1 00:00:02,609 --> 00:00:04,609 All right . Well , good afternoon . 2 00:00:04,609 --> 00:00:06,831 Everyone got a couple of things here at 3 00:00:06,831 --> 00:00:08,831 the top and then we'll get right to 4 00:00:08,831 --> 00:00:11,053 your questions . The defense department 5 00:00:11,053 --> 00:00:13,109 continues its efforts in response to 6 00:00:13,109 --> 00:00:15,276 the fire that devastated the island of 7 00:00:15,276 --> 00:00:17,331 Maui . And as of this morning , more 8 00:00:17,331 --> 00:00:19,530 than 700 dod service members including 9 00:00:19,540 --> 00:00:21,860 nearly 600 National Guard soldiers and 10 00:00:21,870 --> 00:00:23,899 airmen continue their search and 11 00:00:23,909 --> 00:00:25,798 recovery and support to local law 12 00:00:25,798 --> 00:00:28,020 enforcement efforts in the aftermath of 13 00:00:28,020 --> 00:00:29,965 the wildfires . The primary effort 14 00:00:29,965 --> 00:00:32,319 continues to be search and recovery but 15 00:00:32,330 --> 00:00:34,441 service members are working alongside 16 00:00:34,441 --> 00:00:36,608 their federal state and local partners 17 00:00:36,608 --> 00:00:38,720 on all nine approved fema mission 18 00:00:38,729 --> 00:00:40,729 Taskings that we've read out to you 19 00:00:40,729 --> 00:00:42,840 from the podium over the past week or 20 00:00:42,840 --> 00:00:45,330 so . The dod and us Indo Pacific 21 00:00:45,340 --> 00:00:46,951 Command will remain in close 22 00:00:46,951 --> 00:00:48,951 coordination with state officials , 23 00:00:48,951 --> 00:00:51,062 fema and other supporting agencies to 24 00:00:51,062 --> 00:00:53,062 support the people of Hawaii as the 25 00:00:53,062 --> 00:00:55,007 response to this terrible disaster 26 00:00:55,007 --> 00:00:58,119 continues shifting to Florida over the 27 00:00:58,130 --> 00:01:00,599 weekend , states that were impacted by 28 00:01:00,610 --> 00:01:02,610 hurricane Adalia began to draw down 29 00:01:02,619 --> 00:01:04,841 their National Guard Forces . And as of 30 00:01:04,841 --> 00:01:06,730 this morning , the North Carolina 31 00:01:06,730 --> 00:01:08,619 National Guard and South Carolina 32 00:01:08,619 --> 00:01:10,619 National Guard have concluded their 33 00:01:10,619 --> 00:01:13,389 missions while approximately 775 34 00:01:13,400 --> 00:01:15,660 Florida National Guardsmen remain on 35 00:01:15,669 --> 00:01:17,780 duty . The Florida National Guard Red 36 00:01:17,780 --> 00:01:19,891 Horse Engineers completed their route 37 00:01:19,891 --> 00:01:21,891 clearing mission over the weekend , 38 00:01:21,891 --> 00:01:23,669 clearing more than 850 miles of 39 00:01:23,669 --> 00:01:25,780 roadways . Joint task force . Florida 40 00:01:25,780 --> 00:01:27,725 continues its liaison , search and 41 00:01:27,725 --> 00:01:29,613 rescue and transportation support 42 00:01:29,613 --> 00:01:31,725 efforts but plans to continue to draw 43 00:01:31,725 --> 00:01:33,613 down its National Guard forces as 44 00:01:33,613 --> 00:01:35,889 mission requirements decrease . On a 45 00:01:35,900 --> 00:01:38,011 separate note later today , Secretary 46 00:01:38,011 --> 00:01:40,122 Austin will attend the medal of honor 47 00:01:40,122 --> 00:01:42,344 ceremony at the White House in honor of 48 00:01:42,344 --> 00:01:44,456 retired army captain Larry L Taylor . 49 00:01:44,456 --> 00:01:46,567 Tomorrow , Secretary Austin will also 50 00:01:46,567 --> 00:01:48,789 attend an induction ceremony of Captain 51 00:01:48,789 --> 00:01:50,844 Taylor in the Hall of Heroes here in 52 00:01:50,844 --> 00:01:53,178 the Pentagon . In turning to operations , 53 00:01:53,178 --> 00:01:55,122 I'd like to take an opportunity to 54 00:01:55,122 --> 00:01:56,844 highlight a press release from 55 00:01:56,844 --> 00:01:58,900 Vandenberg Space Force Space that an 56 00:01:58,900 --> 00:02:01,122 operational test launch of an air Force 57 00:02:01,122 --> 00:02:02,900 global strike command , unarmed 58 00:02:02,900 --> 00:02:04,844 Minuteman . Three intercontinental 59 00:02:04,844 --> 00:02:06,789 ballistic missile is scheduled for 60 00:02:06,789 --> 00:02:10,660 September 5 2023 from 11:47 p.m. to 61 00:02:10,669 --> 00:02:14,539 September 6 5 47 AM pacific time from 62 00:02:14,550 --> 00:02:16,699 North Vandenberg Space Force Space . 63 00:02:17,369 --> 00:02:19,470 The purpose of the ICBM test launch 64 00:02:19,479 --> 00:02:21,701 program is to demonstrate the readiness 65 00:02:21,701 --> 00:02:23,535 of us nuclear forces and provide 66 00:02:23,535 --> 00:02:25,312 confidence in the lethality and 67 00:02:25,312 --> 00:02:27,423 effectiveness of the nation's nuclear 68 00:02:27,423 --> 00:02:29,479 deterrent . This test is routine and 69 00:02:29,479 --> 00:02:31,312 was scheduled years in advance . 70 00:02:31,312 --> 00:02:33,590 Consistent with previous test launches . 71 00:02:33,590 --> 00:02:35,812 This ICBM test launch will validate and 72 00:02:35,812 --> 00:02:37,979 verify the effectiveness readiness and 73 00:02:37,979 --> 00:02:39,812 accuracy of the weapon system in 74 00:02:39,812 --> 00:02:41,923 accordance with standard procedures . 75 00:02:41,923 --> 00:02:43,923 The United States has transmitted a 76 00:02:43,923 --> 00:02:46,090 prelaunch notification pursuant to the 77 00:02:46,090 --> 00:02:48,257 Hague code of conduct and notified the 78 00:02:48,257 --> 00:02:50,368 Russian government in advance for our 79 00:02:50,368 --> 00:02:52,423 existing bilateral obligations . For 80 00:02:52,423 --> 00:02:54,646 more information , I would refer you to 81 00:02:54,646 --> 00:02:56,868 Van Den Berg Space Force Space , public 82 00:02:56,868 --> 00:02:59,035 Affairs . And finally , late last week 83 00:02:59,035 --> 00:03:01,090 in Indonesia , US , army Pacific and 84 00:03:01,090 --> 00:03:03,257 Indonesian armed forces began exercise 85 00:03:03,257 --> 00:03:05,090 super Garuda Shield . One of our 86 00:03:05,090 --> 00:03:07,146 largest annual exercises . More than 87 00:03:07,146 --> 00:03:09,146 2000 Army Navy Marine Corps and Air 88 00:03:09,149 --> 00:03:10,982 Force personnel will participate 89 00:03:11,020 --> 00:03:13,199 alongside nearly 2000 Indonesian 90 00:03:13,210 --> 00:03:15,910 service members to as well as Australia , 91 00:03:15,919 --> 00:03:17,752 Japan , Singapore and the United 92 00:03:17,752 --> 00:03:19,919 Kingdom . This year's events include a 93 00:03:19,919 --> 00:03:22,086 command and control exercise , subject 94 00:03:22,086 --> 00:03:23,641 matter , expert exchange on 95 00:03:23,641 --> 00:03:25,863 humanitarian , civic assistance project 96 00:03:25,863 --> 00:03:28,086 projects and field training exercises . 