1 00:00:00,009 --> 00:00:01,898 Call to order this hearing of the 2 00:00:01,898 --> 00:00:04,159 readiness subcommittee of the F Y 2024 3 00:00:04,170 --> 00:00:06,392 budget request for military readiness . 4 00:00:06,392 --> 00:00:08,614 Ask unanimous consent that the chair be 5 00:00:08,614 --> 00:00:10,726 authorized to declare a recess at any 6 00:00:10,726 --> 00:00:13,590 time without objection . Uh So 7 00:00:13,829 --> 00:00:17,520 ordered . Uh 8 00:00:17,989 --> 00:00:20,280 We obviously have a lot to discuss 9 00:00:20,290 --> 00:00:22,457 today and you all have uh everyone has 10 00:00:22,457 --> 00:00:24,623 my apologies for running a few minutes 11 00:00:24,623 --> 00:00:26,957 behind . That's what happens to my team . 12 00:00:26,957 --> 00:00:28,957 Lets me disappear into a skiff with 13 00:00:28,957 --> 00:00:30,989 hipsie . Um We have a lot to uh 14 00:00:31,000 --> 00:00:33,111 obviously we have a lot to discuss as 15 00:00:33,111 --> 00:00:35,167 it , as it pertains to readiness . I 16 00:00:35,167 --> 00:00:37,389 wanna thank all of you for your time uh 17 00:00:37,389 --> 00:00:39,869 in , in having our one on one meetings 18 00:00:39,880 --> 00:00:42,580 in the , in the run up to this hearing . 19 00:00:42,930 --> 00:00:45,259 Uh We lots to talk about pilot 20 00:00:45,270 --> 00:00:47,259 shortages , recruiting retention , 21 00:00:47,270 --> 00:00:48,937 weapon system , sustainment , 22 00:00:48,937 --> 00:00:51,110 infrastructure , uh management and 23 00:00:51,119 --> 00:00:54,009 restoration . Just to name a few . Uh I 24 00:00:54,020 --> 00:00:57,290 would like to highlight the detriments 25 00:00:57,490 --> 00:01:00,470 of operating under a continuing 26 00:01:00,479 --> 00:01:02,646 resolution . I wanna highlight that as 27 00:01:02,646 --> 00:01:06,250 much for my colleagues here uh as uh 28 00:01:06,260 --> 00:01:09,980 all of all of our vices uh well know 29 00:01:10,260 --> 00:01:12,482 uh that without an on time budget , the 30 00:01:12,482 --> 00:01:14,704 department is unable . And I think this 31 00:01:14,704 --> 00:01:16,371 is lost a lot of times in the 32 00:01:16,371 --> 00:01:18,750 conversation here . Uh The department 33 00:01:18,760 --> 00:01:21,790 is unable to begin any new projects . 34 00:01:22,339 --> 00:01:25,000 Uh There are , I , I , I am convinced 35 00:01:25,010 --> 00:01:27,232 that there is an underlying belief here 36 00:01:27,232 --> 00:01:29,454 that the department gets a lot of money 37 00:01:29,454 --> 00:01:31,677 and if it gets the same amount of money 38 00:01:31,677 --> 00:01:33,788 as last year , then everybody will be 39 00:01:33,788 --> 00:01:35,899 ok but not having those new starts uh 40 00:01:35,899 --> 00:01:38,680 is , is uh is just critical and 41 00:01:38,690 --> 00:01:40,746 devastating . I ask the witnesses to 42 00:01:40,746 --> 00:01:43,029 elaborate these as you make your on , 43 00:01:43,040 --> 00:01:44,929 on these effects as you make your 44 00:01:44,929 --> 00:01:47,309 comments . Uh I do remain concerned 45 00:01:47,319 --> 00:01:49,430 with this administration's um 46 00:01:50,180 --> 00:01:53,849 continuing priority on on climate 47 00:01:53,860 --> 00:01:56,027 change . I want to be clear uh that we 48 00:01:56,027 --> 00:01:58,249 have to deal with climate change , that 49 00:01:58,249 --> 00:02:00,360 resiliency is absolutely an important 50 00:02:00,360 --> 00:02:02,582 issue . But as we had uh today with the 51 00:02:02,582 --> 00:02:04,430 Secretary of the Army when we're 52 00:02:04,440 --> 00:02:07,750 outfitting our bases and our fleet uh 53 00:02:07,839 --> 00:02:11,589 with things that come from uh 54 00:02:11,600 --> 00:02:15,029 the our greatest adversary with 55 00:02:15,039 --> 00:02:18,179 panels with turbines uh with 56 00:02:18,190 --> 00:02:20,410 technology , with software that it 57 00:02:20,419 --> 00:02:23,539 literally comes from China . Uh I have , 58 00:02:23,550 --> 00:02:27,520 I have real concerns with our control 59 00:02:27,529 --> 00:02:30,270 uh of that supply chain as we move 60 00:02:30,279 --> 00:02:33,130 towards uh transitioning uh our fleet . 61 00:02:33,589 --> 00:02:35,756 Uh In fact , you know , in addition to 62 00:02:35,756 --> 00:02:37,759 that , the Secretary of the Navy uh 63 00:02:37,770 --> 00:02:39,937 recently stated that climate change is 64 00:02:39,937 --> 00:02:42,779 a top priority of his . Uh yet we tend 65 00:02:42,789 --> 00:02:44,759 to have those same supply chain uh 66 00:02:44,770 --> 00:02:46,881 issues . I'm supportive of efforts to 67 00:02:46,881 --> 00:02:48,992 uh increase resiliency . I want to be 68 00:02:48,992 --> 00:02:52,570 clear there . Uh , but these 69 00:02:52,580 --> 00:02:54,699 policies can't be an end , uh , to 70 00:02:54,710 --> 00:02:57,779 themselves . Uh , I'm also 71 00:02:57,789 --> 00:03:00,779 concerned , I'm just to be candid here 72 00:03:00,789 --> 00:03:03,009 and we've had these conversations of , 73 00:03:03,020 --> 00:03:04,798 of what we're seeing within the 74 00:03:04,798 --> 00:03:06,964 Department of the Navy with regards to 75 00:03:06,964 --> 00:03:09,187 a , uh , and we want to talk about that 76 00:03:09,187 --> 00:03:11,353 today . And in fact , the Marine Corps 77 00:03:11,353 --> 00:03:13,409 number one unfunded requirement is a 78 00:03:13,409 --> 00:03:16,660 ship for the Navy . Uh , and , and , 79 00:03:16,669 --> 00:03:18,725 and that's something that we have to 80 00:03:18,725 --> 00:03:20,725 resolve . We'll help you resolve it 81 00:03:20,725 --> 00:03:23,130 here . Um But I think that is a , that 82 00:03:23,139 --> 00:03:25,083 is endemic of an ongoing issue and 83 00:03:25,083 --> 00:03:27,083 years of delayed maintenance due to 84 00:03:27,083 --> 00:03:29,490 high tempo , uh frankly has gutted the 85 00:03:29,500 --> 00:03:31,929 readiness of our amps . This is dela 86 00:03:31,940 --> 00:03:34,119 led to delay uh deployments for our 87 00:03:34,130 --> 00:03:37,619 muse uh and decreased capacity with our 88 00:03:37,630 --> 00:03:41,020 ships at sea . Uh These are obviously 89 00:03:41,029 --> 00:03:43,660 critical capabilities to end up in that 90 00:03:43,669 --> 00:03:45,502 combatant commander and I remain 91 00:03:45,502 --> 00:03:47,669 somewhat baffled as why these problems 92 00:03:47,669 --> 00:03:50,789 persist . I applaud force modernization 93 00:03:50,800 --> 00:03:53,369 uh taking place across the services . 94 00:03:53,630 --> 00:03:56,949 Uh We support the army's rearm uh and 95 00:03:56,960 --> 00:03:59,649 the Marine Corps Force design uh 2030 . 96 00:03:59,830 --> 00:04:01,886 Uh I'm concerned however , about the 97 00:04:01,886 --> 00:04:04,052 timeliness of these efforts and you'll 98 00:04:04,052 --> 00:04:06,940 continue uh ranking member . Uh And I , 99 00:04:06,949 --> 00:04:09,199 I think agree on this um that the 100 00:04:09,210 --> 00:04:12,440 timeliness for the threats don't 101 00:04:12,449 --> 00:04:14,809 match uh the timelines to get our 102 00:04:14,820 --> 00:04:16,709 readiness in shape and to get our 103 00:04:16,709 --> 00:04:18,709 modernization uh in shape . And I'm 104 00:04:18,709 --> 00:04:20,709 eager to hear how the services have 105 00:04:20,709 --> 00:04:22,850 revised and accelerated uh these 106 00:04:22,859 --> 00:04:25,140 timelines to , to counter China's 107 00:04:25,149 --> 00:04:27,899 ambitious ambitions and finally taking 108 00:04:27,910 --> 00:04:30,021 care of our soldiers , taking care of 109 00:04:30,021 --> 00:04:32,570 our service members across the board is 110 00:04:32,579 --> 00:04:34,746 the utmost responsibility of everybody 111 00:04:34,746 --> 00:04:36,609 here in this room . Uh Service 112 00:04:36,619 --> 00:04:39,980 leadership continuously touts the 113 00:04:39,989 --> 00:04:42,429 rhetoric of people first . But when we 114 00:04:42,440 --> 00:04:44,440 look at some of our facilities , uh 115 00:04:44,440 --> 00:04:46,384 when we look at some of the living 116 00:04:46,384 --> 00:04:48,273 conditions for uh for our service 117 00:04:48,273 --> 00:04:50,809 members , uh I still remain skeptical 118 00:04:50,820 --> 00:04:52,598 of this actually being put into 119 00:04:52,598 --> 00:04:54,950 practice . Uh And so the condition of 120 00:04:54,959 --> 00:04:56,903 some of this housing , it truly is 121 00:04:56,903 --> 00:04:58,959 outstanding . Uh It no doubt affects 122 00:04:58,959 --> 00:05:00,792 retention . We must provide safe 123 00:05:00,792 --> 00:05:02,792 barracks and housing to our service 124 00:05:02,792 --> 00:05:04,959 members and put their welfare first to 125 00:05:04,959 --> 00:05:07,015 match , have our budget match the uh 126 00:05:07,015 --> 00:05:09,015 match the priority . So I just look 127 00:05:09,015 --> 00:05:11,181 forward to hearing from everybody here 128 00:05:11,181 --> 00:05:13,126 today and I uh hand over to you Mr 129 00:05:13,126 --> 00:05:15,237 Garamendi for your opening comments . 130 00:05:15,359 --> 00:05:17,526 Uh Thank you , Mr Chairman . Delighted 131 00:05:17,526 --> 00:05:19,637 to work with you . I am pleased to uh 132 00:05:19,637 --> 00:05:22,290 hear you your interest and uh support 133 00:05:22,299 --> 00:05:24,466 for climate change issues . And you're 134 00:05:24,466 --> 00:05:27,010 quite right about uh addressing that 135 00:05:27,019 --> 00:05:30,329 issue using Chinese 136 00:05:30,529 --> 00:05:33,859 materials . Uh That's why we wrote into 137 00:05:33,869 --> 00:05:36,160 almost all well in all of the uh 138 00:05:36,170 --> 00:05:39,320 infrastructure and the uh energy issues 139 00:05:39,329 --> 00:05:41,649 of the future , very strong buy 140 00:05:41,660 --> 00:05:44,220 American requirements . And so we need 141 00:05:44,230 --> 00:05:47,359 to push the American industry into the 142 00:05:47,369 --> 00:05:49,589 manufacturing of these systems , from 143 00:05:50,019 --> 00:05:52,660 solar panels to turbines and the like 144 00:05:52,670 --> 00:05:54,892 and we can do that . And that's also an 145 00:05:54,892 --> 00:05:57,910 issue for the uh for the military . Are 146 00:05:57,920 --> 00:06:00,529 they buying American made uh equipment 147 00:06:00,540 --> 00:06:02,596 uh for their ships and planes or are 148 00:06:02,596 --> 00:06:05,489 they buying others and complex issue ? 149 00:06:05,500 --> 00:06:07,829 But a very , very important one . So 150 00:06:07,839 --> 00:06:09,950 each year is that we prepare for this 151 00:06:09,950 --> 00:06:12,420 hearing . I'm struck by the vast 152 00:06:12,429 --> 00:06:14,739 jurisdiction of the readiness 153 00:06:14,750 --> 00:06:17,089 subcommittee . As I often say , other 154 00:06:17,100 --> 00:06:19,100 subcommittees get to uh buy the new 155 00:06:19,100 --> 00:06:21,600 bright shiny stuff and it's left to us 156 00:06:21,609 --> 00:06:23,776 to maintain it and keep it operating . 157 00:06:24,149 --> 00:06:26,619 And so in the subcommittee , we need to 158 00:06:26,630 --> 00:06:28,679 pay particular attention to the 159 00:06:28,690 --> 00:06:31,670 facilities that support this equipment 160 00:06:31,679 --> 00:06:34,000 that sustain the modernization of the 161 00:06:34,010 --> 00:06:36,839 weapon systems themselves and in which 162 00:06:36,850 --> 00:06:39,079 the men and women of the military are 163 00:06:39,089 --> 00:06:42,369 trained . So we have an enormous task 164 00:06:42,380 --> 00:06:46,220 here . And over the years , both the 165 00:06:46,230 --> 00:06:48,230 minority and the majority as it has 166 00:06:48,230 --> 00:06:50,720 changed over time , have paid attention 167 00:06:50,730 --> 00:06:53,700 to this issue as you are Mr Chairman 168 00:06:53,709 --> 00:06:56,619 and I thank you for that . Uh Now we've 169 00:06:56,630 --> 00:06:59,859 also learned uh from Putin's immoral 170 00:06:59,869 --> 00:07:03,290 invasion of Ukraine that many of the 171 00:07:03,299 --> 00:07:05,521 issues that we have dealt with over the 172 00:07:05,521 --> 00:07:07,743 years here are trying to make sure that 173 00:07:07,743 --> 00:07:09,966 that our military is ready in every way 174 00:07:09,966 --> 00:07:12,720 uh has brought to the attention and to 175 00:07:12,730 --> 00:07:16,480 the forefront , many of our concerns . 176 00:07:17,170 --> 00:07:19,392 Uh we've been forced to think about the 177 00:07:19,392 --> 00:07:21,679 organic industrial base which was 178 00:07:21,690 --> 00:07:24,119 heretofore not with this committee , 179 00:07:24,130 --> 00:07:26,380 but with the uh even the larger 180 00:07:26,390 --> 00:07:29,989 committee often ignored . And so in 181 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:33,600 this budget request , I am finally 182 00:07:33,609 --> 00:07:35,553 seeing evidence that we're getting 183 00:07:35,553 --> 00:07:37,720 serious about the modernization of the 184 00:07:37,720 --> 00:07:39,331 depots , the shipyards , the 185 00:07:39,331 --> 00:07:41,165 infrastructure , the bases , the 186 00:07:41,165 --> 00:07:43,839 housing and all of the rest . And we 187 00:07:43,850 --> 00:07:46,017 need to continue to push that . I know 188 00:07:46,017 --> 00:07:47,794 that you intend to do that , Mr 189 00:07:47,794 --> 00:07:49,961 Chairman . And I hope that the members 190 00:07:49,961 --> 00:07:52,128 of the subcommittee will continue also 191 00:07:52,128 --> 00:07:54,461 with that effort . Uh through the media . 192 00:07:54,461 --> 00:07:56,517 We've also watched the , the cost of 193 00:07:56,517 --> 00:07:59,600 Russia's other readiness failures for 194 00:07:59,609 --> 00:08:01,760 the Russians . We've watched its 195 00:08:01,769 --> 00:08:03,890 equipment fail because it was poorly 196 00:08:03,899 --> 00:08:05,955 sustained and maintained . And we've 197 00:08:05,959 --> 00:08:08,540 witnessed the cost of poorly trained 198 00:08:08,739 --> 00:08:11,640 troops . Russian troops . 