WEBVTT 00:07.640 --> 00:09.862 Ladies and gentlemen , the President of 00:09.862 --> 00:11.840 the United States . Yeah . 00:27.740 --> 00:31.740 Mhm . Mhm . Yeah . 00:32.540 --> 00:34.140 Yeah . Yeah . 00:41.340 --> 00:43.451 Mr . President distinguished guests . 00:43.940 --> 00:46.162 The writer of sacred scripture declares 00:46.640 --> 00:49.290 be strong and courageous . Do not be 00:49.290 --> 00:52.630 afraid . Do not be discouraged . For I 00:52.630 --> 00:54.850 will be with you wherever you go . 00:55.440 --> 00:57.551 Ladies and gentlemen , please join me 00:57.551 --> 00:59.662 as we mark this very special occasion 00:59.662 --> 01:01.710 in a word of prayer . Gracious and 01:01.710 --> 01:03.860 merciful Lord . You are the giver of 01:03.860 --> 01:06.910 life . The igniter of faith , provider 01:06.910 --> 01:10.540 of hope and author of love . Mighty 10 01:10.540 --> 01:12.762 ancient of days . You have commanded us 01:12.762 --> 01:14.929 to be strong and courageous in life or 01:14.929 --> 01:17.262 in death because you are always with us , 01:17.330 --> 01:19.330 receive your servants . Most humble 01:19.330 --> 01:21.110 prayer as we gather to the a to 01:21.110 --> 01:23.120 remember honor and celebrate for 01:23.120 --> 01:26.110 selfless Exemplars of unquestioned , 01:26.120 --> 01:29.410 strong and courageous valor . Staff 01:29.410 --> 01:32.750 Sergeant Edward Kenneth zero specialist 01:32.750 --> 01:36.170 Dwight Birdwell specialist dentist 01:36.290 --> 01:39.940 fuji and Major john Duffy's strong and 01:39.940 --> 01:42.920 courageous actions in Vietnam , inspire 01:42.920 --> 01:45.150 us all . Each of these men 01:45.150 --> 01:47.250 distinguished himself at the risk of 01:47.250 --> 01:49.306 their own lives above and beyond the 01:49.306 --> 01:51.472 call of duty . Lord ! You provided our 01:51.472 --> 01:53.694 nation and our army . A buffalo soldier 01:53.694 --> 01:55.806 imbued with the courage to believe we 01:55.806 --> 01:58.028 can we will the commitment of a cavalry 01:58.028 --> 02:00.680 raider who was prepared and loyal the 02:00.680 --> 02:03.520 care of a combat medic to preserve life 02:03.530 --> 02:05.641 and the character of a special forces 02:05.641 --> 02:07.808 warrior , to free the oppressed . When 02:07.808 --> 02:09.974 our nation asked who will go . Each of 02:09.974 --> 02:12.141 these men declared , Here am I send me 02:12.540 --> 02:14.540 today a grateful nation bestows its 02:14.540 --> 02:16.762 highest honor to these men of valor who 02:16.762 --> 02:18.984 look not only to their own needs but to 02:18.984 --> 02:21.151 the needs of others in time of extreme 02:21.151 --> 02:23.262 crisis . Almighty God be present with 02:23.262 --> 02:25.484 us during this ceremony as we recognize 02:25.484 --> 02:27.540 the intrepid service of these heroes 02:27.640 --> 02:29.807 ritually bless the recipients we honor 02:29.807 --> 02:31.640 today along with the many family 02:31.640 --> 02:33.640 members , comrades in arms and dear 02:33.640 --> 02:35.490 friends who support them may the 02:35.490 --> 02:37.712 actions of these men in the crucible of 02:37.712 --> 02:40.750 combat , inspire others to acts of 02:40.750 --> 02:43.260 personal courage and selfless service . 02:43.740 --> 02:46.060 Guide our nation and leaders preserve 02:46.060 --> 02:47.838 us all under the canopy of your 02:47.838 --> 02:49.893 everlasting love and care . It isn't 02:49.893 --> 02:52.060 your majestic and mighty name . I pray 02:52.540 --> 02:55.260 amen . Yeah , 03:00.040 --> 03:03.350 thank you general . Please be seated . 03:03.460 --> 03:07.000 Please be seated . Well , 03:07.000 --> 03:10.310 welcome to the White House . You 03:10.310 --> 03:13.260 know this is a day that 03:14.340 --> 03:18.140 I uh I quite frankly think 03:18.150 --> 03:20.261 being president is inadequate because 03:20.261 --> 03:23.620 there's so many Ray women and men in 03:23.620 --> 03:25.900 here and so many people were honoring 03:25.900 --> 03:28.970 today . Mr Secretary Chairman of the 03:28.970 --> 03:31.960 Joint Chiefs , Senior military Officers , 03:32.540 --> 03:34.262 Thank you all for being here . 03:34.640 --> 03:37.790 Yesterday marked the 246th 03:37.790 --> 03:39.670 anniversary of this nation's 03:39.670 --> 03:42.780 independence , 246 years of struggle 03:42.780 --> 03:44.950 and sacrifice to uphold the principles 03:45.340 --> 03:48.060 so dear to the character of our nation . 03:48.620 --> 03:52.450 Liberty , democracy . God given rights 03:52.450 --> 03:55.260 of every individual . It's a journey 03:55.680 --> 03:57.736 that has never finished and it never 03:57.736 --> 04:00.050 will be fully finished . It's the work 04:00.050 --> 04:02.460 that requires us to look ahead to the 04:02.460 --> 04:05.050 future . The future we want to build 04:05.640 --> 04:09.060 and look carefully at our past to 04:09.060 --> 04:11.550 understand fully where we've come from 04:12.340 --> 04:15.920 For each of those 246 years . American 04:15.920 --> 04:17.920 patriots have answered our nation's 04:17.920 --> 04:20.630 call to military service . They stood 04:20.630 --> 04:23.450 in the way of danger , risk everything , 04:23.920 --> 04:26.080 literally everything to defend our 04:26.080 --> 04:29.630 nation and our values . However , not 04:29.630 --> 04:31.780 every service member has received the 04:31.780 --> 04:35.450 full recognition they deserve . Today 04:35.840 --> 04:37.840 we're setting the record straight . 04:38.840 --> 04:41.650 We're upgrading the awards of four 04:41.650 --> 04:43.872 soldiers who perform acts of incredible 04:43.872 --> 04:46.910 heroism during the Vietnam conflict to 04:46.910 --> 04:49.870 respect the conspicuous gallantry and 04:49.870 --> 04:52.520 intrepid how and the intrepid ability 04:52.520 --> 04:54.520 of the service . I mean , it's just 04:54.520 --> 04:56.631 astounding when you hear what each of 04:56.631 --> 04:58.687 them have done . They went far above 04:58.687 --> 05:00.742 and beyond the call of duty . It's a 05:00.742 --> 05:03.076 phrase always used , but it's , it just , 05:03.076 --> 05:05.298 it takes on life when you see these men 05:05.298 --> 05:07.550 to the late staff Sergeant Edward M . 05:08.440 --> 05:12.220 Can a Zero Specialist , five Dwight W . 05:12.220 --> 05:14.850 Birdwell Specialist , five Dennis M . 05:14.850 --> 05:18.770 for Fuji and to Major john Duffy , I'm 05:18.770 --> 05:21.200 proud to finally award our highest 05:21.200 --> 05:23.256 military recognition . The battle of 05:23.256 --> 05:25.860 honor to each of you . One posthumously . 