WEBVTT 00:03.230 --> 00:05.397 Good afternoon , everyone . I hope you 00:05.397 --> 00:07.909 had a restful Thanksgiving holiday . I 00:07.920 --> 00:10.142 have just a few things to get to at the 00:10.142 --> 00:11.920 top and we'll get right to your 00:11.920 --> 00:13.920 questions today . The United States 00:13.920 --> 00:17.559 airlifted 24.5 metric tons or more than 00:17.569 --> 00:21.219 £54,000 of un humanitarian supplies to 00:21.229 --> 00:23.590 provide vitally needed medical supplies , 00:23.940 --> 00:25.996 warm clothing and food and nutrition 00:25.996 --> 00:28.209 assistance to the people of Gaza . At 00:28.219 --> 00:31.120 the request of USA ID , these supplies 00:31.129 --> 00:33.840 were transported via A US Air Force C 00:33.849 --> 00:36.619 17 Globemaster aircraft and arrived 00:36.630 --> 00:38.519 today in Egypt where they will be 00:38.519 --> 00:41.009 transported via ground into Gaza and 00:41.020 --> 00:43.220 then distributed by un agencies . 00:43.860 --> 00:46.027 Additional flights are expected in the 00:46.027 --> 00:48.249 coming days and this aid is in addition 00:48.249 --> 00:50.193 to the more than £500,000 of food 00:50.193 --> 00:52.138 assistance delivered by the United 00:52.138 --> 00:54.270 States last week via USA . ID 00:54.279 --> 00:57.400 contracted aircraft to Al Arish Egypt 00:57.409 --> 00:59.610 for onward travel to Gaza . For more 00:59.619 --> 01:01.952 information about these ongoing efforts . 01:01.952 --> 01:03.619 I would refer you to USA ID . 01:03.689 --> 01:05.911 Separately secretary Austin will travel 01:05.911 --> 01:08.133 to California December 1 through second 01:08.199 --> 01:10.366 on Friday . He will host the Australia 01:10.370 --> 01:12.279 uh host Australia's Deputy Prime 01:12.290 --> 01:14.123 Minister and Minister of Defense 01:14.123 --> 01:16.349 Richard Marles and U K's Secretary of 01:16.360 --> 01:18.193 State for Defense grant shops at 01:18.193 --> 01:20.449 Moffett field to discuss the Australia 01:20.459 --> 01:22.681 United Kingdom , United States Security 01:22.681 --> 01:25.910 Partnership or Aus on the campus of Dod 01:25.919 --> 01:28.580 S Defense Innovation Unit . The 01:28.589 --> 01:30.870 Secretary also spend time with diu 01:30.879 --> 01:32.989 personnel who are accelerating the 01:33.000 --> 01:34.722 adoption of leading commercial 01:34.722 --> 01:36.833 technology throughout the US military 01:36.833 --> 01:38.722 and growing the national security 01:38.722 --> 01:41.099 innovation base . Secretary , Austin 01:41.110 --> 01:43.150 will then travel to Simi Valley to 01:43.160 --> 01:45.271 deliver a keynote address on Saturday 01:45.271 --> 01:47.889 at the 2023 Reagan National Defense 01:47.900 --> 01:50.500 Forum where he will emphasize America's 01:50.510 --> 01:52.677 global leadership and strength at home 01:52.677 --> 01:54.860 at a time of testing , as well as the 01:54.870 --> 01:57.037 department's efforts to build enduring 01:57.037 --> 01:59.148 advantages through accelerating force 01:59.148 --> 02:01.037 development , capitalizing on the 02:01.037 --> 02:02.648 latest technology and making 02:02.648 --> 02:04.926 investments in the department's people . 02:04.926 --> 02:07.037 The trip announcement with additional 02:07.037 --> 02:08.926 details will be posted to the dod 02:08.926 --> 02:11.148 website today and with that , I'm happy 02:11.148 --> 02:13.203 to take your questions . We'll start 02:13.203 --> 02:16.389 with associated Press T up Ryder . 02:16.399 --> 02:18.621 Thanks for doing this . Um Just on that 02:18.621 --> 02:20.621 aid shipment is that the first time 02:20.621 --> 02:22.677 that A US military aircraft has been 02:22.677 --> 02:26.039 used to fly uh aid to for 02:26.050 --> 02:28.750 Gazans ? Yes , that is correct 02:30.339 --> 02:32.450 in terms of humanitarian assistance . 