199 00:08:12,579 --> 00:08:15,109 We cannot let that happen and it falls 200 00:08:15,119 --> 00:08:17,230 to the subcommittee to make sure that 201 00:08:17,230 --> 00:08:19,679 as we go forward , that we are fully 202 00:08:19,690 --> 00:08:21,709 prepared , there's another piece of 203 00:08:21,720 --> 00:08:23,609 this puzzle that falls within the 204 00:08:23,609 --> 00:08:27,209 jurisdiction are beyond the training of 205 00:08:27,220 --> 00:08:30,130 the troops and that is that we have to 206 00:08:30,140 --> 00:08:33,450 make sure that the access 207 00:08:34,140 --> 00:08:37,840 to sustain the fight is available . And 208 00:08:37,849 --> 00:08:40,489 so we'll be working on that also . Now 209 00:08:40,500 --> 00:08:42,556 the Comptroller General has analyzed 210 00:08:42,556 --> 00:08:44,389 that the readiness of our weapon 211 00:08:44,389 --> 00:08:46,444 systems over the course of years has 212 00:08:46,444 --> 00:08:50,250 not been good enough . When we analyze 213 00:08:50,260 --> 00:08:52,429 uh the aircraft type , the majority of 214 00:08:52,440 --> 00:08:55,669 the systems in our inventory fail to 215 00:08:56,710 --> 00:08:59,570 by more than 10% below the department's 216 00:08:59,580 --> 00:09:02,359 own mission , capability rate goals . 217 00:09:03,119 --> 00:09:06,250 So we have to continue to work on this 218 00:09:06,260 --> 00:09:09,570 issue . Cannibalization seems to be the 219 00:09:09,580 --> 00:09:11,858 way in which we keep most of the fleet , 220 00:09:12,330 --> 00:09:14,386 whether that's an aircraft or it's a 221 00:09:14,386 --> 00:09:17,179 truck or a plane or a tank or a ship , 222 00:09:18,250 --> 00:09:20,417 cannibalization seems to be the way in 223 00:09:20,417 --> 00:09:23,049 which we keep these things operating 224 00:09:23,500 --> 00:09:26,169 that doesn't work for long . And so we 225 00:09:26,179 --> 00:09:28,179 need to pay attention to that as we 226 00:09:28,179 --> 00:09:30,290 have in the past and we must continue 227 00:09:30,390 --> 00:09:33,169 to make sure that all of the equipment 228 00:09:33,679 --> 00:09:35,940 uh has the necessary parts and pieces 229 00:09:35,950 --> 00:09:38,849 on time when necessary . So I'm looking 230 00:09:38,859 --> 00:09:40,803 forward to the hearing today , our 231 00:09:40,803 --> 00:09:43,080 witnesses uh as they discuss these 232 00:09:43,090 --> 00:09:45,250 issues , what they've learned , the 233 00:09:45,260 --> 00:09:48,159 lessons they've learned and it'll be 234 00:09:48,169 --> 00:09:51,489 displayed in this year's budget . And 235 00:09:51,500 --> 00:09:53,500 we've certainly seen the lessons in 236 00:09:53,500 --> 00:09:55,556 Ukraine . More importantly , what we 237 00:09:55,556 --> 00:09:58,510 are doing to operationalize those 238 00:09:58,520 --> 00:10:00,520 lessons that have been learned from 239 00:10:00,520 --> 00:10:03,650 Ukraine and beyond . So look forward to 240 00:10:03,659 --> 00:10:05,881 working with Mr Chairman . Look forward 241 00:10:05,881 --> 00:10:07,826 to working with the members of the 242 00:10:07,826 --> 00:10:09,826 committee , the subcommittee and uh 243 00:10:09,826 --> 00:10:12,103 we'll push along . Thank you very much . 244 00:10:12,103 --> 00:10:14,048 You're back . Thank you , Mr Garra 245 00:10:14,048 --> 00:10:16,103 Mendy . Uh I'd like to again welcome 246 00:10:16,103 --> 00:10:18,326 our witnesses . Uh and , and thank them 247 00:10:18,326 --> 00:10:20,437 for their participation today . We're 248 00:10:20,437 --> 00:10:22,659 joined uh by General Randy George , the 249 00:10:22,659 --> 00:10:24,859 vice chief of the Army , uh admiral , 250 00:10:25,080 --> 00:10:28,150 uh Lisa Frank , uh Frank Ty , the Vice 251 00:10:28,159 --> 00:10:30,159 Chief of Naval Operations , General 252 00:10:30,159 --> 00:10:32,215 Eric Smith , Assistant Commandant of 253 00:10:32,215 --> 00:10:34,640 the Marine Corps and uh General David 254 00:10:34,650 --> 00:10:36,817 Alvin , Vice Chief of Staff of the Air 255 00:10:36,817 --> 00:10:40,580 Force General D T Thompson , um Vice 256 00:10:40,590 --> 00:10:42,590 Chief of Space Operations , General 257 00:10:42,590 --> 00:10:44,590 George over to you for your opening 258 00:10:44,590 --> 00:10:46,423 remarks . Ok . Thanks , Chairman 259 00:10:46,423 --> 00:10:48,701 Chairman Waltz , ranking member Guindi , 260 00:10:48,701 --> 00:10:50,646 distinguished men , members of the 261 00:10:50,646 --> 00:10:52,479 subcommittee . Thank you for the 262 00:10:52,479 --> 00:10:54,534 opportunity to discuss the readiness 263 00:10:54,534 --> 00:10:56,969 posture of our army . 80 years ago , 264 00:10:56,979 --> 00:10:59,090 American troops were fully engaged in 265 00:10:59,090 --> 00:11:02,169 the allied war effort in Europe in 266 00:11:02,179 --> 00:11:05,080 Africa and in the Indo Pacific , among 267 00:11:05,090 --> 00:11:07,257 them was a company of soldiers holding 268 00:11:07,257 --> 00:11:09,369 a roadblock near a village of San 269 00:11:09,400 --> 00:11:12,369 Ananda in northern New Guinea . They 270 00:11:12,380 --> 00:11:14,349 were enduring malarial fevers , 271 00:11:14,440 --> 00:11:17,460 venomous snakes , torrential rains and 272 00:11:17,469 --> 00:11:19,619 holding off a perpetual onslaught of 273 00:11:19,630 --> 00:11:23,409 competent enemy fighters . I reflect on 274 00:11:23,419 --> 00:11:25,419 this because it reminds me that our 275 00:11:25,419 --> 00:11:27,890 army must be ready for anything . We 276 00:11:27,900 --> 00:11:29,900 must be ready to deter war . And if 277 00:11:29,900 --> 00:11:32,011 deterrence fails to take the fight to 278 00:11:32,011 --> 00:11:34,219 the enemy anywhere around the globe , 279 00:11:34,229 --> 00:11:37,000 even in the most hostile environments , 280 00:11:37,179 --> 00:11:39,599 just as we've always done . It also 281 00:11:39,609 --> 00:11:41,776 reminds me that war fighting is a team 282 00:11:41,780 --> 00:11:44,119 effort . It takes teams on the ground 283 00:11:44,130 --> 00:11:46,799 like at San Ananda and teams at every 284 00:11:46,809 --> 00:11:49,659 echelon above providing a menu of 285 00:11:49,669 --> 00:11:51,447 lethal options to our combatant 286 00:11:51,447 --> 00:11:55,299 commanders . Our army is focused on 287 00:11:55,309 --> 00:11:57,531 war fighting and training for battle in 288 00:11:57,531 --> 00:12:00,270 which all domains are contested and we 289 00:12:00,280 --> 00:12:02,502 are focused on supporting our combatant 290 00:12:02,502 --> 00:12:04,613 commands with ready formations around 291 00:12:04,613 --> 00:12:06,613 the world . And right now , we have 292 00:12:06,613 --> 00:12:10,309 137,000 soldiers in over 140 293 00:12:10,320 --> 00:12:12,950 countries . We are strengthening our 294 00:12:12,960 --> 00:12:15,099 partnership with defense industry and 295 00:12:15,109 --> 00:12:17,609 rapidly modernizing our organic 296 00:12:17,619 --> 00:12:19,175 industrial base to increase 297 00:12:19,175 --> 00:12:21,230 productivity and ensure that we have 298 00:12:21,230 --> 00:12:23,397 the stocks to fight when called upon . 299 00:12:24,200 --> 00:12:26,311 We are deterring the pacing challenge 300 00:12:26,311 --> 00:12:28,530 China by exercising and campaigning 301 00:12:28,539 --> 00:12:31,380 across the Indo Pacific Theater and 302 00:12:31,390 --> 00:12:33,223 holding the line in the European 303 00:12:33,223 --> 00:12:35,279 theater along our NATO alongside our 304 00:12:35,279 --> 00:12:38,049 NATO partners . All the while adapting 305 00:12:38,059 --> 00:12:40,130 in real time to lessons learned from 306 00:12:40,140 --> 00:12:43,020 the war in Ukraine and rapidly 307 00:12:43,030 --> 00:12:44,974 incorporating new tactics into our 308 00:12:44,974 --> 00:12:48,270 doctrine and our training . But 309 00:12:48,280 --> 00:12:50,502 readiness for today is not enough , our 310 00:12:50,502 --> 00:12:52,760 army is also transforming because 311 00:12:52,770 --> 00:12:54,826 honestly , we don't have an option . 312 00:12:54,969 --> 00:12:57,539 Warfare is changing and we must change 313 00:12:57,549 --> 00:12:59,660 because of it to ensure we stay ahead 314 00:12:59,660 --> 00:13:01,882 of our potential adversaries . So among 315 00:13:01,890 --> 00:13:04,001 many things , we are modernizing long 316 00:13:04,001 --> 00:13:06,320 range precision fires , air and missile 317 00:13:06,330 --> 00:13:09,020 defense , ground combat capabilities 318 00:13:09,239 --> 00:13:10,850 and developing counter U A S 319 00:13:10,850 --> 00:13:14,239 capabilities and doctrine . Finally , 320 00:13:14,250 --> 00:13:16,528 we are building the team , like I said , 321 00:13:16,528 --> 00:13:18,820 war fighting is a team effort . This 322 00:13:18,830 --> 00:13:20,997 includes providing commanders with the 323 00:13:20,997 --> 00:13:22,909 resources , they need to support 324 00:13:22,919 --> 00:13:25,390 soldiers mental and physical well being , 325 00:13:25,640 --> 00:13:28,090 to maintain a healthy command climate 326 00:13:28,380 --> 00:13:30,890 and to build cohesive teams . And it 327 00:13:30,900 --> 00:13:33,067 means investing in the quality of life 328 00:13:33,067 --> 00:13:35,020 of our soldiers and our families , 329 00:13:35,030 --> 00:13:37,252 ensuring that they have safe housing in 330 00:13:37,252 --> 00:13:39,479 barracks , adequate childcare and 331 00:13:39,489 --> 00:13:43,000 spouse employment opportunities . I'll 332 00:13:43,010 --> 00:13:44,950 end with recruitment a critical 333 00:13:44,960 --> 00:13:47,489 readiness priority for us . Right now , 334 00:13:47,719 --> 00:13:49,775 we are challenged by the fact that a 335 00:13:49,775 --> 00:13:52,340 small number of young Americans 23% are 336 00:13:52,349 --> 00:13:55,159 qualified to serve fewer . Still we're 337 00:13:55,169 --> 00:13:57,700 finding are interested in serving and 338 00:13:57,710 --> 00:13:59,766 that's something that we are working 339 00:13:59,766 --> 00:14:02,669 very hard to change . Our army remains 340 00:14:02,679 --> 00:14:04,790 a great place to be . And I think our 341 00:14:04,790 --> 00:14:06,960 high retention rates speak to that . 342 00:14:07,390 --> 00:14:09,390 The trouble is many Americans don't 343 00:14:09,390 --> 00:14:11,739 realize it or believe it military 344 00:14:11,750 --> 00:14:13,861 service to many people , seems like a 345 00:14:13,861 --> 00:14:16,590 life setback . In reality . It's a life 346 00:14:16,599 --> 00:14:19,119 accelerator that has certainly been my 347 00:14:19,130 --> 00:14:21,090 experience since I enlisted as a 348 00:14:21,099 --> 00:14:23,640 private right out of high school . It's 349 00:14:23,650 --> 00:14:25,817 a great team with an important mission 350 00:14:25,820 --> 00:14:28,729 and ample opportunity to learn , grow 351 00:14:28,739 --> 00:14:31,210 and make an impact and we have to get 352 00:14:31,219 --> 00:14:33,869 that story out and we're pouring all of 353 00:14:33,880 --> 00:14:35,890 our energy into that effort and we 354 00:14:35,900 --> 00:14:37,979 appreciate Congress's assistance and 355 00:14:37,989 --> 00:14:41,450 amplifying our call to service message . 356 00:14:41,679 --> 00:14:43,790 And chairman the last on uh to answer 357 00:14:43,790 --> 00:14:45,457 your question on a continuing 358 00:14:45,457 --> 00:14:47,401 resolution . I'll just give you an 359 00:14:47,401 --> 00:14:49,568 example from last year . Um Over three 360 00:14:49,568 --> 00:14:52,320 months , we had about 25 new starts 361 00:14:52,330 --> 00:14:54,497 that we were looking to get going . We 362 00:14:54,497 --> 00:14:56,441 couldn't because of the continuing 363 00:14:56,441 --> 00:14:58,700 resolution impacted about 1.9 billion . 364 00:14:58,710 --> 00:15:00,710 And you can imagine some of that in 365 00:15:00,710 --> 00:15:03,059 there , for example , was um O I B 366 00:15:03,070 --> 00:15:05,126 modernization that we were trying to 367 00:15:05,126 --> 00:15:07,181 get started . So as you mentioned up 368 00:15:07,181 --> 00:15:09,126 front , it's the new starts that a 369 00:15:09,126 --> 00:15:10,959 continuing resolution would be a 370 00:15:10,959 --> 00:15:12,570 problem for us . Thank you , 371 00:15:17,940 --> 00:15:20,162 Chairman Waltz , ranking member , Garra 372 00:15:20,169 --> 00:15:22,336 Mendy and distinguished members of the 373 00:15:22,336 --> 00:15:24,502 committee . Good afternoon . On behalf 374 00:15:24,502 --> 00:15:26,558 of the Secretary of the Navy and the 375 00:15:26,558 --> 00:15:28,669 Chief of naval operations . Thank you 376 00:15:28,669 --> 00:15:30,669 for the opportunity to discuss Navy 377 00:15:30,669 --> 00:15:32,780 readiness with you today . The United 378 00:15:32,780 --> 00:15:34,669 States is a maritime nation . Our 379 00:15:34,669 --> 00:15:36,780 security and prosperity depend on the 380 00:15:36,780 --> 00:15:40,210 seas . For the past 247 years , your 381 00:15:40,219 --> 00:15:42,599 navy has stood the watch . We are 382 00:15:42,609 --> 00:15:45,510 America's away team operating forward 383 00:15:45,520 --> 00:15:48,109 to deter war , protect our economic 384 00:15:48,119 --> 00:15:50,679 interests , uphold international law , 385 00:15:50,869 --> 00:15:53,059 ensure freedom of and access to the 386 00:15:53,070 --> 00:15:55,909 seas and respond to crises and natural 387 00:15:55,919 --> 00:15:58,590 disasters . We provide our nation's 388 00:15:58,599 --> 00:16:00,488 leaders with decision , space and 389 00:16:00,488 --> 00:16:02,739 options and stand ready to fight and 390 00:16:02,750 --> 00:16:06,039 win when called to do so . Over the 391 00:16:06,049 --> 00:16:08,119 past year , we have safely executed 392 00:16:08,130 --> 00:16:10,729 22,000 steaming days , almost one 393 00:16:10,739 --> 00:16:13,150 million flight hours and participated 394 00:16:13,159 --> 00:16:16,369 in nearly 100 exercises with operations 395 00:16:16,380 --> 00:16:18,547 spanning the globe . We have supported 396 00:16:18,547 --> 00:16:20,769 the allied response to Russia's illegal 397 00:16:20,769 --> 00:16:22,713 and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine 398 