WEBVTT 00:00.009 --> 00:01.842 Committee meets today to receive 00:01.842 --> 00:04.065 testimony from General Anthony Cotton , 00:04.065 --> 00:06.120 Commander of us Strategic Command on 00:06.120 --> 00:09.119 Stratcom and General Stephen Whiting 00:09.130 --> 00:12.100 commander of us Space Com or uh command 00:12.109 --> 00:13.831 us Space Command or spacecom . 00:14.289 --> 00:16.456 Gentlemen , thank you for your service 00:16.456 --> 00:18.456 to the nation and please extend our 00:18.456 --> 00:20.567 thanks to the men and women who serve 00:20.567 --> 00:22.789 with you . As in the past , we've asked 00:22.789 --> 00:24.845 the commanders of Stratcom and Space 00:24.845 --> 00:27.709 Com to testify together until 2019 . 00:27.719 --> 00:29.690 Spacecom was a part of Strategic 00:29.700 --> 00:32.509 Command as spacecom continues its stand 00:32.520 --> 00:34.576 up as an independent command . It is 00:34.576 --> 00:37.459 important to identify any gaps or seams 00:37.470 --> 00:39.692 that have emerged during the transition 00:40.409 --> 00:42.630 on the global stage . Russia continues 00:42.639 --> 00:44.861 to behave recklessly with regard to its 00:44.861 --> 00:47.083 nuclear weapons strategy . Recent press 00:47.083 --> 00:48.695 reports state that Russia is 00:48.695 --> 00:50.695 considering violating international 00:50.695 --> 00:52.639 Space treaties and endangering the 00:52.639 --> 00:54.669 global use of space for vital 00:54.680 --> 00:57.020 communications and sensing . Further . 00:57.029 --> 00:58.990 Putin has sabotaged the strategic 00:59.000 --> 01:01.060 stability and arms control policies 01:01.069 --> 01:03.125 that both our nations have respected 01:03.125 --> 01:05.069 for decades . Over the past year , 01:05.069 --> 01:07.349 Russell has suspended its participation 01:07.610 --> 01:10.040 in the new start treaty and withdrawn 01:10.050 --> 01:12.161 its ratification of the Comprehensive 01:12.161 --> 01:14.569 Test ban treaty . Russia continues to 01:14.580 --> 01:17.199 develop new third strike nuclear 01:17.209 --> 01:19.750 weapons ranging from multi megaton 01:19.760 --> 01:22.150 underwater torpedoes to nuclear powered 01:22.160 --> 01:24.589 cruise missiles . At the same time , 01:24.669 --> 01:26.669 China is also advancing its missile 01:26.669 --> 01:28.447 capabilities . China is quickly 01:28.447 --> 01:30.725 expanding its land-based missile silos , 01:30.725 --> 01:33.190 building new air and sea nuclear 01:33.199 --> 01:35.610 delivery platforms and completing its 01:35.620 --> 01:37.190 nuclear command control and 01:37.199 --> 01:40.379 communications or NC three . These 01:40.389 --> 01:42.278 developments may have significant 01:42.278 --> 01:44.333 impacts on stability in Indo Pacific 01:44.333 --> 01:46.339 and America's extended deterrence 01:46.349 --> 01:48.989 commitment to our allies in the region . 01:49.190 --> 01:52.139 Simply put we are now in a trilateral 01:52.150 --> 01:55.339 nuclear competitors era . General 01:55.349 --> 01:57.516 Cotton . I would ask for your thoughts 01:57.516 --> 01:59.571 on how your command is handling this 01:59.571 --> 02:01.627 challenge and how you plan to adjust 02:01.627 --> 02:03.809 your force structure to deter both 02:03.819 --> 02:06.129 Russia and China while minimizing the 02:06.139 --> 02:08.610 potential for escalation . The United 02:08.619 --> 02:10.619 States is also well underway in its 02:10.619 --> 02:12.841 nuclear modernization cycle . A once in 02:12.841 --> 02:15.008 a generation effort to renew the aging 02:15.008 --> 02:17.063 legs of our nuclear triad as part of 02:17.063 --> 02:18.786 that effort . I understand the 02:18.786 --> 02:20.897 department is encountering such large 02:20.897 --> 02:22.960 cost increases in the Sentinel ICBM 02:22.970 --> 02:25.410 replacement program that there has been 02:25.419 --> 02:27.720 a non Murry breach , which means the 02:27.729 --> 02:30.320 program must undergo statutory reviews 02:30.330 --> 02:32.330 and an analysis of reasons for cost 02:32.330 --> 02:36.160 overruns . The fiscal year 2024 NDA A 02:36.479 --> 02:38.229 required an assessment of the 02:38.240 --> 02:39.851 operational impacts of these 02:39.851 --> 02:41.962 acquisition delays . And we would ask 02:41.962 --> 02:43.796 for an update on the situation . 02:43.990 --> 02:46.309 General whiting the threats to the 02:46.320 --> 02:48.487 United States and allied space systems 02:48.487 --> 02:50.669 continue to increase as we are seeing 02:50.679 --> 02:52.429 in Ukraine dominance in the 02:52.440 --> 02:54.800 electromagnetic spectrum plays a vital 02:54.809 --> 02:57.070 role in modern warfare . We have seen 02:57.080 --> 02:59.247 large swaths of the battlefield in the 02:59.247 --> 03:02.610 Ukraine inoperable due to GPS denial 03:02.619 --> 03:04.929 for precision weapons as well as the 03:04.940 --> 03:06.829 disabling of commercial satellite 03:06.829 --> 03:08.779 systems that both militaries use . 03:09.169 --> 03:11.058 China for its part , has invested 03:11.058 --> 03:13.630 heavily in jamming the electronic and 03:13.639 --> 03:15.990 kinetic technologies that could be used 03:16.000 --> 03:18.056 to disable our military and civilian 03:18.056 --> 03:20.270 satellites . We are in a race to 03:20.279 --> 03:22.446 dominate this field because any future 03:22.446 --> 03:24.668 conflict will involve a constant battle 03:24.750 --> 03:26.972 to control the spectrum and cripple the 03:26.972 --> 03:29.139 adversaries communications and command 03:29.139 --> 03:31.139 and control general Whiting . And I 03:31.139 --> 03:33.250 would ask for your perspective on the 03:33.250 --> 03:35.194 roles and vulnerabilities of these 03:35.194 --> 03:37.028 space systems as well as lessons 03:37.028 --> 03:39.194 learned from the conflict in Ukraine . 03:39.194 --> 03:41.306 Space Command recently announced that 03:41.306 --> 03:42.972 it's reached full operational 03:42.972 --> 03:44.972 capability . However , in my view , 03:44.972 --> 03:47.028 full operational capability does not 03:47.028 --> 03:49.250 necessarily mean full mission readiness 03:49.250 --> 03:51.417 as a warfighting domain space requires 03:51.417 --> 03:53.472 new battle management capabilities , 03:53.472 --> 03:55.417 especially the ability to detect a 03:55.417 --> 03:57.306 threat on space and to relay that 03:57.306 --> 03:59.417 information to a weapon system . This 03:59.417 --> 04:01.583 battle management directly affects our 04:01.583 --> 04:03.917 ability to protect troops on the ground . 04:03.917 --> 04:06.139 And spacecom must continue to integrate 04:06.139 --> 04:08.306 fully with the other combat commanders 04:08.306 --> 04:10.472 general . I hope you will update us on 04:10.472 --> 04:12.694 this concept and what the committee can 04:12.694 --> 04:12.190 do to help bring it to fruition . 04:12.610 --> 04:14.832 Finally , I would note that the missile 04:14.832 --> 04:16.443 defense mission was recently 04:16.443 --> 04:18.666 transferred from Stratcom to spacecom . 04:18.666 --> 04:20.721 This mission set has never been more 04:20.721 --> 04:22.721 important for our troops around the 04:22.721 --> 04:24.388 world as we have seen threats 04:24.388 --> 04:26.610 increasing in the Red Sea , Middle East 04:26.610 --> 04:28.777 and Ukraine . I would like to know how 04:28.777 --> 04:30.777 you are integrating missile defense 04:30.777 --> 04:32.999 into your command and what capabilities 04:32.999 --> 04:35.166 you need to protect our war fighters . 04:35.166 --> 04:37.221 Thank you again to all witnesses for 04:37.221 --> 04:39.221 appearing today . I look forward to 04:39.221 --> 04:41.443 your testimonies . I would note from my 04:41.443 --> 04:40.929 colleagues that there will be a 04:40.940 --> 04:42.718 classified briefing immediately 04:42.718 --> 04:46.000 following this session in SVC 217 to 04:46.010 --> 04:48.066 continue our discussion . Let me now 04:48.066 --> 04:50.288 recognize some ranking member , Senator 04:50.288 --> 04:54.140 worker . Thank you , Mr Chairman and 04:54.149 --> 04:56.205 thank you to the witnesses for their 04:56.205 --> 04:58.205 service . Last year's Congressional 04:58.205 --> 05:02.029 Strategic Posture Commission issued a 05:02.040 --> 05:05.529 report that was disquieting its 05:05.540 --> 05:07.651 conclusion was that the United States 05:07.651 --> 05:09.762 must fundamentally update our nuclear 05:09.762 --> 05:12.399 and space programs if we have any hope 05:12.410 --> 05:14.679 of countering growing threats from 05:14.690 --> 05:15.869 Russia and China . 05:18.269 --> 05:20.649 Unfortunately , the current 05:20.660 --> 05:24.130 administration has naively maintained 05:24.329 --> 05:28.000 the status quo . I am choosing my 05:28.010 --> 05:30.850 words carefully in making this 05:30.859 --> 05:33.559 statement while the United States has 05:33.570 --> 05:35.910 stayed complacent . Russia and China 05:35.920 --> 05:37.976 have advanced by leaps and bounds in 05:37.976 --> 05:40.690 their nuclear and space programs . As 05:40.700 --> 05:42.867 we enter the third year of Putin's war 05:42.867 --> 05:44.811 against Ukraine . Russia remains a 05:44.811 --> 05:46.940 major strategic threat to the United 05:46.950 --> 05:49.820 States . Moscow owns the world's 05:49.829 --> 05:52.750 largest , most modern nuclear arsenal , 05:52.890 --> 05:55.160 giving it a 10 to 1 advantage over the 05:55.170 --> 05:57.220 United States in tactical nuclear 05:57.230 --> 05:59.910 weapons . Russia has also developed new 05:59.920 --> 06:03.119 weapons unlike anything in the US 06:03.130 --> 06:05.920 inventory , it stocks nuclear powered 06:06.070 --> 06:09.570 trends , oceanic autonomous torpedoes 06:09.790 --> 06:11.846 and intercontinental cruise missiles 06:12.380 --> 06:15.640 against such weapons . We are currently 06:15.649 --> 06:18.640 defenseless as bad as this sounds . 06:18.649 --> 06:20.839 China is rapidly becoming an even 06:20.850 --> 06:23.470 greater threat . Beijing is modernizing 06:23.480 --> 06:25.549 and expanding its nuclear forces at 06:25.559 --> 06:27.760 breakneck speed . It will likely 06:27.769 --> 06:30.679 outpace the United States in the early 06:30.690 --> 06:33.880 20 thirties already . It successfully 06:33.890 --> 06:36.299 deployed an operational strategic triad 06:36.309 --> 06:38.198 of nuclear missiles , bombers and 06:38.198 --> 06:40.365 submarines over the past three years , 06:40.365 --> 06:42.940 China has tripled the size of its 06:42.950 --> 06:45.920 nuclear arsenal and built an ICBM 06:45.929 --> 06:48.440 network larger than our own . The 06:48.450 --> 06:50.561 Chinese have flown a missile that can 06:50.561 --> 06:52.480 drop nuclear warheads from orbit 06:52.829 --> 06:55.209 anywhere on earth with virtually no 06:55.220 --> 06:58.559 warning . Both Russia and China are 06:58.570 --> 07:00.640 also openly developing and testing 07:00.649 --> 07:03.730 counter space capabilities . Each 07:03.739 --> 07:07.410 country has used kinetic weapons to 07:07.420 --> 07:10.890 obliterate orbiting satellites 07:12.859 --> 07:15.339 when this is done , the blasts scatter 07:15.350 --> 07:19.049 thousands of debris fragments endanger 07:19.059 --> 07:21.869 hundreds of other satellites and 07:21.880 --> 07:23.602 preview a frightening future . 07:24.329 --> 07:26.162 Unfortunately , these aggressive 07:26.162 --> 07:28.609 actions only scratch the surface of 07:28.619 --> 07:30.910 their real capabilities . One would 07:30.920 --> 07:33.609 expect these threats to generate a 07:33.619 --> 07:35.452 sense of urgency in Washington . 07:35.730 --> 07:37.952 Today's nuclear and space danger should 07:37.952 --> 07:40.399 prompt us to reassess our assumptions 07:40.410 --> 07:42.320 about the threat environment and 07:42.329 --> 07:45.350 realign our resources accordingly . 07:46.489 --> 07:50.269 This is the unanimous recommendation 07:50.510 --> 07:53.940 of the bipartisan Strategic Posture 07:54.149 --> 07:56.190 Commission . The unanimous 07:56.200 --> 07:59.010 recommendation of this bipartisan 07:59.019 --> 08:01.241 commission instead , we see more of the 08:01.241 --> 08:03.130 same . The current administration 08:03.130 --> 08:05.829 consistently delays nuclear and space 08:05.839 --> 08:08.559 modernization programs . It uses to 08:08.570 --> 08:11.089 dawdle instead of actively confront a 08:11.100 --> 08:14.140 pair of dire truths , the United States 08:14.149 --> 08:17.089 nuclear capabilities are falling behind 08:17.429 --> 08:20.609 and the future of war will extend to 08:20.619 --> 08:23.250 space . Collaboration with Congress and 08:23.260 --> 08:25.204 the White House could replace that 08:25.204 --> 08:27.959 inaction with progress . We can start 08:27.970 --> 08:30.192 reclaiming lost ground by following the 08:30.192 --> 08:32.520 recommendations of the Strategic 08:32.530 --> 08:35.989 Posture Commission . The unanimous 08:36.000 --> 08:38.929 recommendations of this bipartisan 08:38.940 --> 08:40.940 commission , we must accelerate the 08:40.940 --> 08:43.219 National Security , National Nuclear 08:43.229 --> 08:45.396 Security Administration restoration of 08:45.396 --> 08:47.739 our basic industrial capabilities . The 08:47.750 --> 08:49.917 current slow pace is out of touch with 08:49.917 --> 08:53.059 reality . Likewise , we must make 08:53.070 --> 08:55.760 progress on the Sentinel , ICBM and 08:55.770 --> 08:58.099 Columbia submarine programs . These 08:58.109 --> 09:01.229 programs require sustained investment 09:01.239 --> 09:04.500 and innovation but the benefit is worth 09:04.510 --> 09:07.080 the price tag and the elbow grease that 09:07.090 --> 09:09.729 it will require the advances made by 09:09.739 --> 09:13.020 our adversaries demand both defensive 09:13.030 --> 09:15.419 and offensive military solutions . I 09:15.429 --> 09:17.540 would like to hear from our witnesses 09:17.540 --> 09:19.429 about how this committee can help 09:19.429 --> 09:21.969 create a sense of urgency when it comes 09:21.979 --> 09:24.159 to accelerating the modernization of 09:24.169 --> 09:26.520 our strategic arsenal and adapting our 09:26.530 --> 09:29.080 forces to the new threat environment . 09:29.599 --> 09:32.700 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Thank you uh 09:32.710 --> 09:34.932 Senator Worker uh General Cotton . Your 09:34.932 --> 09:37.830 comments , please . Good morning , 09:37.840 --> 09:40.309 Chairman Reed , ranking member , rer 09:40.510 --> 09:42.399 and distinguished members of this 09:42.399 --> 09:44.559 committee . It is an honor to be here 09:44.570 --> 09:47.289 today alongside General Whiting and a 09:47.299 --> 09:49.243 privilege to represent the service 09:49.243 --> 09:51.410 members and civilians of United States 09:51.410 --> 09:53.521 Strategic Command . This is my second 09:53.521 --> 09:55.743 year appearing before you as a stratcom 09:55.743 --> 09:57.688 commander . You know , I'd like to 09:57.688 --> 09:59.799 thank this committee and Congress for 09:59.799 --> 10:01.855 their support , not only to National 10:01.855 --> 10:04.400 Defense but to my portfolio . I have 10:04.409 --> 10:06.576 submitted my posture statement for the 10:06.576 --> 10:09.400 record . The most important message I 10:09.409 --> 10:11.630 want to deliver today is that the 10:11.640 --> 10:13.960 forces under my command are ready to 10:13.969 --> 10:15.858 deter our adversaries and respond 10:15.858 --> 10:18.530 decisively should deterrent fail . No 10:18.539 --> 10:21.349 ad adversary should ever doubt our 10:21.359 --> 10:24.700 capability today . As a global war 10:24.710 --> 10:26.432 fighting command stratcom sets 10:26.432 --> 10:29.239 conditions across the globe as the 10:29.250 --> 10:31.479 ultimate guarantor of national and 10:31.489 --> 10:34.090 allied security , our forces and 10:34.099 --> 10:36.330 capabilities underpin and enable all 10:36.340 --> 10:40.219 other joint forces operations . We do 10:40.229 --> 10:42.340 this in the face of challenges unlike 10:42.340 --> 10:44.562 anything America has ever encountered . 10:45.690 --> 10:48.750 We are confronting not one but two 10:48.760 --> 10:52.650 nuclear peers , the Russian Federation 10:52.659 --> 10:54.799 and the People's Republic of China . 10:56.280 --> 10:59.099 This reality combined by missile 10:59.109 --> 11:01.419 developments in North Korea , Iran's 11:01.429 --> 11:03.750 nuclear ambitions and the growing 11:03.760 --> 11:06.409 relationships amongst those nations 11:07.059 --> 11:09.830 adds new layers of complexity to our 11:09.840 --> 11:13.429 strategic calculus . It also raises the 11:13.440 --> 11:16.099 possibility of simultaneous conflicts 11:16.419 --> 11:18.869 with multiple nuclear armed adversaries . 11:20.109 --> 11:21.998 The PR C is surpassing the United 11:21.998 --> 11:23.720 States and its number of fixed 11:23.720 --> 11:25.665 intercontinental ballistic missile 11:25.665 --> 11:27.950 launchers and projections indicate its 11:27.960 --> 11:30.450 nuclear arsenal would encompass 11:30.460 --> 11:33.530 approximately 1000 warheads by 2030 . 11:34.859 --> 11:36.890 As Russia's unprovoked invasion of 11:36.900 --> 11:39.599 Ukraine enters its third year . Its 11:39.609 --> 11:41.929 reliance on nuclear forces increases as 11:41.940 --> 11:43.773 its conventional forces . A trip 11:45.599 --> 11:47.710 beyond Russia's traditional strategic 11:47.710 --> 11:50.690 triad , it is expanding and modernizing 11:50.700 --> 11:53.099 nuclear options that are not covered by 11:53.109 --> 11:55.830 international arms treaties . Last 11:55.840 --> 11:58.059 Friday , President Putin stated that 11:58.070 --> 12:01.760 95% of Russia's strategic 12:01.770 --> 12:03.881 nuclear forces have been modernized . 12:05.000 --> 12:07.030 In short . Our competitors are 12:07.039 --> 12:09.095 improving their position against the 12:09.095 --> 12:10.872 United States and its allies in 12:10.872 --> 12:13.039 multiple domains at rates that are far 12:13.039 --> 12:15.095 exceeding the pace we've seen just a 12:15.095 --> 12:18.070 few years ago while our legacy systems 12:18.080 --> 12:20.247 continue to hold potential adversaries 12:20.247 --> 12:23.169 at risk , it is absolutely critical . 12:23.630 --> 12:27.380 We continue to speed at speed 12:27.760 --> 12:29.871 with the modernization of our nuclear 12:29.871 --> 12:33.859 triad including land-based ICBM S the 12:33.869 --> 12:37.869 B 21 the B 52 the Columbia 12:37.880 --> 12:40.400 class submarine , the nuclear sea 12:40.419 --> 12:43.760 launched cruise missile and LRSO 12:44.580 --> 12:46.691 as well as numerous related systems . 12:46.989 --> 12:50.450 While also focusing on the NC three 12:50.460 --> 12:52.919 enterprise with its upgrades and cyber 12:52.929 --> 12:56.530 security . I urge 12:56.539 --> 12:58.650 Congress to continue supporting these 12:58.650 --> 13:00.983 critical national security capabilities , 13:01.760 --> 13:04.380 their associated infrastructure and the 13:04.390 --> 13:07.239 sustainment of legacy systems during 13:07.250 --> 13:09.950 the modernization period . Let me be 13:09.960 --> 13:13.559 clear while modernization will 13:13.570 --> 13:16.380 continue to be the priority . Stratcom 13:16.390 --> 13:20.070 forces are ready to fight tonight and 13:20.080 --> 13:23.299 my components will always be ready to 13:23.309 --> 13:26.270 fight tonight . So I thank you and I 13:26.280 --> 13:29.789 look forward to your questions . Thank 13:29.799 --> 13:31.855 you , Chairman . Thank you , General 13:31.855 --> 13:34.021 Cotton . Uh General Whiting , please . 13:34.219 --> 13:36.330 Chairman Reed , ranking member Wicker 13:36.330 --> 13:38.386 and members of the committee . Thank 13:38.386 --> 13:40.608 you for this opportunity to testify and 13:40.608 --> 13:42.552 I'm pleased to be joined beside my 13:42.552 --> 13:44.775 longtime friend , General Tony Cotton . 13:44.775 --> 13:46.775 I'm honored to represent the 18,000 13:46.775 --> 13:48.330 joint military and civilian 13:48.330 --> 13:50.386 professionals of United States Space 13:50.386 --> 13:52.719 Command and our five service components . 13:52.719 --> 13:54.552 Indeed , our people are the most 13:54.552 --> 13:56.830 valuable asset of National Space Power , 13:56.830 --> 13:58.997 us Space Command , working with allies 13:58.997 --> 14:01.219 and partners has a moral responsibility 14:01.219 --> 14:03.441 to the joint force , the nation and our 14:03.441 --> 14:05.520 allies to provide space capabilities 14:05.530 --> 14:07.739 through all levels of conflict . Since 14:07.750 --> 14:09.694 Desert Storm , the joint force has 14:09.694 --> 14:11.859 become reliant on these systems and 14:11.869 --> 14:14.091 force sized according to the assumption 14:14.091 --> 14:15.925 of always having access to space 14:15.925 --> 14:18.210 capabilities . This is why us space 14:18.219 --> 14:20.219 command must protect and defend our 14:20.219 --> 14:22.369 space systems to ensure they are 14:22.380 --> 14:24.436 available in the face of the growing 14:24.436 --> 14:26.650 threats arrayed against us . Inherent 14:26.659 --> 14:29.669 in this responsibility is our ability 14:29.679 --> 14:31.790 to protect the joint force from space 14:31.790 --> 14:34.330 enabled attack our principal strategic 14:34.340 --> 14:36.507 competitors , the People's Republic of 14:36.507 --> 14:38.562 China and the Russian Federation now 14:38.562 --> 14:40.784 hold at risk . United States and allied 14:40.784 --> 14:42.989 space capabilities because they know 14:43.000 --> 14:45.760 our joint force relies on space to 14:45.770 --> 14:48.340 fight the way we want precisely 14:48.349 --> 14:51.109 lethally effectively and efficiently . 14:51.609 --> 14:53.940 To put it plainly . The Pr CS and 14:53.950 --> 14:56.750 Russia's actions have transformed space 14:56.770 --> 14:59.109 into a contested war fighting domain . 15:00.190 --> 15:02.510 Additionally , pr C military operations 15:02.520 --> 15:05.109 in particular have become increasingly 15:05.119 --> 15:07.130 enabled by space at all levels of 15:07.140 --> 15:09.251 warfare . And the People's Liberation 15:09.251 --> 15:11.251 Army is improving their terrestrial 15:11.251 --> 15:13.630 forces lethality and effectiveness by 15:13.640 --> 15:16.130 leveraging space capabilities . As of 15:16.140 --> 15:19.479 January 2024 the Pr CS intelligence 15:19.489 --> 15:22.409 satellite fleet contained more than 359 15:22.419 --> 15:24.960 systems , more than tripling its on 15:24.969 --> 15:27.650 orbit collection presence since 2018 15:28.080 --> 15:30.024 with their space and counter space 15:30.024 --> 15:31.858 systems , they have dramatically 15:31.858 --> 15:33.802 increased their ability to monitor 15:33.802 --> 15:36.859 track and target us and allied forces 15:36.869 --> 15:38.758 both terrestrially and on orbit . 15:39.380 --> 15:41.969 Russia also continues to develop test 15:41.979 --> 15:43.979 and demonstrate their counter space 15:43.979 --> 15:45.868 capabilities . Despite not having 15:45.868 --> 15:47.849 achieved their war aims from their 15:47.859 --> 15:50.390 invasion of Ukraine . This ongoing 15:50.400 --> 15:52.233 ground war has revealed military 15:52.233 --> 15:54.233 reliance on space and space enabled 15:54.233 --> 15:57.020 capabilities to be sure . Russia's war 15:57.030 --> 15:59.599 in Ukraine has established space as an 15:59.609 --> 16:01.442 indelible enabler of terrestrial 16:01.442 --> 16:03.880 warfare . Today , us space Command 16:03.890 --> 16:06.320 seeks to expand competitive advantage 16:06.340 --> 16:09.000 over PR C and Russia by leveraging 16:09.010 --> 16:10.621 every available asset of the 16:10.621 --> 16:12.621 interagency , the rest of the joint 16:12.621 --> 16:15.090 force , our allies and our partners in 16:15.099 --> 16:17.321 us , commercial industry and academia , 16:18.179 --> 16:20.123 the United States remains the best 16:20.123 --> 16:22.457 military space power in the world . Yet , 16:22.457 --> 16:24.568 our current architecture is optimized 16:24.568 --> 16:26.401 for operations in a benign space 16:26.401 --> 16:28.799 environment to ensure success in the 16:28.809 --> 16:30.979 contested space . Uh space environment 16:30.989 --> 16:33.659 we now find ourselves in . It is vital 16:33.669 --> 16:35.725 that us . Space command is delivered 16:35.725 --> 16:37.780 improved capabilities and capacities 16:37.780 --> 16:39.947 fully tested and would train personnel 16:39.947 --> 16:43.349 by 2027 . While a conflict in space is 16:43.359 --> 16:45.526 not inevitable , it would certainly be 16:45.526 --> 16:47.470 devastating and disrupt our use of 16:47.470 --> 16:49.692 space for decades . So we must be ready 16:49.692 --> 16:52.450 if deterrence fails . Simply put the PR 16:52.460 --> 16:54.739 C is moving breathtakingly fast in 16:54.750 --> 16:57.619 space . America must rapidly increase 16:57.630 --> 17:00.409 the timeliness quality and quantity of 17:00.419 --> 17:02.641 our critical National Space and missile 17:02.641 --> 17:05.400 defense systems to match China's speed 17:05.410 --> 17:07.930 and maintain our advantage with the US 17:07.939 --> 17:10.439 Space Force as well as the Army Air 17:10.449 --> 17:13.319 Force , Navy and Marines and other 17:13.329 --> 17:15.551 combatant commands and other agencies . 