WEBVTT 00:05.289 --> 00:08.409 Good morning , everyone . Um 00:09.800 --> 00:12.260 If you would before you take your seats , 00:12.270 --> 00:13.937 would you please rise for the 00:13.937 --> 00:16.110 presentation of the colors by the 00:16.120 --> 00:18.620 Ventura County Naval Base Color Guard ? 00:18.979 --> 00:20.923 And please remain standing for the 00:20.923 --> 00:23.035 performance of our national anthem by 00:23.035 --> 00:25.200 Yeoman Aaron Dixon from the best ship 00:25.209 --> 00:27.265 in the United States Navy , the US S 00:27.265 --> 00:30.379 Ronald Reagan . Gentlemen , ladies 00:30.389 --> 00:31.520 parade the colors . 01:00.720 --> 01:04.199 Hm . Right face 01:07.290 --> 01:08.290 f 01:18.639 --> 01:22.129 oh , say , can you 01:22.139 --> 01:24.470 see but 01:25.930 --> 01:28.589 answer the light . 01:29.260 --> 01:33.089 What so proudly we 01:33.099 --> 01:37.069 held at the twilight . 01:37.300 --> 01:41.290 Last gleaming whose 01:41.300 --> 01:44.209 broad stripes and bright 01:44.220 --> 01:47.129 stars through 01:47.940 --> 01:51.470 ever fight 01:52.250 --> 01:56.180 or the ram parts we watch 01:57.250 --> 01:59.790 were so gallantly 02:00.809 --> 02:04.360 streaming . Uh 02:09.298 --> 02:11.848 the bombs bursting 02:15.070 --> 02:18.259 Gay pro through the 02:19.279 --> 02:22.699 A that are flat are 02:22.710 --> 02:24.679 still there . 02:25.770 --> 02:29.399 Oh , say , does that 02:29.410 --> 02:32.520 star spangled be ? 02:34.020 --> 02:35.720 Hurry it away . 02:37.289 --> 02:40.899 A or the last 02:41.910 --> 02:42.559 and the 02:47.669 --> 02:48.809 and the whole 02:52.669 --> 02:55.220 right . A 03:11.820 --> 03:13.199 4 march . 03:40.460 --> 03:41.516 Please be seated . 04:51.209 --> 04:53.431 If I could have your attention for just 04:53.431 --> 04:54.989 a few moments , please 05:03.760 --> 05:05.871 hard to quiet down to the cafeteria . 05:07.869 --> 05:10.091 If I could have your attention for just 05:10.091 --> 05:11.702 a moment , that'd be great . 05:13.869 --> 05:16.359 When accepting the 1980 nomination for 05:16.369 --> 05:18.369 president , the Republican National 05:18.369 --> 05:21.589 Convention , Ronald Reagan described 05:21.600 --> 05:23.656 America's unique responsibility as a 05:23.656 --> 05:26.739 defender of freedom . He affirmed that 05:26.910 --> 05:29.299 the United States has an obligation to 05:29.309 --> 05:31.420 its citizens and to the people of the 05:31.420 --> 05:33.709 world . Never to let those who would 05:33.720 --> 05:36.260 destroy freedom , dictate the future 05:36.269 --> 05:38.700 course of human life on this planet 05:39.339 --> 05:41.920 today , those values of freedom and 05:41.929 --> 05:44.390 democracy are under attack all around 05:44.399 --> 05:47.140 the world . Ukrainians are defending 05:47.149 --> 05:49.640 their freedom against , unjustified and 05:49.649 --> 05:51.538 unprovoked . Russian aggression . 05:52.170 --> 05:53.948 Israelis are fighting for their 05:53.948 --> 05:56.510 survival against brutal forces that are 05:56.519 --> 05:59.440 bent on their destruction . In the Indo 05:59.549 --> 06:01.869 Pacific Taiwan and our other friends 06:01.880 --> 06:04.130 and allies are increasingly at risk . 06:04.369 --> 06:07.410 As China seeks to forcibly reshape the 06:07.420 --> 06:11.299 region in its authoritarian vision , we 06:11.309 --> 06:13.440 recognize the fate of our own freedom 06:13.450 --> 06:16.119 reflected in these countries' struggles 06:17.010 --> 06:19.829 and as we seek to defend freedom abroad , 06:19.839 --> 06:22.179 we must grapple with serious challenges 06:22.190 --> 06:25.399 at home sequestration and reliance on 06:25.410 --> 06:27.188 continuing resolutions , hinder 06:27.188 --> 06:29.119 effective defense planning and 06:29.130 --> 06:32.019 production as well as our ability to 06:32.029 --> 06:34.920 serve as the arsenal of democracy . 06:35.899 --> 06:38.029 Being Secretary of Defense has never 06:38.040 --> 06:40.096 been an easy job and in this complex 06:40.096 --> 06:41.818 and dynamic environment , it's 06:41.818 --> 06:44.880 especially challenging . Fortunately , 06:45.089 --> 06:48.320 America's 28th Secretary of Defense is 06:48.329 --> 06:51.140 an extraordinary man who has dedicated 06:51.149 --> 06:53.316 his life to the service of our country 06:54.179 --> 06:56.359 before becoming the civilian leader 06:56.630 --> 06:59.140 leading the Department of Defense Lloyd 06:59.149 --> 07:01.579 Austin had a distinguished 41 year 07:01.589 --> 07:04.480 career in the army that included 07:04.489 --> 07:07.730 command at the core division , 07:07.910 --> 07:10.959 battalion and brigade levels . His 07:10.970 --> 07:13.480 awards include the silver star and he 07:13.489 --> 07:15.545 served as Vice Chief of Staff of the 07:15.545 --> 07:18.429 Army and later as commander of the 07:18.440 --> 07:20.239 United States Central Command 07:20.480 --> 07:23.489 responsible for all military operations 07:23.660 --> 07:25.716 in the Middle East . And Afghanistan 07:26.399 --> 07:28.380 Secretary , Austin has inspired 07:28.390 --> 07:30.779 military officers and civilians alike 07:30.790 --> 07:33.619 with his unshakeable sense of duty and 07:33.630 --> 07:36.589 sacrifice . And we're fortunate to have 07:36.600 --> 07:38.489 his steady leadership guiding our 07:38.500 --> 07:40.459 Department of Defense during these 07:40.470 --> 07:44.220 tumultuous times last year at the 07:44.230 --> 07:46.600 Reagan National Defense Forum Secretary , 07:46.609 --> 07:48.700 Austin reaffirmed in his keynote 07:48.709 --> 07:52.179 address and I quote a basic American 07:52.190 --> 07:54.600 truth and the struggle between those 07:54.609 --> 07:57.339 fighting to defend democracy and those 07:57.350 --> 08:00.260 bent on imperial aggression , the 08:00.269 --> 08:03.339 United States stands with the forces of 08:03.350 --> 08:05.880 freedom . Those struggles have only 08:05.890 --> 08:08.057 grown since he delivered those remarks 08:08.057 --> 08:10.223 a year ago . And so we look forward to 08:10.223 --> 08:12.168 hearing more of Secretary Austin's 08:12.168 --> 08:15.059 vision for how our nation must rise to 08:15.070 --> 08:18.010 challenge and defend freedom . Ladies 08:18.019 --> 08:20.130 and gentlemen , would you please join 08:20.130 --> 08:22.790 me in welcoming a great American and 08:22.799 --> 08:24.959 the 28th United States Secretary of 08:24.970 --> 08:26.440 Defense Lloyd Austin ? 