1 00:00:00,009 --> 00:00:01,953 Hearing . Welcome General Cavala , 2 00:00:01,953 --> 00:00:05,449 General Van Ovo . Uh Senator , I will 3 00:00:05,460 --> 00:00:08,479 uh differ from giving my opening 4 00:00:08,489 --> 00:00:10,711 statement and submit it to the record . 5 00:00:10,800 --> 00:00:13,000 I believe that uh the ranking member 6 00:00:13,010 --> 00:00:15,949 will do so . Uh Also , so we can 7 00:00:15,960 --> 00:00:18,989 expedite questioning uh with that uh 8 00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:21,222 General Cavoli . Let me recognize you . 9 00:00:21,319 --> 00:00:23,652 Thank you , Chairman , uh chairman Reed , 10 00:00:23,719 --> 00:00:25,719 ranking member wicker distinguished 11 00:00:25,719 --> 00:00:27,663 members of the committee . It's my 12 00:00:27,663 --> 00:00:29,719 honor to testify before you today on 13 00:00:29,719 --> 00:00:31,830 behalf of the brave men and women and 14 00:00:31,830 --> 00:00:33,941 families of us European command . And 15 00:00:33,941 --> 00:00:36,108 before we start , I'd like to publicly 16 00:00:36,108 --> 00:00:38,275 publicly recognize our service members 17 00:00:38,275 --> 00:00:40,163 shared sacrifice and praise their 18 00:00:40,163 --> 00:00:42,330 devotion to the mission . And I'd like 19 00:00:42,330 --> 00:00:44,441 to thank you for the support you give 20 00:00:44,441 --> 00:00:46,052 them every day . Um They are 21 00:00:46,052 --> 00:00:48,108 represented here today by my command 22 00:00:48,108 --> 00:00:50,275 sergeant , Major Rob Abernathy who I'm 23 00:00:50,275 --> 00:00:52,497 lucky to serve with . And I'm delighted 24 00:00:52,497 --> 00:00:54,608 to testify next to my friend , Jackie 25 00:00:54,608 --> 00:00:56,608 Van Vost . We're facing challenging 26 00:00:56,608 --> 00:00:58,775 times in the European theater . Ladies 27 00:00:58,775 --> 00:01:00,663 and gentlemen , Russia's brutal , 28 00:01:00,663 --> 00:01:02,830 unprovoked war has ravaged Ukraine for 29 00:01:02,830 --> 00:01:04,720 over two years . Their forces are 30 00:01:04,730 --> 00:01:06,900 demolishing cities , destroying 31 00:01:06,910 --> 00:01:09,021 innocent lives on a scale we have not 32 00:01:09,021 --> 00:01:10,910 seen since the Second World War . 33 00:01:11,379 --> 00:01:13,379 Moreover , Russia is turning to the 34 00:01:13,379 --> 00:01:15,435 People's Republic of China , to Iran 35 00:01:15,435 --> 00:01:17,323 and to North Korea to sustain its 36 00:01:17,323 --> 00:01:20,309 campaign in Ukraine . Those countries 37 00:01:20,319 --> 00:01:22,269 are forming interlocking strategic 38 00:01:22,279 --> 00:01:24,501 partnerships in an attempt to challenge 39 00:01:24,660 --> 00:01:26,493 the existing order from which we 40 00:01:26,493 --> 00:01:28,949 benefit . This is profoundly inimical 41 00:01:28,959 --> 00:01:31,629 to us national interests . And it's 42 00:01:31,639 --> 00:01:33,806 important to note that Russia shows no 43 00:01:33,806 --> 00:01:35,806 signs of stopping , nor does Russia 44 00:01:35,806 --> 00:01:37,972 intend to stop with . Ukraine . Russia 45 00:01:37,972 --> 00:01:40,669 presents to us a chronic threat . 46 00:01:41,559 --> 00:01:43,670 US U COM has responded to this threat 47 00:01:43,670 --> 00:01:45,889 by enhancing our deterrence posture 48 00:01:45,949 --> 00:01:48,116 across Europe . We've strengthened our 49 00:01:48,116 --> 00:01:50,116 eastern flank with rotational force 50 00:01:50,116 --> 00:01:51,727 deployments . We've expanded 51 00:01:51,727 --> 00:01:53,949 prepositioned stocks . We've modernized 52 00:01:53,949 --> 00:01:55,893 our infrastructure to enable rapid 53 00:01:55,893 --> 00:01:57,671 reception of forces and we have 54 00:01:57,671 --> 00:01:59,782 demonstrated our ability to reinforce 55 00:01:59,782 --> 00:02:01,616 in all domains through dozens of 56 00:02:01,616 --> 00:02:03,727 multinational training exercises . So 57 00:02:03,727 --> 00:02:05,893 we are ready to defend and this allows 58 00:02:05,893 --> 00:02:08,600 us to deter and we have deterred Russia 59 00:02:08,610 --> 00:02:12,100 from attacking our alliance . US . U is 60 00:02:12,110 --> 00:02:14,166 also proud to lead the international 61 00:02:14,166 --> 00:02:16,221 effort in support of Ukraine . We do 62 00:02:16,221 --> 00:02:18,332 this as you know through the security 63 00:02:18,332 --> 00:02:20,554 assistance group . Ukraine Sau which is 64 00:02:20,554 --> 00:02:22,777 led by Lieutenant General Tony Agudo in 65 00:02:22,777 --> 00:02:24,943 the past 26 months of war . The US and 66 00:02:24,943 --> 00:02:26,777 our partners have delivered vast 67 00:02:26,777 --> 00:02:28,666 amounts of critical munitions and 68 00:02:28,666 --> 00:02:30,888 equipment to our Ukrainian colleagues , 69 00:02:30,888 --> 00:02:33,054 Sau has been in the lead and they have 70 00:02:33,054 --> 00:02:35,277 facilitated a full range of training to 71 00:02:35,277 --> 00:02:37,110 promote unit readiness . We have 72 00:02:37,110 --> 00:02:39,570 ensured that U that Ukraine knows how 73 00:02:39,580 --> 00:02:41,869 to use their new equipment and just as 74 00:02:41,880 --> 00:02:43,491 important how to maintain it 75 00:02:44,600 --> 00:02:47,160 nevertheless , Russia persists in its 76 00:02:47,169 --> 00:02:50,220 vicious campaign . Meanwhile , Ukraine 77 00:02:50,229 --> 00:02:52,619 remains almost entirely dependent on 78 00:02:52,630 --> 00:02:54,852 external support to stay in the fight . 79 00:02:55,690 --> 00:02:57,801 The severity of this moment cannot be 80 00:02:57,801 --> 00:03:00,279 overstated if we do not continue to 81 00:03:00,289 --> 00:03:02,919 support Ukraine . Ukraine could lose . 82 00:03:04,050 --> 00:03:06,161 So our efforts are great . But in all 83 00:03:06,161 --> 00:03:08,229 of this Ucom is not alone . War in 84 00:03:08,240 --> 00:03:10,296 Europe has also given our allies and 85 00:03:10,296 --> 00:03:12,550 our partners clear purpose and unity . 86 00:03:12,929 --> 00:03:15,096 They have seized this opportunity that 87 00:03:15,096 --> 00:03:17,373 has been presented by this catastrophe . 88 00:03:17,373 --> 00:03:19,485 And over the past year or two , there 89 00:03:19,485 --> 00:03:22,600 have been profound changes in NATO . We 90 00:03:22,610 --> 00:03:24,832 have new war plans for the first time . 91 00:03:24,832 --> 00:03:27,800 In 35 years . We have new force and 92 00:03:27,809 --> 00:03:31,309 readiness models . They make 700% more 93 00:03:31,320 --> 00:03:33,990 European troops available to me as the 94 00:03:34,000 --> 00:03:36,056 Supreme Allied Commander than just a 95 00:03:36,056 --> 00:03:37,722 couple of years ago , we have 96 00:03:37,722 --> 00:03:39,722 streamlined and focused new command 97 00:03:39,722 --> 00:03:41,778 structures . We have new authorities 98 00:03:41,778 --> 00:03:44,000 that give me as s a year the ability to 99 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:46,222 respond to crisis in a timely fashion . 100 00:03:46,339 --> 00:03:48,479 And European governments are backing 101 00:03:48,490 --> 00:03:50,490 these organizational changes with a 102 00:03:50,490 --> 00:03:54,309 concrete uptick in investment in 2024 103 00:03:54,320 --> 00:03:56,559 at least 20 nations are expected to 104 00:03:56,570 --> 00:03:59,559 meet the 2% of GDP defense spending 105 00:04:00,399 --> 00:04:03,179 compared to only three who met it in 106 00:04:03,190 --> 00:04:06,679 2014 . Nevertheless , continued us , 107 00:04:06,690 --> 00:04:08,746 leadership is essential . Our allies 108 00:04:08,746 --> 00:04:10,801 are stepping up but they require our 109 00:04:10,801 --> 00:04:13,490 leadership and our example . And by 110 00:04:13,500 --> 00:04:15,722 upholding our commitment to Ukraine and 111 00:04:15,722 --> 00:04:17,722 by demonstrating steadfast cohesion 112 00:04:17,722 --> 00:04:19,833 with the NATO alliance , we provide a 113 00:04:19,833 --> 00:04:23,149 clear deterrent to our adversaries . Of 114 00:04:23,160 --> 00:04:25,382 course , should deterrence fail us ucom 115 00:04:25,382 --> 00:04:27,604 along with our allies is ready to fight 116 00:04:27,604 --> 00:04:30,859 and win . We thank you for Congress on 117 00:04:30,869 --> 00:04:33,036 wavering support to us U COM . Service 118 00:04:33,036 --> 00:04:35,258 members missions to their safety and to 119 00:04:35,258 --> 00:04:37,091 their well-being . Chairman reed 120 00:04:37,091 --> 00:04:39,258 ranking member wicker on behalf of the 121 00:04:39,258 --> 00:04:41,480 entire European command . Thank you for 122 00:04:41,480 --> 00:04:43,536 this opportunity today . I very much 123 00:04:43,536 --> 00:04:45,702 look forward to your questions . Thank 124 00:04:45,702 --> 00:04:47,813 you , General Cavoli General Van Os , 125 00:04:47,813 --> 00:04:50,036 Please . Chairman Reed , ranking member 126 00:04:50,036 --> 00:04:52,036 wicker distinguished members of the 127 00:04:52,036 --> 00:04:51,989 committee . It's my honor to join you 128 00:04:52,000 --> 00:04:54,167 today with my senior enlisted leader , 129 00:04:54,167 --> 00:04:56,389 Chief Master Sergeant , Brian Krisel to 130 00:04:56,389 --> 00:04:58,333 represent the men and women of the 131 00:04:58,333 --> 00:05:00,500 United States Transportation Command . 132 00:05:00,500 --> 00:05:02,667 As we defend the nation , take care of 133 00:05:02,667 --> 00:05:05,000 our people and succeed through teamwork . 134 00:05:05,000 --> 00:05:06,944 I'm extremely proud of our team of 135 00:05:06,944 --> 00:05:09,000 logistics professionals who lead the 136 00:05:09,000 --> 00:05:08,839 joint deployment and distribution 137 00:05:08,850 --> 00:05:10,660 enterprise continually exceed 138 00:05:10,670 --> 00:05:12,820 expectations and ensure hope , 139 00:05:12,869 --> 00:05:15,470 deterrence and victory are assured as 140 00:05:15,480 --> 00:05:17,890 we underwrite our nation's defense from 141 00:05:17,899 --> 00:05:19,843 competition to crisis , the entire 142 00:05:19,843 --> 00:05:21,788 enterprise proudly deliver for our 143 00:05:21,788 --> 00:05:24,790 nations , our allies and partners . We 144 00:05:24,799 --> 00:05:27,021 know our success around the globe would 145 00:05:27,021 --> 00:05:29,132 not be possible without the steadfast 146 00:05:29,132 --> 00:05:31,355 support of this committee and the whole 147 00:05:31,355 --> 00:05:33,299 of Congress . The fiscal year 2025 148 00:05:33,299 --> 00:05:35,132 budget request continues to make 149 00:05:35,132 --> 00:05:37,355 strides in closing gaps in our mobility 150 00:05:37,355 --> 00:05:39,077 areas as we prepare for global 151 00:05:39,077 --> 00:05:41,299 operations in a contested environment . 152 00:05:41,299 --> 00:05:43,466 A contested environment is the reality 153 00:05:43,466 --> 00:05:45,577 of today , whether in the homeland or 154 00:05:45,577 --> 00:05:47,688 abroad , we cannot presume freedom of 155 00:05:47,688 --> 00:05:49,910 maneuver to execute our operations with 156 00:05:49,910 --> 00:05:51,466 full access to our lines of 157 00:05:51,466 --> 00:05:53,410 communication . Our organic fleets 158 00:05:53,410 --> 00:05:55,188 coupled with the vital capacity 159 00:05:55,188 --> 00:05:55,179 provided by our commercial 160 00:05:55,190 --> 00:05:57,399 transportation partners must continue 161 00:05:57,410 --> 00:05:59,739 to present credible capacity . Meaning 162 00:05:59,839 --> 00:06:01,561 we must modernize our mobility 163 00:06:01,561 --> 00:06:03,228 capabilities to include cyber 164 00:06:03,228 --> 00:06:05,540 resiliency and digital modernization . 165 00:06:06,420 --> 00:06:08,440 A connected aware and survivable 166 00:06:08,450 --> 00:06:10,672 mobility fleet and network is needed to 167 00:06:10,672 --> 00:06:12,506 maintain our advantage against a 168 00:06:12,506 --> 00:06:14,640 capable and determined . A near peer 169 00:06:14,649 --> 00:06:16,920 adversary . My top ratings concerns 170 00:06:16,929 --> 00:06:19,540 remain sea lift and air fueling . Sea 171 00:06:19,549 --> 00:06:21,716 lift is the backbone of our ability to 172 00:06:21,716 --> 00:06:23,549 deliver a decisive joint force . 173 00:06:23,549 --> 00:06:25,438 However , the age of the fleet is 174 00:06:25,438 --> 00:06:27,660 dragging readiness to alarming levels . 175 00:06:27,660 --> 00:06:29,827 17 of the 47 organic ready reserve for 176 00:06:29,827 --> 00:06:31,993 ships are 50 years or older to address 177 00:06:31,993 --> 00:06:34,220 readiness and decrease in capacity due 178 00:06:34,230 --> 00:06:36,700 to the planned retirement of 27 ships 179 00:06:36,709 --> 00:06:39,230 in the next eight years . We must add 180 00:06:39,239 --> 00:06:41,679 younger ships to the fleet . Transcom 181 00:06:41,690 --> 00:06:43,690 supports Navy strategy to acquire U 182 00:06:43,690 --> 00:06:45,912 seli vessels from the commercial market 183 00:06:45,912 --> 00:06:47,857 and further request to provide the 184 00:06:47,857 --> 00:06:49,801 Secretary of Defense discretionary 185 00:06:49,801 --> 00:06:51,912 authority to purchase foreign built U 186 00:06:51,912 --> 00:06:54,134 ships under favorable market conditions 187 00:06:54,134 --> 00:06:56,246 without restrictions . We acknowledge 188 00:06:56,246 --> 00:06:58,357 Congress's intent to include domestic 189 00:06:58,357 --> 00:06:57,750 new build sea lift ships to 190 00:06:57,760 --> 00:06:59,927 recapitalize the ready Reserve force . 191 00:06:59,927 --> 00:07:01,982 And we are working with the Navy and 192 00:07:01,982 --> 00:07:04,038 Maritime Administration to create an 193 00:07:04,038 --> 00:07:05,649 acquisition strategy for new 194 00:07:05,649 --> 00:07:07,760 construction that will complement the 195 00:07:07,760 --> 00:07:09,982 buy used program . I greatly appreciate 196 00:07:09,982 --> 00:07:12,204 your support for timely predictable and 197 00:07:12,204 --> 00:07:14,149 stabilized funding to meet our cli 198 00:07:14,149 --> 00:07:15,871 requirements . Similarly , air 199 00:07:15,871 --> 00:07:18,093 refueling is foundation to our nation's 200 00:07:18,093 --> 00:07:20,260 power projection advantage . It is our 201 00:07:20,260 --> 00:07:22,260 most stressed capability . We must 202 00:07:22,269 --> 00:07:24,269 ensure continuous modernization and 203 00:07:24,269 --> 00:07:26,436 recapitalization of the aging fleet to 204 00:07:26,436 --> 00:07:28,491 meet the operational requirements of 205 00:07:28,491 --> 00:07:30,436 the modern battle . Space Transcom 206 00:07:30,436 --> 00:07:32,547 supports the air force's strategy for 207 00:07:32,547 --> 00:07:32,540 the uninterrupted tanker 208 00:07:32,549 --> 00:07:34,382 recapitalization and accelerated 209 00:07:34,382 --> 00:07:36,605 feeling fielding of the next generation 210 00:07:36,605 --> 00:07:39,109 air refueling system . Over the past 211 00:07:39,119 --> 00:07:41,063 year , we've made great strides in 212 00:07:41,063 --> 00:07:43,190 synchronize synchronizing global bulk 213 00:07:43,200 --> 00:07:45,600 fuel management and delivery in 214 00:07:45,609 --> 00:07:47,776 collaboration with our key partners in 215 00:07:47,776 --> 00:07:49,942 the joint petroleum enterprise leading 216 00:07:49,942 --> 00:07:52,239 to robust planning posture operations 217 00:07:52,250 --> 00:07:54,769 and capability development to assure 218 00:07:54,779 --> 00:07:56,709 end to end fuel distribution in a 219 00:07:56,720 --> 00:07:59,140 contested environment . This includes 220 00:07:59,149 --> 00:08:01,038 diversifying our distribution and 221 00:08:01,038 --> 00:08:03,260 delivery posture by having an increased 222 00:08:03,260 --> 00:08:05,609 forward presence with fuel afloat in in 223 00:08:05,619 --> 00:08:07,880 contracted maritime tankers and 224 00:08:07,890 --> 00:08:10,500 increasing capacity and access to the 225 00:08:10,510 --> 00:08:12,890 US flagged maritime tanker fleet 226 00:08:12,910 --> 00:08:15,329 through the tanker security program . 227 00:08:16,230 --> 00:08:18,174 In addition , we fully support the 228 00:08:18,174 --> 00:08:20,519 maritime security program , the Jones 229 00:08:20,529 --> 00:08:22,720 Act and cargo preference laws that all 230 00:08:22,730 --> 00:08:24,508 work to ensure that we have the 231 00:08:24,508 --> 00:08:27,329 necessary us flag capability and us 232 00:08:27,339 --> 00:08:29,500 merchant Mariners to move sensitive 233 00:08:29,510 --> 00:08:31,690 defense materials during a national 234 00:08:31,700 --> 00:08:34,190 emergency . Maritime stakeholders have 235 00:08:34,200 --> 00:08:36,089 been experiencing challenges with 236 00:08:36,089 --> 00:08:38,033 recruiting and retaining qualified 237 00:08:38,033 --> 00:08:40,033 Mariners . And we support merit and 238 00:08:40,033 --> 00:08:42,256 industry efforts to identify strategies 239 00:08:42,256 --> 00:08:44,367 that address the mariner shortage and 240 00:08:44,367 --> 00:08:46,830 ensure their readiness to effectively 241 00:08:46,840 --> 00:08:49,007 sense adversary threats and activities 242 00:08:49,007 --> 00:08:51,173 in our logistics networks . The nation 243 00:08:51,173 --> 00:08:53,340 must utilize all available resources . 244 00:08:53,479 --> 00:08:55,701 Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence 245 00:08:55,710 --> 00:08:57,979 Surveillance Act provides me insights 246 00:08:57,989 --> 00:09:00,880 into adversary intent capabilities and 247 00:09:00,890 --> 00:09:03,489 activities to contest our logistics 248 00:09:03,500 --> 00:09:06,299 flows . The loss of this authority adds 249 00:09:06,309 --> 00:09:08,919 risk to my mission . Additionally , 250 00:09:08,929 --> 00:09:11,151 passing a national defense supplemental 251 00:09:11,151 --> 00:09:12,873 is vital for the health of the 252 00:09:12,873 --> 00:09:14,873 Transportation Working Capital Fund 253 00:09:14,873 --> 00:09:17,096 which preserves essential readiness and 254 00:09:17,096 --> 00:09:18,929 ensures response options for the 255 00:09:18,929 --> 00:09:21,040 Secretary of Defense . I'm honored to 256 00:09:21,040 --> 00:09:23,207 join General Koli today where we stand 257 00:09:23,207 --> 00:09:25,318 firmly with Ukraine and its fight for 258 00:09:25,318 --> 00:09:27,540 democracy , sovereignty and territorial 259 00:09:27,540 --> 00:09:29,762 integrity that in turn delivers success 260 00:09:29,762 --> 00:09:31,818 and stability for our allies and our 261 00:09:31,818 --> 00:09:33,818 nation . I'd like to thank you once 262 00:09:33,818 --> 00:09:35,707 again for your leadership and the 263 00:09:35,707 --> 00:09:37,818 support you provide our workforce . I 264 00:09:37,818 --> 00:09:39,985 look forward to your questions . Thank 265 00:09:39,985 --> 00:09:42,040 you very much , General Van Ovo . Uh 266 00:09:42,040 --> 00:09:43,818 Before we begin , let me remind 267 00:09:43,818 --> 00:09:46,409 everyone that we must stop at 10 a.m. 268 00:09:46,419 --> 00:09:48,900 for the joint session . So please limit 269 00:09:48,909 --> 00:09:51,520 your questioning to five minutes and 270 00:09:51,530 --> 00:09:53,929 the closed session will begin at noon 271 00:09:53,940 --> 00:09:57,570 after the joint session in SVC 217 . 272 00:09:57,599 --> 00:10:00,719 Thank you , General Kavali . Um 273 00:10:01,309 --> 00:10:03,729 You indicated the severe consequences 274 00:10:03,739 --> 00:10:06,200 of the failure to support Ukraine and 275 00:10:06,210 --> 00:10:08,679 those consequences I presume are not 276 00:10:08,690 --> 00:10:10,669 localized but global . Could you 277 00:10:10,679 --> 00:10:14,479 elaborate a absolutely . Um 278 00:10:14,489 --> 00:10:15,469 Mr Chairman . 279 00:10:18,190 --> 00:10:21,559 So the uh if we , 280 00:10:21,979 --> 00:10:24,340 if Ukraine fails in this fight , I 281 00:10:24,349 --> 00:10:26,580 think problems radiate outwards 282 00:10:26,830 --> 00:10:29,130 beginning with Europe . So there will 283 00:10:29,140 --> 00:10:32,590 be the possibility the probability that 284 00:10:32,599 --> 00:10:34,960 Russia will continue aggressive 285 00:10:34,969 --> 00:10:36,747 behavior . They'll certainly be 286 00:10:36,747 --> 00:10:39,000 emboldened , they're certainly building 287 00:10:39,010 --> 00:10:41,121 a military that's going to be capable 288 00:10:41,121 --> 00:10:43,010 of it . They're replenishing what 289 00:10:43,010 --> 00:10:45,232 they've lost so far and they're working 290 00:10:45,232 --> 00:10:47,177 very hard to build a larger army . 291 00:10:47,177 --> 00:10:49,232 They've announced their plans for it 292 00:10:49,232 --> 00:10:51,288 and they're on track to do that . Um 293 00:10:51,288 --> 00:10:53,010 There are other nations in the 294 00:10:53,010 --> 00:10:56,650 neighborhood um uh that Russia 295 00:10:56,700 --> 00:10:59,780 publicly covets has publicly stated 296 00:10:59,789 --> 00:11:02,090 that they're not really nations . Um 297 00:11:02,099 --> 00:11:04,210 the same sort of rhetoric that led up 298 00:11:04,210 --> 00:11:07,070 to the invasion of Ukraine beyond 299 00:11:07,080 --> 00:11:09,479 Europe , which is critical to our 300 00:11:09,489 --> 00:11:11,520 security beyond Europe . There are 301 00:11:11,530 --> 00:11:13,697 other places , people are watching all 302 00:11:13,697 --> 00:11:15,419 over the world . Mr Chairman , 303 00:11:15,419 --> 00:11:17,586 obviously the People Republic of China 304 00:11:17,586 --> 00:11:19,641 we know is watching very closely and 305 00:11:19,641 --> 00:11:21,697 all other other nations are watching 306 00:11:21,697 --> 00:11:23,808 very closely . First to gauge what is 307 00:11:23,808 --> 00:11:25,808 the value of a partnership with the 308 00:11:25,808 --> 00:11:27,974 United States . And second to see what 309 00:11:27,974 --> 00:11:29,974 happens if it fails . Um and uh the 310 00:11:29,974 --> 00:11:32,190 those who would be , our friends would 311 00:11:32,200 --> 00:11:35,020 be made nervous by a loss in Ukraine 312 00:11:35,229 --> 00:11:37,140 and those who um would be our 313 00:11:37,150 --> 00:11:39,372 adversaries would be emboldened by it , 314 00:11:39,372 --> 00:11:41,859 sir . Uh I had the opportunity to stop 315 00:11:41,869 --> 00:11:44,190 in Graf Deve Ramstein and several other 316 00:11:44,200 --> 00:11:48,080 places . And uh we are teaching uh the 317 00:11:48,090 --> 00:11:50,570 Ukrainians , but we're also learning a 318 00:11:50,580 --> 00:11:54,359 lot . Uh So this effort has allowed us 319 00:11:54,369 --> 00:11:57,760 really to uh significantly increase our 320 00:11:57,770 --> 00:12:00,320 insights into the the way Russia 321 00:12:00,330 --> 00:12:02,559 particularly conduct uh conducts 322 00:12:02,890 --> 00:12:05,229 operations and also others who are 323 00:12:05,239 --> 00:12:08,010 aiding Russia's atmosphere . A a 324 00:12:08,020 --> 00:12:10,280 absolutely Mr Chairman . First of all , 325 00:12:10,289 --> 00:12:13,000 thank you and all members for your 326 00:12:13,010 --> 00:12:15,066 visits to Grafenberg and elsewhere . 327 00:12:15,066 --> 00:12:17,288 They , they , they help us a great deal 328 00:12:17,288 --> 00:12:19,566 and , and we appreciate them . Um Yeah , 329 00:12:19,566 --> 00:12:21,621 absolutely . We're learning from the 330 00:12:21,621 --> 00:12:23,732 Ukrainians every day . Um uh We learn 331 00:12:23,732 --> 00:12:25,899 in a variety of different ways . First 332 00:12:25,899 --> 00:12:28,066 of all , just talking to them , we get 333 00:12:28,066 --> 00:12:29,899 their experiences . This is very 334 00:12:29,899 --> 00:12:29,799 valuable for our younger troops , 335 00:12:29,809 --> 00:12:31,642 especially because it keeps them 336 00:12:31,642 --> 00:12:33,753 galvanized , it keeps them focused on 337 00:12:33,753 --> 00:12:35,642 the mission , they understand the 338 00:12:35,642 --> 00:12:37,420 import of it . Uh But in a more 339 00:12:37,420 --> 00:12:39,809 practical way , we um we practice 340 00:12:39,820 --> 00:12:42,150 tactics and techniques with them and 341 00:12:42,159 --> 00:12:44,048 refine them things that they have 342 00:12:44,048 --> 00:12:46,103 developed under fire , we bring them 343 00:12:46,103 --> 00:12:48,326 out and we work on those things . These 344 00:12:48,326 --> 00:12:51,150 can be technical um um specific things 345 00:12:51,159 --> 00:12:53,190 about um uh electromagnetic 346 00:12:53,200 --> 00:12:55,200 interference and things like that . 347 00:12:55,200 --> 00:12:56,922 They can be tactical um how to 348 00:12:56,966 --> 00:12:59,356 negotiate um new forms of Russian 349 00:12:59,366 --> 00:13:01,835 obstacles and defensive fortifications . 350 00:13:01,926 --> 00:13:04,866 We have um both the incidental benefit 351 00:13:04,875 --> 00:13:07,097 of working with them , but we also have 352 00:13:07,097 --> 00:13:08,931 very specific focus , structured 353 00:13:08,931 --> 00:13:11,153 programs to call out that information . 354 00:13:11,315 --> 00:13:13,204 Um We also have a couple of other 355 00:13:13,204 --> 00:13:15,148 programs , Mr Chairman that I'd be 356 00:13:15,148 --> 00:13:17,037 delighted to talk about in closed 357 00:13:17,037 --> 00:13:19,315 session that are also extremely useful . 358 00:13:19,315 --> 00:13:21,093 But overall , yeah , we benefit 359 00:13:21,093 --> 00:13:22,926 significantly from this . We are 360 00:13:22,926 --> 00:13:25,192 watching them adapt to Russia's 361 00:13:25,202 --> 00:13:27,981 adaptations . So it's uh you know , 362 00:13:27,992 --> 00:13:30,541 warfare as it goes on is a series of 363 00:13:30,552 --> 00:13:33,062 moves and counter moves . And Russia's 364 00:13:33,072 --> 00:13:35,182 military has evolved significantly 365 00:13:35,192 --> 00:13:37,025 during this conflict and this is 366 00:13:37,025 --> 00:13:39,248 helping us to keep up with it as well . 367 00:13:39,248 --> 00:13:43,010 Thank you , uh General Van Os , uh you 368 00:13:43,020 --> 00:13:44,780 have already been delivering a 369 00:13:44,789 --> 00:13:48,239 substantial amount of material to uh 370 00:13:48,729 --> 00:13:50,719 our forces in Europe that which is 371 00:13:50,729 --> 00:13:53,280 transshipped to the Ukrainians . So , 372 00:13:53,599 --> 00:13:55,950 uh you've got a lot of money tied up in 373 00:13:55,960 --> 00:13:58,071 the supplemental . Is that accurate ? 374 00:13:59,169 --> 00:14:01,169 Uh Senator ? Thanks for asking that 375 00:14:01,169 --> 00:14:03,669 question . Uh I indeed , about $550 376 00:14:03,679 --> 00:14:05,401 million of the supplemental is 377 00:14:05,401 --> 00:14:07,735 earmarked for us Transportation Command . 378 00:14:07,735 --> 00:14:09,820 Uh Mainly in response to uh un 379 00:14:09,830 --> 00:14:12,169 unreimbursed work for the Middle East 380 00:14:12,179 --> 00:14:14,690 after the events of October 7th . Um 381 00:14:14,700 --> 00:14:16,533 However , we look , we work very 382 00:14:16,533 --> 00:14:18,589 closely with uconn and the office of 383 00:14:18,589 --> 00:14:20,478 Secretary of Defense to deal with 384 00:14:20,478 --> 00:14:22,533 transportation costs associated with 385 00:14:22,533 --> 00:14:24,589 Ukraine . And so if the supplemental 386 00:14:24,589 --> 00:14:27,239 doesn't pass , uh you have to find ways 387 00:14:27,250 --> 00:14:29,750 to pay for that in internally , which 388 00:14:29,760 --> 00:14:31,871 would be very disruptive , I assume . 