1 00:00:00,009 --> 00:00:01,898 The purpose of this hearing is to 2 00:00:01,898 --> 00:00:03,898 examine the current state of United 3 00:00:03,898 --> 00:00:05,953 States foreign policy in the Sahel . 4 00:00:05,953 --> 00:00:08,120 The chair announces that he may recess 5 00:00:08,120 --> 00:00:10,065 the committee at any point without 6 00:00:10,065 --> 00:00:12,231 objection so ordered , I now recognize 7 00:00:12,231 --> 00:00:15,640 myself an opening statement . This 8 00:00:15,649 --> 00:00:17,871 whole region of Africa is undeniably in 9 00:00:17,871 --> 00:00:19,705 crisis and has become the global 10 00:00:19,705 --> 00:00:21,705 hotspot for Islamist extremism . In 11 00:00:21,705 --> 00:00:24,040 2022 the region accounted for 43% of 12 00:00:24,049 --> 00:00:27,229 global terrorism deaths up from 1% in 13 00:00:27,239 --> 00:00:30,799 2007 . Roughly one out of every three 14 00:00:30,809 --> 00:00:32,950 people who call this region home need 15 00:00:32,959 --> 00:00:35,259 humanitarian assistance . Rule of law 16 00:00:35,270 --> 00:00:37,381 is floundering and there have been no 17 00:00:37,381 --> 00:00:39,492 fewer than seven military power grabs 18 00:00:39,492 --> 00:00:41,659 since 2020 . Russia has exploited this 19 00:00:41,659 --> 00:00:43,548 instability primarily through the 20 00:00:43,548 --> 00:00:45,437 Wagner group to gain geopolitical 21 00:00:45,437 --> 00:00:47,437 influence , expand access to the de 22 00:00:47,437 --> 00:00:49,548 dollarized assets like gold mines and 23 00:00:49,548 --> 00:00:51,770 pressure nato's southern flank . At the 24 00:00:51,770 --> 00:00:53,492 same time , United Nations led 25 00:00:53,492 --> 00:00:55,548 peacekeeping missions are failing to 26 00:00:55,548 --> 00:00:57,603 deliver while anti French sentiments 27 00:00:57,603 --> 00:00:59,714 driven by missteps in French policies 28 00:00:59,714 --> 00:01:01,603 and magnified by adversaries have 29 00:01:01,603 --> 00:01:03,659 created a crisis of confidence about 30 00:01:03,659 --> 00:01:05,881 Paris future role and policy toward the 31 00:01:05,881 --> 00:01:07,992 region . We have seen that a military 32 00:01:07,992 --> 00:01:09,800 response alone will not address 33 00:01:09,809 --> 00:01:12,169 counterterrorism democratic backsliding 34 00:01:12,180 --> 00:01:14,849 and rising anti Western sentiment . We 35 00:01:14,860 --> 00:01:17,949 must have a strong coated us response 36 00:01:17,959 --> 00:01:19,737 that appropriately balances our 37 00:01:19,737 --> 00:01:21,681 diplomatic development and defense 38 00:01:21,681 --> 00:01:23,626 efforts to build partner countries 39 00:01:23,626 --> 00:01:25,792 capacity to address the root causes of 40 00:01:25,792 --> 00:01:27,792 their growing list of problems . We 41 00:01:27,792 --> 00:01:29,989 know that retrenching and an 42 00:01:30,000 --> 00:01:32,222 isolationist policy will not make these 43 00:01:32,222 --> 00:01:34,480 problems go away . In fact , it will 44 00:01:34,489 --> 00:01:36,489 make them worse , which is why I've 45 00:01:36,489 --> 00:01:38,433 called this hearing today to speak 46 00:01:38,433 --> 00:01:40,600 about the increasingly dire situations 47 00:01:40,600 --> 00:01:43,529 in Sudan , Chad , Mali and Burkina Faso 48 00:01:44,540 --> 00:01:46,596 Sudan is perhaps the most concerning 49 00:01:46,596 --> 00:01:48,919 country in Africa . Now conflict has 50 00:01:48,930 --> 00:01:50,597 raged for seven months and us 51 00:01:50,597 --> 00:01:52,652 diplomatic efforts have consistently 52 00:01:52,652 --> 00:01:54,708 proven unable to curb the fighting . 53 00:01:54,708 --> 00:01:56,839 Many prominent media in Sudan experts 54 00:01:56,849 --> 00:01:59,016 have warned that genocide has returned 55 00:01:59,016 --> 00:02:01,071 to the Darfur region where survivors 56 00:02:01,071 --> 00:02:03,293 have reported mass slaughter , murdered 57 00:02:03,293 --> 00:02:06,190 babies and kill this . The world is 58 00:02:06,199 --> 00:02:08,255 watching to see if the United States 59 00:02:08,255 --> 00:02:10,366 will stand by as Al Fashir , the only 60 00:02:10,366 --> 00:02:12,588 capital city in Darfur not yet captured 61 00:02:12,588 --> 00:02:15,160 by the RSF becomes a site of refuge or 62 00:02:15,169 --> 00:02:17,910 slaughter . I note the announcement 63 00:02:17,919 --> 00:02:20,030 yesterday of sanctions against Bashir 64 00:02:20,030 --> 00:02:22,710 era , Islamist who have contributed to 65 00:02:22,720 --> 00:02:24,609 Sudan's destabilization , but I'm 66 00:02:24,609 --> 00:02:26,831 concerned that they do not appear to be 67 00:02:26,831 --> 00:02:28,609 part of a strategic framework . 68 00:02:28,609 --> 00:02:30,831 Sanctions are effective only as a means 69 00:02:30,831 --> 00:02:33,059 to clearly articulate it in goal and 70 00:02:33,070 --> 00:02:35,500 are not super su excuse me , not 71 00:02:35,509 --> 00:02:38,190 sufficient policy in and of themselves . 72 00:02:38,600 --> 00:02:40,656 The administration must articulate a 73 00:02:40,656 --> 00:02:43,029 clear and coherent policy . It is not 74 00:02:43,039 --> 00:02:45,070 enough simply to issue periodic 75 00:02:45,080 --> 00:02:47,699 statements of condemnation as to how 76 00:02:47,710 --> 00:02:49,766 its current actions are contributing 77 00:02:49,766 --> 00:02:51,766 positively to achieving a return of 78 00:02:51,766 --> 00:02:53,710 civilian rule . And in fighting in 79 00:02:53,710 --> 00:02:56,100 Sudan , fragility in Chad is creating 80 00:02:56,110 --> 00:02:58,729 hard bed fellows for the the the DB 81 00:02:58,740 --> 00:03:00,962 government and internal fissures within 82 00:03:00,962 --> 00:03:03,710 the ruling . Zaga was despite being one 83 00:03:03,720 --> 00:03:05,942 of the poorest countries in the world . 84 00:03:05,942 --> 00:03:08,009 Chad hosted 1.3 million forcibly 85 00:03:08,020 --> 00:03:11,000 displaced persons as of September 2023 86 00:03:11,389 --> 00:03:13,445 multiple reports suggest that United 87 00:03:13,445 --> 00:03:15,556 Arab Emirates is using an airfield in 88 00:03:15,556 --> 00:03:17,500 eastern Chad to funnel weapons and 89 00:03:17,500 --> 00:03:19,222 supplies to RSF who are direct 90 00:03:19,222 --> 00:03:21,000 evolution of the Jer Weed uh mi 91 00:03:21,000 --> 00:03:23,167 militias from Darfur genocide 20 years 92 00:03:23,167 --> 00:03:26,050 ago . The palace coup in caught 93 00:03:26,059 --> 00:03:28,240 everyone by surprise and the current 94 00:03:28,250 --> 00:03:31,669 leadership in Yemeni , uh Niemi appears 95 00:03:31,679 --> 00:03:34,539 struck , unable to move forward and 96 00:03:34,550 --> 00:03:36,630 credible solutions that would see 97 00:03:36,639 --> 00:03:39,339 sanctions relief allow safe relief of 98 00:03:39,350 --> 00:03:41,239 the democratically elected leader 99 00:03:41,239 --> 00:03:43,270 Mohammed Bozsum . And instead is 100 00:03:43,279 --> 00:03:45,910 looking to Moscow for solutions . Just 101 00:03:45,919 --> 00:03:48,141 yesterday . The Russian Deputy Minister 102 00:03:48,141 --> 00:03:50,729 of Defense Niemi signing a military 103 00:03:50,740 --> 00:03:52,573 cooper operation agreement among 104 00:03:52,600 --> 00:03:55,020 Burkina faso and Mali . The junta in 105 00:03:55,029 --> 00:03:57,289 Mali has doubled down on reliance on 106 00:03:57,300 --> 00:03:59,078 Wagner and Russia following the 107 00:03:59,078 --> 00:04:00,911 withdrawal of the United Nations 108 00:04:00,911 --> 00:04:03,133 peacekeeping operation in the country . 109 00:04:03,133 --> 00:04:05,022 The junta kicked out peacekeepers 110 00:04:05,022 --> 00:04:06,911 following an investigative report 111 00:04:06,911 --> 00:04:09,133 detailing a massacre that took place by 112 00:04:09,133 --> 00:04:11,244 the Malayan Malayan Russian personnel 113 00:04:11,970 --> 00:04:14,880 in August 2023 . Russia vetoed the 114 00:04:14,889 --> 00:04:17,111 renewal of the UN sanctions program for 115 00:04:17,111 --> 00:04:19,222 Mali which focused on the conflict in 116 00:04:19,222 --> 00:04:21,445 the North Jihadists in Mali have almost 117 00:04:21,445 --> 00:04:23,556 doubled the territory they control in 118 00:04:23,556 --> 00:04:26,410 Mali in less than a year . This sows 119 00:04:26,420 --> 00:04:28,642 the seas for emergence of Islamic State 120 00:04:28,642 --> 00:04:30,864 that exercises territorial control over 121 00:04:30,864 --> 00:04:33,239 West Africa . Burkina faso experienced 122 00:04:33,250 --> 00:04:36,140 two military coups in 2022 successive 123 00:04:36,149 --> 00:04:38,371 governments have been unable to contain 124 00:04:38,371 --> 00:04:40,427 the spread of violence by insurgents 125 00:04:40,427 --> 00:04:42,260 affiliated with Al Qaeda and the 126 00:04:42,260 --> 00:04:44,427 Islamic State in November 2023 Burkina 127 00:04:44,427 --> 00:04:46,427 faso upgraded his relationship with 128 00:04:46,427 --> 00:04:48,593 Russia and 20 Russian soldiers arrived 129 00:04:48,593 --> 00:04:51,089 in the country . Russia's growing 130 00:04:51,100 --> 00:04:53,322 entrenchment across the Sahel in Africa 131 00:04:53,322 --> 00:04:55,267 as a whole is extremely concerning 132 00:04:55,390 --> 00:04:57,446 testing Western influence on several 133 00:04:57,446 --> 00:04:59,309 fronts . I have yet to see a 134 00:04:59,320 --> 00:05:01,153 comprehensive strategy from this 135 00:05:01,153 --> 00:05:03,042 administration to combat Russia's 136 00:05:03,042 --> 00:05:05,209 influence and address the shortcomings 137 00:05:05,209 --> 00:05:07,376 of our economic and diplomatic tools . 138 00:05:07,376 --> 00:05:09,598 I would like to thank the witnesses for 139 00:05:09,598 --> 00:05:11,653 their appearance today and for their 140 00:05:11,653 --> 00:05:13,876 frank assessment of the security vacuum 141 00:05:13,876 --> 00:05:16,042 that's being filled by our adversaries 142 00:05:16,042 --> 00:05:18,153 in these countries . The descent into 143 00:05:18,153 --> 00:05:20,376 chaos in the Sahel is far from over and 144 00:05:20,376 --> 00:05:22,042 there is urgency to develop a 145 00:05:22,042 --> 00:05:24,153 comprehensive approach to stabilizing 146 00:05:24,153 --> 00:05:26,264 the region , not just containing it . 147 00:05:27,920 --> 00:05:30,031 Chairman now recognize ranking member 148 00:05:30,031 --> 00:05:32,087 congresswoman from California , Miss 149 00:05:32,087 --> 00:05:31,850 Jacobs . There . Any statements you may 150 00:05:31,859 --> 00:05:34,470 have ? Thank you uh Chairman James and 151 00:05:34,480 --> 00:05:36,480 Assistant Secretary Fee , Assistant 152 00:05:36,480 --> 00:05:38,369 Secretary Guan and Mr Jenkins for 153 00:05:38,369 --> 00:05:40,591 testifying before the subcomittee today 154 00:05:40,591 --> 00:05:42,758 on us policy in the Sahel region . The 155 00:05:42,758 --> 00:05:44,910 past few years have shown that us 156 00:05:44,920 --> 00:05:46,976 policy and that of the international 157 00:05:46,976 --> 00:05:49,031 community towards the Sahel region . 158 00:05:49,031 --> 00:05:50,920 Have come up short . We've seen a 159 00:05:50,920 --> 00:05:52,642 string of coups and democratic 160 00:05:52,642 --> 00:05:54,864 backsliding across the sahel region and 161 00:05:54,864 --> 00:05:56,809 the broader continent including in 162 00:05:56,809 --> 00:05:59,031 Burkina , faso , Chad Guinea , Mali and 163 00:05:59,031 --> 00:06:01,209 Sudan . As a result , over 4 million 164 00:06:01,220 --> 00:06:03,442 people have been displaced in the Sahel 165 00:06:03,442 --> 00:06:05,664 alone adding to global migration levels 166 00:06:05,664 --> 00:06:07,776 while the climate crisis and violence 167 00:06:07,776 --> 00:06:09,942 continue to affect food crops and food 168 00:06:09,942 --> 00:06:11,942 prices . And we have started to see 169 00:06:11,942 --> 00:06:13,831 insurgent violence spread its way 170 00:06:13,831 --> 00:06:16,109 toward the coastal West African states , 171 00:06:16,109 --> 00:06:18,164 particularly Benin Cote d'ivoire and 172 00:06:18,164 --> 00:06:20,109 Togo , which are working to secure 173 00:06:20,109 --> 00:06:22,053 their northern borders and address 174 00:06:22,053 --> 00:06:24,220 vulnerabilities to violent extremism . 175 00:06:24,220 --> 00:06:26,387 It is clear the United States needs to 176 00:06:26,387 --> 00:06:28,498 prioritize this region of the world , 177 00:06:28,498 --> 00:06:30,442 which is why I'm so focused on the 178 00:06:30,442 --> 00:06:32,609 implementation of the Global Fragility 179 00:06:32,609 --> 00:06:34,776 Act and the resulting 10 year strategy 180 00:06:34,776 --> 00:06:34,540 to prevent conflict in coastal West 181 00:06:34,549 --> 00:06:38,429 Africa . We know that a key driver of 182 00:06:38,440 --> 00:06:40,739 violent extremism is lack of responsive 183 00:06:40,750 --> 00:06:43,149 governance in many places that have 184 00:06:43,160 --> 00:06:45,029 experienced coups , young and 185 00:06:45,040 --> 00:06:47,040 marginalized populations don't feel 186 00:06:47,040 --> 00:06:48,818 like they have a voice in their 187 00:06:48,818 --> 00:06:50,596 governments and aren't properly 188 00:06:50,596 --> 00:06:52,429 represented . This is especially 189 00:06:52,429 --> 00:06:54,373 important on the African continent 190 00:06:54,373 --> 00:06:56,484 where young people are , the majority 191 00:06:56,484 --> 00:06:58,596 Africa has the youngest population in 192 00:06:58,596 --> 00:07:00,484 the world with 70% of sub Saharan 193 00:07:00,484 --> 00:07:02,707 Africa under the age of 30 . So we need 194 00:07:02,707 --> 00:07:04,929 to make sure that national regional and 195 00:07:04,929 --> 00:07:07,040 international government responses to 196 00:07:07,040 --> 00:07:09,096 violent extremism address governance 197 00:07:09,096 --> 00:07:11,040 instead of prioritizing a security 198 00:07:11,040 --> 00:07:13,151 first response . Too often , security 199 00:07:13,151 --> 00:07:15,373 forces have responded with a heavy hand 200 00:07:15,373 --> 00:07:17,373 and caused civilian harm which only 201 00:07:17,373 --> 00:07:19,596 fuels underlying grievances against the 202 00:07:19,596 --> 00:07:21,707 state . More I saw this when I worked 203 00:07:21,707 --> 00:07:23,651 at the state department , security 204 00:07:23,651 --> 00:07:25,373 forces abuses and human rights 205 00:07:25,373 --> 00:07:27,318 violations are some of the biggest 206 00:07:27,318 --> 00:07:29,540 drivers of violent extremism . So as we 207 00:07:29,540 --> 00:07:31,484 provide support to security forces 208 00:07:31,484 --> 00:07:33,596 working to address violent insurgents 209 00:07:33,596 --> 00:07:33,549 and secure their borders , we need to 210 00:07:33,559 --> 00:07:35,059 emphasize human rights and 211 00:07:35,059 --> 00:07:37,609 professionalization with thoughtful 212 00:07:37,619 --> 00:07:39,730 implementation . The global Fragility 213 00:07:39,730 --> 00:07:41,675 Act has the power to modernize our 214 00:07:41,675 --> 00:07:43,619 foreign policy and center conflict 215 00:07:43,619 --> 00:07:45,786 prevention and peace building into the 216 00:07:45,786 --> 00:07:47,952 heart of our strategy . But one of the 217 00:07:47,952 --> 00:07:50,119 biggest tactics that we can't overlook 218 00:07:50,119 --> 00:07:50,119 in addressing conflict is the 219 00:07:50,130 --> 00:07:51,908 importance of locally led peace 220 00:07:51,908 --> 00:07:54,160 building and development . Bringing in 221 00:07:54,170 --> 00:07:56,003 people who are involved and most 222 00:07:56,003 --> 00:07:58,170 affected by violent conflict to create 223 00:07:58,170 --> 00:08:00,059 solutions is the most effective , 224 00:08:00,059 --> 00:08:02,170 efficient and equitable equitable way 225 00:08:02,170 --> 00:08:04,337 to do develop development and conflict 226 00:08:04,337 --> 00:08:06,559 related work . We need to empower local 227 00:08:06,559 --> 00:08:08,670 people , not tell them what to do and 228 00:08:08,670 --> 00:08:10,281 perpetuate harmful cycles of 229 00:08:10,281 --> 00:08:12,448 colonialism . And this is increasingly 230 00:08:12,448 --> 00:08:14,559 relevant in light of the civil war in 231 00:08:14,559 --> 00:08:16,670 Sudan where young people have led the 232 00:08:16,670 --> 00:08:18,559 democracy movement and heroically 233 00:08:18,559 --> 00:08:20,337 stepped in to provide for their 234 00:08:20,337 --> 00:08:22,281 communities when the international 235 00:08:22,281 --> 00:08:22,140 community has been unable to operate . 236 00:08:22,850 --> 00:08:25,220 Even before the fighting started , 16 237 00:08:25,230 --> 00:08:27,397 million people were already in need of 238 00:08:27,397 --> 00:08:29,452 aid . Many civilians lack the basics 239 00:08:29,452 --> 00:08:31,452 for life , food , water , shelter , 240 00:08:31,452 --> 00:08:33,674 medicine and security . While staff and 241 00:08:33,674 --> 00:08:35,897 rsf continue hostilities and make clear 242 00:08:35,897 --> 00:08:38,119 that they are not serious about peace . 