1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:05,739 --> 00:00:07,961 Good afternoon . Ladies and gentlemen . 3 00:00:07,961 --> 00:00:09,906 Thank you very much for being here 4 00:00:09,906 --> 00:00:12,017 today . It's my pleasure to introduce 5 00:00:12,017 --> 00:00:14,239 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin , the 6 00:00:14,239 --> 00:00:16,406 third and chairman of the Joint Chiefs 7 00:00:16,406 --> 00:00:18,350 of Staff General Mark Milley , the 8 00:00:18,350 --> 00:00:20,572 secretary and the chairman will deliver 9 00:00:20,572 --> 00:00:20,319 opening remarks and then have time to 10 00:00:20,329 --> 00:00:22,551 take a few questions . Please note that 11 00:00:22,551 --> 00:00:24,551 I will moderate those questions and 12 00:00:24,551 --> 00:00:26,551 call on journalists given our tight 13 00:00:26,551 --> 00:00:28,496 schedule . I'd ask that you please 14 00:00:28,496 --> 00:00:30,440 limit your follow ups to give your 15 00:00:30,440 --> 00:00:32,273 colleagues a chance to ask their 16 00:00:32,273 --> 00:00:34,051 questions and I appreciate your 17 00:00:34,051 --> 00:00:36,162 assistance with this with that . I'll 18 00:00:36,162 --> 00:00:36,020 turn it over to Secretary Austin . 19 00:00:36,759 --> 00:00:38,720 Thanks Patrick . Good afternoon , 20 00:00:38,729 --> 00:00:42,060 everyone and thanks for being here . We 21 00:00:42,069 --> 00:00:44,291 just wrapped up our 13th meeting of the 22 00:00:44,291 --> 00:00:46,779 Ukraine Defense contact group and it 23 00:00:46,790 --> 00:00:48,901 once again demonstrated the unity and 24 00:00:48,901 --> 00:00:51,200 the resolve that have characterized 25 00:00:51,209 --> 00:00:53,290 this group ever since our very first 26 00:00:53,299 --> 00:00:56,479 meeting , we continue to be inspired by 27 00:00:56,490 --> 00:00:59,180 the Ukrainian people . As I told the 28 00:00:59,189 --> 00:01:01,849 contact group today , the missile 29 00:01:01,860 --> 00:01:04,300 strike that hit a residential building 30 00:01:04,900 --> 00:01:08,779 in Rey reminded us all of the senseless 31 00:01:08,790 --> 00:01:11,160 suffering that the people of Ukraine 32 00:01:11,169 --> 00:01:13,589 have endured , but they remain 33 00:01:13,599 --> 00:01:16,739 undaunted and so do their leaders . 34 00:01:17,870 --> 00:01:19,814 We were fortunate to be joined yet 35 00:01:19,814 --> 00:01:21,814 again by my good friend , Ukrainian 36 00:01:21,814 --> 00:01:24,610 Minister of Defense Alexi Rezko . As 37 00:01:24,620 --> 00:01:26,676 always , this contact group benefits 38 00:01:26,676 --> 00:01:29,680 hugely from hearing first hand from him 39 00:01:29,690 --> 00:01:31,910 and his team about the state of the 40 00:01:31,919 --> 00:01:34,779 battlefield in Ukraine's most urgent 41 00:01:34,790 --> 00:01:38,400 needs . As I've told Alexei , we have 42 00:01:38,410 --> 00:01:40,466 great confidence in the training and 43 00:01:40,466 --> 00:01:42,688 the capabilities of the Ukrainian armed 44 00:01:42,688 --> 00:01:44,743 forces . Thanks in large part to the 45 00:01:44,743 --> 00:01:46,660 tireless and combined work of the 46 00:01:46,669 --> 00:01:50,620 contact group's members . Now , 47 00:01:50,629 --> 00:01:52,685 we all know that the Ukrainians have 48 00:01:52,685 --> 00:01:54,907 been engaged in a tough fight to defend 49 00:01:54,907 --> 00:01:57,129 their sovereign territory and take back 50 00:01:57,129 --> 00:02:00,949 the occupied territory . And we have 51 00:02:00,959 --> 00:02:03,559 all seen the skill and courage of 52 00:02:03,569 --> 00:02:05,730 Ukraine's defenders ever since the 53 00:02:05,739 --> 00:02:09,190 start of Russia's invasion . Of course , 54 00:02:09,500 --> 00:02:12,059 we've given Ukraine's forces important 55 00:02:12,070 --> 00:02:14,237 training and impressive capabilities , 56 00:02:14,970 --> 00:02:17,850 but war is fluid , dynamic and 57 00:02:17,860 --> 00:02:21,320 unpredictable . Ukraine's fight is not 58 00:02:21,330 --> 00:02:24,699 some easy sprint to the finish line and 59 00:02:24,710 --> 00:02:27,229 our message remains clear . We will 60 00:02:27,240 --> 00:02:29,184 stand by Ukraine for as long as it 61 00:02:29,184 --> 00:02:32,220 takes . Now , let me talk a bit more 62 00:02:32,229 --> 00:02:35,529 about today's contact group . In 63 00:02:35,539 --> 00:02:37,817 addition to the briefings from Ukraine , 64 00:02:37,817 --> 00:02:39,817 we heard from the leaders of the US 65 00:02:39,817 --> 00:02:42,279 European command and they briefed us on 66 00:02:42,289 --> 00:02:44,690 future training plans as