WEBVTT 00:05.030 --> 00:07.197 well thank you everyone for being here 00:07.197 --> 00:09.690 today . It is my pleasure to introduce 00:09.690 --> 00:11.801 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin the 00:11.801 --> 00:13.968 third and Republic of Korea . Minister 00:13.968 --> 00:16.580 of National Defense lee jong su , the 00:16.580 --> 00:18.802 Secretary and the minister will deliver 00:18.802 --> 00:20.802 opening remarks and then we'll have 00:20.802 --> 00:22.913 time to take a few questions . I will 00:22.913 --> 00:24.969 moderate and call on the journalists 00:24.969 --> 00:27.136 and with that Secretary Austin over to 00:27.136 --> 00:29.690 you sir . Thanks Pat . Good afternoon 00:29.690 --> 00:32.370 everyone . And let me again warmly 00:32.370 --> 00:34.426 welcome Minister Lee and his team to 00:34.426 --> 00:38.210 the pentagon For the 54th Security 00:38.210 --> 00:41.110 Consultative Meeting . Mr Lee . It's 00:41.110 --> 00:44.490 great to have you here . Before I begin , 00:45.360 --> 00:47.590 I'd like to express my deepest 00:47.590 --> 00:49.530 condolences condolences for the 00:49.530 --> 00:52.710 terrible tragedy that occurred in Seoul 00:52.710 --> 00:56.050 this past weekend . Our hearts go out 00:56.060 --> 00:58.282 to the families of all the victims from 00:58.282 --> 01:01.300 across south Korea and around the world , 01:01.980 --> 01:04.270 Including two young Americans . 01:05.810 --> 01:07.921 And we stand together with the people 01:07.921 --> 01:09.866 of South Korea during this time of 01:09.866 --> 01:13.210 national mourning . Now 01:14.250 --> 01:16.710 it's highly unfortunate that the DpRK 01:16.710 --> 01:18.710 has chosen to interrupt this solemn 01:18.710 --> 01:21.760 period with the illegal and 01:21.770 --> 01:23.740 destabilizing launch of an 01:23.750 --> 01:26.390 intercontinental continental ballistic 01:26.390 --> 01:29.500 missile last night as well as 01:29.510 --> 01:32.010 additional missile launches . Today , 01:33.280 --> 01:35.336 I've consulted with Minister Lee and 01:35.336 --> 01:38.820 we've decided to extend vigilant 01:38.820 --> 01:42.490 storm which is our long schedule 01:42.490 --> 01:46.150 combined training exercise to further 01:46.150 --> 01:47.600 bolster our readiness and 01:47.600 --> 01:50.770 interoperability and we'll continue to 01:50.770 --> 01:52.660 work closely together to develop 01:52.660 --> 01:55.710 options to protect the United States 01:55.710 --> 01:59.710 and our allies in the region . Now 02:00.440 --> 02:04.350 let me turn to the work of the Security 02:04.350 --> 02:07.750 consultative meeting . As you know , 02:07.750 --> 02:09.917 it's the annual capstone event for the 02:09.917 --> 02:13.890 US Rock alliance and 02:13.890 --> 02:16.057 it brings our defense leaders together 02:16.057 --> 02:17.890 to discuss shared challenges and 02:17.890 --> 02:20.740 opportunities and to deepen our 02:20.740 --> 02:22.810 cooperation and friendship . 02:24.620 --> 02:26.420 Next year will mark the 70th 02:26.420 --> 02:29.890 anniversary of the signing of the US 02:29.900 --> 02:33.480 Rock Mutual defense treaty and the 02:33.480 --> 02:35.710 establishment of our alliance 02:37.240 --> 02:39.750 for nearly seven decades , this 02:39.750 --> 02:41.806 alliance has been an anchor of peace 02:41.806 --> 02:44.530 and security on the korean peninsula 02:44.540 --> 02:48.070 and across the broader indo pacific 02:49.190 --> 02:52.710 and today the Rok is a 02:52.710 --> 02:56.290 tremendously capable ally and a 02:56.290 --> 02:59.990 provider of security in the region and 02:59.990 --> 03:01.657 a defender of the rules based 03:01.657 --> 03:04.340 international order that keeps us all 03:04.340 --> 03:08.340 secure . Now , Minister Lee and I had 03:08.350 --> 03:11.880 an outstanding discussion today we 03:11.880 --> 03:13.713 talked about the D . P R . K . S 03:13.713 --> 03:15.213 continued provocations and 03:15.213 --> 03:19.130 destabilizing actions and at this 03:19.130 --> 03:22.000 time of heightened tension . Our 03:22.000 --> 03:25.690 alliance is ironclad . The United 03:25.690 --> 03:27.801 States remains fully committed to the 03:27.801 --> 03:30.940 defense of the Rok and our extended 03:30.940 --> 03:34.680 deterrence commitment is firm and 03:34.680 --> 03:37.210 includes a full range of our nuclear 03:37.540 --> 03:39.990 and conventional and missile defense 03:39.990 --> 03:43.850 capabilities . Minister 03:43.850 --> 03:45.628 Lee and I also talked about the 03:45.628 --> 03:47.794 tremendous progress that we've made in 03:47.794 --> 03:50.060 recent months to deepen our secure our 03:50.060 --> 03:52.480 cooperation and bolster our shared 03:52.480 --> 03:56.300 security just within the past year . 