WEBVTT 00:02.059 --> 00:05.150 The climate is changing, reshaping the 00:05.159 --> 00:07.048 environment in which we train and 00:07.048 --> 00:09.909 operate. Recent global trends show an 00:09.920 --> 00:11.809 acceleration of these changes and 00:11.809 --> 00:14.649 compounding effects, highlighting the 00:14.659 --> 00:16.437 increased climate threat to our 00:16.437 --> 00:19.219 military capabilities. To achieve the 00:19.229 --> 00:21.260 climate adaptation end state the 00:21.270 --> 00:23.510 Department of Defense created the DoD 00:23.520 --> 00:27.040 climate assessment tool or DCAT, 00:27.049 --> 00:29.250 a geospatial tool supporting climate 00:29.260 --> 00:31.482 informed decision making throughout the 00:31.482 --> 00:34.860 DoD. DCAT uses authoritative information to 00:34.869 --> 00:37.189 analyze eight climate hazards. 00:39.259 --> 00:41.779 By analyzing these hazards DCAT 00:41.970 --> 00:43.526 provides a range of defense 00:43.526 --> 00:45.081 professionals with a better 00:45.081 --> 00:47.026 understanding of an installation's 00:47.026 --> 00:49.680 climate exposure over time, which is a 00:49.689 --> 00:51.729 critical first step for assessing 00:51.740 --> 00:54.840 military mission vulnerability. DoD 00:55.119 --> 00:57.709 personnel can use DCAT to understand the 00:57.720 --> 00:59.500 effects of sea level rise and 00:59.509 --> 01:02.509 installations helping to shape future 01:02.520 --> 01:06.069 planning and design. Readiness 01:06.080 --> 01:08.080 professionals can identify training 01:08.080 --> 01:10.029 bases susceptible to extreme 01:10.040 --> 01:12.318 temperatures and other climate hazards, 01:12.900 --> 01:15.190 taking the next steps to reduce future 01:15.199 --> 01:17.370 risk to our military personnel. 01:19.389 --> 01:21.445 Senior defense officials can compare 01:21.445 --> 01:23.459 climate hazards within and across 01:23.470 --> 01:26.610 installations, better preparing our 01:26.620 --> 01:28.453 installations for future climate 01:28.453 --> 01:32.330 exposure. In the face of a changing 01:32.339 --> 01:35.029 of a climate DCAT provides authoritative 01:35.040 --> 01:37.309 and actionable climate intelligence, 01:37.519 --> 01:40.220 enabling military resilience for any 01:40.230 --> 01:42.150 future operating environment.