1 00:00:03,350 --> 00:00:05,610 Let me call a hearing to order . Good 2 00:00:05,610 --> 00:00:07,832 morning . And the committee meets today 3 00:00:07,832 --> 00:00:09,760 to receive testimony from General 4 00:00:09,770 --> 00:00:12,330 Michael Eric Guerilla , commander of 5 00:00:12,330 --> 00:00:14,441 the United States Central Command and 6 00:00:14,441 --> 00:00:16,608 General Michael Langley , commander of 7 00:00:16,608 --> 00:00:18,552 the United States Africa Command . 8 00:00:18,552 --> 00:00:20,774 Thank you both for your service and I'm 9 00:00:20,774 --> 00:00:22,886 grateful to the men and women serving 10 00:00:22,886 --> 00:00:25,108 under your commands . While Centcom has 11 00:00:25,108 --> 00:00:26,886 many responsibilities , the top 12 00:00:26,886 --> 00:00:29,052 priority remains deterring the Iranian 13 00:00:29,052 --> 00:00:31,650 regime's destructive and destabilizing 14 00:00:31,650 --> 00:00:34,460 activities without undue provocation . 15 00:00:34,470 --> 00:00:36,880 This is a complicated and urgent 16 00:00:36,880 --> 00:00:39,590 mission . Iran is conducting malign 17 00:00:39,590 --> 00:00:41,820 activities across multiple arenas 18 00:00:41,820 --> 00:00:44,240 including continuing its own nuclear 19 00:00:44,240 --> 00:00:46,370 development , launching drone and 20 00:00:46,370 --> 00:00:48,481 missile attacks on neighboring states 21 00:00:48,481 --> 00:00:51,330 supporting proxy groups violently 22 00:00:51,330 --> 00:00:53,610 repressing its own citizens and 23 00:00:53,610 --> 00:00:55,554 deepening a military alliance with 24 00:00:55,554 --> 00:00:57,800 Russia and these threats are likely to 25 00:00:57,800 --> 00:01:01,160 increase in an unexpected turn . Last 26 00:01:01,160 --> 00:01:03,490 week , Saudi Arabia and Iran announced 27 00:01:03,490 --> 00:01:05,712 they have restored diplomatic relations 28 00:01:05,712 --> 00:01:08,330 in a deal brokered by China . Press 29 00:01:08,330 --> 00:01:10,441 reports indicate the key parts of the 30 00:01:10,441 --> 00:01:12,441 agreement were committed by Iran to 31 00:01:12,441 --> 00:01:14,840 stop further attacks on Saudi Arabia 32 00:01:15,000 --> 00:01:17,230 and cut back on support for Iranian 33 00:01:17,230 --> 00:01:19,286 linked groups that have targeted the 34 00:01:19,286 --> 00:01:21,174 kingdom . The two nations plan to 35 00:01:21,174 --> 00:01:23,397 reopen their embassies and re implement 36 00:01:23,397 --> 00:01:25,680 a security pact to cooperate on several 37 00:01:25,690 --> 00:01:28,450 issues to benefit their mutual national 38 00:01:28,450 --> 00:01:31,380 security . As the New York Times stated , 39 00:01:31,380 --> 00:01:34,270 the deal is quote a shift that left 40 00:01:34,270 --> 00:01:36,460 head spinning and capitals around the 41 00:01:36,460 --> 00:01:38,870 globe . General Carella , given the 42 00:01:38,870 --> 00:01:41,690 unpredictability of the Iranian regime , 43 00:01:41,700 --> 00:01:43,867 I would like your thoughts on how best 44 00:01:43,867 --> 00:01:45,922 to respond to its malign behavior in 45 00:01:45,922 --> 00:01:48,050 the region , taking into account the 46 00:01:48,050 --> 00:01:50,260 new dynamic of their restoration of 47 00:01:50,260 --> 00:01:52,720 relations with Saudi Arabia . What 48 00:01:52,720 --> 00:01:54,942 opportunities do we have to collaborate 49 00:01:54,942 --> 00:01:57,164 with our allies and partners to counter 50 00:01:57,164 --> 00:01:59,410 drone and missile attacks ? And how can 51 00:01:59,410 --> 00:02:01,730 we address Iran's closer alignment with 52 00:02:01,730 --> 00:02:04,090 Russia and China ? Turning to 53 00:02:04,090 --> 00:02:05,812 Afghanistan . Although we have 54 00:02:06,120 --> 00:02:08,390 transitioned to all forces out of the 55 00:02:08,390 --> 00:02:10,580 country , the Biden administration has 56 00:02:10,580 --> 00:02:12,691 maintained its commitment to ensuring 57 00:02:12,691 --> 00:02:14,858 that Afghanistan cannot be used as the 58 00:02:14,858 --> 00:02:17,550 base for Isis Al Qaeda or other 59 00:02:17,550 --> 00:02:20,410 terrorist groups to conduct attacks 60 00:02:20,410 --> 00:02:22,743 against the United States or its allies . 61 00:02:22,743 --> 00:02:24,577 I would ask for an update on our 62 00:02:24,577 --> 00:02:26,632 posture and capabilities and whether 63 00:02:26,632 --> 00:02:28,632 additional regional agreements have 64 00:02:28,632 --> 00:02:30,688 been reached to ensure we maintain a 65 00:02:30,688 --> 00:02:32,760 robust regional counterterrorism 66 00:02:32,770 --> 00:02:35,030 architecture to address the threats 67 00:02:35,030 --> 00:02:37,940 from these groups . General Langley 68 00:02:37,950 --> 00:02:40,590 Africom area of responsibility is 69 00:02:40,590 --> 00:02:42,757 becoming increasingly important in the 70 00:02:42,757 --> 00:02:44,757 United States strategic competition 71 00:02:44,757 --> 00:02:46,920 with China and Russia . Many African 72 00:02:46,920 --> 00:02:49,610 countries have longstanding military 73 00:02:49,610 --> 00:02:51,960 ties with Russia and even deeper 74 00:02:51,960 --> 00:02:54,460 economic ties with China . As the 75 00:02:54,460 --> 00:02:56,470 United States manages relationships 76 00:02:56,470 --> 00:02:58,450 across the continent , we must be 77 00:02:58,450 --> 00:03:00,830 mindful of these pre existing ties and 78 00:03:00,830 --> 00:03:03,820 avoid taking a with us or against this 79 00:03:03,820 --> 00:03:06,390 approach or we will risk alienating the 80 00:03:06,390 --> 00:03:09,030 very nations we seek to engage with . I 81 00:03:09,030 --> 00:03:11,252 would welcome your thoughts on how best 82 00:03:11,252 --> 00:03:13,030 to calibrate the US approach to 83 00:03:13,030 --> 00:03:15,252 strategic competition in light of these 84 00:03:15,252 --> 00:03:17,310 factors . The security situation in 85 00:03:17,320 --> 00:03:19,700 East Africa remains dangerously 86 00:03:19,710 --> 00:03:23,060 unstable since last fall , roughly 500 87 00:03:23,070 --> 00:03:25,120 U S service members have been 88 00:03:25,120 --> 00:03:27,720 redeployed to Somalia to support the 89 00:03:27,720 --> 00:03:29,776 Somali government's fight against Al 90 00:03:29,776 --> 00:03:32,120 Shabaab . One of Al Qaeda's most 91 00:03:32,120 --> 00:03:35,400 powerful global affiliates are renewed 92 00:03:35,400 --> 00:03:37,567 presence is an effort to stabilize the 93 00:03:37,567 --> 00:03:39,456 Somali government and train their 94 00:03:39,456 --> 00:03:41,233 forces . After our departure in 95 00:03:41,233 --> 00:03:44,050 December 2020 allowed Al Shabaab to 96 00:03:44,050 --> 00:03:46,640 grow in size and strength . I hope you 97 00:03:46,640 --> 00:03:48,807 will share your views on the status of 98 00:03:48,807 --> 00:03:51,029 our engagement with Somali partners and 99 00:03:51,029 --> 00:03:53,029 the whole of government strategy to 100 00:03:53,029 --> 00:03:55,029 ensure battlefield successes can be 101 00:03:55,029 --> 00:03:57,251 effectively translated into longer term 102 00:03:57,251 --> 00:03:59,360 gains . Finally , the security 103 00:03:59,360 --> 00:04:01,920 situation in West Africa also continues 104 00:04:01,920 --> 00:04:04,130 to decline . Violent extremist 105 00:04:04,130 --> 00:04:06,130 operations have expanded across the 106 00:04:06,130 --> 00:04:08,440 Saar hell including pushing down into 107 00:04:08,440 --> 00:04:10,440 the Littoral states in the Gulf of 108 00:04:10,440 --> 00:04:12,650 Guinea . At the same time , Russia and 109 00:04:12,650 --> 00:04:14,650 China are seeking to increase their 110 00:04:14,650 --> 00:04:16,817 engagement in this region . The Wagner 111 00:04:16,817 --> 00:04:18,928 group continues to seek opportunities 112 00:04:18,928 --> 00:04:20,983 to exploit instability in the region 113 00:04:20,983 --> 00:04:22,928 and China has made no secret about 114 00:04:22,928 --> 00:04:25,450 exploring basing operations on the West 115 00:04:25,460 --> 00:04:28,220 African coast . Both countries are also 116 00:04:28,220 --> 00:04:29,887 investing in natural resource 117 00:04:29,887 --> 00:04:32,620 extraction across the continent often 118 00:04:32,620 --> 00:04:34,509 at great expense to the long term 119 00:04:34,509 --> 00:04:36,910 health of African partners , ecosystems 120 00:04:36,910 --> 00:04:39,360 and economies given these challenges 121 00:04:39,360 --> 00:04:41,640 general and I would like to hear how 122 00:04:41,640 --> 00:04:43,620 Africom is seeking to engage with 123 00:04:43,620 --> 00:04:45,564 partners in Africa to expose these 124 00:04:45,564 --> 00:04:48,240 harmful and manipulative practices . I 125 00:04:48,240 --> 00:04:50,073 want to thank you again and look 126 00:04:50,073 --> 00:04:51,907 forward to your testimonies as a 127 00:04:51,907 --> 00:04:54,018 reminder of for my colleagues , there 128 00:04:54,018 --> 00:04:56,073 will be a closed session immediately 129 00:04:56,073 --> 00:04:58,296 following this hearing in room S V C to 130 00:04:58,296 --> 00:05:00,296 17 . Now let me turn to the ranking 131 00:05:00,296 --> 00:05:02,462 members , Senator worker . Thank you , 132 00:05:02,462 --> 00:05:04,462 Mr Chairman . I'd like to thank our 133 00:05:04,462 --> 00:05:04,440 witnesses for being here . In recent 134 00:05:04,440 --> 00:05:06,496 weeks . The committee has heard from 135 00:05:06,496 --> 00:05:08,718 top military and civilian leaders about 136 00:05:08,718 --> 00:05:10,718 the significant security challenges 137 00:05:10,718 --> 00:05:12,940 facing our nation . Our top adversaries 138 00:05:12,940 --> 00:05:15,180 including China and Russia are testing 139 00:05:15,180 --> 00:05:17,300 American resolve , not just in East 140 00:05:17,310 --> 00:05:19,950 Asia and Europe , but also across the 141 00:05:19,950 --> 00:05:23,130 Middle East , South Asia and Africa in 142 00:05:23,130 --> 00:05:25,297 the Middle East , Russia and Iran grow 143 00:05:25,297 --> 00:05:27,910 closer . Recently , Iran agreed to 144 00:05:27,910 --> 00:05:30,930 purchase 24 advance subs 35 fighter 145 00:05:30,930 --> 00:05:34,300 jets today , Russia is deploying 146 00:05:34,310 --> 00:05:37,650 Iranian drones to kill Ukrainians . 147 00:05:37,660 --> 00:05:40,030 Meanwhile , China works to displace the 148 00:05:40,030 --> 00:05:43,060 United States as the partner of choice 149 00:05:43,070 --> 00:05:45,750 for many of our longtime friends in the 150 00:05:45,750 --> 00:05:47,940 region . The Chinese Communist Party 151 00:05:47,940 --> 00:05:51,340 offers more streamlined arms sales and 152 00:05:51,340 --> 00:05:53,980 Huawei five G networks that would 153 00:05:53,980 --> 00:05:56,190 undermine our operational security in 154 00:05:56,190 --> 00:05:58,079 the Middle East . In Africa . The 155 00:05:58,079 --> 00:06:01,100 Russian mercenary group Wagner does 156 00:06:01,710 --> 00:06:05,490 Wagner does Putin's bidding . They sow 157 00:06:05,500 --> 00:06:07,500 instability across the continent by 158 00:06:07,500 --> 00:06:09,950 supporting coups , spreading lies , 159 00:06:09,960 --> 00:06:13,250 they use exploitative practices to get 160 00:06:13,250 --> 00:06:15,139 critical minerals . They pressure 161 00:06:15,139 --> 00:06:17,250 African governments to move away from 162 00:06:17,250 --> 00:06:19,306 the West at the same time . China is 163 00:06:19,306 --> 00:06:21,083 using economic coercion to gain 164 00:06:21,083 --> 00:06:23,880 leverage and expand its military 165 00:06:23,880 --> 00:06:26,660 footprint and basing Something former 166 00:06:26,660 --> 00:06:28,660 Africom Commander , General Stephen 167 00:06:28,660 --> 00:06:30,827 Townsend called his # one Global Power 168 00:06:30,827 --> 00:06:34,120 Competition Concern . We are right to 169 00:06:34,120 --> 00:06:36,342 focus on the growing Russia and Chinese 170 00:06:36,342 --> 00:06:38,720 threats but we cannot take our eyes off 171 00:06:38,720 --> 00:06:40,810 the other security challenges coming 172 00:06:40,810 --> 00:06:42,921 from the Middle East , South Asia and 173 00:06:42,921 --> 00:06:46,680 Africa in Afghanistan . The disastrous 174 00:06:46,680 --> 00:06:49,210 withdrawal of us troops nearly two 175 00:06:49,210 --> 00:06:52,270 years ago left a security vacuum . The 176 00:06:52,270 --> 00:06:56,150 Taliban Al Qaeda and Isis have filled 177 00:06:57,380 --> 00:06:59,380 the Biden administration assured us 178 00:06:59,380 --> 00:07:01,436 that the Department of Defense would 179 00:07:01,436 --> 00:07:03,602 conduct counterterrorism operations in 180 00:07:03,602 --> 00:07:05,547 Afghanistan even without a limited 181 00:07:05,547 --> 00:07:07,769 number of us troops on the ground . But 182 00:07:07,769 --> 00:07:09,824 the United States has only conducted 183 00:07:09,824 --> 00:07:12,590 one strike in more than a year . The 184 00:07:12,590 --> 00:07:15,180 withdrawal from Afghanistan and Bolden 185 00:07:15,180 --> 00:07:17,402 Isis and Al Qaeda affiliates around the 186 00:07:17,402 --> 00:07:19,513 world , not just in Afghanistan , the 187 00:07:19,513 --> 00:07:21,820 terrorist threat is real and growing as 188 00:07:21,820 --> 00:07:23,987 a result of the Biden administration's 189 00:07:23,987 --> 00:07:26,209 policies , the world's number one state 190 00:07:26,209 --> 00:07:29,420 sponsor of terrorism . Iran Presents an 191 00:07:29,420 --> 00:07:32,250 increasing threat to our personnel and 192 00:07:32,250 --> 00:07:34,194 partners in the region . President 193 00:07:34,194 --> 00:07:36,417 Biden should have focused on countering 194 00:07:36,417 --> 00:07:38,990 Iran's missile program and its support 195 00:07:38,990 --> 00:07:41,260 for terrorism . Instead , he focused on 196 00:07:41,260 --> 00:07:44,440 returning to the flawed 197 00:07:44,450 --> 00:07:47,670 2015 nuclear agreement in the 198 00:07:47,670 --> 00:07:50,870 process . This administration has given 199 00:07:50,870 --> 00:07:52,870 them practically everything and got 200 00:07:52,870 --> 00:07:55,210 absolutely nothing . According to the 201 00:07:55,210 --> 00:07:57,380 Department of Defense , Iran could now 202 00:07:57,380 --> 00:07:59,640 produce enough fissile material for a 203 00:07:59,640 --> 00:08:01,830 bomb within just 12 days and its 204 00:08:01,830 --> 00:08:05,090 proxies are on the March nationwide . 205 00:08:05,100 --> 00:08:07,211 These facts make it clear , continued 206 00:08:07,211 --> 00:08:09,378 significant real growth in the defense 207 00:08:09,378 --> 00:08:12,210 budget . Top line above inflation 208 00:08:12,220 --> 00:08:14,350 remains essential to our national 209 00:08:14,350 --> 00:08:17,170 security . I'll be looking closely to 210 00:08:17,170 --> 00:08:19,003 ensure our security assistance , 211 00:08:19,003 --> 00:08:20,781 funding remains strong in these 212 00:08:20,781 --> 00:08:23,210 theaters and that our counterterrorism 213 00:08:23,210 --> 00:08:25,540 and contingency forces are fully 214 00:08:25,540 --> 00:08:27,650 resourced . This includes additional 215 00:08:27,660 --> 00:08:31,100 force protection measures in both 216 00:08:31,100 --> 00:08:33,320 theaters , particularly to protect 217 00:08:33,320 --> 00:08:37,200 against more complex Iranian backed 218 00:08:37,210 --> 00:08:39,410 attacks . I would also note that the 219 00:08:39,410 --> 00:08:41,810 budget zeroing out of LPD amphibious 220 00:08:41,810 --> 00:08:45,780 ships is the exact wrong move when we 221 00:08:45,780 --> 00:08:47,947 did not even have the capacity to send 222 00:08:47,947 --> 00:08:50,700 one amphibious ship to Turkey to help 223 00:08:50,710 --> 00:08:52,880 with their earthquake . Finally , I'm 224 00:08:52,880 --> 00:08:54,658 interested in how the Office of 225 00:08:54,658 --> 00:08:57,250 Strategic Capital might be leveraged to 226 00:08:57,250 --> 00:08:59,260 push back against the CCP in these 227 00:08:59,260 --> 00:09:01,427 theaters and elsewhere as they seek to 228 00:09:01,427 --> 00:09:03,920 buy ports and raw materials across the 229 00:09:03,920 --> 00:09:06,220 globe . I thank our witnesses and look 230 00:09:06,220 --> 00:09:08,498 forward to their testimony . Thank you , 231 00:09:08,498 --> 00:09:10,498 Mr Chairman . Thank you very much , 232 00:09:10,498 --> 00:09:12,831 Senator Worker General Carillo . Please , 233 00:09:13,020 --> 00:09:15,353 Chairman Reed , ranking member , wicker , 234 00:09:15,353 --> 00:09:17,576 ladies and gentlemen of the committee . 235 00:09:17,576 --> 00:09:19,520 I'm joined today by command master 236 00:09:19,520 --> 00:09:21,631 chief Derrick Walters , the command , 237 00:09:21,631 --> 00:09:23,742 senior enlisted leader of U S Central 238 00:09:23,742 --> 00:09:25,853 Command , on behalf of the soldiers , 239 00:09:25,853 --> 00:09:27,798 sailors , airmen , marines , coast 240 00:09:27,798 --> 00:09:29,964 guardsmen and guardians who serve this 241 00:09:29,964 --> 00:09:32,076 command , the central region and this 242 00:09:32,076 --> 00:09:33,909 nation every day . Thank you for 243 00:09:33,909 --> 00:09:35,964 allowing me to testify regarding the 244 00:09:35,964 --> 00:09:37,687 posture of U S Central command 245 00:09:37,687 --> 00:09:37,680 alongside my ranger buddy . Mike 246 00:09:37,680 --> 00:09:40,590 Langley . Centcom serves as the 247 00:09:40,590 --> 00:09:42,534 security integrator for an area of 248 00:09:42,534 --> 00:09:44,970 responsibility that encompasses 21 249 00:09:44,970 --> 00:09:47,870 nations , almost 600 million people and 250 00:09:47,870 --> 00:09:50,250 serves as the strategic nexus of the 251 00:09:50,250 --> 00:09:52,194 world's most important quarters of 252 00:09:52,194 --> 00:09:54,790 trade . I'm now 11 months into command . 253 00:09:54,800 --> 00:09:56,856 In that time , I've made 14 trips to 254 00:09:56,856 --> 00:09:58,800 the region . And those visits have 255 00:09:58,800 --> 00:10:00,911 allowed me first person insights that 256 00:10:00,911 --> 00:10:03,022 have informed my strategic approach , 257 00:10:03,022 --> 00:10:05,356 which is best summarized in three words , 258 00:10:05,356 --> 00:10:07,580 people , partners and innovation , 259 00:10:08,140 --> 00:10:10,251 people are our greatest asset and our 260 00:10:10,251 --> 00:10:12,307 most critical resource , our service 261 00:10:12,307 --> 00:10:14,307 members and civilians in the United 262 00:10:14,307 --> 00:10:16,251 States and across the region , our 263 00:10:16,251 --> 00:10:18,510 nation's best . I know this body keeps 264 00:10:18,510 --> 00:10:20,677 them top of mind that right now in the 265 00:10:20,677 --> 00:10:22,900 Centcom region , thousands of troops 266 00:10:22,900 --> 00:10:25,090 are in harm's way are people who are 267 00:10:25,090 --> 00:10:27,312 closest to the problem . Understand the 268 00:10:27,312 --> 00:10:29,368 opportunities available to solve the 269 00:10:29,368 --> 00:10:31,590 region's most complex challenges . That 270 00:10:31,590 --> 00:10:33,534 is why we relies so heavily on our 271 00:10:33,534 --> 00:10:35,312 partners . Our partners are the 272 00:10:35,312 --> 00:10:37,479 nation's comparative advantage against 273 00:10:37,479 --> 00:10:39,479 competitors like China and Russia . 274 00:10:39,479 --> 00:10:41,780 Across Centcom , we cultivate deep 275 00:10:41,790 --> 00:10:43,957 abiding partnerships that can serve as 276 00:10:43,957 --> 00:10:45,901 a hedge against the threats in the 277 00:10:45,901 --> 00:10:47,957 region while deterring Iran from its 278 00:10:47,957 --> 00:10:50,179 most destructive behavior . We have the 279 00:10:50,179 --> 00:10:52,068 kind of relationships that elicit 280 00:10:52,068 --> 00:10:54,123 candid sometimes tough conversations 281 00:10:54,123 --> 00:10:56,234 that result in solutions . These kind 282 00:10:56,234 --> 00:10:58,457 of relationships make us the partner of 283 00:10:58,457 --> 00:11:00,568 choice in the region . And a critical 284 00:11:00,568 --> 00:11:02,401 component of that partnership is 285 00:11:02,401 --> 00:11:04,457 innovation , innovation of thought , 286 00:11:04,457 --> 00:11:06,568 innovation of process , innovation of 287 00:11:06,568 --> 00:11:09,360 concept and technology extends the 288 00:11:09,360 --> 00:11:11,540 value of the partnerships . Innovation 289 00:11:11,540 --> 00:11:13,970 allows us to move faster , operate more 290 00:11:13,970 --> 00:11:15,859 efficiently and increase progress 291 00:11:15,859 --> 00:11:18,030 across all operational efforts . This 292 00:11:18,030 --> 00:11:20,197 is more important now than any time in 293 00:11:20,197 --> 00:11:22,220 our history . 40 years ago , the 294 00:11:22,220 --> 00:11:24,109 Department of Defense established 295 00:11:24,109 --> 00:11:26,331 Centcom to counter the malign influence 296 00:11:26,331 --> 00:11:28,442 of a revolutionary regime that seized 297 00:11:28,442 --> 00:11:30,553 power in Tehran and to compete with a 298 00:11:30,553 --> 00:11:32,720 great power in the region . The Soviet 299 00:11:32,720 --> 00:11:34,609 Union , the organizations charter 300 00:11:34,609 --> 00:11:36,960 directed by this body was it to direct 301 00:11:36,960 --> 00:11:38,904 and enable military operations and 302 00:11:38,904 --> 00:11:41,071 activities with allies and partners to 303 00:11:41,071 --> 00:11:43,238 increase regional stability in support 304 00:11:43,238 --> 00:11:45,460 of enduring us interests . That mission 305 00:11:45,460 --> 00:11:47,571 remains essentially unchanged to this 306 00:11:47,571 --> 00:11:49,970 day , Iran still remains the focus . We 307 00:11:49,970 --> 00:11:52,081 now battle filing extremist groups to 308 00:11:52,081 --> 00:11:54,137 threaten the region and beyond . The 309 00:11:54,137 --> 00:11:56,137 Soviet Union has been replaced with 310 00:11:56,137 --> 00:11:57,803 China and Russia as strategic 311 00:11:57,803 --> 00:12:00,026 competitors with these challenges . The 312 00:12:00,026 --> 00:12:02,192 Centcom region holds the greatest risk 313 00:12:02,192 --> 00:12:04,081 of derailing the national defense 314 00:12:04,081 --> 00:12:05,581 strategy with a flashpoint 315 00:12:05,581 --> 00:12:07,748 international incident that may demand 316 00:12:07,748 --> 00:12:09,803 a response using unplanned resources 317 00:12:09,803 --> 00:12:12,460 and attention . So today , Centcom 318 00:12:12,460 --> 00:12:15,020 priorities are to deter Iran counter 319 00:12:15,020 --> 00:12:17,076 violence extremist organizations and 320 00:12:17,076 --> 00:12:19,131 compete strategically with China and 321 00:12:19,131 --> 00:12:21,450 Russia . Four decades after Centcom 322 00:12:21,460 --> 00:12:23,738 four decades after Centcom's formation , 323 00:12:23,738 --> 00:12:25,904 Iran remains the primary destabilizing 324 00:12:25,904 --> 00:12:27,900 element in the region . We've seen 325 00:12:27,900 --> 00:12:29,900 rapid advances in Iranian military 326 00:12:29,900 --> 00:12:33,310 capability over time . The Iran of 2023 327 00:12:33,320 --> 00:12:36,480 is not the Iran of 1983 . In fact , 328 00:12:36,480 --> 00:12:38,450 today , Iran is exponentially more 329 00:12:38,450 --> 00:12:40,617 capable than they were just five years 330 00:12:40,617 --> 00:12:42,740 ago . Today , Iran possesses the 331 00:12:42,740 --> 00:12:44,573 largest and most diverse missile 332 00:12:44,573 --> 00:12:46,740 arsenal in the Middle East , thousands 333 00:12:46,740 --> 00:12:48,962 of ballistic and cruise missiles , many 334 00:12:48,962 --> 00:12:50,962 capable of striking anywhere in the 335 00:12:50,962 --> 00:12:53,073 Middle East . Iran also maintains the 336 00:12:53,073 --> 00:12:55,296 largest and most capable U A V force in 337 00:12:55,296 --> 00:12:57,890 the region . The regime continues to 338 00:12:57,890 --> 00:12:59,834 enrich in stockpile of uranium far 339 00:12:59,834 --> 00:13:02,057 above what is needed for commercial use 340 00:13:02,057 --> 00:13:03,946 and Tehran can enrich uranium far 341 00:13:03,946 --> 00:13:06,279 faster than it could even two years ago . 342 00:13:06,279 --> 00:13:08,334 And Iran with a nuclear weapon would 343 00:13:08,334 --> 00:13:10,390 change the Middle East overnight and 344 00:13:10,390 --> 00:13:12,370 forever Iran's vast and deeply 345 00:13:12,370 --> 00:13:14,037 resourced proxy forces spread 346 00:13:14,037 --> 00:13:16,148 instability throughout the region and 347 00:13:16,148 --> 00:13:18,430 threaten our regional partners . As 348 00:13:18,430 --> 00:13:20,708 Iran continued to stabilize the region , 349 00:13:20,708 --> 00:13:22,763 we continue to fight against violent 350 00:13:22,763 --> 00:13:25,480 extremist organizations in Syria . We 351 00:13:25,480 --> 00:13:27,424 put pressure on Isis alongside our 352 00:13:27,424 --> 00:13:29,730 Syrian Democratic Forces . Partners in 353 00:13:29,730 --> 00:13:32,340 Iraq , we advise assist and enable the 354 00:13:32,340 --> 00:13:34,640 Iraqi security forces in their fight 355 00:13:34,650 --> 00:13:37,110 against Isis while Isis is 356 00:13:37,110 --> 00:13:39,166 significantly degraded in Iraq . And 357 00:13:39,166 --> 00:13:40,943 Syria , the group maintains the 358 00:13:40,943 --> 00:13:43,166 capability to conduct operations within 359 00:13:43,166 --> 00:13:45,388 the region and has the desire to strike 360 00:13:45,388 --> 00:13:47,443 outside of it . Our progress in Iraq 361 00:13:47,443 --> 00:13:49,554 and Syria contrasts with the security 362 00:13:49,554 --> 00:13:52,140 situation in Afghanistan in Afghanistan . 363 00:13:52,140 --> 00:13:54,029 The Taliban's hold on security is 364 00:13:54,029 --> 00:13:56,251 maintained through ideology , continued 365 00:13:56,251 --> 00:13:58,251 humanitarian aid and the persistent 366 00:13:58,251 --> 00:14:00,140 abuse of human rights to dissuade 367 00:14:00,140 --> 00:14:01,900 unrest , extremist groups the 368 00:14:01,900 --> 00:14:04,320 opportunity and Isis Khorasan grows 369 00:14:04,320 --> 00:14:06,610 embolden seeking to expand its ranks 370 00:14:06,610 --> 00:14:08,832 and inspire , enable and direct attacks 371 00:14:08,832 --> 00:14:10,832 in the region and beyond . With the 372 00:14:10,832 --> 00:14:13,054 ultimate goal to strike on the American 373 00:14:13,054 --> 00:14:14,999 homeland amidst these challenges . 374 00:14:14,999 --> 00:14:16,777 Strategic competition is deeply 375 00:14:16,777 --> 00:14:18,888 manifest in the region . The People's 376 00:14:18,888 --> 00:14:21,110 Republic of China has chosen to compete 377 00:14:21,110 --> 00:14:23,332 in the region . The PRC is aggressively 378 00:14:23,332 --> 00:14:25,499 expanding its diplomatic informational 379 00:14:25,499 --> 00:14:27,610 military and economic outreach across 380 00:14:27,610 --> 00:14:29,910 the region . China dependent upon the 381 00:14:29,910 --> 00:14:32,220 region for half of its imported oil is 382 00:14:32,220 --> 00:14:33,998 also moving beyond energy based 383 00:14:33,998 --> 00:14:36,220 investments to encompass physical and 384 00:14:36,220 --> 00:14:38,400 telecommunication infrastructure that 385 00:14:38,400 --> 00:14:40,678 advances its Belt and Road initiatives . 386 00:14:40,960 --> 00:14:42,960 Over half the oil . And more than a 387 00:14:42,960 --> 00:14:45,071 third of all the natural gas imported 388 00:14:45,071 --> 00:14:46,849 by China is supplied by Centcom 389 00:14:46,849 --> 00:14:49,016 countries . 19 of 21 Centcom countries 390 00:14:49,016 --> 00:14:51,182 have signed a Belt and Road initiative 391 00:14:51,182 --> 00:14:53,410 with China . We are in a race to 392 00:14:53,420 --> 00:14:55,364 integrate with our partners before 393 00:14:55,364 --> 00:14:57,531 China can fully penetrate the region . 394 00:14:57,810 --> 00:15:00,032 Russia looks to expand its influence in 395 00:15:00,032 --> 00:15:02,199 Syria , seeking permanent basing their 396 00:15:02,199 --> 00:15:04,199 and undermining our efforts towards 397 00:15:04,199 --> 00:15:06,366 stability and security in the region . 398 00:15:06,366 --> 00:15:08,588 The U S Central Command juts up against 399 00:15:08,588 --> 00:15:10,699 Russia with a border 6.5 times longer 400 00:15:10,699 --> 00:15:12,699 than the Russian border with NATO . 401 00:15:12,699 --> 00:15:14,810 Putin seeks to take advantage of this 402 00:15:14,810 --> 00:15:16,977 proximity with a foothold of influence 403 00:15:16,977 --> 00:15:18,643 in the Central Asian States , 404 00:15:18,643 --> 00:15:20,754 leveraging historical relations and a 405 00:15:20,754 --> 00:15:22,921 perceived decline in U S engagement to 406 00:15:22,921 --> 00:15:22,890 challenge our influence in that 407 00:15:22,890 --> 00:15:24,890 critical part of the world with all 408 00:15:24,890 --> 00:15:26,946 these challenges and opportunities . 409 00:15:26,946 --> 00:15:29,112 The Centcom region looks to the United 410 00:15:29,112 --> 00:15:31,168 States for assurances our commitment 411 00:15:31,168 --> 00:15:33,001 for Centcom . That commitment is 412 00:15:33,001 --> 00:15:35,057 unwavering in closing . Let me thank 413 00:15:35,057 --> 00:15:37,057 you for your support to our service 414 00:15:37,057 --> 00:15:39,112 members . I would also like to thank 415 00:15:39,112 --> 00:15:38,970 the soldiers , sailors , airmen , 416 00:15:38,970 --> 00:15:41,192 marines , coast guardsmen and guardians 417 00:15:41,192 --> 00:15:43,414 who serve and sacrifice and Centcom and 418 00:15:43,414 --> 00:15:45,637 all those who have done so for the last 419 00:15:45,637 --> 00:15:47,803 40 years . It is the greatest honor of 420 00:15:47,803 --> 00:15:49,803 my lifetime to be their commander . 421 00:15:49,803 --> 00:15:49,620 Thank you . Thank you , General 422 00:15:49,620 --> 00:15:51,620 Carillon General Langley , please . 423 00:15:53,520 --> 00:15:56,260 Chairman Reed , ranking member wicker 424 00:15:56,920 --> 00:15:59,310 distinguished committee members is 425 00:15:59,310 --> 00:16:01,421 honored to appear before you today to 426 00:16:01,421 --> 00:16:03,588 testify on the state of affairs of the 427 00:16:03,588 --> 00:16:05,870 United States Africa command . I'm 428 00:16:05,870 --> 00:16:08,490 proud to testify along my good friend , 429 00:16:08,490 --> 00:16:10,850 General Eric Gorilla , the commander of 430 00:16:10,850 --> 00:16:13,860 the United States Central Command . Now 431 00:16:13,860 --> 00:16:16,700 I assume command last August . And 432 00:16:16,700 --> 00:16:20,100 since then , I embarked upon a campaign 433 00:16:20,100 --> 00:16:23,130 of learning over the last seven months 434 00:16:23,130 --> 00:16:25,560 to inform our discussion here . Today , 435 00:16:25,570 --> 00:16:27,681 I undertook this campaign of learning 436 00:16:27,681 --> 00:16:29,514 to fulfill my commitment to this 437 00:16:29,514 --> 00:16:31,292 Congress to complete a holistic 438 00:16:31,292 --> 00:16:34,950 assessment upon confirmation . I made 439 00:16:34,950 --> 00:16:37,360 that assessment and I will continue it 440 00:16:37,360 --> 00:16:40,150 throughout my tenure of command Up 441 00:16:40,150 --> 00:16:42,490 Front . I Wanna Make one Thing Crystal 442 00:16:42,490 --> 00:16:45,200 Clear . The team of service members and 443 00:16:45,200 --> 00:16:47,270 civilians at Africom is a talent and 444 00:16:47,270 --> 00:16:50,430 dedicated body . I am honored to serve 445 00:16:50,430 --> 00:16:53,460 among them . I'm joined here today by 446 00:16:53,460 --> 00:16:55,516 my State Department , Foreign policy 447 00:16:55,516 --> 00:16:57,470 advisor , Mr Phil Nelson , who 448 00:16:57,470 --> 00:16:59,526 represents the exceptionally skilled 449 00:16:59,526 --> 00:17:01,700 diplomatic team embedded in our 450 00:17:01,700 --> 00:17:05,240 headquarters . Our , our entire 451 00:17:05,240 --> 00:17:09,150 team is laser focus on implementing our 452 00:17:09,150 --> 00:17:11,610 whole of government approach with our 453 00:17:11,610 --> 00:17:13,832 partners from the Department of State , 454 00:17:13,832 --> 00:17:16,550 U S A I D , the Intelligence community 455 00:17:16,560 --> 00:17:19,250 and other us government organizations . 