1 00:00:01,080 --> 00:00:03,080 Well , thank you everyone for being 2 00:00:03,080 --> 00:00:04,913 here today . It's my pleasure to 3 00:00:04,913 --> 00:00:06,969 introduce Secretary of Defense Lloyd 4 00:00:06,969 --> 00:00:09,191 Austin and chairman of the Joint Chiefs 5 00:00:09,191 --> 00:00:11,170 of Staff General Mark Milley . The 6 00:00:11,180 --> 00:00:13,236 secretary and the chairman will each 7 00:00:13,236 --> 00:00:15,402 deliver opening remarks and then we'll 8 00:00:15,402 --> 00:00:17,513 have time to take a few questions . I 9 00:00:17,513 --> 00:00:19,680 will moderate those questions and call 10 00:00:19,680 --> 00:00:18,780 on journalists and please note that we 11 00:00:18,790 --> 00:00:21,012 have a very tight schedule today . So I 12 00:00:21,012 --> 00:00:23,179 would ask that those who are called on 13 00:00:23,179 --> 00:00:25,290 to please limit your follow ups and I 14 00:00:25,290 --> 00:00:27,457 really appreciate your assistance with 15 00:00:27,457 --> 00:00:27,180 that . Ah , Secretary Austin over to 16 00:00:27,190 --> 00:00:29,440 you , sir . Thanks Patrick . Good 17 00:00:29,450 --> 00:00:31,172 afternoon , everyone . We just 18 00:00:31,172 --> 00:00:33,479 concluded our 12th meeting of the 19 00:00:33,488 --> 00:00:36,680 Ukraine defense contact group for more 20 00:00:36,689 --> 00:00:38,689 than a year . This group of some 50 21 00:00:38,689 --> 00:00:40,419 countries has rushed security 22 00:00:40,430 --> 00:00:42,541 assistance to the embattled people of 23 00:00:42,541 --> 00:00:45,310 Ukraine that includes air defense 24 00:00:45,319 --> 00:00:48,459 systems , armored vehicles and large 25 00:00:48,470 --> 00:00:51,529 quantities of ammunition . Contact 26 00:00:51,540 --> 00:00:53,318 group members have also trained 27 00:00:53,318 --> 00:00:55,740 thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and to 28 00:00:55,750 --> 00:00:58,439 repel their Russian invaders . And 29 00:00:58,450 --> 00:01:00,561 today we committed to doing even more 30 00:01:00,561 --> 00:01:02,839 to support Ukraine's fight for freedom . 31 00:01:03,979 --> 00:01:05,979 I came away from today's meeting as 32 00:01:05,979 --> 00:01:08,449 confident as ever in the contact 33 00:01:08,459 --> 00:01:11,430 group's resolve and sustained unity . 34 00:01:12,540 --> 00:01:15,889 Let me highlight three points . First , 35 00:01:15,900 --> 00:01:19,410 we heard directly from Minister 36 00:01:19,419 --> 00:01:21,308 Reznikoff , Ukraine's Minister of 37 00:01:21,308 --> 00:01:24,430 Defense and his team about the current 38 00:01:24,440 --> 00:01:26,830 battlefield dynamics and about the 39 00:01:26,839 --> 00:01:28,950 follow on requirements that Ukraine's 40 00:01:28,950 --> 00:01:31,510 defenders will need in the weeks and 41 00:01:31,519 --> 00:01:34,339 months ahead . And I wanna again 42 00:01:34,349 --> 00:01:36,669 recognize Mr Reznikoff for his 43 00:01:36,680 --> 00:01:39,839 leadership , the whole world has seen 44 00:01:39,849 --> 00:01:42,879 how much Ukraine's armed forces have 45 00:01:42,889 --> 00:01:45,230 accomplished and I have great 46 00:01:45,239 --> 00:01:47,589 confidence that they will continue to 47 00:01:47,599 --> 00:01:51,580 succeed . Second , we discuss some 48 00:01:51,589 --> 00:01:53,645 of the critical capability gaps that 49 00:01:53,645 --> 00:01:56,529 Ukraine is facing in many countries 50 00:01:56,540 --> 00:01:58,262 have been stepping up with new 51 00:01:58,262 --> 00:02:00,989 commitments to fill them . Now , one of 52 00:02:01,000 --> 00:02:03,900 Ukraine's most urgent requirements is 53 00:02:03,910 --> 00:02:06,610 ground based air defense and this 54 00:02:06,620 --> 00:02:08,620 contact group will continue driving 55 00:02:08,620 --> 00:02:11,320 hard to help Ukraine defend the skies . 56 00:02:12,490 --> 00:02:14,259 In recent weeks , Russia has 57 00:02:14,270 --> 00:02:16,929 intensified its sordid bombardment , 58 00:02:16,940 --> 00:02:19,889 bombardment of Ukraine's cities and 59 00:02:19,899 --> 00:02:22,589 infrastructure and the Kremlin's 60 00:02:22,600 --> 00:02:26,589 cruelty only underscores Ukraine's need 61 00:02:26,600 --> 00:02:29,309 for a stronger layered ground base air 62 00:02:29,320 --> 00:02:32,699 defense architecture . So the members 63 00:02:32,710 --> 00:02:35,779 of the contact group continue to scour 64 00:02:35,789 --> 00:02:38,100 their stocks for missiles and systems 65 00:02:38,550 --> 00:02:41,309 that they can send . The United States 66 00:02:41,320 --> 00:02:43,209 and others have worked with their 67 00:02:43,209 --> 00:02:45,320 private sec with their private sector 68 00:02:45,320 --> 00:02:48,460 on contracts to build new Nissans and 69 00:02:48,470 --> 00:02:51,440 other air defense equipment . And I 70 00:02:51,449 --> 00:02:53,616 applaud the countries that are finding 71 00:02:53,616 --> 00:02:55,505 ways to meet Ukraine's urgent air 72 00:02:55,505 --> 00:02:58,130 defense needs and we will stay laser 73 00:02:58,139 --> 00:03:01,479 focused on this task . During today's 74 00:03:01,490 --> 00:03:03,820 meeting , several allies and partners 75 00:03:03,830 --> 00:03:06,619 also discussed plans for training 76 00:03:06,630 --> 00:03:09,740 Ukrainian pilots on fourth generation 77 00:03:09,750 --> 00:03:13,360 fighter aircraft including the F-16 and 78 00:03:13,369 --> 00:03:15,536 planning and executing . This training 79 00:03:15,536 --> 00:03:17,779 will be a significant undertaking . But 80 00:03:17,789 --> 00:03:20,190 the coordination of this contact group 81 00:03:20,300 --> 00:03:23,050 will help make that possible . And I 82 00:03:23,059 --> 00:03:25,115 especially want to thank Denmark and 83 00:03:25,115 --> 00:03:27,226 the Netherlands which have decided to 84 00:03:27,226 --> 00:03:29,392 lead a European coalition in providing 85 00:03:29,392 --> 00:03:32,330 F-16 training for Ukrainian forces . 86 00:03:33,520 --> 00:03:35,464 In the coming weeks . My Dutch and 87 00:03:35,464 --> 00:03:37,631 Danish counterparts will work with the 88 00:03:37,631 --> 00:03:39,520 United States and other allies to 89 00:03:39,520 --> 00:03:43,119 develop a training framework . Norway 90 00:03:43,389 --> 00:03:47,080 Belgium , Portugal and Poland have 91 00:03:47,089 --> 00:03:48,922 already offered to contribute to 92 00:03:48,922 --> 00:03:51,679 training and we expect more countries 93 00:03:51,690 --> 00:03:53,857 to join this important initiative soon 94 00:03:55,270 --> 00:03:58,520 starting work on the F-16 training now 95 00:03:58,529 --> 00:04:00,979 is an important example of our long 96 00:04:00,990 --> 00:04:03,679 term commitment to Ukraine's security . 