02:33.740 --> 02:35.796 I'm sorry , in terms of humanitarian 02:35.796 --> 02:38.990 assistance , aid , correct ? Ok . And 02:39.000 --> 02:41.690 then secondly , um with the cease fire 02:41.699 --> 02:43.866 announcement , it seems like there has 02:43.866 --> 02:46.229 been no attacks on us bases in Iraq and 02:46.240 --> 02:50.080 Syria since last week . Have uh our 02:50.110 --> 02:52.166 facilities , have they been reaching 02:52.166 --> 02:55.070 out at all to groups in the area to 02:55.080 --> 02:57.610 make sure that that peace lasts or is 02:57.619 --> 03:00.639 there any communication at all ? Thanks 03:00.649 --> 03:02.593 Tara . So uh as you highlight , uh 03:02.593 --> 03:05.350 there have been no attacks on us forces 03:05.360 --> 03:08.500 in Iraq and Syria since November 23rd , 03:08.679 --> 03:12.100 uh since the operational pause began in 03:12.399 --> 03:16.000 Israel , uh again , our forces are 03:16.009 --> 03:18.231 there for one reason and that's to stay 03:18.231 --> 03:20.287 focused on the defeat ISIS mission . 03:20.287 --> 03:23.630 And so uh we will continue to focus on 03:23.639 --> 03:25.750 that mission as well as ensuring that 03:25.750 --> 03:27.972 our forces are protected . Should there 03:27.972 --> 03:30.240 be any additional attacks ? We would 03:30.250 --> 03:32.583 certainly hope that that's not the case , 03:32.583 --> 03:34.528 but we will be prepared to respond 03:34.528 --> 03:36.750 accordingly if there are any additional 03:36.750 --> 03:38.972 attacks on our forces . All right , let 03:38.972 --> 03:41.250 me go back to the room here , Jennifer . 03:41.250 --> 03:43.417 Um Pat , I'd like to ask you about the 03:43.417 --> 03:45.528 ballistic missiles that were fired by 03:45.528 --> 03:47.694 the Houthis . Um , just on Sunday . Do 03:47.694 --> 03:49.899 you consider that the US Navy was the 03:49.910 --> 03:52.259 target of those missiles ? And what 03:52.270 --> 03:54.460 evidence do you have that they were or 03:54.470 --> 03:57.820 weren't ? And why is the US not 03:57.830 --> 04:00.130 responding to these kind of persistent 04:00.470 --> 04:04.160 probing of US forces ? So , a couple 04:04.169 --> 04:06.002 updates on that front . So as it 04:06.002 --> 04:09.479 pertains to the uh the incident with 04:09.490 --> 04:11.410 the the missiles right now , our 04:11.419 --> 04:13.530 current analysis is that we know that 04:13.530 --> 04:15.697 there was at least one missile fired . 04:15.869 --> 04:17.813 We're continuing to look into that 04:17.813 --> 04:20.036 whether it was one or two , but we know 04:20.036 --> 04:22.147 that there was at least one missile . 04:22.147 --> 04:24.258 Um And we also at this point , assess 04:24.258 --> 04:26.480 that the , the vessels uh the Mason and 04:26.480 --> 04:29.279 the Central Park were not the intended 04:29.290 --> 04:32.200 targets . Uh That said , uh I can't 04:32.290 --> 04:35.000 speak for what the intended targets 04:35.290 --> 04:38.200 target was . Uh And would have to refer 04:38.209 --> 04:40.376 you to the , the Houthi rebels to talk 04:40.376 --> 04:42.679 to that . But how can you say that the 04:42.690 --> 04:46.459 US S Mason or Central Park were not the 04:46.470 --> 04:48.470 target ? What would be the target ? 04:48.579 --> 04:50.301 That's a great question . It's 04:50.301 --> 04:52.246 something that we're continuing to 04:52.246 --> 04:54.246 analyze as , as you've heard us say 04:54.246 --> 04:55.746 this , this missile landed 04:55.746 --> 04:57.801 approximately 10 nautical miles away 04:57.801 --> 05:00.390 from these vessels . Um But again , 05:00.399 --> 05:02.621 current assessment right now is that it 05:02.621 --> 05:04.732 was not specific , the ships were not 05:04.732 --> 05:06.843 specifically being targeted is the US 05:06.843 --> 05:09.570 planning any sort of military action 05:09.579 --> 05:11.746 against the Houthis . Well , look when 05:11.746 --> 05:13.968 it , when it comes to our forces , as I 05:13.968 --> 05:13.820 highlighted , we're going to do 05:13.829 --> 05:15.940 whatever we need to do to ensure that 05:15.940 --> 05:18.107 they stay protected . I'm not going to 05:18.107 --> 05:20.218 telegraph or forecast or speculate on 05:20.218 --> 05:22.649 any potential strikes that we might 05:22.660 --> 05:24.882 take in the region other than to say we 05:24.882 --> 05:27.104 will do what's necessary to protect our 05:27.104 --> 05:29.327 forces . The IRGC released some footage 05:29.327 --> 05:31.559 of some drone video of the USS 05:31.570 --> 05:33.681 Eisenhower passing through the Strait 05:33.681 --> 05:36.010 of Hormuz . Were you aware that there 05:36.019 --> 05:39.160 was an Iranian drone up above the I ? 