243 00:08:38,229 --> 00:08:39,673 I'm glad to see the Biden 244 00:08:39,673 --> 00:08:41,785 administration designate three former 245 00:08:41,785 --> 00:08:43,729 Bashir officials for their role in 246 00:08:43,729 --> 00:08:45,562 threatening peace , security and 247 00:08:45,562 --> 00:08:47,896 stability in Sudan . But let's be clear , 248 00:08:47,896 --> 00:08:50,062 more is needed to bring this war to an 249 00:08:50,062 --> 00:08:52,007 end and enable a viable pathway to 250 00:08:52,007 --> 00:08:54,062 peace and democracy for the Sudanese 251 00:08:54,062 --> 00:08:56,007 people . I'm horrified by the mass 252 00:08:56,007 --> 00:08:57,896 atrocities committed by the RSF , 253 00:08:57,896 --> 00:08:59,840 particularly in Darfur but also in 254 00:08:59,840 --> 00:09:02,007 Khartoum . And look forward to hearing 255 00:09:02,007 --> 00:09:04,229 from the administration on what they're 256 00:09:04,229 --> 00:09:03,960 doing to prevent further atrocities , 257 00:09:03,969 --> 00:09:06,136 hold the RSF accountable and recognize 258 00:09:06,136 --> 00:09:08,409 these atrocities for what they are . It 259 00:09:08,419 --> 00:09:10,252 is also clear that there is more 260 00:09:10,252 --> 00:09:12,475 pressure the United States can bring to 261 00:09:12,475 --> 00:09:14,252 bear on the UAE and its role in 262 00:09:14,252 --> 00:09:16,419 providing weapons to the RSF violating 263 00:09:16,419 --> 00:09:18,530 the UN arms embargo and enabling mass 264 00:09:18,530 --> 00:09:21,000 atrocities . Any path to peace in Sudan 265 00:09:21,010 --> 00:09:23,080 must be inclusive , credible and 266 00:09:23,090 --> 00:09:25,201 transparent . And I hope to hear more 267 00:09:25,201 --> 00:09:27,257 from the administration today on its 268 00:09:27,257 --> 00:09:29,368 strategy to meet these standards . So 269 00:09:29,368 --> 00:09:31,590 I'm looking forward to hearing from you 270 00:09:31,590 --> 00:09:33,590 all today about the path for the US 271 00:09:33,590 --> 00:09:35,257 policy in Sahel and Sudan and 272 00:09:35,257 --> 00:09:37,257 especially how the US can work with 273 00:09:37,257 --> 00:09:39,368 local communities to create long term 274 00:09:39,368 --> 00:09:41,534 peace , stability and security . Thank 275 00:09:41,534 --> 00:09:43,570 you . I go back . Thank you madam . 276 00:09:43,580 --> 00:09:45,691 Ranking member . Other members of the 277 00:09:45,691 --> 00:09:47,691 committee are reminded that opening 278 00:09:47,691 --> 00:09:47,340 statements may be submitted for the 279 00:09:47,349 --> 00:09:49,238 record . We are pleased to have a 280 00:09:49,238 --> 00:09:51,460 distinguished panel of witnesses before 281 00:09:51,460 --> 00:09:53,293 us here today . Once again , the 282 00:09:53,293 --> 00:09:55,349 honorable Molly fee is the assistant 283 00:09:55,349 --> 00:09:57,293 secretary in the Bureau of African 284 00:09:57,293 --> 00:09:59,516 Affairs at the US Department of State . 285 00:09:59,516 --> 00:10:01,682 The Honorable Celeste Wallander is the 286 00:10:01,682 --> 00:10:00,969 Assistant Secretary of Defense for 287 00:10:00,979 --> 00:10:03,090 International Security Affairs in the 288 00:10:03,090 --> 00:10:05,257 office of the Secretary of Defense for 289 00:10:05,257 --> 00:10:06,979 Policy . Mr Rob Jenkins is the 290 00:10:06,979 --> 00:10:09,090 Assistant to the Administrator in the 291 00:10:09,090 --> 00:10:09,090 Bureau for Conflict Prevention 292 00:10:09,099 --> 00:10:11,260 Stabilization and the US Agency for 293 00:10:11,270 --> 00:10:13,381 International Development . Thank you 294 00:10:13,381 --> 00:10:15,492 each for being here today . Your full 295 00:10:15,492 --> 00:10:17,603 statements will be made a part of the 296 00:10:17,603 --> 00:10:19,826 record and I'll ask each of you to keep 297 00:10:19,826 --> 00:10:21,992 your spoken remarks to five minutes in 298 00:10:21,992 --> 00:10:21,049 order to allow time for member 299 00:10:21,059 --> 00:10:23,489 questions . I now recognize assistant 300 00:10:23,500 --> 00:10:25,611 secretary fee for opening statement . 301 00:10:26,469 --> 00:10:28,358 Thank you , Mr Chairman , ranking 302 00:10:28,358 --> 00:10:30,302 member Jacobs . We appreciate this 303 00:10:30,302 --> 00:10:32,669 opportunity to together the three Ds 304 00:10:32,789 --> 00:10:34,900 discuss the Sahel and other issues of 305 00:10:34,900 --> 00:10:36,789 concern . As you know , the Biden 306 00:10:36,789 --> 00:10:39,419 Harris administration recognizes Africa 307 00:10:39,429 --> 00:10:41,690 as a major geopolitical force and seeks 308 00:10:41,700 --> 00:10:43,756 to be a partner on shared values and 309 00:10:43,756 --> 00:10:46,210 interests . The recent coups in the 310 00:10:46,219 --> 00:10:48,690 Sahel can be attributed to the enormous 311 00:10:48,700 --> 00:10:51,190 challenges facing the region . Notably 312 00:10:51,200 --> 00:10:52,922 a tradition of weak democratic 313 00:10:52,922 --> 00:10:55,270 governance , an acute terrorist threat , 314 00:10:55,559 --> 00:10:57,780 insufficient economic and educational 315 00:10:57,789 --> 00:10:59,900 opportunities for the region's young 316 00:10:59,909 --> 00:11:02,570 population and climate related water 317 00:11:02,580 --> 00:11:04,539 and land shortages which lead to 318 00:11:04,549 --> 00:11:06,716 conflict over resources and contribute 319 00:11:06,716 --> 00:11:09,799 to food insecurity . We also know that 320 00:11:09,809 --> 00:11:12,530 Africa is disproportionately affected 321 00:11:12,580 --> 00:11:14,940 by upheaval in the global world order 322 00:11:15,179 --> 00:11:17,169 when similar global disruptions 323 00:11:17,179 --> 00:11:19,123 occurred , for example , in the 19 324 00:11:19,123 --> 00:11:21,869 sixties and the 19 nineties civil wars 325 00:11:21,880 --> 00:11:24,479 and coups proliferated . Then today , 326 00:11:24,489 --> 00:11:26,820 the ongoing destabilizing impact of the 327 00:11:26,830 --> 00:11:29,429 COVID-19 pandemic , Russia's war in 328 00:11:29,440 --> 00:11:32,109 Ukraine . The surge in climate shocks 329 00:11:32,140 --> 00:11:33,919 and the global contest between 330 00:11:33,929 --> 00:11:36,409 democracies and authoritarian regimes . 331 00:11:36,530 --> 00:11:39,119 These are driving instability in Africa 332 00:11:39,770 --> 00:11:41,714 while each country in the Sahel is 333 00:11:41,714 --> 00:11:43,929 unique , we assess weak governance is 334 00:11:43,940 --> 00:11:46,260 the core vulnerability that opens the 335 00:11:46,270 --> 00:11:48,103 door to poor choices by military 336 00:11:48,103 --> 00:11:50,048 leaders and Malign actors like the 337 00:11:50,048 --> 00:11:52,340 Wagner group . We are adapting our 338 00:11:52,349 --> 00:11:54,630 response to these coups to promote 339 00:11:54,640 --> 00:11:57,289 responsive governance . For example , 340 00:11:57,299 --> 00:11:59,410 following the July military coup in , 341 00:12:00,039 --> 00:12:02,390 we suspended nearly 100 and 40 million 342 00:12:02,400 --> 00:12:04,567 in security assistance programs . More 343 00:12:04,567 --> 00:12:07,080 than 300 million in our MC C Compact 344 00:12:07,159 --> 00:12:09,830 and our security cooper operation to 345 00:12:09,840 --> 00:12:12,380 bolster the regional African body known 346 00:12:12,390 --> 00:12:14,940 as Ecowas , which shares our alarm at 347 00:12:14,950 --> 00:12:16,950 the proliferation of coups . We are 348 00:12:16,950 --> 00:12:19,330 actively supporting their negotiations 349 00:12:19,419 --> 00:12:22,109 with the junta and by enabling them to 350 00:12:22,119 --> 00:12:24,590 leverage our assistance to craft 351 00:12:24,599 --> 00:12:26,488 actionable terms for a democratic 352 00:12:26,488 --> 00:12:28,377 transition timeline . And for the 353 00:12:28,377 --> 00:12:31,190 release of former President Bazo , the 354 00:12:31,200 --> 00:12:33,367 objective is to employ the prospect of 355 00:12:33,367 --> 00:12:35,900 resumed us assistance to demonstrate 356 00:12:35,909 --> 00:12:38,359 that embracing the path to democracy is 357 00:12:38,369 --> 00:12:40,650 in Niger's interest and we remain 358 00:12:40,659 --> 00:12:42,881 steadfast in our support for the people 359 00:12:42,881 --> 00:12:44,960 in by maintaining our humanitarian 360 00:12:44,969 --> 00:12:47,191 health and essential food programming . 361 00:12:47,479 --> 00:12:49,710 Mali and Burkina faso are challenging 362 00:12:49,719 --> 00:12:52,150 cases . As you both noted in Mali 363 00:12:52,159 --> 00:12:54,450 prospects for the return of democracy 364 00:12:54,460 --> 00:12:56,770 are increasingly grim as the Wagner 365 00:12:56,789 --> 00:12:58,956 supported transitional government once 366 00:12:58,956 --> 00:13:01,067 again , has chosen to delay elections 367 00:13:01,119 --> 00:13:03,063 and is forcefully seeking to exert 368 00:13:03,063 --> 00:13:04,969 control in northern Mali , the 369 00:13:04,979 --> 00:13:07,580 deterioration in security , the rise in 370 00:13:07,590 --> 00:13:09,179 civilian casualties and the 371 00:13:09,190 --> 00:13:11,301 exploitation of the country's natural 372 00:13:11,301 --> 00:13:13,530 resources illustrate convincingly the 373 00:13:13,539 --> 00:13:16,270 dangers of the Wagner roll . Burkina 374 00:13:16,280 --> 00:13:18,599 faso faces a dramatic security and 375 00:13:18,609 --> 00:13:20,929 human rights crisis . We are urging the 376 00:13:20,940 --> 00:13:23,320 Burkan Ae to employ a counterterrorism 377 00:13:23,330 --> 00:13:25,549 strategy that prioritizes civil 378 00:13:25,559 --> 00:13:28,229 security institutions . We know an 379 00:13:28,239 --> 00:13:29,961 overly militarized approach to 380 00:13:29,961 --> 00:13:32,260 counterterrorism like the one adopted 381 00:13:32,270 --> 00:13:35,030 in Mali is bound to fail to address 382 00:13:35,039 --> 00:13:37,739 Burkina's ongoing political instability . 383 00:13:37,750 --> 00:13:39,583 We are pressing for a democratic 384 00:13:39,583 --> 00:13:41,528 transition in line with a publicly 385 00:13:41,528 --> 00:13:44,700 declared declared timeline in Chad . We 386 00:13:44,710 --> 00:13:46,932 are pushing the transitional government 387 00:13:46,932 --> 00:13:49,099 to adhere to its transitional timeline 388 00:13:49,099 --> 00:13:51,099 and to preserve political space for 389 00:13:51,099 --> 00:13:53,266 opposition and civil society groups so 390 00:13:53,266 --> 00:13:55,266 they can freely participate in next 391 00:13:55,266 --> 00:13:57,266 year's election . As Chad confronts 392 00:13:57,266 --> 00:13:59,377 surging refugee flows from Sudan , we 393 00:13:59,377 --> 00:14:01,549 are mobilizing humanitarian support to 394 00:14:01,559 --> 00:14:03,670 minimize the resulting security risks 395 00:14:04,280 --> 00:14:06,336 to promote good governance . We have 396 00:14:06,336 --> 00:14:08,280 eagerly embraced the tool Congress 397 00:14:08,280 --> 00:14:10,391 provided us with the Global Fragility 398 00:14:10,391 --> 00:14:12,502 Act . Drawing on those resources . We 399 00:14:12,502 --> 00:14:14,724 are acting to help insulate neighboring 400 00:14:14,724 --> 00:14:16,669 countries in coastal West Africa , 401 00:14:16,669 --> 00:14:18,891 vulnerable to democratic backsliding as 402 00:14:18,891 --> 00:14:20,836 we support our African partners in 403 00:14:20,836 --> 00:14:22,690 navigating these challenges . We 404 00:14:22,700 --> 00:14:24,756 believe leading with our values will 405 00:14:24,756 --> 00:14:26,700 best support our national security 406 00:14:26,700 --> 00:14:29,369 strategy . I want to turn to a topic 407 00:14:29,380 --> 00:14:31,530 that is of grave concern to us . All 408 00:14:31,539 --> 00:14:33,830 the military conflict in Sudan which 409 00:14:33,840 --> 00:14:35,951 threatens to destroy the unity of the 410 00:14:35,951 --> 00:14:38,007 country and destabilize the region . 411 00:14:38,007 --> 00:14:39,951 The escalating violence especially 412 00:14:39,951 --> 00:14:41,909 attacks by the RSF in Darfur have 413 00:14:41,919 --> 00:14:43,863 included as you know . Well , mass 414 00:14:43,863 --> 00:14:46,086 killings , ethnic targeting of non Arab 415 00:14:46,086 --> 00:14:48,229 communities , widespread rape and 416 00:14:48,239 --> 00:14:50,580 obstruction of humanitarian aid by 417 00:14:50,590 --> 00:14:52,590 their actions . The two forces have 418 00:14:52,590 --> 00:14:54,757 disqualified themselves from a role in 419 00:14:54,757 --> 00:14:56,979 governance and demonstrated there is no 420 00:14:56,979 --> 00:14:58,979 acceptable military solution to the 421 00:14:58,979 --> 00:15:01,034 conflict following the inspirational 422 00:15:01,034 --> 00:15:03,460 2019 overthrow of the military led by a 423 00:15:03,469 --> 00:15:05,525 broad-based popular movement . There 424 00:15:05,525 --> 00:15:07,413 have been two serious attempts to 425 00:15:07,413 --> 00:15:09,429 achieve a civilian led transitional 426 00:15:09,440 --> 00:15:11,607 government through a joint negotiation 427 00:15:11,607 --> 00:15:13,718 process between civilian and military 428 00:15:13,718 --> 00:15:15,989 leaders . Twice , the security forces 429 00:15:16,000 --> 00:15:17,889 have trampled on these democratic 430 00:15:17,889 --> 00:15:20,789 aspirations . First in October 2021 431 00:15:20,799 --> 00:15:22,799 when the military conducted to take 432 00:15:22,799 --> 00:15:25,414 over and second in April 2023 when they 433 00:15:25,424 --> 00:15:27,784 went to war as a result of these hard 434 00:15:27,794 --> 00:15:30,034 lessons , Sudanese civilians now seek 435 00:15:30,044 --> 00:15:32,784 to negotiate among themselves to resume 436 00:15:32,794 --> 00:15:35,072 and complete the democratic transition . 437 00:15:35,072 --> 00:15:37,183 These discussions are taking place in 438 00:15:37,183 --> 00:15:39,294 Addis Ababa with our active support . 439 00:15:39,380 --> 00:15:41,559 The conflict in Sudan is too big for 440 00:15:41,570 --> 00:15:43,900 any one country or any single platform 441 00:15:43,909 --> 00:15:46,739 to resolve our diplomacy is based on 442 00:15:46,750 --> 00:15:48,583 close co ordination with African 443 00:15:48,583 --> 00:15:50,880 regional and international partners to 444 00:15:50,890 --> 00:15:53,057 build on our comparative strengths and 445 00:15:53,057 --> 00:15:55,057 those of our partners . Thank you , 446 00:15:55,057 --> 00:15:57,223 Assistant Secretary Fee . Um that your 447 00:15:57,223 --> 00:15:59,390 time has expired um in the interest of 448 00:15:59,390 --> 00:16:01,390 time . Uh I now recognize Assistant 449 00:16:01,390 --> 00:16:03,168 Secretary Waner for her opening 450 00:16:03,168 --> 00:16:06,369 statement . Chairman James , ranking 451 00:16:06,380 --> 00:16:08,102 member , Jacobs members of the 452 00:16:08,102 --> 00:16:10,102 committee . Thank you for having me 453 00:16:10,102 --> 00:16:12,269 here today to discuss the situation in 454 00:16:12,269 --> 00:16:14,630 the Sahel and in particular as well . 455 00:16:14,640 --> 00:16:16,584 As the continuing importance of us 456 00:16:16,584 --> 00:16:19,090 presence operations and security force 457 00:16:19,099 --> 00:16:21,270 assistance to our African partners . 458 00:16:21,570 --> 00:16:23,520 Security in the Sahel has steadily 459 00:16:23,530 --> 00:16:25,570 declined since the Libyan crisis of 460 00:16:25,580 --> 00:16:29,349 2011 . Violent extremist organizations 461 00:16:29,359 --> 00:16:33,080 VE OS affiliated with both Al Qaeda and 462 00:16:33,090 --> 00:16:35,257 the Islamic State have taken advantage 463 00:16:35,257 --> 00:16:37,619 of weak governments and failed states . 464 00:16:37,710 --> 00:16:39,719 These VE OS have overstretched the 465 00:16:39,729 --> 00:16:41,729 defense and security forces of many 466 00:16:41,729 --> 00:16:43,729 regional governments and carved out 467 00:16:43,729 --> 00:16:45,799 safe havens to progressively expand 468 00:16:45,820 --> 00:16:47,919 their operational reach . This has 469 00:16:47,929 --> 00:16:49,929 allowed these VE OS to expand their 470 00:16:49,929 --> 00:16:52,039 influence in operations towards the 471 00:16:52,049 --> 00:16:54,609 literal countries along the Gulf of 472 00:16:54,619 --> 00:16:56,830 Guinea . The Department of Defense's 473 00:16:56,840 --> 00:16:58,969 strategy focuses on two main lines of 474 00:16:58,979 --> 00:17:01,201 effort . In the short and medium term . 