00:16:22,713 --> 00:16:24,599 conducted freedom of navigation 399 00:16:24,609 --> 00:16:27,080 operations , interdicted illegal 400 00:16:27,090 --> 00:16:29,479 narcotics traffickers and provided 401 00:16:29,489 --> 00:16:32,909 humanitarian assistance . As I speak , 402 00:16:32,919 --> 00:16:34,530 our sailors and marine corps 403 00:16:34,530 --> 00:16:36,697 counterparts are deployed on more than 404 00:16:36,697 --> 00:16:38,809 100 ships and submarines around the 405 00:16:38,820 --> 00:16:41,239 world ready to meet the security needs 406 00:16:41,250 --> 00:16:44,359 of our nation . Our F Y 24 budget 407 00:16:44,369 --> 00:16:46,159 request is consistent with C's 408 00:16:46,250 --> 00:16:48,929 priorities of readiness and sailors 409 00:16:48,940 --> 00:16:52,309 then capability then capacity with the 410 00:16:52,320 --> 00:16:55,030 Columbia SBN program as our number one 411 00:16:55,039 --> 00:16:58,200 procurement priority , we continue to 412 00:16:58,210 --> 00:17:00,659 prioritize readiness to sustain our 413 00:17:00,669 --> 00:17:02,590 forces through better maintenance 414 00:17:02,599 --> 00:17:05,030 performance , more training , improved 415 00:17:05,040 --> 00:17:07,229 parts availability and increased 416 00:17:07,239 --> 00:17:10,380 weapons inventories , navy readiness 417 00:17:10,390 --> 00:17:12,640 begins with our people , the sailors , 418 00:17:12,650 --> 00:17:14,890 civilians and families who are the 419 00:17:14,900 --> 00:17:16,900 foundation of our true war fighting 420 00:17:16,900 --> 00:17:19,189 advantage . We are committed to 421 00:17:19,199 --> 00:17:21,366 improving their quality of service and 422 00:17:21,366 --> 00:17:23,380 personal resilience , investing in 423 00:17:23,390 --> 00:17:25,612 initiatives such as quality housing and 424 00:17:25,612 --> 00:17:27,540 child care , access to the full 425 00:17:27,550 --> 00:17:29,439 continuum of mental health care , 426 00:17:29,469 --> 00:17:32,160 improved education and an environment 427 00:17:32,170 --> 00:17:34,226 free of sexual harassment and sexual 428 00:17:34,226 --> 00:17:37,319 assault . In this 50th anniversary of 429 00:17:37,329 --> 00:17:39,479 the all volunteer force , we continue 430 00:17:39,489 --> 00:17:41,930 to focus on recruiting retention and 431 00:17:41,939 --> 00:17:44,189 reducing gaps in our billets at sea . 432 00:17:45,189 --> 00:17:47,356 Navy readiness is also centered on the 433 00:17:47,356 --> 00:17:49,750 readiness of our platforms using data 434 00:17:49,760 --> 00:17:51,760 analytics , improving our planning 435 00:17:51,770 --> 00:17:54,359 processes and procuring long lead time 436 00:17:54,369 --> 00:17:56,290 materials . We have decreased 437 00:17:56,300 --> 00:17:58,244 maintenance , delays in public and 438 00:17:58,244 --> 00:18:00,244 private shipyards but there is more 439 00:18:00,244 --> 00:18:02,739 work to be done . Our budget request 440 00:18:02,750 --> 00:18:04,750 fully funds public and private ship 441 00:18:04,750 --> 00:18:06,361 maintenance , aviation depot 442 00:18:06,361 --> 00:18:09,130 maintenance increases parts and spares 443 00:18:09,140 --> 00:18:11,180 and continues to grow our highly 444 00:18:11,189 --> 00:18:13,189 skilled public shipyard workforce . 445 00:18:14,130 --> 00:18:17,099 Finally , navy readiness is also driven 446 00:18:17,109 --> 00:18:19,670 by the readiness of our bases . Shore 447 00:18:19,680 --> 00:18:21,609 infrastructure is critical and we 448 00:18:21,619 --> 00:18:23,675 continue to fully fund the once in a 449 00:18:23,675 --> 00:18:25,849 century recapitalization of our four 450 00:18:25,859 --> 00:18:27,970 public shipyards through the shipyard 451 00:18:27,970 --> 00:18:30,081 infrastructure optimization program . 452 00:18:30,180 --> 00:18:32,291 Our budget request supports increased 453 00:18:32,291 --> 00:18:34,513 sustainment of our shore infrastructure 454 00:18:34,513 --> 00:18:36,458 while prioritizing restoration and 455 00:18:36,458 --> 00:18:38,513 modernization for water , electrical 456 00:18:38,513 --> 00:18:41,239 and safety systems as our strategic 457 00:18:41,250 --> 00:18:43,250 competitors continue to improve and 458 00:18:43,250 --> 00:18:44,861 enhance their capabilities . 459 00:18:44,861 --> 00:18:47,083 Maintaining a responsive combat ready . 460 00:18:47,083 --> 00:18:49,339 Worldwide deployable navy is our first 461 00:18:49,349 --> 00:18:51,520 line of defense and deterrence , 462 00:18:51,739 --> 00:18:53,890 sustained readiness . Investments in 463 00:18:53,900 --> 00:18:56,290 today's Navy are a down payment on 464 00:18:56,300 --> 00:18:58,790 America's future security . I thank the 465 00:18:58,800 --> 00:19:00,689 committee for your leadership and 466 00:19:00,689 --> 00:19:02,633 partnership in keeping the world's 467 00:19:02,633 --> 00:19:04,800 greatest maritime force ready to fight 468 00:19:04,800 --> 00:19:06,856 and win at sea and I look forward to 469 00:19:06,856 --> 00:19:07,856 your questions . 470 00:19:10,579 --> 00:19:12,412 Thank you , General Smith . Your 471 00:19:12,412 --> 00:19:15,280 opening statement , Chairman Waltz , 472 00:19:15,420 --> 00:19:17,729 ranking member Gardi and distinguished 473 00:19:17,739 --> 00:19:19,628 members of the subcommittee . I'm 474 00:19:19,628 --> 00:19:21,739 pleased to appear before you today to 475 00:19:21,739 --> 00:19:23,906 discuss Marine Corps readiness and the 476 00:19:23,906 --> 00:19:26,329 fiscal year 24 budget . Your Marine 477 00:19:26,339 --> 00:19:29,310 Corps remains the nation's force in 478 00:19:29,319 --> 00:19:31,579 readiness . We are ready to deter 479 00:19:31,589 --> 00:19:34,140 adversaries and when that deterrence 480 00:19:34,150 --> 00:19:36,430 fails , we are ready to strike and 481 00:19:36,439 --> 00:19:39,359 enable others to strike . We also 482 00:19:39,369 --> 00:19:41,591 provide the crisis response forces that 483 00:19:41,591 --> 00:19:43,813 American citizens abroad and our allies 484 00:19:43,813 --> 00:19:46,091 have come to expect from their marines . 485 00:19:46,829 --> 00:19:49,550 We provide this expeditionary combined 486 00:19:49,560 --> 00:19:52,920 arms force utilizing the minimum 31 487 00:19:52,930 --> 00:19:55,041 amphibious warships that Congress has 488 00:19:55,041 --> 00:19:58,209 directed those ships provide the 489 00:19:58,219 --> 00:20:00,839 organic mobility required to bring all 490 00:20:00,849 --> 00:20:02,960 of our assets to bear at the critical 491 00:20:02,960 --> 00:20:04,793 time and place for our combatant 492 00:20:04,793 --> 00:20:07,199 commanders . The most important asset 493 00:20:07,209 --> 00:20:09,431 we bring to bear remains the individual 494 00:20:09,431 --> 00:20:11,859 marine . Our modernization efforts 495 00:20:11,869 --> 00:20:14,036 known as force design , ensure that we 496 00:20:14,036 --> 00:20:16,258 are man trained and equipped to deter a 497 00:20:16,258 --> 00:20:18,609 peer adversary and to campaign to a 498 00:20:18,619 --> 00:20:20,841 position of advantage should deterrents 499 00:20:20,841 --> 00:20:23,349 fail and lethal force be needed . Our 500 00:20:23,359 --> 00:20:26,369 modernization efforts are required to 501 00:20:26,380 --> 00:20:28,436 fight and win on future battlefields 502 00:20:28,436 --> 00:20:30,547 about that . We can make no mistake . 503 00:20:31,280 --> 00:20:33,502 Our aviation redness has increased more 504 00:20:33,502 --> 00:20:35,724 than 10% in the past few years . Thanks 505 00:20:35,724 --> 00:20:37,669 to the work of this subcommittee , 506 00:20:37,669 --> 00:20:39,613 provide us with the operations and 507 00:20:39,613 --> 00:20:42,390 maintenance funding we need . And due 508 00:20:42,400 --> 00:20:44,289 to our aviation modernization and 509 00:20:44,289 --> 00:20:46,859 reorganization efforts when a marine 510 00:20:46,869 --> 00:20:48,869 expeditionary unit deploys on a big 511 00:20:48,869 --> 00:20:51,202 deck L class amphibious warship . Today , 512 00:20:51,390 --> 00:20:53,446 they provide the combatant commander 513 00:20:53,446 --> 00:20:56,699 with 66% more fifth generation aircraft 514 00:20:56,709 --> 00:20:58,709 than before . We made forced design 515 00:20:58,709 --> 00:21:02,020 changes . Our efforts to modernize our 516 00:21:02,030 --> 00:21:04,369 training and education are bearing 517 00:21:04,380 --> 00:21:06,959 fruit as we produce an even more lethal 518 00:21:06,969 --> 00:21:09,800 marine from our basic rifleman training 519 00:21:10,089 --> 00:21:12,422 to our service level training exercises , 520 00:21:12,422 --> 00:21:15,060 we are becoming more lethal . Our new 521 00:21:15,069 --> 00:21:16,958 training integrates our joint and 522 00:21:16,958 --> 00:21:20,109 organic fires , improved communications 523 00:21:20,310 --> 00:21:23,380 and updated I S R to sense , make sense , 524 00:21:23,390 --> 00:21:26,160 track and destroy targets at ranges and 525 00:21:26,170 --> 00:21:28,550 complexities . Never before seen by our 526 00:21:28,560 --> 00:21:31,550 Marine Corps . Our individual marine 527 00:21:31,560 --> 00:21:33,671 remains the most lethal weapon on the 528 00:21:33,671 --> 00:21:35,727 battlefield . Our efforts to improve 529 00:21:35,727 --> 00:21:37,838 the quality of life of those warriors 530 00:21:37,969 --> 00:21:40,449 to retain them once we train them are 531 00:21:40,459 --> 00:21:43,780 vital and important , your continued 532 00:21:43,790 --> 00:21:45,846 support matters to them and to their 533 00:21:45,846 --> 00:21:49,170 family . So thank you finally to your 534 00:21:49,180 --> 00:21:51,402 point , Mr Chairman , I would note that 535 00:21:51,402 --> 00:21:53,569 over the past 10 years , approximately 536 00:21:53,569 --> 00:21:55,624 four have been spent in a continuing 537 00:21:55,624 --> 00:21:58,729 resolution status during any C R . 538 00:21:58,739 --> 00:22:00,850 We're unable to improve as rapidly as 539 00:22:00,850 --> 00:22:02,795 we might have otherwise done . Our 540 00:22:02,795 --> 00:22:04,906 adversaries don't have that problem . 541 00:22:04,906 --> 00:22:06,739 Your help to deliver on time and 542 00:22:06,739 --> 00:22:08,795 predictable funding to the 18 and 19 543 00:22:08,795 --> 00:22:10,795 year old Lance corporals who do the 544 00:22:10,795 --> 00:22:12,850 fighting for our nation is sincerely 545 00:22:12,850 --> 00:22:15,900 appreciated . As an example . In the 546 00:22:15,910 --> 00:22:17,869 past , we had the opportunity to 547 00:22:17,880 --> 00:22:20,569 procure our amphibious combat vehicle 548 00:22:20,949 --> 00:22:23,709 faster , but we're unable to do so 549 00:22:24,040 --> 00:22:26,449 because of AC R that leaves older 550 00:22:26,459 --> 00:22:28,681 equipment in the hands of the 18 and 19 551 00:22:28,681 --> 00:22:30,848 year olds who will fight for us . So , 552 00:22:30,848 --> 00:22:33,070 the continuing resolution is absolutely 553 00:22:33,070 --> 00:22:34,848 detrimental . I look forward to 554 00:22:34,848 --> 00:22:36,681 answering your questions and I'm 555 00:22:36,681 --> 00:22:36,589 grateful to appear before you . Thank 556 00:22:36,599 --> 00:22:38,821 you , General Smith , General Alvin for 557 00:22:38,821 --> 00:22:41,510 your opening statement . Chairman Waltz , 558 00:22:41,780 --> 00:22:43,502 ranking member , Garamendi and 559 00:22:43,502 --> 00:22:45,447 distinguished committee members on 560 00:22:45,447 --> 00:22:47,558 behalf of our Air Force Secretary and 561 00:22:47,558 --> 00:22:49,502 Chief of staff . Thank you for the 562 00:22:49,502 --> 00:22:51,613 opportunity to discuss the critically 563 00:22:51,613 --> 00:22:53,502 important topic of readiness . We 564 00:22:53,502 --> 00:22:55,224 greatly appreciate this body's 565 00:22:55,224 --> 00:22:57,280 continued partnership and support in 566 00:22:57,280 --> 00:22:59,447 delivering the resources necessary for 567 00:22:59,447 --> 00:22:59,369 the air force to respond to today's 568 00:22:59,380 --> 00:23:01,547 threats while preparing for tomorrow . 569 00:23:02,030 --> 00:23:04,141 The events of the past year remind us 570 00:23:04,141 --> 00:23:06,308 that global actors have the capability 571 00:23:06,308 --> 00:23:08,197 and intent to challenge peace and 572 00:23:08,197 --> 00:23:10,308 stability . In the case of the pacing 573 00:23:10,308 --> 00:23:12,363 challenge , the People's Republic of 574 00:23:12,363 --> 00:23:14,363 China , the speed at which they are 575 00:23:14,363 --> 00:23:13,930 developing advanced capability and 576 00:23:13,939 --> 00:23:16,290 capacity should serve as a warning for 577 00:23:16,300 --> 00:23:18,189 us to act with a greater sense of 578 00:23:18,189 --> 00:23:20,280 urgency . We must maintain the 579 00:23:20,290 --> 00:23:23,030 necessary advantage to deter them from 580 00:23:23,040 --> 00:23:25,430 violent pursuit of objectives at odds 581 00:23:25,439 --> 00:23:28,109 with our national interests . Your Air 582 00:23:28,119 --> 00:23:31,060 Force is laser focused on this task 583 00:23:32,119 --> 00:23:34,230 readiness starts with our airmen both 584 00:23:34,230 --> 00:23:36,452 uniformed and civilian who consistently 585 00:23:36,452 --> 00:23:38,563 prove to be our greatest strength and 586 00:23:38,563 --> 00:23:40,660 competitive advantage . Since the 587 00:23:40,670 --> 00:23:42,837 beginning of the all volunteer force . 