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Multimedia driven stories and information about Defense Department programs.
To celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, test your knowledge of several symbols associated with America.
The Coast Guard saves people in trouble on the water and protects the country from maritime threats. It also promotes national security, border security and economic prosperity.
The Defense Department marks its birthday on Aug. 10. Celebrate along by testing your knowledge of the department, its history and the people who make it work.
Why did the United States fight in World War II’s Pacific theater? Test your knowledge in our V-J Day quiz.
Find out how much you know about the conflict sometimes called "The Forgotten War" in the United States.
On May 8, 1945, the Nazis officially surrendered, bringing an end to World War II in Europe. How much do you know about Victory in Europe Day — or V-E Day — and World War II?
The Medal of Honor is the nation's highest medal for valor in combat, first authorized in 1861 for sailors and Marines, and soldiers the following year. How much do you know about the award and its recipients?
Most people are familiar with the iconic photo of Marines raising the U.S. flag at Iwo Jima, but there's much more to the story of this epic battle in the Pacific that lasted five weeks, from Feb. 19 to March 26, 1945.
Test what you know about how each military branch is structured.
From humanitarian missions like the Berlin Airlift to commanding the skies over Bosnia, Korea and Iraq, the Air Force has been a vital part of the U.S.'s ability to maintain global security. Aim high and fly, fight and win your way to a 100% score!