09:00.479 --> 09:02.701 Well , good morning , everyone . And uh 09:03.150 --> 09:05.372 and thanks for that kind introduction . 09:06.830 --> 09:08.941 I know you said at the outset that uh 09:08.941 --> 09:10.997 being Secretary of Defense has never 09:10.997 --> 09:14.380 been easy , Leon Panetta and Mark Esper 09:14.390 --> 09:16.501 said it was easier on airwatch . They 09:16.501 --> 09:18.279 don't see what the problem is . 09:20.659 --> 09:22.492 You know , this is my third time 09:22.492 --> 09:25.469 speaking to the Reagan National Defense 09:25.479 --> 09:29.200 Forum as Secretary of Defense . So this 09:29.210 --> 09:33.039 is starting to be a habit . We've 09:33.049 --> 09:35.105 got a great delegation here from the 09:35.105 --> 09:36.882 Department of Defense including 09:36.989 --> 09:40.559 Secretary Kendall , several combatant 09:40.570 --> 09:44.270 Commanders , General CQ Brown and other 09:44.280 --> 09:46.447 members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff . 09:46.559 --> 09:48.670 Let's give them all a round , a round 09:48.670 --> 09:48.270 of applause . 09:58.159 --> 10:00.059 It's also great to be joined by 10:01.380 --> 10:04.539 representatives and from our allies and 10:04.549 --> 10:07.500 partners and by distinguished members 10:07.510 --> 10:10.200 of the United States Congress . You 10:10.210 --> 10:14.200 know , I'm always grateful for support 10:14.210 --> 10:16.321 from Congress for our mission and for 10:16.321 --> 10:19.570 our troops . So , while I've got you 10:19.580 --> 10:23.469 here , let me 10:23.479 --> 10:25.669 urge you to pass a full year 10:25.679 --> 10:26.679 appropriation . 10:34.570 --> 10:36.459 That's the single best thing that 10:36.459 --> 10:38.348 Congress can do to strengthen our 10:38.348 --> 10:40.237 national defense . You know , our 10:40.237 --> 10:42.880 competitors don't have to operate under 10:43.469 --> 10:47.119 continuing resolutions and so doing so 10:47.359 --> 10:49.450 erodes both our security and our 10:49.460 --> 10:53.159 ability to compete . And I also 10:53.169 --> 10:55.460 urge you to pass our urgent 10:55.469 --> 10:58.549 supplemental budget request to help 10:58.559 --> 11:00.559 fund our national security needs to 11:00.559 --> 11:03.280 stand by our partners in danger and to 11:03.289 --> 11:06.549 invest in our defense industrial base . 11:13.679 --> 11:15.735 You know , only one country on earth 11:15.735 --> 11:18.059 can provide the kind of leadership that 11:18.070 --> 11:21.460 this moment demands and only one 11:21.469 --> 11:24.539 country can consistently provide the 11:24.549 --> 11:28.299 powerful combination of innovation , 11:29.169 --> 11:32.530 ingenuity and idealism 11:33.849 --> 11:35.979 in a free mind , free enterprise and 11:35.989 --> 11:38.750 free people . And that's the United 11:38.760 --> 11:39.890 States of America . 11:46.130 --> 11:48.186 And so I'd like to talk to you today 11:48.186 --> 11:50.019 about some key national security 11:50.019 --> 11:52.539 challenges and about the very American 11:52.549 --> 11:54.660 way that the Department of Defense is 11:54.660 --> 11:58.000 meeting them . And let me be blunt 11:58.010 --> 12:01.679 about our mission . The US military is 12:01.690 --> 12:04.340 here to win our country's wars and to 12:04.349 --> 12:07.900 win them . Decisively , we will always 12:07.909 --> 12:10.530 try to deter conflict . But if we have 12:10.539 --> 12:13.059 to defend our country , we will fight 12:13.070 --> 12:14.169 and we will win . 12:22.219 --> 12:24.441 You know , watching the news these days 12:25.260 --> 12:28.239 reminds me of one of President Reagan's 12:28.250 --> 12:31.960 jokes today . He would say 12:33.119 --> 12:35.520 if someone offered us the world on a 12:35.530 --> 12:39.190 silver platter , most of us would take 12:39.200 --> 12:40.200 the platter 12:45.229 --> 12:47.507 we're living through challenging times . 12:47.507 --> 12:49.940 And that includes the major conflicts 12:49.950 --> 12:52.349 facing our fellow democracies , Israel 12:52.359 --> 12:56.280 and Ukraine and bullying and 12:56.289 --> 12:58.530 coercion from an increasingly assertive 12:58.539 --> 13:02.169 China in a worldwide battle between 13:02.179 --> 13:04.250 democracy and autocracy . 13:06.510 --> 13:08.566 So these are the times when both our 13:08.566 --> 13:12.090 friends and our rivals look to America . 13:13.580 --> 13:16.409 These are the times when the American 13:16.419 --> 13:18.530 people count on their leaders to come 13:18.530 --> 13:21.489 together . And these are the are the 13:21.500 --> 13:25.270 times when global security relies on 13:25.280 --> 13:27.989 American unity and American strength . 13:30.510 --> 13:33.119 President Biden calls this an 13:33.130 --> 13:35.460 inflection point in world history . 13:37.130 --> 13:39.890 And with his leadership , we have 13:39.900 --> 13:41.890 rallied our allies and partners to 13:41.900 --> 13:43.989 defend the rules based international 13:44.000 --> 13:47.869 order . Now , I know that that 13:47.880 --> 13:49.936 phrase doesn't get everybody's pulse 13:49.936 --> 13:53.049 racing , but the rules based 13:53.059 --> 13:55.170 international order is central to our 13:55.170 --> 13:58.340 long term security . It is the 13:58.349 --> 14:01.039 structure of international institutions , 14:01.919 --> 14:05.880 alliances , laws and norms built with 14:05.890 --> 14:07.557 American leadership after the 14:07.557 --> 14:09.669 staggering losses of World War Two . 