05:26.640 --> 05:28.862 There's been a long journey to this day 05:28.862 --> 05:31.510 for those heroes and their families and 05:31.520 --> 05:34.870 more than 50 years have passed 50 years 05:34.880 --> 05:36.940 since the jungles of Vietnam were as 05:36.940 --> 05:39.370 young men . These soldiers first proved 05:39.370 --> 05:42.070 their mettle but time has not 05:42.070 --> 05:44.348 diminished . Their astonishing bravery , 05:44.640 --> 05:46.862 Their self misses and putting the lives 05:46.862 --> 05:48.918 of others ahead of their own and the 05:48.918 --> 05:51.260 gratitude . We , as a nation of them 05:52.140 --> 05:55.630 December 1 , 1966 . Staff 05:55.630 --> 05:58.430 Sergeant Kenneth zero was an infantry 05:58.430 --> 06:00.710 squad leader . This platoon was 06:00.780 --> 06:02.947 navigating towards what seemed to be a 06:02.947 --> 06:06.360 peaceful village . It was an ambush . A 06:06.360 --> 06:08.082 vastly superior force of North 06:08.082 --> 06:10.249 Vietnamese troops was concealed within 06:10.249 --> 06:12.430 the village protected by fortified 06:12.430 --> 06:14.652 bunkers , underground tunnels and a big 06:14.652 --> 06:16.597 trench that ran through the entire 06:16.597 --> 06:18.810 village . As staff Sergeant Kenneth 06:18.810 --> 06:20.977 zero lead his squad to the east of the 06:20.977 --> 06:23.670 village . Two other squads headed 06:23.670 --> 06:25.980 straight in where the enemy opened fire 06:25.980 --> 06:27.980 on them with machine guns and small 06:27.980 --> 06:30.147 arms fire , killing the platoon leader 06:30.147 --> 06:32.091 the point man and pinning down two 06:32.091 --> 06:34.036 squads here in the battle . Unfold 06:34.036 --> 06:36.091 staff cars and Tennessee removed his 06:36.091 --> 06:38.350 squad toward the sound of the firing 06:38.840 --> 06:40.960 where he quickly jumped into action . 06:41.640 --> 06:43.696 The machine gun fire suppressing his 06:43.696 --> 06:45.820 platoon mates was coming from a big 06:45.820 --> 06:49.470 trench . It had to be stopped , he 06:49.470 --> 06:51.710 ordered his men to take cover and then 06:51.710 --> 06:53.654 he advanced alone toward the enemy 06:53.654 --> 06:56.250 position Armed with six grenades in his 06:56.250 --> 07:00.070 M 16 laying flat on the ground . Staff 07:00.070 --> 07:02.126 Sergeant Tennis Era hurled his first 07:02.126 --> 07:04.280 grenade sell directly through the 07:04.280 --> 07:06.520 aperture of the bunker , taking out the 07:06.520 --> 07:08.800 machine gunner in the first throw . He 07:08.800 --> 07:10.800 then jumped into the trench alone , 07:11.040 --> 07:13.300 Moving along a trench for 35 minutes , 07:13.310 --> 07:17.250 35 m clearing the enemy as he went 07:18.240 --> 07:20.840 as he , as his head would emerge above 07:20.840 --> 07:23.960 the trench as he yelled grenade , 07:24.640 --> 07:26.807 Dennis platoon would lose sight of him 07:26.840 --> 07:29.390 and hear it explode . By the time he 07:29.390 --> 07:31.630 was done , the two other squads were 07:31.630 --> 07:33.741 able to stand up , collect their dead 07:33.741 --> 07:35.408 and injured and recognize and 07:35.408 --> 07:38.010 reorganize the fight and successfully 07:38.010 --> 07:40.390 withdraw from the village . According 07:40.390 --> 07:42.612 to the eyewitness account of the battle 07:42.612 --> 07:44.779 from sergeant staff sergeant Haskett , 07:44.779 --> 07:47.260 Haskett , Kenneth arrow's bravery and 07:47.260 --> 07:49.640 single handedly clearing the trench 07:49.650 --> 07:51.817 averted what might have been quote , a 07:51.817 --> 07:54.570 disaster for the whole platoon . Born 07:54.570 --> 07:56.650 and raised in Hawaii , The son of 07:56.650 --> 07:58.761 Japanese immigrants , a proud husband 07:58.761 --> 08:00.780 and father of four . Staff Sergeant 08:00.780 --> 08:03.002 Kenneth zero continued his service with 08:03.002 --> 08:05.530 his unit in Vietnam Until he was killed 08:05.530 --> 08:08.080 in action by Hostile Gunfire on March 08:08.080 --> 08:11.900 six , 1967 . Today . 08:11.900 --> 08:13.900 His memory lives on in the lives he 08:13.900 --> 08:15.730 saved and the legend of his 08:15.730 --> 08:18.160 fearlessness and the hearts of the 08:18.160 --> 08:20.960 family he left behind , john 08:21.440 --> 08:24.290 Naomi tom thank you for being here 08:24.290 --> 08:27.470 today and thank you too for your sister 08:27.470 --> 08:30.460 Doris as well who could not be with us ? 08:31.040 --> 08:32.984 And john , thank you for your your 08:32.984 --> 08:34.860 military service . Your family 08:34.860 --> 08:37.680 sacrificed so much for our country . I 08:37.680 --> 08:39.920 know that no award can ever make up for 08:39.920 --> 08:42.360 the loss of your father not having them 08:42.360 --> 08:45.510 there as you grew up . But I hope today 08:45.520 --> 08:47.687 that you take some pride in comfort in 08:47.687 --> 08:49.960 knowing his valor is finally receiving 08:49.960 --> 08:52.020 the full recognition it has always 08:52.020 --> 08:55.710 deserved , January 31 , 08:55.710 --> 08:59.010 1968 . It was an opening assault that 08:59.010 --> 09:00.899 would come to be known as the Tet 09:00.899 --> 09:03.140 offensive , particularly bloody period 09:03.140 --> 09:06.480 of the Vietnam war , North Vietnam four , 09:06.490 --> 09:08.500 North Vietnamese forces launched an 09:08.500 --> 09:12.030 attack and strategically located air 09:12.030 --> 09:14.840 base in Saigon near Saigon . The first 09:14.840 --> 09:17.007 american unit call to respond was that 09:17.007 --> 09:19.160 of Specialist five Dwight Birdwell , 09:20.640 --> 09:23.260 Unknown to approximately 100 men in C 09:23.260 --> 09:25.890 Troop , They were moving to be taken on 09:25.890 --> 09:28.057 a full regiment of Viet Cong likely to 09:28.057 --> 09:31.390 be more than 1000 strong . They 09:31.390 --> 09:34.520 arrived , the troop engaged the Vietnam 09:34.520 --> 09:36.850 Forces Specialist Bird Wells unit took 09:36.850 --> 09:39.017 the main brunt of the attack with many 09:39.017 --> 09:41.370 tanks and vehicles disabled when his 09:41.370 --> 09:43.600 tank commander was hit and gravely 09:43.600 --> 09:46.010 wounded specialist Birdwell got him to 09:46.010 --> 09:49.360 a place of safety and then took command . 