WEBVTT 00:00.210 --> 00:02.840 Good afternoon everybody happy friday , 00:03.200 --> 00:05.500 just a few things and then we'll get 00:05.500 --> 00:08.770 right to your questions . So , as 00:08.770 --> 00:10.826 you're all aware today marks the one 00:10.826 --> 00:13.430 year anniversary of Russia's unprovoked 00:13.440 --> 00:16.280 war in Ukraine . And to quote Secretary 00:16.280 --> 00:18.613 Austin's statement issued earlier today , 00:18.613 --> 00:20.558 quote the solemn anniversary is an 00:20.558 --> 00:22.502 opportunity for all who believe in 00:22.502 --> 00:24.420 freedom rules and sovereignty to 00:24.420 --> 00:26.660 recommit ourselves to supporting 00:26.660 --> 00:28.827 Ukraine's brave defenders for the long 00:28.827 --> 00:31.000 haul . And recall that the stakes of 00:31.000 --> 00:33.280 Russia's war stretch far beyond Ukraine 00:34.080 --> 00:36.360 alongside our international allies and 00:36.360 --> 00:38.249 partners , we remain committed to 00:38.249 --> 00:40.304 supporting the Ukrainian people with 00:40.304 --> 00:42.590 the security assistance . They need to 00:42.590 --> 00:44.812 defend their nation and take back their 00:44.812 --> 00:47.034 sovereign territory . And we will stand 00:47.034 --> 00:49.201 with Ukraine for as long as it takes . 00:49.201 --> 00:51.034 And another demonstration of our 00:51.034 --> 00:53.257 enduring commitment . Earlier today the 00:53.257 --> 00:55.201 Department of Defense announced $2 00:55.201 --> 00:59.010 billion Security 00:59.010 --> 01:01.690 Assistance Initiative . The security 01:01.690 --> 01:03.523 assistance package reaffirms the 01:03.523 --> 01:05.690 steadfast support of the United States 01:05.690 --> 01:07.746 for Ukraine by committing additional 01:07.746 --> 01:10.200 unmanned aerial systems encounter us 01:10.220 --> 01:12.090 and electronic warfare detection 01:12.090 --> 01:13.950 equipment as well as critical 01:13.950 --> 01:15.950 ammunition stocks for artillery and 01:15.950 --> 01:18.117 precision fires capabilities that will 01:18.117 --> 01:20.090 bolster Ukraine's ability to repel 01:20.090 --> 01:21.979 Russian aggression for additional 01:21.979 --> 01:23.923 details and refer you to our press 01:23.923 --> 01:25.979 release located on defense dot gov . 01:26.130 --> 01:28.130 Also today , the Secretary spoke by 01:28.130 --> 01:29.963 phone with Ukraine's Minister of 01:29.963 --> 01:32.450 Defense Celeski Reznikoff . Secretary 01:32.450 --> 01:34.506 Austin praised Ukraine's courage and 01:34.506 --> 01:36.617 sacrifice that has inspired and rally 01:36.617 --> 01:38.783 the international community to support 01:38.783 --> 01:40.617 its efforts to push back against 01:40.617 --> 01:42.839 Russian aggression and he also provided 01:42.839 --> 01:44.506 an update on U . S . Security 01:44.506 --> 01:46.506 assistance efforts And a readout of 01:46.506 --> 01:48.839 that call is available on the D . O . D . 01:48.839 --> 01:50.728 Website . In addition , Secretary 01:50.728 --> 01:52.839 Austin also spoke today by phone with 01:52.839 --> 01:54.783 Israeli , Minister of Defense Yoav 01:54.783 --> 01:56.728 galant to discuss topics of mutual 01:56.728 --> 01:58.894 interest and we will have a readout of 01:58.894 --> 02:01.117 that call posted later today on defense 02:01.117 --> 02:03.117 dot gov as well . Finally today the 02:03.117 --> 02:04.894 suicide Prevention and Response 02:04.894 --> 02:07.006 Independent Review Committee released 02:07.006 --> 02:09.117 their independent report findings and 02:09.117 --> 02:10.783 recommendations . Today . The 02:10.783 --> 02:12.617 Department of Defense efforts to 02:12.617 --> 02:14.283 implement a comprehensive and 02:14.283 --> 02:16.006 integrated approach to suicide 02:16.006 --> 02:18.117 prevention prevention actions will be 02:18.117 --> 02:20.228 informed by the work of the committee 02:20.228 --> 02:22.172 which will amplify D . O . D . S . 02:22.172 --> 02:24.339 Current approach in three key priority 02:24.339 --> 02:26.561 areas . These include fostering quality 02:26.561 --> 02:28.672 of life and building healthy climates 02:28.672 --> 02:30.783 and cultures , addressing stigma as a 02:30.783 --> 02:32.783 barrier barrier to help seeking and 02:32.783 --> 02:34.783 promoting a culture of lethal means 02:34.783 --> 02:36.839 safety . And while we recognize that 02:36.839 --> 02:39.550 suicide has no single cause even one 02:39.550 --> 02:41.494 suicide and that there's no single 02:41.494 --> 02:43.606 preventative action treatment or cure 02:43.606 --> 02:45.900 even one suicide is too many and we 02:45.900 --> 02:48.000 will exhaust every effort to promote 02:48.000 --> 02:50.222 the wellness , health and morale of our 02:50.222 --> 02:52.750 total force . As Secretary Austin has 02:52.750 --> 02:54.972 said previously , the department's most 02:54.972 --> 02:56.972 precious resources are people so we 02:56.972 --> 02:58.972 must spare no effort and working to 02:58.972 --> 03:01.083 prevent suicide within our ranks . We 03:01.083 --> 03:02.861 must all in every corner of the 03:02.861 --> 03:04.972 department redouble our commitment to 03:04.972 --> 03:07.083 connect with those who may be hurting 03:07.083 --> 03:09.194 and save lives and with that we'll go 03:09.194 --> 03:11.417 to your questions start with Associated 03:11.417 --> 03:13.306 Press Leader . Thank you . Um two 03:13.306 --> 03:16.920 things number one Uh the U . S . Has 03:16.920 --> 03:19.510 talked quite a bit about warning china 03:19.510 --> 03:23.460 against providing any aid lethal aid to 03:23.470 --> 03:26.940 Russia . Given that has the 03:26.940 --> 03:29.940 department seen any indication so far 03:29.950 --> 03:32.760 of any type of aid , particularly 03:32.760 --> 03:35.950 lethal aid going from china to Russia 03:35.960 --> 03:38.510 um or any indications that such is 03:38.510 --> 03:40.677 actually happening . And then secondly 03:40.677 --> 03:42.677 on the suicide report that you just 03:42.677 --> 03:44.732 mentioned , the report recommended a 03:44.732 --> 03:47.900 number of gun safety changes , 03:47.910 --> 03:50.800 including waiting periods and raising 03:50.800 --> 03:53.700 the the age for purchasing a weapon . 