1 00:00:01,379 --> 00:00:03,490 Good morning , ladies and gentlemen , 2 00:00:03,490 --> 00:00:05,212 and welcome to the 22nd annual 3 00:00:05,212 --> 00:00:07,379 September 11th Pentagon staff memorial 4 00:00:07,379 --> 00:00:10,600 observance ceremony . Please stand for 5 00:00:10,609 --> 00:00:12,831 the arrival of the official party . The 6 00:00:12,831 --> 00:00:15,000 honorable Kathleen H Hicks , Deputy 7 00:00:15,010 --> 00:00:17,120 Secretary of Defense Admiral 8 00:00:17,129 --> 00:00:19,590 Christopher W Grady , vice chairman , 9 00:00:19,600 --> 00:00:22,639 Joint chiefs of staff , Mr Sail S Ahmed , 10 00:00:23,260 --> 00:00:25,427 acting Deputy director , Office of the 11 00:00:25,427 --> 00:00:27,149 Director of Administration and 12 00:00:27,149 --> 00:00:29,316 management and pastor John P Goodlow , 13 00:00:29,319 --> 00:00:31,879 senior chaplain Armed Forces Retirement 14 00:00:31,889 --> 00:00:34,709 Home . A please remain standing for the 15 00:00:34,720 --> 00:00:36,664 presentation of the colors singing 16 00:00:36,664 --> 00:00:38,776 about our national anthem followed by 17 00:00:38,776 --> 00:00:39,776 the invocation 18 00:01:23,739 --> 00:01:24,739 for 19 00:03:00,080 --> 00:03:02,750 no in the house . 20 00:03:14,149 --> 00:03:17,470 Right . Right . No . 21 00:03:19,630 --> 00:03:20,630 Yeah . 22 00:03:24,580 --> 00:03:25,580 Right . 23 00:03:39,059 --> 00:03:40,059 Oh , 24 00:03:46,029 --> 00:03:47,029 yeah . 25 00:04:28,279 --> 00:04:30,820 Pastor John P Goodlow , senior chaplain 26 00:04:30,829 --> 00:04:33,049 Armed Forces Retirement Home will lead 27 00:04:33,059 --> 00:04:34,392 us in the in vacation . 28 00:04:43,670 --> 00:04:47,529 We are blessed to be in this place . I 29 00:04:47,540 --> 00:04:49,839 am honored to have the privilege of 30 00:04:49,850 --> 00:04:52,589 being with you in this recognition 31 00:04:54,040 --> 00:04:56,450 because the United States is a diverse 32 00:04:56,459 --> 00:04:59,549 country and because we 33 00:05:00,290 --> 00:05:03,260 honor and because we respect diversity . 34 00:05:04,230 --> 00:05:07,929 I do too even in my prayers . And so I 35 00:05:07,940 --> 00:05:11,799 invite you to in your tradition , 36 00:05:12,410 --> 00:05:16,239 would you pray also the God that 37 00:05:16,250 --> 00:05:18,361 we serve ? The God ? Certainly that I 38 00:05:18,361 --> 00:05:21,149 serve is a God of individuality and a 39 00:05:21,160 --> 00:05:23,859 God who blesses us in this 40 00:05:23,880 --> 00:05:27,609 individuality . And so I'm asking 41 00:05:27,619 --> 00:05:30,100 please , that you would invoke his 42 00:05:30,109 --> 00:05:33,820 presence as you would again in your 43 00:05:33,829 --> 00:05:37,589 tradition . Let's pray dear 44 00:05:37,600 --> 00:05:40,600 God . We are so graciously thankful for 45 00:05:40,609 --> 00:05:42,665 what you have done in blessing us to 46 00:05:42,665 --> 00:05:45,970 have this time . The day is beautiful , 47 00:05:46,820 --> 00:05:48,890 in spite of how many might say 48 00:05:48,899 --> 00:05:52,320 scorching the day . Oh God is 49 00:05:52,329 --> 00:05:55,859 yours and we honor you in it 50 00:05:56,679 --> 00:05:59,820 and we thank you for it . On this day 51 00:05:59,829 --> 00:06:02,579 of remembrance , we ask , oh God that 52 00:06:02,589 --> 00:06:05,119 our hearts would be filled with that . 53 00:06:05,130 --> 00:06:07,959 What you allow us to do by way of 54 00:06:07,970 --> 00:06:11,140 remembering , help us never to forget 55 00:06:11,769 --> 00:06:14,179 that which is always important in our 56 00:06:14,190 --> 00:06:18,100 lives that there are many and 57 00:06:18,109 --> 00:06:21,809 yet even now many who continue to give 58 00:06:21,820 --> 00:06:25,570 of their time , talent and service unto 59 00:06:25,579 --> 00:06:28,489 you and to one another . 