If you believe an error or injustice exists in your military record, you may complete and submit a DD Form 149, Application for Correction of Military Record, along with sufficient evidence of the probable material error or justice, to your Service Board for Correction of Military/Naval Records (BCM/NR). A few examples of records that may be corrected include: administrative information, pay and allowances, decorations and awards, performance evaluations and derogatory information, disabilities, promotions and rank, and separation and discharges*.
*NOTE: Service members who are seeking a discharge upgrade and have been separated for less than 15 years, must first submit the DD Form 293, Application for the Review of Discharge from the Armed Forces of the Unites States, to their respective Service Discharge Review Board.
When applying to your respective BCM/NR, download and use the most current version of the DD Form 149 located on the Official DoD Website for DoD Forms:
https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/forms/dd/dd0149.pdf. Both the Army and Air Force offer online application portals and the Navy accepts applications via email. These methods are preferred and will streamline your application process and allow for timelier responses. You may also mail your completed application and any supporting evidence to the appropriate address on page 3 of the DD Form 149 but be sure to first check the websites below to find the most up-to-date instructions and information for your Service BCM/NR.
Air Force Review Boards Agency (includes Space Force applicants)
Website: https://afrba-portal.cce.af.mil/#
Army Review Boards Agency
Website: http://arba.army.pentagon.mil/
Board for Correction of Naval Records (includes Marine Corps applicants)
Website: https://www.secnav.navy.mil/mra/bcnr/Pages/default.aspx
DHS Office of the General Counsel Board for Correction of Military Records
Website: https://www.uscg.mil/Resources/Legal/BCMR/
If you do not agree with a Service BCM/NR decision and have relevant evidence that was not considered with the previous application, you may submit a new DD Form 149 to apply for reconsideration of your case.
For discharge upgrade requests denied by your Service BCM/NR, you may also be eligible to apply to the DoD Discharge Appeal Review Board