1 00:00:00,009 --> 00:00:02,980 Good afternoon , everybody . Just a few 2 00:00:02,990 --> 00:00:05,101 things here at the top and then we'll 3 00:00:05,101 --> 00:00:07,323 get right to your questions today . The 4 00:00:07,323 --> 00:00:09,434 Department of Defense announced a new 5 00:00:09,434 --> 00:00:11,657 security assistance package to reaffirm 6 00:00:11,657 --> 00:00:13,490 steadfast us support for Ukraine 7 00:00:13,490 --> 00:00:16,120 including to bolster its air defenses 8 00:00:16,129 --> 00:00:18,185 and sustain its artillery ammunition 9 00:00:18,190 --> 00:00:20,819 needs . This package which totals up to 10 00:00:20,829 --> 00:00:23,979 $1.2 billion is being provided under 11 00:00:23,989 --> 00:00:25,767 the Ukraine security assistance 12 00:00:25,767 --> 00:00:28,440 initiative . This UI package 13 00:00:28,450 --> 00:00:32,189 underscores the continued us commitment 14 00:00:32,200 --> 00:00:34,033 to meeting Ukraine's most urgent 15 00:00:34,033 --> 00:00:36,033 requirements by committing critical 16 00:00:36,033 --> 00:00:37,867 capabilities such as air defense 17 00:00:37,867 --> 00:00:40,150 systems and munitions while also 18 00:00:40,159 --> 00:00:42,103 building the capacity of Ukraine's 19 00:00:42,103 --> 00:00:44,159 armed forces to defend its territory 20 00:00:44,159 --> 00:00:46,270 and deter Russian aggression over the 21 00:00:46,270 --> 00:00:48,270 long term . This includes procuring 22 00:00:48,270 --> 00:00:51,619 additional 155 millimeter artillery 23 00:00:51,630 --> 00:00:54,369 rounds and sustainment support to 24 00:00:54,380 --> 00:00:56,491 enable Ukraine to better maintain its 25 00:00:56,491 --> 00:00:58,709 on hand systems and equipment . The 26 00:00:58,720 --> 00:01:00,776 capabilities in this package include 27 00:01:00,776 --> 00:01:02,609 additional air defense systems , 28 00:01:02,609 --> 00:01:04,553 ammunitions equipment to integrate 29 00:01:04,553 --> 00:01:06,331 western air defense launchers , 30 00:01:06,331 --> 00:01:08,498 missiles and radars with Ukraine's air 31 00:01:08,498 --> 00:01:10,331 defense systems , ammunition for 32 00:01:10,331 --> 00:01:12,959 counter unmanned aerial systems , 155 33 00:01:12,970 --> 00:01:14,637 millimeter artillery rounds , 34 00:01:14,637 --> 00:01:16,748 commercial satellite imagery services 35 00:01:16,748 --> 00:01:18,914 and support for training , maintenance 36 00:01:18,914 --> 00:01:21,137 and sustainment activities . The United 37 00:01:21,137 --> 00:01:23,248 States will continue to work with our 38 00:01:23,248 --> 00:01:25,192 allies and our partners to provide 39 00:01:25,192 --> 00:01:27,303 Ukraine with capabilities to meet its 40 00:01:27,303 --> 00:01:29,470 immediate battlefield needs and longer 41 00:01:29,470 --> 00:01:31,692 term security assistance requirements . 42 00:01:31,692 --> 00:01:33,581 Separately , Secretary Austin and 43 00:01:33,581 --> 00:01:35,803 chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , 44 00:01:35,803 --> 00:01:37,859 General Milley will testify Thursday 45 00:01:37,859 --> 00:01:39,692 before the Senate Appropriations 46 00:01:39,692 --> 00:01:41,692 Committee on defense to discuss the 47 00:01:41,692 --> 00:01:43,692 president's fiscal year 2024 budget 48 00:01:43,692 --> 00:01:45,970 request for the department . As always , 49 00:01:45,970 --> 00:01:47,970 the secretary and the chairman look 50 00:01:47,970 --> 00:01:49,970 forward to working with Congress to 51 00:01:49,970 --> 00:01:51,970 provide our service members serving 52 00:01:51,970 --> 00:01:51,720 around the world with the resources 53 00:01:51,730 --> 00:01:53,897 they need to accomplish the Department 54 00:01:53,897 --> 00:01:55,870 of Defense mission and strengthen 55 00:01:55,879 --> 00:01:57,879 America's national security for the 56 00:01:57,879 --> 00:02:00,830 21st century and beyond . In other news , 57 00:02:00,839 --> 00:02:03,440 the the dod today released the 58 00:02:03,449 --> 00:02:05,505 unclassified version of the national 59 00:02:05,505 --> 00:02:08,020 defense Science and technology strategy 60 00:02:08,199 --> 00:02:12,080 or NDS guided by the national defense 61 00:02:12,089 --> 00:02:15,000 strategy . The NSS articulates the 62 00:02:15,009 --> 00:02:17,342 Dod's Science and technology priorities , 63 00:02:17,342 --> 00:02:19,279 goals and investments and makes 64 00:02:19,289 --> 00:02:21,345 recommendations on the future of the 65 00:02:21,345 --> 00:02:23,178 defense research and engineering 66 00:02:23,178 --> 00:02:25,067 enterprise . The strategy will be 67 00:02:25,067 --> 00:02:27,270 implemented along three primary lines 68 00:02:27,279 --> 00:02:29,446 of effort which are focus on the joint 69 00:02:29,446 --> 00:02:32,119 mission , create and field capabilities 70 00:02:32,130 --> 00:02:34,419 at speed and scale and ensure the 71 00:02:34,429 --> 00:02:36,040 foundations for research and 72 00:02:36,040 --> 00:02:38,089 development . The department will 73 00:02:38,100 --> 00:02:39,822 continue to leverage the broad 74 00:02:39,822 --> 00:02:42,720 innovation ecosystem across academia , 75 00:02:42,850 --> 00:02:44,529 federally funded research and 76 00:02:44,539 --> 00:02:46,820 development centers , university 77 00:02:46,830 --> 00:02:48,720 affiliated research centers , dod 78 00:02:48,729 --> 00:02:51,029 laboratories , national laboratories , 79 00:02:51,270 --> 00:02:53,048 nonprofit entities , commercial 80 00:02:53,048 --> 00:02:54,714 industry and other government 81 00:02:54,714 --> 00:02:56,437 departments and agencies . The 82 00:02:56,437 --> 00:02:58,492 unclassified version of the strategy 83 00:02:58,492 --> 00:03:00,649 can be found on the dod website . And 84 00:03:00,660 --> 00:03:03,009 finally , Secretary Austin will travel 85 00:03:03,020 --> 00:03:05,076 to North