60 00:06:29,750 --> 00:06:33,059 And so God , we pray that we who belong 61 00:06:33,070 --> 00:06:36,160 to you , we who are your people might 62 00:06:36,170 --> 00:06:38,619 do the job that you have called for us 63 00:06:38,630 --> 00:06:41,890 to do . Forgive us . Oh God , for being 64 00:06:41,899 --> 00:06:45,130 negligent in this , for we , your 65 00:06:45,140 --> 00:06:49,079 people have not humbled ourselves 66 00:06:49,089 --> 00:06:52,850 to pray . We have not sought your 67 00:06:52,859 --> 00:06:56,119 face . We have not turned from our 68 00:06:56,130 --> 00:06:59,570 wicked ways . We ask oh God that you 69 00:06:59,579 --> 00:07:02,679 would help us oh Lord Jesus to do just 70 00:07:02,690 --> 00:07:06,179 that . And in doing that , 71 00:07:06,720 --> 00:07:10,510 you have promised that you would hear 72 00:07:10,519 --> 00:07:14,269 our prayers that you would forgive 73 00:07:14,279 --> 00:07:18,049 our sins and that you would heal 74 00:07:18,059 --> 00:07:21,510 our land . Our land needs 75 00:07:21,519 --> 00:07:25,250 healing . Oh God . And so we pray that 76 00:07:25,260 --> 00:07:27,482 as we do what you have called for us to 77 00:07:27,482 --> 00:07:31,179 do , help us then to look forward to 78 00:07:31,190 --> 00:07:35,040 you doing what you do best and 79 00:07:35,049 --> 00:07:38,799 that's doing God . We ask , oh 80 00:07:38,809 --> 00:07:41,549 Lord that these things be done in the 81 00:07:41,559 --> 00:07:45,000 matchless omnipotent name of 82 00:07:45,010 --> 00:07:48,760 Jesus . My tradition , let us all say 83 00:07:48,769 --> 00:07:49,179 amen . 84 00:07:57,000 --> 00:07:59,333 Ladies and gentlemen , please be seated , 85 00:07:59,333 --> 00:08:02,820 Mr Saj S Ahmed , acting Deputy Director 86 00:08:02,829 --> 00:08:04,273 Office of the Director of 87 00:08:04,273 --> 00:08:06,051 Administration and Management . 88 00:08:12,829 --> 00:08:15,750 Good morning . Hi . 89 00:08:17,519 --> 00:08:20,059 It is my honor to be here with the 90 00:08:20,070 --> 00:08:22,230 deputy Secretary Hacks and Vice 91 00:08:22,239 --> 00:08:24,450 chairman Admiral Grady . And this 92 00:08:24,459 --> 00:08:27,570 pastor , thank you pastor for the great 93 00:08:27,579 --> 00:08:31,470 invocation as we gather to remember the 94 00:08:31,480 --> 00:08:34,380 victims of September 11th attacks . And 95 00:08:34,390 --> 00:08:37,929 also to recall the legacy of heroism 96 00:08:38,270 --> 00:08:41,409 passed on to us by those who endured so 97 00:08:41,419 --> 00:08:45,090 much on that day , 22 years 98 00:08:45,099 --> 00:08:48,609 ago . It still seems 99 00:08:48,619 --> 00:08:51,969 fresh in less than 90 100 00:08:51,979 --> 00:08:55,750 minutes . The world tragically around 101 00:08:55,760 --> 00:08:59,669 earth changed significantly among the 102 00:08:59,679 --> 00:09:02,289 events of the morning of September 11th , 103 00:09:03,020 --> 00:09:06,179 one hijacked plane flight 77 that 104 00:09:06,190 --> 00:09:08,023 crashed into the south side of a 105 00:09:08,023 --> 00:09:10,309 building right in that area right there 106 00:09:11,890 --> 00:09:15,440 which killed 125 people in the building 107 00:09:15,820 --> 00:09:18,450 and 59 who were on board on the plane . 