17:15.551 --> 17:17.329 Us Space Command has determined 17:17.339 --> 17:19.800 priority military capabilities required 17:19.810 --> 17:22.089 by 2027 to dominate in space 17:22.630 --> 17:24.829 specifically us . Space command's top 17:24.839 --> 17:27.061 five priority requirements that are key 17:27.061 --> 17:29.117 to delivering on our unified command 17:29.117 --> 17:31.170 plan . Responsibilities are one 17:31.300 --> 17:33.510 resilient and timely operational 17:33.520 --> 17:36.119 command and control . Two integrated 17:36.130 --> 17:39.050 space fires and protection , three 17:39.060 --> 17:41.430 modernized agile electronic warfare 17:41.439 --> 17:44.180 architectures , four enhanced battle , 17:44.189 --> 17:46.530 space awareness for space warfare and 17:46.540 --> 17:49.079 five cyber defense of space systems . 17:49.670 --> 17:51.540 Absent commitment to long term 17:51.550 --> 17:53.272 investment in these integrated 17:53.272 --> 17:56.119 requirements . We risk seeing advantage 17:56.130 --> 17:58.297 to our principal strategic competitors 17:58.297 --> 18:00.880 in the space domain with delivery of 18:00.890 --> 18:02.779 increased capability and capacity 18:02.779 --> 18:04.959 assured us space command will attain 18:04.969 --> 18:07.839 the required enduring advantage over 18:07.849 --> 18:10.250 any adversary determined to conduct war 18:10.260 --> 18:12.719 in outer space , thus ensuring defense 18:12.729 --> 18:14.840 of our homeland and protection of the 18:14.840 --> 18:16.729 joint force and our allies . I am 18:16.729 --> 18:18.951 grateful for Congress's support to us . 18:18.951 --> 18:20.785 Space Command and investments to 18:20.785 --> 18:23.319 advance America's leadership in space . 18:23.339 --> 18:25.530 With your continued backing United 18:25.540 --> 18:27.484 States , Space Command will ensure 18:27.484 --> 18:29.599 space remains sustainable , safe , 18:29.609 --> 18:32.949 stable and secure for all . Chairman . 18:32.959 --> 18:35.070 I have submitted my posture statement 18:35.070 --> 18:37.126 for the record and I look forward to 18:37.126 --> 18:39.292 your questions . Thank you very much , 18:39.292 --> 18:41.459 General Whiting uh General Cotton . Uh 18:41.459 --> 18:43.459 What force structure changes do you 18:43.459 --> 18:45.459 anticipate in order to maintain our 18:45.459 --> 18:47.126 deterrence now that we have a 18:47.126 --> 18:50.439 trilateral nuclear competition with 18:50.449 --> 18:52.489 Russia and China ? Uh 18:54.359 --> 18:56.137 Can you comment on that place , 18:56.760 --> 18:59.630 Chairman ? Um Yeah , that , that's the 18:59.640 --> 19:02.410 limit that , that II I walked into when 19:02.420 --> 19:04.476 I , when I took command of , of , of 19:04.476 --> 19:07.359 stratcom and as I said in the last 19:07.369 --> 19:09.091 posture hearing and even at my 19:09.091 --> 19:11.258 confirmation . That was one that I was 19:11.258 --> 19:13.480 gonna jump on as soon as I took command 19:13.480 --> 19:15.647 and took the flag . Uh What we've done 19:15.647 --> 19:17.709 is uh along with the comments of the 19:17.719 --> 19:19.886 ranking member in , in , in what we're 19:19.886 --> 19:21.663 seeing in the Strategic Posture 19:21.663 --> 19:24.439 Commission . Uh We have done work um 19:24.449 --> 19:28.109 internal uh to stratcom to see what is 19:28.119 --> 19:30.175 going to be the requirements in , in 19:30.175 --> 19:32.189 regards to what we need um as a 19:32.199 --> 19:34.939 fighting force . Um The N Pr actually 19:34.949 --> 19:37.310 gives me the opportunity to do just 19:37.319 --> 19:40.869 that . So , um I am staying within the 19:40.880 --> 19:43.390 confines of uh the administration . Um 19:43.400 --> 19:45.456 when the N Pr says that , you know , 19:45.456 --> 19:48.579 what we want to have is AAA try a try 19:48.589 --> 19:52.459 Triad . Um I absolutely agree 19:52.469 --> 19:54.636 with that notion that we must maintain 19:54.636 --> 19:57.540 a triad . Um I absolutely agree that 19:57.550 --> 20:00.489 there's time now time for us to look to 20:00.500 --> 20:02.760 see what do we do with the program of 20:02.770 --> 20:05.239 record that we currently have um to 20:05.250 --> 20:08.630 ensure that I can cover uh not only one 20:08.640 --> 20:11.680 nuclear adversary but two . So within 20:11.689 --> 20:13.859 all legs of the triad , we're having 20:13.869 --> 20:16.520 that conversation right now . Um And 20:16.530 --> 20:18.752 there's actually studies that are going 20:18.752 --> 20:21.020 on in which my teammates are part of um 20:21.030 --> 20:23.479 at Stratcom within the Department of 20:23.489 --> 20:26.050 Defense . Um that goes after looking at 20:26.060 --> 20:27.949 the recommendations um that the 20:27.959 --> 20:30.015 Strategic Posture Commission um that 20:30.015 --> 20:31.903 validates many of the , the , the 20:31.903 --> 20:34.270 notions that uh Stratcom came up with 20:34.280 --> 20:36.447 even before the release of the Posture 20:36.447 --> 20:38.447 Commission . Thank you . Uh General 20:38.447 --> 20:41.089 Whiting . Uh you reached a full 20:41.099 --> 20:44.569 operational uh capability in 20:44.579 --> 20:46.859 December , which is welcome . News . 20:46.869 --> 20:50.000 Congratulations . However , uh the 20:50.010 --> 20:52.689 question is adequate readiness far to 20:52.709 --> 20:55.020 support your operational capabilities . 20:55.349 --> 20:57.619 They are two different topics . Uh Are 20:57.630 --> 20:59.408 there particular areas that the 20:59.408 --> 21:01.574 committee should be aware of that ? Uh 21:01.574 --> 21:04.099 readiness must be enhanced ? Senator ? 21:04.109 --> 21:06.220 Thank you for the question . Uh Yes , 21:06.220 --> 21:08.387 my predecessor , General Jim Dickinson 21:08.387 --> 21:10.720 declared uh full operational capability , 21:10.720 --> 21:12.831 as you noted . And that was really to 21:12.831 --> 21:12.260 say that our headquarters now can 21:12.270 --> 21:14.048 function as the other combatant 21:14.048 --> 21:15.881 commands and execute our primary 21:15.881 --> 21:17.992 responsibilities as laid out in title 21:17.992 --> 21:20.048 10 and in the Unified Command plan . 21:20.050 --> 21:22.383 But as I noted in the opening statement , 21:22.383 --> 21:24.800 our forces today are optimized for a 21:24.810 --> 21:27.729 benign space environment . The systems 21:27.739 --> 21:29.850 were either built or the requirements 21:29.850 --> 21:31.906 were largely laid down during a time 21:31.906 --> 21:33.961 when we didn't face the threats . We 21:33.961 --> 21:35.906 now see . So now we really have to 21:35.906 --> 21:37.739 focus on making sure we have the 21:37.739 --> 21:39.628 systems to protect and defend our 21:39.628 --> 21:41.795 existing architectures even as we make 21:41.795 --> 21:41.540 our current architectures more 21:41.550 --> 21:43.717 resilient and that we have the systems 21:43.717 --> 21:45.717 to protect the joint force from the 21:45.717 --> 21:47.772 space enabling capabilities . We now 21:47.772 --> 21:49.660 see the PR C uh developing , for 21:49.670 --> 21:51.837 example . And then we have to have the 21:51.837 --> 21:54.059 testing capabilities to assure us those 21:54.059 --> 21:56.170 new system will work and the training 21:56.170 --> 21:58.226 capabilities . So our personnel have 21:58.226 --> 22:00.392 the , the reps and sets if you will to 22:00.392 --> 22:02.614 be ready to go . So that's really where 22:02.614 --> 22:02.489 we need to focus is on continuing to 22:02.500 --> 22:04.689 deliver capability to allow us to 22:04.699 --> 22:06.755 operate in the contested domain . We 22:06.755 --> 22:08.921 now find ourselves in . Thank you . Uh 22:08.921 --> 22:12.329 General Go . Uh The Sentinel 22:12.339 --> 22:14.969 program is encountering difficulties . 22:14.979 --> 22:18.400 Um The uh Columbia program 22:18.410 --> 22:22.079 is uh uh slowing down 22:22.089 --> 22:25.560 rather than speeding up . Uh We have , 22:25.569 --> 22:27.920 I think some good news with the B 21 . 22:28.199 --> 22:32.140 Uh But uh on the base of mission is 22:32.150 --> 22:34.800 to maintain a triad and not uh 22:35.630 --> 22:38.719 something less . Uh Can you comment as 22:38.729 --> 22:40.729 particularly with respect to the 22:41.199 --> 22:44.130 Sentinel program ? Uh in terms of what 22:44.140 --> 22:46.362 we have to do at this juncture , I know 22:46.362 --> 22:50.079 they're still evaluating it . Chairman , 22:50.089 --> 22:52.200 thank you for the question in regards 22:52.200 --> 22:54.311 to Sentinel and , and where it stands 22:54.311 --> 22:56.533 with none MCC mccurdy . Um I think I'll 22:56.533 --> 22:59.260 answer it this way . Um There is no 22:59.270 --> 23:01.159 change in the requirements that I 23:01.159 --> 23:03.326 currently have on the modernization of 23:03.326 --> 23:05.159 all three legs of the triad that 23:05.159 --> 23:08.170 absolutely has to be done . And um and 23:08.180 --> 23:10.180 I think what's really important for 23:10.180 --> 23:12.124 folks to understand is I think I'm 23:12.124 --> 23:14.291 probably the only combatant command um 23:14.291 --> 23:16.790 that can't have a gap in my 23:16.800 --> 23:19.150 capabilities uh because a gap in my 23:19.160 --> 23:22.750 capabilities , um credibility um AAA as 23:22.760 --> 23:24.760 well as safe , secure and effective 23:24.760 --> 23:26.839 weapon systems um is key and 23:26.849 --> 23:30.800 foundational deterrence . Um So , so 23:30.920 --> 23:34.099 as you talk about all three legs um 23:34.109 --> 23:37.420 going into potential delays , we must 23:37.430 --> 23:39.900 ensure that we never have a gap in the 23:39.910 --> 23:41.966 cap capabilities amongst those three 23:41.966 --> 23:44.810 legs of the triad . Um And , and , and , 23:44.819 --> 23:48.339 and that's what I um look and study 23:48.349 --> 23:50.293 every single day to ensure that we 23:50.293 --> 23:52.405 don't create a gap um in that mission 23:52.405 --> 23:54.571 set amongst whether it's land , sea or 23:54.571 --> 23:57.329 the air leg . Thank you , Senator 23:57.339 --> 24:01.239 Worker , please . Well , let's just 24:01.250 --> 24:04.209 follow up on that um with regard to the 24:04.219 --> 24:06.670 Triad General Cotton and I appreciate 24:06.680 --> 24:10.339 you meeting with us um earlier to 24:10.349 --> 24:13.410 discuss this . So we , so we , we've 24:13.420 --> 24:17.099 got the land based and um 24:17.119 --> 24:19.780 and , and the air based , let's talk 24:19.790 --> 24:23.339 about sea based and your testimony 24:23.349 --> 24:27.079 uh points out that it involves the Ohio 24:27.089 --> 24:30.329 class SSBN fleet , right ? And the 24:30.339 --> 24:33.819 trident to uh D five strategic weapon 24:33.829 --> 24:36.599 system SWS um 24:38.579 --> 24:41.050 where are we , where we need to be on 24:41.060 --> 24:42.060 that ? 24:45.170 --> 24:47.939 So all three legs of the triad are , 24:47.949 --> 24:50.760 are , are , are past system life . Um 24:51.270 --> 24:53.492 The good news is the men and women that 24:53.492 --> 24:55.326 are , that are maintaining those 24:55.326 --> 24:57.569 systems um are are doing an incredible 24:57.579 --> 25:01.540 job uh to do that , the 25:01.550 --> 25:03.717 problem we face and the problem that I 25:03.717 --> 25:05.939 have to encounter every single day with 25:05.939 --> 25:08.161 legacy systems is to ensure that I have 25:08.161 --> 25:10.689 the required numbers of , of SSBNS that 25:10.699 --> 25:12.810 are available as well as the required 25:12.810 --> 25:14.866 number of weapons that are available 25:14.866 --> 25:17.739 for the SSBN fleet as we make the 25:17.750 --> 25:21.550 transition to the Columbia class . Um 25:21.560 --> 25:23.782 As I mentioned to the chairman , what's 25:23.782 --> 25:25.727 gonna be incredibly important . Um 25:25.727 --> 25:29.099 Senator is that we ensure that there's 25:29.109 --> 25:31.410 no gap between the transition of the 25:31.420 --> 25:33.859 Ohio class weapon system to the 25:33.869 --> 25:36.810 Columbia class weapon system . Well , 25:36.819 --> 25:39.800 yes . And so there's uh at , at least 25:39.810 --> 25:43.369 with regard to this , there's no um , 25:43.380 --> 25:46.329 talk or there's no feeling in your mind 25:46.339 --> 25:49.479 that we can divest so we can later 25:49.489 --> 25:51.979 invest . That's nonsense when it comes 25:51.989 --> 25:55.670 to what you're talking about . That . 25:55.680 --> 25:57.791 That is correct . That , that's why I 25:57.791 --> 25:59.958 made that statement on ensuring that I 25:59.958 --> 26:02.130 don't create a gap as we do the 26:02.140 --> 26:04.599 transition from legacy to a modernized 26:04.609 --> 26:06.776 system . I will always have to be able 26:06.776 --> 26:08.942 to cover down the requirement with the 26:08.942 --> 26:11.189 legacy systems . And on page 11 of your 26:11.199 --> 26:12.977 testimony , despite the fleet's 26:12.977 --> 26:14.921 accomplishments and its ability to 26:14.921 --> 26:16.977 achieve the mission today , it faces 26:16.977 --> 26:19.143 continuing with sustainment challenges 26:19.479 --> 26:22.479 that could impact its availability un 26:22.489 --> 26:25.339 until fully replaced by the Columbia 26:25.349 --> 26:27.939 class in 2042 . 26:29.800 --> 26:33.760 Are are we asking for enough 26:33.770 --> 26:37.010 resources for you to get where you need 26:37.020 --> 26:38.449 to get on time ? 26:42.420 --> 26:44.476 I I don't know that resources is nec 26:44.476 --> 26:46.560 necessarily the the issue here . I I 26:46.569 --> 26:48.900 think , I think what , what I really 26:48.910 --> 26:51.589 see is uh the ability for the 26:51.599 --> 26:53.710 industrial base to be able to produce 26:53.819 --> 26:57.739 and not drive the gaps . So , so as 26:57.750 --> 27:01.650 we look , so the extent that 27:01.660 --> 27:04.410 to the extent that we are that we're 27:04.420 --> 27:07.770 proposing to um appropriate some 27:07.780 --> 27:11.010 $3.4 billion extra for , for submarine 27:11.020 --> 27:13.187 industrial base that will be helpful , 27:13.187 --> 27:15.131 will it not , it will be helpful . 27:15.131 --> 27:17.353 Absolutely , sir . On the modernization 27:17.353 --> 27:19.619 now , to your point , we also need to 27:19.630 --> 27:22.709 ensure that the legacy systems um have 27:22.719 --> 27:24.886 the sustainability that's available to 27:24.886 --> 27:27.599 them so I can maintain the legacy 27:27.609 --> 27:29.720 systems as well until the new systems 27:29.720 --> 27:33.150 arrive . Ok . Um Thank you very much um 27:35.540 --> 27:38.160 serious challenges in , in your 27:38.170 --> 27:40.390 Bailiwick , I would say uh general 27:40.400 --> 27:42.839 whiting you talk about a vulnerability 27:42.849 --> 27:46.439 wi uh window in uh on page 27:46.449 --> 27:48.880 three of your testimony , there's a 27:48.890 --> 27:50.946 vulnerability window communicated by 27:50.946 --> 27:53.339 our competitors and highlighted as we 27:53.349 --> 27:56.930 watch conflict unfold in Ukraine and is 27:56.989 --> 27:59.839 Israel and , and Israel . Uh what , 27:59.849 --> 28:03.589 what are we learning there and , 28:03.599 --> 28:07.260 and state for our audience , what the 28:07.270 --> 28:10.979 vulnerability window is ? Uh ranking 28:10.989 --> 28:13.045 member , the vulnerability window is 28:13.045 --> 28:15.349 the fact that our competitors . Um Pr C 28:15.359 --> 28:18.069 and Russia have invested in counter 28:18.079 --> 28:20.246 space capabilities , having studied us 28:20.246 --> 28:22.920 for decades to hold at risk , our 28:22.930 --> 28:25.208 ability to fight the way we would like . 28:25.380 --> 28:27.880 And so now we have to make our current 28:27.890 --> 28:29.668 space capabilities that provide 28:29.668 --> 28:31.946 satellite communications , positioning , 28:31.946 --> 28:34.001 navigation and time . I mean missile 28:34.001 --> 28:36.168 warning , those kind of functions . We 28:36.168 --> 28:35.994 have to make them more resilient 28:36.005 --> 28:38.135 against those threats and provide 28:38.145 --> 28:40.295 protect and defend capability to help 28:40.305 --> 28:42.964 protect them . Um those investments 28:42.974 --> 28:45.030 have been made , but we , we need to 28:45.030 --> 28:47.085 make sure those programs deliver and 28:47.085 --> 28:49.141 that we continue to invest to assure 28:49.141 --> 28:51.141 that we can support the joint force 28:51.141 --> 28:53.307 with those kind of capabilities in the 28:53.307 --> 28:55.885 face of these threats and until they 28:55.895 --> 28:58.714 are delivered there is a window of 28:58.724 --> 29:01.040 vulnerability . That's correct Rey 29:01.209 --> 29:04.709 member . Ok . Are , 29:07.140 --> 29:09.959 are the requesters asking for enough 29:09.969 --> 29:12.989 resources to address this 29:13.000 --> 29:15.900 vulnerability window ? Uh Senator , I 29:15.910 --> 29:17.521 think we've laid out all the 29:17.521 --> 29:19.632 requirements that we need and we know 29:19.632 --> 29:21.688 the programs that we need and now we 29:21.688 --> 29:23.854 need to make sure those are delivering 29:23.854 --> 29:25.854 on time and pulling them as , as mo 29:25.854 --> 29:28.021 much to the left as we can . They need 29:28.021 --> 29:30.188 to be pulled to the left . Yes , sir . 29:30.188 --> 29:32.410 I'd like to have all the cap explain to 29:32.410 --> 29:35.359 people uh who aren't uh aren't um 29:36.290 --> 29:39.270 accustomed to Washington ease . What 29:39.280 --> 29:41.169 pulling it to the left means ? Uh 29:41.459 --> 29:43.681 Senator , that means to deliver it even 29:43.681 --> 29:46.469 earlier than we expect . A a and that 29:46.479 --> 29:49.819 is a very important need . Is it not ? 29:50.000 --> 29:52.167 So I'd like to have as much capability 29:52.167 --> 29:54.111 as I could right now . Yes , sir . 29:54.111 --> 29:56.969 Thank you . Thank you , Senator Senator 29:56.979 --> 29:59.035 Cain , please . Thank you , Mr Chair 29:59.035 --> 30:01.035 and thank you to our witnesses . Um 30:01.035 --> 30:02.757 General Cotton in your posture 30:02.757 --> 30:04.479 statement . You mentioned that 30:04.479 --> 30:06.423 continued congressional support is 30:06.423 --> 30:08.201 critical to overhauling the sub 30:08.201 --> 30:10.349 industrial base to advance the navy 30:10.359 --> 30:12.599 shipbuilding efforts . And you also 30:12.609 --> 30:14.609 noted that the execution of the one 30:14.609 --> 30:16.498 plus two submarine bill plan is a 30:16.498 --> 30:18.665 national imperative . I'm following up 30:18.665 --> 30:20.579 on Senator Wicker's questions . I 30:20.589 --> 30:22.811 completely agree with this , especially 30:22.811 --> 30:24.978 given the additional commitments we've 30:24.978 --> 30:27.540 now taken on with Aus Pillar one . How 30:27.550 --> 30:29.661 critical are the submarine industrial 30:29.661 --> 30:31.828 based investments ? Like those that we 30:31.828 --> 30:33.606 included in the supplemental to 30:33.606 --> 30:35.439 ensuring that the Columbia class 30:35.439 --> 30:37.383 submarines are delivered on time . 30:39.079 --> 30:41.246 Thank you for the , for the question , 30:41.246 --> 30:43.412 Senator Kane and , and I'd like to say 30:43.412 --> 30:45.579 thank you to , to I know there was a S 30:45.579 --> 30:47.579 A and even yesterday in regards and 30:47.579 --> 30:49.635 many of the members , uh , um , that 30:49.635 --> 30:51.635 are , that are before us today were 30:51.635 --> 30:53.746 part of that . So thank you for , for 30:53.746 --> 30:55.968 the support in , in , in addressing the 30:55.968 --> 30:58.023 uh industrial based problem . Um A a 30:58.023 --> 31:00.130 and using the Northeast , it is a 31:00.140 --> 31:03.209 wicked problem . Um So , um you know , 31:03.219 --> 31:06.469 the , the , the ability I do not 31:06.479 --> 31:10.250 have capacity to lose one 31:10.260 --> 31:14.000 leg of the triad . I and the S 31:14.010 --> 31:17.420 the SSBN and the SLBN weapons 31:17.430 --> 31:21.229 system is critical um to the 31:21.239 --> 31:23.459 triad and , and , and , and my 31:23.469 --> 31:26.069 operational plans and , and , and , and 31:26.079 --> 31:28.310 the force and the forces that I must 31:28.319 --> 31:30.520 present to the , to the commander in 31:30.530 --> 31:34.329 chief if warranted critical . So as I 31:34.339 --> 31:36.450 would state for the land based leg as 31:36.450 --> 31:38.349 well as the air leg , absolutely 31:38.359 --> 31:41.130 critical uh that we continue to press 31:41.140 --> 31:43.849 and ensure um just like my colleague 31:43.859 --> 31:46.026 said , you know , if we can get things 31:46.026 --> 31:47.915 earlier that , that that would be 31:47.915 --> 31:50.479 incredibly uh advantageous to us . Um 31:50.489 --> 31:52.869 um As a fighting force , we , we did 31:52.880 --> 31:54.936 have a hearing yesterday on manpower 31:54.936 --> 31:56.991 issues generally . And when you were 31:56.991 --> 31:58.936 asked a question by Senator Wicker 31:58.936 --> 32:01.158 about whether you needed more resources 32:01.158 --> 32:03.102 and you said , it's not a resource 32:03.102 --> 32:05.324 problem . My colleague here said it's a 32:05.324 --> 32:04.489 welder problem . I mean , there's a 32:04.500 --> 32:06.778 manpower problem we're experiencing it . 32:06.910 --> 32:09.069 Australia is experiencing it , the UK 32:09.079 --> 32:11.079 is experiencing it . So we're gonna 32:11.079 --> 32:13.023 have to be very , very creative in 32:13.023 --> 32:15.023 addressing this manpower issue . If 32:15.023 --> 32:17.135 we're going to maintain the pace that 32:17.135 --> 32:19.246 you need to keep the triad intact and 32:19.246 --> 32:21.135 effective . Um You talked General 32:21.135 --> 32:23.357 Cotton in your , in your testimony here 32:23.357 --> 32:25.959 about the four allies , principally 32:25.969 --> 32:28.060 Russia and the Pr C but also in the 32:28.069 --> 32:30.236 nuclear space , Iran and North Korea . 32:30.270 --> 32:32.270 And then you said , and the growing 32:32.270 --> 32:34.103 relationships between these four 32:34.103 --> 32:35.603 nations , do you see those 32:35.603 --> 32:37.548 relationships growing in ways that 32:37.548 --> 32:40.650 really impact the stratcom domain or 32:40.660 --> 32:42.640 are there , are there um growing 32:42.650 --> 32:45.099 activities in concert more in other 32:45.119 --> 32:48.069 military domains ? Senator ? No , I see 32:48.079 --> 32:50.000 it in my domain as well because 32:50.010 --> 32:52.290 remember part of my portfolio is 32:52.300 --> 32:54.329 strategic deterrence that includes 32:54.339 --> 32:56.395 nuclear deterrence . But even in the 32:56.395 --> 32:58.450 nuclear deterrent space , uh let's , 32:58.450 --> 33:00.339 let's just have a conversation in 33:00.339 --> 33:02.561 regards to the relationship that we see 33:02.561 --> 33:04.617 that that transactional relationship 33:04.617 --> 33:07.329 between Russia and the D Pr K um has 33:07.339 --> 33:09.339 manifested itself in different ways 33:09.339 --> 33:11.672 here over the past eight months . Um So , 33:11.672 --> 33:13.672 you know , so we're looking at that 33:13.672 --> 33:15.783 differently on what that relationship 33:15.783 --> 33:17.839 is actually , you know , what does , 33:17.839 --> 33:20.020 what does D Pr K gain uh with that new 33:20.030 --> 33:22.420 relationship that they have um with 33:22.430 --> 33:24.374 Russia as an example . Thank you , 33:24.380 --> 33:26.540 General Whiting . Um in your written 33:26.550 --> 33:28.106 testimony . You highlighted 33:28.106 --> 33:30.328 collaboration with allies interagency , 33:30.328 --> 33:32.930 partners and commercial stakeholders um 33:33.199 --> 33:35.770 as a key asymmetric , asymmetric 33:35.780 --> 33:38.010 advantage that we have in space . I was 33:38.020 --> 33:40.187 at Wallops Island recently and I had a 33:40.187 --> 33:42.242 great visit with NAS A , the NRO and 33:42.242 --> 33:44.640 the Navy and a private uh commercial 33:44.650 --> 33:46.372 provider rocket lab to discuss 33:46.372 --> 33:48.539 government capabilities in this area . 