1 00:00:01,110 --> 00:00:03,332 All right , good afternoon . Everyone . 2 00:00:04,909 --> 00:00:07,159 I know it's surprising , but uh you got 3 00:00:07,170 --> 00:00:09,170 quite a bit to cover today . So I'm 4 00:00:09,170 --> 00:00:11,170 gonna jump right in and I'll get to 5 00:00:11,170 --> 00:00:13,392 your questions . Uh Earlier today , the 6 00:00:13,392 --> 00:00:15,226 Department's Office of Strategic 7 00:00:15,226 --> 00:00:17,281 Capital announced the release of its 8 00:00:17,281 --> 00:00:19,503 first investment strategy . Secretary , 9 00:00:19,503 --> 00:00:21,726 Austin launched the Office of Strategic 10 00:00:21,726 --> 00:00:24,030 Capital in December 2022 to attract and 11 00:00:24,040 --> 00:00:26,040 scale private capital in support of 12 00:00:26,040 --> 00:00:27,984 national security . The investment 13 00:00:27,989 --> 00:00:30,156 strategy identifies priority component 14 00:00:30,156 --> 00:00:32,430 technology industries and describes how 15 00:00:32,439 --> 00:00:34,299 the OS C will catalyze private 16 00:00:34,310 --> 00:00:36,680 investment in these industries . It 17 00:00:36,689 --> 00:00:38,800 presents a guiding framework for OS E 18 00:00:38,800 --> 00:00:40,578 programs to complement existing 19 00:00:40,578 --> 00:00:42,800 Department of Defense and us government 20 00:00:42,800 --> 00:00:45,022 programs and to read more . I'd ask you 21 00:00:45,022 --> 00:00:47,022 to visit the department's website . 22 00:00:47,022 --> 00:00:49,189 Additionally , the department publicly 23 00:00:49,189 --> 00:00:51,245 released today , the first volume of 24 00:00:51,245 --> 00:00:53,133 the All Domain anomaly resolution 25 00:00:53,133 --> 00:00:55,356 office's historical record report which 26 00:00:55,356 --> 00:00:57,356 reviews the record of us government 27 00:00:57,356 --> 00:00:59,979 pertaining to unidentified anomalous 28 00:00:59,990 --> 00:01:03,159 phenomena or UAP . In completing this 29 00:01:03,169 --> 00:01:05,360 report , arrow reviewed classified and 30 00:01:05,370 --> 00:01:07,480 unclassified archives dating back to 31 00:01:07,489 --> 00:01:11,419 1945 conducted dozens of interviews 32 00:01:11,430 --> 00:01:13,652 and partnered with officials across the 33 00:01:13,652 --> 00:01:16,669 dod and the interagency to date arrow 34 00:01:16,680 --> 00:01:19,099 has found no verifiable evidence for 35 00:01:19,110 --> 00:01:20,989 claims that the US government or 36 00:01:21,000 --> 00:01:23,870 private companies have access to or 37 00:01:23,879 --> 00:01:25,657 have been reverse engineering , 38 00:01:25,839 --> 00:01:28,809 extraterrestrial technology . Arrow has 39 00:01:28,819 --> 00:01:30,889 found no evidence that any us 40 00:01:30,900 --> 00:01:33,110 government investigation academic 41 00:01:33,120 --> 00:01:35,690 sponsored research or official review 42 00:01:35,699 --> 00:01:37,860 panel has confirmed that any sighting 43 00:01:37,870 --> 00:01:41,029 of a UAP represented extra terrestrial 44 00:01:41,040 --> 00:01:43,290 technology . You can read the 45 00:01:43,300 --> 00:01:45,467 unclassified version of the historical 46 00:01:45,467 --> 00:01:47,689 record report volume one on defense.gov 47 00:01:47,689 --> 00:01:50,930 or on the Arrow website at a aro.mil 48 00:01:52,309 --> 00:01:54,531 in other announcements . As many of you 49 00:01:54,531 --> 00:01:56,420 are aware throughout his tenure , 50 00:01:56,420 --> 00:01:58,476 Secretary Austin has prioritized the 51 00:01:58,476 --> 00:02:00,365 development and rapid fielding of 52 00:02:00,365 --> 00:02:02,531 capabilities to counter the urgent and 53 00:02:02,531 --> 00:02:04,365 growing threat posed by un crude 54 00:02:04,365 --> 00:02:06,253 weapons systems . This week , the 55 00:02:06,253 --> 00:02:08,476 secretary directed the establishment of 56 00:02:08,476 --> 00:02:10,587 a warfighter senior integration group 57 00:02:10,587 --> 00:02:12,587 to focus department wide efforts to 58 00:02:12,587 --> 00:02:14,365 address this urgent operational 59 00:02:14,365 --> 00:02:16,949 challenge . This warfighter sig will 60 00:02:16,960 --> 00:02:18,960 bring together the the department's 61 00:02:18,960 --> 00:02:21,127 senior most leaders to drive solutions 62 00:02:21,127 --> 00:02:23,349 that support us war fighters throughout 63 00:02:23,349 --> 00:02:25,571 our combatant commands . The group will 64 00:02:25,571 --> 00:02:27,682 help identify needed capabilities and 65 00:02:27,682 --> 00:02:29,516 associated solutions for rapidly 66 00:02:29,516 --> 00:02:31,970 delivering across all domains with near 67 00:02:31,979 --> 00:02:33,919 term focus on countering un crude 68 00:02:33,929 --> 00:02:36,479 aerial systems as evidenced by the 69 00:02:36,490 --> 00:02:38,759 successes of other war fighter sig such 70 00:02:38,770 --> 00:02:40,437 as those for Iraq , Syria and 71 00:02:40,437 --> 00:02:42,381 Afghanistan , as well as the SIG . 72 00:02:42,381 --> 00:02:44,940 Ukraine stood up in 2022 . The 73 00:02:44,949 --> 00:02:47,060 establishment of this new war fighter 74 00:02:47,060 --> 00:02:49,060 sig will bring the cross department 75 00:02:49,060 --> 00:02:51,116 attention and speed the threat . Now 76 00:02:51,116 --> 00:02:53,338 demands we look forward to the action . 77 00:02:53,338 --> 00:02:55,560 This form will drive and where possible 78 00:02:55,560 --> 00:02:57,782 will provide details on its work in the 79 00:02:57,782 --> 00:02:59,838 coming months . Separately I have an 80 00:02:59,838 --> 00:03:01,782 update on the V 20 two's return to 81 00:03:01,782 --> 00:03:03,727 flight . Naval Air Systems command 82 00:03:03,727 --> 00:03:05,949 issued a flight clearance today for the 83 00:03:05,949 --> 00:03:07,893 V 22 Osprey lifting the aircraft's 84 00:03:07,893 --> 00:03:09,893 grounding . The decision followed a 85 00:03:09,893 --> 00:03:12,005 meticulous and data driven approach . 86 00:03:12,005 --> 00:03:13,949 Prioritizing the safety of our air 87 00:03:13,949 --> 00:03:16,429 crews . It was accomplished in close co 88 00:03:16,440 --> 00:03:18,496 ordination with the US Air Force led 89 00:03:18,496 --> 00:03:20,440 investigation which identified the 90 00:03:20,440 --> 00:03:22,773 material failure that led to the mishap . 91 00:03:23,070 --> 00:03:25,070 The grounding provided time for the 92 00:03:25,070 --> 00:03:27,181 services to conduct a thorough review 93 00:03:27,181 --> 00:03:29,348 and formulate risk mitigation controls 94 00:03:29,348 --> 00:03:31,348 to safely return the V 22 to flight 95 00:03:31,348 --> 00:03:33,809 operations . I would refer you to NAV 96 00:03:33,820 --> 00:03:35,820 Air and the respective services for 97 00:03:35,820 --> 00:03:38,210 additional information . Uh We do want 98 00:03:38,220 --> 00:03:40,442 to express again our condolences to the 99 00:03:40,442 --> 00:03:42,498 family members and loved ones of the 100 00:03:42,498 --> 00:03:44,720 eight airmen we lost in the November CV 101 00:03:44,720 --> 00:03:47,330 22 tragedy in Japan will not forget 102 00:03:47,339 --> 00:03:49,228 those service members as we apply 103 00:03:49,228 --> 00:03:51,450 lessons learned from that day . And our 104 00:03:51,450 --> 00:03:53,395 nation's service members and their 105 00:03:53,395 --> 00:03:55,561 families make extraordinary sacrifices 106 00:03:55,561 --> 00:03:57,395 to safeguard our freedom and our 107 00:03:57,395 --> 00:03:59,561 security . And in return , we owe them 108 00:03:59,561 --> 00:04:01,450 an unwavering commitment to their 109 00:04:01,450 --> 00:04:03,672 safety and well being shifting gears to 110 00:04:03,672 --> 00:04:05,728 the Middle East . US Central Command 111 00:04:05,728 --> 00:04:07,839 forces conducted their fourth airdrop 112 00:04:07,839 --> 00:04:10,006 of critically needed meals into Gaza . 113 00:04:10,006 --> 00:04:12,117 This morning , the US Air Force C 130 114 00:04:12,117 --> 00:04:14,729 delivered 11,500 meals today , bringing 115 00:04:14,740 --> 00:04:16,962 the total meals , air dropped by the US 116 00:04:17,209 --> 00:04:20,759 to over 124,000 . To date these 117 00:04:20,769 --> 00:04:22,789 humanitarian airdrops contribute to 118 00:04:22,799 --> 00:04:24,632 ongoing US government efforts to 119 00:04:24,632 --> 00:04:26,466 provide life saving humanitarian 120 00:04:26,466 --> 00:04:28,598 assistance to the people of Gaza and 121 00:04:28,609 --> 00:04:30,720 are part of a sustained effort to get 122 00:04:30,720 --> 00:04:33,338 more aid into Gaza . Of note , press 123 00:04:33,348 --> 00:04:35,489 reports that us airdrops resulted in 124 00:04:35,498 --> 00:04:37,609 civilian casualties on the ground are 125 00:04:37,609 --> 00:04:39,665 false as we've confirmed that all of 126 00:04:39,669 --> 00:04:41,725 our aid bundles landed safely on the 127 00:04:41,725 --> 00:04:44,540 ground . In addition to us military 128 00:04:44,549 --> 00:04:46,382 humanitarian airdrops and the US 129 00:04:46,382 --> 00:04:48,216 government's efforts to continue 130 00:04:48,216 --> 00:04:50,216 sustaining and expanding assistance 131 00:04:50,216 --> 00:04:52,709 going in by land . As President Biden's 132 00:04:52,720 --> 00:04:54,664 Biden announced last evening , the 133 00:04:54,664 --> 00:04:56,887 Department of Defense will undertake an 134 00:04:56,887 --> 00:04:58,720 emergency mission to establish a 135 00:04:58,720 --> 00:05:00,989 temporary peer in Gaza working 136 00:05:01,000 --> 00:05:03,000 alongside like minded countries and 137 00:05:03,000 --> 00:05:05,222 partners now provide an overview of the 138 00:05:05,222 --> 00:05:07,444 concept and then we'll be happy to take 139 00:05:07,444 --> 00:05:09,667 your questions . We can ask our control 140 00:05:09,667 --> 00:05:11,667 room to post the diagram we have on 141 00:05:11,667 --> 00:05:13,839 this now to carry out this mission . 