108 00:09:19,770 --> 00:09:22,510 September 11th is one of those days 109 00:09:23,190 --> 00:09:25,859 which is a defining moment tragically 110 00:09:26,049 --> 00:09:29,030 for all of us , it's so powerful . We 111 00:09:29,039 --> 00:09:32,570 have lasting impressions on knowing 112 00:09:32,580 --> 00:09:36,380 what we were doing that day just before 113 00:09:36,390 --> 00:09:40,070 and after the event , after the tragic 114 00:09:40,080 --> 00:09:43,530 plane crash over here for me . I still 115 00:09:43,539 --> 00:09:46,020 remember not just the plane crash when 116 00:09:46,030 --> 00:09:48,640 I was over here , but the minutes , the 117 00:09:48,650 --> 00:09:52,229 hours , the days and months and what it 118 00:09:52,239 --> 00:09:54,461 took to put this building back together 119 00:09:56,369 --> 00:09:58,369 as we take a look at those terrible 120 00:09:58,369 --> 00:10:01,219 events we also had 121 00:10:02,820 --> 00:10:06,179 as the fire was still raging that we 122 00:10:06,190 --> 00:10:09,340 had smoke . We had water , just chaos 123 00:10:09,349 --> 00:10:11,979 all over the place . We had heroes 124 00:10:11,989 --> 00:10:15,030 which emerged , emerged from that day . 125 00:10:15,650 --> 00:10:18,950 Hey , we had folks who were unharmed , 126 00:10:18,960 --> 00:10:22,830 unharmed , ok , who help their fellow 127 00:10:22,840 --> 00:10:25,190 workers get out of the chaos , the 128 00:10:25,200 --> 00:10:27,890 collapse building the fire , the smoke 129 00:10:27,900 --> 00:10:30,390 and water help them out save lives . 130 00:10:31,409 --> 00:10:35,299 We had our coworkers who 131 00:10:35,309 --> 00:10:37,570 actually ran into the building 132 00:10:39,440 --> 00:10:42,049 regardless of what was going on there 133 00:10:42,380 --> 00:10:45,890 to go save lives . We had 134 00:10:45,900 --> 00:10:48,340 individuals from our Washington 135 00:10:48,349 --> 00:10:51,580 Headquarters services , ok . Facilities , 136 00:10:51,590 --> 00:10:55,270 team , our defense Protective Services , 137 00:10:55,280 --> 00:10:59,159 folks , our it folks from army who did 138 00:10:59,169 --> 00:11:01,950 everything they could by stopping the 139 00:11:01,960 --> 00:11:04,210 flooding the tunnels inside where 140 00:11:04,219 --> 00:11:06,330 you're sitting or standing , stopping 141 00:11:06,330 --> 00:11:09,270 the flooding there , taking care of the 142 00:11:09,280 --> 00:11:12,510 power so that we could safely 143 00:11:13,169 --> 00:11:15,280 operate in the rest of the building , 144 00:11:15,479 --> 00:11:19,000 allowing us to make sure that this 145 00:11:19,010 --> 00:11:22,010 building never shuts down and never did . 146 00:11:22,349 --> 00:11:24,460 Secretary Rumsfeld mentioned that day 147 00:11:24,460 --> 00:11:26,516 that this building will be open next 148 00:11:26,516 --> 00:11:28,682 morning and it was open next morning . 149 00:11:28,682 --> 00:11:31,210 Everyone behind the scenes who did the 150 00:11:31,219 --> 00:11:34,200 work to make sure the building is 151 00:11:34,210 --> 00:11:38,090 operational . We had folks who ran 152 00:11:38,270 --> 00:11:41,770 into the collapsed building to go get 153 00:11:41,780 --> 00:11:45,590 the classified documents to get the 154 00:11:45,599 --> 00:11:47,432 documents so that we could still 155 00:11:47,432 --> 00:11:50,409 safeguard our national secrets . We had 156 00:11:50,419 --> 00:11:52,919 the first responders outside just from 157 00:11:52,929 --> 00:11:54,762 all over the place coming in and 158 00:11:54,762 --> 00:11:58,119 helping us . Those are the heroes . 159 00:11:58,130 --> 00:12:00,690 Those are the heroes . We also remember 160 00:12:00,919 --> 00:12:03,619 along with the victims and that's the 161 00:12:03,630 --> 00:12:06,030 legacy will carry on and remember all 162 00:12:06,039 --> 00:12:08,630 the time to make sure that we don't 163 00:12:08,640 --> 00:12:11,140 forget that day and we keep building on 164 00:12:11,299 --> 00:12:15,140 on making sure that we act to make sure 165 00:12:15,369 --> 00:12:17,369 that we keep defending our nation , 166 00:12:18,109 --> 00:12:20,570 keeping this building operational and 167 00:12:20,580 --> 00:12:22,691 making sure that we stand for freedom 168 00:12:22,691 --> 00:12:26,489 all the time . Me , so again , I want 169 00:12:26,500 --> 00:12:29,450 to thank all of you for coming . And 170 00:12:29,460 --> 00:12:32,030 may God bless you and may God bless 171 00:12:32,039 --> 00:12:33,539 this country . Thank you . 