WEBVTT 00:01.240 --> 00:04.380 well , good morning everybody . It's 00:04.380 --> 00:07.920 great to be back in Singapore . I was 00:07.920 --> 00:11.640 here In July of 2021 to give 00:11.640 --> 00:15.350 the double eye Fullerton lecture . 00:16.440 --> 00:18.500 So john I'm starting to feel like a 00:18.500 --> 00:22.400 regular but in all seriousness . 00:22.410 --> 00:25.920 Thanks for having me back . I also want 00:25.920 --> 00:29.660 to thank john for everything that does 00:30.440 --> 00:32.570 to promote dialogue in this region . 00:34.040 --> 00:36.151 And I want to thank our national host 00:36.240 --> 00:39.840 Singapore for providing such a warm 00:39.840 --> 00:43.600 welcome for all of us . It's 00:43.600 --> 00:46.060 especially good to see Senior Minister 00:46.060 --> 00:49.780 Tayo Minister Ong and 00:49.780 --> 00:51.760 Minister Balakrishnan . 00:53.840 --> 00:57.450 Now , this is my first time to 00:57.460 --> 01:00.850 formally address a shangri la dialogue 01:00.850 --> 01:04.190 as Secretary of defense and I'm glad to 01:04.190 --> 01:07.280 have the chance to discuss many of my 01:07.280 --> 01:09.410 government's policies , but I'm also 01:09.410 --> 01:12.530 here to listen and to have some honest 01:12.530 --> 01:16.180 discussions . Now . The simple 01:16.180 --> 01:18.150 fact that this dialogue is back in 01:18.150 --> 01:21.760 person is absolutely encouraging . 01:23.040 --> 01:25.350 When I was here last year , my speech 01:26.140 --> 01:28.307 was one of the first public gatherings 01:28.307 --> 01:31.370 in Singapore as it was starting to 01:31.370 --> 01:34.060 reopen after the terrible early months 01:34.640 --> 01:38.310 of the pandemic . So 01:38.310 --> 01:41.760 going from one loan keynote to this 01:41.760 --> 01:44.540 bustling in person . Dialogue suggests 01:44.540 --> 01:47.460 the strides that this region has made . 01:49.040 --> 01:51.070 Now that's a great tribute to Prime 01:51.070 --> 01:53.820 Minister lee in our hosts from 01:53.820 --> 01:57.780 Singapore and Singapore has also helped 01:57.790 --> 02:01.570 others around the world recover . It's 02:01.570 --> 02:03.792 worked around the clock to produce life 02:03.792 --> 02:06.160 saving medical supplies , including 02:06.840 --> 02:09.160 test kits and ventilators and 02:09.640 --> 02:13.630 protective gear and the United 02:13.630 --> 02:15.741 States is deeply committed to getting 02:15.741 --> 02:17.850 the whole world past this pandemic 02:19.440 --> 02:22.570 since March of 2020 . We have provided 02:22.570 --> 02:26.150 more than $19 billion dollars worldwide 02:26.150 --> 02:29.180 to produce and deliver vaccines and to 02:29.180 --> 02:33.110 spur global recovery . We're 02:33.110 --> 02:35.710 proud to be the world's single largest 02:35.710 --> 02:39.590 donor of vaccines And we've pledged to 02:39.600 --> 02:42.670 distribute more than 1.2 billion 02:42.670 --> 02:45.630 vaccine doses worldwide . Before this 02:45.630 --> 02:48.920 year is out , we've already distributed 02:48.920 --> 02:52.150 more than half a billion doses and we 02:52.150 --> 02:55.700 won't let up . We're deeply committed 02:55.700 --> 02:59.420 to helping this region hell recover and 02:59.420 --> 03:03.130 rebuild because that's just what a 03:03.130 --> 03:06.450 friend does . And let's face it , 03:07.940 --> 03:10.450 this pandemic has hit all of us where 03:10.450 --> 03:13.860 we live , it , upended all of our 03:13.860 --> 03:17.260 lives . It left tragedy and 03:17.260 --> 03:20.920 disruption in its way . But 03:20.920 --> 03:23.660 today we stand together at a moment 03:23.660 --> 03:26.550 that carries the promise of renewal 03:28.040 --> 03:30.151 and I hope that we'll all come out of 03:30.151 --> 03:33.620 the pandemic with a broader perspective 03:33.630 --> 03:36.680 on what lasting security means In the 03:36.680 --> 03:37.660 21st century . 03:40.520 --> 03:42.690 Now , the last time that I was in 03:42.690 --> 03:46.120 Singapore , the theme of my speech was 03:46.130 --> 03:50.080 the power of partnership . And so today 03:50.080 --> 03:52.420 I want to talk about what that has 03:52.420 --> 03:55.650 meant in action about how our 03:55.650 --> 03:58.060 partnerships have grown even stronger 03:59.350 --> 04:01.360 and about how we've moved together 04:01.940 --> 04:05.260 toward our shared vision for the region , 04:07.820 --> 04:10.200 The journey that we've made together in 04:10.200 --> 04:13.880 the past year only underscores a 04:13.880 --> 04:16.980 basic truth in today's 04:16.990 --> 04:19.360 interwoven world . We're stronger when 04:19.360 --> 04:21.180 we find ways to come together 04:23.440 --> 04:26.350 and as we do so we know that most 04:26.350 --> 04:29.470 countries across the indo pacific share 04:29.470 --> 04:32.980 a common vision in our people 04:32.990 --> 04:34.600 share common dreams 04:36.910 --> 04:39.021 over the past decade . Our allies and 04:39.021 --> 04:42.000 partners across the region have written 04:42.000 --> 04:45.800 core elements of this vision . Take 04:45.800 --> 04:49.190 Prime Minister Kishida who has called 04:49.190 --> 04:53.150 for quote , a free and open order 04:53.940 --> 04:57.560 based on the rule of law , not mike . 04:59.740 --> 05:03.100 And last month , at the first ever US 05:03.540 --> 05:06.060 Asean special Summit in Washington , 05:06.740 --> 05:08.518 the United States and our Asean 05:08.518 --> 05:10.880 partners declared our enduring 05:10.880 --> 05:13.960 commitment to the principles of quote 05:14.540 --> 05:17.660 an open , inclusive and rules base 05:18.840 --> 05:20.290 regional architecture 05:22.820 --> 05:24.760 and the quad leaders echoed that 05:24.760 --> 05:26.760 commitment at their own summit less 05:26.760 --> 05:28.038 than two weeks later . 05:30.710 --> 05:33.070 That means a shared belief in 05:33.070 --> 05:37.040 transparency . It also means a 05:37.050 --> 05:38.910 dedication to openness and 05:38.910 --> 05:42.440 accountability . It means a 05:42.440 --> 05:44.800 commitment to freedom of the seas , 05:44.810 --> 05:48.790 skies and space and it 05:48.790 --> 05:52.540 means an insistence that disputes be 05:52.540 --> 05:56.160 resolved peacefully . We seek a 05:56.160 --> 05:58.960 region free of aggression and bullying 06:00.140 --> 06:02.340 and we seek a world that respects 06:02.470 --> 06:05.880 territorial integrity and political 06:05.890 --> 06:09.730 independence , a world that expands 06:09.730 --> 06:12.660 human rights and human dignity 06:14.040 --> 06:16.650 in the world in which all countries 06:16.650 --> 06:19.870 large and small , are free to thrive 06:19.870 --> 06:22.270 and to lawfully pursue their interests 06:23.140 --> 06:26.050 free from coercion and intimidation . 06:29.840 --> 06:33.300 Now we know the riptides that we face 06:34.640 --> 06:37.940 from covid to cyber threats to nuclear 06:37.940 --> 06:40.910 proliferation . And we feel the 06:40.910 --> 06:43.550 headwinds from threats and intimidation 06:44.140 --> 06:47.080 and the obsolete belief in a world 06:47.080 --> 06:50.480 carved up into spheres and influence . 06:52.940 --> 06:55.150 Now we are confident that we can steer 06:55.150 --> 06:58.560 forward , but we can only do it 06:59.440 --> 07:03.040 together . We all know the 07:03.040 --> 07:06.260 challenges that this region faces the 07:06.260 --> 07:09.260 pandemic climate change 07:10.140 --> 07:12.360 nuclear threats from north Korea 07:13.640 --> 07:16.320 coercion by larger states against their 07:16.320 --> 07:19.440 smaller neighbors in cruelty and 07:19.440 --> 07:21.750 violence from the from the regime in 07:21.750 --> 07:25.660 Myanmar and threats in the gray zone . 07:28.640 --> 07:31.710 These challenges demand shared 07:31.710 --> 07:34.160 responsibility and common action . 