389 00:14:32,369 --> 00:14:34,591 So that's absolutely correct . Not just 390 00:14:34,591 --> 00:14:36,425 Transcom , but all uh all of the 391 00:14:36,425 --> 00:14:38,647 services and combatant commands have it 392 00:14:38,647 --> 00:14:40,313 have , uh have costs that are 393 00:14:40,313 --> 00:14:42,313 unreimbursed at this point . Uh The 394 00:14:42,313 --> 00:14:44,536 issue with Transportation Command is it 395 00:14:44,536 --> 00:14:44,359 comes out of our working capital fund 396 00:14:44,369 --> 00:14:46,369 and , and a working capital fund is 397 00:14:46,369 --> 00:14:48,313 there in case we have an emergency 398 00:14:48,313 --> 00:14:50,369 where we have to go somewhere around 399 00:14:50,369 --> 00:14:52,591 the globe and not having funds in there 400 00:14:52,591 --> 00:14:52,390 would slow down any response and 401 00:14:52,400 --> 00:14:54,456 certainly reduce the options for the 402 00:14:54,456 --> 00:14:56,400 secretary . I'll yield that by six 403 00:14:56,400 --> 00:14:59,409 seconds to the ranking member , Senator 404 00:14:59,419 --> 00:15:01,641 worker . Thank you . And I'll take it . 405 00:15:01,641 --> 00:15:04,780 Uh General Cavalli . Um You just said , 406 00:15:04,789 --> 00:15:06,679 if we don't come forward with 407 00:15:06,750 --> 00:15:08,750 assistance from the United States , 408 00:15:08,750 --> 00:15:11,119 Ukraine could actually lose this war . 409 00:15:11,200 --> 00:15:14,590 Uh That implies that Ukraine could also 410 00:15:14,599 --> 00:15:17,780 actually win this war . Uh I would 411 00:15:17,789 --> 00:15:20,739 remind you and , and you don't need to 412 00:15:20,750 --> 00:15:22,549 be reminded . But , uh , anyone 413 00:15:22,559 --> 00:15:25,109 listening that there were voices in the 414 00:15:25,119 --> 00:15:26,841 United States well intentioned 415 00:15:26,841 --> 00:15:29,969 Americans in the late thirties and , uh 416 00:15:29,979 --> 00:15:33,119 early on in , uh , in watching the 417 00:15:33,130 --> 00:15:36,030 European war , uh , that said there was 418 00:15:36,039 --> 00:15:39,000 no way that the United Kingdom could 419 00:15:39,010 --> 00:15:42,840 win the war against , um , against 420 00:15:42,849 --> 00:15:45,630 Germany , against Hitler's Germany , um 421 00:15:45,640 --> 00:15:48,159 respected , well intentioned Americans 422 00:15:48,169 --> 00:15:50,280 like Charles Lindbergh , who is still 423 00:15:50,280 --> 00:15:52,502 held in high regard said that there was 424 00:15:52,502 --> 00:15:54,929 no way we should help because the war 425 00:15:54,940 --> 00:15:58,760 was already lost . Can Ukraine win this 426 00:15:58,770 --> 00:16:01,580 war ? Yes , Senator , absolutely . 427 00:16:01,909 --> 00:16:05,789 And um is it also true that while we're 428 00:16:05,799 --> 00:16:07,855 being asked and our allies are being 429 00:16:07,855 --> 00:16:10,859 asked to help Ukraine Russia's seeking 430 00:16:10,869 --> 00:16:13,091 help also from other countries on their 431 00:16:13,091 --> 00:16:15,202 side . Is that correct ? Absolutely . 432 00:16:15,202 --> 00:16:17,460 And those countries include countries 433 00:16:17,469 --> 00:16:20,739 that um have a , a malign 434 00:16:20,750 --> 00:16:23,549 intent toward the United States who are 435 00:16:23,559 --> 00:16:26,729 those countries ? A absolutely . First 436 00:16:26,739 --> 00:16:28,739 in line is the People's Republic of 437 00:16:28,739 --> 00:16:30,517 China , the Democratic People's 438 00:16:30,517 --> 00:16:33,849 Republic of Korea and Iran , sir . Now , 439 00:16:33,859 --> 00:16:37,090 um we have the , the Japanese uh 440 00:16:37,099 --> 00:16:40,940 prime Minister in this capital city 441 00:16:40,950 --> 00:16:43,409 today and I'll be attending along with 442 00:16:43,549 --> 00:16:46,260 most of my colleagues , his joint 443 00:16:46,270 --> 00:16:49,570 address to the Congress . Uh what do 444 00:16:49,580 --> 00:16:52,020 the , what does the Japanese leadership 445 00:16:52,030 --> 00:16:53,809 have to say ? And what tangible 446 00:16:53,830 --> 00:16:56,219 indication have they given as to the 447 00:16:56,229 --> 00:16:58,929 importance of the Ukraine Russia 448 00:16:58,940 --> 00:17:02,710 conflict ? Uh Senator , um , in my role 449 00:17:02,719 --> 00:17:04,719 as the Supreme Allied Commander for 450 00:17:04,719 --> 00:17:07,979 Europe , I recently traveled to Japan 451 00:17:07,989 --> 00:17:10,530 about a , about a month ago , sir , and 452 00:17:10,540 --> 00:17:12,707 met with uh their chief of defense and 453 00:17:12,707 --> 00:17:15,069 a number of high , high , highly placed 454 00:17:15,079 --> 00:17:18,569 officials there . Um It's a part of 455 00:17:18,579 --> 00:17:20,949 nato's burgeoning relationship with key 456 00:17:20,959 --> 00:17:23,729 Indo Pacific allies . Um , they are 457 00:17:23,739 --> 00:17:26,270 focused on the Ukraine question . They 458 00:17:26,280 --> 00:17:28,650 are watching it very closely . They 459 00:17:28,660 --> 00:17:30,771 understand that the stakes are high . 460 00:17:30,771 --> 00:17:32,827 Are they helping in a tangible way ? 461 00:17:32,827 --> 00:17:35,199 They're helping in intangible ways and 462 00:17:35,209 --> 00:17:37,542 um some tangible ways ? Yes , sir . And , 463 00:17:37,542 --> 00:17:39,939 and what about , um South Korea ? What 464 00:17:39,949 --> 00:17:42,920 about Australia , sir ? They are all 465 00:17:42,930 --> 00:17:45,130 focused on this question and all of 466 00:17:45,140 --> 00:17:47,307 them are rendering intangible help and 467 00:17:47,307 --> 00:17:50,040 some tangible help and um um some of it 468 00:17:50,060 --> 00:17:52,250 are rendering help in terms of dollars 469 00:17:52,260 --> 00:17:54,482 and cents or they're not . Absolutely . 470 00:17:54,482 --> 00:17:56,729 Yes . Um Well , um 471 00:17:57,030 --> 00:17:59,020 Ukraine um 472 00:18:00,640 --> 00:18:03,500 seems to have a lot of fight in them . 473 00:18:03,510 --> 00:18:05,566 Is it true that they've retaken over 474 00:18:05,566 --> 00:18:07,788 half the territory seized by Russia two 475 00:18:07,788 --> 00:18:10,260 years ago ? Yes , sir . And uh how , 476 00:18:10,270 --> 00:18:13,780 how is it that they have 477 00:18:13,790 --> 00:18:16,459 been so successful in the Black Sea ? 478 00:18:16,469 --> 00:18:18,670 How is it that Ukraine has been so 479 00:18:18,680 --> 00:18:20,829 successful against one of the most 480 00:18:20,839 --> 00:18:23,006 powerful countries in the world in the 481 00:18:23,006 --> 00:18:25,689 Black Sea ? And how , so it , it starts 482 00:18:25,699 --> 00:18:28,619 with their determination to have access 483 00:18:28,630 --> 00:18:30,686 to the Black Sea . They , so they're 484 00:18:30,686 --> 00:18:32,574 determined . Secondly , they have 485 00:18:32,574 --> 00:18:34,408 extremely talented engineers and 486 00:18:34,408 --> 00:18:36,574 extremely talented scientists who have 487 00:18:36,574 --> 00:18:38,979 devoted this portion of their lives to 488 00:18:39,000 --> 00:18:41,111 the defense of the auditors may not , 489 00:18:41,111 --> 00:18:43,760 may not be aware to what extent they 490 00:18:43,770 --> 00:18:45,881 have been successful . So what , what 491 00:18:45,881 --> 00:18:48,214 has their success in the Black Sea been ? 492 00:18:48,214 --> 00:18:50,437 They've sunk more than 20% of the Black 493 00:18:50,437 --> 00:18:52,437 Sea fleet , but more to the point , 494 00:18:52,437 --> 00:18:54,659 they've damaged critical infrastructure 495 00:18:54,659 --> 00:18:56,826 associated with its sustenance and its 496 00:18:56,826 --> 00:18:59,159 maintenance and the net effect has been . 497 00:18:59,159 --> 00:19:01,949 We do not see Russian surface ships 498 00:19:01,959 --> 00:19:04,510 west of Crimea ever anymore . 499 00:19:05,680 --> 00:19:09,430 Um And 500 00:19:09,439 --> 00:19:11,439 ok , well , let's talk about burden 501 00:19:11,439 --> 00:19:14,939 sharing . Um Are we being asked to do 502 00:19:14,949 --> 00:19:17,420 more than anybody else in terms of our 503 00:19:17,430 --> 00:19:20,670 capacity ? No , sir . Um We , we are 504 00:19:20,680 --> 00:19:23,459 doing a fair share if you measure by um 505 00:19:23,469 --> 00:19:26,160 by percentage of GDP how much 506 00:19:26,170 --> 00:19:28,281 assistance we're giving . We actually 507 00:19:28,281 --> 00:19:30,337 rank well below 15 . I think we're , 508 00:19:30,337 --> 00:19:34,000 we're down around 14 to 15 of our 509 00:19:34,010 --> 00:19:36,680 economy as compared to all of the other 510 00:19:36,689 --> 00:19:38,880 allies who see the importance there . 511 00:19:39,349 --> 00:19:43,160 Uh uh What do our friends and 512 00:19:43,170 --> 00:19:45,503 people we want to be more friendly with ? 513 00:19:45,503 --> 00:19:49,310 What do they think about 514 00:19:50,369 --> 00:19:53,869 the um likelihood of America keeping 515 00:19:53,880 --> 00:19:57,000 its word long term , sir . They believe 516 00:19:57,010 --> 00:19:59,177 in America , they believe in America's 517 00:19:59,177 --> 00:20:01,343 leadership . They believe in America's 518 00:20:01,343 --> 00:20:03,121 consistent dedication to global 519 00:20:03,121 --> 00:20:05,010 security and to European security 520 00:20:05,010 --> 00:20:07,010 because they understand it's in our 521 00:20:07,010 --> 00:20:09,010 interest . However , when they hear 522 00:20:09,010 --> 00:20:11,232 things or see things from our country , 523 00:20:11,232 --> 00:20:13,399 they can get nervous sometimes . Thank 524 00:20:13,399 --> 00:20:15,510 you . Thank you , Mr Chairman . Thank 525 00:20:15,510 --> 00:20:17,677 you , Senator Worker Senator Shaheen , 526 00:20:17,677 --> 00:20:19,788 please . Um General Cavalli , General 527 00:20:19,788 --> 00:20:21,732 Van Vost . Thank you both for your 528 00:20:21,732 --> 00:20:24,066 service and for being here this morning . 529 00:20:24,066 --> 00:20:26,449 Um Senators Reed and Wicker have been 530 00:20:27,069 --> 00:20:30,339 um very broad and 531 00:20:30,349 --> 00:20:33,219 expansive in covering Ukraine , which I , 532 00:20:33,229 --> 00:20:35,285 I appreciate their comments and your 533 00:20:35,285 --> 00:20:37,451 responses to that . So I want to focus 534 00:20:37,451 --> 00:20:39,530 on the Western Balkans where we're 535 00:20:39,540 --> 00:20:41,859 seeing tensions rise and I appreciate 536 00:20:41,869 --> 00:20:44,430 your attention to that . General Cavoli 537 00:20:45,069 --> 00:20:48,969 um a persistent problem is 538 00:20:49,060 --> 00:20:51,459 ensuring that U four and K four 539 00:20:51,469 --> 00:20:54,089 missions um are adequately prepared to 540 00:20:54,099 --> 00:20:56,359 respond to those security concerns . I 541 00:20:56,369 --> 00:20:59,569 think um so far we have been the 542 00:20:59,579 --> 00:21:01,523 missions have been relying on each 543 00:21:01,523 --> 00:21:03,690 other as reserve forces . I think this 544 00:21:03,690 --> 00:21:06,229 dual hatting is concerning and uh 545 00:21:06,239 --> 00:21:08,729 especially as we see tensions increase 546 00:21:08,739 --> 00:21:12,089 in both Kosovo and um 547 00:21:12,099 --> 00:21:15,109 Bosnia . So can you talk about how ucom 548 00:21:15,119 --> 00:21:17,286 is engaging with our European partners 549 00:21:17,286 --> 00:21:19,230 to emphasize the need to establish 550 00:21:19,230 --> 00:21:22,489 separate reserve forces um for U four 551 00:21:22,500 --> 00:21:25,180 and K four . Y yes , ma'am . Absolutely 552 00:21:25,189 --> 00:21:27,189 because it's an extremely important 553 00:21:27,189 --> 00:21:29,420 question . And as you know , um NATO is 554 00:21:29,430 --> 00:21:31,780 not a one problem alliance , we're not 555 00:21:31,790 --> 00:21:33,846 a one problem country . And , and so 556 00:21:33,846 --> 00:21:36,012 it's important to recognize that there 557 00:21:36,012 --> 00:21:38,179 are other things going on in Europe um 558 00:21:38,179 --> 00:21:40,179 that are , that are not good for us 559 00:21:40,179 --> 00:21:42,290 national interests . They're also not 560 00:21:42,290 --> 00:21:44,512 unrelated to the conflict in Ukraine as 561 00:21:44,512 --> 00:21:46,679 you well know , Senator . Um the first 562 00:21:46,679 --> 00:21:50,040 thing uh US U COM did was get the U COM 563 00:21:50,050 --> 00:21:52,130 commander to persuade the Supreme 564 00:21:52,140 --> 00:21:54,500 Allied commander um to do something 565 00:21:54,510 --> 00:21:56,621 about this inside of NATO with regard 566 00:21:56,621 --> 00:21:58,788 to the Reserve forces and everything . 567 00:21:58,788 --> 00:22:01,680 Um So we have done a complete plan 568 00:22:01,689 --> 00:22:05,119 review for K four specifically and it 569 00:22:05,130 --> 00:22:07,739 is revealed that we need um not just 570 00:22:07,750 --> 00:22:10,359 more forces but we need heavier forces . 571 00:22:10,430 --> 00:22:12,541 We're in the process of sourcing that 572 00:22:12,541 --> 00:22:14,430 right now nations are being quite 573 00:22:14,430 --> 00:22:16,374 generous , but we will put heavier 574 00:22:16,374 --> 00:22:18,597 equipment on the ground as well as more 575 00:22:18,597 --> 00:22:20,708 people . The second thing we're doing 576 00:22:20,708 --> 00:22:22,979 is we're untying the um the 577 00:22:22,989 --> 00:22:25,319 relationship between the Reserve Forces 578 00:22:25,329 --> 00:22:28,189 for the Eu mission , Althea in Bosnia 579 00:22:28,199 --> 00:22:30,579 and Herzegovina and the K four mission . 580 00:22:30,692 --> 00:22:32,722 Because uh as you pointed out and I 581 00:22:32,732 --> 00:22:35,852 agree , um that that was an economy 582 00:22:35,862 --> 00:22:38,029 that we can no longer afford to , to , 583 00:22:38,029 --> 00:22:40,084 to share the Strategic Reserve Force 584 00:22:40,084 --> 00:22:42,362 there . Um I'd like to call , um call 585 00:22:42,371 --> 00:22:44,261 out France for being especially 586 00:22:44,271 --> 00:22:46,212 generous . Um As you know , the 587 00:22:46,222 --> 00:22:48,771 commander of the Althea mission is a 588 00:22:48,781 --> 00:22:51,182 French Lieutenant General Hubert core . 589 00:22:51,442 --> 00:22:53,812 He's also my vice chief of staff at the 590 00:22:53,822 --> 00:22:56,913 Supreme headquarters . Um And uh in 591 00:22:56,923 --> 00:22:59,923 that dual hatted role , just like I can 592 00:22:59,933 --> 00:23:02,264 dual hat , he benefits from his 593 00:23:02,274 --> 00:23:04,385 relationship with France . France has 594 00:23:04,385 --> 00:23:06,496 put the Charles de Gaulle offshore uh 595 00:23:06,496 --> 00:23:08,404 in the Adriatic and has recently 596 00:23:08,413 --> 00:23:10,904 deployed a battalion on a , an , an 597 00:23:10,913 --> 00:23:14,443 operational deployment um for a medium 598 00:23:14,453 --> 00:23:16,723 term . So they have upped their forces 599 00:23:16,734 --> 00:23:19,067 especially important right now . As you , 600 00:23:19,067 --> 00:23:21,067 you , you understand , because this 601 00:23:21,067 --> 00:23:23,290 week in particular , the tensions are , 602 00:23:23,290 --> 00:23:25,512 are , are significantly higher . So I'm 603 00:23:25,512 --> 00:23:27,734 satisfied that we're in a good position 604 00:23:27,734 --> 00:23:29,845 right now . Senator , but it's always 605 00:23:29,845 --> 00:23:31,956 necessary to keep a very close eye on 606 00:23:31,956 --> 00:23:34,776 it . We have run um at least two focus 607 00:23:34,786 --> 00:23:37,296 collection missions to increase our 608 00:23:37,306 --> 00:23:38,936 intelligence collection and 609 00:23:38,946 --> 00:23:40,946 understanding of what's going on in 610 00:23:40,946 --> 00:23:42,890 both of those countries . And I've 611 00:23:42,890 --> 00:23:44,946 supported that from us U COM with uh 612 00:23:44,946 --> 00:23:47,002 aerial ISR and other things we could 613 00:23:47,002 --> 00:23:49,113 talk about in close session . Ma'am . 614 00:23:49,113 --> 00:23:51,279 Great . I have several other questions 615 00:23:51,279 --> 00:23:53,279 um specifically about the situation 616 00:23:53,279 --> 00:23:55,446 there , but I'll save those for closed 617 00:23:55,446 --> 00:23:57,446 sessions . So I can ask General Van 618 00:23:57,446 --> 00:23:59,557 Vost a question about um the National 619 00:23:59,557 --> 00:24:01,613 Guard Bureau's decision to level air 620 00:24:01,613 --> 00:24:03,613 National Guard Units and the impact 621 00:24:03,613 --> 00:24:05,668 that that's going to have across the 622 00:24:05,668 --> 00:24:07,724 country . We're concerned about that 623 00:24:07,724 --> 00:24:10,728 impact on the 157th Air refueling wing 624 00:24:10,738 --> 00:24:12,849 in New Hampshire where we have the KC 625 00:24:12,849 --> 00:24:16,060 40 Sixes . So , can you um ha have you 626 00:24:16,069 --> 00:24:18,069 been briefed by the Guard Bureau on 627 00:24:18,069 --> 00:24:20,069 what they're planning ? And are you 628 00:24:20,069 --> 00:24:22,125 concerned about the impact that will 629 00:24:22,125 --> 00:24:24,839 have on Transcom ? Uh Thanks Senator , 630 00:24:24,849 --> 00:24:26,939 you know , uh as you know , uh two 631 00:24:26,949 --> 00:24:29,060 thirds of our air refueling force are 632 00:24:29,060 --> 00:24:31,282 in the Garden Reserve . They bring such 633 00:24:31,282 --> 00:24:33,393 a great capability and absolute car . 634 00:24:33,393 --> 00:24:35,393 We could not do our mission without 635 00:24:35,393 --> 00:24:37,282 them . So this is an issue that's 636 00:24:37,282 --> 00:24:39,338 emerging that I am tracking . I have 637 00:24:39,338 --> 00:24:41,449 not been briefed by the International 638 00:24:41,449 --> 00:24:43,616 Guard . However , we've looked at uh I 639 00:24:43,616 --> 00:24:45,671 have no immediate concerns but as we 640 00:24:45,671 --> 00:24:47,838 look into the out years as how this is 641 00:24:47,838 --> 00:24:47,109 going to be leveled out and where the 642 00:24:47,119 --> 00:24:49,341 capabilities are going , we're going to 643 00:24:49,341 --> 00:24:51,508 track that very carefully , uh , for , 644 00:24:51,508 --> 00:24:53,786 uh , for the guard . Well , again , um , 645 00:24:53,786 --> 00:24:56,008 we're concerned that the 157th is going 646 00:24:56,008 --> 00:24:59,609 to be affected and they , um , have , 647 00:24:59,619 --> 00:25:02,770 um , major responsibility for , um , 648 00:25:02,780 --> 00:25:05,550 refueling over , um , the North 649 00:25:05,560 --> 00:25:08,630 Atlantic and , um , they have been 650 00:25:08,640 --> 00:25:10,430 called in the past to help with 651 00:25:10,439 --> 00:25:12,661 missions in Europe . So I hope you will 652 00:25:12,661 --> 00:25:15,229 track that closely and that we can make 653 00:25:15,239 --> 00:25:17,406 sure that doesn't affect their ability 654 00:25:17,406 --> 00:25:19,461 to do their jobs . Yes , ma'am . The 655 00:25:19,461 --> 00:25:21,572 157 has led the way for the guard for 656 00:25:21,572 --> 00:25:23,461 integration of the KC 46 which is 657 00:25:23,461 --> 00:25:25,628 absolutely the future of air fueling . 658 00:25:25,628 --> 00:25:27,739 Thank you . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 659 00:25:27,739 --> 00:25:29,795 Thank you , Senator Senator Fisher , 660 00:25:29,795 --> 00:25:31,850 please . Thank you , Mr Chairman and 661 00:25:31,850 --> 00:25:34,072 thank you both for being here today and 662 00:25:34,072 --> 00:25:36,128 thank you for your service , General 663 00:25:36,128 --> 00:25:38,239 Van Os . The California Air Resources 664 00:25:38,239 --> 00:25:40,017 Board has a proposal that would 665 00:25:40,017 --> 00:25:42,239 significantly impact the ability of the 666 00:25:42,239 --> 00:25:44,334 national rail network to support the 667 00:25:44,344 --> 00:25:46,584 movement of Department of Defense 668 00:25:46,594 --> 00:25:49,334 equipment and material deployment to 669 00:25:49,344 --> 00:25:52,089 the West Coast . This proposal would 670 00:25:52,099 --> 00:25:55,209 impose unrealistic emission standards 671 00:25:55,219 --> 00:25:58,550 and require zero emission locomotives 672 00:25:58,810 --> 00:26:01,199 which do not exist because that 673 00:26:01,209 --> 00:26:05,030 technology is not even uh commercially 674 00:26:05,040 --> 00:26:07,810 available at this point in time . And 675 00:26:07,819 --> 00:26:10,400 this means that about 65% of the 676 00:26:10,410 --> 00:26:12,079 nation's locomotives would be 677 00:26:12,089 --> 00:26:15,310 prohibited from operating in California 678 00:26:15,319 --> 00:26:18,250 starting in 2030 . What would the 679 00:26:18,260 --> 00:26:21,189 operational impact be if railroads 680 00:26:21,199 --> 00:26:23,880 could not service routes in California 681 00:26:23,890 --> 00:26:26,680 or had to divert cargo to other areas 682 00:26:26,689 --> 00:26:29,719 to meet the dod logistics requirements . 683 00:26:31,900 --> 00:26:35,050 Senator , uh , we rely every day on 684 00:26:35,060 --> 00:26:37,319 this nation's transportation network , 685 00:26:37,329 --> 00:26:39,640 uh , whether it's seaports , it's rail 686 00:26:39,650 --> 00:26:42,520 or its roads . So , and when I think 687 00:26:42,530 --> 00:26:45,369 about uh the , the reduction in 688 00:26:45,380 --> 00:26:47,436 capacity across California , I think 689 00:26:47,436 --> 00:26:49,547 about , I have 15 nodes in California 690 00:26:49,547 --> 00:26:51,790 that we use uh different and from two 691 00:26:51,800 --> 00:26:54,510 different railroad lines and we have uh 692 00:26:54,520 --> 00:26:57,849 five ports , one of which is our only 693 00:26:57,859 --> 00:26:59,719 West Coast ammunition port for 694 00:26:59,729 --> 00:27:01,729 containerized ammunition , which is 695 00:27:01,729 --> 00:27:04,890 critical to our operational plans . And 696 00:27:04,900 --> 00:27:07,122 of course , we have close relationships 697 00:27:07,122 --> 00:27:09,178 with the railroad industry and so we 698 00:27:09,178 --> 00:27:11,289 are working with them as , as this is 699 00:27:11,289 --> 00:27:13,400 emerging and their understanding what 700 00:27:13,400 --> 00:27:15,622 the implications are . Uh initially , I 701 00:27:15,622 --> 00:27:17,733 believe that any increased costs will 702 00:27:17,733 --> 00:27:19,956 be passed directly on to the customer , 703 00:27:19,956 --> 00:27:22,178 but I am concerned about the technology 704 00:27:22,178 --> 00:27:24,067 and their ability to recapitalize 705 00:27:24,067 --> 00:27:26,233 between now , the readiness of now and 706 00:27:26,233 --> 00:27:28,456 the readiness of future if they have to 707 00:27:28,456 --> 00:27:30,567 transition . Have you expressed these 708 00:27:30,567 --> 00:27:32,789 concerns to the administration ? I have 709 00:27:32,789 --> 00:27:35,890 not . Do you plan to uh in my normal 710 00:27:35,900 --> 00:27:38,067 course of action through the Secretary 711 00:27:38,067 --> 00:27:40,289 of Defense ? If this is going to impact 712 00:27:40,289 --> 00:27:42,400 national security ? I absolutely will 713 00:27:42,400 --> 00:27:45,160 thank you . When um when we look at the 714 00:27:45,170 --> 00:27:47,114 requirements that you have and the 715 00:27:47,114 --> 00:27:50,170 plans that you have , if we are seeing 716 00:27:50,180 --> 00:27:52,760 um conflict , take place in the Indo 717 00:27:52,969 --> 00:27:55,640 Pacific . Uh how would , how would a 718 00:27:55,650 --> 00:27:58,209 surge of forces be impacted 719 00:28:00,199 --> 00:28:02,329 as when we think about options every 720 00:28:02,339 --> 00:28:05,770 day ? Uh And we , we run several uh 721 00:28:05,780 --> 00:28:07,780 several planning events and several 722 00:28:07,780 --> 00:28:10,002 simulations that would occur around the 723 00:28:10,002 --> 00:28:12,336 globe . These globally integrated plans . 724 00:28:12,336 --> 00:28:14,447 Should we have to um search uh for an 725 00:28:14,447 --> 00:28:16,630 event like the uh events after October 726 00:28:16,640 --> 00:28:19,560 7th ? Uh And so we think about it and 727 00:28:19,569 --> 00:28:21,625 we , we run these simulations and we 728 00:28:21,625 --> 00:28:23,736 ensure that we have readiness for the 729 00:28:23,736 --> 00:28:25,902 fleet . The most important thing is to 730 00:28:25,902 --> 00:28:28,125 ensure not only do we have the capacity 731 00:28:28,125 --> 00:28:30,347 but it's a credible capacity to operate 732 00:28:30,347 --> 00:28:32,569 in the environment we expect to be in , 733 00:28:32,569 --> 00:28:34,569 we expect it to be contested and an 734 00:28:34,569 --> 00:28:36,625 example right there is the Red Sea . 735 00:28:36,625 --> 00:28:38,847 Thank you , General Koi . I'm concerned 736 00:28:38,847 --> 00:28:40,958 about the increasing cooper operation 737 00:28:40,958 --> 00:28:43,180 between Russia , China , Iran and North 738 00:28:43,180 --> 00:28:45,291 Korea , which we're seeing the impact 739 00:28:45,291 --> 00:28:47,530 of in real time uh with Russia's war 740 00:28:47,540 --> 00:28:50,800 against Ukraine . How is Ucom altering 741 00:28:50,810 --> 00:28:53,180 its posture to address the strategic 742 00:28:53,189 --> 00:28:55,479 dilemmas created by these partnerships ? 743 00:28:57,130 --> 00:28:59,420 Thank you , Senator . Um The , the 744 00:28:59,430 --> 00:29:01,208 first thing we've done is we've 745 00:29:01,208 --> 00:29:03,959 responded to the Russian aggression by 746 00:29:03,969 --> 00:29:06,739 bolstering our presence along with 747 00:29:06,750 --> 00:29:09,780 nato's presence on the eastern flank . 748 00:29:09,790 --> 00:29:11,901 We did that over the last two years . 749 00:29:12,420 --> 00:29:14,969 NATO moved very quickly after the 750 00:29:14,979 --> 00:29:17,201 invasion to establish new battle groups 751 00:29:17,201 --> 00:29:19,550 and to increase the size of the 752 00:29:19,560 --> 00:29:21,671 existing battle groups on the eastern 753 00:29:21,671 --> 00:29:23,782 flank and to thicken the air policing 754 00:29:23,782 --> 00:29:25,949 that is the air defense , um , efforts 755 00:29:25,949 --> 00:29:27,949 that we were doing . US U COM was a 756 00:29:27,949 --> 00:29:30,180 part of that . In fact , us U COM led 757 00:29:30,189 --> 00:29:32,540 some of that with us unilateral , um , 758 00:29:32,550 --> 00:29:34,829 deployments to that sort of seed corn 759 00:29:34,839 --> 00:29:36,950 to get things going . We've continued 760 00:29:36,950 --> 00:29:39,172 that and we've actually regularized the 761 00:29:39,172 --> 00:29:41,283 procedures and those are gonna become 762 00:29:41,283 --> 00:29:43,395 long term deployments that our allies 763 00:29:43,395 --> 00:29:45,617 have out there . The second thing we've 764 00:29:45,617 --> 00:29:48,469 been doing is , um , uh , tightening 765 00:29:48,479 --> 00:29:50,701 our air and missile defense . I'm under 766 00:29:50,701 --> 00:29:52,900 instruction from the um 32 heads of 767 00:29:52,910 --> 00:29:55,132 state and government to tighten our air 768 00:29:55,132 --> 00:29:57,299 and missile defense with regard to the 769 00:29:57,299 --> 00:29:59,354 connections among the countries . We 770 00:29:59,354 --> 00:30:01,410 work very closely with the , that is 771 00:30:01,410 --> 00:30:03,466 these adversarial countries who have 772 00:30:03,466 --> 00:30:05,577 formed this network . Um That's , you 773 00:30:05,577 --> 00:30:07,910 know , profoundly against our interests . 