1 00:00:00,510 --> 00:00:03,470 Thank you , Senator uh General Nakasone 2 00:00:03,480 --> 00:00:05,920 on a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is 3 00:00:05,920 --> 00:00:07,976 essential for the national defense . 4 00:00:07,976 --> 00:00:10,087 And one is nice to have , where would 5 00:00:10,087 --> 00:00:12,850 you rank section 702 , 10 plus ? Uh And 6 00:00:12,850 --> 00:00:14,961 let me talk a little bit about +702 . 7 00:00:14,961 --> 00:00:17,183 Thank you , Senator for that question . 8 00:00:17,183 --> 00:00:20,120 Uh As you know , F A +702 allows the U 9 00:00:20,120 --> 00:00:24,040 S intelligence community to collect the 10 00:00:24,050 --> 00:00:26,220 information and communications of 11 00:00:26,220 --> 00:00:29,580 foreign targets of interest operating 12 00:00:29,590 --> 00:00:32,140 outside the United States that you , 13 00:00:32,140 --> 00:00:34,590 that use us infrastructure and services . 14 00:00:34,590 --> 00:00:36,534 So outside the United States , the 15 00:00:36,534 --> 00:00:38,430 intelligence community can , can 16 00:00:38,440 --> 00:00:40,670 collect against foreign targets of 17 00:00:40,670 --> 00:00:43,160 interest . It's critical for what we do 18 00:00:43,160 --> 00:00:46,150 and what have we seen since F8702 was 19 00:00:46,150 --> 00:00:48,450 enacted in 2008 and reauthorized two 20 00:00:48,450 --> 00:00:50,980 times . It's disrupted terrorist plots . 21 00:00:51,840 --> 00:00:55,510 It's alerted us to cyber attacks . And 22 00:00:55,510 --> 00:00:57,510 finally , it's uncovered ci threats 23 00:00:57,510 --> 00:00:59,677 last year were able to utilize this in 24 00:00:59,677 --> 00:01:01,843 a series of ransomware and a series of 25 00:01:01,843 --> 00:01:04,010 being able to uncover what adversaries 26 00:01:04,010 --> 00:01:05,954 are trying to do to us against our 27 00:01:05,954 --> 00:01:07,899 critical infrastructure . And most 28 00:01:07,899 --> 00:01:09,899 importantly , as General Fenton can 29 00:01:09,899 --> 00:01:12,010 testify as you know what we were able 30 00:01:12,010 --> 00:01:14,121 to do against Zawahiri . An essential 31 00:01:14,121 --> 00:01:16,066 piece that we need as a nation . I 32 00:01:16,066 --> 00:01:18,288 think the key word is essential . Thank 33 00:01:18,288 --> 00:01:20,540 you . General , talk to me about the 34 00:01:20,540 --> 00:01:22,762 relationship between electronic warfare 35 00:01:22,762 --> 00:01:26,190 and cyber is elect who's in charge of 36 00:01:26,190 --> 00:01:28,520 electronic warfare of because in a 37 00:01:28,520 --> 00:01:30,990 conflict , electronic warfare and cyber 38 00:01:30,990 --> 00:01:34,020 is going to be where it begins . So 39 00:01:34,030 --> 00:01:35,863 traditionally , the services had 40 00:01:35,863 --> 00:01:37,919 electronic warfare capabilities that 41 00:01:37,919 --> 00:01:40,141 they deploy with their forces . I think 42 00:01:40,141 --> 00:01:41,530 what you speak to is the 43 00:01:41,530 --> 00:01:43,752 synchronization of this battlefield and 44 00:01:43,752 --> 00:01:45,919 cyberspace , which we are starting now 45 00:01:45,919 --> 00:01:47,974 to work very , very closely with the 46 00:01:47,974 --> 00:01:50,197 combatant commands . I'm concerned that 47 00:01:50,197 --> 00:01:52,419 if , if electronic warfare is scattered 48 00:01:52,419 --> 00:01:54,586 among the services , it's not going to 49 00:01:54,586 --> 00:01:54,390 have the attention , for example , that 50 00:01:54,390 --> 00:01:56,900 Cyber has because we have Cyber command 51 00:01:56,900 --> 00:01:59,850 and uh electronic warfare is definitely 52 00:01:59,850 --> 00:02:01,794 going to be part of the conflict , 53 00:02:01,794 --> 00:02:04,390 whether it's jamming or disabling uh 54 00:02:04,400 --> 00:02:06,567 satellite communications , those kinds 55 00:02:06,567 --> 00:02:09,010 of things . Uh There's no central , 56 00:02:09,020 --> 00:02:11,298 what you're telling me is , there's no , 57 00:02:11,298 --> 00:02:13,187 it's not part of your command and 58 00:02:13,187 --> 00:02:14,964 there's no central command that 59 00:02:14,964 --> 00:02:17,298 controls , it is not part of my command . 60 00:02:17,298 --> 00:02:19,298 But again , a lot of the electronic 61 00:02:19,298 --> 00:02:21,464 warfare has done is done in support of 62 00:02:21,464 --> 00:02:23,687 service requirements . And so they have 63 00:02:23,687 --> 00:02:25,798 service forces that do this . I think 64 00:02:25,798 --> 00:02:28,131 what you're speaking to . Um Senator is , 65 00:02:28,131 --> 00:02:27,425 You know , much in the same way we have 66 00:02:27,425 --> 00:02:30,065 tactical forces that , that assist the 67 00:02:30,065 --> 00:02:31,965 services . Is there some type of 68 00:02:31,965 --> 00:02:34,325 national capability that we might need ? 69 00:02:34,325 --> 00:02:36,381 And I think that's something that we 70 00:02:36,381 --> 00:02:38,603 have to look very carefully and I worry 71 00:02:38,603 --> 00:02:40,714 about coordination and duplication to 72 00:02:40,714 --> 00:02:42,714 two sides of the same coin . Uh you 73 00:02:42,714 --> 00:02:42,335 mentioned briefly in your opening 74 00:02:42,335 --> 00:02:44,391 statement , election interference in 75 00:02:44,391 --> 00:02:46,785 2022 is election interference in terms 76 00:02:46,785 --> 00:02:49,790 of cyber , an ongoing problem . Didn't , 77 00:02:49,800 --> 00:02:51,967 hasn't gone away , it hasn't gone away 78 00:02:51,967 --> 00:02:53,967 that this is , this is something we 79 00:02:53,967 --> 00:02:55,967 will deal with for as long as I can 80 00:02:55,967 --> 00:02:57,633 look at the future and we see 81 00:02:57,633 --> 00:02:59,356 cyberspace and the ability for 82 00:02:59,356 --> 00:03:01,578 adversaries to influence . What goes on 83 00:03:01,578 --> 00:03:04,250 is it , is it uh things like hacking 84 00:03:04,250 --> 00:03:06,910 and , and uh meddling with the system 85 00:03:06,910 --> 00:03:08,950 or is it more in terms of , of 86 00:03:08,960 --> 00:03:11,300 disinformation ? So what we have seen 87 00:03:11,300 --> 00:03:13,860 Senator really , when you talk about 88 00:03:13,870 --> 00:03:15,814 infrastructure , that's more of an 89 00:03:15,814 --> 00:03:17,592 interference piece , we see the 90 00:03:17,592 --> 00:03:19,592 influence piece much more prevalent 91 00:03:19,592 --> 00:03:21,759 these days and being able to operating 92 00:03:21,759 --> 00:03:21,690 outside the United States go after 93 00:03:21,690 --> 00:03:24,100 trolls and other different actors that 94 00:03:24,100 --> 00:03:26,156 are trying to create influence . And 95 00:03:26,156 --> 00:03:28,211 these are can be Russia around North 96 00:03:28,211 --> 00:03:30,044 Korea , China , they're actively 97 00:03:30,044 --> 00:03:33,180 involved in trying to affect and uh 98 00:03:33,190 --> 00:03:35,190 interfere in our politics . Is that 99 00:03:35,190 --> 00:03:37,357 correct ? You've hit the top four plus 100 00:03:37,357 --> 00:03:40,910 proxies . Um China cyber capability , 101 00:03:40,920 --> 00:03:43,250 is it on the rise ? They , they've been 102 00:03:43,260 --> 00:03:45,980 not as aggressive in terms of elections 103 00:03:45,980 --> 00:03:48,091 and interference as the Russians have 104 00:03:48,091 --> 00:03:50,258 been over the last 10 years or so ? Is 105 00:03:50,258 --> 00:03:51,924 China starting to become more 106 00:03:51,924 --> 00:03:53,758 aggressive ? Are you seeing more 107 00:03:53,758 --> 00:03:56,950 activity uh less worry about 108 00:03:56,950 --> 00:03:59,006 reputational risk and those kinds of 109 00:03:59,006 --> 00:04:00,894 things . So they have a different 110 00:04:00,894 --> 00:04:02,950 playbook , I think than the Russians 111 00:04:02,950 --> 00:04:04,950 from what we've seen . Uh the other 112 00:04:04,950 --> 00:04:07,117 pieces that as I mentioned last year , 113 00:04:07,117 --> 00:04:09,394 this is a very capable , capable force . 114 00:04:09,394 --> 00:04:11,506 And so we can cover many of the areas 115 00:04:11,506 --> 00:04:13,728 that I can discuss in close testimony . 116 00:04:13,728 --> 00:04:16,880 But again , a very formidable foe , uh 117 00:04:17,470 --> 00:04:19,710 The new National Cyber strategy was 118 00:04:19,710 --> 00:04:22,510 just issued last week . Any gaps , I 119 00:04:22,520 --> 00:04:24,687 don't expect you to criticize it . But 120 00:04:24,687 --> 00:04:26,687 do you have any suggestions you can 121 00:04:26,687 --> 00:04:29,130 share with us ? Uh really pleased with 122 00:04:29,130 --> 00:04:31,241 the national Cyber strategy . I think 123 00:04:31,241 --> 00:04:33,241 that this is something that uh that 124 00:04:33,241 --> 00:04:35,297 we've long wanted in terms of what's 125 00:04:35,297 --> 00:04:37,019 the responsibility of both the 126 00:04:37,019 --> 00:04:39,290 government and the private sector and 127 00:04:39,290 --> 00:04:41,401 being able to meld that is critically 128 00:04:41,401 --> 00:04:43,623 important for us . I think in the weeks 129 00:04:43,623 --> 00:04:45,401 to come , obviously , the , the 130 00:04:45,401 --> 00:04:47,568 Department of Defense's Cyber strategy 131 00:04:47,568 --> 00:04:49,734 will nest within that . And so I think 132 00:04:49,734 --> 00:04:48,930 for the first time , we'll probably 133 00:04:48,930 --> 00:04:51,041 have , you know , from the government 134 00:04:51,041 --> 00:04:53,097 all the way down to our department , 135 00:04:53,097 --> 00:04:55,319 something that's very effective . Think 136 00:04:55,319 --> 00:04:57,374 of that . A coherent government wide 137 00:04:57,374 --> 00:04:59,541 strategy . Yes , Senator , thank you , 138 00:04:59,541 --> 00:05:00,763 General Senator Bud . 139 00:05:05,370 --> 00:05:07,259 Thank you all for being here . So 140 00:05:07,259 --> 00:05:09,259 General Fenton , you know , there's 141 00:05:09,259 --> 00:05:11,481 been a series of concerning incidents , 142 00:05:11,481 --> 00:05:14,060 um suicides , murders , overdoses , 143 00:05:14,070 --> 00:05:16,710 drug trafficking , arrests surrounding 144 00:05:16,710 --> 00:05:18,932 the special operations community , Fort 145 00:05:18,932 --> 00:05:21,043 Bragg . But I think you being members 146 00:05:21,043 --> 00:05:23,100 here of the committee , we know that 147 00:05:23,100 --> 00:05:26,300 those reports , they're not indicative 148 00:05:26,310 --> 00:05:28,477 of the thousands of incredible men and 149 00:05:28,477 --> 00:05:31,360 women at UC . Um 150 00:05:33,130 --> 00:05:35,352 I'm hoping that you can discuss some of 151 00:05:35,352 --> 00:05:37,574 the issues that we're actually seeing a 152 00:05:37,574 --> 00:05:39,686 brag including those . And if you can 153 00:05:39,686 --> 00:05:42,050 describe what socom is doing to combat 154 00:05:42,050 --> 00:05:44,050 these challenges , and I would just 155 00:05:44,050 --> 00:05:46,310 also just say um that our office is 156 00:05:46,310 --> 00:05:48,532 here to help and I'm sure on both sides 157 00:05:48,532 --> 00:05:50,754 of the aisle , all of us are here um on 158 00:05:50,754 --> 00:05:54,330 your team in that regard , Senator , 159 00:05:54,330 --> 00:05:57,590 thank you very much uh for an ability 160 00:05:57,590 --> 00:05:59,701 to comment on that for an opportunity 161 00:05:59,710 --> 00:06:02,170 that very issue hits at the heart of 162 00:06:02,170 --> 00:06:04,226 our . Number one priority are people 163 00:06:04,226 --> 00:06:06,226 who are competitive and comparative 164 00:06:06,226 --> 00:06:08,730 advantage and who we place a lot of 165 00:06:08,730 --> 00:06:11,450 trust and confidence in . And this type 166 00:06:11,450 --> 00:06:14,530 of behavior uh atypical to the 167 00:06:14,540 --> 00:06:16,930 70,000 plus that are doing the right 168 00:06:16,930 --> 00:06:20,660 thing almost every single day . Um 169 00:06:20,670 --> 00:06:22,781 Every , each and every day , majority 170 00:06:22,781 --> 00:06:26,490 are absolutely doing that . Um Is a uh 171 00:06:26,500 --> 00:06:28,920 first and foremost , it disrespects 172 00:06:28,930 --> 00:06:30,900 that type of work that are so calm 173 00:06:30,910 --> 00:06:33,021 enterprises known for . Second , it's 174 00:06:33,021 --> 00:06:36,900 certainly um uh uh is not 175 00:06:36,910 --> 00:06:38,743 behavior that's welcome . I want 176 00:06:38,743 --> 00:06:40,910 everybody know that is not the type of 177 00:06:40,910 --> 00:06:40,890 behavior that's welcome in this 178 00:06:40,890 --> 00:06:43,180 formation and is not indicative of an 179 00:06:43,180 --> 00:06:45,380 organization and whom the nation has 180 00:06:45,380 --> 00:06:47,158 placed a lot of trust . We hold 181 00:06:47,158 --> 00:06:49,324 ourselves to a higher standard and the 182 00:06:49,324 --> 00:06:51,269 command sergeant major and I are , 183 00:06:51,269 --> 00:06:53,491 first of all , we're very angry when we 184 00:06:53,491 --> 00:06:55,269 get reports like that and we're 185 00:06:55,269 --> 00:06:57,602 deliberately laser like focused on this . 