03:54.510 --> 03:56.720 Has the department considered any of 03:56.720 --> 03:59.920 those before ? How difficult will it be 03:59.930 --> 04:02.890 to put any of those into effect ? 04:02.890 --> 04:06.400 Considering some of the stronger gun 04:06.400 --> 04:08.660 safety thoughts particularly among 04:08.660 --> 04:10.970 Congress ? Sure , thanks lita . So on 04:10.970 --> 04:13.710 your first question in regards to china 04:13.950 --> 04:16.390 and the potential for providing lethal 04:16.390 --> 04:19.670 aid to Ukraine . Um We haven't seen 04:19.670 --> 04:23.560 them provide lethal aid to Ukraine 04:23.570 --> 04:26.390 or to excuse me to Russia yet , but we 04:26.400 --> 04:28.400 also have noticed that they haven't 04:28.400 --> 04:30.567 taken it off the table . And so you've 04:30.567 --> 04:32.400 heard Secretary Austin Secretary 04:32.400 --> 04:34.622 Blinken and others warn china about the 04:34.622 --> 04:36.456 implications of providing lethal 04:36.456 --> 04:38.640 assistance to Russia uh to include 04:38.640 --> 04:42.110 needlessly needlessly extending uh this 04:42.120 --> 04:44.009 conflict and the suffering of the 04:44.009 --> 04:47.420 Ukrainian people . Um I would say 04:47.420 --> 04:50.690 ironically china's recent peace plan 04:50.690 --> 04:52.730 proposal includes respecting the 04:52.730 --> 04:55.070 sovereignty of all countries . Uh So 04:55.070 --> 04:57.320 one would hope that they mean it and 04:57.320 --> 04:59.690 respect Ukraine's right to exist versus 04:59.690 --> 05:02.300 potentially providing lethal aid 05:02.300 --> 05:04.600 intended to kill innocent Ukrainians 05:04.600 --> 05:06.930 and erase their country . So um we'll 05:06.930 --> 05:08.930 continue to monitor that closely in 05:08.930 --> 05:10.810 regards to the committee's 05:10.810 --> 05:12.977 recommendations . We will review those 05:12.977 --> 05:15.130 closely . I don't have anything to 05:15.130 --> 05:17.241 announce today in terms of what steps 05:17.241 --> 05:19.297 we may take . Um But again this is a 05:19.297 --> 05:21.690 very important topic to the Secretary 05:21.690 --> 05:24.023 and to the entire Department of Defense . 05:24.023 --> 05:26.580 And so we'll certainly be sure to keep 05:26.580 --> 05:27.920 you updated on that 05:27.930 --> 05:35.240 front . 05:39.790 --> 05:41.901 Follow up on the latest questions you 05:41.901 --> 05:44.179 said you haven't seen them ? I'm sorry . 05:47.300 --> 05:50.850 Sorry sorry . Uh so you're still the 05:50.850 --> 05:52.906 other room ? Um just to follow up on 05:52.906 --> 05:54.906 lita's question , you said that you 05:54.906 --> 05:57.017 haven't seen china provide lethal aid 05:57.017 --> 05:59.128 to Russia yet . But have you seen any 05:59.128 --> 06:00.850 chatter , any china having any 06:00.850 --> 06:02.628 conversations with Russia about 06:02.628 --> 06:04.794 potentially providing lethal aid . And 06:04.794 --> 06:06.961 then I want to ask the second question 06:06.961 --> 06:09.183 about about Syria , there were four U . 06:09.183 --> 06:11.294 S . Troops wounded in Syria the other 06:11.294 --> 06:13.239 day . Um Can you say anything more 06:13.239 --> 06:15.350 about this mission ? Was it a US soft 06:15.350 --> 06:17.572 mission ? Was it a partnered raid ? And 06:17.572 --> 06:17.350 how frequently are U . S . Troops 06:17.350 --> 06:19.710 involved in combat missions like these ? 06:19.720 --> 06:21.776 Yeah . So on your first question , I 06:21.776 --> 06:23.998 don't have any specific intelligence to 06:23.998 --> 06:25.776 share . I know for example that 06:25.776 --> 06:28.890 Secretary Blinken uh and the Nsc 06:28.890 --> 06:31.130 Strategic Communication Director have 06:31.130 --> 06:34.370 talked to this and indicated uh that 06:34.370 --> 06:37.050 there is indications that china is 06:37.050 --> 06:40.290 considering to the possibility of 06:40.290 --> 06:42.290 providing lethal aid . But again to 06:42.290 --> 06:44.290 this point we have not seen them do 06:44.290 --> 06:46.401 that . Uh In regards to Syria , I I'd 06:46.401 --> 06:48.457 refer you to Central Command for the 06:48.457 --> 06:50.734 specifics on that particular operation , 06:50.734 --> 06:52.930 uh as you are aware , they issued a 06:52.930 --> 06:56.040 press release on that , the defeat ISIS 06:56.040 --> 06:59.220 mission continues in Syria and Iraq . 06:59.350 --> 07:01.406 And so certainly we have forces that 07:01.406 --> 07:03.739 are committed to that to that operation , 07:03.739 --> 07:05.628 but I'd refer you to them for the 07:05.628 --> 07:07.794 specific details . Can you say whether 07:07.794 --> 07:10.017 it's it's typical of US forces to go on 07:10.017 --> 07:12.072 these partnered missions though , or 07:12.072 --> 07:14.239 was this something that was out of the 07:14.239 --> 07:16.294 ordinary ? Not out of the ordinary , 07:16.294 --> 07:18.183 The the U . S . Military has been 07:18.183 --> 07:20.590 conducting partnered operations with 07:20.590 --> 07:23.870 the sdf for quite a few years now . So 07:23.880 --> 07:25.640 thank you , go over here and I 07:25.640 --> 07:27.418 appreciate your patience on the 07:27.418 --> 07:29.418 microphone will go to dan and we'll 07:29.418 --> 07:33.250 come back to you . Thanks for your 07:33.250 --> 07:35.472 time . Uh wanted to drill down a bit if 07:35.472 --> 07:38.150 we can into the USa i package announced 07:38.150 --> 07:41.080 today , particularly the uh counter U . 