WEBVTT 00:02.099 --> 00:04.210 Good morning , ladies and gentlemen . 00:04.210 --> 00:07.489 On 28 October 1915 , the Department of 00:07.500 --> 00:09.667 the Navy officially transferred Marine 00:09.667 --> 00:11.944 Corps recruit training to Paris Island . 00:11.949 --> 00:14.750 Amongst the 1st 750 marines sent to 00:14.760 --> 00:16.760 Paris Island were the depot's first 00:16.760 --> 00:19.329 band master drum major and a group of 00:19.340 --> 00:21.451 musicians from which the Paris Island 00:21.451 --> 00:23.959 Marine band was formed . The musicians 00:23.969 --> 00:26.229 also doubled as march ship instructors 00:26.329 --> 00:28.879 closed combat instructors and provided 00:28.889 --> 00:30.945 support for various units aboard the 00:30.945 --> 00:33.470 depot . A field music school was also 00:33.479 --> 00:35.590 established to train marine musicians 00:35.590 --> 00:37.812 prior to their assignment to individual 00:37.812 --> 00:40.409 bands throughout the fleet . Today , 00:40.419 --> 00:42.586 the Paris Island Marine Band is one of 00:42.586 --> 00:44.808 the premier military bands in America . 00:44.840 --> 00:46.840 It consists of 50 members under the 00:46.849 --> 00:48.738 direction of the band . Officer , 00:48.738 --> 00:51.071 Warrant Officer , Tom , the band master , 00:51.071 --> 00:53.238 master sergeant , Faker , the enlisted 00:53.238 --> 00:55.349 conductor , staff sergeant Boum , the 00:55.349 --> 00:57.571 instrument repair technician , gunner , 00:57.571 --> 00:59.349 Sergeant Hackenberg , the small 00:59.349 --> 01:01.405 ensemble leader , Gun Serge Trujillo 01:01.405 --> 01:03.460 and the drum major . Gunner Sergeant 01:03.460 --> 01:05.460 Sheer . The band travels around the 01:05.460 --> 01:07.405 globe providing music for military 01:07.405 --> 01:09.349 ceremonies , community relations , 01:09.349 --> 01:11.516 events , recruiting programs and other 01:11.516 --> 01:13.571 official events . They also have the 01:13.571 --> 01:15.793 ability to perform as several specialty 01:15.793 --> 01:18.290 ensembles such as ceremonial band , 01:18.300 --> 01:21.500 concert band . Jazz ensemble show band 01:21.589 --> 01:24.889 and Bras 10 to name a few while 01:24.900 --> 01:27.011 required to maintain a high degree of 01:27.011 --> 01:29.233 musical performance skills . These band 01:29.233 --> 01:32.010 members are above all else marines and 01:32.019 --> 01:34.019 must remain capable of assuming the 01:34.019 --> 01:36.480 task common to all marines . Those of a 01:36.489 --> 01:39.269 basic marine riflemen , the band's 01:39.279 --> 01:41.335 heritage dates back to the whistling 01:41.335 --> 01:43.446 fights and rolling drums of the first 01:43.446 --> 01:46.809 Marines music back in 17 75 and upholds 01:46.819 --> 01:49.550 the tradition of excellence and service 01:49.559 --> 01:51.503 to Corn Country , which is a proud 01:51.503 --> 01:53.250 legacy to all marines . 02:31.679 --> 02:32.679 Those pre 02:40.929 --> 02:41.929 how are you ? 05:20.359 --> 05:22.526 The music this morning is presented by 05:22.526 --> 05:24.748 the Paris Island Marine band . The drum 05:24.748 --> 05:27.299 major is sheer , the elicit conductor 05:27.309 --> 05:28.420 is staff sergeant . 05:36.820 --> 05:37.820 Study . 12:05.020 --> 12:07.131 Good morning . Ladies and gentlemen , 12:07.131 --> 12:09.242 welcome to the graduation ceremony of 12:09.242 --> 12:11.880 company f . The graduation ceremony 12:11.890 --> 12:13.668 that you're about to see is the 12:13.668 --> 12:15.668 culmination of the recruit training 12:15.668 --> 12:17.723 process and marks the beginning of a 12:17.723 --> 12:19.557 challenging creature for our new 12:19.557 --> 12:21.779 marines for the convenience of everyone 12:21.779 --> 12:23.779 attending the ceremony . We request 12:23.779 --> 12:25.834 that you please remain in your seats 12:25.834 --> 12:27.834 until the ceremony is complete . We 12:27.834 --> 12:29.890 also ask you do not pass in front of 12:29.890 --> 12:31.946 the reviewing stand or onto the pray 12:31.946 --> 12:33.946 deck during the ceremony . Once the 12:33.946 --> 12:36.057 ceremony is complete , please be sure 12:36.057 --> 12:38.112 to gather all of your belongings and 12:38.112 --> 12:37.919 place any trash in the receptacles 12:37.929 --> 12:40.190 located behind you prior to exiting the 12:40.200 --> 12:42.849 stains . Lastly , do not step over any 12:42.859 --> 12:45.140 chain fence or walk on the grass . 12:45.250 --> 12:48.179 Thank you for your cooperation . The 12:48.190 --> 12:50.289 term devil dog is used to date as a 12:50.299 --> 12:52.355 friendly reference between marines , 12:52.409 --> 12:54.576 but the nickname has a proud history . 