475 00:17:01,201 --> 00:17:02,919 We will support African led 476 00:17:02,929 --> 00:17:05,640 counterterrorism operations to disrupt 477 00:17:05,650 --> 00:17:08,219 the most acute terrorist threats with a 478 00:17:08,229 --> 00:17:10,739 particular emphasis on those targeting 479 00:17:10,750 --> 00:17:13,545 us interests . In the long term , we 480 00:17:13,555 --> 00:17:15,444 will emphasize bilateral security 481 00:17:15,444 --> 00:17:17,574 assistance to African defense and 482 00:17:17,584 --> 00:17:19,905 security forces in order to build their 483 00:17:19,915 --> 00:17:22,875 own homegrown capacity to counter these 484 00:17:22,885 --> 00:17:25,734 threats without excessive external 485 00:17:25,744 --> 00:17:28,910 assistance . Over the last three years , 486 00:17:28,920 --> 00:17:31,020 significant changes in the political 487 00:17:31,030 --> 00:17:33,229 environment in the Sahel have affected 488 00:17:33,239 --> 00:17:35,989 our ability to work with both African 489 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:38,729 and international partners . Successive 490 00:17:38,739 --> 00:17:41,939 military coups in Mali in 2020 in 491 00:17:41,949 --> 00:17:45,400 Burkina , Faso in 2022 and now in 492 00:17:45,869 --> 00:17:48,989 in 2023 have resulted in restrictions 493 00:17:49,000 --> 00:17:51,250 on dod s operations and assistance 494 00:17:51,260 --> 00:17:53,699 programs . Other international allies 495 00:17:53,709 --> 00:17:55,709 and partners have also reconsidered 496 00:17:55,709 --> 00:17:58,099 their presence in the region requiring 497 00:17:58,109 --> 00:18:01,130 us to re evaluate our own posture . 498 00:18:04,040 --> 00:18:05,762 We remain concerned that these 499 00:18:05,762 --> 00:18:07,818 developments will provide more space 500 00:18:07,818 --> 00:18:09,929 for Veo S to operate and make it more 501 00:18:09,929 --> 00:18:12,219 challenging to address those threats ve 502 00:18:12,229 --> 00:18:14,589 os survive and thrive in areas of 503 00:18:14,599 --> 00:18:16,710 instability and seek to leverage that 504 00:18:16,710 --> 00:18:18,829 instability for their own ends . As 505 00:18:18,839 --> 00:18:20,989 evidenced by the attacks we have seen 506 00:18:21,000 --> 00:18:24,209 in since the coup . Within this context , 507 00:18:24,219 --> 00:18:26,330 our strategic competitors have seized 508 00:18:26,330 --> 00:18:28,441 the opportunity to increase their own 509 00:18:28,441 --> 00:18:30,719 access and influence . Russia has been 510 00:18:30,729 --> 00:18:33,339 particularly active in stoking anti 511 00:18:33,489 --> 00:18:35,729 Western sentiment and presenting its 512 00:18:35,739 --> 00:18:38,569 military contractors or Russian private 513 00:18:38,579 --> 00:18:41,270 military companies PM CS such as the 514 00:18:41,280 --> 00:18:43,890 Wagner group as practical alternatives 515 00:18:43,900 --> 00:18:46,390 to western trainers . We are at a 516 00:18:46,400 --> 00:18:49,540 crossroads on one level we can , on the 517 00:18:49,550 --> 00:18:51,661 one hand , we cannot afford to ignore 518 00:18:51,661 --> 00:18:54,119 the sustained challenge to democracy by 519 00:18:54,130 --> 00:18:57,280 military juntas nor turn a blind eye to 520 00:18:57,290 --> 00:18:59,680 their misuse of power . As Secretary 521 00:18:59,689 --> 00:19:01,856 Austin noted during his recent trip to 522 00:19:01,856 --> 00:19:04,939 Africa when generals overturn the will 523 00:19:04,949 --> 00:19:06,727 of the people and put their own 524 00:19:06,727 --> 00:19:08,780 ambitions above the rule of law , 525 00:19:08,910 --> 00:19:11,979 security suffers and democracy dies . 526 00:19:12,750 --> 00:19:14,972 We also cannot afford to compromise our 527 00:19:14,972 --> 00:19:16,750 regional influence and security 528 00:19:16,750 --> 00:19:18,806 partnerships which are threatened by 529 00:19:18,806 --> 00:19:21,028 competitors who are less concerned with 530 00:19:21,028 --> 00:19:23,520 democratic values and human rights and 531 00:19:23,530 --> 00:19:26,359 threatened by the fragility of Sahel 532 00:19:26,369 --> 00:19:29,199 States . There is also a significant 533 00:19:29,209 --> 00:19:31,920 risk that VE Os might expand their 534 00:19:31,930 --> 00:19:34,339 influence or capabilities in the region 535 00:19:34,349 --> 00:19:36,930 if counterterrorism , pressure remains 536 00:19:36,939 --> 00:19:39,760 at reduced levels . Given this elevated 537 00:19:39,770 --> 00:19:41,937 threat environment , the Department of 538 00:19:41,937 --> 00:19:43,992 Defense is committed to working with 539 00:19:43,992 --> 00:19:46,214 our interagency partners to continue to 540 00:19:46,214 --> 00:19:48,209 monitor and disrupt veo threats e 541 00:19:48,359 --> 00:19:50,760 emanating from the Sahel while 542 00:19:50,770 --> 00:19:53,310 constructively engaging with regional 543 00:19:53,319 --> 00:19:56,250 states to restore productive democratic 544 00:19:56,260 --> 00:19:58,790 governance in those countries . In 545 00:19:58,800 --> 00:20:00,979 doing so , we are consistently working 546 00:20:00,989 --> 00:20:03,045 to strike a balance between offering 547 00:20:03,045 --> 00:20:04,933 the practical assistance that our 548 00:20:04,933 --> 00:20:07,189 African partners need to face emergent 549 00:20:07,199 --> 00:20:09,420 threats while reinforcing our 550 00:20:09,430 --> 00:20:11,930 professional values to help them build 551 00:20:11,939 --> 00:20:14,829 strong resilient institutions that will 552 00:20:14,839 --> 00:20:16,728 reinforce not only their physical 553 00:20:16,728 --> 00:20:19,510 security but their democratic stability . 554 00:20:19,660 --> 00:20:21,699 Our success depends on continued 555 00:20:21,709 --> 00:20:24,459 investment in West Africa to do this . 556 00:20:24,469 --> 00:20:26,580 We must maintain some continuity with 557 00:20:26,580 --> 00:20:28,479 past efforts while adjusting our 558 00:20:28,489 --> 00:20:30,520 approach to reflect changes in the 559 00:20:30,530 --> 00:20:33,069 environment as well as the actions of 560 00:20:33,079 --> 00:20:35,229 our African partners , international 561 00:20:35,239 --> 00:20:37,280 allies and partners and strategic 562 00:20:37,290 --> 00:20:40,020 competitors dod s requirement to 563 00:20:40,030 --> 00:20:42,349 monitor indications and warnings of veo 564 00:20:42,359 --> 00:20:44,579 activity in the sahel and prevent 565 00:20:44,655 --> 00:20:46,765 threats to us interests . Emanating 566 00:20:46,775 --> 00:20:49,675 from the region has not changed for the 567 00:20:49,685 --> 00:20:52,474 last 10 years . Our posture in has 568 00:20:52,484 --> 00:20:54,915 proven critical to this effort moving 569 00:20:54,925 --> 00:20:57,036 forward . We have worked side by side 570 00:20:57,036 --> 00:20:59,203 with the Department of State and other 571 00:20:59,203 --> 00:21:00,925 interagency partners to define 572 00:21:00,925 --> 00:21:03,474 conditions for restoring our activities 573 00:21:03,484 --> 00:21:07,300 and partnership in . Nigerian 574 00:21:07,310 --> 00:21:10,079 officials must quickly and credibly 575 00:21:10,089 --> 00:21:12,839 transition back to a democratically 576 00:21:12,849 --> 00:21:15,439 elected civilian government . 577 00:21:19,199 --> 00:21:21,589 Thank you madam , Assistant Secretary , 578 00:21:22,670 --> 00:21:24,849 Mr Jenkins . I now Rec Mr Jenkins , I 579 00:21:24,859 --> 00:21:26,803 now recognize you for your opening 580 00:21:26,803 --> 00:21:28,915 statement . Thank you for inviting me 581 00:21:28,915 --> 00:21:31,137 to testify and for your support of this 582 00:21:31,137 --> 00:21:33,303 vital region whose peace and stability 583 00:21:33,303 --> 00:21:35,470 is deeply intertwined with that of the 584 00:21:35,470 --> 00:21:37,359 United States and of the world to 585 00:21:37,359 --> 00:21:39,581 address the root causes of violence and 586 00:21:39,581 --> 00:21:41,637 conflict . In this hell , we need to 587 00:21:41,637 --> 00:21:43,692 support peaceful transitions back to 588 00:21:43,692 --> 00:21:45,803 democracy and lay the foundations for 589 00:21:45,803 --> 00:21:48,026 improving governance and building trust 590 00:21:48,026 --> 00:21:50,303 between citizens and their governments . 591 00:21:50,303 --> 00:21:52,248 Improved governance is critical to 592 00:21:52,248 --> 00:21:53,970 promoting stability . It is as 593 00:21:53,970 --> 00:21:56,081 important to focus on the delivery of 594 00:21:56,081 --> 00:21:58,081 basic services as it is to focus on 595 00:21:58,081 --> 00:21:59,803 inclusive fair and transparent 596 00:21:59,803 --> 00:22:01,970 institutions and political processes . 597 00:22:02,050 --> 00:22:04,880 Democracy needs to deliver . For 598 00:22:04,890 --> 00:22:07,130 example , in Mali USA ID works with 599 00:22:07,140 --> 00:22:09,362 local governments on the development of 600 00:22:09,362 --> 00:22:11,418 community plans for water sanitation 601 00:22:11,418 --> 00:22:13,362 and hygiene and ensures that local 602 00:22:13,362 --> 00:22:15,640 civil society participates in planning . 603 00:22:16,180 --> 00:22:18,236 The region's population is among the 604 00:22:18,236 --> 00:22:20,291 youngest in the world . Youth can be 605 00:22:20,291 --> 00:22:22,513 champions of democracy and reinvigorate 606 00:22:22,513 --> 00:22:24,736 economies or can serve as foot soldiers 607 00:22:24,736 --> 00:22:26,958 for extremist organizations and further 608 00:22:26,959 --> 00:22:29,239 destabilize the region . This will be 609 00:22:29,250 --> 00:22:31,869 determined by their education agency 610 00:22:31,880 --> 00:22:34,329 and opportunities when youth can seek 611 00:22:34,339 --> 00:22:36,450 an education and gain the skills they 612 00:22:36,450 --> 00:22:38,506 need , they need for life and work , 613 00:22:38,506 --> 00:22:40,283 they can build more hopeful and 614 00:22:40,283 --> 00:22:42,339 prosperous futures . The US has been 615 00:22:42,339 --> 00:22:44,395 the third largest contributor to the 616 00:22:44,395 --> 00:22:46,450 global partnership for education , a 617 00:22:46,450 --> 00:22:48,561 multilateral organization , providing 618 00:22:48,561 --> 00:22:50,783 education services in several countries 619 00:22:50,783 --> 00:22:53,589 across the Sahel to build trust and 620 00:22:53,599 --> 00:22:55,599 good governance . USA ad works with 621 00:22:55,599 --> 00:22:57,932 people in country who are most impacted . 622 00:22:58,280 --> 00:23:00,224 We can't solve the problems in the 623 00:23:00,224 --> 00:23:02,058 Sahel alone . We're working with 624 00:23:02,058 --> 00:23:04,800 communities on the ground and with 625 00:23:04,810 --> 00:23:07,150 other bilateral multilateral and 626 00:23:07,160 --> 00:23:09,280 private sector partners such as the 627 00:23:09,290 --> 00:23:11,959 Reenergized Stabilization leaders forum . 628 00:23:12,579 --> 00:23:14,746 We're seeking solutions by integrating 629 00:23:14,750 --> 00:23:16,861 our efforts more strategically across 630 00:23:16,861 --> 00:23:19,219 the US government with long term shared 631 00:23:19,229 --> 00:23:21,680 goals . This is the paradigm shift that 632 00:23:21,689 --> 00:23:23,689 Congress envisioned in the landmark 633 00:23:23,689 --> 00:23:25,959 Global Fragility Act and strategy to 634 00:23:25,969 --> 00:23:28,247 prevent conflict and promote stability . 635 00:23:28,599 --> 00:23:30,432 We've developed 10 year whole of 636 00:23:30,432 --> 00:23:32,543 government plans that are guiding our 637 00:23:32,543 --> 00:23:34,710 development , diplomacy and defense in 638 00:23:34,710 --> 00:23:36,680 five partner geographies including 639 00:23:36,689 --> 00:23:39,030 Libya and coastal West Africa , a 640 00:23:39,040 --> 00:23:41,430 country and a region inextricably 641 00:23:41,439 --> 00:23:44,020 linked to the Sahel . Peace and 642 00:23:44,030 --> 00:23:46,300 stability in the cell requires bringing 643 00:23:46,310 --> 00:23:48,479 peace and stability to Libya , which 644 00:23:48,489 --> 00:23:50,156 has served as a source of and 645 00:23:50,156 --> 00:23:52,045 destination for weapons and armed 646 00:23:52,045 --> 00:23:54,267 fighters . The 10 year plan in Libya is 647 00:23:54,270 --> 00:23:56,270 working in the southern part of the 648 00:23:56,270 --> 00:23:58,214 country to increase legal economic 649 00:23:58,214 --> 00:24:00,103 opportunity , invest in community 650 00:24:00,103 --> 00:24:02,300 advocacy to counter militia influence 651 00:24:02,410 --> 00:24:04,459 and build local capacity to deliver 652 00:24:04,469 --> 00:24:07,750 public services to Libyans . Much of 653 00:24:07,760 --> 00:24:09,982 our work under this innovative strategy 654 00:24:09,982 --> 00:24:12,038 is concentrated in critical northern 655 00:24:12,038 --> 00:24:14,038 regions of coastal West Africa that 656 00:24:14,038 --> 00:24:15,982 border the Sahel . This includes a 657 00:24:15,982 --> 00:24:17,816 joint US German initiative , the 658 00:24:17,816 --> 00:24:20,290 coastal state stability mechanism which 659 00:24:20,300 --> 00:24:22,411 leverages shared funding and partners 660 00:24:22,411 --> 00:24:24,522 with local communities through it and 661 00:24:24,522 --> 00:24:26,633 other USA ID programs . We're hearing 662 00:24:26,633 --> 00:24:28,689 directly from communities about what 663 00:24:28,689 --> 00:24:31,790 they need based on community feedback . 664 00:24:31,800 --> 00:24:34,022 In Togo . For example , we partnered to 665 00:24:34,022 --> 00:24:36,244 build a new bridge , a youth center and 666 00:24:36,244 --> 00:24:38,560 a community radio station to improve 667 00:24:38,569 --> 00:24:40,736 economic opportunities in disconnected 668 00:24:40,736 --> 00:24:43,699 towns , foster a sense of belonging and 669 00:24:43,709 --> 00:24:46,260 promote access to credible information . 670 00:24:46,890 --> 00:24:49,001 We are grateful for the congressional 671 00:24:49,010 --> 00:24:50,899 leadership and vision to pass the 672 00:24:50,899 --> 00:24:52,677 bipartisan global Fragility Act 673 00:24:52,677 --> 00:24:54,677 Congress can continue to lead us in 674 00:24:54,677 --> 00:24:56,566 realizing this vision by enacting 675 00:24:56,566 --> 00:24:58,390 legislative reforms to reduce 676 00:24:58,400 --> 00:25:00,439 bureaucratic challenges and help us 677 00:25:00,449 --> 00:25:02,869 work across the US government to 678 00:25:02,880 --> 00:25:04,658 address root causes and prevent 679 00:25:04,660 --> 00:25:07,729 conflict . Before it starts , we must 680 00:25:07,739 --> 00:25:09,961 continue to work creatively with people 681 00:25:09,961 --> 00:25:12,072 in the sahel . We must support timely 682 00:25:12,072 --> 00:25:14,072 democratic transitions in Burkina , 683 00:25:14,072 --> 00:25:17,930 faso Chad , Guinea and Mali . So that 684 00:25:17,939 --> 00:25:20,369 critical political , social economic 685 00:25:20,380 --> 00:25:22,890 and governance reforms can be realized 686 00:25:22,900 --> 00:25:25,319 to reduce corruption , prevent further 687 00:25:25,329 --> 00:25:28,260 democratic erosion and rebuild a social 688 00:25:28,270 --> 00:25:30,810 contract . None of this work will take 689 00:25:30,819 --> 00:25:32,541 root without strengthening and 690 00:25:32,541 --> 00:25:34,208 expanding the role of African 691 00:25:34,208 --> 00:25:36,152 institutions in balancing regional 692 00:25:36,152 --> 00:25:38,369 threats and opportunities . The US is 693 00:25:38,380 --> 00:25:40,602 improving its coordinations to increase 694 00:25:40,602 --> 00:25:42,547 burden sharing and synchronization 695 00:25:42,547 --> 00:25:44,658 across development , humanitarian and 696 00:25:44,658 --> 00:25:46,769 peace building programming while also 697 00:25:46,769 --> 00:25:48,436 countering propaganda and dis 698 00:25:48,436 --> 00:25:50,713 information from strategic competitors . 699 00:25:51,339 --> 00:25:53,506 In addition to our conflict prevention 700 00:25:53,506 --> 00:25:55,709 work USA ID is providing life saving 701 00:25:55,719 --> 00:25:57,608 humanitarian assistance and early 702 00:25:57,608 --> 00:25:59,589 recovery , risk reduction and 703 00:25:59,599 --> 00:26:02,910 resilience programming . Almost $390 704 00:26:02,920 --> 00:26:05,390 million in the Sahel during fiscal year 705 00:26:05,400 --> 00:26:08,339 20 th 23 . Through our development and 706 00:26:08,349 --> 00:26:10,460 humanitarian assistance , we can make 707 00:26:10,460 --> 00:26:12,682 the United States a partner of choice . 708 00:26:12,699 --> 00:26:14,699 We can demonstrate that democracy 709 00:26:14,709 --> 00:26:17,069 delivers by partnering to tangibly 710 00:26:17,079 --> 00:26:19,135 improve the lives of the millions in 711 00:26:19,135 --> 00:26:21,079 the Sahel . Searching for hope and 712 00:26:21,079 --> 00:26:23,619 opportunity opportunity they deserve . 713 00:26:24,189 --> 00:26:26,356 Thank you again for the opportunity to 714 00:26:26,356 --> 00:26:28,522 speak and for convening this important 715 00:26:28,522 --> 00:26:30,356 meeting . I look forward to your 716 00:26:30,356 --> 00:26:32,729 questions . Thank you , Mr Jenkins . I 717 00:26:32,739 --> 00:26:34,628 now recognize myself five minutes 718 00:26:34,628 --> 00:26:35,628 questioning . 719 00:26:39,660 --> 00:26:41,189 I'm just gonna go off . Uh 720 00:26:44,000 --> 00:26:45,556 Ukraine has a population of 721 00:26:45,556 --> 00:26:49,250 approximately 43.79 million 722 00:26:49,260 --> 00:26:52,819 people . Sudan has a population of 723 00:26:52,829 --> 00:26:55,859 approximately 45.66 million people . 