well as 67 00:02:44,699 --> 00:02:46,699 efforts to maintain and sustain the 68 00:02:46,699 --> 00:02:49,089 equipment that we've already provided 69 00:02:49,410 --> 00:02:53,399 and to ensure that Ukraine can do so 70 00:02:53,410 --> 00:02:56,600 for future equipment as well . We also 71 00:02:56,610 --> 00:02:58,839 heard from our friends from Germany and 72 00:02:58,850 --> 00:03:01,850 Poland on their work sustaining 73 00:03:01,860 --> 00:03:05,119 Ukraine's new leopard tanks and our 74 00:03:05,369 --> 00:03:07,369 colleagues from the Netherlands and 75 00:03:07,369 --> 00:03:09,591 Denmark share the progress that they've 76 00:03:09,591 --> 00:03:12,169 made on plans to train Ukrainian pilots 77 00:03:12,380 --> 00:03:14,610 on fourth generation fighter aircraft 78 00:03:14,619 --> 00:03:18,050 including F-16s . Well , that brings me 79 00:03:18,059 --> 00:03:20,889 back to one of the very top priorities 80 00:03:20,899 --> 00:03:23,759 of this contact group . We remain laser 81 00:03:23,770 --> 00:03:25,770 focused on meeting Ukraine's urgent 82 00:03:25,770 --> 00:03:28,449 needs for ground based air defense 83 00:03:28,460 --> 00:03:31,410 systems and that's especially important 84 00:03:31,419 --> 00:03:33,250 since Russia , since Russia has 85 00:03:33,259 --> 00:03:35,720 ruthlessly ramped up its missile and 86 00:03:35,729 --> 00:03:38,130 drone attacks over the past month 87 00:03:38,139 --> 00:03:40,710 against Ukraine's cities . These 88 00:03:40,720 --> 00:03:43,309 attacks have killed scores of Ukrainian 89 00:03:43,320 --> 00:03:45,929 civilians and that's just part of 90 00:03:45,940 --> 00:03:48,119 Moscow's reckless and lawless attempt 91 00:03:48,330 --> 00:03:50,274 to break the will of the Ukrainian 92 00:03:50,274 --> 00:03:52,809 people . But Ukraine's air defenders 93 00:03:53,639 --> 00:03:56,800 have saved countless lives using air 94 00:03:56,809 --> 00:03:59,029 defense systems and interceptor 95 00:03:59,039 --> 00:04:01,389 missiles donated by members of this 96 00:04:01,399 --> 00:04:04,279 contact group . And our ongoing support 97 00:04:04,289 --> 00:04:06,400 will ensure that Ukraine can continue 98 00:04:06,400 --> 00:04:09,300 to defend its civilians , its citizens , 99 00:04:09,589 --> 00:04:11,449 its cities and its critical 100 00:04:11,460 --> 00:04:14,339 infrastructure . Now several countries 101 00:04:14,350 --> 00:04:16,072 have stepped up today with new 102 00:04:16,072 --> 00:04:18,149 commitments for Ukraine , Canada 103 00:04:18,160 --> 00:04:20,549 committed another $500 million package 104 00:04:20,559 --> 00:04:22,679 to support Ukraine and that will 105 00:04:22,690 --> 00:04:24,869 include more than 200 critical air 106 00:04:24,880 --> 00:04:27,109 defense missiles to help Ukraine's 107 00:04:27,119 --> 00:04:29,690 skies , help protect Ukraine's skies 108 00:04:30,350 --> 00:04:32,572 and the United States along with the UK 109 00:04:32,572 --> 00:04:34,609 Denmark and the Netherlands all 110 00:04:34,619 --> 00:04:36,563 contributed funding for additional 111 00:04:36,563 --> 00:04:38,940 critical air defense missiles for 112 00:04:38,950 --> 00:04:41,739 Ukraine . Italy also announced its 113 00:04:41,750 --> 00:04:43,694 latest tranche of assistance which 114 00:04:43,694 --> 00:04:46,299 includes highly , highly critical 115 00:04:46,309 --> 00:04:48,700 capabilities that meet Ukraine's most 116 00:04:48,709 --> 00:04:51,010 urgent needs to defend itself . And 117 00:04:51,019 --> 00:04:53,130 several allies are beginning to think 118 00:04:53,130 --> 00:04:55,241 about supporting Ukraine for the long 119 00:04:55,241 --> 00:04:57,350 term , Norway and Germany announced 120 00:04:57,359 --> 00:04:59,859 multi year packages and Denmark just 121 00:04:59,869 --> 00:05:02,679 announced its own nearly $2.6 billion 122 00:05:02,690 --> 00:05:05,100 package for military assistance . 123 00:05:05,109 --> 00:05:08,529 Through 2024 all these contributions 124 00:05:08,540 --> 00:05:10,484 underscore our unity in supporting 125 00:05:10,484 --> 00:05:12,540 Ukraine and in defending the rules 126 00:05:12,549 --> 00:05:14,771 based international order that keeps us 127 00:05:14,771 --> 00:05:17,559 all secure . Ukraine has overcome so 128 00:05:17,570 --> 00:05:21,260 many obstacles but more lie ahead and 129 00:05:21,269 --> 00:05:23,790 Ukraine's troops and citizens do not 130 00:05:23,799 --> 00:05:26,369 stand alone . Thanks to the historic 131 00:05:26,380 --> 00:05:28,380 support of nations of goodwill from 132 00:05:28,380 --> 00:05:30,324 around the world . Ukraine is well 133 00:05:30,329 --> 00:05:32,496 positioned for the challenges still to 134 00:05:32,496 --> 00:05:34,649 come . As President Biden has said , 135 00:05:34,660 --> 00:05:36,929 our support will not waver , our 136 00:05:36,940 --> 00:05:39,829 resolve will not falter and our unity 137 00:05:39,839 --> 00:05:42,829 will not crack , make no mistake . We 138 00:05:42,839 --> 00:05:45,089 will stand with the UK Ukrainian people 139 00:05:45,100 --> 00:05:47,433 for as long as it takes . And with that , 140 00:05:47,433 --> 00:05:49,544 I'll turn it over to General Millet . 