97 00:04:05,610 --> 00:04:08,100 Third , the contact group discussed 98 00:04:08,110 --> 00:04:11,119 long term sustainment of our support 99 00:04:12,130 --> 00:04:14,259 that includes industrial initiatives 100 00:04:14,270 --> 00:04:16,326 and coordinating our work to ramp up 101 00:04:16,489 --> 00:04:19,869 production of critical equipment . I 102 00:04:19,880 --> 00:04:21,880 appreciate the work of the National 103 00:04:21,880 --> 00:04:24,350 Armaments Directors who meet under the 104 00:04:24,359 --> 00:04:27,149 auspices of the contact group to ramp 105 00:04:27,160 --> 00:04:29,399 up industrial production and I look 106 00:04:29,410 --> 00:04:31,521 forward to doing even more together . 107 00:04:32,410 --> 00:04:34,521 And today members of the Leopard Tank 108 00:04:34,521 --> 00:04:37,230 consortium discuss their progress in 109 00:04:37,239 --> 00:04:39,072 setting up a maintenance hub and 110 00:04:39,072 --> 00:04:41,450 furthering their efforts to resource 111 00:04:41,459 --> 00:04:43,700 this important program for years to 112 00:04:43,709 --> 00:04:47,380 come . So we got a lot done today , but 113 00:04:47,390 --> 00:04:50,049 we are by no means done altogether . 114 00:04:51,070 --> 00:04:53,980 And so we're not gonna let up today's 115 00:04:53,989 --> 00:04:55,989 meeting has again shown the contact 116 00:04:55,989 --> 00:04:58,156 group's steadfast support of Ukraine . 117 00:04:58,809 --> 00:05:00,976 And that's because nations of goodwill 118 00:05:01,359 --> 00:05:03,359 don't want to live in a world where 119 00:05:03,359 --> 00:05:05,359 autocrats can invade their peaceful 120 00:05:05,359 --> 00:05:07,750 neighbors with impunity . So we're 121 00:05:07,760 --> 00:05:09,871 going to keep strengthening Ukraine's 122 00:05:09,871 --> 00:05:11,871 position on the battlefield . We're 123 00:05:11,871 --> 00:05:14,093 going to get Ukraine's defenders , what 124 00:05:14,093 --> 00:05:16,316 they need when they need it . And we're 125 00:05:16,316 --> 00:05:18,538 going to remain united . We're going to 126 00:05:18,538 --> 00:05:20,549 stand by Ukraine for as long as it 127 00:05:20,559 --> 00:05:23,250 takes . Thanks again . And now let me 128 00:05:23,260 --> 00:05:25,230 turn it over to uh General Milley 129 00:05:25,239 --> 00:05:27,470 chairman . Thanks , secretary and good 130 00:05:27,480 --> 00:05:29,647 afternoon , everyone . Uh as secretary 131 00:05:29,647 --> 00:05:32,859 noted , this is our 12th meeting of the 132 00:05:32,869 --> 00:05:34,980 Ukrainian Defense contact group . And 133 00:05:34,980 --> 00:05:37,140 this group stands as a very powerful 134 00:05:37,149 --> 00:05:39,320 symbol of the international solidarity 135 00:05:39,700 --> 00:05:41,700 in support of Ukraine . And it made 136 00:05:41,700 --> 00:05:43,811 possible really due to the leadership 137 00:05:43,811 --> 00:05:45,867 of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin 138 00:05:45,959 --> 00:05:48,029 without his leadership , this would 139 00:05:48,040 --> 00:05:51,209 never have began 12 iterations ago and 140 00:05:51,220 --> 00:05:53,387 it certainly would have been sustained 141 00:05:53,387 --> 00:05:55,609 for well over a year . So thank you for 142 00:05:55,609 --> 00:05:57,720 your leadership and thank you also to 143 00:05:57,720 --> 00:05:59,942 all the ministers and Chiefs of Defense 144 00:05:59,942 --> 00:06:02,164 from 50 nations that participated today 145 00:06:02,164 --> 00:06:04,880 virtually . And that is a statement of 146 00:06:04,890 --> 00:06:07,350 real unity in my view . I also want to 147 00:06:07,359 --> 00:06:09,359 thank Ukrainian Minister of Defense 148 00:06:09,359 --> 00:06:11,415 Reznikoff and my counterpart , who I 149 00:06:11,415 --> 00:06:13,359 talked to very , very frequently , 150 00:06:13,359 --> 00:06:15,470 General Zuni and also his rep who was 151 00:06:15,470 --> 00:06:17,399 there today . General Moe , their 152 00:06:17,410 --> 00:06:19,354 leadership remains steadfast . The 153 00:06:19,354 --> 00:06:21,077 bravery and the courage of the 154 00:06:21,077 --> 00:06:22,966 Ukrainian people is exemplary and 155 00:06:22,966 --> 00:06:25,132 inspires literally the world and their 156 00:06:25,132 --> 00:06:27,609 courage and tactical skill in the face 157 00:06:27,619 --> 00:06:30,459 of extreme adversity is second to none . 158 00:06:30,829 --> 00:06:34,260 Today marks the 456 day 159 00:06:34,600 --> 00:06:36,660 since Russia began its illegal and 160 00:06:36,670 --> 00:06:38,820 unprovoked invasion of a free and 161 00:06:38,829 --> 00:06:40,885 independent country called Ukraine . 162 00:06:40,885 --> 00:06:43,149 Putin envisioned a swift victory , a 163 00:06:43,200 --> 00:06:45,670 quick dissolution of the Ukrainian 164 00:06:45,679 --> 00:06:49,380 spirit , a conquering of the government , 165 00:06:49,390 --> 00:06:51,750 a capturing of the city of Kiev and 166 00:06:52,040 --> 00:06:53,929 pretty much three quarters of the 167 00:06:53,929 --> 00:06:56,151 entire country . He could not have been 168 00:06:56,151 --> 00:06:58,040 more wrong . The Ukrainian people 169 00:06:58,040 --> 00:07:00,070 remain resolute and their spirit is 170 00:07:00,079 --> 00:07:02,679 unyielding . The battle of Baku is just 171 00:07:02,690 --> 00:07:05,359 one example for nine consecutive months , 172 00:07:05,609 --> 00:07:07,665 Ukraine has fought a very successful 173 00:07:07,665 --> 00:07:10,380 defense and exacted a tremendous cost 174 00:07:10,390 --> 00:07:12,839 on Russian forces . And that was due to 175 00:07:12,850 --> 00:07:14,970 Ukrainian courage and their tactical 176 00:07:14,980 --> 00:07:17,149 and operational skill . The Ukrainian 177 00:07:17,160 --> 00:07:19,359 forces continue to fight and they're 178 00:07:19,369 --> 00:07:21,425 making the Russians pay severely for 179 00:07:21,425 --> 00:07:23,559 every inch of Ukrainian ground . 180 00:07:23,950 --> 00:07:25,894 Ukrainian resistance is not fueled 181 00:07:25,894 --> 00:07:28,579 merely by weaponry and manpower . It's 182 00:07:28,589 --> 00:07:30,839 fueled by the unbreakable spirit of 183 00:07:30,850 --> 00:07:33,450 freedom and democracy . Ukraine 184 00:07:33,459 --> 00:07:35,459 continues to defend its sovereignty 185 00:07:35,459 --> 00:07:37,237 with strength and courage . And 186 00:07:37,237 --> 00:07:39,292 recently we have seen the Ukrainians 187 00:07:39,292 --> 00:07:42,750 use the US Patriot missile system air 188 00:07:42,760 --> 00:07:45,420 defense system to great effect . These 189 00:07:45,429 --> 00:07:47,318 systems have been instrumental in 190 00:07:47,318 --> 00:07:49,119 protecting the Ukrainian skies 191 00:07:49,130 --> 00:07:51,019 bolstering Ukraine's defenses and 192 00:07:51,019 --> 00:07:52,574 contributing to the overall 193 00:07:52,574 --> 00:07:54,741 effectiveness of the Ukrainian fight . 