07:41.080 --> 07:43.302 A . S in it , uh looks like we're going 07:43.302 --> 07:45.620 to see the switchblade 600 which at 07:45.620 --> 07:47.676 least to my knowledge and if you can 07:47.676 --> 07:49.731 clarify that , be helpful ? Have not 07:49.731 --> 07:51.953 been a part of the package previously . 07:51.953 --> 07:53.953 How quickly do you think that might 07:53.953 --> 07:56.176 find its way to a battlefield uh and is 07:56.176 --> 07:58.231 and is the time it's taken to get it 07:58.231 --> 08:00.231 there , a function of it simply not 08:00.231 --> 08:02.176 being available more quickly or or 08:02.176 --> 08:04.390 something else . Um So so for as you 08:04.390 --> 08:07.630 highlight , given that these are usa i 08:07.640 --> 08:09.862 these are all capabilities that we will 08:09.862 --> 08:11.807 go to industry to help produce , I 08:11.807 --> 08:13.918 don't have a timeline in terms of the 08:13.918 --> 08:15.973 delivery time other than as has been 08:15.973 --> 08:18.084 the case , will continue to work very 08:18.084 --> 08:20.084 closely with industry to try to get 08:20.084 --> 08:22.950 them there as quickly as we can . Um in 08:22.950 --> 08:25.970 terms of um yeah , I'll just leave it 08:25.970 --> 08:28.070 at that more loosely is the 08:28.080 --> 08:30.247 anticipation that it would be there in 08:30.247 --> 08:32.469 time for the offense of this spring ? I 08:32.469 --> 08:34.691 think . I don't think that would be the 08:34.691 --> 08:36.858 case . Again , we're already providing 08:36.858 --> 08:38.747 them with a significant amount of 08:38.747 --> 08:40.691 capabilities coming from P . D . A 08:40.691 --> 08:42.858 along with the international community 08:42.858 --> 08:44.913 uh to get them the capabilities they 08:44.913 --> 08:47.024 need for the springtime . But again , 08:47.024 --> 08:49.950 this is a fight that will continue to 08:49.950 --> 08:52.061 be tough . And so we want to ensure , 08:52.061 --> 08:54.283 not only are we meeting their immediate 08:54.283 --> 08:56.339 needs , but we're also meeting their 08:56.339 --> 08:56.080 medium and long term needs . And so 08:56.090 --> 08:58.257 again we're going to rush to get these 08:58.257 --> 09:00.590 capabilities there as quickly as we can . 09:00.590 --> 09:01.790 Thanks go to joe 09:04.780 --> 09:07.560 Thanks Pat . Um Just staying on Ukraine 09:07.560 --> 09:10.190 Aid , there are a number of categories 09:10.190 --> 09:11.940 of aid where we didn't get the 09:11.940 --> 09:14.110 specificity . Um it talked about high 09:14.110 --> 09:17.020 mars ammunition but high mars can take 09:17.030 --> 09:20.080 um give blurs or attack comes and I 09:20.080 --> 09:22.024 just wanted to see if you could be 09:22.024 --> 09:24.240 specific about what kind of high mars 09:24.240 --> 09:26.820 ammunition was part of the package . Um 09:26.820 --> 09:29.510 what kind of laser guided rockets and 09:29.510 --> 09:31.732 any specificity you can give around the 09:31.732 --> 09:33.970 counter US systems that were included . 09:34.340 --> 09:36.507 Yeah . So , so on the specific counter 09:36.507 --> 09:38.673 US systems , I'm not going to get more 09:38.673 --> 09:40.870 specifics just for operation security 09:40.870 --> 09:43.150 reasons . Um , in the in the packages 09:43.150 --> 09:46.040 you highlight the , the laser guided 09:46.040 --> 09:48.280 rocket systems . Uh , those are 09:48.280 --> 09:50.558 advanced precision kill weapon systems . 09:50.558 --> 09:52.850 So essentially uh , the ability to 09:52.850 --> 09:55.380 convert unguided rockets into precision 09:55.380 --> 09:57.910 guided munitions which can be operated 09:57.910 --> 10:00.160 from various launchers that we're 10:00.160 --> 10:02.700 providing to the Ukrainians . So that's 10:02.700 --> 10:04.867 about as specific as I'm gonna be able 10:04.867 --> 10:06.700 to get And then on the high mars 10:06.700 --> 10:08.811 ammunition . Is that just gamblers or 10:08.811 --> 10:10.867 is that something else ? Well , I'll 10:10.867 --> 10:13.033 have to go back and take a look . Um , 10:13.033 --> 10:15.740 I'm going to presupposed that if we're 10:15.740 --> 10:17.573 not including it in there , it's 10:17.573 --> 10:19.462 probably for operational security 10:19.462 --> 10:21.407 reasons that said , I'll take your 10:21.407 --> 10:21.140 question back and we'll see what we can 10:21.140 --> 10:24.610 provide . And just um in terms of the , 10:24.620 --> 10:27.030 the time is there , um , because there 10:27.030 --> 10:29.320 are a number of drone systems , is 10:29.320 --> 10:31.680 there a reason why is there something 10:31.680 --> 10:33.902 happening on the battlefield now that's 10:33.902 --> 10:36.069 um , you know , requiring that as part 10:36.069 --> 10:39.180 of the USA I package , I think it's 10:39.180 --> 10:42.140 important to step back and look at the 10:42.150 --> 10:43.872 security assistance that we're 10:43.872 --> 10:45.872 providing holistically . Right . So 10:45.872 --> 10:49.720 it's not episodic one individual battle 10:49.720 --> 10:51.942 or one individual situation at a time . 