774 00:30:07,910 --> 00:30:09,966 We are working very closely with the 775 00:30:09,966 --> 00:30:12,132 interagency across all the instruments 776 00:30:12,132 --> 00:30:14,243 of national power to try to interrupt 777 00:30:14,243 --> 00:30:16,734 that and to , and to , and to hinder 778 00:30:16,744 --> 00:30:19,464 their ability to co-operate . We have 779 00:30:19,474 --> 00:30:21,585 um based on my intelligence section , 780 00:30:21,585 --> 00:30:23,585 my J two section , something called 781 00:30:23,585 --> 00:30:25,752 task force champion , which focuses on 782 00:30:25,752 --> 00:30:27,974 this question , those relationships and 783 00:30:27,974 --> 00:30:30,196 feeds information to the interagency to 784 00:30:30,196 --> 00:30:32,030 take action through a variety of 785 00:30:32,030 --> 00:30:34,363 different means . Thank you . Thank you , 786 00:30:34,363 --> 00:30:36,363 Mr Chairman . Thank you very much , 787 00:30:36,363 --> 00:30:38,641 Senator Fisher , Senator Kane , please . 788 00:30:38,641 --> 00:30:40,752 Thank you , Mr Chair and thank you to 789 00:30:40,752 --> 00:30:42,918 our witnesses to General Van Vost . Um 790 00:30:42,918 --> 00:30:45,141 In your written statement , you say the 791 00:30:45,141 --> 00:30:47,030 dod s ability to project military 792 00:30:47,030 --> 00:30:49,085 forces is inextricably linked to the 793 00:30:49,085 --> 00:30:51,196 commercial industry , what we like to 794 00:30:51,196 --> 00:30:53,307 call our fourth component um trends , 795 00:30:53,307 --> 00:30:55,474 com's relationship with the commercial 796 00:30:55,474 --> 00:30:57,530 sector is pretty unique . Talk about 797 00:30:57,530 --> 00:30:59,752 the importance of our commercial sector 798 00:30:59,752 --> 00:31:01,696 and challenges you have with uh in 799 00:31:01,696 --> 00:31:03,696 working with commercial companies . 800 00:31:03,696 --> 00:31:05,807 Thank you , Senator . Uh We cannot uh 801 00:31:05,807 --> 00:31:08,030 do our job every day without our strong 802 00:31:08,030 --> 00:31:10,197 commercial partnerships . In fact , uh 803 00:31:10,197 --> 00:31:12,141 90% of our passengers flow through 804 00:31:12,150 --> 00:31:14,317 commercial operations and day to day , 805 00:31:14,317 --> 00:31:16,500 97% of our sustainment goes through 806 00:31:16,510 --> 00:31:18,819 commercial sea lift . Uh So it , it is 807 00:31:18,829 --> 00:31:21,040 absolutely significant . And while 808 00:31:21,050 --> 00:31:23,050 that's the , the opportunity to use 809 00:31:23,050 --> 00:31:24,772 them and use their networks is 810 00:31:24,772 --> 00:31:26,494 significant and provides us an 811 00:31:26,494 --> 00:31:28,217 asymmetric advantage . The top 812 00:31:28,217 --> 00:31:30,383 vulnerability concern I have with them 813 00:31:30,383 --> 00:31:32,494 is through cyber . Uh frankly , uh uh 814 00:31:32,494 --> 00:31:34,272 we have heard even from the CIA 815 00:31:34,272 --> 00:31:36,209 director uh that uh the PR C has 816 00:31:36,219 --> 00:31:38,108 infiltrated some of the logistics 817 00:31:38,108 --> 00:31:40,275 networks um of our , of our commercial 818 00:31:40,275 --> 00:31:42,386 partners . So we've been working with 819 00:31:42,386 --> 00:31:44,552 them on how to secure uh their , their 820 00:31:44,552 --> 00:31:46,310 systems uh through the no cost 821 00:31:46,412 --> 00:31:48,792 cybersecurity Collaboration Center and 822 00:31:48,802 --> 00:31:50,802 the defense industrial Base uh work 823 00:31:50,802 --> 00:31:52,858 that we've been doing and , and they 824 00:31:52,858 --> 00:31:55,080 are paying attention at the CEO level . 825 00:31:55,080 --> 00:31:56,969 That's great . Um In your written 826 00:31:56,969 --> 00:31:58,913 statement , you also mentioned the 827 00:31:58,913 --> 00:31:58,863 joint communications support element 828 00:31:59,003 --> 00:32:01,192 which is part of the joint enabling 829 00:32:01,203 --> 00:32:03,822 capabilities command in Norfolk . Why 830 00:32:03,833 --> 00:32:06,000 do you mention them specifically ? And 831 00:32:06,000 --> 00:32:07,833 how important is it that they be 832 00:32:07,833 --> 00:32:09,333 recapitalized ? That joint 833 00:32:09,333 --> 00:32:11,500 communication support element provides 834 00:32:11,500 --> 00:32:13,500 deployable communications uh on air 835 00:32:13,500 --> 00:32:16,135 land and sea in support of standing up 836 00:32:16,145 --> 00:32:18,312 joint task forces . So if we go into a 837 00:32:18,312 --> 00:32:20,534 crisis mode , they need to have the the 838 00:32:20,534 --> 00:32:22,478 modernized equipment to be able to 839 00:32:22,478 --> 00:32:24,645 support the joint task force commander 840 00:32:24,645 --> 00:32:26,812 uh around the world . And we have done 841 00:32:26,812 --> 00:32:28,978 that multiple times here , I would say 842 00:32:28,978 --> 00:32:28,406 in , in the past couple of years . So 843 00:32:28,416 --> 00:32:30,194 we need to make sure that their 844 00:32:30,194 --> 00:32:32,416 equipment is modernized . Thank you for 845 00:32:32,416 --> 00:32:34,527 that General Cavoli . Um talk to us a 846 00:32:34,527 --> 00:32:36,749 little bit about how Sweden and Finland 847 00:32:36,749 --> 00:32:38,916 are integrating into the existing NATO 848 00:32:38,916 --> 00:32:40,805 military structure . Absolutely , 849 00:32:40,805 --> 00:32:43,000 thanks uh Senator . So um first , I 850 00:32:43,010 --> 00:32:44,899 think it's important to note that 851 00:32:44,899 --> 00:32:47,250 Finland and Sweden have been 852 00:32:47,260 --> 00:32:50,479 cooperating for years with NATO . Um 853 00:32:50,489 --> 00:32:54,310 not just in training but in operations . 854 00:32:54,589 --> 00:32:57,810 They've also been very close um closely 855 00:32:57,819 --> 00:33:00,229 tied to the United States in bilateral 856 00:33:00,239 --> 00:33:02,760 agreements . They're also closely tied 857 00:33:02,770 --> 00:33:05,390 among the Nordic countries through 858 00:33:05,400 --> 00:33:07,400 multilateral arrangements that they 859 00:33:07,400 --> 00:33:09,456 have among themselves . All of those 860 00:33:09,456 --> 00:33:12,319 things made it extremely easy to 861 00:33:12,329 --> 00:33:15,689 integrate those two nations militarily 862 00:33:15,810 --> 00:33:18,709 into the alliance , sir . Um The um 863 00:33:18,719 --> 00:33:20,910 Supreme Allied Command Transformation 864 00:33:21,000 --> 00:33:23,020 is formally responsible for the 865 00:33:23,030 --> 00:33:25,589 integration effort and the integration 866 00:33:25,599 --> 00:33:28,920 um uh documentation that was completed 867 00:33:28,930 --> 00:33:31,760 in record time um for , for Finland and 868 00:33:31,770 --> 00:33:33,937 will be for Sweden as well . They have 869 00:33:33,937 --> 00:33:36,160 already been incorporated into the 870 00:33:36,170 --> 00:33:38,281 regional plans that NATO has approved 871 00:33:38,281 --> 00:33:40,503 in the past year . Um In fact , it took 872 00:33:40,503 --> 00:33:42,726 less than five days for us to bring the 873 00:33:42,726 --> 00:33:45,599 uh bring the um the inclusion of Sweden 874 00:33:45,609 --> 00:33:47,720 for to the North Atlantic Council and 875 00:33:47,720 --> 00:33:49,831 register that as a as an amendment to 876 00:33:49,831 --> 00:33:51,998 the plans . So overall , it's all been 877 00:33:51,998 --> 00:33:54,689 extremely easy um because we have such 878 00:33:54,699 --> 00:33:56,755 a long history with them and because 879 00:33:56,755 --> 00:33:58,921 they have invested in defense over the 880 00:33:58,921 --> 00:34:02,430 years . Um So , uh you know , defense 881 00:34:02,439 --> 00:34:04,661 investment has not been the strong suit 882 00:34:04,661 --> 00:34:07,189 of uh of many nations in Europe over 883 00:34:07,199 --> 00:34:09,669 the last 40 years , but it has been in 884 00:34:09,679 --> 00:34:12,449 Finland in particular . And Sweden has 885 00:34:12,459 --> 00:34:14,780 a radically stepped up uh defense 886 00:34:14,790 --> 00:34:17,012 budget right now . So both of them have 887 00:34:17,012 --> 00:34:19,610 maintained high capabilities and good 888 00:34:19,620 --> 00:34:21,787 capacity and they're really welcome in 889 00:34:21,787 --> 00:34:23,731 the alliance , sir . Well , I know 890 00:34:23,731 --> 00:34:25,620 everyone on this , this committee 891 00:34:25,620 --> 00:34:27,842 understands this , but for the public , 892 00:34:27,842 --> 00:34:29,731 if you'd gone back five years and 893 00:34:29,731 --> 00:34:31,620 polled in Sweden or Finland about 894 00:34:31,620 --> 00:34:33,787 whether they wanted to join NATO , you 895 00:34:33,787 --> 00:34:35,898 would have been lucky to get to 25% . 896 00:34:35,898 --> 00:34:37,731 Yes . Um The Russian invasion of 897 00:34:37,731 --> 00:34:39,731 Ukraine uh has caused the scales to 898 00:34:39,731 --> 00:34:41,787 fall from folks' eyes about what the 899 00:34:41,787 --> 00:34:44,760 likely threat scenario is and the uh 900 00:34:44,770 --> 00:34:46,919 deep desire of Sweden and Finland to 901 00:34:46,929 --> 00:34:49,520 join NATO . Demonstrates a reality we 902 00:34:49,530 --> 00:34:51,141 have to be aware of and also 903 00:34:51,141 --> 00:34:53,252 demonstrates the vitality of NATO and 904 00:34:53,252 --> 00:34:55,197 other organizations of like-minded 905 00:34:55,197 --> 00:34:57,363 democracies . Let me ask you one other 906 00:34:57,363 --> 00:34:59,252 question . The Radford Arsenal in 907 00:34:59,252 --> 00:35:01,308 Virginia produces munitions that are 908 00:35:01,308 --> 00:35:03,530 critical to the battle in Ukraine . But 909 00:35:03,530 --> 00:35:05,363 I think it's also important that 910 00:35:05,363 --> 00:35:07,141 munitions be produced closer to 911 00:35:07,141 --> 00:35:09,252 theaters of war . Talk about your dis 912 00:35:09,252 --> 00:35:11,363 uh , discussions with our NATO allies 913 00:35:11,363 --> 00:35:13,474 about munitions production ramping up 914 00:35:13,474 --> 00:35:15,586 in Europe . This is something we talk 915 00:35:15,586 --> 00:35:17,530 about a lot senator , as you might 916 00:35:17,530 --> 00:35:20,860 imagine . Um , right now , Ukraine for 917 00:35:20,870 --> 00:35:23,459 155 millimeter shells is mainly 918 00:35:23,469 --> 00:35:25,770 dependent on us . Production . Uh 919 00:35:25,780 --> 00:35:28,500 European production has just not gotten 920 00:35:28,510 --> 00:35:31,149 up and running yet . It is increasing , 921 00:35:31,189 --> 00:35:33,411 it's increasing and there are certainly 922 00:35:33,411 --> 00:35:35,411 plans and investments to make it go 923 00:35:35,411 --> 00:35:37,522 faster , but they're still ramping it 924 00:35:37,522 --> 00:35:39,949 up . Some countries have converted 925 00:35:39,959 --> 00:35:42,189 former factories very rapidly . 926 00:35:42,399 --> 00:35:44,889 Slovakia . I would point to here is 927 00:35:44,899 --> 00:35:47,540 producing a significant amount of 155 928 00:35:47,550 --> 00:35:50,330 NATO standard um ammunition right now . 929 00:35:50,340 --> 00:35:52,562 But really , there's a lot of work left 930 00:35:52,562 --> 00:35:54,550 to be done . The EU and NATO are 931 00:35:54,560 --> 00:35:56,989 cooperating closely on lifting 932 00:35:57,000 --> 00:35:59,167 production and I believe they're going 933 00:35:59,167 --> 00:36:01,167 to break down some barriers and get 934 00:36:01,167 --> 00:36:03,389 that going . I do think it's gonna be a 935 00:36:03,389 --> 00:36:05,500 few months before we see us levels of 936 00:36:05,500 --> 00:36:07,790 production now . Um Related to that . 937 00:36:07,800 --> 00:36:11,000 Senator is the , I'm sorry , sir , sir . 938 00:36:13,780 --> 00:36:16,002 Thank you very much . Uh Senator Kane , 939 00:36:16,002 --> 00:36:18,224 Senator Ernst , please . Thank you , Mr 940 00:36:18,224 --> 00:36:20,530 Chair and uh thank you , General Van 941 00:36:20,830 --> 00:36:22,886 Ost and thank you General Cavoli for 942 00:36:22,886 --> 00:36:25,280 being here today . Um I want to thank 943 00:36:25,290 --> 00:36:27,457 both of you for your continued service 944 00:36:27,457 --> 00:36:31,020 and commitment to Ukraine . Um It has 945 00:36:31,030 --> 00:36:33,086 been a very difficult time and , and 946 00:36:33,086 --> 00:36:35,308 General Cavoli , I'll , I'll start with 947 00:36:35,308 --> 00:36:37,850 you um because I did just return from a 948 00:36:37,860 --> 00:36:41,189 trip uh to Poland um Ukraine where I 949 00:36:41,199 --> 00:36:43,969 spent three days uh with a delegation 950 00:36:44,080 --> 00:36:46,679 traveling across the country into many 951 00:36:46,689 --> 00:36:48,870 different areas and then on to , into 952 00:36:48,879 --> 00:36:51,419 Moldova , which is one of those other 953 00:36:51,429 --> 00:36:53,850 areas that's uh pretty tenuous right 954 00:36:53,860 --> 00:36:57,169 now . Um It's pretty clear that the 955 00:36:57,179 --> 00:36:59,469 American political system has been very 956 00:36:59,479 --> 00:37:02,699 ineffective in providing uh the needed 957 00:37:02,709 --> 00:37:05,770 support to a fellow democracy there in 958 00:37:05,780 --> 00:37:09,100 Ukraine . So as we await , the house's 959 00:37:09,110 --> 00:37:11,580 uh finalized decision on a supplemental 960 00:37:11,590 --> 00:37:15,050 package . Uh what more can you do in 961 00:37:15,060 --> 00:37:18,060 your role uh to leverage assistance 962 00:37:18,070 --> 00:37:21,050 from friends and allied nations in 963 00:37:21,060 --> 00:37:23,540 Europe or other areas to provide 964 00:37:23,550 --> 00:37:27,439 support for Ukraine . Um We worked that 965 00:37:27,449 --> 00:37:29,449 very , very hard , Senator . As you 966 00:37:29,449 --> 00:37:31,671 know , first of all , I would point out 967 00:37:31,671 --> 00:37:35,050 that um the principal coordinating 968 00:37:35,060 --> 00:37:38,800 mechanism for uh aggregating Ukrainian 969 00:37:38,810 --> 00:37:41,639 demand and presenting it to allies and 970 00:37:41,649 --> 00:37:44,729 partners and soliciting their help and 971 00:37:44,739 --> 00:37:46,919 their contributions has been led by 972 00:37:46,929 --> 00:37:48,709 Secretary Austin since the very 973 00:37:48,719 --> 00:37:51,629 beginning with the uh uh the U DC G , 974 00:37:51,639 --> 00:37:53,810 the , the Ukraine donors coordinations 975 00:37:53,820 --> 00:37:55,830 group , uh sometimes known as the 976 00:37:55,840 --> 00:37:57,840 Ramstein Group because it sometimes 977 00:37:57,840 --> 00:38:00,800 meets there . Um 50 nations just over 978 00:38:00,810 --> 00:38:04,370 50 nations come together about every 979 00:38:04,379 --> 00:38:07,449 six weeks . And um and we , we 980 00:38:07,459 --> 00:38:09,830 coordinate at a ministerial level that 981 00:38:09,840 --> 00:38:12,989 is preceded by weeks of hard work 982 00:38:13,000 --> 00:38:15,050 between our policy staffs and their 983 00:38:15,060 --> 00:38:18,050 policy staffs and US U COM . With the 984 00:38:18,070 --> 00:38:21,010 SAU works very hard to get the 985 00:38:21,020 --> 00:38:24,250 specifics of the Ukrainian demand and 986 00:38:24,260 --> 00:38:26,482 their needs and consult with them about 987 00:38:26,482 --> 00:38:28,649 what they need to bring that forward . 988 00:38:28,709 --> 00:38:31,189 However , it , it it's difficult . A 989 00:38:31,199 --> 00:38:33,366 lot of this is dependent on production 990 00:38:33,366 --> 00:38:35,143 levels at this point , how much 991 00:38:35,143 --> 00:38:37,199 ammunition we can produce , how many 992 00:38:37,199 --> 00:38:39,199 missiles we can produce . And so in 993 00:38:39,199 --> 00:38:41,199 that regard , I spend a lot of time 994 00:38:41,199 --> 00:38:43,366 working with the Secretary General and 995 00:38:43,366 --> 00:38:45,643 the secretariat at NATO um to increase , 996 00:38:45,643 --> 00:38:47,421 to work with national Armaments 997 00:38:47,421 --> 00:38:49,421 directors to increase the amount of 998 00:38:49,421 --> 00:38:51,755 production we can do . Well , thank you . 999 00:38:51,755 --> 00:38:51,409 I appreciate that . And I'm I'm glad 1000 00:38:51,419 --> 00:38:53,641 that we do have partners that are , are 1001 00:38:53,641 --> 00:38:55,475 stepping up and assisting . They 1002 00:38:55,475 --> 00:38:57,770 understand how significant this is and 1003 00:38:57,780 --> 00:39:01,129 what could happen to all of us . Um If 1004 00:39:01,139 --> 00:39:03,239 Ukraine falls oftentimes , Americans 1005 00:39:03,250 --> 00:39:05,250 are very short sighted , you know , 1006 00:39:05,250 --> 00:39:08,020 what is our immediate need today ? Um 1007 00:39:08,030 --> 00:39:10,000 What is our immediate want ? But I 1008 00:39:10,010 --> 00:39:11,732 think there are very long term 1009 00:39:11,732 --> 00:39:14,300 repercussions to our country . Should 1010 00:39:14,310 --> 00:39:17,520 Ukraine fall . And uh I think we need 1011 00:39:17,530 --> 00:39:19,697 to keep our eyes open as we're looking 1012 00:39:19,697 --> 00:39:21,850 to the future and what will happen if 1013 00:39:21,860 --> 00:39:23,899 we continue to allow countries like 1014 00:39:23,909 --> 00:39:27,020 Russia like China , like Iran , like 1015 00:39:27,030 --> 00:39:29,689 North Korea to continue to spread 1016 00:39:29,699 --> 00:39:32,260 around this globe and the pressures it 1017 00:39:32,270 --> 00:39:35,379 puts on our own nation . Um So I thank 1018 00:39:35,389 --> 00:39:37,909 you for being such a , a great leader 1019 00:39:37,919 --> 00:39:41,300 in this fight . Um I know that in the 1020 00:39:41,310 --> 00:39:43,254 lead up to the Russian invasion of 1021 00:39:43,254 --> 00:39:45,500 Ukraine , the intelligence community 1022 00:39:45,510 --> 00:39:48,860 did declassify um a number of reports 1023 00:39:48,870 --> 00:39:51,080 which shed light on Russia's true 1024 00:39:51,090 --> 00:39:53,719 intentions and it was a very proactive 1025 00:39:53,729 --> 00:39:55,896 approach and I'm , I'm really thankful 1026 00:39:55,896 --> 00:39:58,118 for that and it helped us counter a lot 1027 00:39:58,118 --> 00:40:00,340 of that Russian disinformation that was 1028 00:40:00,340 --> 00:40:02,451 being pushed out there . And we still 1029 00:40:02,451 --> 00:40:05,135 see a lot of Russian propaganda . Um 1030 00:40:05,145 --> 00:40:07,534 Can you speak to how uh various 1031 00:40:07,544 --> 00:40:09,705 information sharing programs are 1032 00:40:09,715 --> 00:40:12,225 assisting us in , in pushing back 1033 00:40:12,235 --> 00:40:14,314 against some of the common security 1034 00:40:14,324 --> 00:40:16,685 challenges that are faced by Europe and 1035 00:40:16,695 --> 00:40:18,764 our friends . Ye yes , ma'am . 1036 00:40:18,774 --> 00:40:21,544 Absolutely . Um First of all , in terms 1037 00:40:21,554 --> 00:40:23,649 of collection , um you know , the 1038 00:40:23,659 --> 00:40:26,060 variety of ways we collect , we , we 1039 00:40:26,070 --> 00:40:29,419 have to um we rely on access and , and 1040 00:40:29,429 --> 00:40:33,100 geographical access um to other 1041 00:40:33,110 --> 00:40:35,332 countries in order to be able to , to , 1042 00:40:35,332 --> 00:40:37,669 to collect information . Um nations 1043 00:40:37,679 --> 00:40:39,901 have been very generous with us and not 1044 00:40:39,901 --> 00:40:41,969 just allies but partners as well in 1045 00:40:41,979 --> 00:40:44,989 allowing us to uh to , to operate with 1046 00:40:45,000 --> 00:40:47,300 and from uh their countries that has 1047 00:40:47,310 --> 00:40:49,620 been invaluable frequently that leads 1048 00:40:49,629 --> 00:40:52,199 to very high level and detailed 1049 00:40:52,209 --> 00:40:54,739 information sharing programs . We have 1050 00:40:54,750 --> 00:40:57,745 allies who have access that we do not 1051 00:40:57,935 --> 00:41:00,157 and we have accesses that they do not . 1052 00:41:00,157 --> 00:41:01,879 And so it's very much mutually 1053 00:41:01,879 --> 00:41:03,991 beneficial . The last thing I'd say , 1054 00:41:03,991 --> 00:41:06,102 ma'am is that the uh interaction with 1055 00:41:06,102 --> 00:41:08,324 Ukraine and their security services has 1056 00:41:08,324 --> 00:41:09,935 provided us a vast amount of 1057 00:41:09,935 --> 00:41:12,364 information as well . Well , and I will 1058 00:41:12,375 --> 00:41:14,715 yield back my five seconds uh Mr Chair , 1059 00:41:14,725 --> 00:41:17,058 but thank you both for being here today . 1060 00:41:17,058 --> 00:41:19,284 Thank you , Senator Senator King , 1061 00:41:19,294 --> 00:41:22,199 please . Thank you , Mr Chairman . Uh 1062 00:41:22,209 --> 00:41:24,360 Before beginning my questions . I'd 1063 00:41:24,370 --> 00:41:26,639 like to ask unanimous consent to uh 1064 00:41:26,649 --> 00:41:29,510 submit to the committee a graph which 1065 00:41:29,520 --> 00:41:31,840 represents the contribution by GDP of 1066 00:41:31,850 --> 00:41:34,030 the various countries . Uh That's been 1067 00:41:34,040 --> 00:41:36,350 updated by the Keel Institute without 1068 00:41:36,560 --> 00:41:38,782 objection . Thank you . What this graph 1069 00:41:38,782 --> 00:41:41,510 shows is that in fact , uh Senator 1070 00:41:41,520 --> 00:41:43,742 Wicker made the point . We were 15th in 1071 00:41:43,742 --> 00:41:45,464 the , in the world in terms of 1072 00:41:45,464 --> 00:41:47,464 contribution as percentage of GDP . 1073 00:41:47,464 --> 00:41:49,669 It's actually more like 29th now 1074 00:41:49,679 --> 00:41:51,679 according to updated data from this 1075 00:41:51,679 --> 00:41:55,560 past January . Uh and it's interesting 1076 00:41:55,659 --> 00:41:57,326 to look at the countries that 1077 00:41:57,326 --> 00:41:59,215 contributions . The number one is 1078 00:41:59,215 --> 00:42:01,437 Estonia , then Poland , then Latvia . I 1079 00:42:01,437 --> 00:42:03,548 don't think it's any coincidence that 1080 00:42:03,548 --> 00:42:05,492 the two out of the first three are 1081 00:42:05,492 --> 00:42:08,080 countries that border Russia and they 1082 00:42:08,090 --> 00:42:11,340 understand what the risk is . I 1083 00:42:11,429 --> 00:42:14,229 commonly hear on the street in Maine , 1084 00:42:14,239 --> 00:42:16,500 why are we doing this ? Putin isn't 1085 00:42:16,510 --> 00:42:19,100 really going to keep going ? And my 1086 00:42:19,110 --> 00:42:21,729 response is ask the Finns General 1087 00:42:21,750 --> 00:42:25,600 Cavoli , what's the level of anxiety 1088 00:42:25,610 --> 00:42:28,100 in Eastern Europe about Putin's 1089 00:42:28,110 --> 00:42:31,270 intentions beyond Ukraine ? Very high 1090 00:42:31,280 --> 00:42:34,000 senator ? Very high . You are correct . 1091 00:42:34,010 --> 00:42:36,189 I agree . It's reflected in the number 1092 00:42:36,199 --> 00:42:38,600 of donations they've given . So Eastern 1093 00:42:38,610 --> 00:42:40,721 European countries have emptied their 1094 00:42:40,721 --> 00:42:44,520 pockets for Ukraine . Um many countries 1095 00:42:44,530 --> 00:42:47,310 in Europe share that um and the 1096 00:42:47,320 --> 00:42:50,260 contributions from nations in Europe 1097 00:42:50,270 --> 00:42:52,709 are very significant . Some of them 1098 00:42:52,719 --> 00:42:55,679 have given 100% of what they have in a 1099 00:42:55,689 --> 00:42:57,989 given category . One nation is given 1100 00:42:58,000 --> 00:43:00,810 100% of its mobile artillery . Another 1101 00:43:00,820 --> 00:43:02,909 nation has given all of its jet 1102 00:43:02,919 --> 00:43:05,929 fighters and all of its tanks , the 1103 00:43:05,939 --> 00:43:09,189 nation has given 40% of its high end 1104 00:43:09,199 --> 00:43:11,149 air defense systems . So these are 1105 00:43:11,159 --> 00:43:13,381 significant contributions . So the idea 1106 00:43:13,381 --> 00:43:15,326 that the United States is the only 1107 00:43:15,326 --> 00:43:17,548 person carrying the burden here is just 1108 00:43:17,548 --> 00:43:19,659 absolute nonsense . That is correct . 1109 00:43:19,659 --> 00:43:21,826 And it's , you know , when Switzerland 1110 00:43:21,826 --> 00:43:23,881 is giving more to the cause than the 1111 00:43:23,881 --> 00:43:26,103 United States in terms of percentage of 1112 00:43:26,103 --> 00:43:26,050 GDP , I think that's , that , that 1113 00:43:26,060 --> 00:43:28,870 makes a statement , Cyprus uh countries 1114 00:43:29,010 --> 00:43:31,310 uh just go going down the list . Uh 1115 00:43:31,820 --> 00:43:35,350 Sweden , Croatia , Hungary , Finland , 1116 00:43:35,360 --> 00:43:37,527 Romania . These are the countries that 1117 00:43:37,527 --> 00:43:40,270 know Russia and that's why they're in 1118 00:43:40,280 --> 00:43:42,449 so deeply in this , in this conflict . 1119 00:43:42,459 --> 00:43:46,399 Is that correct ? Yes . And going down 1120 00:43:46,409 --> 00:43:48,631 some of the other arguments that I hear 1121 00:43:48,631 --> 00:43:51,770 uh Ukraine can't win . It really 1122 00:43:51,780 --> 00:43:53,780 appears to me that this is a battle 1123 00:43:53,780 --> 00:43:57,429 between industrial capacity and , and 1124 00:43:57,439 --> 00:44:01,219 being able to supply weapons . Russia 1125 00:44:01,229 --> 00:44:03,285 has vastly increased its capacity to 1126 00:44:03,285 --> 00:44:06,419 generate , for example , artillery 1127 00:44:06,429 --> 00:44:08,229 ammunition . Uh 1128 00:44:10,419 --> 00:44:13,090 can the Ukrainians win if they have 1129 00:44:13,100 --> 00:44:16,429 sufficient material to carry this fight ? 1130 00:44:17,310 --> 00:44:20,449 Absolutely . Senator , they have the 1131 00:44:20,459 --> 00:44:22,729 skill , but most importantly , they 1132 00:44:22,739 --> 00:44:25,699 have the determination to accomplish 1133 00:44:25,709 --> 00:44:28,510 their goals . They need external 1134 00:44:28,520 --> 00:44:30,850 support until they're able to generate 1135 00:44:30,860 --> 00:44:34,290 their own industrial production . I 1136 00:44:34,300 --> 00:44:36,467 agree with you that in a long war like 1137 00:44:36,467 --> 00:44:40,209 this , it's in large part , a matter of 1138 00:44:40,219 --> 00:44:43,360 industrial production of output . Um 1139 00:44:44,290 --> 00:44:46,512 Once that output is achieved , the side 1140 00:44:46,512 --> 00:44:49,000 with the greater determination will win 1141 00:44:49,159 --> 00:44:51,469 and that would be Ukraine and if we 1142 00:44:51,479 --> 00:44:54,510 fail to , to pass the supplemental and 1143 00:44:54,520 --> 00:44:56,242 essentially walk away from our 1144 00:44:56,242 --> 00:44:58,850 commitment to Ukraine , that's exactly 1145 00:44:58,860 --> 00:45:01,138 what Putin wants . Is that not correct ? 1146 00:45:01,138 --> 00:45:03,138 Oh , ab absolutely , Senator . Um , 1147 00:45:03,138 --> 00:45:06,709 because we are now in critical areas , 1148 00:45:06,719 --> 00:45:09,989 munitions , especially their main 1149 00:45:10,000 --> 00:45:13,229 provider without our help right now . 