1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:01:13,470 --> 00:01:15,692 Distinguished guests , the president of 3 00:01:15,692 --> 00:01:17,526 the United States accompanied by 4 00:01:17,526 --> 00:01:19,790 Colonel Paris Davis , U S army retired 5 00:02:11,470 --> 00:02:14,370 the psalmist of old writes praise be to 6 00:02:14,370 --> 00:02:16,960 the Lord my rock who trains my hands 7 00:02:16,960 --> 00:02:20,330 for war , my fingers for battle . He is 8 00:02:20,330 --> 00:02:22,540 my loving God and my fortress , my 9 00:02:22,540 --> 00:02:25,670 stronghold , my deliverer my shield in 10 00:02:25,670 --> 00:02:27,448 whom I take refuge . Ladies and 11 00:02:27,448 --> 00:02:29,559 gentlemen , please join me as we mark 12 00:02:29,559 --> 00:02:31,726 this very special occasion in prayer , 13 00:02:32,450 --> 00:02:34,506 almighty God , author of liberty and 14 00:02:34,506 --> 00:02:36,860 champion of the oppressed . I praise 15 00:02:36,860 --> 00:02:39,500 you for the life , heroic leadership 16 00:02:39,510 --> 00:02:41,677 and distinctive service of your humble 17 00:02:41,677 --> 00:02:44,010 servant . Colonel retired Paris D Davis . 18 00:02:44,210 --> 00:02:46,154 Our army has always counted on our 19 00:02:46,154 --> 00:02:48,210 leaders to be fully committed to our 20 00:02:48,210 --> 00:02:50,266 nation's ideals , to our army values 21 00:02:50,266 --> 00:02:52,266 and to all the soldiers under their 22 00:02:52,266 --> 00:02:55,280 command . Colonel Davis is a warrior 23 00:02:55,280 --> 00:02:57,391 leader who demonstrated what it looks 24 00:02:57,391 --> 00:02:59,336 like under the most challenging of 25 00:02:59,336 --> 00:03:01,140 conditions . We are humbled and 26 00:03:01,140 --> 00:03:04,120 inspired by Colonel Davis's example in 27 00:03:04,120 --> 00:03:06,342 the moments that mattered most to those 28 00:03:06,342 --> 00:03:08,120 with him . From the operational 29 00:03:08,120 --> 00:03:10,320 detachment , ALPHA 3 to 1/5 Special 30 00:03:10,320 --> 00:03:13,090 Forces Group , airborne And the Army of 31 00:03:13,090 --> 00:03:15,450 the Republic of Vietnam , 883rd 32 00:03:15,450 --> 00:03:18,060 Regional Force Company with him on that 33 00:03:18,060 --> 00:03:20,710 day . Of battle . In 1965 , your 34 00:03:20,710 --> 00:03:22,870 servant displayed uncommon fortitude 35 00:03:22,870 --> 00:03:24,814 and courage and the willingness to 36 00:03:24,814 --> 00:03:27,180 sacrifice his own life to save others . 37 00:03:27,810 --> 00:03:29,977 The man under his charge looked to him 38 00:03:29,977 --> 00:03:32,143 for leadership and by your strength he 39 00:03:32,143 --> 00:03:34,430 delivered as Colonel Davis rightly 40 00:03:34,430 --> 00:03:36,597 received our nation's highest military 41 00:03:36,597 --> 00:03:38,990 award for valor in action for 42 00:03:38,990 --> 00:03:40,879 distinguishing himself by acts of 43 00:03:40,879 --> 00:03:43,046 gallantry above and beyond the call of 44 00:03:43,046 --> 00:03:45,500 duty . I humbly ask that his legacy not 45 00:03:45,500 --> 00:03:47,333 be defined by this moment or the 46 00:03:47,333 --> 00:03:49,840 receiving of this medal but made the 47 00:03:49,840 --> 00:03:51,729 legacy of this medal and the rich 48 00:03:51,729 --> 00:03:53,900 history . It bears be further evidence 49 00:03:53,900 --> 00:03:55,678 and enriched by the character , 50 00:03:55,678 --> 00:03:57,678 selflessness and heroism of Colonel 51 00:03:57,678 --> 00:04:00,730 Davis and May his life , which has been 52 00:04:00,730 --> 00:04:02,674 marked by a commitment to you in a 53 00:04:02,674 --> 00:04:04,897 sacred commitment to all that freedom , 54 00:04:04,897 --> 00:04:06,897 loving people cherish and hold dear 55 00:04:06,897 --> 00:04:08,619 serve as a continued beacon of 56 00:04:08,619 --> 00:04:10,508 inspiration for all who witnessed 57 00:04:10,508 --> 00:04:12,510 today's activities and learn of his 58 00:04:12,510 --> 00:04:15,290 courageous actions under fire . Finally 59 00:04:15,290 --> 00:04:17,512 made this ceremony serve as a testament 60 00:04:17,512 --> 00:04:19,734 of hope for the world's oppressed and a 61 00:04:19,734 --> 00:04:21,623 terrible warning to the oppressor 62 00:04:21,670 --> 00:04:23,726 because our nation still has men and 63 00:04:23,726 --> 00:04:25,837 women like Colonel Davis in our ranks 64 00:04:25,837 --> 00:04:28,070 across our military services who stand 65 00:04:28,070 --> 00:04:30,090 ready to step into the breach . We 66 00:04:30,090 --> 00:04:32,312 thank you Lord for this reality is your 67 00:04:32,312 --> 00:04:34,720 most holy name . I pray amen . 