07:35.840 --> 07:38.160 And we must all reaffirm , reaffirm our 07:38.160 --> 07:40.600 common commitment to uphold 07:40.610 --> 07:44.340 international law , defend global norms 07:44.340 --> 07:47.500 and oppose unilateral changes to the 07:47.500 --> 07:51.460 status quo . You know , 07:52.240 --> 07:54.400 just last month , President biden was 07:54.400 --> 07:57.710 in the region to reaffirm that these 07:57.710 --> 08:00.890 principles matter . And he was also 08:00.890 --> 08:03.000 here to underscore the depth of 08:03.000 --> 08:05.770 american commitment to the security and 08:05.770 --> 08:08.160 the prosperity of the indo pacific . 08:10.040 --> 08:12.540 That commitment has grown over the 08:12.540 --> 08:16.280 years and it is now the core organizing 08:16.280 --> 08:19.990 principle of american national security 08:19.990 --> 08:23.940 policy . Today 08:23.950 --> 08:26.100 the indo pacific is our priority 08:26.100 --> 08:29.860 theater of operations . Today , the 08:29.860 --> 08:31.800 indo pacific is at the heart of 08:31.800 --> 08:35.650 american grand strategy and today 08:36.630 --> 08:39.030 senior american officials including the 08:39.030 --> 08:41.460 president , the vice president , the 08:41.460 --> 08:43.370 secretary of State , the national 08:43.370 --> 08:46.170 security adviser and so many others 08:46.840 --> 08:49.450 travel constantly in this region . 08:51.840 --> 08:54.970 And today , american statecraft is 08:54.970 --> 08:58.440 rooted in this reality . No 08:58.440 --> 09:00.162 region will do more to set the 09:00.162 --> 09:02.162 trajectory of the 21st century than 09:02.162 --> 09:06.140 this one . And so the indo 09:06.140 --> 09:08.680 pacific is our center of strategic 09:08.680 --> 09:12.430 gravity and that's central to the 09:12.440 --> 09:14.384 biden administration's forthcoming 09:14.384 --> 09:16.820 national security strategy and to my 09:16.820 --> 09:18.987 Department's national Defense strategy 09:20.640 --> 09:22.418 and it's why the first regional 09:22.418 --> 09:24.584 strategy that the biden administration 09:24.584 --> 09:27.210 released was our indo pacific strategy . 09:30.640 --> 09:33.660 As President biden said in May in Tokyo . 09:35.240 --> 09:38.810 The United States is deeply invested in 09:38.810 --> 09:41.760 the indo pacific , We're committed for 09:41.760 --> 09:44.920 the long haul . Ready to champion our 09:44.920 --> 09:46.990 vision for a positive future for the 09:46.990 --> 09:50.360 region with our friends and partners . 09:52.840 --> 09:55.870 You know that future will be written 09:55.870 --> 09:59.390 not by any one country but by all the 09:59.390 --> 10:02.260 peoples of the indo pacific . 10:04.040 --> 10:06.900 And I'm proud that our unparalleled 10:06.900 --> 10:09.310 network of alliances and partnerships 10:09.420 --> 10:11.950 has only deepened since the last time 10:11.960 --> 10:13.404 that I was in Singapore . 10:16.240 --> 10:18.710 We've achieved an extraordinary amount 10:18.720 --> 10:22.030 in the past 11 months and that 10:22.040 --> 10:25.250 progress is rooted in working together . 10:28.340 --> 10:31.260 You see it in the region's effort to 10:31.260 --> 10:32.704 recover from the pandemic 10:35.040 --> 10:37.262 and you see it in the rapid development 10:37.262 --> 10:40.660 of the quad and in our new 10:40.660 --> 10:43.360 trilateral aucas security partnership . 10:45.040 --> 10:47.580 You see it in the launch of new climate 10:47.590 --> 10:50.150 resilience efforts with Asean 10:51.430 --> 10:53.460 and in our close partnership with 10:53.840 --> 10:57.710 pacific island countries . You 10:57.710 --> 11:00.280 see it in new opportunities for 11:00.280 --> 11:02.900 cooperation among Japan , the Republic 11:02.900 --> 11:06.880 of Korea and more and 11:06.880 --> 11:09.760 in renewed complex military exercises 11:10.440 --> 11:13.080 that deepen our interoperability and 11:13.080 --> 11:15.750 strengthen the region's security , 11:20.540 --> 11:22.750 but not all the news in the past year 11:22.760 --> 11:26.100 has been good . So I'd like to take a 11:26.100 --> 11:29.030 few minutes to discuss the historic 11:29.030 --> 11:32.300 crisis caused by the Russian invasion 11:32.300 --> 11:35.610 of Ukraine Russia's 11:35.620 --> 11:37.900 indefensible assault on a peaceful 11:37.910 --> 11:41.360 neighbor has galvanized the world 11:42.610 --> 11:45.750 and Putin's reckless war of choice has 11:45.750 --> 11:48.410 reminded us all of the dangers of 11:48.420 --> 11:51.250 undercutting an international order 11:51.740 --> 11:54.050 rooted in rules and respect . 11:56.940 --> 12:00.840 So we're meeting today at a moment of 12:00.840 --> 12:04.630 great consequence for the whole unit 12:05.440 --> 12:09.280 and not just for europe President 12:09.280 --> 12:11.760 biden has been clear about the stakes 12:13.320 --> 12:17.070 in the Ukraine crisis poses some 12:17.080 --> 12:18.850 urgent questions for us all 12:21.640 --> 12:25.320 do rules matter ? Does 12:25.320 --> 12:28.760 sovereignty matter ? Does the 12:28.760 --> 12:31.360 system that we have built together 12:32.340 --> 12:36.080 matter ? I'm here 12:36.080 --> 12:39.970 because I believe that it does and I'm 12:39.970 --> 12:41.581 here because the rules based 12:41.581 --> 12:44.220 international order matters just as 12:44.220 --> 12:46.690 much in the indo pacific as it does in 12:46.690 --> 12:50.670 europe . Now . Our 12:50.670 --> 12:54.580 friends and partners also know that and 12:54.580 --> 12:56.747 they understand that smaller countries 12:56.747 --> 12:58.691 have a right to peacefully resolve 12:58.691 --> 13:00.858 disputes with their larger neighbors . 13:01.440 --> 13:04.480 And that's why Australia , Japan , new 13:04.480 --> 13:07.290 Zealand the Republic of Korea and 13:07.300 --> 13:09.470 others have rushed security assistance 13:09.470 --> 13:13.070 to Ukraine . And it's why countries 13:13.070 --> 13:15.590 across this region have spread 13:15.590 --> 13:17.620 humanitarian aid to the to the 13:17.620 --> 13:20.920 suffering Ukrainian people , including 13:20.920 --> 13:23.250 vital contributions from Singapore , 13:23.840 --> 13:26.150 Thailand India and Vietnam . 13:28.040 --> 13:29.151 So let's be clear , 13:31.340 --> 13:34.970 Russia's invasion of Ukraine is what 13:34.970 --> 13:37.860 happens when oppressors trample the 13:37.860 --> 13:39.760 rules that protect us all . 13:42.240 --> 13:44.129 It's what happens when big powers 13:44.129 --> 13:46.430 decide that their imperial appetites 13:46.900 --> 13:49.050 matter more than the rights of their 13:49.050 --> 13:52.710 peaceful neighbors . And it's a 13:52.710 --> 13:55.290 preview of a possible world of chaos 13:55.290 --> 13:58.410 and turmoil that none of us would want 13:58.410 --> 14:02.340 to live in . So 14:02.340 --> 14:06.100 we understand what we could lose . We 14:06.100 --> 14:08.660 see the dangers of disorder . 14:11.040 --> 14:14.540 So let's use this moment to come 14:14.540 --> 14:16.560 together in common purpose . 14:19.240 --> 14:21.570 Let's use this moment to strengthen the 14:21.570 --> 14:24.850 rules based international order . And 14:24.850 --> 14:27.020 let's use this moment to think about 14:27.030 --> 14:28.750 the future that we all want . 14:31.840 --> 14:33.784 That's really why I'm here today . 14:35.840 --> 14:38.250 The United States stands firmly beside 14:38.250 --> 14:41.960 our partners to ensure that we continue 14:41.960 --> 14:45.700 moving towards that shared vision and 14:45.700 --> 14:47.644 we will continue to do our part to 14:47.644 --> 14:49.978 strengthen security in the indo pacific , 14:51.940 --> 14:54.107 you know , more members of the U . S . 14:54.107 --> 14:56.329 Military are stationed here than in any 14:56.329 --> 14:58.329 other part of the world . More than 14:58.329 --> 15:00.060 300,000 of our men and women . 