10:51.942 --> 10:55.910 It's it's essentially uh , meshing 10:55.910 --> 10:58.050 together a variety of capabilities to 10:58.050 --> 11:00.930 give the Ukrainians a variety of things 11:00.930 --> 11:02.874 that they need to be successful to 11:02.874 --> 11:05.041 include air defense , ground based air 11:05.041 --> 11:08.260 defense to include armor capability to 11:08.260 --> 11:10.650 include artillery , the ammunition that 11:10.650 --> 11:12.872 they need , the communication , command 11:12.872 --> 11:15.094 and control capability that they need . 11:15.094 --> 11:17.180 So so as the Department of Defense 11:17.190 --> 11:20.280 approaches , uh meeting Ukraine 11:20.280 --> 11:23.020 security assistance needs , it's part 11:23.020 --> 11:25.187 of a broader framework of working with 11:25.187 --> 11:26.909 them in terms of meeting those 11:26.909 --> 11:28.960 requirements as quickly as we can 11:29.130 --> 11:30.852 through the means that we have 11:30.852 --> 11:33.074 available to us . And it's not just the 11:33.074 --> 11:35.074 US again . And I know you know that 11:35.074 --> 11:37.352 it's part of an international tapestry , 11:37.352 --> 11:38.963 so to speak to provide those 11:38.963 --> 11:41.074 capabilities . So so each of these is 11:41.074 --> 11:43.840 going to meet a capability that the 11:43.840 --> 11:45.900 Ukrainians have asked for . Um but 11:45.900 --> 11:48.380 again , the key word being capability , 11:48.390 --> 11:50.446 the platform is going to help meet a 11:50.446 --> 11:52.557 capability need . The other aspect of 11:52.557 --> 11:54.723 that is the training piece which we've 11:54.723 --> 11:56.723 talked talked about before . So the 11:56.723 --> 11:58.612 equipment plus the training which 11:58.612 --> 12:00.723 includes operations , maintenance and 12:00.723 --> 12:02.890 sustainment , gives the Ukrainians the 12:02.890 --> 12:04.834 capabilities they need not only to 12:04.834 --> 12:07.001 defend but also to go on the offensive 12:07.001 --> 12:09.223 on their timeline uh in order to change 12:09.223 --> 12:11.112 the equation on the battlefield . 12:11.112 --> 12:13.223 Thanks , all right , go here and then 12:13.223 --> 12:15.060 we'll go back to thank you . Um 12:15.070 --> 12:17.292 following up on dan and joe's questions 12:17.292 --> 12:19.640 about the package . Um the announcement 12:19.640 --> 12:22.880 had quite a bit and a variety of 12:22.880 --> 12:25.050 different drone U . A . S . Systems . 12:25.060 --> 12:27.440 Um but no quantities . So can we get 12:27.450 --> 12:30.560 any specifics on how many of each drone 12:30.560 --> 12:33.120 or the overarching amount that was sent ? 12:34.300 --> 12:38.070 Um No because I'm sure that's 12:38.070 --> 12:40.126 information that the adversary would 12:40.126 --> 12:42.292 absolutely love to have and we're just 12:42.292 --> 12:44.403 not going to talk about it . And then 12:44.403 --> 12:44.310 more broadly following on joe's 12:44.310 --> 12:46.760 question . Um thinking about the state 12:46.770 --> 12:49.840 of the fight , why are you a s being 12:49.840 --> 12:51.950 prioritized in this way ? What does 12:51.950 --> 12:54.820 that really say about um the capability 12:54.820 --> 12:56.931 needed and what Ukraine is asking you 12:56.931 --> 12:58.764 for ? Well again I think I would 12:58.764 --> 13:01.120 approach that from Two different levels . 13:01.120 --> 13:03.800 So it's important not to look at this 13:03.810 --> 13:06.400 individually this package individually 13:06.400 --> 13:08.567 as a standalone thing . It's part of a 13:08.567 --> 13:10.840 broader array of capabilities that 13:10.840 --> 13:12.790 we're providing which includes us 13:12.790 --> 13:15.012 encounter us capabilities which , oh by 13:15.012 --> 13:17.179 the way again we've been doing for the 13:17.179 --> 13:19.520 duration of this conflict . Um but then 13:19.530 --> 13:22.140 um I think it's become apparent to 13:22.150 --> 13:26.090 everyone in the last 5-7 years . 13:26.320 --> 13:28.820 Um you know , especially as we we saw 13:28.830 --> 13:31.630 groups like ISIS starting to use drones . 13:31.640 --> 13:34.450 Um and now especially in this conflict , 13:34.460 --> 13:37.380 the significant impact uh that drones 13:37.380 --> 13:40.900 have and so um countering those 13:40.910 --> 13:42.854 capabilities , for example the the 13:42.854 --> 13:45.190 Iranian drones I think is critical but 13:45.190 --> 13:47.190 then also giving the Ukrainians the 13:47.190 --> 13:49.400 capability both from a strike 13:49.410 --> 13:51.370 standpoint but then also from a 13:51.380 --> 13:53.158 intelligence , surveillance and 13:53.158 --> 13:55.269 reconnaissance standpoint . Uh And so 13:55.269 --> 13:57.436 that is that is part of the modern way 13:57.436 --> 13:59.436 of warfare and so it's a capability 13:59.436 --> 14:01.491 that they will be able to employ and 14:01.491 --> 14:03.713 have been employed to great effect will 14:03.713 --> 14:06.047 continue to support them in that regard , 14:06.047 --> 14:05.480 let me go to costume and then we'll 14:05.480 --> 14:06.591 come back over here 14:10.000 --> 14:12.250 general thanks . So with respect to 14:12.250 --> 14:14.800 china , you said you haven't seen 14:14.800 --> 14:17.180 chinese providing any little aid , but 14:17.190 --> 14:19.510 it's not over the table . It seems that 14:19.520 --> 14:21.660 the United States is alarmed pretty 14:21.660 --> 14:23.930 earlier with respect to china . What is 14:23.930 --> 14:26.030 the main concern with respect to 14:26.030 --> 14:28.030 china's little support ? How do you 14:28.030 --> 14:30.040 think it will affect the the 