Carolina this weekend where 86 00:03:05,076 --> 00:03:06,909 he'll deliver remarks during the 87 00:03:06,909 --> 00:03:08,576 Fayetteville State University 88 00:03:08,576 --> 00:03:10,242 commencement to highlight the 89 00:03:10,242 --> 00:03:12,187 department's focus on the value of 90 00:03:12,187 --> 00:03:14,353 service to our nation and that we will 91 00:03:14,353 --> 00:03:16,520 take your questions . We'll start with 92 00:03:16,520 --> 00:03:18,720 Associated . Hi , General Roder . Um , 93 00:03:18,729 --> 00:03:20,673 I wondered if you could give us an 94 00:03:20,673 --> 00:03:22,840 update on the troop deployments to the 95 00:03:22,840 --> 00:03:24,896 border , confirming reports that the 96 00:03:24,896 --> 00:03:27,100 first tranche of soldiers are arriving 97 00:03:27,110 --> 00:03:28,999 at the border now and any sort of 98 00:03:28,999 --> 00:03:31,009 update you can give us on their bed 99 00:03:31,020 --> 00:03:33,639 down , what roles they'll have ? Uh 100 00:03:33,649 --> 00:03:36,309 Thanks Sara . So my understanding is 101 00:03:36,320 --> 00:03:38,970 that those troops , uh an element of 102 00:03:38,979 --> 00:03:41,312 those troops should begin arriving soon . 103 00:03:41,419 --> 00:03:43,475 Uh I I'd refer you to north comm for 104 00:03:43,475 --> 00:03:45,720 the specific timing of that . Um In 105 00:03:45,729 --> 00:03:47,896 terms of the types of activities we've 106 00:03:47,896 --> 00:03:49,785 talked before about uh they'll be 107 00:03:49,785 --> 00:03:52,539 providing additional ground detection , 108 00:03:52,550 --> 00:03:54,439 monitoring capability , warehouse 109 00:03:54,439 --> 00:03:57,039 support , data entry . Um Again , 110 00:03:57,050 --> 00:03:59,410 they'll be there in support of customs 111 00:03:59,419 --> 00:04:01,910 and border patrol . Uh They will not be 112 00:04:01,919 --> 00:04:04,086 conducting any type of law enforcement 113 00:04:04,086 --> 00:04:06,197 activities . My understanding is that 114 00:04:06,197 --> 00:04:08,429 some of those troops will be operating 115 00:04:08,440 --> 00:04:12,380 uh near El Paso uh Texas . Um But again , 116 00:04:12,389 --> 00:04:14,389 I'd refer you to north comm for any 117 00:04:14,389 --> 00:04:16,333 additional details and , and a key 118 00:04:16,333 --> 00:04:18,500 point there is that they will be there 119 00:04:18,500 --> 00:04:20,722 in support again , of C B P . So really 120 00:04:20,722 --> 00:04:22,445 C B P are gonna be the ones to 121 00:04:22,445 --> 00:04:24,667 ultimately determine the disposition of 122 00:04:24,667 --> 00:04:26,778 those forces because they're there in 123 00:04:26,778 --> 00:04:28,889 support and just to further clarifier 124 00:04:28,889 --> 00:04:28,170 because there's some interest in this . 125 00:04:28,179 --> 00:04:30,012 They will have no role at all in 126 00:04:30,012 --> 00:04:32,809 interacting with migrants . And then as 127 00:04:32,820 --> 00:04:34,764 far as a ballpark , number of this 128 00:04:34,764 --> 00:04:37,600 first tranche in the hundreds . Yeah , 129 00:04:37,609 --> 00:04:39,831 that is correct . They are not there uh 130 00:04:39,831 --> 00:04:42,480 in any way to be interacting uh with 131 00:04:42,489 --> 00:04:44,790 migrants . Uh We are talking hundreds 132 00:04:44,799 --> 00:04:46,799 in terms of the first tranche . But 133 00:04:46,799 --> 00:04:48,632 again , uh North will be able to 134 00:04:48,632 --> 00:04:50,799 provide additional details . Let me go 135 00:04:50,799 --> 00:04:53,380 to Jen . Thank you , General Rider . Do 136 00:04:53,390 --> 00:04:56,059 you expect that the 90 day window that 137 00:04:56,070 --> 00:04:58,181 has been given for these troops to go 138 00:04:58,181 --> 00:05:00,403 to the border is going to be extended ? 139 00:05:00,403 --> 00:05:02,514 Has there been a request from DH S to 140 00:05:02,514 --> 00:05:04,681 extend that window ? And do you expect 141 00:05:04,681 --> 00:05:07,029 more troops more than the 1500 to be 142 00:05:07,040 --> 00:05:09,262 either requested or on their way to the 143 00:05:09,262 --> 00:05:11,318 border ? Yeah , as of right now , no 144 00:05:11,318 --> 00:05:13,549 change to what we've previously 145 00:05:13,559 --> 00:05:15,281 announced in terms of a 90 day 146 00:05:15,281 --> 00:05:17,899 temporary deployment . As always , we 147 00:05:17,910 --> 00:05:20,220 maintain ongoing discussions within the 148 00:05:20,549 --> 00:05:23,089 interagency with DH S . Uh I'm not 149 00:05:23,100 --> 00:05:25,600 aware of any uh additional formal 150 00:05:25,609 --> 00:05:28,040 request at this time . Um But again , 151 00:05:28,049 --> 00:05:30,271 you know , we'll continue to to stay in 152 00:05:30,271 --> 00:05:32,549 close contact . Um But yes , right now , 153 00:05:32,549 --> 00:05:34,989 it is 90 day temporary deployment uh in 154 00:05:35,000 --> 00:05:36,889 support of DH S . And what is the 155 00:05:36,889 --> 00:05:39,200 message that these troops are sending 156 00:05:39,209 --> 00:05:41,098 to those on the other side of the 157 00:05:41,098 --> 00:05:43,320 border who may consider crossing in the 158 00:05:43,320 --> 00:05:45,542 coming days ? Well , again , uh when it 159 00:05:45,542 --> 00:05:48,329 comes to border security , DH S has the 160 00:05:48,339 --> 00:05:50,579 lead for the federal government . Uh So 161 00:05:50,589 --> 00:05:52,589 in this case , uh , as we've talked 162 00:05:52,589 --> 00:05:54,589 about before they needed assistance 163 00:05:54,589 --> 00:05:56,811 performing some of those back shop type 164 00:05:56,811 --> 00:05:58,922 requirements so that they could focus 165 00:05:58,929 --> 00:06:01,200 on the law enforcement aspect of this . 