15:02.710 --> 15:05.760 The president's fiscal year 2023 budget 15:06.400 --> 15:08.622 Makes one of the largest investments in 15:08.622 --> 15:11.240 history to preserve this region's 15:11.240 --> 15:14.850 security And that includes $6.1 15:14.850 --> 15:18.460 billion Pacific Deterrence Initiative , 15:18.840 --> 15:20.784 which will strengthen multilateral 15:20.784 --> 15:23.100 information sharing and support 15:23.110 --> 15:25.221 training and experimentation with our 15:25.221 --> 15:29.190 partners . To stay at the cutting 15:29.190 --> 15:31.610 edge . We must invest in innovation 15:31.610 --> 15:35.200 across all domains including space and 15:35.200 --> 15:38.500 cyberspace . So we recently made the 15:38.500 --> 15:41.490 department's largest ever budget 15:41.490 --> 15:43.490 request for research , research and 15:43.490 --> 15:47.450 development More than $130 billion . 15:49.240 --> 15:51.129 Meanwhile , we're working hard to 15:51.129 --> 15:53.073 develop new capabilities that will 15:53.073 --> 15:56.100 allow us to deter aggression even more 15:56.100 --> 15:59.060 surely , including stealth aircraft , 15:59.940 --> 16:02.810 unmanned platforms and long range 16:02.810 --> 16:06.800 precision fires . And we're on the 16:06.800 --> 16:09.720 cusp of delivering prototypes for high 16:09.720 --> 16:12.060 energy lasers that can counter missiles . 16:13.240 --> 16:15.462 And we're developing integrated sensors 16:15.462 --> 16:17.570 that operate at the intersection of 16:17.580 --> 16:21.250 cyber e W . And radar communications . 16:23.140 --> 16:26.190 And so all of this helps us to do even 16:26.260 --> 16:29.390 even more to stand shoulder to shoulder 16:29.390 --> 16:30.446 with our friends , 16:33.240 --> 16:35.960 our security alliances and partnerships 16:36.640 --> 16:38.930 in the indo pacific are a profound 16:38.930 --> 16:42.660 source of stability . So our 16:42.660 --> 16:44.660 integrated deterrence in the region 16:44.660 --> 16:47.450 will continue to center on our ties 16:47.450 --> 16:49.430 with our proud treaty allies , 16:50.040 --> 16:53.360 Australia , Japan , the Philippines , 16:53.370 --> 16:54.970 South Korea and Thailand 16:57.640 --> 17:00.560 and we remain unwavering in our mutual 17:00.560 --> 17:04.540 defense commitments . At the same time 17:04.540 --> 17:06.520 we're weaving , we're also weaving 17:06.520 --> 17:09.170 closer ties with other partners and I'm 17:09.170 --> 17:11.114 especially thinking of India , the 17:11.114 --> 17:14.880 world's largest democracy . We 17:14.880 --> 17:16.769 believe that its growing military 17:16.769 --> 17:18.824 capability and technological prowess 17:18.824 --> 17:20.713 can be a stabilizing force in the 17:20.713 --> 17:24.070 region . And we're taking our defense 17:24.070 --> 17:27.540 cooperation with Singapore Indonesia 17:27.540 --> 17:29.460 and Vietnam to the next level 17:32.440 --> 17:36.220 in the past year . My belief in the 17:36.220 --> 17:39.340 strategic power of partnerships has 17:39.350 --> 17:43.140 only deepened and that's at the 17:43.140 --> 17:45.550 heart of President biden of the 17:45.550 --> 17:48.110 President's indo pacific strategy . 17:50.540 --> 17:52.780 Our work together helps ensure that all 17:52.780 --> 17:55.160 countries in the region large and small 17:55.540 --> 17:58.800 have a say in its future . It helps 17:58.800 --> 18:00.910 ensure that the status quo can't be 18:00.910 --> 18:03.690 disrupted in ways that harm all of our 18:03.690 --> 18:07.540 security and it helps strengthen our 18:07.540 --> 18:10.230 ability to find common solutions the 18:10.230 --> 18:11.341 common challenges . 18:14.840 --> 18:17.200 So I wanted to highlight three key ways 18:17.200 --> 18:19.256 in which we've been working together 18:19.540 --> 18:22.360 with our friends and partners over the 18:22.360 --> 18:25.840 past year and how that's bringing us 18:25.840 --> 18:29.080 closer to our shared vision , shared 18:29.080 --> 18:31.960 vision for this region's future . 18:34.040 --> 18:36.720 First we're working with our partners 18:36.720 --> 18:38.942 and allies to ensure that they have the 18:38.942 --> 18:41.780 right capabilities to defend their 18:41.780 --> 18:45.480 interest and to deter aggression and to 18:45.480 --> 18:47.560 thrive on their own terms . 18:49.600 --> 18:51.489 Now as we invest in innovation in 18:51.489 --> 18:54.140 America we are committed to bringing 18:54.140 --> 18:56.400 our allies and partners along with us 18:57.040 --> 18:59.096 and that means sharing the fruits of 18:59.096 --> 19:01.770 our R . And D . Success . So we're 19:01.770 --> 19:04.200 working with our friends to link our 19:04.200 --> 19:06.950 defense industrial base is to integrate 19:06.950 --> 19:10.400 our supply chains and even co produce 19:10.410 --> 19:14.320 some key technologies . Last 19:14.320 --> 19:16.487 year the department launched the rapid 19:16.487 --> 19:19.380 defense experimentation reserve to 19:19.380 --> 19:21.790 quickly get promising technology and 19:21.790 --> 19:24.140 prototypes into the hands of our war 19:24.140 --> 19:26.640 fighters . And we're working even more 19:26.640 --> 19:29.610 closely with trusted partners as we 19:29.610 --> 19:33.220 test game to game changing technologies 19:33.220 --> 19:36.770 together . And that's another 19:36.770 --> 19:39.610 reason why our new security partnership 19:39.610 --> 19:41.940 with Australia and the U . K . Is so 19:41.940 --> 19:45.720 important . Aucas won't 19:45.720 --> 19:48.170 just deliver nuclear powered submarines . 19:49.140 --> 19:52.730 It holds a promise of progress across a 19:52.730 --> 19:55.380 range of emerging tech areas that can 19:55.380 --> 19:58.250 bolster our deterrence from ai to 19:58.250 --> 20:01.920 hypersonic emerging 20:01.920 --> 20:05.110 technology is crucial to 20:05.120 --> 20:07.460 prosperity . Also 20:09.420 --> 20:11.642 to maintain the region's access to this 20:11.642 --> 20:14.180 sort of critical technology . We need 20:14.180 --> 20:17.700 to keep its supply chains secure . And 20:17.700 --> 20:20.180 that's central to our new Indo Pacific 20:20.190 --> 20:22.330 Economic Framework which President 20:22.330 --> 20:24.390 Biden recently launched with 12 20:24.390 --> 20:26.279 partners from across the region , 20:26.340 --> 20:29.130 including many partners here in 20:29.130 --> 20:33.080 Southeast Asia . Now , I'm also very 20:33.080 --> 20:35.302 proud of our progress with our partners 20:35.302 --> 20:37.358 this past year in a second important 20:37.358 --> 20:40.300 area and that area is 20:40.310 --> 20:43.880 exercises and training that 20:43.880 --> 20:46.500 expands our common readiness . It 20:46.500 --> 20:48.720 deepens our interoperability and it 20:48.720 --> 20:51.350 helps defend the principles that we 20:51.350 --> 20:55.200 share . So we stepped 20:55.200 --> 20:58.990 up the complexity , the jointness and 20:58.990 --> 21:01.390 the scale of our combined exercises 21:01.390 --> 21:05.040 with our allies and partners take our 21:05.040 --> 21:07.920 keen sword exercises with Japan which 21:08.200 --> 21:11.700 this year used existing and 21:11.700 --> 21:14.040 emerging capabilities in a far more 21:14.050 --> 21:17.820 integrated manner . Or take our 21:17.820 --> 21:20.098 talisman saber exercise with Australia , 21:20.940 --> 21:23.000 which was joined last time by Canada 21:23.000 --> 21:25.720 japan , new Zealand the UK and for the 21:25.720 --> 21:28.170 first time , the Republic of Korea 21:29.940 --> 21:33.430 in april the United States and the 21:33.430 --> 21:35.374 Philippines held our annual ballot 21:35.374 --> 21:39.230 catan exercise . It was our 37th 21:39.230 --> 21:42.210 time and the largest and most most 21:42.210 --> 21:45.890 complex iteration involving some 9000 21:45.890 --> 21:49.460 troops . And last spring 21:50.140 --> 21:52.990 the USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier 21:52.990 --> 21:55.550 strike group rotated through the indian 21:55.550 --> 21:58.480 ocean and we conducted 21:58.490 --> 22:01.310 simultaneous joint operations with the 22:01.310 --> 22:03.610 indian navy and the indian air force 22:03.610 --> 22:06.190 that integrated air power and anti 22:06.190 --> 22:07.360 submarine warfare . 