WEBVTT 00:00.440 --> 00:02.880 Welcome you all this morning for the 00:02.880 --> 00:05.550 Ukraine Defense Contact group meeting . 00:06.740 --> 00:09.430 I very much want to extend a warm 00:09.430 --> 00:11.597 welcome to our Distinguished Ministers 00:11.597 --> 00:13.900 and Chiefs of Defense . Thank you for 00:13.900 --> 00:15.844 joining us today . This is the 4th 00:15.844 --> 00:19.310 meeting of the UDCG . I'm celeste 00:19.310 --> 00:21.254 Wallander , Assistant Secretary of 00:21.254 --> 00:23.199 Defense for International Security 00:23.199 --> 00:25.421 Affairs and I'll serve as a facilitator 00:25.421 --> 00:28.020 for today's contact group . I would 00:28.020 --> 00:30.187 especially like to extend a warm thank 00:30.187 --> 00:32.370 you to Ukraine's Minister of Defense , 00:32.380 --> 00:34.590 Alexey Reznikoff for joining us 00:34.590 --> 00:37.380 virtually today . From Ukraine , we 00:37.380 --> 00:39.491 deeply value your presence and we are 00:39.491 --> 00:41.269 looking forward to hearing your 00:41.269 --> 00:43.570 thoughts here shortly . But first 00:43.580 --> 00:45.770 please let me introduce Secretary of 00:45.770 --> 00:48.260 Defense Lloyd Austin to deliver opening 00:48.270 --> 00:50.940 remarks . Mr Secretary . Thanks 00:50.940 --> 00:53.370 Secretary waldner and good morning , 00:53.380 --> 00:55.436 it's great to see everyone on screen 00:55.436 --> 00:58.340 today . Welcome to our 4th meeting of 00:58.340 --> 01:01.250 the Ukraine Defense Contact Group . 01:02.040 --> 01:05.330 We're meeting as Ukraine is about to 01:05.330 --> 01:08.760 enter the six month in its fight 01:09.140 --> 01:11.760 against Russia's cruel and unprovoked 01:11.770 --> 01:14.800 invasion . And it's an important forum 01:14.800 --> 01:16.967 for discussing the urgent requirements 01:16.967 --> 01:19.078 that Ukraine needs to defend itself , 01:19.540 --> 01:21.940 its citizens and its sovereign 01:21.940 --> 01:25.750 territory . Our assistance is making a 01:25.750 --> 01:28.530 real difference on the ground . But 01:28.530 --> 01:30.641 let's start by taking a step back and 01:30.641 --> 01:32.970 remembering how we got to this .6 01:32.970 --> 01:36.050 months into a war of choice that the 01:36.050 --> 01:38.460 Kremlin thought would be over in days . 01:39.940 --> 01:42.120 on 24th February Russia deployed a 01:42.120 --> 01:44.840 massive invasion force to counter the 01:44.840 --> 01:47.030 entire country to conquer the entire 01:47.030 --> 01:49.760 country of Ukraine and they failed . 01:51.140 --> 01:53.720 Russia poured its troops and steel in 01:53.730 --> 01:57.350 into taking Kiev and they failed . 01:58.840 --> 02:00.440 Russia tried to topple the 02:00.440 --> 02:02.496 democratically elected government of 02:02.496 --> 02:05.460 Ukraine and they failed 02:06.940 --> 02:09.010 and then Russia retooled and and 02:09.010 --> 02:10.843 thought it could easily sees the 02:10.843 --> 02:14.780 Donbass . They failed and 02:14.780 --> 02:16.891 throughout Russia trying to crush the 02:16.891 --> 02:19.560 spirit of the free people of Ukraine 02:21.040 --> 02:24.830 and they failed . And as we have seen 02:24.830 --> 02:26.941 time and again over these past months 02:26.941 --> 02:29.600 of war , Ukrainian forces are 02:29.600 --> 02:32.130 frustrating Moscow's combat objectives 02:33.040 --> 02:35.260 and they are defending their democracy 02:35.270 --> 02:38.150 in their homeland with bravery , 02:38.640 --> 02:42.420 resolve and valor . We're all here 02:42.420 --> 02:44.650 because we understand the grave threat 02:44.660 --> 02:48.160 that Ukraine still faces . But let's 02:48.160 --> 02:49.820 also remember that Putin has 02:49.820 --> 02:53.720 consistently overestimated Russia's 02:53.720 --> 02:56.790 military prowess and he has 02:56.790 --> 03:00.050 consistently underestimated the