1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:06,670 --> 00:00:08,559 This hearing on the Department of 3 00:00:08,559 --> 00:00:10,670 Energy Atomic Energy Defense Programs 4 00:00:10,670 --> 00:00:12,559 and Department of Defense Nuclear 5 00:00:12,559 --> 00:00:14,726 Weapons Programs of the Armed Services 6 00:00:14,726 --> 00:00:16,781 Committee sub-committee on Strategic 7 00:00:16,781 --> 00:00:19,450 Forces will come to order and I want to 8 00:00:19,459 --> 00:00:21,626 thank our witnesses for appearing here 9 00:00:21,626 --> 00:00:23,850 today and for their service to our 10 00:00:23,860 --> 00:00:25,930 nation . I first want to welcome 11 00:00:25,940 --> 00:00:28,069 Admiral Houston , our eighth director 12 00:00:28,079 --> 00:00:30,357 of naval reactors to the sub-committee . 13 00:00:30,420 --> 00:00:32,642 And we look forward to hearing from you 14 00:00:32,642 --> 00:00:34,864 over the next eight years . Thank you , 15 00:00:34,864 --> 00:00:37,150 Admiral . Congratulations . Today's 16 00:00:37,159 --> 00:00:39,110 hearing consists of two panels to 17 00:00:39,119 --> 00:00:41,230 review the budget request for defense 18 00:00:41,230 --> 00:00:43,452 nuclear activities at the Department of 19 00:00:43,452 --> 00:00:45,508 Energy and the Department of Defense 20 00:00:45,689 --> 00:00:48,659 we're undertaking . Now our third era 21 00:00:48,669 --> 00:00:50,725 of nuclear modernization . The first 22 00:00:50,725 --> 00:00:54,669 two were conducted in 1960 1980 23 00:00:54,970 --> 00:00:57,349 mainly in a situation of competition 24 00:00:57,360 --> 00:01:01,009 with the Soviet Union . However , now 25 00:01:01,020 --> 00:01:04,330 we face two heavily nuclear armed near 26 00:01:04,339 --> 00:01:07,120 peer competitors , Russia and China . 27 00:01:08,129 --> 00:01:10,073 More than ever , we are relying on 28 00:01:10,073 --> 00:01:12,300 modernizing our triad to perform the 29 00:01:12,309 --> 00:01:14,879 deterrence mission , the deterrence 30 00:01:14,889 --> 00:01:17,000 mission , which is the bedrock of our 31 00:01:17,000 --> 00:01:19,739 national security strategy . This year , 32 00:01:19,750 --> 00:01:21,806 we were informed that there is a non 33 00:01:21,806 --> 00:01:23,806 mccurdy breach of the sentinel ICBM 34 00:01:23,806 --> 00:01:26,410 replacement program , General Bossier , 35 00:01:26,470 --> 00:01:28,692 I will want to know how your command is 36 00:01:28,692 --> 00:01:30,192 investigating this issue . 37 00:01:30,650 --> 00:01:33,150 Administrator Ruby pit production costs 38 00:01:33,160 --> 00:01:35,382 continue to climb at the Savannah River 39 00:01:35,382 --> 00:01:37,419 plant and I look forward to your 40 00:01:37,430 --> 00:01:39,374 telling us how you're tracking and 41 00:01:39,374 --> 00:01:41,800 working on containing them . And Mister 42 00:01:41,809 --> 00:01:43,920 White , you perhaps have the toughest 43 00:01:43,920 --> 00:01:45,698 job of all managing the largest 44 00:01:45,698 --> 00:01:47,809 liability of the federal government , 45 00:01:47,809 --> 00:01:49,779 which in 2023 was estimated at 46 00:01:49,790 --> 00:01:53,529 $531 billion . I 47 00:01:53,620 --> 00:01:56,260 want to know what you are doing to work 48 00:01:56,269 --> 00:01:58,436 your way through this backlog of clean 49 00:01:58,436 --> 00:02:00,491 up and whether there are less costly 50 00:02:00,491 --> 00:02:02,790 methods to dispose of some of the tank 51 00:02:02,800 --> 00:02:05,080 waste at Hanford while still meeting 52 00:02:05,089 --> 00:02:07,650 our commitments to the state and to the 53 00:02:07,660 --> 00:02:09,830 environment . Because we have two 54 00:02:09,839 --> 00:02:11,783 panels , I would appreciate if you 55 00:02:11,789 --> 00:02:13,956 could make short 2 to 3 minute opening 56 00:02:13,956 --> 00:02:15,956 statements , we'll have five minute 57 00:02:15,956 --> 00:02:18,122 rounds of questions again . Welcome to 58 00:02:18,122 --> 00:02:20,067 the committee . Thank you for your 59 00:02:20,067 --> 00:02:22,233 service , Senator Fisher . Thank you , 60 00:02:22,233 --> 00:02:24,456 Mr Chairman and thank you to all of our 61 00:02:24,456 --> 00:02:26,511 witnesses for being here today . Our 62 00:02:26,511 --> 00:02:28,779 nuclear deterrent underpins our entire 63 00:02:28,789 --> 00:02:31,130 national security strategy and it must 64 00:02:31,139 --> 00:02:34,080 remain safe , reliable , effective and 65 00:02:34,089 --> 00:02:36,710 credible . We face two peer nuclear 66 00:02:36,720 --> 00:02:38,609 adversaries for the first time in 67 00:02:38,609 --> 00:02:41,240 history while our current nuclear 68 00:02:41,250 --> 00:02:43,410 weapons and delivery systems meet the 69 00:02:43,419 --> 00:02:45,940 threats of today . I am increasingly 70 00:02:45,949 --> 00:02:47,782 concerned that our planned force 71 00:02:47,782 --> 00:02:50,880 posture for the 20 thirties and beyond 72 00:02:50,889 --> 00:02:53,770 will be insufficient . We need to start 73 00:02:53,779 --> 00:02:55,946 laying the groundwork today to set the 74 00:02:55,946 --> 00:02:58,112 conditions for success in the future . 75 00:02:58,470 --> 00:03:00,414 I look forward to hearing from the 76 00:03:00,414 --> 00:03:02,192 witnesses on both panels on the 77 00:03:02,192 --> 00:03:04,026 progress being made with current 78 00:03:04,026 --> 00:03:06,192 programs of record and what additional 79 00:03:06,192 --> 00:03:09,050 resources or authorities are needed to 80 00:03:09,059 --> 00:03:11,600 accelerate that progress . I would also 81 00:03:11,610 --> 00:03:13,666 like to note that last year's report 82 00:03:13,666 --> 00:03:15,789 from the bipartisan Strategic Posture 83 00:03:15,800 --> 00:03:18,880 Commission included 81 recommendations 84 00:03:18,889 --> 00:03:20,949 that I believe laid out an excellent 85 00:03:20,960 --> 00:03:24,179 framework for this nation to revitalize 86 00:03:24,259 --> 00:03:27,429 our entire nuclear enterprise . Senator 87 00:03:27,440 --> 00:03:29,500 King and I work together on a bill , 88 00:03:29,580 --> 00:03:31,899 the restoring American deterrence Act 89 00:03:31,910 --> 00:03:33,729 that encapsulates many of these 90 00:03:33,740 --> 00:03:35,800 recommendations . I look forward to 91 00:03:35,809 --> 00:03:38,130 working with all of our panelists over 92 00:03:38,139 --> 00:03:39,929 the coming months as we seek to 93 00:03:39,940 --> 00:03:42,350 implement some of those changes . Thank 94 00:03:42,360 --> 00:03:44,304 you again for joining us today and 95 00:03:44,304 --> 00:03:47,710 thank you , Mr Chairman administrator 96 00:03:47,720 --> 00:03:51,440 Ruby . Well , thank 97 00:03:51,449 --> 00:03:53,560 you um Chairman King , ranking member 98 00:03:53,560 --> 00:03:55,830 Fisher . It's a pleasure to be here um 99 00:03:55,839 --> 00:03:58,070 to present the president's fiscal year 100 00:03:58,080 --> 00:04:00,660 2025 budget request for the Department 101 00:04:00,669 --> 00:04:03,330 of Energy's National Nuclear Security 102 00:04:03,339 --> 00:04:06,690 Administration in today's complex and 103 00:04:06,699 --> 00:04:09,300 dynamic security environment . N NSA is 104 00:04:09,309 --> 00:04:11,940 delivering last year , we provided the 105 00:04:11,949 --> 00:04:13,929 Department of Defense over 200 106 00:04:13,940 --> 00:04:16,750 modernized weapons on schedule . Our 107 00:04:16,760 --> 00:04:18,540 nuclear nonproliferation and 108 00:04:18,549 --> 00:04:20,771 counterterrorism programs are advancing 109 00:04:20,771 --> 00:04:23,869 technologies and partnerships that are 110 00:04:23,880 --> 00:04:25,720 responsive to today's global 111 00:04:25,730 --> 00:04:28,109 environment . We are preparing for the 112 00:04:28,119 --> 00:04:30,049 future by revitalizing our 113 00:04:30,059 --> 00:04:31,948 infrastructure and staying at the 114 00:04:31,948 --> 00:04:34,059 cutting edge and select science and 115 00:04:34,070 --> 00:04:37,799 technology . NN Sas Fy 2025 116 00:04:37,809 --> 00:04:41,019 budget request of $25 billion reflects 117 00:04:41,029 --> 00:04:44,089 this these priorities , the nuclear 118 00:04:44,100 --> 00:04:46,100 weapons program of record has grown 119 00:04:46,100 --> 00:04:49,570 from 5 to 7 systems to be delivered or 120 00:04:49,579 --> 00:04:51,730 in active production within the next 121 00:04:51,739 --> 00:04:54,190 decade . This request supports all 122 00:04:54,200 --> 00:04:56,230 those systems with the exception of 123 00:04:56,239 --> 00:04:58,890 Slick Em in just due to the timing of 124 00:04:58,899 --> 00:05:02,660 the 2025 budget request and the fy 125 00:05:02,670 --> 00:05:06,470 2024 NDA A . However , N NSA is 126 00:05:06,480 --> 00:05:09,380 fully committed to fulfilling the Slick 127 00:05:09,570 --> 00:05:12,709 um in requirement . These seven systems 128 00:05:12,720 --> 00:05:14,776 represent modernized weapons for all 129 00:05:14,776 --> 00:05:16,776 three legs of the trium and the new 130 00:05:16,776 --> 00:05:19,489 capabilities responsive to today's 131 00:05:19,500 --> 00:05:21,980 security environment . Additionally , 132 00:05:21,989 --> 00:05:23,933 the request supports two phase one 133 00:05:23,933 --> 00:05:25,822 studies to prepare to meet future 134 00:05:25,822 --> 00:05:28,010 deterrent needs to deliver this 135 00:05:28,019 --> 00:05:30,250 demanding schedule . N NSA is 136 00:05:30,260 --> 00:05:32,709 prioritizing infrastructure investments 137 00:05:32,790 --> 00:05:35,012 to get needed capabilities completed on 138 00:05:35,012 --> 00:05:37,730 time while also pursuing a longer term 139 00:05:37,739 --> 00:05:39,970 strategy of a responsive , flexible and 140 00:05:39,980 --> 00:05:42,640 resilient enterprise . High priority 141 00:05:42,649 --> 00:05:44,649 projects include the pit production 142 00:05:44,649 --> 00:05:46,760 facilities at Los Alamos and Savannah 143 00:05:46,760 --> 00:05:48,649 River and the uranium and lithium 144 00:05:48,649 --> 00:05:51,010 processing facilities at Y 12 . Our 145 00:05:51,019 --> 00:05:52,940 defense nuclear nonproliferation 146 00:05:52,950 --> 00:05:55,269 activities are also responding to 147 00:05:55,309 --> 00:05:58,070 today's global dynamic and anticipating 148 00:05:58,079 --> 00:06:01,109 the future . In summary , N NSA is 149 00:06:01,119 --> 00:06:03,269 hoist is holistically supporting 150 00:06:03,279 --> 00:06:05,335 nuclear deterrence and strengthening 151 00:06:05,335 --> 00:06:07,223 relationships with our allies and 152 00:06:07,223 --> 00:06:09,390 partners . There's a lot of work ahead 153 00:06:09,390 --> 00:06:11,557 and we appreciate your support . Thank 154 00:06:11,557 --> 00:06:13,835 you . I look forward to your questions . 155 00:06:16,279 --> 00:06:18,501 Chairman King , ranking member Fisher , 156 00:06:18,501 --> 00:06:20,112 distinguished members of the 157 00:06:20,112 --> 00:06:22,001 sub-committee . Thank you for the 158 00:06:22,001 --> 00:06:24,001 opportunity to testify today . Your 159 00:06:24,001 --> 00:06:26,168 support for the naval reactors enables 160 00:06:26,168 --> 00:06:26,089 my team to design , operate and 161 00:06:26,100 --> 00:06:28,211 maintain a globally deployed force of 162 00:06:28,211 --> 00:06:30,322 submarines and aircraft carriers that 163 00:06:30,322 --> 00:06:32,760 reliably and consistently carry out our 164 00:06:32,769 --> 00:06:34,880 national security missions around the 165 00:06:34,880 --> 00:06:36,991 world . Today , the US Navy's nuclear 166 00:06:36,991 --> 00:06:39,158 power warships are operating alongside 167 00:06:39,158 --> 00:06:41,102 our allies and partners in hostile 168 00:06:41,102 --> 00:06:43,269 regions providing forward presence and 169 00:06:43,269 --> 00:06:45,436 safeguarding stability in a world that 170 00:06:45,436 --> 00:06:47,380 is increasingly tense . Our global 171 00:06:47,390 --> 00:06:49,501 presence continues to be supported by 172 00:06:49,501 --> 00:06:51,723 strong allies and relationships through 173 00:06:51,723 --> 00:06:53,946 the Aus Agreement . The United States , 174 00:06:53,946 --> 00:06:55,834 United Kingdom and Australia have 175 00:06:55,834 --> 00:06:58,057 demonstrated a trilateral commitment to 176 00:06:58,057 --> 00:07:00,168 a free and open Indo Pacific region . 177 00:07:00,168 --> 00:07:01,834 While expanding the region of 178 00:07:01,834 --> 00:07:03,779 effectiveness of all three nations 179 00:07:03,779 --> 00:07:05,834 military forces , naval reactors has 180 00:07:05,834 --> 00:07:08,001 delivered the advanced technology that 181 00:07:08,001 --> 00:07:10,168 provides our fleet competitive edge in 182 00:07:10,168 --> 00:07:12,001 the maritime environment through 183 00:07:12,001 --> 00:07:14,279 investment in research and development . 184 00:07:14,279 --> 00:07:16,223 In the past decades , our talented 185 00:07:16,223 --> 00:07:18,709 people , our peerless technology and 186 00:07:18,720 --> 00:07:20,942 our state of the art facilities give us 187 00:07:20,942 --> 00:07:23,053 the ability to operate submarines and 188 00:07:23,053 --> 00:07:24,942 carriers wherever and whenever we 189 00:07:24,942 --> 00:07:26,609 choose , we must step up this 190 00:07:26,609 --> 00:07:28,664 investment if we want to sustain and 191 00:07:28,664 --> 00:07:30,609 exploit that advantage . My budget 192 00:07:30,609 --> 00:07:33,130 request for fiscal year 25 is 2.12 193 00:07:33,140 --> 00:07:35,029 billion and invest in each of the 194 00:07:35,029 --> 00:07:37,579 following three carriers , three areas 195 00:07:37,679 --> 00:07:39,846 and two priority projects . First , my 196 00:07:39,846 --> 00:07:41,846 request supports our most important 197 00:07:41,846 --> 00:07:43,901 resource . Our people , the talented 198 00:07:43,901 --> 00:07:46,012 and dedicated people within the naval 199 00:07:46,012 --> 00:07:47,901 nuclear propulsion enterprise are 200 00:07:47,901 --> 00:07:49,679 essential to the management and 201 00:07:49,679 --> 00:07:49,570 oversight of the important work we 202 00:07:49,579 --> 00:07:52,200 perform for our nation . Second , the 203 00:07:52,209 --> 00:07:54,600 budget reflects continued investment in 204 00:07:54,609 --> 00:07:56,665 R and D of technology to support our 205 00:07:56,665 --> 00:07:58,359 current and future fleet to 206 00:07:58,369 --> 00:08:00,600 substantively lower costs , reduce 207 00:08:00,609 --> 00:08:02,665 construction timelines and add fleet 208 00:08:02,665 --> 00:08:05,549 capability . Finally , my request focus 209 00:08:05,559 --> 00:08:07,781 on investment to modernize the critical 210 00:08:07,781 --> 00:08:10,880 infrastructure throughout our 70 plus 211 00:08:11,010 --> 00:08:13,429 year Department of Energy Laboratories 212 00:08:13,440 --> 00:08:15,496 and address our legacy environmental 213 00:08:15,496 --> 00:08:17,440 liabilities . I'm also seeking our 214 00:08:17,440 --> 00:08:19,384 continued support for two national 215 00:08:19,384 --> 00:08:22,059 priority projects . The first continued 216 00:08:22,070 --> 00:08:24,292 development of the reactor plan for the 217 00:08:24,292 --> 00:08:26,126 Columbia class ballistic missile 218 00:08:26,126 --> 00:08:28,014 submarine directly supporting the 219 00:08:28,014 --> 00:08:30,292 Navy's number one acquisition priority . 