1 00:00:00,070 --> 00:00:02,829 General Carb and Admiral Hill for your 2 00:00:02,839 --> 00:00:05,190 many years of service to this country . 3 00:00:05,400 --> 00:00:08,770 What you do every single day may not be 4 00:00:08,779 --> 00:00:11,210 known by every American , but you keep 5 00:00:11,220 --> 00:00:13,260 every American safe . Thank you . 6 00:00:15,050 --> 00:00:17,239 We appreciate you appearing before us 7 00:00:17,250 --> 00:00:19,319 today and we look forward to hearing 8 00:00:19,329 --> 00:00:21,700 from each of you as we continue to 9 00:00:21,709 --> 00:00:23,969 develop and field integrated air and 10 00:00:23,979 --> 00:00:26,329 missile defense capabilities . It's 11 00:00:26,340 --> 00:00:28,700 important to recognize that the threat 12 00:00:28,709 --> 00:00:31,479 landscape has evolved significantly 13 00:00:31,489 --> 00:00:33,750 since the inception of our missile 14 00:00:33,759 --> 00:00:36,540 defense programs . This evolution of 15 00:00:36,549 --> 00:00:38,900 adversary missile and offensive strike 16 00:00:38,909 --> 00:00:42,060 technology including hypersonic weapons 17 00:00:42,069 --> 00:00:44,020 and unmanned aerial systems 18 00:00:44,029 --> 00:00:46,869 increasingly holds at risk , not only 19 00:00:46,880 --> 00:00:49,830 our military installations but also 20 00:00:49,840 --> 00:00:52,490 civilian populations and critical 21 00:00:52,500 --> 00:00:55,040 infrastructure as you know , for many 22 00:00:55,049 --> 00:00:57,049 years . Now , this subcommittee has 23 00:00:57,049 --> 00:00:59,650 strongly advocated for getting more 24 00:00:59,659 --> 00:01:02,659 capability on Guam and getting it there 25 00:01:02,669 --> 00:01:05,079 as fast as we can . I look forward to 26 00:01:05,088 --> 00:01:07,088 hearing more about the department's 27 00:01:07,088 --> 00:01:09,649 plan for the defense of Guam and how 28 00:01:09,658 --> 00:01:12,369 the investments proposed by this budget 29 00:01:12,448 --> 00:01:14,670 would strengthen the missile defense of 30 00:01:14,670 --> 00:01:16,848 the island , the incursion of the 31 00:01:16,859 --> 00:01:19,649 Japanese . Excuse me , the incursion of 32 00:01:19,658 --> 00:01:21,939 the Chinese spy balloon earlier this 33 00:01:21,948 --> 00:01:24,359 year also highlights the need for 34 00:01:24,369 --> 00:01:27,579 increased domain awareness . We cannot 35 00:01:27,588 --> 00:01:30,369 intercept what we cannot see and track . 36 00:01:30,750 --> 00:01:32,739 It's critical that we continue to 37 00:01:32,750 --> 00:01:35,349 invest in terrestrial over the horizon 38 00:01:35,360 --> 00:01:37,879 radars and space , space missile 39 00:01:37,889 --> 00:01:40,680 warning and missile tracking systems 40 00:01:40,690 --> 00:01:42,949 including the hypersonic ballistic 41 00:01:42,959 --> 00:01:46,500 tracking space sensor or H BT S . 42 00:01:46,510 --> 00:01:49,319 Si look forward to hearing more from 43 00:01:49,330 --> 00:01:51,809 our witnesses about these issues and 44 00:01:51,819 --> 00:01:54,620 about how the F Y 24 would impact their 45 00:01:54,629 --> 00:01:56,518 mission . Thank you , Mr Chairman 46 00:01:58,069 --> 00:02:00,236 Secretary Plum . Are you leading off ? 47 00:02:01,970 --> 00:02:05,139 Yes , sir . So thank you uh Chairman 48 00:02:05,150 --> 00:02:06,872 King , ranking member Fisher , 49 00:02:06,872 --> 00:02:09,150 distinguished members of the committee . 50 00:02:09,150 --> 00:02:11,039 Thank you for this opportunity to 51 00:02:11,039 --> 00:02:13,206 testify today on uh the fiscal year 24 52 00:02:13,206 --> 00:02:15,428 missile defense budget and I am honored 53 00:02:15,428 --> 00:02:17,706 to appear alongside my colleagues here , 54 00:02:17,706 --> 00:02:19,706 General Van Huk and uh Vice Admiral 55 00:02:19,706 --> 00:02:19,630 Hill and Lieutenant General Carb . And 56 00:02:19,639 --> 00:02:21,806 if it is all of your last uh hearing , 57 00:02:21,806 --> 00:02:23,583 then I I just , I I have really 58 00:02:23,583 --> 00:02:25,695 appreciated working with all of you . 59 00:02:25,949 --> 00:02:28,227 Look how , look how sad they are , sir . 60 00:02:28,470 --> 00:02:31,429 Uh Today , our competitors are using 61 00:02:31,440 --> 00:02:33,662 advanced offensive missile capabilities 62 00:02:33,759 --> 00:02:35,870 as a principle means to execute their 63 00:02:35,870 --> 00:02:38,559 war fighting strategies . We know China 64 00:02:38,570 --> 00:02:40,737 is our department's pacing challenge . 65 00:02:40,737 --> 00:02:42,792 China has accelerated its efforts to 66 00:02:42,792 --> 00:02:44,792 develop test and field thousands of 67 00:02:44,792 --> 00:02:46,959 missile systems across all classes and 68 00:02:46,959 --> 00:02:49,509 ranges . Russia remains our acute 69 00:02:49,520 --> 00:02:52,089 threat . Russia has conducted thousands 70 00:02:52,100 --> 00:02:53,878 of missile and drone strikes to 71 00:02:53,878 --> 00:02:55,933 terrorize the civilian population of 72 00:02:55,933 --> 00:02:57,822 Ukraine and degrade Ukraine's war 73 00:02:57,822 --> 00:03:00,320 fighting capability . Iran has launched 74 00:03:00,330 --> 00:03:02,552 missile attacks into neighboring states 75 00:03:02,552 --> 00:03:04,719 and provided rockets and drones to non 76 00:03:04,719 --> 00:03:06,886 state actors who in turn , use them to 77 00:03:06,886 --> 00:03:08,997 target us , forces and partners . And 78 00:03:08,997 --> 00:03:11,052 of course , they've also provided us 79 00:03:11,052 --> 00:03:13,163 systems to Russia which is using them 80 00:03:13,163 --> 00:03:15,386 in the , in the battle in Ukraine . And 81 00:03:15,386 --> 00:03:17,497 North Korea continues to conduct ICBM 82 00:03:17,497 --> 00:03:19,719 and other missile tests to threaten and 83 00:03:19,719 --> 00:03:21,552 coerce its neighbors given these 84 00:03:21,552 --> 00:03:23,552 threats , missile defense has never 85 00:03:23,552 --> 00:03:26,449 been more important . The 2022 missile 86 00:03:26,460 --> 00:03:28,182 defense review was released in 87 00:03:28,182 --> 00:03:30,610 unclassified form last fall and this 88 00:03:30,619 --> 00:03:32,841 review updated us policy to reflect the 89 00:03:32,841 --> 00:03:35,860 current security environment with 90 00:03:36,220 --> 00:03:38,899 three kind of large updates . One 91 00:03:38,910 --> 00:03:41,077 emphasizing that we will stay ahead of 92 00:03:41,077 --> 00:03:43,243 the North Korean missile threat to the 93 00:03:43,243 --> 00:03:43,100 homeland through a comprehensive 94 00:03:43,110 --> 00:03:45,740 missile defeat approach which will be 95 00:03:45,750 --> 00:03:47,917 complemented by the credible threat of 96 00:03:47,917 --> 00:03:50,610 direct cost imposition . Second , it 97 00:03:50,619 --> 00:03:52,830 makes crystal clear that an attack on 98 00:03:52,839 --> 00:03:55,929 Guam or any other US territory by any 99 00:03:55,940 --> 00:03:58,330 adversary will be considered a direct 100 00:03:58,339 --> 00:04:00,699 attack on the United States and it will 101 00:04:00,710 --> 00:04:02,821 be met with an appropriate response . 102 00:04:03,350 --> 00:04:05,572 We are committed to the missile defense 103 00:04:05,572 --> 00:04:07,628 of Guam to simultaneously protect us 104 00:04:07,628 --> 00:04:09,739 civilians , us forces and our ability 105 00:04:09,739 --> 00:04:12,339 to project power in the region . And 106 00:04:12,350 --> 00:04:15,130 third to deter attempts by adversaries 107 00:04:15,139 --> 00:04:17,361 to stay under the nuclear threshold and 108 00:04:17,361 --> 00:04:19,083 achieve strategic results with 109 00:04:19,083 --> 00:04:21,195 conventional capabilities . The US is 110 00:04:21,195 --> 00:04:23,417 pursuing active and passive measures to 111 00:04:23,417 --> 00:04:25,528 decrease the risk of adversary cruise 112 00:04:25,528 --> 00:04:27,750 missile strikes against critical assets 113 00:04:27,750 --> 00:04:30,070 in the homeland . The president's 114 00:04:30,079 --> 00:04:32,630 budget invests 29.8 billion in missile 115 00:04:32,640 --> 00:04:35,250 defeat and defense capabilities this is 116 00:04:35,260 --> 00:04:37,260 an increase of nearly three billion 117 00:04:37,260 --> 00:04:39,482 over the last year . Well , this year , 118 00:04:39,482 --> 00:04:41,482 actually F Y 23 specific to missile 119 00:04:41,482 --> 00:04:43,704 defense . This includes 3.3 billion for 120 00:04:43,704 --> 00:04:45,704 the ground based mid course defense 121 00:04:45,704 --> 00:04:47,649 including 2.2 billion for the next 122 00:04:47,649 --> 00:04:50,130 generation interceptor , 1.5 billion 123 00:04:50,140 --> 00:04:52,589 for the defense of Guam . Nearly five 124 00:04:52,600 --> 00:04:54,433 billion uh for a missile warning 125 00:04:54,433 --> 00:04:56,380 missile track both the new P LEO 126 00:04:56,390 --> 00:04:58,501 constellation and the next generation 127 00:04:58,501 --> 00:05:00,112 overhead persistent infrared 128 00:05:00,112 --> 00:05:03,299 architecture . 2.2 billion for S M 129 00:05:03,309 --> 00:05:05,642 three thadd and pack three interceptors . 130 00:05:06,480 --> 00:05:08,739 Nearly 1.5 billion to counter lower 131 00:05:08,750 --> 00:05:10,806 tier missile threats and hundreds of 132 00:05:10,806 --> 00:05:12,639 millions of dollars for over the 133 00:05:12,639 --> 00:05:14,750 horizon , radars , hypersonic defense 134 00:05:14,750 --> 00:05:16,639 and directed energy development . 135 00:05:17,079 --> 00:05:19,450 Finally , the F Y 24 budget continues 136 00:05:19,459 --> 00:05:21,515 to prioritize us , support to allies 137 00:05:21,515 --> 00:05:23,649 and partners . The US does not face 138 00:05:23,660 --> 00:05:25,604 missile threats on our own missile 139 00:05:25,604 --> 00:05:27,716 defense cooperation , strengthens our 140 00:05:27,716 --> 00:05:29,938 common protection , enhances deterrence 141 00:05:29,938 --> 00:05:31,993 and provides assurance that bolsters 142 00:05:31,993 --> 00:05:34,470 the cohesion of our alliances . So the 143 00:05:34,480 --> 00:05:36,536 president's budget makes significant 144 00:05:36,536 --> 00:05:38,702 investments in missile defense . Those 145 00:05:38,702 --> 00:05:40,758 missile defenses are foundational to 146 00:05:40,758 --> 00:05:42,869 integrated deterrents . I'd just like 147 00:05:42,869 --> 00:05:44,647 to thank the committee for your 148 00:05:44,647 --> 00:05:46,813 tireless support of the department and 149 00:05:46,813 --> 00:05:46,470 US national security and for your 150 00:05:46,480 --> 00:05:48,702 support of the president's budget . And 151 00:05:48,702 --> 00:05:51,420 I look forward to your questions , Hill , 152 00:05:53,019 --> 00:05:55,186 uh Chairman King , a ranking member of 153 00:05:55,186 --> 00:05:57,297 Fisher , distinguished members of the 154 00:05:57,297 --> 00:05:59,297 subcommittee . Uh Thank you for the 155 00:05:59,297 --> 00:06:01,463 opportunity to discuss missile defense 156 00:06:01,463 --> 00:06:01,350 today . I'd like to take a quick moment 157 00:06:01,359 --> 00:06:03,415 to thank the uh women and men of the 158 00:06:03,415 --> 00:06:05,415 missile defense agency for the hard 159 00:06:05,415 --> 00:06:07,303 work they do every day delivering 160 00:06:07,303 --> 00:06:09,359 capabilities to the services to meet 161 00:06:09,359 --> 00:06:11,470 joint uh command command requirements 162 00:06:11,470 --> 00:06:13,526 to counter ballistic maneuvering and 163 00:06:13,526 --> 00:06:15,581 hypersonic missile threats . Uh If I 164 00:06:15,581 --> 00:06:17,803 were to summarize missile threat , it's 165 00:06:17,803 --> 00:06:17,769 three things . It's large numbers , 166 00:06:17,779 --> 00:06:19,835 it's high speed and heavy maneuver . 167 00:06:19,835 --> 00:06:22,001 Those are the challenges right now and 168 00:06:22,001 --> 00:06:24,279 they are the challenges for the future . 169 00:06:24,279 --> 00:06:26,168 MD is requesting as mentioned 2.9 170 00:06:26,168 --> 00:06:28,112 billion to continue our mission of 171 00:06:28,112 --> 00:06:30,223 meeting these threats . And I'm gonna 172 00:06:30,223 --> 00:06:32,279 talk to you about three priorities . 173 00:06:32,279 --> 00:06:32,049 The first is homeland ballistic missile 174 00:06:32,059 --> 00:06:34,115 defense . And then I will talk about 175 00:06:34,115 --> 00:06:36,059 the defense of Guam and hypersonic 176 00:06:36,059 --> 00:06:37,837 defense . The first priority of 177 00:06:37,837 --> 00:06:39,781 homeland ballistic missile defense 178 00:06:39,781 --> 00:06:41,948 which includes Alaska and Hawaii . The 179 00:06:41,948 --> 00:06:44,059 ground based Midco defense system has 180 00:06:44,059 --> 00:06:43,279 protected the homeland from rogue 181 00:06:43,290 --> 00:06:45,234 nation ballistic missile attacks . 182 00:06:45,234 --> 00:06:47,489 Since 2004 , our current focus is on 183 00:06:47,500 --> 00:06:49,722 new capabilities to counter the limited 184 00:06:49,722 --> 00:06:51,833 but advancing North Korean long range 185 00:06:51,833 --> 00:06:53,778 ballistic missile threat . The GMB 186 00:06:53,778 --> 00:06:55,778 system is undergoing a service life 187 00:06:55,778 --> 00:06:57,389 extension program to improve 188 00:06:57,389 --> 00:06:59,611 reliability and extend the GB I fleet , 189 00:06:59,611 --> 00:07:01,667 the ground based interceptors beyond 190 00:07:01,667 --> 00:07:03,778 2030 these upgrades mitigate the risk 191 00:07:03,778 --> 00:07:05,556 until the nation feels the next 192 00:07:05,556 --> 00:07:07,500 generation interceptor which is on 193 00:07:07,500 --> 00:07:09,611 track for first in placement no later 194 00:07:09,611 --> 00:07:11,778 than the end of 2028 N G I development 195 00:07:11,778 --> 00:07:13,611 is executing to deliver advanced 196 00:07:13,611 --> 00:07:15,667 interceptors featuring multiple kill 197 00:07:15,667 --> 00:07:17,889 vehicle technology which we will add to 198 00:07:17,889 --> 00:07:17,359 the current fleet of interceptors at 199 00:07:17,369 --> 00:07:19,559 Fort Greely , Alaska and Denberg Space 200 00:07:19,570 --> 00:07:22,059 Force Base in California . Finally , we 201 00:07:22,070 --> 00:07:24,292 are on track for operational acceptance 202 00:07:24,292 --> 00:07:26,459 of the long range discrimination radar 203 00:07:26,459 --> 00:07:28,292 in clear Alaska next year , this 204 00:07:28,292 --> 00:07:30,403 advanced radar will ensure a stronger 205 00:07:30,403 --> 00:07:32,514 homeland defense posture against long 206 00:07:32,514 --> 00:07:34,626 range missiles to achieve priority to 207 00:07:34,626 --> 00:07:36,792 the defense of Guam . Also part of the 208 00:07:36,792 --> 00:07:39,014 homeland . The department is developing 209 00:07:39,014 --> 00:07:38,980 an integrated air missile defense 210 00:07:38,989 --> 00:07:40,822 system to defend against diverse 211 00:07:40,822 --> 00:07:42,767 missile threats . Working with the 212 00:07:42,767 --> 00:07:44,933 services and other stakeholders we are 213 00:07:44,933 --> 00:07:46,989 driving to meet in Pecos requirement 214 00:07:46,989 --> 00:07:48,989 for a persistent 360 degree layered 215 00:07:48,989 --> 00:07:50,822 defense capability on the island 216 00:07:50,822 --> 00:07:52,878 against simultaneous raids of cruise 217 00:07:52,878 --> 00:07:54,933 ballistic maneuvering and hypersonic 218 00:07:54,933 --> 00:07:56,933 missile threats . We are delivering 219 00:07:56,933 --> 00:07:58,989 operational capability and phases to 220 00:07:58,989 --> 00:08:01,211 meet these clear war fighting needs for 221 00:08:01,211 --> 00:08:03,545 the third priority . Hypersonic defense . 