:17:52,864 --> 00:17:54,753 spur migration around the world , 492 00:17:54,753 --> 00:17:56,920 including on our southern border . The 493 00:17:56,920 --> 00:17:59,031 economic impact has set many poor and 494 00:17:59,031 --> 00:18:01,142 middle income countries back years in 495 00:18:01,142 --> 00:18:02,976 terms of economic development is 496 00:18:02,976 --> 00:18:04,864 encouraging some in latin America 497 00:18:04,864 --> 00:18:06,920 africa and Asia to look to china and 498 00:18:06,920 --> 00:18:09,087 Russia for quick economic and security 499 00:18:09,087 --> 00:18:11,364 assistance to manage their new reality . 500 00:18:11,364 --> 00:18:13,309 And we see the same complex mix of 501 00:18:13,309 --> 00:18:15,420 interlocking challenges stemming from 502 00:18:15,420 --> 00:18:17,642 the threat of climate change , which is 503 00:18:17,642 --> 00:18:19,809 exacerbating risks in U . S . National 504 00:18:19,809 --> 00:18:21,920 security interests across the board , 505 00:18:21,920 --> 00:18:24,087 but particularly as it intersects with 506 00:18:24,087 --> 00:18:23,920 environmental degradation and global 507 00:18:23,920 --> 00:18:26,040 health challenges and terrorism , of 508 00:18:26,040 --> 00:18:28,373 course remains a persistent threat to U . 509 00:18:28,373 --> 00:18:30,484 S . Persons and interests at home and 510 00:18:30,484 --> 00:18:32,484 abroad . But the implication of the 511 00:18:32,484 --> 00:18:34,540 problem are evolving in africa , for 512 00:18:34,540 --> 00:18:36,596 example , where terrorist groups are 513 00:18:36,596 --> 00:18:38,762 clearly gaining strength . The growing 514 00:18:38,762 --> 00:18:38,740 overlap between terrorism , criminal 515 00:18:38,740 --> 00:18:40,740 activity and smuggling networks has 516 00:18:40,740 --> 00:18:42,740 undermined stability contributed to 517 00:18:42,740 --> 00:18:45,190 COOS and an erosion of democracy and 518 00:18:45,190 --> 00:18:47,023 resulted in countries turning to 519 00:18:47,023 --> 00:18:49,134 Russian entities to help manage these 520 00:18:49,134 --> 00:18:50,912 problems . Global transnational 521 00:18:50,912 --> 00:18:53,134 criminal organizations continue to pose 522 00:18:53,134 --> 00:18:55,190 a direct threat to the United States 523 00:18:55,190 --> 00:18:57,357 through the production and trafficking 524 00:18:57,357 --> 00:18:59,690 of lethal illicit drugs , massive theft , 525 00:18:59,690 --> 00:19:01,301 including cybercrime , human 526 00:19:01,301 --> 00:19:03,357 trafficking and financial crimes and 527 00:19:03,357 --> 00:19:05,246 money laundering schemes . And in 528 00:19:05,246 --> 00:19:07,301 particular , the threat from illicit 529 00:19:07,301 --> 00:19:09,412 drugs is at historic levels with more 530 00:19:09,412 --> 00:19:11,468 than 100,000 Americans drug overdose 531 00:19:11,468 --> 00:19:13,523 deaths for the first time annually , 532 00:19:13,523 --> 00:19:15,523 driven mainly by a robust supply of 533 00:19:15,523 --> 00:19:17,246 synthetic opioids from mexican 534 00:19:17,246 --> 00:19:19,412 transnational criminal organizations . 535 00:19:19,412 --> 00:19:21,468 In short , the interconnected global 536 00:19:21,468 --> 00:19:23,579 security environment is marked by the 537 00:19:23,579 --> 00:19:25,412 growing specter of great power , 538 00:19:25,412 --> 00:19:25,410 competition and conflict , while 539 00:19:25,410 --> 00:19:27,466 transnational threats to all nations 540 00:19:27,466 --> 00:19:29,610 and actors compete not only for our 541 00:19:29,610 --> 00:19:31,388 attention , but also for finite 542 00:19:31,388 --> 00:19:33,054 resources . And finally , the 543 00:19:33,054 --> 00:19:34,943 assessment turns to conflicts and 544 00:19:34,943 --> 00:19:37,110 instability , highlighting a series of 545 00:19:37,110 --> 00:19:39,166 regional challenges of importance to 546 00:19:39,166 --> 00:19:41,332 the United States . Iterative violence 547 00:19:41,332 --> 00:19:43,443 between Israel and Iran and conflicts 548 00:19:43,443 --> 00:19:45,610 in other areas including Africa , Asia 549 00:19:45,610 --> 00:19:45,530 and the Middle East have the potential 550 00:19:45,530 --> 00:19:47,197 to escalate or spread fueling 551 00:19:47,197 --> 00:19:49,363 humanitarian crises and threatening us 552 00:19:49,363 --> 00:19:51,419 persons . Africa , for example , has 553 00:19:51,419 --> 00:19:53,530 seen six irregular transfers of power 554 00:19:53,530 --> 00:19:56,200 since 2020 and probably will see new 555 00:19:56,200 --> 00:19:58,550 bouts of conflict in the coming year as 556 00:19:58,550 --> 00:20:00,328 the region becomes increasingly 557 00:20:00,328 --> 00:20:02,390 strained by a volatile mixture of 558 00:20:02,390 --> 00:20:04,660 democratic backsliding intercommunal 559 00:20:04,660 --> 00:20:06,716 violence and the continued threat of 560 00:20:06,716 --> 00:20:09,100 cross border terrorism and finally , 561 00:20:09,100 --> 00:20:11,267 most important of all , we are focused 562 00:20:11,267 --> 00:20:13,489 on our work forces and their families . 563 00:20:13,489 --> 00:20:15,656 The I . C . Continues to contribute to 564 00:20:15,656 --> 00:20:17,711 the government wide effort to better 565 00:20:17,711 --> 00:20:19,878 understand potential causal mechanisms 566 00:20:19,878 --> 00:20:19,650 of anomalous health incidents and 567 00:20:19,650 --> 00:20:21,872 remains committed to ensuring afflicted 568 00:20:21,872 --> 00:20:23,928 individuals receive the quality care 569 00:20:23,928 --> 00:20:26,039 they need . The safety and well being 570 00:20:26,039 --> 00:20:27,817 of our workforce is our highest 571 00:20:27,817 --> 00:20:29,706 priority . And we are grateful to 572 00:20:29,706 --> 00:20:29,520 members of this committee for your 573 00:20:29,520 --> 00:20:31,520 continued support on these issues . 574 00:20:31,520 --> 00:20:33,353 Thank you for the opportunity to 575 00:20:33,353 --> 00:20:35,298 present our assessments and I look 576 00:20:35,298 --> 00:20:37,409 forward to your questions . Thank you 577 00:20:37,409 --> 00:20:39,464 very much , madam . Director General 578 00:20:39,464 --> 00:20:43,150 barrier please . Chairman Reed ranking 579 00:20:43,150 --> 00:20:44,983 member in half and distinguished 580 00:20:44,983 --> 00:20:46,928 members of the committee . It is a 581 00:20:46,928 --> 00:20:49,039 privilege to testify today as part of 582 00:20:49,039 --> 00:20:50,928 the intelligence community's 2022 583 00:20:50,928 --> 00:20:53,039 Assessment of worldwide threats to us 584 00:20:53,039 --> 00:20:55,300 national security on behalf of the 585 00:20:55,300 --> 00:20:57,522 Defense Intelligence Agency . I want to 586 00:20:57,522 --> 00:20:59,522 express how much we appreciate your 587 00:20:59,522 --> 00:21:01,856 support and partnership . Thank you . D . 588 00:21:01,856 --> 00:21:03,967 I fills a unique intelligence role by 589 00:21:03,967 --> 00:21:05,967 providing strategic operational and 590 00:21:05,967 --> 00:21:05,720 tactical intelligence to our 591 00:21:05,720 --> 00:21:07,553 warfighters , defense planners , 592 00:21:07,840 --> 00:21:09,673 policymakers and the acquisition 593 00:21:09,673 --> 00:21:11,920 community . We examine conflict across 594 00:21:11,920 --> 00:21:13,809 all warfighting domains to assess 595 00:21:13,809 --> 00:21:16,031 foreign capabilities and understand our 596 00:21:16,031 --> 00:21:18,460 adversaries intent . Dia is dedicated 597 00:21:18,460 --> 00:21:20,571 professionals in partnership with our 598 00:21:20,571 --> 00:21:22,682 intelligence community , colleagues , 599 00:21:22,682 --> 00:21:24,682 allies and foreign partners deliver 600 00:21:24,682 --> 00:21:26,682 timely and relevant intelligence on 601 00:21:26,682 --> 00:21:28,571 threats and challenges facing our 602 00:21:28,571 --> 00:21:30,460 nation . D . I . A . Has a highly 603 00:21:30,460 --> 00:21:32,571 resilient workforce that has overcome 604 00:21:32,571 --> 00:21:32,340 difficult challenges posed by the 605 00:21:32,340 --> 00:21:35,180 pandemic Today . My goal is to convey 606 00:21:35,190 --> 00:21:37,470 ideas insights to you and the american 607 00:21:37,470 --> 00:21:39,310 public on the evolving threat 608 00:21:39,310 --> 00:21:42,360 environment as we understand it as I 609 00:21:42,360 --> 00:21:44,527 look at the global landscape today . I 610 00:21:44,527 --> 00:21:46,416 want to begin with Russia and its 611 00:21:46,416 --> 00:21:48,527 invasion of Ukraine , which is now in 612 00:21:48,527 --> 00:21:50,360 its third month Russian military 613 00:21:50,360 --> 00:21:52,527 capabilities have been used to violate 614 00:21:52,527 --> 00:21:54,527 the sovereignty and independence of 615 00:21:54,527 --> 00:21:56,582 Ukraine and they pose an existential 616 00:21:56,582 --> 00:21:58,804 threat to US national security and that 617 00:21:58,804 --> 00:22:00,638 of our allies . The invasion has 618 00:22:00,638 --> 00:22:02,416 demonstrated Russia's intent to 619 00:22:02,416 --> 00:22:04,471 overturn the US led rules based post 620 00:22:04,471 --> 00:22:06,582 Cold War international order , expand 621 00:22:06,582 --> 00:22:08,527 its control over the former soviet 622 00:22:08,527 --> 00:22:10,582 union and reclaim what it regards as 623 00:22:10,582 --> 00:22:12,527 its rightful position on the world 624 00:22:12,527 --> 00:22:14,527 stage . Moscow's underestimation of 625 00:22:14,527 --> 00:22:16,360 Ukraine's effective resistance , 626 00:22:16,440 --> 00:22:18,750 Russia's substantial battlefield losses 627 00:22:18,800 --> 00:22:20,967 and Western resolve to support Ukraine 628 00:22:21,050 --> 00:22:23,360 has undermined Moscow's assault on Kiev 629 00:22:24,040 --> 00:22:26,207 and improve prospects that Ukraine can 630 00:22:26,207 --> 00:22:28,318 successfully defend its sovereignty . 