1150 00:45:13,739 --> 00:45:16,860 Um , they will not be able to stay in 1151 00:45:16,870 --> 00:45:20,360 the fight and the 1152 00:45:20,370 --> 00:45:22,090 Russians are , have an active 1153 00:45:22,100 --> 00:45:24,530 disinformation campaign to convince our 1154 00:45:24,540 --> 00:45:28,020 political system to essentially support 1155 00:45:28,229 --> 00:45:30,173 Putin's war . Isn't that correct ? 1156 00:45:30,439 --> 00:45:32,217 Senator , the Russians maintain 1157 00:45:32,217 --> 00:45:33,995 extremely active disinformation 1158 00:45:33,995 --> 00:45:36,469 programs . Um They always have and they 1159 00:45:36,479 --> 00:45:38,590 always do , but they are in overdrive 1160 00:45:38,590 --> 00:45:40,923 right now and we know that definitively . 1161 00:45:41,300 --> 00:45:43,356 Thank you very much , General . Your 1162 00:45:43,356 --> 00:45:45,244 testimony is very important . Gen 1163 00:45:45,244 --> 00:45:47,467 General Van Os . I , I'm afraid I don't 1164 00:45:47,467 --> 00:45:49,578 have a lot of time , but uh one thing 1165 00:45:49,578 --> 00:45:51,689 you , as , as you were testifying , I 1166 00:45:51,689 --> 00:45:53,578 was writing , do we have adequate 1167 00:45:53,578 --> 00:45:55,800 logistics for conflict in the Pacific ? 1168 00:45:55,800 --> 00:45:58,022 And you said we're at alarming levels , 1169 00:45:58,022 --> 00:46:00,244 perhaps for the record , you could give 1170 00:46:00,244 --> 00:46:03,239 us more detail on the dangerous level 1171 00:46:03,250 --> 00:46:05,472 if there is conflict in Pacific because 1172 00:46:05,472 --> 00:46:07,694 it's all gonna be all about logistics . 1173 00:46:07,694 --> 00:46:09,528 And I'm very concerned about the 1174 00:46:09,528 --> 00:46:11,639 decline of the sea left capacity . So 1175 00:46:11,639 --> 00:46:13,861 I'm out of time . But if you could give 1176 00:46:13,861 --> 00:46:16,028 us that on the record , I appreciate . 1177 00:46:16,028 --> 00:46:15,629 Yes , certainly , I take it for the 1178 00:46:15,639 --> 00:46:17,639 record . Thank you . Thank you , Mr 1179 00:46:17,639 --> 00:46:19,750 Chairman . Thank you , Senator King . 1180 00:46:19,750 --> 00:46:21,972 Uh Senator Scott , please . Thank you , 1181 00:46:21,972 --> 00:46:24,195 Chairman . Well , first of all , Thanks 1182 00:46:24,195 --> 00:46:26,361 both of you for being here . Thank you 1183 00:46:26,361 --> 00:46:28,583 for your service . It's a tough time in 1184 00:46:28,583 --> 00:46:30,806 the world . Uh It's a scary time . So , 1185 00:46:30,806 --> 00:46:32,972 um G Cavalli , can you just talk about 1186 00:46:32,972 --> 00:46:35,780 our troop posture in , um , in Europe ? 1187 00:46:35,790 --> 00:46:37,901 And , you know , when I first came up 1188 00:46:37,909 --> 00:46:40,076 here , the , I was at , uh , the media 1189 00:46:40,076 --> 00:46:42,260 security conference and Germany 1190 00:46:42,270 --> 00:46:44,270 basically said they're not going to 1191 00:46:44,270 --> 00:46:46,270 meet their 2% . They don't have any 1192 00:46:46,270 --> 00:46:46,219 interest in meeting their 2% . They're 1193 00:46:46,229 --> 00:46:48,229 not gonna ever meet their 2% . They 1194 00:46:48,229 --> 00:46:50,451 didn't care about meeting their 2% . We 1195 00:46:50,451 --> 00:46:52,340 still have a lot of our allies in 1196 00:46:52,340 --> 00:46:54,396 Europe , they're not willing to meet 1197 00:46:54,396 --> 00:46:56,618 their 2% . And uh so they're completely 1198 00:46:56,618 --> 00:46:58,760 dependent on our , our troops . So do 1199 00:46:58,770 --> 00:47:00,881 you think we have troops in the right 1200 00:47:00,881 --> 00:47:03,048 places or do you , how do you , how do 1201 00:47:03,048 --> 00:47:04,826 you deal with the fact that you 1202 00:47:04,826 --> 00:47:06,881 supposed to have these allies that , 1203 00:47:06,881 --> 00:47:08,937 that say they care about the , the , 1204 00:47:08,937 --> 00:47:11,048 their own defense ? And they wouldn't 1205 00:47:11,048 --> 00:47:13,326 actually in theory come to our defense , 1206 00:47:13,326 --> 00:47:13,280 but they're not even willing to invest 1207 00:47:13,500 --> 00:47:15,722 uh even the 2% that they're investing . 1208 00:47:16,239 --> 00:47:18,461 Thanks , Senator . This is obviously an 1209 00:47:18,461 --> 00:47:21,979 extremely important um question . Um So 1210 00:47:21,989 --> 00:47:24,560 there is , there remains a gap between 1211 00:47:24,570 --> 00:47:26,939 say and do in parts of the alliance . 1212 00:47:27,209 --> 00:47:30,169 Um However , that gap has been closing 1213 00:47:30,179 --> 00:47:32,620 o over the last couple of years in 2014 , 1214 00:47:32,850 --> 00:47:35,020 there were three nations that met 2% . 1215 00:47:35,409 --> 00:47:38,570 Um Last year , there were 11 nations 1216 00:47:38,580 --> 00:47:42,389 that met 2% this year . There are 20 1217 00:47:42,399 --> 00:47:45,300 as of today , uh who meet 2% . Norway 1218 00:47:45,310 --> 00:47:47,310 just dropped a letter declaring its 1219 00:47:47,310 --> 00:47:49,421 intention to close that gap by June . 1220 00:47:49,421 --> 00:47:51,477 And I believe there will be three or 1221 00:47:51,477 --> 00:47:53,532 four more before June of this year . 1222 00:47:53,532 --> 00:47:55,477 Who meet 2% . That's not everybody 1223 00:47:55,477 --> 00:47:57,699 though , that's not everybody , some of 1224 00:47:57,699 --> 00:48:00,429 the biggest ones and , and , um , they 1225 00:48:00,439 --> 00:48:02,709 should meet 2% and we encourage them 1226 00:48:02,719 --> 00:48:04,775 every day to meet 2% . The Secretary 1227 00:48:04,775 --> 00:48:06,775 General is extremely active in that 1228 00:48:06,775 --> 00:48:08,830 regard . Um , and , um , and , and I 1229 00:48:08,830 --> 00:48:11,189 believe they will , but they need to , 1230 00:48:12,120 --> 00:48:14,342 when you , when you look at the map and 1231 00:48:14,342 --> 00:48:16,379 you look at where , you know , the 1232 00:48:16,389 --> 00:48:18,889 Soviet Union is located and then you 1233 00:48:18,899 --> 00:48:21,066 look at where our troops are . Does it 1234 00:48:21,066 --> 00:48:23,066 make sense where our troops are ? I 1235 00:48:23,066 --> 00:48:22,330 mean , should they , should we have 1236 00:48:22,340 --> 00:48:25,360 troops closer to maybe in uh Latvia and 1237 00:48:25,370 --> 00:48:27,780 Lithuania or Estonia rather than so 1238 00:48:27,790 --> 00:48:29,790 many troops that we , we have in uh 1239 00:48:29,790 --> 00:48:32,510 Germany ? Sure . So we have troops in 1240 00:48:32,520 --> 00:48:35,699 Estonia and Latvia and Lithuania and 1241 00:48:35,709 --> 00:48:38,580 Romania and Bulgaria and Hungary and 1242 00:48:38,590 --> 00:48:40,949 Slovakia and Poland , sir . So , uh , 1243 00:48:40,959 --> 00:48:42,737 we , we do have troops in those 1244 00:48:42,737 --> 00:48:44,903 specifically the troops that we , um , 1245 00:48:44,903 --> 00:48:47,237 that we searched for after the invasion . 1246 00:48:47,237 --> 00:48:49,292 They're all went to the front as did 1247 00:48:49,292 --> 00:48:51,403 large parts of the organizations that 1248 00:48:51,403 --> 00:48:53,709 are already located in Europe . Um , 1249 00:48:53,719 --> 00:48:55,830 the ones that are already assigned to 1250 00:48:55,830 --> 00:48:57,997 Europe , I believe are the ones you're 1251 00:48:57,997 --> 00:48:59,997 asking me about though , um uh guys 1252 00:48:59,997 --> 00:49:02,108 like the second Cavalry regiment , um 1253 00:49:02,108 --> 00:49:04,330 um um 31st Fighter Wing and people like 1254 00:49:04,330 --> 00:49:06,386 that , those organizations routinely 1255 00:49:06,386 --> 00:49:08,608 get deployed from their home station to 1256 00:49:08,608 --> 00:49:10,552 other places to include to central 1257 00:49:10,552 --> 00:49:12,889 command . Um There are advantages where 1258 00:49:12,899 --> 00:49:14,899 there are right now because they're 1259 00:49:14,899 --> 00:49:17,121 sitting on excellent infrastructure for 1260 00:49:17,121 --> 00:49:19,232 training , readiness and deployment . 1261 00:49:19,232 --> 00:49:21,455 So those are the forces that I can move 1262 00:49:21,455 --> 00:49:23,830 to unpredictable points of trouble . Um 1263 00:49:23,840 --> 00:49:26,179 And they're centrally located on really 1264 00:49:26,189 --> 00:49:28,340 good deploy infrastructure . So it 1265 00:49:28,350 --> 00:49:30,406 makes sense to me . Um However , the 1266 00:49:30,406 --> 00:49:32,517 center of gravity of where our combat 1267 00:49:32,517 --> 00:49:35,020 force in Europe is net net has moved 1268 00:49:35,030 --> 00:49:37,500 significantly eastward . And that goes 1269 00:49:37,510 --> 00:49:39,732 not just for us uconn , but that's true 1270 00:49:39,732 --> 00:49:41,843 for the alliance as well . What about 1271 00:49:41,843 --> 00:49:44,010 Poland ? Are you gonna get more troops 1272 00:49:44,010 --> 00:49:46,066 in Poland ? Uh Sir , we got a ton of 1273 00:49:46,066 --> 00:49:48,121 troops in Poland right now . There's 1274 00:49:48,121 --> 00:49:50,232 someplace just shy of 10,000 which is 1275 00:49:50,232 --> 00:49:52,177 up as you know , we have a defense 1276 00:49:52,177 --> 00:49:52,070 cooper operation agreement with them . 1277 00:49:52,280 --> 00:49:54,649 Um They'll build us infrastructure , 1278 00:49:54,659 --> 00:49:56,770 they're in the process of building it 1279 00:49:56,770 --> 00:49:58,826 right now . And as it comes online , 1280 00:49:58,826 --> 00:50:00,937 we'll push forces in there um up to a 1281 00:50:00,937 --> 00:50:03,350 brigade combat team . So the Air Force 1282 00:50:03,360 --> 00:50:05,193 and Marines have done a good job 1283 00:50:05,193 --> 00:50:07,416 planning and recapitalizing the reserve 1284 00:50:07,416 --> 00:50:09,582 C 130 fleet yet . The Navy hasn't even 1285 00:50:09,582 --> 00:50:11,582 started to recapitalize their C 130 1286 00:50:11,582 --> 00:50:13,638 fleet . So , what do you think about 1287 00:50:13,638 --> 00:50:15,749 that ? Do you think it's a mistake is 1288 00:50:15,749 --> 00:50:17,693 that , are we , are we , we're not 1289 00:50:17,693 --> 00:50:19,749 positioned properly with that . Uh , 1290 00:50:19,749 --> 00:50:21,916 sir , I'm not really , uh , formi with 1291 00:50:21,916 --> 00:50:24,082 the topic and , and , um , I , I think 1292 00:50:24,082 --> 00:50:26,193 maybe the service could answer that a 1293 00:50:26,193 --> 00:50:25,949 little bit better if you'd like , I 1294 00:50:25,959 --> 00:50:28,070 could take it for the record or defer 1295 00:50:28,070 --> 00:50:30,181 to them . Sir . I'll ask them . Thank 1296 00:50:30,181 --> 00:50:30,110 you . Thanks both of you for your 1297 00:50:30,120 --> 00:50:31,120 service . 1298 00:50:35,739 --> 00:50:37,683 Thank you very much . Uh , Senator 1299 00:50:37,683 --> 00:50:39,406 Scott , Senator Bal , please . 1300 00:50:42,600 --> 00:50:46,189 Morning General , uh , generals . Uh , 1301 00:50:46,199 --> 00:50:48,255 Thank you very much for your service 1302 00:50:48,255 --> 00:50:50,899 and thanks for being here today . Um I , 1303 00:50:50,909 --> 00:50:54,080 I know that you have talked a bit about 1304 00:50:54,090 --> 00:50:57,560 the impact of the failure to pass the 1305 00:50:57,570 --> 00:51:00,989 supplemental on the prospects for 1306 00:51:01,000 --> 00:51:03,689 Ukraine and the likelihood of failure 1307 00:51:04,110 --> 00:51:07,100 if the supplemental isn't passed . I 1308 00:51:07,110 --> 00:51:09,332 wonder if you could look ahead a little 1309 00:51:09,332 --> 00:51:12,719 bit beyond this supplemental and 1310 00:51:12,729 --> 00:51:15,500 perhaps tell us in the longer range , 1311 00:51:15,510 --> 00:51:18,419 whether you think additional aid is 1312 00:51:18,429 --> 00:51:21,379 necessary and what form it would take ? 1313 00:51:22,929 --> 00:51:26,060 Thank you , Senator . Um It will 1314 00:51:26,070 --> 00:51:29,520 depend on production rates inside 1315 00:51:29,530 --> 00:51:33,149 Ukraine and in um other allies . Uh 1316 00:51:33,159 --> 00:51:36,699 So , uh as as this hearing is , has 1317 00:51:36,709 --> 00:51:38,709 evolved , sir , I think it's become 1318 00:51:38,709 --> 00:51:40,876 clear that that really , that level of 1319 00:51:40,876 --> 00:51:43,510 industrial production is the key thing 1320 00:51:43,520 --> 00:51:45,949 right now . Nations have given a lot 1321 00:51:45,959 --> 00:51:48,699 from existing stocks , but as those go 1322 00:51:48,709 --> 00:51:50,931 down , production becomes more and more 1323 00:51:50,931 --> 00:51:52,959 important , not just in terms of um 1324 00:51:52,969 --> 00:51:55,719 capital items like uh like large end 1325 00:51:55,729 --> 00:51:57,729 items , like tanks and things , but 1326 00:51:57,729 --> 00:52:00,239 also more importantly , consumables 1327 00:52:00,250 --> 00:52:02,810 like ammunition and missiles . And 1328 00:52:02,820 --> 00:52:05,010 things like that . So the rate of 1329 00:52:05,020 --> 00:52:07,131 industrial production is gonna be the 1330 00:52:07,131 --> 00:52:09,353 real answer to that question , how much 1331 00:52:09,353 --> 00:52:11,520 more will be required . And when sir , 1332 00:52:11,520 --> 00:52:15,239 my understanding is that the attack 1333 00:52:15,250 --> 00:52:18,620 last night , uh , or maybe it was , I 1334 00:52:18,629 --> 00:52:21,290 guess it was last night in Ukraine , uh , 1335 00:52:21,439 --> 00:52:23,350 showed again the 1336 00:52:25,570 --> 00:52:29,030 real dearth of air defense 1337 00:52:29,360 --> 00:52:33,070 and the , and the impact of the ongoing 1338 00:52:33,080 --> 00:52:36,219 rain of terror from the skies . Uh Is 1339 00:52:36,229 --> 00:52:39,149 there not any uh 1340 00:52:39,159 --> 00:52:42,790 possibility of right away providing 1341 00:52:42,800 --> 00:52:45,570 more patriot missiles , more air 1342 00:52:45,580 --> 00:52:49,469 defense since , as I traveled around 1343 00:52:49,479 --> 00:52:52,770 Europe and in Poland , there were a lot 1344 00:52:52,780 --> 00:52:55,110 of patriot missiles guarding sites and 1345 00:52:55,209 --> 00:52:57,320 obviously they need to be there . But 1346 00:52:57,320 --> 00:52:59,542 I'm just wondering whether , you know , 1347 00:52:59,542 --> 00:53:02,659 34 or five of those patriot missiles uh 1348 00:53:02,669 --> 00:53:04,947 facilities would make a big difference , 1349 00:53:04,947 --> 00:53:08,879 sir , you know , three parts to the air 1350 00:53:08,889 --> 00:53:11,080 defense question , radars , launchers 1351 00:53:11,090 --> 00:53:13,146 and the missiles to shoot out of the 1352 00:53:13,146 --> 00:53:15,429 launchers . Um We , we approach all of 1353 00:53:15,439 --> 00:53:17,739 those um sometimes together and 1354 00:53:17,750 --> 00:53:19,709 sometimes in part right now , the 1355 00:53:19,719 --> 00:53:22,850 Ukrainians could use um their launchers 1356 00:53:22,860 --> 00:53:24,971 aren't the most important thing . The 1357 00:53:24,971 --> 00:53:27,082 missiles are the most important thing 1358 00:53:27,082 --> 00:53:29,193 and we're soliciting those around the 1359 00:53:29,193 --> 00:53:31,304 office of the Secretary of Defense is 1360 00:53:31,304 --> 00:53:33,527 extremely actively looking for patriots 1361 00:53:33,527 --> 00:53:35,527 right now . Um You're correct . The 1362 00:53:35,527 --> 00:53:37,510 attack last night did was an 1363 00:53:37,520 --> 00:53:39,850 illustration of why it's so important 1364 00:53:39,860 --> 00:53:42,027 for us to keep funding right now . The 1365 00:53:42,027 --> 00:53:44,399 main source of high end interceptors 1366 00:53:44,409 --> 00:53:46,631 against ballistic missiles and high end 1367 00:53:46,631 --> 00:53:48,853 cruise missiles it is the United States 1368 00:53:48,853 --> 00:53:50,965 because we have the inventory and the 1369 00:53:50,965 --> 00:53:52,687 production capability . Um And 1370 00:53:52,687 --> 00:53:54,576 therefore that supplemental is so 1371 00:53:54,576 --> 00:53:56,742 important without it . The attack last 1372 00:53:56,742 --> 00:53:59,239 night , which included at least tu uh 1373 00:53:59,250 --> 00:54:02,889 10 tu 95 heavy bombers launching 1374 00:54:02,899 --> 00:54:06,399 everything they had simultaneously . Um 1375 00:54:06,790 --> 00:54:09,012 an attack like that last night would go 1376 00:54:09,012 --> 00:54:11,179 totally , almost totally undefended un 1377 00:54:11,179 --> 00:54:13,346 until machine guns tried to shoot down 1378 00:54:13,346 --> 00:54:15,568 the cruise missiles . So this is , this 1379 00:54:15,568 --> 00:54:17,639 is vital , sir . Thank you . Um 1380 00:54:18,080 --> 00:54:20,120 Separately , uh 1381 00:54:22,310 --> 00:54:25,409 I'm uh chairman of a sub-committee of 1382 00:54:25,419 --> 00:54:27,586 the Homeland Security Committee called 1383 00:54:27,586 --> 00:54:29,197 the Permanent subcomittee on 1384 00:54:29,197 --> 00:54:31,689 investigation , which is conducting an 1385 00:54:31,699 --> 00:54:35,030 investigation of American 1386 00:54:35,040 --> 00:54:37,239 chips , semiconductors , parts and 1387 00:54:37,250 --> 00:54:39,949 components that are commonly found in 1388 00:54:40,340 --> 00:54:44,090 Russian missiles , drones . And I'm 1389 00:54:44,100 --> 00:54:46,729 sure you're familiar with this issue . 1390 00:54:46,739 --> 00:54:50,120 Uh President Zelinski on my last trip , 1391 00:54:50,129 --> 00:54:52,830 uh The chairman was with me , literally 1392 00:54:52,840 --> 00:54:56,239 handed me a folder of photographs and 1393 00:54:56,250 --> 00:54:59,169 charts showing the different components 1394 00:54:59,179 --> 00:55:01,929 in Russian ballistics , uh drones and 1395 00:55:01,939 --> 00:55:04,620 missiles . And we had a hearing 1396 00:55:04,629 --> 00:55:06,573 yesterday in the Homeland Security 1397 00:55:06,573 --> 00:55:09,610 Committee showing how porous our export 1398 00:55:09,620 --> 00:55:12,439 controls are . And we've had a hearing 1399 00:55:12,449 --> 00:55:15,489 and data has come to our attention 1400 00:55:15,500 --> 00:55:19,229 showing how American companies four or 1401 00:55:19,239 --> 00:55:21,959 five in particular are selling 1402 00:55:23,750 --> 00:55:25,861 goods with these parts and components 1403 00:55:25,861 --> 00:55:28,129 that then find their way into uh 1404 00:55:28,139 --> 00:55:31,330 Russian munitions . Uh Is that your 1405 00:55:31,340 --> 00:55:33,173 experience ? And do you have any 1406 00:55:33,173 --> 00:55:35,173 suggestions for us as to what to be 1407 00:55:35,173 --> 00:55:37,229 done about it ? Um So we worked that 1408 00:55:37,229 --> 00:55:39,451 very hard in the interagency , sir . Um 1409 00:55:39,451 --> 00:55:41,562 I don't have specific suggestions for 1410 00:55:41,562 --> 00:55:43,618 how to do it better . But I can tell 1411 00:55:43,618 --> 00:55:45,729 you that it is absolutely critical if 1412 00:55:45,729 --> 00:55:47,729 the current war is a competition of 1413 00:55:47,729 --> 00:55:49,989 production , our ability to handle the 1414 00:55:50,000 --> 00:55:52,129 Russian threat in the future is going 1415 00:55:52,139 --> 00:55:54,449 to depend on us being able to 1416 00:55:54,699 --> 00:55:57,489 constitute forces faster than they can . 1417 00:55:57,500 --> 00:55:59,556 Part of that is preventing them from 1418 00:55:59,556 --> 00:56:01,722 constituting forces quickly and to the 1419 00:56:01,722 --> 00:56:03,778 extent that they're using components 1420 00:56:03,778 --> 00:56:05,944 that should be sanctioned and banned . 1421 00:56:05,944 --> 00:56:08,222 It's regrettable and we need to fix it , 1422 00:56:08,222 --> 00:56:10,333 sir . Thank you . I really appreciate 1423 00:56:10,333 --> 00:56:12,729 your , your answers to my questions and 1424 00:56:12,739 --> 00:56:15,659 to my colleagues and you're very 1425 00:56:15,669 --> 00:56:17,891 excellent service to our nation . Thank 1426 00:56:17,891 --> 00:56:20,780 you . Thank you very much , Senator 1427 00:56:20,790 --> 00:56:22,679 Blumenthal . Senator Tuberville , 1428 00:56:22,679 --> 00:56:24,901 please . Thank you , Mr Chairman . Good 1429 00:56:24,901 --> 00:56:27,250 morning . Good morning . Both of you um 1430 00:56:29,030 --> 00:56:31,530 general uh since the uh Crocus uh 1431 00:56:31,540 --> 00:56:34,449 massacre , I guess I was in Moscow 1432 00:56:34,459 --> 00:56:37,270 somewhere around there . Uh They picked , 1433 00:56:37,280 --> 00:56:39,719 uh Russia's picked up their pace in 1434 00:56:39,729 --> 00:56:41,285 Ukraine . Is that correct ? 1435 00:56:43,709 --> 00:56:45,320 Um Yes , I'm not sure it's a 1436 00:56:45,320 --> 00:56:47,487 consequence of that though , but yes , 1437 00:56:47,487 --> 00:56:49,459 sir . Yeah , uh with uh secretary 1438 00:56:49,489 --> 00:56:52,310 Lincoln coming out a couple of weeks 1439 00:56:52,320 --> 00:56:55,110 ago basically saying that uh Ukraine 1440 00:56:55,120 --> 00:56:57,679 will be in NATO . Uh I'm sure that 1441 00:56:57,689 --> 00:57:00,699 didn't fly too well in , in Russia . So 1442 00:57:01,209 --> 00:57:03,629 it's obvious to me just being in all 1443 00:57:03,639 --> 00:57:06,820 these meetings uh and hearings , not 1444 00:57:06,830 --> 00:57:08,941 just you other people , we're getting 1445 00:57:08,941 --> 00:57:11,120 ready to go to war with Russia . Uh 1446 00:57:12,429 --> 00:57:14,596 Have we got a game plan for that ? For 1447 00:57:14,596 --> 00:57:16,818 how many people we're gonna need on the 1448 00:57:16,818 --> 00:57:18,873 ground , young men and women from uh 1449 00:57:18,873 --> 00:57:21,199 United States . When this war starts , 1450 00:57:21,629 --> 00:57:23,889 sir , we have standing operational 1451 00:57:23,899 --> 00:57:26,739 plans um around the globe for a variety 1452 00:57:26,750 --> 00:57:30,149 of problems and I I am , I am , I mean , 1453 00:57:30,159 --> 00:57:32,159 you think it's gonna take for us to 1454 00:57:32,159 --> 00:57:34,492 beat Russia . Ukraine can't beat Russia . 1455 00:57:34,492 --> 00:57:36,381 Can I take that in closed session 1456 00:57:36,381 --> 00:57:38,715 please , sir ? Uh What about the budget ? 1457 00:57:38,715 --> 00:57:40,937 60 60 billion is gonna be a drop in the 1458 00:57:40,937 --> 00:57:43,159 bucket to the American taxpayer . We're 1459 00:57:43,159 --> 00:57:45,103 35 trillion in debt . What is this 1460 00:57:45,103 --> 00:57:47,270 going to cost us ? I know y'all surely 1461 00:57:47,270 --> 00:57:49,437 put the numbers to that uh of , of our 1462 00:57:49,437 --> 00:57:52,510 conflict versus uh Russia when this all 1463 00:57:52,520 --> 00:57:56,050 starts . Have we done that , sir ? Um 1464 00:57:56,060 --> 00:57:58,171 The , the number I would have to talk 1465 00:57:58,171 --> 00:58:00,429 in closed session about also . Um , but 1466 00:58:00,439 --> 00:58:02,530 I agree if we were to go to war with 1467 00:58:02,540 --> 00:58:05,939 Russia in uh um , it would , the , the 1468 00:58:05,949 --> 00:58:08,060 money we're spending in Ukraine would 1469 00:58:08,060 --> 00:58:10,116 be a drop in the bucket . You know , 1470 00:58:10,116 --> 00:58:12,060 where , where are we gonna get our 1471 00:58:12,060 --> 00:58:14,060 energy from ? Uh when this starts ? 1472 00:58:14,060 --> 00:58:16,282 Because they don't have any in Europe . 1473 00:58:16,282 --> 00:58:18,489 Uh uh The Saudis , I don't know where 1474 00:58:18,500 --> 00:58:20,722 they're going to help us out . Uh We're 1475 00:58:20,722 --> 00:58:22,833 gonna have to buy it from Ukraine , I 1476 00:58:22,833 --> 00:58:25,000 guess . Um , I mean Iran because we're 1477 00:58:25,000 --> 00:58:27,000 not pumping the oil and gas that we 1478 00:58:27,000 --> 00:58:26,310 need . We , we're gonna get our fuel 1479 00:58:26,320 --> 00:58:28,879 for a war like this , sir . That's 1480 00:58:28,889 --> 00:58:31,111 outside of my area of expertise but I'm 1481 00:58:31,111 --> 00:58:33,278 sure I can get the U do we have enough 1482 00:58:33,278 --> 00:58:35,333 right now ? Uh , you know , to get a 1483 00:58:35,333 --> 00:58:37,500 war started uh on the ground there for 1484 00:58:37,500 --> 00:58:39,778 our troops . Yeah . Yeah , we do , sir . 1485 00:58:39,778 --> 00:58:41,945 Ok . Um Who is Turkey gonna fight with 1486 00:58:41,945 --> 00:58:43,945 when this war starts between United 1487 00:58:43,945 --> 00:58:47,110 States and Russia ? Turkey will fight 1488 00:58:47,120 --> 00:58:49,287 with ? The alliance is my prediction . 1489 00:58:49,287 --> 00:58:51,342 But all nations have their sovereign 1490 00:58:51,342 --> 00:58:51,189 right to make that decision when the 1491 00:58:51,199 --> 00:58:55,120 time comes . But it's the same . Do 1492 00:58:55,129 --> 00:58:57,185 you think most , everybody else will 1493 00:58:57,185 --> 00:59:01,129 stick with us in this fight ? I do . Um , 1494 00:59:01,969 --> 00:59:04,260 everything that I read , uh , over the 1495 00:59:04,270 --> 00:59:06,719 past few months is most of the 1496 00:59:06,729 --> 00:59:10,580 militaries in the , uh , in NATO 1497 00:59:10,590 --> 00:59:12,701 or boutique militaries . Do you agree 1498 00:59:12,701 --> 00:59:14,812 with that ? I'm , I'm not sure what a 1499 00:59:14,812 --> 00:59:17,080 boutique military is , shadow of what 1500 00:59:17,090 --> 00:59:19,330 it used to be . Uh , haven't been 1501 00:59:19,340 --> 00:59:22,070 preparing . Yeah . Sure . I , I would 1502 00:59:22,080 --> 00:59:24,302 agree with that . For instance , the US 1503 00:59:24,302 --> 00:59:26,780 army is now 450,000 when I joined it . 1504 00:59:26,790 --> 00:59:30,209 It was 785 . So , um , 1505 00:59:31,110 --> 00:59:35,050 with Ukraine , um , fighting 1506 00:59:35,060 --> 00:59:37,282 right now as they are , uh , do we have 1507 00:59:37,282 --> 00:59:39,116 any count of numbers of how many 1508 00:59:39,116 --> 00:59:40,949 soldiers that they have actually 1509 00:59:40,949 --> 00:59:43,171 fighting , uh , that they have in their 1510 00:59:43,171 --> 00:59:44,949 military against Russia ? Yes , 1511 00:59:44,949 --> 00:59:47,110 absolutely . Senator , do you have a 1512 00:59:47,120 --> 00:59:49,120 number of that ? Yeah , it's , it's 1513 00:59:49,120 --> 00:59:51,453 between 900,000 and a million right now . 1514 00:59:51,860 --> 00:59:54,082 Yes , sir . How about Russia ? How many 1515 00:59:54,082 --> 00:59:55,949 they have , uh , deployed within 1516 00:59:55,959 --> 00:59:58,015 Ukraine ? Not , not on the borders . 1517 00:59:58,015 --> 01:00:00,126 But how many do they have deployed in 1518 01:00:00,126 --> 01:00:01,959 Ukraine inside the country ? 470 1519 01:00:01,959 --> 01:00:04,300 outside the country more . And then 1520 01:00:04,310 --> 01:00:06,477 they have the rest of their military . 