166 00:06:02,160 --> 00:06:05,089 Thank you , Tony to the Ukraine 167 00:06:05,100 --> 00:06:07,156 announcement . Can as clearly as you 168 00:06:07,156 --> 00:06:09,190 can . Can you , uh , let the public 169 00:06:09,200 --> 00:06:11,769 know that this 1.2 billion has nothing 170 00:06:11,779 --> 00:06:13,739 to do with the upcoming spring 171 00:06:13,750 --> 00:06:15,639 offensive that the Ukrainians are 172 00:06:15,639 --> 00:06:18,029 hoping to launch . Well , Tony , as , 173 00:06:18,040 --> 00:06:20,207 as we , as I highlighted at the top of 174 00:06:20,207 --> 00:06:23,809 my remarks , uh USA I is a uh is a 175 00:06:23,869 --> 00:06:26,299 authority uh which exists for us to 176 00:06:26,309 --> 00:06:29,100 procure capabilities from industry or 177 00:06:29,109 --> 00:06:31,359 partners versus drawing down from our 178 00:06:31,369 --> 00:06:33,536 immediate stocks . So the next step in 179 00:06:33,536 --> 00:06:36,109 this process will be to look at um 180 00:06:36,119 --> 00:06:38,269 funding additional capabilities , 181 00:06:38,279 --> 00:06:40,168 what's out there in order to meet 182 00:06:40,168 --> 00:06:42,168 Ukraine's uh longer term needs . So 183 00:06:42,168 --> 00:06:44,279 these are to be for use for contracts 184 00:06:44,279 --> 00:06:46,168 to be signed at some point in the 185 00:06:46,168 --> 00:06:45,829 future . That is correct . Ok . So 186 00:06:45,839 --> 00:06:47,895 you've got $18 billion that Congress 187 00:06:47,895 --> 00:06:50,029 appropriated for this , this fund , 188 00:06:50,290 --> 00:06:52,540 Congress , the Pentagon to date has 189 00:06:52,549 --> 00:06:55,250 awarded $5 billion in contracts . This 190 00:06:55,260 --> 00:06:57,427 is another 1.2 that you're potentially 191 00:06:57,427 --> 00:06:59,316 gonna award is the Pentagon gonna 192 00:06:59,316 --> 00:07:02,470 accelerate somehow the contracting of 193 00:07:02,480 --> 00:07:04,036 these dollars that Congress 194 00:07:04,036 --> 00:07:06,399 appropriated for you last year . Thanks 195 00:07:06,410 --> 00:07:08,480 Tony . So we continue to try to 196 00:07:08,489 --> 00:07:10,656 leverage the full range of contracting 197 00:07:10,656 --> 00:07:12,878 vehicles that we have at our disposal . 198 00:07:12,878 --> 00:07:15,850 To expedite uh getting uh needed 199 00:07:15,859 --> 00:07:17,748 security assistance to Ukraine to 200 00:07:17,748 --> 00:07:20,230 include vehicles that allow us to start 201 00:07:20,239 --> 00:07:22,295 work immediately in terms of some of 202 00:07:22,295 --> 00:07:24,519 those capabilities before waiting for 203 00:07:24,529 --> 00:07:26,751 final contracts or broader contracts to 204 00:07:26,751 --> 00:07:28,473 be signed . So again , this is 205 00:07:28,473 --> 00:07:30,696 something that we will continue to keep 206 00:07:30,696 --> 00:07:32,807 after cognizant of the fact that this 207 00:07:32,807 --> 00:07:34,862 is part of a broader effort , us and 208 00:07:34,862 --> 00:07:36,862 international effort to ensure that 209 00:07:36,862 --> 00:07:38,973 Ukraine has the assistance . It needs 210 00:07:38,973 --> 00:07:41,085 the security assistance , it needs to 211 00:07:41,085 --> 00:07:43,085 defend its country . Thank you , go 212 00:07:43,085 --> 00:07:44,973 here and then we'll go back to uh 213 00:07:44,973 --> 00:07:46,696 thanks general writer . Uh You 214 00:07:46,696 --> 00:07:48,640 mentioned the commercial satellite 215 00:07:48,640 --> 00:07:50,473 imagery services and the Ukraine 216 00:07:50,473 --> 00:07:52,196 package . Um Can you say which 217 00:07:52,196 --> 00:07:54,307 companies dod is planning to contract 218 00:07:54,307 --> 00:07:56,418 with for these services and just more 219 00:07:56,418 --> 00:07:58,640 broadly ? Uh can you talk about why dod 220 00:07:58,640 --> 00:08:00,696 is kind of leaning on the commercial 221 00:08:00,696 --> 00:08:02,529 sector for this rather than just 222 00:08:02,529 --> 00:08:04,362 providing its own imagery to the 223 00:08:04,362 --> 00:08:06,529 Ukrainians ? Uh Again , I I don't have 224 00:08:06,529 --> 00:08:08,696 anything specific to announce today in 225 00:08:08,696 --> 00:08:10,807 terms of uh particular companies that 226 00:08:10,807 --> 00:08:12,918 we may or may not be contracting with 227 00:08:12,918 --> 00:08:15,130 through this USA I effort uh that will 228 00:08:15,140 --> 00:08:17,429 be work that's ongoing . Uh Certainly 229 00:08:17,440 --> 00:08:19,619 as we look at options on how best to 230 00:08:19,630 --> 00:08:22,390 support Ukraine . And so when we do 231 00:08:22,399 --> 00:08:24,510 have uh something to announce on that 232 00:08:24,510 --> 00:08:26,677 front , we certainly will . Ok , thank 233 00:08:26,677 --> 00:08:30,399 you , will . Thank you . Um Another USA 234 00:08:30,410 --> 00:08:32,410 I question um it , it mentioned the 235 00:08:32,410 --> 00:08:34,354 announcement mentioned air defense 236 00:08:34,354 --> 00:08:36,577 systems and munitions have the specific 237 00:08:36,577 --> 00:08:38,632 systems been selected yet or is that 238 00:08:38,632 --> 00:08:40,799 something that that still has not been 239 00:08:40,799 --> 00:08:42,910 done ? And also is there any timeline 240 00:08:42,910 --> 00:08:42,830 on these items , especially the air 241 00:08:42,840 --> 00:08:45,007 defenses and 1 50 fives given the kind 242 00:08:45,007 --> 00:08:47,062 of the urgency of the need for those 243 00:08:47,062 --> 00:08:49,284 capabilities in Ukraine ? Yeah , sure . 