588 00:23:42,837 --> 00:23:44,948 50 years ago , we have been fortunate 589 00:23:44,948 --> 00:23:47,170 enough to attract the best of America's 590 00:23:47,170 --> 00:23:49,560 youth in sufficient numbers . But 591 00:23:49,569 --> 00:23:51,625 recent realities have put this under 592 00:23:51,625 --> 00:23:53,959 pressure . As a result , we will likely 593 00:23:53,969 --> 00:23:56,025 not meet our recruiting goals . This 594 00:23:56,030 --> 00:23:58,260 year , we are aggressively exploring 595 00:23:58,270 --> 00:24:00,290 multiple options while streamlining 596 00:24:00,300 --> 00:24:03,229 processes to attract a broader pool of 597 00:24:03,239 --> 00:24:05,128 those talented Americans into our 598 00:24:05,128 --> 00:24:07,979 formation . We also know that a ready 599 00:24:07,989 --> 00:24:10,189 airman is a focused and resilient 600 00:24:10,199 --> 00:24:13,410 airman and we must demonstrate that we 601 00:24:13,420 --> 00:24:15,540 continue to value our service members 602 00:24:15,729 --> 00:24:18,020 and their families . We will continue 603 00:24:18,030 --> 00:24:20,560 to explore opportunities to expand init 604 00:24:20,630 --> 00:24:22,949 or initiate programs that better 605 00:24:22,959 --> 00:24:25,630 support quality of life and we greatly 606 00:24:25,640 --> 00:24:27,862 appreciate this committee's support for 607 00:24:27,862 --> 00:24:30,089 these efforts . The air crew deficit 608 00:24:30,099 --> 00:24:32,410 persists due to several factors but 609 00:24:32,420 --> 00:24:34,650 this shortage has not extended into the 610 00:24:34,660 --> 00:24:37,040 operational units or the pilot training 611 00:24:37,050 --> 00:24:39,459 bases . We are continuing on the path 612 00:24:39,469 --> 00:24:41,619 to transform our approach to pilot 613 00:24:41,630 --> 00:24:44,000 training to increase production while 614 00:24:44,010 --> 00:24:46,079 leveraging numerous monetary and non 615 00:24:46,089 --> 00:24:47,920 monetary programs to retain the 616 00:24:47,930 --> 00:24:50,160 experience of those trained aviators . 617 00:24:51,150 --> 00:24:53,150 We look forward to working with the 618 00:24:53,150 --> 00:24:55,317 committee on these programs as well as 619 00:24:55,317 --> 00:24:57,317 our pursuit of targeted relief from 620 00:24:57,317 --> 00:24:59,206 current legislation to enable the 621 00:24:59,206 --> 00:25:00,817 hiring of contract simulator 622 00:25:00,817 --> 00:25:03,170 instructors to maximize training and 623 00:25:03,180 --> 00:25:05,347 optimize our manpower to produce those 624 00:25:05,347 --> 00:25:08,140 pilots . While the proposed budget 625 00:25:08,150 --> 00:25:10,130 increase increases weapon system 626 00:25:10,140 --> 00:25:12,839 sustainment funding by $1.1 billion 627 00:25:12,849 --> 00:25:15,140 over last year , this will only still 628 00:25:15,150 --> 00:25:18,060 resource 80 87% of the estimated 629 00:25:18,069 --> 00:25:19,979 requirement due to sustainment 630 00:25:19,989 --> 00:25:22,130 challenges of our ever aging fleet , 631 00:25:22,140 --> 00:25:24,260 inflation , supply chain issues and 632 00:25:24,270 --> 00:25:26,500 labor costs . We are pursuing 633 00:25:26,510 --> 00:25:28,288 improvements in reliability and 634 00:25:28,288 --> 00:25:30,160 maintainability , supporting 635 00:25:30,170 --> 00:25:32,739 initiatives that advance data driven 636 00:25:32,750 --> 00:25:35,109 decisions . This drives efficiency in 637 00:25:35,119 --> 00:25:36,920 what we do today and enables 638 00:25:36,930 --> 00:25:38,920 responsiveness in dynamic wartime 639 00:25:38,930 --> 00:25:41,430 environments . Significant challenges 640 00:25:41,439 --> 00:25:43,550 and tough decisions still lie ahead . 641 00:25:43,680 --> 00:25:45,680 We must be thoughtful in adequately 642 00:25:45,680 --> 00:25:47,736 funding our readiness accounts while 643 00:25:47,736 --> 00:25:49,624 pursuing the right investments to 644 00:25:49,624 --> 00:25:51,736 develop advanced capabilities to meet 645 00:25:51,736 --> 00:25:53,958 future threats . This year , we feel we 646 00:25:53,958 --> 00:25:55,902 have struck the right balance . In 647 00:25:55,902 --> 00:25:58,013 closing . I would offer this Congress 648 00:25:58,013 --> 00:26:00,069 can make the most positive impact on 649 00:26:00,069 --> 00:26:02,180 our readiness through a timely budget 650 00:26:02,180 --> 00:26:04,291 appropriation , an extended continued 651 00:26:04,291 --> 00:26:06,013 resolution would result in the 652 00:26:06,013 --> 00:26:07,791 inability to start critical new 653 00:26:07,791 --> 00:26:10,013 programs and continue the momentum that 654 00:26:10,013 --> 00:26:09,709 we are building to meet the pacing 655 00:26:09,719 --> 00:26:12,859 challenge . It also creates instability 656 00:26:13,260 --> 00:26:15,427 and support to our airmen and families 657 00:26:15,550 --> 00:26:17,606 at a time . This has never been more 658 00:26:17,606 --> 00:26:20,219 important . AC R will essentially rob 659 00:26:20,229 --> 00:26:22,630 us of something both critical and 660 00:26:22,640 --> 00:26:24,869 irreversible as we face growing threats 661 00:26:24,880 --> 00:26:27,050 to our nation and that is time . 662 00:26:28,550 --> 00:26:32,020 So Mr to your point as well , specifics 663 00:26:32,030 --> 00:26:35,270 and Chairman Waltz on uh AC R , uh we 664 00:26:35,280 --> 00:26:38,310 estimate that the C R will uh decrease 665 00:26:38,319 --> 00:26:40,486 our buying power for the United States 666 00:26:40,486 --> 00:26:43,469 Air Force at $5.4 billion an extended C 667 00:26:43,479 --> 00:26:45,760 R . The key things that we are looking 668 00:26:45,770 --> 00:26:47,937 at that will directly be impacted by a 669 00:26:47,937 --> 00:26:49,880 continuing resolution are the 670 00:26:49,890 --> 00:26:51,501 initiation of a research and 671 00:26:51,501 --> 00:26:53,501 development in collaborative combat 672 00:26:53,501 --> 00:26:55,446 aircraft . This is integral to our 673 00:26:55,446 --> 00:26:57,640 design to have affordable mass against 674 00:26:57,650 --> 00:26:59,819 the People's Republic of China to be 675 00:26:59,829 --> 00:27:01,496 able to gain and maintain air 676 00:27:01,496 --> 00:27:03,496 superiority in the highly contested 677 00:27:03,496 --> 00:27:05,162 environment . These combat uh 678 00:27:05,162 --> 00:27:07,107 collaborative combat aircraft were 679 00:27:07,107 --> 00:27:09,051 working not only the platforms but 680 00:27:09,051 --> 00:27:11,107 developing the autonomy to ensure we 681 00:27:11,107 --> 00:27:10,959 can leverage them with our crude 682 00:27:10,969 --> 00:27:13,020 aircraft as well as experimental 683 00:27:13,030 --> 00:27:15,520 operational units that we have funded 684 00:27:15,530 --> 00:27:17,849 in 24 to be able to better integrate 685 00:27:17,859 --> 00:27:20,369 into our formations . And as I 686 00:27:20,380 --> 00:27:22,602 mentioned with the uncertainty , we see 687 00:27:22,602 --> 00:27:24,602 this in every C R families that are 688 00:27:24,602 --> 00:27:26,824 getting ready to P CS and prepare their 689 00:27:26,824 --> 00:27:28,991 families for the schools they're gonna 690 00:27:28,991 --> 00:27:31,158 go into if we don't have the certainty 691 00:27:31,158 --> 00:27:33,380 of being able to do that on time , that 692 00:27:33,380 --> 00:27:35,324 just puts more uh tension into the 693 00:27:35,324 --> 00:27:37,491 families . And it doesn't show that we 694 00:27:37,491 --> 00:27:36,729 support them the way that we should . 695 00:27:37,510 --> 00:27:39,677 Thank you . And I look forward to your 696 00:27:39,677 --> 00:27:42,319 questions . Thank you , General Alvin 697 00:27:42,329 --> 00:27:44,739 and , and those specifics uh General 698 00:27:44,750 --> 00:27:46,917 Smith , yours , your yours as well are 699 00:27:46,917 --> 00:27:49,083 incredibly important for us . As we go 700 00:27:49,083 --> 00:27:51,750 out to our respective caucuses , we try 701 00:27:51,760 --> 00:27:54,219 to get that as we try to get this done . 702 00:27:54,229 --> 00:27:55,451 Uh General Thompson , 703 00:27:57,969 --> 00:28:00,136 Chairman Waltz , ranking member , Gary 704 00:28:00,136 --> 00:28:02,302 Mendy and distinguished members of the 705 00:28:02,302 --> 00:28:04,525 subcommittee on behalf of the Secretary 706 00:28:04,525 --> 00:28:06,525 of the Air Force and Chief of Space 707 00:28:06,525 --> 00:28:06,280 Operations . Thank you for the 708 00:28:06,290 --> 00:28:08,457 opportunity to testify today regarding 709 00:28:08,457 --> 00:28:10,699 the readiness of the space force in 710 00:28:10,709 --> 00:28:12,765 examining the readiness of the space 711 00:28:12,765 --> 00:28:14,931 force to accomplish its missions . The 712 00:28:14,931 --> 00:28:16,987 overriding consideration remains the 713 00:28:16,987 --> 00:28:19,209 dramatic shift to the space domain from 714 00:28:19,209 --> 00:28:21,150 a comparatively benign military 715 00:28:21,160 --> 00:28:23,260 environment to one that's undeniably 716 00:28:23,270 --> 00:28:26,229 contested . Given that the capabilities 717 00:28:26,239 --> 00:28:28,295 and benefits provided from space are 718 00:28:28,295 --> 00:28:30,128 essential to our way of life and 719 00:28:30,128 --> 00:28:31,795 crucial to effective military 720 00:28:31,795 --> 00:28:34,017 operations in every other domain . This 721 00:28:34,017 --> 00:28:36,239 shift was the compelling reason for the 722 00:28:36,239 --> 00:28:38,350 creation of the Space Force 3.5 years 723 00:28:38,350 --> 00:28:40,810 ago . Since then , with the tremendous 724 00:28:40,819 --> 00:28:42,930 support of Congress , the Space Force 725 00:28:42,930 --> 00:28:45,152 Department of the Air Force and Broader 726 00:28:45,152 --> 00:28:47,208 Department of Defense have moved out 727 00:28:47,208 --> 00:28:49,375 aggressively to address the challenges 728 00:28:49,375 --> 00:28:51,597 the nation faces in space . We've begun 729 00:28:51,597 --> 00:28:53,319 to pivot to more resilient and 730 00:28:53,319 --> 00:28:55,380 defendable space architectures that 731 00:28:55,390 --> 00:28:57,660 ensure soldiers , sailors , airmen and 732 00:28:57,670 --> 00:28:59,709 marines can count on space forces 733 00:28:59,719 --> 00:29:03,300 across the spectrum of conflict . We've 734 00:29:03,310 --> 00:29:05,239 begun designing and developing 735 00:29:05,250 --> 00:29:07,380 satellite constellations that address 736 00:29:07,390 --> 00:29:09,619 the migration of missions to space 737 00:29:09,780 --> 00:29:12,099 including moving target indication , 738 00:29:12,550 --> 00:29:15,310 domain awareness on the land at sea and 739 00:29:15,319 --> 00:29:17,839 in the air , key elements of command 740 00:29:17,849 --> 00:29:19,930 and control and the movement of the 741 00:29:19,939 --> 00:29:22,170 data and information that enables the 742 00:29:22,180 --> 00:29:24,609 joint force in the way it expects to 743 00:29:24,619 --> 00:29:27,530 fight in the future . Finally , the 744 00:29:27,540 --> 00:29:29,596 space force has begun the shift to a 745 00:29:29,596 --> 00:29:31,596 new training and readiness approach 746 00:29:31,596 --> 00:29:33,818 that I described last year as the space 747 00:29:33,818 --> 00:29:36,069 force generation model we achieved , we 748 00:29:36,079 --> 00:29:38,135 achieved initial capability for this 749 00:29:38,135 --> 00:29:40,301 approach on October 1st of last year , 750 00:29:40,670 --> 00:29:42,726 once complete , it will ensure space 751 00:29:42,726 --> 00:29:44,726 forces are combat ready against the 752 00:29:44,726 --> 00:29:47,800 pacing challenge while much remains to 753 00:29:47,810 --> 00:29:49,866 be done in each of these areas . The 754 00:29:49,866 --> 00:29:51,588 main challenges to space force 755 00:29:51,588 --> 00:29:54,119 readiness today are two fold . The 756 00:29:54,130 --> 00:29:57,010 first is creating a combat ready force 757 00:29:57,020 --> 00:29:59,410 that is at the first to creating a 758 00:29:59,420 --> 00:30:02,250 combat ready space force is an advanced 759 00:30:02,260 --> 00:30:04,038 full spectrum test and training 760 00:30:04,038 --> 00:30:06,699 infrastructure . This infrastructure 761 00:30:06,709 --> 00:30:08,542 will be a system of systems that 762 00:30:08,542 --> 00:30:10,098 provides tests and training 763 00:30:10,098 --> 00:30:11,931 opportunities with high fidelity 764 00:30:11,931 --> 00:30:14,180 mission simulators and threats , a 765 00:30:14,199 --> 00:30:16,979 professional aggressor force and a 766 00:30:16,989 --> 00:30:19,619 suitable range . It will allow us to 767 00:30:19,630 --> 00:30:21,500 validate tactics , test system 768 00:30:21,510 --> 00:30:24,020 limitations and train operators in a 769 00:30:24,030 --> 00:30:26,719 live and synthetic environment against 770 00:30:26,729 --> 00:30:29,849 a thinking adversary without its 771 00:30:29,859 --> 00:30:31,915 infrastructure , guardians would not 772 00:30:31,915 --> 00:30:33,748 have defendable systems , proven 773 00:30:33,748 --> 00:30:35,469 tactics or the confidence and 774 00:30:35,479 --> 00:30:37,590 competence they need . Should it come 775 00:30:37,590 --> 00:30:40,239 to conflict in space ? The operational 776 00:30:40,250 --> 00:30:42,361 test and training infrastructure will 777 00:30:42,361 --> 00:30:44,083 be a force multiplier allowing 778 00:30:44,083 --> 00:30:46,194 guardians to maintain and improve our 779 00:30:46,194 --> 00:30:48,750 strategic advantage in space . The 780 00:30:48,760 --> 00:30:50,982 second and primary , the second primary 781 00:30:50,982 --> 00:30:53,038 challenge is space force rate and it 782 00:30:53,038 --> 00:30:55,038 lies in whether budgetary resources 783 00:30:55,038 --> 00:30:57,260 will be available in a timely manner to 784 00:30:57,260 --> 00:30:59,482 execute all we're planning to do . As I 785 00:30:59,482 --> 00:31:01,704 stated previously , Congress has been a 786 00:31:01,704 --> 00:31:03,649 tremendous partner in defining and 787 00:31:03,649 --> 00:31:05,871 building the space force in each year . 788 00:31:05,871 --> 00:31:07,982 Since its existence , the space force 789 00:31:07,982 --> 00:31:09,982 has seen 12 to 15% increases in its 790 00:31:09,982 --> 00:31:12,790 budget year . Over year , the 2024 791 00:31:12,800 --> 00:31:15,250 request is nearly $4 billion more than 792 00:31:15,260 --> 00:31:18,520 it was in 2023 a 15% increase 793 00:31:19,489 --> 00:31:21,711 in the event of a continuing resolution 794 00:31:21,711 --> 00:31:23,822 that increased budget authority would 795 00:31:23,822 --> 00:31:25,878 not be available to meet our needs . 