1 00:00:00,540 --> 00:00:03,190 Thank you . Thank you . All 2 00:00:03,190 --> 00:00:06,150 right , 3 00:00:07,100 --> 00:00:09,420 well thank you . Um I just have a few 4 00:00:09,420 --> 00:00:11,476 things at the top here and thank you 5 00:00:11,476 --> 00:00:14,170 for the compliment and I will then be 6 00:00:14,170 --> 00:00:16,570 happy to take your questions . So good 7 00:00:16,570 --> 00:00:19,460 afternoon everyone . Um as you know , 8 00:00:19,460 --> 00:00:22,050 the Secretary is on travel right now um 9 00:00:22,060 --> 00:00:24,060 tomorrow he will be wrapping up his 10 00:00:24,060 --> 00:00:26,880 trip which included uh stop in Canada 11 00:00:26,890 --> 00:00:29,350 Indonesia and cambodia . The secretary 12 00:00:29,350 --> 00:00:31,239 is currently in cambodia where he 13 00:00:31,239 --> 00:00:33,294 discussed the region's most pressing 14 00:00:33,294 --> 00:00:35,517 security challenges with our allies and 15 00:00:35,517 --> 00:00:37,739 partners at the Asean defense Ministers 16 00:00:37,739 --> 00:00:40,080 meetings . Plus on the margins of the 17 00:00:40,090 --> 00:00:42,430 ministers meeting , plus the Secretary 18 00:00:42,430 --> 00:00:44,763 met with the People's Republic of china , 19 00:00:44,763 --> 00:00:46,930 Minister of National Defense . General 20 00:00:46,930 --> 00:00:48,980 way . They discussed the US china's 21 00:00:48,980 --> 00:00:50,924 defense relations and regional and 22 00:00:50,924 --> 00:00:53,270 global security issues . The Secretary 23 00:00:53,270 --> 00:00:55,214 emphasized the need to responsibly 24 00:00:55,214 --> 00:00:57,270 manage competition and maintain open 25 00:00:57,270 --> 00:00:59,780 lines of communication . He also raised 26 00:00:59,780 --> 00:01:01,558 concerns about the increasingly 27 00:01:01,558 --> 00:01:03,724 dangerous behavior demonstrated by P . 28 00:01:03,724 --> 00:01:05,780 L . A . Aircraft in the indo pacific 29 00:01:05,780 --> 00:01:07,724 region which increases the risk of 30 00:01:07,724 --> 00:01:10,290 accident . The Secretary also affirmed 31 00:01:10,290 --> 00:01:12,512 that the United States will continue to 32 00:01:12,512 --> 00:01:14,179 fly sail and operate wherever 33 00:01:14,179 --> 00:01:16,610 international law allows . And the 34 00:01:16,610 --> 00:01:18,666 Secretary reiterated that the United 35 00:01:18,666 --> 00:01:20,721 States remains committed to our long 36 00:01:20,721 --> 00:01:22,777 standing one china policy reaffirmed 37 00:01:22,777 --> 00:01:24,888 the importance of peace and stability 38 00:01:24,888 --> 00:01:27,110 across the strait and called on the PRC 39 00:01:27,110 --> 00:01:28,888 to refrain refrain from further 40 00:01:28,888 --> 00:01:31,180 destabilizing actions toward Taiwan and 41 00:01:31,190 --> 00:01:33,350 uh one more item over the weekend and 42 00:01:33,350 --> 00:01:35,017 on the margins of the Halifax 43 00:01:35,017 --> 00:01:37,460 international security forum . The the 44 00:01:37,460 --> 00:01:39,280 secretary met with a bipartisan 45 00:01:39,280 --> 00:01:42,000 bicameral delegation led by Senator , 46 00:01:42,010 --> 00:01:44,780 Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Senator 47 00:01:44,780 --> 00:01:47,110 James Risch . The Secretary thanks 48 00:01:47,110 --> 00:01:49,166 Senators and members of Congress for 49 00:01:49,166 --> 00:01:51,166 their continued support for Ukraine 50 00:01:51,166 --> 00:01:53,054 urged for the confirmation of the 51 00:01:53,054 --> 00:01:54,888 department's 11 highly qualified 52 00:01:54,888 --> 00:01:56,943 civilian nominees and encouraged the 53 00:01:56,943 --> 00:01:58,721 passing of the National Defense 54 00:01:58,721 --> 00:02:01,040 authorization Act . Congress returns to 55 00:02:01,040 --> 00:02:03,262 Washington next week and the department 56 00:02:03,262 --> 00:02:05,096 hopes that Congress will finally 57 00:02:05,096 --> 00:02:07,280 finalize and pass the N . D . A . At a 58 00:02:07,280 --> 00:02:09,169 time when the United States faces 59 00:02:09,169 --> 00:02:11,550 challenges from china and and an acute 60 00:02:11,550 --> 00:02:13,606 threat from Russia . It is essential 61 00:02:13,606 --> 00:02:15,772 that we have the authorities . We need 62 00:02:15,772 --> 00:02:17,717 to keep the american people safe , 63 00:02:17,717 --> 00:02:19,717 deter our adversaries and support a 64 00:02:19,717 --> 00:02:21,661 lethal resilient and healthy joint 65 00:02:21,661 --> 00:02:23,883 force . And lastly , before I take your 66 00:02:23,883 --> 00:02:25,939 questions , I just want to note that 67 00:02:25,939 --> 00:02:28,161 today is Justin braun's last day in our 68 00:02:28,161 --> 00:02:30,272 office . Um you all are familiar with 69 00:02:30,272 --> 00:02:32,850 him and his smiling face that greets 70 00:02:32,850 --> 00:02:35,120 you every day . So hopefully you can 71 00:02:35,120 --> 00:02:37,342 say goodbye to him before you leave for 72 00:02:37,342 --> 00:02:39,509 your holidays and just wish him well . 73 00:02:39,509 --> 00:02:41,342 He is going to be staying in the 74 00:02:41,342 --> 00:02:43,564 building . But I would encourage you to 75 00:02:43,564 --> 00:02:45,842 talk to him about what he's doing next . 76 00:02:45,842 --> 00:02:45,730 And with that I'd be happy to take your 77 00:02:45,730 --> 00:02:47,900 questions . Um I'm gonna see if anyone 78 00:02:47,900 --> 00:02:50,390 from Ap is on the line . Um If not we 79 00:02:50,390 --> 00:02:51,390 can move on 80 00:02:54,700 --> 00:02:56,811 Phil Stewart and then I can come back 81 00:02:56,811 --> 00:02:59,520 in the room . Thank you last night in 82 00:02:59,520 --> 00:03:01,464 the read out from the secretary of 83 00:03:01,464 --> 00:03:03,131 conversation with his chinese 84 00:03:03,131 --> 00:03:04,964 counterpart . It spoke about the 85 00:03:04,964 --> 00:03:07,020 increasing activity by chinese 86 00:03:07,030 --> 00:03:10,050 dangerous activity by chinese pl a 87 00:03:10,050 --> 00:03:12,260 aircraft . uh hoping you can give us 88 00:03:12,260 --> 00:03:15,190 some sense of the frequency the kinds 89 00:03:15,190 --> 00:03:17,357 of interactions that were deemed to be 90 00:03:17,357 --> 00:03:19,468 dangerous and uh any kind of fidelity 91 00:03:19,468 --> 00:03:21,246 about those activities and then 92 00:03:21,246 --> 00:03:23,280 separately today the uh that I will 93 00:03:23,280 --> 00:03:27,190 fall upon . So I I'm not 94 00:03:27,190 --> 00:03:29,190 going to be able to go further than 95 00:03:29,190 --> 00:03:31,190 what um was laid out in the readout 96 00:03:31,190 --> 00:03:33,246 which I believe is hopefully in your 97 00:03:33,246 --> 00:03:35,468 inbox and also available on defense dot 98 00:03:35,468 --> 00:03:37,634 gov . Um The secretary