WEBVTT 00:01.600 --> 00:03.600 All right . Well , good afternoon , 00:03.600 --> 00:05.711 everybody . Just a few things here at 00:05.711 --> 00:07.711 the top and we'll get right to your 00:07.711 --> 00:10.329 questions . Uh First up , I can confirm 00:10.340 --> 00:12.939 that us central command personnel re 00:13.069 --> 00:14.791 anchored and reestablished the 00:14.791 --> 00:16.625 temporary pier to the Gaza Beach 00:16.625 --> 00:18.920 yesterday . As has been the case in the 00:18.930 --> 00:20.986 past Israeli defense Force engineers 00:20.986 --> 00:23.440 provided all the necessary support to 00:23.450 --> 00:25.506 ensure the safe and placement of the 00:25.506 --> 00:27.617 pier on the beach . And there were no 00:27.617 --> 00:29.672 us boots on the ground during the re 00:29.672 --> 00:31.894 establishment of the pier . Overnight , 00:31.894 --> 00:34.270 the transfer of humanitarian assistance 00:34.279 --> 00:36.979 from Cyprus to Gaza resumed with more 00:36.990 --> 00:39.830 than 656 metric tons or 00:39.840 --> 00:43.229 £1.4 million being delivered to the 00:43.240 --> 00:46.509 Marshaling yard in Gaza today . Since 00:46.520 --> 00:49.349 May 17 , when the temporary pier first 00:49.360 --> 00:52.529 went operational , over 4100 metric 00:52.540 --> 00:55.029 tons or £9.1 million have been 00:55.040 --> 00:57.262 delivered through the Maritime Corridor 00:57.262 --> 00:59.509 for onward delivery by humanitarian 00:59.520 --> 01:01.689 organizations . And I'd like to 01:01.700 --> 01:03.811 reiterate that while it's always been 01:03.811 --> 01:05.756 our intention for the pier to be a 01:05.756 --> 01:07.644 temporary solution as part of the 01:07.644 --> 01:09.756 broader international effort to surge 01:09.756 --> 01:12.260 humanitarian assistance into Gaza to 01:12.269 --> 01:13.880 meet the urgent needs of the 01:13.880 --> 01:15.713 Palestinian people , we have not 01:15.713 --> 01:17.547 established an end date for this 01:17.547 --> 01:19.602 mission as of now . Contrary to some 01:19.602 --> 01:21.380 press reporting on the matter , 01:21.380 --> 01:23.047 therefore , we'll continue to 01:23.047 --> 01:25.269 facilitate the transfer of humanitarian 01:25.269 --> 01:27.325 aid via the Maritime Corridor and is 01:27.325 --> 01:29.380 always take necessary step to ensure 01:29.380 --> 01:31.102 the safety and security of the 01:31.102 --> 01:33.325 personnel operating the pier to include 01:33.325 --> 01:35.491 adjusting to sea states in the Eastern 01:35.491 --> 01:37.658 Mediterranean Sea . The same way we do 01:37.658 --> 01:39.769 with aircraft operations in the event 01:39.769 --> 01:41.936 of inclement , weather or conditions . 01:41.936 --> 01:44.158 And finally , the orderly withdrawal of 01:44.158 --> 01:46.158 us forces from continues as Africom 01:46.158 --> 01:48.047 highlighted in our announcement . 01:48.047 --> 01:50.269 Earlier this month , the US Air Force C 01:50.269 --> 01:52.047 17 aircraft have begun ferrying 01:52.047 --> 01:53.991 personnel and equipment out of the 01:53.991 --> 01:55.713 country in accordance with the 01:55.713 --> 01:57.880 arrangements made between us officials 01:57.880 --> 01:59.602 and the CNSP in May . While us 01:59.602 --> 02:01.436 personnel numbers will naturally 02:01.436 --> 02:03.602 fluctuate during the drawdown period , 02:03.602 --> 02:05.713 there are currently approximately 600 02:05.713 --> 02:07.825 US personnel in country and we remain 02:07.825 --> 02:09.936 on track for a complete withdrawal by 02:09.936 --> 02:12.102 September 15 as agreed upon . We'll of 02:12.102 --> 02:14.213 course , continue to keep you updated 02:14.213 --> 02:16.380 regarding any significant developments 02:16.380 --> 02:16.139 with that . Be happy to take your 02:16.149 --> 02:18.539 questions . Go to associated press 02:19.059 --> 02:21.259 general . Thanks for doing this . Um 02:21.479 --> 02:23.658 With the aid moving back through the 02:23.669 --> 02:25.891 pier again , can you give us a sense of 02:25.891 --> 02:28.002 how much of it has actually moved out 02:28.002 --> 02:30.108 of the marshal yard and on to its 02:30.119 --> 02:32.063 ultimate destinations or is it all 02:32.063 --> 02:34.341 still in the marshaling yard ? Um That , 02:34.341 --> 02:36.452 that's really a question I'll have to 02:36.452 --> 02:38.675 direct to USA ID and World Food Program 02:38.675 --> 02:40.897 as you know , they're responsible for , 02:40.897 --> 02:43.699 for the onward distribution . Uh And so , 02:43.710 --> 02:45.543 um they're , they're in the best 02:45.543 --> 02:47.377 position to talk about the , the 02:47.377 --> 02:49.432 current status of that aid and , and 02:49.432 --> 02:51.654 what their game plan is to deliver it . 02:51.654 --> 02:53.654 And World Central Kitchen said they 02:53.654 --> 02:55.877 were not using the pier in any way . So 02:55.877 --> 02:55.479 is it just World Food Program 02:55.490 --> 02:57.712 participants that are using this pier ? 02:57.919 --> 03:00.580 Uh Again , I'd I'd refer you to USA ID . 