186 00:06:57,602 --> 00:07:00,350 And in fact , we talked about it as a 187 00:07:00,350 --> 00:07:02,920 corrosive . These are corrosive toward 188 00:07:02,930 --> 00:07:05,790 the trust and confidence that this 189 00:07:05,800 --> 00:07:09,080 uh this committee , uh the secretary 190 00:07:09,080 --> 00:07:11,302 and certainly the nation has in , in us 191 00:07:11,302 --> 00:07:13,880 and we're laser focused on eradicating 192 00:07:13,880 --> 00:07:16,690 that from so called enterprise . One is 193 00:07:16,690 --> 00:07:18,801 too many , but we recognize we're not 194 00:07:18,801 --> 00:07:20,801 immune . So we look at it through a 195 00:07:20,801 --> 00:07:22,912 number of lenses versus it's a leader 196 00:07:22,912 --> 00:07:25,280 issue and uh preventing this 197 00:07:25,290 --> 00:07:27,512 reinforcing the standards that behavior 198 00:07:27,512 --> 00:07:30,540 of uh drug , some type of other 199 00:07:30,550 --> 00:07:32,494 untoward , illegal , not moral and 200 00:07:32,494 --> 00:07:34,772 ethical behavior is not who we are not . 201 00:07:34,772 --> 00:07:36,828 We want our formation and we ask our 202 00:07:36,828 --> 00:07:38,939 whole formation to be on alert and to 203 00:07:38,939 --> 00:07:41,070 help point that out for us and let us 204 00:07:41,080 --> 00:07:42,969 as leaders start to take action . 205 00:07:42,969 --> 00:07:45,430 Second , it is reinforcing policies 206 00:07:45,440 --> 00:07:47,496 that tell folks this an event , they 207 00:07:47,496 --> 00:07:49,551 just came into this formation , they 208 00:07:49,551 --> 00:07:51,662 didn't know any better and they're at 209 00:07:51,662 --> 00:07:53,662 risk of doing something like that , 210 00:07:53,662 --> 00:07:55,829 that disrespects decades of successful 211 00:07:55,829 --> 00:07:57,829 operations and many , many who came 212 00:07:57,829 --> 00:07:59,773 before and those who come after uh 213 00:07:59,773 --> 00:08:01,773 responding , I think a key piece in 214 00:08:01,773 --> 00:08:03,996 that one is holding folks accountable . 215 00:08:03,996 --> 00:08:06,051 Uh And you'll see us do that because 216 00:08:06,051 --> 00:08:08,218 that sends a very big signal back when 217 00:08:08,218 --> 00:08:07,950 appropriate center back to the 218 00:08:07,950 --> 00:08:10,830 enterprise about this behavior is 219 00:08:10,840 --> 00:08:13,430 absolutely not welcome and not part of 220 00:08:13,430 --> 00:08:15,580 the SOCOM enterprise . So you got my 221 00:08:15,590 --> 00:08:17,701 commitment on this center . I've been 222 00:08:17,701 --> 00:08:19,757 in about six months , has been a top 223 00:08:19,757 --> 00:08:21,923 priority because of what it does , not 224 00:08:21,923 --> 00:08:24,090 only the trust that this committee and 225 00:08:24,090 --> 00:08:26,257 others have in the SOCOM team , but to 226 00:08:26,257 --> 00:08:28,479 overall readiness and that readiness is 227 00:08:28,479 --> 00:08:30,701 important because it needs to be a very 228 00:08:30,701 --> 00:08:32,868 lethal force . Each and every time the 229 00:08:32,868 --> 00:08:34,868 secretary puts us on , on the job . 230 00:08:34,868 --> 00:08:37,090 Thank you . And you have our commitment 231 00:08:37,090 --> 00:08:39,312 as well . Um , Secretary Meyer and also 232 00:08:39,312 --> 00:08:41,423 General Fenton . Um , you've talked a 233 00:08:41,423 --> 00:08:43,534 little bit about this today , but can 234 00:08:43,534 --> 00:08:45,757 you please expand on balancing the need 235 00:08:45,757 --> 00:08:47,590 for special operations forces to 236 00:08:47,590 --> 00:08:50,100 continue conducting counterterrorism in 237 00:08:50,100 --> 00:08:52,680 the Middle East and Africa versus the 238 00:08:52,680 --> 00:08:54,902 important role they play in great power 239 00:08:54,902 --> 00:08:57,069 competition ? And do we have the right 240 00:08:57,069 --> 00:08:59,013 mix of forces to accomplish both ? 241 00:08:59,013 --> 00:09:01,124 We'll start with you , secretary . So 242 00:09:01,124 --> 00:09:03,402 Senator , thanks for this , this point . 243 00:09:03,402 --> 00:09:05,624 This is may be among the most important 244 00:09:05,624 --> 00:09:07,791 points that I focus on every day . And 245 00:09:07,791 --> 00:09:10,120 I think the answer is um somewhat . So 246 00:09:10,130 --> 00:09:12,480 I think we have a very lethal , very 247 00:09:12,480 --> 00:09:14,710 capable counterterrorism force . What 248 00:09:14,710 --> 00:09:16,932 we are working to do is make that force 249 00:09:16,932 --> 00:09:18,877 more sustainable over time because 250 00:09:18,877 --> 00:09:21,099 frankly , many of the threat actors are 251 00:09:21,099 --> 00:09:23,266 still out there and we're still having 252 00:09:23,266 --> 00:09:25,321 to do this mission but being able to 253 00:09:25,321 --> 00:09:27,377 make it more sustainable . So we can 254 00:09:27,377 --> 00:09:29,543 draw on the unique capabilities of the 255 00:09:29,543 --> 00:09:31,710 soft enterprise to bring that to the , 256 00:09:31,710 --> 00:09:33,877 the fight against the potential PRC or 257 00:09:33,877 --> 00:09:35,932 Russia . Certainly to establish that 258 00:09:35,932 --> 00:09:38,350 integrated deterrence we seek . Thank 259 00:09:38,350 --> 00:09:41,670 you , Senator . I would just add that 260 00:09:41,680 --> 00:09:44,810 uh it is a balance as we look at it 261 00:09:44,810 --> 00:09:46,866 across the enterprise with the three 262 00:09:46,866 --> 00:09:48,977 missions of the integrated deterrence 263 00:09:48,977 --> 00:09:51,143 and counterterrorism crisis response . 264 00:09:51,143 --> 00:09:53,280 And as I mentioned before and will 265 00:09:53,280 --> 00:09:56,680 reinforce the uh capabilities we have 266 00:09:56,680 --> 00:09:58,791 in the counterterrorism arena , arena 267 00:09:58,791 --> 00:10:00,513 transfer as well over into our 268 00:10:00,513 --> 00:10:02,736 integrated deterrence approach . But at 269 00:10:02,736 --> 00:10:04,958 the same time , we know that very often 270 00:10:04,958 --> 00:10:07,013 they are unilaterally asked for . In 271 00:10:07,013 --> 00:10:09,236 this case , in Africa , we work with uh 272 00:10:09,236 --> 00:10:11,200 Africom commander and our Special 273 00:10:11,200 --> 00:10:14,040 Operations Command , Africa R T sock as 274 00:10:14,040 --> 00:10:16,270 a way to address their requirements . 275 00:10:16,280 --> 00:10:18,170 Keep the pressure as I mentioned 276 00:10:18,170 --> 00:10:20,281 earlier . One of the things that's so 277 00:10:20,281 --> 00:10:22,448 come we look at is the threat has been 278 00:10:22,448 --> 00:10:24,670 disrupted , but it persists and our job 279 00:10:24,670 --> 00:10:26,781 is to remain vigilant and when we can 280 00:10:26,781 --> 00:10:28,837 sense , see and illuminate , we take 281 00:10:28,837 --> 00:10:31,059 action uh in concert with the combatant 282 00:10:31,059 --> 00:10:33,003 commanders and certainly under the 283 00:10:33,003 --> 00:10:35,226 direction . Thank you all very much . I 284 00:10:35,226 --> 00:10:37,281 have some questions for the record . 285 00:10:37,281 --> 00:10:39,559 General Nakasone , I'll submit for you , 286 00:10:39,559 --> 00:10:39,360 but you'll back . Thank you . Thank you 287 00:10:39,360 --> 00:10:41,360 very much , Senator Senator Kaine , 288 00:10:41,360 --> 00:10:43,582 please . Thank you , Mr Chair and thank 289 00:10:43,582 --> 00:10:45,582 you to our witnesses . Um Secretary 290 00:10:45,582 --> 00:10:47,693 Mayor , I want to talk to you about a 291 00:10:47,693 --> 00:10:49,693 previous job you had that . I still 292 00:10:49,693 --> 00:10:51,582 think you're very involved in . I 293 00:10:51,582 --> 00:10:53,749 understand that you previously led the 294 00:10:53,749 --> 00:10:55,916 D O D defeat ISIS task force . Is that 295 00:10:55,916 --> 00:10:58,420 correct ? And that you continue in your 296 00:10:58,420 --> 00:11:00,531 role as Assistant Secretary of Soul , 297 00:11:00,531 --> 00:11:03,130 like to focus on the antiterrorism 298 00:11:03,130 --> 00:11:05,650 mission , including the defeat of ISIS 299 00:11:05,650 --> 00:11:08,460 correct . That task force included 300 00:11:08,470 --> 00:11:10,637 international partners . I think there 301 00:11:10,637 --> 00:11:12,748 are about 80 international partners . 302 00:11:12,748 --> 00:11:14,914 Um , and it's fair to say that in your 303 00:11:14,914 --> 00:11:17,026 work on that task force and currently 304 00:11:17,026 --> 00:11:19,192 it involved a lot of coordination with 305 00:11:19,192 --> 00:11:21,081 Iraqi defense forces . Isn't that 306 00:11:21,081 --> 00:11:22,970 correct ? It did . I know that my 307 00:11:22,970 --> 00:11:24,748 colleagues might have seen that 308 00:11:24,748 --> 00:11:26,359 Secretary Austin has paid an 309 00:11:26,359 --> 00:11:29,130 unannounced visit to Iraq . The news of 310 00:11:29,130 --> 00:11:31,241 that broke this morning , I just want 311 00:11:31,241 --> 00:11:33,570 to read a phrase , a quote from him . 312 00:11:33,830 --> 00:11:36,150 Us forces are ready to remain in Iraq 313 00:11:36,150 --> 00:11:38,317 at the invitation of the government of 314 00:11:38,317 --> 00:11:40,539 Iraq . He said this following a meeting 315 00:11:40,539 --> 00:11:42,761 with Prime Minister Al Sudani . Further 316 00:11:42,761 --> 00:11:44,983 quote , the United States will continue 317 00:11:44,983 --> 00:11:46,650 to strengthen and broaden our 318 00:11:46,650 --> 00:11:48,700 partnership in support of Iraqi 319 00:11:48,710 --> 00:11:50,877 security , stability and sovereignty . 320 00:11:50,877 --> 00:11:52,770 Do you think the US being in 321 00:11:52,770 --> 00:11:54,590 partnership with Iraq for their 322 00:11:54,590 --> 00:11:56,980 stability and sovereignty for their own 323 00:11:56,980 --> 00:11:59,202 sake and for the region is an important 324 00:11:59,202 --> 00:12:01,530 priority . Senator , yes , I do . And I 325 00:12:01,530 --> 00:12:03,720 think it's critically important to 326 00:12:03,730 --> 00:12:05,910 managing a very challenging political 327 00:12:05,910 --> 00:12:08,220 situation to with obviously the Iranian 328 00:12:08,220 --> 00:12:10,500 and proxy threats there as well , sir . 329 00:12:10,510 --> 00:12:13,510 Just for my colleagues , we have to war 330 00:12:13,510 --> 00:12:15,621 authorizations against the government 331 00:12:15,621 --> 00:12:18,380 of Iraq , our strategic partner who uh 332 00:12:18,390 --> 00:12:20,612 Secretary Austin is visiting today . We 333 00:12:20,612 --> 00:12:23,000 have 2500 American troops in Iraq at 334 00:12:23,010 --> 00:12:26,080 the Iraqi government's request . One of 335 00:12:26,080 --> 00:12:28,136 the war authorizations was passed in 336 00:12:28,136 --> 00:12:30,770 1991 . It's 32 years old . The other 337 00:12:30,770 --> 00:12:33,060 war authorization was passed in the 338 00:12:33,060 --> 00:12:36,180 fall of 2000 to the invasion of Iraq 339 00:12:36,190 --> 00:12:39,640 began on March 19 , 2003 , 20 years 340 00:12:39,640 --> 00:12:42,820 ago . Next week , I have a proposal 341 00:12:42,820 --> 00:12:45,042 that's varied bipartisan , 12 Democrats 342 00:12:45,042 --> 00:12:47,580 in 12 . Um Republicans have joined 343 00:12:47,580 --> 00:12:50,700 together to urge Congress to repeal the 344 00:12:50,700 --> 00:12:53,270 two Iraq war authorizations . Um This 345 00:12:53,270 --> 00:12:55,492 is going to be marked up in the Foreign 346 00:12:55,492 --> 00:12:57,659 Relations Committee likely in the next 347 00:12:57,659 --> 00:12:59,826 few days and hopefully we'll be on the 348 00:12:59,826 --> 00:13:01,937 floor for a vote soon . Coincidence , 349 00:13:01,937 --> 00:13:04,103 in timing with the 20th anniversary of 350 00:13:04,103 --> 00:13:06,214 the Iraq invasion . And I just wanted 351 00:13:06,214 --> 00:13:08,159 to bring it to the attention of my 352 00:13:08,159 --> 00:13:10,381 colleagues . I urged that we repeal the 353 00:13:10,381 --> 00:13:12,437 Iraq war authorizations to recognize 354 00:13:12,437 --> 00:13:14,659 reality an enemy that we were trying to 355 00:13:14,659 --> 00:13:17,540 push out of Kuwait in 1991 , an enemy 356 00:13:17,540 --> 00:13:19,762 whose government we wanted to topple in 357 00:13:19,762 --> 00:13:22,470 2002 is no longer an enemy there . A 358 00:13:22,480 --> 00:13:25,310 security partner of impor right now . 359 00:13:25,450 --> 00:13:27,930 Second . Congress should exercise our 360 00:13:27,930 --> 00:13:29,950 article one , authority over war , 361 00:13:29,950 --> 00:13:32,117 peace and diplomacy and not allowed to 362 00:13:32,117 --> 00:13:33,960 be an autopilot . Third , an 363 00:13:33,960 --> 00:13:36,010 authorization that is no longer 364 00:13:36,010 --> 00:13:37,960 necessary becomes sort of a zombie 365 00:13:37,960 --> 00:13:40,170 authorization that can be grabbed and 366 00:13:40,170 --> 00:13:42,460 used for mischievous purposes if we're 367 00:13:42,460 --> 00:13:44,890 not careful . And fourth , I even think 368 00:13:44,890 --> 00:13:47,640 we send a powerful message , not just 369 00:13:47,650 --> 00:13:50,440 allies and strategic partners . We even 370 00:13:50,440 --> 00:13:52,780 send a message to adversaries that you 371 00:13:52,780 --> 00:13:56,150 may be our adversary today . Iraq once 372 00:13:56,150 --> 00:14:00,090 was , but the US specializes over time 373 00:14:00,090 --> 00:14:02,210 and turning adversaries into allies . 