WEBVTT 00:04.370 --> 00:06.203 Call to order the meeting of the 00:06.210 --> 00:08.266 Strategic Forces subcommittee of the 00:08.266 --> 00:11.030 Senate Committee on armed services are 00:11.030 --> 00:13.450 hearing today is on the subject of the 00:13.450 --> 00:15.740 Space force . Uh I want to thank 00:15.740 --> 00:17.770 General Saltzman for being with us 00:17.770 --> 00:21.340 today before this committee . And the 00:21.340 --> 00:23.562 purpose of the hearing is to understand 00:23.562 --> 00:25.710 your vision and priorities for the 00:25.710 --> 00:28.200 Space Force as its second Chief of 00:28.200 --> 00:30.800 Space Operations . While the budget for 00:30.800 --> 00:33.022 the Department of Defense and the Space 00:33.022 --> 00:35.189 Force has just been released . We plan 00:35.189 --> 00:37.244 to have a space budget hearing which 00:37.244 --> 00:39.750 includes the Space Force later in May 00:39.760 --> 00:41.927 after we've had time to understand and 00:41.927 --> 00:44.149 detail the president's budget request . 00:44.240 --> 00:46.240 There are many uncomplicated topics 00:46.240 --> 00:48.462 such as missile warning and launch that 00:48.462 --> 00:50.518 will take time to understand and are 00:50.518 --> 00:52.851 not really right for this hearing today , 00:52.851 --> 00:55.460 but we will take up in May instead , 00:55.460 --> 00:57.682 the hearing will focus on you . General 00:57.682 --> 01:00.390 Saltsman . This is your opportunity to 01:00.390 --> 01:02.446 explain to the subcommittee into the 01:02.446 --> 01:04.668 public how you will train and equip the 01:04.668 --> 01:06.501 Space Force as the Department of 01:06.501 --> 01:09.140 Defense , separate military service and 01:09.140 --> 01:10.918 be a presenter of forces to the 01:10.918 --> 01:13.110 combatant commanders in order to 01:13.110 --> 01:15.221 accomplish their missions as assigned 01:15.221 --> 01:17.720 by the president . My understanding is 01:17.720 --> 01:19.942 that today you will explain to us , you 01:19.942 --> 01:22.164 are three lines of effort for our space 01:22.164 --> 01:24.331 force guardians , as I understand it , 01:24.331 --> 01:26.498 they are to first field a combat ready 01:26.498 --> 01:29.040 force . Second , amplify the Guardian 01:29.040 --> 01:31.580 spirit and third partner with the 01:31.580 --> 01:34.760 interagency allies and industry to win . 01:35.410 --> 01:37.632 I look forward to having you explain in 01:37.632 --> 01:39.577 detail what each of these lines of 01:39.577 --> 01:41.577 effort are and give us examples and 01:41.577 --> 01:43.632 simple ones that we can take with us 01:43.632 --> 01:45.854 and explain to our constituents and the 01:45.854 --> 01:48.021 public the importance of the work that 01:48.021 --> 01:50.021 you're doing . Let me conclude that 01:50.021 --> 01:52.132 General Heighten said it best . There 01:52.132 --> 01:54.354 is no such thing as a conflict in space 01:54.354 --> 01:57.740 by itself . Any conflict will involve 01:57.750 --> 01:59.910 all domains . Although I believe it 01:59.910 --> 02:02.850 will start in space , the land , the 02:02.850 --> 02:05.670 sea , the air and space all together at 02:05.670 --> 02:08.030 once . I hope that today you will 02:08.030 --> 02:10.141 explain to us how your vision for the 02:10.141 --> 02:11.919 Space Force will meet . General 02:11.919 --> 02:14.240 heightens astute observation and enable 02:14.240 --> 02:16.407 our combatant commanders to accomplish 02:16.407 --> 02:18.351 the mission that the president has 02:18.351 --> 02:20.520 directed them to perform . If called 02:20.520 --> 02:22.631 upon . After your opening statement , 02:22.631 --> 02:24.798 we will have questions at five minutes 02:24.798 --> 02:27.990 each . Senator Fischer . Thank you , Mr 02:27.990 --> 02:30.170 Chairman General Saltzman . Thank you 02:30.170 --> 02:32.320 for being here today and for sharing 02:32.320 --> 02:34.653 your perspective with this subcommittee . 02:34.660 --> 02:37.010 And thank you sir , for your many , 02:37.010 --> 02:39.590 many years of service . You are only 02:39.590 --> 02:41.590 the second ever chief of Space 02:41.590 --> 02:44.100 Operations in a unique position to 02:44.100 --> 02:46.020 leave your mark on what is still 02:46.020 --> 02:48.380 essentially a brand new military 02:48.380 --> 02:50.910 service , an opportunity like this 02:50.910 --> 02:54.080 comes around less than once in a 02:54.080 --> 02:56.440 generation . And I'm sure you feel the 02:56.440 --> 02:59.910 gravity and the expectation of this 02:59.920 --> 03:02.270 every single day . I look forward to 03:02.270 --> 03:04.326 hearing more of your vision for this 03:04.326 --> 03:06.492 newest service branch specifically how 03:06.492 --> 03:08.437 you are forming it into a fighting 03:08.437 --> 03:11.460 force that is ready to prosecute war as 03:11.460 --> 03:14.420 part of the United States military . I 03:14.420 --> 03:16.620 would also like to understand how you 03:16.620 --> 03:18.630 are shaping the space acquisition 03:18.630 --> 03:21.490 enterprise to that vision enabling the 03:21.490 --> 03:24.260 joint force . Thank you , Mr Chairman 03:25.340 --> 03:26.396 General Saltzman , 03:29.350 --> 03:31.572 chairman King , ranking member Fisher , 03:31.572 --> 03:33.480 distinguished member of the 03:33.480 --> 03:35.369 subcommittee . Thank you for your 03:35.369 --> 03:37.480 continued support for the opportunity 03:37.480 --> 03:39.702 to discuss my vision and priorities for 03:39.702 --> 03:41.758 the United States Space Force . I've 03:41.758 --> 03:43.980 been listening , I've been in listening 03:43.980 --> 03:46.202 mode since becoming the second chief of 03:46.202 --> 03:48.424 Space Operations just four months ago . 03:48.424 --> 03:50.591 One of my first phone calls as the CSO 03:50.591 --> 03:52.647 was to the Commander of U S European 03:52.647 --> 03:54.647 Command General . Casually my first 03:54.647 --> 03:57.030 trip as the CSO was to Colorado Springs 03:57.040 --> 03:59.262 to meet in person with the Commander of 03:59.262 --> 04:01.373 U S Space Command General Dickinson . 04:01.373 --> 04:03.910 My first overseas trip was to Hawaii 04:03.920 --> 04:06.031 where I met with the commander of U S 04:06.031 --> 04:08.810 Indo Pacific Command , Admiral Aquilino . 04:08.820 --> 04:10.931 And during these last four months , I 04:10.931 --> 04:12.931 have also prioritized visiting with 04:12.931 --> 04:14.931 guardians performing vital missions 04:14.931 --> 04:17.098 around the world for the Space Force , 04:17.098 --> 04:19.264 for the joint force and for the nation 04:19.264 --> 04:21.209 in December , I met in person with 04:21.209 --> 04:23.376 military space chiefs from Australia , 04:23.376 --> 04:25.709 Canada , France , Germany , New Zealand , 04:25.709 --> 04:27.764 and the United Kingdom and all these 04:27.764 --> 04:29.764 engagements . My goal was to better 04:29.764 --> 04:31.876 understand how the space force should 04:31.876 --> 04:33.987 focus its near and midterm efforts as 04:33.987 --> 04:35.820 we integrate our capabilities to 04:35.820 --> 04:37.876 address the threats and challenges . 04:37.876 --> 04:39.764 The themes from these engagements 04:39.764 --> 04:41.542 should surprise . No one . Each 04:41.542 --> 04:41.400 combatant commander emphasized the 04:41.410 --> 04:43.840 vital role space plays in strategic 04:43.840 --> 04:46.062 competition and integrated deterrence . 04:46.430 --> 04:48.541 The guardians of the space force make 04:48.541 --> 04:50.763 this possible and are without a doubt , 04:50.763 --> 04:52.874 the brightest and boldest America has 04:52.874 --> 04:54.930 to offer because of these advantages 04:54.930 --> 04:57.152 and our shared interest in the domain , 04:57.152 --> 04:59.208 us allies and international partners 04:59.208 --> 05:01.820 are eager for expanded collaboration 05:01.820 --> 05:03.876 with the Space Force , especially in 05:03.876 --> 05:06.098 areas that strengthen the effectiveness 05:06.098 --> 05:07.987 of coalition space operations and 05:07.987 --> 05:10.320 reinforce norms of responsible behavior . 05:10.640 --> 05:13.320 In short . Our mission forces people 05:13.320 --> 05:15.431 and partnerships make the space force 05:15.431 --> 05:17.620 the most formidable space organization 05:17.630 --> 05:20.860 on the planet China and Russia know 05:20.860 --> 05:23.082 this and are accelerating their efforts 05:23.082 --> 05:24.971 to undermine us advantages in the 05:24.971 --> 05:27.180 domain To meet this challenge . The 05:27.180 --> 05:29.460 space force will prioritize three lines 05:29.460 --> 05:31.780 of effort . As Senator King has already 05:31.780 --> 05:34.280 stated , fielding combat ready forces , 05:34.290 --> 05:36.760 amplifying the guardian spirit and 05:36.760 --> 05:39.540 partnering to win these lines of 05:39.540 --> 05:41.900 efforts are designed to deliver the 05:41.900 --> 05:43.940 forces , personnel and partnerships 05:43.940 --> 05:45.718 required for the space force to 05:45.718 --> 05:48.770 preserve us advantages in space . And 05:48.770 --> 05:50.714 before I expand on the space force 05:50.714 --> 05:52.770 lines of effort , I'd like to update 05:52.770 --> 05:54.603 the subcommittee on the emerging 05:54.603 --> 05:56.437 threats space forces face as the 05:56.437 --> 05:58.740 handout I've provided indicates space 05:58.740 --> 06:01.290 is undeniably a contested and congested 06:01.290 --> 06:03.670 warfighting domain . When describing 06:03.670 --> 06:05.559 space threats . It's important to 06:05.559 --> 06:07.503 account for two kinds of threats . 06:07.503 --> 06:10.530 First threats from space assets and 06:10.530 --> 06:12.830 second threats to space assets , 06:13.360 --> 06:15.416 threats from space present a growing 06:15.416 --> 06:17.582 danger to the joint force . Both China 06:17.582 --> 06:19.527 and Russia have robust space based 06:19.527 --> 06:21.582 capabilities that allow them to find 06:21.582 --> 06:24.240 target and attack U S military forces 06:24.240 --> 06:27.590 on land at sea and in the air . Equally 06:27.590 --> 06:29.757 alarming are the threats that endanger 06:29.757 --> 06:31.868 the satellites . The nation relies on 06:31.868 --> 06:33.812 for prosperity and security . Both 06:33.812 --> 06:35.923 China and Russia continued to develop 06:35.923 --> 06:38.110 field and deploy a range of weapons 06:38.120 --> 06:40.580 aimed at us space capabilities . The 06:40.580 --> 06:42.413 spectrum of threats to U S space 06:42.413 --> 06:44.358 capabilities include cyber warfare 06:44.358 --> 06:46.080 activities , electronic attack 06:46.080 --> 06:48.120 platforms , directed energy lasers 06:48.120 --> 06:50.330 designed to blind or damaged satellite 06:50.330 --> 06:52.840 sensors , ground orbit missiles to 06:52.840 --> 06:55.710 destroy satellites and space to space 06:55.720 --> 06:57.720 orbital engagement systems that can 06:57.720 --> 07:00.500 attack U S satellites in space . The 07:00.500 --> 07:02.389 contested space domain shapes the 07:02.389 --> 07:04.611 enduring purpose of the United States . 07:04.611 --> 07:06.778 Space Force . Congress established the 07:06.778 --> 07:09.000 Space force to protect U S interests in 07:09.000 --> 07:11.167 space . This means protecting us space 07:11.167 --> 07:13.260 capabilities and defending the joint 07:13.260 --> 07:15.490 force and the nation from space enabled 07:15.490 --> 07:17.620 attack . My lines of effort are 07:17.620 --> 07:19.564 designed to achieve this vision by 07:19.564 --> 07:21.509 providing the forces personnel and 07:21.509 --> 07:23.509 partnerships required for the space 07:23.509 --> 07:25.680 force to preserve us space superiority 07:25.680 --> 07:28.420 for the foreseeable future . My first 07:28.420 --> 07:30.476 priority is to build resilient ready 07:30.476 --> 07:33.320 combat credible space forces to do this . 