14:11.219 --> 14:14.320 And those rules help ensure that 14:14.719 --> 14:16.909 nothing like World War Two can ever 14:16.919 --> 14:20.700 happen again . They uphold 14:20.710 --> 14:23.630 sovereignty and honor borders . They 14:23.640 --> 14:26.049 help ensure that civilians are 14:26.059 --> 14:28.919 protected and not targeted 14:30.150 --> 14:32.960 and they help to punish aggression and 14:32.969 --> 14:34.659 keep bullies in check . 14:37.010 --> 14:39.080 Since 1945 the rules based 14:39.090 --> 14:41.390 international order has helped to give 14:41.400 --> 14:44.539 our country and the entire world an 14:44.549 --> 14:46.739 unprecedented period of peace and 14:46.750 --> 14:50.130 prosperity . But 14:50.140 --> 14:53.219 peace is not self executing 14:54.780 --> 14:58.520 order does not preserve itself and 14:58.530 --> 15:01.140 security does not flower on its own . 15:02.960 --> 15:05.419 The world built by American leadership 15:05.710 --> 15:09.340 can only be maintained by American 15:09.349 --> 15:12.969 leadership . As President Biden has 15:12.979 --> 15:14.923 said , American leadership is what 15:14.923 --> 15:17.289 holds the world together . From Russia 15:17.299 --> 15:20.080 to China , from Hamas to Iran . Our 15:20.090 --> 15:23.090 rivals and foes want to divide and 15:23.099 --> 15:26.099 weaken the United States and to split 15:26.109 --> 15:28.220 us all from our allies and partners . 15:30.000 --> 15:33.179 So at this hinge in history , 15:34.679 --> 15:36.729 America must not waver . 15:38.390 --> 15:40.279 American leadership rallies , our 15:40.279 --> 15:42.840 allies and partners to uphold our 15:42.849 --> 15:46.270 shared security . And it inspires 15:46.280 --> 15:49.260 ordinary people around the world to 15:49.270 --> 15:51.750 work together toward a brighter future . 15:54.179 --> 15:56.479 But the troubles of our time will only 15:56.489 --> 15:58.479 only grow worse without strong and 15:58.489 --> 16:02.030 steady American leadership to defend 16:02.039 --> 16:04.039 the rules based international order 16:04.039 --> 16:07.859 that keeps us all safe . And if we 16:07.869 --> 16:10.380 forfeit our position of responsibility , 16:11.570 --> 16:15.419 our rivals and our foes will be 16:15.429 --> 16:16.960 glad to fill that vacuum . 16:19.929 --> 16:23.309 You know , in every generation , some 16:23.320 --> 16:25.210 Americans prefer isolation to 16:25.219 --> 16:28.179 engagement and they try to pull up the 16:28.190 --> 16:31.159 drawbridge . They try to kick loose the 16:31.169 --> 16:34.299 cornerstone of American leadership and 16:34.309 --> 16:36.253 they try to undermine the security 16:36.253 --> 16:38.539 architecture that has produced decades 16:38.549 --> 16:42.090 of prosperity without great power war . 16:44.690 --> 16:46.634 And you'll hear some people try to 16:46.634 --> 16:49.390 brand an American retreat from 16:49.400 --> 16:51.820 responsibility as bold new leadership . 16:53.940 --> 16:57.400 So when you hear that make no mistake , 16:58.830 --> 17:02.090 it is not bold , it is not new 17:03.039 --> 17:04.539 and it is not leadership . 17:07.338 --> 17:10.448 As the old saying goes , if you think 17:10.458 --> 17:14.150 that education is expensive , try 17:14.160 --> 17:17.139 ignorance . And if you think American 17:17.149 --> 17:20.680 leadership is expensive , consider the 17:20.689 --> 17:22.599 price of American retreat 17:25.869 --> 17:28.202 over the long sweep of American history . 17:28.202 --> 17:31.239 The cost of courage has always been 17:31.250 --> 17:33.660 dwarf by the cost of cowardice 17:35.339 --> 17:37.729 and the cost of abdication has always 17:37.739 --> 17:40.072 far outweighed . The cost of leadership , 17:42.849 --> 17:44.627 the world will only become more 17:44.627 --> 17:46.627 dangerous if tyrants and terrorists 17:46.627 --> 17:48.627 believe that they can get away with 17:48.627 --> 17:50.849 wholesale aggression and mass slaughter 17:53.150 --> 17:55.439 in America will only become less secure 17:55.449 --> 17:57.671 if dictators believe that they can wipe 17:57.671 --> 18:01.260 a democracy off the map and the United 18:01.270 --> 18:04.140 States will only pay a higher price if 18:04.150 --> 18:06.959 autocrats and zealots believe that they 18:06.969 --> 18:09.439 can force free people to live in fear . 18:13.000 --> 18:15.050 So you can see that core insight at 18:15.060 --> 18:18.739 work in our approach to three quite 18:18.750 --> 18:21.979 different challenges in the Middle East 18:21.989 --> 18:25.520 crisis in Russia's invasion of 18:25.530 --> 18:28.790 Ukraine and a strategic challenge from 18:28.800 --> 18:30.522 the People's Republic of China 18:35.109 --> 18:38.510 on October 7th Hamas terrorists 18:38.520 --> 18:42.189 murdered more than 1200 Israelis 18:43.089 --> 18:46.329 and at least 35 Americans and took more 18:46.339 --> 18:49.819 than 200 hostages . It was the 18:49.829 --> 18:53.060 deadliest terror attack in Israel's 18:53.069 --> 18:55.339 history and the bloodiest day in Jewish 18:55.349 --> 18:57.516 history since the end of the Holocaust 19:00.219 --> 19:02.640 Hamas massacred innocent innocent 19:02.650 --> 19:05.209 civilians inside Israel's border . 19:06.609 --> 19:10.119 It murdered a 74 year old 19:10.130 --> 19:13.400 Canadian Israeli peace activist and 19:13.410 --> 19:15.354 grandmother who used to drive sick 19:15.354 --> 19:18.459 Palestinians from Gaza into Israel for 19:18.469 --> 19:19.580 medical treatment . 19:22.680 --> 19:26.290 It kidnapped toddlers and 19:26.300 --> 19:27.699 Holocaust survivors . 19:31.199 --> 19:33.420 And so just six days after the Hamas 19:33.430 --> 19:36.239 attack , I flew to Israel to underscore 19:36.250 --> 19:40.199 our solidarity and our resolve and 19:40.209 --> 19:42.890 to make it crystal clear that America's 19:42.900 --> 19:44.910 commitment to Israel's security is 19:44.920 --> 19:45.780 ironclad . 