03:00.589 --> 03:02.720 I know they're working obviously with 03:02.729 --> 03:04.639 uh humanitarian organizations to 03:04.649 --> 03:06.869 include the World Food Program for 03:06.880 --> 03:09.047 distribution . But again , I think the 03:09.047 --> 03:11.102 important point here is that this is 03:11.102 --> 03:12.602 just one part of a broader 03:12.602 --> 03:14.713 international effort that consists of 03:14.713 --> 03:16.658 aid being delivered via a maritime 03:16.658 --> 03:18.769 corridor , the air and of course , uh 03:18.769 --> 03:21.809 ground being the the optimal way to get 03:21.820 --> 03:24.070 aid . But again , we're going to 03:24.080 --> 03:26.247 continue to push as much aid into Gaza 03:26.247 --> 03:28.358 as we can . And are there any updates 03:28.358 --> 03:30.580 on airdrop operations ? I don't have an 03:30.580 --> 03:32.691 update to provide other than the fact 03:32.691 --> 03:34.524 that we will continue to conduct 03:34.524 --> 03:38.449 airdrops to get aid into Gaza since the 03:38.460 --> 03:40.627 Rafa operation started or did you have 03:40.627 --> 03:43.029 an intermittent start ? Um 03:45.369 --> 03:47.529 Let me uh look at we've done 03:49.339 --> 03:52.220 between March 2nd and today . Uh 03:52.229 --> 03:54.820 There's been 39 humanitarian assistance 03:54.830 --> 03:57.850 airdrops . Uh The last drop was on June 03:57.860 --> 04:00.759 9th . Uh But again , we will maintain 04:00.770 --> 04:03.389 uh the option and have the capability 04:03.399 --> 04:05.288 and we'll conduct airdrops in the 04:05.288 --> 04:09.070 future . General Ryder , how concerned 04:09.080 --> 04:11.136 is the Pentagon that war could break 04:11.136 --> 04:13.302 out on the Lebanese border with Israel 04:13.302 --> 04:15.469 right now ? Yeah . So of course , this 04:15.469 --> 04:17.580 is something that we're continuing to 04:17.580 --> 04:20.299 follow very closely , Jennifer . Um You 04:20.309 --> 04:22.531 know , we , as we've mentioned before , 04:22.531 --> 04:24.642 um we do have concerns about tensions 04:24.642 --> 04:26.720 along that border , we continue to 04:26.730 --> 04:30.290 encourage a diplomatic solution . Um 04:30.309 --> 04:32.531 And so we're going to stay very focused 04:32.531 --> 04:34.642 on that . What was the purpose of the 04:34.642 --> 04:36.809 US S board coming in for a port call , 04:36.809 --> 04:39.450 the US s for coming to port call ? I 04:39.459 --> 04:41.940 was , well , maybe I misread that they 04:41.950 --> 04:44.799 were in the Mediterranean . I'm not 04:44.809 --> 04:47.140 tracking that too . That's a mistake . 04:47.269 --> 04:50.510 Um In terms of Putin's visit to North 04:50.519 --> 04:54.369 Korea and to Vietnam . Um How seriously 04:54.380 --> 04:57.079 do you take this new mutual defense 04:57.089 --> 04:59.200 treaty ? Is this a return to the Cold 04:59.200 --> 05:02.950 War ? Is it being seen ? Are you seeing 05:03.109 --> 05:05.165 additional weapons moving from North 05:05.165 --> 05:07.790 Korea to Ukraine ? How serious do you 05:07.799 --> 05:10.170 take this relation , new relationship 05:10.519 --> 05:12.797 and just to clarify , you said Vietnam , 05:12.797 --> 05:15.130 do you mean the pr I mean , North Korea ? 05:15.730 --> 05:17.897 I mean , it's obviously something that 05:17.897 --> 05:19.730 we're continuing to monitor very 05:19.730 --> 05:22.450 closely . Um As you've heard others in 05:22.459 --> 05:24.792 the US government talk about , you know , 05:24.792 --> 05:26.959 there , there is no surprise here that 05:26.959 --> 05:29.070 they've been developing and fostering 05:29.070 --> 05:31.126 this relationship . Uh So , so it is 05:31.126 --> 05:32.903 something that we're gonna take 05:32.903 --> 05:32.480 seriously and it's something that we're 05:32.489 --> 05:34.899 gonna continue to monitor . Um But what 05:34.910 --> 05:37.077 we've also said is that our focus when 05:37.077 --> 05:39.410 it comes to the Indo Pacific region and , 05:39.410 --> 05:41.466 and broadly speaking worldwide is to 05:41.466 --> 05:43.299 work with like minded nations on 05:43.299 --> 05:45.450 security and stability uh throughout 05:45.459 --> 05:47.570 the world to include the Indo Pacific 05:47.570 --> 05:49.737 region . So we're going to continue to 05:49.737 --> 05:51.903 strengthen and bolster those alliances 05:51.903 --> 05:54.049 and those relationships with the idea 05:54.059 --> 05:56.440 that our focus is on peace , security 05:56.450 --> 05:59.190 and stability , but certainly are also 05:59.200 --> 06:01.311 going to continue to keep a close eye 06:01.311 --> 06:03.422 on this . And in Vietnam , Putin said 06:03.422 --> 06:05.644 that Russia is considering changing its 06:05.644 --> 06:07.478 nuclear doctrine , its first use 06:07.478 --> 06:09.589 doctrine . Do you take that seriously 06:09.589 --> 06:11.589 or is this just nuclear saber saber 06:11.589 --> 06:13.422 rattling ? You know , we've seen 06:13.422 --> 06:15.256 nothing at this point that would 06:15.256 --> 06:17.422 require us to change our own strategic 06:17.422 --> 06:19.533 forces posture . Again , it's not the 06:19.533 --> 06:21.756 first time that we've heard of reckless 06:21.756 --> 06:24.459 nuclear saber rattling . It's certainly 06:24.470 --> 06:26.303 irresponsible for countries that 06:26.303 --> 06:28.526 maintain these types of capabilities to 06:28.526 --> 06:30.470 make those kinds of comments . But 06:30.470 --> 06:32.303 again , I go back to what I said 06:32.303 --> 06:34.414 earlier that our focus is on security 06:34.414 --> 06:36.581 and stability , not only in the region 06:36.581 --> 06:38.803 but throughout the world . And so we'll 06:38.803 --> 06:40.970 continue to stay focused on that . Let 06:40.970 --> 06:43.081 me go here to CNN . Thanks Ryder . So 06:43.081 --> 06:45.137 National Security Adviser , Sullivan 06:45.137 --> 06:46.970 said earlier this week that with 06:46.970 --> 06:49.081 regards to the policy allowing the US 06:49.081 --> 06:50.970 to allow Ukraine to use us , made 06:50.970 --> 06:53.137 weapons to strike over the border into 06:53.137 --> 06:55.248 Russia , that policy quote extends to 06:55.248 --> 06:57.470 anywhere that Russian forces are coming 06:57.470 --> 06:59.692 across the border from the Russian side 06:59.692 --> 07:01.637 to the Ukrainian side . So is that 07:01.637 --> 07:01.320 consistent with the Pentagon's 07:01.329 --> 07:03.551 understanding of this policy or has the 07:03.551 --> 07:05.859 policy expanded beyond just that kind 07:05.869 --> 07:07.925 of narrow Kharkiv region that it was 07:07.925 --> 07:10.147 initially understood to be uh when this 07:10.147 --> 07:12.202 policy decision was made ? Yeah , so 