1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:04,220 mhm , mm hmm . Okay . Everybody , 2 00:00:04,220 --> 00:00:06,450 as you know , uh Secretary hosted the 3 00:00:06,450 --> 00:00:09,620 second Contact group on Ukraine . He 4 00:00:09,620 --> 00:00:11,731 and the chairman are prepared to give 5 00:00:11,731 --> 00:00:13,731 you some opening comments , kind of 6 00:00:13,731 --> 00:00:15,953 reading that meeting out and then uh we 7 00:00:15,953 --> 00:00:18,064 have time for just a few questions so 8 00:00:18,064 --> 00:00:20,231 I'll leave it to the Secretary , sir . 9 00:00:20,231 --> 00:00:22,509 Thanks john , good afternoon everybody . 10 00:00:22,840 --> 00:00:24,990 We had a highly constructive morning 11 00:00:24,990 --> 00:00:26,879 here at the second meeting of the 12 00:00:27,340 --> 00:00:30,880 Ukraine Defense Contact Group . I'm 13 00:00:30,880 --> 00:00:33,102 delighted that we were joined virtually 14 00:00:33,102 --> 00:00:35,390 by more than 40 ministers and chiefs of 15 00:00:35,390 --> 00:00:37,920 defense . And I'm especially glad that 16 00:00:37,920 --> 00:00:40,720 the contact group . Once again , I got 17 00:00:40,720 --> 00:00:42,720 to speak with Ukraine's Minister of 18 00:00:42,720 --> 00:00:46,030 Defense . My good friend Oleksy Resnick , 19 00:00:46,030 --> 00:00:49,260 Aww , we're also joined by the Deputy 20 00:00:49,260 --> 00:00:51,371 Commander in Chief of Ukraine's Armed 21 00:00:51,371 --> 00:00:53,950 Forces and by Ukraine's Defense 22 00:00:53,950 --> 00:00:57,460 Intelligence Representative . I'm also 23 00:00:57,470 --> 00:01:00,300 proud and pleased to see that several 24 00:01:00,300 --> 00:01:02,467 new countries attended today's meeting 25 00:01:02,467 --> 00:01:05,560 of the contact group including Austria 26 00:01:06,040 --> 00:01:09,850 Bosnia , Herzogovina , Colombia Ireland 27 00:01:10,240 --> 00:01:13,100 in Kosovo . We're delighted to have 28 00:01:13,100 --> 00:01:15,170 them aboard and we hope to continue 29 00:01:15,170 --> 00:01:18,020 expanding this important gathering of 30 00:01:18,020 --> 00:01:21,510 allies and partners . Russia's 31 00:01:21,510 --> 00:01:23,510 unprovoked and cruel invasion has 32 00:01:23,510 --> 00:01:25,566 galvanized countries from around the 33 00:01:25,566 --> 00:01:29,250 world and the bravery and the skill 34 00:01:29,930 --> 00:01:31,986 and the grit of the Ukrainian people 35 00:01:31,986 --> 00:01:35,100 have inspired people everywhere . Now 36 00:01:35,100 --> 00:01:37,322 we've made important progress since the 37 00:01:37,322 --> 00:01:39,544 contact group was established after the 38 00:01:39,544 --> 00:01:43,280 Ramstein summit last month and today 39 00:01:43,290 --> 00:01:45,346 together with Minister Reznikoff and 40 00:01:45,346 --> 00:01:48,200 his team , we've gained a sharper 41 00:01:48,380 --> 00:01:50,870 shared sense of Ukraine's priority 42 00:01:50,870 --> 00:01:53,880 requirements and the situation on the 43 00:01:53,880 --> 00:01:57,420 battlefield . We also heard some very 44 00:01:57,420 --> 00:01:59,364 welcome announcements this morning 45 00:01:59,364 --> 00:02:01,587 about even more security assistance for 46 00:02:01,587 --> 00:02:04,320 Ukraine That includes some 20 countries 47 00:02:04,320 --> 00:02:06,487 that announced new security assistance 48 00:02:06,487 --> 00:02:09,360 packages . Many countries are donating 49 00:02:09,360 --> 00:02:11,260 critically needed artillery , 50 00:02:11,260 --> 00:02:14,760 ammunition , coastal defense systems 51 00:02:15,340 --> 00:02:17,660 and tanks and other armored vehicles . 52 00:02:18,640 --> 00:02:20,650 Others came forward with new 53 00:02:21,200 --> 00:02:23,350 commitments for training Ukraine's 54 00:02:23,350 --> 00:02:25,390 forces and sustaining its military 55 00:02:25,390 --> 00:02:28,650 systems . There are too many countries 56 00:02:28,650 --> 00:02:31,460 to properly thank everyone here . But 57 00:02:31,460 --> 00:02:33,890 let me mention just a few standouts , 58 00:02:35,240 --> 00:02:37,296 I'm especially grateful to Denmark , 59 00:02:37,296 --> 00:02:39,240 which announced today that it will 60 00:02:39,240 --> 00:02:41,462 provide a harpoon launcher and missiles 61 00:02:41,462 --> 00:02:44,360 to help Ukraine defend its coast . And 62 00:02:44,360 --> 00:02:46,471 also like to thank the Czech Republic 63 00:02:46,471 --> 00:02:49,000 for its substantial support , including 64 00:02:49,000 --> 00:02:51,380 a recent donation of attack helicopters , 65 00:02:51,380 --> 00:02:54,920 tanks and rocket systems . And today 66 00:02:54,930 --> 00:02:56,708 several countries announced new 67 00:02:56,708 --> 00:02:58,540 donations of critically needed 68 00:02:58,540 --> 00:03:00,560 artillery systems and ammunition , 69 00:03:01,310 --> 00:03:04,310 including Italy Greece , Norway and 70 00:03:04,310 --> 00:03:07,650 Poland . And let me also recognize the 71 00:03:07,650 --> 00:03:09,970 United Kingdom for its leading role in 72 00:03:10,540 --> 00:03:12,262 helping to coordinate security 73 00:03:12,262 --> 00:03:14,880 assistance and for the significant 74 00:03:14,880 --> 00:03:16,936 quantities of british equipment that 75 00:03:16,936 --> 00:03:20,000 continued to flow into Ukraine . I'm 76 00:03:20,000 --> 00:03:22,390 deeply grateful to these countries and 77 00:03:22,390 --> 00:03:24,612 to all the countries that have stood up 78 00:03:24,612 --> 00:03:27,160 today . In the 4th . In a short four 79 00:03:27,160 --> 00:03:29,930 weeks since the contact group convened 80 00:03:29,930 --> 00:03:32,930 at Ramstein . The momentum of donations 81 00:03:32,930 --> 00:03:35,360 and deliveries has been outstanding . 