220 00:08:30,292 --> 00:08:32,070 The second project is continued 221 00:08:32,070 --> 00:08:34,126 construction of the naval spent fuel 222 00:08:34,126 --> 00:08:35,959 handling facility in Idaho which 223 00:08:35,959 --> 00:08:38,070 enables long term reliable processing 224 00:08:38,070 --> 00:08:37,900 and packaging of spent fuel from the 225 00:08:37,909 --> 00:08:40,979 navy's nuclear fleet . In closing your 226 00:08:40,989 --> 00:08:43,229 strong and enduring support enables 227 00:08:43,239 --> 00:08:45,406 naval reactors to provide the nation a 228 00:08:45,406 --> 00:08:47,809 nuclear power fleet that is unrivaled . 229 00:08:47,830 --> 00:08:50,052 I respectfully urge your endorsement of 230 00:08:50,052 --> 00:08:52,119 our fiscal year 25 budget request . 231 00:08:52,130 --> 00:08:54,450 Thank you . Thank you , Admiral Mr 232 00:08:54,460 --> 00:08:56,293 White . You must have one of the 233 00:08:56,293 --> 00:08:58,627 toughest jobs in the federal government . 234 00:08:58,627 --> 00:09:00,960 Give us an update . Thank you , Senator , 235 00:09:00,960 --> 00:09:02,849 um Chairman King , ranking member 236 00:09:02,849 --> 00:09:05,071 Fisher . It's an honor to appear before 237 00:09:05,071 --> 00:09:06,960 you . The em mission reflects the 238 00:09:06,960 --> 00:09:06,960 United States commitment to cleaning up 239 00:09:06,969 --> 00:09:09,025 the environmental legacy of national 240 00:09:09,025 --> 00:09:11,191 defense programs that helped end World 241 00:09:11,191 --> 00:09:13,247 War two and the Cold War . While our 242 00:09:13,247 --> 00:09:15,358 mission is rooted in the past , we're 243 00:09:15,358 --> 00:09:17,469 very much focused on the future clean 244 00:09:17,469 --> 00:09:19,580 up progress at the Savannah riverside 245 00:09:19,580 --> 00:09:21,636 in South Carolina , for example , is 246 00:09:21,636 --> 00:09:23,747 leading to a greater role for N NSA . 247 00:09:23,747 --> 00:09:23,700 There . Clean up accomplishments are 248 00:09:23,710 --> 00:09:25,766 boosting the clean energy economy in 249 00:09:25,766 --> 00:09:27,766 Tennessee and helping the Oak Ridge 250 00:09:27,766 --> 00:09:29,599 National Laboratory and the Y 12 251 00:09:29,599 --> 00:09:31,710 National Security Complex prepare for 252 00:09:31,710 --> 00:09:33,488 expanding national security and 253 00:09:33,488 --> 00:09:35,710 research missions as buildings like the 254 00:09:35,710 --> 00:09:37,543 Biology complex have come down . 255 00:09:37,543 --> 00:09:39,710 National security and science missions 256 00:09:39,710 --> 00:09:41,710 have the space to be built up . The 257 00:09:41,710 --> 00:09:43,932 budget requests positions em to deliver 258 00:09:43,932 --> 00:09:43,830 on these and other priorities that 259 00:09:43,840 --> 00:09:46,190 drive risk reduction progress , skyline 260 00:09:46,200 --> 00:09:48,549 changes and help us ramp up tank waste 261 00:09:48,559 --> 00:09:50,670 treatment , which is the largest part 262 00:09:50,670 --> 00:09:52,892 of the environmental liability that you 263 00:09:52,892 --> 00:09:54,781 mentioned earlier in Washington . 264 00:09:54,781 --> 00:09:57,003 800,000 gallons of tank waste have been 265 00:09:57,003 --> 00:09:59,170 treated at Hanford and will ultimately 266 00:09:59,170 --> 00:10:01,115 be stabilized in glass . The waste 267 00:10:01,115 --> 00:10:01,039 treatment plant melters have reached 268 00:10:01,049 --> 00:10:03,160 operational temperature and have been 269 00:10:03,160 --> 00:10:05,216 used to pour the first containers of 270 00:10:05,216 --> 00:10:07,438 test class from both melters . The test 271 00:10:07,438 --> 00:10:09,605 bed initiative is advancing as another 272 00:10:09,605 --> 00:10:11,549 potential option to accelerate the 273 00:10:11,549 --> 00:10:13,493 Hanford tank waste mission through 274 00:10:13,493 --> 00:10:15,605 commercial grouting and disposal . In 275 00:10:15,605 --> 00:10:17,827 parallel , we've reached a breakthrough 276 00:10:17,827 --> 00:10:17,200 agreement with the state of Washington 277 00:10:17,210 --> 00:10:19,690 and the EPA that charts a safe and 278 00:10:19,700 --> 00:10:21,756 achievable path for the Hanford tank 279 00:10:21,756 --> 00:10:24,190 waste mission . The fy 25 request is 280 00:10:24,200 --> 00:10:26,256 consistent with this agreement which 281 00:10:26,256 --> 00:10:28,200 will enable us to begin addressing 282 00:10:28,200 --> 00:10:30,200 Hanford's high level tank waste and 283 00:10:30,200 --> 00:10:32,367 achieve risk reduction while exploring 284 00:10:32,367 --> 00:10:34,478 alternative treatment technologies to 285 00:10:34,478 --> 00:10:36,422 accelerate our work on ems largest 286 00:10:36,422 --> 00:10:38,478 environmental liability . By turning 287 00:10:38,478 --> 00:10:40,256 this corner with our regulatory 288 00:10:40,256 --> 00:10:42,478 partners . We hope to aggressively move 289 00:10:42,478 --> 00:10:42,150 forward with our mission at Hanford . 290 00:10:42,169 --> 00:10:44,113 Honoring our responsibility to the 291 00:10:44,113 --> 00:10:46,225 environment and our commitment to the 292 00:10:46,225 --> 00:10:48,169 communities and the tribal nations 293 00:10:48,169 --> 00:10:50,225 around the site . Demolition efforts 294 00:10:50,225 --> 00:10:52,447 across em are also moving forward after 295 00:10:52,447 --> 00:10:54,447 bringing down four buildings at the 296 00:10:54,447 --> 00:10:56,780 Nevada National security site last year , 297 00:10:56,780 --> 00:10:56,650 we'll continue reducing our footprint 298 00:10:56,659 --> 00:10:58,881 as we work to complete the legacy clean 299 00:10:58,881 --> 00:11:00,992 up there within a decade . Demolition 300 00:11:00,992 --> 00:11:03,048 work at West Valley in New York will 301 00:11:03,048 --> 00:11:04,992 advance as well as clean up of the 302 00:11:04,992 --> 00:11:06,881 highest risk excess facilities in 303 00:11:06,881 --> 00:11:08,992 Tennessee . This request also enables 304 00:11:08,992 --> 00:11:10,826 continued shipments to the waste 305 00:11:10,826 --> 00:11:12,937 isolation pilot plant as we modernize 306 00:11:12,937 --> 00:11:15,103 the facility to meet the needs of both 307 00:11:15,103 --> 00:11:17,437 clean up and national security programs . 308 00:11:17,437 --> 00:11:19,437 While significant progress has been 309 00:11:19,437 --> 00:11:18,609 made , we're always looking at 310 00:11:18,619 --> 00:11:20,690 opportunities to improve the budget 311 00:11:20,700 --> 00:11:22,311 request allows for continued 312 00:11:22,311 --> 00:11:24,533 improvement to the rigor of program and 313 00:11:24,533 --> 00:11:26,200 project management as well as 314 00:11:26,200 --> 00:11:28,144 opportunities to progress clean up 315 00:11:28,144 --> 00:11:30,089 safely and more efficiently . This 316 00:11:30,089 --> 00:11:31,978 includes technology development , 317 00:11:31,978 --> 00:11:33,700 targeted R and D investments , 318 00:11:33,700 --> 00:11:35,867 evaluation of cost effective treatment 319 00:11:35,867 --> 00:11:37,811 options and investment in building 320 00:11:37,811 --> 00:11:39,867 future workforce pipelines . I thank 321 00:11:39,867 --> 00:11:41,922 the sub-committee for its historical 322 00:11:41,922 --> 00:11:41,330 support of our pro program and our 323 00:11:41,340 --> 00:11:43,284 mission and I look forward to your 324 00:11:43,284 --> 00:11:45,960 questions . Thank you . You'll notice 325 00:11:46,299 --> 00:11:48,466 the vice chair and I are the only ones 326 00:11:48,466 --> 00:11:50,410 here and I want to explain that uh 327 00:11:50,410 --> 00:11:52,729 we're hoping that someone with an A I 328 00:11:52,739 --> 00:11:54,517 capacity will figure out how to 329 00:11:54,517 --> 00:11:57,619 schedule the Senate . Uh It's not 330 00:11:57,630 --> 00:11:59,797 uncommon for us to have three hearings 331 00:11:59,797 --> 00:12:01,963 scheduled at the same time and I think 332 00:12:01,963 --> 00:12:04,074 that's happened this afternoon on top 333 00:12:04,074 --> 00:12:06,297 of that as a vote on the Senate floor . 334 00:12:06,297 --> 00:12:08,352 So , but be assured , uh we all know 335 00:12:08,352 --> 00:12:10,186 these people and they are keenly 336 00:12:10,186 --> 00:12:12,463 interested in what , what you're doing . 337 00:12:12,463 --> 00:12:15,080 Um uh Administrator 338 00:12:15,090 --> 00:12:18,919 Ruby uh is Savannah River a , a 339 00:12:18,929 --> 00:12:21,909 practical project ? Is it , are we ever , 340 00:12:22,010 --> 00:12:24,066 is it , is it going to be able to be 341 00:12:24,066 --> 00:12:26,320 brought in at a reasonable time at , at 342 00:12:26,330 --> 00:12:28,640 a reasonable cost that the numbers keep 343 00:12:28,650 --> 00:12:30,928 going up and the date keeps moving out . 344 00:12:30,928 --> 00:12:33,039 Give me an update on Savannah River . 345 00:12:33,429 --> 00:12:35,540 Yeah , thank you , Senator King . I , 346 00:12:35,540 --> 00:12:37,729 I'd be happy to um in short , I would 347 00:12:37,739 --> 00:12:40,840 just say ab absolutely . Uh It's a 348 00:12:40,849 --> 00:12:43,289 practical project and real progress is 349 00:12:43,299 --> 00:12:47,090 being made . Uh uh We have um 350 00:12:47,099 --> 00:12:49,570 we've done a lot of things uh to make 351 00:12:49,580 --> 00:12:53,099 this project more realizable . Uh uh 352 00:12:53,289 --> 00:12:56,849 uh But the costs have gone up . Uh We 353 00:12:56,859 --> 00:12:59,081 have much , I have much more confidence 354 00:12:59,081 --> 00:13:01,248 in the cost . I think we all have much 355 00:13:01,248 --> 00:13:03,248 more confidence in the cost and the 356 00:13:03,248 --> 00:13:05,081 time uh and the time estimate to 357 00:13:05,081 --> 00:13:07,026 complete this . Our goal now is to 358 00:13:07,026 --> 00:13:09,248 complete construction of Savannah River 359 00:13:09,248 --> 00:13:13,190 uh by I I in tw in twe in 2032 . Uh And 360 00:13:13,200 --> 00:13:15,256 then to start the process to do rate 361 00:13:15,256 --> 00:13:17,422 production and have that complete in , 362 00:13:17,422 --> 00:13:21,390 in 2030 35 or 2036 is is going 363 00:13:21,400 --> 00:13:23,456 to be able to meet the , the , the , 364 00:13:23,456 --> 00:13:25,678 the demand that we have for pits in the 365 00:13:25,678 --> 00:13:27,859 meantime , they are so Los Alamos will 366 00:13:27,869 --> 00:13:30,700 be producing 30 pits per year in , in 367 00:13:30,710 --> 00:13:34,390 2028 for the W 87 dash roll war 368 00:13:34,679 --> 00:13:36,735 been already produced this year . Is 369 00:13:36,735 --> 00:13:38,979 that correct ? We have , uh , we , 370 00:13:38,989 --> 00:13:42,010 we've made pits at Los Alamos . Uh We 371 00:13:42,020 --> 00:13:44,131 have not , we're gonna make our first 372 00:13:44,131 --> 00:13:46,640 fully wr certified war reserve , 373 00:13:46,650 --> 00:13:48,872 certified diamond stamped as we call it 374 00:13:48,872 --> 00:13:52,780 uh pit this year . Uh but we made uh 375 00:13:52,789 --> 00:13:56,359 nine com complete pits last year plus 376 00:13:56,369 --> 00:13:58,989 five developmental pits last year at 377 00:13:59,000 --> 00:14:02,570 Los Alamos . So we're feeling uh a lot 378 00:14:02,580 --> 00:14:04,747 more confidence in our ability to make 379 00:14:04,747 --> 00:14:07,130 pits there repeatedly . We'll get our 380 00:14:07,140 --> 00:14:09,307 certification . We'll be on our path . 381 00:14:09,307 --> 00:14:11,820 Uh We have a uh a very , um you know , 382 00:14:11,830 --> 00:14:14,330 detailed schedule path for 30 pits per 383 00:14:14,340 --> 00:14:16,396 year at Los Alamos . Let me , let me 384 00:14:16,396 --> 00:14:18,396 change the subject . Uh One of your 385 00:14:18,396 --> 00:14:20,229 areas that you mentioned is , is 386 00:14:20,229 --> 00:14:22,909 nonproliferation . One of my biggest 387 00:14:22,919 --> 00:14:25,090 concerns is nuclear material falling 388 00:14:25,099 --> 00:14:27,549 into the hands of terrorists in an open 389 00:14:27,559 --> 00:14:30,070 setting . What can you tell us about 390 00:14:31,090 --> 00:14:33,090 what steps are underway in order to 391 00:14:33,090 --> 00:14:35,201 prevent that from happening ? We have 392 00:14:35,201 --> 00:14:37,146 nuclear states , some of which are 393 00:14:37,150 --> 00:14:39,640 rather unstable . Uh We have a nuclear 394 00:14:39,650 --> 00:14:41,539 state that seems inclined to sell 395 00:14:41,539 --> 00:14:44,770 things . Um That's the nightmare 396 00:14:44,780 --> 00:14:46,502 because we've all talked about 397 00:14:46,502 --> 00:14:48,558 deterrence , deterrence doesn't work 398 00:14:48,558 --> 00:14:50,613 with a terrorist . They don't have a 399 00:14:50,613 --> 00:14:52,724 capital city that is at risk and they 400 00:14:52,724 --> 00:14:54,947 don't care about dying . So we're going 401 00:14:54,947 --> 00:14:57,169 to have to rely on nonproliferation and 402 00:14:57,169 --> 00:14:59,391 intelligence . But what can you tell us 403 00:14:59,391 --> 00:15:01,869 in an open setting about dealing with 404 00:15:01,880 --> 00:15:04,450 that issue . Well , we work with 405 00:15:04,460 --> 00:15:06,460 everybody that we can to get rid of 406 00:15:06,460 --> 00:15:08,609 weapon , usable material or materials 407 00:15:08,619 --> 00:15:11,969 that we make bombs . Uh terrorists are 408 00:15:11,979 --> 00:15:14,609 usually not in that group . Uh So what 409 00:15:14,619 --> 00:15:18,320 we do is we work with our allies and 410 00:15:18,330 --> 00:15:20,320 partners to make sure we have very 411 00:15:20,330 --> 00:15:23,840 strong border uh protection and 412 00:15:23,849 --> 00:15:26,239 crossing so any illicit movement of 413 00:15:26,250 --> 00:15:28,690 materials . Uh and we , you know , we 414 00:15:28,700 --> 00:15:31,469 have , fortunately or it depends on how 415 00:15:31,479 --> 00:15:33,701 you think about it . But in this case , 416 00:15:33,701 --> 00:15:36,140 fortunately , we have allies that live 417 00:15:36,150 --> 00:15:38,140 in bad neighborhoods around these 418 00:15:38,150 --> 00:15:40,859 places where terrorist cells exist and 419 00:15:40,869 --> 00:15:43,440 we have a strong collaborations with 420 00:15:43,450 --> 00:15:45,506 them to make sure we can detect , we 421 00:15:45,506 --> 00:15:47,506 have technology that can detect the 422 00:15:47,506 --> 00:15:50,070 movement of nuclear material . Uh 423 00:15:50,789 --> 00:15:53,011 somewhat , we're in an open setting but 424 00:15:53,011 --> 00:15:54,845 in so far as you can answer that 425 00:15:54,845 --> 00:15:56,789 question , yeah , somewhat . Uh it 426 00:15:56,789 --> 00:15:59,159 depends on the amount and it depends on 427 00:15:59,169 --> 00:16:01,391 whether or not they shield it . There's 428 00:16:01,391 --> 00:16:03,489 lots of , you know , lots of details 429 00:16:03,500 --> 00:16:05,667 that matter , but we certainly work on 430 00:16:05,667 --> 00:16:07,889 those technologies and we deploy them . 431 00:16:07,889 --> 00:16:10,056 Uh you know , frequently when we think 432 00:16:10,056 --> 00:16:12,278 they'll be effective and where we think 433 00:16:12,278 --> 00:16:15,489 they'll be effective . I'm , I'm gonna 434 00:16:15,500 --> 00:16:17,770 start with you admiral , but we'll come 435 00:16:17,780 --> 00:16:20,049 back in a , in a second round . Um 436 00:16:22,059 --> 00:16:24,226 I worry about the submarine industrial 437 00:16:24,226 --> 00:16:26,669 base . We're , we're barely building a 438 00:16:26,679 --> 00:16:29,210 submarine a year . And if you add Aus , 439 00:16:29,429 --> 00:16:31,596 I just don't know who's going to build 440 00:16:31,596 --> 00:16:33,818 those submarines . Is that a concern of 441 00:16:33,818 --> 00:16:36,151 yours ? And what do we do to address it ? 