09:50.440 --> 09:52.496 He knew his vehicle was on the first 09:52.496 --> 09:56.440 line of defense . So Birdwell stood 09:56.450 --> 09:58.617 in his commander's hatch at times half 09:58.617 --> 10:00.783 exposed at times standing entirely out 10:00.783 --> 10:03.000 of the tank , fully exposed , laying 10:03.000 --> 10:06.090 down suppressive fire on the enemy . He 10:06.090 --> 10:08.870 used the tax cannon , use the tanks 10:08.870 --> 10:11.090 machine gun , he used his personal 10:11.090 --> 10:13.790 rifle , he sustained fire , drove back 10:13.790 --> 10:15.860 the Attackers and created a place of 10:15.860 --> 10:18.960 relative safety for injured men behind 10:19.440 --> 10:22.130 time to take cover . He provided 10:22.130 --> 10:24.186 battlefield update to his commanders 10:24.186 --> 10:26.352 until the enemy shot the communication 10:26.352 --> 10:28.880 system right off of his helmet . When 10:28.880 --> 10:31.360 he ran out of ammunition , he ran to 10:31.360 --> 10:34.440 retrieve an M 60 machine gun and ammo 10:34.440 --> 10:36.551 off the helicopter that had been down 10:36.551 --> 10:39.660 in a flight keep firing on the enemy 10:40.940 --> 10:43.750 and even when that M60 was hit by enemy 10:43.750 --> 10:46.910 fire , causing it explode and send 10:46.910 --> 10:48.910 shrapnel in the Bird Wells , face , 10:48.910 --> 10:51.170 chest , arms and hands remained on the 10:51.170 --> 10:54.830 battlefield when he was ordered to load 10:54.830 --> 10:56.663 onto the medevac helicopter , he 10:56.663 --> 11:00.310 complied . This I find amazing only to 11:00.310 --> 11:03.150 crawl right back off the other side and 11:03.150 --> 11:05.620 to keep on fighting . That's your call . 11:05.620 --> 11:09.450 Taking orders and causing trouble . God 11:09.450 --> 11:12.110 love you . Only after reinforcements 11:12.110 --> 11:14.277 arrived and only after he helped treat 11:14.277 --> 11:16.700 the evacuees his fellow wounded . His 11:16.700 --> 11:18.867 specialist Bird will agree to evacuate 11:18.867 --> 11:20.800 himself . At the time , bourbon 11:20.800 --> 11:22.522 received a silver star for his 11:22.522 --> 11:24.800 outstanding heroism on the battlefield . 11:24.800 --> 11:27.220 It took decades for his commanding 11:27.220 --> 11:29.770 officer . Then General Glenn Otis to 11:29.770 --> 11:31.881 realize Birdwell had not received the 11:31.881 --> 11:34.410 full honor he had earned . But in 11:34.410 --> 11:37.630 retirement , General Otis made sure to 11:37.630 --> 11:39.741 correct the record and fully document 11:39.741 --> 11:41.800 Birds Wells actions to make this day 11:41.800 --> 11:45.200 possible . A member of the Cherokee 11:45.200 --> 11:47.750 nation . Birdwell credits the Cherokee 11:47.750 --> 11:49.600 veterans who came before him and 11:49.600 --> 11:51.767 encouraged him to serve when he called 11:51.840 --> 11:54.360 and I might know native american 11:54.360 --> 11:57.210 communities . A larger percentage 11:57.210 --> 11:59.377 serving the United States Armed forces 11:59.377 --> 12:01.432 at a higher percentage rate than any 12:01.432 --> 12:04.500 other cohort in America than any other 12:04.500 --> 12:07.090 cohort in America . After leaving the 12:07.090 --> 12:09.257 armory , Bird will continue to build a 12:09.257 --> 12:11.368 legacy of service in his community in 12:11.368 --> 12:13.760 Oklahoma . He started his own law firm , 12:14.430 --> 12:16.430 Served for 12 years on the Cherokee 12:16.430 --> 12:18.770 Nation's Supreme Court and he passed 12:18.770 --> 12:20.714 that legacy of service down to his 12:20.714 --> 12:22.714 daughter , Stephanie Birdwell who's 12:22.714 --> 12:24.714 with him today and it serves as the 12:24.714 --> 12:26.548 director of the office of Tribal 12:26.548 --> 12:28.381 relations with the Department of 12:28.381 --> 12:30.214 Veterans Affairs Specialist five 12:30.214 --> 12:32.159 Birdwell . Thank you . Thank you . 12:32.159 --> 12:34.420 Thank you . And to your wife Virginia . 12:34.570 --> 12:36.626 I know wishes she could be here with 12:36.626 --> 12:38.848 you today . Give her our love as well . 12:39.340 --> 12:41.396 I'm grateful for all you've given to 12:41.396 --> 12:44.320 our country and that at long last , at 12:44.320 --> 12:47.250 long last your story is being honored 12:47.250 --> 12:49.028 as it should have been . Always 12:49.840 --> 12:53.610 February 18 1971 Specialist five 12:53.610 --> 12:57.440 Dennis Excuse Me Fuji who was 12:57.440 --> 12:59.607 serving as a second tour in Vietnam as 12:59.607 --> 13:01.773 a crew chief on a helicopter ambulance 13:01.773 --> 13:03.830 conducting a rescue operation allows 13:04.640 --> 13:06.640 they were there to evacuate wounded 13:06.640 --> 13:08.696 allied Vietnamese military personnel 13:09.240 --> 13:11.518 but as their chapter attempted to land , 13:11.518 --> 13:13.740 it became the target , sustaining heavy 13:13.740 --> 13:15.962 damage that caused him to crash land in 13:15.962 --> 13:17.851 the middle of the conflict when a 13:17.851 --> 13:19.962 second american helicopter managed to 13:19.962 --> 13:22.073 land nearby minutes later was able to 13:22.073 --> 13:24.129 evacuate all the down crewman except 13:24.129 --> 13:26.850 the specialist Fuji rather than risk 13:26.850 --> 13:28.517 the lives of his crew mates . 13:28.517 --> 13:30.183 Specialist Fuji waved off the 13:30.183 --> 13:33.040 helicopter told him to part remaining 13:33.040 --> 13:35.096 behind . As the only american on the 13:35.096 --> 13:37.380 battlefield . Several attempts were 13:37.380 --> 13:39.436 made to rescue him before Specialist 13:39.436 --> 13:42.000 Fuji could find a radio and call off 13:42.000 --> 13:44.000 further attempts , call off further 13:44.000 --> 13:46.410 attempts . It was too dangerous . He 13:46.410 --> 13:49.110 said he stayed behind ignoring his own 13:49.110 --> 13:51.280 wounds or helping tend the wounded 13:51.280 --> 13:54.430 Vietnamese allies on the field . The 13:54.430 --> 13:56.540 next night the enemy force renewed 13:56.540 --> 13:58.707 their assault on the allied lines with 13:58.707 --> 14:01.780 heavy artillery For more than 17 14:01.780 --> 14:04.560 consecutive hours . Specialist Fuji 14:04.940 --> 14:07.090 called in american gunships to help 14:07.090 --> 14:09.640 repel the attack , repeatedly exposed 14:09.640 --> 14:11.696 himself to hospital fire in order to 14:11.696 --> 14:13.640 better observe enemy positions and 14:13.640 --> 14:16.250 direct air strikes against them on the 14:16.250 --> 14:18.660 radio . As fellow americans knew him as 14:19.040 --> 14:22.000 papa whisky , Clear eyed , levelheaded 14:22.000 --> 14:24.210 soldier directing air strikes . So 14:24.210 --> 14:26.377 precisely they were able to drive back 14:26.377 --> 14:28.630 the forces that have come within 15 to 14:28.630 --> 14:32.410 20 m from a friendly camp . An 14:32.410 --> 14:34.632 american helicopter was finally able to 14:34.632 --> 14:36.521 retrieve him wounded and severely 14:36.521 --> 14:38.780 fatigued . Two days after his , his air 14:38.780 --> 14:41.320 ambulance had crashed . Maybe he made 14:41.320 --> 14:44.560 it only about four km before it crash 14:44.560 --> 14:48.060 landed . Specialist Fuji had to wait 14:48.070 --> 14:49.848 two more days for another South 14:49.848 --> 14:52.510 Vietnamese base before he was able to 14:52.510 --> 14:54.732 leave the area and received the medical 14:54.732 --> 14:57.240 assistance for his wounds . Speaking to 14:57.240 --> 14:59.518 the press shortly after his experience , 14:59.518 --> 15:01.730 specialist Fuji downplayed his own 15:01.770 --> 15:04.220 contributions and honor the skills of 15:04.220 --> 15:06.387 the allied Vietnamese troops he fought 15:06.387 --> 15:08.640 with simply saying , I quote , I like 15:08.640 --> 15:11.340 my job . I like to help other people 15:11.340 --> 15:15.330 who need help out there . It's 15:15.330 --> 15:18.830 amazing Today . Specialist five Fuji . 