07:33.330 --> 07:35.441 We are accelerating the pivot towards 07:35.441 --> 07:37.540 resilient satellite constellations , 07:37.550 --> 07:40.200 ground stations , networks and data 07:40.200 --> 07:42.760 links . The space development agencies 07:42.760 --> 07:44.538 proliferated . Warfighter space 07:44.538 --> 07:46.880 architecture provides a prime example 07:46.880 --> 07:48.910 of these efforts . We are also 07:48.910 --> 07:51.132 emphasizing cybersecurity and preparing 07:51.132 --> 07:53.480 guardians to detect and defeat cyber 07:53.480 --> 07:56.060 attacks against our networks systems , 07:56.070 --> 07:58.350 ground stations , data links and 07:58.350 --> 08:00.680 satellites . We are developing an 08:00.690 --> 08:02.357 operational test and training 08:02.357 --> 08:04.134 infrastructure that will be the 08:04.134 --> 08:06.190 backbone of Space force readiness as 08:06.190 --> 08:08.357 guardians prepare for a high intensity 08:08.357 --> 08:10.550 fight . This infrastructure will allow 08:10.550 --> 08:12.920 guardians to execute realistic training 08:12.930 --> 08:14.763 against simulated adversaries to 08:14.763 --> 08:17.250 validate their tactics . Space training 08:17.250 --> 08:19.472 and readiness command executed one such 08:19.472 --> 08:21.306 exercise last September with its 08:21.306 --> 08:23.540 inaugural Black Skies exercise focused 08:23.540 --> 08:25.590 on space electromagnetic warfare . 08:26.300 --> 08:27.967 Through these events , we are 08:27.967 --> 08:29.911 continuously enhancing tactics and 08:29.911 --> 08:32.133 operational concepts thereby creating a 08:32.133 --> 08:34.920 force ready for emerging threats . My 08:34.920 --> 08:36.809 second priority is to amplify the 08:36.809 --> 08:38.920 guardian spirit by embracing a modern 08:38.920 --> 08:41.142 talent management process that recruits 08:41.142 --> 08:43.590 the best talent develops and retains an 08:43.590 --> 08:46.130 elite workforce and empowers guardians 08:46.130 --> 08:48.470 to succeed . One example is our 08:48.470 --> 08:50.690 constructive service credit program 08:50.700 --> 08:52.811 that allows experienced professionals 08:52.811 --> 08:54.570 from key fields to directly 08:54.570 --> 08:56.860 commissioned into the space force at 08:56.860 --> 08:58.860 ranks appropriate to their civilian 08:58.860 --> 09:00.860 experience . The first constructive 09:00.860 --> 09:03.027 credit board served as a pilot program 09:03.027 --> 09:05.830 in 2022 recruited seven cyber 09:05.830 --> 09:08.220 professionals to become guardians , one 09:08.220 --> 09:10.442 of which was on boarded as a lieutenant 09:10.442 --> 09:12.220 colonel . The second board will 09:12.220 --> 09:14.387 incorporate intelligence professionals 09:14.387 --> 09:17.170 and assess 20 additional personnel over 09:17.170 --> 09:19.281 the last year , we have also deployed 09:19.281 --> 09:21.226 space centric curriculum for basic 09:21.226 --> 09:23.448 military training , the Reserve officer 09:23.448 --> 09:25.614 training corps and an officer training 09:25.614 --> 09:27.830 school . In addition , our partnership 09:27.830 --> 09:29.663 with the Johns Hopkins School of 09:29.663 --> 09:31.608 Advanced International Studies for 09:31.608 --> 09:33.774 professional military education begins 09:33.774 --> 09:36.680 this summer with congressional support , 09:36.680 --> 09:38.569 we will improve our modern talent 09:38.569 --> 09:40.624 management system by integrating the 09:40.624 --> 09:42.680 Air Force reserve space element into 09:42.680 --> 09:44.902 the Space force as a single component . 09:44.902 --> 09:47.124 This will allow guardians to transition 09:47.124 --> 09:49.600 between full time and part time duty to 09:49.610 --> 09:52.050 pursue opportunities outside of full 09:52.050 --> 09:54.410 time military service and subsequently 09:54.410 --> 09:56.320 return to full time duty without 09:56.320 --> 09:58.460 barriers to reentry or detriment to 09:58.460 --> 10:00.780 their career . We will ensure that such 10:00.780 --> 10:02.947 experiences utilized in strict and and 10:02.947 --> 10:04.724 careful compliance with federal 10:04.724 --> 10:06.891 acquisition and ethics regulations and 10:06.891 --> 10:08.724 appropriate conflict of interest 10:08.724 --> 10:10.947 statutes . The single service personnel 10:10.947 --> 10:13.058 management system will make retaining 10:13.058 --> 10:15.113 highly qualified guardians easier by 10:15.113 --> 10:17.470 facilitating flexible career paths and 10:17.470 --> 10:19.526 we look forward to working with this 10:19.526 --> 10:21.248 subcommittee on that important 10:21.248 --> 10:23.026 initiative . My third and final 10:23.026 --> 10:25.303 priority is to strengthen partnerships . 10:25.303 --> 10:27.526 The Space force relies on to accomplish 10:27.526 --> 10:29.470 its mission . The space force will 10:29.470 --> 10:29.410 strive to eliminate barriers to 10:29.410 --> 10:31.090 collaboration including over 10:31.090 --> 10:33.580 classification so we can build enduring 10:33.580 --> 10:35.940 advantages with our partners to date . 10:35.940 --> 10:38.290 Personnel from over 50 countries have 10:38.290 --> 10:40.570 participated in training , education 10:40.580 --> 10:42.880 and exercise events hosted by the space 10:42.880 --> 10:45.140 force . We're also leveraging allies 10:45.140 --> 10:47.362 and partners to expand our war fighting 10:47.362 --> 10:49.418 capability . Recent examples include 10:49.418 --> 10:51.720 deploying us payloads on Norwegian and 10:51.720 --> 10:54.050 Japanese satellites And establishing a 10:54.050 --> 10:55.828 partnership with Luxembourg for 10:55.828 --> 10:58.250 satellite communications services . In 10:58.250 --> 11:00.890 total , we have more than 200 foreign 11:00.890 --> 11:03.390 military sales cases with over 60 11:03.390 --> 11:05.710 countries for a broad spectrum of space 11:05.710 --> 11:08.130 capabilities . Commercial partners will 11:08.130 --> 11:09.741 be key as we pursue emerging 11:09.741 --> 11:11.574 technologies like advanced power 11:11.574 --> 11:13.610 promotion propulsion technologies , 11:13.620 --> 11:15.620 artificial intelligence and machine 11:15.620 --> 11:17.590 learning and in space , servicing 11:17.590 --> 11:20.830 assembly and manufacturing space 11:20.830 --> 11:22.960 systems commands commercial services 11:22.960 --> 11:25.071 office is building these partnerships 11:25.071 --> 11:27.293 to improve our ability to leverage more 11:27.293 --> 11:29.516 commercial off the shelf capabilities . 11:29.760 --> 11:31.730 In conclusion , thank you for the 11:31.730 --> 11:33.841 opportunity to share these priorities 11:33.841 --> 11:36.063 with you today . The Space Force is the 11:36.063 --> 11:38.230 preeminent military Space Organization 11:38.230 --> 11:40.397 in the world . Are adversaries seek to 11:40.397 --> 11:42.619 surpass the United States and challenge 11:42.619 --> 11:44.786 our advantage . We cannot and will not 11:44.786 --> 11:46.841 allow this to happen . Are guardians 11:46.841 --> 11:48.730 will outwork out innovate and out 11:48.730 --> 11:50.730 compete . Our adversaries to ensure 11:50.730 --> 11:52.452 that we succeed . They will do 11:52.452 --> 11:54.563 everything they can to deter conflict 11:54.563 --> 11:56.619 and maintain stability and space . I 11:56.619 --> 11:58.341 very much look forward to your 11:58.341 --> 12:00.508 questions . Thank you . Thank you very 12:00.508 --> 12:02.980 much , General . I want to jump on the 12:02.990 --> 12:05.157 comments you made about recruiting and 12:05.157 --> 12:07.157 particularly bringing people in mid 12:07.157 --> 12:09.101 career and having more flexibility 12:09.101 --> 12:11.268 about leaving and coming back . That's 12:11.268 --> 12:13.880 a , that's a creative idea . Flesh that 12:13.880 --> 12:16.102 out a bit . For me . It strikes me that 12:16.102 --> 12:18.269 that's really going to be necessary in 12:18.269 --> 12:20.380 today's environment , particularly in 12:20.380 --> 12:23.650 the technology field . Yes , sir . We 12:23.650 --> 12:25.483 currently don't have the ability 12:25.483 --> 12:27.650 because our reserves and the guard are 12:27.650 --> 12:29.761 in the air Force , they're in the Air 12:29.761 --> 12:31.706 Force Reserves in the Air National 12:31.706 --> 12:33.928 Guard . So we don't have an option to , 12:33.928 --> 12:36.039 if you leave full time active service 12:36.039 --> 12:38.039 from the Space Force , we lose your 12:38.039 --> 12:40.094 expertise . And so we're looking for 12:40.094 --> 12:42.150 anything that can allow us to retain 12:42.150 --> 12:42.130 those people who might have priorities 12:42.140 --> 12:44.251 that shift , but are still willing to 12:44.251 --> 12:46.418 contribute to the service . Do we need 12:46.418 --> 12:49.440 a Space National Guard ? So I need the 12:49.440 --> 12:51.607 capabilities that are currently in the 12:51.607 --> 12:53.718 Air National Guard . I can assure you 12:53.718 --> 12:55.829 of that . I think there's a couple of 12:55.829 --> 12:58.162 different ways to do it . Um There's we , 12:58.162 --> 12:59.996 we , we assessed three different 12:59.996 --> 13:02.218 options . We could leave things as they 13:02.218 --> 13:04.051 are , which I think is the worst 13:04.051 --> 13:05.940 solution because as General Brown 13:05.940 --> 13:07.884 points out as the Chief of the Air 13:07.884 --> 13:09.920 Force , he doesn't have organized 13:09.920 --> 13:12.031 trained and equipped responsibilities 13:12.031 --> 13:14.142 for space missions , yet he has those 13:14.142 --> 13:16.309 space capabilities in the Air National 13:16.309 --> 13:18.531 Guard . So it creates a little bit of a 13:18.531 --> 13:20.753 conundrum when I'm trying to figure out 13:20.753 --> 13:20.690 how to train forces that are aligned 13:20.690 --> 13:22.690 under the Air National Guard . So I 13:22.690 --> 13:24.523 think the status quo is the most 13:24.523 --> 13:26.468 untenable position , but there are 13:26.468 --> 13:28.690 other options and we're going through a 13:28.690 --> 13:30.857 series of cost estimates to figure out 13:30.857 --> 13:32.968 what a preferred option might be . Is 13:32.968 --> 13:35.079 one of them simply to sort of partner 13:35.079 --> 13:37.134 with the Air National Guard and have 13:37.134 --> 13:38.857 different units have different 13:38.857 --> 13:40.579 functions . Is that one of the 13:40.579 --> 13:42.579 possibilities rather than set up an 13:42.579 --> 13:44.690 entirely new a a space National Guard 13:44.690 --> 13:46.690 structure . Well , we are currently 13:46.690 --> 13:48.857 partnered with the current status , so 13:48.857 --> 13:51.079 we are currently partnered to make sure 13:51.079 --> 13:53.134 we can rely on the capabilities that 13:53.134 --> 13:55.357 are in the Air National Guard . It just 13:55.357 --> 13:57.579 creates a long term sustainment problem 13:57.579 --> 13:59.412 with the difference in organized 13:59.412 --> 13:58.980 trained equipped responsibilities 13:58.980 --> 14:00.980 between the Air Force and the Space 14:00.980 --> 14:03.036 force . Me back up a minute again on 14:03.036 --> 14:04.924 recruiting . How are you doing on 14:04.924 --> 14:07.147 recruiting both in terms of quality and 14:07.147 --> 14:09.258 quantity ? Some of your , some of our 14:09.258 --> 14:09.110 other services are having real problems 14:09.110 --> 14:11.332 with recruiting in this economy , house 14:11.332 --> 14:13.640 Space Force doing . Yeah , I'm almost 14:13.640 --> 14:15.862 embarrassed in front of my , appears to 14:15.862 --> 14:18.084 say it , but we're doing very well . Uh 14:18.084 --> 14:20.307 mostly associated with the fact that we 14:20.307 --> 14:22.362 have much smaller numbers to recruit 14:22.362 --> 14:24.584 and we have the ability to hand pick uh 14:24.584 --> 14:26.807 those that decide they want to join the 14:26.807 --> 14:29.029 space for us . So right now we're doing 14:29.029 --> 14:30.751 okay . The problem is gonna be 14:30.751 --> 14:32.973 sustainment over time in the quality of 14:32.973 --> 14:35.140 the applicants that we can pull in and 14:35.140 --> 14:37.307 then retaining them for long enough to 14:37.307 --> 14:39.473 really benefit from their experience . 14:39.473 --> 14:41.473 Um Turning to you mentioned several 14:41.473 --> 14:43.529 times in your testimony , commercial 14:43.529 --> 14:45.640 assets , commercial space assets . We 14:45.640 --> 14:48.090 know that Russia is trying to jam or 14:48.090 --> 14:50.201 otherwise damage the Starlink network 14:50.210 --> 14:54.040 which is assisting in Ukraine is 14:54.040 --> 14:57.460 that precedent making it more difficult 14:57.460 --> 14:59.870 to partner with commercial satellite 14:59.870 --> 15:01.700 users . One of the , one of the 15:01.710 --> 15:04.260 strategies is proliferation and using , 15:04.270 --> 15:07.910 using commercial satellites is that 15:07.920 --> 15:10.350 our what's been the reaction to what's 15:10.350 --> 15:12.628 been going on with Starlink in Ukraine ? 