14:30.050 --> 14:32.050 battlefield , the conditions on the 14:32.050 --> 14:34.217 battlefield ? Yeah , Well , you know , 14:34.217 --> 14:36.383 without getting into hypotheticals , I 14:36.383 --> 14:38.494 mean , broadly speaking , um what you 14:38.494 --> 14:42.130 would be seeing is a country like china 14:42.140 --> 14:44.810 which clearly has advanced capabilities , 14:44.820 --> 14:47.560 munitions , etcetera , uh which oh by 14:47.560 --> 14:49.560 the way , has publicly declared its 14:49.560 --> 14:52.510 neutrality to now take aside and 14:52.510 --> 14:54.566 essentially say we want to be in the 14:54.566 --> 14:56.590 camp that's looking to extinguish 14:56.600 --> 14:59.700 Ukraine as a nation . And so it would 14:59.710 --> 15:01.599 again , as I mentioned , it would 15:01.599 --> 15:03.766 prolong this conflict . It would cause 15:03.766 --> 15:05.654 needless suffering among innocent 15:05.654 --> 15:09.310 Ukrainians . Uh and again , if we go 15:09.310 --> 15:11.780 back to the beginning a year ago today , 15:11.790 --> 15:15.580 Russia invaded unprovoked , the 15:15.580 --> 15:18.790 nation of Ukraine with the idea that 15:18.790 --> 15:21.810 they would wipe it off the map . And so 15:21.810 --> 15:24.032 the United States and the international 15:24.032 --> 15:26.940 community have come to help Ukraine 15:26.940 --> 15:29.280 defend itself , Ukraine certainly has a 15:29.280 --> 15:31.336 right to defend itself and we have a 15:31.336 --> 15:33.502 right to help them defend themselves . 15:33.502 --> 15:35.447 Uh and and this conflict could end 15:35.447 --> 15:37.669 tomorrow . if President Putin decided , 15:37.669 --> 15:39.836 you know what , this isn't working out 15:39.836 --> 15:39.300 the way we thought it would , we're 15:39.300 --> 15:42.830 gonna stop so by china providing lethal 15:42.830 --> 15:45.210 aid , I think again , it would just 15:45.210 --> 15:47.890 extend the suffering of innocent people 15:47.900 --> 15:51.270 separate question . Per yesterday's 15:51.280 --> 15:53.270 statement , We have seen that the 15:53.270 --> 15:55.970 United States over one year fight have 15:55.970 --> 15:58.580 provided has provided almost $32 15:58.580 --> 15:59.580 billion 15:59.580 --> 16:11.300 and 16:11.300 --> 16:13.900 and how confident are you that the 16:13.900 --> 16:16.122 United States is going to keep the pace 16:16.122 --> 16:19.360 of providing this aid to Ukraine if the 16:19.360 --> 16:23.340 war prolongs beyond next year and 16:23.350 --> 16:25.572 and more years , actually . Yeah . Well 16:25.572 --> 16:28.020 I think President biden , Secretary 16:28.020 --> 16:31.660 Austin , all senior U . S . 16:31.670 --> 16:34.240 Leaders have made very clear that we're 16:34.240 --> 16:36.296 going to continue to support Ukraine 16:36.296 --> 16:38.462 for as long as it takes as they defend 16:38.740 --> 16:42.120 their nation . And so again , 16:42.900 --> 16:45.067 going back a year , what we're talking 16:45.067 --> 16:48.910 about here is a Russian nation that 16:48.910 --> 16:51.900 has decided that it wants to eliminate 16:51.900 --> 16:55.830 Ukraine . Um and should they be allowed 16:55.830 --> 16:58.840 to succeed ? The implications go well 16:58.840 --> 17:02.240 beyond Ukraine , it goes into 17:02.250 --> 17:05.550 protecting uh the international rules 17:05.550 --> 17:07.810 based order that is largely prevented 17:08.390 --> 17:11.090 another World War since World War Two . 17:11.900 --> 17:15.620 Uh And so uh the potential implications 17:15.620 --> 17:18.280 on the european security architecture , 17:18.280 --> 17:20.113 more broadly , the international 17:20.113 --> 17:22.640 security architecture are significant . 17:22.640 --> 17:24.807 And so again , we're going to continue 17:24.807 --> 17:27.140 to support them for as long as it takes . 17:27.140 --> 17:29.196 Let me go ahead and go over here and 17:29.196 --> 17:31.529 then we'll come over here . Yes , ma'am , 17:32.030 --> 17:34.310 um kind of flowing off that this 17:34.310 --> 17:36.690 morning , several former NATO supreme 17:36.690 --> 17:39.120 allied commanders urged the US to do 17:39.120 --> 17:41.287 everything they can for Ukraine to dig 17:41.287 --> 17:43.180 deeper . Um , I was curious your 17:43.180 --> 17:45.510 reaction to that and what more could we 17:45.510 --> 17:47.560 be doing right now ? Yeah , I think 17:47.560 --> 17:49.671 that that message echoes largely what 17:49.671 --> 17:52.590 Secretary Austin said at the Ukraine 17:52.590 --> 17:54.701 Defense Contact Group that we do need 17:54.701 --> 17:57.370 to , as an international community dig 17:57.370 --> 17:59.592 deeper and work harder , work faster to 17:59.592 --> 18:02.190 ensure that Ukraine gets the security 18:02.190 --> 18:03.912 assistance that it needs to be 18:03.912 --> 18:05.970 successful on the battlefield , dig 18:05.970 --> 18:08.270 deeper . Mean sending additional 18:08.270 --> 18:10.437 capabilities , equipment , what do you 18:10.437 --> 18:12.381 take from that in terms of what we 18:12.381 --> 18:14.548 could do ? So , I think we are again , 18:14.548 --> 18:16.770 as evidenced by today's announcement uh 18:16.770 --> 18:18.937 and we're going to continue to consult 18:18.937 --> 18:20.826 closely with Ukraine and with our 18:20.826 --> 18:20.800 international allies and partners to 18:20.800 --> 18:22.633 ensure that that Ukraine has the 18:22.633 --> 18:24.356 assistance that it needs to be 18:24.356 --> 18:26.470 successful . Thank you . All right , 18:26.470 --> 18:28.637 we'll go here and then we'll come back 18:28.637 --> 18:28.010 across the room . 