15:18.870 --> 15:21.400 We remember and we celebrate just how 15:21.400 --> 15:23.860 many people you help . I want to thank 15:23.860 --> 15:26.082 you and your wife Ray , who couldn't be 15:26.082 --> 15:28.138 here with you today and your brother 15:28.138 --> 15:30.570 Edwin , for all your family has done 15:30.580 --> 15:33.020 for this nation will forever honor your 15:33.020 --> 15:35.790 commitment to your crew , your allies 15:35.980 --> 15:39.960 and to your country . April 14 15:40.340 --> 15:42.970 1972 , the Battle of Fire Support Base 15:42.970 --> 15:45.740 Charlie lone american on the base , 15:45.740 --> 15:47.962 serving as a senior adviser to the army 15:47.962 --> 15:50.160 of the Republic of Vietnam was Major 15:50.160 --> 15:53.740 john Duffy , I called him Dusty 15:53.740 --> 15:56.650 cyanide . How was the call name 15:58.060 --> 16:01.020 Those days leading up to April 14 , the 16:01.020 --> 16:02.798 battalion command post had been 16:02.798 --> 16:05.270 destroyed . Major Duffy had already 16:05.270 --> 16:06.937 been twice wounded , refusing 16:06.937 --> 16:10.090 evacuation efforts to resupply the base 16:10.090 --> 16:13.980 and failed and FSP charlie was 16:13.980 --> 16:15.950 surrounded by the battalion sized 16:15.950 --> 16:19.270 element for hours . American gunships 16:19.270 --> 16:21.730 guided by Dusty Sinai took air strikes 16:21.730 --> 16:24.640 on enemy positions . Major Duffy 16:24.640 --> 16:26.862 repeatedly exposed himself to danger in 16:26.862 --> 16:29.030 order to direct the gunships fire and 16:29.030 --> 16:31.252 keep the battalion from being overrun . 16:31.440 --> 16:34.720 He even called in one strike extreme 16:34.720 --> 16:37.490 danger close to his own position in 16:37.490 --> 16:39.379 order to drive back the advancing 16:39.379 --> 16:41.870 attack and when he was wounded again he 16:41.870 --> 16:44.300 again refused evacuation . He worked 16:44.300 --> 16:47.250 side by side to organize the defense of 16:47.250 --> 16:49.528 the base with the Vietnamese commander , 16:49.540 --> 16:52.870 Major Matt Miley who was here today . 16:52.880 --> 16:54.102 Major Where are you ? 16:56.640 --> 16:58.584 Major , Thank you for being here . 16:59.040 --> 17:00.262 Thank you very much . 17:05.840 --> 17:09.770 Okay , yeah , it's 17:09.770 --> 17:11.881 an honor to have you here . When they 17:11.881 --> 17:14.103 finally had to abandon the base , Major 17:14.103 --> 17:16.103 Duffy volunteered to leave the rear 17:16.103 --> 17:18.270 squad and cover their retreat and when 17:18.270 --> 17:20.437 the withdrawing soldiers were ambushed 17:20.740 --> 17:22.800 Early on April 15 and many of the 17:22.800 --> 17:25.440 injured troops scattered . Major Duffy 17:25.440 --> 17:27.607 remained with those who were wounded , 17:28.140 --> 17:30.370 rallying them to make it to an 17:30.370 --> 17:32.426 established evacuation known despite 17:32.426 --> 17:34.630 being constantly pursued by the Viet 17:34.630 --> 17:38.520 Cong Upon reaching the exfiltration 17:38.520 --> 17:41.210 site , Major Duffy again made sure he 17:41.210 --> 17:44.460 was the last board the helicopter and 17:44.460 --> 17:46.793 finally the airship was ready to depart . 17:46.940 --> 17:49.051 One of his Vietnam and the Vietnamese 17:49.051 --> 17:51.380 allies was shot in the foot , causing 17:51.380 --> 17:53.213 him to fall backwards out of the 17:53.213 --> 17:56.220 helicopter , Major Duffy caught him and 17:56.220 --> 17:58.387 dragged him back in on board with it , 17:59.730 --> 18:01.786 Saving one more life along the way , 18:02.640 --> 18:04.696 Major Duffy served in the army until 18:04.696 --> 18:06.529 1977 , completing three tours in 18:06.529 --> 18:08.930 Vietnam . Numerous special forces 18:08.930 --> 18:11.152 silence in 20 years of faithful service 18:11.152 --> 18:13.430 to our country . After what she went on 18:13.430 --> 18:15.541 to a successful career as an author , 18:15.640 --> 18:17.862 was even nominated for a Pulitzer prize 18:17.862 --> 18:20.980 for poetry . He is the definition of a 18:20.980 --> 18:24.290 warrior poet and during 18:24.300 --> 18:27.410 devotion to those who served with and 18:27.410 --> 18:30.720 those who serve our nation still thank 18:30.720 --> 18:32.720 you Major Duffy for all that you've 18:32.720 --> 18:35.130 inspired and others and as commander in 18:35.130 --> 18:37.130 chief , I know this is not only for 18:37.130 --> 18:39.019 those who wear the uniform of our 18:39.019 --> 18:41.186 nations , it's your families as well . 18:41.940 --> 18:44.230 So mary thank you for all that you 18:44.230 --> 18:46.450 sacrificed over the years as well to 18:46.450 --> 18:49.030 Marcus and Judd . I want to emphasize 18:49.040 --> 18:51.990 what you already know your grandpa's a 18:51.990 --> 18:55.560 hero flat out unadulterated hero 18:56.540 --> 18:58.700 were able to take these actions a day 18:58.710 --> 19:00.654 to upgrade the awards and properly 19:00.654 --> 19:02.710 honor the duty and devotion of those 19:02.710 --> 19:05.120 soldiers . Thanks thanks to individual 19:05.120 --> 19:07.120 dedication of those who served with 19:07.120 --> 19:09.231 them and because of the congressional 19:09.231 --> 19:11.398 ordered review of the heroic action of 19:11.398 --> 19:13.564 asian americans . Native americans and 19:13.564 --> 19:15.231 pacific Islanders awarded the 19:15.231 --> 19:17.398 Distinguished Service Cross during the 19:17.398 --> 19:19.564 korean and Vietnam wars . To make sure 19:19.940 --> 19:22.107 we properly honor the contributions of 19:22.107 --> 19:24.273 asian americans , native Hawaiians and 19:24.273 --> 19:26.273 pacific Islanders and their service 19:26.273 --> 19:28.440 they've made . Over the years We did a 19:28.440 --> 19:30.662 similar view of World War II Air Awards 19:30.930 --> 19:33.830 resulted in 22 medal of honour's being 19:33.830 --> 19:36.260 awarded asian americans , native wines 19:36.260 --> 19:38.482 and pacific Islanders . Service members 19:38.482 --> 19:40.149 who had previously been under 19:40.149 --> 19:42.149 recognized , including a very close 19:42.149 --> 19:44.093 friend of mine , one of my closest 19:44.093 --> 19:46.204 friends and benefactors in the United 19:46.204 --> 19:48.204 States Senate Danny Inouye , United 19:48.204 --> 19:50.371 States Senator . So I wanna also thank 19:50.371 --> 19:52.593 the members of Congress who helped make 19:52.593 --> 19:54.760 this possible , ensure that the United 19:54.760 --> 19:57.790 States lives up to our promises that 19:57.790 --> 19:59.901 for those who give their best for our 19:59.901 --> 20:02.510 country will always always give our 20:02.510 --> 20:05.290 best to you . I also want to take a 20:05.290 --> 20:07.401 moment to recognize three other Medal 20:07.401 --> 20:09.650 of Honor recipients awarded for their 20:09.650 --> 20:11.920 heroic actions in Vietnam were with us 20:11.920 --> 20:14.880 today , walter martin walter . Where 20:14.880 --> 20:16.960 are you ? Walter 20:24.650 --> 20:25.360 James 20:35.470 --> 20:36.710 brian factor . 