15:12.628 --> 15:15.150 So commercial augmentation is important 15:15.160 --> 15:17.216 to the Space force for the reasons . 15:17.216 --> 15:18.716 You mentioned resiliency , 15:18.716 --> 15:20.938 diversification of our portfolio across 15:20.938 --> 15:23.049 a broader number of participants . If 15:23.049 --> 15:25.510 you will um the 15:26.280 --> 15:28.890 commercial augmentation Space Reserve , 15:28.890 --> 15:31.150 we're trying to establish what is kind 15:31.150 --> 15:33.206 of like a craft like if you know the 15:33.206 --> 15:35.261 civilian reserve air fleet that uses 15:35.261 --> 15:37.428 commercial capabilities were trying to 15:37.428 --> 15:39.483 explore , we're exploring options to 15:39.483 --> 15:41.483 use something along those lines . I 15:41.483 --> 15:43.650 think the key with commercial industry 15:43.650 --> 15:45.761 is to make sure that the expectations 15:45.761 --> 15:47.817 are managed upfront . So we're going 15:47.817 --> 15:50.039 through a series of plans , we're going 15:50.039 --> 15:52.206 through a series of of industry days . 15:52.206 --> 15:52.180 If you will to clarify , what are the 15:52.180 --> 15:54.880 policy ? What are the contractual ? 15:54.880 --> 15:57.240 What are the legal responsibilities and 15:57.240 --> 15:59.407 hurdles that we have to clear in order 15:59.407 --> 16:01.629 to establish this ? So the expectations 16:01.629 --> 16:03.550 are clear across all spectrums of 16:03.550 --> 16:05.772 conflict crisis , etcetera . So this is 16:05.772 --> 16:09.605 an evolving Kind of uh capability . It 16:09.605 --> 16:11.675 is , but I will tell you that we had 16:11.675 --> 16:13.675 significant interest . We hosted an 16:13.675 --> 16:15.619 industry day along these lines and 16:15.619 --> 16:17.397 there were 84 participants from 16:17.397 --> 16:19.453 commercial industry so that there is 16:19.453 --> 16:21.564 interest in doing this . Now in my 45 16:21.564 --> 16:23.508 seconds left , I'm gonna ask you a 16:23.508 --> 16:25.508 question that I get asked at home . 16:25.508 --> 16:25.235 What's the difference between space 16:25.235 --> 16:28.215 force and space command ? I get asked 16:28.215 --> 16:29.993 that at home too sometimes so I 16:29.993 --> 16:32.160 appreciate it . It's as simple as any 16:32.160 --> 16:34.104 of the combatant commands with the 16:34.104 --> 16:36.216 other services . If you were to think 16:36.216 --> 16:38.382 about us , Central Command and the U S 16:38.382 --> 16:40.493 Air Force or Indo Pacific Command and 16:40.493 --> 16:42.382 the U S Navy uh for the U S Space 16:42.382 --> 16:44.604 Command and U S Space Force , we simply 16:44.604 --> 16:46.827 have different responsibilities . Um As 16:46.827 --> 16:48.827 the Chief of the Space Force , I've 16:48.827 --> 16:50.938 responsibility organize , train equip 16:50.938 --> 16:50.890 and operate the forces that are then 16:50.890 --> 16:53.820 presented to us . Space Command who has 16:53.820 --> 16:55.876 the authority from the president and 16:55.876 --> 16:57.820 the Secretary of Defense to direct 16:57.820 --> 17:00.020 those operations . So you're organized 17:00.020 --> 17:03.130 training , equip . Space Command is , 17:03.140 --> 17:05.820 is operate or fight . They have the 17:05.820 --> 17:08.042 authority from the president to conduct 17:08.042 --> 17:10.098 those missions and they would direct 17:10.098 --> 17:11.820 our forces that are , that are 17:11.820 --> 17:13.653 presented to them to conduct the 17:13.653 --> 17:15.709 operations . Thank you . Thank you , 17:15.709 --> 17:17.820 General Senator Fischer . Thank you , 17:17.820 --> 17:19.820 Mr Chairman General as we discussed 17:19.820 --> 17:21.920 last year , the next Gen O P I R 17:21.930 --> 17:24.152 satellite program . It's one of the key 17:24.152 --> 17:25.986 components of our future missile 17:25.986 --> 17:27.810 warning architecture along with 17:27.820 --> 17:30.510 proliferated constellations of smaller 17:30.510 --> 17:32.490 satellites operating in the lower 17:32.490 --> 17:34.950 orbits . Uh During your nomination 17:34.950 --> 17:37.180 hearing , you stated that having no 17:37.180 --> 17:39.280 gaps in coverage for missile warning 17:39.280 --> 17:42.040 was a high priority . Uh The missile 17:42.040 --> 17:45.450 warning mission is the cornerstone of 17:45.450 --> 17:47.760 our strategic deterrent . You know , if 17:47.760 --> 17:50.800 we can't effectively respond 17:51.380 --> 17:55.340 if we can't detect when our adversaries 17:55.340 --> 17:58.400 are launching nuclear weapons , um 17:58.410 --> 18:01.770 We're in trouble and so it is very 18:01.770 --> 18:05.320 important that we continued to fund 18:05.330 --> 18:08.140 uh this next Gen O P I R . 18:14.990 --> 18:17.320 I'm concerned to see that the space 18:17.320 --> 18:21.100 force's fiscal year 2024 bequest 18:21.110 --> 18:24.970 appears to propose cutting the third G 18:24.970 --> 18:28.660 O next Gen O P I R satellite . Does the 18:28.660 --> 18:30.820 space force intend to complete that 18:30.820 --> 18:32.987 architecture as planned ? And if not , 18:32.987 --> 18:35.264 how are you going to mitigate it ? Yes , 18:35.264 --> 18:38.180 ma'am . Yes , ma'am . Thank you . The 18:38.190 --> 18:40.600 real architecture that we need is the 18:40.600 --> 18:43.990 one that is under that . Yes , 18:44.540 --> 18:47.370 it is . Can you hear me ? So the the 18:47.370 --> 18:49.592 architecture that we really need is one 18:49.592 --> 18:51.926 that's survivable in a contested domain . 18:51.926 --> 18:53.703 That's the proliferated leo and 18:53.703 --> 18:55.926 multiple orbits to include middle earth 18:55.926 --> 18:58.540 orbit orbits as well . Um So that's 18:58.540 --> 19:00.760 what the Space Development Agency and 19:00.760 --> 19:02.593 the swag analysis that we did is 19:02.593 --> 19:04.649 progressing towards . And that's the 19:04.649 --> 19:06.649 investment we made in fy 24 to make 19:06.649 --> 19:09.220 that pivot because that's a pretty big 19:09.220 --> 19:11.220 technical shift . We wanted to make 19:11.220 --> 19:13.331 sure that we for this no fail mission 19:13.331 --> 19:15.387 had some hedges to make sure that we 19:15.387 --> 19:17.664 didn't miss anything . So next gen Opr , 19:17.664 --> 19:19.664 we are committed to putting that on 19:19.664 --> 19:21.870 orbit . Uh And we felt like a two by 19:21.870 --> 19:24.870 two was sufficient to ensure one that 19:24.870 --> 19:26.870 the mission did not have any gaps . 19:26.870 --> 19:29.092 It's a no fail mission to that . It was 19:29.092 --> 19:31.037 a hedge against any technical risk 19:31.037 --> 19:33.400 associated with the pivot to the more 19:33.400 --> 19:35.344 survivable missile warning missile 19:35.344 --> 19:37.567 track architecture . You're saying that 19:37.567 --> 19:40.620 um with this pivot to the to lower 19:40.620 --> 19:44.160 orbits . Uh You have no plans then to 19:44.160 --> 19:47.650 look at the GEO . Now we , we have the 19:47.650 --> 19:50.900 plans with next Gen O P I R for two G O 19:50.900 --> 19:53.122 and two he oh that constellation we are 19:53.122 --> 19:55.178 still supporting in the fy 24 budget 19:55.178 --> 19:57.240 has those four satellites in it . 19:57.250 --> 19:59.380 That's the , that's the long term 19:59.390 --> 20:02.380 transition to the proliferated missile 20:02.380 --> 20:04.850 warning . But GEO satellites are too 20:04.850 --> 20:07.090 much of a target . So having them in 20:07.090 --> 20:09.312 lower than Middle Earth orbit creates a 20:09.312 --> 20:11.257 targeting problem for an adversary 20:11.257 --> 20:13.479 which actually lowers the threshold for 20:13.479 --> 20:15.730 attack on orbit . It's more resilient 20:15.730 --> 20:17.786 and it creates a level of deterrence 20:17.786 --> 20:19.452 because they can't attack the 20:19.452 --> 20:23.270 satellites . It seems like on the 20:23.280 --> 20:25.730 major acquisition programs that are 20:25.730 --> 20:29.650 executed by Space force have been late . 20:29.660 --> 20:33.130 Um They have cost overruns or 20:33.130 --> 20:35.530 both . Uh does the Space Force 20:35.530 --> 20:39.440 acquisition community , I guess I 20:39.440 --> 20:41.551 would say to you , how do you plan to 20:41.551 --> 20:43.850 address that ? And do you agree with my 20:43.850 --> 20:47.150 assessment ? Well , I've been doing in 20:47.150 --> 20:49.261 this business a long time and so I've 20:49.261 --> 20:51.261 certainly seen the same things that 20:51.261 --> 20:53.428 you're noting there . So I can't argue 20:53.428 --> 20:55.539 with the facts about cost overrunning 20:55.539 --> 20:57.539 schedules . What I will say is I've 20:57.539 --> 20:59.706 been very impressed with the way Frank 20:59.706 --> 21:01.817 Calve Ellie has reorganized how we're 21:01.817 --> 21:03.817 doing space acquisition uh with his 21:03.817 --> 21:05.872 appointment as the undersecretary of 21:05.872 --> 21:07.817 the Assistant Secretary of the Air 21:07.817 --> 21:10.150 Force for space acquisition integration . 21:10.150 --> 21:12.039 He's focused on several different 21:12.039 --> 21:15.170 things . Buying small satellites having 21:15.180 --> 21:18.310 shorter term contracts going with uh 21:18.320 --> 21:20.620 well developed technology so that we 21:20.620 --> 21:22.453 don't have as many non recurring 21:22.453 --> 21:25.220 engineering costs . Uh And when you say 21:25.230 --> 21:27.341 I'm sorry to interrupt you , but when 21:27.341 --> 21:30.140 you say well developed technology , um 21:30.150 --> 21:32.500 is that you want to make sure things 21:32.500 --> 21:34.780 are proven . Would you say your risk 21:34.780 --> 21:37.730 adverse ? Then I would say we want to 21:37.730 --> 21:39.841 make sure before we commit to putting 21:39.841 --> 21:41.952 something on orbit . If there is well 21:41.952 --> 21:43.841 developed technology , we want to 21:43.841 --> 21:45.619 leverage it to the max extent . 21:45.619 --> 21:47.786 Otherwise you have to build everything 21:47.786 --> 21:47.780 from scratch and it delays things and 21:47.780 --> 21:49.947 there's there's requirement shifts and 21:49.947 --> 21:51.947 it can get in that spiral where you 21:51.947 --> 21:53.669 spend more money and delay the 21:53.669 --> 21:55.613 timelines . So where there is well 21:55.613 --> 21:55.610 developed technologies , we should take 21:55.610 --> 21:57.610 advantage of those . And I think in 21:57.610 --> 21:59.721 satellite production , that's exactly 21:59.721 --> 22:02.850 where Mr Cavalese head is on that . And 22:02.850 --> 22:05.320 so while again , I can't speak to all 22:05.320 --> 22:07.960 the programs that have existed since 22:07.960 --> 22:10.238 we've been putting satellites on orbit . 22:10.238 --> 22:12.127 I can certainly tell you that the 22:12.127 --> 22:14.293 acquisition community has shifted to a 22:14.293 --> 22:16.404 different mindset for how it acquires 22:16.404 --> 22:18.182 systems . And I think the space 22:18.182 --> 22:20.016 development agencies acquisition 22:20.016 --> 22:21.960 strategy for the missile warning , 22:21.960 --> 22:23.738 missile tracking and space data 22:23.738 --> 22:25.738 transport layer is an example where 22:25.738 --> 22:27.738 it's going in about four years from 22:27.738 --> 22:29.960 order to orbit , which is substantially 22:29.960 --> 22:31.738 better than we've seen in other 22:31.738 --> 22:35.690 programs . Now , I'd like to call 22:35.690 --> 22:38.060 on our only subcommittee member who's 22:38.060 --> 22:41.810 been in space . Senator Kelly , thank 22:41.810 --> 22:45.150 you , Mr Chairman . Um I had a couple 22:45.160 --> 22:46.938 detailed questions and then the 22:46.938 --> 22:49.049 chairman asked both both of them . So 22:49.049 --> 22:51.450 I'm gonna go a little bit different , 22:52.820 --> 22:55.890 different approach here . So um 22:56.680 --> 22:59.430 to the ranking members question , you 22:59.440 --> 23:03.010 um talked about that . 23:03.020 --> 23:05.570 Uh There's a little bit of a deterrent 23:05.570 --> 23:08.260 by putting something at a lower orbit . 