07:12.202 --> 07:14.313 there there has been no change in the 07:14.313 --> 07:16.369 policy . Uh And really at the end of 07:16.369 --> 07:18.425 the day , this comes down to counter 07:18.425 --> 07:20.591 fire , right ? And what you saw in the 07:20.591 --> 07:22.813 Kharkiv region as Russia was conducting 07:22.813 --> 07:24.813 its offensive was the massing of of 07:24.813 --> 07:26.813 forces artillery fire , preparatory 07:26.813 --> 07:29.959 fire into Ukraine as they conducted 07:30.100 --> 07:33.089 these operations . And so the ability 07:33.100 --> 07:35.450 to be able to fire back when fired upon 07:35.670 --> 07:37.679 is really what what this policy is 07:37.690 --> 07:40.059 focused on . So again , as we see 07:40.070 --> 07:43.190 Russian forces firing across the border , 07:43.410 --> 07:45.609 you know , the ability for , for 07:45.619 --> 07:47.769 Ukraine to fire back at those ground 07:47.779 --> 07:50.670 forces using us , provided munitions , 07:50.820 --> 07:52.980 it's self defense . And so it makes 07:52.989 --> 07:55.045 sense for them to be able to do that 07:55.049 --> 07:57.049 and that applies only to the border 07:57.049 --> 07:58.938 areas or could it be further into 07:58.938 --> 08:01.105 Russia or does that again , you know , 08:01.105 --> 08:03.160 if you , if you look back at kind of 08:03.160 --> 08:05.327 the early days of this war and you had 08:05.327 --> 08:07.438 Russian forces that were , you know , 08:07.438 --> 08:09.549 and still are to a large degree . But 08:09.549 --> 08:11.579 en masse within Ukrainian occupied 08:11.589 --> 08:14.480 territory , what you saw were force on 08:14.489 --> 08:16.489 force conflicts that were happening 08:16.489 --> 08:19.619 within sovereign Ukraine . So in this 08:19.630 --> 08:21.769 case , what you see is Russian forces 08:21.779 --> 08:24.500 attempting to use their border uh as a 08:24.510 --> 08:26.350 safe zone from which to conduct 08:26.359 --> 08:28.989 preparatory fires and attacks into 08:29.019 --> 08:31.559 Ukraine uh in support of offensive 08:31.570 --> 08:33.514 actions . And so again , as we see 08:33.514 --> 08:35.681 those forces conducting those types of 08:35.681 --> 08:38.030 operations from across the border , 08:38.039 --> 08:40.309 we've explained , you know , Ukraine 08:40.320 --> 08:42.359 can and does have the right to fire 08:42.369 --> 08:44.570 back to defend themselves . So again , 08:44.580 --> 08:46.580 not a change to the policy that was 08:46.580 --> 08:48.747 announced earlier now when it comes to 08:48.747 --> 08:50.747 long term or excuse me , long range 08:50.747 --> 08:52.802 munitions like attack them . Again , 08:52.802 --> 08:55.024 there's been no change in the policy in 08:55.024 --> 08:57.099 that regard , just to be clear , 08:57.469 --> 08:59.619 correct . You know , it's focusing on 08:59.630 --> 09:01.574 the strategic intent here which is 09:01.574 --> 09:03.630 counter fire one year attacked , you 09:03.630 --> 09:05.849 know , returning fire . Thank you 09:05.859 --> 09:07.748 general . If I may go back to the 09:07.748 --> 09:09.970 situation on the borders between Israel 09:09.970 --> 09:12.081 and Lebanon , obviously , you've been 09:12.869 --> 09:15.969 looking at the tension there in , in 09:15.979 --> 09:19.039 terms of um how tense the situation are 09:19.049 --> 09:21.160 you seeing an indication that this is 09:21.160 --> 09:23.327 higher than before and that could lead 09:23.327 --> 09:25.438 to a wider confrontation ? And do you 09:25.438 --> 09:27.271 believe there's still room for a 09:27.271 --> 09:29.438 diplomatic solution between Israel and 09:29.438 --> 09:31.605 Lebanon ? Um So the the latter part of 09:31.605 --> 09:33.938 your question first ? Yes . Uh you know , 09:33.938 --> 09:36.160 I think there's always time to talk and 09:36.160 --> 09:38.216 there's always a room for diplomatic 09:38.216 --> 09:41.380 solutions . Um I , I think given the 09:41.390 --> 09:44.429 amount of um uh 09:45.390 --> 09:47.880 you know , rocket fire , we've seen 09:47.890 --> 09:50.001 going from both sides of the border . 09:50.001 --> 09:52.710 Um We've certainly been concerned about 09:52.719 --> 09:55.799 that situation . Uh and both publicly 09:55.809 --> 09:58.280 and privately have been urging all 09:58.289 --> 10:00.233 parties to restore calm along that 10:00.233 --> 10:02.369 border and again to seek a diplomatic 10:02.380 --> 10:04.659 solution . And so , um , you know , 10:05.369 --> 10:07.989 you've heard uh the White House talk 10:08.000 --> 10:09.944 about the fact that they've sent a 10:09.944 --> 10:12.500 special envoy , uh Secretary Austin , 10:12.510 --> 10:14.454 this is something that he's spoken 10:14.454 --> 10:16.566 about uh with his counterparts in the 10:16.566 --> 10:18.343 region . And so again , this is 10:18.343 --> 10:20.399 something that will continue to stay 10:20.399 --> 10:22.454 focused and is the situation between 10:22.454 --> 10:24.510 Israel and Lebanon . And , and maybe 10:24.510 --> 10:26.621 the potential for escalation has this 10:26.621 --> 10:28.788 prompted the dod to maybe review the U 10:28.788 --> 10:31.059 forces postured in the region or , or 10:31.070 --> 10:33.950 change it in any way so far as of right 10:33.960 --> 10:36.182 now , I don't have any announcements to 10:36.182 --> 10:38.293 make in terms of a force posture . Um 10:38.293 --> 10:40.516 Again , I , I think , you know , seeing 10:40.516 --> 10:42.516 the forest through the trees here , 10:42.516 --> 10:44.404 what we don't want to see uh is a 10:44.404 --> 10:46.516 broader regional conflict . Uh And so 10:46.516 --> 10:48.627 again , we're gonna stay very focused 10:48.627 --> 10:50.738 on working with the rest of the , the 10:50.738 --> 10:52.849 US inter Agency and with our partners 10:52.849 --> 10:54.738 in the region uh to attempt to uh 10:54.738 --> 10:56.738 ensure that that doesn't happen and 10:56.738 --> 10:58.904 that this is resolved diplomatically . 