141 00:05:50,119 --> 00:05:52,286 Thank you Austin and good afternoon to 142 00:05:52,286 --> 00:05:54,690 everyone that's with us here today . 143 00:05:54,700 --> 00:05:57,160 For 16 months , the international 144 00:05:57,170 --> 00:05:59,392 community has stood together in defense 145 00:05:59,392 --> 00:06:01,559 of a rules based international order . 146 00:06:01,559 --> 00:06:04,299 This coalition's commitment at this 13 147 00:06:04,309 --> 00:06:06,309 th meeting of the Ukrainian defense 148 00:06:06,309 --> 00:06:08,250 contact group demonstrates our 149 00:06:08,260 --> 00:06:10,427 unwavering dedication to the ideals of 150 00:06:10,427 --> 00:06:12,559 sovereignty and self determination . 151 00:06:12,570 --> 00:06:15,149 First , let me thank Secretary Austin 152 00:06:15,600 --> 00:06:18,200 for his steadfast leadership in 153 00:06:18,209 --> 00:06:20,265 fostering this global coalition from 154 00:06:20,265 --> 00:06:22,579 the first meeting to the 13th today 155 00:06:22,769 --> 00:06:24,825 without his leadership , these would 156 00:06:24,825 --> 00:06:26,936 not be happening . And thank you also 157 00:06:26,936 --> 00:06:29,102 to the ministers and Chiefs of defense 158 00:06:29,102 --> 00:06:31,149 from some 50 nations that joined us 159 00:06:31,160 --> 00:06:33,170 today . The Ukrainian Minister of 160 00:06:33,179 --> 00:06:35,235 Defense Reznikoff , my counterpart , 161 00:06:35,235 --> 00:06:37,457 General Zuni , who was not here today , 162 00:06:37,457 --> 00:06:39,623 but I did have a chance to talk to him 163 00:06:39,623 --> 00:06:41,679 the other day and his representative 164 00:06:41,679 --> 00:06:43,846 General Moise who was here . Thank you 165 00:06:43,846 --> 00:06:45,679 for your unflinching resolve and 166 00:06:45,679 --> 00:06:47,735 determination in the face of immense 167 00:06:47,735 --> 00:06:49,901 adversity . And thank you also for the 168 00:06:49,901 --> 00:06:52,200 incredible bravery of the Ukrainian 169 00:06:52,209 --> 00:06:55,609 people . We stand here today , not 170 00:06:55,619 --> 00:06:57,730 simply as a group of nations but as a 171 00:06:57,730 --> 00:06:59,786 united front standing for the values 172 00:06:59,786 --> 00:07:02,790 that are much larger than ourselves . 173 00:07:03,209 --> 00:07:05,489 We stand for the bedrock principles of 174 00:07:05,500 --> 00:07:07,333 national sovereignty and liberty 175 00:07:07,649 --> 00:07:09,705 principles that Russia's illegal and 176 00:07:09,705 --> 00:07:11,871 unprovoked invasion of Ukraine clearly 177 00:07:11,871 --> 00:07:15,160 undermine Putin's war of choice is 178 00:07:15,609 --> 00:07:17,442 not just a transgression against 179 00:07:17,442 --> 00:07:19,779 Ukraine . It is literally a frontal 180 00:07:19,790 --> 00:07:22,589 assault on the very international order 181 00:07:22,970 --> 00:07:25,690 that guarantees peace , prosperity and 182 00:07:25,700 --> 00:07:29,369 freedom to all nations . The brave 183 00:07:29,380 --> 00:07:31,459 Ukrainian people continued to 184 00:07:31,470 --> 00:07:33,748 demonstrate their spirit of resilience , 185 00:07:33,748 --> 00:07:35,914 fighting relentlessly to reclaim their 186 00:07:35,914 --> 00:07:39,309 homeland from Russian occupation . Each 187 00:07:39,320 --> 00:07:42,049 day , the Ukrainians fight not just 188 00:07:42,059 --> 00:07:45,660 with steel and weapons but the iron 189 00:07:45,670 --> 00:07:48,510 will of their spirit . President 190 00:07:48,630 --> 00:07:50,741 Zelinsky has announced recently , the 191 00:07:50,741 --> 00:07:52,463 Ukrainians have embarked on an 192 00:07:52,463 --> 00:07:54,574 offensive operation to liberate their 193 00:07:54,574 --> 00:07:56,686 country . They're in the early stages 194 00:07:57,029 --> 00:07:58,973 and it's far too early to make any 195 00:07:58,973 --> 00:08:01,196 definitive assessments . But I can tell 196 00:08:01,196 --> 00:08:03,410 you that each day the Ukrainians 197 00:08:03,420 --> 00:08:05,476 