just reiterated 99 00:03:37,634 --> 00:03:40,350 the the concerns about dangerous 100 00:03:40,350 --> 00:03:42,461 behavior that we've seen demonstrated 101 00:03:42,461 --> 00:03:45,290 by pl aircraft but in terms of how many 102 00:03:45,290 --> 00:03:47,512 incidences and where I'm just not gonna 103 00:03:47,512 --> 00:03:49,610 be able to go um further beyond the 104 00:03:49,610 --> 00:03:53,410 readout itself . Okay . And and and the 105 00:03:53,420 --> 00:03:56,090 I a a today also said that Iran was 106 00:03:56,090 --> 00:03:59,720 enriching uranium up to 60% at photo 107 00:03:59,720 --> 00:04:01,830 and also that it was gonna plans 108 00:04:01,830 --> 00:04:04,700 further enrichment at both photo and a 109 00:04:04,700 --> 00:04:06,922 tense and just wondering whether or not 110 00:04:06,922 --> 00:04:08,978 you have any reaction to this latest 111 00:04:08,978 --> 00:04:10,978 announcement about Iranian expanded 112 00:04:10,978 --> 00:04:13,144 Iranian Richmond I've seen the reports 113 00:04:13,144 --> 00:04:15,367 and thanks Phil for the question . I've 114 00:04:15,367 --> 00:04:17,422 seen the reports unfortunately don't 115 00:04:17,422 --> 00:04:19,533 have more to add at this time um what 116 00:04:19,533 --> 00:04:21,590 Iran is doing and um uh the 117 00:04:21,590 --> 00:04:24,090 capabilities that they're trying to um 118 00:04:24,100 --> 00:04:26,430 procure we continue to monitor but I 119 00:04:26,430 --> 00:04:28,652 have nothing further to add right now . 120 00:04:28,910 --> 00:04:32,810 Thanks we'll go into the room um after 121 00:04:32,810 --> 00:04:34,532 the speaker Pelosi visit China 122 00:04:34,532 --> 00:04:36,588 announced it had cut off a series of 123 00:04:36,588 --> 00:04:38,780 communications lines such as uh 124 00:04:38,790 --> 00:04:40,846 meetings between chinese and U . S . 125 00:04:40,846 --> 00:04:42,790 Defense leaders . The annual naval 126 00:04:42,790 --> 00:04:45,012 meetings . Is there any indication from 127 00:04:45,012 --> 00:04:44,750 the secretary's meeting that some of 128 00:04:44,750 --> 00:04:47,760 those might be reopened or restarted in 129 00:04:47,760 --> 00:04:50,410 the near future ? Well in particular on 130 00:04:50,410 --> 00:04:52,470 those meetings , I don't have um I 131 00:04:52,470 --> 00:04:54,526 don't have any announcements to make 132 00:04:54,526 --> 00:04:56,581 but I think um from what you've seen 133 00:04:56,581 --> 00:04:58,803 with the president engaging his chinese 134 00:04:58,803 --> 00:05:00,914 counterpart , the vice president also 135 00:05:00,914 --> 00:05:03,170 engaging just on her travel just this 136 00:05:03,170 --> 00:05:05,160 week and then with the secretary 137 00:05:05,160 --> 00:05:07,240 engaging general way . I think what 138 00:05:07,240 --> 00:05:10,470 you're seeing is um uh 139 00:05:10,480 --> 00:05:13,020 opening of lines of communication and 140 00:05:13,020 --> 00:05:15,020 we welcome that . Um and we want to 141 00:05:15,020 --> 00:05:16,960 continue to see these lines of 142 00:05:16,960 --> 00:05:19,980 communications um restored and 143 00:05:19,980 --> 00:05:22,202 remaining open and so if I have more to 144 00:05:22,202 --> 00:05:24,424 share in terms of anything else that we 145 00:05:24,424 --> 00:05:25,980 participate in or any other 146 00:05:25,980 --> 00:05:28,313 conversations I'd be happy to follow up . 147 00:05:28,313 --> 00:05:30,424 Yeah , thank you . Nice to see . Nice 148 00:05:30,424 --> 00:05:32,580 to see you too . Nurse Koreans 149 00:05:32,580 --> 00:05:35,090 questions . Nurse korean leader kim 150 00:05:35,090 --> 00:05:38,340 jong un . Very intercontinental 151 00:05:38,340 --> 00:05:40,920 ballistic missile unit for the first 152 00:05:40,920 --> 00:05:44,560 time . What do you think his intentions 153 00:05:44,570 --> 00:05:47,020 were ? Well , I wouldn't be able to get 154 00:05:47,020 --> 00:05:49,250 in the mind of kim jong un . I would 155 00:05:49,250 --> 00:05:51,417 ask you , I would direct that question 156 00:05:51,417 --> 00:05:53,760 back to the Dprk second . Thank you . 157 00:05:54,090 --> 00:05:56,830 And what can you say about the 158 00:05:56,830 --> 00:06:00,130 possibility that if the Hassan 159 00:06:00,130 --> 00:06:03,340 17 Palestinian missile is 160 00:06:03,350 --> 00:06:07,060 loaded with nuclear warhead . 161 00:06:07,070 --> 00:06:10,410 It will definitely hit the United 162 00:06:10,420 --> 00:06:13,220 States mainland . Well , I certainly 163 00:06:13,220 --> 00:06:15,442 wouldn't be able to speculate on that . 164 00:06:15,442 --> 00:06:18,250 We as you know , and you've heard from 165 00:06:18,250 --> 00:06:20,650 this podium that we continue to monitor 166 00:06:20,650 --> 00:06:23,520 the destabilizing actions that North 167 00:06:23,520 --> 00:06:25,720 Korea has taken with their missile 168 00:06:25,720 --> 00:06:27,776 launches . But on a particular issue 169 00:06:27,776 --> 00:06:30,580 when it comes to um whether something 170 00:06:30,580 --> 00:06:32,470 might hit the mainland , I just 171 00:06:32,480 --> 00:06:34,610 wouldn't be able to to speculate on 172 00:06:34,610 --> 00:06:36,832 that . I'm gonna go ahead and go to the 173 00:06:36,832 --> 00:06:38,999 room . Yes . Sorry Brandy , go ahead . 174 00:06:38,999 --> 00:06:41,166 I'll come back to you . Sorry , it's a 175 00:06:41,166 --> 00:06:43,680 quick one . Um Just checking in on this , 176 00:06:43,690 --> 00:06:47,360 the N . D . A . For 2022 required um 177 00:06:47,370 --> 00:06:49,300 reports from the pentagon on 178 00:06:49,310 --> 00:06:52,380 unidentified aerial phenomena starting 179 00:06:52,390 --> 00:06:54,620 october 31st of this year and then 180 00:06:54,630 --> 00:06:57,980 annually until 2026 after delivered to 181 00:06:57,980 --> 00:07:00,147 appropriate congressional committees . 182 00:07:00,147 --> 00:07:02,330 Do you have an update for us on that 183 00:07:02,330 --> 00:07:03,997 report ? Whether we'll see an 184 00:07:03,997 --> 00:07:06,052 unclassified version soon ? Anything 185 00:07:06,052 --> 00:07:08,163 there ? I don't have an update on the 186 00:07:08,163 --> 00:07:10,386 report . I believe it's still with Odie 187 00:07:10,386 --> 00:07:12,552 and I for review until we get that . I 188 00:07:12,552 --> 00:07:14,552 wouldn't be able to to I don't have 189 00:07:14,552 --> 00:07:16,774 anything for you at this time as far as 190 00:07:16,774 --> 00:07:16,380 you know , it hasn't been delivered to 191 00:07:16,380 --> 00:07:18,436 the committees as far as I'm aware . 192 00:07:18,436 --> 00:07:20,213 But you would have to ask those 193 00:07:20,213 --> 00:07:22,269 committees . Um I'm gonna go back to 194 00:07:22,269 --> 00:07:24,324 the phones and then come to the room 195 00:07:24,324 --> 00:07:27,090 here . Um Howard Altman ? Thanks . 