10:58.904 --> 11:01.127 Thank you . Let me go to the phone here 11:01.127 --> 11:03.349 real quick . Reuters , Idris . Hey , um 11:03.349 --> 11:05.516 just a quick question . Could you um I 11:05.516 --> 11:07.738 may have missed this but how much it is 11:07.738 --> 11:10.071 currently in the marshaling area ? Yeah , 11:10.071 --> 11:11.904 I don't I don't have a number to 11:11.904 --> 11:14.219 provide Idris . I , I'd refer to USA ID 11:14.229 --> 11:16.640 uh to talk about how much aid uh they 11:16.650 --> 11:18.594 currently have for onward delivery 11:19.330 --> 11:21.400 capacity at which point aid cannot 11:21.409 --> 11:23.631 gather at the marshaling area anymore ? 11:23.631 --> 11:25.965 Or uh is that not a concern ? Uh I mean , 11:25.965 --> 11:29.380 there , there is a certain capacity uh 11:29.390 --> 11:31.830 that the marshaling area can hold . I 11:31.840 --> 11:33.951 don't know that we've reached that uh 11:33.951 --> 11:36.000 at this stage . Um But , you know , 11:36.010 --> 11:39.989 certainly that's a factor . Um But 11:40.000 --> 11:41.778 yeah , I don't , I don't have a 11:41.778 --> 11:44.309 specific amount to provide to you . Ok . 11:44.320 --> 11:46.320 Let me go in the room here . Tony , 11:46.320 --> 11:48.376 geopolitical questions I want on the 11:48.376 --> 11:50.431 North Korea , Russia is the Pentagon 11:50.431 --> 11:52.690 assessing or what uh what types of 11:52.700 --> 11:56.109 technologies Russia may give to uh 11:56.119 --> 11:58.286 North Korea that they haven't in the , 11:58.286 --> 12:00.341 in the past . I'm thinking ballistic 12:00.341 --> 12:02.397 missile guidance technology or along 12:02.397 --> 12:04.675 those line . Yeah , thanks Tony . Um I , 12:04.675 --> 12:06.897 I don't have any details nor am I gonna 12:07.039 --> 12:10.890 uh discuss in detail , any agreements 12:10.900 --> 12:13.630 between Russia and the D Pr K at this 12:13.640 --> 12:15.751 point . Again , I'd go back to what I 12:15.751 --> 12:17.640 said earlier . Um Not , we're not 12:17.640 --> 12:19.584 surprised about this continuing uh 12:19.584 --> 12:21.751 versioning of this relationship . It's 12:21.751 --> 12:23.862 something that we're going to monitor 12:23.862 --> 12:25.862 closely . Um And again , you know , 12:25.862 --> 12:27.918 what you have seen in the past is uh 12:27.918 --> 12:30.270 the D Pr K providing Russia with 12:30.280 --> 12:32.390 munitions that are being employed in 12:32.400 --> 12:35.630 Ukraine uh killing Ukrainians uh and 12:35.640 --> 12:37.979 supporting Russia's illegal war . So uh 12:37.989 --> 12:40.559 again , definitely concerning uh for 12:40.570 --> 12:44.330 all those uh nations that uh respect 12:44.340 --> 12:46.849 sovereignty , uh respect the rule of 12:46.859 --> 12:49.609 law . Um But Ukraine weapons question , 12:49.630 --> 12:51.797 the White House today announced it was 12:51.797 --> 12:55.179 directing American contractors to ship 12:55.700 --> 12:58.960 AM ram and patriot weapons missiles 12:58.969 --> 13:00.747 that were earmarked for foreign 13:00.747 --> 13:03.099 customers , other foreign customers to 13:03.109 --> 13:05.331 Ukraine giving them the priority . What 13:05.331 --> 13:07.440 role does the Pentagon have in this 13:07.450 --> 13:09.172 directive in implementing this 13:09.172 --> 13:11.500 directive or overseeing the shift of 13:11.510 --> 13:14.580 missiles from F MS customers to Ukraine ? 13:15.190 --> 13:17.412 Yeah , sure . I um you know , to your , 13:17.412 --> 13:19.634 to your point as you highlighted uh the 13:19.634 --> 13:21.400 the resequencing uh of planned 13:21.409 --> 13:23.130 deliveries . Um 13:25.719 --> 13:28.369 What's that delivery , planned , the 13:28.380 --> 13:30.169 planned resequencing of planned 13:30.179 --> 13:33.260 deliveries ? Um So we're working 13:33.270 --> 13:35.929 closely with industry uh on the 13:35.940 --> 13:39.359 appropriate contracting actions uh from 13:39.369 --> 13:41.536 this resequencing to ensure that we're 13:41.536 --> 13:43.313 able to continue to support our 13:43.313 --> 13:45.425 security assistance requirements . So 13:45.425 --> 13:47.480 I'm not gonna be able to go into any 13:47.480 --> 13:49.702 specifics beyond that in terms of , you 13:49.702 --> 13:51.536 know , uh what those contracting 13:51.536 --> 13:53.869 actions are , those those companies are . 13:53.869 --> 13:55.925 But uh needless to say again , we're 13:55.925 --> 13:58.147 going to make sure that not only are we 13:58.147 --> 14:00.202 supporting Ukraine uh but that we're 14:00.202 --> 14:02.202 continuing to keep on track with uh 14:02.202 --> 14:04.202 those F MS deliveries as quickly as 14:04.202 --> 14:06.202 possible missiles , right ? Not the 14:06.489 --> 14:08.600 correct , these are missiles . That's 14:08.650 --> 14:11.469 correct . All right . No , in reference 14:11.479 --> 14:13.701 to the policy on cross border strikes , 14:13.701 --> 14:15.812 I just want to make sure I understand 14:15.812 --> 14:17.646 for clarity was the policy never 14:17.646 --> 14:20.119 geographically bound and was always 14:20.130 --> 14:22.241 focused on the intent of counter fire 14:22.241 --> 14:24.241 like you're describing there . Um I 14:24.241 --> 14:26.130 just want to make sure that I , I 14:26.130 --> 14:28.186 understand this correctly . Yeah , I 14:28.186 --> 14:30.408 mean , I , I think , you know , the the 14:30.408 --> 14:32.130 context was again this Russian 14:32.130 --> 14:34.241 offensive that was emanating from the 14:34.241 --> 14:36.352 Kharkiv region . And so being able to 14:36.352 --> 14:38.463 check that offensive and enable the , 14:38.463 --> 14:41.679 the Ukrainians to fire back . Uh and to 14:41.690 --> 14:44.719 not allow Russia to use that zone 14:44.729 --> 14:46.729 across the border , there is a safe 14:46.729 --> 14:48.618 haven from which to conduct those 14:48.618 --> 14:51.559 attacks . So it changed in reference to 14:51.570 --> 14:53.792 the offensive near Kharkiv , but it was 14:53.792 --> 14:55.626 never intended just to be around 14:55.626 --> 14:57.681 Kharkiv if I understand you . Yeah , 14:57.681 --> 14:59.792 exactly . I mean , I think the policy 14:59.792 --> 15:02.070 here is again . Um , and , and I think , 15:02.070 --> 15:04.070 uh you know , the national security 15:04.070 --> 15:06.126 adviser put it , uh , you know , and 15:06.126 --> 15:08.348 great words here in the sense that it's 15:08.348 --> 15:10.570 not about geography , it's about common 15:10.570 --> 15:12.792 sense , right ? Being able to fire back 15:12.792 --> 15:14.959 if you're fired upon if you go to , to 15:14.959 --> 15:17.181 Abdul Malik , Al Houthi , the leader of 15:17.181 --> 15:19.292 the Houthi rebels today gave a speech 15:19.292 --> 15:19.159 in which he said that British , sorry , 15:19.169 --> 15:21.280 us and British airstrikes have had no 15:21.280 --> 15:23.447 effect at all on the group . Could you 15:23.447 --> 15:25.558 comment on that ? Well , they started 15:25.558 --> 15:27.780 with a certain amount of capability and 15:27.780 --> 15:29.502 now they have a less amount of 15:29.502 --> 15:31.613 capability . So that's just factually 15:31.613 --> 15:33.780 incorrect . But the tempo and severity 15:33.780 --> 15:35.780 and damage caused by the attacks is 15:35.780 --> 15:37.891 increasing . And obviously the stress 15:37.891 --> 15:40.113 that the US Navy is under is increasing 15:40.113 --> 15:42.169 too . So what's the , what's the end 15:42.169 --> 15:44.280 point here ? Well , again , as I said 15:44.280 --> 15:46.058 on Tuesday , you know , the the 15:46.058 --> 15:48.113 ultimate objective here is to ensure 15:48.113 --> 15:50.225 freedom of navigation through the Red 15:50.225 --> 15:52.280 Sea and to continue to work with the 15:52.280 --> 15:54.336 international community to safeguard 15:54.336 --> 15:56.391 Mariners that are transiting uh this 15:56.391 --> 15:58.613 area and we'll continue to do that . Um 15:58.613 --> 16:00.780 And , and again , you know , the , the 16:00.780 --> 16:02.836 more that the Houthis continue to do 16:02.836 --> 16:05.960 these types of attacks , long , long 16:05.969 --> 16:08.409 term , uh it is going to also , and , 16:08.419 --> 16:10.586 and in the medium and near term , it's 16:10.586 --> 16:12.530 gonna continue to have significant 16:12.530 --> 16:14.752 impacts on their own citizens , the the 16:14.752 --> 16:16.919 people that are living uh under Houthi 16:16.919 --> 16:19.400 control uh in terms of uh the ability 16:19.409 --> 16:21.576 for aid to be delivered to Yemen , the 16:21.576 --> 16:23.742 environmental impact on the Red Sea as 16:23.742 --> 16:25.909 well as the economic viability of that 16:25.909 --> 16:28.131 region . Uh So again , you know , we're 16:28.131 --> 16:30.200 not looking to get into a full scale 16:30.210 --> 16:32.599 conflict with the Houthis . Our focus 16:32.609 --> 16:34.609 again continues to be on freedom of 16:34.609 --> 16:37.219 navigation and safety of the maritime 16:37.229 --> 16:39.229 corridor and that's what we'll stay 16:39.229 --> 16:43.190 focused on . Um uh What 16:43.200 --> 16:45.144 is the department's comment on the 16:45.144 --> 16:47.200 situation that happened earlier this 16:47.200 --> 16:49.089 week in the Philippines at Second 16:49.089 --> 16:51.330 Thomas Shoal . Um The Philippine 16:51.340 --> 16:53.630 government has released video that 16:53.640 --> 16:57.130 shows a machete wielding knife wielding 16:57.400 --> 17:00.549 China Coast Guard . Um me service 17:00.559 --> 17:04.089 members attacking these uh rigid boats 17:04.099 --> 17:06.270 belonging to the Philippines on a 17:06.280 --> 17:08.447 resupply mission . What do you have to 17:08.447 --> 17:10.613 say to that ? And then I have a follow 17:10.613 --> 17:12.613 up , please . Yeah , I mean , I , I 17:12.613 --> 17:14.669 kind of touched on this earlier this 17:14.669 --> 17:16.836 week . Right . I mean , uh , this kind 17:16.836 --> 17:16.348 of behavior it's provocative , it's 17:16.359 --> 17:19.399 reckless . Um , it's unnecessary . Uh , 17:19.438 --> 17:22.749 it's also uh antithetical to , uh the 17:22.759 --> 17:24.909 Pr CS claims about respect for 17:24.918 --> 17:28.338 sovereignty . Um And , and so again , 17:28.348 --> 17:30.639 uh the Philippines uh should have the 17:30.649 --> 17:33.219 right to be able to operate uh within 17:33.229 --> 17:36.239 their legal maritime claims . Uh those 17:36.250 --> 17:38.760 need to be protected . So again , we , 17:38.770 --> 17:40.937 we continue to stand by our ally , the 17:40.937 --> 17:42.937 Philippines . Uh and we're going to 17:42.937 --> 17:45.040 continue to call out this kind of uh 17:45.050 --> 17:47.050 irresponsible and reckless behavior 17:47.050 --> 17:49.272 when we see it . And when you say stand 17:49.272 --> 17:51.217 by , does that mean that the US is 17:51.217 --> 17:53.439 considering moving some assets there to 17:53.439 --> 17:56.819 uh kind of show uh that uh support for 17:57.020 --> 17:59.242 uh the Philippines ? Yeah , I don't , I 17:59.242 --> 18:01.298 don't have any announcements to make 18:01.298 --> 18:03.131 Lou we're confident in our force 18:03.131 --> 18:05.187 posture in the region right now . Uh 18:05.187 --> 18:07.464 And again , I'll just leave it at that , 18:07.464 --> 18:09.839 Jie , thank you , General . Um on the U 18:09.849 --> 18:13.319 I mean , North Korea and Russia Mutual 18:13.329 --> 18:17.089 Defense Agreement . Uh This is a treaty 18:17.099 --> 18:20.839 that allows the Russia to intervene 18:20.849 --> 18:23.380 military in case of emergency on the 18:23.390 --> 18:26.469 Korean