20:38.240 --> 20:45.910 Thank 20:45.910 --> 20:48.132 you for being here to help us recognize 20:48.132 --> 20:50.132 these newest honorees and I want to 20:50.132 --> 20:52.077 also note that last week we lost a 20:52.077 --> 20:54.320 giant in this community . Hershel Woody 20:54.320 --> 20:56.550 Williams passed away at the age of 98 . 20:57.040 --> 20:59.096 The last Medal of honor recipient of 20:59.096 --> 21:01.520 World War Two , honored by President 21:01.520 --> 21:03.631 Harry Truman for his valor during the 21:03.631 --> 21:05.930 battle of Iwo Jima Woody Williams will 21:05.930 --> 21:08.097 soon lie in honor in the United States 21:08.097 --> 21:10.660 capitol and his passing is a reminder 21:11.040 --> 21:13.207 what so many americans of our greatest 21:13.207 --> 21:15.230 generations sacrificed to preserve 21:15.230 --> 21:17.820 liberty , democracy and for our nation 21:17.830 --> 21:20.710 and for the world . Now it's my great 21:20.710 --> 21:22.900 honor to ask for the citations to be 21:22.900 --> 21:25.550 read as we award the Medal of Honors to 21:25.550 --> 21:27.970 the late Staff Sergeant Everett and 21:27.980 --> 21:30.790 Kaneshiro Specialist five Dwight D . 21:30.790 --> 21:32.940 Birdwell Specialist five Dennis ! 21:33.470 --> 21:37.170 Excuse me , Fuji Major and Major 21:37.170 --> 21:39.960 john J . Duffy , thank you all and may 21:39.960 --> 21:42.016 God protect our troops . Thank you . 21:42.800 --> 21:43.800 And this 21:43.800 --> 21:51.760 afternoon 21:55.240 --> 21:57.760 john Kenichiro accepting on behalf of 21:57.760 --> 21:59.800 his father . Staff Sergeant Edward 21:59.810 --> 22:01.850 Kenichiro , mm 22:09.440 --> 22:13.400 attention to orders . The President 22:13.410 --> 22:15.188 of the United States of America 22:15.188 --> 22:17.299 authorized by Act of Congress , March 22:17.299 --> 22:20.610 3rd 18 63 has posthumously awarded in 22:20.610 --> 22:22.832 the name of Congress the Medal of Honor 22:22.832 --> 22:25.940 to Staff Sergeant Edward and Kaneshiro . 22:25.950 --> 22:28.420 United States Army for conspicuous 22:28.420 --> 22:30.850 gallantry and intrepidity at the risk 22:30.850 --> 22:32.961 of his life above and beyond the call 22:32.961 --> 22:35.540 of duty . Staff Sergeant Edward and 22:35.540 --> 22:37.762 Kaneshiro distinguished himself by acts 22:37.762 --> 22:39.980 of gallantry and intrepidity above and 22:39.980 --> 22:42.091 beyond the call of duty while serving 22:42.091 --> 22:44.258 as an infantry squad leader with Troop 22:44.258 --> 22:47.310 C First Squadron , ninth Cavalry , 22:47.320 --> 22:50.270 first Cavalry Division near far . Who 22:50.740 --> 22:53.420 To Kim Song Valley , Republic of 22:53.420 --> 22:56.460 Vietnam on one December 1966 . 22:57.040 --> 22:58.873 Not knowing that the village was 22:58.873 --> 23:01.096 heavily fortified with a fully bunkered 23:01.096 --> 23:02.873 and concealed trench system and 23:02.873 --> 23:04.930 garrisoned by the North Vietnamese 23:04.930 --> 23:07.690 troops and vastly superior forces . Two 23:07.690 --> 23:09.801 squads of the platoon had deployed to 23:09.801 --> 23:11.700 its center while Staff Sergeant 23:11.700 --> 23:13.960 Kaneshiro and his squad scouted the 23:13.960 --> 23:16.560 more than open terrain to the east of 23:16.560 --> 23:18.671 the village , sensing the opportunity 23:18.671 --> 23:20.671 to ambush the infantry squads , the 23:20.671 --> 23:22.671 entrenched enemy force erupted with 23:22.671 --> 23:25.100 machine gun and small arms fire against 23:25.100 --> 23:27.100 the two squads at the center of the 23:27.100 --> 23:29.156 village , killing the platoon leader 23:29.156 --> 23:31.322 and the point man wounding four others 23:31.322 --> 23:33.211 than successfully suppressing the 23:33.211 --> 23:35.360 surviving soldiers . Staff Sergeant 23:35.360 --> 23:37.360 Kaneshiro moved with his men to the 23:37.360 --> 23:39.510 sounds of the fire , swiftly reading 23:39.510 --> 23:41.750 the situation , seeing that the fire 23:41.760 --> 23:43.816 from the trench had to be stopped if 23:43.816 --> 23:45.649 anyone was to survive , he first 23:45.649 --> 23:47.482 deployed his men to cover , then 23:47.482 --> 23:49.482 crawled forward to attack the enemy 23:49.482 --> 23:51.630 force alone . He began by throwing 23:51.630 --> 23:53.408 grenades from the parapet while 23:53.408 --> 23:55.574 flattened to the ground , successfully 23:55.574 --> 23:57.741 throwing the first grenade through the 23:57.741 --> 23:59.797 aperture of the bunker , eliminating 23:59.797 --> 24:01.908 the machine gunner who had opened the 24:01.908 --> 24:04.130 action with five grenades remaining and 24:04.130 --> 24:06.074 his rifle to sustain the assault , 24:06.074 --> 24:08.130 Staff Sergeant Kaneshiro jumped into 24:08.130 --> 24:10.352 the trench to sweep its length where it 24:10.352 --> 24:12.352 fronted the two pin squads Over the 24:12.352 --> 24:15.010 distance of about 35 m , he worked the 24:15.010 --> 24:17.140 ditch alone , destroying one enemy 24:17.140 --> 24:19.690 group with rifle fire and two others 24:19.690 --> 24:22.870 with grenades . By the end , excuse me . 24:22.890 --> 24:25.140 By the end of his sweep , the able 24:25.140 --> 24:27.362 bodied survivors of the two squads were 24:27.362 --> 24:29.529 against standing and preparing to move 24:29.529 --> 24:31.529 the dead and wounded Staff Sergeant 24:31.529 --> 24:33.640 Concertos actions enabled the orderly 24:33.640 --> 24:35.751 extrication and reorganization of the 24:35.751 --> 24:37.751 platoon , which ultimately led to a 24:37.751 --> 24:40.029 successful withdrawal from the village . 24:40.029 --> 24:41.751 Staff Sergeant Kanosh heroes , 24:41.751 --> 24:43.696 conspicuous gallantry and uncommon 24:43.696 --> 24:45.862 heroism under fire are in keeping with 24:45.862 --> 24:48.029 the highest traditions of the military 24:48.029 --> 24:50.140 service and reflect great credit upon 24:50.140 --> 24:52.029 himself . His unit and the United 24:52.029 --> 24:54.251 States Army signed joseph R Biden , the 24:54.251 --> 24:56.084 President of the United States . 