796 00:31:25,878 --> 00:31:28,130 This budget request includes at least 797 00:31:28,140 --> 00:31:30,989 17 new initiatives , many of which are 798 00:31:31,000 --> 00:31:33,056 focused on this operational test and 799 00:31:33,056 --> 00:31:35,750 training infrastructure . Beyond that 800 00:31:35,760 --> 00:31:38,810 new initiatives that were begun in 2023 801 00:31:39,209 --> 00:31:40,931 already delayed because of the 802 00:31:40,931 --> 00:31:43,153 continuing resolution . This year , our 803 00:31:43,153 --> 00:31:46,989 program for increases in 2024 . As an 804 00:31:47,040 --> 00:31:49,040 as a specific example , the missing 805 00:31:49,040 --> 00:31:51,262 warning system that will track advanced 806 00:31:51,262 --> 00:31:53,429 hypersonic threats was begun in 2023 . 807 00:31:53,800 --> 00:31:55,856 The budget for this vital capability 808 00:31:55,856 --> 00:31:59,449 doubles in 2024 allowing us to deliver 809 00:31:59,459 --> 00:32:03,010 real global capability by 2027 . None 810 00:32:03,020 --> 00:32:05,131 of that additional authority and none 811 00:32:05,131 --> 00:32:07,353 of the new starts required for the test 812 00:32:07,353 --> 00:32:09,298 and training infrastructure can be 813 00:32:09,298 --> 00:32:11,969 begun during AC R . 814 00:32:13,369 --> 00:32:15,591 The president's fiscal year 2024 budget 815 00:32:15,591 --> 00:32:17,949 request request affirms the dod and 816 00:32:17,959 --> 00:32:19,848 space forces commitment to a bold 817 00:32:19,848 --> 00:32:22,219 threat and form shift . It acknowledges 818 00:32:22,229 --> 00:32:24,396 the need for a more robust proliferate 819 00:32:24,396 --> 00:32:26,780 architecture , intelligence driven 820 00:32:26,790 --> 00:32:28,790 space domain awareness , aggressive 821 00:32:28,800 --> 00:32:31,109 cyber security , measured investment in 822 00:32:31,119 --> 00:32:33,829 space purity and combat credible forces 823 00:32:34,020 --> 00:32:36,380 anchored in a full spectrum training 824 00:32:36,390 --> 00:32:38,790 enterprise . The most important thing 825 00:32:38,800 --> 00:32:40,790 Congress can do to help us in this 826 00:32:40,800 --> 00:32:42,856 endeavor is pass an on time budget . 827 00:32:43,390 --> 00:32:45,223 Thank you all for your steadfast 828 00:32:45,223 --> 00:32:47,057 partnership and support . I look 829 00:32:47,057 --> 00:32:49,112 forward to your questions . Uh Thank 830 00:32:49,112 --> 00:32:51,112 you , General , I'm just gonna dive 831 00:32:51,112 --> 00:32:53,334 right into . I just have one question I 832 00:32:53,334 --> 00:32:55,390 want to get to , to other members uh 833 00:32:55,390 --> 00:32:57,390 that we have since we have votes uh 834 00:32:57,390 --> 00:32:59,446 looming . Uh Can we just go down the 835 00:32:59,446 --> 00:33:01,668 line ? Uh I'll start with you , General 836 00:33:01,668 --> 00:33:03,557 George . Uh What are your current 837 00:33:03,557 --> 00:33:05,334 projections for your recruiting 838 00:33:05,334 --> 00:33:08,800 shortfalls ? This year . Um 839 00:33:08,810 --> 00:33:11,199 Chairman right now , uh we're doing 840 00:33:11,209 --> 00:33:13,376 better than we were doing . Um I would 841 00:33:13,376 --> 00:33:15,098 say right now , we're probably 842 00:33:15,098 --> 00:33:17,920 projecting to be about um 843 00:33:19,369 --> 00:33:23,140 55,000 . We had set our goal up to be 844 00:33:23,150 --> 00:33:26,069 uh 65,000 this year , which is higher 845 00:33:26,079 --> 00:33:28,246 than what we did last year . So that's 846 00:33:28,246 --> 00:33:30,246 where I expect . We'll about 10,000 847 00:33:30,246 --> 00:33:33,670 short . Yes , sir . Admiral Chairman . 848 00:33:33,680 --> 00:33:36,219 We expect to be about 6000 short also 849 00:33:36,229 --> 00:33:38,829 doing better than we started . But 850 00:33:38,839 --> 00:33:40,895 about 6000 short is our projection . 851 00:33:41,959 --> 00:33:44,126 Chairman of the Marine Corps will meet 852 00:33:44,126 --> 00:33:46,292 its recruiting mission this year as we 853 00:33:46,292 --> 00:33:48,849 did last year . Roger that for uh the 854 00:33:48,859 --> 00:33:51,081 total force Air Force will be coming at 855 00:33:51,081 --> 00:33:53,489 approximately uh on this path . 10,000 856 00:33:53,500 --> 00:33:55,500 short , that's uh about 3400 in the 857 00:33:55,510 --> 00:33:57,510 active duty , 3100 in the guard , a 858 00:33:57,510 --> 00:33:59,566 little over four in the reserves and 859 00:33:59,566 --> 00:34:02,689 over 4000 in the guard . So thank you 860 00:34:03,709 --> 00:34:05,431 uh chairman . We have a little 861 00:34:05,431 --> 00:34:07,376 different challenge than the other 862 00:34:07,376 --> 00:34:09,209 services . We need about 700 new 863 00:34:09,209 --> 00:34:11,376 recruits off the street , but we still 864 00:34:11,376 --> 00:34:10,909 need and will for the next several 865 00:34:10,919 --> 00:34:13,129 years need about 700 inter service 866 00:34:13,139 --> 00:34:15,459 transfers from the other services . And 867 00:34:15,469 --> 00:34:17,191 while we're doing very well in 868 00:34:17,191 --> 00:34:19,136 recruiting off the street , as the 869 00:34:19,136 --> 00:34:21,358 other services have challenges in their 870 00:34:21,358 --> 00:34:23,525 recruiting , it becomes more difficult 871 00:34:23,525 --> 00:34:22,820 for the to release folks for inter 872 00:34:22,830 --> 00:34:24,941 service transfer . So will you fall ? 873 00:34:24,941 --> 00:34:26,941 Are you projecting to fall short in 874 00:34:26,941 --> 00:34:29,274 those transfers don't know yet . We may , 875 00:34:29,274 --> 00:34:31,510 we , we , we will be our off the street 876 00:34:31,520 --> 00:34:33,576 needs . The question will be working 877 00:34:33,576 --> 00:34:35,464 with services . How much can they 878 00:34:35,464 --> 00:34:37,576 afford to give us ? And we just don't 879 00:34:37,576 --> 00:34:37,100 know that yet . We'll need to wait and 880 00:34:37,110 --> 00:34:39,350 negotiate later this year . Thank you 881 00:34:39,360 --> 00:34:42,020 and minus the army because you're 882 00:34:42,030 --> 00:34:44,590 already doing it . Uh in terms of 883 00:34:44,600 --> 00:34:47,409 polling and collecting data on why 884 00:34:47,560 --> 00:34:49,782 we're in this crisis that we're in will 885 00:34:49,782 --> 00:34:52,219 all of you commit to the committee uh 886 00:34:52,229 --> 00:34:55,179 to begin collecting data . Look at 887 00:34:55,189 --> 00:34:57,620 programs initiate programs to start 888 00:34:57,629 --> 00:35:00,719 understanding why this shortfall was 889 00:35:00,729 --> 00:35:02,896 happening . So I'm looking at Navy Air 890 00:35:02,896 --> 00:35:05,879 Force . Yes . Yes , 891 00:35:06,889 --> 00:35:09,111 absolutely . Chairman , that's underway 892 00:35:09,111 --> 00:35:11,389 and we'll continue . Great . Thank you , 893 00:35:11,389 --> 00:35:13,860 Mr . Thank you , Mr Chairman . I've had 894 00:35:13,870 --> 00:35:15,981 the privilege of meeting with uh each 895 00:35:15,981 --> 00:35:19,110 of the um presenters today ahead of 896 00:35:19,120 --> 00:35:21,342 this meeting and I'm gonna turn over my 897 00:35:21,342 --> 00:35:25,219 time to thank you . Um And thank you 898 00:35:25,229 --> 00:35:27,118 all for your service and for your 899 00:35:27,118 --> 00:35:29,396 support to our troops across the globe . 900 00:35:29,500 --> 00:35:31,333 It's important that we build and 901 00:35:31,333 --> 00:35:32,944 procure clean energy sources 902 00:35:32,944 --> 00:35:34,944 appropriately without influence and 903 00:35:34,944 --> 00:35:37,449 ties to our strategic competitors who 904 00:35:37,459 --> 00:35:39,760 use forced labor , conduct , 905 00:35:39,770 --> 00:35:42,040 intellectual property theft and forced 906 00:35:42,050 --> 00:35:45,370 technology transfers . It can be done . 907 00:35:45,379 --> 00:35:47,590 G A fa National Roofing company 908 00:35:47,600 --> 00:35:49,711 headquartered in my district has been 909 00:35:49,711 --> 00:35:52,040 able to successfully transition from 910 00:35:52,050 --> 00:35:54,290 Chinese suppliers to manufacturing and 911 00:35:54,300 --> 00:35:57,010 producing solar panels in domestic 912 00:35:57,020 --> 00:35:59,830 facilities in Texas and California , as 913 00:35:59,840 --> 00:36:01,889 well as in Southeast Asian nations 914 00:36:01,899 --> 00:36:04,629 including Vietnam , Cambodia and Taiwan . 915 00:36:04,939 --> 00:36:07,110 As we work on increasing our energy 916 00:36:07,120 --> 00:36:09,064 resiliency , we need to ensure our 917 00:36:09,064 --> 00:36:11,649 armed forces are looking at all energy 918 00:36:11,659 --> 00:36:14,600 options available . And General Smith , 919 00:36:14,610 --> 00:36:16,969 we had a discussion yesterday about how 920 00:36:16,979 --> 00:36:19,219 this impacts logistics . Can you talk a 921 00:36:19,229 --> 00:36:21,429 little bit about that discussion ? Um 922 00:36:21,439 --> 00:36:23,661 And how energy options can improve your 923 00:36:23,661 --> 00:36:26,280 logistics challenges ? Yes , ma'am . Uh 924 00:36:26,290 --> 00:36:28,510 Logistics is the pacing function 925 00:36:28,820 --> 00:36:30,709 against the pacing threat and the 926 00:36:30,709 --> 00:36:33,679 expanse of the Pacific um As a war 927 00:36:33,689 --> 00:36:35,911 fighter , I don't want to move £1 that 928 00:36:35,911 --> 00:36:37,745 I don't have to move . I want to 929 00:36:37,745 --> 00:36:40,070 preserve every poundage of movement for 930 00:36:40,080 --> 00:36:43,219 lethality . So if I am , for example , 931 00:36:43,389 --> 00:36:46,030 if I don't need to bring diesel to 932 00:36:46,040 --> 00:36:48,100 operate a reverse osmosis water 933 00:36:48,110 --> 00:36:50,729 purification unit to produce water in 934 00:36:50,739 --> 00:36:52,739 the middle of the South China Sea , 935 00:36:52,969 --> 00:36:55,136 which doesn't seem to make sense to me 936 00:36:55,136 --> 00:36:57,191 to ship water . I want to produce it 937 00:36:57,191 --> 00:36:59,358 there and I can do that via some other 938 00:36:59,358 --> 00:37:01,302 means . It's about , for me , it's 939 00:37:01,302 --> 00:37:03,413 about lethality because that £8 give 940 00:37:03,413 --> 00:37:06,540 or take uh per gallon , that's £8 of a 941 00:37:06,550 --> 00:37:08,494 warhead that I can bring . This is 942 00:37:08,494 --> 00:37:10,661 about lethality for us and anything we 943 00:37:10,661 --> 00:37:12,717 can do to move less and poly means I 944 00:37:12,717 --> 00:37:14,883 can bring more bullets instead of more 945 00:37:14,883 --> 00:37:16,939 casings . That is what we want to do 946 00:37:16,939 --> 00:37:18,994 because it is about war fighting and 947 00:37:18,994 --> 00:37:21,217 lethality . Thank you for that plug for 948 00:37:21,217 --> 00:37:23,439 Palmer ammo . We are working on that in 949 00:37:23,439 --> 00:37:25,550 my district and um with that , I will 950 00:37:25,550 --> 00:37:27,717 turn it back in the interest of time . 951 00:37:27,717 --> 00:37:29,883 Thank you . Thank you , Miss Cheryl Mr 952 00:37:29,883 --> 00:37:29,389 Wilson . 953 00:37:34,850 --> 00:37:37,840 Mr Wilson . Thank you , Mr Chairman and 954 00:37:37,850 --> 00:37:40,072 thank each of you . I uh I particularly 955 00:37:40,072 --> 00:37:42,169 appreciate your service as a 31 year 956 00:37:42,179 --> 00:37:44,600 veteran myself . Uh And , um , but I'm 957 00:37:44,610 --> 00:37:47,330 really grateful uh to be a uh army dad 958 00:37:47,340 --> 00:37:49,989 of three sons who served in Iraq , 959 00:37:50,000 --> 00:37:53,570 Egypt and Afghanistan . Uh I uh also 960 00:37:53,580 --> 00:37:55,729 can claim the navy uh son that served 961 00:37:55,739 --> 00:37:57,959 in Baghdad . Uh And so I'm really 962 00:37:57,969 --> 00:38:00,136 grateful as a doctor and then I have a 963 00:38:00,136 --> 00:38:02,136 nephew in the air force and one day 964 00:38:02,136 --> 00:38:04,302 I'll have somebody in the family smart 965 00:38:04,302 --> 00:38:06,525 enough to be in space force . So , uh , 966 00:38:06,525 --> 00:38:08,636 but , uh , thank you all for what you 967 00:38:08,636 --> 00:38:10,747 do . Um , and uh General George , I'm 968 00:38:10,747 --> 00:38:12,580 so grateful to represent uh Fort 969 00:38:12,580 --> 00:38:14,636 Jackson . Uh , it , uh , trains over 970 00:38:14,636 --> 00:38:16,858 50% of all soldiers in the basic combat 971 00:38:16,858 --> 00:38:19,679 training , uh facility . Uh And I'm 972 00:38:19,689 --> 00:38:21,911 also grateful that what you're doing is 973 00:38:21,911 --> 00:38:23,800 providing all of you or providing 974 00:38:23,800 --> 00:38:26,310 opportunity for young people , uh , to 975 00:38:26,320 --> 00:38:28,431 achieve to their highest level and to 976 00:38:28,431 --> 00:38:30,598 be so meaningful . And that's why , uh 977 00:38:30,598 --> 00:38:32,931 I , I appreciate what you're doing . Uh , 978 00:38:32,931 --> 00:38:34,931 and uh general , there's the , uh , 979 00:38:34,931 --> 00:38:37,409 future soldier prep course . Uh And can 980 00:38:37,419 --> 00:38:39,586 you explain what that is and , and how 981 00:38:39,586 --> 00:38:42,330 successful it's been ? Yes , sir . Um , 982 00:38:42,340 --> 00:38:44,760 it's been very successful for us . We 983 00:38:44,770 --> 00:38:46,826 uh have come into this . We , we did 984 00:38:46,826 --> 00:38:48,937 not want to lower our standards . And 985 00:38:48,937 --> 00:38:51,103 so the idea of the future soldier prep 986 00:38:51,103 --> 00:38:53,103 course is actually to get people to 987 00:38:53,103 --> 00:38:55,330 meet our standards . Um So they 988 00:38:55,340 --> 00:38:57,340 basically come there on average , I 989 00:38:57,340 --> 00:38:59,396 would say they're there four or five 990 00:38:59,396 --> 00:39:01,562 weeks . Um We have some that need help 991 00:39:01,562 --> 00:39:03,610 with the ASVAB um testing some that 992 00:39:03,620 --> 00:39:06,449 need help with the body fat . And um , 993 00:39:06,459 --> 00:39:09,610 we've seen about a 97 per uh percent 994 00:39:09,620 --> 00:39:12,689 success rate , 96 97% on both of those 995 00:39:12,699 --> 00:39:14,770 accounts , um getting through basic 996 00:39:14,780 --> 00:39:16,780 training . So we're really proud of 997 00:39:16,780 --> 00:39:18,947 that program down there uh for Jackson 998 00:39:19,040 --> 00:39:21,096 and in lieu of a question because of 999 00:39:21,096 --> 00:39:23,360 time , I just want to commend all of 1000 00:39:23,370 --> 00:39:26,659 you for the placement of troops in 1001 00:39:26,669 --> 00:39:29,020 eastern Europe to provide for peace 1002 00:39:29,030 --> 00:39:31,620 through strength with deterrence . I've 1003 00:39:31,629 --> 00:39:34,620 met with the military personnel in 1004 00:39:34,629 --> 00:39:36,709 Poland . President Donald Trump was 1005 00:39:37,395 --> 00:39:39,673 ahead of the curve to put troops there . 