18:33.970 --> 18:36.320 Thank you . General General China has 18:36.320 --> 18:38.660 been introduced a plan called for a 18:38.660 --> 18:41.340 cease fire in Ukraine , including the 18:41.340 --> 18:44.240 end of conflict . Have you see this 18:44.240 --> 18:47.680 plan and what's your opinion about it ? 18:47.690 --> 18:49.970 And I have another question . Sure , 18:49.980 --> 18:52.470 Well , certainly we are aware that 18:52.480 --> 18:54.591 China has introduced a plan . I don't 18:54.591 --> 18:56.702 have any specific comments to provide 18:56.702 --> 18:58.740 um from a Department of Defense 18:58.740 --> 19:00.790 standpoint . Our focus remains on 19:00.800 --> 19:03.022 working with Ukraine and our allies and 19:03.022 --> 19:04.911 partners to get them the security 19:04.911 --> 19:07.270 assistance that they need . Um I will 19:07.270 --> 19:09.326 say when it comes to peace talks and 19:09.326 --> 19:11.660 negotiations , we've been very clear uh 19:11.670 --> 19:13.880 that that's a decision for Ukraine to 19:13.880 --> 19:16.160 make . Uh and as you've heard us say 19:16.160 --> 19:18.220 previously , nothing about Ukraine 19:18.220 --> 19:21.390 without Ukraine . Thank you . Do you 19:21.390 --> 19:24.980 think it is necessary to keep lines of 19:24.980 --> 19:27.700 communication with Russia open even 19:27.700 --> 19:30.650 with the relations like we are now , I 19:30.650 --> 19:32.610 think it's important , absolutely 19:32.610 --> 19:34.332 important to keep the lines of 19:34.332 --> 19:37.360 communication open with Russia also 19:37.360 --> 19:39.720 with China , um this is something that 19:39.720 --> 19:41.609 Secretary Austin has talked about 19:41.609 --> 19:43.331 frequently uh and that it's an 19:43.331 --> 19:45.664 important responsibility of all nations , 19:45.664 --> 19:48.630 particularly those that maintain 19:48.640 --> 19:52.250 vast military arsenals 19:52.260 --> 19:54.316 to keep those lines of communication 19:54.316 --> 19:56.680 open to reduce the potential for 19:56.680 --> 19:58.736 miscalculation . So that's something 19:58.736 --> 20:00.902 that will continue to endeavor to do . 20:00.902 --> 20:03.124 Alright , We'll go back here , we go to 20:03.124 --> 20:05.402 fill and then we'll come right up here , 20:05.402 --> 20:07.347 hold on . Get get the microphone . 20:08.410 --> 20:11.330 Sorry , reflection line between the 20:11.330 --> 20:13.410 United States and Russia used to 20:13.410 --> 20:15.354 coordinate the President's trip to 20:15.354 --> 20:17.521 Ukraine . Thanks . Thanks . So , so in 20:17.521 --> 20:19.466 regards to the President's trip to 20:19.466 --> 20:21.577 Ukraine , I'm gonna have to refer you 20:21.577 --> 20:23.743 to the White House there . Uh This was 20:23.743 --> 20:25.799 a presidential trip . And so they're 20:25.799 --> 20:27.910 they're really the ones to talk about 20:27.910 --> 20:29.632 that . Thank you . Yes , sir , 20:34.270 --> 20:37.170 addition to Iran's request for fighter 20:37.170 --> 20:39.503 jets and combat helicopters from Russia . 20:39.503 --> 20:41.559 The White House announced today that 20:41.559 --> 20:43.726 Russia has offered Iran cooperation on 20:43.726 --> 20:45.892 missiles , electronics and air defense 20:45.892 --> 20:48.059 in exchange for Iran's support for the 20:48.059 --> 20:49.948 war effort . Are we talking about 20:49.948 --> 20:52.059 potential purchases here ? Is this co 20:52.059 --> 20:54.003 production uh can you get into any 20:54.003 --> 20:55.892 specifics on platforms ? Yeah , I 20:55.892 --> 20:57.948 really can't beyond again , what you 20:57.948 --> 21:00.250 highlighted that we know that Iran is 21:00.250 --> 21:03.390 pursuing a deeper security cooperation 21:03.390 --> 21:05.770 relationship with Russia for obvious 21:05.770 --> 21:08.040 reasons . And throughout this campaign 21:08.050 --> 21:10.660 we've seen sort of that transactional 21:10.670 --> 21:14.110 interaction between Russia as they seek 21:14.110 --> 21:17.140 more munitions as they seek drone 21:17.140 --> 21:19.720 capability . Um , we we know that 21:19.720 --> 21:21.776 they've been interested in ballistic 21:21.776 --> 21:23.950 missile capability for example . Um we 21:23.950 --> 21:26.440 we know that they've been looking to 21:26.450 --> 21:29.240 advance that relationship with Iran . 21:29.250 --> 21:31.083 And again , we know that Iran is 21:31.083 --> 21:32.694 looking to advance that that 21:32.694 --> 21:34.806 relationship with with Russia , which 21:34.806 --> 21:37.970 again says a lot about the kinds of 21:37.980 --> 21:41.940 um the kinds of measures that 21:41.940 --> 21:43.884 Russia is finding itself having to 21:43.884 --> 21:46.750 resort to not able to depend on its own 21:46.760 --> 21:49.150 defense industry , uh , losing 21:49.150 --> 21:51.261 suppliers and partners as a result of 21:51.261 --> 21:54.410 their actions . And so um and it's also 21:54.420 --> 21:56.780 a statement on what we've said before 21:56.780 --> 21:58.950 about Iran being a destabilizing 21:58.950 --> 22:01.172 influence , not only in the Middle East 22:01.172 --> 22:03.420 but exporting terror to places like 22:03.590 --> 22:05.940 Ukraine . So again , we'll continue to 22:05.940 --> 22:08.162 monitor that closely . But I don't have 22:08.162 --> 22:10.384 any additional details to provide . Let 22:10.384 --> 22:09.980 me go over here and then we'll come 22:09.980 --> 22:13.370 back here , thank you . General , uh 22:13.380 --> 22:15.491 the Ukrainian President said just the 22:15.491 --> 22:17.658 other day that there's not going to be 22:17.658 --> 22:19.880 any dialogue with Mr Putin and he can't 22:19.880 --> 22:22.047 be trusted while the Russian President 22:22.047 --> 22:24.158 says that they have to accept the new 22:24.158 --> 22:26.047 realities on the ground . And the 22:26.047 --> 22:28.710 United States rhetoric is that Mr Putin 22:28.710 --> 22:30.877 could end this war if you wanted to in 22:30.877 --> 22:32.766 a heartbeat , there seems to be a 22:32.766 --> 22:34.877 deadlock here , right ? That so , can 22:34.877 --> 22:36.932 you see the United States militarily 22:36.932 --> 22:39.099 and financially supporting Ukraine for 22:39.099 --> 22:41.210 the next for the next half a decade , 22:41.210 --> 22:42.988 perhaps because it looks like a 22:42.988 --> 22:45.099 deadlock that no one can break at the 22:45.099 --> 22:47.266 moment . What's your thought on that ? 