374 00:14:02,210 --> 00:14:05,180 Look at Japan , look at Germany look at 375 00:14:05,180 --> 00:14:07,930 other nations and we hold that hope out 376 00:14:07,930 --> 00:14:10,220 to everyone that we will defeat you 377 00:14:10,220 --> 00:14:12,700 should we need to . But we also hold 378 00:14:12,700 --> 00:14:14,700 out an olive branch and look for an 379 00:14:14,700 --> 00:14:16,922 opportunity to be the sword into a plow 380 00:14:16,922 --> 00:14:19,750 share and turn an adversary into a 381 00:14:19,750 --> 00:14:22,130 partner . The proposal that I have Mr 382 00:14:22,130 --> 00:14:24,241 Chairman that I hope will be voted on 383 00:14:24,241 --> 00:14:26,463 on the floor this month has the support 384 00:14:26,463 --> 00:14:28,352 of the administration and they've 385 00:14:28,352 --> 00:14:30,241 indicated that neither of the two 386 00:14:30,241 --> 00:14:32,297 authorizations are necessary for any 387 00:14:32,297 --> 00:14:34,352 current U S military operation . And 388 00:14:34,352 --> 00:14:36,519 thus their repeal will not endanger in 389 00:14:36,519 --> 00:14:38,463 any way the security of the United 390 00:14:38,463 --> 00:14:40,463 States or Americans anywhere in the 391 00:14:40,463 --> 00:14:42,297 world . And I would just urge my 392 00:14:42,297 --> 00:14:44,408 colleagues possibly to take a look at 393 00:14:44,408 --> 00:14:46,186 this once the Foreign Relations 394 00:14:46,186 --> 00:14:48,186 Committee acts because I believe we 395 00:14:48,186 --> 00:14:50,241 will be taking this matter up on the 396 00:14:50,241 --> 00:14:52,408 floor very soon . With that Mr Chair , 397 00:14:52,408 --> 00:14:52,110 I yield back . Thank you , Senator 398 00:14:52,110 --> 00:14:54,790 Kaine , Senator Mullen , please . Thank 399 00:14:54,790 --> 00:14:57,400 you , Mr Chairman um Jerry Flint , 400 00:14:57,410 --> 00:15:00,210 General Fenton . Um Can you explain to 401 00:15:00,210 --> 00:15:02,266 us and I know you've been asked this 402 00:15:02,266 --> 00:15:04,321 question before , but I just want it 403 00:15:04,321 --> 00:15:06,377 for context again , the value of the 404 00:15:06,377 --> 00:15:10,230 soft community . Senator , 405 00:15:10,230 --> 00:15:12,540 I think the value of the soft community 406 00:15:12,550 --> 00:15:15,000 transcends all , all three missionaries 407 00:15:15,000 --> 00:15:17,620 that we have right now . Um Our 408 00:15:17,620 --> 00:15:19,860 integrated deterrence approach , which 409 00:15:19,870 --> 00:15:22,210 previous was strategic competition . 410 00:15:22,210 --> 00:15:25,180 The days before the tragic events of 9 411 00:15:25,180 --> 00:15:27,810 11 when we were out developing partners 412 00:15:27,810 --> 00:15:30,030 and allies competing for relationships 413 00:15:30,040 --> 00:15:32,420 building partners of force of choice 414 00:15:32,430 --> 00:15:34,319 and , And in many places with our 415 00:15:34,319 --> 00:15:36,097 security cooperation approach , 416 00:15:36,097 --> 00:15:38,675 actually , uh strengthening nations 417 00:15:38,685 --> 00:15:41,845 across the globe , I think that's 418 00:15:41,855 --> 00:15:44,305 called for even more now . And as we 419 00:15:44,305 --> 00:15:46,375 come forward with 20 years of hard 420 00:15:46,375 --> 00:15:48,795 earned combat credibility , uh 421 00:15:48,805 --> 00:15:51,315 technology influence and an incredible 422 00:15:51,315 --> 00:15:53,740 formation , the soft formation is 423 00:15:53,750 --> 00:15:57,570 uh it's a formation that knows the hard 424 00:15:57,570 --> 00:16:00,650 skills , it knows technology , uh it 425 00:16:00,650 --> 00:16:02,817 deploys around the world on a moment's 426 00:16:02,817 --> 00:16:04,928 notice . And , and in that case , all 427 00:16:04,928 --> 00:16:06,650 that value transitions over to 428 00:16:06,650 --> 00:16:08,706 integrated deterrence on the counter 429 00:16:08,706 --> 00:16:11,165 terrorism uh side of the House Center 430 00:16:11,165 --> 00:16:13,985 for 20 plus years uh in places all over 431 00:16:13,985 --> 00:16:15,985 the world , your special operations 432 00:16:15,985 --> 00:16:18,207 command team along with the rest of our 433 00:16:18,207 --> 00:16:20,955 military interagency and partners , I 434 00:16:20,955 --> 00:16:22,955 think brought immense value to this 435 00:16:22,955 --> 00:16:26,305 nation , disrupting degrading uh 436 00:16:26,315 --> 00:16:28,955 terrorist actor networks globally and 437 00:16:28,965 --> 00:16:31,132 figures and names that many folks know 438 00:16:31,132 --> 00:16:33,355 here um are no longer and have been 439 00:16:33,355 --> 00:16:35,355 removed from the battlefield are no 440 00:16:35,355 --> 00:16:37,244 longer a threat to this nation on 441 00:16:37,244 --> 00:16:39,411 crisis response . Our ability as SOCOM 442 00:16:39,411 --> 00:16:43,070 to do within a very short notice , uh 443 00:16:44,040 --> 00:16:46,530 um deploy forces and arrive in a 444 00:16:46,530 --> 00:16:49,050 country and either safeguard or U S 445 00:16:49,050 --> 00:16:52,100 diplomats , citizens or rescue them if , 446 00:16:52,110 --> 00:16:54,110 if that is indeed the task and then 447 00:16:54,110 --> 00:16:56,166 bring home safely . I think it's all 448 00:16:56,166 --> 00:16:58,332 part of the Special operations command 449 00:16:58,332 --> 00:17:00,443 value proposition . And I would add a 450 00:17:00,443 --> 00:17:02,490 very small investment on , on the 451 00:17:02,490 --> 00:17:04,601 budget that we're very grateful for . 452 00:17:04,601 --> 00:17:07,270 Uh And uh I think a very high return on 453 00:17:07,270 --> 00:17:09,326 investment across all those and many 454 00:17:09,326 --> 00:17:12,720 more that in the interest of time , I 455 00:17:12,730 --> 00:17:14,786 can follow up with you in a class in 456 00:17:14,786 --> 00:17:17,510 session . Uh 11 last quick question for 457 00:17:17,510 --> 00:17:19,880 you . And then um if you could be brief 458 00:17:19,880 --> 00:17:22,970 on it , I would like to you just kind 459 00:17:22,970 --> 00:17:24,970 of explain the partnerships that we 460 00:17:24,970 --> 00:17:26,914 have with our , with our allies in 461 00:17:26,914 --> 00:17:30,280 Europe and how that is . Um Now that is 462 00:17:30,290 --> 00:17:33,880 uh benefiting us . And I would say in 463 00:17:33,880 --> 00:17:36,370 the , with Russians illegal invasion of 464 00:17:36,370 --> 00:17:40,370 Ukraine , Senator , I go back to a 465 00:17:40,380 --> 00:17:42,380 very specific part here of the very 466 00:17:42,380 --> 00:17:44,602 high value proposition . I think you're 467 00:17:44,602 --> 00:17:47,160 special operations team spring . Uh It 468 00:17:47,160 --> 00:17:49,049 started with a relationship , our 469 00:17:49,049 --> 00:17:51,271 ability and small teams to , to be with 470 00:17:51,271 --> 00:17:52,993 Ukrainians in the mid nineties 471 00:17:52,993 --> 00:17:55,104 developed a level of trust , speed of 472 00:17:55,104 --> 00:17:57,438 trust is important in these as you know , 473 00:17:57,438 --> 00:17:59,940 very well . And then in 2014 began in 474 00:17:59,940 --> 00:18:02,130 earnest a level of training that was 475 00:18:02,130 --> 00:18:04,650 about resistance and resilience and 476 00:18:04,650 --> 00:18:08,120 those look like skills of uh developing 477 00:18:08,120 --> 00:18:10,580 a military , Ukrainian special 478 00:18:10,580 --> 00:18:13,780 operations that has an N C O court that 479 00:18:13,780 --> 00:18:15,558 knows about mission command has 480 00:18:15,558 --> 00:18:18,060 initiative and frankly has been as a 481 00:18:18,070 --> 00:18:20,050 have seen and certainly talk a lot 482 00:18:20,050 --> 00:18:23,090 about very valuable to the Ukrainian 483 00:18:23,100 --> 00:18:26,060 military effort at large . I think 484 00:18:26,070 --> 00:18:28,120 we've also had the ability to learn 485 00:18:28,120 --> 00:18:30,231 from them . They've got an incredible 486 00:18:30,231 --> 00:18:32,340 way that they take equipment off the 487 00:18:32,340 --> 00:18:34,451 battlefield reengineer it . Uh that's 488 00:18:34,451 --> 00:18:36,673 really great for us because we learn as 489 00:18:36,673 --> 00:18:38,784 much from our partners is I hope they 490 00:18:38,784 --> 00:18:41,007 do from us . So I think in a very small 491 00:18:41,007 --> 00:18:43,229 way that ability for the Ukrainian soft 492 00:18:43,229 --> 00:18:45,396 and the Ukrainian military to resist . 493 00:18:45,396 --> 00:18:47,780 Uh And now absolutely certainly fight 494 00:18:47,780 --> 00:18:50,760 against this aggression . Um And has 495 00:18:50,770 --> 00:18:52,714 paid dividends started with a high 496 00:18:52,714 --> 00:18:55,048 investment with special operations team . 497 00:18:55,048 --> 00:18:57,310 Thank you so much and Mr Chairman uh 498 00:18:57,320 --> 00:18:59,542 kind of kind of divvy here a little bit 499 00:18:59,542 --> 00:19:01,653 during , okay , Sony and I have known 500 00:19:01,653 --> 00:19:04,160 each other . Um And I just want to 501 00:19:04,160 --> 00:19:07,360 raise a point here . Um The general is 502 00:19:07,370 --> 00:19:09,314 over a program that's very forward 503 00:19:09,314 --> 00:19:13,180 leaning . And I would ask that we would , 504 00:19:13,190 --> 00:19:17,090 uh we would ask the Senate Intel on the 505 00:19:17,090 --> 00:19:20,210 House Intel to brief us on a program 506 00:19:20,220 --> 00:19:23,810 that general is over . Uh And uh and 507 00:19:23,810 --> 00:19:26,860 you'll reflect , um in my opinion , is 508 00:19:26,860 --> 00:19:29,850 complete incompetence and in his 509 00:19:29,850 --> 00:19:32,180 ability to lead this program , I think 510 00:19:32,180 --> 00:19:34,402 it's important when we're talking about 511 00:19:34,402 --> 00:19:37,350 a budget that he's over , that it is 512 00:19:37,360 --> 00:19:39,560 important for us to know that we have 513 00:19:39,560 --> 00:19:43,180 leadership there that , that we can 514 00:19:43,180 --> 00:19:46,970 rely on to make sure the dollars are 515 00:19:46,970 --> 00:19:49,580 protected and the investment has 516 00:19:49,580 --> 00:19:52,040 returned . And I think before we can do 517 00:19:52,040 --> 00:19:54,096 that , we actually need to know what 518 00:19:54,096 --> 00:19:56,410 has happened . I was involved in the 519 00:19:56,410 --> 00:19:58,520 briefing when I was on the Intel 520 00:19:58,520 --> 00:20:01,630 committee uh that turned into a hearing 521 00:20:01,640 --> 00:20:03,790 and I think it's imperative for us to 522 00:20:03,790 --> 00:20:07,160 know uh the , the uh the 523 00:20:07,160 --> 00:20:09,830 general's risk adverse approach to a 524 00:20:09,830 --> 00:20:11,774 program that needs to be extremely 525 00:20:11,780 --> 00:20:15,780 proactive . Thank you , Senator Mohan , 526 00:20:15,780 --> 00:20:17,836 your comments have noted and we will 527 00:20:17,836 --> 00:20:21,660 follow up uh at this 528 00:20:21,660 --> 00:20:23,493 point , let me recognize Senator 529 00:20:23,493 --> 00:20:25,604 Mansion . Thank you , Mr Chairman and 530 00:20:25,604 --> 00:20:27,716 General . Let me just say , I'm sorry 531 00:20:27,716 --> 00:20:29,771 because I have all the confidence in 532 00:20:29,771 --> 00:20:31,660 the world in you . And we've been 533 00:20:31,660 --> 00:20:31,660 working very close together and I'm 534 00:20:31,670 --> 00:20:34,400 chairman of the Cyber Committee and 535 00:20:34,400 --> 00:20:36,400 also along with Mike , Senator Mike 536 00:20:36,400 --> 00:20:38,456 Rounds , and we both appreciate your 537 00:20:38,456 --> 00:20:40,511 service and we're looking forward to 538 00:20:40,511 --> 00:20:42,567 any hearing you want to have . And , 539 00:20:42,567 --> 00:20:44,733 but I can tell you have the support of 540 00:20:44,733 --> 00:20:47,067 a bipartisan group here , which is very , 541 00:20:47,067 --> 00:20:48,956 very deep . Next of all , General 542 00:20:48,956 --> 00:20:50,900 Fenton , I would like to ask you a 543 00:20:50,900 --> 00:20:53,122 question based on the publishing of the 544 00:20:53,122 --> 00:20:55,289 2019 sec def D O D Cyber Com Operation 545 00:20:55,289 --> 00:20:57,011 Forces memo which directed the 546 00:20:57,011 --> 00:20:59,670 organization of D O D cyber Operation 547 00:20:59,670 --> 00:21:01,670 Forces . There has been substantial 548 00:21:01,670 --> 00:21:03,837 appropriation development of cyber com 549 00:21:03,837 --> 00:21:05,614 organization capabilities . The 550 00:21:05,614 --> 00:21:07,837 question is , what is the status of the 551 00:21:07,837 --> 00:21:09,726 current Special Operations Forces 552 00:21:09,726 --> 00:21:12,000 program developed within so calm and 553 00:21:12,000 --> 00:21:14,111 what effort is needed in , in to keep 554 00:21:14,111 --> 00:21:17,970 peace with Cyber Con Center ? I'll 555 00:21:17,970 --> 00:21:20,040 start by uh we've got a very close 556 00:21:20,040 --> 00:21:22,151 relationship with General Nakase Sony 557 00:21:22,151 --> 00:21:25,720 and Cyber camp . Um And it's uh it's 558 00:21:25,720 --> 00:21:27,720 progressed into an area that we now 559 00:21:27,720 --> 00:21:30,760 call a capability , soft space , cyber 560 00:21:30,760 --> 00:21:33,700 triad uh at its heart , it's the 561 00:21:33,700 --> 00:21:36,610 ability to converge those capabilities , 562 00:21:36,620 --> 00:21:40,030 uh soft placement access . Uh The cyber 563 00:21:40,030 --> 00:21:42,070 work and certainly the space , the 564 00:21:42,080 --> 00:21:44,860 space work , uh , in places for 565 00:21:44,860 --> 00:21:46,971 integrated deterrence effects that we 566 00:21:46,971 --> 00:21:48,916 would otherwise not get if we were 567 00:21:48,916 --> 00:21:51,082 doing it individually . Uh , and bring 568 00:21:51,082 --> 00:21:53,670 certainly a bigger some back to , to 569 00:21:53,670 --> 00:21:55,892 not only the mission but to any partner 570 00:21:55,892 --> 00:21:57,837 we're working with . That's , uh , 571 00:21:57,837 --> 00:21:59,892 that's been a , an incredible effort 572 00:21:59,892 --> 00:22:02,114 alongside Paul General Jackson's team . 