power 03:00.050 --> 03:02.380 of a free people fighting to defend 03:02.380 --> 03:05.280 their homeland and the will of the 03:05.280 --> 03:07.420 international community to stand with 03:07.420 --> 03:11.050 them . And so as this fight rages 03:11.050 --> 03:12.910 on , the contact group will keep 03:12.910 --> 03:16.710 finding innovative ways to sustain our 03:16.710 --> 03:19.550 long term support for the brave men and 03:19.550 --> 03:21.860 women of the Ukrainian armed forces 03:23.440 --> 03:25.496 and we will tailor our assistance to 03:25.496 --> 03:28.760 ensure that Ukraine has a technology , 03:29.540 --> 03:33.030 the ammunition and the sheer firepower 03:33.030 --> 03:36.840 to defend itself . You know , this is a 03:36.840 --> 03:39.760 critical phase of the , of the conflict 03:40.940 --> 03:43.290 and so our collective support for 03:43.290 --> 03:46.060 Ukraine is vital and urgent 03:48.040 --> 03:50.040 Russia thinks that it can outlast 03:50.040 --> 03:53.840 Ukraine and outlast us . But that's 03:53.840 --> 03:56.100 just the latest in Russia's string of 03:56.100 --> 04:00.030 miscalculations . We stand united 04:00.040 --> 04:03.840 in our support . We stand firm in our 04:03.840 --> 04:05.840 commitment and we will rise to this 04:05.840 --> 04:09.540 occasion . Now , one month ago , in 04:09.540 --> 04:11.707 brussels , this group met in person to 04:11.707 --> 04:14.370 reaffirm our dedication to Ukraine self 04:14.370 --> 04:17.310 defense . And we heard from many 04:17.310 --> 04:19.560 countries undertaking important new 04:19.560 --> 04:22.630 initiatives In more than 30 countries 04:22.630 --> 04:24.310 have now sent lethal military 04:24.310 --> 04:26.730 assistance to Ukraine in its hour of 04:26.730 --> 04:29.660 crisis . And we continue to make 04:29.660 --> 04:32.670 important headway and we're seeing the 04:32.670 --> 04:35.560 results on the ground From our meeting 04:35.560 --> 04:37.616 in Brussels . Until now , the United 04:37.616 --> 04:40.220 States has committed more than $2.6 04:40.220 --> 04:42.387 billion dollars in security assistance 04:42.387 --> 04:45.820 to Ukraine . Our assistance includes a 04:45.820 --> 04:48.260 total of 12 High Mars multiple launch 04:48.260 --> 04:50.620 rocket systems to further strengthen 04:50.620 --> 04:52.910 Ukraine's long range fires capability . 04:54.040 --> 04:56.130 And I want to underscore the impact 04:56.140 --> 04:59.280 that they've made . We've also 04:59.280 --> 05:01.820 committed to Nissan's air defense 05:01.820 --> 05:05.080 systems to help Ukraine protect its 05:05.080 --> 05:07.210 forces and its civilians against 05:07.250 --> 05:10.560 Russian missile attacks . The United 05:10.560 --> 05:12.560 States is also committed to sending 05:12.750 --> 05:15.980 more high MARS munitions , precision 05:15.980 --> 05:19.120 guided artillery , ammunition and 05:19.120 --> 05:21.510 tactical vehicles and other urgently 05:21.510 --> 05:24.400 needed support . And we'll continue to 05:24.400 --> 05:26.570 provide historic levels of security 05:26.570 --> 05:28.459 assistance to help Ukraine defend 05:28.459 --> 05:31.810 itself . And later this week we'll roll 05:31.810 --> 05:34.010 out our next presidential drawdown 05:34.010 --> 05:36.360 package of weapons , ammunition and 05:36.360 --> 05:39.560 equipment for Ukraine . It will be our 05:39.560 --> 05:43.510 16th drawdown of equipment from D . O . 05:43.510 --> 05:46.460 D Inventory since August 2021 . 05:47.640 --> 05:49.640 It will include four more high mars 05:49.640 --> 05:51.960 advanced rocket systems which the 05:51.960 --> 05:54.100 Ukrainians have been using so 05:54.100 --> 05:56.480 effectively and which have made such a 05:56.480 --> 05:59.230 difference on the battlefield and it 05:59.230 --> 06:01.860 will include more rounds of MlRS and 06:01.860 --> 06:05.380 artillery ammunition in other countries 06:05.380 --> 06:07.602 have continued to step up their support 06:07.602 --> 06:09.880 as well , including the important area , 06:10.040 --> 06:12.350 any important area of long range fires . 