1 00:00:00,009 --> 00:00:02,799 At any time without objection . So 2 00:00:02,809 --> 00:00:04,920 ordered , I also ask that our members 3 00:00:04,920 --> 00:00:07,031 and witnesses be mindful of our three 4 00:00:07,031 --> 00:00:09,087 city commandments . We start on time 5 00:00:09,087 --> 00:00:11,087 check . Uh We use language that the 6 00:00:11,087 --> 00:00:13,142 average American can understand . So 7 00:00:13,142 --> 00:00:15,365 please uh limit the use of acronyms and 8 00:00:15,365 --> 00:00:17,476 jargon if you can and we will enforce 9 00:00:17,476 --> 00:00:19,365 the five minute rule , which also 10 00:00:19,365 --> 00:00:21,420 includes uh witnesses responses . So 11 00:00:21,420 --> 00:00:23,642 we'll do my best to keep this moving uh 12 00:00:23,642 --> 00:00:25,753 with that good morning everyone . And 13 00:00:25,753 --> 00:00:27,865 thank you for being here today for uh 14 00:00:27,865 --> 00:00:29,698 our hearing on the Department of 15 00:00:29,698 --> 00:00:31,753 Defense's cyberspace activities . We 16 00:00:31,753 --> 00:00:33,865 ask a lot from the department in this 17 00:00:33,865 --> 00:00:36,031 space from securely operating networks 18 00:00:36,031 --> 00:00:38,198 and inherently insecure weapon systems 19 00:00:38,198 --> 00:00:40,420 to assisting small and large businesses 20 00:00:40,420 --> 00:00:42,642 with their interaction with the defense 21 00:00:42,642 --> 00:00:44,476 industrial base . However , more 22 00:00:44,476 --> 00:00:46,476 important than anything else is how 23 00:00:46,476 --> 00:00:48,698 prepared and capable we are to hold our 24 00:00:48,698 --> 00:00:50,809 adversaries at risk . I've repeatedly 25 00:00:50,809 --> 00:00:50,564 expressed my concerns about the 26 00:00:50,575 --> 00:00:52,464 department's pace for growing and 27 00:00:52,464 --> 00:00:54,685 modernizing the ships , the aircraft 28 00:00:54,694 --> 00:00:56,916 and the weapons that are required for a 29 00:00:56,916 --> 00:00:58,861 potential fight with China . If we 30 00:00:58,861 --> 00:01:01,027 accept that we need more time to build 31 00:01:01,027 --> 00:01:03,083 the platforms required for a kinetic 32 00:01:03,083 --> 00:01:05,250 conflict . It's my genuine belief that 33 00:01:05,250 --> 00:01:07,472 our ability to robustly use information 34 00:01:07,529 --> 00:01:09,696 and cyber operations should provide us 35 00:01:09,696 --> 00:01:12,019 with the opportunity to buy time to 36 00:01:12,029 --> 00:01:14,251 maneuver for our kinetic forces . While 37 00:01:14,251 --> 00:01:16,418 there have been some signs of progress 38 00:01:16,418 --> 00:01:18,585 such as the first delivery of a budget 39 00:01:18,585 --> 00:01:20,751 built through the cyber com commanders 40 00:01:20,751 --> 00:01:22,807 enhanced budgetary authority . There 41 00:01:22,807 --> 00:01:24,807 are still wide gaps in where we are 42 00:01:24,807 --> 00:01:27,140 today and where we need to be very soon . 43 00:01:27,140 --> 00:01:29,307 There are chronic issues such as force 44 00:01:29,307 --> 00:01:29,059 readiness , lack of sufficient 45 00:01:29,069 --> 00:01:30,736 intelligence support to space 46 00:01:30,736 --> 00:01:32,830 operations and the shortcomings in 47 00:01:32,839 --> 00:01:35,061 agile acquisition of cyber capabilities 48 00:01:35,061 --> 00:01:37,395 that continue to plague the cyber force . 49 00:01:37,395 --> 00:01:39,339 These problems aren't new and it's 50 00:01:39,339 --> 00:01:41,339 actually remarkable how much effort 51 00:01:41,339 --> 00:01:43,395 Congress has expended on pulling and 52 00:01:43,395 --> 00:01:45,506 pushing the department to embrace the 53 00:01:45,506 --> 00:01:47,506 promise of cyber operations . Since 54 00:01:47,506 --> 00:01:49,561 2013 , Congress has tried to address 55 00:01:49,561 --> 00:01:52,379 force design and readiness through 24 56 00:01:52,389 --> 00:01:54,556 different people pieces of legislation 57 00:01:54,556 --> 00:01:56,739 24 over that same period , we've tried 58 00:01:56,750 --> 00:01:58,806 to address the civilian and military 59 00:01:58,806 --> 00:02:01,330 cyber workforce dilemma 45 times . 60 00:02:01,589 --> 00:02:04,639 Cyber comm acquisition matters 12 times 61 00:02:04,650 --> 00:02:06,594 and defense industrial based cyber 62 00:02:06,594 --> 00:02:09,750 security 42 times . And the list goes 63 00:02:09,759 --> 00:02:11,537 on more frustrating is that the 64 00:02:11,537 --> 00:02:13,648 country's collective capabilities and 65 00:02:13,648 --> 00:02:15,759 readiness are seemingly no better off 66 00:02:15,759 --> 00:02:17,926 because of it . In the words of Albert 67 00:02:17,926 --> 00:02:20,037 Einstein , insanity is doing the same 68 00:02:20,037 --> 00:02:22,259 thing over and over again and expecting 69 00:02:22,259 --> 00:02:24,426 different outcomes . So I look forward 70 00:02:24,426 --> 00:02:26,648 to hearing why I am not insane from our 71 00:02:26,648 --> 00:02:28,759 witnesses . Dr John Plum , serving as 72 00:02:28,759 --> 00:02:30,981 both the Assistant Secretary of Defense 73 00:02:30,981 --> 00:02:30,610 for space policy and the principal 74 00:02:30,619 --> 00:02:32,841 Cyber advisor , as well as General Paul 75 00:02:32,841 --> 00:02:35,619 Nason , the seasoned commander of us 76 00:02:35,630 --> 00:02:38,179 Cyber command . And with that , I will 77 00:02:38,190 --> 00:02:40,990 recognize the ranking member . Thank 78 00:02:41,000 --> 00:02:43,167 you , Mr Chairman and thank you to our 79 00:02:43,167 --> 00:02:46,059 witnesses for appearing before us today 80 00:02:46,070 --> 00:02:48,500 and the men and women you represent . 81 00:02:48,860 --> 00:02:51,740 Thank you General Paul Acai for meeting 82 00:02:51,750 --> 00:02:55,250 yesterday and for your uh ideas on uh 83 00:02:55,259 --> 00:02:57,740 recruitment uh as well as your 84 00:02:57,750 --> 00:03:00,220 suggestions on how we can continue to 85 00:03:00,229 --> 00:03:03,360 keep our nation safe from cyberattacks . 86 00:03:04,139 --> 00:03:06,119 Our adversaries continue to use 87 00:03:06,130 --> 00:03:08,330 cyberspace to conduct malicious 88 00:03:08,339 --> 00:03:10,506 activities against the United States , 89 00:03:10,506 --> 00:03:12,789 its allies and its interests . These 90 00:03:12,800 --> 00:03:16,089 include Iran , Russia and China . I 91 00:03:16,119 --> 00:03:18,230 applaud the Department of Defense and 92 00:03:18,230 --> 00:03:20,139 us cyber command for the progress 93 00:03:20,149 --> 00:03:22,093 that's been made in recent years . 94 00:03:22,093 --> 00:03:24,149 Certainly , the change in posture in 95 00:03:24,149 --> 00:03:26,093 the past five years has been quite 96 00:03:26,093 --> 00:03:27,789 remarkable as we as we have 97 00:03:27,800 --> 00:03:30,179 transitioned to a posture of defend 98 00:03:30,190 --> 00:03:32,729 forward , but we certainly still have 99 00:03:32,740 --> 00:03:35,190 work to do . China aggressively uses 100 00:03:35,199 --> 00:03:37,619 cyberspace to obtain economic advantage 101 00:03:37,759 --> 00:03:40,869 and gather sensitive information also . 102 00:03:40,880 --> 00:03:43,419 Unfortunately , the C C P has been the 103 00:03:43,429 --> 00:03:46,940 prime mover of a lot of trade secret 104 00:03:46,949 --> 00:03:49,529 theft IP theft , which I'm particularly 105 00:03:49,539 --> 00:03:51,740 aware of . Given that companies in my 106 00:03:51,750 --> 00:03:53,806 district in Silicon Valley have been 107 00:03:53,806 --> 00:03:55,694 the targets . Russia continues to 108 00:03:55,694 --> 00:03:57,699 engage in malicious activities to 109 00:03:57,710 --> 00:03:59,877 achieve its ends . And the governments 110 00:03:59,877 --> 00:04:01,932 of Iran and North Korea , as well as 111 00:04:01,932 --> 00:04:04,154 malicious and profit , profit motivated 112 00:04:04,154 --> 00:04:06,377 actors continue to act to further their 113 00:04:06,377 --> 00:04:08,610 own interests . Our cyber forces are 114 00:04:08,619 --> 00:04:10,508 engaged every day in the whole of 115 00:04:10,508 --> 00:04:12,730 government effort to defend the country 116 00:04:12,730 --> 00:04:15,490 and given our decentralization and our 117 00:04:15,500 --> 00:04:17,989 focus on privacy . This task is harder 118 00:04:18,000 --> 00:04:20,440 for us than for many other nations . 119 00:04:20,720 --> 00:04:22,887 With these growing threats , then must 120 00:04:22,887 --> 00:04:25,570 come increased attention . I appreciate 121 00:04:25,579 --> 00:04:27,801 that . Uh We are going to be supporting 122 00:04:27,801 --> 00:04:29,912 the cyber command in this president's 123 00:04:29,912 --> 00:04:31,912 budget especially in areas of force 124 00:04:31,912 --> 00:04:33,857 readiness training and support for 125 00:04:33,857 --> 00:04:36,023 partners and allies in efforts such as 126 00:04:36,023 --> 00:04:38,200 hunt forward . The committee is 127 00:04:38,209 --> 00:04:40,209 tracking challenges associated with 128 00:04:40,209 --> 00:04:42,042 growing retaining and training , 129 00:04:42,042 --> 00:04:44,265 training the force . And I want to make 130 00:04:44,265 --> 00:04:46,320 sure we can continue to discuss that 131 00:04:46,320 --> 00:04:48,209 effort in greater detail and look 132 00:04:48,209 --> 00:04:50,376 forward to some creative ideas you may 133 00:04:50,376 --> 00:04:52,542 have of how our committee can help the 134 00:04:52,542 --> 00:04:54,670 recruitment of first class talent in 135 00:04:54,679 --> 00:04:58,049 technology . As I said to the general , 136 00:04:58,059 --> 00:05:00,115 I want to make sure that some of the 137 00:05:00,115 --> 00:05:02,226 most talented folks aren't just going 138 00:05:02,226 --> 00:05:03,781 to do IP OS and make become 139 00:05:03,781 --> 00:05:05,948 multimillionaires but also serving the 140 00:05:05,948 --> 00:05:08,059 country . I also hear , hope to hear 141 00:05:08,109 --> 00:05:10,029 about the command's service like 142 00:05:10,040 --> 00:05:12,151 authorities including enhanced budget 143 00:05:12,151 --> 00:05:14,609 control . Thank you . And with that Mr 144 00:05:14,619 --> 00:05:16,341 Chair chairman , thank you for 145 00:05:16,341 --> 00:05:18,619 convening the hearing and I yield back . 146 00:05:18,619 --> 00:05:20,675 Doctor Plum , you are recognized for 147 00:05:20,675 --> 00:05:24,420 five minutes . Well , thank you , 148 00:05:24,429 --> 00:05:26,596 Chairman Gallagher , thanks uh ranking 149 00:05:26,596 --> 00:05:28,818 member , Kana and distinguished members 150 00:05:28,818 --> 00:05:28,600 of the committee . Good morning . 151 00:05:29,670 --> 00:05:31,726 Thanks for inviting me to testify on 152 00:05:31,726 --> 00:05:34,003 the defense department's Cyber Posture . 153 00:05:34,003 --> 00:05:35,948 I'm honored to appear alongside uh 154 00:05:35,948 --> 00:05:39,260 general as Secretary Austin said from 155 00:05:39,269 --> 00:05:41,491 his first days in office , the People's 156 00:05:41,491 --> 00:05:43,602 Republic of China is the department's 157 00:05:43,602 --> 00:05:45,713 facing challenge while Russia remains 158 00:05:45,713 --> 00:05:47,769 an acute threat . This is as true in 159 00:05:47,779 --> 00:05:49,835 cyberspace as it is in any other war 160 00:05:49,835 --> 00:05:53,809 fighting domain for decades . China has 161 00:05:53,820 --> 00:05:55,876 used its cyber capabilities to steal 162 00:05:55,876 --> 00:05:57,931 sensitive information , intellectual 163 00:05:57,931 --> 00:06:00,098 property and research from us , public 164 00:06:00,098 --> 00:06:01,876 and private sector institutions 165 00:06:01,876 --> 00:06:04,098 including the defense industrial base . 166 00:06:04,098 --> 00:06:06,500 Today in competition , Chinese cyber 167 00:06:06,510 --> 00:06:08,732 intrusions are the most prolific in the 168 00:06:08,732 --> 00:06:10,843 world in crisis . PRC leaders believe 169 00:06:10,843 --> 00:06:12,899 that achieving information dominance 170 00:06:12,899 --> 00:06:15,066 will enable them to seize and keep the 171 00:06:15,066 --> 00:06:16,899 strategic initiative disrupt our 172 00:06:16,899 --> 00:06:18,954 ability to mobilize , to project and 173 00:06:18,954 --> 00:06:21,066 sustain the joint force and to ensure 174 00:06:21,066 --> 00:06:23,950 the prc's desired end . State . Russia 175 00:06:23,959 --> 00:06:26,070 engages in persistent malicious cyber 176 00:06:26,070 --> 00:06:27,950 activities to support its global 177 00:06:27,959 --> 00:06:29,950 espionage campaigns , steal 178 00:06:29,959 --> 00:06:31,737 intellectual property , disrupt 179 00:06:31,737 --> 00:06:33,737 critical infrastructure and promote 180 00:06:33,737 --> 00:06:35,750 disinformation . Russia has also 181 00:06:35,760 --> 00:06:37,871 demonstrated that it views cyber as a 182 00:06:37,871 --> 00:06:40,038 key component of its war time strategy 183 00:06:40,040 --> 00:06:41,818 at the outset of its full scale 184 00:06:41,818 --> 00:06:43,929 invasion of Ukraine . In early 2022 , 185 00:06:43,929 --> 00:06:45,820 Russia conducted cyber operations 186 00:06:45,829 --> 00:06:48,739 against VIASAT A US satellite company 187 00:06:48,750 --> 00:06:50,861 to degrade the command and control of 188 00:06:50,861 --> 00:06:53,083 the Ukrainian forces and enable Russian 189 00:06:53,083 --> 00:06:55,839 maneuvers . Other persistent threats 190 00:06:55,850 --> 00:06:58,017 arise from North Korea , from Iran and 191 00:06:58,017 --> 00:06:59,572 from transnational criminal 192 00:06:59,572 --> 00:07:01,260 organizations together . Our 193 00:07:01,269 --> 00:07:03,380 adversaries use cyberspace to conduct 194 00:07:03,380 --> 00:07:05,436 operations against the Department of 195 00:07:05,436 --> 00:07:07,491 Defense Information Network , the do 196 00:07:07,491 --> 00:07:09,602 and the US homeland . They do this to 197 00:07:09,602 --> 00:07:11,713 weaken our allies and partners and to 198 00:07:11,713 --> 00:07:15,640 undermine us interests Since 2018 , the 199 00:07:15,649 --> 00:07:17,705 department has recognized that it is 200 00:07:17,705 --> 00:07:19,649 not enough to maintain a defensive 201 00:07:19,649 --> 00:07:21,816 posture while preparing for conflict . 202 00:07:21,816 --> 00:07:24,038 We also must defend forward to meet our 203 00:07:24,038 --> 00:07:26,149 adversaries and disrupt their efforts 204 00:07:26,149 --> 00:07:28,371 in competition . That is the day to day 205 00:07:28,371 --> 00:07:30,739 struggle today . The department 206 00:07:30,750 --> 00:07:32,917 campaigns in and through cyberspace to 207 00:07:32,917 --> 00:07:34,972 sow doubt among our competitors . We 208 00:07:34,972 --> 00:07:36,917 conduct intelligence driven , hunt 209 00:07:36,917 --> 00:07:39,139 forward operations to generate insights 210 00:07:39,139 --> 00:07:41,083 into our competitors tactics while 211 00:07:41,083 --> 00:07:42,861 defending us allies and partner 212 00:07:42,861 --> 00:07:44,694 computer networks and we disrupt 213 00:07:44,694 --> 00:07:46,417 malicious cyber actors through 214 00:07:46,417 --> 00:07:48,528 offensive operations . The department 215 00:07:48,528 --> 00:07:50,694 is also prioritizing capacity building 216 00:07:50,694 --> 00:07:52,917 efforts for our allies and partners who 217 00:07:52,917 --> 00:07:54,972 serve as a strategic advantage and a 218 00:07:54,972 --> 00:07:57,083 force multiplier that our adversaries 219 00:07:57,083 --> 00:07:59,010 can never hope to match . The 220 00:07:59,019 --> 00:08:01,130 president's fiscal year 2024 budget 221 00:08:01,140 --> 00:08:03,307 request prioritizes investments in all 222 00:08:03,307 --> 00:08:05,750 aspects of cyberspace , our people , 223 00:08:05,760 --> 00:08:07,982 our organization , our operations , our 224 00:08:07,982 --> 00:08:10,204 intelligence and our capabilities . The 225 00:08:10,204 --> 00:08:12,940 request includes 13.5 billion for 226 00:08:12,950 --> 00:08:14,959 cyberspace activities which is an 227 00:08:14,970 --> 00:08:16,859 increase of 1.8 billion from the 228 00:08:16,869 --> 00:08:20,339 enacted level of an FY 23 . These 229 00:08:20,350 --> 00:08:21,961 investments will enhance the 230 00:08:21,961 --> 00:08:24,072 department's cyber security . They'll 231 00:08:24,072 --> 00:08:25,906 increase capacity for cyberspace 232 00:08:25,906 --> 00:08:28,128 operations . They will advance research 233 00:08:28,128 --> 00:08:30,072 and development activities for new 234 00:08:30,072 --> 00:08:31,850 cyber capabilities . The budget 235 00:08:31,850 --> 00:08:34,190 requests $7.4 billion for cyberspace 236 00:08:34,200 --> 00:08:36,469 operations including nearly three 237 00:08:36,479 --> 00:08:39,140 billion for us . Cyber command . These 238 00:08:39,150 --> 00:08:40,817 resources will go directly to 239 00:08:40,817 --> 00:08:42,928 supporting our cyber mission , forces 240 00:08:42,928 --> 00:08:45,094 protecting the homeland and addressing 241 00:08:45,094 --> 00:08:47,317 the threats posed by our adversaries in 242 00:08:47,317 --> 00:08:49,539 cyberspace . And I'll , I'll just say , 243 00:08:49,539 --> 00:08:51,989 uh Chairman Gallagher I do think we are 244 00:08:52,000 --> 00:08:54,056 better off and we are getting better 245 00:08:54,056 --> 00:08:56,278 every day and I think the help from the 246 00:08:56,278 --> 00:08:58,611 Congress and this continued investments , 247 00:08:58,611 --> 00:09:00,611 uh We're more prepared , we're more 248 00:09:00,611 --> 00:09:02,722 effective and we're integrating cyber 249 00:09:02,722 --> 00:09:04,722 more and more into our operations . 