196 00:07:27,090 --> 00:07:29,490 Sabrina . Um are you aware is depending 197 00:07:29,490 --> 00:07:32,400 on aware of ongoing drone attacks by 198 00:07:32,400 --> 00:07:35,100 Ukraine in Sevastopol right now , can 199 00:07:35,100 --> 00:07:37,520 you talk about that . Well , we've 200 00:07:37,520 --> 00:07:40,000 certainly seen how , I think I heard 201 00:07:40,000 --> 00:07:42,056 your question , we've certainly seen 202 00:07:42,056 --> 00:07:44,810 drone attacks from uh the Russians and 203 00:07:44,820 --> 00:07:47,100 we saw the barrage , I believe last 204 00:07:47,100 --> 00:07:49,880 week . And um leading up right into 205 00:07:49,890 --> 00:07:52,001 what the secretary spoke to after the 206 00:07:52,001 --> 00:07:54,057 contact group . But I don't have any 207 00:07:54,057 --> 00:07:56,030 more specifics beyond what um was 208 00:07:56,030 --> 00:07:58,270 reported last week . You know , I'm 209 00:07:58,270 --> 00:08:00,492 sorry , I was talking about the ongoing 210 00:08:00,492 --> 00:08:02,659 attacks right now . Ukraine attacks in 211 00:08:02,659 --> 00:08:06,210 Sevastopol Crimea . No 212 00:08:06,220 --> 00:08:08,520 nothing nothing further to read out at 213 00:08:08,520 --> 00:08:11,510 this time . I mean , it is a dynamic 214 00:08:11,510 --> 00:08:13,399 and active battlefield that we're 215 00:08:13,399 --> 00:08:15,566 seeing within Ukraine and we're seeing 216 00:08:15,566 --> 00:08:18,790 the Ukrainian certainly um push back 217 00:08:18,790 --> 00:08:21,710 and and are using um the weapons and 218 00:08:21,710 --> 00:08:23,920 systems so that not just that we have 219 00:08:23,920 --> 00:08:25,976 provided but that other partners and 220 00:08:25,976 --> 00:08:28,280 allies have provided . Um and you know , 221 00:08:28,280 --> 00:08:30,336 we have seen them make gains , We've 222 00:08:30,336 --> 00:08:32,558 seen them as um as early as last week , 223 00:08:32,558 --> 00:08:34,860 take back her Sin city . Um but I have 224 00:08:34,860 --> 00:08:37,980 nothing further to to read out on on on 225 00:08:37,980 --> 00:08:40,091 any other movements in other cities . 226 00:08:40,091 --> 00:08:43,000 Um , I'm gonna go to Jeff Seldin V . O . 227 00:08:43,000 --> 00:08:45,790 A thanks very much for doing this 228 00:08:45,800 --> 00:08:48,880 question about the fighting the Turkish 229 00:08:48,880 --> 00:08:50,769 airstrikes against Syrian kurdish 230 00:08:50,769 --> 00:08:53,440 positions in Northern Syria . We've 231 00:08:53,440 --> 00:08:56,380 heard calls from uh the coalition from 232 00:08:56,380 --> 00:08:59,180 centcom for de escalation and warnings 233 00:08:59,180 --> 00:09:01,347 that this is , is going to destabilize 234 00:09:01,347 --> 00:09:03,575 the region . What more is the pentagon 235 00:09:03,575 --> 00:09:05,935 doing . Especially now that Turkey's 236 00:09:05,935 --> 00:09:07,879 President Erdogan has suggested in 237 00:09:07,879 --> 00:09:10,046 addition to airstrikes ? He's going to 238 00:09:10,046 --> 00:09:12,215 send in tanks and also how does this 239 00:09:12,225 --> 00:09:15,295 impact the U . S . Forces on the ground ? 240 00:09:15,295 --> 00:09:17,755 In Syria and also in Iraq . And is 241 00:09:17,755 --> 00:09:20,135 there any update on on how many troops 242 00:09:20,135 --> 00:09:22,135 the U . S . Has in in that region ? 243 00:09:22,135 --> 00:09:24,246 Sure . Thanks for the question . I'll 244 00:09:24,246 --> 00:09:26,860 try to get to uh to I'll try to 245 00:09:26,860 --> 00:09:28,971 remember all of them . Um In terms of 246 00:09:28,971 --> 00:09:31,380 what we are doing , we continue to 247 00:09:31,380 --> 00:09:33,713 monitor what is happening on the ground . 248 00:09:33,713 --> 00:09:37,190 Um This is uh I mean this is happening 249 00:09:37,190 --> 00:09:39,468 as you know as I'm up here as we speak . 250 00:09:39,468 --> 00:09:41,468 Um so we continue to monitor what's 251 00:09:41,468 --> 00:09:43,579 happening on the ground . And um from 252 00:09:43,579 --> 00:09:45,930 all aspects of this department we 253 00:09:45,930 --> 00:09:48,930 continue to urge for de escalation on 254 00:09:48,940 --> 00:09:52,740 on all sides . Um and you know in our 255 00:09:52,740 --> 00:09:54,960 conversations and what we have said 256 00:09:54,960 --> 00:09:58,320 publicly is that uh these 257 00:09:58,320 --> 00:10:01,470 strikes from all sides risk our mission 258 00:10:01,480 --> 00:10:04,200 which is to defeat ISIS . The enduring 259 00:10:04,200 --> 00:10:07,400 defeat of ISIS . And so um we are going 260 00:10:07,400 --> 00:10:09,622 to continue to monitor what's happening 261 00:10:09,622 --> 00:10:11,844 on the ground and make sure that um our 262 00:10:11,844 --> 00:10:14,011 forces are are safe and there has been 263 00:10:14,011 --> 00:10:16,067 no change to our force posture right 264 00:10:16,067 --> 00:10:18,510 now in the region . Um but for further 265 00:10:18,510 --> 00:10:20,454 questions on on our forces I would 266 00:10:20,454 --> 00:10:22,621 direct you to centcom . Okay , great . 267 00:10:22,621 --> 00:10:24,843 I'm gonna come back in the room . Yes , 268 00:10:24,920 --> 00:10:27,400 sure . Last Tuesday the White House 269 00:10:27,400 --> 00:10:29,730 announced it was sending to the hill a 270 00:10:29,740 --> 00:10:32,940 $37.7 billion dollar request for more 271 00:10:32,950 --> 00:10:36,810 aid for Ukraine ? Okay . And in that 272 00:10:36,810 --> 00:10:38,921 release and in the briefing there was 273 00:10:38,921 --> 00:10:41,143 multiple aspects of that request broken 274 00:10:41,143 --> 00:10:43,510 down by money sums . One of those was 275 00:10:43,520 --> 00:10:47,200 for $21.7 billion in Defense Aid and 276 00:10:47,200 --> 00:10:49,550 equipment for Ukraine . And to 277 00:10:49,550 --> 00:10:52,130 replenish D . O . D . Stocks . Those 278 00:10:52,130 --> 00:10:55,950 two items in that 21.7 billion subset . 279 00:10:56,390 --> 00:10:59,380 However they redirected me to ask the 280 00:10:59,380 --> 00:11:02,820 pentagon of that 21.7 billion . How 281 00:11:02,820 --> 00:11:04,542 much of that is going to go to 282 00:11:04,542 --> 00:11:06,810 replenish the stocks and what is the 283 00:11:06,810 --> 00:11:09,080 priority and replenishment ? I don't 284 00:11:09,080 --> 00:11:11,136 certainly have an itemized breakdown 285 00:11:11,136 --> 00:11:13,080 for you here on our our budget and 286 00:11:13,080 --> 00:11:16,610 what's going to be uh deemed um from 287 00:11:16,610 --> 00:11:18,221 highest to least in terms of 288 00:11:18,221 --> 00:11:20,277 replenishment . That's not something 289 00:11:20,277 --> 00:11:22,388 that I would be able to read out from 290 00:11:22,388 --> 00:11:22,070 here . I appreciate that . My question 291 00:11:22,070 --> 00:11:25,053 was how much of that 21.7 billion is 292 00:11:25,053 --> 00:11:27,164 going to go to replenish the stocks . 