724 00:26:56,630 --> 00:26:58,797 Yet , the non-military assistance that 725 00:26:58,797 --> 00:27:02,089 has gone to Ukraine is 12.4 billion 726 00:27:02,920 --> 00:27:05,660 and the humanitarian assistance to 727 00:27:05,739 --> 00:27:09,569 Sudan is 620 million . I've 728 00:27:09,579 --> 00:27:11,357 heard things like we need to do 729 00:27:11,357 --> 00:27:13,579 everything we possibly can . But what I 730 00:27:13,579 --> 00:27:15,412 see is you have almost identical 731 00:27:15,412 --> 00:27:18,719 population sizes , but 20 732 00:27:18,729 --> 00:27:22,349 times the commitment financially to the 733 00:27:22,359 --> 00:27:25,869 people of Ukraine than the people in 734 00:27:25,880 --> 00:27:29,469 Sudan are the 735 00:27:29,479 --> 00:27:32,640 lives in Sudan less important by 20 736 00:27:32,650 --> 00:27:36,569 times . And if not , how are 737 00:27:36,579 --> 00:27:38,301 we going to address that gap ? 738 00:27:44,500 --> 00:27:46,680 Let me rephrase it . Are you receiving 739 00:27:46,689 --> 00:27:50,300 support from the administration as much 740 00:27:50,310 --> 00:27:53,130 to do your jobs as your colleagues are 741 00:27:53,140 --> 00:27:54,140 doing theirs , 742 00:27:57,729 --> 00:28:01,270 Mr Chairman , the situation in Sudan 743 00:28:01,290 --> 00:28:03,989 is commanding much time and attention 744 00:28:04,000 --> 00:28:07,020 from the administration , for example , 745 00:28:07,319 --> 00:28:10,699 uh we are seeking to help the civilians 746 00:28:10,709 --> 00:28:14,020 be in a position to take power when the 747 00:28:14,030 --> 00:28:16,569 conflict has abated . So that is why 748 00:28:16,579 --> 00:28:18,801 ambassador Godfrey and the embassy that 749 00:28:18,801 --> 00:28:20,635 was previously loaded located in 750 00:28:20,635 --> 00:28:22,910 Khartoum is now in Addis Ababa where 751 00:28:22,920 --> 00:28:25,142 the preponderance of Sudanese civilians 752 00:28:25,142 --> 00:28:27,142 are meeting to support them in that 753 00:28:27,142 --> 00:28:30,290 effort . Ambassador Rubenstein is in 754 00:28:30,300 --> 00:28:33,540 Jeddah working to try madam assistant 755 00:28:33,550 --> 00:28:35,494 secretary . That sounds great . Um 756 00:28:35,494 --> 00:28:37,606 You've been to Africa and spent a lot 757 00:28:37,606 --> 00:28:39,828 of years in Africa . And you understand 758 00:28:39,828 --> 00:28:39,780 that part of the reason why the Russian 759 00:28:39,790 --> 00:28:41,846 misinformation is working is because 760 00:28:41,846 --> 00:28:44,068 for a large population in Africa , they 761 00:28:44,068 --> 00:28:45,734 see it as true in their lived 762 00:28:45,734 --> 00:28:47,957 experience , they see it as true that a 763 00:28:55,670 --> 00:28:58,003 commitment is not there to their plight . 764 00:28:58,003 --> 00:29:00,226 And so part of the reason and why we're 765 00:29:00,226 --> 00:29:02,337 experiencing these issues in the back 766 00:29:02,337 --> 00:29:04,559 democracy and governance , the economic 767 00:29:04,559 --> 00:29:04,550 and educational opportunities that 768 00:29:04,560 --> 00:29:06,782 we're able to participate in is because 769 00:29:06,782 --> 00:29:08,949 they see us as hypocrites . How are we 770 00:29:08,949 --> 00:29:11,227 changing that narrative through action ? 771 00:29:11,227 --> 00:29:13,171 Mr Chairman , my contacts with the 772 00:29:13,171 --> 00:29:15,670 Sudanese people , tell me that they 773 00:29:15,680 --> 00:29:18,180 believe that we are the best friend to 774 00:29:18,189 --> 00:29:20,880 the nation . It is not Russia or China 775 00:29:20,890 --> 00:29:23,057 who showed up to try and help end this 776 00:29:23,057 --> 00:29:25,180 conflict . It was the United States . 777 00:29:26,239 --> 00:29:28,780 We are perceived to be disinterested 778 00:29:28,949 --> 00:29:31,060 and care about the civilians and care 779 00:29:31,060 --> 00:29:33,171 about the stability of the state that 780 00:29:33,171 --> 00:29:35,319 is not the position of other partners 781 00:29:35,329 --> 00:29:37,385 in the international community . The 782 00:29:37,385 --> 00:29:39,496 strength we have is that they want to 783 00:29:39,496 --> 00:29:41,496 have a partnership with us and they 784 00:29:41,496 --> 00:29:43,329 want our help to resolve the the 785 00:29:43,329 --> 00:29:45,329 conflict just before Thanksgiving , 786 00:29:45,329 --> 00:29:47,385 Kenya's President RTO at the S A and 787 00:29:47,385 --> 00:29:49,496 the uh Saf leader General Burn Burham 788 00:29:49,540 --> 00:29:51,579 met in Nairobi and issued a joint 789 00:29:51,589 --> 00:29:53,589 statement which called out the Jena 790 00:29:53,589 --> 00:29:55,367 process for being too slow . Uh 791 00:29:55,367 --> 00:29:57,589 Assistant Secretary fee , how realistic 792 00:29:57,589 --> 00:29:59,589 is it to expect that Jetta produces 793 00:29:59,589 --> 00:30:01,478 anything of value when one of our 794 00:30:01,478 --> 00:30:03,422 strongest partners in the region , 795 00:30:03,422 --> 00:30:03,130 meets with a belligerent leader and 796 00:30:03,140 --> 00:30:04,807 calls for an alternative , an 797 00:30:04,807 --> 00:30:06,969 alternative for her . We work very 798 00:30:06,979 --> 00:30:09,250 closely with the Kenyan president . In 799 00:30:09,260 --> 00:30:11,430 fact , uh he has invited the United 800 00:30:11,439 --> 00:30:13,661 States to join an EG A summit that will 801 00:30:13,670 --> 00:30:16,439 be held this coming weekend . Uh We I 802 00:30:16,449 --> 00:30:18,171 speak with him regularly . The 803 00:30:18,171 --> 00:30:20,282 secretary speaks with him regularly . 804 00:30:20,282 --> 00:30:22,338 We are working very closely with our 805 00:30:22,338 --> 00:30:24,449 partners in the East African Regional 806 00:30:24,449 --> 00:30:26,616 Organization of EG AD of which he is a 807 00:30:26,616 --> 00:30:28,560 leading member as well as with the 808 00:30:28,560 --> 00:30:30,727 African Union . Uh is the UAE a friend 809 00:30:30,727 --> 00:30:32,449 or foe in ending this conflict 810 00:30:32,449 --> 00:30:34,359 diplomatically . Uh We share the 811 00:30:34,369 --> 00:30:37,010 concerns um that uh ranking member 812 00:30:37,020 --> 00:30:39,469 Jacobs identified about UAE support to 813 00:30:39,479 --> 00:30:41,939 the RSF . And that is a topic of 814 00:30:41,949 --> 00:30:44,005 conversation including most recently 815 00:30:44,040 --> 00:30:46,096 during the vice president's visit to 816 00:30:46,096 --> 00:30:48,151 the UAE for COP . What are some ways 817 00:30:48,151 --> 00:30:50,329 that we can hold the U AD those actors 818 00:30:50,339 --> 00:30:52,459 in UAE who are uh fomenting this 819 00:30:52,469 --> 00:30:55,000 conflict uh accountable . I think the 820 00:30:55,010 --> 00:30:57,609 publicity uh of this hearing and your 821 00:30:57,619 --> 00:30:59,969 statement and request to the UAE to 822 00:30:59,979 --> 00:31:02,750 consider the detrimental impact of 823 00:31:02,760 --> 00:31:04,927 their support to the RSF would be very 824 00:31:04,927 --> 00:31:07,093 helpful . Absolutely , you'll have our 825 00:31:07,093 --> 00:31:09,260 support , Mr Jenkins . Please describe 826 00:31:09,260 --> 00:31:11,482 how programs in your bureau continue to 827 00:31:11,482 --> 00:31:13,427 work with partners in support of a 828 00:31:13,427 --> 00:31:15,371 democratic transition in Sudan and 829 00:31:15,371 --> 00:31:17,750 where Addis Cairo Jetta . So thank you . 830 00:31:18,089 --> 00:31:20,200 Those of us that have been working in 831 00:31:20,200 --> 00:31:22,422 Sudan for a generation or more have our 832 00:31:22,422 --> 00:31:24,550 heart has broken quite a few times , 833 00:31:24,560 --> 00:31:27,410 but we stand firmly with the people of 834 00:31:27,420 --> 00:31:30,839 Sudan and we ST we strongly , strongly , 835 00:31:30,849 --> 00:31:32,680 strongly support civil society 836 00:31:32,689 --> 00:31:34,800 including the move movements that got 837 00:31:34,800 --> 00:31:37,099 us to the mo moment in 2019 and are 838 00:31:37,109 --> 00:31:39,331 gonna be the hope for Sudan . Once they 839 00:31:39,331 --> 00:31:41,387 get out of their current nightmare , 840 00:31:41,387 --> 00:31:43,553 we're currently located temporarily in 841 00:31:43,553 --> 00:31:45,776 both Egypt and in Nairobi . And they're 842 00:31:45,776 --> 00:31:47,998 in the process of having a footprint of 843 00:31:47,998 --> 00:31:50,260 formal uh formal expat positions in 844 00:31:50,270 --> 00:31:53,439 both Egypt and in Nairobi and our D A 845 00:31:53,500 --> 00:31:55,722 team , the disaster assistance response 846 00:31:55,722 --> 00:31:57,611 team is 12 people that's based in 847 00:31:57,611 --> 00:31:59,722 Nairobi right now . Thank you so much 848 00:31:59,722 --> 00:32:01,611 time is expired . I now recognize 849 00:32:01,611 --> 00:32:01,579 ranking member J for five minutes . 850 00:32:01,969 --> 00:32:03,858 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Um This 851 00:32:03,858 --> 00:32:05,636 hearing is incredibly timely um 852 00:32:05,636 --> 00:32:08,589 particularly after became the latest in 853 00:32:08,599 --> 00:32:11,560 a string of coups across the Sahel . Um 854 00:32:11,819 --> 00:32:13,986 In , in particular , the United States 855 00:32:13,986 --> 00:32:15,875 was invested heavily particularly 856 00:32:15,875 --> 00:32:18,650 militarily uh and particularly in their 857 00:32:18,660 --> 00:32:20,660 army and their special forces . And 858 00:32:20,660 --> 00:32:24,540 despite that , uh that despite all of 859 00:32:24,550 --> 00:32:26,717 that investment and apparent influence 860 00:32:26,717 --> 00:32:28,828 and the security gains from the those 861 00:32:28,828 --> 00:32:30,772 joint operations , the coup in was 862 00:32:30,772 --> 00:32:32,994 ultimately successful and revealed some 863 00:32:32,994 --> 00:32:35,161 deep seated grievances among Nigerians 864 00:32:35,161 --> 00:32:37,106 towards the democratically elected 865 00:32:37,106 --> 00:32:39,161 government and the United States was 866 00:32:39,161 --> 00:32:40,939 frankly caught off guard . So , 867 00:32:40,939 --> 00:32:42,939 Assistant Secretary , the Assistant 868 00:32:42,939 --> 00:32:45,050 Secretary Wallander , what happened ? 869 00:32:45,050 --> 00:32:47,161 Um besides not having an ambassador . 870 00:32:47,161 --> 00:32:48,828 Uh why do you think the State 871 00:32:48,828 --> 00:32:48,699 Department did not have a good 872 00:32:48,709 --> 00:32:50,931 understanding of grievances towards the 873 00:32:50,931 --> 00:32:53,098 Bazos government . What lessons can we 874 00:32:53,098 --> 00:32:55,098 learn from this to apply towards us 875 00:32:55,098 --> 00:32:57,209 policy in the Sahel and coast of West 876 00:32:57,209 --> 00:32:59,431 Africa ? And Citizen Secretary , how do 877 00:32:59,431 --> 00:33:01,542 you explain the Department of Defense 878 00:33:01,542 --> 00:33:03,765 not seeing this coup coming , given the 879 00:33:03,765 --> 00:33:03,645 vast amounts of training and cooper 880 00:33:03,655 --> 00:33:05,877 operation that the US military did with 881 00:33:05,877 --> 00:33:08,099 our Nigerian counterparts . And again , 882 00:33:08,099 --> 00:33:10,266 what lessons can be learned on the dod 883 00:33:10,266 --> 00:33:12,488 side , especially as the interagency is 884 00:33:12,488 --> 00:33:14,711 implementing the Global Fragility Act . 885 00:33:18,329 --> 00:33:20,550 Uh We share your disappointment . Uh 886 00:33:20,560 --> 00:33:23,060 and the outcome in , I think the 887 00:33:23,069 --> 00:33:25,290 statistics which you know , well , in 888 00:33:25,300 --> 00:33:27,300 terms of the security incidents and 889 00:33:27,300 --> 00:33:29,467 civilian casualties that we've seen in 890 00:33:29,467 --> 00:33:31,739 Mali and Burkina , in contrast to the 891 00:33:31,750 --> 00:33:34,109 very positive progress that was 892 00:33:34,119 --> 00:33:36,300 underway in by the efforts of the 893 00:33:36,310 --> 00:33:39,069 Nigerian , as well as the US and other 894 00:33:39,079 --> 00:33:41,619 European partners . Uh It makes the 895 00:33:41,630 --> 00:33:44,219 coup uh confusing and perplexing . Uh 896 00:33:44,250 --> 00:33:47,030 Well , what we understand is that the 897 00:33:47,040 --> 00:33:49,339 president of I'm sorry , the commander 898 00:33:49,349 --> 00:33:51,869 of the Presidential Guard uh who was in 899 00:33:51,880 --> 00:33:54,969 a dispute uh with President Bazo is the 900 00:33:54,979 --> 00:33:57,479 one who initiated this action and then 901 00:33:57,489 --> 00:33:59,920 persuaded other members of the military 902 00:34:00,079 --> 00:34:02,530 uh to join him . It does not appear to 903 00:34:02,540 --> 00:34:04,869 us at this time that this was a well 904 00:34:04,880 --> 00:34:07,569 prepared um or well thought out uh 905 00:34:07,579 --> 00:34:10,239 action . Uh He was also able to 906 00:34:10,250 --> 00:34:12,639 successfully exploit anti-french 907 00:34:12,649 --> 00:34:15,179 sentiment as well as you noted um uh uh 908 00:34:15,189 --> 00:34:18,030 concerns about uh the leadership , uh 909 00:34:18,040 --> 00:34:20,262 the democratically elected leadership . 910 00:34:20,310 --> 00:34:22,520 Uh in terms of lessons learned . 911 00:34:22,530 --> 00:34:25,610 Absolutely , we need to have uh uh an 912 00:34:25,620 --> 00:34:27,810 important team on the ground . A team 913 00:34:27,820 --> 00:34:30,169 led by a confirmed ambassador uh to 914 00:34:30,179 --> 00:34:32,489 engage . Uh But in this particular 915 00:34:32,500 --> 00:34:35,810 instance , uh it does seem as if it was 916 00:34:35,959 --> 00:34:39,070 um a , a specific grievance uh that 917 00:34:39,080 --> 00:34:42,800 mushroomed . Um Thank 918 00:34:42,810 --> 00:34:46,580 you , um Ranking member Jacobs . Uh I 919 00:34:46,590 --> 00:34:49,139 uh we share , of course , uh assistant 920 00:34:49,149 --> 00:34:52,820 Secretary Fee's analysis and to your 921 00:34:52,830 --> 00:34:55,540 point about how could this happen when 922 00:34:55,550 --> 00:34:58,209 uh the United States trained and uh 923 00:34:58,219 --> 00:35:01,649 worked with uh the , the Nigerian armed 924 00:35:01,659 --> 00:35:03,548 forces ? Uh The experience at the 925 00:35:03,548 --> 00:35:07,209 working level was uh um positive in the 926 00:35:07,219 --> 00:35:09,760 interests in reducing violence against 927 00:35:09,770 --> 00:35:12,669 civilians in the country in uh pushing 928 00:35:12,679 --> 00:35:15,310 back against uh and containing violent 929 00:35:15,320 --> 00:35:17,487 extremist organizations . The rates of 930 00:35:17,487 --> 00:35:19,709 violence had fallen in the years of our 931 00:35:19,709 --> 00:35:21,931 successful cooper operation . And since 932 00:35:21,931 --> 00:35:24,449 these select uh leaders of the Nigerian 933 00:35:24,459 --> 00:35:27,300 le uh military leadership chose uh to 934 00:35:27,310 --> 00:35:29,489 violate their country's constitution 935 00:35:29,500 --> 00:35:32,659 and overthrow democratic rule . In fact , 936 00:35:32,669 --> 00:35:34,502 incidences of violence and their 937 00:35:34,502 --> 00:35:37,610 ability to uh live up to their duties 938 00:35:37,620 --> 00:35:39,564 to protect their country have been 939 00:35:39,564 --> 00:35:41,909 eroded because of their , the , their 940 00:35:41,919 --> 00:35:44,149 actions and their failures . Um One of 941 00:35:44,159 --> 00:35:46,437 the lessons learned is exactly to read , 942 00:35:46,437 --> 00:35:48,603 enforce that message with our partners 943 00:35:48,603 --> 00:35:50,770 uh that it is only with stability and 944 00:35:50,780 --> 00:35:52,724 democratic civilian control of the 945 00:35:52,724 --> 00:35:54,613 military that they have effective 946 00:35:54,613 --> 00:35:57,739 governments . And we uh believe that uh 947 00:35:57,750 --> 00:36:00,600 those of our partners who are trained 948 00:36:00,709 --> 00:36:02,649 and respect uh the importance of 949 00:36:02,659 --> 00:36:04,603 civilian leadership and democratic 950 00:36:04,603 --> 00:36:06,548 government are best positioned and 951 00:36:06,548 --> 00:36:08,603 demonstrate their ability to provide 952 00:36:08,603 --> 00:36:10,929 for security for their nations . Thank 953 00:36:10,939 --> 00:36:12,883 you . Um , Assistant Secretary Fee 954 00:36:12,883 --> 00:36:14,883 yesterday , I sent a letter with my 955 00:36:14,883 --> 00:36:16,606 colleague , Congresswoman Omar 956 00:36:16,606 --> 00:36:18,828 requesting information on the status of 957 00:36:18,828 --> 00:36:20,939 an atrocity determination in Sudan in 958 00:36:20,939 --> 00:36:22,661 response to our Saf's horrific 959 00:36:22,661 --> 00:36:24,606 atrocities and ethnically targeted 960 00:36:24,606 --> 00:36:24,560 killings in Darfur . At the end of 961 00:36:24,570 --> 00:36:26,792 October , you testified in front of the 962 00:36:26,792 --> 00:36:28,903 Senate Foreign Relations Committee um 963 00:36:28,903 --> 00:36:30,903 and committed to making an official 964 00:36:30,903 --> 00:36:33,070 determination . So can you commit here 965 00:36:33,070 --> 00:36:35,292 today that uh the State Department will 966 00:36:35,292 --> 00:36:37,514 make this determination and let us know 967 00:36:37,514 --> 00:36:39,514 when we can expect to see this . Uh 968 00:36:39,514 --> 00:36:41,626 First of all , thank you very much uh 969 00:36:41,626 --> 00:36:43,681 for the letter to highlight the need 970 00:36:43,681 --> 00:36:45,848 for an atrocity determination . As you 971 00:36:45,848 --> 00:36:45,129 know , one of the reasons it's a 972 00:36:45,139 --> 00:36:46,989 powerful tool is because of the 973 00:36:47,000 --> 00:36:49,669 rigorous research undertaken um uh to 974 00:36:49,679 --> 00:36:51,870 investigate uh and document including 975 00:36:51,879 --> 00:36:53,729 by our attorneys . I had the 976 00:36:53,739 --> 00:36:55,739 opportunity to speak yesterday with 977 00:36:55,739 --> 00:36:57,739 Secretary Blinken who as you know , 978 00:36:57,739 --> 00:36:59,850 just returned from a uh a trip abroad 979 00:36:59,850 --> 00:37:02,017 and um I am pleased to report that you 980 00:37:02,017 --> 00:37:04,017 should see action on that shortly . 