631 00:22:29,040 --> 00:22:31,040 Moscow has now shifted its focus to 632 00:22:31,040 --> 00:22:33,151 eastern Ukraine , where it appears to 633 00:22:33,151 --> 00:22:35,318 be prioritizing prioritizing defeating 634 00:22:35,318 --> 00:22:37,380 Ukrainian forces in the Donbas in 635 00:22:37,380 --> 00:22:39,580 response to stiff resistance , Russia 636 00:22:39,580 --> 00:22:41,802 has resorted to more indiscriminate and 637 00:22:41,802 --> 00:22:43,747 brutal methods that are destroying 638 00:22:43,747 --> 00:22:45,802 cities infrastructure and increasing 639 00:22:45,802 --> 00:22:47,913 civilian deaths , negotiations remain 640 00:22:47,913 --> 00:22:49,969 stalled as both sides focused on the 641 00:22:49,969 --> 00:22:52,080 outcome of the battle in the Donbas . 642 00:22:52,080 --> 00:22:54,024 While partnership with Ukraine and 643 00:22:54,024 --> 00:22:56,191 warning of potential escalation remain 644 00:22:56,191 --> 00:22:58,740 key priorities for D . I . A turning to 645 00:22:58,740 --> 00:23:01,520 china , it remains a pacing threat and 646 00:23:01,520 --> 00:23:04,300 major security challenge . Beijing has 647 00:23:04,300 --> 00:23:06,244 long viewed the United States as a 648 00:23:06,244 --> 00:23:08,467 strategic competitor . China is capable 649 00:23:08,467 --> 00:23:10,744 of combining its economic , diplomatic , 650 00:23:10,744 --> 00:23:12,920 military and technological power to 651 00:23:12,920 --> 00:23:15,200 mount a sustained challenge to a stable 652 00:23:15,210 --> 00:23:18,040 and open international system . The P . 653 00:23:18,040 --> 00:23:19,929 L . A , which has already fielded 654 00:23:19,929 --> 00:23:21,984 sophisticated weapons and instituted 655 00:23:21,984 --> 00:23:24,207 major organizational reforms to enhance 656 00:23:24,207 --> 00:23:26,096 joint operations , is nearing the 657 00:23:26,096 --> 00:23:28,040 status of global competitor to the 658 00:23:28,040 --> 00:23:30,262 United States , its allies and partners 659 00:23:30,262 --> 00:23:32,318 and is a credible peer competitor in 660 00:23:32,318 --> 00:23:34,484 the region . China's currently current 661 00:23:34,484 --> 00:23:36,596 nuclear force expansion is historic . 662 00:23:37,330 --> 00:23:39,386 The United States faces military and 663 00:23:39,386 --> 00:23:41,497 intelligence threats from competitors 664 00:23:41,497 --> 00:23:43,663 particularly Russia and china who have 665 00:23:43,663 --> 00:23:45,663 and are developing new capabilities 666 00:23:45,663 --> 00:23:47,830 intended to contest limit or exceed US 667 00:23:47,830 --> 00:23:50,180 military advantage . State and non 668 00:23:50,180 --> 00:23:52,236 state actors are selectively putting 669 00:23:52,236 --> 00:23:54,347 these capabilities into play globally 670 00:23:54,347 --> 00:23:56,347 and regionally . These capabilities 671 00:23:56,347 --> 00:23:58,480 also span all warfighting domains 672 00:23:58,630 --> 00:24:00,640 maritime , land , air , electronic 673 00:24:00,640 --> 00:24:02,710 warfare , cyberspace information and 674 00:24:02,710 --> 00:24:05,220 space . They include more lethal 675 00:24:05,220 --> 00:24:07,442 ballistic and cruise missiles . Growing 676 00:24:07,442 --> 00:24:09,330 nuclear stockpiles , modernized 677 00:24:09,340 --> 00:24:11,562 conventional forces and a range of gray 678 00:24:11,562 --> 00:24:13,570 zone measures such as the use of 679 00:24:13,570 --> 00:24:15,459 ambiguous unconventional forces , 680 00:24:15,459 --> 00:24:17,550 foreign proxies , information 681 00:24:17,550 --> 00:24:19,690 manipulation , cyberattacks and 682 00:24:19,690 --> 00:24:22,180 economic coercion , strategic 683 00:24:22,180 --> 00:24:24,236 competitors and other challenges are 684 00:24:24,236 --> 00:24:26,347 exerting increasing military pressure 685 00:24:26,347 --> 00:24:28,291 on neighboring states . Russia has 686 00:24:28,291 --> 00:24:30,458 invaded Ukraine , China is threatening 687 00:24:30,458 --> 00:24:33,060 Taiwan in Iran through its proxies 688 00:24:33,070 --> 00:24:35,237 threatens neighbors in the Middle East 689 00:24:35,237 --> 00:24:37,680 and U . S . Forces while also enriching 690 00:24:37,680 --> 00:24:40,040 uranium to new levels . North Korea 691 00:24:40,040 --> 00:24:42,040 continues to threaten South Korea . 692 00:24:42,040 --> 00:24:43,873 Japan and the United States with 693 00:24:43,873 --> 00:24:46,096 nuclear capable ballistic missiles have 694 00:24:46,096 --> 00:24:48,096 increased range and lethality trans 695 00:24:48,096 --> 00:24:50,262 nationally . The terrorist threat will 696 00:24:50,262 --> 00:24:52,429 also persist and we need to understand 697 00:24:52,429 --> 00:24:54,651 more about the lessons learned from our 698 00:24:54,651 --> 00:24:54,350 experience supporting military and 699 00:24:54,350 --> 00:24:56,517 intelligence operations in Afghanistan 700 00:24:56,517 --> 00:24:59,130 and the Middle East . Turning back to 701 00:24:59,130 --> 00:25:01,352 my own organization . I take the health 702 00:25:01,352 --> 00:25:03,463 safety and well being of my workforce 703 00:25:03,463 --> 00:25:05,490 very , very seriously . D I remains 704 00:25:05,490 --> 00:25:07,379 actively engaged in investigating 705 00:25:07,379 --> 00:25:09,657 anomalous health incidents . H . I . S . 706 00:25:09,940 --> 00:25:11,890 My agency has the process and 707 00:25:11,890 --> 00:25:14,057 procedures in place to quickly respond 708 00:25:14,057 --> 00:25:16,001 to reports from employees or their 709 00:25:16,001 --> 00:25:18,001 families who believe that they have 710 00:25:18,001 --> 00:25:20,001 been impacted by H . I . We're also 711 00:25:20,001 --> 00:25:22,279 partnering with other members of the I . 712 00:25:22,279 --> 00:25:24,390 C . Determine the origin and cause of 713 00:25:24,390 --> 00:25:26,501 the reported events . I am honored to 714 00:25:26,501 --> 00:25:28,446 lead D . I . A . My intent in this 715 00:25:28,446 --> 00:25:30,668 hearing is that this helps Congress and 716 00:25:30,668 --> 00:25:32,390 our nation better understand , 717 00:25:32,390 --> 00:25:34,501 understand the threats and challenges 718 00:25:34,501 --> 00:25:36,557 we face from foreign adversaries and 719 00:25:36,557 --> 00:25:38,612 competitors . I look forward to your 720 00:25:38,612 --> 00:25:40,446 questions and thank you for your 721 00:25:40,446 --> 00:25:42,779 continued support . Thank you . General . 722 00:25:42,779 --> 00:25:44,834 Let me remind my colleagues that the 723 00:25:44,834 --> 00:25:47,057 conclusion of this open session , there 724 00:25:47,057 --> 00:25:49,223 will be a classified session at sbc to 725 00:25:49,223 --> 00:25:51,446 17 and the witnesses may differ some uh 726 00:25:51,446 --> 00:25:53,660 responses to that classified session 727 00:25:54,140 --> 00:25:57,780 Director Hanes your description of 728 00:25:57,780 --> 00:26:00,410 the unfolding battle in the Ukraine 729 00:26:00,410 --> 00:26:02,577 suggests that is moving to a battle of 730 00:26:02,577 --> 00:26:06,540 attrition over a long term . And 731 00:26:06,540 --> 00:26:08,762 that the objectives of the Russians are 732 00:26:08,762 --> 00:26:12,480 too destroy the Ukrainian forces 733 00:26:12,490 --> 00:26:14,800 and also disrupt the international 734 00:26:14,800 --> 00:26:17,940 coalition through economic pressures , 735 00:26:17,950 --> 00:26:21,200 uh gasoline prices and other factors 736 00:26:21,200 --> 00:26:24,400 we're witnessing uh that leads us to at 737 00:26:24,400 --> 00:26:26,344 least to me to the question of how 738 00:26:26,344 --> 00:26:28,670 effective our our economic sanctions 739 00:26:29,140 --> 00:26:31,100 and what more can we do to bring 740 00:26:31,100 --> 00:26:34,670 pressure to the people of Russia so 741 00:26:34,670 --> 00:26:38,260 that they are less supportive of this 742 00:26:38,260 --> 00:26:39,260 effort . 743 00:26:42,140 --> 00:26:44,810 Thank you , chairman , I think um from 744 00:26:44,810 --> 00:26:46,532 our perspective , the economic 745 00:26:46,532 --> 00:26:48,699 sanctions and the export controls have 746 00:26:48,699 --> 00:26:50,643 had a pretty significant impact on 747 00:26:50,643 --> 00:26:52,810 Russia . And among the indicators that 748 00:26:52,810 --> 00:26:55,200 one might look at our , for example , 749 00:26:55,200 --> 00:26:57,200 the fact that we're seeing close to 750 00:26:57,200 --> 00:26:59,256 about , we predict Approximately 20% 751 00:26:59,256 --> 00:27:02,850 inflation , Um you know , in Russia , 752 00:27:02,860 --> 00:27:05,480 that we expect that their GDP will fall 753 00:27:05,480 --> 00:27:08,340 about 10% , possibly even more over the 754 00:27:08,340 --> 00:27:10,600 course of the year , we've seen not 755 00:27:10,600 --> 00:27:13,920 only the sanctions enacted by the 756 00:27:13,920 --> 00:27:15,970 United States and europe and other 757 00:27:15,970 --> 00:27:18,860 partners around the world having these 758 00:27:18,860 --> 00:27:21,870 impacts , um but also the private 759 00:27:21,870 --> 00:27:23,930 sector taking action on its own to 760 00:27:23,930 --> 00:27:26,152 remove itself . So things like the fact 761 00:27:26,152 --> 00:27:28,690 that while production services and and 762 00:27:28,690 --> 00:27:30,930 companies pulled themselves out will 763 00:27:30,930 --> 00:27:34,090 have an impact on Russia's capacity to 764 00:27:34,090 --> 00:27:36,740 produce and um that's a major revenue 765 00:27:36,740 --> 00:27:38,851 source , obviously for Russia , we've 766 00:27:38,851 --> 00:27:42,500 seen uh you know , other indicators of 767 00:27:42,510 --> 00:27:44,621 essentially the private sector impact 768 00:27:44,621 --> 00:27:46,454 in these areas and on the export 769 00:27:46,454 --> 00:27:48,677 controls . We're seeing how things like 770 00:27:48,677 --> 00:27:50,788 export controls on semiconductors and 771 00:27:50,788 --> 00:27:52,677 so on are affecting their defense 772 00:27:52,677 --> 00:27:54,788 industry ? So , I think that's a very 773 00:27:54,788 --> 00:27:56,621 significant impact essentially . 