1 00:00:00,209 --> 00:00:03,990 Good afternoon , everyone . Just a few 2 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:06,056 items pass along at the top and then 3 00:00:06,056 --> 00:00:08,222 we'll get right to your questions . Uh 4 00:00:08,222 --> 00:00:10,111 As some of you may be aware , the 5 00:00:10,111 --> 00:00:11,944 Department of Defense released a 6 00:00:11,944 --> 00:00:13,833 statement earlier today regarding 7 00:00:13,833 --> 00:00:15,944 support to the Department of Homeland 8 00:00:15,944 --> 00:00:18,000 Security , which I'll reiterate here 9 00:00:18,000 --> 00:00:20,111 from the podium at the request of the 10 00:00:20,111 --> 00:00:21,889 Department of Homeland Security 11 00:00:21,889 --> 00:00:24,000 Secretary Austin approved a temporary 12 00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:26,056 Department of Defense increase of an 13 00:00:26,056 --> 00:00:28,870 additional 1500 military personnel to 14 00:00:28,879 --> 00:00:30,712 supplement us customs and border 15 00:00:30,712 --> 00:00:33,409 protection efforts on the US Southwest 16 00:00:33,419 --> 00:00:36,209 border for 90 days . These 1500 17 00:00:36,220 --> 00:00:38,387 military personnel who will be sourced 18 00:00:38,387 --> 00:00:40,387 from the active duty component will 19 00:00:40,387 --> 00:00:42,639 fill critical capability gaps such as 20 00:00:42,650 --> 00:00:44,761 ground based detection and monitoring 21 00:00:44,900 --> 00:00:48,259 data entry and warehouse support until 22 00:00:48,270 --> 00:00:50,819 CPV can address these needs through 23 00:00:50,830 --> 00:00:53,430 contracted support . Military personnel 24 00:00:53,439 --> 00:00:55,549 will not directly participate in law 25 00:00:55,560 --> 00:00:58,330 enforcement activities . It's important 26 00:00:58,340 --> 00:01:00,340 to note that the department is also 27 00:01:00,340 --> 00:01:02,284 evaluating options on how we might 28 00:01:02,284 --> 00:01:04,173 replace these deploying forces in 29 00:01:04,173 --> 00:01:06,229 stride with other sources to include 30 00:01:06,229 --> 00:01:08,229 potentially forces from the reserve 31 00:01:08,229 --> 00:01:10,639 component and contracted support . And 32 00:01:10,650 --> 00:01:12,761 while this request is for 90 days , I 33 00:01:12,761 --> 00:01:14,928 would point out that dod has supported 34 00:01:14,928 --> 00:01:17,449 DH S on the southwest border . For 18 35 00:01:17,459 --> 00:01:19,989 of the last 22 years and every year 36 00:01:20,000 --> 00:01:23,190 since 2006 , shifting gears , the 37 00:01:23,199 --> 00:01:25,143 Department of Defense through us , 38 00:01:25,143 --> 00:01:27,143 Africa Command remains committed to 39 00:01:27,143 --> 00:01:29,199 supporting the Department of State's 40 00:01:29,199 --> 00:01:31,088 efforts in Sudan . Over this past 41 00:01:31,088 --> 00:01:32,866 weekend , this support involved 42 00:01:32,866 --> 00:01:34,477 organizing and synchronizing 43 00:01:34,477 --> 00:01:36,532 transportation from Khartoum to Port 44 00:01:36,532 --> 00:01:38,750 Sudan and on to Saudi Arabia for us , 45 00:01:38,760 --> 00:01:40,649 citizens and others who wished to 46 00:01:40,649 --> 00:01:43,110 depart Sudan today , the US Ns 47 00:01:43,120 --> 00:01:45,379 Brunswick along with the US , Ruxton 48 00:01:45,500 --> 00:01:48,760 and US Polar remain in the vicinity of 49 00:01:48,769 --> 00:01:50,750 Port Sudan and are able to provide 50 00:01:50,760 --> 00:01:53,150 support to the evacuation mission as 51 00:01:53,160 --> 00:01:55,919 needed . Additionally , ISR assets 52 00:01:55,930 --> 00:01:58,949 continue 24 7 Overwatch over potential 53 00:01:58,959 --> 00:02:01,690 land evacuation routes . And Africo S 54 00:02:01,699 --> 00:02:03,569 deconfliction cell continues to 55 00:02:03,580 --> 00:02:06,010 distribute relevant information to the 56 00:02:06,019 --> 00:02:08,075 Department of State , our Allies and 57 00:02:08,075 --> 00:02:10,820 partners and International NGOS to help 58 00:02:10,830 --> 00:02:12,719 enable informed decision making . 