981 00:37:04,017 --> 00:37:06,295 Wonderful . Thank you all and you back . 982 00:37:06,295 --> 00:37:08,350 Thank you madam . Ranking member . I 983 00:37:08,350 --> 00:37:10,810 now recognize Rep Kim for five minutes . 984 00:37:12,370 --> 00:37:14,790 Thank you , Chairman and ranking member 985 00:37:14,800 --> 00:37:17,399 for holding today's hearing on the On 986 00:37:17,719 --> 00:37:19,941 Sahel . Thank you witnesses for joining 987 00:37:19,941 --> 00:37:22,959 us today as the author of a resolution 988 00:37:22,969 --> 00:37:26,199 condemning the conflict in Sudan . I'm 989 00:37:26,209 --> 00:37:28,469 interested in hearing from the , from 990 00:37:28,479 --> 00:37:30,800 you about our policy towards the Civil 991 00:37:30,810 --> 00:37:34,449 War in Sudan in recent weeks , 992 00:37:34,570 --> 00:37:37,679 the crisis in Sudan has worsened and 993 00:37:37,689 --> 00:37:40,570 the rapid support forces led multiple 994 00:37:40,580 --> 00:37:42,639 offensives during which it 995 00:37:42,649 --> 00:37:46,100 indiscriminately killed those in uh Mos 996 00:37:46,649 --> 00:37:49,270 Ali ethnic community in West Dartford . 997 00:37:49,729 --> 00:37:51,570 European officials have also cha 998 00:37:51,719 --> 00:37:54,310 characterized those operations as part 999 00:37:54,320 --> 00:37:57,969 of a wider ethnic cleansing campaign by 1000 00:37:57,979 --> 00:38:01,330 the RSF . These attacks happened while 1001 00:38:01,340 --> 00:38:04,199 the US was facilitating the last round 1002 00:38:04,209 --> 00:38:07,659 of talks in Jeddah . Uh I wanna ask you , 1003 00:38:07,669 --> 00:38:10,199 Miss P given the ethnic violence 1004 00:38:10,209 --> 00:38:11,987 according in Dart for , are you 1005 00:38:11,989 --> 00:38:15,080 concerned that another genocide is 1006 00:38:15,090 --> 00:38:18,570 happening ? Uh 1007 00:38:18,659 --> 00:38:21,209 We share the concern and the horror 1008 00:38:21,219 --> 00:38:22,969 that all of us feel about the 1009 00:38:22,979 --> 00:38:25,370 atrocities being committed by the RSF 1010 00:38:25,449 --> 00:38:28,010 uh as well as the uh problematic 1011 00:38:28,020 --> 00:38:29,969 behavior by the staff in terms of 1012 00:38:29,979 --> 00:38:31,757 reckless disregard for civilian 1013 00:38:31,757 --> 00:38:34,270 fatalities . Um And as I mentioned , uh 1014 00:38:34,280 --> 00:38:36,502 I think the secretary will address that 1015 00:38:36,502 --> 00:38:40,330 shortly . Can you tell me at what point 1016 00:38:40,560 --> 00:38:42,616 would the State department determine 1017 00:38:42,616 --> 00:38:44,282 the ethnic violence occurring 1018 00:38:44,282 --> 00:38:47,610 constitutes it declaring the violence 1019 00:38:47,620 --> 00:38:51,429 as a genocide ? Uh That 1020 00:38:51,439 --> 00:38:53,290 determination is based on legal 1021 00:38:53,300 --> 00:38:56,040 criteria and would be best answered by 1022 00:38:56,050 --> 00:38:59,120 um our uh global cri criminal justice 1023 00:38:59,129 --> 00:39:01,530 leader , Beth Van Scal . Uh But I know 1024 00:39:01,540 --> 00:39:03,899 that the lawyers in reviewing the uh 1025 00:39:03,909 --> 00:39:05,909 Atro the components of the atrocity 1026 00:39:05,909 --> 00:39:07,820 determination have reviewed those 1027 00:39:07,830 --> 00:39:09,941 matters uh clo closely and , and that 1028 00:39:09,941 --> 00:39:12,163 should be announced in detail shortly . 1029 00:39:12,163 --> 00:39:14,995 Uh As I said , those um those attacks 1030 00:39:15,004 --> 00:39:17,875 happened while the us uh was 1031 00:39:18,135 --> 00:39:21,205 facilitating that talk in Jeddah . So 1032 00:39:21,215 --> 00:39:23,254 what was United States doing during 1033 00:39:23,264 --> 00:39:26,024 that Jeddah talks to try to stop the 1034 00:39:26,034 --> 00:39:29,729 RSF ethnic violence . I 1035 00:39:29,739 --> 00:39:31,850 can confirm that we have regularly 1036 00:39:31,860 --> 00:39:33,889 engaged and pressed the Sudanese 1037 00:39:33,899 --> 00:39:36,370 parties themselves uh as well as 1038 00:39:36,379 --> 00:39:39,689 African and Arab partners uh to try and 1039 00:39:39,699 --> 00:39:41,850 convince them to desist from this 1040 00:39:41,860 --> 00:39:44,100 destabilizing behavior which not only 1041 00:39:44,110 --> 00:39:46,590 is um horrific in terms of the human 1042 00:39:46,600 --> 00:39:49,110 impact , uh but also genuinely 1043 00:39:49,120 --> 00:39:51,330 threatened the unity of the country . 1044 00:39:51,459 --> 00:39:54,250 Um So we are using that platform to 1045 00:39:54,260 --> 00:39:56,439 convey that message forcefully . Thank 1046 00:39:56,449 --> 00:39:58,939 you , you know , during the last uh or 1047 00:39:58,949 --> 00:40:01,199 latest Jeddah talks , the warring 1048 00:40:01,209 --> 00:40:03,729 parties made commitments with respect 1049 00:40:03,739 --> 00:40:06,290 to improving humanitarian access . So 1050 00:40:06,300 --> 00:40:09,129 what changes if any has that led to 1051 00:40:10,679 --> 00:40:12,790 our judgment is that the changes have 1052 00:40:12,790 --> 00:40:15,649 been insufficient . Uh We uh are 1053 00:40:15,659 --> 00:40:17,770 engaged in discussions and there will 1054 00:40:17,770 --> 00:40:20,000 be a , a meeting this week led by the 1055 00:40:20,010 --> 00:40:22,177 Un OCHA and other partners , including 1056 00:40:22,179 --> 00:40:24,401 partners funded by the US government uh 1057 00:40:24,401 --> 00:40:26,290 to try and implement the those 1058 00:40:26,300 --> 00:40:28,578 agreements , those confidence building . 1059 00:40:28,578 --> 00:40:31,030 So if the talks in Cairo lead to any 1060 00:40:31,040 --> 00:40:34,429 commitments , can we trust the RSF to 1061 00:40:34,439 --> 00:40:38,219 maintain any of those commitments ? Uh 1062 00:40:38,229 --> 00:40:42,169 We do not trust the RSF or the SA we 1063 00:40:42,179 --> 00:40:44,899 trust the civilians and the focus of 1064 00:40:44,909 --> 00:40:47,260 the , of the balance of discussions are 1065 00:40:47,270 --> 00:40:49,750 actually being held in Addis Ababa and 1066 00:40:49,760 --> 00:40:51,889 we are working hard with our partners 1067 00:40:51,899 --> 00:40:53,955 and you stay with the OT I office as 1068 00:40:53,955 --> 00:40:55,955 well as with ambassador Godfrey and 1069 00:40:55,955 --> 00:40:58,419 others uh to help them uh complete the 1070 00:40:58,429 --> 00:41:00,540 democratic transition and be prepared 1071 00:41:00,540 --> 00:41:02,979 to assume governance of the country 1072 00:41:02,989 --> 00:41:05,156 once uh the conflict has ended . Thank 1073 00:41:05,156 --> 00:41:08,060 you . You know , um the recruitment for 1074 00:41:08,070 --> 00:41:10,439 a violent extremist organization is not 1075 00:41:10,449 --> 00:41:13,010 always driven by ideological affinity 1076 00:41:13,120 --> 00:41:14,739 and often is caused by youth 1077 00:41:14,750 --> 00:41:16,750 disillusionment associated with the 1078 00:41:16,750 --> 00:41:18,750 lack of economic alternatives and a 1079 00:41:18,750 --> 00:41:21,649 resentment towards the status quo . It 1080 00:41:21,659 --> 00:41:23,548 has been reported that atrocities 1081 00:41:23,548 --> 00:41:25,909 committed by state forces , militias 1082 00:41:25,919 --> 00:41:27,975 and Russian personnel may drive some 1083 00:41:27,975 --> 00:41:31,850 veo recruitment . So MS Jenkins , 1084 00:41:31,860 --> 00:41:34,750 Mr Jenkins , there you are . Uh how is 1085 00:41:34,760 --> 00:41:37,350 USA ID seeking to balance the the 1086 00:41:37,360 --> 00:41:39,989 urgent here and there now need uh the 1087 00:41:40,000 --> 00:41:41,899 to support the fight against the 1088 00:41:41,909 --> 00:41:44,649 violent extremism with the need to also 1089 00:41:44,659 --> 00:41:46,600 address some of the longer term 1090 00:41:46,610 --> 00:41:49,070 structural factors that continuously 1091 00:41:49,080 --> 00:41:52,110 cause CEO recruitment . Well , thank 1092 00:41:52,120 --> 00:41:54,129 you very much . Our humanitarian 1093 00:41:54,139 --> 00:41:56,129 assistance provides life saving 1094 00:41:56,139 --> 00:41:59,260 assistance as urgently as we can , but 1095 00:41:59,270 --> 00:42:01,214 they don't , that does not provide 1096 00:42:01,214 --> 00:42:03,437 solutions . The long term solution will 1097 00:42:03,437 --> 00:42:05,979 take longer . And as you noted , it's 1098 00:42:05,989 --> 00:42:08,649 not just about a job for youth , it's 1099 00:42:08,659 --> 00:42:12,209 not just about ideology , it's about 1100 00:42:13,310 --> 00:42:15,580 finding meaning in their life . It's 1101 00:42:15,590 --> 00:42:17,979 about having agency and opportunity . 1102 00:42:18,260 --> 00:42:21,370 And we have programs across the Sahel 1103 00:42:21,379 --> 00:42:23,540 that work within communities to do 1104 00:42:23,550 --> 00:42:25,709 exactly that , to provide youth a 1105 00:42:25,719 --> 00:42:28,010 reason to believe that tomorrow might 1106 00:42:28,020 --> 00:42:30,187 be better than today , to provide them 1107 00:42:30,187 --> 00:42:32,242 with a group of where they can see , 1108 00:42:32,242 --> 00:42:34,353 search out and find belonging and not 1109 00:42:34,353 --> 00:42:36,353 have to turn to a violent extremist 1110 00:42:36,353 --> 00:42:39,290 group . Thank you . I yell back . Thank 1111 00:42:39,300 --> 00:42:42,500 you , madame . I now recognize for five 1112 00:42:42,510 --> 00:42:44,739 minutes . Thank you , Mr Chair . You 1113 00:42:44,750 --> 00:42:46,861 know , I was heartened to hear . Um , 1114 00:42:46,861 --> 00:42:49,850 the chair referenced the mass shootings 1115 00:42:49,860 --> 00:42:52,419 and murdering of babies across the 1116 00:42:52,429 --> 00:42:54,780 Sahel . I would note that these 1117 00:42:54,790 --> 00:42:56,846 atrocities are also happening in the 1118 00:42:56,846 --> 00:42:59,739 Ukraine by Russia . And I would hope 1119 00:42:59,750 --> 00:43:02,020 that I would hear the same outreach 1120 00:43:02,030 --> 00:43:04,580 outrage from my colleagues on the other 1121 00:43:04,590 --> 00:43:06,812 side of the aisle . I think our concern 1122 00:43:06,812 --> 00:43:09,560 about and focus on Russia needs to be 1123 00:43:09,570 --> 00:43:12,419 as consistent as their reign of terror . 1124 00:43:12,959 --> 00:43:15,729 I have a few quick questions . Um 1125 00:43:16,209 --> 00:43:20,060 um Assistant secretary fee . Um 1126 00:43:20,530 --> 00:43:22,586 So last week , actually , Ambassador 1127 00:43:22,586 --> 00:43:25,770 Hammer talked about um state capacity 1128 00:43:25,780 --> 00:43:27,836 being stretched , which I think also 1129 00:43:27,836 --> 00:43:29,502 compromises our ability to be 1130 00:43:29,502 --> 00:43:32,560 successful with diplomacy . Um Can you 1131 00:43:32,570 --> 00:43:35,399 talk to me about the um personnel 1132 00:43:35,409 --> 00:43:37,840 vacancies at the State Department and 1133 00:43:37,850 --> 00:43:40,860 also with USA ID um at us 1134 00:43:40,870 --> 00:43:44,179 embassies in Burkina , faso Chad Mali 1135 00:43:44,189 --> 00:43:47,719 and and what you all are doing and what 1136 00:43:47,729 --> 00:43:49,785 the plan is gonna be if we can't get 1137 00:43:49,785 --> 00:43:53,550 our act together . Thank you 1138 00:43:53,560 --> 00:43:56,030 for allowing me uh to request all of 1139 00:43:56,040 --> 00:43:58,469 you uh to support the administration's 1140 00:43:58,479 --> 00:44:00,423 budget which would provide us with 1141 00:44:00,423 --> 00:44:02,649 badly needed personnel and budget 1142 00:44:02,659 --> 00:44:06,229 resources . Um Also , although um many 1143 00:44:06,239 --> 00:44:08,239 of the countries you identified now 1144 00:44:08,239 --> 00:44:10,409 have a confirmed ambassador , we did 1145 00:44:10,419 --> 00:44:12,850 not have a confirmed ambassador in when 1146 00:44:12,860 --> 00:44:15,105 the coup took place . We do not have a 1147 00:44:15,115 --> 00:44:17,605 confirmed ambassador in Nigeria , which 1148 00:44:17,615 --> 00:44:20,196 is the president of Ecowas . I do not 1149 00:44:20,206 --> 00:44:22,317 have a con uh confirmed ambassador in 1150 00:44:22,317 --> 00:44:24,956 Gabon where another coup took place . I 1151 00:44:24,966 --> 00:44:27,545 do not have a confirmed ambassador in 1152 00:44:27,555 --> 00:44:30,545 the African Union . Uh I also need one 1153 00:44:30,555 --> 00:44:32,666 in Somalia and Djibouti where we have 1154 00:44:32,666 --> 00:44:35,016 us forces and significant events in the 1155 00:44:35,231 --> 00:44:37,175 coming year . So that would be the 1156 00:44:37,175 --> 00:44:39,511 first way uh that we could uh drive 1157 00:44:39,521 --> 00:44:41,632 forward our policy more effectively . 1158 00:44:41,691 --> 00:44:44,082 Um Secondly , um as I've discussed 1159 00:44:44,092 --> 00:44:45,925 before with the chairman and the 1160 00:44:45,925 --> 00:44:49,872 members , um we lost uh a lot of staff 1161 00:44:49,882 --> 00:44:51,993 uh during the previous administration 1162 00:44:51,993 --> 00:44:54,160 when there was a uh freeze on hiring . 1163 00:44:54,231 --> 00:44:57,719 Uh we are working to um uh improve uh 1164 00:44:57,729 --> 00:44:59,820 that and the budget uh request would 1165 00:44:59,830 --> 00:45:02,709 help . Um uh we do have shortages 1166 00:45:02,719 --> 00:45:04,949 particularly in the sahel that is 1167 00:45:04,959 --> 00:45:07,290 sometimes in part because there are are 1168 00:45:07,300 --> 00:45:09,760 not adequate educational or health 1169 00:45:09,770 --> 00:45:11,790 facilities . Uh And certain family 1170 00:45:11,800 --> 00:45:13,889 members might require those . Um And 1171 00:45:13,899 --> 00:45:15,955 then we get into a difficult dynamic 1172 00:45:15,955 --> 00:45:18,010 where the great people who are there 1173 00:45:18,010 --> 00:45:20,121 are so hard , they get burnt out . So 1174 00:45:20,121 --> 00:45:22,232 we're trying to figure out ways uh to 1175 00:45:22,232 --> 00:45:23,955 avoid that and to provide more 1176 00:45:23,955 --> 00:45:26,669 incentives uh to uh attract uh more 1177 00:45:26,679 --> 00:45:28,401 bidders to these challenging , 1178 00:45:28,401 --> 00:45:30,623 important and consequential countries . 1179 00:45:30,623 --> 00:45:32,846 Uh Thank you for a USA ID . Yes . Thank 1180 00:45:32,846 --> 00:45:35,123 you . Thank you for the question . Yes , 1181 00:45:35,123 --> 00:45:37,235 we've had challenges in the past . In 1182 00:45:37,235 --> 00:45:39,401 the last 12 to 18 months . The picture 1183 00:45:39,401 --> 00:45:41,568 has improved considerably . We are now 1184 00:45:41,568 --> 00:45:43,679 fully staffed USA ad in both Chad and 1185 00:45:43,679 --> 00:45:46,080 in Mauritania . We're 83% staffed in 1186 00:45:46,090 --> 00:45:48,870 Mali and we're 72% of staffed in 1187 00:45:48,879 --> 00:45:51,939 Burkina faso . Earlier this year , both 1188 00:45:52,520 --> 00:45:55,270 and Burkina faso uh were added to the 1189 00:45:55,280 --> 00:45:57,169 list of countries . It's about 13 1190 00:45:57,169 --> 00:45:59,489 countries including Mali that receive a 1191 00:45:59,500 --> 00:46:02,000 difficult to staff uh uh uh 1192 00:46:02,010 --> 00:46:04,159 differential in their , in , in their 1193 00:46:04,169 --> 00:46:06,790 pay . Basically , they receive 15% more 1194 00:46:07,010 --> 00:46:09,469 per year if they agree to stay for 1195 00:46:09,479 --> 00:46:11,257 three years . And that's helped 1196 00:46:11,257 --> 00:46:13,423 considerably . Thank you . Thank you . 