172 00:12:41,969 --> 00:12:43,691 Ladies and gentlemen , Admiral 173 00:12:43,691 --> 00:12:45,880 Christopher W Grady , vice chairman , 174 00:12:45,890 --> 00:12:47,239 joint chiefs of staff , 175 00:12:54,739 --> 00:12:58,130 ladies and gentlemen , today we gather 176 00:12:58,140 --> 00:13:01,010 together 22 years after the tragic 177 00:13:01,020 --> 00:13:04,289 events of September 11th , 2001 , we 178 00:13:04,299 --> 00:13:07,109 gather to honor the lives that we lost . 179 00:13:07,460 --> 00:13:10,020 We gather to witness the courage that 180 00:13:10,030 --> 00:13:12,950 was shown and we gather to remember 181 00:13:12,979 --> 00:13:16,390 that unity was forged in this national 182 00:13:16,400 --> 00:13:20,039 crucible . Over two decades later , it 183 00:13:20,049 --> 00:13:22,229 is normal that we would associate 184 00:13:22,239 --> 00:13:24,750 events of this day with the places 185 00:13:24,760 --> 00:13:27,349 where this tragedy occurred . The twin 186 00:13:27,359 --> 00:13:30,359 towers here at the Pentagon , a field 187 00:13:30,369 --> 00:13:33,090 in Somerset , Pennsylvania places that 188 00:13:33,099 --> 00:13:37,020 became symbols of our grief and 189 00:13:37,030 --> 00:13:40,780 of our resilience . But for so many of 190 00:13:40,789 --> 00:13:43,011 us here today , especially for those of 191 00:13:43,011 --> 00:13:45,011 us like me who were in the building 192 00:13:45,011 --> 00:13:47,609 that day , 22 years has been but a 193 00:13:47,619 --> 00:13:50,489 blink of N and I , and this is because 194 00:13:50,500 --> 00:13:53,789 between these three places we remember 195 00:13:53,799 --> 00:13:56,690 with great respect , the nearly 3000 196 00:13:56,700 --> 00:14:00,530 souls we lost that tragic day . So 197 00:14:00,539 --> 00:14:03,770 today we honor them , not merely for 198 00:14:03,780 --> 00:14:05,780 how they left us , but for how they 199 00:14:05,780 --> 00:14:08,960 lived among us , their everyday joys 200 00:14:08,969 --> 00:14:11,359 and struggles , their hopes and dreams 201 00:14:11,369 --> 00:14:14,880 and their roles . As our coworkers , 202 00:14:14,890 --> 00:14:18,770 our neighbors , our friends and our 203 00:14:18,780 --> 00:14:21,859 families , their legacy remains in our 204 00:14:21,869 --> 00:14:23,925 hearts and in the soul of the nation 205 00:14:23,989 --> 00:14:26,539 that they loved , the nation that they 206 00:14:26,549 --> 00:14:30,429 helped protect and defend . So today , 207 00:14:30,440 --> 00:14:34,020 we pay also tribute to the heroes of 208 00:14:34,030 --> 00:14:36,460 that fateful day and the days that 209 00:14:36,469 --> 00:14:38,539 would follow the first responders , 210 00:14:38,869 --> 00:14:41,219 service members and employees whose 211 00:14:41,229 --> 00:14:44,750 spirit of service and sacrifice was 212 00:14:44,760 --> 00:14:47,929 immeasurable among these halls and 213 00:14:47,940 --> 00:14:50,130 across this very courtyard , they ran 214 00:14:50,140 --> 00:14:52,700 toward danger , their determination , 215 00:14:52,710 --> 00:14:55,650 unwavering their courage , unmatched 216 00:14:56,619 --> 00:14:59,940 here and in New York City and on United 217 00:14:59,950 --> 00:15:03,729 Flight , 93 many made the 218 00:15:03,739 --> 00:15:07,340 ultimate sacrifice and many others 219 00:15:07,349 --> 00:15:09,349 carry with them . The scores of the 220 00:15:09,349 --> 00:15:12,989 scars of their heroism . Their valor is 221 00:15:13,000 --> 