293 00:11:27,164 --> 00:11:29,220 That's not a budget item . That's an 294 00:11:29,220 --> 00:11:31,164 authorization request by the White 295 00:11:31,164 --> 00:11:33,275 House to which the pentagon according 296 00:11:33,275 --> 00:11:35,275 to the White House had had feedback 297 00:11:35,275 --> 00:11:37,386 into . So again , I would not be able 298 00:11:37,386 --> 00:11:39,331 to tell you how much of that $21.7 299 00:11:39,331 --> 00:11:41,283 billion dollars is going back to 300 00:11:41,293 --> 00:11:43,515 replenishment . I just wouldn't be able 301 00:11:43,515 --> 00:11:45,182 to do that from here . We are 302 00:11:45,182 --> 00:11:47,673 constantly I'm not going to take the 303 00:11:47,673 --> 00:11:49,729 question because I am answering your 304 00:11:49,729 --> 00:11:51,840 I'm not gonna be able to itemize that 305 00:11:51,840 --> 00:11:53,951 out right now I'm gonna tell you what 306 00:11:53,951 --> 00:11:56,546 we are doing is that we are we continue 307 00:11:56,546 --> 00:11:58,768 with every P . D . A . That we announce 308 00:11:58,768 --> 00:12:00,935 with every security assistance package 309 00:12:00,935 --> 00:12:03,746 that we announce . We assess our own 310 00:12:03,746 --> 00:12:05,746 readiness and capabilities and also 311 00:12:05,746 --> 00:12:07,857 what needs to be replenished . I just 312 00:12:07,857 --> 00:12:09,913 don't have a number or dollar figure 313 00:12:09,913 --> 00:12:11,968 for you right now on what that looks 314 00:12:11,968 --> 00:12:11,606 like . And I don't think that's 315 00:12:11,606 --> 00:12:13,773 something that we would broadcast from 316 00:12:13,773 --> 00:12:15,995 here or at least something that I could 317 00:12:15,995 --> 00:12:17,939 broadcast from here at this time ? 318 00:12:17,939 --> 00:12:20,990 Great yes situation 319 00:12:22,720 --> 00:12:26,550 operation there . So you said that 320 00:12:26,560 --> 00:12:28,782 you're seeking the escalation . However 321 00:12:28,782 --> 00:12:32,060 the more clear on the on the situation 322 00:12:32,750 --> 00:12:34,460 there's a statement where the 323 00:12:34,460 --> 00:12:38,450 spokesperson um says quote that centcom 324 00:12:38,450 --> 00:12:41,680 proposes uh what the Turks are doing in 325 00:12:41,680 --> 00:12:43,680 Northern Syria . These strikes . Is 326 00:12:43,680 --> 00:12:46,150 this the same position that the 327 00:12:46,160 --> 00:12:48,420 department has ? Are you do you oppose 328 00:12:48,420 --> 00:12:51,860 the Turkish uh military operation ? And 329 00:12:51,870 --> 00:12:55,440 are you concerned about further um 330 00:12:55,450 --> 00:12:57,672 let's say widening of that operation in 331 00:12:57,672 --> 00:12:59,783 Syria ? We've been consistent on this 332 00:12:59,783 --> 00:13:02,430 um not only from centcom but from this 333 00:13:02,430 --> 00:13:04,541 podium here that we oppose all of the 334 00:13:04,541 --> 00:13:06,597 strikes that are happening right now 335 00:13:06,597 --> 00:13:08,980 from all sides . Um They have a major 336 00:13:08,980 --> 00:13:12,050 impact on uh increasing escalation in 337 00:13:12,050 --> 00:13:15,950 Syria and Iraq and um take 338 00:13:15,950 --> 00:13:17,920 away from our goal which is the 339 00:13:17,920 --> 00:13:19,976 enduring defeat of ISIS . So we have 340 00:13:19,976 --> 00:13:22,660 encouraged um de escalation , we're 341 00:13:22,660 --> 00:13:24,660 going to continue to monitor what's 342 00:13:24,660 --> 00:13:26,882 happening on the ground there but we've 343 00:13:26,882 --> 00:13:29,104 continued not just Turkey but all sides 344 00:13:29,104 --> 00:13:32,060 to deescalate . Um and and you know 345 00:13:32,070 --> 00:13:34,237 we're going we're going to continue to 346 00:13:34,237 --> 00:13:36,237 to monitor what is happening on the 347 00:13:36,237 --> 00:13:38,500 ground there . What do you mean ? All 348 00:13:38,500 --> 00:13:40,722 sides , can you name the sites that are 349 00:13:40,722 --> 00:13:42,778 involved ? I think there's been open 350 00:13:42,778 --> 00:13:44,778 source reporting on the fact that I 351 00:13:44,778 --> 00:13:47,790 mean as you know um Turkey was attacked 352 00:13:47,800 --> 00:13:50,600 just last week I believe . Um there 353 00:13:50,600 --> 00:13:53,650 have been strikes within Syria and Iraq 354 00:13:53,650 --> 00:13:56,660 that we've seen . Um we encourage all 355 00:13:56,660 --> 00:13:59,460 sides to de escalate this conflict and 356 00:13:59,460 --> 00:14:03,390 to um remember that you know again our 357 00:14:03,390 --> 00:14:05,520 goal here the the United States 358 00:14:05,520 --> 00:14:07,742 military goal is the enduring defeat of 359 00:14:07,742 --> 00:14:10,140 ISIS . These strikes take away from 360 00:14:10,140 --> 00:14:13,840 that goal and um and you know again 361 00:14:14,040 --> 00:14:17,830 uh it risks the hard earned progress 362 00:14:17,830 --> 00:14:20,052 that the global coalition has made when 363 00:14:20,052 --> 00:14:22,810 it comes to the defeat of ISIS . Yeah . 364 00:14:22,820 --> 00:14:26,400 Yeah . A U . S . 365 00:14:26,400 --> 00:14:29,590 Destroyer through the Taiwan strait or 366 00:14:29,590 --> 00:14:32,890 november 5th . What message gives the U . 367 00:14:32,890 --> 00:14:35,400 S . Military intends to send to china 368 00:14:35,410 --> 00:14:37,620 by this transit a week before the 369 00:14:37,630 --> 00:14:39,610 president biden and President Xi's 370 00:14:39,610 --> 00:14:42,780 meeting in Indonesia . Well you know as 371 00:14:42,780 --> 00:14:45,280 the as the secretary spoke at about at 372 00:14:45,280 --> 00:14:47,580 Halifax as we've said from here , the 373 00:14:47,580 --> 00:14:49,691 United States is going to continue to 374 00:14:49,691 --> 00:14:52,550 sail operate and fly um in in open 375 00:14:52,550 --> 00:14:55,440 waters in international waters . And um 376 00:14:55,450 --> 00:14:58,040 that was one of our routine Taiwan 377 00:14:58,040 --> 00:15:00,207 transits that we did . Um I believe it 378 00:15:00,207 --> 00:15:03,990 was last week or the week a week ago 379 00:15:03,990 --> 00:15:05,820 and it was completely safe and 380 00:15:05,820 --> 00:15:09,590 professional . Yeah can I come back to 381 00:15:09,590 --> 00:15:13,540 you this week ? I don't have anything 382 00:15:13,540 --> 00:15:15,860 to announce right now you might be able 383 00:15:15,860 --> 00:15:17,971 to announce something in the next day 384 00:15:17,971 --> 00:15:20,249 or two before , you know like tomorrow . 