82 00:03:36,140 --> 00:03:38,196 And after today's discussions , I am 83 00:03:38,196 --> 00:03:40,320 pleased to report that were 84 00:03:40,320 --> 00:03:43,240 intensifying our efforts and moving 85 00:03:43,240 --> 00:03:45,407 forward . We'll continue to deepen our 86 00:03:45,407 --> 00:03:47,900 coordination and cooperation so that 87 00:03:47,900 --> 00:03:50,460 Ukraine can sustain and strengthen its 88 00:03:50,460 --> 00:03:53,410 battlefield operations . Our combined 89 00:03:53,410 --> 00:03:55,790 efforts will also fortify and modernize 90 00:03:55,790 --> 00:03:58,790 Ukraine Ukraine's armed forces to help 91 00:03:58,790 --> 00:04:01,660 them deter future Russian aggression . 92 00:04:02,940 --> 00:04:05,280 We had several important conversations 93 00:04:05,280 --> 00:04:08,600 today about the latest battlefield 94 00:04:08,600 --> 00:04:11,840 conditions , about progress towards 95 00:04:11,840 --> 00:04:14,230 meeting Ukraine's priority requirements , 96 00:04:15,240 --> 00:04:17,850 about deconflicting security assistance , 97 00:04:17,850 --> 00:04:20,940 deliveries on the ground and about how 98 00:04:20,940 --> 00:04:23,730 to help Ukraine maintain and sustain 99 00:04:24,110 --> 00:04:26,140 the self defense capabilities that 100 00:04:26,150 --> 00:04:30,010 we've all supplied . Everyone here 101 00:04:30,010 --> 00:04:33,430 understands the stakes of this war and 102 00:04:33,430 --> 00:04:35,263 they stretch far beyond europe . 103 00:04:36,340 --> 00:04:38,400 Russia's aggression is an affront to 104 00:04:38,400 --> 00:04:41,050 the rules based international order and 105 00:04:41,050 --> 00:04:43,450 a challenge to free people everywhere . 106 00:04:44,340 --> 00:04:48,050 Now let me announce an item for , for 107 00:04:48,050 --> 00:04:50,750 your calendars and we'll convene the 108 00:04:50,750 --> 00:04:52,920 contact group for our third meeting 109 00:04:52,920 --> 00:04:55,690 next month and will gather in person 110 00:04:55,690 --> 00:04:59,660 this time on june 15th and 111 00:04:59,660 --> 00:05:01,438 the margins of the NATO defense 112 00:05:01,438 --> 00:05:04,950 ministerial in brussels of course it 113 00:05:04,950 --> 00:05:07,740 won't be a NATO event , but we want to 114 00:05:07,740 --> 00:05:10,280 keep up the up keep up the tempo of 115 00:05:10,280 --> 00:05:12,391 these meetings and I wanted to use my 116 00:05:12,391 --> 00:05:14,502 travel to europe to ensure that we're 117 00:05:14,502 --> 00:05:17,220 building on our momentum and my team 118 00:05:17,220 --> 00:05:19,387 will have more details for you on this 119 00:05:19,387 --> 00:05:21,442 in the , in the days ahead . So it's 120 00:05:21,442 --> 00:05:23,720 been a good day And an encouraging one . 121 00:05:24,140 --> 00:05:27,580 We fully understand what Ukraine is up 122 00:05:27,580 --> 00:05:30,060 against . And the contact group again 123 00:05:30,530 --> 00:05:33,230 shows how much we can get done when so 124 00:05:33,230 --> 00:05:35,508 many nations of goodwill come together . 125 00:05:36,240 --> 00:05:38,350 So we're going to keep it up . We're 126 00:05:38,350 --> 00:05:40,730 going to keep supporting Ukraine and as 127 00:05:40,730 --> 00:05:42,397 it defends its citizens , its 128 00:05:42,397 --> 00:05:45,600 sovereignty and its democracy . Now 129 00:05:45,600 --> 00:05:48,100 before I take your questions , I wanted 130 00:05:48,100 --> 00:05:51,370 to say just a few words about someone 131 00:05:51,380 --> 00:05:53,660 who everybody in this room knows well 132 00:05:54,250 --> 00:05:57,890 and my friend john Kirby , I'll join 133 00:05:57,890 --> 00:06:01,760 and I go way back and he's always been 134 00:06:01,760 --> 00:06:03,871 the kind of teammate that you want to 135 00:06:03,871 --> 00:06:06,670 at your side . And since the earliest 136 00:06:06,670 --> 00:06:08,892 days of this administration , I've been 137 00:06:08,892 --> 00:06:10,948 fortunate to have his judgment , his 138 00:06:10,948 --> 00:06:14,180 insights and his leadership . John has 139 00:06:14,180 --> 00:06:17,320 been a wise and trusted counselor in a 140 00:06:17,320 --> 00:06:19,590 clear and eloquent voice for this 141 00:06:19,590 --> 00:06:23,300 department , its missions and its 142 00:06:23,300 --> 00:06:27,250 values . And he's always understood how 143 00:06:27,250 --> 00:06:29,750 a how central a free and independent 144 00:06:29,750 --> 00:06:33,270 press is to our democracy . So even 145 00:06:33,270 --> 00:06:36,580 when the questions were tough , even 146 00:06:36,580 --> 00:06:38,636 when the findings were uncomfortable 147 00:06:39,440 --> 00:06:42,320 when john stood behind this podium , he 148 00:06:42,320 --> 00:06:45,550 always committed to truth , trust and 149 00:06:45,550 --> 00:06:49,410 transparency . So john thanks for your 150 00:06:49,420 --> 00:06:52,860 extraordinary extraordinary service . 