00:15:15,270 forever imprinted in our national 222 00:15:15,280 --> 00:15:18,690 consciousness . September 11th 223 00:15:18,969 --> 00:15:21,409 was a test of our national character 224 00:15:22,190 --> 00:15:24,489 and we proved ourselves resilient . The 225 00:15:24,500 --> 00:15:26,500 unity that we displayed in the 226 00:15:26,510 --> 00:15:28,849 aftermath of the attacks highlighted 227 00:15:28,859 --> 00:15:31,549 the very best of America . We held 228 00:15:31,559 --> 00:15:34,369 hands , we comforted each other . We 229 00:15:34,380 --> 00:15:36,760 donated blood , we volunteered our time 230 00:15:36,770 --> 00:15:40,169 and we coalesced as one nation . And of 231 00:15:40,179 --> 00:15:42,400 course , we sent forth a generation 232 00:15:42,419 --> 00:15:45,390 with steely resolve to defend our 233 00:15:45,400 --> 00:15:48,369 country . Over 800,000 soldiers , 234 00:15:48,380 --> 00:15:52,099 sailors , airmen , marines , guardians 235 00:15:52,109 --> 00:15:54,659 and coast guardsmen who fought in Iraq 236 00:15:54,669 --> 00:15:56,836 and in Afghanistan and numerous places 237 00:15:56,836 --> 00:15:59,489 elsewhere to dismantle the terrorist 238 00:15:59,500 --> 00:16:02,570 networks that would do us further harm 239 00:16:03,200 --> 00:16:07,190 the events of that day , 22 years ago 240 00:16:07,590 --> 00:16:09,869 and in the days and years that followed 241 00:16:09,880 --> 00:16:13,000 proof that our shared humanity is 242 00:16:13,010 --> 00:16:16,400 mightier than any force that seeks to 243 00:16:16,409 --> 00:16:20,000 divide us in this era of 244 00:16:20,010 --> 00:16:22,500 global challenges . Let the memory of 9 245 00:16:22,510 --> 00:16:26,059 11 be a beacon reminding us that we 246 00:16:26,070 --> 00:16:28,530 are stronger than the sum of our parts 247 00:16:29,799 --> 00:16:31,669 that we face . Our challenges , 248 00:16:31,679 --> 00:16:34,780 undaunted and that the spirit of 249 00:16:34,789 --> 00:16:37,859 America determined united and prepared 250 00:16:38,260 --> 00:16:42,190 forever lives on today as we 251 00:16:42,200 --> 00:16:45,260 reflect on the lessons learned from 252 00:16:45,270 --> 00:16:48,150 that tragedy and as we remember those 253 00:16:48,159 --> 00:16:51,700 we lost , let us recommit to our 254 00:16:51,710 --> 00:16:54,590 shared values that they held dear . 255 00:16:55,869 --> 00:16:58,599 Our strength lies in our shared resolve , 256 00:16:58,609 --> 00:17:01,539 our dedication to our fellow and our 257 00:17:01,549 --> 00:17:04,959 unwavering commitment to our nation . 258 00:17:06,578 --> 00:17:08,999 I ask you to remember this day , the 259 00:17:09,009 --> 00:17:11,489 pain it brought , but also the unity 260 00:17:11,499 --> 00:17:13,588 that it fostered , the determination 261 00:17:13,598 --> 00:17:15,788 that it sparked and the courageous 262 00:17:15,798 --> 00:17:19,239 service over self-interest which it 263 00:17:19,249 --> 00:17:22,900 spurred . We are all shaped by our past , 264 00:17:22,910 --> 00:17:24,854 but it is how we move forward that 265 00:17:24,854 --> 00:17:27,589 truly defines us . May we remain a 266 00:17:27,599 --> 00:17:30,800 nation united in purpose and common 267 00:17:30,810 --> 00:17:33,699 cause , ready to protect and defend 268 00:17:33,709 --> 00:17:35,765 this great country of ours . And all 269 00:17:35,765 --> 00:17:38,979 that . It stands for so to Secretary 270 00:17:38,989 --> 00:17:41,170 Hicks , Mr Ahmed Chaplain , 271 00:17:41,180 --> 00:17:43,250 distinguished guests and to our 272 00:17:43,260 --> 00:17:45,630 assembled Pentagon community and most 273 00:17:45,640 --> 00:17:48,439 of all to all of the friends and 274 00:17:48,449 --> 00:17:50,829 families of the survivors in the fall . 