244 00:08:49,284 --> 00:08:51,396 Uh so a couple of things there . So , 245 00:08:51,396 --> 00:08:53,340 so again , on today's announcement 246 00:08:53,340 --> 00:08:55,450 about the USA I um just uh and , and 247 00:08:55,460 --> 00:08:57,460 not to belabor the point here , but 248 00:08:57,460 --> 00:08:59,571 again , a key difference between that 249 00:08:59,571 --> 00:09:01,238 and the presidential drawdown 250 00:09:01,238 --> 00:09:03,770 authorities is that the USA I is an 251 00:09:03,780 --> 00:09:06,229 authority under which the United States 252 00:09:06,239 --> 00:09:08,650 can procure capabilities from industry 253 00:09:08,659 --> 00:09:10,881 or partners versus again , drawing from 254 00:09:10,881 --> 00:09:14,260 existing stocks . Uh So this today's 255 00:09:14,270 --> 00:09:17,090 announcement is really focused on or 256 00:09:17,099 --> 00:09:19,650 represents rather the beginning of a 257 00:09:19,659 --> 00:09:21,909 contracting process to provide 258 00:09:21,919 --> 00:09:24,330 additional priority capabilities to 259 00:09:24,340 --> 00:09:26,400 Ukraine which will entail exploring 260 00:09:26,409 --> 00:09:28,549 options as how to best support them 261 00:09:28,780 --> 00:09:31,929 when it comes to providing uh near term 262 00:09:31,940 --> 00:09:34,169 support . You've seen us use the P D A 263 00:09:34,179 --> 00:09:37,270 to draw down on existing capabilities 264 00:09:37,280 --> 00:09:40,049 and rush those capabilities to Ukraine . 265 00:09:40,059 --> 00:09:42,059 So when it comes to things like air 266 00:09:42,059 --> 00:09:44,226 defense , for example , you've seen us 267 00:09:44,226 --> 00:09:46,659 provide patriots , NASA S , we've 268 00:09:46,669 --> 00:09:48,900 provided hawks , our allies and 269 00:09:48,909 --> 00:09:50,965 partners have provided things like T 270 00:09:50,965 --> 00:09:54,169 Avengers counter U A s . So we , we're 271 00:09:54,179 --> 00:09:57,190 not waiting to provide Ukraine with air 272 00:09:57,200 --> 00:10:00,440 defense capabilities . Now , the USA I 273 00:10:00,469 --> 00:10:03,909 gives us the ability to leverage the 274 00:10:03,919 --> 00:10:05,808 power and the capabilities of the 275 00:10:05,808 --> 00:10:08,219 private sector in order to support 276 00:10:08,229 --> 00:10:10,789 Ukraine's medium and long term security 277 00:10:10,799 --> 00:10:13,590 assistance needs . Yeah , 278 00:10:14,809 --> 00:10:17,570 up on that . Um So just to just to 279 00:10:17,580 --> 00:10:19,747 confirm though that , but the specific 280 00:10:19,747 --> 00:10:21,858 systems that are , that are under are 281 00:10:21,858 --> 00:10:24,080 mentioned in this announcement have not 282 00:10:24,080 --> 00:10:26,302 been determined yet , correct . So that 283 00:10:26,302 --> 00:10:25,450 is , that is something that we'll be 284 00:10:25,460 --> 00:10:27,516 exploring . And again , when we have 285 00:10:27,516 --> 00:10:29,682 something to announce , we will let me 286 00:10:29,682 --> 00:10:31,904 uh go here to Janie and then we'll come 287 00:10:31,904 --> 00:10:35,590 back across over here to Carla . Thank 288 00:10:35,599 --> 00:10:39,080 you , the US and South Korea and Japan 289 00:10:39,090 --> 00:10:42,080 will conduct a maritime interdiction 290 00:10:42,090 --> 00:10:46,059 exercise to block North Korea's illegal 291 00:10:46,070 --> 00:10:49,330 transshipment . Can you provide more 292 00:10:49,340 --> 00:10:52,750 about this ? Thanks . So I have seen 293 00:10:52,760 --> 00:10:54,593 some press reports talking about 294 00:10:54,593 --> 00:10:56,649 potential future exercises . I don't 295 00:10:56,649 --> 00:10:58,816 have anything specifically to announce 296 00:10:58,816 --> 00:11:01,179 today other than to say that the United 297 00:11:01,190 --> 00:11:03,989 States and the Republic of Korea do 298 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:06,469 conduct exercises on a regular basis . 299 00:11:06,479 --> 00:11:08,701 As you know , those exercises are meant 300 00:11:08,701 --> 00:11:10,812 to be defensive in nature and to help 301 00:11:10,812 --> 00:11:13,469 us to exercise our interoperability and 302 00:11:13,479 --> 00:11:15,368 to signal again our commitment to 303 00:11:15,368 --> 00:11:17,590 working with one another to promote 304 00:11:17,599 --> 00:11:19,710 peace , stability and security in the 305 00:11:19,710 --> 00:11:23,099 region . Do you anticipate the clash 306 00:11:23,109 --> 00:11:26,380 with North Korea during this exercise ? 307 00:11:26,390 --> 00:11:29,679 Because North Korea is objecting to 308 00:11:29,690 --> 00:11:32,190 this exercise . Certainly aware that 309 00:11:32,200 --> 00:11:34,089 that's not the first time they've 310 00:11:34,089 --> 00:11:36,089 objected to exercises . But again , 311 00:11:36,089 --> 00:11:38,256 these are defensive . Any exercises we 312 00:11:38,256 --> 00:11:40,478 do are defensive in nature and meant to 313 00:11:40,478 --> 00:11:42,589 promote interoperability with again , 314 00:11:42,589 --> 00:11:44,979 our primary focus being on promoting uh 315 00:11:44,989 --> 00:11:47,369 peace , security and stability in the 316 00:11:47,380 --> 00:11:49,436 region . Thank you let me go here to 317 00:11:49,436 --> 00:11:50,909 Carla and then or 318 00:11:54,099 --> 00:11:57,690 officials are saying that he had served 319 00:11:57,700 --> 00:12:00,000 three months in us army training , but 320 00:12:00,010 --> 00:12:02,520 he was dismissed due to mental health 321 00:12:02,530 --> 00:12:04,641 issues . It looks like the Department 322 00:12:04,641 --> 00:12:06,808 of Veterans Affairs would not classify 323 00:12:06,808 --> 00:12:08,863 him as a veteran based on title 38 . 324 00:12:08,863 --> 00:12:11,030 What does the Pentagon classify him as 325 00:12:11,030 --> 00:12:13,141 is he a veteran ? He is not a veteran 326 00:12:13,141 --> 00:12:15,869 again , as you highlight from the 327 00:12:15,880 --> 00:12:19,099 Department of Veteran Affairs according 328 00:12:19,109 --> 00:12:22,570 to federal regulations , th this 329 00:12:22,580 --> 00:12:24,539 individual in terms of the time of 330 00:12:24,549 --> 00:12:27,150 service uh would not qualify as a 331 00:12:27,159 --> 00:12:30,150 veteran . Thank you . I go to or , and 332 00:12:30,159 --> 00:12:33,299 I'll go to Rio two related questions . 