151 00:06:54,440 --> 00:06:56,496 I know you're not going far , but we 152 00:06:56,496 --> 00:06:58,662 wish you fair winds and following seas 153 00:06:59,340 --> 00:07:01,500 and so thanks for everything that 154 00:07:01,500 --> 00:07:05,430 you've done . And so I'll turn 155 00:07:05,430 --> 00:07:07,652 it over to the chairman for his remarks 156 00:07:07,652 --> 00:07:09,652 and then we'll be glad to take your 157 00:07:09,652 --> 00:07:11,597 questions . Thanks Secretary And I 158 00:07:11,597 --> 00:07:13,763 would like to just publicly also thank 159 00:07:13,763 --> 00:07:15,597 john for his professionalism and 160 00:07:15,597 --> 00:07:17,652 expertise over the years . He's done 161 00:07:17,652 --> 00:07:19,763 tremendous service for those of us in 162 00:07:19,763 --> 00:07:21,986 uniform and and john thanks so much for 163 00:07:21,986 --> 00:07:24,208 that . Good morning everybody . And and 164 00:07:24,208 --> 00:07:24,090 I want to echo Secretary Austin 165 00:07:24,090 --> 00:07:26,780 statement from this morning . This 166 00:07:26,780 --> 00:07:29,930 meeting was a great opportunity to 167 00:07:29,930 --> 00:07:31,819 coordinate our efforts to provide 168 00:07:31,819 --> 00:07:34,160 timely and effective support military 169 00:07:34,160 --> 00:07:37,480 aid uh to Ukraine , We had 170 00:07:37,480 --> 00:07:40,980 47 countries participate this morning . 171 00:07:40,980 --> 00:07:43,070 That's really significant . And 172 00:07:43,070 --> 00:07:45,237 although I regularly speak with all my 173 00:07:45,237 --> 00:07:47,348 NATO chiefs of Defense counterparts , 174 00:07:47,348 --> 00:07:49,860 some very often some almost daily . 175 00:07:50,340 --> 00:07:52,840 This contact group is a unique assembly 176 00:07:52,850 --> 00:07:55,200 of voices and resources that span the 177 00:07:55,200 --> 00:07:57,570 globe and enhance our collective 178 00:07:57,570 --> 00:08:00,170 capability . I just returned as many of 179 00:08:00,170 --> 00:08:02,281 you know , from NATO where I met with 180 00:08:02,281 --> 00:08:04,392 my NATO counterparts and this meeting 181 00:08:04,392 --> 00:08:06,750 this morning expands on that effort 182 00:08:07,540 --> 00:08:09,429 together . Our task is to provide 183 00:08:09,429 --> 00:08:12,370 sustained support . I speak to generals 184 00:08:12,370 --> 00:08:14,537 Allegheny every few days several times 185 00:08:14,537 --> 00:08:16,648 a week . I want to emphasize that the 186 00:08:16,648 --> 00:08:19,280 joint force , the US joint force , our 187 00:08:19,280 --> 00:08:21,260 role is to continue support to the 188 00:08:21,260 --> 00:08:23,427 Ukrainian military as long as directed 189 00:08:23,427 --> 00:08:25,538 and we intend and have the capability 190 00:08:25,538 --> 00:08:28,260 to do so . All of this is important 191 00:08:28,840 --> 00:08:30,951 because Ukrainian military and people 192 00:08:30,951 --> 00:08:33,284 are fighting not only for their country , 193 00:08:33,284 --> 00:08:35,396 but they're fighting for principles . 194 00:08:35,396 --> 00:08:37,451 As the Secretary mentioned about the 195 00:08:37,451 --> 00:08:39,507 rules based international order that 196 00:08:39,507 --> 00:08:41,396 affects all of us . The Secretary 197 00:08:41,396 --> 00:08:43,562 mentioned that the progress we made at 198 00:08:43,562 --> 00:08:45,784 Ramstein a month ago was a follow on to 199 00:08:45,784 --> 00:08:48,060 today . I was a predecessor to today . 200 00:08:48,760 --> 00:08:50,900 The United States military comprises 201 00:08:51,070 --> 00:08:52,848 one of the key components of US 202 00:08:52,848 --> 00:08:55,220 national power , diplomatic , economic , 203 00:08:55,220 --> 00:08:57,450 informational and of course military 204 00:08:57,940 --> 00:09:00,162 and our task is to protect the homeland 205 00:09:00,162 --> 00:09:02,273 and stand ready to defeat the enemies 206 00:09:02,273 --> 00:09:04,162 of our country and to sustain the 207 00:09:04,162 --> 00:09:06,320 defense of the american people . We 208 00:09:06,320 --> 00:09:08,350 stand ready as part of a whole of 209 00:09:08,350 --> 00:09:10,294 government approach for the United 210 00:09:10,294 --> 00:09:12,406 States and really a whole of alliance 211 00:09:12,406 --> 00:09:14,461 approach and partner effort that you 212 00:09:14,461 --> 00:09:17,080 saw this morning Last fall , the United 213 00:09:17,080 --> 00:09:20,630 States military had about 78,000 in 214 00:09:20,630 --> 00:09:23,390 Yukon Army , Navy Air Force Marines and 215 00:09:23,390 --> 00:09:25,880 Space Force . In a few short months 216 00:09:25,880 --> 00:09:29,110 we've bolstered that By over 30% . So 217 00:09:29,110 --> 00:09:31,332 this morning we've got roughly speaking 218 00:09:31,332 --> 00:09:34,560 100 and 2000 us troops in the Yukon 219 00:09:34,560 --> 00:09:36,560 area of operations . In many , many 220 00:09:36,560 --> 00:09:39,300 countries At sea , we have over 221 00:09:39,300 --> 00:09:42,220 15,000 sailors in the med in the 222 00:09:42,220 --> 00:09:45,220 Baltics on 24 surface combatants and 223 00:09:45,220 --> 00:09:48,250 four subs up from six surface 224 00:09:48,250 --> 00:09:51,370 combatants back in the fall In the air , 225 00:09:51,370 --> 00:09:54,500 we have currently 12 fighter squadrons 226 00:09:54,500 --> 00:09:57,840 and two combat aviation brigades . And 227 00:09:57,840 --> 00:09:59,951 on the ground we have two cores , two 228 00:09:59,951 --> 00:10:02,118 divisions and six brigade combat teams 229 00:10:02,118 --> 00:10:04,062 along with a variety of enablers , 230 00:10:04,640 --> 00:10:06,529 These capabilities for the United 231 00:10:06,529 --> 00:10:08,696 States augment the tremendous security 232 00:10:08,696 --> 00:10:10,918 assistance donated by other countries . 