WEBVTT 00:01.000 --> 00:03.349 So a steadfast fender is the largest 00:03.359 --> 00:05.949 NATO exercise in in decades really . 00:06.170 --> 00:08.281 And it's an opportunity for , for all 00:08.281 --> 00:10.503 of NATO to come together , work hand in 00:10.503 --> 00:13.010 hand and build a cohesion , strengthen 00:13.020 --> 00:16.030 the unity of the alliance . One thing 00:16.040 --> 00:18.709 the second fleet uh is designed to do 00:18.719 --> 00:21.540 is to be expeditionary . And so we have 00:21.549 --> 00:23.716 an expedition capability as a maritime 00:23.716 --> 00:25.605 operations center . So we command 00:25.610 --> 00:28.090 forces here at Norfolk or across the 00:28.120 --> 00:28.469 world .