1 00:00:00,920 --> 00:00:02,976 Want to call this hearing to order . 2 00:00:06,900 --> 00:00:08,956 Good morning . Uh I want to begin by 3 00:00:08,956 --> 00:00:11,122 welcoming our witnesses . Uh Secretary 4 00:00:11,122 --> 00:00:12,909 Austin General Milley . Uh We 5 00:00:12,920 --> 00:00:14,976 appreciate your willingness to be in 6 00:00:14,976 --> 00:00:17,142 front of this committee this morning . 7 00:00:17,142 --> 00:00:19,253 Uh General Milley , this will be your 8 00:00:19,253 --> 00:00:21,587 last appearance before the subcommittee . 9 00:00:21,610 --> 00:00:23,777 Uh I wanna go off script here a little 10 00:00:23,777 --> 00:00:26,459 bit . Um You are the ultimate 11 00:00:26,469 --> 00:00:29,479 professional . Uh You are somebody that 12 00:00:29,489 --> 00:00:32,180 has been very good for me and I think I 13 00:00:32,189 --> 00:00:34,411 can say this for the whole committee to 14 00:00:34,411 --> 00:00:36,522 work with . You're a straight shooter 15 00:00:36,959 --> 00:00:39,015 and you've done a hell of a good job 16 00:00:39,015 --> 00:00:42,009 and uh I appreciate that and I just 17 00:00:42,020 --> 00:00:45,729 hope that the Senate will be able to 18 00:00:45,740 --> 00:00:47,796 find some common sense to be able to 19 00:00:47,796 --> 00:00:51,130 confirm your successor so that the 20 00:00:51,139 --> 00:00:53,250 department isn't forced to rely on an 21 00:00:53,250 --> 00:00:55,361 interim placeholder for your position 22 00:00:55,361 --> 00:00:57,740 because it's simply too important for 23 00:00:57,750 --> 00:01:01,279 that . Um This is an unprecedented 24 00:01:01,290 --> 00:01:03,490 indefinite hold on military promotions 25 00:01:03,500 --> 00:01:05,722 that has frozen over 60 nominations and 26 00:01:05,722 --> 00:01:08,489 can affect as many as 650 by the end of 27 00:01:08,500 --> 00:01:11,599 the year . I will tell you the people 28 00:01:11,610 --> 00:01:14,050 on this committee know what the threats 29 00:01:14,059 --> 00:01:17,220 are in this world and we need to be 30 00:01:17,230 --> 00:01:19,286 able to assist the military in being 31 00:01:19,286 --> 00:01:21,459 successful and this is not assisting 32 00:01:21,470 --> 00:01:23,581 the military to be successful . It is 33 00:01:23,581 --> 00:01:26,440 plain dangerous . We are meeting today 34 00:01:26,449 --> 00:01:29,430 to discuss an $842 billion budget 35 00:01:29,440 --> 00:01:32,129 request for next fiscal year . A few 36 00:01:32,139 --> 00:01:34,083 months ago , we passed the overdue 37 00:01:34,083 --> 00:01:36,360 budget for this fiscal year of $816 38 00:01:36,370 --> 00:01:39,459 billion which provided a $74 billion 39 00:01:39,470 --> 00:01:42,940 increase over F Y 22 . I bring up F Y 40 00:01:42,949 --> 00:01:45,410 22 because there are some who advocate 41 00:01:45,419 --> 00:01:47,586 for keeping all government spending at 42 00:01:47,586 --> 00:01:50,160 fiscal year 22 levels in light of 43 00:01:50,169 --> 00:01:52,391 China's continued military aggression . 44 00:01:52,391 --> 00:01:54,613 That sounds plain irresponsible to me . 45 00:01:54,613 --> 00:01:56,613 But a majority in the other chamber 46 00:01:56,613 --> 00:01:59,580 proposes that it is my hope that today 47 00:01:59,949 --> 00:02:02,639 you can detail for us . Uh what such a 48 00:02:02,650 --> 00:02:05,529 drastic funding reduction would mean to 49 00:02:05,540 --> 00:02:08,389 our national defense . Of course , all 50 00:02:08,399 --> 00:02:10,232 bets are off if we don't reach a 51 00:02:10,232 --> 00:02:12,455 bipartisan agreement on the debt soon , 52 00:02:12,455 --> 00:02:14,566 we have got to deal with the debt and 53 00:02:14,566 --> 00:02:16,788 irresponsible in a common sense way . I 54 00:02:16,788 --> 00:02:18,843 am hopeful that bipartisan talks can 55 00:02:18,843 --> 00:02:20,843 get going in earnest and the cooler 56 00:02:20,843 --> 00:02:23,010 heads will prevail before we come to a 57 00:02:23,010 --> 00:02:25,759 default . The challenges we face are 58 00:02:25,770 --> 00:02:27,937 numerous . We need to solve the debt . 59 00:02:27,937 --> 00:02:29,992 We need to agree upon a top line for 60 00:02:29,992 --> 00:02:32,159 government spending . We need to agree 61 00:02:32,159 --> 00:02:34,270 on the top line for defense . We need 62 00:02:34,270 --> 00:02:36,603 to get qualified people into their jobs , 63 00:02:36,603 --> 00:02:38,603 the risk of a government default is 64 00:02:38,603 --> 00:02:38,279 real . The risk of a government 65 00:02:38,289 --> 00:02:40,539 shutdown is real . The risk of a long 66 00:02:40,550 --> 00:02:43,720 term C R is real . None which are good 67 00:02:43,729 --> 00:02:46,039 by the way . And while we are busy 68 00:02:46,050 --> 00:02:47,883 fighting amongst ourselves , the 69 00:02:47,883 --> 00:02:49,994 Chinese continue their military build 70 00:02:49,994 --> 00:02:51,828 up and aggressive behavior . The 71 00:02:51,828 --> 00:02:53,772 Russians continue their unjust war 72 00:02:53,772 --> 00:02:55,828 against Ukraine . Iran is continuing 73 00:02:55,828 --> 00:02:58,050 its malign influence in the Middle East 74 00:02:58,050 --> 00:03:00,050 and violent terrorist organizations 75 00:03:00,050 --> 00:03:02,272 plot to do us harm . We have got to get 76 00:03:02,279 --> 00:03:04,300 the budget done so that the men and 77 00:03:04,309 --> 00:03:06,330 women in uniform supported by the 78 00:03:06,339 --> 00:03:08,561 tireless civilians at the Department of 79 00:03:08,561 --> 00:03:10,728 Defense can go about their business of 80 00:03:10,728 --> 00:03:12,950 keeping us safe . I support the ongoing 81 00:03:12,950 --> 00:03:15,117 efforts of Senators Murray and Collins 82 00:03:15,270 --> 00:03:17,559 and will work who will work with 83 00:03:17,570 --> 00:03:20,110 anybody to get the job done . We will 84 00:03:20,119 --> 00:03:22,119 get to the specifics of your budget 85 00:03:22,119 --> 00:03:24,063 request here shortly . But my main 86 00:03:24,063 --> 00:03:26,119 question is , are our troops getting 87 00:03:26,119 --> 00:03:28,286 what they need when they need it ? Are 88 00:03:28,286 --> 00:03:30,063 we keeping up with our military 89 00:03:30,063 --> 00:03:32,210 modernization ? Is industry spending 90 00:03:32,220 --> 00:03:34,509 taxpayer dollars wisely and delivering 91 00:03:34,520 --> 00:03:37,759 as promised because the truth is we 92 00:03:37,770 --> 00:03:40,160 can't afford to waste time and we can't 93 00:03:40,169 --> 00:03:43,169 afford to waste money . Once again , I 94 00:03:43,179 --> 00:03:45,290 want to thank the witnesses for their 95 00:03:45,290 --> 00:03:47,457 testimony today . Before you make your 96 00:03:47,457 --> 00:03:49,623 opening remarks , I would turn it over 97 00:03:49,623 --> 00:03:48,979 to Senator Collins for her statement . 98 00:03:49,809 --> 00:03:52,220 Thank you very much , Chairman Tester 99 00:03:52,229 --> 00:03:55,580 for holding this hearing on the fiscal 100 00:03:55,589 --> 00:03:58,240 year 2024 budget request for the 101 00:03:58,250 --> 00:04:00,860 Department of Defense General Milley , 102 00:04:00,869 --> 00:04:04,389 let me echo the chairman's thanks and 103 00:04:04,399 --> 00:04:07,300 praise of you as you approach your 104 00:04:07,309 --> 00:04:09,365 retirement . Thank you for your more 105 00:04:09,365 --> 00:04:13,059 than 40 years of service to our 106 00:04:13,070 --> 00:04:16,929 country . I am however not as confident 107 00:04:16,980 --> 00:04:19,529 as the chairman that this is your last 108 00:04:19,540 --> 00:04:22,769 appearance before our subcommittee . So 109 00:04:22,779 --> 00:04:26,589 don't take any hope in that statement . 110 00:04:27,500 --> 00:04:30,790 The administration's 2022 111 00:04:30,859 --> 00:04:33,980 national defense strategy rightly 112 00:04:33,989 --> 00:04:36,519 captures the importance of deterring 113 00:04:36,529 --> 00:04:39,869 China . I strongly support that 114 00:04:39,880 --> 00:04:42,859 objective and know that you both the 115 00:04:42,869 --> 00:04:45,359 Secretary and General Milley have 116 00:04:45,369 --> 00:04:48,519 worked hard to develop a strategy 117 00:04:48,529 --> 00:04:52,529 driven request within the top line 118 00:04:52,649 --> 00:04:56,019 that you were provided . I also agree 119 00:04:56,029 --> 00:04:58,399 with Chairman Billy's written testimony 120 00:04:58,410 --> 00:05:01,959 that completing appropriations bills on 121 00:05:01,970 --> 00:05:05,250 time is a necessary condition to 122 00:05:05,260 --> 00:05:08,970 credibly deter China . I would however 123 00:05:08,980 --> 00:05:12,359 suggest that it is not a sufficient 124 00:05:12,369 --> 00:05:15,029 condition and that the president's 125 00:05:15,040 --> 00:05:17,320 budget is inadequate to achieve this 126 00:05:17,329 --> 00:05:20,559 goal , no matter how talented , 127 00:05:20,570 --> 00:05:23,640 innovative and hard working our 128 00:05:23,649 --> 00:05:27,559 armed forces are , no matter how 129 00:05:27,570 --> 00:05:30,179 good their leadership , the military 130 00:05:30,190 --> 00:05:34,019 must also have a sufficient budget top 131 00:05:34,029 --> 00:05:37,535 line and I have serious doubts that the 132 00:05:37,545 --> 00:05:39,815 administration's budget request 133 00:05:40,015 --> 00:05:43,774 provides all of the resources necessary 134 00:05:43,875 --> 00:05:47,204 to deter an aggressive China and to 135 00:05:47,214 --> 00:05:50,295 deal with other global threats . For 136 00:05:50,304 --> 00:05:52,464 example , the budget requests would 137 00:05:52,475 --> 00:05:55,815 result in a smaller navy , a 138 00:05:55,825 --> 00:05:59,524 fleet of 291 ships . This 139 00:05:59,535 --> 00:06:02,899 is five ships , fewer than today's 140 00:06:02,910 --> 00:06:06,440 fleet of 296 ships . And 141 00:06:06,450 --> 00:06:08,950 further from the Chief of Naval 142 00:06:08,959 --> 00:06:11,130 Operations requirement , which is 143 00:06:11,140 --> 00:06:14,850 informed by the Indo paycom scenarios . 144 00:06:14,980 --> 00:06:18,709 Moreover China has the largest 145 00:06:18,720 --> 00:06:21,929 navy in the world and is growing to 146 00:06:21,940 --> 00:06:25,765 400 ships in the next two years . 147 00:06:25,774 --> 00:06:28,554 The story is very similar for the air 148 00:06:28,565 --> 00:06:31,825 force in the absence of a higher 149 00:06:31,834 --> 00:06:34,765 defense budget . This committee will 150 00:06:34,774 --> 00:06:37,725 have to fill in the gaps to deter China 151 00:06:37,815 --> 00:06:41,445 and to maintain readiness . Let 152 00:06:41,454 --> 00:06:44,644 me highlight a few examples of what 153 00:06:44,654 --> 00:06:48,029 from my perspective is missing from the 154 00:06:48,040 --> 00:06:51,730 budget requests . $3.5 155 00:06:51,739 --> 00:06:54,790 billion in the indo paycom unfunded 156 00:06:54,799 --> 00:06:58,570 priorities . $266 157 00:06:58,579 --> 00:07:01,709 million to fund north com unfunded 158 00:07:01,720 --> 00:07:04,924 priorities to detect airborne targets 159 00:07:04,934 --> 00:07:08,684 such as Chinese spy balloons , funding 160 00:07:08,695 --> 00:07:12,545 to replenish $1 billion in presidential 161 00:07:12,554 --> 00:07:15,364 drawdown authority for Taiwan that 162 00:07:15,375 --> 00:07:18,820 Congress authorized last year . The 163 00:07:18,829 --> 00:07:21,290 cost to fully implement with the 164 00:07:21,299 --> 00:07:23,970 administration's own zero trust 165 00:07:23,980 --> 00:07:27,500 architecture policy to protect against 166 00:07:27,510 --> 00:07:30,970 insider cyber threats . The costs for 167 00:07:30,980 --> 00:07:34,609 the deployment of 1500 active duty 168 00:07:34,619 --> 00:07:37,510 troops sent to the southwest border 169 00:07:37,519 --> 00:07:40,779 just this week . Security assistance 170 00:07:40,790 --> 00:07:44,420 for Ukraine beyond September and 171 00:07:44,429 --> 00:07:48,000 $1.6 billion in under budget 172 00:07:48,010 --> 00:07:50,299 fuel costs . According to the 173 00:07:50,309 --> 00:07:52,640 government accountability office 174 00:07:52,649 --> 00:07:56,459 analysis , that figure is 20% 175 00:07:56,470 --> 00:07:59,980 more than the budget request . I 176 00:07:59,989 --> 00:08:02,609 recognize that fuel costs assumptions 177 00:08:02,619 --> 00:08:04,980 are driven by the White House . But 178 00:08:04,989 --> 00:08:08,730 last year's experience is instructed if 179 00:08:08,739 --> 00:08:11,450 Congress had funded the department at 180 00:08:11,459 --> 00:08:14,320 the level that was requested last year 181 00:08:14,329 --> 00:08:17,089 by the administration , our troops 182 00:08:17,100 --> 00:08:20,489 housing food health care , fuel and 183 00:08:20,500 --> 00:08:24,369 readiness would be facing an $8 billion 184 00:08:24,380 --> 00:08:28,359 inflation hole that hole does not exist 185 00:08:28,369 --> 00:08:31,779 today because Congress insisted upon a 186 00:08:31,790 --> 00:08:34,880 higher and more realistic funding . One 187 00:08:34,890 --> 00:08:38,830 final point on Ukraine about which 188 00:08:39,010 --> 00:08:41,849 I share the chairman's commitment . It 189 00:08:41,859 --> 00:08:44,859 is critical that the administration 190 00:08:44,869 --> 00:08:48,369 provide Ukraine with what it needs in 191 00:08:48,380 --> 00:08:51,849 time to defend and take back its 192 00:08:51,859 --> 00:08:54,270 sovereign territory . We expect the 193 00:08:54,280 --> 00:08:56,336 administration not to wait until the 194 00:08:56,336 --> 00:08:59,044 11th hour . If the Ukrainians think 195 00:08:59,054 --> 00:09:01,614 more before the end of the fiscal year , 196 00:09:01,804 --> 00:09:04,885 there are many issues for us to discuss 197 00:09:04,895 --> 00:09:07,825 today . I again , I thank all three of 198 00:09:07,835 --> 00:09:10,065 our witnesses for their extraordinary 199 00:09:10,075 --> 00:09:12,094 service and I look forward to 200 00:09:12,104 --> 00:09:14,174 discussing these issues with them . 201 00:09:15,020 --> 00:09:17,076 Thank you , Senator Collins for your 202 00:09:17,076 --> 00:09:19,187 statement . Uh Secretary Austin , you 203 00:09:19,187 --> 00:09:21,469 have the floor . Uh Thank you sir , 204 00:09:21,479 --> 00:09:23,700 Chairman Tester , Vice Chair Collins 205 00:09:23,710 --> 00:09:25,543 and distinguished members of the 206 00:09:25,543 --> 00:09:27,599 committee . I'm glad to be here with 207 00:09:27,599 --> 00:09:29,599 you uh to testify in support of the 208 00:09:29,599 --> 00:09:31,710 president's budget request for fiscal 209 00:09:31,710 --> 00:09:35,119 year 2024 . I'm joined as always by 210 00:09:35,130 --> 00:09:37,309 General Milley and I remain grateful 211 00:09:37,320 --> 00:09:39,542 for his leadership and I'm also glad to 212 00:09:39,542 --> 00:09:41,349 be joined by the Department's 213 00:09:41,359 --> 00:09:44,070 Comptroller and CFO Mike mccord . 214 00:09:45,130 --> 00:09:47,530 This is a strategy driven budget and 215 00:09:47,539 --> 00:09:49,595 one driven by the seriousness of our 216 00:09:49,595 --> 00:09:51,969 strategic competition with the People's 217 00:09:51,979 --> 00:09:55,479 Republic of China at $842 218 00:09:55,489 --> 00:09:59,200 billion . It is a 3.2% increase over 219 00:09:59,210 --> 00:10:02,179 fiscal year 23 enacted and it is 220 00:10:02,190 --> 00:10:06,190 13.4% higher than fiscal year 221 00:10:06,200 --> 00:10:09,469 22 enacted . And this budget will help 222 00:10:09,479 --> 00:10:11,590 us continue to implement our national 223 00:10:11,590 --> 00:10:13,646 defense strategy and the President's 224 00:10:13,646 --> 00:10:16,489 national security strategy . Now , I 225 00:10:16,500 --> 00:10:18,333 have three key priorities at the 226 00:10:18,333 --> 00:10:21,169 Pentagon to defend our nation , to take 227 00:10:21,179 --> 00:10:23,290 care of our outstanding people and to 228 00:10:23,290 --> 00:10:26,390 succeed through teamwork . The PRC is 229 00:10:26,400 --> 00:10:28,567 our pacing challenge and we're driving 230 00:10:28,567 --> 00:10:30,969 hard to meet it . Our budget bills on 231 00:10:30,979 --> 00:10:32,868 our previous investments to deter 232 00:10:32,868 --> 00:10:35,200 aggression and we're investing in a 233 00:10:35,210 --> 00:10:37,210 more resilient force posture in the 234 00:10:37,210 --> 00:10:39,750 Indo Pacific and increasing the scale 235 00:10:39,760 --> 00:10:42,200 and scope of our exercises with our 236 00:10:42,210 --> 00:10:44,900 partners . And this budget includes a 237 00:10:44,909 --> 00:10:48,469 40% increase over last year's request 238 00:10:48,479 --> 00:10:50,701 for the Pacific Deterrence initiative . 239 00:10:50,820 --> 00:10:54,000 And it's an all time high of $9.1 240 00:10:54,010 --> 00:10:56,840 billion that will fund a stronger force 241 00:10:56,849 --> 00:10:59,450 posture , better defenses for Hawaii 242 00:10:59,460 --> 00:11:02,140 and Guam and deeper cooperation with 243 00:11:02,150 --> 00:11:04,479 our allies and partners . I look 244 00:11:04,489 --> 00:11:06,656 forward to being back next week before 245 00:11:06,656 --> 00:11:08,378 the full Senate Appropriations 246 00:11:08,378 --> 00:11:10,545 Committee to go into more depth on how 247 00:11:10,545 --> 00:11:12,489 we're working with our interagency 248 00:11:12,489 --> 00:11:14,656 partners to continue to outpace the PR 249 00:11:14,656 --> 00:11:16,929 C . Now , this budget also makes the 250 00:11:16,940 --> 00:11:19,119 department's largest ever investments 251 00:11:19,130 --> 00:11:21,820 in both R and D and procurement . We're 252 00:11:21,830 --> 00:11:24,440 requesting more than $61 billion to 253 00:11:24,450 --> 00:11:26,969 sustain air dominance that includes 254 00:11:26,979 --> 00:11:28,590 funding for fighters and the 255 00:11:28,590 --> 00:11:31,010 extraordinary B 21 strategic bomber 256 00:11:31,210 --> 00:11:33,539 that I helped unveil last December . 257 00:11:34,289 --> 00:11:36,299 We're also seeking more than $48 258 00:11:36,309 --> 00:11:38,619 billion for sea power including new 259 00:11:38,630 --> 00:11:41,099 construction of nine battle force ships 260 00:11:41,570 --> 00:11:43,292 and we're boosting capacity at 261 00:11:43,292 --> 00:11:45,459 America's shipyards to build the ships 262 00:11:45,489 --> 00:11:47,820 that our strategy demands . We're 263 00:11:47,830 --> 00:11:50,440 investing a total of $1.2 billion in 264 00:11:50,450 --> 00:11:52,989 the submarine industrial base and we're 265 00:11:53,000 --> 00:11:55,010 buying two Virginia class attack 266 00:11:55,020 --> 00:11:57,840 submarines and one Columbia class 267 00:11:57,849 --> 00:12:01,460 ballistic missile submarine on land . 268 00:12:01,469 --> 00:12:03,413 We're investing in air and missile 269 00:12:03,413 --> 00:12:05,909 defense and defenses to counter 270 00:12:05,919 --> 00:12:08,799 unmanned aerial vehicles . We're also 271 00:12:08,809 --> 00:12:11,559 requesting $11 billion to deliver the 272 00:12:11,570 --> 00:12:14,080 right mix of long range fires including 273 00:12:14,179 --> 00:12:17,369 major investments in hypersonic . We 274 00:12:17,380 --> 00:12:19,770 will also continue to modernize all 275 00:12:19,780 --> 00:12:22,140 three legs of our nuclear triad and 276 00:12:22,150 --> 00:12:24,669 bolster our strategic deterrent and 277 00:12:24,679 --> 00:12:26,679 we've put forward the largest space 278 00:12:26,679 --> 00:12:28,880 budget in Pentagon history . We've 279 00:12:28,890 --> 00:12:31,869 requested $33.3 billion to improve our 280 00:12:31,880 --> 00:12:33,824 capabilities and our resilience in 281 00:12:33,824 --> 00:12:35,820 space . Now , let me again thank 282 00:12:35,830 --> 00:12:37,979 Congress for providing the department 283 00:12:38,299 --> 00:12:40,521 with multi year procurement authorities 284 00:12:40,521 --> 00:12:42,299 and appropriations for critical 285 00:12:42,299 --> 00:12:44,330 munitions in this budget . We're 286 00:12:44,340 --> 00:12:46,507 requesting more multi year procurement 287 00:12:46,507 --> 00:12:48,618 authorities and we're asking for more 288 00:12:48,618 --> 00:12:50,979 than $30 billion to further invest in 289 00:12:50,989 --> 00:12:52,933 the industrial base and to buy the 290 00:12:52,933 --> 00:12:54,767 maximum number of munitions that 291 00:12:54,767 --> 00:12:57,419 American industry can produce . This 292 00:12:57,429 --> 00:12:59,485 budget also moves us away from aging 293 00:12:59,485 --> 00:13:01,540 capabilities that aren't relevant to 294 00:13:01,540 --> 00:13:03,762 future conflicts so we can focus on the 295 00:13:03,762 --> 00:13:05,762 advances that our war fighters will 296 00:13:05,762 --> 00:13:07,651 need . Now , our national defense 297 00:13:07,651 --> 00:13:10,039 strategy calls out Putin Putin's highly 298 00:13:10,049 --> 00:13:13,000 aggressive Russia as an acute threat . 299 00:13:13,309 --> 00:13:15,587 And under President Biden's leadership , 300 00:13:15,587 --> 00:13:17,809 the United States has rallied the world 301 00:13:17,809 --> 00:13:19,531 to help Ukraine fight Russia's 302 00:13:19,531 --> 00:13:21,640 indefensible invasion . We've 303 00:13:21,650 --> 00:13:23,960 reinforced nato's defense and 304 00:13:23,969 --> 00:13:26,191 deterrence on its eastern flank and our 305 00:13:26,191 --> 00:13:28,080 allies and partners have provided 306 00:13:28,080 --> 00:13:30,359 crucial security assistance coordinated 307 00:13:30,369 --> 00:13:32,369 through the Ukraine defense contact 308 00:13:32,369 --> 00:13:34,580 group that I lead and we will support 309 00:13:34,909 --> 00:13:36,909 Ukraine's defense for as long as it 310 00:13:36,909 --> 00:13:39,076 takes . And meanwhile , the department 311 00:13:39,076 --> 00:13:40,798 remains vigilant against other 312 00:13:40,798 --> 00:13:42,742 persistent threats including North 313 00:13:42,742 --> 00:13:44,853 Korea and Iran . And we will take all 314 00:13:44,853 --> 00:13:47,076 necessary measures to defend our troops 315 00:13:47,076 --> 00:13:49,076 and our interest overseas . As seen 316 00:13:49,076 --> 00:13:51,187 from our air strikes in March against 317 00:13:51,187 --> 00:13:53,919 facilities linked to Iran's Islamic 318 00:13:53,929 --> 00:13:56,549 Revolutionary Guards Corps . We're also 319 00:13:56,559 --> 00:13:58,337 investing in over the horizon , 320 00:13:58,337 --> 00:14:02,270 counterterrorism capabilities . No , I 321 00:14:02,280 --> 00:14:04,391 know that you have been following the 322 00:14:04,391 --> 00:14:06,502 reports of unauthorized disclosure of 323 00:14:06,502 --> 00:14:08,809 sensitive and classified us material . 