Peninsula . What is the USA 18:26.479 --> 18:29.369 reaction on this ? Well , again , 18:29.380 --> 18:31.491 without getting into the specifics of 18:31.491 --> 18:34.349 their agreement , uh the , the alliance 18:34.359 --> 18:36.930 that the United States has with the rok 18:36.939 --> 18:39.430 and Japan is a defensive alliance , 18:39.439 --> 18:41.550 right ? We're there to defend , we're 18:41.550 --> 18:44.709 there to make war . Uh And so , um 18:44.719 --> 18:46.729 again , our focus is gonna be on 18:46.739 --> 18:48.939 working with like minded partners in 18:48.949 --> 18:51.410 the region uh to include our allies are 18:51.420 --> 18:54.239 OK in Japan on ensuring peace , 18:54.250 --> 18:56.361 security and stability throughout the 18:56.361 --> 18:58.510 region . Can you tell what is the 18:58.520 --> 19:01.589 difference between South Korea and the 19:01.599 --> 19:05.380 United States Mutual Defense Agreement 19:05.449 --> 19:08.670 and North Korea and Russia is a mutual 19:08.680 --> 19:10.569 defense agreement . Is there any 19:10.579 --> 19:13.459 difference looks like ? Or again , I'm 19:13.469 --> 19:15.636 not going to do a comparative analysis 19:15.636 --> 19:17.691 here from the podium in terms of the 19:17.691 --> 19:19.969 various agreements . Other than to say , 19:19.969 --> 19:21.747 we've been very clear about our 19:21.747 --> 19:24.119 ironclad support for our allies . Kim 19:24.130 --> 19:27.760 Jong Un told President Putin , he fully 19:27.770 --> 19:30.989 supported Russia as a special military 19:31.000 --> 19:34.479 operation against the Ukraine . And 19:34.489 --> 19:37.420 Putin promises the military technology 19:37.680 --> 19:41.560 support including by the jet to 19:41.569 --> 19:45.280 North Korea . What change will this 19:45.290 --> 19:48.479 make to the war in Ukraine ? I just 19:48.489 --> 19:50.819 think it demonstrates the desperation 19:50.829 --> 19:54.660 that a country like Russia needs to uh 19:54.670 --> 19:58.300 align itself with the D pr K uh to 19:58.310 --> 20:01.060 subjugate the people of Ukraine . And 20:01.069 --> 20:03.291 the fact that that they have to go to a 20:03.291 --> 20:06.060 country like D pr K uh to obtain 20:06.069 --> 20:08.180 munitions demonstrates how isolated 20:08.189 --> 20:10.339 Russia is right now . Uh But again , 20:10.349 --> 20:12.660 our focus is on preserving regional 20:12.670 --> 20:15.189 peace and stability and I'll just leave 20:15.199 --> 20:17.421 it there . I'm going to move on , Janie 20:17.421 --> 20:20.250 if that's all right , you are , you is 20:20.260 --> 20:22.427 the is the Pentagon concerned about an 20:22.427 --> 20:24.371 increased risk to us troops in the 20:24.371 --> 20:26.489 region if Israel expands the conflict 20:26.500 --> 20:28.530 into Lebanon . Well , from the very 20:28.540 --> 20:31.290 beginning of the conflict between 20:31.300 --> 20:34.329 Israel and Hamas , we have been focused 20:34.339 --> 20:38.180 on ensuring that our forces are 20:38.189 --> 20:40.459 protected in the region . You so we 20:40.469 --> 20:43.050 deployed additional forces uh in 20:43.060 --> 20:45.227 support of deterrence efforts but also 20:45.227 --> 20:47.171 force protection efforts . I'm not 20:47.171 --> 20:48.893 going to speculate or get into 20:48.893 --> 20:51.060 hypotheticals on what if other than to 20:51.060 --> 20:53.171 say again , we remain concerned about 20:53.171 --> 20:55.338 the potential for escalation along the 20:55.338 --> 20:57.560 Israel Lebanon border . And we're going 20:57.560 --> 20:59.671 to continue to encourage a diplomatic 20:59.671 --> 21:01.727 resolution of that tension concerned 21:01.727 --> 21:03.849 about Israel's ability to wage a two 21:03.869 --> 21:06.410 front war at the same time as its again , 21:06.420 --> 21:08.969 look , the , the focus here uh broadly 21:08.979 --> 21:11.010 speaking is on preventing a wider 21:11.020 --> 21:13.353 regional conflict . And I , and I think , 21:13.353 --> 21:15.409 you know , you've all been following 21:15.409 --> 21:17.576 this region long enough to know uh all 21:17.576 --> 21:19.798 the various players and actors that are 21:19.798 --> 21:21.798 in the region uh that , that have a 21:21.798 --> 21:24.770 stake uh in uh that part of the world . 21:24.780 --> 21:26.724 And so again , we're going to stay 21:26.724 --> 21:28.724 focused on encouraging a diplomatic 21:28.724 --> 21:32.530 resolution earlier this week . Staff 21:32.540 --> 21:34.707 Sergeant Gordon Black was sentenced to 21:34.707 --> 21:36.540 three years and nine months by a 21:36.540 --> 21:39.180 Russian court . You know , first 21:39.189 --> 21:41.411 question I guess is , does the Pentagon 21:41.411 --> 21:43.578 have a reaction to this sentence ? And 21:43.578 --> 21:45.633 then the second question I have is , 21:45.633 --> 21:47.745 has anybody from the Pentagon been in 21:47.745 --> 21:49.745 contact with Staff Sergeant Black . 21:49.745 --> 21:51.911 Yeah , thanks . So obviously something 21:51.911 --> 21:54.022 that we continue to monitor closely , 21:54.022 --> 21:56.245 both the department and the Army are in 21:56.245 --> 21:58.356 contact with state department , which 21:58.356 --> 22:00.300 has the lead , as I'm sure you can 22:00.300 --> 22:02.356 imagine uh on something like this uh 22:02.356 --> 22:04.300 given a US citizen being held in a 22:04.300 --> 22:06.467 foreign country . Uh So I'm gonna have 22:06.467 --> 22:08.522 to refer you to State Department for 22:08.522 --> 22:10.633 any further questions on that . Thank 22:10.633 --> 22:12.800 you . Thanks , sir . Thank you . Uh So 22:12.800 --> 22:14.856 I have on the decision to prioritize 22:14.856 --> 22:17.078 patriot and nas dismissal deliveries to 22:17.078 --> 22:19.133 Ukraine . So first , why now and not 22:19.133 --> 22:21.300 earlier ? And secondly , why does it , 22:21.300 --> 22:23.133 what does it mean for Ukrainians 22:23.133 --> 22:25.189 practically ? Will they be receiving 22:25.189 --> 22:27.300 more of those missiles ? Will it take 22:27.300 --> 22:29.467 less time for them to be delivered for 22:29.467 --> 22:29.255 Ukrainians ? Like what is the , what 22:29.265 --> 22:31.543 will be the quality change here ? Yeah , 22:31.543 --> 22:33.765 so , so as I'm sure you , you know , uh 22:33.925 --> 22:35.869 the foreign military sales program 22:35.869 --> 22:38.685 obviously supports numerous countries 22:38.694 --> 22:40.724 around the world . Um But in this 22:40.734 --> 22:43.275 particular case , in terms of why now , 22:43.305 --> 22:45.589 what we , what we're seeing uh is 22:45.599 --> 22:47.760 Russia once again trying to destroy 22:47.770 --> 22:50.329 Ukraine's energy system uh and 22:50.339 --> 22:52.869 infrastructure ahead of winter . Uh And 22:52.880 --> 22:55.420 so they urgently need uh air defense , 22:55.430 --> 22:57.541 additional air defense capabilities , 22:57.541 --> 22:59.374 which is again a topic you heard 22:59.374 --> 23:01.597 Secretary Austin talk about last week . 23:01.597 --> 23:04.599 Uh and so providing Ukraine with 23:04.609 --> 23:07.300 additional interceptors more quickly . 23:07.500 --> 23:11.250 Uh it's an essential uh situation . Uh 23:11.260 --> 23:14.969 And so this uh prompted the decision to 23:14.979 --> 23:17.750 re sequence near term plan deliveries 23:17.900 --> 23:20.122 of critical air defense interceptors to 23:20.122 --> 23:23.329 go to Ukraine . Uh So , um 23:23.800 --> 23:26.780 that's the reason for why now . Uh and 23:26.790 --> 23:29.000 practically what that means is that uh 23:29.010 --> 23:30.939 it will increase their inventory 23:30.949 --> 23:33.609 inventories more quickly to enable them 23:33.619 --> 23:36.050 to continue to defend that critical 23:36.060 --> 23:38.119 infrastructure . Uh And the civilian 23:38.130 --> 23:40.250 population as we go into the winter 23:40.260 --> 23:42.989 here , one more patriot we saw Romania 23:43.000 --> 23:45.056 today announcing that they will also 23:45.056 --> 23:47.278 provide additional system to Ukraine on 23:47.278 --> 23:49.333 the condition that the allies of the 23:49.333 --> 23:51.444 United States would help them to fill 23:51.444 --> 23:53.611 that gap . So , could you please speak 23:53.611 --> 23:55.833 more about that ? Will they replace the 23:55.833 --> 23:55.260 system that Romania is providing to 23:55.270 --> 23:57.920 Ukraine will be something else ? Yeah , 23:57.930 --> 24:00.152 so I won't speak for Ukraine . Uh other 24:00.152 --> 24:02.329 than to say again as Secretary Austin 24:02.339 --> 24:05.280 highlighted last week in Brussels and , 24:05.290 --> 24:07.457 and oh , by the way , has been talking 24:07.457 --> 24:09.290 about now for a long time is air 24:09.290 --> 24:11.346 defense continues to be a priority . 24:11.346 --> 24:13.369 And so the Ukraine defense contact 24:13.380 --> 24:15.599 group , you know , over 50 allies and 24:15.609 --> 24:17.776 partners have coming , coming together 24:17.776 --> 24:20.209 to find ways to provide capabilities to 24:20.219 --> 24:22.386 Ukraine when it comes to air defense . 24:22.469 --> 24:24.729 Uh And certainly , uh you know , many 24:24.739 --> 24:26.628 countries have stepped up in that 24:26.628 --> 24:28.517 regard , whether it be patriots , 24:28.517 --> 24:30.628 whether it be SATS , whether it be uh 24:30.628 --> 24:32.850 you know , the Nay Sam's capabilities . 24:32.850 --> 24:34.906 So , um we're obviously grateful for 24:34.906 --> 24:36.906 those countries that continue to do 24:36.906 --> 24:38.961 that . Uh And we'll continue to keep 24:38.961 --> 24:40.961 after that . Are there any specific 24:40.961 --> 24:42.906 plans to fill that gap for Romania 24:42.906 --> 24:45.128 because they are saying that there is a 24:45.128 --> 24:47.183 condition that allies and especially 24:47.183 --> 24:49.295 the United States will help to find a 24:49.295 --> 24:51.517 temporary solution . Yeah . Well , look 24:51.517 --> 24:53.517 again without getting into specific 24:53.517 --> 24:55.406 details um as a , you know , both 24:55.406 --> 24:57.630 bilaterally and as NATO allies , we , 24:57.640 --> 24:59.807 we work with all of our partners uh to 24:59.807 --> 25:02.790 take into account what their defense 25:02.800 --> 25:05.022 needs are and we're gonna do everything 25:05.022 --> 25:07.290 we can to support those . Um you know , 25:07.300 --> 25:09.411 in , in the case of this resequencing 25:09.411 --> 25:11.356 here , again , uh all the affected 25:11.356 --> 25:13.633 countries were notified . Uh And again , 25:13.633 --> 25:15.856 we're , we're working with them to make 25:15.856 --> 25:17.911 sure as I highlighted to Tony that , 25:17.911 --> 25:20.209 that industry can work to get those uh 25:20.219 --> 25:23.329 requirements filled . Um So across the 25:23.339 --> 25:25.569 board , you know , we're gonna do what 25:25.579 --> 25:28.319 good allies do . Um Oh , by the way , 25:28.329 --> 25:32.040 the fact that we've re sequenced these 25:32.050 --> 25:35.430 interceptor deliveries for Ukraine , 25:35.439 --> 25:38.089 again , the bottom line message here is 25:38.099 --> 25:40.043 to our allies and partners is that 25:40.043 --> 25:42.043 there's an existential threat . You 25:42.043 --> 25:44.266 know , we're going to step up and we're 25:44.266 --> 25:46.488 gonna help you as we are in this case . 25:46.488 --> 25:48.655 So , yes , sir . Thank you yesterday , 25:48.655 --> 25:50.821 Pentagon laboratory DS C A said it was 25:51.020 --> 25:53.640 1000 of autonomous systems and other 25:53.660 --> 25:56.739 military supplies to Taiwan . So , but 25:56.750 --> 25:58.972 the Pentagon concern about the backlash 25:58.972 --> 26:01.280 from China . And also , do you feel 26:01.290 --> 26:03.619 that the Taiwan is a greatly prepared 26:03.630 --> 26:07.290 for attack by China at this time ? I'm 26:07.300 --> 26:09.411 sorry , can you repeat that last part 26:09.411 --> 26:11.411 of our details . Also , do you feel 26:11.411 --> 26:13.619 that Taiwan is a day greatly prepared 26:13.630 --> 26:15.859 for an attack by China at this time ? 