333 00:12:33,309 --> 00:12:35,253 Ukrainians say they used a Patriot 334 00:12:35,253 --> 00:12:37,476 missile to intercept the Russian Kinzel 335 00:12:37,476 --> 00:12:39,698 or kill joint missile . Was the US able 336 00:12:39,698 --> 00:12:41,642 to confirm that ? And what did you 337 00:12:41,642 --> 00:12:43,809 learn from the intercept of what Putin 338 00:12:43,809 --> 00:12:45,920 has called an impossible to intercept 339 00:12:45,920 --> 00:12:48,031 missile ? And then what is the uh how 340 00:12:48,031 --> 00:12:50,142 much concern is there about Ukraine's 341 00:12:50,142 --> 00:12:52,760 current stock of air defense munitions ? 342 00:12:52,770 --> 00:12:54,548 Do they have enough ? Given the 343 00:12:54,548 --> 00:12:56,820 continued Russian barrages ? Thanks or 344 00:12:56,849 --> 00:12:58,960 so , first of all , when it , when it 345 00:12:58,960 --> 00:13:02,630 comes to Ukraine's readiness , uh its 346 00:13:02,640 --> 00:13:06,150 inventory uh or details of missile 347 00:13:06,159 --> 00:13:08,326 intercepts , I I'd refer you to them , 348 00:13:08,326 --> 00:13:10,380 I can confirm that they did down a 349 00:13:10,390 --> 00:13:12,530 Russian missile by employing the 350 00:13:12,539 --> 00:13:15,909 Patriot missile defense system . Um As 351 00:13:15,919 --> 00:13:18,086 you know , that that system is part of 352 00:13:18,086 --> 00:13:19,808 a broader range of air defense 353 00:13:19,808 --> 00:13:22,030 capabilities that the United States and 354 00:13:22,030 --> 00:13:23,863 the international community have 355 00:13:23,863 --> 00:13:25,919 provided to Ukraine , I I listed out 356 00:13:25,919 --> 00:13:28,086 some of those um you know , as part of 357 00:13:28,086 --> 00:13:30,590 their multi layered integrated air 358 00:13:30,599 --> 00:13:33,710 defense capability . Uh And so as 359 00:13:33,719 --> 00:13:35,789 Secretary Austin highlighted about 360 00:13:35,799 --> 00:13:37,966 three weeks ago at the Ukraine Defense 361 00:13:37,966 --> 00:13:40,940 contact group , the US , our allies , 362 00:13:40,950 --> 00:13:43,117 our partners , we're going to continue 363 00:13:43,117 --> 00:13:44,950 to rush ground based air defense 364 00:13:44,950 --> 00:13:46,894 capabilities and munitions to help 365 00:13:46,894 --> 00:13:49,117 Ukraine control its sovereign skies and 366 00:13:49,117 --> 00:13:51,117 to help Ukraine defend its citizens 367 00:13:51,117 --> 00:13:52,950 from Russian cruise missiles and 368 00:13:52,950 --> 00:13:55,010 Iranian drones . And again , as 369 00:13:55,020 --> 00:13:57,599 evidenced by today's USA I announcement 370 00:13:57,770 --> 00:13:59,881 and the procurement of additional air 371 00:13:59,881 --> 00:14:02,103 defense systems and munitions . This is 372 00:14:02,103 --> 00:14:04,048 something that we're going to keep 373 00:14:04,048 --> 00:14:04,010 after both in the near term and the 374 00:14:04,020 --> 00:14:06,309 long term . Thank you . We go to Rio 375 00:14:06,320 --> 00:14:10,270 and then I'll go to to thank you very 376 00:14:10,280 --> 00:14:12,799 much . Two questions . First , the 377 00:14:12,809 --> 00:14:15,010 Taiwanese Defense Minister said the 378 00:14:15,020 --> 00:14:18,359 United States is planning to send $500 379 00:14:18,369 --> 00:14:21,369 million military aid package to Taiwan 380 00:14:21,380 --> 00:14:24,770 using the presidential authority . Are 381 00:14:24,780 --> 00:14:27,419 there any particular weapon systems or 382 00:14:27,429 --> 00:14:30,369 ammunitions that the Pentagon wants to 383 00:14:30,380 --> 00:14:33,250 expedite the delivery of to Taiwan ? 384 00:14:33,599 --> 00:14:35,655 Yeah , thanks rose . So I don't have 385 00:14:35,655 --> 00:14:37,599 any specific announcements to make 386 00:14:37,599 --> 00:14:41,549 today in regard to a Taiwan P D A 387 00:14:41,630 --> 00:14:43,741 I would highlight for you , however , 388 00:14:43,741 --> 00:14:46,119 that last year Congress authorized up 389 00:14:46,130 --> 00:14:48,770 to $1 billion in presidential draw down 390 00:14:48,780 --> 00:14:51,309 authority for Taiwan in order to 391 00:14:51,320 --> 00:14:53,440 deliver vital security assistance in 392 00:14:53,450 --> 00:14:56,059 support of Taiwan's self defense . And 393 00:14:56,070 --> 00:14:57,848 as you may recall , in February 394 00:14:57,849 --> 00:15:00,109 Secretary Austin testified before the 395 00:15:00,119 --> 00:15:02,175 Senate Armed Services Committee that 396 00:15:02,175 --> 00:15:04,008 dod intended to make use of this 397 00:15:04,008 --> 00:15:06,063 authority . But again , I don't have 398 00:15:06,063 --> 00:15:08,286 anything specific to announce today . I 399 00:15:08,286 --> 00:15:10,452 would also emphasize that our approach 400 00:15:10,452 --> 00:15:12,563 remains consistent with long standing 401 00:15:12,563 --> 00:15:15,150 us policy as outlined in the Taiwan 402 00:15:15,159 --> 00:15:17,159 Relations Act , the three joint 403 00:15:17,169 --> 00:15:19,225 communiques and the six assurances . 