275 00:17:50,839 --> 00:17:53,060 And thank you for being here this 276 00:17:53,069 --> 00:17:56,250 morning as we remember and honor those 277 00:17:56,260 --> 00:17:59,630 taken from us 22 years ago . 278 00:18:00,319 --> 00:18:02,479 I'm honored to serve with each of you 279 00:18:02,729 --> 00:18:04,750 each and every day . Thank you very 280 00:18:04,760 --> 00:18:05,760 much , 281 00:18:12,869 --> 00:18:14,925 ladies and gentlemen , the honorable 282 00:18:14,925 --> 00:18:17,130 Kathleen H Hicks , Deputy Secretary of 283 00:18:17,140 --> 00:18:17,810 Defense . 284 00:18:21,810 --> 00:18:24,050 Well , good morning to all of our 285 00:18:24,060 --> 00:18:26,420 guests uh who are joining us today from 286 00:18:26,430 --> 00:18:28,541 beyond the Pentagon and to all of you 287 00:18:28,541 --> 00:18:30,763 here from our workforce . It's my honor 288 00:18:30,763 --> 00:18:32,986 to be here and to observe this occasion 289 00:18:32,986 --> 00:18:34,986 with you . Once again , let me also 290 00:18:34,986 --> 00:18:37,439 pass my thanks to Vice Admiral Grady . 291 00:18:37,449 --> 00:18:39,282 Uh sorry to Admiral Grady , Vice 292 00:18:39,282 --> 00:18:41,869 Chairman Grady and to Mr Ahmed and to 293 00:18:41,880 --> 00:18:43,713 the chaplain for such thoughtful 294 00:18:43,713 --> 00:18:46,290 remarks all around the world today . 295 00:18:46,300 --> 00:18:48,300 People will be recalling where they 296 00:18:48,300 --> 00:18:50,467 were and what they were doing when the 297 00:18:50,467 --> 00:18:52,467 news broke that terrorists executed 298 00:18:52,467 --> 00:18:54,729 attacks in New York , Pennsylvania . 299 00:18:54,920 --> 00:18:57,479 And right here at the Pentagon , people 300 00:18:57,489 --> 00:18:59,770 will recall whether they were at work 301 00:18:59,780 --> 00:19:02,250 or home or school . They'll remember 302 00:19:02,260 --> 00:19:04,060 whether they saw live images on 303 00:19:04,069 --> 00:19:06,890 television or heard about the tragedies 304 00:19:06,900 --> 00:19:09,510 on the radio or from others . And 305 00:19:09,520 --> 00:19:11,353 they'll reflect on their initial 306 00:19:11,353 --> 00:19:13,409 emotions and reactions , their grief 307 00:19:13,409 --> 00:19:16,410 and feelings of despair as someone who 308 00:19:16,420 --> 00:19:18,650 remembers vividly the course of my own 309 00:19:18,660 --> 00:19:20,771 steps right here at the Pentagon that 310 00:19:20,771 --> 00:19:22,827 day , I can tell you , sharing these 311 00:19:22,827 --> 00:19:26,099 reflections remains hard yet as the 312 00:19:26,109 --> 00:19:28,250 years since September 11th have 313 00:19:28,260 --> 00:19:30,427 increased . So too does the importance 314 00:19:30,427 --> 00:19:33,310 of telling our stories ? Because even 315 00:19:33,319 --> 00:19:36,170 as many of us have personal memories of 316 00:19:36,180 --> 00:19:38,589 what happened that day , an increasing 317 00:19:38,599 --> 00:19:41,630 share of Americans don't , they were 318 00:19:41,640 --> 00:19:44,079 too young or they hadn't even been born 319 00:19:44,089 --> 00:19:47,979 yet . Even so 9 11 has 320 00:19:47,989 --> 00:19:50,550 impacted their lives and they should 321 00:19:50,560 --> 00:19:53,410 know how and why and so telling our 322 00:19:53,420 --> 00:19:56,550 stories helps increase understanding 323 00:19:56,560 --> 00:20:00,500 across generations . I for one will be 324 00:20:00,510 --> 00:20:02,343 forever struck as have the other 325 00:20:02,343 --> 00:20:04,380 speakers by the resiliency that our 326 00:20:04,390 --> 00:20:06,557 friends and colleagues demonstrated in 327 00:20:06,557 --> 00:20:08,979 the minutes hours and days that 328 00:20:08,989 --> 00:20:12,140 followed the attack on this Pentagon of 329 00:20:12,150 --> 00:20:14,800 those who acted with empathy and 330 00:20:14,810 --> 00:20:17,140 attribute so common among this 331 00:20:17,150 --> 00:20:19,280 workforce and part of what makes this 332 00:20:19,290 --> 00:20:22,829 community so special , a deep rooted 333 00:20:22,839 --> 00:20:25,619 instinct to help and be of service to 334 00:20:25,630 --> 00:20:28,530 others , all of that shown through that 335 00:20:28,540 --> 00:20:31,040 day . So too did this team's 336 00:20:31,050 --> 00:20:33,479 unbelievable resolve and strength . 