222 00:08:03,545 --> 00:08:02,809 We have integrated tracking 223 00:08:02,820 --> 00:08:04,829 capabilities into existing space , 224 00:08:04,839 --> 00:08:06,760 ground and sea base radars . That 225 00:08:06,769 --> 00:08:08,820 capability is here today . Today's 226 00:08:08,829 --> 00:08:10,829 sensor architecture and command and 227 00:08:10,829 --> 00:08:13,051 control can track hypersonic threats to 228 00:08:13,051 --> 00:08:15,107 support warning and domain awareness 229 00:08:15,107 --> 00:08:17,218 aegis ships equipped with a sea based 230 00:08:17,218 --> 00:08:19,218 terminal capability can engage some 231 00:08:19,218 --> 00:08:18,970 hypersonic threats in the terminal 232 00:08:18,980 --> 00:08:20,890 phase . Today , due to the global 233 00:08:20,899 --> 00:08:22,899 maneuver capabilities of hypersonic 234 00:08:22,899 --> 00:08:25,010 missiles . A space based tracking and 235 00:08:25,010 --> 00:08:27,177 targeting capability is a clear need . 236 00:08:27,177 --> 00:08:29,399 In collaboration with the space force . 237 00:08:29,399 --> 00:08:31,066 The missile defense agency is 238 00:08:31,066 --> 00:08:33,066 developing the hypersonic ballistic 239 00:08:33,066 --> 00:08:35,399 tracking space sensor . Later this year , 240 00:08:35,399 --> 00:08:37,621 H BT S S will start on orbit operations 241 00:08:37,621 --> 00:08:39,566 to demonstrate unique tracking and 242 00:08:39,566 --> 00:08:39,479 targeting to support hypersonic 243 00:08:39,489 --> 00:08:41,770 engagements H BT S S will participate 244 00:08:41,780 --> 00:08:43,891 in flight tests and real world threat 245 00:08:43,891 --> 00:08:45,891 collections . Throughout F Y 24 the 246 00:08:45,891 --> 00:08:47,891 capability will be proliferated and 247 00:08:47,891 --> 00:08:49,724 operated by the Space Force . We 248 00:08:49,724 --> 00:08:51,891 continue to work closely with the Navy 249 00:08:51,891 --> 00:08:54,002 to upgrade sea base terminal defenses 250 00:08:54,002 --> 00:08:56,058 to counter more advanced maneuvering 251 00:08:56,058 --> 00:08:58,169 and hypersonic threats . And based on 252 00:08:58,169 --> 00:08:57,390 threat evolution , we will deliver the 253 00:08:57,400 --> 00:09:00,539 next S BT incremental upgrade in 2025 . 254 00:09:00,549 --> 00:09:02,771 A sea based terminal is the only active 255 00:09:02,771 --> 00:09:04,716 defense available today to counter 256 00:09:04,716 --> 00:09:06,827 hypersonic missile threats . In order 257 00:09:06,827 --> 00:09:08,771 to expand the battle space against 258 00:09:08,771 --> 00:09:10,938 hypersonic threats . We have initiated 259 00:09:10,938 --> 00:09:10,469 the AEGIS glide phase interceptor 260 00:09:10,479 --> 00:09:12,950 program . GP I leverages proven AEGIS 261 00:09:13,000 --> 00:09:15,222 weapons system engage on remote network 262 00:09:15,222 --> 00:09:17,278 sensors to provide the depth of fire 263 00:09:17,278 --> 00:09:19,333 needed to thin the raid for terminal 264 00:09:19,333 --> 00:09:21,444 defenses . One final regional defense 265 00:09:21,444 --> 00:09:23,611 note , we continue ship upgrades and S 266 00:09:23,611 --> 00:09:25,722 M three block one B and two A missile 267 00:09:25,722 --> 00:09:27,778 deliveries and have made significant 268 00:09:27,778 --> 00:09:29,944 progress with the shore site in Poland 269 00:09:29,944 --> 00:09:31,833 which is on track for operational 270 00:09:31,833 --> 00:09:33,889 acceptance at the end of this fiscal 271 00:09:33,889 --> 00:09:35,944 year . Also , we are working towards 272 00:09:35,944 --> 00:09:35,549 fielding Thaad and Patriot integration 273 00:09:35,559 --> 00:09:37,559 enhancements that were successfully 274 00:09:37,559 --> 00:09:39,670 delivered to the United States Forces 275 00:09:39,670 --> 00:09:41,726 of Korea to other thadd batteries to 276 00:09:41,726 --> 00:09:43,559 expand engagement , battle space 277 00:09:43,559 --> 00:09:43,429 against shorter range threats . 278 00:09:43,549 --> 00:09:46,299 Chairman King , ranking member Fisher , 279 00:09:46,309 --> 00:09:48,531 members of the subcommittee . Thank you 280 00:09:48,531 --> 00:09:50,587 and I look forward to answering your 281 00:09:50,587 --> 00:09:52,420 questions . It has been an honor 282 00:09:52,420 --> 00:09:54,642 serving as the director of MD A . Thank 283 00:09:54,642 --> 00:09:56,809 you very much Admiral General Ben hurt 284 00:09:57,919 --> 00:10:00,030 Chairman King , ranking member Fisher 285 00:10:00,030 --> 00:10:01,863 and distinguished members of the 286 00:10:01,863 --> 00:10:03,697 subcommittee . Thank you for the 287 00:10:03,697 --> 00:10:05,641 opportunity to appear today and to 288 00:10:05,641 --> 00:10:07,586 represent the men and women of the 289 00:10:07,586 --> 00:10:09,641 United States , Northern Command and 290 00:10:09,641 --> 00:10:09,219 North American Aerospace Defense 291 00:10:09,229 --> 00:10:11,809 Command . To address today's strategic 292 00:10:11,820 --> 00:10:13,876 environment for nearly three years , 293 00:10:13,876 --> 00:10:15,987 I've focused on four key priorities , 294 00:10:15,987 --> 00:10:18,760 domain awareness or the ability to see 295 00:10:18,770 --> 00:10:20,770 and detect potential threats in all 296 00:10:20,770 --> 00:10:22,992 domains , information dominance , which 297 00:10:22,992 --> 00:10:25,309 is the use of artificial intelligence 298 00:10:25,320 --> 00:10:27,460 and machine learning to process data 299 00:10:27,469 --> 00:10:29,710 more rapidly for strategic advantage , 300 00:10:29,719 --> 00:10:31,719 decision superiority , which is the 301 00:10:31,719 --> 00:10:33,830 dissemination of data and information 302 00:10:33,830 --> 00:10:36,052 to the right leader at the right time , 303 00:10:36,052 --> 00:10:37,997 from the tactical to the strategic 304 00:10:37,997 --> 00:10:39,608 level . And finally , global 305 00:10:39,608 --> 00:10:41,441 integration . Addressing today's 306 00:10:41,441 --> 00:10:43,330 environment with a global and all 307 00:10:43,330 --> 00:10:45,108 domain approach , vice legacy , 308 00:10:45,108 --> 00:10:47,330 regional policies and practices . Those 309 00:10:47,330 --> 00:10:49,052 priorities are critical to the 310 00:10:49,052 --> 00:10:51,275 successfully defending the homeland and 311 00:10:51,275 --> 00:10:53,497 providing our national leaders with the 312 00:10:53,497 --> 00:10:55,719 only thing I can never give them enough 313 00:10:55,719 --> 00:10:57,719 of . And that's time time to create 314 00:10:57,719 --> 00:10:59,663 deterrence options and if required 315 00:10:59,663 --> 00:11:01,775 defend and defeat options , I believe 316 00:11:01,775 --> 00:11:03,997 the greatest risk for the United States 317 00:11:03,997 --> 00:11:06,108 stems from our inability to change at 318 00:11:06,108 --> 00:11:07,997 the pace required by the changing 319 00:11:07,997 --> 00:11:09,830 strategic environment . Homeland 320 00:11:09,830 --> 00:11:12,052 defense must be recognized as essential 321 00:11:12,052 --> 00:11:14,108 to contingency plans at home and for 322 00:11:14,108 --> 00:11:16,108 power projection abroad . And it is 323 00:11:16,108 --> 00:11:17,941 vital that all military planning 324 00:11:17,941 --> 00:11:19,941 account for that in reality , in an 325 00:11:19,941 --> 00:11:21,830 area of incredible innovation and 326 00:11:21,830 --> 00:11:24,108 technological achievement , inflexible , 327 00:11:24,108 --> 00:11:25,830 outdated processes are greater 328 00:11:25,830 --> 00:11:27,997 impediment to success than many of our 329 00:11:27,997 --> 00:11:30,250 competitors . Advancements . I'd like 330 00:11:30,260 --> 00:11:31,982 to highlight two areas for the 331 00:11:31,982 --> 00:11:34,204 subcommittee . First . Today , I remain 332 00:11:34,204 --> 00:11:36,371 confident in our current capability to 333 00:11:36,371 --> 00:11:38,760 defend the homeland against a limited D 334 00:11:38,770 --> 00:11:40,992 Pr K ballistic missile threat . Looking 335 00:11:40,992 --> 00:11:43,048 forward , I'm concerned about future 336 00:11:43,048 --> 00:11:45,159 capacity and capability to respond to 337 00:11:45,159 --> 00:11:47,250 advancing D PR K ballistic missile 338 00:11:47,260 --> 00:11:49,316 threats , making it crucial to field 339 00:11:49,316 --> 00:11:51,649 the next generation interceptor on time , 340 00:11:51,649 --> 00:11:54,469 if not faster . Second Russia and the 341 00:11:54,479 --> 00:11:56,820 PR C continued to aggressively pursue 342 00:11:56,830 --> 00:11:58,552 and field a number of advanced 343 00:11:58,552 --> 00:12:00,441 capabilities including hypersonic 344 00:12:00,441 --> 00:12:02,890 weapons and delivery platforms designed 345 00:12:02,900 --> 00:12:05,020 to evade detection across multiple 346 00:12:05,030 --> 00:12:07,141 domains to strike targets anywhere on 347 00:12:07,141 --> 00:12:09,179 the globe including North America . 348 00:12:09,469 --> 00:12:11,302 Hypersonic weapons are extremely 349 00:12:11,302 --> 00:12:13,413 difficult to detect and counter given 350 00:12:13,413 --> 00:12:15,469 the weapon speed , maneuverability , 351 00:12:15,469 --> 00:12:17,359 low flight path and unpredictable 352 00:12:17,369 --> 00:12:19,669 trajectories , hypersonic weapons 353 00:12:19,679 --> 00:12:21,735 challenge Norad's ability to provide 354 00:12:21,735 --> 00:12:23,846 threat warning and attack assessments 355 00:12:23,846 --> 00:12:25,790 for Canada and the United States . 356 00:12:25,790 --> 00:12:27,790 Finally , I'd like to recognize the 357 00:12:27,790 --> 00:12:29,846 tremendous work done by Vice Admiral 358 00:12:29,846 --> 00:12:32,068 Hill in the missile defense agency . In 359 00:12:32,068 --> 00:12:34,123 my view , the missile defense agency 360 00:12:34,123 --> 00:12:36,179 should be the department's technical 361 00:12:36,179 --> 00:12:38,290 integrator to best leverage , ongoing 362 00:12:38,290 --> 00:12:40,512 multi domain design and experimentation 363 00:12:40,512 --> 00:12:42,679 efforts against current future air and 364 00:12:42,679 --> 00:12:44,346 missile threats regardless of 365 00:12:44,346 --> 00:12:46,568 geographical area . It's clear that the 366 00:12:46,568 --> 00:12:48,568 missile threats we face at home and 367 00:12:48,568 --> 00:12:50,790 abroad will only continue to grow . And 368 00:12:50,790 --> 00:12:50,340 I've been fortunate to work together 369 00:12:50,349 --> 00:12:52,516 with a great partner like Vice Admiral 370 00:12:52,516 --> 00:12:54,719 Hill in the ongoing efforts to outpace 371 00:12:54,729 --> 00:12:56,896 those threats . I look forward to your 372 00:12:56,896 --> 00:12:59,118 questions . Thank you , General General 373 00:12:59,118 --> 00:13:01,869 Carb , Chairman King , ranking member 374 00:13:01,880 --> 00:13:03,991 Fisher , distinguished members of the 375 00:13:03,991 --> 00:13:05,991 subcommittee . I'm honored to again 376 00:13:05,991 --> 00:13:08,158 testify before you and to represent an 377 00:13:08,158 --> 00:13:09,713 incredible people . First , 378 00:13:09,713 --> 00:13:11,602 organization of 2600 soldiers and 379 00:13:11,602 --> 00:13:14,830 civilians across 13 time zones in 19 380 00:13:14,840 --> 00:13:17,409 dispersed locations every day . These 381 00:13:17,419 --> 00:13:19,820 amazing professionals provide space , 382 00:13:19,969 --> 00:13:21,859 high altitude and missile defense 383 00:13:21,869 --> 00:13:24,250 forces and capabilities to the army and 384 00:13:24,260 --> 00:13:26,260 joint war fighters . First , let me 385 00:13:26,260 --> 00:13:28,260 express my sincere appreciation for 386 00:13:28,270 --> 00:13:30,469 your steadfast support of our people 387 00:13:30,479 --> 00:13:32,479 and their families . I serve as the 388 00:13:32,479 --> 00:13:34,701 commanding general of the US Army Space 389 00:13:34,701 --> 00:13:36,590 and missile defense command , the 390 00:13:36,590 --> 00:13:38,479 commander of the joint functional 391 00:13:38,479 --> 00:13:40,312 component command for integrated 392 00:13:40,312 --> 00:13:42,312 missile defense . And as the army's 393 00:13:42,312 --> 00:13:44,423 proponent for air and missile defense 394 00:13:44,423 --> 00:13:46,757 or A MD , I provide us Northern Command , 395 00:13:46,757 --> 00:13:48,923 the soldiers who stand ready to defend 396 00:13:48,923 --> 00:13:50,757 our nation from intercontinental 397 00:13:50,757 --> 00:13:52,979 ballistic missile attack , serve as the 398 00:13:52,979 --> 00:13:54,979 army service component commander to 399 00:13:54,979 --> 00:13:57,146 both us strategic command and us space 400 00:13:57,146 --> 00:13:59,257 command . And I am the chief of staff 401 00:13:59,257 --> 00:14:00,923 of the army's a MD enterprise 402 00:14:00,923 --> 00:14:03,090 integrator . I'd like to first discuss 403 00:14:03,090 --> 00:14:05,368 the threats that confront us worldwide . 