573 00:22:02,114 --> 00:22:04,560 We're very grateful for that . And also 574 00:22:04,570 --> 00:22:07,670 in the space com arena , we are moving 575 00:22:07,670 --> 00:22:09,337 that forward with exercises , 576 00:22:09,337 --> 00:22:11,392 experimentation . A number of senior 577 00:22:11,392 --> 00:22:13,559 leader huddles and I think that , that 578 00:22:13,559 --> 00:22:15,559 you'll see that progress center and 579 00:22:15,559 --> 00:22:17,392 we'll be happy to talk about the 580 00:22:17,392 --> 00:22:19,614 progress . My final question is for all 581 00:22:19,614 --> 00:22:19,060 three of you and I'll start with 582 00:22:19,060 --> 00:22:22,030 Secretary Mayor General Sony and then 583 00:22:22,030 --> 00:22:24,290 the General Fenton . What can we do to 584 00:22:24,290 --> 00:22:26,346 help as Congress ? What would be the 585 00:22:26,346 --> 00:22:28,568 greatest help we could be to you all of 586 00:22:28,568 --> 00:22:30,920 us in the Senate and our Congress , our 587 00:22:30,930 --> 00:22:33,152 uh cohorts over on the side , the other 588 00:22:33,152 --> 00:22:35,263 side of the house . That would be the 589 00:22:35,263 --> 00:22:37,620 greatest . And I think if I'm asking uh 590 00:22:37,630 --> 00:22:41,120 the having a budget done on time , what 591 00:22:41,120 --> 00:22:44,970 does that mean for you ? So , Senator , 592 00:22:44,970 --> 00:22:47,026 thanks for the question . I think we 593 00:22:47,026 --> 00:22:49,070 will probably all say that having a 594 00:22:49,070 --> 00:22:51,348 budget that's consistent , predictable . 595 00:22:51,348 --> 00:22:53,348 And does it save you time ? Does it 596 00:22:53,348 --> 00:22:55,514 save you money ? It saves us time , it 597 00:22:55,514 --> 00:22:57,848 saves us money . It adds predictability . 598 00:22:57,848 --> 00:22:57,570 It , it allows us to put things on 599 00:22:57,570 --> 00:22:59,514 contract and frankly , for , we're 600 00:22:59,514 --> 00:23:01,570 talking September 30th . Yes , sir . 601 00:23:01,570 --> 00:23:03,570 And I think from the perspective of 602 00:23:03,570 --> 00:23:05,737 enterprise in the special operations , 603 00:23:05,737 --> 00:23:07,514 enterprise that's going through 604 00:23:07,514 --> 00:23:09,570 transition , ability to modernize is 605 00:23:09,570 --> 00:23:11,990 hurt by the fact that the budgets don't 606 00:23:11,990 --> 00:23:14,010 come predictably . So that's really 607 00:23:14,010 --> 00:23:16,177 where sometimes it comes home to roost 608 00:23:16,177 --> 00:23:18,121 and it's a budget on time would be 609 00:23:18,121 --> 00:23:20,454 pretty high priority . Yes , sir . John , 610 00:23:20,860 --> 00:23:23,082 it's the same thing , Senator . It's on 611 00:23:23,082 --> 00:23:25,082 time . It really does . How does it 612 00:23:25,082 --> 00:23:27,304 reduce your cost ? Its predictability . 613 00:23:27,304 --> 00:23:29,082 It's being able to , you know , 614 00:23:29,082 --> 00:23:31,193 actually uh spend the money when it's 615 00:23:31,193 --> 00:23:33,360 actually actually do as opposed to a , 616 00:23:33,360 --> 00:23:35,527 you know , a short period of time . We 617 00:23:35,527 --> 00:23:37,638 also have new starts that will not be 618 00:23:37,638 --> 00:23:39,749 delayed would actually be able to get 619 00:23:39,749 --> 00:23:41,749 on . So we would , we would welcome 620 00:23:41,749 --> 00:23:43,804 that . When's the last time that you 621 00:23:43,804 --> 00:23:45,916 had a predictable budget on time ? Uh 622 00:23:45,916 --> 00:23:47,916 Not since I've been the commander , 623 00:23:47,916 --> 00:23:51,640 Senator , I'll start first by uh you 624 00:23:51,640 --> 00:23:53,696 already helped in many ways with the 625 00:23:53,696 --> 00:23:55,862 number of the tools that we use the so 626 00:23:55,862 --> 00:23:57,862 called triple 3 12 to 1 27 . But to 627 00:23:57,862 --> 00:24:00,084 your point on the budget , I'll echo my 628 00:24:00,084 --> 00:24:01,807 colleagues here at the table , 629 00:24:01,807 --> 00:24:04,029 predictable , reliable on time . Um And 630 00:24:04,029 --> 00:24:07,830 then I'll just add that uh CRS hurt uh 631 00:24:07,840 --> 00:24:10,550 in uh so called my priority number 632 00:24:10,550 --> 00:24:12,606 three is transformed and we think of 633 00:24:12,606 --> 00:24:14,383 ourselves as a pathfinder and a 634 00:24:14,383 --> 00:24:16,250 Trailblazer . And uh we need new 635 00:24:16,250 --> 00:24:19,400 capabilities to not only uh surpass 636 00:24:19,400 --> 00:24:21,520 adversaries but always to be dominant 637 00:24:21,530 --> 00:24:23,830 that that's not possible with new 638 00:24:23,830 --> 00:24:26,052 capabilities and new contracts with the 639 00:24:26,052 --> 00:24:28,840 cr um It's also , we work with a lot of 640 00:24:28,840 --> 00:24:30,840 little , little companies that want 641 00:24:30,840 --> 00:24:32,729 business with special ops command 642 00:24:32,729 --> 00:24:35,007 because they know we're transformative . 643 00:24:35,007 --> 00:24:37,229 Uh And , and that we're Trailblazer for 644 00:24:37,229 --> 00:24:39,062 the department , they can't wait 645 00:24:39,062 --> 00:24:41,118 forever to get their , their , their 646 00:24:41,118 --> 00:24:43,118 money and many of them aren't there 647 00:24:43,118 --> 00:24:45,340 anymore as a result of my senses of the 648 00:24:45,340 --> 00:24:47,451 number of CRS from this makes sense . 649 00:24:47,451 --> 00:24:49,673 This makes , does this sound reasonable 650 00:24:49,673 --> 00:24:51,840 to you all that I've been told by some 651 00:24:51,840 --> 00:24:53,951 retired admirals and generals that if 652 00:24:53,951 --> 00:24:56,173 we did our budget on time now by the 85 653 00:24:56,173 --> 00:24:59,000 budget , the budget law that we had uh 654 00:24:59,010 --> 00:25:01,066 the president's supposed to have his 655 00:25:01,066 --> 00:25:02,899 budget submitted by the first of 656 00:25:02,899 --> 00:25:05,850 February and here we are the House and 657 00:25:05,850 --> 00:25:07,906 the Senate supposed to have those by 658 00:25:07,906 --> 00:25:09,961 April the first American South April 659 00:25:09,961 --> 00:25:12,072 the 15th . And then we're supposed to 660 00:25:12,072 --> 00:25:11,990 have a budget completed by September 661 00:25:11,990 --> 00:25:14,280 30th . I've been told if all that 662 00:25:14,280 --> 00:25:16,690 happened , That the military could have 663 00:25:16,690 --> 00:25:19,140 a savings anywhere between 5-10% on 664 00:25:19,140 --> 00:25:21,910 today's cost . You're talking $40-80 665 00:25:21,910 --> 00:25:24,530 billion . Does that , does that sound 666 00:25:24,530 --> 00:25:26,320 reasonable ? That something is 667 00:25:26,320 --> 00:25:29,520 tremendous has that type of effect ? I 668 00:25:29,520 --> 00:25:31,520 don't know if you all looked at and 669 00:25:31,520 --> 00:25:33,850 evaluated per , per area of D O D 670 00:25:34,850 --> 00:25:37,072 Secretary of you , you have anything on 671 00:25:37,072 --> 00:25:39,294 that or if you looked at it under those 672 00:25:39,294 --> 00:25:41,294 conditions because the person never 673 00:25:41,294 --> 00:25:43,406 hesitated when they told me this . So 674 00:25:43,406 --> 00:25:45,350 Senator , I can't account for that 675 00:25:45,350 --> 00:25:47,572 exact measure , but I can tell you that 676 00:25:47,572 --> 00:25:49,683 it is more costly . And as I think my 677 00:25:49,683 --> 00:25:51,906 colleagues and I have indicated there's 678 00:25:51,906 --> 00:25:54,128 a risk to it as well that it's not only 679 00:25:54,128 --> 00:25:56,072 financial stability to execute and 680 00:25:56,072 --> 00:25:57,628 operate with some degree of 681 00:25:57,628 --> 00:25:59,683 predictability , which of course the 682 00:25:59,683 --> 00:26:01,683 nation looks at us to do . Well , I 683 00:26:01,683 --> 00:26:03,739 know that with examples that you can 684 00:26:03,739 --> 00:26:05,850 look back on and find out when we did 685 00:26:05,850 --> 00:26:08,017 do one on time and everything . But if 686 00:26:08,017 --> 00:26:09,961 you could and give us an , an , an 687 00:26:09,961 --> 00:26:12,183 accurate account or closest accurate as 688 00:26:12,183 --> 00:26:14,350 you can be , what would be the savings 689 00:26:14,540 --> 00:26:16,762 because we're in a position now , we're 690 00:26:16,762 --> 00:26:18,929 having debates and discussing , we can 691 00:26:18,929 --> 00:26:21,151 do things , we can change this year and 692 00:26:21,151 --> 00:26:23,373 change our ways and not commit the sins 693 00:26:23,373 --> 00:26:25,596 of the past . I'm hoping we can do that 694 00:26:25,596 --> 00:26:24,850 but has a tremendous effect on our 695 00:26:24,850 --> 00:26:26,572 military , which is what we're 696 00:26:26,572 --> 00:26:28,794 depending . First of all . Thank all of 697 00:26:28,794 --> 00:26:30,850 you and all of you sitting there for 698 00:26:30,850 --> 00:26:30,270 your service . I appreciate it more 699 00:26:30,270 --> 00:26:32,680 than you know . And again , I wanna 700 00:26:32,680 --> 00:26:34,791 thank you all . Thank you all my time 701 00:26:34,791 --> 00:26:36,791 back . Thank you , Center Mansion , 702 00:26:36,791 --> 00:26:38,958 Senator Schmitt , please . Thank you , 703 00:26:38,958 --> 00:26:40,958 Mr Chairman , um General Fenton . I 704 00:26:40,958 --> 00:26:42,958 appreciate the time we had to spend 705 00:26:42,958 --> 00:26:44,958 together and talk about some of the 706 00:26:44,958 --> 00:26:47,124 threats around the world and your role 707 00:26:47,124 --> 00:26:49,347 and your team's role in combating those 708 00:26:49,347 --> 00:26:51,291 threats and getting ahead of those 709 00:26:51,291 --> 00:26:53,347 threats and to me , as I mentioned , 710 00:26:53,347 --> 00:26:55,458 there is no greater threat than China 711 00:26:55,458 --> 00:26:57,730 on the world stage and uh in this , you 712 00:26:57,730 --> 00:27:01,610 know , great powers era that um we've 713 00:27:01,610 --> 00:27:05,440 been discussing um the alliances in the 714 00:27:05,440 --> 00:27:07,990 Indo Pacific to me are , are critical . 715 00:27:08,000 --> 00:27:11,750 Um You've mentioned it um in my 716 00:27:11,750 --> 00:27:14,410 meeting with you , we've heard about 717 00:27:14,410 --> 00:27:17,210 that today . Uh General Nakasone had 718 00:27:17,210 --> 00:27:19,543 mentioned Indonesia and the Philippines , 719 00:27:19,543 --> 00:27:21,599 we've talked about the Philippines . 720 00:27:21,599 --> 00:27:24,980 What specifically um would you like to 721 00:27:24,980 --> 00:27:28,150 see this committee address as we move 722 00:27:28,150 --> 00:27:31,300 forward uh in this Congress to do 723 00:27:31,300 --> 00:27:33,411 everything we can to put ourselves in 724 00:27:33,411 --> 00:27:37,180 the best position to continue to uh 725 00:27:37,190 --> 00:27:40,710 cultivate and support those uh those 726 00:27:40,710 --> 00:27:41,550 alliances . 727 00:27:44,540 --> 00:27:46,750 Senator first . Thanks for the session 728 00:27:46,760 --> 00:27:48,871 with you the other day . I appreciate 729 00:27:48,871 --> 00:27:50,982 your time . I know how busy you are . 