404 00:15:19,225 --> 00:15:21,390 And as you know , we remain hard at 405 00:15:21,400 --> 00:15:23,539 work in fulfilling our obligations 406 00:15:23,549 --> 00:15:25,493 under the Taiwan Relations Act and 407 00:15:25,493 --> 00:15:28,270 we're going to continue to do so . The 408 00:15:28,280 --> 00:15:30,250 White House announced today , the 409 00:15:30,260 --> 00:15:32,570 president will visit Papua New Guinea 410 00:15:32,580 --> 00:15:35,049 later this month . I wonder how 411 00:15:35,059 --> 00:15:37,729 important Pacific nations are for the 412 00:15:37,739 --> 00:15:40,530 Pentagon to compete with China in the 413 00:15:40,539 --> 00:15:43,559 region ? Is the Pentagon seeking new 414 00:15:43,570 --> 00:15:46,599 access to military bases or military 415 00:15:46,609 --> 00:15:49,260 facilities in the South in the South 416 00:15:49,270 --> 00:15:52,619 Pacific ? Thanks . So um as you 417 00:15:52,630 --> 00:15:55,020 probably heard the White House say the 418 00:15:55,030 --> 00:15:57,979 US is a Pacific nation . We have deep 419 00:15:57,989 --> 00:16:00,580 historical and people to people ties 420 00:16:00,590 --> 00:16:02,809 with the Pacific Islands and I'm not 421 00:16:02,820 --> 00:16:04,931 going to get ahead of the president's 422 00:16:04,931 --> 00:16:07,153 meeting . I I think his press secretary 423 00:16:07,153 --> 00:16:09,098 said today that the president will 424 00:16:09,098 --> 00:16:12,260 discuss ways to deepen cooperation on 425 00:16:12,270 --> 00:16:14,270 challenges that are critical to the 426 00:16:14,270 --> 00:16:16,381 region . But I can assure you that we 427 00:16:16,381 --> 00:16:18,548 will continue to work closely with our 428 00:16:18,548 --> 00:16:20,659 international allies and our partners 429 00:16:20,659 --> 00:16:22,603 to enable and sustain security and 430 00:16:22,603 --> 00:16:24,714 stability and the Indo Pacific region 431 00:16:24,714 --> 00:16:26,937 as I highlighted a little bit earlier . 432 00:16:26,937 --> 00:16:29,103 And as always , our goal is to promote 433 00:16:29,103 --> 00:16:31,159 peace in the region and preserve the 434 00:16:31,159 --> 00:16:33,214 international rules based order that 435 00:16:33,214 --> 00:16:33,099 has largely kept the peace in that 436 00:16:33,109 --> 00:16:35,276 region since World war two . Thank you 437 00:16:35,276 --> 00:16:37,619 very much , Tom . Mm 438 00:16:39,979 --> 00:16:42,201 Thanks , Pat . Uh You were pretty clear 439 00:16:42,201 --> 00:16:44,423 in defining the role of the active duty 440 00:16:44,423 --> 00:16:46,590 forces going down to the border , that 441 00:16:46,590 --> 00:16:48,701 customs is the lead . Can you clarify 442 00:16:48,701 --> 00:16:50,979 to the best of your knowledge , please ? 443 00:16:50,979 --> 00:16:52,701 Uh any type of restrictions or 444 00:16:52,701 --> 00:16:54,757 cooperation that could work with the 445 00:16:54,757 --> 00:16:56,812 Texas National Guard that's being uh 446 00:16:56,812 --> 00:16:58,923 boosted their numbers to the border , 447 00:16:59,549 --> 00:17:01,827 our active forces . And thank you . So , 448 00:17:01,827 --> 00:17:03,882 so the active duty forces that we're 449 00:17:03,882 --> 00:17:06,105 deploying to the border are going there 450 00:17:06,105 --> 00:17:08,049 to support the , the Department of 451 00:17:08,049 --> 00:17:09,993 Homeland Security in response to a 452 00:17:09,993 --> 00:17:12,280 request . Again , those forces will be 453 00:17:12,609 --> 00:17:16,089 supporting uh C B P and 454 00:17:16,180 --> 00:17:18,729 performing essentially back shop type 455 00:17:18,739 --> 00:17:21,599 of uh support when it comes to it . And 456 00:17:21,609 --> 00:17:23,831 if I think I understand you correctly , 457 00:17:23,831 --> 00:17:25,720 uh are you talking about Texas uh 458 00:17:25,720 --> 00:17:27,720 National Guard that are under state 459 00:17:27,720 --> 00:17:30,989 orders ? Ok . 22 separate uh missions . 460 00:17:31,000 --> 00:17:33,111 And so really when it comes to the uh 461 00:17:33,111 --> 00:17:36,660 Texas uh National Guard under state 462 00:17:36,670 --> 00:17:39,040 orders , that's really a question for 463 00:17:39,050 --> 00:17:40,883 uh the state of Texas to discuss 464 00:17:42,930 --> 00:17:45,630 22 separate missions , correct ? Thank 465 00:17:45,640 --> 00:17:46,807 you . Go back here . 466 00:17:52,510 --> 00:17:54,732 Thank you , General General . Regarding 467 00:17:54,732 --> 00:17:58,040 to the tension in the Middle East today , 468 00:17:58,050 --> 00:18:00,550 the Israeli forces launched air strikes 469 00:18:00,560 --> 00:18:03,739 on Gaza . So does the D D have any 470 00:18:03,750 --> 00:18:06,189 communications with their counterparts 471 00:18:06,199 --> 00:18:08,530 in Israel regarding to this situation ? 472 00:18:08,709 --> 00:18:11,250 And do you have any concerns about that 473 00:18:11,260 --> 00:18:13,810 escalation maybe will be rise up , 474 00:18:13,819 --> 00:18:16,041 especially in the region ? Thank you so 475 00:18:16,041 --> 00:18:18,263 much . Yeah , thanks for the question . 476 00:18:18,263 --> 00:18:20,263 Um So , you know , when it comes to 477 00:18:20,263 --> 00:18:22,319 Israeli airstrikes , really , that's 478 00:18:22,319 --> 00:18:24,263 something for them to talk about . 479 00:18:24,263 --> 00:18:26,430 Clearly , we , we do have concerns 480 00:18:26,439 --> 00:18:28,661 about tensions in the region and you've 481 00:18:28,661 --> 00:18:30,550 heard us call for all sides , the 482 00:18:30,550 --> 00:18:33,689 Palestinians and the Israelis to work 483 00:18:33,699 --> 00:18:36,060 together to reduce those tensions . But 484 00:18:36,069 --> 00:18:38,280 in terms of any Israeli defense force 485 00:18:38,290 --> 00:18:40,401 operations , I'd have to refer you to 486 00:18:40,401 --> 00:18:42,568 them . So thank you very much . Let me 487 00:18:42,568 --> 00:18:44,734 go back to this side of the room . Let 488 00:18:44,734 --> 00:18:44,569 me go here and then back to 489 00:18:48,550 --> 00:18:50,790 thank you General . There are reports 490 00:18:50,829 --> 00:18:53,079 that are saying that the leaked 491 00:18:53,089 --> 00:18:55,270 document revealed that the Iran and 492 00:18:55,280 --> 00:18:58,270 some of its backed groups in Iraq , 493 00:18:58,579 --> 00:19:00,900 they moved swiftly some weapons and 494 00:19:00,910 --> 00:19:03,540 military equipment through the 495 00:19:03,550 --> 00:19:06,040 humanitarian aid in February to Syria , 496 00:19:06,050 --> 00:19:08,829 through Iraq . Do you confirm this ? 