233 00:10:10,918 --> 00:10:13,180 And together we have put forth to the 234 00:10:13,180 --> 00:10:15,430 Ukrainian war effort . The Ukrainian 235 00:10:15,430 --> 00:10:17,430 military's capacity to defend their 236 00:10:17,430 --> 00:10:19,374 homeland against Russian attack is 237 00:10:19,374 --> 00:10:21,270 directly tied to the quality and 238 00:10:21,270 --> 00:10:23,270 quantity of the assistance they are 239 00:10:23,270 --> 00:10:26,370 receiving . And lastly , let me just 240 00:10:26,370 --> 00:10:28,690 say that the secretary has all of us in 241 00:10:28,690 --> 00:10:31,000 this building throughout the military 242 00:10:31,000 --> 00:10:33,000 focused on managing risk and the 243 00:10:33,000 --> 00:10:35,150 potential for escalation . We are 244 00:10:35,150 --> 00:10:37,560 watching this factor very very closely . 245 00:10:38,040 --> 00:10:39,984 Uh , and we have been able to open 246 00:10:39,984 --> 00:10:42,310 reopen communications at the military 247 00:10:42,310 --> 00:10:45,410 to military level as you know . And I 248 00:10:45,410 --> 00:10:47,960 made a call to my Russian counterpart . 249 00:10:48,440 --> 00:10:50,551 I don't share the contents and detail 250 00:10:50,551 --> 00:10:52,607 of that discussion , but that it was 251 00:10:52,607 --> 00:10:55,270 done is important and it was purposeful 252 00:10:55,280 --> 00:10:57,580 and worthwhile . So we remain committed 253 00:10:57,580 --> 00:10:59,340 and resolved and united in our 254 00:10:59,340 --> 00:11:01,210 assistance to Ukraine , we may 255 00:11:01,210 --> 00:11:04,260 committed to manage escalation and will 256 00:11:04,260 --> 00:11:06,371 continue to support as long as we are 257 00:11:06,371 --> 00:11:10,220 directed . Okay ? So now go ahead 258 00:11:10,220 --> 00:11:12,810 and uh take some questions and we'll 259 00:11:12,810 --> 00:11:16,090 start with lita . Thank you . Mr 260 00:11:16,090 --> 00:11:18,600 Secretary , you mentioned that today , 261 00:11:18,600 --> 00:11:20,690 you got a sharper sense of Ukraine's 262 00:11:20,690 --> 00:11:22,746 requirements . Can you talk a little 263 00:11:22,746 --> 00:11:25,710 bit about what the Ukrainian officials 264 00:11:25,710 --> 00:11:28,020 have told you they needed ? And one of 265 00:11:28,020 --> 00:11:30,187 the things that they say they need , I 266 00:11:30,187 --> 00:11:33,400 believe is high maRS or MlRS is the U . 267 00:11:33,400 --> 00:11:35,233 S . Already out of their country 268 00:11:35,233 --> 00:11:37,840 prepared to send those major systems to 269 00:11:37,840 --> 00:11:41,740 Ukraine . And if that's true , are 270 00:11:41,740 --> 00:11:43,920 there any limits on how they can be 271 00:11:43,920 --> 00:11:46,380 used either in Crimea and the Donbas ? 272 00:11:46,620 --> 00:11:50,310 And then General Milley , can you the 273 00:11:50,310 --> 00:11:52,532 army the other day said it's gonna take 274 00:11:52,532 --> 00:11:54,588 about 18 months to replenish some of 275 00:11:54,588 --> 00:11:56,588 the stocks that they've sent in the 276 00:11:56,588 --> 00:11:58,699 drawdown ? Um Specifically Javelins . 277 00:11:58,699 --> 00:12:00,643 Um what is the risk to the U . S . 278 00:12:00,643 --> 00:12:04,410 Military as it goes forward on weapons 279 00:12:04,410 --> 00:12:07,070 systems and other things that maybe now 280 00:12:07,070 --> 00:12:09,292 going to Ukraine that the U . S . Needs 281 00:12:09,530 --> 00:12:13,420 And as you send more complex weapons 282 00:12:13,430 --> 00:12:16,610 into Ukraine . Is there a need to send 283 00:12:16,620 --> 00:12:19,210 us special forces or other trainers 284 00:12:19,220 --> 00:12:22,350 either into Ukraine to help train them 285 00:12:22,840 --> 00:12:25,700 or other in other locations ? And if 286 00:12:25,700 --> 00:12:27,478 not what are the consequences ? 287 00:12:30,340 --> 00:12:32,340 I think that was about 12 questions 288 00:12:32,340 --> 00:12:35,390 later , but I'm not sure . Okay , all 289 00:12:35,390 --> 00:12:39,010 right , well listen first , I'll get to 290 00:12:39,010 --> 00:12:41,830 the questions that you had up top there 291 00:12:41,830 --> 00:12:45,720 for me . Um let me reiterate 292 00:12:45,720 --> 00:12:47,940 that . I believe that today was a very 293 00:12:47,940 --> 00:12:50,180 successful meeting . Have you heard the 294 00:12:50,180 --> 00:12:52,124 chairman talk about the numbers of 295 00:12:52,124 --> 00:12:54,580 countries that were involved ? You 296 00:12:54,580 --> 00:12:57,760 heard me speak about the number of the 297 00:12:58,240 --> 00:13:01,770 The types of donations that some 20 298 00:13:01,770 --> 00:13:04,620 countries came forward with today to 299 00:13:04,620 --> 00:13:07,080 announce now that's real progress , 300 00:13:07,080 --> 00:13:10,500 which is needed for real problems . Uh 301 00:13:10,500 --> 00:13:13,230 and uh and so we're very , very 302 00:13:13,230 --> 00:13:16,590 satisfied that we had a a 303 00:13:16,600 --> 00:13:19,460 very productive meeting but we 304 00:13:19,460 --> 00:13:21,571 recognize that this this is a work in 305 00:13:21,571 --> 00:13:24,000 progress and we will need to continue 306 00:13:24,010 --> 00:13:26,360 to remain focused on this going forward 307 00:13:26,740 --> 00:13:28,910 now in terms of what they need , what 308 00:13:28,920 --> 00:13:31,930 what their needs are , uh they really 309 00:13:31,930 --> 00:13:35,070 are pretty much the same as they were 310 00:13:35,070 --> 00:13:37,490 the last time we talked . And that was 311 00:13:37,500 --> 00:13:40,090 um long range fires , 312 00:13:42,440 --> 00:13:45,360 armor in terms of tanks and armored 313 00:13:45,360 --> 00:13:48,570 personnel carriers , uh , some U A . V . 