demonstrate the courage and tenacity 198 00:08:05,476 --> 00:08:08,019 needed to methodically regain their 199 00:08:08,029 --> 00:08:11,089 territory . We have said before that 200 00:08:11,440 --> 00:08:14,519 war is dynamic . It is a contest of 201 00:08:14,529 --> 00:08:16,630 wills . As the secretary just said , 202 00:08:16,640 --> 00:08:19,910 it's uncertain . It's violent and is 203 00:08:19,920 --> 00:08:23,619 always high cost . But we can be sure 204 00:08:24,480 --> 00:08:26,702 that Ukrainian bravery , competency and 205 00:08:26,702 --> 00:08:29,260 preparedness will carry the day . We 206 00:08:29,269 --> 00:08:31,213 can be confident that this contact 207 00:08:31,213 --> 00:08:33,679 group has given Ukraine the tools that 208 00:08:33,690 --> 00:08:36,260 it needs to succeed . And we know that 209 00:08:36,270 --> 00:08:38,381 the will of the Ukrainian people will 210 00:08:38,381 --> 00:08:40,492 continue to resonate far beyond their 211 00:08:40,492 --> 00:08:42,548 borders . In fact , it will resonate 212 00:08:42,548 --> 00:08:44,820 throughout the globe . Their actions 213 00:08:44,830 --> 00:08:47,080 echo the voices of all people who 214 00:08:47,090 --> 00:08:48,979 cherish freedom and the rights to 215 00:08:48,979 --> 00:08:51,090 determine their own fate against 216 00:08:51,099 --> 00:08:53,960 tyranny . Our assistance to Ukraine 217 00:08:53,969 --> 00:08:56,719 supports their cause to remain free and 218 00:08:56,729 --> 00:08:58,507 independent . It represents our 219 00:08:58,507 --> 00:09:00,673 commitment to what binds us as nations 220 00:09:00,799 --> 00:09:02,739 operating within the rules based 221 00:09:02,750 --> 00:09:05,859 international order we have and we will 222 00:09:05,869 --> 00:09:08,169 continue to offer wide ranging support 223 00:09:08,349 --> 00:09:10,460 from providing sophisticated combined 224 00:09:10,460 --> 00:09:12,627 arms capabilities to intelligence , to 225 00:09:12,627 --> 00:09:14,849 training of Ukrainian forces to be more 226 00:09:14,849 --> 00:09:17,016 effective on the battlefield through a 227 00:09:17,016 --> 00:09:19,530 global effort . More than 6000 228 00:09:19,539 --> 00:09:21,706 Ukrainians are being trained right now 229 00:09:22,250 --> 00:09:24,549 at 40 different locations , training 230 00:09:24,559 --> 00:09:28,080 locations in 65 courses in 231 00:09:28,090 --> 00:09:31,479 33 nations on three continents . 232 00:09:32,039 --> 00:09:34,880 That is all happening right now . Today , 233 00:09:35,690 --> 00:09:38,080 since the beginning of the war , the 234 00:09:38,090 --> 00:09:40,479 United States has trained over 11,000 235 00:09:40,489 --> 00:09:43,330 Ukrainians in combined arms maneuver 236 00:09:43,659 --> 00:09:46,520 and staff training . The US training 237 00:09:46,530 --> 00:09:48,830 effort has created 12 maneuver 238 00:09:48,840 --> 00:09:51,799 battalions . Nearly 5000 operators that 239 00:09:51,809 --> 00:09:53,920 are fighting those machines right now 240 00:09:54,419 --> 00:09:56,859 along with their combined armed staffs . 241 00:09:57,380 --> 00:09:59,158 We are currently training three 242 00:09:59,158 --> 00:10:02,150 battalions , a tank battalion and two 243 00:10:02,159 --> 00:10:04,381 Territorial National Guard battalions . 244 00:10:04,381 --> 00:10:06,603 All in all the international effort has 245 00:10:06,603 --> 00:10:08,440 trained almost 60,000 Ukrainian 246 00:10:08,450 --> 00:10:11,510 soldiers for this current operation and 247 00:10:11,520 --> 00:10:13,409 many of whom are engaged in close 248 00:10:13,409 --> 00:10:15,849 combat . As we stand here today . 249 00:10:17,049 --> 00:10:19,216 Last week , the United States released 250 00:10:19,216 --> 00:10:21,327 another Ukrainian security assistance 251 00:10:21,327 --> 00:10:23,327 initiative package totaling several 252 00:10:23,327 --> 00:10:25,580 billion dollars . Two billion . This 253 00:10:25,590 --> 00:10:27,940 package procures critical capabilities 254 00:10:27,950 --> 00:10:30,380 including patriot munitions , hawk , 255 00:10:30,390 --> 00:10:32,279 air defense systems , artillery , 256 00:10:32,279 --> 00:10:34,112 rocket munitions , maintenance , 257 00:10:34,112 --> 00:10:35,779 sustainment sport much more . 