730 00:27:50,982 --> 00:27:54,660 Um I would uh comment on the extreme 731 00:27:54,670 --> 00:27:57,320 importance and the power of , of the 732 00:27:57,330 --> 00:27:59,497 partners and allies . Uh You , you and 733 00:27:59,497 --> 00:28:01,719 I spoke quite a bit about it and in the 734 00:28:01,719 --> 00:28:03,830 Indo Pacific , but certainly globally 735 00:28:03,830 --> 00:28:07,020 as the secretary has uh discussed with 736 00:28:07,020 --> 00:28:09,131 the department and , and in many ways 737 00:28:09,131 --> 00:28:11,187 of doing that with the NATO alliance 738 00:28:11,187 --> 00:28:14,060 vis a vis uh Ukraine and all the work 739 00:28:14,060 --> 00:28:16,580 that has gone into the entire whole of 740 00:28:16,580 --> 00:28:18,691 government team to make that stronger 741 00:28:18,691 --> 00:28:21,440 than ever as a signal that aggression 742 00:28:21,450 --> 00:28:24,240 by adversaries like Russia will not be 743 00:28:24,240 --> 00:28:26,462 tolerated . I think it's just important 744 00:28:26,462 --> 00:28:28,518 just as important as we discussed in 745 00:28:28,518 --> 00:28:30,629 the Indo Pacific . We've got a number 746 00:28:30,629 --> 00:28:32,796 of bilateral treaty allies out there . 747 00:28:32,796 --> 00:28:35,290 They're extremely uh important partners 748 00:28:35,300 --> 00:28:39,230 as indo pay com goes ahead on , 749 00:28:39,240 --> 00:28:41,296 on its daily and , and certainly its 750 00:28:41,296 --> 00:28:43,980 overall mission , uh in particular for , 751 00:28:43,990 --> 00:28:46,340 for the special operations team . We 752 00:28:46,340 --> 00:28:48,500 actually like to think that we're a 753 00:28:48,510 --> 00:28:51,200 premier partner for us . We , we have 754 00:28:51,210 --> 00:28:53,099 long standing ties throughout the 755 00:28:53,099 --> 00:28:55,043 region that we look to continue to 756 00:28:55,043 --> 00:28:57,620 strengthen and maintain . And , uh and 757 00:28:57,620 --> 00:28:59,731 we certainly each and every day don't 758 00:28:59,731 --> 00:29:02,150 take them for granted and we looked to 759 00:29:02,150 --> 00:29:03,928 reinforce them . I think that's 760 00:29:03,928 --> 00:29:06,150 important that that continues to grow . 761 00:29:06,160 --> 00:29:08,271 And I think it's , is uh as you think 762 00:29:08,271 --> 00:29:10,271 about this senator , it's about the 763 00:29:10,271 --> 00:29:12,327 growth of partners and allies in the 764 00:29:12,327 --> 00:29:15,110 power uh in that not only for uh the 765 00:29:15,110 --> 00:29:17,210 rules based order , but probably for 766 00:29:17,220 --> 00:29:20,810 the vision of where we go , uh the next 767 00:29:20,820 --> 00:29:24,180 3 to 5 , even 10 years . So I would 768 00:29:24,190 --> 00:29:26,250 just recommend that it's a continue 769 00:29:26,590 --> 00:29:29,040 focus on partners and allies , the 770 00:29:29,040 --> 00:29:30,873 power that comes with that , the 771 00:29:30,873 --> 00:29:32,873 partnering , the burden sharing and 772 00:29:32,873 --> 00:29:35,530 certainly the capability grows growth 773 00:29:35,540 --> 00:29:37,650 that we've all experienced in that I 774 00:29:37,650 --> 00:29:39,761 can talk certainly more . Well , that 775 00:29:39,761 --> 00:29:41,872 and I don't listen , I don't want you 776 00:29:41,872 --> 00:29:44,240 to um I want to give you the time to be 777 00:29:44,240 --> 00:29:46,462 able to get back to , to my office with 778 00:29:46,462 --> 00:29:48,629 this because this is something that to 779 00:29:48,629 --> 00:29:50,296 me is of paramount importance 780 00:29:50,296 --> 00:29:50,220 particularly in the Indo Pacific 781 00:29:50,220 --> 00:29:54,060 Theater um and be a long term 782 00:29:54,070 --> 00:29:58,000 um commitment on my end . And um 783 00:29:58,010 --> 00:30:00,177 as you work through . And by the way , 784 00:30:00,177 --> 00:30:02,232 you won't be the only one I'm asking 785 00:30:02,232 --> 00:30:01,510 this question that comes before the 786 00:30:01,510 --> 00:30:03,790 committee um of what can we do ? 787 00:30:03,790 --> 00:30:06,012 Because I do think that's just critical 788 00:30:06,012 --> 00:30:08,930 uh and in doing everything we can to , 789 00:30:08,940 --> 00:30:12,210 to guard against China's um 790 00:30:13,300 --> 00:30:16,120 global domination , ambition , which 791 00:30:16,120 --> 00:30:19,190 has been stated . And so uh I wanna 792 00:30:19,190 --> 00:30:22,480 work with you on that and I guess um uh 793 00:30:22,490 --> 00:30:24,712 General Nakasone , e if I could ask you 794 00:30:24,712 --> 00:30:26,940 this into the extent that you can share 795 00:30:26,940 --> 00:30:29,107 what you can share with this committee 796 00:30:29,107 --> 00:30:31,890 in the open setting here , just where 797 00:30:31,890 --> 00:30:34,740 we're at with China's capabilities , 798 00:30:34,740 --> 00:30:37,800 whether it's on cyber or ai our 799 00:30:37,800 --> 00:30:40,460 defensive capabilities versus their 800 00:30:40,460 --> 00:30:42,640 offensive capabilities . This will be 801 00:30:42,640 --> 00:30:44,862 an ongoing discussion . But in the open 802 00:30:44,862 --> 00:30:47,084 setting , I certainly wanted to ask you 803 00:30:47,084 --> 00:30:49,140 about that senator there in Europe , 804 00:30:49,140 --> 00:30:51,251 your threat . Uh They are very good . 805 00:30:51,251 --> 00:30:53,418 Uh They have been able over the period 806 00:30:53,418 --> 00:30:55,529 of two decades to uh develop not only 807 00:30:55,529 --> 00:30:55,300 their military but also their 808 00:30:55,300 --> 00:30:57,390 industrial base . As we look to the 809 00:30:57,390 --> 00:30:58,950 future , those capacity and 810 00:30:58,950 --> 00:31:01,061 capabilities , whether or not it's in 811 00:31:01,061 --> 00:31:02,950 artificial intelligence , machine 812 00:31:02,950 --> 00:31:05,117 learning , whether or not it's looking 813 00:31:05,117 --> 00:31:07,960 at the capacity to , to um grow cyber 814 00:31:07,960 --> 00:31:10,080 forces . Uh They are , they are very 815 00:31:10,080 --> 00:31:13,220 good but they are not , they are not 816 00:31:13,230 --> 00:31:15,063 first of all as good as us . And 817 00:31:15,063 --> 00:31:17,450 secondly , uh they are not 10 ft tall 818 00:31:17,460 --> 00:31:19,682 and so we can get in close session more 819 00:31:19,682 --> 00:31:21,904 in terms of some thoughts on this . But 820 00:31:21,904 --> 00:31:23,960 I did want to make sure I hit that . 821 00:31:23,960 --> 00:31:23,720 Well , I'll just close with this . I 822 00:31:23,720 --> 00:31:25,887 agree with the concerns that have been 823 00:31:25,887 --> 00:31:27,998 raised by other committee members and 824 00:31:27,998 --> 00:31:30,164 you with tiktok , to me , tiktok is in 825 00:31:30,164 --> 00:31:32,387 Chinese AI weapon aimed directly at the 826 00:31:32,387 --> 00:31:34,553 United States of America and we better 827 00:31:34,553 --> 00:31:36,609 take it seriously . So , among other 828 00:31:36,609 --> 00:31:38,553 things , thank you , Mr Chairman . 829 00:31:38,553 --> 00:31:40,664 Thank you , Senator Schmitt , Senator 830 00:31:40,664 --> 00:31:42,776 Duckworth's , please . Thank you , Mr 831 00:31:42,776 --> 00:31:41,960 Chairman . And I just have to say I had 832 00:31:41,960 --> 00:31:44,071 a wonderful working relationship with 833 00:31:44,071 --> 00:31:45,904 Senator Blunt , who has recently 834 00:31:45,904 --> 00:31:47,793 retired . And I would have to say 835 00:31:47,793 --> 00:31:49,904 Senator Smith , I agree with you with 836 00:31:49,904 --> 00:31:51,793 your concerns on the Indo Pacific 837 00:31:51,793 --> 00:31:53,849 region . And in fact , my question , 838 00:31:53,849 --> 00:31:55,738 gentlemen is going to follow up a 839 00:31:55,738 --> 00:31:58,000 little bit on my colleagues line of 840 00:31:58,000 --> 00:32:00,040 questioning . Um but I did want to 841 00:32:00,040 --> 00:32:02,207 start with saying that um Mr Assistant 842 00:32:02,207 --> 00:32:04,160 Secretary and General Field , your 843 00:32:04,160 --> 00:32:06,104 written testimony , references the 844 00:32:06,104 --> 00:32:08,140 first soft truth , humans are more 845 00:32:08,140 --> 00:32:10,030 important than hardware . And I 846 00:32:10,030 --> 00:32:12,252 couldn't agree with this more . And two 847 00:32:12,252 --> 00:32:14,474 weeks ago , I led a code L to Japan and 848 00:32:14,474 --> 00:32:16,474 Indonesia . My interactions on that 849 00:32:16,474 --> 00:32:18,474 trip reinforces how important those 850 00:32:18,474 --> 00:32:21,370 alliances and partnerships are . Um We 851 00:32:21,370 --> 00:32:23,820 must not forget that human ties are the 852 00:32:23,820 --> 00:32:25,876 United States strategic advantage in 853 00:32:25,876 --> 00:32:27,876 the Indo Pacific region . And these 854 00:32:27,876 --> 00:32:29,876 human relationships are critical to 855 00:32:29,876 --> 00:32:32,530 countering malign CCP activity in that 856 00:32:32,530 --> 00:32:35,290 region . General Fenton . I appreciated 857 00:32:35,290 --> 00:32:37,457 our discussion last week . And can you 858 00:32:37,457 --> 00:32:39,568 please elaborate further more in that 859 00:32:39,568 --> 00:32:41,568 questioning line ? Um And and on an 860 00:32:41,568 --> 00:32:43,760 unclassified level on how the soft 861 00:32:43,760 --> 00:32:45,871 community fosters close relationships 862 00:32:45,871 --> 00:32:47,593 with our allies and partners . 863 00:32:47,593 --> 00:32:49,660 Specifically , how does Special 864 00:32:49,660 --> 00:32:51,716 Operations command ongoing work with 865 00:32:51,716 --> 00:32:53,882 other nations ? From the smallest unit 866 00:32:53,882 --> 00:32:57,220 operations all the way up through your 867 00:32:57,230 --> 00:32:59,397 leadership to leadership relationships 868 00:32:59,397 --> 00:33:01,900 with um military leaders in some of 869 00:33:01,900 --> 00:33:04,067 these countries reinforce our campaign 870 00:33:04,067 --> 00:33:07,610 plans in Southeast Asia . Senator . 871 00:33:07,610 --> 00:33:09,620 Thank you . I really appreciate a 872 00:33:09,620 --> 00:33:11,840 discussion as well and I appreciate 873 00:33:11,840 --> 00:33:13,840 your reference in that . I'll start 874 00:33:13,840 --> 00:33:17,000 with uh just emphasizing that partners 875 00:33:17,000 --> 00:33:19,490 and allies are absolutely a key focus 876 00:33:19,490 --> 00:33:22,230 for the department , the secretary uh 877 00:33:22,240 --> 00:33:24,462 and for your special operations command 878 00:33:24,462 --> 00:33:26,518 team . And I put that in contrast to 879 00:33:26,518 --> 00:33:28,684 what China's focus , maybe in terms of 880 00:33:28,684 --> 00:33:30,573 clients or customers were about , 881 00:33:30,573 --> 00:33:32,573 partnerships were about friendships 882 00:33:32,573 --> 00:33:36,540 were about the power of many to make uh 883 00:33:36,550 --> 00:33:38,890 make us all stronger . Um And I think 884 00:33:38,890 --> 00:33:41,223 we see that in the way that we approach . 885 00:33:41,223 --> 00:33:43,279 Uh firstly , your special operations 886 00:33:43,279 --> 00:33:45,612 team , as you mentioned , we start very , 887 00:33:45,612 --> 00:33:48,470 very much from a perspective of uh it's 888 00:33:48,470 --> 00:33:50,359 in our training and in our school 889 00:33:50,359 --> 00:33:52,581 houses to work through these because we 890 00:33:52,581 --> 00:33:54,581 recognize it's the speed of trust , 891 00:33:54,581 --> 00:33:56,692 it's the speed of relationship , many 892 00:33:56,692 --> 00:33:58,950 uh in many ways with partners and 893 00:33:58,950 --> 00:34:01,172 teammates around the world . You'll see 894 00:34:01,172 --> 00:34:03,350 us at a very tactical level . Um And I 895 00:34:03,350 --> 00:34:05,461 won't , I won't mention any countries 896 00:34:05,461 --> 00:34:07,517 and certainly I could talk more in a 897 00:34:07,517 --> 00:34:07,490 closed session . You'll see us at a 898 00:34:07,490 --> 00:34:09,900 tactical level doing events like 899 00:34:09,910 --> 00:34:12,950 training , shooting jumping driving 900 00:34:12,960 --> 00:34:15,560 building capabilities that used the 901 00:34:15,560 --> 00:34:17,727 tools that , that this committee has , 902 00:34:17,727 --> 00:34:19,790 has honored us with . I think at an 903 00:34:19,790 --> 00:34:22,080 organizational level , we'll be showing 904 00:34:22,080 --> 00:34:24,530 folks how we've grown ourselves in the 905 00:34:24,530 --> 00:34:26,770 20 plus years of combat , what it meant 906 00:34:26,770 --> 00:34:29,170 to weave in technology , how we 907 00:34:29,170 --> 00:34:31,490 understand gathering of intelligence , 908 00:34:31,490 --> 00:34:33,580 how we understand uh mission type 909 00:34:33,580 --> 00:34:35,136 orders . And I think at the 910 00:34:35,136 --> 00:34:37,247 institutional level , what you'll see 911 00:34:37,247 --> 00:34:39,469 your special operations team doing in , 912 00:34:39,469 --> 00:34:41,691 in , in any of the co coms is work with 913 00:34:41,691 --> 00:34:43,858 the co comes to ensure that the nation 914 00:34:43,858 --> 00:34:45,880 we we have a relationship with , 915 00:34:45,890 --> 00:34:47,834 understand this special operations 916 00:34:47,834 --> 00:34:50,170 forces and what they can do the types 917 00:34:50,170 --> 00:34:54,170 of missions and uh maybe the return 918 00:34:54,170 --> 00:34:56,281 on investment and the value that they 919 00:34:56,281 --> 00:34:58,448 will bring that nation in a way that I 920 00:34:58,450 --> 00:35:00,728 believe we certainly bring this nation . 