314 00:13:48,570 --> 00:13:52,210 Capability . And so that has that has 315 00:13:52,210 --> 00:13:54,870 not changed the nature of the fight as 316 00:13:54,870 --> 00:13:57,620 you've heard us described a number of 317 00:13:57,620 --> 00:14:00,300 times is , you know , this is the fight 318 00:14:00,300 --> 00:14:02,411 is really shaped by artillery in this 319 00:14:02,411 --> 00:14:06,400 phase and we've seen serious exchanges 320 00:14:06,410 --> 00:14:08,430 of artillery fires over the last 321 00:14:08,430 --> 00:14:11,990 several weeks uh regarding high mars . 322 00:14:11,990 --> 00:14:14,101 I don't want to get ahead of where we 323 00:14:14,101 --> 00:14:16,330 are in the process of , of re sourcing 324 00:14:16,340 --> 00:14:19,040 requirements . Uh , I just like for you 325 00:14:19,040 --> 00:14:21,590 to know that we are not only talking to 326 00:14:21,590 --> 00:14:23,910 the Ukrainians today , but it's every 327 00:14:23,910 --> 00:14:25,910 day , as the Chairman pointed out , 328 00:14:25,940 --> 00:14:28,580 he's talking to his his counterpart 329 00:14:28,590 --> 00:14:31,170 routinely . I talked to Minister 330 00:14:31,170 --> 00:14:34,370 Resnick , aww at least once a week and 331 00:14:34,370 --> 00:14:38,240 probably more than that in most in in 332 00:14:38,240 --> 00:14:40,880 most weeks . So we'll continue to 333 00:14:40,880 --> 00:14:44,350 refine their their their requirements , 334 00:14:44,360 --> 00:14:46,960 will will engage the international 335 00:14:46,960 --> 00:14:49,460 community to make sure that , uh , that , 336 00:14:49,840 --> 00:14:51,540 you know , we can get as much 337 00:14:51,540 --> 00:14:53,651 capability against those requirements 338 00:14:53,651 --> 00:14:55,818 as possible . But again , I don't want 339 00:14:55,818 --> 00:14:57,860 to discuss uh , specific systems in 340 00:14:57,860 --> 00:15:01,390 this forum . So later the , you asked 341 00:15:01,390 --> 00:15:03,501 about the replenishing people peace , 342 00:15:03,550 --> 00:15:07,250 um , overall US military as a entity , 343 00:15:07,260 --> 00:15:09,920 all of the various , uh , munition 344 00:15:09,920 --> 00:15:11,698 stock images that we have . The 345 00:15:11,698 --> 00:15:13,698 Secretary's got us looking at those 346 00:15:13,698 --> 00:15:13,310 very , very carefully to make sure that 347 00:15:13,310 --> 00:15:15,477 we don't drop below levels that become 348 00:15:15,477 --> 00:15:17,643 moderate , significant high risk . And 349 00:15:17,643 --> 00:15:19,866 we're doing that . So , right now , the 350 00:15:19,866 --> 00:15:21,977 risk to ourselves is relatively low . 351 00:15:21,977 --> 00:15:23,921 Um , it's not something that we're 352 00:15:23,921 --> 00:15:26,088 going to get overly excited about . We 353 00:15:26,088 --> 00:15:25,920 have a category called critical 354 00:15:25,920 --> 00:15:28,087 munitions and preferred munitions were 355 00:15:28,087 --> 00:15:30,610 solid in all of those and , and , and 356 00:15:30,610 --> 00:15:33,280 javelins is not in that category . Uh , 357 00:15:33,290 --> 00:15:35,340 so your small arms , your antitank 358 00:15:35,340 --> 00:15:37,173 weapons , some of your manpads , 359 00:15:37,173 --> 00:15:39,507 javelins , etcetera , as opposed to say , 360 00:15:39,507 --> 00:15:41,673 for example , other , you know , smart 361 00:15:41,673 --> 00:15:43,618 munitions and PGM etcetera . Uh so 362 00:15:43,618 --> 00:15:45,840 we're we're okay , We're doing okay and 363 00:15:45,840 --> 00:15:47,507 and our risk is being managed 364 00:15:47,507 --> 00:15:49,673 appropriately . Um with respect to the 365 00:15:49,673 --> 00:15:51,673 training , we are doing training in 366 00:15:51,673 --> 00:15:53,896 several different countries right now . 367 00:15:53,896 --> 00:15:55,951 Uh along with other NATO and partner 368 00:15:55,951 --> 00:15:58,050 countries are training Ukrainians in 369 00:15:58,050 --> 00:16:00,106 various countries . I'm not gonna go 370 00:16:00,106 --> 00:16:02,217 into all the details of it , but it's 371 00:16:02,217 --> 00:16:04,217 that's ongoing . Not in Ukraine but 372 00:16:04,217 --> 00:16:06,383 outside of Ukraine . The United States 373 00:16:06,383 --> 00:16:08,550 doesn't have any trainers right now in 374 00:16:08,550 --> 00:16:11,200 Ukraine . Um and the some of the things 375 00:16:11,200 --> 00:16:13,200 that may have been out there in the 376 00:16:13,200 --> 00:16:15,422 media , uh , those are planning efforts 377 00:16:15,422 --> 00:16:17,533 that are underway at a relatively low 378 00:16:17,533 --> 00:16:19,533 level have not yet made it into the 379 00:16:19,533 --> 00:16:21,644 secretary or myself for that matter . 380 00:16:21,644 --> 00:16:23,811 Uh for refinement of courses of action 381 00:16:23,811 --> 00:16:26,144 and what's needed at the end of the day , 382 00:16:26,144 --> 00:16:28,200 any reintroduction of U . S . Forces 383 00:16:28,200 --> 00:16:30,422 into Ukraine would require presidential 384 00:16:30,422 --> 00:16:32,533 decisions . So we're a ways away from 385 00:16:32,533 --> 00:16:32,360 anything like that . We're still 386 00:16:32,360 --> 00:16:34,471 developing courses of action and none 387 00:16:34,471 --> 00:16:36,582 of that has been presented yet to the 388 00:16:36,582 --> 00:16:39,890 secretary Kourtney . 