404 00:14:05,368 --> 00:14:06,979 In Europe . We see daily the 405 00:14:06,979 --> 00:14:09,146 continuation of the largest employment 406 00:14:09,146 --> 00:14:11,257 of offensive missiles since world war 407 00:14:11,257 --> 00:14:13,423 II and the unprecedented use of attack 408 00:14:13,423 --> 00:14:15,646 U A V S in Russia's nearly 15 month war 409 00:14:15,646 --> 00:14:18,400 against Ukraine in the Pacific against 410 00:14:18,409 --> 00:14:20,576 the backdrop of multiple missile tests 411 00:14:20,576 --> 00:14:23,229 by the D pr K in China . Threats of 412 00:14:23,239 --> 00:14:25,919 regional and trans regional complex 413 00:14:25,929 --> 00:14:29,210 missile attacks still loom in the . 414 00:14:30,070 --> 00:14:32,109 Our adversaries continue to attack 415 00:14:32,119 --> 00:14:34,320 partner nations and us forces using 416 00:14:34,330 --> 00:14:37,510 missiles , uavs and rockets , artillery 417 00:14:37,520 --> 00:14:39,429 and mortars . I have been an air 418 00:14:39,440 --> 00:14:41,840 defender for 36 years stationed and 419 00:14:41,849 --> 00:14:44,549 deployed in the European Pacific and 420 00:14:44,559 --> 00:14:46,503 Middle Eastern theaters and I have 421 00:14:46,503 --> 00:14:48,710 never seen adversary threat activity 422 00:14:48,719 --> 00:14:51,590 whether that be test or operational use 423 00:14:51,599 --> 00:14:54,440 as great as I see it today . Adversary 424 00:14:54,450 --> 00:14:56,672 actions in the space domain are equally 425 00:14:56,672 --> 00:14:58,561 as aggressive as they continue to 426 00:14:58,561 --> 00:15:00,506 challenge us across multiple space 427 00:15:00,506 --> 00:15:02,394 enabled mission areas critical to 428 00:15:02,394 --> 00:15:04,672 supporting our missile defense mission , 429 00:15:04,672 --> 00:15:06,617 to address these threats . We must 430 00:15:06,617 --> 00:15:08,839 strengthen our capabilities to deny our 431 00:15:08,839 --> 00:15:11,061 adversaries the benefit of aggression . 432 00:15:11,061 --> 00:15:12,783 We must continue investment in 433 00:15:12,783 --> 00:15:15,006 sustainment of combat , ready , capable 434 00:15:15,006 --> 00:15:17,061 and lethal space and air and missile 435 00:15:17,061 --> 00:15:19,283 defense capabilities . Fortunately , we 436 00:15:19,283 --> 00:15:21,339 do not face these threats alone . We 437 00:15:21,339 --> 00:15:23,561 have allies and partners who contribute 438 00:15:23,561 --> 00:15:23,010 significantly to the air and missile 439 00:15:23,020 --> 00:15:25,020 defense and space missions . Please 440 00:15:25,020 --> 00:15:26,964 allow me to briefly outline just a 441 00:15:26,964 --> 00:15:29,020 couple of milestones accomplished by 442 00:15:29,020 --> 00:15:31,187 our space and missile defense soldiers 443 00:15:31,187 --> 00:15:33,187 and civilians . This past year , we 444 00:15:33,187 --> 00:15:35,298 have partnered with us , army Special 445 00:15:35,298 --> 00:15:37,353 Operations command and us army cyber 446 00:15:37,353 --> 00:15:39,576 command to create a space cyber special 447 00:15:39,576 --> 00:15:41,687 operations triad to provide deterrent 448 00:15:41,687 --> 00:15:43,520 and response options through the 449 00:15:43,520 --> 00:15:45,131 integrated use of our unique 450 00:15:45,131 --> 00:15:47,020 capabilities . We've continued to 451 00:15:47,020 --> 00:15:48,909 mature the triad through multiple 452 00:15:48,909 --> 00:15:51,131 exercises to include the army's project 453 00:15:51,131 --> 00:15:52,964 convergence . 22 us Army Special 454 00:15:52,964 --> 00:15:55,131 Operations Command Capability exercise 455 00:15:55,131 --> 00:15:56,909 which was held just last week . 456 00:15:57,630 --> 00:15:59,463 Recently , we reached a historic 457 00:15:59,463 --> 00:16:01,686 milestone in the air defense enterprise 458 00:16:01,686 --> 00:16:03,852 with the full rate production decision 459 00:16:03,852 --> 00:16:05,797 for the integrated air and missile 460 00:16:05,797 --> 00:16:07,963 defense battle command system I B CS . 461 00:16:07,963 --> 00:16:10,130 This any sensor best shooter construct 462 00:16:10,130 --> 00:16:11,963 allows us to integrate the right 463 00:16:11,963 --> 00:16:13,963 quantity and mix of air and missile 464 00:16:13,963 --> 00:16:15,741 defense capabilities across all 465 00:16:15,741 --> 00:16:18,159 echelons , building an effective tiered 466 00:16:18,169 --> 00:16:20,225 and layered defense . And we need to 467 00:16:20,225 --> 00:16:22,719 rightly add incredible soldiers to the 468 00:16:22,729 --> 00:16:25,250 any sensor best shooter construct . As 469 00:16:25,260 --> 00:16:27,427 these men and women will play the most 470 00:16:27,427 --> 00:16:29,482 critical role in this transformative 471 00:16:29,482 --> 00:16:31,538 capability . This is the linchpin of 472 00:16:31,538 --> 00:16:33,482 the army's broader air and missile 473 00:16:33,482 --> 00:16:35,593 defense modernization efforts crucial 474 00:16:35,593 --> 00:16:37,427 to enhancing our air and missile 475 00:16:37,427 --> 00:16:39,371 defense capabilities well into the 476 00:16:39,371 --> 00:16:41,539 future in closing and on a personal 477 00:16:41,549 --> 00:16:43,771 note , this will be my last opportunity 478 00:16:43,771 --> 00:16:45,993 to address the distinguished members of 479 00:16:45,993 --> 00:16:48,327 this subcommittee . And I want to again , 480 00:16:48,327 --> 00:16:50,160 thank you for your support . I'm 481 00:16:50,160 --> 00:16:52,382 confident in the direction and momentum 482 00:16:52,382 --> 00:16:54,493 of the army's air and missile defense 483 00:16:54,493 --> 00:16:56,660 and space enterprises . I look forward 484 00:16:56,660 --> 00:16:56,380 to addressing your questions . Thank 485 00:16:56,390 --> 00:16:59,799 you . Thank you . I'm gonna , I'm gonna 486 00:16:59,809 --> 00:17:02,031 start with a sort of odd first question 487 00:17:02,031 --> 00:17:04,819 because my problem , Secretary Plum is , 488 00:17:04,829 --> 00:17:07,051 I don't know who to address my question 489 00:17:07,051 --> 00:17:09,273 to . And does that suggest that we need 490 00:17:09,910 --> 00:17:12,800 a more integrated central 491 00:17:12,810 --> 00:17:16,109 functionality ? Here ? We have three 492 00:17:16,119 --> 00:17:18,119 people in front of us , all of whom 493 00:17:18,119 --> 00:17:20,341 have different responsibilities . Maybe 494 00:17:20,341 --> 00:17:22,619 Admiral Hill , you're nodding . I mean , 495 00:17:22,619 --> 00:17:24,619 I , I , I just wonder if we need to 496 00:17:24,619 --> 00:17:26,119 need to clean up the , the 497 00:17:26,119 --> 00:17:28,341 organizational chart a bit . It bothers 498 00:17:28,341 --> 00:17:30,452 me that we've got missile defense and 499 00:17:30,452 --> 00:17:32,452 then you're the operational piece , 500 00:17:32,452 --> 00:17:34,675 generally , you're , you're in , in the 501 00:17:34,675 --> 00:17:34,449 middle of it . Uh , for homeland 502 00:17:34,459 --> 00:17:37,459 defense is , do we have the proper 503 00:17:37,469 --> 00:17:40,329 organization to allow , uh , uh 504 00:17:40,339 --> 00:17:43,310 sufficient timely response and 505 00:17:43,319 --> 00:17:46,270 deterrence frankly , who wants to take 506 00:17:46,280 --> 00:17:48,660 the question ? I'm happy to start , 507 00:17:48,670 --> 00:17:50,781 Senator . I , I do think we do have a 508 00:17:50,781 --> 00:17:52,948 good organizational structure here and 509 00:17:52,948 --> 00:17:55,170 I think , uh what you're seeing is that 510 00:17:55,170 --> 00:17:57,392 missile defense kind of runs throughout 511 00:17:57,392 --> 00:17:59,392 our forces , right ? The Navy needs 512 00:17:59,392 --> 00:18:01,226 missile defense , the army needs 513 00:18:01,226 --> 00:18:01,030 missile defense , the homeland needs 514 00:18:01,040 --> 00:18:03,160 missile defense . And so , and of 515 00:18:03,170 --> 00:18:05,114 course , the Pentagon has multiple 516 00:18:05,114 --> 00:18:07,226 layers , but I actually think this is 517 00:18:07,226 --> 00:18:09,448 structured quite well . I think we have 518 00:18:09,448 --> 00:18:11,614 good working relationships and I think 519 00:18:11,614 --> 00:18:13,837 we're making significant progress . You 520 00:18:13,837 --> 00:18:13,449 don't think we need a kind of combatant 521 00:18:13,459 --> 00:18:15,880 command that would centralize these 522 00:18:16,170 --> 00:18:19,589 functions . Well , since you asked , uh 523 00:18:19,599 --> 00:18:22,180 so the U C P change uh of course , we 524 00:18:22,189 --> 00:18:24,300 have north com will do defense of the 525 00:18:24,300 --> 00:18:26,356 homeland . And so General Van he can 526 00:18:26,356 --> 00:18:28,522 speak to that much better than I can . 527 00:18:28,522 --> 00:18:31,150 Uh And uh the U C P change uh that has 528 00:18:31,160 --> 00:18:34,530 just been signed uh will transfer uh I 529 00:18:34,569 --> 00:18:38,290 MD to space command uh which makes 530 00:18:38,300 --> 00:18:40,467 sense because we'd already transferred 531 00:18:40,467 --> 00:18:42,633 all the sensors to space command . And 532 00:18:42,633 --> 00:18:44,800 so that aligns missile defense sensors 533 00:18:44,800 --> 00:18:46,856 and space domain awareness , sensors 534 00:18:46,856 --> 00:18:49,078 are often the same sensor and it's good 535 00:18:49,078 --> 00:18:50,967 to have a kind of a global sensor 536 00:18:50,967 --> 00:18:53,189 management piece there too . So I think 537 00:18:53,189 --> 00:18:55,244 you know , but every , every , every 538 00:18:55,244 --> 00:18:57,467 combatant commander with the geographic 539 00:18:57,467 --> 00:18:56,849 responsibility still has missile 540 00:18:56,859 --> 00:18:58,970 defense responsibilities . Well , all 541 00:18:58,970 --> 00:19:00,970 right , let me go back to my , what 542 00:19:00,970 --> 00:19:03,081 would have been my first question and 543 00:19:03,081 --> 00:19:05,303 I'll , uh , I guess I'll ask it of , of 544 00:19:05,303 --> 00:19:09,160 uh Admiral Hill , uh GB I Patriot 545 00:19:09,170 --> 00:19:12,640 do all are all or any of those systems 546 00:19:12,650 --> 00:19:15,180 uh effective against a Sonic missile ? 547 00:19:17,280 --> 00:19:19,502 Thanks . Thanks for the question . Um I 548 00:19:19,502 --> 00:19:21,949 would say that we have um capability 549 00:19:21,959 --> 00:19:24,790 within Patriot . Uh It is not uh it was 550 00:19:24,800 --> 00:19:26,856 not a requirement that flowed to the 551 00:19:26,856 --> 00:19:28,744 system , but it's got the natural 552 00:19:28,744 --> 00:19:30,911 ability to do it because it's a , it's 553 00:19:30,911 --> 00:19:30,859 a cruise missile killer . And if you 554 00:19:30,869 --> 00:19:33,147 have a fast maneuvering cruise missile , 555 00:19:33,147 --> 00:19:35,258 it can bite off part of that threat . 556 00:19:35,258 --> 00:19:37,202 Uh When you look at the S M six uh 557 00:19:37,202 --> 00:19:39,229 within uh has been dealing with 558 00:19:39,239 --> 00:19:41,810 maneuvering low on the deck uh threats 559 00:19:41,819 --> 00:19:44,449 uh for years , I would say decades and 560 00:19:44,459 --> 00:19:46,515 taking that missile with its ability 561 00:19:46,515 --> 00:19:48,626 and going after hypersonic makes good 562 00:19:48,626 --> 00:19:50,792 sense , which is why we use it for sea 563 00:19:50,792 --> 00:19:52,848 base terminal that operates right on 564 00:19:52,848 --> 00:19:54,903 the edge of the atmosphere . It's an 565 00:19:54,903 --> 00:19:56,959 energetic missile . It's got a great 566 00:19:56,959 --> 00:19:59,181 hit to kill uh record behind it . Uh We 567 00:19:59,181 --> 00:20:01,070 haven't tested against hypersonic 568 00:20:01,070 --> 00:20:03,126 threats , but I believe there's like 569 00:20:03,126 --> 00:20:05,181 Patriot and like just there's likely 570 00:20:05,181 --> 00:20:07,292 some capability that can be leveraged 571 00:20:07,292 --> 00:20:09,180 there . Um 572 00:20:12,310 --> 00:20:14,199 Why not more emphasis on directed 573 00:20:14,199 --> 00:20:16,839 energy ? A missile ? A bullet on a 574 00:20:16,849 --> 00:20:18,905 bullet is an expensive proposition . 575 00:20:18,905 --> 00:20:20,793 How much ? Well , let me ask that 576 00:20:20,793 --> 00:20:22,682 question , how much is a , uh , a 577 00:20:22,682 --> 00:20:25,359 single thad bullet ? I'll , I'll give 578 00:20:25,369 --> 00:20:27,800 you a range between patriot up to uh S 579 00:20:27,810 --> 00:20:29,977 M three and they range everywhere from 580 00:20:29,977 --> 00:20:32,088 four million , up to 10 million or so 581 00:20:32,088 --> 00:20:34,199 per shot , per shot . Yes , sir . And 582 00:20:34,199 --> 00:20:36,310 then I'll also , uh , just to kind of 583 00:20:36,310 --> 00:20:38,532 follow up on direct energy , you know , 584 00:20:38,532 --> 00:20:40,643 to be effective , you have to be on a 585 00:20:40,643 --> 00:20:42,643 target for some period of time with 586 00:20:42,643 --> 00:20:45,219 high energy , right ? Uh Today , that 587 00:20:45,229 --> 00:20:48,390 high energy uh is scaling its way there . 588 00:20:48,500 --> 00:20:50,722 It's also got to be on a platform where 589 00:20:50,722 --> 00:20:52,833 it can be transported uh that scaling 590 00:20:52,833 --> 00:20:55,056 effort to draw down the amount of power 591 00:20:55,056 --> 00:20:57,430 usage and the space and weight that 592 00:20:57,439 --> 00:20:59,790 that work is being done today . Uh But 593 00:20:59,800 --> 00:21:02,022 when you done with a sense of urgency , 594 00:21:02,022 --> 00:21:04,078 I've been asking these questions for 595 00:21:04,078 --> 00:21:06,022 about five years and I don't get a 596 00:21:06,022 --> 00:21:07,744 sense of urgency in the in the 597 00:21:07,744 --> 00:21:09,689 department on on directed energy , 598 00:21:09,689 --> 00:21:12,469 which to me is clearly preferable to a 599 00:21:12,479 --> 00:21:15,150 $4 million bullet . Yes , sir . And I 600 00:21:15,160 --> 00:21:17,216 agree and I think the department has 601 00:21:17,216 --> 00:21:19,382 done great work by consolidating those 602 00:21:19,382 --> 00:21:21,604 efforts to specifically talk to scaling 603 00:21:21,604 --> 00:21:23,827 in terms of power , uh power out of the 604 00:21:23,827 --> 00:21:26,060 laser . Uh what it takes to put that 605 00:21:26,069 --> 00:21:28,125 laser on the target . But let's talk 606 00:21:28,125 --> 00:21:30,347 about the target for a second , right ? 