23:08.270 --> 23:11.840 I think you said , why is , why is that , 23:11.850 --> 23:15.400 why is , is it more likely 23:16.020 --> 23:19.050 that an adversary goes , goes after 23:19.050 --> 23:21.640 something at GEO than it is if they are 23:21.640 --> 23:24.200 at a floor orbit , 23:25.920 --> 23:27.753 if this sounds at all , like I'm 23:27.753 --> 23:29.920 lecturing an astronaut , I promise I'm 23:29.920 --> 23:32.170 not . So the , it's more than just the 23:32.170 --> 23:34.710 orbital regime in low earth orbit to 23:34.710 --> 23:36.932 provide the coverage , you have to have 23:36.932 --> 23:39.410 a vastly greater number of satellites , 23:39.420 --> 23:42.090 dozens instead of from GEO , you can 23:42.090 --> 23:44.257 have a single orbit that would look at 23:44.257 --> 23:46.450 a third of the earth . So by going to 23:46.450 --> 23:48.394 the low earth orbit , we're buying 23:48.394 --> 23:50.520 smaller satellites and more of more 23:50.520 --> 23:52.840 satellites creates a tart , which one 23:52.840 --> 23:54.784 do you want to shoot down that you 23:54.784 --> 23:56.840 think is going to be the problem for 23:56.840 --> 23:58.562 the mission . It's just , it's 23:58.562 --> 24:00.673 proliferated . Leo so more they gotta 24:00.673 --> 24:02.951 shoot , shoot more rounds , a lot more , 24:02.951 --> 24:05.118 take out the capability . So much more 24:05.118 --> 24:07.229 that I think the escalatory threshold 24:07.229 --> 24:09.118 is raised to the point where they 24:09.118 --> 24:08.580 probably wouldn't , wouldn't do it . 24:08.680 --> 24:11.550 Okay . Okay . That's helpful general 24:12.970 --> 24:16.490 of the N Roo Air Force Space Force 24:16.490 --> 24:20.320 satellites . Um that we put into orbit . 24:20.330 --> 24:23.870 Um What percentage of those is space 24:23.870 --> 24:27.280 force responsible for the , you know , 24:27.280 --> 24:29.430 the contracting , the the management 24:29.430 --> 24:32.490 management of the , you know , the 24:32.490 --> 24:34.630 operations to get these two , they're 24:34.630 --> 24:38.190 targeted orbit compared to the N R 24:38.190 --> 24:40.500 O . Well , yeah , like what percentage 24:40.500 --> 24:43.950 do you have , sir ? I let me get back 24:43.950 --> 24:46.930 to you with but the N R O N R O has a 24:46.930 --> 24:48.763 number of constellations for its 24:48.763 --> 24:51.050 mission set . We have , I'm trying to 24:51.050 --> 24:53.272 think if there's any examples , we have 24:53.272 --> 24:55.217 the vast majority of Department of 24:55.217 --> 24:57.272 Defense satellites have now migrated 24:57.272 --> 24:59.050 those missions . Not all of the 24:59.050 --> 24:58.750 Department of Defense Defense 24:58.750 --> 25:00.861 Satellites . I always hesitate to say 25:00.861 --> 25:04.310 all . But um but I'm struggling to 25:04.310 --> 25:07.060 think of an example and , and how many 25:07.070 --> 25:10.270 launch providers do you have that you 25:10.270 --> 25:12.550 contract with currently to get those 25:12.550 --> 25:15.610 satellites into orbit to ? And those 25:15.610 --> 25:19.610 are uh U L A and SpaceX and 25:19.620 --> 25:21.731 actually for demos and other things , 25:21.731 --> 25:24.940 we've contracted other uh providers as 25:24.940 --> 25:26.996 well . I can get you the full number 25:26.996 --> 25:30.700 and , and uh to date while you've been 25:30.710 --> 25:32.877 involved with this . So we're seeing , 25:32.877 --> 25:34.821 you know , typical kind of success 25:34.821 --> 25:36.766 rates and safety records from both 25:36.766 --> 25:39.840 companies and no 25:39.840 --> 25:43.490 identifiable , you know , problems um 25:44.470 --> 25:48.370 with that you , that you feel puts our 25:48.380 --> 25:52.360 satellites at risk . I mean , it's been 25:52.360 --> 25:55.420 a while since we've had an accident . I 25:55.420 --> 25:57.587 mean , I saw one a long time ago and N 25:57.587 --> 25:59.809 R O satellite actually that happened to 25:59.809 --> 26:01.920 be down at the Kennedy Space Center . 26:01.920 --> 26:01.790 Watch this thing blow up right after 26:01.790 --> 26:04.360 liftoff was on console that happened in 26:04.360 --> 26:06.304 California just walked out of crew 26:06.304 --> 26:08.200 quarters . Saw this wasn't even 26:08.200 --> 26:10.311 expecting it , saw this rocket launch 26:10.311 --> 26:12.820 and then explode about 15 seconds later . 26:13.210 --> 26:15.377 You never want to see . Yeah . So it's 26:15.377 --> 26:17.543 great that we've , we've gotten better 26:17.543 --> 26:20.220 at this and , you know , SpaceX has a , 26:21.440 --> 26:23.718 I'd say a pretty remarkable , you know , 26:23.718 --> 26:26.190 record of success . Um You L A as well , 26:26.200 --> 26:28.200 we just need to keep that going . I 26:28.200 --> 26:31.780 think it's important to be , um , you 26:31.780 --> 26:33.891 know , just constantly trying to look 26:33.891 --> 26:36.002 ahead and seeing what that next , you 26:36.002 --> 26:38.058 know , failure mode is and make sure 26:38.058 --> 26:40.169 you have the workforce that is really 26:40.169 --> 26:42.280 tracking this stuff closely because , 26:42.280 --> 26:44.447 you know , some of these assets are in 26:44.447 --> 26:46.558 the billions , billions of dollars as 26:46.558 --> 26:49.320 you know , general . So , um I've got 26:49.320 --> 26:51.542 another question . Um well , actually I 26:51.542 --> 26:53.709 do have about 50 seconds . So let me , 26:53.709 --> 26:55.876 so space force has been around now for 26:55.876 --> 26:59.800 a couple of years . Um I think maybe 26:59.800 --> 27:01.800 three years that right , over three 27:01.800 --> 27:03.960 years and some of the guardians 27:03.960 --> 27:06.080 incurred about a two year commitment 27:06.090 --> 27:08.140 when they transferred from the Air 27:08.140 --> 27:11.620 Force or from another service . They're 27:11.620 --> 27:14.310 coming up on the end of that time . Are 27:14.310 --> 27:16.390 you seeing a good , you know , 27:16.400 --> 27:18.960 reenlistment rate for the enlisted 27:18.960 --> 27:21.016 ranks and officers that are going to 27:21.016 --> 27:23.290 stay on ? I think the day the , the 27:23.290 --> 27:25.457 final assessment is still out a little 27:25.457 --> 27:27.623 bit because we wanna see , I wanna see 27:27.623 --> 27:29.846 it all play out the full cycle play out 27:29.846 --> 27:29.480 before I really commit to this . But 27:29.490 --> 27:31.790 I'm encouraged so far and I think we're 27:31.790 --> 27:33.901 providing the kind of challenges that 27:33.901 --> 27:36.012 the workforce is looking for . And so 27:36.012 --> 27:38.123 I'm still hopeful that we're gonna be 27:38.123 --> 27:40.068 at good retention numbers , but we 27:40.068 --> 27:42.179 probably need to let this full summer 27:42.179 --> 27:44.401 cycle play out before we judge . Okay . 27:44.401 --> 27:46.401 Thank you . Thank you , Mr Chairman 27:46.401 --> 27:48.410 Senator Tuberville . Thank you , Mr 27:48.410 --> 27:50.770 Chairman . Um You know , you've been in , 27:50.780 --> 27:53.250 you've been in your position now . What ? 27:53.260 --> 27:55.149 Less than a year , correct ? Four 27:55.149 --> 27:58.140 months , four months , Give us your 27:58.140 --> 28:01.830 number one priority for space force . I 28:01.830 --> 28:03.886 need to make sure that the Guardians 28:03.886 --> 28:05.886 are ready to meet the threat . I've 28:05.886 --> 28:07.941 said this from day one , the systems 28:07.941 --> 28:10.163 that were buying our exquisite . I want 28:10.163 --> 28:12.219 to make sure that the guardians have 28:12.219 --> 28:13.997 the training and the ability to 28:13.997 --> 28:16.108 practice their trade , craft reps and 28:16.108 --> 28:18.108 sets . I call it , we've got to get 28:18.108 --> 28:20.274 those into the guardian's so that they 28:20.274 --> 28:22.274 validate their tactics and they are 28:22.274 --> 28:24.052 trained to meet any adversarial 28:24.052 --> 28:26.108 challenge that's thrown at them . So 28:26.108 --> 28:28.219 it's more training and people than it 28:28.219 --> 28:29.941 is anything . There's a lot of 28:29.941 --> 28:32.163 challenges . That's what I'm focused on 28:32.163 --> 28:31.920 right now because I think it was the 28:31.920 --> 28:34.800 biggest gap from converting . I like to 28:34.800 --> 28:36.856 use the example that we're trying to 28:36.856 --> 28:38.856 turn a merchant marine into the U S 28:38.856 --> 28:41.450 Navy right , we , we have to convert 28:41.460 --> 28:43.571 this uh space force that we had for a 28:43.571 --> 28:45.516 benign environment into one that's 28:45.516 --> 28:47.682 contesting the domain . Is this a slow 28:47.682 --> 28:50.730 process ? Uh Sometimes it's slower than 28:50.730 --> 28:53.320 I'd like , but I like our progress . Uh 28:53.330 --> 28:55.497 So I need to buy them the simulators , 28:55.497 --> 28:57.663 the virtual ranges that takes a little 28:57.663 --> 28:59.441 bit of time . But we're already 28:59.441 --> 29:01.552 building a new force generation model 29:01.552 --> 29:03.663 so that we've , we've established the 29:03.663 --> 29:05.441 time to do the training , we've 29:05.441 --> 29:05.390 established the new training 29:05.390 --> 29:07.446 requirements and now we just have to 29:07.446 --> 29:11.100 get after it . So space com has an RDT 29:11.100 --> 29:14.640 and e budget of 19.2 billion And a 29:14.640 --> 29:17.260 proposed procurement budget of only 4.7 29:17.260 --> 29:18.927 billion . What's driving that 29:18.927 --> 29:21.280 difference ? And uh you see that change 29:21.280 --> 29:23.391 in the next few years , sir , this is 29:23.391 --> 29:25.730 just , this is the way the space force 29:25.740 --> 29:27.907 has to do its business because so much 29:27.907 --> 29:30.360 of our effort is spent in developing 29:30.580 --> 29:32.636 the satellites . And we don't have a 29:32.636 --> 29:34.802 lot of , we don't have to put a lot of 29:34.802 --> 29:36.969 satellites on orbit traditionally . So 29:36.969 --> 29:39.136 there's less procurement than there is 29:39.136 --> 29:41.302 R D T and E . And so I think it's just 29:41.302 --> 29:43.413 the nature of the space business that 29:43.413 --> 29:45.524 we are front loaded a little bit in , 29:45.524 --> 29:47.691 in terms of procurement to R D T and E 29:47.691 --> 29:49.858 balance relative to what you might see 29:49.858 --> 29:51.969 in some of the other services that by 29:51.969 --> 29:53.969 so many versions of that thing that 29:53.969 --> 29:55.969 they do R D T and E for fighters or 29:55.969 --> 29:58.191 tanks or the like . And so even when we 29:58.191 --> 30:00.247 go to a proliferated constellation , 30:00.247 --> 30:02.247 our numbers will be so much smaller 30:02.247 --> 30:04.247 than , than what the other services 30:04.247 --> 30:06.247 have to buy . Yeah , in your mind , 30:06.247 --> 30:08.413 what cybersecurity standards , minimum 30:08.413 --> 30:10.524 do you think new commercial satellite 30:10.524 --> 30:12.830 should have ? Uh I'm worried about the 30:12.830 --> 30:15.930 ground infrastructure uh and how and 30:15.930 --> 30:17.930 how the links are protected to make 30:17.930 --> 30:19.819 sure that we have access to those 30:19.819 --> 30:22.041 capabilities that are put on orbit . So 30:22.041 --> 30:24.263 in , in commercial terms , I'm a little 30:24.263 --> 30:26.374 less worried about the on orbit cyber 30:26.374 --> 30:28.430 protections as , as much as I am the 30:28.430 --> 30:30.374 ground network . And I think those 30:30.374 --> 30:32.374 cyber protection standards are well 30:32.374 --> 30:34.097 understood and we can hold the 30:34.097 --> 30:36.152 commercial providers accountable for 30:36.152 --> 30:39.170 putting cyber uh defense capabilities 30:39.180 --> 30:42.380 onto the ground networks . I've had 30:42.380 --> 30:46.190 several private companies 30:46.190 --> 30:48.246 come by my office saying they have a 30:48.246 --> 30:50.730 great idea how to take space debris 30:51.840 --> 30:55.090 down . Have you talked to quite a few 30:55.090 --> 30:58.430 of those ? I have , what do you 30:58.430 --> 31:01.760 think ? I think ? Well , we privatize 31:01.760 --> 31:05.130 it in the , at the end of the day . I 31:05.130 --> 31:07.241 think there's a lot of different ways 31:07.241 --> 31:09.297 to go after that sort of problem . I 31:09.297 --> 31:10.908 haven't seen uh demonstrated 31:10.908 --> 31:13.130 capabilities and I'm always thinking in 31:13.130 --> 31:15.352 terms of , you know , it's one thing to 31:15.352 --> 31:17.186 have a pitch that says we can do 31:17.186 --> 31:19.130 something that's another to have a 31:19.130 --> 31:21.186 demonstrated capability . Um I'll be 31:21.186 --> 31:23.241 honest , we do a lot of , of serious 31:23.241 --> 31:25.463 effort making sure we understand what's 31:25.463 --> 31:27.463 on orbit and preventing debris from 31:27.463 --> 31:29.630 hitting each other or , or things that 31:29.630 --> 31:31.741 we care about right now . I would say 31:31.741 --> 31:33.797 this isn't my number one challenge . 