97 00:03:28,270 --> 00:03:30,559 Super Garuda Shield , reinforces us 98 00:03:30,570 --> 00:03:32,459 commitment to allies and regional 99 00:03:32,459 --> 00:03:34,626 partners , ensures joint readiness and 100 00:03:34,626 --> 00:03:36,792 bolsters interoperability to fight and 101 00:03:36,792 --> 00:03:38,903 win together . For more information , 102 00:03:38,903 --> 00:03:40,903 please reach out to in in us , Army 103 00:03:40,903 --> 00:03:42,903 Pacific and with that , be happy to 104 00:03:42,903 --> 00:03:45,070 take your questions . We go first to A 105 00:03:45,070 --> 00:03:47,470 P . Hi . Thank you for doing this . Uh 106 00:03:47,479 --> 00:03:50,929 two topics for you . First one . the 107 00:03:50,940 --> 00:03:54,220 visit , uh the visit between Russia and 108 00:03:54,229 --> 00:03:56,259 North Korea . How concerned is the 109 00:03:56,270 --> 00:03:59,949 Pentagon that this could add to deadly 110 00:03:59,960 --> 00:04:02,127 munitions to Russia in its war against 111 00:04:02,127 --> 00:04:05,389 Ukraine ? And have you to date been 112 00:04:05,399 --> 00:04:07,619 able to track how many weapons North 113 00:04:07,630 --> 00:04:09,830 Korea has been able to supply . And 114 00:04:09,839 --> 00:04:13,169 then the second topic on , several 115 00:04:13,179 --> 00:04:15,235 media outlets are reporting that the 116 00:04:15,235 --> 00:04:17,068 French government is in talks to 117 00:04:17,068 --> 00:04:19,123 possibly withdraw troops from is the 118 00:04:19,123 --> 00:04:21,369 Pentagon also in similar talks with the 119 00:04:21,799 --> 00:04:23,989 government or the junta on the same . 120 00:04:24,649 --> 00:04:26,980 Thanks to . So , um in terms of the 121 00:04:26,989 --> 00:04:29,309 reports about a potential meeting 122 00:04:29,420 --> 00:04:32,649 between the North Korean leader and 123 00:04:32,660 --> 00:04:34,882 President Putin , I don't have anything 124 00:04:34,882 --> 00:04:36,869 specific to provide in terms of a 125 00:04:36,880 --> 00:04:39,047 potential meeting or nor am I going to 126 00:04:39,047 --> 00:04:41,158 speculate on , on when such a meeting 127 00:04:41,158 --> 00:04:43,158 could occur ? Uh You have heard the 128 00:04:43,158 --> 00:04:45,213 White House talk about the fact that 129 00:04:45,213 --> 00:04:47,519 Kim Jong Un is seeking to continue 130 00:04:47,529 --> 00:04:49,839 diplomatic engagement with Russia as a 131 00:04:49,850 --> 00:04:52,119 follow on to the Russian Defense 132 00:04:52,130 --> 00:04:54,820 Minister's recent visit . Uh where 133 00:04:54,829 --> 00:04:57,649 Russia is seeking to purchase uh 134 00:04:57,660 --> 00:05:00,549 artillery ammunition from the D pr K . 135 00:05:00,929 --> 00:05:03,790 Um as I highlighted last week , such a 136 00:05:03,799 --> 00:05:06,350 sale would violate multiple United 137 00:05:06,359 --> 00:05:08,415 Nations Security Council resolutions 138 00:05:08,415 --> 00:05:10,700 and it would prolong the unnecessary 139 00:05:10,709 --> 00:05:14,010 suffering of Ukrainian civilians who 140 00:05:14,019 --> 00:05:15,797 are impacted by Russia's war of 141 00:05:15,797 --> 00:05:18,019 aggression in Ukraine . So again , from 142 00:05:18,019 --> 00:05:20,130 a US government standpoint , we would 143 00:05:20,130 --> 00:05:22,170 call on North Korea to refrain from 144 00:05:22,179 --> 00:05:25,279 selling ammunition and arms to Russia 145 00:05:25,290 --> 00:05:27,670 to again unnecessarily , which would 146 00:05:27,679 --> 00:05:30,170 unnecessarily prolong this conflict as 147 00:05:30,179 --> 00:05:32,450 far as goes , I don't have any new 148 00:05:32,459 --> 00:05:34,403 announcements to make . Again , we 149 00:05:34,404 --> 00:05:36,737 remain focused on a diplomatic solution . 150 00:05:36,737 --> 00:05:38,795 There's been no change in US Force 151 00:05:38,804 --> 00:05:40,904 Posture in , but again , as updates 152 00:05:40,915 --> 00:05:43,082 become available , we'll certainly let 153 00:05:43,082 --> 00:05:45,026 you know when you say no change in 154 00:05:45,026 --> 00:05:47,193 force posture . Does that mean that US 155 00:05:47,193 --> 00:05:49,248 forces have remained on base and are 156 00:05:49,248 --> 00:05:51,415 not venturing out no training missions 157 00:05:51,415 --> 00:05:51,315 there . Again , training missions have 158 00:05:51,325 --> 00:05:53,954 been paused . And so again , nothing , 159 00:05:53,964 --> 00:05:56,131 nothing new to provide from the podium 160 00:05:56,131 --> 00:05:58,464 here , Jennifer General Ryder . If the 161 00:05:58,475 --> 00:06:00,642 French pull out , will the US pull out 162 00:06:01,049 --> 00:06:02,993 again ? I I don't want to get into 163 00:06:02,993 --> 00:06:05,100 hypotheticals or speculate broadly 164 00:06:05,109 --> 00:06:07,165 speaking , the US government remains 165 00:06:07,165 --> 00:06:09,331 focused on a diplomatic solution right 166 00:06:09,331 --> 00:06:11,276 now . And what is the state of the 167 00:06:11,276 --> 00:06:13,498 Wagner Forces in Africa and elsewhere ? 168 00:06:13,498 --> 00:06:15,869 Post Prego ? And what can you tell us 169 00:06:15,880 --> 00:06:17,824 about the recruiting efforts , the 170 00:06:17,824 --> 00:06:19,880 alleged recruiting efforts in Cuba ? 171 00:06:20,359 --> 00:06:22,526 What are you seeing ? What do you know 172 00:06:22,760 --> 00:06:24,940 um have any of those Cuban recruits 173 00:06:25,130 --> 00:06:27,489 shown up in Ukraine ? Thanks Jennifer . 174 00:06:27,500 --> 00:06:29,500 I , I don't have any information to 175 00:06:29,500 --> 00:06:31,444 provide as it pertains to Cuba . I 176 00:06:31,444 --> 00:06:33,589 would say largely speaking , uh as 177 00:06:33,600 --> 00:06:35,822 you've heard us say before , Wagner has 178 00:06:35,822 --> 00:06:38,299 been uh in uh significantly impacted 179 00:06:38,309 --> 00:06:41,000 negatively uh in terms of their broad 180 00:06:41,010 --> 00:06:43,980 organization uh and , and their efforts 181 00:06:43,989 --> 00:06:45,989 in Africa while they do continue to 182 00:06:45,989 --> 00:06:48,529 maintain a presence in Africa , what 183 00:06:48,760 --> 00:06:50,593 that , what they will be able to 184 00:06:50,593 --> 00:06:52,816 accomplish or how their operations will 185 00:06:52,816 --> 00:06:54,982 be affected over the long term is , is 186 00:06:54,982 --> 00:06:57,093 something we're continuing to keep an 187 00:06:57,093 --> 00:06:59,371 eye on who is the head of Wagner . Now , 188 00:06:59,371 --> 00:07:01,482 uh again , I'd have to refer you to , 189 00:07:01,482 --> 00:07:03,593 to Wagner to talk about their , their 190 00:07:03,593 --> 00:07:06,700 head . Just one follow on . So , um how 191 00:07:06,709 --> 00:07:08,820 concerning is it to the Pentagon that 192 00:07:08,820 --> 00:07:11,098 the French are in talks on pulling out ? 