1197 00:46:13,423 --> 00:46:15,535 I would also add , I guess not just a 1198 00:46:15,535 --> 00:46:17,870 freeze on hiring but also a disdain for 1199 00:46:17,879 --> 00:46:19,939 the continent of Africa by the prior 1200 00:46:19,949 --> 00:46:23,260 administration . So next question , um 1201 00:46:23,379 --> 00:46:26,959 this crisis has been ongoing uh in the 1202 00:46:26,969 --> 00:46:29,449 Sahel and I think that it requires some 1203 00:46:29,459 --> 00:46:32,264 engagement at the highest levels of us 1204 00:46:32,274 --> 00:46:34,496 government . Um Obviously , we have hot 1205 00:46:34,496 --> 00:46:36,218 spots all around the world and 1206 00:46:36,218 --> 00:46:38,441 Secretary Lincoln is challenged because 1207 00:46:38,441 --> 00:46:40,441 he's only one person . So assistant 1208 00:46:40,441 --> 00:46:42,274 secretary , how are you going to 1209 00:46:42,274 --> 00:46:44,330 elevate this to his level so that we 1210 00:46:44,330 --> 00:46:46,604 can get that kind of daylight on um the 1211 00:46:46,614 --> 00:46:48,447 crises that are happening here , 1212 00:46:48,447 --> 00:46:50,780 especially in the Sahel . Uh As I 1213 00:46:50,790 --> 00:46:52,457 mentioned earlier , I had the 1214 00:46:52,457 --> 00:46:54,457 opportunity to speak with Secretary 1215 00:46:54,457 --> 00:46:56,457 Blinken and acting Deputy Secretary 1216 00:46:56,457 --> 00:46:58,568 Nuland yesterday . Uh They uh will be 1217 00:46:58,568 --> 00:47:01,030 engaging uh leaders of Ecowas member 1218 00:47:01,040 --> 00:47:03,590 states . Ecowas is hosting a summit 1219 00:47:03,600 --> 00:47:05,479 this weekend and I will be 1220 00:47:05,489 --> 00:47:07,711 participating , representing the United 1221 00:47:07,711 --> 00:47:09,878 States . So they're calling in advance 1222 00:47:09,878 --> 00:47:11,878 uh of that discussion , they remain 1223 00:47:11,878 --> 00:47:14,750 available um uh to help at all times . 1224 00:47:14,760 --> 00:47:17,219 In September at Unga Secretary Blinken 1225 00:47:17,229 --> 00:47:19,007 hosted a meeting of his foreign 1226 00:47:19,007 --> 00:47:20,785 ministry counterparts , foreign 1227 00:47:20,785 --> 00:47:22,899 minister counterparts um of Ecowas 1228 00:47:23,090 --> 00:47:25,870 member states . Uh So uh we have uh 1229 00:47:25,879 --> 00:47:27,601 support and attention from the 1230 00:47:27,601 --> 00:47:29,823 leadership . Thank you . I have a quick 1231 00:47:29,823 --> 00:47:31,546 question . Maybe for assistant 1232 00:47:31,546 --> 00:47:33,601 Secretary Wander . Just what's gonna 1233 00:47:33,601 --> 00:47:35,712 happen if this conflict expands ? How 1234 00:47:35,712 --> 00:47:37,712 will it continue to destabilize the 1235 00:47:37,712 --> 00:47:40,199 region ? Thank you for the question . 1236 00:47:40,209 --> 00:47:42,320 Well , we've already seen an increase 1237 00:47:42,320 --> 00:47:45,229 in , in violence uh in uh violence of 1238 00:47:45,239 --> 00:47:47,919 Ve Os against uh the Malian and the 1239 00:47:47,929 --> 00:47:50,620 Wagner forces which then expands to 1240 00:47:50,629 --> 00:47:52,919 violence against civilians in Mali . Uh 1241 00:47:52,929 --> 00:47:55,929 We have seen an uh an uptick in a 1242 00:47:55,939 --> 00:47:59,070 considerable increase in uh violent 1243 00:47:59,080 --> 00:48:02,239 incidents in uh as the 1244 00:48:02,250 --> 00:48:06,209 military um is uh not focused on its 1245 00:48:06,219 --> 00:48:08,386 real mission , which is to provide for 1246 00:48:08,386 --> 00:48:10,580 the security of , of the country . We 1247 00:48:10,590 --> 00:48:14,580 are concerned that as the space for VE 1248 00:48:14,590 --> 00:48:18,179 Os to operate and uh operate freely in 1249 00:48:18,189 --> 00:48:20,919 territory in the Sahel uh may expand as 1250 00:48:20,929 --> 00:48:23,290 a result of this security vacuum that 1251 00:48:23,300 --> 00:48:26,979 those Ve Os may be tempted to uh act 1252 00:48:26,989 --> 00:48:28,933 and strike and expand into coastal 1253 00:48:28,933 --> 00:48:31,156 Western Africa expired . Thank you . Uh 1254 00:48:31,156 --> 00:48:34,110 The chair will now recognize Rep Kane 1255 00:48:34,120 --> 00:48:36,860 for five minutes . Uh Thank you Mr 1256 00:48:36,870 --> 00:48:39,060 Chairman . Now I thank our witnesses 1257 00:48:39,070 --> 00:48:42,120 for being with here with us today and 1258 00:48:42,129 --> 00:48:44,149 you Mr Chairman for holding this 1259 00:48:44,159 --> 00:48:46,860 important hearing . Uh first uh 1260 00:48:46,870 --> 00:48:48,703 terrorist groups have engaged in 1261 00:48:48,703 --> 00:48:51,520 hostilities um over control of UN bases 1262 00:48:51,530 --> 00:48:53,969 after the junta in , in Bamako ended 1263 00:48:53,979 --> 00:48:56,389 the UN S peacekeeping mission . The UN 1264 00:48:56,399 --> 00:48:58,399 had sought to transfer the bases to 1265 00:48:58,399 --> 00:49:01,040 state control . Some separative uh 1266 00:49:01,050 --> 00:49:03,120 separatist rebel factions have 1267 00:49:03,129 --> 00:49:05,739 coordinate with one terrorist group J 1268 00:49:05,750 --> 00:49:07,939 and M to challenge the military's 1269 00:49:07,949 --> 00:49:10,489 expansion into former UN bases with 1270 00:49:10,500 --> 00:49:12,620 Russian tactical support . Mali's 1271 00:49:12,629 --> 00:49:15,820 military seized gal in mid November a 1272 00:49:15,830 --> 00:49:18,560 goal that has eluded successive Malian 1273 00:49:18,729 --> 00:49:21,219 governments for over 11 years . 1274 00:49:21,870 --> 00:49:24,092 Assistant Secretary Wander , how do you 1275 00:49:24,092 --> 00:49:26,909 expect the capture of Cadell to affect 1276 00:49:26,919 --> 00:49:29,086 African leaders , perception of Russia 1277 00:49:29,086 --> 00:49:31,989 defense Cooper operation ? Uh Thank you 1278 00:49:32,000 --> 00:49:33,889 for that question . We uh this is 1279 00:49:33,889 --> 00:49:36,889 clearly why the Malian government uh 1280 00:49:36,899 --> 00:49:39,719 asked menus or ordered menus to leave 1281 00:49:39,729 --> 00:49:42,239 to enable um their forces and the 1282 00:49:42,250 --> 00:49:44,479 Russian forces to have greater uh 1283 00:49:44,489 --> 00:49:47,310 running room in seizing territory , 1284 00:49:47,320 --> 00:49:49,550 controlling locations in order to 1285 00:49:49,560 --> 00:49:51,800 improve their ability to operate for 1286 00:49:51,810 --> 00:49:54,620 their own ends . Uh It is uh a 1287 00:49:54,629 --> 00:49:58,340 concerning development because 1288 00:49:58,350 --> 00:50:00,340 we , as you noted , we do not want 1289 00:50:00,350 --> 00:50:03,330 other African partners to see benefit 1290 00:50:03,340 --> 00:50:05,889 in allowing uh Russia allowing Wagner 1291 00:50:05,899 --> 00:50:07,969 free reign . So what we work with 1292 00:50:07,979 --> 00:50:10,201 African partners for them to understand 1293 00:50:10,201 --> 00:50:12,312 is that again , this is not enhancing 1294 00:50:12,312 --> 00:50:14,368 the security of their country . It's 1295 00:50:14,368 --> 00:50:16,850 actually increasing the activities and 1296 00:50:16,860 --> 00:50:19,027 the vulnerabilities of their countries 1297 00:50:19,027 --> 00:50:21,193 to the VE OS , to the drawing of these 1298 00:50:21,193 --> 00:50:23,193 violent extremist groups and that , 1299 00:50:23,193 --> 00:50:25,360 that is a model they absolutely should 1300 00:50:25,360 --> 00:50:29,080 not follow . Uh Thank you . Um Over the 1301 00:50:29,090 --> 00:50:32,090 last two decades United States Sahel 1302 00:50:32,270 --> 00:50:35,209 policy has been in concert and often 1303 00:50:35,219 --> 00:50:37,219 backs stoping the foreign policy of 1304 00:50:37,219 --> 00:50:39,510 France . The status quo is no longer 1305 00:50:39,520 --> 00:50:41,830 possible as France have been kicked out 1306 00:50:41,840 --> 00:50:45,379 of Mali Burkina faso uh Faso and 1307 00:50:45,850 --> 00:50:48,560 in the last uh year and a half , 1308 00:50:48,570 --> 00:50:50,737 Assistant Secretary Walder as France's 1309 00:50:50,737 --> 00:50:52,737 policy in Africa is being forced to 1310 00:50:52,737 --> 00:50:54,626 change . How is the Department of 1311 00:50:54,626 --> 00:50:57,070 Defense ensuring that us strategic 1312 00:50:57,080 --> 00:50:59,370 interests continue to be met in the 1313 00:50:59,379 --> 00:51:03,050 Sahel ? Well , first and foremost , uh 1314 00:51:03,060 --> 00:51:04,782 we work closely with the State 1315 00:51:04,782 --> 00:51:06,893 Department and with our colleagues in 1316 00:51:06,893 --> 00:51:09,810 USA ID for a for a 3d approach , 1317 00:51:09,820 --> 00:51:12,850 democracy development and defense 1318 00:51:12,860 --> 00:51:15,082 because that is ultimately the solution 1319 00:51:15,082 --> 00:51:17,249 that will bring stability and security 1320 00:51:17,249 --> 00:51:19,520 anywhere in Africa , but especially now 1321 00:51:19,550 --> 00:51:21,661 in the Sahel , in terms of partners , 1322 00:51:21,661 --> 00:51:23,679 we are still working with European 1323 00:51:23,689 --> 00:51:25,800 partners , uh other partners globally 1324 00:51:25,800 --> 00:51:28,770 who want to contribute to counter veo 1325 00:51:28,780 --> 00:51:31,120 operations to building capacity city , 1326 00:51:31,310 --> 00:51:33,421 different countries have different uh 1327 00:51:33,421 --> 00:51:35,588 relationships , different countries in 1328 00:51:35,588 --> 00:51:37,754 the region by working with an array of 1329 00:51:37,754 --> 00:51:39,977 partners in Europe and uh and elsewhere 1330 00:51:39,977 --> 00:51:42,590 from across uh across the region , we 1331 00:51:42,600 --> 00:51:44,711 believe that we can continue to build 1332 00:51:44,711 --> 00:51:47,000 capacity for those partners uh that 1333 00:51:47,010 --> 00:51:49,232 seek it and uh continue to be committed 1334 00:51:49,239 --> 00:51:51,350 to a democratic path . And how is the 1335 00:51:51,350 --> 00:51:53,790 Department of State and USA ID ensuring 1336 00:51:53,800 --> 00:51:56,320 that anti French sentiment across the 1337 00:51:56,330 --> 00:51:59,929 Sahel does not become anti us sentiment . 1338 00:52:03,139 --> 00:52:06,020 So thank you very much . Um information 1339 00:52:06,030 --> 00:52:08,600 manipulation . So sometimes called 1340 00:52:08,610 --> 00:52:10,949 disinformation is now a plague 1341 00:52:10,959 --> 00:52:12,959 throughout the region . And we have 1342 00:52:12,959 --> 00:52:14,959 upped our game significantly in the 1343 00:52:14,959 --> 00:52:16,737 last 18 months with quite a few 1344 00:52:16,737 --> 00:52:18,903 programs throughout the region and the 1345 00:52:18,903 --> 00:52:20,989 continent to make sure that we in uh 1346 00:52:21,050 --> 00:52:23,217 get better information out there about 1347 00:52:23,217 --> 00:52:25,161 what we're doing . Something we've 1348 00:52:25,161 --> 00:52:27,161 always been a little bit bad at and 1349 00:52:27,161 --> 00:52:29,272 make sure that we help people be more 1350 00:52:29,272 --> 00:52:30,949 uh better generators of real 1351 00:52:30,959 --> 00:52:33,179 information and better consumers of 1352 00:52:33,189 --> 00:52:35,300 false information . So they know what 1353 00:52:35,300 --> 00:52:37,356 it is when they can spot it . And to 1354 00:52:37,356 --> 00:52:39,245 keep a distance between the false 1355 00:52:39,245 --> 00:52:41,356 information and the truth . As , as , 1356 00:52:41,356 --> 00:52:45,139 as we stand by over the juntas 1357 00:52:45,479 --> 00:52:49,000 in , Mali and Burkina Faso have all 1358 00:52:49,159 --> 00:52:51,250 recruited the services of the Russia 1359 00:52:51,260 --> 00:52:54,310 slash Wagner group security personnel 1360 00:52:54,320 --> 00:52:56,542 in attempts to ensure regime strength . 1361 00:52:56,770 --> 00:52:59,530 On November 27th , Niger's junta signed 1362 00:52:59,540 --> 00:53:03,479 a decree evoking 2015 law those enacted 1363 00:53:03,489 --> 00:53:05,570 to curb smuggling migrants traveling 1364 00:53:05,580 --> 00:53:07,699 from African countries through Korea 1365 00:53:08,050 --> 00:53:11,739 migration routes in en route to Europe , 1366 00:53:11,800 --> 00:53:15,209 curbing illegal migration . And Russian 1367 00:53:15,219 --> 00:53:17,441 influence are two of the biggest policy 1368 00:53:17,441 --> 00:53:20,129 priorities of our European allies . The 1369 00:53:20,300 --> 00:53:22,467 French withdrawal from these countries 1370 00:53:22,467 --> 00:53:24,850 creates a real risk of security vacuums 1371 00:53:24,860 --> 00:53:26,804 forming which will only exacerbate 1372 00:53:26,804 --> 00:53:28,971 these issues while providing increased 1373 00:53:28,971 --> 00:53:30,527 space for violent extremist 1374 00:53:30,527 --> 00:53:33,399 organizations to strengthen the A R 1375 00:53:33,409 --> 00:53:36,000 initiative uh promising in concept has 1376 00:53:36,010 --> 00:53:38,010 failed to gain support from all the 1377 00:53:38,010 --> 00:53:41,739 involved countries . Um So can you talk 1378 00:53:41,750 --> 00:53:44,209 to us in uh in my remaining time uh 1379 00:53:44,219 --> 00:53:47,510 about how we create more cooper us and 1380 00:53:47,520 --> 00:53:50,199 European co cooper to strengthen um 1381 00:53:50,209 --> 00:53:53,909 security in the region . In 1382 00:53:53,979 --> 00:53:55,979 the small time , we have , we are 1383 00:53:55,989 --> 00:53:58,030 actively engaged with quite a few 1384 00:53:58,040 --> 00:54:00,096 bilateral partners in a multilateral 1385 00:54:00,096 --> 00:54:02,040 and bilateral way in coast of West 1386 00:54:02,040 --> 00:54:04,262 Africa . Exciting partnerships with the 1387 00:54:04,262 --> 00:54:05,929 German government , the Dutch 1388 00:54:05,929 --> 00:54:08,096 government , the British government to 1389 00:54:08,096 --> 00:54:10,151 do everything that we can to prevent 1390 00:54:10,151 --> 00:54:12,096 the spread and the overflow of the 1391 00:54:12,096 --> 00:54:14,096 violent extremism into coastal West 1392 00:54:14,096 --> 00:54:16,270 Africa . Um Thank you and uh I'll I 1393 00:54:16,280 --> 00:54:18,280 yield back my time . Thank you , Mr 1394 00:54:18,280 --> 00:54:20,447 Chairman . Thank you . I now recognize 1395 00:54:20,447 --> 00:54:22,336 the Chairman of the House Foreign 1396 00:54:22,336 --> 00:54:21,899 Affairs Committee , Chairman Mike 1397 00:54:21,909 --> 00:54:24,020 mccaul for five minutes . Thank you , 1398 00:54:24,020 --> 00:54:26,780 Mr Chairman . Um Thanks to the 1399 00:54:26,790 --> 00:54:29,409 witnesses for being here . I uh been 1400 00:54:29,419 --> 00:54:31,641 focused on this area for a while . I in 1401 00:54:31,641 --> 00:54:34,469 my career , the Trans Sahara um 1402 00:54:34,719 --> 00:54:37,750 Partnership uh Act . Um 1403 00:54:38,510 --> 00:54:40,677 but obviously the cell is getting very 1404 00:54:40,677 --> 00:54:42,732 dangerous . Uh Right . I mean , it's 1405 00:54:42,732 --> 00:54:44,899 always been problematic but I with the 1406 00:54:44,899 --> 00:54:48,550 latest events in Sudan , um I had 1407 00:54:48,560 --> 00:54:50,989 called for a special envoy uh 1408 00:54:51,020 --> 00:54:54,290 previously uh that would report to the 1409 00:54:54,300 --> 00:54:56,540 president . Would that be a , a helpful 1410 00:54:56,830 --> 00:54:58,270 office to have ? 1411 00:55:00,949 --> 00:55:03,116 Hello , Mr Chairman . It's good to see 1412 00:55:03,116 --> 00:55:05,338 you . Uh Thank you for the advocacy for 1413 00:55:05,338 --> 00:55:07,393 an envoy . We would , we would agree 1414 00:55:07,393 --> 00:55:09,616 that having uh a US government envoy to 1415 00:55:09,616 --> 00:55:12,610 focus on Sudan would uplift the uh 1416 00:55:12,620 --> 00:55:14,989 already considerable efforts uh by 1417 00:55:15,000 --> 00:55:17,239 three ambassadors uh who are focused 1418 00:55:17,250 --> 00:55:19,159 full time on Sudan as well as the 1419 00:55:19,169 --> 00:55:21,336 Africa Bureau . And I want you to know 1420 00:55:21,336 --> 00:55:23,113 that's under active and serious 1421 00:55:23,113 --> 00:55:25,225 consideration by the administration . 1422 00:55:25,225 --> 00:55:27,058 Great . Well , I look forward to 1423 00:55:27,058 --> 00:55:26,820 working with you and my colleagues on 1424 00:55:26,830 --> 00:55:28,719 the other side of the aisle to uh 1425 00:55:28,719 --> 00:55:31,280 perhaps move that process forward . Um 1426 00:55:32,290 --> 00:55:34,290 um yeah , it's been about , I guess 1427 00:55:34,290 --> 00:55:37,459 about seven months since we withdrew 1428 00:55:38,520 --> 00:55:40,631 and abandon our embassy in Khartoum . 1429 00:55:41,179 --> 00:55:44,080 Uh That's of grave concern . Um 1430 00:55:45,959 --> 00:55:48,310 I think this conflict is getting worse , 1431 00:55:48,320 --> 00:55:51,229 not better , um worried about the 1432 00:55:51,239 --> 00:55:53,183 atrocities committed by the Wagner 1433 00:55:53,183 --> 00:55:56,649 group uh and their rapid support 1434 00:55:56,659 --> 00:55:58,548 forces formerly known as the John 1435 00:55:58,548 --> 00:56:02,209 Jaweed . Uh these horrendous crimes , 1436 00:56:02,219 --> 00:56:04,386 you know , include motivate killing in 1437 00:56:04,386 --> 00:56:06,510 Darfur that echoes the genocide 20 1438 00:56:06,520 --> 00:56:08,929 years ago . And further west in , 1439 00:56:10,270 --> 00:56:12,939 Mali and Burkina faso , there have been 1440 00:56:12,949 --> 00:56:15,116 hundreds of recorded terrorist attacks 1441 00:56:15,116 --> 00:56:18,649 by ISIS in the Sahel . Uh They appear 1442 00:56:18,659 --> 00:56:20,548 to be coordinate with the foreign 1443 00:56:20,548 --> 00:56:23,620 terrorist organization known as Jnim , 1444 00:56:24,120 --> 00:56:26,840 a French acronym that stands for Union 1445 00:56:26,850 --> 00:56:29,780 for support of Islam and Muslims . 