12:54.859 --> 12:56.915 It was first given to the Marines by 12:56.915 --> 12:59.026 German troops who fought against them 12:59.026 --> 13:00.970 at the battle of Bella Wood during 13:00.970 --> 13:04.080 World War one . In 1921 major general 13:04.090 --> 13:06.034 Smiley butler introduced the first 13:06.034 --> 13:08.590 bulldog as a marine mascot . Now 13:08.599 --> 13:10.821 entering the prey deck is parasol's own 13:10.821 --> 13:12.960 double dog coal over May 13:25.390 --> 13:27.501 is an English bulldog who enlisted in 13:27.501 --> 13:29.334 the Marine Corps and reported to 13:29.334 --> 13:31.690 recruit training on March 14th , 2022 13:31.929 --> 13:35.750 and graduated on May 6th 2022 . Co Ma's 13:35.780 --> 13:38.210 handler is Lance Co Morales Canal of 13:38.219 --> 13:40.386 the headquarters in service . Battal , 13:56.840 --> 13:59.062 ladies and gentlemen , the commander of 13:59.062 --> 14:00.039 troops captain , 14:14.169 --> 14:15.947 the staff for today's parade is 14:15.947 --> 14:17.725 comprised of officers and drill 14:17.725 --> 14:19.947 shooters from the second group training 14:19.947 --> 14:23.080 battalion . Ma 14:24.890 --> 14:27.830 ladies and gentlemen , please rise the 14:27.840 --> 14:29.896 chain of the center recruit training 14:29.896 --> 14:32.118 battalion lieutenant limbo . The United 14:32.118 --> 14:34.549 States Navy will deliver the invocation . 14:51.159 --> 14:54.650 Let us pray . Eternal 14:54.659 --> 14:58.330 father , the father of all . This 14:58.340 --> 15:01.659 morning , we gathered here because 15:02.179 --> 15:04.619 you're giving us a chance to be happy 15:05.440 --> 15:08.919 to acknowledge ladies and gentlemen who 15:08.929 --> 15:12.099 you have sent here to be trained and 15:12.109 --> 15:14.390 they have earned the title of Marines 15:14.400 --> 15:17.979 to defend this country of freedom and 15:17.989 --> 15:21.500 all that we stand for . We thank you , 15:22.400 --> 15:24.669 we thank you for the instructors and 15:24.679 --> 15:27.299 the leaders of this institution would 15:27.309 --> 15:30.789 always put everything they have to make 15:31.070 --> 15:33.909 this transformation . Become real . 15:35.510 --> 15:37.710 We thank you also for the families and 15:37.719 --> 15:40.299 for our friends who have supported all 15:40.309 --> 15:43.479 these young men , young ladies who 15:43.489 --> 15:46.640 today have been transformed and would 15:46.650 --> 15:48.872 continue this journey of transformation 15:48.872 --> 15:51.890 that you have started . We thank you 15:51.900 --> 15:55.700 for this nation that you have 15:55.890 --> 15:58.150 lifted up and for our leaders , for our 15:58.159 --> 16:01.289 president and for this institution and 16:01.299 --> 16:03.469 all these leaders , we ask that you 16:03.479 --> 16:05.830 continue this journey with them and 16:05.840 --> 16:08.062 continue this journey with us , protect 16:08.062 --> 16:10.789 us and give us the commitment and the 16:10.799 --> 16:13.479 courage to continue this journey 16:13.489 --> 16:16.609 serving this country that you have . We 16:16.619 --> 16:20.250 ask this in your most holy name , a man . 16:21.719 --> 16:23.549 Thank you . Please be seated . 16:28.159 --> 16:30.381 Present day parades in the Marine Corps 16:30.381 --> 16:32.437 have their basis in both history and 16:32.437 --> 16:34.559 traditions . The mass formation of 16:34.570 --> 16:38.460 troops of one long line made possible 16:38.469 --> 16:40.358 the massing of firepower from mus 16:40.358 --> 16:43.869 loaded muskets yesterday . In those 16:43.880 --> 16:45.890 early days , the line of battle was 16:45.900 --> 16:48.760 just that a line of two or three rings 16:48.770 --> 16:50.992 and looked much like the prey formation 16:50.992 --> 16:53.460 that you're about to see today . The 16:53.469 --> 16:55.525 adjutant forms the line for battle . 16:55.570 --> 16:57.681 The Marine marching across the parade 16:57.681 --> 16:59.737 deck is Captain Williams . He is the 16:59.737 --> 17:01.903 parade agitator and will barely surely 17:01.903 --> 17:04.237 give the command to begin this ceremony . 17:04.237 --> 17:07.060 His position when he holds indicates 17:07.069 --> 17:09.236 where the right flank of the formation 17:09.236 --> 17:12.910 will rest once positioned . He will 17:12.920 --> 17:15.540 draw his sword and supervise the 17:15.550 --> 17:17.161 placement of the formation . 18:30.459 --> 18:32.348 Marines have shorted aboard Paras 18:32.348 --> 18:34.849 Island since 18 91 and more than 1 18:34.859 --> 18:36.915 million marines have been training . 18:37.020 --> 18:39.020 They have departed Paras Island for 18:39.020 --> 18:41.020 combat and conflicts throughout the 18:41.020 --> 18:42.909 world at the misty beat fields of 18:42.909 --> 18:44.853 bellow , the pretty beaches of the 18:44.853 --> 18:47.020 Pacific , the snow capped mountains of 18:47.020 --> 18:49.890 Korea , the sweltering jus of Vietnam , 18:50.140 --> 18:52.930 the harsh desert sands of Kuwait , Iraq 18:53.010 --> 18:55.579 and Afghanistan in every other climbing 18:55.589 --> 18:57.811 place where marines have sacrificed for 18:57.811 --> 19:00.140 country and course , the first call of 19:00.280 --> 19:02.500 Homs , the first go around and the 19:02.510 --> 19:05.339 first to fight the Marine Corps . The 19:05.349 --> 19:07.140 nation's force of Readiness has 19:07.150 --> 19:09.317 answered the call to numerous hotspots 19:09.317 --> 19:11.569 around the globe showing the world once 19:11.579 --> 19:13.579 again that the United States Marine 19:13.579 --> 19:16.560 Corps is America's premier 9114 . 