59 00:02:13,479 --> 00:02:15,646 Looking ahead , Secretary Austin looks 60 00:02:15,646 --> 00:02:17,757 very forward to welcoming Philippines 61 00:02:17,757 --> 00:02:19,590 President Marcos to the Pentagon 62 00:02:19,590 --> 00:02:21,757 tomorrow . It's important to point out 63 00:02:21,757 --> 00:02:21,559 that we're standing at a 64 00:02:21,570 --> 00:02:23,500 transformational moment in the US 65 00:02:23,509 --> 00:02:25,800 Philippines alliance . We've made great 66 00:02:25,809 --> 00:02:27,698 strides recently in advancing our 67 00:02:27,698 --> 00:02:29,698 bilateral defense relationship from 68 00:02:29,698 --> 00:02:31,753 announcing four new enhanced defense 69 00:02:31,753 --> 00:02:33,910 cooperation agreement sites to 70 00:02:33,919 --> 00:02:35,919 successfully completing the largest 71 00:02:35,919 --> 00:02:38,440 ever iteration of our annual bilateral 72 00:02:38,449 --> 00:02:41,720 exercise . Balaton Secretary Austin and 73 00:02:41,729 --> 00:02:43,785 President Marcos will discuss a wide 74 00:02:43,785 --> 00:02:45,800 range of security topics including 75 00:02:45,809 --> 00:02:47,809 support for the Philippines defense 76 00:02:47,809 --> 00:02:49,809 modernization efforts and expanding 77 00:02:49,809 --> 00:02:51,865 operational cooperation in the South 78 00:02:51,865 --> 00:02:54,130 China Sea . Separately , the Department 79 00:02:54,139 --> 00:02:56,361 of Defense is joining with the US Small 80 00:02:56,361 --> 00:02:58,139 Business Administration and our 81 00:02:58,139 --> 00:03:00,139 interagency partners in celebrating 82 00:03:00,139 --> 00:03:02,361 National Small Business Week , April 30 83 00:03:02,361 --> 00:03:04,472 th through May six . As many of , you 84 00:03:04,472 --> 00:03:06,250 know , small businesses play an 85 00:03:06,250 --> 00:03:08,361 absolutely vital role in securing our 86 00:03:08,361 --> 00:03:10,583 nation . In fact , more than 70% of the 87 00:03:10,583 --> 00:03:12,695 US defense industrial base is made up 88 00:03:12,695 --> 00:03:15,160 of manufacturing companies with 20 or 89 00:03:15,169 --> 00:03:17,389 fewer employees . The department 90 00:03:17,399 --> 00:03:19,566 released a new small business strategy 91 00:03:19,566 --> 00:03:21,510 in February of this year and has a 92 00:03:21,510 --> 00:03:23,869 range of programs to both , both assist 93 00:03:23,880 --> 00:03:26,059 and encourage small companies to do 94 00:03:26,070 --> 00:03:27,910 business with the dod . More 95 00:03:27,919 --> 00:03:29,880 information on dod small business 96 00:03:29,889 --> 00:03:31,889 initiatives can be found on the dod 97 00:03:31,889 --> 00:03:34,080 website . Finally , the Department of 98 00:03:34,089 --> 00:03:36,089 Defense Outreach Office is proud to 99 00:03:36,089 --> 00:03:37,922 announce the premiere of chopped 100 00:03:37,922 --> 00:03:39,990 military salute on the food network 101 00:03:40,000 --> 00:03:42,369 hosted by Tim Allen . The five part 102 00:03:42,380 --> 00:03:44,559 tournament features 16 active duty 103 00:03:44,570 --> 00:03:47,259 chefs from the US Navy , US Air Force , 104 00:03:47,270 --> 00:03:49,880 us Marine Corps and US army competing 105 00:03:49,889 --> 00:03:51,945 with their service for a slot in the 106 00:03:51,945 --> 00:03:53,833 final joint service competition . 107 00:03:53,833 --> 00:03:55,722 Chopped military salute premiered 108 00:03:55,722 --> 00:03:57,611 Tuesday , April 25 . And we would 109 00:03:57,611 --> 00:03:59,611 encourage everyone to tune in every 110 00:03:59,611 --> 00:04:01,778 Tuesday from now until May 23rd to see 111 00:04:01,778 --> 00:04:03,667 these talented service members in 112 00:04:03,667 --> 00:04:05,778 action . And with that , we'll get to 113 00:04:05,778 --> 00:04:07,833 your questions . We'll go to A P L . 114 00:04:07,833 --> 00:04:11,649 Thanks , Pat . Um Can you say when you 115 00:04:11,660 --> 00:04:13,929 expect these troops to arrive at the 116 00:04:13,940 --> 00:04:17,829 border even um in a range of days in 117 00:04:17,839 --> 00:04:20,540 the coming week or presumably by May 118 00:04:20,549 --> 00:04:23,750 11th ? Uh would that be accurate ? Do 119 00:04:23,760 --> 00:04:26,040 you expect these will be active duty 120 00:04:26,049 --> 00:04:28,216 troops or are you going to try to have 121 00:04:28,216 --> 00:04:32,019 to pull some from the guard and third ? 122 00:04:32,059 --> 00:04:35,440 Sorry . Um , in the past dod 123 00:04:35,450 --> 00:04:38,929 requested that DH S provide quarterly 124 00:04:38,940 --> 00:04:42,369 reports , updating as to when and how 125 00:04:42,380 --> 00:04:44,700 DH S was going to be able to take over 126 00:04:44,890 --> 00:04:48,220 these jobs on the border is dod 127 00:04:48,230 --> 00:04:51,559 getting these quarterly updates 128 00:04:51,950 --> 00:04:55,670 and is the department confident or 129 00:04:55,679 --> 00:04:58,190 concerned that DH S will or won't be 130 00:04:58,200 --> 00:05:00,519 able to meet this requirement by the 131 00:05:00,529 --> 00:05:02,807 end of the fiscal year ? Yeah , thanks . 