22:47.266 --> 22:49.432 Yeah . So I'm not gonna try to predict 22:49.432 --> 22:51.599 the future . I'm gonna focus on on the 22:51.599 --> 22:53.821 facts that we have in front of us . And 22:53.821 --> 22:55.932 the facts are that Russia invaded its 22:55.932 --> 22:57.710 peaceful , democratic sovereign 22:57.710 --> 23:01.290 neighbor and that it tried to eliminate 23:01.300 --> 23:03.620 Ukraine as a country and Ukraine is 23:03.620 --> 23:05.731 defending itself , and we're going to 23:05.731 --> 23:07.787 help Ukraine defend itself alongside 23:07.787 --> 23:10.310 the international community . And so 23:10.320 --> 23:12.376 ultimately , at the end of the day , 23:12.376 --> 23:14.487 we're not going to dictate to Ukraine 23:14.487 --> 23:17.080 when it should stop fighting . Um we 23:17.080 --> 23:19.302 wouldn't want someone to tell us that . 23:19.302 --> 23:21.413 And we're not going to tell them when 23:21.413 --> 23:23.636 to stop fighting . We're going to focus 23:23.636 --> 23:25.747 on supporting them and giving putting 23:25.747 --> 23:27.969 them in the best position possible . So 23:27.969 --> 23:30.080 that when they determine it's time to 23:30.080 --> 23:32.080 negotiate or when it's time to stop 23:32.080 --> 23:34.191 fighting , they'll have the strongest 23:34.191 --> 23:36.358 possible hand available . And so we'll 23:36.358 --> 23:38.469 just leave it at that . So it's not a 23:38.469 --> 23:40.469 figure of speech . I think when the 23:40.469 --> 23:42.580 United States Administration says for 23:42.580 --> 23:44.636 as long as it takes , it's literally 23:44.636 --> 23:46.969 for as long as it takes the war goes on , 23:46.969 --> 23:50.030 right ? Yeah . So I guess , you know , 23:50.030 --> 23:53.700 the question here is um what happens 23:53.700 --> 23:57.350 next if Russia is allowed to 23:57.360 --> 23:59.580 succeed ? Right ? It's it's not going 23:59.580 --> 24:02.310 to stop it at Ukraine and it's going to 24:02.310 --> 24:06.020 further embolden other um authoritarian 24:06.030 --> 24:08.530 regimes in terms of what they can 24:08.530 --> 24:12.160 accomplish simply by using force to 24:12.160 --> 24:14.890 eliminate countries around them . And 24:14.890 --> 24:18.510 so , um I think what we would see 24:18.520 --> 24:21.590 is an increase in the cost 24:21.600 --> 24:25.550 of trying to defend democracy . I 24:25.550 --> 24:27.990 think what we would see is an increase 24:28.000 --> 24:30.960 in needless suffering uh and innocent 24:30.960 --> 24:34.230 lives lost uh and the extinguishing of 24:34.240 --> 24:37.040 freedom and democracy in countries that 24:37.050 --> 24:39.900 that are unable to defend themselves . 24:39.910 --> 24:43.680 Uh So so again , as the President 24:43.690 --> 24:46.023 has said , as Secretary Austin has said , 24:46.023 --> 24:48.190 we are committed to supporting Ukraine 24:48.190 --> 24:50.523 in their fight because the implications , 24:50.523 --> 24:52.690 not only is it the right thing to do , 24:52.690 --> 24:54.912 but the implications extend well beyond 24:54.912 --> 24:57.023 Ukraine in terms of what it means for 24:57.023 --> 24:59.246 the international community and what it 24:59.246 --> 25:01.357 means for democracy and what it means 25:01.357 --> 25:03.579 for freedom . Thank you . Okay , take a 25:03.579 --> 25:05.634 couple more . Yes , sir , we'll come 25:05.634 --> 25:09.090 over here to louis Thank you sir . My 25:09.090 --> 25:11.850 question is john again us India 25:11.850 --> 25:14.630 relations recently , two big events 25:14.630 --> 25:16.910 took place in India in Delhi , Republic 25:16.920 --> 25:20.330 of India and also in Bengaluru airshow . 25:20.340 --> 25:23.160 But at both events in India displayed 25:23.160 --> 25:25.360 for the first time everything all the 25:25.360 --> 25:28.940 weapons made in India . But amazingly 25:28.940 --> 25:32.510 at the mangalore air show us amazed 25:32.520 --> 25:34.780 thousands of people on the ground and 25:34.780 --> 25:37.002 millions around the globe by displaying 25:37.510 --> 25:41.030 F- 22 and F- 35 . My 25:41.030 --> 25:44.100 question is that all these made India 25:44.100 --> 25:46.880 weapons , how much this department 25:46.880 --> 25:49.430 played a role making in India are made 25:49.430 --> 25:52.240 in India weapons and second recently a 25:52.240 --> 25:56.020 big boing also India , 25:56.030 --> 25:59.510 orders big over 200 playing civilians 25:59.520 --> 26:02.620 of course . But is there any in the 26:02.620 --> 26:06.120 display military to military , any 26:06.120 --> 26:08.690 weapons coming to India from the US . 26:08.760 --> 26:10.930 Um so appreciate the question . I'm 26:10.930 --> 26:13.152 gonna have to get back to you on that . 