607 00:21:30,347 --> 00:21:32,458 We're using them now generally for uh 608 00:21:32,458 --> 00:21:34,760 unmanned air vehicles , right , smaller 609 00:21:34,770 --> 00:21:36,937 loitering uh kind of vehicles when you 610 00:21:36,937 --> 00:21:38,937 talk about very fast moving targets 611 00:21:38,937 --> 00:21:41,048 that were designed to operate in very 612 00:21:41,048 --> 00:21:43,270 high heat environments and you're gonna 613 00:21:43,270 --> 00:21:45,381 try to take them out with high heat . 614 00:21:45,381 --> 00:21:47,714 That's a really tough equation to close . 615 00:21:47,714 --> 00:21:50,680 Um So more investment is required more 616 00:21:50,689 --> 00:21:52,745 uh focus on getting to those areas , 617 00:21:52,745 --> 00:21:54,411 but it is , it is science and 618 00:21:54,411 --> 00:21:56,522 engineering right now . That's , that 619 00:21:56,522 --> 00:21:56,469 just happens to be where we are today , 620 00:21:56,479 --> 00:21:58,423 sir . Thank you , Senator Fisher . 621 00:21:59,130 --> 00:22:01,489 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Uh Doctor 622 00:22:01,500 --> 00:22:03,540 Plum . How does the budget request 623 00:22:03,550 --> 00:22:06,719 support the development and fielding of 624 00:22:06,729 --> 00:22:08,896 an integrated air and missile dispense 625 00:22:08,896 --> 00:22:12,119 system for Guam ? Uh 626 00:22:12,609 --> 00:22:15,439 Thank you , Senator . There's a $1.5 627 00:22:15,449 --> 00:22:17,780 billion in the budget for F Y 24 628 00:22:17,790 --> 00:22:20,500 between I think roughly 900 million in 629 00:22:20,510 --> 00:22:22,510 MD A and 600 million for the army , 630 00:22:22,510 --> 00:22:24,732 although I may have those reversed . Uh 631 00:22:24,732 --> 00:22:27,066 But there's a lot of money towards that . 632 00:22:27,066 --> 00:22:29,066 Uh And we are working to try to get 633 00:22:29,066 --> 00:22:31,288 initial capability there and then build 634 00:22:31,288 --> 00:22:33,399 out on that . And I actually think uh 635 00:22:33,399 --> 00:22:33,349 well , actually , frankly , I think 636 00:22:33,359 --> 00:22:35,415 Admiral Hill might have something to 637 00:22:35,415 --> 00:22:37,526 add on the , the sequencing of that . 638 00:22:37,526 --> 00:22:39,526 But the goal is how fast can we get 639 00:22:39,526 --> 00:22:41,692 some capability then build out on it ? 640 00:22:41,692 --> 00:22:41,510 And of course , the challenge of 360 641 00:22:41,520 --> 00:22:43,576 degrees against all the different uh 642 00:22:43,576 --> 00:22:45,800 types of missile threats is a new one 643 00:22:45,810 --> 00:22:48,630 for that sizable area . Admiral Hill in 644 00:22:48,640 --> 00:22:50,751 this setting . Uh What can you add to 645 00:22:50,751 --> 00:22:52,918 that and , and the progress that we're 646 00:22:52,920 --> 00:22:56,319 making . And um if you can , um 647 00:22:56,569 --> 00:22:58,513 some of the challenges that , that 648 00:22:58,513 --> 00:23:00,680 you're facing on deployment . Uh Yes , 649 00:23:00,680 --> 00:23:02,625 ma'am . First , I'll say we have a 650 00:23:02,625 --> 00:23:04,569 great partnership with the army in 651 00:23:04,569 --> 00:23:06,791 terms of the system development , great 652 00:23:06,791 --> 00:23:08,902 partnership with the Navy in terms of 653 00:23:08,902 --> 00:23:10,902 identifying the sites on where this 654 00:23:10,902 --> 00:23:12,847 equipment would go . And we have a 655 00:23:12,847 --> 00:23:15,069 really tough customer named a Laino who 656 00:23:15,069 --> 00:23:17,619 uh constantly uh drives us to get there 657 00:23:17,630 --> 00:23:19,519 as early as we can and he removes 658 00:23:19,519 --> 00:23:21,741 barriers for us to do that . One of the 659 00:23:21,741 --> 00:23:23,797 hardest things we're doing right now 660 00:23:23,797 --> 00:23:26,339 this year in 23 is site selection and 661 00:23:26,349 --> 00:23:28,460 the start of the environmental impact 662 00:23:28,460 --> 00:23:30,890 surveys , you have to do that . Um We 663 00:23:30,900 --> 00:23:32,956 have the sites selected . Uh we know 664 00:23:32,956 --> 00:23:35,067 that once we go to those sites and do 665 00:23:35,067 --> 00:23:37,122 more work that we may not be able to 666 00:23:37,122 --> 00:23:39,344 land on all those sites . Uh There's uh 667 00:23:39,344 --> 00:23:41,567 a dozen or so sites uh about uh half of 668 00:23:41,567 --> 00:23:43,678 those are for MD A and the other half 669 00:23:43,678 --> 00:23:45,733 army , that's a real challenge . But 670 00:23:45,733 --> 00:23:48,067 the good news is while we're doing that , 671 00:23:48,067 --> 00:23:49,733 we haven't slowed down on the 672 00:23:49,733 --> 00:23:51,844 development . The army is moving very 673 00:23:51,844 --> 00:23:54,011 quickly . The I B CS system . Uh MD is 674 00:23:54,011 --> 00:23:56,122 moving very quickly on the capability 675 00:23:56,122 --> 00:23:55,800 and we're doing something different 676 00:23:55,810 --> 00:23:57,890 with , it's not a consolidated deck 677 00:23:57,900 --> 00:24:00,122 house like you see on a ship , it's not 678 00:24:00,122 --> 00:24:02,344 radars overlooking the launcher so they 679 00:24:02,344 --> 00:24:04,344 can immediately capture the missile 680 00:24:04,344 --> 00:24:06,456 upon launch , the radars are external 681 00:24:06,456 --> 00:24:08,678 to get to the 360 degree coverage along 682 00:24:08,678 --> 00:24:10,844 with the army radar systems associated 683 00:24:10,844 --> 00:24:12,511 with I B CS . So it's a tough 684 00:24:12,511 --> 00:24:14,622 engineering challenge just because of 685 00:24:14,622 --> 00:24:17,069 uh the physical lay down and the land 686 00:24:17,079 --> 00:24:18,912 use and the environmental impact 687 00:24:18,912 --> 00:24:21,135 surveys are definitely challenged . But 688 00:24:21,135 --> 00:24:23,246 we're gonna come through those within 689 00:24:23,246 --> 00:24:22,459 the next couple of years and you'll 690 00:24:22,469 --> 00:24:24,691 start to see the capability land on the 691 00:24:24,691 --> 00:24:26,525 island progressively . And I owe 692 00:24:26,525 --> 00:24:28,640 Admiral Alino a year by year status 693 00:24:28,650 --> 00:24:30,428 update on where we are with the 694 00:24:30,428 --> 00:24:32,594 integration and the operations of that 695 00:24:32,594 --> 00:24:34,594 material . Thank you . Uh Secretary 696 00:24:34,594 --> 00:24:38,339 Plum Section 16 60 of the F Y 2023 697 00:24:38,420 --> 00:24:41,150 N D A A required the secretary to 698 00:24:41,160 --> 00:24:43,439 designate a senior , a single senior 699 00:24:43,449 --> 00:24:45,729 official to be responsible for the Miss 700 00:24:45,739 --> 00:24:48,250 missile defense of Guam . How close is 701 00:24:48,260 --> 00:24:49,927 the department to making that 702 00:24:49,927 --> 00:24:52,369 designation ? Uh Senator , we're pretty 703 00:24:52,380 --> 00:24:54,269 close . We already held a missile 704 00:24:54,269 --> 00:24:56,380 defense executive board that's run by 705 00:24:56,380 --> 00:24:58,547 uh under Secretary La Plante and under 706 00:24:58,547 --> 00:25:00,769 Secretary Xu . On this issue , we still 707 00:25:00,769 --> 00:25:02,380 have to get the , you know , 708 00:25:02,380 --> 00:25:04,491 recommendation staffed up and through 709 00:25:04,491 --> 00:25:06,713 the secretary , but it it is in train . 710 00:25:07,069 --> 00:25:09,699 Ok . In general . How does the high ups 711 00:25:09,709 --> 00:25:12,939 tempo rate for air defenders on Guam 712 00:25:12,949 --> 00:25:15,420 impact the quality of life for soldiers 713 00:25:15,430 --> 00:25:18,109 with uh their families that they have 714 00:25:18,119 --> 00:25:20,410 there as well ? I 715 00:25:22,930 --> 00:25:23,930 think it . 716 00:25:28,699 --> 00:25:31,719 Ok . Uh We've had uh soldiers on uh 717 00:25:31,729 --> 00:25:34,390 Guam since 2013 . So for 10 years , 718 00:25:34,400 --> 00:25:36,709 we've had the Thaad Battery there . Uh 719 00:25:36,719 --> 00:25:38,886 Initially it was a year deployment and 720 00:25:38,886 --> 00:25:41,052 then we transitioned that into a three 721 00:25:41,052 --> 00:25:42,997 year P CS so that they could bring 722 00:25:42,997 --> 00:25:42,880 dependents and families there . So 723 00:25:42,890 --> 00:25:45,420 we've learned lessons from the Thaad 724 00:25:45,489 --> 00:25:47,433 Battery being on Guam that we will 725 00:25:47,433 --> 00:25:49,839 apply as we go forward . Uh One of the , 726 00:25:50,140 --> 00:25:52,140 one of the critical elements is the 727 00:25:52,140 --> 00:25:54,459 fact that the infrastructure in 728 00:25:54,469 --> 00:25:56,247 addition to the missile defense 729 00:25:56,247 --> 00:25:58,580 capability that we , that we will bring . 730 00:25:58,580 --> 00:26:00,580 We also have got to ensure that the 731 00:26:00,580 --> 00:26:02,525 infrastructure is there to support 732 00:26:02,525 --> 00:26:04,747 soldiers and family . And that is a key 733 00:26:04,747 --> 00:26:06,802 point that that we have brought up . 734 00:26:06,802 --> 00:26:08,913 And I know General Flynn at is making 735 00:26:08,913 --> 00:26:11,136 sure that he emphasizes as well . Thank 736 00:26:11,136 --> 00:26:13,080 you as , as we move forward on the 737 00:26:13,080 --> 00:26:15,310 timeline that that the admiral pointed 738 00:26:15,319 --> 00:26:17,152 out , it's important to get that 739 00:26:17,152 --> 00:26:19,660 infrastructure in place correct . Yes , 740 00:26:19,670 --> 00:26:21,614 ma'am . And that structure will be 741 00:26:21,614 --> 00:26:23,670 added to the army that will not come 742 00:26:23,670 --> 00:26:25,892 from the current structure that we have 743 00:26:25,892 --> 00:26:28,059 recognized in the temple of challenges 744 00:26:28,059 --> 00:26:30,281 that we have within the air and missile 745 00:26:30,281 --> 00:26:32,392 defense force today , General Van Hek 746 00:26:32,392 --> 00:26:34,392 North com and NORAD are required to 747 00:26:34,392 --> 00:26:36,614 track various threats to our homeland . 748 00:26:36,614 --> 00:26:38,503 And I appreciated our discussions 749 00:26:38,503 --> 00:26:40,670 earlier this year on some of the items 750 00:26:40,670 --> 00:26:42,875 on your unfunded priorities list that 751 00:26:42,885 --> 00:26:44,663 would help increase that domain 752 00:26:44,663 --> 00:26:46,844 awareness . Are there additional 753 00:26:46,854 --> 00:26:49,125 changes that the department can make in 754 00:26:49,135 --> 00:26:51,964 order to field capabilities faster ? 755 00:26:51,974 --> 00:26:54,484 For example , using digital engineering 756 00:26:54,494 --> 00:26:56,864 during the development or increasing 757 00:26:56,875 --> 00:27:00,660 testing uh tempo . We had 758 00:27:00,670 --> 00:27:02,939 some good examples that you gave us 759 00:27:02,949 --> 00:27:05,819 earlier on limits that you face . 760 00:27:05,829 --> 00:27:08,160 Certainly , Senator , I think 761 00:27:08,170 --> 00:27:10,569 culturally we're an industrial age 762 00:27:10,579 --> 00:27:12,969 department transitioning into a digital 763 00:27:12,979 --> 00:27:16,020 age . Um I recently went to a major uh 764 00:27:16,030 --> 00:27:18,270 defense uh firm . I'll just say that 765 00:27:18,280 --> 00:27:20,391 who's building a capability , who has 766 00:27:20,391 --> 00:27:22,410 embraced the digital aspect of uh 767 00:27:22,420 --> 00:27:24,930 buying down risk during uh multiple 768 00:27:24,939 --> 00:27:26,995 portions . So I think there's things 769 00:27:26,995 --> 00:27:29,328 that we can do in a virtual environment , 770 00:27:29,328 --> 00:27:31,439 we can do things . Now , what I would 771 00:27:31,439 --> 00:27:33,550 say is in parallel , not serial as we 772 00:27:33,550 --> 00:27:35,699 develop capabilities to buy down risk 773 00:27:35,709 --> 00:27:37,760 and to go faster in the long run . 774 00:27:39,989 --> 00:27:42,119 Can I just have one follow up there ? 775 00:27:42,339 --> 00:27:44,117 Uh Secretary Plum , do you have 776 00:27:44,117 --> 00:27:46,339 anything to add to that ? You know , um 777 00:27:46,680 --> 00:27:49,013 to me what , what the general just said , 778 00:27:49,013 --> 00:27:51,180 it kind of shows the importance of the 779 00:27:51,180 --> 00:27:54,119 organ organizational set up that is uh 780 00:27:54,130 --> 00:27:56,630 currently in place with you guys here 781 00:27:56,640 --> 00:27:59,140 at the table that , that uh Senator 782 00:27:59,150 --> 00:28:01,680 King referred to in his uh first 783 00:28:01,689 --> 00:28:04,489 question to you . Am I reading that 784 00:28:04,500 --> 00:28:05,020 right ? 785 00:28:08,880 --> 00:28:11,180 You can so you can work in parallel 786 00:28:11,520 --> 00:28:15,319 instead of in serial or am I just gonna 787 00:28:15,890 --> 00:28:18,329 he ? So he is my colleague here . I 788 00:28:18,339 --> 00:28:20,640 think uh what General van he's getting 789 00:28:20,650 --> 00:28:22,839 at is if you can uh transition to 790 00:28:22,849 --> 00:28:25,479 digital design , you can change uh your 791 00:28:25,489 --> 00:28:27,656 plans and your structure and even what 792 00:28:27,656 --> 00:28:29,656 you build faster because you have a 793 00:28:29,656 --> 00:28:31,711 much quicker feedback loop into your 794 00:28:31,711 --> 00:28:33,822 system . And I think some of the more 795 00:28:33,822 --> 00:28:35,822 forward leaning , uh , parts of the 796 00:28:35,822 --> 00:28:38,045 industrial base and even the commercial 797 00:28:38,045 --> 00:28:40,211 base have figured this out . And , you 798 00:28:40,211 --> 00:28:42,045 know , I'm , I'm happily not the 799 00:28:42,045 --> 00:28:43,878 acquisition person , but I fully 800 00:28:43,878 --> 00:28:45,711 support moving faster , uh , and 801 00:28:45,711 --> 00:28:47,656 smarter , especially when it saves 802 00:28:47,656 --> 00:28:49,878 money and gets this capability sooner . 803 00:28:49,878 --> 00:28:51,933 And we do as well , which I think is 804 00:28:51,933 --> 00:28:54,156 important to be able to have , um , the 805 00:28:54,156 --> 00:28:57,150 focus that , that General Carb has and 806 00:28:57,160 --> 00:28:59,216 that Admiral Hill has to be able for 807 00:28:59,216 --> 00:29:01,310 them to have that focus on , on what 808 00:29:01,319 --> 00:29:03,729 they're trying to accomplish and get 809 00:29:03,739 --> 00:29:06,869 done under the current organization . 810 00:29:07,650 --> 00:29:11,079 Does that make sense ? No . Yes . 