22:10.140 --> 22:12.140 We're also finding new ways for our 22:12.140 --> 22:14.990 friends to operate together and looking 22:14.990 --> 22:17.120 for new constellations of partners 22:17.490 --> 22:19.657 including good friends from europe and 22:19.657 --> 22:22.960 beyond . Just think of 22:23.840 --> 22:27.250 la peruse and exercise last spring with 22:27.250 --> 22:30.630 navies from Australia France , India 22:30.640 --> 22:33.980 and Japan or consider 22:34.180 --> 22:37.790 Garuda shield our annual bi bi lateral 22:37.790 --> 22:41.550 exercise with Indonesia . In this 22:41.550 --> 22:44.710 august for the first time we're 22:44.710 --> 22:48.530 expanding it It will now include 22:48.650 --> 22:51.350 a total of 14 participating countries 22:51.840 --> 22:55.750 including Australia . Canada Japan 22:56.100 --> 22:59.860 and Singapore and later this month will 22:59.860 --> 23:02.170 host the 28th iteration of rimpac 23:03.840 --> 23:07.520 Forces from 26 countries With 38 23:07.520 --> 23:11.100 ships and nearly 25,000 personnel will 23:11.100 --> 23:13.570 gather along US shore's for the world's 23:13.580 --> 23:15.850 largest naval exercise . 23:18.340 --> 23:20.370 Now we're also working more closely 23:20.370 --> 23:22.510 with our partners in ways that aren't 23:22.510 --> 23:25.210 quite so visible and that includes 23:25.210 --> 23:27.390 tackling gray zone actions that chip 23:27.390 --> 23:29.660 away at international laws and norms . 23:31.040 --> 23:33.020 And we're bringing the full we're 23:33.020 --> 23:35.187 bringing to bear the full resources of 23:35.187 --> 23:38.540 the US government to do so . And that 23:38.540 --> 23:40.600 includes unprecedented Coast Guard 23:40.600 --> 23:43.670 investments in the indo pacific . And 23:43.670 --> 23:46.640 I'm proud to say that the Coast Guard's 23:46.640 --> 23:49.220 new outstanding commandant at Olinda 23:49.220 --> 23:52.270 Fagan is here with us in Singapore . 23:53.040 --> 23:55.490 And within her first two weeks on the 23:55.490 --> 23:59.090 job that I might add , you know , it's 23:59.090 --> 24:01.090 the first time that a U . S . Coast 24:01.090 --> 24:03.450 Guard commandant has joined us at the 24:03.450 --> 24:06.320 Shangri La dialogue and it's a sign of 24:06.320 --> 24:10.230 how important Southeast Asia is to 24:10.230 --> 24:13.710 the Coast Guard . Next year , our Coast 24:13.710 --> 24:16.850 Guard will also deploy a cutter to 24:16.850 --> 24:20.380 Southeast Asia and Oceana . And that 24:20.380 --> 24:22.324 will open up new opportunities for 24:22.324 --> 24:25.500 multinational crewing training and 24:25.500 --> 24:29.500 cooperation across the region . And it 24:29.500 --> 24:31.920 will be the first major U . S . Coast 24:31.920 --> 24:34.790 Guard cutter permanently stationed in 24:34.790 --> 24:35.790 the region . 24:39.630 --> 24:41.852 And that brings me to a third important 24:41.852 --> 24:45.180 aspect of our common efforts to defend 24:45.190 --> 24:46.960 our shared principles 24:48.950 --> 24:51.330 more and more . We're working in new 24:51.530 --> 24:54.820 and flexible and custom made ways with 24:54.820 --> 24:58.600 our friends and our partners are 24:58.600 --> 25:00.822 doing the same thing with one another . 25:01.540 --> 25:04.030 Even as we strengthen our commitment to 25:04.040 --> 25:07.520 Asean centrality and its leading place 25:07.590 --> 25:11.410 in the regional architecture and that's 25:11.410 --> 25:13.521 meant the rise of nimble and flexible 25:13.521 --> 25:16.930 security networks that adds stability 25:16.930 --> 25:20.890 to the region . You see this trend in 25:20.890 --> 25:23.300 new , important , important new 25:23.300 --> 25:25.560 discussions about regional security 25:26.340 --> 25:28.340 with different groups of partners , 25:28.340 --> 25:30.007 talking together about shared 25:30.007 --> 25:32.173 challenges and working together in new 25:32.173 --> 25:35.920 ways . Since 2015 , Australia , 25:35.930 --> 25:38.660 India and Japan have been holding 25:38.660 --> 25:40.700 security dialogues about maritime 25:40.700 --> 25:44.230 security cooperation . In just the past 25:44.230 --> 25:46.397 few months , Japan and the Philippines 25:46.397 --> 25:49.400 launched a new 2-plus 2 dialogue and so 25:49.400 --> 25:53.230 did Australia and India . Our 25:53.230 --> 25:55.230 trilateral defense cooperation with 25:55.230 --> 25:59.050 Australia and Japan remains pivotal and 25:59.050 --> 26:00.994 we continue to integrate our three 26:00.994 --> 26:04.980 militaries in key areas . I 26:04.980 --> 26:07.370 was also glad to attend the A . D . M . 26:07.370 --> 26:10.370 M . Plus last year and I look forward 26:10.370 --> 26:13.270 to meeting with Asean defense Ministers 26:13.740 --> 26:17.690 again this fall and meanwhile 26:18.440 --> 26:20.720 Over the past 18 months we've helped to 26:20.720 --> 26:24.320 bring new vigor to the quad . That 26:24.320 --> 26:26.770 includes a third quad Leaders Summit 26:26.780 --> 26:29.710 last month bringing together four other 26:29.710 --> 26:32.730 regions largest largest producers of 26:32.730 --> 26:36.470 prosperity and security . And as the 26:36.470 --> 26:39.450 quad leaders have noted , they are 26:39.460 --> 26:41.420 eager to work with Asean and the 26:41.420 --> 26:43.610 pacific islands to advance our shared 26:43.610 --> 26:47.200 goals . We're also working together 26:47.200 --> 26:49.500 to make the region's security 26:49.500 --> 26:52.650 architecture more transparent and more 26:52.660 --> 26:56.420 inclusive . So think of the new indo 26:56.420 --> 26:58.780 pacific partnership for maritime domain 26:58.780 --> 27:01.050 awareness which President biden 27:01.050 --> 27:04.050 announced in Tokyo last month . 27:06.440 --> 27:08.551 Now this important initiative aims to 27:08.551 --> 27:10.607 provide better access to space based 27:11.310 --> 27:13.940 and maritime domain awareness . Two 27:13.940 --> 27:16.162 countries across the region , including 27:16.162 --> 27:19.370 here in Southeast Asia . And this new 27:19.370 --> 27:21.880 partnership will harness together 27:21.880 --> 27:24.047 regional information centers that will 27:24.047 --> 27:25.880 help us build a common operating 27:25.880 --> 27:28.270 picture and work together to tackle 27:28.280 --> 27:31.110 illegal fishing and other gray zone 27:31.110 --> 27:34.860 activities in 27:34.860 --> 27:37.720 today's interconnected world . We're 27:37.720 --> 27:39.960 also seeing new ways to support our 27:39.960 --> 27:43.230 european security partners growing 27:43.230 --> 27:46.210 engagement in the indo pacific . So 27:46.210 --> 27:48.850 we'll keep expanding our consultations 27:49.940 --> 27:51.970 with european countries on regional 27:51.970 --> 27:55.760 security issues . It will deepen and 27:55.760 --> 27:57.770 widen the dialogue and corporation 27:58.340 --> 28:01.440 among NATO and our core indo pacific 28:01.440 --> 28:05.270 allies . You know , several of our 28:05.840 --> 28:08.810 european allies have been deploying to 28:08.810 --> 28:11.140 the indo pacific and operating 28:11.140 --> 28:13.000 alongside our partners here in 28:13.010 --> 28:16.220 unprecedented ways . United Kingdom 28:16.220 --> 28:18.990 made history last year with this 28:18.990 --> 28:21.550 deployment of the HMS Queen Elizabeth 28:22.340 --> 28:24.284 as part of a multinational carrier 28:24.284 --> 28:27.290 strike group that included a US 28:27.290 --> 28:30.880 destroyer , An American Marine Corps F 28:30.880 --> 28:34.220 35 Squadron . And so it was 28:34.220 --> 28:36.450 a significant accomplishment . 