442 00:16:36,640 --> 00:16:39,500 Uh uh Chairman uh obviously uh 443 00:16:39,510 --> 00:16:41,510 construction of submarines , career 444 00:16:41,510 --> 00:16:43,621 submarine or it's near and dear to my 445 00:16:43,621 --> 00:16:45,677 heart . Um With the Columbia and the 446 00:16:45,677 --> 00:16:47,843 Virginia class , the one plus two , we 447 00:16:47,843 --> 00:16:50,020 have invested heavily as a navy in the 448 00:16:50,030 --> 00:16:52,520 submarine industrial base to build that 449 00:16:52,530 --> 00:16:56,190 cadence and really helping those sub 450 00:16:56,239 --> 00:16:59,820 tier uh suppliers that actually 451 00:16:59,830 --> 00:17:03,049 feed our prime shipyards to build those 452 00:17:03,059 --> 00:17:06,510 submarines is really key . And um we 453 00:17:06,520 --> 00:17:09,160 are fully committed to that and your 454 00:17:09,170 --> 00:17:11,392 investment on the navy is significant . 455 00:17:11,392 --> 00:17:13,829 Do your current fiveyear plan indicate 456 00:17:13,839 --> 00:17:15,950 that we're going to have the capacity 457 00:17:15,950 --> 00:17:18,117 to build the submarines that we , that 458 00:17:18,117 --> 00:17:21,670 we hope to um by for my uh naval 459 00:17:21,680 --> 00:17:24,030 reactors . Hat on my doe side . 460 00:17:24,040 --> 00:17:26,849 Absolutely . And for the navy side 461 00:17:26,859 --> 00:17:28,859 right now , we are progressing on a 462 00:17:28,859 --> 00:17:30,170 plan to get to 463 00:17:30,500 --> 00:17:33,550 2.0 by 464 00:17:33,560 --> 00:17:36,589 28 and 2.33 by 465 00:17:36,599 --> 00:17:39,760 32 which corresponds to the time that 466 00:17:39,770 --> 00:17:41,979 we would be delivering the first um 467 00:17:41,989 --> 00:17:45,520 submarine purchased by Australia , 468 00:17:45,530 --> 00:17:47,510 that's going to take some serious 469 00:17:47,520 --> 00:17:50,000 workforce . It's significant work . If 470 00:17:50,010 --> 00:17:53,020 you look at what we have done in 2014 , 471 00:17:53,229 --> 00:17:55,790 we're building a single Virginia and in 472 00:17:55,800 --> 00:17:59,050 2024 we're building two Virginias that 473 00:17:59,060 --> 00:18:02,680 are 25% bigger than the Virginias we're 474 00:18:02,689 --> 00:18:05,530 building in 2014 . And we've added on 475 00:18:05,540 --> 00:18:08,250 top of that , the Columbia class , 476 00:18:08,459 --> 00:18:10,609 which is 2.5 times that original 477 00:18:10,619 --> 00:18:12,949 Virginia . So we have increased by 478 00:18:12,959 --> 00:18:15,569 fivefold , the tonnage we're building 479 00:18:15,579 --> 00:18:18,229 on submarines in the middle of COVID in 480 00:18:18,239 --> 00:18:21,829 the middle of supply chain issues and 481 00:18:21,839 --> 00:18:23,950 we are progressing on that . And that 482 00:18:23,950 --> 00:18:26,530 is why the navy is so invested in the 483 00:18:26,540 --> 00:18:28,729 submarine industrial base to improve 484 00:18:28,739 --> 00:18:31,410 that cadence on submarine construction , 485 00:18:31,420 --> 00:18:33,420 which is absolutely critical to the 486 00:18:33,420 --> 00:18:35,642 roles submarines play for our strategic 487 00:18:35,642 --> 00:18:38,000 deterrence and also in the Western 488 00:18:38,010 --> 00:18:40,520 Pacific . Thank you , Admiral Senator 489 00:18:40,530 --> 00:18:43,630 Fisher . Thank you , Mr Chairman . As 490 00:18:43,640 --> 00:18:45,529 members of this sub-committee are 491 00:18:45,529 --> 00:18:48,550 acutely aware . N NSA has extensive 492 00:18:48,560 --> 00:18:50,560 infrastructure needs . Some of your 493 00:18:50,569 --> 00:18:52,680 facilities date back to the Manhattan 494 00:18:52,680 --> 00:18:54,770 project and budget constraints and 495 00:18:54,780 --> 00:18:56,869 uneven performance on past 496 00:18:56,880 --> 00:18:59,265 recapitalization effort have increased 497 00:18:59,275 --> 00:19:01,185 the level of risk to the nuclear 498 00:19:01,194 --> 00:19:03,295 enterprise administrator . Can you 499 00:19:03,305 --> 00:19:05,416 provide this committee with an update 500 00:19:05,416 --> 00:19:08,635 on the ongoing capital asset projects , 501 00:19:08,645 --> 00:19:11,354 particularly the new facilities planned 502 00:19:11,375 --> 00:19:13,685 for the process processing of the 503 00:19:13,694 --> 00:19:17,420 critical minerals ? Ok . Um 504 00:19:17,430 --> 00:19:20,030 Thank you . Um So your pleasure . Uh 505 00:19:20,160 --> 00:19:24,030 Yeah , we have , we do have 506 00:19:24,040 --> 00:19:26,020 a lot of infrastructure projects 507 00:19:26,030 --> 00:19:27,752 underway . Um Our , our um our 508 00:19:27,752 --> 00:19:30,260 strategy 509 00:19:32,310 --> 00:19:34,500 uh is to try is to start keeping them 510 00:19:34,520 --> 00:19:37,699 done and then as opposed to start them 511 00:19:37,709 --> 00:19:41,000 all at the same time . Uh And so we've 512 00:19:41,010 --> 00:19:44,089 been uh we've been very um stringent 513 00:19:44,099 --> 00:19:46,420 on our prioritization of these 514 00:19:46,430 --> 00:19:48,430 facilities and we're doing this for 515 00:19:48,430 --> 00:19:51,560 reasons why we need them . So we , we , 516 00:19:51,569 --> 00:19:53,719 we , we need them to get our weapons 517 00:19:53,729 --> 00:19:56,069 done . And , and the second thing is 518 00:19:56,079 --> 00:19:58,190 it's cheaper if you can get them done 519 00:19:58,190 --> 00:20:00,357 than if you just continue to drag them 520 00:20:00,357 --> 00:20:02,357 out . We've seen cost increase as a 521 00:20:02,357 --> 00:20:04,500 result of that just by keeping people 522 00:20:04,510 --> 00:20:07,189 on roll , that might not be at their 523 00:20:07,199 --> 00:20:09,780 full capacity . So we have a plan to 524 00:20:09,790 --> 00:20:12,119 get uh projects finished now with 525 00:20:12,130 --> 00:20:14,520 respect to critical uh minerals . Can I 526 00:20:14,530 --> 00:20:16,760 ask you what the priority is on the 527 00:20:16,770 --> 00:20:18,437 facilities ? Which one you're 528 00:20:18,437 --> 00:20:20,760 prioritizing some do similar uh 529 00:20:20,770 --> 00:20:22,900 minerals obviously , but most of them 530 00:20:22,910 --> 00:20:25,021 are doing different ones , right ? So 531 00:20:25,021 --> 00:20:27,132 the our , our highest priority is pet 532 00:20:27,140 --> 00:20:29,920 production . Uh So the two facilities , 533 00:20:29,930 --> 00:20:32,041 one at Los Alamos and one at Savannah 534 00:20:32,041 --> 00:20:34,589 River . Uh the other facility that 535 00:20:34,599 --> 00:20:36,760 we're , we're , we're pushing towards 536 00:20:36,770 --> 00:20:38,826 completion is the uranium processing 537 00:20:38,826 --> 00:20:41,280 facility at Y 12 . And the next most 538 00:20:41,290 --> 00:20:44,050 crucial facility from a single point of 539 00:20:44,060 --> 00:20:46,004 failure perspective is our lithium 540 00:20:46,004 --> 00:20:48,449 processing facility at Y 12 . In 541 00:20:48,459 --> 00:20:50,348 addition , we have high explosive 542 00:20:50,348 --> 00:20:52,520 facilities underway which are also um 543 00:20:52,530 --> 00:20:55,479 uh critical um to be able to produce 544 00:20:55,489 --> 00:20:57,979 the weapons that we have . Um we have 545 00:20:57,989 --> 00:21:01,790 lined up . Did you wanna give 546 00:21:01,800 --> 00:21:03,967 us uh did you wanna finish your , your 547 00:21:03,967 --> 00:21:06,022 first comment when I ? Well , I just 548 00:21:06,022 --> 00:21:08,650 think that with RE II , I wanted to um 549 00:21:08,660 --> 00:21:12,449 say more newer to our discussions , the 550 00:21:12,459 --> 00:21:14,292 fact that we broke ground on the 551 00:21:14,292 --> 00:21:17,010 lithium processing facility . Uh And uh 552 00:21:17,020 --> 00:21:19,359 this facility is that at Y 12 that is 553 00:21:19,369 --> 00:21:22,449 at Y 12 . Uh It re it replaces a , a 554 00:21:22,459 --> 00:21:26,050 very old and , and facility that has 555 00:21:26,060 --> 00:21:28,609 some serious both safety and structural 556 00:21:28,619 --> 00:21:32,569 issues . Uh And so we um we'll 557 00:21:32,579 --> 00:21:34,523 be talking about that in the years 558 00:21:34,523 --> 00:21:37,069 ahead . Uh And I think it's also to the 559 00:21:37,079 --> 00:21:40,680 point that Senator King made earlier to 560 00:21:40,689 --> 00:21:42,959 get these pit production facilities 561 00:21:42,969 --> 00:21:46,660 done is gonna require uh fast , is 562 00:21:46,670 --> 00:21:48,781 gonna require higher investments over 563 00:21:48,781 --> 00:21:50,781 shorter periods of time . So you're 564 00:21:50,781 --> 00:21:53,003 gonna , you don't see that in the fy 25 565 00:21:53,003 --> 00:21:55,400 request too much , but II I will , I 566 00:21:55,410 --> 00:21:57,299 think it's coming and out your re 567 00:21:57,299 --> 00:22:00,689 request . Thank you uh administrator 568 00:22:00,699 --> 00:22:03,359 and Admiral between the Aus Agreement 569 00:22:03,369 --> 00:22:05,591 and the possibility that we're going to 570 00:22:05,591 --> 00:22:07,849 need to increase the number of planned 571 00:22:07,859 --> 00:22:10,880 hulls for Columbia class Virginia class 572 00:22:10,890 --> 00:22:14,640 or SNNSSNX submarines . 573 00:22:14,650 --> 00:22:16,539 How are we managing the increased 574 00:22:16,539 --> 00:22:19,250 demand for the highly enriched uranium 575 00:22:19,260 --> 00:22:21,660 for the naval reactors ? Do we need to 576 00:22:22,189 --> 00:22:25,140 put plans forward uh for any new 577 00:22:25,150 --> 00:22:28,680 enrichment facilities ? The highly 578 00:22:28,689 --> 00:22:30,911 enriched uranium supply is projected to 579 00:22:30,920 --> 00:22:33,119 last to the 20 fifties . Even with 580 00:22:33,130 --> 00:22:35,650 these increased demands , we are well 581 00:22:35,660 --> 00:22:37,882 aware of that na actors is working very 582 00:22:37,882 --> 00:22:41,020 closely with the N NSA and doe because 583 00:22:41,030 --> 00:22:43,141 as you know , we're , we're currently 584 00:22:43,141 --> 00:22:45,141 getting our highly enriched uranium 585 00:22:45,141 --> 00:22:47,489 from older nuclear weapons that we're 586 00:22:47,500 --> 00:22:49,611 reprocessing . So it's something that 587 00:22:49,611 --> 00:22:51,900 has our attention . We have to develop 588 00:22:51,910 --> 00:22:54,150 a plan to do that . Um And we're 589 00:22:54,160 --> 00:22:55,993 watching that very closely , the 590 00:22:55,993 --> 00:22:58,216 increased demands from AUS we've looked 591 00:22:58,216 --> 00:23:00,609 at that . It's very , very small in the 592 00:23:00,619 --> 00:23:03,939 overall scheme . The bigger thing is is 593 00:23:03,949 --> 00:23:06,699 that we have to get the capability in 594 00:23:06,709 --> 00:23:10,599 time to support about 2 to 3 metric ton 595 00:23:10,609 --> 00:23:13,130 delivery to support our fleet needs in 596 00:23:13,140 --> 00:23:15,251 the 20 fifties and we're working very 597 00:23:15,251 --> 00:23:18,500 close . Thank you . Thank you , Mr 598 00:23:18,510 --> 00:23:22,329 Chair Admiral . I visit the 599 00:23:22,339 --> 00:23:24,561 Portman Table Shipyard fairly regularly 600 00:23:24,561 --> 00:23:26,450 and always climb down in a , in a 601 00:23:26,450 --> 00:23:28,770 submarine that's under overhaul . 602 00:23:30,359 --> 00:23:32,192 By the way , I flunk the virtual 603 00:23:32,192 --> 00:23:34,569 welding test every time I keep trying , 604 00:23:34,579 --> 00:23:37,540 but it's very difficult anyway . Um 605 00:23:39,569 --> 00:23:41,458 Are you doing any thought in your 606 00:23:41,458 --> 00:23:45,069 design to accelerating the overhaul 607 00:23:45,079 --> 00:23:47,729 process ? I'm , I'm concerned about 608 00:23:47,739 --> 00:23:50,099 availability of these very expensive 609 00:23:50,109 --> 00:23:53,069 assets and how much time they have to 610 00:23:53,079 --> 00:23:56,739 spend in dry dock ? Uh Are there , 611 00:23:56,760 --> 00:23:59,079 for example , uh Senator Fisher and I 612 00:23:59,089 --> 00:24:01,369 were in North Dakota and we went down 613 00:24:01,380 --> 00:24:03,324 into the missile field and the old 614 00:24:03,324 --> 00:24:05,380 missiles , you've had to practically 615 00:24:05,380 --> 00:24:07,491 take them all apart to get to some of 616 00:24:07,491 --> 00:24:09,713 the pieces that needed maintenance . Is 617 00:24:09,713 --> 00:24:11,880 this something that you think about in 618 00:24:11,880 --> 00:24:13,991 the design of the submarines in order 619 00:24:13,991 --> 00:24:15,991 to get them in and out of , of , of 620 00:24:15,991 --> 00:24:17,939 overhaul on a more accelerated 621 00:24:17,949 --> 00:24:21,939 timetable ? Yes , Senator , that was 622 00:24:21,949 --> 00:24:24,116 my first time . I met you . You were a 623 00:24:24,116 --> 00:24:26,227 governor and we commissioned the main 624 00:24:26,227 --> 00:24:28,449 up in the Portsmouth shipyard . So it's 625 00:24:28,449 --> 00:24:30,505 an incredible shipyard . It's one of 626 00:24:30,505 --> 00:24:32,727 our leading submarine shipyards there . 627 00:24:32,727 --> 00:24:34,949 It's a tremendous uh uh site and I will 628 00:24:34,949 --> 00:24:37,171 tell you we from the nuclear propulsion 629 00:24:37,171 --> 00:24:39,329 side are doing everything we can to 630 00:24:39,380 --> 00:24:42,489 expedite those . Um We play a part in 631 00:24:42,500 --> 00:24:45,270 the submarine overhaul , a large large 632 00:24:45,280 --> 00:24:47,670 portion of it . Um We are working with 633 00:24:47,680 --> 00:24:50,729 our inc to do a once in the life of the 634 00:24:50,739 --> 00:24:52,890 ship upgrade on that . Um We have a 635 00:24:52,900 --> 00:24:55,040 very robust design on that . We are 636 00:24:55,050 --> 00:24:57,217 looking at maintenance activities such 637 00:24:57,217 --> 00:24:59,439 as our media discharges to do a once in 638 00:24:59,439 --> 00:25:01,619 life . And we are pushing technology . 639 00:25:01,829 --> 00:25:03,885 We have invested heavily in additive 640 00:25:03,885 --> 00:25:05,829 manufacturing because from a naval 641 00:25:05,829 --> 00:25:07,979 reactor standpoint , I own both the 642 00:25:07,989 --> 00:25:11,425 technical requirements and I also own 643 00:25:11,574 --> 00:25:13,744 the financial levers to Paul . And I'm 644 00:25:13,755 --> 00:25:15,944 actually leading the way for NAF C and 645 00:25:15,954 --> 00:25:18,045 I have components now that are being 646 00:25:18,055 --> 00:25:19,999 additively manufactured , that are 647 00:25:19,999 --> 00:25:21,999 going into our primary plants , our 648 00:25:21,999 --> 00:25:24,834 reactor plants to lead the way . So we 649 00:25:24,844 --> 00:25:27,066 are trying to accelerate that because I 650 00:25:27,066 --> 00:25:29,066 see the same thing . It's more than 651 00:25:29,066 --> 00:25:31,011 just shipbuilding . It's that ship 652 00:25:31,011 --> 00:25:33,229 repair and ship sustainment . Well , 653 00:25:33,239 --> 00:25:35,128 I'm glad to hear about the uh the 654 00:25:35,128 --> 00:25:37,260 attitude manufacturing . My belief is 655 00:25:37,270 --> 00:25:39,359 that there should be a 3d printer on 656 00:25:39,369 --> 00:25:41,839 every ship and in every hangar and that 657 00:25:41,849 --> 00:25:44,189 we should be buying the IP when we buy 658 00:25:44,959 --> 00:25:48,300 a platform so that we can maintain and 659 00:25:48,310 --> 00:25:50,660 build parts in a much , much more 660 00:25:50,670 --> 00:25:53,060 efficient way . I absolutely agree . 