05:39.529 --> 05:41.529 Yeah , I'm aware of those reports . 05:41.529 --> 05:43.585 We're looking into that and so don't 05:43.585 --> 05:45.696 have anything to pass along now . But 05:45.696 --> 05:45.279 if we do . We certainly will let you 05:45.290 --> 05:48.239 know . Thank you . Sure . Sure . Um 05:48.290 --> 05:50.540 Yesterday , senior administration 05:50.549 --> 05:53.989 officials uh said that the Israeli , 05:54.000 --> 05:56.222 the anticipated Israeli campaign in the 05:56.222 --> 05:58.470 South and southern Gaza can't be the 05:58.480 --> 06:01.149 same uh as , as it was in the north in 06:01.160 --> 06:03.959 terms of the number of people that were 06:03.970 --> 06:06.470 displaced and in terms of the targeting 06:06.480 --> 06:09.500 of uh hospitals , uh water and power 06:10.239 --> 06:13.440 and un supported shelters . Can you 06:13.450 --> 06:15.617 speak to any of the conversations that 06:15.617 --> 06:17.783 the secretary has had with his Israeli 06:17.790 --> 06:20.012 counterparts on that on that front ? Or 06:20.012 --> 06:22.012 can you elaborate on sure , without 06:22.012 --> 06:23.901 getting into the specifics of the 06:23.901 --> 06:25.734 conversations you've seen in the 06:25.734 --> 06:27.957 readouts that we've issued that a topic 06:27.957 --> 06:30.123 of discussion between Secretary Austin 06:30.123 --> 06:32.123 and the Israeli Minister of Defense 06:32.123 --> 06:34.049 continues to be the importance of 06:34.059 --> 06:36.059 conducting operations in accordance 06:36.059 --> 06:37.892 with the law of armed conflict , 06:37.892 --> 06:40.059 protecting civilians and ensuring that 06:40.059 --> 06:42.115 aid does get into Gaza . And so that 06:42.115 --> 06:44.003 will continue to be a focus going 06:44.003 --> 06:46.115 forward . We certainly do not want to 06:46.115 --> 06:48.281 see innocent civilians being harmed or 06:48.281 --> 06:51.059 impacted to a greater extent than they 06:51.070 --> 06:53.070 have been already . And so that I'm 06:53.079 --> 06:55.301 sure will continue to be a focus of our 06:55.301 --> 06:57.412 conversation on share that assessment 06:57.412 --> 06:59.579 that whatever if there's a campaign in 06:59.579 --> 07:01.912 the South Israeli campaign in the South , 07:01.912 --> 07:04.023 that it cannot be the same as carried 07:04.023 --> 07:06.246 out the same way it was . So it would , 07:06.246 --> 07:08.357 it would be inappropriate for me from 07:08.357 --> 07:10.468 the podium as a military spokesman to 07:10.468 --> 07:12.690 start talking about ID F operations and 07:12.690 --> 07:14.801 what , what they should and shouldn't 07:14.801 --> 07:17.023 do on the ground . Certainly it's their 07:17.023 --> 07:19.246 operation . Um , but again , within the 07:19.246 --> 07:18.679 contours of understanding the 07:18.690 --> 07:21.420 importance of protecting civilian lives , 07:21.429 --> 07:23.485 innocent civilian lives while at the 07:23.485 --> 07:25.820 same time , going after the terrorist 07:25.829 --> 07:28.179 group , Hamas that inflicted pain and 07:28.190 --> 07:30.190 suffering , not only on the Israeli 07:30.190 --> 07:32.468 people , but on the Palestinian people . 07:32.468 --> 07:34.579 Uh , you know , that will continue to 07:34.579 --> 07:36.746 be a priority for us . Let me Haley so 07:36.746 --> 07:38.801 much . Um I wanna ask about the um , 07:38.801 --> 07:41.023 source members and the TB is that we've 07:41.023 --> 07:43.134 seen over the last several weeks . Um 07:43.134 --> 07:45.357 Do you believe that everyone who may be 07:45.357 --> 07:47.412 experiencing that has come forward ? 07:47.412 --> 07:49.579 Are you seeing any more people maybe , 07:49.579 --> 07:51.634 um , asking to get screened and then 07:51.634 --> 07:51.440 just given sort of the persistent 07:51.450 --> 07:53.783 nature that we've seen of these attacks ? 