1521 01:00:06,477 --> 01:00:08,532 Yeah , my understanding is after the 1522 01:00:08,532 --> 01:00:11,510 massacre , they have been growing at 1523 01:00:11,520 --> 01:00:14,310 40,000 soldiers a month that are 1524 01:00:14,320 --> 01:00:16,699 volunteering for the military . Is that 1525 01:00:16,709 --> 01:00:18,931 pretty good intel or not ? I'm tracking 1526 01:00:18,931 --> 01:00:21,098 30,000 . But yes , 30,000 . So growing 1527 01:00:21,098 --> 01:00:23,780 more than it was more than it was 1528 01:00:23,790 --> 01:00:26,929 before the massacre . The size of the 1529 01:00:26,939 --> 01:00:29,179 Russian military is bigger today than 1530 01:00:29,189 --> 01:00:31,356 it was when the war started . And it's 1531 01:00:31,356 --> 01:00:33,356 bigger today than when the massacre 1532 01:00:33,356 --> 01:00:35,522 started . Yes , in fact , I think what 1533 01:00:35,522 --> 01:00:37,745 you're pointing to is they have um they 1534 01:00:37,745 --> 01:00:39,689 have initiated their annual spring 1535 01:00:39,689 --> 01:00:43,060 conscription senator . That is um that 1536 01:00:43,070 --> 01:00:45,181 they do that every spring this year , 1537 01:00:45,181 --> 01:00:46,903 they did 100 and 50,000 . They 1538 01:00:46,903 --> 01:00:49,014 announced uh that they intend to take 1539 01:00:49,014 --> 01:00:51,237 in under the draft . That's right about 1540 01:00:51,237 --> 01:00:53,459 average for a spring conscription . The 1541 01:00:53,459 --> 01:00:55,403 difference is this year , they are 1542 01:00:55,403 --> 01:00:57,403 offering those conscripts after one 1543 01:00:57,403 --> 01:00:59,626 month of service . The option to sign a 1544 01:00:59,626 --> 01:01:02,080 contract to get paid um in exchange for 1545 01:01:02,090 --> 01:01:04,090 being able to be sent to Ukraine to 1546 01:01:04,090 --> 01:01:06,379 fight . Uh Do you feel a sense of 1547 01:01:06,389 --> 01:01:08,979 urgency in our supply chain now , uh of 1548 01:01:08,989 --> 01:01:11,370 building uh the munitions that we need 1549 01:01:11,629 --> 01:01:13,685 because they have not been there ? I 1550 01:01:13,685 --> 01:01:15,907 know in my state of Alabama there's not 1551 01:01:15,907 --> 01:01:17,796 been a lot of sense of urgency of 1552 01:01:17,796 --> 01:01:20,073 building javelins and things like that . 1553 01:01:20,073 --> 01:01:22,296 Now , we're building them as fast as we 1554 01:01:22,296 --> 01:01:22,290 can . But , uh , there's no sense of 1555 01:01:22,300 --> 01:01:24,689 urgency , sir . I , I sense an 1556 01:01:24,699 --> 01:01:26,866 increased urgency and demand . I can't 1557 01:01:26,866 --> 01:01:28,977 speak to whether there's an increased 1558 01:01:28,977 --> 01:01:31,143 urgency base itself to produce . Thank 1559 01:01:31,143 --> 01:01:33,310 you . Thank you , sir . Thank you very 1560 01:01:33,310 --> 01:01:35,310 much , Senator Tuberville . Senator 1561 01:01:35,310 --> 01:01:37,088 Kelly , please . Thank you , Mr 1562 01:01:37,088 --> 01:01:39,820 Chairman . Um , I agree with Senator 1563 01:01:39,830 --> 01:01:42,020 Tub Tuberville's remarks about , uh , 1564 01:01:42,030 --> 01:01:44,780 building the munitions that we need . I 1565 01:01:44,790 --> 01:01:46,846 mean , it's critical that we restock 1566 01:01:46,846 --> 01:01:50,800 our supplies of uh the munitions uh 1567 01:01:50,810 --> 01:01:53,032 that we've uh shared with our Ukrainian 1568 01:01:53,040 --> 01:01:56,459 allies and uh we've depleted uh 1569 01:01:56,469 --> 01:02:00,209 stockpiles and the by passing 1570 01:02:00,639 --> 01:02:02,861 the emergency supplemental , we have an 1571 01:02:02,861 --> 01:02:05,679 opportunity uh to resupply uh our 1572 01:02:05,689 --> 01:02:09,439 forces with new munitions . Uh some of 1573 01:02:09,449 --> 01:02:11,393 which could be made in Alabama . I 1574 01:02:11,393 --> 01:02:14,560 think what I , I don't agree with is um , 1575 01:02:14,879 --> 01:02:17,830 the definitive language about we are 1576 01:02:17,840 --> 01:02:20,118 getting ready to go to war with Russia . 1577 01:02:20,118 --> 01:02:23,129 Uh I don't feel that is the case . Um , 1578 01:02:23,199 --> 01:02:25,459 and using language about when this war 1579 01:02:25,469 --> 01:02:29,330 starts . Um , my view is that 1580 01:02:29,340 --> 01:02:31,562 we should do everything we possibly can 1581 01:02:31,562 --> 01:02:34,560 to avoid uh going to war with a near 1582 01:02:34,570 --> 01:02:36,959 peer adversary like Russia or China . 1583 01:02:37,399 --> 01:02:40,770 Um It is uh not in our best interest to 1584 01:02:40,780 --> 01:02:43,389 do that . So , General Cavoli , uh 1585 01:02:43,399 --> 01:02:45,288 first of all , thank you for your 1586 01:02:45,288 --> 01:02:47,455 service . I'm , I'm interested to hear 1587 01:02:47,455 --> 01:02:49,510 uh just a little bit more about what 1588 01:02:49,510 --> 01:02:53,100 you feel the best way uh in 1589 01:02:53,110 --> 01:02:56,909 Europe right now , uh is for us to 1590 01:02:56,919 --> 01:02:59,750 avoid a conflict with Russia . Thank 1591 01:02:59,760 --> 01:03:02,093 you , Senator . And , and yes , I agree . 1592 01:03:02,093 --> 01:03:05,330 Um , m my job is to deter um , 1593 01:03:05,340 --> 01:03:08,699 both in my NATO role and in my US role . 1594 01:03:08,709 --> 01:03:11,540 My primary job is to deter aggression 1595 01:03:11,729 --> 01:03:14,169 and to avert a war . Not , not , not , 1596 01:03:14,179 --> 01:03:16,235 not to fight one . Now , there's the 1597 01:03:16,235 --> 01:03:18,568 paradox , of course , that historically , 1598 01:03:18,568 --> 01:03:21,100 we , we , we deter by preparing , um , 1599 01:03:21,129 --> 01:03:23,510 um , you know , c beacham parabellum . 1600 01:03:23,669 --> 01:03:25,770 And , um , and we are certainly 1601 01:03:25,780 --> 01:03:28,810 prepared militarily to fight whoever we 1602 01:03:28,820 --> 01:03:32,770 need to um how to do it first of 1603 01:03:32,780 --> 01:03:34,724 all by training . But secondly , I 1604 01:03:34,724 --> 01:03:37,050 think inside the alliance , the most 1605 01:03:37,060 --> 01:03:39,760 important way to deter is by doing it 1606 01:03:39,770 --> 01:03:43,409 together . And so um the comments from 1607 01:03:43,419 --> 01:03:46,550 members uh uh of the committee about 1608 01:03:46,560 --> 01:03:50,350 the lamentable um uh the lamentable 1609 01:03:50,360 --> 01:03:53,810 fact that some very wealthy nations 1610 01:03:53,820 --> 01:03:55,598 inside the alliance are not yet 1611 01:03:55,598 --> 01:03:57,820 spending what they should be is , is an 1612 01:03:57,820 --> 01:03:59,931 important fact . And we have to close 1613 01:03:59,931 --> 01:04:02,098 that because we have to have a capable 1614 01:04:02,098 --> 01:04:04,320 alliance that will fight together . The 1615 01:04:04,320 --> 01:04:06,209 alliance fighting together is far 1616 01:04:06,209 --> 01:04:08,098 greater than the sum of its parts 1617 01:04:08,098 --> 01:04:10,689 because of the political unity and the 1618 01:04:10,699 --> 01:04:13,810 representation of such a mass of 1619 01:04:14,149 --> 01:04:17,689 humanity . Um and its will . So it's 1620 01:04:17,699 --> 01:04:19,810 the most important thing is for us to 1621 01:04:19,810 --> 01:04:21,949 deter as part of an alliance and that 1622 01:04:21,959 --> 01:04:24,070 alliance has to be fit in order to do 1623 01:04:24,070 --> 01:04:26,229 that I have been charged by the North 1624 01:04:26,239 --> 01:04:28,729 Atlantic Treaty Organization to make 1625 01:04:28,739 --> 01:04:31,340 the operational force of the alliance 1626 01:04:31,350 --> 01:04:33,572 fit , fit for the purpose of collective 1627 01:04:33,572 --> 01:04:35,649 defense of large scale defense of 1628 01:04:35,659 --> 01:04:38,169 Europe . We are well along on that , um 1629 01:04:38,179 --> 01:04:40,800 uh we have produced the plans necessary , 1630 01:04:40,810 --> 01:04:42,866 the requirements necessary and we're 1631 01:04:42,866 --> 01:04:44,699 going through the process to get 1632 01:04:44,699 --> 01:04:46,921 nations to fulfill those requirements . 1633 01:04:46,921 --> 01:04:49,149 I believe that that process is one of 1634 01:04:49,159 --> 01:04:51,610 the things that has stimulated at least 1635 01:04:51,620 --> 01:04:54,409 10 additional countries to meet 2% this 1636 01:04:54,419 --> 01:04:56,669 year compared to last year because they 1637 01:04:56,679 --> 01:04:59,012 have a list . Now they have a blueprint . 1638 01:04:59,012 --> 01:05:01,179 This is how to get ready . This is the 1639 01:05:01,179 --> 01:05:03,290 things we need to do to get ready and 1640 01:05:03,290 --> 01:05:05,290 they can bring tangible things back 1641 01:05:05,290 --> 01:05:07,346 home to the political leadership and 1642 01:05:07,346 --> 01:05:09,512 say these are the things we need to go 1643 01:05:09,512 --> 01:05:11,846 by . So that's what we're doing to , to , 1644 01:05:11,846 --> 01:05:14,068 to get ready . And that's , I think the 1645 01:05:14,068 --> 01:05:13,550 best way to do this , sir . And what , 1646 01:05:13,560 --> 01:05:15,659 what is the best thing , uh the most 1647 01:05:15,669 --> 01:05:17,780 appropriate thing that we can do here 1648 01:05:17,780 --> 01:05:19,840 as members of Congress right now to 1649 01:05:19,850 --> 01:05:22,540 deter , to continue to possibly deter 1650 01:05:22,550 --> 01:05:24,883 Russian aggression into another country . 1651 01:05:25,270 --> 01:05:27,159 I , I think the first thing is to 1652 01:05:27,159 --> 01:05:29,048 continue the discussion about the 1653 01:05:29,048 --> 01:05:32,050 Malign intent of Russia , sir . I think 1654 01:05:32,060 --> 01:05:33,893 it's important for the , the the 1655 01:05:33,893 --> 01:05:36,320 members of the US Congress to recognize 1656 01:05:36,330 --> 01:05:38,552 the malign intent of Russia and to talk 1657 01:05:38,552 --> 01:05:40,552 about the malign intent of Russia . 1658 01:05:40,552 --> 01:05:42,719 That's , that's the principal thing to 1659 01:05:42,719 --> 01:05:44,830 do after that , the various different 1660 01:05:44,830 --> 01:05:46,941 programs that we have and authorizing 1661 01:05:46,941 --> 01:05:48,719 us to do certain things will be 1662 01:05:48,719 --> 01:05:50,719 necessary . But I think the primary 1663 01:05:50,719 --> 01:05:52,830 thing is to help us all recognize and 1664 01:05:52,830 --> 01:05:55,344 keep our eye on the real threat and how 1665 01:05:55,354 --> 01:05:57,054 significant is the emergency 1666 01:05:57,064 --> 01:05:59,304 supplemental in , uh , in the list of 1667 01:05:59,314 --> 01:06:02,014 things that we could do . Um , to deter 1668 01:06:02,024 --> 01:06:05,639 Russia , it's , it's vital . I think if , 1669 01:06:05,649 --> 01:06:09,550 um , if Ukraine fails , um and 1670 01:06:09,560 --> 01:06:13,209 Russia succeeds , um it will be a 1671 01:06:13,320 --> 01:06:15,969 big setback for deterrence . Russia 1672 01:06:15,979 --> 01:06:17,757 will be emboldened . They'll be 1673 01:06:17,757 --> 01:06:19,760 geographically in a better position 1674 01:06:19,770 --> 01:06:22,560 from a military perspective . Um So 1675 01:06:22,570 --> 01:06:24,514 there are many things that will be 1676 01:06:24,514 --> 01:06:26,629 damaged in our ability to deter . One 1677 01:06:26,639 --> 01:06:28,806 of the things that would be damaged in 1678 01:06:28,806 --> 01:06:31,310 our ability to deter is um it's likely 1679 01:06:31,320 --> 01:06:33,487 that the number of nations who want to 1680 01:06:33,487 --> 01:06:35,542 side with us could shrink . And so I 1681 01:06:35,542 --> 01:06:37,598 think it's absolutely imperative for 1682 01:06:37,598 --> 01:06:39,542 all of those reasons . Thank you , 1683 01:06:39,542 --> 01:06:41,870 General and uh Mr Chairman , I have a 1684 01:06:41,879 --> 01:06:44,800 question to submit for uh General Van 1685 01:06:44,989 --> 01:06:48,459 Avis um on uh maritime security . Thank 1686 01:06:48,469 --> 01:06:50,525 you . Thank you , Senator Kelly . Uh 1687 01:06:50,525 --> 01:06:53,110 Senator Budd , please . Thank you , 1688 01:06:53,120 --> 01:06:55,270 Chairman and thank you both again for 1689 01:06:55,280 --> 01:06:59,020 being here . Um General Van Vost , the 1690 01:06:59,030 --> 01:07:00,919 collapse of the Francis Scott key 1691 01:07:00,919 --> 01:07:04,110 bridge , uh horrible . Um But it 1692 01:07:04,120 --> 01:07:06,120 highlights the larger issue I think 1693 01:07:06,120 --> 01:07:08,287 that we need to address and that's how 1694 01:07:08,287 --> 01:07:09,842 a single piece of destroyed 1695 01:07:09,842 --> 01:07:11,953 infrastructure can shut down multiple 1696 01:07:11,953 --> 01:07:15,050 modes of transportation . If I'm not 1697 01:07:15,060 --> 01:07:16,838 mistaken , a number of critical 1698 01:07:16,838 --> 01:07:18,949 military supply ships , they're stuck 1699 01:07:18,949 --> 01:07:21,171 in Baltimore Harbor in addition to road 1700 01:07:21,171 --> 01:07:24,080 traffic that's been diverted . So how 1701 01:07:24,090 --> 01:07:27,080 resilient are our ports of embarkation ? 1702 01:07:27,090 --> 01:07:28,923 And for instance , like in North 1703 01:07:28,923 --> 01:07:30,979 Carolina , military Ocean terminal , 1704 01:07:30,979 --> 01:07:33,610 sunny point uh in the event of a 1705 01:07:33,620 --> 01:07:36,429 conflict . Uh And if our adversaries 1706 01:07:36,439 --> 01:07:38,800 should decide to conduct cyber attacks 1707 01:07:38,810 --> 01:07:41,929 or sa sabotage infrastructure . And 1708 01:07:41,939 --> 01:07:44,050 then if you would follow that up with 1709 01:07:44,050 --> 01:07:46,217 how we can be helpful here um securing 1710 01:07:46,217 --> 01:07:48,840 these critical nodes . Yeah , thanks 1711 01:07:48,850 --> 01:07:51,072 for that question . As I mentioned , uh 1712 01:07:51,072 --> 01:07:53,072 we cannot do what we do without the 1713 01:07:53,072 --> 01:07:55,679 substantial private infrastructure here 1714 01:07:55,689 --> 01:07:57,745 in the United States , roads , rails 1715 01:07:57,745 --> 01:07:59,578 and seaports with respect to the 1716 01:07:59,578 --> 01:08:01,850 Francis Scott Key Bridge . Uh a tragic 1717 01:08:01,860 --> 01:08:04,580 event . Uh And , but we think about how 1718 01:08:04,590 --> 01:08:06,850 do we recover very quickly . Uh And the 1719 01:08:06,860 --> 01:08:09,027 fact that we had a few ships that were 1720 01:08:09,027 --> 01:08:11,520 essentially blocked in . Um but that's 1721 01:08:11,530 --> 01:08:14,139 why we have so many ports . Uh We can 1722 01:08:14,149 --> 01:08:16,482 afford to lose a port and some capacity , 1723 01:08:16,482 --> 01:08:18,593 we can't afford to lose them all . So 1724 01:08:18,593 --> 01:08:20,427 we do many efforts to ensure the 1725 01:08:20,427 --> 01:08:22,316 resiliency of the ports . We work 1726 01:08:22,316 --> 01:08:24,538 directly with the port managers and all 1727 01:08:24,538 --> 01:08:26,205 of our strategic ports on our 1728 01:08:26,205 --> 01:08:28,205 alternative plans . Should there be 1729 01:08:28,205 --> 01:08:30,427 problems there as well as in a state of 1730 01:08:30,427 --> 01:08:32,371 emergency ? How would we use their 1731 01:08:32,371 --> 01:08:34,482 resources ? But it , it also comes to 1732 01:08:34,482 --> 01:08:34,419 the fact that that those some of the 1733 01:08:34,430 --> 01:08:36,500 ships that were behind uh behind the 1734 01:08:36,509 --> 01:08:38,787 lines that couldn't get out , actually , 1735 01:08:38,787 --> 01:08:40,787 we wouldn't use them anyway because 1736 01:08:40,787 --> 01:08:43,009 they're in such a state of disrepair uh 1737 01:08:43,009 --> 01:08:45,176 that we wouldn't uh wouldn't call upon 1738 01:08:45,176 --> 01:08:47,287 those ships . It goes back to how old 1739 01:08:47,287 --> 01:08:49,231 these ships are and how we need to 1740 01:08:49,231 --> 01:08:51,176 continue with the recapitalization 1741 01:08:51,176 --> 01:08:50,279 program , which is one of the number 1742 01:08:50,290 --> 01:08:52,457 one things we can do here is to ensure 1743 01:08:52,457 --> 01:08:54,568 the readiness of the force , not just 1744 01:08:54,568 --> 01:08:56,740 the capacity but credible capacity to 1745 01:08:56,750 --> 01:08:58,917 fight in the uncontested environment . 1746 01:08:58,917 --> 01:09:01,250 Thank you . Um slightly different topic . 1747 01:09:01,250 --> 01:09:03,194 Um In your opening statement , you 1748 01:09:03,194 --> 01:09:05,361 argued for the need for a supplemental 1749 01:09:05,361 --> 01:09:07,361 uh correct uh general analysis . Um 1750 01:09:07,361 --> 01:09:09,583 Here's what I'm trying to reconcile for 1751 01:09:09,583 --> 01:09:11,750 the third year in a row . I I see that 1752 01:09:11,750 --> 01:09:13,750 you didn't submit a single unfunded 1753 01:09:13,750 --> 01:09:15,809 requirement . Um Why was even though 1754 01:09:15,818 --> 01:09:19,409 that's required by um 10 US C 222 . A ? 1755 01:09:19,628 --> 01:09:22,688 Why are you asking for supplemental and 1756 01:09:22,699 --> 01:09:24,477 then yet didn't submit unfunded 1757 01:09:24,477 --> 01:09:26,532 requests ? Certainly supplemental is 1758 01:09:26,532 --> 01:09:28,699 critical for the Department of Defense 1759 01:09:28,699 --> 01:09:30,699 and for us Transportation Command , 1760 01:09:30,699 --> 01:09:32,866 it's critical because we have not been 1761 01:09:32,866 --> 01:09:35,032 reimbursed for funding associated with 1762 01:09:35,032 --> 01:09:37,199 the events after October 7th uh in the 1763 01:09:37,199 --> 01:09:39,310 Middle East . And that is eating away 1764 01:09:39,310 --> 01:09:41,477 at our reserves and those reserves are 1765 01:09:41,477 --> 01:09:43,477 there . Our working capital fund is 1766 01:09:43,477 --> 01:09:43,128 there to be able to respond at a 1767 01:09:43,139 --> 01:09:45,519 moment's notice , notice to meet our 1768 01:09:45,528 --> 01:09:47,729 nation's most critical priorities . Uh 1769 01:09:47,738 --> 01:09:49,738 So that is , that's associated with 1770 01:09:49,738 --> 01:09:51,849 authorization to spend transportation 1771 01:09:51,849 --> 01:09:54,071 funding uh in that area with respect to 1772 01:09:54,071 --> 01:09:56,294 the unfunded list . We worked very hard 1773 01:09:56,294 --> 01:09:58,182 with the Department of Defense to 1774 01:09:58,182 --> 01:10:00,294 balance the resources to meet today's 1775 01:10:00,294 --> 01:10:02,405 regiments requirements and to be able 1776 01:10:02,405 --> 01:10:04,682 to transition into the future . Uh And , 1777 01:10:04,682 --> 01:10:06,849 and this budget directly addresses our 1778 01:10:06,849 --> 01:10:08,794 recapitalization requirements . It 1779 01:10:08,794 --> 01:10:10,571 begins to address our contested 1780 01:10:10,571 --> 01:10:10,464 logistics and uh requirements to 1781 01:10:10,475 --> 01:10:12,665 include posture forward and 1782 01:10:12,674 --> 01:10:14,595 cybersecurity needs . Thank you , 1783 01:10:14,604 --> 01:10:16,685 General uh General Cavalli . Uh Last 1784 01:10:16,694 --> 01:10:19,044 week , Deputy Secretary of State Kurt 1785 01:10:19,055 --> 01:10:20,999 Campbell , he said that Russia had 1786 01:10:20,999 --> 01:10:22,999 almost completely reconstituted its 1787 01:10:22,999 --> 01:10:24,888 military . Do you agree with that 1788 01:10:24,888 --> 01:10:27,055 assessment ? And what can you tell the 1789 01:10:27,055 --> 01:10:29,111 committee about the current state of 1790 01:10:29,111 --> 01:10:31,166 Russia's conventional and industrial 1791 01:10:31,166 --> 01:10:33,222 capacity ? Um If you'd speak broadly 1792 01:10:33,222 --> 01:10:35,959 here and as many details and also uh in 1793 01:10:35,970 --> 01:10:38,081 the closed session , if you could add 1794 01:10:38,081 --> 01:10:40,303 to that . Yeah , absolutely . Senator , 1795 01:10:40,303 --> 01:10:42,414 I will , I will add to it in the , in 1796 01:10:42,414 --> 01:10:44,581 the closed session , first of all . Um 1797 01:10:44,581 --> 01:10:46,748 but generally speaking , um Russia has 1798 01:10:46,748 --> 01:10:48,470 been working extremely hard on 1799 01:10:48,470 --> 01:10:50,979 reconstituting its forces . Um And , 1800 01:10:50,990 --> 01:10:53,046 and they're being quite successful , 1801 01:10:53,046 --> 01:10:55,810 especially in , in the uh ground forces . 1802 01:10:55,990 --> 01:10:58,930 So the attrition that they've suffered 1803 01:10:58,939 --> 01:11:01,106 so far has been very significant , but 1804 01:11:01,106 --> 01:11:03,272 it's been localized . It's been mainly 1805 01:11:03,272 --> 01:11:05,217 in the ground forces . They lost a 1806 01:11:05,217 --> 01:11:07,495 couple 1000 tanks in the ground forces . 1807 01:11:07,495 --> 01:11:09,717 They lost as many as 75,000 killed from 1808 01:11:09,717 --> 01:11:11,495 the ground forces , but they've 1809 01:11:11,495 --> 01:11:13,606 replenished those . They , they've uh 1810 01:11:13,606 --> 01:11:15,939 they've got um tank production going on , 1811 01:11:15,939 --> 01:11:18,161 they've got tank refurbishment going on 1812 01:11:18,161 --> 01:11:20,217 and they've got tank repair going on 1813 01:11:20,217 --> 01:11:22,439 and they have managed , they still have 1814 01:11:22,439 --> 01:11:24,272 as many tanks functioning inside 1815 01:11:24,272 --> 01:11:26,161 Ukraine as they introduced at the 1816 01:11:26,161 --> 01:11:28,383 beginning of the war . So , if you look 1817 01:11:28,383 --> 01:11:30,606 general at their capacity . February of 1818 01:11:30,606 --> 01:11:32,717 2022 as a percentage 0 to 100 . Where 1819 01:11:32,717 --> 01:11:34,939 would you say they are today ? If there 1820 01:11:34,939 --> 01:11:37,770 were 100 in February 2022 and it's been 1821 01:11:37,779 --> 01:11:39,335 diminished and then they've 1822 01:11:39,335 --> 01:11:41,112 reconstituted according to Kurt 1823 01:11:41,112 --> 01:11:43,335 Campbell . Where are they now ? Numbers 1824 01:11:43,335 --> 01:11:45,770 of soldiers have just in total capacity . 1825 01:11:46,069 --> 01:11:48,236 Well , that's a really hard thing to , 1826 01:11:48,236 --> 01:11:50,589 to , to , to do . I , um , because are 1827 01:11:50,600 --> 01:11:52,711 they back to where they started ? Are 1828 01:11:52,711 --> 01:11:54,544 they more , are they less they , 1829 01:11:54,544 --> 01:11:54,359 they're a little bit behind where they 1830 01:11:54,370 --> 01:11:56,481 started , but not by too much , sir . 1831 01:11:56,481 --> 01:11:58,703 Um , but , but it's really hard to give 1832 01:11:58,703 --> 01:12:00,592 a numerical , um , uh , answer to 1833 01:12:00,592 --> 01:12:02,759 something like that . I could go , you 1834 01:12:02,759 --> 01:12:04,926 know , function by function or I could 1835 01:12:04,926 --> 01:12:07,037 go , um , um , armored service by arm 1836 01:12:07,037 --> 01:12:09,259 of the service and give you a good rich 1837 01:12:09,259 --> 01:12:11,370 answer that gave you a good feeling . 1838 01:12:11,370 --> 01:12:13,426 But the overall message I would give 1839 01:12:13,426 --> 01:12:15,592 you is they've grown back to what they 1840 01:12:15,592 --> 01:12:17,834 were before . They've got some gaps 1841 01:12:17,845 --> 01:12:19,956 that have been produced by this war , 1842 01:12:19,956 --> 01:12:21,901 but their overall capacity is very 1843 01:12:21,901 --> 01:12:24,123 significant . Still a a and they intend 1844 01:12:24,123 --> 01:12:26,289 to make it go higher . Senator . Thank 1845 01:12:26,289 --> 01:12:28,512 you both chairman . Thank you , Senator 1846 01:12:28,512 --> 01:12:29,512 Senator Peters 1847 01:12:35,459 --> 01:12:38,220 Mic issue there . So , come over here . 1848 01:12:40,160 --> 01:12:42,216 Well , I welcome both of you . Thank 1849 01:12:42,216 --> 01:12:44,438 you , uh for uh , for your service , uh 1850 01:12:44,438 --> 01:12:46,382 General Cavoli , uh , the uh , the 1851 01:12:46,382 --> 01:12:48,382 state Partnership program has uh an 1852 01:12:48,382 --> 01:12:50,438 incredible history of building trust 1853 01:12:50,438 --> 01:12:52,660 and capability with uh important allies 1854 01:12:52,660 --> 01:12:54,660 over the past 30 years . And I know 1855 01:12:54,660 --> 01:12:56,827 you're well well aware of that two key 1856 01:12:56,827 --> 01:12:58,938 Arctic allies , uh Finland and Sweden 1857 01:12:58,938 --> 01:13:00,660 uh will soon join uh the state 1858 01:13:00,660 --> 01:13:02,771 partnership program to be paired with 1859 01:13:02,771 --> 01:13:04,716 uh National Guard units . Uh These 1860 01:13:04,716 --> 01:13:06,938 state partners uh will certainly play a 1861 01:13:06,938 --> 01:13:08,882 critical role in integrating these 1862 01:13:08,882 --> 01:13:10,993 countries uh uh into NATO . Uh And in 1863 01:13:10,993 --> 01:13:13,216 particular , I would argue that pairing 1864 01:13:13,216 --> 01:13:15,216 Sweden with uh an experienced uconn 1865 01:13:15,216 --> 01:13:17,382 partner , like the State of Michigan , 1866 01:13:17,382 --> 01:13:19,438 uh National Guard would facilitate a 1867 01:13:19,438 --> 01:13:21,859 seamless transition into NATO . But my 1868 01:13:21,870 --> 01:13:24,037 question for you , sir is uh with this 1869 01:13:24,037 --> 01:13:26,148 in mind , uh how is uconn planning to 1870 01:13:26,148 --> 01:13:28,259 take advantage of uh the expansion of 1871 01:13:28,259 --> 01:13:30,370 the state partnership program uh into 1872 01:13:30,370 --> 01:13:32,426 both uh Sweden and Finland ? And are 1873 01:13:32,426 --> 01:13:34,537 there certain capabilities that would 1874 01:13:34,537 --> 01:13:36,648 be particularly helpful to you as you 1875 01:13:36,648 --> 01:13:39,899 think about uh uh this expansion ? Uh 1876 01:13:39,910 --> 01:13:42,910 Th thank you , Senator uh for the great , 1877 01:13:43,350 --> 01:13:45,572 the great opportunity to talk about the 1878 01:13:45,572 --> 01:13:47,739 State Partnership program . You'd have 1879 01:13:47,739 --> 01:13:49,961 to look pretty , pretty far and wide to 1880 01:13:49,961 --> 01:13:51,961 find somebody who's a bigger fan of 1881 01:13:51,961 --> 01:13:54,183 state partnership than I am . In fact , 1882 01:13:54,183 --> 01:13:56,350 uh Rob Abernathy , my command sergeant 1883 01:13:56,350 --> 01:13:58,239 major here routinely visits those 1884 01:13:58,239 --> 01:14:00,128 troops and , and goes back to the 1885 01:14:00,128 --> 01:14:01,850 States to talk to their senior 1886 01:14:01,850 --> 01:14:04,089 leadership about a about this program . 1887 01:14:04,299 --> 01:14:06,299 It's vital , it is expanding as you 1888 01:14:06,299 --> 01:14:08,399 point out , but not just among our 1889 01:14:08,410 --> 01:14:10,243 allies . As you know , the state 1890 01:14:10,243 --> 01:14:12,830 Partnership program has been vital to 1891 01:14:12,839 --> 01:14:15,689 our ability to bring car partners into 1892 01:14:15,700 --> 01:14:19,470 the alliance um and to take countries 1893 01:14:19,479 --> 01:14:21,590 that didn't consider themselves to be 1894 01:14:21,590 --> 01:14:23,646 partners and make them partners . Um 1895 01:14:23,646 --> 01:14:25,535 This has been especially valuable 1896 01:14:25,535 --> 01:14:29,020 lately . Um Austria um has become a 1897 01:14:29,029 --> 01:14:31,629 state partner um this year , but a 1898 01:14:31,640 --> 01:14:33,979 nation that's had a uh post world war 1899 01:14:33,990 --> 01:14:36,890 two tradition of neutrality . So it's a 1900 01:14:36,899 --> 01:14:38,843 big step forward in terms of their 1901 01:14:38,843 --> 01:14:41,066 understanding of their responsibilities 1902 01:14:41,066 --> 01:14:43,288 for collective defense . You can't just 1903 01:14:43,288 --> 01:14:45,343 sit in the middle of a bunch of safe 1904 01:14:45,343 --> 01:14:44,819 countries , you to be part of that . 