19:17.540 --> 19:19.873 Marching onto the playground is company . 19:20.359 --> 19:22.526 They began their training on April 7th 19:22.526 --> 19:25.219 2023 . And today's graduation marks the 19:25.229 --> 19:27.540 end of a demanding and difficult 12 19:27.550 --> 19:30.150 weeks of training these young men you 19:30.160 --> 19:32.900 see marching before you have met and 19:32.910 --> 19:34.854 mastered the challenge of our crew 19:34.854 --> 19:36.854 training . They have qualified with 19:36.854 --> 19:39.021 their service rifle and received basic 19:39.021 --> 19:41.188 warrior training . They have completed 19:41.188 --> 19:43.579 over 200 hours of academic instruction 19:43.920 --> 19:46.142 and participated in a rigorous physical 19:46.142 --> 19:48.142 training program that develop their 19:48.142 --> 19:50.364 strength and stamina for the challenges 19:50.364 --> 19:54.069 ahead . Our values have been instilled 19:54.079 --> 19:57.339 in Egypt for me , of honor , courage 19:57.349 --> 19:59.770 and commitment . Marry before you this 19:59.780 --> 20:02.630 morning are 100 and 99 success stories . 20:02.640 --> 20:04.910 Each of them a testing to the physical 20:04.920 --> 20:07.459 curve do and determination and un 20:07.469 --> 20:09.580 yielding committed to excellence that 20:09.580 --> 20:12.270 define the title . This is what they 20:12.280 --> 20:14.280 have striven and persevered for the 20:14.280 --> 20:16.391 right to walk across the pray deck as 20:16.391 --> 20:18.613 marines , they have earned this title , 20:18.613 --> 20:20.780 demonstrated courage and achievement . 20:21.119 --> 20:23.341 And now joining the proud ranks of over 20:23.341 --> 20:25.397 1 million marines who have graduated 20:25.397 --> 20:28.560 from Arizona from this day on , they 20:28.569 --> 20:30.609 will carry on the proud legacy and 20:30.619 --> 20:32.699 history of the United States Marine 20:32.709 --> 20:35.479 Corps . Ladies and gentlemen , we 20:35.489 --> 20:38.489 proudly present to you the Marines of 20:38.500 --> 20:39.550 Company F 20:54.800 --> 20:55.800 ok . 21:11.390 --> 21:11.800 Ok . 21:24.030 --> 21:25.030 Mhm . 21:28.359 --> 21:29.359 Um 22:06.739 --> 22:09.969 Yeah , the platoons are being a line 22:09.979 --> 22:12.800 from left to right in order to get them 22:12.810 --> 22:14.670 in their exact position for the 22:14.680 --> 22:15.680 ceremony . 22:36.869 --> 22:37.869 Sorry , 22:47.729 --> 22:50.170 ladies and gentlemen , please rise and 22:50.180 --> 22:52.270 move all hats for the playing of our 22:52.280 --> 22:53.510 national anthem . 24:27.930 --> 24:29.880 Thank you . Please be seated . 31:12.689 --> 31:15.060 The parade . A now presents a command 31:15.069 --> 31:17.619 to the commander of troops indicating 31:17.630 --> 31:19.186 that the parade is formed . 32:23.949 --> 32:26.520 Good morning , I think 32:27.680 --> 32:28.260 know 34:15.750 --> 34:18.028 at the command officers center , march , 34:18.028 --> 34:20.194 all unit commanders and guide on bears 34:20.194 --> 34:22.361 marched to the front and center of the 34:22.361 --> 34:24.417 formation . Historically , it was at 34:24.417 --> 34:26.583 this point that the commanding officer 34:26.583 --> 34:28.750 would issue orders and instructions to 34:28.750 --> 34:30.917 the unit commanders . Following this . 34:30.917 --> 34:33.083 The unit commanders would face a about 34:33.083 --> 34:35.194 or return to their units and pass the 34:35.194 --> 34:37.083 information on to their marines , 36:15.939 --> 36:16.939 right ? 36:28.679 --> 36:31.760 Ok . Yeah , I 36:36.010 --> 36:37.320 Mhm . So 36:51.639 --> 36:53.528 throughout our nation's history , 36:53.528 --> 36:55.639 millions of men and women have earned 36:55.639 --> 36:57.929 the title United States Marine . In 36:57.939 --> 37:00.272 keeping with the slogan . Once a marine , 37:00.272 --> 37:02.217 always a Marine . We would like to 37:02.217 --> 37:04.429 recognize them . We ask that those men 37:04.439 --> 37:06.383 and women in the audience who have 37:06.383 --> 37:08.328 served in the United States Marine 37:08.328 --> 37:10.328 Corps . Please rise . Please show , 37:10.328 --> 37:12.550 join us in showing our appreciation for 37:12.550 --> 37:14.883 their dedicated service to poor country . 37:24.850 --> 37:28.610 Thank you . Please be seated . Ladies 37:28.620 --> 37:30.787 and gentlemen , the commanding officer 37:30.787 --> 37:32.509 of the second recruit training 37:32.509 --> 37:34.342 battalion , Lieutenant Colonel . 37:37.050 --> 37:39.260 Good morning , ladies and gentlemen . 