07:53.783 --> 07:55.950 Is there any proactive screening being 07:55.950 --> 07:55.839 done instead of just waiting for people 07:55.850 --> 07:58.017 to come to you but going to them and , 07:58.017 --> 08:00.072 and , you know , sort of giving them 08:00.072 --> 08:02.128 the information to know that if they 08:02.128 --> 08:04.350 can tell if something is wrong . Yeah , 08:04.350 --> 08:03.489 thanks Haley . So I don't , I don't 08:03.500 --> 08:05.829 have any uh new updates provide in 08:05.839 --> 08:08.269 terms of uh folks , you know , in Iraq 08:08.279 --> 08:11.339 and Syria that , that um have been 08:11.350 --> 08:13.572 diagnosed with TB is , you know , we've 08:13.572 --> 08:15.683 been providing that information as it 08:15.683 --> 08:17.628 becomes available . Uh History has 08:17.628 --> 08:19.683 shown experience has shown that that 08:19.683 --> 08:22.140 sometimes there are uh latent uh 08:22.149 --> 08:24.200 symptoms and so service members 08:24.209 --> 08:26.209 certainly are screened , especially 08:26.209 --> 08:28.431 when you're in a deployed environment . 08:28.431 --> 08:28.049 You know , whether that be self 08:28.079 --> 08:30.920 reporting , uh or uh whether you know 08:30.929 --> 08:33.096 your your teammates notice something . 08:33.096 --> 08:34.929 So that's something that we will 08:34.929 --> 08:36.873 continue to stay on top of . But I 08:36.873 --> 08:38.985 don't have any new numbers to provide 08:38.985 --> 08:38.619 beyond what we've already passed along 08:38.630 --> 08:40.989 to you . Thanks . Go over here , Megan 08:41.390 --> 08:45.218 or Aaron , sorry . So uh us 08:45.229 --> 08:47.848 space com has stated the satellite that 08:47.859 --> 08:50.799 uh North Korea um launched 08:50.809 --> 08:54.629 did uh enters orbit . 08:54.778 --> 08:57.000 So can you state that the satellite was 08:57.158 --> 09:00.169 a success ? Yeah , thanks Erin . Uh So 09:00.179 --> 09:03.059 we are aware that uh the D Pr Ks launch 09:03.068 --> 09:06.299 of a space launch vehicle . Um Did you 09:06.309 --> 09:09.109 know was conducted ? Um We , we're uh 09:09.119 --> 09:12.568 aware that it did uh enter into 09:12.578 --> 09:16.349 orbit um and um that it 09:16.359 --> 09:18.581 involved ballistic missile technology . 09:18.581 --> 09:20.637 Um But beyond that , at this point , 09:20.637 --> 09:22.803 I'm not gonna have any further details 09:22.803 --> 09:24.581 provided there seems to be some 09:24.581 --> 09:26.929 discrepancy because uh since it did in 09:26.940 --> 09:30.020 our orbit , what constitutes a 09:30.030 --> 09:33.599 successful launch . Um Well , I 09:33.609 --> 09:35.989 I'll leave it to others to define 09:36.000 --> 09:38.222 successful on your question . Was , did 09:38.222 --> 09:41.539 it go into orbit ? Uh And so again , we , 09:41.549 --> 09:44.159 we do know that it went into orbit uh 09:44.169 --> 09:46.169 for something to go into orbit , it 09:46.169 --> 09:48.130 needs to escape , escape earth's 09:48.140 --> 09:51.179 gravity and be able to be sustained uh 09:51.190 --> 09:53.400 you know , in orbit around the earth . 09:53.409 --> 09:55.479 So uh really it would be up to the 09:55.489 --> 09:57.322 North Koreans to define what the 09:57.322 --> 09:59.545 parameters of this launch were and what 09:59.545 --> 10:01.600 they were hoping to achieve . Uh I'm 10:01.600 --> 10:03.711 not gonna speak to that other than to 10:03.711 --> 10:05.822 say again , we do know that it's that 10:05.822 --> 10:07.989 it's in orbit . Uh We will continue to 10:07.989 --> 10:09.989 stay in close consultation with our 10:09.989 --> 10:12.100 Republic of Korea and Japanese allies 10:12.100 --> 10:14.267 as well as other regional partners and 10:14.267 --> 10:16.100 allies uh and , and monitor that 10:16.100 --> 10:18.267 closely . Thank you . Let me go to the 10:18.267 --> 10:17.760 phone here and I'll come back in the 10:17.770 --> 10:20.820 room . Uh Phil Stewart Reuters . Uh 10:20.830 --> 10:23.559 Yeah , hi . Uh Just trying to uh drill 10:23.570 --> 10:25.681 into the idea that the , so these two 10:25.681 --> 10:27.903 missiles or the missile or two missiles 10:27.903 --> 10:30.126 that were fired uh off . Y and that was 10:30.126 --> 10:32.459 just truly a coincidence then . Is that , 10:32.459 --> 10:34.403 is that the understanding ? Yeah , 10:34.403 --> 10:36.237 thanks , Phil . So I'm not gonna 10:36.237 --> 10:35.650 characterize it . I'm just gonna 10:35.659 --> 10:37.881 provide the facts as we know them and , 10:37.881 --> 10:40.103 and right now as we continue to analyze 10:40.103 --> 10:42.326 this , um as I mentioned , we are aware 10:42.326 --> 10:44.437 that there was at least one missile . 