194 00:07:54,741 --> 00:07:57,029 The proficiency of the Ukrainian forces 195 00:07:57,040 --> 00:07:59,151 in operating these systems as fast as 196 00:07:59,151 --> 00:08:01,570 they did is testament to their skill 197 00:08:01,579 --> 00:08:04,070 and adaptability under pressure . It's 198 00:08:04,079 --> 00:08:05,968 another example of the Ukrainians 199 00:08:05,968 --> 00:08:08,023 leveraging the tools provided by the 200 00:08:08,023 --> 00:08:09,857 international coalition into the 201 00:08:09,857 --> 00:08:11,857 tangible success on the battlefield 202 00:08:11,857 --> 00:08:14,079 from anti tank weapons like javelins in 203 00:08:14,079 --> 00:08:16,301 the beginning of this fight all the way 204 00:08:16,301 --> 00:08:18,468 to patriots today and we will soon see 205 00:08:18,468 --> 00:08:20,579 the same with F-16s , but this is not 206 00:08:20,579 --> 00:08:22,523 just about military success . It's 207 00:08:22,523 --> 00:08:24,690 about a larger battle , a battle about 208 00:08:24,690 --> 00:08:26,579 the principles of sovereignty and 209 00:08:26,579 --> 00:08:28,523 democracy . It's about standing up 210 00:08:28,523 --> 00:08:30,412 against unprovoked aggression and 211 00:08:30,412 --> 00:08:32,412 upholding the so called rules based 212 00:08:32,412 --> 00:08:34,635 international order . Every nation that 213 00:08:34,635 --> 00:08:36,412 was there today underscores the 214 00:08:36,412 --> 00:08:36,309 importance of these principles that 215 00:08:36,320 --> 00:08:38,799 have been in effect since 1945 . 216 00:08:39,150 --> 00:08:41,780 Ukraine continues to prove that the 217 00:08:41,789 --> 00:08:44,780 spirit of freedom is resolute every day . 218 00:08:44,789 --> 00:08:47,011 The Ukrainians showcase the world their 219 00:08:47,011 --> 00:08:49,011 unwavering commitment to uphold the 220 00:08:49,011 --> 00:08:51,011 values of freedom and sovereignty . 221 00:08:51,011 --> 00:08:53,233 This week , the President United States 222 00:08:53,233 --> 00:08:55,122 released the United States's 38th 223 00:08:55,122 --> 00:08:57,233 drawdown package with additional high 224 00:08:57,239 --> 00:08:59,295 mars ammunition , artillery rounds , 225 00:08:59,295 --> 00:09:01,183 anti arm systems , and additional 226 00:09:01,183 --> 00:09:03,350 support vehicles . These munitions and 227 00:09:03,359 --> 00:09:05,460 vehicles and weapons will strengthen 228 00:09:05,469 --> 00:09:07,580 the Ukrainian offensive and defensive 229 00:09:07,580 --> 00:09:09,302 capabilities . They enable the 230 00:09:09,302 --> 00:09:11,413 Ukrainians to hold Russian forces and 231 00:09:11,413 --> 00:09:13,525 supply lines at risk . They raise the 232 00:09:13,525 --> 00:09:15,469 cost of Russia's continuing war of 233 00:09:15,469 --> 00:09:17,525 aggression . The United States along 234 00:09:17,525 --> 00:09:19,636 with our partners and allies continue 235 00:09:19,636 --> 00:09:21,636 to train Ukrainian forces to enable 236 00:09:21,636 --> 00:09:23,636 their success on the battlefield as 237 00:09:23,636 --> 00:09:25,580 well . We will continue to support 238 00:09:25,580 --> 00:09:27,747 Ukraine's fight today as well as their 239 00:09:27,747 --> 00:09:29,969 future capabilities to defend and deter 240 00:09:29,969 --> 00:09:31,858 aggression in the future . As the 241 00:09:31,858 --> 00:09:31,599 president and the Secretary of Defense 242 00:09:31,609 --> 00:09:33,750 have repeatedly said we , the United 243 00:09:33,760 --> 00:09:35,940 States stand firmly with Ukraine . Our 244 00:09:35,950 --> 00:09:38,590 commitment remains unwavering . We will 245 00:09:38,599 --> 00:09:40,655 support Ukraine as the president and 246 00:09:40,655 --> 00:09:42,821 the secretary have said for as long as 247 00:09:42,821 --> 00:09:44,599 it takes until Russia ends this 248 00:09:44,599 --> 00:09:46,377 unprovoked aggression , we will 249 00:09:46,377 --> 00:09:48,432 continue to uphold the principles of 250 00:09:48,432 --> 00:09:50,210 democracy , sovereignty and the 251 00:09:50,210 --> 00:09:52,321 international rule of law . Thank you 252 00:09:52,321 --> 00:09:54,432 and I welcome all of your questions . 253 00:09:54,432 --> 00:09:54,409 Thank you both gentlemen . Our first 254 00:09:54,419 --> 00:09:56,586 question will go to Associated Press . 255 00:09:59,260 --> 00:10:01,510 Thank you . Um Secretary Austin and 256 00:10:01,520 --> 00:10:03,830 Chairman Millie for months , we heard a 257 00:10:03,840 --> 00:10:06,979 firm no , on F-16s to Ukraine . Can you 258 00:10:06,989 --> 00:10:08,940 tell us how and why your thinking 259 00:10:08,950 --> 00:10:11,200 changed on this ? And why wouldn't the 260 00:10:11,210 --> 00:10:13,890 US now send its own jets to Ukraine ? 261 00:10:14,210 --> 00:10:16,377 And my second question is also for you 262 00:10:16,377 --> 00:10:18,559 both in a few minutes . General C Q 263 00:10:18,570 --> 00:10:20,570 Brown will be nominated as the next 264 00:10:20,570 --> 00:10:23,809 chairman . Um What does he bring that 265 00:10:23,820 --> 00:10:26,042 is needed at this moment in history for 266 00:10:26,042 --> 00:10:29,789 the US to this role ? Well , 267 00:10:29,799 --> 00:10:32,109 um we've been focused from the very 268 00:10:32,119 --> 00:10:34,510 beginning , Tara on providing Ukraine 269 00:10:34,940 --> 00:10:36,996 the capabilities that it needs to be 270 00:10:36,996 --> 00:10:39,590 successful on the battlefield now and 271 00:10:39,599 --> 00:10:42,500 into the future in the months ahead . 272 00:10:43,580 --> 00:10:47,400 And so as Russia's invasion has 273 00:10:47,409 --> 00:10:51,039 evolved and so has our security 274 00:10:51,049 --> 00:10:54,909 assistance . And one thing that I 275 00:10:54,919 --> 00:10:57,030 would point out , as we said from the 276 00:10:57,030 --> 00:10:59,197 very beginning , it's still true today 277 00:10:59,197 --> 00:11:01,530 that that is a very lethal airspace . 278 00:11:01,940 --> 00:11:04,450 And so we wanted to focus and have been 279 00:11:04,460 --> 00:11:06,640 focusing on the things that Ukraine 280 00:11:06,650 --> 00:11:08,706 needs to defend itself , protect its 281 00:11:08,706 --> 00:11:10,817 infrastructure , protect its people . 282 00:11:10,817 --> 00:11:13,250 We've been emphasizing things like air 283 00:11:13,260 --> 00:11:15,630 defense capability . You saw us talk 284 00:11:15,640 --> 00:11:17,979 about that a number of times and we saw 285 00:11:17,989 --> 00:11:20,479 the reason just recently why we were so 286 00:11:20,489 --> 00:11:22,929 focused on that and the capabilities 287 00:11:22,940 --> 00:11:25,051 that we've managed to uh put together 288 00:11:25,051 --> 00:11:27,590 as a result of uh what we provided and 289 00:11:27,599 --> 00:11:29,432 also what uh what our allies and 290 00:11:29,432 --> 00:11:32,260 partners have provided you can see are 291 00:11:32,270 --> 00:11:34,326 very impressive and they continue to 292 00:11:34,326 --> 00:11:36,548 grow . It's not enough , we'll continue 293 00:11:36,548 --> 00:11:38,548 to work on it and we'll continue to 294 00:11:38,548 --> 00:11:40,270 work to create follow on force 295 00:11:40,270 --> 00:11:42,492 capability for the Ukrainians as well . 