661 00:25:53,069 --> 00:25:55,770 The carriers do have printers on them . 662 00:25:55,780 --> 00:25:57,836 Some of our submarines have actually 663 00:25:57,836 --> 00:25:59,613 deployed with printers and they 664 00:25:59,613 --> 00:26:01,836 actually additively made , manufactured 665 00:26:01,836 --> 00:26:03,947 some components already for that . We 666 00:26:03,947 --> 00:26:06,599 need to expand that and it's more about 667 00:26:06,609 --> 00:26:10,099 speed now than it is so much 668 00:26:10,109 --> 00:26:13,540 about the process you use . And we find 669 00:26:13,550 --> 00:26:16,170 with additive manufacturing that it 670 00:26:16,180 --> 00:26:19,000 takes , it's faster than some of the 671 00:26:19,010 --> 00:26:21,109 just pure casting , pouring molten 672 00:26:21,119 --> 00:26:23,510 metal into sand and then removing all 673 00:26:23,520 --> 00:26:26,689 that excess metal is all that work that 674 00:26:26,699 --> 00:26:28,969 you have to do is taking away from 675 00:26:28,979 --> 00:26:31,090 actual production time that you could 676 00:26:31,090 --> 00:26:33,146 be using for other things . And so I 677 00:26:33,146 --> 00:26:35,257 absolutely see it the same way as you 678 00:26:35,257 --> 00:26:37,479 do and we just have to keep on lead the 679 00:26:37,479 --> 00:26:39,590 way . I appreciate that . And I can't 680 00:26:39,590 --> 00:26:41,701 resist mentioning that the University 681 00:26:41,701 --> 00:26:43,868 of Maine has the largest 3d printer in 682 00:26:43,868 --> 00:26:46,035 the world . And last year they printed 683 00:26:46,035 --> 00:26:48,300 a house . So it's an amazing technology 684 00:26:48,310 --> 00:26:50,660 that I think is going to change 685 00:26:50,670 --> 00:26:52,837 everything , but it could also help us 686 00:26:52,837 --> 00:26:55,130 with maintenance of our , of our naval 687 00:26:55,140 --> 00:26:58,390 and in fact , uh air and armed forces 688 00:26:58,400 --> 00:27:02,060 assets , Mr White , um I 689 00:27:02,069 --> 00:27:04,180 mentioned in my opening , the cost of 690 00:27:04,180 --> 00:27:06,920 the estimated cost of half a trillion 691 00:27:06,930 --> 00:27:09,119 dollars . You mentioned in your 692 00:27:09,130 --> 00:27:11,099 comments , looking at different 693 00:27:11,109 --> 00:27:13,369 technologies and techniques . Is there 694 00:27:13,380 --> 00:27:15,491 any hope of finding technologies that 695 00:27:15,491 --> 00:27:17,658 will enable us , enable us to meet our 696 00:27:17,658 --> 00:27:19,713 obligations at the same time , maybe 697 00:27:19,713 --> 00:27:23,180 chip away at that 505 $100 billion . 698 00:27:24,579 --> 00:27:26,746 Uh Senator . Thank you for that , that 699 00:27:26,746 --> 00:27:28,968 question . II , I absolutely think so . 700 00:27:28,968 --> 00:27:31,023 And I think some of them we're doing 701 00:27:31,023 --> 00:27:33,190 currently and we're um working uh with 702 00:27:33,190 --> 00:27:35,246 our state regulators and partners on 703 00:27:35,246 --> 00:27:37,079 the agreement we just signed . I 704 00:27:37,079 --> 00:27:39,079 mentioned earlier with the state of 705 00:27:39,079 --> 00:27:41,079 Washington will allow us to explore 706 00:27:41,079 --> 00:27:43,246 alternative treatment technologies for 707 00:27:43,246 --> 00:27:43,050 the bulk of our tank waste there . The 708 00:27:43,060 --> 00:27:45,160 low activity portion of that um this 709 00:27:45,170 --> 00:27:47,003 committee supported our test bed 710 00:27:47,003 --> 00:27:49,114 initiative in the past which looks at 711 00:27:49,114 --> 00:27:51,114 commercial uh disposal and grouting 712 00:27:51,114 --> 00:27:53,337 options . And I think just that ability 713 00:27:53,337 --> 00:27:55,392 alone to , to , to deal with the low 714 00:27:55,392 --> 00:27:55,189 activity piece of the tank waste in 715 00:27:55,199 --> 00:27:57,199 that fashion would save hundreds of 716 00:27:57,199 --> 00:27:59,380 billions of dollars beyond just simply 717 00:27:59,390 --> 00:28:01,557 um uh vitrifying the waste . There are 718 00:28:01,557 --> 00:28:03,723 other things we can do that . We're uh 719 00:28:03,723 --> 00:28:05,890 this committee has supported our R and 720 00:28:05,890 --> 00:28:07,946 D efforts . Uh looking long range at 721 00:28:07,946 --> 00:28:09,946 our tank waste mission . One of the 722 00:28:09,946 --> 00:28:09,400 things folks don't always think about 723 00:28:09,410 --> 00:28:11,521 in terms of our tank is we have about 724 00:28:11,521 --> 00:28:13,521 50 million gallons at Hanford . But 725 00:28:13,521 --> 00:28:15,688 over time , because of the way we have 726 00:28:15,688 --> 00:28:17,910 to retrieve the waste , we use water to 727 00:28:17,910 --> 00:28:17,489 retrieve it . You end up having to 728 00:28:17,500 --> 00:28:19,667 treat about 100 and 50 million gallons 729 00:28:19,667 --> 00:28:21,667 of waste because you have to create 730 00:28:21,667 --> 00:28:23,889 more waste as you retrieve what's there 731 00:28:23,889 --> 00:28:26,111 to be able to treat it . Um Part of our 732 00:28:26,111 --> 00:28:28,111 R and D effort that we just awarded 733 00:28:28,111 --> 00:28:30,333 this past year , for example , is going 734 00:28:30,333 --> 00:28:29,489 to our laboratories to look at 735 00:28:29,500 --> 00:28:31,611 alternative retrieval technologies so 736 00:28:31,611 --> 00:28:33,778 that we can reduce the amount of water 737 00:28:33,778 --> 00:28:35,778 that we have to use in retrieval to 738 00:28:35,778 --> 00:28:38,000 ultimately be able to reduce the amount 739 00:28:38,000 --> 00:28:37,790 of tank waste that we have to treat . 740 00:28:37,800 --> 00:28:40,022 So I think there are opportunities like 741 00:28:40,022 --> 00:28:42,022 that across the enterprise . Um And 742 00:28:42,022 --> 00:28:44,356 we're trying to take advantage of those . 743 00:28:44,356 --> 00:28:46,578 Could you hazard an estimate as to when 744 00:28:46,578 --> 00:28:48,689 Hanford will be done ? I , I can give 745 00:28:48,689 --> 00:28:50,800 you an estimate , Senator , but I can 746 00:28:50,800 --> 00:28:53,022 almost guarantee you that I would be uh 747 00:28:53,022 --> 00:28:55,078 wrong . I think our best case uh for 748 00:28:55,078 --> 00:28:57,022 getting done . I if we can uh work 749 00:28:57,022 --> 00:28:59,189 through our , our technical challenges 750 00:28:59,189 --> 00:28:58,369 and use alternative treatment 751 00:28:58,380 --> 00:29:00,780 technologies could be as early as the 752 00:29:00,790 --> 00:29:03,880 2060 ish time frame . Um I think if we 753 00:29:03,890 --> 00:29:06,689 use 60 . Yes , sir . Wow . 754 00:29:09,459 --> 00:29:11,729 And it could otherwise be much longer . 755 00:29:14,060 --> 00:29:16,116 Keith Richards might be dead by then 756 00:29:18,689 --> 00:29:21,880 Senator Rosen . On that note . Thank 757 00:29:21,890 --> 00:29:25,109 you , Mr Chair . Thank you for holding 758 00:29:25,119 --> 00:29:27,286 this hearing . It's really important . 759 00:29:27,286 --> 00:29:29,563 Thank you all for the work that you do . 760 00:29:29,563 --> 00:29:31,730 It's so important to us in Nevada . Um 761 00:29:31,730 --> 00:29:33,730 As you know , and uh um because the 762 00:29:33,730 --> 00:29:36,010 Nevada national security site , it has 763 00:29:36,020 --> 00:29:38,339 been called the battlefield of the Cold 764 00:29:38,349 --> 00:29:40,293 War and what was then known as the 765 00:29:40,293 --> 00:29:42,182 Nevada test site . Those of us in 766 00:29:42,182 --> 00:29:44,238 Nevada still call it the Nevada test 767 00:29:44,238 --> 00:29:46,127 site . It was ground zero for the 768 00:29:46,127 --> 00:29:48,293 majority of our nation's nuclear tests 769 00:29:48,293 --> 00:29:51,609 were 100 atmospheric and 828 770 00:29:51,619 --> 00:29:53,730 underground tests were conducted from 771 00:29:53,730 --> 00:29:57,709 1951 to 1992 . We know these tests 772 00:29:57,719 --> 00:30:00,052 contaminated our soil , our groundwater , 773 00:30:00,052 --> 00:30:02,349 the facilities in the area and cleanup 774 00:30:02,359 --> 00:30:05,949 is still ongoing . And so uh Mr White , 775 00:30:05,959 --> 00:30:08,170 can you please provide us an update on 776 00:30:08,180 --> 00:30:09,958 the cleanup projects within the 777 00:30:09,958 --> 00:30:12,124 security site . And uh do you have the 778 00:30:12,124 --> 00:30:14,458 adequate resources to complete the task ? 779 00:30:15,229 --> 00:30:17,396 Uh Thank you for that . Uh Senator and 780 00:30:17,396 --> 00:30:19,562 I , I very much appreciate the support 781 00:30:19,562 --> 00:30:21,673 from Congress over the last couple of 782 00:30:21,673 --> 00:30:21,069 years in adding additional funds to our 783 00:30:21,079 --> 00:30:23,079 clean up budget in Nevada . I think 784 00:30:23,079 --> 00:30:25,190 that helped us in a couple of cases . 785 00:30:25,190 --> 00:30:27,412 Um We , we've been able to install more 786 00:30:27,412 --> 00:30:29,523 robust inspection uh capabilities for 787 00:30:29,523 --> 00:30:31,746 our disposal activities there and we've 788 00:30:31,746 --> 00:30:33,968 been able to optimize some of our D and 789 00:30:33,968 --> 00:30:36,079 D efforts right now . We're very much 790 00:30:36,079 --> 00:30:37,690 focused on what I think is a 791 00:30:37,690 --> 00:30:39,746 historically interesting part of the 792 00:30:39,746 --> 00:30:41,635 site where um some of the nuclear 793 00:30:41,635 --> 00:30:43,579 rocket work was done . So the test 794 00:30:43,579 --> 00:30:45,635 cells and the old uh facilities that 795 00:30:45,635 --> 00:30:48,229 are being uh D and D with within our 796 00:30:48,239 --> 00:30:50,239 our current approach , we should be 797 00:30:50,239 --> 00:30:52,406 able to get that work done in the 2030 798 00:30:52,406 --> 00:30:54,461 by the 2030 time frame . Wonderful . 799 00:30:54,461 --> 00:30:56,406 Thank you and administrator Ruby . 800 00:30:56,406 --> 00:30:58,461 Today . Uh The site conducts the sub 801 00:30:58,461 --> 00:31:00,406 critical experiments to verify the 802 00:31:00,406 --> 00:31:02,572 reliability , the effectiveness of our 803 00:31:02,572 --> 00:31:04,795 nuclear stockpile so that we never ever 804 00:31:04,795 --> 00:31:07,430 have to return to the days of above or 805 00:31:07,439 --> 00:31:09,670 below ground testing , explosive 806 00:31:09,680 --> 00:31:12,719 testing . And so last week , this first 807 00:31:12,729 --> 00:31:14,673 sub critical experiment in roughly 808 00:31:14,673 --> 00:31:16,507 three years was conducted in the 809 00:31:16,507 --> 00:31:18,562 principal underground laboratory for 810 00:31:18,562 --> 00:31:20,729 sub critical experimentation . It much 811 00:31:20,729 --> 00:31:24,150 easier to say pulse facility . And so 812 00:31:24,160 --> 00:31:26,430 can you discuss the importance of that 813 00:31:26,439 --> 00:31:28,969 experiment why sub critical experiments 814 00:31:28,979 --> 00:31:31,090 and other experiments taking place in 815 00:31:31,090 --> 00:31:33,201 the Nevada National security site are 816 00:31:33,201 --> 00:31:35,589 vital to our stockpile stewardship and 817 00:31:35,599 --> 00:31:37,849 ensuring that we can continue to 818 00:31:37,859 --> 00:31:40,069 certify the stockpile without again 819 00:31:40,079 --> 00:31:43,089 ever returning to underground explosive 820 00:31:43,099 --> 00:31:46,410 nuclear testing . Yeah , thank you . Um 821 00:31:46,420 --> 00:31:48,476 Senator Rosen . It's good to see you 822 00:31:48,476 --> 00:31:50,640 again . And we're very proud of the 823 00:31:50,650 --> 00:31:53,219 fact that we um had a successful sub 824 00:31:53,329 --> 00:31:55,662 critical experiment . Um just last week . 825 00:31:55,662 --> 00:31:57,773 Uh These experiments are so important 826 00:31:57,773 --> 00:32:01,680 because they allow us to 827 00:32:01,689 --> 00:32:05,140 study actual plutonium without do 828 00:32:05,199 --> 00:32:08,359 without uh without doing a , 829 00:32:09,719 --> 00:32:11,719 without creating a chain reaction , 830 00:32:11,719 --> 00:32:13,830 right ? So there , that's why we call 831 00:32:13,830 --> 00:32:15,886 them sub critical . Uh And so we can 832 00:32:15,886 --> 00:32:17,997 actually look at the real material uh 833 00:32:17,997 --> 00:32:20,163 under conditions that are important to 834 00:32:20,163 --> 00:32:22,330 us under very dynamic conditions . And 835 00:32:22,330 --> 00:32:24,739 as a result of these tests , we can 836 00:32:24,750 --> 00:32:28,530 make sure um the 837 00:32:28,739 --> 00:32:31,180 aged material still behaving as we 838 00:32:31,189 --> 00:32:33,369 would expect it to , we can look at 839 00:32:33,380 --> 00:32:35,969 newly produced materials and see if it 840 00:32:35,979 --> 00:32:38,849 behaves the same . Uh And we can learn 841 00:32:38,859 --> 00:32:42,250 new things uh by our high fidelity 842 00:32:42,260 --> 00:32:46,150 experimental um data collection . So uh 843 00:32:46,160 --> 00:32:49,790 we anticipate this is the best way 844 00:32:49,800 --> 00:32:52,949 um to maintain our stockpile without uh 845 00:32:52,959 --> 00:32:55,290 returning to nuclear testing , 846 00:32:55,400 --> 00:32:57,680 especially with the demands that we 847 00:32:57,689 --> 00:33:00,589 have right now uh in our production uh 848 00:33:00,599 --> 00:33:04,310 enterprise as well as uh um 849 00:33:04,400 --> 00:33:07,280 perhaps new weapons that we need in the 850 00:33:07,290 --> 00:33:10,250 future to meet these changing global 851 00:33:10,260 --> 00:33:12,427 conditions . It's important that we do 852 00:33:12,427 --> 00:33:15,150 these . And uh we talk about um all of 853 00:33:15,160 --> 00:33:17,049 our missions and particularly our 854 00:33:17,049 --> 00:33:18,993 counterterrorism mission . We have 855 00:33:18,993 --> 00:33:21,049 another thing not besides having the 856 00:33:21,049 --> 00:33:23,216 test site , we have the amazing remote 857 00:33:23,216 --> 00:33:25,327 sensing laboratory . I love to go out 858 00:33:25,327 --> 00:33:27,216 there . They're doing , um , just 859 00:33:27,216 --> 00:33:29,049 wonderful things and of course , 860 00:33:29,049 --> 00:33:31,049 they're both at Nevada's Nellis Air 861 00:33:31,049 --> 00:33:33,049 Force Base and joint base Andrews . 862 00:33:33,049 --> 00:33:35,104 They provide that emergency response 863 00:33:35,104 --> 00:33:37,327 capability and crisis support teams and 864 00:33:37,327 --> 00:33:39,280 they are ready to deploy anywhere 865 00:33:39,300 --> 00:33:42,010 around the world and the personalities 866 00:33:42,175 --> 00:33:44,397 cases . I said I've been out there many 867 00:33:44,397 --> 00:33:46,564 times and uh and those of the national 868 00:33:46,564 --> 00:33:48,619 security site , they're the nation's 869 00:33:48,619 --> 00:33:52,175 experts in locating bombs , loose nukes 870 00:33:52,185 --> 00:33:54,185 sources of radiation in addition to 871 00:33:54,185 --> 00:33:56,129 determining origin and attribution 872 00:33:56,129 --> 00:33:58,324 through nuclear forensics . And so 873 00:33:58,724 --> 00:34:01,035 madam administrator given the critical 874 00:34:01,045 --> 00:34:03,814 role that both our facilities play and 875 00:34:04,310 --> 00:34:07,109 remote sensing lab in particular um in 876 00:34:07,119 --> 00:34:09,429 our national defense architecture . Can 877 00:34:09,439 --> 00:34:11,272 you speak a little bit about how 878 00:34:11,272 --> 00:34:13,495 important our remote sensing lab is and 879 00:34:13,495 --> 00:34:15,383 the safety and security that they 880 00:34:15,383 --> 00:34:18,179 provide to the American people ? Yeah , 881 00:34:18,189 --> 00:34:21,120 absolutely . It is fun to uh talk to 882 00:34:21,129 --> 00:34:23,129 the people who work at these labs . 