337 00:20:33,930 --> 00:20:36,000 It's no wonder the doors of the 338 00:20:36,010 --> 00:20:38,839 Pentagon reopened the very next day . 339 00:20:39,770 --> 00:20:42,089 We also built an enduring reminder of 340 00:20:42,099 --> 00:20:45,170 the events here . The national 9 11 341 00:20:45,180 --> 00:20:47,013 Pentagon Memorial located on the 342 00:20:47,020 --> 00:20:48,909 southwest corner of this building 343 00:20:48,909 --> 00:20:52,010 opened 15 years ago . It's a place to 344 00:20:52,020 --> 00:20:54,829 pay our respects to the 184 people who 345 00:20:54,839 --> 00:20:57,199 perished aboard flight 77 and in the 346 00:20:57,209 --> 00:21:00,359 Pentagon and through its beautiful and 347 00:21:00,369 --> 00:21:02,550 powerful design , it also tells the 348 00:21:02,560 --> 00:21:04,780 stories of what happened here and of 349 00:21:04,790 --> 00:21:07,150 those individuals , we still hold fast 350 00:21:07,160 --> 00:21:09,670 in our hearts and minds . I encourage 351 00:21:09,680 --> 00:21:13,060 everyone to pay a visit . More than two 352 00:21:13,069 --> 00:21:16,020 decades later , I am still struck by 353 00:21:16,030 --> 00:21:19,349 this sense of service exhibited every 354 00:21:19,359 --> 00:21:21,569 day by the people of this nation , of 355 00:21:21,579 --> 00:21:23,690 the Pentagon and of the Department of 356 00:21:23,690 --> 00:21:26,339 Defense in the year that followed 9 , 357 00:21:26,349 --> 00:21:29,910 11 , more than 254,000 358 00:21:29,920 --> 00:21:32,449 Americans with no prior military 359 00:21:32,459 --> 00:21:34,570 experience enlisted in the military . 360 00:21:35,479 --> 00:21:37,646 Many of those said that they had never 361 00:21:37,646 --> 00:21:39,829 even considered military service that 362 00:21:39,839 --> 00:21:41,617 they were motivated by what had 363 00:21:41,617 --> 00:21:44,670 happened on 9 11 and its aftermath , 364 00:21:44,819 --> 00:21:46,652 they had come to understand that 365 00:21:46,652 --> 00:21:48,930 military service represented something 366 00:21:48,939 --> 00:21:51,040 larger than themselves . And that's 367 00:21:51,050 --> 00:21:53,272 something that they wanted to be a part 368 00:21:53,272 --> 00:21:56,680 of what an apt reminder this year , the 369 00:21:56,689 --> 00:21:59,180 50th anniversary of our All Volunteer 370 00:21:59,189 --> 00:22:01,640 force of the patriotism and 371 00:22:01,650 --> 00:22:03,761 selflessness of those who have raised 372 00:22:03,761 --> 00:22:06,750 their hand to serve many of you who are 373 00:22:06,760 --> 00:22:08,871 with us here today , did that and you 374 00:22:08,871 --> 00:22:11,219 continue to do so every day and you 375 00:22:11,229 --> 00:22:14,699 remain an inspiration to us . All the 376 00:22:14,709 --> 00:22:17,500 events of 9 11 transformed our nation 377 00:22:17,510 --> 00:22:19,780 and how we view our national security . 378 00:22:20,300 --> 00:22:22,550 It also transformed each of us 379 00:22:22,560 --> 00:22:24,504 individually in ways that we don't 380 00:22:24,504 --> 00:22:27,339 always talk about publicly . That's why 381 00:22:27,349 --> 00:22:29,520 we hold this special observance each 382 00:22:29,530 --> 00:22:32,459 year to hold space for this community . 