37:39.409 --> 37:41.631 And on behalf of the commanding general 37:41.631 --> 37:43.576 brit Inter Field , I would like to 37:43.576 --> 37:45.631 welcome you to Historic Marine Corps 37:45.631 --> 37:47.798 Recruit Depot , Paris Island where for 37:47.800 --> 37:49.633 over 100 years we've been making 37:49.633 --> 37:52.070 marines and today we celebrate the 37:52.080 --> 37:53.913 graduation of your marines , the 37:53.913 --> 37:55.340 marines of company F 38:04.300 --> 38:06.467 I would also like to personally extend 38:06.467 --> 38:08.356 a special welcome to our parade , 38:08.356 --> 38:10.522 reviewing official . The First Lady of 38:10.522 --> 38:12.578 the United States , the honorable Dr 38:12.578 --> 38:14.522 Jill Biden , ma'am . It's an honor 38:14.522 --> 38:14.030 privilege to have you here today . 38:14.040 --> 38:15.040 Thank you , 38:20.139 --> 38:22.250 ladies and gentlemen . 12 weeks ago , 38:22.250 --> 38:24.250 these marines arrived here on Paris 38:24.250 --> 38:26.361 Island from all corners of the United 38:26.361 --> 38:28.583 States and all walks of life , but they 38:28.583 --> 38:30.639 all came here for one reason and one 38:30.639 --> 38:30.550 reason only . And that's to earn the 38:30.560 --> 38:32.671 title of the United States Marine for 38:32.671 --> 38:34.671 you see here on Paris Island . That 38:34.671 --> 38:36.838 title is earned , never given . And in 38:36.838 --> 38:39.171 that we put them to the test physically , 38:39.171 --> 38:42.060 mentally , morally , we test them at 38:42.070 --> 38:44.292 the rifle range . They qualified in the 38:44.292 --> 38:46.403 M-16 surfer rival . We tested them at 38:46.403 --> 38:48.626 the pool as they conducted combat water 38:48.626 --> 38:50.737 survival . And we tested them here on 38:50.737 --> 38:52.681 this parade deck as they conduct a 38:52.681 --> 38:54.848 close order drill . And we put them to 38:54.848 --> 38:57.070 a final test , a grueling 54 hour field 38:57.070 --> 38:59.403 training exercise known as the Crucible . 38:59.403 --> 39:01.626 The reward for all these conquering all 39:01.626 --> 39:03.848 these challenges is that in the palm of 39:03.848 --> 39:03.060 their hand , they're given our most 39:03.070 --> 39:05.570 cherished emblem , the eagle globe and 39:05.580 --> 39:07.889 anchor . And in that moment , it 39:07.899 --> 39:10.169 signifies that the transformation from 39:10.179 --> 39:13.100 recruit to marine is complete and that 39:13.110 --> 39:15.332 forever their lives have been changed . 39:15.639 --> 39:17.750 Now , we know this journey isn't done 39:17.750 --> 39:19.917 by themselves . And there's a few that 39:19.917 --> 39:21.917 we'd like to help for these marines 39:21.917 --> 39:24.028 that got there on the journey today . 39:24.028 --> 39:26.250 First to you , the families , as I look 39:26.250 --> 39:28.250 through the stands , I see a sea of 39:28.250 --> 39:30.306 gold , I see stand , I see signs , I 39:30.306 --> 39:32.361 see the flags on the platoons . It's 39:32.361 --> 39:34.472 that love encouragement that can tell 39:34.472 --> 39:34.389 me how proud you are of your marine and 39:34.399 --> 39:36.510 you should be . But you see it's the 39:36.520 --> 39:38.770 love encouragement , prayers and yes 39:38.780 --> 39:40.836 moms , even those care packages from 39:40.836 --> 39:42.780 home that got them through recruit 39:42.780 --> 39:45.002 training . We appreciate that support . 39:45.002 --> 39:47.169 And I know that for my 90 years in the 39:47.169 --> 39:49.224 Marine Corps that I wouldn't be here 39:49.224 --> 39:51.391 today if it wasn't love and support of 39:51.391 --> 39:53.558 my wife Pamela or my family . So thank 39:53.558 --> 39:55.724 you all for welcoming the Marine Corps 39:55.724 --> 39:55.600 family and please continue that support 39:55.610 --> 39:57.832 for , they'll need that for the journey 39:57.832 --> 40:00.010 that lies ahead Secondly to the 40:00.020 --> 40:02.100 recruiters , it's a Marine Corps 40:02.110 --> 40:04.054 recruiter who first recognized the 40:04.054 --> 40:06.221 potential of your marine that they had 40:06.221 --> 40:07.999 what it took to conquer recruit 40:07.999 --> 40:10.221 training . Joining us today are some of 40:10.221 --> 40:12.166 those recruiters we're joined by a 40:12.166 --> 40:11.699 recruiting substation , Harrisburg , 40:11.709 --> 40:14.510 Pennsylvania can rise as well as staff 40:14.979 --> 40:16.889 Swang . Staff , Kang is directly 40:16.899 --> 40:19.066 responsible for recruiting our company 40:19.066 --> 40:21.232 honor graduate . Gentlemen , thank you 40:21.232 --> 40:23.343 for what you do because without you , 40:23.343 --> 40:25.566 we wouldn't have recruits to train . So 40:25.566 --> 40:27.732 please continue that . We look forward 40:27.732 --> 40:27.610 to seeing the next batch of recruits 40:27.620 --> 40:29.731 they bring to us for recruit training 40:36.489 --> 40:38.545 and finally to the drill instructors 40:38.550 --> 40:40.500 and their families . It is a drill 40:40.510 --> 40:42.677 instructor who is directly responsible 40:42.677 --> 40:44.732 for the transformation process . You 40:44.732 --> 40:46.954 see if we don't train marines , we make 40:46.954 --> 40:49.177 marines here on Paris Island . 