774 00:27:56,621 --> 00:27:58,843 Although obviously time will tell as we 775 00:27:58,843 --> 00:28:01,066 move forward . Are you sensing that any 776 00:28:01,066 --> 00:28:02,670 popular uh 777 00:28:03,930 --> 00:28:06,990 unease perhaps in terms of these these 778 00:28:06,990 --> 00:28:09,101 economic factors that could translate 779 00:28:09,101 --> 00:28:10,960 into a political 780 00:28:11,740 --> 00:28:14,670 resistance to the regime ? 781 00:28:17,040 --> 00:28:19,050 Well , I know many of us saw the 782 00:28:19,050 --> 00:28:22,170 protests that erupted after the 783 00:28:22,180 --> 00:28:24,590 invasion . And um and then the 784 00:28:24,590 --> 00:28:27,590 crackdown that occurred essentially in 785 00:28:27,590 --> 00:28:29,820 Russia including passing laws that 786 00:28:29,820 --> 00:28:32,030 would provide for very significant 787 00:28:32,030 --> 00:28:34,740 punishments uh in the event that when 788 00:28:34,740 --> 00:28:37,610 protested on these issues . And so 789 00:28:37,610 --> 00:28:40,860 we've seen those reduce actually and 790 00:28:40,870 --> 00:28:44,120 when we've looked at uh effectively you 791 00:28:44,120 --> 00:28:46,342 know polling and so on , that indicates 792 00:28:46,342 --> 00:28:48,676 where it is that the Russian people are . 793 00:28:48,676 --> 00:28:50,898 What we see is that the majority of the 794 00:28:50,898 --> 00:28:53,064 Russian people continue to support the 795 00:28:53,064 --> 00:28:55,009 special military operation . And I 796 00:28:55,009 --> 00:28:57,250 think it's just very hard frankly for 797 00:28:57,260 --> 00:28:59,450 information to get into Russia to the 798 00:28:59,450 --> 00:29:01,339 Russian people . They have a very 799 00:29:01,339 --> 00:29:03,339 particular perspective that they're 800 00:29:03,339 --> 00:29:05,561 being fed by the government during this 801 00:29:05,561 --> 00:29:07,617 period . Thank you . General barry . 802 00:29:07,617 --> 00:29:09,617 What do you believe the chinese are 803 00:29:09,617 --> 00:29:12,910 taking away from their clothes scrutiny 804 00:29:12,910 --> 00:29:16,080 of the Russian activities in Crimea and 805 00:29:16,090 --> 00:29:18,146 not Crimea but Ukraine . Excuse me , 806 00:29:19,840 --> 00:29:22,300 Senator , I think the chinese are going 807 00:29:22,300 --> 00:29:24,700 to um watch this very , very carefully . 808 00:29:24,700 --> 00:29:26,811 It's going to take some time for them 809 00:29:26,811 --> 00:29:29,790 to sort out all elements of diplomatic 810 00:29:29,790 --> 00:29:31,957 information , military , economic that 811 00:29:31,957 --> 00:29:34,179 has occurred with this crisis . I think 812 00:29:34,640 --> 00:29:36,751 they're they're thinking about future 813 00:29:36,751 --> 00:29:38,918 operations probably against Taiwan and 814 00:29:38,918 --> 00:29:41,029 how difficult that might be . They're 815 00:29:41,029 --> 00:29:43,230 probably also thinking about the 816 00:29:43,240 --> 00:29:45,351 scrutiny that they would come under . 817 00:29:45,351 --> 00:29:47,240 Should they entertain thoughts or 818 00:29:47,240 --> 00:29:49,820 operations like that ? Thank you . And 819 00:29:49,830 --> 00:29:52,910 the final question , Director Hanes 820 00:29:52,920 --> 00:29:56,920 uh do you uh I think you 821 00:29:56,920 --> 00:29:59,800 indicated in your testimony that cyber 822 00:29:59,810 --> 00:30:01,930 interference in our elections as a 823 00:30:01,940 --> 00:30:04,470 distinct possibility . Is that 824 00:30:04,470 --> 00:30:06,359 something that your agency or the 825 00:30:06,359 --> 00:30:08,260 agencies are following and taking 826 00:30:08,260 --> 00:30:09,316 preemptive steps ? 827 00:30:12,440 --> 00:30:16,050 Yes , absolutely , sara , we we are 828 00:30:16,060 --> 00:30:18,900 well positioned to essentially monitor 829 00:30:18,900 --> 00:30:21,530 for the potential of election influence 830 00:30:21,530 --> 00:30:25,160 and including efforts through cyber . 831 00:30:26,740 --> 00:30:30,250 Now , one other final final question is 832 00:30:30,250 --> 00:30:33,410 that are you surprised that the the 833 00:30:33,420 --> 00:30:36,270 Russians have not used cyber 834 00:30:36,640 --> 00:30:40,060 Attention against 3rd parties or 835 00:30:40,060 --> 00:30:43,150 against the United States directly up 836 00:30:43,150 --> 00:30:45,094 to this point ? I think that was a 837 00:30:45,094 --> 00:30:47,206 concern we all had from the beginning 838 00:30:47,206 --> 00:30:50,880 of this operation . Yeah , I think 839 00:30:50,890 --> 00:30:53,730 what we've seen is the Russians have 840 00:30:53,730 --> 00:30:56,370 advice obviously attacked Ukraine and 841 00:30:56,380 --> 00:30:59,060 and we've attributed a variety of tax 842 00:30:59,060 --> 00:31:01,610 to them in that context , including for 843 00:31:01,610 --> 00:31:03,800 example , destructive wiper attacks 844 00:31:03,800 --> 00:31:05,633 against the Ukrainian government 845 00:31:05,633 --> 00:31:08,240 websites , um DDOS attacks against 846 00:31:08,240 --> 00:31:10,540 their financial industry . They also 847 00:31:10,550 --> 00:31:13,510 were engaged in attacks intended to get 848 00:31:13,510 --> 00:31:15,660 at command and control communications 849 00:31:15,670 --> 00:31:19,520 in Ukraine during the invasion . That 850 00:31:19,530 --> 00:31:22,010 attack had an outsized impact . In 851 00:31:22,010 --> 00:31:24,010 other words , we assessed that they 852 00:31:24,010 --> 00:31:25,899 intended to focus in on Ukrainian 853 00:31:25,899 --> 00:31:27,954 command and control , but ultimately 854 00:31:27,954 --> 00:31:30,121 they ended up affecting a much broader 855 00:31:30,121 --> 00:31:33,450 um set of V SATS essentially 856 00:31:33,450 --> 00:31:36,830 of , you know , um very 857 00:31:36,830 --> 00:31:40,550 small terminals um outside 858 00:31:40,550 --> 00:31:44,230 of Ukraine including in europe . And uh 859 00:31:44,240 --> 00:31:46,351 and yet we have not seen the level of 860 00:31:46,351 --> 00:31:48,680 attacks to your point that we expected 861 00:31:48,690 --> 00:31:51,530 and we have a variety of different um 862 00:31:51,540 --> 00:31:53,707 sort of theories for why that might be 863 00:31:53,707 --> 00:31:55,818 the case , including the fact that we 864 00:31:55,818 --> 00:31:57,818 think that they may have determined 865 00:31:57,818 --> 00:31:59,762 that the collateral impact of such 866 00:31:59,762 --> 00:32:01,873 attacks would be challenging for them 867 00:32:01,873 --> 00:32:03,984 in the context of Ukraine . Also that 868 00:32:03,984 --> 00:32:06,280 they may not have wished to essentially 869 00:32:06,280 --> 00:32:08,130 sacrifice potential access and 870 00:32:08,130 --> 00:32:10,330 collection opportunities in those 871 00:32:10,330 --> 00:32:13,080 scenarios . Um And then in terms of 872 00:32:13,090 --> 00:32:15,280 attacks against the United States , I 873 00:32:15,280 --> 00:32:17,224 think they have had a longstanding 874 00:32:17,224 --> 00:32:19,002 concern about the potential for 875 00:32:19,002 --> 00:32:22,300 escalation uh in cyber vis a vis the 876 00:32:22,300 --> 00:32:24,467 United States , that doesn't mean that 877 00:32:24,467 --> 00:32:26,578 they won't attack at some point . But 878 00:32:26,578 --> 00:32:28,720 um but it has been interesting to see 879 00:32:28,730 --> 00:32:30,897 that they haven't during this period . 880 00:32:30,897 --> 00:32:32,910 Thank you very much , Senator . And 881 00:32:32,910 --> 00:32:35,050 well , please , thank you Mr Chairman 882 00:32:35,060 --> 00:32:38,050 for both of you . The lack of an 883 00:32:38,050 --> 00:32:39,994 independent intelligence community 884 00:32:40,440 --> 00:32:43,670 significantly worsened Putin's decision 885 00:32:43,670 --> 00:32:47,440 making in Ukraine . What do you think ? 886 00:32:47,450 --> 00:32:51,370 President she President 887 00:32:51,370 --> 00:32:54,310 xI in china is learning about his 888 00:32:54,310 --> 00:32:57,060 intelligence communities , both of you . 889 00:33:01,140 --> 00:33:04,970 Thank you . Um you know , I think it's 890 00:33:04,970 --> 00:33:06,970 a really interesting question . I I 891 00:33:06,970 --> 00:33:09,081 prefer to answer it perhaps in closed 892 00:33:09,081 --> 00:33:11,192 session . Would that be alright sir ? 893 00:33:11,192 --> 00:33:12,970 That's fine . How about you any 894 00:33:12,970 --> 00:33:14,914 comments making this open Senate , 895 00:33:14,914 --> 00:33:17,192 Senator , I will take the lead on that . 