25:33.220 --> 25:34.220 Yeah , 25:45.340 --> 25:47.860 Specialist five Dwight W . Birdwell , 26:05.940 --> 26:08.190 Attention to orders . The President of 26:08.190 --> 26:09.912 the United States of America , 26:09.912 --> 26:12.134 authorized by Act of Congress , March 3 26:12.134 --> 26:15.570 18 63 has awarded in the name of 26:15.570 --> 26:17.292 Congress the Medal of Honor to 26:17.292 --> 26:19.440 Specialist Five Dwight W . Birdwell , 26:19.450 --> 26:21.590 United States Army for conspicuous 26:21.590 --> 26:23.701 gallantry and intrepidity at the risk 26:23.701 --> 26:25.757 of his own life above and beyond the 26:25.757 --> 26:28.740 call of duty . Specialist Five Dwight W . 26:28.740 --> 26:30.907 Birdwell distinguished himself by acts 26:30.907 --> 26:33.073 of gallantry and intrepidity above and 26:33.073 --> 26:35.184 beyond the call of duty while serving 26:35.184 --> 26:37.351 with C Troop , Third Squadron , Fourth 26:37.351 --> 26:39.407 Cavalry , 25th Infantry Division and 26:39.407 --> 26:42.130 the Republic of Vietnam . On 31 january 26:42.140 --> 26:45.470 1968 . On this date , C troop was 26:45.480 --> 26:47.647 ordered to move south to help repel an 26:47.647 --> 26:51.560 enemy attack on air base . As the 26:51.560 --> 26:53.630 C troop column of tanks and armored 26:53.630 --> 26:55.797 personnel carriers approached the west 26:55.797 --> 26:58.620 gate of Tanzania air base , it became 26:58.630 --> 27:00.970 under intense enemy fire from a 27:00.970 --> 27:03.810 building at at its right unbeknown to C 27:03.810 --> 27:05.977 Troop , it had driven directly into an 27:05.977 --> 27:07.754 enemy force consisting of three 27:07.754 --> 27:09.866 battalions . The column tried to push 27:09.866 --> 27:12.088 through the initial attack but the lead 27:12.088 --> 27:13.977 tank crippled by rocket propelled 27:13.977 --> 27:16.199 grenade explosions was blocking the way 27:16.199 --> 27:18.143 forward . C Troop immediately came 27:18.143 --> 27:20.310 under heavy enemy fire from both sides 27:20.310 --> 27:22.588 of the road . Specialist Five Birdwell , 27:22.588 --> 27:24.810 Upon seeing that his tank commander was 27:24.810 --> 27:26.810 wounded by enemy fire , immediately 27:26.810 --> 27:28.866 went to his aid . Upon intense under 27:28.866 --> 27:30.866 intense enemy fire , he lowered the 27:30.866 --> 27:32.921 injured tank commander to the ground 27:32.921 --> 27:35.143 and moved him to safety Specialist Five 27:35.143 --> 27:36.921 Birdwell , then , with complete 27:36.921 --> 27:39.088 disregard for his own safety , mounted 27:39.088 --> 27:40.754 the tank and assumed the tank 27:40.754 --> 27:42.921 commander's position . Standing in the 27:42.921 --> 27:45.032 tank commander's hatch with the upper 27:45.032 --> 27:47.254 half of his body exposed to heavy enemy 27:47.254 --> 27:49.310 fire . Specialist Firebird well used 27:49.310 --> 27:51.366 the enemy tanks , 50 caliber machine 27:51.366 --> 27:53.254 gun and 90 millimeter main gun to 27:53.254 --> 27:54.977 suppress the enemy attack With 27:54.977 --> 27:56.866 ammunition for the 90 MB main gun 27:56.866 --> 27:59.400 exhausted , he continued to fire the 50 27:59.400 --> 28:01.733 caliber machine gun until it overheated . 28:01.840 --> 28:03.673 At this point , specialist fired 28:03.673 --> 28:05.673 Birdwell rather than abandoning his 28:05.673 --> 28:07.618 position , continued to engage the 28:07.618 --> 28:09.729 enemy with his M 16 rifle , sometimes 28:09.729 --> 28:13.100 exposing his entire body to fire in 28:13.100 --> 28:15.322 order to engage the enemy from a better 28:15.322 --> 28:17.940 vantage point when the when a US 28:17.940 --> 28:20.600 helicopter crashed nearby , Specialist 28:20.600 --> 28:22.600 Five Birdwell under withering enemy 28:22.600 --> 28:24.544 fire , dismounted and moved to the 28:24.544 --> 28:26.711 helicopter where he retrieved two m 60 28:26.711 --> 28:28.940 machine guns and ammunition . After 28:28.940 --> 28:31.090 giving one m 60 and ammunition to a 28:31.090 --> 28:33.740 fellow soldier , he re mounted his tank 28:33.750 --> 28:36.360 and used the other m 62 again engage 28:36.360 --> 28:38.640 the enemy Specialist five Birdwell 28:38.640 --> 28:40.584 continued to engage the enemy with 28:40.584 --> 28:42.696 complete disregard for his own safety 28:42.696 --> 28:44.862 until the M60 he was firing was hit by 28:44.862 --> 28:47.260 enemy fire specialists by Birdwell , 28:47.270 --> 28:49.900 now wounded in the face , neck , chest 28:49.910 --> 28:52.270 and arms , dismounted the tank but 28:52.270 --> 28:54.270 refused to be medically evacuated . 28:54.530 --> 28:56.474 Instead . Specialist Firebird well 28:56.474 --> 28:58.363 under enemy fire , rallied fellow 28:58.363 --> 29:00.586 soldiers to advance toward the front of 29:00.586 --> 29:02.752 the armored column where they set up a 29:02.752 --> 29:04.808 defensive position by a large tree . 29:04.808 --> 29:06.919 From this position , he and the other 29:06.919 --> 29:09.030 soldiers engaged the enemy with M- 16 29:09.030 --> 29:11.160 fire and grenades . As the enemy fire 29:11.160 --> 29:13.049 lesson , Specialist Five Birdwell 29:13.049 --> 29:14.938 gathered ammunition from disabled 29:14.938 --> 29:16.993 vehicles and helped wounded soldiers 29:16.993 --> 29:18.660 move to safer positions . His 29:18.660 --> 29:20.604 leadership and tenacity under fire 29:20.604 --> 29:22.771 inspired the other C troop soldiers to 29:22.771 --> 29:24.980 continue fighting against the superior 29:24.980 --> 29:27.210 enemy force and directly contributed to 29:27.210 --> 29:28.877 the enemy's ultimate defeat . 29:29.140 --> 29:30.751 Specialist Five Bird Wells , 29:30.751 --> 29:32.918 extraordinary heroism and selflessness 29:32.918 --> 29:35.084 above and beyond the call of duty were 29:35.084 --> 29:37.251 in keeping with the highest traditions 29:37.251 --> 29:39.362 of military service and reflect great 29:39.362 --> 29:41.529 credit upon himself . His unit and the 29:41.529 --> 29:43.584 United States Army signed joseph R . 29:43.584 --> 29:45.584 Biden , the President of the United 29:45.584 --> 29:44.670 States . 30:09.940 --> 30:10.940 Mhm . 30:20.040 --> 30:21.040 Yeah , 30:27.640 --> 30:30.830 yeah . Thanks 30:32.540 --> 30:33.540 Yeah . 