456 00:17:19,260 --> 00:17:21,540 We campaign with our allies and 457 00:17:21,540 --> 00:17:23,780 partners to advance mutual interests 458 00:17:23,780 --> 00:17:26,500 and to promote stability and prosperity 459 00:17:26,510 --> 00:17:29,230 on the African continent . You should 460 00:17:29,230 --> 00:17:31,452 be proud of their efforts . I certainly 461 00:17:31,452 --> 00:17:35,140 am now . Africa is a vast and 462 00:17:35,140 --> 00:17:37,570 dynamic continent of sovereign nations 463 00:17:37,580 --> 00:17:39,691 collectively and individually , these 464 00:17:39,691 --> 00:17:41,636 nations are increasingly important 465 00:17:41,636 --> 00:17:44,920 players on the global stage . As such 466 00:17:44,930 --> 00:17:47,270 Africom contribution to American 467 00:17:47,280 --> 00:17:50,010 security must be viewed through a 468 00:17:50,010 --> 00:17:52,850 global lens . Threats once contained on 469 00:17:52,850 --> 00:17:54,950 the continent of transforming into 470 00:17:54,950 --> 00:17:58,070 worldwide threats , terrorism , 471 00:17:58,450 --> 00:18:02,350 poverty , food insecurity , climate 472 00:18:02,350 --> 00:18:05,790 change and mass migration . Shadow 473 00:18:05,790 --> 00:18:08,650 African lives . They sowed the seeds 474 00:18:08,650 --> 00:18:10,372 about an extremist and Russian 475 00:18:10,372 --> 00:18:12,810 exploitation . The Kremlin's invasion 476 00:18:12,810 --> 00:18:14,754 of Ukraine has aggravated the food 477 00:18:14,754 --> 00:18:17,030 insecurity crisis in Africa by blocking 478 00:18:17,030 --> 00:18:19,070 vital food shipments to the same 479 00:18:19,070 --> 00:18:21,950 nations that feel the deepest impact of 480 00:18:21,950 --> 00:18:25,510 climate change . Russia's Wagner 481 00:18:25,520 --> 00:18:29,190 mercenaries turned chaos into cash . It 482 00:18:29,190 --> 00:18:31,490 destabilizes entire regions across 483 00:18:31,490 --> 00:18:33,660 Africa and cuts at the American 484 00:18:33,660 --> 00:18:36,740 interests worldwide . The expansion of 485 00:18:36,740 --> 00:18:38,962 the Middle East based violent extremist 486 00:18:38,962 --> 00:18:40,907 groups such as Isis and Al Qaeda , 487 00:18:40,907 --> 00:18:43,040 including the biggest franchise . Al 488 00:18:43,040 --> 00:18:45,470 Shabaab threatens American lives . 489 00:18:46,570 --> 00:18:48,640 Solutions to these colossal problems 490 00:18:48,640 --> 00:18:52,250 must be a shared burden . African 491 00:18:52,250 --> 00:18:54,440 nations need to be at the helm of a 492 00:18:54,440 --> 00:18:56,329 concerted international effort to 493 00:18:56,329 --> 00:18:58,300 produce sustainable results , 494 00:18:58,310 --> 00:19:01,890 sustainable outcomes , assisting 495 00:19:01,890 --> 00:19:03,834 African nations to achieving their 496 00:19:03,834 --> 00:19:05,557 goals while advancing American 497 00:19:05,557 --> 00:19:07,501 interests can only be accomplished 498 00:19:07,501 --> 00:19:09,360 through a synchronized whole of 499 00:19:09,360 --> 00:19:11,510 government approach , whole of 500 00:19:11,510 --> 00:19:14,440 government strategy . We call it the 3D 501 00:19:14,440 --> 00:19:16,530 approach which is a toolkit of 502 00:19:16,530 --> 00:19:18,641 diplomacy , development and defense , 503 00:19:19,220 --> 00:19:22,310 but one tool does not succeed without 504 00:19:22,310 --> 00:19:25,350 the whole kit . So I will advocate for 505 00:19:25,350 --> 00:19:27,570 my state department and U S A I D 506 00:19:27,570 --> 00:19:29,930 partners to receive the resources they 507 00:19:29,930 --> 00:19:31,600 need to succeed . 508 00:19:35,290 --> 00:19:37,160 Now , Africa faces many other 509 00:19:37,160 --> 00:19:39,220 challenges , how we're putting the 510 00:19:39,220 --> 00:19:41,331 African needs at the forefront of our 511 00:19:41,331 --> 00:19:43,442 campaign , reinforced by multilateral 512 00:19:43,442 --> 00:19:45,442 and hold government engagement will 513 00:19:45,442 --> 00:19:47,580 help Africom and our partners work 514 00:19:47,580 --> 00:19:50,910 towards a sustainable peace , stability 515 00:19:51,160 --> 00:19:52,160 and prosperity . 516 00:19:54,880 --> 00:19:57,480 Chairman Reed , ranking member with 517 00:19:57,490 --> 00:20:00,780 Waker and distinguished members of this 518 00:20:00,780 --> 00:20:02,780 committee . Thank you for having me 519 00:20:02,780 --> 00:20:04,780 here today . I look forward to your 520 00:20:04,780 --> 00:20:06,669 questions . Thank you very much , 521 00:20:06,669 --> 00:20:09,070 General Langley . Um General Coral , 522 00:20:09,070 --> 00:20:11,610 you've rightly emphasized the critical 523 00:20:11,610 --> 00:20:13,810 importance of leveraging allies and 524 00:20:13,810 --> 00:20:16,590 partners to counter threats from Iran 525 00:20:16,600 --> 00:20:19,530 and Iranian linked groups . And does 526 00:20:19,530 --> 00:20:23,240 our posture change with respect to the 527 00:20:23,240 --> 00:20:25,410 new agreement between Saudi Arabia and 528 00:20:25,410 --> 00:20:28,880 Iran and how will impact our allies in 529 00:20:28,880 --> 00:20:31,770 the region and across the globe ? Thank 530 00:20:31,770 --> 00:20:33,603 you , Chairman , appreciate that 531 00:20:33,603 --> 00:20:35,659 question . So this agreement between 532 00:20:35,659 --> 00:20:37,290 Iran and Saudi Arabia is the 533 00:20:37,290 --> 00:20:39,346 culmination really of three years of 534 00:20:39,346 --> 00:20:41,568 discussions that have been going on but 535 00:20:41,568 --> 00:20:43,790 just recently by , by China and I would 536 00:20:43,790 --> 00:20:47,260 say an agreement is not implementation 537 00:20:47,270 --> 00:20:49,510 while these discussions were going on 538 00:20:49,520 --> 00:20:51,187 in the last 90 days , we have 539 00:20:51,187 --> 00:20:53,730 interdicted five major weapons 540 00:20:53,730 --> 00:20:56,050 shipments coming from Iran to Yemen , 541 00:20:56,450 --> 00:20:58,339 which those weapons are then used 542 00:20:58,339 --> 00:21:00,339 against Saudi Arabia . One of those 543 00:21:00,339 --> 00:21:02,117 shipments included components , 544 00:21:02,117 --> 00:21:04,460 inertial navigation systems for short 545 00:21:04,460 --> 00:21:07,210 range ballistic missiles . So again , I 546 00:21:07,210 --> 00:21:08,877 think the implementation is a 547 00:21:08,877 --> 00:21:11,690 completely different matter on this . 548 00:21:12,270 --> 00:21:15,320 Will China be held accountable by the 549 00:21:15,320 --> 00:21:19,300 Saudis if they cannot limit 550 00:21:19,310 --> 00:21:22,070 attacks against the kingdom and weapon 551 00:21:22,070 --> 00:21:24,810 transfers as you describe . So I think 552 00:21:24,810 --> 00:21:27,270 that remains to be seen , Chairman . Um 553 00:21:27,280 --> 00:21:29,620 what is concerning on this is China's 554 00:21:29,620 --> 00:21:32,150 penetration into the region In the 555 00:21:32,160 --> 00:21:34,216 national instruments of power . They 556 00:21:34,216 --> 00:21:36,160 already have their economic in the 557 00:21:36,160 --> 00:21:38,104 region , their information , their 558 00:21:38,104 --> 00:21:40,216 military with an increase in sales of 559 00:21:40,216 --> 00:21:42,620 at least 80% over the last 10 years in 560 00:21:42,620 --> 00:21:44,780 terms of their uh foreign military 561 00:21:44,780 --> 00:21:46,836 sales . And now we're seeing for the 562 00:21:46,836 --> 00:21:49,002 first time , really their diplomatic . 563 00:21:49,002 --> 00:21:51,058 Thank you , General Langley . You've 564 00:21:51,058 --> 00:21:53,280 mentioned President at the Wagner group 565 00:21:53,280 --> 00:21:56,370 in uh Africa and their 566 00:21:56,380 --> 00:21:59,720 behavior , which is contrary to 567 00:21:59,730 --> 00:22:03,640 uh any decency at all in the 568 00:22:03,640 --> 00:22:04,330 world . 569 00:22:07,280 --> 00:22:09,600 How are we trying through the 570 00:22:09,600 --> 00:22:13,170 information domain to expose them and 571 00:22:13,180 --> 00:22:16,530 what they're doing and also obviously 572 00:22:16,530 --> 00:22:18,586 expose the Russian government that's 573 00:22:18,586 --> 00:22:20,641 supporting them and , and sponsoring 574 00:22:20,641 --> 00:22:24,540 them chairman 575 00:22:24,540 --> 00:22:26,940 from the male to male perspective in 576 00:22:26,940 --> 00:22:29,680 engagement with our partners . We do 577 00:22:29,680 --> 00:22:32,360 use uh information 578 00:22:32,370 --> 00:22:35,960 operations to affect and address 579 00:22:35,960 --> 00:22:38,610 the negative sentiment in their message 580 00:22:38,620 --> 00:22:40,880 that destabilizes the countries in 581 00:22:40,880 --> 00:22:44,090 which uh they messed themselves and 582 00:22:44,100 --> 00:22:46,590 especially in Mali , that is very , has 583 00:22:46,590 --> 00:22:49,230 been very much present that they have 584 00:22:49,240 --> 00:22:51,480 destabilizing activities . But it's 585 00:22:51,480 --> 00:22:54,430 been really uh is reinforced by the U N 586 00:22:54,430 --> 00:22:57,170 force , their uh illuminating and 587 00:22:57,170 --> 00:22:59,770 amplifying some of the atrocities uh 588 00:22:59,770 --> 00:23:02,310 that the Wagner group is , is uh guilty 589 00:23:02,310 --> 00:23:05,330 of . So there in lies the whole of 590 00:23:05,330 --> 00:23:07,497 government approach since I don't have 591 00:23:07,497 --> 00:23:10,280 mil to mil uh because of sanctions at 592 00:23:10,280 --> 00:23:12,447 this point . But we still have a whole 593 00:23:12,447 --> 00:23:14,613 government approach that can take that 594 00:23:14,613 --> 00:23:16,336 mantle and still be able to do 595 00:23:16,336 --> 00:23:18,760 information operations . Thank you . Uh 596 00:23:18,770 --> 00:23:21,690 General Carella . Uh We spoke about 597 00:23:21,690 --> 00:23:23,940 China , we also speak about Russia , 598 00:23:23,950 --> 00:23:27,870 the aid that Iran is giving to 599 00:23:27,870 --> 00:23:30,300 Russia now in the Ukraine fight and 600 00:23:30,300 --> 00:23:32,270 what would presumably be the 601 00:23:32,280 --> 00:23:34,650 reciprocation by the Russians in many 602 00:23:34,650 --> 00:23:37,210 different ways ? Uh Is another factor 603 00:23:37,210 --> 00:23:40,260 that has recently emerged . 604 00:23:40,270 --> 00:23:43,730 Uh What's your response to that ? 605 00:23:43,740 --> 00:23:47,240 What advice can you give to us and how 606 00:23:47,240 --> 00:23:50,500 can we limit this uh the impact of this 607 00:23:50,500 --> 00:23:52,740 arrangement ? Chairman ? Thank you for 608 00:23:52,740 --> 00:23:54,796 the question on that . So it is very 609 00:23:54,796 --> 00:23:56,962 concerning any time we see adversaries 610 00:23:56,962 --> 00:23:59,184 working together , we do know that they 611 00:23:59,184 --> 00:24:01,690 have shipped hundreds of their advanced 612 00:24:01,700 --> 00:24:04,180 unmanned aerial vehicles to the Ukraine . 613 00:24:04,180 --> 00:24:06,291 These are the same ones that have hit 614 00:24:06,291 --> 00:24:08,513 our service members in both Iraq and in 615 00:24:08,513 --> 00:24:10,830 Syria . They are improving upon them 616 00:24:10,830 --> 00:24:12,997 based on what they are learning inside 617 00:24:12,997 --> 00:24:15,060 the Ukraine . Um I am concerned then 618 00:24:15,060 --> 00:24:17,171 with the support that Russia can give 619 00:24:17,171 --> 00:24:19,171 back . As you know , the Iran state 620 00:24:19,171 --> 00:24:22,130 media announced um the approval of , I 621 00:24:22,140 --> 00:24:24,196 don't know the exact number yet will 622 00:24:24,196 --> 00:24:26,418 come out of the agreement , but the S U 623 00:24:26,418 --> 00:24:28,990 35 with is 1/4 gen plus fighter which 624 00:24:28,990 --> 00:24:31,212 has a lot of our partners in the region 625 00:24:31,212 --> 00:24:35,200 concerned as well . Uh And um what 626 00:24:35,200 --> 00:24:38,250 types of steps are you contemplating or 627 00:24:38,250 --> 00:24:41,610 we should be contemplating to try to um 628 00:24:41,620 --> 00:24:45,360 disrupt or diminish this 629 00:24:45,360 --> 00:24:47,770 threat ? That's emerging uh chairman , 630 00:24:47,770 --> 00:24:49,659 I think this will take a whole of 631 00:24:49,659 --> 00:24:51,770 government approach to include all of 632 00:24:51,770 --> 00:24:53,826 the instruments of national power on 633 00:24:53,826 --> 00:24:55,937 this to be able to prevent that . And 634 00:24:55,937 --> 00:24:58,450 uh with respect to the Iranian nuclear 635 00:24:58,450 --> 00:25:01,580 program , uh they've made significant 636 00:25:01,590 --> 00:25:04,870 steps since the termination of J C P O 637 00:25:04,870 --> 00:25:07,440 A . Uh Is there any indication that 638 00:25:07,440 --> 00:25:10,680 either Russia or China would encourage 639 00:25:10,680 --> 00:25:12,680 them , sponsor them or on the other 640 00:25:12,680 --> 00:25:15,310 hand , discourage them from moving 641 00:25:15,310 --> 00:25:17,421 further . And chairman , I'll be able 642 00:25:17,421 --> 00:25:19,477 to talk about that in the classified 643 00:25:19,477 --> 00:25:21,532 session immediately following this . 644 00:25:21,532 --> 00:25:23,643 Thank you very much , General . Thank 645 00:25:23,643 --> 00:25:25,810 you both and again , thank the men and 646 00:25:25,810 --> 00:25:27,977 women and glad to see the master chief 647 00:25:27,977 --> 00:25:30,190 is here . Uh So you're well supervised 648 00:25:30,190 --> 00:25:33,210 general gorilla . Thank you very much 649 00:25:33,220 --> 00:25:35,442 center worker , please . Thank you , Mr 650 00:25:35,442 --> 00:25:37,331 Chairman . Let's stay with Iran , 651 00:25:37,331 --> 00:25:39,330 General Kurilla . Um 652 00:25:40,930 --> 00:25:43,800 You can tell us in a non classified 653 00:25:43,800 --> 00:25:46,790 setting , can't you whether the threat 654 00:25:46,800 --> 00:25:50,750 from Iran has grown stronger 655 00:25:50,760 --> 00:25:54,490 or lesser in the past two years ? 656 00:25:55,200 --> 00:25:57,422 Um Iran's malign behavior has increased 657 00:25:57,422 --> 00:25:59,700 in the last two years , Senator ? Okay . 658 00:25:59,700 --> 00:26:03,700 And uh what do you need from the 659 00:26:03,710 --> 00:26:06,880 Congress of the United States to meet 660 00:26:06,890 --> 00:26:09,110 this threat ? So as we look at the 661 00:26:09,110 --> 00:26:11,110 threat , mainly that we face as the 662 00:26:11,110 --> 00:26:12,999 ballistic missile and their U A V 663 00:26:12,999 --> 00:26:15,166 threat in the region , one of the ways 664 00:26:15,166 --> 00:26:17,332 that we are countering that is through 665 00:26:17,332 --> 00:26:19,443 regional um agreements and a regional 666 00:26:19,443 --> 00:26:21,277 architecture as we go towards an 667 00:26:21,277 --> 00:26:23,388 integrated air and missile defense in 668 00:26:23,388 --> 00:26:25,554 the region , we are making progress on 669 00:26:25,554 --> 00:26:27,332 that . Um So what we need is to 670 00:26:27,332 --> 00:26:29,443 continue to re sourcing and I want to 671 00:26:29,443 --> 00:26:31,610 make sure that I have a sufficient and 672 00:26:31,610 --> 00:26:33,940 sustainable um posture in in Centcom so 673 00:26:33,940 --> 00:26:35,996 that I can accomplish the missions I 674 00:26:35,996 --> 00:26:38,107 have been given um to make sure I can 675 00:26:38,107 --> 00:26:40,218 mitigate the risk if there's one area 676 00:26:40,218 --> 00:26:42,107 in the world , I believe that can 677 00:26:42,107 --> 00:26:44,273 derail the national defense strategy . 678 00:26:44,273 --> 00:26:46,496 Is the it is that currently the Centcom 679 00:26:46,496 --> 00:26:49,610 hor so the resources to help you 680 00:26:49,610 --> 00:26:52,220 facilitate these agreements , it is the 681 00:26:52,220 --> 00:26:55,690 resources . Okay . Uh Well , help us be 682 00:26:55,690 --> 00:26:59,430 specific about that . Now , um after 683 00:26:59,430 --> 00:27:02,910 the disastrous Afghan um 684 00:27:02,980 --> 00:27:06,710 withdrawal departments assure this 685 00:27:06,710 --> 00:27:09,480 committee that countering terrorist 686 00:27:09,480 --> 00:27:11,702 groups would still be possible over the 687 00:27:11,702 --> 00:27:13,813 horizon . We've only done that once . 688 00:27:13,813 --> 00:27:16,430 Is that correct ? Senator ? We actually 689 00:27:16,430 --> 00:27:19,380 all kinetic , all finishes in the 690 00:27:19,390 --> 00:27:21,820 methodology of fine fix and finish on 691 00:27:21,820 --> 00:27:23,931 terror , counterterrorism targets are 692 00:27:23,931 --> 00:27:26,098 not kinetic . There's two that are non 693 00:27:26,098 --> 00:27:28,153 kinetic that we disrupted . And I'll 694 00:27:28,153 --> 00:27:30,264 talk about that in a class classified 695 00:27:30,264 --> 00:27:32,487 study that involved over five combatant 696 00:27:32,487 --> 00:27:34,653 commanders to disrupt those finishes . 697 00:27:35,330 --> 00:27:38,130 Um Okay . So two non kinetic and one 698 00:27:38,130 --> 00:27:40,640 kinetic . Do you think we should be 699 00:27:40,640 --> 00:27:42,960 doing more of those ? Um It is 700 00:27:42,960 --> 00:27:45,071 difficult right now , as I said in my 701 00:27:45,071 --> 00:27:46,849 confirmation hearing , it is uh 702 00:27:46,849 --> 00:27:48,960 difficult but not impossible . One of 703 00:27:48,960 --> 00:27:51,071 the things that we're trying to do is 704 00:27:51,071 --> 00:27:53,238 increase our intelligence surveillance 705 00:27:53,238 --> 00:27:55,349 reconnaissance over that with putting 706 00:27:55,349 --> 00:27:57,293 investment into long duration high 707 00:27:57,293 --> 00:27:59,404 altitude alternative , airborne I S R 708 00:27:59,404 --> 00:28:01,293 that can go up for days and weeks 709 00:28:01,293 --> 00:28:03,404 because right now I'm spending 80% of 710 00:28:03,404 --> 00:28:05,571 my time transiting um to the region to 711 00:28:05,571 --> 00:28:07,849 be able to collect over the top . Okay , 712 00:28:07,849 --> 00:28:11,760 General Langley . Um , tell us what 713 00:28:11,770 --> 00:28:14,950 China is doing . How far along are they 714 00:28:14,950 --> 00:28:18,660 on their base in Djibouti ? And 715 00:28:18,660 --> 00:28:22,200 where do you think they might uh 716 00:28:22,210 --> 00:28:24,910 likely be making their uh strongest 717 00:28:24,920 --> 00:28:28,090 effort for a military base in West 718 00:28:28,090 --> 00:28:28,690 Africa ? 719 00:28:32,350 --> 00:28:34,572 Thank you , Senator for that question . 720 00:28:34,572 --> 00:28:38,210 Uh China's aspirations especially at 721 00:28:38,210 --> 00:28:40,380 door lay . Uh They're , they're , 722 00:28:40,390 --> 00:28:42,750 they're coming across a thinly veiled 723 00:28:42,750 --> 00:28:45,480 front that is all for goodwill . But we 724 00:28:45,480 --> 00:28:47,313 know that they're establishing , 725 00:28:47,313 --> 00:28:49,147 especially with the destroyer to 726 00:28:49,147 --> 00:28:52,680 visited . Uh Door Lay last March shows 727 00:28:52,680 --> 00:28:55,320 that they have indications that tell us , 728 00:28:55,330 --> 00:28:57,552 tell us where that is . The door lay is 729 00:28:57,552 --> 00:29:00,870 in Djibouti . I'm sorry . Um um So we 730 00:29:00,870 --> 00:29:03,440 can remember , uh their aspirations are 731 00:29:03,440 --> 00:29:06,150 pretty clear . Uh That's a strategic 732 00:29:06,160 --> 00:29:08,570 line of communication , especially as 733 00:29:08,570 --> 00:29:12,310 it embarks upon uh the Suez Canal and 734 00:29:12,310 --> 00:29:15,680 the mandeb , if they wanted to fully 735 00:29:15,680 --> 00:29:18,840 militarize that door is of 736 00:29:18,840 --> 00:29:20,850 concern there saying it's all about 737 00:29:20,850 --> 00:29:24,090 goodwill . But , but I think the other 738 00:29:24,100 --> 00:29:26,870 um they do have other aspirations and 739 00:29:26,870 --> 00:29:29,290 in closed session , uh ranking member , 740 00:29:29,290 --> 00:29:31,401 I know that I can be able to lay that 741 00:29:31,401 --> 00:29:33,900 out . Where on where in West Africa is 742 00:29:33,900 --> 00:29:36,011 their next military base aspiration ? 743 00:29:36,011 --> 00:29:38,340 Okay . But tell us then if you can , I 744 00:29:38,340 --> 00:29:42,170 think , and I think you can um how that 745 00:29:42,170 --> 00:29:45,540 would affect our security um 746 00:29:45,550 --> 00:29:49,240 as Americans and particularly in North 747 00:29:49,240 --> 00:29:52,080 America . If the Chinese are able to 748 00:29:52,080 --> 00:29:55,970 establish a base in West Africa , it 749 00:29:55,970 --> 00:29:57,914 would , it would put uh they would 750 00:29:57,914 --> 00:29:59,970 change the whole calculus of the geo 751 00:29:59,970 --> 00:30:03,740 strategic uh global campaign plans of 752 00:30:03,740 --> 00:30:05,851 protecting the homeland . Uh It would 753 00:30:05,851 --> 00:30:07,850 shorten their , if they built any 754 00:30:07,860 --> 00:30:10,540 capacity on the West coast , geo 755 00:30:10,540 --> 00:30:12,429 strategically will put them at an 756 00:30:12,429 --> 00:30:14,429 advantage . Right now . We have the 757 00:30:14,429 --> 00:30:16,540 decisive advantage . They cannot . Uh 758 00:30:16,540 --> 00:30:18,596 we can't let them have a base on the 759 00:30:18,596 --> 00:30:20,762 West Coast because it would change the 760 00:30:20,762 --> 00:30:22,873 dynamics . Thank you . Thank you , Mr 761 00:30:22,873 --> 00:30:25,040 Chairman . Thank you very much . Thank 762 00:30:25,040 --> 00:30:26,929 you , Senator Workers , Senator , 763 00:30:26,929 --> 00:30:29,040 please . Thank you , General Carrillo 764 00:30:29,040 --> 00:30:31,207 and Langley . Thank you both for being 765 00:30:31,207 --> 00:30:33,373 here this morning . General Carrillo . 766 00:30:33,373 --> 00:30:35,373 I want to pick up on a conversation 767 00:30:35,373 --> 00:30:37,540 that we had um when we met a couple of 768 00:30:37,540 --> 00:30:39,373 weeks ago and I appreciated that 769 00:30:39,373 --> 00:30:41,540 opportunity . But one of the things we 770 00:30:41,540 --> 00:30:43,651 talked about was the situation in the 771 00:30:43,651 --> 00:30:45,818 Isis detainee camps in Syria . And can 772 00:30:45,818 --> 00:30:47,707 you give us an update on what the 773 00:30:47,707 --> 00:30:49,873 current conditions are and what you're 774 00:30:49,873 --> 00:30:52,240 doing in Centcom to help stabilize 775 00:30:52,260 --> 00:30:54,260 what's happening there and what you 776 00:30:54,260 --> 00:30:56,660 need from us in order to , for us to be 777 00:30:56,660 --> 00:30:58,940 more successful there . Thanks Senator . 778 00:30:58,940 --> 00:31:01,670 So I've been to Syria six times . Um I 779 00:31:01,670 --> 00:31:04,510 was in Syria last week . Um So as we 780 00:31:04,510 --> 00:31:07,470 look at Isis in Syria , um it is three 781 00:31:07,470 --> 00:31:09,692 categories . The first category is Isis 782 00:31:09,692 --> 00:31:11,859 at large . That is the ones that we're 783 00:31:11,859 --> 00:31:13,803 fighting right now with our Syrian 784 00:31:13,803 --> 00:31:13,760 Democratic partners . And I think we 785 00:31:13,760 --> 00:31:16,590 have contained ISIS , but the ideology 786 00:31:16,590 --> 00:31:19,340 is uncontained and unconstrained . The 787 00:31:19,340 --> 00:31:21,562 second category is what you referred to 788 00:31:21,562 --> 00:31:23,770 as the ISIS in detention . I refer to 789 00:31:23,770 --> 00:31:25,770 them as an ISIS Army in detention . 790 00:31:25,770 --> 00:31:28,510 There were over 10,000 ISIS detainees 791 00:31:28,510 --> 00:31:31,390 spread across 26 different prisons in 792 00:31:31,390 --> 00:31:33,870 northeast Syria . I went inside the 793 00:31:33,870 --> 00:31:36,360 Hasakah prison last Thursday . That is 794 00:31:36,360 --> 00:31:39,660 the same prison that January of 22 last 795 00:31:39,660 --> 00:31:42,770 year . Um There was 4400 ISIS detainees 796 00:31:42,770 --> 00:31:45,350 in there . Um They broke out over 1000 797 00:31:45,350 --> 00:31:47,640 made it outside the walls . And in a 10 798 00:31:47,640 --> 00:31:49,751 day battle that involved both our U S 799 00:31:49,751 --> 00:31:51,450 forces , Air Power and Syrian 800 00:31:51,450 --> 00:31:53,339 Democratic Forces . Over 400 were 801 00:31:53,339 --> 00:31:55,330 killed , some escaped , the exact 802 00:31:55,330 --> 00:31:57,900 number unknown . Um And then the rest 803 00:31:57,900 --> 00:32:00,560 were captured , but 121 of our SDF 804 00:32:00,560 --> 00:32:02,610 partners were killed in that prison 805 00:32:02,610 --> 00:32:04,730 breakout . Um What we are doing 806 00:32:04,730 --> 00:32:06,563 specifically about the detention 807 00:32:06,563 --> 00:32:08,286 facilities is we are trying to 808 00:32:08,286 --> 00:32:10,508 consolidate them . Now , this this body 809 00:32:10,508 --> 00:32:12,341 provided funding for us to build 810 00:32:12,341 --> 00:32:14,008 another prison which we think 811 00:32:14,008 --> 00:32:16,063 consolidate the vast majority of the 812 00:32:16,063 --> 00:32:18,174 rest of the prisoners . We also train 813 00:32:18,174 --> 00:32:19,952 the guards um that are on these 814 00:32:19,952 --> 00:32:22,119 detention facilities and the CTF funds 815 00:32:22,119 --> 00:32:24,660 help facilitate that . And lastly that 816 00:32:24,660 --> 00:32:27,240 the last category is uh the potential 817 00:32:27,240 --> 00:32:29,300 next generation of ISIS . I had an 818 00:32:29,300 --> 00:32:31,710 opportunity to go into the Al rose camp 819 00:32:31,720 --> 00:32:34,620 and into alcohol inside and talk to 820 00:32:34,620 --> 00:32:37,810 residents . I met um I talked to uh 821 00:32:37,820 --> 00:32:40,190 women from 16 different countries . Um 822 00:32:40,190 --> 00:32:42,310 last week inside the camp to include 823 00:32:42,310 --> 00:32:44,670 the woman from Alabama . Um And then I 824 00:32:44,670 --> 00:32:46,837 also went inside the Al Hol camp and I 825 00:32:46,837 --> 00:32:49,003 met three teenagers who had been there 826 00:32:49,003 --> 00:32:50,892 for six years . And remember Isis 827 00:32:50,892 --> 00:32:53,290 really didn't come to Al Hol until 828 00:32:53,300 --> 00:32:55,690 about late 2018 . These were people 829 00:32:55,690 --> 00:32:57,634 that went there to escape Isis and 830 00:32:57,634 --> 00:32:59,801 escaped the regime . And then with the 831 00:32:59,801 --> 00:33:02,890 fall of Isis territorial Calif um in 832 00:33:02,900 --> 00:33:05,080 really March of 2019 , it swelled from 833 00:33:05,080 --> 00:33:08,110 about 35,000 to 70,000 . And currently 834 00:33:08,110 --> 00:33:11,190 right now , there's about 51,000 Inside 835 00:33:11,190 --> 00:33:13,890 of alcohol . Over 30,000 of them are 836 00:33:13,890 --> 00:33:16,720 Children and they're at risk from uh 837 00:33:16,730 --> 00:33:19,530 radicalization . About 50% of the camp 838 00:33:19,530 --> 00:33:21,641 holds some of the spouses , some form 839 00:33:21,641 --> 00:33:23,530 of ideology according to the camp 840 00:33:23,530 --> 00:33:25,586 guards , the camp administrators and 841 00:33:25,586 --> 00:33:27,641 the residents and the other half are 842 00:33:27,641 --> 00:33:29,863 trying to escape ISIS really the only , 843 00:33:29,863 --> 00:33:31,974 the only role there is that we can do 844 00:33:31,974 --> 00:33:31,730 is there's no military solution . It's 845 00:33:31,730 --> 00:33:34,640 the repatriation , rehabilitation and 846 00:33:34,640 --> 00:33:36,751 reintegration back into the society . 847 00:33:36,751 --> 00:33:38,973 And are we having any luck getting some 848 00:33:38,973 --> 00:33:41,029 of the countries to repatriate those 849 00:33:41,029 --> 00:33:43,362 detainees who came from their countries ? 850 00:33:43,362 --> 00:33:45,529 Absolutely , ma'am . So we've actually 851 00:33:45,529 --> 00:33:47,418 had more success in the first two 852 00:33:47,418 --> 00:33:47,040 months of this year than the last six 853 00:33:47,040 --> 00:33:49,460 months of last year . About half of 854 00:33:49,460 --> 00:33:52,820 those um I D P s that are in Al Hol are 855 00:33:52,820 --> 00:33:54,980 from Iraq and we work with our Iraqi 856 00:33:54,980 --> 00:33:56,702 security partners in the Iraqi 857 00:33:56,702 --> 00:33:58,924 government to repatriate them . They've 858 00:33:58,924 --> 00:34:01,036 done 1200 in the last two months . At 859 00:34:01,036 --> 00:34:02,980 that pace , it would be about four 860 00:34:02,980 --> 00:34:05,147 years to get everybody back . So we're 861 00:34:05,147 --> 00:34:07,036 working with them on how they can 862 00:34:07,036 --> 00:34:09,258 increase the throughput . But right now 863 00:34:09,258 --> 00:34:11,313 it's their ability to go through the 864 00:34:11,313 --> 00:34:11,120 Jeddah one camp , which is south of 865 00:34:11,120 --> 00:34:13,176 Mosul as they bring them back . What 866 00:34:13,176 --> 00:34:15,342 they don't want to do is just move one 867 00:34:15,342 --> 00:34:17,398 I DP camp to another . So there were 868 00:34:17,398 --> 00:34:19,453 working through that process . Thank 869 00:34:19,453 --> 00:34:21,564 you . Well , I hope you will let this 870 00:34:21,564 --> 00:34:23,731 committee know if there are additional 871 00:34:23,731 --> 00:34:25,787 resources or other supports that you 872 00:34:25,787 --> 00:34:27,953 need . Um General Langley , the map of 873 00:34:27,953 --> 00:34:30,570 Africa shows where the Wagner group is 874 00:34:30,580 --> 00:34:34,060 operating but it doesn't speak to the 875 00:34:34,060 --> 00:34:36,870 success or not that they're having with 876 00:34:36,870 --> 00:34:38,981 recruitment . Can you speak to that ? 