296 00:11:42,492 --> 00:11:45,380 We , we've uh provided uh nine brigades , 297 00:11:45,390 --> 00:11:47,989 nine brigades of combat capability 298 00:11:48,000 --> 00:11:50,500 platforms and trained troops . And I 299 00:11:50,510 --> 00:11:52,677 point out to you that that's as big as 300 00:11:52,677 --> 00:11:54,900 many of the Western nations have in 301 00:11:54,909 --> 00:11:57,020 their land forces . Ok . So this is , 302 00:11:57,020 --> 00:11:59,700 this is not trivial , but it's not done . 303 00:11:59,710 --> 00:12:01,821 We're going to continue to work to uh 304 00:12:01,821 --> 00:12:04,059 generate uh additional capability going 305 00:12:04,070 --> 00:12:06,700 forward in terms of General Brown . Uh 306 00:12:07,219 --> 00:12:10,260 He is uh an incredibly capable and 307 00:12:10,270 --> 00:12:12,492 professional officer and what he brings 308 00:12:12,492 --> 00:12:15,309 to the to the table uh to any table is 309 00:12:15,320 --> 00:12:17,320 that , is that professionalism that 310 00:12:17,320 --> 00:12:19,487 deep experience in , in war fighting ? 311 00:12:19,487 --> 00:12:21,542 And I , I have personal knowledge of 312 00:12:21,542 --> 00:12:23,840 that . Uh So uh I think General Brown 313 00:12:23,849 --> 00:12:26,369 is gonna gonna be a great of gonna be a , 314 00:12:26,380 --> 00:12:28,669 a great officer in any capacity that 315 00:12:28,679 --> 00:12:32,460 he's in . So terror on the F-16 316 00:12:32,469 --> 00:12:34,802 piece , what's the problem to be solved ? 317 00:12:34,802 --> 00:12:36,969 The problem to be solved is control of 318 00:12:36,969 --> 00:12:38,780 the airspace . And Ukraine has 319 00:12:38,789 --> 00:12:40,929 demonstrated that very effectively in 320 00:12:40,940 --> 00:12:43,218 the last year and a half , the fastest , 321 00:12:43,218 --> 00:12:45,273 quickest and cheapest way to control 322 00:12:45,273 --> 00:12:47,496 that airspace was from the ground . You 323 00:12:47,496 --> 00:12:49,551 can either do it from the , from the 324 00:12:49,551 --> 00:12:51,773 ground uh and providing effective uh uh 325 00:12:51,773 --> 00:12:53,880 uh integrated air defense systems at 326 00:12:53,890 --> 00:12:55,946 the low altitude , short range , mid 327 00:12:55,946 --> 00:12:58,223 altitude , mid range and high altitude , 328 00:12:58,223 --> 00:13:00,057 long range . Uh That is the most 329 00:13:00,057 --> 00:13:02,168 effective way to deny air superiority 330 00:13:02,168 --> 00:13:04,223 to the Russians . And that's exactly 331 00:13:04,223 --> 00:13:06,334 what they did . Uh And if you look at 332 00:13:06,334 --> 00:13:08,501 F-16s , 10 F-16 is a billion dollars , 333 00:13:08,501 --> 00:13:10,557 you had the sustainment cost another 334 00:13:10,557 --> 00:13:09,640 billion dollars . So you're talking 335 00:13:09,650 --> 00:13:11,761 about $2 billion for 10 aircraft . Uh 336 00:13:11,761 --> 00:13:13,969 The Russians have 1000 4th and 5th 337 00:13:13,979 --> 00:13:15,923 generation fighters . So if you're 338 00:13:15,923 --> 00:13:17,979 going to contest Russia in the air , 339 00:13:17,979 --> 00:13:19,923 you're going to need a substantial 340 00:13:19,923 --> 00:13:21,757 amount of 4th and 5th generation 341 00:13:21,757 --> 00:13:23,868 fighters . So if you look at the cost 342 00:13:23,868 --> 00:13:25,646 curve and do the analysis , the 343 00:13:25,646 --> 00:13:27,812 smartest thing to have done is exactly 344 00:13:27,812 --> 00:13:29,812 what we did do , which is provide a 345 00:13:29,812 --> 00:13:31,868 significant amount of integrated air 346 00:13:31,868 --> 00:13:33,979 defense to cover the battle space and 347 00:13:33,979 --> 00:13:36,035 deny the Russians the airspace . And 348 00:13:36,035 --> 00:13:38,201 that is exactly what happened and that 349 00:13:38,201 --> 00:13:40,368 enabled the Ukrainians to have success 350 00:13:40,368 --> 00:13:42,590 on the ground in ground maneuver in the 351 00:13:42,590 --> 00:13:44,590 defensive battle as we go forward . 352 00:13:44,590 --> 00:13:46,590 F-16s clearly have a role . Ukraine 353 00:13:46,590 --> 00:13:46,465 deserves a capable air force . It's 354 00:13:46,474 --> 00:13:48,641 going to take a considerable length of 355 00:13:48,641 --> 00:13:50,807 time to build up an air force . That's 356 00:13:50,807 --> 00:13:52,974 the size and scope and scale that will 357 00:13:52,974 --> 00:13:54,752 be necessary I've known CQ like 358 00:13:54,752 --> 00:13:56,918 Secretary Austin has for a long time . 359 00:13:56,918 --> 00:13:58,854 He's a great officer in my view , 360 00:13:58,864 --> 00:14:01,500 personal view . Uh He has all the 361 00:14:01,510 --> 00:14:03,621 knowledge , skills , attributes to do 362 00:14:03,621 --> 00:14:05,232 this job . Uh and he has the 363 00:14:05,232 --> 00:14:07,232 appropriate demeanor and he's got a 364 00:14:07,232 --> 00:14:09,454 great chemistry with obviously with the 365 00:14:09,454 --> 00:14:11,288 president and others . So C Q is 366 00:14:11,288 --> 00:14:13,232 absolutely superb and I am looking 367 00:14:13,232 --> 00:14:15,177 forward to a speedy confirmation . 368 00:14:15,177 --> 00:14:17,399 Thank you both . Our next question will 369 00:14:17,399 --> 00:14:21,150 go to Dan Le Moth Washington Post . Uh 370 00:14:21,159 --> 00:14:23,437 Gentlemen , thanks for your time today . 371 00:14:23,570 --> 00:14:25,792 Mr Secretary . The announcement on this 372 00:14:25,792 --> 00:14:28,460 F-16 plan raises the questions , what 373 00:14:28,469 --> 00:14:30,580 complementary roles the United States 374 00:14:30,580 --> 00:14:32,747 might play in it . Be it the provision 375 00:14:32,747 --> 00:14:35,429 of F-16 weapons US personnel in the 376 00:14:35,440 --> 00:14:37,662 training program ? Anything along those 377 00:14:37,662 --> 00:14:39,940 lines ? How do you envision that going ? 378 00:14:40,099 --> 00:14:42,179 And General Milley , we've seen a 379 00:14:42,190 --> 00:14:44,710 continued evolution in which the US 380 00:14:44,719 --> 00:14:47,650 holds back certain platforms , F-16s 381 00:14:48,099 --> 00:14:51,280 tanks , things of that sort . Um Only 382 00:14:51,289 --> 00:14:53,900 to eventually agree . Uh part of that 383 00:14:53,909 --> 00:14:56,131 has been risk escalation , we have been 384 00:14:56,131 --> 00:14:58,299 told over and over again uh from that 385 00:14:58,309 --> 00:15:00,309 standpoint , from a risk assessment 386 00:15:00,309 --> 00:15:02,531 standpoint . How do you see this moment 387 00:15:02,531 --> 00:15:04,253 as different now ? Thank you . 