324 00:14:09,640 --> 00:14:12,520 I take this issue very seriously and 325 00:14:12,530 --> 00:14:14,697 I've ordered a comprehensive review of 326 00:14:14,697 --> 00:14:16,752 the department's security programs , 327 00:14:16,752 --> 00:14:18,570 policies and procedures for 328 00:14:18,580 --> 00:14:20,691 safeguarding classified information . 329 00:14:21,309 --> 00:14:23,531 I've also discussed this issue with our 330 00:14:23,531 --> 00:14:25,698 allies and partners around the world . 331 00:14:25,698 --> 00:14:27,753 I've been struck by their solidarity 332 00:14:27,753 --> 00:14:29,920 and their commitment to reject efforts 333 00:14:29,920 --> 00:14:32,119 to divide us and we will not let 334 00:14:32,130 --> 00:14:35,419 anything fracture our unity . Our joint 335 00:14:35,429 --> 00:14:37,151 force stands ready to meet any 336 00:14:37,151 --> 00:14:40,289 challenge . You could see this from the , 337 00:14:40,299 --> 00:14:42,243 you could see the forces readiness 338 00:14:42,243 --> 00:14:44,355 after Russia's unprovoked invasion of 339 00:14:44,355 --> 00:14:46,243 Ukraine . And we swiftly deployed 340 00:14:46,243 --> 00:14:48,466 elements of the Third Infantry Division 341 00:14:48,466 --> 00:14:51,200 to Poland to show up nato's eastern 342 00:14:51,210 --> 00:14:54,049 flank . We closely monitor readiness at 343 00:14:54,059 --> 00:14:56,115 the unit level and maintain response 344 00:14:56,115 --> 00:14:57,969 forces at our highest states of 345 00:14:57,979 --> 00:15:00,201 readiness . While the rest of the force 346 00:15:00,201 --> 00:15:02,090 by design is preparing for future 347 00:15:02,090 --> 00:15:04,250 contingencies . So this budget will 348 00:15:04,260 --> 00:15:06,260 help us maintain our readiness with 349 00:15:06,260 --> 00:15:09,590 $146 billion in funding for operations , 350 00:15:09,599 --> 00:15:11,766 training and maintenance . This budget 351 00:15:11,766 --> 00:15:14,000 also invests in improving our readiness 352 00:15:14,010 --> 00:15:16,140 and resilience in the face of climate 353 00:15:16,150 --> 00:15:18,330 change and other 21st century threats 354 00:15:18,799 --> 00:15:20,521 and we are going to remain the 355 00:15:20,521 --> 00:15:22,632 strongest military in the world . And 356 00:15:22,640 --> 00:15:24,862 as we mark the 50 th anniversary of our 357 00:15:24,862 --> 00:15:26,973 all volunteer force , I am enormously 358 00:15:26,973 --> 00:15:29,029 proud of the brave men and women who 359 00:15:29,029 --> 00:15:31,196 choose to wear the cloth of our nation 360 00:15:31,196 --> 00:15:33,140 and we owe it to them and to their 361 00:15:33,140 --> 00:15:35,362 families to take the best possible care 362 00:15:35,362 --> 00:15:37,473 of our people . And over the past two 363 00:15:37,473 --> 00:15:39,696 years , we've made moves easier . We've 364 00:15:39,696 --> 00:15:41,640 cut commissary prices . We've made 365 00:15:41,640 --> 00:15:43,751 child care more affordable . And this 366 00:15:43,751 --> 00:15:45,549 budget funds other key steps to 367 00:15:45,559 --> 00:15:47,590 increase the quality of life of our 368 00:15:47,599 --> 00:15:49,599 teammates , including the largest 369 00:15:49,609 --> 00:15:51,640 military and civilian pay raises in 370 00:15:51,650 --> 00:15:54,229 decades . And we're also pushing hard 371 00:15:54,239 --> 00:15:56,239 to eliminate suicide in our ranks , 372 00:15:56,349 --> 00:15:58,516 including immediate steps to hire more 373 00:15:58,516 --> 00:16:00,909 mental health professionals and improve 374 00:16:00,919 --> 00:16:02,641 access to mental health care . 375 00:16:02,929 --> 00:16:04,873 Meanwhile , we're working toward a 376 00:16:04,873 --> 00:16:07,040 military that's free of sexual assault 377 00:16:07,040 --> 00:16:09,207 and we worked with Congress to improve 378 00:16:09,207 --> 00:16:11,151 the response to sexual assault and 379 00:16:11,151 --> 00:16:13,262 related crimes under the uniform code 380 00:16:13,262 --> 00:16:15,549 of military justice . And those reforms 381 00:16:15,559 --> 00:16:17,781 will be fully implemented by the end of 382 00:16:17,781 --> 00:16:20,099 this year . As the department and the 383 00:16:20,109 --> 00:16:21,998 department is also investing in a 384 00:16:21,998 --> 00:16:24,630 specialized workforce to combat sexual 385 00:16:24,640 --> 00:16:26,696 assault , harassment , suicide . And 386 00:16:26,696 --> 00:16:28,760 more now , the department's third 387 00:16:28,770 --> 00:16:31,103 priority is succeeding through teamwork . 388 00:16:31,289 --> 00:16:33,289 Our unrivaled network of allies and 389 00:16:33,299 --> 00:16:35,260 partners magnifies our power and 390 00:16:35,270 --> 00:16:38,349 expands our security . And in recent 391 00:16:38,359 --> 00:16:40,192 months , our friends in the Indo 392 00:16:40,192 --> 00:16:42,979 Pacific have taken major steps forward . 393 00:16:43,409 --> 00:16:45,465 The Philippines has agreed to nearly 394 00:16:45,465 --> 00:16:47,465 double the number of sites where we 395 00:16:47,465 --> 00:16:49,687 cooperate together , Japan committed to 396 00:16:49,687 --> 00:16:51,609 double its defense spending . And 397 00:16:51,619 --> 00:16:53,900 through the historic Aus partnership , 398 00:16:54,020 --> 00:16:56,076 we will work with our Australian and 399 00:16:56,076 --> 00:16:58,187 British allies to build game changing 400 00:16:58,250 --> 00:17:00,194 defense advantages that will deter 401 00:17:00,194 --> 00:17:02,469 aggression and boost our defense 402 00:17:02,479 --> 00:17:06,288 industrial capacity in Psalm this 403 00:17:06,298 --> 00:17:08,409 budget . This is the budget that will 404 00:17:08,409 --> 00:17:10,629 meet this moment . And I respectfully 405 00:17:10,639 --> 00:17:13,160 ask for your support in the single most 406 00:17:13,170 --> 00:17:15,281 effective way that this committee can 407 00:17:15,281 --> 00:17:17,003 support the department and our 408 00:17:17,003 --> 00:17:19,114 outstanding troops is with an on time 409 00:17:19,114 --> 00:17:21,114 full year appropriation . So I look 410 00:17:21,114 --> 00:17:23,226 forward to working with all of you so 411 00:17:23,226 --> 00:17:25,170 that we can continue to defend our 412 00:17:25,170 --> 00:17:27,640 democracy and support the forces of 413 00:17:27,650 --> 00:17:30,250 freedom in this hour of challenge . 414 00:17:30,410 --> 00:17:32,354 Thank you , Mr Chair . Thank you , 415 00:17:32,359 --> 00:17:34,670 Secretary Austin General Milley . You 416 00:17:34,689 --> 00:17:37,800 have the floor Chairman Tester and Vice 417 00:17:37,810 --> 00:17:40,032 Chair Collins and distinguished members 418 00:17:40,032 --> 00:17:42,088 of the committee . Thank you for the 419 00:17:42,088 --> 00:17:41,699 opportunity to testify before you . 420 00:17:41,709 --> 00:17:43,876 Today . I've been privileged to defend 421 00:17:43,876 --> 00:17:45,931 this country for 43 years in uniform 422 00:17:45,939 --> 00:17:47,939 and next month , I'll start my 44th 423 00:17:47,939 --> 00:17:50,449 year and hopefully , Senator Collins , 424 00:17:50,459 --> 00:17:52,680 this is my last posture hearing . Uh I 425 00:17:52,689 --> 00:17:55,020 thank Congress for your support uh to 426 00:17:55,030 --> 00:17:57,308 our military for the last four decades , 427 00:17:57,308 --> 00:17:59,530 not just for this budget , but for four 428 00:17:59,530 --> 00:18:01,641 consecutive decades , you've given uh 429 00:18:01,641 --> 00:18:03,752 great support to our military . And I 430 00:18:03,752 --> 00:18:05,808 thank you all for that . Uh We could 431 00:18:05,808 --> 00:18:07,752 not be the military . We are today 432 00:18:07,752 --> 00:18:07,430 without the support of the American 433 00:18:07,439 --> 00:18:09,272 people and the American people's 434 00:18:09,272 --> 00:18:11,328 representatives . Uh So what I asked 435 00:18:11,328 --> 00:18:13,550 for you today , uh is that once again , 436 00:18:13,550 --> 00:18:15,890 uh you approve uh an on time budget . 437 00:18:16,560 --> 00:18:18,504 I'm honored to represent the joint 438 00:18:18,504 --> 00:18:20,616 force uh and their families alongside 439 00:18:20,616 --> 00:18:22,782 the leadership of Secretary Austin and 440 00:18:22,782 --> 00:18:24,727 Secretary mccord . Uh both uh been 441 00:18:24,727 --> 00:18:26,893 working with them both for many , many 442 00:18:26,893 --> 00:18:28,893 years . Uh And their leadership has 443 00:18:28,893 --> 00:18:30,890 been superlative . Our joint force 444 00:18:30,900 --> 00:18:32,956 today is the most lethal and capable 445 00:18:32,956 --> 00:18:35,067 military in the world because of your 446 00:18:35,067 --> 00:18:37,300 support . The military's purpose is 447 00:18:37,310 --> 00:18:39,254 simple . It's to defend the United 448 00:18:39,254 --> 00:18:41,310 States against all enemies , foreign 449 00:18:41,310 --> 00:18:43,366 and domestic . And there is no other 450 00:18:43,366 --> 00:18:45,532 purpose for our military . Fundamental 451 00:18:45,532 --> 00:18:47,143 to this is deterrence , more 452 00:18:47,143 --> 00:18:49,979 specifically deter great power war to 453 00:18:49,989 --> 00:18:52,270 do this . Our number one priority is 454 00:18:52,280 --> 00:18:54,270 readiness now and readiness in the 455 00:18:54,280 --> 00:18:56,391 future . And there is no other number 456 00:18:56,391 --> 00:18:58,569 one priority , the joint force will 457 00:18:58,579 --> 00:19:00,709 accomplish this at the F Y 24 budget 458 00:19:00,719 --> 00:19:04,650 request of $842 billion . Right 459 00:19:04,660 --> 00:19:06,882 now . The international system is under 460 00:19:06,882 --> 00:19:09,900 increasing stress . Both China and 461 00:19:09,910 --> 00:19:12,650 Russia have the means to threaten our 462 00:19:12,660 --> 00:19:15,760 interests and our way of life . But war 463 00:19:15,770 --> 00:19:18,290 with China or Russia is neither 464 00:19:18,300 --> 00:19:20,420 imminent nor inevitable . 465 00:19:22,260 --> 00:19:24,910 The PR C remains our number one long 466 00:19:24,920 --> 00:19:27,589 term geostrategic security challenge 467 00:19:27,599 --> 00:19:29,432 and it's been pointed out in our 468 00:19:29,432 --> 00:19:31,377 national defense strategy . As the 469 00:19:31,377 --> 00:19:33,219 pacing challenge , the PR C has 470 00:19:33,229 --> 00:19:35,790 publicly stated that it intends to be 471 00:19:35,800 --> 00:19:38,280 the regional hegemon in Asia within the 472 00:19:38,290 --> 00:19:40,939 next 10 years and to exceed the United 473 00:19:40,949 --> 00:19:43,349 States overall military capability by 474 00:19:43,359 --> 00:19:46,390 mid century , Chinese actions are 475 00:19:46,400 --> 00:19:48,344 moving it on a path to a potential 476 00:19:48,344 --> 00:19:50,567 confrontation with its neighbors or the 477 00:19:50,567 --> 00:19:53,010 United States . But again , war with 478 00:19:53,020 --> 00:19:55,619 China is neither inevitable nor 479 00:19:55,630 --> 00:19:58,880 imminent . Additionally , Russia is an 480 00:19:58,890 --> 00:20:01,280 acute threat and remains very dangerous , 481 00:20:01,290 --> 00:20:03,401 especially under current conditions . 482 00:20:03,660 --> 00:20:06,010 Over a year ago , Russia undertook a 483 00:20:06,020 --> 00:20:08,242 war against Ukraine , threatening peace 484 00:20:08,242 --> 00:20:10,298 on the European continent and global 485 00:20:10,298 --> 00:20:12,464 stability for the first time since the 486 00:20:12,464 --> 00:20:14,687 end of World War II , we are supporting 487 00:20:14,687 --> 00:20:16,853 Ukraine to protect its sovereignty and 488 00:20:16,853 --> 00:20:18,964 supporting NATO with a force presence 489 00:20:18,964 --> 00:20:18,670 in every single nation on nato's 490 00:20:18,680 --> 00:20:21,729 eastern flank . Iran threatens to push 491 00:20:21,739 --> 00:20:23,461 the Middle East yet again into 492 00:20:23,461 --> 00:20:25,517 instability by supporting terrorists 493 00:20:25,517 --> 00:20:27,628 and proxy forces and they continue to 494 00:20:27,628 --> 00:20:29,739 improve their capability to produce a 495 00:20:29,739 --> 00:20:32,300 nuclear weapon . From the time of 496 00:20:32,310 --> 00:20:35,140 Iranian decision by the supreme leader , 497 00:20:35,569 --> 00:20:37,939 Iran could produce enough fissile 498 00:20:37,949 --> 00:20:40,219 material for a nuclear weapon in less 499 00:20:40,229 --> 00:20:42,285 than two weeks from time of decision 500 00:20:42,599 --> 00:20:44,821 and would only take several more months 501 00:20:44,821 --> 00:20:46,932 to produce an actual nuclear weapon . 502 00:20:46,932 --> 00:20:49,260 The United States policy remains the 503 00:20:49,270 --> 00:20:51,214 same and the United States remains 504 00:20:51,214 --> 00:20:53,489 committed that Iran will not have a 505 00:20:53,500 --> 00:20:56,140 nuclear weapon . North Korea's 506 00:20:56,150 --> 00:20:58,372 continued ballistic missile testing and 507 00:20:58,372 --> 00:21:00,483 nuclear weapons development pose also 508 00:21:00,483 --> 00:21:02,650 threats to our homeland and our allies 509 00:21:02,650 --> 00:21:04,594 and partners but we stand with the 510 00:21:04,594 --> 00:21:06,372 Republic of Korea , shoulder to 511 00:21:06,372 --> 00:21:08,094 shoulder to deter North Korean 512 00:21:08,094 --> 00:21:10,150 aggression as we have for 70 years . 513 00:21:10,359 --> 00:21:12,470 Terrorists continue to operate around 514 00:21:12,470 --> 00:21:14,081 the globe , threatening fear 515 00:21:14,081 --> 00:21:16,140 destruction and destabilization . In 516 00:21:16,150 --> 00:21:18,094 short , the United States military 517 00:21:18,094 --> 00:21:20,150 stands ready to protect our nation's 518 00:21:20,150 --> 00:21:22,317 interests and the American people . We 519 00:21:22,317 --> 00:21:24,094 are currently standing watch on 520 00:21:24,094 --> 00:21:25,928 freedom's frontier with nearly a 521 00:21:25,928 --> 00:21:28,150 quarter of a million , 250,000 deployed 522 00:21:28,150 --> 00:21:31,540 troops around the world today , 5000 523 00:21:31,550 --> 00:21:33,717 sorties of United States air force and 524 00:21:33,717 --> 00:21:35,661 naval and marine aircraft and army 525 00:21:35,661 --> 00:21:38,849 aircraft per day . 100 ships at sea on 526 00:21:38,859 --> 00:21:41,930 a given day and we never fight alone . 527 00:21:42,229 --> 00:21:44,229 A key source of our strength is our 528 00:21:44,229 --> 00:21:45,951 large network of alliances and 529 00:21:45,951 --> 00:21:47,729 partnerships . And lastly , our 530 00:21:47,729 --> 00:21:49,896 operational readiness rates are higher 531 00:21:49,896 --> 00:21:51,951 now than they've been in many , many 532 00:21:51,951 --> 00:21:54,062 years . Currently , 60% of our active 533 00:21:54,062 --> 00:21:55,896 force is at the highest state of 534 00:21:55,896 --> 00:21:58,118 readiness and could deploy to combat in 535 00:21:58,118 --> 00:22:00,540 less than 30 days while exceeding the 536 00:22:00,550 --> 00:22:02,217 minimum one third standard we 537 00:22:02,217 --> 00:22:04,890 established many years ago , 10% of our 538 00:22:04,930 --> 00:22:06,763 force , 10% of the United States 539 00:22:06,763 --> 00:22:08,986 military could deploy to combat in less 540 00:22:08,986 --> 00:22:12,170 than 96 hours . Examples of that the 541 00:22:12,180 --> 00:22:14,124 President United States a year ago 542 00:22:14,124 --> 00:22:16,236 ordered the United States military to 543 00:22:16,236 --> 00:22:18,347 react to the unprovoked aggression by 544 00:22:18,347 --> 00:22:20,291 Russia . We deployed one cop , two 545 00:22:20,291 --> 00:22:22,458 divisions , three brigade combat teams 546 00:22:22,458 --> 00:22:24,680 out of the army . We doubled the amount 547 00:22:24,680 --> 00:22:24,410 of fighter squadrons and we doubled the 548 00:22:24,420 --> 00:22:26,531 amount of ships and submarines in the 549 00:22:26,531 --> 00:22:28,753 European theater of operations . And we 550 00:22:28,753 --> 00:22:30,698 did that in 35 days . That doesn't 551 00:22:30,698 --> 00:22:32,864 happen by accident . Another example , 552 00:22:32,864 --> 00:22:35,050 just a few weeks ago , the president 553 00:22:35,060 --> 00:22:37,171 ordered the United States military to 554 00:22:37,171 --> 00:22:39,004 evacuate more than 70 government 555 00:22:39,004 --> 00:22:40,949 personnel from Khartoum in a joint 556 00:22:40,949 --> 00:22:42,949 operation . And so far , the United 557 00:22:42,949 --> 00:22:44,782 States along with our allies and 558 00:22:44,782 --> 00:22:47,004 partners have facilitated the departure 559 00:22:47,004 --> 00:22:46,890 of more than 1300 American citizens out 560 00:22:46,900 --> 00:22:49,530 of Sudan . That operation put naval 561 00:22:49,540 --> 00:22:51,762 Special Operations forces on the ground 562 00:22:51,762 --> 00:22:53,849 delivered by army special operations 563 00:22:53,859 --> 00:22:56,380 aircraft with us air force support 564 00:22:56,390 --> 00:22:58,979 above with fixed wing fighter bombers , 565 00:22:59,339 --> 00:23:01,672 army rangers and a quick reaction force . 566 00:23:01,672 --> 00:23:03,839 United States Marine Corps in vertical 567 00:23:03,839 --> 00:23:06,160 lift in reserve and five us naval 568 00:23:06,170 --> 00:23:08,050 vessels off the coast along with 569 00:23:08,060 --> 00:23:10,171 National Guard in Djibouti . Ready to 570 00:23:10,171 --> 00:23:13,020 go . That was a joint operation in 571 00:23:13,030 --> 00:23:15,229 support of 18th Airborne Corps and the 572 00:23:15,239 --> 00:23:17,406 Africa headquarters as part of a whole 573 00:23:17,406 --> 00:23:19,406 of government effort to support the 574 00:23:19,406 --> 00:23:21,579 Department of State alongside many of 575 00:23:21,589 --> 00:23:24,050 our allies . All of that was planned , 576 00:23:24,060 --> 00:23:26,290 coordinated , synchronized and executed 577 00:23:26,300 --> 00:23:29,130 from a cold start . Our force can 578 00:23:29,140 --> 00:23:31,251 rapidly project flexible , responsive 579 00:23:31,251 --> 00:23:33,640 power anywhere around the globe . And 580 00:23:33,650 --> 00:23:35,650 no adversary should ever doubt that 581 00:23:35,869 --> 00:23:37,758 your military , the United States 582 00:23:37,758 --> 00:23:39,989 military is ready . However , the joint 583 00:23:40,000 --> 00:23:42,167 force is at an inflection point and we 584 00:23:42,167 --> 00:23:44,278 must balance operations readiness and 585 00:23:44,278 --> 00:23:46,167 modernization . We must not allow 586 00:23:46,167 --> 00:23:48,389 ourselves to create the false trap that 587 00:23:48,389 --> 00:23:51,079 we can either modernize or focus only 588 00:23:51,089 --> 00:23:54,010 on today . We must do both . We must 589 00:23:54,020 --> 00:23:55,798 integrate advanced technologies 590 00:23:55,798 --> 00:23:57,964 including precision long range fires , 591 00:23:57,964 --> 00:24:00,242 hypersonic weapons , quantum computing , 592 00:24:00,242 --> 00:24:02,409 artificial intelligence , robotics and 593 00:24:02,409 --> 00:24:04,670 all domain sensors . The time is now we 594 00:24:04,680 --> 00:24:07,430 have very little margin to wait and the 595 00:24:07,439 --> 00:24:09,550 common thread critical to all of this 596 00:24:09,550 --> 00:24:11,383 is our people . We must continue 597 00:24:11,383 --> 00:24:13,383 investing in their training , their 598 00:24:13,383 --> 00:24:15,606 education and their talent management . 599 00:24:15,606 --> 00:24:17,883 I urge Congress to support this budget , 600 00:24:17,883 --> 00:24:19,995 significant pay raise , health care , 601 00:24:19,995 --> 00:24:22,050 housing and child care initiatives . 602 00:24:22,050 --> 00:24:23,995 The only thing more expensive than 603 00:24:23,995 --> 00:24:26,161 preparing for war is actually fighting 604 00:24:26,161 --> 00:24:28,272 a war . It is much cheaper to prevent 605 00:24:28,272 --> 00:24:30,328 war . This budget will significantly 606 00:24:30,328 --> 00:24:32,272 improve our military's current and 607 00:24:32,272 --> 00:24:34,439 future readiness . In order to prevent 608 00:24:34,439 --> 00:24:34,369 war , we must act with a sense of 609 00:24:34,380 --> 00:24:37,739 urgency to deter war . Thank you . And 610 00:24:37,750 --> 00:24:39,694 I look forward to your questions . 611 00:24:39,694 --> 00:24:41,583 Thank you , General Milley to the 612 00:24:41,583 --> 00:24:43,528 members of the committee . There's 613 00:24:43,528 --> 00:24:43,400 everybody , almost everybody in this 614 00:24:43,410 --> 00:24:45,743 committee is going to participate today . 615 00:24:45,743 --> 00:24:47,966 So there will be five minute rounds . I 616 00:24:47,966 --> 00:24:47,920 would ask you to keep it as close to 617 00:24:47,930 --> 00:24:50,041 five minutes as you can . And I would 618 00:24:50,041 --> 00:24:52,152 ask the distinguished panelists to be 619 00:24:52,152 --> 00:24:54,097 as thorough and succinct with your 620 00:24:54,097 --> 00:24:56,041 answers as possible . Uh I'm gonna 621 00:24:56,041 --> 00:24:57,930 start talking about uh continuing 622 00:24:57,930 --> 00:25:00,329 resolutions and their ineffectiveness . 