258 00:10:35,779 --> 00:10:37,946 Additionally , this week , we released 259 00:10:37,946 --> 00:10:40,190 our latest write on package of $325 260 00:10:40,200 --> 00:10:42,369 million from our current stocks . We 261 00:10:42,380 --> 00:10:44,369 are providing Ukraine air defense 262 00:10:44,380 --> 00:10:47,369 munitions , Gimler long range artillery 263 00:10:47,799 --> 00:10:50,820 artillery rounds , 155 Bradley strikers 264 00:10:51,049 --> 00:10:53,216 and many other capabilities . Over the 265 00:10:53,216 --> 00:10:55,380 past year , we have seen the strength 266 00:10:56,400 --> 00:10:59,210 of Ukraine because of the international 267 00:10:59,219 --> 00:11:01,440 coalition and the impact of our 268 00:11:01,450 --> 00:11:03,570 collective support along with the 269 00:11:03,580 --> 00:11:06,250 courage of the Ukrainian people . We 270 00:11:06,260 --> 00:11:08,359 see Ukrainian forces displaying 271 00:11:08,369 --> 00:11:11,280 exceptional skill and operating complex 272 00:11:11,289 --> 00:11:14,270 systems like patriot armored vehicles 273 00:11:14,280 --> 00:11:16,169 and high mars . We see Ukrainians 274 00:11:16,169 --> 00:11:18,070 effectively leveraging anti armor 275 00:11:18,080 --> 00:11:19,913 weapons , advanced munitions and 276 00:11:19,913 --> 00:11:22,136 sophisticated air defense systems . Our 277 00:11:22,136 --> 00:11:24,024 commitment to Ukraine extends far 278 00:11:24,024 --> 00:11:27,320 beyond the here and the it is not 279 00:11:27,330 --> 00:11:30,260 defined by time or convenience , but it 280 00:11:30,270 --> 00:11:32,048 is defined by the principles of 281 00:11:32,048 --> 00:11:33,714 democracy , freedom . And the 282 00:11:33,714 --> 00:11:36,219 international rule of law is a pledge 283 00:11:36,229 --> 00:11:38,451 that upholds the international order to 284 00:11:38,451 --> 00:11:40,562 ensure that every nation big or small 285 00:11:40,562 --> 00:11:42,599 can live in peace , enjoying its 286 00:11:42,609 --> 00:11:44,665 rightful sovereignty without fear of 287 00:11:44,665 --> 00:11:46,387 unprovoked aggression . As the 288 00:11:46,387 --> 00:11:48,331 president of the United States and 289 00:11:48,331 --> 00:11:50,165 Secretary of Defense Austin have 290 00:11:50,165 --> 00:11:52,498 consistently stated over and over again . 291 00:11:52,820 --> 00:11:55,049 The United States remains committed to 292 00:11:55,059 --> 00:11:57,500 supporting Ukraine . For as long as it 293 00:11:57,510 --> 00:12:00,190 takes , we will continue to provide 294 00:12:00,200 --> 00:12:02,311 Ukraine with the means to fight until 295 00:12:02,311 --> 00:12:04,650 Russia ends this unprovoked aggression . 296 00:12:04,929 --> 00:12:07,096 Thank you . And I look forward to your 297 00:12:07,096 --> 00:12:09,373 questions . Thank you both . Gentlemen . 298 00:12:09,373 --> 00:12:11,207 First question . Go to Dan , the 299 00:12:11,207 --> 00:12:12,207 Washington Post . 300 00:12:16,630 --> 00:12:18,852 Gentlemen , good afternoon . Thanks for 301 00:12:18,852 --> 00:12:20,574 your time today . Question for 302 00:12:20,574 --> 00:12:22,463 Secretary Austin , please . We've 303 00:12:22,463 --> 00:12:24,519 started to see battlefield losses in 304 00:12:24,519 --> 00:12:26,741 this Ukrainian counter offensive emerge 305 00:12:26,741 --> 00:12:29,429 online and otherwise to what degree do 306 00:12:29,440 --> 00:12:31,150 they concern you ? And do you 307 00:12:31,159 --> 00:12:33,381 anticipate additional commitments of us 308 00:12:33,381 --> 00:12:35,215 fighting vehicles to bolster the 309 00:12:35,215 --> 00:12:37,437 counter offensive as it moves forward ? 310 00:12:37,437 --> 00:12:39,659 And then for General Milley in light of 311 00:12:39,659 --> 00:12:41,840 this counter offensive , there's the 312 00:12:41,849 --> 00:12:43,682 expectation that this could be a 313 00:12:43,682 --> 00:12:45,738 grinding bloody slog that takes many 314 00:12:45,738 --> 00:12:49,559 months to what degree and what kind of 315 00:12:49,570 --> 00:12:51,619 patience do you anticipate will be 316 00:12:51,630 --> 00:12:54,140 necessary ? Not just for Ukrainians , 317 00:12:54,150 --> 00:12:56,400 but the American people and taxpayers 318 00:12:57,109 --> 00:12:59,450 and the , and the military alliance 319 00:12:59,460 --> 00:13:01,682 that is supporting Ukraine as this goes 320 00:13:01,682 --> 00:13:04,950 on . Thank you . Thanks Nan . Regarding 321 00:13:04,960 --> 00:13:08,330 the battlefield losses of vehicles and 322 00:13:08,340 --> 00:13:11,729 equipment , this is a war . So we know 323 00:13:11,739 --> 00:13:15,280 that there will be battle damage on 324 00:13:15,289 --> 00:13:18,820 both sides . And you know what's 325 00:13:18,830 --> 00:13:22,250 important is that , you know , the 326 00:13:22,260 --> 00:13:25,609 Ukrainians have the ability to recover 327 00:13:25,669 --> 00:13:27,613 uh equipment that's been