WEBVTT 00:06.289 --> 00:06.579 But 00:27.579 --> 00:29.709 please relax everybody , just relax , 00:30.780 --> 00:32.900 warm out here . Good morning . 00:36.340 --> 00:38.529 It is indeed an honor to be here with 00:38.540 --> 00:42.419 all of you today . Delighted to be 00:42.430 --> 00:44.470 able to administer the oath of 00:44.479 --> 00:47.740 enlistment . The newest members of our 00:47.750 --> 00:51.659 all volunteer force . This is one 00:51.669 --> 00:53.849 of one of the best parts of my job . 00:54.659 --> 00:57.659 And so this is really a delight for me 00:57.669 --> 01:00.169 today . It's great to see so many 01:00.180 --> 01:02.402 family and friends here today and thank 01:02.402 --> 01:05.650 you for your support and thank you for 01:05.660 --> 01:08.930 what you've done to shape such fine men 01:08.940 --> 01:12.819 and women . This is a big 01:12.830 --> 01:14.886 day for the young people standing in 01:14.886 --> 01:17.589 front of me . You arrived here as 01:17.599 --> 01:20.160 individuals , but you're going to leave 01:20.169 --> 01:23.959 here as part of a team is also a 01:23.970 --> 01:26.720 big week for our military and for 01:26.730 --> 01:29.980 America , not only are we here 01:30.900 --> 01:32.980 one day after celebrating our 01:32.989 --> 01:36.300 independence , but 50 years ago , this 01:36.309 --> 01:39.150 week , the United States stopped 01:39.160 --> 01:41.989 drafting citizens into service and 01:42.000 --> 01:44.650 turned instead to an all volunteer 01:44.660 --> 01:48.440 force . And ever since then , Americans , 01:48.449 --> 01:52.440 like you have joined our military out 01:52.449 --> 01:56.199 of conviction and not out of compulsion . 01:58.489 --> 02:00.711 Now , shifting over to an all volunteer 02:00.711 --> 02:03.250 force was a pretty bold step , 02:04.839 --> 02:07.209 no other military with such formidable 02:07.220 --> 02:09.789 capabilities had operated on a 02:09.800 --> 02:13.440 volunteer basis . But the whole world 02:13.449 --> 02:17.070 has seen the results . You know , I 02:17.080 --> 02:19.990 joined the army just two years after 02:20.000 --> 02:23.809 the draft ended in 1973 . And I've 02:23.820 --> 02:26.250 watched over the decades as the US 02:26.259 --> 02:29.740 military has grown into the outstanding 02:30.259 --> 02:32.315 and incredibly professional fighting 02:32.315 --> 02:35.770 force that it is today . America's all 02:35.779 --> 02:39.080 volunteer force is the strongest 02:39.550 --> 02:42.770 military in human history . 02:44.289 --> 02:46.456 And the power of today's military is a 02:46.456 --> 02:50.070 testament to every American patriot who 02:50.080 --> 02:52.399 freely volunteers to keep our republic 02:52.410 --> 02:55.470 safe . And that means you , 02:57.270 --> 03:00.729 we rely on you . Our 03:00.740 --> 03:03.720 democracy relies on you 03:05.020 --> 03:08.940 and your country relies on you . 03:10.690 --> 03:12.746 And so you're here to become part of 03:12.746 --> 03:15.750 something bigger than yourselves and to 03:15.759 --> 03:19.190 defend our values , our freedoms and 03:19.199 --> 03:23.169 our constitution . But you'll also find 03:23.179 --> 03:26.589 unparalleled opportunities to grow and 03:26.600 --> 03:29.619 to lead , you'll work hard , 03:31.089 --> 03:34.369 you'll learn new skills and you'll put 03:34.380 --> 03:37.009 them to use at home and abroad 03:38.419 --> 03:41.779 and you'll learn that success is a team 03:41.789 --> 03:45.050 sport . You'll stand proud 03:45.059 --> 03:48.000 alongside outstanding teammates from 03:48.009 --> 03:51.429 all walks of life and you'll work 03:51.970 --> 03:54.470 and train and fight together as 03:54.479 --> 03:57.490 soldiers and sailors , airmen and 03:57.500 --> 04:01.460 marines and guardians . And so as 04:01.470 --> 04:04.460 you raise your hand