623 00:25:00,339 --> 00:25:02,561 No corporation in the world to restrict 624 00:25:02,561 --> 00:25:04,728 their cash flow for the development of 625 00:25:04,728 --> 00:25:06,895 production of programs at the start of 626 00:25:06,895 --> 00:25:09,061 a fiscal year . Yet in the business of 627 00:25:09,061 --> 00:25:11,228 national security , some would say our 628 00:25:11,228 --> 00:25:13,283 most important business , we do just 629 00:25:13,283 --> 00:25:15,506 that . So Secretary Austin , if another 630 00:25:15,506 --> 00:25:17,506 C R is enacted for this fiscal year 631 00:25:17,506 --> 00:25:19,800 2024 . What programs are you most 632 00:25:19,810 --> 00:25:23,650 concerned about ? I certainly , 633 00:25:23,660 --> 00:25:25,771 I'm , uh , concerned about , uh , all 634 00:25:25,771 --> 00:25:27,993 of the new starts that we won't be able 635 00:25:27,993 --> 00:25:30,170 to , uh , to affect because of AC R . 636 00:25:31,000 --> 00:25:33,333 Uh , you lose time , uh , chairman , uh , 637 00:25:33,333 --> 00:25:35,556 under C R S and you can't and no amount 638 00:25:35,556 --> 00:25:37,939 of money can , can buy back time . Uh , 639 00:25:37,949 --> 00:25:41,550 again , you can't start new programs . 640 00:25:41,560 --> 00:25:44,069 I would point out that the PR C is not 641 00:25:44,079 --> 00:25:46,135 uh is not waiting , they will , they 642 00:25:46,135 --> 00:25:48,890 will execute on , on their own timeline . 643 00:25:49,380 --> 00:25:52,359 Uh I pointed out earlier , chairman 644 00:25:52,369 --> 00:25:54,480 that our budget is directly linked to 645 00:25:54,480 --> 00:25:57,859 our strategy . And of course , if uh if 646 00:25:57,869 --> 00:25:59,758 we don't have a budget , we can't 647 00:25:59,758 --> 00:26:01,939 effectively execute that strategy . So 648 00:26:01,949 --> 00:26:03,893 if we look at the investments that 649 00:26:03,893 --> 00:26:05,727 we're looking to make in , in uh 650 00:26:05,727 --> 00:26:07,910 fighter aircraft , uh You know , I 651 00:26:07,920 --> 00:26:11,030 mentioned earlier , there's $61 billion 652 00:26:11,040 --> 00:26:13,469 in our investment in our air force , 653 00:26:13,479 --> 00:26:15,670 what we're asking for $48 billion in 654 00:26:15,680 --> 00:26:18,349 our naval forces . Uh Those kinds of 655 00:26:18,359 --> 00:26:20,359 things we won't be able to , to get 656 00:26:20,359 --> 00:26:22,680 after because of uh uh continuing 657 00:26:22,689 --> 00:26:25,239 resolution . So I think the best way 658 00:26:25,250 --> 00:26:27,760 that Congress can support us in our 659 00:26:27,770 --> 00:26:31,239 efforts to execute our strategy is a , 660 00:26:31,250 --> 00:26:34,660 is an on time appropriation . 661 00:26:35,459 --> 00:26:38,229 Uh inflation is real and it's a concern . 662 00:26:38,949 --> 00:26:41,910 This is an $842 billion budget . Have 663 00:26:41,920 --> 00:26:44,660 you guys been able to put any sort of 664 00:26:44,670 --> 00:26:48,380 numbers to determine how much AC R 665 00:26:48,390 --> 00:26:49,560 would cost us . 666 00:26:52,939 --> 00:26:55,140 Uh Certainly it would depend on , on 667 00:26:55,150 --> 00:26:59,089 how , how long that C R uh is in effect 668 00:26:59,099 --> 00:27:02,300 uh chairman . But uh um and I defer to 669 00:27:02,310 --> 00:27:04,088 Mike mccord there for any , any 670 00:27:04,088 --> 00:27:06,199 concrete numbers but , but uh this is 671 00:27:06,199 --> 00:27:08,032 something that we'll continue to 672 00:27:08,032 --> 00:27:10,032 evaluate on a , on a daily , weekly 673 00:27:10,032 --> 00:27:12,310 monthly basis if we have to go to AC R , 674 00:27:12,310 --> 00:27:14,421 but it , it will cost us money . Ok . 675 00:27:14,599 --> 00:27:17,199 Um um Mike , would you like to comment 676 00:27:17,209 --> 00:27:20,229 to that chairman , we've built a 677 00:27:20,239 --> 00:27:22,461 significant uh funding into this budget 678 00:27:22,461 --> 00:27:24,795 to account for the inflation we project , 679 00:27:24,795 --> 00:27:26,517 including the pay raise as the 680 00:27:26,517 --> 00:27:26,410 secretary described . And that , that 681 00:27:26,420 --> 00:27:28,959 approach is 40 billion uh AC R by 682 00:27:28,969 --> 00:27:30,969 definition , doesn't give us any of 683 00:27:30,969 --> 00:27:33,080 that right ? Where it , it , it keeps 684 00:27:33,080 --> 00:27:35,191 our top line where it was last year , 685 00:27:35,191 --> 00:27:37,358 which is about a $25 billion reduction 686 00:27:37,358 --> 00:27:39,302 and inflation is a significant hit 687 00:27:39,302 --> 00:27:41,413 there as are things like the Columbia 688 00:27:41,413 --> 00:27:43,525 and , and all three legs of the triad 689 00:27:43,525 --> 00:27:45,525 Secretary Austin . Uh I want you to 690 00:27:45,525 --> 00:27:48,119 talk about uh how a potential 691 00:27:48,130 --> 00:27:50,186 government default would impact your 692 00:27:50,186 --> 00:27:53,859 ongoing efforts . Well , 693 00:27:53,869 --> 00:27:55,900 certainly it would impact our 694 00:27:55,910 --> 00:27:59,900 reputation worldwide . You know , 695 00:27:59,910 --> 00:28:02,300 we are known for being very dependable , 696 00:28:02,560 --> 00:28:06,089 uh paying our bills on time . Uh And in 697 00:28:06,099 --> 00:28:08,699 a sense , a source of stability uh 698 00:28:08,709 --> 00:28:11,489 globally , what it would mean real 699 00:28:11,729 --> 00:28:14,560 realistically for us is that we won't , 700 00:28:14,569 --> 00:28:16,880 in some cases be able to pay our troops 701 00:28:17,180 --> 00:28:21,160 with any degree of predictability and 702 00:28:21,170 --> 00:28:23,337 that predictability is really , really 703 00:28:23,337 --> 00:28:25,503 important for us . But this would have 704 00:28:25,503 --> 00:28:28,069 a real impact on the pockets of our 705 00:28:28,079 --> 00:28:31,329 troops and our civilians . General 706 00:28:31,339 --> 00:28:33,172 Milley , some would say that the 707 00:28:33,172 --> 00:28:35,283 department has gotten used to dealing 708 00:28:35,283 --> 00:28:37,395 with C R so they're no big deal . How 709 00:28:37,395 --> 00:28:40,520 do you respond to that ? Uh Thanks uh 710 00:28:40,530 --> 00:28:42,760 Chairman . Um There's , there's several 711 00:28:42,770 --> 00:28:44,920 key things . Uh First is uh current 712 00:28:44,930 --> 00:28:46,874 operations and readiness . I think 713 00:28:46,874 --> 00:28:48,986 you'd see it . Uh And we've done this 714 00:28:48,986 --> 00:28:51,097 drill many times around the numbers . 715 00:28:51,097 --> 00:28:53,263 You'd see a significant degradation in 716 00:28:53,263 --> 00:28:52,849 the readiness of the force , the force 717 00:28:52,859 --> 00:28:55,137 that I just read off to you . That was , 718 00:28:55,137 --> 00:28:57,303 that's ready today . You'd see that uh 719 00:28:57,303 --> 00:28:59,470 depreciate over time . So your numbers 720 00:28:59,470 --> 00:29:01,303 of rotations at the C T CS , for 721 00:29:01,303 --> 00:29:03,470 example , for the army at G R DC or in 722 00:29:03,470 --> 00:29:05,415 DC , the number of red flags , the 723 00:29:05,415 --> 00:29:05,400 number of top gun to things , all of 724 00:29:05,410 --> 00:29:07,469 those events would start uh being 725 00:29:07,479 --> 00:29:09,646 treated over time . You'd start seeing 726 00:29:09,646 --> 00:29:11,757 uh the number of flying hours are the 727 00:29:11,757 --> 00:29:13,923 5000 sorties . I uh I , I mentioned up 728 00:29:13,923 --> 00:29:16,146 front per day that would be cut down by 729 00:29:16,146 --> 00:29:18,257 a certain percentage . Depends on how 730 00:29:18,257 --> 00:29:20,368 long the C R R went . Uh So you'd see 731 00:29:20,368 --> 00:29:22,535 flying hours for both uh road wing and 732 00:29:22,535 --> 00:29:22,189 fixed wing helicopters going down . 733 00:29:22,270 --> 00:29:24,214 You'd see sailing time . Those 100 734 00:29:24,214 --> 00:29:26,437 ships that I said are sailing the , the 735 00:29:26,437 --> 00:29:28,492 seven Seas right now . You'd have to 736 00:29:28,492 --> 00:29:28,119 cut that back because of fuel costs . 737 00:29:28,229 --> 00:29:30,118 So there'd be significant current 738 00:29:30,118 --> 00:29:31,840 operations and then for future 739 00:29:31,840 --> 00:29:33,951 readiness , future modernization . Uh 740 00:29:33,951 --> 00:29:36,285 Secretary mentioned the , the new start , 741 00:29:36,285 --> 00:29:38,451 you'd also probably see some delays in 742 00:29:38,451 --> 00:29:37,900 some of the nuclear recapitalization 743 00:29:37,930 --> 00:29:40,152 that Colombia could be at risk a little 744 00:29:40,152 --> 00:29:42,374 bit . I think . Uh you could see that B 745 00:29:42,374 --> 00:29:44,097 21 that was just rolled out in 746 00:29:44,097 --> 00:29:46,152 California not too long ago , things 747 00:29:46,152 --> 00:29:46,130 like that would be stretched out long 748 00:29:46,140 --> 00:29:48,500 term . Uh So it's a terrible way to do 749 00:29:48,510 --> 00:29:50,621 uh business . I'm not a businessman , 750 00:29:50,621 --> 00:29:52,732 but it's a terrible way to , to run a 751 00:29:52,732 --> 00:29:54,954 business . Uh When you do , when you're 752 00:29:54,954 --> 00:29:54,890 doing basically uh budgets for nine 753 00:29:54,900 --> 00:29:57,011 months at a time , if you do AC R for 754 00:29:57,011 --> 00:29:59,178 three months . Uh So it would have , I 755 00:29:59,178 --> 00:30:01,344 think very , very significant negative 756 00:30:01,344 --> 00:30:03,456 impact on the readiness . And then of 757 00:30:03,456 --> 00:30:05,400 course , there's uh in , in future 758 00:30:05,400 --> 00:30:07,511 readiness , but also there's the , uh 759 00:30:07,511 --> 00:30:07,145 the , the imponderable of the 760 00:30:07,155 --> 00:30:09,266 unmeasurable one which is morale . It 761 00:30:09,266 --> 00:30:11,599 sends a terrible signal to our soldiers , 762 00:30:11,599 --> 00:30:13,822 our sail as airmen , marines around the 763 00:30:13,822 --> 00:30:15,988 world that uh when we do these C R s . 764 00:30:15,988 --> 00:30:18,155 Uh So it always leaves people in a , a 765 00:30:18,155 --> 00:30:20,322 sense of uncertainty and then it sends 766 00:30:20,322 --> 00:30:19,785 a terrible message to our allies and 767 00:30:19,795 --> 00:30:22,017 partners and our adversaries around the 768 00:30:22,017 --> 00:30:24,128 world . So I think it's significant . 769 00:30:24,128 --> 00:30:26,462 Thank you , Senator Collins . Thank you , 770 00:30:26,462 --> 00:30:29,420 Mr Chairman . Let's assume that we do 771 00:30:30,069 --> 00:30:33,760 achieve our goal of enacting the dod 772 00:30:33,770 --> 00:30:37,640 Appropriations bill on time . If we use 773 00:30:37,650 --> 00:30:41,589 the administration's estimate for fuel 774 00:30:41,599 --> 00:30:44,750 costs which , uh , the general , the 775 00:30:44,760 --> 00:30:47,449 government accountability office says 776 00:30:47,459 --> 00:30:51,219 underestimates costs by 20% . 777 00:30:51,229 --> 00:30:55,089 General Milley , absent some relief 778 00:30:55,099 --> 00:30:58,239 from Congress . How would military 779 00:30:58,250 --> 00:31:01,510 readiness be affected in terms of the 780 00:31:01,520 --> 00:31:03,900 department's flying hours , steaming 781 00:31:03,910 --> 00:31:07,900 days , training exercises and the other 782 00:31:07,910 --> 00:31:11,910 activities needed to stay within 783 00:31:11,920 --> 00:31:15,489 the 20% shortfall . I 784 00:31:15,530 --> 00:31:17,863 think there's a direct correlation . Uh , 785 00:31:17,863 --> 00:31:20,250 if it's 20% shortfall in , in , in fuel , 786 00:31:20,260 --> 00:31:22,427 you're gonna have 20% less flying ours 787 00:31:22,427 --> 00:31:24,839 because uh uh all of these aircraft 788 00:31:24,849 --> 00:31:26,920 ships as well uh in , in ground 789 00:31:26,930 --> 00:31:29,097 vehicles , tanks and , and , and , and 790 00:31:29,097 --> 00:31:31,319 me infantry fighting vehicles , they're 791 00:31:31,319 --> 00:31:33,041 all rely on fuel . We with the 792 00:31:33,041 --> 00:31:35,097 Department of Defense is the biggest 793 00:31:35,097 --> 00:31:34,739 fuel consumer in the United States . So , 794 00:31:34,920 --> 00:31:38,119 uh we would end up uh reducing the 795 00:31:38,130 --> 00:31:40,074 amount of operational tempo of our 796 00:31:40,074 --> 00:31:42,186 vehicle fleets with the ground or air 797 00:31:42,430 --> 00:31:44,486 uh in the specific number of hours . 798 00:31:44,486 --> 00:31:46,597 We've done the math . I'd have to get 799 00:31:46,597 --> 00:31:48,486 back to you for the record on the 800 00:31:48,486 --> 00:31:48,270 specific number of hours they would 801 00:31:48,280 --> 00:31:50,447 have , it would depend on how long and 802 00:31:50,447 --> 00:31:52,502 how deep the uh the C R was , but it 803 00:31:52,502 --> 00:31:54,613 would have significant impact on , on 804 00:31:54,613 --> 00:31:56,502 flying hours driving of miles per 805 00:31:56,502 --> 00:31:58,613 vehicle in the sailing of the ships . 806 00:31:58,613 --> 00:32:01,430 Thank you , Secretary Austin . Uh 807 00:32:01,459 --> 00:32:05,280 General Milley , correctly noted in his 808 00:32:05,290 --> 00:32:08,280 statement when he was discussing Iran 809 00:32:08,660 --> 00:32:11,949 that Iran would only take several more 810 00:32:11,959 --> 00:32:15,839 months to produce an actual nuclear 811 00:32:15,849 --> 00:32:19,310 weapon . And he goes on to say that the 812 00:32:19,319 --> 00:32:21,486 United States remains committed . It's 813 00:32:21,486 --> 00:32:24,680 a matter of policy that Iran will not 814 00:32:24,689 --> 00:32:27,640 have a nuclear weapon . What are some 815 00:32:27,650 --> 00:32:30,150 of the policies that the administration 816 00:32:30,160 --> 00:32:33,510 is pursuing to prevent Iran from 817 00:32:33,660 --> 00:32:36,729 developing very quickly a nuclear 818 00:32:36,739 --> 00:32:40,290 weapon ? Well , from a , from a 819 00:32:40,300 --> 00:32:43,390 military perspective , you know , I my 820 00:32:43,849 --> 00:32:47,510 uh uh my responsibility is to make sure 821 00:32:47,520 --> 00:32:50,800 that that is our policy that Iran will 822 00:32:50,810 --> 00:32:53,310 not have a nuclear weapon . My 823 00:32:53,319 --> 00:32:55,541 responsibility is to make sure that the 824 00:32:55,541 --> 00:32:57,770 president has options available to him 825 00:32:58,000 --> 00:33:00,430 to enforce that policy . And so we 826 00:33:00,439 --> 00:33:02,959 remain focused on making sure that 827 00:33:02,969 --> 00:33:05,329 those options remain available and they 828 00:33:05,339 --> 00:33:05,739 are 829 00:33:09,599 --> 00:33:11,821 all right , I'll move on to a different 830 00:33:11,821 --> 00:33:15,060 issue . In January , the department 831 00:33:15,069 --> 00:33:18,550 announced that 31 Abrams tanks would be 832 00:33:18,560 --> 00:33:21,359 delivered to Ukraine . Uh The latest 833 00:33:21,369 --> 00:33:24,209 information I have is that that will 834 00:33:24,219 --> 00:33:28,150 not occur until this fall . Is that 835 00:33:28,229 --> 00:33:30,396 accurate ? Could you update us on what 836 00:33:30,396 --> 00:33:32,859 the current delivery schedule is and 837 00:33:32,869 --> 00:33:35,989 whether there's any way to accelerate 838 00:33:36,000 --> 00:33:38,920 the delivery of these tanks to Ukraine ? 839 00:33:39,209 --> 00:33:41,320 Thanks Vice chair . We , we are doing 840 00:33:41,320 --> 00:33:44,640 everything possible to accelerate the 841 00:33:44,650 --> 00:33:47,000 delivery of these uh of these tanks and 842 00:33:48,280 --> 00:33:51,670 early fall is a projection . In the 843 00:33:51,680 --> 00:33:54,390 meantime , we've , we've moved a number 844 00:33:54,400 --> 00:33:57,489 of tanks over into theater so that 845 00:33:57,500 --> 00:34:00,199 Ukrainians can begin training on this 846 00:34:00,209 --> 00:34:02,209 capability . And when they complete 847 00:34:02,209 --> 00:34:04,209 that by the time they complete that 848 00:34:04,209 --> 00:34:06,376 training , the tanks will be available 849 00:34:06,376 --> 00:34:08,431 for them to use and we're putting in 850 00:34:08,431 --> 00:34:10,265 the infrastructure to be able to 851 00:34:10,265 --> 00:34:12,669 sustain and support this capability as 852 00:34:12,679 --> 00:34:14,846 well as you know , this is a different 853 00:34:14,846 --> 00:34:17,459 capability , turbine engine in a number 854 00:34:17,469 --> 00:34:19,580 of pretty sophisticated systems . But 855 00:34:19,580 --> 00:34:23,479 we're moving as fast as possible to 856 00:34:23,669 --> 00:34:25,836 get the capability in the hands of the 857 00:34:25,836 --> 00:34:28,389 Ukrainians . And we'll certainly have 858 00:34:28,399 --> 00:34:31,040 that available by early fall . 859 00:34:32,138 --> 00:34:35,618 Another threat to the United 860 00:34:35,628 --> 00:34:39,059 States is a terrorist attack . I think 861 00:34:39,069 --> 00:34:42,079 with our focus on China and Russia and 862 00:34:42,089 --> 00:34:44,868 Iran , North Korea , we can't lose 863 00:34:44,878 --> 00:34:47,789 sight of the fact that Afghanistan is 864 00:34:47,799 --> 00:34:51,389 once again a safe haven for many 865 00:34:51,399 --> 00:34:54,850 terrorist groups . Uh General Carla 866 00:34:54,860 --> 00:34:57,239 testified before the armed services 867 00:34:57,250 --> 00:35:00,540 committee that ISIS K will likely be 868 00:35:00,550 --> 00:35:02,850 capable of conducting operations 869 00:35:02,860 --> 00:35:06,000 outside of Afghanistan within six 870 00:35:06,010 --> 00:35:08,066 months and that that would come with 871 00:35:08,066 --> 00:35:11,949 little or no warning . I know that the 872 00:35:11,959 --> 00:35:14,290 United States military made an effort 873 00:35:14,300 --> 00:35:16,429 to take most of its weapons and 874 00:35:16,439 --> 00:35:19,620 ammunition out of Afghanistan when our 875 00:35:19,629 --> 00:35:22,340 troops left . But the fact is that 876 00:35:22,350 --> 00:35:25,850 approximately $7 billion worth of 877 00:35:25,860 --> 00:35:28,919 valuable useful military equipment 878 00:35:29,050 --> 00:35:31,949 provided to the Afghan security forces 879 00:35:31,959 --> 00:35:35,070 by the United States remains in that 880 00:35:35,080 --> 00:35:38,590 country . Is , are you concerned 881 00:35:38,600 --> 00:35:41,820 about the fact that the weapons that 882 00:35:41,830 --> 00:35:45,100 are that the Americans gave to the 883 00:35:45,110 --> 00:35:47,810 security forces could now be turned 884 00:35:47,820 --> 00:35:51,760 against us and our Western allies in a 885 00:35:51,770 --> 00:35:52,969 terrorist attack . 886 00:35:56,300 --> 00:35:58,379 Vice chair , you , you accurately 887 00:35:58,389 --> 00:36:01,350 described what we're looking at in 888 00:36:01,360 --> 00:36:03,582 terms of that equipment , the equipment 889 00:36:03,582 --> 00:36:05,527 that the United States troops were 890 00:36:05,527 --> 00:36:09,250 using was was retrograded by , by 891 00:36:09,260 --> 00:36:11,770 General Miller and his staff . When the 892 00:36:11,780 --> 00:36:14,689 decision was made to retrograde our 893 00:36:14,699 --> 00:36:16,770 troops out of Afghanistan . So we 894 00:36:16,780 --> 00:36:20,360 closed 11 bases , brought out thousands 895 00:36:20,370 --> 00:36:22,703 of tons of equipment that we were using . 896 00:36:22,703 --> 00:36:26,320 That , that was for our forces and that 897 00:36:26,330 --> 00:36:29,120 retrograde was done very successfully . 898 00:36:29,330 --> 00:36:33,040 Uh As you know , over 20 years , we did 899 00:36:33,050 --> 00:36:35,600 a lot to uh provide uh capability to 900 00:36:35,610 --> 00:36:38,590 the , to the , to the 901 00:36:39,139 --> 00:36:43,120 Afghan Afghan military . And uh and 902 00:36:43,129 --> 00:36:46,590 that over time turned out to be quite a 903 00:36:46,600 --> 00:36:48,322 bit of equipment now when that 904 00:36:48,322 --> 00:36:50,378 government collapsed and when that , 905 00:36:50,378 --> 00:36:52,350 when the security forces laid down 906 00:36:52,360 --> 00:36:54,449 their arms and that those those that 907 00:36:54,459 --> 00:36:57,020 material became available to uh to the 908 00:36:57,030 --> 00:36:59,689 Taliban . So yes , that equipment is 909 00:36:59,699 --> 00:37:03,219 still in uh in uh in Afghanistan . 