877 00:34:38,981 --> 00:34:41,840 And , and maybe um Senator Reid ask 878 00:34:41,840 --> 00:34:45,160 about the success of information or 879 00:34:45,160 --> 00:34:47,860 disinformation efforts that they have 880 00:34:47,860 --> 00:34:50,082 underway . Can you also talk about what 881 00:34:50,082 --> 00:34:52,082 we're doing to respond to that in a 882 00:34:52,082 --> 00:34:55,270 little more detail . Senator 1st and 883 00:34:55,270 --> 00:34:59,020 foremost , let me talk about Wagner's 884 00:34:59,020 --> 00:35:02,770 intentions . They're all about power 885 00:35:02,770 --> 00:35:06,190 and profit . If they're going to give a 886 00:35:06,200 --> 00:35:09,280 false offering of security , it's only 887 00:35:09,280 --> 00:35:11,558 for the elites in a particular country . 888 00:35:11,558 --> 00:35:15,270 We're seeing that in Mali Bargainer 889 00:35:15,270 --> 00:35:18,740 failed in Mozambique , they tried to 890 00:35:18,740 --> 00:35:20,690 entrance upon him and uh that 891 00:35:20,690 --> 00:35:24,140 government albeit developing uh did not 892 00:35:24,140 --> 00:35:26,140 like that false value proposition . 893 00:35:26,720 --> 00:35:29,350 They have continuing actions in uh in 894 00:35:29,350 --> 00:35:31,628 the car , the Central African Republic . 895 00:35:31,628 --> 00:35:34,510 Uh and that , well , in that , in that 896 00:35:34,510 --> 00:35:37,160 vein , I think uh central African 897 00:35:37,160 --> 00:35:39,382 Republic is kind of getting fed up . So 898 00:35:39,382 --> 00:35:41,660 there is no recruiting going on . It's 899 00:35:41,670 --> 00:35:44,380 all about profit making their way to 900 00:35:44,380 --> 00:35:46,880 gold mines , diamond mines or rare 901 00:35:46,890 --> 00:35:50,480 mineral mines . That's extension of the 902 00:35:50,480 --> 00:35:53,780 Russian Federation . Thank you . I will 903 00:35:53,790 --> 00:35:56,012 submit a question for the record on the 904 00:35:56,012 --> 00:35:59,290 disinformation efforts . Thank you , 905 00:35:59,290 --> 00:36:01,457 Santa Shane , Senate Fisher , please . 906 00:36:01,457 --> 00:36:03,457 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Thank you 907 00:36:03,457 --> 00:36:05,679 both for being here today and thank you 908 00:36:05,679 --> 00:36:07,568 for your service to our country . 909 00:36:07,568 --> 00:36:10,720 General Carola . Um How long would it 910 00:36:10,720 --> 00:36:12,930 take ? ISIS came to generate the 911 00:36:12,930 --> 00:36:15,380 capability to conduct external 912 00:36:15,380 --> 00:36:19,190 operations specifically ? Isis 913 00:36:19,190 --> 00:36:22,480 coarsen Senator . Um It is my 914 00:36:22,480 --> 00:36:24,950 commanders estimate that they can do an 915 00:36:24,950 --> 00:36:26,890 external operation against us or 916 00:36:26,890 --> 00:36:30,660 western interests um abroad in under 917 00:36:30,660 --> 00:36:32,960 six months with little to no warning . 918 00:36:32,970 --> 00:36:35,081 I'll in a classified session . I will 919 00:36:35,081 --> 00:36:37,303 talk about why I make that assessment . 920 00:36:37,303 --> 00:36:39,414 It is much harder for them to be able 921 00:36:39,414 --> 00:36:41,303 to do that against the homeland . 922 00:36:42,050 --> 00:36:44,540 Senator Wicker talked to you quite a 923 00:36:44,540 --> 00:36:46,930 bit about over the horizon in our 924 00:36:46,930 --> 00:36:50,060 capabilities that we have uh 925 00:36:50,070 --> 00:36:53,460 there or don't have there in 926 00:36:53,460 --> 00:36:57,410 Afghanistan . Uh Do you , do you think 927 00:36:57,410 --> 00:37:00,440 that you need any additional resources 928 00:37:00,450 --> 00:37:03,980 in our upcoming budget to 929 00:37:03,980 --> 00:37:06,420 increase or improve those capabilities ? 930 00:37:06,430 --> 00:37:08,890 So we have been funded like I said for 931 00:37:08,890 --> 00:37:10,946 some alternative airborne I S R that 932 00:37:10,946 --> 00:37:13,112 will help us get longer duration . But 933 00:37:13,112 --> 00:37:15,840 it's not just about um I S R , we're 934 00:37:15,840 --> 00:37:18,007 also increasing our other intelligence 935 00:37:18,007 --> 00:37:20,007 efforts to get penetration into the 936 00:37:20,007 --> 00:37:22,420 networks that we want . Um a part that 937 00:37:22,420 --> 00:37:24,420 goes unseen . A lot of times is the 938 00:37:24,420 --> 00:37:26,620 analytical backside . These are the 939 00:37:26,630 --> 00:37:28,408 analysts , the linguist and the 940 00:37:28,408 --> 00:37:30,770 production capability that help us make 941 00:37:30,770 --> 00:37:32,826 the decisions . And there has been a 942 00:37:32,826 --> 00:37:35,048 significant decrease shifted from the N 943 00:37:35,048 --> 00:37:36,937 D s to go against higher priority 944 00:37:36,937 --> 00:37:39,103 targets . But I would like to see , to 945 00:37:39,103 --> 00:37:41,326 make sure that we don't lose so much of 946 00:37:41,326 --> 00:37:41,250 that capability that we cannot see the 947 00:37:41,250 --> 00:37:44,610 threat because knowing that threat is 948 00:37:44,610 --> 00:37:47,390 obviously very important . Um as you , 949 00:37:47,390 --> 00:37:51,330 as you stated , for the , the 950 00:37:51,330 --> 00:37:54,280 existence that we still see in , in 951 00:37:54,280 --> 00:37:56,870 Afghanistan of the terrorist groups 952 00:37:56,870 --> 00:38:00,710 that are there ? Thank you . Um 953 00:38:00,720 --> 00:38:04,460 Have you requested authority to conduct 954 00:38:04,470 --> 00:38:07,600 any strikes in Afghanistan against the 955 00:38:07,610 --> 00:38:11,090 um ISIS K targets that , that have been 956 00:38:11,090 --> 00:38:14,700 identified ? So , in a classified study , 957 00:38:14,700 --> 00:38:16,811 ma'am , I can talk about where we are 958 00:38:16,811 --> 00:38:18,978 in terms of the fine fix and finish on 959 00:38:18,978 --> 00:38:21,144 them . Okay . Do you still have a need 960 00:38:21,144 --> 00:38:23,144 for munitions that can hit hard and 961 00:38:23,144 --> 00:38:25,311 deeply buried targets ? I do , ma'am . 962 00:38:25,690 --> 00:38:28,170 Um Do you have specific requests in 963 00:38:28,170 --> 00:38:30,660 that area that was in my unfunded 964 00:38:30,660 --> 00:38:32,771 priority list last year ? Do you plan 965 00:38:32,771 --> 00:38:35,390 to include it this year ? It depends on 966 00:38:35,390 --> 00:38:38,910 the , the full funding ma'am . Would it 967 00:38:38,910 --> 00:38:41,610 be your recommendation in your best 968 00:38:41,610 --> 00:38:43,777 military advice to this committee that 969 00:38:43,777 --> 00:38:46,054 it would be that it should be included . 970 00:38:46,054 --> 00:38:49,460 So we , we did receive funding um for 971 00:38:49,470 --> 00:38:52,680 in my fy 23 to include the additional 972 00:38:52,680 --> 00:38:54,990 procurement of the , it's the massive 973 00:38:54,990 --> 00:38:57,046 ordinated ordinance penetrator which 974 00:38:57,046 --> 00:38:59,046 goes against hard and deeply buried 975 00:38:59,046 --> 00:39:02,020 targets which are growing in number 976 00:39:02,030 --> 00:39:04,308 with our adversaries . Is that correct ? 977 00:39:04,308 --> 00:39:07,330 That is correct , ma'am . What's uh 978 00:39:07,340 --> 00:39:09,840 what's your assessment of Iran and 979 00:39:09,840 --> 00:39:12,440 Saudi Arabia reestablishing diplomatic 980 00:39:12,440 --> 00:39:14,551 ties ? You talked about that a little 981 00:39:14,551 --> 00:39:17,370 bit , but how does that affect our mil 982 00:39:17,370 --> 00:39:19,630 to mil relationships that we have with 983 00:39:19,630 --> 00:39:22,690 Saudi Arabia ? We have very strong mil 984 00:39:22,690 --> 00:39:24,960 to mil relationship with Saudi Arabia . 985 00:39:24,970 --> 00:39:28,860 Um I think this agreement is um again , 986 00:39:28,860 --> 00:39:30,804 is a , is the culmination of three 987 00:39:30,804 --> 00:39:32,971 years of talks between them . The more 988 00:39:32,971 --> 00:39:35,027 concerning part is that China is the 989 00:39:35,027 --> 00:39:37,810 one that was mediating this as we , as 990 00:39:37,810 --> 00:39:40,720 we look at Iran and their proxies 991 00:39:40,730 --> 00:39:44,510 throughout set com A A O R . 992 00:39:45,460 --> 00:39:48,270 Do they continue to pose a significant 993 00:39:48,270 --> 00:39:50,900 threat to our partners and to our own 994 00:39:50,900 --> 00:39:52,956 forces in the region ? And what more 995 00:39:52,956 --> 00:39:56,360 can be done to deter Iran from those 996 00:39:56,360 --> 00:39:58,800 malign activities ? So we see Iran as 997 00:39:58,800 --> 00:40:01,078 the largest malign actor in the region . 998 00:40:01,090 --> 00:40:03,830 Less than 60 hours ago , we had rockets 999 00:40:03,830 --> 00:40:05,941 attacked from Iranian aligned militia 1000 00:40:05,941 --> 00:40:08,274 group against one of our bases in Syria . 1001 00:40:08,380 --> 00:40:10,830 What more can be done ? So , one of the 1002 00:40:10,830 --> 00:40:12,997 things that we are doing is increasing 1003 00:40:12,997 --> 00:40:15,163 our defensive posture in these areas . 1004 00:40:15,163 --> 00:40:16,997 And I want to thank the services 1005 00:40:16,997 --> 00:40:18,608 providing um capability . So 1006 00:40:18,608 --> 00:40:20,830 particularly the army has given us some 1007 00:40:20,830 --> 00:40:22,719 tremendous capability in terms of 1008 00:40:22,719 --> 00:40:24,663 counter us um and encounter rocket 1009 00:40:24,663 --> 00:40:28,440 mortar at our bases forward with 1010 00:40:28,440 --> 00:40:31,040 Syria and Iraq . What do you assess to 1011 00:40:31,040 --> 00:40:33,220 be the situation in Syria right now ? 1012 00:40:33,220 --> 00:40:37,000 And have you , have you seen any change 1013 00:40:37,000 --> 00:40:40,420 in Russia's present presence in , in 1014 00:40:40,420 --> 00:40:44,010 Syria or has that remain 1015 00:40:44,020 --> 00:40:47,800 pretty steady since their invasion of 1016 00:40:47,810 --> 00:40:50,320 Ukraine ? So Senator Syria is very 1017 00:40:50,320 --> 00:40:52,431 important to Russia . They have taken 1018 00:40:52,431 --> 00:40:54,542 very little out of Russia since their 1019 00:40:54,542 --> 00:40:56,764 invasion . They've taken a small number 1020 00:40:56,764 --> 00:40:58,487 of forces , some munitions but 1021 00:40:58,487 --> 00:41:00,598 generally has stayed about the same . 1022 00:41:00,598 --> 00:41:02,376 What we are seeing though is an 1023 00:41:02,376 --> 00:41:04,598 increase recently in the unprofessional 1024 00:41:04,598 --> 00:41:06,764 and unsafe behavior of the Russian Air 1025 00:41:06,764 --> 00:41:08,931 Force in the , in the region . Can you 1026 00:41:08,931 --> 00:41:11,660 give us an example of that here ? I can 1027 00:41:11,660 --> 00:41:15,130 so they , they fly over our bases um 1028 00:41:15,140 --> 00:41:17,890 with ground attack aircraft with , with 1029 00:41:17,890 --> 00:41:20,310 weapons on them um , in an attempt to 1030 00:41:20,310 --> 00:41:22,510 try and be provocative , but really 1031 00:41:22,510 --> 00:41:24,732 it's unsafe , unprofessional , not what 1032 00:41:24,732 --> 00:41:26,954 we expect of a professional air force . 1033 00:41:26,954 --> 00:41:29,010 They want to try and renegotiate the 1034 00:41:29,010 --> 00:41:30,899 deconfliction protocols that they 1035 00:41:30,899 --> 00:41:33,066 violate every day . This is not , this 1036 00:41:33,066 --> 00:41:35,399 is not new Russian behavior , is it sir ? 1037 00:41:35,399 --> 00:41:37,720 Especially with regard to the drone 1038 00:41:37,720 --> 00:41:39,900 incident that we recently have seen . 1039 00:41:39,910 --> 00:41:41,799 It's not new , but we have seen a 1040 00:41:41,799 --> 00:41:44,170 significant spike since about one march 1041 00:41:44,180 --> 00:41:46,720 in Syria . Okay . Thank you . Thank you , 1042 00:41:46,720 --> 00:41:49,140 ma'am . Thank you Senator Fischer , are 1043 00:41:49,140 --> 00:41:51,473 Senator Gillibrand , please ? Thank you , 1044 00:41:51,473 --> 00:41:53,418 Mr Chairman . I'd like to continue 1045 00:41:53,418 --> 00:41:55,640 Senator Fisher's line of questions with 1046 00:41:55,640 --> 00:41:57,862 regard to Iran . Um If this was a three 1047 00:41:57,862 --> 00:42:00,010 year of talks , how recent was China 1048 00:42:00,010 --> 00:42:03,210 engaged in those talks ? My 1049 00:42:03,210 --> 00:42:05,266 understanding is in the last several 1050 00:42:05,266 --> 00:42:07,377 months . Well , obviously that raises 1051 00:42:07,377 --> 00:42:10,160 serious concerns because um I just took , 1052 00:42:10,170 --> 00:42:13,810 I just joined a delegation to visit the 1053 00:42:13,820 --> 00:42:15,800 Abraham Accords countries and the 1054 00:42:15,800 --> 00:42:17,911 interest of those countries . U A E , 1055 00:42:17,911 --> 00:42:20,660 Bahrain Morocco and Israel is to 1056 00:42:20,660 --> 00:42:22,604 broaden and strengthen the Abraham 1057 00:42:22,604 --> 00:42:24,850 Accords and they were hopeful that they 1058 00:42:24,850 --> 00:42:27,470 could engage Saudi Arabia in that 1059 00:42:27,470 --> 00:42:30,800 context . Um This seems to me that that 1060 00:42:30,800 --> 00:42:32,911 would make that extremely problematic 1061 00:42:32,911 --> 00:42:35,770 because if China is involved , um it 1062 00:42:35,770 --> 00:42:38,290 would be very difficult to have um the 1063 00:42:38,290 --> 00:42:40,880 kind of technology uh shared in the 1064 00:42:40,880 --> 00:42:42,824 Abraham Accords if they are now in 1065 00:42:42,824 --> 00:42:45,470 alliance with China . And second , if 1066 00:42:45,470 --> 00:42:48,530 they are in an alliance with Iran , the 1067 00:42:48,530 --> 00:42:50,690 whole point of the Abraham Accords is 1068 00:42:50,690 --> 00:42:53,780 to counter Iran's malign threats . So 1069 00:42:53,780 --> 00:42:55,800 does this make the possibility of 1070 00:42:55,800 --> 00:42:57,744 extending or expanding the Abraham 1071 00:42:57,744 --> 00:43:00,190 Accords impossible ? And what do you 1072 00:43:00,200 --> 00:43:02,760 recommend that this committee due to 1073 00:43:02,760 --> 00:43:05,120 focus on how we create more regional 1074 00:43:05,130 --> 00:43:07,620 alliances ? So , so ma'am , I , I 1075 00:43:07,620 --> 00:43:09,509 believe this is a the talks about 1076 00:43:09,509 --> 00:43:11,676 opening diplomatic relations . So much 1077 00:43:11,676 --> 00:43:13,620 of this is not an alliance between 1078 00:43:13,620 --> 00:43:15,676 Saudi Arabia and Iran . Um they have 1079 00:43:15,676 --> 00:43:17,731 had diplomatic relations in the past 1080 00:43:17,731 --> 00:43:19,898 while they were still shooting at each 1081 00:43:19,898 --> 00:43:19,180 other in the past . So this is really 1082 00:43:19,180 --> 00:43:21,560 about opening embassies and opening 1083 00:43:21,560 --> 00:43:23,671 diplomatic relations when they closed 1084 00:43:23,671 --> 00:43:27,000 the embassies back in 2016 . Um What , 1085 00:43:27,000 --> 00:43:29,111 what this does do though is that with 1086 00:43:29,111 --> 00:43:31,111 China that the most concerning part 1087 00:43:31,111 --> 00:43:33,111 about this is that China is the one 1088 00:43:33,111 --> 00:43:35,167 brokering this because it shows that 1089 00:43:35,167 --> 00:43:37,389 they are bringing the diplomatic aspect 1090 00:43:37,389 --> 00:43:37,340 of their national instruments of power . 1091 00:43:37,340 --> 00:43:39,380 And what we see with China on the 1092 00:43:39,380 --> 00:43:41,269 military side is that they have a 1093 00:43:41,269 --> 00:43:43,500 significant increase in bringing their 1094 00:43:43,500 --> 00:43:45,500 equipment into the region and their 1095 00:43:45,500 --> 00:43:47,611 their foreign military sales . And if 1096 00:43:47,611 --> 00:43:49,667 there's Chinese equipment there , we 1097 00:43:49,667 --> 00:43:51,833 can not integrated with us equipment . 1098 00:43:51,833 --> 00:43:54,056 And so as we try and build the regional 1099 00:43:54,056 --> 00:43:56,167 partnerships and we've been there for 1100 00:43:56,167 --> 00:43:58,389 the last 75 years when we try and build 1101 00:43:58,389 --> 00:43:58,360 these regional partnerships , you want 1102 00:43:58,360 --> 00:44:00,250 to be able to integrate with your 1103 00:44:00,250 --> 00:44:02,083 partner . And if there's Chinese 1104 00:44:02,083 --> 00:44:04,194 equipment there , we are not going to 1105 00:44:04,194 --> 00:44:06,361 be able to integrate it . Understood . 1106 00:44:06,361 --> 00:44:06,150 Can you in this setting , give us more 1107 00:44:06,150 --> 00:44:08,330 detail on where China has integrated 1108 00:44:08,330 --> 00:44:10,950 its equipment in the region . China has 1109 00:44:10,960 --> 00:44:12,904 sold equipment all over the region 1110 00:44:13,290 --> 00:44:15,346 inside the Middle East and I can , I 1111 00:44:15,346 --> 00:44:17,457 can take that for the record and give 1112 00:44:17,457 --> 00:44:19,457 you a specific follow up for that , 1113 00:44:19,457 --> 00:44:21,623 ma'am . And then do you have a focused 1114 00:44:21,623 --> 00:44:23,790 plan on what to do about that ? So one 1115 00:44:23,790 --> 00:44:25,957 of this is to increase our partnership 1116 00:44:25,957 --> 00:44:25,600 with these elements . So again , this , 1117 00:44:25,820 --> 00:44:27,764 this is a race to integrate before 1118 00:44:27,764 --> 00:44:29,730 China can penetrate and would you 1119 00:44:29,730 --> 00:44:31,841 recommend expanding and deepening the 1120 00:44:31,841 --> 00:44:33,952 Abraham Accords ? I would ma'am thank 1121 00:44:33,952 --> 00:44:37,450 you um with regard to Afghanistan . 1122 00:44:37,460 --> 00:44:39,930 Um I'd like an update on what we are 1123 00:44:39,930 --> 00:44:42,220 doing to get our partners out and 1124 00:44:42,220 --> 00:44:45,050 whether those operations are continuing . 1125 00:44:45,060 --> 00:44:48,230 Um And what are the barriers that 1126 00:44:48,230 --> 00:44:50,330 you're facing currently ? So , ma'am 1127 00:44:50,330 --> 00:44:52,163 the getting the partners out the 1128 00:44:52,163 --> 00:44:54,219 special immigrant visas um that is a 1129 00:44:54,219 --> 00:44:56,441 state department run program , but from 1130 00:44:56,441 --> 00:44:58,552 the U S , from the military side , um 1131 00:44:58,552 --> 00:45:00,608 we are responsible for bringing them 1132 00:45:00,608 --> 00:45:02,774 into a place called campus Sayliyah in 1133 00:45:02,774 --> 00:45:05,130 Qatar . We currently have about 2600 1134 00:45:05,130 --> 00:45:07,440 there . Right now . We provide the in 1135 00:45:07,440 --> 00:45:09,551 processing the security and the basic 1136 00:45:09,551 --> 00:45:11,670 life support . The state department 1137 00:45:11,670 --> 00:45:14,410 runs the actual immigrant visa side . 1138 00:45:14,420 --> 00:45:16,960 They're averaging about 60 days there 1139 00:45:16,970 --> 00:45:19,270 before they are moved on . And my 1140 00:45:19,270 --> 00:45:21,492 understanding right now in the pipeline 1141 00:45:21,492 --> 00:45:23,830 is about 85,000 special immigrant visas , 1142 00:45:23,830 --> 00:45:25,552 but I would defer to the State 1143 00:45:25,552 --> 00:45:27,552 Department on the exact number . Um 1144 00:45:27,552 --> 00:45:30,250 Again , with regard to Iran , we know 1145 00:45:30,250 --> 00:45:32,250 that Russia and Iran have escalated 1146 00:45:32,250 --> 00:45:34,250 their military cooperation over the 1147 00:45:34,250 --> 00:45:36,472 last year . How is Centcom coordinating 1148 00:45:36,472 --> 00:45:38,417 with you ? Calm to ensure that our 1149 00:45:38,417 --> 00:45:40,528 forces are able to respond to threats 1150 00:45:40,528 --> 00:45:42,028 that touched both areas of 1151 00:45:42,028 --> 00:45:44,250 responsibilities . So I talked to Chris 1152 00:45:44,250 --> 00:45:45,972 casually often the , the Eucom 1153 00:45:45,972 --> 00:45:48,194 commander in the sack year . Um We have 1154 00:45:48,194 --> 00:45:50,417 done several operations that I can talk 1155 00:45:50,417 --> 00:45:52,639 about in a classified setting to create 1156 00:45:52,639 --> 00:45:54,694 additional dilemmas for Russia . And 1157 00:45:54,694 --> 00:45:56,750 then my last question for you sir is 1158 00:45:56,750 --> 00:45:58,639 you activated the U S Space Force 1159 00:45:58,639 --> 00:46:00,806 Central which is responsible for space 1160 00:46:00,806 --> 00:46:02,917 operations within the Centcom area of 1161 00:46:02,917 --> 00:46:04,528 responsibility . How are you 1162 00:46:04,528 --> 00:46:06,528 incorporating the Space Domain into 1163 00:46:06,528 --> 00:46:08,472 planning and training so that your 1164 00:46:08,472 --> 00:46:10,639 subordinate commanders can effectively 1165 00:46:10,639 --> 00:46:12,861 integrate space into their operations ? 1166 00:46:12,861 --> 00:46:15,083 We we think this is a very big positive 1167 00:46:15,083 --> 00:46:17,306 of actually having a component of Space 1168 00:46:17,306 --> 00:46:19,528 Force . Space has always played a large 1169 00:46:19,528 --> 00:46:21,694 role in the Centcom A R but now I have 1170 00:46:21,694 --> 00:46:23,917 a commander that sits at the table that 1171 00:46:23,917 --> 00:46:25,639 is able to then integrate more 1172 00:46:25,639 --> 00:46:27,861 effectively because he has a , he has a 1173 00:46:27,861 --> 00:46:30,194 seat at the table to be able to do that . 1174 00:46:30,194 --> 00:46:32,417 And he actually just finished a a large 1175 00:46:32,417 --> 00:46:32,150 with all the combatant commands in the 1176 00:46:32,150 --> 00:46:34,317 region to talk about the lessons we've 1177 00:46:34,317 --> 00:46:36,261 learned over the last , you know , 1178 00:46:36,261 --> 00:46:38,261 decade of doing space operations in 1179 00:46:38,261 --> 00:46:40,483 Centcom . Thank you , General Langley . 1180 00:46:40,483 --> 00:46:42,261 Um despite the size and growing 1181 00:46:42,261 --> 00:46:44,428 importance of the continent , the 21st 1182 00:46:44,428 --> 00:46:46,539 century wars in Centcom , the Russian 1183 00:46:46,539 --> 00:46:45,950 invasion of Ukraine and the strategic 1184 00:46:45,950 --> 00:46:48,490 competition with China have dominated 1185 00:46:48,490 --> 00:46:50,601 much of our focus on this committee . 1186 00:46:50,601 --> 00:46:52,910 What might we be missing about Africa 1187 00:46:52,910 --> 00:46:54,966 that you think this committee should 1188 00:46:54,966 --> 00:46:58,390 take note of in the coming years ? So I 1189 00:46:58,390 --> 00:47:00,760 would say just aspirations of China , 1190 00:47:00,770 --> 00:47:03,570 uh the aspirations of China's threefold , 1191 00:47:03,580 --> 00:47:05,580 one from the geopolitical , they're 1192 00:47:05,580 --> 00:47:07,524 trying to change the international 1193 00:47:07,524 --> 00:47:09,524 norms and they're using some of the 1194 00:47:09,524 --> 00:47:11,358 African countries within the U N 1195 00:47:11,358 --> 00:47:13,247 construct . Whether it be General 1196 00:47:13,247 --> 00:47:15,680 Assembly or , or the Security uh 1197 00:47:15,690 --> 00:47:18,070 Security Council trying to affect votes 1198 00:47:18,080 --> 00:47:20,302 to change those international norms and 1199 00:47:20,302 --> 00:47:22,302 international system at large . And 1200 00:47:22,302 --> 00:47:24,920 then there's a geo strategic operation , 1201 00:47:24,920 --> 00:47:28,100 their aspirations for military bases on 1202 00:47:28,100 --> 00:47:30,820 the continent of Africa . Um just talk 1203 00:47:30,820 --> 00:47:32,820 to my African partners . They don't 1204 00:47:32,820 --> 00:47:34,876 want to be military militarized in a 1205 00:47:34,876 --> 00:47:36,931 strategic sense . And the last piece 1206 00:47:36,931 --> 00:47:40,480 senator is um geo economic . Our 1207 00:47:40,480 --> 00:47:43,600 future , our future economy is 1208 00:47:43,600 --> 00:47:45,544 dependent upon a number of rare of 1209 00:47:45,544 --> 00:47:47,890 minerals . And also some of our clean 1210 00:47:47,890 --> 00:47:50,640 energy technologies uh depend upon the 1211 00:47:50,640 --> 00:47:53,030 rare earth minerals . About 30 to 40% 1212 00:47:53,030 --> 00:47:55,910 of those minerals are on the continent 1213 00:47:55,910 --> 00:47:58,410 of Africa . Uh That's , that's forward 1214 00:47:58,410 --> 00:48:00,710 thinking by the PRC . They're trying to 1215 00:48:00,710 --> 00:48:03,510 harvest and leverage upon that um 1216 00:48:03,520 --> 00:48:07,460 through uh shaky deals , engaging with 1217 00:48:07,460 --> 00:48:09,460 some of these countries so they can 1218 00:48:09,460 --> 00:48:11,627 corner the market if you will . That's 1219 00:48:11,627 --> 00:48:13,682 what I'm concerned about . Senator . 1220 00:48:13,682 --> 00:48:13,640 Thank you . Thank you , Senator , 1221 00:48:13,640 --> 00:48:15,640 gentlemen , Senator Cotton . Please 1222 00:48:15,640 --> 00:48:17,918 welcome , gentlemen , General Carrillo . 1223 00:48:17,918 --> 00:48:19,862 I want to return to your answer to 1224 00:48:19,862 --> 00:48:21,862 Senator Fischer about the threat of 1225 00:48:21,862 --> 00:48:23,807 terrorist attacks originating from 1226 00:48:23,807 --> 00:48:26,029 Afghanistan . Uh If I heard you right , 1227 00:48:26,029 --> 00:48:28,196 you said you believe that such attacks 1228 00:48:28,196 --> 00:48:30,640 could occur in a mere six months out of 1229 00:48:30,640 --> 00:48:33,960 Afghanistan against American citizens 1230 00:48:33,970 --> 00:48:37,030 or allies or partners in Eurasia . Is 1231 00:48:37,030 --> 00:48:39,460 that right ? Uh Senator I said abroad 1232 00:48:39,470 --> 00:48:41,526 which I would also include Europe in 1233 00:48:41,526 --> 00:48:44,900 that Eurasia , but you said less than 1234 00:48:45,170 --> 00:48:47,170 more than that against the American 1235 00:48:47,170 --> 00:48:49,337 homeland . It would it would be harder 1236 00:48:49,337 --> 00:48:51,114 for them to do that against the 1237 00:48:51,114 --> 00:48:53,114 American homeland . If you , if you 1238 00:48:53,114 --> 00:48:55,114 assess six months against Europe or 1239 00:48:55,114 --> 00:48:57,226 Asia , what would you access would be 1240 00:48:57,226 --> 00:48:59,448 the timeline against homeland ? I think 1241 00:48:59,448 --> 00:49:01,559 it's hard to put a timeline on that . 1242 00:49:01,559 --> 00:49:00,970 But again , I , I assess that they 1243 00:49:00,970 --> 00:49:03,240 could in , in as little as six months 1244 00:49:03,240 --> 00:49:05,462 with little to no warning and I'll talk 1245 00:49:05,462 --> 00:49:07,629 about that in the closed session as to 1246 00:49:07,629 --> 00:49:09,740 why I assess that . How likely do you 1247 00:49:09,740 --> 00:49:11,907 think a terrorist attack on the United 1248 00:49:11,907 --> 00:49:13,629 States or one of our allies is 1249 00:49:13,629 --> 00:49:15,796 originating from Afghanistan ? I think 1250 00:49:15,796 --> 00:49:17,796 it is a higher probability overseas 1251 00:49:17,796 --> 00:49:20,170 than it is in the homeland . When you 1252 00:49:20,170 --> 00:49:22,337 add up all the troops you have in your 1253 00:49:22,337 --> 00:49:24,337 area of responsibility and American 1254 00:49:24,337 --> 00:49:26,503 citizens who are there for business or 1255 00:49:26,503 --> 00:49:29,310 tourism or pilgrimages on any given day . 1256 00:49:29,320 --> 00:49:31,376 What are we talking about ? Probably 1257 00:49:31,376 --> 00:49:33,320 hundreds of thousands , right . At 1258 00:49:33,320 --> 00:49:35,431 least so hundreds of thousands within 1259 00:49:35,431 --> 00:49:37,542 range of a terrorist attack . In your 1260 00:49:37,542 --> 00:49:39,598 assessment in a mere six months from 1261 00:49:39,598 --> 00:49:43,260 Afghanistan . Okay . I want to turn 1262 00:49:43,260 --> 00:49:47,170 to Iran . Yes , 1263 00:49:47,170 --> 00:49:50,900 I do assess , I want to turn to Iran . 1264 00:49:52,580 --> 00:49:54,636 You said in your written statement , 1265 00:49:54,636 --> 00:49:56,636 they can produce sufficient fissile 1266 00:49:56,636 --> 00:49:58,747 material for a nuclear weapon in less 1267 00:49:58,747 --> 00:50:00,580 than 14 days . You also say that 1268 00:50:00,580 --> 00:50:02,747 deterring Iran is arguably more urgent 1269 00:50:02,747 --> 00:50:04,913 now than any time since Khan's history 1270 00:50:04,913 --> 00:50:07,136 due to one they're cutting edge missile 1271 00:50:07,136 --> 00:50:09,080 and you have the capability and to 1272 00:50:09,080 --> 00:50:11,024 their uranium enrichment program . 1273 00:50:11,024 --> 00:50:10,790 That's correct . That is correct , 1274 00:50:10,790 --> 00:50:14,660 senator . Um Yet you also say Iran 1275 00:50:14,660 --> 00:50:17,060 is undeterred from its malign 1276 00:50:17,060 --> 00:50:19,116 activities . So that's not good that 1277 00:50:19,116 --> 00:50:21,338 it's more urgent to deter them than any 1278 00:50:21,338 --> 00:50:23,560 time in Central Command's history , but 1279 00:50:23,560 --> 00:50:26,600 they're undeterred . Um Why are , why 1280 00:50:26,600 --> 00:50:29,210 is there on undeterred right now ? 1281 00:50:29,220 --> 00:50:31,276 Currently , right now we see them at 1282 00:50:31,276 --> 00:50:33,387 their malign activity is increasing . 1283 00:50:33,387 --> 00:50:35,600 Um We see them again in the last 90 1284 00:50:35,600 --> 00:50:37,711 days . We have um some of the highest 1285 00:50:37,711 --> 00:50:39,767 numbers of our advanced conventional 1286 00:50:39,767 --> 00:50:41,878 weapons and munitions that we've seen 1287 00:50:41,878 --> 00:50:44,100 going from Iran to Yemen . We see their 1288 00:50:44,100 --> 00:50:46,211 attacks on our U S forces in Iraq and 1289 00:50:46,211 --> 00:50:48,378 Syria increasing and we see the threat 1290 00:50:48,378 --> 00:50:50,322 streams that I can talk about in a 1291 00:50:50,322 --> 00:50:52,489 higher classification . I mean , those 1292 00:50:52,489 --> 00:50:54,489 are more the results of the lack of 1293 00:50:54,489 --> 00:50:56,656 deterrence against Iran . Do they feel 1294 00:50:56,656 --> 00:50:58,822 undeterred because they feel safe that 1295 00:50:58,822 --> 00:51:00,656 neither the United States or our 1296 00:51:00,656 --> 00:51:02,711 partners are gonna threaten anything 1297 00:51:02,711 --> 00:51:04,767 that they hold dear ? Um I can't say 1298 00:51:04,767 --> 00:51:06,878 the exact reason why they feel that , 1299 00:51:06,878 --> 00:51:08,878 but I know right now when I look at 1300 00:51:08,878 --> 00:51:08,430 them , I believe they're undeterred . I 1301 00:51:08,430 --> 00:51:10,652 mean , there , there is a history right 1302 00:51:10,652 --> 00:51:12,819 throughout your statement , uh there's 1303 00:51:12,819 --> 00:51:15,041 a history of Iran being deterred by the 1304 00:51:15,041 --> 00:51:17,097 credible threat of military force or 1305 00:51:17,097 --> 00:51:19,263 actual military force . That's right , 1306 00:51:19,263 --> 00:51:21,374 isn't it ? I think that deterrence is 1307 00:51:21,374 --> 00:51:23,486 always temporal . Um So you can deter 1308 00:51:23,486 --> 00:51:23,150 for a period of time and then it will 1309 00:51:23,150 --> 00:51:25,120 wane . I do believe the Soleimani 1310 00:51:25,120 --> 00:51:28,060 strike was a deterrence . We go back 1311 00:51:28,060 --> 00:51:30,282 much further than that . Iran waged war 1312 00:51:30,282 --> 00:51:32,338 with Iraq for eight years and Ronald 1313 00:51:32,338 --> 00:51:34,282 Reagan sank half their navy in the 1314 00:51:34,282 --> 00:51:36,282 spring of 1988 . And surprisingly , 1315 00:51:36,282 --> 00:51:38,560 that war ended just a few months later . 