03:56.300 --> 03:58.300 We have conducted a very successful 03:58.300 --> 04:01.270 summit between our presidents that 04:01.270 --> 04:03.800 charted a shared vision for our 04:03.800 --> 04:07.750 alliance's future in july . 04:07.760 --> 04:11.330 We deployed 5th Generation fighters to 04:11.330 --> 04:14.490 the Republic of Korea and in late 04:14.490 --> 04:17.560 september the USs Ronald Reagan 04:17.560 --> 04:20.440 conducted his first court call To the 04:20.440 --> 04:23.950 rok in five years on the 04:23.950 --> 04:25.950 peninsula . Were returning to large 04:25.950 --> 04:28.510 scale exercises to strengthen our 04:28.510 --> 04:30.621 combined readiness and our ability to 04:30.621 --> 04:33.030 fight tonight if necessary . 04:34.690 --> 04:37.000 We're committed to building on on these 04:37.000 --> 04:39.150 efforts to strengthen integrated 04:39.150 --> 04:42.010 deterrence and to ensure that this 04:42.010 --> 04:44.980 alliance continues to bolster security 04:44.990 --> 04:47.220 and stability on the korean peninsula 04:47.220 --> 04:48.998 and throughout the indo pacific 04:51.520 --> 04:55.210 you know , for decades , US and rok 04:55.210 --> 04:58.040 service members have fought side by 04:58.040 --> 05:00.410 side to defend the ideals of freedom . 05:02.580 --> 05:05.400 This alliance is founded on that shared 05:05.410 --> 05:08.940 sacrifice . So we will confront the 05:08.940 --> 05:11.051 challenges of the future the same way 05:11.051 --> 05:14.360 that we have for nearly 70 years by 05:14.360 --> 05:17.180 standing shoulder to shoulder that's 05:17.180 --> 05:20.770 proud allies . I'm enormously 05:20.770 --> 05:22.603 proud of what we've accomplished 05:22.603 --> 05:24.770 together and I'm very grateful for the 05:24.770 --> 05:27.460 Republic of Korea's partnership . So 05:27.460 --> 05:29.516 thank you and let me turn it over to 05:29.516 --> 05:31.293 Minister lee for his comments . 05:32.830 --> 05:36.530 Hello , I'm Rock Minister of Defense 05:36.540 --> 05:39.010 first of all , 05:40.540 --> 05:44.280 thank you very much for your sincere 05:44.280 --> 05:46.490 condolences to the tragedy happened in 05:46.490 --> 05:50.270 Korea also 05:50.280 --> 05:52.850 thank you for your effort for the peace 05:52.850 --> 05:54.906 and security of the korean peninsula 05:54.906 --> 05:56.961 peninsula and development of Rock US 05:56.961 --> 05:59.072 Alliance and your support . Thank you 05:59.072 --> 06:03.010 very much for that today . Through 06:03.020 --> 06:05.710 the 54th security consultation meeting 06:05.710 --> 06:07.710 hosted for the first time since the 06:07.710 --> 06:10.043 inauguration of the unit administration . 06:10.043 --> 06:12.154 We once again affirmed the robustness 06:12.154 --> 06:14.250 of the Iraq US military alliance and 06:14.250 --> 06:16.350 the steadfastness of the combined 06:16.350 --> 06:20.320 defense posture furthermore . Reaffirm 06:20.330 --> 06:23.140 that Rock US alliance is developing 06:23.140 --> 06:25.362 into a global , comprehensive strategic 06:25.362 --> 06:27.584 alliance based on shared values such as 06:27.584 --> 06:29.930 liberal democracy , human rights and 06:29.930 --> 06:33.270 the rule of law , Secretary 06:33.270 --> 06:35.770 Austin and I held two ministerial 06:35.770 --> 06:37.659 meetings this year to work on the 06:37.659 --> 06:40.560 details of the agreements on defense 06:40.560 --> 06:42.560 areas as agreed upon during the May 06:42.560 --> 06:45.990 Rock US presidential summit Today was 06:45.990 --> 06:48.157 my third time to meet Secretary Austin 06:48.157 --> 06:50.046 and we made a lot of achievements 06:50.046 --> 06:53.730 during this 54th SCM First 06:53.745 --> 06:56.745 Secretary Austin and I assess the daily 06:56.745 --> 06:59.345 advances of DpRK nuclear and missile 06:59.345 --> 07:01.745 threats as a grave security challenge 07:01.755 --> 07:03.866 to the peace and stability , not only 07:03.866 --> 07:05.811 on the korean peninsula and in the 07:05.811 --> 07:07.422 Northeast Asia , but for the 07:07.422 --> 07:09.644 international community and in order to 07:09.644 --> 07:11.755 practically deter and respond to such 07:11.755 --> 07:13.477 threats . We agreed to further 07:13.477 --> 07:15.533 strengthen the alliance capabilities 07:15.533 --> 07:16.533 and posture , 07:17.010 --> 07:20.630 Secretary Austin 07:20.640 --> 07:22.807 committed to the provision of extended 07:22.807 --> 07:25.010 deterrence to the republic of Korea , 07:25.020 --> 07:27.131 leveraging the full range of military 07:27.131 --> 07:29.353 capabilities including not only nuclear 07:29.353 --> 07:31.353 and conventional forces but missile 07:31.353 --> 07:33.131 defense capabilities , but also 07:33.131 --> 07:35.298 advanced non nuclear capabilities such 07:35.298 --> 07:37.353 as space , cyber and electromagnetic 07:37.353 --> 07:41.340 capabilities . Secretary Austin and 07:41.340 --> 07:43.480 I affirmed that any nuclear attack by 07:43.480 --> 07:45.740 the DpRK including the use of tactical 07:45.740 --> 07:48.030 nuclear weapons is unacceptable and 07:48.030 --> 07:50.363 result in the end of kim jong un regime . 