28:37.900 --> 28:40.650 Such deployments send a message of 28:40.650 --> 28:43.600 strength and stability and that's 28:43.600 --> 28:45.830 deeply important for all the peoples of 28:45.830 --> 28:49.280 the region . And it's especially 28:49.280 --> 28:51.169 important given the challenges to 28:51.169 --> 28:53.540 security and stability in the indo 28:53.540 --> 28:57.290 pacific as our 28:57.290 --> 28:59.300 national Security National Defense 28:59.300 --> 29:02.800 Strategy notes , we all face a 29:02.800 --> 29:04.860 persistent threat from North Korea . 29:06.940 --> 29:09.060 United States will stand ready , 29:10.740 --> 29:14.170 always stand ready to deter aggression 29:15.040 --> 29:17.262 and to uphold our treaty commitments to 29:17.262 --> 29:19.280 the and and the will of the U . N . 29:19.280 --> 29:23.130 Security Council . North Korea's 29:23.130 --> 29:25.540 habitual provocations and missile tests 29:26.440 --> 29:29.860 only underscore the urgency of our task . 29:31.240 --> 29:33.240 And so we're deepening the security 29:33.240 --> 29:35.460 corporation among the United States , 29:36.340 --> 29:39.090 Japan and the Republic of Korea . 29:40.550 --> 29:42.272 Together , we will continue to 29:42.272 --> 29:44.217 strengthen our extended deterrence 29:44.217 --> 29:46.350 against nuclear arms and ballistic 29:46.360 --> 29:50.230 missile systems . And we remain open to 29:50.230 --> 29:53.690 future diplomacy and fully prepared to 29:53.700 --> 29:57.080 deter and to and to defeat future 29:57.080 --> 30:00.740 aggression will also stand by our 30:00.740 --> 30:02.851 friends as they uphold their rights . 30:05.040 --> 30:06.960 And that's especially important 30:09.040 --> 30:12.060 as a P . R . C . Adopts a more coercive 30:12.640 --> 30:14.920 an aggressive approach to its 30:14.920 --> 30:18.750 territorial claims . In the east china 30:18.750 --> 30:20.840 sea . The PRC is expanding fishing 30:20.840 --> 30:24.420 fleet is sparking tensions with his 30:24.420 --> 30:28.110 neighbors in the south china sea . The 30:28.110 --> 30:31.060 PRC is using outpost on manmade islands 30:31.640 --> 30:34.000 bristling with advanced weaponry to 30:34.000 --> 30:37.270 advance . It's illegal maritime claims . 30:40.540 --> 30:42.690 We're seeing PRC vessels plunder the 30:42.690 --> 30:46.280 region's provisions operating illegally 30:46.280 --> 30:48.720 within the territorial waters of other 30:48.730 --> 30:51.170 indo pacific indo pacific countries . 30:52.840 --> 30:55.780 And further to the west , we see 30:55.780 --> 30:58.140 Beijing continue to harden its position 30:58.150 --> 31:00.206 along the border that it shares with 31:00.206 --> 31:03.440 India . You know , indo pacific 31:03.440 --> 31:05.384 countries shouldn't face political 31:05.384 --> 31:08.770 intimidation , economic coercion 31:09.440 --> 31:12.940 or harassment by maritime militias . 31:14.840 --> 31:18.430 So the Department of Defense will 31:18.430 --> 31:21.260 maintain our active presence across the 31:21.260 --> 31:24.570 indo pacific We will continue to 31:24.570 --> 31:28.210 support the 2016 Arbitral Tribunal 31:28.210 --> 31:31.680 ruling and we will fly sail and 31:31.690 --> 31:34.500 operate wherever international law 31:34.510 --> 31:38.390 allows and we'll do 31:38.390 --> 31:40.660 this right alongside our partners 31:42.540 --> 31:44.596 and will continue to be candid about 31:44.596 --> 31:46.484 the challenges that we all face . 31:48.440 --> 31:50.607 We've seen an alarming increase in the 31:50.607 --> 31:53.120 number of unsafe aerial intercepts and 31:53.630 --> 31:56.810 confrontations at sea by Pl Pl aircraft 31:56.810 --> 32:00.060 and vessels in february . 32:00.840 --> 32:03.360 A pla navy ship directed a laser and an 32:03.360 --> 32:05.304 Australian P eight maritime patrol 32:05.304 --> 32:08.180 aircraft , seriously endangering 32:08.180 --> 32:11.960 everyone on board . And in the past few 32:11.960 --> 32:12.420 weeks , 32:16.710 --> 32:18.920 fighters have conducted a series of 32:18.920 --> 32:22.690 dangerous intercepts of allied aircraft 32:22.700 --> 32:25.850 operating lawfully in the east china 32:25.860 --> 32:28.490 and south china seas . Now this should 32:28.490 --> 32:32.440 worry us all and the stakes are 32:32.440 --> 32:34.662 especially stark in the Taiwan strait . 32:36.540 --> 32:40.170 Our policy is unchanged and unwavering . 32:41.140 --> 32:43.170 It has been consistent across 32:43.180 --> 32:46.530 administrations and we are determined 32:46.530 --> 32:49.030 to uphold the status quo that has 32:49.030 --> 32:51.670 served this region so well for so long . 32:52.840 --> 32:56.340 So let me be clear , We remain 32:56.340 --> 32:58.610 firmly committed to our long standing 32:58.610 --> 33:02.090 one China policy guided by the Taiwan 33:02.090 --> 33:04.460 relations Act , The three joint 33:04.460 --> 33:07.060 communiques and the six assurances . 33:08.640 --> 33:12.100 We categorically oppose any unilateral 33:12.100 --> 33:14.280 changes to the status quo from either 33:14.280 --> 33:18.020 side and we do not support Taiwan 33:18.030 --> 33:21.640 independence and we stand firmly behind 33:21.640 --> 33:23.780 the principle that cross strait 33:23.780 --> 33:26.190 differences must be resolved by 33:26.190 --> 33:27.170 peaceful means . 33:29.810 --> 33:33.060 Now , as a part of our one china policy , 33:33.940 --> 33:35.718 we will continue to fulfill our 33:35.718 --> 33:37.884 commitments under the Taiwan Relations 33:37.884 --> 33:40.840 Act and that includes assisting Taiwan 33:40.840 --> 33:44.510 and maintaining a sufficient self 33:44.510 --> 33:47.570 defense capability . And it means 33:47.570 --> 33:50.890 maintaining our own capacity to resist 33:50.900 --> 33:53.740 any use of force or other forms of 33:53.740 --> 33:55.684 coercion that would jeopardize the 33:55.684 --> 33:58.220 security or the social or economic 33:58.220 --> 34:01.920 system of the people of Taiwan . So 34:01.930 --> 34:05.130 our policy hasn't changed . But 34:05.130 --> 34:08.080 unfortunately that doesn't seem to be 34:08.080 --> 34:11.750 true for the P . R . C . As my friend 34:11.750 --> 34:13.750 Secretary of State Blinken has also 34:13.750 --> 34:16.830 noted , we see growing coercion from 34:16.830 --> 34:20.540 Beijing . We've witnessed a 34:20.540 --> 34:23.090 steady increase in provocative and 34:23.090 --> 34:25.260 destabilizing military activity near 34:25.260 --> 34:28.160 Taiwan and that includes 34:28.810 --> 34:31.080 aircraft flying near Taiwan in record 34:31.090 --> 34:34.110 numbers in recent months and nearly on 34:34.110 --> 34:37.770 a daily basis . And we remain focused 34:37.770 --> 34:41.140 on maintaining peace stability and the 34:41.140 --> 34:44.330 status quo across across the Taiwan 34:44.330 --> 34:47.520 strait . But the P . R . C . S . 34:47.530 --> 34:50.940 Moves threatened to undermine security 34:50.940 --> 34:53.780 and stability and prosperity in the 34:53.780 --> 34:57.670 indo pacific and that's crucial 34:57.670 --> 35:01.040 for this region and it's crucial for 35:01.040 --> 35:04.660 the wider world maintaining peace and 35:04.660 --> 35:06.604 stability across the Taiwan strait 35:06.610 --> 35:09.880 isn't just a U . S . Interest , it's a 35:09.880 --> 35:11.820 matter of matter of international 35:11.820 --> 35:15.390 concern . So let me be 35:15.390 --> 35:18.610 clear we do not seek 35:18.620 --> 35:22.160 confrontation or conflict and we do not 35:22.160 --> 35:26.160 seek a new Cold war . An asian NATO 35:26.840 --> 35:29.770 or a region split into hostile blocs . 