811 00:29:11,459 --> 00:29:14,439 Thank you , Senator Brown . Thank you , 812 00:29:14,449 --> 00:29:17,540 Mr Chairman General Van Huk . Last July , 813 00:29:17,550 --> 00:29:19,328 you told reporters at the Aspen 814 00:29:19,328 --> 00:29:21,550 security Forum , that arrow's formation 815 00:29:21,650 --> 00:29:24,739 did not change how no ad did business 816 00:29:24,750 --> 00:29:26,694 following the events involving the 817 00:29:26,694 --> 00:29:28,694 Chinese high altitude balloon . And 818 00:29:28,694 --> 00:29:31,199 three U A P S has no ad increased its 819 00:29:31,209 --> 00:29:33,376 coordination with arrow . And have you 820 00:29:33,376 --> 00:29:35,670 begun to identify a higher volume of 821 00:29:35,680 --> 00:29:37,513 unidentified aerial phenomenon ? 822 00:29:38,099 --> 00:29:40,266 Senator Ab Absolutely . As a matter of 823 00:29:40,266 --> 00:29:42,910 fact , uh uh the lead of a came out to 824 00:29:42,920 --> 00:29:45,040 NORAD North gave us a visit , uh , 825 00:29:45,160 --> 00:29:49,099 working much closer on the challenges 826 00:29:49,109 --> 00:29:51,369 that we face . Uh ensuring that we're 827 00:29:51,380 --> 00:29:54,290 sharing data and information uh from 828 00:29:54,300 --> 00:29:57,390 anything that we see or do not see , uh 829 00:29:57,400 --> 00:29:59,233 to ensure that we pass it to the 830 00:29:59,233 --> 00:30:01,067 organization so they can further 831 00:30:01,067 --> 00:30:04,189 investigate it Absolutely . And um the 832 00:30:04,199 --> 00:30:06,790 last time we had a hearing with a , we 833 00:30:06,800 --> 00:30:09,680 discussed uh investing in over the 834 00:30:09,689 --> 00:30:12,530 Horizon radar and other type of new 835 00:30:12,540 --> 00:30:15,390 sensors that would help with collection . 836 00:30:15,579 --> 00:30:17,746 Have you been consulted on any of that 837 00:30:17,746 --> 00:30:20,099 discussion ? I've been heavily involved 838 00:30:20,109 --> 00:30:22,220 in the discussions on over the rising 839 00:30:22,220 --> 00:30:24,331 radar with both Canada and the United 840 00:30:24,331 --> 00:30:26,640 States . Uh The department is funding 841 00:30:26,650 --> 00:30:28,872 over Horizon Four for the United States 842 00:30:28,872 --> 00:30:31,229 and Canada has announced too . Uh So , 843 00:30:31,239 --> 00:30:33,517 absolutely yes , I'm directly involved . 844 00:30:33,517 --> 00:30:36,280 And have you um been in the discussions 845 00:30:36,290 --> 00:30:38,739 about the type of sensors that could be 846 00:30:38,750 --> 00:30:42,569 used or deployed to garner information 847 00:30:42,579 --> 00:30:44,800 specifically for the air space that we 848 00:30:44,810 --> 00:30:47,260 don't really look , look at because 849 00:30:47,270 --> 00:30:50,599 it's not related to missiles . I'm not 850 00:30:50,609 --> 00:30:52,720 sure I understand that . So I uh more 851 00:30:52,720 --> 00:30:54,720 broadly , uh I would , I would just 852 00:30:54,720 --> 00:30:56,887 tell you that over the rising radar is 853 00:30:56,887 --> 00:30:58,942 not the end all be all solution that 854 00:30:58,942 --> 00:31:01,053 will give me domain awareness further 855 00:31:01,053 --> 00:31:02,998 away from the homeland . I'm still 856 00:31:02,998 --> 00:31:05,109 confident in my ability to detect the 857 00:31:05,109 --> 00:31:07,053 balloons that we saw the PR C high 858 00:31:07,053 --> 00:31:09,220 altitude balloon and the subsequent uh 859 00:31:09,220 --> 00:31:11,387 objects that we we saw and shot down . 860 00:31:11,387 --> 00:31:13,498 But that's not the end . All be there 861 00:31:13,498 --> 00:31:15,665 has to be domain awareness between the 862 00:31:15,665 --> 00:31:17,831 over the horizon radars that links the 863 00:31:17,831 --> 00:31:20,270 data from there to an in game effector . 864 00:31:20,280 --> 00:31:22,280 And so there needs to be additional 865 00:31:22,280 --> 00:31:24,502 domain awareness . We need to look more 866 00:31:24,502 --> 00:31:26,169 broadly at the rest of the uh 867 00:31:26,169 --> 00:31:28,336 infrastructure the radars as well . Uh 868 00:31:28,336 --> 00:31:31,069 and ensure the data from those systems 869 00:31:31,079 --> 00:31:33,400 is incorporated in an integrated air 870 00:31:33,410 --> 00:31:35,560 and missile defense system that can 871 00:31:35,569 --> 00:31:37,791 lead to effectors . And I'll go back to 872 00:31:37,791 --> 00:31:40,089 the comments of the chairman . Um I'm 873 00:31:40,099 --> 00:31:42,270 focused not on in game kinetic kill . 874 00:31:42,280 --> 00:31:45,010 I'm focused primarily on of the policy 875 00:31:45,020 --> 00:31:46,890 for what we must uh have in game 876 00:31:46,900 --> 00:31:49,609 kinetic kill , but more broadly for 877 00:31:49,619 --> 00:31:51,841 developing capabilities such as the use 878 00:31:51,841 --> 00:31:53,952 of the electromagnetic spectrum , non 879 00:31:53,952 --> 00:31:56,550 kinetic effectors to deny and deceive 880 00:31:56,560 --> 00:31:59,030 in limited area or wide area defense 881 00:31:59,040 --> 00:32:01,219 capabilities to include the use of 882 00:32:01,229 --> 00:32:03,260 autonomous unmanned platforms with 883 00:32:03,270 --> 00:32:05,214 domain awareness capabilities that 884 00:32:05,214 --> 00:32:07,270 could be maritime and airborne . And 885 00:32:07,270 --> 00:32:10,140 are you coordinating that those 886 00:32:10,150 --> 00:32:12,729 recommendations and those plans with 887 00:32:12,739 --> 00:32:16,479 Arrow ? Um I not directly 888 00:32:16,489 --> 00:32:19,280 with Arrow right now , uh Senator uh 889 00:32:19,300 --> 00:32:21,599 into the department which I'm assuming 890 00:32:21,609 --> 00:32:24,079 the department's gonna pull in arrow uh 891 00:32:24,130 --> 00:32:26,380 as part of that . So right now , uh 892 00:32:26,390 --> 00:32:28,550 we're , we're rooking the policy for 893 00:32:28,560 --> 00:32:30,930 homeland defense . Uh I have provided 894 00:32:30,939 --> 00:32:32,995 my commander's estimate , which is a 895 00:32:32,995 --> 00:32:35,329 plan for that . Uh I'm also in the 896 00:32:35,339 --> 00:32:37,349 middle of developing what I call 897 00:32:37,359 --> 00:32:40,890 homeland defense design . 2035 which 898 00:32:40,900 --> 00:32:43,067 gets after exactly what I talked about 899 00:32:43,067 --> 00:32:45,178 a new way of defending the homeland . 900 00:32:45,178 --> 00:32:47,233 And that's vastly different than the 901 00:32:47,233 --> 00:32:49,456 way we do it today with fighters , tank 902 00:32:49,456 --> 00:32:51,622 tankers , a wax those kind of things . 903 00:32:51,622 --> 00:32:53,622 I appreciate that . And I'm looking 904 00:32:53,622 --> 00:32:55,859 forward to that myself . Um We've heard 905 00:32:55,869 --> 00:32:57,925 uh that our radar sites depending on 906 00:32:57,925 --> 00:33:00,091 who you asked are based on 19 eighties 907 00:33:00,091 --> 00:33:01,758 technology or 19 nineties era 908 00:33:01,758 --> 00:33:04,150 technology and 19 sixties era decision 909 00:33:04,160 --> 00:33:07,589 process . Um How I assume based on your 910 00:33:07,599 --> 00:33:10,420 last answer that you are improving the 911 00:33:10,430 --> 00:33:12,390 Northern war warning system and 912 00:33:12,400 --> 00:33:14,289 bringing other critical defensive 913 00:33:14,289 --> 00:33:16,511 infrastructure to be fully modernized . 914 00:33:16,511 --> 00:33:18,678 So the over the horizon radars will be 915 00:33:18,678 --> 00:33:20,678 addition to the , the north warning 916 00:33:20,678 --> 00:33:22,844 systems . The department hasn't made a 917 00:33:22,844 --> 00:33:25,011 decision on modernization of the north 918 00:33:25,011 --> 00:33:26,979 warning system uh or uh further 919 00:33:26,989 --> 00:33:30,089 replacement of uh the radars associated 920 00:33:30,099 --> 00:33:32,099 with the north warning system . But 921 00:33:32,099 --> 00:33:34,432 that has to be a discussion like I said , 922 00:33:34,432 --> 00:33:36,432 00 T hr is not the end , all be all 923 00:33:36,432 --> 00:33:38,599 solution understood . So are you gonna 924 00:33:38,599 --> 00:33:40,655 give us recommendations for updating 925 00:33:40,655 --> 00:33:42,821 the northern warning system uh as part 926 00:33:42,821 --> 00:33:44,932 of the re look at homeland defense uh 927 00:33:44,932 --> 00:33:47,210 and the policy study ongoing right now , 928 00:33:47,210 --> 00:33:49,266 that has to absolutely be part of uh 929 00:33:49,266 --> 00:33:51,432 the , the way forward . I look forward 930 00:33:51,432 --> 00:33:53,377 to seeing that um Admiral Hill , I 931 00:33:53,377 --> 00:33:55,729 still have time , right ? 30 seconds . 932 00:33:55,739 --> 00:33:57,906 Ok . I , I , I , I didn't know if your 933 00:33:57,906 --> 00:34:00,128 tap was hurry up . I didn't know it was 934 00:34:00,128 --> 00:34:02,183 a hurry up tap . Ok , Admiral Hill , 935 00:34:02,183 --> 00:34:04,072 while at the House Armed Services 936 00:34:04,072 --> 00:34:06,017 Committee hearing in March General 937 00:34:06,017 --> 00:34:08,183 Milley told Congresswoman Stefani that 938 00:34:08,183 --> 00:34:10,295 he believed a potential third missile 939 00:34:10,295 --> 00:34:10,090 defense site at Fort Drum would be 940 00:34:10,100 --> 00:34:12,322 strategically worthwhile . Do you agree 941 00:34:12,322 --> 00:34:14,100 with that assessment ? And what 942 00:34:14,100 --> 00:34:16,100 advantage does this provide us when 943 00:34:16,100 --> 00:34:18,322 dealing with a potential nuclear threat 944 00:34:18,322 --> 00:34:20,489 from Iran ? Uh Yes , ma'am . Uh During 945 00:34:20,489 --> 00:34:22,656 my last testimony , I did mention that 946 00:34:22,656 --> 00:34:24,822 I support the uh the chairman's con uh 947 00:34:24,822 --> 00:34:26,933 comments . Uh I think uh another site 948 00:34:26,933 --> 00:34:28,989 uh you , you can never have too many 949 00:34:28,989 --> 00:34:31,100 sensors , you can never have too many 950 00:34:31,100 --> 00:34:33,267 uh factors uh to deal with the kind of 951 00:34:33,267 --> 00:34:35,433 threats that we're dealing with . Um I 952 00:34:35,433 --> 00:34:37,656 do think it's part of uh a mix of other 953 00:34:37,656 --> 00:34:39,711 options that we can look at . And so 954 00:34:39,711 --> 00:34:39,610 we're , we're doing a study now that we 955 00:34:39,620 --> 00:34:41,731 owe back to the hill uh by the end of 956 00:34:41,731 --> 00:34:43,842 June . And so we'll complete that and 957 00:34:43,842 --> 00:34:45,898 deliver that . Ok . Uh Mr Chairman , 958 00:34:45,898 --> 00:34:48,064 I'm gonna submit a question uh for the 959 00:34:48,064 --> 00:34:50,120 record concerning Cyber to Secretary 960 00:34:50,120 --> 00:34:52,679 Plum . Thank you , Senator Kramer . 961 00:34:54,178 --> 00:34:56,345 Thank you , Mr Chairman , Vice Admiral 962 00:34:56,345 --> 00:34:58,567 Hill . I'm gonna start with you just to 963 00:34:58,567 --> 00:35:00,622 relieve um , General Van Huk , who's 964 00:35:00,622 --> 00:35:02,900 thinking he's gonna ask me about parks ? 965 00:35:02,900 --> 00:35:02,319 I know he's gonna ask me about parks . 966 00:35:02,329 --> 00:35:04,628 He always ask me about parks . Um , so 967 00:35:04,638 --> 00:35:07,138 I , I maybe building on what he has 968 00:35:07,148 --> 00:35:09,204 just been talking about , maybe I'll 969 00:35:09,204 --> 00:35:11,148 get back to him as well to , to uh 970 00:35:11,148 --> 00:35:13,259 Senator Gillibrand , what role does 971 00:35:13,269 --> 00:35:16,909 ground based radar play ? And 972 00:35:16,919 --> 00:35:19,141 since I brought up ground base and what 973 00:35:19,141 --> 00:35:21,308 about parks and what , what do you see 974 00:35:21,308 --> 00:35:23,363 as the future for parks in , in this 975 00:35:23,363 --> 00:35:25,308 transition , at least to , to more 976 00:35:25,308 --> 00:35:27,530 space , space , I , I believe the parks 977 00:35:27,530 --> 00:35:29,475 radar is owned and operated by the 978 00:35:29,475 --> 00:35:31,641 Space Force . Um We , we did and , and 979 00:35:31,641 --> 00:35:33,863 continue to assess the utility of it um 980 00:35:33,863 --> 00:35:35,919 based on where our threat uh regions 981 00:35:35,929 --> 00:35:38,320 are and our focus for our sensor 982 00:35:38,330 --> 00:35:40,441 architecture . Uh Right now , Park is 983 00:35:40,441 --> 00:35:42,330 not a part of the overall missile 984 00:35:42,330 --> 00:35:44,441 defense architecture . Uh I think the 985 00:35:44,441 --> 00:35:46,774 space force has ideas for it . I'm just , 986 00:35:46,774 --> 00:35:48,997 I'm not familiar with them yet , so I'd 987 00:35:48,997 --> 00:35:48,409 probably have to go back and do some . 988 00:35:48,449 --> 00:35:50,671 So does that mean I have to ask General 989 00:35:50,671 --> 00:35:52,893 Van ? He again , um to , to , to remind 990 00:35:52,893 --> 00:35:54,949 us of the importance of Park's short 991 00:35:54,949 --> 00:35:57,229 term , uh you know , midterm , maybe 992 00:35:57,239 --> 00:36:00,709 long , long term General , there's 100 993 00:36:00,719 --> 00:36:03,580 and $80 million there's 100 and $8 994 00:36:03,590 --> 00:36:05,423 million in the , the president's 995 00:36:05,423 --> 00:36:07,312 request in F Y 24 for Parks to go 996 00:36:07,312 --> 00:36:09,257 forward . It's crucial for missile 997 00:36:09,257 --> 00:36:12,520 warning today as we go forward . Uh And 998 00:36:12,770 --> 00:36:14,770 uh the proliferated low earth orbit 999 00:36:14,770 --> 00:36:16,770 capabilities come online , then I'm 1000 00:36:16,770 --> 00:36:18,881 sure the department will reassess the 1001 00:36:18,881 --> 00:36:20,937 need . Uh And I'm confident if uh if 1002 00:36:20,937 --> 00:36:22,992 it's still required , the department 1003 00:36:22,992 --> 00:36:25,239 will continue to fund it . The policy 1004 00:36:25,250 --> 00:36:27,320 that you're visiting with uh Senator 1005 00:36:27,330 --> 00:36:29,552 Gillibrand about , when would we expect 1006 00:36:29,552 --> 00:36:32,560 that ? And how would that affect ? Say 1007 00:36:32,570 --> 00:36:34,626 a budget a year from now ? Two years 1008 00:36:34,626 --> 00:36:36,959 from now ? Um As we're , as we're 1009 00:36:36,969 --> 00:36:39,409 trying to , you know , be , move at the 1010 00:36:39,419 --> 00:36:42,060 pace of China ? Yeah , I defer to the 1011 00:36:42,070 --> 00:36:44,237 department on that . I , I expect that 1012 00:36:44,237 --> 00:36:46,639 policy within weeks to a few months . 