497 00:19:08,839 --> 00:19:12,329 And are you going to prevent Iran or 498 00:19:12,339 --> 00:19:15,290 also the proxy group is to 499 00:19:15,579 --> 00:19:17,930 send weapons and also military 500 00:19:17,939 --> 00:19:20,050 equipment from Iraq to Syria and also 501 00:19:20,050 --> 00:19:23,060 from Iran to Iraq ? Yeah , so a couple 502 00:19:23,069 --> 00:19:26,579 of things there . So in terms of any uh 503 00:19:27,069 --> 00:19:29,619 you know , uh alleged classified 504 00:19:29,630 --> 00:19:31,686 documents or unauthorized disclosure 505 00:19:31,686 --> 00:19:33,908 documents , I'm just not gonna get into 506 00:19:33,908 --> 00:19:37,119 talking about uh any aspect of those um 507 00:19:37,130 --> 00:19:39,040 or , or confirming or , or not 508 00:19:39,050 --> 00:19:41,272 confirming any potentially sensitive or 509 00:19:41,272 --> 00:19:44,400 classified information when it comes to 510 00:19:44,560 --> 00:19:47,719 Iran and their proxy groups . We've 511 00:19:47,729 --> 00:19:49,890 talked a lot about the fact that 512 00:19:49,900 --> 00:19:51,844 throughout the region , we've seen 513 00:19:51,844 --> 00:19:54,550 illicit activity by Iranian sponsored 514 00:19:54,560 --> 00:19:58,339 groups in terms of moving weapons and 515 00:19:58,349 --> 00:20:00,449 ammunition . And I think we've all , 516 00:20:00,459 --> 00:20:02,699 for example , followed the situation in 517 00:20:02,709 --> 00:20:05,229 Yemen uh for many years , for example . 518 00:20:05,339 --> 00:20:08,000 Uh and so , you know , in accordance 519 00:20:08,010 --> 00:20:10,232 with international law and working with 520 00:20:10,232 --> 00:20:12,177 our allies and our partners in the 521 00:20:12,177 --> 00:20:14,399 region , we will continue to do what we 522 00:20:14,399 --> 00:20:16,454 can also working with the broader US 523 00:20:16,454 --> 00:20:18,121 government uh in terms of the 524 00:20:18,121 --> 00:20:20,232 interagency to do what we can to stem 525 00:20:20,232 --> 00:20:22,343 the tide of the illicit shipment of , 526 00:20:22,343 --> 00:20:24,621 of illegal arms and weapons . Uh Again , 527 00:20:24,621 --> 00:20:26,510 this just points to Iran's malign 528 00:20:26,510 --> 00:20:28,880 activity in the region . Uh and , and a 529 00:20:28,890 --> 00:20:31,310 challenge which I think uh the US and 530 00:20:31,319 --> 00:20:33,319 many of our allies and partners can 531 00:20:33,319 --> 00:20:35,652 agree on and I'll just leave it at that . 532 00:20:35,670 --> 00:20:37,819 My second question that the officials 533 00:20:37,829 --> 00:20:39,829 has always said that the threats of 534 00:20:39,829 --> 00:20:42,010 Isis in Iraq exist and we are there to 535 00:20:42,020 --> 00:20:44,410 support the local forces to defeat 536 00:20:44,420 --> 00:20:46,689 enduring ISIS . Then would you be able 537 00:20:46,699 --> 00:20:48,866 to give us what's the level of threats 538 00:20:48,866 --> 00:20:51,479 of Isis in Iraq and the kind of support 539 00:20:51,489 --> 00:20:53,711 that you are giving to the Iraqi forces 540 00:20:53,711 --> 00:20:55,433 and also the Kurdish forces to 541 00:20:56,069 --> 00:20:58,291 accomplish the mission in during defeat 542 00:20:58,300 --> 00:21:00,578 Isis in the region ? Sure , absolutely . 543 00:21:00,578 --> 00:21:03,239 So we have about 2500 US forces in Iraq 544 00:21:03,250 --> 00:21:05,390 under operation inherent resolve that 545 00:21:05,400 --> 00:21:07,719 are supporting the Iraqi security 546 00:21:07,729 --> 00:21:11,189 forces in terms of training , advising 547 00:21:11,280 --> 00:21:13,719 as they conduct their own operations 548 00:21:13,729 --> 00:21:15,951 and I'm sure you've been following this 549 00:21:15,951 --> 00:21:18,500 for a long time . Iraq has made great 550 00:21:18,510 --> 00:21:19,899 progress in terms of its 551 00:21:19,899 --> 00:21:22,010 counterterrorism capabilities and its 552 00:21:22,010 --> 00:21:24,810 ability to fight ISIS within Iraq in 553 00:21:24,819 --> 00:21:27,359 Syria . Of course , the United States 554 00:21:27,369 --> 00:21:30,699 does maintain a number of forces there 555 00:21:30,709 --> 00:21:32,876 that are working with partnered forces 556 00:21:33,140 --> 00:21:36,920 to fight as well to eliminate ISIS 557 00:21:36,930 --> 00:21:40,349 and focus on the enduring defeat of 558 00:21:40,359 --> 00:21:42,692 that terrorist organization . Thank you . 559 00:21:42,692 --> 00:21:44,859 All right . Let me go here to and then 560 00:21:45,280 --> 00:21:48,219 come back over here . I get General . 561 00:21:48,229 --> 00:21:50,810 Last week , Sancom announced that it 562 00:21:50,819 --> 00:21:54,500 has launched a strike on a senior Al 563 00:21:54,510 --> 00:21:57,180 Qaeda leader , but we never heard back 564 00:21:57,189 --> 00:21:59,979 from Sancom who the Al Qaeda leader was . 565 00:22:00,199 --> 00:22:02,770 And commercially , we also saw local 566 00:22:02,780 --> 00:22:04,890 reports that a shepherd was killed 567 00:22:04,900 --> 00:22:08,829 during that strike . San I believe is 568 00:22:08,839 --> 00:22:11,420 investigating the , the the civilian 569 00:22:11,430 --> 00:22:13,486 casualties . But is there a specific 570 00:22:13,486 --> 00:22:15,630 reason that the US military holds the 571 00:22:15,640 --> 00:22:17,862 name of the senior Al Qaeda leader that 572 00:22:17,862 --> 00:22:20,119 it targeted in Syria ? And can you 573 00:22:20,130 --> 00:22:22,352 update us on the investigation ? Yeah , 574 00:22:22,352 --> 00:22:25,089 thanks . Uh So as you highlight Qasim , 575 00:22:25,099 --> 00:22:27,780 that is something that uh that is 576 00:22:27,790 --> 00:22:30,359 looking into those allegations . Uh So 577 00:22:30,369 --> 00:22:32,647 they're really in the best position to , 578 00:22:32,647 --> 00:22:34,702 to talk about that . Thank you . All 579 00:22:34,702 --> 00:22:36,925 right . Time for a couple more . Let me 580 00:22:36,925 --> 00:22:38,719 go to Tara and then Jim a 581 00:22:40,410 --> 00:22:42,510 couple of follow ups on the border 582 00:22:42,520 --> 00:22:44,880 deployment for the active duty troops 583 00:22:44,890 --> 00:22:46,890 that are going down to the border . 