142 00:05:13,910 --> 00:05:15,910 The department is moving quickly to 143 00:05:15,910 --> 00:05:17,910 deploy its joint logistics over the 144 00:05:17,910 --> 00:05:19,869 shore capability to provide the 145 00:05:19,880 --> 00:05:22,149 expeditionary peer and expeditionary 146 00:05:22,160 --> 00:05:23,882 peer to enable the delivery of 147 00:05:23,882 --> 00:05:26,869 humanitarian assistance to Gaza J Lots 148 00:05:26,880 --> 00:05:29,200 is a unique capability maintained by 149 00:05:29,209 --> 00:05:31,265 the Department of Defense whereby US 150 00:05:31,265 --> 00:05:33,570 army and US navy forces are organized , 151 00:05:33,579 --> 00:05:36,290 trained and equipped to conduct joint 152 00:05:36,299 --> 00:05:38,989 ship to shore operations where fixed 153 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:41,049 port facilities are inadequate or 154 00:05:41,059 --> 00:05:43,739 unavailable . Simply put , they'll 155 00:05:43,750 --> 00:05:46,049 establish a temporary offshore maritime 156 00:05:46,059 --> 00:05:48,399 pier that allows for shipping vessels 157 00:05:48,510 --> 00:05:50,920 to transfer cargo to smaller vessels , 158 00:05:50,929 --> 00:05:53,000 to transport and offload cargo to a 159 00:05:53,010 --> 00:05:55,709 temporary causeway for the delivery of 160 00:05:55,720 --> 00:05:58,619 humanitarian aid to Gaza . Now we're in 161 00:05:58,630 --> 00:06:01,070 the process of identifying sourcing and 162 00:06:01,079 --> 00:06:02,968 in some cases preparing forces to 163 00:06:02,968 --> 00:06:04,970 deploy . But I can confirm that 164 00:06:04,980 --> 00:06:07,147 elements of the seventh Transportation 165 00:06:07,147 --> 00:06:09,450 Brigade expeditionary out of joint base 166 00:06:09,459 --> 00:06:11,820 Langley Eustace in Virginia have been 167 00:06:11,829 --> 00:06:14,070 tasked to support . Importantly , there 168 00:06:14,079 --> 00:06:16,500 will be no US forces on the ground in 169 00:06:16,510 --> 00:06:19,730 Gaza . The dod maintains the ability to 170 00:06:19,739 --> 00:06:21,572 provide unique capabilities from 171 00:06:21,572 --> 00:06:23,795 offshore without a US military presence 172 00:06:23,795 --> 00:06:25,906 within Gaza . We're coordinating with 173 00:06:25,906 --> 00:06:28,072 other nations to assist with operating 174 00:06:28,072 --> 00:06:30,239 the causeway and distributing aid into 175 00:06:30,239 --> 00:06:32,500 Gaza . The concept that is being 176 00:06:32,510 --> 00:06:34,510 planned involves the presence of us 177 00:06:34,510 --> 00:06:36,677 military personnel on military vessels 178 00:06:36,677 --> 00:06:39,410 offshore but does not require us 179 00:06:39,420 --> 00:06:42,190 military personnel to go ashore in 180 00:06:42,200 --> 00:06:44,422 terms of security on the ground . We're 181 00:06:44,422 --> 00:06:46,589 continuing to plan and coordinate with 182 00:06:46,589 --> 00:06:48,700 partners in the region and as for aid 183 00:06:48,700 --> 00:06:50,867 distribution , we'll have more details 184 00:06:50,867 --> 00:06:50,730 in the future , but we are coordinating 185 00:06:50,739 --> 00:06:53,040 with ally and partner nations , the UN 186 00:06:53,200 --> 00:06:55,422 and humanitarian NGO S on the way ahead 187 00:06:55,422 --> 00:06:57,422 for distribution of assistance into 188 00:06:57,422 --> 00:06:59,533 Gaza . Finally , in terms of timing , 189 00:06:59,533 --> 00:07:01,756 we're working to set this up as quickly 190 00:07:01,756 --> 00:07:03,756 as possible , but we expect that it 191 00:07:03,756 --> 00:07:05,756 will take several weeks to plan and 192 00:07:05,756 --> 00:07:07,867 execute once operational , the actual 193 00:07:07,867 --> 00:07:10,033 amount of aid delivered will depend on 194 00:07:10,033 --> 00:07:12,089 many variables and will likely scale 195 00:07:12,089 --> 00:07:14,299 over time . However , we expect that 196 00:07:14,309 --> 00:07:16,420 deliveries via J lots could provide 197 00:07:16,429 --> 00:07:18,262 more than 2 million meals to the 198 00:07:18,262 --> 00:07:21,000 citizens of Gaza per day . With that , 199 00:07:21,010 --> 00:07:23,010 I'd be happy to take your questions 200 00:07:23,010 --> 00:07:26,420 we'll start with a P lita bell . I'm 201 00:07:26,429 --> 00:07:29,750 sorry , T cup . Thank you . Um All 202 00:07:29,760 --> 00:07:32,038 right . A bunch of questions on J Lots . 203 00:07:32,038 --> 00:07:34,429 We see pictures of their both being a 204 00:07:34,440 --> 00:07:36,662 pair that looks like it's going on to a 205 00:07:36,662 --> 00:07:38,662 beach and the dock . Are you saying 206 00:07:38,662 --> 00:07:40,718 that there'll be a dock offshore and 207 00:07:40,718 --> 00:07:42,773 there'll be a separate pair of these 208 00:07:42,773 --> 00:07:44,940 two different structures or is it just 209 00:07:44,940 --> 00:07:47,273 one structure ? Yeah . Thanks Tara . So , 210 00:07:47,273 --> 00:07:50,549 um going to uh achieve a lifelong dream 211 00:07:50,559 --> 00:07:52,781 here and , and use a laser pointer from 212 00:07:52,781 --> 00:07:55,209 the podium . So let me uh just kind of 213 00:07:55,220 --> 00:07:57,053 walk you through the , the broad 214 00:07:57,053 --> 00:07:58,998 concept with the caveat that we're 215 00:07:58,998 --> 00:08:01,619 still conducting uh planning uh on this . 216 00:08:01,959 --> 00:08:04,399 But in essence , uh what you'll have 217 00:08:04,410 --> 00:08:07,299 here uh is a floating pier 218 00:08:08,100 --> 00:08:11,720 uh that is offshore that will be able 219 00:08:11,730 --> 00:08:15,160 to receive uh commercial vessels that 220 00:08:15,170 --> 00:08:18,359 have aid , that aid will be offloaded 221 00:08:18,750 --> 00:08:21,799 uh onto the floating pier . Uh and then 222 00:08:21,809 --> 00:08:25,320 trans loaded onto uh uh 223 00:08:25,329 --> 00:08:29,119 joint will uh uh or navy support 224 00:08:29,130 --> 00:08:31,190 vessels . Uh What we , what we call 225 00:08:31,200 --> 00:08:34,559 logistic support vessels . LSVS , those 226 00:08:34,568 --> 00:08:36,718 vessels will then take it to the 227 00:08:36,729 --> 00:08:39,568 floating causeway . Uh For example , 228 00:08:39,578 --> 00:08:42,119 you can see here uh and then offloaded 229 00:08:42,129 --> 00:08:45,039 onto the causeway uh in this case , 230 00:08:45,049 --> 00:08:47,160 which essentially is uh approximately 231 00:08:47,160 --> 00:08:51,109 1800 ft or 500 m long . Uh And it's 232 00:08:51,119 --> 00:08:54,859 two lane uh and then transported onto 233 00:08:54,869 --> 00:08:58,799 land uh and then distributed into Gaza . 234 00:08:59,440 --> 00:09:02,760 Uh the ability to uh do this without 235 00:09:02,770 --> 00:09:05,400 putting forces on the ground uh is due 236 00:09:05,409 --> 00:09:08,119 to the fact that the causeway uh is 237 00:09:08,130 --> 00:09:10,679 essentially uh it's modular built at 238 00:09:10,690 --> 00:09:13,940 sea uh and then essentially driven into 239 00:09:13,950 --> 00:09:16,539 the ground from offshore . Uh Again , 240 00:09:16,549 --> 00:09:18,716 as I mentioned , we'll be working with 241 00:09:18,716 --> 00:09:20,605 partners in the region uh to , of 242 00:09:20,605 --> 00:09:22,827 course , you know , be on the receiving 243 00:09:22,827 --> 00:09:24,993 end of that uh and to work through the 244 00:09:24,993 --> 00:09:27,160 security details . Uh But at no time , 245 00:09:27,160 --> 00:09:29,271 will we require us forces to actually 246 00:09:29,271 --> 00:09:31,382 go on the ground ? And so then uh you 247 00:09:31,382 --> 00:09:33,271 know , uh among other places , uh 248 00:09:33,271 --> 00:09:35,438 Cyprus has been highlighted as a place 249 00:09:35,438 --> 00:09:37,660 where aid can be uh loaded onto ships . 250 00:09:37,969 --> 00:09:40,479 Uh and then taken to the floating pier 251 00:09:40,520 --> 00:09:43,280 trans loaded onto these uh logistic 252 00:09:43,289 --> 00:09:46,739 support vessels transported over to the 253 00:09:46,750 --> 00:09:49,700 uh the causeway uh and then again , 254 00:09:49,710 --> 00:09:52,419 transported into Gaza . The other 255 00:09:52,429 --> 00:09:54,596 option that we have available to us as 256 00:09:54,596 --> 00:09:56,859 well is from the floating pier . Uh not 257 00:09:56,869 --> 00:09:59,289 only via the logistics support vessels 258 00:09:59,299 --> 00:10:02,260 but also uh via a barge capability that 259 00:10:02,270 --> 00:10:05,219 can take it uh take additional aid to 260 00:10:05,229 --> 00:10:07,809 the floating causeway and then just two 261 00:10:07,820 --> 00:10:11,229 follow ups um has 262 00:10:11,239 --> 00:10:14,489 Israel insisted on any restrictions on 263 00:10:14,500 --> 00:10:17,570 this pier such as no one can leave 264 00:10:17,580 --> 00:10:19,950 through the pier or no one can come on 265 00:10:19,960 --> 00:10:22,590 shore . Um Will Israel be providing 266 00:10:22,599 --> 00:10:25,599 security on the pier ? Uh Again , we're 267 00:10:25,609 --> 00:10:27,720 working through the details right now 268 00:10:27,720 --> 00:10:29,831 with , with partners in the region to 269 00:10:29,831 --> 00:10:31,887 include uh Israel uh in terms of the 270 00:10:31,887 --> 00:10:33,831 security aspect . Uh and then as I 271 00:10:33,831 --> 00:10:36,053 mentioned in , in the top , are working 272 00:10:36,053 --> 00:10:38,276 with ally and partner nations , working 273 00:10:38,276 --> 00:10:40,276 with the UN , working with NGO S to 274 00:10:40,276 --> 00:10:42,276 discuss the actual aid distribution 275 00:10:42,276 --> 00:10:44,331 piece . Uh you know to be clear , it 276 00:10:44,331 --> 00:10:46,498 will not be us military personnel that 277 00:10:46,498 --> 00:10:48,498 are transporting the aid off of the 278 00:10:48,498 --> 00:10:50,609 causeway into Gaza . Our role will be 279 00:10:50,609 --> 00:10:52,720 essentially to provide the service of 280 00:10:52,720 --> 00:10:54,720 getting it to the causeway at which 281 00:10:54,720 --> 00:10:56,831 point it will be then distributed . I 282 00:10:56,831 --> 00:10:58,887 know this is a new idea . But what I 283 00:10:58,887 --> 00:10:58,799 meant on the restrictions is , is 284 00:10:58,809 --> 00:11:01,031 Israel putting any restrictions on what 285 00:11:01,031 --> 00:11:03,710 can come through this pier . I'm not , 286 00:11:03,719 --> 00:11:06,119 I'm not tracking any . Let me go to 287 00:11:06,219 --> 00:11:09,349 fill . So , can you help me understand 288 00:11:09,359 --> 00:11:11,479 how is it that the military is gonna 289 00:11:11,489 --> 00:11:13,656 build this causeway going to shore but 290 00:11:13,656 --> 00:11:15,767 never get off onto the beach to drive 291 00:11:15,767 --> 00:11:18,045 it into the ground for starters . Yeah . 292 00:11:18,045 --> 00:11:20,320 So again , if you , if you look at the 293 00:11:20,330 --> 00:11:22,570 uh the causeway here , uh again , 294 00:11:22,580 --> 00:11:24,719 that's built out at sea , uh And then 295 00:11:24,729 --> 00:11:26,919 essentially just imagine , you know , 296 00:11:27,090 --> 00:11:29,609 pushing it uh propelling it into the 297 00:11:29,619 --> 00:11:33,609 shore . Um And once it's ashore , it's 298 00:11:33,619 --> 00:11:36,239 anchored , uh it's anchored on the 299 00:11:36,250 --> 00:11:38,306 shore . And again , we'll be working 300 00:11:38,306 --> 00:11:40,472 with regional partners to , to conduct 301 00:11:40,472 --> 00:11:42,583 that aspect . But no , us forces will 302 00:11:42,583 --> 00:11:44,472 get off of it . You know what I'm 303 00:11:44,472 --> 00:11:46,570 saying ? That US forces are the ones 304 00:11:46,580 --> 00:11:49,020 who anchor it , right ? But you're the 305 00:11:49,030 --> 00:11:51,030 restriction where you won't do it , 306 00:11:51,030 --> 00:11:53,086 someone else will anchor it . That's 307 00:11:53,086 --> 00:11:55,252 correct . And is Israel uh would be uh 308 00:11:55,252 --> 00:11:58,585 asked to provide immediate security . 