1446 00:56:30,540 --> 00:56:33,120 Um as I mentioned , I I championed the 1447 00:56:33,129 --> 00:56:34,796 Trans Sahara Counterterrorism 1448 00:56:34,796 --> 00:56:38,070 Partnership uh act many years ago . 1449 00:56:38,459 --> 00:56:40,729 Um Can you give me an update on how 1450 00:56:40,739 --> 00:56:42,795 that is working and how that's being 1451 00:56:42,795 --> 00:56:46,479 applied to the situation , Mr Chairman 1452 00:56:46,489 --> 00:56:48,860 when that program was first developed 1453 00:56:48,870 --> 00:56:51,092 uh with support from leaders like you , 1454 00:56:51,092 --> 00:56:53,360 it was an innovative approach uh to 1455 00:56:53,370 --> 00:56:55,537 addressing the problems in the Sahel . 1456 00:56:55,537 --> 00:56:58,479 Uh but over time , uh it became less 1457 00:56:58,489 --> 00:57:00,322 effective in part because of the 1458 00:57:00,322 --> 00:57:02,433 changing conditions on the ground and 1459 00:57:02,433 --> 00:57:04,656 in part because the way the program was 1460 00:57:04,656 --> 00:57:06,822 structured . Uh We didn't optimize , I 1461 00:57:06,822 --> 00:57:09,045 think the interoperability that you see 1462 00:57:09,045 --> 00:57:11,810 here . Um We have uh uh suggested to 1463 00:57:11,820 --> 00:57:13,987 Congress that we would like uh to talk 1464 00:57:13,987 --> 00:57:15,876 with you about how to update that 1465 00:57:15,876 --> 00:57:18,042 program . I can tell you that both the 1466 00:57:18,042 --> 00:57:19,987 benefits and the drawbacks of that 1467 00:57:19,987 --> 00:57:22,064 program were in the design of the 1468 00:57:22,074 --> 00:57:24,485 Global Fragility Act and in the policy 1469 00:57:24,495 --> 00:57:26,717 that we developed on the basis of the G 1470 00:57:26,717 --> 00:57:29,364 fa the strategy to promote uh stability 1471 00:57:29,375 --> 00:57:31,486 and prevent conflict , which we where 1472 00:57:31,486 --> 00:57:33,708 we're focused in coastal West Africa to 1473 00:57:33,708 --> 00:57:35,819 preve to prevent the expansion of the 1474 00:57:35,819 --> 00:57:37,875 problems in the Sahel to our friends 1475 00:57:37,875 --> 00:57:39,986 and partners in coastal West Africa . 1476 00:57:40,399 --> 00:57:42,500 Can you tell me about uh because you 1477 00:57:42,510 --> 00:57:44,732 have the Wagner group trying to provide 1478 00:57:44,732 --> 00:57:47,139 stability , sort of like a military 1479 00:57:47,149 --> 00:57:49,800 police force and then you've got the uh 1480 00:57:49,810 --> 00:57:53,169 radical Islamists in the Sahel . 1481 00:57:53,560 --> 00:57:56,199 Um Then you have the French . Now , 1482 00:57:56,209 --> 00:57:58,399 what does , what does it look like for 1483 00:57:58,409 --> 00:58:00,576 the French ? Now , in that part of the 1484 00:58:00,576 --> 00:58:04,550 world France , uh French forces have 1485 00:58:04,560 --> 00:58:06,782 been withdrawn from Mali , they've been 1486 00:58:06,782 --> 00:58:08,989 uh withdrawn from Burkina faso and now 1487 00:58:09,000 --> 00:58:11,500 they are undergoing there in the last 1488 00:58:11,510 --> 00:58:14,489 weeks of their full withdrawal from at , 1489 00:58:14,530 --> 00:58:17,570 at the requirement of the Nigerian uh 1490 00:58:17,679 --> 00:58:21,649 junta . So the , the that leaves , 1491 00:58:22,229 --> 00:58:24,173 that leaves uh well worse than the 1492 00:58:24,173 --> 00:58:26,118 vacuum , it leaves uh Wagner uh it 1493 00:58:26,118 --> 00:58:28,679 leaves Russian influence and it leaves 1494 00:58:28,689 --> 00:58:31,590 uh leaderships uh certainly in Mali , 1495 00:58:31,600 --> 00:58:35,189 we uh that are not respecting civilian 1496 00:58:35,399 --> 00:58:36,649 uh security 1497 00:58:45,629 --> 00:58:49,590 and the Islamic uh I 1498 00:58:49,600 --> 00:58:51,760 think that it is clearly solidly in 1499 00:58:51,770 --> 00:58:55,520 Mali , it is still on the , on the , 1500 00:58:55,550 --> 00:58:57,580 it , it's not fully developed in 1501 00:58:57,590 --> 00:59:00,790 Burkina faso and in , it is very 1502 00:59:00,800 --> 00:59:03,350 concerning that we have seen Wagner 1503 00:59:03,360 --> 00:59:05,870 officials uh in speaking to the 1504 00:59:05,879 --> 00:59:08,046 leadership in Burkina faso and then we 1505 00:59:08,046 --> 00:59:10,830 are seeing Russian Defense Ministry of 1506 00:59:10,840 --> 00:59:14,580 defense officials in uh in . Yeah , 1507 00:59:14,590 --> 00:59:17,050 especially Prigozhin , I think uh well , 1508 00:59:17,489 --> 00:59:21,169 when uh um actually the merchant of 1509 00:59:21,179 --> 00:59:22,957 death that we traded for the uh 1510 00:59:22,957 --> 00:59:26,070 basketball player , the Vape pipe , he , 1511 00:59:26,399 --> 00:59:29,419 the Russians sent him down to negotiate 1512 00:59:29,429 --> 00:59:33,179 with the Wagner group in um Africa to 1513 00:59:33,639 --> 00:59:36,419 swear their allegiance to Putin . And 1514 00:59:36,429 --> 00:59:38,596 after they did that within a matter of 1515 00:59:38,596 --> 00:59:40,707 days , Prigozhin was shot down out of 1516 00:59:40,707 --> 00:59:43,679 the sky about two months after his 1517 00:59:44,159 --> 00:59:47,050 unsuccessful coup . I found , I found 1518 00:59:47,060 --> 00:59:50,939 that interesting . Um Do you , um are 1519 00:59:50,949 --> 00:59:53,171 you concerned about , you know , when I 1520 00:59:53,171 --> 00:59:55,505 chaired the Homeland Security Committee , 1521 00:59:55,505 --> 00:59:57,616 uh it was during the rise of ISIS and 1522 00:59:57,616 --> 00:59:59,727 the Caliphate , are you worried about 1523 00:59:59,727 --> 01:00:02,050 that uh phenomenon happening in the 1524 01:00:02,060 --> 01:00:04,040 Sahel right now ? And , and how 1525 01:00:04,050 --> 01:00:06,989 sophisticated could they be in terms of 1526 01:00:07,000 --> 01:00:10,270 uh external operations ? One of the 1527 01:00:10,280 --> 01:00:12,840 reasons why we have a , had a long 1528 01:00:12,850 --> 01:00:15,020 standing security cooper relationship 1529 01:00:15,030 --> 01:00:17,649 with the Nigerian armed forces was 1530 01:00:17,659 --> 01:00:19,659 exactly because of the concern that 1531 01:00:19,659 --> 01:00:21,548 control of territory , freedom to 1532 01:00:21,548 --> 01:00:24,875 operate would uh could create uh a , a 1533 01:00:24,885 --> 01:00:27,635 even more complicated situation if the , 1534 01:00:27,645 --> 01:00:29,885 if the co if the ISIS forces and the 1535 01:00:29,895 --> 01:00:32,006 Jane M forces in the region , believe 1536 01:00:32,006 --> 01:00:34,117 they then have the ability to operate 1537 01:00:34,117 --> 01:00:36,339 externally . And it's the reason why we 1538 01:00:36,339 --> 01:00:38,339 need to continue to work with those 1539 01:00:38,339 --> 01:00:40,395 partners uh that we can work with to 1540 01:00:40,395 --> 01:00:42,562 counter that . Um Have you seen any uh 1541 01:00:42,562 --> 01:00:46,149 designs or plans of them to aspire 1542 01:00:46,159 --> 01:00:49,239 to external attacks or is it just more 1543 01:00:49,250 --> 01:00:51,959 focused on in the Sahel at this point , 1544 01:00:51,969 --> 01:00:54,080 the focus of those groups is assessed 1545 01:00:54,080 --> 01:00:57,250 to be in the Sahel . I just met with a 1546 01:00:57,260 --> 01:00:59,620 lot of the top Ukrainian military 1547 01:00:59,629 --> 01:01:03,489 leaders and uh I have to say , I'm 1548 01:01:03,500 --> 01:01:05,959 always amazed at their strength and 1549 01:01:05,969 --> 01:01:09,949 courage and um their tenacity and their , 1550 01:01:09,959 --> 01:01:12,780 their fighters . Uh they envision a 1551 01:01:12,790 --> 01:01:16,469 time where um moving in the , the the 1552 01:01:16,479 --> 01:01:18,535 future , hopefully when there's more 1553 01:01:18,535 --> 01:01:20,790 success on the battlefield where they 1554 01:01:20,800 --> 01:01:22,744 could take the place of the Wagner 1555 01:01:23,090 --> 01:01:26,639 group and , and replace them . Um And I 1556 01:01:26,649 --> 01:01:28,705 think that would be a , a change for 1557 01:01:28,705 --> 01:01:31,070 the better . Uh But I just throw that 1558 01:01:31,080 --> 01:01:33,530 out to you as an interesting side note . 1559 01:01:33,989 --> 01:01:36,045 Uh But anyway , I , I appreciate the 1560 01:01:36,045 --> 01:01:38,156 work you do . Uh This area has always 1561 01:01:38,156 --> 01:01:41,750 been tricky and troublesome and um I , 1562 01:01:41,760 --> 01:01:44,760 I worry that our Belt and Road 1563 01:01:44,770 --> 01:01:46,881 initiative has not been successful in 1564 01:01:46,881 --> 01:01:48,826 Africa . And if they don't have an 1565 01:01:48,826 --> 01:01:50,826 alternative , they're gonna turn to 1566 01:01:51,060 --> 01:01:53,560 other groups like Wagner , like China , 1567 01:01:53,620 --> 01:01:56,879 uh who obviously does participate quite 1568 01:01:56,889 --> 01:01:59,100 a bit in the African continent . And 1569 01:01:59,110 --> 01:02:01,221 this will be the largest continent in 1570 01:02:01,221 --> 01:02:03,332 the world population wise in the next 1571 01:02:03,332 --> 01:02:05,054 decade . And I think it's very 1572 01:02:05,054 --> 01:02:06,999 important , we keep our , our eyes 1573 01:02:06,999 --> 01:02:10,199 focused on it . Um And finally , you 1574 01:02:10,209 --> 01:02:12,310 know , I'll give you an update , Mr 1575 01:02:12,320 --> 01:02:14,370 Chairman on our Pepfar . Uh 1576 01:02:14,379 --> 01:02:17,629 negotiations were , were very uh 1577 01:02:18,500 --> 01:02:21,239 uh committed to a reauthorization of 1578 01:02:21,250 --> 01:02:24,389 Pepfar . And um it's a tricky process 1579 01:02:24,399 --> 01:02:26,455 up here , but I've been up here long 1580 01:02:26,455 --> 01:02:28,677 enough to get to know how to get things 1581 01:02:28,677 --> 01:02:30,677 done . And it's my intention to get 1582 01:02:30,677 --> 01:02:32,899 this one done too . So with that , uh I 1583 01:02:32,899 --> 01:02:35,066 yield back . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 1584 01:02:35,066 --> 01:02:36,843 And uh I would like to echo the 1585 01:02:36,843 --> 01:02:38,843 chairman's sentiments . Uh He is uh 1586 01:02:38,843 --> 01:02:38,659 personally committed uh to 1587 01:02:38,669 --> 01:02:40,836 reauthorizing Pepfar and , and so am I 1588 01:02:41,070 --> 01:02:43,709 and um he is personally committed to uh 1589 01:02:43,719 --> 01:02:45,608 supporting your efforts uh in the 1590 01:02:45,608 --> 01:02:47,552 African region in the continent of 1591 01:02:47,552 --> 01:02:49,663 Africa to the benefit of the American 1592 01:02:49,663 --> 01:02:51,386 people . Uh The chair will now 1593 01:02:51,386 --> 01:02:53,608 recognize ranking member Jacobs . Thank 1594 01:02:53,608 --> 01:02:57,209 you , Mr Chairman . Um So 1595 01:02:57,219 --> 01:03:00,030 under the G fa the inter agency is 1596 01:03:00,040 --> 01:03:02,159 required to align and integrate all 1597 01:03:02,169 --> 01:03:04,699 relevant diplomatic development and 1598 01:03:04,709 --> 01:03:06,376 security assistance of the US 1599 01:03:06,376 --> 01:03:08,840 government . I understand state and US 1600 01:03:08,850 --> 01:03:10,961 aid have not used all the flexibility 1601 01:03:10,961 --> 01:03:13,239 Congress has provided under existing 1602 01:03:13,250 --> 01:03:15,439 earmark requirements . What are the 1603 01:03:15,449 --> 01:03:17,616 barriers to additional alignment and , 1604 01:03:17,616 --> 01:03:19,893 and what more help do you need from us ? 1605 01:03:20,540 --> 01:03:22,929 Well , thank you very much . I believe 1606 01:03:22,939 --> 01:03:26,739 you're referring to the 10% variance 1607 01:03:26,750 --> 01:03:28,861 on earmarks which we are working with 1608 01:03:28,861 --> 01:03:31,280 our lawyers and others across aid and 1609 01:03:31,290 --> 01:03:34,459 state on how we can better utilize that . 1610 01:03:34,469 --> 01:03:36,636 And as we're working right now through 1611 01:03:36,636 --> 01:03:38,747 the budgets for the next year , we're 1612 01:03:38,747 --> 01:03:40,969 taking that into account . Um There are 1613 01:03:40,969 --> 01:03:42,969 a lot of things that we're learning 1614 01:03:42,969 --> 01:03:45,136 under the G fa implementation . One of 1615 01:03:45,136 --> 01:03:47,247 them is we still need some changes to 1616 01:03:47,247 --> 01:03:49,469 the authorities , particularly with the 1617 01:03:49,469 --> 01:03:51,580 uh peace and security funding so that 1618 01:03:51,580 --> 01:03:53,691 we can then actually meet the mandate 1619 01:03:53,691 --> 01:03:56,590 of the Act and use that funding to 1620 01:03:56,770 --> 01:03:59,550 monitor and evaluate things other than 1621 01:03:59,560 --> 01:04:01,616 just foreign assistance . And one of 1622 01:04:01,616 --> 01:04:03,171 the key things we need is a 1623 01:04:03,171 --> 01:04:05,393 reauthorization of both the PSF funding 1624 01:04:05,393 --> 01:04:07,338 and also the complex crisis fund . 1625 01:04:08,810 --> 01:04:12,030 Thank you . Um So support for Mali's 1626 01:04:12,040 --> 01:04:13,707 2015 peace accord between the 1627 01:04:13,707 --> 01:04:15,429 government and northern ethnic 1628 01:04:15,429 --> 01:04:17,040 separatist groups has been a 1629 01:04:17,040 --> 01:04:19,096 cornerstone of us policy towards the 1630 01:04:19,096 --> 01:04:21,350 Sahel . Uh Yet the Accord now appears 1631 01:04:21,360 --> 01:04:23,416 to be more b uh especially given the 1632 01:04:23,416 --> 01:04:25,527 resumption of hostilities in Northern 1633 01:04:25,527 --> 01:04:27,929 Mali in mid 2023 in the Malian military 1634 01:04:27,939 --> 01:04:31,040 seizure of Kal , a rebel stronghold , a 1635 01:04:31,050 --> 01:04:33,217 goal that has eluded successive Malian 1636 01:04:33,217 --> 01:04:35,272 governments over the past 11 years . 1637 01:04:35,272 --> 01:04:37,494 Assistant Secretary fee . Do you expect 1638 01:04:37,494 --> 01:04:39,439 the Malian military to continue to 1639 01:04:39,439 --> 01:04:41,550 expand its footprint in Northern Mali 1640 01:04:41,550 --> 01:04:43,439 with Russian support ? What other 1641 01:04:43,439 --> 01:04:45,106 scenarios might emerge ? What 1642 01:04:45,106 --> 01:04:47,272 opportunities exist for us , diplomats 1643 01:04:47,272 --> 01:04:47,209 to support a political process that 1644 01:04:47,219 --> 01:04:48,941 could actually deliver greater 1645 01:04:48,941 --> 01:04:52,489 stability in Mali ? I 1646 01:04:52,500 --> 01:04:54,556 regret to tell you that I'm not very 1647 01:04:54,556 --> 01:04:56,560 optimistic about the situation . I 1648 01:04:56,570 --> 01:04:58,626 believe that Fama , the Malian Armed 1649 01:04:58,626 --> 01:05:00,949 Forces uh with support from Wagner will 1650 01:05:00,959 --> 01:05:02,792 continue to prosecute a military 1651 01:05:02,792 --> 01:05:05,320 campaign in Kal and other areas of 1652 01:05:05,330 --> 01:05:07,659 Northern Mali against Tuareg rebels . 1653 01:05:07,669 --> 01:05:11,449 Um uh that uh their uh inattention 1654 01:05:11,735 --> 01:05:15,435 um and actual actions to undermine the 1655 01:05:15,445 --> 01:05:17,635 Algiers Accords as one of the factors 1656 01:05:17,645 --> 01:05:19,645 that affected our shift in position 1657 01:05:19,645 --> 01:05:21,867 toward the transitional government . Uh 1658 01:05:21,867 --> 01:05:23,923 We are speaking to the Algerians and 1659 01:05:23,923 --> 01:05:26,155 other partners uh to see how we can 1660 01:05:26,165 --> 01:05:28,955 address this challenge . Uh But II I do 1661 01:05:28,965 --> 01:05:31,076 expect it to continue and to worsen . 1662 01:05:34,179 --> 01:05:37,600 Um Thank you . Um Members of the 1663 01:05:37,610 --> 01:05:39,721 committee have received outreach from 1664 01:05:39,721 --> 01:05:41,777 humanitarian NGO S in Sudanese civil 1665 01:05:41,777 --> 01:05:43,943 society about concerns about potential 1666 01:05:43,943 --> 01:05:46,166 drastic cuts in humanitarian assistance 1667 01:05:46,166 --> 01:05:47,888 to Sudan . Uh either Assistant 1668 01:05:47,889 --> 01:05:50,000 secretary for or Mr Jenkins . Can you 1669 01:05:50,000 --> 01:05:51,778 speak to that and outline how a 1670 01:05:51,778 --> 01:05:53,778 significant cut to assistance would 1671 01:05:53,778 --> 01:05:56,300 impact the Sudanese people ? Thank you 1672 01:05:56,310 --> 01:05:59,260 very much as you know , for the last 1673 01:05:59,270 --> 01:06:01,979 few years because of supplementals , 1674 01:06:02,479 --> 01:06:04,909 the we've been the benefit of on 1675 01:06:04,919 --> 01:06:07,141 humanitarian assistance particularly of 1676 01:06:07,141 --> 01:06:09,310 a very generous Congress looking at a 1677 01:06:09,320 --> 01:06:11,431 new reality , budgetary wise , moving 1678 01:06:11,431 --> 01:06:13,629 forward . We also have grave concerns 1679 01:06:13,639 --> 01:06:15,861 about what will be necessary cuts , not 1680 01:06:15,861 --> 01:06:18,290 just in Sudan , but in many , if not 1681 01:06:18,300 --> 01:06:20,300 almost all of the places around the 1682 01:06:20,300 --> 01:06:22,750 world where we've had the benefit of 1683 01:06:22,760 --> 01:06:24,538 increased levels that we aren't 1684 01:06:24,538 --> 01:06:26,979 anticipating . Looking forward to that 1685 01:06:26,989 --> 01:06:30,350 in the future . Thank you . 