1006 00:39:39,745 --> 00:39:41,895 I've met with our American troops uh 1007 00:39:41,905 --> 00:39:45,784 working uh in uh in Bulgaria 1008 00:39:45,794 --> 00:39:47,961 with young Bulgarians to be at M K air 1009 00:39:47,961 --> 00:39:51,215 base in Romania uh to see uh success 1010 00:39:51,225 --> 00:39:53,685 there and Larissa and Greece . And so 1011 00:39:53,695 --> 00:39:55,806 over and over again to me , it's just 1012 00:39:55,806 --> 00:39:57,862 so important that we have sufficient 1013 00:39:57,862 --> 00:40:00,028 military uh effectiveness , backing up 1014 00:40:00,028 --> 00:40:02,028 our NATO allies to back up the very 1015 00:40:02,028 --> 00:40:04,251 courageous people of Ukraine . So thank 1016 00:40:04,251 --> 00:40:06,417 you for what you've done and any other 1017 00:40:06,417 --> 00:40:08,473 enterprising maneuvers you can do to 1018 00:40:08,473 --> 00:40:10,639 back up the people of Ukraine . I know 1019 00:40:10,639 --> 00:40:12,917 the chairman and I would appreciate it . 1020 00:40:12,917 --> 00:40:15,084 Thank you . Are you back ? Thank you , 1021 00:40:15,084 --> 00:40:17,139 Mr Wilson Mr . Thank you very much . 1022 00:40:17,139 --> 00:40:18,917 Thank you very much Mr Chair in 1023 00:40:18,917 --> 00:40:20,973 interest of time . I'm just gonna go 1024 00:40:20,973 --> 00:40:23,209 over a few questions . Um Admiral , no 1025 00:40:23,219 --> 00:40:25,570 Franchetti uh in February , the navy 1026 00:40:25,580 --> 00:40:27,770 closed three dry docks at Puget Sound 1027 00:40:27,780 --> 00:40:29,669 Naval Shipyard and another at the 1028 00:40:29,669 --> 00:40:32,050 Trident refit facility in Bangor due to 1029 00:40:32,060 --> 00:40:34,379 seismic concerns . I believe this means 1030 00:40:34,389 --> 00:40:37,199 that at least right now of 18 dry docks 1031 00:40:37,209 --> 00:40:39,431 in our four public shipyards , almost a 1032 00:40:39,431 --> 00:40:41,542 quarter of them are offline at a time 1033 00:40:41,542 --> 00:40:43,431 when over one third of the navy's 1034 00:40:43,431 --> 00:40:45,542 attack submarine fleet uh desperately 1035 00:40:45,542 --> 00:40:47,431 needs maintenance and repair . Uh 1036 00:40:47,431 --> 00:40:49,265 Admiral Franti given our already 1037 00:40:49,265 --> 00:40:51,153 limited shipyard capacity and the 1038 00:40:51,153 --> 00:40:53,265 growing demand for ship maintenance . 1039 00:40:53,265 --> 00:40:55,376 What is the navy doing to address the 1040 00:40:55,376 --> 00:40:57,542 challenges posed by these closures and 1041 00:40:57,542 --> 00:40:59,653 continue to meet our shipyard needs . 1042 00:41:01,699 --> 00:41:04,100 We are very focused on our shipyards in 1043 00:41:04,110 --> 00:41:06,350 general , the focus through but 1044 00:41:06,360 --> 00:41:09,010 specifically to the shipyards in Puget 1045 00:41:09,020 --> 00:41:12,100 Sound . So there are three dry docks 1046 00:41:12,110 --> 00:41:14,277 that are being repaired right now . Uh 1047 00:41:14,277 --> 00:41:16,443 One of them is already complete and in 1048 00:41:16,443 --> 00:41:18,332 testing , the other one should be 1049 00:41:18,332 --> 00:41:20,443 complete by the beginning of June and 1050 00:41:20,443 --> 00:41:22,709 the other one by late June . So right 1051 00:41:22,719 --> 00:41:25,020 now , we don't see any impact to the 1052 00:41:25,030 --> 00:41:26,899 closures of those dry docks . Uh 1053 00:41:26,909 --> 00:41:28,576 Separately from that , we are 1054 00:41:28,576 --> 00:41:30,810 continuing to work through all of our 1055 00:41:30,820 --> 00:41:32,709 public shipyards to improve their 1056 00:41:32,709 --> 00:41:35,030 performance through project management , 1057 00:41:35,040 --> 00:41:37,096 fundamentals , workforce development 1058 00:41:37,096 --> 00:41:40,070 and taking a big effort to buy long 1059 00:41:40,080 --> 00:41:42,219 lead time supply materials in advance 1060 00:41:42,229 --> 00:41:44,451 that will help us get our shipyards out 1061 00:41:44,451 --> 00:41:46,729 our submarines out on time . Thank you . 1062 00:41:46,729 --> 00:41:48,951 That's very good to hear related to the 1063 00:41:48,951 --> 00:41:51,173 and ship building industry , industrial 1064 00:41:51,173 --> 00:41:53,396 base . Uh Recently , you may have heard 1065 00:41:53,396 --> 00:41:55,285 the Hawaii Department of Land and 1066 00:41:55,285 --> 00:41:57,340 Natural Resources issued a letter to 1067 00:41:57,340 --> 00:41:59,507 Navy region Hawaii about the discovery 1068 00:41:59,507 --> 00:42:01,673 of an invasive octo coral or , or soft 1069 00:42:01,673 --> 00:42:03,896 coral species in Pearl Harbor . Uh What 1070 00:42:03,896 --> 00:42:06,062 was initially 10 acres when discovered 1071 00:42:06,062 --> 00:42:08,285 back in August 2020 has now grown to be 1072 00:42:08,285 --> 00:42:10,396 at least 20 acres and is estimated to 1073 00:42:10,396 --> 00:42:12,396 be potentially impacting 90 acres , 1074 00:42:12,396 --> 00:42:14,229 unmitigated . The spread of this 1075 00:42:14,229 --> 00:42:16,396 invasive species has potential risk to 1076 00:42:16,396 --> 00:42:18,618 operations at joint base . Pearl Harbor 1077 00:42:18,618 --> 00:42:20,840 hicom including the new dry dock five 1078 00:42:20,850 --> 00:42:23,209 at Pearl Harbor Navy Shipyard um and 1079 00:42:23,219 --> 00:42:25,386 obviously pose a serious threat to our 1080 00:42:25,386 --> 00:42:27,719 native corals . Um but more importantly , 1081 00:42:27,719 --> 00:42:29,941 just the operation of this area . Can I 1082 00:42:29,941 --> 00:42:31,997 get your commitment that the Navy is 1083 00:42:31,997 --> 00:42:33,997 going to work quickly um with us to 1084 00:42:33,997 --> 00:42:36,110 address and mitigate this invasive uh 1085 00:42:36,120 --> 00:42:37,953 soft tissue coral so that we can 1086 00:42:37,953 --> 00:42:40,176 continue operation ? And of course , uh 1087 00:42:40,176 --> 00:42:42,064 the , the new dry docket uh Pearl 1088 00:42:42,064 --> 00:42:45,090 Harbor . Yes . As part of the , the 1089 00:42:45,260 --> 00:42:47,260 program , the navy has been working 1090 00:42:47,260 --> 00:42:49,427 with the National Marine Fisheries all 1091 00:42:49,427 --> 00:42:51,649 of the interagency to better understand 1092 00:42:51,649 --> 00:42:53,871 the problem and develop that mitigation 1093 00:42:53,871 --> 00:42:55,982 plan originally for the nine acres of 1094 00:42:55,982 --> 00:42:58,093 this invasive coral . Um And the cost 1095 00:42:58,093 --> 00:43:00,316 for that removal effort was included in 1096 00:43:00,316 --> 00:43:02,610 the milk . We're also looking at uh how 1097 00:43:02,620 --> 00:43:05,370 do we adopt biosecurity protocols to uh 1098 00:43:05,379 --> 00:43:08,820 mitigate any red risk of spreading uh 1099 00:43:08,830 --> 00:43:11,270 of the coral for any work we do there 1100 00:43:11,280 --> 00:43:13,580 right now . We don't anticipate that 1101 00:43:13,590 --> 00:43:15,479 there will be impacts to dry dock 1102 00:43:15,479 --> 00:43:17,423 number five . But we're continuing 1103 00:43:17,423 --> 00:43:19,646 again to work and have my commitment uh 1104 00:43:19,646 --> 00:43:21,979 to work with , with your team and with 1105 00:43:21,989 --> 00:43:24,045 everyone to make sure that that does 1106 00:43:24,045 --> 00:43:26,267 not spread any further . Thank you very 1107 00:43:26,267 --> 00:43:28,433 much as you can see it's exponentially 1108 00:43:28,433 --> 00:43:28,010 increasing and we want to get this 1109 00:43:28,020 --> 00:43:30,242 address before it impacts . Thank you , 1110 00:43:30,550 --> 00:43:34,469 chair . Thank you , Mr Scott . Thank 1111 00:43:34,479 --> 00:43:36,368 you , Mr Chairman . Uh ladies and 1112 00:43:36,368 --> 00:43:38,479 gentlemen , thanks for being here . I 1113 00:43:38,479 --> 00:43:40,590 wanna piggy back a little bit on what 1114 00:43:40,590 --> 00:43:42,812 Miss Sheryl said just a second ago . Uh 1115 00:43:42,812 --> 00:43:44,868 Less than 15 days after China flew a 1116 00:43:44,868 --> 00:43:44,439 spy balloon across the United States of 1117 00:43:44,449 --> 00:43:46,616 America . Ford Motor Company announced 1118 00:43:46,616 --> 00:43:48,782 a partnership with Communist China and 1119 00:43:48,782 --> 00:43:51,189 C A T L battery technology . I want to 1120 00:43:51,199 --> 00:43:53,649 just make sure that none of our dod 1121 00:43:53,659 --> 00:43:56,060 funds are going to purchase Chinese 1122 00:43:56,070 --> 00:43:58,949 battery technology or any other 1123 00:43:59,550 --> 00:44:01,717 technology that is coming from China . 1124 00:44:01,790 --> 00:44:03,901 Uh I think that you will see language 1125 00:44:03,901 --> 00:44:05,957 to that effect coming in the N D A A 1126 00:44:05,957 --> 00:44:08,310 there , we are not going to spend us 1127 00:44:08,320 --> 00:44:10,739 tax dollars to support Communist China 1128 00:44:10,770 --> 00:44:13,479 or C A T L battery technology . I don't 1129 00:44:13,489 --> 00:44:15,711 need you to comment on it . I just need 1130 00:44:15,711 --> 00:44:17,933 you to be prepared for it . And if , if 1131 00:44:17,933 --> 00:44:20,156 Ford Motor Company decides that's who , 1132 00:44:20,156 --> 00:44:22,267 who's gonna develop their batteries . 1133 00:44:22,267 --> 00:44:24,489 This is America . They've got the right 1134 00:44:24,489 --> 00:44:26,433 to , to decide who's gonna develop 1135 00:44:26,433 --> 00:44:28,545 their batteries , but we're not gonna 1136 00:44:28,545 --> 00:44:30,600 buy them . Uh , General Alvin , uh , 1137 00:44:30,600 --> 00:44:32,767 I'm gonna , I'm gonna focus on the air 1138 00:44:32,767 --> 00:44:34,822 force if I could . Um , seven months 1139 00:44:34,822 --> 00:44:37,045 ago , General Kelly , uh , commander of 1140 00:44:37,045 --> 00:44:39,211 Air combat command said that he has 48 1141 00:44:39,211 --> 00:44:38,620 fighter squadrons , nine attack 1142 00:44:38,629 --> 00:44:40,351 squadrons doing the work of 60 1143 00:44:40,351 --> 00:44:42,620 squadrons , three squadrons short of 1144 00:44:42,629 --> 00:44:45,629 what he needs . He said he needs 28 1145 00:44:45,639 --> 00:44:47,750 fighter squadrons to project power in 1146 00:44:47,750 --> 00:44:49,806 the Indo Pacific region , Europe and 1147 00:44:49,806 --> 00:44:51,861 the Middle East , eight squadrons to 1148 00:44:51,861 --> 00:44:53,861 respond to an unfolding crisis . 16 1149 00:44:53,861 --> 00:44:56,028 squadrons for homeland defense , eight 1150 00:44:56,028 --> 00:44:57,806 squadrons for modernization and 1151 00:44:57,806 --> 00:44:57,760 training . We're in pretty much peace 1152 00:44:57,770 --> 00:45:01,560 time right now as we speak . Uh Do you 1153 00:45:01,570 --> 00:45:05,419 agree with his assessment ? I 1154 00:45:05,429 --> 00:45:07,840 I do congressman and I think the uh the 1155 00:45:07,850 --> 00:45:10,017 point that uh general Kelly was trying 1156 00:45:10,017 --> 00:45:12,128 to , to point out is not only that we 1157 00:45:12,128 --> 00:45:14,270 can't just count the numbers but the 1158 00:45:14,280 --> 00:45:16,699 missions that those who are tasked to 1159 00:45:16,709 --> 00:45:18,931 do . So , there's nine attack squadrons 1160 00:45:18,931 --> 00:45:20,989 are primarily uh the A 10 squadrons 1161 00:45:21,000 --> 00:45:22,944 that aren't as survivable and they 1162 00:45:22,944 --> 00:45:25,000 aren't multi roll . So that's why we 1163 00:45:25,000 --> 00:45:27,222 are aggressively in the F Y 24 budget . 1164 00:45:27,222 --> 00:45:30,495 We're asking for 72 fighters uh front 1165 00:45:30,504 --> 00:45:33,225 line fighters to include 48 F-35s and , 1166 00:45:33,235 --> 00:45:36,185 and the 24 F-15 E X s which will enable 1167 00:45:36,195 --> 00:45:38,364 us to be able to do those missions and 1168 00:45:38,375 --> 00:45:41,225 be able to uh compete and succeed in 1169 00:45:41,235 --> 00:45:43,291 the Indo Pacific Theater . But the A 1170 00:45:43,291 --> 00:45:45,513 tens are deployed right now . Correct . 1171 00:45:45,513 --> 00:45:47,624 I'm sorry , sir . A tens are deployed 1172 00:45:47,624 --> 00:45:49,735 right now . Correct . They are , uh , 1173 00:45:49,735 --> 00:45:51,679 right now on their , I don't think 1174 00:45:51,679 --> 00:45:54,013 they're in but they are uh set to go to , 1175 00:45:54,729 --> 00:45:57,060 um , in a single role mission and 1176 00:45:57,070 --> 00:45:59,237 they're adapting to that as we speak . 