896 00:33:17,192 --> 00:33:19,970 I suspected that thank you . The Biden 897 00:33:19,970 --> 00:33:21,980 administration has offered Iran 898 00:33:21,980 --> 00:33:24,360 significant sanctions relief in return 899 00:33:24,370 --> 00:33:28,200 to the 2015 Iran nuclear 900 00:33:28,200 --> 00:33:30,422 agreement . General Barrier . Would you 901 00:33:30,422 --> 00:33:33,690 expect Iran to spend at least some of 902 00:33:33,690 --> 00:33:36,940 this sanctions relief on its terrorist 903 00:33:36,940 --> 00:33:39,850 proxies and missile programs , do you ? 904 00:33:40,440 --> 00:33:44,180 I agree that if the Irgc 905 00:33:44,190 --> 00:33:46,760 has additional money that they would 906 00:33:46,760 --> 00:33:49,360 increase their targeting of americans 907 00:33:49,370 --> 00:33:52,280 and our allies or let's just say could 908 00:33:52,280 --> 00:33:55,770 they increase that targeting 909 00:33:56,340 --> 00:33:58,340 Yes , Senator , they could increase 910 00:33:58,340 --> 00:34:00,451 targeting against our partners in the 911 00:34:00,451 --> 00:34:00,430 region as well as U . S . Forces if 912 00:34:00,430 --> 00:34:02,652 they had increased funding , appreciate 913 00:34:02,652 --> 00:34:04,541 that very much . Thank you . Mr . 914 00:34:04,541 --> 00:34:06,374 Chairman , thank you very much . 915 00:34:06,374 --> 00:34:08,597 Senator Hoff , let me recognize Senator 916 00:34:08,597 --> 00:34:10,708 Hin , please thank you . Good morning 917 00:34:10,708 --> 00:34:12,819 and thank you both for your testimony 918 00:34:12,819 --> 00:34:14,930 this morning . Um I returned a couple 919 00:34:14,930 --> 00:34:17,120 of weeks ago from the western Balkans 920 00:34:17,120 --> 00:34:19,453 with Senator Tillerson . Senator Murphy . 921 00:34:19,453 --> 00:34:21,880 We visited Serbia , Bosnia , 922 00:34:21,880 --> 00:34:24,960 Herzegovina and Kosovo . 923 00:34:25,540 --> 00:34:27,850 And one of the things we heard in that 924 00:34:27,850 --> 00:34:30,010 region was a great deal of concern 925 00:34:30,020 --> 00:34:32,670 about Russian meddling and the 926 00:34:32,670 --> 00:34:36,280 potential , particularly in Bosnia Um 927 00:34:36,290 --> 00:34:39,730 for that two DST further destabilize 928 00:34:39,740 --> 00:34:43,040 the country . Are you are following 929 00:34:43,050 --> 00:34:46,250 what's going on in that part of europe ? 930 00:34:46,260 --> 00:34:48,660 And are you equally concerned ? 931 00:34:53,540 --> 00:34:55,540 Thank you , Senator Shane . So I'll 932 00:34:55,540 --> 00:34:57,651 just start and obviously hand over to 933 00:34:57,651 --> 00:34:59,873 my colleague as well . But yes , we are 934 00:34:59,873 --> 00:35:01,596 concerned about this , this is 935 00:35:01,596 --> 00:35:03,762 something we've been working with NATO 936 00:35:03,762 --> 00:35:05,984 on in particular to try to help them be 937 00:35:05,984 --> 00:35:08,151 more resilient in this context and you 938 00:35:08,151 --> 00:35:10,040 know , both information and cyber 939 00:35:10,040 --> 00:35:12,040 issues are obviously at stake but I 940 00:35:12,040 --> 00:35:15,240 think um managing how it is that Russia 941 00:35:15,240 --> 00:35:17,420 develops and what kind of activities 942 00:35:17,420 --> 00:35:19,476 they engage in worldwide during this 943 00:35:19,476 --> 00:35:21,570 crisis and beyond will be a critical 944 00:35:21,580 --> 00:35:24,220 aspect of our work moving forward . Can 945 00:35:24,220 --> 00:35:26,830 I just before , Before you begin 946 00:35:26,830 --> 00:35:28,941 general , can I just ask you to speak 947 00:35:28,941 --> 00:35:32,400 to NATO and U . Four in Bosnia because 948 00:35:32,400 --> 00:35:35,670 as you know , the um authorization for 949 00:35:35,680 --> 00:35:38,970 you four is going to end this fall in 950 00:35:38,980 --> 00:35:40,980 Bosnia ? And there's a real concern 951 00:35:40,980 --> 00:35:43,420 about Russia's willingness to allow 952 00:35:43,420 --> 00:35:46,240 that to continue . So what are we doing 953 00:35:46,250 --> 00:35:49,880 to ensure that the troops are not um 954 00:35:49,890 --> 00:35:53,520 taken out of Bosnia and avoid left ? 955 00:35:53,520 --> 00:35:56,140 That provides a real vacuum for 956 00:35:56,140 --> 00:35:56,960 instability ? 957 00:36:01,130 --> 00:36:03,130 Senator ? I think that's a that's a 958 00:36:03,130 --> 00:36:05,310 policy question . I would refer to the 959 00:36:05,310 --> 00:36:06,532 Department of Defense 960 00:36:10,930 --> 00:36:13,320 and senator to to your to the earlier 961 00:36:13,330 --> 00:36:15,820 portion of your question . Um I I 962 00:36:15,820 --> 00:36:17,764 believe this is a key component of 963 00:36:17,764 --> 00:36:19,931 strategic competition and this is this 964 00:36:19,931 --> 00:36:22,098 is where I think with our partners and 965 00:36:22,098 --> 00:36:24,209 allies and and certainly NATO , we we 966 00:36:24,209 --> 00:36:26,320 have to be able to identify that kind 967 00:36:26,320 --> 00:36:28,376 of malign activity and expose it and 968 00:36:28,376 --> 00:36:30,431 and help our our partners and future 969 00:36:30,431 --> 00:36:32,653 partners be aware of it and and do more 970 00:36:32,653 --> 00:36:34,876 to encountering . Yes , we are aware of 971 00:36:34,876 --> 00:36:36,876 it . Thank you . Well , I would say 972 00:36:36,876 --> 00:36:38,987 that that policy decision needs to be 973 00:36:38,987 --> 00:36:41,480 viewed very closely by everybody so 974 00:36:41,480 --> 00:36:43,480 that we don't wind up with a vacuum 975 00:36:43,480 --> 00:36:46,520 there , then we're not able to address . 976 00:36:46,930 --> 00:36:50,890 Um I want to go to what's 977 00:36:50,890 --> 00:36:53,600 still happening with ISIS because as 978 00:36:53,600 --> 00:36:57,570 you both know , um we have thousands 979 00:36:57,570 --> 00:36:59,626 of ISIS family members who are still 980 00:36:59,626 --> 00:37:01,848 being held in camps in Northern Syria . 981 00:37:02,030 --> 00:37:04,960 Um they're posing a persistent 982 00:37:05,430 --> 00:37:07,652 challenge . Not only humanitarian , but 983 00:37:07,652 --> 00:37:09,763 the potential is breeding grounds for 984 00:37:09,763 --> 00:37:13,160 terrorists . So are we 985 00:37:13,530 --> 00:37:15,720 watching closely ? What's going on 986 00:37:15,720 --> 00:37:17,930 there and what are we doing to try and 987 00:37:17,930 --> 00:37:21,100 address um what's happening in those 988 00:37:21,100 --> 00:37:23,870 camps from the perspective of the 989 00:37:23,880 --> 00:37:25,936 Department of Defense and d I we are 990 00:37:25,936 --> 00:37:27,936 watching very , very closely what's 991 00:37:27,936 --> 00:37:29,991 what's happening in those camps , um 992 00:37:29,991 --> 00:37:31,936 what's happened since uh since the 993 00:37:31,936 --> 00:37:33,936 break in uh and and really with our 994 00:37:33,936 --> 00:37:36,158 centcom partners trying to monitor ISIS 995 00:37:36,158 --> 00:37:38,324 capability as it evolves over time and 996 00:37:38,324 --> 00:37:40,380 what's happening with those families 997 00:37:40,380 --> 00:37:42,491 and where they're moving this is this 998 00:37:42,491 --> 00:37:42,470 is a problem that we partner with 999 00:37:42,470 --> 00:37:43,880 Centcom and the Defense 1000 00:37:43,880 --> 00:37:45,936 Counterterrorism Center and really , 1001 00:37:45,936 --> 00:37:48,102 the National Counterterrorism Center , 1002 00:37:48,102 --> 00:37:50,380 it's a it's a huge focus for everybody . 1003 00:37:50,380 --> 00:37:52,436 Yeah . And and do we have a strategy 1004 00:37:52,436 --> 00:37:54,491 for how to deal with it ? We have an 1005 00:37:54,491 --> 00:37:56,491 intelligence collection strategy to 1006 00:37:56,491 --> 00:37:59,550 monitor it if and 1007 00:38:00,520 --> 00:38:04,150 we're seeing the Taliban in Afghanistan ? 1008 00:38:04,620 --> 00:38:07,610 Um Renege on everything they said they 1009 00:38:07,610 --> 00:38:10,660 would do post um troop withdrawal . 1010 00:38:10,670 --> 00:38:13,290 Obviously , one of those is continuing 1011 00:38:13,290 --> 00:38:15,620 their relationship with Al Qaeda and 1012 00:38:15,620 --> 00:38:18,430 other terrorist groups in Afghanistan . 1013 00:38:18,440 --> 00:38:21,920 How concerned are you that we might see 1014 00:38:21,930 --> 00:38:24,900 terrorist activity spread out of 1015 00:38:24,900 --> 00:38:27,950 Afghanistan to the rest of the world ? 1016 00:38:28,620 --> 00:38:31,140 Uh Senator . I'm more concerned about 1017 00:38:31,150 --> 00:38:34,140 ISIS K um in Afghanistan . And the fact 1018 00:38:34,140 --> 00:38:36,307 that they have had some successful and 1019 00:38:36,307 --> 00:38:38,710 catastrophic attacks within Afghanistan , 1020 00:38:38,710 --> 00:38:40,932 which which does not portend well , for 1021 00:38:40,932 --> 00:38:43,154 the future . Al Qaeda has had some some 1022 00:38:43,154 --> 00:38:45,450 problems with reconstitution leadership 1023 00:38:45,460 --> 00:38:47,404 and to a to a degree , I think the 1024 00:38:47,404 --> 00:38:50,050 Taliban have held um to their word 1025 00:38:50,050 --> 00:38:52,050 about not allowing Al Qaeda to to 1026 00:38:52,050 --> 00:38:53,828 rejuvenate it so far , but it's 1027 00:38:53,828 --> 00:38:55,994 something that we we watch very , very 1028 00:38:55,994 --> 00:38:58,106 carefully . And there was an election 1029 00:38:58,106 --> 00:39:01,030 in the Philippines yesterday and the 1030 00:39:03,020 --> 00:39:05,330 the winner of that election , Mr marcos 1031 00:39:05,820 --> 00:39:09,650 um was is 1032 00:39:10,020 --> 00:39:12,990 not likely to have as positive a view 1033 00:39:13,000 --> 00:39:15,370 to the United States . Are you 1034 00:39:15,370 --> 00:39:17,592 concerned that that is going to have an 1035 00:39:17,592 --> 00:39:21,450 impact on um how china is going to view 1036 00:39:21,460 --> 00:39:25,250 activity in the Philippines ? And um do 1037 00:39:25,250 --> 00:39:28,950 we expect there might be any spillover 1038 00:39:28,960 --> 00:39:32,090 in terms of illegal 1039 00:39:32,090 --> 00:39:34,550 substances from the Philippines . Now 1040 00:39:34,550 --> 00:39:37,440 that heart is no longer doing his extra 1041 00:39:38,660 --> 00:39:41,790 legal killing of people 1042 00:39:42,060 --> 00:39:45,150 suspected of being drug kingpins . 