250 00:09:04,809 --> 00:09:06,809 Operating in cyberspace today is an 251 00:09:06,809 --> 00:09:08,753 essential part of the department's 252 00:09:08,753 --> 00:09:10,920 ability to deter aggression and ensure 253 00:09:10,920 --> 00:09:13,142 our nation's security . Our adversaries 254 00:09:13,142 --> 00:09:15,142 continue to extend and evolve their 255 00:09:15,142 --> 00:09:17,365 cyber capabilities . They're exercising 256 00:09:17,365 --> 00:09:19,476 them in both competition and conflict 257 00:09:19,476 --> 00:09:21,642 to degrade our advantages and increase 258 00:09:21,642 --> 00:09:23,865 their own . The department is committed 259 00:09:23,865 --> 00:09:26,087 to strengthening both our defensive and 260 00:09:26,087 --> 00:09:28,087 offensive cyber capabilities and to 261 00:09:28,087 --> 00:09:29,698 maturing our cyber forces in 262 00:09:29,698 --> 00:09:31,753 partnership with this committee . So 263 00:09:31,753 --> 00:09:31,309 thank you for your tireless support of 264 00:09:31,320 --> 00:09:33,376 the department and I look forward to 265 00:09:33,376 --> 00:09:35,431 your questions . Thank you , General 266 00:09:35,431 --> 00:09:37,598 Noone is recognized for five minutes , 267 00:09:37,598 --> 00:09:39,820 Chairman Gallagher , ranking member and 268 00:09:39,820 --> 00:09:42,098 distinguished members of the committee . 269 00:09:42,098 --> 00:09:44,320 I'm honored to testify beside assistant 270 00:09:44,320 --> 00:09:46,487 secretary , Doctor John Plum . Joining 271 00:09:46,487 --> 00:09:48,764 me today is Commands Major Cheryl Lyon , 272 00:09:48,764 --> 00:09:50,876 the US . Cyber Command and NSA senior 273 00:09:50,876 --> 00:09:52,820 enlisted leader . We're honored to 274 00:09:52,820 --> 00:09:52,640 represent the military and civilian 275 00:09:52,650 --> 00:09:55,640 members of us . Cyber command in the 276 00:09:55,650 --> 00:09:57,770 contested cyberspace domain . US . 277 00:09:57,780 --> 00:09:59,724 Cyber Command acts against foreign 278 00:09:59,724 --> 00:10:01,780 adversaries that threaten our nation 279 00:10:01,780 --> 00:10:03,836 through malicious cyber activity and 280 00:10:03,836 --> 00:10:06,090 enables actions by our federal private 281 00:10:06,099 --> 00:10:08,919 and allied partners . Last fall . A 282 00:10:08,929 --> 00:10:11,150 combined us Cyber Command NSA Election 283 00:10:11,159 --> 00:10:13,103 Security Group countered malicious 284 00:10:13,103 --> 00:10:15,159 cyber actors and oversaw measures to 285 00:10:15,159 --> 00:10:17,048 enable the Department of Homeland 286 00:10:17,048 --> 00:10:18,881 Security and the FBI among other 287 00:10:18,881 --> 00:10:21,048 domestic partners to defend the recent 288 00:10:21,048 --> 00:10:23,719 midterm elections . The 2022 election 289 00:10:23,729 --> 00:10:25,630 cycle proceeded from primaries to 290 00:10:25,640 --> 00:10:27,599 certifications without significant 291 00:10:27,609 --> 00:10:31,000 impacts due in part to our effort going 292 00:10:31,010 --> 00:10:33,400 forward success for us . Cyber Command 293 00:10:33,460 --> 00:10:35,293 will be measured how effectively 294 00:10:35,293 --> 00:10:37,016 foreign adversarial actors are 295 00:10:37,016 --> 00:10:38,738 prevented from achieving their 296 00:10:38,738 --> 00:10:40,793 strategic objectives . Last year saw 297 00:10:40,793 --> 00:10:42,880 significant maturation for us Cyber 298 00:10:42,890 --> 00:10:44,909 command but our work is not done 299 00:10:45,580 --> 00:10:47,869 In 2023 . We must continue to focus on 300 00:10:47,880 --> 00:10:49,880 our people , our partners and our 301 00:10:49,890 --> 00:10:52,112 ability to deliver decisive advantage . 302 00:10:52,219 --> 00:10:54,441 We must improve readiness , bolster our 303 00:10:54,441 --> 00:10:56,386 reliance . I'm sorry , bolster our 304 00:10:56,386 --> 00:10:58,441 resilience and maintain a culture of 305 00:10:58,441 --> 00:11:00,275 continuous improvement . We will 306 00:11:00,275 --> 00:11:02,108 continue to deliver war fighting 307 00:11:02,108 --> 00:11:02,020 advantage for the joint force and 308 00:11:02,030 --> 00:11:04,030 allied partners through competition 309 00:11:04,030 --> 00:11:06,409 crisis and conflict . We are doing so 310 00:11:06,419 --> 00:11:08,640 by executing our unique authorities to 311 00:11:08,650 --> 00:11:10,594 build and sustain campaigns in and 312 00:11:10,594 --> 00:11:12,761 through cyberspace and the information 313 00:11:12,761 --> 00:11:14,872 environment . Through these efforts , 314 00:11:14,872 --> 00:11:16,817 we seek to counter adversaries and 315 00:11:16,817 --> 00:11:19,880 competition to deter conflict and to 316 00:11:19,890 --> 00:11:22,169 prevail against aggression , aligning 317 00:11:22,179 --> 00:11:24,346 efforts of both us . Cyber Command and 318 00:11:24,346 --> 00:11:26,346 NSA is essential to achieving these 319 00:11:26,346 --> 00:11:28,457 goals and is in the best interests of 320 00:11:28,457 --> 00:11:30,568 the nation and national security . It 321 00:11:30,568 --> 00:11:32,623 all starts with people , the men and 322 00:11:32,623 --> 00:11:34,735 women of us , Cyber Command , working 323 00:11:34,735 --> 00:11:36,957 with NSA and partners here and abroad . 324 00:11:36,957 --> 00:11:39,123 We win with people , the men and women 325 00:11:39,123 --> 00:11:38,960 of the United States . Cyber Command 326 00:11:38,969 --> 00:11:41,025 are grateful for the support of this 327 00:11:41,025 --> 00:11:43,247 committee and Congress has given to our 328 00:11:43,247 --> 00:11:45,358 command . I look forward to answering 329 00:11:45,358 --> 00:11:47,080 your questions that was a very 330 00:11:47,080 --> 00:11:50,590 efficient opening statement . Uh We 331 00:11:50,599 --> 00:11:53,049 will now move into the Q and a portion 332 00:11:53,250 --> 00:11:56,309 of the hearing . Uh , Doctor Plum last 333 00:11:56,320 --> 00:11:58,119 year's N D A A authorized a new 334 00:11:58,130 --> 00:12:00,074 Assistant Secretary of Defense for 335 00:12:00,074 --> 00:12:02,469 cyberspace policy . I'm , I'm confident 336 00:12:02,479 --> 00:12:04,859 that the Senate is , uh , ready to 337 00:12:04,869 --> 00:12:07,380 rapidly confirm a nominee . Um , have 338 00:12:07,390 --> 00:12:09,612 many conversations to that effect . Can 339 00:12:09,612 --> 00:12:11,779 you explain why we're not seeing one ? 340 00:12:12,989 --> 00:12:16,280 Uh Yes , sir . So , uh , the department 341 00:12:16,289 --> 00:12:18,919 is , uh , has taken the language from 342 00:12:18,929 --> 00:12:21,719 the 23 N D A A and we are trying to 343 00:12:21,729 --> 00:12:24,007 make sure that we create a S D . Cyber , 344 00:12:24,007 --> 00:12:26,440 uh , in a deliberate , uh manner that 345 00:12:26,450 --> 00:12:28,859 has the most positive effect . Uh So 346 00:12:28,869 --> 00:12:30,813 what we are doing is following the 347 00:12:30,813 --> 00:12:33,036 template that was used to create , uh , 348 00:12:33,036 --> 00:12:35,147 my current position A S D for Space , 349 00:12:35,147 --> 00:12:37,940 uh , which is putting a F F R DC , uh 350 00:12:37,950 --> 00:12:41,169 on contract to , uh , examine what's 351 00:12:41,179 --> 00:12:43,012 the proper structure . Are there 352 00:12:43,012 --> 00:12:45,235 different , different pieces required ? 353 00:12:45,235 --> 00:12:47,290 What things should be in this , uh , 354 00:12:47,290 --> 00:12:49,123 Cyber A S D ship and not , we're 355 00:12:49,123 --> 00:12:50,901 looking at , uh , components of 356 00:12:50,901 --> 00:12:52,846 electronic warfare , components of 357 00:12:52,846 --> 00:12:54,735 information warfare , what should 358 00:12:54,735 --> 00:12:57,068 belong , uh , that is on contract . Now , 359 00:12:57,068 --> 00:12:59,570 we expect , uh , that , that study 360 00:12:59,580 --> 00:13:02,669 should be done , uh around September . 361 00:13:02,799 --> 00:13:04,966 Uh , but we are moving forward on it . 362 00:13:04,966 --> 00:13:06,910 We just wanna do it right . So the 363 00:13:06,910 --> 00:13:09,077 earliest , uh , time in which we'd see 364 00:13:09,077 --> 00:13:11,243 a nominee would be after the report in 365 00:13:11,243 --> 00:13:15,039 September , I to be totally fair . That 366 00:13:15,049 --> 00:13:18,090 is uh , above my pay grade , but that's 367 00:13:18,099 --> 00:13:20,210 what I would anticipate . Yes , sir . 368 00:13:20,210 --> 00:13:23,789 Ok . Um , that's disappointing . Um , 369 00:13:24,750 --> 00:13:27,280 we sat down a few weeks ago and , uh , 370 00:13:27,289 --> 00:13:29,456 you talked about just the , the number 371 00:13:29,456 --> 00:13:31,511 of reports that are , are foisted on 372 00:13:31,511 --> 00:13:33,845 you by Congress . Um , on one level . I , 373 00:13:33,845 --> 00:13:35,900 I agree . I think we , we insert far 374 00:13:35,900 --> 00:13:38,067 too many , uh , reporting requirements 375 00:13:38,067 --> 00:13:41,150 into the N D A and , um , uh , and it 376 00:13:41,159 --> 00:13:43,215 just sort of grows and grows without 377 00:13:43,215 --> 00:13:45,159 sort of cleaning out the number of 378 00:13:45,159 --> 00:13:47,326 reports that don't actually get read . 379 00:13:47,326 --> 00:13:49,381 Um , on the other hand , we do it to 380 00:13:49,381 --> 00:13:51,437 draw attention to significant issues 381 00:13:51,437 --> 00:13:53,437 that we think are important without 382 00:13:53,437 --> 00:13:55,381 actually having to micromanage the 383 00:13:55,381 --> 00:13:57,859 department in with statutory language . 384 00:13:57,869 --> 00:14:01,760 Um And the best way to avoid reports 385 00:14:01,770 --> 00:14:03,469 is to provide us quick but 386 00:14:03,479 --> 00:14:05,700 comprehensive answers to the questions 387 00:14:05,710 --> 00:14:07,821 that we're asking the department . Do 388 00:14:07,821 --> 00:14:09,821 you happen to know how many reports 389 00:14:09,821 --> 00:14:11,766 that are related to cyber that the 390 00:14:11,766 --> 00:14:13,932 Department of Defense is delinquent on 391 00:14:13,932 --> 00:14:16,869 right now ? I don't have an exact 392 00:14:16,880 --> 00:14:19,102 number , I'd imagine . It's around 10 , 393 00:14:19,229 --> 00:14:22,229 it's 15 reports , 15 . So I , I just 394 00:14:22,239 --> 00:14:24,128 would submit , there's gotta be a 395 00:14:24,128 --> 00:14:26,295 better way we can get answers to these 396 00:14:26,295 --> 00:14:28,350 questions and I'm happy to work with 397 00:14:28,350 --> 00:14:30,406 you and your team uh to come up with 398 00:14:30,406 --> 00:14:32,461 that uh solution because the current 399 00:14:32,461 --> 00:14:34,572 posture in , in my , in my uh view is 400 00:14:34,572 --> 00:14:36,461 unacceptable . Um And speaking of 401 00:14:36,461 --> 00:14:38,572 reports , we , we uh you produced the 402 00:14:38,572 --> 00:14:40,979 2022 Cyber Posture review that was a 403 00:14:40,989 --> 00:14:43,156 congressionally mandated document to , 404 00:14:43,156 --> 00:14:45,211 to be produced every four years . Uh 405 00:14:45,211 --> 00:14:47,156 three years ago , we said that the 406 00:14:47,156 --> 00:14:49,322 Cyber Posture review needed to include 407 00:14:49,322 --> 00:14:51,433 an assessment quote and an assessment 408 00:14:51,433 --> 00:14:53,378 of the potential cost benefits and 409 00:14:53,378 --> 00:14:55,433 value of any of establishing a cyber 410 00:14:55,433 --> 00:14:57,656 force as a separate uniformed service . 411 00:14:57,656 --> 00:14:59,878 Yet , when we got the document , it did 412 00:14:59,878 --> 00:15:01,933 not include that assessment . Why is 413 00:15:01,933 --> 00:15:03,656 that ? Why did dod ignore that 414 00:15:03,656 --> 00:15:05,880 requirement from Congress ? Uh So first 415 00:15:05,890 --> 00:15:09,460 of all , no intentional uh uh 416 00:15:09,469 --> 00:15:11,559 ignoring of any provision of the law 417 00:15:11,570 --> 00:15:13,792 there at that oversight , I will uh dig 418 00:15:13,792 --> 00:15:16,014 into how that happened . But I will say 419 00:15:16,014 --> 00:15:18,070 this uh Congressman , we are working 420 00:15:18,070 --> 00:15:20,181 hard on answering that problem . It's 421 00:15:20,181 --> 00:15:22,403 been tested in the F Y 23 N D A as part 422 00:15:22,403 --> 00:15:24,237 of section 15 , 33 of the fourth 423 00:15:24,237 --> 00:15:26,348 generation study . I've been involved 424 00:15:26,348 --> 00:15:28,514 in conversations with your uh staff on 425 00:15:28,514 --> 00:15:31,210 making sure that that study uh what's 426 00:15:31,219 --> 00:15:33,219 going forward . I think it's a good 427 00:15:33,219 --> 00:15:35,441 study . I think it gives us enough time 428 00:15:35,441 --> 00:15:35,049 to look at . And I think it's really 429 00:15:35,059 --> 00:15:37,115 important and one of the things that 430 00:15:37,115 --> 00:15:39,059 requires us to explore among other 431 00:15:39,059 --> 00:15:41,003 options for fourth generation is a 432 00:15:41,003 --> 00:15:42,837 cyber service . Get that . And I 433 00:15:42,837 --> 00:15:45,059 understand that where you stand depends 434 00:15:45,059 --> 00:15:47,059 on where you sit , but it's not the 435 00:15:47,059 --> 00:15:49,281 prerogative of the department to decide 436 00:15:49,281 --> 00:15:48,820 which part of the congressional mandate 437 00:15:48,830 --> 00:15:51,052 you get to comply with or , hey , we'll 438 00:15:51,052 --> 00:15:52,941 answer it or we'll answer it in a 439 00:15:52,941 --> 00:15:55,108 different report at a different time . 440 00:15:55,108 --> 00:15:57,274 We wanted that assessment in the Cyber 441 00:15:57,274 --> 00:15:57,140 Posture review . So I would appreciate 442 00:15:57,150 --> 00:15:59,372 you getting back to my team on , on why 443 00:15:59,372 --> 00:16:01,539 that didn't happen . Uh Just so we can 444 00:16:01,539 --> 00:16:03,650 improve this process of reporting and 445 00:16:03,650 --> 00:16:05,872 answering uh going forward . How do you 446 00:16:05,872 --> 00:16:08,039 think about retention ? Um It's , it's 447 00:16:08,039 --> 00:16:10,206 my understanding that uh over the last 448 00:16:10,206 --> 00:16:12,150 year , the office of the principal 449 00:16:12,150 --> 00:16:14,206 Cyber advisor has had at least seven 450 00:16:14,206 --> 00:16:16,372 civilians depart . That's about 75% of 451 00:16:16,372 --> 00:16:18,594 the office's total civilian roster . Is 452 00:16:18,594 --> 00:16:18,349 that a concern of yours ? How do you 453 00:16:18,359 --> 00:16:20,929 think about improving retention ? It is 454 00:16:20,940 --> 00:16:23,570 a concern of mine . I think uh frankly , 455 00:16:23,580 --> 00:16:25,691 I think creation , the S D Cyber will 456 00:16:25,691 --> 00:16:28,830 help uh solve some of that uh problem . 457 00:16:28,840 --> 00:16:30,951 But I am digging into that in my role 458 00:16:30,951 --> 00:16:33,190 as PC A right now and it is a issue I 459 00:16:33,200 --> 00:16:36,520 am determined to get after . Ok . Ok . 460 00:16:36,530 --> 00:16:38,697 I look forward to following up on that 461 00:16:38,697 --> 00:16:40,863 and the other issues that I raised and 462 00:16:40,863 --> 00:16:43,030 I now recognize the ranking member for 463 00:16:43,030 --> 00:16:45,197 five minutes . You know , when I first 464 00:16:45,197 --> 00:16:47,252 got to Washington , they said no one 465 00:16:47,252 --> 00:16:49,419 reads . Uh in Washington more than one 466 00:16:49,419 --> 00:16:51,586 page , the chairman is an exception to 467 00:16:51,586 --> 00:16:53,697 that rule , but I uh I support uh the 468 00:16:53,697 --> 00:16:55,299 effort to have reports and 469 00:16:55,349 --> 00:16:57,349 responsiveness uh because I think 470 00:16:57,359 --> 00:17:00,140 that's the essence of uh democracy and 471 00:17:00,150 --> 00:17:02,372 oversight . So uh we'll look forward to 472 00:17:02,372 --> 00:17:04,550 working with you uh on that . Uh Mr 473 00:17:04,560 --> 00:17:07,030 Chairman , let me ask you doctor Plum 474 00:17:07,040 --> 00:17:10,170 uh given your testimony on the C C P S 475 00:17:10,420 --> 00:17:13,729 cyber threats . Uh How much of a threat 476 00:17:13,739 --> 00:17:16,899 do you think tiktok poses to the United 477 00:17:16,909 --> 00:17:18,631 States ? From a cyber security 478 00:17:18,631 --> 00:17:22,560 perspective ? Uh Ranking member , I 479 00:17:22,569 --> 00:17:24,736 would , I would say that when we think 480 00:17:24,736 --> 00:17:26,736 about Tik Tok as a potential threat 481 00:17:26,736 --> 00:17:28,770 factor , the uh things that come to 482 00:17:28,780 --> 00:17:31,729 mind are one the scale . I mean , just 483 00:17:31,739 --> 00:17:33,795 a tremendous number of people in the 484 00:17:33,795 --> 00:17:36,030 United States use Tik Tok . Uh and to 485 00:17:36,040 --> 00:17:38,619 the control that uh China may have to 486 00:17:38,630 --> 00:17:40,741 be able to direct information through 487 00:17:40,741 --> 00:17:42,797 it . So there's an in misinformation 488 00:17:42,797 --> 00:17:44,963 platform . Uh and then of course , the 489 00:17:44,963 --> 00:17:47,130 data that it can collect . So it's the 490 00:17:47,130 --> 00:17:46,969 scale of it . I think that is 491 00:17:46,979 --> 00:17:50,459 problematic really for us . And what do 492 00:17:50,469 --> 00:17:52,580 you think should be done about that ? 