921 00:35:00,728 --> 00:35:02,950 Thank you , General . Um Turning now to 922 00:35:02,950 --> 00:35:05,172 General Nakasone General , I just wanna 923 00:35:05,172 --> 00:35:07,390 say I too have um complete trust in 924 00:35:07,390 --> 00:35:09,650 your ability to do your job . And in 925 00:35:09,650 --> 00:35:12,170 fact , um your forward leaning posture 926 00:35:12,170 --> 00:35:14,170 allowed us to keep tabs on the well 927 00:35:14,170 --> 00:35:16,730 being of my constituent who was held in 928 00:35:16,730 --> 00:35:18,841 Haqqani network hands and also in his 929 00:35:18,841 --> 00:35:20,970 safe return . So thank you very much 930 00:35:20,970 --> 00:35:22,914 for , for the work of you and your 931 00:35:22,914 --> 00:35:25,137 subordinates and that um I want to talk 932 00:35:25,137 --> 00:35:27,359 about the cyber domain , of course , it 933 00:35:27,359 --> 00:35:29,880 has no boundaries . Um uh I include 934 00:35:29,880 --> 00:35:32,590 legislation in fiscal year 2021 India , 935 00:35:32,590 --> 00:35:34,757 authorizing D O D to establish a pilot 936 00:35:34,757 --> 00:35:36,979 program to enhance the cybersecurity of 937 00:35:36,979 --> 00:35:39,070 our allies and in particular the 938 00:35:39,070 --> 00:35:41,403 readiness of military forces of Vietnam , 939 00:35:41,403 --> 00:35:43,681 Thailand and Indonesia . And this year , 940 00:35:43,681 --> 00:35:45,514 I plan to expand that program to 941 00:35:45,514 --> 00:35:47,681 include Malaysia and the Philippines . 942 00:35:47,681 --> 00:35:49,570 Could , could you elaborate on um 943 00:35:49,570 --> 00:35:51,681 specifically why the cybersecurity of 944 00:35:51,681 --> 00:35:53,737 our allies and partners is important 945 00:35:53,737 --> 00:35:56,110 for us overall U S national security . 946 00:35:56,110 --> 00:35:58,277 And and if you , if possible , can you 947 00:35:58,277 --> 00:35:59,999 comment on the value of direct 948 00:35:59,999 --> 00:36:02,110 engagement with our overseas partners 949 00:36:02,110 --> 00:36:04,166 to help build their cyber skills and 950 00:36:04,166 --> 00:36:06,054 how that is important for our own 951 00:36:06,054 --> 00:36:08,388 national security ? Certainly , Senator , 952 00:36:08,388 --> 00:36:10,554 I think that there's no better example 953 00:36:10,554 --> 00:36:12,554 than , than Ukraine . We've watched 954 00:36:12,554 --> 00:36:14,666 this now for over a year where a very 955 00:36:14,666 --> 00:36:16,721 cable partner that was able to raise 956 00:36:16,721 --> 00:36:18,832 their level of cybersecurity was able 957 00:36:18,832 --> 00:36:21,740 to fend off a much larger foe . But 958 00:36:21,740 --> 00:36:23,620 it's not only that it's also the 959 00:36:23,620 --> 00:36:25,620 ability for us to share information 960 00:36:25,620 --> 00:36:27,676 with that partner . Uh We want to be 961 00:36:27,676 --> 00:36:29,731 able to share our information in the 962 00:36:29,731 --> 00:36:31,453 future and being able to share 963 00:36:31,453 --> 00:36:33,509 information in cyberspace means that 964 00:36:33,509 --> 00:36:35,676 you have to have an assurance that the 965 00:36:35,676 --> 00:36:37,898 partner can secure your information and 966 00:36:37,898 --> 00:36:39,953 that's a critical piece . And I know 967 00:36:39,953 --> 00:36:39,820 that the work that you've done to drive 968 00:36:39,820 --> 00:36:41,987 that type of cybersecurity , both from 969 00:36:41,987 --> 00:36:44,209 the element of the bar has to go higher 970 00:36:44,209 --> 00:36:46,376 for our partners to operate . But also 971 00:36:46,376 --> 00:36:48,542 we have to have the confidence that we 972 00:36:48,542 --> 00:36:50,709 share information that our information 973 00:36:50,709 --> 00:36:53,470 is between us and that partner . Thank 974 00:36:53,470 --> 00:36:55,540 you . Thank you very much , Senator 975 00:36:55,540 --> 00:36:57,540 Duckworth's sooner Scott , please . 976 00:36:58,180 --> 00:37:00,236 Thank you , Chairman . I wanna thank 977 00:37:00,236 --> 00:37:02,930 each of you for being here . Um General 978 00:37:03,120 --> 00:37:06,080 Sony 1st , Let's talk about China . 979 00:37:06,690 --> 00:37:09,220 The is there anything that China sells 980 00:37:09,220 --> 00:37:13,200 us ? We have cranes now at the 981 00:37:13,210 --> 00:37:15,410 airport in Miami that they're worried 982 00:37:15,410 --> 00:37:17,990 that there was the ability for China to 983 00:37:18,000 --> 00:37:20,111 surveil what we're doing at reports . 984 00:37:20,111 --> 00:37:22,278 You look at some of my colleagues have 985 00:37:22,278 --> 00:37:25,200 talked about the risk of tiktok . Is 986 00:37:25,200 --> 00:37:27,422 there anything that China sells in this 987 00:37:27,422 --> 00:37:30,380 country that you don't believe it 988 00:37:30,390 --> 00:37:33,780 creates a potential cybersecurity risk ? 989 00:37:33,790 --> 00:37:35,846 And what would it be that they could 990 00:37:35,846 --> 00:37:38,640 sell us ? And that wouldn't Senator ? 991 00:37:38,640 --> 00:37:40,862 Certainly you point to the challenge of 992 00:37:40,862 --> 00:37:43,029 cyber which is a huge attack surface , 993 00:37:43,029 --> 00:37:44,973 right ? There's whether or not you 994 00:37:44,973 --> 00:37:47,196 trade in some type of good or you trade 995 00:37:47,196 --> 00:37:49,196 in some type of commodity , there's 996 00:37:49,196 --> 00:37:51,418 always that opportunity . Uh You know , 997 00:37:51,418 --> 00:37:53,473 I think this points to the challenge 998 00:37:53,473 --> 00:37:53,360 that we have to be able to address , 999 00:37:53,360 --> 00:37:55,582 which is supply chain to make sure that 1000 00:37:55,582 --> 00:37:57,693 the elements of the supply chain that 1001 00:37:57,693 --> 00:37:59,749 we operate , particularly within the 1002 00:37:59,749 --> 00:38:01,860 department defense are secure . So do 1003 00:38:01,860 --> 00:38:04,027 you think that Americans should have , 1004 00:38:04,027 --> 00:38:06,390 do you think it puts America at risk if 1005 00:38:06,390 --> 00:38:08,557 Americans have tiktok on their phone ? 1006 00:38:10,180 --> 00:38:12,330 My concern with tiktok Senator really 1007 00:38:12,330 --> 00:38:14,480 is from two pieces . One is the fact 1008 00:38:14,480 --> 00:38:16,647 that there's tremendous amount of data 1009 00:38:16,647 --> 00:38:18,813 and understanding where your data is , 1010 00:38:18,813 --> 00:38:21,036 is is critical , I think and the second 1011 00:38:21,036 --> 00:38:22,813 piece is uh the opportunity for 1012 00:38:22,813 --> 00:38:25,240 influence . This is a means upon which , 1013 00:38:25,250 --> 00:38:27,361 you know , you receive information or 1014 00:38:27,361 --> 00:38:29,306 don't receive information . Uh And 1015 00:38:29,306 --> 00:38:31,528 that's where , you know , I always look 1016 00:38:31,528 --> 00:38:31,350 at that in terms of being able to 1017 00:38:31,360 --> 00:38:33,720 measure that risk . So if you were 1018 00:38:33,720 --> 00:38:37,640 running a say one of our electrical 1019 00:38:37,640 --> 00:38:40,150 grids in the country , if you were 1020 00:38:40,150 --> 00:38:42,483 responsible , knowing now what you know , 1021 00:38:42,483 --> 00:38:44,594 in , in the job that you have , now , 1022 00:38:44,594 --> 00:38:46,817 would you , would you allow , would you 1023 00:38:46,817 --> 00:38:48,817 buy anything from China ? Would you 1024 00:38:48,817 --> 00:38:50,872 allow the employees to have tiktok ? 1025 00:38:50,872 --> 00:38:53,094 Would you , would you do , would you do 1026 00:38:53,094 --> 00:38:55,039 any business ? Would you buy D G I 1027 00:38:55,039 --> 00:38:57,206 drones ? Would you do anything knowing 1028 00:38:57,206 --> 00:38:59,317 what you know ? And now in this job , 1029 00:38:59,317 --> 00:39:01,483 Senator very difficult in the scenario 1030 00:39:01,483 --> 00:39:03,706 that , that you point to our picture to 1031 00:39:03,706 --> 00:39:05,928 imagine that you can really do that . I 1032 00:39:05,928 --> 00:39:08,150 mean , there's so much of what we do is 1033 00:39:08,150 --> 00:39:10,261 based upon a national trade and China 1034 00:39:10,261 --> 00:39:12,372 has the corner on some things I think 1035 00:39:12,372 --> 00:39:14,840 what I would do is ensure that the 1036 00:39:14,840 --> 00:39:16,896 areas that are most sensitive to our 1037 00:39:16,896 --> 00:39:19,062 operation are well censored and I have 1038 00:39:19,062 --> 00:39:21,220 the confidence that what's being 1039 00:39:21,220 --> 00:39:23,350 utilized there . I understand where 1040 00:39:23,350 --> 00:39:25,294 that information may be going in a 1041 00:39:25,294 --> 00:39:27,930 world where there was an alternative to , 1042 00:39:28,210 --> 00:39:31,770 to um every Chinese product and app and 1043 00:39:31,770 --> 00:39:33,881 service out there . If there was , if 1044 00:39:33,881 --> 00:39:35,937 there was an American alternative or 1045 00:39:35,937 --> 00:39:37,937 American ally alternative to them , 1046 00:39:37,937 --> 00:39:39,937 would you at that point if you were 1047 00:39:39,937 --> 00:39:39,380 running one of these companies , would 1048 00:39:39,380 --> 00:39:41,547 you guarantee that , that your company 1049 00:39:41,547 --> 00:39:43,769 did no business with China if there was 1050 00:39:43,769 --> 00:39:45,713 a good alternative ? And would you 1051 00:39:45,713 --> 00:39:45,280 think the same thing about our 1052 00:39:45,280 --> 00:39:48,500 government knowing what , you know ? So 1053 00:39:48,500 --> 00:39:50,940 again , coming back as a perspective , 1054 00:39:50,940 --> 00:39:53,240 perhaps future business owner , I would 1055 00:39:53,240 --> 00:39:55,018 take a very , very hard look of 1056 00:39:55,018 --> 00:39:56,851 anything that was coming from an 1057 00:39:56,851 --> 00:39:58,907 adversarial nation and being able to 1058 00:39:58,907 --> 00:40:02,840 understand that . Um John Finn on , 1059 00:40:02,850 --> 00:40:04,840 can you talk about what the things 1060 00:40:04,840 --> 00:40:08,010 you're doing to prepare your , your 1061 00:40:08,010 --> 00:40:11,250 forces to deal with China and where are 1062 00:40:11,250 --> 00:40:13,920 they beating us and where um and what 1063 00:40:13,920 --> 00:40:16,990 do we need to do more and better ? Um 1064 00:40:16,990 --> 00:40:19,300 knowing that China doesn't like our way 1065 00:40:19,300 --> 00:40:21,522 of life and what to demolish our way of 1066 00:40:21,522 --> 00:40:25,500 life . So I think the 1067 00:40:25,510 --> 00:40:27,732 very first thing we're doing in special 1068 00:40:27,732 --> 00:40:29,510 operations command to focus the 1069 00:40:29,510 --> 00:40:31,566 formation on , on the adversaries of 1070 00:40:31,566 --> 00:40:33,732 China and Russia . But in particular , 1071 00:40:33,732 --> 00:40:35,899 China's uh reordering the formation in 1072 00:40:35,899 --> 00:40:38,650 terms of focus . Uh there are a number 1073 00:40:38,650 --> 00:40:42,000 of uh elements in our formation that 1074 00:40:42,000 --> 00:40:44,870 understand the PRC um and what they've 1075 00:40:44,870 --> 00:40:47,670 been doing for years pretty well , but 1076 00:40:47,680 --> 00:40:49,736 there's work that we've got to do to 1077 00:40:49,736 --> 00:40:51,902 certainly bring in additional portions 1078 00:40:51,902 --> 00:40:54,124 of formation along . We do much of that 1079 00:40:54,124 --> 00:40:56,620 through our education process in our 1080 00:40:56,630 --> 00:40:58,630 school houses at the , all the 1081 00:40:58,630 --> 00:41:00,686 components are Army Navy , Air Force 1082 00:41:00,686 --> 00:41:02,797 and Marine components and frankly our 1083 00:41:02,797 --> 00:41:04,908 joint Special operations , University 1084 00:41:04,908 --> 00:41:06,963 Understanding of the PRC and the PRC 1085 00:41:06,963 --> 00:41:09,850 way of warfare . We , we uh we knew 1086 00:41:09,850 --> 00:41:12,390 that very well when we fought the ISIS 1087 00:41:12,390 --> 00:41:14,557 that we understood how they were gonna 1088 00:41:14,557 --> 00:41:16,320 wage war . And now that's the 1089 00:41:16,320 --> 00:41:18,960 understanding of the , of the PRC . 1090 00:41:18,970 --> 00:41:21,630 Second I would say is being present in 1091 00:41:21,640 --> 00:41:24,130 any region and trying to understand 1092 00:41:24,140 --> 00:41:25,862 their malign activities . As I 1093 00:41:25,862 --> 00:41:27,730 mentioned before , uh diplomatic 1094 00:41:27,730 --> 00:41:29,897 pressure from the China , from the PRC 1095 00:41:29,897 --> 00:41:32,810 economic coercion from the PRC creates 1096 00:41:32,820 --> 00:41:35,042 clients and customers were out there to 1097 00:41:35,042 --> 00:41:37,264 build partners and allies . And I think 1098 00:41:37,264 --> 00:41:39,376 that also allows us to get a sense of 1099 00:41:39,376 --> 00:41:41,209 what prc's Malign activities are 1100 00:41:41,209 --> 00:41:43,830 globally and then on any given sense , 1101 00:41:43,840 --> 00:41:46,950 uh Senator , we're providing ranges of 1102 00:41:46,950 --> 00:41:49,100 options for the combatant commanders 1103 00:41:49,100 --> 00:41:52,200 and certainly for the secretary uh to , 1104 00:41:52,210 --> 00:41:54,730 to address either in deterrence uh 1105 00:41:54,740 --> 00:41:57,290 preparing and if needed to prevail . 