1316 00:51:38,560 --> 00:51:40,616 And Iran also stopped its enrichment 1317 00:51:40,616 --> 00:51:42,560 program in 2003 , after the United 1318 00:51:42,560 --> 00:51:44,282 States had invaded and toppled 1319 00:51:44,282 --> 00:51:46,338 governments on both its east and its 1320 00:51:46,338 --> 00:51:48,504 Western border . And then as you say , 1321 00:51:48,504 --> 00:51:50,449 Uh , they took only very tentative 1322 00:51:50,449 --> 00:51:52,782 steps towards higher enrichment in 2019 . 1323 00:51:52,782 --> 00:51:54,504 And then after we killed Qasem 1324 00:51:54,504 --> 00:51:56,727 Soleimani , they did nothing at all for 1325 00:51:56,727 --> 00:51:59,330 most of 2020 . Is that right ? Um They , 1326 00:51:59,340 --> 00:52:01,118 they , it was a higher level of 1327 00:52:01,118 --> 00:52:03,840 deterrence . After that last week on 1328 00:52:03,840 --> 00:52:06,062 the Intelligence committee , we had our 1329 00:52:06,062 --> 00:52:08,173 annual worldwide threats briefing and 1330 00:52:08,173 --> 00:52:10,284 the Director of National Intelligence 1331 00:52:10,284 --> 00:52:11,951 started the killing of Mohsen 1332 00:52:11,951 --> 00:52:14,230 Fakhrizadeh , uh notorious Iranian 1333 00:52:14,230 --> 00:52:16,750 nuclear scientist in November 2020 as 1334 00:52:16,750 --> 00:52:18,528 the reason Iran accelerated its 1335 00:52:18,528 --> 00:52:20,694 enrichment program . Do you agree with 1336 00:52:20,694 --> 00:52:22,917 that assessment ? Senator , I think any 1337 00:52:22,917 --> 00:52:25,083 talk of the Iran nuclear program would 1338 00:52:25,083 --> 00:52:27,083 be best in a classified setting . I 1339 00:52:27,083 --> 00:52:29,306 pointed out there's also something that 1340 00:52:29,306 --> 00:52:31,710 happened in November of 2020 besides 1341 00:52:31,710 --> 00:52:33,877 the killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh that 1342 00:52:33,877 --> 00:52:36,099 might have emboldened Iran and that was 1343 00:52:36,099 --> 00:52:39,630 the election of Joe Biden that gave the 1344 00:52:39,630 --> 00:52:41,741 Iranians confidence that they were no 1345 00:52:41,741 --> 00:52:43,852 longer going to be held militarily at 1346 00:52:43,852 --> 00:52:46,019 risk . Speaking that timeframe . And I 1347 00:52:46,019 --> 00:52:48,300 think it was December of 2020 . Uh 1348 00:52:48,310 --> 00:52:51,060 didn't we face threats to our personnel 1349 00:52:51,070 --> 00:52:53,126 in Iraq from militias and the former 1350 00:52:53,126 --> 00:52:55,237 president tweeted what he called some 1351 00:52:55,237 --> 00:52:56,903 friendly health advice to the 1352 00:52:56,903 --> 00:52:58,959 ayatollahs that if a single American 1353 00:52:58,959 --> 00:53:01,181 was harmed in Iraq , he would hold them 1354 00:53:01,181 --> 00:53:03,181 responsible . I'm not familiar with 1355 00:53:03,181 --> 00:53:05,237 that specific tweet senator that did 1356 00:53:05,237 --> 00:53:07,459 happen . It's okay . There are a lot of 1357 00:53:07,459 --> 00:53:07,400 them . You don't have to be familiar 1358 00:53:07,400 --> 00:53:09,567 with every one of them . Uh , but also 1359 00:53:09,567 --> 00:53:11,789 I don't think those attacks happen . So 1360 00:53:11,789 --> 00:53:13,622 I think what we can learn here , 1361 00:53:13,622 --> 00:53:15,678 whether it's from Qasem Soleimani or 1362 00:53:15,678 --> 00:53:17,678 the tanker words or anything else , 1363 00:53:17,678 --> 00:53:17,550 that the only thing that will deter 1364 00:53:17,550 --> 00:53:20,880 Iran is the credible threat of military 1365 00:53:20,880 --> 00:53:22,880 force . One final question , I know 1366 00:53:22,880 --> 00:53:26,840 you've added Israel to your A O R . Um 1367 00:53:26,850 --> 00:53:30,480 And you write in your statement that uh 1368 00:53:30,490 --> 00:53:32,490 you readily partner today with Arab 1369 00:53:32,490 --> 00:53:34,379 militaries and the Israel defense 1370 00:53:34,379 --> 00:53:36,490 forces , like in fact , the inclusion 1371 00:53:36,490 --> 00:53:38,601 of Israel presents many collaborative 1372 00:53:38,601 --> 00:53:40,934 and constructive security opportunities . 1373 00:53:40,934 --> 00:53:42,990 Um One of the opportunities I see is 1374 00:53:42,990 --> 00:53:44,934 having Israeli Air Force personnel 1375 00:53:44,934 --> 00:53:47,046 training Alongside American personnel 1376 00:53:47,046 --> 00:53:49,490 on KC 46 tankers , which we expect to 1377 00:53:49,490 --> 00:53:51,601 be providing them into the future and 1378 00:53:51,601 --> 00:53:53,601 that's training that we can provide 1379 00:53:53,601 --> 00:53:53,340 them . So they'll be ready to operate 1380 00:53:53,340 --> 00:53:55,673 those aircraft as soon as they get them . 1381 00:53:55,673 --> 00:53:57,840 Do you think that would be one of what 1382 00:53:57,840 --> 00:53:59,451 you call a collaborative and 1383 00:53:59,451 --> 00:54:01,507 constructive opportunity between the 1384 00:54:01,507 --> 00:54:03,618 United States when they get closer to 1385 00:54:03,618 --> 00:54:05,562 getting their aircraft starting to 1386 00:54:05,562 --> 00:54:07,673 train those pilots so they can retain 1387 00:54:07,673 --> 00:54:09,673 that training and go right into the 1388 00:54:09,673 --> 00:54:12,007 execution of operating them . Thank you . 1389 00:54:12,007 --> 00:54:14,062 Thank you , Senator Cotton , Senator 1390 00:54:14,062 --> 00:54:15,896 Hirono , please . Thank you , Mr 1391 00:54:15,896 --> 00:54:18,062 Chairman . I'd like to turn to another 1392 00:54:18,062 --> 00:54:20,173 part of your missions in both central 1393 00:54:20,173 --> 00:54:23,120 command and in Africa command us . 1394 00:54:23,120 --> 00:54:25,950 Diplomatic efforts are at the 1395 00:54:25,960 --> 00:54:28,182 diplomatic efforts are at the forefront 1396 00:54:28,182 --> 00:54:30,127 of your missions . The military to 1397 00:54:30,127 --> 00:54:33,230 military engagement is one very 1398 00:54:33,230 --> 00:54:34,619 important aspect of your 1399 00:54:34,620 --> 00:54:36,420 responsibilities , but your 1400 00:54:36,420 --> 00:54:39,180 organizations are just one part of a 1401 00:54:39,180 --> 00:54:41,620 whole of government approach . General 1402 00:54:41,620 --> 00:54:44,910 Langley , I note your team's work in 1403 00:54:44,910 --> 00:54:48,440 implementing the 2017 Women Peace and 1404 00:54:48,440 --> 00:54:51,790 Security Act amid the many extremist 1405 00:54:51,790 --> 00:54:53,623 threats in both of your areas of 1406 00:54:53,623 --> 00:54:56,250 operations . It is more important than 1407 00:54:56,250 --> 00:54:58,417 ever as far as I'm concerned , to work 1408 00:54:58,417 --> 00:55:00,639 for equality for women and girls around 1409 00:55:00,639 --> 00:55:02,639 the world . Generals . How are your 1410 00:55:02,639 --> 00:55:04,583 commands supporting and protecting 1411 00:55:04,583 --> 00:55:06,760 women and girls in your a 1412 00:55:09,420 --> 00:55:12,290 senator ? Thanks for that question . As 1413 00:55:12,300 --> 00:55:14,620 a women's peace and security Act passed 1414 00:55:14,620 --> 00:55:18,430 in 2017 , I've seen 1415 00:55:18,440 --> 00:55:21,740 from afar . Uh What Africom has started 1416 00:55:21,740 --> 00:55:23,907 to do . We didn't wait for the plan or 1417 00:55:23,907 --> 00:55:27,850 the construct over years . Um uh Excuse 1418 00:55:27,850 --> 00:55:30,530 me , Africom got after it , I saw this , 1419 00:55:30,530 --> 00:55:32,863 you know , because I was at Centcom and , 1420 00:55:32,863 --> 00:55:35,860 and , and I was J Vai and we got out 1421 00:55:35,860 --> 00:55:38,260 there as well at that time . But how 1422 00:55:38,260 --> 00:55:41,710 far that Centcom that uh 1423 00:55:41,720 --> 00:55:44,590 Centcom and Africom has gone in , in 1424 00:55:44,590 --> 00:55:47,140 the vein of the intent of women's peace 1425 00:55:47,140 --> 00:55:49,280 and security um Center . I'd like to 1426 00:55:49,280 --> 00:55:52,420 just make note . Um , we have it weaved 1427 00:55:52,420 --> 00:55:56,360 into our Africa campaign plan , uh , to 1428 00:55:56,360 --> 00:55:59,220 effect , uh , and working with the 1429 00:55:59,220 --> 00:56:01,770 Department of Defense to finish out the 1430 00:56:01,770 --> 00:56:03,770 construct . But we just didn't , we 1431 00:56:03,770 --> 00:56:05,881 didn't wait for the word to go . Um , 1432 00:56:05,881 --> 00:56:08,103 just , just for your information , uh , 1433 00:56:08,103 --> 00:56:10,110 Senator , uh , across the horn of 1434 00:56:10,120 --> 00:56:14,090 Africa or JTF . Um , we 1435 00:56:14,090 --> 00:56:16,430 have , uh , major general , uh , 1436 00:56:16,440 --> 00:56:19,640 Charlie and she has affected that in 1437 00:56:19,640 --> 00:56:21,870 every exercise that we do all the way 1438 00:56:21,870 --> 00:56:25,430 down from uh from uh Djibouti down to 1439 00:56:25,430 --> 00:56:28,910 Kenya and even her Valerie Jackson , 1440 00:56:28,910 --> 00:56:31,077 Brigadier General United States Marine 1441 00:56:31,077 --> 00:56:32,854 Corps , as they work with other 1442 00:56:32,854 --> 00:56:34,890 countries , they get it . President 1443 00:56:34,890 --> 00:56:37,690 Assam Sheikh Mohammed sees a 1444 00:56:37,700 --> 00:56:41,040 representation of our talent base in 1445 00:56:41,040 --> 00:56:43,660 our military and in our U S military 1446 00:56:43,670 --> 00:56:46,030 that 50% of the talent base and women 1447 00:56:46,040 --> 00:56:47,870 and they are showing that it's 1448 00:56:47,870 --> 00:56:49,981 effective and it's , and for partners 1449 00:56:49,981 --> 00:56:52,203 on the African continent , they realize 1450 00:56:52,203 --> 00:56:54,092 that . So it's changing culture , 1451 00:56:54,540 --> 00:56:56,596 general , I think we have to be very 1452 00:56:56,596 --> 00:56:58,429 intentional about the support we 1453 00:56:58,429 --> 00:57:00,207 provide women and girls because 1454 00:57:00,207 --> 00:57:02,096 wherever there is instability and 1455 00:57:02,096 --> 00:57:04,040 certainly both of your A R R s are 1456 00:57:04,040 --> 00:57:05,984 characterized by what I would call 1457 00:57:05,984 --> 00:57:05,830 instability . Women and girls are the 1458 00:57:05,830 --> 00:57:08,520 ones who bear the brunt of the , the 1459 00:57:08,520 --> 00:57:10,687 challenges General Langley . Would you 1460 00:57:10,687 --> 00:57:14,120 like to add to what General Kiraly said ? 1461 00:57:14,120 --> 00:57:16,800 Because you are doing a , I would say a 1462 00:57:16,810 --> 00:57:20,170 pretty good job , ma'am I think , 1463 00:57:22,480 --> 00:57:24,591 and I think you're referring to me on 1464 00:57:24,591 --> 00:57:27,500 that so the um I value the program . 1465 00:57:27,510 --> 00:57:29,566 I'm sorry . Yes , I was referring to 1466 00:57:29,566 --> 00:57:33,210 your General Langley . Go ahead . Yes , 1467 00:57:33,210 --> 00:57:37,050 Senator . And so in execution , uh 1468 00:57:37,060 --> 00:57:40,830 as we work with even in the West uh in 1469 00:57:40,830 --> 00:57:44,030 our exercises , we ensure uh that we , 1470 00:57:44,040 --> 00:57:46,240 we , we do represent and within the 1471 00:57:46,240 --> 00:57:49,020 spirit and the letter of intent of the 1472 00:57:49,020 --> 00:57:52,600 act of WPS that we , that our partners 1473 00:57:52,600 --> 00:57:55,200 and ensure that uh their culture is 1474 00:57:55,200 --> 00:57:58,590 changing and women and uh and women and 1475 00:57:58,590 --> 00:58:01,040 girls get meaningful opportunities 1476 00:58:01,050 --> 00:58:03,170 within the overall governance and in 1477 00:58:03,170 --> 00:58:05,580 society . Uh And that's , that's why I 1478 00:58:05,580 --> 00:58:08,070 brought up Major General Shali as she 1479 00:58:08,070 --> 00:58:10,070 makes her travels across , they see 1480 00:58:10,070 --> 00:58:12,250 that America gets it and they start to 1481 00:58:12,250 --> 00:58:14,472 get it as well . It's very compelling . 1482 00:58:14,472 --> 00:58:17,040 Senator . Thank you , General Langley . 1483 00:58:17,040 --> 00:58:19,262 Further question for you , you noted in 1484 00:58:19,262 --> 00:58:22,410 your testimony , climate as a , as a 1485 00:58:22,410 --> 00:58:25,940 challenge in Africa . Can you describe 1486 00:58:25,940 --> 00:58:29,140 the destabilizing , destabilizing 1487 00:58:29,150 --> 00:58:31,520 impact of climate change on African 1488 00:58:31,520 --> 00:58:33,900 nations and what we can do to counter 1489 00:58:34,720 --> 00:58:37,470 this impact or these impacts ? 1490 00:58:37,480 --> 00:58:40,610 Absolutely , Senator , that's a driver 1491 00:58:40,610 --> 00:58:43,110 of instability , especially with 1492 00:58:43,110 --> 00:58:45,350 irregular patterns across the Sahel . 1493 00:58:45,360 --> 00:58:47,570 We're seeing that but across the whole 1494 00:58:47,570 --> 00:58:49,681 of government approach as I work with 1495 00:58:49,681 --> 00:58:53,560 the U S U S A I D , um I would say just 1496 00:58:53,560 --> 00:58:56,350 more flexibility uh trying to predict 1497 00:58:56,350 --> 00:58:58,517 where the effects are going to go . We 1498 00:58:58,517 --> 00:59:00,628 need to stay ahead of this and that's 1499 00:59:00,628 --> 00:59:02,683 why administrative power is actually 1500 00:59:02,683 --> 00:59:04,794 asking for non humanitarian action so 1501 00:59:04,794 --> 00:59:06,739 she can move resources . So we can 1502 00:59:06,739 --> 00:59:08,850 address the effects of climate change 1503 00:59:08,850 --> 00:59:11,072 because it's hard to predict even the U 1504 00:59:11,072 --> 00:59:14,130 S I D being uh being an evidence based 1505 00:59:14,140 --> 00:59:16,550 organization can't predict where the 1506 00:59:16,550 --> 00:59:19,150 next uh the next two years out where 1507 00:59:19,150 --> 00:59:21,372 the next atrocity is going to happen as 1508 00:59:21,372 --> 00:59:23,483 a result of climate change . So there 1509 00:59:23,483 --> 00:59:25,650 needs to be a flexibility across state 1510 00:59:25,650 --> 00:59:27,872 department and U S A I D then backed up 1511 00:59:27,872 --> 00:59:31,330 by military , by building a capability , 1512 00:59:31,340 --> 00:59:33,790 adaptability within our partners in the 1513 00:59:33,790 --> 00:59:36,000 military , so they can go out and 1514 00:59:36,010 --> 00:59:38,910 assist the affected people as a result 1515 00:59:38,920 --> 00:59:41,550 of climate change . Thank you , Mr 1516 00:59:41,550 --> 00:59:43,717 Chairman . I'm particularly interested 1517 00:59:43,717 --> 00:59:45,939 in what we are doing to counter climate 1518 00:59:45,939 --> 00:59:48,161 change impacts in , in Africa because I 1519 00:59:48,161 --> 00:59:50,383 agree that this is a very destabilizing 1520 00:59:50,383 --> 00:59:53,630 destabilizing situations . So I will 1521 00:59:53,630 --> 00:59:55,830 continue to pursue inquiries along 1522 00:59:55,830 --> 00:59:57,970 these lines . Thank you . Thank you , 1523 00:59:57,970 --> 01:00:00,770 Senator Senator Round , please . Thank 1524 01:00:00,770 --> 01:00:02,881 you , Mr Chairman , gentlemen , first 1525 01:00:02,881 --> 01:00:04,714 of all , thank you both for your 1526 01:00:04,714 --> 01:00:06,659 service to our country and to your 1527 01:00:06,659 --> 01:00:08,826 teams as well . A question for both of 1528 01:00:08,826 --> 01:00:11,180 you with regard to our country's 1529 01:00:11,180 --> 01:00:13,180 refocused with regard to the threat 1530 01:00:13,180 --> 01:00:16,390 that we see from both the the the other 1531 01:00:16,390 --> 01:00:17,946 major powers in the world , 1532 01:00:17,946 --> 01:00:20,650 specifically China Russia to some 1533 01:00:20,650 --> 01:00:23,560 degree as well . What impact has that 1534 01:00:23,560 --> 01:00:25,690 had in terms of the discussion , and 1535 01:00:25,700 --> 01:00:28,440 and the the clear evidence that we have 1536 01:00:28,440 --> 01:00:30,450 turned from literally more than 20 1537 01:00:30,450 --> 01:00:33,080 years of fighting terrorism to where we 1538 01:00:33,080 --> 01:00:35,320 are now focusing on this , this this 1539 01:00:35,330 --> 01:00:38,210 major power competition . What's the 1540 01:00:38,210 --> 01:00:40,970 impact in terms of the countries within 1541 01:00:40,980 --> 01:00:43,380 your A R S ? And how are they 1542 01:00:43,380 --> 01:00:46,790 perceiving the United states' interest 1543 01:00:46,800 --> 01:00:49,260 in your regions of the world General 1544 01:00:49,260 --> 01:00:51,490 Carrillo ? So Senator , we , we are 1545 01:00:51,490 --> 01:00:53,601 concerned again , as I said , this is 1546 01:00:53,601 --> 01:00:55,712 about a race between integration with 1547 01:00:55,712 --> 01:00:58,110 our partners and Chinese penetration 1548 01:00:58,120 --> 01:01:00,190 into the region . Um there's been a 1549 01:01:00,190 --> 01:01:02,134 significant increase both in their 1550 01:01:02,134 --> 01:01:04,970 economic 460 billion in infrastructure 1551 01:01:04,970 --> 01:01:07,026 development in the last five years , 1552 01:01:07,026 --> 01:01:10,460 2.6 trillion in trade . Um and really , 1553 01:01:10,460 --> 01:01:12,627 we see their military capability where 1554 01:01:12,627 --> 01:01:14,404 they're trying to sell military 1555 01:01:14,404 --> 01:01:16,571 equipment and foreign military sales . 1556 01:01:16,571 --> 01:01:18,738 Um in the last 10 years , we've seen a 1557 01:01:18,738 --> 01:01:21,240 30% decline in the US but an 80% 1558 01:01:21,250 --> 01:01:24,090 increase in Chinese on foreign military 1559 01:01:24,090 --> 01:01:26,190 sales . And when they buy a Chinese 1560 01:01:26,190 --> 01:01:28,670 system , we cannot integrate it into 1561 01:01:28,670 --> 01:01:31,130 our systems . General Langley , 1562 01:01:34,210 --> 01:01:37,180 Senator , uh you know , as Eric uh just 1563 01:01:37,180 --> 01:01:39,310 alluded to , we have the same effects 1564 01:01:39,320 --> 01:01:41,480 on the continent as well as far as 1565 01:01:41,480 --> 01:01:44,040 investments by from a military 1566 01:01:44,040 --> 01:01:47,300 standpoint , both both both the PRC and 1567 01:01:47,310 --> 01:01:50,620 Russia . And uh you know how we 1568 01:01:50,630 --> 01:01:53,060 partner uh that , that , that really 1569 01:01:53,060 --> 01:01:56,470 segways to into the main issue as far 1570 01:01:56,470 --> 01:01:59,830 as how , how slow are triple three 1571 01:01:59,830 --> 01:02:03,420 program of arm train and equip our 1572 01:02:03,420 --> 01:02:06,180 partners . So they do know that they 1573 01:02:06,180 --> 01:02:09,240 have choices as we saw down in South 1574 01:02:09,240 --> 01:02:11,360 Africa , they want to show the world 1575 01:02:11,370 --> 01:02:13,481 that they have choices and that's why 1576 01:02:13,481 --> 01:02:15,759 they had mosey to exercise . But up in , 1577 01:02:15,759 --> 01:02:17,926 uh in , uh in our partners in the Gulf 1578 01:02:17,926 --> 01:02:20,148 of Guinea region , they are pressurized 1579 01:02:20,148 --> 01:02:22,610 by all kinds of , by an extremist 1580 01:02:22,610 --> 01:02:25,420 organizations threatening their borders . 1581 01:02:25,430 --> 01:02:27,486 And they come in , they asked them , 1582 01:02:27,486 --> 01:02:29,652 they said , hey , General and we don't 1583 01:02:29,652 --> 01:02:31,874 want your boots on the ground . We want 1584 01:02:31,874 --> 01:02:34,097 your equipment , we need help so we can 1585 01:02:34,097 --> 01:02:36,152 put up a good fight and take care of 1586 01:02:36,152 --> 01:02:38,152 this fight . Extremist organization 1587 01:02:38,152 --> 01:02:40,374 across all the affiliates . But as slow 1588 01:02:40,374 --> 01:02:42,541 as our processes are with triple three 1589 01:02:42,541 --> 01:02:44,860 and also 332 or other title 10 1590 01:02:44,860 --> 01:02:46,780 authorities is moving too slow . 1591 01:02:46,780 --> 01:02:48,891 Senator just moving too slow and they 1592 01:02:48,891 --> 01:02:51,020 make the wrong decisions . Let's dive 1593 01:02:51,020 --> 01:02:53,076 into that just a little bit more for 1594 01:02:53,076 --> 01:02:55,020 both of you . The foreign military 1595 01:02:55,020 --> 01:02:57,131 sales or F M S . It's a critical part 1596 01:02:57,131 --> 01:02:59,970 of our foreign policy regards requires 1597 01:02:59,970 --> 01:03:02,210 not just the availability but also the 1598 01:03:02,210 --> 01:03:04,780 approval process . Could each of you 1599 01:03:04,780 --> 01:03:07,380 share with me your opinion about the 1600 01:03:07,380 --> 01:03:09,380 approval process and whether or not 1601 01:03:09,380 --> 01:03:11,350 there needs to be a more expedited 1602 01:03:11,350 --> 01:03:15,000 process in order to allow us 1603 01:03:15,010 --> 01:03:17,110 to continue with F M s . 1604 01:03:18,590 --> 01:03:22,560 So Senator , they say about 95% 1605 01:03:22,560 --> 01:03:25,990 of all FMS goes according to plan 5% 1606 01:03:25,990 --> 01:03:28,150 doesn't , 80% of those 5% are in the 1607 01:03:28,150 --> 01:03:31,470 Centcom hor . Um The challenge we have 1608 01:03:31,470 --> 01:03:34,910 is the time it takes to get equipment 1609 01:03:34,920 --> 01:03:36,920 to our partners . And there's , you 1610 01:03:36,920 --> 01:03:39,480 know , the D O D Department of State 1611 01:03:39,480 --> 01:03:41,670 Congress and industry all have a role 1612 01:03:41,670 --> 01:03:43,810 in that . But what China does is they 1613 01:03:43,810 --> 01:03:45,643 come in , they open their entire 1614 01:03:45,643 --> 01:03:47,477 catalog , they give them express 1615 01:03:47,477 --> 01:03:49,588 shipping , they give them no end user 1616 01:03:49,588 --> 01:03:51,866 agreement and they give them financing , 1617 01:03:51,866 --> 01:03:54,032 which at the end of the day can end up 1618 01:03:54,032 --> 01:03:56,310 being some type of predatory financing . 1619 01:03:56,310 --> 01:03:58,532 But they are much faster to need in our 1620 01:03:58,532 --> 01:04:00,588 security partners have real security 1621 01:04:00,588 --> 01:04:02,754 needs and we are losing our ability to 1622 01:04:02,754 --> 01:04:04,810 provide our equipment so that it can 1623 01:04:04,810 --> 01:04:07,032 integrate into the region . They prefer 1624 01:04:07,032 --> 01:04:09,254 to have our equipment , wouldn't they ? 1625 01:04:09,254 --> 01:04:08,840 Absolutely . So when you buy us 1626 01:04:08,840 --> 01:04:10,729 equipment , you buy , you get the 1627 01:04:10,729 --> 01:04:12,800 quality , you get the training , the 1628 01:04:12,800 --> 01:04:15,022 sustainment , the upgrades , but you're 1629 01:04:15,022 --> 01:04:17,189 also buying into the bureaucracy right 1630 01:04:17,189 --> 01:04:19,411 now , they just can't get it because of 1631 01:04:19,411 --> 01:04:21,578 our bureaucratic processes is delaying 1632 01:04:21,578 --> 01:04:23,744 the delivery of that product . If it's 1633 01:04:23,744 --> 01:04:25,856 available , it's still a bureaucratic 1634 01:04:25,856 --> 01:04:28,022 mess to get it . There , there is some 1635 01:04:28,022 --> 01:04:30,189 that goes very fast and some that goes 1636 01:04:30,189 --> 01:04:32,244 very , very slow . General Langley . 1637 01:04:32,400 --> 01:04:35,030 Absolutely , Senator . Uh we , we see 1638 01:04:35,030 --> 01:04:37,360 that just well along and I fully concur 1639 01:04:37,360 --> 01:04:39,416 with Eric about our training and the 1640 01:04:39,416 --> 01:04:42,470 capacity is more of a quality . But the 1641 01:04:42,470 --> 01:04:44,581 sense of urgency , especially in West 1642 01:04:44,581 --> 01:04:46,803 Africa , across the hill across Ghana , 1643 01:04:46,803 --> 01:04:49,600 Cote , Navarro , and Benin and Togo , 1644 01:04:49,610 --> 01:04:51,832 they need equipment , they need weapons 1645 01:04:51,832 --> 01:04:55,830 now . So even with our significant uh 1646 01:04:55,840 --> 01:04:58,062 security cooperation initiatives , that 1647 01:04:58,062 --> 01:05:00,380 process is not any faster , it's 1648 01:05:00,380 --> 01:05:03,070 designed to be faster . Uh So they make 1649 01:05:03,070 --> 01:05:05,870 choices and they make the wrong choices 1650 01:05:05,880 --> 01:05:09,140 in siding with going with either PRC or 1651 01:05:09,140 --> 01:05:11,790 Russia for especially leave delayed . 1652 01:05:11,800 --> 01:05:13,911 Thank you . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 1653 01:05:14,110 --> 01:05:16,054 Thank you , Senator around Senator 1654 01:05:16,054 --> 01:05:17,888 Warren , please . Thank you , Mr 1655 01:05:17,888 --> 01:05:20,054 Chairman . So the Biden administration 1656 01:05:20,054 --> 01:05:21,721 announced last week that it's 1657 01:05:21,721 --> 01:05:23,499 requesting $842 billion for the 1658 01:05:23,499 --> 01:05:25,388 Pentagon budget . It's one of the 1659 01:05:25,388 --> 01:05:27,460 largest budget requests ever . Uh 1660 01:05:27,470 --> 01:05:29,640 Despite this already massive number 1661 01:05:29,650 --> 01:05:32,330 every year D O D pushes to get even 1662 01:05:32,330 --> 01:05:35,630 more money by using unfunded priority 1663 01:05:35,630 --> 01:05:37,800 list or what I call wish lists that 1664 01:05:37,800 --> 01:05:39,856 don't go through the other budgeting 1665 01:05:39,856 --> 01:05:42,440 screens . The services and combatant 1666 01:05:42,440 --> 01:05:44,730 commands asked Congress for billions 1667 01:05:44,730 --> 01:05:47,550 more in funding for programs from these 1668 01:05:47,550 --> 01:05:49,940 lists . Other federal agencies have to 1669 01:05:49,940 --> 01:05:53,140 balance their must haves and their nice 1670 01:05:53,140 --> 01:05:56,820 to haves . But D O D doesn't instead it 1671 01:05:56,820 --> 01:05:59,240 games the system by submitting a second 1672 01:05:59,240 --> 01:06:01,700 list of items that they want so that 1673 01:06:01,700 --> 01:06:04,040 their budget can grow even bigger . I 1674 01:06:04,040 --> 01:06:06,207 know that there are colleagues on both 1675 01:06:06,207 --> 01:06:08,262 sides of the aisle who are concerned 1676 01:06:08,262 --> 01:06:10,040 about this and want to see this 1677 01:06:10,040 --> 01:06:12,520 practice stop . Last year . Both your 1678 01:06:12,520 --> 01:06:15,380 predecessors at Africom and Centcom 1679 01:06:15,390 --> 01:06:18,040 submitted these wish lists . So what 1680 01:06:18,040 --> 01:06:20,151 I'm asking today is about whether you 1681 01:06:20,151 --> 01:06:22,262 plan to do the same . General Langley 1682 01:06:22,262 --> 01:06:24,180 Africom requested an additional 1683 01:06:24,180 --> 01:06:27,730 $353.6 million 1684 01:06:27,730 --> 01:06:33,690 africom 1685 01:06:33,700 --> 01:06:35,811 argued that if some of these programs 1686 01:06:35,811 --> 01:06:37,811 weren't funded , it would result in 1687 01:06:37,811 --> 01:06:41,570 quote unacceptable risk . So my 1688 01:06:41,570 --> 01:06:44,190 question is this year , will Africom be 1689 01:06:44,190 --> 01:06:46,560 putting all of its priority projects if 1690 01:06:46,560 --> 01:06:48,671 it's that important ? If it's putting 1691 01:06:48,671 --> 01:06:50,890 us at unacceptable risk , will you put 1692 01:06:50,890 --> 01:06:53,650 that into your base budget request ? 1693 01:06:55,750 --> 01:06:59,460 Senator ? And just be transparent ? 1694 01:06:59,470 --> 01:07:02,660 I will be submitting a underfunded 1695 01:07:02,670 --> 01:07:05,200 party list . And here's why because of 1696 01:07:05,200 --> 01:07:08,130 emergent threats when uh when President 1697 01:07:08,130 --> 01:07:11,100 Biden directed us back in last May to 1698 01:07:11,110 --> 01:07:13,850 return to a persistent presence in 1699 01:07:13,850 --> 01:07:16,120 Somalia . And I took command a few 1700 01:07:16,120 --> 01:07:18,220 months after that . And I asked him 1701 01:07:18,220 --> 01:07:20,276 being a former programmer . I said , 1702 01:07:20,276 --> 01:07:22,553 okay , what is the fully burdened cost ? 1703 01:07:22,553 --> 01:07:24,553 I need to communicate to Congress , 1704 01:07:24,553 --> 01:07:26,664 what the fully burdened cost ? I need 1705 01:07:26,664 --> 01:07:28,942 to communicate to the department first . 1706 01:07:28,942 --> 01:07:31,164 And , and I did that , I did that after 1707 01:07:31,164 --> 01:07:33,370 budget submittal to from the services 1708 01:07:33,370 --> 01:07:35,426 to the department . So that emerging 1709 01:07:35,426 --> 01:07:38,170 cost was informed by the risk that we 1710 01:07:38,170 --> 01:07:40,281 have . So you're telling me that this 1711 01:07:40,281 --> 01:07:42,450 request , the ink is not dry on the 1712 01:07:42,450 --> 01:07:45,210 budget request from Congress and from 1713 01:07:45,210 --> 01:07:47,154 the president . And you're already 1714 01:07:47,154 --> 01:07:49,099 saying that you know that it's not 1715 01:07:49,099 --> 01:07:51,210 enough and I want to remind you about 1716 01:07:51,210 --> 01:07:53,850 it emerging threats D O D already has 1717 01:07:53,850 --> 01:07:56,310 transfer and reprogramming authorities 1718 01:07:56,310 --> 01:07:58,540 to deal with emerging threats . You 1719 01:07:58,540 --> 01:08:00,373 have the ability to come back to 1720 01:08:00,373 --> 01:08:02,596 Congress if you can justify an emerging 1721 01:08:02,596 --> 01:08:04,750 threat . We have a panel looking at 1722 01:08:04,750 --> 01:08:06,861 whether or not there are more changes 1723 01:08:06,861 --> 01:08:08,917 that are needed . But these unfunded 1724 01:08:08,917 --> 01:08:11,083 priority lists are just another way to 1725 01:08:11,083 --> 01:08:13,250 gain the system if it is a priority to 1726 01:08:13,250 --> 01:08:15,460 cover something like this , then I I 1727 01:08:15,460 --> 01:08:17,890 think you should be covering it . So 1728 01:08:17,890 --> 01:08:20,112 are you telling me that the only things 1729 01:08:20,112 --> 01:08:22,370 that will be on your unfunded priority 1730 01:08:22,370 --> 01:08:24,592 list are things you couldn't have known 1731 01:08:24,592 --> 01:08:26,759 about when you submitted your budget . 1732 01:08:26,910 --> 01:08:30,690 Uh Senator I even my predecessor also 1733 01:08:30,690 --> 01:08:33,070 put the other piece of that cost on 1734 01:08:33,070 --> 01:08:36,960 their on I S . Are we never had enough ? 1735 01:08:36,970 --> 01:08:39,081 I'm not hearing a yes or no . Are you 1736 01:08:39,081 --> 01:08:41,137 telling me that your unfunded budget 1737 01:08:41,137 --> 01:08:43,500 priority list will have nothing on it 1738 01:08:43,510 --> 01:08:45,930 except things that you could not have 1739 01:08:45,930 --> 01:08:47,930 known about when you submitted your 1740 01:08:47,930 --> 01:08:49,780 budget . Uh There , there is a 1741 01:08:49,780 --> 01:08:51,724 persistent threat that we have the 1742 01:08:51,724 --> 01:08:54,058 account for . So on that , on that list , 1743 01:08:54,058 --> 01:08:55,780 that's what your budget is for 1744 01:08:55,780 --> 01:08:57,947 accounting for the persistent threat . 