WEBVTT 00:00.270 --> 00:04.230 What did I miss go on ? Does 00:04.239 --> 00:06.128 someone wanna show me a phone and 00:06.128 --> 00:08.819 pictures and photos ? Aries ? Ok . All 00:08.829 --> 00:10.996 right . Well , we'll save it for after 00:10.996 --> 00:13.162 or if you wanna come up and you know , 00:13.162 --> 00:15.170 answer some questions . Ok . Uh So 00:15.180 --> 00:17.180 we'll get started and then we'll go 00:17.180 --> 00:18.958 back to that later . Um So good 00:18.958 --> 00:21.124 afternoon . Happy Thursday . So just a 00:21.124 --> 00:23.236 few items at the top and then I'll be 00:23.236 --> 00:25.569 happy to take your questions . So sadly , 00:25.569 --> 00:27.791 as many of , you know , a United States 00:27.791 --> 00:30.055 Air Force CV 22 B Osprey from the , 00:30.065 --> 00:32.724 from Yokota Airbase , Japan assigned to 00:32.735 --> 00:36.084 the 353rd special Operations Wing was 00:36.095 --> 00:38.775 involved in an aircraft mishap Tuesday , 00:39.215 --> 00:41.159 Tuesday eastern while performing a 00:41.159 --> 00:43.326 routine training mission off the shore 00:43.326 --> 00:45.794 of Yakushima Island . Japan . Emergency 00:45.805 --> 00:47.865 personnel remain on scene conducting 00:47.875 --> 00:50.020 search and rescue operations . The 00:50.029 --> 00:52.029 cause of this incident is currently 00:52.029 --> 00:54.196 under investigation . Our thoughts are 00:54.196 --> 00:56.251 with the unit and their families and 00:56.251 --> 00:58.307 we'd like to thank the government of 00:58.307 --> 01:00.473 Japan and the Japanese Coast Guard for 01:00.473 --> 01:02.640 all their assistance . As a reminder , 01:02.640 --> 01:04.807 Secretary Austin will travel this week 01:04.807 --> 01:06.918 to California December 1st and second 01:06.940 --> 01:09.162 on Friday . He will host the Australian 01:09.169 --> 01:11.280 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of 01:11.280 --> 01:13.169 Defense Richard Marles and the UK 01:13.169 --> 01:15.300 Secretary of State for Defense Grant 01:15.809 --> 01:17.976 Shapps at Moffett Field to discuss the 01:17.976 --> 01:21.080 Australia UK US security partnership or 01:21.089 --> 01:23.309 as you all know it AUS and this is on 01:23.319 --> 01:25.330 the campus of the Dod S Defense 01:25.339 --> 01:27.860 Innovation Unit . And then later that 01:27.870 --> 01:30.037 day , he will travel to Simi Valley to 01:30.037 --> 01:32.559 deliver a keynote address on Saturday 01:32.569 --> 01:34.860 at the 2023 Reagan National Defense 01:34.870 --> 01:37.639 Forum . And shifting to the Middle East , 01:37.650 --> 01:39.872 the United States remains encouraged by 01:39.872 --> 01:41.817 the humanitarian pauses that we're 01:41.817 --> 01:43.928 seeing in Gaza and we remain in close 01:43.928 --> 01:46.094 contact with our Israeli partners . As 01:46.094 --> 01:47.817 you know , on Tuesday , the US 01:47.817 --> 01:49.761 airlifted £54,000 of humanitarian 01:49.761 --> 01:51.650 assistance which included medical 01:51.650 --> 01:53.680 supplies , warm clothing , food and 01:53.690 --> 01:55.801 nutrition assistance to the people of 01:55.801 --> 01:58.300 Gaza . We expect more aircraft carrying 01:58.309 --> 02:00.476 humanitarian assistance to come in the 02:00.476 --> 02:03.169 coming days . And lastly tomorrow , 02:03.180 --> 02:05.989 approximately 100 80 us army soldiers 02:06.000 --> 02:08.279 from the Fifth Corps , second cavalry 02:08.289 --> 02:10.610 regiment will join , exercised brave 02:10.619 --> 02:13.429 partner in North Macedonia concluding 02:13.440 --> 02:16.130 on December 10th , this US army and 02:16.139 --> 02:18.449 Africa led exercise tests the regiment 02:18.460 --> 02:21.000 readiness on short notice , enhancing 02:21.009 --> 02:23.179 interoperability and strengthening our 02:23.190 --> 02:25.600 NATO alliance . The exercise also 02:25.610 --> 02:27.554 demonstrates our commitment to the 02:27.554 --> 02:29.332 Western Balkans aspirations for 02:29.332 --> 02:31.554 European integration , emphasizing that 02:31.554 --> 02:33.666 no nation can face today's challenges 02:33.666 --> 02:35.888 alone . And with that , I'd be happy to 02:35.888 --> 02:37.777 take your questions . Lida . Hi , 02:37.777 --> 02:41.619 Sabrina . Um Japan has suspended its 02:41.630 --> 02:44.419 osprey flights and has asked that the 02:44.429 --> 02:48.169 US also suspend some Osprey osprey 02:48.179 --> 02:51.660 flights . Is there any move or any 02:51.669 --> 02:55.100 decision yet by the department to 02:55.110 --> 02:58.460 suspend pause or otherwise 02:58.550 --> 03:01.250 even slow down in that area ? Flights 03:01.259 --> 03:03.871 of the Osprey until after , even until 03:03.882 --> 03:07.022 after um recovery operations are 03:07.031 --> 03:09.651 finished . And has the department 03:09.712 --> 03:13.162 received an official request from Japan 03:13.171 --> 03:15.651 to , to do some sort of stand down ? So 03:15.662 --> 03:17.884 I'm not tracking an official request uh 03:17.884 --> 03:20.401 receive uh uh here at the department , 03:20.412 --> 03:22.412 we , I've seen some of the comments 03:22.412 --> 03:24.468 that , that you just referenced . Um 03:24.468 --> 03:26.356 Right now , the Ospreys are still 03:26.356 --> 03:28.772 operating um in Japan . But at the time , 03:28.863 --> 03:31.684 right now , our focus on in terms of 03:31.694 --> 03:33.861 what just happened this earlier , this 03:33.861 --> 03:36.063 week remains on search and rescue 03:36.074 --> 03:38.185 efforts . Um So that's the priority . 