damaged , 328 00:13:27,613 --> 00:13:29,659 repair where possible get that 329 00:13:29,669 --> 00:13:31,719 equipment back into the fight . And 330 00:13:31,729 --> 00:13:34,789 also that uh they have the , we have 331 00:13:34,799 --> 00:13:36,466 the means to continue to push 332 00:13:36,466 --> 00:13:38,520 capability forward . So there will 333 00:13:38,530 --> 00:13:42,080 continue to be battle damage . Uh I 334 00:13:42,090 --> 00:13:44,320 think the Russians have shown us that 335 00:13:44,330 --> 00:13:48,260 same five vehicles about 1000 times 336 00:13:48,270 --> 00:13:51,000 from 10 different angles . But quite 337 00:13:51,010 --> 00:13:54,820 frankly , the Ukrainians have still 338 00:13:54,830 --> 00:13:57,169 have a lot of combat capability , 339 00:13:57,179 --> 00:14:00,590 combat power . So as you've 340 00:14:00,599 --> 00:14:02,770 indicated , this will continue to be a 341 00:14:02,780 --> 00:14:06,710 tough fight as we anticipate it . And I 342 00:14:06,719 --> 00:14:10,289 believe that the element that 343 00:14:11,630 --> 00:14:14,429 does the best in terms of sustainment 344 00:14:14,770 --> 00:14:17,739 will probably have the advantage at the 345 00:14:17,750 --> 00:14:19,809 end of the day . So our focus is on 346 00:14:19,820 --> 00:14:22,109 making sure that we continue to push 347 00:14:22,119 --> 00:14:25,309 forward what Ukraine needs in order to 348 00:14:25,320 --> 00:14:28,890 be successful . So Dan , 349 00:14:29,409 --> 00:14:31,520 it would be very premature to put any 350 00:14:32,630 --> 00:14:35,630 estimates of how long time on an 351 00:14:35,640 --> 00:14:38,250 operation of this magnitude . There are 352 00:14:38,260 --> 00:14:40,482 several 100,000 Russian troops dug in , 353 00:14:40,482 --> 00:14:42,510 in prepared positions all along the 354 00:14:42,520 --> 00:14:46,169 front line and Ukraine has 355 00:14:46,179 --> 00:14:48,669 begun their attack and they are making 356 00:14:48,679 --> 00:14:50,512 steady progress . This is a very 357 00:14:50,512 --> 00:14:52,880 difficult fight . It is a very violent 358 00:14:52,890 --> 00:14:54,830 fight and it will likely take a 359 00:14:54,840 --> 00:14:57,007 considerable amount of time and a high 360 00:14:57,007 --> 00:14:59,118 cost . But at the end of the day , as 361 00:14:59,118 --> 00:15:01,173 Napoleon once said , the moral is to 362 00:15:01,173 --> 00:15:03,396 the physical is three , is to one . And 363 00:15:03,396 --> 00:15:05,729 the Ukrainian morale , their leadership , 364 00:15:05,729 --> 00:15:07,784 their skill , their tenacity , their 365 00:15:07,784 --> 00:15:10,007 resilience is very high . Russian , the 366 00:15:10,007 --> 00:15:12,062 Russians , on the other hand , their 367 00:15:12,062 --> 00:15:14,340 leadership is not necessarily coherent . 368 00:15:14,340 --> 00:15:16,229 Their troops morale is not high , 369 00:15:16,229 --> 00:15:18,118 they've been sitting in defensive 370 00:15:18,118 --> 00:15:20,229 positions and many of them don't even 371 00:15:20,229 --> 00:15:22,396 know either . They , so we'll see it's 372 00:15:22,396 --> 00:15:22,070 too early to tell , but we'll see how 373 00:15:22,080 --> 00:15:24,659 this plays out . Thank you , gentlemen . 374 00:15:24,669 --> 00:15:26,836 Let's go to the back here . It's eight 375 00:15:26,836 --> 00:15:27,836 A F Florian . 376 00:15:31,590 --> 00:15:33,701 Thank you very much , Han from German 377 00:15:33,789 --> 00:15:36,429 TV Z F Secretary Austin . One question , 378 00:15:36,830 --> 00:15:38,886 there is a growing frustration among 379 00:15:38,886 --> 00:15:40,869 Eastern European allies that they 380 00:15:40,880 --> 00:15:43,200 believe there is not enough support 381 00:15:43,210 --> 00:15:44,766 from your government , your 382 00:15:44,766 --> 00:15:46,710 administration towards a Ukrainian 383 00:15:46,710 --> 00:15:48,710 membership in NATO . Why are you so 384 00:15:48,710 --> 00:15:50,690 hesitant to give any more concrete 385 00:15:50,700 --> 00:15:52,919 signs that Ukraine will enter the 386 00:15:52,929 --> 00:15:54,985 alliance and that there will be some 387 00:15:54,985 --> 00:15:57,099 more promises which go beyond the 388 00:15:57,109 --> 00:15:59,880 Budapest clauses . Thank you . 