309 00:11:58,594 --> 00:12:00,816 Um But you had suggested there might be 310 00:12:00,816 --> 00:12:02,983 other partners . Again , we're working 311 00:12:02,983 --> 00:12:05,150 through the coordinations and planning 312 00:12:05,150 --> 00:12:04,575 of this right now , working with 313 00:12:04,585 --> 00:12:06,474 partners in the region to include 314 00:12:06,474 --> 00:12:08,641 Israel uh in terms of who will provide 315 00:12:08,641 --> 00:12:10,752 the , the specific security . Again , 316 00:12:10,752 --> 00:12:12,863 we'll have more details to provide in 317 00:12:12,863 --> 00:12:14,974 the future . Uh But that is the , the 318 00:12:14,974 --> 00:12:17,141 concept , it's Israel's decision , but 319 00:12:17,141 --> 00:12:19,363 who provides security or is it ? Well , 320 00:12:19,363 --> 00:12:21,474 we're working with uh partners in the 321 00:12:21,474 --> 00:12:23,585 region . I'll just keep it that broad 322 00:12:23,585 --> 00:12:25,807 at this point , Louis . Um Can you tell 323 00:12:25,807 --> 00:12:27,974 us how large of a deployment this will 324 00:12:27,974 --> 00:12:30,141 be for , you know , all the components 325 00:12:30,141 --> 00:12:32,307 of J LO S , how long it will take them 326 00:12:32,307 --> 00:12:34,418 to begin operating ? How long will it 327 00:12:34,418 --> 00:12:36,196 take them to transit uh to this 328 00:12:36,196 --> 00:12:38,085 location ? And in addition to the 329 00:12:38,085 --> 00:12:40,307 ground security element , will there be 330 00:12:40,307 --> 00:12:42,474 a maritime security element for all of 331 00:12:42,474 --> 00:12:44,252 the forces that will be located 332 00:12:44,252 --> 00:12:46,474 offshore ? Yeah . So on , on your first 333 00:12:46,474 --> 00:12:48,641 question , um we anticipate that it'll 334 00:12:48,641 --> 00:12:52,530 take uh over 1000 us forces uh 335 00:12:52,539 --> 00:12:55,929 to participate uh in , in uh 336 00:12:56,270 --> 00:12:58,799 building this capability . Uh As far as 337 00:12:58,809 --> 00:13:00,920 time frame , as I mentioned , several 338 00:13:00,920 --> 00:13:02,979 weeks , uh likely up to 60 days in 339 00:13:02,989 --> 00:13:06,729 order to deploy the forces uh and uh 340 00:13:06,820 --> 00:13:10,369 construct the uh the causeway and the , 341 00:13:10,380 --> 00:13:13,289 and the pier . Um But again , we're 342 00:13:13,299 --> 00:13:15,132 starting immediately in terms of 343 00:13:15,140 --> 00:13:17,362 putting things into motion on , on that 344 00:13:17,362 --> 00:13:19,529 front . Uh And then as far as security 345 00:13:19,529 --> 00:13:21,696 goes for opsec reasons , I'm not gonna 346 00:13:21,696 --> 00:13:23,807 get into spec specifics other than to 347 00:13:23,807 --> 00:13:26,029 say , security uh is taken into account 348 00:13:26,029 --> 00:13:27,973 for these capabilities . Uh And so 349 00:13:27,973 --> 00:13:30,029 that's something that we , of course 350 00:13:30,029 --> 00:13:32,251 will , will provide for our forces that 351 00:13:32,251 --> 00:13:34,473 you're talking about partner nations on 352 00:13:34,473 --> 00:13:36,584 the ground , but you're talking about 353 00:13:36,584 --> 00:13:35,840 operational security , you can't 354 00:13:35,849 --> 00:13:38,016 discuss what will be on the maritime . 355 00:13:38,016 --> 00:13:40,127 Is that correct ? Right . I mean , we 356 00:13:40,127 --> 00:13:42,293 will this , these forces will have the 357 00:13:42,293 --> 00:13:44,460 capability to provide some uh organic 358 00:13:44,489 --> 00:13:46,711 uh security . I'm just not going to get 359 00:13:46,711 --> 00:13:48,822 into the specifics of that Jennifer . 360 00:13:48,822 --> 00:13:51,450 Um Pat , how much will this cost ? And 361 00:13:51,460 --> 00:13:54,280 if Israel is going to be engaged in the 362 00:13:54,289 --> 00:13:57,849 security on land , why not just open 363 00:13:58,099 --> 00:14:00,330 the existing , there are ports just 364 00:14:00,340 --> 00:14:03,390 north of Gaza , Ashdod Ashkelon and 365 00:14:03,400 --> 00:14:06,119 there are entrances into Gaza , why not 366 00:14:06,130 --> 00:14:09,669 just use those existing ports and have 367 00:14:09,679 --> 00:14:11,979 Israel look at what's going through and 368 00:14:11,989 --> 00:14:14,100 bring it in . It seems like this is a 369 00:14:14,100 --> 00:14:16,799 lot of work for 60 days out when there 370 00:14:16,809 --> 00:14:18,950 are people starving frankly . Yeah . 371 00:14:18,960 --> 00:14:21,127 Well , as I highlighted at the top , I 372 00:14:21,127 --> 00:14:23,127 mean , this is part of a full court 373 00:14:23,127 --> 00:14:25,293 press by the United States to not only 374 00:14:25,390 --> 00:14:28,479 focus on working on opening up and 375 00:14:28,489 --> 00:14:31,039 expanding routes via land , which of 376 00:14:31,049 --> 00:14:33,640 course are the the optimal way to get 377 00:14:33,650 --> 00:14:36,679 aid into Gaza but also by conducting 378 00:14:36,690 --> 00:14:38,912 airdrops . And now as the president has 379 00:14:38,912 --> 00:14:41,023 said , not enough aid is getting in . 380 00:14:41,023 --> 00:14:43,023 And so this is a capability that we 381 00:14:43,023 --> 00:14:45,246 have . It's a capability that we uh are 382 00:14:45,246 --> 00:14:47,468 going to execute and enable us to get . 383 00:14:47,468 --> 00:14:49,579 Like as I said , upwards of 2 million 384 00:14:49,579 --> 00:14:51,950 uh meals in a day . And why was the 385 00:14:51,960 --> 00:14:55,000 latest airdrop ? So small 11,000 meals ? 386 00:14:55,489 --> 00:14:57,489 Look , these are going to vary over 387 00:14:57,489 --> 00:14:59,656 time just depending on the the mission 388 00:14:59,656 --> 00:15:01,767 and the aircraft that are available . 389 00:15:01,767 --> 00:15:03,989 Uh So you , you will see those continue 390 00:15:03,989 --> 00:15:06,267 to fluctuate I could on the UFO report . 391 00:15:06,267 --> 00:15:08,789 Um This is an internal investigation 392 00:15:08,799 --> 00:15:11,070 required by Congress . Why will 393 00:15:11,080 --> 00:15:14,190 Americans believe that the Pentagon has 394 00:15:14,200 --> 00:15:16,144 investigated itself and found that 395 00:15:16,144 --> 00:15:18,144 there's no evidence of alien life . 396 00:15:18,359 --> 00:15:21,909 Well , look , the uh the AERO office 397 00:15:21,919 --> 00:15:24,780 used a very rigorous uh analytical 398 00:15:24,789 --> 00:15:28,000 scientific approach to investigate all 399 00:15:28,010 --> 00:15:30,460 past us government efforts , all claims 400 00:15:30,469 --> 00:15:33,419 by interviewees . Uh they were granted 401 00:15:33,429 --> 00:15:35,429 access at the highest levels to all 402 00:15:35,429 --> 00:15:37,651 information . No , none of the agencies 403 00:15:37,651 --> 00:15:39,859 that they spoke with um prevented them 404 00:15:39,869 --> 00:15:41,869 from getting any of the information 405 00:15:41,869 --> 00:15:43,591 that they needed to do . Uh We 406 00:15:43,591 --> 00:15:45,758 understand that this is something that 407 00:15:45,758 --> 00:15:48,479 is uh you know , of great interest to a 408 00:15:48,489 --> 00:15:50,559 significant number of people and 409 00:15:50,570 --> 00:15:53,530 organizations . Uh And so they took 410 00:15:53,539 --> 00:15:55,710 this very seriously . Uh they followed 411 00:15:55,719 --> 00:15:58,010 the evidence wherever it led them . Uh 412 00:15:58,020 --> 00:15:59,964 And you know , I think the results 413 00:15:59,964 --> 00:16:02,076 speak for itself . Yeah , thank you . 414 00:16:02,076 --> 00:16:04,131 You had uh said that reports that an 415 00:16:04,131 --> 00:16:06,353 airdrop over Gaza had killed people are 416 00:16:06,353 --> 00:16:09,880 false . How did dod determine that it's 417 00:16:09,890 --> 00:16:13,799 uh food drops all ended safely and 418 00:16:13,809 --> 00:16:16,960 is dod using C seventeens at all or is 419 00:16:16,969 --> 00:16:19,390 it just using C one thirties ? We have 420 00:16:19,400 --> 00:16:22,059 only used C one thirties for air drops . 421 00:16:22,330 --> 00:16:25,070 Um And in terms of this particular 422 00:16:25,080 --> 00:16:27,247 airdrop , I would just note that the , 423 00:16:27,247 --> 00:16:29,469 the data minor alert that went out on , 424 00:16:29,469 --> 00:16:31,302 this was five minutes before the 425 00:16:31,302 --> 00:16:33,413 airdrop actually occurred . So pretty 426 00:16:33,413 --> 00:16:35,636 confident that it wasn't us and we also 427 00:16:35,636 --> 00:16:37,802 maintain the capability to observe our 428 00:16:37,802 --> 00:16:37,380 bundles actually hitting the ground . 429 00:16:37,739 --> 00:16:39,628 Do you know , was anyone actually 430 00:16:39,628 --> 00:16:42,229 killed ? The Gaza Health Ministry is 431 00:16:42,239 --> 00:16:44,461 saying five people are killed . Is this 432 00:16:44,461 --> 00:16:46,628 something dey can confirm ? I cannot . 433 00:16:46,628 --> 00:16:49,929 Thanks . Thank you . Um So on , uh on 434 00:16:49,940 --> 00:16:51,829 the , on the pier , it seems like 435 00:16:51,829 --> 00:16:53,884 you're taking no boots on the ground 436 00:16:53,884 --> 00:16:56,162 awfully literally , since they will be , 437 00:16:56,162 --> 00:16:58,051 the troops will be pretty close , 438 00:16:58,051 --> 00:17:00,051 they'll be in the water surrounding 439 00:17:00,051 --> 00:17:02,273 Gaza , right ? So how far exactly , how 440 00:17:02,273 --> 00:17:01,940 far will they actually be from the 441 00:17:01,950 --> 00:17:04,810 shore ? I I don't have a foot count for 442 00:17:04,819 --> 00:17:07,829 you , but again , they're not gonna go 443 00:17:07,839 --> 00:17:09,895 on the shore is the bottom line . It 444 00:17:09,895 --> 00:17:12,400 seems awfully literal . Um And also is 445 00:17:12,410 --> 00:17:14,410 it , is it actually service members 446 00:17:14,420 --> 00:17:16,531 that are going to be constructing the 447 00:17:16,531 --> 00:17:18,698 pier or is it contractors ? Uh This is 448 00:17:18,698 --> 00:17:21,199 a us military capability . So , uh 449 00:17:21,209 --> 00:17:23,431 again , you know , we'll have much more 450 00:17:23,431 --> 00:17:25,530 detail to , to provide . Um But as I 451 00:17:25,540 --> 00:17:27,484 mentioned at the top here , uh the 452 00:17:27,484 --> 00:17:29,207 Seventh Transportation Brigade 453 00:17:29,207 --> 00:17:31,540 expeditionary maintains this capability . 