132 00:05:02,940 --> 00:05:05,859 Um So on , on your first question . Uh 133 00:05:05,869 --> 00:05:08,940 right now , I think we'll see , uh you , 134 00:05:08,950 --> 00:05:12,179 uh these troops arrive as early as uh 135 00:05:12,190 --> 00:05:14,660 may 10th . Uh And then in the coming 136 00:05:14,670 --> 00:05:17,410 weeks , uh again , these will be active 137 00:05:17,420 --> 00:05:19,600 duty forces . Uh Although , as I 138 00:05:19,609 --> 00:05:21,720 mentioned at the top , uh we continue 139 00:05:21,720 --> 00:05:23,720 to explore other options so that we 140 00:05:23,720 --> 00:05:25,799 could uh return those active duty 141 00:05:25,809 --> 00:05:27,976 forces back to their home stations and 142 00:05:27,976 --> 00:05:29,753 stride with potentially reserve 143 00:05:29,839 --> 00:05:32,730 component or contracted uh entities . 144 00:05:32,739 --> 00:05:34,739 Uh Again , that's work that we'll , 145 00:05:34,739 --> 00:05:37,369 we'll continue to do uh as far as um 146 00:05:37,380 --> 00:05:39,640 quarterly reports . Um I'll have to 147 00:05:39,649 --> 00:05:41,871 take that question for you . I can tell 148 00:05:41,871 --> 00:05:43,927 you that , you know , as a matter of 149 00:05:43,927 --> 00:05:45,982 course , we do regularly communicate 150 00:05:45,982 --> 00:05:47,982 with the DH S . Uh And I think , uh 151 00:05:47,982 --> 00:05:50,205 again , we're , we're uh in a situation 152 00:05:50,205 --> 00:05:52,038 here where uh DH S has requested 153 00:05:52,038 --> 00:05:54,149 assistance . Uh And the Department of 154 00:05:54,149 --> 00:05:56,316 Defense is assisting on this important 155 00:05:56,316 --> 00:05:59,829 issue . So , thank you . Um is it , uh 156 00:05:59,839 --> 00:06:02,100 are you saying just for clarification 157 00:06:02,309 --> 00:06:04,850 that within this 90 day period you 158 00:06:04,859 --> 00:06:07,390 would like to replace or you will look 159 00:06:07,399 --> 00:06:09,566 at replacing some of these active duty 160 00:06:09,566 --> 00:06:11,455 troops with the National Guard or 161 00:06:11,455 --> 00:06:14,059 Reserve or potentially beyond that . Uh 162 00:06:14,070 --> 00:06:16,200 Exactly . So , within that 90 day 163 00:06:16,209 --> 00:06:18,420 period , again , we're , we are uh , 164 00:06:18,429 --> 00:06:20,399 Secretary Austin has approved the 165 00:06:20,410 --> 00:06:22,600 deployment of 1500 active duty troop 166 00:06:22,609 --> 00:06:25,100 troops . But again , uh we are looking 167 00:06:25,109 --> 00:06:27,220 and evaluating options . Should we be 168 00:06:27,220 --> 00:06:30,559 able to uh replace those in stride ? Ok , 169 00:06:31,269 --> 00:06:34,670 Jen . And then we'll go to will thank 170 00:06:34,679 --> 00:06:38,380 you General Rider . So just which units 171 00:06:38,390 --> 00:06:40,557 will these troops be coming from ? And 172 00:06:40,557 --> 00:06:42,279 will they be helping with drug 173 00:06:42,279 --> 00:06:44,390 enforcement ? Because that's what the 174 00:06:44,390 --> 00:06:46,279 original executive order from the 175 00:06:46,279 --> 00:06:48,223 president said ? Yeah . So in , in 176 00:06:48,223 --> 00:06:50,839 terms of the types of work that they'll 177 00:06:50,850 --> 00:06:53,269 be doing uh as I highlighted at the top , 178 00:06:53,279 --> 00:06:56,429 uh these will be uh very much focused 179 00:06:56,440 --> 00:07:00,209 on uh support tasks to uh C B P . 180 00:07:00,220 --> 00:07:03,760 So , uh no , uh and I'll just leave it 181 00:07:03,769 --> 00:07:06,102 at that . I mean , I mean , what I said , 182 00:07:06,102 --> 00:07:08,269 uh in terms of the specific units , uh 183 00:07:08,269 --> 00:07:10,325 these forces will come from the army 184 00:07:10,325 --> 00:07:12,547 and the US Marine Corps , but I'd refer 185 00:07:12,547 --> 00:07:14,436 you to the services to talk about 186 00:07:14,436 --> 00:07:16,547 specific units that will be tasked in 187 00:07:16,547 --> 00:07:19,049 2018 . Just before the midterm 188 00:07:19,059 --> 00:07:21,059 elections , President Trump ordered 189 00:07:21,059 --> 00:07:24,450 5200 US troops to fortify the border 190 00:07:25,269 --> 00:07:28,070 at the time . Democrats and former 191 00:07:28,079 --> 00:07:30,899 military officials and officers came 192 00:07:30,910 --> 00:07:33,132 out against that saying they were being 193 00:07:33,132 --> 00:07:35,132 used for political reasons . How is 194 00:07:35,132 --> 00:07:37,354 this different ? Yeah . So , you know , 195 00:07:37,354 --> 00:07:39,299 really my focus here is on talking 196 00:07:39,299 --> 00:07:41,521 about what