1177 00:45:59,237 --> 00:46:01,348 Quantity to me is a quality in and of 1178 00:46:01,348 --> 00:46:03,459 itself in some cases . And , and I do 1179 00:46:03,459 --> 00:46:06,290 worry about standing down um fighter 1180 00:46:06,300 --> 00:46:08,669 squadrons when we , when we have an 1181 00:46:08,679 --> 00:46:10,512 acknowledged need for , for more 1182 00:46:10,512 --> 00:46:12,568 squadrons . But I under I understand 1183 00:46:12,568 --> 00:46:14,623 the A 10 is an old platform and it , 1184 00:46:14,623 --> 00:46:16,820 and it's not gonna be um the platform 1185 00:46:16,830 --> 00:46:19,052 of the future . Uh You did say over the 1186 00:46:19,052 --> 00:46:21,090 past two decades that we've offered 1187 00:46:21,100 --> 00:46:22,878 forces to the joint force in an 1188 00:46:22,878 --> 00:46:25,044 unsustainable manner and the readiness 1189 00:46:25,044 --> 00:46:27,267 impact is becoming more apparent in the 1190 00:46:27,267 --> 00:46:29,310 face of our pacing challenge . Um 1191 00:46:31,810 --> 00:46:33,866 I assume that means it's safe to say 1192 00:46:33,866 --> 00:46:36,088 that the air force needs more resources 1193 00:46:36,088 --> 00:46:38,310 to maintain current levels of readiness 1194 00:46:38,310 --> 00:46:40,032 and that our current levels of 1195 00:46:40,032 --> 00:46:42,143 readiness are not what they have been 1196 00:46:42,143 --> 00:46:44,254 in the past congressman . I would say 1197 00:46:44,254 --> 00:46:46,421 uh for sure to the latter that redness 1198 00:46:46,421 --> 00:46:48,699 has not been what has been in the past . 1199 00:46:48,699 --> 00:46:50,866 Uh If that's a reference to my written 1200 00:46:50,866 --> 00:46:53,088 statement , primarily , the point we're 1201 00:46:53,088 --> 00:46:55,254 making is in addition to uh additional 1202 00:46:55,254 --> 00:46:57,032 uh capacity and more modernized 1203 00:46:57,032 --> 00:46:59,143 capacity , what we do need is also to 1204 00:46:59,143 --> 00:47:01,254 reimagine ourselves and understand to 1205 00:47:01,254 --> 00:47:03,143 be ready for what to optimize our 1206 00:47:03,143 --> 00:47:04,810 training , to make sure we're 1207 00:47:04,810 --> 00:47:06,977 generating and presenting the force is 1208 00:47:06,977 --> 00:47:08,977 in the best way in the past , we've 1209 00:47:08,977 --> 00:47:11,199 just been all in without really looking 1210 00:47:11,199 --> 00:47:12,977 at how to focus on the high end 1211 00:47:12,977 --> 00:47:15,032 readiness . And so our new Air Force 1212 00:47:15,032 --> 00:47:17,143 Force generation model is enabling us 1213 00:47:17,143 --> 00:47:19,254 to see that and really hone in on our 1214 00:47:19,254 --> 00:47:21,421 new mission essential task and get the 1215 00:47:21,421 --> 00:47:21,050 very best readiness out of every flying 1216 00:47:21,060 --> 00:47:23,227 hour that we can get . So , so when we 1217 00:47:23,227 --> 00:47:25,338 talk about about the best readiness , 1218 00:47:25,338 --> 00:47:27,393 one of the concerns I have is when I 1219 00:47:27,393 --> 00:47:27,129 look at the readiness rate , it's 1220 00:47:27,139 --> 00:47:30,030 significantly below where any of us in 1221 00:47:30,040 --> 00:47:32,590 this room wanted to be . And yet 1222 00:47:34,010 --> 00:47:36,121 they're , they're two different , two 1223 00:47:36,121 --> 00:47:38,343 different definitions of radiance . One 1224 00:47:38,343 --> 00:47:40,454 of them is able to perform one of the 1225 00:47:40,454 --> 00:47:42,566 primary missions and the other one is 1226 00:47:42,566 --> 00:47:44,510 able to perform all of the primary 1227 00:47:44,510 --> 00:47:46,510 missions . My understanding is that 1228 00:47:46,510 --> 00:47:48,760 we're using the definition when we talk 1229 00:47:48,770 --> 00:47:50,826 about readiness that they're able to 1230 00:47:50,826 --> 00:47:52,937 perform one of the primary missions , 1231 00:47:52,937 --> 00:47:55,270 not all of the primary missions is that , 1232 00:47:55,270 --> 00:47:57,270 is that correct ? Uh in some case , 1233 00:47:57,270 --> 00:47:59,437 that is correct . In some cases , I be 1234 00:47:59,437 --> 00:48:01,548 the readiness is really talking about 1235 00:48:01,548 --> 00:48:03,770 the mission essential task , which as I 1236 00:48:03,770 --> 00:48:02,969 mentioned , we are rewriting 1237 00:48:02,979 --> 00:48:05,035 specifically to go against the China 1238 00:48:05,035 --> 00:48:07,129 threat . So there is there is both a 1239 00:48:07,139 --> 00:48:09,250 shortage of being able to do the full 1240 00:48:09,250 --> 00:48:11,417 spectrum of missions . So So , so if I 1241 00:48:11,417 --> 00:48:13,028 could , again , it's written 1242 00:48:13,028 --> 00:48:15,409 specifically for the China threat , we 1243 00:48:15,419 --> 00:48:17,909 we are adapting it to make the primary 1244 00:48:17,919 --> 00:48:20,639 mission the China threat . Ok . And I 1245 00:48:20,649 --> 00:48:22,871 and I again , Mr Chairman , if I may in 1246 00:48:22,871 --> 00:48:24,982 the last uh the primary mission being 1247 00:48:24,982 --> 00:48:27,139 the China threat and yet less than 15 1248 00:48:27,149 --> 00:48:29,205 days after China flies a spy balloon 1249 00:48:29,205 --> 00:48:31,316 across the United States of America , 1250 00:48:31,316 --> 00:48:33,538 we have , we have one of America's most 1251 00:48:33,538 --> 00:48:35,371 iconic brands announcing a multi 1252 00:48:35,371 --> 00:48:37,260 billion dollar partnership to buy 1253 00:48:37,260 --> 00:48:39,482 Chinese battery technology , which they 1254 00:48:39,482 --> 00:48:41,649 intend and think that they're actually 1255 00:48:41,649 --> 00:48:43,927 gonna sell to the dod uh in some cases , 1256 00:48:43,927 --> 00:48:45,982 and I would just encourage you to uh 1257 00:48:45,982 --> 00:48:48,149 make sure that you're not preparing to 1258 00:48:48,149 --> 00:48:50,371 buy any C A T L batteries . Thank you . 1259 00:48:50,371 --> 00:48:52,593 I think your , your sentiment is shared 1260 00:48:52,593 --> 00:48:55,219 across multiple supply chains . Uh Miss 1261 00:48:55,229 --> 00:48:57,649 Higgins , thank you , Mr Chair . And 1262 00:48:57,659 --> 00:48:59,881 briefly I know that votes are happening 1263 00:48:59,881 --> 00:49:01,899 but uh just to echo Mr Scott about 1264 00:49:01,909 --> 00:49:03,909 having the corporate buy in for , I 1265 00:49:03,909 --> 00:49:06,020 mean , you guys are doing a great job 1266 00:49:06,020 --> 00:49:08,242 on the ground and , and with people and 1267 00:49:08,242 --> 00:49:10,465 weapons and lethality but , but getting 1268 00:49:10,465 --> 00:49:09,540 that corporate buy in , we're not , 1269 00:49:09,550 --> 00:49:11,899 this is not a , a just a military fight 1270 00:49:11,909 --> 00:49:14,131 with China and we've got to get the the 1271 00:49:14,131 --> 00:49:16,242 corporate buy in as well . So I fully 1272 00:49:16,242 --> 00:49:18,409 support everything he just mentioned . 1273 00:49:18,409 --> 00:49:20,242 Uh and also to echo the previous 1274 00:49:20,242 --> 00:49:21,965 comments about ship repair and 1275 00:49:21,965 --> 00:49:23,965 shipyards in my district on Hampton 1276 00:49:23,965 --> 00:49:26,187 Roads . So Virginia Beach Norfolk and , 1277 00:49:26,187 --> 00:49:28,409 and , uh I hear from those guys all the 1278 00:49:28,409 --> 00:49:30,631 time about challenges and I know it's , 1279 00:49:30,631 --> 00:49:30,550 that's multi multifaceted to , from 1280 00:49:30,560 --> 00:49:32,780 workforce to supply chain . Uh , but 1281 00:49:32,790 --> 00:49:35,012 scheduling , gosh , and , and it's like 1282 00:49:35,012 --> 00:49:37,179 this , they want to blame the navy and 1283 00:49:37,179 --> 00:49:39,346 the navy wants to blame them . So if , 1284 00:49:39,346 --> 00:49:41,346 if we could get it together on that 1285 00:49:41,346 --> 00:49:41,139 front and I don't know if that's doing 1286 00:49:41,149 --> 00:49:43,199 a better job at repairs out at sea 1287 00:49:43,209 --> 00:49:45,209 internally , what we're doing . But 1288 00:49:45,209 --> 00:49:47,265 then when they come to port , making 1289 00:49:47,265 --> 00:49:49,153 sure that , but we are staying on 1290 00:49:49,153 --> 00:49:51,376 schedule because we can't keep this old 1291 00:49:51,376 --> 00:49:53,487 fleet of ships . That's already fewer 1292 00:49:53,487 --> 00:49:55,653 numbers than I wish we had at sea . If 1293 00:49:55,653 --> 00:49:57,765 we don't get our ship repair industry 1294 00:49:57,765 --> 00:49:59,931 behind , it's not just the shiny new , 1295 00:49:59,931 --> 00:49:59,659 new ships and toys , but we've got to 1296 00:49:59,669 --> 00:50:01,947 keep those old ones out there too . So , 1297 00:50:01,947 --> 00:50:04,002 uh that's important in my district , 1298 00:50:04,002 --> 00:50:06,058 whatever you can do to help that . I 1299 00:50:06,058 --> 00:50:08,113 just specifically and real quick , I 1300 00:50:08,113 --> 00:50:07,510 wanna ask about pilot training . I've 1301 00:50:07,520 --> 00:50:09,631 asked about this for it , but we know 1302 00:50:09,631 --> 00:50:11,353 that all of those new toys and 1303 00:50:11,353 --> 00:50:13,353 wonderful things that , that we can 1304 00:50:13,353 --> 00:50:15,242 purchase . Go nowhere without the 1305 00:50:15,242 --> 00:50:15,050 people behind us . Specifically , the 1306 00:50:15,060 --> 00:50:17,209 pilots which I know army Navy and Air 1307 00:50:17,219 --> 00:50:19,441 Force and Marine Corps , you know , all 1308 00:50:19,441 --> 00:50:21,959 of us . Uh So how long does it take ? 1309 00:50:21,969 --> 00:50:24,025 And if you guys could , could answer 1310 00:50:24,025 --> 00:50:26,136 just in order , how long does it take 1311 00:50:26,136 --> 00:50:28,136 to train a pilot from commissioning 1312 00:50:28,136 --> 00:50:30,080 time to the time they touch a gray 1313 00:50:30,080 --> 00:50:32,739 combat ready aircraft . Um , ma'am that 1314 00:50:32,750 --> 00:50:35,449 it does depend a little bit on the , on 1315 00:50:35,459 --> 00:50:37,348 the aircraft . But I would say on 1316 00:50:37,348 --> 00:50:39,729 average a year to 15 months , you know , 1317 00:50:39,739 --> 00:50:42,017 for helicopter pilots that are down at , 1318 00:50:42,459 --> 00:50:44,403 at Fort Rucker after they do their 1319 00:50:44,403 --> 00:50:46,449 other initial training and do those 1320 00:50:46,459 --> 00:50:48,570 commission pilots start right away or 1321 00:50:48,570 --> 00:50:50,348 is there a lag time before they 1322 00:50:50,348 --> 00:50:52,459 actually start flight training ? No , 1323 00:50:52,459 --> 00:50:54,515 they , they go down to like for us , 1324 00:50:54,515 --> 00:50:56,626 they go down to Fort Rucker and go to 1325 00:50:56,626 --> 00:50:58,737 the , their basic course for aviation 1326 00:50:58,737 --> 00:51:00,903 and then get started , you know , soon 1327 00:51:00,903 --> 00:51:04,649 thereafter . How about the Navy ? I'll 1328 00:51:04,659 --> 00:51:06,881 get back to you with the exact number . 1329 00:51:06,881 --> 00:51:08,826 It's roughly two years . Um And of 1330 00:51:08,826 --> 00:51:10,881 course , we have a pilot delay right 1331 00:51:10,881 --> 00:51:12,937 now in training back uh which we are 1332 00:51:12,937 --> 00:51:15,215 working through as rapidly as possible . 1333 00:51:15,215 --> 00:51:17,381 So , actually closer to four , we were 1334 00:51:17,381 --> 00:51:19,492 in Kingsville about two weeks ago and 1335 00:51:19,492 --> 00:51:19,110 they'll tell me four years from the 1336 00:51:19,120 --> 00:51:21,287 time that they get commission from the 1337 00:51:21,287 --> 00:51:23,287 naval academy or RT C till the time 1338 00:51:23,287 --> 00:51:25,398 that they are actually flying a fleet 1339 00:51:25,398 --> 00:51:27,509 ready F-18 . That is four years too , 1340 00:51:27,509 --> 00:51:29,620 too long . We're not gonna be able to 1341 00:51:29,620 --> 00:51:31,564 rep God forbid replace or have the 1342 00:51:31,564 --> 00:51:33,787 pilots that we need . If we continue to 1343 00:51:33,787 --> 00:51:36,009 have a four year lag time , I think the 1344 00:51:36,009 --> 00:51:35,520 army is a little bit better . How about 1345 00:51:35,530 --> 00:51:37,586 the Marine Marine Corps ? Well , you 1346 00:51:37,586 --> 00:51:39,530 guys run with the Navy . So what's 1347 00:51:39,530 --> 00:51:41,530 different for us is uh every marine 1348 00:51:41,530 --> 00:51:43,752 lieutenant goes to the basic school for 1349 00:51:43,752 --> 00:51:43,500 six months to learn to be an infantry 1350 00:51:43,510 --> 00:51:45,399 platoon commander . Then we begin 1351 00:51:45,399 --> 00:51:47,510 flight school or another M OS . So it 1352 00:51:47,510 --> 00:51:49,677 is in excess of two years depending on 1353 00:51:49,677 --> 00:51:51,510 the airframe . Those delays from 1354 00:51:51,510 --> 00:51:53,510 everything from weather to aircraft 1355 00:51:53,510 --> 00:51:55,621 availability all contribute to that . 