33:48.550 --> 33:50.439 Um How are you thinking about the 33:50.439 --> 33:52.680 importance of collaboration with the 33:52.689 --> 33:54.939 commercial space industry ? Senator ? 33:54.949 --> 33:57.171 Thank you for the question . Uh I think 33:57.171 --> 33:59.729 us commercial space industry is not 33:59.739 --> 34:01.850 just an advantage in space , it is an 34:01.850 --> 34:04.072 advantage for this nation period and it 34:04.072 --> 34:06.183 is an advantage that is widening over 34:06.183 --> 34:08.406 our competitors . So we absolutely need 34:08.406 --> 34:10.128 to continue to partner with us 34:10.128 --> 34:12.239 commercial space industry to leverage 34:12.239 --> 34:14.183 the cost curves that they're on to 34:14.183 --> 34:16.183 leverage the speed at which they're 34:16.183 --> 34:18.350 operating to take advantage of as much 34:18.350 --> 34:20.461 of that capability as we can . Um The 34:20.461 --> 34:22.628 Space Command is uh partnered with the 34:22.628 --> 34:24.850 Space Force as they look , get new ways 34:24.850 --> 34:26.739 of contracting with uh commercial 34:26.739 --> 34:29.185 industry , uh such as the commercial uh 34:29.195 --> 34:31.306 commercial augmentation Space Reserve 34:31.306 --> 34:33.528 that they're looking to start next year 34:33.528 --> 34:35.473 and we're very excited about those 34:35.473 --> 34:37.695 opportunities . Um I'll just offer this 34:37.695 --> 34:39.806 question for the record . But if , if 34:39.806 --> 34:42.028 in the course of us working on the ND A 34:42.028 --> 34:44.251 this year , there are any policies that 34:44.251 --> 34:46.473 you think we should embrace in the ND A 34:46.473 --> 34:48.528 that would uh enhance our ability to 34:48.528 --> 34:50.695 collaborate in the way you described , 34:50.695 --> 34:52.917 we would love to hear that from you and 34:52.917 --> 34:52.354 with that , I'll hand it back , Mr 34:52.364 --> 34:54.618 Chair . Thank you very much . Uh 34:54.628 --> 34:56.906 Senator Kane , Senator Fisher , please . 34:56.906 --> 34:59.329 Thank you , Mr Chairman , last October . 34:59.339 --> 35:02.069 The bipartisan bicameral congressional 35:02.079 --> 35:04.408 Commission on the Strategic Posture of 35:04.418 --> 35:06.585 the United States released their final 35:06.585 --> 35:09.368 report on America's Strategic Posture . 35:09.749 --> 35:13.039 Its findings were sobering . We face 35:13.049 --> 35:15.299 two major nuclear adversaries for the 35:15.309 --> 35:17.299 first time in history and we are 35:17.309 --> 35:20.239 woefully underprepared to address this 35:20.249 --> 35:22.879 future threat environment . In their 35:22.889 --> 35:24.879 report , the commissioners also 35:24.889 --> 35:27.959 unanimously endorsed 81 recommendations . 35:28.219 --> 35:30.879 If we can act upon most of these , the 35:30.889 --> 35:32.879 United States should retain the 35:32.889 --> 35:36.800 capability and the capacity to maintain 35:36.810 --> 35:39.584 a safe , reliable , effective and 35:39.594 --> 35:41.854 credible nuclear deterrent throughout 35:41.864 --> 35:44.235 the next several decades . Over the 35:44.245 --> 35:46.467 coming months , I'm going to be working 35:46.467 --> 35:48.844 with my colleagues on this committee to 35:48.854 --> 35:51.314 include many of these recommendations 35:51.324 --> 35:55.179 in fy 2025 NDA A General 35:55.189 --> 35:57.078 Cotton . I appreciate our earlier 35:57.078 --> 35:59.320 conversations about the Strategic 35:59.330 --> 36:01.840 Posture Commission's report and your 36:01.850 --> 36:04.550 very careful review and consideration 36:04.560 --> 36:07.439 of their findings and recommendations . 36:07.860 --> 36:09.916 Do you agree with the commissioner's 36:09.916 --> 36:11.860 statement that quote , the nuclear 36:11.860 --> 36:14.639 force modernization programs of record 36:14.649 --> 36:17.780 is absolutely essential , although not 36:17.790 --> 36:19.959 sufficient to meet the new threats 36:19.969 --> 36:22.889 posed by Russia and China and that the 36:22.899 --> 36:25.310 elements of the programs of records 36:25.320 --> 36:28.320 should be completed on time expedited , 36:28.330 --> 36:30.330 wherever possible and expanded is 36:30.340 --> 36:34.250 needed . I do senator and can you 36:34.260 --> 36:36.659 please uh provide the committee with 36:36.669 --> 36:39.100 your views on which of those 36:39.110 --> 36:41.770 commissioners recommendations you think 36:41.780 --> 36:44.189 are the most important or that we 36:44.199 --> 36:47.760 should be prioritizing ? Thank you for 36:47.770 --> 36:50.489 the question , Senator Fisher . Yeah , 36:50.500 --> 36:52.709 I was probably one of the first , uh , 36:52.719 --> 36:54.929 uh , to , to receive the brief from 36:54.939 --> 36:56.939 Honorable Creeden and , and Senator 36:56.939 --> 36:59.409 Cole , uh , when it came to , uh , the 36:59.419 --> 37:01.641 results of , of the , of the commission 37:01.929 --> 37:04.409 and it validated , uh , many of the 37:04.419 --> 37:06.752 things that we were looking in house in , 37:06.752 --> 37:08.975 in strategic Command in regards to what 37:08.975 --> 37:11.086 do we do with the cur current arsenal 37:11.086 --> 37:14.280 in the stockpile ? Um II , I have 37:14.290 --> 37:16.659 memorized what I would consider pages 37:16.669 --> 37:19.550 48 and 49 of the , of the commission 37:19.560 --> 37:22.879 which has the 81 recommendations um of 37:22.889 --> 37:26.189 those um I have prioritized and , and 37:26.199 --> 37:28.088 what , what I think should be the 37:28.088 --> 37:30.550 things that we get after first . Um I 37:30.560 --> 37:33.020 do believe that we need to take serious 37:33.030 --> 37:35.252 consideration and seeing what uploading 37:35.252 --> 37:38.010 and , and removing , um , the ICBM 37:38.020 --> 37:40.076 looks like and what does that , what 37:40.076 --> 37:42.298 does it take to potentially do that ? I 37:42.298 --> 37:44.449 do believe that we need to have a 37:44.459 --> 37:47.250 conversation in regards to how do we 37:47.260 --> 37:49.729 have ? Because part of that report also 37:49.739 --> 37:52.699 says , um the importance of having a 37:52.709 --> 37:56.169 credible and effective conventional uh 37:56.449 --> 37:59.939 uh force . Um Part of that is um 38:00.169 --> 38:02.909 looking at and ensuring that we have 38:02.919 --> 38:04.850 the right long range standoff , 38:04.860 --> 38:07.770 conventional weapons as well . Um um 38:07.780 --> 38:10.219 that can be placed on a bomber as , as 38:10.229 --> 38:13.354 an example . And then the , the look at 38:13.364 --> 38:15.905 what does all legs of the , of the 38:15.915 --> 38:18.665 triad look like in regards of capacity 38:18.675 --> 38:21.125 and how can you expand capacity and how 38:21.135 --> 38:23.435 do you build the modernized force that 38:23.445 --> 38:25.612 has modularity and where we can always 38:25.612 --> 38:27.745 keep pace as opposed to the current 38:27.754 --> 38:29.921 system that we have , that it's really 38:29.921 --> 38:32.143 hard to do that . You know , Senator uh 38:32.143 --> 38:34.834 King , and I often refer to uh NC three 38:34.844 --> 38:37.745 as the fourth leg of our nuclear triad 38:38.100 --> 38:40.560 and the president's ability to command 38:40.570 --> 38:42.540 control and communicate with our 38:42.550 --> 38:46.090 nuclear forces that that's essential in 38:46.100 --> 38:49.320 maintaining that credible nuclear 38:49.330 --> 38:51.830 deterrent that we must have . If , if 38:51.840 --> 38:54.580 NC three fails , then the deterrent 38:54.590 --> 38:58.010 fails . We've previously discussed 38:58.020 --> 39:00.010 general , the importance of moving 39:00.020 --> 39:02.260 forward quickly with NC three 39:02.270 --> 39:04.530 modernization and , and building out 39:04.540 --> 39:08.500 that road map with a clear and 39:08.510 --> 39:11.939 achievable near and long term goals . 39:11.949 --> 39:13.870 And I appreciate you briefing our 39:13.879 --> 39:17.209 sub-committee uh on that earlier this 39:17.219 --> 39:19.360 week about your plan . But in this 39:19.370 --> 39:21.919 setting , can you please share with the 39:21.929 --> 39:24.590 committee how stratcom is working with 39:24.600 --> 39:27.639 the services with the undersecretaries 39:27.649 --> 39:30.100 of acquisition and sustainment and 39:30.110 --> 39:33.020 research and engineering to integrate 39:33.030 --> 39:36.330 new technologies and new systems into 39:36.340 --> 39:39.629 that NC three , architecture , Senator 39:39.639 --> 39:43.199 I'd love to uh one of the things that 39:43.209 --> 39:45.431 uh was , was first on the agenda for us 39:45.431 --> 39:47.600 was to ensure that as we articulate uh 39:47.610 --> 39:49.832 the modernization of the NC Three Force 39:49.832 --> 39:51.999 that we look at it in different bins . 39:51.999 --> 39:53.943 The first thing we must do to your 39:53.943 --> 39:56.239 point is ensure that the NC three 39:56.250 --> 39:58.361 system that is currently available to 39:58.361 --> 40:00.528 the president of the United States and 40:00.528 --> 40:02.750 to decision makers in the United States 40:02.750 --> 40:04.969 um has the ability to fight through . 40:05.419 --> 40:07.363 Um So we want to make sure that we 40:07.363 --> 40:09.820 looked at systems uh today and ensure 40:09.830 --> 40:11.997 that we're , we're , we're taking care 40:11.997 --> 40:14.219 of systems today . The other piece that 40:14.219 --> 40:16.330 we wanted to make sure that we did is 40:16.330 --> 40:18.441 look at the midterm and , and to your 40:18.441 --> 40:21.159 point , um We have collaborated and , 40:21.169 --> 40:23.280 and , and , and , and , and thank you 40:23.280 --> 40:26.189 for , for uh hosting us to pre present 40:26.199 --> 40:28.719 that um you and , and Senator King for 40:28.729 --> 40:30.959 allowing us to present that um to the 40:30.969 --> 40:33.320 subcomittee and show the relationship 40:33.415 --> 40:35.995 that I have with A NS with our 40:36.004 --> 40:38.524 acquisition and sustainment . Um Doctor 40:38.534 --> 40:42.274 LaPlante , um the increased um 40:42.284 --> 40:45.425 relationship that I have with um R and 40:45.435 --> 40:47.754 E , Doctor Heidi Xu um that was 40:47.764 --> 40:51.614 actually missing prior . Um And then 40:51.625 --> 40:53.736 the relationship that I have with our 40:53.736 --> 40:57.000 cio Mr John Sherman , because of that , 40:57.050 --> 40:59.250 we're able to coalesce and be able to 40:59.260 --> 41:01.520 come up with a plan that's executable . 41:01.649 --> 41:03.705 Uh We were able to brief that to the 41:03.705 --> 41:05.927 Deputy Secretary of Defense last summer 41:05.927 --> 41:08.429 um in which the service components were 41:08.439 --> 41:11.260 also in the room . And now they have 41:11.270 --> 41:15.260 measured um um milestones to , to , to 41:15.270 --> 41:17.820 grade themselves against uh where that 41:17.830 --> 41:20.370 was missing in the past . So , um we 41:20.379 --> 41:22.601 still have a lot of work to go though , 41:22.601 --> 41:24.435 Senator . Um but , but I'm , I'm 41:24.435 --> 41:26.546 pleased with the , with the work that 41:26.546 --> 41:29.169 we've done so far . Thank you . Thank 41:29.179 --> 41:31.290 you , Senator Fisher , Senator King , 41:31.290 --> 41:33.560 please . Thank you , Mr Chairman . Uh 41:33.989 --> 41:36.156 We think about what's going on here in 41:36.156 --> 41:38.378 this room . This hearing is undoubtedly 41:38.378 --> 41:41.169 being watched in real time in Moscow 41:41.179 --> 41:44.330 and Beijing and General Cotton . The 41:44.340 --> 41:46.610 focus of this hearing will naturally be 41:46.620 --> 41:49.590 on gaps and work that's under progress 41:49.600 --> 41:51.767 and what the problems are . But I want 41:51.767 --> 41:53.933 you to restate what you stated in your 41:53.933 --> 41:55.989 opening testimony for the benefit of 41:55.989 --> 41:59.919 our audience . Far away . You are 41:59.929 --> 42:02.679 ready to fight tonight with an awesome 42:03.310 --> 42:05.850 response to anyone who attacks this 42:05.860 --> 42:09.159 country . Is that correct ? The men and 42:09.169 --> 42:11.113 women that represent United States 42:11.113 --> 42:13.225 Strategic Command are ready to defend 42:13.225 --> 42:15.879 if , if uh if uh strategic deterrence 42:15.889 --> 42:18.639 failure happens tonight , we are ready 42:18.649 --> 42:22.239 today and the capacity of the triad 42:22.580 --> 42:26.070 right now is at a , at an 42:26.080 --> 42:28.320 actionable level . We are not . I I 42:28.330 --> 42:30.290 don't want anybody to get the 42:30.300 --> 42:32.467 impression that we're somehow crippled 42:32.467 --> 42:34.689 in terms of our nuclear deterrent . You 42:34.689 --> 42:36.856 have the forces you need to defend the 42:36.856 --> 42:39.489 country and also to impose uh 42:39.699 --> 42:42.300 unthinkable costs on a potential 42:42.310 --> 42:44.421 adversary . Isn't that correct ? I do 42:44.500 --> 42:48.330 thank you . Uh One of the 42:48.340 --> 42:50.340 problems on the budget that we have 42:50.340 --> 42:52.284 here is that this country that has 42:52.284 --> 42:54.396 always surprised me . We don't have a 42:54.396 --> 42:56.500 capital budget . Our budget of the 42:56.510 --> 42:58.677 United States government is a , is a , 42:58.677 --> 43:01.120 is a cash flow budget . And really the 43:01.129 --> 43:03.240 recapitalization of the nuclear triad 43:03.240 --> 43:05.462 is a capital investment . We're talking 43:05.462 --> 43:08.340 4050 year assets . And so one of the 43:08.350 --> 43:10.517 problems we're facing in our budget is 43:10.520 --> 43:12.631 it all comes out . It looks like it's 43:12.631 --> 43:14.853 in the defense budget , but I I call it 43:14.853 --> 43:16.909 the pig in the Python , there's this 43:16.909 --> 43:18.909 bulge of nuclear modernization that 43:18.909 --> 43:20.909 really should be considered capital 43:20.909 --> 43:22.798 investment . So uh I think that's 43:22.798 --> 43:24.853 important for people to realize when 43:24.853 --> 43:26.687 you look at the defense budget , 43:26.687 --> 43:28.742 there's a piece of it that is really 43:28.742 --> 43:30.742 something that probably should have 43:30.742 --> 43:32.853 been done over the past 30 years that 43:32.853 --> 43:34.964 we're trying to do in a hurry . Uh Is 43:34.964 --> 43:34.709 that , is that your reading General ? 43:35.530 --> 43:37.752 It is sir II , I , you know , the , the 43:37.752 --> 43:41.699 way I like to describe it is um um I 43:41.709 --> 43:44.330 am I am responsible for maintaining and 43:44.340 --> 43:47.280 the components under me are responsible 43:47.290 --> 43:49.860 for maintaining national systems on 43:49.870 --> 43:51.981 behalf of the President of the United 43:51.981 --> 43:54.203 States . Thank you . Uh General Whiting 43:54.203 --> 43:56.537 you , you talked about we , we have the , 43:56.537 --> 43:58.703 the best space capability and have for 43:58.703 --> 44:00.703 many , many years . That's the good 44:00.703 --> 44:03.159 news . The bad news is the dependency 44:03.169 --> 44:05.989 that we have on space which makes us uh 44:06.000 --> 44:08.590 asymmetrically vulnerable in terms of 44:08.600 --> 44:10.830 the relationship with these potential 44:10.840 --> 44:14.699 adversaries . Uh What are we doing to 44:14.709 --> 44:17.419 think about alternatives to space ? For 44:17.429 --> 44:21.139 example , I understand recently they're 44:21.149 --> 44:23.340 now teaching celestial navigation at , 44:23.350 --> 44:25.409 at Annapolis . Again , we need to be 44:25.419 --> 44:27.419 thinking about how do we reduce our 44:27.419 --> 44:31.260 reliance on space assets , given the uh 44:31.270 --> 44:33.639 development of anti space capabilities 44:33.649 --> 44:35.689 of our adversaries . Ta talk to me 44:35.699 --> 44:38.239 about how we mitigate this risk . 44:38.250 --> 44:40.417 Senator . Thank you for the question . 44:40.417 --> 44:42.528 Uh We've gone to space because of the 44:42.528 --> 44:44.694 advantages it brings us , it allows us 44:44.694 --> 44:46.583 to operate globally untethered to 44:46.583 --> 44:48.750 terrestrial networks and that , and we 44:48.750 --> 44:50.917 were unopposed for years . Yes , sir . 44:50.917 --> 44:50.840 And , and that gives us a unique 44:50.850 --> 44:53.017 advantage but to your point , uh and , 44:53.017 --> 44:54.794 and I know all the services are 44:54.794 --> 44:57.080 thinking about this . Um What do we do 44:57.090 --> 44:59.146 when our , our primary capability uh 44:59.146 --> 45:01.146 may not be available ? Now in space 45:01.146 --> 45:03.146 command , it's our job to make sure 45:03.146 --> 45:05.257 that , that that doesn't happen . But 45:05.257 --> 45:07.423 uh no doubt the services have to train 45:07.423 --> 45:09.479 what their uh secondary uh plans are 45:09.479 --> 45:11.479 and , and all of them have those uh 45:11.479 --> 45:13.646 those plans in place and to your point 45:13.646 --> 45:15.868 are , are training to their people . Um 45:15.868 --> 45:17.868 Several of the services such as the 45:17.868 --> 45:19.923 army , the Navy and the Marines also 45:19.923 --> 45:22.820 have uh relatively small but dedicated 45:22.830 --> 45:26.000 cadres of uh space personnel to help 45:26.010 --> 45:27.788 their commanders understand the 45:27.788 --> 45:29.899 benefits and the vulnerabilities of , 45:29.899 --> 45:32.066 of space . So they can understand when 45:32.066 --> 45:34.121 those times might be that they would 45:34.121 --> 45:35.954 have to go to those secondary or 45:35.954 --> 45:38.066 tertiary plans . Well , now I'm going 45:38.066 --> 45:37.679 to talk about those gaps that we've , 45:37.689 --> 45:39.745 that I mentioned at the beginning uh 45:39.745 --> 45:41.800 that I don't want to overemphasize . 45:41.800 --> 45:44.379 But uh you have partial responsibility 45:44.389 --> 45:47.540 for missile defense . It bothers me 45:47.550 --> 45:50.010 that we've been very slow on the issue 45:50.020 --> 45:53.550 of directed energy . We're using , uh , 45:53.760 --> 45:56.610 $2 million or $5 million missiles to 45:56.620 --> 45:59.540 knock down two or $300,000 drones . 45:59.600 --> 46:01.544 This should be a task for directed 46:01.544 --> 46:03.860 energy . I hope that that's part of 46:03.989 --> 46:06.479 missile defense , missile awareness and 46:06.489 --> 46:09.270 that all branches , not you necessarily , 46:09.280 --> 46:11.447 but all the branches should be working 46:11.447 --> 46:13.336 on two things missile defense and 46:13.336 --> 46:15.058 hypersonic defense . Those are 46:15.058 --> 46:17.224 strategic game chamber changers that I 46:17.224 --> 46:19.969 think we've been slow uh to , uh , to 46:19.979 --> 46:23.219 develop you're gonna , is , 46:23.280 --> 46:25.550 is , is directed energy going to be 46:25.560 --> 46:27.782 part of the future of missile defense , 46:27.782 --> 46:29.949 sir . Just two weeks ago , I was in uh 46:29.949 --> 46:31.782 Huntsville meeting with uh , the 46:31.782 --> 46:33.782 missile defense agency and , and we 46:33.782 --> 46:35.893 talked about uh directed energy and I 46:35.893 --> 46:38.116 know that is something , uh , they're , 46:38.116 --> 46:40.449 they're looking at and I agree with you , 46:40.449 --> 46:39.209 Senator , I think it needs to be part 46:39.219 --> 46:41.052 of our future . I want more than 46:41.052 --> 46:43.120 looking at , I want development and 46:43.129 --> 46:46.070 soon , uh I think we should be having a 46:46.080 --> 46:48.191 capability in the Red Sea right now . 46:48.429 --> 46:51.389 Uh That , that this is an opportunity 46:51.399 --> 46:54.139 to use that capacity . Uh And finally , 46:54.149 --> 46:56.371 I just want to associate myself with my 46:56.371 --> 46:58.590 co-chair , uh , Senator Fisher on NC 46:58.600 --> 47:00.729 three . That is part of the triad . I 47:00.739 --> 47:02.628 congratulate you on the work that 47:02.628 --> 47:04.628 you're doing , but urge you to , to 47:04.628 --> 47:06.929 accelerate and continue because the 47:06.939 --> 47:08.995 whole idea is the cornerstone of the 47:08.995 --> 47:11.106 defense of this country is deterrence 47:11.106 --> 47:14.360 and to the adversary detect a weakness 47:14.370 --> 47:16.592 in our deterrence . And NC three is the 47:16.592 --> 47:18.648 glue that holds it all together . Uh 47:18.648 --> 47:22.239 We're vulnerable . And so , uh II I say 47:22.250 --> 47:24.679 I congratulate you but want to prod you 47:24.689 --> 47:27.879 to keep going earnestly and , and , and 47:27.889 --> 47:30.111 accelerate the progress on that issue . 47:30.111 --> 47:32.222 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Thank you , 47:32.222 --> 47:34.500 Senator King , Senator Cotton , please . 47:34.500 --> 47:36.333 General Cotton General Whiting . 47:36.333 --> 47:38.500 Welcome . Thank you for your testimony 47:38.500 --> 47:37.969 this morning . And I send my thanks to 47:37.979 --> 47:40.090 all the men and women who serve under 47:40.090 --> 47:42.449 your commands . General Cotton , since 47:42.520 --> 47:44.689 Xi Jinping uh took power a little over 47:44.699 --> 47:46.866 a decade ago , China's nuclear arsenal 47:46.866 --> 47:49.620 has increased by more than 100% by 47:49.629 --> 47:52.330 2035 . The department anticipates that 47:52.340 --> 47:54.229 China's nuclear arsenal will have 47:54.229 --> 47:56.719 increased by 500% . How would you 47:56.729 --> 47:58.785 characterize the threat posed to the 47:58.785 --> 48:00.618 United States by China's rapidly 48:00.618 --> 48:02.062 growing nuclear arsenal ? 48:05.370 --> 48:07.592 You know , as my predecessor said , and 48:07.592 --> 48:09.703 I love using this terminology because 48:09.703 --> 48:12.469 it is um um the , the breakout that we 48:12.479 --> 48:14.909 saw and , and the , the advancements 48:14.919 --> 48:17.086 and , and how quickly the advancements 48:17.086 --> 48:19.830 that we're seeing um on China to uh 48:19.840 --> 48:23.449 rapidly create a viable triad um is 48:23.459 --> 48:26.959 breathtaking unprecedented , 48:27.600 --> 48:29.378 the , the pace at which they're 48:29.378 --> 48:32.260 expanding it is ok . Um 48:32.969 --> 48:35.270 And your statement says that they have 48:35.280 --> 48:37.939 a triad today , is that correct ? That 48:37.949 --> 48:40.005 is correct , Senator . It may not be 48:40.005 --> 48:42.171 the most cutting edge versions of it . 48:42.171 --> 48:44.005 The bombers may require standoff 48:44.005 --> 48:45.838 weapons , but they're working on 48:45.838 --> 48:45.709 stealth bombers . Is that correct ? 48:45.919 --> 48:49.810 That is correct . Um , do you 48:49.820 --> 48:52.709 think that a nation that multiplies its 48:52.719 --> 48:55.290 nuclear arsenal as rapidly as China 48:55.300 --> 48:57.189 does ? Especially one governed by 48:57.189 --> 48:59.479 communists is doing so with peaceful 48:59.489 --> 49:03.120 intent . I think the 49:03.129 --> 49:05.600 minimum deterrent strategy , um , that 49:05.610 --> 49:08.879 we used to hear that uh China um , um , 49:08.889 --> 49:11.689 um links themselves with as far as 49:11.699 --> 49:13.588 their strategic , their strategic 49:13.588 --> 49:15.979 policy . Um I find hard to believe that 49:15.989 --> 49:18.045 that's that can still be a policy uh 49:18.045 --> 49:20.100 with the , with the way that they're 49:20.100 --> 49:22.156 building out there for years , China 49:22.156 --> 49:23.822 had pursued so-called minimum 49:23.822 --> 49:26.739 deterrence . Um But uh they also are 49:26.879 --> 49:29.101 well known for a policy called hide and 49:29.101 --> 49:31.323 bide , hide your strength and bide your 49:31.323 --> 49:33.379 time . Do you think it's fair to say 49:33.379 --> 49:35.379 that China is shedding the hide and 49:35.379 --> 49:37.820 Bide strategy now uh center that are 49:37.830 --> 49:39.830 showing us they're showing us their 49:39.830 --> 49:42.052 capability and showing us how fast they 49:42.052 --> 49:45.850 can grow . Um They also have had a long 49:45.889 --> 49:49.340 declared at least formal policy of no 49:49.350 --> 49:51.689 first use . Does it make sense to 49:51.699 --> 49:55.409 expand your nuclear program by 500% and 49:55.419 --> 49:57.141 retain a no first use policy ? 