388 00:15:08,780 --> 00:15:10,947 Well , Dan , I I I would just tell you 389 00:15:10,947 --> 00:15:13,479 that uh our approach , you know , to 390 00:15:13,489 --> 00:15:15,322 providing security assistance to 391 00:15:15,322 --> 00:15:19,210 Ukraine for the last year plus has been 392 00:15:19,219 --> 00:15:23,169 to uh follow uh an international 393 00:15:23,179 --> 00:15:24,679 approach where we , we get 394 00:15:24,679 --> 00:15:26,790 contributions from everybody that can 395 00:15:26,790 --> 00:15:30,640 contribute , would not conceive of 396 00:15:30,650 --> 00:15:32,261 doing business different now 397 00:15:32,261 --> 00:15:34,261 differently now , I mean , that's , 398 00:15:34,261 --> 00:15:36,317 that's the way we've operated across 399 00:15:36,317 --> 00:15:38,428 the board . You know , I've talked to 400 00:15:38,428 --> 00:15:40,206 the Ministers of Defense of the 401 00:15:40,206 --> 00:15:42,039 Netherlands and , uh , and , and 402 00:15:42,039 --> 00:15:44,150 Denmark and talked about , you know , 403 00:15:44,150 --> 00:15:47,559 what's necessary to frame out the , the , 404 00:15:47,570 --> 00:15:49,750 the training plan . And we also talked 405 00:15:49,760 --> 00:15:51,760 about the fact that , I mean , they 406 00:15:51,760 --> 00:15:53,760 recognize also that training is one 407 00:15:53,760 --> 00:15:56,450 thing but to have a capability , you 408 00:15:56,460 --> 00:15:58,650 need , you need sustainment , you need 409 00:15:58,659 --> 00:16:01,049 maintenance , you need ordinance . So 410 00:16:01,059 --> 00:16:03,919 all of that will be worked through . Um 411 00:16:04,669 --> 00:16:06,391 you know , with the , with the 412 00:16:06,391 --> 00:16:08,613 committee going forward there and , and 413 00:16:08,613 --> 00:16:10,725 a committee will be led by uh Denmark 414 00:16:10,725 --> 00:16:13,002 and uh in the Netherlands . But it's a , 415 00:16:13,002 --> 00:16:15,225 it's an international effort . And as I 416 00:16:15,225 --> 00:16:17,280 said earlier , you know , we've seen 417 00:16:17,280 --> 00:16:17,039 other countries very quickly step up to 418 00:16:17,049 --> 00:16:19,400 the plate and want to contribute . So , 419 00:16:20,479 --> 00:16:22,590 so then I , I would offer a couple of 420 00:16:22,590 --> 00:16:24,919 things to everything we do . Uh No 421 00:16:24,929 --> 00:16:27,040 matter where it is around the world , 422 00:16:27,040 --> 00:16:28,873 we're always looking at the cost 423 00:16:28,873 --> 00:16:30,707 benefit and risk . Uh and F-16 , 424 00:16:30,707 --> 00:16:32,762 there's no magic weapons in war . Uh 425 00:16:32,762 --> 00:16:35,250 And , and , and sometimes certain 426 00:16:35,260 --> 00:16:37,371 things uh get labeled as , you know , 427 00:16:37,371 --> 00:16:39,538 this is going to be the magic weapon . 428 00:16:39,538 --> 00:16:41,760 There are no magic weapons , an F-16 is 429 00:16:41,760 --> 00:16:43,982 not , neither is anything else . And as 430 00:16:43,982 --> 00:16:45,871 we look at what the problem to be 431 00:16:45,871 --> 00:16:45,369 solved in , at the beginning of this 432 00:16:45,380 --> 00:16:47,547 war , it was a defensive fight against 433 00:16:47,547 --> 00:16:49,619 mechanized armored forces . Russian 434 00:16:49,630 --> 00:16:51,574 forces that were coming across the 435 00:16:51,574 --> 00:16:53,630 border . What do you need for that ? 436 00:16:53,630 --> 00:16:53,599 You need anti armor weapons , you need 437 00:16:53,609 --> 00:16:55,665 lots of them and you had to keep the 438 00:16:55,665 --> 00:16:57,720 air space clear of Russian close air 439 00:16:57,720 --> 00:16:59,849 support that would enable Russian 440 00:16:59,859 --> 00:17:01,915 ground maneuver . And that's exactly 441 00:17:01,915 --> 00:17:03,803 what was provided . So it's not a 442 00:17:03,803 --> 00:17:06,026 question of we agree later or agree now 443 00:17:06,026 --> 00:17:08,137 or under pressure . That's not at all 444 00:17:08,137 --> 00:17:10,359 what's getting done here . This is hard 445 00:17:10,359 --> 00:17:12,415 core military analysis that looks at 446 00:17:12,415 --> 00:17:14,526 cost benefit and risk and what is the 447 00:17:14,526 --> 00:17:16,581 need on the battlefield now . And in 448 00:17:16,581 --> 00:17:18,803 the near future F-16s are a much longer 449 00:17:18,803 --> 00:17:20,915 view . And again , as I said , in the 450 00:17:20,915 --> 00:17:22,859 beginning , you need a significant 451 00:17:22,859 --> 00:17:25,338 number of F-16s or fourth or fifth 452 00:17:25,348 --> 00:17:27,459 generation fighters and the pilots to 453 00:17:27,459 --> 00:17:29,626 go with them and the sustainment costs 454 00:17:29,626 --> 00:17:31,792 and the missiles and the maintenance , 455 00:17:31,792 --> 00:17:34,015 all of that package . If you were to do 456 00:17:34,015 --> 00:17:36,126 that , just F-16s , you wouldn't have 457 00:17:36,126 --> 00:17:35,899 tanks , you wouldn't have Bradley's , 458 00:17:35,909 --> 00:17:38,076 you wouldn't have anti armed weapons , 459 00:17:38,076 --> 00:17:40,298 you wouldn't have anything else , you'd 460 00:17:40,298 --> 00:17:42,465 spend all your money on just that . So 461 00:17:42,465 --> 00:17:44,631 it's a cost risk benefit analysis that 462 00:17:44,631 --> 00:17:46,853 leads you to these separate incremental 463 00:17:46,853 --> 00:17:48,853 sort of packages that go forward in 464 00:17:48,853 --> 00:17:50,965 addition to what we're doing with the 465 00:17:50,965 --> 00:17:53,187 international community . It's not done 466 00:17:53,187 --> 00:17:55,242 frivolously and it's done totally in 467 00:17:55,242 --> 00:17:57,353 coordination with our counterparts in 468 00:17:57,353 --> 00:17:59,409 Ukraine . You know , Dan , sometimes 469 00:17:59,409 --> 00:18:01,520 when we have these conversations , it 470 00:18:01,520 --> 00:18:05,469 sounds like Ukraine is losing on 471 00:18:05,479 --> 00:18:07,701 this , on this battlefield . That's not 472 00:18:07,701 --> 00:18:09,859 the case . Ukraine has inflicted 473 00:18:09,869 --> 00:18:13,459 significant casualties . On , on , on 474 00:18:13,469 --> 00:18:15,636 the Russian forces , they've , they've 475 00:18:15,636 --> 00:18:17,525 destroyed an incredible amount of 476 00:18:17,525 --> 00:18:20,040 equipment . And so , and this is , this 477 00:18:20,050 --> 00:18:23,010 is before we , we provided them with 478 00:18:23,020 --> 00:18:25,353 the capability that they're getting now . 