1905 01:14:44,899 --> 01:14:46,899 Switzerland . Also . In fact , this 1906 01:14:46,899 --> 01:14:49,629 morning , I received uh an email from 1907 01:14:49,640 --> 01:14:51,799 ambassador Miller telling me that um 1908 01:14:52,009 --> 01:14:54,540 that Switzerland had sent its letter to 1909 01:14:54,549 --> 01:14:56,709 me asking me to endorse their state 1910 01:14:56,720 --> 01:14:59,120 partnership request . And I've talked 1911 01:14:59,129 --> 01:15:01,296 to Dan Hogenson about that and , and I 1912 01:15:01,296 --> 01:15:03,351 think we're going to go forward with 1913 01:15:03,351 --> 01:15:05,185 that specifically with regard to 1914 01:15:05,185 --> 01:15:07,518 Finland and Sweden . Um uh Michigan and , 1915 01:15:07,518 --> 01:15:09,685 and the various other states have very 1916 01:15:09,685 --> 01:15:11,700 broad based capability and we would 1917 01:15:11,709 --> 01:15:13,653 just like them to continue to pull 1918 01:15:13,653 --> 01:15:15,876 Sweden and Finland toward uh toward the 1919 01:15:15,876 --> 01:15:18,042 alliance . As you know , both of those 1920 01:15:18,042 --> 01:15:20,098 militaries are quite capable and you 1921 01:15:20,098 --> 01:15:22,320 know , they don't need coaching on this 1922 01:15:22,320 --> 01:15:22,109 or that they just need continued 1923 01:15:22,120 --> 01:15:24,220 partnership . Senator , thank you . 1924 01:15:24,229 --> 01:15:26,700 Thank you , General uh general uh Van 1925 01:15:26,830 --> 01:15:28,950 Vost . Uh as you know , uh contested 1926 01:15:28,959 --> 01:15:30,903 logistics and sustainment during a 1927 01:15:30,903 --> 01:15:33,126 potential conflict is uh it's clearly a 1928 01:15:33,126 --> 01:15:35,229 significant uh challenge uh for our 1929 01:15:35,240 --> 01:15:37,689 forces in the Indo Pacific . And 1930 01:15:37,700 --> 01:15:39,922 despite our forward position units , uh 1931 01:15:39,922 --> 01:15:41,811 prepositioned stocks and regional 1932 01:15:41,811 --> 01:15:44,033 allies and partners . Uh our ability to 1933 01:15:44,033 --> 01:15:46,209 refuel rearm and repair under fire uh 1934 01:15:46,299 --> 01:15:49,310 will be severely tested in any conflict 1935 01:15:49,609 --> 01:15:51,649 in preparation . I believe that we 1936 01:15:51,660 --> 01:15:53,382 would argue we need to do more 1937 01:15:53,382 --> 01:15:56,600 exercises like uh Tsin saber with large 1938 01:15:56,609 --> 01:15:59,240 scale sustainment rehearsals and major 1939 01:15:59,250 --> 01:16:01,859 fuel offloads to test our contested 1940 01:16:01,870 --> 01:16:03,814 logistics . So my question for you 1941 01:16:03,819 --> 01:16:05,875 general is , what role does Transcom 1942 01:16:05,875 --> 01:16:08,299 play in rehearsing a contested uh 1943 01:16:08,310 --> 01:16:10,959 logistics as part of uh large exercises ? 1944 01:16:11,250 --> 01:16:13,540 And is it your uh intent to make sure 1945 01:16:13,549 --> 01:16:15,890 that uh logistics plays a central role 1946 01:16:15,899 --> 01:16:17,700 in all future major exercises 1947 01:16:17,709 --> 01:16:19,931 particularly in the Indo Pacific area . 1948 01:16:20,470 --> 01:16:22,637 And thanks for that question , Senator 1949 01:16:22,637 --> 01:16:24,692 across the entire joint deployment , 1950 01:16:24,692 --> 01:16:26,748 distribution enterprise . We've seen 1951 01:16:26,748 --> 01:16:28,859 how everyone has mobilized to support 1952 01:16:28,859 --> 01:16:30,970 our partners like Ukraine with , with 1953 01:16:30,970 --> 01:16:34,290 the fuel , ammunition equipment , uh su 1954 01:16:34,299 --> 01:16:36,919 supplies . Uh And so when I think about 1955 01:16:36,930 --> 01:16:39,041 the lessons we have learned uh in the 1956 01:16:39,041 --> 01:16:40,930 Middle East and in Europe , we're 1957 01:16:40,930 --> 01:16:42,986 absolutely translating them out into 1958 01:16:42,986 --> 01:16:44,819 the Indo Pacific with respect to 1959 01:16:44,819 --> 01:16:44,759 posture , you see multiple Posture 1960 01:16:44,770 --> 01:16:46,959 initiatives in the Indo Pacific uh 1961 01:16:46,970 --> 01:16:48,979 forward , stationing of equipment , 1962 01:16:48,990 --> 01:16:51,660 more resilient uh uh bases that we're 1963 01:16:51,669 --> 01:16:55,290 using and seaports as well as more fuel 1964 01:16:55,299 --> 01:16:57,640 forward and then ability to distribute 1965 01:16:57,649 --> 01:16:59,816 that fuel forward . So again , this is 1966 01:16:59,816 --> 01:17:01,816 not merely about uh moving supplies 1967 01:17:01,816 --> 01:17:03,760 forward like we have done with the 1968 01:17:03,760 --> 01:17:05,593 unfettered access . We work very 1969 01:17:05,593 --> 01:17:07,816 closely with our allies and partners to 1970 01:17:07,816 --> 01:17:09,982 ensure that we have multiple resilient 1971 01:17:09,982 --> 01:17:12,419 ways to come at the problem to ensure 1972 01:17:12,430 --> 01:17:14,640 uh that our geographic combatant 1973 01:17:14,649 --> 01:17:16,600 commands will be successful in any 1974 01:17:16,609 --> 01:17:18,859 future fight . Thank you , General . 1975 01:17:18,870 --> 01:17:20,990 Thank you , Mr Chair . Thank you , 1976 01:17:21,000 --> 01:17:23,111 Senator Peters in a moment , please . 1977 01:17:23,111 --> 01:17:25,222 Thank you Mr Chairman and to the both 1978 01:17:25,222 --> 01:17:27,167 of you all . Thank you so much for 1979 01:17:27,167 --> 01:17:29,389 taking the time to come visit with us . 1980 01:17:29,389 --> 01:17:31,759 Uh I uh I know it's , it's important to 1981 01:17:31,770 --> 01:17:33,937 us and I know we give you an important 1982 01:17:33,937 --> 01:17:36,159 mission to carry out every day . And um 1983 01:17:36,160 --> 01:17:38,271 I don't take it lightly that you take 1984 01:17:38,271 --> 01:17:40,216 the time to come up here and , and 1985 01:17:40,216 --> 01:17:42,950 visit with us . Uh um General Van Ost . 1986 01:17:43,439 --> 01:17:46,509 Is that how you say it ? Ost ? OK . I , 1987 01:17:46,520 --> 01:17:48,859 I'm I'm sorry from , we don't pronounce 1988 01:17:48,870 --> 01:17:51,029 that that often from Oklahoma . Uh I 1989 01:17:51,189 --> 01:17:53,300 understand you're familiar with Altus 1990 01:17:53,300 --> 01:17:55,078 Air Force Base and uh we really 1991 01:17:55,078 --> 01:17:57,245 appreciate that they speak very highly 1992 01:17:57,245 --> 01:17:59,467 of you . Um You know , as someone who's 1993 01:17:59,467 --> 01:18:01,522 commanded various aspects of maining 1994 01:18:01,522 --> 01:18:03,680 training , um equipping and , and 1995 01:18:03,689 --> 01:18:06,129 mission of air mobility . Uh I just 1996 01:18:06,140 --> 01:18:08,362 wanna know , are , are you getting what 1997 01:18:08,362 --> 01:18:10,418 you need from the Air Force to carry 1998 01:18:10,418 --> 01:18:12,584 out that mission still ? Thank you . I 1999 01:18:12,584 --> 01:18:14,751 uh first of all , all this is a really 2000 01:18:14,751 --> 01:18:16,751 important base for us . It's uh the 2001 01:18:16,751 --> 01:18:19,084 home of mobility of all of our training . 2002 01:18:19,084 --> 01:18:19,060 Uh And of course , you have our assets 2003 01:18:19,069 --> 01:18:21,560 there to include our new KC 46 which is 2004 01:18:21,569 --> 01:18:23,513 really critical when I think about 2005 01:18:23,513 --> 01:18:25,513 transitioning and the future of air 2006 01:18:25,513 --> 01:18:27,736 refueling uh in that type of airplane . 2007 01:18:27,736 --> 01:18:29,847 Uh So I support uh the Air Force . We 2008 01:18:29,847 --> 01:18:31,902 are , we , we are on a journey uh to 2009 01:18:31,902 --> 01:18:34,069 try to ensure that our assets are able 2010 01:18:34,069 --> 01:18:36,291 to communicate . They have battle space 2011 01:18:36,291 --> 01:18:38,513 awareness and they're survivable in the 2012 01:18:38,513 --> 01:18:40,736 environment where we are expected to go 2013 01:18:40,736 --> 01:18:42,847 into . Uh And so as we , as we embark 2014 01:18:42,847 --> 01:18:45,069 upon that journey , uh we are providing 2015 01:18:45,069 --> 01:18:47,125 the requirements to the air force to 2016 01:18:47,125 --> 01:18:49,347 ensure that we can continue to maintain 2017 01:18:49,347 --> 01:18:51,458 credible capacity . Is there anything 2018 01:18:51,458 --> 01:18:53,625 we need to be doing on our behalf from 2019 01:18:53,625 --> 01:18:55,791 Congress to help with that ? Certainly 2020 01:18:55,791 --> 01:18:57,958 supporting the air force's budget with 2021 01:18:57,958 --> 01:18:59,736 respect to uh modernization and 2022 01:18:59,736 --> 01:19:01,736 recapitalization is just not of air 2023 01:19:01,736 --> 01:19:03,958 feeling but also of the airlift fleet . 2024 01:19:03,958 --> 01:19:05,791 Uh We have 275 strategic airlift 2025 01:19:05,791 --> 01:19:07,791 aircraft and we will consume all of 2026 01:19:07,791 --> 01:19:09,736 that . Should we have to go into a 2027 01:19:09,736 --> 01:19:11,791 large scale uh combat operation ? So 2028 01:19:11,791 --> 01:19:13,958 the work done there to modernize those 2029 01:19:13,958 --> 01:19:16,180 and frankly , to think about the future 2030 01:19:16,180 --> 01:19:15,750 and where we're going with that . So 2031 01:19:15,759 --> 01:19:17,926 we're supporting the air force as they 2032 01:19:17,926 --> 01:19:19,815 look into the future of strategic 2033 01:19:19,815 --> 01:19:21,981 airlift . So specifically dialing down 2034 01:19:21,981 --> 01:19:23,926 on that when we're looking towards 2035 01:19:23,926 --> 01:19:26,092 possible conflicts and God forbid that 2036 01:19:26,092 --> 01:19:28,315 actually happens . But you know , we're 2037 01:19:28,315 --> 01:19:30,203 doing what we can to prevent it , 2038 01:19:30,203 --> 01:19:32,259 however , we need to be strengthened 2039 01:19:32,259 --> 01:19:34,481 and preparing for it . Um What , what's 2040 01:19:34,481 --> 01:19:36,648 the , what's the biggest hold back ? I 2041 01:19:36,648 --> 01:19:39,479 is it or is it a , is it the dod 2042 01:19:39,490 --> 01:19:42,419 defense contractors , um , is it , uh , 2043 01:19:42,430 --> 01:19:45,040 requirements if its regulations is the 2044 01:19:45,049 --> 01:19:47,105 slow flow of money , what is it that 2045 01:19:47,105 --> 01:19:49,438 you're , that ? It's the biggest hiccup . 2046 01:19:49,438 --> 01:19:51,382 I think the biggest thing we think 2047 01:19:51,382 --> 01:19:53,493 about is the aging fleets , uh , that 2048 01:19:53,493 --> 01:19:55,605 we have and we have to modernize them 2049 01:19:55,605 --> 01:19:55,580 to ensure sure that they can survive uh 2050 01:19:55,589 --> 01:19:57,700 out into the future . So , you know , 2051 01:19:57,700 --> 01:19:59,811 just looking at the capacity ensuring 2052 01:19:59,811 --> 01:20:02,220 that it remains credible and that is , 2053 01:20:02,229 --> 01:20:04,919 it is uh it is uh an ability to fund it 2054 01:20:04,930 --> 01:20:07,589 and have a stable funding that we know 2055 01:20:07,600 --> 01:20:09,767 that we're , we can count on to lay in 2056 01:20:09,767 --> 01:20:11,933 those contracts to gain the capability 2057 01:20:11,933 --> 01:20:14,100 moving forward . If something comes up 2058 01:20:14,100 --> 01:20:16,211 that we can um be assistance , please 2059 01:20:16,211 --> 01:20:18,433 holler at us and let us know how we can 2060 01:20:18,433 --> 01:20:21,660 help . Um Sir , looking uh looking 2061 01:20:21,669 --> 01:20:23,502 towards , you know , some of our 2062 01:20:23,502 --> 01:20:25,502 biggest adversaries , especially in 2063 01:20:25,502 --> 01:20:27,391 geopolitics , you know , China is 2064 01:20:27,391 --> 01:20:29,613 obviously playing a big role in that um 2065 01:20:29,613 --> 01:20:31,225 and ever strengthening their 2066 01:20:31,225 --> 01:20:33,169 relationships with Russia . And uh 2067 01:20:33,169 --> 01:20:36,029 obviously Iran , uh how we see that 2068 01:20:36,040 --> 01:20:39,819 play out in Ukraine . Uh Thank you very 2069 01:20:39,830 --> 01:20:43,379 much , Senator . Um Yeah , so we see 2070 01:20:43,390 --> 01:20:45,700 direct military support from some of 2071 01:20:45,709 --> 01:20:49,680 those countries um that goes to Russia 2072 01:20:49,689 --> 01:20:52,580 and then the Russians employ that 2073 01:20:53,069 --> 01:20:56,310 material in combat . A great example is 2074 01:20:56,319 --> 01:21:00,080 the uh Shahid 136 drone . Um 2075 01:21:00,089 --> 01:21:02,189 It's a one way attack drone . It was 2076 01:21:02,200 --> 01:21:05,069 created by Iran , it was developed by 2077 01:21:05,080 --> 01:21:07,520 Iran . It was produced by Iran . It was 2078 01:21:07,529 --> 01:21:10,040 given to Russia . It was used with 2079 01:21:10,049 --> 01:21:13,560 great effect . And Iran helped Russia 2080 01:21:13,569 --> 01:21:15,819 build a factory for them in Russia . 2081 01:21:16,029 --> 01:21:18,140 And Russia now produces them and they 2082 01:21:18,140 --> 01:21:20,370 call them the Garon 10 . And those are 2083 01:21:20,379 --> 01:21:22,720 used . They were used uh early this 2084 01:21:22,729 --> 01:21:24,673 morning , uh to strike you train . 2085 01:21:24,673 --> 01:21:26,896 That's just one example . So I could go 2086 01:21:26,896 --> 01:21:28,951 into dozens of examples like this in 2087 01:21:28,951 --> 01:21:31,118 closed session with you . Some of what 2088 01:21:31,118 --> 01:21:33,229 we know about this is classified . Um 2089 01:21:33,229 --> 01:21:35,451 But some of it's very visible right out 2090 01:21:35,451 --> 01:21:37,451 there , just like the 136 . Are you 2091 01:21:37,451 --> 01:21:39,562 able to talk about the cost of what , 2092 01:21:39,562 --> 01:21:41,729 what in this session and what it costs 2093 01:21:41,729 --> 01:21:43,840 them to produce one of those drones ? 2094 01:21:44,419 --> 01:21:46,680 Um So I could probably talk about it in 2095 01:21:46,689 --> 01:21:48,689 this session , but I don't have the 2096 01:21:48,689 --> 01:21:50,911 money to figure right off the top of my 2097 01:21:50,911 --> 01:21:53,022 head . I can take that for the record 2098 01:21:53,022 --> 01:21:55,078 gladly . Um But generally speaking , 2099 01:21:55,078 --> 01:21:57,300 the cost of the drones is far less than 2100 01:21:57,300 --> 01:21:59,356 the cost of defending them , which , 2101 01:21:59,356 --> 01:22:01,467 which might be your deeper question . 2102 01:22:01,467 --> 01:22:01,310 It is the , the the fence that we're 2103 01:22:01,319 --> 01:22:04,879 using in om Plus looking at what we're , 2104 01:22:05,549 --> 01:22:08,390 what we're um producing in the United 2105 01:22:08,399 --> 01:22:10,740 States and the cost of what it cost us . 2106 01:22:10,890 --> 01:22:13,057 Uh because obviously what they have is 2107 01:22:13,057 --> 01:22:16,330 being , you know , fairly effective 2108 01:22:17,000 --> 01:22:20,689 and the cost ratio it to me , I see 2109 01:22:20,700 --> 01:22:23,479 that Russia's they're adapting 2110 01:22:24,029 --> 01:22:26,830 and uh and I , I don't , I mean , we've 2111 01:22:26,839 --> 01:22:28,990 got sanctions on Russia , I don't see 2112 01:22:29,000 --> 01:22:31,222 that they're being effective . I'd love 2113 01:22:31,222 --> 01:22:33,444 to hear your comment on that . It seems 2114 01:22:33,444 --> 01:22:33,299 like their economy is growing , it said 2115 01:22:33,310 --> 01:22:35,600 that their economy is gonna maybe grow 2116 01:22:35,609 --> 01:22:38,169 by 2.4% which is a full percentage 2117 01:22:38,180 --> 01:22:40,979 higher than it was last year . Um It , 2118 01:22:40,990 --> 01:22:42,768 it seems like they've , they've 2119 01:22:42,768 --> 01:22:44,934 actually adapted to their techniques . 2120 01:22:44,934 --> 01:22:47,109 Uh And as you're saying , they're 2121 01:22:47,120 --> 01:22:50,270 almost back to full capacity . So the 2122 01:22:50,279 --> 01:22:53,229 sanctions we're having that we put on 2123 01:22:53,240 --> 01:22:55,351 uh or not , we're having , but we put 2124 01:22:55,351 --> 01:22:57,518 on Russia are they are they seem to be 2125 01:22:57,518 --> 01:22:59,740 effective . Um So obviously this is 2126 01:22:59,750 --> 01:23:02,083 outside my field of expertise , Senator , 2127 01:23:02,083 --> 01:23:04,139 the , the , the sanctions , how they 2128 01:23:04,139 --> 01:23:06,250 work and , and how effective they are 2129 01:23:06,250 --> 01:23:08,194 in some things as noted previously 2130 01:23:08,194 --> 01:23:10,472 during the discussion today . Um uh It , 2131 01:23:10,472 --> 01:23:13,459 there have been instances where clearly 2132 01:23:13,609 --> 01:23:16,490 um sanctioned components have still 2133 01:23:16,500 --> 01:23:19,020 gotten into rush of weapons systems 2134 01:23:19,029 --> 01:23:21,359 with regard to the overall cost ratios 2135 01:23:21,370 --> 01:23:23,259 between , you know , the sorts of 2136 01:23:23,259 --> 01:23:25,203 drones we produce and the sorts of 2137 01:23:25,203 --> 01:23:27,370 drones that we see else there . It's a 2138 01:23:27,370 --> 01:23:29,314 complicated question . I'm not the 2139 01:23:29,314 --> 01:23:28,919 expert on it , but I can certainly talk 2140 01:23:28,930 --> 01:23:31,152 to you about it . Yes , sir . Thank you 2141 01:23:31,152 --> 01:23:33,097 so much . Thank you , Senator M uh 2142 01:23:33,109 --> 01:23:35,600 Senator Ren , please . Well , thank you , 2143 01:23:35,609 --> 01:23:37,776 Chairman Reed for holding this hearing 2144 01:23:37,776 --> 01:23:39,887 and of course , I'd like to thank and 2145 01:23:39,887 --> 01:23:42,053 welcome General Cavoli and General Van 2146 01:23:42,053 --> 01:23:43,979 Ost . Uh Of course , for your 2147 01:23:43,990 --> 01:23:45,823 commitment , your passion , your 2148 01:23:45,823 --> 01:23:47,879 service to our country and for being 2149 01:23:47,879 --> 01:23:50,770 here to uh testify uh this morning . So 2150 01:23:50,779 --> 01:23:54,470 General Cavoli um we are working to 2151 01:23:54,479 --> 01:23:56,590 provide Ukraine with critical air and 2152 01:23:56,590 --> 01:23:58,810 missile defense capabilities . And my 2153 01:23:58,819 --> 01:24:02,209 concern is that defense alone is not 2154 01:24:02,220 --> 01:24:04,220 going to solve this conflict or win 2155 01:24:04,220 --> 01:24:06,850 this conflict . So can you speak to how 2156 01:24:06,859 --> 01:24:08,879 the integration of additional long 2157 01:24:08,890 --> 01:24:11,209 range systems would impact the 2158 01:24:11,220 --> 01:24:14,069 operational effectiveness of Ukraine 2159 01:24:14,080 --> 01:24:17,049 forces and what strategic advances um 2160 01:24:17,240 --> 01:24:19,407 could be that these capabilities might 2161 01:24:19,407 --> 01:24:23,180 provide them . Sure , Senator , um the 2162 01:24:23,189 --> 01:24:26,359 additional long range capabilities for 2163 01:24:26,370 --> 01:24:28,580 Ukraine would clearly allow them to 2164 01:24:28,589 --> 01:24:32,229 reach farther back and to hit um and 2165 01:24:32,240 --> 01:24:35,709 destroy systems that are shooting at 2166 01:24:35,720 --> 01:24:38,629 them . Um Of course , you know , you 2167 01:24:38,640 --> 01:24:40,640 know , the , the Russians carefully 2168 01:24:40,640 --> 01:24:42,751 measure the ranges of the things they 2169 01:24:42,751 --> 01:24:44,973 believe are available to the Ukrainians 2170 01:24:44,973 --> 01:24:46,973 and then move their important stuff 2171 01:24:46,973 --> 01:24:49,140 outside of that range . The ability to 2172 01:24:49,140 --> 01:24:51,220 move in and out of the farther range 2173 01:24:51,229 --> 01:24:53,319 would be an important addition to to 2174 01:24:53,330 --> 01:24:55,497 Ukraine's capabilities . When we think 2175 01:24:55,497 --> 01:24:58,399 about long range fires , though , you 2176 01:24:58,410 --> 01:25:00,077 know , there are really three 2177 01:25:00,077 --> 01:25:02,299 components to effectiveness . The first 2178 01:25:02,299 --> 01:25:05,330 is the range itself . Uh the second is 2179 01:25:05,339 --> 01:25:07,750 the precision with which it can strike . 2180 01:25:08,149 --> 01:25:10,419 And the third is the survivability of 2181 01:25:10,430 --> 01:25:12,652 the mu munition so that , you know , it 2182 01:25:12,652 --> 01:25:15,060 gets , gets to the target . And so as 2183 01:25:15,069 --> 01:25:17,620 uh as Ukraine goes around trying to 2184 01:25:17,629 --> 01:25:19,851 work on its longer range capabilities , 2185 01:25:19,851 --> 01:25:21,629 they have a lot of drones , for 2186 01:25:21,629 --> 01:25:23,685 instance , that they're using longer 2187 01:25:23,685 --> 01:25:25,740 range , um they try to balance those 2188 01:25:25,740 --> 01:25:25,700 things and get the sweet spot for the 2189 01:25:25,709 --> 01:25:27,876 given target that they're looking at . 2190 01:25:27,876 --> 01:25:29,598 Thank you . I just think is as 2191 01:25:29,598 --> 01:25:31,598 important as defense it is . Um And 2192 01:25:31,598 --> 01:25:33,542 speaking of offense , uh general , 2193 01:25:33,542 --> 01:25:35,487 we're gonna talk a little bit more 2194 01:25:35,487 --> 01:25:37,431 about uh general Cavoli if we have 2195 01:25:37,431 --> 01:25:39,653 multiple generals here . Excuse me . Um 2196 01:25:39,653 --> 01:25:41,820 uh How are you working with cybercom ? 2197 01:25:41,820 --> 01:25:43,931 Because cybersecurity is so important 2198 01:25:43,931 --> 01:25:46,042 to provide that cybersecurity support 2199 01:25:46,042 --> 01:25:47,931 to our NATO allies , particularly 2200 01:25:47,931 --> 01:25:49,765 there's some nations with lesser 2201 01:25:49,765 --> 01:25:51,598 capabilities , we have , they're 2202 01:25:51,598 --> 01:25:53,765 vulnerable from the cyber attacks from 2203 01:25:53,765 --> 01:25:55,876 Russia , China and Iran . And can you 2204 01:25:55,876 --> 01:25:57,765 share to us the real value to the 2205 01:25:57,765 --> 01:26:00,500 United States of the multilateral cyber 2206 01:26:00,509 --> 01:26:02,859 exercises with our European allies such 2207 01:26:02,870 --> 01:26:05,370 as locked shields ? Absolutely , 2208 01:26:05,379 --> 01:26:08,660 Senator . Um you know , it , it raises 2209 01:26:09,339 --> 01:26:11,669 a , a AAA an ancillary question , by 2210 01:26:11,680 --> 01:26:15,459 the way . So Tim Hawk at Cybercom 2211 01:26:15,470 --> 01:26:17,740 runs a lot of that . I , I feel that 2212 01:26:17,750 --> 01:26:20,028 all the Russia questions it seems like , 2213 01:26:20,028 --> 01:26:22,250 but there are so many people working on 2214 01:26:22,250 --> 01:26:24,472 this problem , Jackie . Uh I , I mean , 2215 01:26:24,472 --> 01:26:26,639 I I wouldn't be giving anything to the 2216 01:26:26,639 --> 01:26:28,750 Ukrainians if it weren't for Jackie's 2217 01:26:28,750 --> 01:26:30,972 splendid ability to deliver . Tim's the 2218 01:26:30,972 --> 01:26:33,250 same with uh with , with Cyber . Um He , 2219 01:26:33,250 --> 01:26:35,330 he sponsors and co sponsors with us 2220 01:26:35,339 --> 01:26:37,850 these multilateral exercises that allow 2221 01:26:37,859 --> 01:26:40,200 us primarily to illuminate 2222 01:26:40,209 --> 01:26:43,120 vulnerabilities in networks in our 2223 01:26:43,129 --> 01:26:45,129 allies and our partners and for the 2224 01:26:45,129 --> 01:26:47,450 alliance's own proper , you know , the , 2225 01:26:47,459 --> 01:26:49,910 all the networks we own as an alliance 2226 01:26:49,919 --> 01:26:52,141 proper . They're very , very valuable , 2227 01:26:52,209 --> 01:26:54,629 but then we follow up with cyber 2228 01:26:54,640 --> 01:26:56,939 protection teams that go forward and do 2229 01:26:56,950 --> 01:26:58,839 what , um , Tim calls , hunt Ford 2230 01:26:58,839 --> 01:27:01,189 operations and we help them defend 2231 01:27:01,200 --> 01:27:03,560 their networks . Uh , um Ford , it's 2232 01:27:03,569 --> 01:27:06,620 been tremendously successful , not just 2233 01:27:06,629 --> 01:27:09,270 with allies , but with partners as well 2234 01:27:09,350 --> 01:27:11,569 and with commercial enterprises as you 2235 01:27:11,580 --> 01:27:13,524 know , a lot of our transportation 2236 01:27:13,524 --> 01:27:16,060 works on unclassified systems and they 2237 01:27:16,069 --> 01:27:18,013 can be vulnerable . So it's a very 2238 01:27:18,013 --> 01:27:20,180 valuable thing , ma'am offensive stuff 2239 01:27:20,180 --> 01:27:22,236 we could talk about in cla in closed 2240 01:27:22,236 --> 01:27:24,458 session if you desire . Thank you . And 2241 01:27:24,458 --> 01:27:26,625 I fully support the idea that Jackie's 2242 01:27:26,625 --> 01:27:28,625 can deliver . So General Jackie Man 2243 01:27:28,625 --> 01:27:30,625 Novos , welcome . I want to ask you 2244 01:27:30,625 --> 01:27:32,680 about logistics operations uh in the 2245 01:27:32,685 --> 01:27:34,754 Pacific . Uh because from the Berlin 2246 01:27:34,765 --> 01:27:38,254 Air uh Berlin airlift in 1948 to the 2247 01:27:38,265 --> 01:27:40,705 chaotic evacuation of Afghanistan by 2248 01:27:40,714 --> 01:27:42,955 air history really has shown us the 2249 01:27:42,964 --> 01:27:45,186 extensive resources that we really need 2250 01:27:45,186 --> 01:27:47,115 to undertake a complex airlift 2251 01:27:47,125 --> 01:27:49,375 operation even in a relatively 2252 01:27:49,384 --> 01:27:51,794 permissive environment . So how is 2253 01:27:51,805 --> 01:27:54,027 Transcom ? Are you actively testing the 2254 01:27:54,027 --> 01:27:56,544 forces to conduct a long scale or large 2255 01:27:56,555 --> 01:27:58,754 scale prolonged logistical operation ? 2256 01:27:58,970 --> 01:28:01,192 Uh Should there be a blockade of Taiwan 2257 01:28:01,192 --> 01:28:03,248 in the future ? Especially given the 2258 01:28:03,248 --> 01:28:05,470 threats we know regional threats in the 2259 01:28:05,470 --> 01:28:07,581 Indo Pacific ? Well , thanks . That's 2260 01:28:07,581 --> 01:28:09,303 one of the key things we do in 2261 01:28:09,303 --> 01:28:11,414 exercises around the globe as well as 2262 01:28:11,414 --> 01:28:13,303 in the Indo Pacific uh scenario . 2263 01:28:13,303 --> 01:28:15,359 Agnostic our ability to deliver at a 2264 01:28:15,359 --> 01:28:17,526 time and place of our nations choosing 2265 01:28:17,526 --> 01:28:19,526 is a , is a strategic advantage . I 2266 01:28:19,526 --> 01:28:21,692 think about the differences between uh 2267 01:28:21,692 --> 01:28:21,680 the Middle East and Europe . And Indo 2268 01:28:21,689 --> 01:28:23,689 Pacific is we're going to rely more 2269 01:28:23,689 --> 01:28:27,149 upon uh the , the airlift because of 2270 01:28:27,160 --> 01:28:29,271 the , you know , the dearth of ground 2271 01:28:29,271 --> 01:28:31,604 lines of communication . Uh And so as I , 2272 01:28:31,604 --> 01:28:33,604 we do analysis on the intra theater 2273 01:28:33,604 --> 01:28:35,382 movement necessary to get those 2274 01:28:35,382 --> 01:28:37,910 supplies that last tactical 1000 miles , 2275 01:28:37,919 --> 01:28:40,649 we are exercising sea lift capacity , 2276 01:28:40,660 --> 01:28:43,870 which is uh uh shallow draft sea lift , 2277 01:28:43,879 --> 01:28:46,549 uh running uh essentially a network uh 2278 01:28:46,560 --> 01:28:48,727 below the network of airplanes because 2279 01:28:48,850 --> 01:28:51,290 it will fully consume our airlift fleet 2280 01:28:51,299 --> 01:28:53,700 if we fly everything . So that's an 2281 01:28:53,709 --> 01:28:56,042 important part of what we're exercising . 