1043 00:39:45,620 --> 00:39:47,620 Senator . I think it's I think it's 1044 00:39:47,620 --> 00:39:50,300 early in the process with with the 1045 00:39:50,300 --> 00:39:52,467 elected marcos to determine whether or 1046 00:39:52,467 --> 00:39:54,930 not he will be anti us or pro us . I 1047 00:39:54,930 --> 00:39:56,930 know that we would like to have the 1048 00:39:56,930 --> 00:39:59,097 Philippines is a is a key intelligence 1049 00:39:59,097 --> 00:40:01,319 partner in the region . I think there's 1050 00:40:01,319 --> 00:40:03,597 a lot of effort going on to to do that . 1051 00:40:03,597 --> 00:40:05,597 So , so we'll wait to see what what 1052 00:40:05,597 --> 00:40:07,652 percolates of all this in our in our 1053 00:40:07,652 --> 00:40:09,986 relationship and I'll just end it there . 1054 00:40:09,986 --> 00:40:09,910 Thank you . Thank you . Mr Chairman , 1055 00:40:09,910 --> 00:40:11,743 Thank you Senator soon . Senator 1056 00:40:11,743 --> 00:40:13,910 Fischer , please thank you Mr Chairman 1057 00:40:13,910 --> 00:40:17,220 and welcome to our panel today last 1058 00:40:17,220 --> 00:40:19,070 week in the Strategic Forces 1059 00:40:19,070 --> 00:40:21,670 subcommittee undersecretary of research 1060 00:40:21,670 --> 00:40:23,930 and engineering . Heidi shoes stated , 1061 00:40:23,930 --> 00:40:26,670 quote , strategic competitors of the 1062 00:40:26,670 --> 00:40:29,040 United States are rapidly developing 1063 00:40:29,040 --> 00:40:31,670 their nuclear arsenal in new and novel 1064 00:40:31,670 --> 00:40:34,100 ways with the clear intent of 1065 00:40:34,110 --> 00:40:36,470 increasing their reliance on these 1066 00:40:36,470 --> 00:40:39,200 weapons in their security strategies . 1067 00:40:39,210 --> 00:40:41,550 End , quote Director Hanes , Do you 1068 00:40:41,550 --> 00:40:43,106 agree with that statement ? 1069 00:40:45,910 --> 00:40:48,940 Yes , general do you ? Yes . 1070 00:40:50,610 --> 00:40:52,930 Throughout the war in Ukraine Putin and 1071 00:40:52,930 --> 00:40:55,070 other Russian leaders have overtly 1072 00:40:55,070 --> 00:40:58,250 threatened nuclear use . Including 1073 00:40:58,250 --> 00:41:01,150 Russian state tv airing an animated 1074 00:41:01,150 --> 00:41:04,190 video showing the british isles being 1075 00:41:04,190 --> 00:41:06,310 completely destroyed by a nuclear 1076 00:41:06,310 --> 00:41:09,140 attack general in the United States . 1077 00:41:09,140 --> 00:41:11,700 We view nuclear weapons primarily as 1078 00:41:11,700 --> 00:41:14,570 tools of deterrence . But do you think 1079 00:41:14,570 --> 00:41:16,650 that what we're seeing indicates 1080 00:41:16,660 --> 00:41:19,470 Russian leadership views nuclear 1081 00:41:19,470 --> 00:41:23,320 weapons as tools of coercion 1082 00:41:23,320 --> 00:41:26,450 and intimidation ? Yes I believe they 1083 00:41:26,450 --> 00:41:28,660 view those as tools of coercion and 1084 00:41:28,670 --> 00:41:31,810 intimidation . Thank you . General . 1085 00:41:31,810 --> 00:41:34,790 Also the defense intelligence agencies 1086 00:41:34,790 --> 00:41:38,770 2020 1 2021 report on china's 1087 00:41:38,770 --> 00:41:40,659 military power states quote , the 1088 00:41:40,659 --> 00:41:43,700 accelerating pace of the PRC's nuclear 1089 00:41:43,700 --> 00:41:47,290 expansion may enable the PRC to have up 1090 00:41:47,300 --> 00:41:51,140 to 700 deliverable nuclear warheads by 1091 00:41:51,140 --> 00:41:54,600 2027 . The PRC likely intends to have 1092 00:41:54,600 --> 00:41:58,130 at least 1000 warheads By 2030 1093 00:41:58,320 --> 00:42:00,950 exceeding the pace and size the d . o . 1094 00:42:00,950 --> 00:42:04,710 d . projected in 2020 end quote . I 1095 00:42:04,710 --> 00:42:06,766 know what you say is limited in this 1096 00:42:06,766 --> 00:42:10,190 setting But is it your assessment that 1097 00:42:10,200 --> 00:42:12,930 China's nuclear forces will stop 1098 00:42:12,940 --> 00:42:15,930 expanding when it reaches that point of 1099 00:42:15,930 --> 00:42:19,930 1000 . It is my assessment that 1100 00:42:19,930 --> 00:42:21,874 they would continue to develop the 1101 00:42:21,874 --> 00:42:25,390 weapons they have . Director Hanes . Is 1102 00:42:25,390 --> 00:42:27,501 that view shared by the rest of the I 1103 00:42:27,501 --> 00:42:31,110 see that china's 1104 00:42:31,120 --> 00:42:33,176 arsenal is going to continue to grow 1105 00:42:33,500 --> 00:42:37,400 past that point in time . I mean , our 1106 00:42:37,400 --> 00:42:40,390 assessment basically says that China 1107 00:42:40,400 --> 00:42:43,730 will continue to essentially expand 1108 00:42:43,730 --> 00:42:45,174 their nuclear arsenal and 1109 00:42:45,174 --> 00:42:47,650 diversification for a period of time . 1110 00:42:47,660 --> 00:42:49,716 It's unclear how long that will be . 1111 00:42:51,100 --> 00:42:53,460 But you anticipated it will continue 1112 00:42:53,460 --> 00:42:57,360 past the 1000 warheads that um we we 1113 00:42:57,360 --> 00:43:00,410 have looked at in the past , I think 1114 00:43:00,410 --> 00:43:02,577 for us to get into numbers , we should 1115 00:43:02,577 --> 00:43:04,799 do that in closed session . Thank you . 1116 00:43:05,000 --> 00:43:07,090 General . As the statement notes , 1117 00:43:07,090 --> 00:43:09,780 china's nuclear expansion is larger and 1118 00:43:09,780 --> 00:43:12,020 more rapid than previous assessments 1119 00:43:12,500 --> 00:43:15,080 projected . Admiral Richard has made a 1120 00:43:15,080 --> 00:43:17,470 similar point noting quote , when I 1121 00:43:17,470 --> 00:43:19,192 first testified here , we were 1122 00:43:19,192 --> 00:43:21,630 questioning whether or not china would 1123 00:43:21,630 --> 00:43:23,852 be able to double that stockpile by the 1124 00:43:23,852 --> 00:43:26,260 end of the decade , decade and they are 1125 00:43:26,260 --> 00:43:28,590 actually very close to doing it on my 1126 00:43:28,590 --> 00:43:30,820 watch end quote . What are the 1127 00:43:30,820 --> 00:43:33,270 implications of the fact that this 1128 00:43:33,270 --> 00:43:35,530 threat is evolving faster than we've 1129 00:43:35,530 --> 00:43:38,840 anticipated ? And how should we factor 1130 00:43:38,840 --> 00:43:41,870 that in our assessments ? Uh Senator , 1131 00:43:41,870 --> 00:43:43,981 we can get into much more detail in a 1132 00:43:43,981 --> 00:43:46,092 closed session . But I would just say 1133 00:43:46,092 --> 00:43:48,092 from a from a strategic competition 1134 00:43:48,092 --> 00:43:50,370 perspective and and nuclear deterrence . 1135 00:43:50,370 --> 00:43:52,148 Um this this makes it much more 1136 00:43:52,148 --> 00:43:54,370 challenging for us to defend . And when 1137 00:43:54,370 --> 00:43:56,560 you factor in Russian nuclear 1138 00:43:56,560 --> 00:43:59,020 capability with with chinese capability 1139 00:43:59,030 --> 00:44:02,510 um I I think it's a it's a problem for 1140 00:44:02,520 --> 00:44:04,720 strategic command and the department . 1141 00:44:05,390 --> 00:44:08,820 Thank you also general if we can move 1142 00:44:08,820 --> 00:44:11,560 to a different theater now . If if ISIS 1143 00:44:11,560 --> 00:44:13,810 and Al Qaeda are able to operate in 1144 00:44:13,810 --> 00:44:16,800 Afghanistan without consistent or 1145 00:44:16,800 --> 00:44:19,170 effective ct pressure ? How long does 1146 00:44:19,170 --> 00:44:21,580 the intelligence community assess it 1147 00:44:21,580 --> 00:44:23,770 will take for either organization to 1148 00:44:23,770 --> 00:44:26,470 reconstitute their external attack 1149 00:44:26,480 --> 00:44:29,570 capabilities ? We we assess ISIS 1150 00:44:29,570 --> 00:44:32,440 probably a year , slightly longer and 1151 00:44:32,450 --> 00:44:35,750 longer for Al Qaeda . You know , last 1152 00:44:35,750 --> 00:44:38,180 october we heard from secretary call , 1153 00:44:38,190 --> 00:44:40,412 he told the committee that we could see 1154 00:44:40,412 --> 00:44:43,210 ISIS K generate the capability in 6 to 1155 00:44:43,210 --> 00:44:45,590 12 months . And then in March we heard 1156 00:44:45,590 --> 00:44:49,280 from uh General McKenzie that the 1157 00:44:49,280 --> 00:44:52,710 capability might be 12 to 18 months . 1158 00:44:53,490 --> 00:44:55,870 So I look forward to hearing more about 1159 00:44:55,870 --> 00:44:57,800 how and why these intelligence 1160 00:44:57,800 --> 00:45:01,270 estimates have have shifted 1161 00:45:01,270 --> 00:45:03,530 forward . I think that's important for 1162 00:45:03,530 --> 00:45:05,419 this committee to know . And it's 1163 00:45:05,419 --> 00:45:08,300 important to understand when we look at 1164 00:45:08,690 --> 00:45:11,550 the dramatic reduction we've seen in 1165 00:45:11,550 --> 00:45:13,870 our intelligence collection in the 1166 00:45:13,880 --> 00:45:16,220 region since our withdrawal . Thank you . 1167 00:45:16,790 --> 00:45:18,901 Thank you . Mr Chairman , Thank you . 1168 00:45:18,901 --> 00:45:21,234 Senator for Senator Gillibrand , please . 