910 00:37:03,449 --> 00:37:05,560 But , but again , it's equipment that 911 00:37:05,560 --> 00:37:07,505 we have provided to their forces , 912 00:37:07,505 --> 00:37:09,393 their security forces and not the 913 00:37:09,393 --> 00:37:11,790 equipment that we left behind because 914 00:37:11,800 --> 00:37:14,649 we couldn't retrograde . Thank you , 915 00:37:14,659 --> 00:37:17,260 Senator Collins , Senator Murray . Well , 916 00:37:17,270 --> 00:37:19,326 thank you very much , Chair Tester , 917 00:37:19,326 --> 00:37:21,548 Vice Chairman , uh Collins . I'm really 918 00:37:21,548 --> 00:37:23,548 glad that we are continuing to hold 919 00:37:23,548 --> 00:37:25,548 these really important hearings and 920 00:37:25,548 --> 00:37:27,714 move flo closer to finally getting the 921 00:37:27,714 --> 00:37:27,639 committee back to regular order . So I 922 00:37:27,649 --> 00:37:29,427 appreciate it . We've made good 923 00:37:29,427 --> 00:37:31,371 progress , but we have to stay the 924 00:37:31,371 --> 00:37:33,371 course . If we're going to pass our 925 00:37:33,371 --> 00:37:35,316 nation's funding bills in a timely 926 00:37:35,316 --> 00:37:37,427 manner , we know that our competitors 927 00:37:37,427 --> 00:37:39,538 like the Chinese government are doing 928 00:37:39,538 --> 00:37:41,760 everything they can to gain ground . So 929 00:37:41,760 --> 00:37:43,982 we cannot afford to let our efforts get 930 00:37:43,982 --> 00:37:46,038 sidetracked and our investments fall 931 00:37:46,038 --> 00:37:47,816 behind our military needs , the 932 00:37:47,816 --> 00:37:49,969 certainty of a regular and smooth 933 00:37:49,979 --> 00:37:52,050 appropriations process that they can 934 00:37:52,060 --> 00:37:54,227 depend on . So I'm really glad to have 935 00:37:54,227 --> 00:37:56,600 this opportunity to hear from Secretary 936 00:37:56,610 --> 00:37:58,760 Austin about the resources needed to 937 00:37:58,770 --> 00:38:00,879 support our service members and keep 938 00:38:00,889 --> 00:38:03,179 our nation safe , including support for 939 00:38:03,189 --> 00:38:05,078 our military families , like good 940 00:38:05,078 --> 00:38:07,078 housing and schools , mental health 941 00:38:07,078 --> 00:38:08,911 care , child care and a lot more 942 00:38:08,911 --> 00:38:10,969 because as I have said , our most 943 00:38:10,979 --> 00:38:13,399 important military asset isn't our 944 00:38:13,409 --> 00:38:15,465 weapons or our equipment . It is the 945 00:38:15,465 --> 00:38:17,520 brave and talented women and men who 946 00:38:17,520 --> 00:38:19,631 are willing to put their lives on the 947 00:38:19,631 --> 00:38:21,742 line to keep our country safe . So we 948 00:38:21,742 --> 00:38:23,909 owe it to them to work together across 949 00:38:23,909 --> 00:38:26,076 the aisle . Get our job done , get our 950 00:38:26,076 --> 00:38:28,298 government funded without drama and get 951 00:38:28,298 --> 00:38:30,242 them the support they need . So Mr 952 00:38:30,250 --> 00:38:32,306 Secretary , thank you for being here 953 00:38:32,306 --> 00:38:34,250 today . Let me start with a really 954 00:38:34,250 --> 00:38:36,417 important topic . Our nation's suicide 955 00:38:36,417 --> 00:38:38,719 crisis is devastating and we see 956 00:38:38,729 --> 00:38:41,310 serious risk among our service members . 957 00:38:41,489 --> 00:38:43,489 The latest report on suicide in the 958 00:38:43,489 --> 00:38:46,580 military shows a steady increase over 959 00:38:46,590 --> 00:38:48,879 the past decade and we finally saw a 960 00:38:48,889 --> 00:38:51,379 small decrease in 21 21 but there's 961 00:38:51,389 --> 00:38:53,222 still a lot of work to be done . 962 00:38:53,459 --> 00:38:55,626 Secretary Austin , you have previously 963 00:38:55,626 --> 00:38:57,629 noted how the stress caused by the 964 00:38:57,639 --> 00:38:59,750 unpredicted , the unpredictability of 965 00:38:59,750 --> 00:39:01,861 life in the military . The demand for 966 00:39:01,861 --> 00:39:04,090 troops to confront , confront so many 967 00:39:04,100 --> 00:39:06,530 threats abroad , real challenges , 968 00:39:06,540 --> 00:39:08,760 accessing counseling , all contribute 969 00:39:08,770 --> 00:39:10,937 to this problem . And I understand the 970 00:39:10,937 --> 00:39:12,826 department is facing challenges , 971 00:39:12,826 --> 00:39:15,350 hiring enough specialists to provide 972 00:39:15,360 --> 00:39:17,570 service members with access to mental 973 00:39:17,580 --> 00:39:19,636 health care and counseling . Can you 974 00:39:19,636 --> 00:39:21,691 tell us what steps you are taking to 975 00:39:21,691 --> 00:39:24,219 increase hiring ? Um So service members 976 00:39:24,229 --> 00:39:26,560 have access to mental health care . 977 00:39:28,379 --> 00:39:32,350 Thanks . Uh This is something 978 00:39:32,360 --> 00:39:34,582 that's very , very important . Heard me 979 00:39:34,590 --> 00:39:38,520 talk about this . Yeah , sorry . 980 00:39:38,879 --> 00:39:40,879 This is something that's remains uh 981 00:39:40,879 --> 00:39:43,046 very important to me . You've heard me 982 00:39:43,046 --> 00:39:45,212 talk about this a number of times . Um 983 00:39:45,770 --> 00:39:47,937 mental health is health period . And I 984 00:39:47,937 --> 00:39:50,419 think we have to continue to maintain 985 00:39:50,429 --> 00:39:52,949 that uh that outlook uh towards uh 986 00:39:52,959 --> 00:39:55,229 taking care of our troops . I just had 987 00:39:55,239 --> 00:39:58,270 all our senior leaders both uniform and 988 00:39:58,300 --> 00:40:00,760 uh and civilian in for a senior leader 989 00:40:00,770 --> 00:40:03,659 uh session . And this was one topic 990 00:40:03,669 --> 00:40:05,613 that was prominent in that in that 991 00:40:05,613 --> 00:40:09,209 session . Um I'm asking you for 200 992 00:40:10,479 --> 00:40:12,639 million dollars in this budget . Plus 993 00:40:12,939 --> 00:40:16,659 to devote to suicide prevention , which 994 00:40:16,669 --> 00:40:19,500 includes increasing access to mental 995 00:40:19,510 --> 00:40:23,189 health care . And I am really 996 00:40:23,199 --> 00:40:25,959 emphasizing to leadership that we need 997 00:40:25,969 --> 00:40:28,136 to do everything possible to make sure 998 00:40:28,136 --> 00:40:30,100 that we're working with 999 00:40:31,879 --> 00:40:35,060 the civilian capabilities in our 1000 00:40:35,070 --> 00:40:37,181 communities to make sure that we have 1001 00:40:37,181 --> 00:40:38,959 access to those to increase the 1002 00:40:38,959 --> 00:40:41,669 capacity that's available to us , but 1003 00:40:41,679 --> 00:40:43,846 we will remain sighted on this . And , 1004 00:40:43,846 --> 00:40:45,689 and you're right , we did see an 1005 00:40:45,699 --> 00:40:48,489 improvement in 21 . We're going to work 1006 00:40:48,500 --> 00:40:50,389 hard to see if we can continue to 1007 00:40:50,389 --> 00:40:52,556 improve , but this remains a challenge 1008 00:40:52,556 --> 00:40:54,667 and access to mental health care . Is 1009 00:40:54,667 --> 00:40:56,778 fundamental to this challenge . Thank 1010 00:40:56,778 --> 00:40:59,056 you . And we need to follow up on that . 1011 00:40:59,056 --> 00:41:01,222 I appreciate it . Um Let me change the 1012 00:41:01,222 --> 00:41:03,444 topic as you know , the navy is sending 1013 00:41:03,444 --> 00:41:05,667 a nuclear arms submarine to South Korea 1014 00:41:05,667 --> 00:41:07,444 for the first time since the 19 1015 00:41:07,444 --> 00:41:09,167 eighties . And the US S George 1016 00:41:09,167 --> 00:41:11,389 Washington will replace the US S Ronald 1017 00:41:11,389 --> 00:41:13,389 Reagan in Japan . So it can head to 1018 00:41:13,389 --> 00:41:15,556 Bremerton Washington for maintenance . 1019 00:41:15,556 --> 00:41:17,600 These naval assets will only become 1020 00:41:17,610 --> 00:41:19,500 more important as the US works to 1021 00:41:19,510 --> 00:41:21,732 strengthen our partnerships and support 1022 00:41:21,732 --> 00:41:23,788 allies throughout the Indo Pacific . 1023 00:41:23,788 --> 00:41:25,621 Maintaining this fleet is really 1024 00:41:25,621 --> 00:41:27,629 paramount to our success . And the 1025 00:41:27,639 --> 00:41:29,695 Puget Sound naval shipyard is really 1026 00:41:29,695 --> 00:41:31,861 vital as you know , to the maintenance 1027 00:41:31,861 --> 00:41:34,429 work P S N S is the only shipyard on 1028 00:41:34,439 --> 00:41:36,550 the West coast with a Nimitz and Ford 1029 00:41:36,550 --> 00:41:38,540 class capable dry dock . And it's 1030 00:41:38,550 --> 00:41:40,717 responsible for the maintenance of the 1031 00:41:40,717 --> 00:41:42,939 majority of the West coast based detect 1032 00:41:42,939 --> 00:41:45,574 submarines . Those docs are currently 1033 00:41:45,584 --> 00:41:47,745 vulnerable to seismic activity . 1034 00:41:47,885 --> 00:41:50,135 Secretary Austin , I am disappointed 1035 00:41:50,145 --> 00:41:52,312 that despite knowing about the need to 1036 00:41:52,312 --> 00:41:54,544 address those seismic issues , it was 1037 00:41:54,554 --> 00:41:57,034 left out of the budget request this 1038 00:41:57,044 --> 00:41:59,965 year . How is the department ensuring 1039 00:41:59,975 --> 00:42:02,675 this multi-year project is and will 1040 00:42:02,685 --> 00:42:04,796 continue to be a top priority for the 1041 00:42:04,796 --> 00:42:07,850 Navy . Well , thanks and thanks for 1042 00:42:07,860 --> 00:42:10,027 your continued support on this issue . 1043 00:42:10,027 --> 00:42:12,689 Um First of all , let me emphasize that 1044 00:42:12,699 --> 00:42:14,969 the safety of our personnel and the 1045 00:42:14,979 --> 00:42:17,035 protection of our assets . It's very 1046 00:42:17,035 --> 00:42:19,729 important to the to the department . Uh 1047 00:42:19,739 --> 00:42:22,729 When we experienced a challenge with 1048 00:42:22,739 --> 00:42:25,449 the because of the seismic activity 1049 00:42:25,459 --> 00:42:27,739 recently . As you know , we rapidly 1050 00:42:27,750 --> 00:42:30,639 deployed assessment teams to assess 1051 00:42:30,649 --> 00:42:33,719 damage and also to outline steps that 1052 00:42:33,729 --> 00:42:37,050 are necessary to get our capability 1053 00:42:37,060 --> 00:42:39,620 back up and running . And we have a 1054 00:42:39,629 --> 00:42:42,389 high standard for safety and 1055 00:42:43,300 --> 00:42:45,419 we have done that work and we are 1056 00:42:45,429 --> 00:42:48,550 bringing those , those assets back 1057 00:42:48,560 --> 00:42:52,110 online in this budget chair , I'm I'm 1058 00:42:52,120 --> 00:42:55,870 asking you for $2.7 billion to 1059 00:42:55,889 --> 00:42:57,333 continue to invest in our 1060 00:42:57,333 --> 00:43:00,179 infrastructure that's in the program 1061 00:43:00,189 --> 00:43:03,149 and , and , and we will continue to uh 1062 00:43:03,159 --> 00:43:05,209 to invest in this uh in , in , in 1063 00:43:05,219 --> 00:43:08,409 future budget request as well . Thank 1064 00:43:08,419 --> 00:43:11,540 you . Thank you , Mr Chair . Thank you , 1065 00:43:12,669 --> 00:43:14,780 Chairman and uh secretary . Thank you 1066 00:43:14,780 --> 00:43:17,002 for your presence and your service . Uh 1067 00:43:17,002 --> 00:43:19,350 Mr Secretary , what's the , what's your 1068 00:43:19,360 --> 00:43:22,530 explanation ? The uh what , how do we 1069 00:43:22,540 --> 00:43:24,879 solve the problem with recruitment ? Uh 1070 00:43:24,889 --> 00:43:28,280 What's the cause for the failure for 1071 00:43:28,290 --> 00:43:31,120 young men and women to sign up ? It 1072 00:43:31,129 --> 00:43:33,909 strikes me that it's something that 1073 00:43:33,919 --> 00:43:36,520 needs to be defined . I know at Fort 1074 00:43:36,530 --> 00:43:38,641 Riley , we have the greatest level of 1075 00:43:38,641 --> 00:43:40,808 retention of any military installation 1076 00:43:41,149 --> 00:43:43,810 but recruitment is down . So retention 1077 00:43:43,820 --> 00:43:45,931 is there but not recruitment . What's 1078 00:43:45,931 --> 00:43:48,760 the , what's your story ? There are a 1079 00:43:48,770 --> 00:43:51,520 number of challenges that have come 1080 00:43:51,530 --> 00:43:53,899 together . Senator to create headwinds . 1081 00:43:53,909 --> 00:43:56,270 Foremost , among those challenges is 1082 00:43:56,280 --> 00:43:58,540 two years of COVID as you well know , 1083 00:43:58,550 --> 00:44:01,770 sir , recruiters spend a 1084 00:44:01,979 --> 00:44:05,209 lot of time interacting with 1085 00:44:05,219 --> 00:44:08,010 prospective recruits at schools and so 1086 00:44:08,020 --> 00:44:10,870 their access to schools is pretty 1087 00:44:10,879 --> 00:44:13,030 important . If you don't , if they 1088 00:44:13,040 --> 00:44:15,207 don't have that access for two years , 1089 00:44:15,207 --> 00:44:18,290 then it certainly creates a challenge 1090 00:44:18,300 --> 00:44:20,760 for us . You add that to the fact that 1091 00:44:20,770 --> 00:44:24,080 we've seen the lowest unemployment rate 1092 00:44:24,090 --> 00:44:28,090 in decades in . And so 1093 00:44:28,179 --> 00:44:30,346 there are a number of things that have 1094 00:44:30,346 --> 00:44:32,068 combined to , uh to create the 1095 00:44:32,068 --> 00:44:34,068 challenge . It's not the first time 1096 00:44:34,068 --> 00:44:36,012 that we've seen challenges in , in 1097 00:44:36,012 --> 00:44:38,235 recruiting as , you know , uh And , and 1098 00:44:38,235 --> 00:44:40,401 I , when I was in the military , I was 1099 00:44:40,401 --> 00:44:42,512 a recruiter for a period of time . Uh 1100 00:44:42,512 --> 00:44:44,512 And I know that the things that you 1101 00:44:44,512 --> 00:44:46,568 have to do to uh to improve . Number 1102 00:44:46,568 --> 00:44:49,320 one , you have to increase uh contact 1103 00:44:49,330 --> 00:44:51,510 with uh with , with uh your , your 1104 00:44:51,520 --> 00:44:55,090 prospects . Uh You have to uh uh invest 1105 00:44:55,100 --> 00:44:57,689 in uh in , in a uh advertising and 1106 00:44:57,699 --> 00:45:00,280 marketing . Uh You , uh you have to 1107 00:45:00,290 --> 00:45:02,649 have the right quality of uh recruiters 1108 00:45:02,659 --> 00:45:05,629 out uh engaging the public . Uh You 1109 00:45:05,639 --> 00:45:07,639 have to engage centers of influence 1110 00:45:07,639 --> 00:45:09,806 like yourself and other key leaders in 1111 00:45:09,806 --> 00:45:12,379 the , in the uh in the community . And 1112 00:45:12,389 --> 00:45:15,709 all of those things are , you know , 1113 00:45:15,719 --> 00:45:17,830 our , our uh our services are working 1114 00:45:17,830 --> 00:45:20,052 to uh to uh up their activity in all of 1115 00:45:20,052 --> 00:45:21,997 those areas . And I'm , I'm uh I'm 1116 00:45:21,997 --> 00:45:24,052 optimistic that , uh you know , this 1117 00:45:24,052 --> 00:45:26,163 trough that we in it because of the , 1118 00:45:26,163 --> 00:45:28,386 the effects of COVID and other things . 1119 00:45:28,386 --> 00:45:30,719 Uh we'll climb out of and we're , we're , 1120 00:45:30,719 --> 00:45:32,830 we're seeing some positive trends and 1121 00:45:32,830 --> 00:45:34,941 uh and we'll continue to do the right 1122 00:45:34,941 --> 00:45:37,052 things and invest in the right things 1123 00:45:37,052 --> 00:45:38,997 to make sure that that gets turned 1124 00:45:38,997 --> 00:45:40,719 around . But as you know , our 1125 00:45:40,719 --> 00:45:42,830 capabilities of defending our country 1126 00:45:42,830 --> 00:45:44,997 rest solely with the men and women who 1127 00:45:44,997 --> 00:45:47,108 serve in uniform . Uh I wish you well 1128 00:45:47,108 --> 00:45:49,275 in those efforts in any way that I and 1129 00:45:49,275 --> 00:45:51,386 I'm sure my colleagues can be of help 1130 00:45:51,386 --> 00:45:53,441 to uh get folks to , to sign up . Uh 1131 00:45:53,441 --> 00:45:55,719 Please include me , please ask him . I , 1132 00:45:55,719 --> 00:45:57,775 I , I would ask uh would make one uh 1133 00:45:57,775 --> 00:46:00,350 strong request and that is that we all 1134 00:46:00,360 --> 00:46:03,169 emphasize the value of service and , 1135 00:46:03,179 --> 00:46:05,179 and whether or not you serve in the 1136 00:46:05,179 --> 00:46:07,235 military or whether or not you serve 1137 00:46:07,235 --> 00:46:09,457 your community or you serve as a member 1138 00:46:09,457 --> 00:46:11,679 of the federal government uh service is 1139 00:46:11,679 --> 00:46:14,320 really important but certainly hearing 1140 00:46:14,330 --> 00:46:16,780 that from , from key leadership in the 1141 00:46:16,790 --> 00:46:18,846 country , I think would , would help 1142 00:46:18,846 --> 00:46:21,149 this overall effort . Thank you , sir . 1143 00:46:21,159 --> 00:46:23,850 Let me ask you about the National Guard . 1144 00:46:24,429 --> 00:46:26,729 Um We've seen how important the 1145 00:46:26,739 --> 00:46:28,961 National Guard is , what role they play 1146 00:46:28,961 --> 00:46:31,179 in defending our nation . Uh The 1147 00:46:31,189 --> 00:46:33,133 National Guard makes up 20% of the 1148 00:46:33,133 --> 00:46:36,790 joint force , but the National 1149 00:46:36,800 --> 00:46:39,639 Guard Vice Chief is the only vice chief . 1150 00:46:39,649 --> 00:46:42,629 That's a three star thoughts about if 1151 00:46:42,639 --> 00:46:44,750 that's appropriate or is there a plan 1152 00:46:44,750 --> 00:46:47,530 to remedy that circumstance ? I , I 1153 00:46:47,540 --> 00:46:49,540 agree with you , Senator , that the 1154 00:46:49,540 --> 00:46:53,139 National Guard is critical to our 1155 00:46:53,149 --> 00:46:56,669 overall department to the Department of 1156 00:46:56,679 --> 00:47:00,560 Defense . I can't overemphasize uh the , 1157 00:47:00,570 --> 00:47:02,570 you know , the capability that they 1158 00:47:02,570 --> 00:47:06,500 bring to the uh to the force . This 1159 00:47:06,510 --> 00:47:08,621 is something , you know , our , our , 1160 00:47:10,149 --> 00:47:12,520 our structure in , in , in the number 1161 00:47:12,530 --> 00:47:14,586 of billets that we have is something 1162 00:47:14,586 --> 00:47:16,919 that we continue to evaluate . Uh , I 1163 00:47:16,929 --> 00:47:19,096 have all the authorities that I need . 1164 00:47:19,096 --> 00:47:21,318 I don't need any authority , additional 1165 00:47:21,318 --> 00:47:23,280 authorities or help , but that's 1166 00:47:23,290 --> 00:47:25,457 something we'll continue to look at as 1167 00:47:25,457 --> 00:47:27,989 we go from , uh from year to year into 1168 00:47:28,000 --> 00:47:30,056 the future . And right now , I don't 1169 00:47:30,056 --> 00:47:32,139 see any need to affect any changes . 1170 00:47:32,550 --> 00:47:34,883 Well , thank you for your consideration . 1171 00:47:34,883 --> 00:47:37,106 Finally , Secretary Austin , my time is 1172 00:47:37,106 --> 00:47:39,600 about to expire uh Congress last year . 1173 00:47:39,610 --> 00:47:41,832 Uh So I'll , I'll , I'll just make this 1174 00:47:41,832 --> 00:47:44,560 point . Um Congress passed the Pact Act 1175 00:47:44,570 --> 00:47:46,739 dealing with toxic exposure by our 1176 00:47:46,750 --> 00:47:49,510 servicemen and women . We have 1177 00:47:49,520 --> 00:47:52,570 significant challenges that of families 1178 00:47:52,580 --> 00:47:54,691 and service members who were impacted 1179 00:47:54,691 --> 00:47:57,189 by contaminated drinking water at Red 1180 00:47:57,199 --> 00:48:01,129 Hill and I , if the department has not 1181 00:48:01,139 --> 00:48:03,689 exa established an exposure registry , 1182 00:48:04,389 --> 00:48:06,800 uh I encourage you to do so and I hope 1183 00:48:06,810 --> 00:48:08,754 that this budget has the resources 1184 00:48:08,754 --> 00:48:10,969 necessary to care for those service 1185 00:48:10,979 --> 00:48:13,870 members and their families . We have 1186 00:48:13,879 --> 00:48:16,046 established a registry and uh so thank 1187 00:48:16,046 --> 00:48:17,879 you , Senator . You're welcome , 1188 00:48:17,879 --> 00:48:19,879 General Milley . Thank you for your 1189 00:48:19,879 --> 00:48:22,046 service . I appreciate you very much , 1190 00:48:22,046 --> 00:48:23,823 Senator Durbin . Thank you , Mr 1191 00:48:23,823 --> 00:48:26,046 Chairman General Milley . You've served 1192 00:48:26,046 --> 00:48:27,879 our nation . Well , and when the 1193 00:48:27,879 --> 00:48:30,101 history is written of your service , it 1194 00:48:30,101 --> 00:48:32,323 will clearly recognize that America was 1195 00:48:32,323 --> 00:48:34,699 safer under your watch and the troops 1196 00:48:34,709 --> 00:48:37,290 you led had an effective and caring 1197 00:48:37,300 --> 00:48:39,879 leader under your command . But this 1198 00:48:39,889 --> 00:48:42,070 history may not tell the whole story 1199 00:48:42,090 --> 00:48:45,270 unless you write it of your fidelity to 1200 00:48:45,280 --> 00:48:47,389 our constitution . When there were 1201 00:48:47,399 --> 00:48:49,288 serious questions of the peaceful 1202 00:48:49,288 --> 00:48:51,070 transition of power , which is 1203 00:48:51,080 --> 00:48:53,136 essential to the preservation of our 1204 00:48:53,136 --> 00:48:55,310 democracy because of you , our 1205 00:48:55,320 --> 00:48:59,169 constitution and our union survived and 1206 00:48:59,179 --> 00:49:01,290 we are stronger today . Thank you , 1207 00:49:02,989 --> 00:49:05,570 Secretary Austin . Mhm . 