and take the oath 04:04.470 --> 04:08.020 today , you are joining an unbroken 04:08.029 --> 04:11.460 line of patriots that stretches back 04:11.960 --> 04:13.279 to America's founding 04:15.809 --> 04:19.808 and you're here to do your part in 04:19.819 --> 04:22.949 return the Department of Defense has 04:22.959 --> 04:26.229 your back . The United States has a 04:26.239 --> 04:28.669 sacred obligation to take care of 04:28.678 --> 04:31.479 everyone who volunteers to wear the 04:31.489 --> 04:34.178 cloth of our nation as well as your 04:34.188 --> 04:37.980 families . And we commit ourselves to 04:37.989 --> 04:40.980 take care of you just as you are 04:40.989 --> 04:43.100 committing yourselves to take care of 04:43.100 --> 04:43.929 all of us . 04:46.739 --> 04:50.290 Now , you might not know this , but I 04:50.299 --> 04:52.690 did a brief 41 year tour in the 04:52.700 --> 04:56.339 military . 41 years , 04:57.109 --> 04:59.980 thought about making it a career . Just 04:59.989 --> 05:03.390 kidding . But I served 41 years in the 05:03.399 --> 05:05.980 military . So I know firsthand the 05:05.989 --> 05:08.156 importance of the decision that you're 05:08.156 --> 05:10.619 making today and whether your journey 05:10.630 --> 05:13.529 lasts for one term or for a full career . 05:14.369 --> 05:16.536 I want you to know how proud we are of 05:16.540 --> 05:19.299 you . And I'm confident that you'll 05:19.309 --> 05:22.690 rise to the challenges of our time and 05:22.700 --> 05:23.959 lead with character . 05:26.579 --> 05:29.140 Thank you for answering the call to 05:29.149 --> 05:31.660 serve this great country . 05:34.559 --> 05:37.059 So let's make it official with the oath 05:37.070 --> 05:39.839 of enlistment . I would ask you all to 05:39.850 --> 05:41.961 come to the position of attention and 05:41.961 --> 05:45.570 raise your right hand and repeat after 05:45.579 --> 05:48.679 me . I state your full name . 05:49.570 --> 05:53.100 Wow , you solemnly swear 05:54.500 --> 05:56.444 that I will support and defend the 05:56.444 --> 05:58.444 Constitution of the United States , 06:00.910 --> 06:03.429 the United States against all enemies , 06:04.480 --> 06:08.339 foreign and domestic . And I will bear 06:08.350 --> 06:10.461 true faith and allegiance to the same 06:13.470 --> 06:15.359 and I will obey the orders of the 06:15.359 --> 06:17.081 President of the United States 06:20.089 --> 06:21.880 and the orders of the officers 06:21.890 --> 06:23.040 appointed over me 06:25.799 --> 06:29.459 according to the regulations and the 06:29.470 --> 06:31.910 uniform code of military justice . 06:34.119 --> 06:35.350 So help me God , 06:38.369 --> 06:40.258 you can put your hands down now . 06:40.258 --> 06:42.202 Congratulations . Let's give these 06:49.600 --> 06:51.600 welcome to the greatest team in the 06:51.600 --> 06:53.711 world . We are absolutely thrilled to 06:53.711 --> 06:55.878 call you our teammates and have you in 06:55.878 --> 06:58.049 our ranks and I wish all of you good 06:58.059 --> 07:00.339 luck and I'm sure that there are some 07:00.350 --> 07:02.461 future sergeants , majors and general 07:02.461 --> 07:04.683 officers in this crowd . I look forward 07:04.683 --> 07:06.989 to seeing you climb rapidly to the top . 07:07.239 --> 07:08.461 Thank you very much . 07:28.839 --> 07:32.820 Just stay here . Stay good . So . 07:41.190 --> 07:44.970 Ok . Ok . His name , take a 07:44.980 --> 07:45.980 picture . 08:05.510 --> 08:06.510 You back 08:13.529 --> 08:17.429 air in the event are legit now . 08:17.440 --> 08:20.779 Congratulations . Yeah . 08:22.660 --> 08:26.179 Right , right in here . 08:39.989 --> 08:43.729 The camera that ok . 08:46.650 --> 08:47.650 Ok . 09:04.520 --> 09:08.190 Here we go . Ok . All right . I see it 09:08.200 --> 09:09.200 right now . 09:28.770 --> 09:28.840 Course .