1169 00:45:21,234 --> 00:45:23,401 Director Hanes . Thank you so much for 1170 00:45:23,401 --> 00:45:25,290 your testimony . I want to talk a 1171 00:45:25,290 --> 00:45:27,512 little bit about um advanced persistent 1172 00:45:27,512 --> 00:45:30,220 threats and I want to know what type of 1173 00:45:30,230 --> 00:45:32,210 support are you providing critical 1174 00:45:32,210 --> 00:45:34,432 infrastructure providers to deal with A 1175 00:45:34,432 --> 00:45:37,480 PTS ? Um specifically , I'm concerned 1176 00:45:37,490 --> 00:45:39,760 if this war in Ukraine does escalate 1177 00:45:39,770 --> 00:45:42,170 that attacks from Russia will come to 1178 00:45:42,170 --> 00:45:44,226 american businesses and our critical 1179 00:45:44,226 --> 00:45:46,003 infrastructure . I know this is 1180 00:45:46,003 --> 00:45:48,310 generally the job of Cisa but um in 1181 00:45:48,310 --> 00:45:49,977 your engagement with critical 1182 00:45:49,977 --> 00:45:52,199 infrastructure providers , what are the 1183 00:45:52,199 --> 00:45:54,254 biggest areas of need that they have 1184 00:45:54,254 --> 00:45:56,254 shared with you ? And are there any 1185 00:45:56,254 --> 00:45:58,310 additional authorities that would be 1186 00:45:58,310 --> 00:46:00,254 helpful to you and enabling you to 1187 00:46:00,254 --> 00:46:02,032 support critical infrastructure 1188 00:46:02,032 --> 00:46:04,254 providers and securing their networks ? 1189 00:46:04,980 --> 00:46:07,202 Thank you senator . And I know this has 1190 00:46:07,202 --> 00:46:09,258 been a major issue focus for you and 1191 00:46:09,258 --> 00:46:11,424 and in fact that you've supported some 1192 00:46:11,424 --> 00:46:13,480 of the things that have been done in 1193 00:46:13,480 --> 00:46:15,647 new york with reserves , for example , 1194 00:46:15,647 --> 00:46:15,350 in this area , which has been really 1195 00:46:15,350 --> 00:46:17,350 effective . And I know that general 1196 00:46:17,350 --> 00:46:19,517 Nakasone has been looking at expanding 1197 00:46:19,517 --> 00:46:21,890 that and as um around the United States 1198 00:46:21,890 --> 00:46:24,510 in different ways . I think for us uh 1199 00:46:24,520 --> 00:46:27,280 look , we have quite obviously 1200 00:46:27,280 --> 00:46:29,940 heightened awareness of cyber threats 1201 00:46:29,940 --> 00:46:31,980 to critical infrastructure and it's 1202 00:46:31,980 --> 00:46:34,202 been a driving force behind a number of 1203 00:46:34,202 --> 00:46:36,202 sort of cyber defense measures that 1204 00:46:36,202 --> 00:46:37,980 we've taken in the intelligence 1205 00:46:37,980 --> 00:46:40,202 community to support in effect , as you 1206 00:46:40,202 --> 00:46:42,313 say , CIA and FBI and others in doing 1207 00:46:42,313 --> 00:46:45,080 their work . One is lowering thresholds 1208 00:46:45,080 --> 00:46:47,302 for reporting . We've asked for network 1209 00:46:47,302 --> 00:46:49,469 owners to really lower their threshold 1210 00:46:49,469 --> 00:46:51,358 for reporting suspected malicious 1211 00:46:51,358 --> 00:46:53,358 activity . That's critical from our 1212 00:46:53,358 --> 00:46:55,524 perspective in order for us to be able 1213 00:46:55,524 --> 00:46:57,358 to identify what the threat is . 1214 00:46:57,358 --> 00:46:59,580 Another is just making more information 1215 00:46:59,580 --> 00:47:01,691 publicly available . We're increasing 1216 00:47:01,691 --> 00:47:03,580 the amount of information that we 1217 00:47:03,580 --> 00:47:05,691 released to the private sector , both 1218 00:47:05,691 --> 00:47:07,802 to help combat the rise in cybercrime 1219 00:47:07,802 --> 00:47:09,969 and recently in our efforts to posture 1220 00:47:09,969 --> 00:47:09,860 industry for potential Russian 1221 00:47:09,860 --> 00:47:12,110 cyberattacks , for example , something 1222 00:47:12,110 --> 00:47:14,332 that we've been trying to get out to do 1223 00:47:14,332 --> 00:47:16,332 significantly more briefings on and 1224 00:47:16,332 --> 00:47:18,670 help industry in effect get ready for 1225 00:47:18,670 --> 00:47:20,670 things so they can take action that 1226 00:47:20,670 --> 00:47:22,892 would make them more resilient in these 1227 00:47:22,892 --> 00:47:25,059 circumstances . And this includes some 1228 00:47:25,059 --> 00:47:27,226 close hold releases , you know , so as 1229 00:47:27,226 --> 00:47:29,059 to dampen malicious cyber actors 1230 00:47:29,059 --> 00:47:31,170 warning before mitigations can be put 1231 00:47:31,170 --> 00:47:34,070 into place . Another has been our 1232 00:47:34,070 --> 00:47:36,070 significant outreach to the private 1233 00:47:36,070 --> 00:47:38,014 sector . DHS partners held over 90 1234 00:47:38,014 --> 00:47:39,903 engagements with more than 10,000 1235 00:47:39,903 --> 00:47:43,010 partners . Um , just even on the Russia 1236 00:47:43,020 --> 00:47:44,780 peace and it includes sharing 1237 00:47:44,780 --> 00:47:46,780 preventative measures to help these 1238 00:47:46,780 --> 00:47:48,780 partners mitigate vulnerabilities . 1239 00:47:48,780 --> 00:47:50,724 Another has been facilitating hunt 1240 00:47:50,724 --> 00:47:53,360 teams on networks . And we've also 1241 00:47:53,360 --> 00:47:55,471 asked company owners to actively hunt 1242 00:47:55,471 --> 00:47:58,530 for Russian techniques essentially on 1243 00:47:58,530 --> 00:48:00,641 their networks and to facilitate this 1244 00:48:00,641 --> 00:48:02,808 and provided list of vulnerabilities , 1245 00:48:02,808 --> 00:48:05,030 indicators of compromise to look for on 1246 00:48:05,030 --> 00:48:07,086 a company's networks . But those are 1247 00:48:07,086 --> 00:48:07,080 just some of the things that are 1248 00:48:07,080 --> 00:48:08,524 focused on helping on the 1249 00:48:08,524 --> 00:48:10,469 infrastructure piece . Thank you . 1250 00:48:10,469 --> 00:48:12,636 Thank you . Director . Do you need any 1251 00:48:12,636 --> 00:48:14,802 additional authorities or resources to 1252 00:48:14,802 --> 00:48:17,024 amplify this effort ? So we we've asked 1253 00:48:17,024 --> 00:48:20,250 for resources in our FY 23 budget that 1254 00:48:20,260 --> 00:48:22,482 are designed to help with this effort . 1255 00:48:22,482 --> 00:48:24,760 And uh and so absolutely in that sense , 1256 00:48:24,970 --> 00:48:26,860 we haven't identified particular 1257 00:48:26,860 --> 00:48:28,860 authorities that we need but I will 1258 00:48:28,860 --> 00:48:31,082 tell you that we will come to you if we 1259 00:48:31,082 --> 00:48:33,249 do thank you . Thank you . Um Director 1260 00:48:33,249 --> 00:48:35,530 Hanes and general barrier . I saw that 1261 00:48:35,530 --> 00:48:37,752 the annual threat assessment notes that 1262 00:48:37,752 --> 00:48:40,230 advances in dual use technology could 1263 00:48:40,230 --> 00:48:42,230 quote , enable development of novel 1264 00:48:42,230 --> 00:48:44,174 biological weapons that complicate 1265 00:48:44,174 --> 00:48:46,397 detection attribution and treatment and 1266 00:48:46,397 --> 00:48:49,240 of quote , I've advocated for a one 1267 00:48:49,240 --> 00:48:51,129 health security approach where we 1268 00:48:51,129 --> 00:48:53,073 incorporate people across multiple 1269 00:48:53,073 --> 00:48:54,629 disciplines , including the 1270 00:48:54,629 --> 00:48:56,796 intelligence community to increase our 1271 00:48:56,796 --> 00:48:58,650 bio defense and prevent the next 1272 00:48:58,650 --> 00:49:01,390 pandemic in the context of ongoing 1273 00:49:01,390 --> 00:49:03,334 biological threats . How would you 1274 00:49:03,334 --> 00:49:05,510 suggest we develop a multidisciplinary 1275 00:49:05,520 --> 00:49:07,840 approach like this ? Where can we 1276 00:49:07,880 --> 00:49:10,040 prepare and prevent both naturally 1277 00:49:10,050 --> 00:49:11,717 occurring diseases , but also 1278 00:49:11,717 --> 00:49:15,280 deliberate threats ? I can 1279 00:49:15,280 --> 00:49:17,880 start on this . I'm very passionate 1280 00:49:17,880 --> 00:49:19,991 about this issue . I completely agree 1281 00:49:19,991 --> 00:49:22,102 with you . I think we have not in the 1282 00:49:22,102 --> 00:49:24,640 intelligence community um it's sort of 1283 00:49:24,640 --> 00:49:27,020 been able to work with other parts of , 1284 00:49:27,020 --> 00:49:29,187 for example , the federal government , 1285 00:49:29,187 --> 00:49:31,409 even in the scientific community within 1286 00:49:31,409 --> 00:49:33,520 the federal government as effectively 1287 00:49:33,520 --> 00:49:35,353 as we need to . And we have been 1288 00:49:35,353 --> 00:49:36,964 developing mechanisms in the 1289 00:49:36,964 --> 00:49:39,131 intelligence community to do so more . 1290 00:49:39,131 --> 00:49:41,187 We're working more with the national 1291 00:49:41,187 --> 00:49:43,298 labs than we ever have before . We're 1292 00:49:43,298 --> 00:49:45,242 working more with HHS with CC with 1293 00:49:45,242 --> 00:49:47,353 others to try to make sure that we're 1294 00:49:47,353 --> 00:49:49,520 also supporting their work and that we 1295 00:49:49,520 --> 00:49:51,687 can understand some of the issues that 1296 00:49:51,687 --> 00:49:53,853 they see as critical to our work . And 1297 00:49:53,853 --> 00:49:55,742 so that's been a big piece of our 1298 00:49:55,742 --> 00:49:57,798 effort in the intelligence community 1299 00:49:57,798 --> 00:49:59,190 within the National 1300 00:49:59,200 --> 00:50:02,650 Counterproliferation and um center . We 1301 00:50:02,650 --> 00:50:04,930 have been doing a major effort on 1302 00:50:04,940 --> 00:50:07,107 essentially working with global health 1303 00:50:07,107 --> 00:50:09,329 and we actually now have a new national 1304 00:50:09,329 --> 00:50:11,400 Intelligence Manager that works on 1305 00:50:11,400 --> 00:50:14,020 these issues specifically and is hoping 1306 00:50:14,020 --> 00:50:16,530 to support that kind of outreach um on 1307 00:50:16,530 --> 00:50:18,641 this and be happy to give you a brief 1308 00:50:18,641 --> 00:50:20,808 at some point in more detail if that's 1309 00:50:20,808 --> 00:50:23,620 useful Senator for for D . I . I think 1310 00:50:23,620 --> 00:50:25,564 it's about partnership . So it's a 1311 00:50:25,564 --> 00:50:27,787 partnership between the National Center 1312 00:50:27,787 --> 00:50:29,953 for Medical Intelligence , the Defense 1313 00:50:29,953 --> 00:50:32,120 Counterproliferation Center as well as 1314 00:50:32,120 --> 00:50:34,176 en CPC . The role really for D . I . 