68 00:04:44,100 --> 00:04:45,690 Please please be seated . 69 00:04:52,300 --> 00:04:54,356 I have to say at the outset I've had 70 00:04:54,356 --> 00:04:56,578 the great honor and we have other medal 71 00:04:56,578 --> 00:04:59,460 of honor recipients here . And uh that 72 00:04:59,460 --> 00:05:01,460 I've been able to give one of those 73 00:05:01,460 --> 00:05:05,010 medals and uh we have five here , but 74 00:05:05,550 --> 00:05:09,140 this , the secretary may be the most 75 00:05:09,140 --> 00:05:11,029 consequential day since I've been 76 00:05:11,029 --> 00:05:14,500 president . He's an incredible man . I 77 00:05:14,510 --> 00:05:18,430 158 years ago today , the white in this 78 00:05:18,430 --> 00:05:20,430 White House , President Lincoln was 79 00:05:20,430 --> 00:05:22,652 putting the final touches on his second 80 00:05:22,652 --> 00:05:26,160 inaugural address and he wrote , let us 81 00:05:26,160 --> 00:05:28,990 strive to finish the work we are in to 82 00:05:28,990 --> 00:05:31,770 bind up the nation's wounds and care 83 00:05:31,770 --> 00:05:34,200 for him who shall have borne the battle 84 00:05:35,220 --> 00:05:39,150 Today ? years after he bore in the 85 00:05:39,150 --> 00:05:41,760 battle , we honor a true hero over a 86 00:05:41,760 --> 00:05:44,140 nation . Colonel Paris Davis , 87 00:05:45,540 --> 00:05:47,762 I've had a chance to get to talk to him 88 00:05:47,762 --> 00:05:49,873 a little bit . We talked on the phone 89 00:05:49,873 --> 00:05:52,096 and he doesn't know we're going to talk 90 00:05:52,096 --> 00:05:55,200 a lot more incredible guy . The medal 91 00:05:55,200 --> 00:05:57,370 of honor created during Lincoln's 92 00:05:57,370 --> 00:06:00,570 presidency is our country's highest 93 00:06:00,570 --> 00:06:02,660 military award recognizing Gallantry 94 00:06:02,660 --> 00:06:05,540 above and beyond the call of duty . 95 00:06:06,630 --> 00:06:09,090 That word gallantry , it's not much 96 00:06:09,090 --> 00:06:12,900 used these days , Gallantry , but I can 97 00:06:12,900 --> 00:06:14,900 think of no better word to describe 98 00:06:14,900 --> 00:06:18,390 Paris to describe you . I really can't 99 00:06:18,400 --> 00:06:21,870 gallantry and everyone here feels 100 00:06:21,870 --> 00:06:24,560 exactly the same way that includes 101 00:06:24,560 --> 00:06:26,282 Secretary Austin and Secretary 102 00:06:26,282 --> 00:06:28,504 mcdonough and Secretary of the Army War 103 00:06:28,504 --> 00:06:30,560 meth and the vice chairman Grady and 104 00:06:30,560 --> 00:06:33,610 General mcconville , Representative 105 00:06:33,610 --> 00:06:35,777 Beyer . Where's Representative Beyer ? 106 00:06:35,777 --> 00:06:38,000 Thank you . Thank you for pushing this 107 00:06:38,000 --> 00:06:40,190 a little bit . Appreciate it for 108 00:06:40,190 --> 00:06:42,790 joining us today . Now , as many of you 109 00:06:42,790 --> 00:06:44,957 know , Paris will be the first to tell 110 00:06:44,957 --> 00:06:47,900 you that he hates the word . I , that 111 00:06:47,900 --> 00:06:50,630 it was his team who served to this team 112 00:06:50,630 --> 00:06:52,970 who sacrificed . So today , I'm truly 113 00:06:52,970 --> 00:06:54,810 honored to welcome one of those 114 00:06:54,820 --> 00:06:58,230 teammates , Ron D's Dice . Where's Ron 115 00:06:59,300 --> 00:06:59,780 Crime ? 116 00:07:08,090 --> 00:07:10,146 He was the airborne spotter for that 117 00:07:10,146 --> 00:07:13,490 team and only a few days ago , right ? 118 00:07:16,010 --> 00:07:18,177 I also want to thank previous medal of 119 00:07:18,177 --> 00:07:20,399 honor recipients for here who joined us 120 00:07:20,399 --> 00:07:22,960 to recognize uh their brother in arms , 121 00:07:22,970 --> 00:07:26,620 Leroy , Petry William Swenson , 122 00:07:26,630 --> 00:07:29,670 Melvin Morris Matthew Williams and Earl 123 00:07:29,680 --> 00:07:31,210 Pummeling . Stand up . 