WEBVTT 00:00.300 --> 00:02.300 I'm Commander branton . M . Joaquin 00:02.300 --> 00:05.190 Junior . I am active duty sailor . I've 00:05.190 --> 00:07.430 been active duty for 38 years and I'm 00:07.430 --> 00:10.330 the grandson of David martin Brown , 00:10.340 --> 00:12.800 third class musician in the Navy band 00:12.800 --> 00:16.710 from 1942 to 1945 who served most of 00:16.710 --> 00:19.030 his tour in the Navy band in Chapel 00:19.030 --> 00:21.960 Hill north Carolina . To avoid being 00:21.960 --> 00:24.182 drafted into the army or something like 00:24.182 --> 00:26.293 that . He joined the navy and when he 00:26.293 --> 00:28.293 joined the Navy um he said he could 00:28.293 --> 00:30.404 play the trumpet and they sent him to 00:30.404 --> 00:33.670 uh boot camp in Great Lakes . So he 00:33.670 --> 00:35.614 went through school there in Great 00:35.614 --> 00:37.860 Lakes . But then he ended up down south 00:38.490 --> 00:42.080 at U . N . C . Chapel Hill . So he said 00:42.080 --> 00:45.130 his primary function was to uh be on 00:45.130 --> 00:48.600 campus to drill with the N . R . O . T . 00:48.600 --> 00:51.030 C . Officers . They were all white and 00:51.040 --> 00:53.151 their job was to be there and play at 00:53.151 --> 00:54.818 their functions whether it be 00:54.818 --> 00:58.460 graduations or dances , dinners or 00:58.460 --> 01:00.571 whatever they were , they're resident 01:00.571 --> 01:02.682 entertainment . They would also drill 01:02.682 --> 01:05.800 with their rifles to the band . And so 01:05.800 --> 01:07.911 he said that's what they did and they 01:07.911 --> 01:10.133 did that every day and sometimes on the 01:10.133 --> 01:12.078 weekends as well . Told me stories 01:12.078 --> 01:14.244 about that . And he said he loved it . 01:14.244 --> 01:16.467 He played all the time . They're always 01:16.467 --> 01:16.140 different functions and they got to eat 01:16.140 --> 01:17.973 great food whenever one of these 01:17.973 --> 01:20.196 functions . So he really enjoyed that . 01:20.420 --> 01:22.710 And then the stories come out about the 01:22.710 --> 01:25.820 segregation faced in those days . 01:26.810 --> 01:28.866 But when he spoke about it he didn't 01:28.866 --> 01:31.070 speak about it in a better manner . It 01:31.070 --> 01:33.560 was more a matter of factly this is how 01:33.560 --> 01:35.893 it was then compared to how you have it . 01:35.893 --> 01:38.640 Now , there were certain rules that 01:38.650 --> 01:41.260 they had to be off the campus before 01:41.260 --> 01:44.350 the sun went down . So they completed 01:44.360 --> 01:46.471 all of their duties , they had to get 01:46.471 --> 01:48.638 off of that campus and be on the other 01:48.638 --> 01:50.749 side of town in their area before the 01:50.749 --> 01:53.450 sun went down . And if they had to do a 01:53.450 --> 01:56.880 job or gig a concert or performance 01:56.890 --> 01:58.946 that was going to take them into the 01:58.946 --> 02:00.850 night , they had to have a white 02:00.860 --> 02:04.780 officer or chief chaperone them to be 02:04.780 --> 02:07.310 there and then take them back across 02:07.310 --> 02:10.680 town . So the , so the local police uh 02:10.690 --> 02:13.460 didn't give him a hard time when I 02:13.460 --> 02:15.682 mentor young african american sailors . 02:15.682 --> 02:18.850 Now I tell them about the things that I 02:18.850 --> 02:21.970 saw . So what are you gonna do now , 02:22.780 --> 02:24.900 what are you gonna do to appreciate 02:24.900 --> 02:27.620 this ? To excel in it and then pay it 02:27.620 --> 02:29.680 forward ? So everyone has a 02:29.680 --> 02:32.270 responsibility to be better than the 02:32.270 --> 02:34.700 people that they're standing on and 02:34.700 --> 02:36.867 that's my message to them and it might 02:36.867 --> 02:39.033 sound a little hokey and corny , but I 02:39.033 --> 02:41.510 truly to think that's what we owe them 02:41.520 --> 02:43.464 to be better than them and to keep 02:43.464 --> 02:43.720 being better