WEBVTT 00:35.259 --> 00:37.819 The Korean War began on June 25 1950 00:37.830 --> 00:39.830 when over 75,000 soldiers from the 00:39.840 --> 00:42.007 North Korean people's army crossed the 00:42.007 --> 00:44.118 38 th parallel into South Korea in an 00:44.118 --> 00:46.229 action that would later be recognized 00:46.229 --> 00:48.229 as the first military action of the 00:48.229 --> 00:50.451 Cold War . By July 1950 American troops 00:50.451 --> 00:52.507 had entered the war on South Korea's 00:52.507 --> 00:54.562 behalf . And the American government 00:54.562 --> 00:56.784 viewed us participation in the conflict 00:56.784 --> 00:56.490 as a war against the international 00:56.500 --> 00:59.270 forces of communism itself . In July 00:59.279 --> 01:01.599 1951 President Truman and his military 01:01.610 --> 01:03.950 commanders began peace talks . The 01:03.959 --> 01:05.848 fighting continued along the 38th 01:05.848 --> 01:08.080 parallel as negotiations stalled . Both 01:08.089 --> 01:09.811 sides were willing to accept a 01:09.811 --> 01:11.756 ceasefire that maintained the 38th 01:11.756 --> 01:13.978 parallel but could not agree in whether 01:13.978 --> 01:15.978 prisoners of war should be forcibly 01:15.978 --> 01:18.200 repatriated . After more than two years 01:18.200 --> 01:20.311 of talks , an armistice was signed on 01:20.311 --> 01:22.367 July 27 1953 . The agreement allowed 01:22.367 --> 01:24.367 prisoners of war to stay where they 01:24.367 --> 01:26.589 liked drew a new boundary near the 38th 01:26.589 --> 01:28.645 parallel that granted South Korea an 01:28.645 --> 01:30.700 extra 1500 square miles of territory 01:30.700 --> 01:32.256 and created a two mile wide 01:32.256 --> 01:34.311 demilitarized zone that still exists 01:34.311 --> 01:36.367 today . The Korean war was short but 01:36.367 --> 01:38.589 exceptionally costly . Nearly 5 million 01:38.589 --> 01:40.700 people died , more than half of these 01:40.700 --> 01:42.867 deaths amounting to 10% of Korea's pre 01:42.867 --> 01:44.922 war population were civilians . Over 01:44.922 --> 01:46.867 100,000 Americans were wounded and 01:46.867 --> 01:49.033 nearly 40,000 Americans were killed in 01:49.033 --> 01:48.709 action .