124 00:07:47,050 --> 00:07:49,930 You're looking at courage in the flesh . 125 00:07:49,950 --> 00:07:52,650 And finally , uh Reagan , Stephanie 126 00:07:52,650 --> 00:07:55,990 Paris , you already know this . But uh 127 00:07:56,000 --> 00:07:58,350 your dad was a hero but he didn't have 128 00:07:58,350 --> 00:08:00,517 to win this medal for you to know that 129 00:08:00,570 --> 00:08:02,848 you knew it all along . You really did , 130 00:08:02,848 --> 00:08:04,959 didn't you ? When you were kids , you 131 00:08:04,959 --> 00:08:07,070 knew growing up ? And you know , like 132 00:08:07,070 --> 00:08:09,181 you , I wish your brother Christopher 133 00:08:09,181 --> 00:08:11,403 still with us to see your dad's final , 134 00:08:11,403 --> 00:08:13,737 finally recognized his story . You know , 135 00:08:13,737 --> 00:08:15,959 it's a story that didn't just begin the 136 00:08:15,959 --> 00:08:18,126 Vietnamese Vietnamese village 58 years 137 00:08:18,126 --> 00:08:20,400 ago Instead , picture Paris in 1956 , 138 00:08:20,400 --> 00:08:22,710 the son of a midwestern foundry worker 139 00:08:22,720 --> 00:08:25,340 starting his first year at Southern 140 00:08:25,340 --> 00:08:27,507 University in the heart of Louisiana . 141 00:08:28,360 --> 00:08:30,249 The college football team quickly 142 00:08:30,249 --> 00:08:32,471 noticed that Paris had the grit and the 143 00:08:32,471 --> 00:08:34,693 guts and needed on the team . So before 144 00:08:34,693 --> 00:08:36,916 long , Paris not only joined the team , 145 00:08:36,916 --> 00:08:39,138 but he's named All American before us . 146 00:08:39,720 --> 00:08:41,410 You're very slow . This guy , 147 00:08:44,540 --> 00:08:46,818 I'll tell you what . But off the field , 148 00:08:46,818 --> 00:08:48,818 parasol , constant reminders of too 149 00:08:48,818 --> 00:08:51,520 many , too many . He was less than an 150 00:08:51,520 --> 00:08:54,320 American and that in the eyes of the 151 00:08:54,320 --> 00:08:57,400 law , he was less than a person signs 152 00:08:57,400 --> 00:09:00,460 on bars that read whites only seats on 153 00:09:00,460 --> 00:09:02,790 busses where were off limits for 154 00:09:02,790 --> 00:09:05,880 African Americans school street shops 155 00:09:05,880 --> 00:09:09,120 divided by segregation prioress endured 156 00:09:09,120 --> 00:09:11,342 all of this and still chose to join his 157 00:09:11,342 --> 00:09:14,680 college ROTC unit , volunteering to 158 00:09:14,680 --> 00:09:16,790 serve a country that in many places 159 00:09:16,790 --> 00:09:19,190 still refuse to serve people who look 160 00:09:19,190 --> 00:09:21,700 like him right away . It was clear that 161 00:09:21,700 --> 00:09:25,160 Paris was a born warrior . He became an 162 00:09:25,160 --> 00:09:27,920 army ranger . Then he jumped at the 163 00:09:27,920 --> 00:09:29,698 chance to join the green Berets 164 00:09:29,698 --> 00:09:31,642 becoming one of the nation's first 165 00:09:31,642 --> 00:09:34,550 black Special Forces officers . Paris 166 00:09:34,550 --> 00:09:36,830 linked like the green blaze because 167 00:09:36,840 --> 00:09:39,590 they were elite . It wasn't just as 168 00:09:39,590 --> 00:09:41,868 Paris once said , Joe here , Joe there , 169 00:09:41,868 --> 00:09:44,034 but it didn't offend me . You said Joe 170 00:09:44,034 --> 00:09:48,010 here that didn't bother me . 171 00:09:48,020 --> 00:09:51,670 But the green Berets like our 172 00:09:51,670 --> 00:09:53,392 country then weren't free from 173 00:09:53,392 --> 00:09:55,720 discrimination either . People pull 174 00:09:55,720 --> 00:09:57,720 parrots aside to warn him . Are you 175 00:09:57,720 --> 00:09:59,942 sure you want to join ? There are a lot 176 00:09:59,942 --> 00:10:01,942 of people like you look like you in 177 00:10:01,942 --> 00:10:04,250 this outfit . Well , remember this was 178 00:10:04,250 --> 00:10:06,440 only 14 years after President Truman 179 00:10:06,440 --> 00:10:09,480 desegregated our military . Only 14 180 00:10:09,480 --> 00:10:11,890 years later , the Paris didn't listen 181 00:10:11,890 --> 00:10:15,400 to them and thank God he didn't . Paris 182 00:10:15,400 --> 00:10:17,678 helped write the history of our nation . 