07:50.363 --> 07:52.197 By the overwhelming and decisive 07:52.197 --> 07:53.197 response of the 07:53.197 --> 07:59.140 alliance . 07:59.750 --> 08:02.300 This is a strong warning against the 08:02.300 --> 08:05.990 DpRK . Also , Secretary 08:05.990 --> 08:07.790 Austin and I pledge to further 08:07.790 --> 08:09.790 strengthen alliances capability and 08:09.790 --> 08:11.901 posture in respective areas including 08:11.901 --> 08:13.734 information sharing consultation 08:13.734 --> 08:16.040 process . Joint planning and execution 08:16.050 --> 08:18.272 to effectively deter and respond to the 08:18.272 --> 08:20.550 Dprk advancing nuclear and missile 08:20.550 --> 08:24.390 threats . In particular . Secretary and 08:24.390 --> 08:26.612 I will work on response options towards 08:26.612 --> 08:28.730 all possible nuclear use scenarios by 08:28.730 --> 08:31.380 the DpRK . To this end , 08:31.540 --> 08:34.680 Secretary and I noted that progress in 08:34.680 --> 08:37.320 revising the tailored the term strategy 08:37.320 --> 08:40.040 or TDS and pledged to put efforts to 08:40.040 --> 08:42.262 complete the revision of the TDS by the 08:42.262 --> 08:45.150 2023 SCM and prepare response options 08:45.150 --> 08:47.590 bi annually conducting turn strategy 08:47.590 --> 08:51.090 committee tabletop exercise or 08:51.090 --> 08:54.390 DSC T T . X under the scenario of DpRK 08:54.390 --> 08:58.150 nuclear use . In 08:58.150 --> 09:00.340 addition , Secretary Austin pledged to 09:00.340 --> 09:02.530 effectively respond to any DpRK 09:02.530 --> 09:05.190 provocation by employing US strategic 09:05.190 --> 09:07.079 assets to the level equivalent to 09:07.079 --> 09:09.246 constant deployment through increasing 09:09.246 --> 09:10.968 the frequency and intensity of 09:10.968 --> 09:12.857 strategic asset deployment in and 09:12.857 --> 09:15.640 around the korean peninsula , 09:18.000 --> 09:21.000 along with the efforts of the alliance 09:21.000 --> 09:23.310 to deter and respond to Dprk nuclear 09:23.310 --> 09:25.880 threats . Secretary Austin and I pledge 09:25.880 --> 09:28.350 to encourage DpRK to choose 09:28.360 --> 09:30.360 denuclearization and the path for a 09:30.360 --> 09:32.416 brighter future . We also pledged to 09:32.416 --> 09:34.527 continue our cooperation to achieve a 09:34.527 --> 09:36.471 complete denuclearization of north 09:36.471 --> 09:39.770 Korea . In this context , 09:39.780 --> 09:42.150 Secretary Austin assessed that the Rock 09:42.150 --> 09:44.261 governments audacious initiative is a 09:44.261 --> 09:46.210 practical approach and expresses 09:46.220 --> 09:48.900 support for it . Rock government 09:48.900 --> 09:51.067 audacious initiative is along the same 09:51.067 --> 09:53.920 line as the US approach to the DpRK an 09:53.920 --> 09:55.864 approach of victorian DpRK threats 09:55.864 --> 09:58.031 based on overwhelming combined defense 09:58.031 --> 09:59.809 capability and posture while in 09:59.809 --> 10:01.698 parallel seeking for a diplomatic 10:01.698 --> 10:03.587 solution by keeping the window of 10:03.587 --> 10:07.320 dialogue open . 10:09.090 --> 10:12.090 As stated , both countries will adhere 10:12.090 --> 10:14.630 to the principle DpRK policies through 10:14.630 --> 10:17.650 close cooperation until the day DPRK 10:17.650 --> 10:21.410 decides to denuclearize and the Rock 10:21.410 --> 10:23.688 Ministry of National Defense and the U . 10:23.688 --> 10:25.910 S . Department of Defense will backstop 10:25.910 --> 10:28.077 the efforts with strength . During the 10:28.077 --> 10:30.299 meeting . There are earnest discussions 10:30.299 --> 10:32.354 and cooperation between the Rock and 10:32.354 --> 10:34.132 the US and our partners for the 10:34.132 --> 10:36.077 promotion of regional security and 10:36.077 --> 10:38.077 measures of bolstering multilateral 10:38.077 --> 10:41.060 cooperation in order to respond to DpRK 10:41.060 --> 10:43.282 nuclear and missile threats . Secretary 10:43.282 --> 10:45.338 and I formed to continuously advance 10:45.338 --> 10:47.625 Iraq US Japan security cooperation for 10:47.625 --> 10:50.005 which we agreed to activate trilateral 10:50.005 --> 10:52.095 senior level policy consultation , 10:52.125 --> 10:54.455 information sharing , training and 10:54.455 --> 10:57.285 personnel exchanges and Secretary and I . 