193 00:07:11,098 --> 00:07:14,299 And can you just explain to us how much 194 00:07:14,309 --> 00:07:16,420 the French contribute to the counter 195 00:07:16,429 --> 00:07:18,540 terror war that the US is also a part 196 00:07:18,540 --> 00:07:20,762 of in West Africa . So when it comes to 197 00:07:20,762 --> 00:07:22,818 France , you know , I'd refer you to 198 00:07:22,818 --> 00:07:24,929 the , the French really to talk about 199 00:07:24,929 --> 00:07:24,890 their role and their mission as , you 200 00:07:24,899 --> 00:07:26,621 know , the French have been an 201 00:07:26,621 --> 00:07:29,429 important partner , uh , in Africa as 202 00:07:29,440 --> 00:07:31,607 when it comes to counter terrorism and 203 00:07:31,607 --> 00:07:33,496 we certainly maintain a , a great 204 00:07:33,496 --> 00:07:35,607 relationship with the French . Um But 205 00:07:35,607 --> 00:07:37,607 I'm I'm not gonna speak about their 206 00:07:37,607 --> 00:07:39,773 operations or what they may or may not 207 00:07:39,773 --> 00:07:41,940 be considering uh from a United States 208 00:07:41,940 --> 00:07:43,940 standpoint again , broadly speaking 209 00:07:43,940 --> 00:07:45,996 across the US government , we remain 210 00:07:45,996 --> 00:07:48,107 engaged with a variety of partners to 211 00:07:48,107 --> 00:07:50,273 include the French eco O and others to 212 00:07:50,273 --> 00:07:52,496 assess the situation as it continues to 213 00:07:52,496 --> 00:07:54,607 evolve . But the primary focus for us 214 00:07:54,607 --> 00:07:56,440 is on attempting to resolve this 215 00:07:56,440 --> 00:07:58,750 diplomatically while recognizing that 216 00:07:58,760 --> 00:08:00,538 we do have an important counter 217 00:08:00,559 --> 00:08:02,837 counterterrorism mission in the region . 218 00:08:03,100 --> 00:08:05,160 And then just separately , the Wall 219 00:08:05,170 --> 00:08:07,337 Street Journal is reporting today that 220 00:08:07,337 --> 00:08:09,392 Chinese nationals posing as tourists 221 00:08:09,392 --> 00:08:11,380 have access to us military bases . 222 00:08:11,450 --> 00:08:13,839 That's according to us officials . Can 223 00:08:13,850 --> 00:08:16,260 you confirm that at all and talk a 224 00:08:16,269 --> 00:08:18,436 little bit about have any of these led 225 00:08:18,436 --> 00:08:21,489 to arrest ? So a few things , Carla , 226 00:08:21,500 --> 00:08:23,500 um so I'll , I'll just say up front 227 00:08:23,500 --> 00:08:25,667 that the security of our installations 228 00:08:25,667 --> 00:08:27,444 remains a top priority and that 229 00:08:27,444 --> 00:08:29,444 physical security standards for our 230 00:08:29,444 --> 00:08:31,667 bases takes into account a wide variety 231 00:08:31,667 --> 00:08:33,444 of potential threats to include 232 00:08:33,444 --> 00:08:36,450 attempted spying by our adversaries for 233 00:08:36,460 --> 00:08:38,627 security reasons . I'm , I'm not gonna 234 00:08:38,627 --> 00:08:40,849 comment on specific incidents . I'm not 235 00:08:40,849 --> 00:08:43,016 gonna talk about protocol changes that 236 00:08:43,016 --> 00:08:45,182 we may make at our gates . Uh Nor am I 237 00:08:45,182 --> 00:08:47,238 gonna talk about specific individual 238 00:08:47,238 --> 00:08:49,404 partner contributions . But I will say 239 00:08:49,404 --> 00:08:51,729 that we as always work with local state 240 00:08:51,739 --> 00:08:53,961 and federal law enforcement officials , 241 00:08:53,961 --> 00:08:56,183 we work with the intelligence community 242 00:08:56,183 --> 00:08:58,406 and our foreign partners to protect our 243 00:08:58,406 --> 00:09:00,295 bases uh against at both home and 244 00:09:00,295 --> 00:09:02,239 abroad . Um In terms of additional 245 00:09:02,239 --> 00:09:04,295 background , I can tell you that the 246 00:09:04,295 --> 00:09:06,406 department has conducted several base 247 00:09:06,406 --> 00:09:09,200 security reviews since 2018 , some of 248 00:09:09,210 --> 00:09:10,877 which included support by our 249 00:09:10,877 --> 00:09:13,169 interagency partners . Uh And a recent 250 00:09:13,179 --> 00:09:15,401 review focused on the physical security 251 00:09:15,401 --> 00:09:17,401 conditions of our gates among other 252 00:09:17,401 --> 00:09:19,235 aspects of base security and the 253 00:09:19,235 --> 00:09:21,710 results of those reviews have and will 254 00:09:21,719 --> 00:09:24,070 continue to inform changes to 255 00:09:24,080 --> 00:09:26,200 protective measures at our bases . Uh 256 00:09:26,219 --> 00:09:28,770 to answer your question in terms of uh 257 00:09:28,780 --> 00:09:30,724 the kinds of things we've seen . I 258 00:09:30,724 --> 00:09:32,891 would note that every day dod conducts 259 00:09:32,891 --> 00:09:35,380 more than 10,000 controlled turnarounds 260 00:09:35,390 --> 00:09:37,859 of individuals who arrive at one of our 261 00:09:37,869 --> 00:09:40,469 1400 gates around the world . These 262 00:09:40,479 --> 00:09:42,630 individuals uh are people who are not 263 00:09:42,640 --> 00:09:44,640 authorized to access and depart the 264 00:09:44,640 --> 00:09:46,640 installations without having gained 265 00:09:46,640 --> 00:09:48,780 unauthorized access . A very small 266 00:09:48,789 --> 00:09:51,690 number of these controlled turnarounds 267 00:09:51,809 --> 00:09:53,865 warrant additional checks and even a 268 00:09:53,865 --> 00:09:56,059 smaller number warrant investigation . 269 00:09:56,400 --> 00:09:58,622 Uh I would say that these incidents are 270 00:09:58,622 --> 00:10:00,789 generally low level and so far none of 271 00:10:00,789 --> 00:10:03,440 them indicate espionage , a smaller 272 00:10:03,450 --> 00:10:05,561 number of incidents occur in which an 273 00:10:05,561 --> 00:10:07,172 individual is able to obtain 274 00:10:07,172 --> 00:10:09,450 unauthorized installation access , 275 00:10:09,460 --> 00:10:11,460 often by speeding through security 276 00:10:11,469 --> 00:10:13,619 checkpoints . These individuals are 277 00:10:13,630 --> 00:10:16,130 often cited criminally barred from 278 00:10:16,140 --> 00:10:18,362 future installation access and escorted 279 00:10:18,362 --> 00:10:20,549 off base and as with controlled 280 00:10:20,559 --> 00:10:22,448 turnarounds , a very small number 281 00:10:22,448 --> 00:10:24,359 warrant investigation . One quick 282 00:10:24,369 --> 00:10:26,647 follow . When you say attempted spying , 283 00:10:26,647 --> 00:10:29,320 does this include from China ? Because 284 00:10:29,330 --> 00:10:31,552 I didn't hear you mention China and I'm 285 00:10:31,552 --> 00:10:33,774 not gonna get into specific incidents . 