385 00:15:20,249 --> 00:15:22,304 I don't have anything to read out at 386 00:15:22,304 --> 00:15:24,471 this time . If I do , I will certainly 387 00:15:24,471 --> 00:15:26,638 let you know . Okay , SpaceX six weeks 388 00:15:26,638 --> 00:15:26,560 ago the world was transfixed with us . 389 00:15:26,570 --> 00:15:30,390 The pentagon shut down six weeks 390 00:15:30,390 --> 00:15:32,557 later as the pentagon come to any kind 391 00:15:32,557 --> 00:15:34,779 of final decision on this a we're gonna 392 00:15:34,779 --> 00:15:38,050 pay going forward be we're not see were 393 00:15:38,060 --> 00:15:40,360 we keep talking , where does it stand ? 394 00:15:40,370 --> 00:15:42,880 So I don't have any there's been no 395 00:15:42,880 --> 00:15:45,065 changes , no update . Um we saw the 396 00:15:45,065 --> 00:15:47,995 SpaceX statement that was put out a few 397 00:15:47,995 --> 00:15:50,106 weeks ago you referenced that um they 398 00:15:50,106 --> 00:15:52,273 are going to continue payments for the 399 00:15:52,273 --> 00:15:54,439 Starlink satellites and capabilities . 400 00:15:54,439 --> 00:15:56,905 So right now that's that's the policy , 401 00:15:56,905 --> 00:15:58,905 that's what is happening and I have 402 00:15:58,905 --> 00:16:00,849 nothing to read out at this time . 403 00:16:00,849 --> 00:16:03,016 You're not talking anymore with at the 404 00:16:03,016 --> 00:16:05,016 moment and it's it's a dead issue . 405 00:16:05,016 --> 00:16:07,238 We're in contact with SpaceX on a range 406 00:16:07,238 --> 00:16:09,405 of issues , not just Starlink on other 407 00:16:09,405 --> 00:16:11,516 issues as well . So um I have nothing 408 00:16:11,516 --> 00:16:13,683 to nothing further to announce when it 409 00:16:13,683 --> 00:16:16,120 comes to our Starling capabilities . Um 410 00:16:16,130 --> 00:16:18,500 but you know , if that changes , I will 411 00:16:18,500 --> 00:16:20,611 certainly let you know , okay , can I 412 00:16:20,611 --> 00:16:22,722 go back to tom's question that's 21.7 413 00:16:22,722 --> 00:16:24,556 nobody expects you to be able to 414 00:16:24,556 --> 00:16:26,722 itemize that ? It would be unrealistic 415 00:16:26,722 --> 00:16:28,944 and unfair . But can you go back in the 416 00:16:28,944 --> 00:16:30,833 next over the next week and get a 417 00:16:30,833 --> 00:16:33,056 breakdown of the broad areas where this 418 00:16:33,056 --> 00:16:35,222 money is going to . That's a realistic 419 00:16:35,222 --> 00:16:37,444 transparent expectation . Certainly not 420 00:16:37,444 --> 00:16:39,556 asking you to itemize right now would 421 00:16:39,556 --> 00:16:41,500 be , well , this is just a request 422 00:16:41,500 --> 00:16:43,611 that's been submitted as well . So no 423 00:16:43,611 --> 00:16:43,460 has been passed . So therefore how 424 00:16:43,460 --> 00:16:45,540 would I be able to necessarily break 425 00:16:45,540 --> 00:16:47,651 down an itemization of something that 426 00:16:47,651 --> 00:16:49,984 could change ? That amount could change . 427 00:16:49,984 --> 00:16:52,040 So Congress though , this is what we 428 00:16:52,040 --> 00:16:54,151 want to spend the money notionally in 429 00:16:54,151 --> 00:16:56,207 the next week or so . Can you give a 430 00:16:56,207 --> 00:16:58,429 breakdown notionally ? The categories ? 431 00:16:58,429 --> 00:17:00,651 I can't right now . I mean notionally , 432 00:17:00,820 --> 00:17:03,320 but I'm just saying that number that 433 00:17:03,320 --> 00:17:05,376 has been submitted to Congress could 434 00:17:05,376 --> 00:17:07,431 also change . Right . Congress might 435 00:17:07,431 --> 00:17:09,542 not approve that number . So the fact 436 00:17:09,542 --> 00:17:12,040 is that I can , I can certainly , I 437 00:17:12,050 --> 00:17:14,161 believe in transparency here . I want 438 00:17:14,161 --> 00:17:16,439 to be transparent with you . Of course . 439 00:17:16,439 --> 00:17:18,494 I just don't have that breakdown for 440 00:17:18,494 --> 00:17:20,661 you today . And to what Tom was asking 441 00:17:20,661 --> 00:17:22,883 either . I'm happy to like when we have 442 00:17:22,883 --> 00:17:24,939 more information . I'm happy to read 443 00:17:24,939 --> 00:17:26,883 that out . But at this time I just 444 00:17:26,883 --> 00:17:28,994 don't , I'm not expecting to not know 445 00:17:28,994 --> 00:17:28,710 now . Congress is only going to prove 446 00:17:28,710 --> 00:17:30,932 it if you give them a breakdown of what 447 00:17:30,932 --> 00:17:32,821 you what you want the money for . 448 00:17:32,821 --> 00:17:34,988 That's all I'm asking . That's right . 449 00:17:34,988 --> 00:17:34,830 And I just don't have that right now . 450 00:17:35,480 --> 00:17:39,380 Okay . I'm gonna go to another question 451 00:17:39,380 --> 00:17:41,491 and then I'm gonna come back to you . 452 00:17:41,491 --> 00:17:43,658 Yeah . Thanks . Sabrina had a question 453 00:17:43,658 --> 00:17:45,269 about Tiktok , are there any 454 00:17:45,269 --> 00:17:47,300 discussions to review or amend the 455 00:17:47,310 --> 00:17:50,020 policy on Tiktok right now ? Used on 456 00:17:50,070 --> 00:17:52,240 government devices , but it's used 457 00:17:52,250 --> 00:17:54,306 widely on personal devices and there 458 00:17:54,306 --> 00:17:56,361 are a lot of concerns about security 459 00:17:56,361 --> 00:17:58,528 renda . So right now our policy hasn't 460 00:17:58,528 --> 00:18:00,250 changed . If it does , I would 461 00:18:00,250 --> 00:18:02,583 certainly be able to update you on that . 462 00:18:02,583 --> 00:18:04,694 But um , for in terms of personal use 463 00:18:04,694 --> 00:18:06,806 and devices , that's not something we 464 00:18:06,806 --> 00:18:08,917 monitor . We of course are monitoring 465 00:18:08,917 --> 00:18:11,083 the government or encouraging folks to 466 00:18:11,083 --> 00:18:10,870 be safe on their government devices . 467 00:18:10,880 --> 00:18:13,102 Um , so I just have nothing in terms of 468 00:18:13,102 --> 00:18:16,460 our policy discussion right now . Not 469 00:18:16,460 --> 00:18:18,571 at the moment . Not at the moment . I 470 00:18:18,571 --> 00:18:20,460 mean , nothing has changed in our 471 00:18:20,460 --> 00:18:22,571 policy , but if that does , I'm happy 472 00:18:22,571 --> 00:18:24,682 to happy to update you . Yeah , thank 473 00:18:24,682 --> 00:18:26,950 you for taking my question . Um , so in 474 00:18:26,950 --> 00:18:29,117 the face of the tremendous damage that 475 00:18:29,117 --> 00:18:31,160 Ukraine and because of the Russian 476 00:18:31,160 --> 00:18:34,420 bombing , to the infrastructure and uh , 477 00:18:34,430 --> 00:18:37,400 civilian population is suffering in the 478 00:18:37,400 --> 00:18:40,040 cold and so forth . The D O . D has 479 00:18:40,040 --> 00:18:43,680 taken a piece of this puzzle , uh , in 480 00:18:43,680 --> 00:18:45,960 conjunction with another group . And 481 00:18:45,960 --> 00:18:48,016 can you say anything about the , how 482 00:18:48,016 --> 00:18:50,016 far the plans have come in terms of 483 00:18:50,016 --> 00:18:52,182 addressing the emergency needs , these 484 00:18:52,182 --> 00:18:54,127 very urgent needs on the ground in 485 00:18:54,127 --> 00:18:56,182 Ukraine in terms of what's happening 486 00:18:56,182 --> 00:18:58,182 like the from the damages that were 487 00:18:58,182 --> 00:19:00,238 sustained from last week structure . 