883 00:34:23,129 --> 00:34:25,129 They do amazing things in amazingly 884 00:34:25,129 --> 00:34:27,185 short time frames because everything 885 00:34:27,185 --> 00:34:29,129 they do is usually associated with 886 00:34:29,129 --> 00:34:31,240 emergency response . And I would just 887 00:34:31,240 --> 00:34:33,840 like to say that it's been , it's not 888 00:34:33,850 --> 00:34:36,040 only for the American people when a 889 00:34:36,050 --> 00:34:38,199 source goes missing or something 890 00:34:38,209 --> 00:34:41,095 unexpected happens in the US , it's 891 00:34:41,105 --> 00:34:43,161 also for the international community 892 00:34:43,161 --> 00:34:45,525 and they've been critical in our work . 893 00:34:45,535 --> 00:34:47,424 They have everything they need to 894 00:34:47,424 --> 00:34:49,479 continue their mission . I wanted to 895 00:34:49,479 --> 00:34:51,646 ask you . I do think so . I think that 896 00:34:51,646 --> 00:34:53,813 the , uh to be honest , so they've had 897 00:34:53,813 --> 00:34:55,979 a big , uh they've had a boost because 898 00:34:55,979 --> 00:34:58,406 of the supplemental funding for Ukraine . 899 00:34:58,696 --> 00:35:00,974 They've done a lot of work for Ukraine . 900 00:35:00,974 --> 00:35:03,196 I know . Uh So that , that's not in our 901 00:35:03,196 --> 00:35:05,418 base budget . Of course , that's in our 902 00:35:05,418 --> 00:35:07,307 uh supplemental budget . But as a 903 00:35:07,307 --> 00:35:09,307 result of that , we've been able to 904 00:35:09,307 --> 00:35:11,612 really exercise all the muscles um uh 905 00:35:11,622 --> 00:35:14,211 uh with that , with that team . Well , 906 00:35:14,221 --> 00:35:16,388 we have the remote sensing lab and the 907 00:35:16,388 --> 00:35:18,642 test site . Amazing teams work out 908 00:35:18,652 --> 00:35:20,902 there and I'm proud to uh go visit them 909 00:35:20,912 --> 00:35:23,023 and see the good work they're doing . 910 00:35:23,023 --> 00:35:24,968 Thank you , Senator Senator Fisher 911 00:35:26,469 --> 00:35:28,691 administrator . I just have uh one more 912 00:35:28,691 --> 00:35:30,913 comment and question . First of all , I 913 00:35:30,913 --> 00:35:33,025 want to thank you for submitting your 914 00:35:33,025 --> 00:35:35,090 unfunded um priorities list to the 915 00:35:35,100 --> 00:35:37,211 committee earlier this year . I agree 916 00:35:37,211 --> 00:35:39,969 with the programs that you listed and 917 00:35:39,979 --> 00:35:42,146 uh I do believe that they warrant this 918 00:35:42,146 --> 00:35:44,201 committee's attention and additional 919 00:35:44,201 --> 00:35:46,649 funding . Would you speak to the three 920 00:35:46,729 --> 00:35:49,320 programs that are listed ? Uh Slicker 921 00:35:49,469 --> 00:35:52,580 in the Analytic Gas Laboratory mission 922 00:35:52,590 --> 00:35:55,110 enabling construction project . And 923 00:35:55,120 --> 00:35:57,231 then we've kind of talked in the past 924 00:35:57,231 --> 00:35:59,231 about the need for the binder , the 925 00:35:59,231 --> 00:36:01,287 production and qualification efforts 926 00:36:01,287 --> 00:36:03,176 for that for the insensitive high 927 00:36:03,176 --> 00:36:06,129 explosives . Uh Why do you need , why 928 00:36:06,139 --> 00:36:08,306 do you need more resources for those ? 929 00:36:09,270 --> 00:36:11,381 Yeah . A as I mentioned in my opening 930 00:36:11,381 --> 00:36:14,510 comments , uh slicker in is the is a 931 00:36:14,520 --> 00:36:17,320 very unique case in this regard that uh 932 00:36:17,330 --> 00:36:20,360 you know , it wasn't in our program of 933 00:36:20,370 --> 00:36:23,409 record until the fy 934 00:36:23,419 --> 00:36:27,169 2024 NDA A was passed . Uh 935 00:36:27,179 --> 00:36:29,780 And by , at that time , we had already 936 00:36:29,790 --> 00:36:32,879 submitted our fy 25 budget request . So 937 00:36:32,889 --> 00:36:35,830 the slick him in uh budget request when 938 00:36:35,840 --> 00:36:38,399 the unfunded requirements is for $70 939 00:36:38,409 --> 00:36:40,576 million that's an amount that we think 940 00:36:40,576 --> 00:36:43,750 is reasonable to do what we anticipate 941 00:36:43,760 --> 00:36:45,871 needing to do in that program . We're 942 00:36:45,871 --> 00:36:48,093 still working very closely with the dod 943 00:36:48,093 --> 00:36:50,204 and the Navy to define the details of 944 00:36:50,204 --> 00:36:52,649 that program . Uh But we are gonna need 945 00:36:52,659 --> 00:36:56,199 some budget to do it . Um The uh 946 00:36:56,209 --> 00:36:59,010 the I'm gonna do the binder . Uh Let me 947 00:36:59,020 --> 00:37:02,540 address this uh binder issue . Uh We uh 948 00:37:02,550 --> 00:37:06,540 we have uh we uh emerging issue 949 00:37:06,550 --> 00:37:09,860 has uh come up as a result of changing 950 00:37:09,870 --> 00:37:12,409 environmental regulations concerning uh 951 00:37:12,419 --> 00:37:16,110 forever chemicals uh that we have a 952 00:37:16,120 --> 00:37:18,489 binder material on our explosives that 953 00:37:18,500 --> 00:37:21,719 falls into this category of materials 954 00:37:21,729 --> 00:37:24,719 that are now being regulated uh very uh 955 00:37:24,729 --> 00:37:27,870 very closely by the EPA . And so we 956 00:37:27,879 --> 00:37:29,935 need a new binder material and we're 957 00:37:29,935 --> 00:37:32,046 gonna work on a new binder material . 958 00:37:32,046 --> 00:37:34,157 Uh And , but meanwhile , we also have 959 00:37:34,157 --> 00:37:36,212 to figure out how to get through the 960 00:37:36,212 --> 00:37:38,379 program of record that we have with uh 961 00:37:38,379 --> 00:37:40,379 a limited supply of this particular 962 00:37:40,379 --> 00:37:42,268 material and , or finding another 963 00:37:42,268 --> 00:37:45,340 supplier . Uh So , uh so that's an 964 00:37:45,350 --> 00:37:48,550 issue that emerged after the budget was 965 00:37:48,560 --> 00:37:51,370 formulated . Uh and that's why it's in 966 00:37:51,379 --> 00:37:54,080 and the uh analytical lab is uh again , 967 00:37:54,090 --> 00:37:56,850 just to make sure that we can , uh we 968 00:37:56,860 --> 00:38:00,389 have all the facilities we need uh to 969 00:38:00,399 --> 00:38:03,330 make sure that we can um we can 970 00:38:03,340 --> 00:38:07,300 analyze um the WW what we 971 00:38:07,310 --> 00:38:09,729 need to do to make to , to produce the 972 00:38:09,739 --> 00:38:11,959 pets that we need to produce . Thank 973 00:38:11,969 --> 00:38:14,209 you . Thank you , Mr Chairman . Ok . 974 00:38:14,219 --> 00:38:16,275 Thank you all very much . We'll have 975 00:38:16,275 --> 00:38:18,386 our second panel come forward . Thank 976 00:38:18,386 --> 00:38:17,879 you . 977 00:38:29,120 --> 00:38:32,550 L he's from Vermont . Yeah , actually 978 00:38:32,560 --> 00:38:34,838 his family's in . Is that right ? Yeah . 979 00:38:34,838 --> 00:38:37,889 Ok . Ok . 980 00:38:39,320 --> 00:38:40,487 There's still time . 981 00:38:49,389 --> 00:38:51,389 So when Senator Kelly comes , he'll 982 00:38:51,389 --> 00:38:53,939 probably ask Johnny Wolf admiral 983 00:38:54,120 --> 00:38:56,250 handles nuclear programs about the 984 00:38:56,260 --> 00:38:58,560 slicker man issue . Yes , I know 985 00:39:03,959 --> 00:39:06,015 Doctor Adams . Are you leading off ? 986 00:39:10,120 --> 00:39:13,360 Um some , some short opening remarks , 987 00:39:14,239 --> 00:39:16,295 sir . Are , are you requesting short 988 00:39:16,300 --> 00:39:19,280 opening remarks ? Ok . Thank you . Yes . 989 00:39:19,290 --> 00:39:21,401 So , Chairman King , ranking member , 990 00:39:21,401 --> 00:39:23,512 Fisher and members of the committee . 991 00:39:23,512 --> 00:39:26,030 It is an honor to be here before you to 992 00:39:26,040 --> 00:39:28,350 discuss the president's fiscal year 993 00:39:28,360 --> 00:39:30,629 2025 budget request for the weapons 994 00:39:30,639 --> 00:39:34,010 activities portion of doe and N SAS 995 00:39:34,459 --> 00:39:38,149 um activities . Thanks to support from 996 00:39:38,159 --> 00:39:40,520 this sub-committee and the full 997 00:39:40,530 --> 00:39:43,189 committee and Congress in general and 998 00:39:43,199 --> 00:39:44,921 the efforts of our outstanding 999 00:39:44,921 --> 00:39:46,977 dedicated workers across the nuclear 1000 00:39:46,977 --> 00:39:49,389 security enterprise . We are steadily 1001 00:39:49,399 --> 00:39:51,969 improving our infrastructure and our 1002 00:39:51,979 --> 00:39:54,629 capabilities while we are also taking 1003 00:39:54,639 --> 00:39:57,719 on new challenges as they arise from a 1004 00:39:57,850 --> 00:40:00,389 worsening global security situation , 1005 00:40:01,649 --> 00:40:04,639 the fy 25 weapons activity's budget 1006 00:40:04,649 --> 00:40:08,610 request of about $19.8 billion will 1007 00:40:08,620 --> 00:40:11,689 support our continued commitment to 1008 00:40:11,699 --> 00:40:15,699 design manufacture , certify transport , 1009 00:40:15,780 --> 00:40:18,870 maintain and assess the safe , secure 1010 00:40:18,879 --> 00:40:21,530 and reliable warheads that are needed 1011 00:40:21,540 --> 00:40:23,484 to keep our deterrent credible and 1012 00:40:23,484 --> 00:40:25,949 effective . Toward that end , we have 1013 00:40:25,959 --> 00:40:29,239 added programs for the B 6113 gravity 1014 00:40:29,250 --> 00:40:31,600 bomb and the nuclear sea launch cruise 1015 00:40:31,610 --> 00:40:33,760 missile to the other five warhead 1016 00:40:33,770 --> 00:40:35,992 programs that have been and continue to 1017 00:40:35,992 --> 00:40:38,560 be in our program of record , we have 1018 00:40:38,570 --> 00:40:40,626 accepted the challenge of delivering 1019 00:40:40,626 --> 00:40:42,681 the two new warheads within the same 1020 00:40:42,681 --> 00:40:45,080 time frame spanned by the other five 1021 00:40:46,860 --> 00:40:49,270 in fiscal year 2023 . As administrator 1022 00:40:49,280 --> 00:40:51,502 Ruby mentioned , we delivered more than 1023 00:40:51,502 --> 00:40:53,800 200 modernized warheads to the military 1024 00:40:53,959 --> 00:40:56,909 with all deliveries on schedule . The F 1025 00:40:56,919 --> 00:40:59,100 I 25 budget request supports our 1026 00:40:59,110 --> 00:41:02,090 commitment to continuing on time 1027 00:41:02,100 --> 00:41:04,489 deliveries into the future . It 1028 00:41:04,500 --> 00:41:07,219 reflects time phasing of many efforts 1029 00:41:07,620 --> 00:41:09,989 including construction projects to 1030 00:41:10,000 --> 00:41:12,310 ensure that capabilities are ready by 1031 00:41:12,320 --> 00:41:14,376 the time they are needed for warhead 1032 00:41:14,376 --> 00:41:17,969 delivery . In closing , I would like to 1033 00:41:17,979 --> 00:41:20,035 thank again this sub-committee , the 1034 00:41:20,035 --> 00:41:22,090 full committee in Congress for the 1035 00:41:22,100 --> 00:41:24,459 support that has enabled N NSA to 1036 00:41:24,469 --> 00:41:27,290 deliver on its important national 1037 00:41:27,300 --> 00:41:29,610 security missions to date . And I look 1038 00:41:29,620 --> 00:41:31,842 forward to your questions . Thank you , 1039 00:41:31,842 --> 00:41:35,729 sir . A wolf . Chairman King , 1040 00:41:35,739 --> 00:41:37,850 ranking member Fisher . Thank you for 1041 00:41:37,850 --> 00:41:40,072 the opportunity to testify on behalf of 1042 00:41:40,072 --> 00:41:42,072 the Department of the Navy's budget 1043 00:41:42,072 --> 00:41:43,906 priorities for nuclear forces as 1044 00:41:43,906 --> 00:41:46,183 Director of Strategic Systems programs . 1045 00:41:46,183 --> 00:41:48,295 My mission is to provide credible and 1046 00:41:48,295 --> 00:41:50,406 affordable strategic solutions to our 1047 00:41:50,406 --> 00:41:52,709 warfighter for nearly seven decades . 1048 00:41:52,729 --> 00:41:55,129 And with Congress's steadfast support , 1049 00:41:55,250 --> 00:41:57,417 the navy submarine force has served as 1050 00:41:57,417 --> 00:41:59,709 the foundation for the US Strategic 1051 00:41:59,719 --> 00:42:02,629 Posture operating on continuous patrol 1052 00:42:02,639 --> 00:42:04,689 and providing assured second strike 1053 00:42:04,699 --> 00:42:07,149 capability . Since I testified before 1054 00:42:07,159 --> 00:42:09,381 this panel last year , we have built on 1055 00:42:09,381 --> 00:42:11,603 this remarkable history of deterrence , 1056 00:42:11,603 --> 00:42:13,959 marking such milestones as the final 1057 00:42:13,969 --> 00:42:16,149 demonstration and shakedown operation 1058 00:42:16,530 --> 00:42:18,810 for our high class ballistic missile 1059 00:42:18,820 --> 00:42:21,070 submarines . Establishment of a new 1060 00:42:21,080 --> 00:42:23,360 nuclear office for the sea launched 1061 00:42:23,370 --> 00:42:25,409 cruise missile slick them . In . 1062 00:42:25,919 --> 00:42:28,141 Additionally , in coordinating with our 1063 00:42:28,141 --> 00:42:30,197 N NSA partners , we are initiating a 1064 00:42:30,197 --> 00:42:32,086 nuclear weapon project to adapt a 1065 00:42:32,086 --> 00:42:34,419 nuclear warhead for this new capability . 1066 00:42:34,439 --> 00:42:36,383 This work has not been without its 1067 00:42:36,383 --> 00:42:38,600 challenges . Long periods of nuclear 1068 00:42:38,610 --> 00:42:41,169 sustainment have atrophied the domestic 1069 00:42:41,179 --> 00:42:43,760 industrial base and its critical skills . 1070 00:42:44,060 --> 00:42:46,389 Significant investments are required to 1071 00:42:46,399 --> 00:42:49,139 build back capacity to handle multiple , 1072 00:42:49,149 --> 00:42:50,860 multiple concurrent nuclear 1073 00:42:50,870 --> 00:42:53,439 modernization programs . Furthermore , 1074 00:42:53,520 --> 00:42:55,629 we are seeing exceptional inflation 1075 00:42:55,699 --> 00:42:57,879 based cost growth due to the aging 1076 00:42:57,889 --> 00:43:00,489 industrial base associated supply 1077 00:43:00,500 --> 00:43:03,020 change challenges and material 1078 00:43:03,030 --> 00:43:06,090 obsolescence . Nevertheless , we must 1079 00:43:06,100 --> 00:43:08,211 continue to sustain today's deterrent 1080 00:43:08,219 --> 00:43:10,163 while modernizing for the future . 1081 00:43:10,239 --> 00:43:12,629 First and foremost , we must maintain 1082 00:43:12,639 --> 00:43:15,050 the current D five le missile inventory 1083 00:43:15,120 --> 00:43:17,231 and provide the necessary operational 1084 00:43:17,239 --> 00:43:19,360 support to sustain Ohio class 1085 00:43:19,370 --> 00:43:21,370 submarines through the end of their 1086 00:43:21,370 --> 00:43:24,830 life in the early 20 forties . Secondly , 1087 00:43:24,979 --> 00:43:28,010 along with Pe Os SBN , we must continue 1088 00:43:28,020 --> 00:43:30,449 to ensure a seamless transition between 1089 00:43:30,459 --> 00:43:32,479 Ohio class and Columbia class 1090 00:43:32,489 --> 00:43:35,840 submarines for my command SSP this 1091 00:43:35,850 --> 00:43:37,961 requires a seamless transition of the 1092 00:43:37,961 --> 00:43:40,072 current trident two D five le weapons 1093 00:43:40,072 --> 00:43:42,300 system onto the new Columbia class 1094 00:43:42,310 --> 00:43:44,909 ballistic missile submarine . Finally , 1095 00:43:45,030 --> 00:43:46,974 one of the greatest advantages the 1096 00:43:46,974 --> 00:43:49,141 United States has is its alliances and 1097 00:43:49,141 --> 00:43:51,729 partnerships for decades . Us policy 1098 00:43:51,739 --> 00:43:54,070 has recognized the contribution of an 1099 00:43:54,080 --> 00:43:56,191 independent British nuclear deterrent 1100 00:43:56,191 --> 00:43:58,959 adds to NA NATO . And indeed global 1101 00:43:58,969 --> 00:44:02,090 stability SSP will continue to support 1102 00:44:02,100 --> 00:44:04,060 and sustain this most important 1103 00:44:04,070 --> 00:44:06,229 relationship . Execution of these 1104 00:44:06,239 --> 00:44:08,510 priorities is only possible through 1105 00:44:08,520 --> 00:44:10,469 investment in our people , our 1106 00:44:10,479 --> 00:44:13,189 infrastructure and our industrial base , 1107 00:44:13,459 --> 00:44:15,770 nuclear modernization will take time . 