389 00:16:01,090 --> 00:16:04,090 Well , thanks . I think you heard us 390 00:16:04,099 --> 00:16:07,340 say over and over again that we 391 00:16:07,349 --> 00:16:09,849 continue to support Ukraine's open door , 392 00:16:09,859 --> 00:16:13,320 excuse me , nato's open door policy and 393 00:16:13,330 --> 00:16:17,099 each , each country will have a 394 00:16:17,109 --> 00:16:21,059 different path to accession . And so 395 00:16:21,070 --> 00:16:24,830 again , I'll let , I will 396 00:16:24,840 --> 00:16:28,159 further say that we remain where we 397 00:16:28,169 --> 00:16:32,140 were with Budapest . And so as 398 00:16:32,150 --> 00:16:35,119 we go forward here , I think you'll see 399 00:16:35,130 --> 00:16:37,630 allies and partners continue to work 400 00:16:37,640 --> 00:16:40,520 together to provide Ukraine what it 401 00:16:40,530 --> 00:16:42,770 needs to be successful and also provide 402 00:16:42,780 --> 00:16:46,750 assurances going forward . Next 403 00:16:46,760 --> 00:16:48,871 question , we'll go to Carl Bab Voice 404 00:16:48,871 --> 00:16:51,380 of America . Mr Secretary chairman . 405 00:16:51,390 --> 00:16:53,349 Thank you both for doing this . Mr 406 00:16:53,359 --> 00:16:56,530 Secretary . What has the US committed 407 00:16:56,539 --> 00:16:59,320 to provide to the F-16 training program 408 00:16:59,330 --> 00:17:01,608 for Ukrainians , specifically trainers , 409 00:17:01,608 --> 00:17:03,960 munitions jets ? And can you provide us 410 00:17:03,969 --> 00:17:06,260 with any more details on the overall 411 00:17:06,270 --> 00:17:09,160 F-16 training plans . And Chairman 412 00:17:09,170 --> 00:17:11,059 Milley , the indictment of former 413 00:17:11,059 --> 00:17:13,584 president US President Trump includes a 414 00:17:13,594 --> 00:17:15,316 transcript of him discussing a 415 00:17:15,316 --> 00:17:17,714 classified document about plans to 416 00:17:17,724 --> 00:17:20,074 attack a country . How concerning is it 417 00:17:20,084 --> 00:17:22,814 to you that a former president or any 418 00:17:22,824 --> 00:17:24,991 US official for that matter is willing 419 00:17:24,991 --> 00:17:27,125 to discuss classified military plans 420 00:17:27,135 --> 00:17:29,024 and consider using those plans to 421 00:17:29,024 --> 00:17:30,555 settle personal scores . 422 00:17:34,300 --> 00:17:36,467 Thanks , Carla , let me start with the 423 00:17:36,467 --> 00:17:38,550 F-16 question here . Uh First let me 424 00:17:38,560 --> 00:17:41,829 say , uh how much I really appreciate 425 00:17:41,839 --> 00:17:44,420 uh the Netherlands and Denmark stepping 426 00:17:44,430 --> 00:17:48,349 up to leave this consortium and they 427 00:17:48,359 --> 00:17:51,589 are outlining the plan for training 428 00:17:51,910 --> 00:17:53,688 and there are a number of other 429 00:17:53,688 --> 00:17:56,000 countries that have joined in and 430 00:17:56,010 --> 00:17:58,530 volunteered to help in this effort . 431 00:17:59,060 --> 00:18:02,510 And so this work continues , 432 00:18:02,520 --> 00:18:06,069 we were briefed today on , on kind of 433 00:18:06,079 --> 00:18:08,640 the outline of the plan and the steps 434 00:18:08,650 --> 00:18:11,160 for , you know , for the way ahead . Uh 435 00:18:11,170 --> 00:18:13,281 And I have to tell you that uh they , 436 00:18:13,281 --> 00:18:15,337 in the 30 days that we've been after 437 00:18:15,337 --> 00:18:17,810 this , uh they have leaned into this in 438 00:18:17,819 --> 00:18:20,589 a major way . Um As you know , the 439 00:18:20,599 --> 00:18:23,280 United States will have to provide uh 440 00:18:23,290 --> 00:18:26,400 uh approval for the training and also 441 00:18:26,410 --> 00:18:28,949 uh some other aspects of this . And as 442 00:18:28,959 --> 00:18:31,126 you would expect , we continue to work 443 00:18:31,126 --> 00:18:34,310 with the Netherlands and Denmark as 444 00:18:34,319 --> 00:18:37,520 they put this plan together . But again , 445 00:18:37,579 --> 00:18:40,319 this will take some time , but they're 446 00:18:40,329 --> 00:18:42,496 really moving out in a very impressive 447 00:18:42,496 --> 00:18:45,250 way and they're getting support from 448 00:18:45,260 --> 00:18:49,119 other partners in the U C C 449 00:18:50,439 --> 00:18:52,106 and Carla . Thank you for the 450 00:18:52,106 --> 00:18:54,050 opportunity to make no comment . I 451 00:18:54,050 --> 00:18:55,717 appreciate that it's entirely 452 00:18:55,717 --> 00:18:57,717 inappropriate for me to ever make a 453 00:18:57,717 --> 00:18:59,550 comment about an ongoing federal 454 00:18:59,550 --> 00:19:01,550 investigation . So I'm not going to 455 00:19:01,550 --> 00:19:03,739 make any comment . I will focus on my 456 00:19:03,750 --> 00:19:05,417 job and that's protecting the 457 00:19:05,417 --> 00:19:07,528 Constitution of the United States and 458 00:19:07,528 --> 00:19:09,472 protecting our country and in this 459 00:19:09,472 --> 00:19:09,369 particular case and supporting Ukraine 460 00:19:09,380 --> 00:19:11,658 in their fight for freedom . Thank you , 461 00:19:11,658 --> 00:19:13,769 gentlemen . Uh final question will go 462 00:19:13,769 --> 00:19:15,824 to uh Vitali Zarkov U A television . 