19:56.640 --> 19:58.599 And so we have rushed us security 19:58.609 --> 20:01.550 assistance to Israel to help it , help 20:01.560 --> 20:03.780 it defend its people and its territory 20:06.459 --> 20:08.959 and to help ensure that Hamas can never 20:08.969 --> 20:11.829 again commit the atrocities that we saw 20:11.839 --> 20:13.430 on October 7th . 20:16.660 --> 20:19.349 Us leadership has helped in the release 20:19.359 --> 20:22.219 of dozens of hostages and we will 20:22.229 --> 20:24.699 continue to do everything that we can 20:25.380 --> 20:28.920 to help secure the release of every man , 20:28.949 --> 20:31.989 every woman and every child seized by 20:32.000 --> 20:34.880 Hamas including American citizens . 20:43.310 --> 20:46.229 We also rapidly reinforced our force 20:46.239 --> 20:48.859 posture in the Middle East and that 20:48.869 --> 20:50.869 strengthens our regional deterrence 20:52.699 --> 20:55.359 better protects our forces and helps 20:55.369 --> 20:59.130 defend Israel . And our presence 20:59.140 --> 21:01.719 now includes two carrier strike groups , 21:02.520 --> 21:05.260 an amphibious ready group , a marine 21:05.270 --> 21:07.839 expeditionary unit , a guided missile 21:07.849 --> 21:10.949 submarine , integrated air defense and 21:10.959 --> 21:13.181 missile defense forces and more fighter 21:13.189 --> 21:17.060 aircraft and bombers . But 21:17.069 --> 21:19.349 as we are working to stabilize the 21:19.359 --> 21:23.069 region , Iran is raising 21:23.079 --> 21:27.040 tensions and after attacks against 21:27.050 --> 21:29.170 us personnel in Iraq and Syria , our 21:29.180 --> 21:31.770 forces repeatedly struck facilities in 21:31.780 --> 21:34.760 Iraq and eastern Syria used by Iran's 21:35.219 --> 21:38.530 IRGC and by militias affiliated with 21:38.540 --> 21:41.910 Iran . We will not 21:41.920 --> 21:44.550 tolerate attacks on American personnel . 21:45.750 --> 21:48.560 And so these attacks must stop and 21:48.569 --> 21:52.550 until they do , we will do what we 21:52.560 --> 21:56.000 need to do to protect our troops and to 21:56.010 --> 21:58.270 impose costs on those who attack them . 22:07.199 --> 22:10.099 Now , Israel is in a hard fight against 22:10.109 --> 22:11.942 a cruel enemy in one of the most 22:11.942 --> 22:15.219 densely populated areas on earth . But 22:15.229 --> 22:18.800 democracies like ours are stronger and 22:18.810 --> 22:21.229 more secure when we uphold the law of 22:21.239 --> 22:24.319 war . So we will continue to press 22:24.329 --> 22:27.020 Israel to protect civilians and to 22:27.030 --> 22:30.780 ensure robust the robust flow of 22:30.790 --> 22:31.949 humanitarian aid . 22:34.689 --> 22:36.800 First and foremost , that's the right 22:36.800 --> 22:39.000 thing to do . But it's also a good 22:39.010 --> 22:42.170 strategy . You know , I learned a thing 22:42.180 --> 22:45.780 or two about urban warfare for my time 22:45.790 --> 22:47.623 fighting in Iraq and leading the 22:47.623 --> 22:51.089 campaign to defeat Isis like Hamas , 22:52.199 --> 22:55.119 Isis was deeply embedded in urban areas . 22:56.060 --> 22:58.282 And the international coalition against 22:58.282 --> 23:00.393 Isis worked hard to protect civilians 23:00.479 --> 23:03.420 and create humanitarian quarters even 23:03.430 --> 23:05.097 during the toughest battles . 23:07.449 --> 23:11.140 And so the lesson is not that you can 23:11.150 --> 23:14.810 win in urban urban warfare by 23:14.819 --> 23:17.939 protecting civilians . The lesson is 23:17.949 --> 23:21.290 that you can only win in urban warfare 23:21.300 --> 23:24.739 by protecting civilians . You see in 23:24.750 --> 23:26.806 this kind of a fight , the center of 23:26.806 --> 23:28.861 gravity is the civilian population . 23:29.640 --> 23:31.807 And if you drive them into the arms of 23:31.807 --> 23:33.751 the enemy , you replace a tactical 23:33.751 --> 23:36.479 victory with a strategic defeat . So I 23:36.489 --> 23:38.819 have repeatedly made clear to Israel's 23:38.829 --> 23:41.640 leaders that protecting Palestinian 23:41.650 --> 23:43.880 civilians in Gaza is both a moral 23:43.890 --> 23:47.719 responsibility and a strategic 23:47.729 --> 23:51.569 imperative . And so I personally pushed 23:51.579 --> 23:53.468 Israeli leaders to avoid civilian 23:53.468 --> 23:57.099 casualties and to shun irresponsible 23:57.109 --> 23:59.579 rhetoric and to prevent violence by 23:59.589 --> 24:01.670 settlers in the West Bank . And to 24:01.680 --> 24:03.920 dramatically expand access to 24:03.930 --> 24:05.219 humanitarian aid . 24:08.119 --> 24:10.739 This week , a US air Force C 17 24:11.660 --> 24:15.359 airlifted more than £54,000 of un 24:15.369 --> 24:18.140 un me medical supplies and warm 24:18.150 --> 24:21.280 clothing and food to the people of Gaza . 24:22.170 --> 24:25.030 And we expect more such flights in the 24:25.040 --> 24:28.849 days ahead . And so 24:29.359 --> 24:30.770 two things are true . 24:33.089 --> 24:36.050 Any state has a duty to respond to a 24:36.060 --> 24:39.020 terrorist attack like October 7th 24:41.250 --> 24:43.550 and every state has a duty to protect 24:43.560 --> 24:46.510 civilians during armed conflict . 24:48.040 --> 24:50.151 And so that's crucial as Israel works 24:50.151 --> 24:51.984 to dismantle the Hamas terrorist 24:51.984 --> 24:54.660 infrastructure in Gaza . And it will 24:54.670 --> 24:56.559 also be crucial for our work with 24:56.559 --> 24:59.099 allies and partners after the conflict 24:59.109 --> 25:02.989 ends . Now , it would compound this 25:03.000 --> 25:05.349 tragedy if all that awaited Israelis 25:05.359 --> 25:07.709 and Palestinians at the end of this 25:07.719 --> 25:11.380 awful war was more insecurity , 25:12.060 --> 25:14.199 more rage and more despair . 