1315 00:50:34,176 --> 00:50:36,120 And N . C . M . I is is to provide 1316 00:50:36,120 --> 00:50:35,880 warning on these pandemics . So I'm 1317 00:50:35,880 --> 00:50:37,880 passionate about it as well . And I 1318 00:50:37,880 --> 00:50:40,102 think it's it's an area that's going to 1319 00:50:40,102 --> 00:50:42,269 expand in the in the coming months and 1320 00:50:42,269 --> 00:50:42,260 years as we look forward to this . And 1321 00:50:42,260 --> 00:50:44,427 I look forward to engaging you perhaps 1322 00:50:44,427 --> 00:50:46,538 A D . I . On this topic . Thank you . 1323 00:50:46,538 --> 00:50:48,649 Thank you . Mr Chairman . Thank you . 1324 00:50:48,649 --> 00:50:48,410 Senator Gillibrand , Senator Cotton , 1325 00:50:48,410 --> 00:50:50,770 please . General . What's your 1326 00:50:50,910 --> 00:50:53,132 assessment on the state of the fighting 1327 00:50:53,132 --> 00:50:55,299 between Russia and Ukraine and Eastern 1328 00:50:55,299 --> 00:50:58,120 and Southern Ukraine today , Senator , 1329 00:50:58,120 --> 00:51:00,640 I think I think I would characterize it 1330 00:51:00,640 --> 00:51:04,390 as the Russians aren't winning 1331 00:51:04,760 --> 00:51:06,982 and the Ukrainians aren't winning . And 1332 00:51:06,982 --> 00:51:09,038 we're at a bit of a stalemate here . 1333 00:51:09,038 --> 00:51:10,816 And what what has been the most 1334 00:51:10,816 --> 00:51:12,740 interesting evolution for me and 1335 00:51:12,740 --> 00:51:14,840 watching how the Russian forces have 1336 00:51:14,850 --> 00:51:17,072 have misstepped is really the lack of a 1337 00:51:17,072 --> 00:51:19,128 noncommissioned Officer Corps . When 1338 00:51:19,128 --> 00:51:21,183 when I when I think about small unit 1339 00:51:21,183 --> 00:51:23,072 tactics and how this has unfolded 1340 00:51:23,072 --> 00:51:25,239 between Ukraine and Russia . I think I 1341 00:51:25,239 --> 00:51:27,406 think the N . C . O . Corps is a big , 1342 00:51:27,406 --> 00:51:29,294 big piece of this and I think the 1343 00:51:29,294 --> 00:51:31,461 Ukrainians have that about right , who 1344 00:51:32,160 --> 00:51:33,938 who faces a greater risk from a 1345 00:51:33,938 --> 00:51:36,080 stalemate Russia or Ukraine . 1346 00:51:38,170 --> 00:51:40,170 I think , I think we have to take a 1347 00:51:40,170 --> 00:51:42,059 wait and see approach on how this 1348 00:51:42,059 --> 00:51:44,360 evolves . And what is in the decision 1349 00:51:44,360 --> 00:51:47,260 calculus for Putin and his generals as 1350 00:51:47,260 --> 00:51:50,690 this unfolds . And it still made to be 1351 00:51:50,690 --> 00:51:52,650 clear , does not mean an armistice 1352 00:51:53,060 --> 00:51:54,970 peace , It means continued but 1353 00:51:54,980 --> 00:51:57,380 indecisive fighting in which both sides 1354 00:51:57,380 --> 00:52:00,600 are losing personnel equipment , 1355 00:52:00,610 --> 00:52:02,777 weapons and vehicles , right . I think 1356 00:52:02,777 --> 00:52:04,666 it's attrition warfare and and it 1357 00:52:04,666 --> 00:52:07,290 depends it depends how well how well 1358 00:52:07,300 --> 00:52:09,356 the Ukrainians can can maintain what 1359 00:52:09,356 --> 00:52:11,630 they have going on with weapons and 1360 00:52:11,630 --> 00:52:14,380 ammunition and and how the Russians 1361 00:52:14,380 --> 00:52:16,213 decided to deal with that either 1362 00:52:16,213 --> 00:52:18,670 through mobilization or not and decide 1363 00:52:18,670 --> 00:52:20,900 to go with what they have in the 1364 00:52:20,900 --> 00:52:23,011 theater right now . Which side do you 1365 00:52:23,011 --> 00:52:25,178 think at this point is more capable of 1366 00:52:25,178 --> 00:52:27,289 generating additional combat power in 1367 00:52:27,289 --> 00:52:29,178 the form of trained and motivated 1368 00:52:29,178 --> 00:52:31,680 troops ? Russia or Ukraine Ukraine , 1369 00:52:32,350 --> 00:52:34,683 Even though it's 1/3 the size of Russia ? 1370 00:52:35,150 --> 00:52:37,710 Yes . Why do you say that ? Because I 1371 00:52:37,710 --> 00:52:39,960 think the the Ukrainians have it right 1372 00:52:39,970 --> 00:52:42,960 in terms of of grit and how they face 1373 00:52:42,960 --> 00:52:45,071 the defense of their nation . I'm not 1374 00:52:45,071 --> 00:52:47,650 sure that Russian soldiers from the far 1375 00:52:47,650 --> 00:52:49,428 flung military districts really 1376 00:52:49,428 --> 00:52:51,480 understand that finding defend , to 1377 00:52:51,480 --> 00:52:54,250 defend one's own home from war of 1378 00:52:54,250 --> 00:52:56,139 aggression is a highly motivating 1379 00:52:56,850 --> 00:52:59,500 factor , isn't it ? Yes , it is . 1380 00:53:02,050 --> 00:53:04,370 And Russians probably are not terribly 1381 00:53:04,370 --> 00:53:06,510 motivated to be the next wave of 1382 00:53:06,510 --> 00:53:08,621 recruits into Vladimir Putin's war of 1383 00:53:08,621 --> 00:53:11,190 aggression ? I would say , not based on 1384 00:53:11,190 --> 00:53:14,950 what we've seen , if that's the 1385 00:53:14,950 --> 00:53:17,510 case And this stalemate as you call it 1386 00:53:17,510 --> 00:53:19,750 continues not just for weeks but for 1387 00:53:19,750 --> 00:53:23,560 months . Um Which side do you 1388 00:53:23,560 --> 00:53:25,940 think faces the greater possibility of 1389 00:53:25,940 --> 00:53:29,680 a decisive breakout ? The Russians 1390 00:53:29,690 --> 00:53:32,820 with their bill train and unmotivated 1391 00:53:32,820 --> 00:53:34,820 troops of the Ukrainians with their 1392 00:53:34,820 --> 00:53:37,530 supremely motivated troops ? 1393 00:53:39,750 --> 00:53:41,917 Senator , I think right right now with 1394 00:53:41,917 --> 00:53:43,972 the stalemate of that stands , if if 1395 00:53:43,972 --> 00:53:46,139 Russia , if Russia doesn't declare war 1396 00:53:46,139 --> 00:53:48,250 and mobilize , the stalemate is gonna 1397 00:53:48,250 --> 00:53:50,417 gonna last for a while and I don't see 1398 00:53:50,417 --> 00:53:50,190 a breakout on either side . If they do 1399 00:53:50,190 --> 00:53:52,710 mobilize and they do declare war that 1400 00:53:52,710 --> 00:53:55,510 will bring thousands of more soldiers 1401 00:53:55,510 --> 00:53:57,732 to the fight . And even though they may 1402 00:53:57,732 --> 00:53:59,899 not be as well trained and competent , 1403 00:53:59,899 --> 00:54:01,954 they will still bring mass and a lot 1404 00:54:01,954 --> 00:54:04,720 more ammunition . What are the 1405 00:54:04,720 --> 00:54:07,490 prospects of a catastrophic collapse , 1406 00:54:07,500 --> 00:54:10,210 collapse of morale and will among 1407 00:54:10,210 --> 00:54:14,130 Russian forces remains to be seen ? 1408 00:54:14,140 --> 00:54:16,307 I think I think the Russians still are 1409 00:54:16,307 --> 00:54:18,460 a learning organization . If 1410 00:54:18,470 --> 00:54:20,526 appropriate lessons could be applied 1411 00:54:20,526 --> 00:54:22,581 with leadership , you might see that 1412 00:54:22,581 --> 00:54:25,560 turnaround . You know , the current 1413 00:54:25,560 --> 00:54:28,380 count on how many generals have been 1414 00:54:28,380 --> 00:54:32,340 killed in Ukraine on Russia's side . I 1415 00:54:32,340 --> 00:54:34,451 think the number is between eight and 1416 00:54:34,451 --> 00:54:36,673 10 , You know how many generals we lost 1417 00:54:36,673 --> 00:54:38,396 in 20 years of war in Iraq and 1418 00:54:38,396 --> 00:54:41,950 Afghanistan ? Not many and those we 1419 00:54:41,950 --> 00:54:45,090 lost were happenstance . Right ? The 1420 00:54:45,090 --> 00:54:47,257 bad guy's got a lucky shot at a convoy 1421 00:54:47,257 --> 00:54:50,200 or helicopter . Yes , does the fact 1422 00:54:50,200 --> 00:54:51,978 that Russia is losing all these 1423 00:54:51,978 --> 00:54:54,144 generals and as you pointed out , they 1424 00:54:54,144 --> 00:54:56,033 have no trained N . C . O . Corps 1425 00:54:56,033 --> 00:54:58,200 suggest to you that these generals are 1426 00:54:58,200 --> 00:55:00,256 having to go forward to ensure their 1427 00:55:00,256 --> 00:55:02,144 orders are executed in a way that 1428 00:55:02,640 --> 00:55:04,807 general barrier never would have to go 1429 00:55:04,807 --> 00:55:06,918 forward if he was in a combat command 1430 00:55:06,918 --> 00:55:09,084 because he could count on the captains 1431 00:55:09,084 --> 00:55:11,140 and the lieutenants and the sergeant 1432 00:55:11,140 --> 00:55:13,307 barriers to execute his orders . Yes . 1433 00:55:17,440 --> 00:55:21,320 Sounds to me like the balance of 1434 00:55:21,320 --> 00:55:24,260 forces here are moving more decisively 1435 00:55:24,640 --> 00:55:26,807 and Ukraine's factor and will continue 1436 00:55:26,807 --> 00:55:30,130 to overtime as long as we continue to 1437 00:55:30,130 --> 00:55:32,110 support them with the arms and the 1438 00:55:32,110 --> 00:55:35,310 intelligence that they need . Well , 1439 00:55:35,310 --> 00:55:38,020 well led forces that are motivated and 1440 00:55:38,020 --> 00:55:40,131 have have what they need can can do a 1441 00:55:40,131 --> 00:55:41,131 lot . Thank you . 