479 00:18:25,353 --> 00:18:27,439 So this is additive and hopefully it 480 00:18:27,449 --> 00:18:30,520 will put the Ukrainians in a good place 481 00:18:30,530 --> 00:18:32,586 to be able to change the dynamics on 482 00:18:32,586 --> 00:18:34,540 the battlefield . And so we'll see 483 00:18:34,550 --> 00:18:36,772 that's our goal to make sure that we've 484 00:18:36,772 --> 00:18:38,883 done everything we can to put them in 485 00:18:38,883 --> 00:18:40,828 the right place to be successful . 486 00:18:41,270 --> 00:18:43,492 Thank you , gentlemen . Next question , 487 00:18:43,492 --> 00:18:45,214 we'll go to Ira Sali Reuters . 488 00:18:47,959 --> 00:18:49,848 Um Chairman Millie , it's been uh 489 00:18:49,959 --> 00:18:52,030 several days since the attack and 490 00:18:52,040 --> 00:18:55,689 incursion into Belgrad , Belgrade . Um 491 00:18:56,160 --> 00:18:58,382 There have been social media , images , 492 00:18:58,382 --> 00:19:00,382 videos and pictures showing us made 493 00:19:00,382 --> 00:19:02,493 military equipment and vehicles being 494 00:19:02,493 --> 00:19:03,993 used in it . Um After your 495 00:19:03,993 --> 00:19:06,104 conversations with the Ukrainians and 496 00:19:06,104 --> 00:19:08,216 your own intelligence means , um were 497 00:19:08,216 --> 00:19:10,382 us made military vehicles used in that 498 00:19:10,382 --> 00:19:12,493 incursion and how did the militia get 499 00:19:12,493 --> 00:19:14,660 them ? Did the Ukrainians provide them 500 00:19:14,660 --> 00:19:16,882 with those vehicles and equipment ? And 501 00:19:16,882 --> 00:19:19,310 Mr Secretary , this incident and other 502 00:19:19,319 --> 00:19:21,375 recent incidents including the drone 503 00:19:21,375 --> 00:19:24,140 attack near the Kremlin . Has that 504 00:19:24,150 --> 00:19:26,540 raised concern for you that the 505 00:19:26,550 --> 00:19:29,219 Russians could use incidents like these 506 00:19:29,229 --> 00:19:31,579 as a pretext to broaden the war . And 507 00:19:31,589 --> 00:19:33,311 have you talked to your , your 508 00:19:33,311 --> 00:19:34,922 Ukrainian counterparts about 509 00:19:34,922 --> 00:19:37,469 potentially um limiting the attacks 510 00:19:37,479 --> 00:19:39,479 that they're carrying out closer to 511 00:19:39,479 --> 00:19:41,590 their borders or within their borders 512 00:19:41,590 --> 00:19:42,757 for the time being ? 513 00:19:44,869 --> 00:19:48,400 So , uh I'll just very briefly just let 514 00:19:48,410 --> 00:19:50,243 you know that I've got the staff 515 00:19:50,243 --> 00:19:52,410 looking at that with the staff to , to 516 00:19:52,410 --> 00:19:54,632 confirm it tonight . So I don't have an 517 00:19:54,632 --> 00:19:54,239 answer for you . Right . This second , 518 00:19:54,420 --> 00:19:56,642 uh , the rules that we have established 519 00:19:56,642 --> 00:19:58,809 with the Ukrainians is to not use us , 520 00:19:58,809 --> 00:20:00,920 supplied equipment to attack into the 521 00:20:00,920 --> 00:20:03,760 geographic space of Russia . Um And , 522 00:20:03,770 --> 00:20:05,937 and , and look at they're a country at 523 00:20:05,937 --> 00:20:07,881 war . It's an existential threat . 524 00:20:07,881 --> 00:20:10,103 They're fighting for their survival . I 525 00:20:10,103 --> 00:20:11,937 can't say with , with definitive 526 00:20:11,937 --> 00:20:11,839 accuracy , right this minute to you , 527 00:20:11,930 --> 00:20:14,208 whether that and I saw the same videos , 528 00:20:14,208 --> 00:20:16,430 whether that's us supplied equipment or 529 00:20:16,430 --> 00:20:18,486 not . And what was the nature of the 530 00:20:18,486 --> 00:20:18,030 attack ? Who did , what to whom ? I 531 00:20:18,040 --> 00:20:19,984 can't say that with definitiveness 532 00:20:19,984 --> 00:20:22,151 right this minute . But I can say that 533 00:20:22,151 --> 00:20:24,373 we have asked the Ukrainians not to use 534 00:20:24,373 --> 00:20:26,207 us supplied equipment for direct 535 00:20:26,207 --> 00:20:28,207 attacks into Russia . Why is that ? 536 00:20:28,207 --> 00:20:30,530 Because we don't want , this is a 537 00:20:30,540 --> 00:20:33,400 Ukrainian war . It is not a war between 538 00:20:33,410 --> 00:20:35,632 the United States and Russia . It's not 539 00:20:35,632 --> 00:20:37,854 a war between NATO and Russia . This is 540 00:20:37,854 --> 00:20:40,077 a war between Ukraine and Russia and we 541 00:20:40,077 --> 00:20:42,299 are supporting and supplying and help , 542 00:20:42,299 --> 00:20:44,299 training and advising and assisting 543 00:20:44,299 --> 00:20:44,079 Ukraine . But it is not a direct 544 00:20:44,089 --> 00:20:46,729 conflict between the United States and 545 00:20:46,739 --> 00:20:50,479 Russia . I I can't say it any better 546 00:20:50,489 --> 00:20:52,670 than that . Uh Idris uh in response to 547 00:20:52,680 --> 00:20:55,869 the question that you asked me um in 548 00:20:55,880 --> 00:20:59,849 terms of um you know , any 549 00:20:59,859 --> 00:21:02,650 kind of pretext to broaden the war uh 550 00:21:02,660 --> 00:21:05,290 that , that Russia would make use of , 551 00:21:05,300 --> 00:21:07,609 I , I don't want to speculate , but I 552 00:21:07,619 --> 00:21:10,050 will tell you that we are focused on 553 00:21:10,060 --> 00:21:12,260 giving Ukraine providing Ukraine the 554 00:21:12,270 --> 00:21:15,099 capability it needs to be successful in 555 00:21:15,109 --> 00:21:17,969 defending its sovereign territory . And 556 00:21:17,979 --> 00:21:20,090 uh and that's , that's a conversation 557 00:21:20,090 --> 00:21:21,757 that we've had with our , our 558 00:21:21,757 --> 00:21:24,810 counterparts on a continual basis . 559 00:21:24,819 --> 00:21:27,041 We've engaged a number of times on this 560 00:21:27,041 --> 00:21:29,097 issue just to make sure that that to 561 00:21:29,097 --> 00:21:31,152 the chairman's point , we are not at 562 00:21:31,152 --> 00:21:33,152 war with Russia . This is , this is 563 00:21:33,152 --> 00:21:35,263 Ukraine's fight . Our goal is to make 564 00:21:35,263 --> 00:21:37,375 sure that we're doing everything that 565 00:21:37,375 --> 00:21:39,097 we can to make sure Ukraine is 566 00:21:39,097 --> 00:21:41,208 successful . Next question , we'll go 567 00:21:41,208 --> 00:21:42,541 to Louis Martinez ABC . 