454 00:17:31,540 --> 00:17:33,707 And so there , there will be an active 455 00:17:33,707 --> 00:17:35,762 uh military component to it and then 456 00:17:35,762 --> 00:17:37,540 really quickly just on , on the 457 00:17:37,540 --> 00:17:39,596 situation in Haiti . Can you provide 458 00:17:39,596 --> 00:17:41,818 any information on what kind of support 459 00:17:41,818 --> 00:17:43,596 do you d is lending to , to the 460 00:17:43,596 --> 00:17:46,229 situation there ? Um So what I can tell 461 00:17:46,239 --> 00:17:48,760 you , Lara is uh we're exploring 462 00:17:48,770 --> 00:17:50,969 contingency options to ensure the 463 00:17:50,979 --> 00:17:52,812 security of our personnel at the 464 00:17:52,812 --> 00:17:54,923 embassy . No decisions have been made 465 00:17:54,923 --> 00:17:57,089 at this time . Uh about potential 466 00:17:57,099 --> 00:17:59,266 deployments . I know there's been some 467 00:17:59,266 --> 00:18:00,821 press reports about a fleet 468 00:18:00,821 --> 00:18:02,877 antiterrorism security team . What I 469 00:18:02,877 --> 00:18:05,043 can tell you is that dod will not send 470 00:18:05,043 --> 00:18:06,988 troops to Haiti to support Haitian 471 00:18:06,988 --> 00:18:09,099 National Police security operations . 472 00:18:09,099 --> 00:18:11,266 We have no intention of intervening uh 473 00:18:11,266 --> 00:18:13,432 and we are not providing assistance to 474 00:18:13,432 --> 00:18:15,655 help the Prime Minister return to Haiti 475 00:18:15,655 --> 00:18:17,710 at this time , Constantine . Um When 476 00:18:17,710 --> 00:18:20,270 was the on , on J Lo uh when was the 477 00:18:20,280 --> 00:18:22,469 last time this system was used in an 478 00:18:22,479 --> 00:18:25,020 operation setting ? Uh The , the last 479 00:18:25,030 --> 00:18:28,680 uh employment was uh last year as part 480 00:18:28,689 --> 00:18:32,439 of uh exercise , Talisman Saber . Uh So 481 00:18:32,449 --> 00:18:35,750 uh relatively recently . And I mean , 482 00:18:35,760 --> 00:18:38,219 can you speak at all as to what the dod 483 00:18:38,229 --> 00:18:40,430 is assessing our risks to this plan or 484 00:18:40,439 --> 00:18:42,989 points of concern ? Um Well , I don't , 485 00:18:43,000 --> 00:18:45,189 I don't wanna get into , you know , 486 00:18:45,199 --> 00:18:47,421 potential vulnerabilities , obviously , 487 00:18:47,421 --> 00:18:49,479 a complex operation here , all of 488 00:18:49,489 --> 00:18:51,656 things that we're gonna work through . 489 00:18:51,656 --> 00:18:53,711 I think the , the key aspect here is 490 00:18:53,711 --> 00:18:55,933 that again , we're working alongside uh 491 00:18:55,933 --> 00:18:58,410 partners and allies in the region uh as 492 00:18:58,420 --> 00:19:00,630 well as NGO S to , to help implement 493 00:19:00,640 --> 00:19:02,807 this . Um But certainly one of the key 494 00:19:02,807 --> 00:19:04,918 things that we're gonna be focused on 495 00:19:04,918 --> 00:19:07,140 is the security of our personnel uh and 496 00:19:07,140 --> 00:19:09,196 also working uh with partners in the 497 00:19:09,196 --> 00:19:11,084 region to ensure that aid that is 498 00:19:11,084 --> 00:19:13,307 delivered , can , can be distributed in 499 00:19:13,307 --> 00:19:15,307 a safe and secure way . Thank you , 500 00:19:15,307 --> 00:19:17,473 John . Thank you , General . Um You've 501 00:19:17,473 --> 00:19:19,251 been supporting Israel from the 502 00:19:19,251 --> 00:19:21,839 beginning unconditionally , what is the 503 00:19:21,849 --> 00:19:25,780 exact um disagreement uh that makes you 504 00:19:25,790 --> 00:19:28,810 to drop aid and send it by sea instead 505 00:19:28,819 --> 00:19:31,310 of sending them through the land uh 506 00:19:31,319 --> 00:19:33,599 since it's the same operation and it 507 00:19:33,609 --> 00:19:36,420 has the same security concerns . I mean , 508 00:19:36,430 --> 00:19:38,486 if they trust you with the help that 509 00:19:38,486 --> 00:19:40,652 you are sending to them uh through the 510 00:19:40,652 --> 00:19:42,763 sea and air , why don't they let them 511 00:19:42,763 --> 00:19:45,979 just go through the uh border again ? 512 00:19:45,989 --> 00:19:48,045 I'm not going to speak for Israel as 513 00:19:48,045 --> 00:19:50,267 I've highlighted . Uh and the president 514 00:19:50,267 --> 00:19:52,489 has said not enough aid is getting into 515 00:19:52,489 --> 00:19:54,780 Gaza . We continue to speak with our 516 00:19:54,790 --> 00:19:56,734 Israeli partners and others in the 517 00:19:56,734 --> 00:19:59,750 region about increasing the number of 518 00:19:59,760 --> 00:20:02,439 uh options for aid to get into Gaza via 519 00:20:02,449 --> 00:20:05,300 land . Um But we're also not gonna wait 520 00:20:05,310 --> 00:20:07,477 around . And so this is why you see us 521 00:20:07,477 --> 00:20:09,643 doing airdrops and this is why you see 522 00:20:09,643 --> 00:20:11,754 us now implementing this capability . 523 00:20:11,754 --> 00:20:13,977 Thank you . Let me go over to Nancy and 524 00:20:13,977 --> 00:20:16,088 then I'll go to the phone . Um uh how 525 00:20:16,088 --> 00:20:18,310 much will the mission cost and who will 526 00:20:18,310 --> 00:20:20,739 command it ? Uh Nancy , I don't have a 527 00:20:20,750 --> 00:20:22,917 cost estimate right now . Again , that 528 00:20:22,917 --> 00:20:24,972 that's something we can come back to 529 00:20:24,972 --> 00:20:27,469 you on . Um This will be uh operated 530 00:20:27,479 --> 00:20:29,312 under the command and control of 531 00:20:29,312 --> 00:20:31,368 central command . Again , we'll have 532 00:20:31,368 --> 00:20:33,590 more details in terms of the specific C 533 00:20:33,590 --> 00:20:35,757 two who will be sort of on who will be 534 00:20:35,757 --> 00:20:37,979 the commander on the ground rather than 535 00:20:37,979 --> 00:20:37,650 the combatant commander . I , I don't 536 00:20:37,660 --> 00:20:39,993 have that for you right now . But again , 537 00:20:39,993 --> 00:20:42,216 we'll keep you updated . You , you said 538 00:20:42,216 --> 00:20:44,382 60 days . And I'm trying to understand 539 00:20:44,382 --> 00:20:46,382 is that 60 days from when all these 540 00:20:46,382 --> 00:20:48,549 issues are sorted out or is it 60 days 541 00:20:48,549 --> 00:20:50,930 from now ? And um 542 00:20:51,760 --> 00:20:55,109 conservatively , uh Gaza needs 6.6 543 00:20:55,119 --> 00:20:57,349 million meals a day . US provided 544 00:20:57,359 --> 00:21:00,979 11,500 . It's a gap . Um And I wanna 545 00:21:00,989 --> 00:21:02,933 know if there's any sort of effort 546 00:21:02,933 --> 00:21:04,933 between now and when this period is 547 00:21:04,933 --> 00:21:07,550 built to increase the amount of um aid 548 00:21:07,560 --> 00:21:09,671 going into Israel through these kinds 549 00:21:09,671 --> 00:21:12,859 of military operations . Um Given that 550 00:21:12,869 --> 00:21:16,310 the need is imminent and um that many 551 00:21:16,319 --> 00:21:19,290 will not cannot survive 60 days at this 552 00:21:19,300 --> 00:21:23,079 clip of true . Yeah , I mean , to your 553 00:21:23,089 --> 00:21:25,619 point , I mean , it is dire urgent need . 554 00:21:25,630 --> 00:21:28,199 Uh which is why you see the department 555 00:21:28,209 --> 00:21:30,320 contributing in this way as part of a 556 00:21:30,320 --> 00:21:32,542 part of a broader overall us government 557 00:21:32,542 --> 00:21:34,542 effort and part of an international 558 00:21:34,542 --> 00:21:36,765 effort uh as we highlighted in our read 559 00:21:36,765 --> 00:21:38,653 out last night . Uh and Secretary 560 00:21:38,653 --> 00:21:40,765 Austin's call with Minister Gallant , 561 00:21:40,765 --> 00:21:42,876 part of the discussion was looking at 562 00:21:42,876 --> 00:21:44,987 increasing the aid routes into Gaza . 563 00:21:44,987 --> 00:21:47,209 And so those conversations continue not 564 00:21:47,209 --> 00:21:49,320 only at the Department of Defense but 565 00:21:49,320 --> 00:21:51,542 also the Department of State and USA ID 566 00:21:51,542 --> 00:21:53,598 of course , is leading the charge on 567 00:21:53,598 --> 00:21:55,765 that front . We want to see the amount 568 00:21:55,765 --> 00:21:57,487 of aid going via land increase 569 00:21:57,487 --> 00:21:59,542 significantly and we understand that 570 00:21:59,542 --> 00:22:01,709 that is the the most viable way to get 571 00:22:01,709 --> 00:22:03,709 aid in . But in the meantime , as I 572 00:22:03,709 --> 00:22:03,439 highlighted , we're not gonna wait 573 00:22:03,449 --> 00:22:05,393 around , we have the capability to 574 00:22:05,393 --> 00:22:07,393 conduct this via airdrops and we're 575 00:22:07,393 --> 00:22:09,660 doing that . Uh And uh uh I'm certain 576 00:22:09,670 --> 00:22:12,030 that every single bit of aid helps and 577 00:22:12,040 --> 00:22:13,929 it's saving someone's life on the 578 00:22:13,929 --> 00:22:15,762 ground . Uh This will be another 579 00:22:15,762 --> 00:22:17,873 capability that will allow us to work 580 00:22:17,873 --> 00:22:20,096 with the international community to get 581 00:22:20,096 --> 00:22:22,262 additional aid in . But if I'm hearing 582 00:22:22,262 --> 00:22:21,579 you correctly , there won't be a major 583 00:22:21,589 --> 00:22:23,422 change in the number of airdrops 584 00:22:23,422 --> 00:22:25,589 between now and when that appear would 585 00:22:25,589 --> 00:22:27,589 be completed . So I'm not gonna get 586 00:22:27,589 --> 00:22:29,811 into the specifics on timing other than 587 00:22:29,811 --> 00:22:31,867 to say that , you know , we're gonna 588 00:22:31,867 --> 00:22:31,550 continue to do this for as long as it , 589 00:22:31,560 --> 00:22:33,910 we're , we're able to uh again 590 00:22:33,920 --> 00:22:35,770 recognizing that there are other 591 00:22:35,780 --> 00:22:38,170 avenues that , that uh will enable us 592 00:22:38,180 --> 00:22:40,291 to get more aid in more quickly . Let 593 00:22:40,291 --> 00:22:42,402 me go to the phone and I'll come back 594 00:22:42,402 --> 00:22:44,513 to the room here , Helene Cooper from 595 00:22:44,513 --> 00:22:47,449 New York Times . Hi , uh uh Phil 596 00:22:47,459 --> 00:22:49,681 already asked my question . Thank you . 