463 00:19:19,920 --> 00:19:23,420 Thank you . You said a lot 464 00:19:23,430 --> 00:19:27,329 about Ukrainian advanced , 465 00:19:27,420 --> 00:19:30,390 which insight did you get from 466 00:19:30,400 --> 00:19:32,622 observing this advance ? Maybe it could 467 00:19:32,622 --> 00:19:35,260 change the way of help . Maybe in new 468 00:19:35,270 --> 00:19:37,989 type of weapons the United States could 469 00:19:38,000 --> 00:19:41,680 provide and what your prognosis 470 00:19:41,920 --> 00:19:45,750 when F 60 and Abrams could be on the 471 00:19:45,760 --> 00:19:49,020 territory of Ukraine . That's it . 472 00:19:49,180 --> 00:19:51,319 Thank you . Is that for me or the 473 00:19:51,329 --> 00:19:53,219 chairman ? Yeah , 474 00:19:56,609 --> 00:20:00,199 we had a session today with a variety 475 00:20:00,209 --> 00:20:02,098 of countries who are early in the 476 00:20:02,098 --> 00:20:04,250 planning process . I think there's an 477 00:20:04,260 --> 00:20:07,099 intent by several countries that have 478 00:20:07,109 --> 00:20:09,053 stepped up to take the lead in the 479 00:20:09,053 --> 00:20:11,276 Netherlands and Denmark in terms of the 480 00:20:11,276 --> 00:20:13,276 planning . So there's a lot of work 481 00:20:13,276 --> 00:20:15,387 left to be done . I think it would be 482 00:20:15,387 --> 00:20:17,442 premature to give a specific date on 483 00:20:17,442 --> 00:20:19,665 any time the F-16s or any other type of 484 00:20:19,665 --> 00:20:21,776 advanced aircraft will be employed in 485 00:20:21,776 --> 00:20:23,831 combat in Ukraine . There's a lot of 486 00:20:23,831 --> 00:20:23,380 work to do . You have to do language 487 00:20:23,390 --> 00:20:25,168 training , you have to do pilot 488 00:20:25,168 --> 00:20:27,057 training , you got to get all the 489 00:20:27,057 --> 00:20:29,223 systems set in place . So those wheels 490 00:20:29,223 --> 00:20:31,223 are in motion , but we're away from 491 00:20:31,223 --> 00:20:33,390 completion of that project in terms of 492 00:20:33,390 --> 00:20:35,612 lessons learned , there are key lessons 493 00:20:35,612 --> 00:20:38,910 learned in every fight . And we 494 00:20:38,920 --> 00:20:42,599 always encourage our partners 495 00:20:42,609 --> 00:20:45,800 to capture those lessons learned uh and , 496 00:20:45,810 --> 00:20:48,949 and adapt as required . You know , 497 00:20:49,030 --> 00:20:52,979 fights are dynamic squads and platoons 498 00:20:52,989 --> 00:20:55,045 actually fight the fight . Everybody 499 00:20:55,045 --> 00:20:57,156 else on the battlefield supports it . 500 00:20:57,156 --> 00:20:59,267 And so what those squads and platoons 501 00:20:59,267 --> 00:21:01,378 are doing and seeing and learning how 502 00:21:01,378 --> 00:21:03,433 they're employing supporting fires . 503 00:21:03,433 --> 00:21:06,380 And all of that again , we incorporate 504 00:21:06,390 --> 00:21:08,760 those insights into the training that 505 00:21:08,770 --> 00:21:11,089 we're doing for follow on forces . And 506 00:21:11,099 --> 00:21:14,979 so the Ukrainian military is a learning 507 00:21:14,989 --> 00:21:16,650 organization and an adaptive 508 00:21:16,660 --> 00:21:19,910 organization and we see continuous 509 00:21:19,920 --> 00:21:23,500 adaptation on a daily basis . It's been 510 00:21:23,510 --> 00:21:25,750 that way from the very start and as 511 00:21:25,760 --> 00:21:27,982 things as the battlefield dynamics have 512 00:21:27,982 --> 00:21:30,050 changed over the weeks and months , 513 00:21:30,060 --> 00:21:32,004 we've worked with the Ukrainians , 514 00:21:32,004 --> 00:21:33,949 we've also changed in terms of the 515 00:21:33,949 --> 00:21:36,004 kinds of things that we're providing 516 00:21:36,004 --> 00:21:38,116 them and it's been successful and the 517 00:21:38,116 --> 00:21:40,338 evidence that it has been successful is 518 00:21:40,338 --> 00:21:42,449 because it can be seen in where the , 519 00:21:42,449 --> 00:21:44,560 where the Ukrainians are today on the 520 00:21:44,560 --> 00:21:46,504 battlefield . Mr Secretary General 521 00:21:46,504 --> 00:21:48,227 Milley . Thank you very much , 522 00:21:48,227 --> 00:21:50,449 gentlemen , ladies and gentlemen , this 523 00:21:50,449 --> 00:21:50,109 concludes our press briefing . Thank 524 00:21:50,119 --> 00:21:51,380 you , everybody .