183 00:10:17,678 --> 00:10:19,710 And this year we celebrate the 75th 184 00:10:19,710 --> 00:10:21,910 anniversary of our first fully 185 00:10:21,910 --> 00:10:24,660 integrated armed forces and named Paris 186 00:10:24,660 --> 00:10:26,716 Davis will still stand alongside the 187 00:10:26,716 --> 00:10:29,840 nation's pioneering heroes . You know , 188 00:10:29,840 --> 00:10:32,360 in the early hours of June 18 , 189 00:10:33,900 --> 00:10:36,930 and his captain , then Captain Davis 190 00:10:36,940 --> 00:10:39,330 and his team with three of the green 191 00:10:39,330 --> 00:10:41,900 Berets were wrapping up a job well done . 192 00:10:42,410 --> 00:10:44,840 And together they just finished a 10 193 00:10:44,840 --> 00:10:47,062 mile March through the night to support 194 00:10:47,062 --> 00:10:49,229 a company of South Vietnamese soldiers 195 00:10:49,229 --> 00:10:51,690 on their first combat mission . A raid 196 00:10:51,690 --> 00:10:54,160 against a Vietcong thick in the jungle 197 00:10:54,160 --> 00:10:57,540 of song . The raid was a success . 198 00:10:58,340 --> 00:11:00,507 But as the sun began to rise , the men 199 00:11:00,507 --> 00:11:03,050 heard that haunting sound ring out a 200 00:11:03,050 --> 00:11:06,400 bugle , a bugle , a sure sign of a 201 00:11:06,400 --> 00:11:09,410 counterattack . Within minutes , the 202 00:11:09,410 --> 00:11:11,640 jungle lit up with enemy fire . 203 00:11:11,650 --> 00:11:14,310 Hundreds of Viet Cong began to swarm . 204 00:11:14,310 --> 00:11:16,532 Captain Davis and his team pinning them 205 00:11:16,532 --> 00:11:19,310 down in a rice paddy with no cover . 206 00:11:19,320 --> 00:11:21,760 Captain Davis rallied his team to fight 207 00:11:21,760 --> 00:11:24,240 back , getting so close to the enemy . 208 00:11:24,240 --> 00:11:26,640 He was battling them hand to hand 209 00:11:27,360 --> 00:11:30,530 hours . This is the part that stuns me 210 00:11:30,540 --> 00:11:33,990 hours into that fight . Captain 211 00:11:34,000 --> 00:11:37,150 heard suddenly heard a sound worse than 212 00:11:37,150 --> 00:11:39,730 the bugle , his teammate crying out for 213 00:11:39,730 --> 00:11:42,890 help . His team sergeant had been shot 214 00:11:42,890 --> 00:11:45,690 badly in his foot in his leg , trapping 215 00:11:45,690 --> 00:11:47,801 him in the middle of the patty and it 216 00:11:47,801 --> 00:11:51,250 got worse on the far side of the field . 217 00:11:51,870 --> 00:11:54,250 His weapons specialist was stuck in a 218 00:11:54,250 --> 00:11:57,000 cesspit after being temporarily knocked 219 00:11:57,000 --> 00:11:59,900 out by shrapnel , you know , and even 220 00:11:59,900 --> 00:12:02,300 further beyond him was his medic who 221 00:12:02,300 --> 00:12:05,180 had been shot in the head . Captain 222 00:12:05,180 --> 00:12:07,402 Davis realized he was the last American 223 00:12:07,402 --> 00:12:10,180 standing without hesitation . I yelled , 224 00:12:10,190 --> 00:12:13,710 I'm coming for you . I'm 225 00:12:13,720 --> 00:12:17,180 coming for you . He called in friendly 226 00:12:17,180 --> 00:12:19,347 fire and gave a little bit of cover to 227 00:12:19,347 --> 00:12:21,320 run out and rescue his team on his 228 00:12:21,320 --> 00:12:23,542 first attempt to get to team sergeant . 229 00:12:24,050 --> 00:12:27,220 Captain Davis was shot in the arm and 230 00:12:27,220 --> 00:12:29,700 had to turn back . Captain Davis waited 231 00:12:29,700 --> 00:12:32,310 for another window and sprinted back 232 00:12:32,310 --> 00:12:34,990 out again but his team sergeant was 233 00:12:34,990 --> 00:12:37,046 stuck . Captain Davis couldn't fully 234 00:12:37,046 --> 00:12:39,212 break him free before here to return . 235 00:12:39,212 --> 00:12:41,730 Had to return to cover . He didn't give 236 00:12:41,730 --> 00:12:44,670 up though . That's not the green beret 237 00:12:44,670 --> 00:12:48,660 way for his third time as 238 00:12:48,660 --> 00:12:50,970 enemy fire rained down and he ran out . 