49:59.419 --> 50:02.989 I'll go back to using that as 50:03.000 --> 50:05.959 the opening for a minimum of terror 50:05.969 --> 50:08.320 strategy um that probably is in 50:08.330 --> 50:10.386 alignment . Um But what we're seeing 50:10.386 --> 50:12.274 probably not so much a pretty big 50:12.274 --> 50:14.274 investment of national resources to 50:14.274 --> 50:16.441 expand your nuclear weapons by so much 50:16.441 --> 50:18.552 if you're planning to keep a no first 50:18.552 --> 50:20.608 use policy , wouldn't you say ? Even 50:20.608 --> 50:22.719 though we haven't heard them say that 50:22.719 --> 50:24.830 you're absolutely correct and it will 50:24.830 --> 50:26.830 shock everyone to hear that Chinese 50:26.830 --> 50:28.886 communists have a history of lying , 50:29.500 --> 50:31.667 not just about their nuclear weapons . 50:33.100 --> 50:35.389 The Tibetans would probably have 50:35.399 --> 50:37.979 something to say about that . Um , 50:41.120 --> 50:43.009 let's look at what we're doing to 50:43.009 --> 50:45.064 counteract this threat . Um , well , 50:45.064 --> 50:46.953 first , actually let's say on the 50:46.953 --> 50:49.939 threat . Um , how does China's nuclear 50:49.949 --> 50:51.860 arsenal compare to ours today 50:55.139 --> 50:57.361 today ? We're still superior in there . 50:57.361 --> 50:59.472 But um like I said , I think , uh you 50:59.472 --> 51:01.695 know , the , the reality is we're gonna 51:01.695 --> 51:03.583 have to continue to modernize our 51:03.583 --> 51:05.639 current systems . We are superior to 51:05.639 --> 51:07.861 them today uh Today . Yes . Uh If China 51:07.861 --> 51:09.806 continues on the pace on which the 51:09.806 --> 51:11.917 department projects by 2035 will they 51:11.917 --> 51:13.972 have achieved parity with the United 51:13.972 --> 51:17.919 States in the , in the 51:17.929 --> 51:21.310 realm of their land based systems ? Yes . 51:21.449 --> 51:24.449 Ok . Um And what if you combined the 51:24.459 --> 51:26.909 total forces of China and Russia by 51:26.919 --> 51:29.449 2035 ? Would those two countries 51:29.459 --> 51:31.409 combined have nuclear over match 51:31.419 --> 51:33.252 against the United States on the 51:33.252 --> 51:35.475 current pace ? Well , the weapons count 51:35.475 --> 51:37.363 would uh would be larger than our 51:37.363 --> 51:41.100 weapons count . Ok . What we're doing 51:41.550 --> 51:44.129 uh is the V 21 moving quickly enough to 51:44.139 --> 51:45.989 meet your future deterrence 51:46.000 --> 51:47.000 requirements . 51:50.229 --> 51:52.510 The limited production rate of the B 21 51:52.520 --> 51:54.631 is , is the only thing that I wish we 51:54.631 --> 51:56.687 could do a little quicker . Um The , 51:56.687 --> 51:58.853 the fact that , um , that , that is an 51:58.853 --> 52:01.187 incredible six generation platform . Um , 52:01.187 --> 52:03.242 all indications are that that weapon 52:03.242 --> 52:05.879 system is moving along , um , at a , at 52:05.889 --> 52:08.729 a great pace as far as delivery . Um , 52:08.739 --> 52:11.600 the , the ability for production and 52:11.610 --> 52:13.729 the number of production , um , as a 52:13.739 --> 52:15.850 war fighter . Obviously , I would , I 52:15.850 --> 52:18.017 would love to have , nice to have more 52:18.017 --> 52:20.459 than 100 . Yes , sir . Ok . Um , final 52:20.469 --> 52:22.691 topic . Let , let's look at a , I guess 52:22.691 --> 52:24.525 you'd call it a first generation 52:24.525 --> 52:27.260 aircraft , the B 52 . Um I think it's 52:27.270 --> 52:29.469 79 years old now . 52:30.520 --> 52:33.949 7070 . All right , almost as old as 52:33.959 --> 52:36.739 some senators . Um But you know , we 52:36.750 --> 52:40.570 often hear , we , we 52:40.580 --> 52:42.691 often hear criticism . They're like , 52:42.691 --> 52:44.802 well , we're flying aircraft that are 52:44.802 --> 52:46.691 older than general cotton . We're 52:46.691 --> 52:46.679 flying aircraft that started when these 52:46.689 --> 52:48.856 pilots , grandparents were flying it . 52:48.856 --> 52:50.856 I , I kind of subscribe to it if it 52:50.856 --> 52:53.320 ain't broke , don't fix it . Uh 52:53.330 --> 52:55.739 Philosophy , it's , it can't go into a 52:55.750 --> 52:57.639 denied environment , but once air 52:57.639 --> 52:59.806 defenses have been reduced and with uh 52:59.806 --> 53:02.159 extended range standoff weapons , it's 53:02.169 --> 53:05.239 highly effective . Um Why is it 53:05.250 --> 53:08.090 critical that the Air Force also reen 53:08.100 --> 53:10.510 engine , the B 52 for your deterrence 53:10.520 --> 53:13.239 needs . So , thanks for that question , 53:13.250 --> 53:16.030 ce P is absolutely an imperative as 53:16.040 --> 53:18.580 part of the nuclear modernization . Um 53:18.590 --> 53:21.219 as you mentioned . Um Yes , it , it 53:21.229 --> 53:23.500 gets picked on quite a bit on its age . 53:23.610 --> 53:26.419 But um as , as we look at what the 53:26.429 --> 53:28.939 capacity and , and , and what the 53:28.949 --> 53:31.060 capability is of that weapon system , 53:31.060 --> 53:33.649 that platform . Um It's amazing and , 53:33.659 --> 53:35.995 and that will be able to do for us . 53:36.004 --> 53:38.314 And I said earlier , uh we need to 53:38.324 --> 53:41.274 think about um the ability for it to 53:41.284 --> 53:43.340 carry LRSO . It is the platform that 53:43.344 --> 53:46.514 will carry LRSO . Um It is the platform 53:46.524 --> 53:49.114 that has um a lot of mass as far as 53:49.125 --> 53:51.949 capability . Um And I want it to be 53:51.959 --> 53:53.792 able to have a long range strike 53:53.792 --> 53:55.909 standoff capability even greater than 53:55.919 --> 53:57.969 it has to . It is old . But if it's 53:57.979 --> 54:00.201 well maintained , modernized , it seems 54:00.201 --> 54:02.257 to me that , you know , it's still a 54:02.257 --> 54:04.312 vital part of our triad . Absolutely 54:04.312 --> 54:06.257 correct . A lot of , a lot of your 54:06.257 --> 54:08.479 troopers would probably love to drive a 54:08.479 --> 54:07.989 Chevy Bel Air or Ford Thunderbird from 54:08.000 --> 54:10.167 the 19 fifties as well . So maybe they 54:10.167 --> 54:12.333 should be . Well , I call it a rest of 54:12.333 --> 54:15.570 mod . Uh Thank you , Senator Cotton , 54:15.580 --> 54:17.691 Senator Warren , please . Thank you , 54:17.691 --> 54:19.802 Mr Chairman . So Strategic Command is 54:19.802 --> 54:21.969 responsible for strategic deterrence , 54:21.969 --> 54:24.649 including our nuclear weapons . We were 54:24.659 --> 54:28.270 already planning to spend $2 trillion 54:28.409 --> 54:30.631 to modernize and maintain those weapons 54:30.639 --> 54:33.270 over the next 30 years . Now , we are 54:33.280 --> 54:35.113 learning that the cost for those 54:35.113 --> 54:37.469 programs are going to be even higher 54:37.479 --> 54:40.090 than we anticipated . General Cotton . 54:40.219 --> 54:42.441 I know that you are not responsible for 54:42.441 --> 54:45.050 managing these programs , but we turn 54:45.060 --> 54:47.850 to your command for your best military 54:47.860 --> 54:51.060 advice on what these programs will mean 54:51.070 --> 54:53.510 for our national security . General 54:53.520 --> 54:56.090 cotton . Do you agree that decisions 54:56.100 --> 54:59.449 about how to build our nuclear posture 54:59.560 --> 55:02.070 should be based on the most accurate 55:02.080 --> 55:04.689 information we have at the time . 55:09.110 --> 55:11.580 Senator , can you rephrase ? I , I 55:11.590 --> 55:13.701 don't quite understand . It sounds so 55:13.701 --> 55:15.757 easy . The point is , should we have 55:15.757 --> 55:17.979 the most , should we base our decisions 55:17.979 --> 55:20.146 based on the most accurate information 55:20.146 --> 55:21.923 we've got when we're making the 55:21.923 --> 55:25.179 decision ? Ok . Good . Because Dod did 55:25.290 --> 55:27.389 not do that for the Sentinel program 55:27.580 --> 55:30.000 which will replace all land-based 55:30.010 --> 55:32.121 intercontinental ballistic missiles . 55:32.121 --> 55:34.870 The Air Force has already concluded 55:35.110 --> 55:37.054 that the basic assumptions for the 55:37.054 --> 55:39.719 program's cost estimates quote weren't 55:39.729 --> 55:43.090 particularly valid when I requested 55:43.100 --> 55:46.899 that Dod contract with a respected 55:46.909 --> 55:50.290 group of outside experts in 2021 to 55:50.300 --> 55:52.467 determine the technical feasibility of 55:52.467 --> 55:54.578 extending the Minuteman three missile 55:54.578 --> 55:57.449 program instead of buying expensive new 55:57.459 --> 55:59.850 weapons . I was told that they didn't 55:59.860 --> 56:03.010 have contract authority to do so . That 56:03.020 --> 56:05.189 was not true . They didn't want an 56:05.199 --> 56:08.090 honest assessment of the real risks of 56:08.100 --> 56:11.399 Sentinel . And since then , the cost of 56:11.409 --> 56:14.149 the program has soared . We initially 56:14.159 --> 56:16.381 thought the price for Sentinel would be 56:16.381 --> 56:19.840 about $95 billion . Now , the Air Force 56:19.850 --> 56:22.560 reports that it will be 100 and $32 56:22.570 --> 56:26.439 billion nearly 40% more by law , 56:26.449 --> 56:28.570 that kind of increase triggers a 56:28.580 --> 56:30.929 mandatory review of the program's 56:30.939 --> 56:33.469 viability . Now , I'm glad that this 56:33.479 --> 56:35.899 review is happening , but we need 56:35.909 --> 56:38.030 independent experts , people who will 56:38.040 --> 56:41.199 ask hard questions , we need to ask 56:41.209 --> 56:43.580 about the Sentinel program . Taking a 56:43.590 --> 56:46.620 look as well . General Cotton , would 56:46.629 --> 56:49.520 you oppose an outside review of the 56:49.530 --> 56:51.586 Sentinel program if it helps enhance 56:51.590 --> 56:55.580 our national security ? Senator Warren ? 56:56.379 --> 56:58.157 You know , I , I agree with the 56:58.157 --> 57:00.323 previous assessments that were done um 57:00.323 --> 57:02.490 with the last three administrations in 57:02.490 --> 57:04.101 regards to where we are on a 57:04.101 --> 57:06.212 replacement of the , of the Minuteman 57:06.212 --> 57:08.268 program . Um As I said earlier in my 57:08.268 --> 57:10.770 opening comments , um what , what I 57:10.780 --> 57:14.760 cannot endure as a 57:14.770 --> 57:17.159 combatant commander that has to provide 57:17.419 --> 57:21.010 um coas to the commander in chief is I 57:21.020 --> 57:24.770 cannot endure having a gap or a or a 57:24.780 --> 57:27.820 drop in the reliability of a current 57:27.830 --> 57:30.040 platform that we currently have . 57:30.050 --> 57:32.080 That's part of the triad and I 57:32.090 --> 57:34.257 appreciate that what I'm talking about 57:34.257 --> 57:36.368 here is I want to make sure that what 57:36.368 --> 57:38.479 we're gonna be replacing it with has 57:38.489 --> 57:40.550 been fully vetted and is the right 57:40.560 --> 57:42.639 direction for us to go . You know , 57:42.649 --> 57:45.919 even before this latest cost 57:45.929 --> 57:48.909 breach , there were bright blinking 57:48.919 --> 57:51.560 warnings that this program was not on 57:51.570 --> 57:54.080 track . The air Force's aggressive 57:54.090 --> 57:56.129 schedule meant they were relying on 57:56.139 --> 57:58.969 immature technology which the GAO 57:58.979 --> 58:01.600 warned at the time created additional 58:01.610 --> 58:04.330 risks of cost increases and schedule 58:04.340 --> 58:07.229 delays . Now , best practices for 58:07.239 --> 58:09.072 budgeting these types of complex 58:09.072 --> 58:11.429 programs is to develop what's called an 58:11.439 --> 58:13.310 integrated master schedule , an 58:13.320 --> 58:16.379 analysis that's going to break down the 58:16.389 --> 58:19.110 project into steps , resources and 58:19.120 --> 58:21.770 budget needed to complete it . Sort of 58:21.780 --> 58:25.449 budgeting 101 Sentinel did not have 58:25.459 --> 58:28.189 that general cotton . You've warned 58:28.199 --> 58:30.199 that the complexity of the sentinel 58:30.199 --> 58:32.439 program , I'm quoting you here will 58:32.449 --> 58:34.939 challenge Air Force and industry 58:34.949 --> 58:37.649 partners in ways not seen for a 58:37.659 --> 58:40.399 generation . So let me ask , do you 58:40.409 --> 58:42.409 think it is important to have basic 58:42.409 --> 58:45.379 program management guardrails in place 58:45.389 --> 58:48.239 to help us prevent delays and cost 58:48.250 --> 58:51.590 overruns ? The 58:52.489 --> 58:54.545 Senator . The rest of that statement 58:54.545 --> 58:56.656 was , you're absolutely right because 58:56.656 --> 58:58.878 I've said it numerous times that , that 58:58.878 --> 58:58.870 it's going to be a mega project that , 58:59.010 --> 59:01.232 that we haven't seen since actually the 59:01.232 --> 59:03.121 onset of the minute man three and 59:03.121 --> 59:05.343 placement in the early sixties . Um I , 59:05.343 --> 59:07.870 you know , I'm a taxpayer as well and , 59:07.879 --> 59:09.990 and , and , and I want , you know , I 59:09.990 --> 59:12.212 want to ensure that , that , that we're 59:12.212 --> 59:14.379 that one , I have a weapon system that 59:14.379 --> 59:16.379 can deliver the capabilities that I 59:16.379 --> 59:18.379 need to deliver . Um I also need to 59:18.379 --> 59:20.546 make sure that uh that we don't create 59:20.546 --> 59:22.379 a larger gap in , in , in having 59:22.379 --> 59:25.250 assessments that would , would drive um 59:25.260 --> 59:29.020 us to , to now question uh one leg of 59:29.030 --> 59:31.610 the triad in regards of uh how I can 59:31.709 --> 59:34.330 produce or , or , or have forces go to , 59:34.340 --> 59:36.600 to meet the need and I appreciate that 59:36.610 --> 59:38.840 general , but , but we gotta have a 59:38.850 --> 59:41.159 plan here that is actually gonna work . 59:41.409 --> 59:44.120 We can't just keep burning money and 59:44.129 --> 59:46.185 saying at some point , we hope we're 59:46.185 --> 59:48.407 gonna be able to deliver this thing . I 59:48.407 --> 59:51.070 am very concerned that Pentagon 59:51.080 --> 59:53.429 officials are already saying they're 59:53.439 --> 59:56.879 already saying quote , they will make 59:56.889 --> 59:59.669 the trades it takes to keep the 59:59.679 --> 01:00:02.600 sentinel program funded analysis . Be 01:00:02.610 --> 01:00:05.879 damned . I'll be watching closely to 01:00:05.889 --> 01:00:08.350 see if the dod takes this review that 01:00:08.360 --> 01:00:11.050 is required now by law because of the 01:00:11.060 --> 01:00:13.469 cost overruns . I will be looking to 01:00:13.479 --> 01:00:16.060 see if they take this review seriously 01:00:16.229 --> 01:00:18.399 or if it's just another paperwork 01:00:18.409 --> 01:00:21.570 exercise to justify throwing more money 01:00:21.979 --> 01:00:24.540 at more expensive nuclear programs . 01:00:25.300 --> 01:00:27.850 Thank you , General . Thanks Senator 01:00:27.860 --> 01:00:30.639 Warren Senator Rounds , please . Thank 01:00:30.649 --> 01:00:32.816 you , Mr Chairman . First of all , let 01:00:32.816 --> 01:00:34.982 me just say to both of you , thank you 01:00:34.982 --> 01:00:37.149 for your service to our country and to 01:00:37.149 --> 01:00:40.000 your teams as well . Uh Today we're 01:00:40.010 --> 01:00:42.260 talking about a , about some of the 01:00:42.270 --> 01:00:44.492 most strategic weapons systems that our 01:00:44.492 --> 01:00:47.189 country has while our conventional 01:00:47.199 --> 01:00:49.459 forces are absolutely critical , our 01:00:49.469 --> 01:00:51.729 conventional forces are only effective 01:00:51.739 --> 01:00:54.530 because we have the nuclear deterrence 01:00:54.540 --> 01:00:56.699 in our strategic weapon systems to 01:00:56.709 --> 01:01:00.419 support them . Uh General Whiting 01:01:00.639 --> 01:01:03.840 China and Russia both understand how 01:01:03.850 --> 01:01:06.719 vital our space capabilities are to the 01:01:06.729 --> 01:01:08.951 joint force and they've been developing 01:01:08.951 --> 01:01:10.840 capabilities to counter our space 01:01:10.840 --> 01:01:13.580 assets for years . Are we currently 01:01:13.590 --> 01:01:17.370 postured to win a conflict that 01:01:17.379 --> 01:01:20.770 begins in or extends into space ? 01:01:21.340 --> 01:01:24.080 Can we , I mean , when we take a look 01:01:24.090 --> 01:01:26.370 at this right now , I I and , and I 01:01:26.379 --> 01:01:28.419 really appreciated Senator King's 01:01:28.659 --> 01:01:30.810 comments with regard to the fact that 01:01:30.820 --> 01:01:34.689 we're ready to fight tonight . But can 01:01:34.699 --> 01:01:37.959 we win that battle ? And what about 01:01:37.969 --> 01:01:40.270 five and 10 years from now on the 01:01:40.280 --> 01:01:43.770 current trajectories , Senator . Thank 01:01:43.780 --> 01:01:46.360 you for the question . Uh Today , I am 01:01:46.370 --> 01:01:48.370 uh completely clear in saying we do 01:01:48.370 --> 01:01:50.426 have the world's best military space 01:01:50.426 --> 01:01:52.570 capabilities . Uh I will use the same 01:01:52.580 --> 01:01:54.691 word that general cotton used when we 01:01:54.691 --> 01:01:57.024 look at what China and Russia are doing , 01:01:57.024 --> 01:01:59.024 uh particularly building with their 01:01:59.024 --> 01:01:58.899 counter space weapons , they are moving 01:01:58.909 --> 01:02:02.100 breathtakingly fast . Um And , and so 01:02:02.110 --> 01:02:03.721 we , we must ensure that the 01:02:03.721 --> 01:02:05.888 investments that have been made and we 01:02:05.888 --> 01:02:07.499 thank the Congress for those 01:02:07.499 --> 01:02:09.645 investments continue um to , to those 01:02:09.655 --> 01:02:11.711 programs continue to execute that we 01:02:11.711 --> 01:02:13.877 continue to invest , to make sure that 01:02:13.877 --> 01:02:15.877 we keep pace with that breathtaking 01:02:15.877 --> 01:02:18.024 pace . Part of that I suspect you had 01:02:18.034 --> 01:02:19.867 provided and you will provide an 01:02:19.867 --> 01:02:22.655 unfunded priorities list that will 01:02:22.665 --> 01:02:24.665 likely be sent to Congress over the 01:02:24.665 --> 01:02:28.639 next month or so . Um If 01:02:28.649 --> 01:02:31.280 we were to fully fund that , that upl 01:02:31.290 --> 01:02:33.520 that that unfunded priorities list , 01:02:33.739 --> 01:02:37.149 how would that impact your readiness in 01:02:37.159 --> 01:02:40.580 the near term ? Uh Yes , sir . The 01:02:40.590 --> 01:02:42.949 priorities that I expect will be on our 01:02:42.959 --> 01:02:45.429 unfunded priorities list are about 01:02:45.919 --> 01:02:48.489 improving our posture for the contested 01:02:48.500 --> 01:02:51.260 domain and to , to move at the pace 01:02:51.270 --> 01:02:53.437 that and ahead of the pace that Russia 01:02:53.437 --> 01:02:55.437 and China are moving . So that will 01:02:55.437 --> 01:02:57.048 give us the capacity and the 01:02:57.048 --> 01:02:59.719 capabilities that we believe we need in 01:02:59.729 --> 01:03:03.270 35 and 10 years . Thank you , General 01:03:03.280 --> 01:03:05.502 Cotton . I understand that by law , the 01:03:05.502 --> 01:03:07.613 Department of Defense Services cannot 01:03:07.613 --> 01:03:09.613 invest funds into a program that is 01:03:09.613 --> 01:03:12.469 going to be retired within five years . 01:03:12.689 --> 01:03:14.800 This is known as a sunset provision . 01:03:15.070 --> 01:03:17.070 Do you have any concerns about your 01:03:17.070 --> 01:03:18.903 legacy systems potentially being 01:03:18.903 --> 01:03:21.780 divested too early ? And the service 01:03:21.790 --> 01:03:23.957 secretaries can offer a waiver but are 01:03:23.957 --> 01:03:26.012 not required to and your replacement 01:03:26.012 --> 01:03:28.179 programs will not start to come online 01:03:28.179 --> 01:03:30.669 until the 20 thirties if they are on 01:03:30.679 --> 01:03:33.790 time . Uh If this policy is not changed , 01:03:33.800 --> 01:03:36.629 how will it impact strategic deterrence ? 01:03:38.560 --> 01:03:40.560 Senator rounds ? Thank you for that 01:03:40.560 --> 01:03:42.671 question . And you're referring to uh 01:03:42.671 --> 01:03:46.270 title 10 Us code 2244 alpha . Imagine 01:03:46.280 --> 01:03:48.391 that you were waiting for that one or 01:03:48.391 --> 01:03:50.447 something that talks about equipment 01:03:50.447 --> 01:03:52.724 scheduled for retirement and dispersal . 01:03:52.724 --> 01:03:54.669 Um You're absolutely right because 01:03:54.669 --> 01:03:57.002 we've been talking about it all morning . 01:03:57.002 --> 01:03:59.439 Um You know , you always have plans 01:03:59.449 --> 01:04:01.790 that show overlap between legacy 01:04:01.800 --> 01:04:04.070 systems and new modernized systems . 01:04:04.149 --> 01:04:06.820 And as I stated earlier , when it comes 01:04:06.830 --> 01:04:09.570 to strategic deterrence , um 01:04:10.270 --> 01:04:13.300 credibility um is , is foundational to 01:04:13.310 --> 01:04:15.810 that and , and credibility is ensuring 01:04:15.820 --> 01:04:17.987 that the transition from legacy system 01:04:18.100 --> 01:04:19.933 um that there's no gap between a 01:04:19.933 --> 01:04:22.100 transition between legacy system and a 01:04:22.100 --> 01:04:24.211 modernized system . But we're talking 01:04:24.211 --> 01:04:26.378 about modernizing significant parts of 01:04:26.378 --> 01:04:28.489 the triad right now and there's gonna 01:04:28.489 --> 01:04:28.239 be a time period in which we're gonna 01:04:28.250 --> 01:04:30.417 have to have both systems , the legacy 01:04:30.417 --> 01:04:32.699 system and the new system operating and 01:04:32.709 --> 01:04:34.931 it for more than five years . Correct ? 01:04:34.931 --> 01:04:36.987 And that is correct , sir . So right 01:04:36.987 --> 01:04:39.153 now that that law would stipulate that 01:04:39.153 --> 01:04:41.465 you wouldn't um modernize components of 01:04:41.475 --> 01:04:43.419 the lega legacy system . If you're 01:04:43.419 --> 01:04:46.094 within five years of what you initially 01:04:46.104 --> 01:04:48.695 saw as a transition to the new system 01:04:48.705 --> 01:04:50.594 and that could be , that could be 01:04:50.594 --> 01:04:52.705 troublesome . The Sentinel program is 01:04:52.705 --> 01:04:56.614 critical to our deterrent capability , 01:04:56.625 --> 01:05:00.469 correct . A modernized replacement to 01:05:00.479 --> 01:05:02.646 the Minuteman three system is actually 01:05:02.646 --> 01:05:04.757 foundational to , to , to the triad . 01:05:04.757 --> 01:05:07.149 Can we afford to delay the 01:05:07.159 --> 01:05:09.790 implementation of the Sentinel program ? 01:05:10.060 --> 01:05:12.171 We are late to need on all three legs 01:05:12.171 --> 01:05:14.116 of the triad . What do you mean by 01:05:14.116 --> 01:05:16.919 being late to need ? Um I would much 01:05:16.929 --> 01:05:19.040 rather and I think I , I think all my 01:05:19.040 --> 01:05:21.151 colleagues would agree . I would much 01:05:21.151 --> 01:05:23.373 rather not have to have a transition of 01:05:23.373 --> 01:05:25.596 legacy system to modernize systems that 01:05:25.596 --> 01:05:27.762 already passed their service date . So 01:05:27.762 --> 01:05:29.929 I , I wanna just get back in and I , I 01:05:29.929 --> 01:05:29.600 know my time is running out , but I'm 01:05:29.610 --> 01:05:31.721 gonna ask this , I I don't think that 01:05:31.721 --> 01:05:33.888 you necessarily had the opportunity to 01:05:33.888 --> 01:05:36.110 completely respond to the last comments 01:05:36.110 --> 01:05:38.332 with regard to the Sentinel program and 01:05:38.332 --> 01:05:40.666 the reason why it needs to move forward , 01:05:40.666 --> 01:05:43.610 even if the cost goes up and the review 01:05:43.620 --> 01:05:45.676 is completed . This is not something 01:05:45.676 --> 01:05:47.731 that we can simply sit back and take 01:05:47.731 --> 01:05:49.689 our time on . Could you respond , 01:05:49.699 --> 01:05:51.755 please ? If the chairman would allow 01:05:51.755 --> 01:05:55.669 that ? We , we , we 01:05:55.679 --> 01:05:59.229 cannot uh uh center around um 01:06:01.040 --> 01:06:03.207 the analysis and assessments have been 01:06:03.207 --> 01:06:05.373 done . We need to make the decision on 01:06:05.373 --> 01:06:07.596 regards to uh what we want to do as far 01:06:07.596 --> 01:06:09.318 as the modernization of a very 01:06:09.318 --> 01:06:11.429 important leg of the triad and that's 01:06:11.429 --> 01:06:13.596 the , the land leg and the ICBM leg of 01:06:13.596 --> 01:06:15.818 the , of the system . Thank you . Thank 01:06:15.818 --> 01:06:18.040 you , Mr Chairman . Thank you , Senator 01:06:18.040 --> 01:06:20.040 Rounds . Uh Senator Haro , please . 