597 00:22:49,681 --> 00:22:52,609 Excellent , Tom . Thank you . Um Just 598 00:22:52,619 --> 00:22:54,675 to clarify a little bit more on , on 599 00:22:54,675 --> 00:22:56,709 this , this floating p so does this 600 00:22:56,719 --> 00:22:59,640 mean that there will be no food 601 00:22:59,650 --> 00:23:02,099 deliveries by sea at all for at least 602 00:23:02,109 --> 00:23:05,959 60 days uh led by , you know , 603 00:23:05,969 --> 00:23:08,136 the European Union . And so this whole 604 00:23:08,136 --> 00:23:10,358 multinational approach , the first time 605 00:23:10,358 --> 00:23:12,413 we'll see any aid going to the shore 606 00:23:12,413 --> 00:23:14,636 will be in a maximum 60 days . So Tom , 607 00:23:14,636 --> 00:23:16,802 I can only speak for the US Department 608 00:23:16,802 --> 00:23:18,525 of Defense and this particular 609 00:23:18,525 --> 00:23:20,469 capability as you highlight , I am 610 00:23:20,469 --> 00:23:23,310 aware that there's uh a European effort 611 00:23:23,319 --> 00:23:25,375 uh that for free to them in terms of 612 00:23:25,375 --> 00:23:27,597 their timelines and their mechanisms by 613 00:23:27,597 --> 00:23:29,763 which they're looking to deliver aid . 614 00:23:29,763 --> 00:23:31,986 What I'm talking to is the specifics as 615 00:23:31,986 --> 00:23:33,986 it relates to the temporary peer uh 616 00:23:33,986 --> 00:23:35,989 that dod has been tasked to , to 617 00:23:36,000 --> 00:23:38,939 support part of those international 618 00:23:38,949 --> 00:23:41,310 efforts . So on that front again , I'd 619 00:23:41,319 --> 00:23:43,699 I'd refer you to USA ID State 620 00:23:43,709 --> 00:23:46,339 Department . Um I'm I'm only gonna talk 621 00:23:46,349 --> 00:23:48,790 to the dod aspects of it right now 622 00:23:48,800 --> 00:23:51,022 because I just don't have those details 623 00:23:51,089 --> 00:23:53,200 about the food coming in , like who's 624 00:23:53,200 --> 00:23:55,200 gonna be providing that and putting 625 00:23:55,200 --> 00:23:57,367 that on to the ships , which will then 626 00:23:57,367 --> 00:23:57,319 go to the floating pier again , much 627 00:23:57,329 --> 00:23:59,662 more to follow . But as I understand it , 628 00:23:59,662 --> 00:24:01,496 uh you know , this is part of an 629 00:24:01,496 --> 00:24:03,329 international effort , you saw a 630 00:24:03,329 --> 00:24:05,440 statement come out earlier today from 631 00:24:05,440 --> 00:24:07,496 multiple nations um in terms of , of 632 00:24:07,496 --> 00:24:09,718 how this could work . Uh And so we will 633 00:24:09,718 --> 00:24:11,885 be a part of that effort . Our role in 634 00:24:11,885 --> 00:24:14,051 this is gonna be helping to facilitate 635 00:24:14,051 --> 00:24:16,273 the delivery of that aid uh into Gaza . 636 00:24:16,709 --> 00:24:20,119 Yes , sir . Are you saying that 637 00:24:20,800 --> 00:24:24,569 people just not by us ? Look , I 638 00:24:24,579 --> 00:24:27,010 can't confirm those deaths . I've seen 639 00:24:27,020 --> 00:24:29,187 those press reports . What I'm telling 640 00:24:29,187 --> 00:24:31,187 you is that the reports that the us 641 00:24:31,187 --> 00:24:33,353 that our airdrops were responsible for 642 00:24:33,353 --> 00:24:35,409 any deaths are false . We were not , 643 00:24:35,739 --> 00:24:37,628 we've seen pictures of plummeting 644 00:24:37,628 --> 00:24:39,795 packages to the ground . I mean , were 645 00:24:39,795 --> 00:24:41,660 those yours ? They were not on 646 00:24:41,670 --> 00:24:44,010 distribution who will distribute the 647 00:24:44,020 --> 00:24:46,339 aid once it is has gone off 648 00:24:48,670 --> 00:24:50,890 again . As I highlighted at the top , 649 00:24:50,900 --> 00:24:53,233 we are talking with allies and partners , 650 00:24:53,233 --> 00:24:55,640 the United Nations and other NGO S 651 00:24:55,910 --> 00:24:58,369 involved in humanitarian assistance in 652 00:24:58,380 --> 00:25:00,602 terms of how that process will work and 653 00:25:00,602 --> 00:25:02,824 how that aid will be distributed . Have 654 00:25:02,824 --> 00:25:04,658 you received assurances from the 655 00:25:04,658 --> 00:25:06,824 Israelis that they will look fire upon 656 00:25:06,824 --> 00:25:08,936 Palestinians as they seek to retrieve 657 00:25:08,936 --> 00:25:10,991 the aid ? Look , we , you know , our 658 00:25:10,991 --> 00:25:10,900 focus is on delivering the aid . I'm 659 00:25:10,910 --> 00:25:13,021 not going to speak for the Israelis . 660 00:25:13,021 --> 00:25:15,132 Obviously , the focus is to make sure 661 00:25:15,132 --> 00:25:18,839 that the Thank you . Thank you , 662 00:25:18,849 --> 00:25:20,989 General . Uh I want to ask you about 663 00:25:21,130 --> 00:25:23,569 Osprey aircraft . So is the Pentagon 664 00:25:23,579 --> 00:25:26,390 confident that that you can gain the 665 00:25:26,400 --> 00:25:29,050 support from the Japanese public on the 666 00:25:29,060 --> 00:25:32,239 safety of Osprey fre ? Yeah , thanks 667 00:25:32,250 --> 00:25:34,479 Rose . So uh the United States and 668 00:25:34,489 --> 00:25:36,680 Japan have been in close coordinations 669 00:25:36,689 --> 00:25:38,578 throughout this entire process at 670 00:25:38,578 --> 00:25:41,630 multiple levels uh to include the 671 00:25:41,640 --> 00:25:44,030 specific timeline on the return of 672 00:25:44,040 --> 00:25:47,569 flight uh of uh osprey operations in 673 00:25:47,579 --> 00:25:50,150 Japan . Uh As I highlighted at the top , 674 00:25:50,160 --> 00:25:52,382 the safety of our service members , our 675 00:25:52,382 --> 00:25:54,604 allies and the communities that they're 676 00:25:54,604 --> 00:25:56,382 operating in uh is of paramount 677 00:25:56,382 --> 00:25:58,540 importance to us . Uh And so we have 678 00:25:58,550 --> 00:26:01,359 again been very uh grateful for the 679 00:26:01,369 --> 00:26:03,530 support of Japan through this process 680 00:26:03,569 --> 00:26:06,270 uh as well as very transparent with 681 00:26:06,280 --> 00:26:08,447 Japan in terms of the steps that we're 682 00:26:08,447 --> 00:26:11,339 taking , the intend to speak with the 683 00:26:11,349 --> 00:26:13,949 Japanese Defense Minister to convey his 684 00:26:13,959 --> 00:26:16,469 commitment to safety before began the 685 00:26:16,479 --> 00:26:19,170 aircraft to ride . Yeah , thanks for , 686 00:26:19,199 --> 00:26:21,310 I don't have any calls to read out at 687 00:26:21,310 --> 00:26:23,477 the , at this time . Uh I can tell you 688 00:26:23,477 --> 00:26:25,588 that us forces Japan again , has been 689 00:26:25,588 --> 00:26:27,755 in frequent contact to communicate the 690 00:26:27,755 --> 00:26:29,532 departments and the secretary's 691 00:26:29,532 --> 00:26:31,643 commitment to safety . Thank you very 692 00:26:31,643 --> 00:26:33,866 much , Courtney . Um What's the name of 693 00:26:33,866 --> 00:26:35,977 this mission did you say already ? Uh 694 00:26:35,977 --> 00:26:38,199 Courtney , there's , there's no uh name 695 00:26:38,199 --> 00:26:40,477 at this time . If that changes , we'll , 696 00:26:40,477 --> 00:26:39,829 we'll be sure to let you know . Ok . 697 00:26:39,839 --> 00:26:41,950 And then just following on , on Rio's 698 00:26:41,950 --> 00:26:44,172 question , um I wonder if does , is the 699 00:26:44,172 --> 00:26:46,061 secretary confident in the Osprey 700 00:26:46,061 --> 00:26:48,239 aircraft that it's safe ? I think the 701 00:26:48,250 --> 00:26:50,300 secretary is confident in the steps 702 00:26:50,310 --> 00:26:52,680 that have been taken uh to return it to 703 00:26:52,689 --> 00:26:55,189 flight . Uh And so again , as I 704 00:26:55,199 --> 00:26:57,366 highlighted , you know , safety is the 705 00:26:57,366 --> 00:26:59,569 most important thing . Uh He recently 706 00:26:59,579 --> 00:27:01,468 had the opportunity to receive an 707 00:27:01,468 --> 00:27:03,579 update from the service , secretaries 708 00:27:03,579 --> 00:27:05,746 and chiefs on the steps that are being 709 00:27:05,746 --> 00:27:08,209 taken . Uh And uh again , is confident 710 00:27:08,219 --> 00:27:10,441 in their decision . So Secretary Austin 711 00:27:10,441 --> 00:27:12,608 believes the osprey is a safe aircraft 712 00:27:12,608 --> 00:27:14,830 for military members to fly . Correct ? 713 00:27:14,830 --> 00:27:16,997 Thank you . Hi , I'm Mallory Shelburne 714 00:27:16,997 --> 00:27:19,219 with us N A News . What kind of lift do 715 00:27:19,219 --> 00:27:21,441 you need to get these forces over there 716 00:27:21,441 --> 00:27:23,608 to execute this mission ? And where do 717 00:27:23,608 --> 00:27:25,775 the CV S fit into this ? Um So it , it 718 00:27:25,775 --> 00:27:27,830 will require a variety of sea lift . 719 00:27:27,830 --> 00:27:29,441 Again , we'll have much more 720 00:27:29,441 --> 00:27:31,608 information for you in the future . Um 721 00:27:31,608 --> 00:27:33,386 Part of this is uh working with 722 00:27:33,386 --> 00:27:35,552 military sea lift command to get these 723 00:27:35,552 --> 00:27:37,663 capabilities . Um But as I'm sure you 724 00:27:37,663 --> 00:27:39,830 can appreciate multiple vessels from , 725 00:27:39,830 --> 00:27:41,886 from across the world that will come 726 00:27:41,886 --> 00:27:44,052 together um in terms of the CBS , um I 727 00:27:44,052 --> 00:27:46,219 don't have an answer for you on that . 728 00:27:46,219 --> 00:27:48,441 Um Other , yeah , so again , if we have 729 00:27:48,441 --> 00:27:50,608 any updates we'll be sure to provide . 730 00:27:50,608 --> 00:27:52,719 So is it possible that you'll have to 731 00:27:52,719 --> 00:27:54,941 reactivate some sea lift vessels to get 732 00:27:54,941 --> 00:27:54,869 forces over there ? Is that what you , 733 00:27:54,880 --> 00:27:57,102 I'm not tracking that that's the case . 734 00:27:57,102 --> 00:27:59,324 I , I think we have what we need within 735 00:27:59,324 --> 00:28:01,047 the inventory , obviously as a 736 00:28:01,047 --> 00:28:03,102 capability that we maintain . Uh and 737 00:28:03,102 --> 00:28:05,060 have demonstrated . Uh And so they 738 00:28:05,069 --> 00:28:07,130 should be good to go right now . 739 00:28:08,510 --> 00:28:12,380 Um Well , the , the unit is based 740 00:28:12,390 --> 00:28:15,969 out of uh joint base used to Langley 741 00:28:16,060 --> 00:28:17,420 Eustace . So um 742 00:28:20,689 --> 00:28:22,633 there , there are aspects that are 743 00:28:22,633 --> 00:28:24,745 already in the region . So again , it 744 00:28:24,745 --> 00:28:27,078 will be a coalescing of capabilities to , 745 00:28:27,078 --> 00:28:29,245 to accomplish this specific capability 746 00:28:29,969 --> 00:28:32,191 of its kind . We have just one of these 747 00:28:32,191 --> 00:28:34,302 peer systems or do we have multiple ? 