493 00:17:55,569 --> 00:17:58,060 Uh That's a great question . I know 494 00:17:58,069 --> 00:18:00,449 everyone is considering it . I think we 495 00:18:00,459 --> 00:18:02,348 need to be aware of these various 496 00:18:02,348 --> 00:18:04,859 threats uh and be able to quantify them 497 00:18:04,869 --> 00:18:07,202 and be able to take action against them . 498 00:18:07,202 --> 00:18:09,091 I know that's somewhat of a vague 499 00:18:09,091 --> 00:18:11,147 answer , sir , but I don't know if I 500 00:18:11,147 --> 00:18:13,480 have the exact answer for you right now . 501 00:18:13,480 --> 00:18:15,313 I might ask uh general if he has 502 00:18:15,313 --> 00:18:17,439 thoughts on that ranking member . 503 00:18:17,449 --> 00:18:19,770 Coming back to your question , if you 504 00:18:19,780 --> 00:18:21,558 consider one third of the adult 505 00:18:21,558 --> 00:18:23,558 population receives their news from 506 00:18:23,558 --> 00:18:25,780 this app . 1/6 of our Children are 507 00:18:25,790 --> 00:18:28,012 saying they're constantly on this app . 508 00:18:28,012 --> 00:18:29,846 If you consider that there's 150 509 00:18:29,846 --> 00:18:32,020 million people every single day that 510 00:18:32,099 --> 00:18:34,540 are obviously touching this app . This 511 00:18:34,550 --> 00:18:37,339 provides a foreign nation , a platform 512 00:18:37,349 --> 00:18:40,219 for information operations , a platform 513 00:18:40,229 --> 00:18:42,396 for surveillance and a concern we have 514 00:18:42,400 --> 00:18:44,678 with regards to who controls that data . 515 00:18:44,678 --> 00:18:47,660 The department has already as you know , 516 00:18:47,670 --> 00:18:50,400 banned the use of that application on 517 00:18:50,410 --> 00:18:52,243 our phones . I think the broader 518 00:18:52,243 --> 00:18:54,243 discussion obviously rests with the 519 00:18:54,243 --> 00:18:56,410 policy makers now , but certainly this 520 00:18:56,410 --> 00:18:58,466 is , this is a piece that our nation 521 00:18:58,466 --> 00:19:00,577 has to consider . There's going to be 522 00:19:00,577 --> 00:19:00,430 other applications like this . And 523 00:19:00,439 --> 00:19:02,550 we're going to have to have some type 524 00:19:02,550 --> 00:19:04,489 of policy that protects both our 525 00:19:04,500 --> 00:19:08,010 ability to obviously to see materials 526 00:19:08,020 --> 00:19:09,631 but also protects us from an 527 00:19:09,631 --> 00:19:11,459 adversary's ability to conduct 528 00:19:11,469 --> 00:19:13,691 surveillance and information operations 529 00:19:13,691 --> 00:19:15,747 against us . It would be fair to say 530 00:19:15,747 --> 00:19:17,747 you view that tiktok as a different 531 00:19:17,747 --> 00:19:19,580 order of threat than an American 532 00:19:19,580 --> 00:19:21,913 company on social media . I do . I mean , 533 00:19:21,913 --> 00:19:23,802 if you consider the fact that the 534 00:19:23,802 --> 00:19:25,969 difference between an American company 535 00:19:25,969 --> 00:19:28,025 and our government , there's a clear 536 00:19:28,025 --> 00:19:30,025 separation in terms of what goes on 537 00:19:30,025 --> 00:19:29,790 there . If you take a look at an 538 00:19:29,800 --> 00:19:31,689 application like this , that uh a 539 00:19:31,689 --> 00:19:33,744 nation has already said that they're 540 00:19:33,744 --> 00:19:35,856 going to be able to touch the data at 541 00:19:35,856 --> 00:19:38,189 any time . They want to touch this data . 542 00:19:38,189 --> 00:19:40,356 This concerns , this concerns me . I'm 543 00:19:40,356 --> 00:19:42,411 certainly concerns uh most people as 544 00:19:42,411 --> 00:19:44,689 they look at this . When we , we spoke , 545 00:19:44,689 --> 00:19:46,578 you had an interesting idea about 546 00:19:46,578 --> 00:19:48,680 scholarship specifically uh in stem 547 00:19:48,689 --> 00:19:51,849 fields or in fields that uh uh uh could 548 00:19:51,859 --> 00:19:54,790 be of use in A I and quantum computing 549 00:19:54,800 --> 00:19:57,349 for the services . Uh Could you speak 550 00:19:57,359 --> 00:19:59,770 to that and uh provide maybe some 551 00:19:59,780 --> 00:20:01,836 suggestions of what we could do as a 552 00:20:01,836 --> 00:20:03,947 committee on that . One of the things 553 00:20:03,947 --> 00:20:06,113 that uh this committee and the broader 554 00:20:06,113 --> 00:20:08,169 congress has done is create programs 555 00:20:08,169 --> 00:20:07,839 like scholarship for service that has 556 00:20:07,849 --> 00:20:09,530 been tremendously helpful for 557 00:20:09,540 --> 00:20:11,818 organizations like uh us cyber command , 558 00:20:11,818 --> 00:20:13,873 but broader organizations within our 559 00:20:13,873 --> 00:20:16,040 government , Artificial intelligence , 560 00:20:16,040 --> 00:20:17,984 machine learning , as many as many 561 00:20:17,984 --> 00:20:20,207 members have looked at and talked about 562 00:20:20,207 --> 00:20:22,318 is the future for our nation . It's a 563 00:20:22,318 --> 00:20:22,280 future for our economy . It's a future 564 00:20:22,290 --> 00:20:24,489 for our national defense . So any type 565 00:20:24,500 --> 00:20:26,500 of scholarship that would obviously 566 00:20:26,500 --> 00:20:29,010 focus young people on this growing 567 00:20:29,020 --> 00:20:31,187 importance of this field where they're 568 00:20:31,187 --> 00:20:33,353 able to study it and then perhaps give 569 00:20:33,353 --> 00:20:35,520 back to any part of the government , I 570 00:20:35,520 --> 00:20:35,459 think is something that's honorable . 571 00:20:35,680 --> 00:20:37,791 And I think that's something that our 572 00:20:37,791 --> 00:20:39,958 government and certainly organizations 573 00:20:39,958 --> 00:20:42,069 like us , Cyber Command could benefit 574 00:20:42,069 --> 00:20:44,013 from . Thank you , Doctor Pal . My 575 00:20:44,013 --> 00:20:45,958 final question is uh how would you 576 00:20:45,958 --> 00:20:48,180 assess both our offensive and defensive 577 00:20:48,180 --> 00:20:50,280 cyber capabilities uh compared to uh 578 00:20:50,290 --> 00:20:51,520 China or Russia ? 579 00:20:55,739 --> 00:20:59,339 I , I think we are uh uh a premier 580 00:20:59,349 --> 00:21:01,599 cyber power . I think that the United 581 00:21:01,609 --> 00:21:03,810 States is uh under general nasons 582 00:21:04,219 --> 00:21:06,430 leadership in particular uh is 583 00:21:06,439 --> 00:21:09,010 developing uh exquisite capabilities . 584 00:21:09,020 --> 00:21:11,540 And I think uh one of our goals looking 585 00:21:11,550 --> 00:21:13,717 forward is how do we make sure that we 586 00:21:13,717 --> 00:21:15,883 can as uh I think the chairman said in 587 00:21:15,883 --> 00:21:18,106 his opening remarks , work to integrate 588 00:21:18,106 --> 00:21:20,161 these with maneuver uh to be able to 589 00:21:20,161 --> 00:21:23,489 prevail and win the nation's wars back 590 00:21:23,530 --> 00:21:27,390 Mr Latrell . Thank you , Mr Chairman 591 00:21:27,400 --> 00:21:29,511 um general and doctor . Thank you for 592 00:21:29,511 --> 00:21:31,733 your service and your continued service 593 00:21:31,733 --> 00:21:31,719 doctor . I understand that you're a sub 594 00:21:31,770 --> 00:21:35,380 mariner . I was indeed sir . That's um 595 00:21:35,739 --> 00:21:37,961 you're a special breed of human being , 596 00:21:37,961 --> 00:21:40,239 sir . God God bless you for doing that . 597 00:21:40,239 --> 00:21:42,183 Um My first question goes to you , 598 00:21:42,183 --> 00:21:44,406 doctor , uh senior intelligence leaders 599 00:21:44,406 --> 00:21:44,140 from Cyber Command have been vocal 600 00:21:44,150 --> 00:21:46,094 recently about efforts and need to 601 00:21:46,094 --> 00:21:48,206 establish a foundational intelligence 602 00:21:48,206 --> 00:21:50,609 center for cyberspace . Uh no different 603 00:21:50,619 --> 00:21:52,730 from the National Intelligence Center 604 00:21:52,730 --> 00:21:54,563 for the Army and Office of Naval 605 00:21:54,563 --> 00:21:56,897 Intelligence for the Navy . And in fact , 606 00:21:56,897 --> 00:21:58,897 there's a foundational intelligence 607 00:21:58,897 --> 00:21:57,979 center for just about every war 608 00:21:57,989 --> 00:22:00,209 fighting domain . Can you , what 609 00:22:00,219 --> 00:22:02,386 actions have you taken in the Pentagon 610 00:22:02,386 --> 00:22:04,275 have specifically pushed for this 611 00:22:04,275 --> 00:22:06,390 center if any ? Thank , thank you for 612 00:22:06,400 --> 00:22:08,567 that question , Congressman . I , I do 613 00:22:08,567 --> 00:22:10,733 think that it will be important for us 614 00:22:10,733 --> 00:22:10,619 to make sure that we are able to 615 00:22:10,630 --> 00:22:12,852 provide our operators with the right uh 616 00:22:12,852 --> 00:22:15,060 foundational intelligence to conduct . 617 00:22:15,069 --> 00:22:17,180 I mean , General Axon obviously has a 618 00:22:17,180 --> 00:22:19,180 tremendous part of this . Uh We are 619 00:22:19,180 --> 00:22:21,291 struggling with this question both in 620 00:22:21,291 --> 00:22:23,458 the cyber security strategy , which is 621 00:22:23,458 --> 00:22:25,569 hopefully uh be published in the near 622 00:22:25,569 --> 00:22:27,458 future . Uh It's , it's not quite 623 00:22:27,458 --> 00:22:27,449 through the secretary yet , but it's on 624 00:22:27,459 --> 00:22:30,579 its way . Uh And then uh we are also 625 00:22:30,589 --> 00:22:32,700 looking at this from a , from A S N T 626 00:22:32,700 --> 00:22:34,811 standpoint as well . So we're kind of 627 00:22:34,811 --> 00:22:37,089 approaching from two pieces . We don't , 628 00:22:37,089 --> 00:22:36,609 we're not there yet . I think it's 629 00:22:36,619 --> 00:22:38,786 pretty clear that there is uh there is 630 00:22:38,786 --> 00:22:40,897 a signal that this is a thing we need 631 00:22:40,897 --> 00:22:43,063 to be working on Anderson . If there's 632 00:22:43,063 --> 00:22:45,175 a roadblock that we can assist with , 633 00:22:45,175 --> 00:22:44,140 it seems to make sense and be 634 00:22:44,150 --> 00:22:46,372 advantageous for something like this to 635 00:22:46,372 --> 00:22:48,483 be stood up . So please let us know . 636 00:22:48,483 --> 00:22:50,706 Yes , sir . Uh General , do you think T 637 00:22:50,706 --> 00:22:52,761 C two , the joint all Domain command 638 00:22:52,770 --> 00:22:55,260 and control two should be a part or 639 00:22:55,270 --> 00:22:57,849 under the purview of Cyber comm ? Well , 640 00:22:57,859 --> 00:22:59,970 certainly Congressman , this is under 641 00:22:59,970 --> 00:23:01,803 the purview of the Department of 642 00:23:01,803 --> 00:23:04,026 Defense right now where we add to it is 643 00:23:04,026 --> 00:23:06,137 obviously the cyber security piece of 644 00:23:06,137 --> 00:23:06,130 what gets done . This is a broader 645 00:23:06,239 --> 00:23:08,339 element of command and control and 646 00:23:08,349 --> 00:23:10,182 ability to fuse intelligence and 647 00:23:10,182 --> 00:23:12,460 operations that extends even beyond us . 648 00:23:12,460 --> 00:23:14,460 Cyber cramp , we have a significant 649 00:23:14,460 --> 00:23:16,682 role ensuring that what we develop as a 650 00:23:16,682 --> 00:23:18,682 department is secure and is able to 651 00:23:18,682 --> 00:23:20,627 function in the future , seem like 652 00:23:20,627 --> 00:23:22,793 there's redundancy . Does it seem like 653 00:23:22,793 --> 00:23:24,905 if it was to split or come together , 654 00:23:24,905 --> 00:23:27,219 would it be more effective and 655 00:23:27,229 --> 00:23:30,119 efficient in your opinion ? So as we 656 00:23:30,130 --> 00:23:32,297 move forward , I think as we move from 657 00:23:32,297 --> 00:23:34,241 design to actually the operational 658 00:23:34,241 --> 00:23:36,186 piece that I think the question is 659 00:23:36,186 --> 00:23:38,352 where does it reside ? Uh right now in 660 00:23:38,352 --> 00:23:40,519 the design phase , I think it's , it's 661 00:23:40,519 --> 00:23:40,050 appropriate within the Department of 662 00:23:40,060 --> 00:23:42,060 Defense and uh within the office of 663 00:23:42,060 --> 00:23:44,004 Secretary of Defense and certainly 664 00:23:44,004 --> 00:23:46,171 within the joint off as they move this 665 00:23:46,171 --> 00:23:47,949 forward . So migration would be 666 00:23:47,949 --> 00:23:50,004 beneficial in the future . It likely 667 00:23:50,004 --> 00:23:49,545 will . And I think we'll learn a lot as 668 00:23:49,555 --> 00:23:51,499 we start to implement this in , in 669 00:23:51,499 --> 00:23:53,611 different places like the Shriver War 670 00:23:53,611 --> 00:23:55,499 games and blue flag and , and the 671 00:23:55,499 --> 00:23:57,499 National Training Center . Uh , but 672 00:23:57,499 --> 00:23:59,611 we'll have a better feel for where it 673 00:23:59,611 --> 00:23:58,954 actually needs to reside in the future . 674 00:23:58,964 --> 00:24:02,119 I think congressman . Ok . Mm . 675 00:24:02,859 --> 00:24:05,369 Can you tell me how much China Russia 676 00:24:05,380 --> 00:24:07,547 North Korea Iran individually spend on 677 00:24:07,547 --> 00:24:10,380 cybersecurity , cyber infrastructure in 678 00:24:10,390 --> 00:24:13,109 this past year . I'd have to take that 679 00:24:13,119 --> 00:24:15,063 for the record congressman . But I 680 00:24:15,063 --> 00:24:17,175 would tell you that one of the things 681 00:24:17,175 --> 00:24:19,230 that we do see is a rise in both the 682 00:24:19,230 --> 00:24:21,008 scope and sophistication of our 683 00:24:21,008 --> 00:24:22,952 adversaries both in terms of their 684 00:24:22,952 --> 00:24:25,175 ability to conduct cyber intrusions and 685 00:24:25,175 --> 00:24:27,175 attacks and their ability to defend 686 00:24:27,175 --> 00:24:29,609 their data . It , it seems to me . Um 687 00:24:29,619 --> 00:24:31,786 And both of you can appreciate this as 688 00:24:31,786 --> 00:24:33,786 well as the other uniformed men and 689 00:24:33,786 --> 00:24:35,897 women in the room . And my colleagues 690 00:24:35,897 --> 00:24:38,119 on the on the panel with me is that the 691 00:24:38,119 --> 00:24:40,063 cyberspace is the next frontier of 692 00:24:40,063 --> 00:24:42,119 warfare . No more bombs , planes and 693 00:24:42,119 --> 00:24:44,063 guns . Uh The it'll be a push of a 694 00:24:44,063 --> 00:24:47,140 button . Um In my opinion is how we 695 00:24:47,150 --> 00:24:49,410 will be fighting these fronts . I think 696 00:24:49,420 --> 00:24:52,280 China is projected to spend 31 billion 697 00:24:52,640 --> 00:24:55,369 by 26 . And yet , I think what are we 698 00:24:55,380 --> 00:24:58,770 spending 13 ? And I think my , my 699 00:24:58,780 --> 00:25:01,369 statement for the record would be we 700 00:25:01,380 --> 00:25:05,219 need to be spending more on cyber risk , 701 00:25:05,229 --> 00:25:07,229 cyber threat , cyber control on our 702 00:25:07,229 --> 00:25:10,449 side . Given the advancements of the 703 00:25:10,459 --> 00:25:12,459 nefarious actors around the globe . 704 00:25:12,459 --> 00:25:14,570 Would you agree with that statement ? 705 00:25:14,570 --> 00:25:16,403 So congressman uh as a combatant 706 00:25:16,403 --> 00:25:18,348 commander , I would probably never 707 00:25:18,348 --> 00:25:20,403 disagree with uh more resources . Uh 708 00:25:20,403 --> 00:25:22,515 But what I would say is that um as we 709 00:25:22,515 --> 00:25:24,403 take a look at the future and you 710 00:25:24,403 --> 00:25:26,515 highlighted this , this is the future 711 00:25:26,515 --> 00:25:28,681 of where we need to be able to operate 712 00:25:28,681 --> 00:25:30,792 in all domains . We're seeing this in 713 00:25:30,792 --> 00:25:33,015 Russia , Ukraine right now . How do you 714 00:25:33,015 --> 00:25:35,237 combine what we do non kinetically with 715 00:25:35,237 --> 00:25:35,160 what goes on kinetically , there will 716 00:25:35,170 --> 00:25:37,339 always be a fight on the ground or the 717 00:25:37,349 --> 00:25:39,420 air or the sea , but there also is 718 00:25:39,430 --> 00:25:41,430 going to be a fight that's going to 719 00:25:41,430 --> 00:25:43,486 take place in cyberspace and space . 