286 00:10:33,774 --> 00:10:37,479 Thank you . Um On Tuberville , we saw 287 00:10:37,489 --> 00:10:39,940 the Op Ed written this morning by the 288 00:10:39,969 --> 00:10:41,969 by three of the service secretaries 289 00:10:41,969 --> 00:10:43,979 about the hold . Does the secretary 290 00:10:43,989 --> 00:10:46,039 have any plans to speak uh with 291 00:10:46,049 --> 00:10:47,993 Tuberville about this issue in the 292 00:10:47,993 --> 00:10:49,938 coming days or weeks as the Senate 293 00:10:49,938 --> 00:10:51,993 comes back ? Yeah , I thanks for the 294 00:10:51,993 --> 00:10:53,993 question . I don't have anything to 295 00:10:53,993 --> 00:10:55,993 announce right now . Uh in terms of 296 00:10:55,993 --> 00:10:55,159 future calls , of course , the 297 00:10:55,169 --> 00:10:57,479 secretary has talked about this both 298 00:10:57,489 --> 00:11:00,929 publicly and privately uh as recently 299 00:11:00,940 --> 00:11:03,650 as the Chief of Naval Operations , uh 300 00:11:03,659 --> 00:11:05,940 relinquishment of responsibility about 301 00:11:05,950 --> 00:11:08,219 the impact that these holds have on our 302 00:11:08,229 --> 00:11:10,396 readiness and on our security . And of 303 00:11:10,396 --> 00:11:12,451 course , the department continues to 304 00:11:12,451 --> 00:11:14,562 call for the lifting of these holds . 305 00:11:14,562 --> 00:11:16,840 Are there any next steps here ? I mean , 306 00:11:16,840 --> 00:11:16,489 what is the , what , what is going to 307 00:11:16,500 --> 00:11:18,444 happen now ? Do you think that the 308 00:11:18,444 --> 00:11:20,667 Senate is back ? I mean , it seems like 309 00:11:20,667 --> 00:11:23,000 obviously we're still such a standstill . 310 00:11:23,000 --> 00:11:25,278 What is the , what's the solution here ? 311 00:11:25,278 --> 00:11:27,333 What's the next step ? Well , Well , 312 00:11:27,333 --> 00:11:29,556 really , I mean , I , I would refer you 313 00:11:29,556 --> 00:11:31,889 to the Senate to the Congress , uh , to , 314 00:11:31,889 --> 00:11:33,944 to answer that question . You know , 315 00:11:33,944 --> 00:11:36,167 I've , I've been asked before to try to 316 00:11:36,167 --> 00:11:38,280 put this into context , uh , in terms 317 00:11:38,289 --> 00:11:41,640 of why does this matter ? Um , and , 318 00:11:41,940 --> 00:11:44,549 you know , with football season 319 00:11:44,559 --> 00:11:46,726 starting , I would say , imagine going 320 00:11:46,726 --> 00:11:48,892 into , uh , the football season with a 321 00:11:48,892 --> 00:11:51,115 bunch of acting coaches , uh , for each 322 00:11:51,115 --> 00:11:53,330 of our teams with a regulation that 323 00:11:53,340 --> 00:11:55,770 limits any of those acting coaches from 324 00:11:55,780 --> 00:11:57,891 presuming that he or she was actually 325 00:11:57,891 --> 00:12:00,179 going to officially lead the team . Uh 326 00:12:00,190 --> 00:12:02,710 and those acting coaches who come up 327 00:12:02,719 --> 00:12:04,552 through the organization are now 328 00:12:04,552 --> 00:12:06,497 responsible for not only being the 329 00:12:06,497 --> 00:12:08,663 offensive and defensive coordinators , 330 00:12:08,663 --> 00:12:10,979 but also acting as the head coach . Uh 331 00:12:10,989 --> 00:12:12,822 And so in the short short term , 332 00:12:12,950 --> 00:12:15,172 they're likely gonna make things happen 333 00:12:15,172 --> 00:12:17,283 because that's what good leaders do . 334 00:12:17,283 --> 00:12:19,506 Um But what happens when performance on 335 00:12:19,506 --> 00:12:21,770 the field becomes impacted over time , 336 00:12:21,780 --> 00:12:23,724 how are you going to deal with the 337 00:12:23,724 --> 00:12:26,229 uncertainty of uh within the coaching 338 00:12:26,239 --> 00:12:28,929 staff and the locker room in terms of 339 00:12:28,940 --> 00:12:31,309 who's in charge , how are we gonna 340 00:12:31,320 --> 00:12:33,542 affect performance and then who are the 341 00:12:33,542 --> 00:12:35,598 fans gonna hold accountable ? And so 342 00:12:35,598 --> 00:12:37,820 the longer that these blanket holds are 343 00:12:37,820 --> 00:12:39,709 in place and the more that future 344 00:12:39,709 --> 00:12:41,764 leaders are kept in limbo , the more 345 00:12:41,764 --> 00:12:43,987 uncertainty and friction it will create 346 00:12:43,987 --> 00:12:46,098 within the ranks , not to mention the 347 00:12:46,098 --> 00:12:48,510 impact on the families of those who 348 00:12:48,520 --> 00:12:50,853 serve . And ultimately , as I mentioned , 349 00:12:50,853 --> 00:12:52,687 this is an issue for Congress to 350 00:12:52,687 --> 00:12:54,798 address it would be inappropriate for 351 00:12:54,798 --> 00:12:54,760 me to comment on how they should go 352 00:12:54,770 --> 00:12:56,881 about it . Um But I can tell you that 353 00:12:56,881 --> 00:12:59,048 our military leaders simply want to do 354 00:12:59,048 --> 00:13:01,270 the job that our nation expects of them 355 00:13:01,270 --> 00:13:03,270 to lead our military to protect and 356 00:13:03,270 --> 00:13:05,437 defend our nation . And if necessarily 357 00:13:05,437 --> 00:13:07,492 overwhelmingly defeat our enemies in 358 00:13:07,492 --> 00:13:09,603 battle . So again , we'd ask that the 359 00:13:09,603 --> 00:13:11,603 Senate work to lift these holds and 360 00:13:11,603 --> 00:13:13,770 enable the confirmation of our general 361 00:13:13,770 --> 00:13:15,937 and flag officers on Tuber . So is the 362 00:13:15,937 --> 00:13:18,048 Pentagon concerned that the rationale 363 00:13:18,048 --> 00:13:20,103 that Tuberville is using seems to be 364 00:13:20,103 --> 00:13:19,929 shifting because originally , obviously 365 00:13:19,940 --> 00:13:21,884 it was about abortion policy about 366 00:13:21,884 --> 00:13:24,107 reproductive health policies . Now , it 367 00:13:24,107 --> 00:13:26,273 seems like he's going on the offensive 368 00:13:26,273 --> 00:13:28,440 against the nominees themselves . So , 369 00:13:28,440 --> 00:13:28,025 is the Pentagon concerned that perhaps 370 00:13:28,034 --> 00:13:30,201 some of those nominees will have to be 371 00:13:30,201 --> 00:13:32,256 pulled or changed ? Well , again , I 372 00:13:32,256 --> 00:13:34,423 mean , that's a question that only the 373 00:13:34,423 --> 00:13:36,312 Senate and Senator Tuberville can 374 00:13:36,312 --> 00:13:38,034 address . Our focus remains on 375 00:13:38,034 --> 00:13:40,201 defending the nation and ensuring that 376 00:13:40,201 --> 00:13:42,312 we have the leadership in place to do 377 00:13:42,312 --> 00:13:44,256 what our nation expects us to do , 378 00:13:44,256 --> 00:13:43,965 which is to defend this country and be 379 00:13:43,974 --> 00:13:45,974 ready to go to war if we need to do 380 00:13:45,974 --> 00:13:48,141 that . Let me go to here . Thank you . 