568 00:21:47,329 --> 00:21:50,229 Thank you . Um And can I ask you both 569 00:21:50,239 --> 00:21:52,310 uh this from what uh General Milley 570 00:21:52,319 --> 00:21:54,689 just said , it's about the investment 571 00:21:54,699 --> 00:21:56,866 in F-16s just for 10 F-16s . It sounds 572 00:21:56,866 --> 00:21:58,921 like it's gonna be a considerable uh 573 00:21:58,921 --> 00:22:01,459 budget , uh necessity . Uh It's just 574 00:22:01,469 --> 00:22:05,140 gonna keep a small uh cadre of aircraft 575 00:22:05,150 --> 00:22:07,709 flying . Um Can you get that level of 576 00:22:07,719 --> 00:22:10,520 support from the Congress uh for even 577 00:22:10,530 --> 00:22:12,641 more aircraft or even more additional 578 00:22:12,641 --> 00:22:14,641 support , uh you know , maintenance 579 00:22:14,641 --> 00:22:16,739 sustainment . Um Does this open up a 580 00:22:16,750 --> 00:22:19,410 whole new series of questions about how 581 00:22:19,420 --> 00:22:21,587 much funding you actually need for the 582 00:22:21,589 --> 00:22:23,949 fight ? Um Beyond just the ground fight , 583 00:22:23,959 --> 00:22:25,959 the artillery , the ammunition that 584 00:22:25,959 --> 00:22:28,209 everybody needs ? Um And there's a 585 00:22:28,219 --> 00:22:30,219 major debate going on in Washington 586 00:22:30,219 --> 00:22:33,050 right now , the debt ceiling , the 587 00:22:33,060 --> 00:22:35,780 possibility of a debt default , what 588 00:22:35,790 --> 00:22:38,760 potential impacts could we see on the 589 00:22:38,770 --> 00:22:40,939 force . We heard this on Monday from 590 00:22:40,949 --> 00:22:42,949 some of your peers , General Milley 591 00:22:42,949 --> 00:22:44,893 about the possibility that this is 592 00:22:44,893 --> 00:22:46,750 going to affect readiness . One 593 00:22:46,760 --> 00:22:48,482 actually called it potentially 594 00:22:48,482 --> 00:22:50,593 catastrophic . What are your thoughts 595 00:22:50,593 --> 00:22:52,816 on that ? And how is it going to impact 596 00:22:52,816 --> 00:22:55,199 service members and their families ? 597 00:22:56,569 --> 00:22:59,810 Um Yeah , so first in terms of the cost 598 00:22:59,819 --> 00:23:03,270 of F-16s , uh it's no surprise to 599 00:23:03,280 --> 00:23:05,520 anybody that this will be expensive . 600 00:23:05,760 --> 00:23:08,569 And uh chairman and I and , and my 601 00:23:08,589 --> 00:23:10,867 undersecretaries have been uh you know , 602 00:23:10,867 --> 00:23:14,849 clear about this throughout . Um I 603 00:23:14,859 --> 00:23:16,581 want to thank Congress for its 604 00:23:16,581 --> 00:23:18,637 bipartisan support that , that we've 605 00:23:18,637 --> 00:23:20,803 enjoyed . Uh you know , throughout our 606 00:23:20,803 --> 00:23:22,970 efforts to provide security assistance 607 00:23:22,970 --> 00:23:24,803 to Ukraine and the congressional 608 00:23:24,803 --> 00:23:27,199 support , as you know , is a major 609 00:23:27,209 --> 00:23:30,410 element in uh in our ability to uh to , 610 00:23:30,760 --> 00:23:33,093 to help Ukraine in the way that we have . 611 00:23:33,479 --> 00:23:35,869 Also , you know , the conversation that 612 00:23:35,880 --> 00:23:37,880 I've had with my counterparts , you 613 00:23:37,880 --> 00:23:39,936 know , as , as we begin to frame out 614 00:23:40,119 --> 00:23:41,930 requirements for training and 615 00:23:41,939 --> 00:23:44,150 maintenance and sustainment is that 616 00:23:44,160 --> 00:23:47,229 this costs money and , and not every 617 00:23:47,239 --> 00:23:50,959 country has uh F-16s or is , is able 618 00:23:50,969 --> 00:23:53,939 to uh chime in uh uh in terms of 619 00:23:53,949 --> 00:23:56,282 training or maintenance and sustainment , 620 00:23:56,282 --> 00:23:58,449 but they can provide monetary 621 00:23:58,459 --> 00:24:00,792 assistance . And so what I think you'll , 622 00:24:00,792 --> 00:24:03,609 you'll see our colleagues look to do is 623 00:24:03,619 --> 00:24:05,520 establish a fund so that other 624 00:24:05,530 --> 00:24:07,363 countries can contribute to this 625 00:24:07,363 --> 00:24:09,252 overall effort . But again , this 626 00:24:09,252 --> 00:24:11,474 should be an international effort . And 627 00:24:11,474 --> 00:24:13,869 I think uh because of that , I think uh 628 00:24:14,180 --> 00:24:16,347 you know , hopefully our Congress will 629 00:24:16,347 --> 00:24:18,458 be uh uh supportive as they have been 630 00:24:18,458 --> 00:24:21,989 throughout uh going forward on 631 00:24:22,000 --> 00:24:24,910 the uh debt ceiling piece . Like , um , 632 00:24:25,939 --> 00:24:28,050 you know , I , I'm not an economist . 633 00:24:28,050 --> 00:24:30,680 Uh but I think uh if we defaulted that 634 00:24:30,689 --> 00:24:32,633 would be have significant economic 635 00:24:32,633 --> 00:24:34,411 consequences , which would then 636 00:24:34,411 --> 00:24:36,245 translate into national security 637 00:24:36,245 --> 00:24:38,356 consequences . Uh paying troops , the 638 00:24:38,356 --> 00:24:40,411 morale of troops , uh weapon systems 639 00:24:40,411 --> 00:24:42,411 contracts . Uh All of that would be 640 00:24:42,411 --> 00:24:44,522 impacted , readiness clearly would be 641 00:24:44,522 --> 00:24:46,745 impacted . So our large scale exercises 642 00:24:46,745 --> 00:24:48,911 that we do at various training centers 643 00:24:48,911 --> 00:24:51,133 would probably either slow down or come 644 00:24:51,133 --> 00:24:50,989 to a halt in many , many cases . So I 645 00:24:51,000 --> 00:24:53,760 think there's no doubt whatsoever that 646 00:24:53,770 --> 00:24:55,659 there would be a very significant 647 00:24:55,659 --> 00:24:57,603 negative impact on the readiness , 648 00:24:57,603 --> 00:24:59,714 morale and capabilities of the United 649 00:24:59,714 --> 00:25:01,714 States military if we defaulted and 650 00:25:01,714 --> 00:25:03,770 didn't reach a debt ceiling thing as 651 00:25:03,770 --> 00:25:05,326 well as reputational damage 652 00:25:05,326 --> 00:25:07,829 internationally and so on . I think uh 653 00:25:07,839 --> 00:25:10,061 I wouldn't characterize it . I wouldn't 654 00:25:10,061 --> 00:25:11,728 use words , you know , to say 655 00:25:11,728 --> 00:25:13,839 catastrophic or not a non economist . 656 00:25:13,839 --> 00:25:16,006 Uh But I think it would be very , very 657 00:25:16,006 --> 00:25:15,949 significant uh without a doubt and it 658 00:25:15,959 --> 00:25:17,626 would have absolutely clear , 659 00:25:17,626 --> 00:25:19,681 unambiguous implications in national 660 00:25:19,681 --> 00:25:21,903 security . Last question very quickly . 661 00:25:23,790 --> 00:25:26,012 Sorry , sorry , we gotta move on . Last 662 00:25:26,012 --> 00:25:27,734 question . Tom Bowman . NPR Mr 663 00:25:27,734 --> 00:25:29,846 Secretary , you talked to some senior 664 00:25:29,846 --> 00:25:31,901 officers , retired , senior officers 665 00:25:31,901 --> 00:25:34,068 and we were kind of confused about the 666 00:25:34,068 --> 00:25:36,179 strategy here . Is it to help Ukraine 667 00:25:36,179 --> 00:25:38,290 win a decisive victory over Russia or 668 00:25:38,290 --> 00:25:40,512 is it more modest and try to get them a 669 00:25:40,512 --> 00:25:42,679 better hand at the negotiating table . 