1108 00:44:15,879 --> 00:44:18,040 And I echo the Strategic Posture 1109 00:44:18,050 --> 00:44:20,280 Commission's findings that urgent and 1110 00:44:20,290 --> 00:44:22,679 comprehensive resourcing and whole of 1111 00:44:22,689 --> 00:44:24,719 enterprise effort is absolutely 1112 00:44:24,729 --> 00:44:26,729 essential . It is only through your 1113 00:44:26,729 --> 00:44:28,951 continued support that the department's 1114 00:44:28,951 --> 00:44:31,173 highest modernization priorities can be 1115 00:44:31,173 --> 00:44:33,173 achieved and the Navy can deliver a 1116 00:44:33,173 --> 00:44:35,360 reliable seabased strategic deterrent 1117 00:44:35,370 --> 00:44:37,239 capability . Thank you for the 1118 00:44:37,250 --> 00:44:39,800 opportunity to testify today on behalf 1119 00:44:39,810 --> 00:44:42,040 of the dedicated Americans that make 1120 00:44:42,050 --> 00:44:44,489 strategic deterrent their life's work . 1121 00:44:44,500 --> 00:44:46,444 I look forward to your questions . 1122 00:44:46,444 --> 00:44:48,439 Thank you , Admiral General , good 1123 00:44:48,449 --> 00:44:50,449 afternoon , Chairman King , ranking 1124 00:44:50,449 --> 00:44:52,671 member Fisher and distinguished members 1125 00:44:52,671 --> 00:44:54,616 of this committee . I'm honored to 1126 00:44:54,616 --> 00:44:56,560 represent the men and women of Air 1127 00:44:56,560 --> 00:44:58,782 Force Global Strike Command and provide 1128 00:44:58,782 --> 00:45:00,727 you an update on our mission , our 1129 00:45:00,727 --> 00:45:02,782 airmen and our ongoing modernization 1130 00:45:02,782 --> 00:45:04,449 efforts and the challenges in 1131 00:45:04,449 --> 00:45:06,616 sustaining our legacy weapon systems . 1132 00:45:06,616 --> 00:45:08,560 I'd like to thank Congress for its 1133 00:45:08,560 --> 00:45:10,727 support , not only to national defense 1134 00:45:10,727 --> 00:45:12,838 but the Air Force's long range strike 1135 00:45:12,838 --> 00:45:14,838 in nuclear deterrence missions . My 1136 00:45:14,838 --> 00:45:16,949 full statement has been submitted for 1137 00:45:16,949 --> 00:45:19,005 the record Air Force . Global Strike 1138 00:45:19,005 --> 00:45:20,949 Command was established in 2009 to 1139 00:45:20,949 --> 00:45:23,171 ensure focused leadership and oversight 1140 00:45:23,171 --> 00:45:25,350 of the Air Force's nuclear mission . I 1141 00:45:25,360 --> 00:45:27,304 am grateful to the members of this 1142 00:45:27,304 --> 00:45:29,527 committee for your steadfast support as 1143 00:45:29,527 --> 00:45:31,582 we continue to move forward with the 1144 00:45:31,582 --> 00:45:33,693 modernization of our weapon systems . 1145 00:45:33,693 --> 00:45:35,916 The timely modernization of our nuclear 1146 00:45:35,916 --> 00:45:37,693 triad of which global strike is 1147 00:45:37,693 --> 00:45:39,860 responsible for two thirds remains the 1148 00:45:39,860 --> 00:45:42,739 command's paramount focus with our 1149 00:45:42,750 --> 00:45:44,972 current modernization efforts including 1150 00:45:44,972 --> 00:45:47,320 our land based ICBM S bomber force , 1151 00:45:47,330 --> 00:45:49,610 helicopter force , nuclear command and 1152 00:45:49,620 --> 00:45:52,040 control platforms , weapons generation 1153 00:45:52,050 --> 00:45:55,310 facilities and nuclear weapons . This 1154 00:45:55,320 --> 00:45:57,153 committee is keenly aware of the 1155 00:45:57,153 --> 00:45:59,350 threats facing our nation today and in 1156 00:45:59,360 --> 00:46:01,770 the foreseeable future , we currently 1157 00:46:01,780 --> 00:46:03,780 face the challenge of deterring two 1158 00:46:03,780 --> 00:46:05,891 major nuclear armed competitors . The 1159 00:46:05,891 --> 00:46:07,836 People's Republic of China and the 1160 00:46:07,836 --> 00:46:09,969 Russian Federation , both armed with 1161 00:46:09,979 --> 00:46:12,312 modern and diverse nuclear capabilities . 1162 00:46:12,979 --> 00:46:14,923 Additionally , we are aware of the 1163 00:46:14,923 --> 00:46:17,090 escalating nuclear threat presented by 1164 00:46:17,090 --> 00:46:19,090 the Democratic People's Republic of 1165 00:46:19,090 --> 00:46:21,257 Korea and the possibility of a nuclear 1166 00:46:21,257 --> 00:46:24,159 armed Iran , not only is the command 1167 00:46:24,169 --> 00:46:26,002 leading the charge in sustaining 1168 00:46:26,002 --> 00:46:28,002 current forces and deploying future 1169 00:46:28,002 --> 00:46:29,947 long range strike weapon systems . 1170 00:46:29,947 --> 00:46:32,113 Global strike command is acutely aware 1171 00:46:32,113 --> 00:46:34,280 that the nuclear deterrence mission is 1172 00:46:34,280 --> 00:46:36,280 the bedrock of our national defense 1173 00:46:36,280 --> 00:46:38,113 strategy and foundational to our 1174 00:46:38,113 --> 00:46:40,770 nation's defense and essential to that 1175 00:46:40,780 --> 00:46:43,139 of our allies and partners . The air 1176 00:46:43,149 --> 00:46:44,982 force nuclear enterprise is at a 1177 00:46:44,982 --> 00:46:46,982 critical juncture . Our operational 1178 00:46:46,982 --> 00:46:50,050 margin is razor thin . Our resources 1179 00:46:50,060 --> 00:46:52,739 are stretched to their limits . Today , 1180 00:46:52,750 --> 00:46:54,917 I request your continued support as we 1181 00:46:54,917 --> 00:46:56,861 confront these pressing challenges 1182 00:46:56,861 --> 00:46:59,083 while upholding our nation's security . 1183 00:46:59,399 --> 00:47:01,343 Thank you . I look forward to your 1184 00:47:01,343 --> 00:47:03,232 questions . Thank you very much , 1185 00:47:03,232 --> 00:47:07,199 General Admiral Wolf . We 1186 00:47:07,209 --> 00:47:09,879 who work in this area so frequently , 1187 00:47:09,889 --> 00:47:12,889 sometimes things just go by and we take 1188 00:47:12,899 --> 00:47:15,250 them for granted . You said something 1189 00:47:15,260 --> 00:47:16,982 very important in your opening 1190 00:47:16,982 --> 00:47:19,149 statement about a secure second strike 1191 00:47:19,149 --> 00:47:21,439 capability . Why is that so important 1192 00:47:21,449 --> 00:47:24,540 to deterrence ? Yes , sir . I mean , 1193 00:47:24,550 --> 00:47:26,717 obviously , if you think about it from 1194 00:47:26,717 --> 00:47:28,661 the adversary's perspective , um , 1195 00:47:28,661 --> 00:47:30,883 anything that they may think they could 1196 00:47:30,883 --> 00:47:33,389 do as an initial strike , the SSBN 1197 00:47:33,399 --> 00:47:35,621 force is always out there on alert , on 1198 00:47:35,621 --> 00:47:38,060 patrol unknown where they're at , but 1199 00:47:38,070 --> 00:47:40,324 certainly if ever called upon , they 1200 00:47:40,334 --> 00:47:43,084 are survivable and could ensure that a 1201 00:47:43,094 --> 00:47:44,983 second strike from our , from our 1202 00:47:44,983 --> 00:47:47,150 nation could be , could be performed . 1203 00:47:47,150 --> 00:47:49,614 So that is absolutely critical as you 1204 00:47:49,625 --> 00:47:51,792 look at deterrence and what it means . 1205 00:47:51,792 --> 00:47:55,000 So the idea is that the adversary can't 1206 00:47:55,010 --> 00:47:56,843 think that they can knock us out 1207 00:47:56,843 --> 00:47:58,899 entirely with one strike . If you've 1208 00:47:58,899 --> 00:48:01,419 got the survivable at sea capability , 1209 00:48:01,830 --> 00:48:04,199 that must give them pause . That's , 1210 00:48:04,479 --> 00:48:06,701 that's absolutely correct . Thank you , 1211 00:48:08,389 --> 00:48:10,959 Doctor Adams . Uh many of the 1212 00:48:10,969 --> 00:48:12,969 production lines and I think you've 1213 00:48:12,969 --> 00:48:15,080 touched on this in your testimony for 1214 00:48:15,080 --> 00:48:17,136 the components have been dormant for 1215 00:48:17,136 --> 00:48:19,580 many years . Do we have the , the 1216 00:48:19,590 --> 00:48:22,100 physical assets and the people to be 1217 00:48:22,110 --> 00:48:24,332 able to bring those lines back in order 1218 00:48:24,332 --> 00:48:26,554 to meet the demand that we're seeing in 1219 00:48:26,554 --> 00:48:29,219 our , in our uh modernization . Yes , 1220 00:48:29,229 --> 00:48:31,062 sir , we do . Thank you for that 1221 00:48:31,062 --> 00:48:34,850 question . Um Yes , thank you . 1222 00:48:35,100 --> 00:48:37,659 Um I'll repeat my answer . Uh Thank you 1223 00:48:37,669 --> 00:48:39,780 for the question , Senator King . The 1224 00:48:39,780 --> 00:48:42,610 short answer is yes , sir . We do . We 1225 00:48:42,620 --> 00:48:45,620 don't have a lot of margin . We have to 1226 00:48:45,629 --> 00:48:48,530 time phase things carefully so that we 1227 00:48:48,590 --> 00:48:52,389 um deploy the needed capabilities in 1228 00:48:52,399 --> 00:48:54,566 time for when they're needed for given 1229 00:48:54,570 --> 00:48:57,040 warheads . As I think , you know , uh 1230 00:48:57,110 --> 00:48:59,489 as we progress through our program of 1231 00:48:59,500 --> 00:49:01,879 record , successive warheads will 1232 00:49:01,889 --> 00:49:04,199 require more and more of the components 1233 00:49:04,209 --> 00:49:07,239 to be newly manufactured um as opposed 1234 00:49:07,250 --> 00:49:10,949 to reused and that , that's an 1235 00:49:10,959 --> 00:49:13,290 integral part of what goes into our 1236 00:49:13,300 --> 00:49:15,411 planning and our budget requests that 1237 00:49:15,411 --> 00:49:17,649 support that planning . But the answer 1238 00:49:17,659 --> 00:49:20,399 is yes , we can do it . Is there a , is 1239 00:49:20,409 --> 00:49:24,060 there AAA an end date to a nuclear 1240 00:49:24,070 --> 00:49:26,237 warhead ? In other words , I've , I've 1241 00:49:26,237 --> 00:49:28,340 seen in , in , in New Mexico , those 1242 00:49:28,419 --> 00:49:30,679 rows and rows and rows , is there some 1243 00:49:30,689 --> 00:49:33,639 point where they're deemed useless ? 1244 00:49:33,649 --> 00:49:36,469 And we have to reprocess uh what , 1245 00:49:36,479 --> 00:49:38,646 what's , what's the estimated lifespan 1246 00:49:38,646 --> 00:49:41,469 of a nuclear warhead ? The answer is 1247 00:49:41,479 --> 00:49:43,535 different for different warheads and 1248 00:49:43,535 --> 00:49:45,868 it's different for different components . 1249 00:49:45,868 --> 00:49:49,659 Um We are a conservative bunch 1250 00:49:49,669 --> 00:49:51,629 by our , by our nature and by the 1251 00:49:51,639 --> 00:49:53,695 importance of our mission , we don't 1252 00:49:53,695 --> 00:49:55,750 certify things to be out in the , in 1253 00:49:55,750 --> 00:49:58,030 the stockpile unless we are highly 1254 00:49:58,040 --> 00:50:01,419 confident that that um they can still 1255 00:50:01,429 --> 00:50:03,919 meet all the military requirements . If 1256 00:50:03,929 --> 00:50:06,096 there's an exception to that . We duly 1257 00:50:06,096 --> 00:50:09,179 note it and work with the services and 1258 00:50:09,189 --> 00:50:11,580 um , dod to accommodate those 1259 00:50:11,590 --> 00:50:14,810 exceptions , but we do retire our 1260 00:50:14,820 --> 00:50:16,931 warheads and we dismantle them and we 1261 00:50:16,939 --> 00:50:18,939 do recycle that material and that's 1262 00:50:18,939 --> 00:50:20,828 when that material can go to , to 1263 00:50:20,828 --> 00:50:23,189 Admiral Houston for naval reactors . It , 1264 00:50:23,199 --> 00:50:25,669 it goes various places . We recycle the 1265 00:50:25,679 --> 00:50:28,010 material that goes into our newly 1266 00:50:28,020 --> 00:50:30,139 manufactured warheads . For example , 1267 00:50:30,149 --> 00:50:32,038 the plutonium we will use for pit 1268 00:50:32,038 --> 00:50:34,520 production will be recycled . The , the 1269 00:50:34,530 --> 00:50:36,752 highly enriched uranium that we use for 1270 00:50:36,752 --> 00:50:39,250 our warheads is recycled . And of 1271 00:50:39,260 --> 00:50:42,010 course , yes , it's um older 1272 00:50:42,020 --> 00:50:44,070 secondaries that are the source of 1273 00:50:44,080 --> 00:50:46,750 material for naval reactors and also 1274 00:50:46,760 --> 00:50:50,479 for some other uh defense related and 1275 00:50:50,489 --> 00:50:52,469 in NSA related uses . Thank you , 1276 00:50:53,199 --> 00:50:56,929 General busier . You're engaged 1277 00:50:56,939 --> 00:51:00,550 in the overseeing and in many ways , 1278 00:51:00,560 --> 00:51:02,800 managing the sentinel rebuilding . 1279 00:51:04,340 --> 00:51:06,320 Are you satisfied that we have the 1280 00:51:06,330 --> 00:51:08,760 organizational structure to manage that 1281 00:51:08,770 --> 00:51:10,881 process ? Because as you know , we're 1282 00:51:10,881 --> 00:51:12,992 facing a non mccurdy breach , I think 1283 00:51:12,992 --> 00:51:15,048 it's important to note that that the 1284 00:51:15,048 --> 00:51:17,159 problem is not the missiles , but the 1285 00:51:17,159 --> 00:51:19,469 civil works , do we have the , do we 1286 00:51:19,479 --> 00:51:22,229 have the , the structure and the people 1287 00:51:22,239 --> 00:51:24,295 in charge that are necessary to make 1288 00:51:24,295 --> 00:51:26,295 sure we can get beyond that and get 1289 00:51:26,295 --> 00:51:28,949 that project moving forward ? Senator 1290 00:51:28,959 --> 00:51:31,070 King ? That's a , that's an excellent 1291 00:51:31,070 --> 00:51:33,070 question as it relates to how we're 1292 00:51:33,070 --> 00:51:35,469 rebuilding the management team that 1293 00:51:35,479 --> 00:51:37,590 oversees the Sentinel weapon system , 1294 00:51:38,000 --> 00:51:39,889 your mic on . I'm having a little 1295 00:51:39,889 --> 00:51:42,111 trouble . Could you get a little closer 1296 00:51:42,111 --> 00:51:44,333 to your mic , please ? So as you know , 1297 00:51:44,333 --> 00:51:47,739 in nd 823 we were directed at Global 1298 00:51:47,750 --> 00:51:49,649 Strike Command to stand up a site 1299 00:51:49,659 --> 00:51:51,770 activation task force relating to the 1300 00:51:51,770 --> 00:51:53,937 transition from Minim Man three to the 1301 00:51:53,937 --> 00:51:56,159 Sentinel weapon system that directorate 1302 00:51:56,159 --> 00:51:58,381 stood up last August and General Connor 1303 00:51:58,381 --> 00:52:00,437 is the general officer that I put in 1304 00:52:00,437 --> 00:52:02,879 charge of that . And as you know , the 1305 00:52:02,889 --> 00:52:05,949 24 ND A requires the department to look 1306 00:52:05,959 --> 00:52:08,149 at those uh various different 1307 00:52:08,489 --> 00:52:10,545 authorities within the Department of 1308 00:52:10,545 --> 00:52:12,545 Defense that should be delegated to 1309 00:52:12,545 --> 00:52:14,639 that task force to oversee the 1310 00:52:14,649 --> 00:52:16,705 transition from men and man three to 1311 00:52:16,705 --> 00:52:18,560 the Sentinel program . Um 1312 00:52:21,270 --> 00:52:23,492 We , we do , we have the structure that 1313 00:52:23,492 --> 00:52:25,714 we need . We , we haven't returned back 1314 00:52:25,714 --> 00:52:27,548 to , to Congress with , with our 1315 00:52:27,548 --> 00:52:28,937 recommendations on those 1316 00:52:28,937 --> 00:52:31,550 responsibilities , primarily because of 1317 00:52:31,560 --> 00:52:33,850 the pause with the nun mccurdy process 1318 00:52:33,860 --> 00:52:35,971 going through right now . So we still 1319 00:52:35,971 --> 00:52:38,510 owe that answer from the 24 ND A back 1320 00:52:38,520 --> 00:52:40,520 to Congress . We'll look forward to 1321 00:52:40,520 --> 00:52:42,687 having that because this is one of the 1322 00:52:42,687 --> 00:52:44,742 most important and frankly expensive 1323 00:52:44,742 --> 00:52:46,853 projects that we have underway and we 1324 00:52:46,853 --> 00:52:49,020 really , I'll sleep better at night if 1325 00:52:49,020 --> 00:52:50,853 I know somebody's in charge , my 1326 00:52:50,853 --> 00:52:52,909 philosophy of management is you want 1327 00:52:52,909 --> 00:52:55,479 one throat to choke . Uh I think we 1328 00:52:55,489 --> 00:52:57,600 need to be sure that there's somebody 1329 00:52:57,600 --> 00:52:59,822 who's ultimately responsible for this . 