1745 01:08:57,947 --> 01:09:00,169 Let me ask General Carola the same last 1746 01:09:00,169 --> 01:09:02,224 year Centcom submitted a request for 1747 01:09:02,224 --> 01:09:04,650 $35 million in its unfunded priority 1748 01:09:04,650 --> 01:09:06,760 list . Are you planning to submit a 1749 01:09:06,760 --> 01:09:09,470 wish list again this year ? Senator I 1750 01:09:09,470 --> 01:09:11,692 am but on last year's , I'm the one who 1751 01:09:11,692 --> 01:09:13,803 signed last year's . That was for the 1752 01:09:13,803 --> 01:09:15,970 massive ordinance penetrator for heavy 1753 01:09:15,970 --> 01:09:18,081 deeply buried targets . I do not have 1754 01:09:18,081 --> 01:09:20,026 procurement dollars in my baseline 1755 01:09:20,026 --> 01:09:22,137 budget . That is why I requested it . 1756 01:09:22,137 --> 01:09:24,137 So what you're really telling me is 1757 01:09:24,137 --> 01:09:24,020 that this unfunded priority list is 1758 01:09:24,020 --> 01:09:26,290 just a way to say I need a bigger base 1759 01:09:26,290 --> 01:09:28,560 budget . I don't have that color of 1760 01:09:28,560 --> 01:09:30,838 money . Senator to ask to request that . 1761 01:09:30,838 --> 01:09:32,560 But on what I , what I do as a 1762 01:09:32,560 --> 01:09:34,830 commander is I mitigate risk and I go 1763 01:09:34,830 --> 01:09:36,997 through my priorities and the missions 1764 01:09:36,997 --> 01:09:39,052 I have and then when I have any risk 1765 01:09:39,052 --> 01:09:41,450 left over by the law I will submit for 1766 01:09:41,450 --> 01:09:43,500 the people . You know , look , I 1767 01:09:43,510 --> 01:09:45,732 appreciate this . You all know , I have 1768 01:09:45,732 --> 01:09:47,890 raised this issue before . If we're 1769 01:09:47,890 --> 01:09:50,057 gonna have a budget , we ought to have 1770 01:09:50,057 --> 01:09:52,279 a budget . And there's no reason that D 1771 01:09:52,279 --> 01:09:54,334 O D shouldn't be able to work within 1772 01:09:54,334 --> 01:09:56,279 the budgeting process . Like every 1773 01:09:56,279 --> 01:09:58,279 other part of governor , I'm out of 1774 01:09:58,279 --> 01:10:00,057 time on this , but I'm gonna be 1775 01:10:00,057 --> 01:10:01,946 submitting more questions for the 1776 01:10:01,946 --> 01:10:03,890 record . Mr Chairman on what these 1777 01:10:03,890 --> 01:10:06,057 commands are doing to prevent civilian 1778 01:10:06,057 --> 01:10:08,300 harm . D O D is on the right path , but 1779 01:10:08,310 --> 01:10:10,532 I remain concerned about whether or not 1780 01:10:10,532 --> 01:10:12,421 we're getting accurate and honest 1781 01:10:12,421 --> 01:10:14,532 reporting . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 1782 01:10:14,532 --> 01:10:16,588 Thank you , Senator Warren , Senator 1783 01:10:16,588 --> 01:10:18,421 Mullen , please . Thank you , Mr 1784 01:10:18,421 --> 01:10:20,477 Chairman . Um And thank you both for 1785 01:10:20,477 --> 01:10:22,477 being here . Uh General Gorilla . I 1786 01:10:22,477 --> 01:10:24,532 just want to personally tell you how 1787 01:10:24,532 --> 01:10:27,560 much I appreciate your service uh upon 1788 01:10:27,560 --> 01:10:29,900 reading more about you was even more 1789 01:10:29,900 --> 01:10:33,390 impressed . Uh any of us that have been 1790 01:10:33,390 --> 01:10:35,446 in situations like you were in Mosul 1791 01:10:35,446 --> 01:10:38,460 and uh be able to keep your head in the , 1792 01:10:38,470 --> 01:10:41,510 in the fight uh after being shot three 1793 01:10:41,510 --> 01:10:43,788 times and still be able to direct fire . 1794 01:10:44,160 --> 01:10:46,550 I commend you for that . That's why it 1795 01:10:46,550 --> 01:10:49,330 should be common everyone in front of 1796 01:10:49,330 --> 01:10:51,386 you or behind . You knows that's not 1797 01:10:51,386 --> 01:10:53,552 always common . So thank you for doing 1798 01:10:53,552 --> 01:10:56,850 that . I want to talk about , about 1799 01:10:56,850 --> 01:10:58,790 Afghanistan a little bit . Um the 1800 01:10:58,790 --> 01:11:01,710 American withdraw from Kabul on 2021 as 1801 01:11:01,710 --> 01:11:04,820 you know , was a complete disaster and 1802 01:11:04,820 --> 01:11:06,931 uh and brought in systematic failures 1803 01:11:06,931 --> 01:11:08,820 from the top down across multiple 1804 01:11:08,820 --> 01:11:10,987 agencies , but it's not enough to just 1805 01:11:10,987 --> 01:11:13,098 say this was a disaster and move on . 1806 01:11:13,098 --> 01:11:15,264 Lives were lost and our posture on the 1807 01:11:15,264 --> 01:11:17,431 world stage has been forever changed . 1808 01:11:17,870 --> 01:11:20,510 Uh As , as you reach one year in your 1809 01:11:20,510 --> 01:11:22,820 current position , can you explain what 1810 01:11:22,820 --> 01:11:25,020 you've learned in the aftermath of the 1811 01:11:25,020 --> 01:11:27,880 Afghan Afghanistan withdraw and how we , 1812 01:11:27,890 --> 01:11:30,057 we can prevent these types of failures 1813 01:11:30,057 --> 01:11:31,946 moving forward . Senator just for 1814 01:11:31,946 --> 01:11:33,779 clarity , specifically about the 1815 01:11:33,779 --> 01:11:36,350 withdrawal or overall uh lessons we 1816 01:11:36,350 --> 01:11:38,820 learned from the withdrawal and how we 1817 01:11:38,820 --> 01:11:40,931 can prevent this from happening again 1818 01:11:40,931 --> 01:11:43,098 and how that's changed your position . 1819 01:11:43,098 --> 01:11:45,264 So in terms of the actual withdrawal , 1820 01:11:45,264 --> 01:11:47,487 um one of the top lessons we learned is 1821 01:11:47,487 --> 01:11:49,376 the importance of partners access 1822 01:11:49,376 --> 01:11:51,487 basing overflight , we would not have 1823 01:11:51,487 --> 01:11:53,264 been able to execute the actual 1824 01:11:53,264 --> 01:11:55,487 execution of the withdrawal without all 1825 01:11:55,487 --> 01:11:57,709 of our partners that we have in the , I 1826 01:11:57,709 --> 01:12:00,130 think executing would be hard word to 1827 01:12:00,130 --> 01:12:02,241 say it would , it would not have been 1828 01:12:02,241 --> 01:12:04,352 possible to the scale at which we did 1829 01:12:04,352 --> 01:12:07,340 it without our partners who provided 1830 01:12:07,340 --> 01:12:09,720 the access basing and overflight . I 1831 01:12:09,720 --> 01:12:11,664 think one of the other big lessons 1832 01:12:11,664 --> 01:12:13,664 learned initially , it was just the 1833 01:12:13,664 --> 01:12:15,553 mission was given to Centcom , it 1834 01:12:15,553 --> 01:12:17,887 became a five combatant command mission . 1835 01:12:17,887 --> 01:12:19,664 Um And then also with our , our 1836 01:12:19,664 --> 01:12:21,831 partners , bringing them all into that 1837 01:12:21,831 --> 01:12:21,570 planning session . You think people 1838 01:12:21,570 --> 01:12:23,626 should be held accountable from that 1839 01:12:23,626 --> 01:12:25,792 withdrawal . I think anybody should be 1840 01:12:25,792 --> 01:12:27,792 held accountable for if there is uh 1841 01:12:27,792 --> 01:12:29,848 failure on something , you know , as 1842 01:12:29,848 --> 01:12:31,792 you know , there was a tip for tat 1843 01:12:31,792 --> 01:12:33,792 going on between a couple of people 1844 01:12:33,792 --> 01:12:35,903 during that whole situation , General 1845 01:12:35,903 --> 01:12:38,070 Mackenzie General Donahue , Um I found 1846 01:12:38,070 --> 01:12:40,237 myself caught in the middle of that as 1847 01:12:40,237 --> 01:12:39,810 we was trying to get and sets at out 1848 01:12:39,810 --> 01:12:42,540 with the team that I was part of . At 1849 01:12:42,540 --> 01:12:44,484 the end of the day , we did end up 1850 01:12:44,484 --> 01:12:46,707 getting over 300 Americans out , but it 1851 01:12:46,707 --> 01:12:48,596 wasn't from the assistance of our 1852 01:12:48,596 --> 01:12:50,762 government . In fact , I found that it 1853 01:12:50,762 --> 01:12:52,707 was easier to work for the Taliban 1854 01:12:52,707 --> 01:12:54,762 because I knew the price I was gonna 1855 01:12:54,762 --> 01:12:56,929 have to pay for each one and it was to 1856 01:12:56,929 --> 01:12:59,096 get them out and dealing with the . Um 1857 01:12:59,096 --> 01:13:02,140 unfortunately , us , In fact , 1858 01:13:02,140 --> 01:13:06,020 ambassador promising that was over two . 1859 01:13:06,020 --> 01:13:09,810 Chika Stan literally told me Mr Mullen , 1860 01:13:09,810 --> 01:13:12,010 I was told not to assist you or your 1861 01:13:12,010 --> 01:13:14,350 group in any way . Unfortunately , it 1862 01:13:14,350 --> 01:13:16,600 cost the life of a three year old young 1863 01:13:16,600 --> 01:13:20,200 girl . And uh and at the same time , 1864 01:13:20,200 --> 01:13:22,480 I've seen no one , not a single person 1865 01:13:22,490 --> 01:13:24,550 held accountable . In fact , general 1866 01:13:24,550 --> 01:13:27,700 Donahue uh is now over 18th 1867 01:13:27,700 --> 01:13:31,650 airborne . The irony of that is he's uh 1868 01:13:31,660 --> 01:13:35,380 looking over Europe now and deterrence 1869 01:13:35,510 --> 01:13:38,830 in Europe , Darren mckenzie retired . 1870 01:13:39,930 --> 01:13:42,152 No one in the State department has been 1871 01:13:42,152 --> 01:13:44,263 held accountable . What does that say 1872 01:13:44,263 --> 01:13:46,263 to our partners , our partners that 1873 01:13:46,263 --> 01:13:50,180 lost lives . I was with his highness 1874 01:13:50,190 --> 01:13:53,470 and U A E and uh he was even upset 1875 01:13:53,470 --> 01:13:57,130 about it . He said that if America is 1876 01:13:57,130 --> 01:13:59,297 willing to walk away from the billions 1877 01:13:59,297 --> 01:14:01,310 of dollars that they spent in 1878 01:14:01,310 --> 01:14:03,880 Afghanistan , what does that say about 1879 01:14:03,880 --> 01:14:06,102 our region ? And then he went on to say 1880 01:14:06,102 --> 01:14:09,890 that I fought him . The Royal Highness 1881 01:14:09,890 --> 01:14:12,060 fought in Afghanistan . His two sons 1882 01:14:12,060 --> 01:14:14,570 fought in Afghanistan and every single 1883 01:14:14,570 --> 01:14:18,080 soldier that they lost , he visited 1884 01:14:18,080 --> 01:14:21,810 their house personally . And yet 1885 01:14:21,820 --> 01:14:24,420 we pulled out , lost the lives of an 1886 01:14:24,420 --> 01:14:26,587 sets that didn't have to be lost . Not 1887 01:14:26,587 --> 01:14:28,642 to mention our 13 soldiers , Marines 1888 01:14:29,340 --> 01:14:32,290 And No one , not a single person has 1889 01:14:32,290 --> 01:14:35,370 been held accountable . You think 1890 01:14:35,370 --> 01:14:38,340 that's right , Senator , if I could , I 1891 01:14:38,340 --> 01:14:40,630 have great respect and I've known Frank 1892 01:14:40,630 --> 01:14:43,380 mckenzie and Chris Donahue . I know I'm 1893 01:14:43,380 --> 01:14:45,158 very familiar familiar with the 1894 01:14:45,158 --> 01:14:46,936 relationship . Doesn't make any 1895 01:14:46,936 --> 01:14:49,102 difference is underneath there command 1896 01:14:49,102 --> 01:14:51,269 and no one was held accountable fact . 1897 01:14:51,269 --> 01:14:50,960 The only person that was chastised 1898 01:14:50,960 --> 01:14:53,127 about it was the one colonel that came 1899 01:14:53,127 --> 01:14:54,960 out and chastised the withdrawal 1900 01:14:54,960 --> 01:14:57,127 mechanism . And how dare him speak out 1901 01:14:57,127 --> 01:15:00,940 negative about something . I get it . I 1902 01:15:00,940 --> 01:15:03,162 get the chain of command . I remember I 1903 01:15:03,162 --> 01:15:05,680 know he broke protocol . But don't you 1904 01:15:05,680 --> 01:15:07,840 think someone you cannot sit here and 1905 01:15:07,840 --> 01:15:09,673 tell me that that was successful 1906 01:15:09,673 --> 01:15:11,562 withdrawal . Don't you think that 1907 01:15:11,562 --> 01:15:13,784 someone should be held accountable . It 1908 01:15:13,784 --> 01:15:17,450 was an absolute disaster . Sen , I 1909 01:15:17,450 --> 01:15:19,617 served five years in Afghanistan every 1910 01:15:19,617 --> 01:15:22,470 year from 2009 to 14 . I'm aware of it . 1911 01:15:22,480 --> 01:15:26,290 I am , I am vested in , in there . The 1912 01:15:26,300 --> 01:15:28,730 actual thing I was not part of the 1913 01:15:28,740 --> 01:15:30,851 force provider , but I would say that 1914 01:15:30,851 --> 01:15:33,150 the execution , you were there before 1915 01:15:33,150 --> 01:15:35,420 Donahue and you came back . You know , 1916 01:15:35,420 --> 01:15:38,330 it intimately , I'm just asking you 1917 01:15:38,340 --> 01:15:41,640 once again , shouldn't someone be held 1918 01:15:41,640 --> 01:15:43,640 accountable if someone's below your 1919 01:15:43,640 --> 01:15:45,807 command and they went through this and 1920 01:15:45,807 --> 01:15:49,260 they had an absolute disaster like this 1921 01:15:49,940 --> 01:15:52,190 losing marines . 1922 01:15:54,490 --> 01:15:56,601 Don't you think someone at that point 1923 01:15:56,601 --> 01:15:58,712 be held accountable ? I think it's an 1924 01:15:58,712 --> 01:16:00,934 absolute travesty that we lost those 13 1925 01:16:00,934 --> 01:16:00,670 marines that abigail . But you don't 1926 01:16:00,670 --> 01:16:02,281 think anybody should be held 1927 01:16:02,281 --> 01:16:03,948 accountable . I don't know if 1928 01:16:03,948 --> 01:16:05,948 accountability has been assigned to 1929 01:16:05,948 --> 01:16:08,480 anyone . Senator . Well , you know , it 1930 01:16:08,480 --> 01:16:10,500 hasn't . I mean , I get what you're 1931 01:16:10,500 --> 01:16:12,722 saying , but you know , there hasn't at 1932 01:16:12,722 --> 01:16:14,430 some point , we got our , our 1933 01:16:14,430 --> 01:16:17,110 adversaries and our allies are both 1934 01:16:17,110 --> 01:16:20,090 taking a look at this and we look weak 1935 01:16:20,790 --> 01:16:23,012 and I know you're dealing with this and 1936 01:16:23,012 --> 01:16:25,068 we are dealing with this . It's time 1937 01:16:25,068 --> 01:16:27,123 for someone to be held accountable . 1938 01:16:27,123 --> 01:16:29,234 And what I'm looking for is your help 1939 01:16:29,234 --> 01:16:31,457 and your assistance in moving forward . 1940 01:16:31,457 --> 01:16:33,623 We got to right this wrong with that . 1941 01:16:33,623 --> 01:16:35,901 I yield back . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 1942 01:16:35,901 --> 01:16:38,100 Thank you , Senator Mullen . Um This 1943 01:16:38,100 --> 01:16:40,100 issue of accountability is , is a 1944 01:16:40,100 --> 01:16:43,970 serious one , but it would take in um 1945 01:16:44,550 --> 01:16:47,500 A 20-year history of the struggle in 1946 01:16:47,500 --> 01:16:49,730 Afghanistan . And based on the 1947 01:16:49,740 --> 01:16:53,720 operation , um Neil was one of the most 1948 01:16:53,720 --> 01:16:56,250 difficult operations . General Gorilla 1949 01:16:56,260 --> 01:16:59,730 evacuating over 120,000 1950 01:16:59,730 --> 01:17:03,720 people . Uh was something I think 1951 01:17:03,720 --> 01:17:07,550 was remarkable . Would you 1952 01:17:07,550 --> 01:17:10,030 conclude ? I absolutely agree again . I 1953 01:17:10,030 --> 01:17:12,500 think the execution of the , of 1954 01:17:12,510 --> 01:17:15,410 bringing the people out was , was done 1955 01:17:15,410 --> 01:17:17,243 very effectively in terms of the 1956 01:17:17,243 --> 01:17:19,354 numbers , we would not have been able 1957 01:17:19,354 --> 01:17:21,299 to do the numbers . Thank you . Uh 1958 01:17:21,299 --> 01:17:25,020 Senator Kelly , thank you , Mr Chairman 1959 01:17:25,030 --> 01:17:27,500 um General Langley . Good to see you 1960 01:17:27,500 --> 01:17:30,340 again . Thank you for being here . Um 1961 01:17:30,350 --> 01:17:33,090 As you know , I recently returned from 1962 01:17:33,090 --> 01:17:36,220 a bipartisan code L A Africa , we had 1963 01:17:36,220 --> 01:17:39,860 the opportunity to travel across um the 1964 01:17:39,860 --> 01:17:43,430 continent to Zambia , South Africa , 1965 01:17:43,430 --> 01:17:47,170 Morocco Botswana , um Code Devore 1966 01:17:47,840 --> 01:17:49,990 and had conversations with a lot of 1967 01:17:49,990 --> 01:17:52,660 experts , senior leaders on a wide 1968 01:17:52,660 --> 01:17:54,750 variety of topics that we care about 1969 01:17:54,750 --> 01:17:57,700 including food security conservation 1970 01:17:57,700 --> 01:18:00,470 efforts , critical minerals and defense . 1971 01:18:01,070 --> 01:18:04,610 And while we , the United States is 1972 01:18:04,610 --> 01:18:06,666 doing a lot of great work across the 1973 01:18:06,666 --> 01:18:10,080 continent , I worry that it's not well 1974 01:18:10,080 --> 01:18:13,880 known that we're providing this at the 1975 01:18:13,880 --> 01:18:15,991 same time . It's clear that China and 1976 01:18:15,991 --> 01:18:19,370 Russia have a lot of influence in 1977 01:18:19,370 --> 01:18:23,040 Africa and this concerns me a 1978 01:18:23,040 --> 01:18:25,880 lot and I know it does concern you too . 1979 01:18:25,890 --> 01:18:28,260 I mean , Africa has strategic 1980 01:18:28,260 --> 01:18:30,160 importance to us for a number of 1981 01:18:30,160 --> 01:18:32,790 reasons , including that many critical 1982 01:18:32,800 --> 01:18:36,140 minerals that our defense industry 1983 01:18:36,150 --> 01:18:39,390 requires our mind in Africa . And this 1984 01:18:39,390 --> 01:18:41,950 is something that China knows and they 1985 01:18:41,950 --> 01:18:44,430 have begun to exploit . You know , last 1986 01:18:44,430 --> 01:18:46,980 year , Senator Cotton and I introduced 1987 01:18:46,990 --> 01:18:50,470 the Restore Act to reduce our 1988 01:18:50,470 --> 01:18:53,880 reliance on China for these critical 1989 01:18:53,890 --> 01:18:56,340 minerals . But the important work on 1990 01:18:56,340 --> 01:18:58,920 securing us supply chains need to 1991 01:18:58,920 --> 01:19:02,410 continue . So , General Langley , what 1992 01:19:02,410 --> 01:19:04,580 are you seeing in Africa with respect 1993 01:19:04,580 --> 01:19:08,450 to China's mining activities and their 1994 01:19:08,460 --> 01:19:10,071 infrastructure development ? 1995 01:19:13,570 --> 01:19:15,780 Uh First of all , Senator , thanks for 1996 01:19:15,780 --> 01:19:18,500 that question and uh and thank you for 1997 01:19:18,500 --> 01:19:22,300 going on the Code L uh as uh so in , in 1998 01:19:22,300 --> 01:19:24,710 Munich and when you're on your way down 1999 01:19:24,710 --> 01:19:26,932 there , that that really matters , that 2000 01:19:26,932 --> 01:19:28,988 shows those are assurance actions of 2001 01:19:28,988 --> 01:19:31,890 our nation's leadership going on to the 2002 01:19:31,890 --> 01:19:34,150 continent and , and thank you for that 2003 01:19:34,160 --> 01:19:36,960 and it pressurize is and , and it makes 2004 01:19:36,970 --> 01:19:39,880 uh causes hesitation in countries that 2005 01:19:39,880 --> 01:19:43,420 are thinking about picking the PRC or 2006 01:19:43,420 --> 01:19:46,110 even Russia is their partner of choice 2007 01:19:46,120 --> 01:19:48,670 because that those are the assurance 2008 01:19:48,670 --> 01:19:51,560 actions that matter and resonate . Uh 2009 01:19:51,570 --> 01:19:54,180 Yes , I agree . We're not telling our 2010 01:19:54,180 --> 01:19:56,950 story well enough . And that's why I , 2011 01:19:56,960 --> 01:19:59,182 you know , when the Code L came through 2012 01:19:59,182 --> 01:20:01,404 right after I took command on their way 2013 01:20:01,404 --> 01:20:03,571 to the continent , they asked what was 2014 01:20:03,571 --> 01:20:05,682 being done on the continent . Uh show 2015 01:20:05,682 --> 01:20:08,350 us , we , we know what the PRC is 2016 01:20:08,350 --> 01:20:10,461 during their investments to showing , 2017 01:20:10,461 --> 01:20:12,572 show us what we do . And that's why I 2018 01:20:12,572 --> 01:20:14,630 provided the blue just to show our 2019 01:20:14,630 --> 01:20:17,610 investments . So all that folds into 2020 01:20:17,620 --> 01:20:19,453 collectively across the whole of 2021 01:20:19,453 --> 01:20:21,620 government approach as I engage across 2022 01:20:21,620 --> 01:20:23,850 the inter agency and also State 2023 01:20:23,850 --> 01:20:27,400 Department U S I D , how we can be able 2024 01:20:27,400 --> 01:20:30,650 to coalesce this into actions that 2025 01:20:30,650 --> 01:20:32,539 resonate general . Can you talk a 2026 01:20:32,539 --> 01:20:34,594 little bit about what China is doing 2027 01:20:34,594 --> 01:20:36,800 and how it's impacting uh countries 2028 01:20:36,800 --> 01:20:38,911 that we have had relationships with ? 2029 01:20:38,911 --> 01:20:42,540 Um you know , I don't want to , you 2030 01:20:42,540 --> 01:20:44,660 know , lead you into , but I'm really 2031 01:20:44,660 --> 01:20:47,350 interested in the negative impact that 2032 01:20:47,360 --> 01:20:49,249 China's mining and infrastructure 2033 01:20:49,249 --> 01:20:51,416 activities have had on the continent . 2034 01:20:52,000 --> 01:20:55,020 Yes , Senator . Uh so yes , as I also 2035 01:20:55,020 --> 01:20:57,030 provided the the foreign active 2036 01:20:57,030 --> 01:20:59,020 reliance on that on African mental 2037 01:20:59,020 --> 01:21:01,940 stores . Uh and that is a very 2038 01:21:01,940 --> 01:21:05,000 compelling story . So for economic 2039 01:21:05,000 --> 01:21:08,400 reasons and also how they go 2040 01:21:08,400 --> 01:21:11,150 about uh striking deals with some of 2041 01:21:11,150 --> 01:21:13,570 the countries on some of our critical 2042 01:21:13,570 --> 01:21:17,020 assets for not only for our rare earth 2043 01:21:17,030 --> 01:21:18,919 minerals that feed into our clean 2044 01:21:18,919 --> 01:21:21,810 energy , but also into the military 2045 01:21:21,820 --> 01:21:24,780 side as far as our high 2046 01:21:24,780 --> 01:21:27,590 technical type of arsenal and , and 2047 01:21:27,590 --> 01:21:29,820 equipment , China is trying to harvest 2048 01:21:29,820 --> 01:21:32,170 that . Uh So as they're engaging with 2049 01:21:32,170 --> 01:21:35,160 countries uh laid out on that , on the 2050 01:21:35,160 --> 01:21:37,340 slide , the last slide that we have on 2051 01:21:37,340 --> 01:21:40,240 the critical reliance on foreign 2052 01:21:40,240 --> 01:21:42,490 minerals , this is our new economy . 2053 01:21:42,540 --> 01:21:44,920 This is gonna be a big demand as we 2054 01:21:44,920 --> 01:21:47,830 start to modernize our forces in China 2055 01:21:47,840 --> 01:21:49,840 realizes that . So those actions 2056 01:21:49,840 --> 01:21:51,507 they're trying to take on the 2057 01:21:51,507 --> 01:21:53,980 illustrated countries that we have 2058 01:21:53,980 --> 01:21:56,810 highly it on here . So yes , it is a 2059 01:21:56,810 --> 01:21:58,921 strategic consequence that we need to 2060 01:21:58,921 --> 01:22:01,290 be able to face and uh and turn to 2061 01:22:01,290 --> 01:22:03,234 these countries to ensure that the 2062 01:22:03,234 --> 01:22:05,346 partner of choice in general . How do 2063 01:22:05,346 --> 01:22:07,401 we do a better job telling our story 2064 01:22:07,401 --> 01:22:07,170 because you've got China and they're 2065 01:22:07,170 --> 01:22:08,948 making bad deals , building bad 2066 01:22:08,948 --> 01:22:11,114 infrastructure . This isn't good for , 2067 01:22:11,340 --> 01:22:13,396 you know , the African nations , you 2068 01:22:13,396 --> 01:22:15,562 know , at the same time , the Russians 2069 01:22:15,562 --> 01:22:17,673 have Bugner in there supporting , you 2070 01:22:17,673 --> 01:22:19,451 know , essentially , you know , 2071 01:22:19,451 --> 01:22:22,950 terrorism . Um What can we do to better 2072 01:22:22,950 --> 01:22:25,270 tell our story on the African Continent 2073 01:22:25,810 --> 01:22:29,110 center illuminate and amplify ? I saw a 2074 01:22:29,110 --> 01:22:31,230 good story this morning in , in uh in 2075 01:22:31,230 --> 01:22:34,240 the in the press about the Kenyans have 2076 01:22:34,240 --> 01:22:36,462 gone to the street tired of some of the 2077 01:22:36,462 --> 01:22:38,629 stuff that the PRC is doing for them , 2078 01:22:38,629 --> 01:22:40,740 how , how they're taking advantage of 2079 01:22:40,740 --> 01:22:44,160 their economy uh and taking advantage 2080 01:22:44,170 --> 01:22:47,490 of their environment , news stories 2081 01:22:47,490 --> 01:22:49,830 like that resonate , they change , they 2082 01:22:49,830 --> 01:22:52,320 change ideas . I guarantee you the rest 2083 01:22:52,330 --> 01:22:54,560 if it happened in Kenya is happening 2084 01:22:54,560 --> 01:22:56,727 all across the continent of Africa and 2085 01:22:56,727 --> 01:22:58,560 people read these stories and it 2086 01:22:58,560 --> 01:23:00,727 resonates . People are taking action . 2087 01:23:00,727 --> 01:23:02,949 Thank you , General and Mr Chairman . I 2088 01:23:02,949 --> 01:23:02,690 have a couple of questions for the 2089 01:23:02,690 --> 01:23:04,523 record . Thank you . Thank you , 2090 01:23:04,523 --> 01:23:06,801 Senator Kelly , Senator Scott , please . 2091 01:23:07,960 --> 01:23:11,190 Thank you chairman . The 1st 1 . I 2092 01:23:11,190 --> 01:23:13,500 agree with uh senator mullen that we 2093 01:23:13,500 --> 01:23:16,420 need to have some way to , you know , 2094 01:23:16,420 --> 01:23:18,253 hold people accountable for what 2095 01:23:18,253 --> 01:23:20,476 happened in Afghanistan . So I've had a 2096 01:23:20,476 --> 01:23:22,364 bill that would have a bipartisan 2097 01:23:22,364 --> 01:23:24,198 committee that would investigate 2098 01:23:24,198 --> 01:23:26,420 exactly what happened there . I want to 2099 01:23:26,420 --> 01:23:28,587 thank the military for what they did , 2100 01:23:28,587 --> 01:23:30,753 but the decisions that were made don't 2101 01:23:30,753 --> 01:23:34,160 seem to make much sense . What , what 2102 01:23:34,160 --> 01:23:36,382 does the American public not know about 2103 01:23:36,382 --> 01:23:39,370 China that if they knew would 2104 01:23:39,380 --> 01:23:41,550 change ? Because I assume you spend a 2105 01:23:41,550 --> 01:23:43,606 lot of your time thinking about what 2106 01:23:43,606 --> 01:23:45,772 China is doing all over the world . So 2107 01:23:45,772 --> 01:23:47,883 what does the American public need to 2108 01:23:47,883 --> 01:23:49,994 know about China that they don't know 2109 01:23:49,994 --> 01:23:51,994 right now that maybe would impact , 2110 01:23:51,994 --> 01:23:53,772 would have a positive impact on 2111 01:23:53,772 --> 01:23:55,828 impacting their ability to spend the 2112 01:23:55,828 --> 01:23:57,994 resources to impact uh Africa anywhere 2113 01:23:57,994 --> 01:24:00,060 in the world , for both of you , 2114 01:24:02,090 --> 01:24:06,090 Senator . So I would go to what one 2115 01:24:06,090 --> 01:24:08,270 of the uh chiefs of defense told me , 2116 01:24:08,280 --> 01:24:11,740 he says you have no idea how much 2117 01:24:11,740 --> 01:24:13,970 they've closed the gap on you and your 2118 01:24:13,970 --> 01:24:17,150 technology . Um And this was someone 2119 01:24:17,150 --> 01:24:19,610 who was buying Chinese equipment . Um I 2120 01:24:19,610 --> 01:24:21,850 also think that the American public 2121 01:24:21,850 --> 01:24:24,072 don't have an understanding of how much 2122 01:24:24,072 --> 01:24:26,128 they have penetrated into the Middle 2123 01:24:26,128 --> 01:24:29,480 East . Um in terms of their diplomatic , 2124 01:24:29,490 --> 01:24:31,330 informational military and their 2125 01:24:31,330 --> 01:24:33,330 economic uh instruments of national 2126 01:24:33,330 --> 01:24:35,790 power , John Langley , 2127 01:24:37,840 --> 01:24:40,400 Sarah , I agree with my good friend , 2128 01:24:40,410 --> 01:24:43,700 Eric here . Um China 2129 01:24:44,450 --> 01:24:47,010 we have enjoyed for a number of years , 2130 01:24:47,010 --> 01:24:50,260 a decisive overmatch , but that gap is 2131 01:24:50,270 --> 01:24:53,330 closing because of China's 2132 01:24:53,340 --> 01:24:55,950 advancements or stealing a technology , 2133 01:24:55,960 --> 01:24:59,180 you name it and how their uh the 2134 01:24:59,190 --> 01:25:01,770 procedures they are executing to close 2135 01:25:01,770 --> 01:25:04,480 that gap . That's what has me concerned . 2136 01:25:04,490 --> 01:25:06,379 And even in the economic realm as 2137 01:25:06,379 --> 01:25:08,546 they're trying to harvest a lot of the 2138 01:25:08,546 --> 01:25:10,690 critical uh minerals on the continent 2139 01:25:10,690 --> 01:25:14,340 of Africa , all that into them , being 2140 01:25:14,340 --> 01:25:17,800 able to from an economic standpoint uh 2141 01:25:17,810 --> 01:25:20,480 to actually uh try to close the gap on 2142 01:25:20,480 --> 01:25:22,820 that decisive overmatch as well . And 2143 01:25:22,820 --> 01:25:24,876 then also changing the international 2144 01:25:24,876 --> 01:25:26,931 order in the international system as 2145 01:25:26,931 --> 01:25:29,420 they try to get uh some of the African 2146 01:25:29,430 --> 01:25:33,300 countries to vote or abstain something 2147 01:25:33,300 --> 01:25:37,250 that is not a long uh social norm or 2148 01:25:37,250 --> 01:25:39,580 the right , the right thing to do in 2149 01:25:39,580 --> 01:25:42,320 voting , especially especially with uh 2150 01:25:42,330 --> 01:25:45,090 mining or or other things that are 2151 01:25:45,100 --> 01:25:47,530 humanity or human rights because they 2152 01:25:47,530 --> 01:25:49,752 commit some of those atrocities back in 2153 01:25:49,752 --> 01:25:51,974 China or some of the activities they do 2154 01:25:51,974 --> 01:25:54,120 in Hong Kong . So just changing the 2155 01:25:54,120 --> 01:25:56,176 economic systems . So in those three 2156 01:25:56,176 --> 01:25:58,400 areas is where most pressing of illicit 2157 01:25:58,400 --> 01:26:02,190 activities of the PRC . So if if 2158 01:26:02,190 --> 01:26:05,060 elected leaders spend more time 2159 01:26:05,060 --> 01:26:07,282 explaining exactly what China was doing 2160 01:26:07,282 --> 01:26:09,790 with the end result that , that every 2161 01:26:09,790 --> 01:26:12,012 American would call out China for their 2162 01:26:12,012 --> 01:26:14,179 human rights violations or stop buying 2163 01:26:14,179 --> 01:26:16,234 their products are not putting their 2164 01:26:16,234 --> 01:26:18,401 devices on our phones . Would that you 2165 01:26:18,401 --> 01:26:20,512 think that would impact their ability 2166 01:26:20,512 --> 01:26:20,400 to , to do the bad , you know , to 2167 01:26:20,400 --> 01:26:22,178 spend the money on the , on the 2168 01:26:22,178 --> 01:26:24,011 resources that to counteract our 2169 01:26:24,011 --> 01:26:26,067 military , uh not be able to go into 2170 01:26:26,067 --> 01:26:28,240 places around the world and lend money 2171 01:26:28,240 --> 01:26:31,570 on unreasonable , unreasonable terms . 2172 01:26:32,290 --> 01:26:34,290 Senator , I think education is very 2173 01:26:34,290 --> 01:26:36,401 important that people understand what 2174 01:26:36,401 --> 01:26:39,380 China is doing and center , I think it 2175 01:26:39,380 --> 01:26:41,547 will impose costs on them as well that 2176 01:26:41,547 --> 01:26:44,880 they have to reckon with what is the 2177 01:26:44,890 --> 01:26:47,057 optimal cooperation you envision among 2178 01:26:47,057 --> 01:26:49,630 us Israel and the Arabian are Abraham 2179 01:26:49,630 --> 01:26:51,741 Accords members . Is it air defense ? 