03:38.194 --> 03:40.194 Uh Of course , and you know , we're 03:40.194 --> 03:42.194 great . We're of course , eternally 03:42.194 --> 03:44.250 grateful for the government of Japan 03:44.250 --> 03:46.305 and their Coast Guard for helping in 03:46.305 --> 03:46.294 our search and recovery efforts . So , 03:46.304 --> 03:48.643 is there no concern within the 03:48.654 --> 03:51.973 department that there are possibly 03:51.983 --> 03:54.150 problems within the Osprey that should 03:54.150 --> 03:56.966 be looked at ? Well , I mean , I would 03:56.975 --> 03:59.197 say as a department and of course , the 03:59.197 --> 04:01.142 secretary values uh there's a true 04:01.142 --> 04:03.253 commitment to safety when it comes to 04:03.253 --> 04:06.055 any of our airmen operating any 04:06.065 --> 04:08.232 aircraft . Um Again , I'm not going to 04:08.232 --> 04:10.343 get ahead of the investigation . It's 04:10.343 --> 04:12.398 currently under investigation to see 04:12.398 --> 04:14.565 exactly what happened . And so until 04:14.576 --> 04:16.743 that concludes , if there are any , um 04:16.743 --> 04:18.743 if the investigation concludes that 04:18.743 --> 04:21.076 there need to be additional steps taken . 04:21.076 --> 04:23.298 We'll make , we'll , we'll certainly do 04:23.298 --> 04:25.243 that . But at this time , um , the 04:25.243 --> 04:27.409 investigation is underway on , on what 04:27.409 --> 04:29.520 happened . There were eight personnel 04:29.520 --> 04:31.576 on board . Do you know how many have 04:31.576 --> 04:33.520 been recovered versus how many are 04:33.520 --> 04:35.743 believed to have died ? I don't have an 04:35.743 --> 04:37.965 update for you on recovery efforts just 04:37.965 --> 04:40.076 yet . Um , again , we know that there 04:40.076 --> 04:42.020 are eight missing , the search and 04:42.020 --> 04:44.132 recovery efforts are ongoing . Um , I 04:44.132 --> 04:46.187 hope that we will have more to share 04:46.187 --> 04:48.354 soon . But at this moment , I just , I 04:48.354 --> 04:50.576 just don't , do you have any updates on 04:50.576 --> 04:53.769 the five Somali Attackers who were on 04:53.779 --> 04:56.410 the Carney over the weekend ? And have 04:56.420 --> 04:58.869 you been able to find any link between 04:58.880 --> 05:02.100 the Somalis and the Yemeni Houthis ? Do 05:02.109 --> 05:05.709 you mean the mason ? That's ok . Um So 05:05.829 --> 05:08.140 in terms of connection , let me take 05:08.149 --> 05:10.427 the second part of your question first . 05:10.427 --> 05:12.427 So in terms of connection , again , 05:12.427 --> 05:14.427 we're still doing our assessments . 05:14.427 --> 05:14.364 We're not , we're not seeing one right 05:14.375 --> 05:16.208 now , but if there is one , we'd 05:16.208 --> 05:19.144 certainly um of course , you know , let 05:19.154 --> 05:22.045 you know . But uh at this time , um 05:22.054 --> 05:25.644 these five armed individuals uh that 05:25.654 --> 05:29.285 the mason was able to um interdict as 05:29.295 --> 05:31.524 they were trying to flee from the 05:31.535 --> 05:33.646 central park . Remain in us custody . 05:34.160 --> 05:36.399 Yeah , Laura . Um can you tell us , 05:36.410 --> 05:38.577 have there been any additional attacks 05:38.577 --> 05:40.743 on us , troops in Iraq and Syria since 05:40.743 --> 05:42.521 Thanksgiving ? The last we were 05:42.521 --> 05:44.632 tracking was 73 I believe . Yes . Let 05:44.632 --> 05:46.910 me see here . I just want to make sure . 05:46.910 --> 05:49.021 Yes . So there was , so we do have an 05:49.021 --> 05:50.966 update . Um There was an attack on 05:50.966 --> 05:53.329 Tuesday , so that was earlier this week . 05:53.420 --> 05:55.587 Um So that brings the total attacks up 05:55.587 --> 05:58.420 to 74 attacks from October 17th until 05:58.429 --> 06:01.750 now . Um We did not see , as you just 06:01.760 --> 06:03.371 mentioned over the period of 06:03.371 --> 06:05.593 Thanksgiving and then over the last two 06:05.593 --> 06:07.260 days , we did not observe any 06:07.260 --> 06:09.427 additional attacks on our troops . Was 06:09.427 --> 06:11.427 the attack that was in Syria ? Were 06:11.427 --> 06:13.538 there any injuries ? No injuries , no 06:13.538 --> 06:16.535 damage to infrastructure if there are 06:16.545 --> 06:18.712 any injuries ? And again , I know that 06:18.712 --> 06:20.934 we provide those updates . I don't have 06:20.934 --> 06:22.823 any more updates to provide on um 06:23.100 --> 06:25.350 additional non serious injuries , but 06:25.359 --> 06:27.415 I'm not tracking that there were any 06:27.415 --> 06:29.470 injuries from that attack on Tuesday 06:29.470 --> 06:31.415 that happened drones , rockets . I 06:31.415 --> 06:33.637 would have to get back to you on that . 06:33.637 --> 06:35.859 II , I just don't have that information 06:35.859 --> 06:39.019 in front of me down , I think was it 06:39.029 --> 06:41.619 yesterday ? Um What type of drone was 06:41.630 --> 06:43.797 it ? I think it was an Iranian drone . 06:43.797 --> 06:45.741 Can you say what type of it was an 06:45.741 --> 06:47.630 Iranian uh manufactured drone ? I 06:47.630 --> 06:50.709 believe that um , I believe that also 06:50.720 --> 06:52.831 there's more information that I think 06:52.839 --> 06:54.950 uh Centcom did put out on the drone , 06:54.950 --> 06:57.369 but it was uh a drone that we know was 06:57.380 --> 06:59.547 headed in the general direction of the 06:59.547 --> 07:01.679 Kearney and was engaged . And because 07:01.690 --> 07:03.690 the commander of the ship obviously 07:03.690 --> 07:05.912 felt that it was a threat . Um , and so 07:05.912 --> 07:08.134 they did take it down , but I , I think 07:08.134 --> 07:10.079 there's more information available 07:10.079 --> 07:09.765 online in terms of the type of drone 07:09.774 --> 07:13.475 that it was constant on that topic . 