we've been asked to do and , 197 00:07:41,521 --> 00:07:43,577 and what we're doing uh clearly DH s 198 00:07:43,577 --> 00:07:45,521 felt that there was a need for the 199 00:07:45,521 --> 00:07:47,743 Department of Defense to assist so that 200 00:07:47,743 --> 00:07:49,966 they can continue to do their important 201 00:07:49,966 --> 00:07:52,077 work . Secretary Austin approved that 202 00:07:52,077 --> 00:07:54,021 request . And so that's what we're 203 00:07:54,021 --> 00:07:55,966 focused on . Thank you . This will 204 00:07:57,239 --> 00:07:59,429 thank you . Um Two questions on the , 205 00:07:59,440 --> 00:08:02,950 on the border . What was the , who were 206 00:08:02,959 --> 00:08:05,237 there prior to the 1500 being deployed ? 207 00:08:05,237 --> 00:08:07,348 And what necessity at this additional 208 00:08:07,348 --> 00:08:09,348 deployment now ? Is it , was it the 209 00:08:09,348 --> 00:08:11,515 changes on May 11th that are coming up 210 00:08:11,515 --> 00:08:13,792 or is there any other reason regarding ? 211 00:08:13,792 --> 00:08:13,769 Yeah , that's correct . So , uh in 212 00:08:13,779 --> 00:08:15,835 light of the changes on May 11th and 213 00:08:15,835 --> 00:08:19,040 the uh anticipated surge , uh DH S did 214 00:08:19,049 --> 00:08:20,882 reach out and , and request this 215 00:08:20,882 --> 00:08:23,260 support uh in terms of the number of uh 216 00:08:23,269 --> 00:08:25,380 us military that are there . Now , uh 217 00:08:25,380 --> 00:08:28,890 there are approximately 2500 uh us 218 00:08:28,899 --> 00:08:31,549 military uh who are National Guard 219 00:08:31,559 --> 00:08:34,539 Forces . Uh They are focused again on 220 00:08:34,549 --> 00:08:36,549 supporting C B P with detection and 221 00:08:36,549 --> 00:08:40,020 monitoring and aviation support to . I 222 00:08:40,030 --> 00:08:42,252 have a couple uh non border questions . 223 00:08:42,320 --> 00:08:45,059 Uh Ukraine , are there any P D A s or 224 00:08:45,070 --> 00:08:47,237 Ukraine Security Assistance initiative 225 00:08:47,237 --> 00:08:49,292 contracts in the works ? They may be 226 00:08:49,292 --> 00:08:51,348 released in the next couple weeks to 227 00:08:51,348 --> 00:08:53,348 help the potential spring invasions 228 00:08:53,348 --> 00:08:56,780 spring uh offensive . Uh So , so first 229 00:08:56,789 --> 00:08:58,678 of all , I don't have anything to 230 00:08:58,678 --> 00:09:00,640 announce today in regards to any 231 00:09:00,650 --> 00:09:03,710 upcoming security assistance packages . 232 00:09:03,719 --> 00:09:06,099 Although broadly speaking , we will 233 00:09:06,109 --> 00:09:07,942 continue to support Ukraine with 234 00:09:07,942 --> 00:09:11,190 security assistance uh going forward as 235 00:09:11,200 --> 00:09:13,311 we have been doing . Um I'm not going 236 00:09:13,311 --> 00:09:15,478 to get into the specifics on timing in 237 00:09:15,478 --> 00:09:17,200 terms of any potential counter 238 00:09:17,200 --> 00:09:19,256 offensive . Other than to say , from 239 00:09:19,256 --> 00:09:21,478 the very beginning , we've been working 240 00:09:21,478 --> 00:09:23,589 closely with Ukrainian leaders , with 241 00:09:23,589 --> 00:09:25,756 our allies and partners to assess what 242 00:09:25,756 --> 00:09:27,422 Ukraine needs to defend their 243 00:09:27,422 --> 00:09:29,367 sovereignty and to take back their 244 00:09:29,367 --> 00:09:31,533 sovereign territory . A different part 245 00:09:31,533 --> 00:09:33,811 of the world , South Korea . Last week , 246 00:09:33,811 --> 00:09:35,644 the White House just announced a 247 00:09:35,644 --> 00:09:37,422 nuclear sub , a nuclear powered 248 00:09:37,422 --> 00:09:39,533 submarine would visit just to clarify 249 00:09:39,533 --> 00:09:41,644 that roughly when might that happen ? 250 00:09:41,644 --> 00:09:43,644 And will this be an Ohio class that 251 00:09:43,644 --> 00:09:45,811 carries nuclear missiles or it will be 252 00:09:45,811 --> 00:09:47,644 one of those S S G N s that just 253 00:09:47,644 --> 00:09:50,875 carries Tomahawks ? So in terms of the 254 00:09:50,885 --> 00:09:53,107 timing , Tony , I'm not gonna get ahead 255 00:09:53,107 --> 00:09:56,275 of uh or , or announce any uh timing of 256 00:09:56,284 --> 00:09:58,614 a deployment . Uh It will be an Ohio 257 00:09:58,625 --> 00:10:02,130 class S S B N model , but that's about 258 00:10:02,140 --> 00:10:04,196 as specific as I can get , but it'll 259 00:10:04,196 --> 00:10:06,362 carry nuclear weapons though . I'm not 260 00:10:06,362 --> 00:10:08,584 going to get into the specific payloads 261 00:10:08,584 --> 00:10:10,696 other than the type of submarine will 262 00:10:10,696 --> 00:10:12,918 be an SSB N . Ok . Thanks . Thank you . 