2180 01:26:51,741 --> 01:26:53,741 What , what do you , what would you 2181 01:26:53,741 --> 01:26:55,852 hope out of that ? So I think there's 2182 01:26:55,852 --> 01:26:58,019 several areas senator that we can do . 2183 01:26:58,019 --> 01:26:57,470 So the Abraham Accords are also 2184 01:26:57,480 --> 01:26:59,536 economic and I think that's gonna be 2185 01:26:59,536 --> 01:27:01,647 the economic benefit you get in terms 2186 01:27:01,647 --> 01:27:04,050 of job creation also as a reduces 2187 01:27:04,050 --> 01:27:06,050 instability and some of the Abraham 2188 01:27:06,050 --> 01:27:08,840 Accord countries . Um we do have we 2189 01:27:08,840 --> 01:27:11,470 talk about Middle East air defense , we 2190 01:27:11,470 --> 01:27:13,637 talk about maritime security and cyber 2191 01:27:13,637 --> 01:27:16,120 defense as well . John Langley , you , 2192 01:27:16,120 --> 01:27:18,176 you talked about what's happening in 2193 01:27:18,176 --> 01:27:21,200 Kenyan , our on top of the 2194 01:27:21,210 --> 01:27:23,510 public being up in arms about what's 2195 01:27:23,510 --> 01:27:25,510 going , what China is doing are the 2196 01:27:25,510 --> 01:27:27,510 government's pushing back at all in 2197 01:27:27,510 --> 01:27:28,000 Africa 2198 01:27:30,920 --> 01:27:33,720 Center . That's , that's part of the 2199 01:27:33,720 --> 01:27:37,040 problem because what they invest in and 2200 01:27:37,040 --> 01:27:39,040 when they strike these deals , they 2201 01:27:39,040 --> 01:27:41,480 strike the deals uh for mostly 2202 01:27:41,480 --> 01:27:43,424 autocratic , authoritarian type of 2203 01:27:43,424 --> 01:27:46,500 governance , those of democracies um 2204 01:27:46,510 --> 01:27:48,732 have a voice because they know that the 2205 01:27:48,732 --> 01:27:51,450 people are watching . Uh So I think it 2206 01:27:51,450 --> 01:27:53,750 really matters what particular country 2207 01:27:53,750 --> 01:27:56,250 that they're pressurizing John Carrillo . 2208 01:27:56,250 --> 01:27:58,472 Do you have , do you have the resources 2209 01:27:58,472 --> 01:28:00,639 and personnel that you need to conduct 2210 01:28:00,639 --> 01:28:02,806 your counterterrorism mission ? Yeah , 2211 01:28:02,806 --> 01:28:04,861 that's laid out the national defense 2212 01:28:04,861 --> 01:28:06,583 strategy . So Senator , we are 2213 01:28:06,583 --> 01:28:08,694 currently balancing the missions that 2214 01:28:08,694 --> 01:28:10,917 we have with the resources we get . And 2215 01:28:10,917 --> 01:28:13,139 I'm adjusting risk everyday dynamically 2216 01:28:13,139 --> 01:28:13,010 with the resources that I have . I'm 2217 01:28:13,010 --> 01:28:15,121 requesting the additional resources I 2218 01:28:15,121 --> 01:28:17,288 would need um to be able to accomplish 2219 01:28:17,288 --> 01:28:19,454 all of my tasks and what you requested 2220 01:28:19,454 --> 01:28:21,566 is adequate . The what I've requested 2221 01:28:21,566 --> 01:28:23,732 is adequate and then it's up to the uh 2222 01:28:23,732 --> 01:28:25,788 the allocation of those resources in 2223 01:28:25,788 --> 01:28:27,843 accordance with the national defense 2224 01:28:27,843 --> 01:28:29,899 priorities . Thank you . Thank you , 2225 01:28:29,899 --> 01:28:31,732 Chairman . Thank you very much , 2226 01:28:31,732 --> 01:28:33,677 Senator Scott . Uh Senator Rosen , 2227 01:28:33,677 --> 01:28:35,732 please . Thank you , Chairman Reed . 2228 01:28:35,732 --> 01:28:37,566 Appreciate it . I appreciate you 2229 01:28:37,566 --> 01:28:39,677 holding this hearing . And I'd really 2230 01:28:39,677 --> 01:28:39,610 like to thank Generals Carrillo and 2231 01:28:39,610 --> 01:28:42,310 Langley uh for your service and for 2232 01:28:42,310 --> 01:28:44,720 being here today . And I'm just gonna 2233 01:28:44,720 --> 01:28:46,831 kinda get right into it about Iranian 2234 01:28:46,831 --> 01:28:48,609 aggression . Of course , top of 2235 01:28:48,609 --> 01:28:50,720 everyone's mind . So General Carola , 2236 01:28:50,720 --> 01:28:53,470 the Pentagon estimates that hundreds of 2237 01:28:53,470 --> 01:28:55,470 American troops have been killed by 2238 01:28:55,470 --> 01:28:57,470 Iranian backed militias in Iraq and 2239 01:28:57,470 --> 01:28:59,520 Afghanistan . Yet Iran's regime has 2240 01:28:59,520 --> 01:29:01,450 never been held accountable for 2241 01:29:01,450 --> 01:29:03,830 orchestrating attacks against Americans , 2242 01:29:03,840 --> 01:29:06,007 the men and women who gave their lives 2243 01:29:06,007 --> 01:29:08,370 by the , for the taken by the state 2244 01:29:08,370 --> 01:29:10,148 forces . There are thousands of 2245 01:29:10,148 --> 01:29:12,314 families , they're without their loved 2246 01:29:12,314 --> 01:29:14,537 ones as a result . And so today Iranian 2247 01:29:14,537 --> 01:29:16,092 aligned militias , they are 2248 01:29:16,092 --> 01:29:17,770 increasingly targeting U S 2249 01:29:17,770 --> 01:29:20,390 installations , service members in Iraq 2250 01:29:20,400 --> 01:29:22,400 and Syria , the Iraq . It and drone 2251 01:29:22,400 --> 01:29:25,000 attacks on a regular basis . We know 2252 01:29:25,000 --> 01:29:26,833 Iran , the world's leading state 2253 01:29:26,833 --> 01:29:29,000 sponsor of terrorism threatening the U 2254 01:29:29,000 --> 01:29:30,889 S and our allied interests in the 2255 01:29:30,889 --> 01:29:32,833 Middle East . And around the world 2256 01:29:32,833 --> 01:29:34,833 again , via both direct attacks and 2257 01:29:34,833 --> 01:29:36,556 also through their support for 2258 01:29:36,556 --> 01:29:38,611 Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic's 2259 01:29:38,611 --> 01:29:40,667 other terrorist proxies . So , could 2260 01:29:40,667 --> 01:29:42,500 you discuss in this setting some 2261 01:29:42,500 --> 01:29:44,556 specific threats the Iranian aligned 2262 01:29:44,556 --> 01:29:46,722 militia groups posed to the US and our 2263 01:29:46,722 --> 01:29:48,940 coalition forces ? And what can we do 2264 01:29:48,940 --> 01:29:51,410 to proactively not just defend against 2265 01:29:51,410 --> 01:29:53,860 them ? What can we do to proactively 2266 01:29:53,870 --> 01:29:57,190 maybe push them back ? Thanks senator 2267 01:29:57,190 --> 01:29:59,301 for the question . So again , Iran is 2268 01:29:59,301 --> 01:30:01,246 the number one malign actor in the 2269 01:30:01,246 --> 01:30:03,357 Middle East . Um the latest attack we 2270 01:30:03,357 --> 01:30:05,523 just had was less than 60 hours ago on 2271 01:30:05,523 --> 01:30:07,690 one of our bases in Syria that we know 2272 01:30:07,690 --> 01:30:09,912 that was Iranian aligned militia groups 2273 01:30:09,912 --> 01:30:12,023 um that conducted this attack . Um we 2274 01:30:12,023 --> 01:30:14,023 do see the threat that we face from 2275 01:30:14,023 --> 01:30:17,890 them or from rockets from unmanned 2276 01:30:17,890 --> 01:30:20,150 systems that are increasingly longer 2277 01:30:20,150 --> 01:30:22,390 range and more accurate . Um Just in 2278 01:30:22,390 --> 01:30:24,690 January , we had three U A V S attack 2279 01:30:24,690 --> 01:30:26,990 our base and on Tom garrison in Syria . 2280 01:30:27,000 --> 01:30:29,760 Um That was Iranian drones . Um That 2281 01:30:29,760 --> 01:30:31,982 did that . So we do see that across the 2282 01:30:31,982 --> 01:30:34,149 region and also against our allies and 2283 01:30:34,149 --> 01:30:36,204 partners , whether that was from the 2284 01:30:36,204 --> 01:30:38,204 Houthis coming out of Yemen against 2285 01:30:38,204 --> 01:30:40,149 Saudi Arabia and the U A E or from 2286 01:30:40,149 --> 01:30:42,550 Lebanese Hezbollah against Israel or 2287 01:30:42,550 --> 01:30:44,606 from elements coming out of Iraq and 2288 01:30:44,606 --> 01:30:46,717 Syria against Iranian aligned militia 2289 01:30:46,717 --> 01:30:48,828 groups . What we can do is it's going 2290 01:30:48,828 --> 01:30:50,994 to take a whole of government approach 2291 01:30:50,994 --> 01:30:53,217 to be able to go after this problem set 2292 01:30:53,217 --> 01:30:55,217 is , it's not just a so we can work 2293 01:30:55,217 --> 01:30:57,383 with you on the resources . We need to 2294 01:30:57,383 --> 01:30:59,606 take care of that because I want to get 2295 01:30:59,606 --> 01:31:01,717 to something we talked about a little 2296 01:31:01,717 --> 01:31:04,130 bit earlier , um task force 59 some 2297 01:31:04,130 --> 01:31:06,297 other interesting things we're doing , 2298 01:31:06,297 --> 01:31:08,820 but really Israel's transfer to Centcom , 2299 01:31:09,110 --> 01:31:11,100 uh it's now within your area of 2300 01:31:11,100 --> 01:31:13,322 responsibility and it's my sincere hope 2301 01:31:13,322 --> 01:31:15,044 that this realignment is gonna 2302 01:31:15,044 --> 01:31:17,267 potentially eight even greater military 2303 01:31:17,267 --> 01:31:19,350 cooperation between the US and our 2304 01:31:19,350 --> 01:31:22,010 shared goals as well as well as greater 2305 01:31:22,010 --> 01:31:23,990 cooperation between our Arab and 2306 01:31:23,990 --> 01:31:26,157 Israeli partners as we see with things 2307 01:31:26,157 --> 01:31:28,540 like the Abraham Accords coming forward . 2308 01:31:28,550 --> 01:31:31,230 So I know that I'm pleased to see the 2309 01:31:31,230 --> 01:31:33,320 increasing pace of joint exercises 2310 01:31:33,320 --> 01:31:35,730 between the US , Israel Arab partners . 2311 01:31:35,750 --> 01:31:37,750 And so can you tell us a little bit 2312 01:31:37,750 --> 01:31:39,639 about the progress you've made in 2313 01:31:39,639 --> 01:31:41,639 advancing the integration of Israel 2314 01:31:41,639 --> 01:31:43,417 into your multilateral maritime 2315 01:31:43,417 --> 01:31:45,860 partnerships , like the very exciting 2316 01:31:45,860 --> 01:31:47,916 task force , the development they're 2317 01:31:47,916 --> 01:31:49,971 doing . Uh I was able to learn about 2318 01:31:49,971 --> 01:31:52,193 them when I recently visited NAV , sent 2319 01:31:52,193 --> 01:31:54,730 in Bahrain . So thank you , Senator . 2320 01:31:54,730 --> 01:31:56,897 We think it's going very well with the 2321 01:31:56,897 --> 01:31:59,063 integration of Israel into the Centcom 2322 01:31:59,063 --> 01:32:01,250 hor including our exercises in our 2323 01:32:01,250 --> 01:32:03,380 training as well . Um We did have a 2324 01:32:03,380 --> 01:32:05,491 bilateral exercise called Juniper Oak 2325 01:32:05,491 --> 01:32:07,713 that we just did in January , which was 2326 01:32:07,713 --> 01:32:09,769 the largest exercise with 100 and 42 2327 01:32:09,769 --> 01:32:12,102 aircraft that we participated with them . 2328 01:32:12,102 --> 01:32:14,102 Um in January , when you talk about 2329 01:32:14,102 --> 01:32:16,047 task force 59 that is our maritime 2330 01:32:16,047 --> 01:32:19,170 security um Innovation um Task force is 2331 01:32:19,170 --> 01:32:22,160 an unmanned undersea unmanned vessel 2332 01:32:22,170 --> 01:32:24,059 task force where we basically are 2333 01:32:24,059 --> 01:32:26,330 enhancing the manned platforms that we 2334 01:32:26,330 --> 01:32:29,620 have . So one police car , 11 destroyer 2335 01:32:29,620 --> 01:32:31,842 in the Red Sea is the equivalent of one 2336 01:32:31,842 --> 01:32:33,787 police car patrolling the state of 2337 01:32:33,787 --> 01:32:35,842 California . When we take a bunch of 2338 01:32:35,842 --> 01:32:38,064 unmanned platforms like sale drones and 2339 01:32:38,064 --> 01:32:40,009 other unmanned surface vessels and 2340 01:32:40,009 --> 01:32:42,231 undersea vessels , they act as a series 2341 01:32:42,231 --> 01:32:41,700 of indications and warnings with 2342 01:32:41,700 --> 01:32:43,811 sensors out there in a mesh network . 2343 01:32:43,811 --> 01:32:46,033 They can feed it back into a structured 2344 01:32:46,033 --> 01:32:48,089 database that then we run algorithms 2345 01:32:48,089 --> 01:32:50,256 against to help us make decisions . Is 2346 01:32:50,256 --> 01:32:52,033 that normal behavior , abnormal 2347 01:32:52,033 --> 01:32:54,200 behavior to then use our man platforms 2348 01:32:54,200 --> 01:32:53,950 better to be able to get after the 2349 01:32:53,950 --> 01:32:56,210 problem set . I'm gonna , hopefully 2350 01:32:56,210 --> 01:32:58,640 you'll come and show us all of briefing 2351 01:32:58,640 --> 01:33:00,529 on what you're doing there . It's 2352 01:33:00,529 --> 01:33:02,529 pretty exciting . Um But in the few 2353 01:33:02,529 --> 01:33:04,529 seconds I have left , we're talking 2354 01:33:04,529 --> 01:33:06,751 about the region integrated air missile 2355 01:33:06,751 --> 01:33:08,973 defense , naval maritime partnerships . 2356 01:33:08,973 --> 01:33:11,300 Um How is Centcom reassuring our 2357 01:33:11,300 --> 01:33:14,090 regional partners that the US is really 2358 01:33:14,090 --> 01:33:16,320 committed to regional stability and 2359 01:33:16,320 --> 01:33:18,542 security when we were there leading the 2360 01:33:18,542 --> 01:33:20,740 Abraham Accords caucus delegation when 2361 01:33:20,740 --> 01:33:22,851 I was there , this was the number one 2362 01:33:22,851 --> 01:33:24,907 thing people wanted to know . Are we 2363 01:33:24,907 --> 01:33:27,018 committed to the region ? How are you 2364 01:33:27,018 --> 01:33:29,018 showing them that I spent 50% of my 2365 01:33:29,018 --> 01:33:31,129 time in the region ? We have a series 2366 01:33:31,129 --> 01:33:33,240 of exercises and training events . So 2367 01:33:33,240 --> 01:33:35,407 um last 41 training and exercises that 2368 01:33:35,407 --> 01:33:37,518 we do multilateral and bilateral . Um 2369 01:33:37,518 --> 01:33:39,573 And that is the way we are trying to 2370 01:33:39,573 --> 01:33:41,796 build up our partner capacity with them 2371 01:33:41,796 --> 01:33:43,851 by integrating them into the systems 2372 01:33:43,851 --> 01:33:45,907 that we have as well . Thank you . I 2373 01:33:45,907 --> 01:33:48,073 see my time's up , Mr Chairman . Thank 2374 01:33:48,073 --> 01:33:50,296 you very much , Senator Rosen , Senator 2375 01:33:50,296 --> 01:33:52,351 Blood . Please . Excuse me , Senator 2376 01:33:52,351 --> 01:33:54,184 Tuberville has arrived . Senator 2377 01:33:54,184 --> 01:33:56,600 Tuberville . Thank you , Mr Chairman 2378 01:33:58,900 --> 01:34:00,900 General . Thanks for being here and 2379 01:34:00,900 --> 01:34:02,956 thanks for your service . You've got 2380 01:34:02,956 --> 01:34:05,011 your hands full . General corella in 2381 01:34:05,011 --> 01:34:07,670 your organization task force . 59 has 2382 01:34:07,670 --> 01:34:09,980 had some great success building 2383 01:34:09,990 --> 01:34:12,046 unmanned systems . I'm familiar with 2384 01:34:12,046 --> 01:34:14,157 one of their platforms , sell drone . 2385 01:34:14,157 --> 01:34:16,268 Uh It seems like these systems have a 2386 01:34:16,268 --> 01:34:18,379 lot of potential for both Centcom and 2387 01:34:18,379 --> 01:34:20,434 the Navy and it's encouraging to see 2388 01:34:20,434 --> 01:34:22,268 your command taking advantage of 2389 01:34:22,268 --> 01:34:24,379 cutting edge technology as commercial 2390 01:34:24,379 --> 01:34:26,101 sector . What do you think has 2391 01:34:26,101 --> 01:34:28,046 contributed to the success of task 2392 01:34:28,046 --> 01:34:30,220 force ? 59 work with systems like Cell 2393 01:34:30,220 --> 01:34:32,410 Drome . I think what's successful is 2394 01:34:32,410 --> 01:34:35,200 the people . Um It's the people that we 2395 01:34:35,200 --> 01:34:37,340 hire that are innovative and creative 2396 01:34:37,340 --> 01:34:39,340 and critical thinkers . And when we 2397 01:34:39,340 --> 01:34:41,396 push these systems into their hand , 2398 01:34:41,396 --> 01:34:43,340 they're using them in ways that we 2399 01:34:43,340 --> 01:34:45,451 never thought possible . A lot of the 2400 01:34:45,451 --> 01:34:47,284 systems and the unmanned and the 2401 01:34:47,284 --> 01:34:49,507 undersea that we use , they're used for 2402 01:34:49,507 --> 01:34:51,673 commercial fishing . When fishermen go 2403 01:34:51,673 --> 01:34:53,673 out , they're not going out to find 2404 01:34:53,673 --> 01:34:55,951 fish , they're going out to catch fish . 2405 01:34:55,951 --> 01:34:55,400 And so we use a lot of these systems 2406 01:34:55,400 --> 01:34:57,567 with their integrated sensors . Um , I 2407 01:34:57,567 --> 01:34:59,456 think sale drone initially was an 2408 01:34:59,456 --> 01:35:01,567 environment was used for a maritime , 2409 01:35:01,567 --> 01:35:05,290 um , oceanographic capabilities and 2410 01:35:05,290 --> 01:35:07,401 we've turned that into something that 2411 01:35:07,401 --> 01:35:09,679 can act as indications and warnings um , 2412 01:35:09,679 --> 01:35:11,957 with the sensors that are on it . Yeah , 2413 01:35:11,957 --> 01:35:14,234 we almost lost a couple of cell drones . 2414 01:35:14,234 --> 01:35:16,401 I think Iran tried to load a couple on 2415 01:35:16,401 --> 01:35:18,457 one of their ships . Was that during 2416 01:35:18,457 --> 01:35:20,512 your , it was ? Yeah . How'd that go 2417 01:35:20,512 --> 01:35:22,568 out ? We got them back , we got them 2418 01:35:22,568 --> 01:35:24,568 back . Good . Well , that's good to 2419 01:35:24,568 --> 01:35:26,690 know . At one time we had 60 balloons 2420 01:35:26,690 --> 01:35:29,500 over Kabul Afghanistan RISR is very 2421 01:35:29,500 --> 01:35:32,190 limited . How confident are you in the 2422 01:35:32,190 --> 01:35:34,134 intelligence ? You have to see new 2423 01:35:34,134 --> 01:35:37,190 threats rising from the Taliban . So 2424 01:35:37,200 --> 01:35:39,200 currently our , our intelligence is 2425 01:35:39,200 --> 01:35:41,144 degraded since we are no longer in 2426 01:35:41,144 --> 01:35:43,320 Afghanistan . I believe we can see the 2427 01:35:43,320 --> 01:35:45,542 broad contours of an attack . Sometimes 2428 01:35:45,542 --> 01:35:47,764 we lack the granularity to see the full 2429 01:35:47,764 --> 01:35:49,987 picture and we're working to close that 2430 01:35:49,987 --> 01:35:52,209 gap with our alternative airborne I S R 2431 01:35:52,209 --> 01:35:54,431 and some of our other intelligence that 2432 01:35:54,431 --> 01:35:56,542 we're working to penetrate into those 2433 01:35:56,542 --> 01:35:58,598 networks . It seems like uh for some 2434 01:35:58,598 --> 01:36:00,764 reason this administration is going to 2435 01:36:00,764 --> 01:36:03,098 accept Iran developing a nuclear weapon . 2436 01:36:03,098 --> 01:36:05,209 If Iran does develop a nuclear weapon 2437 01:36:05,209 --> 01:36:07,560 of mass destruction , which the United 2438 01:36:07,560 --> 01:36:09,671 States spent trillions trying to keep 2439 01:36:09,671 --> 01:36:11,727 out of the hands of dictators in the 2440 01:36:11,727 --> 01:36:13,782 Middle East . How will that scramble 2441 01:36:13,782 --> 01:36:15,640 your A O R ? It would change it 2442 01:36:15,650 --> 01:36:18,880 overnight and forever General Langley . 2443 01:36:19,610 --> 01:36:21,970 I'm aware of several vacancies in key 2444 01:36:21,970 --> 01:36:24,760 diplomatic post . I was in South Africa 2445 01:36:24,770 --> 01:36:27,980 recently . Uh China is their daily 2446 01:36:28,510 --> 01:36:30,770 trying to move in . Uh Is that 2447 01:36:30,770 --> 01:36:32,937 important to you ? The diplomatic post 2448 01:36:32,937 --> 01:36:35,160 being filled ? Senator ? Absolutely . 2449 01:36:35,160 --> 01:36:38,110 Is it builds capacity as I talk about 2450 01:36:38,110 --> 01:36:41,760 the three D construct , having a full 2451 01:36:41,770 --> 01:36:44,540 fledged bolstered capacity at our 2452 01:36:44,540 --> 01:36:47,560 diplomatic post is essential . It makes 2453 01:36:47,560 --> 01:36:49,980 a difference of us be being able to 2454 01:36:49,990 --> 01:36:52,560 maintain our partnership and capacity . 2455 01:36:52,570 --> 01:36:55,060 Moreover , ensuring our strategic 2456 01:36:55,060 --> 01:36:57,116 access . Could you talk a little bit 2457 01:36:57,116 --> 01:36:59,338 about South Africa and what you've done 2458 01:36:59,338 --> 01:37:01,060 since you've been there , your 2459 01:37:01,060 --> 01:37:03,227 relationship that you've made and what 2460 01:37:03,227 --> 01:37:05,227 you see coming from China and maybe 2461 01:37:05,227 --> 01:37:07,449 even Russia uh Senator , I haven't been 2462 01:37:07,449 --> 01:37:09,671 to South Africa yet . Uh I will be gone 2463 01:37:09,671 --> 01:37:11,671 there in the coming months . Uh But 2464 01:37:11,671 --> 01:37:13,782 right now , what I'm really concerned 2465 01:37:13,782 --> 01:37:15,838 about is uh mosey to that exercise , 2466 01:37:15,838 --> 01:37:17,949 that naval exercise . That was just a 2467 01:37:17,949 --> 01:37:21,120 messaging campaign by , by the Russian 2468 01:37:21,120 --> 01:37:24,100 Federation and also by the P R C . So 2469 01:37:24,100 --> 01:37:25,989 I've been having discussions with 2470 01:37:25,989 --> 01:37:28,410 Ambassador Bridge 80 down there and 2471 01:37:28,410 --> 01:37:31,120 saying , what's South Africa's story ? 2472 01:37:31,130 --> 01:37:33,660 South Africa . They are , they have 2473 01:37:33,660 --> 01:37:35,716 been a good partner . We're building 2474 01:37:35,716 --> 01:37:37,882 relationships , but they don't want to 2475 01:37:37,882 --> 01:37:40,049 be pressurized in who they choose . So 2476 01:37:40,049 --> 01:37:41,993 I have to use assurance actions to 2477 01:37:41,993 --> 01:37:44,160 compel them that we are the partner of 2478 01:37:44,160 --> 01:37:46,160 choice . Don't you think it's vital 2479 01:37:46,160 --> 01:37:48,382 that we keep China from overtaking that 2480 01:37:48,382 --> 01:37:50,740 uh that ports there in South Africa ? 2481 01:37:51,080 --> 01:37:53,390 Absolutely . So sir , because as we 2482 01:37:53,390 --> 01:37:55,557 look at the cape of good hope and look 2483 01:37:55,557 --> 01:37:58,270 at how much transit that our commerce 2484 01:37:58,270 --> 01:38:01,450 goes across . And it's also uh it can 2485 01:38:01,450 --> 01:38:03,450 also be a power projection point as 2486 01:38:03,450 --> 01:38:05,660 well . So we can ill afford from a geo 2487 01:38:05,660 --> 01:38:08,390 strategic composition allow either the 2488 01:38:08,390 --> 01:38:11,310 PRC or even Russia to use that as a 2489 01:38:11,310 --> 01:38:13,477 platform . Yeah , I know it's not your 2490 01:38:13,477 --> 01:38:15,643 purview , but they're trying to do the 2491 01:38:15,643 --> 01:38:17,699 same thing in Argentina , you know , 2492 01:38:17,699 --> 01:38:19,754 which is the point of South of South 2493 01:38:19,754 --> 01:38:21,921 America . And we definitely don't need 2494 01:38:21,921 --> 01:38:24,143 to lose , lose those two point contacts 2495 01:38:24,143 --> 01:38:26,199 in terms of navigation . Thank you . 2496 01:38:26,199 --> 01:38:25,880 Thank you very much . Thank you , Mr 2497 01:38:25,880 --> 01:38:27,602 Chairman . Thank you , Senator 2498 01:38:27,602 --> 01:38:29,769 Tuberville , Senator Peters , please . 2499 01:38:29,769 --> 01:38:31,658 Thank you , Mr Chairman General . 2500 01:38:31,658 --> 01:38:33,910 Welcome . Good to have you here . I , 2501 01:38:33,920 --> 01:38:36,320 along with my colleagues on the 2502 01:38:36,320 --> 01:38:38,600 committee have worked to strengthen our 2503 01:38:38,600 --> 01:38:41,070 partnership with , with Israel uh in 2504 01:38:41,080 --> 01:38:43,136 particular , the , the collaboration 2505 01:38:43,136 --> 01:38:45,358 and synergies between our two countries 2506 01:38:45,358 --> 01:38:47,750 in the innovation space , I believe 2507 01:38:47,750 --> 01:38:49,806 probably has never been greater . Uh 2508 01:38:49,806 --> 01:38:51,972 And it's certainly it's an area that I 2509 01:38:51,972 --> 01:38:54,139 believe the United States must do more 2510 01:38:54,139 --> 01:38:56,139 to take advantage of our friendship 2511 01:38:56,139 --> 01:38:58,194 with like minded . I guess you could 2512 01:38:58,194 --> 01:39:00,306 call them techno democracies that are 2513 01:39:00,306 --> 01:39:02,250 highly stated in that area . I was 2514 01:39:02,250 --> 01:39:04,472 proud to sponsor legislation creating a 2515 01:39:04,472 --> 01:39:07,040 US Israel Operations technology working 2516 01:39:07,040 --> 01:39:09,790 group to help further the D O D efforts 2517 01:39:09,790 --> 01:39:12,230 in that area . And my question for you 2518 01:39:12,230 --> 01:39:15,350 is if you could please speak to the 2519 01:39:15,370 --> 01:39:17,250 strategic advantage that our 2520 01:39:17,250 --> 01:39:19,520 relationship with Israel offers in a 2521 01:39:19,540 --> 01:39:21,690 global environment where rapid 2522 01:39:21,690 --> 01:39:24,060 innovation and the fielding of emerging 2523 01:39:24,060 --> 01:39:26,580 of emerging technologies rapidly is 2524 01:39:26,580 --> 01:39:28,913 absolutely key to our national security . 2525 01:39:29,290 --> 01:39:31,440 Thanks , Senator Israel is one of the 2526 01:39:31,440 --> 01:39:34,650 world leaders in uh in technology , in 2527 01:39:34,650 --> 01:39:36,872 terms of the innovation and how to take 2528 01:39:36,872 --> 01:39:38,950 that to the uh areas of national 2529 01:39:38,950 --> 01:39:41,070 security . Um I have been over there 2530 01:39:41,070 --> 01:39:43,126 several times . I have seen how they 2531 01:39:43,126 --> 01:39:45,181 are implementing that . Um I do find 2532 01:39:45,181 --> 01:39:47,403 that the relationship that we have with 2533 01:39:47,403 --> 01:39:49,626 them is already bearing fruits in terms 2534 01:39:49,626 --> 01:39:51,848 of that . I look at that in the counter 2535 01:39:51,848 --> 01:39:51,670 US field where I've been all the way 2536 01:39:51,670 --> 01:39:53,892 down from iron dome , all the way up to 2537 01:39:53,892 --> 01:39:56,380 uh the exo atmospheric Arrow three and 2538 01:39:56,380 --> 01:39:58,436 it's the ability to understand their 2539 01:39:58,436 --> 01:40:00,547 technology and be able to proliferate 2540 01:40:00,547 --> 01:40:02,830 that as well . General at the end of 2541 01:40:02,830 --> 01:40:04,886 this month , we will mark the eighth 2542 01:40:04,886 --> 01:40:08,270 year of the war in , in Yemen . Uh This , 2543 01:40:08,280 --> 01:40:10,470 this conflict has been humanitarian 2544 01:40:10,470 --> 01:40:12,581 catastrophe for hundreds of thousands 2545 01:40:12,581 --> 01:40:15,560 of deaths , millions displaced and tens 2546 01:40:15,560 --> 01:40:17,560 of millions of humanity's suffering 2547 01:40:17,560 --> 01:40:21,140 from both famine and disease . The war 2548 01:40:21,140 --> 01:40:23,810 has been exacerbated by the role of a 2549 01:40:23,820 --> 01:40:27,180 proxy conflict between Saudi Arabia and 2550 01:40:27,180 --> 01:40:30,510 Iran and has been the people of Yemen 2551 01:40:30,510 --> 01:40:33,160 who unfortunately have been the victims 2552 01:40:33,170 --> 01:40:35,300 uh and have suffered as a result of 2553 01:40:35,300 --> 01:40:39,150 this geopolitical strategizing Congress 2554 01:40:39,150 --> 01:40:40,983 has been active ensuring that us 2555 01:40:40,983 --> 01:40:42,817 support is not the cause for any 2556 01:40:42,817 --> 01:40:46,020 innocent suffering in Yemen . June 2022 2557 01:40:46,020 --> 01:40:48,242 G O report . Regarding civilian impacts 2558 01:40:48,242 --> 01:40:50,410 of U S military support for the Saudi 2559 01:40:50,410 --> 01:40:52,760 Coalition provided recommendations to 2560 01:40:52,760 --> 01:40:55,270 the D O D on measures to help mitigate 2561 01:40:55,270 --> 01:40:57,920 civilian harm from our support . 2562 01:40:58,180 --> 01:41:00,180 Question for you , sir is , has the 2563 01:41:00,180 --> 01:41:02,236 department developed and implemented 2564 01:41:02,236 --> 01:41:04,402 guidance for reporting any indications 2565 01:41:04,402 --> 01:41:06,402 that U S made defense articles were 2566 01:41:06,402 --> 01:41:08,850 used in Yemen by Saudi Arabia or the U 2567 01:41:08,850 --> 01:41:11,770 A against anything other other than 2568 01:41:11,770 --> 01:41:14,660 legitimate military targets . Senator , 2569 01:41:14,660 --> 01:41:16,771 I'm aware of that G A report . I have 2570 01:41:16,771 --> 01:41:19,170 read it . I've seen it . Um And my 2571 01:41:19,170 --> 01:41:20,892 understanding right now is the 2572 01:41:20,892 --> 01:41:22,781 department is working through any 2573 01:41:22,781 --> 01:41:24,892 implementation instructions from it . 2574 01:41:24,892 --> 01:41:26,837 Very good . General Langley , drug 2575 01:41:26,837 --> 01:41:28,948 trafficking and the cartels profiting 2576 01:41:28,948 --> 01:41:30,837 from that trade are , are without 2577 01:41:30,837 --> 01:41:32,948 question a global threat . Africom is 2578 01:41:32,948 --> 01:41:35,003 certainly not immune to these issues 2579 01:41:35,003 --> 01:41:36,948 with West Africa in particular now 2580 01:41:36,948 --> 01:41:39,730 serving as a popular vector for cartels 2581 01:41:39,730 --> 01:41:42,200 to move products from Latin America to , 2582 01:41:42,210 --> 01:41:45,210 to Europe . The drug trade destabilizes 2583 01:41:45,220 --> 01:41:47,276 lawful governments undermines public 2584 01:41:47,276 --> 01:41:50,120 safety and provides critical funding 2585 01:41:50,120 --> 01:41:52,231 and resources for other transnational 2586 01:41:52,231 --> 01:41:54,453 criminal organizations . So my question 2587 01:41:54,453 --> 01:41:56,509 for you , general is what efforts is 2588 01:41:56,509 --> 01:41:58,731 Africa making to strengthen the ability 2589 01:41:58,731 --> 01:42:00,953 of local governments to conduct counter 2590 01:42:00,953 --> 01:42:03,460 narcotics operations and to attack this 2591 01:42:03,470 --> 01:42:06,500 insidious trade . Senator , thanks for 2592 01:42:06,500 --> 01:42:09,010 asking that question because that is of 2593 01:42:09,020 --> 01:42:11,280 particular concern with our partners . 2594 01:42:11,290 --> 01:42:13,290 The Gulf of Guinea is like the wild 2595 01:42:13,290 --> 01:42:15,512 wild west illicit activity , especially 2596 01:42:15,512 --> 01:42:18,670 the drug trade to exercise is just uh 2597 01:42:18,680 --> 01:42:20,791 just happened uh in the , in the , in 2598 01:42:20,791 --> 01:42:23,730 the past month . Oh Bigamy Express . Oh , 2599 01:42:23,730 --> 01:42:27,300 Bigamy Expresses . Whereas we uh had a 2600 01:42:27,300 --> 01:42:29,467 number of countries that come together 2601 01:42:29,467 --> 01:42:32,050 to focus on illicit activity across 2602 01:42:32,050 --> 01:42:35,020 adult , across the Gulf . And the drug 2603 01:42:35,020 --> 01:42:37,420 trade is one of it smuggling as another 2604 01:42:37,430 --> 01:42:40,800 and transit , transiting citizens as 2605 01:42:40,800 --> 01:42:44,660 well uh across the , across that 2606 01:42:44,660 --> 01:42:47,180 region . But it's inextricably link to 2607 01:42:47,180 --> 01:42:49,690 South America as well . So I work with 2608 01:42:49,700 --> 01:42:52,060 General Richardson on that and I thank 2609 01:42:52,060 --> 01:42:55,340 this congress for legislation that gave 2610 01:42:55,340 --> 01:42:57,780 us $200 million to address this , this 2611 01:42:57,780 --> 01:42:59,750 issue . But building partnership 2612 01:42:59,760 --> 01:43:01,482 capacity with African nation , 2613 01:43:01,482 --> 01:43:03,316 especially in the Gulf of Guinea 2614 01:43:03,316 --> 01:43:05,260 addresses that issue as they build 2615 01:43:05,260 --> 01:43:07,316 their maritime capacity . But that's 2616 01:43:07,316 --> 01:43:09,700 also an opportunity for for another ask . 