488 00:19:00,238 --> 00:19:02,404 Yeah . The heat plumbing , sure that . 489 00:19:02,404 --> 00:19:04,293 and I know there has been a group 490 00:19:04,293 --> 00:19:06,627 that's formed but I'm just wondering if , 491 00:19:06,627 --> 00:19:08,460 yeah . Yeah . I mean the Ukraine 492 00:19:08,460 --> 00:19:11,340 contact group part of that that um that 493 00:19:11,350 --> 00:19:13,406 group's meeting is to determine what 494 00:19:13,406 --> 00:19:15,072 Ukraine needs not just on the 495 00:19:15,072 --> 00:19:17,072 battlefield but also in terms of to 496 00:19:17,072 --> 00:19:19,350 sustain their their own infrastructure . 497 00:19:19,350 --> 00:19:21,128 And that's something that um we 498 00:19:21,128 --> 00:19:22,961 continue to be in touch with our 499 00:19:22,961 --> 00:19:24,961 Ukrainian counterparts to determine 500 00:19:24,961 --> 00:19:27,183 what they need . Which is what you will 501 00:19:27,183 --> 00:19:29,406 see in each P . D . A . And I know Tony 502 00:19:29,406 --> 00:19:31,517 asked about when the next P . D . A . 503 00:19:31,517 --> 00:19:31,490 Might be rolled out and I don't have an 504 00:19:31,490 --> 00:19:33,434 announcement for you on that . But 505 00:19:33,434 --> 00:19:35,657 we're in constant contact with what the 506 00:19:35,657 --> 00:19:37,490 Ukrainians might need . Um we're 507 00:19:37,490 --> 00:19:39,712 certainly aware that there have been um 508 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:42,650 extreme damages to their electoral 509 00:19:42,660 --> 00:19:44,827 electrical grid and infrastructure and 510 00:19:44,827 --> 00:19:47,049 that's something that um we're thinking 511 00:19:47,049 --> 00:19:49,271 through in terms of what we can provide 512 00:19:49,271 --> 00:19:51,271 them . And then you know also we we 513 00:19:51,271 --> 00:19:53,216 know they're heading into a really 514 00:19:53,216 --> 00:19:55,438 tough cold winter um which is why we've 515 00:19:55,438 --> 00:19:57,493 provided um boots , gloves , hats um 516 00:19:57,493 --> 00:19:59,660 which tom has asked about before on in 517 00:19:59,660 --> 00:20:01,716 terms of what that looks like and um 518 00:20:01,716 --> 00:20:03,720 we've provided that to um the 519 00:20:03,720 --> 00:20:05,831 Ukrainians because we know that we'll 520 00:20:05,831 --> 00:20:08,053 need that that they'll need that on the 521 00:20:08,053 --> 00:20:10,053 battlefield . And so um just to get 522 00:20:10,053 --> 00:20:12,276 back to the heart of your question , we 523 00:20:12,276 --> 00:20:14,387 continue to assess what they need and 524 00:20:14,387 --> 00:20:16,442 that continues to change . And we've 525 00:20:16,442 --> 00:20:18,442 seen these strikes by these Iranian 526 00:20:18,442 --> 00:20:20,950 made drones have devastating impacts , 527 00:20:20,960 --> 00:20:23,570 um , on civilian infrastructure on 528 00:20:23,570 --> 00:20:26,110 targets that are not uh , military 529 00:20:26,110 --> 00:20:28,570 targets . And so , um , we're going to 530 00:20:28,570 --> 00:20:30,880 continue to , to do what we can to 531 00:20:30,880 --> 00:20:33,158 provide them what they need . And it's , 532 00:20:33,158 --> 00:20:35,324 and it's not just us , you know , it's 533 00:20:35,324 --> 00:20:35,260 our partners and allies around the 534 00:20:35,260 --> 00:20:37,630 world that are working together , um , 535 00:20:37,640 --> 00:20:39,751 to make sure that the Ukrainians have 536 00:20:39,751 --> 00:20:41,973 what they need for this winter . Yeah , 537 00:20:41,973 --> 00:20:44,810 nice to see you see , you just on that , 538 00:20:44,820 --> 00:20:46,550 you have now another group of 539 00:20:46,560 --> 00:20:49,290 bipartisan lawmakers asking the 540 00:20:49,290 --> 00:20:51,560 secretary to reconsider his decision or 541 00:20:51,560 --> 00:20:54,070 parent decision on the Gray Eagle 542 00:20:54,070 --> 00:20:55,903 drones , the advanced drones for 543 00:20:55,903 --> 00:20:58,830 Ukraine give any responses to if it's 544 00:20:58,830 --> 00:21:00,941 still under consideration or what the 545 00:21:00,941 --> 00:21:03,108 rationale is deciding not to give them 546 00:21:03,108 --> 00:21:05,108 that . I would say that nothing has 547 00:21:05,108 --> 00:21:07,400 been decided . We're always assessing 548 00:21:07,400 --> 00:21:09,910 and evaluating what we can send to 549 00:21:09,910 --> 00:21:12,480 Ukraine . Um , but in terms of the Gray 550 00:21:12,480 --> 00:21:14,600 Eagle's , no decision has been made . 551 00:21:14,830 --> 00:21:17,470 Um , we are , you know , we have to 552 00:21:17,470 --> 00:21:20,730 examine what impact it would have on us 553 00:21:20,730 --> 00:21:22,730 and specifically for the army , but 554 00:21:22,730 --> 00:21:25,320 nothing has been rolled out anything 555 00:21:25,330 --> 00:21:27,552 about the rationale though thus far for 556 00:21:27,552 --> 00:21:29,860 not providing them . I mean , it's 557 00:21:29,860 --> 00:21:31,804 something that we're assessing . I 558 00:21:31,804 --> 00:21:33,860 wouldn't be able to go beyond beyond 559 00:21:33,860 --> 00:21:36,270 that , I think , um , in terms of in 560 00:21:36,270 --> 00:21:38,730 terms of just on the larger scope of 561 00:21:38,730 --> 00:21:40,730 rationale , we feel that what we've 562 00:21:40,730 --> 00:21:43,630 provided them so far has been , um , 563 00:21:44,070 --> 00:21:46,292 they've been more than capable of using 564 00:21:46,292 --> 00:21:48,403 and they've been more than capable of 565 00:21:48,403 --> 00:21:50,237 having instrumental gains on the 566 00:21:50,237 --> 00:21:52,459 battlefield and so um when and if there 567 00:21:52,459 --> 00:21:54,403 is a time that we provide the gray 568 00:21:54,403 --> 00:21:56,570 eagle , I'll certainly be reading that 569 00:21:56,570 --> 00:21:58,681 out and I'm sure you'll be interested 570 00:21:58,681 --> 00:22:01,320 as well . Yeah . Nice to see you . Uh 571 00:22:01,330 --> 00:22:03,330 during the meeting with his chinese 572 00:22:03,330 --> 00:22:05,052 counterpart , Secretary Austin 573 00:22:05,052 --> 00:22:07,650 highlighted the need to re open lines 574 00:22:07,650 --> 00:22:09,872 of communication and