19 years 40:49.177 --> 40:51.232 ago , I stood on a project just like 40:51.232 --> 40:53.066 this . And to this day , I still 40:53.066 --> 40:55.232 idolize my drill instructors . Gunnery 40:55.232 --> 40:57.177 sergeant Mack staffs R and Peabody 40:57.177 --> 40:59.343 staffs are Moran . That's the impact a 40:59.343 --> 41:01.454 drone instructor has in my life . And 41:01.454 --> 41:03.621 that's the impact the drone instructor 41:03.621 --> 41:05.843 does on here at Paris Island . Not only 41:05.843 --> 41:07.899 do they prepare us for the rigors of 41:07.899 --> 41:10.010 combat , but they also make us better 41:10.010 --> 41:09.530 citizens because we know at some point 41:09.540 --> 41:11.707 our Marine Corps journey will end . So 41:11.707 --> 41:13.651 we return quality citizens back to 41:13.651 --> 41:15.262 society to families of drill 41:15.262 --> 41:17.484 instructors . And sometimes it may seem 41:17.484 --> 41:19.651 like a three year tour or a three year 41:19.651 --> 41:21.762 deployment . We appreciate all you do 41:21.762 --> 41:23.959 in truly making company fa family and 41:23.969 --> 41:26.025 that's based upon your hard work and 41:26.025 --> 41:28.025 sacrifices . Ladies and gentlemen , 41:28.025 --> 41:30.247 please join me in a round of applause . 41:30.247 --> 41:32.191 We thank the drill instructors and 41:32.191 --> 41:32.040 their families for all they do to make 41:32.050 --> 41:33.050 me read . 41:39.850 --> 41:41.794 Now , if you'll please excuse me a 41:41.794 --> 41:43.850 moment , I'd like to address the new 41:43.850 --> 41:45.683 Marines . Good morning Marines , 41:46.750 --> 41:49.669 marines . Stand tall and lean back . 41:49.679 --> 41:51.568 That chill that you just felt was 41:51.568 --> 41:53.735 knowing that today you have earned the 41:53.735 --> 41:55.901 title of the United States Marines and 41:55.901 --> 41:58.123 you have conquered recruit training for 41:58.123 --> 42:00.346 you . See today , marines , be proud of 42:00.346 --> 42:02.346 your achievements because today you 42:02.346 --> 42:04.457 join a war fighting organization that 42:04.457 --> 42:06.568 for 247 years has fought and won this 42:06.568 --> 42:08.735 nation's battles in the air , land and 42:08.735 --> 42:11.570 sea . Today . Marines you join now join 42:11.580 --> 42:13.747 to stand the legacy of those that came 42:13.747 --> 42:15.913 before you . The marines who fought in 42:15.913 --> 42:18.136 Afghanistan , the marines who fought in 42:18.136 --> 42:20.136 Iraq and the Marines who raised the 42:20.136 --> 42:22.358 American flag over Iwo Jima . But today 42:22.358 --> 42:24.919 Marines is not the end of your journey , 42:25.260 --> 42:27.439 but rather it's just the beginning for 42:27.449 --> 42:29.616 you . See tomorrow , Marines , it's no 42:29.616 --> 42:31.505 longer about you . It's about the 42:31.505 --> 42:33.449 marines to your left or your right 42:33.449 --> 42:35.616 tomorrow . It's about marines and fire 42:35.616 --> 42:37.782 teams and squads that you haven't even 42:37.782 --> 42:39.727 met yet . But soon will . Tomorrow 42:39.727 --> 42:41.893 Marines , it's about the individuals , 42:41.893 --> 42:44.116 no stance that you now swore an oath to 42:44.116 --> 42:46.429 defend tomorrow . It's about ensuring 42:46.439 --> 42:49.510 that American flag old glory forever 42:49.520 --> 42:52.310 flies as a symbol of freedom . As we 42:52.320 --> 42:54.542 look to the horizon , Marines , I can't 42:54.542 --> 42:56.764 tell you where you'll go or what you'll 42:56.764 --> 42:58.987 do , but I can promise you this , never 42:58.987 --> 43:01.209 forget the institutional core values of 43:01.209 --> 43:03.264 honor , courage , and commitment and 43:03.264 --> 43:05.264 the foundation that was set here on 43:05.264 --> 43:07.598 Parris Island by your drill instructors . 43:07.598 --> 43:09.653 And you will do well no matter where 43:09.653 --> 43:11.820 you go now , fair winds and following 43:11.830 --> 43:15.120 seasons . Marines . Ladies and 43:15.129 --> 43:16.962 gentlemen , I present to you the 43:16.962 --> 43:19.073 nation's newest marines , the Marines 43:19.080 --> 43:20.040 of Company F 43:34.610 --> 43:36.610 the parade . Reviewing official for 43:36.610 --> 43:38.777 today's ceremony is Dr Joe Biden , the 43:38.777 --> 43:41.340 First Lady of the United States . In 43:41.350 --> 43:43.739 2011 , Doctor Biden launched the first 43:43.750 --> 43:46.060 phase of joining forces with First Lady 43:46.070 --> 43:48.030 Michelle Obama , a White House 43:48.040 --> 43:50.262 initiative to support service members , 43:50.262 --> 43:53.280 veterans , their families , caregivers 43:53.290 --> 43:56.250 and survivors . As the first lady , she 43:56.260 --> 43:58.510 has visited more than 24 military 43:58.520 --> 44:00.576 installations , working with joining 44:00.576 --> 44:02.742 forces partner to support the military 44:02.742 --> 44:04.798 community through her joining forces 44:04.798 --> 44:06.964 work . She has advocated for increased 44:06.964 --> 44:08.964 economic opportunities for military 44:08.964 --> 44:10.798 spouses , additional education , 44:10.798 --> 44:12.853 programming and support for military 44:12.853 --> 44:14.853 Children . More focus on health and 44:14.853 --> 44:17.020 wellness in the military community and 44:17.020 --> 44:19.076 improve resources for caregivers and 44:19.076 --> 44:21.540 survivors . Ladies and gentlemen , 44:21.550 --> 44:23.909 please welcome the First Lady of the 44:23.919 --> 44:25.100 United States , 45:03.949 --> 45:07.550 Brigadier General Field Sergeant Major 45:07.560 --> 45:10.080 Garcia , Lieutenant Colonel Kearney . 