01:06:21.709 --> 01:06:23.042 Thank you Mr Chairman . 01:06:26.250 --> 01:06:29.939 The this is for , well , both of you , 01:06:29.949 --> 01:06:32.830 both of the witnesses , the 2024 NDA A 01:06:32.840 --> 01:06:36.790 directs the dod to develop a plan for 01:06:36.800 --> 01:06:38.689 the missile defense of Hawaii and 01:06:38.689 --> 01:06:40.830 military construction projects that 01:06:40.840 --> 01:06:42.896 will enable the timely deployment of 01:06:42.896 --> 01:06:45.840 missile defense capabilities across all 01:06:45.850 --> 01:06:49.169 locations in Indo paycom . I believe 01:06:49.179 --> 01:06:51.550 the president signed the NDA A in 01:06:51.560 --> 01:06:54.780 December . So you have uh some 90 days 01:06:54.790 --> 01:06:58.370 or so to complete and provide this plan . 01:06:58.550 --> 01:07:01.139 How is uh how is that plan coming along 01:07:01.149 --> 01:07:04.340 for either one of you , Senator , I'll , 01:07:04.350 --> 01:07:06.461 I'll take that question since uh last 01:07:06.469 --> 01:07:08.747 year . We took on Unified Command Plan , 01:07:08.747 --> 01:07:10.636 responsibility for trans regional 01:07:10.636 --> 01:07:12.802 missile defense , uh operation support 01:07:12.802 --> 01:07:15.040 and planning . Um Ma'am at this time , 01:07:15.050 --> 01:07:17.161 I'm not familiar with where that plan 01:07:17.161 --> 01:07:19.328 is . And if I could take that question 01:07:19.328 --> 01:07:21.383 for the record , I could get back to 01:07:21.383 --> 01:07:23.494 you with specifics on , on where that 01:07:23.494 --> 01:07:25.717 is . I've been very concerned over time 01:07:25.717 --> 01:07:27.661 about the missile defense of uh of 01:07:27.661 --> 01:07:29.883 Hawaii . Uh And so I'd also like you to 01:07:29.883 --> 01:07:31.772 contemplate whether we need to uh 01:07:31.772 --> 01:07:33.883 mitigate any potential risks from our 01:07:33.883 --> 01:07:36.639 near peer competitors as you both have 01:07:36.649 --> 01:07:39.250 discussed before , we have this plan , 01:07:39.260 --> 01:07:41.780 missile defense plan in place because 01:07:41.790 --> 01:07:44.320 as you as you know , we had a major 01:07:44.330 --> 01:07:47.320 mishap in Hawaii which led to my 01:07:47.330 --> 01:07:49.497 ongoing concerns about missile defense 01:07:49.497 --> 01:07:53.280 of Hawaii for General Whiting . They um 01:07:53.290 --> 01:07:56.830 2024 nd A required a study on the 01:07:56.840 --> 01:08:00.350 consolidation or transfer of the space 01:08:00.360 --> 01:08:03.229 functions of the National National 01:08:03.239 --> 01:08:05.729 Guard , which must include a cost 01:08:05.739 --> 01:08:07.572 benefit analysis for each of the 01:08:07.572 --> 01:08:11.330 potential features of these units . The 01:08:11.340 --> 01:08:14.110 options are the creation of a space 01:08:14.120 --> 01:08:17.209 National Guard keeping the status quo 01:08:17.220 --> 01:08:19.439 or transferring the space functions 01:08:19.520 --> 01:08:22.279 into the space force general . Whiting , 01:08:22.290 --> 01:08:24.068 what is the current role of the 01:08:24.068 --> 01:08:27.160 National Guard in Space ? And how would 01:08:27.169 --> 01:08:29.899 you transfer the space functions into 01:08:29.910 --> 01:08:31.966 the space force ? And what would you 01:08:31.966 --> 01:08:33.910 need if that is the finding of the 01:08:33.910 --> 01:08:35.966 study ? And the , the reason for the 01:08:35.966 --> 01:08:38.132 study was that there was some decision 01:08:38.132 --> 01:08:40.569 made as to what would happen to uh the 01:08:40.580 --> 01:08:43.000 National Guard Space , you could call 01:08:43.009 --> 01:08:45.009 it space units . Uh There were some 01:08:45.009 --> 01:08:47.176 decisions made without this kind of uh 01:08:47.176 --> 01:08:50.339 plan or study or cost benefit analysis 01:08:50.589 --> 01:08:53.370 that would lead to the three options 01:08:53.379 --> 01:08:56.620 that I mentioned . So , um what , what , 01:08:56.850 --> 01:09:00.029 what , what is being contemplated for 01:09:00.040 --> 01:09:02.529 the National Guard Space Force Senator ? 01:09:02.540 --> 01:09:04.540 Thank you for the question from a a 01:09:04.540 --> 01:09:07.589 space command perspective . Uh We very 01:09:07.600 --> 01:09:09.656 much appreciate the great support we 01:09:09.656 --> 01:09:11.767 get from a number of states that have 01:09:11.767 --> 01:09:14.310 uh their guards uh units have space and 01:09:14.319 --> 01:09:17.310 it's vital to us that however , those 01:09:17.319 --> 01:09:20.169 options are resolved that we don't have 01:09:20.180 --> 01:09:22.291 an interruption to those missions . I 01:09:22.291 --> 01:09:24.180 would have to defer to the United 01:09:24.180 --> 01:09:26.402 States Space Force for the specifics of 01:09:26.402 --> 01:09:28.513 what options are being analyzed and , 01:09:28.513 --> 01:09:30.680 and where they're headed . Uh But it's 01:09:30.680 --> 01:09:32.513 vital to us that we not have any 01:09:32.513 --> 01:09:34.736 interruption to those missions . As you 01:09:34.736 --> 01:09:36.958 are probably aware , we do have a space 01:09:36.958 --> 01:09:38.847 function in the National Guard in 01:09:38.847 --> 01:09:40.736 Hawaii and these are very skilled 01:09:40.736 --> 01:09:43.048 people . And so I think we need to make 01:09:43.059 --> 01:09:45.170 sure that whatever decisions are made 01:09:45.170 --> 01:09:48.519 based on uh an assessment 01:09:48.778 --> 01:09:51.358 that uh that takes all of these issues 01:09:51.369 --> 01:09:54.339 in consideration for general lighting . 01:09:54.350 --> 01:09:56.572 Previously , space was only used by the 01:09:56.572 --> 01:09:58.628 government but has become the domain 01:09:58.628 --> 01:10:01.180 for new waves of commercial satellites , 01:10:01.290 --> 01:10:03.959 for broadband communications and remote 01:10:03.970 --> 01:10:07.450 sensing . Uh generating our dod and us 01:10:07.459 --> 01:10:09.339 space command specifically and 01:10:09.350 --> 01:10:11.540 appropriately leveraging commercial 01:10:11.549 --> 01:10:15.410 space capabilities . Senator , 01:10:15.419 --> 01:10:17.641 thanks for the question . Uh I think us 01:10:17.641 --> 01:10:19.863 commercial space industry is one of our 01:10:19.863 --> 01:10:21.863 absolute national advantages and we 01:10:21.863 --> 01:10:23.863 have leveraged that in the past , I 01:10:23.863 --> 01:10:25.919 think we can find uh even better and 01:10:25.919 --> 01:10:27.919 more innovative ways to leverage it 01:10:27.919 --> 01:10:30.229 going forward . Uh us commercial space 01:10:30.240 --> 01:10:32.296 industry is moving incredibly fast . 01:10:32.296 --> 01:10:34.018 They're widening their lead in 01:10:34.018 --> 01:10:36.080 commercial space services over other 01:10:36.089 --> 01:10:38.200 countries . And so we wanna make sure 01:10:38.200 --> 01:10:40.145 that we are partnered with them as 01:10:40.145 --> 01:10:42.200 tightly as possible and what 01:10:42.209 --> 01:10:44.319 protections exist for the commercial 01:10:44.330 --> 01:10:46.052 satellites against physical or 01:10:46.052 --> 01:10:49.430 cyberattacks . Yes , ma'am . As part of 01:10:49.439 --> 01:10:50.990 my uh unified command plan 01:10:51.000 --> 01:10:52.611 responsibilities . I do have 01:10:52.611 --> 01:10:54.667 responsibility to protect and defend 01:10:54.667 --> 01:10:56.879 commercial assets as directed . So as 01:10:56.890 --> 01:10:58.830 we work with these uh commercial 01:10:58.839 --> 01:11:00.672 companies , we have already have 01:11:00.672 --> 01:11:02.839 information sharing agreements with uh 01:11:02.839 --> 01:11:05.069 the companies that we uh are already 01:11:05.080 --> 01:11:07.850 contracted with for capability . And we 01:11:07.859 --> 01:11:10.026 uh they actually sit with us at one of 01:11:10.026 --> 01:11:12.137 our operation centers in California , 01:11:12.137 --> 01:11:14.137 California at the highest levels of 01:11:14.137 --> 01:11:13.810 intelligence to know what those threats 01:11:13.819 --> 01:11:15.930 are . And we share that information . 01:11:15.930 --> 01:11:18.041 Uh and then we want to work with them 01:11:18.041 --> 01:11:20.097 as well to help them harden their um 01:11:20.097 --> 01:11:22.490 cyber infrastructure so that they're 01:11:22.500 --> 01:11:24.444 not denied through the cyber um uh 01:11:24.444 --> 01:11:26.500 domain because that would impact our 01:11:26.500 --> 01:11:28.667 ability to leverage their services . I 01:11:28.667 --> 01:11:30.722 think that aspect of protections and 01:11:30.722 --> 01:11:32.833 the cyber domain , I have talked with 01:11:32.833 --> 01:11:35.160 uh with private entities where they , 01:11:35.169 --> 01:11:37.620 they need to be sure that they are up 01:11:37.629 --> 01:11:39.740 on what kind of protections they need 01:11:39.740 --> 01:11:42.140 to put in place uh as they work with 01:11:42.149 --> 01:11:44.371 you to make sure that we are all on the 01:11:44.371 --> 01:11:47.029 same page in terms of uh cybersecurity 01:11:47.040 --> 01:11:50.740 issues . Thank you . Thank you very 01:11:50.750 --> 01:11:52.694 much , uh Senator Ronald , Senator 01:11:52.694 --> 01:11:54.528 Corman , please . Thank you , Mr 01:11:54.528 --> 01:11:56.528 Chairman and thank you generals for 01:11:56.528 --> 01:11:58.750 your service . Thank you for being here 01:11:58.750 --> 01:11:58.350 and thank you to , to all the troops 01:11:58.359 --> 01:12:00.470 under your command . Um I'm gonna get 01:12:00.470 --> 01:12:02.470 right to it because I need a little 01:12:02.470 --> 01:12:04.526 more context on a couple of previous 01:12:04.526 --> 01:12:06.415 points . I'm gonna start with you 01:12:06.415 --> 01:12:08.470 General Cotton in , in response to a 01:12:08.470 --> 01:12:10.415 sort of a general question from uh 01:12:10.415 --> 01:12:12.637 Senator Fisher you , you said something 01:12:12.637 --> 01:12:15.580 effect um adequate standoff capa 01:12:15.620 --> 01:12:17.879 capability . Could you drill down on 01:12:17.890 --> 01:12:19.946 that a little bit ? In other words , 01:12:19.946 --> 01:12:22.029 are we short in that capacity , um 01:12:22.040 --> 01:12:24.370 particularly on the conventional 01:12:24.379 --> 01:12:27.520 weapons ? And if so , do , do you have 01:12:27.529 --> 01:12:29.585 a , do you have a solution in mind ? 01:12:30.990 --> 01:12:32.934 Senator Kremer ? Thank you for the 01:12:32.934 --> 01:12:34.990 question . Um So I can , yeah , so I 01:12:34.990 --> 01:12:37.157 can get a little more detail than what 01:12:37.157 --> 01:12:40.009 I meant by that . Um I , I think as we 01:12:40.020 --> 01:12:42.189 look at who our adversaries are , I 01:12:42.200 --> 01:12:44.700 think we would all agree that having 01:12:44.709 --> 01:12:46.765 standoff fires and long range strike 01:12:46.765 --> 01:12:49.549 capability um will be beneficial uh uh 01:12:49.560 --> 01:12:53.229 for us against the adversary . Um And 01:12:53.240 --> 01:12:54.907 then what I mean by that more 01:12:54.907 --> 01:12:56.740 specifically , and this is not a 01:12:56.740 --> 01:12:58.629 parochial statement . It's just a 01:12:58.629 --> 01:13:01.910 matter of fact , um is that I think , 01:13:01.919 --> 01:13:04.899 um the utilization of , of bombers and 01:13:04.910 --> 01:13:07.299 being able to have a bomber carry a 01:13:07.310 --> 01:13:11.069 long range strike weapon because range 01:13:11.080 --> 01:13:14.029 is , is dependent on size because it's 01:13:14.040 --> 01:13:16.970 fuel capacity of the weapon , um , 01:13:16.979 --> 01:13:20.279 would be a very beneficial for us as a 01:13:20.290 --> 01:13:22.457 nation to be able to have that type of 01:13:22.457 --> 01:13:25.089 uh capability uh for our bomber force . 01:13:25.100 --> 01:13:27.211 Uh not just weapons that , that could 01:13:27.211 --> 01:13:29.930 be used for mirrored of , of weapon 01:13:29.939 --> 01:13:31.717 systems , but one that could be 01:13:31.717 --> 01:13:33.970 specifically used um in a conventional 01:13:33.979 --> 01:13:36.564 sense or the bomber that gives it um 01:13:36.575 --> 01:13:39.064 incredible out um incredible standoff 01:13:39.075 --> 01:13:41.131 and incredible range . And what that 01:13:41.131 --> 01:13:43.242 does for us is that actually makes it 01:13:43.242 --> 01:13:45.353 so it doesn't have to hit a tanker as 01:13:45.353 --> 01:13:47.845 often as well . Um So , and , and , and , 01:13:47.854 --> 01:13:50.305 and actually keep the , the , the , the 01:13:50.314 --> 01:13:52.481 air crew and , and the platform out of 01:13:52.481 --> 01:13:55.560 harm's way . Well said , thank you for 01:13:55.569 --> 01:13:57.291 that . And then in response to 01:13:57.291 --> 01:14:00.129 something that Senator King using his 01:14:00.140 --> 01:14:03.100 usual um great illustrations of a pig 01:14:03.109 --> 01:14:05.165 in a Python I believe is what it was 01:14:05.165 --> 01:14:07.470 referencing , referencing . Um The lack 01:14:07.479 --> 01:14:09.819 of capital budgeting in , in our system , 01:14:10.200 --> 01:14:11.922 the transparency of budgets is 01:14:11.922 --> 01:14:14.033 something that's always frustrated me 01:14:14.033 --> 01:14:13.959 on this committee , particularly as it 01:14:13.970 --> 01:14:16.026 relates to my favorite service , the 01:14:16.026 --> 01:14:18.810 Air Force . Thank you . Um You 01:14:18.819 --> 01:14:21.169 referenced the role of , of the , of 01:14:21.180 --> 01:14:24.500 your command um as 01:14:24.509 --> 01:14:26.839 national , as a national role . Uh uh 01:14:26.850 --> 01:14:28.683 understandably , you know , your 01:14:28.683 --> 01:14:31.509 command . Can you flesh that out a 01:14:31.520 --> 01:14:33.742 little bit for me as well ? Because I , 01:14:33.742 --> 01:14:35.853 I have long been concerned that we're 01:14:35.853 --> 01:14:37.909 not adequately , I don't want to say 01:14:37.909 --> 01:14:40.076 appropriating but appropriating credit 01:14:40.076 --> 01:14:42.298 where credit is due and then cost where 01:14:42.298 --> 01:14:45.970 cost is due . Thank you , Senator 01:14:45.979 --> 01:14:48.290 Kremer . I think Yyy , you know , 01:14:48.299 --> 01:14:50.466 there's , there's a lot of times where 01:14:50.466 --> 01:14:52.632 there can be a confusion even within a 01:14:52.632 --> 01:14:54.743 component , service component um that 01:14:54.743 --> 01:14:56.855 they're advocating for , for a weapon 01:14:56.855 --> 01:14:59.120 system or a platform um that that is 01:14:59.129 --> 01:15:01.799 utilized um in their operational domain . 01:15:01.810 --> 01:15:04.600 It absolutely is . Um but when it comes 01:15:04.609 --> 01:15:08.040 to strategic deterrent weapons um and 01:15:08.049 --> 01:15:11.560 strategic deterrence platforms , um I 01:15:11.620 --> 01:15:14.560 think that those are national systems 01:15:14.740 --> 01:15:16.962 um , and what I mean by that is that we 01:15:16.962 --> 01:15:19.319 are , uh , you know , we are doing the 01:15:19.330 --> 01:15:21.219 car and feed on the behalf of the 01:15:21.219 --> 01:15:23.386 systems that ultimately belong . And I 01:15:23.386 --> 01:15:25.608 got it all weapon systems belong to the 01:15:25.608 --> 01:15:27.830 president of the United States . But in 01:15:27.830 --> 01:15:27.115 particular , when we talk about 01:15:27.125 --> 01:15:29.674 strategic deterrent weapons , um , that 01:15:29.685 --> 01:15:31.907 it's , it's much more than the Colombia 01:15:31.907 --> 01:15:34.734 being part of the United States Navy or , 01:15:34.745 --> 01:15:37.765 or the bomber ICBM be becoming a part 01:15:37.825 --> 01:15:39.936 of , of the United States Air Force . 01:15:39.936 --> 01:15:41.769 And um and , and I think there's 01:15:41.769 --> 01:15:43.881 probably room for conversation on how 01:15:43.881 --> 01:15:45.936 do we make that ? So we can not have 01:15:45.936 --> 01:15:47.936 these conversations on , on funding 01:15:47.936 --> 01:15:50.047 that was therapeutic for me . Because 01:15:50.047 --> 01:15:52.549 if , if , if members , you know silos 01:15:52.560 --> 01:15:54.782 within the same services are confused , 01:15:54.782 --> 01:15:56.949 I feel better about my confusion now . 01:15:56.949 --> 01:15:59.282 Um But thank you for that clarification . 01:15:59.282 --> 01:16:01.449 You know , I can't look at both of you 01:16:01.449 --> 01:16:03.671 without noticing um general cotton that 01:16:03.671 --> 01:16:05.838 there's a lack of space folk in your , 01:16:05.838 --> 01:16:08.200 in your um sort of leadership chart . 01:16:08.209 --> 01:16:10.431 Can you speak to that a little bit ? Um 01:16:10.431 --> 01:16:12.653 As I , I look at the two of you side by 01:16:12.653 --> 01:16:14.820 side and realizing the history of , of 01:16:14.820 --> 01:16:16.931 both commands . Well , I'll start off 01:16:16.931 --> 01:16:19.250 real quickly . So as the UCP changed , 01:16:19.359 --> 01:16:21.526 um we lost , we lost our space billets 01:16:21.529 --> 01:16:23.585 if you will or , and the majority of 01:16:23.585 --> 01:16:25.939 our airmen who are are space specific . 01:16:26.040 --> 01:16:28.580 Um I will tell you that . Uh but my 01:16:28.589 --> 01:16:31.189 colleague here . Um uh General Whiting 01:16:31.200 --> 01:16:33.939 does have a joint uh joint force uh 01:16:33.950 --> 01:16:36.819 team that assists us . What I'm missing 01:16:36.830 --> 01:16:39.910 though is a space component um 01:16:39.919 --> 01:16:41.863 officer you know , like a one star 01:16:41.863 --> 01:16:43.641 general that can , that is um a 01:16:43.641 --> 01:16:46.120 component linkage to the space 01:16:46.129 --> 01:16:48.351 component . My component sees is I have 01:16:48.351 --> 01:16:50.629 a direct linkage with the air component 01:16:50.729 --> 01:16:52.896 um and Air Force Global Strike Command 01:16:52.896 --> 01:16:55.240 and I have a direct linkage with uh 01:16:55.250 --> 01:16:57.250 with the Navy component with uh the 01:16:57.250 --> 01:16:59.417 Joint Force of Maritime Command . I do 01:16:59.417 --> 01:17:01.528 not have a direct linkage . Um We are 01:17:01.528 --> 01:17:03.694 in works though the , the , you know , 01:17:03.694 --> 01:17:05.917 to I am in works with Journal Saltman , 01:17:05.917 --> 01:17:08.430 for example , um to , to fill that 01:17:08.439 --> 01:17:10.661 billet because you are also part of the 01:17:10.661 --> 01:17:13.850 NC three meeting that we had here 01:17:13.859 --> 01:17:16.009 recently . And what , what we really 01:17:16.020 --> 01:17:18.660 want to do is you saw a lot of that was 01:17:18.669 --> 01:17:20.970 a space layer and how can you have , 01:17:20.979 --> 01:17:23.201 you know , I want to be able to have an 01:17:23.201 --> 01:17:25.350 expert . Um and one that is at a 01:17:25.359 --> 01:17:27.660 general officer level to be able to 01:17:27.669 --> 01:17:29.336 articulate the requirements , 01:17:29.336 --> 01:17:31.502 especially when it comes to NC three , 01:17:31.502 --> 01:17:33.502 if you will um on the space layer , 01:17:33.502 --> 01:17:35.725 well , and general whiting and I talked 01:17:35.725 --> 01:17:37.891 about the vulnerability of SAT COM for 01:17:37.891 --> 01:17:39.780 example , to , to space warfare . 01:17:39.780 --> 01:17:41.891 Generally I I'm over time but if , if 01:17:41.891 --> 01:17:43.891 you could elaborate a little bit to 01:17:43.891 --> 01:17:46.113 General Cotton's point , if you would . 01:17:46.113 --> 01:17:48.280 Senator . Yes , it's important that uh 01:17:48.280 --> 01:17:50.391 that we ensure that strategic command 01:17:50.391 --> 01:17:52.558 has all the insights they need as they 01:17:52.558 --> 01:17:54.447 rely on the space layer for early 01:17:54.447 --> 01:17:55.891 warning and for protected 01:17:55.891 --> 01:17:57.891 communications and , and as general 01:17:57.891 --> 01:17:59.725 cotton noted uh today , us Space 01:17:59.725 --> 01:18:01.725 Command provides a joint integrated 01:18:01.725 --> 01:18:03.836 space team in his headquarters . They 01:18:03.836 --> 01:18:06.002 sit in Omaha to assist with that plane 01:18:06.002 --> 01:18:08.058 um and make sure that that he has uh 01:18:08.058 --> 01:18:10.058 insight into what we're doing uh so 01:18:10.058 --> 01:18:12.169 that we can best coordinate our plans 01:18:12.169 --> 01:18:14.280 together . Thank you . Thank you , Mr 01:18:14.280 --> 01:18:13.709 Chairman . Thank you , Senator Kremer . 01:18:13.939 --> 01:18:15.939 While I recognize Senator Kelly , I 01:18:15.939 --> 01:18:17.939 want to apologize because I did not 01:18:17.939 --> 01:18:20.050 realize you were in the room prior to 01:18:20.050 --> 01:18:22.106 recognizing Senator Ron . So Senator 01:18:22.106 --> 01:18:24.161 kill , it's ok , Mr Chairman , I was 01:18:24.161 --> 01:18:26.383 actually about 10 ft away , so I wasn't 01:18:26.383 --> 01:18:30.229 actually at my seat . Uh I um I 01:18:30.240 --> 01:18:32.779 want to follow up on uh what Senator 01:18:32.790 --> 01:18:35.700 Kramer was um asking about uh standoff 01:18:35.709 --> 01:18:38.859 capability . General Cotton . Um 01:18:39.430 --> 01:18:41.930 So two years since Russia's invaded 01:18:41.939 --> 01:18:45.060 Ukraine , um we've been forced to 01:18:45.069 --> 01:18:48.720 rethink our nuclear posture and how our 01:18:48.729 --> 01:18:51.410 own deterrence , you know , works with 01:18:51.419 --> 01:18:53.308 growing nuclear capability of our 01:18:53.308 --> 01:18:55.520 adversaries . Um And Russia has 01:18:55.529 --> 01:18:58.580 recently rejected a proposal to reopen 01:18:58.640 --> 01:19:01.890 by uh lateral nuclear arms control 01:19:01.899 --> 01:19:04.430 talks , their behavior , their rhetoric 01:19:04.439 --> 01:19:06.550 along with Chinese aggression , North 01:19:06.550 --> 01:19:08.606 Korea's regular testing of ballistic 01:19:08.660 --> 01:19:11.279 missiles and those kind of capabilities . 01:19:11.399 --> 01:19:15.319 Iran um increasing its supply of 01:19:15.330 --> 01:19:17.163 enriched uranium . I mean , this 01:19:17.163 --> 01:19:19.330 underscores the importance of having a 01:19:19.330 --> 01:19:21.709 strong deterrence ourself , the LRSO 01:19:21.720 --> 01:19:24.000 the long range standoff missile system 01:19:24.009 --> 01:19:26.176 it's uh developed in Tucson Arizona at 01:19:26.176 --> 01:19:28.569 Raytheon . This is gonna be a critical 01:19:28.959 --> 01:19:31.359 feature of our future deterrence . The 01:19:31.370 --> 01:19:33.537 ability to forward deploy this missile 01:19:33.537 --> 01:19:35.759 and us bombers is a powerful message to 01:19:35.759 --> 01:19:38.339 our allies . So general , beyond what 01:19:38.350 --> 01:19:40.406 Senator Kramer was asking just about 01:19:40.406 --> 01:19:42.890 standoff . Um more broadly , can you 01:19:42.899 --> 01:19:45.010 expand on your , on the importance of 01:19:45.010 --> 01:19:48.569 the LRSO to our overall deterrence and 01:19:48.580 --> 01:19:50.479 give any updates you have on its 01:19:50.490 --> 01:19:53.950 fielding ? Senator Kelly ? Thank you 01:19:53.959 --> 01:19:56.080 for the question . You know , when we 01:19:56.089 --> 01:19:58.200 talk about the air leg of the triad , 01:19:58.200 --> 01:20:00.256 the air leg of the triad composes of 01:20:00.256 --> 01:20:02.311 two mission essential tasks that the 01:20:02.311 --> 01:20:04.145 bomber is , is supposed to do in 01:20:04.145 --> 01:20:06.311 regards of what , what my mission said 01:20:06.311 --> 01:20:07.978 is , um that's a gravity bomb 01:20:07.978 --> 01:20:09.811 deployment and , and , and , and 01:20:09.811 --> 01:20:11.978 release and the ability to have a long 01:20:11.978 --> 01:20:14.060 range standoff strike weapon . Um um 01:20:14.799 --> 01:20:18.700 LRSO is absolutely critical uh 01:20:18.709 --> 01:20:22.500 for my mission set um as a long range 01:20:22.509 --> 01:20:25.990 standoff uh nuclear weapon . Um It will 01:20:26.000 --> 01:20:28.109 replace the uh the outcome that is 01:20:28.120 --> 01:20:31.419 currently uh that we currently carry um 01:20:32.459 --> 01:20:34.459 from the reports that I'm receiving 01:20:34.459 --> 01:20:37.839 from , from the component is the uh 01:20:37.850 --> 01:20:41.089 that Rayon is doing a great job in , in , 01:20:41.100 --> 01:20:43.100 in manufacturing that , that , that 01:20:43.100 --> 01:20:45.819 weapon for us . Um Once again , just 01:20:45.830 --> 01:20:48.108 like everything else . II I , you know , 01:20:48.108 --> 01:20:50.052 if I get it sooner than later , uh 01:20:50.052 --> 01:20:52.274 Senator that , that's , that's , that's 01:20:52.274 --> 01:20:54.330 good for us . Um And , and , and for 01:20:54.330 --> 01:20:56.386 maintaining the , is the IOC of this 01:20:56.386 --> 01:20:58.108 weapon ? Is it public or is it 01:20:58.108 --> 01:21:00.108 something we'd have to talk about ? 