1330 00:52:59,822 --> 00:53:01,767 Yes , Senator , and I think you're 1331 00:53:01,767 --> 00:53:03,933 looking at him . Thank you . Thank you 1332 00:53:03,933 --> 00:53:06,320 for volunteering Senator Fisher . 1333 00:53:07,919 --> 00:53:10,030 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Thank you , 1334 00:53:10,030 --> 00:53:11,975 gentlemen for being here today and 1335 00:53:11,975 --> 00:53:14,197 thank you for your service . Uh Admiral 1336 00:53:14,197 --> 00:53:16,252 Wolf , one of the recommendations of 1337 00:53:16,252 --> 00:53:18,197 the Strategic Posture Commission's 1338 00:53:18,197 --> 00:53:20,629 report was to quote , accelerate 1339 00:53:20,639 --> 00:53:23,870 development and deployment of D five le 1340 00:53:23,879 --> 00:53:26,110 two end quote . How is your 1341 00:53:26,120 --> 00:53:28,330 organization evaluating different 1342 00:53:28,340 --> 00:53:30,639 avenues to ensure that this critical 1343 00:53:30,649 --> 00:53:33,239 update is available as soon as possible ? 1344 00:53:33,590 --> 00:53:35,368 Yes , ma'am . Thank you for the 1345 00:53:35,368 --> 00:53:37,368 question . Um So what , where we're 1346 00:53:37,368 --> 00:53:39,423 currently at right now ? We are , we 1347 00:53:39,423 --> 00:53:41,646 are within a year of getting to what we 1348 00:53:41,646 --> 00:53:43,590 call milestone B , which is really 1349 00:53:43,590 --> 00:53:45,757 where we will settle in on what , what 1350 00:53:45,757 --> 00:53:47,701 the trade studies have told us the 1351 00:53:47,701 --> 00:53:49,923 right architecture is gonna be and then 1352 00:53:49,923 --> 00:53:51,757 where we start to get the entire 1353 00:53:51,757 --> 00:53:53,979 program in alignment uh to move forward 1354 00:53:53,979 --> 00:53:56,034 to understand what the schedule will 1355 00:53:56,034 --> 00:53:58,146 really be to first meet where we know 1356 00:53:58,146 --> 00:54:00,257 we need to get , which is in the late 1357 00:54:00,257 --> 00:54:02,257 thirties when we run out of current 1358 00:54:02,257 --> 00:54:04,479 assets . But then once we anchor that , 1359 00:54:04,479 --> 00:54:06,534 that will give us the opportunity to 1360 00:54:06,534 --> 00:54:08,701 look to see if there are any , are any 1361 00:54:08,701 --> 00:54:10,868 opportunities to accelerate . Um We're 1362 00:54:10,868 --> 00:54:12,979 certainly aware of what the Strategic 1363 00:54:12,979 --> 00:54:14,757 uh Strategic Posture Commission 1364 00:54:14,757 --> 00:54:17,090 recommended . And as we go through this , 1365 00:54:17,090 --> 00:54:19,201 that will be taken into account as we 1366 00:54:19,201 --> 00:54:21,201 start to lock in that program , you 1367 00:54:21,201 --> 00:54:22,757 have a , a really important 1368 00:54:22,757 --> 00:54:24,646 responsibility just to manage the 1369 00:54:24,646 --> 00:54:27,709 transition from the Ohio class to 1370 00:54:27,719 --> 00:54:30,669 Columbia to be , to make sure that um 1371 00:54:30,959 --> 00:54:34,389 we have the warheads necessary um to , 1372 00:54:34,399 --> 00:54:37,510 to um put on those , 1373 00:54:37,520 --> 00:54:40,679 those uh boats that are out there . 1374 00:54:41,010 --> 00:54:44,739 Um How , how are you 1375 00:54:44,750 --> 00:54:47,379 managing all of that ? What , what 1376 00:54:47,389 --> 00:54:49,290 input do you have there ? Because 1377 00:54:49,300 --> 00:54:53,250 that's what 60 70% of warheads that 1378 00:54:53,260 --> 00:54:56,530 are , that are deployed . Uh How are 1379 00:54:56,540 --> 00:54:59,610 you able to , um , control the 1380 00:54:59,620 --> 00:55:02,729 timeline and make sure we can meet it 1381 00:55:02,739 --> 00:55:04,969 by getting all these , all of the 1382 00:55:04,979 --> 00:55:08,469 factions together ? Yes , ma'am . So , 1383 00:55:08,479 --> 00:55:11,659 um administrator , Doctor Adams , uh 1384 00:55:11,669 --> 00:55:13,836 you know , how's this ? I think it's a 1385 00:55:13,836 --> 00:55:15,891 whole of navy effort with the way we 1386 00:55:15,891 --> 00:55:17,836 originally structured , the way we 1387 00:55:17,836 --> 00:55:19,725 would transition between Ohio and 1388 00:55:19,725 --> 00:55:21,836 Columbia . And that's why if you look 1389 00:55:21,836 --> 00:55:23,947 at the decision that was made when we 1390 00:55:23,947 --> 00:55:25,558 said we were going to have a 1391 00:55:25,558 --> 00:55:27,502 replacement for Ohio , we made the 1392 00:55:27,502 --> 00:55:29,558 decision that ostensibly the weapons 1393 00:55:29,558 --> 00:55:31,780 system that I'm responsible for and the 1394 00:55:31,780 --> 00:55:34,058 warheads that go on that weapon system , 1395 00:55:34,058 --> 00:55:36,169 we are ostensibly picking that up and 1396 00:55:36,169 --> 00:55:38,149 moving it to Columbia . So from a 1397 00:55:38,159 --> 00:55:39,992 design development perspective , 1398 00:55:39,992 --> 00:55:42,159 although there are a few differences , 1399 00:55:42,159 --> 00:55:44,215 um it is essentially the same system 1400 00:55:44,215 --> 00:55:46,381 and as we manage this transition , the 1401 00:55:46,381 --> 00:55:49,669 way we've done it is as a , a uh Ohio 1402 00:55:49,679 --> 00:55:51,959 will come offline , we take those 1403 00:55:51,969 --> 00:55:54,191 assets and then we'll load those onto a 1404 00:55:54,191 --> 00:55:56,370 Columbia . So that's how we guarantee 1405 00:55:56,379 --> 00:55:58,601 that when we're asked to meet operation 1406 00:55:58,601 --> 00:56:00,657 global citadel requirements for us , 1407 00:56:00,657 --> 00:56:02,935 Strategic Command , we have the assets , 1408 00:56:02,935 --> 00:56:05,159 we have the timing because we will not 1409 00:56:05,340 --> 00:56:07,507 download anything before we know we've 1410 00:56:07,507 --> 00:56:09,729 got the new platform to upload . So I'm 1411 00:56:09,729 --> 00:56:11,729 able to manage all of that with the 1412 00:56:11,729 --> 00:56:13,989 assets we have so that as the timing 1413 00:56:14,000 --> 00:56:16,600 works , we control when that will occur 1414 00:56:16,629 --> 00:56:18,780 and there will not be a gap . No , 1415 00:56:18,790 --> 00:56:20,846 ma'am . As a matter of fact , as you 1416 00:56:20,846 --> 00:56:22,957 are very aware to ensure that there's 1417 00:56:22,957 --> 00:56:24,679 not a gap , although not in my 1418 00:56:24,679 --> 00:56:27,310 portfolio , the navy has decided we are 1419 00:56:27,320 --> 00:56:29,989 looking at a certain number of Ohio 1420 00:56:30,000 --> 00:56:32,709 class that we could potentially extend 1421 00:56:32,909 --> 00:56:35,020 in the event that a Columbia may show 1422 00:56:35,020 --> 00:56:37,020 up late . So we can always meet the 1423 00:56:37,020 --> 00:56:38,965 stratcom requirements of operation 1424 00:56:38,965 --> 00:56:41,020 Global Citadel . Yes , ma'am . Thank 1425 00:56:41,020 --> 00:56:43,020 you very much . Uh General Lucier . 1426 00:56:43,020 --> 00:56:45,330 Nice to see you , sir . I am pleased to 1427 00:56:45,340 --> 00:56:47,173 see that the Air Force has moved 1428 00:56:47,173 --> 00:56:50,389 forward with say , can you provide us 1429 00:56:50,399 --> 00:56:52,909 with an update on the program and how 1430 00:56:52,919 --> 00:56:56,669 uh fiscal year 25 the budget request is 1431 00:56:56,679 --> 00:57:00,679 gonna support um that specific 1432 00:57:00,689 --> 00:57:03,590 part of our NC three architecture . Yes , 1433 00:57:03,600 --> 00:57:05,711 Senator Fisher , we're really excited 1434 00:57:05,711 --> 00:57:07,933 about the decision and the announcement 1435 00:57:07,933 --> 00:57:10,639 of the industry partner that was 1436 00:57:10,649 --> 00:57:13,840 selected for the Strategic Airborne 1437 00:57:13,850 --> 00:57:16,560 Operation Center , Sierra Sierra Nevada 1438 00:57:16,570 --> 00:57:18,348 Corporation was selected by the 1439 00:57:18,348 --> 00:57:21,229 department and the threshold number of 1440 00:57:21,239 --> 00:57:24,320 the platform is uh six aircraft with 1441 00:57:24,330 --> 00:57:26,590 the objective number of the platform is 1442 00:57:26,600 --> 00:57:30,070 eight aircraft . The 25 budget I think 1443 00:57:30,159 --> 00:57:33,649 like we previously talked about briefly 1444 00:57:33,659 --> 00:57:35,326 is primarily for research and 1445 00:57:35,326 --> 00:57:37,492 development and uh as well as starting 1446 00:57:37,492 --> 00:57:39,492 to look at some of the construction 1447 00:57:39,492 --> 00:57:41,548 projects required for the additional 1448 00:57:41,548 --> 00:57:43,659 aircraft uh that will be based at off 1449 00:57:43,659 --> 00:57:45,937 an air force base in Omaha . Thank you , 1450 00:57:47,929 --> 00:57:50,151 Senator Kelly . Thank you , Mr Chairman 1451 00:57:50,300 --> 00:57:52,411 and thank you to all of our witnesses 1452 00:57:52,411 --> 00:57:54,522 for being here today . I'd like to uh 1453 00:57:54,522 --> 00:57:56,633 talk a little bit about the submarine 1454 00:57:56,633 --> 00:57:58,879 launched cruise missile . Um The 1455 00:57:58,889 --> 00:58:01,449 nuclear version Slick A man , the 1456 00:58:01,459 --> 00:58:03,459 development of Slick A man has been 1457 00:58:03,459 --> 00:58:06,330 driven by a perceived need for 1458 00:58:06,340 --> 00:58:08,451 deterrence against the growing Russia 1459 00:58:08,709 --> 00:58:11,149 and China nuclear threat . And Russia , 1460 00:58:11,379 --> 00:58:13,729 as we all know , maintains a stockpile 1461 00:58:13,909 --> 00:58:17,750 of um maybe about 2000 low yield 1462 00:58:17,770 --> 00:58:20,770 tactical warheads and has an employment 1463 00:58:20,780 --> 00:58:22,836 doctrine that envisions some limited 1464 00:58:22,836 --> 00:58:26,620 nuclear use . Uh The slick of men is 1465 00:58:26,629 --> 00:58:28,796 theoretically meant to ensure that our 1466 00:58:28,796 --> 00:58:30,685 adversaries know that we have the 1467 00:58:30,685 --> 00:58:33,629 ability to respond in kind in short . 1468 00:58:33,639 --> 00:58:35,695 It should give us more flexibility , 1469 00:58:35,695 --> 00:58:37,861 but I'm concerned that we are spending 1470 00:58:37,861 --> 00:58:39,969 money and taxing our manufacturing 1471 00:58:39,979 --> 00:58:42,219 capacity for a redundant capability 1472 00:58:42,629 --> 00:58:46,139 with the addition of the B 61-13 1473 00:58:46,750 --> 00:58:48,861 and the uh Slick a man , the National 1474 00:58:48,861 --> 00:58:50,972 Nuclear Security Administration has a 1475 00:58:50,972 --> 00:58:52,639 lot on its plate . We're also 1476 00:58:52,639 --> 00:58:56,500 developing a uh W 76-2 1477 00:58:56,510 --> 00:58:59,350 low yield warhead and the air force is 1478 00:58:59,360 --> 00:59:01,249 soon going to have the long range 1479 00:59:01,249 --> 00:59:05,020 standoff missile on A B 21 and it's uh 1480 00:59:05,030 --> 00:59:08,760 W 80 warhead has a low yield option 1481 00:59:09,070 --> 00:59:11,780 with it . I'm also concerned about the 1482 00:59:11,790 --> 00:59:13,623 changes we would have to make to 1483 00:59:13,623 --> 00:59:15,620 Virginia class subs to accommodate 1484 00:59:16,169 --> 00:59:18,620 Slicker Men . So Vice Admiral Wolf , 1485 00:59:18,969 --> 00:59:21,550 what would it cost the Navy in time 1486 00:59:21,560 --> 00:59:24,830 funds long term limitations to take 1487 00:59:24,840 --> 00:59:26,729 conventional torpedoes off of our 1488 00:59:26,729 --> 00:59:30,340 attack submarines to accommodate a low 1489 00:59:30,350 --> 00:59:33,629 yield nuclear weapon slicker in . 1490 00:59:34,439 --> 00:59:36,772 Yes , Senator , thanks for the question . 1491 00:59:36,772 --> 00:59:38,828 So certainly , um , we've started to 1492 00:59:38,828 --> 00:59:40,883 look at that and actually there is a 1493 00:59:40,883 --> 00:59:42,995 report out already to Congress at the 1494 00:59:42,995 --> 00:59:44,939 classified level for some of those 1495 00:59:44,939 --> 00:59:46,995 initial impacts . But based on where 1496 00:59:46,995 --> 00:59:49,106 the nd A this past year , um asked us 1497 00:59:49,106 --> 00:59:51,106 to go look and with support uh from 1498 00:59:51,106 --> 00:59:53,328 this committee and others , we've asked 1499 00:59:53,328 --> 00:59:55,439 for flexibility because we absolutely 1500 00:59:55,439 --> 00:59:57,383 recognize yes , there will be some 1501 00:59:57,383 --> 01:00:00,100 impact to our SSN force . But if , if 1502 01:00:00,110 --> 01:00:01,888 you look at the options that it 1503 01:00:01,888 --> 01:00:04,054 provides to the president and if we're 1504 01:00:04,054 --> 01:00:07,000 allowed to go look at how to not impact 1505 01:00:07,010 --> 01:00:09,066 anything else to your point with the 1506 01:00:09,066 --> 01:00:10,899 nuclear modernization that we're 1507 01:00:10,899 --> 01:00:13,066 already doing for the triad , which is 1508 01:00:13,066 --> 01:00:15,288 absolutely fundamental . We are looking 1509 01:00:15,288 --> 01:00:17,288 at what options we can provide that 1510 01:00:17,288 --> 01:00:19,340 will give us that capability with 1511 01:00:19,350 --> 01:00:22,820 minimum impact uh for both the Navy and 1512 01:00:22,830 --> 01:00:25,080 for N NSA to go make this happen . So 1513 01:00:25,229 --> 01:00:27,451 we are in the process of looking at all 1514 01:00:27,451 --> 01:00:29,507 that right now with , with the added 1515 01:00:29,507 --> 01:00:31,785 flexibility that we've asked for today , 1516 01:00:31,785 --> 01:00:35,300 I I read the report yesterday and you 1517 01:00:35,310 --> 01:00:37,429 say limited impact and I don't wanna 1518 01:00:37,439 --> 01:00:40,149 get into details of a , of a classified 1519 01:00:40,159 --> 01:00:43,229 report . Um but some of it did not seem 1520 01:00:44,840 --> 01:00:46,896 like the different options that were 1521 01:00:46,896 --> 01:00:49,780 given were not limited impact . And I 1522 01:00:49,800 --> 01:00:51,967 want you to go into a little bit about 1523 01:00:51,967 --> 01:00:54,022 what , what would we need to do to a 1524 01:00:54,022 --> 01:00:56,090 Virginia class sub in terms of 1525 01:00:56,100 --> 01:00:59,969 modifications , um , and cost to the 1526 01:00:59,979 --> 01:01:03,280 sub itself and to the extent you can do 1527 01:01:03,290 --> 01:01:05,234 it here a little bit about how the 1528 01:01:05,234 --> 01:01:09,080 operations could change for in order to 1529 01:01:09,090 --> 01:01:12,189 put that capability onto a uh Virginia 1530 01:01:12,199 --> 01:01:14,255 class of attack sub . Yes , sir . So 1531 01:01:14,255 --> 01:01:16,590 certainly from a cost perspective , um , 1532 01:01:16,750 --> 01:01:18,806 it would be premature to give you an 1533 01:01:18,806 --> 01:01:20,917 exact cost of what we think a program 1534 01:01:20,917 --> 01:01:23,083 like that would cost . That's why part 1535 01:01:23,083 --> 01:01:25,250 of what we're going to look at in this 1536 01:01:25,250 --> 01:01:27,139 next year is to your point , what 1537 01:01:27,139 --> 01:01:29,083 solutions are out there that would 1538 01:01:29,083 --> 01:01:31,459 minimize the number of modifications we 1539 01:01:31,469 --> 01:01:33,691 would have to make to one of our SSNS . 