45:10.219 --> 45:13.459 Thank you and Tanya and Alma for 45:13.469 --> 45:16.830 hosting us today . I'm grateful for all 45:16.840 --> 45:18.840 that you and your staff has done to 45:18.840 --> 45:22.250 make this visit possible . Good morning 45:22.260 --> 45:26.110 Marines . I love 45:26.120 --> 45:29.870 that . My father Donald 45:29.879 --> 45:31.989 Jacobs , the son of an Italian 45:32.000 --> 45:34.360 immigrant joined the Navy . Three years 45:34.370 --> 45:37.229 after Pearl Harbor was attacked , he 45:37.239 --> 45:40.879 was just 17 , not old enough to serve . 45:40.989 --> 45:43.211 So he needed to get permission from his 45:43.211 --> 45:46.629 mom to enlist . He became a 45:46.639 --> 45:50.239 signalman in the Pacific and later used 45:50.250 --> 45:53.570 the G I Bill to go to college . His 45:53.580 --> 45:57.199 service defined his life and 45:57.209 --> 46:00.439 actually it shaped mine as well as I 46:00.449 --> 46:03.750 grew up in the middle class suburb of 46:03.760 --> 46:06.750 Philly . Going to watch the Blue Angels 46:06.760 --> 46:09.340 Air Show in the summer and listening to 46:09.350 --> 46:13.060 military bands . But I didn't 46:13.070 --> 46:15.520 understand the full measure of the 46:15.530 --> 46:18.459 decision he made to enlist until our 46:18.469 --> 46:21.669 son be followed in his footsteps . So 46:21.679 --> 46:25.310 many years later , I saw how 46:25.320 --> 46:27.810 strong the call of duty was inside of 46:27.820 --> 46:31.149 him just like it was for so many who 46:31.159 --> 46:35.060 saw us attacked on 9 11 , how it 46:35.070 --> 46:37.350 gave him courage and conviction . 46:37.550 --> 46:39.989 Despite the dangers of war that we 46:40.000 --> 46:42.320 witnessed on the news every single 46:42.330 --> 46:46.040 night , I saw how he drew strength from 46:46.050 --> 46:48.860 his sisters and brothers in arms , how 46:48.870 --> 46:51.919 those deep bonds of friendship and love 46:51.929 --> 46:55.739 inspired and energized him . I 46:55.750 --> 46:58.229 saw how his wife Halle served in her 46:58.239 --> 47:01.340 own way , how his two Children had to 47:01.350 --> 47:04.419 adapt when he was deployed to Iraq . 47:05.100 --> 47:07.290 His son , Hunter was just a little 47:07.300 --> 47:10.179 toddler , but his daughter , Natalie 47:10.189 --> 47:13.469 was old enough to miss him every day . 47:14.500 --> 47:17.310 The choice to serve your country . The 47:17.320 --> 47:20.399 choice each of you has made is a sacred 47:20.409 --> 47:23.489 11 of sacrifice and 47:23.500 --> 47:26.719 selflessness , one of pride and 47:26.729 --> 47:30.379 patriotism . Thank you . And I 47:30.389 --> 47:34.159 hope that you're proud because we are 47:34.179 --> 47:37.280 your instructors , your families and 47:37.290 --> 47:40.989 your commander in chief . The choice to 47:41.000 --> 47:43.439 be part of this community will shape 47:43.449 --> 47:47.250 you in so many ways , will forge 47:47.260 --> 47:50.639 and form the path of your life as well 47:50.649 --> 47:53.760 as the life of your families . And that 47:53.770 --> 47:56.060 choice is the foundation of our 47:56.070 --> 47:59.439 national security , the heart of our 47:59.449 --> 48:02.760 strength in times of war and 48:02.770 --> 48:06.310 peace for 50 years , 48:06.320 --> 48:08.929 Americans , like you have chosen this 48:08.939 --> 48:12.340 path , our all volunteer force of the 48:12.350 --> 48:16.310 brave and the bold , just 1% of 48:16.320 --> 48:18.870 our country take up the mantle of 48:18.879 --> 48:22.459 keeping all of us safe . As my 48:22.469 --> 48:25.989 husband says , it is our sacred 48:26.000 --> 48:28.459 obligation to ensure that military 48:28.469 --> 48:31.600 service is an opportunity of dignity 48:31.610 --> 48:35.340 and honor of pride and accomplishment , 48:35.929 --> 48:38.889 not just for our service members , but 48:38.899 --> 48:42.179 for those , they love the families who 48:42.189 --> 48:44.879 answer the call of duty as well . 