389 00:16:41,340 --> 00:16:43,840 Thank you . I want to read a question 390 00:16:43,840 --> 00:16:45,951 that President biden got this morning 391 00:16:45,951 --> 00:16:48,062 in on his trip in Asia . He was asked 392 00:16:48,062 --> 00:16:50,229 you didn't want to get involved in the 393 00:16:50,229 --> 00:16:52,451 Ukraine conflict militarily for obvious 394 00:16:52,451 --> 00:16:54,284 reasons , are you willing to get 395 00:16:54,284 --> 00:16:56,507 involved militarily to defend Taiwan if 396 00:16:56,507 --> 00:16:58,729 it comes to that , his answer was yes , 397 00:16:58,729 --> 00:17:00,896 that's the commitment we made . So the 398 00:17:00,896 --> 00:17:00,640 reason I wanted to read the question is 399 00:17:00,820 --> 00:17:03,830 it indicates . and his answer would 400 00:17:03,840 --> 00:17:05,951 indicate that the U . S . Is prepared 401 00:17:05,951 --> 00:17:08,590 to do more to defend Taiwan than what 402 00:17:08,590 --> 00:17:10,900 the US is already doing to help Ukraine 403 00:17:10,900 --> 00:17:13,233 defend against the invasion from Russia . 404 00:17:13,233 --> 00:17:13,170 Which as we know , as you've been 405 00:17:13,170 --> 00:17:14,892 saying here today is provide a 406 00:17:14,892 --> 00:17:16,837 tremendous amount of equipment and 407 00:17:16,837 --> 00:17:18,670 support and even intelligence to 408 00:17:18,670 --> 00:17:20,726 Ukraine . President Biden said today 409 00:17:20,726 --> 00:17:22,892 that the U . S . Is willing to do more 410 00:17:22,892 --> 00:17:25,226 to help Taiwan . So my question for you , 411 00:17:25,226 --> 00:17:27,392 Secretary Austin is is the US making a 412 00:17:27,392 --> 00:17:29,850 commitment to send troops to defend 413 00:17:29,850 --> 00:17:31,906 Taiwan in the event of innovation by 414 00:17:31,906 --> 00:17:33,961 china and generally have a following 415 00:17:33,961 --> 00:17:35,850 for you as well , Kourtney as the 416 00:17:35,850 --> 00:17:39,370 president said , are 1.1 China policy 417 00:17:39,370 --> 00:17:42,760 has not changed . He uh 418 00:17:43,240 --> 00:17:45,370 reiterated that policy and our 419 00:17:45,370 --> 00:17:47,259 commitment to peace and stability 420 00:17:47,259 --> 00:17:50,700 across across the Taiwan strait . He 421 00:17:50,700 --> 00:17:54,540 also highlighted our 422 00:17:54,540 --> 00:17:56,651 commitment under the Taiwan relations 423 00:17:56,651 --> 00:18:00,610 Act to help provide Taiwan the means to 424 00:18:00,610 --> 00:18:03,340 defend itself . So again , our policy 425 00:18:03,340 --> 00:18:05,396 has not changed . I think the Taiwan 426 00:18:05,396 --> 00:18:07,173 relations Act is the U . S . Is 427 00:18:07,173 --> 00:18:08,896 committed to ensure Taiwan has 428 00:18:08,896 --> 00:18:11,118 resources , it needs to defend itself , 429 00:18:11,118 --> 00:18:13,062 but it doesn't require us military 430 00:18:13,062 --> 00:18:15,229 intervention . So again I just want to 431 00:18:15,229 --> 00:18:17,451 ask would is the US making a commitment 432 00:18:17,451 --> 00:18:19,396 by saying that they are willing to 433 00:18:19,396 --> 00:18:21,340 defend them militarily for U . S . 434 00:18:21,340 --> 00:18:23,507 Troops to be involved in that military 435 00:18:23,507 --> 00:18:25,618 response . Again , Courtney , I think 436 00:18:25,618 --> 00:18:27,618 the President was clear on the fact 437 00:18:27,618 --> 00:18:29,618 that the policy has not changed And 438 00:18:29,618 --> 00:18:31,618 then general since you , you know , 439 00:18:31,618 --> 00:18:30,990 you're talking about the risks with 440 00:18:30,990 --> 00:18:33,157 Ukraine . Can you walk us through what 441 00:18:33,157 --> 00:18:35,500 you see the potential risks that would 442 00:18:35,510 --> 00:18:38,150 be a part of a U . S . Military defense 443 00:18:38,160 --> 00:18:41,540 of Taiwan should china invaded ? Yeah , 444 00:18:41,540 --> 00:18:43,762 I actually won't do that , Courtney . I 445 00:18:43,762 --> 00:18:45,651 appreciate the opportunity to not 446 00:18:45,651 --> 00:18:48,800 answer a question . But um there's a 447 00:18:48,800 --> 00:18:50,856 variety of contingency plans that we 448 00:18:50,856 --> 00:18:52,522 hold . All of them are highly 449 00:18:52,522 --> 00:18:54,356 classified uh pacific europe and 450 00:18:54,356 --> 00:18:56,522 elsewhere . Right ? Um and it would be 451 00:18:56,522 --> 00:18:58,744 very inappropriate for me to microphone 452 00:18:58,744 --> 00:19:00,744 to discuss the risk associated with 453 00:19:00,744 --> 00:19:02,856 those plans relative to anything with 454 00:19:02,856 --> 00:19:02,340 respect to Taiwan or anywhere else in 455 00:19:02,340 --> 00:19:04,980 the pacific not answer one more 456 00:19:04,980 --> 00:19:06,924 question is that would you support 457 00:19:06,924 --> 00:19:09,840 sending us troops to Taiwan ? I will 458 00:19:09,840 --> 00:19:12,007 render my advice at the moment in time 459 00:19:12,007 --> 00:19:14,770 to the President in the Secretary of 460 00:19:14,770 --> 00:19:17,960 Defense . Mm hmm . Yeah , 461 00:19:18,940 --> 00:19:21,100 Felicia Felicia Schwartz . 462 00:19:22,140 --> 00:19:25,970 Thanks . Um just going back to the high 463 00:19:25,970 --> 00:19:29,870 mars um if you do send them um would 464 00:19:29,870 --> 00:19:32,040 you be okay with those weapons being 465 00:19:32,040 --> 00:19:34,550 used to push Russian forces out of 466 00:19:34,560 --> 00:19:37,760 Crimea and the Donbass ? And then to 467 00:19:37,760 --> 00:19:39,900 General Milley , how important is it 468 00:19:39,900 --> 00:19:42,580 that to reopen Ukrainian ports in the 469 00:19:42,590 --> 00:19:45,600 black ? What is the U . S . Doing to 470 00:19:45,600 --> 00:19:49,370 help again ? Uh Felicia ? 