748 00:28:34,302 --> 00:28:36,358 Yes , I'm not for opsec reasons to , 749 00:28:36,358 --> 00:28:38,358 I'm not gonna go into the specifics 750 00:28:38,358 --> 00:28:40,136 other than to say it's a unique 751 00:28:40,136 --> 00:28:42,136 capability . And let me go to Jared 752 00:28:42,136 --> 00:28:44,302 here . I just want to clarify and make 753 00:28:44,302 --> 00:28:44,209 sure I understood this correctly . Um 754 00:28:44,689 --> 00:28:46,856 Have you received any commitments from 755 00:28:46,856 --> 00:28:48,911 any other nations on the security or 756 00:28:48,911 --> 00:28:51,133 the military aspect of this uh in terms 757 00:28:51,133 --> 00:28:53,189 of supporting this effort ? Uh or is 758 00:28:53,189 --> 00:28:55,411 the military component of this strictly 759 00:28:55,411 --> 00:28:57,633 unilateral by the US ? As I mentioned , 760 00:28:57,633 --> 00:28:59,578 we're working with partners in the 761 00:28:59,578 --> 00:28:59,469 region . I'm not going to speak for 762 00:28:59,479 --> 00:29:01,479 them at this point in time . I'll , 763 00:29:01,479 --> 00:29:03,535 I'll let them speak for themselves , 764 00:29:03,535 --> 00:29:03,310 but again , we'll be sure to keep you 765 00:29:03,319 --> 00:29:05,380 updated . We fully recognize that 766 00:29:05,390 --> 00:29:07,612 there's a lot of interest in terms of , 767 00:29:07,612 --> 00:29:09,834 you know , the concept and , and how it 768 00:29:09,834 --> 00:29:12,469 will be executed uh and specifically 769 00:29:12,479 --> 00:29:14,646 with security on the ground and aid is 770 00:29:14,646 --> 00:29:16,757 distribution . Uh But we're confident 771 00:29:16,757 --> 00:29:18,812 that we will be able to execute this 772 00:29:18,812 --> 00:29:21,209 mission again in a way that uh prevents 773 00:29:21,219 --> 00:29:23,386 us from putting boots on the ground in 774 00:29:23,386 --> 00:29:25,500 Gaza uh all at the same time ensuring 775 00:29:25,510 --> 00:29:27,677 that we can deliver and distribute aid 776 00:29:27,677 --> 00:29:30,969 securely and safely . Thank you so much . 777 00:29:31,079 --> 00:29:33,920 I have one for up on Ospreys . Um could 778 00:29:33,930 --> 00:29:37,020 you please confirm if any dod officials 779 00:29:37,030 --> 00:29:39,469 or military officials traveled to Japan 780 00:29:39,479 --> 00:29:41,910 prior , prior to this announcement to 781 00:29:41,920 --> 00:29:45,430 explain the US um plan to resume their 782 00:29:45,439 --> 00:29:47,709 flights of Osprey . Yeah , so I'd , I'd 783 00:29:47,719 --> 00:29:50,739 refer you to NAV air on the specifics 784 00:29:50,750 --> 00:29:53,819 uh in terms of , of the extensive 785 00:29:53,829 --> 00:29:57,579 effort that went into uh ensuring that 786 00:29:57,760 --> 00:29:59,704 that when the decision was made to 787 00:29:59,704 --> 00:30:02,038 return to fly , that it was done safely . 788 00:30:02,038 --> 00:30:04,339 Uh I can tell you broadly that , yes . 789 00:30:04,349 --> 00:30:06,560 Um you know , there has been uh a 790 00:30:06,569 --> 00:30:09,650 number of officials uh as I understand 791 00:30:09,660 --> 00:30:11,829 it that have again communicated and , 792 00:30:11,839 --> 00:30:14,030 and traveled to Japan uh as part of 793 00:30:14,040 --> 00:30:15,596 this process to include the 794 00:30:15,596 --> 00:30:17,651 investigation that I referenced . Do 795 00:30:17,689 --> 00:30:20,050 you have any specific timeline to 796 00:30:20,060 --> 00:30:22,239 resume the flights of OSS deployed in 797 00:30:22,410 --> 00:30:24,577 Japan ? Yeah . So that , that's really 798 00:30:24,577 --> 00:30:26,799 a question for the services . Uh That's 799 00:30:26,799 --> 00:30:29,021 a decision that they will make . So I'd 800 00:30:29,021 --> 00:30:30,966 refer you to them , your answer to 801 00:30:30,966 --> 00:30:33,188 Jared . I just want to be sure when you 802 00:30:33,188 --> 00:30:35,410 guys talk about there's no boots on the 803 00:30:35,410 --> 00:30:35,400 ground in Gaza . I mean , is this a 804 00:30:35,410 --> 00:30:37,632 semantics thing and they're going to be 805 00:30:37,632 --> 00:30:39,854 civilian Americans moving this stuff up 806 00:30:39,854 --> 00:30:41,799 ashore ? Look as I understand it , 807 00:30:41,799 --> 00:30:44,040 Courtney , I mean , it literally no us 808 00:30:44,050 --> 00:30:47,229 forces on the ground civilians too . I , 809 00:30:47,239 --> 00:30:49,350 I just , I just because I'm not , I'm 810 00:30:49,350 --> 00:30:51,517 not , I'm not tracking any us military 811 00:30:51,517 --> 00:30:53,739 or dod personnel going on the ground in 812 00:30:53,739 --> 00:30:55,961 Gaza again , you know , you , you drive 813 00:30:55,961 --> 00:30:57,795 the causeway into the beach . Uh 814 00:30:57,795 --> 00:31:00,239 There'll be others on the receiving end 815 00:31:00,250 --> 00:31:02,528 to secure it , to provide the security , 816 00:31:02,528 --> 00:31:04,750 to ensure that aid is distributed . Our 817 00:31:04,750 --> 00:31:07,119 forces will stay , uh you know , either 818 00:31:07,130 --> 00:31:09,349 on the causeway or operating those 819 00:31:09,359 --> 00:31:11,479 vessels uh out at sea to include the 820 00:31:11,489 --> 00:31:14,640 floating pier . Ok . And one of the 821 00:31:14,650 --> 00:31:16,706 reasons why Israel is holding up the 822 00:31:16,706 --> 00:31:18,872 ground convoys filled with aid is that 823 00:31:18,872 --> 00:31:20,983 they say that they don't want the aid 824 00:31:20,983 --> 00:31:23,150 to go to Hamas . Does that risk remain 825 00:31:23,150 --> 00:31:25,939 with this maritime solution or is this 826 00:31:25,949 --> 00:31:29,660 somehow more acceptable to the Israelis ? 827 00:31:29,670 --> 00:31:31,837 And will they be inspecting any of the 828 00:31:31,837 --> 00:31:34,670 aid from Cyprus ? So , and again , uh 829 00:31:34,680 --> 00:31:37,750 much more to provide in the days ahead . 830 00:31:37,760 --> 00:31:40,339 Um But as part of this concept , uh you 831 00:31:40,349 --> 00:31:43,579 know , uh the cons a consideration is 832 00:31:43,589 --> 00:31:46,430 the screening aspect uh of aid being 833 00:31:46,439 --> 00:31:49,589 loaded onto any vessel , uh you know , 834 00:31:49,599 --> 00:31:51,790 which would be standard procedure . Uh 835 00:31:51,800 --> 00:31:53,856 And so , you know , we'll , we'll be 836 00:31:53,856 --> 00:31:56,078 working through all of that uh in terms 837 00:31:56,078 --> 00:31:59,520 of Hamas uh receiving aid . Uh you know , 838 00:31:59,530 --> 00:32:03,380 again , we're gonna work with uh NGO S 839 00:32:03,390 --> 00:32:06,099 the UN and others uh when it comes to 840 00:32:06,109 --> 00:32:08,510 the aid distribution piece uh and do 841 00:32:08,520 --> 00:32:10,520 everything we can , of course , you 842 00:32:10,520 --> 00:32:12,631 know , without being on the ground to 843 00:32:12,631 --> 00:32:14,742 ensure that aid doesn't go to Hamas . 844 00:32:14,742 --> 00:32:16,909 But I think the key point here is that 845 00:32:16,909 --> 00:32:19,242 if Hamas truly believes that the people , 846 00:32:19,242 --> 00:32:21,409 the Palestinian people are suffering , 847 00:32:21,409 --> 00:32:23,599 uh then why would they want to take 848 00:32:23,609 --> 00:32:25,942 this aid and use it for themselves , uh , 849 00:32:25,942 --> 00:32:28,165 to support their terrorist organization 850 00:32:28,165 --> 00:32:29,942 or do they truly care about the 851 00:32:29,942 --> 00:32:32,165 Palestinian people and want this aid to 852 00:32:32,165 --> 00:32:34,442 get to them ? So , uh , one would hope , 853 00:32:34,442 --> 00:32:36,553 uh , that , that this aid will get to 854 00:32:36,553 --> 00:32:38,720 the people that are most deserving and 855 00:32:38,720 --> 00:32:40,887 in need just to confirm that that risk 856 00:32:40,887 --> 00:32:42,831 remains the same whether these aid 857 00:32:42,831 --> 00:32:45,165 convoys come through via ship or ground . 858 00:32:45,165 --> 00:32:47,387 Well , it's a combat zone , right ? And 859 00:32:47,387 --> 00:32:49,553 you've got an active combat operations 860 00:32:49,553 --> 00:32:51,831 going on with , with Hamas in the area . 861 00:32:51,831 --> 00:32:51,680 And I mean , to your point , we've , 862 00:32:51,689 --> 00:32:53,745 we've seen reports in the past about 863 00:32:53,745 --> 00:32:55,780 Hamas , uh taking aid as well as 864 00:32:55,790 --> 00:32:57,901 criminal elements that are , that are 865 00:32:57,901 --> 00:33:00,439 attempting to hoard . Um , but this 866 00:33:00,449 --> 00:33:03,349 mission is about getting aid to Gaza , 867 00:33:03,630 --> 00:33:05,741 uh , and then working with others for 868 00:33:05,741 --> 00:33:08,349 the delivery distribution . Do you 869 00:33:08,359 --> 00:33:10,526 anticipate that Hamas will try to fire 870 00:33:10,526 --> 00:33:14,339 on them ? Um , you know , look , I mean , 871 00:33:14,349 --> 00:33:17,290 that's certainly a risk . Um , again , 872 00:33:17,300 --> 00:33:20,109 but if the , the , uh , if Hamas truly 873 00:33:20,119 --> 00:33:22,369 does care about , uh , the Palestinian 874 00:33:22,380 --> 00:33:25,209 people , uh , then again , one would 875 00:33:25,219 --> 00:33:27,441 hope that this international mission to 876 00:33:27,441 --> 00:33:30,619 deliver aid to people who need it , uh , 877 00:33:30,630 --> 00:33:33,209 would be able to happen unhindered Tony 878 00:33:34,050 --> 00:33:36,400 aid . I need need to ask you aid to 879 00:33:36,410 --> 00:33:38,699 Israel of precision guided munitions . 880 00:33:38,930 --> 00:33:41,152 This came up last week at the hearing , 881 00:33:41,152 --> 00:33:42,874 Ro Khan , the congressman from 882 00:33:42,874 --> 00:33:44,930 California threw out a figure of the 883 00:33:44,930 --> 00:33:47,229 21,000 PG MS . The US has provided 884 00:33:47,239 --> 00:33:49,295 Israel , I asked his office where he 885 00:33:49,295 --> 00:33:51,295 get that , he came back with a news 886 00:33:51,295 --> 00:33:54,104 story . But can you get a A R A tally 887 00:33:54,114 --> 00:33:56,336 of some kind of rough tally of how many 888 00:33:56,336 --> 00:33:58,714 PG MS we've provided Israel since 889 00:33:58,724 --> 00:34:00,604 October 7th ? This comes up 890 00:34:00,614 --> 00:34:02,515 periodically . Lawmakers express 891 00:34:02,525 --> 00:34:04,692 outrage , but there's no hard data . I 892 00:34:04,692 --> 00:34:06,858 mean , I'm asking you five months into 893 00:34:06,858 --> 00:34:08,803 this if you can get broad figure . 