10:57.285 --> 10:59.755 I also pledged to resume early next 10:59.755 --> 11:01.915 year . The ASD level policy 11:01.915 --> 11:03.748 consultation body called defense 11:03.748 --> 11:06.330 trilateral talks or D . T . T , which 11:06.330 --> 11:08.552 has been suspended for the past years . 11:08.552 --> 11:10.970 Secretary and I also shared a strong 11:10.970 --> 11:12.914 sentiment on the importance of the 11:12.914 --> 11:14.914 rules based international order and 11:14.914 --> 11:16.970 pledged to closely cooperate for the 11:16.970 --> 11:18.859 peace and stability in the in the 11:18.859 --> 11:21.730 pacific region In particular , 11:21.730 --> 11:23.508 Secretary Austin expressed much 11:23.508 --> 11:26.170 interest in the indo pacific strategy 11:26.180 --> 11:28.780 framework which is the Rock government 11:28.780 --> 11:31.470 is currently developing the republic of 11:31.470 --> 11:33.692 Korea is a responsible , global pivotal 11:33.692 --> 11:35.859 state of the international community , 11:35.859 --> 11:37.914 will more closely cooperate with the 11:37.914 --> 11:39.970 United States . The only ally of our 11:39.970 --> 11:41.960 nation in order to overcome global 11:41.960 --> 11:43.930 security challenges 11:47.640 --> 11:51.570 next 11:51.570 --> 11:54.000 year marks the 70th anniversary of the 11:54.000 --> 11:56.111 Rock US Alliance . While pursuing the 11:56.111 --> 11:58.278 goal of global comprehensive Strategic 11:58.278 --> 12:00.180 Alliance . Secretary Austin and I 12:00.180 --> 12:02.960 concur to plan and hold various joint 12:02.970 --> 12:05.010 events in celebration of the 70th 12:05.010 --> 12:07.121 anniversary for future advance of the 12:07.121 --> 12:09.915 alliance . The events will serve as an 12:09.915 --> 12:12.026 opportunity for us to commemorate the 12:12.026 --> 12:13.637 noble sacrifices made in the 12:13.637 --> 12:15.637 battlefields by the rocking U . S . 12:15.637 --> 12:17.748 Service members and to consult on the 12:17.748 --> 12:20.075 challenges which alliance faces today 12:20.085 --> 12:23.995 and to envision the path forward 12:23.995 --> 12:25.730 for Rock US alliance 12:27.100 --> 12:29.920 By reaffirming the unwavering us 12:29.920 --> 12:32.031 defense commitment to the Republic of 12:32.031 --> 12:33.809 Korea efforts to strengthen the 12:33.809 --> 12:35.976 capabilities to implement the extended 12:35.976 --> 12:38.330 deterrence as well as a robust combined 12:38.330 --> 12:40.630 defense posture based on the capability 12:40.640 --> 12:42.970 and resolve our two nations through the 12:42.970 --> 12:46.935 54 SCM . Secretary Austin and I . S . S . 12:46.935 --> 12:48.991 That we have demonstrated values and 12:48.991 --> 12:51.046 trust of the Rock US alliance to the 12:51.046 --> 12:52.991 people of both nations and a great 12:52.991 --> 12:55.157 message of warning to the DPRK and the 12:55.157 --> 12:57.635 robustness of the alliance to the 12:57.645 --> 12:59.905 international community . 12:59.915 --> 13:03.645 Lastly , I once again extend my sincere 13:03.645 --> 13:05.995 gratitude to Secretary Austin and the 13:05.995 --> 13:08.162 staff at the Department of Defense for 13:08.162 --> 13:10.273 their warm hospitality towards myself 13:10.273 --> 13:12.273 and the Rock delegation . Thank you 13:12.273 --> 13:14.495 very much . Secretary Austin . Minister 13:14.495 --> 13:16.662 lee , thank you gentlemen , ladies and 13:16.662 --> 13:18.551 gentlemen , we'll be switching to 13:18.551 --> 13:20.328 consecutive translation for the 13:20.328 --> 13:22.273 question and answer portion . So I 13:22.273 --> 13:24.273 would ask you to kindly remove your 13:24.273 --> 13:26.439 headsets . Uh First question will come 13:26.439 --> 13:28.662 from Reuters Phil Stewart . Thank you . 13:28.662 --> 13:30.828 Secretary Austin . Do you repeated and 13:30.828 --> 13:32.717 increasingly regular North korean 13:32.717 --> 13:34.884 missile tests show the US rok alliance 13:34.884 --> 13:37.051 needs to adjust its deterrent strategy 13:37.051 --> 13:39.273 and on Russia . Is your assessment that 13:39.273 --> 13:41.495 Ukrainian forces will be able to retake 13:41.495 --> 13:43.551 Carson city and and that the Russian 13:43.551 --> 13:45.606 forces are preparing to leave and to 13:45.606 --> 13:47.773 Minister lee you've called for a shift 13:47.773 --> 13:49.850 in strategy away from trying to stop 13:49.850 --> 13:51.850 north Korea from developing nuclear 13:51.850 --> 13:53.961 weapons . But what would a shift from 13:53.961 --> 13:56.072 denuclearization looked like ? And do 13:56.072 --> 13:57.906 you believe the U . S . Needs to 13:57.906 --> 14:00.128 consider reintroducing tactical nuclear 14:00.128 --> 14:02.350 weapons to the korean peninsula ? Thank 14:02.350 --> 14:05.690 you . Thanks Phil 14:05.700 --> 14:08.780 on on the first question , in terms of 14:08.780 --> 14:12.290 whether or not we need to adjust our 14:12.290 --> 14:15.810 strategy . Just say first that you've 14:15.810 --> 14:17.860 heard me say this a number of times 14:17.870 --> 14:20.690 that we you know , our commitment to 14:20.700 --> 14:24.300 defending the Rok is iron clad . Uh 14:24.310 --> 14:28.040 we strongly condemn the the 14:28.050 --> 14:31.600 Dprk is irresponsible and 14:31.600 --> 14:35.240 reckless activities . As we said before . 14:35.240 --> 14:36.907 These kinds of activities are 14:36.907 --> 14:39.400 destabilizing to the region potentially . 14:39.930 --> 14:43.260 So we call on them to to cease that 14:43.270 --> 14:45.460 that type of activity and to begin to 14:45.460 --> 14:48.910 engage in serious dialogue on the issue 14:48.910 --> 14:51.600 of whether or not the Ukrainians can 14:52.960 --> 14:56.670 take the remaining territory on the 14:56.670 --> 14:59.920 west side of the of the Dnieper River 14:59.920 --> 15:03.460 in uh in in Kherson , I certainly 15:03.460 --> 15:05.571 believe that they have the capability 15:05.571 --> 15:07.571 to do that . Most importantly , the 15:07.571 --> 15:09.682 Ukrainians believe that they have the 15:09.682 --> 15:11.904 capability to do that . We've seen them 15:11.904 --> 15:13.682 engage in a very methodical but 15:13.682 --> 15:17.570 effective uh effort to uh to take 15:17.580 --> 15:19.760 back their sovereign territory . I 15:19.760 --> 15:21.982 think you'll see them continue to press 15:21.982 --> 15:25.160 until they secure the territory on the 15:25.170 --> 15:27.520 on the west side of the of the river . 15:27.530 --> 15:29.752 So to answer your question , I do think 15:29.752 --> 15:33.020 they have the capability . Good . 15:52.140 --> 15:54.430 As for the question that was asked me , 15:54.430 --> 15:56.486 I believe the question was regarding 15:56.486 --> 15:58.597 the redeployment of tactical nukes of 15:58.597 --> 16:00.319 the United States to state our 16:00.319 --> 16:02.541 government's stance of denuclearization 16:02.541 --> 16:04.763 policy on the on the korean peninsula . 16:04.763 --> 16:06.986 I'd like to say that there is no change 16:06.986 --> 16:09.208 in our denuclearization policy and that 16:09.208 --> 16:11.430 for now we do not have we are currently 16:11.430 --> 16:13.652 not thinking to redeploy tactical nukes 16:13.652 --> 16:12.780 on the korean peninsula . Thank you . 16:13.360 --> 16:15.471 Thank you gentlemen . Next , we'll go 16:15.471 --> 16:19.350 to Korea herald From the 16:19.360 --> 16:21.900 career . Right , I have two questions 16:21.910 --> 16:24.260 for Secretary Austin . My first 16:24.260 --> 16:27.340 question is on the effectiveness of the 16:27.340 --> 16:30.280 US extended deterrence . Um North Korea 16:30.280 --> 16:32.560 has so far launched more than 40 16:32.570 --> 16:34.737 missiles of different types since late 16:34.737 --> 16:36.403 September and north Korea has 16:36.403 --> 16:38.459 threatened to strike targeting south 16:38.459 --> 16:40.514 south korean territory with tactical 16:40.710 --> 16:43.260 nuclear weapons ? Clearly , North Korea 16:43.260 --> 16:45.093 has continued saber rattling and 16:45.093 --> 16:47.480 provocations . But do you still think 16:47.480 --> 16:49.536 that the current extended deterrence 16:49.536 --> 16:51.830 arrangement has been effective in 16:51.850 --> 16:54.040 deterring north Korea . And what kind 16:54.040 --> 16:56.096 of north korean behavior the U . S . 16:56.096 --> 16:58.700 And South Korea said to deter . And my 16:58.700 --> 17:00.867 second question is on the inter korean 17:00.867 --> 17:02.970 military agreement . North Korea has 17:02.970 --> 17:04.803 repeatedly violated inter korean 17:04.803 --> 17:06.980 Comprehensive military agreement ? It 17:06.980 --> 17:10.020 has fired around 1000 artillery shells . 17:10.240 --> 17:12.351 Inter korean maritime . Before john . 17:12.351 --> 17:14.184 Um do you think the inter korean 17:14.184 --> 17:16.184 comprehensive military agreement is 17:16.184 --> 17:18.520 still effective in reducing tensions 17:18.520 --> 17:20.576 between the two Korea . Do you still 17:20.576 --> 17:22.576 support introduced , do you support 17:22.576 --> 17:24.798 inter korean military tension reduction 17:24.798 --> 17:26.853 agreement ? Or should we abandon the 17:26.853 --> 17:27.720 deal ? Yeah . 