30:42.440 --> 30:45.270 Specialist five Dennis M . Fuji 31:02.840 --> 31:05.040 attention to orders . The President of 31:05.040 --> 31:06.762 the United States of America , 31:06.762 --> 31:08.873 authorized by Act of Congress , March 31:08.873 --> 31:11.100 3rd 18 63 has awarded in the name of 31:11.100 --> 31:12.850 Congress the Medal of honor to 31:12.860 --> 31:15.770 Specialist Five Dennis M fuji United 31:15.770 --> 31:18.090 States Army for conspicuous gallantry 31:18.090 --> 31:20.257 and intrepidity at the risk of his own 31:20.257 --> 31:22.368 life and above and beyond the call of 31:22.368 --> 31:24.690 duty . Specialist five Dennis MPG 31:24.690 --> 31:26.746 distinguished himself by conspicuous 31:26.746 --> 31:28.910 gallantry and intrepidity beyond the 31:28.910 --> 31:30.960 call of duty while serving as crew 31:30.960 --> 31:32.960 chief aboard a helicopter ambulance 31:32.960 --> 31:35.016 during the rescue operations in Laos 31:35.016 --> 31:37.440 Republic of Vietnam . During the period 31:37.450 --> 31:40.770 of 18 to 22 February 1971 31:41.240 --> 31:43.407 Specialist five G was serving with the 31:43.407 --> 31:46.460 237th Medical Detachment , 61st Medical 31:46.460 --> 31:49.730 Battalion 67th Medical Group . The 31:49.730 --> 31:51.452 team's mission was to evacuate 31:51.452 --> 31:53.563 seriously wounded Vietnamese military 31:53.563 --> 31:56.310 personnel from the midst of a raging 31:56.310 --> 31:58.740 battlefield . The aircraft's primary 31:58.740 --> 32:00.950 approach . The bullet infested landing 32:00.950 --> 32:03.250 zone was thwarted by heavy volumes of 32:03.250 --> 32:05.660 enemy fire directed at the specialists 32:05.660 --> 32:08.730 helicopter . As the pilot made a second 32:08.730 --> 32:10.286 landing attempt , the enemy 32:10.286 --> 32:12.397 concentrated a barrage of flak at the 32:12.397 --> 32:14.508 air ambulance which damaged the craft 32:14.508 --> 32:16.674 and caused it to crash in the conflict 32:16.674 --> 32:19.160 area , injuring specialist 5G . Moments 32:19.160 --> 32:21.160 later , another american helicopter 32:21.160 --> 32:23.271 successfully landed near the wreckage 32:23.271 --> 32:25.493 of the specialist airship and extracted 32:25.493 --> 32:27.271 all the down crewmen except for 32:27.271 --> 32:29.530 Specialist Five G , who was unable to 32:29.530 --> 32:31.530 board the helicopter due to intense 32:31.530 --> 32:33.990 enemy fire directed adam Rather than 32:33.990 --> 32:35.879 further endanger the lives of his 32:35.879 --> 32:38.101 comrades aboard the second helicopter , 32:38.101 --> 32:40.157 specialist five Fuji waved the craft 32:40.157 --> 32:42.157 out of the combat area and remained 32:42.157 --> 32:44.101 behind as the only American on the 32:44.101 --> 32:46.157 Battlefield . Subsequent attempts to 32:46.157 --> 32:48.379 rescue the specialists were aborted due 32:48.379 --> 32:50.101 the violent anti aircraft fire 32:50.101 --> 32:52.268 specialist five fuji finally secured a 32:52.268 --> 32:54.434 radio and informed the aviators in the 32:54.434 --> 32:56.601 area that the landing zone was too hot 32:56.601 --> 32:58.768 for further evacuation attempts During 32:58.768 --> 33:01.046 the night and all through the next day . 33:01.046 --> 33:03.101 Specialist five Fuji disregarded his 33:03.101 --> 33:05.323 own wounds as he administered first aid 33:05.323 --> 33:07.546 to the Allied casualties . On the night 33:07.546 --> 33:09.680 of 19 February , the Allied Perimeter 33:09.680 --> 33:11.791 Perimeter came under ruthless assault 33:11.791 --> 33:13.513 by a reinforced enemy regiment 33:13.513 --> 33:15.990 supported by heavy artillery Once again 33:15.990 --> 33:17.768 obtaining a radio transmitter , 33:17.768 --> 33:19.990 specialist five Fuji called in American 33:19.990 --> 33:22.212 helicopter gunships to assist the small 33:22.212 --> 33:24.260 unit and repelling the attack For a 33:24.260 --> 33:26.840 period of over 17 consecutive hours . 33:26.850 --> 33:29.170 Specialist five Fuji repeatedly exposed 33:29.170 --> 33:31.400 himself to hostile fire as he left the 33:31.400 --> 33:33.567 security of his entrenchment to better 33:33.567 --> 33:35.622 observe enemy troop positions and to 33:35.622 --> 33:37.678 direct air strikes against them . At 33:37.678 --> 33:39.733 times the fighting became so vicious 33:39.733 --> 33:42.220 that specialist five sushi was forced 33:42.220 --> 33:44.387 to interrupt radio transmissions in in 33:44.387 --> 33:46.498 order to place suppressive rifle fire 33:46.498 --> 33:48.664 on the enemy while at close quarters , 33:49.040 --> 33:51.330 Though wounded and severely fatigued by 33:51.330 --> 33:53.497 20 February , the specialists bore the 33:53.497 --> 33:55.608 responsibility for the protection and 33:55.608 --> 33:57.830 defense of the enemy to me the friendly 33:57.830 --> 34:00.280 encampment until an American helicopter 34:00.280 --> 34:02.336 could land an attempt to airlift him 34:02.336 --> 34:04.780 from the area As his air ambulance left 34:04.780 --> 34:06.947 the Battlefield . It received numerous 34:06.947 --> 34:09.002 hits and was forced to crash land at 34:09.002 --> 34:11.058 another South Vietnamese Ranger base 34:11.058 --> 34:12.780 approximately four km from the 34:12.780 --> 34:15.410 specialist original location . The 34:15.410 --> 34:17.570 totally exhausted specialist 5G 34:17.570 --> 34:19.570 remained at the Allied camp for two 34:19.570 --> 34:22.170 more days until yet another helicopter 34:22.540 --> 34:25.020 could return him to fab for medical 34:25.020 --> 34:28.240 assistance . On 22 February Specialist 34:28.240 --> 34:31.050 five Fuji's extraordinary heroism and 34:31.050 --> 34:33.272 devotion to duty were in the keeping of 34:33.272 --> 34:35.217 the highest traditions of military 34:35.217 --> 34:37.328 service and reflect great credit upon 34:37.328 --> 34:39.217 himself . His unit and the United 34:39.217 --> 34:41.328 States Army signed Joseph R . Biden , 34:41.328 --> 34:43.383 the president of the United States . 35:31.240 --> 35:31.470 Mhm 35:37.040 --> 35:39.060 Major John J . Duffy , 35:51.040 --> 35:53.207 attention to orders . The President of 35:53.207 --> 35:54.929 the United States of America , 35:54.929 --> 35:57.040 authorized by Act of Congress , March 35:57.040 --> 35:59.220 3rd 18 63 has awarded in the name of 35:59.220 --> 36:01.276 Congress the Medal of Honor to Major 36:01.276 --> 36:04.760 john D . J . Duffy , United States Army 36:04.790 --> 36:06.457 for conspicuous gallantry and 36:06.457 --> 36:08.679 intrepidity at the risk of his own life 36:08.679 --> 36:10.679 above and beyond the call of duty , 36:10.730 --> 36:12.674 Major john J . Duffy distinguished 36:12.674 --> 36:14.397 himself by acts of gallantry , 36:14.397 --> 36:16.508 intrepidity above and beyond the call 36:16.508 --> 36:18.508 of duty while serving as the senior 36:18.508 --> 36:20.786 advisor to the 11th Airborne Battalion , 36:20.786 --> 36:22.841 Second Brigade , Airborne Division , 36:22.841 --> 36:25.008 Army of the Republic of Vietnam in the 36:25.008 --> 36:27.230 Republic of Vietnam . During the period 36:27.230 --> 36:30.850 of 14 to 15 april 1972 . In the two 36:30.850 --> 36:33.910 days preceding the events of 14-15 36:33.910 --> 36:36.077 April 1972 , the commander of the 11th 36:36.077 --> 36:38.077 Airborne Battalion was killed . The 36:38.077 --> 36:40.132 battalion command post was destroyed 36:40.132 --> 36:42.243 and major Duffy was twice wounded but 36:42.243 --> 36:44.460 refused to be evacuated . Then