1208 00:49:06,939 --> 00:49:08,828 Yesterday , I had a meeting in my 1209 00:49:08,828 --> 00:49:12,699 office of several senators with a man 1210 00:49:12,709 --> 00:49:15,580 named Karim Khan . He is the chief 1211 00:49:15,590 --> 00:49:17,368 prosecutor of the International 1212 00:49:17,368 --> 00:49:20,090 Criminal Court . He recently charged 1213 00:49:20,100 --> 00:49:23,149 Vladimir Putin with war crimes . We 1214 00:49:23,159 --> 00:49:26,360 know what he's basing that on the 1215 00:49:26,370 --> 00:49:28,979 unspeakable atrocities caused by the 1216 00:49:28,989 --> 00:49:32,550 Russian forces in Ukraine , stealing , 1217 00:49:32,560 --> 00:49:35,300 kidnapping hundreds if not thousands of 1218 00:49:35,310 --> 00:49:38,860 Children , rape beheadings , 1219 00:49:39,139 --> 00:49:42,860 torture mass executions and 1220 00:49:42,870 --> 00:49:46,050 targeting individual private citizens 1221 00:49:46,219 --> 00:49:49,260 for his bombardment . Ukraine's 1222 00:49:49,270 --> 00:49:51,437 Prosecutor General has documented more 1223 00:49:51,437 --> 00:49:54,550 than 77,000 war crimes and crimes 1224 00:49:54,560 --> 00:49:56,919 against humanity . Sadly , the number 1225 00:49:56,929 --> 00:49:59,760 continues to grow . When I met with 1226 00:49:59,770 --> 00:50:01,992 Cameron Khan , I asked him if there was 1227 00:50:01,992 --> 00:50:04,214 more the United States could do to help 1228 00:50:04,214 --> 00:50:05,992 him gather the evidence and the 1229 00:50:05,992 --> 00:50:08,270 documents necessary to prosecute 1230 00:50:08,280 --> 00:50:10,429 Vladimir Putin for these awful war 1231 00:50:10,439 --> 00:50:13,770 crimes . He said there was cooperation 1232 00:50:13,780 --> 00:50:15,724 from the Department of State , the 1233 00:50:15,724 --> 00:50:17,891 Department of Justice , but he did not 1234 00:50:17,891 --> 00:50:19,891 include the Secretary of Defense in 1235 00:50:19,891 --> 00:50:22,300 your department . Khan's efforts 1236 00:50:22,310 --> 00:50:24,421 regarding war crimes are so important 1237 00:50:24,421 --> 00:50:26,330 that Congress last year passed 1238 00:50:26,340 --> 00:50:28,562 additional authority allowing the US to 1239 00:50:28,562 --> 00:50:30,618 share critical war crimes , evidence 1240 00:50:30,618 --> 00:50:32,840 and intelligence with the International 1241 00:50:32,840 --> 00:50:35,320 Court of Criminal Justice . We have one 1242 00:50:35,330 --> 00:50:37,929 president , we have one commander in 1243 00:50:37,939 --> 00:50:40,300 chief , but I'm not certain that we 1244 00:50:40,310 --> 00:50:42,366 have one policy when it comes to the 1245 00:50:42,366 --> 00:50:45,189 war . Criminal , Vladimir Putin . I'd 1246 00:50:45,199 --> 00:50:47,600 like to ask you directly , why are you 1247 00:50:47,610 --> 00:50:50,050 reluctant to share the evidence that we 1248 00:50:50,060 --> 00:50:52,004 have gathered in the United States 1249 00:50:52,004 --> 00:50:54,227 through the Department of Defense ? For 1250 00:50:54,227 --> 00:50:56,282 those who are holding Vladimir Putin 1251 00:50:56,282 --> 00:50:59,189 accountable for his war crimes ? Thank 1252 00:50:59,199 --> 00:51:01,669 you , Senator I upfront . I absolutely 1253 00:51:01,679 --> 00:51:03,750 agree with what you said in terms of 1254 00:51:03,760 --> 00:51:05,760 the atrocities that we've witnessed 1255 00:51:05,879 --> 00:51:08,229 throughout . It's been absolutely 1256 00:51:08,239 --> 00:51:11,500 despicable and we continue to see 1257 00:51:11,510 --> 00:51:14,010 evidence of Putin deliberately 1258 00:51:14,159 --> 00:51:17,570 targeting civilians , hospitals and , 1259 00:51:17,929 --> 00:51:20,360 and uh and apartment buildings and you 1260 00:51:20,370 --> 00:51:23,189 name it . The department firmly 1261 00:51:23,199 --> 00:51:25,590 supports the goal of holding Russia 1262 00:51:25,600 --> 00:51:27,489 accountable for its violations in 1263 00:51:27,489 --> 00:51:30,070 Ukraine . There are multiple ways to 1264 00:51:30,080 --> 00:51:32,360 promote accountability including 1265 00:51:33,500 --> 00:51:35,969 the domestic Ukrainian efforts that you 1266 00:51:35,979 --> 00:51:38,379 mentioned . And I believe that in a 1267 00:51:38,389 --> 00:51:40,222 principled approach to promoting 1268 00:51:40,222 --> 00:51:42,979 accountability and I will always 1269 00:51:43,030 --> 00:51:45,899 prioritize the protection of us 1270 00:51:45,909 --> 00:51:48,076 military personnel in anything that we 1271 00:51:48,076 --> 00:51:50,850 do . So , why is your department not 1272 00:51:50,860 --> 00:51:53,639 sharing evidence that we have gathered 1273 00:51:53,939 --> 00:51:56,270 to help that effort ? The Department of 1274 00:51:56,280 --> 00:51:58,780 State is the Department of Justice is 1275 00:51:58,790 --> 00:52:00,846 why is the Department of Defense not 1276 00:52:00,846 --> 00:52:02,899 doing so . Uh Senator , I , I would 1277 00:52:02,909 --> 00:52:05,076 just tell you that , you know , it's , 1278 00:52:05,076 --> 00:52:07,076 it's , it , it's important to us to 1279 00:52:07,076 --> 00:52:09,187 make sure that uh that Russia is held 1280 00:52:09,187 --> 00:52:11,550 accountable and we support the goal of 1281 00:52:11,560 --> 00:52:14,060 holding holding them accountable . Uh 1282 00:52:14,070 --> 00:52:17,110 But again , I I do have concerns about 1283 00:52:17,120 --> 00:52:20,929 reciprocity going forward . And so we 1284 00:52:20,939 --> 00:52:23,161 will continue to look for ways to uh to 1285 00:52:23,161 --> 00:52:25,106 support the effort of , of holding 1286 00:52:25,106 --> 00:52:27,250 Russia accountable . Are you aware of 1287 00:52:27,260 --> 00:52:29,371 the additional authorities we created 1288 00:52:29,371 --> 00:52:32,030 by law that allow your department and 1289 00:52:32,040 --> 00:52:33,873 the others of this government to 1290 00:52:33,873 --> 00:52:36,290 cooperate with the IC C ? I am aware of 1291 00:52:36,300 --> 00:52:38,522 the legislation . Senator , do you feel 1292 00:52:38,522 --> 00:52:40,189 there is a deficiency in that 1293 00:52:40,189 --> 00:52:42,520 legislation which holds you back from 1294 00:52:42,530 --> 00:52:45,020 helping to prosecute Vladimir Putin ? I 1295 00:52:45,030 --> 00:52:47,669 see no deficiencies in your legislation . 1296 00:52:47,679 --> 00:52:49,679 No . Then what is the explanation ? 1297 00:52:49,679 --> 00:52:51,846 There's got to be a bottom line here . 1298 00:52:51,846 --> 00:52:53,957 Why is it when these prosecutors come 1299 00:52:53,957 --> 00:52:55,790 and meet with us ? They list the 1300 00:52:55,790 --> 00:52:57,957 cooperating agencies of our government 1301 00:52:57,957 --> 00:52:59,735 and specifically don't list the 1302 00:52:59,735 --> 00:53:01,760 Department of Defense . Why again , 1303 00:53:01,770 --> 00:53:03,826 Senator , we'll do everything within 1304 00:53:03,826 --> 00:53:05,992 our power to make sure that uh that we 1305 00:53:05,992 --> 00:53:08,030 support uh efforts to hold Russia 1306 00:53:08,040 --> 00:53:09,984 accountable . But again , I remain 1307 00:53:09,984 --> 00:53:13,500 concerned about uh the protection of us 1308 00:53:13,510 --> 00:53:15,566 military personnel . I've got to ask 1309 00:53:15,566 --> 00:53:17,732 for more general . I respect you and I 1310 00:53:17,732 --> 00:53:19,843 voted for you and I do it again . But 1311 00:53:19,843 --> 00:53:22,010 I've got to ask for more your personal 1312 00:53:22,010 --> 00:53:24,232 feelings about whether you do it or not 1313 00:53:24,232 --> 00:53:26,288 should be second to the law . Should 1314 00:53:26,288 --> 00:53:28,510 not . They , it is , they , they are uh 1315 00:53:28,510 --> 00:53:30,343 Senator . Well , if the law says 1316 00:53:30,343 --> 00:53:32,510 cooperate and you refuse , what am I ? 1317 00:53:32,520 --> 00:53:34,742 What conclusion am I supposed to draw ? 1318 00:53:35,610 --> 00:53:39,159 Senator ? I have , we have not refused 1319 00:53:39,379 --> 00:53:43,169 to abide by any law . So there could be 1320 00:53:43,179 --> 00:53:45,401 some confusion here . But , but again , 1321 00:53:45,401 --> 00:53:47,790 we support the goal of holding Russia 1322 00:53:47,800 --> 00:53:50,020 accountable . I have to ask you to 1323 00:53:50,030 --> 00:53:52,959 prove it . And by doing so , and I have 1324 00:53:52,969 --> 00:53:55,090 to ask you why the people who observe 1325 00:53:55,100 --> 00:53:57,156 the conduct and policy of the agency 1326 00:53:57,156 --> 00:53:59,419 think you're falling short and you're 1327 00:53:59,429 --> 00:54:01,919 holding back why we would hold back 1328 00:54:01,929 --> 00:54:03,985 evidence against this war criminal , 1329 00:54:03,985 --> 00:54:06,151 Vladimir Putin and the terrible things 1330 00:54:06,151 --> 00:54:08,429 he's doing . I don't understand at all . 1331 00:54:08,429 --> 00:54:10,373 You say you don't think the law is 1332 00:54:10,373 --> 00:54:12,485 deficient , but you have a feeling Mr 1333 00:54:12,485 --> 00:54:15,100 Secretary give me more than that . Tell 1334 00:54:15,110 --> 00:54:17,600 me why you must have a compelling 1335 00:54:17,610 --> 00:54:20,389 reason for not cooperating . What is it 1336 00:54:20,969 --> 00:54:24,080 again ? Um I will always prioritize 1337 00:54:24,090 --> 00:54:26,257 protection of our military personnel . 1338 00:54:26,257 --> 00:54:28,520 That's , that's , that's my concern and 1339 00:54:28,530 --> 00:54:30,474 you don't think the law that we've 1340 00:54:30,474 --> 00:54:32,979 passed does that I , I , I didn't make 1341 00:54:32,989 --> 00:54:35,211 a comment on , on the law , Senator , I 1342 00:54:35,211 --> 00:54:37,322 think again , the law is sufficient , 1343 00:54:37,322 --> 00:54:39,045 obviously , uh it uh it's been 1344 00:54:39,045 --> 00:54:41,320 established by Congress . So , um and 1345 00:54:41,540 --> 00:54:44,570 we are compelled to respect the law so 1346 00:54:44,580 --> 00:54:46,802 well , I , I would never jeopardize our 1347 00:54:46,802 --> 00:54:48,969 troops and I know Senator Graham feels 1348 00:54:48,969 --> 00:54:51,080 the same . We both worked on crafting 1349 00:54:51,080 --> 00:54:53,024 this law , so it would necessarily 1350 00:54:53,024 --> 00:54:55,136 protect our troops and you've drawn a 1351 00:54:55,136 --> 00:54:57,739 personal opposite conclusion . And I 1352 00:54:57,750 --> 00:55:00,590 think it is uh frankly uh hurting the 1353 00:55:00,600 --> 00:55:02,600 efforts to hold Putin accountable . 1354 00:55:02,870 --> 00:55:05,239 Thank you , Mr Chairman . I yield 1355 00:55:05,250 --> 00:55:09,159 Senator Graham rather than beating 1356 00:55:09,169 --> 00:55:11,870 this horse , I would recommend that we 1357 00:55:11,879 --> 00:55:13,601 probably have a meeting , uh , 1358 00:55:13,601 --> 00:55:15,879 Secretary Austin if that's ok with you . 1359 00:55:16,300 --> 00:55:19,310 Um , listen , I've been a judge 1360 00:55:19,320 --> 00:55:21,729 advocate most of my adult life and 1361 00:55:21,879 --> 00:55:24,419 we've written this law in a way to make 1362 00:55:24,429 --> 00:55:26,596 sure it applies to foreign nationals , 1363 00:55:26,600 --> 00:55:29,979 Russians involved in war crimes in 1364 00:55:29,989 --> 00:55:33,169 Ukraine to help hold Putin 1365 00:55:33,179 --> 00:55:36,209 accountable . Uh , Mr Khan says we have 1366 00:55:36,219 --> 00:55:38,820 a lot of valuable information that 1367 00:55:38,830 --> 00:55:41,020 could accelerate his prosecution , not 1368 00:55:41,030 --> 00:55:43,449 only of Putin , but of others . Are you 1369 00:55:43,459 --> 00:55:45,570 familiar with the Wagner group ? Uh , 1370 00:55:45,989 --> 00:55:48,211 Miss Secretary , do you think they're a 1371 00:55:48,211 --> 00:55:50,322 terrorist organization ? I think they 1372 00:55:50,322 --> 00:55:52,545 are a horrible terrorist organization . 1373 00:55:52,545 --> 00:55:54,711 Well , I'd like to prosecute him too . 1374 00:55:54,711 --> 00:55:56,933 So what I would like to do is meet with 1375 00:55:56,933 --> 00:55:59,156 you and your team to make sure that not 1376 00:55:59,156 --> 00:56:00,933 only you follow the law but you 1377 00:56:00,933 --> 00:56:02,656 understand the benefit of this 1378 00:56:02,656 --> 00:56:04,810 legislation to help this war effort . 1379 00:56:04,820 --> 00:56:08,300 Um , so general Milley , what all those 1380 00:56:08,310 --> 00:56:11,409 stripes on your arm mean on your right 1381 00:56:11,419 --> 00:56:13,363 shoulder , right arm there , those 1382 00:56:13,363 --> 00:56:14,363 white stripes , 1383 00:56:17,050 --> 00:56:19,610 each one represents six months in 1384 00:56:19,620 --> 00:56:22,610 combat . Ok . Since 9 11 , how many 1385 00:56:23,020 --> 00:56:24,964 years have you been away from your 1386 00:56:24,964 --> 00:56:28,919 family ? Um , 789 , probably 1387 00:56:29,090 --> 00:56:32,409 about half the time is more typical 1388 00:56:32,419 --> 00:56:34,475 than not for people in the No , it's 1389 00:56:34,475 --> 00:56:36,697 actually very typical , I think , uh my 1390 00:56:36,697 --> 00:56:38,863 peers and those , uh probably senior N 1391 00:56:38,863 --> 00:56:40,863 C O at this point that have been in 1392 00:56:40,863 --> 00:56:43,159 this thing since 911 have probably 1393 00:56:43,169 --> 00:56:46,449 spent uh year on year off . Or , um , 1394 00:56:46,459 --> 00:56:48,792 you know , half the time basically , uh , 1395 00:56:48,792 --> 00:56:50,959 deployed either Iraq or Afghanistan in 1396 00:56:50,959 --> 00:56:53,181 combat . Well , I hope you get to spend 1397 00:56:53,181 --> 00:56:52,929 time with the family and thank you 1398 00:56:52,939 --> 00:56:55,272 family for their service to our country . 1399 00:56:55,272 --> 00:56:57,383 Let's go to Afghanistan right quick . 1400 00:56:57,383 --> 00:57:00,169 Um , uh , based on the withdrawal of 1401 00:57:00,179 --> 00:57:02,550 Afghanistan , uh , our withdrawal in 1402 00:57:02,560 --> 00:57:05,370 Afghan General Corolla said that , uh , 1403 00:57:05,379 --> 00:57:07,850 as Senator Collins indicated , six 1404 00:57:07,860 --> 00:57:10,050 months , we could be attacked without 1405 00:57:10,060 --> 00:57:12,310 warning . Does that , is that fairly 1406 00:57:12,320 --> 00:57:14,431 accurate statement from your point of 1407 00:57:14,431 --> 00:57:17,030 view ? Uh , 18 months ago , I actually 1408 00:57:17,040 --> 00:57:19,929 testified and said , uh , 12 , 18 , 24 1409 00:57:19,939 --> 00:57:22,620 36 I , I bounded it like that . Uh , so 1410 00:57:22,629 --> 00:57:25,909 what had said , uh , in his testimony , 1411 00:57:26,110 --> 00:57:28,166 that's within the rangers that I had 1412 00:57:28,166 --> 00:57:29,943 mentioned as well . Uh , so she 1413 00:57:29,943 --> 00:57:32,629 absolutely , I mean , look at the , the , 1414 00:57:32,639 --> 00:57:36,270 uh , our ability to monitor and track 1415 00:57:36,280 --> 00:57:39,020 terrorists in Afghanistan , uh , is 1416 00:57:39,030 --> 00:57:40,974 less than it was with boots on the 1417 00:57:40,974 --> 00:57:43,086 ground . True . But we still have the 1418 00:57:43,086 --> 00:57:45,252 ability to monitor . I know , I know , 1419 00:57:45,252 --> 00:57:47,419 but let me just ask this right quick . 1420 00:57:47,419 --> 00:57:49,363 Uh , are we less safe than we were 1421 00:57:49,363 --> 00:57:51,697 before ? Uh , I would just say that the , 1422 00:57:51,697 --> 00:57:53,697 the , the United States military is 1423 00:57:53,697 --> 00:57:55,863 committed to continue to monitor track 1424 00:57:55,863 --> 00:57:58,086 and if necessary action , any terrorist 1425 00:57:58,086 --> 00:57:58,000 threat , I would just say we're less 1426 00:57:58,010 --> 00:58:01,189 safe . Uh , so , uh , Putin , if he 1427 00:58:01,199 --> 00:58:05,129 wins , perceived as winning , what 1428 00:58:05,139 --> 00:58:07,195 does that mean for the world if he's 1429 00:58:07,195 --> 00:58:09,195 perceived as having and lost ? What 1430 00:58:09,195 --> 00:58:11,306 does that mean for the world . And is 1431 00:58:11,306 --> 00:58:13,139 there a correlation in your view 1432 00:58:13,139 --> 00:58:15,306 between success of Putin or failure of 1433 00:58:15,306 --> 00:58:17,472 Putin and China's likelihood to invade 1434 00:58:17,472 --> 00:58:20,810 Taiwan ? I think that the Chinese are 1435 00:58:20,820 --> 00:58:22,979 watching the war between Russia and 1436 00:58:22,989 --> 00:58:25,350 Ukraine very carefully . And I think 1437 00:58:25,360 --> 00:58:27,138 for Ukraine , obviously it's an 1438 00:58:27,138 --> 00:58:29,027 existential threat for their very 1439 00:58:29,027 --> 00:58:31,082 existence . But for Europe , for the 1440 00:58:31,082 --> 00:58:33,138 United States , I think the issue is 1441 00:58:33,138 --> 00:58:35,471 about a rules based international order . 1442 00:58:35,471 --> 00:58:37,693 And I think that what Putin has done is 1443 00:58:37,693 --> 00:58:40,027 an illegal direct assault on that order . 1444 00:58:40,027 --> 00:58:42,193 And if he's allowed to succeed in that 1445 00:58:42,193 --> 00:58:44,249 China will learn certain lessons and 1446 00:58:44,249 --> 00:58:46,439 and it may not be the single decisive 1447 00:58:46,449 --> 00:58:48,560 point , but I think it will calculate 1448 00:58:48,560 --> 00:58:50,671 into their decision making process as 1449 00:58:50,671 --> 00:58:52,671 to whether or not they attacked the 1450 00:58:52,671 --> 00:58:54,893 seize island of Taiwan . So I think the 1451 00:58:54,893 --> 00:58:57,060 outcome of Ukraine is critical to much 1452 00:58:57,060 --> 00:58:59,227 broader issues than just Ukraine . And 1453 00:58:59,227 --> 00:59:01,393 if Putin is seen as having lost , does 1454 00:59:01,393 --> 00:59:03,889 that make America safer ? I think it 1455 00:59:03,899 --> 00:59:06,620 does because I think that what it loss 1456 00:59:06,629 --> 00:59:08,962 being defined as Ukraine remains a free , 1457 00:59:08,962 --> 00:59:11,129 independent sovereign country with its 1458 00:59:11,129 --> 00:59:13,296 territory intact . If , if that is the 1459 00:59:13,296 --> 00:59:15,407 end result of this war , then I think 1460 00:59:15,407 --> 00:59:17,573 Putin will have failed in his attempts 1461 00:59:17,573 --> 00:59:20,479 to take Ukraine and undermine that 1462 00:59:20,489 --> 00:59:22,656 rules based order . And I really think 1463 00:59:22,656 --> 00:59:24,545 that that order which has been in 1464 00:59:24,545 --> 00:59:26,656 existence for eight decades now since 1465 00:59:26,656 --> 00:59:28,545 the end of World War Two , that's 1466 00:59:28,545 --> 00:59:30,711 critical to global stability and world 1467 00:59:30,711 --> 00:59:32,679 peace . OK . Uh Mr mccord 1468 00:59:34,800 --> 00:59:38,510 in 2033 under this budget . 1469 00:59:38,669 --> 00:59:41,610 How much will we be spending on defense 1470 00:59:41,620 --> 00:59:42,949 in terms of GDP 1471 00:59:47,399 --> 00:59:49,343 Senator , we have been in , in the 1472 00:59:49,343 --> 00:59:51,566 three range for , for quite a while and 1473 00:59:51,566 --> 00:59:53,732 we'll probably be right around three . 1474 00:59:53,732 --> 00:59:55,788 Um at the end of the , at the end of 1475 00:59:55,788 --> 00:59:58,010 the process , my information says 2.5 . 1476 00:59:58,010 --> 01:00:00,343 So check that one out , see who's right . 1477 01:00:00,343 --> 01:00:03,649 Ok . Uh The Navy real quickly thinks 1478 01:00:03,659 --> 01:00:07,399 they need 370 ships , 3 73 and to 1479 01:00:07,409 --> 01:00:09,889 get there , they have to spend 5% above 1480 01:00:09,899 --> 01:00:12,350 inflation . Do you agree ? This budget 1481 01:00:12,360 --> 01:00:14,959 will not allow the navy to get to 373 1482 01:00:14,969 --> 01:00:15,469 ships 1483 01:00:18,959 --> 01:00:21,015 within , within the fit up . We will 1484 01:00:21,015 --> 01:00:23,070 wanna o at that number because we're 1485 01:00:23,070 --> 01:00:25,015 spending under inflation . So real 1486 01:00:25,015 --> 01:00:27,237 quickly , Mr Chairman , there's a bunch 1487 01:00:27,237 --> 01:00:26,840 of scenarios , none of them are really 1488 01:00:26,850 --> 01:00:29,729 good . Uh The house budget 1489 01:00:29,840 --> 01:00:33,699 2022 plus one is about a 14% cut . Is 1490 01:00:33,709 --> 01:00:35,098 that right ? Mr mccord ? 1491 01:00:37,510 --> 01:00:40,040 I'm sorry , the ho the house proposal 1492 01:00:40,090 --> 01:00:42,719 of 2022 plus 1% . 1493 01:00:43,739 --> 01:00:45,906 What would that mean to the military ? 1494 01:00:45,906 --> 01:00:48,500 How many dollars would be lost in this 1495 01:00:48,510 --> 01:00:50,566 year ? It would be about 100 billion 1496 01:00:50,566 --> 01:00:52,843 below our request over over five years , 1497 01:00:52,843 --> 01:00:55,330 it would be about 600 . So ac R is a 1498 01:00:55,340 --> 01:00:57,507 loss to the military , right ? General 1499 01:00:57,507 --> 01:01:01,489 Secretary Olson . Ok . This budget 1500 01:01:01,500 --> 01:01:04,330 puts you below inflation . So the 1501 01:01:04,340 --> 01:01:07,030 committee's task is to reject all of 1502 01:01:07,040 --> 01:01:09,800 this stuff and come up with a number 1503 01:01:09,810 --> 01:01:13,570 that keeps us safe . Thank you very 1504 01:01:13,580 --> 01:01:16,040 much , Secretary Austin General Milley . 1505 01:01:16,050 --> 01:01:18,106 Thank you for being here . I want to 1506 01:01:18,106 --> 01:01:20,161 start in Hawaii . The people of Oahu 1507 01:01:20,161 --> 01:01:23,110 have suffered tremendously but the 1508 01:01:23,120 --> 01:01:25,342 biggest pollution event in the state of 1509 01:01:25,342 --> 01:01:29,070 Hawaii at Red Hill bulk fuel storage 1510 01:01:29,080 --> 01:01:32,189 facility and the Deuel and closure of 1511 01:01:32,199 --> 01:01:35,370 Red Hill must continue to stay on 1512 01:01:35,379 --> 01:01:37,379 schedule . I want to submit for the 1513 01:01:37,379 --> 01:01:39,490 record , a unified statement for from 1514 01:01:39,490 --> 01:01:41,212 Hawaii state leaders about the 1515 01:01:41,212 --> 01:01:43,046 importance of pure water and the 1516 01:01:43,046 --> 01:01:45,101 remediation of the lands impacted by 1517 01:01:45,101 --> 01:01:47,157 the Red Hill fuel spill . Uh Without 1518 01:01:47,157 --> 01:01:49,323 objection , Secretary Austin , can you 1519 01:01:49,323 --> 01:01:51,760 reassure the people of Hawaii that Red 1520 01:01:51,770 --> 01:01:54,080 Hill will never be used for fuel 1521 01:01:54,090 --> 01:01:56,201 storage or fuel operations once it is 1522 01:01:56,201 --> 01:02:00,000 emptied ? Yes , that's when I made that 1523 01:02:00,010 --> 01:02:01,954 decision . That's my , that was my 1524 01:02:01,954 --> 01:02:04,199 intent . Uh uh Senator and , and also 1525 01:02:04,209 --> 01:02:06,320 thank you for everything that you and 1526 01:02:06,320 --> 01:02:08,487 the delegation have done to help us uh 1527 01:02:08,487 --> 01:02:11,520 move forward . Are you on track to send 1528 01:02:11,530 --> 01:02:13,752 your certification to Congress that our 1529 01:02:13,752 --> 01:02:15,586 indo Pacific fuel needs won't be 1530 01:02:15,586 --> 01:02:19,429 adversely impacted by the closure ? Yes . 1531 01:02:19,439 --> 01:02:22,679 Uh We , we are on track and uh this is 1532 01:02:22,689 --> 01:02:26,169 something that uh that we work uh uh 1533 01:02:26,179 --> 01:02:28,550 routinely . I just met with my 1534 01:02:28,560 --> 01:02:31,000 leadership on uh on Red Hill here uh 1535 01:02:31,010 --> 01:02:33,899 last week to check to see where we are . 