239 00:12:50,980 --> 00:12:53,190 Captain Davis freed his team sergeant 240 00:12:53,200 --> 00:12:55,422 threw him over his shoulder and started 241 00:12:55,422 --> 00:12:57,256 carrying up the hill to safety . 242 00:12:57,256 --> 00:12:59,422 Captain Davis got about halfway up the 243 00:12:59,422 --> 00:13:01,589 hill before a bullet pierced his leg . 244 00:13:01,589 --> 00:13:03,760 Then in front of him , another green 245 00:13:03,760 --> 00:13:06,700 beret sergeant who had just arrived to 246 00:13:06,700 --> 00:13:09,070 the battle to reinforce the team was 247 00:13:09,070 --> 00:13:11,237 shot in the chest and now needed to be 248 00:13:11,237 --> 00:13:13,440 rescued as well . Captain Davis limped 249 00:13:13,440 --> 00:13:15,551 up the hill with his team sergeant on 250 00:13:15,551 --> 00:13:17,662 his shoulder . He'd been fighting for 251 00:13:17,662 --> 00:13:19,551 around 10 hours but Captain Davis 252 00:13:19,551 --> 00:13:21,773 didn't hesitate . He went back down the 253 00:13:21,773 --> 00:13:23,990 hill to retrieve the reinforcement had 254 00:13:23,990 --> 00:13:27,500 been just shot in the chest all £240 255 00:13:27,500 --> 00:13:30,500 of him . Next Captain Davis ran to his 256 00:13:30,500 --> 00:13:33,180 weapons specialist who was struck in 257 00:13:33,180 --> 00:13:35,690 that cesspit . Viet Cong fighters 258 00:13:35,690 --> 00:13:37,746 continue to spray gunfire across the 259 00:13:37,746 --> 00:13:39,690 field as Captain Davis through his 260 00:13:39,690 --> 00:13:41,746 teammate , a rope pulled him out and 261 00:13:41,746 --> 00:13:43,968 began to haul him up the hill as well . 262 00:13:43,968 --> 00:13:46,370 But this time the rescue helicopter , 263 00:13:46,370 --> 00:13:48,426 by this time , the rescue helicopter 264 00:13:48,426 --> 00:13:50,481 has landed . Captain Davis commander 265 00:13:50,481 --> 00:13:53,040 gave him a direct order . Get on board . 266 00:13:53,630 --> 00:13:56,650 David's response was just as direct sir . 267 00:13:56,650 --> 00:14:00,140 He said , I'm just not going to leave . 268 00:14:00,150 --> 00:14:02,206 I still have an American out there . 269 00:14:02,960 --> 00:14:04,793 I'm sure if he was still alive . 270 00:14:04,793 --> 00:14:06,738 Captain Davis began to plan how he 271 00:14:06,738 --> 00:14:08,682 would get his medic . Just the day 272 00:14:08,682 --> 00:14:11,020 before the Medicaid found out he was 273 00:14:11,020 --> 00:14:13,480 the good news . He was a new father . 274 00:14:14,180 --> 00:14:16,291 His wife had given birth to the first 275 00:14:16,291 --> 00:14:19,080 child . Captain Davis was going to give 276 00:14:19,080 --> 00:14:22,470 him a chance to see his baby boy . He 277 00:14:22,470 --> 00:14:24,414 pinpointed the medics position and 278 00:14:24,414 --> 00:14:26,620 began crawling toward him with gunfire 279 00:14:26,620 --> 00:14:28,953 and grenades still exploding around him . 280 00:14:30,040 --> 00:14:32,140 When he got there , the medics still 281 00:14:32,140 --> 00:14:34,800 alive asked him , am I gonna die ? 282 00:14:36,060 --> 00:14:40,030 Am I gonna die ? Captain David , not 283 00:14:40,030 --> 00:14:43,880 before me still fending off the Vietnam 284 00:14:43,880 --> 00:14:45,991 assailants . Captain Davis hauled his 285 00:14:45,991 --> 00:14:49,310 medic up the hill And nearly 20 286 00:14:49,310 --> 00:14:52,870 hours , nearly 20 hours later after 287 00:14:52,870 --> 00:14:55,400 that bugle first rang , Captain Davis 288 00:14:55,410 --> 00:14:57,530 had saved each one of his fellow 289 00:14:57,540 --> 00:15:00,900 Americans , every single one 290 00:15:02,320 --> 00:15:04,810 just as the story of Paris . Davis did 291 00:15:04,810 --> 00:15:08,760 not begin in June 18th , 1965 . It 292 00:15:08,760 --> 00:15:11,110 does not end there either . Captain 293 00:15:11,110 --> 00:15:13,332 Davis went on to become a Colonel Davis 294 00:15:13,332 --> 00:15:15,221 serving more than 25 years in our 295 00:15:15,221 --> 00:15:17,388 military and earning a phd . On top of 296 00:15:17,388 --> 00:15:19,610 that , he