07:13.494 --> 07:15.845 Can you say what the Carney used to 07:15.855 --> 07:18.035 down the drone missiles or guns ? I 07:18.045 --> 07:19.878 would refer you to send for more 07:19.878 --> 07:21.934 information . I just don't have that 07:21.934 --> 07:23.767 one other question . Can you say 07:23.767 --> 07:25.934 whether the mason fired any weapons as 07:25.934 --> 07:27.712 part of its engagement with the 07:27.712 --> 07:29.823 ballistic missile that was headed its 07:29.823 --> 07:31.989 way on the ? Are you , I'm sorry , are 07:31.989 --> 07:34.212 you talking about the event when , uh , 07:34.212 --> 07:36.267 from Wednesday or Tuesday ? No , I'm 07:36.267 --> 07:38.378 not aware that the Mason did fire any 07:38.378 --> 07:40.156 uh uh weapons in regards to the 07:40.156 --> 07:42.899 ballistic missile . Um , again that , 07:43.079 --> 07:45.301 that ballistic missile we know landed , 07:45.301 --> 07:47.301 you know , far away from , from the 07:47.301 --> 07:49.412 ship . Um , I believe it was at least 07:49.412 --> 07:51.357 10 nautical miles away . Um , so I 07:51.357 --> 07:53.468 don't believe there was any need to , 07:53.468 --> 07:55.690 to use any weapons . Yeah , Rio , thank 07:55.690 --> 07:57.912 you following up from the Osprey mishap 07:57.912 --> 07:59.746 in Japan . So are you saying the 07:59.746 --> 08:01.635 Japanese government should not be 08:01.635 --> 08:03.660 worried about the safety of other , 08:03.869 --> 08:06.339 other Osprey aircraft deployed to Japan ? 08:06.570 --> 08:08.674 Well , I'm not gonna speak for the 08:08.684 --> 08:10.906 Japanese government but what I can tell 08:10.906 --> 08:12.795 you as the US government and this 08:12.795 --> 08:14.962 department , of course , safety is our 08:14.962 --> 08:17.184 number one priority and of course we're 08:17.184 --> 08:19.351 concerned when any , when there is any 08:19.351 --> 08:21.517 mishap , which is why we have launched 08:21.517 --> 08:23.462 an investigation into what exactly 08:23.462 --> 08:25.628 happened to try and figure out more of 08:25.628 --> 08:27.517 the facts here . Um At the in the 08:27.517 --> 08:29.573 immediate our focus is on search and 08:29.573 --> 08:31.684 recovery or search and rescue efforts 08:31.684 --> 08:34.565 um for , for our eight missing airmen . 08:34.840 --> 08:37.409 Um But in terms of , you know , the 08:37.419 --> 08:39.586 comfort of the Japanese government , I 08:39.586 --> 08:41.697 would refer you to them to speak to , 08:41.697 --> 08:44.559 to speak to that just to be clear . So , 08:44.640 --> 08:46.929 so does that with the U military 08:46.940 --> 08:50.869 continue to operate Osprey Osprey as 08:50.880 --> 08:53.820 you before this crash happened again ? 08:53.830 --> 08:55.552 As of right now , we are still 08:55.552 --> 08:57.900 continuing to operate the Osprey 08:58.070 --> 09:00.510 aircraft . We have a commitment to 09:00.520 --> 09:02.742 safety . There is an investigation that 09:02.742 --> 09:06.270 is currently um determining and looking 09:06.280 --> 09:09.059 into what exactly happened with this 09:09.070 --> 09:11.500 aircraft and the mishap , should that 09:11.510 --> 09:15.429 investigation uh yield in results 09:15.440 --> 09:17.760 that require the department to change 09:17.770 --> 09:20.229 anything about the Osprey or to take 09:20.239 --> 09:22.559 additional steps ? We will certainly do 09:22.570 --> 09:24.792 that . But at this time , I'm not going 09:24.792 --> 09:26.959 to get ahead of that investigation and 09:26.959 --> 09:29.549 its process . Yeah , I have uh one 09:29.559 --> 09:31.670 clarification about this extra attack 09:31.670 --> 09:33.750 in , in Syria . Did it happen this 09:33.760 --> 09:36.070 Tuesday or Tuesday of last week ? There 09:36.119 --> 09:38.619 was uh there was an attack this past 09:38.630 --> 09:40.960 Tuesday . Ok . Uh And then on the 09:40.969 --> 09:43.520 incident with the drone uh yesterday 09:43.530 --> 09:46.229 with the , with the Carney , um the 09:46.239 --> 09:49.330 statement from uh uh Sancom mentioned 09:49.340 --> 09:51.396 one of the ships that the Carney was 09:51.396 --> 09:55.150 escorting uh was carrying what 09:55.159 --> 09:57.270 equipment , military equipment to the 09:57.270 --> 09:59.437 region . My understanding that this is 09:59.437 --> 10:01.659 not a , a government ship . But are you 10:01.659 --> 10:03.770 able to say whether that shipment was 10:03.770 --> 10:07.630 going to Israel or somewhere 10:07.640 --> 10:10.479 else and maybe try to understand what 10:10.489 --> 10:12.545 actually happened in that incident ? 10:12.545 --> 10:14.433 Sure . All I know that it's not a 10:14.433 --> 10:16.322 military ship , it's a commercial 10:16.322 --> 10:18.545 vessel in terms of where it was going . 10:18.545 --> 10:20.656 I don't have more information for you 10:20.656 --> 10:22.656 on that . I would direct you to the 10:22.656 --> 10:24.711 Centcom team to answer more of those 10:24.711 --> 10:26.878 questions . But yes , the , the Carney 10:26.878 --> 10:29.045 was escorting that ship as a matter of 10:29.045 --> 10:31.211 safety . Um and to ensure , you know , 10:31.219 --> 10:33.219 international passageways obviously 10:33.219 --> 10:35.219 remain open . But in terms of where 10:35.219 --> 10:37.219 that ship was bound for the Central 10:37.219 --> 10:39.386 park , I think that , oh , I'm sorry , 10:39.386 --> 10:41.552 I'm getting , I'm getting my own uh my 10:41.552 --> 10:43.710 own um incidents uh confused here in 10:43.719 --> 10:45.663 terms of where that the Carney was 10:45.663 --> 10:47.886 escorting that commercial ship . I just 10:47.886 --> 10:50.108 don't have more for you on where it was 10:50.108 --> 10:52.219 going . And then lastly , in terms of 10:52.219 --> 10:54.441 the rules of engagement with uh um with 10:54.441 --> 10:57.219 some of the UAV activity . Um What , 10:57.229 --> 10:59.062 what is the threshold ? I mean , 10:59.062 --> 11:01.285 obviously these incidents are happening 11:01.285 --> 11:03.419 in international waters . Um Do you 11:03.429 --> 11:05.651 have information on how far out was the 11:05.651 --> 11:09.390 drone before it was shut down by the 11:09.799 --> 11:12.119 Carney ? I don't have the exact 11:12.130 --> 11:14.352 measurements of how far it was from the 11:14.352 --> 11:16.590 Kearney , but of course , a commander 11:16.659 --> 11:19.465 of ship , if he , if he or she assesses 11:19.474 --> 11:23.354 that the drone or missile is a threat 11:23.364 --> 11:25.354 to that to that ship . And the 11:25.364 --> 11:27.531 personnel on that ship , they have the 11:27.531 --> 11:29.753 authority to shoot it down . So I don't 11:29.753 --> 11:29.715 know that there's a threshold that 11:29.724 --> 11:31.891 needs to be met so much so as that the 11:31.891 --> 11:34.335 commander of that ship feels that it is 11:34.344 --> 11:36.400 under threat and therefore they must 11:36.400 --> 11:39.094 take action and respond in , in , in 11:39.385 --> 11:40.996 whatever is coming its way . 11:43.840 --> 11:46.080 The US S Carney shot down a drone that 11:46.090 --> 11:47.812 was quote , heading towards it 11:47.812 --> 11:49.701 according to the statement we got 11:49.701 --> 11:51.923 yesterday um in the Red Sea and then on 11:51.923 --> 11:55.169 Sunday , um the US S Mason at least one 11:55.179 --> 11:57.290 ballistic missile was heading towards 11:57.290 --> 11:59.909 it . Um But these are not deemed the 11:59.919 --> 12:03.750 targets of these Huy missiles . Um 12:03.760 --> 12:07.530 So my question is , if what makes these 12:07.539 --> 12:09.595 not considered targets , what is the 12:09.599 --> 12:11.590 target ? Why are these not being 12:11.599 --> 12:13.830 considered attacks like the attacks in 12:13.840 --> 12:16.299 Syria and Iraq ? Because the Iranian 12:16.309 --> 12:18.739 proxies are missing there too ? Well , 12:18.750 --> 12:20.917 I don't know that we wouldn't say that 12:20.917 --> 12:23.083 these aren't attacks . I mean , they , 12:23.083 --> 12:25.306 I mean , we are , of course , uh taking 12:25.306 --> 12:27.194 action if we feel that they are a 12:27.194 --> 12:29.219 threat to us . Um But in terms of 12:29.229 --> 12:31.039 intended target , our initial 12:31.049 --> 12:33.105 assessments when it came to what the 12:33.105 --> 12:35.105 mason took down and what the Carney 12:35.105 --> 12:37.216 took down . Our initial assessment is 12:37.216 --> 12:39.271 that the ships were not the intended 12:39.271 --> 12:41.271 target , but they came close enough 12:41.271 --> 12:43.493 where at least the Carney felt the need 12:43.493 --> 12:45.549 that it had to engage the drone that 12:45.549 --> 12:45.280 was coming its way or headed toward , 12:45.510 --> 12:48.780 um , in the general direction . Um , 12:49.070 --> 12:50.903 and I'm sorry , I forgot you had 12:50.903 --> 12:53.070 another question in there that I'm , I 12:53.070 --> 12:55.237 guess just to pinpoint it a little bit 12:55.237 --> 12:57.292 more , um , if it's not the intended 12:57.292 --> 12:59.514 target , then is it an attack or not an 12:59.514 --> 13:02.219 attack ? Well , again , I refer you to 13:02.229 --> 13:05.419 the , to the people who are launching 13:05.429 --> 13:07.960 these drones or missiles , Uh What 13:07.969 --> 13:09.969 their intended target is , we can't 13:09.969 --> 13:12.080 really speak to that . Um What we can 13:12.080 --> 13:14.191 speak to is the fact that our initial 13:14.191 --> 13:16.191 assessment and if that changes , we 13:16.191 --> 13:18.247 would let you know . But our initial 13:18.247 --> 13:20.191 assessment right now is that these 13:20.191 --> 13:22.247 ships are not the intended target if 13:22.247 --> 13:24.469 that changes . And if we continue to go 13:24.469 --> 13:26.580 through our assessments and say , you 13:26.580 --> 13:28.802 know , we , we did another analysis and 13:28.802 --> 13:30.858 it did look like they were targeting 13:30.858 --> 13:33.080 the Carney . We would of course let you 13:33.080 --> 13:35.302 know and , and adjust how we're talking 13:35.302 --> 13:37.413 about these . Um But again , it is up 13:37.413 --> 13:39.525 to the commanders of these ships , if 13:39.525 --> 13:41.747 they feel that they are under attack or 13:41.747 --> 13:43.691 they feel like their personnel are 13:43.691 --> 13:43.419 threatened to be able to respond and 13:43.429 --> 13:46.520 take action and to a separate topic . 13:46.609 --> 13:49.450 Um So President Biden met with Chinese 13:49.460 --> 13:51.627 President Xi earlier this month in San 13:51.627 --> 13:53.960 Francisco . Um and they said that 13:53.969 --> 13:56.320 military to military communication 13:56.369 --> 13:59.200 would continue or would restart . Um 13:59.210 --> 14:01.770 Has Secretary Austin or one in the US 14:01.780 --> 14:03.780 military been in contact with their 14:03.780 --> 14:06.113 Chinese counterparts since that meeting . 14:06.113 --> 14:08.447 I don't have anything to read out today . 14:08.447 --> 14:10.002 Um We certainly welcome the 14:10.002 --> 14:12.002 conversation and that was something 14:12.002 --> 14:14.169 that you saw the president announce in 14:14.169 --> 14:15.947 San Francisco that mail to mail 14:15.947 --> 14:17.891 communications would start back up 14:17.891 --> 14:19.836 again . But again , until the PR C 14:19.836 --> 14:22.002 appoints the secretary's counterpart , 14:22.002 --> 14:24.113 um the secretary doesn't have someone 14:24.113 --> 14:26.224 to necessarily engage with just yet . 