1536 01:02:33,909 --> 01:02:37,439 And yes , we are . Thank you as General 1537 01:02:37,449 --> 01:02:39,449 Milley said , war with China is not 1538 01:02:39,449 --> 01:02:41,669 inevitable to avoid conflict . The 1539 01:02:41,679 --> 01:02:44,479 department must use all tools available 1540 01:02:44,489 --> 01:02:47,040 to it . New capabilities , alliances , 1541 01:02:47,050 --> 01:02:49,250 partnerships and facilities in the A O 1542 01:02:49,260 --> 01:02:52,000 R . Secretary Austin . The budget 1543 01:02:52,179 --> 01:02:55,760 includes $9.1 billion for the P D I . 1544 01:02:56,120 --> 01:02:58,719 How are you going to ensure that these 1545 01:02:58,729 --> 01:03:01,409 funds improve readiness and bolster 1546 01:03:01,419 --> 01:03:03,419 deterrents without falling into the 1547 01:03:03,419 --> 01:03:05,879 trap of fancy expensive gold plated 1548 01:03:05,889 --> 01:03:09,429 weapon systems . Well , this is 1549 01:03:09,439 --> 01:03:11,760 something as you know , Senator that uh 1550 01:03:11,770 --> 01:03:14,489 that we track very closely as 1551 01:03:15,399 --> 01:03:18,310 the Indo Pacific Command commander 1552 01:03:18,320 --> 01:03:20,800 develops his request . Uh We work 1553 01:03:20,810 --> 01:03:22,921 through each uh each request with him 1554 01:03:23,239 --> 01:03:25,295 and uh and we are investing in those 1555 01:03:25,295 --> 01:03:27,406 things and , and that will provide us 1556 01:03:27,406 --> 01:03:30,419 the ability to further forward station 1557 01:03:30,429 --> 01:03:32,840 our , our troops and , and capability . 1558 01:03:32,850 --> 01:03:34,739 And so infrastructure is really , 1559 01:03:34,739 --> 01:03:36,739 really important to us . And uh and 1560 01:03:36,739 --> 01:03:39,017 you'll see that reflected in the P D I , 1561 01:03:39,017 --> 01:03:41,128 I think it's really important that we 1562 01:03:41,128 --> 01:03:43,780 understand how cheap partnerships are 1563 01:03:43,790 --> 01:03:45,734 compared to these weapon systems . 1564 01:03:45,734 --> 01:03:47,957 Obviously , we need a balance of both . 1565 01:03:47,957 --> 01:03:49,901 But I think it's important for the 1566 01:03:49,901 --> 01:03:52,250 Defense Appropriations Committee to , 1567 01:03:53,169 --> 01:03:55,113 to make it clear to you that these 1568 01:03:55,113 --> 01:03:57,225 partnerships are highly leveraged . I 1569 01:03:57,225 --> 01:03:59,336 mean , I think about Pacific pathways 1570 01:03:59,336 --> 01:04:01,391 with the army . This is really small 1571 01:04:01,391 --> 01:04:03,280 money and an enormous impact . Um 1572 01:04:03,280 --> 01:04:05,447 whenever I'm in talking to Indo paycom 1573 01:04:05,447 --> 01:04:07,502 or in the Asia Pacific region , they 1574 01:04:07,502 --> 01:04:09,613 don't talk about the weapons system , 1575 01:04:09,613 --> 01:04:11,669 they talk about Pacific pathways . I 1576 01:04:11,669 --> 01:04:13,891 think Ed is another example of a pretty 1577 01:04:13,891 --> 01:04:16,113 highly leveraged partnership . It's not 1578 01:04:16,113 --> 01:04:18,280 $0 but it's not nearly as expensive as 1579 01:04:18,280 --> 01:04:20,189 the other stuff . Commanders are 1580 01:04:20,199 --> 01:04:22,477 preoccupied with failing sewer systems , 1581 01:04:22,477 --> 01:04:24,088 fragile electrical grids and 1582 01:04:24,088 --> 01:04:26,088 deteriorating barracks . Um Dealing 1583 01:04:26,088 --> 01:04:28,600 with these issues have real opportunity 1584 01:04:28,610 --> 01:04:30,888 costs and take away from our readiness . 1585 01:04:30,888 --> 01:04:32,888 Um General Milley , the active army 1586 01:04:32,888 --> 01:04:35,054 Navy and Air force have requested over 1587 01:04:35,054 --> 01:04:38,669 14 billion for S F F S R M . Uh uh 47 1588 01:04:38,679 --> 01:04:41,780 $470 million increase over last year . 1589 01:04:41,969 --> 01:04:44,136 How are services ensuring that they'll 1590 01:04:44,136 --> 01:04:46,247 make meaningful progress on improving 1591 01:04:46,247 --> 01:04:48,525 the most critical aging infrastructure ? 1592 01:04:50,389 --> 01:04:52,389 Yeah , thanks Senator for that . Uh 1593 01:04:52,389 --> 01:04:54,667 that each of the services uh have very , 1594 01:04:54,667 --> 01:04:56,945 very deliberate uh inspection programs . 1595 01:04:56,945 --> 01:04:59,000 They have readiness calculations for 1596 01:04:59,000 --> 01:05:01,000 all of their uh infrastructure . Uh 1597 01:05:01,000 --> 01:05:03,222 They go through a very rigorous process 1598 01:05:03,222 --> 01:05:05,389 to ensure that their infrastructure uh 1599 01:05:05,389 --> 01:05:05,280 remains modernized and up to date uh 1600 01:05:05,290 --> 01:05:07,457 both uh from an operational standpoint 1601 01:05:07,457 --> 01:05:09,457 for training , but also from uh for 1602 01:05:09,457 --> 01:05:11,401 taking care of the families uh and 1603 01:05:11,401 --> 01:05:13,457 their uh and the troops . So they've 1604 01:05:13,457 --> 01:05:15,734 got very rigorous processes to do that . 1605 01:05:15,734 --> 01:05:17,957 Each one is slightly different . Uh But 1606 01:05:17,957 --> 01:05:20,123 I can come back to you with the exacts 1607 01:05:20,123 --> 01:05:22,179 for each of the uh services if you'd 1608 01:05:22,179 --> 01:05:24,346 like . Uh But I , I've looked at those 1609 01:05:24,346 --> 01:05:24,139 processes and , and I was chief of 1610 01:05:24,149 --> 01:05:26,205 staff of the army . They're all very 1611 01:05:26,205 --> 01:05:28,427 rigorous uh in each of those services , 1612 01:05:28,427 --> 01:05:30,538 please . Thank you . Um Last question 1613 01:05:30,538 --> 01:05:32,739 for secretary uh uh Austin . Um Last 1614 01:05:32,750 --> 01:05:34,750 year , I stressed the importance of 1615 01:05:34,750 --> 01:05:36,528 interagency coordination in the 1616 01:05:36,528 --> 01:05:39,399 negotiations and dod s role as a silent 1617 01:05:39,409 --> 01:05:41,298 but very important partner in the 1618 01:05:41,298 --> 01:05:43,353 process , negotiations are ongoing , 1619 01:05:43,353 --> 01:05:45,576 but I think they're going uh reasonably 1620 01:05:45,576 --> 01:05:47,742 well . Um and the strategic importance 1621 01:05:47,742 --> 01:05:49,909 of these relationships with the freely 1622 01:05:49,909 --> 01:05:52,020 associated straits uh States continue 1623 01:05:52,020 --> 01:05:54,131 to grow . Can you just talk about how 1624 01:05:54,131 --> 01:05:56,298 important it is that the United States 1625 01:05:56,298 --> 01:05:58,465 successfully renew the co a agreements 1626 01:05:58,465 --> 01:06:00,520 on time ? Uh It's critical . So , uh 1627 01:06:00,520 --> 01:06:03,229 Senator , um these are uh 1628 01:06:03,949 --> 01:06:06,116 partners that have , uh we , we have a 1629 01:06:06,116 --> 01:06:08,171 long history with uh they , they are 1630 01:06:08,171 --> 01:06:10,010 incredibly helpful , incredibly 1631 01:06:10,020 --> 01:06:12,780 patriotic as , you know , a large 1632 01:06:12,790 --> 01:06:15,012 percentage of their population serve in 1633 01:06:15,012 --> 01:06:17,750 our military . And uh and as you 1634 01:06:17,760 --> 01:06:19,927 pointed out , state has the lead for , 1635 01:06:19,927 --> 01:06:22,320 for this . But uh dod is certainly a 1636 01:06:22,330 --> 01:06:24,949 player and uh we will continue to 1637 01:06:24,959 --> 01:06:27,530 contribute and , and uh and hopefully 1638 01:06:27,540 --> 01:06:29,250 help move things forward in a 1639 01:06:29,260 --> 01:06:31,830 meaningful way as , as , as does va I 1640 01:06:31,840 --> 01:06:34,062 just wanted to quickly point out this , 1641 01:06:34,260 --> 01:06:36,038 you know , we are talking about 1642 01:06:36,038 --> 01:06:38,204 relatively small money for instance to 1643 01:06:38,204 --> 01:06:39,982 make sure that veterans who are 1644 01:06:39,982 --> 01:06:42,038 residing in Co States . Um uh uh get 1645 01:06:42,038 --> 01:06:44,038 the , get the va services that they 1646 01:06:44,038 --> 01:06:45,927 deserve , but we need a statutory 1647 01:06:45,927 --> 01:06:47,649 change for that . There's some 1648 01:06:47,649 --> 01:06:49,760 resistance as if it's some big budget 1649 01:06:49,760 --> 01:06:51,816 pressure item , it's not . Um But as 1650 01:06:51,816 --> 01:06:53,982 you deal with Pacific Island leaders , 1651 01:06:53,982 --> 01:06:56,038 you know , I like to say , thank God 1652 01:06:56,038 --> 01:06:58,204 for small favors . These are the kinds 1653 01:06:58,204 --> 01:07:00,371 of things that define our relationship 1654 01:07:00,371 --> 01:07:02,371 with these Pacific Island leaders . 1655 01:07:02,371 --> 01:07:02,040 Whether we respect them , whether we 1656 01:07:02,050 --> 01:07:03,899 respect their citizens , whether 1657 01:07:03,909 --> 01:07:07,830 Secretary Blinken um slogan of 1658 01:07:07,840 --> 01:07:10,600 friends , allies , partners is real to 1659 01:07:10,610 --> 01:07:12,832 them . And so these big investments are 1660 01:07:12,832 --> 01:07:14,832 important , but it's the , it's the 1661 01:07:14,832 --> 01:07:16,832 taking care of the people as though 1662 01:07:16,832 --> 01:07:18,860 they are true partners that I think 1663 01:07:18,870 --> 01:07:20,759 makes the difference . Uh Senator 1664 01:07:20,759 --> 01:07:23,360 Murkowski , thank you , gentlemen . 1665 01:07:23,370 --> 01:07:27,330 Thank you . I Chairman Milley , I note 1666 01:07:27,340 --> 01:07:29,489 in your , in your written testimony , 1667 01:07:29,500 --> 01:07:31,760 you acknowledge that this is your last 1668 01:07:31,770 --> 01:07:33,826 set of posture hearings . So I don't 1669 01:07:33,826 --> 01:07:36,048 know whether you're celebrating after , 1670 01:07:36,048 --> 01:07:37,992 after this morning's hearing , but 1671 01:07:37,992 --> 01:07:40,214 thank you . Thank you for your years of 1672 01:07:40,214 --> 01:07:42,437 service and , and all you have provided 1673 01:07:42,437 --> 01:07:44,603 us . Um Today is kind of a significant 1674 01:07:44,603 --> 01:07:47,260 day . We're all looking at the southern 1675 01:07:47,270 --> 01:07:50,320 border uh with regards to title 42 all 1676 01:07:50,330 --> 01:07:52,899 the implication there . The 11th of May 1677 01:07:52,909 --> 01:07:55,669 is also a significant day far from the 1678 01:07:55,679 --> 01:07:58,310 South in the Arctic . Today is the day 1679 01:07:58,320 --> 01:08:00,919 that Russia is transferring the chair 1680 01:08:00,929 --> 01:08:04,020 ship of the Arctic Council to Norway . 1681 01:08:04,030 --> 01:08:06,409 Hopefully all is going to be quiet and 1682 01:08:06,419 --> 01:08:09,530 smooth and without a bump there . And 1683 01:08:09,550 --> 01:08:12,245 uh and the the governing body in the 1684 01:08:12,254 --> 01:08:14,254 Arctic , the Arctic Council will be 1685 01:08:14,254 --> 01:08:16,254 moving forward , but it's something 1686 01:08:16,254 --> 01:08:18,310 that I'm paying attention to because 1687 01:08:18,310 --> 01:08:20,532 both of you well know , um we're paying 1688 01:08:20,532 --> 01:08:22,754 attention to the Arctic . We appreciate 1689 01:08:22,754 --> 01:08:24,810 the fact that all five services have 1690 01:08:24,810 --> 01:08:26,921 updated their Arctic strategy . We've 1691 01:08:26,921 --> 01:08:28,921 come a long , long way as an Arctic 1692 01:08:28,921 --> 01:08:31,032 nation in being able to focus clearly 1693 01:08:31,032 --> 01:08:34,799 uh and with intent . Um And so I'm , I 1694 01:08:34,810 --> 01:08:37,279 was curious as I read through uh in 1695 01:08:37,290 --> 01:08:39,669 full both of your , your statements um 1696 01:08:39,830 --> 01:08:42,770 this morning and uh I am concerned 1697 01:08:42,779 --> 01:08:46,209 because um in neither of your 1698 01:08:46,220 --> 01:08:48,331 statements , is there acknowledgement 1699 01:08:48,331 --> 01:08:50,939 or recognition of the Arctic ? Uh uh 1700 01:08:51,140 --> 01:08:53,379 Secretary Austin , you do use the word 1701 01:08:53,390 --> 01:08:56,350 Arctic once in um in connection with 1702 01:08:56,359 --> 01:08:58,470 the issue of climate . But I think we 1703 01:08:58,470 --> 01:09:00,870 know that it is broader than , than 1704 01:09:00,879 --> 01:09:02,879 just climate . And certainly from a 1705 01:09:02,879 --> 01:09:05,101 security perspective , you've indicated 1706 01:09:05,101 --> 01:09:07,339 that the budget is linked to strategy , 1707 01:09:07,350 --> 01:09:09,709 it absolutely positively has to be . 1708 01:09:09,910 --> 01:09:12,540 And so the question to you this morning 1709 01:09:13,189 --> 01:09:16,799 is , is whether or not you think the 1710 01:09:16,810 --> 01:09:19,029 budget that we have in front of us is 1711 01:09:19,040 --> 01:09:22,120 sufficient to implement these Arctic 1712 01:09:22,129 --> 01:09:25,569 strategies , given the significance of 1713 01:09:25,580 --> 01:09:28,660 the Arctic geopolitically , given what 1714 01:09:28,669 --> 01:09:30,891 we're seeing out of Russia , given what 1715 01:09:30,891 --> 01:09:33,430 we've just seen in the past couple 1716 01:09:33,439 --> 01:09:36,910 weeks with a very clear intention from 1717 01:09:36,919 --> 01:09:40,919 Russia to be cooperating on a bilateral 1718 01:09:40,930 --> 01:09:44,789 perspective with , with China . Uh with 1719 01:09:44,798 --> 01:09:47,378 regards to the Arctic , this should 1720 01:09:47,389 --> 01:09:50,488 send signals to us that the partnering 1721 01:09:50,499 --> 01:09:53,909 up there um is changing that , that 1722 01:09:53,918 --> 01:09:57,679 peaceful multilateral uh uh 1723 01:09:57,688 --> 01:10:00,438 cooperation that we have seen 1724 01:10:00,449 --> 01:10:03,559 historically is changing in a dynamic 1725 01:10:03,568 --> 01:10:06,249 way as a consequence of what we've seen 1726 01:10:06,458 --> 01:10:09,438 uh with , with Putin's aggressive and 1727 01:10:09,449 --> 01:10:13,309 an awful war in Ukraine . But uh the 1728 01:10:13,318 --> 01:10:15,689 question and I guess I'll start with 1729 01:10:15,700 --> 01:10:18,339 you uh uh Chairman Milley is whether or 1730 01:10:18,350 --> 01:10:20,239 not you think that this budget is 1731 01:10:20,239 --> 01:10:22,990 sufficient in , in regards to our 1732 01:10:23,000 --> 01:10:25,330 priorities in the Arctic . 1733 01:10:26,560 --> 01:10:28,839 Thanks . And I appreciate that . Um I , 1734 01:10:28,850 --> 01:10:31,939 I do think that uh because our forces 1735 01:10:31,950 --> 01:10:34,250 are general purpose forces uh and they 1736 01:10:34,259 --> 01:10:36,315 can be applied in the Arctic or they 1737 01:10:36,315 --> 01:10:38,259 can be applied anywhere . Um And I 1738 01:10:38,259 --> 01:10:40,092 personally think the artist is a 1739 01:10:40,092 --> 01:10:41,926 critical uh geographic region of 1740 01:10:41,926 --> 01:10:43,759 geostrategic importance and it's 1741 01:10:43,759 --> 01:10:45,926 increasing in its importance over time 1742 01:10:45,926 --> 01:10:48,148 and that's clear . Um I'm attending the 1743 01:10:48,148 --> 01:10:50,203 Arctic uh conference here shortly in 1744 01:10:50,203 --> 01:10:52,315 the next couple of weeks , which I do 1745 01:10:52,315 --> 01:10:54,370 every six months or so . Um And that 1746 01:10:54,370 --> 01:10:56,537 has all the Chiefs of Defense , uh the 1747 01:10:56,537 --> 01:10:58,703 military uniform , Chief of Defense of 1748 01:10:58,703 --> 01:10:58,419 the Arctic nations , not including 1749 01:10:58,430 --> 01:11:01,299 Russia , by the way . Um And , and uh 1750 01:11:01,310 --> 01:11:03,254 and we get together to discuss the 1751 01:11:03,254 --> 01:11:05,199 security issues uh with Norway and 1752 01:11:05,199 --> 01:11:07,254 Canada and uh and , and the other uh 1753 01:11:07,254 --> 01:11:09,421 Scandinavian countries , etcetera . Uh 1754 01:11:09,421 --> 01:11:11,532 So we recognize the importance of the 1755 01:11:11,532 --> 01:11:13,588 Arctic . We , as you mentioned , all 1756 01:11:13,588 --> 01:11:15,643 the services and all the commands of 1757 01:11:15,643 --> 01:11:17,866 updated their uh their programs , their 1758 01:11:17,866 --> 01:11:19,977 strategies . In addition to that , we 1759 01:11:19,977 --> 01:11:19,950 run a series , a whole series of 1760 01:11:19,959 --> 01:11:21,910 exercises and we've increased our 1761 01:11:21,919 --> 01:11:24,252 capabilities the 11th Airborne Division , 1762 01:11:24,252 --> 01:11:26,419 for example , up in Alaska . Uh So the 1763 01:11:26,419 --> 01:11:28,641 Arctic is clearly recognized within the 1764 01:11:28,641 --> 01:11:30,586 Department of Defense , within the 1765 01:11:30,586 --> 01:11:32,586 joint force as having a uh critical 1766 01:11:32,586 --> 01:11:34,697 geostrategic importance . And we have 1767 01:11:34,697 --> 01:11:34,390 forces that are able to operate in the 1768 01:11:34,399 --> 01:11:37,399 Arctic right now . I think we recognize 1769 01:11:37,410 --> 01:11:40,240 though that the training to the Arctic 1770 01:11:40,250 --> 01:11:42,250 is perhaps a little more unique and 1771 01:11:42,250 --> 01:11:44,417 this is why , this is why the 111th is 1772 01:11:44,417 --> 01:11:46,417 so important with that focus . Uh , 1773 01:11:46,417 --> 01:11:49,209 Secretary Austin in , in last year's N 1774 01:11:49,220 --> 01:11:51,779 D A A section six oh three authorized 1775 01:11:51,790 --> 01:11:54,049 several policies that will improve the 1776 01:11:54,060 --> 01:11:56,227 quality of life . We've been concerned 1777 01:11:56,227 --> 01:11:57,838 about the issue of suicide , 1778 01:11:57,838 --> 01:12:00,004 particularly up north . Um , but we've 1779 01:12:00,004 --> 01:12:02,049 got , we had included provisions 1780 01:12:02,060 --> 01:12:05,399 related to special cold weather pay as 1781 01:12:05,410 --> 01:12:08,790 well as , um , an opportunity for the 1782 01:12:08,799 --> 01:12:11,509 secretary to reimburse eligible service 1783 01:12:11,520 --> 01:12:15,209 members for the cost of , of airfare , 1784 01:12:15,220 --> 01:12:17,459 travel home to their state , uh , their 1785 01:12:17,470 --> 01:12:19,600 home of record while they're assigned 1786 01:12:19,609 --> 01:12:22,040 on duty location . All these designed 1787 01:12:22,109 --> 01:12:24,689 to help offset some of the challenges 1788 01:12:24,700 --> 01:12:27,359 that come when you are in a remote , um , 1789 01:12:27,370 --> 01:12:30,200 and expensive area . I had asked 1790 01:12:30,209 --> 01:12:32,930 earlier for , um , some updates on when , 1791 01:12:32,995 --> 01:12:34,939 then the soldiers might be able to 1792 01:12:34,939 --> 01:12:37,814 expect receiving the , the cold weather 1793 01:12:37,825 --> 01:12:39,992 duty pay as well as beginning receives 1794 01:12:39,992 --> 01:12:43,084 for the eligible travel and , um , have 1795 01:12:43,095 --> 01:12:45,794 not gotten uh , responses that , that 1796 01:12:45,805 --> 01:12:47,805 have clarified that . So if you can 1797 01:12:47,805 --> 01:12:50,027 help us with that , certainly , we'll , 1798 01:12:50,027 --> 01:12:52,249 we'll get your response uh , right away 1799 01:12:52,249 --> 01:12:54,305 in terms of where we are in the , in 1800 01:12:54,305 --> 01:12:56,305 the process , in complying with the 1801 01:12:56,305 --> 01:12:58,638 directive there . Thank you . Thank you , 1802 01:12:58,638 --> 01:13:00,805 Mr Chairman Senator . Well , thank you 1803 01:13:00,805 --> 01:13:03,083 very much , Mr Chairman first . Let me , 1804 01:13:03,083 --> 01:13:02,319 uh , thank and command General Milley 1805 01:13:02,330 --> 01:13:04,729 for his extraordinary service . I first 1806 01:13:04,740 --> 01:13:06,962 had the opportunity to meet the general 1807 01:13:06,962 --> 01:13:08,907 when he was the assistant division 1808 01:13:08,907 --> 01:13:10,684 commander of the 101st Airborne 1809 01:13:10,684 --> 01:13:12,962 Division along with General mcconville . 1810 01:13:12,962 --> 01:13:15,018 And since that time , you and before 1811 01:13:15,018 --> 01:13:17,351 that , you've been a remarkable soldier . 1812 01:13:17,351 --> 01:13:19,462 Thank you , sir . Uh Miss Secretary , 1813 01:13:19,462 --> 01:13:23,160 uh you indicated to the chairman that a 1814 01:13:23,169 --> 01:13:25,391 default on our debt would have profound 1815 01:13:25,391 --> 01:13:27,336 repercussions in the Department of 1816 01:13:27,336 --> 01:13:29,930 Defense . And that also tracks with the 1817 01:13:29,939 --> 01:13:32,500 uh testimony of uh L Haynes , the 1818 01:13:32,509 --> 01:13:34,398 Director of National Intelligence 1819 01:13:34,398 --> 01:13:36,509 before the Armed Services Committee . 1820 01:13:36,509 --> 01:13:38,620 Uh But there's another aspect of this 1821 01:13:38,620 --> 01:13:42,250 too and that would uh I think can give 1822 01:13:42,259 --> 01:13:45,470 China an opportunity to exploit this 1823 01:13:45,479 --> 01:13:47,669 dramatically . Do you have any uh 1824 01:13:47,680 --> 01:13:50,649 concept of the strategic competition 1825 01:13:50,660 --> 01:13:54,169 with China if we default ? Um There , 1826 01:13:54,180 --> 01:13:57,669 there is a substantial risk for , to 1827 01:13:57,680 --> 01:14:01,160 our reputation . Uh Senator , uh again , 1828 01:14:01,169 --> 01:14:04,379 we are viewed as being uh a source of 1829 01:14:04,390 --> 01:14:07,160 stability globally . Uh And we always 1830 01:14:07,169 --> 01:14:09,600 pay our debts . And uh and uh there's 1831 01:14:09,609 --> 01:14:11,553 just a number of things that we're 1832 01:14:11,553 --> 01:14:13,553 working with allies and partners on 1833 01:14:13,553 --> 01:14:15,776 that , that would come into question as 1834 01:14:15,776 --> 01:14:17,720 to whether or not we'll be able to 1835 01:14:17,720 --> 01:14:19,831 execute programs , but most important 1836 01:14:19,831 --> 01:14:22,589 uh this will affect uh the livelihood 1837 01:14:22,600 --> 01:14:26,080 of our , of our uh our troops and , and 1838 01:14:26,089 --> 01:14:28,600 our , our civilians . Uh We won't be 1839 01:14:28,609 --> 01:14:32,140 able to uh uh to pay uh people like we 1840 01:14:32,149 --> 01:14:34,459 should . And uh and I think that's uh 1841 01:14:34,470 --> 01:14:36,248 that's something that China and 1842 01:14:36,248 --> 01:14:39,120 everybody else can exploit . Uh given 1843 01:14:39,129 --> 01:14:42,370 that the disposition of China , they 1844 01:14:42,379 --> 01:14:44,601 would like to exploit every opportunity 1845 01:14:44,601 --> 01:14:46,810 and this would prevent them a huge 1846 01:14:46,819 --> 01:14:49,620 opportunity to provide disinformation 1847 01:14:49,629 --> 01:14:52,669 to American citizens to confuse them . 