26:13.152 --> 26:14.819 I'm not I'm not tracking that 26:14.819 --> 26:17.041 specifically as you as you know the U . 26:17.041 --> 26:20.410 S . And India enjoy a good partnership . 26:20.420 --> 26:22.253 We look forward to continuing to 26:22.253 --> 26:24.790 develop and foster our relationship 26:24.800 --> 26:27.060 with the indian military . But I'll 26:27.060 --> 26:29.171 have to come back to you on that just 26:29.171 --> 26:31.338 quickly . Secretary Blinken will be in 26:31.338 --> 26:33.560 India as Secretary Austin going anytime 26:33.560 --> 26:36.740 soon or if indian Defense Minister will 26:36.740 --> 26:39.770 be in Washington . Thanks thank you . I 26:39.770 --> 26:41.992 don't I don't have any travel right now 26:41.992 --> 26:44.048 to announce but we'll certainly keep 26:44.048 --> 26:46.103 you updated if that's the case ? All 26:46.103 --> 26:45.640 right , I've got time for a couple more 26:45.640 --> 26:46.640 to go to louis . 26:50.430 --> 26:53.090 Um In your response to this question 26:53.100 --> 26:55.100 when she asked about the lethal aid 26:55.100 --> 26:57.267 from possibility from china , you said 26:57.267 --> 26:59.433 that we haven't seen any lethal aid go 26:59.433 --> 27:01.433 from china to Russia . But you also 27:01.433 --> 27:03.433 said you'll notice that they've not 27:03.433 --> 27:05.489 taken it off the table . What do you 27:05.489 --> 27:07.510 mean by that ? I mean they haven't 27:07.510 --> 27:10.400 actually confirmed that . Um So when 27:10.400 --> 27:12.511 you're saying that they haven't taken 27:12.511 --> 27:14.790 it off the table , what are you looking 27:14.790 --> 27:16.860 for and what are you inferring ? So 27:16.860 --> 27:18.971 again , I think this goes back to the 27:18.971 --> 27:21.193 comments that you've seen coming out of 27:21.193 --> 27:23.304 State Department and the nsc in terms 27:23.304 --> 27:25.304 of we have indications that they're 27:25.304 --> 27:27.360 contemplating providing lethal aid . 27:27.360 --> 27:29.471 Again , I don't have any intelligence 27:29.471 --> 27:31.693 specific intelligence to the details to 27:31.693 --> 27:33.860 get into . Uh And so that's why you've 27:33.860 --> 27:37.590 seen uh us leaders communicate 27:37.600 --> 27:40.070 again to china the potential 27:40.070 --> 27:43.560 implications of providing lethal aid to 27:43.570 --> 27:46.160 Russia . But you've not seen a response 27:46.160 --> 27:48.890 from them that would indicate that it 27:48.890 --> 27:51.040 is off the table . We've not seen 27:51.040 --> 27:53.262 anything at this point to indicate that 27:53.262 --> 27:56.950 it's off the table . Um Last night . Uh 27:56.960 --> 27:59.182 Department issued a press release about 27:59.182 --> 28:02.410 the U . S . Republic of Korea exercise . 28:02.410 --> 28:04.188 The tabletop exercise about the 28:04.190 --> 28:07.330 possibility of a north Korea using a 28:07.330 --> 28:10.940 nuclear device . Um Is that typical 28:10.950 --> 28:13.240 for the department to disclose the 28:13.240 --> 28:16.600 scenarios of its tabletop exercises and 28:16.600 --> 28:18.100 in this case was that done 28:18.100 --> 28:20.378 intentionally for the deterrence value . 28:20.378 --> 28:22.322 Which specific part , what are you 28:22.322 --> 28:24.211 talking about ? The one where you 28:24.211 --> 28:26.378 acknowledge that the scenario that the 28:26.378 --> 28:28.240 tabletop exercise looked at was 28:28.240 --> 28:30.590 specifically dprk potential use of a 28:30.590 --> 28:33.340 nuclear device and how both the rock 28:33.340 --> 28:35.450 and the U . S . As part of their 28:35.450 --> 28:38.610 ironclad . I see I see um louis I don't 28:38.610 --> 28:40.832 know the answer to that . Let me let me 28:40.832 --> 28:43.054 get the facts and I'll come back to you 28:43.054 --> 28:45.166 on that . Thanks . I got time for one 28:45.166 --> 28:48.040 more . We'll go to Kassem General also 28:48.040 --> 28:50.570 Russia recently announced that they are 28:50.570 --> 28:53.600 going they suspend participation in the 28:53.600 --> 28:57.210 New start in agreement . 28:57.220 --> 28:59.530 Do you have any concern with respect to 28:59.530 --> 29:02.850 that ? And is there any posture changes 29:02.860 --> 29:06.440 in Russian nuclear force posture ? 29:06.450 --> 29:09.850 Sure . Um So we think that it's 29:09.850 --> 29:12.590 unfortunate that they've decided to 29:12.590 --> 29:14.990 suspend uh their participation in the 29:14.990 --> 29:17.010 New Start treaty . Uh It's 29:17.020 --> 29:19.440 irresponsible given the potential 29:19.440 --> 29:21.550 implications here of of what we're 29:21.550 --> 29:24.530 talking about . But in regards to 29:24.540 --> 29:27.330 Russian strategic forces posture , we 29:27.330 --> 29:30.200 have not seen any indication uh that 29:30.210 --> 29:32.270 they have changed . Uh nor have we 29:32.270 --> 29:35.070 changed our posture . Thank you . Thank 29:35.070 --> 29:37.292 you very much . Before we go . Just one 29:37.292 --> 29:40.590 last thing I do want to uh welcome the 29:40.600 --> 29:43.980 Air Force public affairs uh packs q 29:44.500 --> 29:46.556 students in the back of the room . I 29:46.556 --> 29:48.667 see them standing back there . Future 29:48.667 --> 29:50.722 Public Affairs officer visiting from 29:50.722 --> 29:52.944 the Defense Information School . Thanks 29:52.944 --> 29:52.910 for being here guys . I'm gonna turn 29:52.910 --> 29:55.132 the podium over to you here in a moment 29:55.132 --> 29:56.966 and you get to brief ? No , just 29:56.966 --> 29:59.021 kidding . All right , thank you very 29:59.021 --> 29:58.060 much everybody .