1356 00:51:55,621 --> 00:51:57,732 Which is why those six and eight year 1357 00:51:57,732 --> 00:51:59,955 commitments post wings are so vital to 1358 00:51:59,965 --> 00:52:02,021 us and we're not having any problems 1359 00:52:02,021 --> 00:52:04,076 with those who wish we just need the 1360 00:52:04,076 --> 00:52:06,243 additional bonuses and help because uh 1361 00:52:06,243 --> 00:52:08,409 the airline industries can hire faster 1362 00:52:08,409 --> 00:52:10,465 than I can . Yes . Yes . Air force , 1363 00:52:10,465 --> 00:52:12,760 ma'am to your point uh from when they 1364 00:52:12,770 --> 00:52:14,659 enter pilot train to when they're 1365 00:52:14,659 --> 00:52:16,937 flying a great tail . If it's mobility , 1366 00:52:16,937 --> 00:52:18,770 it's about 18 months . If it's a 1367 00:52:18,770 --> 00:52:20,937 fighter bomber , it's closer to beyond 1368 00:52:20,937 --> 00:52:20,739 24 months . But to your point about 1369 00:52:20,750 --> 00:52:22,917 from the time they are commissioned uh 1370 00:52:22,917 --> 00:52:25,083 because of the challenges we're having 1371 00:52:25,083 --> 00:52:27,139 with T six and T 38 we have a little 1372 00:52:27,139 --> 00:52:29,194 bit of a , a backup and it can be as 1373 00:52:29,194 --> 00:52:31,760 many as four years . So almost an 18 1374 00:52:31,770 --> 00:52:35,090 month to 24 month wait just to get into 1375 00:52:35,100 --> 00:52:37,156 pilot training . So that's why we're 1376 00:52:37,156 --> 00:52:39,267 trying to accelerate . And our budget 1377 00:52:39,267 --> 00:52:41,211 ask for uh more help with the T 38 1378 00:52:41,211 --> 00:52:43,378 engines and the T six to you guys have 1379 00:52:43,378 --> 00:52:45,544 had kind of comparable challenges with 1380 00:52:45,544 --> 00:52:47,600 the Navy . And I'm a little bit more 1381 00:52:47,600 --> 00:52:46,860 familiar with the Navy . Side but with 1382 00:52:46,870 --> 00:52:49,260 the T 45 some of those issues , the 1383 00:52:49,270 --> 00:52:51,437 blade issues , I mean , we're saying , 1384 00:52:51,437 --> 00:52:53,437 and COVID issues , but we're seeing 1385 00:52:53,437 --> 00:52:55,326 those challenges now become we're 1386 00:52:55,326 --> 00:52:57,492 instructor pilot shortage . You know , 1387 00:52:57,492 --> 00:52:59,826 it's we're short instructor pilots . So , 1388 00:52:59,826 --> 00:53:01,610 so now we can't train the naval 1389 00:53:01,620 --> 00:53:03,620 aviators and all the other aviators 1390 00:53:03,620 --> 00:53:05,731 that we do need because we don't have 1391 00:53:05,731 --> 00:53:07,731 the , the teachers . So now we're , 1392 00:53:07,731 --> 00:53:09,787 we're robbing the fleet to get those 1393 00:53:09,787 --> 00:53:11,898 teachers and you talk about retention 1394 00:53:11,898 --> 00:53:11,479 and competing with the airlines and 1395 00:53:11,489 --> 00:53:13,656 whatnot . And we've got to do a better 1396 00:53:13,656 --> 00:53:15,878 job at this . And I think part of it is 1397 00:53:15,878 --> 00:53:18,156 the onus is on us and , and I echo and , 1398 00:53:18,156 --> 00:53:18,110 and agree everything you said about 1399 00:53:18,120 --> 00:53:20,176 containing resolutions and how , how 1400 00:53:20,176 --> 00:53:22,287 detrimental that would be . But , but 1401 00:53:22,287 --> 00:53:24,530 uh having the right training equipment 1402 00:53:24,540 --> 00:53:26,596 in place and , and you guys tweaking 1403 00:53:26,596 --> 00:53:28,818 the syllabuses too but , but so that we 1404 00:53:28,818 --> 00:53:30,984 can tighten it up . I just , I want to 1405 00:53:30,984 --> 00:53:33,096 do it faster . We need more , we need 1406 00:53:33,096 --> 00:53:34,984 faster . So I think every service 1407 00:53:34,984 --> 00:53:37,207 branch has its challenges . I'm mindful 1408 00:53:37,207 --> 00:53:39,373 of it , but it's something that I just 1409 00:53:39,373 --> 00:53:38,879 want to prioritize . So thank you very 1410 00:53:38,889 --> 00:53:42,000 much . Thank you , Mr Rameez . 1411 00:53:42,649 --> 00:53:44,705 Thank you , Mr Chairman and uh thank 1412 00:53:44,705 --> 00:53:47,739 you uh to uh everybody here . Um If you 1413 00:53:47,750 --> 00:53:50,083 uh really want to scratch your head , I , 1414 00:53:50,083 --> 00:53:52,083 I , I come under , somebody gave me 1415 00:53:52,083 --> 00:53:54,139 information that uh that the va just 1416 00:53:54,139 --> 00:53:56,429 bought $430 million worth of computers 1417 00:53:56,629 --> 00:54:00,439 from Lenovo . Lenovo is a Chinese 1418 00:54:00,449 --> 00:54:03,129 computer company . Um , so I'll , I'll 1419 00:54:03,139 --> 00:54:05,360 ask an over overhead question . Uh , 1420 00:54:05,370 --> 00:54:08,229 are , are any other services looking at 1421 00:54:08,239 --> 00:54:11,820 buying the large purchases of computers 1422 00:54:11,830 --> 00:54:14,389 in the near future ? And if you are , 1423 00:54:14,399 --> 00:54:16,288 or if you have bought some , have 1424 00:54:16,288 --> 00:54:18,399 anybody , has anybody bought , bought 1425 00:54:18,399 --> 00:54:20,439 Lenovo's Chinese computers ? 1426 00:54:23,949 --> 00:54:26,116 Uh , I'm gonna have to take that one . 1427 00:54:26,116 --> 00:54:28,449 I , I , I don't know right off . I mean , 1428 00:54:28,449 --> 00:54:32,000 we do buy , uh , tech and computers , 1429 00:54:32,250 --> 00:54:34,250 but I can't answer that one , sir . 1430 00:54:34,250 --> 00:54:36,472 I'll , I'll take that further . I would 1431 00:54:36,472 --> 00:54:36,250 certainly hope that uh whatever 1432 00:54:36,260 --> 00:54:38,316 technology you buy , any computers , 1433 00:54:38,316 --> 00:54:40,316 you buy , any printers you buy , et 1434 00:54:40,316 --> 00:54:42,427 cetera are American made and not made 1435 00:54:42,427 --> 00:54:44,538 in China . Um , every taxpayer dollar 1436 00:54:44,538 --> 00:54:47,199 that goes to China is just funding um , 1437 00:54:47,360 --> 00:54:49,939 more equipment , more military 1438 00:54:49,949 --> 00:54:52,389 capability against ourselves , which is 1439 00:54:52,399 --> 00:54:54,399 ludicrous . So I'll be looking into 1440 00:54:54,399 --> 00:54:56,455 this va thing . Um , and I hope that 1441 00:54:56,455 --> 00:54:58,621 I'm wrong , but that's the information 1442 00:54:58,621 --> 00:55:00,739 I'm getting . Um , on the question of 1443 00:55:00,750 --> 00:55:03,060 uh , of pilots . Uh is it fair to say 1444 00:55:03,070 --> 00:55:05,014 we have more airframes than , than 1445 00:55:05,014 --> 00:55:07,070 pilots or do we have more pilots and 1446 00:55:07,070 --> 00:55:11,010 air frames by raw numbers ? 1447 00:55:11,020 --> 00:55:13,353 We have many more pilots than airplanes . 1448 00:55:13,353 --> 00:55:15,298 Ok . So do you , but you do have a 1449 00:55:15,298 --> 00:55:18,270 pilot shortage is yes or no . Well , we 1450 00:55:18,280 --> 00:55:20,336 have a pilot shortage in , in a , in 1451 00:55:20,336 --> 00:55:22,502 the pilots that we want throughout our 1452 00:55:22,502 --> 00:55:24,724 entire air force , we do not have empty 1453 00:55:24,724 --> 00:55:26,669 cockpits . So , in order to have a 1454 00:55:26,669 --> 00:55:29,179 healthy pilot for a professional force 1455 00:55:29,189 --> 00:55:31,189 you need , first and foremost , the 1456 00:55:31,189 --> 00:55:33,356 combat cockpits filled , then you need 1457 00:55:33,356 --> 00:55:35,522 the trainer cockpits filled . Then you 1458 00:55:35,522 --> 00:55:34,780 need the test cockpits filled . And 1459 00:55:34,790 --> 00:55:36,957 after you fill all the cockpits , then 1460 00:55:36,957 --> 00:55:39,123 you go to those that our next priority 1461 00:55:39,123 --> 00:55:40,957 is the leadership . You want the 1462 00:55:40,957 --> 00:55:43,123 leadership positions filled . And then 1463 00:55:43,123 --> 00:55:42,189 after you have all those filled , then 1464 00:55:42,199 --> 00:55:44,294 you to the staff positions . That is 1465 00:55:44,304 --> 00:55:46,471 where we are currently absorbing . Our 1466 00:55:46,471 --> 00:55:48,625 shortage is in the staffs . So where 1467 00:55:48,635 --> 00:55:50,579 you would traditionally want pilot 1468 00:55:50,579 --> 00:55:52,691 experience , rated experience , we're 1469 00:55:52,691 --> 00:55:55,024 manning those at somewhat less than 70% . 1470 00:55:55,024 --> 00:55:57,024 So we are not sacrificing our front 1471 00:55:57,024 --> 00:55:59,191 line units . But if this sustains over 1472 00:55:59,191 --> 00:56:01,246 time , then we will have a sort of a 1473 00:56:01,246 --> 00:56:03,475 misshapen force where you won't be able 1474 00:56:03,485 --> 00:56:05,707 to have professionally developed enough 1475 00:56:05,707 --> 00:56:07,929 of the rated membership to provide that 1476 00:56:07,929 --> 00:56:09,874 expertise in the leadership at the 1477 00:56:09,874 --> 00:56:09,794 higher level . But for right now , we 1478 00:56:09,804 --> 00:56:12,949 have uh not had any of our combat 1479 00:56:12,959 --> 00:56:15,750 training or test cockpits go empty . Uh 1480 00:56:15,760 --> 00:56:18,409 What about reserve units ? Uh Have you 1481 00:56:18,419 --> 00:56:21,159 looked at the expanding reserve units 1482 00:56:21,169 --> 00:56:24,810 or uh adding reserve pilots uh 1483 00:56:25,090 --> 00:56:27,429 to , to the force ? Uh Frankly , the 1484 00:56:27,439 --> 00:56:29,659 the reserves are having about the same 1485 00:56:29,669 --> 00:56:31,780 issue that we are having with respect 1486 00:56:31,780 --> 00:56:35,659 to shortage overall . Now , I I believe 1487 00:56:35,669 --> 00:56:39,489 as um we are , we are in the act of 1488 00:56:39,500 --> 00:56:42,489 duty , we are advantaged by retention , 1489 00:56:42,500 --> 00:56:44,222 but in our total force , we're 1490 00:56:44,222 --> 00:56:46,389 disadvantaged because as the retention 1491 00:56:46,389 --> 00:56:48,611 and the active duty goes , a large part 1492 00:56:48,611 --> 00:56:50,778 of their sort of business model in the 1493 00:56:50,778 --> 00:56:52,833 garden reserves is those who want to 1494 00:56:52,833 --> 00:56:55,056 continue to affiliate with the military 1495 00:56:55,056 --> 00:56:54,469 will go from the active duty . The 1496 00:56:54,479 --> 00:56:56,530 Garden Reserves . And so oftentimes 1497 00:56:56,540 --> 00:56:58,596 when the retention is becomes poor , 1498 00:56:58,596 --> 00:57:00,596 people still want to stay affiliate 1499 00:57:00,596 --> 00:57:02,373 with the Air Force , the garden 1500 00:57:02,373 --> 00:57:01,870 reserves will get a little bit 1501 00:57:01,879 --> 00:57:03,768 healthier . But as of right now , 1502 00:57:03,768 --> 00:57:05,879 they're , they're feeling about the , 1503 00:57:05,879 --> 00:57:08,046 the same pain as we are , your reserve 1504 00:57:08,046 --> 00:57:10,212 bases . Are they , are they based in , 1505 00:57:10,212 --> 00:57:12,268 in large urban areas where you would 1506 00:57:12,268 --> 00:57:15,429 have , um , a good , I guess a pool of , 1507 00:57:15,439 --> 00:57:17,830 uh of , of folks that may be , want , 1508 00:57:17,840 --> 00:57:20,080 wanting to be , uh are interested in , 1509 00:57:20,090 --> 00:57:22,201 in serving in the reserves . I mean , 1510 00:57:22,201 --> 00:57:24,423 if you have a re reserve base somewhere 1511 00:57:24,423 --> 00:57:26,646 in the middle of nowhere , it's hard to 1512 00:57:26,646 --> 00:57:28,479 find , I guess , reservists that 1513 00:57:28,479 --> 00:57:30,590 actually live around the area . Uh So 1514 00:57:30,590 --> 00:57:32,646 how do you , how do you , how do you 1515 00:57:32,646 --> 00:57:34,868 make your basis on reserve bases versus 1516 00:57:34,868 --> 00:57:37,729 active bases ? Uh For the most part , 1517 00:57:37,739 --> 00:57:39,961 we , we uh take advantage of being able 1518 00:57:39,961 --> 00:57:42,959 to leverage uh both historical old 1519 00:57:42,969 --> 00:57:45,080 fields which used to be active duty . 1520 00:57:45,080 --> 00:57:47,191 So some of them , they just , um they 1521 00:57:47,191 --> 00:57:49,302 sort of godfather from or grandfather 1522 00:57:49,302 --> 00:57:51,525 from being existing old active duty air 1523 00:57:51,525 --> 00:57:53,302 bases and take advantage of the 1524 00:57:53,302 --> 00:57:53,260 infrastructure there . Those are the 1525 00:57:53,270 --> 00:57:55,437 ones that have been around 30 40 years 1526 00:57:55,437 --> 00:57:57,492 oftentimes , what we have now is the 1527 00:57:57,492 --> 00:57:59,437 associations uh that the , we have 1528 00:57:59,437 --> 00:58:02,120 reserve members flying on what are , 1529 00:58:02,129 --> 00:58:04,018 are owned and maintained these uh 1530 00:58:04,018 --> 00:58:07,020 classic associations by the active duty . 1531 00:58:07,030 --> 00:58:09,252 So it really is a mix of those that are 1532 00:58:09,252 --> 00:58:11,363 just on active duty base . I'm trying 1533 00:58:11,363 --> 00:58:13,530 to go through my head and see if there 1534 00:58:13,530 --> 00:58:15,363 are any remote , very remote and 1535 00:58:15,363 --> 00:58:17,530 isolated , uh , reserve only bases and 1536 00:58:17,530 --> 00:58:19,474 none come to mind . Frankly . Fair 1537 00:58:19,474 --> 00:58:21,697 enough . Ok . I guess , uh , most of my 1538 00:58:21,697 --> 00:58:23,752 time is up . I , uh , are you back ? 1539 00:58:24,250 --> 00:58:26,194 Thank you , Mr Jimenez . Thank you 1540 00:58:26,194 --> 00:58:29,520 again to our witnesses . Obviously , 1541 00:58:29,530 --> 00:58:31,586 the vote schedule is , is getting in 1542 00:58:31,586 --> 00:58:33,586 the way of a , of a more fulsome uh 1543 00:58:33,586 --> 00:58:35,752 conversation here . But I think if you 1544 00:58:35,752 --> 00:58:37,919 hear a theme , obviously , it's a real 1545 00:58:37,919 --> 00:58:39,919 concern about the recruiting crisis 1546 00:58:39,919 --> 00:58:41,863 that we're in and I know you share 1547 00:58:41,863 --> 00:58:43,919 those concerns and are , are getting 1548 00:58:43,919 --> 00:58:46,197 after it . And , and secondly , though , 1549 00:58:46,197 --> 00:58:46,020 I'm , I'm just not sure the the 1550 00:58:46,030 --> 00:58:49,479 department is an institution uh and all 1551 00:58:49,489 --> 00:58:51,600 the way down through the services and 1552 00:58:51,600 --> 00:58:53,656 through our contracting officers are 1553 00:58:53,656 --> 00:58:55,600 really looking at the supply chain 1554 00:58:55,600 --> 00:58:55,500 issue and I think you're hearing 1555 00:58:55,510 --> 00:58:58,560 bipartisan concern across the board and 1556 00:58:58,570 --> 00:59:02,060 having that supply chain . Surety , uh 1557 00:59:02,070 --> 00:59:04,340 A one having visibility on it . But 1558 00:59:04,350 --> 00:59:08,100 then two driving uh our practices uh 1559 00:59:08,110 --> 00:59:10,669 along those lines in a systematic , in 1560 00:59:10,679 --> 00:59:13,260 a systematic way . I , I know , I think 1561 00:59:13,270 --> 00:59:16,020 the committee and I share Mr uh I think 1562 00:59:16,030 --> 00:59:18,030 I can speak for Mr Garamendi here . 1563 00:59:18,030 --> 00:59:20,030 Look forward to working with you on 1564 00:59:20,030 --> 00:59:22,252 that . I hope that's something that the 1565 00:59:22,252 --> 00:59:22,199 services and the department can get 1566 00:59:22,209 --> 00:59:24,300 ahead of , rather than really , uh , 1567 00:59:24,310 --> 00:59:26,899 being driven by this side of the 1568 00:59:26,909 --> 00:59:29,076 foxhole . Because I , I certainly look 1569 00:59:29,076 --> 00:59:31,489 forward to hearing , uh , what you're 1570 00:59:31,500 --> 00:59:33,722 doing in that regard as we move forward 1571 00:59:33,722 --> 00:59:35,889 through the , through the defense bill 1572 00:59:35,889 --> 00:59:38,111 with that , uh , hearing is adjourned . 1573 00:59:38,111 --> 00:59:40,222 And thank you , genuinely . Thank you 1574 00:59:40,222 --> 00:59:38,840 again .