35:31.340 --> 35:33.396 We will defend our interests without 35:33.396 --> 35:36.800 flinching but we'll also work toward 35:36.800 --> 35:40.510 our vision and for this region one of 35:40.510 --> 35:43.670 expanding security one of 35:45.140 --> 35:49.140 increased uh cooperation and not one 35:49.140 --> 35:52.320 of growing division . And I continue to 35:52.320 --> 35:55.190 believe that big powers carry big 35:55.200 --> 35:58.920 responsibilities and so we will do 35:58.920 --> 36:01.850 our part to manage these tensions 36:01.850 --> 36:05.770 responsibly and to prevent conflict and 36:05.770 --> 36:08.840 to pursue peace and prosperity . And as 36:08.840 --> 36:11.510 I said in Singapore last year great 36:11.510 --> 36:14.070 powers should be models of transparency 36:14.070 --> 36:17.470 and communication . So we're working 36:17.470 --> 36:19.581 closely with both our competitors and 36:19.581 --> 36:21.420 our friends to strengthen the 36:21.420 --> 36:24.650 guardrails against conflict . And that 36:24.650 --> 36:26.261 includes fully open lines of 36:26.261 --> 36:28.690 communication with China's defense 36:28.690 --> 36:31.950 leaders to ensure that we can avoid any 36:31.960 --> 36:35.140 miscalculations . And these are 36:35.140 --> 36:38.950 deeply , deeply important conversations . 36:40.710 --> 36:42.932 The United States is fully committed to 36:42.932 --> 36:46.830 during our part and that's 36:46.830 --> 36:50.550 why I'm here today . I am proud of our 36:50.550 --> 36:53.560 commitment to this region . I'm proud 36:53.560 --> 36:55.830 of our unmatched and unrivaled network 36:55.830 --> 36:58.700 of allies and partners . I'm proud of 36:58.700 --> 37:02.110 our commitment to openness and human 37:02.110 --> 37:05.860 dignity . You know , in recent 37:05.860 --> 37:08.160 decades , we become even more inclusive 37:08.630 --> 37:10.630 in our approach to the indo pacific 37:11.530 --> 37:13.752 We've expanded our cooperation with our 37:13.752 --> 37:16.440 allies and partners and we've worked in 37:16.440 --> 37:19.690 tandem with new and existing regional 37:19.700 --> 37:23.080 institutions and all of that builds new 37:23.080 --> 37:25.480 habits of cooperation across this 37:25.480 --> 37:28.960 region and it builds on old friendships 37:28.970 --> 37:31.026 in the indo pacific . Going back for 37:31.026 --> 37:34.260 many , many decades , we seek 37:34.270 --> 37:36.950 inclusion not division . 37:37.930 --> 37:41.850 We seek cooperation and not strife 37:42.930 --> 37:45.152 and that means we're following the wise 37:45.152 --> 37:48.040 counsel from Prime Minister Lee 37:49.730 --> 37:53.390 who argues that nobody should 37:53.390 --> 37:56.050 force binary choices on the region . 37:58.930 --> 38:02.800 He's right . Our fellow indo pacific 38:02.800 --> 38:05.760 nations should be free to choose 38:06.820 --> 38:10.170 free to prosper and free to chart their 38:10.170 --> 38:13.650 own course . Ladies and gentlemen , 38:13.660 --> 38:16.460 this region has already cast its vote 38:16.470 --> 38:18.890 on what kind of a future it seeks . 38:20.220 --> 38:22.730 It's an interconnected and optimistic 38:22.730 --> 38:25.830 future . One rooted in the rule of law 38:25.840 --> 38:28.050 and a profound commitment to freedom 38:28.180 --> 38:31.540 and openness and it's a future that we 38:31.540 --> 38:35.090 can only make real by working together 38:38.120 --> 38:40.120 As President Kennedy put it back in 38:40.120 --> 38:43.040 1962 . Okay , 38:44.220 --> 38:47.520 acting on our own by ourselves . We 38:47.520 --> 38:49.742 cannot establish justice throughout the 38:49.742 --> 38:53.070 world or provide for his common 38:53.080 --> 38:56.320 defense or promote its general 38:56.330 --> 38:59.940 welfare . But join with other free 38:59.940 --> 39:03.190 nations , we can do all this and more 39:04.520 --> 39:08.210 and ultimately we can help to achieve a 39:08.210 --> 39:11.930 world of law and of free choice . 39:13.220 --> 39:16.890 Banishing the world of war and coercion . 39:19.120 --> 39:23.030 Now , that's a vision worth working for . 39:24.220 --> 39:26.260 It's a vision grounded in the best 39:26.260 --> 39:28.850 traditions of the United States and 39:28.850 --> 39:30.794 it's a vision that reaches for the 39:30.794 --> 39:33.330 highest aspirations for the indo 39:33.330 --> 39:37.030 pacific . We don't believe 39:37.720 --> 39:41.400 that this vision can be imposed , but 39:41.400 --> 39:44.640 we do believe that it can be achieved 39:46.020 --> 39:49.800 by working together by listening to one 39:49.800 --> 39:53.020 another and by acting as good friends 39:53.020 --> 39:56.590 and good neighbors and by 39:56.590 --> 40:00.330 again showing the world the 40:00.330 --> 40:04.210 power of partnership . It's great to 40:04.210 --> 40:06.210 be here with all of you . Thank you 40:06.210 --> 40:08.740 very much . Yeah . 40:11.710 --> 40:14.140 Okay . Yeah . 40:16.810 --> 40:18.866 Thank you very much . Mr Secretary . 40:18.866 --> 40:21.032 That's one of the strongest statements 40:21.032 --> 40:23.199 we've heard from this podium . A clear 40:23.199 --> 40:25.310 declaration that american strategy is 40:25.310 --> 40:27.532 rooted in the indo pacific which is the 40:27.532 --> 40:29.620 center of gravity of its strategic 40:29.630 --> 40:32.370 effort . A specific assertion that 40:32.370 --> 40:34.620 sharing the fruits of your R and D . 40:34.620 --> 40:37.640 Success with allies and partners and 40:37.640 --> 40:41.130 testing game changing technologies with 40:41.130 --> 40:43.241 each other is an important priority . 40:43.241 --> 40:45.352 And I think everybody will have taken 40:45.352 --> 40:47.408 note also of your concluding remarks 40:47.408 --> 40:49.408 that no country should be forced to 40:49.408 --> 40:51.670 make binary choices . Thank you very 40:51.670 --> 40:53.559 much for that . And all the other 40:53.559 --> 40:56.200 things that were in your remarks , I 40:56.200 --> 40:58.367 have a number of people who have asked 40:58.367 --> 41:00.422 the floor and I'll turn to them in a 41:00.422 --> 41:02.589 group shortly . I just want to ask the 41:02.589 --> 41:04.811 secretary one question before I go back 41:04.811 --> 41:06.811 to the floor . So we deal with that 41:06.811 --> 41:08.867 other issue in the world that is now 41:08.867 --> 41:10.811 occupying so many people's minds . 41:10.910 --> 41:12.854 Secretary , often when you were in 41:12.854 --> 41:15.700 centcom , one of your big duties was to 41:15.700 --> 41:17.811 ensure the straits of Hormuz would be 41:17.811 --> 41:20.089 open so that oil could flow through it . 41:20.089 --> 41:22.320 And indeed often it was argued that 41:22.410 --> 41:24.430 America's Middle East strategy was 41:24.430 --> 41:26.430 linked to its indo pacific strategy 41:26.430 --> 41:28.597 because without being able to keep the 41:28.597 --> 41:30.374 straits of hormones open agents 41:30.374 --> 41:32.430 wouldn't be able to benefit from the 41:32.430 --> 41:34.430 oil that was produced and sold from 41:34.430 --> 41:36.652 there . Now in the Black Sea , you have 41:36.652 --> 41:38.652 22 million tons of grains , many of 41:38.652 --> 41:38.500 which will be going to countries in 41:38.500 --> 41:40.660 this region or should be going for 41:40.660 --> 41:42.960 example , to Indonesia . And as a 41:42.960 --> 41:45.127 consequence of the war , the Black Sea 41:45.127 --> 41:47.293 is effectively closed . There are many 41:47.293 --> 41:49.460 efforts of negotiation with Russia and 41:49.460 --> 41:51.460 Ukraine and others to seek a way to 41:51.460 --> 41:51.120 opening that . But given that that's 41:51.120 --> 41:53.290 such an important humanitarian 41:53.290 --> 41:55.970 necessity . Can you envision a role for 41:55.980 --> 41:58.190 navies in the military to support the 41:58.190 --> 42:00.720 humanitarian effort to ensure that 42:00.900 --> 42:04.090 humanitarian traffic grains can flow 42:04.100 --> 42:06.510 from the ports in the Black Sea to 42:06.510 --> 42:09.420 other places in the world ? Well , let 42:09.420 --> 42:11.820 me just say that this is a very 42:11.820 --> 42:15.230 important issue and one that leaders in 42:15.230 --> 42:17.340 the region and across the globe are 42:17.340 --> 42:20.970 focused on um when you ask whether or 42:20.970 --> 42:23.870 not the our militaries of the region 42:23.870 --> 42:25.981 and the world can add value of course 42:25.981 --> 42:29.070 we can . But you know , we would always 42:29.070 --> 42:31.170 want to seek a diplomatic solution 42:31.170 --> 42:34.900 first and I see a lot of energy 42:34.910 --> 42:37.210 in that in that area ongoing as we 42:37.210 --> 42:40.250 speak . And we would hope that uh that 42:40.250 --> 42:42.660 the right things happen , you know , 42:42.660 --> 42:44.882 But this , this didn't have to happen . 