14:26.224 --> 14:28.336 Um But of course , we welcome Mill to 14:28.336 --> 14:30.391 Mill Communications at the very high 14:30.391 --> 14:32.391 levels from the secretary uh to our 14:32.391 --> 14:34.502 lower levels and , and of course , in 14:34.502 --> 14:36.724 the Indo Pacific as well , I'm gonna go 14:36.724 --> 14:38.780 to Ali uh General Van Herk opened an 14:38.780 --> 14:40.947 investigation into alcohol consumption 14:40.947 --> 14:43.130 at no A north com um is Secretary 14:43.140 --> 14:45.349 Austin aware of that investigation and 14:45.359 --> 14:47.380 is the Pentagon confident that uh 14:47.599 --> 14:50.729 drinking in the workplace ? Has it not 14:50.739 --> 14:52.989 impacted national security ? Yeah , the 14:53.000 --> 14:55.222 secretary is aware of the investigation 14:55.222 --> 14:57.549 and I think it shows just how seriously 14:57.619 --> 15:01.580 the commander is taking this 15:01.590 --> 15:04.419 by immediately launching one . and of 15:04.429 --> 15:06.540 course , we are aware of the , of the 15:06.540 --> 15:08.799 reports of allegations of alcohol being 15:08.809 --> 15:11.530 in the workplace . Um again , NORAD 15:11.539 --> 15:13.761 North com , they continue their mission 15:13.761 --> 15:16.119 um uninterrupted . I'm not going to get 15:16.130 --> 15:18.074 ahead of the investigation as it's 15:18.074 --> 15:20.186 ongoing now , but um we are certainly 15:20.186 --> 15:22.130 tracking it here . What is the dod 15:22.130 --> 15:25.049 policy on alcohol consumption on duty ? 15:25.559 --> 15:27.726 Uh I would have to get back to you but 15:27.726 --> 15:29.837 II , I think you would probably guess 15:29.837 --> 15:32.059 that we're not supportive of uh alcohol 15:32.059 --> 15:34.115 consumption on duty while performing 15:34.115 --> 15:36.226 certain tasks . But , um , you know , 15:36.226 --> 15:38.170 I'd have to get back to you on the 15:38.170 --> 15:40.849 exact policy . Yeah , to do quick 15:40.859 --> 15:43.026 follow ups , please . You said earlier 15:43.026 --> 15:45.070 that you all are not tracking an 15:45.080 --> 15:47.024 official request from the Japanese 15:47.024 --> 15:48.969 government regarding law if such a 15:48.969 --> 15:51.191 request is , does that come from to the 15:51.191 --> 15:53.413 Department of Defense or does that come 15:53.413 --> 15:55.302 through state Department ? Such a 15:55.302 --> 15:54.919 request ? Would you , do you know ? I 15:54.929 --> 15:56.873 don't know . I think it could come 15:56.873 --> 15:58.929 through varying levels . So , yeah . 15:58.929 --> 16:01.096 And my second follow up . Thank you on 16:01.096 --> 16:03.318 that . My second follow up is regarding 16:03.318 --> 16:03.000 the drill in North Macedonia . Is this 16:03.010 --> 16:04.843 the first time us troops will be 16:04.843 --> 16:07.066 participating in NATO exercise in North 16:07.066 --> 16:09.969 Macedonia ? Certainly not . First time . 16:09.979 --> 16:12.340 Uh , us troops are participating in a , 16:12.349 --> 16:14.710 in a NATO exercise . I I in North 16:14.719 --> 16:16.997 Macedonia . I don't know . I'd have to , 16:16.997 --> 16:19.219 I can take that question . Ok , great . 16:19.219 --> 16:19.080 I'm gonna go to the phones and then 16:19.090 --> 16:21.034 we'll come back into the room . Uh 16:21.034 --> 16:23.510 Howard Altman , thanks . Is the 16:23.520 --> 16:26.969 Pentagon tracking an attack on a Houthi 16:26.979 --> 16:29.349 base in Yemen ? And if so , do you know 16:29.359 --> 16:31.820 who might be behind it ? I've seen the 16:31.830 --> 16:34.809 reports of an attack within Yemen . I 16:34.820 --> 16:36.739 can tell you that it was not a US 16:36.750 --> 16:40.239 military that conducted that . Do you 16:40.250 --> 16:42.306 know who might have been behind it ? 16:43.140 --> 16:46.330 Jeff Fogel task on purpose ? Thank you . 16:46.340 --> 16:49.169 Can the defense department confirm that 16:49.179 --> 16:51.500 one of the crew members from the 16:51.510 --> 16:53.566 missing from the Osprey that crashed 16:53.566 --> 16:55.843 has been recovered and pronounced dead ? 16:55.843 --> 16:57.899 And are the re are efforts right now 16:57.899 --> 16:59.954 still search and rescue or have they 16:59.954 --> 17:02.121 transitioned to recovery ? Thanks Jeff 17:02.121 --> 17:04.232 for the question . So I I've seen the 17:04.232 --> 17:06.232 reports . I can't confirm um what's 17:06.232 --> 17:09.270 being reported about um a death . What 17:09.280 --> 17:11.169 I can tell you is this is still a 17:11.169 --> 17:13.280 search and recovery uh search and I'm 17:13.280 --> 17:15.169 sorry , sorry , search and rescue 17:15.169 --> 17:17.391 mission . Um For the eight that were on 17:17.391 --> 17:19.502 board that aircraft when we have more 17:19.502 --> 17:21.613 to share , we certainly will do . But 17:21.613 --> 17:23.724 again , um this is still a search and 17:23.724 --> 17:25.836 rescue mission and last question from 17:25.836 --> 17:28.449 the phones heather us and I thank you 17:28.459 --> 17:30.626 so much . Um So this is the first time 17:30.626 --> 17:32.792 that Sam has actually said that or sin 17:32.792 --> 17:34.959 or the dod has said that uh the drones 17:34.959 --> 17:37.250 are Iranian made . Um And I was just 17:37.260 --> 17:39.482 wondering what that tells the dod about 17:39.482 --> 17:41.689 what the Houthis have in terms of 17:41.699 --> 17:43.643 drones and weapons that we've been 17:43.643 --> 17:47.579 seeing uh launched at near the US 17:47.589 --> 17:50.439 ships . Thanks , thanks Heather for the 17:50.449 --> 17:52.616 question . So again , when it comes to 17:52.616 --> 17:54.838 drones or other equipment , I mean , we 17:54.838 --> 17:57.060 have been very clear from the beginning 17:57.060 --> 18:00.319 that Iran equips funds , supports 18:00.329 --> 18:03.989 trains , um various I RGC militia 18:04.000 --> 18:06.260 groups has supported the Houthis has 18:06.270 --> 18:10.140 supported um uh Hezbollah . So I 18:10.150 --> 18:13.099 think what you saw is us directly . Um 18:13.109 --> 18:15.170 Calling that out in a statement 18:15.180 --> 18:18.089 yesterday . Um , we have not shied away 18:18.099 --> 18:20.266 from doing that . We've certainly done 18:20.266 --> 18:22.432 that . Um , again , when we have taken 18:22.432 --> 18:24.321 our own , uh , defensive , self , 18:24.321 --> 18:26.660 defensive strikes , uh , within Syria 18:26.670 --> 18:28.726 and Iraq , we have said that we know 18:28.726 --> 18:32.170 that these are , um , Iranian used I 18:32.229 --> 18:35.869 RGC used facilities that fund 18:36.130 --> 18:38.019 and support many of these militia 18:38.019 --> 18:40.119 groups . So that was just , just us 18:40.130 --> 18:42.074 doing that again . All right , I'm 18:42.074 --> 18:44.241 going to come back in the room . Yes , 18:44.241 --> 18:47.780 quick one on another one on list . As 18:47.949 --> 18:49.905 far as the U India relations are 18:49.915 --> 18:52.165 concerned , military to military now in 18:52.175 --> 18:54.275 the midst of two wars , Ukraine , 18:54.285 --> 18:56.275 Russia and Ukraine . And also , of 18:56.285 --> 18:59.135 course , Israel and Hamas , anybody or 18:59.145 --> 19:01.314 secretary or anybody in touch with the 19:01.755 --> 19:05.435 Indian defense minister or anybody 19:05.444 --> 19:08.020 in connection of these two wars . Uh , 19:08.030 --> 19:10.550 as you know , the secretary was just uh 19:10.560 --> 19:13.430 in the region . Um , it feels like , uh , 19:13.439 --> 19:15.661 three months ago , but it was literally 19:15.661 --> 19:17.772 just , I think three weeks ago , um , 19:17.772 --> 19:19.772 the secretary was in India engaging 19:19.772 --> 19:21.772 with his counterparts , of course , 19:21.772 --> 19:23.939 world events came up . Um , and we put 19:23.939 --> 19:26.272 out detailed readouts of those meetings . 19:26.272 --> 19:28.161 So he is , you know , of course , 19:28.161 --> 19:30.050 regularly engaged with his Indian 19:30.050 --> 19:32.328 counterparts as recently as , you know , 19:32.328 --> 19:34.550 last month and second madam , as far as 19:34.550 --> 19:37.930 Israel's war against Hamas , Hamas has 19:37.939 --> 19:40.989 been designated as the international 19:41.000 --> 19:43.290 terrorist organization , but they have 19:43.300 --> 19:46.410 a political office in Doha . And so did 19:46.420 --> 19:49.790 maybe even still today , Talibans . So 19:49.800 --> 19:52.390 if anybody is talking to the Qataris or 19:52.400 --> 19:55.819 Doha people that why they still have 19:55.829 --> 19:58.051 the political office there and they are 19:58.051 --> 20:00.051 running this terrorist organization 20:00.051 --> 20:01.996 against innocent people around the 20:01.996 --> 20:04.420 globe , including India or US or Israel 20:04.430 --> 20:08.150 among others . And Qatari Qatar , they 20:08.160 --> 20:11.079 are friends of our friends , us , 20:11.089 --> 20:13.200 friends , India , friends , Israeli , 20:13.200 --> 20:15.530 friends among others . So and they , 20:15.540 --> 20:18.390 the actors in this area still have not 20:18.400 --> 20:21.489 condemned these terrorist organizations . 20:22.589 --> 20:24.700 I think the actors in the region have 20:24.700 --> 20:26.756 certainly condemned the actions that 20:26.756 --> 20:28.811 Hamas took on October 7th . And what 20:28.811 --> 20:31.589 you're seeing with Qatar is engagement 20:31.599 --> 20:34.849 and them uh working and , and with the 20:34.859 --> 20:36.748 Egyptian government as well as of 20:36.748 --> 20:38.803 course , with this administration to 20:38.803 --> 20:41.500 free hostages and to continue this 20:41.510 --> 20:44.829 enduring um humanitarian pause that is 20:44.839 --> 20:46.950 happening right now . Um I don't have 20:46.950 --> 20:48.950 anything further to say about where 20:48.950 --> 20:51.540 they're located . Um But I think we've 20:51.550 --> 20:54.380 been very definitive on the um 20:55.280 --> 20:57.939 grotesque and disgusting actions that 20:57.949 --> 21:00.171 were taken on October 7th and I'll just 21:00.171 --> 21:03.630 leave it at that . Yeah . Um 972 21:03.640 --> 21:05.862 magazine this morning reported that the 21:05.862 --> 21:08.084 ID F has been hitting what it describes 21:08.084 --> 21:10.084 as quote power targets in Gaza . Uh 21:10.084 --> 21:12.084 that includes high rise complexes , 21:12.084 --> 21:14.140 civilian homes in some cases without 21:14.140 --> 21:16.307 prior warning , in order to quote , uh 21:16.307 --> 21:18.196 according to their sources , lead 21:18.196 --> 21:20.362 civilians to put pressure on Hamas not 21:20.362 --> 21:22.418 to co locate with combatant with non 21:22.418 --> 21:24.196 combatants . Excuse me , is the 21:24.196 --> 21:23.790 department aware that the ID F has been 21:23.800 --> 21:25.856 using this tactic and has this issue 21:25.856 --> 21:27.911 come up in the conversations between 21:27.911 --> 21:27.540 department officials and their 21:27.550 --> 21:29.772 counterparts in this ? Uh I'm not , I'm 21:29.772 --> 21:31.828 sorry , I'm not aware of this report 21:31.828 --> 21:33.994 that you mentioned or where it's being 21:33.994 --> 21:36.106 reported in the magazine . Um I think 21:36.106 --> 21:38.217 we've been very clear on our , in all 21:38.217 --> 21:40.383 of our engagements that the secret had 21:40.383 --> 21:42.619 on a near daily basis basis with 21:42.630 --> 21:44.797 Minister Gallant . He just had another 21:44.797 --> 21:46.852 call yesterday with Minister Gallant 21:46.852 --> 21:50.160 that um Id F operations that they are 21:50.260 --> 21:52.538 precise , that they're targeting Hamas . 