263 00:10:12,918 --> 00:10:16,869 Ok . Yes , sir . Thank you very much . 264 00:10:16,880 --> 00:10:20,020 General . A question from Syria . The 265 00:10:20,030 --> 00:10:22,252 killing of the Daesh leader on Saturday 266 00:10:22,252 --> 00:10:23,974 in an operation by the Turkish 267 00:10:23,974 --> 00:10:26,141 intelligence . This was announced by a 268 00:10:26,141 --> 00:10:28,141 Turkish President . Does the United 269 00:10:28,141 --> 00:10:29,919 States have any comment on that 270 00:10:29,919 --> 00:10:29,890 confirmation comment or what do you 271 00:10:29,900 --> 00:10:32,270 know about this ? Certainly , at this 272 00:10:32,280 --> 00:10:34,169 time , we can't corroborate those 273 00:10:34,169 --> 00:10:36,169 reports . Certainly . That would be 274 00:10:36,169 --> 00:10:38,190 welcome news if true , you know , 275 00:10:38,200 --> 00:10:40,390 broadly speaking , we do appreciate 276 00:10:40,400 --> 00:10:43,969 what Turkey has done to counter ISIS . 277 00:10:44,309 --> 00:10:46,476 Um But , but that's about as much as I 278 00:10:46,476 --> 00:10:49,080 have a quick follow up on that . Um You 279 00:10:49,090 --> 00:10:51,390 know , you have times when the United 280 00:10:51,400 --> 00:10:54,200 States said that the Turkish military 281 00:10:54,210 --> 00:10:56,369 presence in the region has been 282 00:10:56,380 --> 00:10:58,547 hampering the fight against Daesh . So 283 00:10:58,547 --> 00:11:00,769 like looking at the overall , how would 284 00:11:00,769 --> 00:11:02,769 you assess your NATO allies efforts 285 00:11:02,769 --> 00:11:04,547 against Daesh or tackling Daesh 286 00:11:04,547 --> 00:11:06,919 terrorism ? Yeah . Well , certainly uh 287 00:11:06,929 --> 00:11:09,880 as , as you know , in the , in the 288 00:11:09,890 --> 00:11:11,859 border regions there uh in , in 289 00:11:11,869 --> 00:11:14,650 northern Syria , Turkish forces have 290 00:11:14,659 --> 00:11:16,659 engaged with ISIS in the past . And 291 00:11:16,659 --> 00:11:18,715 again , I think anything that , that 292 00:11:18,715 --> 00:11:21,299 the international community can do to 293 00:11:21,309 --> 00:11:23,659 help with the enduring defeat of ISIS 294 00:11:23,669 --> 00:11:25,891 is very helpful . Thank you very much , 295 00:11:26,030 --> 00:11:28,252 go back to fighting and then we come to 296 00:11:35,700 --> 00:11:37,922 thank you General . So question on , on 297 00:11:37,922 --> 00:11:39,922 Sudan , you mentioned the the three 298 00:11:39,922 --> 00:11:42,144 navy ships uh supporting the evacuation 299 00:11:42,144 --> 00:11:44,367 from port Sudan to uh Saudi Arabia . So 300 00:11:44,367 --> 00:11:46,422 I was wondering if you can give more 301 00:11:46,422 --> 00:11:48,644 details on that type of activities they 302 00:11:48,644 --> 00:11:50,710 were involved uh in throughout the , 303 00:11:50,719 --> 00:11:52,775 the weekend and up until now in , in 304 00:11:52,775 --> 00:11:56,489 this uh supporting role . Sure . Um so 305 00:11:56,500 --> 00:11:59,469 to my knowledge , um we had the uh 306 00:11:59,479 --> 00:12:02,309 Brunswick was able to assist with the 307 00:12:02,320 --> 00:12:05,570 evacuation of approximately 300 people 308 00:12:05,580 --> 00:12:08,799 from Port Sudan to Jeddah where they 309 00:12:08,809 --> 00:12:11,969 were obviously met by us . Consular 310 00:12:11,979 --> 00:12:14,700 affairs officials . Uh Again , the 311 00:12:14,710 --> 00:12:16,932 Brunswick has returned to Port Sudan to 312 00:12:16,932 --> 00:12:19,030 be available to transport any 313 00:12:19,039 --> 00:12:21,520 additional citizens or others who may 314 00:12:21,530 --> 00:12:24,380 require transport out of Sudan . And 315 00:12:24,390 --> 00:12:26,659 the other two ships are just uh in the 316 00:12:26,669 --> 00:12:29,599 sea in case they were called upon to uh 317 00:12:29,630 --> 00:12:31,950 uh to be involved . Correct , correct . 318 00:12:31,960 --> 00:12:34,016 Just to , to provide , to provide us 319 00:12:34,016 --> 00:12:36,127 with options . Uh Should we need that 320 00:12:36,127 --> 00:12:38,182 capability ? Thank you . Thank you . 321 00:12:39,270 --> 00:12:41,214 Thank you . I have two questions . 