25:16.989 --> 25:20.280 Israelis and Palestinians have both 25:20.290 --> 25:24.270 paid too bidder a price to just go back 25:24.280 --> 25:28.010 to October 6th . So like every US 25:28.020 --> 25:30.242 administration since the six day war in 25:30.242 --> 25:33.849 1967 we believe that Israelis and 25:33.859 --> 25:36.229 Palestinians must find a way to share 25:36.239 --> 25:38.239 the land that they both call home . 25:40.829 --> 25:42.750 And that means a path towards two 25:42.760 --> 25:46.329 states living side by side in mutual 25:46.339 --> 25:49.810 security . Now , we 25:49.819 --> 25:53.750 understand all the difficulties but a 25:53.760 --> 25:56.829 two state solution remains the only 25:56.839 --> 25:59.199 viable way out of this tragic conflict 25:59.209 --> 26:02.660 that has ever been proposed and 26:02.670 --> 26:06.479 without a horizon of hope , the Israeli 26:06.489 --> 26:09.689 Palestinian conflict will remain an 26:09.699 --> 26:12.939 engine of instability and insecurity 26:12.949 --> 26:14.171 and human suffering . 26:18.300 --> 26:20.670 Ladies and gentlemen , the United 26:20.680 --> 26:23.170 States will remain Israel's closest 26:23.180 --> 26:26.890 friend in the world . Our support for 26:26.900 --> 26:29.969 Israel's security is nonnegotiable and 26:29.979 --> 26:31.050 it never will be 26:40.119 --> 26:43.729 no . In both Israel and 26:43.739 --> 26:47.469 Ukraine democracies are 26:47.479 --> 26:49.590 fighting ruthless foes who are out to 26:49.590 --> 26:53.390 annihilate them and we will not let 26:53.400 --> 26:57.280 Hamas or Putin win and we will not 26:57.290 --> 26:59.760 let our enemies divide or weaken us . 27:00.589 --> 27:04.130 So as we surge support into Israel , we 27:04.140 --> 27:07.560 remain focused on Ukraine and we remain 27:07.569 --> 27:10.400 fully able to project power to uphold 27:10.410 --> 27:13.189 our commitments and direct resources to 27:13.199 --> 27:17.130 multiple theaters . The United States 27:17.140 --> 27:19.369 is the most powerful country on earth 27:20.500 --> 27:22.709 and we can walk and chew gum at the 27:22.719 --> 27:23.510 same time . 27:32.709 --> 27:35.729 Now , I was just back in K last week 27:37.060 --> 27:38.893 and I had great discussions with 27:38.893 --> 27:41.329 President Zelenski and the Minister of 27:41.339 --> 27:44.709 Defense Umarov and General Zusi . 27:46.170 --> 27:48.589 And I got to meet some of the brave 27:48.599 --> 27:51.359 Ukrainian troops who have taken back 27:51.369 --> 27:54.280 more than half of the territory grabbed 27:54.290 --> 27:57.800 by Russia since its un unprovoked and 27:57.810 --> 28:00.890 unjustified invasion in February of 28:00.900 --> 28:04.859 2022 . Since then , the United 28:04.869 --> 28:07.091 States and our allies and partners have 28:07.091 --> 28:09.202 worked to get many key weapon systems 28:09.202 --> 28:11.699 including Haars and patriots and Abrams 28:11.709 --> 28:14.609 tanks , and more into the hands of 28:14.619 --> 28:18.300 trained Ukrainian operators . And so 21 28:18.310 --> 28:20.560 months into Putin's failed campaign of 28:20.569 --> 28:23.829 conquest . The Russian military has 28:23.839 --> 28:27.689 been badly weakened above all . That's 28:27.699 --> 28:29.810 because of Ukraine's incredibly brave 28:29.810 --> 28:33.560 troops . But Ukraine's achievements 28:34.479 --> 28:38.099 also flow from bipartisan us 28:38.109 --> 28:41.390 leadership and from the coalition of 28:41.400 --> 28:43.640 some 50 countries that we forged 28:46.439 --> 28:50.369 as President Biden has said , faced 28:50.380 --> 28:52.102 with a threat to the peace and 28:52.102 --> 28:54.959 stability of the world and to 28:54.969 --> 28:58.280 democratic values that we hold dear 28:58.880 --> 29:02.880 to freedom itself . We do things that 29:02.890 --> 29:06.640 we do , we did what we always do . The 29:06.650 --> 29:09.719 United States stepped up and I'm proud 29:09.729 --> 29:11.618 that our allies and partners have 29:11.618 --> 29:15.369 stepped up along with us . But we still 29:16.089 --> 29:19.790 need urgently need bipartisan support 29:20.349 --> 29:23.250 in Congress to pass a supplemental to 29:23.260 --> 29:25.038 rush security assistance to our 29:25.038 --> 29:27.520 partners in Ukraine in Israel and 29:27.530 --> 29:28.530 elsewhere . 29:31.689 --> 29:33.910 Meanwhile , as we rally the world to 29:33.920 --> 29:37.699 defend Ukraine , Putin has been forced 29:37.709 --> 29:40.979 to scrounge for support from the likes 29:40.989 --> 29:43.530 of Iran in North Korea . 29:45.699 --> 29:48.609 And you know , it was chilling 29:49.609 --> 29:52.939 to see a delegation from Hamas openly 29:52.949 --> 29:55.689 visit Moscow to meet with senior 29:55.699 --> 29:57.866 Russian officials just weeks after the 29:57.866 --> 30:01.829 October 7th massacre . And so 30:01.839 --> 30:04.040 it's no surprise that Iran is fueling 30:04.050 --> 30:07.119 conflict in both Gaza and Ukraine by 30:07.130 --> 30:10.079 giving arms to Hamas and drones to 30:10.089 --> 30:13.609 Putin . Now , despite his 30:13.619 --> 30:17.520 isolation , Putin believes that he 30:17.530 --> 30:20.680 can outlast the Ukrainians but he is 30:20.689 --> 30:23.930 wrong . The Kremlin is waiving an 30:23.939 --> 30:27.829 unjust war of imperial aggression , but 30:27.839 --> 30:30.989 Ukraine is fighting a , a defensive war 30:31.489 --> 30:35.010 for national survival and you can 30:35.020 --> 30:38.959 feel that urgency on the ground and 30:38.969 --> 30:42.609 that gives Ukraine a huge strategic 30:42.619 --> 30:45.369 advantage of a just cause . 30:47.560 --> 30:50.670 Now , Putin also thinks that he can 30:50.680 --> 30:54.189 outlast us . He believes that our 30:54.199 --> 30:56.630 coalition will splinter that our 30:56.640 --> 30:59.599 willpower will fade and our democracy 30:59.609 --> 31:03.170 will just get distracted . But once 31:03.180 --> 31:05.729 again , Putin is wrong 31:10.250 --> 31:13.530 and we must continue to be clear to the 31:13.540 --> 31:16.739 American people about the 31:16.750 --> 31:18.290 stakes in Ukraine . 