military dialogues 575 00:22:09,872 --> 00:22:11,817 in order to manage the competition 576 00:22:11,817 --> 00:22:14,039 responsibly . Has there been a positive 577 00:22:14,039 --> 00:22:15,761 reaction from the chinese side 578 00:22:15,761 --> 00:22:18,650 regarding these uh uh dialogues that 579 00:22:18,650 --> 00:22:20,872 the U . S . Wants to be open ? Well , I 580 00:22:20,872 --> 00:22:23,640 wouldn't want to speak on behalf of uh 581 00:22:23,650 --> 00:22:25,872 the chinese government . I would direct 582 00:22:25,872 --> 00:22:28,039 you to them for further comment . Um I 583 00:22:28,039 --> 00:22:30,150 think that the fact that we're seeing 584 00:22:30,150 --> 00:22:31,872 seeing engagement from them um 585 00:22:31,872 --> 00:22:34,690 certainly shows an openness and a 586 00:22:34,690 --> 00:22:37,640 willingness to want to communicate and 587 00:22:37,640 --> 00:22:40,260 so we welcome that . Great . Yes , 588 00:22:40,570 --> 00:22:42,570 sorry , I'll come to the back after 589 00:22:42,570 --> 00:22:45,450 that . A spokesperson from Foreign 590 00:22:45,450 --> 00:22:48,240 Minister in Kiev said that the experts 591 00:22:48,240 --> 00:22:51,740 from Ukraine and Iran met to 592 00:22:51,740 --> 00:22:54,230 discuss the use of Iranian drones in 593 00:22:54,230 --> 00:22:56,780 Ukraine . Have you aware about that 594 00:22:56,790 --> 00:22:59,130 meetings ? And do you encourage these 595 00:22:59,130 --> 00:23:01,260 kinds of meetings between Iran and 596 00:23:01,260 --> 00:23:03,720 Ukraine ? I'm sorry , can you repeat 597 00:23:03,720 --> 00:23:06,840 the question Iranian spoke ? Iranian 598 00:23:06,840 --> 00:23:09,170 spokesperson put up Ukraine and a 599 00:23:09,170 --> 00:23:11,240 spokesperson . Okay sorry , can you 600 00:23:11,240 --> 00:23:13,296 just repeat the question ? There's a 601 00:23:13,296 --> 00:23:15,780 meeting between Iranian and Ukraine 602 00:23:15,790 --> 00:23:19,150 experts from both sides to talk 603 00:23:19,160 --> 00:23:22,310 about and discuss the use of Iranian 604 00:23:22,320 --> 00:23:24,550 drones in Ukraine . Have you aware 605 00:23:24,560 --> 00:23:26,740 about that meeting ? I'm not I'm not 606 00:23:26,740 --> 00:23:30,070 aware of a meeting like that . No . And 607 00:23:30,070 --> 00:23:32,430 you encourage these kinds these kinds 608 00:23:32,430 --> 00:23:35,140 of meetings . Well , I mean , I think 609 00:23:35,150 --> 00:23:38,400 uh it would be surprising if if there 610 00:23:38,400 --> 00:23:40,456 was a meeting like that taking place 611 00:23:40,456 --> 00:23:42,750 given the fact that Iran is providing 612 00:23:42,760 --> 00:23:46,250 drones to Russia to kill innocent 613 00:23:46,260 --> 00:23:49,900 Ukrainian civilians . Um , so I I just 614 00:23:49,900 --> 00:23:52,122 I wouldn't really be able to comment on 615 00:23:52,122 --> 00:23:54,289 that any further . I mean , we've seen 616 00:23:54,289 --> 00:23:56,540 sort of where Iran is aligned right now 617 00:23:56,550 --> 00:23:58,661 and we're seeing Russia being further 618 00:23:58,661 --> 00:24:02,590 isolated by um reaching out to 619 00:24:02,600 --> 00:24:05,340 countries like Iran and North Korea to 620 00:24:05,350 --> 00:24:08,190 resupply what they need . Um It clearly 621 00:24:08,190 --> 00:24:10,950 shows that their their own weaknesses 622 00:24:10,960 --> 00:24:13,470 um and it clearly shows how isolated 623 00:24:13,470 --> 00:24:15,770 they've become in the world . And so I 624 00:24:15,770 --> 00:24:17,881 just I wouldn't be able to go any , I 625 00:24:17,881 --> 00:24:19,714 wouldn't be able to comment on a 626 00:24:19,714 --> 00:24:21,770 meeting , I don't have any awareness 627 00:24:21,770 --> 00:24:24,310 about . Yeah . Um yesterday General 628 00:24:24,310 --> 00:24:27,300 Mark Milley met with the chief of the 629 00:24:27,300 --> 00:24:30,700 Israel General staff , Aviv Kochavi , 630 00:24:30,710 --> 00:24:32,890 they discussed the threats um , that 631 00:24:32,900 --> 00:24:35,740 posed by Iran . So is there any 632 00:24:35,760 --> 00:24:39,100 coordination between the D O D and the 633 00:24:39,100 --> 00:24:41,890 Israeli recently about any response 634 00:24:41,890 --> 00:24:45,420 maybe will be happen against Iran after 635 00:24:45,420 --> 00:24:48,320 the Iranian threatens has been arised . 636 00:24:49,060 --> 00:24:51,227 I you know , I saw the reader , I have 637 00:24:51,227 --> 00:24:53,338 nothing more to add to that . I would 638 00:24:53,338 --> 00:24:55,449 direct you to the joint staff for any 639 00:24:55,449 --> 00:24:58,890 further um uh information or details on 640 00:24:58,890 --> 00:25:01,168 that meeting . Yeah , of course , yeah . 641 00:25:01,168 --> 00:25:04,270 Um Yesterday in the readout or this 642 00:25:04,270 --> 00:25:06,570 morning in the readout with Secretary 643 00:25:06,570 --> 00:25:09,730 Austin , we used the word , it was used 644 00:25:09,740 --> 00:25:13,150 discussed multiple times . Um 645 00:25:13,160 --> 00:25:15,600 Secretary Austin discussed Russia's 646 00:25:15,610 --> 00:25:18,200 unprovoked war against Ukraine . So 647 00:25:18,210 --> 00:25:20,190 basically they had a conversation 648 00:25:20,200 --> 00:25:23,260 instead of talks . When we say 649 00:25:23,270 --> 00:25:25,950 Russia , we used talks . 650 00:25:26,820 --> 00:25:29,350 Are we planning on having talks 651 00:25:29,360 --> 00:25:33,080 with uh china , something 652 00:25:33,080 --> 00:25:35,500 more substantial ? Instead of are they 653 00:25:35,500 --> 00:25:37,611 gonna go in the room and just discuss 654 00:25:37,611 --> 00:25:41,190 talking points ? Seems like a bit of 655 00:25:41,190 --> 00:25:43,380 parsing of words here . Some of these 656 00:25:43,390 --> 00:25:47,220 Yeah . One is we just go in and 657 00:25:47,220 --> 00:25:50,310 have a conversation . The other is we 658 00:25:50,310 --> 00:25:52,840 go in and have high talks . So I would 659 00:25:52,840 --> 00:25:54,729 say that the readout and what the 660 00:25:54,729 --> 00:25:57,600 Secretary said with his um to General 661 00:25:57,600 --> 00:25:59,940 wei is that they discussed um the 662 00:25:59,940 --> 00:26:03,590 ongoing war in Ukraine . Um I mean I 663 00:26:03,590 --> 00:26:05,757 don't have more to read out other than 664 00:26:05,757 --> 00:26:08,940 what was already announced um and what 665 00:26:08,940 --> 00:26:11,240 they discussed there , but I I guess I 666 00:26:11,240 --> 00:26:13,407 wouldn't I think we're trying to parse 667 00:26:13,407 --> 00:26:15,573 a little bit about discussed discussed 668 00:26:15,573 --> 00:26:17,407 in talks . And I just there's no 669 00:26:17,407 --> 00:26:19,462 there's no I have nothing further to 670 00:26:19,462 --> 00:26:21,629 read out in terms of any conversations 671 00:26:21,629 --> 00:26:23,629 or talks with Russia if that's what 672 00:26:23,629 --> 00:26:23,370 you're getting at , keep using 673 00:26:23,380 --> 00:26:26,100 discussed all the time when we're only 674 00:26:26,110 --> 00:26:29,670 describing china , we never say the 675 00:26:29,670 --> 00:26:32,770 word talk . They went in and had high 676 00:26:32,770 --> 00:26:35,120 talks . I think I think I understand 677 00:26:35,120 --> 00:26:37,270 what you're saying . I I think we're 678 00:26:37,270 --> 00:26:39,437 reading a little too much into some of 679 00:26:39,437 --> 00:26:41,603 the wording here . Um just in terms of 680 00:26:41,603 --> 00:26:44,350 discussed , met with had a conversation . 