322 00:12:41,214 --> 00:12:43,270 Actually , one follow up . So have , 323 00:12:43,270 --> 00:12:45,159 has there been any communications 324 00:12:45,159 --> 00:12:47,381 between Turkish and American militaries 325 00:12:47,381 --> 00:12:49,603 with respect to the killing of the ISIS 326 00:12:49,603 --> 00:12:52,289 leader ? Um I don't have that . I , I 327 00:12:52,299 --> 00:12:54,390 don't know , I would refer you to , 328 00:12:54,979 --> 00:12:57,869 sorry to ask them . Um What , what type 329 00:12:57,880 --> 00:13:00,047 of communication there may have been ? 330 00:13:00,047 --> 00:13:02,520 Ok . And then um second question , we 331 00:13:02,530 --> 00:13:04,641 have seen the Russians have increased 332 00:13:04,641 --> 00:13:06,909 the barrage of missile strikes in 333 00:13:06,919 --> 00:13:09,340 Ukraine . Can you update us on the 334 00:13:09,349 --> 00:13:12,340 battlefield currently in Ukraine ? Sure . 335 00:13:12,349 --> 00:13:14,238 Uh I mean , broadly speaking , we 336 00:13:14,238 --> 00:13:16,516 continue to see heavy fighting in Baku . 337 00:13:16,516 --> 00:13:19,229 Uh Again , it's been tenuous for a 338 00:13:19,239 --> 00:13:21,890 while there . Now , um as you highlight , 339 00:13:21,900 --> 00:13:25,489 we've seen Russia firing missiles 340 00:13:25,500 --> 00:13:29,289 into civilian infrastructure again , 341 00:13:29,299 --> 00:13:32,049 nothing new unfortunately for them . Um 342 00:13:32,080 --> 00:13:34,136 but largely along the front lines it 343 00:13:34,136 --> 00:13:36,669 continues to remain static . Thank you . 344 00:13:37,030 --> 00:13:39,197 Let me go to row and then go back here 345 00:13:39,197 --> 00:13:41,619 and I'll come back to you Jennifer . No . 346 00:13:42,609 --> 00:13:44,720 Uh Thank you very much , General . Uh 347 00:13:44,720 --> 00:13:46,887 Yesterday , the US and the Philippines 348 00:13:46,887 --> 00:13:49,510 agreed to agreed to establish a 349 00:13:49,520 --> 00:13:51,630 framework of trilateral cooperation 350 00:13:51,640 --> 00:13:54,469 with Japan and Australia respectively . 351 00:13:54,729 --> 00:13:56,673 So can you share a little bit more 352 00:13:56,673 --> 00:13:58,618 details , more , a little bit more 353 00:13:58,618 --> 00:14:00,969 specifics on the , what the Pentagon 354 00:14:00,979 --> 00:14:03,380 wants to do with this new trilateral 355 00:14:03,390 --> 00:14:06,119 format militarily moving forward ? Yeah , 356 00:14:06,130 --> 00:14:08,352 sure . Um Well , I don't , I don't have 357 00:14:08,352 --> 00:14:10,463 anything specific to announce today , 358 00:14:10,463 --> 00:14:12,408 Rio . I would tell you that uh the 359 00:14:12,408 --> 00:14:14,297 Philippines , Japan and Australia 360 00:14:14,297 --> 00:14:16,352 continue to remain uh very essential 361 00:14:16,352 --> 00:14:19,229 allies for us . Uh We obviously share 362 00:14:19,239 --> 00:14:21,619 uh common focus and common values when 363 00:14:21,630 --> 00:14:23,852 it comes to promoting peace , stability 364 00:14:23,852 --> 00:14:26,186 and security in the Indo Pacific region . 365 00:14:26,186 --> 00:14:28,352 And so we're gonna continue to look at 366 00:14:28,352 --> 00:14:30,489 ways that we can work together uh to 367 00:14:30,500 --> 00:14:32,778 achieve that end . Thank you very much . 368 00:14:32,778 --> 00:14:34,944 Go back here and then we'll go back to 369 00:14:34,944 --> 00:14:37,349 over here . Hi uh Caitlin Kenney with 370 00:14:37,359 --> 00:14:39,630 defense one . Um Tomorrow is World 371 00:14:39,640 --> 00:14:41,696 Press Freedom Day and it's been more 372 00:14:41,696 --> 00:14:43,696 than 10 years since reporter Austin 373 00:14:43,696 --> 00:14:45,751 Tice was captured in Syria . Can you 374 00:14:45,751 --> 00:14:47,418 provide an update on what the 375 00:14:47,418 --> 00:14:49,473 Pentagon's efforts are to help bring 376 00:14:49,473 --> 00:14:51,640 home ? And can you explain what may be 377 00:14:51,640 --> 00:14:53,696 hindering the government's effort to 378 00:14:53,696 --> 00:14:53,640 bring him back ? Thank you . Yeah , 379 00:14:53,650 --> 00:14:55,983 thanks very much . Um So , first of all , 380 00:14:55,983 --> 00:14:58,039 I would just offer again , our , our 381 00:14:58,039 --> 00:15:01,010 thoughts and prayers to the family . Um 382 00:15:01,299 --> 00:15:03,869 While I don't have an update to provide 383 00:15:03,880 --> 00:15:06,770 today from the Pentagon in terms of uh 384 00:15:06,780 --> 00:15:10,020 efforts to , to recover . Uh or , or 385 00:15:10,030 --> 00:15:12,460 find Austin , I would say that we do 386 00:15:12,469 --> 00:15:14,469 continue to recognize the important 387 00:15:14,469 --> 00:15:17,489 work that journalists like Austin or 388 00:15:17,500 --> 00:15:20,559 Evan Gko and many others have done and 389 00:15:20,570 --> 00:15:22,719 continue to do around the world to 390 00:15:22,729 --> 00:15:24,951 report on important issues as part of a 391 00:15:24,951 --> 00:15:27,250 free and independent . Thank you , 392 00:15:27,950 --> 00:15:31,679 growth . Thank you . 