received the civil star , the 297 00:15:19,610 --> 00:15:21,777 bronze star and the air medal , purple 298 00:15:21,777 --> 00:15:23,888 heart . And even after he hung up his 299 00:15:23,888 --> 00:15:26,054 uniform and captain continued to serve 300 00:15:26,054 --> 00:15:27,999 the community , founding the Metro 301 00:15:27,999 --> 00:15:30,054 Herald , a newspaper that focused on 302 00:15:30,054 --> 00:15:32,110 his local community and civil rights 303 00:15:32,110 --> 00:15:34,221 issues . I wish I could say that this 304 00:15:34,221 --> 00:15:37,500 story of Paris's sacrifice On that day 305 00:15:37,500 --> 00:15:40,460 in 19 and 1965 was fully recognized and 306 00:15:40,460 --> 00:15:43,350 rewarded immediately . But sadly , we 307 00:15:43,350 --> 00:15:47,230 know they weren't at the time , Captain 308 00:15:47,230 --> 00:15:49,341 Davis returned from war . The country 309 00:15:49,341 --> 00:15:51,230 is still battling . Segregation , 310 00:15:51,230 --> 00:15:53,174 returned from Vietnam . Vietnam to 311 00:15:53,174 --> 00:15:55,341 experience some of his fellow soldiers 312 00:15:55,341 --> 00:15:57,230 crossing on the other side of the 313 00:15:57,230 --> 00:15:59,550 street when they saw him in America . 314 00:16:00,500 --> 00:16:02,667 And although the men who were with him 315 00:16:02,667 --> 00:16:04,556 in June Day immediately nominated 316 00:16:04,556 --> 00:16:06,556 Captain Davis received the medal of 317 00:16:06,556 --> 00:16:08,640 honor . Somehow the paper , the 318 00:16:08,640 --> 00:16:11,800 paperwork was never processed , not 319 00:16:11,800 --> 00:16:15,530 just once but twice , but you know what 320 00:16:15,530 --> 00:16:17,641 Captain Davis said ? After learning , 321 00:16:17,641 --> 00:16:19,752 he would finally receive the medal of 322 00:16:19,752 --> 00:16:23,000 honor . Quote , America was behind me . 323 00:16:23,990 --> 00:16:26,150 America was behind me . 324 00:16:28,260 --> 00:16:31,290 He never lost faith , which I find 325 00:16:31,290 --> 00:16:34,350 astounding . He never stopped believing 326 00:16:34,970 --> 00:16:36,859 the founding vision of our nation 327 00:16:37,270 --> 00:16:40,040 Vision , Lincoln kept alive 158 years 328 00:16:40,040 --> 00:16:43,650 ago and a vision Paris fought to 329 00:16:43,650 --> 00:16:47,650 defend 58 years ago , this vision for a 330 00:16:47,650 --> 00:16:50,920 more perfect union when we're all women 331 00:16:50,920 --> 00:16:53,240 and men are created equal . You know , 332 00:16:53,240 --> 00:16:55,240 we're the most unique nation in the 333 00:16:55,240 --> 00:16:57,407 world where the only nation founded on 334 00:16:57,407 --> 00:17:00,750 an idea . Every other nation is founded 335 00:17:00,760 --> 00:17:02,860 based on a philosophy based on 336 00:17:02,860 --> 00:17:05,700 ethnicity , religion , whatever an idea 337 00:17:06,760 --> 00:17:08,927 it's captured and we hold these truths 338 00:17:08,927 --> 00:17:11,210 to be self evident that all men and 339 00:17:11,210 --> 00:17:13,190 women are created equal endowed by 340 00:17:13,190 --> 00:17:15,357 their creator with certain inalienable 341 00:17:15,357 --> 00:17:17,468 rights , life , liberty . We've never 342 00:17:17,468 --> 00:17:19,800 fully lived up to it , but we've never 343 00:17:19,800 --> 00:17:22,078 walked away from it . This is evidence . 344 00:17:22,078 --> 00:17:24,411 We're still not gonna walk away from it . 345 00:17:24,411 --> 00:17:26,460 Look , folks , we never ever walked 346 00:17:26,460 --> 00:17:28,571 away from our troops who dare all and 347 00:17:28,571 --> 00:17:32,280 give all our nation , Paris . You are 348 00:17:32,290 --> 00:17:34,770 everything this metal means . I mean , 349 00:17:34,780 --> 00:17:38,330 everything this metal means and look , 350 00:17:38,340 --> 00:17:40,173 you're everything our generation 351 00:17:40,173 --> 00:17:42,740 aspired to be . You're everything our 352 00:17:42,740 --> 00:17:46,250 nation is at our best , brave and big 353 00:17:46,250 --> 00:17:49,130 hearted , determined and devoted , 354 00:17:49,910 --> 00:17:53,090 selfless and steadfast American 355 00:17:53,510 --> 00:17:56,590 American . And now at long 356 00:17:56,590 --> 00:17:59,480 last , it's my great honor to ask 357 00:17:59,480 --> 00:18:01,780 Lieutenant Colonel Row to read the 358 00:18:01,780 --> 00:18:02,590 citation . 