2282 01:28:56,042 --> 01:28:58,153 And I think like Tasman Saber , where 2283 01:28:58,153 --> 01:28:58,089 we're moving around with ships and , 2284 01:28:58,100 --> 01:29:00,322 and moving , preposition around is very 2285 01:29:00,322 --> 01:29:01,989 important . Uh prepositioning 2286 01:29:01,989 --> 01:29:04,100 capability to include fuel forward is 2287 01:29:04,100 --> 01:29:06,267 important as well as ensuring re re uh 2288 01:29:06,267 --> 01:29:09,479 resilient ports and airports for , for 2289 01:29:09,490 --> 01:29:11,939 defense and , and uh and our ability to 2290 01:29:11,950 --> 01:29:14,870 survive essentially to aggregate , to 2291 01:29:14,879 --> 01:29:17,069 fight and disaggregate to survive and 2292 01:29:17,080 --> 01:29:19,029 regenerate . Thank you very much . 2293 01:29:19,040 --> 01:29:21,151 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Thank you , 2294 01:29:21,151 --> 01:29:23,484 Senator Rosen , Senator Cotton , please . 2295 01:29:23,484 --> 01:29:25,429 General Cave , General Van Novos . 2296 01:29:25,429 --> 01:29:24,890 Thank you both for your appearance . 2297 01:29:24,899 --> 01:29:27,010 General Cavoli . Uh You've been asked 2298 01:29:27,010 --> 01:29:28,677 on occasion to include by the 2299 01:29:28,677 --> 01:29:30,732 chairman's very first question about 2300 01:29:30,732 --> 01:29:32,788 the lessons that other nations might 2301 01:29:32,788 --> 01:29:34,788 learn uh from Ukraine like China in 2302 01:29:34,788 --> 01:29:37,010 particular , if American will falters , 2303 01:29:37,010 --> 01:29:39,010 I I agree with that . Um Because we 2304 01:29:39,010 --> 01:29:41,288 underpin global stability and security . 2305 01:29:41,288 --> 01:29:43,288 If American will falters anywhere , 2306 01:29:43,288 --> 01:29:45,455 then Aversa s a will take lessons from 2307 01:29:45,455 --> 01:29:47,566 it . The one thing you haven't gotten 2308 01:29:47,566 --> 01:29:49,677 asked about is what's happening right 2309 01:29:49,677 --> 01:29:51,843 now in the Red Sea , an outlaw gang of 2310 01:29:51,843 --> 01:29:54,259 brigands and rebels is shooting at us 2311 01:29:54,270 --> 01:29:56,890 navy vessels on a routine basis dozens 2312 01:29:56,899 --> 01:29:59,066 of times now . Now , fortunately , our 2313 01:29:59,066 --> 01:30:01,177 air defenses have intercepted those . 2314 01:30:01,177 --> 01:30:03,343 That's the only thing that stopped our 2315 01:30:03,343 --> 01:30:05,455 sailors from being killed . Yet , all 2316 01:30:05,455 --> 01:30:07,399 we're doing is shooting down those 2317 01:30:07,399 --> 01:30:09,621 drones and missiles in the air or maybe 2318 01:30:09,621 --> 01:30:11,732 when they're on the launch pad , what 2319 01:30:11,732 --> 01:30:11,620 lessons do countries like China or for 2320 01:30:11,629 --> 01:30:13,851 that matter , Russia learn when we just 2321 01:30:13,851 --> 01:30:16,018 let our sailors sit in the Red Sea and 2322 01:30:16,018 --> 01:30:18,439 become sitting ducks for an outlaw band 2323 01:30:18,450 --> 01:30:21,520 of rebels . Uh Thanks Senator . Um 2324 01:30:22,160 --> 01:30:25,330 So to be clear that that's not my area 2325 01:30:25,339 --> 01:30:27,172 of response , but you comment as 2326 01:30:27,299 --> 01:30:29,466 Chairman Reed that people outside your 2327 01:30:29,466 --> 01:30:31,688 area take lessons from what's happening 2328 01:30:31,688 --> 01:30:33,799 there . So what lessons are people in 2329 01:30:33,799 --> 01:30:33,589 your area take from the fact that again , 2330 01:30:33,600 --> 01:30:35,878 we're doing nothing . Sure . The , the , 2331 01:30:35,878 --> 01:30:37,933 the lessons that uh European nations 2332 01:30:37,933 --> 01:30:40,450 are taking from this . Vladimir Putin 2333 01:30:40,459 --> 01:30:43,200 is taking from it . Um Well , I , I 2334 01:30:43,209 --> 01:30:45,431 don't know what Vladimir Putin's taking 2335 01:30:45,431 --> 01:30:47,542 from it , sir because he's got his uh 2336 01:30:47,542 --> 01:30:49,598 he's got his hands pretty full right 2337 01:30:49,598 --> 01:30:51,765 now inside Ukraine where he's learning 2338 01:30:51,765 --> 01:30:53,876 some of the same lessons , right ? If 2339 01:30:53,876 --> 01:30:55,987 uh the lesson is that President Biden 2340 01:30:55,987 --> 01:30:58,042 can be deterred from taking decisive 2341 01:30:58,042 --> 01:31:00,265 action to protect our interests for two 2342 01:31:00,265 --> 01:31:02,153 years . He pussyfooted around and 2343 01:31:02,153 --> 01:31:04,265 didn't provide Ukraine what it needed 2344 01:31:04,265 --> 01:31:06,350 to stop the invasion earlier and to 2345 01:31:06,359 --> 01:31:08,303 roll it back and now we're at this 2346 01:31:08,310 --> 01:31:11,430 unsatisfactory , uh , moment in time . 2347 01:31:11,439 --> 01:31:13,383 Ok . Uh , let me come to that . So 2348 01:31:13,383 --> 01:31:15,606 Ukraine's a pretty big country compared 2349 01:31:15,606 --> 01:31:17,828 to some countries . It's small compared 2350 01:31:17,828 --> 01:31:20,161 to Russia . Some people say like , well , 2351 01:31:20,161 --> 01:31:19,859 Russia is always gonna win . Russia 2352 01:31:19,870 --> 01:31:21,870 always wins because Russia is a big 2353 01:31:21,870 --> 01:31:23,870 country . Is it the case in history 2354 01:31:23,870 --> 01:31:25,870 that smaller nations always lose to 2355 01:31:25,870 --> 01:31:27,981 bigger nations ? Uh No , it's not the 2356 01:31:27,981 --> 01:31:29,981 case . Um Especially if the smaller 2357 01:31:29,981 --> 01:31:31,959 nation can make sure that they 2358 01:31:31,970 --> 01:31:33,914 accomplish their objectives in the 2359 01:31:33,914 --> 01:31:36,990 fight quickly . Um I think over time , 2360 01:31:37,000 --> 01:31:40,160 as we see , um in history , as we see , 2361 01:31:40,459 --> 01:31:43,990 um , conflicts get protracted , 2362 01:31:44,100 --> 01:31:46,433 typically that favors the larger nation . 2363 01:31:46,433 --> 01:31:48,378 I agree . That's why it was such a 2364 01:31:48,378 --> 01:31:50,600 terrible mistake for President Biden to 2365 01:31:50,600 --> 01:31:52,489 foot around for two years and not 2366 01:31:52,489 --> 01:31:54,600 provide Ukraine the weapons it needed 2367 01:31:54,600 --> 01:31:54,509 when it could have had a decisive 2368 01:31:54,520 --> 01:31:56,687 advantage . But it's not even the case 2369 01:31:56,687 --> 01:31:58,742 in Russia's history , right . Russia 2370 01:31:58,742 --> 01:32:00,909 lost the Russo Japan war . Russia lost 2371 01:32:00,909 --> 01:32:02,964 the war in Afghanistan , I guess you 2372 01:32:02,964 --> 01:32:04,964 could say Russia won the winter war 2373 01:32:04,964 --> 01:32:07,660 against Finland in 1939 and 1940 but it 2374 01:32:07,669 --> 01:32:09,836 got very little for an extraordinarily 2375 01:32:09,836 --> 01:32:12,002 high cost . So it is not the case that 2376 01:32:12,002 --> 01:32:14,113 just because you're a bigger nation , 2377 01:32:14,113 --> 01:32:16,113 you're fated to win a war against a 2378 01:32:16,113 --> 01:32:15,910 smaller nation . But as you say , 2379 01:32:15,919 --> 01:32:18,086 you've got , the smaller nation has to 2380 01:32:18,086 --> 01:32:20,197 be more nimble and aggressive , maybe 2381 01:32:20,197 --> 01:32:22,419 take risks that it otherwise wouldn't . 2382 01:32:22,419 --> 01:32:24,752 Um , one thing that Ukraine needs to do , 2383 01:32:24,752 --> 01:32:26,919 therefore , in my opinion , is conduct 2384 01:32:26,919 --> 01:32:29,141 more strikes against the facilities and 2385 01:32:29,141 --> 01:32:31,363 the sites and the resources that Russia 2386 01:32:31,363 --> 01:32:33,586 is using to wage this unprovoked war of 2387 01:32:33,586 --> 01:32:35,419 aggression . So , for instance , 2388 01:32:35,419 --> 01:32:37,419 General Kelly , what's the military 2389 01:32:37,419 --> 01:32:39,641 value of striking refineries on Russian 2390 01:32:39,641 --> 01:32:41,808 territory ? For Ukraine ? The military 2391 01:32:41,808 --> 01:32:45,620 value of that is producing a deficit in 2392 01:32:45,629 --> 01:32:48,370 fuel available for the fielded force 2393 01:32:48,379 --> 01:32:51,029 that is for the combat force someplace 2394 01:32:51,040 --> 01:32:53,151 downstream of the strike , right ? So 2395 01:32:53,151 --> 01:32:55,262 there's a , there's a time lag in its 2396 01:32:55,262 --> 01:32:57,484 effect . Senator , as you , as you well 2397 01:32:57,484 --> 01:32:59,429 know , the military value of ST of 2398 01:32:59,429 --> 01:33:01,429 striking drone factories on Russian 2399 01:33:01,429 --> 01:33:03,762 soil . Yeah , the , the , the same , it , 2400 01:33:03,762 --> 01:33:05,540 it , it has an effect , it is a 2401 01:33:05,540 --> 01:33:07,762 downstream effect but , but of course , 2402 01:33:07,762 --> 01:33:09,818 it has an effect , military value of 2403 01:33:09,818 --> 01:33:11,929 striking the Kerch Strait bridge . Um 2404 01:33:11,929 --> 01:33:13,929 that would have a downstream effect 2405 01:33:13,929 --> 01:33:17,100 that took effect sooner . Ok . The 2406 01:33:17,109 --> 01:33:19,680 administration has urged Ukraine not to 2407 01:33:19,689 --> 01:33:21,800 launch these kind of strikes though , 2408 01:33:21,800 --> 01:33:24,078 in your professional military judgment , 2409 01:33:24,078 --> 01:33:26,189 would u Ukraine be more likely to win 2410 01:33:26,189 --> 01:33:28,356 or at least get a satisfactory outcome 2411 01:33:28,356 --> 01:33:30,411 of this war if it was striking those 2412 01:33:30,411 --> 01:33:32,467 sites and other sites that right now 2413 01:33:32,467 --> 01:33:34,633 are safe haven for Russia's military . 2414 01:33:34,633 --> 01:33:36,745 So I think , I think Ukraine would um 2415 01:33:36,745 --> 01:33:40,209 be very well advised to 2416 01:33:40,220 --> 01:33:43,370 strike the operational level targets 2417 01:33:43,540 --> 01:33:46,029 that are supporting the fielded force . 2418 01:33:46,229 --> 01:33:48,396 They have some urgent challenges right 2419 01:33:48,396 --> 01:33:50,618 now . On the front line , as , as we've 2420 01:33:50,618 --> 01:33:52,729 spoken about , the fighting is active 2421 01:33:52,729 --> 01:33:54,896 along the forward line of troops . And 2422 01:33:54,896 --> 01:33:57,560 so those things that view most directly 2423 01:33:57,569 --> 01:33:59,458 that have the shortest downstream 2424 01:33:59,458 --> 01:34:01,569 effect right now , I think should be 2425 01:34:01,580 --> 01:34:04,390 struck kind of feeding the wolf closest 2426 01:34:04,399 --> 01:34:06,621 to the sled , I think is what they need 2427 01:34:06,621 --> 01:34:08,677 to do right now . Is , is it , is it 2428 01:34:08,677 --> 01:34:10,788 your military judgment that we should 2429 01:34:10,788 --> 01:34:12,732 provide Ukraine with more and more 2430 01:34:12,732 --> 01:34:14,843 variants of the attacks missiles than 2431 01:34:14,843 --> 01:34:17,299 we have already ? It is . Ok . Um One 2432 01:34:17,310 --> 01:34:19,477 final question on this small and , and 2433 01:34:19,477 --> 01:34:21,477 large point , um It's been reported 2434 01:34:21,477 --> 01:34:23,477 that that Russia has about a 3 to 1 2435 01:34:23,477 --> 01:34:25,699 advantage in artillery production right 2436 01:34:25,699 --> 01:34:27,588 now over Ukraine . Um I , is that 2437 01:34:27,588 --> 01:34:29,810 accurate ? Uh No sir , they have a 3 to 2438 01:34:29,810 --> 01:34:33,740 1 production advantage over the 2439 01:34:33,750 --> 01:34:35,917 North Atlantic treaty or Ukraine , the 2440 01:34:35,917 --> 01:34:38,083 good guys , let's put it that way . Uh 2441 01:34:38,083 --> 01:34:40,306 ok . So , uh but isn't it also the case 2442 01:34:40,306 --> 01:34:43,160 that Ukraine is destroying four Russian 2443 01:34:43,169 --> 01:34:45,279 Houser for everyone that Russia 2444 01:34:45,290 --> 01:34:48,160 destroys something about like that , 2445 01:34:49,580 --> 01:34:51,747 pretty big mismatch if you , if Russia 2446 01:34:51,747 --> 01:34:54,609 can , can make three times as many big 2447 01:34:54,620 --> 01:34:56,279 rounds that we all can make 2448 01:34:56,290 --> 01:34:58,346 collectively that Ukraine is able to 2449 01:34:58,346 --> 01:35:00,479 kill four times as many guns as , as 2450 01:35:00,490 --> 01:35:02,823 Russia has what explains that the , the , 2451 01:35:02,823 --> 01:35:05,620 the what explains their ability to , to 2452 01:35:05,629 --> 01:35:07,796 kill more because the Russians are not 2453 01:35:07,796 --> 01:35:10,018 as precise in their targeting . So it's 2454 01:35:10,018 --> 01:35:12,185 not just a matter of having a lot more 2455 01:35:12,185 --> 01:35:11,939 stuff although it's nice to have more 2456 01:35:11,950 --> 01:35:14,172 stuff and we should certainly have more 2457 01:35:14,172 --> 01:35:16,283 stuff and be able to make it faster . 2458 01:35:16,283 --> 01:35:15,970 It's also that you got to be able to 2459 01:35:15,979 --> 01:35:18,090 use it or to put it in simple terms , 2460 01:35:18,090 --> 01:35:20,201 you got to be able to hit the targets 2461 01:35:20,201 --> 01:35:22,423 that you shoot at in a timely fashion . 2462 01:35:22,423 --> 01:35:24,590 Of course , Ukraine is doing that much 2463 01:35:24,590 --> 01:35:24,529 more effectively than Russia is doing 2464 01:35:24,540 --> 01:35:27,600 that typically , but not you not 2465 01:35:27,609 --> 01:35:29,276 uniformly . So why the 3 to 1 2466 01:35:29,276 --> 01:35:31,442 production advantage is unsatisfactory 2467 01:35:31,442 --> 01:35:33,498 and needs to be reversed . It's also 2468 01:35:33,498 --> 01:35:36,140 not uh the a sign that Russian victory 2469 01:35:36,149 --> 01:35:38,479 is inevitable . There is no such thing 2470 01:35:38,490 --> 01:35:40,620 as you know , of inevitable victory , 2471 01:35:40,629 --> 01:35:43,359 sir . Um I if , if your question is , 2472 01:35:43,370 --> 01:35:45,592 can Ukraine win this war ? They can win 2473 01:35:45,592 --> 01:35:47,703 this war , can they win it without um 2474 01:35:47,703 --> 01:35:50,629 without achieving Russian levels of 2475 01:35:50,640 --> 01:35:53,709 production ? Sure they can . Um But 2476 01:35:53,720 --> 01:35:55,776 right now they're in a very critical 2477 01:35:55,776 --> 01:35:57,887 moment . Well , what would be best is 2478 01:35:57,887 --> 01:35:57,779 if we achieve Russian levels of 2479 01:35:57,790 --> 01:36:00,649 production and we maintain the 4 to 1 2480 01:36:00,660 --> 01:36:02,827 advantage on , on targeting . So let's 2481 01:36:02,827 --> 01:36:06,209 try to , let's try to get there . Thank 2482 01:36:06,220 --> 01:36:08,498 you , Senator Cotton , Senator Schmidt , 2483 01:36:08,498 --> 01:36:10,498 please . Thank you , Mr Chairman um 2484 01:36:10,498 --> 01:36:12,553 General Cavoli . Thank you for being 2485 01:36:12,553 --> 01:36:14,776 here . Um , a couple of questions about 2486 01:36:14,776 --> 01:36:14,240 NATO and then I do want to ask about 2487 01:36:14,250 --> 01:36:18,049 the guys up here . Um There , there's a 2488 01:36:18,060 --> 01:36:20,227 lot of discussions today about lessons 2489 01:36:20,227 --> 01:36:22,338 learned from the Ukraine war . One of 2490 01:36:22,338 --> 01:36:24,560 the lessons I suppose that we could all 2491 01:36:24,560 --> 01:36:27,549 learn is that , um , our European 2492 01:36:27,560 --> 01:36:29,227 allies in NATO have come very 2493 01:36:29,229 --> 01:36:32,100 accustomed to us subsidizing their 2494 01:36:32,410 --> 01:36:34,299 social welfare programs in Europe 2495 01:36:34,299 --> 01:36:36,354 because they refuse to meet their 2% 2496 01:36:36,354 --> 01:36:38,577 obligations . There's only 11 countries 2497 01:36:38,577 --> 01:36:41,200 that do it . Um , and I think , you 2498 01:36:41,209 --> 01:36:43,487 know , we represent American taxpayers , 2499 01:36:44,439 --> 01:36:46,383 United States sent , that's who we 2500 01:36:46,383 --> 01:36:48,550 represent . Um , and I wanna ask about 2501 01:36:48,550 --> 01:36:51,740 that . So what in 2502 01:36:53,299 --> 01:36:56,240 so 2% the t why is 2% the target ? 2503 01:36:57,189 --> 01:36:58,450 Why not ? 3% 2504 01:37:01,140 --> 01:37:03,790 sir ? Because that's what was agreed to 2505 01:37:03,799 --> 01:37:07,729 at Wales some years ago . Um I , is it 2506 01:37:07,740 --> 01:37:10,240 an appropriate target ? Is it an 2507 01:37:10,250 --> 01:37:12,229 arbitrary target ? I leave those 2508 01:37:12,240 --> 01:37:14,462 questions to somebody else . What I can 2509 01:37:14,462 --> 01:37:16,580 tell you is that I know what the 2510 01:37:16,589 --> 01:37:18,819 alliance needs to do to modernize and 2511 01:37:18,830 --> 01:37:21,479 to get fit for its collective defense , 2512 01:37:21,490 --> 01:37:23,680 its new purpose , its reestablished 2513 01:37:23,689 --> 01:37:26,229 purpose in the wake of the invasion of 2514 01:37:26,240 --> 01:37:30,109 Ukraine . And um it is at least 2% . 2515 01:37:30,240 --> 01:37:32,549 That's why the alliance at the last 2516 01:37:32,560 --> 01:37:35,660 summit adopted the phrase floor , not a 2517 01:37:35,669 --> 01:37:38,470 ceiling . I think over time we'll see 2518 01:37:38,479 --> 01:37:40,979 our allies realize that it is , it 2% 2519 01:37:40,990 --> 01:37:43,720 is inadequate uh for the cost , at 2520 01:37:43,729 --> 01:37:45,896 least in the near and midterm . Yeah , 2521 01:37:45,896 --> 01:37:48,007 I'm glad that I'm glad that they make 2522 01:37:48,007 --> 01:37:50,062 these pronouncements . Um but uh our 2523 01:37:50,062 --> 01:37:52,118 allies and in NATO allies , but they 2524 01:37:52,118 --> 01:37:54,451 don't seem to ever meet the obligations . 2525 01:37:54,451 --> 01:37:56,779 And so I guess at what point , um you 2526 01:37:56,790 --> 01:37:58,957 know , when you only have 11 countries 2527 01:37:58,957 --> 01:38:00,957 doing it . And by the way , many of 2528 01:38:00,957 --> 01:38:03,234 them fudge these numbers . They're not , 2529 01:38:03,234 --> 01:38:05,457 they're not dollars related to military 2530 01:38:05,457 --> 01:38:07,700 readiness . Um And so here we are now , 2531 01:38:08,419 --> 01:38:10,586 the taxpayers are again being asked to 2532 01:38:10,586 --> 01:38:12,752 spend another 60 billion on top of the 2533 01:38:12,752 --> 01:38:14,752 112 billion , we've been told there 2534 01:38:14,752 --> 01:38:16,975 could be another 100 billion requests , 2535 01:38:16,975 --> 01:38:19,086 although that's not reflected in this 2536 01:38:19,086 --> 01:38:21,086 budget . Um So we don't really know 2537 01:38:21,086 --> 01:38:24,100 this is a ongoing war and a blank check . 2538 01:38:25,000 --> 01:38:27,830 And I believe my job is to try to find 2539 01:38:27,839 --> 01:38:30,779 out what does victory look like and 2540 01:38:30,790 --> 01:38:33,012 what is the cost gonna be ? Because I , 2541 01:38:33,012 --> 01:38:34,957 I feel like we're in this mode now 2542 01:38:34,957 --> 01:38:38,310 where um this dominates discussion , 2543 01:38:38,319 --> 01:38:40,486 but there aren't really a whole lot of 2544 01:38:40,486 --> 01:38:43,189 details . Um So again , I question 2545 01:38:43,200 --> 01:38:46,149 whether 2% is even enough for our 2546 01:38:46,160 --> 01:38:49,160 European allies . Um I don't think that 2547 01:38:49,169 --> 01:38:51,336 it is . I think I hear you saying that 2548 01:38:51,336 --> 01:38:53,169 but we also only have 11 of them 2549 01:38:53,169 --> 01:38:55,391 meeting those obligations . And again , 2550 01:38:55,391 --> 01:38:57,669 I think those numbers are being fudged . 2551 01:38:57,669 --> 01:38:59,836 I also uh have come to learn that . Is 2552 01:38:59,836 --> 01:39:01,891 it your understanding that Hawaii is 2553 01:39:01,891 --> 01:39:04,002 actually not included in article five 2554 01:39:04,002 --> 01:39:07,109 obligations under NATO ? Um 2555 01:39:07,319 --> 01:39:11,100 Sure . So um the number right now is 2556 01:39:11,109 --> 01:39:14,100 20 are meeting , um twe 20 allies are 2557 01:39:14,109 --> 01:39:16,859 meeting 2% as of June . They , they 2558 01:39:16,870 --> 01:39:18,926 will be projected . Norway just sent 2559 01:39:18,926 --> 01:39:20,814 the Secretary General a letter on 2560 01:39:20,814 --> 01:39:22,981 Monday saying that and , and there are 2561 01:39:22,981 --> 01:39:25,203 a couple more coming up . But the point 2562 01:39:25,203 --> 01:39:27,037 senator your point that the rich 2563 01:39:27,037 --> 01:39:29,092 countries of Western Europe that are 2564 01:39:29,092 --> 01:39:31,634 not at 2% are in the wrong place . I 2565 01:39:31,645 --> 01:39:33,201 agree with . Absolutely and 2566 01:39:33,201 --> 01:39:35,312 fundamentally , but I would point out 2567 01:39:35,312 --> 01:39:37,256 that the trajectory is moving very 2568 01:39:37,256 --> 01:39:39,367 rapidly um in the right direction and 2569 01:39:39,367 --> 01:39:41,805 it's doing that because our allies have 2570 01:39:41,814 --> 01:39:43,925 learned the lesson of the invasion of 2571 01:39:43,925 --> 01:39:46,154 Ukraine as well . Um We still do need 2572 01:39:46,165 --> 01:39:48,834 to close the say do gap , however , um 2573 01:39:48,845 --> 01:39:50,955 Yy , yeah , so um 2574 01:39:52,339 --> 01:39:55,779 with regard to um Hawaii , if Hawaii is 2575 01:39:55,790 --> 01:39:59,200 attacked by China , article six 2576 01:39:59,209 --> 01:40:01,042 defines of the Washington treaty 2577 01:40:01,042 --> 01:40:04,399 defines what the territory covered in 2578 01:40:04,410 --> 01:40:07,339 the treaty is . Um south of the tropic 2579 01:40:07,350 --> 01:40:09,239 of cancer is not included . So uh 2580 01:40:09,239 --> 01:40:11,859 French Polynesia is not in there . The 2581 01:40:11,870 --> 01:40:14,160 U K's Pitcairn Islands are not in there 2582 01:40:14,549 --> 01:40:16,660 in Hawaii and Guam are not in there . 2583 01:40:16,660 --> 01:40:20,140 However , article four gives any nation 2584 01:40:20,149 --> 01:40:22,899 that has been attacked the right to 2585 01:40:22,910 --> 01:40:25,319 call consultations with other nations 2586 01:40:25,370 --> 01:40:27,481 and to say I want you to do something 2587 01:40:27,481 --> 01:40:29,481 about this . And article five gives 2588 01:40:29,481 --> 01:40:31,537 them all the same sovereign right to 2589 01:40:31,537 --> 01:40:33,259 decide on that . It's just not 2590 01:40:33,259 --> 01:40:35,314 automatic . But article six , if you 2591 01:40:35,314 --> 01:40:37,481 want , one would be our , our European 2592 01:40:37,481 --> 01:40:39,592 allies would have no objection to why 2593 01:40:39,592 --> 01:40:41,759 you're being included . Correct ? II , 2594 01:40:41,759 --> 01:40:43,926 I would expect not . Article six can , 2595 01:40:43,926 --> 01:40:45,981 what about Guam ? Article six can be 2596 01:40:45,981 --> 01:40:48,037 amended . The United States is never 2597 01:40:48,037 --> 01:40:50,037 asked to amend it . Um I I'm deeply 2598 01:40:50,037 --> 01:40:53,600 troubled by um uh Macron's comments , I 2599 01:40:53,609 --> 01:40:57,109 guess about a year ago that um that 2600 01:40:57,120 --> 01:40:59,287 Europe doesn't need to be dragged into 2601 01:40:59,287 --> 01:41:01,287 a war in the Pacific and follow the 2602 01:41:01,287 --> 01:41:03,176 United States . Something to that 2603 01:41:03,176 --> 01:41:05,790 effect . Um In America's strategic 2604 01:41:05,799 --> 01:41:08,459 interest , China is by far and away our 2605 01:41:08,470 --> 01:41:11,600 biggest threat . Um Do you 2606 01:41:11,609 --> 01:41:15,419 believe that our NATO allies , if 2607 01:41:15,430 --> 01:41:19,009 Taiwan is attacked , would join us 2608 01:41:19,520 --> 01:41:23,270 in that ? Cause I , I believe that many 2609 01:41:23,279 --> 01:41:25,500 of them would , I do not believe that 2610 01:41:25,509 --> 01:41:28,220 NATO as an alliance has that purpose 2611 01:41:28,229 --> 01:41:30,660 right now . It could adopt that purpose , 2612 01:41:30,689 --> 01:41:32,856 but that's not part of the , is anyone 2613 01:41:32,856 --> 01:41:35,022 in this administration talking to them 2614 01:41:35,022 --> 01:41:37,133 about that ? Oh , this administration 2615 01:41:37,133 --> 01:41:39,022 talks a great deal too about that 2616 01:41:39,022 --> 01:41:40,979 specific issue to our allies about 2617 01:41:40,990 --> 01:41:43,212 being active in the Pacific . Are , are 2618 01:41:43,212 --> 01:41:45,212 you asking is , well , I guess I'll 2619 01:41:45,212 --> 01:41:47,434 just close with this because I'm out of 2620 01:41:47,434 --> 01:41:50,339 time . I'm very concerned that um our 2621 01:41:50,350 --> 01:41:53,689 NATO allies um don't meet their 2622 01:41:53,700 --> 01:41:56,549 obligations , depend on the generosity 2623 01:41:56,589 --> 01:41:58,950 of the American taxpayer to a degree . 2624 01:41:59,109 --> 01:42:02,180 Um that uh of 2625 01:42:04,080 --> 01:42:06,191 I it's very concerning to me and when 2626 01:42:06,191 --> 01:42:08,779 you hear comments from the leader of 2627 01:42:08,790 --> 01:42:11,080 France that they don't want to follow 2628 01:42:11,089 --> 01:42:13,145 the United States into potentially a 2629 01:42:13,145 --> 01:42:15,189 war in the Pacific , uh potentially 2630 01:42:15,200 --> 01:42:18,089 with our chief adversary China . Uh 2631 01:42:18,180 --> 01:42:20,291 that , that raises a lot of concern . 2632 01:42:20,291 --> 01:42:22,490 So , um anyway , I appreciate your 2633 01:42:22,500 --> 01:42:24,970 service and what you do . Um But again , 2634 01:42:24,979 --> 01:42:27,201 I , I just don't feel like our European 2635 01:42:27,201 --> 01:42:29,257 allies have stepped up . Thank you . 2636 01:42:29,257 --> 01:42:31,090 Thank you , Senator Schmidt . Uh 2637 01:42:31,090 --> 01:42:32,757 Senator King . Requested . Uh 2638 01:42:32,757 --> 01:42:34,923 additional time , 111 brief question , 2639 01:42:34,923 --> 01:42:38,290 we talked a lot about air defense um is 2640 01:42:38,299 --> 01:42:40,410 are are there and perhaps this has to 2641 01:42:40,410 --> 01:42:42,466 go to the closed session . Are there 2642 01:42:42,466 --> 01:42:44,132 directed energy , air defense 2643 01:42:44,132 --> 01:42:46,240 facilities in Ukraine ? Because the 2644 01:42:46,250 --> 01:42:48,417 bullet on a bullet is a very expensive 2645 01:42:48,417 --> 01:42:52,060 way to defend . Directed energy is a 2646 01:42:52,069 --> 01:42:54,830 lot cheaper . And I know there are 2647 01:42:54,839 --> 01:42:57,109 systems now that are in development or 2648 01:42:57,120 --> 01:42:59,410 actually in testing , is that an option 2649 01:42:59,419 --> 01:43:01,586 that we should be pursuing in terms of 2650 01:43:01,586 --> 01:43:03,863 our support for air defense in Ukraine ? 