North Dakota Army National Guard Sgt. Tammy Nesheim hands out pens and pencils to students in a schoolhouse in Kosovo. North Dakota Army National Guard Sgt. Tammy Nesheim hands out pens and pencils to students in a schoolhouse in Sodovina e Jerlive, a small Albanian village near Vitina, Kosovo, on May 19, 2000. Nesheim and her fellow soldiers from Headquarters Support Company, 142nd Engineer Battalion, North Dakota Army National Guard, are delivering boxes of clothing and school supplies donated to the kids in this small village by the soldiers' families and churches back home. Soldiers of the 142nd are deployed to Kosovo, as part of KFOR. KFOR is the NATO-led, international military force in Kosovo on the peacekeeping mission known as Operation Joint Guardian. SHARE: Download: Full Size (0.1 MB) Credit: VIRIN: 219253-E-DWB56-196.jpg Photo Gallery