26:17.010 --> 26:19.121 Yeah . So , you know , I guess uh the 26:19.121 --> 26:20.899 way I'd respond to that is , as 26:20.899 --> 26:23.121 Secretary Austin has said , uh we don't 26:23.121 --> 26:25.121 believe that uh an attack is either 26:25.121 --> 26:27.790 imminent uh or inevitable . Uh And so 26:28.099 --> 26:30.339 uh I'll just leave it at that time for 26:30.349 --> 26:32.460 a couple more . Yes , sir . Thank you 26:32.460 --> 26:34.627 general regarding again to the tension 26:34.627 --> 26:36.930 of the border between Hezbollah and 26:36.939 --> 26:38.939 Israel . And there are some reports 26:38.939 --> 26:40.939 claiming that the Israeli officials 26:40.939 --> 26:43.161 have told the us that they are planning 26:43.161 --> 26:45.979 to shift resources from suffering Gaza 26:45.989 --> 26:48.339 to the northern of Israel in 26:48.349 --> 26:50.719 preparation for a possible offensive 26:50.729 --> 26:53.569 against Hezbollah . So do you confirm 26:53.579 --> 26:55.468 these reports ? Have you in these 26:55.468 --> 26:59.425 reports from the last Tuesday when the 26:59.435 --> 27:02.974 ID F has been approved operational 27:02.984 --> 27:05.824 plans for an offensive in Lebanon ? 27:05.895 --> 27:08.625 Since that approval , does the Israel 27:08.635 --> 27:12.005 ask for any new ammunitions or weapons 27:12.015 --> 27:14.685 from the US ? What discussions the dod 27:14.694 --> 27:17.324 had to try to de escalate the situation 27:17.334 --> 27:20.185 there ? Um So , you know , in terms of 27:20.194 --> 27:22.464 that report , like I'm not going to 27:22.474 --> 27:25.890 speak to potential Israeli 27:25.900 --> 27:28.122 operations or , or planning , I'd refer 27:28.122 --> 27:30.067 you to them to talk about uh their 27:30.067 --> 27:32.067 current status . Again , we've been 27:32.067 --> 27:34.122 very clear publicly and privately uh 27:34.122 --> 27:36.989 that we want to see calm restored uh 27:37.000 --> 27:39.040 along the border uh in our 27:39.050 --> 27:41.161 conversations with , with partners in 27:41.161 --> 27:44.239 the region to include uh those in 27:44.250 --> 27:47.400 Israel and Lebanon . Um And , and again , 27:47.530 --> 27:49.752 I'm not gonna get into hypotheticals or 27:49.752 --> 27:51.919 speculate on , you know , if something 27:51.919 --> 27:54.030 could happen , our focus right now is 27:54.030 --> 27:56.880 on preventing a wider regional conflict 27:56.890 --> 27:59.800 and on encouraging resolution of these 27:59.810 --> 28:02.224 tensions via diploma . So we will 28:02.234 --> 28:04.178 continue to stay focused on that . 28:05.484 --> 28:07.614 Would you give us an update about the 28:07.625 --> 28:11.405 statue of these 2000 shipments ? That 28:12.015 --> 28:14.285 is it still on hold ? And what about 28:14.295 --> 28:16.785 the other deal about the F-15 28:16.814 --> 28:19.984 firefighters to Israel that already has 28:19.994 --> 28:22.425 been approved ? That was five questions . 28:24.329 --> 28:28.329 Ok . Um , so no , no change , uh , in 28:28.339 --> 28:30.709 the , the one shipment that we paused 28:30.719 --> 28:33.780 of the , the £2000 unguided munitions . 28:34.079 --> 28:36.301 And as I mentioned on Tuesday , there , 28:36.301 --> 28:38.412 you know , final determination on how 28:38.412 --> 28:40.523 to proceed with that shipment has not 28:40.523 --> 28:42.746 been made as far as the press reporting 28:42.746 --> 28:45.449 on F-15 sales as a matter of policy , 28:45.459 --> 28:47.890 we don't confirm or comment on proposed 28:47.900 --> 28:49.900 cases until they have actually been 28:49.900 --> 28:52.067 notified to Congress . So not going to 28:52.067 --> 28:54.233 have anything additional . All right , 28:54.233 --> 28:53.500 I'm gonna do one more question . Yes , 28:53.510 --> 28:55.732 sir . Thank you General . Last time the 28:55.732 --> 28:58.880 US Central conduct and airstrikes in 28:58.910 --> 29:02.410 Syria , according to a senior Isis 29:02.540 --> 29:05.180 official was killed . Do you believe , 29:05.189 --> 29:08.020 uh , I , I still have a stronghold in 29:08.030 --> 29:10.489 the region and how much it is a threat ? 29:11.609 --> 29:14.069 Um , so , you know , we , we've talked 29:14.079 --> 29:16.709 about this in the past . So Isis as it 29:16.719 --> 29:19.280 exists in Iraq and Syria has been 29:19.290 --> 29:21.819 greatly diminished from where it was 10 29:21.829 --> 29:24.390 years ago . Um We have not seen an 29:24.400 --> 29:27.670 uptick in terms of ISIS activity 29:27.680 --> 29:30.109 broadly speaking , that said they do 29:30.119 --> 29:32.329 remain a threat , which is why again , 29:32.339 --> 29:34.109 you continue to see uh the 29:34.119 --> 29:37.180 international coalition uh of which the 29:37.189 --> 29:39.489 US is part focused on working with 29:39.500 --> 29:42.390 regional partners to prevent a 29:42.400 --> 29:44.456 resurgence of ISIS and to ensure the 29:44.456 --> 29:47.290 different , enduring defeat of ISIS . 29:47.300 --> 29:49.390 And so , uh it's one of those things 29:49.400 --> 29:51.567 that again , as we've all seen , you , 29:51.567 --> 29:53.844 you can't take your eye off of it , uh , 29:53.844 --> 29:55.900 or else , you know , it can rear its 29:55.900 --> 29:58.122 ugly head again . And so we'll continue 29:58.122 --> 30:01.219 to , to stay focused as Sam was and is , 30:01.229 --> 30:03.699 uh vis a vis their news release . So , 30:03.709 --> 30:05.598 all right . Thank you very much . 30:05.598 --> 30:05.619 Everybody . Appreciate it .