720 00:25:43,486 --> 00:25:45,486 And that's one of the things that I 721 00:25:45,486 --> 00:25:45,349 think Russia Ukraine has demonstrated 722 00:25:45,359 --> 00:25:47,650 to us , ok ? I I appreciate you saying 723 00:25:47,660 --> 00:25:49,660 that and I , and I hope you're well 724 00:25:49,660 --> 00:25:51,882 aware that if inevitably with something 725 00:25:51,882 --> 00:25:53,938 clacks off , it'll be you all , they 726 00:25:53,938 --> 00:25:56,216 most likely will be on the front lines . 727 00:25:56,216 --> 00:25:58,382 So again , thank you , sir , Mr Lolo , 728 00:25:59,079 --> 00:26:00,968 chairman . Uh Thanks so much , uh 729 00:26:00,968 --> 00:26:03,023 Gentlemen , thanks so much for being 730 00:26:03,023 --> 00:26:03,010 here and for your staff uh for 731 00:26:03,020 --> 00:26:05,242 participating today . Uh Gentlemen , as 732 00:26:05,242 --> 00:26:07,409 you both know , in 2018 the US . Cyber 733 00:26:07,409 --> 00:26:09,489 command was elevated to a unified 734 00:26:09,500 --> 00:26:11,250 combatant command having been 735 00:26:11,260 --> 00:26:13,482 previously operating under us Strategic 736 00:26:13,482 --> 00:26:16,459 Command since 2009 . Uh Cyber is a 737 00:26:16,469 --> 00:26:18,810 fairly recent complex and critical 738 00:26:18,819 --> 00:26:20,930 strength and vulnerability uh for the 739 00:26:20,930 --> 00:26:23,439 US and Space Force is also a very 740 00:26:23,449 --> 00:26:25,560 recent addition as well , having been 741 00:26:25,560 --> 00:26:27,449 established in 2019 . And while I 742 00:26:27,449 --> 00:26:29,171 understand the complexities of 743 00:26:29,171 --> 00:26:31,005 establishing and ironing out the 744 00:26:31,005 --> 00:26:32,949 nuances of these new commands . Uh 745 00:26:32,949 --> 00:26:35,060 Doctor Plum and prior statements made 746 00:26:35,060 --> 00:26:37,171 to our colleagues in the senate . You 747 00:26:37,171 --> 00:26:39,060 heard and personally spoke to the 748 00:26:39,060 --> 00:26:41,116 criticality of legislation for Space 749 00:26:41,116 --> 00:26:43,282 Force specifically , section 16 oh two 750 00:26:43,282 --> 00:26:45,199 of the fiscal year 20 22 National 751 00:26:45,209 --> 00:26:47,030 Defense Authorization Act which 752 00:26:47,040 --> 00:26:48,707 designates the Chief of Space 753 00:26:48,707 --> 00:26:51,310 Operations as the Quote force design 754 00:26:51,319 --> 00:26:53,650 architect and quote for space . Uh So 755 00:26:53,660 --> 00:26:55,882 my question , Doctor is , should such a 756 00:26:55,882 --> 00:26:57,549 designation be considered for 757 00:26:57,549 --> 00:26:59,780 cyberspace as a war fighting domain on 758 00:26:59,790 --> 00:27:03,770 par with space ? Uh Congressman 759 00:27:03,780 --> 00:27:05,947 to make sure I understand the question 760 00:27:05,947 --> 00:27:08,169 you're asking if we need a , uh , cyber 761 00:27:08,169 --> 00:27:12,119 warfare architect . I guess 762 00:27:12,130 --> 00:27:14,869 I'd have to think through what that 763 00:27:15,680 --> 00:27:19,670 would mean . Uh I feel like it would be 764 00:27:19,680 --> 00:27:21,680 General Nakai and his head is cyber 765 00:27:21,680 --> 00:27:25,189 command . Uh I , I guess I just , uh , 766 00:27:25,199 --> 00:27:27,310 that's a new question for me . I'd be 767 00:27:27,310 --> 00:27:29,310 happy to take that for , uh , for a 768 00:27:29,310 --> 00:27:29,229 look up . I'm not , I think the 769 00:27:29,239 --> 00:27:31,350 fundamental question would be , would 770 00:27:31,350 --> 00:27:33,517 it change anything or would we already 771 00:27:33,517 --> 00:27:35,739 be doing it ? And then we are we on the 772 00:27:35,739 --> 00:27:37,906 right track right now , I think we are 773 00:27:37,906 --> 00:27:40,128 on the right track . We're investing in 774 00:27:40,128 --> 00:27:40,010 our joint cyber warfare architecture uh 775 00:27:40,020 --> 00:27:42,242 in this budget and have continued to do 776 00:27:42,242 --> 00:27:44,409 so and making sure that's modernized . 777 00:27:44,409 --> 00:27:46,409 And I , I I feel like we are on the 778 00:27:46,409 --> 00:27:46,260 right track . The general may have some 779 00:27:46,270 --> 00:27:48,381 pieces to add , but I , I think we're 780 00:27:48,381 --> 00:27:50,548 going in the right direction . I'm not 781 00:27:50,548 --> 00:27:52,770 sure that that designation would change 782 00:27:52,770 --> 00:27:52,150 that at all . So Congressman , you had 783 00:27:52,160 --> 00:27:54,382 a very important day 2018 . We not only 784 00:27:54,382 --> 00:27:56,382 the fact that us , Cyber command is 785 00:27:56,382 --> 00:27:58,438 elevated a strategic or to combatant 786 00:27:58,438 --> 00:28:00,660 command , but the fact that authorities 787 00:28:00,660 --> 00:28:02,771 policies and capability come together 788 00:28:02,771 --> 00:28:04,716 in 18 , we demonstrate that in the 789 00:28:04,716 --> 00:28:06,827 defense of the 2018 midterm elections 790 00:28:06,827 --> 00:28:08,549 and then as you see everything 791 00:28:08,549 --> 00:28:10,493 afterwards , whether or not it was 792 00:28:10,493 --> 00:28:12,438 ransomware , whether or not it was 793 00:28:12,438 --> 00:28:14,438 actions against other adversaries , 794 00:28:14,438 --> 00:28:14,314 whether or not it's election security . 795 00:28:14,599 --> 00:28:16,655 This is the key starting point . And 796 00:28:16,660 --> 00:28:18,959 the one of the big things that we were , 797 00:28:18,969 --> 00:28:21,136 the beneficiaries was this committee's 798 00:28:21,136 --> 00:28:24,770 decision in the FY 2019 NDA 799 00:28:24,930 --> 00:28:26,986 to call Cyber a traditional military 800 00:28:26,986 --> 00:28:28,986 activity that allowed us to conduct 801 00:28:28,986 --> 00:28:31,097 operations like hunt for operations . 802 00:28:31,119 --> 00:28:33,230 This tremendously important . I think 803 00:28:33,230 --> 00:28:35,397 what you're also talking about is that 804 00:28:35,397 --> 00:28:37,508 the work isn't done . And so when you 805 00:28:37,508 --> 00:28:39,508 think about Cyber , we need to make 806 00:28:39,508 --> 00:28:41,675 sure that a simulation capability much 807 00:28:41,675 --> 00:28:43,508 in the same way we have in other 808 00:28:43,508 --> 00:28:45,786 domains is re resonant within cyber to , 809 00:28:45,786 --> 00:28:47,563 to include and to reinforce the 810 00:28:47,563 --> 00:28:49,786 advances we've already made . Thank you 811 00:28:49,786 --> 00:28:51,563 and , and , and following up on 812 00:28:51,563 --> 00:28:53,786 organizationally how we're proceeding . 813 00:28:53,786 --> 00:28:55,675 Uh Doctor Plum to you , the , the 814 00:28:55,675 --> 00:28:55,479 Assistant Secretary of Defense for 815 00:28:55,489 --> 00:28:57,569 Special Operations and low intensity 816 00:28:57,579 --> 00:28:59,969 conflict is responsible for information 817 00:28:59,979 --> 00:29:01,770 operations . But the Assistant 818 00:29:01,780 --> 00:29:03,969 Secretary of Defense for Space Policy 819 00:29:03,979 --> 00:29:05,650 is responsible for cyberspace 820 00:29:05,660 --> 00:29:07,716 operations . So my question is , can 821 00:29:07,716 --> 00:29:09,827 you explain the logic as to why these 822 00:29:09,827 --> 00:29:12,049 two separate chains are established for 823 00:29:12,049 --> 00:29:13,569 operations within the same 824 00:29:13,579 --> 00:29:15,135 informational environment ? 825 00:29:17,569 --> 00:29:19,680 Uh Yes , thanks , Congressman . First 826 00:29:19,680 --> 00:29:22,589 of all , uh military 827 00:29:22,599 --> 00:29:24,766 operations , uh the chain of command , 828 00:29:24,766 --> 00:29:26,959 of course is through uh or through the 829 00:29:26,969 --> 00:29:29,510 secretary uh the policy oversight piece . 830 00:29:29,520 --> 00:29:31,687 And then sometimes so for instance , A 831 00:29:31,687 --> 00:29:33,409 S D so has some secretary like 832 00:29:33,409 --> 00:29:35,020 authorities over SOCOM , but 833 00:29:35,020 --> 00:29:37,242 information operations are not just the 834 00:29:37,242 --> 00:29:39,409 purview of Cyber . Cyber is one vector 835 00:29:39,409 --> 00:29:41,298 for information operations . It's 836 00:29:41,298 --> 00:29:43,520 certainly not the whole piece . Uh So I 837 00:29:43,520 --> 00:29:45,576 actually think that the split does , 838 00:29:45,576 --> 00:29:47,798 does make sense when you take that into 839 00:29:47,798 --> 00:29:50,131 account . Thank you . I appreciate that . 840 00:29:50,131 --> 00:29:52,242 And uh my last question is for the uh 841 00:29:52,242 --> 00:29:54,464 for the general uh general . How do you 842 00:29:54,464 --> 00:29:56,687 envision the um cyber mission force and 843 00:29:56,687 --> 00:29:58,687 the Cyber operations force maturing 844 00:29:58,687 --> 00:30:00,298 over the next 3 to 5 years , 845 00:30:00,298 --> 00:30:02,464 Congressman . Uh We began with the 433 846 00:30:02,464 --> 00:30:04,709 teams . Uh The secretary in the summer 847 00:30:04,719 --> 00:30:08,109 of 2020 authorized 14 new teams to be 848 00:30:08,119 --> 00:30:10,569 uh to be built . Uh Congress has 849 00:30:10,579 --> 00:30:12,635 authorized the funding for that . So 850 00:30:12,635 --> 00:30:14,635 we're in the , the build of 14 more 851 00:30:14,635 --> 00:30:16,746 teams . So I , I think the first part 852 00:30:16,746 --> 00:30:18,912 of his greater capacity , uh we are on 853 00:30:18,912 --> 00:30:21,135 a road to have more teams to be able to 854 00:30:21,135 --> 00:30:22,968 do more missions . Secondly , is 855 00:30:22,968 --> 00:30:25,023 clearly uh being able to play to our 856 00:30:25,023 --> 00:30:26,968 strengths . What's our competitive 857 00:30:26,968 --> 00:30:26,609 advantage ? Our competitive advantage 858 00:30:26,619 --> 00:30:28,650 is information . So being able to 859 00:30:28,660 --> 00:30:30,680 further leverage artificial 860 00:30:30,689 --> 00:30:32,800 intelligence , machine learning . And 861 00:30:32,800 --> 00:30:35,022 the third piece is , it's all about our 862 00:30:35,022 --> 00:30:36,911 partnerships . This is what we've 863 00:30:36,911 --> 00:30:38,467 learned . It's not only the 864 00:30:38,467 --> 00:30:40,689 partnerships with the national security 865 00:30:40,689 --> 00:30:40,479 agency but broadly . How do we partner 866 00:30:40,489 --> 00:30:42,680 with the FBI and CIA ? How do we look 867 00:30:42,689 --> 00:30:44,964 at a of international partners that 868 00:30:44,974 --> 00:30:47,196 provide our nation greater capacity and 869 00:30:47,196 --> 00:30:49,363 most importantly , perhaps , how do we 870 00:30:49,363 --> 00:30:51,530 partner with the private sector ? This 871 00:30:51,530 --> 00:30:53,418 is what we've learned in Russia , 872 00:30:53,418 --> 00:30:55,585 Ukraine . The power of partnering with 873 00:30:55,585 --> 00:30:57,752 the private sector provides our nation 874 00:30:57,752 --> 00:30:57,474 a tremendous advantage that no other 875 00:30:57,484 --> 00:30:59,609 nation has . Thank you . And uh I'll 876 00:30:59,619 --> 00:31:01,730 just close by saying I joined with my 877 00:31:01,730 --> 00:31:03,897 colleague from Texas in uh the thought 878 00:31:03,897 --> 00:31:06,119 that you were on the front lines of our 879 00:31:06,119 --> 00:31:08,230 next biggest battle and we appreciate 880 00:31:08,230 --> 00:31:10,397 the work that you're doing . I yield , 881 00:31:10,397 --> 00:31:12,397 Mr Chairman , Doctor Marine Soldier 882 00:31:12,397 --> 00:31:16,160 mccormick . Thank you , Mr Chairman in 883 00:31:16,170 --> 00:31:18,819 medicine . We talk about a Keto as 884 00:31:18,829 --> 00:31:20,996 being a blind spot and business . When 885 00:31:20,996 --> 00:31:23,051 you talk about it could be something 886 00:31:23,051 --> 00:31:25,273 that you just get used to and , and you 887 00:31:25,273 --> 00:31:27,496 forget that it's there and only the new 888 00:31:27,496 --> 00:31:29,718 guy coming in can see it . Uh And , and 889 00:31:29,718 --> 00:31:31,885 when we talk about the military and it 890 00:31:31,885 --> 00:31:33,829 prepared preparedness . One of the 891 00:31:33,829 --> 00:31:35,607 things that concerns me is that 892 00:31:35,607 --> 00:31:37,607 especially in this arena because so 893 00:31:37,607 --> 00:31:39,718 quick moving and we're watching China 894 00:31:39,718 --> 00:31:41,829 in , in so many other ways , go after 895 00:31:41,829 --> 00:31:43,940 our resources , go after our critical 896 00:31:43,940 --> 00:31:46,489 alliances , um their outpace and , and 897 00:31:46,500 --> 00:31:49,050 port production and , and valuable 898 00:31:49,060 --> 00:31:51,227 resources , we're not gonna be able to 899 00:31:51,227 --> 00:31:53,393 get to pretty soon . What do you think 900 00:31:53,393 --> 00:31:55,560 that they're going to do to try to cut 901 00:31:55,560 --> 00:31:57,616 us off ? In other words , what would 902 00:31:57,616 --> 00:31:59,838 see , what should we be looking at as a 903 00:31:59,838 --> 00:32:02,599 blind spot in preparedness uh to , to 904 00:32:02,609 --> 00:32:04,939 outpace the Chinese and the Russians 905 00:32:04,949 --> 00:32:07,359 when it comes to preparing for the next 906 00:32:07,369 --> 00:32:08,560 battle in Cyber , 907 00:32:11,180 --> 00:32:13,369 I'll take that . So Congressman , I 908 00:32:13,380 --> 00:32:15,436 think it's all about information . I 909 00:32:15,436 --> 00:32:17,324 think this is , this is where our 910 00:32:17,324 --> 00:32:19,491 competitive advantage is today and our 911 00:32:19,491 --> 00:32:21,491 competitive advantage in the future 912 00:32:21,491 --> 00:32:21,199 needs to be information . How do we 913 00:32:21,209 --> 00:32:23,153 take the information from our most 914 00:32:23,153 --> 00:32:25,320 sensitive sources ? How do we take the 915 00:32:25,320 --> 00:32:25,079 information from the private sector ? 916 00:32:25,089 --> 00:32:26,978 How do we take information from a 917 00:32:26,978 --> 00:32:29,033 series of partners ? This is what we 918 00:32:29,033 --> 00:32:31,200 have done for many , many years . This 919 00:32:31,200 --> 00:32:33,367 is what we've demonstrated as a , as a 920 00:32:33,367 --> 00:32:35,533 kinetic force . This is the same power 921 00:32:35,533 --> 00:32:37,367 that we need to continue to demo 922 00:32:37,367 --> 00:32:39,422 demonstrate as a non kinetic force . 923 00:32:39,422 --> 00:32:41,533 When I think about China and Russia , 924 00:32:41,533 --> 00:32:43,756 you know , our ability to stay ahead of 925 00:32:43,756 --> 00:32:45,422 them in areas like artificial 926 00:32:45,422 --> 00:32:47,478 intelligence , machine learning in a 927 00:32:47,478 --> 00:32:49,589 series of partnerships and being able 928 00:32:49,589 --> 00:32:51,700 to leverage the private sector . This 929 00:32:51,700 --> 00:32:53,811 is what we must continue to do that . 930 00:32:53,811 --> 00:32:56,033 That's the blind spot we never can look 931 00:32:56,033 --> 00:32:58,145 away from . We have to make sure that 932 00:32:58,145 --> 00:33:00,367 we're watching this very carefully . So 933 00:33:00,367 --> 00:32:59,900 one of the things I noticed when we 934 00:32:59,910 --> 00:33:01,966 talk about investing in the future , 935 00:33:01,966 --> 00:33:03,966 and I was looking at colleges , for 936 00:33:03,966 --> 00:33:06,132 example , and how much money we as the 937 00:33:06,132 --> 00:33:08,354 government put in about half versus the 938 00:33:08,354 --> 00:33:07,689 civilian , which I , I really 939 00:33:07,699 --> 00:33:09,588 appreciate your , your comment on 940 00:33:09,588 --> 00:33:11,421 combining civilian with military 941 00:33:11,421 --> 00:33:13,643 resources to advance our technologies . 