1013 00:36:46,649 --> 00:36:49,050 Uh and it should inform the next budget 1014 00:36:49,060 --> 00:36:52,560 cycle . Very good . Thank you . I'll 1015 00:36:52,570 --> 00:36:54,848 yield back Mr Chairman . Thank you all . 1016 00:36:54,860 --> 00:36:58,209 Thank you , Senator . Um , my 1017 00:36:58,219 --> 00:37:00,219 impression and perhaps you have the 1018 00:37:00,219 --> 00:37:03,510 figures , Mr Secretary is that we're 1019 00:37:03,520 --> 00:37:05,742 spending a lot more money on developing 1020 00:37:05,742 --> 00:37:07,687 hypersonic missiles than we are in 1021 00:37:07,687 --> 00:37:09,909 defending against hypersonic missiles . 1022 00:37:09,909 --> 00:37:13,510 Is that true ? I don't have , I don't 1023 00:37:13,520 --> 00:37:15,576 have hard numbers on that , sir . Uh 1024 00:37:15,576 --> 00:37:17,909 Take that for the record , please . Yes . 1025 00:37:17,909 --> 00:37:19,687 And , and if , if I'm correctly 1026 00:37:19,687 --> 00:37:21,687 informed that that is the case that 1027 00:37:21,687 --> 00:37:23,742 we're spending more . It seems to me 1028 00:37:23,742 --> 00:37:25,576 that , that we uh we ought to be 1029 00:37:25,576 --> 00:37:27,520 reconsidering that in terms of the 1030 00:37:27,520 --> 00:37:29,576 importance of defense . Uh Let me go 1031 00:37:29,576 --> 00:37:31,631 back to my question . Admiral Hill . 1032 00:37:31,631 --> 00:37:33,798 Can , can we stop a hypersonic missile 1033 00:37:33,798 --> 00:37:35,909 today ? You're on an aircraft carrier 1034 00:37:35,909 --> 00:37:38,020 in the Western Pacific , a hypersonic 1035 00:37:38,020 --> 00:37:40,020 missiles , fires coming at you 7000 1036 00:37:40,020 --> 00:37:41,742 miles an hour . Do we have the 1037 00:37:41,742 --> 00:37:43,853 capability to stop that missile ? You 1038 00:37:43,853 --> 00:37:45,964 have the capability to stop it in two 1039 00:37:45,964 --> 00:37:47,964 places . Uh One is in its ballistic 1040 00:37:47,964 --> 00:37:50,298 flight uh and it's a hypersonic missile . 1041 00:37:50,298 --> 00:37:52,409 Does it necessarily go into ballistic 1042 00:37:52,409 --> 00:37:54,464 flight ? Not all of them do ? Uh but 1043 00:37:54,464 --> 00:37:54,239 the ones that are currently uh you know , 1044 00:37:54,250 --> 00:37:56,472 in the , currently in the theater we're 1045 00:37:56,472 --> 00:37:58,694 talking about , uh will , will normally 1046 00:37:58,694 --> 00:38:00,694 start with a uh a boost and then go 1047 00:38:00,694 --> 00:38:02,806 into a glide and then to the terminal 1048 00:38:02,806 --> 00:38:04,861 phase and in the terminal phase , it 1049 00:38:04,861 --> 00:38:06,972 can be defeated . And do we have it , 1050 00:38:06,972 --> 00:38:09,139 it can be defeated by a ship at sea by 1051 00:38:09,139 --> 00:38:11,250 a destroyer uh guarding the carrier . 1052 00:38:11,250 --> 00:38:14,389 Yes , sir . Um Why are we testing more ? 1053 00:38:14,399 --> 00:38:16,343 I can't , I couldn't find it in my 1054 00:38:16,343 --> 00:38:18,399 notes , but I think China is testing 1055 00:38:18,399 --> 00:38:20,177 something like 20 times as many 1056 00:38:20,177 --> 00:38:22,399 missiles as we are . Why , why are we ? 1057 00:38:22,399 --> 00:38:25,790 So uh they , they seem to be uh more 1058 00:38:25,800 --> 00:38:28,389 tolerant of failure and they learn more 1059 00:38:28,570 --> 00:38:31,429 and we , we have to , our tests have to 1060 00:38:31,439 --> 00:38:33,272 be perfect . Uh Talk to me about 1061 00:38:33,272 --> 00:38:35,495 testing . Yes , sir . Uh Yeah . So , so 1062 00:38:35,495 --> 00:38:37,717 testing is really the end of the system 1063 00:38:37,717 --> 00:38:39,606 engineering loop , right ? You're 1064 00:38:39,606 --> 00:38:41,383 validating that you've met your 1065 00:38:41,383 --> 00:38:40,929 requirements through the system 1066 00:38:40,939 --> 00:38:42,883 development . So clearly , they're 1067 00:38:42,883 --> 00:38:45,050 moving faster than we are . Um I would 1068 00:38:45,050 --> 00:38:47,161 say that many of the tests that we do 1069 00:38:47,161 --> 00:38:49,830 in some of these uh more um high end uh 1070 00:38:49,840 --> 00:38:52,007 threat areas . Uh We , we don't report 1071 00:38:52,007 --> 00:38:54,173 out publicly because of the classified 1072 00:38:54,173 --> 00:38:56,340 nature of them . So there , there is , 1073 00:38:56,340 --> 00:38:58,729 um I would say a reasonable amount of 1074 00:38:58,739 --> 00:39:00,961 testing that is occurring against those 1075 00:39:00,961 --> 00:39:02,906 sort of advanced threats . We just 1076 00:39:02,906 --> 00:39:05,017 don't publicize them . Well , I think 1077 00:39:05,017 --> 00:39:07,239 it was you and your testimony that said 1078 00:39:07,239 --> 00:39:09,239 we're not reacting fast enough that 1079 00:39:09,239 --> 00:39:11,239 this climate is changing so rapidly 1080 00:39:11,239 --> 00:39:13,406 that we're not . What , what should we 1081 00:39:13,406 --> 00:39:15,517 be doing ? What can this committee do 1082 00:39:15,517 --> 00:39:17,572 in the way of additional resources , 1083 00:39:17,572 --> 00:39:19,628 additional organizational changes so 1084 00:39:19,628 --> 00:39:21,850 that we're not uh continually trying to 1085 00:39:21,850 --> 00:39:23,961 catch up because we're , we have this 1086 00:39:23,961 --> 00:39:26,128 is a strategic change in the in the in 1087 00:39:26,128 --> 00:39:28,449 the world that we're not adequately 1088 00:39:28,459 --> 00:39:30,403 addressing . What do we need ? I'm 1089 00:39:30,403 --> 00:39:32,515 talking about hypersonic . What do we 1090 00:39:32,515 --> 00:39:34,626 need to do to be able to address that 1091 00:39:34,626 --> 00:39:36,959 more effectively ? Yes , sir . So uh we , 1092 00:39:36,959 --> 00:39:39,126 we have uh addressed the policy so the 1093 00:39:39,126 --> 00:39:41,292 hypersonic defense that we do today is 1094 00:39:41,292 --> 00:39:43,403 regional based , meaning we will take 1095 00:39:43,403 --> 00:39:45,237 care of forward to sea bases and 1096 00:39:45,237 --> 00:39:47,459 forward deployed army maneuver forces . 1097 00:39:47,459 --> 00:39:49,570 That's our focus today and we want to 1098 00:39:49,570 --> 00:39:49,570 do layer defense , which is why I'll 1099 00:39:49,580 --> 00:39:51,524 talk about glide phase . I'll talk 1100 00:39:51,524 --> 00:39:53,580 about kill it in the boot phase . We 1101 00:39:53,580 --> 00:39:55,636 know how to , how to kill aircraft . 1102 00:39:55,636 --> 00:39:57,691 And when we're down in that terminal 1103 00:39:57,691 --> 00:39:57,360 phase , we have to have a robust 1104 00:39:57,370 --> 00:39:59,537 capability to do that and the load out 1105 00:39:59,537 --> 00:40:01,481 on the ships . So that's our focus 1106 00:40:01,481 --> 00:40:03,759 today is on regional . Uh We have , we , 1107 00:40:03,759 --> 00:40:05,870 we do not have the policy to go after 1108 00:40:05,870 --> 00:40:07,926 the strategic hyper . So that may be 1109 00:40:07,926 --> 00:40:10,092 where you're going . Senator , I'm not 1110 00:40:10,092 --> 00:40:09,790 sure it's , it , it seems to me that 1111 00:40:09,800 --> 00:40:12,360 this is a deterrence gap where we need 1112 00:40:12,370 --> 00:40:14,259 our adversaries to know that this 1113 00:40:14,259 --> 00:40:16,370 weapon is not going to be effective . 1114 00:40:16,370 --> 00:40:18,592 Uh The whole idea of deterrence is that 1115 00:40:18,592 --> 00:40:21,040 there's a level of resilience and 1116 00:40:21,050 --> 00:40:23,161 that's what worries me is that , that 1117 00:40:23,161 --> 00:40:25,439 by not having the defensive capability , 1118 00:40:25,449 --> 00:40:28,110 uh you're inviting in effect a uh a 1119 00:40:28,120 --> 00:40:31,479 strike , we do have the defensive 1120 00:40:31,489 --> 00:40:33,767 capabilities within the sea base today . 1121 00:40:33,767 --> 00:40:36,520 Uh I , I want to work with the army to 1122 00:40:36,530 --> 00:40:39,260 uh build out uh the patriot capability 1123 00:40:39,270 --> 00:40:41,381 that we talked about earlier . And to 1124 00:40:41,381 --> 00:40:43,770 add to that capability , we have a 1125 00:40:43,780 --> 00:40:45,669 program in place called the phase 1126 00:40:45,669 --> 00:40:47,724 interceptor to thin the raid up in a 1127 00:40:47,724 --> 00:40:50,058 different part of that uh flight regime . 1128 00:40:50,058 --> 00:40:52,280 Uh Because we , we from a layer defense 1129 00:40:52,280 --> 00:40:54,391 perspective , we want to attack every 1130 00:40:54,391 --> 00:40:55,947 part of that trajectory and 1131 00:40:55,947 --> 00:40:57,947 particularly where they're uh where 1132 00:40:57,947 --> 00:40:57,459 they're vulnerable , which is an 1133 00:40:57,520 --> 00:41:00,379 account of chaff and , and subversion 1134 00:41:00,389 --> 00:41:02,333 and decoys and all of that kind of 1135 00:41:02,333 --> 00:41:05,310 thing . General Car . Um Can you see a 1136 00:41:05,320 --> 00:41:08,290 hypersonic from space single missile 1137 00:41:09,550 --> 00:41:12,010 uh depending on the uh platform 1138 00:41:12,020 --> 00:41:14,550 delivery systems or yes , if it's uh if 1139 00:41:14,560 --> 00:41:17,010 it's on the uh end of a uh boosting uh 1140 00:41:17,030 --> 00:41:19,159 missile , we will see the initial uh 1141 00:41:19,169 --> 00:41:21,870 we'll get an initial indication of it 1142 00:41:21,879 --> 00:41:24,489 uh of it launching . But once it starts 1143 00:41:24,500 --> 00:41:26,333 going into its flight phase , it 1144 00:41:26,333 --> 00:41:28,444 becomes a very uh difficult target to 1145 00:41:28,444 --> 00:41:30,840 track uh to keep it from , to keep 1146 00:41:30,850 --> 00:41:33,017 track custody of it really from , from 1147 00:41:33,017 --> 00:41:34,628 birth to death as it would , 1148 00:41:34,628 --> 00:41:36,906 particularly if it's at a low altitude . 1149 00:41:36,906 --> 00:41:39,072 Is that correct ? Correct . This is an 1150 00:41:39,072 --> 00:41:40,906 entirely different question . Uh 1151 00:41:40,909 --> 00:41:42,909 Obviously , missile defense is very 1152 00:41:42,909 --> 00:41:45,409 important to the Ukrainians . Why isn't 1153 00:41:45,419 --> 00:41:47,770 Iron Dome being deployed to Ukraine ? 1154 00:41:47,780 --> 00:41:48,780 Secretary Plum , 1155 00:41:51,750 --> 00:41:53,528 we help pay for it . We've sent 1156 00:41:53,528 --> 00:41:56,070 something like $3 billion to Israel to 1157 00:41:56,080 --> 00:41:59,050 develop it $500 million a year . My 1158 00:41:59,060 --> 00:42:01,239 understanding is , wouldn't this be a 1159 00:42:01,250 --> 00:42:03,028 very important resource for the 1160 00:42:03,028 --> 00:42:05,110 Ukrainians since their principal 1161 00:42:05,320 --> 00:42:08,760 problem right now is air defense . So , 1162 00:42:08,770 --> 00:42:11,010 Senator , what we are using for 1163 00:42:11,020 --> 00:42:13,242 supplying Ukraine with missile defenses 1164 00:42:13,242 --> 00:42:15,409 from the United States stock is things 1165 00:42:15,409 --> 00:42:15,379 we can draw down from our own stock . 1166 00:42:15,389 --> 00:42:17,556 Uh , you know , we've supplied patriot 1167 00:42:17,556 --> 00:42:19,556 batteries , for example , we spread 1168 00:42:19,556 --> 00:42:21,500 significant investments in missile 1169 00:42:21,500 --> 00:42:21,280 defense and we've encouraged allies to 1170 00:42:21,290 --> 00:42:23,401 do this . Understand . A patriot just 1171 00:42:23,401 --> 00:42:25,623 took down a Russian missile yesterday , 1172 00:42:25,623 --> 00:42:27,790 I believe . Um , it certainly has been 1173 00:42:27,790 --> 00:42:30,012 in the news . Yes , open source . There 1174 00:42:30,012 --> 00:42:32,068 was a patriot intercept of a Killjoy 1175 00:42:32,068 --> 00:42:34,401 hypersonic missile in the last few days . 1176 00:42:34,401 --> 00:42:36,568 Yes , sir . What about Iron dome ? I'm 1177 00:42:36,568 --> 00:42:38,734 not aware of an iron dome system being 1178 00:42:38,734 --> 00:42:40,901 offered to Ukraine , but that could be 1179 00:42:40,901 --> 00:42:40,729 incorrect . I just don't know maybe 1180 00:42:40,739 --> 00:42:42,961 someone else at the table , but I'm not 1181 00:42:42,961 --> 00:42:46,610 sure any other thoughts . So , so our 1182 00:42:46,620 --> 00:42:48,676 two iron dome batteries that we have 1183 00:42:48,676 --> 00:42:50,842 right now , uh One uh completed its um 1184 00:42:50,842 --> 00:42:52,842 new equipment , train new equipment 1185 00:42:52,842 --> 00:42:54,509 fielding . It is prepared for 1186 00:42:54,509 --> 00:42:56,398 deployment . The second one is uh 1187 00:42:56,398 --> 00:42:58,564 wrapping up its new equipment fielding 1188 00:42:58,564 --> 00:43:00,620 right now . So , uh so the army does 1189 00:43:00,620 --> 00:43:00,169 have one battery available for 1190 00:43:00,179 --> 00:43:02,840 deployment pending uh a request for it . 1191 00:43:03,370 --> 00:43:05,580 Thank you , Secretary Rosen . 1192 00:43:08,320 --> 00:43:10,889 I was gonna say I got , I promoted you . 1193 00:43:10,899 --> 00:43:13,439 If I got a promotion , Senator Rose , 1194 00:43:13,510 --> 00:43:15,788 I'm sorry . It's a , it's a flying day . 1195 00:43:15,788 --> 00:43:17,954 So uh it's a long flight from the West 1196 00:43:17,954 --> 00:43:20,066 Coast . Uh So there you go . Just got 1197 00:43:20,066 --> 00:43:21,899 in . So thank you very much . Uh 1198 00:43:21,899 --> 00:43:24,010 Chairman King ranking member Fisher . 1199 00:43:24,010 --> 00:43:26,232 Appreciate it and appreciate all of you 1200 00:43:26,232 --> 00:43:28,454 and uh uh for your service , everything 1201 00:43:28,454 --> 00:43:30,566 you're doing here today . So , um I'm 1202 00:43:30,566 --> 00:43:32,232 gonna talk a little bit about 1203 00:43:32,232 --> 00:43:34,177 safeguarding Domain awareness . So 1204 00:43:34,177 --> 00:43:36,288 General Van He as you well know , our 1205 00:43:36,288 --> 00:43:38,121 adversaries continue uh to field 1206 00:43:38,121 --> 00:43:40,177 advanced capabilities across domains 1207 00:43:40,177 --> 00:43:42,399 that have the potential to threaten the 1208 00:43:42,399 --> 00:43:44,621 homeland . So in light of these threats 1209 00:43:44,621 --> 00:43:46,677 north com and no ad must ensure that 1210 00:43:46,677 --> 00:43:48,899 the systems providing the homeland with 1211 00:43:48,899 --> 00:43:50,788 domain awareness are survivable , 1212 00:43:50,788 --> 00:43:52,843 adaptable and modern . In addition , 1213 00:43:52,843 --> 00:43:54,732 these systems must be hardened as 1214 00:43:54,732 --> 00:43:56,621 they'll be subject to an array of 1215 00:43:56,621 --> 00:43:58,899 cyberattacks uh during any contingency . 