1686 01:06:30,879 --> 01:06:33,120 May , may I just add , may I use this 1687 01:06:33,129 --> 01:06:34,796 opportunity to please ask for 1688 01:06:34,796 --> 01:06:36,462 congressional support for the 1689 01:06:36,462 --> 01:06:38,073 administration's request for 1690 01:06:38,073 --> 01:06:40,209 humanitarian assistance . The crises 1691 01:06:40,219 --> 01:06:42,550 that we're discussing here in the Sahel 1692 01:06:42,560 --> 01:06:44,782 are also present elsewhere in the globe 1693 01:06:44,782 --> 01:06:46,893 and we urgently need um The continued 1694 01:06:46,893 --> 01:06:49,679 support of the American people . Uh Mr 1695 01:06:49,689 --> 01:06:51,689 Chairman , I would like to know how 1696 01:06:51,689 --> 01:06:55,590 much I would refer 1697 01:06:55,600 --> 01:06:57,711 you to the president's budget request 1698 01:06:57,711 --> 01:07:00,860 on that one . And lastly , assistant 1699 01:07:00,870 --> 01:07:02,703 secretary fee , how is the State 1700 01:07:02,703 --> 01:07:04,919 Department adjusting the G fa strategy 1701 01:07:04,929 --> 01:07:07,040 in coast of West Africa ? In light of 1702 01:07:07,040 --> 01:07:10,899 the coups in the Sahel , we 1703 01:07:10,909 --> 01:07:13,540 are uh shifting uh the security 1704 01:07:13,550 --> 01:07:15,550 assistance which had initially been 1705 01:07:15,550 --> 01:07:17,606 conceived to focus on the challenges 1706 01:07:17,606 --> 01:07:19,840 from the Gulf of Guinea uh to help them 1707 01:07:19,850 --> 01:07:21,739 engage more effectively with the 1708 01:07:21,750 --> 01:07:23,806 communities on the northern border . 1709 01:07:25,620 --> 01:07:28,040 Thank you , Mr Chairman . I hold back . 1710 01:07:28,479 --> 01:07:30,423 I now recognize Rep Beard for five 1711 01:07:30,423 --> 01:07:34,060 minutes . Thank you , Mr 1712 01:07:34,070 --> 01:07:36,370 Chairman and , and thank the witnesses 1713 01:07:36,379 --> 01:07:38,760 for being here and sharing uh your 1714 01:07:38,770 --> 01:07:41,050 perspective on the region and that will 1715 01:07:41,060 --> 01:07:44,229 be an asset for us making uh 1716 01:07:44,449 --> 01:07:47,540 legislative decisions . But my first 1717 01:07:47,550 --> 01:07:50,010 question deals with the , the fact that 1718 01:07:50,020 --> 01:07:52,076 there's been some media reports that 1719 01:07:52,076 --> 01:07:54,550 indicate a small Russia security 1720 01:07:54,560 --> 01:07:57,629 attachment of roughly 20 men arrived in 1721 01:07:57,639 --> 01:08:01,229 the , in the um uh Burkina 1722 01:08:01,239 --> 01:08:04,879 Faso in November . So , Assistant 1723 01:08:04,889 --> 01:08:07,310 Secretary Fee , what is known about 1724 01:08:07,320 --> 01:08:10,320 this unit and its mission and what 1725 01:08:10,330 --> 01:08:13,310 might such a deployment mean for us 1726 01:08:13,320 --> 01:08:17,169 engagement ? Thank you , sir . For the 1727 01:08:17,180 --> 01:08:20,319 question uh since the coup occurred uh 1728 01:08:20,330 --> 01:08:22,497 the second coup , if you will occurred 1729 01:08:22,497 --> 01:08:25,290 last year about this time . Uh We have 1730 01:08:25,299 --> 01:08:27,466 been trying to convince the Burkean ae 1731 01:08:27,466 --> 01:08:29,979 authorities to choose a different path 1732 01:08:29,990 --> 01:08:32,299 than the path chosen by Mali where we 1733 01:08:32,310 --> 01:08:34,839 can see uh the deteriorating security 1734 01:08:34,850 --> 01:08:38,270 situation . Um We also 1735 01:08:38,279 --> 01:08:41,979 um are convinced that supporting um 1736 01:08:41,990 --> 01:08:44,350 what is effectively the second coup 1737 01:08:44,359 --> 01:08:47,669 government in Burkina faso uh would not 1738 01:08:47,680 --> 01:08:51,029 uh be helpful in terms of our lessons 1739 01:08:51,040 --> 01:08:53,830 learned about the need uh for a durable 1740 01:08:53,839 --> 01:08:55,779 solution which would require a a 1741 01:08:55,790 --> 01:08:58,029 democratic government that looks after 1742 01:08:58,040 --> 01:09:00,359 the uh rights and concerns of its 1743 01:09:00,370 --> 01:09:03,404 citizens . So we have been trying uh to 1744 01:09:03,415 --> 01:09:05,774 have a conversation to say if they move 1745 01:09:05,785 --> 01:09:07,896 back to the path of democracy , we're 1746 01:09:07,896 --> 01:09:10,118 gonna be able to be a better partner on 1747 01:09:10,118 --> 01:09:12,007 the security situation and not to 1748 01:09:12,007 --> 01:09:14,245 follow the Russian example . Um This , 1749 01:09:14,254 --> 01:09:17,645 so in short , the uh the visit of these 1750 01:09:17,654 --> 01:09:20,044 Russian soldiers is not welcome news . 1751 01:09:20,055 --> 01:09:21,999 Um and we will continue to try and 1752 01:09:21,999 --> 01:09:24,325 press the Buran Ave uh to avoid uh 1753 01:09:24,334 --> 01:09:28,179 going down the Mali path . Anyone else 1754 01:09:28,188 --> 01:09:31,919 have come in . I would just , you know , 1755 01:09:31,959 --> 01:09:34,070 the dod fully supports the Department 1756 01:09:34,070 --> 01:09:36,237 of State in this approach and we stand 1757 01:09:36,237 --> 01:09:38,459 ready . We , we continue to hold off on 1758 01:09:38,459 --> 01:09:40,560 security assistance . But should the 1759 01:09:40,569 --> 01:09:42,680 the leadership in Burkina in Burkina 1760 01:09:42,689 --> 01:09:46,009 faso uh follow that path . Uh We would 1761 01:09:46,020 --> 01:09:48,129 be ready to re engage with them . 1762 01:09:49,870 --> 01:09:53,399 Thank you . Uh I also serve on the 1763 01:09:53,410 --> 01:09:55,729 Agriculture Committee . So Mr Jenkins 1764 01:09:55,740 --> 01:09:58,620 in the past three years . How much us 1765 01:09:58,629 --> 01:10:01,830 humanitarian aid has ? Mali Sudan 1766 01:10:02,390 --> 01:10:06,240 and Bur Burkina faso 1767 01:10:06,390 --> 01:10:10,250 uh all received and ah who 1768 01:10:10,259 --> 01:10:12,419 determines how much aid you spend and 1769 01:10:12,430 --> 01:10:15,370 where ? Well , thank you very much for 1770 01:10:15,379 --> 01:10:18,819 all of Sub Saharan Africa in fy 23 . 1771 01:10:19,259 --> 01:10:23,209 Uh USA IED spent approximately $12.5 1772 01:10:23,220 --> 01:10:26,839 billion of that 7.5 there development 1773 01:10:26,850 --> 01:10:29,459 assistance and over 4 billion of that 1774 01:10:29,470 --> 01:10:32,049 was humanitarian assistance . Now , how 1775 01:10:32,060 --> 01:10:34,160 we determine how much humanitarian 1776 01:10:34,169 --> 01:10:36,225 assistance goes into which countries 1777 01:10:36,225 --> 01:10:39,200 win is a rather complicated art more 1778 01:10:39,209 --> 01:10:41,042 than it's a science . Things are 1779 01:10:41,042 --> 01:10:42,876 constantly changing , constantly 1780 01:10:42,876 --> 01:10:45,140 shifting . And especially right now 1781 01:10:45,149 --> 01:10:47,205 with the movements of people the way 1782 01:10:47,205 --> 01:10:49,205 they are throughout the region . We 1783 01:10:49,205 --> 01:10:51,371 often find that with our partners , we 1784 01:10:51,371 --> 01:10:53,427 have to chase the displaced to where 1785 01:10:53,427 --> 01:10:55,482 they're going in Sudan . Right now , 1786 01:10:55,482 --> 01:10:57,482 you have 7 million people displaced 1787 01:10:57,482 --> 01:10:59,490 alone in Sudan . You have over 3 1788 01:10:59,500 --> 01:11:02,089 million ID PS in the five countries of 1789 01:11:02,100 --> 01:11:04,399 the Sahel , all of them badly in need 1790 01:11:04,410 --> 01:11:06,410 of humanitarian assistance . But it 1791 01:11:06,410 --> 01:11:08,577 also goes beyond that . There's people 1792 01:11:08,577 --> 01:11:10,688 that are not displaced that also need 1793 01:11:10,688 --> 01:11:12,688 life giving assistance that they're 1794 01:11:12,688 --> 01:11:16,140 receiving right now . Uh So in your 1795 01:11:16,149 --> 01:11:18,359 opinion , do you feel that uh our US 1796 01:11:18,370 --> 01:11:21,689 aid is competing well with the Belt and 1797 01:11:21,700 --> 01:11:25,609 Road initiative from China . So we are 1798 01:11:25,620 --> 01:11:27,750 the largest humanitarian donor in the 1799 01:11:27,759 --> 01:11:29,926 world . We're the largest humanitarian 1800 01:11:29,926 --> 01:11:32,037 donor in Africa and we're the largest 1801 01:11:32,037 --> 01:11:34,689 humanitarian donor in the Sahel . When 1802 01:11:34,700 --> 01:11:36,790 you look at what the Chinese provide 1803 01:11:37,959 --> 01:11:40,540 for humanitarian assistance . It is a 1804 01:11:40,549 --> 01:11:43,000 rounding error . So they have preferred 1805 01:11:43,009 --> 01:11:45,740 to go on a different , a different tack 1806 01:11:46,399 --> 01:11:49,839 asking and demanding loans for long 1807 01:11:49,850 --> 01:11:52,419 term development that already many in 1808 01:11:52,430 --> 01:11:54,486 the con continent have realized that 1809 01:11:54,486 --> 01:11:56,541 they should not have gotten into the 1810 01:11:56,541 --> 01:11:58,708 agreements they got into . Meanwhile , 1811 01:11:58,708 --> 01:12:00,930 we lead with values and principles . As 1812 01:12:00,939 --> 01:12:03,050 the assistant secretary said , we are 1813 01:12:03,050 --> 01:12:05,419 the most generous humanitarian donor on 1814 01:12:05,430 --> 01:12:07,263 earth by way of dollars and will 1815 01:12:07,263 --> 01:12:09,486 continue to do that with the support of 1816 01:12:09,486 --> 01:12:12,319 Congress . So do you feel the 1817 01:12:12,330 --> 01:12:16,040 recipients are aware of where this uh 1818 01:12:16,049 --> 01:12:19,810 support is coming from ? We are we 1819 01:12:19,819 --> 01:12:23,060 make very , very , very sure that all 1820 01:12:23,069 --> 01:12:25,236 of our assistance is branded , branded 1821 01:12:25,236 --> 01:12:27,458 from the American people unless it's in 1822 01:12:27,458 --> 01:12:29,458 those rare circumstances where that 1823 01:12:29,458 --> 01:12:31,013 puts our partners at risk , 1824 01:12:34,069 --> 01:12:36,347 I guess my time's up . So I yield back , 1825 01:12:36,347 --> 01:12:38,569 Mr Chairman . Thank you , Mr Beard . Um 1826 01:12:38,569 --> 01:12:40,569 Just a couple last questions and um 1827 01:12:40,569 --> 01:12:44,330 we'll uh we'll conclude um all 1828 01:12:44,339 --> 01:12:47,069 witnesses to your knowledge , what us 1829 01:12:47,080 --> 01:12:49,302 security assistance or counterterrorism 1830 01:12:49,302 --> 01:12:51,524 cooper operation remains ongoing if any 1831 01:12:51,524 --> 01:12:54,120 in countries subject to section 70 08 1832 01:12:54,129 --> 01:12:56,629 aid restrictions in Mali , 1833 01:12:58,240 --> 01:13:01,629 excuse me or Burkina faso . There , 1834 01:13:01,640 --> 01:13:03,870 there are no um security assistance 1835 01:13:03,879 --> 01:13:06,549 programs subject to 7008 ongoing in 1836 01:13:06,560 --> 01:13:09,669 those three countries . Um 1837 01:13:12,850 --> 01:13:15,109 Assistant Secretary uh Wallander , uh I 1838 01:13:15,120 --> 01:13:17,342 would actually appreciate your feedback 1839 01:13:17,342 --> 01:13:19,120 here . Um The ranking member uh 1840 01:13:19,120 --> 01:13:21,120 addressed this earlier , but I just 1841 01:13:21,120 --> 01:13:23,176 want to put a finer point on it . Um 1842 01:13:24,250 --> 01:13:26,339 You expressed regret uh at , at the 1843 01:13:26,350 --> 01:13:29,580 fact that , that uh forces that we 1844 01:13:29,589 --> 01:13:33,180 train may end up uh a part of these 1845 01:13:33,189 --> 01:13:36,259 coups . But how are we changing the 1846 01:13:36,270 --> 01:13:39,180 strategy on how we've trained or how 1847 01:13:39,189 --> 01:13:41,300 we're training ? And what are some of 1848 01:13:41,300 --> 01:13:44,000 those lessons learned ? Um Because this 1849 01:13:44,009 --> 01:13:46,290 is not only something that we've seen 1850 01:13:46,299 --> 01:13:48,410 in , in the continent of Africa , but 1851 01:13:48,410 --> 01:13:50,355 we see it around the world um that 1852 01:13:50,355 --> 01:13:52,609 folks who have been trained um with us 1853 01:13:52,620 --> 01:13:55,770 tax dollars by us forces um 1854 01:13:56,299 --> 01:13:58,959 seem to miss the memo uh when it comes 1855 01:13:58,970 --> 01:14:02,870 to uh to the next steps . Uh What 1856 01:14:02,879 --> 01:14:05,046 are we doing better ? Uh What are we , 1857 01:14:05,046 --> 01:14:07,600 what are we learning and what do we 1858 01:14:07,609 --> 01:14:09,720 have to change in , in how we train ? 1859 01:14:10,560 --> 01:14:12,782 Um Thank you for that question . Um I , 1860 01:14:12,782 --> 01:14:14,950 I wanna reassure you and reassure the 1861 01:14:14,959 --> 01:14:17,140 American people that we do not believe 1862 01:14:17,149 --> 01:14:19,830 there is a causal relationship between 1863 01:14:19,839 --> 01:14:22,540 uh the quality of the training that our 1864 01:14:22,549 --> 01:14:25,660 US military provides to par 1865 01:14:25,669 --> 01:14:28,899 partners in uh globally and also in 1866 01:14:28,910 --> 01:14:32,229 Africa . In fact , in Africa , uh since 1867 01:14:32,240 --> 01:14:35,640 2008 , uh the United 1868 01:14:35,649 --> 01:14:38,319 States between I'm sorry , between 2010 1869 01:14:38,330 --> 01:14:42,279 and 2022 the US trained 21,000 African 1870 01:14:42,290 --> 01:14:45,350 military personnel in I met and other 1871 01:14:45,359 --> 01:14:47,950 um senior military education programs . 1872 01:14:48,080 --> 01:14:51,620 Uh and of those 20 were involved in , 1873 01:14:51,629 --> 01:14:55,560 in coups which is 0.01% of those 1874 01:14:55,569 --> 01:14:57,680 who were trained , the focus of those 1875 01:14:57,680 --> 01:14:59,513 training programs is not just on 1876 01:14:59,513 --> 01:15:01,569 military capability and leadership . 1877 01:15:01,589 --> 01:15:04,229 But on civilian control of the military , 1878 01:15:04,270 --> 01:15:06,859 on respect for rule of law and 1879 01:15:06,870 --> 01:15:08,939 constitutional order , on the 1880 01:15:08,950 --> 01:15:11,117 requirements to serve uh the interests 1881 01:15:11,117 --> 01:15:13,259 of the people . And so I believe the 1882 01:15:13,270 --> 01:15:15,259 lesson learned is to refocus and 1883 01:15:15,270 --> 01:15:18,640 recommit to serving for our US military , 1884 01:15:18,649 --> 01:15:21,049 to serve as both a model and as a 1885 01:15:21,060 --> 01:15:23,171 mentor . And to ensure that that is a 1886 01:15:23,171 --> 01:15:25,990 focus of every uh training program edu 1887 01:15:26,129 --> 01:15:28,073 senior military education training 1888 01:15:28,073 --> 01:15:30,220 program uh that the United States uh 1889 01:15:30,229 --> 01:15:32,729 develops and executes with our partners . 1890 01:15:32,810 --> 01:15:34,477 Yeah , hopefully that will be 1891 01:15:34,477 --> 01:15:36,588 sufficient to end what many Americans 1892 01:15:36,588 --> 01:15:38,810 see as a revolving door of coup leaders 1893 01:15:38,810 --> 01:15:40,754 and despots uh that are trained by 1894 01:15:40,754 --> 01:15:43,180 American forces uh as a United States 1895 01:15:43,189 --> 01:15:45,350 army veteran myself . Uh It does pain 1896 01:15:45,359 --> 01:15:48,990 me to see um my , my brothers and 1897 01:15:49,000 --> 01:15:51,759 sisters in arm put in harm's way uh to 1898 01:15:51,770 --> 01:15:54,049 train who we intend to be allies and , 1899 01:15:54,060 --> 01:15:56,640 and then uh end up um going in the 1900 01:15:56,649 --> 01:15:58,427 opposite direction of , of good 1901 01:15:58,427 --> 01:16:00,760 governance , democracy and human rights . 1902 01:16:00,760 --> 01:16:02,927 Uh So I , I look forward to continuing 1903 01:16:02,927 --> 01:16:05,093 to work uh with anyone , my colleagues 1904 01:16:05,093 --> 01:16:07,660 administration um for the purpose of uh 1905 01:16:07,669 --> 01:16:10,919 of peace uh and uh and stability which 1906 01:16:10,930 --> 01:16:13,041 will have a direct positive effect on 1907 01:16:13,041 --> 01:16:15,263 the security of American people at home 1908 01:16:15,263 --> 01:16:17,486 and abroad . Um So with that , I'd like 1909 01:16:17,486 --> 01:16:19,597 to conclude by thanking the witnesses 1910 01:16:19,597 --> 01:16:21,652 for their valuable testimony and the 1911 01:16:21,652 --> 01:16:21,430 members for their questions that 1912 01:16:21,439 --> 01:16:23,606 members of the committee may have some 1913 01:16:23,606 --> 01:16:25,883 additional questions for the witnesses . 1914 01:16:25,883 --> 01:16:28,106 And we ask that you uh respond to these 1915 01:16:28,106 --> 01:16:30,050 in writing , pursuant to committee 1916 01:16:30,050 --> 01:16:32,217 rules . All members may have five days 1917 01:16:32,217 --> 01:16:34,272 to submit statements , questions and 1918 01:16:34,272 --> 01:16:36,383 extraneous materials for the record , 1919 01:16:36,383 --> 01:16:38,383 subject to length and limitations . 1920 01:16:38,383 --> 01:16:40,272 Without objection . The committee 1921 01:16:40,272 --> 01:16:43,890 stands adjourned . I was one minute 1922 01:16:43,899 --> 01:16:44,370 late .