42:45.300 --> 42:47.430 We are here because of the choice of 42:47.430 --> 42:50.310 one man , the choice of Vladimir Putin , 42:50.800 --> 42:54.000 he chose to invade his neighbor 42:54.170 --> 42:57.970 unprovoked invasion . This was 42:57.980 --> 43:01.320 not based on any kind of um any kind of 43:01.320 --> 43:04.000 logic or reason and we see the 43:04.000 --> 43:06.930 consequences of of actions like that . 43:07.400 --> 43:10.620 And so I think that's uh that reminds 43:10.620 --> 43:13.030 us of how important the rules based 43:13.030 --> 43:16.510 international order is . Alternative 43:16.510 --> 43:18.454 four take three or four in a group 43:18.454 --> 43:21.120 first from the Republic of Korea . Uh 43:21.130 --> 43:22.430 chung min lee , 43:34.700 --> 43:36.980 thank you Mr Secretary , my question to 43:36.980 --> 43:39.950 you is as we speak Russian and chinese 43:39.950 --> 43:43.490 bombers are intruding into korean and 43:43.490 --> 43:46.410 japanese air defense identification 43:46.410 --> 43:48.570 zones . And as a result , one of the 43:48.570 --> 43:51.040 reasons why at the end of this month , 43:51.040 --> 43:53.151 at the Madrid summit , the leaders of 43:53.151 --> 43:55.420 Korea japan Australia and new Zealand 43:55.700 --> 43:57.533 will be participating in need of 43:57.533 --> 43:59.756 something for the first time . What can 43:59.756 --> 44:02.040 your close allies do here in the region 44:02.050 --> 44:04.490 to augment european security and vice 44:04.490 --> 44:08.190 versa . Thank you very much . I didn't 44:08.190 --> 44:10.412 hear the end of that . What could we do 44:10.412 --> 44:13.520 to my question was what can your four 44:13.520 --> 44:15.830 closest allies during the region to 44:15.830 --> 44:18.052 augment european security ? Because the 44:18.052 --> 44:20.219 leaders of Korea , Japan Australia and 44:20.219 --> 44:22.274 new Zealand will be participating in 44:22.274 --> 44:24.386 the NATO summit in Madrid this june . 44:25.090 --> 44:28.000 Well I mean there's first of all um 44:29.490 --> 44:31.620 countries from this region , as you 44:31.620 --> 44:33.990 heard me say earlier , have been very 44:33.990 --> 44:37.750 supportive of the effort uh in 44:37.760 --> 44:41.140 in europe thus far they've provided uh 44:41.150 --> 44:43.150 a number of countries have provided 44:43.150 --> 44:45.210 security assistance and in other 44:45.210 --> 44:47.266 countries have provided humanitarian 44:47.266 --> 44:49.321 assistance and and this is very very 44:49.321 --> 44:52.320 important . You've seen me pull 44:52.320 --> 44:55.350 together ministers of defense 44:55.360 --> 44:58.410 from across the globe quite frankly , 44:58.950 --> 45:02.590 to focus on uh huh those things that we 45:02.590 --> 45:06.470 can do to continue to help Ukraine as 45:06.470 --> 45:10.180 it struggles to to defend its sovereign 45:10.180 --> 45:12.440 territory and I say struggle . But but 45:12.440 --> 45:14.940 quite frankly we're all proud of the 45:14.940 --> 45:17.650 work that the Ukrainians have done . Uh 45:17.660 --> 45:20.040 they are absolutely inspiring in terms 45:20.040 --> 45:22.490 of uh their their commitment to their 45:22.490 --> 45:24.657 democracy , their will to defend their 45:24.657 --> 45:27.490 land . Uh and I think there's a great 45:27.490 --> 45:30.330 lessons to be learned from uh from from 45:30.330 --> 45:32.780 that for all of us in terms of their 45:32.780 --> 45:35.480 commitment . But but again , I will 45:35.480 --> 45:39.170 host another one of those meetings Uh 45:39.180 --> 45:41.860 in about a week as I go to Brussels . 45:41.870 --> 45:44.870 Uh we started out with 40 countries 45:44.870 --> 45:48.470 contributing uh capability . Uh it grew 45:48.470 --> 45:50.740 the next meeting to 47 countries and 45:50.740 --> 45:53.410 now it's over 50 countries . Uh and 45:53.410 --> 45:55.820 that shows you how how much uh the 45:55.820 --> 45:59.340 global community cares about uh about 45:59.340 --> 46:02.190 this issue and how much uh countries 46:02.190 --> 46:04.134 around the world want want to help 46:04.134 --> 46:06.301 Ukraine in its in its effort to defend 46:06.301 --> 46:08.420 its sovereign territory . Thanks very 46:08.420 --> 46:10.642 much . And next from the U . S . Bonnie 46:10.642 --> 46:12.864 Glaser , if you can put up your hand as 46:12.864 --> 46:15.087 well , it looks like your microphone is 46:15.087 --> 46:17.750 working . Go ahead Bonnie thank you . 46:17.750 --> 46:20.360 Secretary Austin . Um The most 46:20.370 --> 46:22.870 dangerous potential conflict in the 46:22.870 --> 46:25.330 indo pacific is a war in the Taiwan 46:25.330 --> 46:27.497 strait that would arise from a chinese 46:27.497 --> 46:30.300 attempt to seize Taiwan by force . And 46:30.300 --> 46:32.590 President biden has recently said 46:32.600 --> 46:35.760 repeated actually that he would defend 46:35.760 --> 46:38.570 Taiwan if attacked . What are the steps 46:38.570 --> 46:41.200 that the United States , our allies and 46:41.200 --> 46:43.590 Taiwan need to take to bolster 46:43.590 --> 46:46.360 deterrence so that peace and stability 46:46.360 --> 46:48.582 in the Taiwan strait can be preserved . 46:48.582 --> 46:52.300 Thank you . Thanks barney . Um 46:54.280 --> 46:57.890 First of all you've heard me say and 46:57.900 --> 47:00.880 heard number of a number of our leaders , 47:00.880 --> 47:04.120 senior leaders say that uh we think 47:04.120 --> 47:06.640 that any unilateral change to the 47:06.640 --> 47:09.790 status quo uh is would be 47:09.790 --> 47:13.710 unwelcome and and ill advised . I would 47:13.710 --> 47:16.070 just highlight that our policy on 47:16.080 --> 47:19.350 Taiwan has not changed . We remain 47:19.360 --> 47:22.600 committed to one china policy . 47:22.980 --> 47:26.140 Uh and uh and we also remain committed 47:26.140 --> 47:29.220 to uh providing Taiwan with the 47:29.220 --> 47:31.870 military means to defend , defend 47:31.870 --> 47:33.926 itself in accordance with the Taiwan 47:33.926 --> 47:36.660 Relations Act . Uh And so I know that 47:36.670 --> 47:38.837 countries across the region and across 47:38.837 --> 47:40.950 the globe are really focused on this 47:40.950 --> 47:43.610 issue . But I really , as I said in uh 47:43.620 --> 47:46.390 in my in my remarks there really wanna 47:46.400 --> 47:49.980 highlight that our Taiwan policy has 47:49.980 --> 47:53.340 not changed and from the Philippines 47:53.340 --> 47:55.451 again , put your hand up , Jeffrey or 47:55.451 --> 47:57.340 Danielle , but it looks like your 47:57.340 --> 47:59.451 microphone is working . So go ahead . 