10:44.437 --> 10:46.270 Um And at this point , our , our 10:46.270 --> 10:48.659 assessment is that those ships were not 10:48.669 --> 10:51.450 specifically targeted uh as to what was 10:51.460 --> 10:53.404 being targeted . Uh Again , that's 10:53.404 --> 10:55.516 something that we'll continue to look 10:55.516 --> 10:57.627 into . Uh so that those are the facts 10:57.627 --> 10:59.793 as I have them right now . Ok , let me 10:59.793 --> 11:03.559 go to Jeff Shole . Thank 11:03.570 --> 11:06.650 you . Uh Given that the uh Pentagon is 11:06.659 --> 11:08.890 under a continuing resolution , is it 11:08.900 --> 11:11.570 having to move funds from training and 11:11.580 --> 11:13.636 maintenance accounts in order to pay 11:13.636 --> 11:16.570 for operations such as deploying um 11:16.630 --> 11:19.330 aircraft carriers uh to the , the med 11:19.340 --> 11:21.669 and to the , the SECA mayor . 11:23.309 --> 11:26.130 Uh Thanks Jeff . So as you know , uh 11:26.140 --> 11:28.362 you know , training funds and operation 11:28.362 --> 11:30.140 and maintenance funds come from 11:30.140 --> 11:32.409 different pots of money um as it does 11:32.419 --> 11:34.830 relate to the situation in the Middle 11:34.840 --> 11:37.950 East . Um We are , the military 11:37.960 --> 11:40.450 departments are uh currently cash 11:40.460 --> 11:42.469 flowing those requirements from 11:42.479 --> 11:44.729 existing accounts with funding that was 11:44.739 --> 11:46.961 provided by the continuing resolution . 11:46.961 --> 11:49.219 And so as we go forward , uh the 11:49.229 --> 11:51.229 military departments and us Central 11:51.229 --> 11:53.469 Command uh will be assessing new 11:53.479 --> 11:55.646 requirements that support both current 11:55.646 --> 11:58.380 and future operations within this area 11:58.390 --> 12:01.020 of responsibility uh against previously 12:01.030 --> 12:03.250 planned requirements . And so uh that 12:03.260 --> 12:05.427 will be important work going forward . 12:05.450 --> 12:07.561 In the meantime , as you know , uh we 12:07.561 --> 12:09.728 have requested supplemental funding uh 12:09.849 --> 12:11.793 from the Congress . And so we will 12:11.793 --> 12:15.440 continue to stay uh uh in close contact 12:15.450 --> 12:17.561 uh with the hill to , to work through 12:17.561 --> 12:20.049 that . And of course , as always would 12:20.059 --> 12:23.669 advocate for a full year appropriation . 12:23.760 --> 12:25.760 Thank you , come back into the room 12:25.760 --> 12:29.330 here . So we were promised that the 12:29.340 --> 12:32.909 Pentagon would provide us with more 12:32.919 --> 12:35.090 information on the value and scope of 12:35.099 --> 12:37.840 us military assistance to Israel since 12:37.849 --> 12:40.016 October 7th . Is , is that information 12:40.016 --> 12:41.793 available to you now ? Thanks , 12:41.793 --> 12:44.020 certainly aware of the request and I 12:44.030 --> 12:46.340 can assure you that that is something 12:46.349 --> 12:48.460 we're taking seriously and continuing 12:48.460 --> 12:50.682 to work through as soon as we have that 12:50.682 --> 12:52.849 information to provide . We'll be sure 12:52.849 --> 12:54.960 to do that . Um And uh previously you 12:54.960 --> 12:57.169 told us that there were us assets over 12:57.179 --> 13:01.039 Gaza doing ISR to help with 13:01.049 --> 13:04.599 hostage recovery . Is that activity 13:04.609 --> 13:07.520 continuing or did the US pause that 13:07.530 --> 13:10.320 activity as part of the operation pause 13:10.330 --> 13:13.450 in Gaza ? Yeah , thanks . So , in light 13:13.460 --> 13:15.900 of the operational pause , uh and in 13:15.909 --> 13:18.020 compliance with the agreement reached 13:18.020 --> 13:20.076 between Israel and Hamas , uh we are 13:20.076 --> 