on 14 36:44.460 --> 36:46.293 april , Major Duffy directed the 36:46.293 --> 36:48.490 defense of fire support base charlie 36:48.510 --> 36:50.510 which was surrounded by a battalion 36:50.510 --> 36:52.680 sized enemy element in the morning 36:52.680 --> 36:54.510 hours after a failed effort to 36:54.510 --> 36:56.621 establish a landing zone for resupply 36:56.621 --> 36:59.200 aircraft , he moved close to the enemy 36:59.200 --> 37:01.144 anti aircraft positions to call in 37:01.144 --> 37:03.470 airstrikes . At this time , Major Duffy 37:03.470 --> 37:05.581 was again wounded by fragments from a 37:05.581 --> 37:07.510 recoilless rifle round and again 37:07.510 --> 37:10.210 refused medical evacuation . Shortly 37:10.210 --> 37:12.432 thereafter the enemy began an artillery 37:12.432 --> 37:14.654 bombardment on the base and he remained 37:14.654 --> 37:16.500 in an exposed position to direct 37:16.510 --> 37:18.621 gunships onto enemy positions , which 37:18.621 --> 37:20.677 eventually silenced the enemy fire . 37:20.830 --> 37:23.052 Following the bombardment , Major Duffy 37:23.052 --> 37:25.274 assessed the conditions on the base and 37:25.274 --> 37:27.497 personally ensured the wounded friendly 37:27.497 --> 37:29.219 foreign soldiers were moved to 37:29.219 --> 37:31.274 positions of relative safety and the 37:31.274 --> 37:33.441 remaining ammunition was appropriately 37:33.441 --> 37:35.719 distributed to the remaining defenders . 37:35.719 --> 37:37.774 Shortly thereafter the enemy resumed 37:37.774 --> 37:39.886 indirect fire on the base . Expending 37:39.886 --> 37:42.163 an estimated 300 rounds . Nevertheless , 37:42.163 --> 37:44.274 he remained in an exposed position to 37:44.274 --> 37:46.108 direct gunship fire on the enemy 37:46.108 --> 37:48.441 positions . In the late afternoon hours , 37:48.441 --> 37:50.552 the enemy began a ground assault from 37:50.552 --> 37:52.552 all sides of the firebase and Major 37:52.552 --> 37:54.386 Duffy moved from the position to 37:54.386 --> 37:56.441 position to adjust fire spot targets 37:56.441 --> 37:58.163 for an artillery observers and 37:58.163 --> 38:00.330 ultimately to direct gunship fire on a 38:00.330 --> 38:02.163 friendly position which had been 38:02.163 --> 38:04.330 compromised . As the evening wore on , 38:04.330 --> 38:06.274 it became clear that the defenders 38:06.274 --> 38:08.330 could not withstand the overwhelming 38:08.330 --> 38:10.441 enemy forces and he began to organize 38:10.441 --> 38:12.497 an evacuation of the fire base under 38:12.497 --> 38:14.608 the cover of night . With the goal of 38:14.608 --> 38:16.886 with the goal of a complete withdrawal , 38:16.886 --> 38:18.997 Major Duffy was the last man off base 38:18.997 --> 38:20.997 remaining behind to adjust covering 38:20.997 --> 38:22.886 fire from gunships until the last 38:22.886 --> 38:25.200 possible moment when the acting 38:25.200 --> 38:27.256 battalion commander was wounded , he 38:27.256 --> 38:29.367 assumed command of the evacuation and 38:29.367 --> 38:31.478 maintain communication with available 38:31.478 --> 38:33.533 air support , direct to direct enemy 38:33.533 --> 38:35.367 fire on the enemy . In the early 38:35.367 --> 38:38.310 morning hours of 15 April the enemy 38:38.310 --> 38:40.310 ambushed the battalion , inflicting 38:40.310 --> 38:42.366 additional casualties and scattering 38:42.366 --> 38:44.310 some of the able bodied soldiers . 38:44.310 --> 38:46.088 Major Duffy organized defensive 38:46.088 --> 38:48.310 positions during the ambush and ensured 38:48.310 --> 38:50.199 the friendly foreign forces could 38:50.199 --> 38:52.421 successfully repulsed the enemy . After 38:52.421 --> 38:54.477 withstanding the ambush , he led the 38:54.477 --> 38:56.088 evacuees , many of whom were 38:56.088 --> 38:57.754 significantly wounded , to an 38:57.754 --> 38:59.866 established evacuation area . Despite 38:59.866 --> 39:02.032 continually pursued , being pursued by 39:02.032 --> 39:03.588 the enemy upon reaching the 39:03.588 --> 39:05.366 exfiltration site , Major Duffy 39:05.366 --> 39:07.310 directed gunship fire on the enemy 39:07.310 --> 39:09.532 positions and marked a landing zone for 39:09.532 --> 39:11.643 the helicopters . Only after ensuring 39:11.643 --> 39:13.754 all of the evacuees were on board did 39:13.754 --> 39:15.921 Major Duffy board while also assisting 39:15.921 --> 39:19.070 a wounded friendly foreign soldier and 39:19.070 --> 39:21.100 with him . Once on board he 39:21.100 --> 39:23.330 administered aid to a helicopter door 39:23.330 --> 39:25.497 gunner who had been wounded during the 39:25.497 --> 39:26.997 evacuation . Major Duffy's 39:26.997 --> 39:29.210 extraordinary heroism and selflessness 39:29.220 --> 39:31.387 above and beyond the call of duty were 39:31.387 --> 39:33.553 in keeping with the highest traditions 39:33.553 --> 39:35.664 of military service and reflect great 39:35.664 --> 39:37.831 credit upon himself . His unit and the 39:37.831 --> 39:39.776 United States Army signed joseph R 39:39.776 --> 39:42.053 Biden , President of the United States . 40:25.810 --> 40:26.530 Okay , 40:34.110 --> 40:35.943 please join me in receiving this 40:35.943 --> 40:38.960 blessing as we depart most Holy God , 40:38.960 --> 40:41.016 thank you for the lives of these men 40:41.016 --> 40:43.540 who inspire and challenge us to 40:43.540 --> 40:46.420 extraordinary acts of service . May . 40:46.420 --> 40:48.587 Each of us dare to follow the examples 40:48.587 --> 40:50.460 of the warriors in the face of 40:50.470 --> 40:52.470 seemingly insurmountable moments of 40:52.470 --> 40:54.581 danger and crisis and be like them in 40:54.581 --> 40:56.740 kind blessed specialist , Birdwell 40:56.740 --> 40:59.950 specialist Fuji Major Duffy and the 40:59.960 --> 41:02.450 Kaneshiro family . As the names of 41:02.450 --> 41:04.940 these men are forever etched into our 41:04.940 --> 41:07.051 nation's proud history and the path . 41:07.051 --> 41:09.530 Eon of heroes who have gone before . 41:10.110 --> 41:12.166 May their legacies be the true north 41:12.166 --> 41:14.810 for us to seek and may we all strive to 41:14.810 --> 41:17.032 be strong and courageous in the face of 41:17.032 --> 41:19.088 a myriad of challenges that life may 41:19.088 --> 41:21.220 bring our way . Keep the lamp of 41:21.220 --> 41:23.520 liberty burning bright and our nation's 41:23.520 --> 41:26.220 strong . It is in your holy and mighty 41:26.220 --> 41:27.930 name . I pray . Amen . 41:38.210 --> 41:40.488 I think we're dismissed . That's right . 41:41.610 --> 41:43.721 It's a great honor . Thank you all so 41:43.721 --> 41:45.850 very much . Ladies and gentlemen , 41:45.850 --> 41:47.794 please remain in your seats as the 41:47.794 --> 41:50.017 President and first lady depart . Thank 41:50.017 --> 41:49.830 you .