01:21:00.108 --> 01:21:02.219 Downstairs ? II , I would rather have 01:21:02.219 --> 01:21:04.330 that conversation with you downstairs 01:21:04.330 --> 01:21:04.279 and then we can talk , we can talk 01:21:04.290 --> 01:21:06.457 about that if it's ok with you , sir . 01:21:06.457 --> 01:21:09.430 Beyond LRSO , what else do you think we 01:21:09.439 --> 01:21:11.879 could be doing to deter our adversaries 01:21:11.890 --> 01:21:15.649 that we are currently not doing ? Well ? 01:21:15.660 --> 01:21:17.493 I think , um , it was an earlier 01:21:17.493 --> 01:21:19.660 conversation on what do we look as far 01:21:19.660 --> 01:21:21.716 as posture and sizing of the current 01:21:21.716 --> 01:21:23.771 triad and what does that look like ? 01:21:23.771 --> 01:21:25.771 It's in alignment with uh the study 01:21:25.771 --> 01:21:28.459 results uh of the uh Posture Commission . 01:21:28.729 --> 01:21:30.919 Um It's also in alignment to the work 01:21:30.930 --> 01:21:32.874 that to be Frank , the Pentagon is 01:21:32.874 --> 01:21:34.986 doing in , in response to the Posture 01:21:34.986 --> 01:21:36.930 Commission . Um and it's work that 01:21:36.930 --> 01:21:39.041 we're doing in in stratcom . Um I can 01:21:39.041 --> 01:21:42.240 elaborate uh in incredible detail um in 01:21:42.250 --> 01:21:45.200 the in the secure session uh to let you 01:21:45.209 --> 01:21:47.376 know the work that we're doing in that 01:21:47.376 --> 01:21:49.209 regard . Thank you . Thank you , 01:21:49.209 --> 01:21:51.265 General uh general Whiting different 01:21:51.265 --> 01:21:53.431 subject here . Um The space priorities 01:21:53.431 --> 01:21:56.450 framework aims to secure our space 01:21:56.459 --> 01:21:59.580 industrial base uh including improving 01:21:59.589 --> 01:22:02.160 supply chains for crucial satellite 01:22:02.169 --> 01:22:04.169 components like traveling wave wave 01:22:04.169 --> 01:22:06.439 tubes and traveling wave wave tube 01:22:06.450 --> 01:22:09.660 amplifiers . Uh in the United States . 01:22:09.669 --> 01:22:11.836 Here , we face some challenges in this 01:22:11.836 --> 01:22:14.450 area with limited domestic capabilities 01:22:14.459 --> 01:22:16.759 and also competition from China that's 01:22:16.770 --> 01:22:19.899 often heavily subsidized . Um And this 01:22:19.910 --> 01:22:21.966 situation leads to supply chain risk 01:22:21.966 --> 01:22:23.966 for essential national security and 01:22:23.966 --> 01:22:26.077 commercial satellites . I've got a uh 01:22:26.077 --> 01:22:27.910 amendment to the defense bill to 01:22:27.910 --> 01:22:29.521 support the development of a 01:22:29.521 --> 01:22:31.299 competitive US source for these 01:22:31.299 --> 01:22:33.521 components . And I'm gonna keep working 01:22:33.521 --> 01:22:35.577 on that this year . General . Do you 01:22:35.577 --> 01:22:37.299 believe it's important for the 01:22:37.299 --> 01:22:39.466 Department of Defense to have reliable 01:22:39.466 --> 01:22:41.990 US source for these critical satellite 01:22:42.000 --> 01:22:44.500 components to ensure quality , timely 01:22:44.509 --> 01:22:47.129 delivery and fair pricing ? And what 01:22:47.140 --> 01:22:50.109 other risk do you see uh from having 01:22:50.120 --> 01:22:52.689 inadequate domestic supply chains for 01:22:52.700 --> 01:22:55.700 key satellite components ? Uh Senator , 01:22:55.709 --> 01:22:57.876 thank you for the question . Yes , I , 01:22:57.876 --> 01:23:00.042 I do think it's important that we have 01:23:00.042 --> 01:23:02.098 uh robust supply chains from um from 01:23:02.098 --> 01:23:04.265 trusted sources in the United States . 01:23:04.265 --> 01:23:06.265 If we don't have that , I think the 01:23:06.265 --> 01:23:08.320 risk is that this widening lead that 01:23:08.320 --> 01:23:08.040 our commercial space industry has 01:23:08.049 --> 01:23:10.899 created for us , um that might be 01:23:10.910 --> 01:23:13.077 stymied and , and then that would give 01:23:13.077 --> 01:23:15.077 uh our competitors a chance to , to 01:23:15.077 --> 01:23:17.132 catch up . So we want to ensure that 01:23:17.132 --> 01:23:19.299 doesn't happen . Yeah , traveling wave 01:23:19.299 --> 01:23:21.521 tubes and wave tube amplifiers are kind 01:23:21.521 --> 01:23:23.743 of obscure components . Most folks have 01:23:23.743 --> 01:23:25.854 not actually heard of them , but they 01:23:25.854 --> 01:23:28.660 are important to us maintaining our 01:23:28.669 --> 01:23:31.700 edge in , in space technology . So , 01:23:31.709 --> 01:23:35.220 thank you . Thank you , Senator Kelly . 01:23:35.229 --> 01:23:37.479 Uh Senator Scott , please . Thank you , 01:23:37.490 --> 01:23:40.770 Chairman first . Thank both of you for 01:23:40.779 --> 01:23:42.946 being here . Um Thank you for what you 01:23:42.946 --> 01:23:44.946 do . General Whiting . Can you talk 01:23:44.946 --> 01:23:48.649 about the um how much dependence 01:23:48.660 --> 01:23:51.990 um our defense capabilities or 01:23:52.000 --> 01:23:54.520 offensive capabilities are on our 01:23:54.529 --> 01:23:57.549 satellite systems ? Yes , Senator . 01:23:57.560 --> 01:23:59.782 Thank you . For the question , um , the 01:23:59.782 --> 01:24:01.504 Army Navy Air Force Marines or 01:24:01.504 --> 01:24:03.671 Terrestrial Forces , if you will , are 01:24:03.671 --> 01:24:05.893 sized with the implicit assumption they 01:24:05.893 --> 01:24:08.171 will have access to space capabilities . 01:24:08.171 --> 01:24:10.282 And because of that , we've been able 01:24:10.282 --> 01:24:12.504 to , uh you know , reduce the number of 01:24:12.504 --> 01:24:14.449 forces that we have and we can now 01:24:14.449 --> 01:24:16.338 prosecute targets with much fewer 01:24:16.338 --> 01:24:18.560 assets than we would have decades ago . 01:24:18.560 --> 01:24:20.727 If we don't have access to those space 01:24:20.727 --> 01:24:22.838 capabilities , if those forces do not 01:24:22.838 --> 01:24:25.171 have access to those space capabilities , 01:24:25.171 --> 01:24:27.227 we don't have the force structure uh 01:24:27.227 --> 01:24:27.209 that we , we would need to fight 01:24:27.220 --> 01:24:29.442 without them . So that's why we have to 01:24:29.442 --> 01:24:31.053 protect and defend the space 01:24:31.053 --> 01:24:33.164 capabilities against the threats . We 01:24:33.164 --> 01:24:35.220 now see a raid against us . How many 01:24:35.220 --> 01:24:37.164 different satellite systems are we 01:24:37.164 --> 01:24:39.276 depending on Senator ? I don't have a 01:24:39.276 --> 01:24:41.164 number but I can talk to you just 01:24:41.164 --> 01:24:43.276 quickly about the capabilities . It's 01:24:43.276 --> 01:24:45.498 our satellite communications , it's our 01:24:45.498 --> 01:24:47.720 uh global positioning system , it's our 01:24:47.720 --> 01:24:47.350 intelligence systems , it's our weather 01:24:47.359 --> 01:24:49.303 systems , it's our missile warning 01:24:49.303 --> 01:24:51.526 systems . There's a , there's a host of 01:24:51.526 --> 01:24:53.692 different capabilities we provide from 01:24:53.692 --> 01:24:56.459 space . So if our adversary was able to 01:24:56.700 --> 01:24:59.779 um demolish 10 of them , 01:25:01.589 --> 01:25:03.478 all right . Would you create much 01:25:03.478 --> 01:25:05.740 debris ? Almost certainly . Yes , 01:25:05.750 --> 01:25:08.459 Senator . And how much , if , if that , 01:25:08.470 --> 01:25:10.720 if that , if that debris was floating 01:25:10.729 --> 01:25:12.896 out there , how much , how much of our 01:25:12.896 --> 01:25:15.062 satellites would be at risk because of 01:25:15.062 --> 01:25:17.839 just the debris hitting them , Senator . 01:25:17.850 --> 01:25:20.017 Uh , that is a concern and it's why we 01:25:20.017 --> 01:25:22.239 monitor the 45,000 trackable objects on 01:25:22.240 --> 01:25:23.899 orbit to watch for potential 01:25:23.910 --> 01:25:26.399 conjunctions . Uh But we don't want to 01:25:26.410 --> 01:25:29.080 proliferate um , debris on orbit which 01:25:29.089 --> 01:25:31.367 would increase the risk to our systems . 01:25:31.367 --> 01:25:33.145 So , if you were an adversary , 01:25:33.145 --> 01:25:35.311 wouldn't that be the cheapest thing to 01:25:35.311 --> 01:25:37.367 do if you want to , if you wanted to 01:25:37.367 --> 01:25:39.422 cripple , uh our ability wouldn't be 01:25:39.422 --> 01:25:41.589 the cheap , cheapest thing to do is go 01:25:41.600 --> 01:25:45.259 blow up 10 or 12 of these 01:25:45.270 --> 01:25:47.381 large satellites that are out there . 01:25:48.069 --> 01:25:50.870 Uh So I don't know the cost of that , 01:25:50.879 --> 01:25:52.601 but it , it would certainly be 01:25:52.601 --> 01:25:54.657 incredibly reckless because it would 01:25:54.657 --> 01:25:56.546 pollute the very domain . They're 01:25:56.546 --> 01:25:58.212 probably trying to operate in 01:25:58.212 --> 01:26:00.490 themselves because it's indiscriminate , 01:26:00.490 --> 01:26:02.712 it impacts , it impacts potentially our 01:26:02.712 --> 01:26:02.129 satellites , their satellites , uh 01:26:02.140 --> 01:26:04.196 other countries' , satellites and it 01:26:04.196 --> 01:26:06.418 would be incredibly reckless behavior . 01:26:06.418 --> 01:26:08.751 Let's take , let's take Russia's forces . 01:26:09.020 --> 01:26:12.470 So if you look at , you know , our uh 01:26:12.479 --> 01:26:14.423 our forces as compared to Russia , 01:26:14.423 --> 01:26:16.423 Russia's forces , how dependent are 01:26:16.423 --> 01:26:18.257 they on the satellite systems as 01:26:18.257 --> 01:26:20.257 compared to us , Senator , they are 01:26:20.257 --> 01:26:22.479 less dependent . Uh for the reason that 01:26:22.479 --> 01:26:24.590 they are a continental power and they 01:26:24.590 --> 01:26:26.669 expect to be able to run fiber and , 01:26:26.680 --> 01:26:28.847 and to do uh microwave shots and those 01:26:28.847 --> 01:26:31.013 kind of things and they don't have the 01:26:31.013 --> 01:26:33.180 same global type military that we do . 01:26:33.180 --> 01:26:35.347 So they are less dependent . How about 01:26:35.347 --> 01:26:37.569 China ? So they have replicated in many 01:26:37.569 --> 01:26:39.791 ways what we have done in space because 01:26:39.791 --> 01:26:41.791 as they try to push us out from the 01:26:41.791 --> 01:26:43.680 first island chain and the second 01:26:43.680 --> 01:26:45.902 island chain in the Pacific , they have 01:26:45.902 --> 01:26:45.850 gone to space for the advantages it 01:26:45.859 --> 01:26:47.859 brings . So in many ways , they are 01:26:47.859 --> 01:26:49.859 working to replicate the dependency 01:26:49.859 --> 01:26:53.049 that we have . So if , if um if they , 01:26:53.060 --> 01:26:54.949 if they were able to , you know , 01:26:54.949 --> 01:26:57.171 hamper our ability to use our satellite 01:26:57.171 --> 01:27:00.450 system , let's take China . And um um 01:27:00.459 --> 01:27:02.850 they were only focused on Taiwan or 01:27:02.859 --> 01:27:05.689 Japan or are , well for sure , Korea . 01:27:05.700 --> 01:27:07.867 Right . And then they don't need their 01:27:07.867 --> 01:27:09.922 satellite system to do anything with 01:27:09.922 --> 01:27:11.756 regard to Korea . Right . Uh But 01:27:13.350 --> 01:27:15.517 Senator , I , I think China , they are 01:27:15.517 --> 01:27:17.689 getting to the point where um all of 01:27:17.700 --> 01:27:20.033 their forces are becoming space enabled . 01:27:20.033 --> 01:27:22.144 And so I think in any conflict , they 01:27:22.144 --> 01:27:24.422 would be reliant on space capabilities . 01:27:24.422 --> 01:27:26.533 Ok ? But if they , if they all , they 01:27:26.533 --> 01:27:28.756 all only the power they want to project 01:27:28.756 --> 01:27:32.399 was uh Korea , Taiwan , Japan . And 01:27:32.410 --> 01:27:34.632 that's all they cared about , then they 01:27:34.632 --> 01:27:36.577 probably wouldn't need their space 01:27:36.577 --> 01:27:38.743 capabilities as much , would they ? Um 01:27:39.120 --> 01:27:41.342 Senator , I think they would need those 01:27:41.342 --> 01:27:43.287 space capabilities because they're 01:27:43.287 --> 01:27:45.231 looking beyond those countries and 01:27:45.231 --> 01:27:47.398 looking at the US and looking at where 01:27:47.398 --> 01:27:49.620 the US would be flowing forces from and 01:27:49.620 --> 01:27:51.842 that has required them to go to space . 01:27:51.842 --> 01:27:53.953 Ok . How about Iran ? They don't need 01:27:53.953 --> 01:27:56.990 it , right . Um Iran is not a space 01:27:57.000 --> 01:27:59.056 enabled military and they , and they 01:27:59.056 --> 01:28:01.111 don't really do , they even have the 01:28:01.111 --> 01:28:03.222 ability to have any impact on us with 01:28:03.222 --> 01:28:04.944 in space today . They have not 01:28:04.944 --> 01:28:06.889 demonstrated that capability , but 01:28:06.889 --> 01:28:09.000 certainly we are watching their space 01:28:09.000 --> 01:28:08.669 program and their ballistic missile 01:28:08.680 --> 01:28:11.240 program very carefully . Um , and , and 01:28:11.250 --> 01:28:13.472 can only think about what they might be 01:28:13.472 --> 01:28:15.694 thinking about in the future . And what 01:28:15.694 --> 01:28:18.069 about North Korea ? Uh , North Korea 01:28:18.080 --> 01:28:19.959 has demonstrated an , um , 01:28:19.970 --> 01:28:22.359 electromagnetic warfare capability that 01:28:22.370 --> 01:28:24.370 could have impact against our , our 01:28:24.370 --> 01:28:26.370 space systems . And then we're also 01:28:26.370 --> 01:28:28.370 very carefully watching their space 01:28:28.370 --> 01:28:30.481 systems . Of course , they should not 01:28:30.481 --> 01:28:30.410 be launching into space because of the 01:28:30.419 --> 01:28:32.979 UN um resolutions that say they can't 01:28:32.990 --> 01:28:35.046 use ballistic missile technology for 01:28:35.046 --> 01:28:37.046 that . And so again , we're , we're 01:28:37.046 --> 01:28:38.990 having to keep an eye on what they 01:28:38.990 --> 01:28:41.323 might be thinking of , of in the future . 01:28:41.323 --> 01:28:43.323 But our troops in Korea would are , 01:28:43.323 --> 01:28:45.490 they need access to space capabilities 01:28:45.490 --> 01:28:47.657 in North Korea . They probably don't . 01:28:47.657 --> 01:28:49.768 Uh North Korea is not a space enabled 01:28:49.768 --> 01:28:52.101 military today , but we , but our , our , 01:28:52.101 --> 01:28:54.157 our troops in , in South Korea would 01:28:54.157 --> 01:28:56.323 need it . Absolutely , Senator . Thank 01:28:56.323 --> 01:28:56.189 you . Thank you , Senator Scott , 01:28:56.200 --> 01:28:58.279 Senator Rosen , please . Uh Well , 01:28:58.290 --> 01:29:00.623 thank you , Chairman Reed and of course , 01:29:00.623 --> 01:29:02.679 uh ranking member Wicker for holding 01:29:02.679 --> 01:29:04.734 this hearing . And I'd like to thank 01:29:04.734 --> 01:29:06.901 General Cotton and General Whiting for 01:29:06.901 --> 01:29:08.901 testifying today and for your great 01:29:08.901 --> 01:29:11.012 service to our country . I'm going to 01:29:11.012 --> 01:29:12.846 continue on this electromagnetic 01:29:12.846 --> 01:29:15.020 spectrum uh on the operations we have 01:29:15.029 --> 01:29:16.751 because General Cotton in your 01:29:16.751 --> 01:29:18.973 nomination hearing , you indicated that 01:29:18.973 --> 01:29:20.696 electromagnetic spectrum opera 01:29:20.696 --> 01:29:23.560 operations are a top priority . So your 01:29:23.569 --> 01:29:25.625 forces have done amazing work at the 01:29:25.625 --> 01:29:27.560 joint center for electromagnetic 01:29:27.569 --> 01:29:29.810 readiness at Nellis Air Force Base in 01:29:29.819 --> 01:29:31.830 my home state of Nevada . I'm very 01:29:31.839 --> 01:29:34.439 proud of N I and uh but even with the 01:29:34.450 --> 01:29:37.189 efforts made so far , I am sure that 01:29:37.200 --> 01:29:39.422 there's probably more work to be done . 01:29:39.422 --> 01:29:41.589 So what actions do you need to take to 01:29:41.589 --> 01:29:43.811 ensure that the United States can deter 01:29:43.811 --> 01:29:46.600 if needed and defeat threats across the 01:29:46.609 --> 01:29:49.450 electromagnetic spectrum ? And how can 01:29:49.459 --> 01:29:52.419 we help with that ? Senator Rosen ? 01:29:52.430 --> 01:29:54.541 Thank you for the question and thanks 01:29:54.541 --> 01:29:56.708 for um um acknowledging the incredible 01:29:56.708 --> 01:29:58.819 work that that team is doing . Um I'd 01:29:58.819 --> 01:30:00.986 like to highlight uh some of that work 01:30:00.986 --> 01:30:03.097 that that team is doing . Um And that 01:30:03.097 --> 01:30:05.152 includes specifically the support to 01:30:05.152 --> 01:30:07.486 the uconn commander and the U and , and , 01:30:07.486 --> 01:30:09.374 and what we're seeing in the um U 01:30:09.374 --> 01:30:11.759 Ukrainian efforts as well as a support 01:30:11.770 --> 01:30:14.459 to um to Israel in the fight that we're 01:30:14.470 --> 01:30:17.180 seeing there . So that team um is 01:30:17.189 --> 01:30:19.410 coming out of the blocks um doing 01:30:19.419 --> 01:30:21.363 incredible work . So thank you for 01:30:21.363 --> 01:30:23.729 acknowledging them . Um as you know , 01:30:23.740 --> 01:30:26.270 on the 26th of July last year is when 01:30:26.279 --> 01:30:29.839 we stood up . Um The J and that's when 01:30:29.850 --> 01:30:32.189 um I was giving the responsibility on I 01:30:32.200 --> 01:30:34.680 MS O . And as you've heard throughout 01:30:34.810 --> 01:30:37.359 um um the testimony today , um 01:30:37.370 --> 01:30:39.537 electromagnetic spectrum is incredibly 01:30:39.537 --> 01:30:42.770 important for us . It is a domain um 01:30:42.779 --> 01:30:46.209 that uh was uncontested for us over the 01:30:46.220 --> 01:30:49.024 past 30 years . Um Now that we have a 01:30:49.035 --> 01:30:51.234 fight , a potential fight with the 01:30:51.245 --> 01:30:54.134 adversaries that one understand that 01:30:54.145 --> 01:30:57.075 that's a domain that we rely on and to 01:30:57.084 --> 01:30:59.354 have the capability to do something to 01:30:59.365 --> 01:31:01.634 counter um having dominance in that 01:31:01.645 --> 01:31:03.756 domain and spectrum . It's incredibly 01:31:03.756 --> 01:31:06.674 important . And as the uh the the lead 01:31:06.685 --> 01:31:09.464 component or com combatant command to 01:31:09.475 --> 01:31:11.808 ensure that we have the proper training , 01:31:11.808 --> 01:31:14.790 um the proper live virtual and 01:31:14.799 --> 01:31:17.600 collaborative um training techniques 01:31:17.720 --> 01:31:21.089 because uh as you know , um some of 01:31:21.100 --> 01:31:23.100 what we want to be able to test and 01:31:23.100 --> 01:31:26.669 train to um can't be done in the live 01:31:26.680 --> 01:31:29.390 environment . Um So we continue to work 01:31:29.399 --> 01:31:31.810 on how do we um I call them reps and 01:31:31.819 --> 01:31:33.986 sets to our men and women in the armed 01:31:33.986 --> 01:31:36.339 forces . How do we give them the reps 01:31:36.350 --> 01:31:39.633 and sets in a virtual um environment 01:31:39.644 --> 01:31:42.074 that shows all ranges of how they can 01:31:42.083 --> 01:31:44.423 contest that . Uh My team's gonna 01:31:44.434 --> 01:31:46.656 follow up with you on that so we can uh 01:31:46.656 --> 01:31:48.503 as we work on next year's NDA A 01:31:48.624 --> 01:31:50.791 thinking about what we need to do here 01:31:50.791 --> 01:31:53.013 incredibly important . Uh what we do at 01:31:53.013 --> 01:31:55.363 N I and I'm gonna move on to reps and 01:31:55.374 --> 01:31:57.430 sets and of course , that's modeling 01:31:57.430 --> 01:31:59.763 simulation . We have that for space too , 01:31:59.763 --> 01:32:01.985 right ? So General Whiting uh I'm gonna 01:32:01.985 --> 01:32:03.985 keep on N I here for a bit . As you 01:32:03.985 --> 01:32:05.818 know , space Delta One trains uh 01:32:05.818 --> 01:32:07.930 weapons officers and Nellis Air Force 01:32:07.930 --> 01:32:10.152 Base in Nevada . These weapons officers 01:32:10.152 --> 01:32:12.318 graduate from the pinnacle of training 01:32:12.318 --> 01:32:14.430 offered by the Space Force to prepare 01:32:14.430 --> 01:32:16.485 guardians for what they may need and 01:32:16.485 --> 01:32:19.078 more so building on what you may need , 01:32:19.087 --> 01:32:21.254 what you have now the ability to model 01:32:21.254 --> 01:32:23.309 and simulate . How does this prepare 01:32:23.309 --> 01:32:25.627 your forces and what can we continue to 01:32:25.638 --> 01:32:28.277 do to give you that simulation you need 01:32:28.288 --> 01:32:30.647 because you , uh may not be able to go 01:32:30.658 --> 01:32:32.769 up there ? Yeah . Thank you , Senator 01:32:32.769 --> 01:32:34.880 for the question . I know exactly the 01:32:34.880 --> 01:32:36.991 great work that happens at Nellis . I 01:32:36.991 --> 01:32:36.921 was stationed there a decade ago as the 01:32:36.932 --> 01:32:39.154 Vice Commander of the Air Force Warfare 01:32:39.154 --> 01:32:41.043 Center , uh Vital capability , uh 01:32:41.043 --> 01:32:43.154 modeling and simulation is absolutely 01:32:43.154 --> 01:32:45.488 foundational for us in space because as , 01:32:45.488 --> 01:32:47.599 as you allude to , it's expensive for 01:32:47.599 --> 01:32:49.876 us to get there . And so we can't just , 01:32:49.876 --> 01:32:49.481 uh you know , launch all sorts of 01:32:49.492 --> 01:32:51.381 things just to , to do training . 