21:52.538 --> 21:54.704 Um But let's be very clear and just to 21:54.704 --> 21:56.816 go off the last question , Hamas is a 21:56.816 --> 21:58.760 terrorist organization that embeds 21:58.760 --> 22:00.871 deeply within civilian infrastructure 22:00.969 --> 22:03.920 and uses civilians as a way of 22:03.930 --> 22:06.310 shielding their operations . So they 22:06.319 --> 22:09.839 are making it incredibly difficult 22:10.069 --> 22:12.180 for the ID F of course , to conduct 22:12.189 --> 22:14.589 their own operations . But in all of 22:14.599 --> 22:18.099 the secret's calls and engagements 22:18.109 --> 22:22.060 with um the Israelis , uh we 22:22.069 --> 22:24.579 continue to of course , emphasize that 22:24.589 --> 22:28.569 innocent lives um that , that 22:28.579 --> 22:30.801 they are taking into consideration with 22:30.801 --> 22:32.857 any military operation . Um civilian 22:32.857 --> 22:35.689 lives and innocent lives reporting that 22:35.699 --> 22:37.921 one of the examples that's given in the 22:37.921 --> 22:41.589 article is that um Id officials are 22:41.599 --> 22:43.710 instructed to find a building , say a 22:43.710 --> 22:46.560 high rise that has civilian inhabitants . 22:46.640 --> 22:48.939 And if they find half a single floor of 22:48.949 --> 22:51.260 the building occupied by Hamas offices , 22:51.270 --> 22:53.381 then it's a target . Wipe it out . Is 22:53.381 --> 22:55.548 that something the department condones 22:55.548 --> 22:57.548 again , I have not seen this report 22:57.548 --> 22:56.839 that you're referencing . I do not , 22:56.849 --> 23:00.010 I'm not aware of this . I think what I 23:00.020 --> 23:02.353 just said and I'm happy to reiterate it , 23:02.353 --> 23:04.353 but we have been very clear when it 23:04.353 --> 23:07.939 comes to um , engagement and the need 23:07.949 --> 23:10.699 to protect innocent civilian lives . Um 23:10.709 --> 23:14.300 But again , finding and targeting , um 23:14.329 --> 23:16.609 any member of a terror network is going 23:16.619 --> 23:18.786 to be any challenge for any military . 23:18.786 --> 23:21.380 Um , especially when that network is 23:21.390 --> 23:23.557 operating in an urban environment like 23:23.557 --> 23:25.446 in Gaza . So we're continuing our 23:25.446 --> 23:27.779 engagements with the Israeli government . 23:27.779 --> 23:31.180 Um We're continuing to again support 23:31.189 --> 23:33.300 them in their operations against this 23:33.300 --> 23:35.479 terrorist organization , but it is in 23:35.489 --> 23:37.656 all of our conversations and as you've 23:37.656 --> 23:39.989 seen in the readouts that we've put out , 23:39.989 --> 23:42.045 the secretary continues to emphasize 23:42.045 --> 23:42.020 the need to uphold the law of armed 23:42.030 --> 23:44.141 conflict and protect innocent lives . 23:44.250 --> 23:48.099 Chris , you thanked the 23:48.109 --> 23:50.276 government of Japan and in their Coast 23:50.276 --> 23:52.442 Guard . But to clarify this search and 23:52.442 --> 23:54.498 rescue effort , is this being led by 23:54.498 --> 23:56.609 the US military at this point ? Yes . 23:57.500 --> 24:00.030 How many assets roughly do you have ? I 24:00.040 --> 24:02.207 don't have more on how many assets are 24:02.207 --> 24:04.262 being used for the search and rescue 24:04.262 --> 24:06.484 efforts . Um It's ongoing again when we 24:06.484 --> 24:08.207 have more to share . Um I will 24:08.207 --> 24:10.262 certainly let you know , but I don't 24:10.262 --> 24:12.318 have more to provide on that front . 24:12.318 --> 24:14.373 Yes , in the back and then I'll come 24:14.373 --> 24:16.596 over here , you know . Thank you . Just 24:16.596 --> 24:15.869 a quick question . So the House is 24:15.880 --> 24:18.520 voting today to freeze the $6 billion 24:18.530 --> 24:20.780 in , in funds that the US release for 24:20.790 --> 24:22.819 Iran earlier this year . Can you 24:22.829 --> 24:25.160 respond to what lawmakers are saying ? 24:25.170 --> 24:27.390 Do you think the unb money has 24:27.400 --> 24:29.622 emboldened Iran and its proxy groups in 24:29.630 --> 24:31.241 the Middle East ? Especially 24:31.241 --> 24:33.408 considering all the clashes that we've 24:33.408 --> 24:35.352 seen . I would say that's really a 24:35.352 --> 24:37.352 question for Treasury and the state 24:37.352 --> 24:39.574 Department . But to my knowledge , Iran 24:39.574 --> 24:41.741 hasn't been able to access those funds 24:41.741 --> 24:43.686 there still remained frozen and or 24:43.686 --> 24:45.908 sorry , uh They still remain intact and 24:45.908 --> 24:47.852 that they have not been able to be 24:47.852 --> 24:50.019 tapped into . Um Again , I'm not gonna 24:50.019 --> 24:52.130 just comment on pending legislation . 24:52.130 --> 24:52.000 Uh And that's really something that I 24:52.010 --> 24:53.899 think Treasury would be better to 24:53.899 --> 24:56.800 answer . Yeah , and then I'll come and 24:56.810 --> 24:58.699 then last one over you , Japanese 24:58.699 --> 25:00.755 Defense Minister Kihara has publicly 25:00.755 --> 25:02.755 stated that he has requested the US 25:02.755 --> 25:04.921 military to halt operations of Ospreys 25:04.921 --> 25:06.977 in Japan while there hasn't been any 25:06.977 --> 25:09.088 official requests . I was wondering , 25:09.088 --> 25:08.819 has there been , has that concern been 25:08.829 --> 25:10.996 communicated directly to this building 25:10.996 --> 25:13.273 through other informal channels ? Yeah , 25:13.273 --> 25:15.440 again , I think I answered this but um 25:15.440 --> 25:17.329 appreciate the question . Haven't 25:17.329 --> 25:19.440 received a formal request that I that 25:19.440 --> 25:21.662 I'm aware of . Um again , we are taking 25:21.662 --> 25:24.329 what happened the , the mishap um of 25:24.339 --> 25:26.672 one of our aircraft extremely seriously . 