1106 00:41:57,300 --> 00:41:59,078 And you've got the best special 1107 00:41:59,078 --> 00:42:01,411 operations team in the world to do that . 1108 00:42:01,411 --> 00:42:03,189 Uh And at the same time , we're 1109 00:42:03,189 --> 00:42:05,189 presenting a lot of dilemmas to the 1110 00:42:05,189 --> 00:42:07,522 adversary , the PRC . Thank each of you . 1111 00:42:07,522 --> 00:42:09,522 Thank you , Senator Scott , Senator 1112 00:42:09,522 --> 00:42:11,522 Rosen , please . Well , thank you , 1113 00:42:11,522 --> 00:42:13,689 Chairman read . Uh I really appreciate 1114 00:42:13,689 --> 00:42:15,856 you holding this hearing . I'd like to 1115 00:42:15,856 --> 00:42:17,856 thank each one of the witnesses for 1116 00:42:17,856 --> 00:42:20,078 being here and of course , for everyone 1117 00:42:20,078 --> 00:42:21,967 to service to our nation . And so 1118 00:42:21,967 --> 00:42:24,022 General Nakase only , I have quite a 1119 00:42:24,022 --> 00:42:25,967 few questions for you on our cyber 1120 00:42:25,967 --> 00:42:28,078 workforce and Nevada National Guard . 1121 00:42:28,078 --> 00:42:29,856 But I'm going to get into cyber 1122 00:42:29,856 --> 00:42:31,911 workforce first because the National 1123 00:42:31,911 --> 00:42:33,744 Cybersecurity strategy which was 1124 00:42:33,744 --> 00:42:35,911 released just last week . It calls for 1125 00:42:35,911 --> 00:42:38,189 expanding the national cyber workforce . 1126 00:42:38,189 --> 00:42:40,133 I know it's Chris , we continue to 1127 00:42:40,133 --> 00:42:42,133 invest in innovative nontraditional 1128 00:42:42,133 --> 00:42:44,810 cyber capabilities and in talent to 1129 00:42:44,810 --> 00:42:47,150 support the Department of Defense cyber 1130 00:42:47,150 --> 00:42:49,330 mission requirements . So in last 1131 00:42:49,330 --> 00:42:51,580 year's N D A as reported out of this 1132 00:42:51,580 --> 00:42:54,340 committee , it included my civilian 1133 00:42:54,340 --> 00:42:56,720 Cyber Reserve Act bipartisan 1134 00:42:56,720 --> 00:42:58,831 legislation I introduced with Senator 1135 00:42:58,831 --> 00:43:00,887 Blackburn to create a civilian cyber 1136 00:43:00,887 --> 00:43:04,210 reserve that ensures additional cyber 1137 00:43:04,210 --> 00:43:07,650 capacity for cyber com and greatest 1138 00:43:07,660 --> 00:43:09,716 times of greatest need . And so this 1139 00:43:09,716 --> 00:43:11,771 year , of course , I look forward to 1140 00:43:11,771 --> 00:43:13,771 working with the chairman to ensure 1141 00:43:13,771 --> 00:43:15,882 this critically important legislation 1142 00:43:15,882 --> 00:43:17,827 will be included , included in the 1143 00:43:17,827 --> 00:43:19,827 final conference . But I was hoping 1144 00:43:19,827 --> 00:43:21,771 general that you could discuss the 1145 00:43:21,771 --> 00:43:23,882 value of reserve models including the 1146 00:43:23,882 --> 00:43:25,549 value of a potential civilian 1147 00:43:25,549 --> 00:43:28,790 cybersecurity reserve to support your 1148 00:43:28,800 --> 00:43:32,720 cyberspace operations . Senator , 1149 00:43:32,720 --> 00:43:34,609 first of all , thank you for your 1150 00:43:34,609 --> 00:43:36,776 support of U S Cyber command and , and 1151 00:43:36,776 --> 00:43:38,776 in general , the work that we do in 1152 00:43:38,776 --> 00:43:40,998 cyberspace , it begins with humans . Uh 1153 00:43:40,998 --> 00:43:43,164 And so this idea of being able to have 1154 00:43:43,164 --> 00:43:45,000 many more analysts , many more 1155 00:43:45,010 --> 00:43:48,010 operators , many more uh developers is 1156 00:43:48,010 --> 00:43:50,232 something that is , you know , part and 1157 00:43:50,232 --> 00:43:52,343 parcel to our success in the future . 1158 00:43:52,370 --> 00:43:54,314 Uh It's not only with the civilian 1159 00:43:54,314 --> 00:43:56,481 workforce that you've championed , but 1160 00:43:56,481 --> 00:43:58,703 it's also this idea of how do you bring 1161 00:43:58,703 --> 00:44:00,926 a larger base to bear , how do we bring 1162 00:44:00,926 --> 00:44:03,092 it from K through 12 that makes people 1163 00:44:03,092 --> 00:44:04,814 very interested that science , 1164 00:44:04,814 --> 00:44:07,092 technology , engineering , mathematics , 1165 00:44:07,092 --> 00:44:07,080 it's the way of the future girls that 1166 00:44:07,080 --> 00:44:09,302 code all these things that will provide 1167 00:44:09,302 --> 00:44:11,524 a greater base for us to , to draw from 1168 00:44:11,524 --> 00:44:13,524 are really important to us . Well , 1169 00:44:13,524 --> 00:44:15,747 you're speaking my language as a former 1170 00:44:15,747 --> 00:44:17,913 software developer , the co founder of 1171 00:44:17,913 --> 00:44:20,080 the women in Stem Caucus and trying to 1172 00:44:20,080 --> 00:44:22,191 promote stem education all the time . 1173 00:44:22,191 --> 00:44:24,490 This is music to my ears . And so , of 1174 00:44:24,490 --> 00:44:27,110 course , in fiscal year 2021 the N D A 1175 00:44:27,120 --> 00:44:29,231 required the Department of Defense to 1176 00:44:29,231 --> 00:44:31,670 submit to Congress and evaluation of 1177 00:44:31,670 --> 00:44:33,559 the reserve models to support the 1178 00:44:33,559 --> 00:44:36,520 cyberspace operations and the report 1179 00:44:36,530 --> 00:44:38,800 was never submitted . So , could you 1180 00:44:38,800 --> 00:44:41,022 update me on the status of the report ? 1181 00:44:41,022 --> 00:44:43,244 And also the requirement I added in the 1182 00:44:43,244 --> 00:44:46,110 F by 23 bill to have D O D enter into 1183 00:44:46,110 --> 00:44:48,277 an agreement to assess the benefits of 1184 00:44:48,277 --> 00:44:50,388 such a program . I really like to see 1185 00:44:50,388 --> 00:44:52,332 us be able to move forward on this 1186 00:44:52,332 --> 00:44:54,388 senator if I might take that for the 1187 00:44:54,388 --> 00:44:56,610 record just to make sure I can leverage 1188 00:44:56,610 --> 00:44:56,540 the Department of Defense for that . 1189 00:44:56,550 --> 00:44:59,420 That would be perfect . Um I have some 1190 00:44:59,420 --> 00:45:02,710 other questions too on , on 1191 00:45:03,350 --> 00:45:05,480 excuse me , specifically for Nevada 1192 00:45:05,480 --> 00:45:07,480 National Guard . But you know , the 1193 00:45:07,480 --> 00:45:09,702 National cybersecurity strategy rightly 1194 00:45:09,702 --> 00:45:11,424 identifies a strengthening our 1195 00:45:11,424 --> 00:45:13,647 international partner capacity . It's a 1196 00:45:13,647 --> 00:45:15,924 pillar of our collective cybersecurity , 1197 00:45:15,924 --> 00:45:18,202 our hunt forward operations in Ukraine , 1198 00:45:18,202 --> 00:45:20,313 in particular , it really show us the 1199 00:45:20,313 --> 00:45:22,424 value of international partnerships . 1200 00:45:22,424 --> 00:45:24,424 I've advocated for more funding for 1201 00:45:24,424 --> 00:45:26,450 hunt forward as we identify more 1202 00:45:26,450 --> 00:45:29,260 vulnerabilities . And so are Nevada 1203 00:45:29,260 --> 00:45:31,600 National Guard , we have three partner 1204 00:45:31,600 --> 00:45:33,600 nations as the National Guard State 1205 00:45:33,600 --> 00:45:36,630 Partnership program , Fiji Tonga and 1206 00:45:36,630 --> 00:45:40,110 Samoa . So how is the program promoting 1207 00:45:40,110 --> 00:45:42,277 cyber partnerships with our allies and 1208 00:45:42,277 --> 00:45:44,470 partners ? And what challenges do you 1209 00:45:44,470 --> 00:45:46,790 see ? Uh are you facing building these ? 1210 00:45:46,790 --> 00:45:49,000 And where can we create a better 1211 00:45:49,000 --> 00:45:52,510 strategy for this command ? So first of 1212 00:45:52,510 --> 00:45:54,732 all , I see very , very future , very , 1213 00:45:54,732 --> 00:45:56,954 very few limitations on what we need to 1214 00:45:56,954 --> 00:45:59,066 do in the future , the countries that 1215 00:45:59,066 --> 00:46:01,177 you talk about there in the Southwest 1216 00:46:01,177 --> 00:46:03,177 Pacific , we've worked very closely 1217 00:46:03,177 --> 00:46:05,232 with our partners in Australia uh to 1218 00:46:05,232 --> 00:46:07,343 look at how do we kind of incorporate 1219 00:46:07,343 --> 00:46:09,288 all of them as we understand their 1220 00:46:09,288 --> 00:46:11,232 needs , their requirements , their 1221 00:46:11,232 --> 00:46:13,399 vulnerabilities uh and then be able to 1222 00:46:13,399 --> 00:46:15,454 system a very , very small amount of 1223 00:46:15,454 --> 00:46:14,960 money and a very , very small amount of 1224 00:46:14,960 --> 00:46:17,090 time yields tremendous results in my 1225 00:46:17,090 --> 00:46:20,650 opinion . Yeah , I agree . I want to uh 1226 00:46:20,660 --> 00:46:22,660 tell you that I'm also very excited 1227 00:46:22,660 --> 00:46:24,882 because Department of Homeland Security 1228 00:46:24,882 --> 00:46:26,900 recently announced another Cyber 1229 00:46:26,910 --> 00:46:28,966 strategy as it's going to expand the 1230 00:46:28,966 --> 00:46:31,270 Abraham Accords collaboration among the 1231 00:46:31,270 --> 00:46:33,720 US , Israel U A E Bahrain and Morocco 1232 00:46:33,720 --> 00:46:37,210 to include Cyber security . And so As 1233 00:46:37,210 --> 00:46:39,043 you work to promote multilateral 1234 00:46:39,043 --> 00:46:41,266 partnerships between the Abraham Accord 1235 00:46:41,266 --> 00:46:43,321 countries , how do you think this is 1236 00:46:43,321 --> 00:46:45,377 going to help you with that ? Well , 1237 00:46:45,377 --> 00:46:45,280 just think about the hunt forward 1238 00:46:45,280 --> 00:46:47,780 operations . We began those in 2018 , 1239 00:46:47,790 --> 00:46:51,240 since 2018 , different nations , 22 1240 00:46:51,240 --> 00:46:53,590 countries set 70 different networks . 1241 00:46:53,640 --> 00:46:55,807 And when we take a look at what's been 1242 00:46:55,807 --> 00:46:57,973 able to be done . What we've been able 1243 00:46:57,973 --> 00:47:00,140 to do is the fact that one , it builds 1244 00:47:00,140 --> 00:47:02,362 tremendous confidence between nations , 1245 00:47:02,362 --> 00:47:04,529 right ? When the United States deploys 1246 00:47:04,529 --> 00:47:06,473 a hunt forward team to Country X , 1247 00:47:06,473 --> 00:47:08,640 country X knows that the United States 1248 00:47:08,640 --> 00:47:10,807 cares . Uh And it , it is for us being 1249 00:47:10,807 --> 00:47:12,529 able to work with a partner to 1250 00:47:12,529 --> 00:47:14,696 understand their requirements and then 1251 00:47:14,696 --> 00:47:14,530 also build a higher bar of 1252 00:47:14,530 --> 00:47:16,586 cybersecurity . Well , thank you for 1253 00:47:16,586 --> 00:47:18,697 being there . We have heard that from 1254 00:47:18,697 --> 00:47:20,752 our allies and partners . It means a 1255 00:47:20,752 --> 00:47:22,863 lot . When you're there , you show up 1256 00:47:22,863 --> 00:47:25,030 and we work in partnership with others 1257 00:47:25,030 --> 00:47:26,863 to help potentially eight , what 1258 00:47:26,863 --> 00:47:28,974 they're doing to protect themselves . 1259 00:47:28,974 --> 00:47:31,197 So , thank you again . My time is up Mr 1260 00:47:31,197 --> 00:47:33,363 Chairman . Thank you , Senator Rosen . 1261 00:47:33,363 --> 00:47:35,586 And the open portion of the hearing has 1262 00:47:35,586 --> 00:47:34,990 concluded for the benefit of my 1263 00:47:34,990 --> 00:47:37,200 colleagues who might be listening . We 1264 00:47:37,200 --> 00:47:38,978 have two votes , one is already 1265 00:47:38,978 --> 00:47:42,800 underway . We will adjourn here 1266 00:47:42,810 --> 00:47:46,780 and convene are closed session and SDC 1267 00:47:46,780 --> 00:47:50,300 217 immediately following this . I urge 1268 00:47:50,300 --> 00:47:52,578 my colleagues to vote and then join us . 1269 00:47:52,578 --> 00:47:56,310 Uh and uh I would also like to 1270 00:47:56,310 --> 00:47:58,421 commend the panel for their excellent 1271 00:47:58,421 --> 00:48:01,660 testimony . We've done our excellent 1272 00:48:01,660 --> 00:48:03,770 testimony and also 1273 00:48:14,880 --> 00:48:17,350 uh Senator Sullivan , please . Thank 1274 00:48:17,350 --> 00:48:19,920 you , Mr Chairman . I appreciate it 1275 00:48:19,920 --> 00:48:23,390 very much . Um General Fenton 1276 00:48:24,250 --> 00:48:28,030 and Mr Mayor I know this has been 1277 00:48:28,030 --> 00:48:30,970 touched on , but it's an issue that I 1278 00:48:30,970 --> 00:48:33,026 think it's really important . How is 1279 00:48:33,026 --> 00:48:35,790 the , how is the shift 1280 00:48:36,490 --> 00:48:40,040 going from your 1281 00:48:40,050 --> 00:48:43,640 rightful , an exceptional focus 1282 00:48:45,020 --> 00:48:48,810 on C T operations primarily in the 1283 00:48:48,810 --> 00:48:52,330 Centcom Kor to the end up a 1284 00:48:52,330 --> 00:48:55,580 com region as our pacing threat . 