381 00:13:48,141 --> 00:13:50,252 Uh General . So I wanna talk a little 382 00:13:50,252 --> 00:13:52,363 bit about the , the situation in , in 383 00:13:52,363 --> 00:13:56,219 the um are the US forces providing 384 00:13:56,229 --> 00:13:58,570 any support to the SDF in the current 385 00:13:58,580 --> 00:14:02,429 clashes with Arab tribes ? And 386 00:14:03,460 --> 00:14:06,840 were us forces um notified about 387 00:14:07,159 --> 00:14:10,280 the operation that led to the detention 388 00:14:10,609 --> 00:14:14,489 of the leader of the Military Council 389 00:14:14,500 --> 00:14:17,219 by DF last month . Thanks . Um So we , 390 00:14:17,229 --> 00:14:19,479 we continue to closely monitor the 391 00:14:19,489 --> 00:14:22,869 events in Northeast Syria CJTF OIR 392 00:14:22,880 --> 00:14:25,150 remains focused on working with the uh 393 00:14:25,159 --> 00:14:28,469 the Syrian Democratic forces to ensure 394 00:14:28,479 --> 00:14:31,349 the uh defeat of ISIS in support of 395 00:14:31,359 --> 00:14:33,549 regional and secure uh security and 396 00:14:33,559 --> 00:14:36,450 stability . And that remains our only 397 00:14:36,460 --> 00:14:38,950 focus . Um As , as you heard me say 398 00:14:38,960 --> 00:14:41,030 last week , distractions from this 399 00:14:41,039 --> 00:14:43,890 critical work does create instability 400 00:14:43,900 --> 00:14:45,969 and increases the risk of an ISIS 401 00:14:45,979 --> 00:14:48,330 resurgence . So again , uh we'll stay 402 00:14:48,340 --> 00:14:50,349 focused on the , on the defeat ISIS 403 00:14:50,359 --> 00:14:53,080 mission um going forward . But again , 404 00:14:53,090 --> 00:14:55,257 would , would call on all parties to , 405 00:14:55,257 --> 00:14:57,257 to stay focused on the task . So no 406 00:14:57,257 --> 00:14:59,799 support for the SDF and and the current 407 00:14:59,809 --> 00:15:02,031 clashes . Our , our , our work with the 408 00:15:02,031 --> 00:15:04,640 SDF is focused only on the defeat ISIS 409 00:15:04,650 --> 00:15:07,690 mission . Were you uh did , did the SDF 410 00:15:07,700 --> 00:15:10,130 coordinate or tell you about their 411 00:15:10,140 --> 00:15:14,025 intent to detain a who is the 412 00:15:14,034 --> 00:15:16,544 leader of the uh the military council ? 413 00:15:16,645 --> 00:15:18,923 Yeah , I I don't have anything on that . 414 00:15:18,923 --> 00:15:22,215 I refer you to CJ TFOIR . But again , 415 00:15:22,224 --> 00:15:25,094 our single and only focus in Syria is 416 00:15:25,104 --> 00:15:27,364 on the defeat ISIS mission . That's one 417 00:15:27,375 --> 00:15:28,984 more follow up , one more . 418 00:15:31,909 --> 00:15:33,742 Are you trying to kind of seek a 419 00:15:33,742 --> 00:15:35,798 solution to the situation since it's 420 00:15:35,798 --> 00:15:37,520 distracting from the anti Isis 421 00:15:37,520 --> 00:15:40,320 operation ? Are you in touch with the 422 00:15:40,330 --> 00:15:42,549 Arab tribes and the SDF on this issue 423 00:15:42,559 --> 00:15:45,510 and trying to mediate or try to get to 424 00:15:45,520 --> 00:15:47,631 some kind of political solution since 425 00:15:47,631 --> 00:15:49,798 the SDF is backed by the US forces and 426 00:15:49,798 --> 00:15:51,576 the Arab tribesmen have so many 427 00:15:51,576 --> 00:15:53,631 grievances against them , especially 428 00:15:53,631 --> 00:15:56,320 their expansion from their and other 429 00:15:56,330 --> 00:15:58,640 issues . Thanks Fadi . So again , I'd 430 00:15:58,650 --> 00:16:02,460 refer you to CJ TFOIR for any specifics 431 00:16:02,469 --> 00:16:04,469 in terms of the communications that 432 00:16:04,469 --> 00:16:06,580 they're having . Again , you've heard 433 00:16:06,580 --> 00:16:08,413 us call for all parties to cease 434 00:16:08,413 --> 00:16:10,413 fighting and to stay focused on the 435 00:16:10,413 --> 00:16:12,636 mission because again , the only winner 436 00:16:12,636 --> 00:16:14,809 here is Isis . And so I'll just leave 437 00:16:14,820 --> 00:16:16,931 it at that . Thanks very much . Yes , 438 00:16:16,931 --> 00:16:19,042 sir . Thank you very much , General . 439 00:16:19,042 --> 00:16:21,098 I'd like to take a look at it from a 440 00:16:21,098 --> 00:16:23,153 broader perspective because you said 441 00:16:23,153 --> 00:16:25,320 that it's a distraction from the fight 442 00:16:25,320 --> 00:16:27,653 against ice and you're absolutely right . 443 00:16:27,653 --> 00:16:29,764 But the SDF have long been accused of 444 00:16:29,764 --> 00:16:29,570 demographic change , possible 445 00:16:29,664 --> 00:16:32,094 construction of Children and also the 446 00:16:32,104 --> 00:16:33,993 human rights violations . And now 447 00:16:33,993 --> 00:16:36,104 there's this uprising against the SCF 448 00:16:36,104 --> 00:16:38,224 from Arab tribes and quickly they've 449 00:16:38,234 --> 00:16:40,234 lost some ground , they've regained 450 00:16:40,234 --> 00:16:42,290 some ground . But it is what it is . 451 00:16:42,290 --> 00:16:44,178 It's a distraction from the fight 452 00:16:44,178 --> 00:16:46,401 against Isis , but looking at it in the 453 00:16:46,401 --> 00:16:46,395 long term , do you know , is there a 454 00:16:46,405 --> 00:16:48,238 concern within the Department of 455 00:16:48,238 --> 00:16:50,349 Defense that the SDF is not , may not 456 00:16:50,349 --> 00:16:52,238 be the best partner on the ground 457 00:16:52,238 --> 00:16:53,961 because there's obviously some 458 00:16:53,961 --> 00:16:55,794 resistance against them ? Yeah , 459 00:16:55,794 --> 00:16:57,905 certainly , you know , we , we've had 460 00:16:57,905 --> 00:17:00,330 this conversation before , um , and , 461 00:17:00,340 --> 00:17:02,507 and the critical role that the SDF has 462 00:17:02,507 --> 00:17:04,507 played and continue to play when it 463 00:17:04,507 --> 00:17:06,396 comes to the , to the Defeat Isis 464 00:17:06,396 --> 00:17:09,180 mission . Um One only need look at 465 00:17:09,189 --> 00:17:12,300 their efforts as it relates to and the 466 00:17:12,310 --> 00:17:15,390 detainee population uh there . So again , 467 00:17:15,400 --> 00:17:17,729 we'll continue to work with the SDF uh 468 00:17:17,739 --> 00:17:20,329 and other regional partners and the 469 00:17:20,339 --> 00:17:22,561 international community on the , on the 470 00:17:22,561 --> 00:17:24,617 Defeat ISIS mission . Just one quick 471 00:17:24,617 --> 00:17:26,819 pull up if these resistance movements 472 00:17:26,829 --> 00:17:28,940 continue to rise up against the SDF , 473 00:17:28,940 --> 00:17:30,885 doesn't that also put the American 474 00:17:30,885 --> 00:17:33,051 soldiers lives at risk if there's this 475 00:17:33,051 --> 00:17:36,040 growing , you know , anger towards the 476 00:17:36,050 --> 00:17:38,217 group , you know , I , I don't want to 477 00:17:38,217 --> 00:17:40,272 get into hypotheticals . Again , our 478 00:17:40,272 --> 00:17:42,640 focus in Syria is on the Defeat ISIS 479 00:17:42,650 --> 00:17:45,430 mission . Uh as I mentioned last week , 480 00:17:45,439 --> 00:17:48,180 uh we , we recognize that there is uh 481 00:17:48,189 --> 00:17:51,219 that this region has been characterized 482 00:17:51,229 --> 00:17:53,829 by instability and violence . We're 483 00:17:53,839 --> 00:17:55,839 gonna stay , you know , continue to 484 00:17:55,839 --> 00:17:57,950 work with local and regional partners 485 00:17:57,950 --> 00:17:59,783 to , to focus on the Defeat ISIS 486 00:17:59,783 --> 00:18:02,006 mission . Um And I'll , I'll just leave 487 00:18:02,006 --> 00:18:04,117 it there . Ok . Let me go over here , 488 00:18:04,117 --> 00:18:06,283 Laura and then we'll go to the phone . 