359 00:18:17,740 --> 00:18:18,270 Mhm . 360 00:18:25,740 --> 00:18:27,851 The president of the United States of 361 00:18:27,851 --> 00:18:30,440 America authorized by act of Congress 362 00:18:30,450 --> 00:18:33,860 March 3rd , 18 63 has awarded in the 363 00:18:33,860 --> 00:18:35,971 name of Congress , the medal of honor 364 00:18:35,971 --> 00:18:38,840 to Captain Paris D Davis . United 365 00:18:38,840 --> 00:18:41,580 States Army for conspicuous gallantry 366 00:18:41,590 --> 00:18:43,757 and intrepidity at the risk of his own 367 00:18:43,757 --> 00:18:46,034 life above and beyond the call of duty . 368 00:18:46,320 --> 00:18:48,730 Captain Paris D Davis , commander 369 00:18:48,740 --> 00:18:51,370 detachment , a three 25th Special 370 00:18:51,370 --> 00:18:53,600 Forces Group Airborne First Special 371 00:18:53,600 --> 00:18:56,190 Forces distinguished himself by acts of 372 00:18:56,190 --> 00:18:58,280 gallantry and intrepidity above and 373 00:18:58,280 --> 00:19:00,740 beyond the call of duty while serving 374 00:19:00,740 --> 00:19:03,370 as an advisor to the 883rd Regional 375 00:19:03,370 --> 00:19:05,780 Force Company Army of the Republic of 376 00:19:05,780 --> 00:19:08,200 Vietnam during combat operations 377 00:19:08,200 --> 00:19:10,400 against an armed enemy in the vicinity 378 00:19:10,400 --> 00:19:13,070 of Dong Song Republic of Vietnam . On 379 00:19:13,070 --> 00:19:16,290 June 17th through 18th , 1965 380 00:19:16,590 --> 00:19:18,720 Captain Davis and three other U S 381 00:19:18,720 --> 00:19:20,942 Special Forces advisers accompanied the 382 00:19:20,942 --> 00:19:24,110 Vietnamese 883rd Regional Force Company 383 00:19:24,120 --> 00:19:26,810 on its first combat mission , a daring 384 00:19:26,810 --> 00:19:28,699 nighttime raid against a Vietcong 385 00:19:28,699 --> 00:19:30,477 regional headquarters housing a 386 00:19:30,477 --> 00:19:33,120 superior enemy force . Captain Davis 387 00:19:33,120 --> 00:19:35,009 advice and leadership allowed the 388 00:19:35,009 --> 00:19:37,176 company to gain the tactical advantage 389 00:19:37,176 --> 00:19:38,731 allowing it to surprise the 390 00:19:38,731 --> 00:19:40,620 unsuspecting enemy force and kill 391 00:19:40,620 --> 00:19:43,140 approximately 100 enemy soldiers while 392 00:19:43,140 --> 00:19:45,196 returning from the successful raid . 393 00:19:45,196 --> 00:19:47,418 The Regional Force company was ambushed 394 00:19:47,418 --> 00:19:49,362 and sustained several casualties . 395 00:19:49,362 --> 00:19:51,880 Captain Davis consistently exposed 396 00:19:51,880 --> 00:19:54,640 himself to the hostile arms small arms 397 00:19:54,640 --> 00:19:56,640 fire to rally the inexperienced and 398 00:19:56,640 --> 00:19:59,300 disorganized company . He expertly 399 00:19:59,300 --> 00:20:01,840 directed both artillery and small arms 400 00:20:01,840 --> 00:20:03,910 fire enabling other elements of the 401 00:20:03,910 --> 00:20:06,640 company to reach his position although 402 00:20:06,640 --> 00:20:08,696 wounded in the leg . He aided in the 403 00:20:08,696 --> 00:20:10,862 evacuation of other wounded men in his 404 00:20:10,862 --> 00:20:13,290 unit but refused medical evacuation 405 00:20:13,290 --> 00:20:15,930 himself following the arrival of air 406 00:20:15,930 --> 00:20:17,763 support . Captain Davis directed 407 00:20:17,763 --> 00:20:19,930 artillery fire within 30 m of his own 408 00:20:19,930 --> 00:20:21,874 position in an attempt to halt the 409 00:20:21,874 --> 00:20:24,400 enemy's advance . Then with complete 410 00:20:24,400 --> 00:20:26,567 disregard for his own life , he braved 411 00:20:26,567 --> 00:20:28,640 intense enemy fire to cross an open 412 00:20:28,640 --> 00:20:30,751 field to rescue his seriously wounded 413 00:20:30,760 --> 00:20:33,150 and immobilized team sergeant while 414 00:20:33,150 --> 00:20:35,206 carrying the sergeant up a hill to a 415 00:20:35,206 --> 00:20:37,317 position of relative safety . Captain 416 00:20:37,317 --> 00:20:39,428 Davis was again wounded by enemy fire 417 00:20:39,460 --> 00:20:41,516 despite too painful wounds , Captain 418 00:20:41,516 --> 00:20:44,140 Davis again refused medical evacuation . 