47:59.451 --> 48:01.562 Uh thank you for the opportunity . Um 48:01.562 --> 48:03.729 when china started building artificial 48:03.729 --> 48:05.784 islands in the south China Sea , the 48:05.784 --> 48:07.951 United States said that there would be 48:07.951 --> 48:10.750 consequences . China completed those 48:10.760 --> 48:13.950 artificial islands . Um The United 48:13.950 --> 48:16.006 States also said that there would be 48:16.006 --> 48:18.228 consequences if china militarized those 48:18.228 --> 48:20.117 islands , China militarized those 48:20.117 --> 48:23.280 islands anyway . Stationing bombers and 48:23.280 --> 48:26.000 fighter jets . So I guess many of us 48:26.000 --> 48:28.820 here are curious what will be different 48:28.830 --> 48:30.997 in the biden administration's approach 48:30.997 --> 48:33.219 to the south china sea because it seems 48:33.219 --> 48:36.650 that the current policy is not working 48:36.650 --> 48:38.761 or at least not changing the behavior 48:38.761 --> 48:42.450 of china . Thank you . Yes . So some of 48:42.450 --> 48:45.510 the consequences that we've seen is 48:45.510 --> 48:48.120 that we've seen allies and partners 48:48.380 --> 48:52.340 grow closer together and work together 48:52.340 --> 48:55.430 in a more deliberate way on to make 48:55.430 --> 48:57.990 sure that they they have the ability to 48:58.000 --> 49:00.520 protect their interests at our 49:00.520 --> 49:04.020 territorial waters . And I see and 49:04.020 --> 49:07.110 we've seen again in the last couple of 49:07.110 --> 49:09.690 years bonds continue to strengthen . 49:10.070 --> 49:12.510 We've also seen , you know , like 49:12.510 --> 49:16.070 minded countries bond together to , to 49:16.080 --> 49:18.820 create new capabilities . So the effect 49:18.820 --> 49:22.160 has been that , that it's had an effect 49:22.160 --> 49:24.216 that there are some consequences and 49:24.216 --> 49:27.740 those consequences are much more united 49:27.750 --> 49:31.340 uh um region , 49:31.350 --> 49:35.200 region has focused ever so much more on 49:35.210 --> 49:38.950 on a vision of free and indo and free 49:38.950 --> 49:41.620 and open indo , pacific . So , so I 49:41.620 --> 49:43.287 think I think there have been 49:43.287 --> 49:46.310 consequences . And next from Singapore , 49:46.320 --> 49:49.950 Lynn , go ahead . Thank 49:49.960 --> 49:51.980 thank you , john , thank you . 49:51.980 --> 49:54.980 Secretary Austin . Um yesterday Prime 49:54.980 --> 49:58.010 Minister Kishida cautioned that Ukraine 49:58.010 --> 50:01.610 today , maybe East Asia tomorrow . Do 50:01.610 --> 50:04.290 you share the Japanese Prime Minister's 50:04.300 --> 50:07.550 concern ? And if so , why would it be 50:07.550 --> 50:11.170 because of a general sense that Ukraine 50:11.170 --> 50:13.730 reminds us that war anywhere is 50:13.730 --> 50:15.470 possible and we should not be 50:15.470 --> 50:19.180 complacent or perhaps because um the 50:19.180 --> 50:21.890 United States has concrete concerns . 50:21.960 --> 50:25.120 That China is like Russia because both 50:25.130 --> 50:28.240 autocracies and will therefore act like 50:28.240 --> 50:31.600 it . I would say , I would think it's 50:31.600 --> 50:34.580 the former that , you know , 50:35.060 --> 50:37.430 anything is possible . And so , I mean , 50:37.430 --> 50:39.380 there's a reason that we have 50:40.860 --> 50:43.580 the , you know , militaries to to 50:43.580 --> 50:46.260 defend our sovereign territory . Uh and 50:46.260 --> 50:48.590 so we need to be mindful of the fact 50:48.590 --> 50:51.590 that those uh , those militaries , our 50:51.590 --> 50:53.701 defenses need need the right kinds of 50:53.701 --> 50:57.260 capabilities . Um , I go back 50:57.260 --> 51:00.510 to what I , the questions that I asked 51:00.510 --> 51:04.380 earlier do rules matter , 51:06.460 --> 51:09.510 The sovereignty matter . You know , is 51:09.510 --> 51:11.620 this rules based international order 51:11.620 --> 51:14.810 important to us ? I think the answer to 51:14.810 --> 51:16.810 that question is yes . I think it's 51:16.810 --> 51:18.977 it's been remarkable to see the global 51:18.977 --> 51:22.780 response as a result of Russia's uh 51:23.460 --> 51:27.110 unprovoked invasion of Ukraine . Uh 51:27.120 --> 51:29.480 there's strong indication across this 51:29.480 --> 51:32.650 globe around this globe that that 51:32.660 --> 51:36.080 countries around the globe truly 51:36.080 --> 51:38.890 value the international rules based 51:38.890 --> 51:41.250 order and adherence to that order . So 51:41.250 --> 51:43.306 I think there's a there's a powerful 51:43.306 --> 51:46.610 lesson there from Stefan . Got the last 51:46.610 --> 51:49.830 question . Thank you . John mr 51:49.830 --> 51:52.580 Secretary , you mentioned game changing 51:52.590 --> 51:55.360 technologies in your speech . Could you 51:55.360 --> 51:57.900 perhaps elaborate what technology 51:57.900 --> 52:00.060 specifically you have in mind here ? 52:00.060 --> 52:02.116 And furthermore , do you foresee any 52:02.116 --> 52:05.640 changes in U . S . Force posture in the 52:05.640 --> 52:07.473 region as a result of these game 52:07.473 --> 52:10.130 changing technologies in the near to 52:10.140 --> 52:13.400 medium term ? Thank you . Thanks Ron 52:13.400 --> 52:15.290 Stefan . No , I won't go into any 52:15.290 --> 52:18.500 detail on on emerging 52:18.500 --> 52:21.190 technologies only to say that , you 52:21.190 --> 52:23.980 know , we continue to invest A 52:23.980 --> 52:26.580 substantial amount of our our budget , 52:26.590 --> 52:28.701 our defense budget , you heard me say 52:28.701 --> 52:32.280 $130 $230 billion dollars um 52:32.290 --> 52:35.960 dedicated to uh R . D . T . And 52:35.970 --> 52:39.150 research and development . Uh we uh we 52:39.150 --> 52:40.928 believe that in order to remain 52:40.928 --> 52:42.872 relevant we have to make sure that 52:42.872 --> 52:44.983 we're investing in the right kinds of 52:44.983 --> 52:46.872 things to support the operational 52:46.872 --> 52:49.094 concepts that we think are important in 52:49.094 --> 52:51.560 any conflict that will employ in any 52:51.560 --> 52:54.310 conflict going forward . I would just 52:54.310 --> 52:56.470 say that it's important for us to 52:56.470 --> 52:58.526 continue to work with our allies and 52:58.526 --> 53:00.137 partners as we develop these 53:00.137 --> 53:02.081 technologies . Uh and you heard me 53:02.081 --> 53:04.720 commit to doing that in my remarks and 53:04.720 --> 53:07.720 were serious about that . And so but I 53:07.720 --> 53:10.240 don't I want to elaborate on any of the 53:10.250 --> 53:12.770 specific technologies in this forum . 53:12.780 --> 53:14.947 So we've closed this session according 53:14.947 --> 53:17.280 to our clock with two seconds remaining . 53:17.280 --> 53:19.058 I want to thank you very much , 53:19.058 --> 53:21.169 Secretary Austin and also to say that 53:21.169 --> 53:23.224 we should actually draw comfort from 53:23.224 --> 53:25.336 the fact that you can't say very much 53:25.336 --> 53:27.391 about the emerging technologies that 53:27.391 --> 53:29.391 you might be saying with allies and 53:29.391 --> 53:29.140 partners because it implies those 53:29.140 --> 53:31.362 technologies will be extremely valuable 53:31.362 --> 53:33.418 to their security and to maintaining 53:33.418 --> 53:35.307 peace and stability . In the asia 53:35.307 --> 53:37.307 pacific , I've got 33 people on the 53:37.307 --> 53:39.473 list , a couple of people still waving 53:39.473 --> 53:41.640 their hands , but it's inevitable in a 53:41.640 --> 53:43.862 session like this , especially with the 53:43.862 --> 53:43.160 U . S . Secretary of Defense . There 53:43.160 --> 53:44.993 will be more questions than time 53:44.993 --> 53:47.216 available to answer them . Be reassured 53:47.216 --> 53:49.104 that I will find you for the next 53:49.104 --> 53:51.327 session . But for the meantime , please 53:51.327 --> 53:54.130 thank Secretary often uh for his 53:54.140 --> 53:56.029 plenary address to the shangri la 53:56.029 --> 53:59.270 dialogue . Thank you very much . Mhm