31:33.797 --> 31:35.797 But if somebody feels like they can 31:35.797 --> 31:37.963 demonstrate a capability , cleaning up 31:37.963 --> 31:40.130 debris is , is an important concept as 31:40.130 --> 31:42.352 well . It's gonna get worse and worse . 31:42.352 --> 31:44.574 Right . It's not gonna , it's not gonna 31:44.574 --> 31:46.610 clean itself up . A lot of people 31:46.610 --> 31:48.777 believe that conflict with China could 31:48.777 --> 31:50.888 very well start in space . What might 31:50.888 --> 31:54.830 that look like ? One day the , 31:54.840 --> 31:56.840 the Chinese and the Russians have , 31:56.840 --> 31:59.062 have gone to school on us over the last 31:59.062 --> 32:01.284 20 years and they know that we've built 32:01.284 --> 32:03.284 a joint force structure that relies 32:03.284 --> 32:05.340 heavily on the assumption that space 32:05.340 --> 32:07.396 capabilities will be there . Whether 32:07.396 --> 32:09.673 it's a precision navigation and timing , 32:09.673 --> 32:11.896 whether it's satellite communications , 32:11.896 --> 32:14.007 the missile warning that we , we rely 32:14.007 --> 32:16.173 on and the intelligence , surveillance 32:16.173 --> 32:18.284 and reconnaissance , persistence that 32:18.284 --> 32:20.451 we have with space capabilities , they 32:20.451 --> 32:22.562 know we rely on that . And so if they 32:22.562 --> 32:24.618 can blind us , if they can interfere 32:24.618 --> 32:26.840 with those capabilities or God forbid , 32:26.840 --> 32:28.840 destroy them completely , they know 32:28.840 --> 32:31.007 that that will diminish our advantages 32:31.007 --> 32:33.229 and , and put the joint force at risk . 32:33.229 --> 32:35.396 Uh So I can see , interfering with , I 32:35.396 --> 32:37.700 can see blinding , I can see some of 32:37.700 --> 32:40.450 those gray area kinds of attacks on our 32:40.450 --> 32:42.506 capabilities to try to put us behind 32:42.506 --> 32:45.020 the eight ball . That balloon wasn't in 32:45.020 --> 32:47.530 your purview , was it ? No , sir . 32:47.810 --> 32:50.500 60,000 ft when they call it near space , 32:50.500 --> 32:52.278 but I like to call it far air . 32:57.470 --> 33:00.480 Thank you , Senator Rosen . 33:01.930 --> 33:04.260 Well , thank you , Chairman King and 33:04.270 --> 33:06.980 ranking member Fisher . Uh Good to be 33:06.980 --> 33:09.370 here today and holding this hearing and 33:09.370 --> 33:11.620 General Saltzman . Thank you so much 33:11.630 --> 33:14.130 for everything you're doing and I know 33:14.130 --> 33:16.470 everyone's been talking about workforce 33:16.470 --> 33:18.192 is key . We need a pipeline of 33:18.192 --> 33:20.350 qualified individuals . Um going 33:20.350 --> 33:22.350 forward , you're just young , three 33:22.350 --> 33:24.610 years old trying to get this workforce 33:24.610 --> 33:26.832 and especially like you said , research 33:26.832 --> 33:30.620 and development critical um to protect 33:30.620 --> 33:32.731 our country and our families from the 33:32.731 --> 33:34.731 threat we feel from space . So stem 33:34.731 --> 33:36.953 education , I talk about an awful lot , 33:36.953 --> 33:39.120 but I really believe that investing in 33:39.120 --> 33:41.120 stem education is just essential to 33:41.120 --> 33:43.120 matching our adversaries increasing 33:43.120 --> 33:45.342 capabilities as you have alluded to and 33:45.342 --> 33:47.564 also to addressing all of our tech work 33:47.564 --> 33:49.787 force shortages . So General Saltzman , 33:49.787 --> 33:51.787 during your confirmation hearing in 33:51.787 --> 33:53.953 September , you highlighted that space 33:53.953 --> 33:55.898 force has established a university 33:55.898 --> 33:57.898 partnership program partnering with 33:57.898 --> 33:59.842 universities across the country to 33:59.842 --> 34:01.842 provide stem students with research 34:01.842 --> 34:03.898 opportunities and increased guardian 34:03.898 --> 34:06.750 retention . And so how is space force 34:06.750 --> 34:08.750 growth and retention benefited from 34:08.750 --> 34:10.806 this program ? I'm really excited to 34:10.806 --> 34:13.139 hear about that . And what can Congress ? 34:13.139 --> 34:15.250 What can we do better to support this 34:15.250 --> 34:17.361 program specifically ? And maybe some 34:17.361 --> 34:19.306 national security folks focus stem 34:19.306 --> 34:21.194 education initiatives at American 34:21.194 --> 34:25.130 Universities uh Generally . Thank you 34:25.130 --> 34:27.297 for that because any opportunity I get 34:27.297 --> 34:29.408 to talk about how great our guardians 34:29.408 --> 34:31.630 are I'll take full advantage of it . Um 34:31.630 --> 34:33.797 you would be really impressed with the 34:33.797 --> 34:35.963 quality of the people that are joining 34:35.963 --> 34:38.186 the space force . Um the average age of 34:38.186 --> 34:40.450 our enlists are enlisted , uh members 34:40.460 --> 34:43.330 is 22 . That's a relatively high number 34:43.330 --> 34:45.441 relative , you know , considering the 34:45.441 --> 34:47.663 other services , uh we have an educated 34:47.663 --> 34:49.910 workforce , very educated . Uh We , we 34:49.910 --> 34:51.910 have the luxury of hand picking the 34:51.910 --> 34:54.132 best and brightest of a large applicant 34:54.132 --> 34:56.243 applicant pool that wants to join the 34:56.243 --> 34:58.132 Space Force . And so we're really 34:58.132 --> 35:00.188 benefiting one from the fact that we 35:00.188 --> 35:02.299 are kind of small and we can take the 35:02.299 --> 35:04.243 cream of the crop if you will . Uh 35:04.243 --> 35:06.243 we're looking for diversity , we're 35:06.243 --> 35:08.466 looking for high quality stem education 35:08.466 --> 35:10.688 and , and going to the areas that maybe 35:10.688 --> 35:12.910 you don't have a chance to uh to get to 35:12.910 --> 35:15.420 uh in some of the other services . Uh 35:15.430 --> 35:17.500 remarkable set of opportunities that 35:17.500 --> 35:19.500 we've taken full advantage of every 35:19.500 --> 35:21.611 time I go out in the field , I'm just 35:21.611 --> 35:23.333 impressed with the quality and 35:23.333 --> 35:25.389 capabilities of the guardians that I 35:25.389 --> 35:27.333 see doing the job . We should help 35:27.333 --> 35:29.444 expand these programs to make , it'll 35:29.444 --> 35:31.611 make your job a little better . Well , 35:31.611 --> 35:33.611 as long as you expand the number of 35:33.611 --> 35:35.944 people that helped me select , you know , 35:35.944 --> 35:39.300 so I think there were 42,000 hits of 35:39.310 --> 35:41.421 interest to join the space for us and 35:41.421 --> 35:43.710 we have about 1000 slots . So calling 35:43.710 --> 35:45.932 that down to who's eligible , who can , 35:45.932 --> 35:48.154 who can meet the requirements and , you 35:48.154 --> 35:50.210 know , there's a lot of effort there 35:50.210 --> 35:52.266 too . So I'm real happy with the way 35:52.266 --> 35:54.488 the recruiting team has done . I'm real 35:54.488 --> 35:54.390 happy with the standards that we've 35:54.390 --> 35:56.223 said , I'm really happy with the 35:56.223 --> 35:58.390 quality of Guardians were getting in . 35:58.390 --> 36:00.557 That's great because , um , as Senator 36:00.557 --> 36:02.668 Tuberville talked about cyber attacks 36:02.668 --> 36:04.779 in space and so we're fighting Domain 36:04.779 --> 36:08.130 and , and , uh , cyber is really 36:08.140 --> 36:11.320 probably , uh more effective there or 36:11.320 --> 36:13.209 as effective there as it would be 36:13.209 --> 36:16.020 anywhere else . And uh last week , we 36:16.020 --> 36:18.290 discussed with General Dickinson during 36:18.290 --> 36:20.400 Space Command's posture hearing that 36:20.410 --> 36:22.740 both Russia and China are developing , 36:22.740 --> 36:24.820 rapidly investing in developing and 36:24.820 --> 36:27.870 fielding these technologies that will 36:27.880 --> 36:30.430 provide timely and uh that will 36:30.430 --> 36:32.780 threaten us . And so we need to be sure 36:32.780 --> 36:34.780 that we're stopping that . So these 36:34.780 --> 36:36.891 sophisticated cyber attacks are going 36:36.891 --> 36:39.169 to include the threat of stealing data , 36:39.169 --> 36:41.169 jamming satellite signals , hacking 36:41.169 --> 36:43.002 satellites , disrupting internet 36:43.002 --> 36:45.002 services . I know the proliferation 36:45.002 --> 36:47.169 concept is really good because there's 36:47.169 --> 36:49.113 just so many it makes it not worth 36:49.113 --> 36:51.058 their while . Uh so that resilient 36:51.058 --> 36:53.113 space architecture , particularly in 36:53.113 --> 36:55.169 low earth orbit as you've alluded to 36:55.169 --> 36:57.224 really important . And so what other 36:57.224 --> 36:59.224 kinds of things besides um what you 36:59.224 --> 37:01.391 mentioned to Senator Kelly and Senator 37:01.391 --> 37:03.580 Tub Tub er Ville , um how are you 37:03.580 --> 37:05.747 keeping our most advanced space assets 37:05.747 --> 37:07.969 safe from cyber attacks by Russia China 37:07.969 --> 37:09.747 and others and increasing their 37:09.747 --> 37:11.691 resiliency ? I like I like to talk 37:11.691 --> 37:13.802 about two particular areas that we're 37:13.802 --> 37:15.524 doing first is I want to avoid 37:15.524 --> 37:17.691 operational surprise . That's , that's 37:17.691 --> 37:20.480 a tenant in my maybe theory of success 37:20.480 --> 37:22.369 if you will for the space force's 37:22.369 --> 37:25.010 primary missions and by um avoiding 37:25.010 --> 37:27.232 operational surprise , what I mean is , 37:27.232 --> 37:29.399 do we have all the sensors and all the 37:29.399 --> 37:31.510 right places to see what's going on ? 37:31.510 --> 37:34.060 And that's cyber and space ? Um Do we , 37:34.060 --> 37:36.380 do we recognize hostile activities , 37:36.380 --> 37:38.491 aggressive activities , irresponsible 37:38.491 --> 37:40.547 activities , the minute they occur , 37:40.547 --> 37:42.880 can we attribute them to the bad actors ? 37:42.880 --> 37:44.658 That's the kind of avoidance of 37:44.658 --> 37:46.769 operational surprise that I'm talking 37:46.769 --> 37:48.936 about . And then secondly , we have to 37:48.936 --> 37:51.269 establish norms of responsible behavior . 37:51.269 --> 37:51.160 What are the norms of behavior that are 37:51.160 --> 37:54.060 acceptable ? Uh And , and developing a 37:54.060 --> 37:56.300 coalition of like minded space nations 37:56.300 --> 37:58.850 that supports those norms of behavior 37:58.850 --> 38:01.072 is a powerful motivator to do the right 38:01.072 --> 38:02.961 things and call out irresponsible 38:02.961 --> 38:05.420 behavior . All of that I think protects 38:05.420 --> 38:08.010 our capable . That's great . I know my 38:08.010 --> 38:10.190 time's up but my next question was on 38:10.190 --> 38:12.412 international partnerships and how this 38:12.412 --> 38:14.523 potential rates that will take it off 38:14.523 --> 38:16.246 the record , this hunt forward 38:16.246 --> 38:18.023 operations to avoid operational 38:18.023 --> 38:20.134 surprise with our allies and partners 38:20.134 --> 38:22.190 around the globe . Uh We will submit 38:22.190 --> 38:24.134 that for the record , but you were 38:24.134 --> 38:26.246 leading me right there . So thank you 38:26.246 --> 38:28.400 very much . I yield back general . 