471 00:19:49,420 --> 00:19:52,190 You know , as I said earlier , I really 472 00:19:52,200 --> 00:19:55,620 won't get involved in uh discussing 473 00:19:55,630 --> 00:19:59,490 any uh specific requirements and 474 00:19:59,500 --> 00:20:01,389 and how we're gonna address those 475 00:20:01,389 --> 00:20:03,611 requirements . Um and we don't have any 476 00:20:03,611 --> 00:20:06,650 announcements to make uh in that regard . 477 00:20:06,660 --> 00:20:09,160 and because of that , I won't I also 478 00:20:09,160 --> 00:20:12,520 want uh entertain that hypothetical . 479 00:20:14,340 --> 00:20:16,451 And on the ports you're talking about 480 00:20:16,451 --> 00:20:18,562 Odessa , I think you're talking about 481 00:20:18,562 --> 00:20:20,673 Odessa and obviously that's the major 482 00:20:20,673 --> 00:20:22,784 ports for Ukraine , it's their access 483 00:20:22,784 --> 00:20:24,951 to the sea in the outside world and it 484 00:20:24,951 --> 00:20:27,118 becomes a significant vehicle by which 485 00:20:27,118 --> 00:20:29,570 grain , for example , is exported and 486 00:20:29,570 --> 00:20:31,903 other commodities coming out of Ukraine . 487 00:20:31,903 --> 00:20:34,126 And Ukraine is uh the largest or one of 488 00:20:34,126 --> 00:20:36,070 the largest grain producers in the 489 00:20:36,070 --> 00:20:38,014 world . Uh and thus far because of 490 00:20:38,014 --> 00:20:40,710 mines because of the Russian fleet , 491 00:20:40,720 --> 00:20:43,053 because of the risks associated with it , 492 00:20:43,053 --> 00:20:45,164 that that has not happened here now , 493 00:20:45,164 --> 00:20:47,050 going on almost 90 days . So how 494 00:20:47,050 --> 00:20:49,106 important it is . I think it's quite 495 00:20:49,106 --> 00:20:51,217 important to the economy of Ukraine . 496 00:20:51,217 --> 00:20:53,070 And and and well beyond , many 497 00:20:53,070 --> 00:20:55,080 countries in the world depend on 498 00:20:55,080 --> 00:20:57,247 Ukrainian grain . So that's an example 499 00:20:57,247 --> 00:20:59,247 of the importance of it as for what 500 00:20:59,247 --> 00:21:01,440 we're doing about it right now we are 501 00:21:01,450 --> 00:21:03,672 we don't have any U . S . Naval vessels 502 00:21:03,672 --> 00:21:05,783 in the Black sea , we don't intend to 503 00:21:05,783 --> 00:21:08,006 unless directed . Uh And right now it's 504 00:21:08,006 --> 00:21:10,570 a bit of a stalemate there between uh 505 00:21:10,580 --> 00:21:12,580 the Ukrainians wanting to make sure 506 00:21:12,580 --> 00:21:14,802 that there's not any sort of amphibious 507 00:21:14,802 --> 00:21:16,913 landing against Odessa uh and the and 508 00:21:16,913 --> 00:21:19,136 the right now . So that's it's a it's a 509 00:21:19,136 --> 00:21:21,191 no go zone for commercial shipping , 510 00:21:21,191 --> 00:21:23,136 what that will be in the future is 511 00:21:23,136 --> 00:21:24,969 unknown right now , but it is an 512 00:21:24,969 --> 00:21:26,636 important access to the sea . 513 00:21:28,740 --> 00:21:31,100 Tom Bowman hopefully this is a question 514 00:21:31,110 --> 00:21:33,260 both of you can answer . General 515 00:21:33,260 --> 00:21:35,538 Petraeus famously said of the Iraq war . 516 00:21:35,538 --> 00:21:37,538 Tell me how this ends . So with the 517 00:21:37,538 --> 00:21:39,920 Ukraine war , how does this end ? Is it 518 00:21:39,920 --> 00:21:41,753 pushing the Russians back to pre 519 00:21:41,753 --> 00:21:44,220 invasion borders ? Is it pushing the 520 00:21:44,220 --> 00:21:46,590 Russians completely out of Ukraine as 521 00:21:46,710 --> 00:21:48,766 british Foreign Secretary luis trust 522 00:21:48,766 --> 00:21:50,710 has said or is it somewhere in the 523 00:21:50,710 --> 00:21:53,880 middle tom are our effort is to do 524 00:21:53,880 --> 00:21:56,060 everything that we can to strengthen 525 00:21:56,740 --> 00:22:00,010 Ukraine's hands on the battlefield and 526 00:22:00,010 --> 00:22:03,270 also at the at the negotiation table . 527 00:22:03,840 --> 00:22:06,320 Uh and and so we're gonna stick with 528 00:22:06,330 --> 00:22:08,386 doing everything we can to make sure 529 00:22:08,386 --> 00:22:10,580 that they achieved their their 530 00:22:10,580 --> 00:22:13,860 objectives at the end of the day . Um 531 00:22:14,740 --> 00:22:18,350 you know , what , what this looks like , 532 00:22:18,350 --> 00:22:20,183 what in state looks like will be 533 00:22:20,183 --> 00:22:22,406 defined by by the Ukrainians and not by 534 00:22:22,406 --> 00:22:24,820 us . Uh and so we'll leave that up to 535 00:22:24,820 --> 00:22:26,931 President Zelensky and his leadership 536 00:22:26,931 --> 00:22:29,280 uh to talk about , you know , how this , 537 00:22:29,290 --> 00:22:30,860 how this transitions . 