13:22.020 not currently conducting those ISR 13:22.020 --> 13:24.131 flights and so those have been paused 13:24.131 --> 13:26.076 for now . Thank you . Let me go to 13:26.076 --> 13:28.200 Nancy . I'll come back to you . I 13:28.400 --> 13:30.344 wanted to ask for clarification on 13:30.344 --> 13:32.511 something earlier and then I follow up 13:32.511 --> 13:34.678 question . Uh What specifically is the 13:34.678 --> 13:36.844 US sent to Egypt and approximately how 13:36.844 --> 13:39.380 much is it worth in terms of the , the 13:39.679 --> 13:43.429 humanitarian aid ? Sure . Uh so 13:43.440 --> 13:45.551 as I understand it , and again USA ID 13:45.551 --> 13:47.662 can provide you much more detail . Uh 13:47.662 --> 13:49.884 It includes medical supplies to support 13:49.884 --> 13:52.107 the health system in Gaza . It includes 13:52.107 --> 13:54.280 ready to use food , uh foods for 13:54.289 --> 13:57.950 displaced populations . Uh It includes 13:57.960 --> 14:01.710 uh clothing for the uh since winter is 14:01.719 --> 14:05.309 is upon us . And so , um 14:05.960 --> 14:07.904 that's , that's essentially what's 14:07.904 --> 14:10.340 being provided at this point . I do not 14:10.770 --> 14:12.992 have a sense of when it could arrive in 14:12.992 --> 14:15.359 Gaza . It , well , it arrived in Egypt 14:15.369 --> 14:17.280 today . So , um uh you know , my 14:17.289 --> 14:19.233 assumption here is that it's being 14:19.233 --> 14:21.233 loaded onto vehicles now for ground 14:21.233 --> 14:23.456 delivery into Gaza . So , uh you know , 14:23.456 --> 14:25.511 very soon and , and as I mentioned , 14:25.511 --> 14:27.733 and we'll have more later on this , but 14:27.733 --> 14:29.845 there will be uh we expect additional 14:29.845 --> 14:31.956 flights in the coming days . So we'll 14:31.956 --> 14:31.900 certainly keep you updated on that . 14:31.909 --> 14:33.965 And so you did know the value , I do 14:33.965 --> 14:36.076 not know the value . And then you had 14:36.076 --> 14:38.719 said to f that you're still working on 14:38.729 --> 14:40.840 the number for how much equipment has 14:40.840 --> 14:42.951 been provided to Israel . Why is it , 14:42.951 --> 14:44.951 can you give us a sense of why it's 14:44.951 --> 14:47.062 taken so long to get that approximate 14:47.062 --> 14:46.960 estimate ? I mean , with other 14:46.969 --> 14:49.080 conflicts most notably Ukraine , that 14:49.080 --> 14:51.080 there has been a number that's been 14:51.080 --> 14:53.302 available on a real time basis . Why is 14:53.302 --> 14:55.302 this different ? Yeah , thanks . So 14:55.302 --> 14:57.247 again , we're working to get those 14:57.247 --> 14:59.580 numbers in terms of what we can provide , 14:59.580 --> 15:01.413 as I understand it , part of the 15:01.413 --> 15:03.650 complexity is the methods by which 15:03.659 --> 15:05.826 we're providing these , some of that , 15:05.826 --> 15:08.530 which is already um for , for example , 15:08.539 --> 15:11.659 paid for through uh the foreign 15:11.669 --> 15:14.099 military sales for military financing , 15:14.109 --> 15:16.331 you know , pre existing agreements with 15:16.331 --> 15:18.739 Israel , some of it is coming from uh 15:18.750 --> 15:21.409 stocks uh that we have in the region , 15:21.419 --> 15:23.690 some of it's coming from uh you know , 15:23.700 --> 15:26.349 us inventory . So there's a multitude 15:26.359 --> 15:28.470 of different methods in order to meet 15:28.470 --> 15:30.669 this urgent need . Uh And so it's not 15:30.679 --> 15:32.929 the exact same thing as the way we're 15:32.940 --> 15:35.869 providing assistance to Ukraine . So 15:35.919 --> 15:38.960 this goes into the , how do you um 15:38.969 --> 15:40.979 provide an accurate figure that 15:40.989 --> 15:43.020 accurately reflects what we're 15:43.030 --> 15:44.919 providing in terms of our funding 15:44.919 --> 15:47.141 versus what Israel has funded and we're 15:47.141 --> 15:49.308 expediting and those kinds of things . 