48:45.760 --> 48:49.129 That's why I launched joining forces my 48:49.139 --> 48:51.209 White House initiative to support 48:51.219 --> 48:53.820 military and veterans families , 48:53.830 --> 48:57.459 caregivers and survivors . And 48:57.469 --> 49:00.669 as you build your lives , grow in your 49:00.679 --> 49:03.250 careers and create communities that 49:03.260 --> 49:05.439 move throughout the country and the 49:05.449 --> 49:09.209 world know that we are grateful for 49:09.219 --> 49:12.469 everything you do and we are working 49:12.479 --> 49:15.610 every day so that you never have to 49:15.620 --> 49:19.500 choose between love of country and your 49:19.510 --> 49:23.010 love of family . And I want to thank 49:23.020 --> 49:25.760 all the families here for all that 49:25.770 --> 49:28.610 they've done to support you and all 49:28.620 --> 49:30.760 that they will continue to do . 49:32.350 --> 49:34.760 We often measure our lives in 49:34.770 --> 49:38.719 milestones and achievements . Today is 49:38.729 --> 49:42.159 one of those accomplishments , but so 49:42.169 --> 49:44.989 much of who we are is made up of the 49:45.000 --> 49:48.870 smaller moments . The kindnesses we 49:48.879 --> 49:51.030 offer to people in our lives , 49:52.120 --> 49:55.780 faithfulness to our word , showing 49:55.790 --> 49:59.290 up for each other , for our country , 49:59.300 --> 50:02.459 for the principles that guide us . The 50:02.469 --> 50:05.570 choice you've made to become a marine 50:05.580 --> 50:09.139 is monumental to your life and the 50:09.149 --> 50:12.189 lives of the Americans you protect and 50:12.199 --> 50:16.169 defend and it's a choice you make every 50:16.179 --> 50:19.600 day to continue to serve , to 50:19.610 --> 50:22.979 show up when you're needed most to 50:22.989 --> 50:26.919 represent us all . Thank you 50:26.979 --> 50:30.659 for your courage and your service . God 50:30.669 --> 50:34.530 bless you and your families . Five . 50:42.350 --> 50:44.489 She is being escorted by Lieutenant 50:44.500 --> 50:46.722 Colonel Kearney second recruit training 50:46.722 --> 50:48.444 battalion commanding officer . 51:22.860 --> 51:26.129 Mhm . What the pass a review . 51:44.889 --> 51:45.889 Yeah . 51:54.090 --> 51:56.550 During the pass and review , we ask as 51:56.560 --> 51:58.560 the national colors pass before you 51:58.560 --> 52:01.520 please rise after they have passed . 52:01.530 --> 52:02.639 Please be seated . 53:28.850 --> 53:29.850 Yeah . 54:02.330 --> 54:06.120 Yeah . The commander of troops , 54:06.129 --> 54:08.100 Captain Miller , his company first 54:08.110 --> 54:09.888 sergeant is first Sergeant Deer 54:35.729 --> 54:37.618 Paris Island Marine Bay under the 54:37.618 --> 54:39.507 direction of the drum major Conor 54:39.507 --> 54:41.229 Sergeant Shear and the illicit 54:41.229 --> 54:43.118 conductor Scott , Sergeant moto , 55:25.399 --> 55:28.260 a first Lieutenant Taylor and the 55:28.270 --> 55:30.649 graduating Marines of the 2040 series . 55:30.659 --> 55:32.715 His chief drill instructor is gunner 55:32.715 --> 55:34.826 sergeant Patterson , the senior drill 55:34.826 --> 55:36.826 instructor of the two in 2040 is Sm 55:36.826 --> 55:38.603 Castro . He's assisted by drill 55:38.603 --> 55:40.603 instructors , staff sergeant , Dean 55:40.603 --> 55:42.770 sergeant , logo , Sergeant , Brown and 55:42.770 --> 55:43.826 Sergeant Russell , 55:55.659 --> 55:57.659 the senior drill instructor of Bato 55:57.659 --> 55:59.679 2041 is Staff Sergeant Young . He's 55:59.689 --> 56:01.467 assisted by drill instructors . 56:01.467 --> 56:03.689 Sergeant , Poley sergeant said sergeant 56:03.689 --> 56:05.245 means and Sergeant Wright . 56:14.060 --> 56:16.227 Right . The senior drill instructor up 56:16.227 --> 56:18.393 to 2042 is Staff Sergeant , Car Hannah 56:18.393 --> 56:20.004 Cologne is assisted by drill 56:20.004 --> 56:21.949 instructors . Staff Sergeant , Fox 56:21.949 --> 56:23.782 Sergeant Cruz and Sergeant Cay . 56:32.570 --> 56:34.514 The regimental color guard . Their 56:34.514 --> 56:36.570 color sergeant is Sergeant Nui . The 56:36.570 --> 56:38.792 second recruit training battalion color 56:38.792 --> 56:40.959 sergeant is Sergeant Salvato , Captain 56:40.959 --> 56:43.181 Camino in the graduating marines of the 56:43.181 --> 56:44.848 2044 series . His chief drill 56:44.848 --> 56:46.903 instructor is Staff Sergeant Clark . 56:46.903 --> 56:49.014 The senior drill instructor Baun 2044 56:49.014 --> 56:51.237 is he's assisted by drill instructors , 56:51.237 --> 56:53.126 staff Sergeant , Clemente , staff 56:53.126 --> 56:55.292 Sergeant Barnes and sergeant trainer . 56:58.879 --> 57:01.120 The honor platoon for company F is 57:01.129 --> 57:03.620 platoon 2045 . The senior drill 57:03.629 --> 57:06.209 instructor is Rosado . He's assisted by 57:06.219 --> 57:08.163 drill instructors , staff sergeant 57:08.163 --> 57:10.649 sergeant , Kale sergeant and sergeants . 01:00:13.750 --> 01:00:15.194 The , the remake marine . 