489 00:18:06,283 --> 00:18:08,339 I think that um I'm wondering if you 490 00:18:08,339 --> 00:18:10,395 could tell us a little bit about the 491 00:18:10,395 --> 00:18:12,617 impact of Minister Razov leaving and um 492 00:18:12,617 --> 00:18:14,617 his new replacement coming in , has 493 00:18:14,617 --> 00:18:16,450 Secretary Austin spoken with his 494 00:18:16,450 --> 00:18:18,506 replacement and how is this going to 495 00:18:18,506 --> 00:18:20,450 impact the Ukraine defense contact 496 00:18:20,450 --> 00:18:22,450 group going forward ? Yeah , thanks 497 00:18:22,450 --> 00:18:24,450 very much Laura . So , um uh what I 498 00:18:24,450 --> 00:18:26,617 would tell you right now is , um , you 499 00:18:26,617 --> 00:18:29,489 know , as it relates to the Ukrainians 500 00:18:29,500 --> 00:18:32,930 um decision to uh replace Minister 501 00:18:32,939 --> 00:18:35,050 Reznikoff , that's really an internal 502 00:18:35,050 --> 00:18:38,229 matter for them to discuss . Um again , 503 00:18:38,239 --> 00:18:40,670 when it comes to the confirmation of a 504 00:18:40,680 --> 00:18:42,849 new defense leader uh by their 505 00:18:42,859 --> 00:18:45,209 parliament , I I obviously don't have 506 00:18:45,219 --> 00:18:47,441 any information on that and would refer 507 00:18:47,441 --> 00:18:49,552 you to them . What I will say is that 508 00:18:49,552 --> 00:18:51,552 Secretary Austin and the department 509 00:18:51,552 --> 00:18:53,497 look forward to continuing to work 510 00:18:53,497 --> 00:18:55,775 closely with Ukrainian defense leaders . 511 00:18:55,775 --> 00:18:57,941 Uh We will continue to support Ukraine 512 00:18:57,941 --> 00:19:00,052 with security assistance and their uh 513 00:19:00,052 --> 00:19:02,275 to enable them on the battlefield . And 514 00:19:02,275 --> 00:19:04,497 so uh I don't have anything to announce 515 00:19:04,497 --> 00:19:06,663 right now in terms of potential future 516 00:19:06,663 --> 00:19:08,719 meetings or calls . Um but certainly 517 00:19:08,719 --> 00:19:10,552 one can assume that we will work 518 00:19:10,552 --> 00:19:12,839 closely with Ukrainian defense leaders . 519 00:19:12,939 --> 00:19:15,161 They haven't spoken yet , they have not 520 00:19:15,161 --> 00:19:17,719 because again , um there , there needs 521 00:19:17,729 --> 00:19:20,449 to be a confirmed Minister of Defense 522 00:19:21,290 --> 00:19:23,290 if I could follow up on a different 523 00:19:23,290 --> 00:19:26,069 question on this , supplying artillery , 524 00:19:26,079 --> 00:19:28,989 ammunition and other materials to 525 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:32,030 Russia by North Korea and John Kirby 526 00:19:32,040 --> 00:19:34,430 last week mentioned materials to boost 527 00:19:34,439 --> 00:19:36,439 their industrial base , the defense 528 00:19:36,439 --> 00:19:38,495 industrial base . I was wondering if 529 00:19:38,495 --> 00:19:40,606 you could put any meat on the bone so 530 00:19:40,606 --> 00:19:42,661 that say what that means exactly . I 531 00:19:42,661 --> 00:19:44,883 really can't again , beyond the , the , 532 00:19:44,883 --> 00:19:46,772 the broad generalization that NSC 533 00:19:46,772 --> 00:19:49,510 provided . Thank you , Tom . Thank you , 534 00:19:49,520 --> 00:19:51,742 General . Um There was a report Reuters 535 00:19:51,742 --> 00:19:53,687 report on Friday about um depleted 536 00:19:53,687 --> 00:19:57,510 uranium . I'm pacing myself going to 537 00:19:57,520 --> 00:19:59,409 Ukraine from the US . Do you have 538 00:19:59,409 --> 00:20:01,187 anything on that . I don't have 539 00:20:01,187 --> 00:20:04,099 anything to announce today , Tom . So , 540 00:20:04,180 --> 00:20:06,510 uh again , as , as we've done , if , if 541 00:20:06,520 --> 00:20:08,687 and when we have announcements to make 542 00:20:08,687 --> 00:20:10,909 regarding security assistance , we'll , 543 00:20:10,909 --> 00:20:13,076 we'll be sure to do that . Thank you . 544 00:20:13,076 --> 00:20:15,187 All right . Uh Let me go to the phone 545 00:20:15,187 --> 00:20:17,464 here . Jeff Show will task and purpose . 546 00:20:17,464 --> 00:20:19,631 Oh , thank you so much . I just wanted 547 00:20:19,631 --> 00:20:21,742 to follow up on Syria . Uh The SDF is 548 00:20:21,742 --> 00:20:23,964 not only fighting these Arab tribes but 549 00:20:24,050 --> 00:20:26,819 an SDF spokesman claims that the Turks 550 00:20:26,829 --> 00:20:29,329 are using the SN A to incite clashes 551 00:20:29,339 --> 00:20:32,229 with them . So I wanted to know other 552 00:20:32,239 --> 00:20:36,109 than besides urging calm , what 553 00:20:36,119 --> 00:20:38,619 is the US military doing to prevent the 554 00:20:38,630 --> 00:20:41,550 anti ISIS alliance in Syria from 555 00:20:41,560 --> 00:20:43,959 fracturing ? And I already have reached 556 00:20:43,969 --> 00:20:46,660 out to the SDF and um inherent resolve 557 00:20:46,670 --> 00:20:48,670 in case I would be referred there . 558 00:20:48,670 --> 00:20:52,180 Thank you . OK , Jeff . Um So look 559 00:20:52,949 --> 00:20:55,359 when it comes to our operations in 560 00:20:55,369 --> 00:20:58,310 Syria . Um You know , I'll say it again , 561 00:20:58,319 --> 00:21:00,486 our focus is going to be on the defeat 562 00:21:00,486 --> 00:21:02,597 ISIS mission . We certainly recognize 563 00:21:02,597 --> 00:21:04,708 that there are multiple actors in the 564 00:21:04,708 --> 00:21:08,199 region and that at times there will be 565 00:21:08,209 --> 00:21:10,320 uh different perspectives , different 566 00:21:10,320 --> 00:21:13,079 views and to include some of the types 567 00:21:13,089 --> 00:21:15,033 of interactions that , that you've 568 00:21:15,033 --> 00:21:17,329 highlighted , we're gonna work with our 569 00:21:17,339 --> 00:21:20,920 partners uh to help uh us , everyone 570 00:21:20,930 --> 00:21:23,263 stay focused on the mission . But again , 571 00:21:23,263 --> 00:21:26,040 I'm not gonna speak for the SDF . Um 572 00:21:26,560 --> 00:21:29,130 And just again , leave it at that Tony , 573 00:21:29,689 --> 00:21:32,089 I'll get back to the hold . Can you 574 00:21:32,099 --> 00:21:35,040 give a couple of examples , tangible 575 00:21:35,050 --> 00:21:37,939 examples of what an acting chief 576 00:21:38,170 --> 00:21:41,060 chairman or general of its service , 577 00:21:41,069 --> 00:21:44,140 what they can and cannot do ? Yeah , 578 00:21:44,150 --> 00:21:46,540 Tony . So again , you know , the 579 00:21:46,550 --> 00:21:49,229 individual services can provide you 580 00:21:49,239 --> 00:21:51,295 with a perspective in terms of their 581 00:21:51,295 --> 00:21:53,390 specific rules and regulations . Um 582 00:21:53,599 --> 00:21:56,180 broadly speaking , again , what what 583 00:21:56,189 --> 00:21:59,540 you will see are senior leaders that 584 00:21:59,550 --> 00:22:02,170 are required to carry out the duties , 585 00:22:02,180 --> 00:22:05,229 not only of their current