31:21.010 --> 31:23.920 Ukraine matters profoundly to America 31:23.930 --> 31:26.660 and to the entire world and it matters 31:26.670 --> 31:30.060 for four key reasons . First , 31:30.319 --> 31:33.880 Putin's war poses a stark and direct 31:33.890 --> 31:36.223 threat to security in Europe and beyond . 31:37.689 --> 31:40.689 Second , Putin's aggression is a clear 31:40.699 --> 31:42.949 challenge to our NATO allies . 31:45.260 --> 31:48.069 Third , the Kremlin's deliberate 31:48.079 --> 31:51.640 cruelty is an attack on our shared 31:51.650 --> 31:54.140 values of democracy and decency . 31:55.540 --> 31:58.650 And finally , Putin's war 31:59.599 --> 32:02.280 is a frontal assault on the 32:02.290 --> 32:04.239 international rules based order . 32:07.020 --> 32:09.020 So the outcome of the struggle will 32:09.020 --> 32:11.131 define global security for decades to 32:11.131 --> 32:14.719 come and we don't have the option of 32:14.729 --> 32:18.119 sitting it out . So President Biden has 32:18.130 --> 32:21.319 laid down a clear objective . The 32:21.329 --> 32:23.199 United States seeks a free and 32:23.209 --> 32:26.010 sovereign Ukraine that can defend 32:26.020 --> 32:28.609 itself today and deter more Russian 32:28.619 --> 32:32.010 aggression in the future . And so we 32:32.020 --> 32:34.076 are working together with our allies 32:34.076 --> 32:36.131 and partners to help Ukraine build a 32:36.131 --> 32:38.131 future force that can ward off more 32:38.131 --> 32:40.131 Russian malice in the years to come 32:41.319 --> 32:43.152 because we don't stand up to the 32:43.152 --> 32:46.439 Kremlin's naked aggression today . If 32:46.449 --> 32:49.219 we don't deter other , would be aggress 32:49.359 --> 32:52.109 aggressors , we will only embolden them 32:53.339 --> 32:55.800 and we will invite more bloodshed and 32:55.810 --> 32:56.709 more chaos . 33:00.030 --> 33:03.949 Russia's invasion of Ukraine offers a 33:03.959 --> 33:07.530 grim preview of a world of tyranny 33:07.900 --> 33:10.069 and turmoil that should make us all 33:10.079 --> 33:13.829 shudder and that's important 33:13.900 --> 33:15.369 far beyond Europe . 33:19.800 --> 33:23.319 Our national defense strategy describes 33:23.329 --> 33:26.599 the People's Republic of China as 33:26.609 --> 33:28.859 America's most consequential strategic 33:28.869 --> 33:31.510 competitor . And the pacing challenge 33:31.520 --> 33:35.369 for the Department of Defense , the 33:35.560 --> 33:38.420 PRC is our only rival with the intent 33:38.430 --> 33:41.150 and increasingly the capacity to 33:41.160 --> 33:43.550 reshape the international order . 33:45.079 --> 33:47.579 The PRC hopes that the United States 33:47.589 --> 33:50.969 will stumble and become isolated 33:50.979 --> 33:53.859 abroad and divided at home . 33:55.640 --> 33:58.780 But together we can prevent that fate . 34:00.380 --> 34:02.491 And we've made extraordinary progress 34:02.491 --> 34:04.949 along with our allies and partners in 34:04.959 --> 34:08.179 meeting the Chi China challenge and 34:08.189 --> 34:11.750 forging a more secure Indo Pacific 34:13.870 --> 34:17.839 in this decisive decade , 2023 34:17.849 --> 34:20.299 will be remembered as a decisive year 34:20.918 --> 34:23.799 for implementing us defense strategy in 34:23.809 --> 34:26.729 Asia . And so we're making our force 34:26.739 --> 34:29.418 posture in the Indo Pacific far more 34:29.428 --> 34:31.618 distributed mobile and resilient . 34:32.500 --> 34:34.444 We're helping our friends build up 34:34.444 --> 34:36.278 their own capabilities to defend 34:36.278 --> 34:38.167 themselves and we're working with 34:38.167 --> 34:40.600 allies and partners like never before . 34:41.520 --> 34:44.060 You know , I've made four trips to the 34:44.070 --> 34:46.750 Indo Pacific this year . 34:48.310 --> 34:50.366 And with each trip , we've made even 34:50.366 --> 34:54.100 more progress in Manila . This February , 34:55.189 --> 34:57.090 we announced the expansion of our 34:57.100 --> 34:59.322 enhanced defense co-operation agreement 34:59.590 --> 35:03.020 with the Philippines to allow us access 35:03.030 --> 35:06.560 to four more Philippine facilities in 35:06.580 --> 35:08.802 New Delhi . This summer , we unveiled a 35:08.802 --> 35:10.747 new roadmap for defense industrial 35:10.747 --> 35:13.530 co-operation with India . Now that 35:13.540 --> 35:17.419 strategy is already driving our work 35:17.429 --> 35:20.919 together on key defense platforms . We 35:20.929 --> 35:23.040 also rolled out a major deal to build 35:23.040 --> 35:26.199 aircraft engines in India and when I 35:26.209 --> 35:29.620 was back in India last month , we 35:29.629 --> 35:31.979 announced our intent to coro armored 35:31.989 --> 35:34.659 vehicles with India , our first time 35:34.669 --> 35:38.280 with any foreign partner in 35:38.290 --> 35:41.530 May . I visited Tokyo to further 35:41.540 --> 35:44.129 modernize our alliance with Japan as 35:44.139 --> 35:46.689 Japan doubles its defense budget 35:49.139 --> 35:51.306 in July . I became the first secretary 35:51.306 --> 35:53.361 of Defense to visit Papua New Guinea 35:54.439 --> 35:56.320 and we made even more history by 35:56.330 --> 35:58.340 agreeing to a defense co-operation 35:58.350 --> 36:00.580 agreement between our two countries . 36:02.209 --> 36:04.376 When I visited Seoul a couple of weeks 36:04.376 --> 36:06.889 ago , we charted a bold future for our 36:06.899 --> 36:09.280 alliance with the Republic of Korea by 36:09.290 --> 36:11.123 signing a new tailored deterrent 36:11.123 --> 36:14.689 strategy . And along with our partners 36:14.699 --> 36:17.959 in Tokyo and Seoul , we made strides in 36:17.969 --> 36:20.191 trilateral co-operation with , with our 36:20.191 --> 36:22.540 two great allies in , in Northeast Asia . 