670 00:25:42,679 --> 00:25:44,846 And for General Milley Henry Kissinger 671 00:25:44,846 --> 00:25:46,734 recently gave an interview to the 672 00:25:46,734 --> 00:25:48,623 Economist magazine . He said both 673 00:25:48,623 --> 00:25:50,846 Russia and Ukraine will have to give up 674 00:25:50,846 --> 00:25:53,310 territory in any deal , both will be 675 00:25:53,319 --> 00:25:55,900 dissatisfied . But he worries war could 676 00:25:55,910 --> 00:25:58,969 erupt again because Ukraine is being so 677 00:25:58,979 --> 00:26:01,439 heavily armed . And they also have 678 00:26:01,449 --> 00:26:03,479 quote the least strategically 679 00:26:03,489 --> 00:26:05,711 experienced leadership in Europe , your 680 00:26:05,711 --> 00:26:09,640 thoughts on that . So in terms of 681 00:26:09,650 --> 00:26:11,761 the goals and objectives of Ukraine's 682 00:26:11,761 --> 00:26:13,761 campaign , we'll let the Ukrainians 683 00:26:13,761 --> 00:26:15,817 decide what that , what that will be 684 00:26:15,880 --> 00:26:18,102 our goal . As I've said , so many times 685 00:26:18,102 --> 00:26:20,158 is to make sure that we're providing 686 00:26:20,158 --> 00:26:24,069 them what they need to be able to 687 00:26:24,079 --> 00:26:26,880 defend their sovereign territory . I 688 00:26:26,890 --> 00:26:29,001 would remind everybody that this is a 689 00:26:29,001 --> 00:26:31,112 country that's in a fight in a pretty 690 00:26:31,112 --> 00:26:33,112 significant fight uh and what we've 691 00:26:33,112 --> 00:26:35,334 been doing and it's really artful and I 692 00:26:35,334 --> 00:26:37,557 applaud the Ukrainians on their ability 693 00:26:37,557 --> 00:26:40,109 to kind of grow into this . But we , 694 00:26:40,119 --> 00:26:42,520 we've been uh taking troops out of the 695 00:26:42,530 --> 00:26:44,869 fight uh and training them on 696 00:26:44,880 --> 00:26:47,189 sophisticated platforms . Uh and then 697 00:26:47,199 --> 00:26:49,366 putting those troops back in the fight 698 00:26:49,366 --> 00:26:51,532 all while they're fighting . And while 699 00:26:51,532 --> 00:26:54,810 this seems uh uh this seems simple , uh 700 00:26:54,819 --> 00:26:57,670 to , to many , it is very , very uh uh 701 00:26:57,680 --> 00:27:00,060 complicated and not without risk . And 702 00:27:00,069 --> 00:27:02,125 so there's you , you have to balance 703 00:27:02,125 --> 00:27:04,236 the scales uh throughout and the more 704 00:27:04,236 --> 00:27:06,347 sophisticated that equipment gets the 705 00:27:06,347 --> 00:27:08,458 more critical that the training , the 706 00:27:08,458 --> 00:27:10,569 maintenance and sustainment becomes , 707 00:27:10,569 --> 00:27:13,939 uh and so again , uh we have been 708 00:27:13,949 --> 00:27:16,060 focused on giving them what they need 709 00:27:16,060 --> 00:27:18,282 to be successful . And uh you know , as 710 00:27:18,282 --> 00:27:20,839 things evolve , our security assistance 711 00:27:20,849 --> 00:27:23,699 has evolved over time as well . So , 712 00:27:23,709 --> 00:27:26,260 Tom , thanks for asking a very easy 713 00:27:26,270 --> 00:27:28,339 question from , from the former 714 00:27:28,349 --> 00:27:30,238 national security adviser , Henry 715 00:27:30,238 --> 00:27:32,571 Kissinger . So , uh I , I looked at the , 716 00:27:32,571 --> 00:27:34,793 yeah , I saw that 100 years old . So uh 717 00:27:34,793 --> 00:27:36,793 look at , um it would , it would uh 718 00:27:36,793 --> 00:27:38,960 take a lot longer than a few seconds . 719 00:27:38,960 --> 00:27:41,071 I have to answer that , that question 720 00:27:41,071 --> 00:27:43,293 fully . I I I would just say this for , 721 00:27:43,293 --> 00:27:45,460 for the time being all wars come to an 722 00:27:45,460 --> 00:27:45,140 end sooner or later and they either 723 00:27:45,150 --> 00:27:47,261 come within one side , winning or the 724 00:27:47,261 --> 00:27:49,317 other side winning or they come to a 725 00:27:49,317 --> 00:27:51,150 negotiated settlement . This war 726 00:27:51,150 --> 00:27:53,206 militarily is not going to be won by 727 00:27:53,206 --> 00:27:55,150 Russia . It's just not , there are 728 00:27:55,150 --> 00:27:57,483 strategic objectives that they laid out , 729 00:27:57,483 --> 00:27:59,706 which was the conquest of the territory 730 00:27:59,706 --> 00:28:01,817 called Ukraine , the unseating of the 731 00:28:01,817 --> 00:28:03,872 Zelinsky government , the capture of 732 00:28:03,872 --> 00:28:06,079 Kiev those strategic objectives away a 733 00:28:06,160 --> 00:28:08,589 year ago really shortly after they 734 00:28:08,599 --> 00:28:11,219 invaded when Putin readjusted his 735 00:28:11,229 --> 00:28:13,300 strategic objectives to just grab 736 00:28:13,310 --> 00:28:16,469 Luhansk and the whole Don Bos area . So 737 00:28:16,479 --> 00:28:18,535 the strategic objectives that Russia 738 00:28:18,535 --> 00:28:20,646 set out to achieve are not achievable 739 00:28:20,646 --> 00:28:22,701 militarily . They're not going to be 740 00:28:22,701 --> 00:28:24,923 done . At the same time , the Ukrainian 741 00:28:24,923 --> 00:28:28,060 strategic objectives are to liberate 742 00:28:28,109 --> 00:28:31,180 all of Russian occupied Ukraine . There 743 00:28:31,189 --> 00:28:33,300 is a couple 100,000 Russian troops in 744 00:28:33,300 --> 00:28:35,411 Russian occupied Ukraine . That might 745 00:28:35,411 --> 00:28:37,569 be achievable militarily but probably 746 00:28:37,579 --> 00:28:40,089 not in the near term . So what does 747 00:28:40,099 --> 00:28:42,043 that mean ? That means fighting is 748 00:28:42,043 --> 00:28:44,099 going to continue , it's going to be 749 00:28:44,099 --> 00:28:46,321 bloody , it's going to be hard . And at 750 00:28:46,321 --> 00:28:48,321 some point , both sides will either 751 00:28:48,321 --> 00:28:50,321 negotiate a settlement or they will 752 00:28:50,321 --> 00:28:52,432 come to a military conclusion at some 753 00:28:52,432 --> 00:28:54,210 point in the future and we will 754 00:28:54,210 --> 00:28:56,155 continue to support Ukraine in its 755 00:28:56,155 --> 00:28:58,266 fight for its own freedom . Uh But as 756 00:28:58,266 --> 00:29:00,488 to his particular comments about giving 757 00:29:00,488 --> 00:29:02,710 up land , not land , et cetera , that's 758 00:29:02,710 --> 00:29:02,510 for those political leaders to decide . 759 00:29:02,520 --> 00:29:04,631 It's really not for me to decide at a 760 00:29:04,631 --> 00:29:06,576 press conference in the Pentagon . 761 00:29:06,576 --> 00:29:08,464 Thank you both , gentlemen . This 762 00:29:08,464 --> 00:29:10,520 concludes our press briefing today . 763 00:29:10,520 --> 00:29:09,709 Thank you very much for attending . 764 00:29:10,050 --> 00:29:13,939 Thanks everybody , us 765 00:29:13,959 --> 00:29:16,070 supply trucks that may have been used 766 00:29:16,070 --> 00:29:16,979 to decide that there's a problem .