393 00:15:32,049 --> 00:15:33,993 I have a follow up question on the 394 00:15:33,993 --> 00:15:36,669 visit of Philippine President Marcos to 395 00:15:36,679 --> 00:15:39,080 the US . So yesterday White House 396 00:15:39,090 --> 00:15:41,200 announced that two countries are 397 00:15:41,210 --> 00:15:44,289 adopting a new defense guideline . So 398 00:15:44,299 --> 00:15:46,355 through this new defense guideline , 399 00:15:46,355 --> 00:15:48,640 how can us and Philippines prepare for 400 00:15:48,650 --> 00:15:51,330 the potential contingency in the region 401 00:15:51,340 --> 00:15:54,619 including the invasion of Taiwan ? Sure . 402 00:15:54,630 --> 00:15:56,852 Um So we'll , we'll obviously have much 403 00:15:56,852 --> 00:15:58,797 more to provide tomorrow after the 404 00:15:58,797 --> 00:16:01,659 president's visit to the Pentagon . Um 405 00:16:02,409 --> 00:16:04,465 to underscore your point . Uh You've 406 00:16:04,465 --> 00:16:06,520 heard the White House talk about the 407 00:16:06,520 --> 00:16:08,687 fact that uh the United States and the 408 00:16:08,687 --> 00:16:10,853 Philippines will be adopting bilateral 409 00:16:10,853 --> 00:16:12,853 defense guidelines . And what these 410 00:16:12,853 --> 00:16:15,530 will do is help to institutionalize key 411 00:16:15,539 --> 00:16:17,849 bilateral priorities , mechanisms and 412 00:16:17,859 --> 00:16:19,880 processes that will help deepen our 413 00:16:19,890 --> 00:16:22,590 alliance . Uh What we're looking to do 414 00:16:22,599 --> 00:16:25,419 here is uh look at enhanced bilateral 415 00:16:25,429 --> 00:16:27,700 planning , information sharing , uh 416 00:16:27,710 --> 00:16:29,840 accelerated defense capability 417 00:16:29,849 --> 00:16:32,020 development and collaboration on 418 00:16:32,030 --> 00:16:34,363 emerging security technology . So again , 419 00:16:34,363 --> 00:16:36,530 we'll have much more to provide in the 420 00:16:36,530 --> 00:16:38,308 in the days ahead . Thank you . 421 00:16:38,308 --> 00:16:40,197 Jennifer and then I'll go to Mike 422 00:16:42,000 --> 00:16:44,760 General Rider . Why are these active 423 00:16:44,770 --> 00:16:46,826 duty troops being sent to the border 424 00:16:46,826 --> 00:16:49,330 and not National Guard ? Is this just 425 00:16:49,340 --> 00:16:51,799 an effort to message to the tens of 426 00:16:51,809 --> 00:16:54,200 thousands of migrants on the other side 427 00:16:54,210 --> 00:16:56,210 of the border not to come across by 428 00:16:56,210 --> 00:16:58,510 using active duty troops ? Because I 429 00:16:58,520 --> 00:17:01,010 seem to remember a few years back when 430 00:17:01,159 --> 00:17:03,381 the Trump administration wanted to send 431 00:17:03,381 --> 00:17:05,215 troops down there that there was 432 00:17:05,215 --> 00:17:07,215 concern by using active duty troops 433 00:17:07,215 --> 00:17:09,492 that you would affect readiness . Yeah . 434 00:17:09,492 --> 00:17:11,437 So really , this is about um being 435 00:17:11,437 --> 00:17:14,069 responsive . Uh DH S has asked us uh 436 00:17:14,079 --> 00:17:17,270 for this support . Uh And so , uh the 437 00:17:17,280 --> 00:17:19,969 ability to rapidly provide support from 438 00:17:19,979 --> 00:17:22,420 our active duty forces uh is , is 439 00:17:22,430 --> 00:17:25,249 really the key here again . Um We are , 440 00:17:25,259 --> 00:17:27,148 as I mentioned , we're evaluating 441 00:17:27,148 --> 00:17:28,870 options to look at potentially 442 00:17:28,870 --> 00:17:31,468 replacing some of those forces uh with 443 00:17:31,479 --> 00:17:33,798 reserve or contracted support . And as 444 00:17:33,808 --> 00:17:36,030 you know , calling up reserve component 445 00:17:36,030 --> 00:17:38,409 forces involves some time associated 446 00:17:38,418 --> 00:17:40,568 with that . Uh And so by tasking the 447 00:17:40,578 --> 00:17:42,800 active duty forces , we're able to meet 448 00:17:42,800 --> 00:17:45,668 this request uh very urgently . Uh and , 449 00:17:45,678 --> 00:17:48,448 and support uh DH S and so it won't 450 00:17:48,458 --> 00:17:50,347 affect readiness . Uh It will not 451 00:17:50,348 --> 00:17:53,180 affect readiness . Phil 452 00:17:57,770 --> 00:17:59,969 Hey there . Uh Just uh wondering if 453 00:17:59,979 --> 00:18:01,979 you've uh now that the dod assesses 454 00:18:01,979 --> 00:18:04,170 