06:13.340 --> 06:17.150 The UK is uh M 2 70 M . R . S systems 06:17.150 --> 06:19.540 are now in the fight and Germany 06:19.540 --> 06:21.762 systems will soon be on the battlefield 06:21.762 --> 06:25.010 as well . And Poland has also recently 06:25.010 --> 06:28.440 transferred three battalions of 155 06:28.440 --> 06:30.662 millimeters self propelled howitzers to 06:30.662 --> 06:32.950 Ukraine , which are already making a 06:32.950 --> 06:35.870 difference on the front lines . And I 06:35.870 --> 06:38.210 want to especially thank Norway for its 06:38.210 --> 06:40.099 close cooperation with the United 06:40.099 --> 06:42.560 States . On our nice sam's transfer , 06:44.240 --> 06:46.550 Ukrainian armed forces have repeatedly 06:46.560 --> 06:49.380 repeatedly demonstrated their skill in 06:49.380 --> 06:53.310 operating high mars In them to 70 and 06:53.310 --> 06:56.440 155 millimeter howitzers and those 06:56.440 --> 06:58.551 capabilities have been crucial in the 06:58.551 --> 07:02.390 Donbas fight . Ukraine has also 07:02.510 --> 07:04.460 made real gains on the ground with 07:04.840 --> 07:06.896 other equipment that members of this 07:06.896 --> 07:08.960 contact group have provided . For 07:08.960 --> 07:10.793 example , Ukraine has definitely 07:10.793 --> 07:13.470 employed donated harpoon systems 07:13.470 --> 07:15.692 against Russia's navy and the Black Sea 07:16.240 --> 07:19.080 and those systems help Ukraine reclaim 07:19.090 --> 07:22.170 Snake Island . So I look forward to 07:22.170 --> 07:24.003 today's discussion on how we can 07:24.003 --> 07:26.850 continue to rush Ukraine more critical 07:26.850 --> 07:29.030 capabilities and urgently urgently 07:29.030 --> 07:31.930 needed ammunition and here to help us 07:31.930 --> 07:34.097 understand those critical requirements 07:34.540 --> 07:36.660 are my close friends and colleagues . 07:37.940 --> 07:40.530 Ukrainian Minister of Defense Olexiy 07:40.530 --> 07:44.240 Reznikoff and Deputy Chief of Defense 07:44.240 --> 07:47.460 Lieutenant General moisture . Mr 07:47.460 --> 07:49.720 Reznikoff and I have been in close and 07:49.720 --> 07:51.940 ongoing touch about Ukraine's combat 07:51.940 --> 07:54.780 requirements in progress since our last 07:54.790 --> 07:57.230 in person meeting in brussels and 07:57.230 --> 07:59.230 gentlemen , I want to thank you and 07:59.230 --> 08:01.700 your teams for joining us . In today's 08:01.700 --> 08:03.830 meeting . We deeply admire your 08:04.070 --> 08:06.181 tireless commitment to your country's 08:06.181 --> 08:08.790 defense and we deeply appreciate your 08:08.790 --> 08:10.970 close cooperation over these past few 08:10.970 --> 08:13.880 months . I'm also honored to be joined 08:13.890 --> 08:16.090 again by ministers and chiefs of 08:16.090 --> 08:19.100 defense from some 50 countries . The 08:19.100 --> 08:21.322 contract group continues to make a real 08:21.322 --> 08:24.140 difference in real time and that's a 08:24.140 --> 08:26.820 testament to our collective resolve to 08:26.820 --> 08:28.598 stand up to Russia's assault on 08:28.598 --> 08:31.070 democracy , sovereignty and the rules 08:31.070 --> 08:33.380 based international order that keeps us 08:33.380 --> 08:36.130 all secure . So let me thank everyone 08:36.130 --> 08:38.074 for joining us . And now we'll say 08:38.074 --> 08:40.186 goodbye to our friends from the media 08:40.186 --> 08:42.130 and following the departure of the 08:42.130 --> 08:44.241 media , I'll turn the microphone over 08:44.241 --> 08:46.519 to my dear friend , Minister Reznikoff . 08:46.519 --> 08:46.850 Thank you very much .