01:32:51.381 --> 01:32:53.492 Although there's an aspect of that we 01:32:53.492 --> 01:32:55.159 need to do . But modeling and 01:32:55.159 --> 01:32:57.103 simulation allow us to do multiple 01:32:57.103 --> 01:32:59.325 iterations of various activities and to 01:32:59.325 --> 01:33:01.492 simulate the threats that we now see , 01:33:01.492 --> 01:33:03.436 uh a raid against us so that these 01:33:03.436 --> 01:33:05.548 weapons officers have the skills that 01:33:05.548 --> 01:33:07.714 when they go back to their operational 01:33:07.714 --> 01:33:09.825 squadrons , they can share that among 01:33:09.825 --> 01:33:11.714 uh the , the crew force . So that 01:33:11.714 --> 01:33:13.492 modeling and simulation is , is 01:33:13.492 --> 01:33:15.714 absolutely critical to us . And we want 01:33:15.714 --> 01:33:17.936 to continue to grow that capability for 01:33:17.936 --> 01:33:19.936 uh uh all space forces because that 01:33:19.936 --> 01:33:22.048 will support space command as we move 01:33:22.048 --> 01:33:24.270 forward . Oh , perfect . Well , we'll , 01:33:24.270 --> 01:33:24.005 we'll , we'll work with you on that 01:33:24.016 --> 01:33:26.183 moving forward . But speaking of space 01:33:26.183 --> 01:33:28.294 I'm gonna continue with you , General 01:33:28.294 --> 01:33:30.405 Whiting . Um Considering the reported 01:33:30.405 --> 01:33:32.572 collaboration between Iran and Russian 01:33:32.572 --> 01:33:34.794 space activities that could potentially 01:33:34.794 --> 01:33:36.589 challenge our interest , our us 01:33:36.600 --> 01:33:38.433 interests and security . Can you 01:33:38.433 --> 01:33:42.160 elaborate a little bit on um what's 01:33:42.169 --> 01:33:44.759 happening in Iran ? Given Iran's 01:33:44.770 --> 01:33:46.826 progress on their ballistic missiles 01:33:46.826 --> 01:33:48.548 and space programs ? How might 01:33:48.548 --> 01:33:50.659 additional sharing between the United 01:33:50.659 --> 01:33:52.770 States and our partners in the Middle 01:33:52.770 --> 01:33:52.580 East ? We know there's increasing 01:33:52.990 --> 01:33:54.768 challenges going on there , the 01:33:54.768 --> 01:33:57.069 emerging threats , uh and particularly 01:33:57.080 --> 01:33:59.191 the Iranian threat . Can you speak to 01:33:59.191 --> 01:34:00.691 that ? Yes , Senator , our 01:34:00.691 --> 01:34:02.913 relationships across the globe with our 01:34:02.913 --> 01:34:05.136 allies and partners is truly one of our 01:34:05.136 --> 01:34:07.080 asymmetric advantages . Uh We have 01:34:07.080 --> 01:34:09.339 signed a number of uh space situational 01:34:09.350 --> 01:34:11.350 awareness sharing agreements as you 01:34:11.350 --> 01:34:13.461 allude to uh with over 30 countries , 01:34:13.461 --> 01:34:15.572 three of those are in the Middle East 01:34:15.572 --> 01:34:17.517 and we have ongoing discussions to 01:34:17.517 --> 01:34:19.572 expand that . But as we partner more 01:34:19.572 --> 01:34:21.572 closely with those countries in the 01:34:21.572 --> 01:34:21.319 Middle East , it helps us to have a 01:34:21.330 --> 01:34:24.015 better understanding of , of what is 01:34:24.024 --> 01:34:26.246 going on in space . And so that when we 01:34:26.246 --> 01:34:28.302 see potential bad actors acting , we 01:34:28.302 --> 01:34:30.615 can call out that behavior and it also 01:34:30.625 --> 01:34:32.854 builds a set of partnerships to deny 01:34:32.865 --> 01:34:34.921 those partnerships to countries like 01:34:34.921 --> 01:34:36.921 Russia and Iran . So those are very 01:34:36.921 --> 01:34:38.976 important for us that we continue to 01:34:38.976 --> 01:34:40.976 grow them . Senator . Thank you , I 01:34:40.976 --> 01:34:42.809 appreciate it . Thank you , Rosa 01:34:42.809 --> 01:34:44.976 Senator Schmidt , please . Thank you , 01:34:44.976 --> 01:34:47.149 Mr Chairman . Um So I think um I , I 01:34:47.160 --> 01:34:49.382 believe this is if not the most , one , 01:34:49.382 --> 01:34:51.382 certainly one of the most important 01:34:51.382 --> 01:34:53.660 committees in , in , in the Senate for , 01:34:53.660 --> 01:34:55.438 for a variety of reasons . Um , 01:34:55.438 --> 01:34:57.549 certainly our role in , in advocating 01:34:57.549 --> 01:34:59.771 for the national defense is important . 01:34:59.771 --> 01:35:01.771 But I also think , you know , going 01:35:01.771 --> 01:35:03.882 back home and , and talking to , um , 01:35:03.882 --> 01:35:05.549 constituents and having those 01:35:05.549 --> 01:35:07.382 conversations about what are the 01:35:07.382 --> 01:35:09.438 threats hearing from them , but also 01:35:09.438 --> 01:35:11.604 explaining the things that we learn up 01:35:11.604 --> 01:35:13.382 here . And , um , and so my two 01:35:13.382 --> 01:35:13.169 questions are , are related to that , 01:35:13.180 --> 01:35:14.680 that would be more sort of 01:35:14.680 --> 01:35:16.799 conversational about . Um , maybe a 01:35:16.810 --> 01:35:18.921 question I would get from somebody at 01:35:18.921 --> 01:35:20.810 home that I'd like both of you to 01:35:20.810 --> 01:35:23.143 address first . Um And we heard earlier , 01:35:23.160 --> 01:35:25.509 um , you know , as far as nuclear 01:35:25.520 --> 01:35:28.740 modernization , the price tag of , you 01:35:28.750 --> 01:35:31.839 know , $2 trillion potentially over 30 01:35:31.850 --> 01:35:34.669 years , a number of something like that 01:35:35.419 --> 01:35:37.641 could both of you sort of address , you 01:35:37.641 --> 01:35:39.586 know , I , I think the , the , the 01:35:39.586 --> 01:35:41.641 perception is that the United States 01:35:41.641 --> 01:35:44.120 has right now , all the nuclear weapons 01:35:44.129 --> 01:35:46.600 we need to blow up the world into 01:35:46.609 --> 01:35:49.759 oblivion 1000 times over . Right ? So 01:35:49.770 --> 01:35:51.659 if you were trying to explain the 01:35:51.659 --> 01:35:53.992 importance of this modernization effort , 01:35:53.992 --> 01:35:56.520 how would each one of you describe that 01:35:56.529 --> 01:35:59.000 to folks back home ? Why it's important 01:35:59.009 --> 01:36:01.120 and specifically why it's important , 01:36:02.930 --> 01:36:05.041 Senator Smith , I'll , I'll start off 01:36:05.041 --> 01:36:07.208 and first of all , I want to say thank 01:36:07.208 --> 01:36:09.263 you . Um , because the , the , the , 01:36:09.263 --> 01:36:11.374 the men and women of Tinker Air Force 01:36:11.374 --> 01:36:13.597 Base and the work that they're doing in 01:36:13.597 --> 01:36:15.486 regards to um you know , just the 01:36:15.486 --> 01:36:17.541 bomber campus that's being built out 01:36:17.541 --> 01:36:19.763 there for , for , you know , one leg of 01:36:19.763 --> 01:36:21.930 the triad is incredibly important . Um 01:36:21.930 --> 01:36:24.097 Going back to , you know , your , your 01:36:24.097 --> 01:36:25.986 comment , I think what the way we 01:36:25.986 --> 01:36:28.152 should be able to frame it is um one , 01:36:28.152 --> 01:36:30.430 it's not a one for one , you know , so , 01:36:30.430 --> 01:36:32.597 so it's not , it's not one of these um 01:36:32.597 --> 01:36:34.486 conversations where , where we're 01:36:34.486 --> 01:36:36.541 talking about how you have to have a 01:36:36.541 --> 01:36:39.450 one for one or over match of those type 01:36:39.459 --> 01:36:41.979 of things . Um As we already know , um 01:36:41.990 --> 01:36:44.212 you know , the , the Russians have more 01:36:44.212 --> 01:36:46.323 weapons than we have today , but we , 01:36:46.323 --> 01:36:48.490 we absolutely hold them at risk . So , 01:36:48.490 --> 01:36:51.120 so the , the way I would describe it to 01:36:51.129 --> 01:36:53.669 people as you need to understand , you 01:36:53.680 --> 01:36:56.709 know , I i it's a , it's a , it's a 01:36:56.720 --> 01:37:00.569 proposition in regards to um a a cost 01:37:00.580 --> 01:37:02.802 analysis , you know , I want to be able 01:37:02.802 --> 01:37:05.299 to deter because my adversary 01:37:05.310 --> 01:37:07.520 understands that the risk of them 01:37:07.529 --> 01:37:10.919 taking action um would , would , would 01:37:10.930 --> 01:37:13.041 fail upon arrival for them to be able 01:37:13.041 --> 01:37:15.979 to meet their ultimate needs . Um So 01:37:15.990 --> 01:37:18.089 it's a cost benefit cost benefit 01:37:18.100 --> 01:37:20.322 analysis model if you will . And that's 01:37:20.322 --> 01:37:22.544 what , that's what strategic deterrence 01:37:22.544 --> 01:37:24.711 truly is . And the way we , the way we 01:37:24.711 --> 01:37:27.390 use that cost benefit analysis tool is 01:37:27.399 --> 01:37:29.621 three legs of the triad . But as far as 01:37:29.621 --> 01:37:31.899 the modernization itself , right ? How , 01:37:31.899 --> 01:37:33.788 how would you describe why that's 01:37:33.788 --> 01:37:35.455 important because if , if the 01:37:35.455 --> 01:37:37.566 perception is that we have everything 01:37:37.566 --> 01:37:39.677 we need to deter because we can , you 01:37:39.677 --> 01:37:41.899 know , wipe out a country off the , you 01:37:41.899 --> 01:37:41.680 know , the face of the earth because we , 01:37:41.689 --> 01:37:44.250 we must have the ability to have a 01:37:44.259 --> 01:37:46.439 weapons to have weapons systems and 01:37:46.450 --> 01:37:49.000 platforms , um , a training environment , 01:37:49.009 --> 01:37:52.080 et cetera that , that the adversary 01:37:52.089 --> 01:37:54.256 because for deterrence , the adversary 01:37:54.256 --> 01:37:56.540 always gets a vote , um , for the 01:37:56.549 --> 01:38:00.520 adversary to understand , um that the 01:38:00.529 --> 01:38:03.069 cost benefit of them taking action 01:38:03.080 --> 01:38:04.969 won't outweigh and , and that the 01:38:04.969 --> 01:38:06.969 modernized systems can hold them at 01:38:06.969 --> 01:38:10.290 risk . Senator , thank you for the 01:38:10.299 --> 01:38:12.410 question uh For space . The challenge 01:38:12.410 --> 01:38:14.577 is , is that the American people can't 01:38:14.577 --> 01:38:16.799 look up and see the space systems . And 01:38:16.799 --> 01:38:18.910 so they , they don't even realize the 01:38:18.910 --> 01:38:20.910 way it's enabling the modern way of 01:38:20.910 --> 01:38:23.243 life . Um And so I think it's important , 01:38:23.243 --> 01:38:23.229 we remind the American people of all 01:38:23.240 --> 01:38:25.240 the great advantages space gives us 01:38:25.240 --> 01:38:27.351 that we're never lost anymore because 01:38:27.351 --> 01:38:29.462 of gps that we can synchronize global 01:38:29.462 --> 01:38:31.462 stock markets and point of sale and 01:38:31.462 --> 01:38:33.640 precision farming . And if we lost all 01:38:33.649 --> 01:38:35.760 of that , our really , our modern way 01:38:35.760 --> 01:38:37.871 of life would be at risk . And that's 01:38:37.871 --> 01:38:40.093 why we have to protect and defend those 01:38:40.093 --> 01:38:40.060 capabilities and make those investments . 01:38:40.180 --> 01:38:42.347 So I think it's incumbent on all of us 01:38:42.347 --> 01:38:44.513 to help the American people understand 01:38:44.513 --> 01:38:46.847 how space truly is a part of their life , 01:38:46.847 --> 01:38:46.580 even if they can't see it . And for 01:38:46.589 --> 01:38:48.589 each one of you , then in your , in 01:38:48.589 --> 01:38:51.109 your domains here . Um If you could 01:38:51.120 --> 01:38:53.231 identify one thing in an unclassified 01:38:53.240 --> 01:38:55.407 setting , of course , here , one thing 01:38:55.407 --> 01:38:57.629 that really keeps you up at night about 01:38:57.629 --> 01:38:59.573 China's capabilities . If you were 01:38:59.573 --> 01:39:01.740 wanted to explain that threat to folks 01:39:01.740 --> 01:39:03.907 back home , who maybe don't understand 01:39:03.907 --> 01:39:06.073 the , the specifics of what would that 01:39:06.073 --> 01:39:09.169 be for me is , is their 01:39:09.450 --> 01:39:13.100 capacity , capability um to , 01:39:13.109 --> 01:39:15.399 to build out their weapon systems and 01:39:15.410 --> 01:39:17.410 their arsenal . Um It's , it's that 01:39:17.410 --> 01:39:19.990 simple sir . The pace , the pace in 01:39:20.000 --> 01:39:22.779 which and the pace in which they can or 01:39:22.790 --> 01:39:25.012 the , the the levers that they drive or 01:39:25.012 --> 01:39:27.234 do not drive on whether they go idle or 01:39:27.234 --> 01:39:29.529 they accelerate , they control that 01:39:29.540 --> 01:39:32.229 throttle . And Senator , my answer is 01:39:32.240 --> 01:39:33.907 very similar . Uh What's most 01:39:33.907 --> 01:39:35.684 concerning is the way China has 01:39:35.684 --> 01:39:37.351 clinically studied us and our 01:39:37.351 --> 01:39:39.351 dependency on space and figured out 01:39:39.351 --> 01:39:40.907 exactly what they think our 01:39:40.907 --> 01:39:42.851 architecture looks like and now is 01:39:42.851 --> 01:39:44.684 rapidly are are rapidly building 01:39:44.684 --> 01:39:46.740 systems to hold that architecture at 01:39:46.740 --> 01:39:48.740 risk . Thank you . Thank you , Mr . 01:39:49.069 --> 01:39:51.490 Thank you , Mr Chairman . I would , I 01:39:51.500 --> 01:39:54.040 would suggest the simplest answer is we 01:39:54.049 --> 01:39:56.105 want our adversaries to be scared so 01:39:56.105 --> 01:39:58.271 they don't try anything . No , I agree 01:39:58.271 --> 01:40:00.327 with that . I just want to make sure 01:40:00.327 --> 01:40:02.660 that as we talk about the modernization , 01:40:02.660 --> 01:40:04.660 right ? Like how does that fit into 01:40:04.660 --> 01:40:06.827 that discussion ? We want them to stay 01:40:06.827 --> 01:40:09.200 scared . Senator Shaheen , please . 01:40:09.660 --> 01:40:11.827 Thank you Mr Chairman and thank you uh 01:40:11.827 --> 01:40:14.100 General Cotton General Whiting um to 01:40:14.109 --> 01:40:16.331 both of you for being here this morning 01:40:16.331 --> 01:40:19.379 and for your service . Um , Senator 01:40:19.390 --> 01:40:22.189 Kelly asked what we could be doing to 01:40:22.200 --> 01:40:25.120 deter our adversaries , what else we 01:40:25.129 --> 01:40:27.351 could be doing to deter our adversaries 01:40:27.351 --> 01:40:29.518 and general Cotton . I appreciated the 01:40:29.518 --> 01:40:31.850 time we spent yesterday . And one of 01:40:31.859 --> 01:40:34.081 the things we talked about was just how 01:40:34.081 --> 01:40:37.819 critical passing the supplemental 01:40:38.160 --> 01:40:41.620 bill and getting a budget process 01:40:41.629 --> 01:40:43.740 that's regular , that can be depended 01:40:43.740 --> 01:40:46.740 on is to ensuring that you can 01:40:46.879 --> 01:40:48.839 accomplish your mission . Is that 01:40:48.850 --> 01:40:52.290 correct ? Senator Shaheen ? Yes , it 01:40:52.299 --> 01:40:54.355 was , it was great speaking with you 01:40:54.355 --> 01:40:56.521 yesterday and , and , and you're right 01:40:56.521 --> 01:40:58.632 and I think I would even uh capture , 01:40:58.632 --> 01:41:00.743 you know , CRS continuing resolutions 01:41:00.743 --> 01:41:02.899 for us . Um especially in my platform 01:41:02.910 --> 01:41:05.129 where everything that I own is being 01:41:05.140 --> 01:41:07.919 modernized . I think folks are quick to 01:41:08.149 --> 01:41:10.759 quick to not realize that that there's 01:41:10.770 --> 01:41:13.120 new star programs that are embedded in 01:41:13.129 --> 01:41:15.351 these large , these large programs that 01:41:15.351 --> 01:41:17.573 folks will think are already underway . 01:41:17.715 --> 01:41:19.493 And , and you know , I had just 01:41:19.493 --> 01:41:21.715 mentioned that to Senator Schmidt , for 01:41:21.715 --> 01:41:23.493 example , um you know , they're 01:41:23.493 --> 01:41:26.645 building a new bomber campus um for 01:41:26.655 --> 01:41:29.895 sustainment , not only of , of the B 52 01:41:30.226 --> 01:41:32.835 but the B 21 moving forward , you know , 01:41:32.846 --> 01:41:34.976 continued resolution could actually 01:41:34.985 --> 01:41:37.395 perturb that if you perturb anything 01:41:37.405 --> 01:41:39.576 within a larger program , it actually 01:41:39.585 --> 01:41:41.585 subsequently can affect the program 01:41:41.585 --> 01:41:43.307 overall . And then we have the 01:41:43.307 --> 01:41:45.111 conversations of , of a program 01:41:45.122 --> 01:41:48.682 slipping . So yes , uh stable budget on 01:41:48.691 --> 01:41:51.512 time budgets um are are incredibly 01:41:51.521 --> 01:41:53.577 critical for us as we're making this 01:41:53.577 --> 01:41:55.521 modernization , not only across my 01:41:55.521 --> 01:41:57.299 portfolio but across the entire 01:41:57.299 --> 01:41:59.465 department of defense portfolios . And 01:41:59.465 --> 01:42:02.832 can you speak to what's in the uh sub 01:42:02.841 --> 01:42:04.841 national security supplemental bill 01:42:04.841 --> 01:42:07.063 that we passed out of the Senate that's 01:42:07.063 --> 01:42:09.397 critical to our defense industrial base . 01:42:09.397 --> 01:42:11.563 And why that matters is you're looking 01:42:11.563 --> 01:42:15.060 at um rebuilding , ensuring that the 01:42:15.069 --> 01:42:18.740 nuclear triad remains credible . Yes , 01:42:18.750 --> 01:42:20.694 Senator , as we , as we um had the 01:42:20.694 --> 01:42:22.639 conversation embedded in that even 01:42:22.639 --> 01:42:24.750 though the majority , not necessarily 01:42:24.750 --> 01:42:28.069 part of my part of my portfolio . Um 01:42:28.080 --> 01:42:30.350 but it does touch on the industrial 01:42:30.359 --> 01:42:32.415 base , the defense industrial base , 01:42:32.415 --> 01:42:34.689 which touches all of our portfolios if 01:42:34.700 --> 01:42:36.979 you will in regards of how do we , how 01:42:36.990 --> 01:42:39.212 do we strengthen that ? Because I think 01:42:39.212 --> 01:42:41.268 that's foundational for our nation . 01:42:41.268 --> 01:42:43.268 It's more than , even a , more than 01:42:43.268 --> 01:42:45.601 even a uh a department of defense issue . 01:42:45.601 --> 01:42:48.589 And one of the things that um 01:42:49.720 --> 01:42:52.299 I think you alluded to was the , 01:42:54.799 --> 01:42:57.939 the sort of end game that we're at with 01:42:57.950 --> 01:42:59.600 Russia in terms of bilateral 01:42:59.609 --> 01:43:02.890 negotiations on um any sort of uh 01:43:03.819 --> 01:43:06.879 new start treaty or uh an effort to 01:43:06.890 --> 01:43:10.279 reduce nuclear weapons . But can you 01:43:10.290 --> 01:43:11.919 talk about um 01:43:14.100 --> 01:43:17.209 Putin's conversate , Putin's recent 01:43:17.250 --> 01:43:20.020 rhetoric around using nuclear weapons 01:43:20.029 --> 01:43:22.196 and how concerned you are about that ? 01:43:24.080 --> 01:43:26.080 Yes , thank you , Senator , I , you 01:43:26.080 --> 01:43:28.302 know , the , the conversation we've had 01:43:28.302 --> 01:43:30.680 is I , I absolutely am a proponent , 01:43:30.939 --> 01:43:34.029 you know , oo of , of , of , of , of 01:43:34.040 --> 01:43:37.319 treaties . Um But everyone has to play 01:43:37.600 --> 01:43:39.970 and you have to follow the rules . Um 01:43:40.529 --> 01:43:43.350 So , um yes , what I'd love to see 01:43:43.359 --> 01:43:45.640 China step up and , and want to have a 01:43:45.649 --> 01:43:48.060 AAA negotiation with us , would I love 01:43:48.069 --> 01:43:50.236 to see Russia come back ? Absolutely . 01:43:50.350 --> 01:43:52.406 But I'm also a realist to understand 01:43:52.406 --> 01:43:54.572 that that may or may not happen . So , 01:43:54.572 --> 01:43:56.628 as a combat commander , my job is to 01:43:56.628 --> 01:43:58.794 understand how do I , how do I build a 01:43:58.794 --> 01:43:58.589 force that I could present to the 01:43:58.600 --> 01:44:01.200 president if that doesn't happen ? Um 01:44:01.209 --> 01:44:04.020 But um to your point on , on what we're 01:44:04.029 --> 01:44:06.759 seeing in the rhetoric , um I think , I 01:44:06.770 --> 01:44:08.839 think what we're seeing is uh the 01:44:08.850 --> 01:44:11.279 president of the Russian Federation um 01:44:11.290 --> 01:44:13.401 sees that , that he can use that as a 01:44:13.401 --> 01:44:16.910 coercion tool um to threaten um in 01:44:16.919 --> 01:44:19.279 regards to uh what he has as far as a 01:44:19.290 --> 01:44:22.970 nuclear force . Um General Whiting 01:44:23.109 --> 01:44:25.419 Starlink and other commercial satellite 01:44:25.430 --> 01:44:28.990 ventures have been a compliment to our 01:44:29.000 --> 01:44:32.439 operations in space . Um But of course , 01:44:32.450 --> 01:44:34.810 there have been some issues around um 01:44:35.180 --> 01:44:37.950 how those are being used and we have to 01:44:37.959 --> 01:44:39.959 ensure that we have the appropriate 01:44:39.959 --> 01:44:42.292 mechanisms in place to guarantee access . 01:44:42.540 --> 01:44:45.299 So how should we be thinking about that ? 01:44:45.310 --> 01:44:47.950 And what are you doing to mitigate the 01:44:47.959 --> 01:44:50.419 risk that we might have by relying on a 01:44:50.430 --> 01:44:52.560 commercial source for some of those 01:44:52.569 --> 01:44:54.736 services ? Senator . Thank you for the 01:44:54.736 --> 01:44:56.958 question . I would point to two aspects 01:44:56.958 --> 01:44:59.180 I think which help mitigate that risk . 01:44:59.180 --> 01:45:01.402 Number one is in all of my experience , 01:45:01.402 --> 01:45:03.625 I have only known that every company we 01:45:03.625 --> 01:45:05.458 have contract with for satellite 01:45:05.458 --> 01:45:07.791 communications and other state services , 01:45:07.791 --> 01:45:09.625 they have always fulfilled their 01:45:09.625 --> 01:45:11.736 contractual obligations to us . And I 01:45:11.736 --> 01:45:11.513 would expect that going forward . And 01:45:11.522 --> 01:45:13.522 so we wanna make sure we're writing 01:45:13.522 --> 01:45:15.744 those contracts uh smartly on , on what 01:45:15.744 --> 01:45:17.800 we need and ensure that , that we're 01:45:17.800 --> 01:45:17.583 getting that . And then secondly , uh 01:45:17.592 --> 01:45:19.759 Senator , I would point to the fact uh 01:45:19.759 --> 01:45:21.259 for example , in satellite 01:45:21.259 --> 01:45:23.148 communications , we want a hybrid 01:45:23.148 --> 01:45:25.036 architecture where there are some 01:45:25.036 --> 01:45:27.203 constellations . We need purpose built 01:45:27.203 --> 01:45:29.425 for the government exclusive use of the 01:45:29.425 --> 01:45:31.592 government . For example , in our work 01:45:31.592 --> 01:45:33.814 in support of General Cotton . Uh as we 01:45:33.814 --> 01:45:35.759 provide new command and control um 01:45:35.759 --> 01:45:37.925 protected communications to assure the 01:45:37.925 --> 01:45:39.981 president , the Secretary of Defense 01:45:39.981 --> 01:45:39.306 and General Cotton always can 01:45:39.315 --> 01:45:41.426 communicate to their forces . We want 01:45:41.426 --> 01:45:43.093 that to be a government owned 01:45:43.093 --> 01:45:45.259 constellation , but then there's other 01:45:45.259 --> 01:45:47.371 uh cons uh communication requirements 01:45:47.371 --> 01:45:49.593 that we absolutely can go to commercial 01:45:49.593 --> 01:45:51.593 for . So I think it's understanding 01:45:51.593 --> 01:45:53.648 what those highest priority , unique 01:45:53.648 --> 01:45:55.759 military requirements are and then uh 01:45:55.759 --> 01:45:55.346 satisfying those through our own 01:45:55.355 --> 01:45:57.855 systems and then using uh commercial to 01:45:57.866 --> 01:46:00.186 the max extent we can . Um That's how 01:46:00.195 --> 01:46:02.528 we can help mitigate risk . Good . Well , 01:46:02.528 --> 01:46:04.862 thank you . I have some other questions , 01:46:04.862 --> 01:46:06.806 but I'll save those for the closed 01:46:06.806 --> 01:46:08.751 session . Thank you very much . Uh 01:46:08.751 --> 01:46:11.028 Senator Bud , thank you chairman again . 01:46:11.028 --> 01:46:13.139 Thank you both for being here today . 01:46:13.139 --> 01:46:13.049 Now , General Whiting uh your 01:46:13.060 --> 01:46:15.470 predecessor , General Dickinson uh told 01:46:15.479 --> 01:46:17.701 this committee last March that Spacecom 01:46:17.701 --> 01:46:19.479 is creating concepts to further 01:46:19.479 --> 01:46:21.146 integrate space cyber special 01:46:21.146 --> 01:46:23.149 operations to generate asymmetrical 01:46:23.160 --> 01:46:26.490 advantages around the globe . Uh In a 01:46:26.500 --> 01:46:28.722 press release from your recent visit to 01:46:28.722 --> 01:46:31.080 us , army Space and missile defense 01:46:31.089 --> 01:46:33.200 command , it mentions that army space 01:46:33.200 --> 01:46:35.145 professionals are operating across 01:46:35.145 --> 01:46:37.200 multiple domains including cyber and 01:46:37.200 --> 01:46:38.922 space to support warfighters , 01:46:38.922 --> 01:46:40.700 especially for deployed special 01:46:40.700 --> 01:46:42.700 operations forces . Can you briefly 01:46:42.700 --> 01:46:44.645 talk about the nexus between space 01:46:44.645 --> 01:46:47.120 cyber and soft ? Yes , Senator . Thank 01:46:47.129 --> 01:46:49.296 you for the question . Uh We do see it 01:46:49.296 --> 01:46:51.407 as , as a unique opportunity to bring 01:46:51.407 --> 01:46:53.462 together these three capabilities to 01:46:53.462 --> 01:46:55.740 help us all three achieve our missions . 01:46:55.740 --> 01:46:57.740 Uh For example , there's times that 01:46:57.740 --> 01:46:59.796 using space , we can create accesses 01:46:59.796 --> 01:47:01.907 for cyber forces who then can support 01:47:01.907 --> 01:47:03.907 special operation forces or special 01:47:03.907 --> 01:47:06.018 operation forces through their unique 01:47:06.018 --> 01:47:07.907 ability to gain access to certain 01:47:07.907 --> 01:47:10.018 geographic locations , can help us in 01:47:10.018 --> 01:47:12.240 our space mission by uh executing uh uh 01:47:12.240 --> 01:47:14.609 functions that support us . And so I 01:47:14.620 --> 01:47:16.842 have spoken to the commander of Special 01:47:16.842 --> 01:47:19.064 Operations Command about that uh as you 01:47:19.064 --> 01:47:21.120 noted have , have spoken to our army 01:47:21.120 --> 01:47:22.953 component about that and we also 01:47:22.953 --> 01:47:24.953 leverage the fact that our Navy and 01:47:24.953 --> 01:47:27.120 Marine Corps components are also cyber 01:47:27.120 --> 01:47:29.120 components . And so that gives us a 01:47:29.120 --> 01:47:31.342 unique pairing there as well . Uh Thank 01:47:31.342 --> 01:47:33.564 you for that . So it sounds like it's a 01:47:33.564 --> 01:47:33.560 two way street , right ? I mean , just 01:47:33.569 --> 01:47:36.000 as much as space enables soft in the 01:47:36.009 --> 01:47:38.065 entire joint force , the physical ac 01:47:38.065 --> 01:47:40.700 access that soft provides also enables 01:47:40.709 --> 01:47:42.709 critical space operations . Is that 01:47:42.709 --> 01:47:44.820 correct ? Senator ? That's absolutely 01:47:44.820 --> 01:47:46.931 correct . Given proposed cuts to army 01:47:46.931 --> 01:47:48.709 soft , uh there will be reduced 01:47:48.709 --> 01:47:50.765 capacity to fill combatant commander 01:47:50.765 --> 01:47:52.653 requirements . So I know that the 01:47:52.653 --> 01:47:54.820 demand for soft is up and we're likely 01:47:54.820 --> 01:47:57.042 to see increased that will be increased 01:47:57.042 --> 01:47:59.265 across geographical combatant command . 