role . So for 586 00:22:05,239 --> 00:22:08,250 example , if you're the um assistant 587 00:22:08,260 --> 00:22:10,427 Commandant of the Marine Corps pending 588 00:22:10,427 --> 00:22:12,538 confirmation as the commandant of the 589 00:22:12,538 --> 00:22:14,704 Marine Corps , uh you're gonna have to 590 00:22:14,704 --> 00:22:16,760 do both of those jobs . Um but there 591 00:22:16,760 --> 00:22:18,871 may be things that you're not able to 592 00:22:18,871 --> 00:22:20,760 do by virtue of the fact that you 593 00:22:20,760 --> 00:22:22,982 cannot presume that you are going to be 594 00:22:22,982 --> 00:22:25,290 in that leadership role . Um Because 595 00:22:25,300 --> 00:22:27,339 again , a , a key aspect of 596 00:22:27,349 --> 00:22:29,829 confirmation is to not presume that you 597 00:22:29,839 --> 00:22:31,506 will be confirmed . That's uh 598 00:22:31,506 --> 00:22:34,150 inherently the job of the Senate uh to , 599 00:22:34,160 --> 00:22:37,430 to make that determination by service 600 00:22:37,439 --> 00:22:40,630 of the 200 or 300 people on hold right 601 00:22:40,640 --> 00:22:43,040 now . Do you have that handy ? Uh Yeah , 602 00:22:43,050 --> 00:22:45,106 thanks for the question , Tony . I'm 603 00:22:45,106 --> 00:22:47,328 not going to go through the 301 pending 604 00:22:47,328 --> 00:22:49,050 confirmations , but you know , 605 00:22:49,050 --> 00:22:51,106 certainly each of the services are , 606 00:22:51,106 --> 00:22:53,272 are impacted Army Navy , Air Force and 607 00:22:53,272 --> 00:22:55,439 Space Force . Do you have , we can get 608 00:22:55,439 --> 00:22:57,494 you those numbers . How many roughly 609 00:22:57,494 --> 00:22:59,969 are indo paycom related to the nominees ? 610 00:23:00,050 --> 00:23:02,217 We can get you those numbers as well . 611 00:23:02,217 --> 00:23:04,272 Thank you very much , Chris . Thanks 612 00:23:04,272 --> 00:23:07,170 Pat um on the Tupper Bill hold . Um You 613 00:23:07,180 --> 00:23:09,291 highlighted that this is an issue for 614 00:23:09,291 --> 00:23:11,513 the Senate as a body to resolve . Um So 615 00:23:11,513 --> 00:23:13,750 has Secretary Austin or anyone else at 616 00:23:13,760 --> 00:23:16,550 OS D engaged with other senators , 617 00:23:16,560 --> 00:23:18,719 other leaders , the minority leader , 618 00:23:18,729 --> 00:23:20,951 the majority leader , committee leaders 619 00:23:20,951 --> 00:23:24,050 to try to explain the impact and work 620 00:23:24,060 --> 00:23:26,500 through this that might influence 621 00:23:26,510 --> 00:23:28,780 Senator Tupper . Yeah , thanks Chris . 622 00:23:28,790 --> 00:23:31,540 So the department uh does remain 623 00:23:31,550 --> 00:23:34,400 engaged with the Congress in terms of 624 00:23:34,410 --> 00:23:36,632 answering questions , communicating our 625 00:23:36,632 --> 00:23:38,854 position clearly as I mentioned , we've 626 00:23:38,854 --> 00:23:41,021 been public on this . Um I'm not gonna 627 00:23:41,021 --> 00:23:43,500 read out individual conversations uh 628 00:23:43,510 --> 00:23:45,288 that have been had with various 629 00:23:45,288 --> 00:23:47,399 legislators other than to say again . 630 00:23:47,459 --> 00:23:50,689 Um We have publicly and privately 631 00:23:50,699 --> 00:23:53,079 communicated the impacts that he has 632 00:23:53,089 --> 00:23:55,369 had . The secretary has had 633 00:23:55,500 --> 00:23:57,660 conversations with legislators about 634 00:23:57,670 --> 00:23:59,503 this other than Senator Temper . 635 00:23:59,503 --> 00:24:03,430 Correct ? Thanks to two questions , 636 00:24:03,439 --> 00:24:05,606 please . One follow up last week , you 637 00:24:05,606 --> 00:24:07,772 mentioned how the lessons learned from 638 00:24:07,772 --> 00:24:09,828 the Afghanistan withdrawal and other 639 00:24:09,828 --> 00:24:12,630 places matriculate down to war colleges 640 00:24:12,640 --> 00:24:15,979 and , and the academies . How fast of a 641 00:24:15,989 --> 00:24:19,290 process does that occur ? Is it like 642 00:24:19,300 --> 00:24:21,522 now two years later , would the lessons 643 00:24:21,522 --> 00:24:23,689 be learned or is it how fast does that 644 00:24:23,689 --> 00:24:25,856 happen ? Yeah . So what , what I would 645 00:24:25,856 --> 00:24:27,911 tell you , I , first of all , if you 646 00:24:27,911 --> 00:24:30,022 want the specifics , I'd refer you to 647 00:24:30,022 --> 00:24:29,780 each of the services . They can connect 648 00:24:29,790 --> 00:24:31,790 you with their war college . I will 649 00:24:31,790 --> 00:24:34,060 tell you anecdotally that , you know , 650 00:24:34,069 --> 00:24:37,550 having gone to uh a , a war college , 651 00:24:37,560 --> 00:24:41,420 um Eisenhower School , Go Tigers , the 652 00:24:41,430 --> 00:24:44,099 um you know , the process in terms of 653 00:24:44,109 --> 00:24:46,109 curriculum development is something 654 00:24:46,109 --> 00:24:48,387 that is iterated on every year , right ? 655 00:24:48,387 --> 00:24:50,276 And also by virtue of bringing in 656 00:24:50,276 --> 00:24:53,739 leaders uh or officials or people who 657 00:24:53,750 --> 00:24:56,170 have gone through those experiences to 658 00:24:56,180 --> 00:24:58,236 be able to talk to various classes . 659 00:24:58,236 --> 00:25:00,709 And so , um you're being able to get 660 00:25:00,719 --> 00:25:02,886 information pretty quickly . My second 661 00:25:02,886 --> 00:25:05,739 question is also with the Tuberville um 662 00:25:06,020 --> 00:25:08,076 issue and you've often said from the 663 00:25:08,076 --> 00:25:10,298 podium that the Pentagon is among other 664 00:25:10,298 --> 00:25:12,589 things , a planning organization , what 665 00:25:12,599 --> 00:25:14,821 did the planning , how did the planning 666 00:25:14,821 --> 00:25:16,877 take into consideration your analogy 667 00:25:16,877 --> 00:25:18,988 that this is like a football game and 668 00:25:18,988 --> 00:25:21,099 there's coaches , given the fact that 669 00:25:21,099 --> 00:25:23,989 Tuberville was a football coach . Yeah , 670 00:25:24,000 --> 00:25:26,111 look , I , I think I've said what I , 671 00:25:26,111 --> 00:25:28,333 what I need to say , uh , and what I've 672 00:25:28,333 --> 00:25:30,556 had to pass along in terms of the , the 673 00:25:30,556 --> 00:25:32,778 holds . Thanks Tom . All right . Let me 674 00:25:32,778 --> 00:25:32,170 go back out to the phone here . Uh 675 00:25:32,180 --> 00:25:34,458 Let's go to Heather from us and I News . 