15:49.308 --> 15:51.474 And then lastly , you were asked about 15:51.474 --> 15:53.308 comments that were made over the 15:53.308 --> 15:55.363 weekend by the US that it expects or 15:55.363 --> 15:55.340 hopes that the , any operations in the 15:55.594 --> 15:58.215 to be at a different um tempo than they 15:58.224 --> 16:00.315 were in the North . In Secretary 16:00.325 --> 16:02.436 Austin's discussions with the Israeli 16:02.436 --> 16:04.603 counterparts , has he talked about the 16:04.603 --> 16:06.825 US providing different munitions to the 16:06.825 --> 16:08.992 Israelis going forward to support um a 16:08.992 --> 16:11.214 different kind of conduct of the war in 16:11.214 --> 16:13.158 the South in terms of the types of 16:13.158 --> 16:15.158 weapons that are used . Yeah , so I 16:15.158 --> 16:15.000 won't get into the specifics other than 16:15.010 --> 16:17.559 to say in , in their conversations , 16:17.570 --> 16:19.459 they're certainly discussing what 16:19.459 --> 16:22.159 Israel's needs are uh again within the 16:22.169 --> 16:24.700 broader context of um what it is 16:24.710 --> 16:26.989 they're trying to achieve against Hamas 16:27.059 --> 16:29.239 while at the same time ensuring that 16:29.250 --> 16:31.083 we're taking that they're taking 16:31.083 --> 16:34.070 civilian casualties and civilian safety 16:34.080 --> 16:36.136 into account . I'll just leave it at 16:36.136 --> 16:38.413 that . Thank you very much . Thank you , 16:38.413 --> 16:40.413 General . Uh two questions on North 16:40.413 --> 16:43.309 Korea . North Korean leader Kim Jong Un 16:43.320 --> 16:46.760 announced yesterday said that uh North 16:46.770 --> 16:50.130 Korea's military satellite captured the 16:50.140 --> 16:54.130 images of , of the White House and the 16:54.140 --> 16:56.929 Pentagon also the US 16:56.940 --> 17:00.690 bases . In fact , what is the United 17:00.700 --> 17:04.209 States as to uh assessment of the , you 17:04.219 --> 17:07.890 know , this cos they 17:07.930 --> 17:09.930 got pictures of the Pentagon in the 17:09.930 --> 17:13.849 White House . Um I , I don't have 17:13.859 --> 17:16.026 any information to provide on what the 17:16.026 --> 17:18.026 North Korean satellite has captured 17:18.026 --> 17:21.849 imagery of . Are you still with 17:21.859 --> 17:25.829 your allies ? I don't have 17:25.839 --> 17:27.895 anything further to provide . I will 17:27.895 --> 17:30.061 say that there are plenty of images of 17:30.061 --> 17:32.395 the Pentagon and the White House online . 17:32.395 --> 17:34.006 So I just leave it at that . 17:36.739 --> 17:40.109 Korea is completely abolishing the 17:40.270 --> 17:44.219 intern military agreement . Least 17:44.229 --> 17:46.819 telling God to post to end con 17:47.030 --> 17:49.699 concentrating troops at 17:50.160 --> 17:53.189 military dedication line . 17:53.829 --> 17:57.369 How do you view of the possibility 17:57.380 --> 18:01.160 of those couriers supplies ? Yeah . So , 18:01.170 --> 18:03.170 you know , it's obviously something 18:03.170 --> 18:05.003 that we're continuing to monitor 18:05.003 --> 18:07.003 closely . I don't have any specific 18:07.003 --> 18:09.114 information to provide right now on , 18:09.114 --> 18:11.003 you know , purported North Korean 18:11.003 --> 18:13.670 deployments . What I will say again is 18:13.680 --> 18:16.479 that us extended deterrent , our 18:16.489 --> 18:19.339 commitment to us extended deterrence to 18:19.349 --> 18:21.930 both the Republic of Korea and Japan uh 18:21.949 --> 18:24.489 will remain ironclad . And as you know , 18:24.500 --> 18:26.890 Secretary Austin just returned from his 18:26.900 --> 18:29.199 second trip this year to the Korean 18:29.209 --> 18:31.699 Peninsula and he was very clear when he 18:31.709 --> 18:34.349 was in Seoul after seven decades of 18:34.359 --> 18:36.470 preserving peace and stability on the 18:36.470 --> 18:39.000 Korean Peninsula , the US ro alliance 18:39.010 --> 18:41.121 stands strong . So let me go to Joe . 18:41.719 --> 18:45.109 Now . Can you tell me to Yemen ? 