942 00:33:13,643 --> 00:33:15,810 Uh But one of the things that concerns 943 00:33:15,810 --> 00:33:18,032 me is we have a lot of foreign students 944 00:33:18,032 --> 00:33:20,255 over here that we're paying the bill on 945 00:33:20,255 --> 00:33:22,088 uh both through the civilian and 946 00:33:22,088 --> 00:33:24,143 government agencies to educate . And 947 00:33:24,143 --> 00:33:26,366 then some of them are returning back to 948 00:33:26,366 --> 00:33:26,239 China . Some of them are staying here 949 00:33:26,250 --> 00:33:28,750 from China in America . And we've had 950 00:33:28,760 --> 00:33:30,871 problems with this in the past as far 951 00:33:30,871 --> 00:33:32,593 as giving up our data to other 952 00:33:32,593 --> 00:33:34,816 countries , they're pilfering , they're 953 00:33:34,816 --> 00:33:36,927 putting a tremendous amount just like 954 00:33:36,927 --> 00:33:38,760 uh uh Congressman Latrell said , 955 00:33:38,760 --> 00:33:38,170 they're putting a tremendous amount of 956 00:33:38,180 --> 00:33:40,347 assets to develop their own . And then 957 00:33:40,347 --> 00:33:42,458 they're coming over here in , in my , 958 00:33:42,458 --> 00:33:44,513 in my opinion , they're stealing our 959 00:33:44,513 --> 00:33:44,189 information and sometimes we're just 960 00:33:44,199 --> 00:33:46,229 giving it to them uh in our highest 961 00:33:46,239 --> 00:33:48,406 educated universities . Uh I , I was a 962 00:33:48,406 --> 00:33:50,461 professor at Georgia Tech and we , I 963 00:33:50,461 --> 00:33:52,461 participated in an investigation in 964 00:33:52,461 --> 00:33:54,628 somebody who got put in jail over that 965 00:33:54,628 --> 00:33:56,683 same exact thing . How do we protect 966 00:33:56,683 --> 00:33:58,572 our information from , uh , being 967 00:33:58,572 --> 00:34:00,683 stolen when we , when we do education 968 00:34:00,683 --> 00:34:02,906 like that ? And I , I'll leave that for 969 00:34:02,906 --> 00:34:04,850 Doctor Bloom . Uh , well , sir , I 970 00:34:04,850 --> 00:34:07,530 guess I would say that one . I'm in 971 00:34:07,540 --> 00:34:09,651 certainly no position to come in on , 972 00:34:09,651 --> 00:34:11,818 uh , university hiring practices . But 973 00:34:11,818 --> 00:34:13,762 I will say that , uh , it comes to 974 00:34:13,762 --> 00:34:15,429 classified information or the 975 00:34:15,429 --> 00:34:17,540 information of our defense industrial 976 00:34:17,540 --> 00:34:16,979 base . We need to make sure we have 977 00:34:16,989 --> 00:34:19,449 proper vetting for anyone uh to make 978 00:34:19,459 --> 00:34:21,626 sure that they are not uh some type of 979 00:34:21,626 --> 00:34:23,848 a threat . And it doesn't really matter 980 00:34:23,848 --> 00:34:26,070 where they're from for that situation . 981 00:34:26,070 --> 00:34:25,469 It really depends on if we're doing a 982 00:34:25,479 --> 00:34:27,535 proper vetting . And then the second 983 00:34:27,535 --> 00:34:29,535 part would be to make sure that the 984 00:34:29,535 --> 00:34:31,590 information we are trying to protect 985 00:34:31,590 --> 00:34:33,812 that we're doing the most modern things 986 00:34:33,812 --> 00:34:35,979 to do . So moving towards zero trust , 987 00:34:35,979 --> 00:34:35,340 making sure we have two factor 988 00:34:35,350 --> 00:34:37,461 authentication or whatever the latest 989 00:34:37,461 --> 00:34:39,517 requirements are , but just a lot of 990 00:34:39,517 --> 00:34:41,699 cyber hygiene uh is democratized all 991 00:34:41,709 --> 00:34:43,876 the way down to the lowest level . And 992 00:34:43,876 --> 00:34:45,987 it's a hard problem . It's one of the 993 00:34:45,987 --> 00:34:45,469 things the government is trying to get 994 00:34:45,479 --> 00:34:47,649 after by sharing more information with 995 00:34:47,659 --> 00:34:49,479 uh private industry and with 996 00:34:49,489 --> 00:34:51,489 universities on how to protect this 997 00:34:51,489 --> 00:34:53,600 information to make sure these things 998 00:34:53,600 --> 00:34:55,545 don't happen at the scale you're , 999 00:34:55,545 --> 00:34:57,767 you're suggesting ? Ok , thanks . Uh My 1000 00:34:57,767 --> 00:34:59,989 final was just organizationally . I had 1001 00:34:59,989 --> 00:34:59,860 somebody stop by my office and talk 1002 00:34:59,870 --> 00:35:02,037 about a department and , and cyber and 1003 00:35:02,037 --> 00:35:04,370 I know this has been brought up already . 1004 00:35:04,370 --> 00:35:06,259 Uh , but do you think it would be 1005 00:35:06,259 --> 00:35:08,370 better if it had to be folded under a 1006 00:35:08,370 --> 00:35:08,110 department kind of like you have the 1007 00:35:08,129 --> 00:35:10,310 Department of Navy and Marine Corps ? 1008 00:35:10,590 --> 00:35:12,812 Uh , do you think it'd be better folded 1009 00:35:12,812 --> 00:35:15,689 under an army or , or under space 1010 00:35:15,699 --> 00:35:17,669 because , uh , just given its 1011 00:35:18,110 --> 00:35:20,332 intellectual capacity is application to 1012 00:35:20,332 --> 00:35:22,499 outer space . Now , would it be better 1013 00:35:22,499 --> 00:35:24,666 to be folded under or a separate stand 1014 00:35:24,666 --> 00:35:27,830 alone department ? Uh Congressman , I 1015 00:35:27,840 --> 00:35:30,062 think you're asking uh about whether we 1016 00:35:30,062 --> 00:35:32,173 should form a cyber service and if we 1017 00:35:32,173 --> 00:35:34,173 did where it would nest , I guess I 1018 00:35:34,173 --> 00:35:36,284 would say that . I think , you know , 1019 00:35:36,284 --> 00:35:38,284 first of all , we are taking a hard 1020 00:35:38,284 --> 00:35:38,070 look at whether she would form a cyber 1021 00:35:38,080 --> 00:35:39,802 service to provide the best uh 1022 00:35:39,802 --> 00:35:41,858 effective cyber operations . I think 1023 00:35:41,858 --> 00:35:43,858 our focus should be , how do we get 1024 00:35:43,858 --> 00:35:46,024 after the threat most effectively with 1025 00:35:46,024 --> 00:35:48,191 these taxpayer dollars and that threat 1026 00:35:48,191 --> 00:35:50,302 in particular is that of China ? So I 1027 00:35:50,302 --> 00:35:52,524 think that's really how we should focus 1028 00:35:52,524 --> 00:35:54,747 these uh our , our thoughts and our and 1029 00:35:54,747 --> 00:35:56,858 our and our approach . So stand alone 1030 00:35:56,858 --> 00:35:59,080 or , or fold under a certain department 1031 00:35:59,080 --> 00:36:01,191 that already exist . I would not want 1032 00:36:01,191 --> 00:36:01,070 to get ahead of any decision that 1033 00:36:01,080 --> 00:36:03,247 really rests with the secretary . Just 1034 00:36:03,247 --> 00:36:05,469 a recommendation . I was just curious . 1035 00:36:05,469 --> 00:36:07,691 Ok . Thank you for that yield gentleman 1036 00:36:07,691 --> 00:36:09,913 from Massachusetts , Mr Keating . Thank 1037 00:36:09,913 --> 00:36:12,136 you . Mr Chairman . Uh , thank you very 1038 00:36:12,136 --> 00:36:11,840 much for being here this morning . Uh 1039 00:36:11,860 --> 00:36:14,600 General NACA , uh , last year . Uh , 1040 00:36:14,620 --> 00:36:17,830 you briefed us about , uh , your hunt 1041 00:36:17,840 --> 00:36:20,300 forward efforts in Ukraine , uh in 1042 00:36:20,310 --> 00:36:22,421 advance of the Russian invasion . And 1043 00:36:22,421 --> 00:36:24,643 now looking back , uh , having a little 1044 00:36:24,643 --> 00:36:26,532 period of time to look back . How 1045 00:36:26,532 --> 00:36:28,643 successful do you think those efforts 1046 00:36:28,643 --> 00:36:30,588 have been to date ? And how do you 1047 00:36:30,588 --> 00:36:32,866 gauge the success in Russia countering , 1048 00:36:32,866 --> 00:36:35,143 uh , what you're doing in that respect ? 1049 00:36:35,143 --> 00:36:37,032 And is there anything at all that 1050 00:36:37,032 --> 00:36:38,754 surprised you ? Uh , with this 1051 00:36:38,754 --> 00:36:41,139 experience , Congressman , if I might 1052 00:36:41,149 --> 00:36:42,982 just take a step back , hunt for 1053 00:36:42,982 --> 00:36:45,300 operations began in 2018 as we started 1054 00:36:45,310 --> 00:36:47,310 to think about how do we secure our 1055 00:36:47,310 --> 00:36:49,310 nation's elections ? And one of the 1056 00:36:49,310 --> 00:36:51,739 bright ideas from a young captain said , 1057 00:36:51,750 --> 00:36:53,917 hey , why don't we send a team of 8 to 1058 00:36:53,917 --> 00:36:56,139 10 military members to a country at 1059 00:36:56,149 --> 00:36:58,316 their request , hunt on their networks 1060 00:36:58,316 --> 00:36:59,927 with them and share all that 1061 00:36:59,927 --> 00:37:02,149 information , not only with the country 1062 00:37:02,149 --> 00:37:04,371 but broadly with industry . So industry 1063 00:37:04,371 --> 00:37:06,538 can see what's going on . Well , since 1064 00:37:06,538 --> 00:37:08,371 that time , we have conducted 47 1065 00:37:08,371 --> 00:37:10,093 missions in 22 countries on 70 1066 00:37:10,093 --> 00:37:12,093 different networks . Four of them , 1067 00:37:12,093 --> 00:37:14,093 four of them have been in Ukraine , 1068 00:37:14,093 --> 00:37:16,250 those four operations to include the 1069 00:37:16,260 --> 00:37:18,929 operation that took place 70 days prior 1070 00:37:18,939 --> 00:37:20,661 to the invasion , I think were 1071 00:37:20,661 --> 00:37:22,770 extremely successful . Not only were 1072 00:37:22,780 --> 00:37:24,947 able to identify the trade craft , not 1073 00:37:24,947 --> 00:37:27,058 only we were able to identify some of 1074 00:37:27,058 --> 00:37:28,947 the malware , but we were able to 1075 00:37:28,947 --> 00:37:31,449 reassure a partner that we were going 1076 00:37:31,459 --> 00:37:33,570 to provide support . And I think that 1077 00:37:33,570 --> 00:37:35,570 amongst all of the different things 1078 00:37:35,570 --> 00:37:37,348 that has occurred in incredibly 1079 00:37:37,348 --> 00:37:39,181 important , nothing did anything 1080 00:37:39,181 --> 00:37:41,292 surprise you would jump out at you in 1081 00:37:41,292 --> 00:37:43,403 that experience . So , uh I would say 1082 00:37:43,403 --> 00:37:45,348 just in general , surprises , uh , 1083 00:37:45,348 --> 00:37:47,515 surprises with regards to our hunt for 1084 00:37:47,515 --> 00:37:49,626 operations is just how impactful they 1085 00:37:49,626 --> 00:37:51,681 have become and how popular they are 1086 00:37:51,681 --> 00:37:53,737 with a series of different nations , 1087 00:37:53,737 --> 00:37:55,737 every country that that I meet with 1088 00:37:55,737 --> 00:37:57,626 says , hey , can we do a hunt for 1089 00:37:57,626 --> 00:37:59,903 operation with you ? And so I think to , 1090 00:37:59,903 --> 00:37:59,635 to the congressman's point about the 1091 00:37:59,645 --> 00:38:01,756 future structure and what does the US 1092 00:38:01,756 --> 00:38:04,089 cyber look like uh in the years to come ? 1093 00:38:04,089 --> 00:38:06,145 I think there is going to be a large 1094 00:38:06,145 --> 00:38:06,129 component that's going to be doing , 1095 00:38:06,139 --> 00:38:08,306 doing these type of operation . Yeah , 1096 00:38:08,306 --> 00:38:10,528 I I've been very impressed just from my 1097 00:38:10,528 --> 00:38:12,639 vantage point because that was one of 1098 00:38:12,639 --> 00:38:14,750 our greatest concerns entering this . 1099 00:38:14,750 --> 00:38:16,972 Uh just what you know , Russia might do 1100 00:38:16,972 --> 00:38:19,139 and what efforts would be available to 1101 00:38:19,139 --> 00:38:21,139 Ukraine to counter it . And I think 1102 00:38:21,139 --> 00:38:23,361 that work uh that you described is , is 1103 00:38:23,361 --> 00:38:25,195 critical and will continue to be 1104 00:38:25,195 --> 00:38:27,417 critical in that regard . Congressman . 1105 00:38:27,417 --> 00:38:29,528 Can I , can I just add one comment to 1106 00:38:29,528 --> 00:38:29,280 that ? You asked me about surprises ? 1107 00:38:29,290 --> 00:38:31,512 Uh And I think I , I'm not sure if this 1108 00:38:31,512 --> 00:38:33,679 fits in that category , but one of the 1109 00:38:33,679 --> 00:38:35,901 things that's communicated to me by the 1110 00:38:35,901 --> 00:38:37,901 young men and women that lead these 1111 00:38:37,901 --> 00:38:40,012 teams to include the marine major who 1112 00:38:40,012 --> 00:38:42,123 uh led the team into Kiev is the fact 1113 00:38:42,123 --> 00:38:44,346 that she told me that when I got on the 1114 00:38:44,346 --> 00:38:46,457 ground , I was meeting with three and 1115 00:38:46,457 --> 00:38:45,959 four star generals , sometimes the 1116 00:38:45,969 --> 00:38:48,300 Minister of Defense , sometimes , uh 1117 00:38:48,310 --> 00:38:50,421 you know , significant players in the 1118 00:38:50,421 --> 00:38:52,421 uh in the government that were well 1119 00:38:52,421 --> 00:38:54,421 above my pay grade . And uh it just 1120 00:38:54,421 --> 00:38:56,088 goes to speak to the , to the 1121 00:38:56,088 --> 00:38:58,254 leadership and the capabilities of the 1122 00:38:58,254 --> 00:39:00,421 people that lead these teams and how , 1123 00:39:00,421 --> 00:39:02,310 how they really first foresaw the 1124 00:39:02,310 --> 00:39:02,090 difficulty that Russia could have 1125 00:39:02,100 --> 00:39:04,211 imposed there . Uh I'm just following 1126 00:39:04,211 --> 00:39:06,378 up on an earlier theme that I've had . 1127 00:39:06,378 --> 00:39:09,179 Um uh Doctor Craig Martel , who's the 1128 00:39:09,189 --> 00:39:11,245 dod s first chief , Digital Art , uh 1129 00:39:11,245 --> 00:39:13,370 Artificial Intelligence Officer , uh 1130 00:39:13,379 --> 00:39:16,139 briefed us uh earlier this year uh 1131 00:39:16,169 --> 00:39:19,469 about workforce issues . Uh and how 1132 00:39:19,479 --> 00:39:21,646 we're currently leveraging or planning 1133 00:39:21,646 --> 00:39:23,535 to leverage aspects of artificial 1134 00:39:23,535 --> 00:39:25,590 intelligence as a core competency of 1135 00:39:25,590 --> 00:39:27,646 the cyber mission force to help them 1136 00:39:27,646 --> 00:39:29,757 execute their offensive and defensive 1137 00:39:29,757 --> 00:39:31,923 missions . Uh You know , if you aren't 1138 00:39:31,923 --> 00:39:34,035 already , how are you integrating A I 1139 00:39:34,035 --> 00:39:35,812 and , and this kind of training 1140 00:39:35,812 --> 00:39:38,110 pipeline into the cyber force ? Is it , 1141 00:39:38,120 --> 00:39:40,342 are you engaging because some of the uh 1142 00:39:40,399 --> 00:39:42,621 existing relationships and partnerships 1143 00:39:42,621 --> 00:39:44,621 have have in the private side , has 1144 00:39:44,621 --> 00:39:46,955 that been something that's been helpful , 1145 00:39:46,955 --> 00:39:49,177 Congressman ? Let me , let me uh tackle 1146 00:39:49,177 --> 00:39:48,810 that in a , a couple of different ways . 1147 00:39:48,820 --> 00:39:50,780 First of all that , uh to better 1148 00:39:50,790 --> 00:39:52,846 understand where the talent exists , 1149 00:39:52,846 --> 00:39:55,068 you have to go to where the talent is , 1150 00:39:55,068 --> 00:39:57,068 you know , is , is , you know , oc- 1151 00:39:57,068 --> 00:39:59,290 occupying space right now and that's in 1152 00:39:59,290 --> 00:40:01,457 our academic institution . So us Cyber 1153 00:40:01,457 --> 00:40:03,401 command a little over a year ago , 1154 00:40:03,401 --> 00:40:05,512 started the academic network to reach 1155 00:40:05,512 --> 00:40:07,068 out to a series of 100 plus 1156 00:40:07,068 --> 00:40:09,179 universities within the United States 1157 00:40:09,179 --> 00:40:11,346 to talk about what we do and encourage 1158 00:40:11,346 --> 00:40:13,568 people to consider government service . 1159 00:40:13,568 --> 00:40:15,846 The second piece is we've taken a very , 1160 00:40:15,846 --> 00:40:15,149 very hard look at artificial 1161 00:40:15,159 --> 00:40:17,310 intelligence and machine learning to 1162 00:40:17,320 --> 00:40:19,542 look at the , you know , the defense of 1163 00:40:19,542 --> 00:40:21,431 the dod information network every 1164 00:40:21,431 --> 00:40:23,431 single day as Mr Martel noted out , 1165 00:40:23,431 --> 00:40:25,487 talked about was the fact that , you 1166 00:40:25,487 --> 00:40:27,542 know , we have to have an ability to 1167 00:40:27,542 --> 00:40:29,709 defend our networks , our data and our 1168 00:40:29,709 --> 00:40:31,820 weapon systems . A I and M L is doing 1169 00:40:31,820 --> 00:40:34,042 that in some part today . And the third 1170 00:40:34,042 --> 00:40:36,209 part is that uh we need a broader base 1171 00:40:36,209 --> 00:40:38,209 of this expertise to the Chairman's 1172 00:40:38,209 --> 00:40:40,459 point . Uh A number of different uh um 1173 00:40:40,469 --> 00:40:42,639 measures have been passed in the N D A 1174 00:40:42,649 --> 00:40:44,705 s for this command . One of the ones 1175 00:40:44,705 --> 00:40:46,593 that uh that has been very , very 1176 00:40:46,593 --> 00:40:48,816 helpful is cyber accepted service which 1177 00:40:48,816 --> 00:40:51,840 is 97% now of our civilian population 1178 00:40:52,040 --> 00:40:54,649 uh are utilizing , it provides us extra 1179 00:40:54,659 --> 00:40:57,239 uh pays and uh and uh abilities to 1180 00:40:57,250 --> 00:40:59,417 attract top talent . And the other one 1181 00:40:59,417 --> 00:41:01,306 that we're looking at very , very 1182 00:41:01,306 --> 00:41:03,472 carefully was passed in the 21 N D A A 1183 00:41:03,472 --> 00:41:05,694 which is section 17 oh eight to look at 1184 00:41:05,694 --> 00:41:07,750 a series of very high tech personnel 1185 00:41:07,750 --> 00:41:09,972 that can come into our command . We are 1186 00:41:09,972 --> 00:41:12,083 now targeting four that we anticipate 1187 00:41:12,083 --> 00:41:11,600 to hire off that those are with 1188 00:41:11,610 --> 00:41:13,832 increased pays that allow us to , to go 1189 00:41:13,832 --> 00:41:15,888 after the talent that's necessary to 1190 00:41:15,888 --> 00:41:17,832 bring that to our command . Well , 1191 00:41:17,832 --> 00:41:17,689 thank you . And , uh , uh , in my own 1192 00:41:17,699 --> 00:41:20,090 district , uh , with the Navy , uh , an 1193 00:41:20,100 --> 00:41:22,044 undersea warfare institute and the 1194 00:41:22,044 --> 00:41:24,267 University of Massachusetts , they have 1195 00:41:24,267 --> 00:41:26,322 models and curriculum that are right 1196 00:41:26,322 --> 00:41:28,489 there . So , uh , I'd like to see that 1197 00:41:28,489 --> 00:41:30,544 continue . I yield back the pride of 1198 00:41:30,544 --> 00:41:32,544 Texas path , Allen . I think it was 1199 00:41:32,544 --> 00:41:32,350 German Mr Plum , which branch of the 1200 00:41:32,360 --> 00:41:34,249 military is in charge of maritime 1201 00:41:34,249 --> 00:41:37,469 domain , uh , the United States Navy . 