Two or more flights form a squadron. Squadrons are the lowest level of command, usually identified by number and function. The 1st Test and Evaluation Squadron, or 1 TES, is an example.
Two or more squadrons form a delta. There are three types of deltas: mission delta, space base delta and space launch delta. Each mission delta is responsible for an entire mission set for the service. An example of a mission delta is Delta 9, which is responsible for orbital warfare. Each space base delta is responsible for base support on Space Force bases. Each space launch delta is responsible for both base support and the launch mission for its Space Force base.
Field commands are responsible for organizing, training and equipping thousands of guardians around the world. A field command is organized by mission, such as Space Training and Readiness Command, and reports directly to headquarters at the Pentagon.
Service component field commands integrate Space Force capabilities with other service branches and combatant commands, serving as the bridge between the Space Force and the broader joint military structure. They are organized under the combatant command they support.