2617 01:43:09,710 --> 01:43:12,850 Uh Hershel Woody Williams and even the 2618 01:43:12,850 --> 01:43:15,490 Coast Guard . Uh when they , when they 2619 01:43:15,500 --> 01:43:17,222 bring a cutter in , it makes a 2620 01:43:17,222 --> 01:43:19,000 difference . Uh This is enabled 2621 01:43:19,000 --> 01:43:21,000 diplomacy at its best if we can get 2622 01:43:21,000 --> 01:43:23,111 assignment of another ship , I wish I 2623 01:43:23,111 --> 01:43:25,222 had another Hershel Woody Williams to 2624 01:43:25,222 --> 01:43:26,944 cover the other side of Africa 2625 01:43:26,944 --> 01:43:29,167 continent , but just naval activity and 2626 01:43:29,167 --> 01:43:32,300 bolstering our our partners ability for 2627 01:43:32,300 --> 01:43:36,210 their maritime uh expertise uh build 2628 01:43:36,210 --> 01:43:38,130 upon that building capability is 2629 01:43:38,130 --> 01:43:40,320 essential going forward . Thank you . 2630 01:43:40,670 --> 01:43:42,726 Thank you , General . Thank you , Mr 2631 01:43:42,726 --> 01:43:44,726 Chairman . Thank you Senator Peters 2632 01:43:44,726 --> 01:43:46,892 Center . But thank you chairman . Good 2633 01:43:46,892 --> 01:43:48,837 morning , gentlemen . Um I want to 2634 01:43:48,837 --> 01:43:48,650 thank you both for your , your 2635 01:43:48,650 --> 01:43:50,317 leadership and your service , 2636 01:43:50,317 --> 01:43:52,539 particularly commands of units in North 2637 01:43:52,539 --> 01:43:54,872 Carolina at Fort Bragg and Camp Lejeune . 2638 01:43:54,872 --> 01:43:57,020 So I recently returned from both of 2639 01:43:57,020 --> 01:43:59,242 your overseas areas of responsibility . 2640 01:43:59,242 --> 01:44:02,220 Um Common complaint from our allies and 2641 01:44:02,220 --> 01:44:04,390 our partners is that the foreign 2642 01:44:04,390 --> 01:44:06,710 military sales process , it's overly 2643 01:44:06,710 --> 01:44:08,660 complicated and slow . It's just 2644 01:44:08,670 --> 01:44:11,260 downright bureaucratic . So , in that 2645 01:44:11,260 --> 01:44:13,482 vein , I have a series of questions and 2646 01:44:13,482 --> 01:44:15,482 if you would just , uh if you would 2647 01:44:15,482 --> 01:44:17,371 give me a simple yes or no to the 2648 01:44:17,371 --> 01:44:19,538 answer and then at the end , hopefully 2649 01:44:19,538 --> 01:44:18,860 we'll have a little more time and I'll 2650 01:44:18,870 --> 01:44:22,760 give you some time to elaborate . Um So 2651 01:44:22,770 --> 01:44:25,200 general gorilla is the current FMS 2652 01:44:25,200 --> 01:44:27,320 process fast and flexible enough to 2653 01:44:27,320 --> 01:44:29,550 meet our foreign partners security 2654 01:44:29,550 --> 01:44:31,970 needs in your respective A R S in 2655 01:44:34,420 --> 01:44:38,190 Africom ? No . Does the transfer of us 2656 01:44:38,190 --> 01:44:40,190 defense products build our partners 2657 01:44:40,190 --> 01:44:42,079 capacity to provide for their own 2658 01:44:42,079 --> 01:44:45,820 defense and respond to threats general , 2659 01:44:47,300 --> 01:44:50,560 yes , sir . Given the success of 2660 01:44:50,560 --> 01:44:53,120 Western arms against Russian equipment 2661 01:44:53,120 --> 01:44:55,550 in Ukraine . Is there an increased 2662 01:44:55,550 --> 01:44:57,990 interest in us defense products in your 2663 01:44:57,990 --> 01:45:00,700 A R ? There's a very strong interest in 2664 01:45:00,700 --> 01:45:03,610 us products very strong in Africa , 2665 01:45:03,620 --> 01:45:07,310 Africa as well ? Thank you . Is China 2666 01:45:07,310 --> 01:45:09,210 increasing arms exports to any 2667 01:45:09,210 --> 01:45:13,130 countries in ? Um A are general General . 2668 01:45:14,440 --> 01:45:16,607 The center is kind of flat lined right 2669 01:45:16,607 --> 01:45:18,730 now but they have been before , they 2670 01:45:18,730 --> 01:45:20,952 have been before in the past . Thanks . 2671 01:45:20,952 --> 01:45:23,174 Is the United States still the security 2672 01:45:23,174 --> 01:45:25,286 partner of choice in your A ours . It 2673 01:45:25,286 --> 01:45:27,452 is Senator . Absolutely Center . It is 2674 01:45:27,452 --> 01:45:30,220 in Africa is the United States at risk 2675 01:45:30,220 --> 01:45:32,360 of losing that security partner of 2676 01:45:32,360 --> 01:45:34,990 choice status to either China or Russia , 2677 01:45:35,660 --> 01:45:37,980 China is making inroads . I do not 2678 01:45:37,980 --> 01:45:41,930 assess Russia is it is at risk 2679 01:45:41,940 --> 01:45:45,590 center . So if you elaborate a bit , if 2680 01:45:45,590 --> 01:45:47,980 you could each explain how FMS 2681 01:45:47,980 --> 01:45:49,924 challenges are impacting strategic 2682 01:45:49,924 --> 01:45:52,036 competition with China and Russia and 2683 01:45:52,036 --> 01:45:54,258 you're A R S if you elaborate on that , 2684 01:45:54,258 --> 01:45:56,369 please . Sure , Senator . So in the , 2685 01:45:56,369 --> 01:45:58,480 in the Centcom hor with the number of 2686 01:45:58,480 --> 01:46:00,313 attacks that we see in there are 2687 01:46:00,313 --> 01:46:02,670 partners have real security needs and 2688 01:46:02,670 --> 01:46:05,310 so they want to have the equipment they 2689 01:46:05,310 --> 01:46:08,030 need fast . What China is able to do is 2690 01:46:08,030 --> 01:46:10,086 come in very quickly , open up their 2691 01:46:10,086 --> 01:46:12,197 catalog , let them pick from anything 2692 01:46:12,197 --> 01:46:14,419 in it , very quickly deliver it . There 2693 01:46:14,419 --> 01:46:16,419 is no end user agreement , but what 2694 01:46:16,419 --> 01:46:18,530 they don't do is they don't follow up 2695 01:46:18,530 --> 01:46:18,500 with it and they don't have the 2696 01:46:18,500 --> 01:46:20,630 training , the expertise , the 2697 01:46:20,630 --> 01:46:22,850 sustainment , the upgrades and what we 2698 01:46:22,850 --> 01:46:25,017 do find with our partners is when they 2699 01:46:25,017 --> 01:46:27,910 buy Chinese equipment , vast majority , 2700 01:46:27,910 --> 01:46:30,610 it becomes a non mission capable a year 2701 01:46:30,610 --> 01:46:32,666 or so after they have that equipment 2702 01:46:32,666 --> 01:46:34,777 and we do see a complaint from that . 2703 01:46:34,777 --> 01:46:36,777 They want to buy us equipment , but 2704 01:46:36,777 --> 01:46:39,054 sometimes it is the timeline to get it . 2705 01:46:39,054 --> 01:46:41,277 That is a , that is a hindrance and the 2706 01:46:41,277 --> 01:46:43,332 process . Well , the process is what 2707 01:46:43,332 --> 01:46:43,310 takes the time to do it . And there I 2708 01:46:43,310 --> 01:46:45,532 know that the Department of Defense has 2709 01:46:45,532 --> 01:46:47,588 a tiger team to look specifically at 2710 01:46:47,588 --> 01:46:49,699 what the Department of Defense can do 2711 01:46:49,699 --> 01:46:51,866 to increase its uh there's four levels 2712 01:46:51,866 --> 01:46:51,600 Department of Defense State Congress 2713 01:46:51,600 --> 01:46:53,544 and Industry and the Department of 2714 01:46:53,544 --> 01:46:55,600 Defense is looking at the uh their , 2715 01:46:55,600 --> 01:46:57,489 their lever . Thank you , General 2716 01:46:57,489 --> 01:46:59,322 Senator I've characterized in my 2717 01:46:59,322 --> 01:47:01,378 assessment since taking command that 2718 01:47:01,378 --> 01:47:03,600 West Africa is at a tipping point . And 2719 01:47:03,600 --> 01:47:06,200 what I mean is uh how these 2720 01:47:06,210 --> 01:47:09,970 uh extremist groups , whether we're 2721 01:47:09,970 --> 01:47:13,710 talking about Isis uh West Africa or 2722 01:47:13,720 --> 01:47:16,770 even Jane M or Boko Haram , they're all 2723 01:47:16,770 --> 01:47:18,937 at the door , especially at the global 2724 01:47:18,937 --> 01:47:21,048 guinea states as I've done my travels 2725 01:47:21,048 --> 01:47:23,270 and I was in Ghana , they said we don't 2726 01:47:23,270 --> 01:47:25,270 want your boots on the ground , but 2727 01:47:25,270 --> 01:47:27,326 we're like , you're equipment all we 2728 01:47:27,326 --> 01:47:29,437 need in Ghana , all we need to affect 2729 01:47:29,437 --> 01:47:31,381 the across initiative , which is a 2730 01:47:31,381 --> 01:47:33,548 coalition of willing of States of Togo 2731 01:47:33,548 --> 01:47:35,770 Benin and Cote d'ivoire . But they want 2732 01:47:35,770 --> 01:47:37,770 equipment before they go across the 2733 01:47:37,770 --> 01:47:40,103 line of departure . They need equipment , 2734 01:47:40,103 --> 01:47:42,159 they want us equipment but they know 2735 01:47:42,159 --> 01:47:43,992 how long it takes . So they're , 2736 01:47:43,992 --> 01:47:46,103 they're , they're considering because 2737 01:47:46,103 --> 01:47:48,326 that these affiliates are at their back 2738 01:47:48,326 --> 01:47:50,326 door . They need something now they 2739 01:47:50,326 --> 01:47:52,381 want to come with us , Senator , but 2740 01:47:52,381 --> 01:47:54,492 the process is too slow and they need 2741 01:47:54,492 --> 01:47:57,530 to be able to affect a viable offense 2742 01:47:57,540 --> 01:48:00,030 to help cultivar , excuse me , to 2743 01:48:00,030 --> 01:48:02,650 affect Burkina faso uh save their own 2744 01:48:02,650 --> 01:48:05,320 country . So we're showing good what we 2745 01:48:05,320 --> 01:48:08,280 would like to see . Uh partner led us 2746 01:48:08,280 --> 01:48:10,447 enabled , but we need to step with the 2747 01:48:10,447 --> 01:48:12,613 U S enabled at this point that matches 2748 01:48:12,613 --> 01:48:14,447 uh conversations with our allies 2749 01:48:14,447 --> 01:48:16,502 recently . Uh Can you please discuss 2750 01:48:16,502 --> 01:48:18,391 how your requirements for special 2751 01:48:18,391 --> 01:48:20,600 operations Forces has grown and what 2752 01:48:20,600 --> 01:48:23,700 cuts to S O F in strength would have on 2753 01:48:23,700 --> 01:48:26,440 your operations . Senator , I rely very 2754 01:48:26,440 --> 01:48:28,410 heavily on our special operations 2755 01:48:28,410 --> 01:48:30,521 forces in the Senate committee . Oh , 2756 01:48:30,521 --> 01:48:32,743 are they are doing tremendous work ? Um 2757 01:48:32,743 --> 01:48:35,030 Any cuts to in the Centcom region would 2758 01:48:35,030 --> 01:48:38,220 affect me significantly ? You would 2759 01:48:38,220 --> 01:48:40,387 take the heart out of our efforts both 2760 01:48:40,387 --> 01:48:42,890 in the east and the west with our uh 2761 01:48:42,900 --> 01:48:46,330 special Operations uh Forces of Africom . 2762 01:48:47,090 --> 01:48:49,423 Thank you both chairman and you're back . 2763 01:48:49,423 --> 01:48:51,423 Thank you very much , Senator . But 2764 01:48:51,423 --> 01:48:53,590 Senator King , please . Thank you , Mr 2765 01:48:53,590 --> 01:48:55,757 Chairman . Um general language . We've 2766 01:48:55,757 --> 01:48:57,868 been having a lot of discussion today 2767 01:48:57,868 --> 01:48:59,979 about China's activities in , in , in 2768 01:48:59,979 --> 01:49:02,201 Africa . Is there any buyer's remorse ? 2769 01:49:02,201 --> 01:49:04,970 China has sort of scaled back on , on 2770 01:49:04,970 --> 01:49:07,540 Belt and Road to some extent and , and 2771 01:49:07,540 --> 01:49:10,220 some of the debt issues are now coming 2772 01:49:10,220 --> 01:49:13,590 to the fore . Uh Are there are the 2773 01:49:13,590 --> 01:49:15,812 countries in Africa starting to rethink 2774 01:49:15,812 --> 01:49:18,120 some of those commitments ? Uh Buyer's 2775 01:49:18,120 --> 01:49:20,120 remorse is probably the best term , 2776 01:49:21,360 --> 01:49:25,140 Senator . Great question and , and 2777 01:49:25,140 --> 01:49:28,200 I traversed for that uh for any 2778 01:49:28,200 --> 01:49:30,570 indicators of that . And I uh lo and 2779 01:49:30,570 --> 01:49:32,792 behold , I saw a story this morning out 2780 01:49:32,792 --> 01:49:35,760 of Kenya . Uh they've taken to the 2781 01:49:35,760 --> 01:49:39,130 streets of how China has been taken 2782 01:49:39,130 --> 01:49:41,160 advantage of them in the deals they 2783 01:49:41,160 --> 01:49:43,640 strike . Uh there's other indicators 2784 01:49:43,640 --> 01:49:46,500 across the continent , other stories of 2785 01:49:46,510 --> 01:49:49,350 depth trap , uh diplomacy , 2786 01:49:49,590 --> 01:49:52,540 I call it debt colonialism . 2787 01:49:52,550 --> 01:49:56,220 Yeah , absolutely . Senator . So let me 2788 01:49:56,220 --> 01:49:58,220 follow up if that's the case and it 2789 01:49:58,220 --> 01:50:00,331 appears that it is , does this create 2790 01:50:00,331 --> 01:50:03,830 an opening for us to be more active in 2791 01:50:03,840 --> 01:50:06,640 uh infrastructure projects , support 2792 01:50:06,640 --> 01:50:08,540 for , for development in these 2793 01:50:08,540 --> 01:50:10,860 countries that , that we can come in 2794 01:50:10,860 --> 01:50:13,140 and show that it can be done in a much 2795 01:50:13,140 --> 01:50:16,400 more uh efficient and 2796 01:50:16,410 --> 01:50:20,290 skilled way . Absolutely . Senator that 2797 01:50:20,290 --> 01:50:22,290 we do have that . We see that as an 2798 01:50:22,290 --> 01:50:24,090 opportunity as we call it a 2799 01:50:24,100 --> 01:50:26,280 consolidated strategic opportunity and 2800 01:50:26,280 --> 01:50:28,790 we need to match it up with key 2801 01:50:28,800 --> 01:50:31,950 strategic activities . And whereas we 2802 01:50:31,950 --> 01:50:34,061 can use a whole government approach , 2803 01:50:34,061 --> 01:50:36,530 we can use prosper Africa , Digital 2804 01:50:36,530 --> 01:50:39,070 Africa and get these programs off the 2805 01:50:39,070 --> 01:50:41,830 ground and going . I know that uh met 2806 01:50:41,830 --> 01:50:44,690 with uh you know , assistant Secretary 2807 01:50:44,710 --> 01:50:47,980 Molly fee last week . And also I was 2808 01:50:47,980 --> 01:50:50,520 over at U S A I D and they , we have a 2809 01:50:50,520 --> 01:50:53,380 plan of action uh collectively whole of 2810 01:50:53,380 --> 01:50:55,324 government to be able to put it in 2811 01:50:55,324 --> 01:50:57,324 motion . You used the term whole of 2812 01:50:57,324 --> 01:50:59,269 government and I think the private 2813 01:50:59,269 --> 01:51:01,436 sector also has to be included in this 2814 01:51:01,436 --> 01:51:03,602 in terms of development of resources . 2815 01:51:03,602 --> 01:51:05,824 You used a phrase earlier that I that I 2816 01:51:05,824 --> 01:51:08,350 noted uh about the Chinese efforts to 2817 01:51:08,360 --> 01:51:11,190 to monopolize and get ahold of these 2818 01:51:11,200 --> 01:51:13,290 rare earths and , and minerals . 2819 01:51:13,300 --> 01:51:16,350 Forward thinking by the PRC . We 2820 01:51:16,350 --> 01:51:18,128 haven't been doing that forward 2821 01:51:18,128 --> 01:51:20,350 thinking . We've allowed them to take , 2822 01:51:20,350 --> 01:51:22,294 to take control of , for example , 2823 01:51:22,294 --> 01:51:24,860 lithium , an essential element for E V 2824 01:51:24,860 --> 01:51:27,700 batteries . 87% of the process to 2825 01:51:27,700 --> 01:51:29,922 lithium that goes into E V batteries in 2826 01:51:29,922 --> 01:51:32,700 this country comes from China and we 2827 01:51:32,700 --> 01:51:34,478 haven't been doing that forward 2828 01:51:34,478 --> 01:51:36,589 thinking . I'm suggesting that that's 2829 01:51:36,589 --> 01:51:38,533 something we should start to think 2830 01:51:38,533 --> 01:51:40,422 about and , and uh it should be a 2831 01:51:40,422 --> 01:51:42,589 combination of government action , but 2832 01:51:42,589 --> 01:51:44,700 also the private sector , we don't do 2833 01:51:44,700 --> 01:51:46,589 everything by the government here 2834 01:51:47,230 --> 01:51:49,390 center . Uh That's , that's correct . 2835 01:51:49,400 --> 01:51:51,289 We don't tell the good news story 2836 01:51:51,289 --> 01:51:53,560 enough and that's why I provided uh 2837 01:51:53,570 --> 01:51:56,870 this uh the blue chart here . Um 2838 01:51:56,880 --> 01:52:00,330 But on legislation passed force 2839 01:52:00,330 --> 01:52:03,410 effective such as prosper Africa , it's 2840 01:52:03,420 --> 01:52:05,820 also a message to our private industry 2841 01:52:05,820 --> 01:52:07,940 to invest in Africa . That's , that's 2842 01:52:07,940 --> 01:52:09,996 what I talk about when I talk to the 2843 01:52:09,996 --> 01:52:12,000 country teams as they are heavily 2844 01:52:12,000 --> 01:52:13,900 recruiting back in the U S for 2845 01:52:13,900 --> 01:52:16,640 investment in , in the African uh 2846 01:52:16,650 --> 01:52:20,210 nations and States General uh 2847 01:52:20,670 --> 01:52:22,726 King Abdullah was here about a month 2848 01:52:22,726 --> 01:52:24,892 ago and he said that this was the most 2849 01:52:24,892 --> 01:52:27,220 dangerous moment in Israeli Palestinian 2850 01:52:27,220 --> 01:52:29,442 relations that he had seen in decades . 2851 01:52:29,442 --> 01:52:32,720 Give me an analysis of the status of 2852 01:52:32,720 --> 01:52:34,790 that . It seems like it's a very 2853 01:52:34,800 --> 01:52:38,780 heightened sense of danger 2854 01:52:38,790 --> 01:52:42,710 uh in terms of open conflict . Senator , 2855 01:52:42,710 --> 01:52:44,654 I agree with the statement of King 2856 01:52:44,654 --> 01:52:46,877 Abdullah on that and we watch this very 2857 01:52:46,877 --> 01:52:48,932 closely . Um We think the conditions 2858 01:52:48,932 --> 01:52:51,154 are there , the Tinder and the kindling 2859 01:52:51,154 --> 01:52:53,099 is there and we don't know what it 2860 01:52:53,099 --> 01:52:55,321 could take for what spark to be able to 2861 01:52:55,321 --> 01:52:57,840 start a , a larger uh um conflict in 2862 01:52:57,840 --> 01:53:01,700 the West Bank . Let me just ask a sort 2863 01:53:01,700 --> 01:53:03,811 of parenthetical questions . Often we 2864 01:53:03,811 --> 01:53:05,922 get the question about Iran's nuclear 2865 01:53:05,922 --> 01:53:07,780 capacity in your , do you have a 2866 01:53:07,780 --> 01:53:10,640 military analysis of what a strike , an 2867 01:53:10,640 --> 01:53:12,870 air strike , a significant substantial 2868 01:53:12,870 --> 01:53:15,730 air strike on Iran's nuclear capacity 2869 01:53:15,730 --> 01:53:18,080 would actually what would be the impact 2870 01:53:18,080 --> 01:53:20,460 of that on their ability to move toward 2871 01:53:20,460 --> 01:53:22,970 a nuclear weapon ? I do Senator , but I 2872 01:53:22,970 --> 01:53:24,748 best believe that would be in a 2873 01:53:24,748 --> 01:53:26,970 classified setting . Okay . Thank you . 2874 01:53:26,970 --> 01:53:30,790 Um One other question in your A O 2875 01:53:30,790 --> 01:53:33,950 R about stability and that is Pakistan 2876 01:53:33,960 --> 01:53:36,280 a nuclear armed country . Uh They've 2877 01:53:36,280 --> 01:53:38,447 had a lot of political issues lately , 2878 01:53:38,447 --> 01:53:40,750 assessment of the , of the stability 2879 01:53:40,750 --> 01:53:43,150 and long term prospects for stability 2880 01:53:43,150 --> 01:53:46,740 in , in Pakistan . So they have a , you 2881 01:53:46,740 --> 01:53:48,407 know , idea with the military 2882 01:53:48,407 --> 01:53:50,573 relationship there . Um I have a great 2883 01:53:50,573 --> 01:53:52,796 relationship with the chief of the Army 2884 01:53:52,796 --> 01:53:54,907 Staff General Muneer . Um I think the 2885 01:53:54,907 --> 01:53:56,851 concerns right now in Pakistan are 2886 01:53:56,851 --> 01:53:59,184 their budget . Um their , their , their , 2887 01:53:59,184 --> 01:54:01,407 their financial situation , the current 2888 01:54:01,407 --> 01:54:03,407 political situation and the counter 2889 01:54:03,407 --> 01:54:05,518 terrorism situation . As they see the 2890 01:54:05,518 --> 01:54:07,684 tricky Taliban Pakistani , the TTP the 2891 01:54:07,684 --> 01:54:09,907 attacks are significantly increasing at 2892 01:54:09,907 --> 01:54:12,073 the end of a ceasefire there . Are you 2893 01:54:12,073 --> 01:54:12,020 confident of their nuclear security 2894 01:54:12,020 --> 01:54:14,076 procedures ? I am confident of their 2895 01:54:14,076 --> 01:54:16,409 nuclear security procedures . Thank you . 2896 01:54:16,409 --> 01:54:18,520 That may be the first good news we've 2897 01:54:18,520 --> 01:54:18,250 heard today . Thank you , General . 2898 01:54:18,250 --> 01:54:21,070 Thank you , gentlemen . Thank you , 2899 01:54:21,070 --> 01:54:23,550 Senator , please . Thank you , Mr 2900 01:54:23,550 --> 01:54:25,883 Chairman . Thank you all for being here . 2901 01:54:25,883 --> 01:54:28,050 Appreciate it . Uh I want to follow up 2902 01:54:28,050 --> 01:54:29,939 a little bit on the question that 2903 01:54:29,939 --> 01:54:31,939 Senator Scott asked about . I think 2904 01:54:31,939 --> 01:54:34,050 part of our challenge right now is um 2905 01:54:34,050 --> 01:54:36,217 you know , as the newest or one of the 2906 01:54:36,217 --> 01:54:35,240 newest members of this committee , it 2907 01:54:35,240 --> 01:54:37,700 has become very clear to me that China 2908 01:54:37,700 --> 01:54:39,910 is an immediate threat , long term 2909 01:54:39,910 --> 01:54:42,200 threat , uh intermediate threat . 2910 01:54:42,200 --> 01:54:44,311 However , you wanna characterize that 2911 01:54:44,311 --> 01:54:46,620 China is um should be a very , very 2912 01:54:46,620 --> 01:54:49,100 important focus of ours . And so um one 2913 01:54:49,100 --> 01:54:51,300 of their tools obviously that they 2914 01:54:51,310 --> 01:54:54,320 deploy around the globe is the debt 2915 01:54:54,320 --> 01:54:56,940 trap . And I'd like for both of you , 2916 01:54:56,950 --> 01:55:00,730 if you could help us communicate back 2917 01:55:00,730 --> 01:55:03,440 home uh to the folks who are wondering 2918 01:55:03,440 --> 01:55:05,773 what are the most pressing needs of the , 2919 01:55:05,773 --> 01:55:07,820 of the country ? What is the most 2920 01:55:07,820 --> 01:55:09,653 concerning thing from a national 2921 01:55:09,653 --> 01:55:11,876 security perspective ? How that affects 2922 01:55:11,876 --> 01:55:13,987 what you guys do and what are some of 2923 01:55:13,987 --> 01:55:13,580 the most egregious examples that you've 2924 01:55:13,580 --> 01:55:15,690 seen in your roles ? So , Senator , 2925 01:55:15,690 --> 01:55:18,300 thank you . What I see again is the 2926 01:55:18,300 --> 01:55:20,830 penetration economically where they go 2927 01:55:20,830 --> 01:55:23,470 in and they provide infrastructure with 2928 01:55:23,470 --> 01:55:25,692 the financing that goes with it . And I 2929 01:55:25,692 --> 01:55:27,914 can use an example in one country where 2930 01:55:27,914 --> 01:55:29,526 they went in , they provided 2931 01:55:29,526 --> 01:55:31,748 infrastructure and it was almost like a 2932 01:55:31,748 --> 01:55:34,030 balloon mortgage payment in the peak of 2933 01:55:34,030 --> 01:55:37,740 the COVID crisis overseas . At the 2934 01:55:37,740 --> 01:55:39,796 worst point of their economy in this 2935 01:55:39,796 --> 01:55:41,629 one country , they came and they 2936 01:55:41,629 --> 01:55:43,684 demanded their payment . Um and that 2937 01:55:43,684 --> 01:55:45,796 absolutely crushed that country to do 2938 01:55:45,796 --> 01:55:47,907 that and it caused them to see um the 2939 01:55:47,907 --> 01:55:50,129 way that China does in terms of their , 2940 01:55:50,129 --> 01:55:52,240 their debt trap . And there's several 2941 01:55:52,240 --> 01:55:54,462 other examples also through the Central 2942 01:55:54,462 --> 01:55:56,573 Asian States as well . It's important 2943 01:55:56,573 --> 01:55:58,518 to understand though what China is 2944 01:55:58,518 --> 01:55:58,150 doing , they're doing it for their own 2945 01:55:58,150 --> 01:56:00,372 benefit , not for the others benefits , 2946 01:56:03,500 --> 01:56:05,710 saying the same things taking place on 2947 01:56:05,710 --> 01:56:07,599 the continent of Africa as well . 2948 01:56:07,599 --> 01:56:10,060 Whether in the vein of debt trap 2949 01:56:10,060 --> 01:56:12,338 diplomacy , here's the difference that , 2950 01:56:12,338 --> 01:56:15,740 that , that , that makes us uh a 2951 01:56:15,740 --> 01:56:19,420 partner of choice . Uh We go of aid 2952 01:56:19,430 --> 01:56:23,180 first financing last uh China , 2953 01:56:23,180 --> 01:56:25,410 does it financing first in that 2954 01:56:25,420 --> 01:56:28,460 financing is , is that puts at a 2955 01:56:28,460 --> 01:56:30,740 disadvantage of those that are asking 2956 01:56:30,740 --> 01:56:33,220 for the funds very few times . Will 2957 01:56:33,220 --> 01:56:36,350 they actually uh do any type of aid ? 2958 01:56:36,360 --> 01:56:38,730 So that's the assurance action that 2959 01:56:38,740 --> 01:56:41,900 causes those are partner countries on 2960 01:56:41,900 --> 01:56:44,011 the African continent . To aside with 2961 01:56:44,011 --> 01:56:47,090 us , there's a number of uh Initial 2962 01:56:47,090 --> 01:56:50,240 deals uh struck in the memorandum of 2963 01:56:50,240 --> 01:56:51,990 agreement in the belt and road 2964 01:56:51,990 --> 01:56:55,070 initiative across 40 countries across 2965 01:56:55,070 --> 01:56:57,181 the continent of Africa . That's very 2966 01:56:57,181 --> 01:56:59,320 compelling . It hasn't matured yet to 2967 01:56:59,320 --> 01:57:01,376 actually show the negative effects . 2968 01:57:01,376 --> 01:57:04,890 But uh in aggregate , we do communicate 2969 01:57:04,900 --> 01:57:07,640 cautionary tales from signing such 2970 01:57:07,640 --> 01:57:11,180 agreements . Um 18 months ago , Israel 2971 01:57:11,180 --> 01:57:14,180 was integrated into centcom and I just 2972 01:57:14,180 --> 01:57:18,080 wanted to find out how that has gone 2973 01:57:18,090 --> 01:57:21,730 what your um as their , you know , 2974 01:57:21,740 --> 01:57:24,030 fully integrated into , into that 2975 01:57:24,040 --> 01:57:27,660 theater , how you view that it's going 2976 01:57:27,660 --> 01:57:29,827 exceptionally well and we view it as a 2977 01:57:29,827 --> 01:57:32,160 net positive center . Okay that's great . 2978 01:57:32,160 --> 01:57:34,670 Um , I guess finally because I , I've 2979 01:57:34,680 --> 01:57:37,240 got about a minute and a half here . Um , 2980 01:57:39,020 --> 01:57:41,990 we talked about the debt trap but 2981 01:57:43,100 --> 01:57:45,920 I think that , um , you know , the , 2982 01:57:45,930 --> 01:57:48,560 the , the building of the islands in 2983 01:57:48,560 --> 01:57:50,338 the South China Sea being fully 2984 01:57:50,338 --> 01:57:52,980 weaponized with the spy balloon that 2985 01:57:52,980 --> 01:57:55,760 traversed over the , you know , Alaska 2986 01:57:55,760 --> 01:57:57,927 and the Continental United States . It 2987 01:57:57,927 --> 01:57:59,871 has certainly raised awareness . I 2988 01:57:59,871 --> 01:58:02,038 think at a , at a point now that we've 2989 01:58:02,038 --> 01:58:04,150 not seen before , I think these are , 2990 01:58:04,160 --> 01:58:06,160 these are terrible things that have 2991 01:58:06,160 --> 01:58:08,160 happened . But I think the American 2992 01:58:08,160 --> 01:58:11,040 people now recognize the threat that 2993 01:58:11,040 --> 01:58:13,380 China poses to the United States . And 2994 01:58:13,380 --> 01:58:15,390 not just um I think , you know , 2995 01:58:15,390 --> 01:58:17,880 obviously , economically , some of the , 2996 01:58:17,890 --> 01:58:19,990 the the theft from an intellectual 2997 01:58:19,990 --> 01:58:21,934 property perspective has been well 2998 01:58:21,934 --> 01:58:23,879 documented for a while . But , but 2999 01:58:23,879 --> 01:58:25,879 clearly as they try to project that 3000 01:58:25,879 --> 01:58:27,990 strength into the Indo Pacific in the 3001 01:58:27,990 --> 01:58:30,101 South China Sea and those islands are 3002 01:58:30,101 --> 01:58:32,890 fully weaponized beyond the debt trap 3003 01:58:32,890 --> 01:58:34,980 that you um you know , illuminated . 3004 01:58:34,980 --> 01:58:37,240 What are a couple of other examples 3005 01:58:37,250 --> 01:58:39,620 that you see that maybe most people 3006 01:58:39,620 --> 01:58:41,787 don't know about that , that certainly 3007 01:58:41,787 --> 01:58:45,560 raises a lot of concerns and the 3008 01:58:45,560 --> 01:58:47,560 alarm bells are going off about how 3009 01:58:47,560 --> 01:58:49,350 serious China is about global 3010 01:58:49,350 --> 01:58:50,110 domination . 