2651 01:43:03,863 --> 01:43:05,975 It is an option that , that , that we 2652 01:43:05,975 --> 01:43:09,250 could pursue . Senator and your points 2653 01:43:09,259 --> 01:43:11,810 about the cost ratios and the reload 2654 01:43:11,819 --> 01:43:14,410 ratio , uh speed of directed energy is 2655 01:43:14,419 --> 01:43:16,752 very , you know , very important . It's , 2656 01:43:16,752 --> 01:43:18,975 it's obviously a big part of the future 2657 01:43:18,975 --> 01:43:20,975 of missile defense specifically and 2658 01:43:20,975 --> 01:43:23,030 counter drone defense specifically , 2659 01:43:23,030 --> 01:43:25,086 there are some systems um that we're 2660 01:43:25,086 --> 01:43:27,470 working with out there . Um There are a 2661 01:43:27,479 --> 01:43:29,479 lot of power problems as you know , 2662 01:43:29,479 --> 01:43:31,535 associated with . Still , we haven't 2663 01:43:31,535 --> 01:43:33,839 fully realized its potential um with 2664 01:43:33,850 --> 01:43:36,017 regard to Ukraine , it , it'd be great 2665 01:43:36,017 --> 01:43:38,017 to speak to you just a moment about 2666 01:43:38,017 --> 01:43:40,072 that in , in , in a closed session . 2667 01:43:40,072 --> 01:43:42,183 Thank you . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 2668 01:43:42,183 --> 01:43:44,294 Thank you , Senator King . Uh Senator 2669 01:43:44,294 --> 01:43:46,239 Smith one more . I have a judicial 2670 01:43:46,239 --> 01:43:45,959 question . Yeah , thank you . Thank you , 2671 01:43:45,970 --> 01:43:48,169 Mr Chairman . Um I did not get to the 2672 01:43:48,220 --> 01:43:50,200 Gaza here . So um I apologize . Uh 2673 01:43:50,220 --> 01:43:52,669 General uh Van Os , I did want to ask 2674 01:43:52,680 --> 01:43:54,791 you Um I know there's been discussion 2675 01:43:54,791 --> 01:43:58,250 about this uh effort to Gaza here 2676 01:43:58,259 --> 01:44:01,370 um for humanitarian aid . Um 2677 01:44:02,890 --> 01:44:04,779 I have concerns and I don't think 2678 01:44:04,779 --> 01:44:07,049 they're alone . Um I don't think I'm 2679 01:44:07,060 --> 01:44:09,282 alone in concerns about what that means 2680 01:44:09,282 --> 01:44:11,890 for our American troops or personnel 2681 01:44:11,899 --> 01:44:14,250 that would be engaged in this activity . 2682 01:44:14,310 --> 01:44:16,532 What is your understanding of what this 2683 01:44:16,532 --> 01:44:18,643 looks like ? Uh What could be done if 2684 01:44:18,643 --> 01:44:20,866 this is happening ? What can be done to 2685 01:44:20,866 --> 01:44:22,588 ensure that American lives are 2686 01:44:22,588 --> 01:44:25,060 protected ? Yeah , thanks . Uh I think 2687 01:44:25,069 --> 01:44:27,180 about uh what we do at Transportation 2688 01:44:27,180 --> 01:44:29,500 Command . We provide transportation for 2689 01:44:29,509 --> 01:44:31,620 these capabilities around the globe . 2690 01:44:31,620 --> 01:44:33,620 We have to exercise them . We do it 2691 01:44:33,620 --> 01:44:35,787 almost every year . Uh as we bring all 2692 01:44:35,787 --> 01:44:37,842 of the elements together to do joint 2693 01:44:37,842 --> 01:44:39,676 logistics over the shore or even 2694 01:44:39,676 --> 01:44:41,787 airdrop through humanitarian aid . Uh 2695 01:44:41,787 --> 01:44:44,479 We put um uh processes and we exercise 2696 01:44:44,490 --> 01:44:46,379 these things . So we have a great 2697 01:44:46,379 --> 01:44:48,601 understanding of what it takes to build 2698 01:44:48,601 --> 01:44:51,040 a pier and a discharge facility and to 2699 01:44:51,049 --> 01:44:53,327 offload and to move humanitarian goods . 2700 01:44:53,327 --> 01:44:55,419 We've done this uh actively for the 2701 01:44:55,430 --> 01:44:58,810 Haiti earthquake in 2010 . So when we 2702 01:44:58,819 --> 01:45:00,930 think about the new , you know , what 2703 01:45:00,930 --> 01:45:03,152 is the strategic environment associated 2704 01:45:03,152 --> 01:45:04,930 uh with doing this in Gaza ? Uh 2705 01:45:04,930 --> 01:45:07,299 Obviously , II I forward that to the 2706 01:45:07,310 --> 01:45:09,199 geographic combatant commander to 2707 01:45:09,199 --> 01:45:11,310 Centcom . So we're working diligently 2708 01:45:11,310 --> 01:45:13,310 with them on the planning and I can 2709 01:45:13,310 --> 01:45:15,421 tell you that force protection is our 2710 01:45:15,421 --> 01:45:17,643 number one concern . And if I could add 2711 01:45:17,643 --> 01:45:19,779 to that senator , so O obviously with 2712 01:45:19,790 --> 01:45:23,779 the transfer of uh Israel from the Ucom 2713 01:45:23,790 --> 01:45:25,901 area of responsibility to the Centcom 2714 01:45:25,901 --> 01:45:28,779 area of responsibility . Um We , we get 2715 01:45:28,790 --> 01:45:31,020 a , a combined effort there now . So 2716 01:45:31,029 --> 01:45:34,700 the protection um is combined between 2717 01:45:34,709 --> 01:45:38,240 us U COM and Centcom depending on which 2718 01:45:38,250 --> 01:45:40,139 exact part of the operation we're 2719 01:45:40,139 --> 01:45:41,972 talking about Eric and I uh Eric 2720 01:45:41,972 --> 01:45:44,194 Carrell and I have been in very intense 2721 01:45:44,194 --> 01:45:45,917 conversation about this . More 2722 01:45:45,917 --> 01:45:48,194 importantly in our maritime components . 2723 01:45:48,194 --> 01:45:50,306 We've been very , very close planning 2724 01:45:50,306 --> 01:45:52,779 on this . Um It's not without danger 2725 01:45:52,790 --> 01:45:54,957 but , but um but we know how to handle 2726 01:45:54,957 --> 01:45:57,012 it , sir . Well , and I , I guess it 2727 01:45:57,012 --> 01:45:59,234 just to , to , to color in a little bit 2728 01:45:59,234 --> 01:46:01,234 of detail to the extent . Um I know 2729 01:46:01,234 --> 01:46:00,930 it's just been , the gaz up here has 2730 01:46:00,939 --> 01:46:03,106 been sort of talked about , but what's 2731 01:46:03,106 --> 01:46:04,606 your , who's , what's your 2732 01:46:04,606 --> 01:46:06,661 understanding of who's receiving the 2733 01:46:06,661 --> 01:46:08,717 aid ? I guess we've vaguely heard of 2734 01:46:08,717 --> 01:46:11,120 NGO S . Um But again , this is in a 2735 01:46:11,129 --> 01:46:13,520 very um dangerous part of the world 2736 01:46:13,529 --> 01:46:15,585 right now with a lot of people who , 2737 01:46:15,585 --> 01:46:18,120 who don't like um the United States of 2738 01:46:18,129 --> 01:46:19,962 America . So I guess what's your 2739 01:46:19,962 --> 01:46:22,129 understanding of , of more the details 2740 01:46:22,129 --> 01:46:24,351 as it stands today , sir ? So , so that 2741 01:46:24,351 --> 01:46:26,520 part is Inside General Corolla's A or 2742 01:46:26,529 --> 01:46:29,229 Inside Centcom . And uh II , I know 2743 01:46:29,240 --> 01:46:31,351 that this is a fast moving story as , 2744 01:46:31,351 --> 01:46:33,462 as as we go forward and I hesitate to 2745 01:46:33,462 --> 01:46:35,684 give you an answer , I can refer to him 2746 01:46:35,684 --> 01:46:37,684 for you . We'll follow up on that . 2747 01:46:37,684 --> 01:46:39,684 Thank you . Thank you . Thank you , 2748 01:46:39,684 --> 01:46:41,518 Senator Schmidt . Uh , I've been 2749 01:46:41,518 --> 01:46:43,573 informed that Senator Sullivan is on 2750 01:46:43,573 --> 01:46:45,790 his way , but I have an additional 2751 01:46:45,799 --> 01:46:48,021 question . There's been discussion back 2752 01:46:48,021 --> 01:46:50,080 and forth in a very , I think , uh , 2753 01:46:50,790 --> 01:46:54,669 useful one about , uh , what happens if , 2754 01:46:54,680 --> 01:46:57,430 uh , the UK Ukrainian government 2755 01:46:57,680 --> 01:47:01,379 fails and , and my sense and I 2756 01:47:01,390 --> 01:47:03,470 just , uh , ask for your opinion . 2757 01:47:03,479 --> 01:47:06,029 General Cavoli is that if we fail in 2758 01:47:06,189 --> 01:47:08,910 Ukraine , Russia is more likely to 2759 01:47:08,919 --> 01:47:10,790 conduct operations against other 2760 01:47:10,799 --> 01:47:13,979 countries . Uh So if we really want to 2761 01:47:14,270 --> 01:47:16,950 diminish a potential conflict between 2762 01:47:16,959 --> 01:47:18,959 NATO , the United States and Russia 2763 01:47:19,169 --> 01:47:22,410 succeeding Ukraine is a fundamental uh 2764 01:47:23,450 --> 01:47:26,959 obligation or uh sir , 2765 01:47:26,970 --> 01:47:30,660 II , I agree . I think um the biggest 2766 01:47:30,669 --> 01:47:32,502 single change we can make in our 2767 01:47:32,502 --> 01:47:35,200 deterrent posture for the better is for 2768 01:47:35,209 --> 01:47:39,000 Ukraine to win . And uh 2769 01:47:39,009 --> 01:47:42,459 there's been comments about uh the 2770 01:47:42,470 --> 01:47:46,470 contribution of our allies , but uh the 2771 01:47:46,770 --> 01:47:49,560 reality is that in many other ways 2772 01:47:49,569 --> 01:47:51,625 which are absolutely critical to the 2773 01:47:51,625 --> 01:47:55,029 success of the Ukraine , um Our allies 2774 01:47:55,040 --> 01:47:57,151 are far out pacing us in humanitarian 2775 01:47:57,151 --> 01:47:59,484 assistance and absorption of immigrants , 2776 01:47:59,500 --> 01:48:02,240 very costly programs . But without 2777 01:48:02,250 --> 01:48:04,830 those programs , uh essentially Ukraine 2778 01:48:04,839 --> 01:48:07,061 would not be able to concentrate on the 2779 01:48:07,061 --> 01:48:09,228 battle . Is that accurate ? Yeah , a a 2780 01:48:09,228 --> 01:48:12,250 absolutely chairman . Um the uh amount 2781 01:48:12,259 --> 01:48:14,540 of humanitarian assistance , the amount 2782 01:48:14,549 --> 01:48:16,493 of support for the electrical grid 2783 01:48:16,493 --> 01:48:18,740 which is under constant attack and on 2784 01:48:18,750 --> 01:48:22,229 and on . Uh the not inconsequential 2785 01:48:22,240 --> 01:48:24,990 act of taking on board at least 4 2786 01:48:25,000 --> 01:48:28,109 million refugees for two years without , 2787 01:48:28,120 --> 01:48:31,189 without a bump . Um The , these are the , 2788 01:48:31,200 --> 01:48:33,256 these are important contributions to 2789 01:48:33,256 --> 01:48:35,144 some of them are , are , are less 2790 01:48:35,144 --> 01:48:36,978 tangible , sir . Um But they are 2791 01:48:36,978 --> 01:48:39,569 contributions um inside the military 2792 01:48:39,580 --> 01:48:41,802 sphere . I , I really have to point out 2793 01:48:41,802 --> 01:48:43,913 there , there are some things that we 2794 01:48:43,913 --> 01:48:47,109 provide a lot of and in the aggregate , 2795 01:48:47,120 --> 01:48:49,479 we are certainly providing an awful lot . 2796 01:48:49,729 --> 01:48:51,840 Um But there are some things that are 2797 01:48:51,840 --> 01:48:55,330 100% provided by people other than the 2798 01:48:55,339 --> 01:48:58,049 United States , uh petroleum products 2799 01:48:58,060 --> 01:49:00,899 for the use the fuel for the force 100% 2800 01:49:00,910 --> 01:49:04,830 from allies . Um All of it tanks , more 2801 01:49:04,839 --> 01:49:07,020 than 90% of the tanks that we've given 2802 01:49:07,029 --> 01:49:09,085 to the Ukrainians came from allies , 2803 01:49:09,085 --> 01:49:11,140 not from us , fighter jets , 100% of 2804 01:49:11,140 --> 01:49:13,779 them have not come from us . Um um and 2805 01:49:13,790 --> 01:49:15,846 I and I could go on and on . So , so 2806 01:49:15,846 --> 01:49:17,623 it's really important for us to 2807 01:49:17,623 --> 01:49:19,846 recognize the value of our contribution 2808 01:49:19,865 --> 01:49:22,032 and to justify , it's important for me 2809 01:49:22,032 --> 01:49:23,976 to be able to justify to , to , to 2810 01:49:23,976 --> 01:49:26,143 members and constituents , the , the , 2811 01:49:26,143 --> 01:49:28,254 the , the , the value proposition for 2812 01:49:28,254 --> 01:49:30,476 America in these contributions , but we 2813 01:49:30,476 --> 01:49:32,587 shouldn't lose sight of the fact that 2814 01:49:32,587 --> 01:49:34,698 our allies are contributing as well . 2815 01:49:34,698 --> 01:49:37,535 In fact , um just my impression it 2816 01:49:37,544 --> 01:49:40,990 might be yours is that uh the European 2817 01:49:41,000 --> 01:49:43,520 allies and NATO and other countries in 2818 01:49:43,529 --> 01:49:45,359 Europe have far exceeded any 2819 01:49:45,370 --> 01:49:47,399 expectations we had when this fight 2820 01:49:47,410 --> 01:49:51,120 began . I , I'm impressed , I think in 2821 01:49:51,129 --> 01:49:53,330 the terms of , and it's for their own 2822 01:49:53,339 --> 01:49:55,700 self interest and self protection , but 2823 01:49:55,709 --> 01:49:57,910 it is , uh , I , I agree with that , 2824 01:49:57,919 --> 01:49:59,808 not just in terms of what they're 2825 01:49:59,808 --> 01:50:01,697 giving to Ukraine and the support 2826 01:50:01,697 --> 01:50:03,641 they're giving to Ukraine , but in 2827 01:50:03,641 --> 01:50:05,863 terms of what they expect of themselves 2828 01:50:05,863 --> 01:50:08,197 to contribute to the alliance . Um , um , 2829 01:50:08,197 --> 01:50:10,530 so both of those tracks , it's , uh , I , 2830 01:50:10,530 --> 01:50:12,863 I would never have guessed this in , uh , 2831 01:50:12,863 --> 01:50:15,089 2021 chairman . Uh , I was in the same 2832 01:50:15,100 --> 01:50:18,770 sense of uh disbelief as you were , sir . 2833 01:50:18,779 --> 01:50:21,549 Uh Let me recognize Senator Sullivan . 2834 01:50:21,560 --> 01:50:23,504 Uh We're trying to keep it to five 2835 01:50:23,504 --> 01:50:25,616 minutes . We have to adjourn chance . 2836 01:50:25,616 --> 01:50:27,671 Thank you , Mr Chairman uh General . 2837 01:50:27,671 --> 01:50:29,782 It's good to see both of you . Thanks 2838 01:50:29,782 --> 01:50:32,229 for your great work . Um General Cavoli , 2839 01:50:32,240 --> 01:50:34,560 I wanna dig into a little bit more 2840 01:50:34,569 --> 01:50:38,069 about a couple of issues . One is the 2841 01:50:38,080 --> 01:50:41,700 extent to which the authoritarian 2842 01:50:41,709 --> 01:50:44,540 regimes in the world who are all on the 2843 01:50:44,549 --> 01:50:48,500 March . Um China , 2844 01:50:48,509 --> 01:50:52,450 Russia , Iran , North 2845 01:50:52,459 --> 01:50:56,350 Korea are cooperating . I'm sure 2846 01:50:56,359 --> 01:50:58,759 you're seeing this . But um can you 2847 01:50:58,770 --> 01:51:00,826 spell that out a little bit more ? I 2848 01:51:00,826 --> 01:51:03,430 mean , one of the things that I talk 2849 01:51:03,439 --> 01:51:05,328 about with this national security 2850 01:51:05,328 --> 01:51:07,495 supplement , I don't even like calling 2851 01:51:07,495 --> 01:51:09,439 it the Ukraine supplemental or the 2852 01:51:09,439 --> 01:51:11,606 Ukraine aid bill because it's actually 2853 01:51:11,606 --> 01:51:14,209 not accurate , the more accurate way to 2854 01:51:14,220 --> 01:51:17,370 pick that bill is , we have 2855 01:51:17,379 --> 01:51:19,490 authoritarians all working together , 2856 01:51:19,740 --> 01:51:22,240 clearly aimed at us . They hate us 2857 01:51:23,189 --> 01:51:27,189 and um we need to be strategic in 2858 01:51:27,200 --> 01:51:30,350 our response and we also need to 2859 01:51:30,359 --> 01:51:32,526 recognize that our own industrial base 2860 01:51:32,526 --> 01:51:35,310 is atrophied dramatically . It has . 2861 01:51:36,209 --> 01:51:38,669 And so I like to call this national 2862 01:51:38,680 --> 01:51:41,109 Security Bill , the revitalizing 2863 01:51:41,120 --> 01:51:44,750 America's Industrial Base Act because 2864 01:51:44,759 --> 01:51:48,250 60% of it , 60% of it goes directly 2865 01:51:48,259 --> 01:51:51,930 into our ability , America's ability to 2866 01:51:51,939 --> 01:51:55,310 produce weapons for us . Everything 2867 01:51:55,319 --> 01:51:57,430 from nuclear subs which Xi Jinping is 2868 01:51:57,430 --> 01:52:00,520 scared to death of to 155 millimeter 2869 01:52:00,529 --> 01:52:02,640 howitzer around . So , can you talk a 2870 01:52:02,640 --> 01:52:04,430 little bit more about how these 2871 01:52:04,439 --> 01:52:06,729 Dictatorships who don't like us now ? 2872 01:52:06,740 --> 01:52:09,479 We don't like them uh are all working 2873 01:52:09,490 --> 01:52:11,601 together and what that means in terms 2874 01:52:11,601 --> 01:52:14,939 of strategy . A a absolutely senator . 2875 01:52:14,950 --> 01:52:18,120 Um First of all , I think the way 2876 01:52:18,129 --> 01:52:20,589 you've characterized this is spot on . 2877 01:52:20,890 --> 01:52:23,240 Um these are not our friends that the , 2878 01:52:23,250 --> 01:52:25,720 these are countries , these are regimes 2879 01:52:25,729 --> 01:52:28,490 that wish us ill and are taking active 2880 01:52:28,500 --> 01:52:31,720 measures to deliver us ill . Um So 2881 01:52:31,729 --> 01:52:33,507 there's practical cooperation's 2882 01:52:33,507 --> 01:52:35,660 practical cooper operation on an 2883 01:52:35,669 --> 01:52:37,959 economic level that that is China 2884 01:52:37,970 --> 01:52:41,060 becomes Russia's salvation economically , 2885 01:52:41,069 --> 01:52:43,359 right ? By absorbing its uh its gas 2886 01:52:43,370 --> 01:52:45,720 output . Um Other countries do the same 2887 01:52:46,000 --> 01:52:48,278 and oil uh other countries do the same . 2888 01:52:48,549 --> 01:52:50,890 There's direct military support , right ? 2889 01:52:50,899 --> 01:52:53,649 D pr K loads up trainloads of artillery 2890 01:52:53,660 --> 01:52:55,438 shells and sends them and those 2891 01:52:55,438 --> 01:52:57,438 artillery shells are exploding over 2892 01:52:57,438 --> 01:52:59,649 Ukrainian heads every day . Um A a and 2893 01:52:59,660 --> 01:53:02,819 on the earlier , we discussed the uh 2894 01:53:02,830 --> 01:53:05,339 the uh creation of a 2895 01:53:05,970 --> 01:53:09,350 Iranian based drone factory to 2896 01:53:09,359 --> 01:53:12,509 reproduce the Shahid 136 inside Russia . 2897 01:53:12,600 --> 01:53:14,767 Those were , those were exploding over 2898 01:53:14,767 --> 01:53:17,290 Ukraine th th this morning early . Um 2899 01:53:17,299 --> 01:53:19,355 So , so it's , it's very practical , 2900 01:53:19,355 --> 01:53:21,939 more distressing though , is the fact 2901 01:53:21,950 --> 01:53:25,069 that these countries seem to be forming 2902 01:53:25,080 --> 01:53:29,049 an intensifying bond uh that they 2903 01:53:29,060 --> 01:53:31,870 intend to use geopolitically to weaken 2904 01:53:31,879 --> 01:53:34,310 our position in the world , which will 2905 01:53:34,319 --> 01:53:37,220 inevitably hurt our own interests and 2906 01:53:37,229 --> 01:53:40,629 our own citizens . Um Let me ask a 2907 01:53:40,640 --> 01:53:43,640 related question , you know , you read 2908 01:53:43,649 --> 01:53:46,379 about it and the some commentators , 2909 01:53:46,390 --> 01:53:48,740 actually , some of my colleagues have 2910 01:53:48,750 --> 01:53:50,806 kind of come up with this new theory 2911 01:53:50,806 --> 01:53:53,689 about deterrence being divisible . Uh 2912 01:53:53,700 --> 01:53:56,270 Let me unpack that a little bit more . 2913 01:53:56,279 --> 01:53:59,930 Um So again , with these authoritarians 2914 01:53:59,939 --> 01:54:01,939 working together , you could have a 2915 01:54:01,939 --> 01:54:04,089 situation where Putin rolls over 2916 01:54:05,299 --> 01:54:08,450 Ukraine eventually . But if we don't 2917 01:54:08,459 --> 01:54:11,479 provide any more military aid , by the 2918 01:54:11,490 --> 01:54:13,601 way , do you think that'll happen ? I 2919 01:54:13,601 --> 01:54:15,712 mean , if , if , if at the end of the 2920 01:54:15,712 --> 01:54:17,823 day , the US is pretty much right now 2921 01:54:17,823 --> 01:54:19,990 like , hey , sorry , we're gonna build 2922 01:54:19,990 --> 01:54:19,250 out our industrial base , which we need 2923 01:54:19,259 --> 01:54:21,148 to do , but we're not , we're not 2924 01:54:21,148 --> 01:54:23,500 sending anything else to you . Good 2925 01:54:23,509 --> 01:54:27,509 luck . What do you think happens if we 2926 01:54:27,520 --> 01:54:29,687 don't continue to support ? You ? Just 2927 01:54:29,687 --> 01:54:31,798 say we stop a couple of my colleagues 2928 01:54:31,798 --> 01:54:34,076 just want to stop everything right now . 2929 01:54:34,076 --> 01:54:36,353 Nothing . What , what'll happen ? Sure . 2930 01:54:36,353 --> 01:54:38,520 That's easy that they run out of 155 , 2931 01:54:38,520 --> 01:54:40,076 they run out of air defense 2932 01:54:40,076 --> 01:54:42,298 interceptors and , you know , as I said 2933 01:54:42,298 --> 01:54:44,464 yesterday in the house , the side that 2934 01:54:44,464 --> 01:54:46,631 can't shoot back loses . Ok . So , but 2935 01:54:46,631 --> 01:54:48,798 there's this notion , it's out there . 2936 01:54:48,798 --> 01:54:50,964 I don't think it really works with the 2937 01:54:50,964 --> 01:54:53,131 facts on the ground . I don't think it 2938 01:54:53,131 --> 01:54:55,242 works with history if you read it . I 2939 01:54:55,242 --> 01:54:57,353 don't think it works at all , but the 2940 01:54:57,353 --> 01:54:59,464 deterrence is divisible . You can let 2941 01:54:59,464 --> 01:55:01,464 Putin roll over Ukraine , but we're 2942 01:55:01,464 --> 01:55:03,687 gonna , we're gonna send that signal to 2943 01:55:03,687 --> 01:55:05,631 Xi Jinping and the Taiwan Strait . 2944 01:55:05,631 --> 01:55:04,810 We're gonna be really strong with 2945 01:55:04,819 --> 01:55:07,520 Taiwan . You think deterrence is 2946 01:55:07,529 --> 01:55:09,585 divisible like that ? Now , look , I 2947 01:55:09,585 --> 01:55:11,751 don't think it no offense to President 2948 01:55:11,751 --> 01:55:13,585 Biden , but I , I think it's not 2949 01:55:13,585 --> 01:55:15,529 divisible at all . His Afghanistan 2950 01:55:15,529 --> 01:55:17,640 withdrawal signaled to the world that 2951 01:55:17,640 --> 01:55:19,807 hey game on . Um let the authoritarian 2952 01:55:19,807 --> 01:55:21,973 regimes roll . What do you think about 2953 01:55:21,973 --> 01:55:24,370 this idea that somehow deterrence is 2954 01:55:24,379 --> 01:55:26,850 divisible ? You can be weak in Ukraine 2955 01:55:26,859 --> 01:55:29,081 but still strong in the Taiwan Strait , 2956 01:55:29,081 --> 01:55:30,637 particularly when all these 2957 01:55:30,637 --> 01:55:32,748 authoritarians are working together . 2958 01:55:32,748 --> 01:55:35,270 Senator , I think that every action or 2959 01:55:35,279 --> 01:55:38,080 every inaction we take sends a message 2960 01:55:38,259 --> 01:55:40,359 and I think that people all over the 2961 01:55:40,370 --> 01:55:42,592 world listen for that message and those 2962 01:55:42,592 --> 01:55:44,481 messages are always global . They 2963 01:55:44,481 --> 01:55:46,481 cannot be sent to one audience at a 2964 01:55:46,481 --> 01:55:48,990 time . So I agree . My final question , 2965 01:55:49,000 --> 01:55:51,740 General , you are undisputed Russian 2966 01:55:51,750 --> 01:55:54,689 expert . Uh One thing that always kind 2967 01:55:54,700 --> 01:55:57,029 of and I've pressed the DN I on this . 2968 01:55:57,040 --> 01:55:59,262 II , I don't understand why we don't do 2969 01:55:59,262 --> 01:56:01,479 this , these authoritarian regimes . 2970 01:56:01,490 --> 01:56:03,657 One of things that they're starting to 2971 01:56:03,657 --> 01:56:07,169 do is messing with our most precious 2972 01:56:08,089 --> 01:56:11,770 institution and that's elections . We 2973 01:56:11,779 --> 01:56:14,069 are a Republic a democracy . We elect 2974 01:56:14,080 --> 01:56:16,149 our leaders . These dictators would 2975 01:56:16,160 --> 01:56:18,669 never stand for fair elections because 2976 01:56:18,680 --> 01:56:21,200 they probably wouldn't win . Uh 2977 01:56:21,290 --> 01:56:23,399 Certainly Xi Jinping Putin , one of 2978 01:56:23,410 --> 01:56:25,410 their biggest vulnerabilities , the 2979 01:56:25,410 --> 01:56:27,521 ayatollahs in Iran as they fear their 2980 01:56:27,521 --> 01:56:30,350 own people . But they come after us on 2981 01:56:30,359 --> 01:56:33,129 elections with , you know , cyber and 2982 01:56:33,569 --> 01:56:35,791 things like that . Don't you think that 2983 01:56:35,791 --> 01:56:38,209 if Putin says coming after our 2984 01:56:38,220 --> 01:56:39,998 elections trying to disrupt our 2985 01:56:39,998 --> 01:56:41,887 elections when he won't stand for 2986 01:56:41,887 --> 01:56:43,998 election , we should do everything we 2987 01:56:43,998 --> 01:56:46,109 can to counter by getting out all the 2988 01:56:46,109 --> 01:56:48,109 information we have on this guy . I 2989 01:56:48,109 --> 01:56:50,220 mean , he's one of the richest people 2990 01:56:50,220 --> 01:56:52,442 in the world . Literally , he stole $80 2991 01:56:52,442 --> 01:56:54,664 billion from the Russians . We probably 2992 01:56:54,664 --> 01:56:56,831 have the Swiss bank account numbers to 2993 01:56:56,831 --> 01:56:56,689 where he stashed all the money , these 2994 01:56:56,700 --> 01:56:59,470 poor Russians , you know , are starving 2995 01:56:59,479 --> 01:57:02,049 and drinking vodka for breakfast and 2996 01:57:02,060 --> 01:57:04,171 Putin steals from them . Shouldn't we 2997 01:57:04,171 --> 01:57:06,490 get that out to the world the way 2998 01:57:06,500 --> 01:57:08,770 Navalny did and say , all right , you 2999 01:57:08,779 --> 01:57:10,890 wanna mess with our elections ? We're 3000 01:57:10,890 --> 01:57:12,779 gonna let the people same with Xi 3001 01:57:12,779 --> 01:57:14,946 Jinping . These guys are all corrupt , 3002 01:57:14,946 --> 01:57:16,835 shouldn't we do that when they're 3003 01:57:16,835 --> 01:57:19,057 messing with the most precious thing we 3004 01:57:19,057 --> 01:57:21,112 have in America , our elections . Uh 3005 01:57:21,112 --> 01:57:23,446 Senator , if , if you don't mind , I'll , 3006 01:57:23,446 --> 01:57:25,335 I'll , I'll leave uh that sort of 3007 01:57:25,335 --> 01:57:28,129 strategy to um civilian policymakers , 3008 01:57:28,140 --> 01:57:30,084 but I would like to agree with you 3009 01:57:30,084 --> 01:57:32,589 strongly that Putin fears open 3010 01:57:32,600 --> 01:57:34,656 elections . He fears them in his own 3011 01:57:34,656 --> 01:57:37,080 country and he fears them elsewhere . 3012 01:57:37,279 --> 01:57:39,919 He fears them and he therefore seeks to 3013 01:57:39,930 --> 01:57:42,399 undermine them . And I also agree with 3014 01:57:42,410 --> 01:57:45,160 your opinion that the um that , that 3015 01:57:45,220 --> 01:57:48,680 our elections , our ability to choose 3016 01:57:48,689 --> 01:57:51,979 who governs us , our government by the 3017 01:57:51,990 --> 01:57:54,560 consent of the governed is the most 3018 01:57:54,569 --> 01:57:56,847 precious thing we have in this country . 3019 01:57:56,847 --> 01:57:58,958 Thank you . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 3020 01:57:58,958 --> 01:58:01,180 Thank you , Senator Sullivan . Uh Thank 3021 01:58:01,180 --> 01:58:03,236 you General Cavalla General Van Vost 3022 01:58:03,236 --> 01:58:05,236 for your excellent testimony . This 3023 01:58:05,236 --> 01:58:08,839 will conclude the open session . Uh We 3024 01:58:08,850 --> 01:58:12,740 will reconvene at uh 12 noon in S 3025 01:58:12,750 --> 01:58:16,200 EC2 17 for the closed session . And 3026 01:58:16,209 --> 01:58:17,279 thank you very much .