1285 00:48:56,430 --> 00:49:00,330 And what is the kind of orientation 1286 00:49:00,340 --> 00:49:04,280 of the strategy in that region ? And 1287 00:49:04,280 --> 00:49:08,210 what I mean by that is the C T 1288 00:49:09,040 --> 00:49:12,250 socom focus 1289 00:49:14,080 --> 00:49:18,060 Post 9 11 was very kinetic uh 1290 00:49:19,330 --> 00:49:21,880 which our guys did an incredible job at . 1291 00:49:22,970 --> 00:49:26,800 Um But the indo pay 1292 00:49:26,800 --> 00:49:30,620 com strategy and focus is 1293 00:49:30,620 --> 00:49:34,070 not kinetic . At least not now , we all 1294 00:49:34,070 --> 00:49:36,850 hope it's never gonna be kinetic . So 1295 00:49:36,850 --> 00:49:39,520 it's a very different mission set . 1296 00:49:41,260 --> 00:49:43,371 I don't know if that impacts morale . 1297 00:49:44,220 --> 00:49:48,150 It's not as well . 1298 00:49:48,160 --> 00:49:50,382 I'd like both of you to talk about that 1299 00:49:50,382 --> 00:49:53,000 because I've been concerned that it's 1300 00:49:53,000 --> 00:49:56,380 been hard . You've done such a good job 1301 00:49:56,380 --> 00:49:58,280 in that A O R 1302 00:50:01,190 --> 00:50:04,910 and that A are still important in the 1303 00:50:04,910 --> 00:50:08,200 issue of making sure that violent 1304 00:50:08,200 --> 00:50:10,580 extremist organizations do not threaten 1305 00:50:10,580 --> 00:50:12,747 our nation , particularly with weapons 1306 00:50:12,747 --> 00:50:15,060 of mass destruction is still critical . 1307 00:50:16,430 --> 00:50:19,200 But the pacing threat is China . Every 1308 00:50:19,200 --> 00:50:21,256 day . We see something . You saw the 1309 00:50:21,256 --> 00:50:23,256 Foreign Minister of China yesterday 1310 00:50:23,256 --> 00:50:25,200 publicly saying , hey , we're on a 1311 00:50:25,200 --> 00:50:27,422 collision course towards war . We don't 1312 00:50:27,422 --> 00:50:29,533 want that but we better well be ready 1313 00:50:29,533 --> 00:50:31,533 for it . And your operators are the 1314 00:50:31,533 --> 00:50:34,400 best in the world . There's no Chinese 1315 00:50:34,410 --> 00:50:37,040 forces that can hold a candle to the U 1316 00:50:37,040 --> 00:50:40,610 S Special operations enterprise , not 1317 00:50:40,610 --> 00:50:43,550 even close . So it's a giant strategic 1318 00:50:43,550 --> 00:50:45,620 advantage we have over them . I want 1319 00:50:45,620 --> 00:50:48,700 them to fear the hell out of it . So , 1320 00:50:48,700 --> 00:50:50,644 what are we doing ? And how's that 1321 00:50:50,644 --> 00:50:54,370 shift going ? So , Senator , thanks for 1322 00:50:54,370 --> 00:50:56,370 the question . Maybe I'll start and 1323 00:50:56,370 --> 00:50:58,426 then General Fan can address some of 1324 00:50:58,426 --> 00:51:00,592 the issues that are , that are core to 1325 00:51:00,592 --> 00:51:02,703 his , his force here . So I would say 1326 00:51:02,703 --> 00:51:04,990 that the shift is very much underway . 1327 00:51:05,000 --> 00:51:07,200 But I think it's , it's a question of 1328 00:51:07,210 --> 00:51:09,670 how do we maintain the counter 1329 00:51:09,670 --> 00:51:11,781 terrorism capabilities because if you 1330 00:51:11,781 --> 00:51:14,003 look at the maps are , of course , many 1331 00:51:14,003 --> 00:51:15,781 of the areas that were problems 1332 00:51:15,781 --> 00:51:17,837 continue to be problems . So we're , 1333 00:51:17,837 --> 00:51:20,059 we're having to manage that risk at the 1334 00:51:20,059 --> 00:51:22,281 same time we are doing as you correctly 1335 00:51:22,281 --> 00:51:24,503 said , sir , a different mission in the 1336 00:51:24,503 --> 00:51:26,503 Indo Pacific . And I think the idea 1337 00:51:26,503 --> 00:51:28,760 that we're not very kinetic or not 1338 00:51:28,760 --> 00:51:31,580 kinetic at all in the Indo Pacific is 1339 00:51:31,590 --> 00:51:33,830 not necessarily something that means 1340 00:51:33,830 --> 00:51:36,480 that the same kind of soft skills are 1341 00:51:36,480 --> 00:51:38,702 not relevant . So as we think of things 1342 00:51:38,702 --> 00:51:40,758 like placement and access and really 1343 00:51:40,758 --> 00:51:42,924 relying on partners sometimes for that 1344 00:51:42,924 --> 00:51:44,924 placement and access , but also the 1345 00:51:44,924 --> 00:51:46,869 ability to work unilaterally go to 1346 00:51:46,869 --> 00:51:48,980 places that lie tactical mile that at 1347 00:51:48,980 --> 00:51:51,410 times only U S special operations can 1348 00:51:51,410 --> 00:51:53,466 do that's still relevant in the Indo 1349 00:51:53,466 --> 00:51:55,730 Pacific , even if the finish is , is 1350 00:51:55,730 --> 00:51:58,040 not a kinetic or lethal finish . And I 1351 00:51:58,040 --> 00:52:00,330 think second uh Senator I would 1352 00:52:00,330 --> 00:52:02,219 highlight the by with and through 1353 00:52:02,219 --> 00:52:04,108 approach , really working through 1354 00:52:04,108 --> 00:52:06,540 partners that has really been the 1355 00:52:06,570 --> 00:52:08,550 hallmark of the counter terrorism 1356 00:52:08,600 --> 00:52:10,780 efforts especially the last decade or 1357 00:52:10,780 --> 00:52:12,891 so . It is very , very relevant again 1358 00:52:12,891 --> 00:52:15,113 in the Indo Pacific because we want our 1359 00:52:15,113 --> 00:52:17,280 partners to be in the lead . But we've 1360 00:52:17,280 --> 00:52:19,391 demonstrated in places like Ukraine , 1361 00:52:19,391 --> 00:52:21,558 we can do that from a distance . So it 1362 00:52:21,558 --> 00:52:23,502 doesn't have to be the hand on the 1363 00:52:23,502 --> 00:52:25,724 shoulder that we're always , we've been 1364 00:52:25,724 --> 00:52:27,891 familiar with in the past . So I think 1365 00:52:27,891 --> 00:52:29,724 these fundamental tools that and 1366 00:52:29,724 --> 00:52:31,780 approaches we've used are still very 1367 00:52:31,780 --> 00:52:33,836 relevant in the Indo Pacific , sir , 1368 00:52:33,836 --> 00:52:35,336 General Fenton . How's the 1369 00:52:35,336 --> 00:52:37,280 reorientation of the Indo pay come 1370 00:52:37,280 --> 00:52:39,750 theater going ? Senator , I'm , if I 1371 00:52:39,750 --> 00:52:41,750 might , I'm gonna start by agreeing 1372 00:52:41,750 --> 00:52:43,639 with you that your , your special 1373 00:52:43,639 --> 00:52:46,090 operations formation is the best , the 1374 00:52:46,090 --> 00:52:48,250 very best in the history of Chinese 1375 00:52:48,260 --> 00:52:50,850 don't have anything remotely close to 1376 00:52:50,850 --> 00:52:53,840 it . Uh They know that we know that and 1377 00:52:53,850 --> 00:52:56,280 uh I agree with that and the same thing 1378 00:52:56,280 --> 00:52:58,730 with Russia and any other adversary out 1379 00:52:58,730 --> 00:53:00,841 there . And the other part is that we 1380 00:53:00,841 --> 00:53:02,750 exist in the uh included with the 1381 00:53:02,750 --> 00:53:04,861 entirety of the US military . And the 1382 00:53:04,861 --> 00:53:07,028 cyber com team is exactly the best and 1383 00:53:07,028 --> 00:53:09,360 we have all that . So I think I would 1384 00:53:09,360 --> 00:53:12,260 want everybody uh that , that wishes 1385 00:53:12,260 --> 00:53:14,149 this nation harm . And there's an 1386 00:53:14,149 --> 00:53:16,371 adversary out there in China and I just 1387 00:53:16,371 --> 00:53:18,427 want to pay com theater to know that 1388 00:53:18,427 --> 00:53:20,538 we're out there to write . I want the 1389 00:53:20,538 --> 00:53:20,120 Chinese to wake up thinking they got 1390 00:53:20,120 --> 00:53:23,290 navy seals all over them every day , 1391 00:53:23,900 --> 00:53:27,240 sir . And your special operations team 1392 00:53:27,250 --> 00:53:30,730 is out there and in a 1393 00:53:30,740 --> 00:53:33,640 very sustainable durable way and in , 1394 00:53:33,650 --> 00:53:36,140 in a concert with Admiral actually 1395 00:53:36,140 --> 00:53:38,196 knows requirements and , and I would 1396 00:53:38,196 --> 00:53:40,084 tell you that we can handle these 1397 00:53:40,084 --> 00:53:42,196 challenges . And I'll start by saying 1398 00:53:42,196 --> 00:53:44,251 special operations really never left 1399 00:53:44,251 --> 00:53:46,029 strategic competition and great 1400 00:53:46,029 --> 00:53:48,251 deterrence . And you and I talked about 1401 00:53:48,251 --> 00:53:50,418 this senator , I think last year where 1402 00:53:50,418 --> 00:53:50,130 I was a special ops commander 1403 00:53:50,140 --> 00:53:52,610 responsible in the Pacific for the 1404 00:53:52,610 --> 00:53:54,832 Special Operations Forces that both did 1405 00:53:54,832 --> 00:53:56,999 counterterrorism with one partner that 1406 00:53:56,999 --> 00:53:59,054 we can , I can talk more in a closed 1407 00:53:59,054 --> 00:54:01,370 session about but competed with the PRC 1408 00:54:01,380 --> 00:54:03,602 all day long by building partnerships , 1409 00:54:03,602 --> 00:54:05,769 relationships and capability that that 1410 00:54:05,769 --> 00:54:07,936 continues . At the same time , we will 1411 00:54:07,936 --> 00:54:09,936 not take our eye off the persistent 1412 00:54:09,936 --> 00:54:12,102 threat of global terrorism . And so we 1413 00:54:12,102 --> 00:54:14,213 will still handle the CT mission . Uh 1414 00:54:14,213 --> 00:54:16,269 And there will be a number of forces 1415 00:54:16,269 --> 00:54:18,491 that have the CT mission each and every 1416 00:54:18,491 --> 00:54:20,547 day hunting anybody that wishes harm 1417 00:54:20,547 --> 00:54:22,436 this nation but can slide over to 1418 00:54:22,436 --> 00:54:24,436 present some level of dilemma to an 1419 00:54:24,436 --> 00:54:26,547 adversary in an integrated deterrence 1420 00:54:26,547 --> 00:54:28,602 arena . And I would just add much of 1421 00:54:28,602 --> 00:54:30,547 our counterterrorism experience is 1422 00:54:30,547 --> 00:54:32,658 desired by these partners and nations 1423 00:54:32,658 --> 00:54:34,880 as we go forward to train and becomes a 1424 00:54:34,880 --> 00:54:36,713 key part of the partnership . So 1425 00:54:36,713 --> 00:54:39,890 Senator , I would just stand with your 1426 00:54:39,890 --> 00:54:41,779 SOCOM team is absolutely ready to 1427 00:54:41,779 --> 00:54:44,001 handle that challenge . I think there's 1428 00:54:44,001 --> 00:54:46,001 a large portion of our force that's 1429 00:54:46,001 --> 00:54:48,057 excited about this . They want to do 1430 00:54:48,057 --> 00:54:50,168 what the nation needs . And right now 1431 00:54:50,168 --> 00:54:52,112 the nation needs us to get uh very 1432 00:54:52,112 --> 00:54:55,480 involved and we are uh and deter PRC 1433 00:54:55,490 --> 00:54:57,870 and certainly to address aggression by 1434 00:54:57,870 --> 00:55:00,010 the rush and they want to be uh knee 1435 00:55:00,010 --> 00:55:02,066 deep in it , you know , your special 1436 00:55:02,066 --> 00:55:04,066 operations team . Well , and at the 1437 00:55:04,066 --> 00:55:06,288 same time , handle the counterterrorism 1438 00:55:06,288 --> 00:55:08,510 mission and any crisis response mission 1439 00:55:08,510 --> 00:55:11,220 where us uh citizen or a diplomat needs 1440 00:55:11,220 --> 00:55:13,320 to be safeguarded or rescued . Thank 1441 00:55:13,320 --> 00:55:15,320 you . Thank you Mr Chairman . And I 1442 00:55:15,320 --> 00:55:17,598 just want to say that General Nakasone , 1443 00:55:17,598 --> 00:55:19,487 no question . I just think you're 1444 00:55:19,487 --> 00:55:21,598 publicly because a lot of what you do 1445 00:55:21,598 --> 00:55:23,764 is not public . I I think you and your 1446 00:55:23,764 --> 00:55:25,764 team are doing an exceptional job . 1447 00:55:25,764 --> 00:55:25,080 General . Thank you . Thank you , Mr 1448 00:55:25,080 --> 00:55:27,413 Chairman . Thank you , Senator Sullivan . 1449 00:55:27,413 --> 00:55:30,830 Uh The open session has concluded again . 1450 00:55:30,840 --> 00:55:34,000 Uh We have two votes . I urge my 1451 00:55:34,000 --> 00:55:36,222 colleagues to go to the first vote . We 1452 00:55:36,222 --> 00:55:39,360 will resume immediately in S V C to 17 1453 00:55:39,360 --> 00:55:41,840 for the closed session and to each of 1454 00:55:41,840 --> 00:55:43,896 you , gentlemen . Thank you for your 1455 00:55:43,896 --> 00:55:46,173 testimony , General Fenton , Secretary , 1456 00:55:46,173 --> 00:55:48,340 Mayor John Macaluso Neal . Let me tell 1457 00:55:48,340 --> 00:55:50,229 you all been extremely diligent , 1458 00:55:50,229 --> 00:55:52,840 dedicated and offered superb service to 1459 00:55:52,840 --> 00:55:55,210 this nation over many years and we are 1460 00:55:55,210 --> 00:55:57,377 in your debt . Thank you all very much 1461 00:55:57,377 --> 00:55:59,210 for that . I'll adjourn the open 1462 00:55:59,210 --> 00:55:59,510 hearing .