17:31.260 --> 17:34.050 On on the second question , I certainly , 17:34.060 --> 17:37.200 yes , I do think it's uh it's effective 17:37.200 --> 17:39.920 and it certainly would uh 17:41.190 --> 17:43.620 invite comments from my my colleague 17:43.620 --> 17:47.040 here , Minister lee as well in terms of 17:47.040 --> 17:49.390 the effectiveness of the our deterrence . 17:49.470 --> 17:51.692 Yes , I do think we've been effective . 17:52.080 --> 17:55.420 I would point out to you that we have 17:55.420 --> 17:59.300 recently uh gone back 17:59.300 --> 18:02.860 to conducting a number of 18:02.860 --> 18:05.100 exercises that are focused on 18:05.110 --> 18:08.880 uh increasing our readiness and our 18:08.880 --> 18:10.991 ability to be able to fight tonight . 18:10.991 --> 18:13.213 As a matter of fact right now , we have 18:13.213 --> 18:15.436 one of the largest exercises that we've 18:15.436 --> 18:18.690 seen in uh in recent history , There's 18:18.690 --> 18:22.140 some over 240 aircraft that 18:22.150 --> 18:25.000 they're part of that exercise and 18:25.000 --> 18:27.222 they're doing uh you know , a number of 18:27.222 --> 18:29.710 high end types of uh training events , 18:29.710 --> 18:31.821 conducting a number of high end types 18:31.821 --> 18:34.043 of training events . And all of that is 18:34.043 --> 18:36.290 designed to ensure that that we we have 18:36.290 --> 18:40.170 the ability to defend the peninsula uh 18:40.180 --> 18:42.970 if if called to do so . And so I think 18:42.970 --> 18:44.803 I think this increase focused on 18:44.803 --> 18:46.914 readiness . Uh this uh you know , our 18:46.914 --> 18:50.370 ability to redeploy or deploy strategic 18:50.370 --> 18:52.537 assets to the peninsula as you've seen 18:52.537 --> 18:54.650 us do here with fifth generation 18:54.650 --> 18:57.280 fighters recently . You've also seen us 18:57.290 --> 19:01.070 uh move a 19:01.070 --> 19:04.150 carrier into into ports there recently . 19:04.150 --> 19:06.317 And uh and I think that's that sends a 19:06.317 --> 19:08.470 pretty strong signal as well . But it 19:08.470 --> 19:11.990 could be that uh that uh 19:14.030 --> 19:16.252 you know , our neighbors in the north , 19:16.252 --> 19:18.086 there may be concerned about our 19:18.086 --> 19:20.308 increased focus on readiness . So yes , 19:20.308 --> 19:22.141 I do think we've been we've been 19:22.141 --> 19:24.308 effective and we will continue to look 19:24.308 --> 19:26.197 at this and ensure that we remain 19:26.197 --> 19:29.890 effective . What kind of 19:30.200 --> 19:33.240 behaviors us and self specifically said 19:33.240 --> 19:36.810 to deter , what kind of behaviors would 19:36.810 --> 19:39.480 we behaviors do The U . S . And South 19:39.480 --> 19:43.200 Korea seek to deter , expect to deter ? 19:43.830 --> 19:46.470 What is the desired behavior that the U . 19:46.470 --> 19:48.692 S . And South Korea are trying to bring 19:48.692 --> 19:50.859 about ? Well , certainly we don't want 19:50.859 --> 19:54.340 to see , you know , anyone make a 19:54.340 --> 19:57.080 decision to employ a nuclear device . 19:57.090 --> 20:00.890 Uh And lately , as you've seen , um , 20:02.520 --> 20:05.480 North Koreans have have engaged in 20:05.480 --> 20:08.690 activity such as an inter uh 20:09.860 --> 20:12.050 testing an inter continental ballistic 20:12.050 --> 20:13.939 missile , a number of short range 20:13.939 --> 20:16.570 ballistic missiles , firing artillery 20:16.580 --> 20:20.530 into uh into the ocean . Uh And and 20:20.530 --> 20:24.530 so all of this activity is potentially 20:24.530 --> 20:26.530 destabilizing . And so , you know , 20:26.530 --> 20:30.480 again , you know , I think I think it's 20:30.480 --> 20:32.790 possible that they could continue to do 20:32.790 --> 20:34.901 that kind of thing . But certainly we 20:34.901 --> 20:36.957 are focused on making sure that they 20:36.957 --> 20:39.179 don't choose to employ a nuclear weapon 20:39.179 --> 20:42.280 or choose to attack . Uh South 20:42.280 --> 20:44.950 Korea 20:47.670 --> 20:49.948 a question for each of you , Secretary , 20:49.948 --> 20:52.059 sir , the minister said just a moment 20:52.059 --> 20:54.059 ago that you pledged to effectively 20:54.059 --> 20:56.003 respond to any Dprk provocation by 20:56.003 --> 20:57.670 employing us strategic assets 20:57.670 --> 20:59.670 equivalent to a constant deployment 20:59.670 --> 20:59.230 through increased frequency and 20:59.230 --> 21:01.563 intensity of strategic asset deployment . 