681 00:26:44,350 --> 00:26:46,350 I mean we've used certain certainly 682 00:26:46,350 --> 00:26:48,128 different words to characterize 683 00:26:48,128 --> 00:26:50,072 meetings , but I think the biggest 684 00:26:50,072 --> 00:26:51,961 takeaway that I would urge you to 685 00:26:51,961 --> 00:26:54,128 consider here is that this was an open 686 00:26:54,128 --> 00:26:56,183 dialogue . They discussed a range of 687 00:26:56,183 --> 00:26:59,180 topics um in cambodia , one of which 688 00:26:59,180 --> 00:27:01,840 included Russia's war that is waged on 689 00:27:01,840 --> 00:27:04,920 Ukraine and many other topics . Um and 690 00:27:04,930 --> 00:27:08,750 we want to encourage to keeping this 691 00:27:08,750 --> 00:27:11,250 dialogue and open communication with 692 00:27:11,260 --> 00:27:13,620 china . But beyond that , I have 693 00:27:13,620 --> 00:27:15,676 nothing more to add to the readout . 694 00:27:15,676 --> 00:27:19,160 Yeah , Okay , sure . Thank you on china . 695 00:27:19,160 --> 00:27:23,020 China says that even if it has 696 00:27:23,030 --> 00:27:25,800 influence over North Korea , it is 697 00:27:25,810 --> 00:27:29,550 limited and it has no authority 698 00:27:29,560 --> 00:27:32,770 to consider North Korea . And also 699 00:27:32,770 --> 00:27:36,730 China used veto to defend 700 00:27:36,740 --> 00:27:39,600 North Korea at the U . N . Security 701 00:27:39,600 --> 00:27:42,470 Council resolution yesterday . How you 702 00:27:42,530 --> 00:27:45,930 comment on , I would directly to the U . 703 00:27:45,930 --> 00:27:48,041 N . That I'm not the spokesperson for 704 00:27:48,041 --> 00:27:50,208 for for the U . N . I would say that , 705 00:27:50,208 --> 00:27:52,319 you know , we've we've certainly been 706 00:27:52,319 --> 00:27:56,020 very vocal about our the destabilizing 707 00:27:56,020 --> 00:27:58,250 impacts and actions that North Korea 708 00:27:58,250 --> 00:28:00,306 continues to take and we're going to 709 00:28:00,306 --> 00:28:03,880 continue to um make clear our concerns 710 00:28:03,880 --> 00:28:06,102 and that's something that the secretary 711 00:28:06,102 --> 00:28:08,158 raised um in his in his meeting with 712 00:28:08,158 --> 00:28:10,380 general wei and we're gonna continue to 713 00:28:10,380 --> 00:28:12,380 do that , not just with China , but 714 00:28:12,380 --> 00:28:14,491 with other countries around the world 715 00:28:14,491 --> 00:28:16,602 and I see a question back here . Yeah 716 00:28:16,602 --> 00:28:18,824 I'm sorry and I'll come to you and then 717 00:28:18,824 --> 00:28:18,350 we'll probably have to wrap up soon 718 00:28:18,350 --> 00:28:20,461 because there's another event in this 719 00:28:20,461 --> 00:28:22,461 room soon . Thank you for taking my 720 00:28:22,461 --> 00:28:24,683 question . My question is about Japan . 721 00:28:24,683 --> 00:28:27,050 So Japanese government commission panel 722 00:28:27,050 --> 00:28:29,660 said today that drastic defense build 723 00:28:29,660 --> 00:28:31,590 up including preemptive strike 724 00:28:31,600 --> 00:28:34,650 capabilities was essential . So does 725 00:28:34,650 --> 00:28:36,761 the U . S . Support a drastic defense 726 00:28:36,761 --> 00:28:40,050 build up ? And has the D . O . D . Had 727 00:28:40,060 --> 00:28:41,893 recent discussions with Japanese 728 00:28:41,893 --> 00:28:44,260 counterparts about preemptive strike 729 00:28:44,270 --> 00:28:46,381 capabilities ? I have nothing to read 730 00:28:46,381 --> 00:28:48,381 out of conversations that we've had 731 00:28:48,381 --> 00:28:50,381 with Japan . We've certainly are in 732 00:28:50,381 --> 00:28:52,710 constant communication with Japan and 733 00:28:52,710 --> 00:28:54,877 the republic of Korea when it comes to 734 00:28:54,877 --> 00:28:57,540 um our bilateral and trilateral 735 00:28:57,550 --> 00:29:01,050 relationship . Um and we are always of 736 00:29:01,050 --> 00:29:02,883 course in contact with them when 737 00:29:02,883 --> 00:29:04,606 they're when they're continued 738 00:29:04,606 --> 00:29:06,606 provocations that we see out of the 739 00:29:06,606 --> 00:29:08,606 Dprk . But beyond that I just don't 740 00:29:08,606 --> 00:29:10,772 have anything further for you . Yeah , 741 00:29:10,772 --> 00:29:12,883 my question , I would like to know if 742 00:29:12,883 --> 00:29:14,994 you have any information about what's 743 00:29:14,994 --> 00:29:17,600 going on in the Algerian , Moroccan 744 00:29:17,610 --> 00:29:21,390 border , what Russian Russia is 745 00:29:21,390 --> 00:29:24,720 doing there and also is if the pentagon 746 00:29:24,730 --> 00:29:27,590 had any contact with the Algerian or 747 00:29:27,590 --> 00:29:30,580 Moroccan authorities since the military 748 00:29:30,580 --> 00:29:33,040 drills started there . I haven't I 749 00:29:33,040 --> 00:29:35,151 don't have any conversations or calls 750 00:29:35,151 --> 00:29:36,873 to read out in terms of um the 751 00:29:36,873 --> 00:29:39,530 Secretary's engagement . Uh we've seen 752 00:29:39,540 --> 00:29:43,150 a Russian presence in um north africa 753 00:29:43,150 --> 00:29:46,720 and continue to grow . Uh we 754 00:29:46,730 --> 00:29:49,910 we consistently monitor um Russian 755 00:29:49,920 --> 00:29:53,900 actions and um some of what they've 756 00:29:53,910 --> 00:29:56,077 been doing , but I don't have anything 757 00:29:56,077 --> 00:29:58,100 to read out in terms of any any 758 00:29:58,100 --> 00:30:02,020 response . Great . Um Okay , well thank 759 00:30:02,020 --> 00:30:04,076 you all I wanted to wrap up and just 760 00:30:04,076 --> 00:30:06,350 say before we go happy thanksgiving . I 761 00:30:06,350 --> 00:30:08,183 hope everyone has a really great 762 00:30:08,183 --> 00:30:10,128 holiday , a restful holiday and um 763 00:30:10,130 --> 00:30:12,241 don't forget to say goodbye to Justin 764 00:30:12,241 --> 00:30:14,297 Brown before he leaves . All right . 765 00:30:14,297 --> 00:30:18,160 Thank you everyone . Thanks . No , 766 00:30:18,170 --> 00:30:19,320 no .