419 00:20:44,230 --> 00:20:46,870 Remained with the troops fought bravely 420 00:20:46,880 --> 00:20:48,880 and provided pivotal leadership and 421 00:20:48,880 --> 00:20:50,769 inspiration to the Regional Force 422 00:20:50,769 --> 00:20:52,991 Company as it repelled several Vietcong 423 00:20:52,991 --> 00:20:54,880 assaults on their position over a 424 00:20:54,880 --> 00:20:56,991 period of several hours when friendly 425 00:20:56,991 --> 00:20:58,824 reinforcements finally arrived . 426 00:20:58,824 --> 00:21:00,824 Captain Davis again refused medical 427 00:21:00,824 --> 00:21:03,620 evacuation until he had recovered an US 428 00:21:03,630 --> 00:21:05,880 adviser under his command who had been 429 00:21:05,880 --> 00:21:07,991 wounded during the initial ambush and 430 00:21:07,991 --> 00:21:10,450 presumed dead while personally 431 00:21:10,450 --> 00:21:12,450 recovering the wounded soldier , he 432 00:21:12,450 --> 00:21:14,506 found him severely wounded but still 433 00:21:14,506 --> 00:21:16,400 clinging to life . Captain Davis 434 00:21:16,400 --> 00:21:18,511 directed the helicopter extraction of 435 00:21:18,511 --> 00:21:20,622 his wounded colleague not leaving the 436 00:21:20,622 --> 00:21:22,622 battlefield himself until after all 437 00:21:22,622 --> 00:21:24,789 from friendly forces were recovered or 438 00:21:24,789 --> 00:21:26,900 medically evacuated . Captain Davis , 439 00:21:26,900 --> 00:21:29,010 heroism and selflessness above and 440 00:21:29,010 --> 00:21:31,177 beyond the call of duty at the risk of 441 00:21:31,177 --> 00:21:33,232 his own life are in keeping with the 442 00:21:33,232 --> 00:21:35,399 highest traditions of military service 443 00:21:35,399 --> 00:21:37,621 and reflect great credit upon himself , 444 00:21:37,621 --> 00:21:39,732 his unit and the United States army . 445 00:22:45,450 --> 00:22:47,561 Ladies and gentlemen , please receive 446 00:22:47,561 --> 00:22:49,339 this benediction , gracious and 447 00:22:49,339 --> 00:22:51,360 everlasting God as we depart this 448 00:22:51,360 --> 00:22:53,810 ceremony , inspired by the courageous 449 00:22:53,810 --> 00:22:56,200 actions of Colonel Davis help us to 450 00:22:56,200 --> 00:22:58,200 follow his selfless example . As we 451 00:22:58,200 --> 00:23:00,510 serve our nation's people . May our 452 00:23:00,510 --> 00:23:02,770 participation in today's ceremony 453 00:23:02,780 --> 00:23:04,724 coupled with the strengthening and 454 00:23:04,724 --> 00:23:06,891 shaping of your spirit to compel us to 455 00:23:06,891 --> 00:23:09,002 live lives of integrity and valor for 456 00:23:09,002 --> 00:23:11,113 the good of the nation , for the good 457 00:23:11,113 --> 00:23:13,113 of our families and for the good of 458 00:23:13,113 --> 00:23:15,280 humankind around the world , bless and 459 00:23:15,280 --> 00:23:17,113 protect our armed forces as they 460 00:23:17,113 --> 00:23:19,224 preserve our precious freedoms . Keep 461 00:23:19,224 --> 00:23:21,336 the lamp of liberty burning bright on 462 00:23:21,336 --> 00:23:23,391 the United States of America and our 463 00:23:23,391 --> 00:23:25,447 allies around the world and grant us 464 00:23:25,447 --> 00:23:27,558 all your grace to meet the challenges 465 00:23:27,558 --> 00:23:29,724 ahead , the strength to overcome every 466 00:23:29,724 --> 00:23:31,990 obstacle and in part to us , the wisdom 467 00:23:31,990 --> 00:23:34,330 and the will to do justly to love mercy 468 00:23:34,330 --> 00:23:36,570 and to walk humbly before you all the 469 00:23:36,570 --> 00:23:38,810 days of our lives . It is in your most 470 00:23:38,810 --> 00:23:41,260 holy and precious name . I pray amen . 471 00:23:46,400 --> 00:23:48,622 Distinguished guests . Please remain in 472 00:23:48,622 --> 00:23:50,733 your seats as the president departs . 473 00:23:50,733 --> 00:23:50,270 Thank you . 474 00:24:10,200 --> 00:24:10,370 Yeah .