894 00:34:08,803 --> 00:34:10,858 Thanks Tony . Um I , I'm not able to 895 00:34:10,858 --> 00:34:12,969 provide a figure to you right now . I 896 00:34:12,969 --> 00:34:15,136 think it is a question . Thanks . I'll 897 00:34:15,136 --> 00:34:17,379 take it . I'll take the question . I I 898 00:34:17,389 --> 00:34:19,611 say this , this is probably gonna sound 899 00:34:19,611 --> 00:34:22,310 dumb but uh when Kabul fell , the US 900 00:34:22,320 --> 00:34:24,542 and the Taliban reached an agreement to 901 00:34:24,542 --> 00:34:26,376 provide security for HK although 902 00:34:26,376 --> 00:34:28,649 imperfect , is it possible that one of 903 00:34:28,659 --> 00:34:30,548 the partners in this operation to 904 00:34:30,548 --> 00:34:32,715 provide security could be Hamas ? No . 905 00:34:33,398 --> 00:34:35,398 Yeah , I mean Hamas is a recognized 906 00:34:35,398 --> 00:34:37,618 terrorist group and , and you know , 907 00:34:37,628 --> 00:34:39,795 the United States is not going to work 908 00:34:39,795 --> 00:34:41,628 with Hamas to provide security . 909 00:34:41,789 --> 00:34:44,779 Constantine . Thanks again . Um So in 910 00:34:44,789 --> 00:34:46,789 terms of the ships involved in this 911 00:34:46,789 --> 00:34:48,900 operation , you've mentioned military 912 00:34:48,900 --> 00:34:51,122 working with military seal of command . 913 00:34:51,122 --> 00:34:53,011 Um Will the US Navy and US navy , 914 00:34:53,011 --> 00:34:55,067 destroyers , cruisers play a role in 915 00:34:55,067 --> 00:34:57,719 this operation at all ? Um So for this 916 00:34:57,729 --> 00:35:00,189 specific capability , Constantine , uh 917 00:35:00,199 --> 00:35:02,255 the the answer is no right . This is 918 00:35:02,255 --> 00:35:04,310 not a combat capability . This is uh 919 00:35:04,310 --> 00:35:06,889 essentially uh a bridging uh capability , 920 00:35:06,899 --> 00:35:09,121 so to speak , that enables the delivery 921 00:35:09,121 --> 00:35:11,232 of of humanitarian assistance in this 922 00:35:11,232 --> 00:35:14,110 case . So I just leave it there . Take 923 00:35:14,120 --> 00:35:16,469 a few more . Let me go to Jared one 924 00:35:16,479 --> 00:35:19,370 more . Um , in terms of potential 925 00:35:19,379 --> 00:35:21,490 security partners on the ground , are 926 00:35:21,490 --> 00:35:23,379 we looking , is the United States 927 00:35:23,379 --> 00:35:25,601 looking to work with uh elements on the 928 00:35:25,601 --> 00:35:27,823 ground that the Israelis have sought to 929 00:35:27,823 --> 00:35:27,810 work with in the past contracting local 930 00:35:27,820 --> 00:35:30,199 businessmen . What's uh , yeah , so , 931 00:35:30,209 --> 00:35:32,389 you know , I'm gonna , I'm gonna kinda 932 00:35:33,340 --> 00:35:35,396 keep it open ended right now , Jared 933 00:35:35,396 --> 00:35:37,562 Ken because I , I don't wanna give you 934 00:35:37,562 --> 00:35:39,784 bad information . Um You know , again , 935 00:35:39,784 --> 00:35:41,951 we're gonna work with multiple uh look 936 00:35:41,951 --> 00:35:44,118 to work with partners in the region uh 937 00:35:44,118 --> 00:35:46,062 to include Israel . Um but again , 938 00:35:46,062 --> 00:35:48,284 we'll have more details on that for you 939 00:35:48,284 --> 00:35:50,830 in the future , sir . Uh building such 940 00:35:50,840 --> 00:35:53,007 a poor takes some time . I mean , this 941 00:35:53,007 --> 00:35:56,000 is a long uh period . Does that mean 942 00:35:56,010 --> 00:35:58,232 you don't expect a new solution to , to 943 00:35:58,232 --> 00:36:00,629 the Gaza conflict or an agreement is 944 00:36:00,639 --> 00:36:02,861 far away ? Well , look , I think we can 945 00:36:02,861 --> 00:36:05,083 all agree uh that there's a significant 946 00:36:05,083 --> 00:36:06,972 need within Gaza for humanitarian 947 00:36:06,972 --> 00:36:09,219 assistance . Uh You know , as you've 948 00:36:09,229 --> 00:36:11,340 heard the White House say they , they 949 00:36:11,340 --> 00:36:13,760 hope uh that a temporary cease fire can 950 00:36:13,770 --> 00:36:15,714 be reached soon . Of course , that 951 00:36:15,714 --> 00:36:18,179 would help enable the conditions uh for 952 00:36:18,189 --> 00:36:21,850 aid delivery . Uh But regardless , um 953 00:36:21,860 --> 00:36:24,027 you know , there's people who need aid 954 00:36:24,027 --> 00:36:26,138 in Gaza and that's probably not going 955 00:36:26,138 --> 00:36:28,138 to change any time soon . And so uh 956 00:36:28,138 --> 00:36:30,360 this capability will contribute to that 957 00:36:30,360 --> 00:36:33,129 effort . You go to my , about the n has 958 00:36:33,139 --> 00:36:35,580 extensive amphibious capabilities . You 959 00:36:35,590 --> 00:36:38,229 know , it has L A that could drive 960 00:36:38,239 --> 00:36:40,530 right on the beach . I immediately is 961 00:36:40,540 --> 00:36:42,709 the reason the administration's going 962 00:36:42,719 --> 00:36:44,830 with this pretty , rather complicated 963 00:36:44,830 --> 00:36:47,209 plan rather than something like that . 964 00:36:47,219 --> 00:36:49,052 Uh Like , like the amphibious uh 965 00:36:49,052 --> 00:36:51,163 movement just because it doesn't want 966 00:36:51,163 --> 00:36:53,275 to have the sort of the picture of an 967 00:36:53,275 --> 00:36:55,330 American standing , you know , 10 ft 968 00:36:55,330 --> 00:36:58,479 off the water line . And uh yeah , I 969 00:36:58,489 --> 00:37:00,656 mean , the big difference , you know , 970 00:37:00,656 --> 00:37:02,600 you're talking about like an LCA , 971 00:37:02,600 --> 00:37:04,711 right ? An LCA drives on to the beach 972 00:37:04,711 --> 00:37:06,822 and then it has to back up maybe like 973 00:37:06,822 --> 00:37:08,878 taking an individual pickup truck to 974 00:37:08,878 --> 00:37:11,045 the beach every day with , with uh you 975 00:37:11,045 --> 00:37:13,156 know , some humanitarian assistance . 976 00:37:13,156 --> 00:37:15,322 Uh So from a logistics standpoint , uh 977 00:37:15,322 --> 00:37:17,719 a that's just not feasible . Um And 978 00:37:17,729 --> 00:37:19,896 what this essentially does is create a 979 00:37:19,896 --> 00:37:21,840 logistics distribution system that 980 00:37:21,840 --> 00:37:24,760 enables you to distribute , as I 981 00:37:24,770 --> 00:37:27,048 mentioned , uh in my topper , you know , 982 00:37:27,048 --> 00:37:30,810 up upwards of 2 million meals , uh 983 00:37:30,820 --> 00:37:33,120 you know , and , and do it in a way 984 00:37:33,129 --> 00:37:35,270 that you can wash rinse repeat and , 985 00:37:35,280 --> 00:37:36,947 and the fact that you can get 986 00:37:36,947 --> 00:37:39,002 commercial vessels to come up to the 987 00:37:39,002 --> 00:37:41,224 floating pier and trans load . And then 988 00:37:41,224 --> 00:37:43,336 so it's creating a system , uh it's a 989 00:37:43,336 --> 00:37:45,502 temporary system , but it's a , it's a 990 00:37:45,502 --> 00:37:47,724 mechanism by which we can start to , to 991 00:37:47,724 --> 00:37:49,724 rapidly get additional aid in a way 992 00:37:49,724 --> 00:37:51,836 that individual ships , you know , to 993 00:37:51,836 --> 00:37:53,836 the point that was made earlier the 994 00:37:53,836 --> 00:37:55,780 airdrops are important and they're 995 00:37:55,780 --> 00:37:57,836 providing uh key aid to people right 996 00:37:57,836 --> 00:38:00,002 now , but we need to get more aid in . 997 00:38:00,002 --> 00:38:02,113 And so this will be part of a broader 998 00:38:02,113 --> 00:38:03,724 effort to make that happen . 999 00:38:06,330 --> 00:38:09,030 Uh I can't imagine , I mean , again , 1000 00:38:09,040 --> 00:38:11,096 this is gonna be temporary . I'm not 1001 00:38:11,096 --> 00:38:13,151 gonna bound it right now . Our focus 1002 00:38:13,151 --> 00:38:15,318 right now is on executing this mission 1003 00:38:15,318 --> 00:38:17,484 and enabling a to get in . Um but it's 1004 00:38:17,484 --> 00:38:19,596 not intended to be a permanent uh you 1005 00:38:19,596 --> 00:38:21,873 know , facility , so to speak . Um And , 1006 00:38:21,873 --> 00:38:23,818 and again , you know , we're gonna 1007 00:38:23,818 --> 00:38:25,929 continue to look at at options for um 1008 00:38:25,929 --> 00:38:28,096 as we highlighted and as the president 1009 00:38:28,096 --> 00:38:30,330 highlighted uh to ensure that that aid 1010 00:38:30,340 --> 00:38:32,870 can get in uh via maritime route . And 1011 00:38:32,879 --> 00:38:35,046 I understand other countries are , are 1012 00:38:35,046 --> 00:38:37,157 looking at that as well . How long it 1013 00:38:37,157 --> 00:38:39,379 will take to get from the east coast to 1014 00:38:39,379 --> 00:38:41,490 this position ? How long does it take 1015 00:38:41,490 --> 00:38:43,657 to sail there ? I don't have an answer 1016 00:38:43,657 --> 00:38:45,657 for that , Jennifer again . What we 1017 00:38:45,657 --> 00:38:47,768 anticipate is that from today ? Uh 60 1018 00:38:47,768 --> 00:38:49,768 days from now , this will be up and 1019 00:38:49,768 --> 00:38:51,823 operating . We'll screen the drivers 1020 00:38:51,823 --> 00:38:53,879 and the trucks coming on to the pier 1021 00:38:53,879 --> 00:38:55,935 again . I don't , I don't have those 1022 00:38:55,935 --> 00:38:58,101 details right now , but we'll keep you 1023 00:38:58,101 --> 00:38:57,300 updated on the front . Let me go back 1024 00:38:57,310 --> 00:39:00,959 to David and then lo so that all of 1025 00:39:00,969 --> 00:39:03,209 those ships there are in the Causeway 1026 00:39:03,219 --> 00:39:06,010 are now in Virginia . I I do not know 1027 00:39:06,020 --> 00:39:08,020 the answer to that David . Um I can 1028 00:39:08,020 --> 00:39:10,020 tell you that again , they're the , 1029 00:39:10,020 --> 00:39:12,010 they're gonna aggregate and come 1030 00:39:12,020 --> 00:39:14,131 together to implement this capability 1031 00:39:14,959 --> 00:39:17,850 to start deploying from Virginia . I 1032 00:39:17,899 --> 00:39:20,689 mean , we're , we're moving out now to , 1033 00:39:20,699 --> 00:39:22,755 you know , finalize the planning and 1034 00:39:22,755 --> 00:39:25,088 execute this mission . As I highlighted , 1035 00:39:25,088 --> 00:39:27,143 uh this is gonna involve a number of 1036 00:39:27,143 --> 00:39:29,366 units , many of them are being notified 1037 00:39:29,366 --> 00:39:31,255 about , notified about a prepared 1038 00:39:31,255 --> 00:39:33,532 deploy , you do these things in phases . 1039 00:39:33,532 --> 00:39:35,643 Uh And so , uh I'm not gonna have the 1040 00:39:35,643 --> 00:39:37,810 specifics to provide today in terms of 1041 00:39:37,810 --> 00:39:40,143 individual ship movements and timelines . 