383 00:22:33,290 --> 00:22:35,512 So whether you choose to reflect openly 384 00:22:35,512 --> 00:22:38,489 or privately , this observance presents 385 00:22:38,500 --> 00:22:40,222 an opportunity for us to do it 386 00:22:40,222 --> 00:22:42,780 collectively to be there for each other 387 00:22:42,790 --> 00:22:45,969 once again and to say to the survivors 388 00:22:45,979 --> 00:22:47,923 and those who lost a loved one , a 389 00:22:47,923 --> 00:22:49,923 friend or a colleague , you are not 390 00:22:49,923 --> 00:22:52,650 alone . We have not forgotten about you 391 00:22:52,910 --> 00:22:55,689 or those we lost and we never will . 392 00:22:55,890 --> 00:22:56,579 Thank you . 393 00:23:29,449 --> 00:23:30,449 Oh , 394 00:23:56,640 --> 00:24:00,140 I was here . My heart is 395 00:24:08,770 --> 00:24:11,390 um is 396 00:24:23,910 --> 00:24:24,910 yeah , 397 00:24:28,979 --> 00:24:29,890 13 398 00:24:35,709 --> 00:24:36,709 back them up . 399 00:24:39,500 --> 00:24:40,489 My 400 00:24:43,369 --> 00:24:47,010 eyes are and , 401 00:24:50,660 --> 00:24:52,689 and so might be 402 00:24:54,520 --> 00:24:57,849 on . And 403 00:25:05,640 --> 00:25:08,589 so and 404 00:25:10,969 --> 00:25:13,579 mhm . Women skies . 405 00:25:22,170 --> 00:25:25,530 Hm Nice 406 00:25:47,500 --> 00:25:48,520 is my , 407 00:25:53,699 --> 00:25:53,979 the 408 00:25:57,859 --> 00:25:59,560 the kingdom 409 00:26:04,949 --> 00:26:05,180 and 410 00:26:09,579 --> 00:26:10,579 right . 411 00:26:15,650 --> 00:26:16,650 Show 412 00:26:20,520 --> 00:26:21,520 right 413 00:26:26,859 --> 00:26:27,859 that 414 00:26:31,010 --> 00:26:32,010 yeah , 415 00:26:42,380 --> 00:26:43,380 this one , 416 00:27:00,010 --> 00:27:02,232 please stand for a moment of silence in 417 00:27:02,232 --> 00:27:04,579 honor of those lost on September 11 , 418 00:27:04,589 --> 00:27:07,060 2001 and remain standing for the 419 00:27:07,069 --> 00:27:08,219 playing of taps . 420 00:28:52,209 --> 00:28:55,130 Pastor John P Goodlow , senior chaplain , 421 00:28:55,140 --> 00:28:57,420 armed Forces Retirement Home will lead 422 00:28:57,430 --> 00:28:58,763 us in the benediction . 423 00:29:03,599 --> 00:29:07,530 Those solemn notes of taps reminds us 424 00:29:08,729 --> 00:29:12,239 of how united we are and how 425 00:29:12,250 --> 00:29:15,829 special this country is . We are 426 00:29:15,839 --> 00:29:19,510 indeed that a united country , 427 00:29:20,680 --> 00:29:24,540 a country that recognizes that one 428 00:29:24,550 --> 00:29:28,250 nation is indeed under God 429 00:29:29,689 --> 00:29:33,439 indivisible with liberty and 430 00:29:33,449 --> 00:29:37,280 justice for all . And as we remember , 431 00:29:38,810 --> 00:29:41,560 we remember our God 432 00:29:42,569 --> 00:29:44,859 and ask him continually 433 00:29:46,780 --> 00:29:49,250 to do what's necessary as we recognize 434 00:29:49,260 --> 00:29:53,160 Him . And as we turn to Him to heal 435 00:29:53,810 --> 00:29:56,939 our land , as we humbly do so 436 00:29:58,339 --> 00:30:00,660 now unto him , who is able to keep us 437 00:30:00,670 --> 00:30:03,260 from falling and to present us 438 00:30:03,270 --> 00:30:05,214 faultless before his presence with 439 00:30:05,214 --> 00:30:08,670 exceeding joy . To the only wise 440 00:30:08,680 --> 00:30:11,839 God , our savior be glory and 441 00:30:11,849 --> 00:30:15,280 majesty Dominion and power both 442 00:30:15,290 --> 00:30:17,910 now and forever 443 00:30:19,790 --> 00:30:22,530 in the all wise name of Jesus . Let us 444 00:30:22,540 --> 00:30:23,569 all say amen . 445 00:30:31,819 --> 00:30:33,930 Ladies and gentlemen , this concludes 446 00:30:33,930 --> 00:30:35,763 today's ceremony . Thank you for 447 00:30:35,763 --> 00:30:35,810 joining us .