38:28.400 --> 38:30.622 There's one member of this subcommittee 38:30.622 --> 38:32.733 who probably had more than more to do 38:32.733 --> 38:35.620 with the founding of the Space Force 38:35.630 --> 38:38.410 vote early and vocal supporter and that 38:38.410 --> 38:41.210 Senator Cramer Senator Cramer . Thank 38:41.210 --> 38:44.030 you , Mr Chairman , ranking member and 38:44.040 --> 38:46.490 general . Good to see you again . Um I 38:46.490 --> 38:49.230 don't think you were lecturing , uh , 38:49.240 --> 38:51.462 Senator Kelly at all . He asked you the 38:51.462 --> 38:53.351 easiest question he could and you 38:53.351 --> 38:55.351 answered it brilliantly and I think 38:55.351 --> 38:58.340 that the issue of redundancy as a tool , 38:58.340 --> 39:00.507 that sort of answers , Senator Rosen's 39:00.507 --> 39:02.507 question in terms of how you secure 39:02.507 --> 39:04.840 them as well as how well they work as a , 39:04.840 --> 39:07.062 as a kill web if you will versus a kill 39:07.062 --> 39:09.396 chain . So , um I didn't think you were , 39:09.396 --> 39:11.618 I thought it was , it was brilliant . I 39:11.618 --> 39:13.729 also think you're too humble . You're 39:13.729 --> 39:15.673 you brag about the guardians , but 39:15.673 --> 39:17.784 let's face it . You're , you're , you 39:17.784 --> 39:19.840 seem to be the employer of choice in 39:19.840 --> 39:19.680 the service . You , you have that 39:19.680 --> 39:21.847 luxury and it's because I think of the 39:21.847 --> 39:23.958 mission , I think because it's , it's 39:23.958 --> 39:26.124 an important mission that particularly 39:26.124 --> 39:28.230 younger people realize and , and 39:28.230 --> 39:30.460 they're attracted to it and it gets to 39:30.460 --> 39:32.682 stretch them . And so my hope Jackie is 39:32.682 --> 39:34.738 that the Air Force , the , the space 39:34.738 --> 39:36.238 force is so cool . It just 39:36.238 --> 39:38.016 automatically creates more stem 39:38.016 --> 39:40.016 students because they all want to , 39:40.016 --> 39:42.071 they all want to be part of the next 39:42.071 --> 39:44.238 big thing . Um I want to get into some 39:44.238 --> 39:46.460 issue , you know , Senator Fisher asked 39:46.460 --> 39:49.080 you about um the gap issue with , with 39:49.080 --> 39:51.302 regard to eyes in the sky and whatnot . 39:51.302 --> 39:53.413 We , we did see a little bit of a gap 39:53.413 --> 39:55.469 in , in defense when we learned that 39:55.469 --> 39:57.524 our radars couldn't see everything , 39:57.524 --> 39:59.469 they could only see what they were 39:59.469 --> 40:01.413 tuned to c and so in terms of like 40:01.413 --> 40:03.469 parks radar as an example and we see 40:03.469 --> 40:05.524 some money coming for , for that , I 40:05.524 --> 40:07.524 would presume that means it will be 40:07.524 --> 40:09.636 upgraded , it'll be modernized as you 40:09.636 --> 40:11.747 know , it's a high priority for , for 40:11.747 --> 40:13.691 me , since we have one that's that 40:13.691 --> 40:15.636 you're the landlord of up in North 40:15.636 --> 40:17.747 Dakota , maybe , maybe speak a little 40:17.747 --> 40:19.969 bit too to the role of the park's radar 40:19.969 --> 40:22.024 and modernization and , and how that 40:22.024 --> 40:24.247 will help you and the other , the joint 40:24.247 --> 40:26.302 force in terms of particularly early 40:26.302 --> 40:28.524 warning . Well , it's a two part answer 40:28.524 --> 40:31.020 because , you know , um I don't wanna 40:31.020 --> 40:34.230 be too distracted by the balloon um 40:34.240 --> 40:37.090 issue because that's not where those 40:37.090 --> 40:40.620 radars are looking . Um It's , uh you 40:40.620 --> 40:42.731 could , you could easily build radars 40:42.731 --> 40:44.676 that would look in that area , but 40:44.676 --> 40:46.731 that's not our mission . The mission 40:46.731 --> 40:46.680 that's being done North Dakota and the 40:46.680 --> 40:49.440 other ground based radars is to fold 40:49.450 --> 40:51.339 its missile warning and its space 40:51.339 --> 40:54.150 surveillance uh primarily and , and 40:54.150 --> 40:56.372 those radars are really good at those , 40:56.372 --> 40:59.270 those jobs . Uh So the real , the real 40:59.270 --> 41:02.450 challenge is how do I go to a 41:02.460 --> 41:05.090 rapid assessment and decision quality 41:05.090 --> 41:07.034 information of the data that those 41:07.034 --> 41:09.450 radars are pulling in ? And so that's , 41:09.450 --> 41:11.561 that's my responsibility is to figure 41:11.561 --> 41:13.783 out how to take all that massive amount 41:13.783 --> 41:15.783 of data in and quickly turn it into 41:15.783 --> 41:18.020 decision making information . So we've 41:18.020 --> 41:20.430 got some work to do there , but it's , 41:20.440 --> 41:22.551 it's more associated with the latency 41:22.551 --> 41:24.662 of the data . Then , you know , I can 41:24.662 --> 41:26.718 tell you where something was , but I 41:26.718 --> 41:28.940 can't tell you where it is precisely at 41:28.940 --> 41:28.650 that moment . And we're getting better 41:28.650 --> 41:31.830 and better at that . Um , with regard 41:31.830 --> 41:33.663 to some of the issues that we've 41:33.663 --> 41:35.774 already talked about the partnerships 41:35.774 --> 41:37.774 that , that you started out talking 41:37.774 --> 41:39.774 about . Senator Rosen , asked about 41:39.774 --> 41:41.774 academic partnerships , alliances , 41:41.774 --> 41:43.997 obviously commercial partnerships . One 41:43.997 --> 41:43.500 of the things when we stood up the 41:43.500 --> 41:45.389 space force and , and we had this 41:45.389 --> 41:47.480 discussion many times and your 41:47.480 --> 41:49.591 predecessor certainly grabbed onto it 41:49.591 --> 41:51.813 and that is making sure it's lean agile 41:51.813 --> 41:54.036 fast . How many times we hear generally 41:54.036 --> 41:56.910 stay lean agile fast ? Do you feel like 41:56.910 --> 41:59.140 you're still lean agile and fast ? Um 41:59.150 --> 42:01.670 is , does the budget help you be more 42:01.670 --> 42:03.837 lean agile and fast ? And I don't mean 42:03.837 --> 42:06.003 cheap , I mean , lean agile and fast . 42:06.003 --> 42:08.114 Those again , those relationships are 42:08.114 --> 42:10.170 so important . How , how valuable is 42:10.170 --> 42:12.281 that and difficult is that balance to 42:12.281 --> 42:13.892 make sure you maintain those 42:13.892 --> 42:15.892 characteristics ? Well , there's no 42:15.892 --> 42:18.114 question , we're still lean and there's 42:18.114 --> 42:20.226 no question we're going as fast as we 42:20.226 --> 42:20.130 can . You know , that's a tough 42:20.130 --> 42:22.430 standard for me to say we're fast . I'm 42:22.440 --> 42:24.329 always looking to go faster . I'm 42:24.329 --> 42:26.440 always looking to be more agile . And 42:26.440 --> 42:28.440 so I'm going to be our probably our 42:28.440 --> 42:30.662 toughest critic going forward trying to 42:30.662 --> 42:32.996 ensure that we stay as fast as possible . 42:32.996 --> 42:34.830 Um Being small does offer some 42:34.830 --> 42:36.940 advantages , we can move rapidly 42:36.940 --> 42:38.996 through a smaller bureaucracy than , 42:38.996 --> 42:40.607 than maybe some of the other 42:40.607 --> 42:42.718 organizations can . But it also comes 42:42.718 --> 42:44.773 with , you know , that means there's 42:44.773 --> 42:46.607 fewer eyes on ideas , that means 42:46.607 --> 42:48.662 there's fewer opportunities to catch 42:48.662 --> 42:48.200 mistakes , that means there's fewer 42:48.200 --> 42:50.200 opportunities . And so we've got to 42:50.200 --> 42:52.367 have good solid processes , we have to 42:52.367 --> 42:54.422 have good innovative technology that 42:54.422 --> 42:56.200 supports us . And so there's no 42:56.200 --> 42:58.200 question , we're still lean and now 42:58.200 --> 43:00.367 we're trying to become optimized based 43:00.367 --> 43:02.422 on that size to make sure that we're 43:02.422 --> 43:04.033 still producing high quality 43:04.033 --> 43:05.811 capabilities for a high quality 43:05.811 --> 43:07.644 workforce . That's a great point 43:07.644 --> 43:09.644 because because the bureaucracy can 43:09.644 --> 43:11.978 gobble you up and slow you down as well . 43:11.978 --> 43:14.089 So we , we like oversight , we're all 43:14.089 --> 43:16.200 about that , but we want you to be as 43:16.200 --> 43:18.256 agile as you need to be to , to , to 43:18.256 --> 43:20.422 keep up with the speed of China , as I 43:20.422 --> 43:22.756 like to say , which is really important . 43:22.756 --> 43:22.170 One last thing just I just want to make 43:22.170 --> 43:24.281 sure that you're , you're getting the 43:24.281 --> 43:26.530 type of um the right policies that , 43:26.540 --> 43:28.820 that don't restrict your offensive 43:28.820 --> 43:30.820 abilities . We've heard a lot about 43:30.820 --> 43:32.764 that . You've spoken to it at some 43:32.764 --> 43:34.820 points . Um Again , whether it's the 43:34.820 --> 43:36.931 budget or the administration or , you 43:36.931 --> 43:38.931 know , uh chain of command , do you 43:38.931 --> 43:40.940 feel like you , you have the right 43:40.950 --> 43:43.560 policies in place to both protect and 43:43.740 --> 43:45.851 an attack if necessary ? I can assure 43:45.851 --> 43:48.018 you there are no policies that prevent 43:48.018 --> 43:50.073 us from exploring a full spectrum of 43:50.073 --> 43:52.184 operations . Uh It's just about doing 43:52.184 --> 43:54.680 the work establishing the what I would 43:54.680 --> 43:56.920 call uh understanding of what the 43:56.920 --> 43:59.150 capabilities can and can't do . Uh And 43:59.150 --> 44:01.610 then we test and we , we learn from our 44:01.620 --> 44:04.250 experiences . Thank you . Well done . 44:04.260 --> 44:06.620 Thank you . Thank you , Senator Camera . 44:06.630 --> 44:08.852 Your lean agile fast . Reminds me of my 44:08.852 --> 44:11.019 high school football coach who said he 44:11.019 --> 44:12.852 wanted us to be mobile agile and 44:12.852 --> 44:13.920 hostile . 44:14.920 --> 44:17.670 Ah 44:18.230 --> 44:21.230 I'm not gonna go into our records , 44:22.830 --> 44:24.997 but our team motto was we're small but 44:24.997 --> 44:26.997 we're slow . That was our problem . 44:27.040 --> 44:29.560 Senator Gillibrand . Thank you , Mr 44:29.560 --> 44:32.740 Chairman . Um Your budget request this 44:32.740 --> 44:34.907 year includes a goal of increasing the 44:34.907 --> 44:37.018 number of Space Force launches as you 44:37.018 --> 44:39.129 look to maintain and modernize launch 44:39.129 --> 44:41.184 ranges and facilities and support of 44:41.184 --> 44:43.351 our space launch needs . Can you speak 44:43.351 --> 44:45.073 to how the ability to leverage 44:45.073 --> 44:47.018 commercial funding sources to grow 44:47.018 --> 44:46.850 space , transportation infrastructure 44:46.850 --> 44:49.100 and service capacity would impact the 44:49.100 --> 44:51.310 Space Force's space launch efforts ? 44:51.910 --> 44:54.500 Yes , ma'am . Thank you . Uh as we've 44:54.500 --> 44:57.810 talked before , the we've grown our 44:57.810 --> 45:00.920 capacity on our national launch ranges . 45:00.930 --> 45:03.590 National Space launch ranges . Uh from 45:03.590 --> 45:06.170 what I remember to be 10 , 12 launches 45:06.170 --> 45:08.480 to we're gonna hit getting close to 100 45:08.480 --> 45:11.460 launches a year now . Uh and , and most 45:11.460 --> 45:14.240 of that is commercial launches and so 45:14.240 --> 45:16.462 the infrastructure that we're providing 45:16.462 --> 45:18.720 is being used . Uh and it's it's it 45:18.720 --> 45:21.100 needs to be refurbished on a on a more 45:21.110 --> 45:23.560 regular basis than it did what I call 45:23.560 --> 45:26.000 the old days . And so the I think the 45:26.000 --> 45:28.056 commercial industry understands this 45:28.056 --> 45:30.111 and they're trying to figure out the 45:30.111 --> 45:32.278 best ways to help support . And now we 45:32.278 --> 45:34.389 just have to look for the contractual 45:34.389 --> 45:36.667 and legal mechanisms to make sure that , 45:36.667 --> 45:38.111 that we can maintain that 45:38.111 --> 45:40.333 infrastructure , our investments in the 45:40.333 --> 45:42.333 range of the future , start us down 45:42.333 --> 45:44.444 that path . But we've still got a lot 45:44.444 --> 45:46.444 of work to do over the fight up . I 45:46.444 --> 45:48.667 think to make sure we maintain the kind 45:48.667 --> 45:50.722 of infrastructure we need to support 45:50.722 --> 45:52.889 the commercial industry . Um As you've 45:52.889 --> 45:55.111 said , your mission is very technical . 