The Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System, or DEERS, database contains information for each uniformed service member (active duty, retired, or a member of a reserve component), U.S.-sponsored foreign military, DOD and uniformed services civilians, other personnel as directed by the DOD (including the patient population serviced through the Military Health Services System), and their eligible family members. DEERS registration is required for TRICARE eligibility and enrollment.
You are responsible for keeping your information current on your record. Active Duty and retired service members are automatically registered in DEERS, but they must take action to register their family members and ensure they are correctly entered into the database. Once registered in DEERS it is important to keep your DEERS records updated when personal eligibility information changes. This includes addresses and family status (marriage, divorce, birth, adoption, etc.). Mistakes in the DEERS database can cause problems with TRICARE claims, so it is critical to maintain your DEERS information. Retail network pharmacies check TRICARE eligibility through DEERS. Prescriptions will be filled only for beneficiaries who are listed as eligible in DEERS.
For more information on updating and correcting your information within DEERS please click on the link below.