1442 00:55:44,540 --> 00:55:46,484 Thank you Senator Cotton . Senator 1443 00:55:46,484 --> 00:55:48,762 Blumenthal please . Thanks . Thank you . 1444 00:55:48,762 --> 00:55:50,818 Mr Chairman I want to pursue Senator 1445 00:55:50,818 --> 00:55:52,929 Cotton's line of questioning if I may 1446 00:55:53,140 --> 00:55:57,060 ah In my 1447 00:55:58,240 --> 00:56:01,630 exchange with the Secretary of Defense 1448 00:56:01,640 --> 00:56:03,862 and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of 1449 00:56:03,862 --> 00:56:06,110 Staff several weeks ago , I commented 1450 00:56:06,110 --> 00:56:09,290 that are approached Ukraine seems 1451 00:56:09,290 --> 00:56:13,210 somewhat schizophrenic . We say we want 1452 00:56:13,210 --> 00:56:16,460 Ukraine to win but we're afraid of what 1453 00:56:17,030 --> 00:56:20,450 Putin may do if he loses . 1454 00:56:23,330 --> 00:56:26,760 Have urged since 2014 that we provide 1455 00:56:26,760 --> 00:56:30,420 more lethal weapons to Ukraine . When I 1456 00:56:30,420 --> 00:56:32,870 visited Ukraine recently with some of 1457 00:56:32,870 --> 00:56:34,926 my colleagues have bipartisan trip . 1458 00:56:34,926 --> 00:56:37,660 One of them asked President Zelensky , 1459 00:56:38,230 --> 00:56:40,840 are you fearful about the Russian 1460 00:56:41,430 --> 00:56:43,760 prospect of invasion ? It was a number 1461 00:56:43,760 --> 00:56:45,927 of weeks before the invasion . He said 1462 00:56:47,130 --> 00:56:50,080 The Russians invaded us in 2014 . We 1463 00:56:50,080 --> 00:56:52,450 have been fighting them since then . 1464 00:56:53,730 --> 00:56:56,280 And in my view , the implication is 1465 00:56:56,290 --> 00:57:00,220 that we have failed over a period 1466 00:57:00,230 --> 00:57:02,060 of years under different 1467 00:57:02,060 --> 00:57:05,750 administrations to provide Ukraine with 1468 00:57:05,750 --> 00:57:08,460 the arms that it needs to counter and 1469 00:57:08,460 --> 00:57:11,680 deter increased 1470 00:57:11,960 --> 00:57:14,720 Russian aggression there . So , my 1471 00:57:14,720 --> 00:57:17,850 question to you is do you agree that we 1472 00:57:17,850 --> 00:57:21,500 should increase the kind of military 1473 00:57:21,500 --> 00:57:23,760 aid as well as humanitarian assistance 1474 00:57:23,760 --> 00:57:26,420 and economic sanctions that we been 1475 00:57:26,420 --> 00:57:30,230 providing by orders of magnitude that 1476 00:57:30,230 --> 00:57:33,790 will enable Ukraine to 1477 00:57:33,790 --> 00:57:37,740 win . And would you also 1478 00:57:37,740 --> 00:57:40,960 agree that if we simply provide more 1479 00:57:42,430 --> 00:57:46,120 of that kind of aid , tanks , 1480 00:57:46,130 --> 00:57:49,310 artillery , armed personnel carriers , 1481 00:57:49,510 --> 00:57:51,980 even planes , Singer and javelin 1482 00:57:51,980 --> 00:57:54,160 missiles , all of the arms that 1483 00:57:55,630 --> 00:57:58,760 Ukraine needs to fight . Letha lee and 1484 00:57:58,760 --> 00:58:02,240 defensively , that Putin may 1485 00:58:02,380 --> 00:58:05,660 engage in sword 1486 00:58:05,660 --> 00:58:08,720 rattling and threats and implications 1487 00:58:08,720 --> 00:58:11,440 of what he might do . But 1488 00:58:12,320 --> 00:58:14,950 enabling Ukraine to win ought to be our 1489 00:58:14,960 --> 00:58:17,120 objective . Let me ask you first , 1490 00:58:17,120 --> 00:58:18,120 General 1491 00:58:21,420 --> 00:58:23,800 Senator in in your statement there . It 1492 00:58:23,800 --> 00:58:25,911 really it really gets at the national 1493 00:58:25,911 --> 00:58:28,022 level decision making on what are our 1494 00:58:28,022 --> 00:58:30,680 policy should be with regard to arming 1495 00:58:30,680 --> 00:58:32,902 Ukraine . My my role as the director of 1496 00:58:32,902 --> 00:58:34,902 D A is to is to keep an eye on this 1497 00:58:34,902 --> 00:58:36,902 conflict and provide information to 1498 00:58:36,902 --> 00:58:39,013 decision makers so that they can make 1499 00:58:39,013 --> 00:58:41,236 those those kinds of decisions in terms 1500 00:58:41,236 --> 00:58:43,458 of of what Putin might do to escalate . 1501 00:58:43,458 --> 00:58:45,980 I think the best that we can do rather 1502 00:58:45,980 --> 00:58:48,100 than describing what those escalatory 1503 00:58:48,100 --> 00:58:49,767 measures would be would be to 1504 00:58:49,767 --> 00:58:51,822 understand what they might do and be 1505 00:58:51,822 --> 00:58:53,711 ready in terms of indications and 1506 00:58:53,711 --> 00:58:55,822 warning to be able to notify decision 1507 00:58:55,822 --> 00:58:58,044 makers that that was actually occurring 1508 00:58:58,044 --> 00:59:00,156 or or about to occur . So I I take an 1509 00:59:00,156 --> 00:59:02,100 intelligence perspective of of the 1510 00:59:02,100 --> 00:59:04,322 conflict itself and and leave the leave 1511 00:59:04,322 --> 00:59:06,690 the policy to decision makers . Do you ? 1512 00:59:08,620 --> 00:59:11,750 And alas , Miss Haines the same . I 1513 00:59:11,760 --> 00:59:13,980 think there is a serious immediate 1514 00:59:13,980 --> 00:59:17,010 prospect that Putin would engage in the 1515 00:59:17,010 --> 00:59:19,640 use of tactical tactical nuclear weapon 1516 00:59:20,720 --> 00:59:23,400 right right now we do not see that . 1517 00:59:23,410 --> 00:59:25,750 And I think that's that's a huge 1518 00:59:25,750 --> 00:59:27,972 warning issue for us and something that 1519 00:59:27,972 --> 00:59:29,583 we're very very focused on . 1520 00:59:32,120 --> 00:59:35,810 Thank you senator . I think on the 1521 00:59:35,810 --> 00:59:39,360 first part of your question uh you know , 1522 00:59:39,360 --> 00:59:41,416 as General Barry said , obviously we 1523 00:59:41,416 --> 00:59:43,730 try to provide the intelligence to help 1524 00:59:43,740 --> 00:59:45,573 policymakers like you make these 1525 00:59:45,573 --> 00:59:49,170 decisions . And among the questions 1526 00:59:49,170 --> 00:59:52,530 that come up in that discussion are 1527 00:59:52,540 --> 00:59:55,380 whether or not frankly , Ukraine can 1528 00:59:55,380 --> 00:59:59,290 absorb additional assistance and 1529 00:59:59,290 --> 01:00:01,810 how much of it . And that's very hard 1530 01:00:01,810 --> 01:00:03,970 for us to tell . We have in fact more 1531 01:00:03,970 --> 01:00:06,026 insight probably on the Russian side 1532 01:00:06,026 --> 01:00:08,192 than we do on the Ukrainian side . But 1533 01:00:08,192 --> 01:00:10,137 that's something obviously for the 1534 01:00:10,137 --> 01:00:12,081 Defense Department to work through 1535 01:00:12,081 --> 01:00:14,192 essentially as they go through this . 1536 01:00:14,192 --> 01:00:16,248 But we also obviously get asked this 1537 01:00:16,248 --> 01:00:18,192 question of whether or not certain 1538 01:00:18,192 --> 01:00:20,081 actions will escalate things with 1539 01:00:20,310 --> 01:00:23,340 Russia as you indicate and if so how 1540 01:00:23,340 --> 01:00:25,562 and that really gets to the second part 1541 01:00:25,562 --> 01:00:27,507 of your question , because I think 1542 01:00:27,507 --> 01:00:29,729 obviously we're in a position as you've 1543 01:00:29,729 --> 01:00:31,618 identified where we're supporting 1544 01:00:31,618 --> 01:00:33,618 Ukraine , but we also don't want to 1545 01:00:33,810 --> 01:00:36,120 ultimately end up in World War Three , 1546 01:00:36,130 --> 01:00:38,630 and we don't want to have a situation 1547 01:00:38,630 --> 01:00:40,910 in which um actors are using nuclear 1548 01:00:40,910 --> 01:00:43,310 weapons . Our view is as general 1549 01:00:43,310 --> 01:00:46,260 barrier indicated that there is not a 1550 01:00:46,260 --> 01:00:49,740 sort of imminent potential for Putin to 1551 01:00:49,780 --> 01:00:52,860 use nuclear weapons . We perceive that , 1552 01:00:52,870 --> 01:00:54,950 as I indicated in my statement , is 1553 01:00:54,950 --> 01:00:56,950 something that he is unlikely to do 1554 01:00:56,950 --> 01:00:59,600 unless there is effectively uh an 1555 01:00:59,600 --> 01:01:02,480 existential threat to his regime and to 1556 01:01:02,490 --> 01:01:04,601 Russia . From his perspective , we do 1557 01:01:04,601 --> 01:01:07,500 think that um that could be the case in 1558 01:01:07,500 --> 01:01:09,667 the event that he perceives that he is 1559 01:01:09,667 --> 01:01:13,070 losing the war in Ukraine . And that 1560 01:01:13,080 --> 01:01:15,260 NATO , in effect is sort of either 1561 01:01:15,260 --> 01:01:17,316 intervening or about to intervene in 1562 01:01:17,316 --> 01:01:19,371 that context , which would obviously 1563 01:01:19,371 --> 01:01:21,482 contribute to a perception that he is 1564 01:01:21,482 --> 01:01:23,649 about to lose the war in Ukraine . But 1565 01:01:23,649 --> 01:01:25,871 there are a lot of things that he would 1566 01:01:25,871 --> 01:01:28,960 do in uh the context of escalation 1567 01:01:28,960 --> 01:01:31,900 before he would get to a nuclear weapon . 1568 01:01:31,900 --> 01:01:34,110 And also that he would be likely to 1569 01:01:34,110 --> 01:01:37,430 engage in some signaling beyond what 1570 01:01:37,430 --> 01:01:39,640 he's done thus far before doing . So , 1571 01:01:40,810 --> 01:01:44,140 thank you . My my time is expired on 1572 01:01:44,140 --> 01:01:45,862 behalf of the Chairman Senator 1573 01:01:45,862 --> 01:01:46,140 Blackburn