676 00:25:35,180 --> 00:25:36,902 Hi . Thank you so much . I was 677 00:25:36,902 --> 00:25:38,958 wondering if , uh , the Pentagon has 678 00:25:38,958 --> 00:25:40,736 any comments on the ports being 679 00:25:40,736 --> 00:25:42,958 attacked in Ukraine over the weekend as 680 00:25:42,958 --> 00:25:45,439 well as talks between Turkey and Russia , 681 00:25:45,630 --> 00:25:48,400 um to possibly reestablish the green 682 00:25:48,410 --> 00:25:50,719 deal . Yeah . Thanks Heather . I , I 683 00:25:50,729 --> 00:25:53,520 don't have anything specific in terms 684 00:25:53,530 --> 00:25:55,641 of , of the , the attacks that you're 685 00:25:55,641 --> 00:25:58,250 highlighting . Uh , again , broadly 686 00:25:58,260 --> 00:26:00,530 speaking as it relates to the grain 687 00:26:00,540 --> 00:26:03,520 deal . Uh What we see is Russia using 688 00:26:03,530 --> 00:26:06,400 food as a weapon against people who 689 00:26:06,410 --> 00:26:09,119 need it most . Um , you know , again , 690 00:26:09,130 --> 00:26:12,969 as far away as Africa , uh I'd 691 00:26:12,979 --> 00:26:15,035 refer you to the State Department to 692 00:26:15,035 --> 00:26:16,812 talk about the specifics from a 693 00:26:16,812 --> 00:26:19,146 diplomacy standpoint . Other than again , 694 00:26:19,146 --> 00:26:23,060 um we see another impact of this war of 695 00:26:23,069 --> 00:26:25,339 aggression by Russia impacting innocent 696 00:26:25,349 --> 00:26:27,460 people . Thank you . All right , time 697 00:26:27,460 --> 00:26:29,460 for a couple more and then we'll go 698 00:26:29,460 --> 00:26:33,119 back two questions with regards to the 699 00:26:33,130 --> 00:26:35,430 North Korean support to Russia . Uh 700 00:26:35,439 --> 00:26:37,272 Could you give us a sense of the 701 00:26:37,272 --> 00:26:40,310 Pentagon assessment of whether North 702 00:26:40,319 --> 00:26:43,489 Korea has large enough stockpile of 703 00:26:43,500 --> 00:26:45,939 ammunition to be able to have a 704 00:26:45,949 --> 00:26:48,699 significant impact on the battlefield 705 00:26:48,709 --> 00:26:50,989 in Ukraine ? Yeah , thanks . So , so 706 00:26:51,000 --> 00:26:53,167 I'm not going to get into intelligence 707 00:26:53,167 --> 00:26:55,222 nor do I have anything to provide in 708 00:26:55,222 --> 00:26:57,449 terms of specifics as far as you know , 709 00:26:57,459 --> 00:27:00,439 beyond artillery ammunition , what we 710 00:27:00,449 --> 00:27:03,489 see North Korea potentially providing 711 00:27:03,500 --> 00:27:05,444 to Russia , if and when we have an 712 00:27:05,444 --> 00:27:09,020 announcement or update on that , we own 713 00:27:09,030 --> 00:27:12,250 China that China published a new 714 00:27:12,260 --> 00:27:15,160 territorial map last week which sparked 715 00:27:15,170 --> 00:27:17,530 a protest from countries in the region . 716 00:27:17,810 --> 00:27:20,699 Do you assess that this new map 717 00:27:20,709 --> 00:27:23,859 indicates China will be more aggressive 718 00:27:24,000 --> 00:27:26,800 to advance their territorial graves 719 00:27:26,810 --> 00:27:28,754 across the region ? I think it's a 720 00:27:28,754 --> 00:27:30,810 continuation of what we've seen from 721 00:27:30,810 --> 00:27:34,439 China in terms of OBC of 722 00:27:34,459 --> 00:27:37,589 international sovereignty . Um Their 723 00:27:37,599 --> 00:27:40,020 attempts to try to create a new normal 724 00:27:40,030 --> 00:27:42,760 in terms of resetting boundaries and 725 00:27:42,770 --> 00:27:44,939 then expecting other nations to comply 726 00:27:44,949 --> 00:27:47,116 with that . Which is again why you see 727 00:27:47,116 --> 00:27:49,282 the United States working very closely 728 00:27:49,282 --> 00:27:51,505 with our allies and our partners in the 729 00:27:51,505 --> 00:27:53,727 region to assist them in terms of their 730 00:27:53,727 --> 00:27:56,060 ability to defend their own sovereignty . 731 00:27:56,060 --> 00:27:58,060 But , but importantly , to maintain 732 00:27:58,060 --> 00:28:00,116 adherence to the international rules 733 00:28:00,116 --> 00:28:02,338 based order that has preserved regional 734 00:28:02,338 --> 00:28:04,550 security and stability for 70 plus 735 00:28:04,560 --> 00:28:06,616 years . Thank you . All right . Last 736 00:28:06,616 --> 00:28:08,560 question . Yes , sir . Thank you , 737 00:28:08,560 --> 00:28:10,671 General Lithuania President says that 738 00:28:10,671 --> 00:28:12,770 corruption in Ukraine slows down 739 00:28:12,780 --> 00:28:16,709 weapons supply to Kiev . So , um do you 740 00:28:16,719 --> 00:28:19,599 agree with him in this case ? And uh 741 00:28:19,609 --> 00:28:22,540 how do you see President Zelinski steps 742 00:28:22,780 --> 00:28:25,099 to fight corruption in his country ? 743 00:28:25,109 --> 00:28:26,998 Thank you . Yeah , thanks for the 744 00:28:26,998 --> 00:28:29,165 question . So again , I'd refer you to 745 00:28:29,165 --> 00:28:31,331 Ukraine to talk about its own internal 746 00:28:31,331 --> 00:28:33,800 domestic matters . Um from a United 747 00:28:33,810 --> 00:28:35,810 States standpoint , you've heard us 748 00:28:35,810 --> 00:28:37,699 talk about the end use monitoring 749 00:28:37,699 --> 00:28:39,754 processes and procedures that we put 750 00:28:39,754 --> 00:28:41,977 into place . We feel very confident and 751 00:28:41,977 --> 00:28:44,088 the steps that we've taken to be able 752 00:28:44,088 --> 00:28:45,977 to track the equipment that we're 753 00:28:45,977 --> 00:28:48,260 providing to Ukraine and the Ukrainians 754 00:28:48,270 --> 00:28:51,530 themselves have continued to um to 755 00:28:51,540 --> 00:28:53,540 abide by the agreements that , that 756 00:28:53,540 --> 00:28:56,069 we've put into place . So , um again , 757 00:28:56,079 --> 00:28:57,746 from a US security assistance 758 00:28:57,746 --> 00:28:59,690 standpoint , that's something that 759 00:28:59,690 --> 00:29:01,857 we'll continue to maintain a close eye 760 00:29:01,857 --> 00:29:03,968 on . Um But to date , we've been very 761 00:29:03,968 --> 00:29:05,912 confident and are confident in our 762 00:29:05,912 --> 00:29:07,912 ability to monitor uh the equipment 763 00:29:07,912 --> 00:29:10,079 that we're required to monitor . Thank 764 00:29:10,079 --> 00:29:14,040 you , sent a letter on July 765 00:29:14,050 --> 00:29:16,609 28th with a series of questions as of 766 00:29:16,619 --> 00:29:18,786 today . He says the letter hasn't been 767 00:29:18,786 --> 00:29:20,952 answered yet . Can you check into that 768 00:29:20,952 --> 00:29:23,119 or at least give a comment in terms of 769 00:29:23,119 --> 00:29:25,341 why not ? Yeah , thanks Tony . So , you 770 00:29:25,341 --> 00:29:27,563 know , as always , um , when we receive 771 00:29:27,563 --> 00:29:29,619 congressional correspondence , uh we 772 00:29:29,619 --> 00:29:28,765 will respond appropriately , but I 773 00:29:28,775 --> 00:29:30,831 don't have any updates to provide in 774 00:29:30,831 --> 00:29:32,719 terms of individual congressional 775 00:29:32,719 --> 00:29:34,831 correspondence . So , uh , well , you 776 00:29:34,831 --> 00:29:36,997 should check into this because this is 777 00:29:36,997 --> 00:29:39,108 Royal , the waters even more with the 778 00:29:39,108 --> 00:29:41,219 hold . Thank you . All right , thanks 779 00:29:41,219 --> 00:29:40,464 very much . Everybody . Appreciate it .