1216 00:43:58,899 --> 00:44:00,899 And so I'm encouraged by North cons 1217 00:44:00,899 --> 00:44:03,010 continued efforts to modernize legacy 1218 00:44:03,010 --> 00:44:05,121 de detection systems such as the over 1219 00:44:05,121 --> 00:44:07,340 the horizon , radar detection alone 1220 00:44:07,350 --> 00:44:09,899 isn't sufficient operators have to have 1221 00:44:09,909 --> 00:44:12,076 the ability to effectively communicate 1222 00:44:12,076 --> 00:44:13,909 the operational picture to other 1223 00:44:13,909 --> 00:44:16,131 commands as well as to our partners and 1224 00:44:16,131 --> 00:44:18,187 allies often under highly compressed 1225 00:44:18,187 --> 00:44:20,919 time frames . And we see those with the 1226 00:44:20,929 --> 00:44:23,639 hypersonic and and others . So General 1227 00:44:23,649 --> 00:44:25,760 Van He , what steps are you taking to 1228 00:44:25,760 --> 00:44:27,760 sufficiently harden our command and 1229 00:44:27,760 --> 00:44:29,982 control nodes particularly in the cyber 1230 00:44:29,982 --> 00:44:31,649 domain so that we are able to 1231 00:44:31,649 --> 00:44:33,629 effectively share the operational 1232 00:44:33,639 --> 00:44:37,169 picture during a potential conflict ? 1233 00:44:37,179 --> 00:44:39,780 Senator , uh thanks for that . So I'm 1234 00:44:39,790 --> 00:44:42,050 advocating to the department that the , 1235 00:44:42,060 --> 00:44:44,282 the foundational infrastructure , the I 1236 00:44:44,282 --> 00:44:47,459 T network and backbones that the data 1237 00:44:47,469 --> 00:44:50,129 and information rides on that allows us 1238 00:44:50,139 --> 00:44:51,810 to share data and information 1239 00:44:51,820 --> 00:44:53,764 internally and with the allies and 1240 00:44:53,764 --> 00:44:55,598 partners and my fellow combatant 1241 00:44:55,598 --> 00:44:58,489 commanders is resilient uh and , and uh 1242 00:44:58,500 --> 00:45:00,449 redundant in the way we go . The 1243 00:45:00,459 --> 00:45:02,515 department this year has put several 1244 00:45:02,515 --> 00:45:04,403 billion dollars into foundational 1245 00:45:04,403 --> 00:45:06,850 infrastructure which I think is crucial 1246 00:45:06,860 --> 00:45:08,971 as we move forward to get . After the 1247 00:45:08,971 --> 00:45:11,082 cyber vulnerabilities that you talked 1248 00:45:11,082 --> 00:45:13,340 to . Uh candidly my most concerning 1249 00:45:13,350 --> 00:45:15,469 domain awareness problem is exactly 1250 00:45:15,479 --> 00:45:17,423 that it's the limited knowledge of 1251 00:45:17,423 --> 00:45:19,590 cyber vulnerabilities for the critical 1252 00:45:19,590 --> 00:45:21,479 infrastructure that we rely on to 1253 00:45:21,479 --> 00:45:23,535 project power from our homeland , to 1254 00:45:23,535 --> 00:45:25,757 defend our homeland , to do command and 1255 00:45:25,757 --> 00:45:27,701 control within our homeland . So I 1256 00:45:27,701 --> 00:45:29,757 continue to advocate for that to the 1257 00:45:29,757 --> 00:45:31,979 department . Thank you . I I appreciate 1258 00:45:31,979 --> 00:45:34,312 that because I , I think the resiliency , 1259 00:45:34,312 --> 00:45:36,639 redundancy and and the agility of those 1260 00:45:36,649 --> 00:45:38,899 systems are gonna help us be successful 1261 00:45:39,050 --> 00:45:42,679 and um uh in the technology space , of 1262 00:45:42,689 --> 00:45:45,022 course , Admiral Hill , as you're aware , 1263 00:45:45,022 --> 00:45:46,800 China's missile missile defense 1264 00:45:46,800 --> 00:45:49,070 strategy heavily emphasizes developing 1265 00:45:49,080 --> 00:45:52,479 anti access aerial denial capabilities 1266 00:45:52,489 --> 00:45:54,656 which use the combination of ballistic 1267 00:45:54,656 --> 00:45:56,767 and cruise missiles launched from air 1268 00:45:56,767 --> 00:45:58,933 land and sea to target the US . And of 1269 00:45:58,933 --> 00:46:01,100 course , our allied military assets in 1270 00:46:01,100 --> 00:46:03,267 the Asia Pacific Theater such as those 1271 00:46:03,267 --> 00:46:05,629 in Guam or Okinawa . So Admiral Hill 1272 00:46:05,639 --> 00:46:07,649 with the rapid increase in China's 1273 00:46:07,659 --> 00:46:10,070 technological advancement and missile 1274 00:46:10,080 --> 00:46:12,939 accuracy . What kind of measures are we 1275 00:46:12,949 --> 00:46:15,171 employing to increase the survivability 1276 00:46:15,171 --> 00:46:17,338 of our own platforms to ensure that we 1277 00:46:17,338 --> 00:46:19,505 can operate in and around these highly 1278 00:46:19,505 --> 00:46:21,727 contested environments in the Pacific ? 1279 00:46:21,899 --> 00:46:24,121 Yes , ma'am . But thanks , Senator . Um 1280 00:46:24,121 --> 00:46:26,010 I used the aircraft carrier since 1281 00:46:26,010 --> 00:46:27,955 Senator King , I brought that up a 1282 00:46:27,955 --> 00:46:30,010 little bit earlier . That's where we 1283 00:46:30,010 --> 00:46:32,429 focused our energies on increasing the 1284 00:46:32,439 --> 00:46:34,770 ability to take on the hypersonic 1285 00:46:34,780 --> 00:46:36,649 threat . The ships currently are 1286 00:46:36,659 --> 00:46:38,492 outfitted with ballistic missile 1287 00:46:38,492 --> 00:46:40,492 defense . So from a missile defense 1288 00:46:40,492 --> 00:46:42,715 perspective , ships moving forward into 1289 00:46:42,715 --> 00:46:44,770 the island chain have the ability to 1290 00:46:44,770 --> 00:46:46,770 defend against ballistic missiles . 1291 00:46:46,770 --> 00:46:46,669 They have their own capability to do 1292 00:46:46,679 --> 00:46:48,735 self defense against cruise missiles 1293 00:46:48,735 --> 00:46:50,846 and we have hypersonic defense . Um a 1294 00:46:50,846 --> 00:46:52,957 ship has to worry about a lot . Uh So 1295 00:46:52,957 --> 00:46:55,012 I'm not gonna speak for the navy . I 1296 00:46:55,012 --> 00:46:57,123 can just speak to the missile defense 1297 00:46:57,123 --> 00:46:56,830 missions that we provide in , in 1298 00:46:56,840 --> 00:46:59,007 coordination with the navy uh with the 1299 00:46:59,007 --> 00:47:01,118 army . Uh We've talked a lot about uh 1300 00:47:01,118 --> 00:47:03,284 the maneuver force in terms of patriot 1301 00:47:03,284 --> 00:47:06,320 that station forward . Uh defense is 1302 00:47:06,330 --> 00:47:08,386 important if you want to , to either 1303 00:47:08,386 --> 00:47:10,608 buy time or to ensure that you can live 1304 00:47:10,608 --> 00:47:12,719 to fight another day . That's right . 1305 00:47:12,719 --> 00:47:14,719 Well , thank you . And , and I know 1306 00:47:14,719 --> 00:47:16,830 that uh uh Chairman King talked about 1307 00:47:16,830 --> 00:47:18,997 hypersonic weapons . So Secretary Plum 1308 00:47:18,997 --> 00:47:21,560 Russia and China , no secret , they're 1309 00:47:21,570 --> 00:47:23,681 fielding hypersonic weapons . They're 1310 00:47:23,681 --> 00:47:25,792 highly maneuverable vehicles that fly 1311 00:47:25,792 --> 00:47:27,903 around more than five times the speed 1312 00:47:27,903 --> 00:47:29,681 of sound . The weapons have the 1313 00:47:29,681 --> 00:47:31,792 potential to overwhelm our US missile 1314 00:47:31,792 --> 00:47:34,014 defense systems undermine our strategic 1315 00:47:34,014 --> 00:47:36,419 deterrence . So I , I know we're not in 1316 00:47:36,429 --> 00:47:38,820 a classified setting . So I'd like to 1317 00:47:38,830 --> 00:47:41,052 hear a little bit about your assessment 1318 00:47:41,052 --> 00:47:42,941 of our hypersonic missile defense 1319 00:47:42,941 --> 00:47:44,997 programs , our space based sensors . 1320 00:47:44,997 --> 00:47:47,274 What do we do to neutralize the threat ? 1321 00:47:47,274 --> 00:47:49,386 And I notice as I uh read some of the 1322 00:47:49,386 --> 00:47:52,550 background , um and , and you alluded 1323 00:47:52,560 --> 00:47:55,030 to this earlier that um of course , we 1324 00:47:55,040 --> 00:47:57,096 have the notification , we know much 1325 00:47:57,096 --> 00:47:59,151 earlier on a ballistic missile where 1326 00:47:59,151 --> 00:48:01,262 it's going and we have cannot able to 1327 00:48:01,262 --> 00:48:03,373 track the hypersonic once it may have 1328 00:48:03,373 --> 00:48:06,530 left its uh uh uh launch . And so 1329 00:48:07,239 --> 00:48:10,100 that time frame of difference , and I 1330 00:48:10,110 --> 00:48:12,388 know we're not in a classified setting , 1331 00:48:12,388 --> 00:48:14,530 but are we able to be agile enough to 1332 00:48:14,540 --> 00:48:17,419 track it to notify our allies and 1333 00:48:17,429 --> 00:48:19,550 partners to make adequate decisions 1334 00:48:19,560 --> 00:48:23,250 across the spectrum ? Uh So 1335 00:48:23,260 --> 00:48:25,316 thanks Senator , uh just a couple of 1336 00:48:25,316 --> 00:48:27,482 pieces . Uh If , if , if I may so just 1337 00:48:27,482 --> 00:48:30,969 to start , um you know , five times the 1338 00:48:30,979 --> 00:48:33,199 speed of sound is all the ballistic 1339 00:48:33,209 --> 00:48:35,320 missiles travel pretty fast , right ? 1340 00:48:35,320 --> 00:48:37,376 So it's not , it's not really just a 1341 00:48:37,376 --> 00:48:39,542 speed piece . It's the maneuverability 1342 00:48:39,542 --> 00:48:41,542 of a hypersonic weapon that bothers 1343 00:48:41,542 --> 00:48:43,765 everyone at the table because you can't 1344 00:48:43,765 --> 00:48:45,765 predict , you can't predict the end 1345 00:48:45,765 --> 00:48:47,765 point by knowing the initial launch 1346 00:48:47,765 --> 00:48:49,653 conditions . And there's a lot of 1347 00:48:49,653 --> 00:48:49,280 ballistic missiles in the world that 1348 00:48:49,290 --> 00:48:51,346 still maneuver at the end , but they 1349 00:48:51,346 --> 00:48:53,401 still give you a better a bass , you 1350 00:48:53,401 --> 00:48:53,090 kind of know about where they're going 1351 00:48:53,100 --> 00:48:55,322 to end up if you do your math , right ? 1352 00:48:55,322 --> 00:48:57,322 But you can't do that with a cruise 1353 00:48:57,322 --> 00:48:59,656 missile because it can keep maneuvering . 1354 00:48:59,656 --> 00:48:59,189 So one of the things we're really 1355 00:48:59,199 --> 00:49:01,310 heavily investing in is a space based 1356 00:49:01,310 --> 00:49:03,421 architecture that can uh can at least 1357 00:49:03,421 --> 00:49:05,477 have awareness of where these things 1358 00:49:05,477 --> 00:49:07,588 are through their flight . Uh Admiral 1359 00:49:07,588 --> 00:49:09,699 Hill is working on something called H 1360 00:49:09,699 --> 00:49:11,810 BT S S which I call hobbits . I don't 1361 00:49:11,810 --> 00:49:13,977 know if anyone else does . Uh But that 1362 00:49:13,977 --> 00:49:13,820 the idea there is to actually be able 1363 00:49:13,830 --> 00:49:15,800 to do custody of it and be able to 1364 00:49:15,810 --> 00:49:17,977 track a piece all the way through . So 1365 00:49:17,977 --> 00:49:20,199 we are working on this and that's a big 1366 00:49:20,199 --> 00:49:22,366 problem because you can't just rely on 1367 00:49:22,366 --> 00:49:24,421 one vector or one radar face to tell 1368 00:49:24,421 --> 00:49:26,532 you a thing is coming . And so it's a 1369 00:49:26,532 --> 00:49:28,754 hard problem . We are working on that . 1370 00:49:28,754 --> 00:49:28,010 So that's one piece . You gotta have 1371 00:49:28,020 --> 00:49:30,076 that domain awareness and ability to 1372 00:49:30,076 --> 00:49:32,131 track these things and we're working 1373 00:49:32,131 --> 00:49:34,353 hard on that . Uh Also you have to have 1374 00:49:34,353 --> 00:49:34,040 something to be able to actually shoot 1375 00:49:34,050 --> 00:49:36,272 at it otherwise all you can do is watch 1376 00:49:36,272 --> 00:49:38,439 it . And so working on , we've already 1377 00:49:38,439 --> 00:49:40,606 talked about it turns out Patriot even 1378 00:49:40,606 --> 00:49:42,828 has some ability against a hypersonic . 1379 00:49:42,828 --> 00:49:44,939 But the glide phase intercept program 1380 00:49:44,939 --> 00:49:47,272 is one thing uh that is being worked on . 1381 00:49:47,272 --> 00:49:49,161 For example , uh Admiral Hill has 1382 00:49:49,161 --> 00:49:51,328 already spoken at some length about uh 1383 00:49:51,328 --> 00:49:53,550 sea base terminal mode of the S M six , 1384 00:49:53,550 --> 00:49:53,540 which is good for uh ship defense and 1385 00:49:53,550 --> 00:49:55,717 point defense . Uh So we're working on 1386 00:49:55,717 --> 00:49:58,020 all these pieces together . Thank you . 1387 00:49:58,030 --> 00:50:00,439 I see . My time is up , Senator Kelly . 1388 00:50:00,649 --> 00:50:02,760 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Thank you , 1389 00:50:02,760 --> 00:50:04,871 Senator Rosen for the lead . In to my 1390 00:50:04,871 --> 00:50:07,879 question , which is about thank you , 1391 00:50:07,939 --> 00:50:11,719 which is about S M six . Um So 1392 00:50:12,090 --> 00:50:15,689 uh Admiral Hill , Secretary Plum , uh 1393 00:50:15,699 --> 00:50:19,149 the S M six uh ship launched anti air 1394 00:50:19,159 --> 00:50:21,530 anti surface interceptor . Uh This 1395 00:50:21,540 --> 00:50:23,651 missile is produced at Raytheon in uh 1396 00:50:23,651 --> 00:50:25,984 Tucson Arizona , Admiral Hill last year . 1397 00:50:25,984 --> 00:50:28,040 During this hearing , you noted that 1398 00:50:28,040 --> 00:50:30,151 the S M six is the only weapon in the 1399 00:50:30,151 --> 00:50:32,262 country's arsenal capable of engaging 1400 00:50:32,262 --> 00:50:34,610 highly maneuver , maneuverable 1401 00:50:34,620 --> 00:50:37,290 hypersonic missiles , threats , 1402 00:50:37,300 --> 00:50:39,530 incoming threats . So , in the context 1403 00:50:39,540 --> 00:50:41,484 of potential adversaries , can you 1404 00:50:41,484 --> 00:50:43,919 please speak a little bit more um about 1405 00:50:43,929 --> 00:50:46,096 how important it is for the US to have 1406 00:50:46,096 --> 00:50:48,669 an arsenal arsenal capable of engaging 1407 00:50:49,070 --> 00:50:51,909 highly maneuverable hypersonic threats . 