1540 01:01:33,691 --> 01:01:35,802 Uh And , and you particularly pointed 1541 01:01:35,802 --> 01:01:37,913 out Virginia , there is no doubt that 1542 01:01:37,913 --> 01:01:40,159 based on the solution , uh the impacts 1543 01:01:40,169 --> 01:01:43,209 could be great greater or they could be 1544 01:01:43,219 --> 01:01:45,275 less depending on which is why we've 1545 01:01:45,275 --> 01:01:47,497 asked for the flexibility to be able to 1546 01:01:47,497 --> 01:01:49,552 go look at multiple solutions to try 1547 01:01:49,552 --> 01:01:51,719 and weigh that . That's from an impact 1548 01:01:51,719 --> 01:01:53,800 to , to the actual platform . And we 1549 01:01:53,810 --> 01:01:55,921 believe that there's other things out 1550 01:01:55,921 --> 01:01:58,088 there and , and I , I can't talk about 1551 01:01:58,088 --> 01:01:59,921 them here that might get us to a 1552 01:01:59,921 --> 01:02:02,088 capability that would actually , and I 1553 01:02:02,088 --> 01:02:04,088 do believe , minimize the impact of 1554 01:02:04,090 --> 01:02:06,368 modifications we would have to make to . 1555 01:02:06,560 --> 01:02:08,893 All right , we're gonna understand that . 1556 01:02:08,893 --> 01:02:11,116 Now , from an operational perspective , 1557 01:02:11,116 --> 01:02:13,227 you're absolutely right . Anytime you 1558 01:02:13,227 --> 01:02:15,393 have a conventional uh uh mission with 1559 01:02:15,393 --> 01:02:17,616 a nuclear mission . You have to be very 1560 01:02:17,616 --> 01:02:19,616 careful to segregate those and make 1561 01:02:19,616 --> 01:02:21,504 sure that , that our war fighters 1562 01:02:21,504 --> 01:02:23,735 understand how that operates again as 1563 01:02:23,745 --> 01:02:25,801 we come through . Material solutions 1564 01:02:25,804 --> 01:02:28,415 impacts to , to the fleet will also be 1565 01:02:28,425 --> 01:02:30,524 taken into account as we get through 1566 01:02:30,534 --> 01:02:32,645 what a solution would look like . And 1567 01:02:32,645 --> 01:02:34,645 then it's just gonna be a matter of 1568 01:02:34,645 --> 01:02:36,867 what would the cost of that solution be 1569 01:02:36,867 --> 01:02:38,923 as we lock in and what support do we 1570 01:02:38,923 --> 01:02:41,034 need to go make that happen ? One big 1571 01:02:41,034 --> 01:02:43,090 concern I have is when you look at a 1572 01:02:43,090 --> 01:02:45,256 conflict between the United States and 1573 01:02:45,256 --> 01:02:47,478 a near peer adversary that has maybe in 1574 01:02:47,478 --> 01:02:49,645 some cases could have a bigger fleet , 1575 01:02:49,850 --> 01:02:52,679 both in naval and merchant vessels . 1576 01:02:52,929 --> 01:02:56,120 Our submarine capability is substantial . 1577 01:02:56,270 --> 01:02:58,929 It's significant , it would , it would 1578 01:02:58,939 --> 01:03:00,772 um weigh heavily in that kind of 1579 01:03:00,772 --> 01:03:02,883 conflict . And when I think about the 1580 01:03:02,883 --> 01:03:05,139 probability of firing a conventional 1581 01:03:05,149 --> 01:03:07,820 torpedo , you know , out of a submarine , 1582 01:03:08,040 --> 01:03:11,050 you know , out of a torpedo tube , um 1583 01:03:11,060 --> 01:03:13,282 and the likelihood of having to do that 1584 01:03:13,282 --> 01:03:15,370 multiple times and , and just the 1585 01:03:15,379 --> 01:03:18,030 rather shallow depth of a magazine and 1586 01:03:18,040 --> 01:03:20,262 not a lot of rounds you have aboard the 1587 01:03:20,262 --> 01:03:22,429 sub . Sure , certainly you could , you 1588 01:03:22,429 --> 01:03:24,540 can , you know , re reload , but that 1589 01:03:24,540 --> 01:03:26,373 takes some time and there's risk 1590 01:03:26,373 --> 01:03:29,000 involved in doing that , weighing that 1591 01:03:29,379 --> 01:03:33,070 with the very unlikely event 1592 01:03:33,169 --> 01:03:35,629 that we would deploy a tactical nuclear 1593 01:03:35,639 --> 01:03:38,709 weapon in combat . One of my biggest 1594 01:03:38,719 --> 01:03:41,350 concerns is that we would be giving up 1595 01:03:41,540 --> 01:03:44,520 something we really need for something 1596 01:03:44,530 --> 01:03:48,330 we are unlikely to use . Yes , sir . I 1597 01:03:48,340 --> 01:03:50,507 appreciate that . And certainly all of 1598 01:03:50,507 --> 01:03:52,451 those discussions will , will take 1599 01:03:52,451 --> 01:03:54,562 place as we look at what , what , how 1600 01:03:54,562 --> 01:03:56,673 do you weigh options available to the 1601 01:03:56,673 --> 01:03:58,896 President for a deterrent capability as 1602 01:03:58,896 --> 01:04:01,062 opposed to a conventional capability ? 1603 01:04:01,062 --> 01:04:03,173 And certainly , uh the next year will 1604 01:04:03,173 --> 01:04:05,396 inform us a lot more on how we're going 1605 01:04:05,396 --> 01:04:07,562 to get at being able to balance all of 1606 01:04:07,562 --> 01:04:07,340 that . Thank you , Admiral . Thank you , 1607 01:04:07,350 --> 01:04:09,517 Mr Chairman to follow up Admiral . The 1608 01:04:09,517 --> 01:04:11,429 theory is that if all we have is 1609 01:04:11,439 --> 01:04:13,669 massive retaliation , that's not 1610 01:04:13,679 --> 01:04:16,100 credible in response to a tactical use 1611 01:04:16,110 --> 01:04:18,110 by an adversary . Isn't that really 1612 01:04:18,110 --> 01:04:19,999 what we're talking about here ? I 1613 01:04:19,999 --> 01:04:21,943 certainly in a regional conflict . 1614 01:04:21,943 --> 01:04:24,110 Absolutely , sir . There , there is no 1615 01:04:24,110 --> 01:04:26,221 doubt . Um , and , and you know , and 1616 01:04:26,221 --> 01:04:28,388 to Senator Kelly's point , although we 1617 01:04:28,388 --> 01:04:30,666 have deployed a 76 2 and we're , we're , 1618 01:04:30,666 --> 01:04:32,888 we're done with that . So we've , we've 1619 01:04:32,888 --> 01:04:34,943 gotten that impact out of N NSA . Um 1620 01:04:35,030 --> 01:04:37,363 You know , you , you ask yourself again , 1621 01:04:37,363 --> 01:04:39,474 is that a credible scenario ? Um , if 1622 01:04:39,474 --> 01:04:41,530 you're trying to deter in a regional 1623 01:04:41,530 --> 01:04:43,641 controversial , all of those things , 1624 01:04:43,641 --> 01:04:45,863 Russians are talking all the time about 1625 01:04:45,863 --> 01:04:48,030 using the possibility of using nuclear 1626 01:04:48,030 --> 01:04:47,524 weapons as Senator Kelly points out 1627 01:04:47,534 --> 01:04:49,478 part of their doctrine escalate to 1628 01:04:49,478 --> 01:04:51,701 deescalated . Yes , sir . And it really 1629 01:04:51,701 --> 01:04:53,756 is a matter of , as you talked again 1630 01:04:53,756 --> 01:04:55,423 earlier about a second strike 1631 01:04:55,423 --> 01:04:57,935 capability , anything that we can do to 1632 01:04:57,945 --> 01:05:00,725 cause China or Russia to have pause on 1633 01:05:00,735 --> 01:05:02,791 whether they would even consider any 1634 01:05:02,791 --> 01:05:05,175 type of , of nuclear response . That's 1635 01:05:05,185 --> 01:05:07,296 really what we're trying to get after 1636 01:05:07,296 --> 01:05:09,518 with all these systems . Thank you . Um 1637 01:05:09,518 --> 01:05:11,852 I , I want to ask a very basic question . 1638 01:05:11,939 --> 01:05:14,161 The idea of the Ohio class and then the 1639 01:05:14,161 --> 01:05:16,560 Columbia class with the ICBM S goes 1640 01:05:16,570 --> 01:05:19,070 back , I know with ballistic missiles . 1641 01:05:19,080 --> 01:05:21,399 Sorry , goes back many years . That 1642 01:05:21,409 --> 01:05:23,631 decision was made . I don't know , 3040 1643 01:05:23,631 --> 01:05:25,631 years ago when this was first being 1644 01:05:25,631 --> 01:05:28,790 discussed , are we making a 1645 01:05:28,800 --> 01:05:31,770 mistake by sticking with ballistic 1646 01:05:31,780 --> 01:05:35,540 missiles and not moving toward uh 1647 01:05:36,020 --> 01:05:38,449 hypersonic cruise missiles or some ? Uh 1648 01:05:38,469 --> 01:05:40,780 uh , in other words , the problem with , 1649 01:05:40,790 --> 01:05:43,012 as we , we had a hearing last week with 1650 01:05:43,012 --> 01:05:44,734 the missile defense agency , a 1651 01:05:44,734 --> 01:05:46,901 ballistic missile , sir , Isaac Newton 1652 01:05:46,901 --> 01:05:49,123 can tell you where it's going to land . 1653 01:05:49,123 --> 01:05:51,290 It's , it's , I wouldn't say it's easy 1654 01:05:51,290 --> 01:05:53,457 to intercept , but it's much easier to 1655 01:05:53,457 --> 01:05:55,512 intercept than a maneuverable cruise 1656 01:05:55,512 --> 01:05:57,290 missile . Should we be thinking 1657 01:05:57,290 --> 01:05:59,457 fundamentally about ? Are we putting a 1658 01:05:59,457 --> 01:06:02,439 seventies or eighties weapon on this 1659 01:06:02,449 --> 01:06:04,560 modern submarine ? Maybe we should be 1660 01:06:04,560 --> 01:06:06,616 thinking about what these submarines 1661 01:06:06,616 --> 01:06:08,893 are going to be armed with . Is that a , 1662 01:06:08,893 --> 01:06:11,116 is that an off the wall idea or is that 1663 01:06:11,116 --> 01:06:13,282 something that you're thinking about , 1664 01:06:13,282 --> 01:06:12,979 sir ? That , that's a difficult 1665 01:06:12,989 --> 01:06:14,656 question to answer in , in an 1666 01:06:14,656 --> 01:06:16,711 unclassified scenario . I'd , I'd be 1667 01:06:16,711 --> 01:06:18,933 more than happy to have that discussion 1668 01:06:18,933 --> 01:06:20,989 in a classified setting , but here's 1669 01:06:20,989 --> 01:06:23,100 what I would tell you . Um , based on 1670 01:06:23,100 --> 01:06:25,156 technology and the things that we're 1671 01:06:25,156 --> 01:06:27,378 all experiencing , we , there is no one 1672 01:06:27,378 --> 01:06:29,600 solution that fits every scenario where 1673 01:06:29,600 --> 01:06:31,489 we could think about how we would 1674 01:06:31,489 --> 01:06:33,600 credibly deter our adversaries . So I 1675 01:06:33,600 --> 01:06:35,822 think certainly the , the triad that we 1676 01:06:35,822 --> 01:06:37,878 have today still remains the bedrock 1677 01:06:37,878 --> 01:06:39,767 and the foundation of our nuclear 1678 01:06:39,767 --> 01:06:41,711 deterrent capability . There is no 1679 01:06:41,711 --> 01:06:43,767 doubt when we talk about things like 1680 01:06:43,767 --> 01:06:45,822 sea launch cruise missile or we talk 1681 01:06:45,822 --> 01:06:45,699 about some of these other things , 1682 01:06:45,709 --> 01:06:47,709 there is a place for them and those 1683 01:06:47,709 --> 01:06:49,598 discussions need to be had in the 1684 01:06:49,598 --> 01:06:51,709 future . I just want to be sure those 1685 01:06:51,709 --> 01:06:51,679 discussions are happening and that 1686 01:06:51,689 --> 01:06:54,739 we're not just doing what we've done . 1687 01:06:55,840 --> 01:06:58,062 You know , we've never done it that way 1688 01:06:58,062 --> 01:07:00,118 before . I hate that attitude . So I 1689 01:07:00,118 --> 01:07:02,173 just want to be sure there are those 1690 01:07:02,173 --> 01:07:04,229 discussions . Yes , sir . We do have 1691 01:07:04,229 --> 01:07:06,396 those discussions all the time . Thank 1692 01:07:06,396 --> 01:07:09,959 you , Senator Fisher . Thank you , Mr 1693 01:07:09,969 --> 01:07:12,025 Chairman . I , I don't have any more 1694 01:07:12,025 --> 01:07:14,629 questions but I appreciate um , your , 1695 01:07:14,639 --> 01:07:17,290 your answer to Senator Kelly about 1696 01:07:17,300 --> 01:07:19,350 Slick a man . And I , I think it's 1697 01:07:19,360 --> 01:07:22,070 extremely important that um not only do 1698 01:07:22,080 --> 01:07:24,820 we look at um what our adversaries are 1699 01:07:24,830 --> 01:07:28,669 doing and , and their um their comments 1700 01:07:28,679 --> 01:07:31,629 that they , their public comments that 1701 01:07:31,639 --> 01:07:34,639 they make , that we have to be able to 1702 01:07:34,649 --> 01:07:36,870 have different options . And so I 1703 01:07:36,879 --> 01:07:40,209 really appreciate um the 1704 01:07:40,219 --> 01:07:44,189 work that uh that you do on that and 1705 01:07:44,199 --> 01:07:46,610 to make sure that that a president 1706 01:07:46,620 --> 01:07:49,379 would have options that would only 1707 01:07:49,649 --> 01:07:53,560 add to the deterrence to make sure we 1708 01:07:53,570 --> 01:07:55,570 would never have to use them . So , 1709 01:07:55,570 --> 01:07:58,969 thank you . Uh I want to conclude the 1710 01:07:58,979 --> 01:08:00,868 hearing but General Bossier , you 1711 01:08:00,868 --> 01:08:03,320 mentioned the , the , the new NAOC and 1712 01:08:03,330 --> 01:08:05,729 a group of us almost 10 years ago , 1713 01:08:05,739 --> 01:08:07,830 went on one of the NAOS around the 1714 01:08:07,840 --> 01:08:09,949 country on a flight with a simulated 1715 01:08:09,959 --> 01:08:11,959 attack . And it was one of the most 1716 01:08:11,959 --> 01:08:13,959 sobering experiences of my life . I 1717 01:08:13,959 --> 01:08:17,370 would urge you to think about inviting 1718 01:08:17,379 --> 01:08:19,379 members of the committee members of 1719 01:08:19,379 --> 01:08:21,601 congress to , to take that trip because 1720 01:08:21,601 --> 01:08:23,712 it , it , it , it takes it out of the 1721 01:08:23,712 --> 01:08:25,935 hearing room and becomes much more real 1722 01:08:25,935 --> 01:08:28,529 as you think about what challenges this 1723 01:08:28,540 --> 01:08:30,596 country might face . What challenges 1724 01:08:30,596 --> 01:08:32,709 the president might face in a , in a 1725 01:08:32,720 --> 01:08:34,942 situation that was what came through to 1726 01:08:34,942 --> 01:08:37,164 me was that clock on the wall that told 1727 01:08:37,164 --> 01:08:39,498 you how long you had to make a decision . 1728 01:08:39,498 --> 01:08:41,553 I want to thank you all for the work 1729 01:08:41,553 --> 01:08:43,553 that you do . It's some of the most 1730 01:08:43,553 --> 01:08:45,498 important work uh that , that this 1731 01:08:45,498 --> 01:08:47,720 government is doing . Deterrence is the 1732 01:08:47,720 --> 01:08:49,942 bedrock of our strategy . You're on the 1733 01:08:49,942 --> 01:08:51,998 front line of deterrence . Thank you 1734 01:08:51,998 --> 01:08:54,331 very much . I appreciate your testimony . 1735 01:08:54,331 --> 01:08:54,149 We'll hold the record open for 1736 01:08:54,160 --> 01:08:56,271 additional thoughts and testimony and 1737 01:08:56,271 --> 01:08:58,649 questions from our members . Uh But uh 1738 01:08:58,660 --> 01:09:00,549 for today , thank you so much for 1739 01:09:00,549 --> 01:09:02,549 joining us . Thank you . Hearing is 1740 01:09:02,549 --> 01:09:02,879 adjourned .