1202 00:41:37,689 --> 00:41:41,419 Ok . How about land ? Your army Air 1203 00:41:41,850 --> 00:41:45,169 Air Force , Cyber . Uh 1204 00:41:47,800 --> 00:41:49,689 I mean , that's , that's what I'm 1205 00:41:49,689 --> 00:41:51,744 talking about . We're here today and 1206 00:41:51,744 --> 00:41:53,744 we're talking about Cyber being the 1207 00:41:53,744 --> 00:41:55,911 fastest growing domain and , and , and 1208 00:41:55,911 --> 00:41:58,022 it's , uh , it bothers me that , uh , 1209 00:41:58,022 --> 00:42:00,244 not only do we not know who's in charge 1210 00:42:00,244 --> 00:42:02,467 it seems . But , uh , I don't , I don't 1211 00:42:02,467 --> 00:42:04,669 know , we , we need a leader uh for 1212 00:42:04,679 --> 00:42:06,790 this because as we just said , we , I 1213 00:42:06,790 --> 00:42:08,846 heard my colleague say next frontier 1214 00:42:08,846 --> 00:42:11,012 and it's gonna be the front lines of , 1215 00:42:11,012 --> 00:42:13,012 of the next conflict . And when you 1216 00:42:13,012 --> 00:42:15,250 think about the , how inexpensive it is 1217 00:42:15,540 --> 00:42:17,596 relative to the potential impact and 1218 00:42:17,596 --> 00:42:20,370 damage that Cyber can do today , it , 1219 00:42:20,379 --> 00:42:22,800 it kind of harkens for me . Billy 1220 00:42:22,810 --> 00:42:25,110 Mitchell comes to mind uh General Billy 1221 00:42:25,120 --> 00:42:27,790 Mitchell who rang the alarm in the 19 1222 00:42:27,800 --> 00:42:30,469 twenties about the importance of air 1223 00:42:31,110 --> 00:42:33,110 and got court martialed for it . Uh 1224 00:42:33,110 --> 00:42:35,399 because he saw the future . We can't 1225 00:42:35,409 --> 00:42:37,465 fight the war today . We gotta fight 1226 00:42:37,465 --> 00:42:39,687 the war tomorrow and prepare for that . 1227 00:42:39,687 --> 00:42:41,853 And it seems to me , you know , when I 1228 00:42:41,853 --> 00:42:44,076 look at cyber comms mission statement , 1229 00:42:44,076 --> 00:42:46,187 it includes one defend the Department 1230 00:42:46,187 --> 00:42:48,419 of Defense Information Network , two , 1231 00:42:48,600 --> 00:42:50,544 strengthen the nation's ability to 1232 00:42:50,544 --> 00:42:52,822 withstand and respond to cyber attacks . 1233 00:42:52,822 --> 00:42:54,878 And then three conduct full spectrum 1234 00:42:54,878 --> 00:42:58,100 cyber operations to assist combat 1235 00:42:58,110 --> 00:43:00,580 commanders and the joint force . And 1236 00:43:00,590 --> 00:43:02,534 that reads well on paper . But the 1237 00:43:02,534 --> 00:43:04,646 third one is the one that concerns me 1238 00:43:04,646 --> 00:43:04,610 because , you know , the navy is gonna 1239 00:43:04,620 --> 00:43:07,379 be concerned about uh the sea with a 1240 00:43:07,389 --> 00:43:09,500 side of Cyber and the Air force , you 1241 00:43:09,500 --> 00:43:11,667 know , air with a side of Cyber army , 1242 00:43:11,667 --> 00:43:13,833 land side of Cyber . Uh And you know , 1243 00:43:13,833 --> 00:43:16,810 I I would really , I strongly feel that 1244 00:43:16,820 --> 00:43:19,770 we should be creating 1/7 branch and 1245 00:43:19,780 --> 00:43:23,020 making Cyber uh Cyber service and 1246 00:43:23,030 --> 00:43:25,197 general , I know that you don't talk , 1247 00:43:25,197 --> 00:43:27,363 uh particularly policy is , you know , 1248 00:43:27,469 --> 00:43:29,191 our job and here's just one to 1249 00:43:29,191 --> 00:43:32,729 implement it . But uh would you accept 1250 00:43:32,739 --> 00:43:34,729 command of a Cyber servicer ? 1251 00:43:36,570 --> 00:43:39,179 So congressman , uh I I would offer 1252 00:43:39,189 --> 00:43:41,300 that , you know , that is obviously , 1253 00:43:41,300 --> 00:43:43,522 as you said , a policy decision . But , 1254 00:43:43,522 --> 00:43:45,745 but let me just uh provide a thought on 1255 00:43:45,745 --> 00:43:47,911 this in terms of how we , how we model 1256 00:43:47,911 --> 00:43:50,245 ourselves . And uh I think as you asked , 1257 00:43:50,245 --> 00:43:52,467 a number of different uh who is , who's 1258 00:43:52,467 --> 00:43:54,356 in charge of special operations . 1259 00:43:54,356 --> 00:43:56,540 Special operations is not in , not run 1260 00:43:56,550 --> 00:43:58,899 by any specific service yet . It is the 1261 00:43:58,909 --> 00:44:01,199 lead service and capability that our 1262 00:44:01,209 --> 00:44:03,042 nation has . That's what we have 1263 00:44:03,042 --> 00:44:05,376 modeled ourselves at us . Cyber command . 1264 00:44:05,376 --> 00:44:07,560 This idea of having special and unique 1265 00:44:07,570 --> 00:44:09,626 authorities that we're able to train 1266 00:44:09,626 --> 00:44:11,919 and man and equip our force and agility 1267 00:44:11,929 --> 00:44:13,979 to maneuver . Uh And I think that 1268 00:44:13,989 --> 00:44:16,679 that's uh from my perspective of having 1269 00:44:16,689 --> 00:44:18,578 uh commanded now for five years , 1270 00:44:18,578 --> 00:44:20,578 that's a really good uh place where 1271 00:44:20,578 --> 00:44:22,800 we're emulating towards and making sure 1272 00:44:22,800 --> 00:44:24,911 that our focus is on doing operations 1273 00:44:24,911 --> 00:44:27,078 against our adversaries and continuing 1274 00:44:27,078 --> 00:44:29,133 to build our capability . Well , you 1275 00:44:29,133 --> 00:44:31,300 know , general , you seen earlier that 1276 00:44:31,300 --> 00:44:33,522 there are always going to be a land and 1277 00:44:33,522 --> 00:44:35,578 there's air and then space and , you 1278 00:44:35,578 --> 00:44:37,467 know , we made a space service uh 1279 00:44:37,467 --> 00:44:39,522 because it's ever changing and , and 1280 00:44:39,522 --> 00:44:41,689 evolving . And I was , I'm glad we did 1281 00:44:41,689 --> 00:44:41,600 because of that importance , but I , I 1282 00:44:41,610 --> 00:44:43,499 really would argue that we should 1283 00:44:43,499 --> 00:44:45,388 consider , strongly consider , we 1284 00:44:45,388 --> 00:44:47,388 didn't get a report for it . Uh But 1285 00:44:47,388 --> 00:44:49,332 strongly consider cyber is its own 1286 00:44:49,332 --> 00:44:52,189 service and we have 800 over $800 1287 00:44:52,199 --> 00:44:55,229 billion budget and 13.5 billion is 1288 00:44:55,239 --> 00:44:58,310 going to cyber less than 2% . So it's 1289 00:44:58,320 --> 00:45:00,560 one thing that I , I really want to 1290 00:45:00,570 --> 00:45:02,792 ring the alarm bells and I think that's 1291 00:45:02,792 --> 00:45:04,903 something that we should be seriously 1292 00:45:04,903 --> 00:45:07,181 considering . Thank you , Mr Jerry Kim . 1293 00:45:07,181 --> 00:45:10,310 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Um Thank you 1294 00:45:10,320 --> 00:45:12,320 to the two of you for coming on out 1295 00:45:12,320 --> 00:45:14,542 here and , and talking to us about this 1296 00:45:14,542 --> 00:45:16,876 uh general , I wanted to start with you . 1297 00:45:16,876 --> 00:45:18,876 Um over the last couple of months , 1298 00:45:18,876 --> 00:45:20,653 I've been engaged with a lot of 1299 00:45:20,653 --> 00:45:22,653 ambassadors and other interlocutors 1300 00:45:22,653 --> 00:45:24,653 from partner nations of ours in the 1301 00:45:24,653 --> 00:45:26,764 Indo Pacific . Talking about what are 1302 00:45:26,764 --> 00:45:28,931 some areas of cooperation we can focus 1303 00:45:28,931 --> 00:45:31,110 on ? I think coalition building is so 1304 00:45:31,120 --> 00:45:32,898 critical , especially given the 1305 00:45:32,898 --> 00:45:34,842 challenges we face there . And one 1306 00:45:34,842 --> 00:45:36,842 thing that keeps coming up over and 1307 00:45:36,842 --> 00:45:39,300 over and over again is their concerns 1308 00:45:39,310 --> 00:45:41,477 about their capabilities when it comes 1309 00:45:41,477 --> 00:45:43,643 cyber security and whether or not that 1310 00:45:43,643 --> 00:45:45,754 is at the level that is needed . This 1311 00:45:45,754 --> 00:45:47,977 is something that I feel like would not 1312 00:45:47,977 --> 00:45:49,810 only help them in terms of their 1313 00:45:49,810 --> 00:45:51,840 capabilities and their ability to 1314 00:45:51,850 --> 00:45:53,961 prevent vulnerabilities , but also in 1315 00:45:53,969 --> 00:45:56,136 terms of our ability to work with them 1316 00:45:56,136 --> 00:45:58,358 and engage whether that's intel sharing 1317 00:45:58,358 --> 00:46:00,691 or other capacities there . But you see , 1318 00:46:00,691 --> 00:46:02,858 you know , major partners of ours like 1319 00:46:02,858 --> 00:46:04,858 Japan having significant challenges 1320 00:46:04,858 --> 00:46:06,969 across their society when it comes to 1321 00:46:06,969 --> 00:46:09,080 this , a lot of the ASEAN nations and 1322 00:46:09,080 --> 00:46:11,247 others . So I I guess I just wanted to 1323 00:46:11,247 --> 00:46:14,070 ask you if you would support or if you 1324 00:46:14,080 --> 00:46:16,280 think it would be a good thing for us 1325 00:46:16,290 --> 00:46:19,270 to do to , to try to increase our 1326 00:46:19,280 --> 00:46:21,739 engagement , our efforts to be able to 1327 00:46:21,750 --> 00:46:24,129 lift up their baseline of cyber 1328 00:46:24,139 --> 00:46:26,750 security capabilities in the in the 1329 00:46:26,760 --> 00:46:28,871 Indo Pacific . Is that something that 1330 00:46:28,871 --> 00:46:30,816 you think would be valuable here ? 1331 00:46:30,816 --> 00:46:32,927 Congressman ? I certainly do think it 1332 00:46:32,927 --> 00:46:35,149 would be a value . And we're doing that 1333 00:46:35,149 --> 00:46:37,371 right now . I just returned from , uh , 1334 00:46:37,371 --> 00:46:39,427 an 11 day tour of uh many nations to 1335 00:46:39,427 --> 00:46:41,649 include several of them in the , in the 1336 00:46:41,649 --> 00:46:43,927 Indo Pacific region . And you're right , 1337 00:46:43,927 --> 00:46:43,709 the number one topic that they , they 1338 00:46:43,719 --> 00:46:45,830 talk about is how do we work together 1339 00:46:45,830 --> 00:46:47,941 with cyber security ? This is the way 1340 00:46:47,941 --> 00:46:50,163 that we're doing a US . Cyber command . 1341 00:46:50,163 --> 00:46:52,275 First of all , uh through a series of 1342 00:46:52,275 --> 00:46:54,441 exercises . So Cyber flag is our major 1343 00:46:54,441 --> 00:46:56,719 exercise that takes place every summer . 1344 00:46:56,719 --> 00:46:58,663 This summer , we will have over 30 1345 00:46:58,663 --> 00:47:00,497 nations from around the world to 1346 00:47:00,497 --> 00:47:02,497 participate with us . Secondly , is 1347 00:47:02,497 --> 00:47:04,719 through bilateral arrangements where we 1348 00:47:04,719 --> 00:47:06,775 go and work with the force to ensure 1349 00:47:06,775 --> 00:47:08,719 that they develop the capacity and 1350 00:47:08,719 --> 00:47:11,052 capability to defend their own networks . 1351 00:47:11,052 --> 00:47:13,275 And the last piece , which is , I think 1352 00:47:13,275 --> 00:47:15,441 just a , a uh incredible success story 1353 00:47:15,441 --> 00:47:17,497 for the Department of Defense is the 1354 00:47:17,497 --> 00:47:19,441 State Partnership program that the 1355 00:47:19,441 --> 00:47:21,560 National Guard runs , that provides a 1356 00:47:21,570 --> 00:47:24,600 continuous ability for us within the 1357 00:47:24,610 --> 00:47:26,721 department to have relationships , to 1358 00:47:26,721 --> 00:47:28,943 have exercises , to have an exchange of 1359 00:47:28,943 --> 00:47:31,022 ideas with , with the nation . The 1360 00:47:31,032 --> 00:47:33,199 state Partnership program that was run 1361 00:47:33,199 --> 00:47:35,310 by California and , and it was run by 1362 00:47:35,310 --> 00:47:37,254 California with Ukraine is a great 1363 00:47:37,254 --> 00:47:39,421 example of this . This is the platform 1364 00:47:39,421 --> 00:47:39,042 that we've been using . Do you feel 1365 00:47:39,052 --> 00:47:41,242 like there's so that , that's really 1366 00:47:41,252 --> 00:47:43,474 good to hear about the different facets 1367 00:47:43,474 --> 00:47:45,474 in which this is happening . Do you 1368 00:47:45,474 --> 00:47:47,585 think that there's room to scale this 1369 00:47:47,585 --> 00:47:49,808 up and room to be able to increase this 1370 00:47:49,808 --> 00:47:49,552 capability and this kind of engagement ? 1371 00:47:49,812 --> 00:47:51,701 I do and I I'm seeing get already 1372 00:47:51,701 --> 00:47:53,534 through our operations with hunt 1373 00:47:53,534 --> 00:47:55,534 forward where we've had a number of 1374 00:47:55,534 --> 00:47:57,590 different nations within the Pacific 1375 00:47:57,590 --> 00:47:59,590 have , have asked us , uh , and the 1376 00:47:59,590 --> 00:48:01,756 department has agreed for us to deploy 1377 00:48:01,756 --> 00:48:03,868 to those uh areas to do that . Doctor 1378 00:48:03,868 --> 00:48:02,825 Plum , what are , what are your 1379 00:48:02,835 --> 00:48:04,875 thoughts on this right now ? Uh 1380 00:48:04,885 --> 00:48:07,385 Congressman fully uh agree with your 1381 00:48:07,395 --> 00:48:09,562 concerns and with general statements , 1382 00:48:09,562 --> 00:48:12,370 we are working on this . Uh And your 1383 00:48:12,379 --> 00:48:14,546 point is exactly right , which is that 1384 00:48:14,546 --> 00:48:16,657 the more we can build the capacity of 1385 00:48:16,657 --> 00:48:18,570 our allies and partners to defend 1386 00:48:18,580 --> 00:48:20,747 themselves , then the more capacity we 1387 00:48:20,747 --> 00:48:22,850 have to get after the adversary uh 1388 00:48:22,860 --> 00:48:26,489 under the theory of a fixed number of 1389 00:48:26,500 --> 00:48:28,611 resources , even if that number keeps 1390 00:48:28,611 --> 00:48:30,722 going up . So it's , it's a strategic 1391 00:48:30,722 --> 00:48:32,944 advantage to us to be able to do this . 1392 00:48:32,944 --> 00:48:34,944 And the other part is , and this is 1393 00:48:34,944 --> 00:48:36,944 really important , sir . It doesn't 1394 00:48:36,944 --> 00:48:38,889 just unlock cyber cooperation . It 1395 00:48:38,889 --> 00:48:38,850 unlocks all sorts of other parts of 1396 00:48:38,860 --> 00:48:41,027 deeper cooperation . Uh The foundation 1397 00:48:41,027 --> 00:48:43,290 of which is decent cyber security 1398 00:48:43,300 --> 00:48:45,356 processes so that information can be 1399 00:48:45,356 --> 00:48:47,189 protected , so we can share more 1400 00:48:47,189 --> 00:48:48,911 information with those parts . 1401 00:48:48,911 --> 00:48:48,860 Absolutely essential . I I just think 1402 00:48:48,870 --> 00:48:50,981 this could be such a good win , win . 1403 00:48:50,981 --> 00:48:52,926 It could really help us build just 1404 00:48:52,926 --> 00:48:54,703 these deeper lateral horizontal 1405 00:48:54,703 --> 00:48:56,592 connections uh while also sort of 1406 00:48:56,592 --> 00:48:58,759 hardening uh some of the , again , the 1407 00:48:58,759 --> 00:49:00,981 vulnerabilities that we face in that uh 1408 00:49:00,981 --> 00:49:03,148 in that region which we know are , are 1409 00:49:03,148 --> 00:49:05,314 immense there . And , and in general , 1410 00:49:05,314 --> 00:49:07,481 I , I appreciate that you talked about 1411 00:49:07,481 --> 00:49:09,759 some of those different facets because , 1412 00:49:09,759 --> 00:49:09,110 you know , that reserve components , 1413 00:49:09,120 --> 00:49:11,009 you know , specifically our , our 1414 00:49:11,009 --> 00:49:13,009 National Guard members , they build 1415 00:49:13,009 --> 00:49:15,009 incredible cyber capabilities , you 1416 00:49:15,009 --> 00:49:16,953 know , in my , uh and , and one of 1417 00:49:16,953 --> 00:49:18,731 those Guard programs that State 1418 00:49:18,731 --> 00:49:20,509 Partnership program , uh that's 1419 00:49:20,509 --> 00:49:22,342 something that's been incredibly 1420 00:49:22,342 --> 00:49:24,564 fruitful . You know , we have the 140th 1421 00:49:24,564 --> 00:49:26,564 Air National Guard Cyber Operations 1422 00:49:26,564 --> 00:49:26,239 Squadron at joint base Maguire , 1423 00:49:26,439 --> 00:49:28,560 Lakehurst in my district . And , you 1424 00:49:28,570 --> 00:49:30,681 know , looking at their ability to be 1425 00:49:30,681 --> 00:49:32,903 able to partner with these nations , it 1426 00:49:32,903 --> 00:49:35,126 seems like that's essential . So I know 1427 00:49:35,126 --> 00:49:35,000 you kind of raised that earlier , but 1428 00:49:35,010 --> 00:49:37,232 it sounds like that's something as well 1429 00:49:37,232 --> 00:49:39,454 that we can continue to , to push on in 1430 00:49:39,454 --> 00:49:41,677 terms of thinking about how to surge up 1431 00:49:41,677 --> 00:49:43,954 these types of efforts . Is that right ? 