18:45.540 --> 18:48.800 Have you seen any evidence that Iranian 18:48.810 --> 18:51.890 operatives or experts are with the 18:52.060 --> 18:55.359 Houthis inside Yemen to provide them 18:55.369 --> 18:59.109 with the expertise or satellite imagery 18:59.790 --> 19:02.280 before they launch or in the process of 19:02.290 --> 19:04.900 launching their ballistic missiles 19:05.150 --> 19:08.760 towards Israel or towards us 19:08.770 --> 19:11.290 ships ? Thanks . So I don't , you know , 19:11.300 --> 19:13.349 have any specific information to 19:13.359 --> 19:15.526 provide on that . I'm not going to get 19:15.526 --> 19:17.581 into intelligence as you well know , 19:17.581 --> 19:19.609 the Houthis and Iran have a long 19:19.619 --> 19:21.841 standing relationship , but in terms of 19:21.841 --> 19:23.952 your specific question , I don't have 19:23.952 --> 19:26.400 anything to pass along . You can say if 19:26.410 --> 19:28.939 the Iranian as of now , they keep 19:29.849 --> 19:33.579 assisting the Houthis with the I , 19:35.280 --> 19:37.447 I don't have anything to pass along on 19:37.447 --> 19:39.669 that . Thank you . All right . Time for 19:39.669 --> 19:42.260 a couple more tom quick follow ups 19:43.099 --> 19:45.880 on the aid flight that landed . I'm 19:45.890 --> 19:48.001 inferring what you said that it'll be 19:48.001 --> 19:50.279 trucked in by , not by the US military . 19:50.279 --> 19:52.670 The United Nations agencies will take 19:52.839 --> 19:56.359 it on the ship . You duced that they 19:56.369 --> 19:58.480 were not the targets . Can that means 19:58.480 --> 20:00.536 can you rule out by your preliminary 20:00.536 --> 20:03.459 assessment that the pirates who took 20:03.469 --> 20:05.636 control of the ship were not directing 20:05.636 --> 20:07.747 it toward Yemen to make it a target ? 20:07.747 --> 20:10.140 Um , a as it pertains to the armed 20:10.150 --> 20:13.869 individuals that uh attempted to seize 20:13.880 --> 20:17.280 the motor vessel , Central Park . Um 20:17.290 --> 20:19.290 You know , again , that's something 20:19.290 --> 20:21.346 that we continue to assess . Um , as 20:21.346 --> 20:23.568 you've heard us say right now , initial 20:23.568 --> 20:25.846 indications are that these are Somalis . 20:25.846 --> 20:28.359 Um They are aboard the US S Mason uh 20:28.369 --> 20:30.640 where they're being questioned . Uh You 20:30.650 --> 20:32.983 know , when we have more information to , 20:32.983 --> 20:35.039 to provide in terms of next steps on 20:35.039 --> 20:36.761 that front , in terms of their 20:36.761 --> 20:38.872 disposition . We'll certainly let you 20:38.872 --> 20:40.761 know . Uh but we're continuing to 20:40.761 --> 20:42.706 assess uh motive , um , you know , 20:42.706 --> 20:44.817 point of origin all those things . So 20:44.817 --> 20:47.039 at this point , that's where we're at . 20:47.039 --> 20:49.959 Thank you . Would you characterize the 20:50.160 --> 20:53.650 Houthi as a terrorist group ? Um , you 20:53.660 --> 20:55.716 know , I'll , I'll leave it to State 20:55.716 --> 20:57.938 Department to define what is and is not 20:57.938 --> 20:59.993 a terrorist group . Certainly . Uh , 20:59.993 --> 21:01.993 the Houthi rebels , uh , you know , 21:01.993 --> 21:03.993 have a long history of uh fomenting 21:03.993 --> 21:06.104 instability in the region as , as you 21:06.104 --> 21:08.216 well know . Uh but again , you know , 21:08.216 --> 21:10.989 um , right now we , we the United 21:11.000 --> 21:12.889 States military are going to stay 21:12.889 --> 21:15.111 focused on the missions that we have at 21:15.111 --> 21:17.278 hand in Iraq and Syria . It's going to 21:17.278 --> 21:19.389 be focused on the defeat ISIS mission 21:19.389 --> 21:21.556 in the Red Sea and in the Arabian Gulf 21:21.556 --> 21:21.349 and the Gulf of Aden , we're going to 21:21.359 --> 21:23.359 continue to stay focused on working 21:23.359 --> 21:25.359 with the international community to 21:25.359 --> 21:27.637 ensure regional security and stability , 21:27.637 --> 21:29.430 whether that's transiting the 21:29.439 --> 21:32.380 international Waterways or working with 21:32.390 --> 21:35.160 our partners to provide air defense . 21:35.170 --> 21:37.392 Is there still consideration of putting 21:37.392 --> 21:39.559 them back on the terror list ? Again , 21:39.559 --> 21:41.670 I'd refer you to State Department for 21:41.670 --> 21:41.060 that . All right , thanks very much . 21:41.380 --> 21:41.969 Appreciate it .