that it now knows the totality of the 455 00:18:04,180 --> 00:18:07,420 material leaked by airman and whether 456 00:18:07,430 --> 00:18:09,729 or not you've uh initiated or completed 457 00:18:09,739 --> 00:18:11,850 a damage assessment . Thank you . I'm 458 00:18:11,850 --> 00:18:13,850 sorry . Can you say that first part 459 00:18:13,850 --> 00:18:15,961 again . Yeah , whether or not the dod 460 00:18:15,961 --> 00:18:18,183 now uh knows that as , as that it knows 461 00:18:18,183 --> 00:18:20,350 the totality of the material leaked by 462 00:18:20,359 --> 00:18:22,526 and whether or not you've initiated or 463 00:18:22,526 --> 00:18:24,729 completed a damage assessment . Thank 464 00:18:24,739 --> 00:18:26,906 you . Yeah . So that work is ongoing . 465 00:18:26,906 --> 00:18:29,660 Uh As you know , the secretary directed 466 00:18:29,670 --> 00:18:32,660 that we do a comprehensive review uh 467 00:18:32,670 --> 00:18:36,420 of , of the impact uh of that 468 00:18:36,430 --> 00:18:38,729 leak . Uh And so that work is ongoing 469 00:18:38,739 --> 00:18:41,729 as is the criminal investigation into 470 00:18:41,849 --> 00:18:44,459 uh the airman specifically . So then to 471 00:18:44,469 --> 00:18:46,580 be clear , then you're not quite sure 472 00:18:46,580 --> 00:18:48,580 yet . It's not , it's not clear yet 473 00:18:48,580 --> 00:18:48,050 whether or not , you know , the 474 00:18:48,060 --> 00:18:50,560 totality , we continue to , we continue 475 00:18:50,569 --> 00:18:53,589 to evaluate uh just exactly what was 476 00:18:53,599 --> 00:18:56,660 leaked out , uh leaked as part of this 477 00:18:56,670 --> 00:18:58,948 uh unauthorized disclosure . Thank you . 478 00:19:00,010 --> 00:19:02,066 Yes , sir . Go here and then over to 479 00:19:02,066 --> 00:19:05,829 Mike . Thank you , sir on 480 00:19:05,839 --> 00:19:08,839 Ukraine in January and in November , uh 481 00:19:08,849 --> 00:19:10,849 General Miley stated that there are 482 00:19:10,849 --> 00:19:13,016 well over 100,000 Russian casualties . 483 00:19:13,016 --> 00:19:15,140 And yesterday , uh N C Kirby stated 484 00:19:15,150 --> 00:19:17,317 that there was uh since December about 485 00:19:17,317 --> 00:19:19,483 100,000 Russian casualties with 20,000 486 00:19:19,483 --> 00:19:21,483 dead . So is it safe to assume that 487 00:19:21,483 --> 00:19:23,800 there are now well over 200,000 Russian 488 00:19:23,810 --> 00:19:26,130 casualties in Ukraine again , I'm not 489 00:19:26,140 --> 00:19:28,790 gonna have anything to add beyond what 490 00:19:28,800 --> 00:19:31,780 Mr Kirby provided yesterday . Other 491 00:19:31,790 --> 00:19:34,660 than to say this , this conflict has 492 00:19:34,670 --> 00:19:36,670 been bloody from the beginning . Uh 493 00:19:36,670 --> 00:19:39,050 Russia , Russia's invasion has caused 494 00:19:39,060 --> 00:19:42,010 the death of uh of thousands and 495 00:19:42,020 --> 00:19:44,076 thousands of people . Uh And again , 496 00:19:44,076 --> 00:19:46,076 another reason why we would call on 497 00:19:46,076 --> 00:19:47,853 Russia to end this , cease this 498 00:19:47,853 --> 00:19:50,449 needless and senseless uh war as 499 00:19:50,459 --> 00:19:52,709 quickly as possible immediately . Thank 500 00:19:52,719 --> 00:19:54,780 you . And last question , go to Mike 501 00:19:54,790 --> 00:19:58,229 here . Um change the subject . But uh 502 00:19:58,239 --> 00:20:00,270 Archbishop Timothy Broli of the 503 00:20:00,280 --> 00:20:02,689 military archdiocese sent out a letter 504 00:20:02,699 --> 00:20:05,349 a couple days ago criticizing Secretary 505 00:20:05,359 --> 00:20:08,510 Austin's policy saying that it mandates 506 00:20:08,520 --> 00:20:10,829 federal funding for abortion , travel 507 00:20:10,839 --> 00:20:12,829 and compels military commanders to 508 00:20:12,839 --> 00:20:15,479 authorize such undertakings . He said 509 00:20:15,489 --> 00:20:17,869 the policy fails to incorporate basic 510 00:20:17,880 --> 00:20:20,102 conscience protection and creates first 511 00:20:20,102 --> 00:20:21,880 amendment pitfalls for military 512 00:20:21,880 --> 00:20:23,880 commanders . I was wondering if the 513 00:20:23,880 --> 00:20:26,449 Pentagon has any thoughts on any 514 00:20:26,459 --> 00:20:28,626 comment upon the archbishop ? Yeah , I 515 00:20:28,626 --> 00:20:30,626 I don't , I don't have a comment to 516 00:20:30,626 --> 00:20:32,681 provide on the archbishop's letter . 517 00:20:32,681 --> 00:20:34,737 Thank you very much . Thank you very 518 00:20:34,737 --> 00:20:33,890 much . Everybody . Appreciate it .