1432 00:49:43,954 --> 00:49:45,788 Congressman , the uh Minister of 1433 00:49:45,788 --> 00:49:47,899 Defense from Albania came to visit us 1434 00:49:47,899 --> 00:49:49,954 Cyber Command . And one of the first 1435 00:49:49,954 --> 00:49:52,177 things that he did was to recognize the 1436 00:49:52,177 --> 00:49:54,343 New Jersey National Guard for the work 1437 00:49:54,343 --> 00:49:56,566 that was done on a hunt for operation . 1438 00:49:56,566 --> 00:49:58,621 He told us that he knew that he knew 1439 00:49:58,621 --> 00:49:58,350 the captain and the lieutenant colonel 1440 00:49:58,360 --> 00:50:00,416 that was leading those teams to , to 1441 00:50:00,416 --> 00:50:02,638 help his nation as , as they came under 1442 00:50:02,638 --> 00:50:04,638 cyberattack . This is a really good 1443 00:50:04,638 --> 00:50:06,860 example . Of building partnerships in a 1444 00:50:06,860 --> 00:50:06,159 way that we should be doing in the 1445 00:50:06,169 --> 00:50:08,336 future . Well , I look forward to work 1446 00:50:08,336 --> 00:50:10,558 with you . Thank you , Mr Gates . Thank 1447 00:50:10,558 --> 00:50:12,780 you , Mr Chairman . Uh It's good to see 1448 00:50:12,780 --> 00:50:14,780 you again . General Xi . I remember 1449 00:50:14,780 --> 00:50:16,780 back in the nineties when President 1450 00:50:16,780 --> 00:50:19,709 Bill Clinton said that we were at risk 1451 00:50:19,719 --> 00:50:22,669 of a space arms race and our country 1452 00:50:22,679 --> 00:50:24,729 put a bit of a pause on some of our 1453 00:50:24,739 --> 00:50:28,060 space work And the governing theory was , 1454 00:50:28,070 --> 00:50:30,639 if we paused , we could slow down and 1455 00:50:30,649 --> 00:50:33,590 make space more of a safe domain and 1456 00:50:33,600 --> 00:50:35,433 not a contested domain . And the 1457 00:50:35,433 --> 00:50:37,544 reality we know as we sit here now is 1458 00:50:37,544 --> 00:50:39,600 while we may have paused during some 1459 00:50:39,600 --> 00:50:41,656 years . In the 90s , our adversaries 1460 00:50:41,656 --> 00:50:44,310 did not Russia , China , Iran , they 1461 00:50:44,320 --> 00:50:46,598 all became more capable in this regard . 1462 00:50:46,598 --> 00:50:48,431 And so I just wanted to get your 1463 00:50:48,489 --> 00:50:52,010 initial take on a similar call for a 1464 00:50:52,020 --> 00:50:54,242 pause regarding A I . Right now , we've 1465 00:50:54,242 --> 00:50:56,353 seen some of the largest tech leaders 1466 00:50:56,353 --> 00:50:58,409 including Elon Musk sign this letter 1467 00:50:58,409 --> 00:51:00,520 saying that the advancement of A I is 1468 00:51:00,520 --> 00:51:02,687 such that we ought to take a pause and 1469 00:51:02,687 --> 00:51:04,298 determine how to frame those 1470 00:51:04,298 --> 00:51:06,409 capabilities . What's your assessment 1471 00:51:06,409 --> 00:51:08,631 of whether or not America's adversaries 1472 00:51:08,631 --> 00:51:12,149 would follow the lead of principally us 1473 00:51:12,159 --> 00:51:15,500 tech companies . My sense congressman 1474 00:51:15,510 --> 00:51:17,566 is that uh artificial intelligence , 1475 00:51:17,566 --> 00:51:19,788 machine learning is , is something that 1476 00:51:19,788 --> 00:51:21,621 uh is resonant today and is , is 1477 00:51:21,621 --> 00:51:23,566 something that our adversaries are 1478 00:51:23,566 --> 00:51:25,621 gonna continue to uh look to exploit 1479 00:51:25,621 --> 00:51:27,843 and , and moving forward . Do you worry 1480 00:51:27,843 --> 00:51:30,010 that if us companies take a pause that 1481 00:51:30,010 --> 00:51:32,121 that could constrain some of the um , 1482 00:51:32,121 --> 00:51:33,989 capability development that you 1483 00:51:34,000 --> 00:51:36,219 testified earlier is so necessary in 1484 00:51:36,229 --> 00:51:38,780 getting people interested and engaged 1485 00:51:38,790 --> 00:51:41,290 in a I so congressman . I , I guess I 1486 00:51:41,300 --> 00:51:43,411 really haven't , uh , haven't thought 1487 00:51:43,411 --> 00:51:45,300 about that . That's uh a piece of 1488 00:51:45,300 --> 00:51:47,522 policy that uh that I'm , I'm sure will 1489 00:51:47,522 --> 00:51:49,522 be discussed in the future . But uh 1490 00:51:49,522 --> 00:51:51,744 what I am focused on is how do we build 1491 00:51:51,744 --> 00:51:53,911 a bigger pool of people that have this 1492 00:51:53,911 --> 00:51:53,439 capability and capacity to work it ? 1493 00:51:53,449 --> 00:51:55,171 How do we engage with academic 1494 00:51:55,171 --> 00:51:57,338 institutions to encourage young people 1495 00:51:57,338 --> 00:51:59,560 to study A I and machine learning . How 1496 00:51:59,560 --> 00:52:01,782 do we get them interested in governance 1497 00:52:01,782 --> 00:52:03,727 service ? How do we continue to to 1498 00:52:03,727 --> 00:52:05,893 utilize this in the future ? I I fully 1499 00:52:05,893 --> 00:52:07,782 share that vision and I think the 1500 00:52:07,782 --> 00:52:07,750 future of the country literally may 1501 00:52:07,760 --> 00:52:10,060 depend on it . Um But you know , and I 1502 00:52:10,070 --> 00:52:12,850 am not an expert in A I , I'm just 1503 00:52:12,860 --> 00:52:14,804 starting to use and understand the 1504 00:52:14,804 --> 00:52:16,929 techno technology uh intentionally . 1505 00:52:17,040 --> 00:52:19,949 And uh it seems to me if you've got 1506 00:52:19,959 --> 00:52:22,770 some of the big tech influencers in our 1507 00:52:22,780 --> 00:52:25,310 country saying whoa whoa pause , uh 1508 00:52:25,320 --> 00:52:28,899 don't expand commercial 1509 00:52:28,909 --> 00:52:30,879 vectors in A I that could be 1510 00:52:30,889 --> 00:52:32,945 counterproductive to the goals . You 1511 00:52:32,945 --> 00:52:35,056 just stated about enhanced engagement 1512 00:52:35,056 --> 00:52:37,222 in our country . Do you , do you share 1513 00:52:37,222 --> 00:52:39,445 that concern ? So again , Congressman , 1514 00:52:39,445 --> 00:52:41,445 you know , my my focus right now is 1515 00:52:41,445 --> 00:52:43,500 being able to develop the talent and 1516 00:52:43,500 --> 00:52:45,556 the techniques and the and the trade 1517 00:52:45,556 --> 00:52:45,540 craft as we look forward to , to 1518 00:52:45,550 --> 00:52:47,383 utilizing this , you know , this 1519 00:52:47,383 --> 00:52:49,439 important advantage our nation has . 1520 00:52:49,439 --> 00:52:53,209 And , and as you look at the A I domain 1521 00:52:53,219 --> 00:52:55,110 right now , we would , we would 1522 00:52:55,120 --> 00:52:57,231 certainly have to concede . There are 1523 00:52:57,231 --> 00:52:59,509 scenarios where China is ahead , right ? 1524 00:52:59,509 --> 00:53:01,731 I , I think right now as we take a look 1525 00:53:01,731 --> 00:53:04,009 at the A I and machine learning domain , 1526 00:53:04,009 --> 00:53:06,231 what we need to be focused on is how do 1527 00:53:06,231 --> 00:53:08,398 we look at it in a way that we can use 1528 00:53:08,398 --> 00:53:10,453 it responsibly ? Uh not only for our 1529 00:53:10,453 --> 00:53:12,453 national defense , but also for our 1530 00:53:12,453 --> 00:53:14,620 economy at us , cyber command , we are 1531 00:53:14,620 --> 00:53:16,787 very , very interested in , in the use 1532 00:53:16,787 --> 00:53:16,290 of large language models and the 1533 00:53:16,300 --> 00:53:18,522 ability . But who's ahead ? My question 1534 00:53:18,522 --> 00:53:20,633 is who's ahead right now , the United 1535 00:53:20,633 --> 00:53:22,967 States is ahead . You think we're ahead , 1536 00:53:22,967 --> 00:53:25,189 we're ahead of China and A I do . And , 1537 00:53:25,189 --> 00:53:27,411 and what's your basis for that belief ? 1538 00:53:27,411 --> 00:53:29,689 Uh again , uh discussions with experts . 1539 00:53:29,689 --> 00:53:29,500 But I , but I think that this is a 1540 00:53:29,510 --> 00:53:31,770 tenuous place that we're at as well . 1541 00:53:31,780 --> 00:53:33,891 This is being developed in the United 1542 00:53:33,891 --> 00:53:36,113 States . This is being developed by a , 1543 00:53:36,113 --> 00:53:36,090 you know , a series of entrepreneurs 1544 00:53:36,100 --> 00:53:38,211 and those that are , are working it . 1545 00:53:38,211 --> 00:53:40,211 But this isn't , we should not take 1546 00:53:40,211 --> 00:53:42,378 this for granted that this is going to 1547 00:53:42,378 --> 00:53:44,433 be the way of the uh in the future . 1548 00:53:44,433 --> 00:53:46,433 And so we need to continue to uh to 1549 00:53:46,433 --> 00:53:48,544 invest in it and work it and continue 1550 00:53:48,544 --> 00:53:50,767 to , to utilize it . Take care , you're 1551 00:53:50,767 --> 00:53:52,989 back . Thank you . Uh We don't have the 1552 00:53:52,989 --> 00:53:55,156 classified room until 10 AM . It's not 1553 00:53:55,156 --> 00:53:57,433 my intention to filibuster until 10 AM , 1554 00:53:57,433 --> 00:53:59,433 but I do want to entertain a second 1555 00:53:59,433 --> 00:53:59,409 round of question . If any members have , 1556 00:53:59,419 --> 00:54:02,250 have one , I will uh start with myself . 1557 00:54:02,260 --> 00:54:05,229 Um So , um I want you to imagine you're 1558 00:54:05,239 --> 00:54:08,500 talking to , let's say my grandma who's 1559 00:54:08,510 --> 00:54:10,677 a great lady , she's extremely smart , 1560 00:54:10,677 --> 00:54:12,454 but it's fair to say she's more 1561 00:54:12,454 --> 00:54:12,209 concerned about her great 1562 00:54:12,219 --> 00:54:14,386 granddaughters than she is about China 1563 00:54:14,386 --> 00:54:16,275 and cyber in terms that she could 1564 00:54:16,275 --> 00:54:18,780 understand , explain the threat that 1565 00:54:18,790 --> 00:54:20,846 the Chinese Communist Party poses in 1566 00:54:20,846 --> 00:54:24,399 cyberspace . Mrs 1567 00:54:24,409 --> 00:54:26,131 Gallagher . Good morning . I'm 1568 00:54:26,131 --> 00:54:28,540 generally Virginia Justice is her name , 1569 00:54:28,550 --> 00:54:30,383 Mrs Justice . Good morning . I'm 1570 00:54:30,383 --> 00:54:32,989 General Nason . As we think about our 1571 00:54:33,000 --> 00:54:35,120 nation . One of the things that uh I 1572 00:54:35,129 --> 00:54:37,189 think that we should consider is the 1573 00:54:37,199 --> 00:54:39,310 fact that our nation is a nation that 1574 00:54:39,310 --> 00:54:41,719 has been able to have a strong economy 1575 00:54:41,729 --> 00:54:43,729 and a strong national defense . Our 1576 00:54:43,729 --> 00:54:45,840 strong economy is based upon the fact 1577 00:54:45,840 --> 00:54:48,409 that we're able to develop ideas and 1578 00:54:48,419 --> 00:54:50,879 bring those ideas to uh a number of 1579 00:54:50,889 --> 00:54:53,780 different people and be able to uh to 1580 00:54:53,790 --> 00:54:55,790 have business thrive on that . It's 1581 00:54:55,790 --> 00:54:58,750 based on this idea of , you know , an 1582 00:54:58,760 --> 00:55:00,927 idea , being able to be patented and , 1583 00:55:00,927 --> 00:55:02,927 and then being able to be sold to a 1584 00:55:02,927 --> 00:55:05,139 broader government . What happens if a 1585 00:55:05,149 --> 00:55:07,469 foreign nation takes those secrets as 1586 00:55:07,479 --> 00:55:09,701 they're being developed doesn't have to 1587 00:55:09,701 --> 00:55:11,812 do . The research doesn't have to pay 1588 00:55:11,812 --> 00:55:13,868 for it , in fact , can get it to the 1589 00:55:13,868 --> 00:55:15,757 market place before we can , that 1590 00:55:15,757 --> 00:55:17,812 affects our economy and that affects 1591 00:55:17,812 --> 00:55:17,550 our jobs . That's what we're seeing 1592 00:55:17,560 --> 00:55:20,149 today in many of our industries where 1593 00:55:20,159 --> 00:55:22,270 the Chinese have had ability to steal 1594 00:55:22,270 --> 00:55:24,500 our intellectual property to repurpose 1595 00:55:24,510 --> 00:55:26,621 it and then to bring it to the market 1596 00:55:26,621 --> 00:55:28,790 at a much lower cost than we can . The 1597 00:55:28,800 --> 00:55:31,022 other thing I would say , Mr Justice is 1598 00:55:31,022 --> 00:55:32,967 the fact that national security is 1599 00:55:32,967 --> 00:55:35,189 important in the sense of being able to 1600 00:55:35,189 --> 00:55:37,830 take information and secure it . One of 1601 00:55:37,840 --> 00:55:39,896 the powers of our nation is the fact 1602 00:55:39,896 --> 00:55:42,118 that we may not have the largest army , 1603 00:55:42,118 --> 00:55:44,229 Navy , air Force and marines , but we 1604 00:55:44,229 --> 00:55:46,340 have the best army , navy , air Force 1605 00:55:46,340 --> 00:55:48,396 and marines because we can really do 1606 00:55:48,396 --> 00:55:50,507 one thing and that's fuse information 1607 00:55:50,507 --> 00:55:52,673 and operations . We have to be able to 1608 00:55:52,673 --> 00:55:54,729 secure that information . And when a 1609 00:55:54,729 --> 00:55:56,840 foreign power like China can get into 1610 00:55:56,840 --> 00:55:59,062 our networks , our data and our weapons 1611 00:55:59,062 --> 00:56:01,229 systems that puts our nation at risk . 1612 00:56:01,229 --> 00:56:03,451 Now , I'm I'm asking you something even 1613 00:56:03,451 --> 00:56:05,673 more difficult . I want you to hop into 1614 00:56:05,673 --> 00:56:07,840 the DeLorean and I want you to go into 1615 00:56:07,840 --> 00:56:10,007 the future . And I want you to talk to 1616 00:56:10,007 --> 00:56:12,007 my daughter who's currently 2.5 and 1617 00:56:12,007 --> 00:56:13,896 consider her as a , a high school 1618 00:56:13,896 --> 00:56:15,840 senior . And I want you to sort of 1619 00:56:15,840 --> 00:56:18,007 explain two things to her . One . What 1620 00:56:18,007 --> 00:56:20,790 is your pitch for her ? Serving the 1621 00:56:20,800 --> 00:56:23,989 country in some sort of cyber capacity 1622 00:56:24,000 --> 00:56:27,050 going to work for NSA or cyber com make , 1623 00:56:27,060 --> 00:56:29,227 make the pitch to her . And two , what 1624 00:56:29,227 --> 00:56:32,050 is the basic uh set of , of cyber 1625 00:56:32,060 --> 00:56:34,227 hygiene practices that she and all her 1626 00:56:34,227 --> 00:56:36,282 friends in high school should follow 1627 00:56:37,169 --> 00:56:39,336 Miss Gallagher . Good morning . Uh I'd 1628 00:56:39,336 --> 00:56:41,502 like to talk to you a little bit about 1629 00:56:41,502 --> 00:56:43,725 the future and indeed , it will be Miss 1630 00:56:43,725 --> 00:56:45,836 Gallagher for a long time , not Mrs . 1631 00:56:46,270 --> 00:56:48,719 Uh The future is one where I would tell 1632 00:56:48,729 --> 00:56:50,785 you that the jobs that you see today 1633 00:56:50,785 --> 00:56:53,118 may not exist in the jobs in the future . 1634 00:56:53,118 --> 00:56:55,429 Uh the areas that uh that our nation is 1635 00:56:55,439 --> 00:56:57,550 going to produce , work in the future 1636 00:56:57,550 --> 00:56:59,661 will likely be tied to our ability to 1637 00:56:59,661 --> 00:57:01,883 work in this domain of cyberspace . The 1638 00:57:01,883 --> 00:57:03,995 domain that you know , very well from 1639 00:57:03,995 --> 00:57:05,828 operating on your smartphone two 1640 00:57:05,828 --> 00:57:07,883 decades ago , the smartphones didn't 1641 00:57:07,883 --> 00:57:09,883 even exist and yet today , they are 1642 00:57:09,883 --> 00:57:11,939 accounting for a good portion of our 1643 00:57:11,939 --> 00:57:13,939 economy . So as you think about the 1644 00:57:13,939 --> 00:57:15,995 future , one of the things that will 1645 00:57:15,995 --> 00:57:18,328 not change is the importance of science , 1646 00:57:18,328 --> 00:57:19,939 technology , engineering and 1647 00:57:19,939 --> 00:57:21,995 mathematics . And as you look to the 1648 00:57:21,995 --> 00:57:24,161 future , being able to , to specialize 1649 00:57:24,161 --> 00:57:26,106 in one of those areas , opens up a 1650 00:57:26,106 --> 00:57:28,328 broad opportunity for you to , to think 1651 00:57:28,328 --> 00:57:30,439 about jobs that may not exist today . 