584 00:22:46,890 --> 00:22:49,001 Where will they be housed ? Are , are 585 00:22:49,001 --> 00:22:51,279 you making agreements with area hotels ? 586 00:22:51,279 --> 00:22:53,334 Because it seemed like some of those 587 00:22:53,334 --> 00:22:53,219 hotel rooms are already taken up by 588 00:22:53,229 --> 00:22:55,410 National Guard deployments . And then 589 00:22:55,420 --> 00:22:57,890 secondly , um , there was a caveat in 590 00:22:57,900 --> 00:23:01,050 sending any more additional dod support 591 00:23:01,060 --> 00:23:03,760 that uh DH S was gonna have to figure 592 00:23:03,770 --> 00:23:05,959 this out by the end of F Y 23 . You 593 00:23:05,969 --> 00:23:08,191 know , we're four months away and three 594 00:23:08,191 --> 00:23:10,302 of those months are gonna have active 595 00:23:10,302 --> 00:23:12,580 duty troops now deployed to the border . 596 00:23:12,580 --> 00:23:14,636 Are you confident that this won't be 597 00:23:14,636 --> 00:23:16,858 extended ? And you know , we'll go into 598 00:23:16,858 --> 00:23:18,913 the next fiscal year and troops will 599 00:23:18,913 --> 00:23:18,079 still be at the border because there's 600 00:23:18,089 --> 00:23:20,630 still a migrant problem . Uh So a 601 00:23:20,640 --> 00:23:22,807 couple of things in terms of the , the 602 00:23:22,807 --> 00:23:24,751 housing , I'd refer you to Centcom 603 00:23:24,751 --> 00:23:26,918 again , they had a more granularity as 604 00:23:26,918 --> 00:23:28,918 they , I'm sorry , North got on the 605 00:23:28,918 --> 00:23:32,050 mind . Thanks . Um uh Refer you to 606 00:23:32,060 --> 00:23:34,116 North . They'd , they'd have more uh 607 00:23:34,116 --> 00:23:36,290 granularity . Uh Of course , working 608 00:23:36,300 --> 00:23:38,869 with C B P on , on that front . Um in 609 00:23:38,880 --> 00:23:41,939 terms of uh the 610 00:23:41,949 --> 00:23:44,050 disposition uh active duty troops 611 00:23:44,060 --> 00:23:46,227 versus the long term , as you've heard 612 00:23:46,227 --> 00:23:48,171 us say again , this was to meet an 613 00:23:48,171 --> 00:23:50,171 urgent request from DH S while they 614 00:23:50,171 --> 00:23:52,282 explore options , how to support this 615 00:23:52,282 --> 00:23:55,180 long term . Um We've also said that we 616 00:23:55,189 --> 00:23:57,411 are exploring options on whether or not 617 00:23:57,411 --> 00:24:00,869 there are opportunities to uh in stride 618 00:24:01,010 --> 00:24:03,890 um replace the active duty forces with 619 00:24:03,900 --> 00:24:05,956 forces from the reserve component or 620 00:24:05,956 --> 00:24:08,170 contracted capability . So again , 621 00:24:08,180 --> 00:24:10,560 right now uh we're focused on the 90 622 00:24:10,569 --> 00:24:12,458 day temporary deployment of these 623 00:24:12,458 --> 00:24:14,719 active duty forces . Um And , and 624 00:24:14,729 --> 00:24:17,062 that's where things stand at the moment . 625 00:24:17,062 --> 00:24:20,420 Thanks Jim , be um 626 00:24:21,189 --> 00:24:24,910 back to Ukraine last week . I think it 627 00:24:24,920 --> 00:24:26,976 was the Ukrainian official said that 628 00:24:26,976 --> 00:24:30,819 the nine B nine Ukrainian BCT S have 629 00:24:30,829 --> 00:24:33,369 been trained . I'm just curious , does 630 00:24:33,380 --> 00:24:35,602 that mean that the training that the US 631 00:24:35,602 --> 00:24:38,160 was providing has finished and more 632 00:24:38,170 --> 00:24:40,729 broadly , what's the status of the US 633 00:24:40,739 --> 00:24:43,780 training effort for the Ukrainian 634 00:24:43,790 --> 00:24:46,369 forces ? Yes , so great question . So 635 00:24:46,380 --> 00:24:48,579 training does continue at Graf be 636 00:24:48,599 --> 00:24:51,420 combined arms training . Um And uh I 637 00:24:51,430 --> 00:24:54,339 I'd refer you to uh US , army Europe 638 00:24:54,349 --> 00:24:56,293 and Africa to provide you with the 639 00:24:56,293 --> 00:24:58,405 exact numbers . Um But I do know that 640 00:24:58,405 --> 00:25:00,650 that we have upwards of a , a couple of 641 00:25:00,660 --> 00:25:02,979 1000 that are going through training 642 00:25:02,989 --> 00:25:05,719 there right now . Um And again , we 643 00:25:05,729 --> 00:25:08,500 will be able to maintain uh that 644 00:25:08,510 --> 00:25:10,619 support and that capability to train 645 00:25:10,630 --> 00:25:13,099 Ukrainians uh as long as the demand is 646 00:25:13,109 --> 00:25:15,540 there . So we continue to discuss that 647 00:25:15,550 --> 00:25:18,989 with our Ukrainian partners in terms of 648 00:25:19,000 --> 00:25:22,050 sending additional forces as always a 649 00:25:22,060 --> 00:25:24,859 consideration as they do . That is how 650 00:25:24,869 --> 00:25:28,060 many forces do they keep in the field , 651 00:25:28,069 --> 00:25:30,329 vice getting trained . But I think 652 00:25:30,390 --> 00:25:32,501 going back to what we've talked about 653 00:25:32,501 --> 00:25:35,599 all along during this , this conflict 654 00:25:35,609 --> 00:25:39,550 is that providing equipment along with 655 00:25:39,560 --> 00:25:41,449 training , gives the Ukrainians a 656 00:25:41,449 --> 00:25:44,180 capability vice just having equipment , 657 00:25:44,339 --> 00:25:46,569 part of that capability includes the 658 00:25:46,579 --> 00:25:49,810 maintenance and sustainment of those 659 00:25:49,819 --> 00:25:52,280 capabilities and so we are very eager 660 00:25:52,290 --> 00:25:54,179 to continue working alongside our 661 00:25:54,179 --> 00:25:55,619 allies and our partners to provide .