45:55.111 --> 45:57.056 Um ensuring guardians are properly 45:57.056 --> 45:58.944 trained and able to execute their 45:58.944 --> 46:01.000 missions requires access to advanced 46:01.000 --> 46:02.944 ranges . Do you currently have the 46:02.944 --> 46:04.778 training resources ? You need to 46:04.778 --> 46:04.560 provide fully trained guardians to 46:04.560 --> 46:07.200 combatant commanders and are any 46:07.200 --> 46:09.422 additional resources required to ensure 46:09.422 --> 46:11.589 we have a space force fully capable of 46:11.589 --> 46:14.750 operating in the space domain ? I , the 46:14.760 --> 46:18.020 fy 24 budget submission includes about 46:18.020 --> 46:21.820 $340 million dedicated to operational 46:21.820 --> 46:23.876 test and training infrastructure . I 46:23.876 --> 46:25.987 think that's sufficient for this year 46:25.987 --> 46:28.153 because we've got a lot of study to do 46:28.153 --> 46:27.990 to make sure we're building the right 46:27.990 --> 46:29.934 kind of range is the right kind of 46:29.934 --> 46:32.101 simulators and we're learning as we go 46:32.101 --> 46:33.879 a little bit . Uh So I'm really 46:33.879 --> 46:35.546 comfortable with the level of 46:35.546 --> 46:37.712 investment . We're at this year for fy 46:37.712 --> 46:39.657 24 last week , you spoke about the 46:39.657 --> 46:42.000 concept of competitive endurance . From 46:42.000 --> 46:44.000 reporting , it appears to center on 46:44.000 --> 46:46.056 space Domain awareness resilience to 46:46.056 --> 46:48.111 deter attack and responsible counter 46:48.111 --> 46:50.333 space activities . Can you speak to how 46:50.333 --> 46:52.500 the space force's budget proposal will 46:52.500 --> 46:54.611 help to achieve competitive endurance 46:54.611 --> 46:54.580 through each of these three core 46:54.580 --> 46:57.460 tenants for avoiding operational 46:57.460 --> 46:59.404 surprise . That's the Space Domain 46:59.404 --> 47:01.627 Awareness tenant . And we are investing 47:01.627 --> 47:03.349 heavily in new sensors . We're 47:03.349 --> 47:05.571 investing in , in capabilities with our 47:05.571 --> 47:07.627 allies and partners to also increase 47:07.627 --> 47:09.849 the dataset associate with Space Domain 47:09.849 --> 47:11.460 Awareness . And perhaps most 47:11.460 --> 47:13.627 importantly , we're investing in space 47:13.627 --> 47:15.571 command and control capabilities , 47:15.571 --> 47:17.738 which is kind of military talk for how 47:17.738 --> 47:19.793 do you take that data in and rapidly 47:19.793 --> 47:21.849 turn it into operational decisions . 47:21.849 --> 47:23.904 And so I think we have good software 47:23.904 --> 47:25.904 investments to make sure that we're 47:25.904 --> 47:28.016 doing the decision support tools that 47:28.016 --> 47:30.238 go with that space Domain awareness and 47:30.238 --> 47:33.370 go ahead . Well , the resiliency piece 47:33.380 --> 47:35.620 is also important and and this this 47:35.620 --> 47:38.010 budget definitely invests in shifting 47:38.010 --> 47:40.288 to a more resilient space architecture . 47:40.288 --> 47:42.621 We've started that pivot now in earnest . 47:42.621 --> 47:44.843 So looking on your documents , you have 47:44.843 --> 47:46.843 this contested space document about 47:46.843 --> 47:49.700 what China is doing . Um the P R C has 47:49.700 --> 47:51.533 developed counter space and anti 47:51.533 --> 47:53.089 satellite weapons including 47:53.089 --> 47:54.922 demonstrations of anti satellite 47:54.922 --> 47:57.144 missiles um which you say are launching 47:57.144 --> 47:59.990 orbit to ground . Um and the ability to 48:00.000 --> 48:01.944 move a defunct satellite . Can you 48:01.944 --> 48:04.111 speak to our ability to defend against 48:04.111 --> 48:06.333 these counter space assets and exercise 48:06.333 --> 48:09.040 space superiority ? The transition to a 48:09.050 --> 48:11.510 proliferated Leo missile warning , 48:11.510 --> 48:14.290 missile tracking architecture includes 48:14.290 --> 48:17.590 the capacity to uh find fix and track 48:17.590 --> 48:19.812 hypersonic capabilities . So that's why 48:19.812 --> 48:21.812 that's such an important transition 48:21.812 --> 48:23.830 that we're making with regards to 48:23.840 --> 48:25.951 grappling satellites and pulling them 48:25.951 --> 48:27.951 out of orbit . Much tougher to deal 48:27.951 --> 48:29.562 with when you have less than 48:29.562 --> 48:31.729 maneuverable older legacy satellites . 48:31.729 --> 48:33.840 So again , shifting to a proliferated 48:33.840 --> 48:36.007 Leo constellation where you don't have 48:36.007 --> 48:38.062 the what general heighten called the 48:38.062 --> 48:40.173 big Juicy target sitting there at GEO 48:40.173 --> 48:42.400 uh make that a much tougher proposition 48:42.410 --> 48:44.577 for them to execute against that makes 48:44.577 --> 48:46.450 sense . Um What lessons are you 48:46.450 --> 48:48.617 learning from the war in Ukraine about 48:48.617 --> 48:50.728 the role of the , of the space domain 48:50.728 --> 48:52.783 in large scale military operations ? 48:52.783 --> 48:55.500 Well , the most important observation 48:55.500 --> 48:57.500 is that space is critical to modern 48:57.500 --> 48:59.556 warfare . Uh We've seen the Russians 48:59.556 --> 49:01.778 attacks , allied communications , we've 49:01.778 --> 49:04.000 seen cyberattacks trying to dismantle , 49:04.000 --> 49:06.222 we've seen GPS Jamming . They recognize 49:06.222 --> 49:08.278 that space is a force multiplier and 49:08.278 --> 49:10.500 they're willing to attack it . The fact 49:10.500 --> 49:12.667 that we have to defend cyber , we have 49:12.667 --> 49:14.833 to defend against cyber attacks on the 49:14.833 --> 49:16.722 ground . Networks reminds us that 49:16.722 --> 49:18.944 ground is also a part of space and that 49:18.944 --> 49:21.000 those networks are critical assets . 49:21.000 --> 49:23.222 But I think we're also seeing the power 49:23.222 --> 49:25.333 of commercial augmentation that there 49:25.333 --> 49:27.111 is a viable path for commercial 49:27.111 --> 49:29.278 augmentation to provide capabilities . 49:29.278 --> 49:31.389 And then I've been kind of harping on 49:31.389 --> 49:33.389 it through the testimony here , but 49:33.389 --> 49:35.444 proliferated Leo , that's what we're 49:35.444 --> 49:37.556 seeing used in to support Ukraine and 49:37.556 --> 49:39.667 it's turning out to be a much tougher 49:39.667 --> 49:41.889 target for the Russians to take apart . 49:41.889 --> 49:41.880 Agreed . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 49:41.880 --> 49:44.100 Thank you madam ranking member . It 49:44.110 --> 49:46.760 wasn't around . Thank you , Mr Chairman 49:46.770 --> 49:48.937 General . Thank you for your service . 49:48.937 --> 49:52.560 Um There have been efforts general uh 49:52.570 --> 49:55.230 driven by political decisions regarding 49:55.230 --> 49:58.970 the shared use of the 3.123 point 45 49:58.970 --> 50:01.400 gigahertz or Essman portions of the 50:01.400 --> 50:04.000 spectrum . Can you confirm that you 50:04.000 --> 50:06.290 have systems critical to our national 50:06.290 --> 50:08.930 security that reside on this portion of 50:08.930 --> 50:12.170 the spectrum ? Yes , Senator , we have 50:12.180 --> 50:14.290 a space surveillance radar that's , 50:14.290 --> 50:16.346 that's currently in development that 50:16.346 --> 50:18.250 does occupy that's portion of the 50:18.250 --> 50:20.550 spectrum . Would it be not just radar 50:20.550 --> 50:22.717 but perhaps communications that are in 50:22.717 --> 50:25.100 that portion as well as it turns out 50:25.100 --> 50:27.520 the , the I think the key emergency 50:27.520 --> 50:29.464 kinds of communications lived just 50:29.464 --> 50:31.798 outside of that band . So as long as it , 50:31.798 --> 50:33.798 as long as we managed very narrowly 50:33.798 --> 50:35.798 that that strip we would , we would 50:35.798 --> 50:38.020 avoid those particular . Okay . So it's 50:38.020 --> 50:40.298 primarily radar , it's primarily radar , 50:40.298 --> 50:42.520 further further space force . Okay . So 50:42.520 --> 50:44.742 the communications portion is not , not 50:44.742 --> 50:46.853 part . Well , I wouldn't want to talk 50:46.853 --> 50:48.964 to the other services capability . So 50:48.964 --> 50:51.187 from a space force perspective . Okay . 50:51.187 --> 50:51.020 Thank you . Can you provide your 50:51.020 --> 50:53.020 professional military advice on how 50:53.020 --> 50:55.860 detrimental it would be to your mission 50:55.870 --> 50:57.981 and the security of our nation if you 50:57.981 --> 50:59.981 lost the use of this portion of the 50:59.981 --> 51:02.092 spectrum ? I think the most important 51:02.092 --> 51:04.314 thing I can say is I'm not exactly sure 51:04.314 --> 51:06.426 because we haven't done the technical 51:06.426 --> 51:08.481 analysis of exactly what vacating or 51:08.481 --> 51:10.703 sharing any of that spectrum would look 51:10.703 --> 51:12.870 like uh in terms of cost and technical 51:12.870 --> 51:14.926 performance . But we do have a study 51:14.926 --> 51:17.510 ongoing . Uh And so we would hope that 51:17.510 --> 51:19.677 any legislative decisions or decisions 51:19.677 --> 51:21.788 along these lines would wait for that 51:21.788 --> 51:23.843 study to come out later this fall so 51:23.843 --> 51:25.899 that we could make the decision with 51:25.899 --> 51:27.954 data informed um analysis . Have you 51:27.954 --> 51:30.066 been given the opportunity to provide 51:30.066 --> 51:32.121 your professional military advice on 51:32.121 --> 51:34.288 the D O D s use of this portion of the 51:34.288 --> 51:36.177 spectrum ? Yes , thank you . Um I 51:36.177 --> 51:38.288 presume you've expressed your concern 51:38.288 --> 51:40.770 with regard to the sale prior to the 51:40.770 --> 51:43.400 September study being completed . I 51:43.400 --> 51:45.233 have described my concern as not 51:45.233 --> 51:47.456 knowing exactly what the impact will be 51:47.456 --> 51:49.789 until I received that study . Thank you . 51:50.110 --> 51:53.020 Um I'd also like to go on record saying 51:53.020 --> 51:55.187 that I'm , I'm concerned about the D O 51:55.187 --> 51:57.298 D s approach to providing space based 51:57.298 --> 51:59.076 ground moving target indication 51:59.076 --> 52:02.490 capabilities , the G B M T I uh to 52:02.490 --> 52:04.712 warfighters following the divestment of 52:04.712 --> 52:06.460 the J stars platform . It's my 52:06.460 --> 52:08.571 understanding that this capability is 52:08.571 --> 52:10.238 being moved under the funding 52:10.238 --> 52:12.016 authorities of the intelligence 52:12.016 --> 52:14.390 community . We do not have really to 52:14.390 --> 52:16.446 get into the fine details here . But 52:16.446 --> 52:18.550 can you share with me how you are 52:18.550 --> 52:21.730 assuming that the J roc validated 52:21.740 --> 52:24.510 requirements are captured in the 52:24.510 --> 52:27.060 acquisitions process of a platform 52:27.070 --> 52:29.980 owned by the I C community because of 52:29.980 --> 52:31.924 the way the funding has , has been 52:31.924 --> 52:35.150 moved . Uh We are focusing on two areas 52:35.150 --> 52:38.040 where we think we can provide some 52:38.050 --> 52:40.161 detailed level of collaboration . The 52:40.161 --> 52:41.883 first is in milestone decision 52:41.883 --> 52:43.939 authority which still there are some 52:43.939 --> 52:46.880 decisions which reside at the OSD level 52:46.890 --> 52:49.560 uh and could be delegated to Secretary 52:49.560 --> 52:51.750 of Coal Valley . We're looking into 52:51.750 --> 52:53.639 what those options are , what the 52:53.639 --> 52:55.639 possibilities might be . That's for 52:55.639 --> 52:57.972 program management acquisition purposes . 52:57.972 --> 52:59.861 The other side is the operational 52:59.861 --> 53:01.694 concepts . This is still a D O D 53:01.694 --> 53:03.917 mission , the space Force mission to do 53:03.917 --> 53:05.972 this for the joint force . And so we 53:05.972 --> 53:08.139 have the responsibility to provide the 53:08.139 --> 53:10.306 operational concept for how this would 53:10.306 --> 53:10.300 work . And we will have to work closely 53:10.310 --> 53:12.366 with the program managers and sensor 53:12.366 --> 53:14.477 developers to make that happen with J 53:14.477 --> 53:17.300 stars . The tactical capabilities to 53:17.530 --> 53:20.360 track these moving targets was 53:20.360 --> 53:23.440 available to our , our soldiers on the 53:23.440 --> 53:25.662 ground . We just want to make sure that 53:25.662 --> 53:28.060 that same capability is still found in 53:28.060 --> 53:30.116 a space based system and that's what 53:30.116 --> 53:32.338 we're really talking about here , isn't 53:32.338 --> 53:34.504 it ? Yes , sir . And the beauty of the 53:34.504 --> 53:36.616 sensors that are being developed , is 53:36.616 --> 53:38.727 there more survivable relative to the 53:38.727 --> 53:40.671 current threats we're facing ? And 53:40.671 --> 53:42.838 we're going to do it at a global scale 53:42.838 --> 53:44.949 as opposed to a very small AO are the 53:44.949 --> 53:47.171 way that we just don't want to get lost 53:47.171 --> 53:46.510 and that this needs to be made 53:46.510 --> 53:50.060 available for title title 10 operations . 