1652 00:57:30,439 --> 00:57:32,661 But being able to think about jobs that 1653 00:57:32,661 --> 00:57:34,772 don't exist today also means the fact 1654 00:57:34,772 --> 00:57:34,179 that you have to be able to be 1655 00:57:34,189 --> 00:57:36,929 responsible to operate in the domain of 1656 00:57:36,939 --> 00:57:39,469 cyberspace today and being able to do 1657 00:57:39,479 --> 00:57:41,479 that is understanding the fact that 1658 00:57:41,479 --> 00:57:43,590 what you say on your phone or text on 1659 00:57:43,590 --> 00:57:45,535 your phone or share images on your 1660 00:57:45,535 --> 00:57:48,139 phone . Some are shared , not only with 1661 00:57:48,149 --> 00:57:50,389 the the person that receives them , but 1662 00:57:50,399 --> 00:57:52,621 other people that have access to it and 1663 00:57:52,621 --> 00:57:54,790 being able to understand that , that 1664 00:57:54,800 --> 00:57:56,850 securing that information is very 1665 00:57:56,860 --> 00:57:58,939 important . The second piece is , is 1666 00:57:58,949 --> 00:58:01,171 that you should also understand that um 1667 00:58:01,370 --> 00:58:04,290 what you say in cyberspace uh perhaps 1668 00:58:04,300 --> 00:58:06,820 may not be uh only viewed and , and 1669 00:58:06,830 --> 00:58:08,840 heard by one person . So be very 1670 00:58:08,850 --> 00:58:11,017 careful about what you record and what 1671 00:58:11,017 --> 00:58:13,072 you , what you say . And I think the 1672 00:58:13,072 --> 00:58:15,183 last piece is understanding that what 1673 00:58:15,183 --> 00:58:17,239 you see on the internet and what you 1674 00:58:17,239 --> 00:58:19,017 read today uh may or may not be 1675 00:58:19,017 --> 00:58:21,459 actually uh true . And so being a 1676 00:58:21,469 --> 00:58:24,179 discerning uh being a discerning viewer 1677 00:58:24,189 --> 00:58:26,245 of , of what you're reading and what 1678 00:58:26,245 --> 00:58:28,078 you're seeing is part of being a 1679 00:58:28,078 --> 00:58:30,245 responsible person . Now , I would say 1680 00:58:30,245 --> 00:58:32,510 the last piece of my advice is thinking 1681 00:58:32,520 --> 00:58:34,560 about government service . There is 1682 00:58:34,570 --> 00:58:36,570 honor in government service as your 1683 00:58:36,570 --> 00:58:38,899 father has served , I would offer that 1684 00:58:38,909 --> 00:58:40,965 he would probably communicate to you 1685 00:58:40,965 --> 00:58:43,076 that the ability to give back to your 1686 00:58:43,076 --> 00:58:46,459 nation is something that will stay with 1687 00:58:46,469 --> 00:58:48,760 you for the rest of your life . Thank 1688 00:58:48,770 --> 00:58:50,881 you . The good news is in this future 1689 00:58:50,881 --> 00:58:53,103 tiktok no longer exists because we will 1690 00:58:53,103 --> 00:58:55,437 have taken bipartisan action against it , 1691 00:58:55,437 --> 00:58:57,381 perhaps that we were in the second 1692 00:58:57,381 --> 00:58:59,548 administration in this future . But uh 1693 00:58:59,548 --> 00:59:01,714 if anyone , do you have a second round 1694 00:59:01,714 --> 00:59:05,600 of questions , Doctor Plum and uh 1695 00:59:05,770 --> 00:59:09,729 General uh Nason , what role have 1696 00:59:09,739 --> 00:59:13,489 tech companies played in Ukraine ? I 1697 00:59:13,500 --> 00:59:15,722 know there's starlink . Are there other 1698 00:59:15,722 --> 00:59:17,778 examples of tech companies that have 1699 00:59:17,778 --> 00:59:19,833 played a role in Ukraine that you're 1700 00:59:19,833 --> 00:59:22,260 aware of ? Something 1701 00:59:24,370 --> 00:59:26,592 congressman ? I , I think that you've , 1702 00:59:26,592 --> 00:59:28,592 you've highlighted one of the , the 1703 00:59:28,592 --> 00:59:30,592 major lessons learned from Russia . 1704 00:59:30,592 --> 00:59:32,592 Ukraine is the power of the private 1705 00:59:32,592 --> 00:59:34,648 sector . Uh whether or not it's been 1706 00:59:34,648 --> 00:59:36,481 Starlink , being able to provide 1707 00:59:36,481 --> 00:59:35,969 satellite communications , whether or 1708 00:59:35,979 --> 00:59:38,201 not it's been a , a series of different 1709 00:59:38,201 --> 00:59:40,201 us companies that have been able to 1710 00:59:40,201 --> 00:59:42,368 provide cyber security support such as 1711 00:59:42,368 --> 00:59:44,590 Microsoft and Palo Alto and others . Uh 1712 00:59:44,590 --> 00:59:47,699 This is uh this is an for us to scale . 1713 00:59:47,850 --> 00:59:49,739 That's the lesson learned is that 1714 00:59:49,739 --> 00:59:52,189 bringing the private sector is the 1715 00:59:52,199 --> 00:59:54,820 opportunity for us to get to not tens 1716 00:59:54,830 --> 00:59:57,052 of thousands , it's tens of millions if 1717 00:59:57,052 --> 00:59:58,979 not billions of people with the 1718 00:59:58,989 --> 01:00:01,060 information that's readily important 1719 01:00:01,070 --> 01:00:04,510 and , and assisting Ukraine today . I 1720 01:00:05,330 --> 01:00:07,889 so I would just add . Uh Thanks . Uh 1721 01:00:07,899 --> 01:00:11,129 Sir , the uh one of the issues and Mr 1722 01:00:11,139 --> 01:00:13,361 Keating uh actually spoke to it earlier 1723 01:00:13,361 --> 01:00:15,306 about surprise or , or lessons . I 1724 01:00:15,306 --> 01:00:18,169 think uh it's been clear that uh 1725 01:00:18,179 --> 01:00:20,401 Ukraine has been much more resilient uh 1726 01:00:20,401 --> 01:00:22,623 from a cyber security standpoint than I 1727 01:00:22,623 --> 01:00:24,909 think Russia might have anticipated . A 1728 01:00:25,000 --> 01:00:27,222 lot of that is due to help from private 1729 01:00:27,222 --> 01:00:29,222 sector . One way of making yourself 1730 01:00:29,222 --> 01:00:31,222 resilient is to make sure that your 1731 01:00:31,222 --> 01:00:33,444 data can be protected and one way to do 1732 01:00:33,444 --> 01:00:35,556 that is to move to the cloud . Uh and 1733 01:00:35,556 --> 01:00:37,500 so individual attacks have not had 1734 01:00:37,500 --> 01:00:39,222 perhaps the effect that Russia 1735 01:00:39,222 --> 01:00:41,111 anticipated . Appreciate it . The 1736 01:00:41,111 --> 01:00:43,167 reason I ask is it's become somewhat 1737 01:00:43,167 --> 01:00:45,222 fashionable on both the far left and 1738 01:00:45,222 --> 01:00:47,370 far right to be criticizing Silicon 1739 01:00:47,379 --> 01:00:49,212 Valley . And I share some of the 1740 01:00:49,212 --> 01:00:51,830 criticisms of privacy and uh issues 1741 01:00:51,840 --> 01:00:54,580 about protecting people from kids from 1742 01:00:54,590 --> 01:00:56,812 social media . But I also represent the 1743 01:00:56,812 --> 01:00:59,034 area . And I fundamentally believe that 1744 01:00:59,034 --> 01:01:00,868 it's going to be critical in our 1745 01:01:00,868 --> 01:01:02,820 national security . I'm that uh 1746 01:01:03,050 --> 01:01:05,500 Chairman Gallagher , his uh in his 1747 01:01:05,510 --> 01:01:07,677 other role as chairman , he's chairman 1748 01:01:07,677 --> 01:01:09,510 of every committee around here , 1749 01:01:09,510 --> 01:01:11,621 chairman of the uh China committee is 1750 01:01:11,621 --> 01:01:14,439 leading a delegation to Silicon Valley 1751 01:01:14,449 --> 01:01:16,780 and will be engaging uh with some of 1752 01:01:16,790 --> 01:01:18,790 these tech leaders . If you could . 1753 01:01:18,790 --> 01:01:20,790 Just my last final question here is 1754 01:01:20,790 --> 01:01:23,189 talk about how you see the importance 1755 01:01:23,199 --> 01:01:25,649 of that collaboration . Uh And what 1756 01:01:25,659 --> 01:01:27,715 you'd like to see for a 21st century 1757 01:01:27,715 --> 01:01:29,326 national security strategy . 1758 01:01:31,830 --> 01:01:34,270 I think the collaboration is essential . 1759 01:01:34,340 --> 01:01:36,780 I do think uh that there is one piece 1760 01:01:36,790 --> 01:01:38,734 that we could use your help with , 1761 01:01:38,734 --> 01:01:40,729 which is communicating uh that 1762 01:01:40,739 --> 01:01:42,961 technology like any other system can be 1763 01:01:42,961 --> 01:01:45,070 used for good or for bad and making 1764 01:01:45,080 --> 01:01:47,129 sure that as uh our , our , our 1765 01:01:47,139 --> 01:01:49,760 brilliant men and women working in uh 1766 01:01:49,770 --> 01:01:51,826 the tech quarter in Silicon Valley , 1767 01:01:51,826 --> 01:01:53,937 for example , understand that they're 1768 01:01:53,937 --> 01:01:55,937 also downsize technology and try to 1769 01:01:55,937 --> 01:01:57,937 build and safeguards as they go , I 1770 01:01:57,937 --> 01:01:57,770 think that would benefit us all going 1771 01:01:57,780 --> 01:02:01,360 forward . Uh 1772 01:02:01,679 --> 01:02:04,239 We uh you know , Congressman , I would 1773 01:02:04,250 --> 01:02:06,472 just say that as we think about the the 1774 01:02:06,472 --> 01:02:08,583 future here , this is , this is where 1775 01:02:08,583 --> 01:02:10,750 we need to have the , the partnerships 1776 01:02:10,750 --> 01:02:12,639 that are so strong , not only the 1777 01:02:12,639 --> 01:02:14,750 partnerships of the technology that's 1778 01:02:14,750 --> 01:02:16,861 being developed , but the talent that 1779 01:02:16,861 --> 01:02:19,028 exists there . I'm very interested for 1780 01:02:19,028 --> 01:02:20,972 um young people and , and even mid 1781 01:02:20,972 --> 01:02:20,699 career people to , to come and join our 1782 01:02:20,709 --> 01:02:22,765 force for a period of time . This is 1783 01:02:22,765 --> 01:02:24,876 perhaps something that uh is a unique 1784 01:02:24,876 --> 01:02:26,876 part of us . Cyber command that you 1785 01:02:26,876 --> 01:02:29,153 would come in at the at the mid career . 1786 01:02:29,153 --> 01:02:31,265 But that's the type of talent that we 1787 01:02:31,265 --> 01:02:33,487 need . That's the type of engineering , 1788 01:02:33,487 --> 01:02:35,820 know how that would uh really assist us . 1789 01:02:35,820 --> 01:02:35,560 And so again , I think it's both the 1790 01:02:35,570 --> 01:02:37,681 technology and the talent that exists 1791 01:02:37,681 --> 01:02:39,848 there that , that we want to make sure 1792 01:02:39,848 --> 01:02:41,848 is clearly partnered with us in the 1793 01:02:41,848 --> 01:02:43,737 future . Thank you . Uh Thank the 1794 01:02:43,737 --> 01:02:45,848 ranking member . I am very excited to 1795 01:02:45,848 --> 01:02:47,903 visit uh his district and uh I might 1796 01:02:47,903 --> 01:02:50,070 need your advice on how to fit in . If 1797 01:02:50,070 --> 01:02:49,780 you , if there's any extra sort of like 1798 01:02:49,790 --> 01:02:52,012 hoodies or all birds or ironic t-shirts 1799 01:02:52,012 --> 01:02:54,969 I could wear , I appreciate it , Mr 1800 01:02:54,979 --> 01:02:56,979 Latrell . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 1801 01:02:59,560 --> 01:03:01,979 When , when asked a question from my 1802 01:03:01,989 --> 01:03:04,156 district to my constituents , ask me a 1803 01:03:04,156 --> 01:03:06,322 question like is our military the most 1804 01:03:06,322 --> 01:03:08,433 formidable force on the planet ? It's 1805 01:03:08,433 --> 01:03:10,489 easy for me . To say yes , even when 1806 01:03:10,489 --> 01:03:12,600 they talk about how aggressive Russia 1807 01:03:12,600 --> 01:03:14,600 is and how large China is . I say , 1808 01:03:14,600 --> 01:03:16,822 well , we're an all volunteer force and 1809 01:03:16,822 --> 01:03:18,600 we're terrifying . Uh But I can 1810 01:03:18,600 --> 01:03:20,822 quantify that by showing them the , the 1811 01:03:20,822 --> 01:03:22,933 Special forces community or a handful 1812 01:03:22,933 --> 01:03:24,933 of marines . And generally you said 1813 01:03:24,933 --> 01:03:28,169 that um the US is leading in the cyber 1814 01:03:28,179 --> 01:03:32,080 space . No , I think it was 16 or 17 1815 01:03:32,090 --> 01:03:34,340 when we were the , we had the fifth 1816 01:03:34,350 --> 01:03:37,530 fastest computer in the world 1817 01:03:37,590 --> 01:03:40,219 titan over at uh one of the national 1818 01:03:40,229 --> 01:03:42,285 laboratories . Are you familiar with 1819 01:03:42,285 --> 01:03:44,899 that ? Uh I am OK . And so then right 1820 01:03:44,909 --> 01:03:47,020 in that same time frame , we fired up 1821 01:03:47,020 --> 01:03:49,187 summit . And if I remember correctly , 1822 01:03:49,187 --> 01:03:51,131 summit went from petaflop to extra 1823 01:03:51,131 --> 01:03:53,242 scale computing speeds , which pushed 1824 01:03:53,242 --> 01:03:55,242 us into the next phase of evolution 1825 01:03:55,242 --> 01:03:57,020 when it comes to our processing 1826 01:03:57,020 --> 01:03:59,242 abilities , moving us closer to A I M L 1827 01:03:59,242 --> 01:04:01,419 or quantum , which I think one of the 1828 01:04:01,429 --> 01:04:03,651 most brilliant men in the world . So 15 1829 01:04:03,651 --> 01:04:05,873 years ago , we said in 15 years , we're 1830 01:04:05,873 --> 01:04:07,873 gonna be at quantum computing . And 1831 01:04:07,873 --> 01:04:09,985 they said it again the day that I was 1832 01:04:09,985 --> 01:04:12,207 standing there , right ? So my question 1833 01:04:12,207 --> 01:04:11,739 is , which would this may be a 1834 01:04:11,750 --> 01:04:15,729 classified setting question is how do I 1835 01:04:15,739 --> 01:04:17,906 see ? How do you confirm to me because 1836 01:04:17,906 --> 01:04:19,850 you said you talked to the subject 1837 01:04:19,850 --> 01:04:22,017 matter experts in the space . But what 1838 01:04:22,017 --> 01:04:21,729 does that , what does that mean ? What 1839 01:04:21,739 --> 01:04:24,169 are they telling you ? Because to me , 1840 01:04:24,179 --> 01:04:27,479 if China given the the time frame from 1841 01:04:27,489 --> 01:04:29,820 them when we fired up summit should 1842 01:04:29,830 --> 01:04:31,830 have on board or online , another 1843 01:04:31,840 --> 01:04:34,062 computer that would have trumped us and 1844 01:04:34,062 --> 01:04:36,469 pushed us back some . So the amount of 1845 01:04:36,479 --> 01:04:40,320 money they're spending in that space 1846 01:04:40,350 --> 01:04:42,870 as compared to us would make me think 1847 01:04:42,879 --> 01:04:45,189 that they're ahead of us . So can you 1848 01:04:45,199 --> 01:04:47,310 give me some amplifying information ? 1849 01:04:47,310 --> 01:04:49,421 Do we need to wait till 10 if I might 1850 01:04:49,421 --> 01:04:51,588 uh uh provide a bit of information and 1851 01:04:51,588 --> 01:04:53,810 take also uh a portion of this in the , 1852 01:04:53,810 --> 01:04:56,088 in the close classified spending money , 1853 01:04:56,088 --> 01:04:58,143 doesn't necessarily mean that you're 1854 01:04:58,143 --> 01:05:00,143 the best in what you do . And being 1855 01:05:00,143 --> 01:04:59,620 able to integrate that kind of 1856 01:04:59,629 --> 01:05:01,870 capability is what really matters . So 1857 01:05:01,879 --> 01:05:03,879 being able to take , you know , the 1858 01:05:03,879 --> 01:05:05,935 intelligence , integrate it with and 1859 01:05:05,935 --> 01:05:07,990 maneuver force to have an outcome is 1860 01:05:07,990 --> 01:05:10,101 where I clearly see the United States 1861 01:05:10,101 --> 01:05:12,323 has the lead and it is , you know , not 1862 01:05:12,323 --> 01:05:14,435 only in the fact that we can do it in 1863 01:05:14,435 --> 01:05:16,657 the air on the ground , but also in the 1864 01:05:16,657 --> 01:05:18,657 sea , being able to bring disparate 1865 01:05:18,657 --> 01:05:20,879 parts of information together that mind 1866 01:05:20,879 --> 01:05:23,101 for data that provide that key piece of 1867 01:05:23,101 --> 01:05:25,046 information uh to a to a soldier , 1868 01:05:25,046 --> 01:05:27,157 sailor , airman , marine on the point 1869 01:05:27,157 --> 01:05:29,268 is what we do so well , congressman , 1870 01:05:29,268 --> 01:05:31,379 and that's the difference in terms of 1871 01:05:31,379 --> 01:05:33,379 what our nation can do . Yeah , but 1872 01:05:33,379 --> 01:05:35,212 that's our military presenting a 1873 01:05:35,212 --> 01:05:37,550 defensive posture where the Chinese 1874 01:05:37,560 --> 01:05:39,782 government is reaching out and touching 1875 01:05:39,782 --> 01:05:43,239 my civilians . And that's a problem . 1876 01:05:43,919 --> 01:05:46,086 Does that make sense . Again , I think 1877 01:05:46,086 --> 01:05:48,363 perhaps more of this we can discuss in , 1878 01:05:48,363 --> 01:05:50,419 in closed session if you'd like fair 1879 01:05:50,419 --> 01:05:52,641 enough . Hey , you , Baxter . Any other 1880 01:05:52,641 --> 01:05:54,870 members ? Ok . With that , we , we will 1881 01:05:54,879 --> 01:05:56,823 adjourn the open session and we'll 1882 01:05:56,823 --> 01:05:59,489 reconvene , uh , the classified portion 1883 01:05:59,810 --> 01:06:03,040 upstairs subcommittee is adjourned at 1884 01:06:03,050 --> 01:06:05,830 10:00. OK . Give him , come for a break .