36:25.360 --> 36:29.290 I also flew to Brisbane in July for 36:29.300 --> 36:31.030 the US Australia ministerial 36:31.050 --> 36:34.419 ministerial consultations which showed 36:34.560 --> 36:37.580 that our unbreakable alliance , it's 36:37.590 --> 36:41.179 even stronger than ever . And finally , 36:42.090 --> 36:44.659 we're deepening our historic a 36:44.679 --> 36:47.939 partnership with two of our 36:48.120 --> 36:51.399 closest allies Australia and the United 36:51.409 --> 36:54.949 Kingdom . And so yesterday , I 36:54.959 --> 36:58.489 hosted secretary shops of the UK and 36:58.500 --> 37:00.333 Deputy Prime Minister Morrows of 37:00.333 --> 37:04.260 Australia here in California for 37:04.270 --> 37:06.250 our 2nd August defense Ministers 37:06.260 --> 37:10.020 meeting . And through August , our 37:10.030 --> 37:13.879 three democracies are helping Australia 37:13.889 --> 37:17.310 acquire a conventionally armed nuclear 37:17.320 --> 37:21.110 powered submarine . And we're forging 37:21.120 --> 37:23.679 deeper partnerships among our indus 37:23.820 --> 37:25.653 defense industrial bases and our 37:25.653 --> 37:29.350 innovation ecosystems . Now , 37:29.360 --> 37:31.850 all of this builds on a blunt military 37:31.860 --> 37:35.679 reality and that reality is 37:35.689 --> 37:38.649 that allies and partners help us 37:38.659 --> 37:41.709 project power and share the burden of 37:41.719 --> 37:45.719 our common security . But don't 37:45.729 --> 37:48.419 just take it from me , take it from 37:48.429 --> 37:51.020 President Reagan who said that our 37:51.030 --> 37:54.129 security ultimately rests on the 37:54.139 --> 37:57.330 confidence and cohesion of our alliance 37:57.340 --> 38:00.979 system . Yet our 38:00.989 --> 38:04.540 strength abroad is rooted in our 38:04.550 --> 38:07.570 strength at home and in our ability to 38:07.580 --> 38:09.580 stay ahead of coming challenges . 38:12.120 --> 38:15.189 And that's why we pushed so hard to 38:15.199 --> 38:18.959 invest in innovation and in our defense 38:18.969 --> 38:22.040 industrial base and above all in our 38:22.050 --> 38:25.550 people . You know , I had a great visit 38:25.560 --> 38:28.760 yesterday . Uh at our defense 38:28.770 --> 38:30.820 innovation unit in Silicon Valley , 38:32.239 --> 38:35.429 Du focuses on fielding and scaling 38:35.439 --> 38:37.272 commercial technology across the 38:37.272 --> 38:40.620 military . It is directly plugged into 38:40.629 --> 38:43.209 Silicon Valley , working with venture 38:43.389 --> 38:45.590 venture capital firms and tech 38:45.600 --> 38:48.100 innovators who are often doing business 38:48.110 --> 38:51.659 with dod for the first time and it will 38:51.669 --> 38:54.469 help us deliver thousands of game 38:54.489 --> 38:56.860 changing capabilities at speed and at 38:56.870 --> 39:00.739 scale when 39:00.750 --> 39:04.479 we sharpen our tech edge , we expand 39:04.489 --> 39:08.350 our military edge and that's why 39:08.360 --> 39:10.527 we're making such major investments in 39:10.527 --> 39:13.739 innovation . And we're giving the 39:13.750 --> 39:17.040 American taxpayer extraordinary value . 39:17.870 --> 39:20.050 Even while our spending on national 39:20.060 --> 39:23.560 defense as a percentage of GDP remains 39:23.570 --> 39:25.909 about half of what it was during the 39:25.919 --> 39:27.770 last decade of the Cold War . 39:29.959 --> 39:32.219 The department's budget request 39:32.229 --> 39:35.199 includes 100 and $45 billion for R and 39:35.209 --> 39:38.010 D and 100 and $70 billion for 39:38.020 --> 39:40.280 procurement . Now , those are the 39:40.290 --> 39:42.879 largest such investments in us history . 39:44.530 --> 39:46.474 We're also making major investment 39:46.474 --> 39:48.489 investments in combined all domain 39:48.500 --> 39:51.129 command , combined , joint all domain 39:51.139 --> 39:54.209 command and control and those 39:54.219 --> 39:56.441 investments will make us even better at 39:56.441 --> 39:58.663 joint operations and combat integration 40:00.699 --> 40:03.860 to remain nimble . We've also created 40:03.870 --> 40:07.570 the Office of Strategic Capital which 40:07.580 --> 40:10.989 will help attract and scale private 40:11.000 --> 40:12.870 capital in our in our critical 40:12.879 --> 40:16.370 technologies . We're also 40:16.379 --> 40:18.520 making unprecedented use of the 40:18.530 --> 40:20.590 multiyear procurement authorities 40:20.850 --> 40:23.570 provided by Congress to deliver 40:23.580 --> 40:25.850 critical munitions at affordable cost . 40:27.449 --> 40:29.727 This includes the naval strike missile , 40:30.739 --> 40:34.100 the maritime strike sm six missile in 40:34.110 --> 40:36.139 the long range anti ship missile . 40:39.030 --> 40:41.570 Now , Ukraine's high burn rate for 40:41.580 --> 40:45.110 artillery has hammered home the need to 40:45.120 --> 40:48.790 invest even more in munitions . So 40:48.800 --> 40:50.800 compared to the defense budget from 40:50.800 --> 40:52.969 just five years ago , we're putting 40:52.979 --> 40:56.929 nearly 50% more money into munitions . 40:57.850 --> 40:59.683 And during this administration , 40:59.939 --> 41:01.828 America's production of artillery 41:01.828 --> 41:04.689 shells won't just increase , it won't 41:04.699 --> 41:08.399 just double it will quadruple . 41:10.540 --> 41:12.540 Meanwhile , we've launched what the 41:12.540 --> 41:14.370 army calls the most ambitious 41:14.989 --> 41:18.280 modernization effort in nearly 40 years 41:18.300 --> 41:21.899 for our defense industrial base . And 41:21.909 --> 41:24.669 so some $50 billion of our supplemental 41:24.679 --> 41:27.879 budget request would flow through our 41:27.889 --> 41:31.540 defense industrial base and that will 41:31.550 --> 41:35.179 create or support tens of thousands of 41:35.189 --> 41:38.239 good American jobs in more than 30 41:38.250 --> 41:42.120 states that includes making missiles in 41:42.129 --> 41:45.840 Arizona , in vehicles and in Wisconsin , 41:47.260 --> 41:50.739 in our in Indiana , in artillery 41:50.750 --> 41:53.899 shells in Pennsylvania , Ohio and Texas . 