25:26.689 --> 25:29.500 Um Our focus right now is on search and 25:29.510 --> 25:31.677 rescue of the eight that are missing . 25:31.890 --> 25:34.910 Um There is an investigation . Uh I'm 25:34.920 --> 25:36.642 not going to get ahead of that 25:36.642 --> 25:38.864 investigation but when those results um 25:38.910 --> 25:41.132 you know , are concluded if there's any 25:41.132 --> 25:43.299 action or additional action that needs 25:43.299 --> 25:45.521 to be taken , we will certainly let you 25:45.521 --> 25:47.632 know . But at this time , our efforts 25:47.632 --> 25:49.577 are on . Uh of course , you know , 25:49.577 --> 25:51.521 thinking of these families who are 25:51.521 --> 25:51.170 missing their eight loved ones right 25:51.180 --> 25:53.180 now . And last question over here . 25:53.260 --> 25:55.482 Thank you , Sabrina . There are reports 25:55.482 --> 25:57.371 claiming that the White House has 25:57.371 --> 25:59.939 requested the removal of restrictions 25:59.949 --> 26:02.040 on all categories of weapons and 26:02.050 --> 26:04.239 ammunition . Israel is allowed to 26:04.250 --> 26:07.609 access from us weapons stockpiles 26:07.619 --> 26:10.170 stored in Israel itself . So do you 26:10.180 --> 26:14.099 confirm that things ? And if so how 26:14.109 --> 26:16.890 that will affect providing weapons to 26:16.900 --> 26:20.209 Ukraine ? Uh So I'm not exactly sure on 26:20.219 --> 26:21.941 the report or , or what you're 26:21.941 --> 26:23.997 referencing , but I think we've been 26:23.997 --> 26:26.163 very clear from this podium . Um And , 26:26.163 --> 26:27.719 and again , throughout this 26:27.719 --> 26:29.941 administration that um we are providing 26:29.941 --> 26:32.108 Israel with what it needs in its fight 26:32.108 --> 26:34.219 against a terrorist organization like 26:34.219 --> 26:36.386 Hamas . Um We've provided the contours 26:36.386 --> 26:38.386 of what we are providing , which is 26:38.386 --> 26:40.219 ammunition , uh precision guided 26:40.219 --> 26:43.040 munitions and air defenses . These are 26:43.050 --> 26:45.410 the requirements that the , that the ID 26:45.420 --> 26:48.369 F needs when it comes to engaging in 26:48.459 --> 26:52.319 its fight with Hamas in Gaza . Um in 26:52.329 --> 26:55.829 terms of Ukraine , different 26:55.839 --> 26:57.783 different area of responsibility , 26:57.783 --> 26:59.869 different ward , uh very different 26:59.880 --> 27:02.640 landscapes too . Um We continue to 27:02.650 --> 27:06.310 provide Ukraine with what we can on 27:06.319 --> 27:08.486 what's remaining from the presidential 27:08.486 --> 27:10.739 drawdown authority that we have . Um We 27:10.750 --> 27:12.829 are running low as you know , that's 27:12.839 --> 27:15.099 why we requested a supplemental package 27:15.109 --> 27:17.540 um to that we submitted to the hill 27:17.550 --> 27:20.359 that has still not been passed . Um But 27:20.369 --> 27:22.369 the authorities that we're using to 27:22.369 --> 27:24.589 provide Ukraine with the weapons and 27:24.599 --> 27:26.770 capabilities and systems it needs are 27:26.780 --> 27:28.669 coming from presidential drawdown 27:28.669 --> 27:30.930 authorities . What Israel um and what 27:30.939 --> 27:32.939 we're providing to Israel is coming 27:32.939 --> 27:35.939 mainly through F MS and F MS . Um So 27:35.949 --> 27:39.589 Israel is purchasing um equipment . So 27:39.599 --> 27:41.543 again , we're going to continue to 27:41.543 --> 27:43.543 provide both countries with what it 27:43.543 --> 27:46.630 needs um in , in each of their 27:47.310 --> 27:49.270 areas of them fighting for their 27:49.280 --> 27:51.002 sovereign territory against an 27:51.002 --> 27:54.689 aggressive neighbor . Um And we've had 27:54.699 --> 27:56.890 that long term commitment to them from 27:56.900 --> 27:58.956 the very beginning . I mean , you've 27:58.956 --> 28:01.011 seen the president , you've seen the 28:01.011 --> 28:03.122 secretary committed to Ukraine for as 28:03.122 --> 28:05.289 long as it takes , but also feels like 28:05.289 --> 28:07.511 three months ago , but just last week , 28:07.511 --> 28:09.178 he was in Kiev reassuring the 28:09.178 --> 28:11.400 Ukrainians that the US is with them for 28:11.400 --> 28:13.456 the long haul . And so I'll just , I 28:13.456 --> 28:15.567 guess , leave it on this note that we 28:15.567 --> 28:17.567 are , um , would hope that Congress 28:17.567 --> 28:19.622 over these next few weeks , not only 28:19.622 --> 28:21.733 pass a full time appropriations , but 28:21.733 --> 28:23.956 also passes our supplemental because we 28:23.956 --> 28:25.956 need to keep providing Ukraine with 28:25.956 --> 28:28.067 what it needs on the battlefield . We 28:28.067 --> 28:30.289 need to keep supporting Israel . And of 28:30.289 --> 28:32.400 course , we are always looking to the 28:32.400 --> 28:34.511 Indo Pacific um to , to shore up what 28:34.511 --> 28:36.622 we need there . Ok , great . And I'll 28:36.622 --> 28:40.000 leave it at that . Sure . You saw the 28:40.310 --> 28:42.421 report of an attack in San or are you 28:42.421 --> 28:44.643 confirming an attack happened ? But the 28:44.643 --> 28:46.754 US was not involved in it . I've seen 28:46.754 --> 28:48.810 the reports out there . Um , I can't 28:48.810 --> 28:50.977 confirm that the attack happened . All 28:50.977 --> 28:53.143 I can tell you is that the US military 28:53.143 --> 28:55.199 did not initiate any attack . Yeah . 28:55.199 --> 28:57.143 Thank you . Everyone . Have a good 28:57.143 --> 28:55.949 Thursday .