538 00:22:32,840 --> 00:22:34,951 Yeah , I would just echo exactly what 539 00:22:34,951 --> 00:22:37,118 he said . The the end state is defined 540 00:22:37,118 --> 00:22:39,284 by the political leadership and and in 541 00:22:39,284 --> 00:22:41,507 this case , President Zelensky is going 542 00:22:41,507 --> 00:22:41,280 to define the end state inside the 543 00:22:41,280 --> 00:22:43,210 boundaries of Ukraine uh for the 544 00:22:43,210 --> 00:22:45,432 broader of law , we want to continue to 545 00:22:45,432 --> 00:22:47,210 support Ukraine defending their 546 00:22:47,210 --> 00:22:49,432 defending their country . Uh We want to 547 00:22:49,432 --> 00:22:51,654 make sure that NATO's unified . We want 548 00:22:51,654 --> 00:22:53,710 to uphold the concept that there's a 549 00:22:53,710 --> 00:22:55,932 rules based international order and the 550 00:22:55,932 --> 00:22:58,154 and the powerful and the big can't just 551 00:22:58,154 --> 00:23:00,154 destroy and invade the weak and the 552 00:23:00,154 --> 00:23:02,488 small the word for the U . S . And NATO , 553 00:23:02,488 --> 00:23:04,543 the Zelensky government , I couldn't 554 00:23:04,543 --> 00:23:06,654 even exist . So my question is , does 555 00:23:06,654 --> 00:23:09,360 NATO have a voice at all in this effort 556 00:23:09,740 --> 00:23:11,740 about how this hands ? Because this 557 00:23:11,740 --> 00:23:13,796 could go on for years , as some have 558 00:23:13,796 --> 00:23:17,690 said , I stand by what I said earlier 559 00:23:17,690 --> 00:23:19,920 tom i this will be the way that it 560 00:23:19,920 --> 00:23:22,142 transitions the way that it ends , will 561 00:23:22,142 --> 00:23:24,680 be defined by by the Ukrainian people . 562 00:23:24,680 --> 00:23:27,280 But they say we want the right all 563 00:23:27,280 --> 00:23:29,502 Russians out of our country . Would you 564 00:23:29,502 --> 00:23:30,669 both abide by that ? 565 00:23:32,340 --> 00:23:35,910 What we will abide by is uh what our 566 00:23:35,910 --> 00:23:38,330 president decides that that we we will 567 00:23:38,330 --> 00:23:40,219 do going forward ? That will be a 568 00:23:40,219 --> 00:23:43,210 policy decision . But again , I think 569 00:23:43,220 --> 00:23:45,387 this is Ukraine's fight . It's not the 570 00:23:45,387 --> 00:23:48,820 United States fight ? Uh we uh we are 571 00:23:48,820 --> 00:23:51,320 doing everything and that we can to 572 00:23:51,320 --> 00:23:53,670 make sure that that we are supporting 573 00:23:53,670 --> 00:23:55,726 them in their effort to defend their 574 00:23:55,726 --> 00:23:57,837 sovereign territory , the rest of the 575 00:23:57,837 --> 00:23:59,892 international community is doing the 576 00:23:59,892 --> 00:24:01,948 same time . And and again , uh since 577 00:24:01,948 --> 00:24:04,170 it's their fight , it's their country . 578 00:24:04,170 --> 00:24:06,392 I want to make sure that that they have 579 00:24:06,392 --> 00:24:08,614 to say so in terms of , you know , what 580 00:24:08,614 --> 00:24:10,003 what in state looks like 581 00:24:13,020 --> 00:24:15,480 or thank you , sir , thank you . 582 00:24:15,480 --> 00:24:18,070 Chairman on Ukraine for both of you . 583 00:24:18,080 --> 00:24:20,024 What is your assessment on whether 584 00:24:20,024 --> 00:24:22,247 Vladimir Putin has shifted his vehicles 585 00:24:22,247 --> 00:24:24,247 from from inside Ukraine to outside 586 00:24:24,247 --> 00:24:26,358 Ukraine , In other words , instead of 587 00:24:26,358 --> 00:24:28,524 trying to take Kiev by force , to what 588 00:24:28,524 --> 00:24:30,691 extent is he shifted and is now trying 589 00:24:30,691 --> 00:24:32,691 to use energy grain , for example , 590 00:24:32,691 --> 00:24:34,910 immigration as economic tools to 591 00:24:34,920 --> 00:24:37,198 undermine europe's strategic stability . 592 00:24:37,198 --> 00:24:39,364 Is is that the long game for him now ? 593 00:24:40,440 --> 00:24:42,162 It's hard to say , and I won't 594 00:24:42,162 --> 00:24:44,273 speculate what's , what's going on in 595 00:24:44,273 --> 00:24:46,496 Putin's mind , but we , we have , we've 596 00:24:46,496 --> 00:24:48,930 seen him use a number of different 597 00:24:48,930 --> 00:24:51,420 lovers from the very beginning . Um , 598 00:24:51,430 --> 00:24:54,350 at the , at the very outset , he 599 00:24:54,940 --> 00:24:57,910 envision using using overwhelming force 600 00:24:57,910 --> 00:25:00,540 and speed and power to very rapidly 601 00:25:00,540 --> 00:25:03,790 take down the , the capital city and 602 00:25:03,790 --> 00:25:06,320 replace the government . They failed in 603 00:25:06,320 --> 00:25:09,300 that in that respect . Uh , and their , 604 00:25:09,310 --> 00:25:11,366 their forces were pushed back by the 605 00:25:11,366 --> 00:25:13,760 Ukrainians . Ukrainians , they took 606 00:25:13,770 --> 00:25:16,560 Kharkiv . The Russians took Kharkiv for 607 00:25:16,560 --> 00:25:18,671 a short period of time . The Russians 608 00:25:18,671 --> 00:25:20,393 can excuse me , the Ukrainians 609 00:25:20,393 --> 00:25:22,820 counterattacked and took Kharkiv back . 610 00:25:22,830 --> 00:25:26,020 And so we've seen them , uh , 611 00:25:26,030 --> 00:25:29,830 really , uh , proceed at a very slow 612 00:25:29,830 --> 00:25:32,110 and unsuccessful place on the pace on 613 00:25:32,110 --> 00:25:34,560 the battlefield . Uh , and you would 614 00:25:34,560 --> 00:25:36,782 expect that he would , he would seek to 615 00:25:36,782 --> 00:25:39,190 use other lovers of power or other 616 00:25:39,190 --> 00:25:41,190 instruments of power and he's doing 617 00:25:41,190 --> 00:25:43,412 that . But in terms of what his overall 618 00:25:43,412 --> 00:25:46,310 strategy is , um , that's unknown . I 619 00:25:46,310 --> 00:25:48,477 would say though that , you know , one 620 00:25:48,477 --> 00:25:50,699 of the things that he could do or in is 621 00:25:50,699 --> 00:25:52,866 in this fight today . You know , And , 622 00:25:52,866 --> 00:25:55,032 uh , you've heard me say that a couple 623 00:25:55,032 --> 00:25:57,088 of times . This is a , this is a , a 624 00:25:57,088 --> 00:25:59,290 war of Putin's choice , not a war of 625 00:25:59,290 --> 00:26:02,800 necessity . So , um , we continue to 626 00:26:02,910 --> 00:26:04,690 encourage him to do that . 627 00:26:09,540 --> 00:26:10,170 Thanks everybody .