53:50.070 --> 53:52.350 These are these are direct operational 53:52.350 --> 53:54.517 support activities . The mission falls 53:54.517 --> 53:56.628 to the Space Force and the Department 53:56.628 --> 53:58.850 Defense . Thank you . I understand that 53:58.850 --> 54:01.017 there is a legislative proposal in the 54:01.017 --> 54:03.239 works to integrate the reserve elements 54:03.239 --> 54:05.406 of the Space force . This seems like a 54:05.406 --> 54:07.461 logical move as your service matures 54:07.461 --> 54:09.628 and embraces its organized trained and 54:09.628 --> 54:11.294 equipped roles . It's also my 54:11.294 --> 54:13.350 understanding that the Space Force's 54:13.350 --> 54:15.572 residing within the Guard Element still 54:15.572 --> 54:17.628 reside within the Air National Guard 54:17.628 --> 54:19.739 and is organized trained and equipped 54:19.739 --> 54:21.350 by the Air Force . From your 54:21.350 --> 54:23.350 perspective , as the Chief of Space 54:23.350 --> 54:24.961 Operations , what should the 54:24.961 --> 54:27.017 subcommittee consider to provide the 54:27.017 --> 54:29.239 most seamless oversight of these forces 54:29.239 --> 54:31.750 as the space force matures first , let 54:31.750 --> 54:34.010 me describe the reserve integration . I 54:34.010 --> 54:35.732 think this is a very important 54:35.732 --> 54:37.954 legislative proposal that I hope you'll 54:37.954 --> 54:40.177 give due consideration to . It gives us 54:40.177 --> 54:42.343 the flexibility to have both part time 54:42.343 --> 54:44.399 and full time guardians in the space 54:44.399 --> 54:46.566 force , which is gonna give incredible 54:46.566 --> 54:48.732 career flexibility and hopefully serve 54:48.732 --> 54:50.954 as an innovative way to retain the kind 54:50.954 --> 54:53.066 of expertise that we know we're gonna 54:53.066 --> 54:55.066 need moving forward . I think we've 54:55.066 --> 54:57.066 done a much better job of capturing 54:57.066 --> 54:59.288 kind of the key details that are needed 54:59.288 --> 55:01.510 in legislation to to make that proposal 55:01.510 --> 55:03.677 work . And I hope that we can continue 55:03.677 --> 55:05.843 to work with this committee and others 55:05.843 --> 55:05.680 to make that happen from the guard 55:05.680 --> 55:07.791 standpoint . I've been clear from the 55:07.791 --> 55:09.620 beginning that the critical 55:09.620 --> 55:11.842 capabilities that are living in the Air 55:11.842 --> 55:14.064 National Guard for space are must haves 55:14.064 --> 55:16.176 for the Space Force . That's the most 55:16.176 --> 55:18.398 important thing I don't believe because 55:18.398 --> 55:20.231 of the way organized train equip 55:20.231 --> 55:22.490 authorities reside with the Chief of 55:22.500 --> 55:24.180 Staff of the Air Force and my 55:24.180 --> 55:26.770 responsibilities that , that the 55:26.770 --> 55:28.548 General Brown feels like he can 55:28.548 --> 55:30.326 organize , train equipped space 55:30.326 --> 55:32.381 capabilities inside the Air National 55:32.381 --> 55:34.437 Guard . It creates a little bit of a 55:34.437 --> 55:36.603 disconnect . And so the current status 55:36.603 --> 55:38.770 quo is the , is the toughest to figure 55:38.770 --> 55:38.620 out how to do properly . Other than 55:38.620 --> 55:40.564 that , I think there might be some 55:40.564 --> 55:42.676 options that are worth exploring that 55:42.676 --> 55:45.009 are based on cost estimates in the like . 55:45.009 --> 55:47.176 Thank you , Mr Chairman . I would just 55:47.176 --> 55:49.231 like to commend the general . He has 55:49.231 --> 55:51.610 taken a very direct and strong approach 55:51.610 --> 55:53.499 with regard to advocating for our 55:53.499 --> 55:55.666 airmen and guardians on the subject of 55:55.666 --> 55:58.630 the missile community cancer study . Uh 55:58.640 --> 56:00.862 This is a case of where they're finding 56:00.862 --> 56:03.029 cancers in areas where these guys that 56:03.029 --> 56:05.140 are basically working underground for 56:05.140 --> 56:07.084 extended periods of time . And the 56:07.084 --> 56:06.950 general has taken a very direct and 56:06.950 --> 56:09.061 personal interest in seeing that this 56:09.061 --> 56:11.228 be pursued and that anybody that's out 56:11.228 --> 56:13.450 there , any one of these airmen or , or 56:13.450 --> 56:15.760 guardians that they get help , they 56:15.760 --> 56:17.982 find out and they keep track of . And I 56:17.982 --> 56:20.038 just want to commend him and I would 56:20.038 --> 56:21.982 hope that the committee would make 56:21.982 --> 56:24.038 available time for him to be able to 56:24.038 --> 56:26.093 share with us uh moving forward just 56:26.093 --> 56:28.204 exactly what he has found with regard 56:28.204 --> 56:30.371 to any health concerns surrounding the 56:30.371 --> 56:32.538 cancers that seem to be more prevalent 56:32.538 --> 56:34.427 with these folks that are working 56:34.427 --> 56:36.482 underground in these missile silos . 56:36.482 --> 56:38.593 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Thank you , 56:38.593 --> 56:40.704 General uh general . Couple of follow 56:40.704 --> 56:42.704 up questions several times . You've 56:42.704 --> 56:45.290 mentioned the possibility of norms 56:45.300 --> 56:47.950 developing international norms expand 56:47.950 --> 56:49.617 on that . Is that a realistic 56:49.617 --> 56:51.672 possibility will the Chinese and the 56:51.672 --> 56:54.410 Russians talk about international norms 56:54.410 --> 56:57.820 in space ? Unfortunately , the norms 56:57.820 --> 56:59.987 that they talk about are not ones that 56:59.987 --> 57:02.153 we would support and they've , they've 57:02.153 --> 57:04.220 kind of shown um a propensity to not 57:04.220 --> 57:06.331 support the ones we want to support . 57:06.331 --> 57:08.331 This is a battle of narratives over 57:08.331 --> 57:10.331 international norms . Uh What I can 57:10.331 --> 57:11.998 tell you is when I talk to my 57:11.998 --> 57:11.710 counterparts in the other nations , 57:11.710 --> 57:14.140 they are interested in this , the 57:14.150 --> 57:16.372 Secretary of Defense issued his tenants 57:16.372 --> 57:18.483 for responsible behavior and us Space 57:18.483 --> 57:20.706 command followed up with even some more 57:20.706 --> 57:22.817 details . Those are all widely viewed 57:22.817 --> 57:24.440 from my peers as helpful in 57:24.440 --> 57:26.660 establishing what it means in a , in a 57:26.670 --> 57:28.950 like a like minded set of nations with 57:28.960 --> 57:32.370 responsible behaviors in space . Um The , 57:32.370 --> 57:34.259 we have a , we have an initiative 57:34.259 --> 57:36.370 called the Coalition Space Operations 57:36.370 --> 57:39.200 Initiative , which is um seven 57:39.200 --> 57:42.400 countries that have also detailed what 57:42.400 --> 57:44.567 responsible behaviors in space means , 57:44.567 --> 57:46.678 very consistent with the Secretary of 57:46.678 --> 57:48.900 Defense's tenants . And so I think this 57:48.900 --> 57:51.011 is kind of a widespread understanding 57:51.011 --> 57:53.233 that we have to behave a certain way in 57:53.233 --> 57:55.122 order to maintain a safe , secure 57:55.122 --> 57:57.240 Sustainable Space Domain . Uh And I 57:57.240 --> 58:00.310 believe there's widespread uh agreement 58:00.310 --> 58:02.143 for that is the state department 58:02.143 --> 58:04.199 engaged in this discussion as well . 58:04.199 --> 58:06.330 They are , I think that would be an 58:06.330 --> 58:08.920 important aspect of moving this forward . 58:08.930 --> 58:11.097 Very important initiative . They are . 58:11.097 --> 58:14.310 Um just to comment , you mentioned 58:14.310 --> 58:17.160 cyber protection several times . It 58:17.160 --> 58:19.216 seems to be the experience that most 58:19.216 --> 58:22.530 major cyber attacks start with a sub , 58:22.540 --> 58:24.540 not the general contractor but some 58:24.540 --> 58:27.650 small company of smaller firm that's 58:27.650 --> 58:29.706 working for a general contractor and 58:29.706 --> 58:31.872 then they get into the system . I hope 58:31.872 --> 58:33.928 that's something when you're talking 58:33.928 --> 58:36.150 about the protection of your assets and 58:36.150 --> 58:38.261 very rightfully , you've talked about 58:38.261 --> 58:40.483 ground and space that you worry as well 58:40.483 --> 58:42.650 about those small companies that might 58:42.650 --> 58:44.761 act as a gateway for a cyber attack . 58:44.970 --> 58:46.970 Yes , sir . I've talked to my cyber 58:46.970 --> 58:49.137 defenders at length . I'm not really a 58:49.137 --> 58:51.137 cyber professional myself . I don't 58:51.137 --> 58:53.303 understand all the technical details , 58:53.303 --> 58:53.190 but one of the most important things 58:53.190 --> 58:55.190 that they start with is mapping the 58:55.190 --> 58:57.023 cyber terrain . In other words , 58:57.023 --> 58:59.190 understanding exactly what the network 58:59.190 --> 59:01.412 looks like where it might be vulnerable 59:01.412 --> 59:03.468 and how they might best sensor it to 59:03.468 --> 59:05.690 rapidly detect any kind of intrusions . 59:05.690 --> 59:07.746 And so to your point , understanding 59:07.746 --> 59:09.857 how all of the company's fit together 59:09.857 --> 59:11.912 in the cyber terrain is an important 59:11.912 --> 59:14.079 foundational aspect of cyber defense . 59:14.079 --> 59:16.190 Final , final question is Space force 59:16.190 --> 59:19.740 in charge of defense defensive . You've 59:19.740 --> 59:21.629 talked a lot about proliferated , 59:21.629 --> 59:24.630 proliferated , Leo , are you also in 59:24.630 --> 59:28.350 charge of developing the capability of 59:28.360 --> 59:31.020 maneuver and otherwise defending our 59:31.030 --> 59:33.086 space assets . Is that part of Space 59:33.086 --> 59:35.300 Force's mission ? I would say it's 59:35.300 --> 59:38.010 important that as we develop our D O D 59:38.010 --> 59:40.177 capabilities through the space force , 59:40.177 --> 59:42.399 that we make sure we're applying all of 59:42.399 --> 59:44.288 the right concepts for active and 59:44.288 --> 59:46.010 passive defense uh to meet the 59:46.010 --> 59:47.732 requirements so that we have a 59:47.732 --> 59:50.350 survivable architecture on the U S 59:50.350 --> 59:52.660 worst day and that this is a relatively 59:52.660 --> 59:54.771 new concern . We own space for a long 59:54.771 --> 59:57.450 time . And but the Russians and the 59:57.450 --> 59:59.990 Chinese have been very active in uh 01:00:00.000 --> 01:00:03.080 anti satellite technology . So we need 01:00:03.080 --> 01:00:05.670 to be developing counters to that in 01:00:05.670 --> 01:00:07.948 order to maintain a credible deterrent . 01:00:07.948 --> 01:00:10.870 Is that correct ? Absolutely . And I 01:00:10.870 --> 01:00:14.000 think it's about how fast can we go 01:00:14.180 --> 01:00:16.700 again . In my , my weak analogy is 01:00:16.700 --> 01:00:18.811 converting the merchant marine in the 01:00:18.811 --> 01:00:20.811 US Navy . We've got a little bit of 01:00:20.811 --> 01:00:22.700 ways to go before we can take our 01:00:22.700 --> 01:00:24.922 legacy platforms that we've got so much 01:00:24.922 --> 01:00:27.033 utility out of and so much capability 01:00:27.033 --> 01:00:29.089 from , but convert them to providing 01:00:29.089 --> 01:00:31.200 the same or better capabilities while 01:00:31.200 --> 01:00:33.256 being able to perform in a contested 01:00:33.256 --> 01:00:35.311 domain . And we'll have to make that 01:00:35.311 --> 01:00:37.200 transition as rapidly as possible 01:00:37.200 --> 01:00:39.089 questions . Thank you very much , 01:00:39.089 --> 01:00:40.811 General . This has been a very 01:00:40.811 --> 01:00:42.811 illuminating hearing . I appreciate 01:00:42.811 --> 01:00:44.700 your forthright responsive to our 01:00:44.700 --> 01:00:46.700 responsive to our question and your 01:00:46.700 --> 01:00:48.644 leadership and your long career of 01:00:48.644 --> 01:00:50.700 service to the United States . Thank 01:00:50.700 --> 01:00:52.644 you . Thank you , sir . Hearing is 01:00:52.644 --> 01:00:51.410 adjourned .