01:00:25.169 --> 01:00:27.113 Ladies and gentlemen , the company 01:00:27.113 --> 01:00:29.530 commander of company F captain me , 01:00:41.790 --> 01:00:43.846 the new marines carrying the platoon 01:00:43.846 --> 01:00:46.012 guides have been selected as the honor 01:00:46.012 --> 01:00:48.012 graduates for their platoons . They 01:00:48.012 --> 01:00:49.830 will now retire their guides 01:01:55.909 --> 01:01:57.629 free that . Oh , 01:02:04.389 --> 01:02:06.449 oh , no . Oh , 01:02:08.909 --> 01:02:11.076 the batoon guides that are about to be 01:02:11.076 --> 01:02:13.131 retired have been the identification 01:02:13.131 --> 01:02:15.353 flags of East batoon throughout recruit 01:02:15.353 --> 01:02:18.449 training to each . The is a symbol of 01:02:18.459 --> 01:02:22.159 spirit , dedication , teamwork and unit 01:02:22.169 --> 01:02:25.070 identity . Hi , 01:02:30.120 --> 01:02:31.120 Ma , 01:03:44.949 --> 01:03:47.005 the commanding officer of the second 01:03:47.005 --> 01:03:49.227 recruit training battalion . Lieutenant 01:03:49.227 --> 01:03:51.338 Colonel Kearney will present the high 01:03:51.338 --> 01:03:53.116 PFT and honor graduate awards . 01:03:53.116 --> 01:03:54.782 Lieutenant Colonel Kearney is 01:03:54.782 --> 01:03:56.671 accompanied by the second recruit 01:03:56.671 --> 01:03:58.782 training battalion , sergeant major , 01:03:58.782 --> 01:04:00.893 sergeant Major Towles . We would like 01:04:00.893 --> 01:04:03.005 to thank the Marine Corps Association 01:04:03.005 --> 01:04:05.227 for providing the awards today . Please 01:04:05.227 --> 01:04:05.080 hold your applause until all the awards 01:04:05.090 --> 01:04:06.201 have been presented 01:04:15.969 --> 01:04:17.858 the most physically fit Marine of 01:04:17.858 --> 01:04:20.979 company F with a score of 597 out of 01:04:20.989 --> 01:04:23.689 600 possible points is Pc Vallez Gora 01:04:23.699 --> 01:04:27.179 up to 2044 . Pc Valda is from Goods 01:04:27.350 --> 01:04:29.572 Tennessee and was recruited by Sergeant 01:04:29.572 --> 01:04:30.572 Mendez . 01:04:34.199 --> 01:04:36.790 The honor graduate of Batoon 2040 is PC 01:04:36.800 --> 01:04:39.260 Wilson from Crawfordville Florida . PC 01:04:39.270 --> 01:04:41.548 Wilson was recruited by Sergeant Perry . 01:04:46.219 --> 01:04:49.090 The honor graduate of batoon 2041 is PC 01:04:49.100 --> 01:04:51.211 French from Spot Ford New Hampshire . 01:04:51.211 --> 01:04:53.044 PC French was recruited by staff 01:04:53.044 --> 01:04:54.044 Sergeant Kelly . 01:04:58.780 --> 01:05:01.110 The company honor graduate of company F 01:05:01.120 --> 01:05:05.060 is PC O A platoon 2042 . PC O is from 01:05:05.070 --> 01:05:07.181 Jamaica New York and was recruited by 01:05:14.989 --> 01:05:17.669 the honor graduate of batoon 2044 is PC 01:05:17.679 --> 01:05:19.679 Dominguez Castillo from haymarket , 01:05:19.679 --> 01:05:21.830 Virginia . PC Dominguez Castillo was 01:05:21.840 --> 01:05:23.507 recruited by Sergeant Velez . 01:05:28.250 --> 01:05:30.879 The honor graduate of Batoon 2045 is PC 01:05:30.889 --> 01:05:33.222 Valla from Palm Beach Gardens , Florida . 01:05:33.222 --> 01:05:35.459 PC Vala was recruited by Sergeant Viel 01:05:46.280 --> 01:05:48.280 marching onto the playground as the 01:05:48.280 --> 01:05:50.113 primary march ship instructor of 01:05:50.113 --> 01:05:51.836 platoon 2041 . Sergeant Attard 01:05:58.090 --> 01:06:00.257 the high shooter of company F but they 01:06:00.257 --> 01:06:03.620 score of 338 out of 350 possible points . 01:06:03.629 --> 01:06:05.851 Is Private Woodard . Private Woodard is 01:06:05.851 --> 01:06:07.907 from West Palm Beach Florida and was 01:06:07.907 --> 01:06:10.129 recruited by Sergeant Sane . Ladies and 01:06:10.129 --> 01:06:12.351 gentlemen , the distinguished graduates 01:06:12.351 --> 01:06:13.351 of company F 01:06:26.780 --> 01:06:27.780 right . 01:07:18.010 --> 01:07:20.219 Ladies and gentlemen , please rise for 01:07:20.229 --> 01:07:22.118 the blank of Anchors Away , which 01:07:22.118 --> 01:07:24.340 represents the historic partnership and 01:07:24.340 --> 01:07:26.562 shared legacy of the United States Navy 01:07:26.562 --> 01:07:28.729 and the Marine Corps , followed by the 01:07:28.729 --> 01:07:30.951 Marines hymn and the final dismissal if 01:07:30.951 --> 01:07:32.785 you have served or are currently 01:07:32.785 --> 01:07:34.785 serving in the United States Marine 01:07:34.785 --> 01:07:36.951 Corps . We invite you to sing along to 01:07:36.951 --> 01:07:36.290 the Marines hymn . 01:08:49.869 --> 01:08:51.729 Ladies and gentlemen , the first 01:08:51.738 --> 01:08:54.338 sergeant of company f first sergeant 01:08:54.349 --> 01:08:55.349 Deer . 01:09:32.660 --> 01:09:33.660 How 01:09:38.910 --> 01:09:41.021 the senior drill instructors will now 01:09:41.021 --> 01:09:43.529 dismiss their platoons . This is the 01:09:43.540 --> 01:09:45.484 last and probably the most welcome 01:09:45.484 --> 01:09:47.373 order the num received from their 01:09:47.373 --> 01:09:49.484 senior drill instructors . Ladies and 01:09:49.484 --> 01:09:51.484 gentlemen , we ask that you refrain 01:09:51.484 --> 01:09:53.651 from entering the viewing area and for 01:09:53.651 --> 01:09:55.873 those currently seated in the reviewing 01:09:55.873 --> 01:09:57.818 stand , please remain seated until 01:09:57.818 --> 01:09:59.873 instructed to depart . Thank you for 01:09:59.873 --> 01:10:02.096 attending today's graduation ceremony . 01:10:02.830 --> 01:10:02.859 I