21:01.563 --> 21:03.730 What strategic assets do you intend to 21:03.730 --> 21:05.952 deploy to the korean peninsula ? And is 21:05.952 --> 21:08.119 is this a change in U . S . Posture in 21:08.119 --> 21:10.174 the region ? And Minister , sir , do 21:10.174 --> 21:09.690 you believe in North korean nuclear 21:09.690 --> 21:11.912 test is imminent and is china playing a 21:11.912 --> 21:13.968 constructive role in preventing them 21:13.968 --> 21:16.500 from carrying out such a test ? You've 21:16.500 --> 21:20.060 seen us recently redeploy fifth 21:20.060 --> 21:23.850 generation uh fighter aircraft . You've 21:23.850 --> 21:25.970 seen us uh 21:26.980 --> 21:30.410 exercise our strategic assets from time 21:30.410 --> 21:33.560 to time and and again . Uh We to answer 21:33.560 --> 21:36.640 your question , we don't have uh a plan 21:36.640 --> 21:39.790 to uh change permanent 21:39.800 --> 21:42.460 uh our permanent positioning or 21:42.460 --> 21:45.460 stationing of uh of assets on the on 21:45.460 --> 21:48.200 the peninsula currently , but what 21:48.200 --> 21:51.780 we're doing together uh not only by on 21:51.780 --> 21:54.580 a bilateral basis but also with our our 21:54.590 --> 21:58.050 allies in Japan uh in each and every 21:58.050 --> 22:01.090 case , we'll assess what uh you know , 22:01.100 --> 22:03.890 what's going on and we'll we'll we'll 22:03.890 --> 22:06.570 work together to ensure that we provide 22:06.570 --> 22:09.230 the right kind of deterrent message . 22:09.240 --> 22:11.700 So to answer your question , no new 22:11.700 --> 22:14.220 deployment of strategic assets on a 22:14.220 --> 22:16.442 permanent basis . But you'll see assets 22:16.442 --> 22:18.890 moving it out on a routine basis . 22:24.060 --> 22:25.260 Uh 23:07.950 --> 23:11.150 so to respond to the answer , asking 23:11.150 --> 23:12.983 whether North Korea is ready for 23:12.983 --> 23:15.039 nuclear test . I can I can state the 23:15.039 --> 23:17.150 statement that um has for the third 23:17.150 --> 23:19.261 underground facility in North Korea , 23:19.261 --> 23:21.261 they are ready to conduct a nuclear 23:21.261 --> 23:23.428 test at that area . But when they will 23:23.428 --> 23:26.070 carry out the nuclear test is currently 23:26.080 --> 23:28.580 still curiosity , as North Korea will 23:28.580 --> 23:30.802 have to take into account the political 23:30.802 --> 23:32.969 purpose . And to exactly estimate when 23:32.969 --> 23:35.191 they will carry out the nuclear test is 23:35.191 --> 23:37.247 a difficulty for us as well . And to 23:37.247 --> 23:39.136 answer the question about chinese 23:39.136 --> 23:41.247 effect and influence on North Korea , 23:41.247 --> 23:40.890 if we traditionally look at the 23:40.890 --> 23:43.112 influence that china had in North Korea 23:43.112 --> 23:45.390 in the past , there's been a time when , 23:45.390 --> 23:47.390 despite chinese opposition to North 23:47.390 --> 23:49.390 Korea carrying out a nuclear test , 23:49.390 --> 23:51.446 North Korea is still carried out the 23:51.446 --> 23:53.612 test anyway . So it's difficult to say 23:53.612 --> 23:55.779 that China has a decisive effect in um 23:55.779 --> 23:57.890 North and choosing North Korea's will 23:58.480 --> 24:00.758 thank you . And for our final question , 24:00.758 --> 24:04.000 we'll go to song . I have two questions . 24:04.010 --> 24:06.180 One actually for both Secretary Austin 24:06.180 --> 24:08.210 and Minister Lee . And the other 24:08.210 --> 24:10.432 question is for only for Minister Lee . 24:10.690 --> 24:12.940 And uh , I think my question is similar 24:12.940 --> 24:15.630 to voters . I mean CNN and and my 24:15.640 --> 24:18.030 colleague , but even when South Korea , 24:18.030 --> 24:20.030 the United States are talking about 24:20.030 --> 24:22.252 extending the terms that the uh , cm at 24:22.252 --> 24:24.308 this point , uh , North Pole foreign 24:24.308 --> 24:26.474 missiles and artillery shells into the 24:26.474 --> 24:29.040 ocean . So , and even when the U . S . 24:29.050 --> 24:31.570 S Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier was in 24:31.570 --> 24:33.570 South Korea still no clear file and 24:33.570 --> 24:35.626 missiles . So the question is if the 24:35.626 --> 24:37.570 terms works when it comes to North 24:37.570 --> 24:39.540 Korea's uh conventional forms of 24:39.550 --> 24:41.717 provocation or low intensity attacks , 24:41.717 --> 24:43.828 you know , So they're still concerned 24:43.828 --> 24:46.050 whether or not the terms of their lines 24:46.050 --> 24:47.883 really working fine . So did you 24:47.883 --> 24:50.390 actually discuss that issue at the SCM 24:50.400 --> 24:52.650 um today ? And and did you come up with 24:52.660 --> 24:54.500 any effective measures beyond 24:54.500 --> 24:56.910 rhetorical exclamations ? And 25:22.430 --> 25:24.800 to answer your question ? Yes . Uh I 25:24.800 --> 25:28.490 believe our activities are effective in 25:28.490 --> 25:31.420 deterring . Uh you know , one of the 25:31.420 --> 25:33.610 things that sends a strong deterrent 25:33.620 --> 25:37.370 message is our ability to work together 25:37.380 --> 25:41.250 uh and and to be interoperable uh and 25:41.250 --> 25:44.000 our ability to train our troops 25:44.010 --> 25:47.870 uh to a high level of 25:48.210 --> 25:52.200 of capability and also maintain a 25:52.210 --> 25:56.130 combat credible force uh in the region . 