1848 01:14:52,680 --> 01:14:54,930 Uh And also in the rural community , as 1849 01:14:54,939 --> 01:14:57,459 you point out to suddenly and 1850 01:14:57,470 --> 01:15:00,700 miraculously look like the stable the 1851 01:15:00,709 --> 01:15:03,470 adult in the room . And that would be , 1852 01:15:03,770 --> 01:15:05,826 it's interesting , we're all talking 1853 01:15:05,826 --> 01:15:08,189 about strategic platforms and how do we , 1854 01:15:08,200 --> 01:15:10,799 you know , operate vis A vis China , 1855 01:15:11,180 --> 01:15:13,236 this could be one of the greatest uh 1856 01:15:13,236 --> 01:15:15,399 strategic errors vis a vis China in 1857 01:15:15,410 --> 01:15:17,819 history . Is that fair ? I I think 1858 01:15:17,830 --> 01:15:19,997 that's uh that's an accurate statement 1859 01:15:19,997 --> 01:15:22,274 there . Chairman , thank you very much . 1860 01:15:22,274 --> 01:15:24,274 Uh The chairman also brought up the 1861 01:15:24,274 --> 01:15:26,163 issue which is I found profoundly 1862 01:15:26,163 --> 01:15:27,886 disturbing uh the inability to 1863 01:15:27,886 --> 01:15:30,359 routinely confirm general officers . Uh 1864 01:15:30,370 --> 01:15:33,129 And I know uh seven former secretaries 1865 01:15:33,140 --> 01:15:36,810 of defense wrote a letter uh actually 1866 01:15:37,450 --> 01:15:41,370 uh deploring this as a gross of 1867 01:15:41,379 --> 01:15:43,709 politicization of military . You 1868 01:15:43,720 --> 01:15:46,160 yourself wrote a letter to Senator 1869 01:15:46,169 --> 01:15:49,430 Warren . Um Mr Chairman . Uh I would 1870 01:15:49,439 --> 01:15:51,661 like , you know , to include both these 1871 01:15:51,661 --> 01:15:53,383 letters and the record without 1872 01:15:53,383 --> 01:15:55,495 objection . Thank you , Mr Chairman , 1873 01:15:55,495 --> 01:15:57,550 uh General Milley . You know , we've 1874 01:15:57,550 --> 01:15:59,606 talk conceptually about this issue . 1875 01:15:59,606 --> 01:16:01,772 Can you give us an idea of the impacts 1876 01:16:01,772 --> 01:16:01,490 that are beginning to happen and that 1877 01:16:01,500 --> 01:16:05,479 will accelerate again ? Uh Senator 1878 01:16:05,490 --> 01:16:07,990 uh Thanks . Uh Let me make one comment 1879 01:16:08,000 --> 01:16:10,549 on that default piece though China . Uh 1880 01:16:10,560 --> 01:16:14,250 right now uh describes us in their open 1881 01:16:14,359 --> 01:16:16,569 speeches , et cetera as a declining 1882 01:16:16,580 --> 01:16:18,580 power , defaulting on the debt will 1883 01:16:18,580 --> 01:16:20,358 only reinforce that thought and 1884 01:16:20,358 --> 01:16:22,919 embolden China and increase risk to the 1885 01:16:22,930 --> 01:16:25,270 United States uh with respect to the uh 1886 01:16:25,279 --> 01:16:27,390 general officers . Uh , there's about 1887 01:16:27,390 --> 01:16:29,890 650 that are on various lists 1888 01:16:29,899 --> 01:16:32,121 throughout the services that are up for 1889 01:16:32,121 --> 01:16:34,220 uh nomination confirmation . Uh And 1890 01:16:34,229 --> 01:16:36,285 they're all gonna go replace someone 1891 01:16:36,285 --> 01:16:38,507 and they're gonna be replaced . So it's 1892 01:16:38,507 --> 01:16:40,562 36 50 really times three . So you're 1893 01:16:40,562 --> 01:16:42,673 looking at 8 , 1800 maybe almost 2000 1894 01:16:42,673 --> 01:16:44,896 officers . Um uh probably all of them . 1895 01:16:44,896 --> 01:16:46,951 I don't know for sure , but probably 1896 01:16:46,951 --> 01:16:49,007 most of them anyway are married . Uh 1897 01:16:49,007 --> 01:16:51,229 They probably have uh some kids . Uh So 1898 01:16:51,229 --> 01:16:53,285 you're probably looking at 3 to 4000 1899 01:16:53,285 --> 01:16:55,451 lives that are directly impacted uh in 1900 01:16:55,451 --> 01:16:57,259 my view . So , uh that'll have 1901 01:16:57,270 --> 01:16:59,939 significant personal uh impact then 1902 01:16:59,950 --> 01:17:02,160 from a readiness standpoint . Uh These 1903 01:17:02,169 --> 01:17:04,113 are , these are flag officers , so 1904 01:17:04,113 --> 01:17:06,336 they're in charge of very large complex 1905 01:17:06,336 --> 01:17:08,058 organizations . Uh And this is 1906 01:17:08,058 --> 01:17:10,330 unsettling for the institution . Uh And 1907 01:17:10,339 --> 01:17:13,439 it will have over time . Uh uh I think 1908 01:17:13,450 --> 01:17:15,950 a significant uh degradation in 1909 01:17:15,959 --> 01:17:19,319 readiness and capability morale . Uh I 1910 01:17:19,330 --> 01:17:21,497 think the impact is pretty significant 1911 01:17:21,497 --> 01:17:23,497 on that hold . Um And , and , and I 1912 01:17:23,497 --> 01:17:25,663 understand I'm gonna stay out of the , 1913 01:17:25,663 --> 01:17:27,941 the whole issue of why it's being held . 1914 01:17:27,941 --> 01:17:29,941 But uh I , I think uh holding up uh 1915 01:17:29,941 --> 01:17:32,052 commissioned officers , confirmations 1916 01:17:32,052 --> 01:17:34,052 uh on anything other than their own 1917 01:17:34,052 --> 01:17:36,589 personal talent and skills uh further 1918 01:17:36,600 --> 01:17:38,600 politicizes the military and if the 1919 01:17:38,600 --> 01:17:40,378 intent is to not politicize the 1920 01:17:40,378 --> 01:17:42,544 military , I think it has the opposite 1921 01:17:42,544 --> 01:17:42,520 effect . It drags the uniformed 1922 01:17:42,529 --> 01:17:44,418 military right in the middle of a 1923 01:17:44,418 --> 01:17:46,640 political argument . I , I think you're 1924 01:17:46,640 --> 01:17:48,862 exactly right . And that's why we'll do 1925 01:17:48,862 --> 01:17:51,085 our best to reverse this . Uh , I , I , 1926 01:17:51,085 --> 01:17:53,029 I , again , I think the cumulative 1927 01:17:53,029 --> 01:17:55,370 effect is , is very , very dangerous to 1928 01:17:55,379 --> 01:17:57,609 both this and certainly to the families 1929 01:17:57,620 --> 01:18:00,729 of these officers . Uh , a final point , 1930 01:18:00,740 --> 01:18:02,851 I'm running out of time but we talk a 1931 01:18:02,851 --> 01:18:04,740 lot about the number of platforms 1932 01:18:04,740 --> 01:18:06,851 they're gonna have and is et cetera . 1933 01:18:06,851 --> 01:18:09,770 Uh my recollection , but I'd have to be 1934 01:18:09,779 --> 01:18:12,001 checked by the historians is that the , 1935 01:18:12,001 --> 01:18:14,470 the French army had many more tanks 1936 01:18:14,479 --> 01:18:18,029 than the mark in 1940 . But what they 1937 01:18:18,040 --> 01:18:20,318 didn't have is the combined arms teams , 1938 01:18:20,318 --> 01:18:22,540 the communications , etcetera . And one 1939 01:18:22,540 --> 01:18:25,270 of the areas we're uh trying to do is 1940 01:18:25,279 --> 01:18:29,129 to get uh T C two in place so that we 1941 01:18:29,140 --> 01:18:31,890 can communicate , which will multiply 1942 01:18:31,899 --> 01:18:35,689 our power so that , you know , X number 1943 01:18:35,700 --> 01:18:38,439 of platforms could be more uh effective . 1944 01:18:38,700 --> 01:18:40,830 Uh Even if our opponents have a lot 1945 01:18:40,839 --> 01:18:43,580 more platforms , it just uh uh uh is 1946 01:18:43,589 --> 01:18:47,080 that accurate or fair ? It is Senator 1947 01:18:47,089 --> 01:18:49,145 Jet C Two is a critical component of 1948 01:18:49,145 --> 01:18:51,033 the modernization . The joint war 1949 01:18:51,033 --> 01:18:53,033 fighting concept is the command and 1950 01:18:53,033 --> 01:18:54,922 control system that brings it all 1951 01:18:54,922 --> 01:18:56,978 together in a combined arms way that 1952 01:18:56,978 --> 01:18:59,311 involves software , hardware procedures , 1953 01:18:59,311 --> 01:18:59,069 et cetera . Uh It's a , it's a key 1954 01:18:59,080 --> 01:19:01,359 piece of the way the United States 1955 01:19:01,370 --> 01:19:03,592 military intends to operate in a future 1956 01:19:03,592 --> 01:19:05,481 operating environment . Uh And uh 1957 01:19:05,481 --> 01:19:07,370 without it , you won't be able to 1958 01:19:07,370 --> 01:19:09,537 execute combined arms operations . The 1959 01:19:09,537 --> 01:19:09,479 Jet C two is critical and it'll 1960 01:19:09,490 --> 01:19:11,490 multiply the number of platforms we 1961 01:19:11,490 --> 01:19:14,500 have effectively . Thank you , Senator 1962 01:19:14,509 --> 01:19:17,149 Sheen . Thank you , Mr Chairman , um 1963 01:19:17,160 --> 01:19:19,819 Secretary Austin General Milley , um 1964 01:19:20,060 --> 01:19:22,290 Deputy Secretary mccord . Thank you all 1965 01:19:22,299 --> 01:19:24,779 for being here and General Milley , let 1966 01:19:24,790 --> 01:19:27,209 me echo all of the thanks from other 1967 01:19:27,220 --> 01:19:29,276 members of the subcommittee for your 1968 01:19:29,276 --> 01:19:31,439 long service to this country . Um I 1969 01:19:31,450 --> 01:19:33,394 would like to follow up on Senator 1970 01:19:33,394 --> 01:19:35,450 Reid's comments and I'm disappointed 1971 01:19:35,450 --> 01:19:37,561 that more of our , the members of the 1972 01:19:37,561 --> 01:19:40,640 subcommittee aren't here . Um Because I , 1973 01:19:40,660 --> 01:19:43,120 I'm not sure that everyone understands 1974 01:19:43,129 --> 01:19:45,359 what the impact of holding these um , 1975 01:19:46,189 --> 01:19:49,819 general officer nominations are on the 1976 01:19:49,830 --> 01:19:52,052 military . And I think Senator Reid and 1977 01:19:52,052 --> 01:19:54,274 I are the only ones on the subcommittee 1978 01:19:54,274 --> 01:19:56,497 on armed services who have had a chance 1979 01:19:56,497 --> 01:19:58,552 to see this play out . And while you 1980 01:19:58,552 --> 01:20:00,497 may not want to get into the , the 1981 01:20:00,497 --> 01:20:03,520 reason why these um officers are being 1982 01:20:03,529 --> 01:20:05,640 held up , I'm gonna ask you Secretary 1983 01:20:05,640 --> 01:20:08,850 Austin to explain um , the policy that 1984 01:20:08,859 --> 01:20:11,229 you put in place . That is the reason 1985 01:20:11,240 --> 01:20:14,580 why um , our colleague from Alabama 1986 01:20:14,589 --> 01:20:16,810 says he is holding these nominees . 1987 01:20:18,959 --> 01:20:22,580 Um You're uh speaking of uh our 1988 01:20:22,589 --> 01:20:24,645 policy on reproductive health care . 1989 01:20:24,660 --> 01:20:27,890 Absolutely . Thanks Senator , as you 1990 01:20:27,899 --> 01:20:31,149 well know , Senator , um , about 18% of 1991 01:20:31,160 --> 01:20:33,259 our force is female . That's right . 1992 01:20:33,270 --> 01:20:35,381 And can you speak to how important it 1993 01:20:35,381 --> 01:20:38,120 is to be able to have recruit those 1994 01:20:38,129 --> 01:20:40,500 women into the military , especially 1995 01:20:40,520 --> 01:20:42,576 given that recruitment is down right 1996 01:20:42,576 --> 01:20:44,629 now . I think it's critical that uh 1997 01:20:44,640 --> 01:20:47,450 people be assured that uh if they join 1998 01:20:47,459 --> 01:20:49,626 the force , they will have continue to 1999 01:20:49,626 --> 01:20:52,040 have access to reproductive health care . 2000 01:20:52,310 --> 01:20:55,419 Uh And currently we have about 80,000 2001 01:20:55,430 --> 01:20:57,374 of our women that are stationed in 2002 01:20:57,374 --> 01:21:01,020 those areas uh where uh uh they don't 2003 01:21:01,029 --> 01:21:03,379 have ready access to repro reproductive 2004 01:21:03,390 --> 01:21:05,790 health care . Uh And uh and they don't 2005 01:21:05,799 --> 01:21:08,021 get a chance to pick where they , where 2006 01:21:08,021 --> 01:21:10,243 they live and where they're stationed . 2007 01:21:10,243 --> 01:21:12,779 Uh And so , um you know , what this 2008 01:21:12,790 --> 01:21:15,839 policy does is uh ensure that uh uh 2009 01:21:15,850 --> 01:21:18,939 that uh that access uh exists that they 2010 01:21:18,950 --> 01:21:22,100 have the means to uh uh to access uh 2011 01:21:22,109 --> 01:21:24,490 reproductive health care and especially 2012 01:21:24,529 --> 01:21:26,950 uh those things noncovered reproductive 2013 01:21:26,959 --> 01:21:29,070 health care . And , uh and again , uh 2014 01:21:29,070 --> 01:21:32,839 this , uh this policy is firmly rooted 2015 01:21:32,850 --> 01:21:34,906 in , in uh in law . Again , you've , 2016 01:21:34,906 --> 01:21:36,961 we've talked about the fact that the 2017 01:21:36,961 --> 01:21:39,899 doj uh has uh has provided an opinion 2018 01:21:39,910 --> 01:21:42,132 that opinion is posted on their , their 2019 01:21:42,132 --> 01:21:44,459 website . And , uh and so , uh this is 2020 01:21:44,470 --> 01:21:47,305 important for our force . Uh And uh and 2021 01:21:47,314 --> 01:21:49,904 again , we have a young force and uh 2022 01:21:49,915 --> 01:21:52,137 and about one in five of our troops are 2023 01:21:52,137 --> 01:21:54,193 women and I think it's critical that 2024 01:21:54,193 --> 01:21:56,082 they be assured that they'll have 2025 01:21:56,082 --> 01:21:58,674 access . Uh I , I want them focused on 2026 01:21:58,685 --> 01:22:00,785 the mission uh and not worried about 2027 01:22:00,794 --> 01:22:02,850 whether or not uh they're gonna have 2028 01:22:02,850 --> 01:22:05,127 access to reproductive health care and , 2029 01:22:05,127 --> 01:22:07,127 and I would just add that , um , we 2030 01:22:07,127 --> 01:22:09,350 know that women serving in the military 2031 01:22:09,350 --> 01:22:11,183 have a higher rate of unintended 2032 01:22:11,183 --> 01:22:13,405 pregnancies than the general population 2033 01:22:13,405 --> 01:22:15,405 in this country . So that's another 2034 01:22:15,405 --> 01:22:17,516 reason why this is so important . But 2035 01:22:17,516 --> 01:22:19,627 can you also address whether we would 2036 01:22:19,627 --> 01:22:21,970 be making our recruitment numbers that 2037 01:22:21,979 --> 01:22:24,259 we need to make for the military if we 2038 01:22:24,270 --> 01:22:27,459 were not able to recruit women ? Well , 2039 01:22:27,470 --> 01:22:29,637 certainly we , that problem would be , 2040 01:22:29,637 --> 01:22:32,140 uh compounded by an order of magnitude . 2041 01:22:32,149 --> 01:22:34,399 Again , uh Our , our women do 2042 01:22:34,410 --> 01:22:36,577 incredible work for us , Senator and , 2043 01:22:36,577 --> 01:22:38,632 and uh we , we are all very proud of 2044 01:22:38,632 --> 01:22:40,799 them and uh and they continue to amaze 2045 01:22:40,799 --> 01:22:42,966 us each and every day and we would not 2046 01:22:42,966 --> 01:22:44,966 be the force that we are without uh 2047 01:22:44,966 --> 01:22:47,021 without the contribution that they , 2048 01:22:47,021 --> 01:22:49,132 they bring to the label . And again , 2049 01:22:49,132 --> 01:22:51,319 it's uh throughout dod I , I'll , I'll 2050 01:22:51,330 --> 01:22:53,560 make that comment . Well , thank you 2051 01:22:53,569 --> 01:22:56,120 very much . I appreciate as I do . Um 2052 01:22:56,129 --> 01:22:58,919 so many people , the policy that you've 2053 01:22:58,930 --> 01:23:00,597 put in place and I think it's 2054 01:23:00,597 --> 01:23:03,160 absolutely critical and I hope that we 2055 01:23:03,169 --> 01:23:05,740 are gonna see this body address those 2056 01:23:05,750 --> 01:23:08,339 holes that are being placed on our 2057 01:23:08,350 --> 01:23:10,461 general officers . I talked to one of 2058 01:23:10,461 --> 01:23:13,180 them yesterday who's waiting to be sent 2059 01:23:13,790 --> 01:23:17,299 out to another um posting and 2060 01:23:17,580 --> 01:23:20,490 he doesn't have his new title . He's um 2061 01:23:20,589 --> 01:23:22,811 in basically in a holding pattern while 2062 01:23:22,811 --> 01:23:25,029 he waits for that . It would be tragic 2063 01:23:25,040 --> 01:23:27,669 if uh that kind of talent uh began to 2064 01:23:27,680 --> 01:23:29,890 vote with their feet and , uh , and 2065 01:23:29,899 --> 01:23:32,750 because of the unpredictability , uh , 2066 01:23:32,759 --> 01:23:34,870 leave our service and go do something 2067 01:23:34,870 --> 01:23:36,870 else , uh , we , you know , these , 2068 01:23:36,870 --> 01:23:38,926 these people have earned , uh , uh , 2069 01:23:38,926 --> 01:23:41,955 the right to be promoted and , uh , and 2070 01:23:41,964 --> 01:23:44,375 their families deserve , uh , what 2071 01:23:44,384 --> 01:23:46,734 comes with that as well . Uh , and so 2072 01:23:46,745 --> 01:23:48,856 we , we certainly don't want to begin 2073 01:23:48,856 --> 01:23:50,967 losing people because , uh , we can't 2074 01:23:50,967 --> 01:23:53,939 promote them . Absolutely . Um , Mr 2075 01:23:53,950 --> 01:23:56,669 Secretary , you were asked , I think by , 2076 01:23:56,680 --> 01:23:59,509 um , Senator Moran about the registry 2077 01:23:59,520 --> 01:24:01,687 for those people at Red Hill . And you 2078 01:24:01,687 --> 01:24:04,180 said that that is in fact in place 2079 01:24:04,189 --> 01:24:06,189 which I appreciate . I think that's 2080 01:24:06,189 --> 01:24:09,109 important . But Dod has not , um , 2081 01:24:10,500 --> 01:24:13,189 sought to set up a registry for 2082 01:24:13,200 --> 01:24:15,850 military members of who have been 2083 01:24:15,859 --> 01:24:19,529 exposed to P A S . Um , can you 2084 01:24:19,540 --> 01:24:22,649 speak to why ? That is , uh , you're 2085 01:24:22,660 --> 01:24:24,993 right . We have , obviously we have not , 2086 01:24:24,993 --> 01:24:27,104 uh , done that . Uh , and certainly , 2087 01:24:27,104 --> 01:24:29,359 uh , uh , P A s is a national challenge 2088 01:24:29,370 --> 01:24:31,370 but , and , and Dod continues to do 2089 01:24:31,370 --> 01:24:33,879 everything that , uh , we can to , uh , 2090 01:24:33,890 --> 01:24:36,270 to help address , uh , this , this 2091 01:24:36,279 --> 01:24:37,946 issue . We , we recognize the 2092 01:24:37,946 --> 01:24:40,069 importance of it and , and so we'll 2093 01:24:40,080 --> 01:24:42,413 take a look at , at whether or not , uh , 2094 01:24:42,413 --> 01:24:44,524 uh , we can and should do that . Uh , 2095 01:24:44,524 --> 01:24:46,691 we've increased our testing across the 2096 01:24:46,691 --> 01:24:49,259 board . Uh , and , uh , and so , uh , 2097 01:24:49,270 --> 01:24:51,437 I'll have , uh , I'll have our staff , 2098 01:24:51,439 --> 01:24:53,606 uh , uh , provide some recommendations 2099 01:24:53,606 --> 01:24:55,772 to me and we'll come back to you and , 2100 01:24:55,772 --> 01:24:57,717 and discuss this with you . Um , I 2101 01:24:57,717 --> 01:24:59,828 appreciate that I've introduced um an 2102 01:24:59,828 --> 01:25:01,883 amendment in the last three N D A to 2103 01:25:01,883 --> 01:25:04,279 try and set up a registry . We have a 2104 01:25:04,290 --> 01:25:07,009 health study that um the Agency for 2105 01:25:07,020 --> 01:25:09,250 Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 2106 01:25:09,259 --> 01:25:11,399 is about to complete at eight sites 2107 01:25:11,410 --> 01:25:13,560 around this country with the health 2108 01:25:13,569 --> 01:25:16,209 impacts of PFA . That'll give us um 2109 01:25:16,220 --> 01:25:19,669 that real um health data on which to 2110 01:25:19,680 --> 01:25:22,640 base um the impact of P A . But it's 2111 01:25:22,649 --> 01:25:26,629 clearly um we know it's um we're pretty 2112 01:25:26,640 --> 01:25:29,529 sure it's a carcinogen . And so I hope 2113 01:25:29,540 --> 01:25:32,229 that um you will in fact take this 2114 01:25:32,240 --> 01:25:34,140 seriously and I stand ready to be 2115 01:25:34,149 --> 01:25:36,260 helpful in any way that I can . Thank 2116 01:25:36,260 --> 01:25:38,482 you . Thank you , Mr Chairman , Senator 2117 01:25:38,482 --> 01:25:40,705 Murphy . Uh Thank you very much , uh Mr 2118 01:25:40,705 --> 01:25:42,927 Chairman , thank you all for being here 2119 01:25:42,927 --> 01:25:45,038 for your service uh as the new member 2120 01:25:45,038 --> 01:25:47,371 of the subcommittee , uh General Milley , 2121 01:25:47,371 --> 01:25:46,839 I have not had the pleasure to work 2122 01:25:46,850 --> 01:25:48,850 with you through the Appropriations 2123 01:25:48,850 --> 01:25:51,109 process . Um But I am deeply grateful 2124 01:25:51,120 --> 01:25:53,379 for your service and your willingness 2125 01:25:53,390 --> 01:25:55,723 to continue to work with this committee . 2126 01:25:55,723 --> 01:25:57,723 Uh I wanted to speak with you for a 2127 01:25:57,723 --> 01:25:59,959 moment about information warfare . Um 2128 01:26:00,229 --> 01:26:03,939 Our national defense strategy today has 2129 01:26:03,950 --> 01:26:07,540 a robust information component today , 2130 01:26:07,549 --> 01:26:09,629 the amount of money that Russia and 2131 01:26:09,640 --> 01:26:13,169 China are spending on propaganda . Um 2132 01:26:13,180 --> 01:26:16,279 unfortunately , dwarfs the amount that 2133 01:26:16,290 --> 01:26:18,589 we are allocating to fight 2134 01:26:18,600 --> 01:26:21,350 misinformation . Um Obviously , this 2135 01:26:21,359 --> 01:26:24,459 has to be a component of uh your 2136 01:26:24,470 --> 01:26:27,540 strategy , but you're partnered often 2137 01:26:27,549 --> 01:26:30,029 with the State Department . Um There 2138 01:26:30,040 --> 01:26:32,207 are certain things you can do that the 2139 01:26:32,207 --> 01:26:34,484 State Department cannot , for instance , 2140 01:26:34,484 --> 01:26:36,429 the Global Engagement Center , the 2141 01:26:36,429 --> 01:26:38,596 State department funds not for profits 2142 01:26:38,596 --> 01:26:41,919 and fact checkers um uh on China and 2143 01:26:41,930 --> 01:26:44,041 Russia's periphery that are trying to 2144 01:26:44,041 --> 01:26:46,120 set the record straight . Uh So I 2145 01:26:46,129 --> 01:26:49,779 wanted just to ask you um about 2146 01:26:50,109 --> 01:26:52,950 um why that partnership is important . 