1408 00:50:52,639 --> 00:50:54,695 Yes , sir . And it , and it's a full 1409 00:50:54,695 --> 00:50:56,417 kill chain answer , right ? Uh 1410 00:50:56,417 --> 00:50:58,639 Secretary Plum already talked about our 1411 00:50:58,639 --> 00:51:00,750 ability to detect and track them . If 1412 00:51:00,750 --> 00:51:00,689 you can't do that , you can't fire 1413 00:51:00,699 --> 00:51:02,866 anything at it , right . Uh And it's a 1414 00:51:02,866 --> 00:51:04,921 very complex , uh once it comes into 1415 00:51:04,921 --> 00:51:07,088 the glide phase , it's got the ability 1416 00:51:07,088 --> 00:51:09,310 to maneuver globally . So that's why we 1417 00:51:09,310 --> 00:51:11,477 need to see them from space and have a 1418 00:51:11,477 --> 00:51:13,699 total track cuss all the way to the end 1419 00:51:13,699 --> 00:51:13,050 game . And when they dip into the 1420 00:51:13,060 --> 00:51:15,116 atmosphere and start that maneuver , 1421 00:51:15,116 --> 00:51:17,338 you have to have the shooting battery , 1422 00:51:17,338 --> 00:51:19,449 whether it's a ship or some sort of a 1423 00:51:19,449 --> 00:51:21,504 land base unit , uh that can do that 1424 00:51:21,504 --> 00:51:23,671 fine tuned tracking in the end game to 1425 00:51:23,671 --> 00:51:25,782 launch and control that missile . But 1426 00:51:25,782 --> 00:51:27,949 it's important to have an arsenal of , 1427 00:51:27,949 --> 00:51:27,399 when you say arsenal , I translate that 1428 00:51:27,409 --> 00:51:29,520 as an inventory , uh you need a large 1429 00:51:29,520 --> 00:51:31,631 inventory of them because again , the 1430 00:51:31,631 --> 00:51:33,576 threat can be defined as big , big 1431 00:51:33,576 --> 00:51:35,879 numbers , very high speed and maneuver 1432 00:51:36,199 --> 00:51:38,421 it before we get to the procurement and 1433 00:51:38,421 --> 00:51:40,643 the inventory numbers . Can you comment 1434 00:51:40,643 --> 00:51:42,810 a little bit about when we get to that 1435 00:51:42,810 --> 00:51:44,866 end game when we and maybe you can't 1436 00:51:44,866 --> 00:51:46,699 because this is not a classified 1437 00:51:46,699 --> 00:51:48,643 setting . But when we look at like 1438 00:51:48,643 --> 00:51:50,643 cross range for an S M six , can it 1439 00:51:50,643 --> 00:51:52,866 match the cross range capability of any 1440 00:51:52,866 --> 00:51:54,810 hypersonic missile that you know , 1441 00:51:54,810 --> 00:51:58,020 China is currently developing ? I think 1442 00:51:58,030 --> 00:52:00,141 in this environment , I can say yes , 1443 00:52:00,141 --> 00:52:02,308 that we are matched very well with the 1444 00:52:02,308 --> 00:52:04,363 threat and where it is today , we're 1445 00:52:04,363 --> 00:52:06,419 going to have to continue to improve 1446 00:52:06,419 --> 00:52:08,586 our missile capability at some point , 1447 00:52:08,586 --> 00:52:10,363 we will over , over match the g 1448 00:52:10,363 --> 00:52:12,810 capability of that missile frame . And 1449 00:52:12,820 --> 00:52:15,370 then Secretary Plum uh on the , you 1450 00:52:15,379 --> 00:52:17,490 know , uh Admiral Hill mentioned that 1451 00:52:17,490 --> 00:52:19,600 we would need a lot of them . Um I 1452 00:52:19,610 --> 00:52:21,850 understand dod is requesting a multi 1453 00:52:21,860 --> 00:52:24,610 year procurement in the next budget 1454 00:52:24,620 --> 00:52:27,560 request to include 825 S M six missiles . 1455 00:52:27,570 --> 00:52:29,429 Can you explain why it's such a 1456 00:52:29,439 --> 00:52:32,590 critical request uh as we face this uh 1457 00:52:32,600 --> 00:52:35,330 capable adversary and and why doing 1458 00:52:35,419 --> 00:52:38,239 large lot procurements is the best way 1459 00:52:38,250 --> 00:52:42,239 to do this . Uh Well , first 1460 00:52:42,250 --> 00:52:44,417 of all , Senator , again , I'm not the 1461 00:52:44,417 --> 00:52:46,694 acquisition professional at this table . 1462 00:52:46,694 --> 00:52:48,917 Uh but I will just say that uh once you 1463 00:52:48,917 --> 00:52:48,850 have a proven capability of being able 1464 00:52:48,860 --> 00:52:50,860 to buy in large lots , gives you uh 1465 00:52:50,860 --> 00:52:53,138 insight into how the miss will perform . 1466 00:52:53,138 --> 00:52:55,193 So you , you , it , it's much better 1467 00:52:55,193 --> 00:52:57,249 than just building a few at a time . 1468 00:52:57,249 --> 00:52:56,510 It's a , it's a , it's a much better 1469 00:52:56,520 --> 00:52:58,409 way to do your statistics on your 1470 00:52:58,409 --> 00:53:00,576 manufacturing and , and how it works . 1471 00:53:00,576 --> 00:53:02,520 And , you know , if we have a high 1472 00:53:02,520 --> 00:53:04,687 value target and we've got an incoming 1473 00:53:04,687 --> 00:53:06,742 hypersonic missile , I imagine the , 1474 00:53:06,742 --> 00:53:08,909 the , you know , the ops plan there is 1475 00:53:08,909 --> 00:53:11,076 not to just launch one of these things 1476 00:53:11,076 --> 00:53:13,530 at it . Hence the 1477 00:53:13,540 --> 00:53:17,530 825 number to protect 1478 00:53:17,540 --> 00:53:19,762 that , protect the fleet . And the high 1479 00:53:19,762 --> 00:53:21,984 value targets are in air defense . It's 1480 00:53:21,984 --> 00:53:21,879 really an operational question because 1481 00:53:21,889 --> 00:53:23,889 it'll vary . But uh most commanding 1482 00:53:23,889 --> 00:53:26,111 officers of a ship , uh most commanding 1483 00:53:26,111 --> 00:53:28,167 officers of a battery will determine 1484 00:53:28,167 --> 00:53:30,278 what their salvo size is based on the 1485 00:53:30,278 --> 00:53:29,419 threat and numbers that they're dealing 1486 00:53:29,429 --> 00:53:31,318 with . Yes , sir . Thank you . Uh 1487 00:53:31,318 --> 00:53:33,879 Another subject . So , uh the request I 1488 00:53:33,889 --> 00:53:37,020 think is for $1.6 billion for a in 1489 00:53:37,689 --> 00:53:40,679 fiscal year 24 which gets us 1490 00:53:40,689 --> 00:53:44,510 27 uh S M three block one 1491 00:53:44,520 --> 00:53:47,580 Bs and 12 S M three block two A s and 1492 00:53:47,590 --> 00:53:50,419 develops upgrades to the system . Um 1493 00:53:50,429 --> 00:53:52,679 The site is expected to be among the 1494 00:53:52,689 --> 00:53:54,745 first to receive the S M three block 1495 00:53:54,745 --> 00:53:57,129 two A . Uh And I think this is gonna be 1496 00:53:57,139 --> 00:53:59,810 at the site in Poland is my 1497 00:53:59,820 --> 00:54:03,149 understanding . Uh Can you provide a 1498 00:54:03,159 --> 00:54:07,000 status of a assure um in 1499 00:54:07,010 --> 00:54:09,121 Poland and what it will be able to do 1500 00:54:09,121 --> 00:54:11,343 when fully operational ? Uh Yes , sir . 1501 00:54:11,343 --> 00:54:13,566 So as in Romania operational today , uh 1502 00:54:13,566 --> 00:54:16,070 Poland is going through uh the board of 1503 00:54:16,080 --> 00:54:18,024 inspection survey today . So we're 1504 00:54:18,024 --> 00:54:20,024 leveraging the navy processes there 1505 00:54:20,024 --> 00:54:21,802 that drive us to Chief of Naval 1506 00:54:21,802 --> 00:54:23,969 Operations acceptance uh by the end of 1507 00:54:23,969 --> 00:54:25,969 this fiscal year . Uh it'll then go 1508 00:54:25,969 --> 00:54:28,024 through uh European command and NATO 1509 00:54:28,024 --> 00:54:30,247 acceptance uh throughout next year . So 1510 00:54:30,247 --> 00:54:32,469 we're uh right now operating the site , 1511 00:54:32,469 --> 00:54:34,247 but uh we'll come through those 1512 00:54:34,247 --> 00:54:36,136 different certifications over the 1513 00:54:36,136 --> 00:54:35,899 course of the next few months and it'll 1514 00:54:35,909 --> 00:54:37,853 be fully operational . And what it 1515 00:54:37,853 --> 00:54:39,965 provides is it completes the European 1516 00:54:39,965 --> 00:54:42,076 phase adaptive approach phase three . 1517 00:54:42,076 --> 00:54:43,965 Uh which means that we can defend 1518 00:54:43,965 --> 00:54:46,187 against uh ballistic missiles from road 1519 00:54:46,187 --> 00:54:48,187 country , road countries to protect 1520 00:54:48,187 --> 00:54:50,298 Europe and the United States in my uh 1521 00:54:50,298 --> 00:54:52,465 remaining 15 seconds real quick when I 1522 00:54:52,465 --> 00:54:54,742 was over in the Middle East in January , 1523 00:54:54,742 --> 00:54:56,687 Israel and some of our Middle East 1524 00:54:56,687 --> 00:54:58,919 partners , um you know , made a request 1525 00:54:58,929 --> 00:55:00,770 and looking for support for an 1526 00:55:00,780 --> 00:55:03,389 integrated missile defense architecture 1527 00:55:03,399 --> 00:55:06,310 in the Middle East between Israel other 1528 00:55:06,320 --> 00:55:08,487 countries and the United States . What 1529 00:55:08,487 --> 00:55:10,431 are your thoughts on an integrated 1530 00:55:10,431 --> 00:55:12,653 regional missile defense for the Middle 1531 00:55:12,653 --> 00:55:14,689 East ? Question ? For me , it'll be 1532 00:55:14,709 --> 00:55:16,820 more of an operational question . But 1533 00:55:16,820 --> 00:55:18,542 from a acquisition development 1534 00:55:18,542 --> 00:55:20,765 perspective , we work very closely with 1535 00:55:20,765 --> 00:55:22,987 Israel . Senator King mentioned that uh 1536 00:55:22,987 --> 00:55:22,949 500 million of our budget every year 1537 00:55:22,959 --> 00:55:24,792 goes to building out the defense 1538 00:55:24,792 --> 00:55:26,848 capabilities . Uh for Israel focused 1539 00:55:26,848 --> 00:55:29,139 mostly on upper tier arrow uh David 1540 00:55:29,149 --> 00:55:32,189 Sling and Iron Dome . Um We integrate 1541 00:55:32,199 --> 00:55:34,143 uh as far as we can integrate , uh 1542 00:55:34,143 --> 00:55:35,866 whether it's across the sensor 1543 00:55:35,866 --> 00:55:37,921 architecture to provide tracks or if 1544 00:55:37,921 --> 00:55:40,088 it's a deeper set of integration as uh 1545 00:55:40,088 --> 00:55:39,989 general Carly does uh within the army 1546 00:55:40,000 --> 00:55:41,944 on Iron Dome . But I think there's 1547 00:55:41,944 --> 00:55:43,944 nothing wrong with being integrated 1548 00:55:43,944 --> 00:55:46,278 across uh you know , friends and allies . 1549 00:55:46,278 --> 00:55:50,179 Thank you . I want , I want to 1550 00:55:50,189 --> 00:55:52,411 thank all of you for joining us today . 1551 00:55:52,411 --> 00:55:54,689 I have a couple of concluding thoughts . 1552 00:55:54,689 --> 00:55:56,911 One is it , it strikes me as bothersome 1553 00:55:56,911 --> 00:55:58,967 that all three of you are leaving at 1554 00:55:58,967 --> 00:56:01,078 the same time . It also strikes me as 1555 00:56:01,078 --> 00:56:03,189 bothersome that I think that chairman 1556 00:56:03,189 --> 00:56:05,659 of the Joint Chiefs , Chief of the Navy , 1557 00:56:06,209 --> 00:56:09,179 I believe the Air Force are also all 1558 00:56:09,189 --> 00:56:11,467 leaving this summer . At the same time , 1559 00:56:11,467 --> 00:56:13,689 there ought to be a staggered system so 1560 00:56:13,689 --> 00:56:15,467 that there's continuity in this 1561 00:56:15,467 --> 00:56:17,633 critically important function . That's 1562 00:56:17,633 --> 00:56:19,856 not your problem . But it's one that Mr 1563 00:56:19,856 --> 00:56:21,967 Secretary , I think we ought to think 1564 00:56:21,967 --> 00:56:24,133 about to have the entire upper echelon 1565 00:56:24,133 --> 00:56:26,189 of this particular critical function 1566 00:56:26,189 --> 00:56:28,540 walking out the door , essentially 1567 00:56:28,550 --> 00:56:30,840 within months is strikes me as not a 1568 00:56:30,850 --> 00:56:33,080 not a good organizational structure . 1569 00:56:33,520 --> 00:56:35,919 Uh Secondly , the three of you are in 1570 00:56:35,929 --> 00:56:38,151 an extraordinary position to be able to 1571 00:56:38,151 --> 00:56:39,979 give us some strong Agnes exit 1572 00:56:39,989 --> 00:56:43,469 interview data . In other words , as 1573 00:56:43,479 --> 00:56:45,757 you're leaving ? What would you change ? 1574 00:56:45,840 --> 00:56:48,062 What would you suggest to the committee 1575 00:56:48,062 --> 00:56:49,507 in terms of authorities , 1576 00:56:49,507 --> 00:56:51,784 organizational structures , priorities ? 1577 00:56:51,784 --> 00:56:54,050 Uh Where do you think we could improve 1578 00:56:54,060 --> 00:56:56,870 uh this entire missile defense 1579 00:56:56,879 --> 00:56:59,101 enterprise ? Uh As I say , all three of 1580 00:56:59,110 --> 00:57:01,221 you are in an exceptional position to 1581 00:57:01,221 --> 00:57:03,679 do that . And uh I , I'm not in the 1582 00:57:03,689 --> 00:57:05,800 position of assigning homework here , 1583 00:57:05,800 --> 00:57:07,911 but it would be very important to the 1584 00:57:07,911 --> 00:57:10,133 committee if you could give , just give 1585 00:57:10,133 --> 00:57:12,245 us two or three pages . Here's what , 1586 00:57:12,245 --> 00:57:14,300 here's what I would change . Uh , as 1587 00:57:14,300 --> 00:57:16,411 I'm going out the door to improve the 1588 00:57:16,411 --> 00:57:18,133 functioning of this critically 1589 00:57:18,133 --> 00:57:20,411 important , uh , part of our , uh , uh , 1590 00:57:20,411 --> 00:57:22,356 deterrent and our National Defense 1591 00:57:22,356 --> 00:57:24,411 Posture . So I want to thank you all 1592 00:57:24,411 --> 00:57:26,522 again for your service . Congratulate 1593 00:57:26,522 --> 00:57:28,133 you and look forward to your 1594 00:57:28,133 --> 00:57:30,459 suggestions . And , uh , the only other 1595 00:57:30,469 --> 00:57:32,691 thing I would say is do it soon . We're 1596 00:57:32,691 --> 00:57:34,525 about to do the National Defense 1597 00:57:34,525 --> 00:57:36,747 Authorization Act in about five weeks . 1598 00:57:36,747 --> 00:57:39,090 Uh , and would love to have your input 1599 00:57:39,100 --> 00:57:41,044 as the subcommittee , makes it its 1600 00:57:41,044 --> 00:57:43,100 report to the full committee . Thank 1601 00:57:43,100 --> 00:57:45,322 you again and , uh , thank you for your 1602 00:57:45,322 --> 00:57:47,656 service to the country . Senator Fisher . 1603 00:57:47,656 --> 00:57:49,711 Did you want to add any conclusion ? 1604 00:57:49,711 --> 00:57:51,711 Well , I would say , well , said Mr 1605 00:57:51,711 --> 00:57:53,711 Chair , thank you all . Thank you . 1606 00:57:53,711 --> 00:57:53,929 Hearing is adjourned .