41:55.929 --> 41:59.439 And that all means greater prosperity 41:59.449 --> 42:02.169 at home and greater security around the 42:02.179 --> 42:03.179 globe . 42:07.080 --> 42:09.719 And that brings me to one final 42:09.729 --> 42:12.310 strategic advantage that no competitor 42:12.320 --> 42:16.030 can match . And that is nearly 42:16.040 --> 42:18.889 3.4 million American patriots who 42:18.899 --> 42:21.850 protect our country every day , either 42:21.860 --> 42:25.129 by serving in uniform or as civilians 42:25.800 --> 42:26.911 of the department . 42:30.159 --> 42:33.649 Our people rise to every challenge and 42:33.659 --> 42:36.080 I am determined to do right by them and 42:36.090 --> 42:38.929 their families . So this year , we 42:38.939 --> 42:42.239 secured a 4.6% pay raise for our troops 42:42.689 --> 42:45.070 and civilian workers , which was the 42:45.080 --> 42:48.370 largest in two decades . We increased 42:48.379 --> 42:50.435 our basic allowance for housing this 42:50.435 --> 42:53.100 year by an average 12 12.1% . The 42:53.110 --> 42:55.810 largest percentage increase in 15 years . 42:56.500 --> 42:58.667 We're working to provide universal pre 42:58.667 --> 43:01.739 K at our dod schools , offering 43:01.750 --> 43:03.919 flexible savings accounts to make 43:03.929 --> 43:06.709 childcare more affordable and giving 12 43:06.719 --> 43:09.270 weeks of paid parental leave to service 43:09.280 --> 43:12.889 members . We're making it easier for 43:12.899 --> 43:15.409 our outstanding military spouses to 43:15.419 --> 43:17.197 flourish in their own careers , 43:17.197 --> 43:19.979 including new be new benefits and new 43:19.989 --> 43:21.989 ways to help agencies and companies 43:21.989 --> 43:25.530 retain military spouses when their 43:25.540 --> 43:27.651 families are ordered to move abroad . 43:32.070 --> 43:35.830 We are one team and we don't 43:35.840 --> 43:38.090 have one single teammate to spare . 43:40.729 --> 43:42.830 And so we will not tolerate sexual 43:42.840 --> 43:45.007 assault or sexual harassment in the US 43:45.007 --> 43:47.810 military . And by the end of this month , 43:47.820 --> 43:49.931 independent military prosecutors will 43:49.931 --> 43:51.860 tackle cases of sexual assault , 43:52.250 --> 43:54.250 domestic violence and other serious 43:54.250 --> 43:57.290 crimes . And we're driving hard to 43:57.669 --> 44:01.389 reduce the tragedy of suicide in our 44:01.399 --> 44:04.810 ranks by improving the delivery of 44:04.820 --> 44:07.850 mental health care and ending the old 44:07.860 --> 44:10.340 stigmas of seeking help . 44:12.179 --> 44:14.235 And we do all of this for one simple 44:14.235 --> 44:18.149 reason , our people are the greatest 44:18.159 --> 44:22.010 strategic asset that we have . The 44:22.020 --> 44:24.469 US military is the most lethal fighting 44:24.479 --> 44:26.629 force in human history . And we're 44:26.639 --> 44:28.195 going to keep it that way . 44:38.510 --> 44:40.399 Ladies and gentlemen , we are the 44:40.399 --> 44:44.250 United States of America and it's not 44:44.389 --> 44:46.679 enough just to pursue our natural 44:46.689 --> 44:50.199 national interests . We must also live 44:50.209 --> 44:53.620 our national values . As President 44:53.629 --> 44:57.070 Reagan said , our foreign policy should 44:57.080 --> 44:59.629 be to show by example , the greatness 44:59.639 --> 45:02.479 of our system and the strength of 45:02.489 --> 45:06.340 American ideals and we must ensure 45:07.080 --> 45:09.729 as President Biden has said that 45:09.739 --> 45:12.429 America remains a beacon to the world 45:13.850 --> 45:16.120 and we will not let that beacon flicker 45:16.129 --> 45:19.260 or fade . And so in 45:19.729 --> 45:23.649 this uncertain hour at this time of 45:23.659 --> 45:26.989 testing , the world looks to America 45:27.000 --> 45:30.790 again and we must not give our friends 45:30.810 --> 45:34.280 our rivals or our foes , any reason to 45:34.290 --> 45:36.030 doubt America's resolve . 45:38.979 --> 45:42.080 You know , in times like these 45:43.169 --> 45:45.189 extraordinary people can show 45:45.199 --> 45:48.489 extraordinary courage , ordinary people 45:48.500 --> 45:50.333 can show extraordinary courage . 45:52.649 --> 45:54.927 And that's exactly what I saw in Keith . 45:56.080 --> 45:58.540 I saw a proud bustling city in the 45:58.550 --> 46:01.669 heart of mainland Europe and it is in 46:01.679 --> 46:05.030 the gun sights because of one man's 46:05.040 --> 46:09.040 hubris and fury . But the 46:09.050 --> 46:10.939 Ukrainian people have met Putin's 46:10.939 --> 46:13.600 assault with defiance , resilience , 46:14.780 --> 46:18.530 wit and yes , even grace . 46:21.719 --> 46:23.608 You can see it in the eyes of the 46:23.608 --> 46:25.441 troops fighting to drive out the 46:25.441 --> 46:28.080 Russian invaders . You can see it in 46:28.090 --> 46:30.146 the determination of the citizens of 46:30.146 --> 46:34.010 Kiev . Ukraine reminds 46:34.020 --> 46:37.320 the world of the moral power of a free 46:37.330 --> 46:40.030 people fighting to defend their 46:40.040 --> 46:42.151 sovereign territory , their democracy 46:42.151 --> 46:45.969 and their future and as Americans , 46:46.459 --> 46:50.399 we must do no less . So let 46:50.409 --> 46:53.439 us come together to make our union more 46:53.449 --> 46:56.760 perfect in our country , more secure in 46:56.770 --> 46:58.989 our world more . Just let us come 46:59.000 --> 47:00.860 together to rally the nations of 47:00.870 --> 47:03.570 goodwill to the cause of human freedom 47:04.290 --> 47:07.489 and let us come together to meet this 47:07.500 --> 47:10.889 moment . Thank you . And may God 47:10.899 --> 47:13.066 continue to bless the United States of 47:13.066 --> 47:12.830 America .