3011 01:58:53,800 --> 01:58:55,689 Central focuses on them trying to 3012 01:58:55,689 --> 01:58:57,911 change the international order , trying 3013 01:58:57,911 --> 01:59:01,640 to change the international system that 3014 01:59:01,650 --> 01:59:03,620 uh is very compelling and how they 3015 01:59:03,620 --> 01:59:07,330 engage with African African nations on 3016 01:59:07,330 --> 01:59:10,430 the continent uh and how they vote uh 3017 01:59:10,440 --> 01:59:14,260 in the U N General Assembly . Um That's , 3018 01:59:14,270 --> 01:59:16,900 that's an indication that uh they 3019 01:59:16,900 --> 01:59:19,930 cannot gain a strategic advantage 3020 01:59:19,940 --> 01:59:22,520 unless it's along their norms , what 3021 01:59:22,520 --> 01:59:24,520 they consider their norms . And the 3022 01:59:24,520 --> 01:59:27,100 economic piece is very compelling of 3023 01:59:27,100 --> 01:59:29,322 how they're trying to corner the market 3024 01:59:29,322 --> 01:59:31,489 on what we call some of the rare earth 3025 01:59:31,489 --> 01:59:33,880 minerals or even resources that are on 3026 01:59:33,880 --> 01:59:36,213 the continent of Africa and how they're , 3027 01:59:36,213 --> 01:59:38,790 how they're trying to strike bad deals 3028 01:59:38,800 --> 01:59:40,911 with these countries extracting these 3029 01:59:40,911 --> 01:59:43,070 resources without the benefit of the 3030 01:59:43,070 --> 01:59:45,230 African nations . That's a cautionary 3031 01:59:45,230 --> 01:59:48,400 tale that needs to be told . Sen , we 3032 01:59:48,400 --> 01:59:50,780 see 19 of 21 countries in the San 3033 01:59:50,780 --> 01:59:52,910 Camilo are have signed belt and road 3034 01:59:52,920 --> 01:59:56,140 initiative agreements with China that 3035 01:59:56,140 --> 01:59:58,690 is for China's benefit . Um we've also 3036 01:59:58,690 --> 02:00:01,830 seen 20 of 21 countries have Huawei 3037 02:00:01,830 --> 02:00:03,886 contracts in them . They're building 3038 02:00:03,886 --> 02:00:05,997 smart cities and a lot of this is for 3039 02:00:05,997 --> 02:00:07,941 Chinese advantage . Thank you , Mr 3040 02:00:07,941 --> 02:00:10,108 Chairman . Thank you , Senator Senator 3041 02:00:10,108 --> 02:00:11,886 Blumenthal , please . Thanks Mr 3042 02:00:11,886 --> 02:00:13,830 Chairman . Thank you both for your 3043 02:00:13,830 --> 02:00:16,840 extraordinary service to our nation . I 3044 02:00:16,850 --> 02:00:18,910 want to focus on the Wagner group 3045 02:00:20,770 --> 02:00:22,881 which I think is kind of the elephant 3046 02:00:22,881 --> 02:00:26,390 in both of your rooms , so to speak . I 3047 02:00:26,390 --> 02:00:28,446 am a strong supporter of designating 3048 02:00:28,446 --> 02:00:30,730 the Wagner group as a foreign terrorist 3049 02:00:30,730 --> 02:00:34,470 organization which will 3050 02:00:34,480 --> 02:00:37,000 have a constructive impact . I would 3051 02:00:37,000 --> 02:00:40,410 think in both of your commands . Uh 3052 02:00:40,420 --> 02:00:43,310 General Langley , if I remember 3053 02:00:43,310 --> 02:00:45,750 correctly in your testimony , you talk 3054 02:00:45,750 --> 02:00:48,970 about the price of the Wagner group 3055 02:00:48,980 --> 02:00:52,360 in Africa as being quote , the failure 3056 02:00:52,360 --> 02:00:54,193 of government institutions , the 3057 02:00:54,193 --> 02:00:56,471 withdrawal of star war security allies , 3058 02:00:56,471 --> 02:00:58,810 the extraction of mineral wealth and 3059 02:00:58,810 --> 02:01:01,440 long term resource concessions and debt 3060 02:01:01,450 --> 02:01:05,020 that chip away at Africans future 3061 02:01:05,030 --> 02:01:07,390 in Ukraine . As we well know , the 3062 02:01:07,390 --> 02:01:11,290 Wagner group poses a very severe 3063 02:01:11,300 --> 02:01:13,840 and immediate threat , not only a bomb 3064 02:01:13,840 --> 02:01:16,490 mood but throughout the country . It's 3065 02:01:16,490 --> 02:01:19,100 probably one of Putin's most effective 3066 02:01:19,100 --> 02:01:21,660 fighting forces right now . A mercenary , 3067 02:01:21,660 --> 02:01:25,620 murderous organization . The argument 3068 02:01:25,620 --> 02:01:28,410 that I've heard against it is that 3069 02:01:28,420 --> 02:01:30,520 designating Wagner's in a foreign 3070 02:01:30,520 --> 02:01:32,840 terrorist organization complicates our 3071 02:01:32,850 --> 02:01:36,240 interests in Africa because governments 3072 02:01:36,240 --> 02:01:38,760 doing business with the Wagner group 3073 02:01:38,970 --> 02:01:41,370 could suffer sanctions as a result of 3074 02:01:42,440 --> 02:01:46,190 that business . I think that is totally 3075 02:01:46,200 --> 02:01:50,090 a bogus argument . I see 3076 02:01:50,090 --> 02:01:53,980 no valid reason not to designate 3077 02:01:53,990 --> 02:01:56,323 Wagner's foreign terrorist organization . 3078 02:01:56,323 --> 02:02:00,280 Uh Please give me your views , General 3079 02:02:00,280 --> 02:02:02,300 Langley and then uh 3080 02:02:03,810 --> 02:02:07,360 General Carella . Thank you , Senator 3081 02:02:07,360 --> 02:02:10,060 for asking that question because I do 3082 02:02:10,060 --> 02:02:12,230 need a message . Uh some of the 3083 02:02:12,230 --> 02:02:14,174 atrocities going on with the Barna 3084 02:02:14,174 --> 02:02:16,790 group , not only in the Central Africa 3085 02:02:16,800 --> 02:02:20,320 Republic , but also in Mali since this 3086 02:02:20,320 --> 02:02:23,800 past summer . Uh And uh they have been 3087 02:02:23,800 --> 02:02:27,220 reported on by the U N multinational 3088 02:02:27,220 --> 02:02:29,450 force there of the atrocities and 3089 02:02:29,450 --> 02:02:31,860 egregious actions are taken on the on 3090 02:02:31,860 --> 02:02:35,090 the public . Uh This is very serious 3091 02:02:35,410 --> 02:02:38,590 the Wagner group , even though we know 3092 02:02:38,600 --> 02:02:40,760 that many big ocean , everything is 3093 02:02:40,760 --> 02:02:43,800 about power and profit , but they're 3094 02:02:43,800 --> 02:02:45,744 inextricably linked to the Russian 3095 02:02:45,744 --> 02:02:48,940 Federation . So the further there on 3096 02:02:48,950 --> 02:02:51,040 the more they're on the continent 3097 02:02:51,050 --> 02:02:54,840 preying upon fragile governance will be 3098 02:02:54,840 --> 02:02:57,010 a problem in destabilizing across the 3099 02:02:57,010 --> 02:02:59,450 African continent . Would you feel they 3100 02:02:59,450 --> 02:03:01,339 should be designated as a foreign 3101 02:03:01,339 --> 02:03:03,700 territory ? Well , so I'll just say 3102 02:03:03,700 --> 02:03:06,670 this , um , collectible terrorist 3103 02:03:06,670 --> 02:03:09,600 organization . Uh Senator , Senator , I 3104 02:03:09,600 --> 02:03:11,830 think that's , uh if we have a policy 3105 02:03:11,830 --> 02:03:13,997 representative , uh you know , I would 3106 02:03:13,997 --> 02:03:16,108 like to stay out of that and I'd like 3107 02:03:16,108 --> 02:03:18,330 to just , just focus on what we need as 3108 02:03:18,330 --> 02:03:20,400 Africom to be able to do this and we 3109 02:03:20,420 --> 02:03:22,710 doing in the information space . But 3110 02:03:22,720 --> 02:03:25,880 across all other , uh the rest of the 3111 02:03:25,890 --> 02:03:27,970 whole of government , we do have 3112 02:03:27,970 --> 02:03:30,192 pressurizing things and I can take that 3113 02:03:30,192 --> 02:03:33,530 into uh if you let me bring this up in , 3114 02:03:33,540 --> 02:03:36,470 in closed session , of course . Uh Let 3115 02:03:36,470 --> 02:03:39,520 me ask you both . Uh Maybe uh 3116 02:03:40,960 --> 02:03:44,670 I can ask uh general career first . Um 3117 02:03:45,750 --> 02:03:49,680 Israel is going through domestic unrest 3118 02:03:49,700 --> 02:03:52,250 protests . I've been visited by a 3119 02:03:52,250 --> 02:03:54,083 number of members of the Israeli 3120 02:03:54,083 --> 02:03:57,460 military uh on a number of occasions . 3121 02:03:57,470 --> 02:04:00,960 Uh Some personally who feel 3122 02:04:00,970 --> 02:04:04,110 that this unrest is impacting their 3123 02:04:04,110 --> 02:04:06,820 readiness . Do you have any views on 3124 02:04:06,830 --> 02:04:09,790 that topic ? So I talked to the Israeli 3125 02:04:09,790 --> 02:04:12,220 chief of Defense . Often I talked to 3126 02:04:12,220 --> 02:04:14,387 him yesterday morning , what we talked 3127 02:04:14,387 --> 02:04:16,810 about um is he's trying to ensure that 3128 02:04:16,810 --> 02:04:18,810 his , his military stays out of the 3129 02:04:18,810 --> 02:04:20,440 political conversation . 3130 02:04:22,620 --> 02:04:25,790 Do you think that that uh the recent 3131 02:04:25,790 --> 02:04:28,390 proposals for changes in their judicial 3132 02:04:28,390 --> 02:04:31,680 system is in any way undermining their 3133 02:04:31,680 --> 02:04:35,210 readiness or preparedness ? I think as 3134 02:04:35,210 --> 02:04:37,321 you look at the Israeli system , they 3135 02:04:37,321 --> 02:04:39,630 have reserve units and , and that is 3136 02:04:39,630 --> 02:04:41,408 where we're seeing some of this 3137 02:04:41,408 --> 02:04:43,574 manifest itself , but I do not want to 3138 02:04:43,574 --> 02:04:45,797 make a statement really on the judicial 3139 02:04:45,797 --> 02:04:48,019 system without knowing all the facts of 3140 02:04:48,019 --> 02:04:50,241 what they're doing . Um , let me ask to 3141 02:04:50,241 --> 02:04:52,186 follow up , I think it was Senator 3142 02:04:52,186 --> 02:04:54,390 Mullen who was asking you about , uh , 3143 02:04:54,400 --> 02:04:58,170 our Afghan at risk allies . I've been a 3144 02:04:59,150 --> 02:05:00,872 leading advocate of the Afghan 3145 02:05:00,872 --> 02:05:02,983 Adjustment Act . I have played a part 3146 02:05:02,983 --> 02:05:05,430 in trying to extract the translators , 3147 02:05:05,430 --> 02:05:09,140 guards , security personnel . My own 3148 02:05:09,150 --> 02:05:11,300 son served there in Marine Corps 3149 02:05:11,310 --> 02:05:13,680 actually was able to get his translator 3150 02:05:13,690 --> 02:05:15,980 out of Afghanistan . But there are 3151 02:05:15,980 --> 02:05:18,390 thousands still at risk targets on 3152 02:05:18,390 --> 02:05:22,060 their backs having 3153 02:05:22,070 --> 02:05:24,430 served there repeatedly with great 3154 02:05:24,430 --> 02:05:27,640 distinction . Are we doing enough to 3155 02:05:27,640 --> 02:05:29,807 get them out ? I think we have a moral 3156 02:05:29,807 --> 02:05:32,420 obligation to get those out again . We 3157 02:05:32,420 --> 02:05:34,587 think the numbers , you know , I would 3158 02:05:34,587 --> 02:05:36,587 defer to the State department . The 3159 02:05:36,587 --> 02:05:38,642 exact number on the state department 3160 02:05:38,642 --> 02:05:40,809 works . The aspect of getting them out 3161 02:05:40,809 --> 02:05:43,031 once they come to us and campus early , 3162 02:05:43,031 --> 02:05:45,142 we provide the in processing security 3163 02:05:45,142 --> 02:05:47,920 and uh basic life support for them . I 3164 02:05:47,920 --> 02:05:49,864 agree totally . We have that moral 3165 02:05:49,864 --> 02:05:52,880 obligation . Veterans groups agree 3166 02:05:53,580 --> 02:05:56,910 steadfastly and passionately about it . 3167 02:05:56,920 --> 02:05:59,230 And I'm hoping that not only will pass 3168 02:05:59,230 --> 02:06:03,190 the Afghan Adjustment Act but also take 3169 02:06:03,200 --> 02:06:06,160 greater measures to enable them to 3170 02:06:06,680 --> 02:06:10,240 escape the persecution , 3171 02:06:10,850 --> 02:06:13,990 torture and death that many of them are 3172 02:06:13,990 --> 02:06:15,990 at risk . I do applaud our veterans 3173 02:06:15,990 --> 02:06:17,879 groups that are doing taking that 3174 02:06:17,879 --> 02:06:19,990 action on as well . Thank you . Thank 3175 02:06:19,990 --> 02:06:22,650 you . Thank you , Senator . Thank you , 3176 02:06:22,650 --> 02:06:24,872 Mr Chair and gentlemen , thank you very 3177 02:06:24,872 --> 02:06:26,594 much for your service and your 3178 02:06:26,594 --> 02:06:30,240 leadership , General Carola . Just a 3179 02:06:30,250 --> 02:06:32,910 few quick questions . Um Some of this 3180 02:06:32,910 --> 02:06:35,250 has been covered briefly by a number of 3181 02:06:35,250 --> 02:06:38,140 other senators , but we do have the 3182 02:06:38,140 --> 02:06:41,070 great powers that are out there very 3183 02:06:41,080 --> 02:06:44,250 putting a lot of pressure on us in Asia 3184 02:06:44,250 --> 02:06:46,417 and in Europe , we also have competing 3185 02:06:46,417 --> 02:06:48,660 priorities here at home . We've got a 3186 02:06:48,670 --> 02:06:51,240 fentaNYL crisis . We've got southern 3187 02:06:51,240 --> 02:06:53,700 border issues and then the very 3188 02:06:53,710 --> 02:06:57,320 sobering fiscal outlook right now . So 3189 02:06:57,330 --> 02:07:00,650 we are entering into an area era where 3190 02:07:00,660 --> 02:07:02,670 being able to support defense with 3191 02:07:02,670 --> 02:07:04,781 everything we've got is really slowed 3192 02:07:04,781 --> 02:07:07,120 down significantly . The belt is 3193 02:07:07,120 --> 02:07:09,176 tightening and you've heard concerns 3194 02:07:09,176 --> 02:07:12,040 today . Uh So I know that the N D s has 3195 02:07:12,040 --> 02:07:14,410 directed the department to right size 3196 02:07:14,410 --> 02:07:16,700 your forward military presence in your 3197 02:07:16,700 --> 02:07:19,680 A O R . Uh And of course , doing that 3198 02:07:19,680 --> 02:07:23,050 accepting prudent risk as necessary . 3199 02:07:23,050 --> 02:07:26,170 So how has Centcom uh improved the 3200 02:07:26,170 --> 02:07:29,120 economy of force in your theater ? 3201 02:07:30,100 --> 02:07:33,590 So thank you , Senator . Um Centcom is 3202 02:07:33,600 --> 02:07:37,040 85% smaller than at the peak in 2008 3203 02:07:37,040 --> 02:07:38,929 that was in the midst of , of two 3204 02:07:38,929 --> 02:07:41,290 conflicts . Um After the withdrawal 3205 02:07:41,290 --> 02:07:43,710 from Afghanistan , even in 2022 we 3206 02:07:43,710 --> 02:07:47,460 reduced by 15% . Um post Afghanistan 3207 02:07:47,460 --> 02:07:50,390 withdrawal . What we require in Centcom 3208 02:07:50,400 --> 02:07:54,050 is a sustainable and sufficient um 3209 02:07:54,060 --> 02:07:55,770 force structure to be able to 3210 02:07:55,770 --> 02:07:57,714 accomplish the missions we've been 3211 02:07:57,714 --> 02:07:59,937 given again . I go back to , if there's 3212 02:07:59,937 --> 02:08:02,900 one place that can derail the nds , it 3213 02:08:02,900 --> 02:08:05,067 could come out of Centcom with a flash 3214 02:08:05,067 --> 02:08:07,233 point . Yeah , I absolutely agree with 3215 02:08:07,233 --> 02:08:10,330 that . Um , I know the President during 3216 02:08:10,330 --> 02:08:13,710 the Afghanistan withdrawal , uh , told 3217 02:08:13,710 --> 02:08:16,830 us that if we withdrew from Afghanistan , 3218 02:08:16,830 --> 02:08:20,600 there would be a windfall of resources 3219 02:08:20,610 --> 02:08:24,010 to prioritize China . So , what , what 3220 02:08:24,020 --> 02:08:27,110 resources did this action free up in 3221 02:08:27,110 --> 02:08:29,410 our budget ? And then how did D O D 3222 02:08:29,410 --> 02:08:31,880 reinvest those ? I really senator would 3223 02:08:31,890 --> 02:08:33,946 defer to O M B and the Department of 3224 02:08:33,946 --> 02:08:36,580 Defense on any cost savings . But I 3225 02:08:36,580 --> 02:08:39,170 believe those resources were then moved 3226 02:08:39,650 --> 02:08:42,030 to against the higher priority of indo 3227 02:08:42,030 --> 02:08:44,197 pay , calm and you calm . Okay . Thank 3228 02:08:44,197 --> 02:08:46,363 you . And I would , I would be willing 3229 02:08:46,363 --> 02:08:48,252 to bet there weren't as many cost 3230 02:08:48,252 --> 02:08:50,252 savings maybe as , as we would have 3231 02:08:50,252 --> 02:08:53,440 thought . Um But you different topic , 3232 02:08:53,450 --> 02:08:55,506 but you've heard a lot of discussion 3233 02:08:55,506 --> 02:08:58,850 about the Abraham Accords today . I 3234 02:08:58,860 --> 02:09:01,470 also am a co chair with Senator Rosen 3235 02:09:01,470 --> 02:09:04,090 on the Abraham Accords caucus . And I'm 3236 02:09:04,090 --> 02:09:06,790 very proud that our legislation on air 3237 02:09:06,790 --> 02:09:08,957 and missile defense cooperation to get 3238 02:09:08,957 --> 02:09:11,530 passed last year in the N D A and it 3239 02:09:11,530 --> 02:09:13,419 does help our partners with their 3240 02:09:13,419 --> 02:09:16,410 security burden . Um So you've talked a 3241 02:09:16,410 --> 02:09:19,940 little bit about this , but when you're 3242 02:09:19,950 --> 02:09:21,672 implementing this or trying to 3243 02:09:21,672 --> 02:09:24,480 implement this integration framework , 3244 02:09:24,490 --> 02:09:26,600 what challenges are you running into 3245 02:09:26,600 --> 02:09:29,440 now that we might be able to iron out 3246 02:09:29,450 --> 02:09:31,930 without legislation ? And is there an 3247 02:09:31,930 --> 02:09:34,410 area where we might need legislation , 3248 02:09:34,440 --> 02:09:36,662 I can tell you where we are right now . 3249 02:09:36,662 --> 02:09:38,662 We're making progress . We're going 3250 02:09:38,662 --> 02:09:40,840 towards a shared air picture between a 3251 02:09:40,840 --> 02:09:43,200 group of countries and the challenge we 3252 02:09:43,200 --> 02:09:45,820 have though is if there is Chinese 3253 02:09:45,830 --> 02:09:49,260 equipment that we cannot integrate . Um 3254 02:09:49,260 --> 02:09:51,093 And so whether that's a radar or 3255 02:09:51,093 --> 02:09:53,149 whether that's an actual air defense 3256 02:09:53,149 --> 02:09:55,204 system , we can't let that touch our 3257 02:09:55,204 --> 02:09:57,427 network based on the uh on what we know 3258 02:09:57,427 --> 02:09:59,482 about the Chinese equipment . And so 3259 02:09:59,482 --> 02:10:01,538 that it's just , it's not compatible 3260 02:10:01,538 --> 02:10:03,482 with it either . So that's the one 3261 02:10:03,482 --> 02:10:05,704 challenge that we have um to be able to 3262 02:10:05,704 --> 02:10:05,700 do that . And so I'm not sure what 3263 02:10:05,700 --> 02:10:07,650 legislation , the legislation that 3264 02:10:07,650 --> 02:10:10,440 could help us potentially is . How do 3265 02:10:10,440 --> 02:10:12,570 we get FMS faster so that they don't 3266 02:10:12,570 --> 02:10:15,310 have to choose to buy a Chinese system ? 3267 02:10:15,630 --> 02:10:17,741 Excellent . And , and this has been a 3268 02:10:17,741 --> 02:10:20,510 discussion as well about FMS and 3269 02:10:20,510 --> 02:10:22,621 whether it should be the jurisdiction 3270 02:10:22,621 --> 02:10:25,110 of armed services or another committee 3271 02:10:25,110 --> 02:10:27,166 here in the United States Senate and 3272 02:10:27,166 --> 02:10:29,277 that's something for us to iron out . 3273 02:10:29,277 --> 02:10:31,380 Um So you don't necessarily need 3274 02:10:31,380 --> 02:10:33,050 additional authorities for 3275 02:10:33,050 --> 02:10:35,400 implementation then that you're aware 3276 02:10:35,400 --> 02:10:37,622 of . I believe I have all the authority 3277 02:10:37,622 --> 02:10:39,789 I need right now . Okay . I would just 3278 02:10:39,789 --> 02:10:41,900 encourage our partners in that region 3279 02:10:41,900 --> 02:10:43,844 to buy American . Maybe that's the 3280 02:10:43,844 --> 02:10:45,956 message that , that we need to send . 3281 02:10:45,956 --> 02:10:45,530 I'd be happy if they just bought 3282 02:10:45,530 --> 02:10:47,430 Western Western . Well , 3283 02:10:48,190 --> 02:10:51,390 no . Excellent point . Excellent point . 3284 02:10:51,390 --> 02:10:53,612 General . Um I do want to thank you for 3285 02:10:53,612 --> 02:10:55,350 your tireless efforts to build 3286 02:10:55,350 --> 02:10:57,950 partnerships in the region . I was 3287 02:10:57,950 --> 02:11:00,590 recently on a code L where we visited 3288 02:11:00,600 --> 02:11:02,970 Israel , the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 3289 02:11:02,970 --> 02:11:06,840 and the U A E . And I heard over and 3290 02:11:06,840 --> 02:11:08,900 over again , your name mentioned 3291 02:11:08,900 --> 02:11:11,660 specifically and we described that or 3292 02:11:11,660 --> 02:11:13,771 we have described that in the past as 3293 02:11:13,771 --> 02:11:16,130 leadership by walking around and you 3294 02:11:16,130 --> 02:11:18,530 did state earlier that you spend 50% of 3295 02:11:18,530 --> 02:11:21,260 your time in the A O R and I know that 3296 02:11:21,260 --> 02:11:23,590 that is greatly appreciated by our 3297 02:11:23,590 --> 02:11:25,920 partners . Um So thank you for doing 3298 02:11:25,920 --> 02:11:27,642 that . Truly . Appreciate your 3299 02:11:27,642 --> 02:11:29,960 leadership presence is power . Um And 3300 02:11:29,960 --> 02:11:32,016 General Langley , I know that you're 3301 02:11:32,016 --> 02:11:34,238 out there and engaged as well . Um I do 3302 02:11:34,238 --> 02:11:36,238 have a question I'll submit for the 3303 02:11:36,238 --> 02:11:38,540 record for you . It deals with the 1 27 3304 02:11:38,550 --> 02:11:40,530 Echo Program which I think is 3305 02:11:40,530 --> 02:11:43,510 incredibly important in your region uh 3306 02:11:43,520 --> 02:11:46,290 to maintaining stability . So , thank 3307 02:11:46,290 --> 02:11:48,401 you , gentlemen , very much . My time 3308 02:11:48,401 --> 02:11:50,401 is expired . Thank you , Mr Chair . 3309 02:11:50,401 --> 02:11:52,401 Thank you , Senator Ernest . Let me 3310 02:11:52,401 --> 02:11:54,401 note that the vote has begun uh and 3311 02:11:54,401 --> 02:11:56,679 recognize Senator Sullivan . Thank you , 3312 02:11:56,679 --> 02:11:58,901 Mr Chairman , gentlemen . Thank you for 3313 02:11:58,901 --> 02:12:01,900 your service testimony today . Um 3314 02:12:03,180 --> 02:12:06,460 Very much appreciated and in your team 3315 02:12:06,460 --> 02:12:08,516 members behind you , I know how much 3316 02:12:08,516 --> 02:12:10,682 they put into these kind of hearings . 3317 02:12:10,682 --> 02:12:13,630 Um General Langley , I I wanted to 3318 02:12:13,630 --> 02:12:16,200 begin by , also mentioned you probably 3319 02:12:16,200 --> 02:12:18,560 getting the picture . We had a number 3320 02:12:18,560 --> 02:12:20,950 of Senate Code L's to the region 3321 02:12:20,960 --> 02:12:22,904 recently . I think that's actually 3322 02:12:22,904 --> 02:12:24,960 important . I was part of the code L 3323 02:12:24,960 --> 02:12:28,100 with Senator Rosen and seven U S 3324 02:12:28,100 --> 02:12:30,190 senators to the Abraham Accord 3325 02:12:30,200 --> 02:12:33,080 countries started in Morocco , really 3326 02:12:33,080 --> 02:12:36,360 impressive ally , one of our longest 3327 02:12:36,360 --> 02:12:39,360 standing allies anywhere in the world . 3328 02:12:39,950 --> 02:12:43,590 Um I don't know to what 3329 02:12:43,600 --> 02:12:47,130 specificity you can provide thoughts 3330 02:12:47,130 --> 02:12:49,297 and maybe this is kind of even against 3331 02:12:49,297 --> 02:12:51,408 your own interests . But it did occur 3332 02:12:51,408 --> 02:12:53,463 to me that I think it's time to have 3333 02:12:54,200 --> 02:12:56,720 Africom headquarters in Africa 3334 02:12:57,830 --> 02:13:00,600 somewhere . Morocco . I think they'd be 3335 02:13:00,600 --> 02:13:02,711 a great candidate . What do you think 3336 02:13:02,711 --> 02:13:06,300 about that ? Senator ? This has 3337 02:13:06,310 --> 02:13:08,477 come up numerous times in the past . I 3338 02:13:08,477 --> 02:13:10,421 know and it's been blocked by some 3339 02:13:10,421 --> 02:13:12,477 members of the committee and they're 3340 02:13:12,477 --> 02:13:14,421 always like , well , we don't know 3341 02:13:14,421 --> 02:13:13,930 where to put it . So let's keep it in 3342 02:13:13,930 --> 02:13:16,220 Germany . That's not a good answer . 3343 02:13:16,220 --> 02:13:18,331 Right . Come on . We don't know where 3344 02:13:18,331 --> 02:13:20,164 to put frickin sun comes forward 3345 02:13:20,164 --> 02:13:22,660 headquarters , but we chose cutter . So 3346 02:13:22,670 --> 02:13:24,670 like real countries make real tough 3347 02:13:24,670 --> 02:13:26,892 decisions . What do you think we should 3348 02:13:26,892 --> 02:13:29,226 do ? I don't think that's a good answer , 3349 02:13:29,226 --> 02:13:31,170 which is too tough , too many good 3350 02:13:31,170 --> 02:13:33,503 countries . So let's keep it in Germany . 3351 02:13:33,503 --> 02:13:36,520 What do you think ? Senator ? I see the , 3352 02:13:36,530 --> 02:13:38,760 I will see some utility being on the 3353 02:13:38,760 --> 02:13:41,490 continent but at this time , just with 3354 02:13:41,500 --> 02:13:44,030 uh our processes of getting down to 3355 02:13:44,030 --> 02:13:47,940 visit uh to numerous countries has been 3356 02:13:47,940 --> 02:13:51,380 beneficial as far as how , how we are 3357 02:13:51,380 --> 02:13:53,500 laid out now . I think we're right 3358 02:13:53,500 --> 02:13:56,660 sized because when we are in um in 3359 02:13:56,660 --> 02:13:58,549 Europe , there's other partners , 3360 02:13:58,549 --> 02:14:01,440 they're in proximity that , that we can 3361 02:14:01,450 --> 02:14:05,330 play headquartered in Tampa as a 3362 02:14:05,330 --> 02:14:07,552 Ford headquarters in Qatar . What about 3363 02:14:07,552 --> 02:14:09,330 afford headquarters for Africom 3364 02:14:09,330 --> 02:14:13,020 somewhere ? Senator ? I can talk about 3365 02:14:13,030 --> 02:14:15,500 that in closed session because we do 3366 02:14:15,500 --> 02:14:17,280 have something established that 3367 02:14:17,290 --> 02:14:20,510 construct . Let me both of you keep 3368 02:14:20,520 --> 02:14:22,760 talking in the military loves of phrase 3369 02:14:22,760 --> 02:14:24,871 whole of government , all instruments 3370 02:14:24,871 --> 02:14:26,871 of power . We've been talking about 3371 02:14:26,871 --> 02:14:29,038 critical minerals , um which is really 3372 02:14:29,038 --> 02:14:30,704 important and big part of the 3373 02:14:30,704 --> 02:14:34,050 discussion . How , how much sense does 3374 02:14:34,050 --> 02:14:36,161 it make for the United States to shut 3375 02:14:36,161 --> 02:14:38,217 down our critical mineral production 3376 02:14:38,217 --> 02:14:40,440 capacity as the Department of Interior 3377 02:14:40,440 --> 02:14:42,800 has done in Alaska . And then you guys 3378 02:14:42,800 --> 02:14:44,911 come here and say , boy , oh boy , we 3379 02:14:44,911 --> 02:14:47,030 sure gotta work on critical . Do you 3380 02:14:47,030 --> 02:14:49,990 think that's smart like that ? We have 3381 02:14:50,000 --> 02:14:52,400 not you guys , but other agencies 3382 02:14:52,400 --> 02:14:54,580 literally shutting down . There's 3383 02:14:54,580 --> 02:14:56,524 something called the Ambler Mining 3384 02:14:56,524 --> 02:14:59,080 District in Alaska in the resource rich 3385 02:14:59,090 --> 02:15:03,000 critical mineral areas of the world . 3386 02:15:03,010 --> 02:15:06,470 We had a environmental impact statement 3387 02:15:06,480 --> 02:15:09,880 E I S seven years , $10 million ready 3388 02:15:09,880 --> 02:15:12,760 to go . And then Department of Interior 3389 02:15:12,760 --> 02:15:16,040 came in and reverse . That said , 3390 02:15:16,040 --> 02:15:19,710 hey America Alaska start all over . 3391 02:15:19,720 --> 02:15:21,776 We'll keep getting critical minerals 3392 02:15:21,776 --> 02:15:23,942 from China . Were you guys informed of 3393 02:15:23,942 --> 02:15:25,776 that ? Were you informed of that 3394 02:15:25,776 --> 02:15:27,887 interior making that idiotic national 3395 02:15:27,887 --> 02:15:30,053 security decision ? You think it makes 3396 02:15:30,053 --> 02:15:32,230 sense for us to look at areas of 3397 02:15:32,230 --> 02:15:34,840 critical mineral capacity in Americans 3398 02:15:34,840 --> 02:15:36,673 say , ah we're not gonna do that 3399 02:15:36,673 --> 02:15:38,970 because lower 48 environmental groups 3400 02:15:38,970 --> 02:15:41,026 don't like it . You think that makes 3401 02:15:41,026 --> 02:15:42,692 sense for a national security 3402 02:15:42,692 --> 02:15:44,803 perspective to shut down our critical 3403 02:15:44,803 --> 02:15:47,370 mineral production when this whole 3404 02:15:47,370 --> 02:15:49,148 hearing has been about critical 3405 02:15:49,148 --> 02:15:51,037 minerals ? Does that make sense ? 3406 02:15:51,037 --> 02:15:54,450 General in your personal opinion ? So 3407 02:15:54,450 --> 02:15:56,672 I'm just here to pass a cautionary tale 3408 02:15:56,672 --> 02:15:58,339 about China and their illicit 3409 02:15:58,339 --> 02:16:00,580 activities on the continent of trying 3410 02:16:00,580 --> 02:16:03,140 to corner uh critical . But if we can 3411 02:16:03,140 --> 02:16:05,473 help one corner it by producing our own , 3412 02:16:05,473 --> 02:16:07,696 doesn't that make sense ? Since I don't 3413 02:16:07,696 --> 02:16:09,696 have a position on that ? Come on , 3414 02:16:09,696 --> 02:16:11,862 general , you do have a position . You 3415 02:16:11,862 --> 02:16:13,807 don't want to say it . What's your 3416 02:16:13,807 --> 02:16:15,751 personal opinion on that ? Does it 3417 02:16:15,751 --> 02:16:17,807 makes sense to produce more critical 3418 02:16:17,807 --> 02:16:19,918 minerals in America ? If we have them 3419 02:16:21,290 --> 02:16:23,290 center , we can discuss that in the 3420 02:16:23,290 --> 02:16:25,512 closed session about the essentials for 3421 02:16:25,512 --> 02:16:27,401 this is the problem . We talk all 3422 02:16:27,401 --> 02:16:29,179 instruments of power , whole of 3423 02:16:29,179 --> 02:16:31,300 government and we don't do it . And 3424 02:16:31,300 --> 02:16:33,800 again , that's not you , but it's Biden , 3425 02:16:33,810 --> 02:16:36,320 it's the administration , it's national 3426 02:16:36,320 --> 02:16:38,940 security suicide and we do it every day . 3427 02:16:38,950 --> 02:16:41,006 We shut down resource development in 3428 02:16:41,006 --> 02:16:44,710 our own country . It's idiotic . That's 3429 02:16:44,710 --> 02:16:47,430 the right answer by the way . Um Real 3430 02:16:47,430 --> 02:16:51,320 quick , General Gorilla , you mentioned 3431 02:16:52,290 --> 02:16:56,160 Iran taking , you know , 3432 02:16:56,900 --> 02:16:58,670 shots at our troops . Are we 3433 02:16:58,670 --> 02:17:00,837 retaliating against them ? I think one 3434 02:17:00,837 --> 02:17:03,003 of the lessons we learned , You know , 3435 02:17:03,003 --> 02:17:05,470 when they were providing very 3436 02:17:05,470 --> 02:17:08,320 sophisticated IEDs to kill and wound 3437 02:17:08,320 --> 02:17:12,320 thousands of Americans in the 2005 , 3438 02:17:12,410 --> 02:17:15,640 2007 time frame . That , that was a bad 3439 02:17:15,640 --> 02:17:18,140 signal to let them just kill our people 3440 02:17:18,230 --> 02:17:20,452 the best and brightest in America . I'm 3441 02:17:20,452 --> 02:17:22,760 sure you lost soldiers to the goods 3442 02:17:22,760 --> 02:17:25,710 force I E D s and until we killed 3443 02:17:25,710 --> 02:17:27,950 Soleimani , which I think was a really 3444 02:17:27,950 --> 02:17:30,140 important message we weren't 3445 02:17:30,150 --> 02:17:33,140 retaliating . So I hope either covertly 3446 02:17:33,140 --> 02:17:35,310 or overtly when these guys are trying 3447 02:17:35,310 --> 02:17:37,199 to kill Americans , which they're 3448 02:17:37,199 --> 02:17:39,620 pretty good at and they do a lot that 3449 02:17:39,620 --> 02:17:41,564 we are sending messages like , all 3450 02:17:41,564 --> 02:17:43,398 right , you want to try and kill 3451 02:17:43,398 --> 02:17:45,564 Americans game on what are we doing to 3452 02:17:45,564 --> 02:17:48,260 retaliate against these guys ? Senator ? 3453 02:17:48,260 --> 02:17:50,580 I'm prepared to retaliate overtly but 3454 02:17:50,580 --> 02:17:54,120 also not all um responses are overt . 3455 02:17:54,130 --> 02:17:56,270 Okay . But can you assure this 3456 02:17:56,270 --> 02:17:58,381 committee that we're not just letting 3457 02:17:58,381 --> 02:18:00,326 them try to attack Americans ? You 3458 02:18:00,326 --> 02:18:03,480 already mentioned that they are senator 3459 02:18:03,480 --> 02:18:05,424 without some form of retaliation . 3460 02:18:05,424 --> 02:18:07,647 Senator , we have all the capability to 3461 02:18:07,647 --> 02:18:09,813 be able to retaliate but not all , not 3462 02:18:09,813 --> 02:18:12,700 all uh retaliations are over . Good . 3463 02:18:12,710 --> 02:18:14,821 Thank you . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 3464 02:18:14,821 --> 02:18:16,877 Thank you Senator Sullivan and thank 3465 02:18:16,877 --> 02:18:18,988 you gentlemen for your testimony . We 3466 02:18:18,988 --> 02:18:21,099 have a vote on . So I would encourage 3467 02:18:21,099 --> 02:18:23,210 all my colleagues to vote and we will 3468 02:18:23,210 --> 02:18:26,800 Reconvene uh within about 3469 02:18:26,800 --> 02:18:30,800 15 minutes and SVC to 17 for the 3470 02:18:30,810 --> 02:18:33,380 closed session of this hearing . I will 3471 02:18:33,380 --> 02:18:35,660 now adjourn the open session . Thank 3472 02:18:35,660 --> 02:18:36,100 you , man .