25:56.140 --> 25:59.260 Uh and uh and most recently you've seen 25:59.260 --> 26:01.593 us focus on that in a major way . Again , 26:01.593 --> 26:03.704 I point to the major exercise that we 26:03.704 --> 26:06.880 have ongoing uh I you know , you 26:06.880 --> 26:09.102 mentioned the carrier that is a serious 26:09.102 --> 26:11.500 demonstration of commitment and and uh 26:11.500 --> 26:14.720 and combat combat capability . Again , 26:14.730 --> 26:17.450 uh we are focused on making sure that 26:17.590 --> 26:21.270 um nobody attacks uh South Korea . 26:21.280 --> 26:23.336 And uh we're committed to that . Our 26:23.336 --> 26:25.447 commitment is ironclad and we're also 26:25.447 --> 26:27.620 committed to deterring anyone from 26:27.620 --> 26:30.380 using a nuclear device . And yes , I do 26:30.380 --> 26:32.436 believe we've been effective in that 26:32.436 --> 26:34.658 and we'll continue to work to make sure 26:34.658 --> 26:37.570 that we're working together building 26:37.570 --> 26:41.270 increasing capability uh and uh in 26:41.270 --> 26:43.330 increasing our ability to to work 26:43.330 --> 26:46.350 together . So so you resent the 26:46.360 --> 26:50.170 criticism that artillery and um nuclear 26:50.180 --> 26:53.210 missile firings are a deterrence 26:53.210 --> 26:55.540 failure . You don't accept that 26:55.550 --> 26:58.760 criticism of that um 26:59.150 --> 27:01.550 continuing provocations can be seen as 27:01.550 --> 27:04.770 a failure in terms of deterrence . I 27:04.780 --> 27:08.410 don't you know I believe that they are 27:08.410 --> 27:10.521 deterred from attacking north Korea . 27:10.521 --> 27:12.910 South Korea . Excuse me . Uh and I also 27:12.910 --> 27:14.632 believe they are deterred from 27:14.632 --> 27:17.190 employing a nuclear device either 27:17.200 --> 27:20.940 against the in the peninsula or against 27:20.940 --> 27:23.162 our homeland here in the in the U . S . 27:23.162 --> 27:24.607 Yes , I do believe that . 27:31.030 --> 27:32.070 Uh 28:21.020 --> 28:23.440 So the question was regarding the 28:23.440 --> 28:26.340 development of a plan and how the 28:26.340 --> 28:28.500 endorsed S . P . D . N . S . P . G . 28:28.500 --> 28:30.722 From security consultative meeting last 28:30.722 --> 28:32.780 year . Um and and how the Oakland is 28:32.780 --> 28:34.891 developing on top of those agreements 28:34.891 --> 28:37.113 that were made . Um An SCM The question 28:37.113 --> 28:39.650 is about how the process was going and 28:39.650 --> 28:41.539 when the old plan was going to be 28:41.539 --> 28:43.650 completed . And um as for old plan to 28:43.650 --> 28:45.817 provide my answer to provide my answer 28:45.817 --> 28:47.928 when you're developing the old plan , 28:47.928 --> 28:47.630 it's not a one and done deal . It's 28:47.640 --> 28:49.807 something that you continue to develop 28:49.807 --> 28:51.584 given the take into account the 28:51.584 --> 28:53.810 environment of the situation . So it is 28:53.810 --> 28:55.921 difficult to say when it will exactly 28:55.921 --> 28:58.143 completed . However , what I can say is 28:58.143 --> 29:00.090 that we will in the process of 29:00.100 --> 29:01.933 developing the old plan . We are 29:01.933 --> 29:03.990 seeking to expedite the upgrade . 29:04.170 --> 29:06.226 However , asked for the specifics of 29:06.226 --> 29:08.170 the information that I can divulge 29:08.170 --> 29:09.948 there's a limitation due to our 29:09.948 --> 29:12.003 military confidentiality . So I will 29:12.003 --> 29:14.800 keep my answer to this . And one final , 29:14.810 --> 29:17.940 uh , note here again , in terms of our 29:17.940 --> 29:19.884 deterrent efforts and the types of 29:19.884 --> 29:21.940 things that were deterring , I would 29:21.940 --> 29:23.970 point out that we're committed to 29:23.980 --> 29:27.080 deterring , uh , that type of activity 29:27.090 --> 29:30.590 against any of our allies , partners in 29:30.590 --> 29:32.368 the , in the region . We remain 29:32.368 --> 29:34.600 committed to maintaining a free and 29:34.600 --> 29:37.200 open indo pacific region . So thank you 29:37.200 --> 29:39.900 very much . Secretary Minister Lee . 29:39.900 --> 29:41.733 Thank you gentlemen , ladies and 29:41.733 --> 29:41.810 gentlemen .