01:47:59.265 --> 01:48:01.376 So , do you anticipate any impacts on 01:48:01.376 --> 01:48:03.850 your commands operations ? Should those 01:48:03.859 --> 01:48:06.520 cuts to soft move forward over the next 01:48:06.529 --> 01:48:10.049 few years ? No , Senator Idell . So 01:48:10.060 --> 01:48:12.171 it's a two way street , but you don't 01:48:12.171 --> 01:48:14.338 see that it'll impact you if there are 01:48:14.338 --> 01:48:16.393 soft cuts . Uh Sir , I have not been 01:48:16.393 --> 01:48:18.609 briefed on any uh any of the the work 01:48:18.620 --> 01:48:20.287 we've been doing with special 01:48:20.287 --> 01:48:22.064 operations command uh that will 01:48:22.064 --> 01:48:25.200 specifically impact us um switching 01:48:25.209 --> 01:48:27.500 gears a bit . Um But general Whiting 01:48:27.509 --> 01:48:29.676 last year , I asked your predecessor , 01:48:29.676 --> 01:48:31.787 how he would characterize the current 01:48:31.787 --> 01:48:33.342 resiliency of our satellite 01:48:33.342 --> 01:48:35.342 constellations , particularly given 01:48:35.342 --> 01:48:37.509 that constellations are often deployed 01:48:37.509 --> 01:48:37.319 with the minimum number of satellites 01:48:37.330 --> 01:48:40.609 available or necessary . How would you 01:48:40.620 --> 01:48:42.509 answer that same question today , 01:48:42.509 --> 01:48:44.453 particularly given recent revealed 01:48:44.453 --> 01:48:46.620 advanced threats ? Senator , thank you 01:48:46.620 --> 01:48:48.787 for the question . I I would say today 01:48:48.787 --> 01:48:50.953 our constellations are optimized for a 01:48:50.953 --> 01:48:53.120 benign environment and as we see these 01:48:53.120 --> 01:48:55.176 threats now growing , we have to now 01:48:55.176 --> 01:48:56.731 protect and defend those uh 01:48:56.731 --> 01:48:58.731 constellations until we develop the 01:48:58.731 --> 01:49:00.620 next generation of resilient cons 01:49:00.620 --> 01:49:02.787 installations that work is on going to 01:49:02.787 --> 01:49:05.430 de develop uh DD um uh deploy those 01:49:05.439 --> 01:49:08.740 next generation of um of resilient 01:49:08.750 --> 01:49:11.129 capabilities . But we are , we're still 01:49:11.140 --> 01:49:13.196 gonna have to protect and defend our 01:49:13.196 --> 01:49:15.649 current ones uh for years to come . And 01:49:15.660 --> 01:49:17.827 so that's why we have to also focus on 01:49:17.827 --> 01:49:20.049 those protect and defend capabilities . 01:49:20.049 --> 01:49:22.271 Thank you , General Cotton . I think we 01:49:22.271 --> 01:49:24.271 can all agree that Sentinels delays 01:49:24.271 --> 01:49:26.327 greatly emphasize the need to ensure 01:49:26.327 --> 01:49:28.216 Minuteman's continued operational 01:49:28.216 --> 01:49:30.382 readiness as , as such . How important 01:49:30.382 --> 01:49:32.549 is it to conduct regular test launches 01:49:32.549 --> 01:49:34.604 of Minuteman to demonstrate that the 01:49:34.604 --> 01:49:36.938 United States nuclear deterrent is safe , 01:49:36.938 --> 01:49:38.827 secure , reliable and effective . 01:49:39.009 --> 01:49:41.176 Senator . Thank you for the question . 01:49:41.176 --> 01:49:43.342 I think uh the the answer is I want to 01:49:43.342 --> 01:49:45.899 be able to have um uh uh an ability to 01:49:45.910 --> 01:49:48.040 surveil all three legs to include the 01:49:48.049 --> 01:49:50.290 Minuteman as well as my bomber forces 01:49:50.299 --> 01:49:52.750 and my SLBM force as well . Thank you . 01:49:53.120 --> 01:49:56.020 Uh General Whiting again , uh You've 01:49:56.029 --> 01:49:57.918 spoken publicly about the need to 01:49:57.918 --> 01:49:59.918 maximize partnerships with allies , 01:49:59.918 --> 01:50:02.029 partners or interagency , teammates , 01:50:02.029 --> 01:50:04.251 commercial industry and even academia . 01:50:04.251 --> 01:50:06.473 So why are the , why is this partnering 01:50:06.473 --> 01:50:08.473 so crucial to our National security 01:50:08.473 --> 01:50:10.689 Space capabilities ? Senator , all the 01:50:10.700 --> 01:50:12.756 things we have to do in space . It , 01:50:12.756 --> 01:50:14.867 it's so much that , that , you know , 01:50:14.867 --> 01:50:17.033 no one department service command even 01:50:17.033 --> 01:50:19.144 country can do all the things we need 01:50:19.144 --> 01:50:20.867 to do . And it's an asymmetric 01:50:20.867 --> 01:50:22.922 advantage of ours to leverage all of 01:50:22.922 --> 01:50:25.033 these stakeholders uh to get unity of 01:50:25.033 --> 01:50:27.256 effort to achieve our goals . And so uh 01:50:27.256 --> 01:50:29.367 that's why we wanna partner as widely 01:50:29.367 --> 01:50:31.589 as we can with uh like minded countries 01:50:31.589 --> 01:50:33.756 and organizations because it maximizes 01:50:33.756 --> 01:50:35.811 our ability to execute our mission . 01:50:35.811 --> 01:50:37.867 Thank you very much . Thank you very 01:50:37.867 --> 01:50:39.978 much , Senator . But Senator Peters , 01:50:39.978 --> 01:50:41.811 please . Thank you , Mr Chairman 01:50:41.811 --> 01:50:43.644 General Cotton . In your written 01:50:43.644 --> 01:50:45.422 testimony . You acknowledge the 01:50:45.422 --> 01:50:47.422 importance of the , the air force's 01:50:47.422 --> 01:50:49.970 refueling tanker fleet in accomplishing 01:50:49.979 --> 01:50:52.290 uh Strat com's global strike missions . 01:50:52.310 --> 01:50:54.032 Uh So we don't have to rely on 01:50:54.032 --> 01:50:56.450 intermediate uh basing uh installations . 01:50:56.660 --> 01:50:58.604 You also highlight the air force's 01:50:58.604 --> 01:51:01.129 upcoming Refueler tanker acquisitions 01:51:01.140 --> 01:51:03.189 uh being critical to enable 01:51:03.200 --> 01:51:05.689 simultaneous uh global operations , 01:51:05.700 --> 01:51:07.810 including those involving multiple 01:51:07.819 --> 01:51:10.810 combatant commands . So my question for 01:51:10.819 --> 01:51:13.120 you sir is uh how , how does a robust 01:51:13.129 --> 01:51:15.830 refueling tanker fleet sustain strike 01:51:16.040 --> 01:51:18.350 missions if you could elaborate on that 01:51:18.359 --> 01:51:20.830 and , and also elaborate on how the air 01:51:20.839 --> 01:51:23.580 force's acquisition of the new KC 46 01:51:23.589 --> 01:51:26.750 tankers will expand your global reach 01:51:26.759 --> 01:51:29.069 and expand your current capabilities . 01:51:30.890 --> 01:51:32.834 Senator Peters . Thank you for the 01:51:32.834 --> 01:51:34.890 question . You know , something that 01:51:34.890 --> 01:51:36.668 makes us incredibly unique as a 01:51:36.668 --> 01:51:39.549 fighting force is um you know , we have 01:51:39.560 --> 01:51:42.910 the ability to fly the entire 01:51:42.919 --> 01:51:46.629 globe . Um even at its onset , the 01:51:46.640 --> 01:51:49.089 tanker and the bomber were both 01:51:49.100 --> 01:51:53.080 complimentary acquisitions . Um It 01:51:53.089 --> 01:51:55.779 gives us incredible reach . That being 01:51:55.790 --> 01:51:58.680 said , that's why it is such a unique 01:51:58.930 --> 01:52:01.339 um relationship between the tanker 01:52:01.350 --> 01:52:04.149 force and our bomber force and my , my 01:52:04.160 --> 01:52:06.919 air leg and absolutely critical to my 01:52:06.930 --> 01:52:09.759 mission set in with regards to ensuring 01:52:09.770 --> 01:52:12.109 that we have sustainable and enough 01:52:12.120 --> 01:52:14.359 tankers uh to be able to make , make um 01:52:14.370 --> 01:52:17.379 make that AAA requirement that can be 01:52:17.390 --> 01:52:21.149 enduring Um So I pay attention 01:52:21.160 --> 01:52:23.104 to what the availability is of the 01:52:23.104 --> 01:52:25.129 tanker force . Um We have a great 01:52:25.140 --> 01:52:27.689 relationship with the US Transcom and 01:52:27.700 --> 01:52:29.811 General Jackie Van Ovo , who's a dear 01:52:29.811 --> 01:52:32.200 friend as well to ensure that there's 01:52:32.209 --> 01:52:33.876 no disconnect in the , in the 01:52:33.876 --> 01:52:36.470 requirements . Um , but , uh , you're 01:52:36.479 --> 01:52:38.589 right , that can be stretched , um , 01:52:38.600 --> 01:52:40.790 with the , with the requirements that 01:52:40.799 --> 01:52:44.729 the tanker force has on non weapons 01:52:44.750 --> 01:52:47.479 system , movement emissions , um , 01:52:47.490 --> 01:52:49.601 missions that don't include bombers , 01:52:49.601 --> 01:52:51.560 but includes , um , you know , 01:52:51.569 --> 01:52:53.970 providing forces forward , et cetera , 01:52:53.979 --> 01:52:56.090 et cetera . So we always have to make 01:52:56.090 --> 01:52:58.312 sure that we pay attention and see that 01:52:58.312 --> 01:53:00.646 those acquisitions , not only the , the , 01:53:00.646 --> 01:53:02.312 the nuclear triad , but those 01:53:02.312 --> 01:53:05.000 acquisition programs are on time and 01:53:05.009 --> 01:53:08.200 are , and are healthy as well . And , 01:53:08.209 --> 01:53:10.265 and I suspect the , uh , this , uh , 01:53:10.265 --> 01:53:12.487 the new KC 46 will probably be around a 01:53:12.487 --> 01:53:14.598 long time . That mission is not gonna 01:53:14.598 --> 01:53:16.820 go anywhere uh uh soon . And , uh , I , 01:53:16.820 --> 01:53:19.042 I've told folks this could be a 50 year 01:53:19.042 --> 01:53:21.209 mission for this aircraft . And then I 01:53:21.209 --> 01:53:23.320 was reminded the B 50 twos are likely 01:53:23.320 --> 01:53:23.250 to be well , in excess of 50 years . Is 01:53:23.259 --> 01:53:25.580 that a accurate statement in regards to 01:53:25.589 --> 01:53:28.600 the KC 46 ? Well , I , I don't know how 01:53:28.609 --> 01:53:30.776 long the , uh , the , the , the tanker 01:53:30.776 --> 01:53:32.942 community plans on having , having the 01:53:32.942 --> 01:53:36.459 KC 46 . But , uh , but uh , if we use 01:53:36.470 --> 01:53:39.290 uh uh legacy as a , as a measure , the , 01:53:39.299 --> 01:53:41.466 the KC 135 has been around a long time 01:53:41.466 --> 01:53:44.009 as well . It is absolutely . Absolutely . 01:53:44.069 --> 01:53:46.347 General cotton . Um as you likely know , 01:53:46.347 --> 01:53:49.279 northern strike uh in , in Michigan is 01:53:49.290 --> 01:53:51.830 the dod s largest annual joint Reserve 01:53:51.839 --> 01:53:54.509 component readiness exercise . Uh uh 01:53:54.520 --> 01:53:56.687 that takes place in the country . Over 01:53:56.687 --> 01:53:59.430 7000 service members from over 25 01:53:59.439 --> 01:54:01.272 states and several international 01:54:01.272 --> 01:54:03.799 partners converge at the uh National 01:54:03.810 --> 01:54:06.143 All Domain War F uh War Fighting Center , 01:54:06.143 --> 01:54:08.569 which is also known as uh wick for 01:54:08.580 --> 01:54:10.580 critical training focused on future 01:54:10.580 --> 01:54:12.750 multi domain conflict . Uh It's one of 01:54:12.759 --> 01:54:15.060 my top priorities to ensure that 01:54:15.069 --> 01:54:17.200 Northern strike continues to receive 01:54:17.209 --> 01:54:20.830 robust uh funding to support realistic 01:54:20.839 --> 01:54:23.330 uh joint force training with our global 01:54:23.339 --> 01:54:26.319 allies and partners . And part of this 01:54:26.330 --> 01:54:28.799 uh realistic preparation for a future 01:54:28.810 --> 01:54:30.950 conflict requires training for our 01:54:30.959 --> 01:54:33.015 armed forces to fight and win in the 01:54:33.015 --> 01:54:36.649 electromagnetic spectrum . Uh What role 01:54:36.660 --> 01:54:39.220 do you see uh state of the art training 01:54:39.229 --> 01:54:41.540 centers like Natwick will play in 01:54:41.549 --> 01:54:43.970 preparing for this uh very unique 01:54:44.080 --> 01:54:46.399 electromagnetic uh challenge that will 01:54:46.410 --> 01:54:48.399 likely get only more significant . 01:54:49.410 --> 01:54:51.577 Thank you for the question , Senator . 01:54:51.577 --> 01:54:53.790 I think what's gonna be key is um 01:54:53.799 --> 01:54:56.069 ensuring that the participants of those 01:54:56.080 --> 01:54:58.729 exercises are , are given the true 01:54:58.740 --> 01:55:00.907 challenges that they could potentially 01:55:00.907 --> 01:55:02.740 face and then they can drive the 01:55:02.740 --> 01:55:04.740 techniques , tactics and procedures 01:55:04.790 --> 01:55:07.149 because some of it is as simple as that 01:55:07.439 --> 01:55:10.430 um to be able to uh counter that threat . 01:55:10.560 --> 01:55:13.250 Um I think um I think having live 01:55:13.259 --> 01:55:15.540 virtual and constructive um 01:55:15.549 --> 01:55:18.180 opportunities on training venues are 01:55:18.189 --> 01:55:20.411 gonna be incredibly important as well . 01:55:20.509 --> 01:55:22.870 Um Understanding that probably having a 01:55:22.879 --> 01:55:25.919 live uh training venue might not be 01:55:25.930 --> 01:55:28.479 feasible . Um But having a virtual one 01:55:28.490 --> 01:55:32.049 is so , um you know , continued support 01:55:32.060 --> 01:55:34.529 and having , you know , push for that 01:55:34.540 --> 01:55:36.318 type of training venue would be 01:55:36.318 --> 01:55:38.262 incredibly important . Thank you , 01:55:38.262 --> 01:55:40.262 General . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 01:55:40.262 --> 01:55:42.151 Thank you Senator Peters . Before 01:55:42.151 --> 01:55:44.040 recognizing Senator Mull , let me 01:55:44.040 --> 01:55:46.262 remind everyone that we will uh convene 01:55:46.262 --> 01:55:48.589 immediately after this uh open session 01:55:48.750 --> 01:55:52.750 in a closed session in SVC 217 and 01:55:52.759 --> 01:55:55.220 I will at this time , pass the gavel to 01:55:55.229 --> 01:55:57.540 Senator Shaheen who provide , who 01:55:57.549 --> 01:56:00.970 preside rather uh here and there . 01:56:01.129 --> 01:56:03.700 Senator Mullen , please . Thank you Mr 01:56:03.709 --> 01:56:05.850 Chairman and uh thank you both for 01:56:05.859 --> 01:56:08.689 being here today . Um First off , I 01:56:08.700 --> 01:56:11.109 wanna , I wanna thank Senator Cotton uh 01:56:11.120 --> 01:56:13.009 for emphasizing the importance of 01:56:13.009 --> 01:56:15.009 modernization of the B 52 fleet and 01:56:15.009 --> 01:56:17.176 keeping it in the air especially since 01:56:17.176 --> 01:56:19.064 um all that work is being done in 01:56:19.064 --> 01:56:21.176 Oklahoma at right at Tinker Air Force 01:56:21.176 --> 01:56:23.064 Base . Uh Tinker will also be the 01:56:23.064 --> 01:56:25.064 maintenance center for the new B 20 01:56:25.064 --> 01:56:27.176 ones and they are rapidly building up 01:56:27.176 --> 01:56:29.287 the capacities and capabilities today 01:56:29.287 --> 01:56:31.231 to , to take on that new mission . 01:56:31.231 --> 01:56:33.176 We're very , very proud of that uh 01:56:33.176 --> 01:56:35.453 General Cotton . Uh A question for you , 01:56:35.453 --> 01:56:37.509 Oklahoma is very proud to invest the 01:56:37.509 --> 01:56:39.731 investments we've made to support the B 01:56:39.731 --> 01:56:41.509 uh bomber modernization and the 01:56:41.509 --> 01:56:43.676 maintenance at Tinker Air Force Base . 01:56:43.676 --> 01:56:45.676 Can you speak of the benefit ? This 01:56:45.676 --> 01:56:47.731 brings to the , uh to the leg of the 01:56:47.731 --> 01:56:51.049 triad . A absolutely senator . Um It's 01:56:51.060 --> 01:56:53.509 absolutely foundational T Tinker , uh 01:56:53.520 --> 01:56:55.520 and the teammates that are there at 01:56:55.520 --> 01:56:57.853 Tinker Air Force Base that support , um , 01:56:57.853 --> 01:56:59.909 that mission leg on behalf of uh men 01:56:59.909 --> 01:57:01.964 and women of Air Force Global Strike 01:57:01.964 --> 01:57:04.131 Command that provides that , um , that 01:57:04.131 --> 01:57:06.020 leg to me , um , is ab absolutely 01:57:06.020 --> 01:57:08.187 critical . Uh the fact that the , that 01:57:08.187 --> 01:57:10.409 we're um expanding and building a , you 01:57:10.409 --> 01:57:12.576 know , a , a bomber campus if you will 01:57:12.576 --> 01:57:15.839 um in , in preparation of B 21 um is 01:57:15.850 --> 01:57:18.470 gonna be um extremely important , but 01:57:18.479 --> 01:57:20.701 even more so , um the production of the 01:57:20.701 --> 01:57:24.569 B 52 J um as we , as we go through the 01:57:24.580 --> 01:57:26.580 uh uh commercial engine replacement 01:57:26.580 --> 01:57:29.509 program uh for that jet . Thank you . 01:57:29.520 --> 01:57:31.742 Um In addition to the nuclear deterrent 01:57:31.742 --> 01:57:33.964 stratcom is also tasked with electronic 01:57:33.964 --> 01:57:36.629 warfare . Uh What is the next uh 01:57:36.640 --> 01:57:38.899 technological frontier for protecting 01:57:38.910 --> 01:57:40.979 our electronic communications and 01:57:40.990 --> 01:57:44.750 weapon systems ? Well , sir , obviously 01:57:44.759 --> 01:57:46.815 it's , it's protection systems and , 01:57:46.815 --> 01:57:49.037 and my colleague to the left also uh um 01:57:49.037 --> 01:57:51.459 plays an important role in that . Um 01:57:51.470 --> 01:57:53.526 But more so , one of the things that 01:57:53.526 --> 01:57:55.748 we're , that we're finding and we , and 01:57:55.748 --> 01:57:58.081 it was noted through both Northern edge , 01:57:58.081 --> 01:58:00.248 21 and Northern Edge 23 exercises that 01:58:00.248 --> 01:58:02.470 it's really have an adequate training . 01:58:02.580 --> 01:58:04.802 Uh So the men and women that are put in 01:58:04.802 --> 01:58:06.969 those in those situations , understand 01:58:06.969 --> 01:58:09.191 that there are techniques , tactics and 01:58:09.191 --> 01:58:11.580 procedures um that , that can avoid . 01:58:11.680 --> 01:58:14.919 Um um having , you know , being um 01:58:14.930 --> 01:58:17.444 susceptible to , to the interference 01:58:17.455 --> 01:58:19.455 that you might see in that spectrum 01:58:19.455 --> 01:58:21.677 domain . Um I had mentioned earlier but 01:58:21.677 --> 01:58:23.455 the , the realities of um us uh 01:58:23.455 --> 01:58:26.444 recognizing that that domain is , is , 01:58:26.455 --> 01:58:28.566 is gonna be contestant with the peers 01:58:28.566 --> 01:58:30.177 that we have , the near peer 01:58:30.177 --> 01:58:32.584 adversaries that we have now . Um And , 01:58:32.595 --> 01:58:34.785 and being able to identify and find 01:58:34.794 --> 01:58:38.450 ways to , to ensure that we can fight 01:58:38.459 --> 01:58:40.709 in that domain at our choosing is going 01:58:40.720 --> 01:58:42.887 to be incredibly important . Whiting . 01:58:42.887 --> 01:58:45.220 Do you wanna speak about that too ? Yes , 01:58:45.220 --> 01:58:46.831 thank you , Senator . Um The 01:58:46.831 --> 01:58:49.053 electromagnetic uh spectrum is vital to 01:58:49.053 --> 01:58:50.720 us . It's the only way to get 01:58:50.720 --> 01:58:52.609 information back from space . And 01:58:52.609 --> 01:58:54.720 that's our satellite communications , 01:58:54.720 --> 01:58:54.520 our missile warning , our uh 01:58:54.529 --> 01:58:56.729 positioning , navigation and timing . 01:58:56.910 --> 01:58:58.910 And so we absolutely have to ensure 01:58:58.910 --> 01:59:01.520 that we can operate there uh free of uh 01:59:01.529 --> 01:59:03.362 hindrance or at least be able to 01:59:03.362 --> 01:59:05.473 operate through any hindrance that we 01:59:05.473 --> 01:59:07.696 see . And uh we definitely want to look 01:59:07.696 --> 01:59:09.696 to technologies that can help us uh 01:59:09.696 --> 01:59:11.696 reduce that uh susceptibility to uh 01:59:11.696 --> 01:59:13.862 jamming , for example , uh I , I think 01:59:13.862 --> 01:59:15.918 things like laser communications can 01:59:15.918 --> 01:59:18.029 help with that and uh I'd like to see 01:59:18.029 --> 01:59:19.918 those investments continue moving 01:59:19.918 --> 01:59:22.085 forward . Uh Currently , we have a , a 01:59:22.085 --> 01:59:21.589 company of stage who's working on a 01:59:21.600 --> 01:59:23.839 quantum and physics based um 01:59:23.850 --> 01:59:26.459 communication techniques is that , is 01:59:26.470 --> 01:59:29.459 that a help , a big role for you guys , 01:59:31.100 --> 01:59:33.322 Senator ? I think it could be . I think 01:59:33.322 --> 01:59:35.378 that's one of those new technologies 01:59:35.378 --> 01:59:37.322 that , that would give us a way uh 01:59:37.322 --> 01:59:39.156 perhaps to uh defeat traditional 01:59:39.156 --> 01:59:41.378 jamming techniques . And so I certainly 01:59:41.378 --> 01:59:43.544 would encourage uh the uh research lab 01:59:43.544 --> 01:59:45.433 and uh the science and technology 01:59:45.433 --> 01:59:47.433 community uh to continue to work on 01:59:47.433 --> 01:59:49.656 that . And , and for companies to bring 01:59:49.656 --> 01:59:51.656 mature capabilities forward in that 01:59:51.656 --> 01:59:53.544 area is , is our defense industry 01:59:53.544 --> 01:59:55.930 capable to , to make those changes when 01:59:55.939 --> 01:59:58.520 we're working on a system , uh that 01:59:58.529 --> 02:00:00.585 they say is three years , four years 02:00:00.585 --> 02:00:02.807 out in some cases , most of the time is 02:00:02.807 --> 02:00:05.029 seven , are they able to pivot when new 02:00:05.029 --> 02:00:07.399 technology comes on ? Uh Because 02:00:07.410 --> 02:00:10.720 obviously this is a , a growing space 02:00:10.729 --> 02:00:12.896 and a growing concern . So there's new 02:00:13.479 --> 02:00:16.859 finds , a new technology that's coming 02:00:16.870 --> 02:00:19.720 on constantly . Are we able to pivot ? 02:00:19.729 --> 02:00:21.896 Uh I have that I hold that for both of 02:00:21.896 --> 02:00:24.062 y'all , I I in in defense to say yes , 02:00:24.062 --> 02:00:26.229 we want to start moving this direction 02:00:26.660 --> 02:00:28.382 for us as we're looking at our 02:00:28.382 --> 02:00:30.549 modernization programs acro across the 02:00:30.549 --> 02:00:32.771 portfolio . Um What we're seeing that's 02:00:32.771 --> 02:00:34.771 different and the way we want to do 02:00:34.771 --> 02:00:36.438 business , Senator is through 02:00:36.438 --> 02:00:38.604 modularity . Um So having , having the 02:00:38.604 --> 02:00:40.771 opportunity for modularity um is gonna 02:00:40.771 --> 02:00:42.882 be critical for us and crucial for us 02:00:42.882 --> 02:00:44.938 because then we can outpace and stay 02:00:44.938 --> 02:00:47.104 ahead of the adversary . And Senator , 02:00:47.104 --> 02:00:49.104 I would just add that . Uh we wanna 02:00:49.104 --> 02:00:51.327 work with the , the companies that have 02:00:51.327 --> 02:00:53.438 existed for a long time and help them 02:00:53.438 --> 02:00:55.660 uh to see the requirements and make the 02:00:55.660 --> 02:00:55.589 pivot but also we want to make sure we 02:00:55.600 --> 02:00:57.711 have a relationship with new start up 02:00:57.711 --> 02:00:59.878 companies uh that , that may not be uh 02:00:59.878 --> 02:01:02.044 burdened by the way , things that have 02:01:02.044 --> 02:01:04.044 happened in the past and can now uh 02:01:04.044 --> 02:01:06.156 move right to the future and we wanna 02:01:06.156 --> 02:01:06.080 make sure they have an opportunity to 02:01:06.089 --> 02:01:08.311 compete for our requirements and we can 02:01:08.311 --> 02:01:10.422 help move them through that valley of 02:01:10.422 --> 02:01:12.367 death . They call it to , to bring 02:01:12.367 --> 02:01:14.589 successful programs forward . Thank you 02:01:14.589 --> 02:01:13.779 guys . We'll see you here in just a 02:01:13.790 --> 02:01:17.089 minute and skiff . I'll go back . Um 02:01:17.100 --> 02:01:19.322 Thank you , Senator King . Did you have 02:01:19.322 --> 02:01:21.489 a second round that you wanted to do ? 02:01:21.489 --> 02:01:23.433 Ok . We're going to adjourn for 15 02:01:23.433 --> 02:01:25.600 minutes . Um so that senators can vote 02:01:25.600 --> 02:01:28.020 and um go into closed session in the 02:01:28.029 --> 02:01:30.879 SVC . So at this point , we will close 02:01:30.890 --> 02:01:34.100 the open session hearing .