1042 00:39:40,143 --> 00:39:42,199 Nor would we put that out , we never 1043 00:39:42,199 --> 00:39:42,189 talk about , you know , our ship 1044 00:39:42,199 --> 00:39:44,310 timelines and when they're moving and 1045 00:39:44,310 --> 00:39:46,366 where they're moving , other than to 1046 00:39:46,366 --> 00:39:48,532 say , you know , within 60 days , this 1047 00:39:48,532 --> 00:39:50,866 capability will be up and running Louie . 1048 00:39:50,866 --> 00:39:52,866 Um When you mentioned the 2 million 1049 00:39:52,866 --> 00:39:54,866 meals a day , uh what is , how many 1050 00:39:54,866 --> 00:39:56,977 trucks is that equivalent to ? And is 1051 00:39:56,977 --> 00:39:58,977 that , is that foreseen as being 24 1052 00:39:58,977 --> 00:40:01,610 hour operations uh or is it just , you 1053 00:40:01,620 --> 00:40:03,842 know , during daylight hours for safety 1054 00:40:03,842 --> 00:40:05,953 reasons ? I mean , this capability uh 1055 00:40:05,953 --> 00:40:08,949 obviously can be up and running 24 1056 00:40:08,959 --> 00:40:11,570 hours again , we'll work with uh our 1057 00:40:11,580 --> 00:40:13,280 partners in terms of the aid 1058 00:40:13,290 --> 00:40:15,401 distribution aspect in the timeline . 1059 00:40:15,401 --> 00:40:17,346 So , uh again , we'll have more to 1060 00:40:17,346 --> 00:40:19,429 follow on that . Um Had a lot of 1061 00:40:19,439 --> 00:40:21,661 questions um And you're taking a lot of 1062 00:40:21,661 --> 00:40:23,772 them related to this . Can we kind of 1063 00:40:23,772 --> 00:40:25,995 agree in a format in terms of how these 1064 00:40:25,995 --> 00:40:28,050 will be answered ? Can we get like a 1065 00:40:28,050 --> 00:40:27,870 daily summary . Is there gonna be 1066 00:40:27,879 --> 00:40:29,990 something in another briefing given , 1067 00:40:29,990 --> 00:40:32,101 given how important this mission is ? 1068 00:40:32,101 --> 00:40:34,157 And when the president announced , I 1069 00:40:34,157 --> 00:40:36,157 would so part part of the effort is 1070 00:40:36,157 --> 00:40:37,823 today , you know , giving you 1071 00:40:37,823 --> 00:40:40,340 additional insight into how this system 1072 00:40:40,350 --> 00:40:42,683 will work . Certainly in the days ahead , 1073 00:40:42,683 --> 00:40:44,628 as we get more information , we'll 1074 00:40:44,628 --> 00:40:46,517 provide that . Um , you know , we 1075 00:40:46,517 --> 00:40:48,683 understand again the great interest on 1076 00:40:48,683 --> 00:40:50,739 this . Uh and so we will , as we get 1077 00:40:50,739 --> 00:40:52,850 new information . Uh and as we have 1078 00:40:52,860 --> 00:40:54,693 answers to your question , we'll 1079 00:40:54,693 --> 00:40:56,693 provide this and um that it be done 1080 00:40:56,693 --> 00:41:00,469 much as um during the secretary's 1081 00:41:00,479 --> 00:41:02,535 hospitalization that we were getting 1082 00:41:02,535 --> 00:41:04,701 regular updates , given the importance 1083 00:41:04,701 --> 00:41:06,868 of the mission . Again , you know , we 1084 00:41:06,868 --> 00:41:09,090 will give you as much information as we 1085 00:41:09,090 --> 00:41:11,090 can recognizing the fact that , you 1086 00:41:11,090 --> 00:41:13,090 know , there's gonna be uh a lot of 1087 00:41:13,090 --> 00:41:15,146 details in terms of the planning and 1088 00:41:15,146 --> 00:41:17,368 the execution . And um yeah , I again , 1089 00:41:17,368 --> 00:41:19,423 I understand the great interest . Uh 1090 00:41:19,423 --> 00:41:21,479 and we will keep you updated on that 1091 00:41:21,479 --> 00:41:23,201 front . Few more . Yes , sir . 1092 00:41:23,409 --> 00:41:25,969 Yesterday uh General Carla during his 1093 00:41:25,979 --> 00:41:28,010 hearing in the Senate , um he said 1094 00:41:28,020 --> 00:41:30,659 recently when he visit Rafah border , 1095 00:41:30,669 --> 00:41:33,510 he found out there is 2500 trucks 1096 00:41:33,889 --> 00:41:36,379 loaded with aid are waiting to go 1097 00:41:36,389 --> 00:41:39,110 inside Gaza . So first of all , how 1098 00:41:39,120 --> 00:41:41,469 much do you feel that make difference 1099 00:41:41,479 --> 00:41:43,590 if these trucks getting inside Gaza ? 1100 00:41:43,620 --> 00:41:46,689 And did Secretary Austin raise this 1101 00:41:46,699 --> 00:41:49,129 issue , the Rafah border with his 1102 00:41:49,139 --> 00:41:51,139 Israeli counterpart during his call 1103 00:41:51,139 --> 00:41:53,679 center . Yeah , I mean , it , it would 1104 00:41:53,689 --> 00:41:55,689 obviously make a huge difference if 1105 00:41:55,689 --> 00:41:57,856 those trucks could get into Gaza and , 1106 00:41:57,856 --> 00:41:59,879 and this is why you see uh state 1107 00:41:59,889 --> 00:42:01,945 Department and others working with , 1108 00:42:01,945 --> 00:42:04,167 with the officials in the region to try 1109 00:42:04,167 --> 00:42:06,479 to facilitate that process . And as I 1110 00:42:06,489 --> 00:42:08,656 highlighted earlier , Secretary Austin 1111 00:42:08,656 --> 00:42:10,878 did talk with his counterpart about the 1112 00:42:10,878 --> 00:42:12,767 importance of of opening up these 1113 00:42:12,767 --> 00:42:14,919 routes uh and expanding the number of 1114 00:42:14,929 --> 00:42:17,209 routes to ensure that aid couldn't get 1115 00:42:17,219 --> 00:42:19,108 into Gaza . I'll leave it at that 1116 00:42:19,108 --> 00:42:22,090 couple more . Yes , ma'am . Let me , 1117 00:42:22,100 --> 00:42:24,156 let me go to you first and then I'll 1118 00:42:24,156 --> 00:42:26,267 come back to you . Ok . So on the UAP 1119 00:42:26,267 --> 00:42:28,322 report , the Pentagon concluded that 1120 00:42:28,322 --> 00:42:30,544 there is no evidence of uuaps being off 1121 00:42:30,544 --> 00:42:32,767 world technology , but it also said the 1122 00:42:32,767 --> 00:42:34,878 government set up programs to reverse 1123 00:42:34,878 --> 00:42:37,044 engineer such technology . Why did the 1124 00:42:37,044 --> 00:42:38,989 government plan to study off world 1125 00:42:38,989 --> 00:42:41,100 technology if it says it doesn't have 1126 00:42:41,100 --> 00:42:44,239 any proof ? Yeah . So um as you 1127 00:42:44,250 --> 00:42:46,729 highlight uh no verifiable evidence 1128 00:42:46,739 --> 00:42:49,270 that any UAP citing represented 1129 00:42:49,320 --> 00:42:51,949 extraterrestrial activity uh that the 1130 00:42:51,959 --> 00:42:54,070 US government or private industry had 1131 00:42:54,219 --> 00:42:57,100 has ever had access to extraterrestrial 1132 00:42:57,110 --> 00:42:59,277 technology or that any information was 1133 00:42:59,277 --> 00:43:01,679 illegal illegally or inappropriately 1134 00:43:01,689 --> 00:43:04,070 with help from Congress and alleged 1135 00:43:04,080 --> 00:43:06,750 hidden UAP reverse engineering programs 1136 00:43:06,760 --> 00:43:10,500 either do not exist or misidentified 1137 00:43:10,510 --> 00:43:12,600 authentic national security programs 1138 00:43:12,610 --> 00:43:15,149 unrelated to extra terrestrial activity 1139 00:43:15,159 --> 00:43:19,139 or technology uh exploitation . So 1140 00:43:19,149 --> 00:43:21,316 what we found is that claims of hidden 1141 00:43:21,316 --> 00:43:23,260 programs are largely the result of 1142 00:43:23,260 --> 00:43:25,270 circular reporting by a small group 1143 00:43:25,280 --> 00:43:27,502 repeating what they heard from others . 1144 00:43:27,502 --> 00:43:29,669 Uh And that many people have sincerely 1145 00:43:29,669 --> 00:43:31,836 misinterpreted real events or mistaken 1146 00:43:31,836 --> 00:43:34,459 sensitive us programs as UAP or being 1147 00:43:34,469 --> 00:43:37,969 extraterrestrial exploitation . And 1148 00:43:37,979 --> 00:43:40,201 this report is volume one . Should we , 1149 00:43:40,201 --> 00:43:43,750 should we be expecting more correct ? 1150 00:43:43,760 --> 00:43:47,370 Um Let's see here , 1151 00:43:51,040 --> 00:43:54,459 there is a uh another volume . Let me 1152 00:43:54,469 --> 00:43:56,691 just look at my notes here real quick . 1153 00:43:56,691 --> 00:43:57,691 Bear with me . 1154 00:44:06,239 --> 00:44:08,239 Let me take that question for you . 1155 00:44:08,239 --> 00:44:10,500 I'll come back to you . Yes , sir . How 1156 00:44:10,510 --> 00:44:12,840 long Israel could continue its assault 1157 00:44:12,850 --> 00:44:15,389 on Gaza if there were no more US , 1158 00:44:15,399 --> 00:44:17,830 military aid shipments delivered to the 1159 00:44:17,840 --> 00:44:21,590 country ? Say that again , could , how 1160 00:44:21,600 --> 00:44:23,767 long could Israel continue its assault 1161 00:44:23,767 --> 00:44:25,656 on Gaza without more shipments of 1162 00:44:25,656 --> 00:44:28,310 military aid from the US ? Yeah , I'm 1163 00:44:28,320 --> 00:44:30,719 not gonna get into Israel's readiness . 1164 00:44:30,729 --> 00:44:32,896 I mean , I think that's a question for 1165 00:44:32,896 --> 00:44:35,062 them to talk about like our focus , as 1166 00:44:35,062 --> 00:44:37,173 we've said from the very beginning is 1167 00:44:37,173 --> 00:44:39,285 supporting Israel's inherent right to 1168 00:44:39,285 --> 00:44:41,507 defend itself . Uh , you know , again , 1169 00:44:41,507 --> 00:44:43,340 to belabor the point , they were 1170 00:44:43,340 --> 00:44:45,562 attacked by Hamas on October 7th . Uh , 1171 00:44:45,570 --> 00:44:47,750 they are still under threat of 1172 00:44:47,760 --> 00:44:49,520 terrorist attack by Hamas , an 1173 00:44:49,530 --> 00:44:51,770 organization that has said their stated 1174 00:44:51,780 --> 00:44:53,959 express purpose is to eliminate Israel 1175 00:44:53,969 --> 00:44:56,025 as a country . And so we're going to 1176 00:44:56,025 --> 00:44:57,969 continue to support Israel on that 1177 00:44:57,969 --> 00:45:00,025 front . But again , I'm not going to 1178 00:45:00,025 --> 00:45:02,191 get into the read . You were trying to 1179 00:45:02,191 --> 00:45:01,850 convince the wavering congressman about 1180 00:45:01,860 --> 00:45:04,590 sending more money and aid to Israel to 1181 00:45:04,600 --> 00:45:06,656 continue the assault on Gaza . Would 1182 00:45:06,656 --> 00:45:08,767 you have , would you say , look , you 1183 00:45:08,767 --> 00:45:10,656 have to do this ? Now , otherwise 1184 00:45:10,656 --> 00:45:10,590 Israel won't be able to defend itself 1185 00:45:10,600 --> 00:45:12,767 anymore . Would that be a time frame ? 1186 00:45:12,767 --> 00:45:14,933 Would you have one to give him again ? 1187 00:45:14,933 --> 00:45:17,156 I'm not going to get in hypotheticals . 1188 00:45:17,156 --> 00:45:18,878 All right . Thanks very much . 1189 00:45:18,878 --> 00:45:18,310 Everybody . Appreciate it .