2147 01:26:52,959 --> 01:26:54,903 I think we have to have a whole of 2148 01:26:54,903 --> 01:26:56,681 government approach to fighting 2149 01:26:56,681 --> 01:26:58,848 misinformation um that involves making 2150 01:26:58,848 --> 01:27:00,792 sure that your commanders have the 2151 01:27:00,792 --> 01:27:02,792 ability uh to be nimble in fighting 2152 01:27:02,792 --> 01:27:04,626 back against narratives that are 2153 01:27:04,626 --> 01:27:06,737 endangering our nation's security and 2154 01:27:06,737 --> 01:27:08,848 endangering their security . But also 2155 01:27:08,848 --> 01:27:10,848 it means making sure that the state 2156 01:27:10,848 --> 01:27:12,959 department has resources to do uh the 2157 01:27:12,959 --> 01:27:16,910 same . So uh thanks 2158 01:27:16,919 --> 01:27:19,197 Senator for the opportunity to comment . 2159 01:27:19,197 --> 01:27:21,419 Um Information has always been critical 2160 01:27:21,419 --> 01:27:23,419 to the conduct of war uh throughout 2161 01:27:23,419 --> 01:27:25,475 history and it's probably never more 2162 01:27:25,475 --> 01:27:27,586 important than it is today . Uh We're 2163 01:27:27,586 --> 01:27:27,100 in the information age , we've got a 2164 01:27:27,109 --> 01:27:29,109 wide variety of information tools . 2165 01:27:29,459 --> 01:27:31,792 We've got the explosion of social media . 2166 01:27:31,792 --> 01:27:33,903 You've got all kinds of uh tools that 2167 01:27:33,903 --> 01:27:35,903 are literally , you can walk around 2168 01:27:35,903 --> 01:27:38,126 with iphones for example . Uh And these 2169 01:27:38,126 --> 01:27:40,459 are very , very powerful tools . Uh Now , 2170 01:27:40,459 --> 01:27:42,626 we , we're in the uh age of artificial 2171 01:27:42,626 --> 01:27:44,848 intelligence algorithms . Uh You've got 2172 01:27:44,848 --> 01:27:47,015 the ability to do deep fake uh stories 2173 01:27:47,015 --> 01:27:49,015 out there with people or , or other 2174 01:27:49,015 --> 01:27:51,237 things . Uh So this is an area in which 2175 01:27:51,237 --> 01:27:53,403 we need to get better . Uh And we need 2176 01:27:53,403 --> 01:27:55,681 to get more coordinated uh information , 2177 01:27:55,681 --> 01:27:57,903 often times can be a decisive factor in 2178 01:27:57,903 --> 01:28:00,070 the , in the , in the conduct of war . 2179 01:28:00,070 --> 01:28:02,292 We've got a lot of really good programs 2180 01:28:02,292 --> 01:28:04,348 inside the military . Uh And we know 2181 01:28:04,348 --> 01:28:06,015 that uh we work well with the 2182 01:28:06,015 --> 01:28:08,126 intelligence agencies , for example , 2183 01:28:08,126 --> 01:28:10,292 uh and the state Department , but this 2184 01:28:10,292 --> 01:28:12,403 effort needs to be more coordinated . 2185 01:28:12,403 --> 01:28:14,626 Uh and uh and , and I think advanced to 2186 01:28:14,626 --> 01:28:16,181 a greater level , given the 2187 01:28:16,181 --> 01:28:18,181 capabilities of not only Russia but 2188 01:28:18,181 --> 01:28:20,292 China , uh they have very significant 2189 01:28:20,292 --> 01:28:22,403 information capabilities in , in , in 2190 01:28:22,403 --> 01:28:24,515 cyber , a very significant electronic 2191 01:28:24,515 --> 01:28:26,181 warfare capabilities and very 2192 01:28:26,181 --> 01:28:28,403 significant disinformation capabilities 2193 01:28:28,403 --> 01:28:30,515 and they're active every single day . 2194 01:28:30,515 --> 01:28:32,181 Uh So this is an area of real 2195 01:28:32,181 --> 01:28:34,070 importance and we need to improve 2196 01:28:34,070 --> 01:28:35,903 ourselves . Well , thank you for 2197 01:28:35,903 --> 01:28:38,015 challenging this committee to step up 2198 01:28:38,015 --> 01:28:40,109 um uh on that effort . Uh General uh 2199 01:28:40,120 --> 01:28:43,689 Secretary Austin , um there's reports 2200 01:28:43,700 --> 01:28:46,200 that the Pentagon has sought a high 2201 01:28:46,209 --> 01:28:49,069 level meeting with your counterparts in 2202 01:28:49,080 --> 01:28:51,136 China . And obviously , we have been 2203 01:28:51,136 --> 01:28:53,649 missing high level dialogue with the 2204 01:28:53,660 --> 01:28:57,520 Chinese since uh the flying 2205 01:28:57,529 --> 01:29:00,149 of the Chinese balloon over us airspace . 2206 01:29:00,160 --> 01:29:02,390 There's no excuse for the provocative 2207 01:29:02,399 --> 01:29:04,566 actions of the Chinese government . Um 2208 01:29:04,566 --> 01:29:06,850 But at the same time , um it's not good 2209 01:29:06,859 --> 01:29:09,081 when we're not talking to each other at 2210 01:29:09,081 --> 01:29:11,248 a high level . And so , um my question 2211 01:29:11,250 --> 01:29:14,959 is this , um my belief is that there's 2212 01:29:14,970 --> 01:29:17,890 no choice to be made between having an 2213 01:29:17,899 --> 01:29:20,850 effective China policy um to try to 2214 01:29:20,859 --> 01:29:23,259 make sure that their power does not 2215 01:29:23,270 --> 01:29:25,381 expand in a way that hurts the United 2216 01:29:25,381 --> 01:29:27,381 States uh and continuing a dialogue 2217 01:29:27,381 --> 01:29:29,326 about the things where we can work 2218 01:29:29,326 --> 01:29:31,259 together and the ways in which we 2219 01:29:31,270 --> 01:29:33,500 address our challenges . Can you just 2220 01:29:33,509 --> 01:29:36,569 talk about um the state of the meal to 2221 01:29:36,580 --> 01:29:39,060 mill dialogue with China and your views 2222 01:29:39,069 --> 01:29:41,509 on whether it's important to keep those 2223 01:29:41,520 --> 01:29:44,939 channels open ? Uh I think it's 2224 01:29:44,950 --> 01:29:46,783 critical Senator , thanks for uh 2225 01:29:46,783 --> 01:29:48,839 bringing this topic up . We , I have 2226 01:29:48,839 --> 01:29:50,783 reached out to my counterpart on a 2227 01:29:50,783 --> 01:29:54,200 number of occasions . Uh And I , I have 2228 01:29:54,209 --> 01:29:56,431 conducted face to face meetings with uh 2229 01:29:56,431 --> 01:29:59,640 the former uh Minister of Defense . Uh 2230 01:29:59,649 --> 01:30:01,705 there's a new Minister of Defense in 2231 01:30:01,705 --> 01:30:03,760 the seat . Now , I've reached out to 2232 01:30:03,760 --> 01:30:05,927 him , I sent him a letter and , and of 2233 01:30:05,927 --> 01:30:07,816 uh offered to talk as well . I'll 2234 01:30:07,816 --> 01:30:09,705 continue to do that . I , I think 2235 01:30:09,705 --> 01:30:09,509 that's critical , you know , when you 2236 01:30:09,520 --> 01:30:12,000 have uh two countries with this kind of 2237 01:30:12,009 --> 01:30:15,049 capability . Uh And , uh and we're 2238 01:30:15,060 --> 01:30:17,290 operating , uh you know , globally , I 2239 01:30:17,299 --> 01:30:19,466 think we have to have the ability to , 2240 01:30:19,640 --> 01:30:23,080 uh you know , uh manage uh potential 2241 01:30:23,089 --> 01:30:26,569 crises and , and uh and , and really 2242 01:30:26,930 --> 01:30:29,100 there are things that uh that we will 2243 01:30:29,109 --> 01:30:31,220 have to address from time to time and 2244 01:30:31,220 --> 01:30:33,276 we really need to be able to pick up 2245 01:30:33,276 --> 01:30:35,165 the phone and talk directly to uh 2246 01:30:35,165 --> 01:30:37,331 senior people . Uh So I'll continue to 2247 01:30:37,331 --> 01:30:39,498 work this , I think it's , it's , it's 2248 01:30:39,498 --> 01:30:41,665 really important . We'll probably have 2249 01:30:41,665 --> 01:30:43,665 another opportunity as we go out to 2250 01:30:43,665 --> 01:30:45,720 Singapore for uh for a conference in 2251 01:30:45,720 --> 01:30:47,387 Singapore and , and uh if the 2252 01:30:47,387 --> 01:30:49,609 opportunity presents itself , I'll look 2253 01:30:49,609 --> 01:30:51,720 to engage my , my counterpart . I , I 2254 01:30:51,720 --> 01:30:51,660 think that we need to open that door 2255 01:30:51,669 --> 01:30:54,259 and continue to , to uh to engage each 2256 01:30:54,270 --> 01:30:56,600 other . Well , I , I , I , I appreciate 2257 01:30:56,850 --> 01:30:58,739 uh your public statements to that 2258 01:30:58,739 --> 01:31:00,628 effect . Uh and the outreach that 2259 01:31:00,628 --> 01:31:02,572 you're doing agree um that these , 2260 01:31:02,572 --> 01:31:04,739 these are not mutually exclusive goals 2261 01:31:04,739 --> 01:31:06,850 to keep that dialogue open , to avoid 2262 01:31:06,850 --> 01:31:08,850 conflict . Uh but also to make sure 2263 01:31:08,850 --> 01:31:12,100 that we are sing up resources um both 2264 01:31:12,109 --> 01:31:15,120 at Dod uh and at state to make sure 2265 01:31:15,129 --> 01:31:17,759 that we are uh ready . Thank you , Mr 2266 01:31:17,770 --> 01:31:21,169 Chairman , Senator Bozeman . Thank you , 2267 01:31:21,180 --> 01:31:23,990 madam chairman and , and I'm sorry , Mr 2268 01:31:24,000 --> 01:31:27,890 Chairman , I 2269 01:31:27,899 --> 01:31:30,121 was just with Senator Murray at another 2270 01:31:30,121 --> 01:31:32,509 meeting . So I've got my chairman's 2271 01:31:32,520 --> 01:31:35,169 mixed up . I I just wanna say , I agree 2272 01:31:35,180 --> 01:31:37,470 with the point that uh Senator Murphy 2273 01:31:37,479 --> 01:31:39,090 was trying to make the , the 2274 01:31:39,090 --> 01:31:40,812 communication really is really 2275 01:31:40,812 --> 01:31:43,090 important . We've seen that , you know , 2276 01:31:43,090 --> 01:31:44,757 in other areas when we've had 2277 01:31:44,757 --> 01:31:46,890 situations like our situation with 2278 01:31:46,899 --> 01:31:49,066 China . And I know that you're working 2279 01:31:49,066 --> 01:31:50,621 really hard to do that . Uh 2280 01:31:50,621 --> 01:31:52,788 Congratulations to all of you for your 2281 01:31:52,788 --> 01:31:54,955 great careers . We're gonna miss you , 2282 01:31:54,955 --> 01:31:57,177 General Milley , who would have thought 2283 01:31:57,177 --> 01:31:59,121 that the , the young hockey player 2284 01:31:59,121 --> 01:32:01,288 would have all the stars and they have 2285 01:32:01,288 --> 01:32:03,399 such a tremendous career . So again , 2286 01:32:03,399 --> 01:32:06,560 congratulations , Secretary Secretary 2287 01:32:06,569 --> 01:32:08,291 Austin , you mentioned in your 2288 01:32:08,291 --> 01:32:10,513 testimony that our cooperation with our 2289 01:32:10,513 --> 01:32:12,680 allies and partners is central to code 2290 01:32:12,680 --> 01:32:14,736 developing advanced capabilities for 2291 01:32:14,740 --> 01:32:16,629 our war fighters . Recently , the 2292 01:32:16,629 --> 01:32:18,462 record of decision was signed by 2293 01:32:18,462 --> 01:32:20,684 Secretary Kendall that will make ebbing 2294 01:32:20,684 --> 01:32:22,907 airfield in Fort Smith , Arkansas , the 2295 01:32:22,907 --> 01:32:25,529 future home for F-35 US allied pilot 2296 01:32:25,540 --> 01:32:27,729 training . I continue to work with the 2297 01:32:27,740 --> 01:32:29,684 air force to make ebbing a premier 2298 01:32:29,684 --> 01:32:31,930 pilot training center and sure it's is 2299 01:32:31,939 --> 01:32:33,828 ready on time to train our allied 2300 01:32:33,828 --> 01:32:36,229 partner pilots . Secretary Aton . Can 2301 01:32:36,240 --> 01:32:38,629 you briefly speak to how important this 2302 01:32:38,640 --> 01:32:40,930 mission uh in Arkansas is to our 2303 01:32:40,939 --> 01:32:44,290 national security . It's critical uh as 2304 01:32:44,299 --> 01:32:47,270 we as our allies and partners invest in . 2305 01:32:47,890 --> 01:32:50,669 And uh the kinds of capability that we 2306 01:32:50,680 --> 01:32:54,379 have F-35s are a great example . Uh We 2307 01:32:54,390 --> 01:32:56,446 need to make sure that we're working 2308 01:32:56,446 --> 01:32:58,600 together to uh increase 2309 01:32:58,609 --> 01:33:01,100 interoperability . And uh and we do 2310 01:33:01,109 --> 01:33:03,419 that , you know , by not only making 2311 01:33:03,430 --> 01:33:05,374 sure that we have the policies and 2312 01:33:05,374 --> 01:33:07,374 procedures in the right place , but 2313 01:33:07,374 --> 01:33:09,208 this frequent contact us working 2314 01:33:09,208 --> 01:33:11,541 together with each other is uh you know , 2315 01:33:11,541 --> 01:33:13,652 you can't , you can't replace it . It 2316 01:33:13,652 --> 01:33:15,652 also builds trust . We know that uh 2317 01:33:15,652 --> 01:33:17,763 when you need trust , you can't surge 2318 01:33:17,763 --> 01:33:19,486 it , it has to be there . It's 2319 01:33:19,486 --> 01:33:21,597 something you got to work on each and 2320 01:33:21,597 --> 01:33:23,874 every day . And so the capability that , 2321 01:33:23,874 --> 01:33:26,097 that you're speaking of in Arkansas , I 2322 01:33:26,097 --> 01:33:28,250 think is uh is , is critical and uh I 2323 01:33:28,259 --> 01:33:30,930 know that uh we have uh some allies and 2324 01:33:31,140 --> 01:33:33,589 uh partners that are really looking 2325 01:33:33,600 --> 01:33:35,878 forward to uh to using that capability . 2326 01:33:35,878 --> 01:33:38,100 So , so thanks for what you're doing to 2327 01:33:38,100 --> 01:33:40,322 uh to broaden our , our uh our capacity 2328 01:33:40,322 --> 01:33:44,180 here . Thank you . Uh in regard to the 2329 01:33:44,189 --> 01:33:47,399 foreign military sales , uh there's all 2330 01:33:47,410 --> 01:33:49,577 kinds of benefits . We've seen that in 2331 01:33:49,577 --> 01:33:51,743 stimulating the , the , the economy in 2332 01:33:51,743 --> 01:33:53,799 our country and again , just in , in 2333 01:33:53,799 --> 01:33:55,632 providing the protection that we 2334 01:33:55,632 --> 01:33:57,854 desperately need . Unfortunately , this 2335 01:33:57,854 --> 01:34:00,132 system is overburdened with regulation , 2336 01:34:00,132 --> 01:34:02,243 bureaucratic , bureaucratic logjams . 2337 01:34:02,410 --> 01:34:04,521 Uh And according to Mr Eric Fanning's 2338 01:34:04,521 --> 01:34:06,688 recent testimony in the Armed Services 2339 01:34:06,688 --> 01:34:08,910 Committee , it's resulted in an average 2340 01:34:08,910 --> 01:34:11,649 delay of over 18 months to get it on 2341 01:34:11,660 --> 01:34:14,149 contract . This leaves our allies 2342 01:34:14,160 --> 01:34:15,938 vulnerable and turning to other 2343 01:34:15,938 --> 01:34:18,660 countries to buy military capabilities . 2344 01:34:18,919 --> 01:34:20,830 Secretary Austin , how does F MS 2345 01:34:20,839 --> 01:34:23,061 contribute to the department's strategy 2346 01:34:23,061 --> 01:34:25,589 of deterrence and what specific 2347 01:34:25,600 --> 01:34:27,250 processes contribute to the 2348 01:34:27,259 --> 01:34:29,970 unacceptable delay , delay for getting 2349 01:34:29,979 --> 01:34:33,720 uh capabilities on contract ? Well , 2350 01:34:33,729 --> 01:34:37,259 certainly uh F MS helps us to uh to 2351 01:34:37,270 --> 01:34:40,799 magnify our capability because if , if 2352 01:34:40,810 --> 01:34:43,319 our allies and partners are working 2353 01:34:43,330 --> 01:34:45,529 with the same kinds of equipment and 2354 01:34:45,540 --> 01:34:48,000 are and are skilled on that in using 2355 01:34:48,009 --> 01:34:51,759 that equipment , then , then it's 2356 01:34:51,770 --> 01:34:55,359 really helpful in terms of expanding 2357 01:34:55,370 --> 01:34:58,839 our footprint , our capability , in 2358 01:34:58,850 --> 01:35:00,739 terms of the kinds of things that 2359 01:35:00,739 --> 01:35:04,379 contribute to um lags . Uh 2360 01:35:04,390 --> 01:35:06,557 There are a number of things that come 2361 01:35:06,557 --> 01:35:08,779 together . One industry owns a piece of 2362 01:35:08,779 --> 01:35:11,057 that and we would hope that , you know , 2363 01:35:11,057 --> 01:35:13,057 as a , you know , the contracts are 2364 01:35:13,057 --> 01:35:15,112 enacted that they uh they're able to 2365 01:35:15,112 --> 01:35:17,168 meet the timelines . And , and so uh 2366 01:35:17,168 --> 01:35:19,390 coming out of a COVID period , a period 2367 01:35:19,390 --> 01:35:21,390 of two years of COVID that's had an 2368 01:35:21,390 --> 01:35:23,501 impact on a number of things . Uh But 2369 01:35:23,509 --> 01:35:25,287 they're also to your point , uh 2370 01:35:25,287 --> 01:35:28,580 bureaucratic issues that uh often get 2371 01:35:28,589 --> 01:35:30,811 in the way . Now , what we did , what I 2372 01:35:30,811 --> 01:35:33,720 did uh early on two years ago was I put 2373 01:35:33,729 --> 01:35:36,330 together uh a group of our senior 2374 01:35:36,339 --> 01:35:39,479 people uh to really focus on F MS , the 2375 01:35:39,490 --> 01:35:43,049 F MS process and to identify uh those 2376 01:35:43,060 --> 01:35:45,759 uh those bureaucratic issues . Uh and , 2377 01:35:45,770 --> 01:35:47,714 and , and roadblocks that we could 2378 01:35:47,714 --> 01:35:49,919 knock down and we could . Uh and so uh 2379 01:35:49,930 --> 01:35:53,879 that body continues its work . Uh And 2380 01:35:53,890 --> 01:35:56,419 uh it's , it's hard work . But uh but 2381 01:35:56,430 --> 01:35:58,600 we're gonna do everything possible on 2382 01:35:58,609 --> 01:36:01,299 our end to make sure that , that uh uh 2383 01:36:01,410 --> 01:36:05,209 bureaucratic issues in the Pentagon are 2384 01:36:05,220 --> 01:36:07,939 not uh not solely holding things up . 2385 01:36:07,990 --> 01:36:09,879 But again , there are a number of 2386 01:36:09,879 --> 01:36:12,101 things that come to together to uh make 2387 01:36:12,101 --> 01:36:14,212 this process more complicated than it 2388 01:36:14,212 --> 01:36:16,212 should be . I , I know sometimes we 2389 01:36:16,212 --> 01:36:18,323 make that more difficult . So , uh if 2390 01:36:18,323 --> 01:36:20,434 there's , I think I can speak for the 2391 01:36:20,434 --> 01:36:22,601 committee , if there's anything we can 2392 01:36:22,601 --> 01:36:25,200 do legislatively or uh you know , uh uh 2393 01:36:25,209 --> 01:36:28,220 be sure and let us know . Uh That's so , 2394 01:36:28,229 --> 01:36:30,451 so very important . So , thank you , Mr 2395 01:36:30,451 --> 01:36:32,729 Chairman . Thank you , Senator Bozeman . 2396 01:36:32,729 --> 01:36:35,790 Um And I'm gonna dovetail on to what 2397 01:36:35,799 --> 01:36:37,799 you just said . I can tell you what 2398 01:36:37,799 --> 01:36:40,021 Congress can do to make things easier , 2399 01:36:40,021 --> 01:36:42,188 not default on our debt like the House 2400 01:36:42,188 --> 01:36:44,243 of Representatives wants us to do uh 2401 01:36:44,243 --> 01:36:46,466 get a budget done on time . So we don't 2402 01:36:46,466 --> 01:36:48,521 have , these guys don't have to deal 2403 01:36:48,521 --> 01:36:51,279 with the uncertainty of ac R take the 2404 01:36:51,290 --> 01:36:53,319 holds off the military promotions 2405 01:36:53,330 --> 01:36:55,219 because quite frankly , it's flat 2406 01:36:55,219 --> 01:36:57,439 stupid in politicizing our military . 2407 01:36:58,089 --> 01:37:00,033 That's what we can do . And I know 2408 01:37:00,033 --> 01:37:02,145 Senator Bozeman , you're a good man . 2409 01:37:02,145 --> 01:37:03,978 And , uh , and I don't think you 2410 01:37:03,978 --> 01:37:06,629 disagree with me . So , thank you . Um , 2411 01:37:07,500 --> 01:37:09,500 but the truth is , is this Congress 2412 01:37:09,500 --> 01:37:11,990 needs to step up and do their job if we 2413 01:37:12,000 --> 01:37:14,167 want to hold you guys accountable , if 2414 01:37:14,167 --> 01:37:16,222 we want to hold the contractors that 2415 01:37:16,222 --> 01:37:18,333 supply us with our military equipment 2416 01:37:18,333 --> 01:37:20,556 accountable , we need to do our job and 2417 01:37:20,556 --> 01:37:22,778 part of that job is making sure that we 2418 01:37:22,778 --> 01:37:24,778 give it a budget that makes sure to 2419 01:37:24,778 --> 01:37:26,944 keep this country safe . And the other 2420 01:37:26,944 --> 01:37:29,167 part of it is just not do stupid things 2421 01:37:29,167 --> 01:37:31,000 like C R S and defaults and holy 2422 01:37:31,000 --> 01:37:33,540 military promotions . I just wanna say , 2423 01:37:33,549 --> 01:37:37,520 um Thank you . Thank you for 2424 01:37:37,529 --> 01:37:41,120 what you do every single day to keep 2425 01:37:41,129 --> 01:37:43,240 this country safe to lead some of the 2426 01:37:43,240 --> 01:37:45,518 finest people on earth in our military . 2427 01:37:45,759 --> 01:37:47,815 Uh We appreciate your testimony here 2428 01:37:47,815 --> 01:37:50,899 today . Um Senators may ask additional 2429 01:37:50,910 --> 01:37:52,966 questions . I would ask that you get 2430 01:37:52,966 --> 01:37:55,188 back to them as quickly as you possibly 2431 01:37:55,188 --> 01:37:58,149 can uh with the response . But thank 2432 01:37:58,160 --> 01:38:00,390 you for what you do . General Milley , 2433 01:38:00,399 --> 01:38:02,510 your record speaks for itself . Thank 2434 01:38:02,510 --> 01:38:04,677 you very much . This defense committee 2435 01:38:04,677 --> 01:38:06,899 will reconvene on Tuesday , May 16th at 2436 01:38:06,899 --> 01:38:09,859 10 AM in a classified session to hear 2437 01:38:09,870 --> 01:38:11,981 from the director of military defense 2438 01:38:11,981 --> 01:38:14,203 agency and the Commander of us Northern 2439 01:38:14,203 --> 01:38:16,092 Command on the budget request for 2440 01:38:16,092 --> 01:38:18,148 hypersonic threats , missile defense 2441 01:38:18,148 --> 01:38:20,370 and the protection of the US homeland . 2442 01:38:20,370 --> 01:38:21,609 With that we stand in recess .